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th m[ifispines

l&e+ubtic of

Brrsrtrnefit of @[urution
January 28, 2020

No. O1+ __, s. 2020


TO: Asst. Schools Division Superintendents

Chiefs, CID and SGOD
Education Program Supervisors,
Pribiic Schaols District Superviscrs,
Elementary and Secondary School F{eads
Al1 Other Concerned

l. In line with the goal of the Departnrent olEducation and its continuing initiatir,'es tonards
strengthening evidence-based polic-v development and decision-making, this Ot'fice announces the
conduct of the l" Division Research Congress on Februar_v A6,2A2A. Yenue shall be announced in a
separate Memorandum.

2. The Research Congress is designed to provide a mediun of expression and shanng of

academic research outputs from education researchers thereb-v inrparting research findings, latest
inputs, ideas and discuss polic,ri option based on results across level of governance in basic
sducation. Specificallir, it arms to:
o share best practices and innovatians torvards transformative basic education across the
r netr,vork rvith other education researchers to tackle various issues, challenges and
trends affecting the K to 12 Basic Educatinn: and
e intensilied collaboration and expand irartnership to pursue an education for
sustainable educational development.

3. Participants to this activity' are SDO personnel, FSDSs. Central School Principals, Secondary
School Heads, Research Proponents of BERF grantees in 2017,2018 and 2019. There wiii be
presentation of selected cerrnpleted research paper and research display. Dress code for the
presenters and participants shall be strictly in business and corporate attire. Participants who are not
available on the activity date must send their respective representatir:es.

0050 Lino Chatto Drive, New Capitol Site, Barangay Cogon. 6300Tagbilaran City, Bohol
Tel Nos.: (038) 41 2-4938; (038) 41 1 -2544 (038) 501 -7550
,r" '
Telefax: (038) 501-7550 email add: [email protected] BOHOL
4. Details can be found in the enciosures attached and shall sen/e as an integral part of this
a. Enclosurs No. I List of Participants
b. Enclosure No. 2 Preigram Matrix
c. Enclosure No. 3 List of Researchers & Presenters
ii ith additional instructions

5. All participants are required to pre-register online to the iink

httur:l/tiLyurl.cory/DBCong1020. Registration online shall be closed on February 04, 2020. Onlv
thcise rvho registered online shall receive certificate of participation. On-site registration is for
liquidation purposes and giving of cefiificate of appearance.

6. No registration fee shall be collected" Foods, honorarium of speaker, transportations of

speaker/guests and other expenses relative to the activity shall be charged against SDO-MOOE w'hile
transportation/accommodation and incidental expenses of participants and the entertainers shall ire
charged against school MOOEI and or other school lunds subject to usual accounting and auditing
rules and regulations.

7. For further information and clarification. kindly oontact AMtsLIA L. CORTIDOR, Senior
Education Program Specialist, Division Research Coordinator at telephone numbers (038) 501-
755015 1 0-81,10 or email at amelia.cortidor@deped.

3. For immediate disseminatiorr and compiiance.

Sch6ols Oir ision Su*iir"*J* t-H

.!qo.l,p*i- dlc-{) I. 28. )020

0050 Lino Chatto Drive, New Capitol Site, Barangay Cogon. 6300Tagbiiaran City, Bohol
Tel Nos.: (038) 412-4938; {038i a1 1-2544 {038) 501-7550
Telefax: (038) 501-7550 email add: [email protected]
Enclosure No. 1 of DM No. O44 s,2020

Al1 PSDSs /Acting PSDSs 54pax
A11 Centrai Elementary School Principals 54 oax
SGOD {list afrached) 19 pax
CID (list attached) 18 pax
OSDS (iist attached) 13 pax
Secondary Schaol Heads (list attached) 171 pax
Researchers BERF Grantees {anached in Enciosure No. 3) 27 pax
Guests/Execom 4pax
Multi-Ivledia Support :
Fernando Enad - San Agustin NHS, Sagbayan 2 pax
Leniun Vincent Boiser, San Roque NHS, Albur
Entertainers: Cabanugan Datce Troupe 10 pax
Pagnitoan Singer 1 pax

Desiderio V. Deiigero PhD - Chief Erlucation Supelisor
Debra P. Sabriero - Education Program SLrpervisor
Elizabeth J. Pido - Senior Education Program Specialist
Antonette G.Lazara - Education Progmm Specialist il
Evel-vn C. Marapao - Senior Education Program Specialrst
AnaLizaB. Laurel - Education Program Specialisr 1l
Philip Marcelo R. Yigonte IIRRM
- Pro.ject Development Ofircer -
Marina H. Bernasor - Project Development Officer (YFC) CD 3

Angelette A. Remolador - Project Development Officer (1Ft-) CD i

Aian B. f)olauta - Project Development Officer (YFC) CD 2

Arnelia 1,. Cortidor - Senior Education Program Specialist

Ma. Maulirte M. Yap -Planning Officer III
Karyl Anafe lvlanlanguit - Planning & Research Staff
Marites M. Cimeni, PhD - Senior Education Program Specialist
Mi1drcd G. Piquero - Educatior: Program Specialist TI
Domingo J. Lamoste - Engineer IIl
Dr. Maria D. Aurora Luma-ad - Medical Offtcer III
Dr. Vina A. Maslog - Dentist II" Dentist In-Charge
Clinic L. Calviso, RII - Nurse II, Nurse In-Charge
Enclosure No. I of DM No, O 44 s, 2020

Casiana P. Caberte, PhD, CESE - OIC ASDSlChief Eriucaticn Supen'isor CID
Cirilo S. Calatrava - Eclucation Program Superuisor - MAPEH
Willreda O. Flor, Ph.D. - Education Program Supen,isor - Filipino
Felix C. Galacio, Ph.D. - Education Program Supervisor - Mathematics
Hermenilda B. Gracio, CheE , E,Jucation Program Supervisor - Science
Lope S. Hubac - Educatior Program Supervisor - Vaiues Education
Jupiter L Maboloc, PhIl - Education Program Superv-isor - Arai. Panlipunan
Grace B. Metdez, PhD - Education Program Supervisor - T.L.E.
Carmela M. Restificar, PhD - Education Program Supewisr:r - Kindergarten
Pablito If. Vil1alon, Phf) - Education Program Supen isor - English
Josephioe D. Eronico, PhD - Education Program Supervisor - LRMDS
Jocelyn'I. Rotersos - Librarian Ii
Fermo A. Tubac - Prolect l)evelopment Officer -LRMDS
Nei1C. Jabujab Erlucaiion Program Specialist ll -ALS Cluster 1
Elsa F. Hingpit Educalion Program Specialist iI -AI-S Ciuster 3
Jean C. Saturilas Education Program Specialist II -Al.S Cluster {
Juiia D. Macas Education Program Specialist II -ALS Cluster 6
Helen N. Rocamcra Education Program Specialist II -AI-S Cluster l

Fermin M. Albutra - Adiministrative Officer V
Judith S. Apale - Administrative Officer lV - Personnel Section
Nicanora Gretli S- Fostanes - Administrative Officer lV - Records Section
Victoriano C. Cimeni - Adm!nistrative Officer lV - Cashier Section
Lilian M. Baloria, PhD - Adminisirative Officer iV - Propertv & Suppiy Sec.
Alodia M. Calunsag - OIC-Accountant
Ma. Victoria M. Jaspe - Administrative Officer V - Budeet Officer
Justina T. Arac - Administrative Assistant lll - IAS
Pepe Plq{ino - Administrative Assistant Ilt- DPSU
Vitaliano A. Luga, PhD - FSDS/OSDS-Chief of Staff
Mark Cyril G. Potane - ADAS ll, Executive Asst.
Dinah Florence B. Talan, CEE - lnformation Technology Officer I

Atty. Vanessa H. Quijano - Attorney ll I

Ent'ltrrfirc No 'f]lt/l I4 Iic, I 44 s, .?d Lo
Liet dt QnrltQPn;k

Alburouerque San Roque NHS Catisbian t',lHS

Alicia Alicia Technical-Voc'l HS Mantacida National High School

Alicia La Hacienda Nl-iS
Alicia Cayacay HS Hasuilanan Hieh School
Alicia Katipunan Hieh School Clarin National School of Fisheries
Anda Badiane NHS Nahawan NHS
Anda Anda HS
Anda Candabong NHS Corella Natianal Hish School
Anteq uera Bantolinao NHS
Antequera Canlaas High School Fatima NHS
Baclayon Baclayon National High School Lourdes High School
Baclayon Pamilacan HS
Balilihan Cone. Pablo Malasarte NHS San Misuel-Puertos HS

Balilihan Hanopol NHS

Balilihan San Roque lS Cantubod NHS
Batuan Batuan NHS Francisco Daeohov Mem"HS
Batuan Que:on HS * Batuan NHS Annex
Batuan Rizal Hieh Sschool Biking Tech-Voc HS
Bien Unido Hingotanan NHS
Bien Unido Pres. Carlos P. Garcia Tech-Voc SFA Dauis National High School
Bien Unido Ponciano L. Padin NHS
Bilar Bilar NHS Dimiao NHS
Buenavista Cabul-an National High School Duero NHS
Buenavista Cangawa NHS Guinsulara n High School
Buenavista Lubang National High School
Buenavista Panghagban HS Garcia-Hernandez HS

Calape Mayor A. R. Tuazon Nat'l Sch. of Fish.

Calape Fermin Tayabas NHS
Calape Paneansan National Hieh School Campao Oriental Hieh School
Calape Calape National High School Handumon NHS
Candijay La Union NHS Tulang NHS
Cand iav Candijay National High School
Cand iav Costons NHS Catungawan National High School
Candijay Tambongan NHS Guindulman Guinacot NHS
CandUay Anoling National High School Guindulman
Carmen Ambassador Pablo R. Suarez, Jr. NHS San Jose National High School

Carmen Katipunan NHS lnabanga HS- Nabuad

Carmen EF^h^;.^^
r AJI^^^

Carmen Pollcronio S. Dano, Sr. HS lnabanga North lnabanga North Central lS

Carmen Valeriano Ganas High School lnabanea South Southern lnabansa HS

Carmen lsabelS.J. Guiol Memorial HS lnabansa South n lnabansa HS

Larmen Vallehermoso HS
Carmen Calatrava Elementary School
hotrc,nnt So t a\ 0m Fh-
S" dCIa'b

Li'e* d \anorhcfipo,ntrt

Jagna Calabacita NHS Sevilla Sevilla National High Schocl

Jagna Faraon NHS Sevilla Carnbagui-Calinginan Norte NHS
Jagna Lonoy Heroes MHS Seviila Bavawahan National Hish School
Jagna Jagna HS S-Bullones Dusita Hieh Schoal
Jagna Tubod Monte lS S-Buliones Sierra Bullones Tech-Voc HS
Lila Lila llHS 5-Bullones Bugsoc High Schocl
Loay Hinawanan NHS S-Bullones Nan-od Hieh School
Loboc Camaya-an NHS Sikatuna Sikatuna NHS
Loboc Loboc NHS Talibon I President Carlos P. Garcia Mem. HS

Loboc Ov NHS Talibon I Sikatuna Nat'l Agricultural HS

Loon North Cabilao NHS Talibon I Santo Nino Hieh School
Loon North Gov. Jacinto Borja NHS Talibon I San lsidro Hish Srhoal
Loon hlorth Sardingan NHS Talibon ll Zosimo A. Gulle Memorial NHS
Loon South Loon South National HS Talibon ll San Jose NHS
Mabini Concepcion NHS Talibon il Calituban HS

Mabini San Roque NHS Talibon li Mayor Catalino Y. Casovla MHS

Mabini San iose HS Talibon li Ponciana E. Leoligao HS
Mabini Lungsodaan HS Talibon il CATABAN INTEGRATED SCHOOL
Mabini TanekiEan lS Trinidad Hinlayagan NHS
Maribojoc Busao NHS Trinidad Kauswagan NHS
Maribojoc Pagnitoan NHS Trinidad Tagum Sur NHS
Panslao Lourdes NHS Trinidad Kinan-oan HS
Panslao Felix E. Bompat HS Trinidad Soom lS
Pilar Pilar Technica l-Voeationai HS Tubison Tubison West I{HS
Pilar San lsidro Tech-Voc HS Tubigon Cawayanan NHS
PresCPG Asuinine NHS Tubigon Bagongbanwa High School
PresCPG Mavor lnocencio B. Mendez HS Tubigon Tubigon West Central HS

PresCPG Bonbonon Hieh School UbAV Erico B. Aumentado l-lS

PresCPG Gaus High School Ubay Ubav National Science HS
PresCPG Basiao High School Ubay Tapal lS
PresCPG Campamanog HS Ubay Tubog lS

PresCPG Sto. Rosario lntegrated School Ubav I Camambusan NHS

PresCPG San Joselntegrated School Ubay li Castins Hish School
Saebavan san Asustin NHS Ubay ll Biabas Trade High School
Sagbavan Eugenio V. Amores MHS Don Aguedo Reyes Maboloc Mem.
Sagbayan JAPeR Memorial High School
Ubay ill NHS

Sagbayan San lsidro Elementary School Ubav lll San Pascual National Aer'l HS

Sagbayan Uboian lntesrated School Ubav lll Union National Hish School

San lsidro San lsidro National Hieh School Ubay lll Bulilis Hieh School

San lsidro Candungao High School Ubay lll Hambabauran HS

Valencia Valencia Tech-Voc HS

San lsidro Cabanugan lS
San Migue Mahavag National Hieh School
Valencia Mayor Pablo O. Lirn MHS

San Migue 5an Mieuel Tech-Voc School

San Migue Bugang National High School
San Migue Sebastian A. iala Mem. HS t{
Enclosure No. 2 of DM No. O 4 4 sr 202A

First llivision Ressarch Congress 2$20

Th eme : " I dent ify ing Pat ltway s for Sus t aircab I e E ducat ional D ey elop rnent
Tlroug{t Research"

Metro Centre Hotel, Tagbilaran Ciry
February 46,2A20

07:30 - 09:00 AM On-site Registration

09:00-12:00 AM Opening Ceremonies and Program

Prayer/Doxology Cabanugan NHS Dance Troupe

Philippine National Anthem

& Bohol Hymn

Acknowledgment of Participants
And Weicome Address - Marina S. Salamanca
,4s st. S c fio o k Di uisio n. S up e t"int endent

Intermission Nurnber - Contemporary Dance

Messages - Bianito A. Dagatan, EdD, CESO Y
S c fro o k rDt uisipru S up erint edent

- Salustiano T. Jimenez lr"t_, EdD, CESO Y

r I I !, OI ( .fo6ia na [ l] ter o r
.Dt' re r t o L

Introduction of the Keynote - Casiana P. Caberte, PhD

Speaker o I {: flS aS / C {tief,
-_ C ri)
Keynote Address Angelo O. Tubac, DComm
fle searc ft
glanagcr, fdur ation r?at{t'wsj s
Qlii{-,4 us tru fia fducatinn Qrogrcm Qaft ntrsfirp

Photo Op and Research Display Yiewing

12:00 - 1:30 PM Lunch Break

01:30 - 4:00 PM Research Presentations (6 research papers from selected researchers)

Intermission Number - Rey Lord C. Dela Pefla

Sagtita an !fJ{S, lM ariiajo c

Sharing of lnsights - one (1) representative flom Elementaly,

Secondar,,, District and SDO

Closing Remarks - Desiderio Y. Deligero, PhD

d ftbf *t up nvi-t oi; S {; CFP

14qster of ( trcruoni,s

Marlon S. Jala, PhD

S co nda ry S {n o { rPrincip *{
e c
Enclosure No. 3 of DM O4 s, 2020No. t

1. Researchers shall prepare tarpar-rlin and standee for their research display in 2r5 feet in dimension.
Contents of the poster shali tbliow tlre IMRAD forrn of wtich the presentation sirall convey inf*rrration in
an organized and creative lvavs that expresses audience understanding. Standees shall be put up in the
allernoonlevening of the venue a day betbre of'the congress date.

2" Selected research presenters shall also prepare a 10-15 rninute slides w{rich also fbllow the IMRAD
fonnat. There rvill be a rneetirlg,/critiquing anC dr:y run of presentations a day befbre the r:ongress together
TWG. A one-nigirt accornmodation shall be provided to Presenters andTWG a day before
r.vith the research
the congress. Accommodations shall be charged to SDO-MOOE while foods and other incidental expenses
of presenters and TWG shail be charged against school MOOE arrdlor other school funds subject to the
usual accounting and aucliting rules ar:rd regulations.

3. Final and corrected abstracts shall be subrnitted tlrrough email on or before January 31.2020 io tlre
Division Research Coordinator email add: [email protected]


B0RF 2Al7 Grantees

Ungab, Analyn L. T3 Payahan ES Baclayon Researcli Displai,

Galido, Elizabeth T. MTI Cabacnitan ES Bilir Research Display

Anghad, Gernma P. MT2 Carmen West L'enhal ES Carrnen Researcir Display

Angiian, Victarina O. MT2 Catigbian West Cenfral Catigbian Research Display
Ricafort, Magdalena G. MT1 Dagoiroy Central ES Dagoiroy Research Display

I-aguitao, Ethelinda S. MT2 Dimiao Central ES Dimiao Research Displa-v

Mendoza, Mencbu L. MT2 Dimiao Cerrtral ES Dirniao Research Display'

Orlias, Cemma S. MTl Getafe Central ES Getafe Research Display

Seroje, Elizabeth P. lvl _t I Guio-ang ES Guindulman Research Display

Nunez, Zenitha O. MTl Inabarrga North Central Inabanga Research Display

Janultan, l-eliciana A. MT'2 Tambangan ES Lr:ay Research Display

Tumauda, Janneth L. MTI Tangnan ES Panglao Research Display &


Jaspe, Gena N. MT1 Pilar Centrai ES Pilar Research Display

Dataiian, Peregrita J. MT1 San Agustin Nationai Sagba1,s11 Research Displal, &
High Sch. Presenter
Ceballos, Beatriz B. MTI Mahayag F.S San Miguel Research
Cagampang, Audrey MTI Villa Garcia ES S-Bullones Researcir Displa,v
Riross A.
Manlangit, Mayolita E. MT1 Sikatuna Central ES Sikatuna Research Display

Melecio. Karen J. MT'2 Trinidad Central ES Trinidad Research Display

Idul, Candelaria T. MTI Ornion ES Valencia Research Displa3,"

BERF 2018 Grantees

Tubigon Research Displa_y &
Bucar, Jimmy D. SS'I I Carra,varmn National HS.
Mabini Research Displa5,' &
Muring, Kirnberly S. SSP 1 San Roque N'F{S Presenter
Maribojoc Research Displa_v &
Jabonillo. Elvira I SSPl Pagnitoan NHS

BERF 2019 Grantees

Eugenio V. funores Sagbayan Research Displa-v &
Caayaman- Teresita A. SSP 1
Mem.HS Presenter

Calirnbo, Maricel C. SST 1 Cabanugan NHS San Isidro Research Display

TI c;- Research Display

I-ague, Alvie Ann C. 11 Cambuyo I{S
C- Research Dispiay
Madrigal, Felisa G. MT1 Libertad ES
G. Research Display
Mapute, Parnela Mae T1 Cayam ES

Sg o /
d p & r_a I c-0 L. 2 0 2tJ

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