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G.R. No. 193237 October 9, 2012

Jalosjos and Cardino were candidates for Mayor of Dapitan City, Zamboanga del
Norte in the May 2010 elections. Jalosjos was running for his third term. Subsequently,
Cardino filed a petition under Sec. 78 of the Omnibus Election Code to cancel and deny
the certificate of candidacy (COC) of Jalosjos.
Cardino claimed that long before Jalosjos filed his certificate of candidacy, Jalosjos
had already been convicted by final judgment for robbery and sentenced to prisión mayor
by the Regional Trial Court, Branch 18 (RTC) of Cebu City. Cardino asserted that Jalosjos
has not yet served his sentence. Jalosjos admitted his conviction but stated that he had
already been granted probation. Cardino countered that the RTC revoked Jalosjos’
probation. Jalosjos refuted Cardino and stated that the RTC issued an Order declaring
that Jalosjos had duly complied with the order of probation. Jalosjos further stated that
during the 2004 elections the COMELEC denied a petition for disqualification filed against
him on the same grounds.
The COMELEC granted Cardino’s petition and cancelled Jalosjos’ certificate of
candidacy. Concluded that Jalosjos indeed committed material misrepresentation in his
COC when he declared under oath that he is eligible to be elected when in fact he is not
by reason of a final judgment in a criminal case, the sentence of which he has not yet
served. It also found that Jalosjos’ certificate of compliance of probation was fraudulently
issued; thus, Jalosjos has not yet served his sentence (prision mayor). Further, the
COMELEC En Banc denied Jalosjos’ motion for reconsideration.

Whether Jalosjos is eligible to be elected

The perpetual special disqualification against Jalosjos arising from his criminal
conviction by final judgment is a material fact involving eligibility which is a proper ground
for a petition under Section 78 of the Omnibus Election Code. Jalosjos’ certificate of
candidacy was void from the start since he was not eligible to run for any public office at
the time he filed his certificate of candidacy. Jalosjos was never a candidate at any time,
and all votes for Jalosjos were stray votes. As a result of Jalosjos’ certificate of candidacy
being void ab initio, Cardino, as the only qualified candidate, actually garnered the highest
number of votes for the position of Mayor.

A sentence of prisión mayor by final judgment is a ground for disqualification under

Section 40 of the Local Government Code and under Section 12 of the Omnibus Election
Code. It is also a material fact involving the eligibility of a candidate under Sections 74
and 78 of the Omnibus Election Code. Thus, a person can file a petition under Section 40
of the Local Government Code or under either Section 12 or Section 78 of the Omnibus
Election Code.
Even without a petition under either Section 12 or Section 78 of the Omnibus
Election Code, or under Section 40 of the Local Government Code, the COMELEC is
under a legal duty to cancel the certificate of candidacy of anyone suffering from the
accessory penalty of perpetual special disqualification to run for public office by virtue of
a final judgment of conviction. The final judgment of conviction is notice to the COMELEC
of the disqualification of the convict from running for public office. The law itself bars the
convict from running for public office, and the disqualification is part of the final judgment
of conviction. The final judgment of the court is addressed not only to the Executive
branch, but also to other government agencies tasked to implement the final judgment
under the law.

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