Research 1 - Social Media As An Educational Asset

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CHAPTER 1: Introduction



This research is conducted to highlight the advantages of social media. Social

media is sometimes confused as a “waste of time” although its primary purpose

is to connect people regardless if they are thousands of miles away from each

other. Another purpose of this research is to find out how it affects students’

academic performance. Social Media is also associated with cyber bullying, but

social media has its upsides too. Teenagers, mostly students, can’t tell the

difference between studying and using social media. This is primarily due of the

fact that social media can aid us with our studies. We use social media to get

information. From videos, to blogs, to articles that are present in social media

platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and others. We submit our video projects

through Facebook or YouTube. As we have observed these past few days, if we

relate social media to teenagers, most of the observations were disadvantages.

This research mainly aims to turn people’s impression of social media as a

“waste of time” to a “time-saver”.

Theoretical Background:

This chapter of the research will look into the theory of social media and

education. The Chapter 2 will concentrate on the evolution of education and the

integration of social media into a modern learning instrument.

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Problem Statement:


Significance of the Study:

This research is conducted to identify the different ways social media can help

students make their educational journey easier. This research also aims to

discourage any negative prejudices in the future.

Scope and Limitations:

This research covers the advantages of social media to teenage students. The

parts of education where social media can help. This research also focuses on

incorporating the main purpose of social media to the common needs of students

to be able to succeed and to complete their academic requirements and to satisfy

their needs as students. This research however, will not cover the disadvantages

of social media since this research is about how can social media be an

educational asset. Discussing the disadvantages of social media can contrast

and contradict with the main purpose of this research.

Definition of Terms:

Social Media - are computer-mediated technologies that facilitate the creation

and sharing of information, ideas, career interests and other forms of expression

via virtual communities and networks.

Aid - help, assist, or support (someone or something) in the achievement of

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Article - a piece of writing included with others in a newspaper, magazine, or

other publication.

Asset - a useful or valuable thing, person, or quality.

Hindrance - a thing that provides resistance, delay, or obstruction to something

or someone.

Prejudice - preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual


Contrast - the state of being strikingly different from something else.

Contradict - assert the opposite of a statement formerly made.

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Review of Related Literature:

“Social media is often seen as the key driver of communications and marketing.

A growing number of schools and teachers are utilizing social media in the

classroom to further engage students in the learning process. Social media is a

tool that teachers can use to make their classroom more engaging, relevant and

culturally diverse.” (The Education Partners, Sept 2015)

“Learning management systems such as Moodle and Blackboard have become

immensely popular in universities in recent years as a means to distribute lecture

notes and other course information, as a portal for students to upload

assignments and check them for plagiarism, and as a chat forum where students

can communicate with their lecturers, and with each other. With 7 out of 10

people now owning a smartphone, and social media usage accounting for over

30% of online smartphone activity, this is a communication channel that lecturers

simply can’t afford to overlook.” (BBC, Jul 2017)

“Social media no longer has to be an obstacle to studying; it can help students

create and manage a study community, make the best use of study time, and

find new resources to help them learn and retain knowledge.” (McGraw Hill, May

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CHAPTER 3: Methodology

Research Design: Descriptive: Survey Design

Research Setting / Locale: This study will be based in the SHS Building in the

Main Campus of the University of Cebu.

Research Respondent/s: University of Cebu – Main Campus SHS students

aside from our classmates.

Research Instruments: Survey using questionnaires.

Data Gathering:

Statistical Treatment Data:

Evaluation / Assessment of Rubrics:

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