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Plan of investigation 2

Written report 3

Reflection 4

Plan of oral presentation 5

References 6

Appendix 7

The topic of my research is the impact of discrimination on people with

disabilities. I chose this research topic because I want to be educated on the
impact of discrimination on people with disabilities. I have witnessed
discrimination first hand because I know of someone who has experienced the
negative effects of it.

As a student of English I hope that this research will help me to obtain further
knowledge on this topic for future references. I also hope that my analytical skills
will be developed further since it will help me to differentiate between what is
valid from what is propaganda.

I know that this activity will help me to better understand why people treat others
differently because of their state of health and also give me a better
understanding of reason(s) individuals respond to situations the way they do. As a
result of this activity my writing skills, vocabulary and reasoning abilities will also
be improved.

I intend to use an online article entitled “Dwarf 'banned' from college cooking
course because he's 'a health and safety risk' ” on a news website named
“independent”, along with videos from YouTube and a art piece.
Prior to my research on the impact of discrimination on people with disabilities I
did not really consider that there was much to be learnt. For me, discrimination
was unkind words only. Having researched the topic however, I have gained
knowledge which has transformed my awareness significantly.

Source one is an online article about a dwarf being banned from a college cooking
course, which made me aware of the fact that discrimination has corrupted the
minds of people in today’s society. For starters, banning an ordinary human being
from college because of his height. It has reduced his chances of having a future,
if you can’t go through college without being penalized for it how can he expect
to live a normal life having children and a job with people like those around. I also
learnt that the boy was always confident growing up but this incident has him
thorn and his confidence is shrinking.

Source two, a video tells how people in Iran are discriminated and abused. It
showed how, for example, a woman by the name Fatemeh had no one to escort
her down an escalator each time she goes to the subway. This helped me to
appreciate the fact that it doesn’t matter whether someone is unable to help
themselves because they are disabled but we should remember that they are all
human beings and that they should be treated equally with respect. More
interestingly I learnt that numerous amounts of persons living in Iran are unable
to pursue their goals because of their unfortunate disabilities. Additionally, due to
the fact that persons living in Iran are paralyzed, blind, and deaf etc the
government should provide adequate services for the persons who are unable to
help themselves.

However, my third source was the most enlightening of all. It showed a man
paralyzed in a wheelchair in need of a job. This illustrates how people are often
turned away when in need of assistance because of their disabilities. For the first
time I have become aware of the fact that discrimination has made it impossible
for paralyzed people to work and make income independently.
In order to conduct my research I had to explore dozens of newspaper articles,
videos and other forms of written literature. In doing so, I was forced to observe
different types of language technique in action. The careful use of the devices by
the various writers had a great impact on me. Based on my observation I have
gained several strategies that will greatly enhance my own writing tasks in the
future. Chief among this language uses are, tone, contrast and diction.

I will now be able to communicate mood and intention based on my use of tone.
This tone will help my readers determine my motive for writing as well as my
emotions as I write my pieces. Through this use of tone the reader will now be
able to get a clearer understanding of my attitude towards the subject I write
about. This has become a possibility based on what I learned from the use of tone
in my research. This will all become possible through my use of exclamation
marks, question marks as well as my use of words to create sarcasm, anger, or

The research also helped me understand several ways in which contrast can be
used. Consequently I will now be able to persuade my readers by presenting
information in such a way that they will appreciate my views as I present both
sides of argument but offering my ideas as the better choice. I will therefore be
more balanced in the way I argue or present information to my readers. This will
make my writing in the future more professional.

Finally, I will now be able to carefully select my words to say what I wish and how
I feel. I have learnt that careful word choice can make communication more
effective. I will now be very selective in my choice of adjectives, nouns and even
verbs. I will choose my words depending on the situation I wish to speak to in my

Overall, my writing will benefit greatly from my observation of the use of

language in the different articles I read. I will now be more competent in my
ability to express myself. Furthermore, I will be better able to communicate with
my readers, my teachers and my peers. This will mean a general improvement in
my writing style.
The whole process of researching this topic has had several implications for my
personal development. The exercise has been so useful that it has caused me to
grow socially, linguistically, attitudinally and in terms of my knowledge base. This
research has helped me in improving my social skills in terms of how well I
communicate with peers. I am now confident in my communication skills and I am
more active when completing group assignments. This research will better enable
me to work well with others and see myself as an important member of the group
just as anyone else.

My linguistic growth was prior to the different articles I discovered in conducting

the research. The use of language techniques such as Tone, contrast, hyperbole
has helped me in improving my writing skills. The use of diction has helped me in
selecting appropriate words when completing writing tasks.

Overall the research has changed my view of the subject. Because of increase in
knowledge I now have a positive mentality. I now practice my writing with hopes
of one day becoming a great writer. It has also enabled me to interact better with
friends in terms of working together in order complete a common task or to
achieve a mutual goal.

Team work teaches many lessons one must learn in life. Team work allows one to
understand their peers and also how to cooperate with them. This exercise
improved our way of thinking and also our way of delivery. To grow socially,
linguistically and attitudinally can have a great impact on a person’s life.
Discrimination, it’s like a disease

Discrimination, I can’t have any peace

DISCRIMINATION, everywhere I go it’s the same thing

What I eat, what I wear, how I look

Discrimination that’s all I can hear

Haters hating, people slaying,

I need some peace,

Suicide keeps on riding my mind,


When will I close my eyes!



#1)Dwarf 'banned' from

college cooking course
because he's 'a health and
safety risk'
Louis Makepeace claims senior college staff said he would cause
a 'disruption' to the other 14 pupils on the course
 Richard McAllister
 Monday 27 August 2018 11:58
'They are simply not prepared to make the necessary adjustments to accommodate
me', says Louis Makepeace ( SWNS/Jon Mills )

A teenager with dwarfism claims he has been banned from a college cooking
course because he is a potential health and safety risk.
Louis Makepeace, 18, who stands at 3ft 10in (117cm), said he was
being discriminated against due to his size after being refused a place at Heart
of Worcestershire College.
He was originally offered a conditional place for the Hospitality and Catering
course on 16 August but said the college has now backtracked because he is too
small for the kitchen.

Mr Makepeace claims senior college staff branded him a “safety risk” to the
other 14 pupils. He claimed they said he would cause a “disruption” if he got
under their feet.

His mother said the course leader also told her there was no point in him doing
the course as he would never be allowed to work in a commercial kitchen.
The teenager now fears his dream of becoming a chef is over after his
“humiliating” ordeal.

Mr Makepeace, of Worcester, who has achondroplasia, a form of short-limbed

dwarfism, said: “It was really upsetting as I had my heart set on this course. We
are supposed to have equality of opportunity yet I’m not allowed to do
something I love doing. They are simply not prepared to make the necessary
adjustments to accommodate me such as making the surfaces and hobs lower.

“We were prepared to be flexible and my mum said I could maybe do the
cooking at home while the new equipment was installed but they kept saying
no. They said I would be a health and safety risk and disruption to the other
students and get in their way, which was really humiliating.

“It really has dented my confidence. How am I ever supposed to get the culinary
skills that are going to get me a job in a catering environment? I have always
loved cooking Italian recipes since I was little, and keeping myself healthy and
fit and I’m a huge fan of Gino D’Acampo.
“All the time I was at school I was always very confident, I had lots of friends
and my disability was never an issue. But how am I supposed to get by if this is
how I’m treated – I feel like I have been excluded from the real world.

“My confidence is shrinking and I feel that people stare and laugh at me. People
just think I’m still a kid and will push in front of me in queues. I just want to be
treated as a normal person without them laughing at me and go around and do
quite normal stuff.”

Mr. Makepeace’s mother said she is still pushing for a final answer from the
college but has been told to find Louis another course.

She added: “He’s been really upset by this, he got the initial offer but now they
are pulling the rug from under his feet. They won’t give me a straight answer,
but when I asked the course leader whether he should find another course he
told me it would ‘probably be a good idea’.

“He said it was pointless doing the course as he would never be allowed to work
in a restaurant kitchen anyway, even if he qualified. It was outrageous. He
claimed that Louis would be a health and safety hazard in the kitchen to his
other pupils so we couldn’t have him standing on a step of some sort.

She added: “Apparently it would take seven weeks for contractors to come in to
make adjustments such as a lower surface and lower hobs and they weren’t
prepared to wait. It wouldn’t be so bad but there was a chap there several years
ago who had the same condition as Louis and they adjusted the kitchens for

“I would have thought that would have had the same equipment there that he
could use. I keep getting so irate because we were prepared to be flexible and do
work from home via a video-link while the adjustments are made. But they just
keep fobbing me off with excuses and say he should do another course instead.”
A spokeswoman for Heart of Worcestershire College said: “As the student’s
place at the college is still under discussion, we do not wish to make a

South West News Service

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