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Content Page No.




History of Track and Field______________________________________________________5

Laws of Track and Field________________________________________________________6

Rules of Track and Field________________________________________________________7

Roles and Responsibilities______________________________________________________8

General Report_______________________________________________________________9

Personal Reflection___________________________________________________________10





The researcher would like to say a special thanks to the following persons in conclusion of this School
Based Assessment (SBA):
 thanks to his parents for providing the necessary materials needed for the completion of the
 thanks to his subject teacher for the help and guiding unto the end of the SBA
 thanks to the athletes for their time and cooperation for a successful competition
 finally the researcher would like to say a big thanks to the Almighty Father for the good health
and strength to carry out his role on that specific day


The name of the sport was Santa Rosa Secondary School Annual Track and Field competition, which
was held every year on the Kumaka Recreation Ground (KRG). After the organization committee was
formed, the researcher was giving role as an Event Official. The track and field champion shop was
planned and executed by the class of Grade 11 ‘C’. They chose Track and Field because it is a popular
sport in the community. The organizing committee had a fair understanding of track and field. The
class was knowledgeable of this. This sport was beneficial to the researcher in many ways like he had


The researcher hopes to achieve, accomplish/ overcome the followings:

 to plan an execute a competition
 how to perform the role as an event official
 to submit and prepare a portfolio as a fulfillment for the CSEC School Based Assessment

History of Track and Field

776 BC The first Olympic games marks the sport of competition in Track and Field

393 AD The Olympic games were stopped. Track and Field athletes no longer had the
opportunity to compete against each other

900 The sons of rich men were trained in running and jumping activities

1700 The interest in Track and Field began to grow again

1896 The first modern Olympic games, at which track and field athletes from all over the
world had the opportunity to complete, was held
1912 The International Amateur Athletics Federation (I A A F),the governing body for track
and field, was formed

Laws of Track and Field

The discus can only be thrown by an athlete when he/she stands inside a circle which has a diameter
of 2.5m. During the course of the throw, the athletes are prohibited from touching the top of the rim.
However, they can touch the inner part of their rim. An athlete cannot touch the ground beyond the

Using any device that may assist the thrower in throwing is strictly prohibited. For example, tapping
of fingers are not allowed unless there is a wound.
The throw will be considered as a foul in the following cases:

-improper throw of the javelin in the attempt

-Demarking of the line with any body part
-player going out of the marking line while throwing
-the tip of the javelin lies outside the edge of the landing sector
The time is increased to 1 minute if there are 2-3 number of competitors. In case only one competitor
is left, time is increased to 2 minutes.

Holding the javelin must be done at the grip port and should always be maintained above the
shoulder level. For valid throw, the javelin must lie before the specified zone and its tip should hit the
ground. There is a special marking line on the runway within which the athlete needs to throw.

A player allows the shot-put to drop below the shoulder. The shot lands outside the boundaries of the
sector or touches the sector line. A player leaves the circle before the shot has landed or the
competitor falls to leave the circle from the back.

Rules of Track and Field

-The discus can only be thrown by an athlete when he or she will stand inside a circle which has a
diameter of 2.5m.
-During the course of throw, the athletes are prohibited from touching the top of the rim.
-An athlete cannot touch the ground beyond the circle or step on the circle line.

-Holding the javelin must be done at the grip part and should always be maintained above the
shoulder level
-For valid throws, the javelin must lie before the specified zone and its tip should hit the ground.
-There is a special marking line on the runway within which the athlete needs to throw.

-Throwers must throw from within the throwing circle.
-No part of the throwers body may touch ground outside the circle during the throw.
-The shot must be kept tight into the neck.
-After the throws, throwers must leave the circle from the back.
-The shot must land within the throwing area.

Role and Responsibilities

The researcher was responsible for the judging of the activities. The researcher was from the Toucan
house. Their color was Red and Black. The researcher was an Event Official and some of his roles and
responsibilities are listed below:

*ensure that the conduct of the competition is fair

*prepares store cards and statistical sheets for the tournament

*records and tabulates scores on statistics in each game

*allow the game or event to flow by calling only essential stop-age

*signals appropriately so that participants recognizes his/her decision

General Report

This competition was carefully planned a week before it actually commence. A day before the events
commence, the Physical Education Students (PE) students and organizing committee met on the field
to marked out the various measurements of the throwing area that will be used by the athletes from
various houses to compete their events.

The Physical Education (PE) students carried out their plan on Track and Field competition on the 25 th,
September 2019. The athletes really inspired the organizing committee by seems young people show
case their talent and strength of their own despite the hot weather. Due to seen, participants were
not being able to find. This was successful because the committee members did their duties as told.
Each houses was assign a team manager and practices was held on afternoon basis.

Teacher was handed out the various houses in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd placed. Overall the competition was
well done but could have done much better in teams of organization. Despite these minor sets back
the competition was a fan and exciting one filled with laughter and shouts of support which shows
that the speaker enjoy the competition.

Personal Reflection

The researcher was part of an organizing committee that did an inter-house Track and Field
competition on the 25th of September 2019. The competition went well and was successful in the end,
although the researcher had faced some difficulties. Some difficulties faced by the researcher were
organizing statistical sheets for the tournament, the tabulation of score were difficult.

In addition, the researcher also had some fun moments while carrying out his job/task, such as
getting ready athletes for discus throwing and it was shot not. They worked in the sun for a long while.
It was funny for the researcher because he was an event official and didn’t know what to do. It was a
great experience for the researcher being an Event Official. Many things were learned such as how to
ensure how to make a competition “runs” smoothly, and to tabulate/set down scores in different


In conclusion to this Physical Education School Based Assessment (SBA) the researcher have learn and
understand many things about the sport that had taken place on the field. The researcher had benefit
a lot after completing this SBA. Now that the researcher is knowledgeable of Track and Field sport, he
can share his knowledge and information that he gained to others that is not knowledgeable enough
of the sport. He is able to carry out a competition. There was a lot of challenges in conclusion of this
SBA, but the researcher had overcome them in the end that he faced in the completion of this SBA.


Some recommendation to this Physical Education (PE) SBA that the researcher recommended are

-Proper cooperation between the sport organization committee and the different teams

-There could have been proper management and equipment for athletes to do their event

-And a much more completion of this SBA


Sources used to gather information are as follows:


-Textbooks (Physical Education)



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