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Unilever is multinational consumer goods company. It is a multinational corporation

which was formed by Dutch and British companys joint venture. Unilever owns 400
brands worldwide.

Unilever Bangladesh is the largest fast-moving consumer goods (KMCG) company in

Bangladesh, as well as one of the largest multinationals operating in the country. We
have two factories at Kalurghat and Tongs. The Unilever Head Office located in Dhaka
14. Unilever Bangladesh, previously }mown as Lever Brothers Ceylon Limited was
incorporated in 1938. Unilever Bangladesh provides 29 strong brands that are leaders in
the categories that they operate in. It is fast moving consumer goods company. Unilever
have local manufacturing facilities as well as imported products also. Its products are
mainly based in Home Care, Personal Care and Foods. Its major categories include
Household care, fabric cleaning skin cleansing skin care, oral care, hair care, tea, spreads,
toilet cleaning personal grooming water.

The brands in Unilever are Ashm, Axe, hro, ceylonia, Clear, Close Up, Comfort, Domes,
Dove, Fair & Lovely, Flora, Knorr, Laojee, Lipton, Lifebuoy, 14m, Marmite, Pears,
Ponds, pureil Rexona, hin, Signal, Sunsilk, Sunlight, Surf Excel, Vaseline, Vim and


Unilever Bangladesh Limited is a consumer goods company based in Dhaka,

Bangladesh and founded in 1964, engaged in the manufacture and distribution of home
care products, personal care products, and foods. It is a joint venture of the Government
of Bangladesh and Unilever. Unilever holds 60.4% and Government of Bangladesh holds
39.6% of its share. The company was formerly known as Lever Brothers Bangladesh
Ltd. and changed its name in December 2004.

Sharmin Jahan Shanta

Production and Production Management System

In Unilever, the production is done according to company standards and legal

requirement with required quality, quantity, time and cost. Monitoring and
managing line planning is done so that production reach its target. It also
ensure occupational safety, food safety and environmental standards are
implemented consistently.


• Unilever "Code of business principles" is to set out their commitment to

provide branded products and services that are safe and to innovate based on
sound science.

• They have mandatory policies and standards in places to ensure that they
meet this commitment safety and quality as they are the important and
integrate part of their product design.

Process and capacity design

• Unilever Bangladesh Ltd follows different functional level strategies like

capacity planning and process management to gain competitive advantages
and sustain it in the long run in the matured industries. They increase their
efficiency through exploiting economies of scale and learning effects.

• Adopting different strategies

• Higher customer responsive rate

• Continuous innovation

Sharmin Jahan Shanta

Human Resources & Job Design

The Human Resources Director (HRD) currently heads this department. The
major functions of this department are:

• Factory Personnel functions or Industrial Relations

• Recruitment, Training and developments, labor welfare

• Personnel Services and Security.

Supply Chain Management

In Unilever an integrated supply chain will give them the advantage of acting
with speed, enabling them to keep up with pace of the ever changing business
scenario. At present it is divided into following function:

• Manufacturing

• Engineering

• Company buying

• Distribution

• Quality Assurance

• Planning

lrrventory Management

• In inventory management of Unilever one have to work with warehouse

there is two process. These are : :.LIFO +FIFO

• Unilever business is growing at a double digit rate in last 6 years which has
been the accumulated result of distributors' individual growth.

Sharmin Jahan Shanta


• Unilever should create new design of products to attracts customers

• It should release new innovative products to the markets

• To create new customer they should provides some new offer.

• They should convince the customers that Unilever is a good brand. They
serve good quality products.

IT Systems Used in the Unilever

1) Unilever Supplier Qualificatim System Tie Unilever Supplier Qualification

System (USQS) is for all ma:pliers of products and services to Unilever. By
being requested to register in USQS, suppliers will be evaluated against the
prirriples detailed in the Unilever Responsible Souring Policy (RSP). The
RSP represerts the way that Unileverseela to operate and in addition the
values they expect fromtheir appliers.

By going through the USQS process, Unilever will corrickr supplier practices
and policies and seeks guarantee that they brirg into lire with tie values of
the RSP. As a raid-national corrpany, their Pmcuremert team purckoses from
tens of thoteards of suppliers worldwide. The Supplier Qualification System
helps Urilever to succeed With suppliers we will do business with USQS
forms part of their selection earl °moire tosinms process.

Unilever's Responsible Sourcirg Policy is for all of their supplies. (This policy
include 12 fundamental principles) In USQS, tiny seek to guarantee that, as
a nirdmurn, their applies are woddng to the mandakay principles of their
policy and any have or are willing to develop a policy to demonstrate this.

USQS for Unilever

USQS provides a sirgle Global stand for Unilever to value its supply base

USQS will kelp Unilever to:

Sharmin Jahan Shanta

• Identify approved supplies for the products and servicm they wet to toy

• Better understand the possible risks of buying pmekrts or savices in all


• Encourage developments in supplier standards

The systemwill radonalize the supplier requirenent process, increase their

risk managenent and positionthem to fulfill with fuhre charges to regulations
and legislation on woddwide

2) Custcaner Relationship Management System (CRM)

Claimer Relationship Management System helps to the congany to achieve

customer intimacy. It is a widely implemented model for managing a
company's interactions with customers, clients, and sales prospects. It
includes using tedmology to organize, automate, and synchronize business
processes mainly sales activities, but also dose for marketing, customer
service, and techrdcal support The overall goals are to find, attract, and
aLuact new clients, service arch retain those the company already has, entice
former clients to return and reduce the costs of marketing and client service.
Customer relationship menagemerr Mures a company-wide business strategy
incluclirg customarinterface d.epatiments as well as other departmerds.
Measuring and valuing customer relationships is critical to implemertirg this

3) Discuss organizational, management and technolcgical

dimensions et the organization.

Organization Dhnensions The organization dimension of infomertion

systems includes issues such as the organization's culture, busbies process,
hierarchy, functional specialties, political interest grows and people.

Sharmin Jahan Shanta

Unilever has dm built suusg relations with its subsidiary businesses around
the world for its teas and coffees, as much of the raw material required for
food stuffs is sourced from Lathin American arrl African counties,

e.g.: cocoa, vanilla palm oil and coffee beans.

To scope the size and level of diversity that they now control, Unilever have
required acquiring a father brand or nenufmtrairg interest at de rate of abort
one per year for de last ten years.

Management Dimensions The management diversion of information

systems involves allocating human resourcre, allocatirg firwcial resances,
settirg orgadzational strategies, new products and services and re-creating
the organization if necessary

Technology Dimensions This is consists with compeer softvene, computer

haniware, and networldng and data mmogerrent technology.

In support of Unilever's Generation 2 pogramme, they are providing a global

pivate video doud that enables unified internal and enamel visual
conmmication from any device. As well as broad range of managed services
are delivered They managed the entire global installation and irregration of
the project, a process that was ccanpleted in just seven mortlo.


Communications This department ensures that stakeholders are always

updated. It is also their role to safeguard Unilever's reputation and share
information about the products.

Sharmin Jahan Shanta

Production & Operation management system of Unilever
Bangladesh limited

Production and Production Management In Unilever, the production is done

according to company standards and legal requirement with required quality,
quantity, time and cost. Monitoring and managing line planning is done so
that production reach its target.


Unilever conducted their corporate social responsibility as Lever Brothers

Bangladesh in past. Unilever analyzed that Unilever introduce a new product
according to customer requirements. All these changes according to customer
requirements these changes together with the underpins of our vitality
mission position our company favorably for further growth.

Sharmin Jahan Shanta

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