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Submitted By: Redentor T. Dumali M.

A Ed English

Professor: Dr. Lorna Salutal

Subject: Advanced Educational Technology

Topic Reporter: Ms. Maegan Wu

Topic: Blockchain technology in China Schools

BlockChain and the Classroom: How DLT can improve

Education and School Records Management

Blockchain technology has proven to be a catalyst for change across a wide variety of
industries in the years since Bitcoin’s (BTC) inception in 2009. The subsequent creation
of various blockchain projects and alternate cryptocurrencies has shown that blockchain
technology can provide innovative changes across a broad spectrum.
The worlds of finance, logistics, and even law have directly benefited from the various
applications of blockchain technology. Another sector that is beginning to embrace its
potential benefits is education. Educational institutions are a vital cog in the
development of new technology and the industry certainly hasn’t lagged behind in terms
of adoption, implementation, as well as researching and developing the applications of
blockchain technology.
The power of trustless immutability

One of the cornerstones of

blockchain technology is its
decentralized nature. Bitcoin
and Ethereum (ETH) are
essentially immutable ledgers that
store information and value. Their
success has provided a means for
individuals and institutions to store
information that cannot be
tampered with or removed by a third
Diagram of Blockchain Method in Students Record

The application of blockchain technology in this regard makes it a perfect candidate for
record-keeping, proof of ownership of intellectual property, credentials and academic
records. This has well and truly come to life in 2019.
One of the best examples comes from the “blockchain system in record-keeping in China
Educational System. In a major move for both blockchain and education, Chinese
Schools implemented a record-keeping system that would see all educational records in
the country stored on a blockchain. The pilot project will be carried out in partnership with
software developer Learning Machine. The project intends to store all records from
Malta’s educational institutions.
Learning Machine has been a pioneer in this space for some time now, has partnered with
the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2017 to issue digital diplomas to a select
number of graduates. The pilot project allowed students to apply for, and have access to,
digital versions of their respective qualifications, which are both verifiable and tamper-
A Blockchain-based Educational Record Repository

Student E-Diploma in China Sample of E-Certificate

The Blockchain technology was initially adopted to implement various cryptocurrencies.

Currently, Blockchain in China is foreseen as a general-purpose technology with a
huge potential in many areas. Blockchain-based applications have inherent
characteristics like authenticity, immutability and consensus. Beyond that, records
stored on Blockchain ledger can be accessed any time and from any location.

In China Schools, Blockchain has a great potential for managing and maintaining
educational records. This paper presents a Blockchain-based Educational Record
Repository that manages and distributes educational assets for academic and industry
professionals. The BcER2 system allows educational records like e-diplomas and e-
certificates to be securely and seamless transferred, shared and distributed by parties.

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