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I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:

a. Tells and writes the time by hour using an analog clock.

b. Draw the hand of the clock to show the time.

c. Appreciate the value of time.

II. Subject Matter:


Telling and Writing Time (M2ME-IVa-5)


Lesson Guide in Elem. Math Grade 2 p.285

Lesson Guide in Elem. Math Grade 2. 2005. pp. 284-286; 291-298
Lesson Guide in Elem. Math Grade 2. 2010. pp. 285-288

Materials: Digital Clock, Demonstration Clock (Manipulative Clock, Blackboard), Power Point presentation

III. Procedure:
Teachers’ Activity Students’ Activity

a) Preliminary Activities

Good afternoon class!

Let us pray first…
Good afternoon sir!
Okay, now please pick up the mess under your (one student will lead the prayer)
(students will pick up the mess/
Now please take your seat and be ready for the pieces of paper under the chair)
checking of attendance.
Thank you sir!.
Who’s absent in the class?

(students will answer)

Ok, very well. Let's now move on. None Sir!

Yes Sir!.
b) Review
Would you like to play a matching game?

Okay, class let's start to play a matching game. Yes Sir.

(students will answer in chorus)
On the board there is a clock. You just need to
match the correct description from its Yes Sir.
corresponding part. (students will answer in chorus)
Are you familiar with the song "Bahay kubo"?

Yes Sir.
(students excitingly answer in chorus)
Okay, we will sing this song while passing this
flower from the front row to the back and so forth.
And when you hear two taps in the table, the "lucky
one" who is holding the flower will be the one to
answer. Is that alright?

(The class sing together in chorus. Then, the Yes Sir.

teacher taps the table)

Okay, Jemima is the lucky one who holds the

flower. Clap your hands to cheer Jemima. Yes Sir.
Jemima, please write your answers on the board. (Jemima will answer on the board)

Very good. Jemima's answers are all correct.

Am I right? Yes Sir.

So you remember now are past lesson?

Yes, very good we learnt the different parts of the

clock. All right class we will now move on to our
new lesson.

c) Motivation

Show a picture of a girl preparing for school. .

The girl in the picture is Pamela. She is preparing

for school.

Who is the girl in the picture? What is she doing? (One student raise his/her hands.)
Sir the girl in the picture is Pamela. She is
preparing for school.
Very Good!

Post the following problem on the board. Ask the

pupils to read it silently.

Problem: Pamela will go to school an hour from

now. If the time now is six o’clock in the
morning, what time will she go to school? Sir!
Pamela will go to school at seven o’clock in the
How did you come up with your answer?

The time now is six o’clock in the morning, Pamela

will go to school an hour from now, so I will just
add 1 to 6. So, she will go to school at seven
o’clock in the morning.
Very Good! Let’s give him/her an angel clap.
(Pupils will do the angel clap.)
d) Lesson Proper


I have here a demonstration clock.

( set the clock at six o’clock.)

What do you observe about the clock?

Sir! The hour hand points to 6 and the minute hand
points to 12.

The time shown by the clock is six o’clock, the

time stated in the problem.

(Write six o’clock on the board. Tell them that it

can be written using numbers such us 6 o’clock or
6:00 which can be read as 6 o’clock.)

Do you copy?
Yes Sir!
(students answer in chorus)

Do you know how the clock works so that from 6

o’clock the time becomes 7 o’clock?

(students curiously thinking)

( Demonstrate how the clock works and ask the

pupils to observe. Rotate the minute hand until it
reach 12.)

What do you notice? Possible answer.

The minute hand and the hour hand move

in the same direction.
The hour hand points to 7 and the minute
hand point 12.
The minute hand moves faster than the
hour hand.

What time shown in the clock?

Sir! It is seven o ‘clock.
Very Good!
This is the time Pamela will go to school which is
one hour from 6’oclock.

Ask pupil to write seven o’clock on the board.

Pupil will write 7 o’clock and 7:00

Very Good! Lets give him/her a pakbet clap.

(pupils will do pakbet clap)

<Activity Proper>

Do you want another game?

Yes Sir!
(Pupils answer in chorus)

Okey! We will going to play a relay game. I have

here poster on the board some analog clock with its
missing hand.

So, we will divide the class into two groups. Each

group will be forming a line, As I say the time
every member will going to draw the missing hand
to complete the analog clock. After each member
draw he/she will go at the back.


Yes Sir.
Okay, good. Let's start


Okay, well done. Each group participated with

there fullest. So now we will going to check your

Very well you all get a perfect score.

(Pupils clap their hands.)
Did you enjoy our activity?

<Generalization> Yes Sir. Very much.

What did you learn from our lesson today?

Yes very good. Learning how to read and write the

time is very important to help you monitor your
work. It can help you catch a train, bus, or plane on
time, and allows you to know if you're going to
make it to an important get-together early or late.


Cooperation among members, working hard

towards attaining desired goal, patience in dealing
group mates and sharing learned knowledge.
IV. Evaluation:
Answer the following problem on your
book on page 239.

V. Assignment
Bring the following materials.

1. Cardboard
2. Pencil
3. Coloring materials
4. Nylon
5. Ruler
6. Scissors

Prepared by:
Jamel M. Mayor
Teacher I
Noted by
Ericson S. Mayor
Head Teacher III

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