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Pathogens in your body can release toxins, bacteria, ammonia, and
other byproducts, which in turn can cause difficulty concentrating,
poor short-term and long-term memory, confusion, and brain fog.
It's very important to clear out root causes safely to reduce these
neurological symptoms. As you're clearing out parasites, you may
also experience headaches temporarily, but overall, your brain fog
should improve.


Parasites can travel to joints and soft tissues in your body, causing
not only bone pain, but muscle pain as well. From there, they
release toxins and cause inflammation locally and systemically in
the body, meaning you may be hurting and sore all over even
though you haven't worked out.

Since parasites can steal energy and nutrients from their host,
it's very common that fatigue is a symptom with any type of
parasitic infection. It's more than just feeling that afternoon
energy slump. It's a debilitating tiredness that does not go
away, no matter how long you sleep or how many B vitamins
you take. The remedy? Clearing out the infection.

We're all aware that insects like fleas, ticks, and bedbugs need
bloodmeal feasts to stay alive. Other parasites can live on your
skin, but even internal parasites can cause itchy, red, inflamed skin;
rashes; eczema-like patches; and other dermatological issues.
Rectal itching, for example, can be from pinworms crawling out of
your anus at night and laying eggs.
Feeling emotionally unstable? Like you're angry one minute, sad
the next, happy, then irritated? Parasites within the body have
been known to cause a rollercoaster of emotions that seem to
change from one minute to the next. Most doctors' appointments
are not helpful in this way, because rather than addressing the
root cause behind these emotional swings, likely they'll just want
to cover up the symptom.


Relatedly, parasites can actually alter the communication of
neurotransmitters within the body, causing chronic anxiety and
depression. GABA, for example, is your calming neurotransmitter.
When there's not enough GABA, anxiety can take over. Dopamine
is your pleasure neurotransmitter and serotonin is your mood
neurotransmitter, and when these are low, our levels of
happiness and overall well-being tend to drop as well. Acute
anxiety can also be caused by neurotoxins and die-off produced
by the parasites in your body.

Parasites like quick energy. They feed off of food within your
body, and they prefer foods that can help them multiply and
thrive within you: bread, crackers, muffins, cake, chocolate.
Because parasites are zapping you of energy, your body might
also crave these foods when an infection is present because it's a
quick hit of glucose and a fast boost (though it's not sustainable
and will be followed by a crash). In the end, though, you're just
feeding the infection, so it's best to avoid sugars and flours and
not give the pathogens extra fuel.


By now you know that parasites can truly live anywhere
in the body, and the throat and sinuses are no exception. Some
people with parasitic infections feel like they perpetually have a
cold that never improves: congested all the time, excess mucus,
nose blowing, coughing. Allergy symptoms can often be caused
by parasites, too, since they're really dysregulating the immune
system and disrupting your internal organs.


Parasites in the digestive tract can cause diarrhea, gas, bloating,

constipation, and a number of other troubling stomach issues.
Stomach pain or tenderness is common, as well as a sore liver,
which is located near your right ribcage. The liver and bile duct
area is a favorite for many parasites, which is why focusing on
drainage is vital before embarking on a new parasite cleanse.
Suddenly become sensitive to foods that didn't use to bother you
before? Does the cleaning aisle of your local grocery store give
you an immediate headache or dizziness? Food and chemical
sensitivities go hand-in-hand with a parasitic infection. Your
organs of elimination, like your liver, can no longer process
chemical toxins or pesticides in your food well, so you start to
react. Dairy sensitivity has long been linked to parasites. The
good news is that this can improve with parasite cleansing.

Your skin is your largest organ and typically reflects your internal
environment as well. Breakouts and cystic acne can absolutely
point to a parasitic infection. As you begin cleansing, these skin
eruptions can worsen temporarily as your body tries to get rid of
the parasites and the toxins they release in the process, but it
should clear up eventually.


Parasites keeping you up at night? If you're finding it difficult to fall

asleep or if you wake often throughout the night, it could be from
tiny pathogens in your body. Parasites can affect the nervous
system and also throw off your circadian rhythm and sleep cycles.
They're more active generally at night and around the full moon,
so keep track. If your sleepless nights are near the full moon, you
might chalk it up to parasites.

In the morning, if your teeth and jaw are sore like you've been
grinding all night, that's a telltale sign of parasites. If you can grind
through a bite splint or find yourself with a sore mouth in the
morning, cleansing could be a great idea. As mentioned, parasites
are active at night, which is typically why bruxism, or teeth
grinding, happens while you sleep.


Parasites need food to survive, but when they steal yours, that
means you're not getting the nutrition you need to function
optimally and heal. Traditionally, we think of tapeworms as the
parasites that make people lose a lot of weight, but many types
of parasites can. On the flip side, parasites can also cause
stubborn weight gain. The body might hang onto fat as a
protective mechanism.
Parasite Facts from

1 Around 85% of Americans are

estimated to be infected with
some manner of parasite.
2 Parasites can range from tiny
organisms that cannot be seen by
the human eye, to huge worms
that reach several feet in length.

3 Some people are more

likely to fall victim to
parasitic infections than others,
but almost all parasites are
4 Parasitic infections are caused
by protozoa, ectoparasites,
helminths, and many other
dangerous. While some only have sources.
minor symptoms, new studies are
finding that various forms of

parasite can have long-term health
implications, and some are even
deadly. It can be difficult to diagnose a
parasite in some instances –
particularly as certain parasites do

not cause any obvious symptoms.
When you do notice symptoms, they
An infection can either be vary according to the parasite you are
spread through consumption infected with, and can range from
of contaminated food and stomach discomfort, to rashes,
water, a bite, or contact with fatigue, and confusion.
various infected sources.

7 A comprehensive approach to healing from parasites must consider

supplements, herbs, tinctures, dietary changes, drainage support, and
home detoxing tools.

For more information, visit We work with people one-on-one and within our
At-Home Program to identify and cleanse from root causes like clogged drainage pathways, parasites, mold,
heavy metals, Lyme disease, co-infections, viruses, chemicals, toxins, and more. If you're chronically ill and
looking for answers, we'd love to help you simplify your complex condition and start healing!

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