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SPH3U Kinematics Unit Test

Multiple Choice

Following are the multiple choice questions. Circle out the correct answer. (K/U)

1. The term “uniform motion” means

a. acceleration is constant d. displacement is constant
b. speed is constant e. velocity is zero
c. velocity is constant
2. The area under a velocity-time graph always represents
a. Displacement d. acceleration
b. change in velocity e. change in acceleration
c. distance
3. The position time graph pictured below represents the motions of two objects, A and B. Which
of the following statements concerning the objects’ motion is true?
Position vs Time

a. Object B travels the greater distance

b. Object A has the greater speed
c. Object A leaves the reference point at the earlier time
d. Both of the objects have the same speed at the point where the lines cross.
e. Object A is travelling for a longer period of time
4. The distance travelled by a body is directly proportional to the square of the time taken. It’s
a. Increases c. becomes zero
b. Decreases d. remains constant
5. A ball is thrown vertically into the air and when it returns after an interval of 2 seconds, it is
caught. Which one of the following statements is true if the acceleration due to gravity is 10
m/s2 and air resistance can be neglected:
a. The acceleration at the top of its flight is 10 m/s2.
b. The time taken for the descending motion does not equal the time taken for the
ascending motion.
c. The maximum height it reaches does not depend on the force of gravity.
d. The acceleration after it leaves the hand is 10 m/s2 downwards.
6. A rock is thrown vertically upwards with a speed 'v' from the edge of a cliff. At the same
moment, a second rock is thrown vertically downwards with the same initial speed 'v'. Which of
the following statements regarding the motion of the rocks is true (ignore air resistance.)?
a) The rock which was thrown upwards reaches the bottom of the cliff with a higher
b) The rock which was thrown downwards reaches the bottom of the cliff with a higher
c) Both rocks reach the bottom of the cliff with the same velocity at the same time.
d) Both rocks reach the bottom of the cliff with the same velocity but at different times.
The path PQR of a soccer ball kicked
from a point P on the ground is shown
in the diagram at the right. At point Q,
the ball is at its maximum height.

Which ONE of the following vectors may represent the acceleration due to gravity of the ball at
point Q?

a) A b) B

c) C d) D

8. If Taylor leaves his house and travels 2 km west, then 3 km north, then 2 more km west. What is
his displacement and total distance travelled?

a) Displacement = 7 km, Total Distance = 5 km

b) Displacement = 5 km, Total Distance = 7 km

c) Displacement = 5 km, Total Distance = 5 km

d) Displacement = 4 km, Total Distance = 7 km

Short Answer / Communication

9. A train of 150m length is going towards north direction at a speed of 10 m/s. A parrot flies at a
speed of 5m/s towards south direction parallel to the railway track, find the time taken by the
parrot to cross the train? (K/U, C)

10. In long jump, does it matter how high you jump? What factors determine the span of the jump?
(K/U, C)

11. The direction in which an object moves is given by the direction of velocity of the object and not
by the direction of acceleration. Explain the statement with suitable example. (A & C)

12. A shell was fired from ground level with an initial speed of 3.5 x 102 m/s at an angle of 30o to the
horizontal. Estimate: (K/U)
i its time of flight;
ii its maximum altitude
iii its range
Long Answer

13. Two sport cars start from rest at the same place. One accelerates at 0.90 ms-2 for 15 s, and
continues at constant speed there after. The other accelerates at 0.85 ms-2 for 20 s and then
remains at that speed. Draw both journeys on the same velocity-time graph and determine the
time and distance that the second car overtakes the first car. (T, A, C)

14. 4. A cannon stationed at the edge of a 75 m cliff fires a cannonball at an angle of 30° above the
horizontal with an initial velocity of 50 m/s. Determine the following: (T, A, C)
a) The maximum height of the ball’s trajectory.
b) The total amount of time the ball spends in the air before hitting the ground.
c) The total horizontal distance travelled before hitting the ground.

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