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ŗƒƄƒƆœřƃ¦ ©œŪ¦°®Ƅƃ Ƒƃ®ƃ¦ ®ƌŶƆƃ¦
®ºƈºƌƃ¦ Â®œºƈ ¾ƒººƆœºř ŗƒƙ ŗºƆºƂºš
International Institute of Tamil Studies
Government of Tamil Nadu, India

Chief Translator
T. Ansaruddin
A. Abdul Hai

First Edition : September 2013

Pages : 280
Size : 1/4 Crown
Paper :
Binding :
Copies : 1500
Printing : Sri Saravana Printers, Chennai
Publisher & : International Institute of Tamil Studies,
Copy right Govt. of Tamil Nadu

Published with Financial Assistance from the Tamil Development, Govt. of Tamilnadu vide
sanction letter dated

ŗƒŕ°ºŶƃœŕ ¾°ºƂ°ººř
ÀƒŪš °Ƃ¦¯ °ÂřƂ®ƃ¦ :ŗƆŞ°řƃ¦ ²ƒő°
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Ɠţƅ§ ¯ŗŷà ÁƔ¯ƅ§ ±ŰƊ£ : řƈŠ±śƅŕŗ ƑƊśŷ§
ÐÎÏÑ ±ŗƈśŗŬ : ƑƅÃƗ§ řŸŗ·ƅ§
ÐÖÎ : řţſŰƅ§
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ÅŕƊŮś žŕƊÃÉ±É ŬÉ Å±ŮË Ŷŗ·ƈ : Ŷŗ·ƈƅ§
.ïŕ»Ɗ ¿Ɣ» ƈໜ řƔƛà ř»ƈûƄ»ţ  řƔƆƔƈŕśƅ§ ªŕŬ§±¯Ɔƅ Ɠƅïƅ§ ¯ƎŸƈƅ§ : ±ŮŕƊƆƅ ½ÃƂţƅ§
ïŕƊ ¿Ɣƈŕś řƔƛà řƈÃƄţ žřƔƆƔƈŕśƅ§ řżƆƅ§ ±Ɣ÷śƅ ©±§¯ƙ§ Áƈ Ɠƅŕƈƅ§ ÁÃŕŸśƅŕŗ ª±ŮƊ

Uôi×ªÏ RªrSôÓ ØRXûUfNo

PôdPo ù_ ù_VX-Rô

®œƈ ¾ƒƆœř ŗƒƙ ŗƆÂƂšƃ  ¦°±Âƃ¦ ŗŪƒő° ŗƆœŤż

œřƒƃƙœƒœŞ .ƏŞ ¨°ÂřƂ®ƃ¦

Hon’ble Chief Minister of Tamilnadu

Dr J Jayalalithaa

Hon’ble Chief Minister of Tamilnadu

ŗőƈƌřƃ¦ ŗƆƄƂ
®œƈ ¾ƒƆœř ŗƒƙ ŗƆÂƂšƃ  ¦°±Âƃ¦ ŗŪƒő° ŗƆœŤŽƃ



தலா பதி

Part I

அற பா

 §ÚdÏ\s 2  

1. கட வா -    - Glory of God

அகர தல எெதலா
ஆதி 1
பகவ தேற உல.

'A' is the first of all letters. Likewise, God is the beginning of all the worlds.

கறதனா ஆய பயெனெகா வாலறிவ 2

நறா ெதாழாஅ எனி.
Learning is of no use if the learner does not submit himself to God.

மலமிைச ஏகினா மாண! ேச"தா 3

நிலமிைச நீ$வா% வா.
"# $ 
 % &%  ' 
.() ( )
Those who submit themselves to the sacred feet of God live long in this world.

ேவ&$தேவ& டாைம இலான! ேச"தா( 4

ைப இல.
 " ( * ( + % , -. / $   
. 0 12 (  0   !
No sufferings come to those who hold the feet of God, who is above likes and dislikes.
இ)ேச இ)விைன*
ேசரா இைறவ 5
ெபா)ேச +க%+ாி"தா மா,$.
.(4! (! 0% $% , .. 3
Those who praise the glory of God have no confusion about right and wrong deeds.
 §ÚdÏ\s 3  

ெபாறிவாயி ஐ"தவிதா ெபா.தீ ஒ(க 6

ெநறிநிறா நீ$வா% வா.
0)  + /! ) 12 ! ,# !  
 1 -2
They who follow the virtuous ways of God, who has curbed the five senses, live long

in happiness.

தன(வைம இலாதா தாேச"தா( கலா 7

மன(கவைல மாற அாி0.
$  5#.   3
.-# 12  07 3 /   6"# 3
Only those who reach the feet of God, who has no equal, can be free from sorrows.

அறவாழி அ"தண தாேச"தா( கலா 8

பிறவாழி நீ"த அாி0.
$    3 
.$ 4   :$; &%  8. 9 ).! 3
Those who do not seek the feet of God cannot overcome the evils and sufferings of


ேகாளி ெபாறியி ணமிலேவ எ&ணதா 9

தாைள வண2கா தைல.
,9 12 # 3
.(7 : /   ! 3
The head that does not worship the feet of God, who has eight virtues, is useless.

பிறவி3 ெப)2கட நீ"0வ நீ"தா 10

இைறவ அ!ேசரா தா.
  9 ).! < !    / 
.=2 >+ 9 !
Only those who surrender to the feet of God can overcome the sufferings of births.
 §ÚdÏ\s 4  

2. வா
சிற -   - Excellence of Rain
வாநி(6) உலக
வழ2கி வ)தலா 11
எ6ணர பா6.
$.  ? 1 @8
.;  0A 7  B
As the unfailing rain supports the world, it is considered a heavenly food.

03பா( 03பாய 03பா(கி 03பா( 12

03பாய 8உ
%) CA  ) 
.' D=# '
Rain produces food for all living beings and the rain itself forms part of their food.

வி&இ6 ெபா.3பி விாிநீ விய9லக0 13

உநி6 உட6
<;)% <% , $ ! ).  
.  :) > $. 3
If it fails to rain, the world surrounded by the vast oceans will be in hunger and


ஏாி உழாஅ உழவ +யஎ9

வாாி வள2றி( கா.
) :!  
@E  @ 2
If there is no sufficient rain, the farmers will not plough the land.

ெக,டா(: சாவா.ம றா2ேக 15
F, & >    , $   
!) * 39
It is the rain that ruins people. It is also the rain that lifts the ruined people.
 §ÚdÏ\s 5  

பி 0ளி<ழி அலாம றா2ேக 16
+ தைலகா&+ அாி0.
$4 ! :!9 
.? 12 :  "#
E =2
There will not be any vegetation on this earth if there is no rain.

தநீைம 6
த!"ெதழி> 17
தாநகா தாகி வி!.
)   5-.!
.: 9  4 D! : ;  
Even the vast ocean on this earth will shrink in its nature if there is no rain.

சிற3ெபா$ ?சைன ெசலா0 வான

வற(ேம வாேனா(
:  -. 3 := -. =2
.? : 9 
When it fails to rain, there will be no festivals and rituals even to gods.

த2கா வியஉலக
வழ2கா ெதனி.
:# 0H. =2 ! ).  
.(! ? >* 12 : H. 3
There will be neither generosity nor penance in the world, if it fails to rain.

நீஇ(6) அைமயா(0) உலெகனி யாயா(

வாஇ(6) அைமயா(0) ஒ(.
 3  12  I 3

 J. 2
Life cannot exist without water in this world. Similarly, virtue cannot exist without rain.
 §ÚdÏ\s 6  

3. நீதா ெபைம -   - Greatness of Ascetics

ஒ(க0 நீதா ெப)ைம வி3ப0 21
ப9வ 0ணிA.
. *A DI 
Greatness of virtuous men who have renounced the world is held in high esteem in

moral books.

0ற"தா ெப)ைம 0ைண(Bறி ைவய0 22

இற"தாைர எ&ணி(ெகா& ட6.
: %  ( *A  I (2 (
.? >* :-# 
Greatness of ascetics is immeasurable. Measuring it is as impossible as counting the


இ)ைம வைகெதாி"0 ஈ&$அற

?&டா 23
ெப)ைம பிற2கி(6) உல.

K !9 ;.  ;  0"29
.  12 *A 7 L
#M   L
Those who analyse both good and bad and give up worldly life alone are great.

ேதா,!யா ஓைர"0
கா3பா 24
ைவ3பிேகா வி0.
- ,# !  
 ,+ -2
He who controls all his five senses by wisdom is a seed of heavenly bliss.

ஐ"தவிதா ஆற அகவி;

+ ளாேகாமா 25
இ"திரேன சா=2 காி.
/ (. &% < *; :! D &
.,# , 12 .
Indra, the celestial king, is a witness to the might of a man who has conquered his

five senses.
 §ÚdÏ\s 7  

ெசயகாிய ெச.வா ெபாிய சிறிய 26

ெசயகாிய ெச.கலா தா.
2  3  &%  - '
. , )! 
The great do extraordinary things but the petty-minded can never do such things.

;ைவஒளி ஊ6ஓைச நாறெம ைற"தி 27

வைகெதாிவா க,ேட உல.
,# !  
.<%   )9 -2
Those who have complete control over their five senses gain the whole world.

நிைறெமாழி மா"த ெப)ைம நில0 28

மைறெமாழி கா,! வி$

# (2  0I9
. $K.'% ;.
Greatness of the learned men is shown in the scriptures of the world.

ேறறி நிறா ெவளி 29
காத அாி0.
 0  $I (- . 3
One cannot endure the anger of good men though it is momentary.

அ"தண எேபா அறேவாம ெறFAயி(

ெச"த&ைம ?&ெடாக லா.
0"2 * 
. 9 C4=# 0  $
The holy people are the virtuous who show compassion to one and all.
 §ÚdÏ\s 8  

4. அற வத
-    ! " - Insistence on Virtue

அறதிGஉ2() 31
எவேனா உயி(.
7 (' @ J 0
J 0  79 ;  (' @ 1; * 0$2
Virtue gives fame and prosperity. There is no greater gain than this.

அறதிGஉ2() ஆ(க
இைல அதைன 32
மறத> ஊ2கிைல ேக$.
( 0%  79 ;   @ 1; * ,
.$% (8  79 ( @ 3
There is no greater gain than virtue. Forgetting the same brings ruin.

வைகயா அறவிைன ஓவாேத 33
வா. எலாH ெசய.
( 0%  ).!.  I
!$% -.! : 7
One should always perform righteous deeds in all possible ways and at all possible


மன0(க& மாசில ஆத அைனதற 34

ஆல நீர பிற.
:-  * 1# 
.  > % &-. * 
Virtue is found only in the spotless mind but not in pomp and show.

அ(கா(6) அவாெவளி இனா:ெசா நா

இ(கா இயற(0) அற
:N = D"8
$; -
. (  >* % , 1$
Avoiding the four evils such as envy, greed, anger and harsh words is a great virtue.
 §ÚdÏ\s 9  

எனா(0) அறHெச.க மற0 36
ெபா62கா ெபாறா 0ைண.
F  0% " +   0%9 1" 0-. 3
.".3 %   
One should not postpone doing good which is an indestructible support at the hour of


அறதா(6) இ0ெவன ேவ&டா சிவிைக 37

ெபா6தாேனா($) ஊ"தா இைட.
$  ( A 12 ; 
.$%9 7  
The men bearing the palanquin and the men in it are reaping rewards of their past


<%நா படாஅைம நறாறி அஃெதா)வ 38

வா%நா வழியைட(
<  D- # Q2  0 # 0 
.:- @   %2 
One's continuous good deeds serve as a stone blocking the chain of rebirths.

அறதா வ)வேத இப

ம ெறலா
+றத +க
( 0% I 
.* -% . 3
-; $ (;
Virtue alone gives real pleasure. Other pleasures are without fame.

ெசயபால ேதா)
அறேன ஒ)வ 40
உயபால ேதா)
 *  1! C.! 
. * . 1! C.! 
One must do only acts of virtue and always avoid doing evil deeds.
 §ÚdÏ\s 10  

5. இவாைக - !#$ % - Domestic Life

இவா%வா எபா இய+ைடய Jவ(

நலாறி நிற 0ைண.
! D
.> 39 . A   R;    *
A good family man is one who supports his parents, wife and children.

0Fவா தவ(
இவா%வா எபா 0ைண.
- *A &% C *  <(--
! D
.:  1"-
The family man is a support to the ascetics, the needy and the deserted.

ெத+லதா ெத.வ
வி)"ெதா(க தாெனறா2() 43

+லதா(6) ஓ
ப தைல.
 M  C- / 1) / *
! D
.$I- ,  19 " D
Forefathers, god, himself, relatives and guests are the prime concerns of a family man.
பழியHசி3 பா8& உைடதாயி வா%(ைக 44
வழிெயHச எHஞா6
 ! 12 $. +K . 12 <3 D.! 
.< 9 . 0;. =2  12 >+ ;9 7
If the family men avoid evils and share food with others, their descendants will ever


உைடதாயி இவா%(ைக 45
  D &% (4
.< $.7

A * 
There will be grace and gift if family life is rooted in love and virtue.
 §ÚdÏ\s 11  

அறதாறி இ
வா ைக ஆறி றதாறி 46
ேபாஒ ெபவ ெதவ
(4 . 12 ; C) ! 
K CS )  .! 2
When a person leads a virtuous domestic life, he need not aspire for ascetic life.

இயபினா இவா%(ைக வா%பவ எபா 47

யவா) எலா
 12 ( 0%T <-2  
! 0. & !  0"29 $2
One who leads a virtuous domestic life is the greatest among all trying for a superior


ஆறி ஒ(கி அறனி(கா இவா%(ைக 48

ேநாபாாி ேநாைம உைட0.
( 0% &% 0.;. 1. (4
  UI9 1$2 $% ! $* !.
Leading a virtuous family life and guiding others is greater than the life of penance.

அறெனன3 ப,டேத இவா%(ைக அஃ0

பிறபழி3ப திலாயி ந6.
V (4
 9 ; 3
. ;9 .!2 , $.  (# : ٕ
Domestic life itself is a great virtue if it is really without any blame.

ைவய0 வா%வா2 வா%பவ வாஉைற*

ெத.வ0 ைவ(க3 ப$
$-   12 (4
.$7 . ! 0*9    $2
One who leads an ideal domestic life is considered one among the gods in heaven.
 §ÚdÏ\s 12  

6. வா ைக ைணநல -   & - Goodness of a Wife

மைனத(க மா&+ைடய ஆகித ெகா&டா 51
வளத(கா வா%(ைக 0ைண.
 !. 1.
. !
 I  .. $ A 0# D! % .
A good wife maintains the dignity of the family and lives within the means of her


மைனமா,சி இலாக& இலாயி வா%(ைக 52

எைனமா,சி தாயி9
(4  -.. 3 1.
.U#9 9 12 $.'% : $ (;2 (4 $. .
Domestic life, however dignified, will come to nothing if wife is not good.

இலெத இலவ மா&பானா உளெத 53

இலவ மாணா( கைட.
1; 0  B2 ( . A : 
. 1; 0 !# B2 () . A : 
A man lacks nothing if his wife is good. He has nothing if she is not good.

ெப&ணி ெப)"த(க யாAள கெப9

தி&ைமஉ& டாக3 ெபறி.
1; * ,
9  #
There is nothing of greater value to a man than a woman of purity.

ெதாழாஅ ெகாந ெதாெதவா 55
ெப.ெயன3 ெப.*
$  :'-.!   $ A :%)9  $  . .  
!/)9 $ :I  ! ). &. (  :8 -2
Even if a wife does not worship god, but worships her husband, it will rain at her

 §ÚdÏ\s 13  

தகா0 தெகா&டா ேபணி தைகசாற 56

ெசாகா0: ேசாவிலா ெப&.
$ A ). $! . 1. 1*
! 12 : 7. $. &% '2.
One who guards chastity, nurses her husband, preserves fame and remains tireless

is an ideal wife.

கா3ெபவ ெச.*
மகளி 57
கா3ேப தைல.
$. 12 $ !.
9 ,H. 3
.$! $.%$.! 
Nothing else can guard women's purity except their own will.

ெபறா ெபறிெப6வ ெப&! ெப)Hசிற3+3 58

+ேதளி வா
$ A9 . $%  ! : 9 
. ! 12 .!2
A woman who is devoted to her husband can gain honour in the world of gods.

+க%+ாி"த இ>ேலா( இைல இக%வா 59

ஏ6ேபா L$ நைட.
A8.  @ (; 1; 3
.$.% . 3 . A : 
A man without a good wife cannot walk majestically like a lion before his slanderer.

எப மைனமா,சி ம6அத 60
நம(க, ேப6.
9 C=#9 !
.( . A.  3 $  ٕ
A good wife is a blessing to the family and good children are precious jewels.
 §ÚdÏ\s 14  

7. தவைர ெபத - ' $ - Worthy Children

ெப6மவ6 யாமறிவ(0) இைல அறிவறி"த 61
ம(க,ேப(6) அல பிற.
$% 0 1.   9 X
.$ '%9 (  3 =- 3 (
There can be no better wealth than having good and intelligent children.

தீயைவ தீ&டா பழிபிற2கா3 62
ப&+ைட ம(க, ெபறி.
( 9 19 3 D 9 K
.( !  9 12 &.  =2
In all the seven births, no evil will affect a person who has virtuous children.

ெபா) எபத
ம(க அவெபா) 63

விைனயா வ)

7 * 39  , 0I
.$%9 ( . 3 1* 
Children are parents' real wealth. The worth of good children is the result of parents'

own deeds.

ஆற இனிேதத
ம(க 64
சி6ைக அளாவிய B%.
8 3 / 9 . %9 
.(  )    % &9
Food messed up by the little hands of one's children is sweeter than the divine


ம(கெம. தீ&ட உடகிப

ம6அவ 65
ெசாேக,ட இப
  &% ! @  0)  9 ,
.M &% ! @  $= 6!
The touch of one's children and their sweet words delight their parents.
 §ÚdÏ\s 15  

ழஇனி0 யா%இனி0 எபத

ம(க 66
மழைல:ெசா ேகளா தவ.
 ) :  -
.$)9 (87H & 8   0I 
Only those who have not heard the lisping of their children say that flute and lute are


த"ைத மககா6
நறி அைவய0 67
"தி இ)3ப: ெசய.
 !.  3 D ( . !9 
. 0*9  (I ( & 2 /
The duty of a father to his son is to make him gain the foremost place among the


ம(க அறிAைடைம மாநில0 68
ம9யி( ெகலா
9 !  0) .
. 9  Y9 ! 0
Children wiser than their parents give delight to all beings in the world.

ஈற ெபாதி ெபாி0வ(

தமகைன: 69
சாேறா என(ேக,ட தா..
; !.  % Y. 
..   $2  79
Mother rejoices at the birth of her son; but even more so when he is praised as a

noble man.

மகத"ைத(() ஆ6
உதவி இவத"ைத 70
எேநாறா ெகாஎ9
:.$ , 0  9   9 ( . !  3 ?. 0"29
!  *   * ' !9 
The duty of a son is to conduct himself so well as to bring honour to his father.
 §ÚdÏ\s 16  

8. அ
ைடைம -  - Possession of Love

உ&ேடா அைட("தா% ஆவல 71
+கணீ ?ச த)
< D 9 &# 0*
., $  ;. -; 6
True love can never be hidden. It is revealed through the tears of the loved ones.

அபிலா எலா
தம(ாிய அ+ைடயா 72
உாிய பிற(.
1; 0 5.# 9 ' D 3 /
.! &. 1; 5.# 3 9 ' D /
The loveless are selfish but the loving render their service even risking their life.

அேபா($) இைய"த வழ(ெகப ஆ)யி( 73

எேபா($) இைய"த ெதாட+.
D . Y 1!  : 0I
.!  Y . Z.9
The relationship between the body and the soul is the result of benevolent life.

உைடைம அ0ஈ9
நாடா: சிற3+.
#M .*3 ; D  D
.(I  D  ;  7
From love always springs affection and that gives excellent friendship.

அ+(6) அம"த வழ(ெகப ைவயக0 75

இ+றா எ.0
2 (4
 ;%    12 0. 1.
! : 0-
.D $*9 $.; !
7 1* 
Joy on earth and bliss in heaven are certainly the fruits of life of love.
 §ÚdÏ\s 17  

அறதிேக அ+சா ெபப அறியா 76

அஃேத 0ைண.
C  @ D   3 / 0-
.<"9 (% ; @ B  ' 9 
The ignorant say that love helps virtue alone but it also guards us against all evils.

எபி லதைன ெவயிேபால( கா*ேம 77

அபி லதைன அற
  3  C (  D
.   ,; C. 
As the sun burns the boneless worms, virtue tortures the loveless.

அபக திலா உயிவா%(ைக வபாக& 78

வற மர"தளி த6.
 I D 3 / !
.(# ! ? 12
 ; 07
To prosper in life without love is as impossible as a dead tree sprouting in a barren


+ற063 ெபலா
யா(ைக 79
அக063+ அபி லவ(.
!  *'  .! &!% 
(  /9 )   &#. I !   
The external organs of one's body are of no use if one's heart is devoid of love.

அபி வழிய0 உயிநிைல அஃதிலா( 80

எ+ேதா ேபாத உட
Y ! * D &% 0.; / ! 
! '% *  D  &#. /
Love is the substance and soul of life. Without if, a man is a mere frame of bones

covered with skin.

 §ÚdÏ\s 18  

9. விேதா!ப - ()
* - Hospitality

பி இவா%வ ெதலா
பி 81
ேவளா&ைம ெச.த ெபா),$.
0     % 
.$. # " 
The purpose of leading a domestic life and protecting wealth is to serve guests.

வி)"0 +றததா தா9&ட சாவா 82

ேவ&டபா ற6.
>'. D  " >  0B 9  C 3
.(  ) B   
It is undesirable to eat even divine nectar without sharing it with the guests.

வ)வி)"0 ைவக=

+வா வா%(ைக 83
ப)வ"0 பா%ப$த இ6.
  (  " 9 
.- % &;# =2
The life of one who entertains guests every day will never suffer from poverty.

அகனம"0 ெச.யா உைற*

கனம"0 84
நவி)"0 ஓ
+வா இ.
"   (! ".! 
.. ( (4= :;+
Fortune smiles on the house of one who entertains worthy guests with cheerful face.

ெகாேலா வி)"ேதா
பி 85
மி:சி மிைசவா +ல
&E- .  09 7 ) 12 "  I 
  ,+   7  ! >
He who eats after entertaining guests will reap a harvest even without sowing the

 §ÚdÏ\s 19  

ெசவி)"0 ஓ
பி வ)வி)"0 பாதி)3பா 86
நவி)"0 வான தவ(.
#[ D-. <" D 
. ! 12   
He who receives guests one after another will be an honoured guest in heaven.

இைன0ைண ெதபெதா றிைல வி)"தி 87

0ைண0ைண ேவவி3 பய.
(2" :7 A. 3
.! " (I $A 0
The value of hospitality depends entirely on the value of deserving guests.

பி3 பறேற
எப வி)"ேதா
பி 88
ேவவி தைல3படா தா.
.2" 7 X   "   
."  3 2 0   " <  
Who never entertain guests are those who hoarded hard-earned wealth and lost it

with none to support.

உைடைம* இைம வி)"ேதா

ப ஓ
பா 89
மடைம மடவாக& உ&$.
- "  3 
.C 0 0   -2 $2
Lack of hospitality is poverty in prosperity. Such type of foolishness is found only

among fools.

ேமா3ப( ைழ*
க"திாி"0 90
ேநா(க( ைழ*
 I ! " > #  
.$; " 9"
*A ;  07
On seeing the cold look of the host, the face of the guest withers like the anicham

that withers when smelt.

 §ÚdÏ\s 20  

10. இனியைவ "ற - + ,! - Speaking Sweetly

இெசாலா ஈர
அைளஇ3 ப!(6)இலவா
ெபா) க&டாவா.: ெசா.
F  :#9 D :#9 1. 1* ( ) :
.C4- 2%  0  >29  : # 1.
The virtuous speak only sweet and tender words devoid of deceit.

அகஅம"0 ஈத> நேற கனம"0 92

இெசால ஆக3 ெபறி.
  (I=)  ! 0-
.D- 8;  : I 1. ( $  #
It is better to speak nice words with a sweet smiling face than giving gracious gifts.

கதா அம"(0)இனி0 ேநா(கி அகதானா

இெசா >னேத அற
' !   (   ! 0-
. !  
Smiling face, loving eyes and sweet words are the signs of virtue.

0Fவாைம இலா
இெசா லவ(.
! , 0I 
.I  - % # =2
Those who speak sweet words and delight everyone will never suffer the agony of


பணிAைடய இெசால ஆத ஒ)வ() 95

அணியல ம63 பிற.
0  ;  0  0- 
.=2 *+ 9
Humility and sweet words alone are real jewels. All others are not jewels.
 §ÚdÏ\s 21  

அலைவ ேதய அற
நலைவ 96
நா! இனிய ெசா>.
# 12  +  3I , 0I 
.> ! :! >)# :
Useful words uttered with kindness reduce all evils and increase virtue.

நயஈ6 நறி பய(

பயஈ6 97
ப&பி தைல3பிாியா: ெசா.
=   0-  0 
! # &  "
Useful, courteous and pleasant words bring happiness and prosperity.

சி6ைம* நீ2கிய இெசா ம6ைம*


1! + 0  =
.>#9 12 > 12  !
Sweet words without meanness delight this life and the life in the other world.

இெசா இனிதீற கா&பா எவெகாேலா 99

வெசா வழ2 வ0.
= 12  1! K
Y @ = 12 ! 9 U *
A man should not use harsh words knowing well that sweet words give happiness.

இனிய உளவாக இனாத Bற 100

கனிஇ)3ப( கா.கவ" த6.
!    4! . 
.Z" I     Z".   7 1   07
Using bitter words in place of sweet ones is like choosing unripe fruits instead of ripe

 §ÚdÏ\s 22  

11. ெச#ந
றி அறித - - - Gratitude

ெச.யாம ெச.த உதவி( ைவயக

ஆற அாி0.
0 - 8 2  I 
. ! ?  '%9 > A 2
Heaven and earth are not adequate for the help received from one who has never

been helped.

காலதி னாெச.த நறி சிறிெதனி9

ஞாலதி மாண3 ெபாி0.
 (  ,9 %  8   2  
.7 ?   9 
A timely help, however small, is greater in worth than the world.

பய8(கா ெச.த உதவி நய8(கி 103

நைம கட> ெபாி0.
?. '.  8 & !9 
.   !9 > A 2
Help rendered without any expectation is greater than the sea in its goodness.

திைன0ைண நறி ெசயி9

பைன0ைணயா( 104
ெகாவ பயெதாி வா.
(   89   
.(# 07 04"        
Help received, though very small, is considered great by the worthy.

உதவி வைரத(6) உதவி உதவி 105

ெசய3ப,டா சாபி வைர0.
!   0 - 0  3
.>#9 / B  (  .. 0
The value of help depends not on the amount but on the worth of the receiver.
 §ÚdÏ\s 23  

மறவக மாசறா ேக&ைம 0றவக 106

0ப0 03பாயா ந,+.
$ I :  0  (  ,. 3
.(  12 A[  (I  % 08. 3
People should neither forget the friendship of the blameless nor desert those who

helped them in distress.

எைம எபிற3+
உNவ த2க& 107
விம" 0ைடதவ ந,+.
 M 9  J
. 4  4 0A9 
The great will remember in all seven births the friendship of those who helped them

in their distress.

நறி மற3ப0 நற6 நறல0 108

அேற மற3ப0 ந6.
! ,  ! !
! ! !
It is improper to forget the good deeds done to us. But it is good to forget the wrong

deeds at once.

ெகாறன இனா ெசயி9

அவெச.த 109
ஒ6ந6 உள( ெக$
S ! E .
  % $  9
.0.- &  1" 
By remembering one help rendered, even a dreadful harm is forgotten.

எ"நறி ெகாறா(
உ.விைல 110
ெச."நறி ெகாற மக.
(4)# 0 % & I
. !
K #  (4)# 3
There is scope even for those who have killed every virtue but not for those who

have killed gratitude.

 §ÚdÏ\s 24  

12. ந$ நிைலைம - $ - Impartiality

ததி எனெவா6 நேற பதியா 111
பாப,($) ஒக3 ெபறி.
(D+ C   % ) ,  0. 12 0 
.<(--   *
Justice is a great virtue that gives impartial treatment to everyone.

உைடயவ ஆ(கH சிைதவிறி 112
எ:சதி ேகமா3(+) உைட0.
< 9 5-.. 3 0 
.. CA   1* 0
An impartial man's wealth is an imperishable security to his future generations.

நேற தாி9
ஆ(கைத 113
அேற ெயாழிய விட.
0 % 8 . !. / 0 
.  1; 2 
One should shun the wealth that comes through unjust means whatever good it may


த(கா தகவில எப(0) அவரவ 114

எ:சதா காண3 ப$
0    0 % 
.)-2 %9    .!2
Whether people are just or unjust is always known by their deeds.

இலல ெநHச0( 115
ேகாடாைம சாேறா( கணி.
F$ 3 C# Y 
.$.A  <4 0  0  08;2
Loss and gain are quite natural in life. But a balanced mind is the ornament of the

 §ÚdÏ\s 25  

ெக$வயா எப(0) அறிகத ெநHச

ந$ெவாாீஇ அல ெசயி.
0  % J ! : "  $! 9  
.>".- 8 :%
One who deviates from the path of justice and does evil will certainly be ruined.

ெக$வாக ைவயா(0) உலக

ந$வாக 117
நறி(க& த2கியா தா%A.
0  *A -.3  3 C#
The world will not consider the poverty of an impartial and virtuous man as an evil.

சமெச.0 சீ8(2 ேகாேபா அைம"ெதா)பா 118

ேகாடாைம சாேறா( கணி.
F. 9 J . =2 2 AH  7  .  -.! ,)!-  9
.0  ; A9  0  * 
Being unbiased like an even balance is a jewel to great men.

இல0 ெச3ப
ஒ)தைலயா 119
இைம ெபறி.
F! N =2 N %  I 12 , 
.0  * *
Equity means words without bias that come from a firm and unbiased mind.

ெச.வா( வாணிக
ேபணி3 120
தமேபா ெசயி.
C   .
..%"  >+ (%" ( 0   *
Treating the goods of others as his own is a mark of good trade.
 §ÚdÏ\s 26  

13. அடக%ைடைம - /0 .+ - Self-Control

அமர) உ.(
அட2காைம 121
ஆாி) உ.0 வி$
! 0*9   !  
. 0*9   $   
Self-control places one among gods. Lack of it throws one into a life of miseries.

கா(க ெபா)ளா அட(கைத ஆ(க

அதனிGஉ2 கிைல உயி(.
% ,2
H A , Y 
. 12 1;   3
One must cherish self-control as a great treasure, for there is no greater wealth to

man than that.

ெசறிவறி"0 சீைம பய(

அறிவறி"0 123
ஆறி அட2க3 ெபறி.
0 0- 12 $ @ ;. 7 , ) " ( % 
. 9 Y=  0*9  A.!2
Self-controlled life guided by wisdom brings fame that lasts forever.

நிைலயி திாியா0 அட2கியா ேதாற

மாண3 ெபாி0.
$%   , )# ! J  
.(#; 12 0   &%9 $2
A man who practises self-control is greater than the greatness and firmness of a


பணித அவ)N
ெசவ(ேக ெசவ
18 (# >8  # $2 ". 
. 9 9  ". 
Humility is certainly good for all. It is an added grace to the wealthy.
 §ÚdÏ\s 27  

ஒ)ைம* ஆைமேபா ஐ"தட(க ஆறி 126

ஏமா3 +ைட0.
$4"%9 1)8. 1.
! 07
 12 ,# , "  ! , 
.( ! 0  12 .! 7[ !2 ( # " %   $ 
Those who control their five senses like a tortoise in one birth are guarded in all

seven births.

யாகாவா ராயி9
நாகா(க காவா(கா 127
ேசாகா3ப ெசா>(3 ப,$.
(I ! '
..* &%  . 3ٕ
Holding one's tongue is very important because a slip of the tongue will bring


ஒறா9" தீ:ெசா ெபா),பய உ&டாயி 128

நறாகா தாகி வி$

 ! !9 
.  .! :4! -2
Uttering even a single harmful word will surely spoil all the goodness.

தீயினா ;,ட+& உளா6

ஆறாேத 129
நாவினா ;,ட வ$.
  Z. I
.!  Z. 3
The wounds caused by fire will heal. But scars caused by stinging words will never


கத2கா0( கறட2க ஆ6வா ெசFவி 130

ஆறி Oைழ"0.
! ) " /  A.  
.( '+ '
A man of learning and self-control who is free from anger will be blessed by the god

of virtue.
 §ÚdÏ\s 28  

14. ஒ'க%ைடைம - 1! 2  - Discipline

வி3ப" தரலா ஒ(க

ப3 ப$
! ! ^;   
 (  79  ( .2
Discipline brings honour. So, it should be cherished more precious than life.

பி( கா(க ஒ(க
பி 132
அஃேத 0ைண.
F% ' 12 ! D.9 ! _!
#M 12   12 C  # >  >9 12 0B. 2)
One should excel in good conduct and take pains to cultivate and guard it.

உைடைம !ைம இ(க
இழி"த பிற3பா. வி$
 ($; &% 0  ! !
..# &% 0  4!
Discipline is a sign of noble birth. Indiscipline indicates mean birth.

ஓ0( ெகாளலா
பா3பா 134
பிற3ெபா(க2 ற( ெக$
% .! Q 2 D.  1! 
.. 6" ! !  
If the wise forget the past learning, they can learn it again. But loss of discipline leads

to ruin.

அ(கா 6ைடயாக& ஆ(க

ேபா(6) இைல 135
ஒ(க மிலாக& உயA.
0"2 3  ! &+ 3
 12 ! !  
The envious do not prosper. Likewise, the indecent never achieve greatness.
 §ÚdÏ\s 29  

ஒ(கதி ஒகா உரேவா இ(கதி 136

ப$பா( கறி"0.
! ! &% ' .; , /I
.> -% . 3 ! ! 9  
The disciplined will not deviate from virtues as they know the evil effects of bad


ஒ(கதி எ.0வ ேமைம இ(கதி 137

எ.0வ எ.தா3 பழி.
 0H ! !
.  $ > ! 
Good Conduct brings greatness and bad conduct brings utter disgrace.

நறி( விதா
ைப த)

! 0%9
 ! !
-; D  4!
Good conduct is the seed of virtuous deeds. Bad conduct leads to endless distress.

ஒ(க ைடயவ( ஒலாேவ தீய 139

வாயா ெசால.
 ; 0- 9 ! ! 0.!
.! (- ! 
Men of righteous conduct never utter evil words even by a slip of the tongue.

உலகேதா($) ஒ,ட ஒக பலக6

கலா அறிவிலா தா.
0* $2 !   !   
7 D. , 
Those who cannot live in harmony with the world are fools though they are learned.
 §ÚdÏ\s 30  

15. பிறனி விைழயாைம

3 !! 4 
 - Not coveting another's wife
பிறெபா)ளா ெப,ெடா
ேபைதைம ஞால0 141
ெபா) க&டாக& இ.
,  . :! I=#9 :A 
.>+ ( A U$ =2
A person who values virtue and wealth will not covet another's wife.

அறகைட நிறா) எலா

பிறகைட 142
நிறாாி ேபைதயா இ.
#M D 9 A  &- !
.$. A 12 )
Among those who deviate from virtue, none is so foolish as the one who longs for

another's wife.

விளி"தாாி ேவறல மற ெதளி"தாாி 143

தீைம +ாி"ெதா வா.
$% .4 / >+ 0*9 & !9 
.(. (  0̀9 $2
He who covets and does evil to the wife of a friend who trusts him is not different

from the dead.

எைன0ைணய ஆயி9
ேதரா பிறனி +க.
>+ ( &.9 
.I     .'% -!2
However great a man may be, he loses his greatness when he seeks another's wife.

எளிெதன இ>ற3பா எ.0ெமH ஞா6

விளியா0 நி
$.! 9 >+ 0*9 %
 9 ' 
.$  ,  ,X H9 -2
One may consider coveting another's wife lightly. But the disgrace will stay forever.
 §ÚdÏ\s 31  

பழிெயன நா
இ>ற3பா க&.
:( B 1.  >+ 0*9 12 $ 
.(" # 7
He who covets another's wife will always sink in enmity, sin, fear and disgrace.

அறனியலா இவா%வா எபா பிறனியலா 147

ெப&ைம நயவா தவ.
! 1%
.>+ ( A 0 ..! 3 
A family man leading a righteous life will not covet another man's wife.

பிறமைன ேநா(காத ேபரா&ைம சாேறா(() 148

அறெனாேறா ஆற ெவா(.
C 0  D [  8 ( %   ?+ 
.D M 09 * 0
Noble manliness of not eyeing another's wife is a virtue and also a discipline of the


நல(ாியா யாெரனி நாமநீ ைவ3பி 149

பிற(ாியா ேதாேதாயா தா.
   :)9 1.   :# C.!  :B! 
.>+ (  A 12 -   * D 2
Those who covet not another's wife get all blessings in this sea-locked earth.

அறவைரயா அல ெசயி9

பிறவைரயா 150
ெப&ைம நயவாைம ந6.
)I < # 0  
. :! 1.
 12 ) 3 9  #2
Whatever sin one may commit, one should not desire for another man's wife.
 §ÚdÏ\s 32  

16. ெபாைற(ைடைம -  - Tolerance

அக%வாைர தா2
ேபால த
ைம 151
இக%வா3 ெபா6த தைல.
 1!  0` .
.("2 09 *  ? 0..
Chief of all virtues is to tolerate the insults of others just as the earth tolerates the


ெபா6த இற3பிைன எ6

அதைன 152
மறத அதனி9
$% % 7 
! ;9 0. 
.$%   $.  (  '%9 $2
Tolerance of intolerable wrongs is good. Forgetting such deeds is definitely better.

இைம* இைம வி)"ெதாரா வைம* 153

வைம மடவா3 ெபாைற.
F"   - -29
.(4! 0.  =" 0"29
Lack of hospitality is the worst form of poverty. To bear with fools is the greatest


நிைற*ைடைம நீ2காைம ேவ&! ெபாைற*ைடைம 154

ேபாறி ெயாக3 ப$
I=#9  .. 9 
.0. ! 12 ,82
One should always practise patience if he likes to retain his perfectness.

ஒ6தாைர ஒறாக ைவயாேர ைவ3ப 155

ெபா6தாைர3 ெபாேபா ெபாதி"0.
K . 3 K
.D* A 7   : A 0
The world will not respect the avengers but regard the tolerant as gold.
 §ÚdÏ\s 33  

ஒ6தா(() ஒ)நாைள இப

ெபா6தா(3 156
ெபா6" 0ைண*
 E !H -. 
.C;   >! &-    
Retaliation gives only a momentary joy. But forbearance gives everlasting glory.

திறனல தபிற ெச.யி9

ேநாெநா"(0) 157
அறனல ெச.யாைம ந6.
0.2  & 1!9 
.(4!  % 6A 9  #
Even if others do the worst evil to one, it is better to avoid doing evil to them.

மிதியா மி(கைவ ெச.தாைர தா"த

ததியா ெவ6 விட.
<=$  !9  .!
With tolerance one should conquer those who do harm due to their haughtiness.

0ற"தாாி 8.ைம உைடய இற"தாவா. 159

இனா:ெசா ேநாகி பவ.
(; ' : 0. 
. *A  (  '%9 $2
Those who tolerate the rude remarks of the unjust are purer than the ascetics.

உ&ணா0 ேநாபா ெபாிய பிறெசா=

இனா:ெசா ேநாபாாி பி.
FD; 0 12 *A  '%
. 0- !9  @.    '%9
Those who endure insults are better than those who do penance by fasting.
 §ÚdÏ\s 34  

17. அ'காறாைம -   2 !5 - Not Envying

ஒ(காறா( ெகாக ஒ)வத ெநHச(0) 161

அ(கா(6) இலாத இய+.
 0# '%9 
. !  #
One should value the unenvying nature of the heart as the disciplined way of life.

வி3ேபறி அஃெதா3ப(0) இைலயா மா,$

அ(காறி அைம ெபறி.
.U#9 ( ! $ . 3 ( !
Among all precious possessions nothing is equal to the state of being free from envy.

ேவ&டாதா எபா பிறனா(க
ேபணா(0) அ(க63 பா.
> 0.   12 >#9 ! 
.>  3 0 C.! 3
One who does not desire virtue and wealth alone will envy other's wealth.

அ(காறி அலைவ ெச.யா இ(காறி 164

ப$பா(() அறி"0.
F; ! -! /  K X%K  0I
.! %   ! 1! 1!  =2
Those who know that envy causes sufferings will never do evil out of envy.

அ(கா(6) உைடயா(() அ0சா=

ஒனா 165
ேகP ப0.
> . > !  !
.>   % & N. 3
The envious need no other enemy. Even if their enemies fail, their envy is enough to

ruin them.
 §ÚdÏ\s 35  

ெகா$3ப(0) அ(க63பா ;ற

இறி( ெக$
%! 12 <#; ! 
.<EX %
H <% . $.!2
The relatives of those who envy the act of charity will perish without food and clothes.

அFவி(0) அ(கா(6) உைடயாைன: ெச.யவ 167

தFைவைய( கா,! வி$
.  (  C
K H. ! >+ 
.*  4 ;  .
Fortune, the goddess of wealth, deserts the jealous and introduces the goddess of

misfortune to the jealous.

அ(கா(6) எனஒ) பாவி தி):ெச6 168

தீ*ழி உ.0 வி$
7 . ?8  !
.  Y"" 12  /$
Envy is a great sinner that destroys a person's wealth and leads him to the evil path.

அFவிய ெநHசதா ஆ(க

ெசFவியா 169
நிைன(க3 ப$
! 1IH B; 12 . 18 
.J -2
It is worth pondering why good men suffer in poverty while the envious prosper.

அ(க6 அகறா)
இைல அஃ0இலா 170
ெப)(கதி தீ"தா)
(' 0  ! #9
.<'% 3  3 .
No one has prospered through envy and those who are free from envy have never

become poor.
 §ÚdÏ\s 36  

18. ெவஃகாைம - 3  4 

 - Not coveting others' wealth
ந$விறி நெபா) ெவஃகி !ெபாறி( 171
ஆ2ேக த)
C 8 >+ 0 12 ) 
.0 >.% *9 ,X H) -2
Unjust coveting of the honest wealth of others results in the ruin of one's own family

and leads to crimes.

ப$பய ெவஃகி3 பழி3ப$வ ெச.யா 172

ந$வைம நாQ பவ.
J +  9 >  
.> C) 1; 0. 12 ) =2
Those who shun injustice will never commit any sin out of greed.

ெவஃகி அறனல ெச.யாேர 173
ேவ&$ பவ.
L( L
!  9 & ! :I. 
.<' (    0. 12 >*  . =2
People who seek eternal happiness will never stoop to any sinful deeds for petty joys.
இலெம6 ெவஃத ெச.யா +ல
ெவற 174
+ைமயி கா,சி யவ.
( D.  ,# !  
.-2 9 %  >+ 0 12 ) =2
Those who control five senses will never covet others' wealth even in poverty.

அஃகி அகற அறிெவனா

ெவஃகி ெவறிய ெசயி.
4 -%   .! &!% 
< >+ 0 12 ) 
Deep and vast knowledge gained is of no use if one madly covets another man's

 §ÚdÏ\s 37  

அ)ெவஃகி ஆறிக& நிறா ெபா)ெவஃகி3 176

ெபாலாத Rழ( ெக$
a < *A

 12 a !X K 
.<) ( .- 9 9 
One who seeks the path of grace and virtue comes to ruin, if one plots evil deeds of

coveting others' wealth.

ேவ&டக ெவஃகியா
விைளவயி 177
மா&ட காிதா
^ 3
) 7 ..
.>7 12 # 3 ) 3 Q2
One must avoid gaining other's wealth through greed, for there is no good in it.

அஃகாைம ெசவதி() யாெதனி ெவஃகாைம 178

பிறைக3 ெபா).
8 0 12 )  %
.0  A D 
If one has to protect one's wealth, one should not covet another's wealth.

அறனறி"0 ெவஃகா அறிAைடயா: ேச)

திறஅறி" தா2ேக தி).
>+ 0 12 ) 3 / J : &;8. ( 
.("2 )  % B <%
Knowing their worth, the goddess of wealth stays with the wise who value virtue and

do not covet riches.

எ&ணா0 ெவஃகி விறஈ9
ேவ&டாைம எ9H ெச)(.
8 0 12 4A )
.A D  ) .  =$ D 
Thoughtless coveting leads to ruin and greedless pride leads to victory.
 §ÚdÏ\s 38  

19. ற)"றாைம - +3

 - Not backbiting
அற2Bறா அல ெசயி9
ஒ)வ 181
+ற2Bறா எற இனி0.
 # $2 D.8 3   % 0I 
< I < # 0-  D 12 b% 
Even if one is not virtuous and does evils, it is good not to backbite.

அறனழீஇ அலைவ ெச.த> தீேத 182

+றனழீஇ3 ெபா.0 நைக.
< .$.! #9   12 ! . 
. !  !2ٕ ( 0 D.   9 ! .2
Praising somebody in their presence and then backbiting are worse than decrying

virtue and doing evils.

+ற2Bறி3 ெபா.0யி வா%த> சாத 183

ஆ(க" த)
( 8  *9 - 0  :
.  (!  . %  : @
It is better to die than to live by backbiting, as death brings fruits of virtue.

க&ணி6 க&ணற: ெசா>9

ெசாலக 184
னி6 பிேநா(கா: ெசா
$  12   !9 
.D8 $' 12 > -% . 3   .8 9  0"29
One may use harsh words in one's presence but should not backbite disregarding


ெநHசதா அைம +றHெசா=
+ைமயா காண3 ப$
.U-.  0#  I 9 $'9
A person may talk of virtue but his backbiting exposes his meanness.
 §ÚdÏ\s 39  

பிறபழி B6வா தபழி *N

திறெதாி"0 Bற3 ப$
>+ D% 6;9 
.,   % :%;
The worst flaws of a man will be searched out and revealed if he backbites.

பக:ெசா>( ேகளி3 பிாி3ப நக:ெசா> 187

ந,பாட ேதறா தவ.
F! 0- (I  1     
.( 8 & - I   !2
Backbiters can never gain new friends but only lose their friends.

0னியா ற
மரபினா 188
எைனெகா ஏதிலா மா,$.
=A D% ; 9 D 
  8  2
Those who backbite even dear friends will undoubtedly do worse to strangers.

அறேநா(கி ஆ62ெகா ைவய

+றேநா(கி3 189
+ெசா உைர3பா ெபாைற.
 0-7 0. $9 ? :# 
. .8 7 -   '. /
The earth endures the burden of backbiters only with a sense of virtue.

ஏதிலா ற
ேபா த2ற2 கா&கிபி 190
தீ0&ேடா ம9
"  , 
.>+ D% U  07  % U9 
No evil will fall on living beings if everyone sees his faults as he sees others' faults.
 §ÚdÏ\s 40  

20. பயனில ெசாலாைம - 60

7 &* - Not speaking vain words

பலா னிய3 பயனில ெசா=வா 191

எள3 ப$
=- 2 c2 = . 
., K(% ! & >
^ -2
He who utters empty words displeasing others will be condemned by everyone.

பயனில பலா ெசால நயனில 192

ந,டாக& ெச.த> றீ0.
, $; 12 U  =
. I  &
!  0"9
Useless speech in front of others is more harmful than doing evil to friends.

நயனில எப0 ெசா=

பயனில 193
பாாி 0ைர(

= &% 0  
4 %  3 / = 8.;
Long and useless words expose the speaker's total lack of virtue.

நயசாரா நைமயி நீ(

பயசாரா3 194
ப&பிெசா பலா ரக0.
C# $; 12 0I  F A 3 / =
.(    ; : !2
Empty and crude speech in public is fruitless and devoid of virtue.

சீைம சிற3ெபா$ நீ2

பயனில 195
நீைம *ைடயா ெசா>.
 3   . 
.. * .'% : *
When men of dignity speak useless words, they lose their greatness and esteem.
 §ÚdÏ\s 41  

பயனிெசா பாரா,$ வாைன மகஎன 196

ம(க, பத! ெயன.
<=  = 6" / 0-. 3
.,  <;I  0I 
He who indulges in empty words is not called a man but a human chaff.

நயனில ெசா>9H ெசா=க சாேறா 197

பயனில ெசாலாைம ந6.
<'+ <3I 0I 0-
.<+2 <3I 0- 3
The perfect may even utter unfair words but it is good to avoid useless words.

பய ஆ*
அறிவினா ெசாலா 198
பய இலாத ெசா.
. ` 
H / 0I
.(I   3 ! Z$ 3
Men of wisdom and reason will never utter useless words.

ெபா)தீ"த ெபா:சா"0H ெசாலா ம)தீ"த 199

மாச6 கா,சி யவ.
$4)#9 :I  =-
42   3 - 3
Men of wisdom and vision will never utter silly words even forgetfully.

ெசா=க ெசா> பய9ைடய ெசாலக 200

ெசா> பயனிலா: ெசா.

42   0I
42  ,  0-. 3
One should always speak useful words but never indulge in vain speech.
 §ÚdÏ\s 42  

21. தீவிைனய,ச! - 4$ 2 (5 - Fear of Doing Evil

தீவிைனயா அHசா விமியா அH;வ 201

தீவிைன எ9
1 12 6I  # J
. # 3 J)
The wicked never fear evil but the good always fear the arrogance of sinful deeds.

தீயைவ தீய பயதலா தீயைவ 202

அHச3 ப$
dU# . (
.  H  $ H 
One must fear evil more than fire as one evil leads to another evil.

அறிவி9 எலா" தைலெயப தீய 203

ெச.யா விட.
( (I  0-
.[    %
Supreme wisdom is not to do evil in return even to enemies who do evil.

பிறேக$ Rழக Rழி 204
R%"தவ ேக$.
d#M " 9   3
. D > "  !2  02 
One must avoid plotting evil against others. Otherwise, virtue will destroy one who

plots others' ruin.

இலஎ6 தீயைவ ெச.யக ெச.யி 205

d>-2 D ! <  9 D. 3
.-2 &% < -2  A!2  0 
One should not do sinful deeds pleading poverty as it will make one poorer.
 §ÚdÏ\s 43  

தீ3பால தாபிறக& ெச.யக ேநா.3பால 206

தைன அடேவ&டா தா.
#M  # 
.$4 % !2
Those who want to avoid evil for themselves must avoid doing evil to others.

எைன3பைக *றா)
உ.வ விைன3பைக 207
<யா0 பிெச6 அ$
b 9 !2    %   
.b 9 ).! =2  > %   9
One may escape from the ill effects of enmity but the enmity of one's own sinful

deeds will bring ruin to one.

தீயைவ ெச.தா ெக$த நிழதைன 208

<யா(0) அ!உைற" த6.
>% -!2 <  D9 
.  C 3 / 0' 07
Ruin follows evil-doers like a man's shadow that follows his footsteps.

தைனதா காதல னாயி எைனெதா6

0னக தீவிைன3 பா.
! D9 
.$  $I 1  D. 2
One who loves oneself should refrain from doing even the smallest evil to others.

அ)2ேகட எப(0) அறிக ம)2ேகா! 210

தீவிைன ெச.யா எனி.
D 12 I + <-) ! 
.   I J I 0  9 2
A person who stays away from doing evils will be free from all evils.
 §ÚdÏ\s 44  

22. ஒரவறித - &' ,+&  - Duty to Society

மா6 ேவ&டா கட3பா$ மாாிமா,$ 211
எஆ62 ெகாேலா உல.
 ! &  3
 :)9  D! & K  2
Rain does not expect anything in return from the world. Similarly, duty to society

demands no return.

தாளாறி த"த ெபா)ெளலா

த(கா( 212
ேவளா&ைம ெச.த ெபா),$.
, C; <3  
.-.! 3 * 2
All the wealth earned by the benevolent by tireless efforts is meant to serve the

worthy men.

+ேத Nலக0
ெபறலாிேத 213
ஒ3+ரவி நல பிற.
! 12 3 ? &% 
%!  '%9 1;
There is no better deed in heaven and earth than serving the society.

ஒத தறிவா உயிவா%வா மைறயா 214

ெசதா) ைவ(க3 ப$
<(-- 1 $2 *9 &% , %9 
.:  : > % 
He who is in harmony with others alone lives while the rest are considered dead.

ஊ)ணி நீநிைற" தேற உலகவா

ேபரறி வாள தி).
, D /  0I
.,   ?.  07
The wealth of the wise who love humanity is beneficial to all like the village tank full

of water.
 §ÚdÏ\s 45  

உT3 பதறா ெசவ
நய9ைட யாக& ப!.
1#! % 0  H 
. 0 $9 1.R. (- 9 12 ( )
 ; $2
The wealth of a generous person serves like a fruit-bearing tree in the middle of a

town benefitting all.

ம)"தாகி த3பா மரதறா ெசவ

ெப)"தைக யாக& ப!.
 % 0  H 
.$I9 $+  (  H.
 ; $2
The wealth of a generous man is like an herbal tree which serves as medicine that

cures without fail.

இடனி ப)வ0
ஒ3+ரவி() ஒகா 218
கடனறி கா,சி யவ.
- > . .  %  0I
.>-2 % &. $% C % ! 3 7
Even in utter poverty the dutiful will never give up their generosity.

நய9ைடயா நB"தா னாத ெச*

நீர 219
ெச.யா(0) அைமகலா வா6.
.C % ! &%  
A generous person considers himself poor when he is unable to help others.

ஒ3+ரவி னாவ)
ேகெடனி அஃெதா)வ 220
வி6(ேகா த(க 0ைட0.
!  C ( 6.  9  CH
.  &  1" ! 9 % 
Even ruin is worth buying by selling oneself if it comes of doing charity.
 §ÚdÏ\s 46  

23. ஈைக -  - Charity

வறியா(ெகா(6) ஈவேத ஈைகம ெறலா
றிெயதி3ைப நீர 0ைட0.
-  3 $  3  (-- 12 (I 
.(. 2 $ 9  (I  &!. 3
Helping the poor alone is called charity. All other gifts seek only repayment.

நலா(6) எனி9
ெகாளதீ0 ேம=லக
ஈதேல ந6.
d(  & / R  0I  e! , .
. 1;  $2  , (   0I  ! $% C .
Receiving even for a good cause is evil. Giving is good even if heaven is denied.

உைரயாைம ஈத 223
ல9ைடயா க&ேண *ள.
< -2 &)%9  $; 
."<4; 9 3" <=4I B! 9 0 I
Giving even before one expresses one's poverty is the quality found in a noble man.

இனா(0) இர(க3 ப$த இர"தவ 224

இக2 காQ
d04!H     12 (* UH.
.0!.   12 /!. (;;  U  % (* 1.E  %!
It is a most painful sight to see begging till the beggar's face becomes bright on


ஆ6வா ஆற பசிஆற அ3பசிைய 225

மா6வா ஆற> பி.
% #9  *A
.#M 6 #9   '%9 
The ability of a person to relieve others of hunger is rated higher than the ability to

endure hunger.
 §ÚdÏ\s 47  

அறா அழிபசி தீத அஃெதா)வ 226

ெபறா ெபா)ைவ3 +ழி.
V ( 8! / - )
.0 - A 12  .!  '.
By relieving the hunger of the poor, the rich find a good place to store their wealth.

பா8& மாீஇ யவைன3 பசிெய9

தீ3பிணி தீ&ட அாி0.
6   &.  3
.) 12 , ;9 
The fiery hunger will never touch those who share their food with others.

அறியாெகா தாைடைம 228
வக ணவ.
F.=  =2 C ) I  
. 9 !# ! 0 
7 $ I :!I  49
Those who hoard and lose wealth do not know the joy of gladdening the poor with


இரத> இனா0 மற நிர3பிய 229

தாேம தமிய உண.
2 < 9 ; +
K <) ) T 
..  J I9 42
Eating alone for merely saving one's wealth is even more painful than begging.

சாத> இனாத திைல இனித8உ

ஈத இையயா( கைட.
X ()!    &% 1;
 S 9
_ 9 .  . I
.?8  J;
Nothing else is as painful as death. But death is pleasant when one is unable to give

alms to the poor.

 §ÚdÏ\s 48  

24. க - . - Fame

ஈத இைசபட வா%த அ0வல(0) 231

இைல உயி(.
<  b. < -2 )%9
.C :/9 >! 2 &  12 ;  ( 3
The only asset in life is fame which comes through acts of charity.

உைர3பா உைர3பைவ எலா

இர3பா(ெகா(6) 232
ஈவாேம நி
  Y   Y  0"29
All the glory in the world is the glory of those who give alms to the poor.

ஒறா உலக0 உய"த +கழலா 233

ெபாறா0 நிபெதா றி.
& ?   &%  0
.0   3
Nothing remains everlasting in this world except renowned fame.

நிலவைர நீ+க% ஆறி +லவைர3 234

ேபாறா0 +ேத உல.
.  0   CAXH 
.($M  >+ Y  & .. 3 ! 0*9  
Heaven will not praise the gods but men on earth with everlasting fame.

ேபா ேக$
விதக( கலா அாி0.
/  Y  D  / : ! 12  D  / 
 R; 12 ) 3 !. 3
Only the wise can convert loss into gain and death into life of glory.
 §ÚdÏ\s 49  

ேதாறி +கெழா$ ேதா6க அஃதிலா 236

ேதாற> ேதாறாைம ந6.
F> #. 1. : 2 H   
.>    !9  2 *8 H 
One must enter the chosen field and earn fame, or else one should not enter.

+க%பட வாழாதா த
ேநாவா த
ைம 237
இக%வாைர ேநாவ0 எவ.
. 12 #M 12 C  ! D! ! !  
a 3 ! 2
It is useless for the fameless to blame their despisers instead of blaming themselves.

வைசெயப ைவயதா( ெகலா

ெபறாஅ வி!.
? 12  &% C;
. ( ( # 9  A % 
It is a disgrace for all those on earth if they fail to leave behind fame.

வைசயிலா வ&பய 6

இைசயிலா 239
யா(ைக ெபா6த நில
 ( I (7  ) . 1. ?
.<! <.  : . 3
The earth bearing the burden of men without fame loses its fertility and yields less.

வைசெயாழிய வா%வாேர வா%வா இைசெயாழிய 240

வா%வாேர வாழா தவ.
b% -2 $2 $.  (;% b% 
a 2
 + (;% b% 
Life without blame alone is life and life without fame is mere survival.
 §ÚdÏ\s 50  

25. அ-ைடைம -  - Compassion

ெசவ0 ெசவ
?ாியா க&Q
dA A (
.,!# &.  /  A
Compassion is the greatest wealth. Even the worst of men possess worldly wealth.

நலாறா நா! அ)ளாக பலாறா 242

அஃேத 0ைண.
C) &.; D_ H  < b% C-.  ! ! 
 < <-)  C2 C) 
One should pursue the path of compassion. All faiths prescribe it as a support for life.

அ)ேச"த ெநHசினா( கிைல இ)ேச"த 243

இனா உலக
('  D 9 Z 3
.( <4  I  
The darkness and distress of hell are not for men for kindness.

ம9யி ஓ
பி அ)ளாவா(() இெலப 244
த9யி அH;
$I- C4=# '  :4!
H C. 3
Men of compassion protecting all beings on earth are free from fear of evils.

அல அ)ளாவா(() இைல வளிவழ2

மலமா ஞால2 காி.
Y / . $)! &% 1. (! ? >*
.($ >#B. 3 D- CI 9 $;.
Men of graceful compassion suffer no pain. This world bears witness to it.
 §ÚdÏ\s 51  

ெபா)நீ2கி3 ெபா:சா"தா எப அ)நீ2கி 246

அலைவ ெச.ெதா வா.
:$%  0- F>+ 0 ! #. C2 0 ! &# 
.$.*9 2%  (-.!  *  $
Those who are not compassionate and do sinful deeds lack virtue and purpose of


அ)ளிலா(() அFAலக
இைல ெபா)ளிலா(() 247
இலாகி யா2.
C2 ( % . 
#M 12 C=# 3
.0       12 D 3 
This world is not for the poor and the heavenly world is not for the unkind.

ெபா)ளறா ?3ப ஒ)கா அ)ளறா 248

அறாம றாத அாி0.
. :4  .! I ,
.* A 3 < 9 *  3 / 
Men without money may prosper some day but those without mercy will never


ெத)ளாதா ெம.3ெபா) க&டறா ேதாி 249

அ)ளாதா ெச.*
( C2  #  I :! - 0  07 
X 9 0  07
.U * + &% C4- (2 1K )%H
One who does charity without mercy is like an insensible man seeking the profound


வ>யா தைன நிைன(கதா தனி 250

ெம>யாேம ெச= மிட0.
" &% )! / /- .
. UI9 *   12 9
While oppressing weaker persons a man should imagine himself against the mightier

 §ÚdÏ\s 52  

26. லா மத -

! 1 - Avoiding Meat

தG ெப)(க தாபிறி0 ஊ9&பா 251

! !
E  0B 
 I 12 ( @. 2
One who fattens himself feeding on the animal flesh can never be kind to others.

ெபா)ளா,சி ேபாறாதா(() இைல அ)ளா,சி 252

ஆ2கிைல ஊதி பவ(.
F  ! .! 3
.(   0B / 0  .! 3 
The thriftless cannot have wealth and meat-eaters cannot have kindness.

பைடெகா&டா ெநHச
ேபா நM(கா0 ஒற 253
உட;ைவ உ&டா மன
:# D. 3  0B / 0  R2
.#M &% Y=! 0 / 0  DI 07
The meat-eaters do not find joy in grace like those who carry murderous weapons.

அ)ளல (தி)யாெதனி ெகாலாைம ேகாற 254

ெபா)ளல தFV தின.
 /9 0.- 3 9 1* ( 
. 09  0.I 1*
!- ٕ
Not killing a creature is an act of kindness. Killing and eating its meat is unkindness.

உ&ணாைம உள0 உயிநிைல ஊ9&ண 255

அ&ணாத ெச.யா0 அள6.
F: ? - "  .
.$ ,"9 &% ! 9 -2   79 
By giving up meat-eating, lives are saved. Meat-eaters cannot escape from going to

 §ÚdÏ\s 53  

தினெபா),டா ெகாலா(0) உலெகனி யா)

விைல3ெபா),டா ஊற)வா ாி.
F$ : .- 3 ,  
. 9   3
If men do not kill animals for eating, there will be no one to sell meat.

உ&ணாைம ேவ&$
+லாஅ பிறிெதாற 257
+&ண(0) உணவா3 ெபறி.
 (  9 ' 
.9 % . 
If one knows that meat is only a sore of an animal, one will refrain from eating it.

ெசயிாி தைல3பிாி"த கா,சியா உ&ணா 258

உயிாி தைல3பிாி"த ஊ.
0$   D! 3 / 
.  0B 3
Wise men who have clear mind will refrain from eating the flesh of a lifeless animal.

அவிெசாாி" தாயிர
ேவ,ட> ஒற 259
உயிெச 0&ணாைம ந6.
9  %  J  .
. - := 12
  ! ! D!  #
It is better to refrain from killing and eating meat than numerous offerings of ghee on


ெகாலா +லாைல ம6தாைன( ைகB3பி 260

எலா உயி)" ெதா
 0B   0.-   CH
.<'. (   1 9
He who gives up killing and eating meat will be adored by one and all.
 §ÚdÏ\s 54  

27. தவ! - 98 - Penance

உறேநா. ேநாற உயி(6க& ெச.யாைம 261

அேற தவதி ).
*  D4 &%   : !  
.#M % U 
Real penance lies in enduring sufferings and not causing sufferings to others.

தவைடயா(() ஆ
அதைன 262
அஃதிலா ேமெகா வ0.
 (    !.
.  =2 >+ 9
Penance befits only those who do penance and it is a useless effort for others.

0ற"தா( 03+ரA ேவ&! மற"தாெகா 263

மைற யவக தவ
 % + 0*
! *A )Q 8.;
Family men refrain from penance in order to help those who have renounced life.

ஒனா ெதற=
உவ"தாைர ஆ(க=
எ&ணி தவதா வ)
 (! *A ).!
.4 9  9 4 %9 $ 9
Penance has the power to destroy the enemies and elevate the friends.

ேவ&!ய ேவ&!யா2 ெக.தலா ெச.தவ

ஈ&$ யல3 ப$
% 0 ).!!2 <4;  9 
.  12  (!
People should try to do hard penance to achieve what their hearts desire.
 §ÚdÏ\s 55  

தவHெச.வா த2க)மH ெச.வாம றலா 266

அவHெச.வா ஆைச*, ப,$.
X  &".- 0% 
.! $ :$; 12 -
a  0  
Penance-doers achieve their noble ideals while the greedy do only harmful deeds.

ெபாேபா ஒளிவி$
0பH 267
;ட:;ட ேநாகி பவ(.
X 9  D* 5#
 0# H
.<)! <3 $ 5#
a *  4 ; &%    2
As fire refines gold and makes it brighter, sufferings of penance make the ascetics


த9யி தாஅற3 ெபறாைன ஏைனய 268

ம9யி ெரலா" ெதா
 E' C4=# 
7 !  
Those who renounce ego and control the mind through penance are worshipped by

all living beings.

ேநாற> 269
ஆற தைல3ப, டவ(.
- D!.
a  , 
.: 9 &% D8 9 ).!
Whoever is strengthened with the power of penance can conquer even the god of


இலபல ராகிய காரண

ேநாபா 270
சிலபல ேநாலா தவ.
F,   7  ,  0E I
  - ;.  ( .
A few are rich and many are poor, for only a few do penance while many do not.
 §ÚdÏ\s 56  

28. "டா ஒ'க! - :!5 ; - Improper Conduct

வHச மனதா ப!ெறா(க
?த2க 271
அகேத ந
 ,# , ".
.6 #   &% ' : ! /
The five elements in the body will laugh at the pretensions of a man of improper


வா9ய ேதாற
தாஅறி ற3 ப!.
>$' K  3
.1 & <3  I  
A man's saintly postures are of no use if his mind is knowingly bent on evil thoughts.

வ>யி நிைலைமயா வ=)வ

+>யிேதா ேபா0ேம." த6.
C=# 1! *A.  $'
= 12 &%. 7  :! .
-  07
The saintly appearance of a man without inner strength is like a grazing cow clothed

in a tiger's skin.

தவமைற"0 அலைவ ெச.த +தமைற"0 274

ேவ,$வ +சிமி% த6.
*A ,  <! 3 :4! .I 
.(  12 <. ) .  07
A sinning man disguised in saintly dress is like a bird-hunter hiding behind a bush.

எபா ப!ெறா(க
எெறெற(6) 275
பலA" த)
:$;  / 9 <  &%  /  ; : !
.":2  1." =4I 2    1.B !2
Men who claim sainthood but practise evil bring only eternal misery upon

 §ÚdÏ\s 57  

ெநHசி 0றவா 0ற"தாேபா வHசி0 276

வா%வாாி வகணா இ.
 I 12 D   0  9!9
., 6 # < *A .
None is so cruel as the one who pretends to be an ascetic and deceives the world.

+ற2றி க&டைனய ேர9

அக2றி 277
J(கி காியா உைட0.
 07 *   12 
.) !  *'
There are people who appear shinning outwardly like the kunri berry but black

inwardly like its nose.

மனத0 மாசாக மா&டா நீரா! 278

மைற"ெதா மா"த பல.
*' (! I )  @ # ;  12 D+
.,  / (! - $ 12 58  $ &.
There are many people who like ascetics clean their body in holy water but hide their

evil mind.

கைணெகா!0 யா%ேகா$ ெசFவி0ஆ2 கன 279

விைனப$ பாலா ெகாள.
F>; &% 0   ) N % 3 ># &% 0 . 3 $! (-.!
.$) 0 *' $% ,- 3 0  
A straight arrow kills but a bent lute charms. Likewise, men must be judged only by

their deeds.

ேவ&டா உலக
பழித(0) ஒழி0 வி!.
, $ 1. :4! D . 
.%9  ٕ  3 $ F4# 9 ; C &  (  =2
There is no need to tonsure or grow long hair if one shuns evil deeds.
 §ÚdÏ\s 58  

29. களாைம - <3

 - Not Stealing

எளாைம ேவ&$வா எபா எைனெதா6

களாைம கா(கத ெநH;.
0  # 
.6 # b8 29   I '2
He who wants to avoid contempt should guard against the very thought of stealing.

உளதா உள=
தீேத பிறெபா)ைள( 282
களதா கேவ
F7 7 .I 12 .
.0)  #M 09 "* 12 . A  3 2
Even the thought of robbing others' wealth is a sin and so it must be eschewed.

களவினா ஆகிய ஆ(க

அளவிற"0 283
ஆவ0 ேபால( ெக$
< *'  A. b8 : 1. 0
.$  ! 0 * ! )-2 :! $.$ 
Stolen wealth seems to grow but actually it will result in limitless ruin.

களவிக& கறிய காத விைளவிக& 284

<யா விம
, 09 "* 12 )
./  0 /A# 7
Limitless desire to steal others' wealth will bring in endless suffering.

அ)க)தி அ+ைடய ராத ெபா)க)தி3 285

ெபா:சா3+3 பா3பாக& இ.
0)  $9 0B #M (+ 5 . 
.(  I 12  =2
Those who covet the unguarded wealth of others have no grace and love.
 §ÚdÏ\s 59  

அளவிக& நிெறாக ஆறா களவிக& 286

கறிய காத லவ.

 - 0 ?
.#M 09 D+ 12 )
Those who love stolen wealth will not stick to the righteous path.

காரறி வா&ைம அளெவ9
ஆற +ாி"தாக& இ.
A. . 12   9 9 
.(' (% # & ). =2
The basest deed of stealing is not found in men of profound righteousness.

அளவறி"தா ெநHச தற
ேபால நி
களவறி"தா ெநHசி கரA.
< ; . : <I   I  
.<I . : <;+  I  
Virtue lies in the thoughts of the virtuous and deceit lies in the hearts of thieves.

அளவல ெச.தா2ேக <வ களவல 289

மைறய ேதறா தவ.
b8 3  3 <4; 02 
.<! $ 7 D D. !2
Those who know nothing but stealing will perish by their own wicked deeds.

கவா( தN
உயிநிைல களா( 290
தளா0 +ேத Nள.
F!   0). C! 
.(  .. =2 C!  
Those who refrain from stealing gain heaven, whereas thieves lose their life.
 §ÚdÏ\s 60  

30. வா#ைம - : - Truthfulness

வா.ைம என3ப$வ(0) யாெதனி யாெதா6

தீைம இலாத ெசால.
: 0-!2 C  *  :B! 
 0-7 ; )#  / 0- *
Truth is nothing but speaking without the least degree of evil to others.

வா.ைம யிடத +ைரதீ"த 292
நைம பய(
C  D /.!
.;  <# < # Z.9 
Even a harmless lie can be considered as truth when it brings benevolent results.

தெநH சறிவ0 ெபா.யக ெபா.தபி 293

தெநHேச தைன: ;$
< . D  0- 3
 ; (=  D   I 
A man shall not utter falsehood deliberately as his conscience will torment him


உளதா ெபா.யா ெதாகி உலகதா 294

உள0 ெளலா
., DI 12 ba 
He who is free from falsehood dwells in the hearts of all good people.

மனெதா$ வா.ைம ெமாழியி தவெதா$ 295

தானHெச. வாாி தைல.
E  # 0- 12 D- C 
.0 C .
He who speaks the truth is superior to those doing penance and charity.
 §ÚdÏ\s 61  

ெபா.யாைம அன +கழிைல எ.யாைம 296

எலா அற" த)
0- 12 C    12 1; '%9
.; 3 @  $%B (-.!3 : @ 
Nothing can match truthfulness which brings in without effort every virtue along with


ெபா.யாைம ெபா.யாைம ஆறி அற

பிற 297
ெச.யாைம ெச.யாைம ந6.
<I   9  &
.<  :!  >+ &  9 N. 3
He who speaks the truth and nothing but the truth need not practise any other


+ற"8.ைம நீரா அைம*

அக"8.ைம 298
வா.ைமயா காண3 ப$
 0. ( #
.C  3 0. =2 (# 
$) 9
Water cleans the body. Likewise, truth enlightens the soul.

எலா விள(
விள(கல சாேறா(3 299
ெபா.யா விள(ேக விள(.
<   0 ,
.(--  * C   0
All lamps are not real lamps. To the great, the lamp of truth alone is the lamp.

யாெம.யா( க&டவ6 இைல எைனெதா6

வா.ைமயி நல பிற.
4;  12 9 
.C   0"29
Of all the good things in the world there is no virtue greater than truth.
 §ÚdÏ\s 62  

31. ெவ0ளாைம - =3

 - Restraining Anger

ெச>ட0( கா3பா சின2கா3பா அ>ட0( 301

கா(கிஎ காவா(கா எ.
<- '8 ' $2  I * '+ ' 
.'+  =2    
Anger against the weak is wrong but it is useless against the strong.

ெசலா இட0: சின"தீ0 ெச>ட0

இஅதனி தீய பிற.
 "+  "9 -2 /  3 < "+ /- &% D"+ 
.<  " ;9  /  < "+ " &% D"+ ٕ
Anger shown to the strong is bad and it is worse if it is shown to the weak.

மறத ெவளிைய யாமா,$

தீய 303
பிறத அதனா வ)
J D"8. 3
.:4! 9 D"8 Q2
A person must avoid anger towards all, for it brings him all evils.

சினதி 304
உளேவா பிற.
 "+   % 9
.D- ( $    (!.    
There is no greater enemy than anger which kills one's happiness and laughter.

தைனதா கா(கி சின2கா(க காவா(கா 305

தைனேய ெகா=H சின
 "+  .2 ! . 18.  
.% 1"- 3ٕ
A person must guard himself against anger or else it will lead him to self-destruction.
 §ÚdÏ\s 63  

ேச"தாைர( ெகா> இனெம9
ஏம3 +ைணைய: ;$
$ D!.  C.  D"8
.)# %   C. 0
Anger destroys not only one who gets angry but also one's relations who help them

in times of danger.

சினைத3 ெபா)ெள6 ெகா&டவ ேக$ 3307

நிலதைற"தா ைகபிைழயா த6.
D"8   J 9  -.  
.B.2 $ ?
K D" /   07
An angry man's ruin is as sure as the hand that strikes the ground getting injured.

இணஎாி ேதா.வன இனா ெசயி9

+ணாி ெவளாைம ந6.
  B 9 [ 
.:).!  D"8. 3 9 0"2 2
Though tortured like scorching fire, it is better to control one's anger.

உளிய எலா
உளதா 309
உளா ெவளி எனி.
'8  !  
! ;  - 9 ).!
A man will attain everything he wants if his mind is free from the thoughts of anger.

இற"தா இற"தா அைனய சினைத 310

0ற"தா 0ற"தா 0ைண.
: $2 D"8 .% 
. *A  ;. -2 '8 ' 
Those who lose temper are like the dead and those who renounce anger are like

 §ÚdÏ\s 64  

32. இ
னா ெச#யாைம - %; 
 - Not Doing Harm
பிற(இனா 311
ெச.யாைம மாசறா ேகா.
< 9 " 3  1-. 1- 
.? 12 (  (  : 
The law of the pure is never to hurt others even if it brings wealth that achieves fame.

க60இனா ெச.தவ( க&Q

ம6தினா 312
ெச.யாைம மாசறா ேகா.
9  -. 3 *) 0 
.>[ > ! 
It is the code of the pure-hearted never to hurt others even when they do them harm

in anger.

ெச.யாம ெசறா(
இனாத ெச.தபி 313
உ.யா விம" த)

X >[  U[ 

*  D4 
H $4 . ٕ
Even vengeance against planned evil-doers brings endless miseries inevitably.

இனாெச. தாைர ஒ6த அவநாண 314

நனயH ெச.0 விட.
9  !9  D-%
..4! &! 7 2  &.!  ! 9
The best way of punishing the evil-doers is to forget their harmful deeds and do good

to them.

அறிவினா ஆவ 0&ேடா பிறிதிேநா. 315

த"ேநா.ேபா ேபாறா( கைட.
H   2
 4 8 D4 b  
A man's knowledge is of no use if he does not regard the sufferings of others as his

 §ÚdÏ\s 65  

இனா எனதா உண"தைவ 0னாைம 316

பிறக& ெசய

" % 
.>+ & $- =2
What is considered by one as harmful should not be done to others.

மாணாெச. யாைம தைல
 0 12   % U 69 0  C# 0"29
. - : 
To refrain from hurting anyone wilfully in any manner at any time even in thought is

the chief virtue.

த9யி( இனாைம தானறிவா எெகாேலா 318

ம9யி( இனா ெசய
>"  % 
>+ " 2
A man should never harm others when he himself knows the sufferings of evils.

பிற(கினா பக ெச.யி தம(இனா 319

பிபக தாேம வ)
<  9 & !9 
. !
< $!
!  . !2
If a man inflicts pain upon others, sorrows will afflict him quickly.

ேநா.ெச.தா ேமலவா
ேநா.ெச.யா 320
ேநாயிைம ேவ&$ பவ.
F*+ "  )! " 0
.>+ " =2 ". 9   2
Those who want to be free from sufferings will not do wrong since all wrongs recoil

on wrong-doers.
 §ÚdÏ\s 66  

33. ெகாலாைம - 
 - Non-Killing

அறவிைன யாெதனி ெகாலாைம ேகாற 321

பிறவிைன எலா" த)
F0.-  %  2   *  :B! 
.; 69 0   0.-
Non-killing of creatures is a virtuous act. All sinful deeds arise out of killing.

ப0&$ ப=யி ஓ
+த Wேலா 322
ெதாதவ6 எலா" தைல.
, C*A . ) 12 8 ;
.$ . 12 DE. 9  C=# ,9 *
Sharing one's food with others for protecting all lives is the chief virtue, according to


ஒறாக நல0 ெகாலாைம மறத 323

பிசார3 ெபா.யாைம ந6.

2 (; , C*A  %
.( . 12 >. D  %
Non-killing is the supreme of all the virtues and nonlying is next to it.

நலா(6) என3ப$வ(0) யாெதனி யாெதா6

ெகாலாைம R
C# @ / * /! C)
., /9 C*A . &%
Non-killing of any creature is considered to be the virtuous way of life.

நிைலஅHசி நீதா) எலா

ெகாைலஅHசி( 325
ெகாலாைம R%வா தைல.

#M     12  *A   
.$"29 * ." <2% 0.- . a K
One who refrains from killing is greater than those who have renounced the world

fearing life.
 §ÚdÏ\s 67  

ெகாலாைம ேமெகா& ெடாவா வா%நாேம 326

ெசலா(0) உயி)&Q2 B6.

 58 / :
.0.- 3 9 $%  & C). 3
Even the god of death won't take away the life of one who refrains from killing other


த9யி நீ3பி9
ெச.யக தாபிறி0 327
இ9யி நீ(
< 9 0.-. 3
.:a.HI  &.
One must certainly refrain from killing even if one's dear life is in peril.

சாேறா(( 328
ஆ(க2 கைட.
(  D!  0.- &). 3 0I
.<2 > A < 7 <3  D!  ٕ
The wise despise the disgraceful act of killing, however great its gains may be.

ெகாைலவிைனய ராகிய மா(க +ைலவிைனய 329

+ைம ெதாிவா ரக0.
F 1 0.- 0 
.0.- :" 2  =- 0I *
Those who live by killing are considered by the wise as men of mean deeds.

பி நீ(கியா எப ெசயிஉட
பி 330
ெசலாதீ வா%(ைக யவ.
(I $.#9 ? .    0I
.!   Y % X H   *
Those who once led their life by killing will live in poverty with dreadful diseases.
 §ÚdÏ\s 68  

34. நிைலயாைம -

 - Impermanence

நிலாத வைற நிைலயின எ6ண)

+லறி வா&ைம கைட.
0A  (R (  -2 
.   (R
It is utterly foolish and deplorable to mistake impermanence for permanence.

Bதா,($) அைவ(ழா தேற ெப)Hெசவ

அ0விளி" த6.
K &7 (! , 0#  04) 0 0#
.:$.   A $ , N# 2
The rise and fall of fortune is like the gathering and dispersing of the crowd in a


அகா இயபி6: ெசவ

அ0ெபறா 333
அப ஆ2ேக ெசய.
F  3 0
a _!2   12 I Q2
.0%    2 )
Wealth is impermanent. So one has to use it at once on charitable deeds of lasting


நாெளன ஒ6ேபா கா,! உயிஈ)

வாள(0) உணவா3 ெபறி.

 B; 12 0B. 
.<  < 
 )- !  B %
The wise consider a day as a sword that cuts down the life of a man.

நா:ெச6 வி(ேம வாரா நவிைன 335

ேமெச6 ெச.ய3 ப$
! 0; C #B 9 0 I 
.   I
One must do noble deeds without delay, for death may come anytime.
 §ÚdÏ\s 69  

ெந)ந உளெனா)வ இறிைல எ9

ெப)ைம உைட திFAல.
F   , < 
.   * 
Yesterday he was alive but today he is no more. This impermanence is the strange

way of the world.

வா%வ(0) அறியா க)0ப 337
அல பல.
(' &. 0* , / . 3
0 -.! 79 9 1;  ))#. 2
Men are not sure of the next moment in their life. Yet they think of millions of future


ைப தனி(0)ஒழிய3 +பற" தேற 338
ேபா($) உயிாிைட ந,+.
!  Y (
.* * 1. (!- ("  f ( 07
The soul quits the body any day like a bird coming out of the egg-shell.

உற2 வ0ேபா=H சா(கா($) உற2கி 339

விழி3ப0 ேபா=
$! 12 C+ 1* (
.>  ('- 1*

Death is like falling asleep. But birth is like waking up from sleep.

+(கி அைம"தி6 ெகாேலா உட

பி9 340
0:சி இ)"த உயி(.
!!. / 9 ! Y ,9
!< !  ( 12 !. 2
The soul has no permanent home of its own. It has taken only a temporary shelter in

the body.
 §ÚdÏ\s 70  

35. ற -  - Renunciation

யாதனி யாதனி நீ2கியா ேநாத 341

அதனி அதனி இல.
2  *A 
. ". =2
A man is free from all sufferings when he abstains from all desires.

ேவ&!உ& டாக 0ற(க 0ற"தபி 342

ஈ&$இய பால பல.
F.B.  $2 *A2   D4  1 3 9 9 
.$ .. $2 *A Q2
If you want real happiness, renounce all your possessions. Then you will gain great


ஐ"த +லைத விடேவ&$
ேவ&!ய ெவலா
,# ! A*
.< $.;. 2 *A
We must give up totally all our desires to control our five senses.

ேநாபிெகா(6) இைம உைடைம 344
F  12 D+ 3 9 *A ( )
.$2 I $ 1; /9 12 D+ ٕ
Renouncing everything is true penance. Possession of anything leads to delusion.

ெதாட3பா($) எவெகா பிற3ப6(க 345
உறா(() உட
U#9 3-79 :  @  #  0 
% 0-79 > ! 0-7
Even the body is a burden to those seeking no rebirths, so there should not be any

worldly bonds.
 §ÚdÏ\s 71  

யாஎன(0) எ9
ெச)(()அ63பா வாேனா( 346
உய"த உலக
K * 
K !  
. ! 0*9  - 3 <% 0#
Those who curb the pride of 'I' and 'mine' enter the heavenly world inaccessible even

to gods.

பறி விடாஅ இ$
ைபக பறிைன3 347
பறி விடாஅ தவ(.
: + @ ;. /  &;8. A
.* $ 
Sorrows and sufferings will grip those who hold on to the worldly attachments.

தைல3ப,டா தீர 0ற"தா மய2கி 348

வைல3ப,டா மைற யவ.
<.   . 
.=$ ( ; 12 I >+
Only those who renounce everything attain bliss; others are caught in the net of


பறற க&ேண பிற3ப6(

ம6 349
நிைலயாைம காண3 ப$
@  D4 )I -2   C4=% )I 
#M 12 3   12  I =2  )-  ٕ
Renunication stops rebirth. Attachment brings death and birth again and again.

ப6க பறறா பறிைன அ3பைற3 350

ப6க ப6 விட.
^ H D)
$; 3  D
., :$;  D. . D  D)
Those attached to God, who is free from all ties, will be free from all earthly

 §ÚdÏ\s 72  

36. ெம#(ணத -    1 * - Realizing the Truth

ெபா)ளல வைற3 ெபா)ெள(6) உண)

மாணா3 பிற3+.
H(-- 1* (-- + 9 ' 
.<!4 < 4 @ 
Ignorance which takes unreality for reality results in worthless birth and sufferings.

இ)நீ2கி இப
ம)நீ2கி 352
மாச6 கா,சி யவ(.
0$  ='  
H (-- > . ("
.> % 
H 7 % :' 0A  2
Darkness of grief departs and bliss comes to those with pure vision and clear mind.

ஐயதி நீ2கி ெதளி"தா( ைவயதி 353

நணிய 0ைட0.
  =' &E  - >2 J". 
.  CA9  # 1* 1. (  CA!
Heaven is nearer than the earth to those who are free from doubts and have a clear


ஐ*ணA எ.திய( க&Q

பயமிேற 354
ெம.*ணA இலா தவ(.
,# , % 0 E 
.C4-  ;.   . =2
Controlling five senses is useless if we do not realize the profound inner truth.

எ3ெபா) எதைம தாயி9

அ3ெபா) 355
ெம.3ெபா) கா&ப(0) அறிA.
1;   $
.2 (-- (R (2
True mark of wisdom is to find the profound truth of varied things.
 §ÚdÏ\s 73  

கறீ&$ ெம.3ெபா) க&டா தைல3ப$வ 356

மறீ&$ வாரா ெநறி.
C4- % . 18   . 
.> &   3 .  B. =2
If one understands the truth here on the earth, one will find no rebirth.

உள(0) உணாி ஒ)தைலயா3 357
ேப0ள ேவ&டா பிற3+.
 . C4-  % 
.@  &% A =2
There is no fear of rebirth if a person has analysed and found out the truth firmly.

ேபைதைம நீ2க: சிற3ெப9
ெபா) கா&ப(0) அறிA.
@  ! D ! * / 0$  (A 1* (
  *A D ! 1* 1. (--  ٕ
Wisdom is realization of the truth which removes the folly of rebirth.

சா+ண"0 சா+ ெகடஒகி மறழி0: 359

சாதரா சாத) ேநா..
  12 *A C4=#  . /  b% 
a g 
.:   D
Those who seek the truth by severing attachments will be free from woes.

ெவளி மய(க
இைவJற 360
0; 1"-.
.* D"8
$; &% : X HI 
a K "
All pains and sorrows will disappear if lust, anger and confusion are given up.
 §ÚdÏ\s 74  

37. அவா அத - , >- 1 - Curbing Desires

அவாஎப எலா உயி(

எH ஞா6
தவாஅ3 பிற3L9
@  ! D !.
 1* , :$;
.A 0 12 C# 0
Craving is the cause of endless births to all living beings at all times.

ேவ&$2கா ேவ&$
பிறவாைம மற0 362
ேவ&டாைம ேவ&ட வ)
@  ! .2
K <.  
.:$; .  3   &!. 3
If one has any desire, it should be only for freedom from births. It is achieved by

renouncing desires.

ேவ&டாைம அன வி:ெசவ

ஈ&!ைல 363
அஃ ெதா3ப0 இ.
1; :$; . 0  3
. ! 12 3 ? 12
There is no greater wealth either in this world or in heaven than the wealth of


8உ.ைம எப0 அவாவிைம மற0 364

வாஅ.ைம ேவ&ட வ)
:$; J  * $)
.C4- %  3 $) !. 3
Purity of mind is freedom from yearning and it comes while seeking the truth.

அறவ எபா அவாஅறா மைறயா 365

அறாக அற(0) இல.
:$; 0 J   *A
.$2 I :$; & 0  >+
Only those who totally give up desires enjoy freedom from all desires.
 §ÚdÏ\s 75  

அH;வ ேதா)
அறேன ஒ)வைன 366
வHசி3ப ேதா)
:$; 12 6I (2# 1* (-.!3
.(% # () :$;
Fearing the bond of desires is a great virtue as desires have the power to deceive.

அவாவிைன ஆற அ63பி தவாவிைன 367

தாேவ&$ மாறா வ)
.$; J  
. ;     -2
If a man destroys all his desires completely, he will easily achieve noble deeds.

அவாஇலா( கிலா" 0ப

அஃ 0&ேட 368
தவாஅ0 ேமேம வ)
F, U*  .    &.  3
.<  =  % D
H -2 U* 
There are no sufferings for those without desires. There is endless grief for those

having desires.

இைடயறா தீ&$
0ப0 0ப2 ெக!.
:  9 1* 1. , U* :. 
.? 12
! 0.!2
There is an eternal flow of happiness when desire, the evil of evils, leaves.

ஆரா இயைக அவாநீ3பி அ"நிைலேய 370

ேபரா இயைக த)
 ;. 3 1. U$ % ! &$ 
.0A. 3 1.
E -2
If a person leaves out desires that can never be fulfilled, he will gain eternal joys.
 §ÚdÏ\s 76  

38. ஊ -   = - Fate

ஆBழா ேதா6
அைசவிைம ைக3ெபா) 371
ேபாBழா ேதா6
' ! N.  0!  %
.' ! N.  0!
Fate of wealth brings tireless efforts and fate of loss brings laziness.

ேபைத3 ப$(
இழV% அறிவக6
ஆகX% உற( கைட.
 + ( 0  ' !
.7. ( 0  ' !
Evil fate makes us fools and benevolent fate makes us all wise.

O&ணிய Wபல கபி9

ம6"த 373
உ&ைம யறிேவ மி
(' D. (!   h $
.0-   DX.H  3 A =2
However deep a person's learning be, only his native wisdom will prevail.

இ)ேவ(6) உலக(0) இயைக தி)ேவ6 374

ெதளிய ராத=
: - D !  ". !I & !-. $. )   
. =- #M 7T !I
Wealth and wisdom mark the two different natures of worldly life due to fate.

நலைவ எலாஅ" தீயவா

 - D ! 0;   I 0 D!  1!
. ! <  0; D- <9
In making wealth, it is possible that fate turns all good things into evil and all

evilthings into good.

 §ÚdÏ\s 77  

பாலல உ.0: 376
ேபாகா தம.
.! :2 $  &-  =2   -
..! 12 :*!.  I =2  I
Things not ordained to a man are not his. Things ordained to him, even when

drained, are not lost.

வதா வத வைகயலா ேகா! 377

0.த அாி0.
$ 1; .. =2 =  
. DX.H  3
Though men amass wealth, they can enjoy it only as destined by fate.

0ற3பாம 03+ர விலா உறபால 378

ஊ,டா கழி* ெமனி.
< *A J 
a  $-.! 1. D4  .
.0 & < . < -2  
The poor will renounce all desires if fate does not trouble them.

நறா2கா நலவா( கா&பவ அறா2கா 379

அல ப$வ ெதவ.
.<  ; <A A " . 9 ٕ <  ; <2 Y2 !  : 9 
. - D ! 02 A * 2
When men consider good fortune as gain, they should not feel disturbed when they

are troubled.

ஊழி ெப)வ> யாAள மெறா6 380

Rழி9" தா" 06
F -  UI9 1; * 0*
#[ Z2  4 2 Z2   : * 
Destiny is the greatest power which will overcome all human efforts.


இரடா பதி

Part II

ெபா பா

 §ÚdÏ\s 80  

39. இைறமாசி - 

  - Regal Dignity
பைட அைம
ந பர ஆ 381

உைடயா அரச ஏ.


An ideal king shall possess army, people, wealth, council of ministers, friends and
அசாைம ஈைக அறிக இ"நா 382

எசாைம ேவ"த' கிய().

.  "# $%  
Courage, charity, wisdom and zeal are the four good qualities of a king.
*+காைம க(வி ,ணி.ைடைம இ/ 383

நீ+கா நிலனா பவ'.

,- +  ()* +!
.     / "# $% 010 &'%
A king should always have the three virtues, namely, vigilance, learnign and bravery.
அறனி3கா த(லைவ நீகி மறனி3கா 384

மான உைடய தர .
 2*/ ! 34 / 5  %  
A noble king avoids vices; he is a man of virtue, boldness and dignity.
இய5ற6 ஈ ட6+ கா8த6 கா8த 385

வ8த6 வ(ல தர .
7 4 !      4*
.82    9  
 &'% 5)* 
Acquiring, storing, protecting and distributing wealth are the duties of an able king.
 §ÚdÏ\s 81  

கா சி ெகளிய க;ெசா(ல அ(லேன( 386

மீ மன நில.

. 4  2 :  ';
The world praises a king who is accessible to his subjects and free from harsh words.

இெசாலா( ஈ8தளிக வ(லா'8 தெசாலா( 387

தாக டைன8தி< .ல.

+%  3  2 < =4 >! :#4- ';  
.:? ! >40- 29
The world praises and obeys the king who is soft-spoken and generous in giving.

=ைறெச>, கா?பா5 மனவ மக () 388

இைறெய ைவக? ப;.

:? , @ A .  
.+ 4! '
@ + 4 ! ';
If a king administers justice and protects his subjects, he will be regarded as god.

ெசா5ெபா ப)ைட ேவ"த 389

கவிைககீ8 த+ உல.

    $9 =4 B*
.C'(  =4 +1 >!  C'
If a king bears with bitter criticisms, the world will prosper under his reign.

ெச+ேகா( ேயாப( நா

ெகாைடயளி 390

உைடயானா ேவ"த' ெகாளி.

:? 4    + 
.   =   9  
 &'  8#*  
A king is regarded as a light to other kings, when he is benevolent, gracious, just and
 §ÚdÏ\s 82  

40. க
வி -  - Learning
க5க கசடற க5பைவ க5றபி 391

நி5க அத58 தக.

6     ** >* <94 +  ) $9   '
.  !9 *  * ';
One should learn thoroughly what is worth learning and then act in accordance with it.
எெணப ஏைன எ38ெதப இ<விர; 392

கெணப வா3 உயி'.

 3 ; :
.4E 4!  %
Science and arts are considered to be the two eyes of human beings.
க@ைடய' எபவ' க5ேறா' =க8திர; 393

)@ைடய' க(லா தவ'.

22 4!  C' % +  ?-
. $9   C'  9   ?-  -
The educated are considered to have real eyes but the illiterates have only two sores
on their faces.
உவ?ப8 தைல உள? பிாித( 394

அைன8ேத )லவ' ெதாழி(.

:*9/ 4! 4.   F#. +  '
."'%   2  %" ::*#  >4 * >*
It is very common for the learned people to meet with joy and part with the fond hope
of meeting again.
உைடயா'= இ(லா'ேபா( ஏக5+ க5றா' 395

கைடயேர க(லா தவ'.

$4H >; 3#* 1

8 ' 32 2# -   +  C' >; 3#* %
.+ * +  >4
 + *  I9
Those who learn by humbling themselves like the poor before the rich are great.
Others are very low.
 §ÚdÏ\s 83  

ெதா டைன8 * மண5ேகணி மா"த' 396

க5றைன8 * அறி..

 2 !  >! 
8 BI4* J
. !  >!    <4*   '
The deeper we dig the well, the more water we get. The more we learn, the more
wisdom we acquire.

யாதாB நாடாமா( ஊராமா( எெனாவ 397

சா",ைணD+ க(லாத வா.

K*9 >; 81% >2 -   L 3
.* ,  +   4 4 9
The learned man makes all lands and towns his own. So, one should learn well till
one's death.

ஒைமக தாக5ற க(வி ஒவ5 398

எ3ைமD ஏமா? )ைட8,.

* $9   * C' + 
. 2   - $9 &4 $9  #4
The learning acquired in one birth helps a man in all his seven births.

தாமி )வ(,) உலகி )றக; 399

கா=வ' க5றறி" தா'.

   =4 ,#* +   M- ';
.0- +  *  *  N *
Learned men want to learn more, when they find deeper learning delights others.

ேக( வி3
ெச(வ க(வி ெயாவ5 400

மாட(ல ம5ைற யைவ.

+  % $22 >4H
.' =9 &  
Learning is supreme and everlasting wealth. No other wealth is real wealth.
 §ÚdÏ\s 84  

41. க
லாைம -  - Illiteracy

அர+கிறி வ டா ய5ேற நிரபிய 401

FGறி ேகா  ெகாள(.

+   +  =  M* 
.*  O .* + C' N4)    
Addressing the learned without extensive study is like playing dice without a board.
க(லாதா ெசா5கா =த( =ைலயிர; 402

இ(லாதா ெபகா=5 ற5.

+  = $9 )?  C' $
.0 1 04
 * $* ,-  0 
The unlearned man's desire for public speaking is like a breast less woman's longing
for sex.
க(லா தவ நனிந(ல' க5றா'= 403

ெசா(லா திக? ெபறி.


.  +   "4- ';
Even the unlearned are deemed wise if they keep quiet before the learned.
க(லாதா ஒ ப கழியந றாயிB 404

ெகாளா' அறி.ைட யா'.

% M  B 
.$  =  9 +  $- 4! 
The wise will not accept even the occasional flash of intelligence of an illiterate.
க(லா ஒவ தைகைம தைல?ெப>, 405

ேசா'. ப;.
.+  C' >2  %
8 !; %'
The pride of an illiterate gets exposed when he interacts with the learned.
 §ÚdÏ\s 85  

உளெரB மா8திைரய' அ(லா( பயவா 406

களரைனய' க(லா தவ'.

. 4 #* /
The unlettered are as useless as the wasteland and they simply exist.

Hமா Hைழ)ல இ(லா எழி(நல 407

மமா )ைனபாைவ ய5.

62  $9 L4  Q    +   
The beauty of an illiterate without a keen mind is like the beauty of a doll made of clay.
ந(லா'க ப ட வைமயி இனாேத 408

க(லா'க ப ட தி.
 ,I 2#
.% 4 I- >4H
The wealth of the unlearned is more harmful than the poverty of the learned.

ேம5பிற"தா ராயிB க(லாதா' கீ?பிற", 409

க5றா' அைன8தில' பா;.

  $?-  I9- 4 )4    +  '
. 4 :!   
Though the unlearned are high-born, they are not so great as the learned who are

வில+ெகா; மக அைனய' இல+F( 410

க5றாேரா(;) ஏைன யவ'.

+  %  :#
.+ 4
There is much difference between the learned and the ignorant as between mankind
and animals.
 §ÚdÏ\s 86  

42. ேகவி - 
 - Listening
ெச(வ8, ெச(வ ெசவி
ெச(வ அ
ெச(வ 411

ெச(வ8, ெள(லா" தைல.

 >R- % '
Wealth acquired by listening is the wealth of wealth and it is the greatest of all wealth.
ெசவிண வி(லாத ேபா, சிறி, 412

வயி5 ஈய? ப;.

 >; *.
.+  5 *    L#* ';
When there is no food for the ear, some food will be given to the stomach.
ெசவிDணவி5 ேகவி Dைடயா' அவிDணவி 413

ஆறாேரா ெடா?ப' நில8,.

 4'S  4* +  >; < * 
.  %- 0  
Men who find listening as food for their ears are like gods served with sacred
க5றில னாயிB+ ேக க அ,வவ5() 414

ஒ5க8தி ஊ5றா" ,ைண.

+  >; $
 < *
 4!  #4 @!
Even the unlearned man should listen to the learned. It will serve as a support in
times of need.
இ3க( உைடDழி ஊ5ேகா( அ5ேற 415

ஒ3க =ைடயா'வா>
.:/4/  9?       
The advice of the righteous is like a stick that helps one on a marshy ground.
 §ÚdÏ\s 87  

எைன8தாB ந(லைவ ேக க அைன8தாB 416

ஆற ெபைம த.

8    ? >;   < *
.4T $  4U9
One should listen to good words, however brief. Even those few words will bring
greater dignity.

பிைழ8,ண'", ேபைதைம ெசா(லா ாிைழ8,ண'" 417

தீய ேகவி யவ'.

; 4'- >H- +  * $9   
.844  +1 $9 $ 19
Even if scholars do not grasp correctly, they will not speak foolishly.

ேக பிB+ ேகளா8 தைகயேவ ேகவியா( 418

ேதா க? படாத ெசவி.

+  9 8 ! 4'- V  + 
The ears, not in the habit of listening to good things, are considered deaf, though
they can hear sounds.

Hண+கிய ேகவிய ர(லா' வண+கிய 419

வாயின ராத( அாி,.

W >; <*  + 
.+1 $9  I* 29
Humility in speech cannot be attained by men who never listen to the discourse of
the wise.
ெசவியி5 ைவDணரா வாDண'வி மாக 420

அவியிB வாழிB எ.

<  '* + +# '* 
! *  *9
It does not matter if the men whose taste is in their tongues and not ears, live or die.
 §ÚdÏ\s 88  

43. அறிைடைம -  - Wisdom

அறிவ5ற+ கா+ கவி ெசவா' 421

உளழிக லாகா அர.

Wisdom is a weapon to guard against destruction; it is a fort which no enemy can
ெசற இட8தா( ெசலவிடா தீெதாாீஇ 422

நறிபா( உ>?ப தறி..

M  ! =#4 $ 4 + 
.  >; C  $H
Wisdom curbs the wandering mind and directs it from evil to good.
எ?ெபா யா'யா'வா> ேக பிB அ?ெபா 423

ெம>?ெபா காப தறி..

To perceive the truth is wisdom, whatever be the matter and whosoever utters it.
எெபாள வாக
ெசா(G8 தாபிற'வா> 424

Hெபா காப தறி..

+1 $9 FIE  
.?Y +1 :J ٕ
To speak clearly to impress all and draw subtle truths from others' utterances is wisdom.
உலக தழீஇய ெதா ப மல'த6 425

ப6 இ(ல தறி..

+ * >! "0     
.(+ #?   )ٕ +  -   Q; ")
Befriending the great and keeping their friendship stable and steady is worldly wisdom.
 §ÚdÏ\s 89  

எ<வ ,ைறவ(,) உலக உலக8ேதா(;) 426

அ<வ ,ைறவ தறி..

.  < $  *
To live in harmony with the fast changing world is true wisdom.
அறி.ைடயா' ஆவ தறிவா' அறிவிலா' 427

அஃதறி க(லா தவ'.

 ' =#* +

.' = %
The wise foresee what is going to happen but the unwise lack knowledge to predict
அ வ தசாைம ேபைதைம அ வ, 428

அச( அறிவா' ெதாழி(.

  +  '9 4   - :* 
.  / %
It is foolish not to fear what is to be feared; it is wise to fear what is to be feared.
எதிரதா கா அறிவினா' கி(ைல 429

அதிர வவேதா' ேநா>.

1 <9  * +  '

." &!W7.* 19
There is no terrifying shock to the wise who have the foresight to guard themselves
against the coming evil.
அறி.ைடயா' எ(லா =ைடயா' அறிவிலா' 430

எBைடய ேரB இல'.

6$  $*- 29   $*- 
.    $ "( +9   "( +  
The wise possess everything but the unwise possess nothing even if they have
 §ÚdÏ\s 90  

44. ற கத

-    - Avoiding Faults
ெச சின= சிைமD இ(லா' 431

ெபக ெபமித நீ'8,.

M  IH  ! >?* 
.%* *0 +Q *9
The wealth of those who are free from arrogance, anger and petty-mindedness is
really great.
இவற6 மாபிற"த மான= மாணா 432

உவைகD ஏத இைற.

 =#4 !E B 
.+2  $9 !
Stinginess, low pride and excessive pleasures are the pitfalls of rulers.
திைன8,ைணயா+ 5ற வாிB பைன8,ைணயா 433

ெகாவ' பழிநா@ வா'.

,' 20 4'  ' & 
.4* 44 0
Men who fear blame will consider even their small fault as a great blunder.
5றேம காக ெபாளாக 5றேம 434

அ5ற" தIஉ பைக.

4' 4*
.*9 !  4U9
As a precaution, one should be free from any grave fault which is the enemy leading
to ruin.
வ=ன' காவாதா வாைக எாி=ன' 435

ைவ8* ேபால ெக;.

7  1 <9  * + 
.9 4 " *4 '; 2 :4  
A life that is not guarded against future faults is like a heap of straw before fire.
 §ÚdÏ\s 91  

த5ற நீகி? பிற'5ற+ காகி5பி 436

எ5ற மா இைற.

!    >2 %
K&R ! >; * +0 #4 ! B- ';
No fault will remain with the king who first corrects his own faults and then sees
other's faults.

ெசய5பால ெச>யா திவறியா ெச(வ 437

உய5பால தறி ெக;.

2 ( + C' B  
.8  <I
The wealth of the miser who leaves unfinished what is to be finished, will come to

ப5ள எB இவறைம எ5J 438

எண? ப;வெதா ற.

 +0S B   $9 < ) C' 2
.M?- +0S  2**
The gripping greed of a miser is a unique flaw; it is worse than all other offences.

வியவ5க எஞா தைன நயவ5க 439

நறி பயவா விைன.

8  #4 * /
. #4 /   * - * /
One should neither revel in self-boasting nor desire for empty deeds.

காதல காத( அறியாைம உ>கி5பி 440

ஏதில ஏதிலா' F(.

M   - 
.&I J!- ))? &I* 19
If a person plans and acts on his desires secretly, the evil designs of his enemies will fail.
 §ÚdÏ\s 92  

45. ெபாியாைர ைண ேகாட

! !" - Seeking The Help of the Great
அறனறி", /8த அறி.ைடயா' ேகைம 441

திறனறி", ேத'", ெகாள(.

  ' $H4
.  %  ! ]
One should analyze the value of men of virtue and wisdom, and gain their friendship.
உ5றேநா> நீகி உறாஅைம =5கா 442

ெப5றியா'? ேபணி ெகாள(.

:^  4! 44  '   '?*
.    4! 4'
One should seek the friendship of those who will remove present ills and protect from
future evils.
அாியவ5 ெள(லா அாிேத ெபாியாைர? 443

ேபணி8 தமரா ெகாள(.

    >!  4 4-
.I  '
To have great men as our relatives is the rarest of all rare blessings in the world.
தமி5 ெபாியா' தமரா ஒ3த( 444

வைமD ெள(லா" தைல.

_, 812! 4 I9- %  
."2 M- 
Cultivating intimate relationship with the worthy and following their noble ideals is the
greatest strength.
Lவா'க ணாக ஒ3கலா மனவ 445

L", ெகாள(.
6  !
 4 $9    
.+ *  +  *  +%*?
As ministers are a king's eyes, they should be selected with great care and wisdom.
 §ÚdÏ\s 93  

தகா ாின8தனா>8 தாெனா3க வ(லாைன


ெச5றா' ெசயகிட"த தி(.

> 4 C- - * '?* 
 , &I* 19
One who has worthy men as guides and does right deeds need not fear the enemies.

இ" ,ைணயாைர யாவாைர யாேர 447

ெக;" தைகைம யவ'.

K`?  & * &     C'
No enemy can destroy a man who has friends to censure him when he errs.

இ?பாைர இ(லாத ஏமரா மன 448

ெக;?பா ாிலாB+ ெக;.

A A% ,   `?    + ';  
. ?  . + ٕ
The king without men to rebuke and guard him will perish even without enemies to
destroy him.

=தGலா' ஊதிய மி(ைல மதைலயா 449

சா'பிலா' கி(ைல நிைல.

  =-  B /
     / '9
There is no gain without capital in a trade and there is no stability without proper

ப(லா' பைகெகாளG5 ப8த;8த தீைம8ேத 450

ந(லா' ெதாட'ைக விட(.

    ! 3 
.3 I- A, ! !
 ,! ,  I-
To abandon good friends is far worse than facing a great number of enemies.
 §ÚdÏ\s 94  

46. சிறின ேசராைம - #

$ % & - Avoiding Mean Company
சி5றின அ  ெபைம சிைமதா 451

L", வி;.
,4  #4* +
. ! #*  +J
The noble fear the friendship of the ignoble; only mean men regard the ignoble as
நில8திய(பா( நீ'திாி" த5றா மா"த'() 452

இன8திய(ப தா அறி..

&  *  
.42  *   '9
Water changes according to the soil; similarly men's nature changes according to
their friendship.
மன8தானா மா"த' ண'
சி இன8தானா 453

இனா என?ப; ெசா(.

! '%  - W a .  4 )! 2 
.  -  :+ 2 
Man's wisdom depends upon the mind and his character depends upon his company.
மன8, ள,ேபால கா  ஒவ5 454

இன8,ள தா அறி..

2  b*4   - 
.  b*4 $% 
Man's wisdom appears to reside in his mind; but it really emerges from the company
of his friends.
மன"*>ைம ெச>விைன *>ைம இர; 455

இன"*>ைம *வா வ.

 B* 2 #
. F1 
Purity of thought and deed develops according to the pure conduct of one's friends.
 §ÚdÏ\s 95  

மன"*யா' ெக
சந றா இன"*யா'() 456

இ(ைலந றாகா விைன.

 $    2 '
!$  #    A >  /
The pure-minded bring forth good progeny as pure friendship brings forth good

மனநல மBயி' காக இனநல 457

எ(லா? )க3 த.

  )* 2  
Purity of mind brings wealth to souls; the company of good friends brings them glory.

மனநல நைடய ராயிB சாேறா'() 458

இனநல ஏமா? )ைட8,.

2  B B  ;
  8, * *9
Though good in mind, the wise find a tower of strength in good company.

மனநல8தி ஆ மைமம5 றஃ, 459

இனநல8தி ஏமா? )ைட8,.

  * 2  F1
.  84 %*
A mind without a blemish leads to heavenly bliss; pure friendship adds strength to it.

ந(Gன8தி N+" ,ைணயி(ைல தீயின8தி 460

அ(ல5 ப;?ப*உ இ(.

.  !
There is no better help than good friendship and no greater misery than bad
 §ÚdÏ\s 96  

47. ெதாி ெசய

'( & $! )! 
 - Action with deliberation
அழிவ*உ ஆவ*உ ஆகி வழிபய 461

ஊதிய= L", ெசய(.

*9   =- c  $  +2* - 
W +0  94 
.+7 -
One should first weigh the investment, expenditure and income, and then proceed.
ெதாி"த இன8ெதா; ேத'"ெதணி
ெச>வா'() 462

அெபா யாெதா இ(.

9 ?
 #)   * +0 $ $9 * 
 - <)*
One should consult chosen friends, deliberate with the wise and act; then nothing
becomes difficult.
ஆக கதி =தGழ ெச>விைன 463

ஊகா' அறி.ைட யா'.

  =- % %' ,* >;   /  
.$2*    $9 8 )
Wise men in quest of gain will not do anything that would ruin the capital itself.
ெதளிவிலதைன8 ெதாட+கா' இளிெவB 464

ஏத?பா(;) அ பவ'.
.=*  - $9 R* 9
Those who fear committing shameful errors will not begin any work not clear to them.
Lழா ெத3த( பைகவைர? 465

பா8தி? ப;?பேதா ரா.

* #4  *I $9 Q4 H 
.   A,   =H
Fighting against enemies without proper planning will only strengthen the enemy.
 §ÚdÏ\s 97  

ெச>தக அ(ல ெசயெக; ெச>தக 466

ெச>யாைம யாB+ ெக;.

 # - !  +   9  %
. # - !    # +  %
Doing unfit things leads to ruin. Not doing fit things also results in ruin.

எணி8 ,ணிக கம ,ணி"தபி 467

எ@வ எப(,) இ3.

69 ? +0 8/-  - $9 @ #*
.$R  9 "    9 9- 3" :9 5       -
It is good to think first and then act; it is wrong to act first and then think.

ஆ5றி வ"தா வ8த பல'நி 468

ேபா5றிB ெபா8,? ப;.

7 B R  >! 81 ! - 
.4 &4 
Any work without proper efforts and methods will fail despite the support of many.

நறா5ற 6J" தவ(;) அவரவ' 469

பபறி" தா5றா கைட.

* ) 4*     _ 
.)H  /ٕ
Even a good deed may go wrong when it is not done befitting the nature and
disposition of men.

எளாத எணி
ெசய(ேவ; தெமா; 470

ெகாளாத ெகாளா(,) உல.

! R / 81 !   -   $H4
.+ J1 /   I / =4 

As the world approves only what is acceptable, one should do deeds without
incurring ridicule.
 §ÚdÏ\s 98  

48. வயறித
!  - Assessing the Strength
விைனவGD தவGD மா5றா வGD 471

,ைணவGD *கி
J!- , *      A
.  - +0  J# ,
A person should weigh the act, his strength and that of his foes and friends before
ஒ(வ தறிவ(,) அறி"தத கத+கி

ெச(லாத(,) இ(.
*9   /  3! * M +! 
.$  <)*  2*/  +0
Nothing is impossible to those who know the ways and means of the task.
உைட8த வGயறியா' ஊக8தி ஊகி 473

இைடக =ாி"தா' பல'.

#4  9 H 8 - - 
.4; $9 %
Many who do not know their strength, enthusiastically begin an act but fail in the middle.
அைம"தா+ ெகா3கா அளவறியா தைன 474

விய"தா விைர", ெக;.

 !- #4  3  + =4 =4T + 
.8    &'?T*
He who does not adapt but praises himself without knowing his limitation will quickly
OGெப> சாகா; அ
சி அ?பட 475

சால மி8,? ெபயி.

 4* :)* /   " @ ';  

.=)    @   
The axle of a cart breaks if the cart is overloaded even with light peacock feathers.
 §ÚdÏ\s 99  

Hனிெகாப' ஏறினா' அஃதிற" *கி 476

உயி'கிதி ஆகி வி;.

,  >!-    >; :* -  
. 9 )2
One who attempts to climb the tree beyond the tip of the branch will lose one's life.

ஆ5றி அளவறி", ஈக அ,ெபா 477

ேபா5றி வழ+ ெநறி.

)  )* / 89   :*
.  Q#- '9
A person should know his limit and give within his means. That is the only way to
save his wealth.

ஆகா() அளவி  தாயிB+ ேக(ைல 478

ேபாகா() அகலா கைட.

82I     - =T 19

.82I ?  ';
It is no harm even if the income is small as long as the expenditure is within means.

அளவறி", வாழாதா வாைக உளேபால 479

இ(லாகி8 ேதாறா ெக;.

 #4   3  + 
. 4 4-   
A man's life seems to be wealthy but it perishes if he does not live within the bounds.

உளவைர *காத ஒ?)ர வாைம 480

வளவைர வ(ைல ெக;.

& ! 8%/   :#4; $9 3- 

.8   #4
One's wealth will quickly vanish if one's generosity exceeds the limits.
 §ÚdÏ\s 100  

49. காலமறித
- *+ ( - Choosing Proper Time

பக(ெவ(6 ைகைய காைக இக(ெவ(6 481

ேவ"த' ேவ; ெபா3,.

 4 I $9 + +  H
.+  *
@ '; J!- +    '9
A crow can defeat an owl in daytime; likewise, a king needs suitable time to conquer
his enemies.
பவ8ேதா(;) ஒ ட ஒ3க( திவிைன8 482

தீராைம ஆ'+ கயி.

*  * $9  

.  * 3
A timely action is a cord that holds unstable wealth together forever.
அவிைன ெயப உளேவா கவியா 483

கால அறி", ெசயி.

$  9      /
  +J1  " $9 J '?* ';
Nothing is impossible for those who act with the right means at the right time.
ஞால கதிB+ ைக;+ கால 484

கதி இட8தா5 ெசயி.

4  " T  +*% 
.< - +A  B*9
A  !d 
Even the world can be conquered, if one acts at the right time and right place.
கால கதி இ?ப' கல+கா, 485

ஞால க, பவ'.

#4 +A  ?* - 
.8  4  "
Those who want to conquer the world should wait patiently for the appropriate time.
 §ÚdÏ\s 101  

ஊக =ைடயா ஒ;க ெபாதக' 486

தாக5? ேப" தைக8,.

8*(   4
. ? B)4  >;  ?T*
A ram retreats only to fight fiercely. Likewise, the man with enthusiasm keeps himself

ெபாெளன ஆ+ேக )றேவரா' காலபா'8(,) 487

உேவ'?ப' ஒளி யவ'.

8 9 QR  Q / +
.* `* 
The wise do not burn with anger. They restrain and wait for the right time to act.

ெசநைர காணி மக இவைர 488

காணி கிழகா தைல.

4! BO 4*9 ! "- ';
.8!)2 - b* *1%  "4 ';
A person should bear with his enemies till the time is appropriate to destroy them.

எ>த5 காிய(,) இைய"தகா( அ"நிைலேய 489

ெச>த5 காிய ெசய(.

 4 #*9
7 #  "4 ';
. +2* - "-   +
When the rare chance arrives, one should do rare deeds immediately.

ெகாெகாக ) பவ8, ம5றத 490

8ெதாக சீ'8த இட8,.

  `42 -  '; $ 
. ! #)? #)? +0
One should wait like a stork for the right moment. When the time is ripe, one should
act firmly.
 §ÚdÏ\s 102  

50. இடனறித
- %
 ( - Assessing the Place
ெதாட+க5க எ<விைனD எள5க =5 491

இட+கட பிஅ( ல,.

  4    *   4 O * /
.8-    * /
One should neither start any task nor scorn the foes, till one finds the right place for
=ரேச'"த ெமா>பி னவ' அரேச'"தா 492

ஆக பல." த.

.,   8,
It is a great advantage even to the men of mighty power to have strong fort.
ஆ5றா ஆ5றி அ;ப இடனறி", 493

ேபா5றா'க ேபா5றி
C2 +  3 I  
.4 +  4 *   ! +% ';
Even the less powerful can conquer their foes if they choose the proper place for
defense and offence.
எணியா' எண இழ?ப' இடனறி", 494

,னியா' ,னி
9 &! *2 4  >; 3 ';  
. # * ! H + *H J!-  9
A careful approach by the brave from the right place will outwit the enemy.
ெந;)ன6 ெவ(6 =தைல அ;)னG 495

நீ+கி அதைன? பிற.

2  * $9 F * !

. 5 * %  4 b? ';
The crocodile is all-powerful in deep water. But on land other animals defeat it.
 §ÚdÏ\s 103  

கடேலாடா கா(வ( ெந;"ேத' கடேலா; 496

நாவாD ஓடா நில8,.

 >! "1  "'   C* /
. >! # /
As ships cannot sail on land, the wheeled chariots cannot run on the seas.

அசாைம அ(லா( ,ைணேவடா எசாைம 497

எணி இட8தா( ெசயி.

4   %'#4 %)? ,)?   @ 
.!  R 4 >; b* 19
If a right place is selected for the fight, no other help is needed except his own
fearless courage.

சிபைடயா ெச(Gட ேசாி உபைடயா 498

ஊக அழி", வி;.

+     <  
.+ 4  $   /; 4 / 84 ? ';
A small army in a safer place can defeat even a big courageous army.

சிைறநலB சீ இலெரனிB மா"த' 499

உைறநில8ேதா(;) ஒ ட( அாி,.
+% $9  %- >! +% ';   % $9   /
.8, / 84 +   / 4 
It is difficult to manage foes on their own soil, even though they have no fort and
enough strength.

காலா களாி( நாிய; கணசா 500

ேவலா =க8த களி.

    C' #
.  0 *-  $9 )* ';
Even a jackal can kill a war elephant entangled in a marshy ground.
 §ÚdÏ\s 104  

51. ெதாி
ெதளித - *!  $! ,$" - Testing and Trusting
அறெபா இப உயிர
ச நாகி 501

திற"ெதாி", ேதற? ப;.

: -  T J1*   /;   >!  *  /
.=#4 3?  *  ,0 M2*
One should choose a person on the basis of his virtue, wealth, joy and fear of life.
?பிற", 5ற8தி நீ+கி வ;?பாிD 502

நா@ைடயா க ேட ெதளி..
)?  e + % C'   :0
.   3?
The ruler must choose men of noble birth who shun faults and feel ashamed of doing
அாியக5 ஆச5றா' க@ ெதாிD+கா( 503

இைம அாிேத ெவளி.

% 4   +! - " " T* ';
.+ :W ?  *  +  %- $9 
Even great scholars who are free from faults are not totally free from ignorance.
ணநா 5ற= நா அவ5 504

மிைகநா மிக ெகாள(.

9 0-  - J     3!;
.#4 #) +0
The ruler should weigh the merits and demerits of the people and judge them
accordingly by merit.
ெபைம ஏைன
சிைம த8த 505

கமேம க டைள க(.

.*' *4  3 *
The deeds of men are the real touchstone for their nobility or meanness.
 §ÚdÏ\s 105  

அ5றாைர8 ேதத( ஓ)க ம5றவ' 506

ப5றில' நாணா' பழி.

>2 '  =  >! ** /
.   $* /  3  / 4

The ruler should not select men who have no attachment and relatives, for they do
not fear social blame.

காதைம க"தா அறிவறியா'8 ேதத( 507

ேபைதைம எ(லா" த.

% 20
.H >; $I#*
Choosing fools as advisers out of love will lead to utter foolishness and confusion.

ேதரா பிறைன8 ெதளி"தா வழி=ைற 508

தீரா இ;ைப த.

   >!  *! 
. J  *'  ")-
Trusting strangers without testing them will bring endless evils to one's progeny.

ேதற5க யாைரD ேதரா, ேத'"தபி 509

ேதக ேத ெபா.

6&*?   /; T :0*
7 /
. :  7 9
@ **? ';
One should choose men after testing them and then give them suitable work.

ேதரா ெதளி. ெதளி"தாக ஐDற. 510

தீரா இ;ைப த.

6 :0    $9   * H   20

.$% >;  %1 $I#
To trust men without any test and suspect those already tested will lead to endless
 §ÚdÏ\s 106  

52. ெதாி
& $! - - Evaluating and Employing
நைமD தீைமD நா நல)ாி"த 511

தைமயா ஆள? ப;.

  ?     #4 7A*?
.? >; B4 +0
One should choose and employ men who can weigh good and bad, and love to do
only positive things.
ெபகி வளப;8, உ5றைவ
வாாி 512

ஆரா>வா ெச>க விைன.

     4* ,0  - <)*  +?
. 9 *   :J   -
One should employ men who can enlarge the sources of income, increase wealth
and prevent hurdles.
அபறி. ேத5ற அவாவிைம இ"நா 513

நைடயா க ேட ெதளி..
:? <- 9   2.
.< ) +! * +! 2  
One should employ men of virtues who are kind, wise, clear-headed and contented.
எைனவைகயா ேதறிய க@ விைனவைகயா 514

ேவறா மா"த' பல'.

*?/ $9   ' 
. !
 H*  H*
Though tested and found fit, men may differ in their ways of executing a task.
ெச>கி5பா5() அ(லா( விைனதா 515

சிற"தாென() ஏவ5பா5 ற.

8 4   *?. /
.  +2 >! *    
One should not employ favourites but those who know how to get things done.
 §ÚdÏ\s 107  

ெச>வாைன நா விைனநா கால8ேதா(;) 516

எ>த உண'", ெசய(.

   )  !)* >2*.
.  %  +0 J
" #
One should choose the right person, right deed and right time, and then entrust the
work to him.
இதைன இதனா( இவ= எறா>", 517

அதைன அவக விட(.

 J $9   - >!   , $9 8/-  T*.

. !  4 >? +0
Only after evaluating the task, the means and the person to do it, the task should be
assigned to him.
விைனாிைம நாய பிைற அவைன 518

அத5ாிய னாக
    4  9 Q4.
.9 3@Q +0
Only after having decided that a man is fit for the task, one should employ him.
விைனக விைனDைடயா ேகைமேவ றாக 519

நிைன?பாைன நீ+ தி.

   $9  ';   : *
. C'   $9  C'
Fortune deserts one who doubts the loyalty of hard-working persons.
நாேடா நா;க மன விைனெச>வா 520

ேகாடாைம ேகாடா ,ல.

8  A !   2#*

.+ 1 $9 4 F1 

The ruler should always be alert in keeping his workforce faithful so as to make the
world all right.
 §ÚdÏ\s 108  

53. றதழா
- #
!+ . /
 % - Cherishing Relatives

ப5ற5ற க@ பைழைமபா ரா ;த( 521

5ற8தா' கேண உள.

3  +%-    ' +% >2 '
.!   2 + *  
A person may lose all his wealth; yet his relatives praise his glorious past.

5ற இையயி அ?பறா 522

ஆக பல. த.

 * '; >2 C' 
.89 I- 0 3 I-
Fortune will be ever increasing if one has the gift of loving relatives.

அளவளா வி(லாதா வாைக ளவளா 523

ேகாறி நீ'நிைற" த5.

J- < `? + '; 
8   / C' PA V   
The life of a man without loving relatives is like a full-flooded tank without a bank.

5ற8தா( 5ற? படஒ3க( ெச(வ"தா 524

ெப5ற8தா( ெப5ற பய.

 < ,   
.0 , 0 %
To live with the relatives around is the benefit of a happy and prosperous life.

ெகா;8த6 இெசா6 ஆ5றி அ;கிய 525

5ற8தா( 5ற? ப;.

J)! 0  1 '! 
.8); J  )-
A large number of relatives gather around the man who is generous and soft-spoken.
 §ÚdÏ\s 109  

ெப+ெகாைடயா ேபணா ெவளி அவனி 526

ம+ைடயா' மாநில8, இ(.

IR  J)! 0 
.4 $9  =4 0-  9
Only men who are generous and wrathless in this world gain countless relatives
around them.
காைக கரவா கைர",@ ஆக= 527

அனநீ ரா'ேக உள.

9 4?;    : 4 8  )  '; H
.*0 >2* 0  
Crows invite their friends and share their food. Fortune remains with men of similar
ெபா,ேநாகா ேவ"த வாிைசயா ேநாகி 528

அ,ேநாகி வாவா' பல'.

+ 4  =4 4- ';  
.+ 4 8 0 !- 29 ,   +    +
A king with proper discretion will always have countless relatives.
தமராகி த5ற"தா' 5ற அமராைம 529

காரண இறி வ.

;   64!  )24 J  
.+ !)24    B- ';
Once the cause for discord is removed, the deserted relatives will come back and
உைழ?பிாி", காரண8தி வ"தாைன ேவ"த 530

இைழ8தி", எணி ெகாள(.

6 ,   ; < +0 .    :9 ';
.:2*   ; 2 * $I2 -    19
The ruler should help, examine carefully and then admit the deserter who returns
with a cause.
 §ÚdÏ\s 110  

54. ெபா சாவாைம - &0 $ - Not Forgetting Duty

இற"த ெவளியி தீேத சிற"த 531

உவைக மகி
சியி5 ேசா'..

F# ,  N*4* $* #H

.)#  IH   I  -
Forgetting one's duty in overwhelming joy is worse than excessive anger.
சா?) ெகா(6 )கைழ அறிவிைன 532

ச நிர?)ெகா றா+.
2  #  *  2#
.,  +?* #H '
Forgetfulness in one's duty ruins one's name and fame just as constant poverty
destroys wisdom.
சா?பா' கி(ைல )கைம அ,உலக8(,) 533

எ?பா(F ேலா' ,ணி..

6* <' / 9H
.+  $9 * - &S  '%
Those who are forgetful can never achieve glory. It is the accepted view of all learned

ச =ைடயா'() அரணி(ைல ஆ+கி(ைல 534

சா? )ைடயா' ந.
89?    <#4 /
.19R    4  #* /
The fearful have no use of their fort. Likewise, the forgetful have no use of their
=Bற காவா(,) இ3கியா தபிைழ 535

பிN() இர+கி வி;.

819R  !  " ! 59  * + 
.J#*  +4
Those who fail to protect themselves in advance will repent for their faults later.
 §ÚdÏ\s 111  

இ3காைம யா'மா ; எ வ3காைம 536

வாயி அ,ெவா?ப(,) இ(.

#   $9 `?  < ,
.   3*  I9- $%
To work with ever-wakeful care at all times is excellent beyond comparison.
அாியஎ ஆகாத இ(ைலெபா
சாவா 537

கவியா( ேபா5றி
<)* /    =
.Q2* &'#4- )*/ J ';
When we do a thing focusing our mind on it, nothing will be difficult for us.
)க"தைவ ேபா5றி
ெசய(ேவ; ெச>யா(,) 538

இக"தா'() எ3ைமD இ(.

  @* -   +
. 2   + T 1 )*   2 + '
One should pursue excellence praised by the wise; or else there will be no gain in all
seven births.
சியி ெக டாைர உJக தா"த 539

சியி ைம", ேபா,.
 ! #R F# $9 :H* C' 
. #H %  $9 #* -   19
When one is extremely proud and happy, one should remember those who are
ruined through forgetfulness.
உளிய, எ>த( எளி,ம ம5"தா 540

உளிய, உள? ெபறி.

&    *
.*  ! @ ';
A person should set his mind upon his goals and then act; only then can they be
easily achieved.
 §ÚdÏ\s 112  

55. ெச!ேகா"ைம -  $
  - Just Rule

ஓ'",க ேணாடா(,) இைற)ாி", யா'மா ; 541

ேத'",ெச> வஃேத =ைற.

,  +! +0   :2* %  
.,    4    ; +0
Just rule is to probe, favour none, be unbiased, deliberate and render justice.
வாேனாகி வா3 உலெக(லா மனவ 542

ேகா(ேநாகி வா3+ .

2 ]H >; J :?
.I2 + >; ( ! '
The world depends on rain for life. Likewise, the citizens depend on the king for
அ"தண' F5 அற8தி5 ஆதியா> 543

நிற, மனவ ேகா(.

.:?  2  * "  *  */
The king's just rule provides the basis for holy scriptures and right conduct.
தழீஇ ேகாேலா
 மாநில மன 544

அதழீஇ நி5 உல.

:9 =4 = C' +
.+*/ R :?  *  
The world respects the king who rules justify for the welfare of the people.
இய()ளி ேகாேலா
 மனவ நா ட 545

ெபய6 விைளDJ ெதா.

  =4 = C' +
.  0 & $9 $   )2 
Seasonal rains and yields are plenty in the land ruled by a just king.
 §ÚdÏ\s 113  

ேவல ெவறி தவ, மனவ 546

ேகால*உ+ ேகாடா ெதனி.

F  $9 # Q /
. + '; + + $9 
It is not the spear but only the scepter of justice that brings success to the king.

இைறகா ைவயக எ(லா அவைன 547

=ைறகா = டா
*! $   
.* +!
. .!   $ 
The king protects all his people. His own just rule protects his dignity.

எபத8தா ஓரா =ைறெச>யா மனவ 548

தபத8தா தாேன ெக;.

;   C'  
.  )4 :2*   + '#4 /
An inaccessible and unjust king will surely bring destruction on himself.

)ற+ கா8ேதாபி 5ற கத( 549

வ;வ ேவ"த ெதாழி(.

+ T* + 2! + *  ! ! '
.8! =   >! P9
The duties of a king are protecting his subjects from enemies and punishing the

ெகாைலயி5 ெகாயாைர ேவ"ெதா8த( ைப+ 550

கைளக டதெனா; ேந'.

  *2 +!E 2!
.I  54 0 
Passing death sentence on ruthless killers is like removing weeds from the land
under crop.
 §ÚdÏ\s 114  

56. ெகா#!ேகா"ைம - 
  - Tyrannical Rule
ெகாைலேம5ெகா டாாி5 ெகாேத அைலேம5ெகா(;) 551

அ(லைவ ெச>ெதா3 ேவ",.

.*R/ *9 "4  0 
The king who harasses his subjects is worse than a cruel murderer by trade.
ேவெலா; நிறா இ;ெவ ற,ேபா6 552

ேகாெலா; நிறா இர..

=4  - ) '; ) 
."4!  "%"    2   8 9 :) <) 0  
A cruel king's demand for money from his subjects is like an armed man robbing
helpless travelers.
நாெடா நா =ைறெச>யா மனவ 553

நாெடா நா; ெக;.

8  %  %? *!  !-  + ';  
.8 8 * " I
The king who fails to render justice regularly will lose his country gradually.
3+ D ஒ+கிழ ேகா(ேகா

Lழா, ெச>D அர .
  ! 9H* C'  
.8 *! * " I
If the king abuses his authority, he will lose both his wealth and the support of the
அ(ல5ப (;) ஆ5றா(,) அ3தக ணீரேற 555

ெச(வ8ைத8 ேத> பைட.

81 4  5  "-
The unbearable tears of the oppressed are weapons that destroy the wealth of a king.
 §ÚdÏ\s 115  

மன' மBத( ெச+ேகாைம அஃதிேற( 556

மனாவா மன' ெகாளி.

    :9Y :)  
.8  *  $2 /  !
Just rule brings everlasting glory to a king. Unjust rule dims his name.

,ளியிைம ஞால8தி5() எ5ற5ேற ேவ"த 557

அளியிைம வா3 உயி'.

:? >! 0T*  )2 <4   
.& ! >!   +Q 
As all beings on earth suffer without rain, people suffer under an unkind king.

இைமயி இனா(,) உைடைம =ைறெச>யா 558

மனவ ேகா5கீ? ப.

`?  2#  I- >4H
.+Q ) "*  ';
Possession of wealth causes more distress than poverty to those living under a
merciless ruler.

=ைறேகா மனவ ெச>யி உைறேகா 559

ஒ(லா, வான ெபய(.

+    + 
.)2   <4 
When a king fails to render justice, even seasons will change and rains will fail.

ஆபய  அெதாழிேலா' F(மற?ப' 560

காவல காவா எனி.

W + ';
2 5I I4* *   +
.# % =4
If the king fails to protect his country, cows will yield less milk and the priests will
forget scriptures.
 §ÚdÏ\s 116  

57. ெவ$வதெச%யாைம -    - Avoiding Oppression

தகா+ நா8 தைல
ெச(லா வண8தா( 561

ஒ8தா+() ஒ?ப, ேவ",.

 J'  +J & ! ]  %  
.  : 82! ! +0
A king examines thoroughly before giving suitable punishment to prevent further evils.
சி ெம(ல எறிக ெநதாக 562

நீ+காைம ேவ; பவ'.

 * / -  C'  
.3)  I
7 34  &! <9 7 
The king must appear to be harsh but he must be really kind. This will ensure long-
lasting gains.
ெவவ"த ெச>ெதா3 ெவ+ேகால னாயி 563

ஒவ"த ஒ(ைல ெக;.

+ Q &! 3?. C'  
.1% ; 5*
An unkind ruler who is a terror to his people will quickly perish.
இைறகய எைர இனா
ெசா( ேவ"த 564

உைறக;கி ஒ(ைல ெக;.

") 4 ;" *! 4!  C' )

.$I24*  - `2**
When the subjects complain that the king is cruel, he will soon lose his life and
அெச<வி இனா =க8தா ெபெச(வ 565

ேபஎ>க டன(,) உைட8,.

=4 2 + <   C' ! ?    J?
.)   * J? 0 
The cruel-faced king's wealth is no better than a devil's treasure.
 §ÚdÏ\s 117  

க;ெசா(ல கணில ஆயி ெந;ெச(வ 566

நீறி ஆ+ேக ெக;.

&#!     QR ';
. - "  `24 29
The king who is harsh in speech and unsympathetic soon loses his vast wealth.
க;ெமாழிD ைகயிக"த தட= ேவ"த 567

அ;=ர ேத> அர.

,'?(  $9 3E 2 34 *
W  J  %
.,   , %' .
Bitter words and excessive punishments are the files that wear out the conquering
power of the king.
இன8தா5றி எணாத ேவ"த சின8தா5றி

சீறி5 சி தி.

& -  + ';   H ?
.J  * + IR +Q +
A king burning with anger and not heeding the advice of the wise will gradually lose
all his wealth.
ெசவ"த ேபாதி5 சிைறெச>யா ேவ"த 569

ெவவ", ெவ>, ெக;.

#4 84 e  + C'  
.  >2 +  
The king without strong forts lives in fear of foes and gets ruined.
க(லா'? பிணி க;+ேகா( அ,வ(ல(,) 570

இ(ைல நில? ெபாைற.

  >! =4 20-
.%      4)
There is no greater burden to the earth than the tyrant surrounded by the council of
 §ÚdÏ\s 118  

58. க&ேணாட - %
 - Benign Look

கேணா ட எB கழிெப+ காாிைக 571

உைமயா உ< .ல.

.=4 $9     
The world survives on limitless beauty found in the compassion of the people.
கேணா ட8 ,ள(,) உலகிய( அஃதிலா' 572

உைம நில? ெபாைற.

4 4  4;
  >! 20 4  ,
The world survives on men of compassion and those without mercy are burden to the
பஎனா பாட5() இையபிேற( கஎனா
கேணா ட இ(லாத க.
A + '; 4R- $9 ? /
.   9 * + ; ! $9 ? /
Songs without tunes are of no use. Eyes without benign look are of no use either.
உளேபா( =க8ெதவ ெச>D அளவினா( 574

கேணா ட இ(லாத க.

+* / $*   $9 <#4 /
. $9 % /;
Eyes are of no use to one's face if they show no kindness in sufficient measure.
கணி5() அணிகல கேணா ட அஃதிேற( 575

)ெண() உணர? ப;.

 * $9 4   
. *-  4 *? ٕ
The jewel of the eyes is benign look; without it the eyes are only sores.
 §ÚdÏ\s 119  

மேணா ைய"த மர8தைனய' கேணா 576

ைய",க ேணாடா தவ'.

2# * / 4!  "4  0
. 2 $9 H , 0 
Men without benign look remain just like trees rooted to the ground.

கேணா ட இ(லவ' கணில' க@ைடயா' 577

கேணா ட இைமD இ(.

>  ?-  9 4! $9   29 
.  2# / 22 $9 4  '
Men without kindness have no real eyes. Men with eyes are not without kind-

கம சிைதயாம( கேணாட வ(லா'() 578

உாிைம உைட8தி< .ல.

 @ ? + :? >; 3) Q4 

.%9' 4 
The entire world belongs to those who are kind to others and sincere in their duties.

ஒ8தா5 பபினா' க@க ேணா? 579

ெபா8தா5 பேப தைல.

#   $9 ,  Q*
.4I  !
It is excellent to be kind and patient even to those who hurt us.

ெபயக; ந  டைமவ' நய8தக 580

நாகாிக ேவ; பவ'.

=4 >;   +
.+ ; - - + ) < + J-  + ;
Benign people will take even the poison given by their friends and yet remain cool
and gracious.
 §ÚdÏ\s 120  

59. ஒறாட
- 1  - Espionage
ஒ5 உைரசாற F6 இைவயிர; 581

ெத5ெறக மனவ க.

#4 =*
.  4!  %
The secret services and the books on morals are the two eyes of a king.
எ(லா' எ(லா நிகபைவ எஞா 582

வ(லறித( ேவ"த ெதாழி(.

 ]   >! 32 -   >! 
.    $9
The king should know promptly whatever happens to his subjects every day.
ஒ5றினா ஒ5றி? ெபாெதாியா மனவ 583

ெகா5ற+ ெகாளகிட"த(,) இ(.

= 4 * /;   # /
.+ *?* 4 
A king who does not know the benefits of spying can never achieve victory.
விைனெச>வா' த 5ற ேவடாதா' எறா+() 584

அைனவைரD ஆரா>வ(,) ஒ5.

   ! ?*  % =
.+%R  ? J-
A good spy is the one who observes the conduct of the king's employees, his
relatives and enemies.
கடாஅஉெவா; கணசா(,) யா; 585

உகாஅைம வ(லேத ஒ5.

4* -    
. F / 3? /
Able spies are those who have unsuspected appearance and fearlessness, and
guard secrets.
 §ÚdÏ\s 121  

,ற"தா' பவ8த ராகி இற"தாரா>"(,) 586

எெசயிB ேசா'வில(,) ஒ5.

9 ?*   4- +*2 - 8% 0 * - <)* C' %  
.3Q C- "* #4 3  /
A spy guised as an ascetic works tirelessly and collects information unmindful of
மைற"தைவ ேக கவ5 றாகி அறி"தைவ 587

ஐய?பா(;) இ(லேத ஒ5.

 9 * / 9? 
 < *
.82 =  9
A spy collects the secrets of others and confirms them beyond doubt.
ஒ5ெறா5றி8 த"த ெபாைளD ம5ேமா' 588

ஒ5றினா( ஒ5றி ெகாள(.

/-   "0*
.?S =   >*- 
The report of one spy must be verified with that of another to confirm it.
ஒ5ெறா5 ணராைம ஆக உட/வ' 589

ெசா5ெறாக ேதற? ப;.

 *-  2 / +0 P  + I  +! H   +  *
.! AI  + I  010 :9 '; /;
The spies should not know one another. The king should believe and act if reports of
three spies agree.
சிற?பறிய ஒ5றிக ெச>ய5க ெச>யி 590

)ற?ப;8தா ஆ மைற.

=4  $9    + /
.#4 BI9 #9 '  9 ٕ
A spy should not be honoured in public; if honoured, it will expose the secrets to the
 §ÚdÏ\s 122  

60. ஊ*க+ைடைம -  - Zeal

உைடய' என?ப;வ(,) ஊக அஃதி(லா' 591

உைடய(,) உைடயேரா ம5.

W   9 ,2  
K    2  9 %; /; $    
Only those with zeal have real wealth; those without zeal have nothing, though they
may have everything.
உள உைடைம உைடைம ெபாJைடைம 592

நி(லா, நீ+கி வி;.

82   % ,2  W
.#4  >2 / %R  
Possession of zeal is long-lasting wealth. Material possessions are fleeting in nature.
ஆக இழ"ேதெம() அ(லாவா' ஊக 593

ஒவ"த ைக8,ைட யா'.

:81J > 4 9 ,2  
."$4!   %'"
People with tireless zeal do not bother about the loss of worldly wealth.
ஆக அத'வினா>
ெச(6 அைசவிலா 594

ஊக =ைடயா Bைழ.

  ,2 '
. #4 0 2*
Good fortune enquires and enters the path of a person who has abundant zeal.
ெவள8 தைனய மல'நீ ட மா"த'த 595

உள8 தைனய(,) உய'..

  : !  =* : )
.*    ,  '
A lily rises according to the water level and men's greatness rises according to their
 §ÚdÏ\s 123  

உJவ ெத(லா உய'.ள( ம5ற, 596

தளிB" தளாைம நீ'8,.

! 4 - *9
.- ,2 +   * 6 ! * + ٕ
Men should always think high and noble. Even if they fail, they should have the zeal

சிைதவிட8, ஒ(கா' உரேவா' )ைதயபி5 597

ப ;?பா R+ களி.

 # '; 5 / ,2 
. W .) ';  - ** / C' #
Strong-minded people are always firm even in defeat like the brave elephants
pierced by arrows.

உள இலாதவ' எ>தா' உலக8, 598

வளிய எB ெச.

:81J #4 +Q  - <)* /  , / C'  
."4 &'% $9 $? 4-"
Men without a strong will cannot boast that they are very generous to others.

பாிய, '+ேகா ட(,) ஆயிB யாைன 599

ெவIஉ )Gதா றி.

4- , *0  < #
. 4 ! +% '; %
Though the elephant is huge and sharp-tusked, it is afraid of a tiger attacking it with

உரெமாவ5() உள ெவைகஅஃ தி(லா' 600

மரமக ளாதேல ேவ.

6H   /; ,2 
. Q  $9 /;  4 :9 /   4  9 %29  
A firm mind is the real strength of men. Without it, they are but trees in human form.
 §ÚdÏ\s 124  

61. மயி"ைம -  $ - Not being Lazy

ெயB றா விளக மெயB 601

மாLர மா>", ெக;.

 +1Q 8? - ';
.*-   4- "T#)4
The light of family honour will die due to the dark smoke of laziness.

மைய மயா ஒ3க( ைய 602

யாக ேவ; பவ'.

*-   < * -  C'
. *  4* -  9
Those who aim at enhancing the prestige of the family should give up laziness.

மம ெகாெடா3 ேபைத பிற"த 603

மD தனிB =",.

   3*  : 

. *-  *9
A fool with deadly idleness causes the downfall of his family before his death.

ம", 5ற ெப மம", 604

மாட உஞ5றி லவ'.

6$  1 !  C- $9 < 
.4' 0* *-  *9
The lazy men without effort bring ruin to their families and increase their sins.

ெந;நீ' மறவி ம,யி( நா 605

ெக;நீரா' காம கல.

+4 ,0  4 3*
.1      #  
 &' 9
Delay, forgetfulness, laziness and sleep are the coveted vehicles of those prone to ruin.
 §ÚdÏ\s 125  

பDைடயா' ப5றைம"த க@ மDைடயா' 606

மாபய எ>த( அாி,.

1 # /
. Q  *0 ) E &! 
The lazy cannot achieve great gains even if they enjoy royal benefits.

இ)ாி", எJெசா( ேக ப' ம)ாி", 607

மாட உஞ5றி லவ'.

$  1 !  > *  
.f* + #4 P! 29
Those who love laziness lacking noble efforts will have to face scornful words.

மைம ைமக த+கித ஒனா'() 608

அைம )8தி வி;.

64 ,- $9    - ';
!  9
If laziness remains in a man of nobility, it will make him the slave of his enemy.

யாைம Dவ"த 5ற ஒவ 609

மயாைம மா5ற ெக;.

#4 !   - 
.*- #4 ! '  - 29
Freedom from laziness removes shame and disgrace on one's family and manliness.

மயிலா மனவ எ>, அயள"தா 610

தாஅய ெத(லா ஒ+.

@  / C'  
.%!  2 E   $*
A king who is not lazy can gain all the worlds measured by God's great strides.
 §ÚdÏ\s 126  

62. ஆவிைன-ைடைம - $2 - Perseverance

அைம உைட8ெத() அசாவாைம ேவ; 611

ெபைம =ய5சி த.

6* 4;: 1J $ !   4* /
. +2 ,2 )    U9
Nothing is difficult to achieve. Strenuous efforts will bring due honour.
விைனக விைனெகட( ஓப( விைனைற 612

தீ'"தாாி தீ'"த() உல.

  $9    -   $H4
.&  +A 9  # + U9
One should never give up a task in the middle, for the world will abandon such
தாளாைம எB தைகைமக த+கி5ேற 613

ேவளாைம எB ெச.

E $9   '    
.?Y >;
The glory of benevolence depends on the excellence of perseverance.
தாளாைம இ(லாதா ேவளாைம ேபைக 614

வாளாைம ேபால ெக;.

$   =  ,!  #*
.  $9 3  #
The thought of charity in a lazy man is useless like the sword in a eunuch's hand.
இப விைழயா விைனவிைழவா தேகளி' 615

,ப ,ைட8* *.

,%   /    ; >H* 
 J  $9 &- ; 4*   4U9
One who loves work, but not pleasure and removes the sufferings of his relatives is
like a supporting pillar.
 §ÚdÏ\s 127  

=ய5சி திவிைன ஆ =ய5றிைம 616

இைம )8தி வி;.

.8 29     !
Strenuous effort brings wealth and laziness brings only poverty.

மDளா மா=க எப மயிலா 617

தாJளா தாமைரயி னா.

   $9  * ,2 
.    $9  * , 
Misfortune lives with the lazy and Fortune lives with the industrious.

ெபாறியிைம யா' பழிய() அறிவறி", 618

ஆவிைன இைம பழி.

  >!   = Q  ;
.; b*  + * >  @/- + 
Bad luck is never blamed. What is blamed is lack of knowledge and effort.

ெத>வ8தா ஆகா ெதனிB =ய5சித 619

ெம>வ8த G த.
 - $9   B4 /  
   9 &  
Though fate may not be favourable, strenuous effort will yield its reward.

ஊைழD உ?பக காப' உைலவிறி8 620

தாழா(,) உஞ5 பவ'.

 +   $9 2 + >  

.2 >! H 4U9
Those with untiring and unfailing efforts will conquer even the unyielding fate.
 §ÚdÏ\s 128  

63. இ#*கணழியாைம - $3 $/ $  *
! - Fortitude
இ;க வ+கா( நக அதைன 621

அ;8*'வ(,) அஃெதா?ப தி(.

I9 I - ';
.I 0 ! H $ 4% =9
Adversity can be overcome by taking it lightly. So smiling is the easy way to
overcome it.
ெவள8 தைனய இ;ைப அறி.ைடயா 622

உள8தி உள ெக;.

9) 0 J 
.  $9 #* '; C2   ! *
A wise man with a determined mind will conquer even a flood of troubles.
இ;ைப() இ;ைப ப;?ப' இ;ைப() 623

இ;ைப படாஅ தவ'.

" 4!  + 
. ! R  4- 29
The resolute will never allow grief to overcome them but will make even grief itself
ம;8தவா ெய(லா பகடனா உ5ற 624

இ;க இட'?பா; உைட8,.

"2! $9   
@ C' 0 0 +  B9 
. + %
_ +
A   *9
Trouble itself is troubled if it confronts a man with bull-like efforts.
அ;கி வாிB அழிவிலா உ5ற 625

இ;க இ;க ப;.

*  ,  +  4! C2   + ';
.+ %
_ +  :*9
A strong-willed man, who boldly faces sufferings, drives away all sorrows.
 §ÚdÏ\s 129  

அ5ேறெம() அ(ல5 ப;பேவா ெப5ேறெம() 626

ஓ)த( ேத5றா தவ'.

>4H 4!   F# + ? + 
.2# 4!  19
Those who are neither miserly nor elated in prosperity will never grieve in poverty.

இலக உடபி;ைப ெக கலக8ைத 627

ைகயாறா ெகாளாதா ேம(.

"  4! 22 / I9
.+/Y % 4E + T 8 !
The wise do not take sorrows to heart as they know that the body is subject to

இப விைழயா இ;ைப இய(ெபபா 628

,ப உத( இல.

,  )  +/Y - 3! "'  >  / 
.  4!  / 4U9
A person who does not seek pleasure and takes sufferings as natural will never be
prone to grief.

இப8, இப விைழயாதா ,ப8, 629

,ப உத( இல.

"' 4! F# $9 )# + 
."  4! <* 19
A person who does not long for joy will never be upset by the pain of sorrows.

இனாைம இப எனெகாளி ஆ"த 630

ஒனா' விைழD சிற?).

  4  *    
 4! >*
Even enemies will hail the glory of a person who takes pain as pleasure.
 §ÚdÏ\s 130  

64. அைம  -  4 - Ministry

கவிD கால= ெச>ைகD ெச>D 631

அவிைனD மாட(,) அைம

(   C' % 
.+*  >! 
 '#4* 4  :)   *?
A wise minister is one who is efficient in choosing the right means, time, manner and
rare ventures.
வக கா8த( க5றறித( ஆவிைனேயா(;) 632

ஐ",ட மாட(,) அைம

:= ? J? 3*  
. */  
 +  ,2 
An ideal minister excels in firmness, nobility, concern, knowledge and efforts.
பிாி8த6 ேபணி ெகாள6 பிாி"தா'? 633

ெபா8த6 வ(ல தைம

&!-  "*  C' % 
.9   - :# /
A minister is one who is able to divide enemies' allies, cherish friends and unite the
parted ones.
ெதாித6 ேத'", ெசய6 ஒதைலயா

ெசா(ல6 வ(ல தைம

:2* >  C' % 
.- F +0 #*    !
An able minister is one who deeply enquires, decides on the ways of execution and
boldly advises.
அறனறி", ஆறைம"த ெசா(லாஎ ஞா" 635

திறனறி"தா ேத'
சி8 ,ைண.
8 J      +*  3  
.   - :*9
A king should choose as minister one known for virtue, wise words and efficient execution.
 §ÚdÏ\s 131  

மதிH ப Fேலா(;) உைடயா'() அதிH ப 636

யா.ள =நி5 பைவ.

$ +! + 2! 9 < * 
K* 2  *.* 
Nothing can withstand a minister's inherent intelligence combined with his acquired
ெசய5ைக அறி"த கைட8, உலக8(,) 637

இய5ைக அறி", ெசய(.

+   ) +  -   $H4
. *  920 +   
Although one knows all subtle techniques, one should act in tune with the world.
அறிெகா() அறியா எனிB உதி 638

உைழயி"தா ற( கட.

  2 $9 : -  >! 
.4 4 2 + 1%    
An ignorant and reluctant ruler may ignore the advice. But a minister's duty is to
advise him rightly.
ப3ெத@ ம"திாியி பக8, ெத<ேவா' 639

எ3ப, ேகா உ.

J?     ? !

.e)? C- >! 
Millions of open enemies of a king are better than a minister who gives him wrong
L", =விலேவ ெச>வ' 640

திற?பா(;) இலாஅ தவ'.

9 2   $9 !  + 
.  "))?* ))? 
An inefficient minister will never finish even a well-planned scheme.
 §ÚdÏ\s 132  

65. ெசா
வ"ைம - %
"( - Power of Speech

நாநல எB நலBைடைம அ"நல 641

யாநல8, உள*உ அ.

  * /  Q!  4 $%  9
., + 4  M?-  4 C-
Power of speech is a rare gift. There is no other gift rarer than that.
ஆக=+ ேக; அதனா( வதலா( 642

கா8ேதாப( ெசா(Gக ேசா'..

   ?  4;
. ! Q#   >! 9
Words can bring either gain or ruin. So we must guard against a slip of the tongue.
ேக டா'? பிணி தைகயவா> ேகளா 643

ேவ ப ெமாழிவதா ெசா(.
; <  ' C' +1 $%  9
.!  >; <  R 
A speech should captivate the audience and appeal even to those who have not
heard it.
திறனறி", ெசா(6க ெசா(ைல அறB 644

ெபாJ அதனிNஉ+() இ(.

+1  * ,0 /  /
.A)?  +J1 
One should choose and use words that even virtue and wealth cannot excel.
ெசா(6க ெசா(ைல? பிறிேதா'ெசா( அ
ெசா(ைல 645

ெவ(6ெசா( இைம அறி",.

9 c 9 +** - "- ';
.! . / +1 +* +0
One should use such words which are not excelled by any other words.
 §ÚdÏ\s 133  

ேவ ப8தா ெசா(G? பிற'ெசா( பயேகாட( 646

மா சியி மாச5றா' ேகா.

+1 $9 '  :12  " 
.?Y +1 Q */ )?  T* $*
The code of great men is to speak sweet words that attract others and take merit in
other's speech.

ெசால(வ(ல ேசா'வில அசா அவைன 647

இக(ெவ(ல( யா' அாி,.

2 $9 5# / &4! * / B# +1 >! 8   
.H - - <)* 9
No one can defeat a speaker who is good, tireless and bold in a debate.

விைர", ெதாழி(ேக  ஞால நிர"தினி, 648

ெசா(6த( வ(லா'? ெபறி.

:  :*/ < '  +1 >!  
.2 +  ; < *9
The world will quickly carry out the sweet and well-set words of eloquent speakers.

பலெசா(ல கா=வ' மறமா ச5ற 649

சிலெசா(ல( ேத5றா தவ'.

+1 ,0 >! *! 
.&*? ?- J)? 0 29
Those who can never be brief and faultless use too many words in their speech.

இணI8, நாறா மலரைனய' க5ற(,) 650

உணர விாி8,ைரயா தா'.

&!  * !   C' ;

. *J F#* / $* %
Those who are unable to express what they have learnt are like flowers without
 §ÚdÏ\s 134  

66. விைன./%ைம -  ( 5678 - Purity in Action

,ைணநல ஆக தIஉ விைனநல 651

ேவய எ(லா" த.

,0   >; *  
.  <  ;  B  
Good company brings wealth to a person, but goodness of action fulfils all his
எ ஒ.த( ேவ; )கெழா; 652

நறி பயவா விைன.

  !  J   4*W
. /  ? ] / C'
Acts that do not bring glory and gain must always be shunned.
த( ேவ; ஒளிமா ெச>விைன
ஓஒ 653

ஆஅ, எB மவ'.

, $9  9  
.&  * $*  !
 4* -  9
One who seeks future greatness or fame should avoid deeds that stain one's name.
இ;க பB இளிவ"த ெச>யா' 654

ந;க5ற கா சி யவ'.
B  >! < U 
 $9 #* 
.&  -  2  !
 * / 4U9
Men with foresight will do nothing shameful even in extreme distress.
எ5ெற இர+வ ெச>ய5க ெச>வாேன( 655

ம5றன ெச>யாைம ந.

   9 ! +4 1 !     /
.! +4 19   ! ٕ
One should not do anything that one will regret later. If done, one should not repeat
the mistake.
 §ÚdÏ\s 135  

ஈறா பசிகாபா ஆயிB ெச>ய5க 656

சாேறா' பழி விைன.

+   !   $* 2  !
 - * /
. - 5  * >! %- ٕ
One should not do anything that will be condemned by the great even to feed one's
starving mother.

பழிமைல", எ>திய ஆக8தி சாேறா' 657

கழிந( ரேவ தைல.

 ? <  2#
.2      >4H 
The pinching poverty of the wise is far better than the ill-gotten wealth.

க"த க"ெதாரா' ெச>தா'() அைவதா 658

="தா6 Oைழ த.

 4* + "   * 
.B4 ٕ &I*9
Those who do deeds shunned by the learned may win initially but will grieve later.

அழெகாட எ(லா அழ?ேபா இழ?பிB 659

பி5பய ந5பா லைவ.

! >  !  ?Y ! 8R *   
.4!   , &0- >2 1 :) *   
Wealth got through other's sufferings will not last. Earnings by fair means, though
lost, are regained.

சல8தா( ெபாெச>ேத மா'8த( ப ம 660

கல8,நீ' ெப>திாீஇ ய5.

. *1 @  R ) ! $9   ?* 0 
Hoarding ill-gotten wealth is like keeping water in an unbaked clay pot.
 §ÚdÏ\s 136  

67. விைன.திப -  ( *

! - Firmness in Action
விைன8தி ப எப(,) ஒவ மன8தி ப 661

ம5ைறய எ(லா பிற.

9  "0 %   $9   "0  4;
.19 &R  -
Strength of action depends on the firmness of the mind; all other abilities are not of
this nature.
ஊெறாரா( உ5றபி ஒ(காைம இ<விர 662

ஆெறப' ஆ>"தவ' ேகா.

  4! 3 I +!   >;    <4  ;
.  4!   $9 "0 J   %
The two principles of the wise are to avert hurdles and overcome if obstacles come.
கைடெகா க
ெச>தக தாைம இைடெகா கி 663

எ5றா வி3ம" த.

42*;     +2* $%   4;
.I ] 4U9 2* R   'ٕ
Success of an action should be revealed only at the end as endless sufferings follow
if revealed midway.
ெசா(6த( யா' எளிய அாியவா 664

ெசா(Gய வண ெசய(.

6<   +1
.+*     %  
It is always easy to preach but difficult to follow what has been preached.
Sெற>தி மாடா' விைன8தி ப ேவ"தக 665

ஊெற>தி உள? ப;.

 !- 4;  ,   9 4 C'  
.=4 ! $40   4! & - +Q 9
The achievement of fame through firmness of action reaches the king and it is
praised by all.
 §ÚdÏ\s 137  

எணிய எணியா+ எ>,ப எணியா' 666

திணிய' ஆக? ெபறி.

 ! 2*; >! +*! 
.&-   9% :2 4U9
Men of resolute mind will surely achieve whatever they wish for.
உ.க; எளாைம ேவ; உெப"ேத'() 667

சாணி அனா' உைட8,.
%   $9 9 0 *J  ?Y +- 2* /
. Q    C*  C' )2 0
Appearance of a man does not matter. He may be as important as the linchpin of a
rolling chariot.
கல+கா, கட விைனக ,ள+கா, 668

*க+ க", ெசய(.

9 #*    ! >! " ! ';
.3* /  1  * - ! 
An act must be executed firmly and boldly without delay and with alertness.
,ப உறவாிB ெச>க ,ணிவா5றி 669

இப பய விைன.

8*0  - !  :J    $* 
. *    C'    ; $9
Despite initial sufferings, one must do with firmness the deeds that bring delight in
the end.
எைன8தி ப எ>திய க@ விைன8தி ப 670

ேவடாைர ேவடா(,) உல.

+    19   $9 *0  + 
.&R $9 *0  
The world will not respect a man, whatever abilities he may have,
unless he has will power.
 §ÚdÏ\s 138  

68. விைன ெசய

வைக -  997 - Modes of Action
சி =. ,ணிெவ>த( அ8,ணி. 671

சிD த+த( தீ,.
2 >;  %  - $9  * PH ;
.+Q! +0; &'#4* ?T* $9
After taking a well-considered decision, it is extremely harmful to delay the action.
*+க *+கி
ெசய5பால *+க5க 672

*+கா, ெச>D விைன.

 * $9 T*
.Y J- >; b** 81 ! (* /
Only those acts which deserve delay should be delayed. Other acts should not be
ஒ(6வா ெய(லா விைனநேற ஒ(லாகா( 673

ெச(6வா> ேநாகி
 -   ?   '#4*
.4 B >* 9 /ٕ
When it is possible, it is good to act. Otherwise, one should find out the right time and
place to act.
விைனபைக எறிர எ
ச நிைனD+கா( 674

ச ேபால8 ெத.
4 T*  %T0 < * + $* ,  `4  
.8  *  ?.* + $* 4 0 #?  .*  4*  9
Unfinished action and ignored enmity lead to ruin like unextinguished fire that flares up.
ெபாகவி கால விைனயிடெனா(;) ஐ", 675

இதீர எணி
:  '#4*   -  ? $9  T* 
.     ) 4  " 4  Y +1  
One must consider resources, ways, time, place and nature of the deed before
carrying out an act.
 §ÚdÏ\s 139  

=. இைடT =5றியா+ எ>, 676

ப;பயB பா'8,
   ; # $9  T* -   $H4
.  *; 4!  Q   #4  9   $* <4 
Mode of completion, obstacles and profit should be measured well before venturing
into an action.

ெச>விைன ெச>வா ெசய=ைற அ<விைன 677

உளறிவா உள ெகாள(.

? C- '?T -  9   +2 
.  ' 22 3  C'
The best way to perform a deed is learning the techniques from an expert.

விைனயா விைனயாகி ேகாட( நைனக. 678

யாைனயா( யாைனயா8 த5.

?S     4;
.?S # # >! P2 0  %
One should use one act to achieve another, just as a trained elephant is used to
capture another elephant.

ந டா' ந(ல ெசயG விைர"தேத 679

ஒ டாைர ஒ  ெகாள(.
 I* +*%
.V )  )!;  0-
It is more urgent to make friends with foes than doing good to friends.

உைறசிறியா' உந;+க( அசி ைறெபறி 680

ெகாவ' ெபாியா'? பணி",.

# 4!   I? C2 3 3 I
.  )?-  89?
Peace is the only means for the survival of a weak king against a mighty enemy.
 §ÚdÏ\s 140  

69. / - & - Envoy

அ)ைடைம ஆற ?பிற8த( ேவ"தவா 681

ப)ைடைம *,ைர?பா ப).

    $* 4 :1?
 4 9   
.# ?  &' 9
Love, noble birth and courteous qualities that please the king are the essentials of
efficient ambassadors.
அபறி. ஆரா>"த ெசா(வைம *,ைர?பா'() 682

இறி யைமயாத /.

  :]10 ? 3* -  #  /
. 1) '
Kindness, intelligence and power of expression are the three essential qualities of an
Fலா F(வ(ல ஆத( ேவலா 683

ெவறி விைனDைர?பா ப).

&!- >!   *4  T   ? C' # ;
.?Y      %  !  - $H49
The envoy, the greatest among scholars, can relate to another ruler the causes for
his king's success.
அறி. ஆரா>"த க(விஇ /ற 684

ெசறி.ைடயா ெச(க விைன.

+  $9   Q   2  9 < * 
. #  - :* 4U9
A person who has intelligence, good looks and deep learning is fit to become an envoy.
ெசா(G8 *வாத நீகி நக
ெசா(G 685

நறி பய?பதா" *,.

&# /  4! <9 # C- &/ <#4  #  4;
.#? 2) &-
A good envoy should speak precisely, pleasantly and humbly to bring gain to his king.
 §ÚdÏ\s 141  

க5க அசா ெசல

ெசா(G கால8தா( 686

தக(,) அறிவதா *,.

7 + $H4  + * C' % #
.  4  +!    $9 f* "  +*
A good envoy is one who is well-read and bold, speaks convincingly and acts
according to the situation.
கடனறி", கால+ கதி இடனறி", 687

எணி உைர?பா தைல.

+J1  " * +! C' % #
.%?- +0  9 #* %
The best envoy knows his duty, the right time and place, and he deliberates before
conveying the message.
*>ைம ,ைணைம ,ணி.ைடைம இ/றி 688

வா>ைம வழிDைர?பா ப).

:]10 ?  C' % #  4;
.,-   # 
An envoy should possess honesty, company of wise men and courage.
வி;மா5ற ேவ"த'() உைர?பா வ;மா5ற 689

வா>ேசாரா வக ணவ.

I R "   * / - >!     ,# B  4;
.' $9 %* /    24 4!
The envoy conveys the king's exact message to another king in a firm and faultless
இதி பய?பிB எசா(,) இைறவ5() 690

உதி பய?பதா *,.

  ?  # C' % `?  #  4;
.8 )?   8J 3? /
A good envoy fearlessly conveys the message benefitting his ruler even at the cost of
his life.
 §ÚdÏ\s 142  

70. மனைர ேசெதாக

 . -" - Associating with Rulers
,) அ@கா, தீகா>வா' ேபா(க
அகலா( 691

ேச'"ெதா3 வா'.
; 2* / 4!  * / -  9   ! "*   
.4 e9*  0 
Men around a wavering ruler, like those before the fire, should go neither too far from
him nor too near him.
மன' விைழப விைழயாைம மனரா( 692

மனிய ஆக" த.

  < )  $9 < ) / 
.4  J ,0 ; 
If men do not crave for what the king desires, they will gain abiding wealth.
ேபா5றி அாியைவ ேபா5ற( க;8தபி 693

ேத5த( யா' அாி,.

6,)? )?
 ! 4*9   I  #4 $  - - 
.  - - <)*/    U9
One should be careful and avoid blunders. Otherwise, it is very difficult to clear the
king's suspicions.
ெசா(6 ேச'"த நைகD அவி8ெதா3க( 694

ஆற ெபாியா ரக8,.

?Y '- $9   
@ /
.  I $9 +*/ 4
@ /
Whispers and exchange of smiles should be avoided in the presence of the king.
எ?ெபாJ ஓரா' ெதாடரா'ம5 ற?ெபாைள 695

வி டகா( ேக க மைற.
64! #** /    M
@  >; 4'- $2* /
.; < *9 #4 % & 9- '; >*
One should not overhear or show interest in learning the king's secret till it is disclosed by him.
 §ÚdÏ\s 143  

றி?பறி", கால+ கதி ெவ?பில 696

ேவ;ப ேவ ப
+J1 " $9 % /        +@
@ :) - 
Take into account the king's mood and time, and speak to him what he likes to listen to.
ேவ பன ெசா(G விைனயில எஞா 697

ேக பிB ெசா(லா விட(.

&# /  -  2* /     
.4! T 
One should always speak pleasant things to the king and never speak useless things
even if compelled.
இைளய' இன=ைறய' எறிகழா' நிற 698

ஒளிேயா(;) ஒ3க? ப;.

$4 4 - 4; :1J +* H   <   ** /

.4* ,     *  $J-  4ٕ
The ruler should not be scorned as a relative or a junior. He should be given due
ெகாள?ப ேட எெறணி ெகாளாத ெச>யா' 699

,ளக5ற கா சி யவ'.
   /     / I ( '
.&4!  4T 4Q
The wise will not do anything unacceptable to the king, thinking that they enjoy the
king's favour.
பைழய எனகதி? பப(ல ெச>D 700

ெக3தைகைம ேக; த.

+2   : 4T 4Q 4 R / !-   
.1  ] 4U9
Taking the king's intimacy for granted and doing unworthy acts may lead to
 §ÚdÏ\s 144  

71. றி0பறித
- '  :6 ( - Mind-Reading
றாைம ேநாகி றி?பறிவா எஞா 701

மாறாநீ' ைவய கணி.

&? -    B 1  ?Y  I $9   C'
.3 /  )- C' +  '   4U9
One who reads another's thoughts from his appearance is a jewel of the world
surrounded by the seas.
ஐய? படாஅ(,) அக8த(,) உண'வாைன8 702

ெத>வ8ேதா ெடா?ப ெகாள(.

 ! H ?Y  I $9   C'
.844;  ٕ E  * 4U9
The person who is able to read another person's mind correctly is regarded as equal to god.
றி?பி5 றி?)ண' வாைர உ?பிB 703

யா, ெகா;8, ெகாள(.

 B 1 9   
.I-  $ C- 2  * * 9W
A ruler should at any cost secure the services of the man who reads others' minds
from their looks.
றி8த, றாைம ெகாவாேரா ேடைன 704

உ?ேபா ரைனயரா( ேவ.

% Q. -   ?Y 9- 3  - 2 
.&I!- $9      2! $9 -    / 4U9
Those who read others' minds without being revealed resemble others physically but
differ mentally.
றி?பி5 றி?)ணரா வாயி உ?பிB 705

என பய8தேவா க.

K4!   " 2 ?Y  $9  * + ';
The chief function of the eyes is to read the minds of others by merely looking at their faces.
 §ÚdÏ\s 145  

அ;8த, கா ; பளி+ேபா( ெநச 706

க;8த, கா ; =க.
4E  ?  =  
. 4 2  , = *  
As a crystal reflects things around it, the face shows one's likes and dislikes.
=க8தி =,ைற"த(,) உேடா உவ?பிB 707

காயிB தா=" ,.

K  ?-
. $ 4% %
.F9 IR     $9  !   @ 4U9
There could be not better index than the face that shows the joy or the anger of the
=கேநாகி நி5க அைமD அகேநாகி 708

உ5ற ,ண'வா'? ெபறி.

! B* - "- ';
. 2 !  =  + - +2 #
For those endowed with the power of reading the mind, it is enough if others stand
before them.
பைகைமD ேகைமD க@ைர கணி 709

வைகைம உண'வா'? ெபறி.

 ,    +**

.  " - 2 - <)*  
One who can read the mind by looking at the eyes of others can say whether they
are foes or friends.
Hணிய எபா' அள+ேகா( கா@+கா( 710

கண(ல, இ(ைல பிற.

4)#  ?* C' =2  $9 4 T* ';
.+ 4! /; = 4- 49 ?Y  $9   #
Eye alone is the apt measuring rod of the wise who can read others' minds.
 §ÚdÏ\s 146  

72. அைவயறித
- %!9
7  ; 2( - Knowing the Assembly

அைவயறி", ஆரா>", ெசா(6க ெசா(G 711

ெதாைகயறி"த *>ைம யவ'.

 - 3  C' g
. 9 #*   )?  4     - $H49
Men of clear mind and powerful speech should use words that suit the audience.
இைடெதாி", நண'", ெசா(6க ெசா(G 712

நைடெதாி"த நைம யவ'.

  +J1   +*    
.)?  -  
Good men with eloquence should use right words to suit the time and the nature of
the audience.
அைவயறியா' ெசா(ல(ேம5 ெகாபவ' ெசா(G 713

வைகயறியா' வ(ல*உ இ(.

I ,! H +* 
. / )? : 19
Those who speak without minding the audience lack choice of words and oratorical skill.
ஒளியா'= ஒளிய ராத( ெவளியா'= 714

வா ைத வண ெகாள(.

 C-  '  -   >! 
.>2  4! = 0 >H* 
An orator should be brilliant before the bright but act as a stupid before the dull.
நெறற வ5J நேற =,வ 715

=", கிளவா
.   +1 $9 5* / -
Best of all virtues is modesty which controls one's tongue before the wise.
 §ÚdÏ\s 147  

ஆ5றி நிைலதள'" த5ேற விய)ல 716

ஏ5ண'வா' =ன' இ3.

1I      = $9   
.  :) $9
Committing mistakes in speech in a learned assembly is slipping from the path of

க5றறி"தா' க(வி விள+ கசடற


ெசா(ெதாித( வ(லா' அக8,.

   = $9 + ! <  ,0 *  '
.+1 B 9  '
Greatness of scholars can be brought out only in an assembly of the wise.

உண'வ ,ைடயா'= ெசா(ல( வள'வத 718

பா8திD நீ'ெசாாி" த5.

> 4 $-  C  )? 2;
. #4  4* "*4 $2 0 
Speaking to an attentive audience is like watering a field of fertile crops.

)(லைவD ெபா
சா", ெசா(ல5க ந(லைவD 719

ந ெசல
ெசா(6 வா'.
+  $9 c0(* ]   = $9   S ; >! 2 
.1  = $9 84  +2 -  $H4 / 4U9
Those who speak persuasively before the wise should never talk so to the mean
even by a slip.

அ+கண8, உக அமித5றா( த+கண8தா' 720

அ(லா'= ேகா  ெகாள(.

4 /    - )? 2;
.? P- $9 0  
Speech addressed to fools is like throwing divine nectar in the sewer.
 §ÚdÏ\s 148  

73. அைவயசாைம - %!9

; 7 $ - Not Fearing the Assembly
வைகயறி", வ(லைவ வா>ேசாரா' ெசா(G 721

ெதாைகயறி"த *>ைம யவ'.

 - )?  - 3  C' g
.4 2  +1 $9 e)? /
Pure-minded orators knowing the quality of audience and the power of words never
falter in their speech.
க5றா க5றா' என?ப;வ' க5றா'= 722

க5ற ெசல
ெசா(6 வா'.
   + - +!   +* - >! 2 
.   +!T 3 . 4U9 + I ]
The orator who makes the learned spellbound with his scholarship is a scholar
among scholars.
சாவா' எளிய' அாிய' 723

அைவயக8, அசா தவ'.

 < *2 $9 + #4- I     0 4%
.   <  $9 3? 1 +*   
Many face the foes and die in the battlefield. But only a few face the assembly with boldness.
க5றா'= க5ற ெசல
ெசா(G8 தாக5ற 724

மிகா மிக ெகாள(.

   +  %-   -  )?
. + !  #* '
An orator should impress the scholars with his scholarship and learn more from
greater scholars.
ஆ5றி அளவறி", க5க அைவயசா 725

மா5ற+ ெகா;8த5 ெபா ;.

!2 +! :)4  +! + * -   >! 
.3?  J ( >! 

The orator should master oratorical skills essential to counter the arguments of his foes
 §ÚdÏ\s 149  

வாெளாெட வகண' அ(லா' Fெலாெட 726

Hணைவ அ பவ'.
K  3  1  $% 
 + - +* -    *  1  $%  
To one who dreads an assembly, learning is as useless as a sword in the hands of a
பைகயக8,? ேபைக ஒவா அைவயக8, 727

அ மவக5ற F(.
  9 +  %- <  $9 +* - 3? C'  
.  $9 <  3 0 
The scholarship of those who fear speaking in an assembly is as useless as a sword
in the eunuch's hand.
ப(லைவ க5 பயமிலேர ந(லைவD 728

ந ெசல
ெசா(லா தா'.
)?   0(*  94 )? 2; >! 2 / 
.,0 * =  9 ,J9 / 4U9 +  %- = $9
Those who cannot effectively speak good things in an assembly are useless,
however educated they are.
க(லா தவாி கைடெயப க5றறி", 729

ந(லா ரைவய வா'.

   = $9 +2  3? 
.=  =  %  -- 4U9
The learned man who fears to face an assembly of the good is inferior even to the
உளெரனிB இ(லாெரா(;) ஒ?ப' களஅசி 730

க5ற ெசல
ெசா(லா தா'.
&!  * >! 2 / =4    
.2 "   
Those who fear the assembly and cannot express convincingly resemble the dead.
 §ÚdÏ\s 150  

74. நா# -  $ - Country

தளா விைளDJ தகா தாவிலா

ெச(வ ேச'வ, நா;.

2* / "!  9 $* $% 
. *0 I4* / 4R- I9-  !
An ideal country should possess farmers with unfailing harvests, virtuous scholars
and wealthy men.
ெபெபாளா( ெப டக தாகி அ+ேக டா( 732

ஆ5ற விைளவ, நா;.

J   *0 
=4 <    $* $% 
.,0  *! "9Y    %?
Abundant wealth, absence of calamity and never-failing harvests make a good country.
ெபாைறெயா+ ேம(வ+கா( தா+கி இைறவ5() 733

இைறெயா+ ேந'வ, நா;.

   J!-   $* $% 0  
. ; JI <9
An ideal country is the one where people gladly bear all burdens and pay all taxes.
உபசிD ஓவா? பிணிD ெசபைகD 734

ேசரா திய(வ, நா;.

)#  !   ?* $* $%  I9-

.,   ,   J J

A country which is free from excessive hunger, epidemics and dreaded enemies
ப(3. பாெச>D உ பைகD ேவ"தைல 735

ெகா() இ(ல, நா;.

#*?  3J)  ?* $* $% 
.  N!W.* $* #   ! ,0 ,   ? 
Absence of divisions, hidden enmity and troublesome chieftains make an ideal country.
 §ÚdÏ\s 151  

ேகடறியா ெக ட இட8, வள+றா 736

நாெடப நா  தைல.
 *0 `24* / !
 CT  * @  $* 
A I9- > * $ 9 )2 4!
An ideal country will not be ruined by foes. Even if ruined, it will remain prosperous
இ)ன6 வா>"த மைலD வ)ன6 737

வ(லர@ நா 5() உ?).

   & ,0  9 * -  " 
.   4
  4 * $* I  ?   
Water from rain and springs, hills with rivers and strong forts are the vital aspects of a
good country.
பிணியிைம ெச(வ விைளவிப ஏம 738

அணிெயப நா 5கி< ைவ",.

9  ,0  : ?  3?
.    1 , 
The five ornaments of a country are health, wealth, crops, happiness and security.

நாெடப நாடா வள8தன நாட(ல 739

நாட வள"த நா;.

6  H  *0 * $* $%  I9- ;

. > * 19 +Q!     ,0 * $*   -
An ideal country is the one that grows with its natural resources without hard labour.

ஆ+கைம ெவ>திய க@ பயமிேற 740

ேவ"தைம வி(லாத நா;.

 4 <#4* 19 %1!- ,' + 4  "  $* 
. T       + ;
All the above gifts of a country are quite useless if there is no harmony between the
king and the subjects.
 §ÚdÏ\s 152  

75. அர& - %" - Fort

ஆ5 பவ' அரெபா அசி8த5 741

ேபா5 பவ' ெபா.

  ' +/ 
.3? 4! ; T ' +/ %  
The fort is very important both for the aggressors and the defenders alike.
மணிநீ ம@ மைலD அணிநிழ5 742

கா; உைடய தர.

/   >!  *  C' % 
 #*  "H  "
A good fort has clear water, vast area, mountains and forests with cool shade.
உய'வகல திைம அைமஇ" நாகி 743

அைமவர எைர F(.

8I! 8 #*  - $H4  ; 2
.*9 !V   / 4 h
A fort should have enough height, breadth, strength and safety from enemies' reach.
சிகா?பி5 ேபாிட8த தாகி உபைக 744

ஊக அழி?ப தர.

  < ?  :I @   
.4!   !
 <9 - >!  
A fort with large space within and with a small area to defend will demoralize even
bold foes.
ெகாள5காிதா> ெகாட8 தாகி அக8தா' 745

நிைலெகளிதா நீர(,) அர.

+ ) 9 9* 8 4   % 
.4! !
 59 4 >!  
A good fort is the one which is unconquerable, amply provisioned and well-suited for
its inmates to live in.
 §ÚdÏ\s 153  

எ(லா? ெபாJ உைட8தா> இட8,த. 746

ந(லா உைடய(,) அர.

4 9    J?' <    C' % 
.,I 4! 4!  9
A good fort should contain necessary provisions and smart warriors to defend it in
times of need.
=5றிD =5றா ெதறி", அைற?ப;8, 747

ப5ற5 காிய(,) அர.

,  )2; >! !
 2 / C' % 
.H / *2  /
A good fort is the one which withstands blockade, direct attack and treachery.
=5றா5றி =5றி யவைரD ப5றா5றி? 748

ப5றியா' ெவ(வ(,) அர.

 >! H* >! +%%- 2 C' % 
.+ I- 2# - H
A fort should have the ability to defend itself and win by defying the attacks of the
=ைன=க8, மா5றல' சாய விைன=க8, 749

Sெற>தி மாட தர.

4!  9  @  C' % +Q  
.*2 <) $9 ?  !
A fort gains reputation by the planning of its soldiers inside to destroy the enemies in
the battlefield.
எைனமா சி8 தாகிய க@ விைனமா சி 750

இ(லா'க இ(ல(,) அர.

     Q! "  "4 
.  $9 * R   '; #* /  4U9
Even a grand fort is useless if the forces are not able to defend it.
 §ÚdÏ\s 154  

76. ெபா$ெசய
வைக -   - Earning Wealth

ெபாள( லவைர? ெபாளாக

ெச>D 751

ெபாள(ல(,) இ(ைல ெபா.

=4  <9   R $ /
. ! =4  '  
There is nothing precious like wealth which converts worthless men worthy.
இ(லாைர எ(லா எJவ' ெச(வைர 752

எ(லா ெச>வ' சிற?).

6M?-  - &4!   2# <  2*
.?S $ &4!  +  4R
The poor are despised though they are worthy but the rich are honoured by all
though they are unworthy.
ெபாெளB ெபா>யா விளக இள 753

எணிய ேதய8,
$I-  >; &I  F %  
. 1Q 
Wealth, the everlasting light, drives away enmity from all lands.
அறஈB இப= ஈB திறனறி", 754

தீதிறி வ"த ெபா.

?Y IE / ! :)   * C'  
.,    >;  4U9
Wealth acquired through fair means brings virtue and happiness.
அெளா; அெபா; வாரா? ெபாளாக 755

)(லா' )ரள விட(.

< *
@   4* -   $H4
.    H
One must give up the wealth earned without kindness and goodness as evil.
 §ÚdÏ\s 155  

உெபாJ உ( ெபாJத ஒனா'8 756

ெதெபாJ ேவ"த ெபா.

A / $* 
  $% :  ,0
.+J4H JI
Unclaimed wealth, taxes and compensation for war damages form a king's revenues.

அெளB அO ழவி ெபாெளB 757

ெசவிGயா( உ;.
 *! *   "*4- $*  
.,0  * I 
Wealth, the foster mother, nurses the child of live called grace.

ேறறி யாைன?ேபா' கட5றா( தைக8ெதா() 758

ெச>வா விைன.
3? 1   #  *  &  
.3? 1  >!-  #  %     9
Doing a business with enough money in hand is as safe as watching an elephant-
fight from a hill.

ெச>க ெபாைள
ெசந' ெசக 759

எஃகதனி5 ாிய தி(.

   ,  - 3 4% = 4U9 
One should earn wealth as there is no sharper weapon than that to ruin the
arrogance of foes.

ஒெபா கா?ப இய5றியா' எெபா 760

ஏைன இர; ஒ+.

,0 >!    ;

. *   ?Y 4 >!     4U9
Those who gather wealth through fair means will gain both virtue and joy easily.
 §ÚdÏ\s 156  

77. பைடமாசி - <  - Greatness of an Army

உ?பைம", ஊறசா ெவ(பைட ேவ"த 761

ெவைகD எ(லா தைல.

"0       ? ;
 P?* / $* 4   &4 %
A fearless, well-organized and successful army is the most important wealth of a ruler.
உைலவிட8, ஊறசா வக ெதாைலவிட8,8 762

ெதா(பைட க(லா( அாி,.

2 +  4! "0   /
.*  *  4 /;
A traditional army alone can brave a might enemy even ignoring the setbacks.
ஒG8தகா( எனா உவாி எG?பைக 763

நாக உயி'?ப ெக;.

 JII # 5  <#4 ' 9
K> 9
 F9  **- ';
A pack of rats disappears before a hissing cobra. Likewise, a weak army vanishes
before a brave army.
அழிவி(றி) அைறேபாகா தாகி வழிவ"த 764

வக ண,ேவ பைட.

   C' %  ;
 H /    P **
@ /
A force unaffected by defeat and treachery with its hereditary courage is an army.
5ட ேம(வாிB  எதி'நி5 765

ஆ5ற ல,ேவ பைட.

8  !
  2 ' +%  ;
.+ 4! & 9 "  +%*- '; >*
That alone is a strong army which can jointly challenge even Yama, the god of death.
 §ÚdÏ\s 157  

மறமான மாட வழி

ெசல. ேத5ற 766

எனநாேக ஏம பைட.

  "  4  3  ! 
. "# ?   
 &' 9
Valour, honour, glorious tradition and loyalty are the safeguards of a powerful army.
ெச(வ, தாைன தைலவ"த 767

ேபா'தா+ தைம அறி",.

 "0 !
 H C' % 
.W0.- C' !
 R 2 
An able army finds the tactics of the enemies in advance and proceeds to destroy
அட(தைகD ஆ5ற6 இ(ெலனிB தாைன 768

பைட8தைகயா( பா; ெப.

6       :) 
    *@ *2 ! 9  + ;
An army may be weak in defence and offence. But it should impress by its big show
and gain fame.
சிைமD ெச(லா8 ,னிD வைமD 769

இ(லாயி ெவ(6 பைட.

&! `24 / - )  !
 >! H  ;
.29 / J R PH + 4  /
An army will win when there are no desertions, incurable hatred and poverty.
நிைலமக சால உைட8ெதனிB தாைன 770

தைலமக இ(வழி இ(.

3 + >* / C' +    "0 /
.+%2 J +   + ';
Though the army has numerous able and experienced soldiers, it is of no use without
dynamic generals.
 §ÚdÏ\s 158  

78. பைட ெச$* -   - Military Might

எைன= நி(லமி ெத<வி' பலெரைன 771

=நி க(நி றவ'.

.C/     2* / !!
.  8/0 *   +   '4 &I
@ +2
@ 9
The enemies who dared to oppose the chief have become hero-stones.
கான =யெல>த அபினி( யாைன 772

பிைழ8தேவ( ஏ"த( இனி,.

# >; B  3% $9 T)?
. 4
  +  ;  ?
It is sweeter to hold a spear that missed a motionless elephant than an arrow that
killed a running hare.
ேபராைம எப தகஒ 5றகா( 773

ஊராைம ம5றத எஃ.

 + -  J) !  $%  ; 2
.)I/ 4! &!@ >; &   - $%    
The great manliness is to fight the battle with courage. But it's better to show mercy
to the humbled enemies.
ைகேவ( களி5ெறா; ேபாகி வபவ 774

ெம>ேவ( பறியா ந.

. # >; B  $  C' % )
.F# &
A -  54 ?S ) +0
The hero who throws the spear at an elephant smiles and draws another from his chest.
விழி8தக ேவ(ெகாண ெடறிய அழி8திைம?பி 775

ஒ டேறா வக ணவ'.

W -  >! 8 ! =-
  >! IH 4! 3)*
K$I  B  $   4
Even winking at the hurling of lances by enemies is counted as defeat to the heroes.
 §ÚdÏ\s 159  

வி3?) படாதநா எ(லா வ3கிB 776

ைவத நாைள எ;8,.

* +- )  .
.F  9 W .* + ';  JI

The warriors count their days without receiving glorious war wounds as fruitless days.

ழ6 இைசேவ ேவடா உயிரா' 777

கழ(யா?) காாிைக நீ'8,.

%    * >; #4 >2- 
. $9 ?? >* - 2 $9 I9T9
Those who seek universal glory but not their safety wear heroic anklets to add beauty.
உறிஉயி' அசா மறவ' இைறவ 778

ெசறிBசீ' ற( இல'.

"  % / '   
.  >* + *  4  ?;   /
Even when the king disapproves, the soldiers who are ready to die will remain

இைழ8த(,) இகவாைம
சாவாைர யாேர 779

பிைழ8த(,) ஒகி5 பவ'.

 '  - <)* 
K*2  $9 * I* &'4 $9 C'
None blames those soldiers who pledge to win but lose their lives.

)ர"தா'க நீ'ம(க
சாகி5பி சாகா(;) 780

இர",ேகா தக(,) உைட8,.

  4! < *  " ';
! * :- "  '% 0
The death which invites the grief of the ruler is most welcome to true soldiers.
 §ÚdÏ\s 160  

79. ந3 - + $" - Friendship

ெசய5காிய யா.ள ந பி அ,ேபா( 781

விைனகாிய யா.ள கா?).

  4- $ 4% %
K  +2 C' =* $% $*
It is quite rare to get the friendship that guards a person against all actions of enemies.
நிைறநீர நீரவ' ேகைம பிைறமதி? 782

பினீர ேபைதயா' ந ).
1  0 8  . * 12  
.8 H $ *4 8  -  0 >2  
Friendship of the wise grows like the waxing moon but that of fools decreases like the
waning moon.
நவி(ெதா F(நய ேபா6 பயி(ெதா 783

ப)ைட யாள' ெதாட').

 * 0  :
.8 4  ! * *-  
As repeated reading brings better understanding, friendship of the noble brings
deeper delight.
நத5 ெபா ட ந ட( மிதிக 784

ேம5ெச() இ8த5 ெபா ;.

)29 F   @  =
.: 3? '; : * W $%  4ٕ
Friendship is not meant for petty joy but to point out a friend's faults when he goes astray.
சி பழத( ேவடா உண'
சிதா 785

ந பா+ கிழைம த.

" I / = + >;  b** /
. 2 $9 */ >; b** 
True friendship is not in frequent meetings. Mutual feelings will yield the rights of
 §ÚdÏ\s 161  

=கநக ந ப, ந ப ெநச8(,) 786

அகநக ந ப, ந ).

6 " 1!  "  */

.4)   $%   4ٕ
True friendship is not a mere smile on the face but is something felt deep within the heart.
னைவநீகி ஆ>8(,) அழிவிக
அழிவி 787

அ(ல( உழ?பதா ந ).
? :) $9 W.*   ! 4E *
@ $* $% 
.  4!  /S $9  *
Good friendship saves one from ruin, shows the right paths and shares the distress.

உ;ைக இழ"தவ ைகேபால ஆ+ேக 788

இ;க கைளவதா ந ).
"9Y  4E '24 $* $% 
.   = :4 '; !  '24*  
Friendship is one which rescues the friends in distress like one's own hands setting
right the slipping dress.

ந பி5 S5றிைக யாெதனி ெகா பிறி 789

ஒ(6வா> ஊ நிைல.

+J :#*/ %  9 C* C'   ;
.2  , *  ,! 
Friendship lies in consistency and provides support on all possible occasions.

இைனய' இவெரம இனயா எ 790

)ைனயிB )(ெலB ந ).
 2 1  *  4! #* 
".$4 % - 4- " + 2
It is only mean friendship which proclaims that the friends are so close to each other.
 §ÚdÏ\s 162  

80. நபாரா%த
- #
+$" #
&9" - Choosing Friends
நாடா, ந டG5 ேக(ைல ந டபி 791

S(ைல ந பா பவ'.

6 4  )*   2  : `1? /

Nothing is worse than thoughtless friendship, for once formed it cannot be

ஆ>"தா>", ெகாளாதா ேகைம கைட=ைற 792

தாசா ,யர த.

*?/ : *? + C' `?  
."   8 84  4*  4U9
Untested friendship will certainly lead to grievous pain and death.
ண= ைமD 5ற= றா 793

இனB அறி"தியாக ந ).
*? 9   ?Y : - `?  >! 
. - C' ! *- #?
One's character, clan, defects, and relatives must be studied before befriending one.
?பிற", தக பழிநா@ வாைன 794

ெகா;8, ெகாள(ேவ; ந ).
4 ,- >; *4  A :
d )!U   ! +1    3?
. 0
One should pay any price to gain the friendship of men of noble birth who despise
ெசா(G அ(ல(,) இ8, வழகறிய 795

வ(லா'ந ()) ஆ>", ெகாள(.

6! >! 2   A  ! ].
.T)?- '; 
One should seek worthy friends who point out one's faults, indict and show the right path.
 §ÚdÏ\s 163  

ேக B உேடா' உதி கிைளஞைர 796

நீ  அள?பேதா' ேகா(.
68 ?A  
A $9 ;
.J? 2  )  =2 =2 A  4U9
Even in misfortune there is something good, for it is a yardstick to measure friends.

ஊதிய எப(,) ஒவ5? ேபைதயா' 797

ேகைம ஒாீஇ விட(.

22 $9   % ;
.   ! >?* - %
Getting rid of the friendship of fools is a gain to anyone in the world.

உள5க உள சிவ ெகாள5க 798

அ(ல5க ஆ5ற?பா' ந ).
6* ! *# 1 !   *
@  /
.  4! 4 #
@  <  4*
One should not thing of deeds curbing enthusiasm and of one's friendship deserting
in danger.

ெக;+காைல ைகவி;வா' ேகைம அ;+காைல 799

உளிB உள ;.

 4! +%
.  ' 
 $9 #*
.8I- "  ! 4!  C'(
Friendship of those who deserted in distress pains one's heart even at the time of
one's death.

ம.க மாச5றா' ேகைமஒ றீ8, 800

ஒ.க ஒ?பிலா' ந ).
 ! 4* $24 $2* %  :
. 0  9*
One should seek the friendship of good people and shake off the worthless at any cost.
 §ÚdÏ\s 164  

81. பைழைம - $ + $" - Long-standing Intimacy

பைழைம என?ப;வ(,) யாெதனி யா, 801

கிழைமைய கீ"திடா ந ).
9  $%  "T ';
.,  +  !- 2* 
  ) * / $*  $%
Intimacy is that which willingly submits to liberties taken by old friends.
ந பி5 ?) ெக3தைகைம ம5றத5 802

உ?பாத( சாேறா' கட.

.  +   >!
The essence of old friendship is the freedom of action which the great always cherish.
பழகியந ெபவ ெச>D+ ெக3தைகைம 803

ெச>தா+() அைமயா கைட.

/ٕ 2  ! 4  2 :
K* ,J9  9
Long-standing friendship is of no use if the friend's freedom of action is not approved.
விைழதைகயா ேவ இ?ப' ெக3தைகயா5 804

ேகளா, ந டா' ெசயி.

? 1 ! 2  ! ';   : >I9
.* ! >I   4'; H  
The wise are not displeased even when their friends do deeds without asking out of
ேபைதைம ஒேறா ெப+கிழைம எண'க 805

ேநாதக ந டா' ெசயி.

: 4; - ';
. -    9 4- + #49
A friend's painful offence should be ignored as it may be due to either ignorance or
deep liberty.
 §ÚdÏ\s 165  

எ(ைலக நிறா' ,றவா' ெதாைலவிட8, 806

ெதா(ைலக நிறா' ெதாட').

* <)2
7 19 * $9 #4 81? '?* 
.1  $9 7* - 
True friends will never abandon long-standing friends even in adversity.

அழிவ"த ெச>யிB அபறா' அபி 807

வழிவ"த ேகைம யவ'.

?  + J-   )2 / 

.,E  - + ; - 
True friends will not break their friendship even when their friends do ruinous deeds.

ேகளி3க ேகளா ெக3தைகைம வ(லா' 808

நாளி3க ந டா' ெசயி.

F# + % T)? :   9 C' +
.?  +%- )?- ! 0* RV  * / ' 4
An old friend won't mind the faults of his friends and even when he gets hurt, he
considers it a good day.

ெகடாஅ வழிவ"த ேகைமயா' ேகைம 809

விடாஅ' விைழD உல.

 2 + *? ?  
 <)2 + ';
.:? + ! $409
The world loves true friends who stick to long-standing friendship.

விைழயா' விைழய? ப;ப பைழயா'க 810

பபி தைல?பிாியா தா'.

  49 ; -  2 :# + 
.&!- 4! >*
Even the enemies love those who do not desert their old friends.
 §ÚdÏ\s 166  

82. தீந3 - 3 + $" - Bad Friendship

பவா' ேபாGB பபிலா' ேகைம 811

ெபகG5 ற( இனி,.

% 4  ? %#4 
.,  < ?   4 
It is better for the friendship of people without genuine love to shrink rather than shine.
உறிந (;) அறிஒIஉ ஒ?பிலா' ேகைம 812

ெபறிB இழ?பிB எ.

4! >4H* '; % ; 2*9 ';  
.%29 $9 I / *  $9 <#4 / 4U9
It is quite useless to have friendship with the unworthy who stay in gain and leave in loss.
உவ, சீ'* ந ) ெபவ, 813

ெகாவா கவ ேந'.

. ` "% 
Selfish friends, prostitutes who expect gains and thieves are alike in their character.
அமரக8, ஆ5ற க(லாமா அனா' 814

தமாி தனிைம தைல.

I H ?     I9-  
.4 "9   $9   "  $*
It is better to have no friends than to have friends who, in times of need, desert like
an untrained war-horse.
ெச>ேதம சாரா
சிறியவ' )ேகைம 815

எ>தG எ>தாைம ந.

   / - 

.1  *  >! 2 / '
It is better to avoid bad friends who, though benefitted, are of no help when needed.
 §ÚdÏ\s 167  

ேபைத ெப+ெகழீஇ ந பி அறி.ைடயா' 816

ஏதிைம ேகா உ.

I9-   ,!
.,   %  
Enmity of the wise is far better than the intimate friendship of fools.

நைகவைகய ராகியந பி பைகவரா( 817

ப8த;8த ேகா உ.

 I9-   ,
.,   $H 
It is far better to have the enmity of foes than to have the friendship of pretenders.

ஒ(6 கம உட5 பவ'ேகைம 818

ெசா(லாடா' ேசார விட(.

* %
. - 
@ '? C' <
One must silently discard the friendship of those who make a possible task

கனவிB இனா, மேனா விைனேவ 819

ெசா(ேவ ப டா' ெதாட').

 !  9 3*? C'  
. 1- $9    I*
The friendship of those whose words and deeds differ gives pain even in dreams.

எைன8, த( ஓப( மைனெகழீஇ 820

மறி( பழி?பா' ெதாட').

" $9 2    %   >!
.=4 + - 4?
Friendship of those who act as friends in private but curse in public must be totally
 §ÚdÏ\s 168  

83. டாந -
2( = 0 + $" - Undesirable Friendship

சீாிட காணி எறித5? ப டைட 821

ேநரா நிர"தவ' ந ).

.#  ';  I 4 0  *9
Feigned friendship is like an anvil to destroy one at a suitable place.

இனேபா() இனம(லா' ேகைம மகளி' 822

மனேபால ேவ ப;.

2 ,  %Q* 
.,%  2 H** * 9
False friendship is as unsteady as the mind of a prostitute.

பலந(ல க5ற கைட8, மனந(ல' 823

ஆத( மாணா' காி,.

? - !
 B /
.,0 *  
In spite of reading many good books the enemies never become good friends.

=க8தி இனிய நகாஅ அக8தினா 824

வசைர அச? ப;.

  $9  */  Q C' <  3?*
. $9 IH $#?
Friendship with cheats who smile outwardly but conspire inwardly should be feared.

மன8தி அைமயா தவைர எைன8ெதா 825

ெசா(Gனா( ேதற5பா5() அ.

? ,  4 / '
.$ C- $9 + T :0* 19
One should not trust the words of those whose minds are not identical.
 §ÚdÏ\s 169  

ந டா'ேபா( ந(லைவ ெசா(GB ஒ டா'ெசா( 826

ஒ(ைல உணர? ப;.

J? : "  22 3 4*
.4 "  "4 
Though the enemies utter friendly words, their evil intention can soon be understood.
ெசா(வணக ஒனா'க ெகாள5க வி(வணக 827

தீ+ றி8தைம யா.

  1 $9   5I?  *( /
.)?  1! =2 44 

One should not trust the humble words of the enemies as they hurt like the arrows
from bending bows.
ெதா3தைக DJ பைடெயா;+ ஒனா' 828

அ3தக ணீ அைன8,.

8 4?   I  I* 
. 8    < *
Even the folded hands of the foes may conceal arms. Likewise, their tears may have
hidden dangers.
ெச>, தெமJ வாைர நக
ெச>, 829

ந பிB சா?)(ல5 பா5.

) $9  i * %Q $9  
.* <) J * $9  9
Friends who pretend to love but dislike must be cajoled and crushed in friendly guise.
பைகந பா கால வ+கா( =கந (;) 830

அகந ()) ஒாீஇ விட(.

68  2   B- ';
.4 2* / 9
When foes want to become friends, one may keep a friendly face and give up their
 §ÚdÏ\s 170  

84. ேபைதைம - +
 - Folly
ேபைதைம எபெதா யாெதனி ஏத+ெகா(;) 831

ஊதிய ேபாக விட(.

I    * $ 9   $%  "T ';
. #4  *
Stupidity lies in opting for the evil and giving up what is really good.
ேபைதைமD எ(லா ேபைதைம காதைம 832

ைகய(ல தக ெசய(.

  , - 
.2?  : /  9   R
Folly of follies is to have the desire to do the deeds unsuitable to one's position.
நாணாைம நாடாைமநாாிைம யாெதா 833

ேபணாைம ேபைத ெதாழி(.

 3* / : 

.! ,  R , 
Shamelessness, desirelessness, lovelessness and regardlessness are the qualities
of a fool.
ஓதிஉண'", பிற'ைர8, தானட+கா? 834

ேபைதயி ேபைதயா' இ(.

>2  : - 
.   + +0 + *  =4 +@! + * 
There is no greater fool than a man who learns, realizes and preaches but never
ெசயலா5 ேபைத எ3ைமD 835

தா) க3", அள.

+ '! $9   - $9 : 
., &'% $9 *  
In one birth a fool is capable of doing misdeeds which will earn him hell through
seven births.
 §ÚdÏ\s 171  

ெபா>ப; ஒேறா )ைனU@ ைகயறியா? 836

ேபைத விைனேம5 ெகாளி.

+  H $H  !  #

.#4 % #  
A fool undertaking a task without knowing how to act not only fails but also ruins

ஏதிலா' ஆர8 தம'பசி?ப' ேபைத 837

ெபெச(வ உ5ற கைட.

J)  - >! : 
 5 4
   <* *
When fools acquire wealth, strangers thrive but the fools' relative starve.

ைமய( ஒவ களி8த5றா( ேபைதத 838

ைகெயா() உைடைம ெபறி.

  C' : 
. 4  
A fool who becomes rich behaves like a mad man who is fully drunk.

ெபாிதினி, ேபைதயா' ேகைம பிாிவிக 839

Oைழ தவெதா றி(.

 * : 
.9 $9 I / 4

The friendship of fools is very pleasant, since it brings no regret on separation.

கழாஅகா( பளிD ைவ8த5றா( சாேறா' 840

ழாஅ8,? ேபைத )க(.

V  = ? '; : 

.*?  2 3Q4 # f
A fool's entry into a learned assembly is like putting the unwashed feet on a clean bed.
 §ÚdÏ\s 172  

85. 3
லறிவா&ைம - >6! - Silly-Mindedness

அறிவிைம இைமD இைம பிறிதிைம 841

இைமயா ைவயா ,ல.

  29 % 2# =
.=4 4! $22 2# % 2  29 
The worst of needs is lack of wisdom; the world does not consider lack of others as
அறிவிலா ெந வ", ஈத( பிறிதியா, 842

இ(ைல ெபவா தவ.

8J - >; $H M%- ';
.'?Y Q   4U9
If a fool presents a gift willingly, it is only the result of the receiver's penance.
அறிவிலா' தா"தைம? Oழி Oைழ 843

ெசவா' ெச>த( அாி,.

#4 $H   I $* I
.&! &I  +Q!-
Even enemies cannot cause more troubles than what the fools bring on themselves.
ெவைம என?ப;வ (தி)யாெதனி ஒைம 844

உைடயயா எB ெச.

A   * /;
Stupidity is nothing but arrogance which boasts of one's own wisdom.
க(லாத ேம5ெகா ெடா3க( கசடற 845

வ(ல*உ ஐய த.

+  /  9 + * 
.+   9 =4 9  9
A fool's pretence of knowledge makes one doubt even what he has actually learnt.
 §ÚdÏ\s 173  

அ5ற மைற8தேலா )(லறி. தவயி 846

5ற மைறயா வழி.


.! * +
It is foolish for a person to cover his nakedness when he is not able to guard himself
against grave faults.

அமைற ேசா அறிவிலா ெச>D 847

ெபமிைற தாேன தன.

A  I  +Q!- $H
.+  ! #4  ; %
A fool who neglects precious secrets brings all miseries upon himself.

ஏவ. ெச>கலா தாேதறா அ<.யி' 848

ேபாஒ அள.ேமா' ேநா>.

? >; #4 C*  / ?Y BJ4 <* / C' : 

."  >*  >2 P '9
A fool who neither knows nor listens to the words of the wise suffers forever.

காணாதா கா ;வா தாகாணா காணாதா 849

கடானா தாகட வா.

2 - B
7 : 
.  #4 Q : 

One who tries to educate a fool is a fool, for a fool continues to see things in his own way.
உலக8தா' உெடப(,) இ(ெலபா ைவய8, 850

அலைகயா ைவக? ப;.

:? 2 C' : 4 

.4 ' * )  9
Those who reject what the whole world affirms are considered demons on earth.
 §ÚdÏ\s 174  

86. இக
- $ - Discordance

இகெலப எ(லா உயி' பகெலB 851

பபிைம பாாி ேநா>.

:?  ]  % 2 :+ 2
.+ 4 #*? $ :? < 
Hatred is a disease that spreads the evil of discord among all beings.

பக(கதி? ப5றா ெசயிB இக(கதி 852

இனாெச> யாைம தைல.

4 ,   'S ';
.4 2 '(* / - I9
Even though one does unpleasant things out of hatred, it is good not to retaliate.

இகெலB எ<வேநா> நீகி தவG(லா8 853

தாவி( விளக த.

]? 2  #4 ! - 
He who discards the painful disease of hatred will gain blameless and everlasting fame.
இப8, இப பய இகெலB 854

,ப8, ,ப+ ெக.

  "2" =( +Q!- - 54 ';
.F# +Q!- 49
When the evil of hatred is destroyed, the greatest delight will flourish.

இகெலதி' சா>"ெதா3க வ(லாைர யாேர 855

மிகV தைம யவ'.

  @H* >! 2 

K2 4* C'
No one will think to overcome a person who is free from all discordance.
 §ÚdÏ\s 175  

இகG மிகGனி, எபவ வாைக 856

தவ6 ெகட6 நணி8,.

   1   #
.,'' 2 , 0 - Q
@ C'
The life of one who considers it easy to win by hatred will fail and quickly perish.

மிக(ேமவ( ெம>?ெபா காணா' இக(ேமவ( 857

இனா அறிவி னவ'.

2  C' # 2  -
.,4  $% $* :J2  /
A man with perverse knowledge and hatred for others can never find truth leading to

இகG5() எதி'சா>த( ஆக அதைன 858

மிகVகி ஊமா ேக;.

2 4* % >4H

.] ] ;  
One who resists hatred will always gain; one who yields to it will bring ruin on himself.

இக(காணா ஆக வ+கா( அதைன 859

மிக(கா@ ேக; தர5.

,  4! 2 !  R
.,2  4! 9 R
When prosperity comes, one shuns hatred, but tries to cherish discordance to bring
about ruin.

இகலானா இனாத எ(லா நகலானா 860

நனய எB ெச.

] <  ] 2
.,    ]* 
It is hatred that brings all evils and friendship brings wealth of virtues.
 §ÚdÏ\s 176  

87. பைகமாசி -  $ - Merits of Enmity

வGயா' மாேற5ற( ஓ)க ஓபா 861

ெமGயா'ேம( ேமக பைக.

4 M- 4 '; !
  2 7 4*
.8, 4 - 4 '; !
 *2 * 
One should not fight with a strong enemy but choose the weaker one to fight.
அபில ஆற ,ைணயில தா,<வா 862

எபாிD ஏதிலா ,?).

 &!- >! 3 I   H* 3
K4! <9     + ';
An unkind, friendless and weak king can never overcome his stronger enemies.
அ  அறியா அைமவில ஈகலா 863

தச எளிய பைக.

81? =4 4! 8%  81% 4   ';
.&  HJ  2  9
One who is shy, ignorant, unsociable and miserly is easily defeated by one's
நீ+கா ெவளி நிைறயில எஞா 864

யா+க@ யா' எளி,.

#4 )I + IR +Q + 
 <  $9 !
  4% 9 B9
One who is ill-tempered and uncontrolled can be conquered by anybody, at any
place and at any time.
வழிேநாகா வா>?பன ெச>யா பழிேநாகா 865

பபில ப5றா'() இனி,.

   / ? >; C*  /   !
.,  "# 3* / +( $ /
One who is immoral, careless, shameless and unrefined is an easy prey to his enemies.
 §ÚdÏ\s 177  

சின8தா கழிெப+ காம8தா 866

ேபணாைம ேபண? ப;.

"  $9 <2 : H IH 

.,# *! 2*9
A man blind with anger and excessive lust will be easily overcome by his enemies.

ெகா;8, ெகாள(ேவ; மற அ;8தி", 867

மாணாத ெச>வா பைக.

  ,!  0  

.I /   9
One should gain at any cost the enmity of a person who pretends to be friendly but is

ணனிலனா> 5ற பலவாயி மா5றா'() 868

இனனிலனா ஏமா? )ைட8,.

4' "0 1?- " 
.&!-  F#  >29
One who is without virtues but full of vices loses his friends and strengthens the
hands of his enemies.
ேசணிகவா இப அறிவிலா 869

அ  பைகவ'? ெபறி.
 "  * 
.3O ?
.  R
 &!- >! *4  !
The joy of the warriors knows no bounds when their enemies are fools and cowards.
க(லா ெவJ சிெபா எஞா 870

ஒ(லாைன ஒ(லா ெதாளி.

% &! >! H* - <)* + 
.  4 9
He who fails to fight the enemies who are unlearned will never gain fame.
 §ÚdÏ\s 178  

88. பைக.திறெதாித

# $ + ( - Assessing the Power of Enmity

பைகஎB பபி லதைன ஒவ 871

நைகேயD ேவட5பா5() அ.

:?   , 
.    9 - R 19
Enmity is an evil which should not be sought by anyone even for fun.
வி(ேல' உழவ' பைகெகாளிB ெகாள5க 872

ெசா(ேல' உழவ' பைக.

 +2 ] C' (+W ) F1# -  
@ /
.=2  C' (*2 ) F1#
A M! 
A person may incur the enmity of warriors but never the enmity of scholars.
ஏ=5 றவாிB ஏைழ தமியனா>? 873

ப(லா' பைகெகா பவ.

8#4 0 !
.4   82   -  9
One who incurs the enmity of many when alone is more foolish than the mad.
பைகந பா ெகாெடா3 ப)ைட யாள 874

தைகைமக த+கி5 உல.

2 &!    A   +A  +
The world is secure under one whose love can turn even one's enemies into friends.
த,ைண இறா( பைகயிரடா( தாஒவ 875

இ,ைணயா ெகாகவ5றி ஒ.

:   + !
. 82  %- '?* - 
If helpless and alone while facing two enemies, a person should secure one of them
to his side.
 §ÚdÏ\s 179  

ேதறிB ேதறா விB அழிவிக 876

ேதறா பகாஅ விட(.

   :0 + - &  - :0 ';
. *  ,  " $9 # / 2 19
An enemy, whether tested or not, should be kept neither close nor far in times of
ேநாவ5க ெநா"த(,) அறியா' ேமவ5க 877

ெமைம பைகவ' அக8,.

    ! /   1 3 * /
.# I >! ! W
A 3.* /
One should not reveal one's woes to the unconcerned friends nor weaknesses to the
வைகயறி", த5ெச>, த5கா?ப மாD 878

பைகவ'க ப ட ெச.
#4 $ *  4! J!-  %'*
.B :)  4! <9*
The pride of enemies will fall if one strengthens and defends himself with proper
இைளதாக =மர ெகா(க கைளDந' 879

ைகெகா(6 கா8த இட8,.

%H $9   , <)
."*  " 4 ';  )  " /ٕ
A thorny tree is easy to cut when it is tender but it injures the cutter's hands when it is
உயி'?ப உளர(ல' மற ெசயி'?பவ' 880

ெசம( சிைதகலா தா'.

W  + 
&!-  <I? .
.h #4* >2 - <)* 19
Those who fail to destroy the pride of their enemies will surely face death from them.
 §ÚdÏ\s 180  

89. உபைக - 
7 - Hidden Enmity
நிழ(நீ இனாத இனா தம'நீ 881

இனாவா இனா ெசயி.

P  0 4 ';  *I A   Q
 4? '
Shade and water are not good if they cause diseases. Likewise, relatives doing harm
are bad.
வாேபா( பைகவைர அச5க அ க 882

ேகேபா( பைகவ' ெதாட').

3 0 %Q    3? /
.J?   3? 
One need not fear open enemies but one has to fear enemies who pretend to be
உ பைக அசி8த5 காக உைலவிட8, 883

ம பைகயி மாண8 ெத.

 * $9 2*  4U9 ? ,  :*
.2 >! 3?
@   <- $% $*
A person should guard himself against the hidden enmity. Otherwise, it will cut him
like a potter's knife.
மனமாணா உ பைக ேதாறி இனமாணா 884

ஏத பல. த.

,# #?  ,!
.J-  # * "1 >; (*
Hidden enmity will breed evils and even separate the relatives.
உற(=ைறயா உ பைக ேதாறி இற(=ைறயா 885

ஏத பல. த.

  #? , 
.  J   >; *
Hidden enmity among kinsmen will cause many fatal faults resulting in destruction.
 §ÚdÏ\s 181  

ஒறாைம ஒறியா' க ப எஞா 886

ெபாறாைம ஒற( அாி,.

- `?  #? ,  "T 4 ';
.1   #4 Q# - *   9
When serious differences arise within relatives, there is no way to avoid destruction.

ெச?பி )ண'
சிேபா( B டாேத 887

உ பைக உ5ற .

 $9 J)R 4E 0 ,
.IH ,! + 4 "4 '; B4* +
Where there is an inner discord in the family, the apparent unity will be like the lid on
a jar.

அரெபாத ெபாேபால8 ேதD உரெபா, 888

உ பைக உ5ற .

3 I* :*#* #? ,   JI!- 3* $* J 
W   3 I  
The strength of a family with internal hostility will wear away like iron crumbling when
it is filed.

எ பக வன சிைம8ேத ஆயிB 889

உ பைக உளதா+ ேக;.

    #? ,  $9 
.  $9 +  @2 W 0 "4 
Though hidden enmity is small like a split sesame, it will lead the house to total ruin.

உடபா(;) இலாதவ' வாைக ட+க 890

பாேபா(;) உடBைற" த5.

4 /  < ,
. j $9 > 9
 < , 0 
Domestic life of persons in disagreement is like a life of one living with a snake in a hut.
 §ÚdÏ\s 182  

90. ெபாியாைர0 பிைழயாைம

  $ - Not offending the Great
ஆ5வா' ஆ5ற( இகழாைம ேபா5வா' 891

ேபா5ற6 எ(லா தைல.

#4 4E  ? 
. "4U 3?* / -
Not offending the might of the mighty is the chief defense against all evils.
ெபாியாைர? ேபணா(,) ஒ3கி5 ெபாியாரா( 892

ேபரா இ;ைப த.

 @ + 
. J   $9 <2 4U9
Disrespect to the great will surely lead one to lifelong miseries.
ெகட(ேவ ேகளா, ெச>க அட(ேவ 893

ஆ5 பவ'க இ3.

 BJ4 3?*9 #4 1%  
 4  I +J *
He who never consults the wise and ever insults the mighty always courts ruin.
5ற8ைத ைகயா( விளி8த5றா( ஆ5வா' 894

ஆ5றாதா' இனா ெசய(.

) ,2 -
A 3 I 
."  A  4 4
The weak challenging the mighty is like inviting the god of death and ruin.
ெச() யா; உளராகா' ெவ",?பி 895

ேவ", ெசற?ப டவ'.

C2   IH P * 
.4 9  4-   / B4 19
A person who incurs the wrath of a mighty ruler will not survive wherever he goes.
 §ÚdÏ\s 183  

எாியா( ட?பB உ>.டா உ>யா' 896

ெபாியா'? பிைழ8ெதா3 வா'.

6&; 4 :*   4E    
A ';    >4- 
One may escape even from fire-burns but certainly not from the anger of the great.

வைகமாட வாைகD வாெபாJ எனா 897

தைகமாட தகா' ெசறி.

 Q  *0 / ,  * ! A  <#4* /
.+Q  : $9 T)?- ';
If a person incurs the wrath of great men, he cannot protect his glorious life and
splendid wealth.

றனா' ற மதி?பி ெயா; 898

நிறனா' மா>வ' நில8,.

  ! @). 
.M- .*! "4  @)  
Even the wealthy will be totally ruined if they incur the curse of powerful ascetics.

ஏ"திய ெகாைகயா' சீறி இைட=ாி", 899

ேவ"தB ேவ", ெக;.

. IH 0 ';
. . <    
If men of noble ideals become angry, the king loses his state and gets ruined.

இற"தைம"த சா')ைடய' ஆயிB உ>யா' 900

சிற"தைம"த சீரா' ெசறி.

1   4 9  >! ,2 3  ' IR ';
.4 &4 
Even mighty kings with vast army and sufficient aides will perish if they incur the
wrath of the sages.
 §ÚdÏ\s 184  

91. ெப&வழி ேசற

- 9  4 - Being Henpecked
மைனவிைழவா' மாபய எ>தா' விைனவிைழவா' 901

ேவடா? ெபாJ அ,.

I# >!  19 * <4? 
.' $9 R 19  Q! 1 ! 4 -   
As surrendering to wife can never bring greatness, dutiful men avoid it.
ேபணா, ெபவிைழவா ஆக ெபாியேதா' 902

நாணாக நா@8 த.

=#4 ,!   + * *4*9 C'  ,0

.4    ; *
The wealth of a man infatuated with his wife unmindful of his duties will bring shame
and disgrace.
இ(லாக தா"த இய(பிைம எஞா 903

ந(லா நா@8 த.

*- /  5I? '
.- ?
    ; *
A person who submits to his wife will always be put to shame in the midst of the virtuous.
மைனயாைள அ  மைமயி லாள 904

விைனயாைம Sெற>த G.

 ,  :* 19 * > ? 
.I# 4* /   !-
A henpecked husband who gains no heavenly bliss will not achieve glory even
through his manly deeds.
இ(லாைள அ வா அ ம5 ெறஞா 905

ந(லா' ந(ல ெசய(.

* > ? 
 >; ? +2 9
He who fears his wife will always be afraid of doing good deeds to the virtuous.
 §ÚdÏ\s 185  

இைமயாாி வாழிB பாலேர இ(லா 906

அைமயா'ேதா அ பவ'.
   C-  >2 19  !4 * 5'   
.4 $9 ,   ! ! 
No one will respect those who fear the tender shoulders of their wives, though they
live like gods.
ெபேணவ( ெச>ெதா3 ஆைமயி நா@ைட? 907

ெபேண ெபைம உைட8,.

? ,-  04-
5@ @)    I9-
The modest womanhood is more honoured than the manliness of a henpecked
ந டா' ைற=யா' நறா5றா' நBதலா 908

ெப டா+ ஒ3 பவ'.

&- ! 19 * "R +* 
.  !
 +2 /
Men who submit to their wives cannot help their friends and do anything good.
அறவிைனD ஆற ெபாJ பிறவிைனD 909

ெபஏவ( ெச>வா'க இ(.

 JI# ,0   !

.* 5@ @)   ** / &' 9
Men who submit to their wives' instigation will gain no virtue, wealth and joyful deeds.
எேச'"த ெநச8 திடBைடயா'() எஞா 910

ெபேச'"தா ேபைதைம இ(.

+ 2  920 '
.81  : *    /
Men with a thoughtful and strong mind will be free from the folly of submitting to their
 §ÚdÏ\s 186  

92. வைரவி" மகளி7 - * >

 - Wanton Women

அபி விைழயா' ெபாவிைழD ஆ>ெதாயா' 911

இெசா( இ38 த.

:  /    I * $*1 ,4 ;
.+     19
The sweet words of whores with their eyes only on wealth and not on love will ruin men.
பய*கி? ப)ைர பபி( மகளி' 912

நய*கி நளா விட(.

,# ,-  ! !* -  >! 
  *  2 , "  +** $*
One should avoid an ill-natured woman who feigns love only for her selfish gain.
ெபா ெப' ெபா>ைம =யக இ டைறயி( 913

ஏதி( பிண"தழீஇ அ5.

! ) ,%  24

. Q  9H $9 "  24 
Embracing a greedy whore is like hugging a corpse in a dark room.
ெபா ெபாளா' )னல" ேதாயா' அ ெபா 914

ஆD அறிவி னவ'.

 4 $9 R ' 12 
 <   c %  $*1 A' "%   *  /
Men of wisdom who seek the wealth of grace will never seek the mean joy of the
ெபா,நல8தா' )னல ேதாயா' மதிநல8தி 915

மாட அறிவி னவ'.

  +  9 * ' 12 
.  <   *  $*1 ' "%   * $9 R /
Men of wits with true wisdom will never crave for the mean charms of whores.
 §ÚdÏ\s 187  

த"நல பாாி?பா' ேதாயா' தைகெசகி? 916

)னல பாாி?பா' ேதா.

H 3*-   / ,  /?  ' 
.%-      ?# $*1
Men who safeguard their honour shun the charms of worthless whores.

நிைறெநச இ(லவ' ேதா>வ' பிறெநசி5 917

ேபணி? )ண'பவ' ேதா.

#  +  " + 1?- "0? ' # I
. 2 A 
  1 $*1 H $9 R
Men without virtue alone will seek the embrace of whores who think of something else.
ஆD அறிவின' அ(லா'() அண+ெகப 918

மாய மகளி' =ய.

 ; * ,H H

.  / 2!   +  A
To the fools the embrace of a whore is a fatal touch of a ruinous maid.

வைரவிலா மாணிைழயா' ெமேதா )ைரயிலா? 919

Uாிய'க ஆ3 அள.

O#!   = $*1  !4 "%  I- ;
  9 <2 + $%  4U9
The elegant and tender shoulders of the prostitutes are a hell for mean-minded people.
இமன? ெப கJ கவ 920

திநீக? ப டா' ெதாட').

W   ?   "' H
.  Q  0S 
Wanton women, wine and gambling are the friends of those abandoned by fortune.
 §ÚdÏ\s 188  

93. கணாைம - 7 /   - Abstaining from Liquor

உ க? படாஅ' ஒளியிழ?ப' எஞா 921

க காத( ெகாெடா3 வா'.

J!-   /  ?  
.?   2#
Men addicted to drink will never be feared by their enemies and they never gain fame.
உண5க கைள உணி(உக சாேறாரா 922

எண? படேவடா தா'.

'   +  9  ?
A  ;
. 4*9 I9
  $9 40  
One should not drink liquor; only those who never care for the regards of great men
may drink liquor.
ஈறா =க8ேதD இனாதா( எம5

சாேறா' =க8, களி.

+(  ?  
K12  + -   9
Even the mother is hurt to see her drunken son; it is all the more painful to the wise.
நாஎB ந(லா )ற+ெகா; கெளB 924

ேபணா? ெப+5ற8 தா'.

 C- 4 ?  **
. ?  C- , J)? *  !
The virtuous maid of modesty turns her face away from those addicted to the sin of
ைகயறி யாைமஉைட8ேத ெபாெகா;8, 925

ெம>யறி யாைம ெகாள(.

.&     *  %
Utter ignorance alone urges one to pay money for liquor and get insensibility in return.
 §ÚdÏ\s 189  

,சினா' ெச8தாாி ேவற(ல' எஞா 926

ந பா' கJ பவ'.

:9  4 =9 "  :H*  +J4
.2! $ H ] + S 0   ?  '
Those who sleep do not differ from the dead. The drunkards are always like poison
உெளா5றி உW' நக?ப;வ' எஞா 927

கெளா5றி கசா> பவ'.

B4* 8#*?  ?  
. - *  %- & ';
Those who drink secretly have no secrets and become the butt of ridicule.
களி8தறிேய எப, ைகவி;க ெநச8(,) 928

ஒளி8த*உ ஆ+ேக மி.

" ?  - "  ?  2 /
.4A    :  4U9
A drunkard should not pretend that he does not get drunk. The secret will be out
when he is drunk.
களி8தாைன காரண கா ;த( கீநீ' 929

ளி8தாைன8 தீ8,ாீஇ அ5.

 ?  &'24E  ?    4
.4       $9 :H ]
Convincing a drunkard of the evils of drinking is like searching with a lamp for a man
drowned in water.
கJணா? ேபாதி5 களி8தாைன கா@+கா( 930

உளாெகா( உடத ேசா'..

 ?   * $9  *  /-
K   *  ?  M ]
When not drunk, if a drunkard sees another in a drunken state, he learns the evil
effects of his own drinking.
 §ÚdÏ\s 190  

94. 8 - 
 - Gambling
ேவட5க ெவறிB Lதிைன ெவற*உ 931

*5ெபா மீவி3+கி அ5.

O  /
9   2 $9 - R
.   * `
@ 0  /; =  9 C' 

One should avoid gambling for gains. Its gains are like a baited hook swallowed by a fish.
ஒெற>தி Fறிழ Lத' உடா+ெகா( 932

நெற>தி வாவேதா' ஆ.

, , B , J ?  2 
K,  >;    >4T9
Gamblers who gain one and lose a hundred can never dream of a prosperous life.
உளாய ஓவா, றி ெபாளாய 933

ேபாஒ>? )றேம ப;.

A 4   
@ C'
.J!- >; 4! *  * $*  - U9
The wealth and income of one who endlessly indulges in gambling will go into the
hands of one's enemies.
சிைம பலெச>, சீரழி Lதி 934

வைம தவெதா இ(.

 2  0-  2# ] $ 4% =
.& # ,0 J  ] C' %
Nothing brings poverty like gambling that causes misery and spoils one's fame.
கவ கழக= ைகD தகி 935

இவறியா' இ(லாகி யா'.

*  * *4
A  2   + 
.  9 4R  
Men who take pleasure in gambling will soon be reduced to poverty though they may
be rich.
 §ÚdÏ\s 191  

அகடாரா' அ(ல( உழ?ப'L ெதB 936

=கயா /ட?ப டா'.

 2 ,2  A* 
."9Y "  0 >*
. 4U9
One, seized by the goddess of misfortune called gambling, suffers the torments of
hunger and misery.
பழகியெச(வ= ப) ெக; 937

கழக8, காைல )கி.

 2 4 $9  - $I * 
.,   ? 0   -  . 4U9
Inherited wealth and goodness will be wiped out if one wastes time in a gambling house.
ெபாெக;8,? ெபா>ேம5 ெகாளீஇ அெக;8, 938

அ(ல( உழ?பி L,.

,2  $9 < ,0 <  2 ;
Gambling ruins one's wealth, leads to falsehood, spoils grace and brings in utter
உைடெச(வ ஊஒளி க(விஎ ஐ", 939

அைடயாவா ஆய+ ெகாளி.

+    + ) ,0 =
. 2 #4
A !
@ C'  ! *  ? &'%
Clothing, wealth, food, glory and education depart from a man who indulges in
இழ8ெதாXஉ காதG Lேதேபா( ,ப 940

உழ8ெதாXஉ காத5 உயி'.

4 ?    2 >;   
."     , >; =#4  @   
At every loss, craving for gambling increases. Likewise, the love for life grows as
sufferings grow.
 §ÚdÏ\s 192  

95. ம$ - # $ - Medicine

மிகிB ைறயிB ேநா>ெச>D Fேலா' 941

வளி=தலா எணிய /.

g # ,H :]10 +  ; )  ! 
.P  ]* $ 9 "24 - " ';
Experts say that excess or deficiency of the three humours, i.e. gas, bile and phlegm,
causes diseases.
ம"ெதன ேவடாவா யாைக() அ"திய, 942

அ5ற, ேபா5றி உணி.

+ ) +I 4     "- ';
. C- >;   b* 19
No medicine is needed if man eats only after digesting what he has already taken.
அ5றா( அளவறி", உக அஃ,ட) 943

ெப5றா ெந,> ஆ.

+ ) +I 4   *!/ 'H*
.  )  &' 9
Eating moderately after digestion is a sure way of attaining longevity.
அ5ற(,) அறி", கைட?பி8, மாற(ல 944

,>க ,வர? பசி8,.

:J1 5    : + ) +I%  T* 7
.4 / T* /   4  *? 7 
One should eat what is agreeable to the system with proper appetite after digestion.
மாபா; இ(லாத உ ம8,ணி 945

ஊபா; இ(ைல உயி'.

g** /  "*  L  "- ';
.8- * $9 $4 * 19
Agreeable food in moderation ensures the absence of diseases in our life.
 §ÚdÏ\s 193  

இழிவறி", உபாக இபேபா( நி5 946

கழிேப' இைரயாக ேநா>.

+ ) $9 0  >! P  
.+ ) +I      
Moderate eating ensures good health; likewise, overeating breeds diseases.

தீயளவறி8 ெதாியா ெபாி,ணி 947

ேநாயள விறி? ப;.

+ ) $9 3E
Eating food beyond the limit of one's digestion leads to all kinds of ailments.

ேநா>நா ேநா>=த( நா அ,தணி 948

வா>நா வா>?ப
P  `?  - :' ) $H4
.N  +0  ! ]
Physicians should diagnose the disease, find out the cause and its remedy before

உ5றா அள. பிணியள. கால= 949

க5றா கதி
P   ) + +Q4 9 ) >! 
.b1   "
A doctor should study the patient's condition, nature of sickness and time before

உ5றவ தீ'?பா ம",ைழ

ெச(வாென() 950

அ?பா(நா5 5ேற ம",.

: - >!  *  ) +!
.I   ) P 
The patient, physician, medicine and nurse are the four aspects of medical science.
 §ÚdÏ\s 194  

96. ைம -  "; - Noble Birth

இ5பிற"தா' கஅ(ல(,) இ(ைல இய(பாக

ெச?ப= நா@ ஒ+.

*?    2 $9 `1?E
.   "' J! $9   $9 /;  ** /
The principles of honesty in word and deed and a sense of shame are natural only to
the noble-born.
ஒ3க= வா>ைமD நா@இ / 952

இ3கா' ?பிற" தா'.

4 J! $9  C'  
. : 
 :? ]10 ! >?* /
The noble-born never deviate from the path of good conduct, truthfulness and a
sense of shame.
நைகஈைகஇெசா( இகழாைம நா 953

வைகெயப வா>ைம .

:4 "# <T 3*9 2 4 -   
. ' :? +1 )   1)
Cheerful face, generous heart, sweet words and courtesy are the four signs of true
அ;கிய ேகா ெபறிB ?பிற"தா' 954

வ ெச>த( இல'.

4 3 # 19 4 J! $9  
.24  3/S   4 
Men of noble birth will never stoop to mean acts even if they are given immense wealth.
வழ+வ ,S"த க@ பழ+ 955

பபி( தைல?பிாித( இ.

2*! 4 J! $9  C' `? 
. - "24  ?Y >! :#4E !   /
Though their sources of charity diminish, noble families will continue to be charitable.
 §ÚdÏ\s 195  

சா(பில ெச>யா'மா ச5ற 956

லப5றி வா,எ பா'.

  4 ?  *   C'
.9  : /     /
Those who live up to the traditions of their family will never stoop to ignoble deeds of

?பிற"தா' கவிள+ 5ற வி பி 957

மதிக ம?ேபா( உய'",.

=4 !
.  Q :  4 '
.    >!  )24
The faults of the noble are exposed as clearly as the dark spots on the moon.

நல8திக நாாிைம ேதாறி அவைன 958

ல8திக ஐய? ப;.

 ,  J?    ? 9  + 
.4 ,- >; *4 $9 *9
If one is found lacking in love for others, one's very noble birth will be doubted.

நில8தி( கிட"தைம கா(கா ; கா ; 959

ல8தி( பிற"தா'வா>
9 "*4 C' *  ) >! * *4
.  4 ? >! *  +9  "? $* "  '
As sprouts indicate the nature of the soil, speech reveals the nature of one's birth.

நலேவ நா@ைடைம ேவ; லேவ 960

ேவ;க யா' பணி..

 +9 ? - 
.<  <I*9 4  9 -  
One's goodness springs from the sense of shame and one's family's honour comes
out of humility.
 §ÚdÏ\s 196  

97. மான - 4 - Honour

இறி அைமயா
சிற?பின ஆயிB 961

ற வப விட(.

6 !-  *J! ,!    ! O 4O*W
.* "I  "4 
One should avoid mean acts that degrade the family honour, even if they are
சீாிB சீர(ல ெச>யாேர சீெரா; 962

ேபராைம ேவ; பவ'.

4 4 R / !- * /   ,   
.  ]* "4 
Those who desire honour and majesty will not do mean deeds even for the sake of fame.
ெபக8, ேவ; பணித( சிறிய 963

க8, ேவ; உய'..

)#  >4H 4! <I* - 

.2# 4! *
One should be humble in prosperity and maintain honour in poverty.
தைலயி இழி"த மயிரைனய' மா"த' 964

நிைலயி இழி"த கைட.

  + ** ! )4 '
.=-  ")2 $* ,  0  4
Men of noble family, if fallen from their high position, are like the hair fallen from the head.
றி அைனயா வ' வ 965

றி அைனய ெசயி.

8 2 81 ! * '; '- -  !- +
.MW 47 . ,' 20
The great will sink to nothing if they commit even the smallest fault.
 §ÚdÏ\s 197  

)கஇறா( )8ேதநா (;) உ>யாதா( எம5() 966

இகவா'பி ெச நிைல.

  0 19 &2  + - 1'   3
K*J9  9 64 ? /
Men of high birth need not go after those who despise them, for it brings them no
fame or heaven.

ஒ டா'பி ெசெறாவ வாதG அ"நிைலேய 967

ெக டா என?ப;த( ந.

2#  $9 "  ; =4  ';
.&2  >! ! 1'   -   ? '9
It is much better for a man to die than to serve those who scorn him.

ம"ேதாம5() ஊஓ) வாைக ெப"தைகைம 968

Oடழிய வ"த இட8,.

9  &!
@   !  ';
K* + 
8  + 4  *  9
Life which is saved at the cost of honour is not a cure to immortality.

மயி'நீ?பி வாழா கவாிமா அனா' 969

உயி'நீ?ப' மான வாி.

  19 $  0 !   )* ';
."  *  4! " ';   '
As a deer kills itself at the loss of its hair, the noble will die to uphold their honour.

இளிவாி வாழாத மான உைடயா' 970

ஒளிெதா3, ஏ8, உல.

:? + ! $40 ' >! "  *? ' !

.+  $9 +%' Q#
The world will admire the glory of men who would prefer to die when they face
 §ÚdÏ\s 198  

98. ெப$ைம -  - Greatness

ஒளிஒவ5() உள ெவைக இளிஒவ5() 971

அஃதிற", வா, என(.

*; , $9  ?9
. ' '9  4   - -  
Greatness lies in doing things with zeal. To live without ardent desire for good is
பிற?ெபா எ(லா உயி' சிற?ெபா<வா 972

ெச>ெதாழி( ேவ5ைம யா.

,/ $9  _ 
.+  !- 31*? + 4 3*?* 
All are equal by birth. But the worth of each person depends on his trade.
ேமG", ேமல(லா' ேமல(ல' கீழி", 973

கீழ(லா' கீழ( லவ'.

6 4 )4    ,  ? 9 "4  =4 I9- 
. 4 :!      ' ? 9 "4  +%4-  
Even when lifted high, the low will never be great; the great, though placed low, will
never become mean.
ஒைம மகளிேர ேபால? ெபைமD 974

தைன8தா ெகாெடா3கி உ;.

M2*  *   C'   - +Q 
.##  ,-   - +Q   
Like chastity in women, greatness is found in one who is true to oneself.
ெபைம Dைடயவ' ஆ5வா' ஆ5றி 975

அைம உைடய ெசய(.

 Q!  !T +2 - <)*  +Q 
Great men are capable of performing rare deeds in a proper and perfect manner.
 §ÚdÏ\s 199  

சிறியா' உண'
சிD இ(ைல ெபாியாைர? 976

ேபணிெகா ேவஎB ேநா.

+% : 
 2 / '

.+ * >!  /
The petty-minded have no respect for the great and avoid seeking their company.

இற?ேப )ாி"த ெதாழி5றா சிற?)"தா 977

சீர( லவ'க ப.

+J  *
.- >! < * ,  ,0  ';
If unworthy men gain power and wealth, they will soon resort to insolent deeds.

Dமா எ ெபைம சிைம

பணி 978

அணிDமா தைன விய",.

-  <I*
.8 J #4   2 
Great minds are always humble but the petty-minded take pride in their deeds.

ெபைம ெபமித இைம சிைம 979

ெபமித ஊ'", விட(.

<I* $9  Q   4;
.H $9 H
A   4ٕ
Greatness is free from pride. Meanness is marked with pride.

அ5ற மைற ெபைம சிைமதா 980

5றேம றி வி;.

?Y ! **  Q 
.<   # * ,2 
Greatness never minds the faults of others but pettiness exposes them clearly.
 §ÚdÏ\s 200  

99. சா"றா&ைம - ,67 ( 

 - Perfectness
கடஎப ந(லைவ எ(லா கடஅறி", 981

சாறாைம ேம5ெகா பவ'.

W.    J-  6I9 ?  :
.    >!
All good deeds stay in those who are duty-conscious and perfect.
ணநல சாேறா' நலேன பிறநல 982

எ"நல8, உள*உ அ.

+ ? % :? 
.9  ? 19 JI#  &  -
Good character is the virtue of the great. All other qualities are not so great.
அ)நா ஒ?)ர. கேணா ட வா>ைமெயா; 983

ஐ",சா() ஊறிய *.

: 4 E   
 $9   - = ? ? &' 9
Love, modesty, benevolence, mercy and truthfulness are the five pillars of
ெகா(லா நல8த, ேநாைம பிற'தீைம 984

ெசா(லா நல8த, சா().

,# *2 *  4;
.   *      4ٕ
Penance is a virtue arising from non-killing and perfectness lies in not speaking ill of
ஆ5வா' ஆ5ற( பணித( அ,சாேறா' 985

மா5றாைர மா5 பைட.

 , % <I*
.- !
  *   S
Humility is the strength of the mighty and it is the weapon to demolish one's enmity.
 §ÚdÏ\s 201  

சா(பி5 க டைள யாெதனி ேதா(வி 986

,ைலய(லா' க@ ெகாள(.

     3*! % :1?
.$4  % 
The touchstone of one's perfection is to acknowledge defeat even at the hands of his
இனாெச> தா' இனியேவ ெச>யாகா( 987

என பய8தேதா சா().

 .2? A  <#4 3
K; -  >;  + ';
Nobility is of no value if it does not do pleasing deeds even to those who have
caused pain.
இைம ஒவ5() இளிவ சா(ெபB 988

திைமஉ டாக? ெபறி.

! = 2#
A 2# $)W !.
7 - ';
Poverty is not at all a disgrace to one who possesses perfection of character.
ஊழி ெபயாிB தாெபயரா' சாறாைம() 989

ஆழி என?ப; வா'.

:?  $9      H** /

.4  4 >;
Men who are called the ocean of perfect goodness will never change, even at the
time of deluge.
சாறவ' சாறாைம றி இநில"தா 990

தா+கா, மேனா ெபாைற.

 :1?- "* ';
. 20-   P
 &'%  ** 19
If the great fall from their noble nature, even this huge earth cannot bear its burden.
 §ÚdÏ\s 202  

100. ப&3ைடைம - $ % - Courtesy

எபத8தா( எ>த( எளிெதப யா'மா ; 991

ப)ைடைம எB வழ.

<  ,#
.I#   ?
Accessibility to all is the easy way to gain the virtue called courtesy.
அ)ைடைம ஆற ?பிற8த( இ<விர; 992

ப)ைடைம எB வழ.

4 -  
  " 1!   %
Love for all and noble tradition are the two ways of courtesy in one's life.
உ?ெபா8த( மகெளா?) அறா( ெவ8தக 993

பெபா8த( ஒ?பதா ஒ?).

 $9 8I  + I    * /
. +2 $9   *  4;
To be a human is not merely a matter of physical resemblance. It is found only in
நயெனா; நறி )ாி"த பயBைடயா' 994

ப)பா ரா ; உல.
?   ?Y >;  
.+A  2?  >! $40
The world will praise the excellence of men whose service results in justice and charity.
நைகDJ இனா திக
சி பைகDJ 995

ப)ள பாடறிவா' மா ;.
F    4%E
.!   - I / +9
Even in jest, mockery is painful; hence the courteous will not hurt even their enemies.
 §ÚdÏ\s 203  

ப)ைடயா'? ப ;(;) உலக அ,இேற( 996

ம) மா>வ, ம.

 "  +%/
The world subsists only because of courteous men. Otherwise, it will perish.

அரேபா6 'ைமய ேரB மரேபா(வ' 997

மக ப()) இ(லா தவ'.

 4T9 :?  9  + 
W 0 '   ٕ
Those without manners, though sharp like files, are just like trees.

நபா5றா' ஆகி நயமில ெச>வா' 998

பபா5றா' ஆத( கைட.

& + ; - ' <  :?   * + 
.'  9
It is a disgrace to be discourteous even to those who are unfriendly and harmful.

நக(வ(ல' அ(லா' மாயி ஞால 999

பக6பா5 ப ட() இ.

 1) =4 C + 
. 4 $9 4 +Q*9
The wide world is in darkness even by daytime to those who do not lovingly mix with

பபிலா ெப5ற ெபெச(வ நபா( 1000

கல"தீைம யா(திாி" த5.

 $   * C' J)  
.f 4E 9 C'  0 
The great wealth of discourteous men is useless like the pure milk spoilt in an
unclean vessel.
 §ÚdÏ\s 204  

101. ந"றியி
வ - (
=  - Futile Wealth

ைவ8தாவா> சாற ெபெபா அஃ,ணா 1001

ெச8தா ெசயகிட"த(,) இ(.

9   4*   <#*4 + " 
.4 $9 8 - 4 + 4U9
One who hoards wealth but never uses it, is as good as a dead man.
ெபாளானா எ(லாெம() ஈயா(,) இவ 1002

மளானா மாணா? பிற?).

?Y >! 2#4 +    $  T Q C' 
.40 */ $9 3 * /
The miser who thinks that wealth is all and hoards it without giving it to anyone is of
mean birth only.
ஈ ட இவறி இைசேவடா ஆடவ' 1003

ேதா5ற நில? ெபாைற.

?Y >! :#4E   $9 R + 
 4* $9 R 
  >! 20  9
A man bent on earning wealth but not a worthy name is a burden to the earth.

செம எஎ@+ ெகா(ேலா ஒவரா( 1004

ச? படாஅ தவ.
? =4  / C' ?
K*   3? '
One who is not loved by anyone cannot think of leaving any legacy behind.
ெகா;?ப*உ ,>?ப*உ இ(லா'() அ;கிய 1005

ேகாD டாயிB இ(.

  <* * +  -  ?Y >! :#4 + 
."#!I*   - $9 ,J9 19
It is of no use to store immense wealth, if one neither gives nor enjoys it.
 §ÚdÏ\s 205  

ஏத ெபெச(வ தா,<வா தகா'ெகா() 1006

ஈத( இய(பிலா தா.

*   )  +  T <* * + 
.9   P 4U9
He who neither gives his wealth to those in want nor himself enjoys it is a curse to it.

அ5றா'ெகா() ஆ5றாதா ெச(வ மிகநல 1007

ெப5றா தமிய/8 த5.

2# >!  :#4 + C'  
.b 1  $9 "4 )   ,-  0 
The wealth of a man who gives nothing to the needy is like an unmarried pretty
woman growing old.

ச? படாதவ ெச(வ ந; 1008

மரப38 த5.
=4  / C' ? 
.4  ) $9 , 0   , 0 
The wealth of a man who is not liked by others is like a poison-tree bearing fruit in the
middle of a town.

அெபாாீஇ8 த5ெச5() அறேநாகா(,) ஈ ய 1009

ஒெபா ெகாவா' பிற'.

>2 +*  / C'     %' H
.+ ! :#4 / +  /
The wealth accumulated without love, comfort and scruples will be taken away by others.
ெச(வ' சி,னி மாாி 1010

வற+'" தைனய(,) உைட8,.

 1Q /; &29 = 6  ' $4H
., ,   4! 
The short-lived poverty of the honourable rich is like the benevolent clouds becoming dry.
 §ÚdÏ\s 206  

102. நா9ைடைம - #
 - Sense of Shame
கம8தா( நா@த( நா@" திHத( 1011

ந(லவ' நா@? பிற.

" #   % $22  ;
.4  &!  
Sense of shame is the fear of unworthy deeds. Other forms of shame are found only
in women.
ஊ@ைட எ
ச உயி'ெக(லா ேவற(ல 1012

நா@ைடைம மா"த' சிற?).

9  + * NJ   %R = + )
.4k 3 %  
Food, clothing and other needs are common to all men but modesty is the pride of
good men.
ஊைன றி8த உயிெர(லா நாஎB 1013

நைம றி8த, சா().

 2   F

. : :1?
All lives dwell in the body. Likewise, perfection dwells in modesty.
அணிஅேறா நா@ைடைம சாேறா'()அஃ திேற( 1014

பிணிஅேறா O; நைட.
K  A W  =-
K 3* + C'   I  =-
Modesty is the jewel of the noble. Without it, their majestic gait is only a disease.
பிற'பழிD தபழிD நா@வா' நா@ 1015

உைறபதி எB உல.

#4 >!   &R >! + 5  $* C'

@ +A   Q 
He who feels ashamed of others' faults as his own is an embodiment of modesty.
 §ÚdÏ\s 207  

நாேவG ெகாளா, மேனா வியஞால 1016

ேபணல' ேமலா யவ'.

 + #4- 4 14
.4# 4 =
The great will never long for the worldly life without having modesty as a shield.

நாணா( உயிைர8 ,ற?ப' உயி'?ெபா டா( 1017

நா,றவா' நாணா பவ'.

*  $I /  >!  
. * $I 
The great would give up their life for the sense of shame but not modesty for the
sake of life.

பிற'நாண8 தக, தாநாணா னாயி 1018

அறநாண8 தக(,) உைட8,.

4 =4 $*  *  $* + 
.29* -  $** I# U9
Virtue abandons the man who shamelessly does what others are ashamed of doing.

ல ; ெகாைக பிைழ?பி நல ; 1019

நாணிைம நிற கைட.

4 - #*   
.4  #  +! 
Misconduct injures one's clan; shamelessness destroys all good deeds.

நாஅக8 தி(லா' இயக மர?பாைவ 1020

நாணா( உயி'ம  அ5.

  $9 = C' 4E  ;

.  4T #? )?  d d W
@ .*  ?   
Movements of those without a sense of shame are like the movements of the
puppets controlled by strings.
 §ÚdÏ\s 208  

103. ெசய
வைக -  9 - Promoting Family Welfare

கம ெசயஒவ ைக*ேவ எB 1021

ெபைமயி O;ைடய(,) இ(.

"$*J! T )* *- / $4;" : 
.   $  /  U9
Nothing is greater than one's tireless efforts to uplift one's own family.
ஆவிைனD ஆற அறி. எனஇர 1022

நீவிைனயா( நீJ .

: T   *  ';   ,- T <#*
Untiring effort and ripe wisdom are the two basic needs to promote one's family.
ெச>வ( எB ஒவ58 ெத>வ 1023

மத58 தா=" ,.

*- T * b? 
.&2  >;   *!  %T* 2 U9
Even God would rush to help a man who works hard to elevate his family.
Lழாம( தாேன =ெவ>, தைய8 1024

தாழா(,) உஞ5 பவ'.

*- T * >; 5 

.&4!    H #4 ' :2*9
One who labours for the betterment of the family will succeed in one's efforts
5ற இலனா> ெச>, வாவாைன

5 உல.
=4 )
.8 +Q H *J! *    
People seek the relationship of a man who raises the glory of his family righteously.
 §ÚdÏ\s 209  

ந(லாைம எப(,) ஒவ58 தாபிற"த 1026

இ(லாைம ஆகி ெகாள(.

. **  9  $* *J! ( >* - $%
True manliness is the ability to raise the honour of the family in which one was born.

அமரக8, வகண' ேபால8 தமரக8, 1027

ஆ5வா' ேம5ேற ெபாைற.

2*! >!  * *- ( C2 $! >*
.*2  - >* C 5  -  
The burden of the battle falls on the brave. Likewise, the burden of the family falls on
the able member.

ெச>வா' கி(ைல பவ மெச>, 1028

மான+ கத ெக;.

6*J! * $9   +2  "   =
.J    #*9 4 ? -   $9 
. '; 4U9
There is no time or season to promote one's family as laziness and false prestige will
bring disgrace.

இ;ைபேக ெகாகல ெகா(ேலா ;ப8ைத 1029

5ற மைற?பா உட).

! ! +/Y E >  
! J  " ! & 
The body of one who protects the family from troubles will never feel the burden.

இ;ககா( ெகாறிட S3 அ;8* 1030

ந(லா இலாத .

"      * 5   = $* J 
.1  $9 <2* %!
A family will face misfortune and also disintegrate without good men to support it.
 §ÚdÏ\s 210  

104. உழ -  4 - Farming

ழஏ'? பின(,) உலக அதனா( 1031

உழ", உழேவ தைல.

 :  ! ]   ! >! +   * 
W I9- $% !9
., "2  9 "4  3
Though laborious, farming is an excellent industry, for all the people in the world
depend on it for food.
உ3வா' உலக8தா'() ஆணிஅஃ தா5றா(,) 1032

எ3வாைர எ(லா ெபா8,.

+    0  % F1#
.! 9  / ' =4 (   4

The farmers are the linchpin of the society, as they support all those who practice
other professions.
உ3,; வாவாேர வாவா'ம5 ெற(லா 1033

ெதா3,; பிெச( பவ'.

& "  T  2    4;
. I#    ?Y
Only the farmers who plough the field and eat live; the rest depend on others for their
பலைட நீழ6 த+ைடகீ காப' 1034

அலைட நீழ லவ'.

" 4 ,0   C' + F1#
. Q "*   "1Q <  
Prosperous and kind-hearted farmers will bring all other states under the control of
their own king.
இரவா' இர?பா'ெகா() ஈவ' கரவா, 1035

ைகெச>* மாைல யவ'.

8- 8- *
@ / + -  @  T '
.+ 4! #? / 8J + J ) 
Tillers who eat by manual labour never beg out only give alms to those who seek.
 §ÚdÏ\s 211  

உழவினா' ைகமட+கி இ(ைல விைழவ*உ 1036

வி ேடஎ பா' நிைல.

$!   ! 1# C- "#. ';
.%@ >* 
'   , 19
If farmers remain without doing any cultivation, even the ascetics will suffer.
ெதா?)3தி கஃசா உணகி பி8ெத. 1037

ேவடா, சால? ப;.

 ##* +0 P
.  H 9
Ploughing and drying the fields sufficiently will yield plentifully even without manuring.
ஏாிB நறா( எவி;த( க டபி 1038

நீாிB நறத கா?).

,I  !
 " -  'ٕ ]  I9-  
.$2  I9- P
Manuring is more gainful than ploughing. After weeding, guarding is more vital than
ெச(லா கிழவ இ?பி நில)ல", 1039

இ(லாளி ஊ வி;.
&! 2 >; 3*? / 2   ';
.   $9 ,-  = *     $9 =  4U9
If the landowner fails to visit his fields, they will sulk like a neglected wife and yield
இலெம() அைசஇ இ?பாைர காணி 1040

நிலெமB ந(லா ந.

:2 1   !    >! I* P
.S 8J - / &#- 
The maiden earth will laugh to herself when she finds the lazy sitting idle pleading
 §ÚdÏ\s 212  

105. ந
ர - & - Poverty

இைமயி இனாத(,) யாெதனி இைமயி 1041

இைமேய இனா த,.

K2#   1;  - %  :J ';
. 1;  - % 2#  4; : 9
Poverty alone is the most painful and no other suffering is so miserable as poverty.
இைம எனெவா பாவி மைமD 1042

இைமD இறி வ.

+0S 29 4E
A - ';
.,?Y $9 / 4 $9   $2  9
Poverty is the sinner who destroys the joys of this life and those of the next world.
ெதா(வர. ேதா6 ெக; ெதாைகயாக 1043

ந(ர. எB நைச.

8? <  2# - ';
. 4 9  & %- 29
The state of poverty will totally destroy the honour and glory of an ancestry.
இ5பிற"தா' கேணD இைம இளிவ"த 1044

ெசா5பிற ேசா'. த.

4 -     2 2#
. '. %  :)4   >*
Poverty will force even men of high-birth to the moral weakness of speaking mean
ந(ர. எB இ;ைபD ப(ைர8 1045

,ப+க ெச ப;.

8 % 2#
 " <  ; T
The pain of poverty brings in its course many kinds of sufferings.
 §ÚdÏ\s 213  

ந5ெபா நண'", ெசா(GB ந('"தா' 1046

ெசா5ெபா ேசா'. ப;.

4 #* / =4 4! 2# +1   /
W +* 
.H +A 
Although sound in thought, the words of the poor will go unheeded.

அறசாரா ந(ர. ஈறதா யாB 1047

பிறேபால ேநாக? ப;.

8? - ';   ? C' <  2#
.4! P * R 4T  - ; Q4*9
Even a mother treats her son as a stranger if his poverty is not related with virtue.

இ வவ, ெகா(ேலா ெநந6 1048

ெகாற, ேபா6 நிர?).

+ $4 % :1J +  +4 2#
 $4* C' 2# '
People in utter penury always fear whether there will be no end to their poverty.

ெந?பிB ,ச6 ஆ நிர?பிB 1049

யாெதா கபா(;) அாி,.

4 $9 +4 -   <)*
.2#  $9 4! P H - <)* / 4
One may sleep even in the midst of fire but not in the midst of poverty.

,?)ர வி(லா' ,வர8 ,றவாைம 1050

உ?பி5 கா 5.

!     4 $9 %* / 2#
.4  + ) B   * 4- - 
The poor who do not renounce the world completely depend on their neighbours for food.
 §ÚdÏ\s 214  

106. இர -  - Begging

இரக இர8தகா' காணி கர?பி 1051

அவ'பழி தபழி அ.

)!E ! <4*  'ٕ 4 `? 4! *
.! / ! + U9
One may beg from the worthy. If they refuse, they alone are to be blamed.
இப ஒவ5() இர8த( இர"தைவ 1052

,ப உறாஅ வாி.

8 H *  >! *   ';
. * * U9
If one gets alms without suffering, even begging will become a delight.
கர?பிலா ெநசி கடனறிவா' =நி() 1053

இர?)ேமா ேரஎ' உைட8,.

&4!  $#? / `? + -   * @
.2# 4 *(  
There is beauty in begging, if one begs from those who are liberal and duty-
இர8த6 ஈதேல ேபா6 கர8த( 1054

கனவி6 ேத5றாதா' மா ;.
+4  $9  &4!  $#? /  + - *
.)!E 0 ? '
Begging is as good as giving alms when one begs from those who never deny alms
even in dreams.
கர?பிலா' ைவயக8, உைமயா( கணி() 1055

இர?பவ' ேம5ெகா வ,.

+. P
  $9 >2  W =4 *  4;
.+%4!  #? / *  ) 
As there are men who never refuse alms, the poor resort to begging.
 §ÚdÏ\s 215  

கர?பி;ைப யி(லாைர காணி நிர?பி;ைப 1056

எ(லா ஒ+ ெக;.

 - >; A *4 '; *  ! 2# +/S *
.)!E   4l*  / +%4!  #? / '
At the sight of the generous who never deny charity, all the evils of poverty will vanish.
இக"ெதளா(,) ஈவாைர காணி மகி",ள 1057

உJ உவ?ப(,) உைட8,.

*   N **
.+   */ ? H + )    ';
The heart of a beggar rejoices, when he meets men who give alms without contempt.

இர?பாைர இ(லாயி ஈ'+கமா ஞால 1058

மர?பாைவ ெசவ" த5.

< +  '%  U9 *   + ';
.#? )? **  ?   *
Without beggars the vast world will only resemble a puppet show.

ஈவா'க எBடா ேதா5ற இர",ேகா 1059

ேமவா' இலாஅ கைட.

+  %- ?#   * /
.* * 4%  + ';
If there are no beggars, there will be no glory at all to the givers.

இர?பா ெவளாைம ேவ; நிர?பி;ைப 1060

தாேனD சா6 காி.

*  >! - IH /
. 9 ,! &29 +/S U9
A beggar should not get angry when not given, for his own poverty serves as an
 §ÚdÏ\s 216  

107. இரவ ச -  % -7 - The Fear of Begging

,) உவ"தீD கணனா' க@
கரவா( 1061

இரவாைம ேகா உ.

,   I9- * +!

.F# I )    $)   
Not begging even from the most generous ones who give lovingly without refusing is
worth ten million times.
இர", உயி'வாத( ேவ பர", 1062

ெக;க உலகிய5றி யா.

* =4 P    -  '% :? - 
.*   :? 59
If the Creator of the world intends begging as human fate, He Himself should wander
and perish.
இைம இ;ைப இர",தீ' வாெமB 1063

வைமயி வபா ட தி(.

"* $4! 2# - $4;"  
.*  0 $  - 4% =9
Nothing is harder to understand than remaining effortless saying that they can end
poverty by begging.
இடெம(லா ெகாளா8 தைக8ேத இடமி(லா 1064

கா6 இரெவா(லா
"4J &'  )  $ +Q!- * +! >!  +!
@  &4!  + 
Even the whole world is too small before the great who never beg even in poverty.
ெதணீ' அ;)5ைக ஆயிB தாத"த(,) 1065

உணG ஊ+கினிய தி(.

  *  `?  '- $ /
.  0 J ##? ,!  
Even watery gruel obtained by one's own sustained effort is sweeter than anything else.
 §ÚdÏ\s 217  

ஆவி5 நீெர() இர?பிB நாவி5() 1066

இரவி இளிவ"த தி(.

*   >! 2- $ =
.*2 $2   
It will be very disgraceful to the tongue even to beg water for feeding a cow.

இர?ப இர?பாைர எ(லா இர?பி 1067

கர?பா' இரவமி எ.

* / - *  4! *- 4-
.,0  &4!  $#? ? + -
If at all one has to beg, one should not beg from the unwilling misers.

இரெவB ஏமா?பி( ேதாணி கரெவB 1068

பா'தாக? ப வி;.

F1   = $* *
@ 4#
.)!E  <4  $2 2 ,? + - + 4*
The unsafe raft of begging will break if it strikes the rock of denial.

இர.ள உள உ கர.ள 1069

உள*உ இறி ெக;.

@ +/S @ '* '; 2 :
.&4!  $#? C' A  '* '; 2 2 
Mere thought of begging melts one's heart but the thought of refusal breaks the heart

கர?பவ' யா+ெகாளி ெகா(ேலா இர?பவ' 1070

ெசா(லாட? ேபாஒ உயி'.

*  F  * "/"  
K/ :*  2  F %'* T9
Saying 'no' to a beggar would take away his life; the same word would also kill one
who says 'no'.
 §ÚdÏ\s 218  

108. கயைம - 9
! - Meanness
மகேள ேபா(வ' கயவ' அவரன 1071

ஒ?பா ாியா+கட தி(.

%Q $9  =4  - )
.+%R $9 + 4 2   "-
The base resemble others in outward form and there is no such similarly found anywhere.
நறறி வாாி5 கயவ' தி.ைடய' 1072

ெநச8(,) அவல இல'.

12   ,  0- +% =4 )-
.  ? +  

The baser ones are luckier than those who know what is good, as the former never
care for any wrongs.
ேதவ' அைனய' கயவ' அவ"தா 1073

ேமவன ெச>ெதா3க லா.

  >!  ) T
.+ #4- M *      + 4- ]
The base resemble gods, for they too act according to their own will and pleasure.
அக?ப  ஆவாைர காணி அவாி 1074

மிக?ப ;
ெசமா கீ.
+ )  =4 #- M- ';
.&1!- + 4T ?#*
When the mean-minded find others meaner than them, they feel very proud of

சேம கீகள, ஆசார எ
ச 1075

அவா.ேட( உடா சிறி,.

6)   $J  % 3?
.  $9 +% + )
Fear is the code of conduct for the base. Desire is another motive for good conduct.
 §ÚdÏ\s 219  

அைறபைற அன' கயவ'தா ேக ட 1076

மைறபிற' உ>8,ைரக லா.

) 0 +%   
.%  $* 
  # + 4

The mean-minded are like a drum that is beaten, as they make others' secrets public.

ஈ'+ைக விதிரா' கயவ' ெகாைட 1077

ைகய' அ(லா தவ'.

8J )  /   
.8R 4 '?- '; /;
The ignoble never give charity except to those who would break their jaws.

ெசா(ல? பயப;வ' சாேறா' க)ேபா( 1078

ெகா(ல? பயப; கீ.

+ J + ;  '; *    !
.  0  !   /; "?  # /    
Perfect men help immediately on a request but the mean render help only when they
are forced.

உ;?ப*உ உப*உ காணி பிற'ேம( 1079

வ;காண வ5றா கீ.

3* = T 8- $   M- ';
.4  !  )9
Seeing others having good food and fine clothing, the mean would envy them and
point out only their faults.

எ5றி5 ாிய' கயவெரா உ5றகா( 1080

வி5ற5() உாிய' விைர",.

$  2 / '   
. J  4! + #4-  
During calamity the mean who are fit for nothing would hasten to sell even themselves.


றா பதி

Part III

இப பா

 §ÚdÏ\s 222  

109. தைகயண த
  - Beauty's Dart

அணெகா ஆ
மயி ெகாேலா கனைழ 1081

மாதெகா மாஎ ெந .


She is so beautiful that he wonders whether she is an angel or a peahen or a
bejewelled lady.
ேநாகினா ேநாெகதி ேநாத தாகண 1082

தாைனெகா டன ைட! .

#$ #$ "

.) * ( +  &$'(
The responding glance of the beautiful lady is like a nymph coming with a band of army.
படறிேய $%ெற இனியறி'ேத
பதைன 1083

ெபடைகயா ேபரம க)* .

. $ )   -$ ) ./ $(
He never knew the god of death. Now he sees the god of death in the maiden's guise
and warring eyes.
கடா உயி,- ேதா%ற!தா ெபடைக. 1084

ேபைத  அம!தன க
( ) .

.$ ) &  .0

.& 0 #$ . .1"2"
This innocent maiden has devouring eyes which take away the life of those gazing at her.
$%றேமா கேணா பிைணேயா மடவர 1085

ேநாகமி 01 உைட! .

 & $ ) # 

!3 #  4 5!
In the young maiden's glance, there are Death, bliss and timidity of a deer.
 §ÚdÏ\s 223  

ெகா*2,வ மைற.பி ந*கஞ

ேகாடா 1086

யல மஇவ க .

. " 2"! ."!2"

7    $( 
The maiden's eyes do not harm her lover, if her eyebrows are bent.

கடாஅ களி%றிேம% க)படா மாத 1087

படாஅ6ைலேம கி .

 58 9) ": 2" ; <  .'(

. = : .  9) 92 .> ? <= =
The cloth on the firm breast of the maiden looks like a veil covering the forehead of a
mad elephant.

ஒ-த% உைட'தேத ஞா)பி8

ேகாஒ 1088

நணா, உ)ெம 9* .

"2 .5   @5)A &$ B4 " " .0

.C1 &$ 
The forehead of this maiden shatters her lover's strength feared even by his mighty

பிைணேய மடேநா நா- உைடயா)  ( ) 1089

அணிெயவேனா ஏதில த' .

": D&   3  

.&   &"#$ &
No jewels can add to the beauty of this maiden who has meek looks and modesty.

உடாக அல அ*நறா காமேபா

( ) 1090

கடா மகி:ெச
த இ1 .

&:E 5 F0 4 " F

.#% G  5$) 
H .(
Wine gives joy only when it is tasted but love gives joy even at sight.
 §ÚdÏ\s 224  

110. றி பறித

 - Divining the Heart

இ,ேநா  இவ;க உள ஒ,ேநா

( ) ( ) 1091

ேநாெகா ற'ேநா
ம,' .

@5  50  ."#$ & 3( &$ ) .0

.@5 I4A 
Her painted eyes have two different looks; one injures, the other heals.
ககள< ெகா; சி1ேநாக காம!தி 1092

ெசபாக அ1 ெபாி .

 =( 3!"4 &"# .0

J B8$ .
Her secret momentary look gives more joy than half of the sexual pleasure.
ேநாகினா ேநாகி இைற சினா அஃதவ 1093

யா.பி8 அ)>ய நீ .

 8 >JK
= 907 #$
= < 3"$ 
7 !K (
She looked and when he looked she lowered her head. Her action was like watering
their love-plant.
யாேநா நிலேநா ேநாகாகா
காைல 1094

தாேநாகி ெமல ந .

&! ?$"   & 0 #$ (

.3!" 0 #$" & & 0 #$
When he looks at her, her head droops to the earth. When he turns, she looks at him
with a gentle smile.
றிெகா* ேநாகாைம அலா ஒ,க 1095

சி ந
ேபால .

&    #$ M5" F 

!"" &$ ) B 0
7 #$" 
She casts a stealthy glance at her lover and smiles gently at him.
 §ÚdÏ\s 225  

உறாஅ தவேபா ெசா@8 ெசறாஅெசா 1096

ஒைல உணர. ப* .

3 H( 2  #H" $( 

.2 3:  &"( & #H 1
She appears to speak harshly like a stranger but her words are really friendly.

ெசறாஅA சி1ெசா ெச%றாேபா ேநா 1097

உறாஅேபா 1 உ%றா றி.2

( ) .

<JH #$ 5) .5 < $'"

..2E &"! ME 1) .  1(
Seemingly harsh words and angry looks are only inner expressions of true lovers.

அைசயிய% உடாேடா ஏஎயா ேநாக. 1098

பைசயின ந ைபய .

!"" & 0 #$
.3:  &"(    .! &  .( 
The slender maiden has a gracious look. She smiles at her lover when he looks at her.

ஏதிலா ேபால. ெபா ேநா ேநாத 1099

காதலா கேண உள.

< H( &2E) 90 32E #$" . . 2E 3  .

. #  3 .5
They look at each other as strangers, but really they are lovers. Such practice is
found only among lovers.

கெணா* கஇைண ேநாெகாகி வா

Aெசா%க 1100

என பய8 இல.

.  2E" 0

..! ( 3  1
Words are of no use when lovers convey the message of love through their eyes.
 §ÚdÏ\s 226  

111. ணசி மகித

  - Joy of Sex

க*ேக)* உ*யி! உ%றறிC ஐ2ல8 1101

ஒெதா> கேண உள.

E C! #$  5 
.. F . !  @$! D  
The joy of five sensuous pleasures is present in the fair maiden with pretty bangles.
பிணி ம,' பிறம அணியிைழ 1102

! ம,'
தாேன .

P@5  -!:$ N N O F

.& F0 O F @$! -"8 ; N .(
Normally the cure for all ills is elsewhere. But, for his illness caused by her, she
herself is the cure.
தாE:வா ெமேறா யி@ இனி ெகா 1103

தாமைர கணா உல .

" 3 -E" " 3$ 

3  )  5
The joy of resting on the soft shoulders of the beloved is sweeter than the joy of
heaven itself.
நீகி ெதFஉ 1கா தெண8 1104

தீயா*. ெப%றா இவ .

PO=" &$ $5 ٕ "E &$) 5" 0

3 H $ D & .  .
Away from her, he burns with love. When she is closer, he feels cool. She has got
such a strange fire in her.
ேவ)ட ெபாGதி ேபாேம
அைவயைவ 1105

ேதா)டா க .பினா ேதா .

. " 5? . :"(  

.& ) 8 +) "  <  "
The flower-decked maiden instantly gives her lover various joys as he desires.
 §ÚdÏ\s 227  

உ1ேதா 1யிதளி.ப! தீடலா ேபைத  ( ) 1106

அமி:தி இயறன ேதா .

 &:"( .'(
7 &2$") 0
The maiden's shoulders are made of divine nectar; embracing her revives his
drooping spirit.

தமி இ,' தம பா! உட%றா 1107

அமா 6ய
அாிைவ .

   @EG ( 3" @J  D

J 3" .'(
.-  .  - ?" 5
Embracing the fair maiden is as delightful as sharing one's food with guests at home.

EG இ,வ  ( ) இனிேத வளியிைட 1108

ேபாழ. 6ய
படாஅ .

&$  @& 45" F ; .  

Embracing so tightly that not even air passes between them gives great joy to true

ஊட உணத 2ணத இைவகாம 1109

$>யா ெப%ற பய .

55 # H B ?  <JH

.. ?"  5 " CG"
Feigned dislike, reconciliation and love-making are the fruits enjoyed by the lovers.

அறிேதா றறியாைம கட%றா காம 1110

ெசறிேதா1 ேசயிைழ மா)* .

P &  3 55?"

% ) 55?" (
.=( & 0 < 8"
% 3$ 7?
7 @$! D . $5" (
As repeated learning reveals one's earlier ignorance, sex with the fair maiden gives
new pleasure every time.
 §ÚdÏ\s 228  

112. நல ைனைர த


 !" - Praising her Beauty

நனீைர அனிAசேம நினி8

வாழி 1111

ெமனீர யாE: பவ .

3:  $ " $"  ? &" 

."  $ B .(
The beloved maiden is more tender than the sensitive anicham flower.
மலகாணி ைமயா!தி ெநேச இவக 1112

பலகா- Iெவா எ1 .

3  $ ) =" &$ .#"  ?A I" ! 

7 S54$"
The lover is confused at the sight of flowers as they resemble the eyes of his
beautiful maiden.
6றிேமனி 6!த 61வ ெவறிநா%ற 1113

ேவக ேவ
!ேதா ளவ) .

.? 4 = &) " 

.U  $ ) M) &  T/ &$$! N  &$
She has tender shoulders, shining appearance, pearly teeth, natural fragrance and
piercing eyes.
காணி வைள கவி:' நிலேநா 1114

மாணிைழ கெணாJேவ எ1 .

&$ .G % G G"!% V @?  ? &" 0

.3$ 7?
7 D $ ) . ! F .&$ .)
Even lilies will bend their heads thinking that they cannot match the eyes of his
beautiful maiden.
அனிAச.I காகைளயா ெப
தா K.பி% 1115

நல படாஅ பைற.

< & J C " $"  ? $ ?" 

." M 5  84 $F
On wearing anicham flowers with the stalks, her thin waist may break and she may die.
 §ÚdÏ\s 229  

மதிC மட'ைத 6க8 அறியா 1116

பதியி கலகிய மீ .

5 .  ? " . C "!" F &$A <(( &)

.@$! D - 
The stars are puzzled unable to differentiate between the moon and the maiden's face.

நிைற'த அவிமதி. ேபால 1117

ம1<ேடா மாத 6க! .

&&   3:( 5 
!71( E 5 -   5  (
There are no dark spots on the fair maiden's face like those on the waxing and
wanning moon.
மாத 6கேபா ஒளிவிட வைலேய 1118

காதைல வாழி மதி.

G  !5 
."A &&  @J (
He will love the moon if it shines as brightly as his maiden's sweet face.
மலரன கணா 6கெமா!தி யாயி 1119

பலகாண! ேதாற மதி.

 ? . "&E & $ ) ;!" . 5 .0 !5 

.$ 9) C" F &   8
If the moon wants to be like his maiden's face, it should not be seen by others except
her lover.
அனிAச6 அன!தி LவிC மாத 1120

அ> ெந,சி. பழ .

?A + GG  " $"  ?' &5 E

.&"$ 5E 
Even the delicate anicham flower and the swan's soft feathers are like thorns to the
maidens' soft feet.
 §ÚdÏ\s 230  

113. காத சிற ைர த

-  #$ - Glorification of Love

பாெலா* ேதகல' த%ேற பணிெமாழி 1121

வாெலயி1 நீஊறிய .

3 2$ &J) .
E  & .'(
. ! . W?
The saliva at his soft maiden's teeth is like the sweet mixture of milk and honey to the

உடெபா * ( எனம% றன

) உயிாிைட 1122

மட'ைதெயா* எமிைட ந)2 .

&$  $  31
.U 5!  .  31(
The intimacy between the lovers is similar to the union of the body and the soul.

க,மணியி% பாவா
யா EG ேபாதா 1123

தி,Kத% இைல இட .

!$ ) 35  8  

. " B! &$A  ;5K
The image in the pupil of the lover's eye should go away giving place to his love.

வா:த உயிகன ஆயிைழ சாத 1124

அத%கன நீ இட! .

38 "2 E) <$  $( 0

.!  &" .ٕ !  3 &  2
Union with his lady is like living and parting with her is like death to him.

உ;வ மயா மற.பி மற.பறிேய 1125

ஒளம கணா ண .

. "5" . $   "  .!  !$ 0

 !$ .  9$ .(  (" . C "!
If the lover forgets her rare qualities, he can recall them. But he never forgets them.
 §ÚdÏ\s 231  

க-ளி ேபாகா இைம.பி ப,வரா 1126

Kணியஎ லவ காத .

* 0 X5 $ )  & F  

-$) ;#$ :
..  M  -$A <JH 1
The lover always remains in his love's eyes. Even when she winks, he is not hurt.

க-ளா லவராக க-

காத 1127

எGேத கர.பா  றி' ( ) அ .

$ ) "( F
.&$2 ;   $) <  -$A
As the lover is within her eyes, she does not paint them fearing he would disappear.

ெநச!தா ெவ
காத லவராக 1128

அ  ேவபா கறி' .

X  .(!  
.DJ . 34   (Y F 
The lover lives in her heart; so she avoids hot food for fear of harming him.

இைம.பி கர.பா  அறிவ அைன!தி%ேக

( ) 1129

ஏதில எ8இJ N .

$ F  P
$ $ ) JK 0 $ ) .   -  
  H !2 -$&" "  
She never winks her eyes fearing her lover will disappear but the villagers call him

உவ' ைறவ உள!  எ1 இக' ைறவ 1130

ஏதில எ8இJ N .

 . F "   X5   .(!  

.$) -: - !2 -$&" 
The lover always resides in her heart. Even then, the villagers blame him as a
heartless deserter.
 §ÚdÏ\s 232  

114. நா றைர த

- &
% - Decorum Defied

காம உழ' வ,'தினா ஏம 1131

மடலல இைல வ@
( ) .

< N .
'" ; <  
. 4$ .8 Z " 5" <( . F0
There is no solution for those suffering from lovesickness except riding the
ேநானா உட2 உயி, மடேல1 1132

நாணிைன நீகி நி1! .

!  - ) 8 F M:

." 5" F0 &$8 F
Unable to bear the grief of separation, the lover's body and mind are prepared to
mount the madal.
நாெணா* நலாைம ப*ைடேய இ1ைடேய 1133

கா6%றா ஏ1 மட .

" 5" F0  F

  X":8 "$( 3) E @ 
.-"  S" 1 <  -( ;
Once the lover was full of manliness and modesty. Now he has only the lovers' palm-
காம க*2ன உ
 நாெணா* 1134

நலாைம எ8 2ைண .

3) E @  :.2

.<  ! & !
Fierce floods of love will sweep away the raft of both modesty and manliness at once.
ெதாடைல 1'ெதா> த'தா மடெலா* 1135

மாைல உழ ய .

" 5" $"\( . 2 5 . !  D

.    $")
The palm-horse and the pangs of evening are the gifts of the bangled maiden.
 §ÚdÏ\s 233  

மடOத யாம!  உ;ேவ மற 1136

படஒலா ேபைதெக க .

" 5" <( ( & $7

.  B8"$  9"
Even at midnight, the lover thinks of riding the palm-horse. He is sleepless thinking of
the maiden.
கடலன காம உழ'  மடேலறா. 1137

ெபணி ெப,'தக தி .

" 5" <(" F &$ 9=$A ? 

7 &  90 & .( 
Nothing is so noble as the womanly nature that does not resort to madal when
suffering from love.
நிைறயாிய மஅளிய எனா காம 1138

மைறயிற' ம1 ப* .

  9E:" D .) K W4 5

. @ :Eٕ    $) < 
Despite modesty and gentleness, intense love breaks its secrecy and comes out in
அறிகிலா எலா, எேறஎ காம 1139

ம1கி ம1 ம,* .

$ .  3$J E K

..$(  .5 F
&$ $#
Thinking that no one knows her secret love, her passion tends to exhibit itself.
யாகணி நப அறிவிலா
காண 1140

யாப)ட தாபடா ஆ1 .

7 .(J @&:!
. ( '

The ignorant make fun of her in her presence, for they have never suffered the pangs
of love like her.
 §ÚdÏ\s 234  

115. அல அறி த

- (

) - Announcement of Rumour

அலெரழ ஆ,யி நி% அதைன. 1141

பலரறியா பாகிய! தா .

X"$F .  $ $   SE

) .
&  # .! .
Rumour preserves his precious life. It is his good fortune that many do not realize this.
மலரன கணா அ,ைம அறியா 1142

அலெரம ஈ'ததிJ N .

 ? . "&E . $   @$! D .!

&)  H
.$'E  $5)!   )E
Not knowing the value of the fair maiden, the rumour of the townsfolk has gifted her
to the lover.
உறாஅேதாஊரறி'த ெகளைவ அதைன. 1143

ெபறாஅ ெப%றன நீ! .

3 2  )E0 $:$"

.& "  $'( $"5! 
The lover profits by the public rumour. As a result of it, he feels as if he possessed her.
கJைவயா கJவி காம அ விேற 1144

தJெவ8 தைம இழ' .

&")] &  5"E
.5&  F
His love grows because of this rumour. Or else, it will become pale and weak.
களி!ெதா1 க;ட ேவ)ட%றா காம 1145

ெவளி.ப*' ேதா1 இனி .

4 90 ME 55? M2 55? (

..  3" 55? 3)E^ 55? ( (
Each cup of liquor adds to the joy of the drunkard. Likewise, every rumour adds to
the delight of lovers.
 §ÚdÏ\s 235  

கட ம8 ஒ,நா அலம8 1146

திகைள. பா2ெகா ட%1 .

 4 E$ . :  .(  F0 -"! 

.2 B!4 4 -$'(
She met her lover only once. But the rumour spread like the news of a lunar eclipse.
ஊரவ எ,வாக அைனெசா
ெகளைவ 1147

நீ;இ' ேநா

நீராக .

$ 3)E0 -"5!

7 Z < N $
A  0 -"2!
The plant of lovesickness grows, manured by rumours and watered by mother's
யா எாிK .ேப எற%றா ெகளைவயா 1148

காம K .ேப என .

)E^  540

!.! $ 54](
The flame of love cannot be put out by rumour, just as fire cannot be put out by
pouring ghee on it.
அலநாண ஒவேதா அசேலா2 எறா 1149

பலநாண நீ!த கைட.

4" F :  . $4 .( .0

)E^ . "! 
As the lover has assured her not to fear and has left, she need not be ashamed of
the rumour.
தாேவ> நவ காதல யாேவ* 1150

ெகளைவ எ*இJ N .

P5  = ;4 E$

.-   $4' ! ./
She wanted the rumour to be spread by the village so that he would agree to take her
with him.
 §ÚdÏ\s 236  

116. பிாிவாறாைம -  *  - Pangs of Separation

ெசலாைம உேட எனைர ம%1நி 1151

வவர< வா:வா ைர .

$) < " . 5 0 X$) < " F $( .0 $% 7(
.)  5$)   .( ! .
The lover must tell her only if he does not part; if it is about his speedy return, he
must inform the survivors.
இக உைட!தவ பாவ பிாிவ 1152

2க உைட!தா 2ண< .

! _" -"#$ $(

.-" ! ; M: A
A _" -"2$ ./
Once the mere look of her lover was a joy. But now the thought of separation makes
even the union fearful.
அாிதேரா ேத%ற அறி<ைடயா க- 1153

பிாிேவா ாிட! ைம யா .

P!M: .  < M:" 5

.8 M: F -$0 <  9) ("F 8
Though he knows the pain of separation, he leaves and so his words cannot be trusted.
அளி!தச எறவ நீ.பி ெதளி!தெசா 1154

ேதறியா உேடா தவ1 .

:&  &  9) ) 7  5 <!

= 4" F
As the lover, who consoled her not to fear, has left, none can blame her faith in him.
ஓபி அைம'தா பிாிேவாப ம%றவ 1155

நீகி அாிதா 2ண< .

M: .   C$ "  #:" . 5 " $( .0

.5 - S" F "! $ .0 -$A
If the lover wants to save her life, he must not leave. If it happens, she will not be
alive for reunion.
 §ÚdÏ\s 237  

பிாி<ைர வகண ஆயி அாிதவ 1156

நவ எ8 நைச.

$) - .) 9" - ‫ !ى‬.0

. 0 5 F Y 4 52
If he is so hard-hearted to talk of his departure, it is vain to hope for his return and
revival of love.

ைறவ ற'தைம L%றாெகா 6ைக 1157

இைறஇறவா நிற வைள.

@E 9) 5 .0  X;5)! . "! !$

.$) ;5 ! M 9) 5 $0
The departure of her lover is proclaimed by the loosening of her bangles.

இனா இனஇஊ வா:த அதனி8

( ) 1157

இனா இனியா. பிாி<

( ) .

3 8 @H .  .(!
#) <  3: 3 8
It is bitter to live with no friends in a place and it is more bitter to be without one's lover.

ெதா>%> அல காமேநா

ேபால 1159

வி>%ட ஆ%1ேமா தீ.

X&! . $ M"

.&$) 5" . & N M
Fire injures only when touched. But lovesickness burns the lovers when separated.

அாிதா%றி அலேநா
நீகி. பிாிவா%றி. 1160

பிஇ,' :வா பல வா .

 S " .
.B!'" F - ) 8 
Many women survive tolerating separation and bearing its pain.
 §ÚdÏ\s 238  

117. படெம$திரக
- #
 - Pining

மைற.ேபம யானிஃேதா ேநாைய இைற.பவ 1161

ஊ%1நீ மி
ேபால .

!K N
"( . 
!-)$ . @ : ( : -$(
She is trying to hide her lovesickness but it swells like a spring.
கர!த ஆ%ேறஇ' ேநாையேநா
தா 1162

உைர!த நா-! த, .

"( . C "! F
.@  -   4 . C "! F
She can neither conceal her lovesickness nor tell her lover about it because of her
காம6 நா- உயிகாவா! Lஎ 1163

ேநானாஉடபி அக! .

B $ !  .2 < @ 

.&" F ;
Her frail body is unable to bear torments of her soul torn between love and shame.
காம கடம8 உேட அ நீ'  1164

ஏம. 2ைணம8 இ .

 T" 5  I

.  - )  5  F
The vast sea of love exists in her. But she has no safe raft to cross it.
.பி எவனாவ மெகா யவர< 1165

ந)பினா ஆ%1 பவ .

2 58 .(
 $Y .
.5) 8 0 - B (
He who causes pain even in friendship will do greater harm in enmity.
 §ÚdÏ\s 239  

இப கடம%1 காம அஃத*கா 1166

ப அதனி% ெபாி .

( C!
. . C! -
The joy of love is as great as the ocean. But the pain of separation is far greater than
the ocean.

காம க*2ன நீ'தி கைரகாேண 1167

யாம!  உேள
யாேன .

X-! I F
 &  J4
! S "  B  9"

While swimming in the flood of love, she is unable to see the shore. At midnight she
pines all alone.

ம8யி எலா யி%றி அளி!திரா 1168

எனல இைல ைண
( ) .

; 0 F0 @E ( $ G D " 

."E $"  $'(
Night makes all beings sleep. But she is awake to give company to the night.

ெகா>யா ெகா*ைமயி தாெகா>ய வி'நா 1169

ெந>ய கழிC இரா.

9! @ 3 K 3    D

.$ ; <2 !2   .
The long and slow moving nights are crueller than the heartless lover, who has
deserted her.
உளேபா 1 உவழிA ெசகி%பி ெவளநீ
( ) 1170

நீ'தல மேனாஎ க .

<  5 $ ) ?" 

.S5 ! $ ) N4" F ;( D?" (
If her eyes could travel like her thought to her lover's abode, she need not shed tears.
 §ÚdÏ\s 240  

118. க%வி பழித

- #'+ ,'- - Grieving Eyes

கதா க:வ ெதவெகாேலா தடாேநா


தாகா)ட யாக ட .

  $"  "$ ($] !$ )

7  ./ . (" 
."! K N <!  ;
Her eyes saw him and broguth her incurable lovesickness. So they should not weep now.
ெதாி' ணரா ேநாகிய உக பாி' ணரா. 1172

ைபத உழ.ப எவ .

3   (:" .5   90 ;$ ) $

. '"" &$ .E" F 
After thoughtlessly falling in love, her eyes should not regret for their folly.
க ெமன! ேநாகி!
தா தாேம கG 1173

இ நக! தக ைட! .

X  E <  3  90 ") ;$ )

J    P- A . (" 
It is ridiculous to see that the eyes which eagerly loved him, now weep for him.
ெபயலா%றா நீ,ல'த உக உயலா%றா 1174

எக நி1! .

- . C "! F ; ME N "= ;$ )

.&)5 : 5 ./ .(
The eyes that brought her the incurable pain are now completely dry because of
constant weeping.
படலா%றா  உழ கடலா%றா
ைபத 1175

தஎ க .

 -2  F  ;$ ) "!(

.NK^ . "!" F .&!"
The eyes that plunged her into the vast sea of love suffer without sleep now.
 §ÚdÏ\s 241  

ஓஒ இனிேதஎமகி'ேநா
தக 1176

தாஅ இத%ப) ட .

!5 .: $0

.J  "J $"J . " . $  .A
It is sweet that the eyes which are responsible for her pain should themselves grieve
in sorrow.

உழ' ழ' நீ அ1க விைழ'திைழ' 1177

ேவ> அவகட க .

&)5 B " 9" .  B"

!&  3  .  E (
The eyes which once feasted on her lover lovingly now suffer pain and dry up.

ேபணா ெப)டா உளமேனா ம%றவ 1178

காணா( க
) அைமவில .

-2 &
 . 90 #$ F0  $ ) 2" F
He did not love her sincerely, yet her eyes are restless to see him.

வாராகா சா வாி சா ஆயிைட 1179

ஆரஞ உ%றன க .

  $? .0 ;$ )
$" 1
.."" &$  ;$ ) P?
Her eyes do not sleep whether he comes or not. They suffer all the time.

மைறெபற   அாிதறா எேபா

ஊரா ( ) 1180

அைறபைற கணா அக! .

3&! ( 3   3 2  BE"(

.  .J" &$'( !A . E:" & $ ) .A
She cannot conceal her secret from the townsfolk, as her eyes reveal her sufferings.
 §ÚdÏ\s 242  

119. பச ப'வர

'.  *   - Suffering from Pallor

நய'தவ நகாைம ேந'ேத பச'தெவ 1181

பபியா  உைரேகா
( ) பிற.

Q .)   
P$ :8 5)
$'E "  
G    4 B (
She willingly consented to part with her lover and now she cannot complain of her
அவத'தா எ8 தைகயா இவத'ெத 1182

ேமனிேம ஊ, பச.2 .

 4" :8 ;E "

. E: < =Y . &$A
This pallor is the gift of her lover and so it spreads all over her body.
சாய நா- அவெகாடா ைகமாறா 1183

ேநாC பசைலC த' .

&   $J)    @ 

.< N
G <E
He took away her beauty and modesty giving her pain and lovesickness in return.
உ;வ மயா உைர.ப அவதிறமா ( ) 1184

கள பச.2
பிறேவா .

 4 -: F - E - ) $=   ("

<E  $8 B (
Though she always thinks and speaks of her lover, pallor quietly seizes her.
உவகாஎ காதல ெசவா இவகாஎ 1185

பச.I வ
ேமனி .

$) I"   90 #$

!:8 B ( $ 90 #$
As soon as her lover leaves her, pallor spreads all over her body.
 §ÚdÏ\s 243  

விளக%ற பா இ,ேளேபா ெகாக 1186

6யக%ற பா பச.2 .

<  !" <E #"$

.-5! 4  $ @:0
1# #"$ (
Just as darkness waits for the failing light, pallor waits for an interval in the lover's
2@ கிட'ேத 2ைடெபய'ேத அJவளவி 1187

அளிெகா வ%ேற பச.2 .

32$ 5 1  :"
 ;5   .)!
The moment she moved away from her lover's embrace, pallor seized her
பச'தா இவஎப அலா இவைள!
( ) 1188

ற'தா அவஎபா இ .

$  H" $

.$) M . . F
Everyone blames her for her lovesickness. But no one blames the lover for leaving her.

பசகம ப)டாெக நய.பி!தா ேமனி 1189

நனிைலய ஆவ எனி .

$ @%  G %
.M 9) $ . .( .0
She is willing to suffer from pallor, so as to let her lover prosper in a distant land.
பச.ெபன. ேபெப1த நேற நய.பி!தா 1190

நகாைம L%றா எனி .

$ 5! $  

.$) M .   F
She may bear with people ridiculing her pallor, if people do not blame her parted
lover as unkind.
 §ÚdÏ\s 244  

120. தனி படமிதி - #.0 / - Pining Alone

தாE:வா தEழ. ெப%றவ ெப%றாேர 1191

காம!  ழிகா கனி.

- . <
 < 0
.&  $ F   3&( 9) < 8 $'(
They who love and are loved alone are blessed. They gain the seedless fruit of love.
வா:வா வான பய'த%றா E:வா 1192

E:வா அளி அளி.

-  <
52  = &
The lover's kindness to his beloved is similar to the timely rain to the world.
EGந Eழ. ப*வா  அைமCேம ( ) 1193

வாGந எ8 ெச, .

M:" F   S""!F

.& ? & " F0
Women who are loved by their husbands alone may boast that they possess life's
very best.
Eழ. ப*வா ெகழீஇயில தாE:வா 1194

Eழ. படாஅ எனி .

.& ? .&


.." .&" .ٕ
Even the women loved by the purest are considered as evil ones if not loved by their
நாகாத ெகாடா நமெகவ ெச
பேவா 1195

தாகாத ெகாளா கைட.

 . $5! B (

Her love is of no use at all if she is not loved by her beloved husband.
 §ÚdÏ\s 245  

ஒ,தைலயா இனா காமகா. ேபால 1196

இ,தைல யா8 இனி .

.  . .( .0 P3  B . <
.. :"( 9) . "$?" . ":( = 3 &
One-sided love causes sufferings. Mutual love is pleasant like the balanced weight
on shoulder-poles.
ப,வர ைபத காணாெகா காம 1197

ஒ,வக ெறாG வா

நி .

7 ME 92 
.$? F Fa E F
The god of love tortures only the maiden without knowing her pallor and grief.
E:வாாி இெசா ெபறாஅ( ) உலக! 1198

வா:வாாி வகணா இ .

1( S! .5   9) 8" " 
. $ 9! 
There is no one bolder than a woman who endures life without her lover's sweet words.

நைசஇயா நகா எனி8 அவமா) * ( ) 1199

இைசC ெசவி
இனிய .

  F   < .( .0

1( C! . 5! .
Though her lover does nothing to delight her, even a word from him is a sweet
melody to hear.
உறாஅ  உ1ேநா
( ) 1200

ெநவாழிய .

 " <2 90 = (E"  ! 9  

. . .  S5 .?  @ G
Instead of telling her grief to her loveless lover, it is better to fill the sea of sorrow with
 §ÚdÏ\s 246  

121. நிைனதவ லப

#'+  (
' - Sad Memories of Love
உளி8 தீரா. ெப,மகி: ெச
தலா 1201

களி8 காம இனி .

X<2  <  (" 5 

.B1! . 9 < .0
Even the very thought of love brings joy but wine delights only when drunk. So love is
sweeter than wine.
எைன!ெதா 1 னிேதகா காமதா E:வா
( ) இ 1202

நிைன.ப வ,வெதா1  இ .

.?A V  <  (

. 5  <
His pain disappears at the thought of the beloved. Such a love is sweeter in all aspects.
நிைன.பவ ேபா1 நிைனயாெகா ம 1203

சிைன.ப ேபா1 ெக* .

PB"  $"

. :K $(57   .'(
She felt like sneezing but could not. Probably her lover wanted to think of her but forgot.
யா6 உேளெகா அவெநச! ( ெநச!
) எ ( ) 1204

ஓஒ உளேரஅவ .

    .(! 5
-  $ $(! &
He always dwells in her heart but she doubts if she has a place in his heart.
தெநச! எைம க>ெகாடா நாணாெகா
( ) 1205

எெநச! வர
( ) ஓவா .

 . -  .

! K" . "! 1
He is not ashamed of coming into her heart even though he keeps her out of his heart.
 §ÚdÏ\s 247  

ம%றியா எ8ேள மேனா அவெரா *யா 1206

உ%றநா உள உேள .

!   92"

* Fٕ <  C 5!
She lives only by remembering the happier days of her union with her lover.
மற.பி எவனாவ ம%ெகா மற.பறிேய 1207

உளி8 உள * .

 M <  M (

1 -" !$ 0 9  B (
Her heart burns at the thought of his separation. She will not survive if she forgets him.

எைன! நிைன.பி8 காயா அைன!தேறா 1208

காதல ெச
C சிற.2 .

P$ ( 1 <  (  H

Her lover never resents however much she thinks of him. It is a great honour her
lover confers on her.
விளிCெம இ8யி ேவறல எபா 1209

அளியிைம ஆ%ற நிைன' .

 5 55 .( . "  SJ 52

."5 < .$"
Her precious life passes on thinking too much of him who once promised they would
be one forever.
விடாஅ ெசறாைர கணினா காண. 1210

படாஅதி வாழி மதி.

  .) =   .( !2 & 

.$) <H" F
The moon should not set till her eyes find her parted lover who lived with her.
 §ÚdÏ\s 248  

122. கனநிைல(ைர த
- #.'. 1 - Relating Her Dreams
காதல Lெதா* வ'த கனவி8 1211

யா ெச
ேவெகா வி,' .

 1: :" B (
!<  3! 0
7  ;
She would like to honour the dream that comforts her with a message from her beloved.
கயக யானிர.ப! சி கல'தா  ( ) 1212

உயைம சா%1ேவ ம .

$      ;$ ) $ 0
. 2 32 2 .) -"=5
She tries to sleep so that she can tell her painful sufferings to her lover in her dream.
நனவினா நகா தவைர கனவினா 1213

காட@ உெட உயி .

<   ?  9 "

1A  F0 $? F ;
Her lover does not show his love when she is awake. Yet she lives because she
meets him in her dreams.
கனவினா உடா காம நனவினா 1214

நகாைர நா>! தர% .

<   ? $E"

.3#2   $? F -$A
She loves dreams for she meets her lover, who is missing in waking hours.
நனவினா கடLஉ ஆேக கன<'தா 1215

கட ெபாGேத இனி .

<2 O&"  3#2   D $(

$  F0 O&" F ./
It is a joy to see her lover during waking hours. It is also delightful to see him in her
 §ÚdÏ\s 249  

நனெவன ஒறிைல ஆயி கனவினா 1216

காதல நீகல ம .

  .  $  M: F
.#2 "!F F0
If there was no such time as waking hours, her lover, who appeared in her dreams,
would never part.
நனவினா நகா ெகா>யா கனவி னா 1217

எஎைம. 9ழி. ப .


$  $  3#2   $? F <  
C $8  
Her unkind lover gave her no pleasure in waking hours. So he has no right to trouble
her in her dreams.
கா ேதாேமல ஆகி விழிகா 1218

ெநச!த ஆவ விைர' .

 0 2$    
. 90 S!"
7 #2 "! ٕ
When she is asleep, he rests on her shoulders. When she is awake, he hides in her heart.
நனவினா நகாைர ேநாவ கனவினா 1219

காதல தவ
காணா .

1A  &  ?"
.3#2   - 0 ("E"
Women who have never met their lovers in dreams complain of her lovers' absence
while awake.
நனவினா நநீ!தா ப கனவினா எ 1220

காணாெகா இJN ரவ .

M: <  .&" 3 2 

1  $? D

Villagers blame her parted lover for parting her while awake as they do not see him
coming in her dreams.
 §ÚdÏ\s 250  

123. ெபா) க%*ரக

- #'2
 , +3 - Evening Woes
மாைலேயா அைல மண'தா உயி,- 1221

ேவைலநீ வாழி ெபாG .

.? ! @!

.& ? 3: 3 
&  2
Evening is the worst time which tortures the wives who are separated from their
2கைண ம,மாைல எேகேபா
வாழி 1222

வகண ேதாநி ைண .

'"" .?" !-V @! & 
  = <2 !  
Evening time is sad and pale and so its lover must also be unkind like her lover.
பனிஅ,பி. ைபதெகா மாைல னிஅ,பி! 1223

ப வ,வளர .

@5& $EH .( ; @!

. (  $? $5 ?  0 S! ./
The evening that came trembling with dimness before boldly adds to her bitterness
and miseries now.
காதல இவழி மாைல ெகாைலகள! 1224

ஏதில வ,
ேபால .

@!  <  <K 0

.?  90 E ? @! .'(
In the absence of her lover, evening arrives like an enemy in the field of slaughter.
காைலA ெச
தந1 எெகா எவெகாயா 1225

மாைலA ெச
த பைக.

U8 90 &"5 3$! ;

G !;5 
@! 90 &5

She fails to understand why morning should bring her relief and evening misery.
 §ÚdÏ\s 251  

த மண'தா அகலாத 1226

காைலஅறி'த திேல .

@!  @ 0 ) 

.<  M 5 F0
She never experienced the pain of evenings till her lover parted with her.

காைல அ,பி. பகெலலா ேபாதாகி 1227

மாைல மல,இ' ேநா


)( 5 N 
.@!   5?  M'"
=  ?(  8
Her lovesickness buds in the morning, grows all day and blossoms in the evening.

அழேபா மாைல! Lதா ஆய கி 1228

ழேபா ெகா பைட.

$ b8 @! 5$) < ) ?

.(" 1! 8
The shepherd's flute, once sweet, has now become a weapon to slay her in the evening.

பதிம,* ைபத உழ மதிம,* 1229

மாைல படத, ேபா: .

2 (! ; @! @ 0

 ( (!  "  C2"!
When the deluding evening sets in, the whole village grieves for her lovesickness.

ெபா,மாைல உளி ம,மாைல

யாளைர 1230

மாCஎ உயி
மாயா .

P0 C 
 3E  <!( A $ ; < 
.! . W4" U .'( @! -"(" 0
Thinking of her parted lover bent on making wealth, she is slowly dying in this
bewildering evening.
 §ÚdÏ\s 252  

124. உ நலனழித

 - Losing Physical Beauty
சி1ைம நமெகாழியA ேச)ெசறா உளி 1231

ந1மல க
நாணின .

$(  $ 5 90 $) ! ; <  (
  ?A 90 .#$" F "8 $ )
7 M$ <  9"
Thinking of her lover, who had gone away, her eyes have lost their grace and feel
shy to see flowers.
நய'தவ நகாைம ெசாவ ேபா 1232

பச' பனிவா, க .

)5 .(!" &$  H" ." 3  $ )

.<  < !2 3 2  90 . ("E" &$'(
Her pale and moist eyes seem to declare the unkindness of her beloved lover.
தண'தைம அறிவி.ப ேபா
சால 1233

மண'தநா Eகிய ேதா .


 3  &2") $(
.M: 9) c8" 3: $ 8 ./
Her shoulders that swelled on her marriage day have now shrunk as if to proclaim his
பைணநீகி. ைப'ெதா> ேசா, ைணநீகி! 1234

ெதாகவி வா>ய ேதா .

<  M: & )J " &)

.!A &$ !$ 9" :$ ./
Her lover's separation takes away the beauty of her arms and her golden bracelets slip down.
ெகா>யா ெகா*ைம உைர ெதா>ெயா* 1235

ெதாகவி வா>ய ேதா .

J .? 5! .52 M" 3)A B$

.<  < ! . &(
Her loosened bracelets and faded beauty proclaim the cruelty of the heartless lover.
 §ÚdÏ\s 253  

ெதா>ெயா* ேதாெநகிழ ேநாவ அவைர 1236

ெகா>ய என$ற ெநா' .

"E $$?  -$0
.3: $ ") . "! 1!$ A
She can bear her arms becoming thin and bangles slipping down but not her lover
being rebuked.
பா* ெப1திேயா ெநேச ெகா>யாெக 1237

வா*ேதா) Iச உைர! .

<2 ! 4" . C "!" ! 

 9) U5" @JJ . ") B$ _5 
Her heart should carry her miserable message to the unkind parted lover and thus
earn glory.
6யகிய ைககைள ஊக. பச'த 1238

ைப'ெதா>. ேபைத Kத .

1  "  J  

. ! &$  :8
Even when he loosened his embracing arms slightly, her forehead turned pale at once.

6யகிைட! தவளி ேபாழ. பச.2%ற 1239

ேபைத ெப,மைழ க .

&$  $  @& K"  P&"2$) 5

.$? )5 .!("  $ ) 82"
Even when cool air entered through them in tight embrace, her tearful eyes became
pale at once.
கணி பச.ேபா ப,வர எ
திேற 1240

ஒ-த ெச
த க* .

C1 &$  <E  $ )  5$)

. H" 
Seeing the bright forehead turning pale, her eyes became pale showing her anguish.
 §ÚdÏ\s 254  

125. ெந,ெசா- கிள த

* #.. 1 - Speaking to the Heart

நிைன!ெதா1 ெசாலாேயா ெநேச எைன!ெதா1 1241

தீ ம,' .

 _" F ! 
!.? J :E @5 .)
She seeks prescription of some medicine to cure her incurable lovesickness.
காத அவாில ேநாவஆகநீ 1242

ேபைதைம வாழிெய ெந .

<  <" . 3 . ! 2 d   

. 9) .?" .  F  
It is the folly of her heart to long for her unkind lover and grieve at the separation.
இ,' ளி எபாித ெநேச பாி' ள 1243

தாக இ .

$ ; <  9) $?  $8"  ! 

.;  (: F $ F
Her sufferings and longing for her lover are in vain as he has caused lovesickness
but has no love for her.
க- ெகாளAேசறி ெநேச இைவெயைன! 1244

தி8 அவகாண உ%1 .

 $ )
7 4   90 ! 0 !;5 
.$1"2"!  Fٕ -"  .)? " &$A
She is pleading to her heart to take her eyes to the lover. Or else her eyes will kill her.
ெச%றா எனைக விடஉேடா ெநேசயா 1245

உ%றா தவ
உறாஅ .

$ F $ ( -$A D  . C "! ! 

.- ?  $
She cannot abandon her heartless lover though he shows no love for her.
 §ÚdÏ\s 255  

கல' ண!  காதல கடா% 2ல' ணரா


< கா
திஎ ெந .

 - " I4     0 C  0 !;54G 

.- <JH"" -2$"
She cannot maintain her anger when she meets her lover and yields to him.
காம வி*ஒேறா நாவி* நெனேச 1247

யாேனா ெபாேறஇJ விர* .

P   "" . ٕ K "" . 0 ! 

&$  M . C "! F
She should forsake either her lust or her shame as she cannot endure both the
பாி'தவ நகாெர 1 ஏகி. பிாி'தவ
( ) 1248

ேபைதஎ ெந .

P-A $0 !) 

. ; <  @ ; "
Without pity the lover deserted his beloved. Yet she longs for him.
உள!தா உளிநீ
காத லவராக 1249

யா,ைழA ேசறிெய ெந .

  .(!   !;54G 
-$) _" 9$'
As her lover is residing within her heart, her heart need not search for him elsewhere.

னா! ற'தாைர ெநச! ( ) உைடேயமா 1250

இ8 இழ!  கவி .

  $ ;  2 0

..  5!: !
By remembering her lover, who deserted her, she is losing all her inner beauty.
 §ÚdÏ\s 256  

126. நிைறயழித
6.4 5* , " - Losing self-restraint

காம கணிAசி உைட நிைறெய8 1251

நா-!தா: E:!த கத< .

@  MK ; 38 <

H ' D!(
The axe of love will break open the door of chastity bolted with modesty.
காம எனெவாேறா கணிெற ெநச!ைத 1252

யாம!  ஆ; ெதாழி .

$ -  3 F ; <

.3#  $  9"
Her mind is tossed by the heartless thing called lust even at midnight.
மைற.ேபம காம!ைத யாேனா றி.பிறி! 1253

மேபா ேதாறி வி* .

 :" -$( :)

"( . 5 
.'    :" (
It is hard to conceal passionate love which breaks out like a sudden sneeze.
நிைறCைடேய எேபம யாேனாஎ காம 1254

மைறயிற' ம1 ப* .

!:$ J $ <! $(

.5&EA 9)  :" 3E  ":) .(
She claimed pride in her modesty. But her lust reveals itself in public.
ெச%றாபி ெசலா. ெப,'தைகைம காமேநா

உ%றா அறிவெதா1 அ1 .

:$"! <   ? C$" " :$ ?)

.1 ! & 0 ME 5 F
Dignity is not known to the lovelorn as they can't resist going after their lovers, who
have parted.
 §ÚdÏ\s 257  

ெச%றவ பிேசற ேவ> அளி!தேரா 1256

எ%ெறைன உ%ற ய .

H  @E ; ;5 
!$ :$"! <  @ ; . 5 
Lovesickness is such a horrible thing that makes her go after her unkind lover, who
parted with her.
நாெணன ஒேறா அறியல காம!தா 1257

ேபணியா ெப)ப ெசயி .

< ; CG E

G  C  0 <  < 
.@  9" @E ( 9!$
She has no sense of shame when her lover gives the love she desires.
பமாய கவ பணிெமாழி அேறாந 1258

ெபைம உைட பைட.

"=$ U8
..$: < 
1( 1 -5&"
The tempting words of the deluding lover are the weapons that break the feminine
2ல.ப எனAெசேற 2@ேன ெநச 1259

கல!த உ1வ க* .

X$  J -" ( $A -&   !)

.-"2$ 3 - 0  !:$ .(
She went there to pretend to dislike him. But she embraced him on seeing him.
நிண'தீயி இ)டன ெநசினா உேடா 1260

2ண'L> நி%ேப என .

V  0
2 F
<  $  2!
.- .G % V!"!  <  .J" .2 F @!$ (
It is impossible to feign sulking for maidens who melt like fat in fire while making love.
 §ÚdÏ\s 258  

127. அவவயி விப

- '. 7 8  - Longing for the Lover

வாள%1. 2%ெகற க- அவெசற 1261

நாெளா%றி! ேத
'த விர .

<  ;#"$ =( ;$ ) J 

. 2 "
 A 5e ) =( 8  
Her shining eyes have dimmed and her fingers worn out making the days of
separation on the wall.
இ1 மற.பிஎ ேதாேம 1262

கலகழிC நீ!
காாிைக .

 0 !"2 58 
.3 $ ;5 . "! !$"  5!: 
When she forgets her lover, she becomes thin, her bangles slide and she loses her
beauty and grace.
உரநைசஇ உள ைணயாகA ெசறா 1263

வரநைசஇ இ8 உேள .

P3(  ?: - W4 9) <  C E

.-)  #"$F F0 + ) 
Her lover has gone to the battlefield with enthusiasm to win. She sustains her life
hoping to meet him again.
$>ய காம பிாி'தா வர<ளி 1264

ேகா*ெகா ேட1ெம ெந .

5 ) 
.4A 9) C"! 
The swells in great delight to see the return of her separated lover with renewed love.
காகம ெகாகைன கணார கடபி 1265

நீஎ ெமேதா பச.2 .

P <  90 #$A

.($ <E $) <  - 0 #$ 0
Her paleness will disappear the moment she looks passionately at her lover.
 §ÚdÏ\s 259  

வ,கம ெகாக ஒ,நா ப,வ 1266

எலா ெகட.

=   $? .0
."  E"
The return of her lover and their union will drive away all her lovesickness.
2ல.ேபெகா 2ேவ ெகாேலா கல.ேபெகா 1267

கஅன ேகளி  வாி .

-J & $ )    C  0

 -$) 5"

When her parted lover returns, she does not know whether to sulk, embrace or do both.

விைனகல' ெவறீக ேவ'த மைனகல' 1268

மாைலஅயக வி,' .

" ? M'! $] ?: 

%  "2 
.@!  3 

When the king wins the battle, the husband can rejoin his wife and enjoy bliss at night.

ஒ,நா எGநாேபா ெசேச ெசறா 1269

வ,நாைவ! ஏ பவ

( ) .

51  I'$ ; &  #"$ .

  3! ;!  5$)
One day is as long as seven days for those who long for the return of their husbands
from afar.
ெபறிஎனா %றகா எனா உறிெனனா
ெப 1270

உள உைட' க கா .

!5(   0 -$ 5 :"! !) 

 $2"! !
There is no use in returning, meeting and embracing his dame after her heart is
broken due to separation.
 §ÚdÏ\s 260  

128. றி பறி த

- 0 &
8 - Revealing the Mind
கர.பி8 ைகயிக' ெதாலாநி உக 1271

உைரக உ1வெதா 1* .

$ ) - $4" @E $

.58 D:4 
Though she hides her feelings, her eyes expose them overcoming restraint.
கணிைற'த ைக காேபேதா) ேபைத.
காாி 1272

ெபநிைற'த நீைம ெபாி .

  3  &$ ) " " 

.@& ;5 <82( &") 3$ 
This simple beautiful lady with tender shoulders is full of lovable feminine charms.
மணியி திக:த, Rேபா மட'ைத 1273

அணியி திக:வெதா1 உ* .

 ?4 . I  52  4

.&!  # . & I (
Like the thread passing through crystal beads, there is some significance in her
feminine beauty.
6ைகெமா உள நா%றேபா ேபைத 1274

நைகெமா உளெதா 1* .

38 84 J" &"!
) J" (
Like the hidden fragrance in the bud there is some hidden significance in the smile of
this simple lady.
ெசறிெதா> ெச
திற'த கள உ1 ய 1275

தீ ம,'ெதா 1 உைட! ( ) .

3 :4 "  E0 
.5 5E " 8 @5
The secret sign of his bangled wife has a remedy to cure his lovesickness.
 §ÚdÏ\s 261  

ெபாிதா%றி. ெப)ப கல!த அாிதா%றி 1276

அபிைம S:வ ைட! .

) $5 ? <  5 5E 

.M! - - 3 $( 
His passionate love comforts her but signifies the impending painful separation.
தண' ைறவ தண'தைம நமி8 1277

6ன உண'த வைள.

Z 5 !
)?  ; Z <  3: ) ;5  "!
.-: " 
Her bangles foretold the departure of her lover, who is the chief of the cool seashore.
ெந,ந%1A ெசறாஎ காதல யா6 1278

எGநாேள பச'
ேமனி .

' F0 <  5K 

  3! $  H" 5 $ .(
Her lover left her only the previous day. But her pallor spreads faster as if he had left
her a week ago.
ெதா>ேநாகி ெமேதா; ேநாகி அ>ேநாகி 1279

அஃதா டவெச
த .

&5 &:"( & 5 90 #$" 5

.$8" . 5 " &$'(
She looks at her bangles, thin shoulders and feet; they are the signs of her desire to
accompany him.
ெபணினா ெபைம உைட!ெதப கணினா 1280

ெசா@ இர< .

& :E"! & $  &K N 3  .1)0 : 2

.3=$  5 ?
The way in which her eyes reveal her lovesickness and long for remedy adds charm
to her femininity.
 §ÚdÏ\s 262  

129. ண சி விப
- &
 9+ - Longing for Sex
உள களி!த மகி:த
காண 1281

க;கி காம!தி% * .

< 3 
H ( :$ <"
.2 -E 5$) B1! .(
Joy at the mere thought and cheer at the very sight of the lover belong not to liquor
but to lust.
திைன! ைணC ஊடாைம ேவ* பைன! ைணC 1282

காம வாி
நிைறய .

 EA )
H f 0
. 2   E
G 1
When passionate love is very intense, there should be no sulking even as small as a millet.
ேபணா ெப)பேவ
யி8 ெகாகைன
ெச 1283

காணா தைமயல .

$ (  -   <   
.-"  . ;#$ CE" F
Though he does as he pleases without caring for her, her eyes will find no rest unless
they see him.
ஊட%க ெசேறம அ மற' ேதாழி 1284

$ட%க ெசற எ  ெந .

<  .) 5" . 5 !"  

.- M F0 5   !$  .(
She wanted to feign dislike but, at his very sight, her heart forgot it and longed for
union with him.
எG கா ேகாகாணா கேணேபா ெகாக 1285

பழிகாேண கட இட! .

"(^ 5$)  I" F .  .0

.M: 5 @2 5$) <  < ) I F $ (
Like the eyes that cannot see the brush painting them she cannot see her lover's faults
while meeting him.
 §ÚdÏ\s 263  

கா-கா காேண தவறாய காணாகா 1286

காேண தவற லைவ.

<  I 1     0

.<  F0 I 1 D
When he is with her, she finds no fault. When he is away, she finds nothing but faults.

!த அறி' 2னபா
பவேரேபா 1287

!த அறி'ெத 2ல' .

&  &JK0   " 

.B  !  ?: .(
Sulking with her lover is as useless as a diver battling against a strong current.
இளி!தக இனா ெசயி8 களி!தா 1288

கள%ேற கவநி மா2 .

4 = ) !S54 

.- J -=a -) C -$5 -(" F
Liquor is loved by drunkards, though it brings disgrace to them. So is the lover's
bosom to his love.
மலாி8 ெம@ காம சிலஅத 1289

ெசJவி தைல.ப* வா .

 ? . M <

.@1A F0 -
$" F - F
Love is softer than a tender flower. Only a few enjoy it realizing its fineness.
கணி னி!ேத கலகினா 2த 1290

எனி8 தாவி . 2%1 .

 $ )  JK $" 

.5E $"2$") &$ $5

She showed dislike only in her eyes and pined rushing faster than her lover to
embrace him.
 §ÚdÏ\s 264  

130. ெந,ெசா- ல த
-  7 8 #'
 - Rebuking the Heart
அவெந  அவகாத க* எவெநேச
( ) 1291

நீஎம த ஆகா .

 5 - 0  G - .0

5 0
7 " F  ! 
His heart remains with him without thinking of her. So she would also like to keep her
heart to herself alone.
உறாஅ தவகட க- அவைரA 1292

ெசறாஅெரனA ேசறிெய ெந .

- ) 2" $0 !;5 

.J F -$ $ $#  F  
She knows that he has no love for her but still she seeks him trusting that he has no
dislike for her.
ெக)டா ந)டாஇ எபேதா ெநேசநீ 1293

ெப)டா  அவபி ெசல

( ) .

.-  ; " !) 
#   -$ .#"
Her heart goes after her lover hoping that the ruined have no friends.
இனிஅன நிெனா* S:வாயா ெநேச 1294

கா ம%1 .

PE -4"
= <  .) 5""F ! 
 0 H8 ; .   G $( .0
When she yields to him without even a sulk, none will discuss the joy of sulk with her.
ெபறாஅைம அ ெபறிபிாி< அ 1295

அறாஅ இ*ைப!ெத ெந .

- B4 <  

7 .0
.$?  9EH M2  P- 2
5) B4 -8
Her heart grieves without his company and even in his company it grieves fearing
 §ÚdÏ\s 265  

தனிேய இ,' நிைன!தகா எைன! 1296

தினிய இ,'தெத ெந .

 ( ;5( ('
.< H &# 
When she is alone pondering over her lover's separation, her grief affects her body
and soul.
நா- மற'ேத அவமற கலாஎ 1297

மாணாமடெநசி% ப)* .

<  M

FY  !$
.5 D!$" F ; - .$ 
She has forgotten her inseparable blush because of her mad love for her lover whom
she cannot forget.
எளி இளிவாஎ 1 எணி அவதிற
( ) 1298

உ; உயிகாத ெந .

<  .!  F0 (: F   < ; 

.D 2"
 - " . .# 
Her loving heart always thinks of her lover and his greatness, as despising him is a
ப!தி%  ைணயாவா தா6ைடய
( ) யாேர 1299

ெநச' ைணய வழி.

P- M?a 5$) @ .  (

.  ! . <2 .
None will comfort a man in sorrow if his own heart does not support him.
தச தமரல ஏதிலா தா6ைடய 1300

ெநச தமர வழி.

- @ @E <

..  < H 5 5)" .]
When a person's own heart is not friendly with him, it will not be strange if others
desert him.
 §ÚdÏ\s 266  

131. லவி - 

 - Sulking

2லா திராஅ. 2ல!ைத அவஉ1 1301

காக சிறி .

P- 2$" F -$) ;5"

!<" B ( #$$
She should pretend to sulk and not embrace him so that they could, for a while,
watch him suffer.
உ.பைம' த%றா 2லவி அ சிறி 1302

மிக%றா விடநீள .

  b( 32$ 5 2 5"F
.-  b 5 ?( -"5 ?
Just as salt is to food, sulk is to sex, Prolonged sulk is like excess of salt in food.
அல'தாைர அலேநா
த%றா தைம. 1303

2ல'தாைர. 2லா விட .

9JH @J"!
*  < " &V"2$
!< " ;
To leave the sulking woman without fond embrace is like grieving one already in agony.

ஊ> யவைர உணராைமவா>ய 1304

வளி 6தலாி' த%1 .

9JH B"!
.&8 .  E C =
Not to comfort a sulking maiden is like cutting the root of a withering creeper.
நல!தைக நலவ ஏஎ 2ல!தைக 1305

Iஅன கணா அக! .

<( <JH  =(  @J0

.M14A ;   3$ ? . $  3  
The lovely charm of a worthy lover is the feigning dislike of his beloved.
 §ÚdÏ\s 267  

னிC 2லவிC இலாயி காம 1306

கனிC க,காC அ%1 .

5!  J$ 52 = = :$  H <

.&   F XOJ$"
 = = 2 S?$  H <
Love without prolonged sulking is like an over-ripe fruit and love without brief sulking
is like an unripe fruit.

ஊட@ உடாேகா ப 2ணவ 1307

நீ*வ த1ெகா எ1 .

(E  J
5) 8"
 & S" F 
The lovers' sulking in excess puts to doubt whether the union will last long or not.

ேநாத எவம%1 ெநா'தாெர 1 அஃதறிC ( ) 1308

காதல இலா வழி.

"$ 5  
"$ E . 5  F $ 
There is no use in wailing when the beloved one is not by the side to feel and comfort.

நீ, நிழல 2லவிC

இனிேத 1309

EGந கேண இனி .

1#  @ 

H   <(  E (
Water in the shade of trees is sweet. Likewise, feigned anger between lovers is sweet.

ஊட உணக வி* வாேரா( * எெநச

) 1310

$*ேவ எப அவா.

- !" F -"  $( .0

.&  3K & @2"F 90 I&
Though his lady love does not comfort him, he longs for union with her due to desire.
 §ÚdÏ\s 268  

132. லவி /0க - 

:" - Nuances of Sulking
ெபணியலா எலா, கணி ெபா உப 1311

நேண பர!தநி மா2 .

5  . .""! @!$

.2$) . .0 5  1
She finds all women gazing at his bosom. Therefore, she will not embrace him.
ஊ> இ,'ேதமா! மினா யாதைம 1312

நீ*வா: ெகபா கறி' .

P <  9) 9JK $(

7 $$' $# "
He sneezed while she was sulking, expecting that she would say, "Live long".
ேகா)*.IA S>8 காC ஒ,!திைய 1313

கா)>ய S>னீ எ1 .

) JK 5$  ?A (0 (" 0

. ": < "  " 2"
Even when he wears fresh flowers, she would say that he was doing it to please
another woman.
யாாி8 காதல எேறனா ஊ>னா 1314

யாாி8 யாாி8 எ1 .

V :&  

!0 @!$ < $
; K @!$ B" ; K @!$ B" :3  JH
When he said that he loved her more than anyone else, She angrily asked who the
other one was.
இைம. பிற.பி பிாியல எேறனா 1315

கநிைற நீெகா டன .

! $5   F :& 

.I4A 5F  3: . 34  $ ) 5
When he said he would never part with her in this life, she cried bitterly fearing
separation in other births.
 §ÚdÏ\s 269  

உளிேன எேறம% ெறமற'தீ எெறைன. 1316

2லா 2ல!த கன .

$"J P$    ( :& 

.$  $!$" .0 :3  $ 4!$
He said he had thought of her. But she sulked angrily and asked him why he had
forgotten her.
வG!தினா மிேன அழி!தGதா ஆக 1317

யா,ளி! மினீ எ1 .

7 !)

%"(" . :3  (  .)!
When he sneezed, she blessed. Soon she cried who thought of him and he sneezed.
6A ெச1.ப அGதா Kமஉள 1318

எைம மைற!திேரா எ1 .

:3  ( !) #( 

."  G (7 "
"(" . " 
When he suppressed his sneezing, she cried that he was hiding another woman who
was thinking of him.
தைன உண!தி8 காC பிறநீ 1319

இ'நீர ஆதி எ1 .

P&2" .  0

.( ; K M""  :JK 2"
Even when he pleads with her, she is displeased and asks whether that is how he
cajoles other women.
நிைன!தி,' ேநாகி8 காC அைன! நீ 1320

யா,ளி ேநாகினீ எ1 .

:9JK   2" & 1 4" & 0 $ 0

7 $" $ .  (:"
When he gazes at her admiring her beauty, she angrily asks him who he was
thinking of looking at her.
 §ÚdÏ\s 270  

133. ஊட2வைக - 

  !* - Joy of Sulking

இைல தவறவ ஆயி8 ஊ*த 1321

வல அவஅளி மா1

( ) .

<JH"" &$] -$

K 9) P-  < ) F
.<   ="
He is without fault; yet she sulks to make him love her forever.
ஊட@ ேதா1 சி1 னி நலளி 1322

வா>8 பா* ெப1 .

" &  2 <JH"

.3( ?)  =(  B4 .(
Sulking causes only a little pain but it always strengthens love.
2ல!த@ 2!ேதநா * உேடா நில!ெதா*
( ) 1323

நீாிைய' தனா அக! .

<" @ "4 = <  C "4

.@!  9"  5 F "  5 A - <JH"
There is no heavenly joy that gives more happiness to lovers than sulking.
2@ விடாஅ. 2லவிC ேதா1ெம 1324

உள உைட பைட.

<( <JH 3 "$ @ ; 5 5E

.$ ( ? U1!
In a long sulking that leads to a sweet embrace lies a weapon that can break her
தவறில ஆயி8 தாE:வா ெமேறா 1325

அகற@ ஆெகா 1ைட! .

D5 ; <JH"  .0 P-  < ) 1

. & !" F  " 3  ) .)
Though he is faultless, denial of sweet embrace of her tender arms, for a while, has a
unique charm.
 §ÚdÏ\s 271  

உண@8 உட அறஇனி காம ( ) 1326

2ணத@ ஊட இனி .

(' =(0 . C"

J . 
H  <( <JH (
Digestion is better than having food again. In love, sulking is sweeter than having sex.

ஊட@ ேதா%றவ ெவறா அ ம8 1327

$ட@% காண. ப* .

P<( &JK C
?&$ . 2 ?:
.<( <JH C" ; < - ) 5
In the game of sulk, the loser actually wins. This will be known in the bliss of their union.

ஊ>. ெப1வ ெகாேலா Kதெவய.ப 1328

$ட@ ேதாறிய உ.2 .

J .   " & <JH"  5 
) .   58 ;
He can get more delight in feigned dislike than the joy of sex.

ஊ*க மேனா ஒளியிைழ யாமிர.ப 1329

நீ*க மேனா இரா.

 <( &JK  %

!&$ .(" 9" 3  "
The bright-jewelled lady may sulk and the night may last long enough to conciliate her.

ஊ*த காம!தி%  இப அத%கிப

( ) 1330

$> 6யக. ெபறி .

PI&  <( <JH

.-$  D5
Sulking is the charming delight of passionate lovers and the joy of sulking lies in the
bliss of union.
 §ÚdÏ\s 272  

ùTôÚs @hPYûQ # (
' 5  # Contents

#*; 94

v ................................................................ # 2"

'" : 3 

2 .......................................................... -^ 5 "

4 .........................................................  C$

6 ........................................................ 5 ? <$

8 ........................................ 38 )A 9) _

10 ....................................................... 3    

12 .................................................... 38 3 ?

14 ........................................................ 5FA 3$

16 .............................................................. <

18 ...................................................... B J

20 ..................................................... 3  (

22 .............................................................. (E

24 .............................................................. 5
 §ÚdÏ\s 273  

26 ........................................................ :$ U(

28 ....................................................... ! .!

30 ..........................................  H 3   C


32 ............................................................. "

34 .................................................... 5! . 4

36 ...........................................  H   C


38 .......................................................... 3 H

40 ................................................ g:
1( <$" 0

42 ............................................... 8 . B4

44 ................................................ 3 )" F  

46 ............................................................. 358

48 .............................................................. U5

50 ............................................................. 3

52 ..........................................................

54 .............................................................. (e 

56 ......................................................... M4 @!

58 ......................................................... +H
 §ÚdÏ\s 274  

60 ............................................................ M58

62 .......................................................... # H

64 ........................................................ @!^

66 .......................................................... "2

68 ..........................................................

70 ............................................................... 5 ?

72 ....................................................... 32 2 50

74 ....................................................... &E "

76 ........................................................ 52 #


80 ........................................................ 

82 ...............................................................

84 .............................................................. 3 A

86 ........................................................... S"!F

88 ............................................................. 3(

90 ....................................................... <  <$ "

92 ....................................................... ( 38

 §ÚdÏ\s 275  

94 .................................................... @$5 . :$

96 ............................................ -  (:" 5 '


98 .......................................................... 2

100 ........................................................  3

102 ...................................................... .(A 3

104 ................................................. =" 5 M 58"

106 ................................................. (:" 5 B #"

108 ........................................... @A C E .!

110 .......................................................... 3:H


112 ..................................................... 35 3(

114 .................................................... 3# 3(

116 .........................................................
# <$ "

118 .............................................................. .$

120 ............................................................ ! "

122 ................................................................ 2

124 ......................................................... !(


126 ............................................................... 5& 

 §ÚdÏ\s 276  

128 .................................................. 5 5E 5$) =

130 ............................................................... ? 

132 ...................................................... .! 38

134 .................................................   h14^

136 ....................................................   =

138 .........................................................  4

140 ..............................................................  :!

142 ..................................................  C B8"

144 .................................................. -  b1 3

146 ................................................ . 4 


148 ......................................... . 4


150 .............................................................. 35

152 ............................................................ .8

154 ........................................................ = <!(

156 ...................................................... +  3#)

158 ...................................................... 3 (! 2

160 ........................................................... 358

 §ÚdÏ\s 277  

162 ................................................. @58A @:8

164 .................................................... 3 52 358

166 ..................................................... 3 ! 358

168 ......................................... &  <K  H 358

170 ............................................................ 3

172 ............................................................ 3 1

174 .............................................................. 52

176 ............................................................. 5

178 .................................................. @5)A  3

180 ............................................................. 3$ 4

182 ................................................. (A  2"


184 ...................................................  ! 3 ?

186 ...........................................................  

188 ................................................. 4 <E <$ "

190 ............................................................. 2

192 .............................................................. @5

194 ...................................................... <!$ 8

 §ÚdÏ\s 278  

196 ............................................................... ?

198 ............................................................. 3#

200 ................................................. M14A  (

202 ........................................................ <5A .!

204 ................................................... 3$  K =

206 .............................................................. @ 

208 ....................................................... !A  "

210 ............................................................. 3)?

212 ............................................................... 2:

214 ............................................................. !"

216 .................................................. !" . B4

218 ............................................................ 3!


222 ...................................................   !

224 ................................................ <2   BE"(

226 ........................................................ M$")F 

228 ........................................................ & U5

 §ÚdÏ\s 279  

230 ........................................................ < 3#)

232 ........................................................ @  < 

234 ........................................................... )E^

236 ........................................................... M:

238 ............................................................. 3$

240 ...................................................... 3$ ? . 

242 ......................................... <  M:

!  <E

244 .......................................................... 3H


246 ............................................... 3$ ? <  (

248 ....................................................... 3 


250 .................................................... 3 ! .?A

252 ..........................................
!  @J)  52"

254 ............................................... !:$ 3


256 ................................................ &J :$ .52

258 ................................................... <  90 M"

260 ........................................................
H @E0

262 ......................................................... @2 S?

 §ÚdÏ\s 280  

264 .................................................... <2 90 3 (E

266 .............................................................  E

268 ......................................................  E M 5

270 ...................................................  E  U:

272 ....................................................  " &

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