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The goal of this chapter was to present the research design, research locale,

participants of the study, research instrument, data gathering procedure, and the data analysis


Research Design

The researchers were used descriptive method of research. Descriptive research is used to

obtain information concerning the current status of the phenomena to describe "what exists" with

respect to variables or conditions in a situation. It can be either quantitative or qualitative. It can

involve collections of quantitative information that can be tabulated along a continuum in

numerical form, such as scores on a test or the number of times a person chooses to use a-certain

feature of a multimedia program, or it can describe categories of information such as gender or

patterns of interaction when using technology in a group situation. Descriptive research involves

gathering data that describe events and then organizes, tabulates, depicts, and describes the data

collection (Glass and Hopkins, 1984).

Descriptive studies have an important role in educational research. They have greatly

increased our knowledge about what happens in schools. Descriptive research reveals problems

or abnormal conditions so that remedial measures may be instituted. It reveals to us what we do

not want, what we want, and how to acquire what we want. It also gives a better and deeper

understanding of a phenomenon on the basis of an in-depth study of the phenomenon.

Research Locale

The study was carried out at Cavite State University- Rosario Secondary Education

Laboratory School (SELS) former Cavite College of Arts and Trades in Tejeros Convention,

Rosario, Cavite. Cavite State University-Rosaio Campus is one of the 11 satelite of CVSU. It is

also known as CVSU R and Cavite State University College of Arts and Trade. It was

established by the virtue of R.A No. 5966 authored by Cong. Justiniano S. Montano and was

approved on June 21, 1969 as National College of Arts and Trades primarily to provide higher

technological, professional, of occupational and vocational education. In 2001, CCAT was

integrated with Cavite State University by virtue of CHED memo No. 27, s.2000. Cavite State

University-Rosario offered degree courses which are BS in Business Management (BSBM), BS

in Electrical Engineering (BSEE), BS Mechanical Engineering (BSME), BS in Computer

Engineering (BSCoE), BS Information technology (BSInfoTech), BS in Industrial Technology

(BSIT), BS in Hotel and Restaurant Management (BSHRM), Bachelor of Secondary Education

(BSE), Bachelor of Technical Teacher Education (BTTE). The school also offered two years

courses such as Associate in Computer Technology (ACT), Diploma in Hotel and Restaurant

Management (DHRM), and Associate of Technology (AT).

Aside from tertiary level, CVSU-R are also have secondary level which is Secondary

Education Laboratory School (SELS) having a population of 150 students. This research will be

conducted in this school to provide the students a strategy which is paraphrasing math word

problem as a means to improve their performance.

Participants of the Study

The participants of the study are the students in Secondary Education Laboratory School

having population of 150 students. The respondents were randomly selected consisting of 30%

from Secondary Education Laboratory School (SELS).

Research Instruments

The researchers were used questionnaire as an instrument in this study to collect factual

information in order to classify their circumstances.

The evaluation instrument will be using a survey and the criterion is listed below:

Table 1: Evaluator’s Scale for Analysis for Criterions

Point Description Characteristics

5 Strongly Agree The respondent completely consider with the given


4 Agree The respondent consider with the given statement.

3 Uncertain The respondent unsure with the given statement.

2 Disagree The respondent does not consider the given statement.

1 Strongly Disagree The respondent totally regards the given statement.

The researcher used a questionnaire as an instrument for the evaluation and the sample

problem is listed below:

Data Gathering Procedure

Phase I

The researchers were prepared a checklist and questionnaire for evaluation about

paraphrasing math word problem to improve the performance of the students. The researcher will

be preparing also a letter for dean to have permission in conducting a study. The prepared letter

for conducting this study can be found in the appendices of this research.

Phase II

The prepared survey form and questionnaire of the researchers were submitted to the

researcher’s adviser for evaluation. Necessary revisions will be applied and return to the

researchers. The develop questionnaires and survey form can be found in the appendices of this


Phase III

After the letters, survey form and questionnaire have been approved, the researchers

started to conduct the evaluation to the students. Before answering the questionnaire and survey

form the student first will be oriented from the researcher about their respective topics.

Afterwards, the respondents will now answering the said forms.

The outcome was tabulated and summarized for the computation of the mean. The result

can be found in the chapter IV of this research.

Data Analysis Procedure

The results gathered from the assessment checklist were tallied, tabulated, analyzed and

interpreted. Computation of means of responses is employed in the treatment data. The following

rating scale was used as guide for interpretation:

Table 2: Interpretation of Computed Mean

Range of Mean Interpretation

4.55 – 5.00 Excellent

3.55 – 4.54 Very Satisfactory

2.55 – 3.54 Satisfactory

1.55 – 2.54 Fair

1.00 – 1.54 Needs Improvement

The researchers were also used Pearson r Formula to seek for the correlation of the two

interval variables which are the used of paraphrasing and the students’ performance in problem

solving. The Pearson r Formula is:

𝑵𝒙𝒚−(∑ 𝒙)(∑ 𝒚)
√(𝑵 ∑ 𝐱 𝟐 −(∑ 𝒙)𝟐 )(𝑵 ∑ 𝒚𝟐 −(∑ 𝒚)𝟐 )

where N is the number of samples, x is the first variable, and y is the other variable. The results

were based on the correlation interpretation guide given below.

Table 3: Correlation Interpretation Guide

Size of Correlation Interpretation

(0.80 to 1.0) (-0.80 to -1.0) Very strong positive (negative) correlation

(0.60 to 0.79) (-0.60 to -0.79) Strong positive (negative) correlation

(0.40 to 0.59) (-0.40 to -0.59) Moderate positive (negative) correlation

(0.20 to 0.39) (-0.20 to -0.39) Weak positive (negative) correlation

(0.00 to 0.19) (-0.00 to -0.19) Very weak positive (negative) correlation


Permission to Conduct Study

Republic of the Philippines

Commission on Higher Education
(Formerly Cavite College of Arts and Trades)
Rosario, Cavite
(046) 437-6659 / 437-7776

September 19, 2016


Campus Dean
CvSU Rosario



We, the bonafide students of BSE 401 Mathematics, are currently working on a research paper
entitled, “Paraphrasing Math Word Problems to Improve the Performance of the Students”.

In line with the study, we would like to ask your permission to conduct our study in your

Thank you for paying attention regarding this matter. We are hoping for your favorable response.


Espiritu, Krizzia Nicoline

Gonzales, Realyn D.

Noted by:

Ryan John A. Biares

Adviser, MATH 145
Evaluation Sheet
Republic of the Philippines
Commission on Higher Education
(Formerly Cavite College of Arts and Trades)
Rosario, Cavite
(046) 437-6659 / 437-7776

Name: ______________________ Section:_____________

Date:________________________ Score:______________

Listed below are the criteria for evaluating the student’s performance in mathematics. Put a

check to the number that corresponds to your answer.

5- Strongly agree 2- Disagree

4- Agree 1-Strongly disagree

3- Uncertain
Content SA A U D SD

5 4 3 2 1

I can easily identify what is being asked in a

paraphrased Math word problem.

I can easily list down all the given information in a

problem when they are paraphrased.

I can make my procedure in solving paraphrased Math

word problem systematic.

I can easily solve the problems that are being


I can easily translate paraphrased Math word problems

into Mathematical expression.

I find it easier to determine what type of Mathematical

operations to be used if the problem is paraphrased

I can easily solve Math word problems that use familiar


I find it easy to identify the formula that I need to use

through paraphrasing.

I can easily get a higher score in solving paraphrased

Math problem.

I feel more comfortable solving Math problems when

they are paraphrased.

Paraphrased Math word problem enhances my skills in

problem solving.

Paraphrasing Math word problems makes my task


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