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Culture Media

for Microbiology
Edition No. 5

Culture Media for Microbiology (Edition No. 5)

Scharlab S.L.
Gato Pérez, 33. Pol. Ind. Mas d’en Cisa.
08181 Sentmenat, Barcelona, Spain
Tel.: +34 93 715 19 40 - Fax: +34 93 715 27 65
E-mail: [email protected]

Scharlab Italia S.r.l.

Via Alcide De Gasperi 56.
20070 Riozzo Di Cerro al Lambro (Mi), Italy
Tel.: +39 02 9823 0679 / +39 02 9823 6266
Fax: +39 02 9823 0211 / +39 02 9811 9288
E-mail: [email protected]

Scharlab Magyarország Kft.

4034 Debrecen, Vágóhíd. u. 2., Hungary
Tel: 0036(88)787-634 - Fax: 0036(88)781-081
E-mail: [email protected]

Scharlab Philippines, Inc.

18G Miller Compound, Barangay Bungad,
San Francisco Del Monte, Quezon City
1105 Philippines
Tel.: +63 2 3514972 - Fax: +63 2 3514972
E-mail: [email protected]
CAT-MICR14 (09/2015)

Scharlau Trading (Hangzhou) Company Ltd.

Room 508, Modern Star, 337# Shaoxing Road,
Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
Tel: 0086-571-88536628
Fax: 0086-571-88536698
E-mail: [email protected]

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Culture Media for Microbiology CATALOGUE
Edition No. 5

Introduction of dehydrated and prepared culture media  4
Dehydrated and prepared culture media 8
Additives for culture media 34
Selective supplements 35
Ingredients and chemical products for microbiology  40
Chromogenic media Scharlau - Microinstant®41
Reagents for biochemical tests  42
Application tables: 44
Environmental control 45
Food & beverages 46
Molecular biology 48
Pharma analysis 48
Water analysis 49
Other related products: 50
Reagents for molecular biology 51
Cross references  52
Product index 70
Reference index 75

[email protected] Scharlab The Lab Sourcing Group 3

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Introduction of dehydrated and prepared culture media

Scharlab S.L. offers its media in two different forms: dehydrated and prepared. The product portfolio also includes dyes in solution, reagents, supple-
ments and additives for culture media as well as rapid confirmation tests.

The quality of our media Our PAC-O-VAC® packaging

Scharlau manufactures its dehydrated and prepared This is an additional outer bag for our 500 g presentation of
culture media according to its own quality management dehydrated media made from air-tight transparent plastic material
system which is according to ISO 9001:2000 and also and packed under vacuum. Our Pac-o-Vac® offers protection of
following the requirements of a number of validated meth- the product against moisture, dust particles and microorganisms
ods, standards and microbiological guidelines (ISO, and prevents the alteration of the physical and organoleptic
AFNOR, European Pharmacopoeia, USP, FDA, etc.). properties of the product. This ensures that our products do not
We confirm, on an ongoing basis, that the final prod- alter their properties during prolonged storage, even in
uct meets the predetermined quality criteria, including unfavourable climate conditions.
physical, chemical and biological parameters such as
appearance, pH, colour, recovery rate, selectivity, dif-
ferentiation and microbial load. We also follow the specific criteria for culture media
described in different specialised literature (ISO standards, local regulations, etc.).
Furthermore, we apply a comprehensive set of criteria tailored to monitor very closely Certificate of analysis
our production and our quality control processes, which include specifications for
the most important parameters such as the quality of the water we use, air quality, Includes pictures in colour of
traceability of raw materials, equipment, records and training of our staff. typical growth.
We have a complete certificate
of analysis for every batch which
includes physico-chemical data
and fertility test with appropiate
strains according to different
standards and norms.
Dehydrated culture media
We have an extensive range of dehydrated culture
media that is part of the broad portfolio of media Technical Data Sheets
Scharlab S.L. manufactures.
The certificate of analysis and the certificate These are available from our website www.
of guarantee of absence of the causative in PDF format. To make sure
agent of bovine spongiform encephalopa- the latest information is always available, all
thy in the raw materials of animal origin used in the data in this format come from our central
its manufacture are available from our website. data base and is updated automatically, as
Standard sizes we offer are preweighed sachets soon as any changes are made.
(2,5L) and 500 g bottle, but we can also provide
our media in drums of 5, 10 and 25 kg. We are
able to manufacture many more formulations than those
mentioned in this catalogue. Please ask for availability Shelf life
of any medium that is not in this catalogue.
➜ We manufacture tailor made media following the formula The normal shelf life of dehydrated media is 4 years from the date of manufacture.
proposed by our customers. Stability studies have allowed us to increase shelf life of several media to 5 years.
There are some exceptions, that due to their formula, have a shorter shelf life.

Dehydrated culture media in preweighed sachets

Dehydrated media in sachets are an ideal solution Additives and supplements in vials
for media used in smaller quantities. The expense
of buying a larger 500 g bottle is not incurred.
Spoilage of unused medium that may occur when Freeze-dried supplements
opening a large bottle is also avoided. There is little
wastage as the customer is more likely to use 100% Supplements in freeze dried form. Sterilised
of what has been paid for. Valuable time used to solvent can be offered apart, in order to enable
weigh the powder can be saved as well as any errors the user to start with the dissolution of the
associated with this process. supplement immediately, saving him from the
tedious work of measuring and sterilising the
solvents. Supplied in a box with 10 vials of
supplement. Storage conditions are usually
between 2-25°C and in darkness. The lifetime
of the product ranges between 3 and 4 years
depending on the product.

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Introduction of dehydrated and prepared culture media

Prepared culture media

90mm Petri dishes Tubes with solid media

Manufactured in clean room under laminar flow class Tubes with agar to be re-melted without loss of
ISO 5 (Class 100). The standard presentation is in units nutritional capacity or changes in pH. The content
of 10 wrapped plates up to a total of 20 plates per of each tube is enough to fill a Petri dish of 90mm,
box. Also available irradiated and with double wrapping. which makes this product suitable for mass inocu-
Shelf life: 3 months. lation. They come with a metallic cap suitable for
microwave re-melting. Each vial contains 15mL and is
available in boxes of 20 units. Also available in boxes of
20 tubes: double concentrated media, slanted agar media, etc. Shelf life: 12 months.

55mm filtration plates

Tubes with liquid media
55mm plates prepared
with a solid medium, to Tubes which contain media and have a metallic cap
be used in the membrane with a special seal that guarantees the sterility and
filtration technique. Com- stability of the product. Our filling system guarantees
monly used in the study a minimal deviation of the amount to be filled, which
of the pollution of water is very important to obtain accurate and reproducible
and liquids in general. results when working with the MPN (Most Probable
Manufactured in clean room under laminar flow class ISO 5 (Class 100). These Number) technique or in routine dilutions. Available in
plates come in our new RD-pack of 10 plates each. Each box comes packed with 3 volumes of 20, 5, 10 and 19mL in boxes of 20 units. Shelf life: 12 months.
RD-pack making a total of 30 plates. Shelf life: 4 months.

Broths and diluents in bags (FlexiBags)

Contact plates

Plates for control tests on surfaces. Manufactured in

a clean room under laminar flow class ISO 5 (Class
100). These plates come either in a blister pack of 6
plates each (in this way each plate can be individually
compartmentalized) or in a new RD-pack of 10 plates
each. Each box with blisters contains a total of 30 plates.
Each box of RD-pack contains a total of 80 plates. Double This is a packaging designed for laboratories in microbiological food control with a
or triple packaging is possible. large number of samples. Its most outstanding advantages are:
Shelf life: 4-6 months (All plates in this presentation are irradiated as long as the - Product is ready for use - Cost efficient
nature of the media allows so). - Safe - Generates less waste
Dosage: The desired volume of sterile medium is dispensed by means of com-
mercially available gravimetric dilutors.
Agars in flasks Connection: By means of a reusable stainless steel needle which is connected asep-
tically to the bag through a septum. Available in 3 sizes: 2 litres, 3 litres and 5 litres.
Agars in flasks to be re-melted with no loss of nutri- Shelf life: 12 months.
tional capacity or changes in pH. Available in volumes
of 100mL and 200mL in boxes of 10 units. Removable
label for easy data transfer. Storage of prepared media
Shelf life: 12 months.
90mm plates should be stored at a temperature range of 4-14°C (this means that
refrigeration can be a storage option). Alternatively plates can also be stored at a
range of 2-25°C, whilst still maintaining proper performance of the medium. However
some precautions must be taken:
Broths in flasks - In a range of 2-4°C, freezing must be avoided.
- In a range of 15-25°C, dehydration must be monitored.
Broths in flasks are subjected to a process of filtration For other products we recommend storage at room temperature, with no need for
before bottling and sterilization, to obtain very clear refrigeration. Our products are manufactured following a production system that
media. The media destined for the control of sterility guarantees maximum quality and stability of the product throughout its shelf life. To
carry a cap with septum. Available in volumes of 90, ensure this a number of strict processes and controls are implemented:
100, 200 and 225mL in boxes of 10 units. Transparent - Rigorous control of sterilization temperatures.
label for better observation of the results. - Precision weighing of the ingredients and of the media.
Shelf life: 12 months. - Homogeneity of lots due to a strictly monitored manufacturing system.
- Excellent recovery of test organisms.
- Packaging specially designed to maintain optimal moisture conditions throughout
the life of the product.
- Maintenance of the physical and chemical characteristics of the medium: pH,
colour, moisture, etc., throughout it’s life.

[email protected] Scharlab The Lab Sourcing Group 5

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Introduction of dehydrated and prepared culture media


5 sachets of dehydrated culture medium

(to make up 500mL of prepared medium each) C 20 tubes of 10mL / 9mL (broth) T
500g / 10 L D 20 tubes of 15mL / 10mL (agar) U
20 plates of 90mm Y 20 slanted agar tubes V
20 irradiated plates of 90mm I 2 L / 3 L / 5 L bag B
30 contact plates P Supplement LYO1 (10 vials) N
24 contact plates (triple packaging)
5kg / 25kg Drum Q
30 filtration plates of 55mm (RD-pack) F
10 flasks of 100mL / 200mL / 225mL (broth)
1 flask of 100mL and 1 litre (additive) G
10 flasks of 100mL / 200mL flasks (agar) H

Abbreviation Document Institution / Organization
APHA American Public Health Association (Washington DC, USA)
AOAC Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC International Association of Official Analytical Chemists
ASM American Society for Microbiology (Washington DC, USA)
ASTM American Society for Testing Materials
AWWA American Water Works Association (Washington DC, USA)
BAM Bacteriological Analytical Manual Food and Drug Administration (Washington DC, USA)
BP British Pharmacopoeia British Pharmacopoeia Commission, The Stationery Office (London)
CEN Centre Europeen pour la Normalisation (Brussels)
CLSI Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute (Vilanova, PA, USA)
CMPH Clinical Microbiology Procedures Handbook American Society for Microbiology (ASM)
COMPF Compendium of Methods for the microbiological examination of foods APHA
DIN Deutsche Institut für Normung (Berlin)
EDQM European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines
EN European Norme Centre Europeen pour la Normalisation (Brussels)
EP European Pharmacopoeia 5th Ed. EDQM (Strasbourg)
FDA Food and Drug Administration (Washington DC, USA)
FIL Federation International Laitière (Brussels)
IDF International Dairy Federation (Brussels)
IFU IFU Microbiological Methods International Federation of Fruit Juice Producers (Switzerland)
HP Harmonized Pharmacopoeias (European, American and Japanese) EDQM (Strasbourg)
European Pharmacopoeia 7th Ed.
ISO International Standardization Organization (Geneva, Switzerland)
NCLSS National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (Vilanova, PA, USA)
NMKL Nordisk Methodenkommittee fur Lebensmittel
SL Schweizerisches Lebensmittelbuch (Swiss Food Manual) Bundesamt für Gesundheit,Direktionsbereich Verbraucherschutz (Bern)
SMD Standard Methods for the Examination of Dairy Products APHA, (Washington DC, USA)
SMWW Standard Methods for the examination of Water and Wastewater APHA, AWWA, WPC
USP United States Pharmacopeia - National Formulary USP 28 USP Convention Ltd. (Rockville MD, USA)
WEF Water Envinonment Federation (Washington DC, USA)

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Introduction of dehydrated and prepared culture media

All you need to know about GHS

GHS: Globally Harmonised System of Classification and CLP: Classification Labelling and Packaging of Substances and
Labelling of Chemicals Mixtures

The GHS was born in the UN with the purpose of facilitating world-wide commerce The European Union has adopted the GHS by means of a new regulation (EC) no.
whilst at the same time protecting human health and the environment, unifying the 1272/2008, also called CLP, that came into force the 20 of January 2009 in all
different criteria used for classification of dangerous substances that coexist in the the Member States, and the hope is that it will also be adopted in Norway, Iceland
world. Each country or economic community has its own legislation and therefore and Liechtenstein in the near future. The CLP will replace the present system of
the same substance can be classified, harmful, not dangerous or toxic depending classification and labelling, defined by the directives 67/548/EEC (DSD) and 1999/45/
on the place of classification. EC (DPD) for substances and mixtures respectively These directives will become
invalid the 1 of June 2015.
The implementation of the CLP is marked in the calendar by two important dates:
1 December 2010: Obligation to classify and to label substances according to
the CLP.
1 June 2015: Obligation to classify and to label mixtures according to the CLP.

Scharlau labels
We have also designed labels that incorporate the new pictograms and the hazardous or precautionary statements. As of today, all our products, leave our production
facilities labelled in accordance with CLP.
As a result of the application of CLP we have introduced several changes in elements of our labels:
· Pictograms. The traditional danger symbols with an orange background are replaced by new pictograms on a white background surrounded by a red frame.
· The hazard statements (H) replace the traditional risk phrases (R).
· The precautionary statements (P) replace the present safety phrases (S).
· Signal word. The text that accompanied the pictograms, e. g. “Easily Flammable” disappears. Nevertheless, a signal word prefaces new statements H and P indicating
the severity of potential hazards. This word can be “Danger” or “Warning”.

Signal word
Old label New label

Danger symbols R and S phrases Pictograms H and P


CLP pictograms

NOTE: CLP pictograms refer to the

Physical hazards dehydrated culture media presentation,
additives and supplements.

Explosives Flammable liquids Oxidizing liquids Compressed gases Corrosive

to metals
Health hazards hazards

Acute toxicity Skin corrosion Skin irritation CMR 1), STOT 2) Hazardous to the
Aspiration hazard aquatic environment

1) carcinogenic, mutagenic, toxic to reproduction / 2) specific target organ toxicity

[email protected] Scharlab The Lab Sourcing Group 7

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Dehydrated and prepared culture media

DIN / EN / ISO Liquid culture medium for the halophile microorganisms ➜ ANTIBIOTIC MEDIUM NO. 10
Liquid medium for the confirmative test of Pseudomonas expecially Vibrio spp. HP / EP / USP
aeruginosa in water according to ISO 16266 and UNE-EN 02-468-500 500g D Solid culture medium used in the assays of Colistimethate
12780 Standards. 064-BA6065 10x225mL flasks G and Polymicin by the agar diffusion method.
03-428-500 500g D 01-016-500 500g D

EUR. PHARM. (02-011)
➜ ASPW Used in the inoculum preparation, serial dilutions or
ISO / COMPF / SMWW turbidimetric antibiotic assays.
Liquid culture medium for the pre-enrichment and selective 02-011-500 500g D
Left: Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853; Center: Pseudomo- enrichment of Vibrios, potentially enteropathogenic, in food
nas aeruginosa ATCC 9027; Right: Uninoculated tube (Control) samples, acc. to norms ISO/TS 21872-1 and 21872-2.
02-697-500 500g D
AK AGAR (01-069) HP / EP / USP
➜ SEE SPORULATING AGAR Solid culture medium used in the assays of Framycetin
and Neomycin by the agar diffusion method.
01-430-500 500g D
SMWW EUR.PHARM. (01-009)
Solid culture medium for the isolation and cultivation of ➜ ANTIBIOTIC MEDIUM 1
algae from soil, water and waste water. ➜ SEED AGAR ANTIBIOTIC MEDIUM F
01-007-500 500g D ➜ PENASSAY SEED AGAR EUR. PHARM. (01-434)
➜ AM1 HP / EP / USP
HP / EP / USP Solid culture medium for the assay of antibiotics by the
Antibiotic medium at pH 6,6 used in the antibiotic assay agar diffusion method.
by agar diffusion technique. 01-434-500 500g D
01-009-500 500g D
01-009BA05 5x500mL CC

APT AGAR (01-026)

Chlorella ssp. ➜ ALL PURPOSE TWEEN® AGAR
Solid medium for general purposes, specially designed
ALGAE BROTH (02-007) for the cultivation of the heterofermentative lactic acid
SMWW bacteria that causes meat greening.
Nutritive solution for algae and cyanobacteria, appropria- 01-026-500 500g D
te for water algicide biotesting.
02-007-500 500g D Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633

Media also
available in drums
of 5, 10, 25Kg EUR. PHARM. (01-017)
Lactobacillus lactis

HP / EP / USP Liquid medium for presumptive assay and enumera-
Antibiotic medium at pH 7,9 is used in the antibiotic tion of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in bottled water by
assays by agar diffusion technique. MPN Method.
01-017-500 500g D 02-271-500 500g D
01-017BA05 5x500mL C 02-271BA05 5x500mL C

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Dehydrated and prepared culture media

Medium for the detection and enumeration of entero- Selective solid medium for the enumeration of Bacillus Solid culture medium for the enumeration of coagulase-
cocci in water. cereus in food, according to ISO 21871 and NMKL 674 positive staphylococci in food samples and in the control
02-027-500 500g D Standards. of food processors. According to ISO 6888-2.
064-TA0158 20 tubes of 10mL T 01-487-500 500g D 064-PA0145 20 plates of 90mm Ø Y
EGG'S YOLK STERILE EMULSION (Additive) 064-BA0RPF Kit: 4 flasks of 90mL G
06-016-100 100mL flasks G (Base medium)
06-021LYO1 10 vials N Instructions: Add to each flask of medium base 1 vial
re-suspended in distilled sterile water with 10mL of RPF.
Components can be bought separately.
064-BA1028 (Base medium) G
10 flasks of 90mL
064-TA0155 (RPF Lyophilized T
Supplement) x 10 tubes
Left: Uninoculated tube (Control); Center: Enterococcus faecalis
ATCC 29212; Right: Escherichia coli ATCC 25922

Bacillus cereus ATCC 11778


Selective solid medium, according to Mossel for the ➜ EGG YOLK TELLURITE GLYCINE PIRUVATE AGAR Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923
isolation and identification of Bacillus cereus in food ➜ ETGP AGAR
samples according to ISO 7932 and 21871. BAM / EP / ISO / USP
01-262-500 500g D Solid and selective culture medium for the screening
064-PA0032 20 plates of 90mm Ø Y of staphylococci from a variety of samples, according
EGG'S YOLK STERILE EMULSION (Additive) to pharmacopoeias and ISO 5944, 6888-1 and 22718
06-016-100 100mL flasks G Standards. BAT (Bacillus acidoterrestris) AGAR (01-675)
06-021LYO1 10 vials N 01-030BA05 5x500mL CC Solid medium for the detection and isolation of Alicyclo-
064-PA0008 20 plates of 90mm Ø Y bacillus, in fruit juices and other acidic food, according
064-PR0008 30 contact plates P to IFU Standard Method No. 12.
064-BA1033 10 flasks of 90mL H 01-675-500 500g D
064-BA1018 100mL flasks G

Bacillus cereus ATCC 11778 BAT (Bacillus acidoterrestris) BROTH (02-675)

Liquid medium used for the enrichment of Alicyclobacillus,

from fruit juices and other acidic foods, according to
IFU Standard Method No. 12.
Staphylococcus aureus 02-675-500 500g D
Cryovials ATCC 25923 02-675BA05 5x500mL C

for the preservation

of strains Broths and diluents in bags (FlexiBags)

[email protected] Scharlab The Lab Sourcing Group 9

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Dehydrated and prepared culture media

➜ CYE Diluent used to neutralize preservative systems in routine INFUSION AGAR) (01-599)
ISO / SMWW examination of cosmetic products. COMPF / DIN / ISO / SMWW
Solid medium for the detection, isolation and enumera- 02-257-500 500g D General purpose solid medium for fastidious pathogenic
tion of Legionella from water according to ISO 11731 02-257BA05 5x500mL C microorganisms.
and 11731-2 Standards. 064-BA1022 10 flasks of 100mL T 01-599-500 500g D
01-687-500 500g D 064-BA2022 10 flasks of 90mL T 01-599BA05 5x500mL C
01-687BA05 5x500mL C POLYSORBATE 80 (Additive)
064-PA0069 20 plates of 90mm Ø Y TW00800100 100mL G
06-137LYO1 5 vials + 5 vials of solvent N BGA (BRILLIANT GREEN AGAR) (01-203)
Solid culture medium for the selective isolation of Sal- Enterococcus faecalis
BCYE LEGIONELLA SELECTIVE AGAR monella according to Eur. Pharm. ATCC 19433
➜ GVPC 01-203-500 500g D
ISO 01-203BA05 5x500mL C
Selective solid medium for the detection, isolation and 064-PA0045 20 plates of 90mm Ø Y
enumeration of Legionella from water according to ISO
Standards 11731 and 11731-2.
Instructions: For 500mL of BCYE Legionella Selective BHI BROTH (BRAIN HEART
Agar it is necessary to add 1 vial of 06-138LYO1 to the INFUSION BROTH) (02-599)
medium base Art. No. 01-687 (previous addition of BAM / COMPF / ISO / SMWW
supplement Art. No. 06-137LYO1).
01-687-500 500g D Nutrient rich medium suitable for the isolation of patho-
01-687BA05 5x500mL C genic microorganisms from clinical specimens.
064-PA0017 20 plates of 90mm Ø Y Salmonella abony 02-599-500 500g D
06-137LYO1 5 vials + 5 vials of solvent N 064-BA6079 10 flasks of 100mL G
06-138LYO1 10 vials N MODIFIED AGAR) (01-309)
Solid culture medium for selective isolation of salmo-
nellae in food (except S. typhi) according to ISO 6579,
6340, 6785 & IDF 93 Standards.
01-309-500 500g D
01-309BA05 5x500mL CC

Legionella pheumophila BGBL BROTH (02-041)

ATCC 33152 ➜ BRILLIANT GREEN BILE 2% BROTH Left: Uninoculated tube (Control); Center: Staphylococcus aureus
BAM / COMPF / ISO / SMWW ATCC 25923; Right: Escherichia coli ATCC 25922
Liquid medium used for the detection of coliforms in wa-
ter, as recommended by APHA and ISO 4831 Standards.
02-041-500 500g D
02-041BA05 5x500mL C
BCYE W/O CYSTEINE LEGIONELLA AGAR 064-TA0179 20 tubes of 10mL double T
➜ BCYE-CYS concentration with Durham tubes BHI BROTH WITH SPS (BRAIN HEART
ISO 064-TA0152 20 tubes of 9mL with Durham tubes T INFUSION BROTH WITH SPS)
Solid medium for the control and identification of Le- Culture media for hemoculture.
gionella from water according to ISO Standards 11731 064-BA7083 10 flasks of 70mL G
and 11731-2.
Instructions: For 500mL of BCYE W/O Cysteine Legio-
nella Agar it is necessary to add 1 vial of 06-134LYO1
to the medium base Art. No. 01-687.
01-687-500 500g D
01-687BA05 5x500mL C BIGGY AGAR (01-137)
064-PA6001 20 plates of 90mm Ø Y ➜ SEE NICKERSON AGAR
NO GROWTH SUPPLEMENT Left: Uninoculated tube (Control); Center: Salmonella typhimurium
06-134LYO1 5 vials + 5 vials of solvent N ATCC 14028; Right: Escherichia coli ATCC 11775

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Dehydrated and prepared culture media

BAM / ISO Nutrient rich medium suitable for the isolation of patho- Liquid culture medium used for the enrichment of
Solid medium for the enterococci confirmative test in genic microorganisms from clinical specimens. Campylobacter from food samples according to ISO
water by the membrane filtration method according to 01-352-500 500g D Standard 10272-1.
ISO 7899-2. 01-352BA05 5x500mL C 02-688-500 500g D
01-592-500 500g D ➜ Needs addition of Blood. 02-688BA05 5x500mL C
064-PA3134 20 plates of 90mm Ø Y 06-131LYO1 10 vials N
064-PF0008 30 plates of 55mm Ø F ➜ Needs addition of Blood.



Streptococcus pneumoniae
BROTH (02-041)
Enterococcus faecalis ➜ SEE BGBL BROTH
ATCC 29212

Solid culture medium for identification of probiotic ISO
streptococci in food samples.
01-265-500 500g D Nutrient rich medium suitable for the isolation of patho- BROLACIN AGAR (01-047)
01-265BA05 5x500mL C genic microorganisms from clinical specimens. ➜ SEE CLED AGAR
064-TA0102 20 slanted agar tubes V 01-034-500 500g D
01-034BA05 5x500mL C
➜ Needs addition of Blood.
Medium for dilution and non-selective pre-enrichment
according to ISO 6579, 6785, 6887 and 8261 Stan-
Enterococcus faecalis 02-277-500 500g D
ATCC 29212 02-277BA05 5x500mL C
Staphylococcus aureus 064-BA6011 10 flasks of 225mL G
ATCC 6538 in 500mL flasks
064-BA6012 10 flasks of 225mL G
in 250mL flasks
A large range BLOOD AGAR BASE MODIFIED (01-689)
064-BA6000 10 flasks of 200mL
064-BA0486 10 flasks of 100mL
of culture media Nutrient rich medium suitable to prepare blood plates. 064-BA4010 10 flasks of 90mL G 01-689-500 500g D 064-TA0100 20 tubes of 9mL
064-BA01-5 2 bags of 5 litres* B

064-BA01-3 3 bags of 3 litres* B

064-BA01-2 5 bags of 2 litres* B
BLOOD AGAR NO. 2 (01-505) ➜ *Connectors for bags, Art. No. 064-V70815.

Nutrient rich medium suitable for the isolation of patho-

genic microorganisms from clinical specimens.
01-505-500 500g D
01-505BA05 5x500mL C
➜ Needs addition of Blood.


(01-703) Left: Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923; Center: Salmonella typhimu-
➜ SEE COLUMBIA CNA AGAR rium ATCC 14028; Right: Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 9027

[email protected] Scharlab The Lab Sourcing Group 11

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Dehydrated and prepared culture media


EUR. PHARM. (02-494) BROTH (02-539) GLUCOSE AGAR) (01-366)
➜ MEDIUM A EUR. PHARM. 5TH ED. Liquid medium used to dilute and neutralize samples of ➜ YDC AGAR (YEAST EXRACT DEXTROSE
➜ BUFFERED SODIUM CHLORIDE PEPTONE SOLUTION pH 7.0 pharmaceutical, cosmetic, raw material or end products CHLORAMPHENICOL AGAR)
HP / EP / ISO for the purpose of enumeration microorganisms. DIN / IDF / ISO
Diluent for the Homogenization of samples for the mi- 02-539-500 500g D Solid and selective medium for the isolation and enu-
crobiological examination according to Pharmacopoeial 02-539BA05 5x500mL C meration of fungi in food according to ISO 7954 and
Harmonised Method and ISO Standard. POLYSORBATE 20 (TWEEN 20) (Additive) FIL-IDF 94B Standards.
02-494-500 500g D TW00201000 1 litre G 01-366-500 500g D
02-494BA05 5x500mL C 01-366BA05 5x500mL C
064-BA6063 10 flasks of 225mL G 064-BA9992 10 flasks of 100mL H
064-BA6062 10 flasks of 200mL G CCA (CHROMOGENIC
064-BA3021 10 flasks of 100mL G COLIFORM AGAR (01-695)
064-BA6064 10 flasks of 90mL G ➜ SEE CHROMOGENIC COLIFORM AGAR
0TA2151-10 20 tubes of 10mL T
064-TA2151 20 tubes of 9mL T


PEPTONE WATER (02-568) ➜ mCCDA ATCC 10231
Selective plating medium used for the detection and enumeration
of Campylobacter spp. according to ISO 10272-1 Standard.
01-685-500 500g D


Solid culture medium for selective isolation of Pseu- ISO
domonas aeruginosa according to Pharmacopoeial Medium for the detection of coliforms by membrane
Harmonised Method and ISO 22717 Standard. filtration technique in water analysis according to ISO
01-160-500 500g D 9308-1 Standard.
CAMPYLOBACTER PRESTON 01-160BA05 5x500mL C 01-053-500 500g D
AGAR (01-451) 064-PA0050 20 plates of 90mm Ø Y 01-053BA05 5x500mL C
➜ SEE PRESTON CAMPYLOBACTER AGAR 064-PR0009 30 contact plates P 064-PF0003 30 plates of 55mm Ø F
064-BA1032 10 flasks of 100mL H TTC STERILE SOLUTION (Additive)
GLYCEROL (Additive) 06-023-100 100mL G
GL00261000 1 litre G

BROTH (02-561)

CARY-BLAIR Pseudomonas aeruginosa Escherichia coli ATCC 25922

Semi-solid non-nutritive medium used for transporting
and preserving microbiological specimens, specially fae- CHARCOAL
03-643-500 500g D AGAR (01-609) MODIFIED AGAR (01-685)

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Dehydrated and prepared culture media


Differential solid medium to verify the use of citrate as Chromogenic and fluorogenic broth that combines the
sole carbon source in presence of organic nitrogen, enzyme ß-D-galactosidase, the reaction of the fluoro-
according to ISO 21567 Standard. CLED AGAR (01-047) genic agent MUG and the indol* tests in a single ready-
01-664-500 500g D ➜ BROLACIN AGAR to-use medium. Allows for a simple and direct way of
01-664BA05 5x500mL C ➜ CYSTINE LACTOSE ELECTROLYTE DEFICIENT AGAR detecting the presence or absence of total coliforms
and Escherichia coli in water samples.
Cystine, lactose, electrolyte deficient medium, recom- 064-BACOLI 10 flasks of 100mL G
mended for the isolation and identification of urinary ➜ *For the test of indol add 2-3mL of Kovacs Reagent (6-018-100).
pathogenic bacteria.
AGAR (CCA) (01-695) 01-047BA05 5x500mL C COLUMBIA AGAR BASE
Solid, selective and differential chromogenic medium (EUR. PHARM./HP) (01-680)
CCA (Chromogenic Coliform Agar) for the detection and HP
enumeration of total coliforms and Escherichia coli with Highly nutritious general purpose medium used for the
an adjusted and precise selective capability. Ideal for isolation and cultivation of fastidious and nonfastidious
water samples by the membrane-filtration technique. microorganisms from a variety of clinical and non-sterile
With antibiotics cefsulodin and vancomycin included products according to Pharmacopoeial Harmonized
in its formulation. Method.
01-695-500 500g D 01-680-500 500g D
01-695BA05 5x500mL C Proteus mirabilis 01-680BA05 5x500mL C
064-PF1015 30 plates of 55 mm Ø F ATCC 12453
06-140LYO1 10 vials N COLUMBIA BLOOD AGAR (01-034)
Selective solid medium used for the detection of Pseu- Solid medium used, with the addition of blood for the
domonas aeruginosa according to the EN 12780 and selective isolation of gram-positive cocci, from clinical
ISO 16266 Standards. samples.
01-609-500 500g D 01-703-500 500g D
01-609BA05 5x500mL C ➜ Needs addition of Blood.
Violet-blue colonies: Escherichia coli; Salmon red colonies: Coliform; 064-PF0005 30 plates of 55mm Ø F
Colourless colonies: All other gram-negative bacteria NALIDIXIC ACID SELECTIVE SUPPLEMENT
06-124LYO1 10 vials N COSMETIC DILUENT OF BEERENS (02-257)

CHROMOGENIC COLINSTANT m-CP AGAR (Clostridium perfringens) (01-513)

AGAR (01-618) Solid medium for enumeration and isolation of Clos-
Selective and differential chromogenic medium, for the tridium perfringens in water for human consumption,
detection of total coliforms and Escherichia coli in water Pseudomonas aeruginosa according to the European Directive 12767/97.
and food samples. ATCC 15442; 01-513-500 500g D
01-618-500 500g D Pseudomonas aeruginosa 01-513BA05 5x500mL C
01-618BA05 5x500mL C ATCC 27853 064-PF0030 30 plates of 55mm Ø F
064-PA6015 20 plates of 90mm Ø Y 064PF0030C 12 plates of 55mm Ø F
➜ In waste water samples it is recommended to add Coliform m-CP SELECTIVE SUPPLEMENT
CV Selective Supplement 06-140LYO1. 06-125LYO1 10 vials N
➜ *Ammonium hydroxide (ammonia) is required for confir-
Scharlau, mation, Art. No. AM0257.

the wise choice

Violet-blue colonies: Escherichia coli; Salmon red colonies: coliform; Clostridium perfringens
Colourless colonies: all other gram-negative bacteria ATCC 13124

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Dehydrated and prepared culture media

COMPF / ISO / SMD Solid medium for the cultivating the “flat-sour” canned ➜ DEOXYRIBONUCLEASE TEST AGAR
Solid medium for the neutralization and verification of food spoiling microorganisms. ➜ DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID AGAR
antiseptics and disinfectants according to ISO 22717 01-556-500 500g D ➜ DNA AGAR
and 22718 Standards. Solid culture medium for the determination of the
01-610-500 500g D deoxyribonuclease activity of microorganisms, especially
staphylococci and Serratia spp.
01-346-500 500g D
01-346BA05 5x500mL C

Escherichia coli ATCC 25922

Staphylococcus aureus
ATCC 25923
(DICHLORAN GLYCERIN Serratia marcenses
Liquid enrichment medium for the neutralization and Solid differential and low water activity medium used for DRCM (02-410)
verification of antiseptics and disinfectants in cosmetics. the determination of xerophilic fungi in low moisture food ➜ SEE DIFFERENTIAL REINFORCED CLOSTRIDIAL MEDIUM
02-610-500 500g D and in indoor air according to ISO 16000-17 Standard.
02-610BA05 5x500mL C 01-485-500 500g D
DTM AGAR (01-442)
Liquid medium to differentiate enteric bacteria in the (DRBC AGAR) (01-657) E. E. BROTH (ENRICHMENT
L-Lysine decarboxylation assays according to Taylor and ISO ENTEROBACTERIACEAE BROTH) (02-064)
ISO 6785 and 21567 Standards. Selective solid medium for the enumeration of moulds ➜ MEDIUM E EUR. PHARM. 5TH ED.
02-336-500 500g D and yeasts in foods according to ISO 21527-1 Standard. ➜ MOSSEL BROTH
064TA0125L 20 tubes of 10mL T 01-657-500 500g D HP / ISO / EP
01-657BA05 5x500mL C Liquid culture medium used for the enrichment of en-
DEOXYCHOLATE terobacteria according to ISO 21528-1 Standard and
LACTOSE AGAR (01-057) Pharmacopoeial Harmonised Method.
COMPF / SMWW CLOSTRIDIAL MEDIUM (DRCM) (02-410) 02-064BA05 5x500mL C
Differential solid medium for the isolation of Enterobac- DIN / ISO 064-BA2144 10 flasks of 100mL G
teriaceae, according to APHA. Liquid medium for the enumeration of clostridia in food 064-BA6073 10 flasks of 90mL G
01-057-500 500g D samples and other products by the MPN technique. 064-TA0189 20 tubes of 9mL T
01-057BA05 5x500mL C 02-410-500 500g D 064-TA0193 20 tubes of 10mL T
double concentration

Salmonella typhimurium
ATCC 14028
Left: Clostridium perfringens ATCC 13124; Center: Clostridium
DERMATOPHYTE perfringens ATCC 10543; Right: Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 Left: Uninoculated tube (Control); Center: Salmonella Abony NCTC
SELECTIVE AGAR (01-442) 6017; Right: Escherichia coli ATCC 25922

Solid differential medium for the selective isolation of
dermatophytes in veterinary samples.
01-442-500 500g
01-442BA05 5x500mL
Cryovials for the preservation of strains
064-PA0012 20 plates of 90mm Ø Y

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Dehydrated and prepared culture media


Selective medium for detecting enterobacteria in foodstuff ENRICHMENT BROTH
and water according to ISO 9308-2 and 7251 Standards. ESCULIN BILE MODIFIED AGAR (01-265) ➜ HALF FRASER BROTH
02-060BA05 5x500mL C Liquid culture medium for primary enrichment and de-
ETHYL VIOLET AZIDE BROTH tection of Listeria spp. according to ISO 11290 Standard.
(EVA BROTH) (02-028) Instructions: For 225mL of Fraser Half Concentra-
➜ LITSKY BROTH tion it is necessary to add 1 vial of 06-136LYO1 to the
➜ AZIDE ETHYL VIOLET BROTH medium base Art. No. 02-496.
COMPF /SMWW For 500mL of Fraser Half Concentration it is necessary
Liquid medium for the confirmation of enterococci in to add 1 vial of 06-145LYO1 to the medium base Art.
water. No. 02-496.
02-028-500 500g D 02-496-500 500g D
02-496BA05 5x500mL C
064-BA5002 10 flasks of 225mL G
First tube: Uninoculate tube (Control); Second tube: Escherichia 064-TA5002 20 tubes 9mL T
coli ATCC 25922; Third tube: Escherichia coli ATCC 8739; Fourth 064-BA02-5 2 bags of 5 litres* B
tube: Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853 064-BA02-3 3 bags of 3 litres* B
064-BA02-2 5 bags of 2 litres* B
➜ *Connectors for bags, Art. No. 064-V70815.
METHYLENE BLUE AGAR) (01-068) 06-136LYO1* 10 vials (for 225mL) N
➜ LEVINE AGAR Left: Uninoculated tube (Control); Center: Enterococcus faecalis 06-145LYO1* 10 vials (for 500mL) N
BAM / ISO / USP ATCC 29212; Right: Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 ➜ *Ferric ammonium citrate included
Selective differential medium for the isolation of co-
liforms in different samples according to ISO 21150
Standard and USP.
01-068-500 500g D EUGON LT 100 AGAR (01-654)
01-068BA05 5x500mL C ISO
Solid medium used for the detection and enumeration
of aerobic mesophilic bacteria, in cosmetic products
in presence or absence of preservatives according to FRASER LISTERIA
ISO 21149 Standard. ENRICHMENT BROTH (02-496)
01-654-500 500g D ISO
01-654BA05 5x500mL C Liquid culture medium for the enrichment and detec-
tion of Listeria spp. according to ISO 11290 Standard.
EUGON LT 100 BROTH (02-654) 02-496-500 500g D
ISO 02-496BA05 5x500mL C
Escherichia coli ATCC 8739 Liquid medium used for the enrichment of aerobic 064-BA5001 10 flasks of 225mL G
bacteria and Escherichia coli, in cosmetic products in 064-TA1125 20 tubes of 10mL T
presence or absence of preservatives according to ISO LISTERIA FOR SECONDARY ENRICHMENT
21149 and 21150 Standards. SELECTIVE SUPPLEMENT (UVM II / FRASER)
ENDO AGAR (01-589) 02-654-500 500g D 06-111LYO1 10 vials N
AOAC / COMPF / SMD 06-790LYO1* 10 vials N
Slightly selective solid medium used for the detection of FERRIC AMMONIUM CITRATE
coliform and other enteric organisms, in milk and water, EVA BROTH (02-028) 06-112LYO1 10 vials N
according to the APHA specifications. ➜ SEE ETHYL VIOLET AZIDE BROTH ➜ *Ferric ammonium citrate included
01-589-500 500g D
01-589BA05 5x500mL C
064-BA8020 100 mL G ➜ SEE KING B AGAR


(FC AGAR) (01-287)
Selective and differential solid medium for the enu-
meration of coliforms by membrane filtration technique.
01-287-500 500g D Left: Uninoculated tube (Control); Center: Listeria monocytogenes
064-PF0024 30 plates of 55mm Ø F ATCC 19112; Right: Listeria monocytogenes ATCC 7644
Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 064-BA8005 100mL G

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Dehydrated and prepared culture media


Solid base medium particularly suitable for the isolation CHLORAMPHENICOL AGAR (01-692) ➜ HE AGAR
and cultivation of fastidious microorganisms. ➜ GP AGAR WITH ANTIBIOTIC ➜ HEA
01-310-500 500g D ISO AOAC / BAM / COMPF / ISO
This base has different applications: Solid medium for the enumeration of moulds and yeasts Solid, selective and differential culture medium for
Chocolate Agar: Medium for the growth of fastidious in cosmetics according to ISO 16212 Standard. isolation of pathogenic enterobacteria from very con-
microorganisms, such as Haemophilus influenzae.This 01-692-500 500g D taminated samples according to ISO 21567 Standard.
medium has to be boiled to get a dark chocolate colour. 01-216-500 500g D
01-310-500 500g D 01-216BA05 5x500mL C
➜ Needs addition of Blood. 064-PR0012 30 contact plates P
Thayer-Martin Agar: Medium for Neisseria isolation. GRAM NEGATIVE BROTH
01-310-500 500g D (GN BROTH) (02-093)
06-144LYO1 5 vials + 5 vials of solvent N COMPF
VCNT SELECTIVE SUPPLEMENT Liquid culture medium for enteric bacteria according to
06-142LYO1 10 vials N the formulation of Hajna.
➜ Needs addition of haemoglobin. 02-093-500 500g D
➜ *Can be added to improve the recuperation of stressed cells. 02-093BA05 5x500mL C
Transgrow Agar: Medium for the harvest, transport Salmonella typhimurium
and culture of Neisseria. This medium is the same as ATCC 14028
Thayer-Martin Agar but distributed into hermetic screw-
cap tubes and solidified in horizontal position. m-GREEN AGAR (01-633)
GC Selective Agar: Medium for Neisseria isolation. ➜ m-GREEN YEAST & MOLD AGAR
01-310-500 500g D ISO
GPS (GROWTH PROMOTION SUPPLEMENT)* Solid selective culture medium for counting fungi ac-
06-144LYO1 10 vials N cording to ISO 10718.
06-141LYO1 10 vials N 064PF0089P 30 plates of 55mm Ø F
➜ Needs addition of haemoglobin.
➜ *Can be added to improve the recuperation of stressed cells. Shigella flexneri ATCC 12022


Liquid medium used for the recovery and enumeration HTM (HAEMOPHILUS TEST MEDIUM)
of low numbers of coagulase-positive staphylococci in (01-706)
foods according to ISO 6888-3 and 5944, FIL-IDF and Medium for the susceptibility test of Haemophilus in-
EN Standards. Candida albicans fluenzae.
02-230-500 500g D ATCC 10231 01-706-500 500g D
064-TA0190 20 x 19mL tubes T 06-155LYO1 10 vials N
064-TA0191 20 x 10mL tubes T m-GREEN BROTH (02-633)
double concentration ➜ m-GREEN YEAST & MOLD BROTH
06-089-100 100mL G Liquid selective culture medium used for the enumera- IRON SULFITE MODIFIED AGAR (01-634)
tion of fungi according to ISO Standard 10718. ISO / NMKL
GLUCOSE BROMOCRESOL 02-633-500 500g D Solid differential medium used for the enumeration of
PURPLE AGAR (01-502) 02-633BA05 5x500mL C sulfitereducing bacteria from foods and animal feeding
ISO stuffs according to ISO 15213 Standard.
Solid medium for the confirmation of enterobacteria 01-634-500 500g D
in different samples. According to ISO 8523, 4702, GVPC 01-634BA05 5x500mL C
21528-1 and 21528-2 Standards. ➜ SEE BCYE LEGIONELLA SELECTIVE AGAR
01-502-500 500g D
01-502BA05 5x500mL C

Baird Parker RPF Agar

for test of Coagulase
Positive Staphylococci (CPS) Left: Uninoculated tube (Control); Center: Clostridium perfringens
Salmonella typhimurium in food according to ISO 6888-2 ATCC 13124; Right: Clostridium perfringens ATCC 10543
ATCC 14028

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Dehydrated and prepared culture media

K AGAR (01-674) KING A AGAR (P AGAR) (01-001) KLIGLER IRON AGAR (KIA) (01-103)
Selective solid used for medium for the isolation of Ali- ➜ Ps MEDIUM A Solid differential medium for primary identification of
cyclobacillus acidoterrestris, in fruit juices according to ➜ PsP enterobacteria based on the fermentation of two sugars
IFU Standard Method No. 12. ➜ PSEUDOMONAS AGAR MEDIUM FOR DETECTION and the hydrogen sulphide production according to ISO
01-674-500 500g D OF PYOCYANIN 6340 Standard.
01-674BA05 5x500mL C ISO / USP 01-103-500 500g D
Solid medium to enhance the pyocyanine production 01-103BA05 5x500mL C
by Pseudomonas aeruginosa according to ISO 12780, 064-TA0116 20 slanted agar tubes V
KANAMYCIN ESCULIN AZIDE AGAR 16266, 22717 Standards.
(KAA AGAR) (01-263) 01-001-500 500g D
COMPF 01-001BA05 5x500mL C
Solid medium for confirmative detection and isolation GLYCEROL (Additive)
of Lancefield's group D streptococci in food samples GL00261000 1 litre G
according to Mossel et al.
01-263-500 500g D

First tube: Control tube; Second tube: Shigella flexneri ATCC 12022
Third tube: Escherichia coli ATCC 25922; Fourth tube: Salmonella
typhimurium ATCC 14028
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
ATCC 9027 LACTOSE BROTH (02-105)
Enterococcus faecalis ➜ MEDIUM D EUR. PHARM. 5TH ED.
KING B AGAR (F AGAR) (01-029) Medium for the pre-enrichment and the detection of
➜ PIGMENT PRODUCTION AGAR B enterobacteria and coliforms in milk and water according
KANAMYCIN ESCULIN AZIDE BROTH ➜ Ps MEDIUM B to ISO 9308-2 and 21150 Standards.
(KAA BROTH) (02-263) ➜ FLUOERESCEIN AGAR 02-105-500 500g D
COMPF ➜ FLO AGAR 02-105BA05 5x500mL C
Liquid medium for the presumptive detection of Lance- ➜ PSEUDOMONAS AGAR MEDIUM FOR DETECTION 064-BA3029 10 flasks of 100mL G
field's group D streptococci in food samples according OF FLUORESCEIN 0BA3029-90 10 flasks of 90mL G
to Mossel et al. ISO cap with septum
02-263-500 500g D Culture media for enhancing the fluorescein production 0BA3929-90 10 flasks of 90mL G
064-TA0197 20 tubes of 10mL G by Pseudomonas spp. according to ISO 12780, 16266, 0BA3024-90 10 flasks of 90mL G
22717 Standards. with Durham tubes
01-029-500 500g D 064-TA2141 20 tubes of 10mL T
01-029BA05 5x500mL C double concentration
GLYCEROL (Additive) with Durham tubes
GL00261000 1 litre G 064-TA2142 20 tubes of 9mL T
with Durham tubes

Enterococcus faecalis
ATCC 29212


Selective solid medium for detection and enumeration Pseudomonas aeruginosa
of enterococci. ATCC 10145
01-294-500 500g D
TTC STERILE SOLUTION (Additive) Left: Uninoculated tube (Control); Center: Escherichia coli ATCC
06-023-100 100mL G 25922; Right: Salmonella typhimurium ATCC 14028

Cryovials for the preservation of strains
Enterococcus faecalis
ATCC 19433

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Dehydrated and prepared culture media

ISO Fluorogenic liquid culture medium for the detection and ➜ SEE BCYE AGAR
Solid medium for biochemical confirmation of Clos- enumeration of coliforms, especially Escherichia coli in
tridium perfringens according to ISO 7937 Standards. water and food.
03-632-500 500g D 064-TA0260 20 tubes of 10mL T LEGIONELLA BCYE AGAR




Left: Uninoculated tube (Control); Center: Clostridium sporogenes TRYPTOPHAN BROTH (02-460) ➜ TGE W. LECITHIN W. TWEEN 80
ATCC 11437; Right: Clostridium perfringens ATCC 10543; ➜ SEE TRYPTOSE LAURYL SULFATE MANNITOL TRYPTO- AOAC / ASTM / BAM
PHAN BROTH Solid medium for assays of antimicrobial action of qua-
ternary ammonium compounds (QAC’s).
01-236-500 500g D
064-BA3019 10 flasks of 100mL G
➜ MEDIUM R EUR. PHARM. 5TH ED Solid medium for general purposes recommended for TW00800100 100mL G
➜ CLS the molecular genetics studies with Escherichia coli.
EP / ISO 01-385-500 500g D
Liquid medium for the determination of H2S produc- 01-385BA05 5x500mL C LETHEEN BROTH (02-236)
tion by Clostridium perfringens according to ISO 7937 AOAC / ASTM
Standard. Liquid culture medium used for the determination of
02-519-500 500g D germicidal activity coefficients of cationic detergents.
064-TA0846 20 tubes of 9mL T LB BROTH (02-384) 02-236-500 500g D
with Durham tubes Liquid medium used for general purposes, recommended 02-236BA05 5x500mL C
SODIUM METABISULFITE SELECTIVE SUPPLEMENT for molecular genetics studies with Escherichia coli. 064-BA3018 10 flasks of 100mL G
06-114LYO1 10 vials N 02-384-500 500g D POLYSORBATE 80 (Additive)
06-113LYO1 10 vials N

Liquid medium used for general purposes, recommended
for molecular genetics studies with Escherichia coli.
02-406-500 500g D

Left: Clostridium perfringens ATCC 10543; Center: Clostridium ACCORDING TO MILLER (02-385)
perfringens ATCC 13124; Right: Uninoculated tube (Control) Liquid medium for general purposes, recommended
for molecular genetics studies with Escherichia coli.
02-385-500 500g D
Media also
02-385BA05 5x500mL C available in drums


Solid medium for the isolation and enumeration of co-
liforms and Escherichia coli from water by membrane Left: Salmonella typhimurium ATCC 14028; Center: Escherichia
filtration technique. coli ATCC 11775; Right: Uninoculated tube (Control)
01-524-500 500g D

18 Scharlab The Lab Sourcing Group

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Dehydrated and prepared culture media

Solid medium for a primary screening for microorganisms BAM / IDF ➜ SEE DECARBORXYLASE LYSINE BROTH
in cosmetics according to the FDA, and ISO 21149, 22717 Liquid culture medium for the enrichment of Listeria
and 22718 Standards. spp. according to Lovett et al.
01-237-500 500g D 02-498-500 500g D LYSINE IRON AGAR (LIA) (01-094)
01-237BA05 5x500mL C 02-498BA05 5x500mL C AOAC / APHA / COMPF / SMD
064-PA0047 20 plates of 90mm Ø Y LISTERIA ENRICHMENT ACCORDING TO FDA AND IDF Differential medium for enterobacteria, recommended
POLYSORBATE 80 (Additive) SELECTIVE SUPPLEMENT by Edwars and Ewing for Salmonella and Arizona iden-
TW00800100 100mL G 06-107LYO1 10 vials N tification.
01-094-500 500g D
01-094BA05 5x500mL C
064-TA0117 20 slanted agar tubes V

Salmonella typhimurium
ATCC 14028
Left: Uninoculated tube (Control); Center: Listeria monocytogenes
ATCC 19114; Right: Listeria monocytogenes ATCC 19112
AOAC / BAM / ISO First tube: Uninoculated tube (Control); Second tube: Escherichia
FDA recommended liquid medium for the primary re- LISTERIA ENRICHMENT coli ATCC 25922; Third tube: Proteus mirabilis ATCC 43071; Fourth
covery of stressed microorganisms in the microbial ex- BROTH UVM (02-472) tube: Salmonella typhimurium ATCC 14028
amination of cosmetics according to ISO 21149, 22717 ➜ SEE UVM LISTERIA BROTH
and 22718 Standards.
02-237-500 500g D MACCONKEY AGAR (01-118)
0BA2145-90 10 flasks of 90mL G ➜ SEE OXFORD LISTERIA AGAR ➜ MACCONKEY NO. 3 AGAR
064-TA6070 20 tubes of 9mL T AOAC / BAM / COMPF / EP / HP / ISO / SMWW / USP
POLYSORBATE 80 (Additive)
TW00800100 100mL G LISTERIA PALCAM AGAR (01-470) Selective and differential medium used in the detection,
➜ SEE PALCAM LISTERIA AGAR isolation and enumeration of Salmonella in clinical speci-
mens and coliforms according to the Pharmacopoeial
LEVINE AGAR (01-068) Harmonized Methodology and in foodstuffs specimens
➜ SEE EMB AGAR LITSKY AZIDE BROTH (02-028) according to ISO Standard 21150.
01-118BA05 5x500mL C
LIEBERMEISTER & BRAVENY AGAR 064-PA0019 20 plates of 90mm Ø Y
(01-446) LÖWENSTEIN-JENSEN MEDIUM (02-627) 064-PR0011 30 contact plates P
Solid medium for the selective isolation of ß-hemolytic Medium for cultivation and differentiation of species of 064-BA1003 10 flasks of 100mL G
streptococci in throat samples. Mycobacterium spp.
01-446-500 500g D 02-627-500 500g D
➜ Needs addition of Blood. 064-TA0165 20 slanted agar tubes V


Liquid medium for media fill process simulation for
beverage bottling, to test for low acid beverage spoiling
02-745-500 500g D
Escherichia coli ATCC 8739


Left: Mycobacterium tuberculosis; Right: Mycobacterium kansasii Broths and diluents
Medium supplemented with pyruvate for the cultivation
LISTERIA ENRICHMENT BROTH and differentiation of species of Mycobacterium. Allows
ACCORDING TO FRASER (02-496) for a good growth of Mycobacterium bovis.
➜ SEE FRASER LISTERIA BROTH 064-TA0166 20 slanted agar tubes V

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Dehydrated and prepared culture media

Modification of MacConkey Agar containing bile salts ACCORDING TO BLAKESLEE (01-672) BAM / COMPF
No. 2 for the recognition of enterococci. IFU Liquid medium for moulds and yeasts.
01-682-500 500g D Solid medium to achieve typical growth and sporulation 02-111-500 500g D
of fungi according to methodology of CBS and IFU.
01-672-500 500g D
Liquid medium used for the detection and enumeration MALT EXTRACT BROTH NO. 2 (02-491)
of coliforms by MPN technique. MALT EXTRACT AGAR NO. 1 (01-111) Liquid culture medium for moulds and yeasts according
02-118-500 500g D BAM / COMPF to the modification of Reis for Aspergillus flavus.
02-118BA05 5x500mL C Solid culture medium for the isolation and enumeration 02-491-500 500g D
of fungi. With gelatin peptone.
01-111-500 500g D
01-111BA05 5x500mL C



Selective medium for the isolation of pathogenic staphy-

lococci according to the Pharmacopoeial Harmonized
Left: Uninoculate tube (Control); Center: Escherichia coli ATCC Methodology and the ISO 22718 Standard.
25922; Right: Salmonella typhimurium ATCC 14028 Aspergillus niger 01-116-500 500g D
ATCC 16404 01-116BA05 5x500mL C
064-PR0015 30 contact plates P
MACCONKEY BROTH 064-PF0025 30 plates of 55mm Ø F
(EUR. PHARM.) (02-611)
HP / EP Solid culture medium for the isolation and enumeration
Liquid medium for the detection and enumeration of coli- of fungi. With soy peptone.
forms according to Pharmacopoeia Harmonized method. 01-573-500 500g D
02-611-500 500g D 01-573BA05 5x500mL C
02-611BA05 5x500mL C
064-BA2143 10 flasks of 100mL G
064-TA2135 20 tubes of 9mL T Staphylococcus aureus
with Durham tubes ATCC 6538 48h

Aspergillus niger MARINE AGAR (01-291)

ATCC 16404 Solid culture medium for heterotrophic marine bacteria.
01-291-500 500g D


Left: Uninoculated tube (Control); Center: Escherichia coli ATCC BAM
25922; Right: Salmonella typhimurium ATCC 14028 Solid culture medium for the isolation and enumeration
of fungi. With mycological peptone.
01-574-500 500g D
(SMAC AGAR) (01-729) 064-PA0027 20 plates of 90mm Ø Y Vibrio alginolyticus
➜ SEE SORBITOL MACCONKEY AGAR (SMAC) 064-PR0031 30 contact plates P ATCC 17749

Dehydrated culture media for microbiology in preweighed sachets

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Dehydrated and prepared culture media


(MRD) (02-510) GLUTAMATE AGAR (01-659) IFU / ISO
➜ UNIVERSAL DILUENT APHA / COMPF / IDF / ISO Liquid culture medium for lactobacilli, according to Man,
➜ SALINE PEPTONE WATER Solid medium for resuscitation and recovery of Escherichia Rogosa and Sharpe and ISO 9232 and 15214 Standards.
ISO coli cells damaged by heat, freezing or chemical process 02-135-500 500g D
Isotonic diluent for maximum recovery of stressed mi- according to ISO 11866 and 16649 and FIL-IDF Standards. 02-135BA05 5x500mL C
croorganisms according to ISO 6887, 8261, 21149, 01-659-500 500g D 064-TA0173 20 tubes of 10mL T
21150, 22717 and 22718 Standards. 01-659BA05 5x500mL C
02-510-500 500g D SODIUM GLUTAMATE (Additive)
02-510BA05 5x500mL C SO04000500 500g D
064-BA0733 10 flasks of 90mL G AMMONIUM CHLORIDE (Additive)
064-TA6074 20 tubes of 9mL T AM02730500 500g D
064-BA04-2 5 bags of 2 litres* B
➜ *Connectors for bags, Art. No. 064-V70815. MINERAL MODIFIED
METHYL RED Liquid medium for the selective enrichment of Esche-
VOGES PROSKAUER BROTH (02-207) richia coli according to ISO 16649. Left: Lactobacillus fermentum ATCC 9338; Center: Escherichia coli
➜ SEE MRVP BROTH 02-656-500 500g D ATCC 25922; Right: Uninoculated tube (Control)
02-656BA05 5x500mL C
AM02730500 500g D ➜ CLARKS LUBS MEDIUM
MICROBIAL CONTENT MOSSEL BROTH (02-064) Classic liquid culture medium for differential tests
TEST AGAR (01-613) ➜ SEE E. E. BROTH (Voges-Proskauer and Methyl Red) in enterobacteria
➜ SEE TSA LECITHIN & POLYSORBATE according to ISO 6579, 6585 and FIL-IDF Standards.
FLUID MEDIUM (MIO) (03-422) 02-207BA05 5x500mL C
COLIFORM AGAR (CCA) (01-695) Medium for demonstrating motility, indol production
➜ SEE CHROMOGENIC COLIFORM AGAR and ornithine decarboxylase activity of enterobacteria.
03-422-500 500g D MRVP SALINE BROTH
064-TA0119 20 tubes of 9mL T (METHYL RED VOGES PROSKAUER
COLINSTANT AGAR (01-618) MOTILITY NITRATE MEDIUM (03-612) Liquid culture medium for the Methyl Red and Voges-
➜ SEE CHROMOGENIC COLINSTANT AGAR BAM / ISO Proskauer test in marine bacteria.
Fluid medium for the identification of Clostridium per- 02-456-500 500g D
fringens according to ISO 7937 Standard.
LISTERIA AGAR ACC. TO 03-612BA05 5x500mL C
ISO GL00261000 1 litre
Chromogenic culture media for the detection and isola-
tion of Listeria spp. and Listeria monocytogenes accord- MRS AGAR (01-135)
ing to Ottaviani & Agosti formula and to ISO 11290. ➜ LACTOBACILLI MRS AGAR
01-719-10L 1x10L D COMPF / IDF / IFU / ISO
01-719BA05 5x500mL C Solid culture medium for lactobacilli, according to ISO
064-PA0084 20 plates of 90 mm Ø Y 9332 and 15214 standards and 5, 7 and 9 IFU Methods. VP test
MICROINSTANT® LISTERIA ENRICHMENT SUPPLEMENT 01-135-500 500g D Left: Uninoculated tube (Control); Center: Vibrio alginolyticus ATCC
06-754-024 10 vials N 01-135BA05 5x500mL C 17749; Right: Vibrio parahaemolyticus ATCC 17802
06-755LYO1 10 vials N 064-BA2130 10 flasks of 100mL H



GLUCURONIC AGAR (01-619) Lactobacillus fermentum
➜ SEE TBX AGAR ATCC 9338 RM test

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Dehydrated and prepared culture media


Solid culture medium for general purposes and less
Recommended medium used to perform the Antibiotic fastidious organisms according to ISO 16266 and
and Sulphonamides Sensibility Test with pathogenic EN 12780 Standards.
microorganisms from clinical specimens, according to NEUTRALIZING FLUID (02-512) 01-140-500 500g D
the Kirby-Bauer and Ericsson methodology. EP 01-140BA05 5x500mL C
01-136-500 500g D Liquid medium for neutralizing antimicrobials, accor- 064-PF0001 30 plates of 55mm Ø F
01-136BA05 5x500mL C ding to Eur. Pharm. 064-BA1035 10 flasks of 100mL H
064-BA1004 10 flasks of 100mL H 02-512-500 500g D 064-TA2144 20 tubes of 15mL U
02-512BA05 5x500mL C

Liquid medium for neutralizing of preservatives in cos-
metic and pharmaceutical products.
Staphylococcus aureus 02-583-500 500g D Salmonella typhimurium
ATCC 25923 ATCC 14028


CLSI (NCCLS) / CMPH ➜ BISMUTH GLYCINE CLUCOSE YEAST AGAR Solid culture medium for the general purposes accor-
Liquid version of the agar of the same type, recom- ➜ NICKERSON CANDIDA ELECTIVE AGAR ding to ISO 6340, 6579, 6785, 8523, 10273 standards
mended for the study about MIC of antibiotics. Culture medium for the isolation and identification of and APHA.
02-136-500 500g D Candida spp. 01-144-500 500g D
02-136BA05 5x500mL C 01-137-500 500g D 01-144BA05 5x500mL C
01-137BA05 5x500mL C
064-PA0018 20 plates of 90mm Ø Y
MÜLLER-KAUFFMANN Solid culture medium for general purposes according
TETRATHIONATE to ISO 21528-1 and 21528-2 Standards.
BROTH (02-335) 01-635-500 500g D
Medium for selective enrichment of Salmonella spp. Candida albicans NUTRIENT AGAR NO. 2 (01-451)
02-335-500 500g D
02-335BA05 5x500mL C
064-BA1024 10 flasks of 100mL G NUTRIENT BROTH (02-140)
064-TA1024 20 tubes of 10mL G NITRATE BROTH (02-138) BP
BRILLIANT GREEN SELECTIVE SUPPLEMENT BAM / COMPF / ISO A general purpose liquid culture medium for the non
WITH NOVOBIOCIN Liquid culture medium used for verifying the nitrate fastidious microorganisms, according to the British
06-017LYO1 10 vials N reducing ability of enterobacteria according to ISO Pharmacopoeia.
IODINE POTASSIUM IODIDE SOLUTION (Also have to be 7932 Standard. 02-140-500 500g D
added to the presentation of prepared medium) 02-138-500 500g D 02-140BA05 5x500mL C
064-V11108 1 vial 50mL G 064-TA0128 20 tubes of 10mL T

Dehydrated culture
media for microbiology
Left: Salmonella typhimurium ATCC 14028; Center: Pseudomonas Left: Escherichia coli ATCC 25922; Center: Escherichia coli in preweighed sachets
aeruginosa ATCC 27853; Right: Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 ATCC 8739; Right: Negative nitrate (Control)

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Dehydrated and prepared culture media


Liquid medium for the cultivation of non fastidious mi- ➜ SEE PHOSPHATE-BUFFERED PEPTONE WATER
croorganisms according to APHA and ISO 6340, 6569,
6785, 8523, 10273 and 16266 Standards.
02-144-500 500g D PALCAM AGAR (01-470)
02-144BA05 5x500mL C ISO PEPTONE WATER, SALINE (02-510)
Solid, selective and differential medium for the detection, ➜ SEE SALINE PEPTONE WATER
OGYE AGAR (01-275) enumeration and isolation of Listeria spp. according to
➜ SEE SABOURAUD OXYTETRACYCLINE AGAR ISO 11290-1 and 11290-2 Standards.
01-470-500 500g D
01-470BA05 5x500mL C PHENOL RED BROTH BASE (02-032)
064-PA0070 20 plates of 90mm Ø Y BAM / COMPF / ISO
ORANGE SERUM AGAR (OSA) (01-698) PALCAM SELECTIVE SUPPLEMENT Liquid culture medium suitable for fermentation studies
IFU 06-110LYO1 10 vials N of sugars and other substrates according to ISO 10273.
Solid medium for the culture of aciduric organisms espe- 02-032-500 500g D
cially those associated with spoilage of citrus products
and their derivatives.
01-698-500 500g D
064-PA7035 20 plates of 90mm Ø Y
064-BA7035 10 flasks of 100mL H

OXFORD AGAR (01-471) Listeria monocytogenes

ISO ATCC 19114
Solid, selective and differential medium for the detection,
enumeration and isolation of Listeria spp. according to Left: Uninoculated tube (Control); Center: Staphylococcus aureus
ISO standards 11290-1 and 11290-2. ATCC 25923; Right: Escherichia coli ATCC 25922
01-471BA05 5x500mL C Isotonic solution for dilutions.
OXFORD SELECTIVE SUPPLEMENT 064-BA0103 10 flasks of 100mL G
06-127LYO1 10 vials N 064-TA0104 20 tubes of 9mL T PHENYLALANINE AGAR (01-083)
064-TA0103 20 tubes of 1mL T ➜ PPA
Culture medium for enterobacteriaceae, according to
PCA (01-161) Ewing et al. For detecting the ability of the Proteus
➜ SEE PLATE COUNT AGAR genus to convert phenylalanine into phenilpiruvic acid.
Requires the addition of 0,2mL of a 10% solution of
ferric chloride.
Listeria monocytogenes 01-083-500 500g D
ATCC 19114 PEMBA AGAR (01-487) 01-083BA05 5x500mL C
➜ SEE BACILLUS CEREUS SELECTIVE AGAR 064-TA0112 20 slanted agar tubes V
Fluid medium used for determining the oxidative and/or
fermentative metabolism of Gram negative bacilli.
03-037-500 500g D PEPTONE WATER,
064-TA0129 20 tubes of 10mL T ALKALINE SALINE (02-697)
medium base with glucose included ➜ SEE ALKALINE SALINE PEPTONE WATER
Proteus mirabilis ATCC 43071. “Dark green reaction with 10%
ferric chloride solution”



Left: Escherichia coli

Right: Salmonella BUFFERED (EUR. PHARM.) (02-494)

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Dehydrated and prepared culture media

Liquid non-selective pre-enrichment medium for en- Modification of Plate Count Agar with a lesser amount of
terobacteria according to Schweizerisches Lebensmit- agar, especially recommended for aerobic enumeration
telbuch. in plates, by the poured plates method. PRESTON CAMPYLOBACTER
02-568-500 500g D 01-329-500 500g D AGAR (01-451)
01-329BA05 5x500mL C ➜ NUTRIENT AGAR NO. 2
Medium of general use that when appropriately supple-
mented is used as a selective medium for Campylo-
➜ SKIM MILK PCA Instructions: For 500mL of Preston Campylobacter
DIN / IDF / IFU / ISO Agar it is necessary to add 1 vial of 06-130LYO1 or 06-
Solid medium for plate counts of milk and dairy pro- 135LYO1 (for the modified Preston Agar) to the medium
ducts, according to DIN and FIL/IDF Standards. base Art. No. 01-451 (previous addition of supplement
01-412-500 500g D Art. No. 06-128-008).
01-412BA05 5x500mL C 01-451-500 500g D
Left: Uninoculated tube (Control); Center: Pseudomonas aerugi- 064-BA3057 10 flasks of 200mL G CAMPYLOBACTER GROWTH SUPPLEMENT
nosa ATCC 9027; Right: Escherichia coli ATCC 8739 064-BA2120 10 flasks of 100mL G 06-128-008 10 vials (liquid) N
06-130LYO1 10 vials N
➜ TGY AGAR 06-135LYO1 10 vials N
➜ STANDARD METHODS AGAR (SMA) ➜ Needs addition of Blood.
Medium for the aerobic plate count by surface inocula- Listeria monocytogenes
tion method (Standard Plate Count Agar) according to ATCC 19114 PRESTON CAMPYLOBACTER
ISO 4833, 8552 and 17410 standardsand IFU No. 6. BROTH (02-561)
01-161-500 500g D ➜ NUTRIENT BROTH NO. 2
01-161BA05 5x500mL C POTATO DEXTROSE AGAR (PDA) (01-483) Liquid medium for general use, with a high concentration
064-PA0024 20 plates of 90mm Ø Y HP / BAM / COMPF / USP of nutrients.Appropriately supplemented is used as a
064PA0024I 20 irradiated plates of 90mm Ø I Solid culture medium used for the detection and enumera- selective enrichment for Campylobacter.
064-PA0144 20 plates of 90mm Ø with TTC Y tion of yeast and moulds in food, specially recommen- Instructions: For 500mL of Preston Campylobacter
triple packaging ded in dairy products and other samples, according to Broth it is necessary to add 1 vial of 06-130LYO1 or
064-PF0007 30 plates of 55mm Ø F the Pharmacopoeial Harmonized Methodology. 06-135LYO1 (for the modified Preston Broth) to the
064-PR0001 30 contact plates P 01-483-500 500g D medium base Art. No. 02-561 (previous addition of
064-PR0020 30 contact plates with TLHTh P 01-483BA05 5x500mL C supplement Art. No. 06-128-008).
064-PR0041 24 contact plates P 064-PA0015 20 plates of 90mm Ø Y 02-561-500 500g D
064-PR0039 24 contact plates P 06-128-008 10 vials (liquid) N
064-BA3038 10 flasks of 200mL G 06-130LYO1 10 vials N
064-TA0325 20 tubes of 15mL T 06-135LYO1 10 vials N
064-TA0199 20 tubes of 10mL T ➜ Needs addition of Blood.

Aspergillus niger
ATCC 16404
POTATO DEXTROSE BROTH (02-483) Liquid medium for enrichment of Yersinia spp. in food
BAM / COMPF / SMD / USP samples according ISO 10273 Standard.
Liquid culture medium for the maintenance and mul- 064-BA7066 10 flasks of 100mL G
Enterococcus faecalis tiplication of yeast.
ATCC 19433 02-483-500 500g D
02-483BA05 5x500mL C


PPA (01-083) (01-160)

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Dehydrated and prepared culture media


ISO / EN ➜ RVS BROTH Solid medium for the cultivation and enumeration of
Solid culture media for selective isolation of Pseudo- AOAC / BAM / COMPF / IDF / ISO clostridia and other anaerobic bacteria.
monas aeruginosa. Liquid medium for the selective enrichment of Salmo- 01-289-500 500g D
01-728-500 500g D nella in foodstuffs and other materials, according to ISO 064-TA0201 20 tubes of 10mL U
01-728BA05 5x500mL C 6579 and FIL-IDF Standards.
To obtain CFC Selective Pseudomonas Agar add: 02-379-500 500g D
06-726LYO1 10 vials C 064-TA0198 20 tubes of 10mL T REINFORCED CLOSTRIDIAL
To obtain CN Selective Pseudomonas Agar according to MEDIUM (RCM) (03-289)
EN 12780 and ISO 16266 Standards add: ➜ MEDIUM P EUR. PHARM. 5TH ED.
06-742LYO1 10 vials C Fluid medium for the cultivation and enumeration of
clostridia by the MPN method according to Pharmaco-
poeia Harmonised Method.
PURPLE BROTH BASE (02-663) 03-289-500 500g D
ISO 03-289BA05 5x500mL C
Basal broth used to verify of glucidic substrates for the 064-BA3051 10 flasks of 100mL H
biochemical differentiation of Shigella spp., according
to ISO 21567 Standard. Left: Uninoculated tube (Control); Center: Salmonella typhimurium
02-663-500 500g D ATCC 14028; Right: Shigella sonnei ATCC 9290
Isotonic solution for cell suspensions also used as
DILUENT (02-631) 06-073-500 500g D
ISO SEMI-SOLID MEDIUM (03-376) 064-TA2120 20 tubes of 10mL T
Isotonic diluent for the maximal recovery of stressed ➜ MSRV 064-TA2159 20 tubes of 9mL T
microorganisms from acidic foods and animal feeding ISO
stuffs according to ISO 6887 Standards. Semi-solid medium for the isolation of mobile Salmonella
02-631-500 500g D strains according to the annex to ISO 6579.
02-631BA05 5x500mL C The solid medium does not include the additive Novo- ROSE BENGAL AGAR (01-301)
biocin, which must be added. ➜ ROSE BENGAL CHLORAMPHENICOL AGAR
03-376-500 500g D ➜ RBC
R2A AGAR (01-540) 03-376BA05 5x500mL C ➜ ROSE BENGAL-MALT EXTRACT AGAR
EP / HP (WATER MONOGRAPH 6TH ED) / SMWW 06-139LYO1 10 vials N Solid and selective medium for isolation of yeast and
Medium for the enumeration of heterotrophic microor- moulds from the environment and food products.
ganisms in treated water. 01-301-500 500g D
01-540-500 500g D 01-301BA05 5x500mL C
01-540BA05 5x500mL C 064-PA0038 20 plates of 90mm Ø Y
064PA0072I 20 irradiated plates of 90mm Ø I 064-PR0007 30 contact plates P
064-PA0172 20 irradiated plates of 90mm Ø I 064-PR0063 24 contact plates P
triple packaging triple packaging
064-PF0072 30 plates of 55mm Ø F Salmonella typhimurium 064-BA1009 10 flasks of 100mL H
ATCC 14028 064-TA2146 20 tubes of 15mL U
Motility (+)

Staphylococcus aureus ENRICHMENT BROTH (02-668)
ATCC 6538 HP / ISO Aspergillus niger
Selective liquid medium used for the enrichment of ATCC 16404
Salmonella according to Pharmacopoeial Harmonised
Method and ISO 6340 Standard.
02-668-500 500g D
02-668BA05 5x500mL C ROTHE AZIDE BROTH (02-027)

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Dehydrated and prepared culture media


HP / USP BAM / EP / HP / ISO / USP Selective and differential chromogenic medium for the
Liquid medium for fungi prospection according to Phar- Solid medium for the enumeration and cultivation of fungi isolation and presumptive identification of Cronobacter
macopoeial Harmonised Method. according to Pharmacopoeial Harmonised Method and sakazakii.
02-165-500 500g D ISO 13681 Standard. 01-744-500 500g D
02-165BA05 5x500mL C 01-165-500 500g D 01-744BA05 5x500mL C
064-TA2148 20 tubes of 9mL T 01-165BA05 5x500mL C 064-PA0146 20 plates of 90mm Ø Y
064-PA0025 20 plates of 90mm Ø Y
064PA0025I 20 irradiated plates of 90mm Ø I
064-PA0147 20 irradiated plates of 90mm Ø I
triple packaging
064-PF0006 30 plates of 55mm Ø F
064-PR0002 30 contact plates P
SABOURAUD CHLORAMPHENICOL 064-PR0062 24 contact plates triple packaging P
ACTIDIONE AGAR 064-PR0042 24 contact plates with TLHTh P
Solid culture medium for the selective isolation of fungi. triple packaging Cronobacter sakazakii
064-PA0067 20 plates of 90mm Ø Y 064-PR0022 30 contact plates with TLHTh P ATCC 51329
064-BA1006 10 flasks of 100mL H
064-TA0135 20 slanted agar tubes V
➜ Supplement 06-118CASE or 06-118LYO1 (Chloramphenicol)
can be added to convert to Sabouraud Chloramphenicol. SALINE PEPTONE WATER (02-510)

EP / ISO / USP 0,85% saline for use as a diluent.
Solid culture medium for the selective isolation of fungi. 064-TA0105 20 tubes of 3mL T
01-166-500 500g D
01-166BA05 5x500mL C
064-PA0026 20 plates of 90mm Ø Y Candida albicans SALMONELLA SHIGELLA AGAR
064PA0026I 20 irradiated plates of 90mm Ø I ATCC 10231 (SS AGAR) (01-555)
064-PA0137 20 irradiated plates of 90mm Ø I AOAC / COMPF
triple packaging
064-PF0022 30 plates of 55mm Ø F Differential and selective solid medium for the isolation
064-PR0003 30 contact plates P of Salmonella and some Shigella species from clinical
064-PR0037 24 irradiated contact plates P specimens, food, etc.
triple packaging 01-555-500 500g D
064-BA3039 10 flasks of 200mL H 01-555BA05 5x500mL C
064-BA1007 10 flasks of 100mL H SABOURAUD OXYTETRACYCLINE
064-TA0136 20 slanted agar tubes V AGAR (OGYEA) (01-275)
Solid culture medium for total enumeration of yeasts
and moulds according to ISO 13681.
01-275-500 500g D Salmonella typhimurium
01-275BA05 5x500mL C ATCC 14028
064-PA3124 20 plates of 90mm Ø Y
Saccharomyces cerevisiae 064-BA2128 10 flasks of 100mL H
06-115LYO1 10 vials N

Solid culture medium for the selective isolation of fungi
in environments with penicillin. Aspergillus niger
064-PA3135 20 plates of 90mm Ø Y ATCC 16404

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Dehydrated and prepared culture media

DIN / ISO Liquid culture medium used for the selective enrich- ➜ m-ENTEROCOCCUS AGAR
ment of Shigella spp. according to ISO 21567 Standard. ➜ m-SLANETZ ENTEROCOCCUS AGAR
Liquid medium used for the enrichment of Salmonella 02-662-500 500g D ISO
and Shigella from clinical specimens and other products 02-662BA05 5x500mL C Differential selective medium for the detection and enu-
according to ISO 6785, 6340 Standards. meration of enterococci according to ISO 7899-2 Standard.
02-598-500 500g D 01-579-500 500g D
02-598BA05 5x500mL C SIM MEDIUM (03-176) 01-579BA05 5x500mL C
064-TA0138 20 tubes of 10mL T Differential medium for motility, H2S production and 064-PF0004 30 plates of 55mm Ø F
SODIUM BISELENITE (Additive) indol formation. TTC STERILE SOLUTION (Additive)
SO01600100 100g D 03-176-500 500g D 06-023-100 100mL G
03-176BA05 5x500mL C

Salmonella typhimurium
ATCC 14028 (Excellent);
Pseudomonas aeruginosa Enterococcus faecalis
ATCC 27853 ATCC 29212

First tube: Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 25668; Second tube:

Proteus mirabilis ATCC 12453; Third tube: Salmonella typhimurium
ATCC 14028; Fourth tube: Escherichia coli ATCC 8739
Liquid medium used for the enrichment of Salmonella AOAC / BAM / ISO / SMWW ISO
and Shigella from clinical specimens and other products Solid medium for verifying the citrate utilization by en- Selective and differential solid medium for the detection
according to ISO 6785, 6340 Standards. terobacteria according to ISO 10273 Standard. of enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC O157:
02-602-500 500g D 01-177-500 500g D H7) according to ISO 16654 Standard.
02-602BA05 5x500mL C 01-177BA05 5x500mL C 01-729-500 500g D
064-TA0163 20 tubes of 10mL T 064-TA0106 20 slanted agar tubes V 01-729BA05 5x500mL C
SODIUM BISELENITE (Additive) 064-PA3144 20 plates of 90mm Ø Y
06-146LYO1 10 vials N

Salmonella typhimurium
ATCC 14028

Escherichia coli ATCC 35150

Left: Salmonella typhimurium ATCC 14028; Center: Escherichia SKIRROW SELECTIVE MEDIUM (SER 0157:H7)
coli ATCC 25922; Right: Uninoculated tube (Control) Selective medium for the isolation of Campylobacter spp.
Instructions: For 500mL of Skirrow Selective Medium
it is necessary to add 1 vial of 06-132LYO1 to the me-
dium base Art. No. 01-505 (Blood Agar No. 2) or Art.
No. 01-034 (Columbia Blood Agar) previous addition
of supplement art. no. 06-128LYO1. SPORULATING AGAR (01-069)
Blood Agar No. 2 ➜ AK AGAR
01-505-500 500g D ➜ AK 2 AGAR
Columbia Blood Agar ➜ ARRET & KIRSHBAUM AGAR
01-034-500 500g D ➜ USP ANTIBIOTIC MEDIUM 32
06-128-008 10 vials (liquid) N This formulation is according to the Arret and Kirsch-
CAMPYLOBACTER SKIRROW SELECTIVE SUPPLEMENT baum formulation, adopted by US, FDA for the prepara-
06-132LYO1 10 vials N tion of spore suspension for antibiotic assay.
➜ Needs addition on Blood. 01-069-500 500g D

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Dehydrated and prepared culture media

SPS AGAR (01-050) TBA (TRYPTONE BILE AGAR) (01-526) TCBS AGAR (01-567)
➜ SULFITE POLYMYXIN SULFADIAZINE AGAR Selective solid medium for the rapid enumeration of AOAC / BAM / COMPF / ISO
➜ PERFRINGENS SELECTIVE AGAR Escherichia coli in meat products and in water according Solid medium for selective isolation of Vibrio parahae-
BAM to ISO 6391 and 9308-1 Standards. molyticus according to ISO 8914 Standard.
Solid medium for detection of Clostridium perfringens 01-526-500 500g D 01-567-500 500g D
and sulfite reducing clostridia in foods. 01-526BA05 5x500mL C 01-567BA05 5x500mL C
01-050-500 500g D 064-PF0014 30 plates of 55mm Ø F 064-PA0029 20 plates of 90mm Ø Y
01-050BA05 5x500mL C
064-PA0073 20 plates of 90mm Ø Y
064-PF0002 30 plates of 55mm Ø F
064-BA0027 10 flasks of 100mL H
064-TA0110 20 tubes of 10mL U TBX AGAR (01-619)
064-TA2161 20 tubes of 10mL U ISO / SL
double concentration Selective and differential chromogenic solid medium
064-TA2115 20 tubes of 10mL with Paraffin U for the detection and enumeration of ß-glucuronidase
positive Escherichia coli according to ISO 16649-1 and Vibrio alginolyticus
16649-2 Standards. ATCC 17749
01-619-500 500g D
01-619BA05 5x500mL C TERGITOL® 7 AGAR (01-053)
064-PA0945 20 plates of 90mm Ø Y ➜ SEE CHAPMAN TTC AGAR
064-BA0945 10 flasks of 100mL H


Left: Uninoculated tube (Control); Center: Clostridium perfringens Liquid medium for the selective enrichment of Salmo-
ATCC 13124; Right: Clostridium perfringens ATCC 10543 nella in the examination of pharmaceutical products.
02-629-500 500g D
02-629BA05 5x500mL C
SS AGAR (01-555) ➜ Needs addition of 20g/L of potassium tetrathionate.
Blue colonies: Escherichia coli ATCC 25922; Colourless colonies: 06-147LYO1 10 vials N
Salmonella Abony NCTC 6017 ➜ *This supplement can be added to achieve more selectivity.
Medium used for the maintenance and transport of MEDIUM (02-335)
pathogenic specimens or fastidious microorganisms ➜ SEE MÜLLER-KAUFFMANN TETRATHIONATE MEDIUM
from clinical or other origin. DIN / ISO
03-454-500 500g D
03-454BA05 5x500mL C
EXTRACT AGAR) (01-082)
Plate count medium for milk and dairy products,
according to the “Standard Methods for Dairy Products”.
01-082-500 500g D

more than 30 years of experience
in the manufacture of dehydrated culture media Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633 THAYER-MARTIN AGAR

➜ SEE GC AGAR BASE (01-310)

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Dehydrated and prepared culture media

Medium used for the cultivation of anaerobic pathogenic Solid medium for the enumeration of microorganisms
microorganisms from clinical specimens and in the in water according to ISO 6222, 5667, 6887 and 8199
sterility test for viscous or cloudy products. TRYPTONE BILE AGAR (01-526) Standards.
02-186-500 500g D ➜ SEE TBA 01-590-500 500g D
02-186BA05 5x500mL C 01-590BA05 5x500mL C
064-PF0013 30 plates of 55mm Ø F
064-BA0013 10 flasks of 100mL H
064-TA0013 20 tubes of 15mL U


Salmonella typhimurium
ATCC 14028
AOAC / BAM / EP / HP / USP Substrate with low nutrient capacity, for the research of
Fluid medium used for sterility testing according to indol production in coliform microorganisms according
harmonized Pharmacopoeia and for the cultivation of to ISO 7251 Standard. TRYPTOPHAN BROTH (02-418)
microaerophilic and anaerobic organisms. 03-156-500 500g D ISO
03-187-500 500g D 03-156BA05 5x500mL C Liquid medium for the production of indol according to
03-187BA05 5x500mL C 064-BA1023 10 flasks of 100mL G ISO 9308, 6785 and 21567 Standards.
064-BA1026 10 flasks of 100mL G 064-TA0120 20 tubes of 10mL T 02-418-500 500g D
064-TA0134 20 tubes of 9mL T 064-TA0847 20 tubes of 9mL T 064-TA0115 20 tubes of 9mL T
064-TA2155 20 tubes of 9mL with TLHTh T

First tube: Uninoculated tube (Control); Second tube: Escherichia Left: Uninoculate tube (Control); Center: Salmonella typhimurium
coli ATCC 8739; Third tube: Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 9037; Left: Uninoculated tube (Control); Center: Salmonella typhimurium ATCC 14028; Right: Escherichia coli ATCC 25922
Fourth tube: Clostridium sporogenes ATCC 19404 ATCC 14028; Right: Escherichia coli ATCC 25922

Liquid medium used as a diluent, for enrichment and Listeria Agar
for the control of the sterility of anaerobic bacteria in acc. to Ottaviani & Agosti TRYPTOSE LAURYL SULFATE
environments with penicillin. BROTH (02-108)
064-BA3059 10 flasks of 100mL G (see Microinstant® ➜ LST

Chromogenic Listeria Agar BAM / COMPF / IDF / ISO / SMD / SMWW

Liquid medium used for the detection and enumeration
acc. to Ottaviani & Agosti) of coliform bacteria according to IDF-FIL 73B and ISO
TODD-HEWITT BROTH (02-191) 4831 and 7251 Standards.
Liquid culture medium for the propagation of ß-haemo-
Available in this catalogue, 02-108-500 500g D
lytic streptococci and for studies about serologic typing. see page 21 02-108BA05 5x500mL C
02-191-500 500g D 064-TA0451 20 tubes of 9mL T
064-TA0157 20 tubes of 10mL T with Durham tubes

[email protected] Scharlab The Lab Sourcing Group 29

1-Culturemedia ed5-15_MOD_1.indd 29 05/08/15 10.33

Dehydrated and prepared culture media

TRYPTOPHAN BROTH (02-460) General purpose medium with neutralizers and ß- ➜ MEDIUM A ACCORDING TO EUR. PHARM. 5TH ED
ISO lactamase for isolation and culture of microorganisms ➜ SOYBEAN CASEIN DIGEST BROTH
Liquid medium for the production of indol and gas in in the environmental monitoring of clear rooms in the AOAC / BAM / COMPF / EP / HP / ISO / USP
a single tube, according to ISO 9308-1 and 9308-2 presence of residues of certain desinfectants and ß- Highly nutrient liquid medium for the general purposes,
Standards. lactamic antibiotics. formulated according to Pharmacopoeial Harmonised
02-460-500 500g D 064-PA0055 20 irradiated plates of 90mm Ø I Method.
triple packaging with TLHTh 02-200-500 500g D
064-PR0050 24 contact plates P 02-200BA05 5x500mL C
triple packaging with TLHTh 064-BA1012 10 flasks of 100mL G
0BA1012-90 10 flasks of 90mL G
BROTH BASE (MLST) (02-711) 064-TA2147 20 tubes of 9mL T
ISO 064-BA03-3 3 bags of 3 litres* B
Liquid medium for the selective enrichment of Crono- TSA LECITHIN 064-BA03-5 2 bags of 5 litres* B
bacter sakazakii in milk samples and dairy products, & POLYSORBATE (01-613) 064-BA03-2 5 bags of 2 litres* B
according to the ISO 22964:2006 standard. ➜ MICROBIAL CONTENT TEST AGAR ➜ *Connectors for bags, Art. No. 064-V70815.
02-711-500 500g D APHA / COMPF / SMD
VANCOMYCIN SELECTIVE SUPPLEMENT (5mg) Solid medium for sampling of surfaces of sanitary
06-712LYO1 10 vials N importance with contact plates technique.
01-613-500 500g D
01-613BA05 5x500mL CC


➜ CASEIN SOYBEAN DIGEST AGAR Left: Salmonella Abony NCTC 6017; Center: Escherichia coli ATCC
BAM / COMPF / EP / HP / ISO / USP 8739; Right: Uninoculated tube (Control)
General purpose solid medium containing animal and
plant peptone according to Pharmacopoeial Harmonised
Method and ISO Standards. Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633
01-200-500 500g D
01-200BA05 5x500mL C
064-PA0031 20 plates of 90mm Ø I
064PA0031I 20 irradiated plates of 90mm Ø I TSB IRRADIATED (02-575)
064-PA0138 20 irradiated plates of 90mm Ø I TSA PENASE HP / EP / ISO
triple packaging General purpose solid medium for use in environments General liquid medium, sterilized by gamma-radiation
064PA0075I 20 irradiated plates of 90mm Ø I with penicillin. to suit it to the media fill tests in the pharmaceutical
with TLHTh 064-PA3136 20 irradiated plates of 90mm Ø I industry.
064-PA0139 20 irradiated plates of 90mm Ø I 064-PA6006 20 irradiated plates of 90mm Ø I 02-575-500 6x500g D
triple packaging with TLHTh with TLHTh
064-PF0026 30 plates of 55mm Ø F 064-PA0134 20 irradiated plates of 90mm Ø I
064-PR0004 30 contact plates P triple packaging
064-PR0005 30 contact plates with TLHTh P 064-PA608T 20 irradiated plates of 90mm Ø I
064-PR0038 24 contact plates P triple packaging with TLHTh
triple packaging 064-PR0028 30 contact plates P
064-PR0013 24 contact plates P 064-PR0027 30 contact plates P
triple packaging with TLHTh with TLHTh
064-BA6043 10 flasks of 200mL H 064-PR0061 24 contact plates P
064-BA1008 10 flasks of 100mL H triple packaging
064-TA0121 20 slanted agar tubes V 064-PR0040 24 contact plates P Left: Escherichia coli ATCC 8739; Center: Salmonella spp. NCTC 6017;
064-TA0221 20 tubes of 15mL U triple packaging with TLHTh Right: Uninoculated tube (Control)

Dehydrated culture media

for microbiology in preweighed sachets
Staphylococcus aureus
ATCC 6538

30 Scharlab The Lab Sourcing Group

1-Culturemedia ed5-15_MOD_1.indd 30 05/08/15 10.33

Dehydrated and prepared culture media


BAM / ISO BAM / COMPF / DIN / ISO Selective solid medium for the isolation of Clostridium
Liquid medium for selective enrichment of enterohaem- Solid selective and differential medium for the isolation perfringens.
orragic Escherichia coli O157:H7 (EHEC) in food samples and presumptive identification of Clostridium perfringens 01-195-500 500g D
according to ISO 16654. according to ISO 7937 Standard. Also according to ISO 01-195BA05 5x500mL C
02-691-500 500g D 6461 for the detection and enumeration of spores of 064-PA6000 20 plates of 90mm Ø Y
NOVOBIOCINE SELECTIVE SUPPLEMENT (10mg) sulfite-reducing anaerobic bacteria in water. 064-TA2156 20 tubes of 9mL U
06-139LYO1 10 vials N 01-278-500 500g D
01-278BA05 5x500mL C
064-PF0018 30 plates of 55mm Ø F
064-BA6016 10 flasks of 100mL H
base medium without supplement
Liquid medium used as a diluent, enrichment and for the 06-116LYO1 10 vials N
control of sterility of aerobes in environments with penicillin. ➜ Add one flask of supplement to every 250mL of medium. Clostridium perfringens
064-BA3058 10 flasks of 100mL H If desired, Sterile Egg Yolk Emulsion Art. No. 06-016-100 ATCC 13124
can be added to the medium (80mL/L). on membrane filter


TSB W/O DEXTROSE (02-227) Base medium to which beer may be added for the cultiva-
BAM tion of microbial contaminants in the brewing industry.
Liquid culture medium used for the massive production 01-781-500 500g D
of spores of G. stearothermophilus for the inhibitory
substances test in food according to FDA-BAM.
02-227-500 500g D UREA & INDOL BROTH (03-084)
02-227BA05 5x500mL C Medium for the identification of enterobacteria accor-
First tube: Uninoculated tube (Control); Second tube: Clostridium ding to Ferguson-Stuart.
perfringens ATCC 10543; Third tube: Clostridium perfringens ATCC 064-TA0144 20 tubes of 2mL T
13124; Fourth tube: Clostridium sporogenes ATCC 11437

UREA AGAR (01-261)

TSI (TRIPLE SUGAR IRON AGAR) (01-192) Solid medium for detection of urealysis, according to the
➜ MEDIUM M OF THE EUR. PHARM. formulation of Christensen and ISO and DIN Standards.
AOAC / BAM / COMPF / DIN / EP / IDF / ISO / USP 01-261-500 500g D
Differential medium for identification of Enterobacteria, 01-261BA05 5x500mL C
according to ISO 6579, 6785 and 10272 Standards. 064-TA0148 20 slanted agar tubes V
01-192-500 500g D UREA 40% STERILE SOLUTION (Additive)
01-192BA05 5x500mL C 06-083-100 100mL G
064-TA0177 20 slanted agar tubes V

Proteus mirabilis
ATCC 43071

Dehydrated culture First tube: Uninoculated tube (Control); Second tube: Escherichia

media presented
coli ATCC 25922; Third tube: Salmonella typhimurium ATCC
14028; Fourth tube: Shigella sonnei ATCC 9290
Prepared media:
in a vacuum sealing
Contact us
for better preservation
if you can't find
what you need!

[email protected] Scharlab The Lab Sourcing Group 31

1-Culturemedia ed5-15_MOD_1.indd 31 05/08/15 10.33

Dehydrated and prepared culture media

Diagnostic liquid medium according to the formula of ➜ TELLURITE-GLYCINE-PHENOL RED AGAR ➜ VRBG AGAR (VIOLET RED BILE GLUCOSE AGAR)
02-202-500 500g D Highly selective solid medium for isolation and identifica- EP / HP / ISO
02-202BA05 5x500mL C tion of staphylococci according to ISO 22718 Standard. Selective solid medium for the enumeration of en-
064-TA0107 20 tubes of 2mL T 01-206-500 500g D terobacteria, acccording to ISO 21528 Standard and
UREA 40% STERILE SOLUTION (Additive) 01-206BA05 5x500mL C Pharmacopoeial Harmonised Method.
06-083-100 100mL G POTASSIUM TELLURITE 1% STERILE SOLUTION 01-295-500 500g D
(Additive) 01-295BA05 5x500mL C
06-089-100 100mL H 064-PA0046 20 plates of 90mm Ø Y
POTASSIUM TELLURITE 3,5% STERILE SOLUTION 064-PR0006 30 contact plates P
(Additive) 064-BA1011 10 flasks of 100mL H
06-011-100 100mL H 064-TA0147 20 tubes of 15mL U
➜ Add aseptically 20mL of Art. No. 06-089-100 or 6mL of
Art. No. 06-011-100.

Left: Proteus mirabilis ATCC 43071; Right: Uninoculated tube (Control)

BROTH (02-472) COMPF / IDF / ISO
AOAC Medium for the detection and enumeration of coliforms VRBLD (VIOLET RED BILE
Liquid culture medium for the enrichment of Listeria spp. in milk and other dairy products, according to APHA and LACTOSE DEXTROSE AGAR) (01-220)
02-472-500 500g D ICMSF, FIL-IDF and ISO 4832 and 5541-1 Standards. ➜ MEDIUM OF THE EUR. PHARM. 5TH. ED.
02-472BA05 5x500mL C 01-164-500 500g D ➜ VRBLDA MEDIUM
ENRICHMENT (UVM I) 064-PA0049 20 plates of 90mm Ø Y Selective solid medium for the detection of enterobac-
06-106LYO1 10 vials N 064-PR0018 30 contact plates P teriaceae, acccording to European Pharmacopoeia.
LISTERIA SELECTIVE SUPPLEMENT FOR SECONDARY 064-BA6041 10 flasks of 200mL H 01-220-500 500g D
ENRICHMENT (UVM II / FRASER) 064-BA0485 10 flasks of 100mL H
06-111LYO1 10 vials N 064-TA0485 20 tubes of 15mL U
Solid culture medium for the control and enumeration of
yeast and bacteria for microbiological control in industrial
fermentations, especially brewing.
01-210-500 500g D
➜ Add the supplement Art. No. 06-022CASE or 06-022LYO1
Cycloheximide Selective Supplement to obtain the WL
Differential Agar.

Escherichia coli ATCC 25922

Left: Uninoculated tube (Control); Center: Listeria monocytogenes
ATCC 19114; Right: Listeria monocytogenes ATCC 7644

Blister packaging Candida albicans

ATCC 10231
Long shelf life
Storage at room temperature
Plates in individual compartments
Double packaging
Low dehydration

32 Scharlab The Lab Sourcing Group

1-Culturemedia ed5-15_MOD_1.indd 32 05/08/15 10.33

Dehydrated and prepared culture media

WORT AGAR (01-132) XLT4 AGAR (01-708) YM AGAR

General solid medium for the cultivation of fungi. Solid culture medium, selective and differental for isola- (YEAST MALT AGAR) (01-219)
01-132-500 500g D tion of Salmonella spp. except S. typhi and S. paratyphi ➜ YEAST & MALT EXTRACT AGAR
064-PA0063 20 plates of 90mm Ø with TLH Y in food, clinical and environmental samples. ➜ YMA
01-708-500 500g D Solid medium for the cultivation of fungi and actino-
064-PA0003 20 plates of 90mm Ø Y mycetes.
06-709-100 100mL G
➜ Add 4,6mL of supplement for 1L.
Saccharomyces cerevisiae YEPD BROTH (YEAST EXTRACT Liquid medium for the cultivation of fungi and actino-
ATCC 9763 PEPTONE DEXTROSE BROTH) (02-473) mycetes.
Liquid medium for the cultivation of yeasts in molecular 02-219-500 500g D
WORT BROTH (02-132) biology procedures.
Liquid medium for the massive production of yeast. 02-473-500 500g D
02-132-500 500g D YSG AGAR (YEAST STARCH
GLUCOSE AGAR) (01-673)
XLD AGAR (XYLOSE LYSINE YERSINIA CIN AGAR (01-444) Solid medium for detection and isolation of Alicyclobacil-
DEOXYCHOLATE AGAR) (01-211) ➜ CEFSULOIDIN-IRGASAN®-NOVOBIOCIN AGAR lus in juices, fruits and other acidic foods, according to
➜ MEDIUM K OF THE EUR PHARM. 5TH ED. ➜ CIN AGAR IFU Standard Method No. 12.
Solid culture medium for the isolation of enteropathogenic BAM / ISO 01-673BA05 5x500mL C
species, especially Salmonella according to Pharmaco- Solid differential medium used for the selective isolation After autoclaving adjust the pH to 3,7 ±0,2 by adding 1N HCl.
poeia Harmonised Method and ISO 6340 Standard. of Yersinia spp. from highly polluted samples, according
01-211-500 500g D to ISO 10273 Standard.
01-211BA05 5x500mL C 01-444-500 500g D YSG BROTH
064-PA0034 20 plates of 90mm Ø Y 01-444BA05 5x500mL C (YEAST STARCH GLUCOSE BROTH)
06-143LYO1 10 vials N IFU
Liquid medium for detection and enrichment of Ali-
cyclobacillus in juices, fruits and other acidic foods,
according to IFU Standard Method No. 12.
YGC 02-673-500 500g D
➜ SEE CGA (CHLORAMPHENICOL GLUCOSE AGAR) ➜ After autoclaving adjust the pH to 3,7 ±0,2 by adding 1N HCl.

Salmonella typhimurium
ATCC 14028


Dehydrated culture media
MODIFIED AGAR) (01-552) for microbiology
Solid culture medium for isolation of enteropatho-
genic species, especially Salmonella and Shigella
in preweighed sachets
in food and animal feeding stuffs, according to
ISO 6579 and 21567 Standards.
01-552-500 500g D
01-552BA05 5x500mL C
064-PA1035 20 plates of 90mm Ø Y

Salmonella typhimurium
ATCC 14028

[email protected] Scharlab The Lab Sourcing Group 33

1-Culturemedia ed5-15_MOD_1.indd 33 05/08/15 10.33

Additives for culture media

Different types of substances that have to be added to culture media to complete their formulation.


Additive for the Müller-Kauffmann Broth Base Art. No. CHLORIDE) 1%, STERILE
02-335. Its components and solution come ready prepared. SOLUTION (06-023)
It should be added to the medium before being used so that Used as an additive in culture media to indicate biological
the mixture is as fresh as possible. activity, as the colourless form is reduced to an insoluble
064-V11108 Iodine-iodide solution 50mL red pigment, tryphenyl formazan, which is easily visible.
PO04100250 Potassium iodide 250g This product is added in particular to: Chapman TTC
YO00210100 Iodine 100g Agar Base Art. No. 01-053, KF Agar Art. No. 01-294.
06-023-100 TTC sterile solution 1% 100mL

Additive for culture media whose role is sometimes as Urea solution sterilised by filtration suitable for incorpo-
a nutrient and in other cases as emulsifier. ration into culture media, especially Urea Agar Art. No.
TW00800100 Polysorbate 80 100mL 01-261 and Urea Broth Art. No. 02-202.
TW00801000 Polysorbate 80 1 litre 06-083-100 Urea, sterile solution 40% 100mL

Additive with alcohol base, indicated to supplement SOLUTION (06-089 AND 06-011) Liquid solution that is added to certain media to reach ana-
media Endo Agar Base (01-589) to confirm the detec- Additive for selective media for staphylococcus, coryne- erobic conditions. It is specially recommended for addition
tion of and to count coliform bacteria in water samples. bacteria, streptococcus and vibrios. Its function is to to tubes with OF Medium Art. No. 03-037.
064-BA8020 Basic Fuchsin sol. 2,5% 100mL prevent the growth of most gram-negative and those 06-077-100 Vaseline, sterile 100mL
gram-positive incapable of reducing tellurite. Added to
media such as Giolitti Cantoni Broth Art. No. 02-230
EGG'S YOLK STERILE EMULSION and Vogel-Johnson Agar Art. No. 01-206.
Additive used in culture media for detecting lecithinase in 06-089-100 Potassium tellurite sol. 1% 100mL
species such as Bacillus, Clostridium, and Staphylococ- 06-011-100 Potassium tellurite sol. 3,5% 100mL
cus. Added as an additive to the media: Bacillus cereus
Agar Base (MYPA) Art. No. 01-262, Bacillus cereus
Selective Agar Base (PEMBA Agar) Art. No. 01-487, ROSOLIC ACID SOLUTION 1%
and Tryptose Sulfite Cycloserine Agar Base (TSC Agar) Additive with alcohol base, indicated to supplement
Art. No. 01-278. media m-FC Agar (01-287).
06-016-100 Egg's yolk sterile emulsion 100mL 064-BA8005 Rosolic Acid sol. 1% 100mL


TELLURITE STERILE EMULSION Bacteriology grade. Can be used alone or as an additive
Additive specially formulated for addition to the Baird- in media for the cultivation of lactic acid bacteria and
Parker Agar Base Art. No. 01-030. identification of microorganisms able to coagulate or
064-BA1018 Egg's yolk tellurite 100mL peptonise milk. Can be added to media such as TSA
sterile emulsion Art. No. 01-200, Nutrient Agar Art. No. 01-144 to detect
caseolytic activity.
FERMENTABLE CARBOHYDRATES 06-019-500 Skimmed milk powder 500g
Fermentable sugars and substrates for adding to base
media in studies of fermentation or to complete culture
media formulations. SODIUM BISELENITE (SO0160)
GL01250500 Dextrose (D-(+)-Glucose) 500g Suitable for incorporation in the following media: Selenite
LA00600500 Lactose 500g Cystine Broth Base Art. No. 02-602 and Selenite Broth
MA01000500 Maltose 500g Base Art. No. 02-598.
MA01500500 Mannitol 500g SO01600100 Sodium biselenite 100g
SA00250025 Sucrose (D-(+)-Saccharose) 500g

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34 Scharlab The Lab Sourcing Group

1-Culturemedia ed5-15_MOD_1.indd 34 05/08/15 10.33

Selective supplements for culture media

Freeze dried supplements in vials with safe screw caps

Supplements - freeze-dried Sterilised solvents can be also offered

By means of the freeze-drying technique we can assure a standardised quality This enables the user to start using our supplements right away and saves the
that will yield reliable results without any loss in performance of the selective tedious work of preparing and sterilising the solvent.
medium. The freeze-dried solids dissolve easily and quickly.
Supplied in a box with 10 vials of supplement. You may directly remove the septum from the freeze-dried supplement vial and
the solvent vial and pour the solvent on to the supplement. Alternatively you
Screw cap for easy and safe handling may use a syringe, perforate our septum with a needle and that way transfer
The standard closure offered by other manufactures, which consists of a rubber the solvent to the supplement vial.
septum with an outer aluminium cap may lead to undesirable accidents. Its
removal requires a tool, takes some time and may cause injuries. Supplements
Our standard vials contain sufficient 500mL of prepared medium.
Therefore we offer our vials with a screw cap a much safer, faster and easier
to open alternative. Shelf life and storage
Products should be stored in the fridge at temperatures between 2 and 25°C and
the shelf life is between 3 and 4 years, depending on the product.

Method 1
1 2 3

Method 2
4 5 6

Standard reference for freeze dried supplements: 06-XXXLYO1 (XXX 3 numbers depending on the supplement)

more than 30 years of experience
in the manufacture of dehydrated culture media

[email protected] Scharlab The Lab Sourcing Group 35

1-Culturemedia ed5-15_MOD_1.indd 35 05/08/15 10.33

Selective supplements for culture media

Ordering information
Supplement Art. No. Microorganisms Presentation

Ampicillin Selective Supplement 06-126LYO1 Aeromonas Box with 10 vials

Brilliant Green + Novobiocin Selective Supplement 06-017LYO1 Salmonella Box with 10 vials

Campylobacter Bolton Selective Supplement 06-131LYO1 Campylobacter Box with 10 vials

Campylobacter CCDA Selective Supplement 06-133LYO1 Campylobacter Box with 10 vials

Campylobacter Growth Supplement 06-128-008 Campylobacter Box with 10 vials

Campylobacter Preston Modified Selective Supplement 06-135LYO1 Campylobacter Box with 10 vials

Campylobacter Preston Selective Supplement 06-130LYO1 Campylobacter Box with 10 vials

Campylobacter Skirrow Selective Supplement 06-132LYO1 Campylobacter Box with 10 vials

CFC Pseudomonas Selective Supplement 06-726LYO1 Pseudomonas Box with 10 vials

Chloramphenicol Selective Supplement (25mg) 06-118LYO1 Yeasts and moulds Box with 10 vials

CN Pseudomonas Selective Supplement 06-742LYO1 Pseudomonas Box with 10 vials

Coliform CV Selective Supplement 06-140LYO1 Coliform / E. coli Box with 10 vials

m-CP Selective Supplement 06-125LYO1 Clostridium Box with 10 vials

Staphylococci / Streptococci
CP Selective Supplement for Gram-positive Cocci (CNA) 06-013LYO1 Box with 10 vials
(Gram-positive cocci)
CT SMAC Selective Supplement 06-146LYO1 E. coli 0157:H7 Box with 10 vials

Cycloheximide Selective Supplement 06-022LYO1 Fermenting microorganisms Box with 10 vials

D-Cycloserine Selective Supplement (250mL of medium) 06-116LYO1 Clostridium Box with 10 vials
Ferric Ammonium Citrate Supplement (250mg) 06-112LYO1 Listeria Box with 10 vials
Ferric Ammonium Citrate Supplement (312mg) 06-113LYO1 Clostridium Box with 10 vials

GPS - Growth Promotion Supplement 06-144LYO1 Box with 5 + 5 vials of solvent
* Glucose is included in the diluent vial

Legionella BCYE Growth Supplement 06-137LYO1 Legionella Box with 5 + 5 vials of solvent

Legionella BCYE without Cysteine NO Growth Supplement 06-134LYO1 Legionella Box with 5 + 5 vials of solvent

Legionella GVPC Selective Supplement 06-138LYO1 Legionella Box with 10 vials

Needs addition of 06-016-100 2
Needs addition of 06-137LYO1 6
Needs addition of 06-128-008 7
Needs addition of 06-130LYO1 or 06-135LYO1

36 Scharlab The Lab Sourcing Group

1-Culturemedia ed5-15_MOD_1.indd 36 05/08/15 10.33

Selective supplements for culture media

Composition per vial Base Directive, Standard

Blood Agar Base (Art. No. 01-352)
2,5mg of Ampicillin
Blood Agar Base (Columbia) (Art. No. 01-034)
5mg of Brilliant green
Müller-Kauffmann Tetrathionate Broth (Art. No. 02-335) 5 DIN, ISO
20mg of Novobiocin
10mg of Vancomycin
10mg of Cefoperazone
Bolton Enrichment Broth Base (Art. No. 02-688) ISO
10mg of Trimethoprim
5mg of Anphotericine B sulfate
16mg of Cefoperazone Charcoal Cefoperazone Deoxycholate (CCD) Modified Agar Base
5mg of Anphotericine B sulfate (Art. No. 01-685)
Preston Campylobacter Agar Base (Art. No. 01-451) 7
0,125 g of Sodium pyruvate
Preston Campylobacter Broth Base (Art. No. 02-561) 7
0,125 g of Sodium metabisulfite
Skirrow Selective Medium: with Blood Agar Base (Art. No. 01-352)
0,125 g of Ferrous sulfate
or Blood Agar Base (Columbia) (Art. No. 01-034)
2.500 IU of Polymyxin B sulfate
5mg of Rifampicin Preston Campylobacter Agar Base (Art. No. 01-451) 6
5mg of Trimethoprim Preston Campylobacter Broth Base (Art. No. 02-561) 6
5mg of Anphotericine B sulfate
2.500 IU of Polymyxin B sulfate
5mg of Rifampicin Preston Campylobacter Agar Base (Art. No. 01-451) 6
5mg of Trimethoprim Preston Campylobacter Broth Base (Art. No. 02-561) 6
50mg of Cycloheximide
5mg of Vancomycin
Blood Agar Base (Columbia) (Art. No. 01-034)
2,5mg of Trimethoprim
Blood Agar Base no. 2 (Art. No. 01-505)
1.250 IU of Polymyxin B sulfate
5,0mg Cetrimide
5,0mg Fucidin Pseudomonas Agar Base EN / ISO
25,0mg Cephalosporin
25mg of Chloramphenicol Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (Art. No. 01-165) EP, ISO, USP
100,0mg Cetrimide
Pseudomonas Agar Base EN / ISO
7,5mg Nalidixic Acid, sodium salt
2,5mg of Cefsulodin Colinstant Agar (Art. No. 01-618)
Spanish Ministry of Health
2,5mg of Vancomycin Chromogenic Coliform Agar (CCA Agar) (Art. No. 01-695)
200mg of D-Cycloserine
12,5mg of Polymyxin B sulfate
30mg of 3-indoxyl-ß-D-glucopyranoside m-CP Agar Base (Art. No. 01-513) Directive 12767/97
50mg of Phenolphthalein bi-phosphate
45mg of Iron III chloride
5mg of Colistin sulfate Blood Agar Base (Art. No. 01-352)
7,5mg of Nalidixic acid Blood Agar Base (Columbia) (Art. No. 01-034)
1,25mg Potassium tellurite
MacConkey Sorbitol Agar (Art. No. 01-729) ISO
0,025mg Cefixime
2mg of Cycloheximide WL Nutrient Agar (Art. No. 01-210)
100mg of D-Cycloserine Tryptose Sulfite Cycloserine Agar (TSC Agar) (Art. No. 01-278) BAM, COMPF, DIN, ISO
250mg of Ammonium ferric citrate Listeria Enrichment Broth Base (Fraser) (Art. No. 02-496) 3 ISO
312mg of Ferric ammonium citrate Lactose Sulfite Broth Base (Art. No. 02-519) EP, ISO
0,1mg of Vitamin B12
100mg of L-glutamine
10mg of Adenine SO4
0,3mg of Guanine HCl
0,13mg of p-Aminobenzoic acid
11mg of L-cystine
GC Agar Base (Art. No. 01-310)
2,5mg of NAD
1mg of Cocarboxylase
0,2mg of Ferric nitrate
0,03mg of Vitamin B1 (Thiamnine HCl)
259mg of Cysteine HCl
1 g of Glucose *
3,6 g of ACES Buffer
1,4 g of Potassium hydroxid
BCYE Legionella Agar Base (Art. No. 01-687) ISO
0,125 g of Ferric pyrophospate
0,200mg of L-cysteine HCl
3,6 g of ACES Buffer
1,4 g of Potassium hydroxid BCYE Legionella Agar Base (Art. No. 01-687) ISO
0,125 g of Ferric pyrophospate
0,5mg of Vancomycin
40.000 IU of Polymyxin B sulfate
BCYE Legionella Agar Base (Art. No. 01-687) 2 ISO
40mg of Cycloheximide
1,5 g of Glycine (ammonia free)

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Selective supplements for culture media

Ordering information
Supplement Art. No. Microorganisms Presentation

Listeria Selective Supplement for Enrichment (FDA and IDF/FIL) 06-107LYO1 Listeria Box with 10 vials

Listeria Selective Supplement for Primary Enrichment (UVM I) 06-106LYO1 Listeria Box with 10 vials

Listeria Selective Supplement for Primary Enrichment Half Fraser

06-136LYO1 Listeria Box with 10 vials
(Each vial supplements 225mL of medium)

Listeria Selective Supplement for Primary Enrichment Half Fraser

06-145LYO1 Listeria Box with 10 vials
(Each vial supplements 500mL of medium)

Listeria Selective Supplement for Secondary Enrichment

06-111LYO1 Listeria Box with 10 vials
(UVM II / Fraser)

Listeria Selective Supplement for Secondary Enrichment

06-790LYO1 Listeria Box with 10 vials
(UVM II / Fraser) with Ferric Ammonium Citrate (250mg)

Microinstant® Listeria Enrichment Supplement 06-754-024 Listeria Box with 10 vials

Microinstant® Listeria Selective Supplement 06-755LYO1 Listeria Box with 10 vials

MUG Fluorescent Supplement 06-102LYO1 Coliform Box with 10 vials

Nalidixic Acid Selective Supplement 06-124LYO1 Pseudomona Box with 10 vials

Novobiocin Selective Supplement (10mg) 06-139LYO1 Box with 10 vials
E. coli 0157:H7
Novobiocin Selective Supplement (20mg) 06-147LYO1 Salmonella Box with 10 vials

Oxford Agar Selective Supplement 06-127LYO1 Listeria Box with 10 vials

Oxytetracycline Selective Supplement 06-115LYO1 Yeasts and Moulds Box with 10 vials

Palcam Agar Selective Supplement 06-110LYO1 Listeria Box with 10 vials

Polymyxin B sulfate Selective Supplement 06-021LYO1 Bacillus cereus Box with 10 vials

RPF Supplement *
064-TA0155 Staphylococci (Coagulase positive) Box with 10 vials
(Each vial supplements 100mL of medium)

Sodium Disulfite (Sodium Meta-Bisulfite) for Bacteriology 06-114LYO1 Clostridium Box with 10 vials
Vancomycin Selective Supplement (5mg) 06-712LYO1 Cronobacter Sakazakii Box with 10 vials

VCAT Selective Supplement 06-141LYO1 Neisseria Box with 10 vials

VCNT Selective Supplement 06-142LYO1 Neisseria Box with 10 vials

XLT4 Selective Supplement 06-709-100 Salmonella Flask of 100mL

Yersinia Selective Supplement 06-143LYO1 Yersinia Box with 10 vials

Needs addition of 06-111LYO1 4
Needs addition of 06-112LYO1 5
Needs addition of 064-V11108 8
Can be added 06-144LYO1
* 10 tubes of RPF freeze dried supplement without solvent. Reconstitute by adding 10mL of pre-warmed sterile water at 37°C to 90mL of medium base.

38 Scharlab The Lab Sourcing Group

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Selective supplements for culture media

n Composition per vial Base Directive, Standard

20mg of Nalidixic acid, sodium salt
25mg of Cycloheximide Listeria Enrichment Broth Base (Lovett) (Art. No. 02-498) BAM, IDF
7,5mg of Acriflavine
10mg of Nalidixic acid, sodium salt
Listeria Enrichment Broth Base (UVM) (Art. No. 02-472) 3 AOAC
6mg of Acriflavine
2,25mg of Nalidixic acid, sodium salt
2,80mg of Acriflavine Listeria Enrichment Broth Base (Fraser) (Art. No. 02-496) ISO
112,5mg of Ammonium ferric citrate
5mg of Nalidixic acid, sodium salt
6,2mg of Acriflavine Listeria Enrichment Broth Base (Fraser) (Art. No. 02-496) ISO
250mg of Ammonium ferric citrate
10mg of Nalidixic acid, sodium salt Listeria Enrichment Broth Base (Fraser) (Art. No. 02-496) 4 ISO
12,5mg of Acriflavine Listeria Enrichment Broth Base (UVM) (Art. No. 02-472) AOAC
10mg of Nalidixic acid, sodium salt
12,5mg of Acriflavine Listeria Enrichment Broth Base (Fraser) (Art. No. 02-496) 4
250mg of Ferric Ammonium Citrate
1,0g L-a-phosphatidylinositol
Microinstant® Chromogenic Listeria Agar acc. to Ottaviani & Agosti (01-719) ISO, BAM
24mL distilled water
38350 IU Polymyxin B
0,025g Cicloheximide
Microinstant® Chromogenic Listeria Agar acc. to Ottaviani & Agosti (01-719) ISO, BAM
0,010g Ceftazimide
0,010g Nalidixic Acid
Brilliant Green Bile 2% Broth (Art. No. 02-041)
E. coli Broth (Art. No. 02-060)
Lactose Broth (Art. No. 02-105)
MacConkey Agar (Art. No. 01-118)
50mg of MUG (4-methilumbeliferil-ß-D glucuronide) MacConkey Broth (Art. No. 02-118)
MacConkey Broth (Eur. Pharm.) (Art. No. 02-611)
Tryptose lauryl sulfate Broth (Art. No. 02-108)
Violet Red Bile Agar (VRB Agar) (Art. No. 01-164)
Violet Red Bile Lactose Dextrose Agar (Eur. Pharm. Medium F) (Art. No. 01-220)
7,5mg of Nalidixic acid, sodium salt CN Selective Agar Base (Art. No. 01-609) EN, ISO
Rappaport Vassiliadis Modified Semi-solid Medium Base (Art. No. 03-376)
10mg of Novobiocin, sodium salt BAM, ISO
Tryptic Soy Broth Modified (Art. No. 02-691)
20mg of Novobiocin, sodium salt Tetrathionate Bile Brilliant Green Broth Base (Eur. Pharm.) (Art. No. 02-629) EP
5mg of Fosfomycin
1mg of Sodium cefotetan
10mg of Colistin sulfate Oxford Agar Base (Art. No. 01-471) ISO
200mg of Cycloheximide
2,5mg of Acriflavine
50mg of Oxytetracycline HCl Sabouraud Oxytetracycline Agar Base (OGYEA) (Art. No. 01-275) EP, ISO, USP
5mg of Polymyxin B sulfate
10mg of Sodium ceftazidime Palcam Agar Base (01-470) ISO
2,5mg of Acriflavine
Bacillus cereus Agar Base (MYPA) (Art. No. 01-262) 1 BAM, COMPF, IDF, ISO
50.000 IU of Polymyxin B sulfate
Bacillus cereus Selective Agar Base (PEMBA) (Art. No. 01-487) 1 ISO, NMLK
2,5mL of Rabbit Plasma - EDTA
0,5 g of Bovine Fibrinogen
Baird Parker Agar (Art. No. 01-030) ISO
2,5mg of Trypsin Inhibitor
2,5mg of Potassium Tellurite
375mg of Di-sodium sulfite Lactose Sulfite Broth Base (Art. No. 02-519) EP, ISO
5mg of Vancomycin Tryptose Lauril Sulfate Modified Broth Base (mLST) (Art. No. 02-711) ISO
1mg of Vancomycin
3,75mg of Colistin sulfate
GC Agar Base (Art. No. 01-310) 8
1,5mg of Trimethoprim
0,5mg of Anphotericine B
1,5mg of Vancomycin
3,75mg of Colistin sulfate
GC Agar Base (Art. No. 01-310) 8
2,5mg of Trimethoprim
6.250 IU of Nystatin
100mL of Tergitol® 4 XLT4 Agar (Art. No. 01-708)
7,5mg of Cefsulodin
2mg of Irgasan® Yersinia CIN AgaR Base (Art. No. 01-444) ISO
1,25mg of Novobiocin

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Ingredients and chemical products for microbiology

A selection of necessary ingredients and chemical products for the preparation of culture media.

Art. No. Description Capacity Art. No. Description Capacity

GE00200250 Gelatine powder, 250g RI00250005 D(-)-Ribose, extra pure 5g
for analysis and bacteriology AC19900010 Rosolic acid, C.I. 43800, 10g
GL01250500 D-Glucose (Dextrose) 500g indicator, for microscopy
GL00261000 Glycerol, 99,5% 1 litre SA00200500 D(+)-Saccharose, extra pure 500g
HI04050025 L-Histidine hydrochloride 25g SA02000025 D-Salicin, for biochemistry 25g
monohydrate, extra pure, Eur. Pharm. SE01050010 L-Serine, extra pure 10g
AC07461000 Hydrochloric acid, 1 litre 06-019-500 Skimmed milk, powder 500g
solution 0,1 mol/L (0,1 N) SO02570100 Sodium deoxycholate 100g
AC07441000 Hydrochloric acid, 1 litre SO02570500 Sodium deoxycholate 500g
solution 1 mol/L (1 N) SO04000500 Sodium L-glutamate 500g
HI01351000 Hydrogen peroxide, 30% w/w, 1 litre monohydrate, extra pure
extra pure SO05900100 Sodium pyruvate 100g
HI03360500 Iron(III) chloride hexahydrate, 500g SO05900500 Sodium pyruvate 500g
Art. No. Description Capacity extra pure SO08500250 D(-)-Sorbitol, extra pure 250g
07-004-500 Agar Bacteriological 500g IS01400025 L-Isoleucine, extra pure 25g 07-155-500 Soy peptone 500g
AM02730500 Ammonium chloride, 500g AC00310100 Immersion oil, for microscopy 100mL TR00300005 D-Trehalose, 5g
reagent grade 07-455-500 Lactalbumin hydrolysate 500g for bacteriology
AR00500005 D-(-)-Arabinose, 5g LA00600500 D(+)-Lactose monohydrate 500g TR04441000 Triton® X-100, extra pure 1 litre
for bacteriology LE00550025 L-Leucine, extra pure, Eur. Pharm., USP 25g 07-154-500 Tryptone - Casein Pancreatic 500g
AR01250050 L-Arginine extra pure 50g 07-342-500 Lecithin 500g Peptone (industrial fermentation processes)
AS00150025 L-Asparagine 25g LI00351000 L-Lysine monohydrochloride, 1kg 07-119-500 Tryptone - Casein Trypsic 500g
07-515-500 Beef Extract 500g synthesis grade Peptone (culture media preparation)
07-039-500 Bile 500g 07-080-500 Malt extract 500g 07-489-500 Tryptone - Peptone from Casein 500g
07-525-500 Bile salts No. 3 500g MA01000100 Maltose 100g acc. to USP specifications
SO10040250 Buffer solution pH = 4,00 250mL MA01000500 D-Maltose 500g (culture media preparation)
SO10070250 Buffer solution pH = 7,00 250mL MA01500500 (-)-Mannitol, reagent grade 500g TR04000025 L-Tryptophan, extra pure 25g
07-151-500 Casein acid hydrolysate 500g MA01600010 D-(+)-Mannose, for biochemistry 10g 07-197-500 Tryptose 500g
CI03050025 L-Cysteine hydrochloride 25g 07-075-500 Meat extract 500g TI03250100 L-Tyrosine, extra pure 100g
anhydrous, extra pure 07-152-500 Meat peptone 500g VA00550025 L-Valine, extra pure 25g
ET00131000 Ethanol 96% v/v, 1 litre OR00550025 L-Ornithine hydrochloride, extra pure 25g XI00800100 D-(+)-Xylose, extra pure 100g
Multisolvent® 07-620-500 Potato peptone 500g 07-079-500 Yeast extract 500g
ET00021000 Ethanol absolute, 1 litre PO04100250 Potassium iodide, 250g CI01450500 Zinc, powder, extra pure 500g
synthesis grade reagent grade, ACS, ISO
LE00700500 D-(-)-Fructose, extra pure 500g 07-625-500 Proteose peptone No. 3 500g
FU00600025 Fuchsin basic, C.I. 42510, 25g RA00250025 D(+)-Raffinose pentahydrate, 25g
07-153-500 Gelatin pancreatic peptone 500g for biology

Microbiology chemicals

40 Scharlab The Lab Sourcing Group

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Chromogenic media Scharlau - Microinstant®


Allows simple and direct detection of the presence or absence AGAR (CCA) (01-695) (Continue) OTTAVIANI & AGOSTI (01-719)
of total coliforms and E. coli in water samples. ISO
Principle. Chromogenic and fluorogenic broth combining Chromogenic culture media for the detection and
the ß-D-glucuronidase enzyme and ß-D-galactosidase test isolation of Listeria spp. and Listeria monocytogenes
with the indol test in a single ready to use medium. according to Ottaviani & Agosti formula and to ISO
Instructions. Add 100 ml of the sample in question to the 11290.
bottle with this medium. 01-719-10L 1x10L D
Incubation. Incubate the sample for 18-24 hours at 01-719BA05 5x500mL C
35-37 °C. 064-PA0084 20 plates of 90 mm Ø Y
Interpretation. Total coliforms turn the medium a green MICROINSTANT® LISTERIA ENRICHMENT SUPPLEMENT
colour. Escherichia coli emit fluorescence under UV light 06-754-024 10 vials N
and test positive for indol *. Violet-blue colonies: Escherichia coli; Salmon red colonies: Coliform; MICROINSTANT® LISTERIA SELECTIVE SUPPLEMENT
➜ *For the test of indol add 2-3mL of Kovacs Reagent (6-018-100). Colourless colonies: All other gram-negative bacteria 06-755LYO1 10 vials N
064-BACOLI 10 flasks of 100ml G


Chromogenic culture medium, selective and differential Selective and differential chromogenic medium for the isola-
that allows for a direct identification of Escherichia coli tion and presumptive identification of Cronobacter sakazakii.
and coliforms in water and food samples. Can be used 01-744-500 500g D
in the membrane filtration method. 01-744BA05 5x500mL C
Principle. Based on the detection of two enzymatic 064-PA0146 20 plates of 90mm Ø Y
ß-D-Glucuronidase (ß-gluc)
ß-D-Galactosidase (ß-gal)
Left: Coliform; Center: No Coliform; Right: Escherichia coli This formula has a better inhibition of accompanying
gram-positive flora as it uses bile salts instead of
MICROINSTANT® After an incubation period of 24 hours at 37ºC, E. coli
CHROMOGENIC COLIFORM appears blue, while coliforms are salmon coloured.
AGAR (CCA) (01-695) The other Enterobacteria show no colour. Cronobacter sakazakii
Chromogenic medium CCA (Chromogenic Coliform Agar) 01-618-500 500g D ATCC 51329
is a selective culture medium for the detection and 01-618BA05 5x500mL C
enumeration of coliforms and E. coli with an adjusted 064-PA6015 20 plates of 90 mm Ø Y
and precise selective capability. Ideal for water analysis. ➜ In waste water samples it is necessary to add selective MICROINSTANT® TRYPTONE BILE
With antibiotics cefsulodin and vancomycin included in substances like Coliform CV Selective Supplement, Art. No. GLUCURONIC AGAR (TBX AGAR) (01-619)
its formulation. 06-140LYO1. ISO / SL
Compatible with a variety of different membrane brands Tryptone Bile X-ß-D-glucuronide Agar (TBX)
using our combination of CCA and Coliform CV selective Chromogenic culture medium, selective and differential that
supplement;obtaining improved results and recoveries. allows the counting and a direct detection of Escherichia coli
Formulated according to an alternative method proposed ß-glucoronidase positive in water and food samples. According
by the Spanish Authorities. to ISO 16649-1 and 16649-2 standards. Can be used for mass
seeding or in the membrane filtration method .
Principle. Based on the detection of two enzymatic activities: Principle. Based on the detection of the enzyme activity:
ß-D-Glucuronidase (ß-gluc) ß-D-Glucuronidase (ß-gluc).
ß-D-Galactosidase (ß-gal) Gram-positive accompanying flora are inhibited by the use of
The selectivity is attained, partially, by the Tergitol® 7, bile salts and a high temperature of incubation.
which inhibits the growth of gram positive bacteria and Violet-blue colonies: Escherichia coli; Salmon red colonies: Coliform; After an incubation between 18-24 hours at 44°C, the colonies
some gram negative ones without negative effect on the Colourless colonies: All other gram-negative bacteria of E. coli ß-glucuronidase positive appear blue-green.
coliform bacteria. But the genuine selectivity is due to the 01-619-500 500g D
presence of cefsulodin that acts against pseudomonas and 01-619BA05 5x500mL C
other gram negative oxidase positive bacteria and also to 064-PA0945 20 plates of 90mm Ø Y
the vancomycin, which inhibit the growth of enterococci and
other gram positive bacteria. After an incubation period
Broths and diluents 064-BA0945 10 flasks of 100mL H

of 18-24 hours at 36 ± 2ºC, E. coli appears deep blue

to violet, while coliforms are salmon-rose to red. Other
in bags (FlexiBags)
gram negatives show no colour.
01-695-500 500g D
01-695BA05 5x500mL C
064-PF1015 30 plates of 55 mm Ø F
06-140LYO1 5 vials of antibiotics N
+ 5 vials of solvent
Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 Salmonella abony NCTC 6017

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Reagents and biochemical tests

Catalase Activity Test Indol test and Kovac's reagent

For detection of catalase enzyme activity. To detect the production of indol from tryptophan. The culture media recommended
Add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide in TSA or Mueller-Hinton plates. The rapid for this test must be free of glucose and include a rich source of tryptophan, e.g.
formation of bubbles indicates the presence of the enzyme catalase, which decom- any Tryptone Water, Indol and Nitrite Medium for SIM Fluid Medium, Indol and Urea
poses the hydrogen peroxide, yielding oxygen. Broth according to Ferguson-Stuart, etc.
It is useful for distinguishing Streptococcus (negative) from Staphylococcus (positive)
and Clostridium (negative) from Bacillus (positive)

Art. No. Description Units

HI01351000 Hydrogen Peroxide 30% (v/v) extremely pure 1l

Coagulase Test (Rabbit Plasma) The pure culture to be verified is inoculated in the medium and incubated for 24-48
h. at 35°C. This incubation can be reduced to about four hours starting with a mass
Sterile and lyophilised rabbit plasma, particularly suitable for detecting coagulase inoculum in a solid medium and seeded in a small volume of culture medium (Indol
of Staphylococcus aureus. According to ISO 6888-1. Test, Art. No. 064-TA0132). In either case after incubation, the reading is done with
A pure culture from the suspected colony is inoculated in a BHI tube Ref 02-599 the Kovac's reagent.
and incubated at 35-37°C for 24 ± 2 hours. Under aseptic conditions add 0.1 ml
of the culture to 0.3 ml of rabbit plasma and incubate again at 35-37°C during a Art. No. Description Units
period between 4-24 h. at 37°C. The formation of a coagulum indicates a positive 064-TA0132 Indol Test 20 tubes of 2ml
test result. The shelf life of a lyophilised product, can be maintained once rehydrated, NOTE: Tryptone water supplemented with tryptophan especially suited to test indol. Art.
provided it is kept frozen at -20°C in aliquots of 0.3 ml.
Art. No. Description Units
Art. No. Description Units RE0007G100 Kovac's Reagent 100ml
064-PLA-CO Lyophilized Rabbit Plasma (30 tests) Unit RE00071000 Kovac's Reagent 1l

DNAse Activity Test Methyl Red Test

For detection of DNAse enzyme activity Indicator solution to test for fermentation of glucose via the mixed-acid pathway in
(presence of bacterial nucleases that de- Enterobacteria.
polymerise DNA).
Seed in a short line, flooding DNAse Agar Art. No. Description Units
plate (01-346) with 0.1 N HCl. RE0057G100 Methyl Red Solution 100ml
The bacteria that degrade the DNA cau- RE00571000 Methyl Red Solution 1l
se a transparent zone around the streak,
while those that do not produce DNasa
form a white precipitate.

Art. No. Description Units

AC07461000 Hydrochloric Acid 0.1 N, Sol. valorated 1l

ß-Glucoronidase Broth
ß-Glucoronidase Broth for the identification of Enterobacteria.

Art. No. Description Units

064-TA0153 ß-Glucoronidase Broth 20 tubes of 2ml

Hippurate Test
For the differentiation between group B streptococcus and other ß-hemolytic strep-
tococcus by the hippurate hydrolysis test. A suspension of bacteria is added to the
hippurate solution and incubated for 2 hours. Then the ninhydrin developer is added.

Art. No. Description Units
064-TA0114 Hippurate Test 20 tubes of 1ml
064-CL0039 Ninhydrin Developer 1 bottle of 30ml

42 Scharlab The Lab Sourcing Group

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Reagents and biochemical tests

Nessler, reagent Oxidase test

Reagent to detect the production of ammonia from a peptone or arginine. Reagent for detection and verification of
bacterial cytochrome oxidase.
Art. No. Description Units Ready to use sterile swabs, impregnated
RE00500250 Nessler Reagent 250ml with oxidase reagent.

Art. No. Description Units

Nitrate Test 06-119-025 Oxidase Reagent in swabs 25 units

Griess-Ilosvay reagent for the verification

of the reduction of nitrates through the Supplied as a powder. It is prepared by
detection of nitrites. making an aqueous solution with 1% of
For use mix equal parts of solution A and the reagent. It is recommended to pre-
B. If a negative reaction occurs use zinc pare only the amount necessary, as the
powder to verify. useful life of the solution does not exce-
Enterobacteria and pseudomonas are ed one week when stored away from light
usually positive. at 4°C.

Art. No. Description Units

06-003-100 Nitrate Reagent A 100ml
06-004-100 Nitrate Reagent B 100ml Art. No. Description Units
CI01450500 Zinc, metal, extremely pure 500g RE00650005 Oxidase Reagent 5g

ONPG-FDA-MUG-INDOL Test T.D.A. (Tryptophan Deaminase Activity) Test

and Deamination of Phenylalanine Test
Evidence for the presence of deaminase. Prepared using a solution of ferric chloride
to 10%.

Art. No. Description Units
HI03360500 Ferric Chloride 500g
ONPG + ONPG - INDOL MUG FDA 064-CL0046 Chloride Ferric solution 30ml
Broth for the simultaneous detection of total coliform and E. coli in water and food.
This detection has been enhanced with chromogenic and fluorogenic substrates:
ONPG test (detection of ß-galactosidase activity), phenylalanine, MUG (fluorescence Voges Proskauer test
of E. coli) and indol (adding Kovacs reagent), for the identification of Enterobacte-
ria. Reagents for the Voges Proskauer test in Enterobacteria.

Art. No. Description Units Art. No. Description Units

064-TA0203 ONPG-FDA-MUG-INDOL test 20 tubes of 2ml RE0060G100 O'Meara Reagent (B) 100ml
RE0100G100 Barrit Reagent (Alpha-Naphtol) (A) 100ml

Ornithine Test
Means for detecting decarboxylation of ornithine.

Art. No. Description Units Oxford towers for antibiotics assay SCHARLAU
064-TA0131 Ornithine Test 20 tubes of 2ml
Towers for the certification of antibiotics.
Stainless steel exterior ø 8 mm, interior
ø 6 mm and 10 mm height, with a double

Art. No. Description Units

05-017UNID Oxford towers 50

[email protected] Scharlab The Lab Sourcing Group 43

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Application tables

Culture media for clinical analysis

Art. No. Parameter Description Regulations Enrichment/Isolation…

03-643 Cary-Blair Transport Medium CMPH Transport/Preservation
01-140 Nutrient Agar BAM/BP/ISO Cultivation
01-161 Plate Count Agar (PCA) BAM/COMPF/IDF/ISO/USP Enumeration
Aerobic Microorganism Plate Count
02-032 Phenol Red Broth Base BAM/COMPF/SMD/USP Identification
01-200 Tryptic Soy Agar (TSA) (Eur. Pharm.) HP/BAM/COMPF/ISO/EP/USP General application
02-200 Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB) (Eur. Pharm.) HP/AOAC/BAM/COMPF/EP/USP General application/Enrichment
02-186 Anaerobic/microaerophilic Thioglycollate Broth AOAC/BAM/EP/USP Sterility test
01-136 Mueller-Hinton Agar BAM/CLSI(NCCLS)/ISO/CE Sensibility test
Antibiotic assay
02-136 Mueller-Hinton Broth CLSI(NCCLS)/CMPH Sensibility test
01-262 Bacillus cereus Bacillus cereus Agar BAM/COMPF/IDF/ISO Isolation/Enumeration
01-047 Bacteria in urine CLED Agar CE Isolation
02-410 Differential Reinforced Clostridial Medium (DRCM) DIN/ISO Enumeration/Enrichment
01-289 Reinforced Clostridial Agar Isolation/Enumeration/Cutivation
01-068 Eosin Methylene Blue Agar (EMB Agar) BAM/ISO/USP Isolation/Enumeration
01-118 MacConkey Agar (Eur. Pharm./HP) HP/AOAC/BAM/COMPF/EP/ISO/SMWW/USP/CE Isolation/Enumeration
02-041 Brilliant Green Bile 2% Broth BAM/COMPF/ISO/SMWW Detection/Enrichment
02-060 Coliforms and E. coli E. coli Broth COMPF/ISO/SMWW Detection/Enrichment
02-108 Tryptose Lauryl sulfate Broth BAM/COMPF/IDF/ISO/SMD/SMWW Detection/Enumeration/Enrichment
01-729 MacConkey Sorbitol Agar (SMAC) ISO Isolation/Enumeration
E. coli O157:H7
02-691 Tryptic Soy Broth Modified BAM/ISO Enrichment
02-277 Buffered Peptone Water ISO Enrichment
01-103 Kligler Iron Agar (KIA) ISO Isolation/Enumeration
01-094 Lysine Iron Agar (LIA) AOAC/COMPF/SMD Isolation/Enumeration/Identification
02-207 Methyl Red Voges Proskauer Broth (MRVP) BAM/IDF/ISO/SL Identification
03-422 Motility Indol Ornithine Fluid Medium (MIO) BAM Confirmation
03-037 Oxidation-Fermentation Fluid Medium Base (O/F Medium) CMPH/COMPF Identification
01-083 Phenylalanine Agar (PPA) CMPH Identification/Differentation
03-176 SIM Medium Isolation/Enumeration/Identification
01-177 Simmons Citrate Agar AOAC/BAM/ISO/SMWW Identification
01-192 Triple Sugar Iron Agar (TSI Agar) AOAC/BAM/EP/IDF/ISO/USP Isolation/Enumeration/Identification
01-261 Urea Agar Base COMPF/DIN/IDF/ISO/SMD Identification
02-202 Urea Broth Base BAM/COMPF Differentiation/Identification
01-057 Deoxycholate Lactose Agar COMPF/SMWW Isolation/Enumeration
02-105 Lactose Broth AOAC/COMPF/EP/ISO/SMWW/USP Enrichment
01-216 Hektoen Enteric Agar AOAC/BAM/COMPF/ISO Isolation/Enumeration
(Salmonella spp./Shigella spp.)
01-446 Liebermeister & Braveny Agar Isolation
02-191 Todd-Hewitt Broth Cultivation
01-352 Blood Agar Base CE Isolation/Enumeration/Cultivation
01-034 Blood Agar Base (Columbia) ISO/CE Cultivation
Fastidious Microorganisms
01-505 Blood Agar Base No. 2 BAM/COMPF/ISO Isolation/Enrichment/Cultivation
01-310 GC Agar Base Isolation/Cultivation
01-137 Fungi (Candida spp.) Nickerson Agar (Biggy Agar) Isolation
01-442 Dermatophyte Selective Agar Isolation
01-483 Potato Dextrose Agar (Eur. Pharm.) HP/BAM/COMPF/USP Isolation/Enumeration/Detection
Fungi (Yeasts and moulds)
01-166 Sabouraud Chloramphenicol Agar ISO/EP/USP Isolation/Enumeration/Identification
01-165 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar HP/BAM/EP/ISO/USP Enumeration
01-703 Gram-positive cocci Columbia CNA Agar Base Isolation
01-706 Haemophilus HTM (Haemophilus Test Medium) Susceptibility Test
02-135 Lactic acid bacteria MRS Broth IFU/ISO Enrichment/Isolation/Cultivation
01-687 Legionella Legionella BCYE Agar Base ISO Isolation/Enumeration
02-599 Pathogenic microorganisms Brain Heart Infusion Broth (BHI Broth) BAM/COMPF/ISO/SMWW/CE Enrichment/Cultivation
01-609 Pseudomonas CN Selective Agar Base EN/ISO Isolation
01-203 Brilliant Green Agar (BGA) EP/USP Isolation/Enumeration
02-335 Muller-Kauffmann Tetrathionate Broth Base DIN/ISO Enrichment
02-379 Rappaport Vassiliadis Broth AOAC/BAM/COMPF/IDF/ISO Enrichment
02-602 Selenite Cystine Broth Base COMPF/ISO/USP/CE Enrichment
01-555 Salmonella-Shigella Agar (SS Agar) AOAC/COMPF/CE Isolation/Enumeration
01-552 Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Modified Agar BAM/COMPF/ISO Isolation/Enumeration
Salmonella spp./Shigella spp.
01-211 Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Agar (Eur. Pharm.) BAM/COMPF/ISO Isolation
02-598 Selenite Broth Base BAM/DIN/CE Enrichment
01-030 Baird Parker Agar Base BAM/EP/ISO/USP Isolation/Enumeration
01-116 Staphylococci Mannitol Salt Agar (Eur. Pharm.) HP/BAM/ISO/USP Isolation/Enumeration
01-206 Vogel Johnson Agar (VJ Agar) BAM/ISO/USP Isolation/Enumeration
01-567 Vibrio TCBS Agar AOAC/BAM/COMPF/ISO Isolation
01-444 Yersinia Yersinia CIN Agar Base ISO Isolation
01-655 Sensitivity Test Agar (STA) CLSI Antibiotic Sensitivity
03-454 Stuart Ringertz Transport Medium CE Transport/Preservation

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Application tables

Culture media for cosmetics analysis

Art. No. Parameter Description Regulations Enrichment/Isolation…

01-144 Nutrient Agar (APHA) COMPF/ISO General application
01-613 TSA Lecithin & Polysorbate Agar APHA/COMPF/SMD Detection/Enumeration
01-161 Plate Count Agar (PCA) BAM/COMPF/IDF/ISO/USP Enumeration
01-200 Aerobic Microorganism Plate Count Tryptic Soy Agar (TSA) (Eur. Pharm.) HP/BAM/COMPF/ISO/EP/USP General application
02-200 Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB) (Eur. Pharm.) HP/AOAC/BAM/COMPF/EP/USP General application/Enrichment
01-654 Eugon LT 100 Agar ISO Detection/Enumeration
02-654 Eugon LT 100 Broth ISO Enrichment
01-050 Clostridia Clostridium perfringens, Selective Agar (SPS Agar) BAM Isolation/Enumeration
01-068 Coliforms Eosin Methylene Blue Agar (EMB Agar) BAM/ISO/USP Isolation/Enumeration
01-236 Letheen Agar AOAC/ASTM Determination germicidal activity
02-236 Letheen Broth AOAC/ASTM Determination germicidal activity
01-237 Letheen Modified Agar ASTM/BAM/ISO Determination germicidal activity
Desinfection test
02-237 Letheen Modified Broth AOAC/ISO Determination germicidal activity
01-610 D/E Neutralizing Agar COMPF/ISO/SMD Neutralization
02-610 D/E Neutralizing Broth ISO/SMD Neutralization
02-583 Neutralizing Special Broth Neutralizing
02-257 Diluents Beerens Cosmetic Diluent Neutralizing Diluter
02-539 Casein Lecithin Polysorbate Broth Base USP Dilute/Neutralize preservatives
02-654 E. coli Eugon LT 100 Broth ISO Enrichment
02-105 Enterobacteria Lactose Broth AOAC/COMPF/EP/ISO/SMWW/USP Enrichment
01-137 Fungi (Candida spp.) Nickerson Agar (Biggy Agar) Isolation
01-692 Glucose Peptone Chloramphenicol Agar (GP Agar+Antibiotic) ISO Isolation/Enumeration
01-165 Fungi (Yeasts and moulds) Sabouraud Dextrose Agar HP/BAM/EP/ISO/USP Enumeration
01-219 Yeast Malt Agar Isolation/Cultivation
01-001 King A Agar (P Agar) ISO Detection/Enumeration
01-029 King B Agar (F Agar) ISO Detection/Enumeration
01-030 Baird Parker Agar Base BAM/EP/ISO/USP Isolation/Enumeration
01-206 Vogel Johnson Agar (VJ Agar) BAM/ISO/USP Isolation/Enumeration

Culture media for environmental control analysis

Art. No. Parameter Description Regulations Enrichment/Isolation…

01-613 Microbial Content Test Agar COMPF/SMD Monitoring surfaces
01-161 Plate Count Agar (PCA) BAM/COMPF/IDF/ISO/USP Enumeration
Aerobic Microorganism Plate Count
01-329 Plate Count Modified Agar Enumeration
01-200 Tryptic Soy Agar (TSA) (Eur. Pharm.) HP/BAM/COMPF/ISO/EP/USP General application
01-164 Violet Red Bile Agar (VRB Agar) COMPF/IDF/ISO Isolation/Enumeration
Coliforms and E. coli
01-695 Chromogenic Coliform Agar Spanish Health Ministery Isolation/Enumeration
01-295 Enterobacteria Violet Red Bile Dextrose Agar (VRBD Agar) (Eur. Pharm.) HP/EP/ISO Isolation/Enumeration
01-599 Fastidious microorganisms Brain Heart Infusion Agar (BHI Agar) COMPF/DIN/ISO/SMWW Cultivation
01-573 Malt Extract Agar No. 2 Isolation/Enumeration
01-574 Malt Extract Agar No. 3 Isolation/Enumeration
01-301 Rose Bengal Agar COMPF/SMWW Isolation/Enumeration
Fungi (Yeasts and moulds) Isolation/Enumeration
01-166 Sabouraud Chloramphenicol Agar ISO/EP/USP
01-165 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar HP/BAM/EP/ISO/USP Enumeration
01-275 Sabouraud Oxytetracycline Agar Base (OGYEA) EP/ISO/USP Isolation/Enumeration
01-135 Lactic acid bacteria MRS Agar COMPF/IDF/IFU/ISO Isolation/Enumeration
01-687 Legionella Legionella BCYE Agar Base ISO Isolation/Enumeration
01-609 Pseudomonas CN Selective Agar Base EN/ISO Isolation
01-030 Staphylococci Baird Parker Agar Base BAM/EP/ISO/USP Isolation/Enumeration
01-634 Sulphite reducing bacteria Iron Sulfite Modified Agar ISO/NMKL Isolation/Enumeration

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Application tables

Culture media for food and beverages analysis

Art. No. Parameter Description Regulations Enrichment/Isolation…
01-144 Nutrient Agar (APHA) COMPF/ISO General application
01-635 Nutrient Agar (ISO) ISO General application
02-144 Nutrient Broth (APHA) COMPF/EP/SMD/SMWW Enrichment/Cultivation
01-161 Aerobic Microorganism Plate Count Plate Count Agar (PCA) BAM/COMPF/IDF/ISO/USP Enumeration
01-412 Plate Count Skim Milk Agar DIN/IDF Enumeration
01-200 Tryptic Soy Agar (TSA) (Eur. Pharm.) HP/BAM/COMPF/ISO/EP/USP General application
01-082 Tryptone Glucose Extract Agar (TGE Agar) BAM/COMPF/SMD Enumeration
01-698 Acid tolerant microorganisms Orange Serum Agar IFU Enumeration/Cultivation
01-675 BAT Agar IFU Isolation/Enumeration
02-675 BAT Broth IFU Isolation/Enrichment
Acid tolerant microorganism (Alicycloba-
01-674 K Agar IFU Isolation-Detection
01-673 Yeast Starch Glucose Agar IFU Detection/Isolation
02-673 Yeast Starch Glucose Broth IFU Isolation/Enrichment
03-187 Anaerobic/microaerophilic Thioglycollate Fluid Medium HP/AOAC/BAM/CMPH/COPF/EP/ISO/USP Sterility test-
01-262 Bacillus cereus Agar BAM/COMPF/IDF/ISO Isolation/Enumeration
Bacillus cereus
01-487 Bacillus cereus Selective Agar ISO Enumeration
02-227 Bacillus stearothermophilus Tryptic Soy Broth Without Dextrose ISO Sensitibity test
02-688 Bolton Enrichment Broth Base BAM/ISO Enrichment
01-685 Charcoal Cefoperazone Deoxycholate (CCD) Modified Agar Base BAM/ISO Isolation
01-451 Preston Campylobacter Agar Base Isolation
02-561 Preston Campylobacter Broth Base Enrichment
01-556 Canned Fod Spoiling Microorganisms Dextrose Tryptone Purple Bromocresol Agar Cultivation
01-050 Clostridium perfringens, Selective Agar (SPS Agar) BAM Isolation/Enumeration
02-410 Differential Reinforced Clostridial Medium (DRCM) DIN/ISO Enumeration/Enrichment
03-632 Lactose Gelatin Medium ISO Confirmation
02-519 Lactose Sulfite Broth Base EP/ISO Identification
03-612 Clostridia Motility Nitrate Medium BAM/ISO Identification
01-289 Reinforced Clostridial Agar Isolation/Enumeration/Cutivation
03-289 Reinforced Clostridial Medium (Eur. Pharm.) HP/EP Cultivation/Enumeration/Enrichment
01-195 Tryptone Sulfite Neomycin Agar (TSN Agar) Isolation/Enumeration
01-278 Tryptose Sulfite Cycloserine Agar (TSC Agar) BAM/COMPF/ISO Isolation/Enumeration
01-068 Eosin Methylene Blue Agar (EMB Agar) BAM/ISO/USP Isolation/Enumeration
01-118 MacConkey Agar (Eur. Pharm.) HP/AOAC/BAM/COMPF/EP/ISO/SMWW/USP/CE Isolation/Enumeration
02-041 Brilliant Green Bile 2% Broth BAM/COMPF/ISO/SMWW Detection/Enrichment
01-053 Chapman TTC Agar (Tergitol® 7 Agar) ISO Isolation/Enumeration
01-618 Microinstant® Chromogenic Colinstant Agar Isolation/Enumeration
02-060 E. coli Broth COMPF/ISO/SMWW Detection/Enrichment
02-611 MacConkey Broth (Eur. Pharm.) HP/EP Enrichment/Isolation/Enumeration
01-619 Coliforms and E. coli Microinstant® Tryptone Bile Glucuronic Agar (TBX Agar) ISO/SL Detection/Isolation
02-108 Tryptose Lauryl sulfate Broth BAM/COMPF/IDF/ISO/SMD/SMWW Detection/Enumeration/Enrichment
01-164 Violet Red Bile Agar (VRB Agar) COMPF/IDF/ISO Isolation/Enumeration
01-695 Microinstant® Chromogenic Coliform Agar Spanish Health Ministery Isolation/Enumeration
01-659 Mineral Modified Glutamate Agar Base COMPF/IDF/ISO Recovery E. coli cells damaged
02-656 Mineral Modified Glutamate Medium Base ISO Enrichment
02-510 Maximum Recovery Diluent (MRD) ISO Dilution/Enrichment
02-200 Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB) (Eur. Pharm.) HP/AOAC/BAM/COMPF/EP/USP General application/Enrichment
02-277 Diluents Buffered Peptone Water ISO Enrichment
02-631 Purple Maximum Recovery Diluent ISO General application
03-156 Tryptone Water (Peptone Water) COMPF/ISO/SMWW Enrichment/General application
01-729 MacConkey Sorbitol Agar ISO Isolation/Enumeration
E. coli O157:H7
02-691 Tryptic Soy Broth Modified BAM/ISO Enrichment
02-336 Decarboxylase Lysine Broth (Taylor) COMPF/IDF/ISO Differentiation of Enterobacteria
01-589 Endo Agar Base AOAC/COMPF/SMD Isolation/Enrichment/Cultivation
02-064 Enrichment Enterobacteriaceae Broth (EE Broth) (Eur. Pharm.) HP/ISO/EP Enrichment
01-502 Glucose Bromocresol Purple Agar ISO Confirmation
01-103 Kligler Iron Agar (KIA) ISO Isolation/Enumeration
01-094 Lysine Iron Agar (LIA) AOAC/COMPF/SMD Isolation/Enumeration/Identification
02-118 MacConkey Broth AOAC/ISO/SMWW Detection/Enumeration
02-207 Methyl Red Voges Proskauer Broth (MRVP) BAM/IDF/ISO/SL Identification
02-456 Methyl Red Voges Proskauer Saline Broth Identification
02-138 Nitrate Borth BAM/COMPF/ISO Identification
02-568 Phosphate-Buffered Peptone Water SL Enrichment
03-176 SIM Medium Isolation/Enumeration/Identification
01-192 Triple Sugar Iron Agar (TSI Agar) AOAC/BAM/EP/IDF/ISO/USP Isolation/Enumeration/Identification
01-261 Urea Agar Base COMPF/DIN/IDF/ISO/SMD Identification
01-295 Violet Red Bile Dextrose Agar (VRBD Agar) (Eur. Pharm.) HP/EP/ISO Isolation/Enumeration
01-057 Deoxycholate Lactose Agar COMPF/SMWW Isolation/Enumeration
02-093 Gram Negative Broth (GN Broth) COMPF Enrichment
02-105 Lactose Broth AOAC/COMPF/EP/ISO/SMWW/USP Enrichment
01-682 Enterococci MacConkey No. 2 Agar Isolation/Identification
02-027 Azide Dextrose Broth (Rothe) COMPF Isolation/Enumeration
01-592 Bile Esculin Azide Agar BAM/ISO Isolation/Enumeration/Confirmation
01-265 Bile Esculin Modified Agar BAM/COMPF/ISO Identification
01-263 Enterococci-Streptococci Kanamycin Esculin Azide Agar (KAA Agar) COMPF Isolation/Enumeration
02-263 Kanamycin Esculin Azide Broth (KAA Broth) COMPF Isolation/Enumeration
01-294 Kenner Fecal Agar (KF Agar) COMPF/SMWW Isolation/Enumeration
01-579 Slanetz Bartley Agar Base ISO Isolation/Enumeration
(continue in next page)

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Application tables

Culture media for food and beverages analysis

Art. No. Parameter Description Regulations Enrichment/Isolation…
01-352 Blood Agar Base CE Isolation/Enumeration/Cultivation
01-505 Fastidious Microorganisms Blood Agar Base No. 2 BAM/COMPF/ISO Isolation/Enrichment/Cultivation
01-599 Brain Heart Infusion Agar (BHI Agar) COMPF/DIN/ISO/SMWW Cultivation
01-366 Chloramphenicol Glucose Agar (CGA) DIN/IDF/ISO Isolation/Enumeration
01-485 Dichloran Glycerin Selective Agar (DG18 Agar) Isolation/Enumeration
01-657 Dichloran Rose Bengal Chloramphenicol Agar (DRBC Agar) ISO Isolation/Enumeration
01-633 m-Green Agar ISO Enumeration
01-672 Malt Extract Agar (Blakeslee) IFU Cultivation
01-111 Malt Extract Agar No. 1 BAM/COMPF Isolation/Enumeration
01-573 Malt Extract Agar No. 2 Isolation/Enumeration
01-574 Malt Extract Agar No. 3 Isolation/Enumeration
02-111 Malt Extract Broth No. 1 BAM/COMPF Cultivation
02-491 Malt Extract Broth No. 2 Cultivation
01-483 Fungi (Yeasts and moulds) Potato Dextrose Agar (Eur. Pharm.) HP/BAM/COMPF/USP Isolation/Enumeration/Detection
02-483 Potato Dextrose Broth BAM/COMPF/SMD/USP Enrichment/Cultivation
01-301 Rose Bengal Agar COMPF/SMWW Isolation/Enumeration
02-165 Sabouraud Broth HP/USP Sterility test/Enrichment
01-166 Sabouraud Chloramphenicol Agar ISO/EP/USP Isolation/Enumeration/Identification
01-165 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar HP/BAM/EP/ISO/USP Enumeration
01-275 Sabouraud Oxytetracycline Agar Base (OGYEA) EP/ISO/USP Isolation/Enumeration
01-210 WL Nutrient Agar Isolation/Enumeration/Culture
01-132 Wort Agar Isolation/Enumeration/Cultivation
02-132 Wort Broth Isolation/Enumeration/Cultivation
01-219 Yeast Malt Agar Isolation/Cultivation
01-026 APT Agar COMPF Isolation/Enumeration
01-135 Lactic acid bacteria MRS Agar COMPF/IDF/IFU/ISO Isolation/Enumeration
02-135 MRS Broth IFU/ISO Enrichment/Isolation/Cultivation
02-496 Listeria Enrichment Broth Base (Fraser) ISO Enrichment
02-498 Listeria Enrichment Broth Base (Lovett) BAM/IDF Enrichment
02-472 Listeria spp. Listeria Enrichment Broth Base (UVM) AOAC Enrichment
01-471 Oxford Agar Base ISO Isolation/Enumeration
01-470 Palcam Agar Base ISO Isolation/Enumeration
01-719 Listeria spp./Listeria monocytogenes Microinstant® Chromogenic Listeria Agar acc. Ottaviani & Agosti ISO Isolation/Enumeration
02-599 Pathogenic microorganisms Brain Heart Infusion Broth (BHI Broth) BAM/COMPF/ISO/SMWW/CE Enrichment/Cultivation
01-160 Cetrimide Agar (Pseudomonas Selective Agar) (Eur. Pharm.) HP/AOAC/EP/USP Isolation/Enumeration
01-609 Pseudomonas CN Selective Agar Base EN/ISO Isolation
01-001 King A Agar (P Agar) ISO Detection/Enumeration
01-203 Brilliant Green Agar (BGA) EP/USP Isolation/Enumeration
02-335 Muller-Kauffmann Tetrathionate Broth Base DIN/ISO Enrichment
02-379 Salmonella Rappaport Vassiliadis Broth AOAC/BAM/COMPF/IDF/ISO Enrichment
03-376 Rappaport Vassiliadis Modified Semisolid Medium Base ISO Isolation/Enrichment
02-602 Selenite Cystine Broth Base COMPF/ISO/USP/CE Enrichment
01-309 Brilliant Green Modified Agar (BGA Modified) DIN/IDF/ISO Isolation/Enumeration
01-216 Hektoen Enteric Agar AOAC/BAM/COMPF/ISO Isolation/Enumeration
01-555 Salmonella-Shigella Agar (SS Agar) AOAC/COMPF/CE Isolation/Enumeration
Salmonella spp./Shigella spp.
02-598 Selenite Broth Base BAM/DIN/CE Enrichment
02-629 Tetrationate Bile Brilliant Green Broth Base EP Enrichment
01-552 Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Modified Agar BAM/COMPF/ISO Isolation/Enumeration
01-664 Christensen’s Citrate Agar BAM/ISO Detection/Identification
02-663 Shigella spp. Purple Broth Base ISO Confirmation
02-662 Shigella Broth BAM/ISO Enrichment
01-030 Baird Parker Agar Base BAM/EP/ISO/USP Isolation/Enumeration
01-346 DNAse Agar
02-230 Giolitti-Cantoni Broth EN/IDF/ISO Enumeration/Enrichment
01-116 Mannitol Salt Agar (Eur. Pharm.) HP/BAM/ISO/USP Isolation/Enumeration
01-206 Vogel Johnson Agar (VJ Agar) BAM/ISO/USP Isolation/Enumeration
01-634 Sulphite reducing bacteria Iron Sulfite Modified Agar ISO/NMKL Isolation/Enumeration
02-468 Alkaline Peptone Water Enrichment/Cultivation
02-697 Alkaline Saline Peptone Water COMPF/ISO/SMWW Enrichment/Cultivation
Vibrio Isolation/Enumeration
01-291 Marine Agar
01-567 TCBS Agar AOAC/BAM/COMPF/ISO Isolation
01-444 Yersinia Yersinia CIN Agar Base ISO Isolation

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Application tables

Culture media for molecular biology analysis

Art. No. Parameter Description Regulations Enrichment/Isolation…

01-118 Coliforms MacConkey Agar (Eur. Pharm.) HP/AOAC/BAM/COMPF/EP/ISO/SMWW/USP/CE Isolation/Enumeration
01-385 LB Agar (Miller) Cultivation
02-384 LB Broth Cultivation
E. coli
02-406 LB Broth (Lennox) Cultivation
02-385 LB Broth (Miller) Cultivation
02-118 Enterobacteria MacConkey Broth AOAC/ISO/SMWW Detection/Enumeration
02-473 Fungi (Yeasts and moulds) Yeast Extract Peptone Dextrose Broth (YEPD) Cultivation

Culture media for pharma analysis

Art. No. Parameter Description Regulations Enrichment/Isolation…

01-140 Nutrient Agar BAM/BP/ISO Cultivation
02-140 Nutrient Broth BP Cultivation
02-144 Nutrient Broth (APHA) COMPF/EP/SMD/SMWW Enrichment/Cultivation
02-032 Phenol Red Broth Base BAM/COMPF/SMD/USP Identification
01-161 Aerobic Microorganism Plate Count Plate Count Agar (PCA) BAM/COMPF/IDF/ISO/USP Enumeration
01-540 R2A Agar HP(WATER MONOGRAPH 6TH ED.)/EP/SMWW Enumeration
01-200 Tryptic Soy Agar (TSA) (Eur. Pharm.) HP/BAM/COMPF/ISO/EP/USP General application
02-200 Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB) (Eur. Pharm.) HP/AOAC/BAM/COMPF/EP/USP General application/Enrichment
02-575 Tryptic Soy Broth Irradiated HP/EP/ISO General application
02-186 Thioglycollate Broth AOAC/BAM/EP/USP Sterility test
03-187 Thioglycollate Fluid Medium HP/AOAC/BAM/CMPH/COPF/EP/ISO/USP Sterility test
01-009 Antibiotic Medium A pH 6.6 (Eur. Pharm.) HP/EP/USP Antibiotic assay
01-017 Antibiotic Medium A pH 7.9 (Eur. Pharm.) HP/EP/USP Antibiotic assay
01-016 Antibiotic Medium B (Eur. Pharm.) HP/EP/USP Antibiotic assay
02-011 Antibiotic Medium C (Eur. Pharm.) HP/EP/USP Antibiotic Assay
Antibiotic assay
01-430 Antibiotic Medium E HP/EP/USP Antibiotic assay
01-434 Antibiotic Medium F (Eur. Pharm.) HP/EP/USP Antibiotic assay
01-545 Antibiotic Medium NO. 35 ( Eur. Phar. Antibiotic Medium G ) HP/EP/USP Antibiotic assay
01-136 Mueller-Hinton Agar BAM/CLSI(NCCLS)/ISO/CE Sensibility test
02-519 Lactose Sulfite Broth Base EP/ISO Identification
Clostridia Cultivation/Enumeration/
03-289 Reinforced Clostridial Medium (Eur. Pharm.) HP/EP
01-068 Eosin Methylene Blue Agar (EMB Agar) BAM/ISO/USP Isolation/Enumeration
01-118 MacConkey Agar (Eur. Pharm.) HP/AOAC/BAM/COMPF/EP/ISO/SMWW/USP/CE Isolation/Enumeration
Coliforms and E. Coli
02-611 MacConkey Broth (Eur. Pharm.) HP/EP
02-583 Neutralizing Special Broth Neutralizing
02-494 Buffered Peptone Water (Eur.Pharm.) HP/EP/ISO Homogenizations of samples
02-539 Diluents Casein Lecithin Polysorbate Broth Base USP Dilute/Neutralize preservatives
02-510 Maximum Recovery Diluent (MRD) ISO Dilution/Enrichment
02-512 Neutralizing Fluid EP Neutralizing Diluter
02-064 Enrichment Enterobacteriaceae Broth (EE Broth) (Eur. Pharm.) HP/ISO/EP Enrichment
01-192 Triple Sugar Iron Agar (TSI Agar) AOAC/BAM/EP/IDF/ISO/USP
01-295 Violet Red Bile Dextrose Agar (VRBD Agar) (Eur. Pharm.) HP/EP/ISO Isolation/Enumeration
01-220 Violet Red Bile Lactose Dextrose Agar EP Isolation/Detection
02-105 Lactose Broth AOAC/COMPF/EP/ISO/SMWW/USP Enrichment
02-027 Azide Dextrose Broth (Rothe) COMPF Isolation/Enumeration
01-263 Kanamycin Esculin Azide Agar (KAA Agar) COMPF Isolation/Enumeration
Cultivation/Study non-sterile
01-680 Fastidious Microorganisms Columbia Agar (Eur. Pharm.) HP/ISO/CE
01-483 Potato Dextrose Agar (Eur. Pharm.) HP/BAM/COMPF/USP
02-483 Potato Dextrose Broth BAM/COMPF/SMD/USP Enrichment/Cultivation
02-165 Sabouraud Broth HP/USP Sterility test/Enrichment
Fungi (Yeasts and moulds)
01-166 Sabouraud Chloramphenicol Agar ISO/EP/USP
01-165 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar HP/BAM/EP/ISO/USP Enumeration
01-275 Sabouraud Oxytetracycline Agar Base (OGYEA) EP/ISO/USP Isolation/Enumeration
01-160 Cetrimide Agar (Pseudomonas Selective Agar) (Eur. Pharm.) HP/AOAC/EP/USP Isolation/Enumeration
01-001 Pseudomonas King A Agar (P Agar) ISO Detection/Enumeration
01-029 King B Agar (F Agar) ISO Detection/Enumeration
01-203 Brilliant Green Agar (BGA) EP/USP Isolation/Enumeration
02-668 Salmonella Rappaport Vassiliadis Salmonella Enrichment Broth HP/ISO Enrichment
02-602 Selenite Cystine Broth Base COMPF/ISO/USP/CE Enrichment
01-211 Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Agar (Eur. Pharm.) BAM/COMPF/ISO Isolation
Salmonella spp./Shigella spp.
02-629 Tetrationate Bile Brilliant Green Broth Base EP Enrichment
01-069 Spores suspensions Spoulating Agar (USP Antibiotic Medium 32) USP Antibiotic assay
01-030 Baird Parker Agar Base BAM/EP/ISO/USP Isolation/Enumeration
01-116 Staphylococci Mannitol Salt Agar (Eur. Pharm.) HP/BAM/ISO/USP Isolation/Enumeration
01-206 Vogel Johnson Agar (VJ Agar) BAM/ISO/USP Isolation/Enumeration

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Application tables

Culture media for water analysis

Art. No. Parameter Description Regulations Enrichment/Isolation…
01-144 Nutrient Agar (APHA) COMPF/ISO General application
01-140 Nutrient Agar BAM/BP/ISO Cultivation
02-144 Nutrient Broth (APHA) COMPF/EP/SMD/SMWW Enrichment/Cultivation
01-161 Plate Count Agar (PCA) BAM/COMPF/IDF/ISO/USP Enumeration
Aerobic Microorganism Plate Count
01-540 R2A Agar HP(WATER MONOGRAPH 6TH ED.)/EP/SMWW Enumeration
01-200 Tryptic Soy Agar (TSA) (Eur. Pharm.) HP/BAM/COMPF/ISO/EP/USP General application
01-082 Tryptone Glucose Extract Agar (TGE Agar) BAM/COMPF/SMD Enumeration
01-590 Tryptone Yeast Extract Agar ISO Enumeration
02-654 Aerobic bacteria - E. coli Eugon LT 100 Broth ISO Enrichment
01-007 Algae Agar SMWW Isolation/Cultivation
02-007 Algae Broth SMWW Cultivation
02-227 Bacillus stearothermophilus Tryptic Soy Broth Without Dextrose ISO Sensitibity test
01-050 Clostridium perfringens, Selective Agar (SPS Agar) BAM Isolation/Enumeration
01-513 m-CP Agar Base DIRECTIVE 98/83/CE Isolation/Enumeration
02-410 Differential Reinforced Clostridial Medium (DRCM) DIN/ISO Enumeration/Enrichment
01-289 Reinforced Clostridial Agar Isolation/Enumeration/cutivation
01-195 Tryptone Sulfite Neomycin Agar (TSN Agar) Isolation/Enumeration
01-278 Tryptose Sulfite Cycloserine Agar (TSC Agar) BAM/COMPF/ISO Isolation/Enumeration
01-068 Eosin Methylene Blue Agar (EMB Agar) BAM/ISO/USP Isolation/Enumeration
01-118 MacConkey Agar (Eur. Pharm.) HP/AOAC/BAM/COMPF/EP/ISO/SMWW/USP/CE Isolation/Enumeration
02-041 Brilliant Green Bile 2% Broth BAM/COMPF/ISO/SMWW Detection/Enrichment
01-053 Chapman TTC Agar (Tergitol® 7 Agar) ISO Isolation/Enumeration
01-695 Microinstant® Chromogenic Coliform Agar Spanish Health Ministery Isolation/Enumeration
01-618 Microinstant® Chromogenic Colinstant Agar Isolation/Enumeration
02-060 E. coli Broth COMPF/ISO/SMWW Detection/Enrichment
01-524 m-Lauryl sulfate Agar Isolation/Enumeration
02-611 MacConkey Broth (Eur. Pharm.) HP/EP
Coliforms and E. coli tion
01-619 Microinstant® Tryptone Bile Glucuronic Agar (TBX Agar) ISO/SL Detection/Isolation
02-418 Tryptophan Broth ISO Confirmation
02-108 Tryptose Lauryl sulfate Broth BAM/COMPF/IDF/ISO/SMD/SMWW
02-460 Tryptose Lauryl sulfate Mannitol Tryptophan Broth ISO Confirmation
01-164 Violet Red Bile Agar (VRB Agar) COMPF/IDF/ISO Isolation/Enumeration
01-526 Tryptone Bile Agar ISO Enumeration
02-510 Diluents Maximum Recovery Diluent (MRD) ISO Dilution/ Enrichment
01-589 Endo Agar Base AOAC/COMPF/SMD Isolation/Enrichment/Cultivation
02-118 MacConkey Broth AOAC/ISO/SMWW Detection/Enumeration
01-057 Deoxycholate Lactose Agar COMPF/SMWW Isolation/Enumeration
02-105 Lactose Broth AOAC/COMPF/EP/ISO/SMWW/USP Enrichment
01-592 Bile Esculin Azide Agar BAM/ISO
02-028 Ethyl Violet Azide Broth (EVA Broth) COMPF/SMWW Confirmation
01-263 Enterococci-Streptococci Kanamycin Esculin Azide Agar (KAA Agar) COMPF Isolation/Enumeration
01-294 Kenner Fecal Agar (KF Agar) COMPF/SMWW Isolation/Enumeration
01-682 MacConkey No. 2 Agar Isolation/Identification
01-579 Slanetz Bartley Agar Base ISO Isolation/Enumeration
01-599 Fastidious microorganisms Brain Heart Infusion Agar (BHI Agar) COMPF/DIN/ISO/SMWW Cultivation
01-633 m-Green Agar ISO Enumeration
02-633 m-Green Broth ISO Enumeration
01-301 Rose Bengal Agar COMPF/SMWW Isolation/Enumeration
Fungi (Yeasts and moulds)
01-166 Sabouraud Chloramphenicol Agar ISO/EP/USP
01-165 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar HP/BAM/EP/ISO/USP Enumeration
02-135 Lactic acid bacteria MRS Broth IFU/ISO Enrichment/Isolation/Cultivation
01-687 Legionella Legionella BCYE Agar Base ISO Isolation/Enumeration
02-599 Pathogenic microorganisms Brain Heart Infusion Broth (BHI Broth) BAM/COMPF/ISO/SMWW/CE Enrichment/Cultivation
01-160 Cetrimide Agar (Pseudomonas Selective Agar) (Eur. Pharm.) HP/AOAC/EP/USP Isolation/Enumeration
01-609 CN Selective Agar Base EN/ISO Isolation
01-001 King A Agar (P Agar) ISO Detection/Enumeration
01-029 King B Agar (F Agar) ISO Detection/Enumeration
03-428 Acetamide Medium DIN/EN/ISO Enrichment/Confirmation
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
02-271 Asparagine Broth MPN Enumeration
02-668 Rappaport Vassiliadis Salmonella Enrichment Broth HP/ISO Enrichment
Salmonella spp.
02-602 Selenite Cystine Broth Base COMPF/ISO/USP/CE Enrichment
01-309 Brilliant Green Modified Agar (BGA Modified) DIN/IDF/ISO Isolation/Enumeration
Salmonella spp./ Shigella spp.
01-211 Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Agar (Eur. Pharm.) BAM/COMPF/ISO Isolation
01-116 Staphylococci Mannitol Salt Agar (Eur. Pharm.) HP/BAM/ISO/USP Isolation/Enumeration
02-697 Alkaline Saline Peptone Water COMPF/ISO/SMWW Enrichment/Cultivation
01-291 Vibrio Marine Agar
01-567 TCBS Agar AOAC/BAM/COMPF/ISO Isolation

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Other related products: Cryoinstant

Cryo-preservation system for the storage and

maintenance of microorganisms and culture collections.


CRYOINSTANT® is a simple method for maintaining culture collections that offers

distinct advantages to repetitive culturing and avoiding such problems as contaminated
cultures, loss of viability and loss of original characteristics due to biochemical and
genetic changes. The system consists of a vial with 25 coloured plastic beads inside
a cryopreservative solution.
- Use a sterile loop to streak the bead over a solid medium or drop it into a liquid
CRYOINSTANT® allows the storage of 25 identical cultures in one vial. Large number medium. Allow for complete thawing before incubation under suitable conditions.
of strains can be stored in a small space inside a freezer. You may also inoculate in a suitable broth, incubate for 24 h and then pass on to
Individual beads are either streaked on a plate or resuscitated in a suitable broth. the solid medium. Most microorganism recover faster in a liquid medium.
Vials are available in six different colours to allow sorting by species, samples, - Discard the bead safely. Never return the used bead back to the CRYOINSTANT® vial.
origin, etc.
Storage and shelf life and quality control:
- CRYOINSTANT® vials should be stored at room temperature and kept away from
Procedure direct light.
- Shelf life is printed on each box.
Storage of a microorganism: - Each batch of CRYOINSTANT® vials has been tested for sterility and recovery of
- Collect the fresh (less than 24 h) and pure colonies on the plate with a loop and fastidious microorganisms.
inoculate them directly to the CRYOINSTANT® vial.
- Replace cap and emulsify by inverting the vial 4-5 times to let the microorga- Limitations and safety precautions:
nisms bind to the porous surface of the beads. Use a pipette to remove as much Observe aseptic conditions to ensure purity of the stored microorganism. No limitations
cryopreservative solution as possible and re-close the vial. Make sure the beads for bacteria, yeasts, fungi and fasti-dious microorganisms.
adhere as little as possible to each other. Record details of its content on the vial. Storage and recovery will depend on the freezing temperatures.
- Place the cryovials in a block and carry them to the freezer. Removal of the beads Excessive changes in temperature will reduce the viability of the microorganisms.
will be easier if you freeze them in horizontal position. Once frozen, you can store Observe appropriate biohazard precautions when processing microorganisms both
them in the most convenient and space saving position inside the freezer. in the preparation and disposal of used CRYOINSTANT® vials.
- Ideal storage temperature is between -60°C and -80°C. Some organism may be
stored at up to -20°C.
- We recommend always preparing at least 2 vials for each microorganism, one for Ordering information
routine work and one as reserve in case of any accident. This second vial should
be kept in a separate freezer, if possible. Art. No. Description Units Shelf life
- We also recommend checking one of the vials shortly after freezing, to ensure 064-TA8271 Box of 50 CRYOINSTANT® 50 2 years
that stored microorganisms is still viable. vials red colour
064-TA8272 Box of 50 CRYOINSTANT® 50 2 years
Recovery of a microorganism: vials blue colour
- Remove the CRYOINSTANT® vial from the freezer and extract quickly a bead from 064-TA8273 Box of 50 CRYOINSTANT® 50 2 years
the vial by means of a sterile needle or forceps. vials green colour
- To avoid thawing of the vial, use carbon dioxide snow or alternatively transport 064-TA8274 Box of 50 CRYOINSTANT® 50 2 years
the vials in a frozen paraffin block. Pour hot paraffin into a tray creating a block vials yellow colour
of a height about 2/3 of the cryovial. When it has solidified, make a number of 064-TA8275 Box of 50 CRYOINSTANT® 50 2 years
holes with a cryovial. Keep the block in the freezer and use it to transport the vials natural colour
CRYOINSTANT® vials. Paraffin is a good insolator and will maintain the temperature 064-TA8276 Box of 50 CRYOINSTANT® 50 2 years
of the vial for about an hour. vials mixed colours

Anaerobic jarrs Sterile membranes for microbiological control

(made from mixed cellulose esters)
Picture 1: (1)
Art. No. Capacity • Economical.
064-AG0R25 2,5 litres (12 plates) • Especifically for aqueous solutions.
• Individually packed.
Picture 2: (2) • High contrast grid.
• New extremely tight closure system with
aluminium lid.
• Lid with high strength and durability.
• Changeable plastic container. Art. No. Porus (µm) Colour/Grid Ø (mm) Units
ES47045100 0,45 White/Black 47 100
Art. No. Capacity
064-AG0P25 2,5 litres (12 plates)
➜ Includes grid. Valid also for tubes.

50 Scharlab The Lab Sourcing Group

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Other related products: Reagents for molecular biology

All of our products for molecular biology are manufactured according to the ISO 9002 quality certification and undergo strict quality controls to guarantee its suitability for
molecular biology applications. We pay special attention to purity, low UV rays absorption and the absence of enzymes that can damage nucleic acids or proteins (DNAse,
RNase, proteases).

Biological buffers Eletrophoresis. Dyes

Art. No. Description Presentation Art. No. Description Presentation
HE0101 HEPES, extra pure 25g / 250g ET0108 Ethidium bromide, biochemical purposes 1g / 10g
HE0100 HEPES, free acid, molecular biology grade 25g / 250g ET0109 Ethidium bromide, solution 10mg / mL 10mL / 250mL
HE0011 HEPES, sodium salt, molecular biology grade 25g / 250g
MO0070 MOPS, molecular biology grade 100g / 500g Eletrophoresis. Buffers for electrophoresis
PI0061 PIPES, free acid, molecular biology grade 25g / 250g / 1Kg
PI0062 PIPES, sesquisodium salt 25g / 250g Art. No. Description Presentation
TA0010 TAE 10X buffer, molecular biology grade 1L / 10L TA0010 TAE 10X buffer, molecular biology grade 1L / 10L
TB0010 TBE 5X buffer, molecular biology grade 1L / 10L TB0010 TBE 5X buffer, molecular biology grade 1L / 10L
TR0424 TRIS base, molecular biology grade 100g / 500g / 1Kg / 5Kg
TR0425 TRIS-HCl, molecular biology grade 100g / 1Kg / 5Kg Eletrophoresis. Reagents for electrophoresis
TR0422 TRIS, extra pure 250g / 1Kg / 5Kg
Art. No. Description Presentation
Cloning. Antibiotics AM0371 Ammonium persulfate, molecular biology grade 25g / 100g
AC0402 Glycine, extra pure 250g / 1Kg / 5Kg
Art. No. Description Presentation AC0406 Glycine, molecular biology grade 100g / 1Kg
M0468 Ampicillin, sodium salt, biochemical purposes 5g / 25g TE0050 TEMED, r.g. 10mL / 100mL
CL0025 Chloramphenicol, biochemical purposes 50g / 500g UR0133 Urea, molecular biology grade 100g / 500g / 2,5Kg
KA0010 Kanamycin disulphate, molecular biology grade 5g / 25g
TE0132 Tetracycline hydrochloride, biochemical purposes 10g / 50g Hybridization. Reagents for hibridization

Cloning. Enzyme substrates Art. No. Description Presentation
FO0026 Formamide, r.g. 1L / 2,5 L
Art. No. Description Presentation FO0027 Formamide deionized, molecular biology grade 100mL
IP0010 IPTG, molecular biology grade (dioxane free) 1g
XG0010 X-GAL, biochemical purposes 100 mg / 500 mg Hybridization. Buffers for hibridization

DNA / RNA extraction Art. No. Description Presentation
AM0271 Ammonium acetate, molecular biology grade 250g / 500g
Art. No. Description Presentation AM0274 Ammmonium chloride, molecular biology grade 500g
CE0121 Cesium chloride, molecular biology grade 100g / 500g AM0401 Ammonium sulfate, molecular biology grade 100g / 1kg
FE0484 Phenol cryst., molecular biology grade 100g / 500g SD0010 SDS, molecular biology grade 50g / 500g
GU0061 Guanidine hidrochloride, molecular biology grade 100g / 1Kg SS0010 SSC 20X buffer, molecular biology grade 1L
GU0065 Guanidine thiocynate, molecular biology grade 25g / 250g SS0015 SSPE 20X buffer, molecular biology grade 1L
LI0112 Lithium chloride, molecular biology grade 50g / 250g
SA0020 Sucrose, extra pure 500g / 1Kg / 5Kg Other products
SU0030 Sucrose, molecular biology grade 1Kg / 5Kg
Art. No. Description Presentation
Eletrophoresis. Agarose and acrylamide AC0580 Boric acid, molecular biology grade 500g / 1Kg / 5Kg
AC0726 Citric acid 1 hydrate, molecular biology grade 100g / 1Kg
Art. No. Description Presentation CA0198 Calcium chloride 2 hydrate, molecular biology grade 250g / 1Kg
AC3345 Acrylamide, electrophoresis grade 100g / 1Kg DI1360 1,4-dithiotreytol, molecular biology grade 1g / 10g
AC3343 Acrylamide, molecular biology grade 100g / 1Kg AC0965 EDTA, disodium salt 2 hydrate, r.g. 250g / 500g / 1Kg / 5Kg
AG0032 Agarose High EEO 25g / 100g / 250g AC0967 EDTA, disodium salt, molecular biology grade 100g / 1Kg / 5Kg
AG0036 Agarose high resolution 5g / 25g ET0011 Ethanol, DNAse free 500mL / 1L / 2,5L
AG0030 Agarose Low EEO 25g / 100g / 250g / 1Kg FI0009 Ficoll® 400 25g
AG0031 Agarose Medium EEO 25g / 100g / 250g / 1Kg FO0012 Formaldehyde, sol 37%, molecular biology grade 250mL / 1L
AG0034 Agarose Low Melt 5g / 25g FO0011 Formaldehyde, sol 37%, r.g. 1L / 2,5 L / 5 l / 25 L
BI0091 n,n'-Methylene-bis-acrylamide, electrophoresis grade 10g / 50g GL0028 Glycerol anhydrous, molecular biology grade 100mL / 1L
BI0090 n,n'-Methylene-bis-acrylamide, molecular biology grade 25g MA0037 Magnesium chloride 6 hydrate, molecular biology grade 100g / 500g
MA0086 Magnesium sulphate 7 hydrate, molecular biology grade 100g / 500g
ME0095 2-mercaptoethanol, molecular biology grade 50mL / 250mL
PO0066 Polyethylene glycol 6000, molecular biology grade 100g / 1Kg
PO0080 Polyvinylpyrrolidone, molecular biology grade 100g / 1Kg
PO0112 Potassium acetate, molecular biology grade 250g / 1Kg
PO0201 Potassium chloride, molecular biology grade 250g / 1Kg
Catalogue PO0262
Potassium di-hydrogen phosphate, molecular biology grade 100g / 1Kg
Sodium acetate anhydrous, molecular biology grade 500g / 1Kg / 5Kg
of molecular SO0230
Sodium chloride, molecular biology grade
Sodium di-hydrogen phosphate 1 hydrate,
500g / 1Kg / 5Kg
250g / 1Kg / 5Kg
molecular biology grade
di-Sodium hydrogenophosphate anydrous, 250g / 500g / 1Kg / 5Kg
Request it! molecular biology grade SO0205
tri-Sodium citrate dihydrate, molecular biology grade 100g / 1Kg / 5Kg
Triton X-100, molecular biology grade 50mL
TW0022 Tween 20, molecular biology grade 100mL
CI0155 Zinc chloride, molecular biology grade 50g

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Cross references: DIFCO - SCHARLAU (alphabetical)
Art. No. DIFCO Description DIFCO Art. No. SCHARLAU Description SCHARLAU
226340 Antibiotic Medium 1 01-009 Antibiotic Medium A pH 6.6 (Eur. Pharm.)
246310 Antibiotic Medium 10 01-016 Antibiotic Medium B (Eur. Pharm.)
259310 Antibiotic Medium 11 01-017 Antibiotic Medium A pH 7.9 (Eur. Pharm.)
243100 Antibiotic Medium 19 01-434 Antibiotic Medium F (Eur. Pharm.)
232681 Antimicrobic vial P 06-021 Polymyxin B Sulfate Selective Supplement
265430 APT Agar 01-026 APT Agar
214010 Bacto Agar 07-004 Agar Bacteriological
211520 Bacto Beef extract, desiccated 07-515 Beef Extract
225930 Bacto casitone 07-154 Tryptone - Casein Pancreatic Peptone
243620 Bacto Soytone 07-155 Soy Peptone
249240 Bacto Todd Hewitt Broth 02-191 Todd-Hewitt Broth
211705 Bacto tryptone 07-119 Tryptone - Casein Trypsic Peptone
211705 Bacto tryptone 07-489 Tryptone - Peptone from Casein acc. to USP specifications
211713 Bacto Tryptose 07-197 Tryptose
212750 Bacto Yeast Extract 07-079 Yeast Extract
276840 Baird Parker Agar Base 01-030 Baird Parker Agar Base
269620 Blood Agar Base N.2 01-505 Blood Agar Base No. 2
241830 Brain Heart Infusion Agar 01-599 Brain Heart Infusion Agar (BHI Agar)
256120 Brain Heart Infusion porcine 02-599 Brain Heart Infusion Broth (BHI Broth)
228530 Brilliant green Agar 01-203 Brilliant Green Agar (BGA)
218801 Brilliant Green Agar Modified 01-309 Brilliant Green Modified Agar (BGA Modified)
274000 Brilliant green Bile Broth 2% 02-041 Brilliant Green Bile 2% Broth
218105 Buffered peptone Water 02-568 Peptone Water Phosphate-Buffered
214891 Campylobacter Amtimicrobic Supplement Skirrow 06-132 Campylobacter Skirrow Selective Supplement
285420 Cetrimide Agar Base 01-160 Cetrimide Agar (Pseudomonas Selective Agar)
279240 Columbia Blood Agar Base 01-034 Blood Agar Base (Columbia)
268620 D/E Neutralizing Agar 01-610 D/E Neutralizing Agar
281910 D/E Neutralizing Broth 02-610 D/E Neutralizing Broth
242010 Desoxycholate Lactose Agar 01-057 Deoxycholate Lactose Agar
214530 Difco Agar granulated 07-490 Agar-Agar
263220 DNAse Test Agar 01-346 DNAse Agar
258710 DRBC Agar Base 01-657 Dichloran Rose Bengal Chloramphenicol Agar (DRBC Agar)
231430 EC Medium 02-060 E. coli Broth
256620 EE Broth Mossel 02-064 Enrichment Enterobacteriaceae Broth (EE Broth)
233472 Egg-Yolk Enrichment 50% 06-016 Sterile Egg Yolk Emulsion
274620 m-Enteroccocus Agar 01-579 Slanetz Bartley Agar Base
259010 Eugon Broth 02-654 Eugon LT 100 Broth
212107 EVA Broth 02-028 Ethyl Violet Azide Broth (EVA Broth)
267720 m-FC Agar 01-278 Tryptose Sulfite Cycloserine Agar (TSC Agar)
264210 Fluid Sabouraud Medium 02-165 Sabouraud Broth
225650 Fluid Thioglycollate Medium 03-187 Thioglycollate Fluid Medium
211767 Fraser Broth Base 02-496 Listeria Enrichment Broth Base (Fraser)
228950 GC Medium Base 01-310 GC Agar Base
218091 Giolitti Cantoni Broth Base 02-230 Giolitti-Cantoni Broth
248610 GN broth, Hajna 02-093 Gram Negative Broth (GN Broth)
285340 Hektoen Eneteric Agar 01-216 Hektoen Enteric Agar
261185 Indol Reagent RE0007 Kovacs’ Reagent
249610 KF Streptococcus Agar 01-294 Kenner Fecal Agar (KF Agar)
288210 Lactobacilli MRS Agar 01-135 MRS Agar
288130 Lactobacilli MRS Broth 02-135 MRS Broth
211835 Lactose Broth 02-105 Lactose Broth
224150 Lauryl tryptose Broth 02-108 Tryptose Lauryl sulfate Broth
244520 LB Agar, Miller 01-385 LB Agar (Miller)
240230 LB Broth, Lennox 02-406 LB Broth (Lennox)
244620 LB Broth, Miller 02-385 LB Broth (Miller)
268010 Letheen Agar 01-236 Letheen Agar
263110 Letheen Agar Modified 01-237 Letheen Modified Agar
268110 Letheen Broth 02-236 Letheen Broth
263010 Letheen Broth Modified 02-237 Letheen Modified Broth
222220 Listeria Enrichment Broth 02-498 Listeria Enrichment Broth Base (Lovett)
241420 Luria Broth Base, Miller 02-384 LB Broth
284920 Lysine Iron Agar 01-094 Lysine Iron Agar (LIA)
212123 MacConkey Agar 01-118 MacConkey Agar
220100 MacConkey Broth 02-611 MacConkey Broth (Eur. Pharm.)
279100 MacConkey Sorbitol Agar 01-729 MacConkey Sorbitol Agar
230650 Mannitol Salt Agar 01-116 Mannitol Salt Agar (Chapman Agar)
212185 Marine Agar 2216 01-291 Marine Agar
218971 Maximum recovery Diluent 02-510 Maximum Recovery Diluent (MRD)
255320 Microbial content Test Agar 01-613 Microbial Content Test Agar
218501 Mineral Modified Glutamate Broth 02-656 Mineral Modified Glutamate Medium Base
273520 MIO Medium 03-422 Motility Indol Ornithine Fluid Medium (MIO)
216300 MR-VP Medium 02-207 Methyl Red Voges Proskauer Broth (MRVP)
225250 Mueller Hinton Agar 01-136 Mueller-Hinton Agar

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Cross references: DIFCO - SCHARLAU (alphabetical)
Art. No. DIFCO Description DIFCO Art. No. SCHARLAU Description SCHARLAU
275730 Mueller Hinton Broth (not Cation-Adjusted) 02-136 Mueller-Hinton Broth
218531 Muller Kauffman tetrathionate Broth Base 02-335 Müller-Kauffmann Tetrathionate Broth Base
281010 MYP Agar 01-262 Bacillus cereus Agar
225710 NIH Thioglycollate Broth 02-186 Thioglycollate Broth
261197 Nitrate A Reagent 06-003 Nitrates A Solution
261198 Nitrate B Reagent 06-004 Nitrates B Solution
226810 Nitrate Broth 02-138 Nitrate Broth
213000 Nutrient Agar (APHA) 01-144 Nutrient Agar (APHA)
234000 Nutrient Broth 02-144 Nutrient Broth (APHA)
218111 O.G.Y.E Agar Base 01-275 Sabouraud Oxytetracycline Agar Base (OGYEA)
268820 O/F Basal Medium 03-037 Oxidation-Fermentation Fluid Medium Base (O/F Medium)
222530 Oxford Medium Base 01-471 Oxford Agar Base
263620 PALCAM Medium Base 01-470 Palcam Agar Base
274520 Phenylalanine Agar 01-083 Phenylalanine Agar (PPA)
247940 Plate Count Agar (Tryptone Glucose Yeast Agar) 01-161 Plate Count Agar (PCA)
213400 Potato Dextrose Agar 01-483 Potato Dextrose Agar
254920 Potato Dextrose Broth 02-483 Potato Dextrose Broth
211693 Proteose Peptone n 3 07-625 Proteose Peptone No. 3
244820 Pseudomonas Agar F 01-029 King B Agar (F Agar)
244910 Pseudomonas Agar P 01-001 King A Agar (P Agar)
218263 R2A Agar 01-540 R2A Agar
218681 Rappaport Vassiliadis MSRV medium Semi-solid modification 03-376 Rappaport Vassiliadis Modified Semi-solid Medium Base
218581 Rappaport Vassiliadis R10 Broth 02-379 Rappaport Vassiliadis Broth
218081 Reinforced Cloristidial Medium 01-289 Reinforced Clostridial Agar
218081 Reinforced Clostridial Medium (RCM) 03-289 Reinforced Clostridial Medium
218312 Rose Bengal Agar Base 01-301 Rose Bengal Agar
210950 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar 01-165 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar
274500 SALMONELLA SHIGELLA AGAR 01-555 Salmonella-Shigella Agar (SS Agar)
227540 Selenite Broth 02-598 Selenite Broth Base
268740 Selenite Cystine Broth 02-602 Selenite Cystine Broth Base
281110 SFP Agar Base 01-278 Tryptose Sulfite Cycloserine Agar (TSC Agar)
232100 Skim Milk 06-019 Skimmed Milk Powder
284530 SPS Agar 01-050 Clostridium Perfringens, Selective Agar (SPS Agar)
265020 TCBS Agar 01-567 TCBS AGAR
226540 Triple Sugar Iron Agar 01-192 Triple Sugar Iron Agar (TSI Agar) (Eur. Pharm. Agar Medium M)
236950 Tryptic Soy Agar (Soy Bean Casein Agar) 01-200 Tryptic Soy Agar (TSA)
223000 Tryptone Glucose Extract Agar 01-082 Tryptone Glucose Extract Agar (TGE Agar)
264410 Tryptone water 03-156 Tryptone Water (Peptone Water)
211825 Trytic Soy Broth 02-200 Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB)
286220 Trytic Soy Broth w/o Dextrose 02-227 Tryptic Soy Broth without Dextrose
231121 TTC Solution 1% 06-023 TTC Sterile Solution 1%
227210 Urea Broth 02-202 Urea Broth Base
222330 UVM modified Listeria Enrichment Broth 02-472 Listeria Enrichment Broth Base (UVM)
211695 Violet Red Bile Agar 01-164 Violet Red Bile Agar (VRB Agar)
218661 Violet Red Bile Glucose Agar 01-295 Violet Red Bile Dextrose Agar (VRBD Agar)
256220 VJ Agar (Vogel Johnson Agar) 01-206 Vogel Johnson Agar (VJ Agar)
261193 VP Reagent B RE0060 O’Meara’s Reagent
242420 WL Nutrient Medium 01-210 WL Nutrient Agar
278850 XLD Agar 01-211 Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Agar (XLD Agar)
219001 Yeast Extract Glucose Chloramphenicol Agar 01-366 Chloramphenicol Glucose Agar (CGA)
231961 Yersinia Antimicrobic Supplement CN 06-143 Yersinia Selective Supplement
218172 Yersinia Selective Agar 01-144 Nutrient Agar (APHA)
271210 YM Agar 01-219 Yeast Malt Agar
271120 YM Broth 02-219 Yeast Malt Broth
223420 XLT4 Agar Base 01-708 XLT4 Agar
235310 XLT4 Agar Supplement 06-709 XLT4 Agar Selective Supplement

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Cross references: DIFCO - SCHARLAU (numeric)
Art. No. DIFCO Description DIFCO Art. No. SCHARLAU Description SCHARLAU
210950 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar 01-165 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar
211520 Bacto Beef extract, desiccated 07-515 Beef Extract
211693 Proteose Peptone n 3 07-625 Proteose Peptone No. 3
211695 Violet Red Bile Agar 01-164 Violet Red Bile Agar (VRB Agar)
211705 Bacto tryptone 07-119 Tryptone - Casein Trypsic Peptone
211705 Bacto tryptone 07-489 Tryptone - Peptone from Casein acc. to USP specifications
211713 Bacto Tryptose 07-197 Tryptose
211767 Fraser Broth Base 02-496 Listeria Enrichment Broth Base (Fraser)
211825 Trytic Soy Broth 02-200 Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB)
211835 Lactose Broth 02-105 Lactose Broth
212107 EVA Broth 02-028 Ethyl Violet Azide Broth (EVA Broth)
212123 MacConkey Agar 01-118 MacConkey Agar
212185 Marine Agar 2216 01-291 Marine Agar
212750 Bacto Yeast Extract 07-079 Yeast Extract
213000 Nutrient Agar (APHA) 01-144 Nutrient Agar (APHA)
213400 Potato Dextrose Agar 01-483 Potato Dextrose Agar
214010 Bacto Agar 07-004 Agar Bacteriological
214530 Difco Agar granulated 07-490 Agar-Agar
216300 MR-VP Medium 02-207 Methyl Red Voges Proskauer Broth (MRVP)
218081 Reinforced Cloristidial Medium 01-289 Reinforced Clostridial Agar
218081 Reinforced Clostridial Medium (RCM) 03-289 Reinforced Clostridial Medium
218091 Giolitti Cantoni Broth Base 02-230 Giolitti-Cantoni Broth
218105 Buffered peptone Water 02-568 Peptone Water Phosphate-Buffered
218111 O.G.Y.E Agar Base 01-275 Sabouraud Oxytetracycline Agar Base (OGYEA)
218263 R2A Agar 01-540 R2A Agar
218312 Rose Bengal Agar Base 01-301 Rose Bengal Agar
218501 Mineral Modified Glutamate Broth 02-656 Mineral Modified Glutamate Medium Base
218531 Muller Kauffman tetrathionate Broth Base 02-335 Müller-Kauffmann Tetrathionate Broth Base
218581 Rappaport Vassiliadis R10 Broth 02-379 Rappaport Vassiliadis Broth
218661 Violet Red Bile Glucose Agar 01-295 Violet Red Bile Dextrose Agar (VRBD Agar)
218681 Rappaport Vassiliadis MSRV medium Semi-solid modification 03-376 Rappaport Vassiliadis Modified Semi-solid Medium Base
218801 Brilliant Green Agar Modified 01-309 Brilliant Green Modified Agar (BGA Modified)
218971 Maximum recovery Diluent 02-510 Maximum Recovery Diluent (MRD)
219001 Yeast Extract Glucose Chloramphenicol Agar 01-366 Chloramphenicol Glucose Agar (CGA)
220100 MacConkey Broth 02-611 MacConkey Broth (Eur. Pharm.)
222220 LISTERIA ENRICHMENT BROTH 02-498 Listeria Enrichment Broth Base (Lovett)
222330 UVM modified Listeria Enrichment Broth 02-472 Listeria Enrichment Broth Base (UVM)
222530 Oxford Medium Base 01-471 Oxford Agar Base
223000 Tryptone Glucose Extract Agar 01-082 Tryptone Glucose Extract Agar (TGE Agar)
223420 XLT4 Agar Base 01-708 XLT4 Agar
224150 Lauryl tryptose Broth 02-108 Tryptose Lauryl sulfate Broth
225250 Mueller Hinton Agar 01-136 Mueller-Hinton Agar
225650 Fluid Thioglycollate Medium 03-187 Thioglycollate Fluid Medium
225710 NIH Thioglycollate Broth 02-186 Thioglycollate Broth
225930 Bacto casitone 07-154 Tryptone - Casein Pancreatic Peptone
226340 Antibiotic Medium 1 01-009 Antibiotic Medium A pH 6.6 (Eur. Pharm.)
226540 Triple Sugar Iron Agar 01-192 Triple Sugar Iron Agar (TSI Agar) (Eur. Pharm. Agar Medium M)
226810 Nitrate Broth 02-138 Nitrate Borth
227210 Urea Broth 02-202 Urea Broth Base
227540 Selenite Broth 02-598 Selenite Broth Base
228530 Brilliant green Agar 01-203 Brilliant Green Agar (BGA)
228950 GC MEDIUM BASE 01-310 GC Agar Base
230650 Mannitol Salt Agar 01-116 Mannitol Salt Agar (Chapman Agar)
231121 TTC Solution 1% 06-023 TTC Sterile Solution 1%
231430 EC Medium 02-060 E. coli Broth
232100 Skim Milk 06-019 Skimmed Milk Powder
232681 Antimicrobic vial P 06-021 Polymyxin B Sulfate Selective Supplement
233472 Egg-Yolk Enrichment 50% 06-016 Sterile Egg Yolk Emulsion
234000 Nutrient Broth 02-144 Nutrient Broth (APHA)
235310 XLT4 Agar Supplement 06-709 XLT4 Agar Selective Supplement
236950 Tryptic Soy Agar (Soy Bean Casein Agar) 01-200 Tryptic Soy Agar (TSA)
240230 LB Broth, Lennox 02-406 LB Broth (Lennox)
241420 Luria Broth Base, Miller 02-384 LB Broth
241830 Brain Heart Infusion Agar 01-599 Brain Heart Infusion Agar (BHI Agar)
242010 Desoxycholate Lactose Agar 01-057 Deoxycholate Lactose Agar
242420 WL Nutrient Medium 01-210 WL Nutrient Agar
243100 Antibiotic Medium 19 01-434 Antibiotic Medium F (Eur. Pharm.)
243620 Bacto Soytone 07-155 Soy Peptone
244520 LB Agar, Miller 01-385 LB Agar (Miller)
244620 LB Broth, Miller 02-385 LB Broth (Miller)
244820 Pseudomonas Agar F 01-029 King B Agar (F Agar)
244910 Pseudomonas Agar P 01-001 King A Agar (P Agar)
246310 Antibiotic Medium 10 01-016 Antibiotic Medium B (Eur. Pharm.)

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Cross references: DIFCO - SCHARLAU (numeric)
Art. No. DIFCO Description DIFCO Art. No. SCHARLAU Description SCHARLAU
247940 Plate Count Agar (Tryptone Glucose Yeast Agar) 01-161 Plate Count Agar (PCA)
248610 GN broth, Hajna 02-093 Gram Negative Broth (GN Broth)
249610 KF Streptococcus Agar 01-294 Kenner Fecal Agar (KF Agar)
254920 Potato Dextrose Broth 02-483 Potato Dextrose Broth
255320 Microbial content Test Agar 01-613 Microbial Content Test Agar
256120 Brain Heart Infusion porcine 02-599 Brain Heart Infusion Broth (BHI Broth)
256220 VJ Agar (Vogel Johnson Agar) 01-206 Vogel Johnson Agar (VJ Agar)
256620 EE Broth Mossel 02-064 Enrichment Enterobacteriaceae Broth (EE Broth)
258710 DRBC Agar Base 01-657 Dichloran Rose Bengal Chloramphenicol Agar (DRBC Agar)
259010 Eugon Broth 02-654 Eugon LT 100 Broth
259310 Antibiotic Medium 11 01-017 Antibiotic Medium A pH 7.9 (Eur. Pharm.)
261185 Indol Reagent RE0007 Kovacs’ Reagent
261193 VP Reagent B RE0060 O’Meara’s Reagent
261197 Nitrate A Reagent 06-003 Nitrates A Solution
261198 Nitrate B Reagent 06-004 Nitrates B Solution
263010 Letheen Broth Modified 02-237 Letheen Modified Broth
263110 Letheen Agar Modified 01-237 Letheen Modified Agar
263220 DNAse Test Agar 01-346 DNAse Agar
263620 PALCAM Medium Base 01-470 Palcam Agar Base
264210 Fluid Sabouraud Medium 02-165 Sabouraud Broth
264410 Tryptone water 03-156 Tryptone Water (Peptone Water)
265020 TCBS Agar 01-567 TCBS AGAR
265430 APT Agar 01-026 APT Agar
267720 m-FC Agar 01-278 Tryptose Sulfite Cycloserine Agar (TSC Agar)
268010 Letheen Agar 01-236 Letheen Agar
268110 Letheen Broth 02-236 Letheen Broth
268620 D/E Neutralizing Agar 01-610 D/E Neutralizing Agar
268740 Selenite Cystine Broth 02-602 Selenite Cystine Broth Base
268820 O/F Basal Medium 03-037 Oxidation-Fermentation Fluid Medium Base (O/F Medium)
269620 Blood Agar Base N.2 01-505 Blood Agar Base No. 2
271210 YM Agar 01-219 Yeast Malt Agar
273520 MIO Medium 03-422 Motility Indol Ornithine Fluid Medium (MIO)
274000 Brilliant green Bile Broth 2% 02-041 Brilliant Green Bile 2% Broth
274500 SALMONELLA SHIGELLA AGAR 01-555 Salmonella-Shigella Agar (SS Agar)
274520 Phenylalanine Agar 01-083 Phenylalanine Agar (PPA)
274620 m-ENTEROCCOCUS AGAR 01-579 Slanetz Bartley Agar Base
275730 Mueller Hinton Broth (not Cation-Adjusted) 02-136 Mueller-Hinton Broth
276840 Baird Parker Agar Base 01-030 Baird Parker Agar Base
278850 XLD Agar 01-211 Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Agar (XLD Agar)
279100 MacConkey Sorbitol Agar 01-729 MacConkey Sorbitol Agar
279240 Columbia Blood Agar Base 01-034 Blood Agar Base (Columbia)
281010 MYP Agar 01-262 Bacillus cereus Agar
281110 SFP Agar Base 01-278 Tryptose Sulfite Cycloserine Agar (TSC Agar)
281910 D/E Neutralizing Broth 02-610 D/E Neutralizing Broth
284530 SPS Agar 01-050 Clostridium Perfringens, Selective Agar (SPS Agar)
284920 Lysine Iron Agar 01-094 Lysine Iron Agar (LIA)
285340 HEKTOEN Eneteric Agar 01-216 Hektoen Enteric Agar
285420 Cetrimide Agar Base 01-160 Cetrimide Agar (Pseudomonas Selective Agar)
286220 Trytic Soy Broth w/o Dextrose 02-227 Tryptic Soy Broth without Dextrose
288130 Lactobacilli MRS Broth 02-135 MRS Broth
288210 Lactobacilli MRS Agar 01-135 MRS Agar
214891 Campylobacter Amtimicrobic Supplement Skirrow 06-132 Campylobacter Skirrow Selective Supplement
218172 Yersinia Selective Agar 01-144 Nutrient Agar (APHA)
231961 Yersinia Antimicrobic Supplement CN 06-143 Yersinia Selective Supplement
249240 Bacto Todd Hewitt Broth 02-191 Todd-Hewitt Broth
271120 YM Broth 02-219 Yeast Malt Broth

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Cross references: BBL - SCHARLAU (alphabetical)
Art. No. BBL Description BBL Art. No. SCHARLAU Description SCHARLAU
212304 Agar grade A 07-004 Agar Bacteriological
210912 AK Agar # 2 01-069 Spoulating Agar (USP Antibiotic Medium 32)
210986 Antibiotic Medium 13 02-165 Sabouraud Broth
212303 Beef Extract powder 07-515 Beef Extract
211027 BiGGY Agar 01-137 Nickerson Agar (Biggy Agar)
299068 Bile Esculin Agar 01-265 Bile Esculin Modified Agar
211037 Blood Agar Base (Infusion Agar) 01-352 Blood Agar Base
211065 Brain Heart Infusion Agar 01-599 Brain Heart Infusion Agar (BHI Agar)
211059 Brain Heart Infusion Broth 02-599 Brain Heart Infusion Broth (BHI Broth)
212367 Buffered peptone Water 02-568 Peptone Water Phosphate-Buffered
211102 Cary & Blair Transport Medium 03-643 Cary-Blair Transport Medium
212309 CIN Agar (Yersinia Selective Agar) 01-144 Nutrient Agar (APHA)
212218 CLED Agar 01-047 CLED Agar
211124 Columbia Agar Base 01-034 Blood Agar Base (Columbia)
212104 Columbia CNA Agar 01-703 Columbia CNA Agar Base
212330 Dermatophyte Test medium Base 01-442 Dermatophyte Selective Agar
211179 DNAse Test Agar 01-346 DNAse Agar
297005 EE Broth Mossel Enrichment 02-064 Enrichment Enterobacteriaceae Broth (EE Broth)
211199 Endo Agar 01-589 Endo Agar Base
212205 Enterococcosel 01-592 Bile Esculin Azide Agar
211221 Eosine Methylene Blue Agar , LEVINE 01-068 Eosin Methylene Blue Agar (EMB Agar)
211260 Fluid Thioglycallate Medium 03-187 Thioglycollate Fluid Medium
211287 m-Green Yeast & Mold Broth 02-633 m-Green Broth
212211 HEKTOEN Eneteric Agar 01-216 Hektoen Enteric Agar
211317 KLIGLER Iron Agar 01-103 Kligler Iron Agar (KIA)
211333 Lactose Broth 02-105 Lactose Broth
211338 Lauryl Sulfate Broth 02-108 Tryptose Lauryl sulfate Broth
211363 Lysine Iron Agar 01-094 Lysine Iron Agar (LIA)
211387 MacConkey Agar 01-118 MacConkey Agar
299769 MacConkey II Agar w. Sorbitol 01-729 MacConkey Sorbitol Agar
211407 Mannitol Salt Agar 01-116 Mannitol Salt Agar (Chapman Agar)
296309 Motility Nitrate (MN) Medium 03-454 Stuart Ringertz Transport Medium
211438 Mueller Hinton II Agar 01-136 Mueller-Hinton Agar
211443 Mueller Hinton Broth 02-136 Mueller-Hinton Broth
211486 Orange Serum Agar 01-698 Orange Serum Agar
211506 Phenol-Red Broth Base 02-032 Phenol Red Broth Base
211537 Phenylalanine Agar 01-083 Phenylalanine Agar (PPA)
211906 Phytone peptone 07-155 Soy Peptone
211558 Purple Broth Base 02-663 Purple Broth Base
211584 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar 01-165 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar
211597 SALMONELLA SHIGELLA AGAR 01-555 Salmonella-Shigella Agar (SS Agar)
211578 SIM Medium 03-176 SIM Medium
211620 SIMMONS Citrate Agar 01-177 Simmons Citrate Medium
211638 Standard Methods Agar (Tryptone Glucose Yeast Agar) 01-161 Plate Count Agar (PCA)
211651 Sterility Test Broth 02-186 Thioglycollate Broth
296004 Tech Agar 01-001 King A Agar (P Agar)
211917 Tellurite Solution 1% 06-089 Potassium Tellurite Sterile Solution 1%
211736 Todd hewith Broth 02-191 Todd-Hewitt Broth
211921 Trypticase peptone 07-119 Tryptone - Casein Trypsic Peptone
211921 Trypticase peptone 07-489 Tryptone - Peptone from Casein acc. to USP specifications
211043 Trypticase Soy Agar (Soy bean casein Digest Agar) 01-200 Tryptic Soy Agar (TSA)
211764 Trypticase Soy Agar w. Polysorbate 80 and Lecithin 01-613 Microbial Content Test Agar
211768 Trypticase Soy Broth 02-200 Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB)
296264 Trypticase Soy Broth, Sterile 02-575 Tryptic Soy Broth Irradiated
211749 TSI Agar 01-192 Triple Sugar Iron Agar (TSI Agar) (Eur. Pharm. Agar Medium M)
211690 TSN Agar 01-195 Tryptone Sulfite Neomycin Agar (TSN Agar)
211795 Urea Agar Base 01-261 Urea Agar Base
211838 XLD Agar 01-211 Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Agar (XLD Agar)
211929 Yeast Extract 07-079 Yeast Extract

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Cross references: BBL - SCHARLAU (numeric)
Art. No. BBL Description BBL Art. No. SCHARLAU Description SCHARLAU
210912 AK Agar # 2 01-069 Spoulating Agar (USP Antibiotic Medium 32)
210986 Antibiotic Medium 13 02-165 Sabouraud Broth
211027 BiGGY Agar 01-137 Nickerson Agar (Biggy Agar)
211037 Blood Agar Base (Infusion Agar) 01-352 Blood Agar Base
211043 Trypticase Soy Agar (Soy bean casein Digest Agar) 01-200 Tryptic Soy Agar (TSA)
211059 Brain Heart Infusion Broth 02-599 Brain Heart Infusion Broth (BHI Broth)
211065 Brain Heart Infusion Agar 01-599 Brain Heart Infusion Agar (BHI Agar)
211102 Cary & Blair Transport Medium 03-643 Cary-Blair Transport Medium
211124 Columbia Agar Base 01-034 Blood Agar Base (Columbia)
211179 DNAse Test Agar 01-346 DNAse Agar
211199 Endo Agar 01-589 Endo Agar Base
211221 Eosine Methylene Blue Agar , LEVINE 01-068 Eosin Methylene Blue Agar (EMB Agar)
211260 Fluid Thioglycallate Medium 03-187 Thioglycollate Fluid Medium
211287 m- Green Yeast & Mold Broth 02-633 m-Green Broth
211317 KLIGLER Iron Agar 01-103 Kligler Iron Agar (KIA)
211333 Lactose Broth 02-105 Lactose Broth
211338 Lauryl Sulfate Broth 02-108 Tryptose Lauryl sulfate Broth
211363 Lysine Iron Agar 01-094 Lysine Iron Agar (LIA)
211387 MacConkey Agar 01-118 MacConkey Agar
211407 Mannitol Salt Agar 01-116 Mannitol Salt Agar (Chapman Agar)
211438 Mueller Hinton II Agar 01-136 Mueller-Hinton Agar
211443 Mueller Hinton Broth 02-136 Mueller-Hinton Broth
211486 Orange Serum Agar 01-698 Orange Serum Agar
211506 Phenol-Red Broth Base 02-032 Phenol Red Broth Base
211537 Phenylalanine Agar 01-083 Phenylalanine Agar (PPA)
211558 Purple Broth Base 02-663 Purple Broth Base
211578 SIM Medium 03-176 SIM Medium
211584 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar 01-165 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar
211597 SALMONELLA SHIGELLA AGAR 01-555 Salmonella-Shigella Agar (SS Agar)
211620 SIMMONS Citrate Agar 01-177 Simmons Citrate Medium
211638 Standard Methods Agar (Tryptone Glucose Yeast Agar) 01-161 Plate Count Agar (PCA)
211651 Sterility Test Broth 02-186 Thioglycollate Broth
211690 TSN Agar 01-195 Tryptone Sulfite Neomycin Agar (TSN Agar)
211736 Todd hewith Broth 02-191 Todd-Hewitt Broth
211749 TSI Agar 01-192 Triple Sugar Iron Agar (TSI Agar) (Eur. Pharm. Agar Medium M)
211764 Trypticase Soy Agar w. Polysorbate 80 and Lecithin 01-613 Microbial Content Test Agar
211768 Trypticase Soy Broth 02-200 Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB)
211795 Urea Agar Base 01-261 Urea Agar Base
211838 XLD Agar 01-211 Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Agar (XLD Agar)
211906 Phytone peptone 07-155 Soy Peptone
211917 Tellurite Solution 1% 06-089 Potassium Tellurite Sterile Solution 1%
211921 Trypticase peptone 07-119 Tryptone - Casein Trypsic Peptone
211921 Trypticase peptone 07-489 Tryptone - Peptone from Casein acc. to USP specifications
211929 Yeast Extract 07-079 Yeast Extract
212104 Columbia CNA Agar 01-703 Columbia CNA Agar Base
212205 Enterococcosel 01-592 Bile Esculin Azide Agar
212211 HEKTOEN Eneteric Agar 01-216 Hektoen Enteric Agar
212218 CLED Agar 01-047 CLED Agar
212303 Beef Extract powder 07-515 Beef Extract
212304 Agar grade A 07-004 Agar Bacteriological
212309 CIN Agar (Yersinia Selective Agar) 01-144 Nutrient Agar (APHA)
212330 Dermatophyte Test medium Base 01-442 Dermatophyte Selective Agar
212367 Buffered peptone Water 02-568 Peptone Water Phosphate-Buffered
296004 Tech Agar 01-001 King A Agar (P Agar)
296264 Trypticase Soy Broth, Sterile 02-575 Tryptic Soy Broth Irradiated
296309 Motility Nitrate (MN) Medium 03-454 Stuart Ringertz Transport Medium
297005 EE Broth Mossel Enrichment 02-064 Enrichment Enterobacteriaceae Broth (EE Broth)
299068 Bile Esculin Agar 01-265 Bile Esculin Modified Agar
299769 MacConkey II Agar w. Sorbitol 01-729 MacConkey Sorbitol Agar

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Cross-references: MERCK - SCHARLAU (alphabetical)
Art. No. MERCK Description MERCK Art. No. SCHARLAU Description SCHARLAU
1.01614 Agar agar granulated 07-490 Agar-Agar
1.01800 Alkaline peptone water 02-468 Alkaline Peptone Water
1.05272 Antibiotic Agar n. 1 01-009 Antibiotic Medium A pH 6.6 (Eur. Pharm.)
1.05269 Antibiotic Agar n. 11 01-017 Antibiotic Medium A pH 7.9 (Eur. Pharm.)
1.05273 Antibiotic Broth (Medium No. 3) 02-011 Antibiotic Medium C (Eur. Pharm.)
1.10453 APT Agar 01-026 APT Agar
1.01590 Azide Dextrose Broth 02-027 Azide Dextrose Broth (Rothe)
1.09875 Bacillus cereus Selective Supplement (Polymyxin B 50000u) 06-021 Polymyxin B Sulfate Selective Supplement
1.05406 Baird Parker Agar 01-030 Baird Parker Agar Base
1.07994 BAT medium 01-675 BAT Agar
1.00072 Bile Aesculin Azide Agar 01-265 Bile Esculin Modified Agar
1.00072 Bile Aesculin Azide Agar 01-592 Bile Esculin Azide Agar
1.04054 Bile salt mixture for microbiology 07-525 Bile Salts No.3
1.10886 Blood Agar Base 01-352 Blood Agar Base
1.10328 Blood Agar Base N.2 01-505 Blood Agar Base No. 2
1.00079 Bolton Broth Selective supplement 06-131 Campylobacter Bolton Selective Supplement
1.00068 Bolton Selective Enrichment Broth 02-688 Bolton Enrichment Broth Base
1.10747 BPLS Agar, mod 01-309 Brilliant Green Modified Agar (BGA Modified)
1.07232 BPLS Agar (USP) (Brilliant green Phenol red Lactose Sucrose Agar) 01-203 Brilliant Green Agar (BGA)
1.13825 Brain Heart Agar 01-599 Brain Heart Infusion Agar (BHI Agar)
1.10493 Brain Heart Broth 02-599 Brain Heart Infusion Broth (BHI Broth)
1.05454 Brilliant-green-2%-Bile Broth 02-041 Brilliant Green Bile 2% Broth
1.01638 BROLACIN Agar (CLED Agar) 01-047 CLED Agar
1.07228 Buffered Peptone Water 02-277 Buffered Peptone Water
1.00070 Campylobacter Blood-Free Selective Agar (modified CCDA) 01-685 Charcoal Cefoperazone Deoxycholate (CCD) Modified Agar Base
1.02249 Campylobacter Supplement Skirrow 06-139 Novobiocin Selective Supplement (10 mg)
1.10456 Candida Selective Agar acc. to Nickerson 01-137 Nickerson Agar (Biggy Agar)
1.02245 Caseinhydrolysate (acid hydrolyzed) 07-151 Casein Acid Hydrolysate
1.00071 CCDA Selective supplement 06-133 Campylobater CCDA Selective Supplement
1.10426 Chromocult Coliform Agar 01-695 Microinstant ® Chromogenic Coliform Agar
1.00427 Chromocult Listeria Agar 01-719 Microinstant ® Chromogenic Listeria Agar acc. to Ottaviani & Agosti
1.00439 Chromocult Listeria Enrichment Supplement 06-754 Microinstant ® Listeria Enrichment Supplement
1.00432 Chromocult Listeria Selective Supplement 06-755 Microinstant ® Listeria Selective Supplement
1.16122 Chromocult TBX (tryptone Bile X-glucoronide) Agar 01-619 Microinstant ® Tryptone Bile Glucuronic Agar (TBX Agar)
1.10455 Columbia Agar Base 01-034 Blood Agar Base (Columbia)
1.02894 Deoxycholate Lactose Agar 01-057 Deoxycholate Lactose Agar
1.08960 Dermatophyte selective Agar (DTM) acc. to Taplin 01-442 Dermatophyte Selective Agar
1.10860 Dextrose Tryptone Agar 01-556 Dextrose Tryptone Purple Bromocresol Agar
1.00465 Dichloran Glycerol (DG18) Agar 01-485 Dichloran Glycerin Selective Agar (DG18 Agar)
1.00466 Dichloran Rose Bengal Chloramphenicol (DRBC) Agar 01-657 Dichloran Rose Bengal Chloramphenicol Agar (DRBC Agar)
1.10449 DNAse Test Agar 01-346 DNAse Agar
1.00898 E. coli/Coliform Selective Supplement 06-140 Coliform CV Selective Supplement
1.10765 EC Broth 02-060 E. coli Broth
1.03784 Egg-Yolk Emulsion Sterile 06-016 Sterile Egg Yolk Emulsion
1037850 Egg-Yolk Tellurite Emulsion 20% Steril 06-026 Egg's Yolk Tellurite Sterile Emulsion
1.04044 Endo Agar 01-589 Endo Agar Base
1.05394 Enterobacteriaceae Enrichment Broth acc. Mossel 02-064 Enrichment Enterobacteriaceae Broth (EE Broth)
1.05289 mf-Enterococcus Selective Agar Base acc. to SLANETZ BARTLEY 01-579 Slanetz Bartley Agar Base
1.08191 Fluid Thioglycollate Medium 03-187 Thioglycollate Fluid Medium
1.16761 Fluid Thioglycollate Medium G 03-187 Thioglycollate Fluid Medium
1.10398 Fraser Listeria Selective Enrichment broth Base 02-496 Listeria Enrichment Broth Base (Fraser)
1.10675 Giolitti Cantoni Broth 02-230 Giolitti-Cantoni Broth
1.10756 GN Enrichment Broth acc. to HAJNA 02-093 Gram Negative Broth (GN Broth)
1.11885 Gram stainig set RE0100 Barrit’s Reagent
1.11885 Gram stainig set VI0027 Crystal Violet Dye Solution
1.11885 Gram stainig set LU0010 Lugol Solution
1.11885 Gram stainig set DE0010 Decolouriser For Gram Staining
1.11885 Gram stainig set DE0010 Safranin Dye Solution (for Gram Staining)
1.09023 Griess-ilosvay´s Reagent 06-003 Nitrates A Solution
1.09023 Griess-ilosvay´s Reagent 06-004 Nitrates B Solution
1.11681 HEKTOEN Enteric Agar 01-216 Hektoen Enteric Agar
1.05222 Kanamycin Esculine Azide Agar 01-263 Kanamycin Esculin Azide Agar (KAA Agar)
1.10707 KF Streptococcus Agar Base 01-294 Kenner Fecal Agar (KF Agar)
1.03913 KLIGLER Agar 01-103 Kligler Iron Agar (KIA)
1.09293 Kovacs Indol Reagent RE0007 Kovacs’ Reagent
1.12523 Lactalbumin hydrolisate 07-455 Lactalbumin Hydrolysate
1.07680 Lactosa TTC Agar With TERGITOL R 7 01-053 Chapman TTC Agar (Tergitol® 7 Agar)
1.07661 Lactose Broth 02-105 Lactose Broth
1.10266 Lauryl Sulfate Broth 02-108 Tryptose Lauryl sulfate Broth
1.10283 LB-Agar (Miller) 01-385 LB Agar (Miller)
1.10285 LB-Broth (Miller) 02-385 LB Broth (Miller)
1.10240 Legionella BCYE Growth Supplement 06-137 Legionella BCYE Growth Supplement
1.10242 Legionella CYE Agar 01-687 Legionella BCYE Agar Base

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Cross-references: MERCK - SCHARLAU (alphabetical)
Art. No. MERCK Description MERCK Art. No. SCHARLAU Description SCHARLAU
1.10241 Legionella GVPC Selective Supplement 06-137 Legionella GVPC Selective Supplement
1.10404 Letheen Agar Base Modified 01-237 Letheen Modified Agar
1.10405 Letheen Broth Modified 02-237 Letheen Modified Broth
1.01342 Levine EMB Agar 01-068 Eosin Methylene Blue Agar (EMB Agar)
1.10549 Listeria Enrichment Broth (LEB) acc. to FDA/IDF-FIL 02-498 Listeria Enrichment Broth Base (Lovett)
1.11781 Listeria selective Enrichment Supplement acc. to FDA / BAM 06-107 Listeria Selective Supplement for Enrichment acc. to FDA/IDF
1.11640 Lysine Iron Agar 01-094 Lysine Iron Agar (LIA)
1.05465 MacCONKEY Agar 01-118 MacConkey Agar
1.05396 MaCConkey Broth 02-118 MacConkey Broth
1.05396 MaCConkey Broth 02-611 MacConkey Broth (Eur. Pharm.)
1.05391 Malt extract 07-080 Malt Extract
1.05398 Malt Extract Agar 01-573 Malt Extract Agar No. 2
1.05397 Malt Extract Broth 02-491 Malt Extract Broth No. 2
1.05404 Mannitol Salt Phenol Red Agar 01-116 Mannitol Salt Agar (Chapman Agar)
1.12535 Maximum recovery Diluent 02-510 Maximum Recovery Diluent (MRD)
1.03979 Meat extract 07-075 Meat Extract
1.05712 MR VP Broth 02-207 Methyl Red Voges Proskauer Broth (MRVP)
1.10660 MRS Agar 01-135 MRS Agar
1.10661 MRS Broth 02-135 MRS Broth
1.09878 MSRV Medium, Base Modified 03-376 Rappaport Vassiliadis Modified Semi-solid Medium Base
1.10293 Mueller Hinton Broth 02-136 Mueller-Hinton Broth
1.05435 Mueller-Hinton Agar acc. to NCCLS 01-136 Mueller-Hinton Agar
1.05878 Müller KauffMann tetrathionate-Novobiocin Broth (MKTTn) 02-335 Müller-Kauffmann Tetrathionate Broth Base
1.05267 MYP Agar 01-262 Bacillus cereus Agar
1.05450 Nutrient Agar (APHA) 01-144 Nutrient Agar (APHA)
1.05443 Nutrient Broth 02-144 Nutrient Broth (APHA)
1.10282 O/F Basal Medium acc. to Hugh & Leifson 03-037 Oxidation-Fermentation Fluid Medium Base (O/F Medium)
1.09877 OGYE Selective Supplement 06-114 Disodium Disulfite (Meta-Bisulfite Sodium)
1.10673 Orange Serum Agar 01-698 Orange Serum Agar
1.03756 Ox bile dried 07-039 Bile
1.07004 Oxford Listeria Selective Agar Base 01-471 Oxford Agar Base
1.07006 Oxford Listeria Selective Supplement 06-109 Oxford Agar Selective Supplement
1.05978 Oxytetracyclin Glucose Yeast Extract Agar (O.G.Y.E Agar) 01-275 Sabouraud Oxytetracycline Agar Base (OGYEA)
1.11755 Palcam Listeria Selective Agar Base acc. to Van Netten 01-470 Palcam Agar Base
1.12122 Palcam Listeria Selective Supplement acc. to Van Netten 06-110 Palcam Agar Selective Supplement
1.07213 Peptone from casein, pancreatic 07-154 Tryptone - Casein Pancreatic Peptone
1.02239 Peptone from caseine (Tryptone) 07-119 Tryptone - Casein Trypsic Peptone
1.02239 Peptone from caseine (Tryptone) 07-489 Tryptone - Peptone from Casein acc. to USP specifications
1.07284 Peptone from Gelatin (pancreatic) 07-153 Gelatin Pancreatic Peptone
1.07224 Peptone from meat (peptic), granulated 07-152 Meat Peptone
1.07212 Peptone from Soyameal (papainic),granulated 07-155 Soy Peptone
1.10987 Phenol-Red Broth Base 02-032 Phenol Red Broth Base
1.05463 Plate Count Agar (Casein Peptone Dextrose Yeast Agar) 01-161 Plate Count Agar (PCA)
1.15338 Plate Count Skim Milk Agar 01-412 Plate Count Skim Milk Agar
1.10130 Potato Dextrose Agar 01-483 Potato Dextrose Agar
1.07229 Proteose peptone 07-625 Proteose Peptone No. 3
1.10989 Pseudomonas Agar F Base 01-029 King B Agar (F Agar)
1.10988 Pseudomonas Agar P Base 01-001 King A Agar (P Agar)
1.07620 Pseudomonas Selective Agar Base 01-728 Pseudomonas Agar Base
1.05284 Pseudomonas Selective Agar Base (Cetrimide Agar) 01-160 Cetrimide Agar (Pseudomonas Selective Agar)
1.00416 R2A Agar 01-540 R2A Agar
1.07700 Rappaport Vassiliadis Broth 02-379 Rappaport Vassiliadis Broth
1.07700 Rappaport Vassiliadis Broth 02-668 Rappaport Vassiliadis Salmonella Enrichment Broth
1.05410 Reinforced Clostridial Agar 01-289 Reinforced Clostridial Agar
1.05411 Reinforced Clostridial Medium (RCM) 03-289 Reinforced Clostridial Medium
1.00467 Rose Bengal Chloramphenicol (RBC) Agar 01-301 Rose Bengal Agar
1.08339 Sabouraud 2% Dextrose Broth 02-165 Sabouraud Broth
1.05438 Sabouraud 4% Dextrose Agar 01-165 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar
1.07667 Salmonella-Shigella Agar 01-555 Salmonella-Shigella Agar (SS Agar)
1.07709 Selenite Cystine Broth 02-602 Selenite Cystine Broth Base
1.07717 Selenite Enrichment Broth Leifson 02-598 Selenite Broth Base
1.05470 SIM Medium 03-176 SIM Medium
1.02501 Simmons Citrate Agar 01-177 Simmons Citrate Medium
1.15363 Skim Milk Powder 06-019 Skimmed Milk Powder
1.10582 Sodium Chloride peptone Broth Buffered 02-494 Buffered Peptone Water (Eur. Pharm.)
1.06504 Sodium Deoxycholate for microbiology 07-644 Sodium Deoxycholate
1.0634 Sodium hydrogen selenite 06-607 Basic Fuchsin (250) Selective Supplement
1.09207 Sorbitol MacConkey (SMAC) Agar 01-729 MacConkey Sorbitol Agar
1.10235 SPS Agar 01-050 Clostridium Perfringens, Selective Agar (SPS Agar)
1.01621 Standard Count Agar 01-635 Nutrient Agar (ISO)
1.11723 TAT Broth Base 02-539 Casein Lecithin Polysorbate Broth Base
1.05178 TBG-Broth modified 02-629 Tetrationate Bile Brilliant Green Broth Base (Eur. Pharm.)
1.10263 TCBS Agar (Vibrio Selective Agar) 01-567 TCBS Agar

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Cross-references: MERCK - SCHARLAU (alphabetical)
Art. No. MERCK Description MERCK Art. No. SCHARLAU Description SCHARLAU
1.10128 TGE Agar 01-082 Tryptone Glucose Extract Agar (TGE Agar)
1.08190 Thioglycollate Broth 02-186 Thioglycollate Broth
1.08100 Thioglycollate Broth 02-186 Thioglycollate Broth
1.03915 Triple Sugar Iron Agar (TSI Agar) 01-192 Triple Sugar Iron Agar (TSI Agar) (Eur. Pharm. Agar Medium M)
1.07324 Tryptic Soy Agar (CASO) w. Polysorbate 80 and Lecithin 01-613 Microbial Content Test Agar
1.05458 Tryptic Soy Agar (TSA) (CASO Agar) 01-200 Tryptic Soy Agar (TSA)
1.05459 Tryptic Soy Broth (CASO Broth) 02-200 Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB)
1.10859 Tryptone Water 03-156 Tryptone Water (Peptone Water)
1.10213 Tryptose 07-197 Tryptose
1.11972 TSC Agar 01-278 Tryptose Sulfite Cycloserine Agar (TSC Agar)
1.05264 TSN Agar (Perfringens Selective Agar acc. to Marshall) 01-195 Tryptone Sulfite Neomycin Agar (TSN Agar)
1.08492 Urea Agar Base acc CHRISTENSEN 01-261 Urea Agar Base
1.08483 Urea Broth 02-202 Urea Broth Base
1.05405 Vogel-Johnson Agar Base 01-206 Vogel Johnson Agar (VJ Agar)
1.01406 VRB Agar (violet Red Bile Agar) 01-164 Violet Red Bile Agar (VRB Agar)
1.10275 VRBD (Violet Red Bile Dextrose) agar acc. to Mossel 01-295 Violet Red Bile Dextrose Agar (VRBD Agar)
1.10866 WL Nutrient Agar 01-210 WL Nutrient Agar
1.05448 Wort Agar 01-132 Wort Agar
1.05449 Wort Broth Base 02-132 Wort Broth
1.05287 XLD (Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate) Agar 01-552 Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Modified Agar
1.05287 XLD Agar 01-211 Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Agar (XLD Agar)
1.13919 XLT4 Agar 01-708 XLT4 Agar
1.08981 XLT4 Agar Supplement 4,6mL 06-709 XLT4 Agar Selective Supplement
1.03753 Yeast extract, granulated 07-079 Yeast Extract
1.16434 Yersinia Selective agar acc. to Schiemann (CIN-Agar) 01-144 Nutrient Agar (APHA)
1.16466 Yersinia Selective Supplement (CIN) 06-143 Yersinia Selective Supplement
1.16000 YGC Agar (Yeast Extract Glucose Chloramphenicol Agar FIL-IDF) 01-366 Chloramphenicol Glucose Agar (CGA)

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Cross-references: MERCK - SCHARLAU (numeric)
Art. No. MERCK Description MERCK Art. No. SCHARLAU Description SCHARLAU
1.00068 Bolton Selective Enrichment Broth 02-688 Bolton Enrichment Broth Base
1.00070 Campylobacter Blood-Free Selective Agar (modified CCDA) 01-685 Charcoal Cefoperazone Deoxycholate (CCD) Modified Agar Base
1.00071 CCDA Selective supplement 06-133 Campylobater CCDA Selective Supplement
1.00072 Bile Aesculin Azide Agar 01-265 Bile Esculin Modified Agar
1.00072 Bile Aesculin Azide Agar 01-592 Bile Esculin Azide Agar
1.00079 Bolton Broth Selective supplement 06-131 Campylobacter Bolton Selective Supplement
1.00416 R2A Agar 01-540 R2A Agar
1.00427 Chromocult Listeria Agar 01-719 Microinstant ® Chromogenic Listeria Agar acc. to Ottaviani & Agosti
1.00432 Chromocult Listeria Selective Supplement 06-755 Microinstant ® Listeria Selective Supplement
1.00439 Chromocult Listeria Enrichment Supplement 06-754 Microinstant ® Listeria Enrichment Supplement
1.00465 Dichloran Glycerol (DG18) Agar 01-485 Dichloran Glycerin Selective Agar (DG18 Agar)
1.00466 Dichloran Rose Bengal Chloramphenicol (DRBC) Agar 01-657 Dichloran Rose Bengal Chloramphenicol Agar (DRBC Agar)
1.00467 Rose Bengal Chloramphenicol (RBC) Agar 01-301 Rose Bengal Agar
1.00898 E. coli/Coliform Selective Supplement 06-140 Coliform CV Selective Supplement
1.01342 LEVINE EMB Agar 01-068 Eosin Methylene Blue Agar (EMB Agar)
1.01406 VRB Agar (violet Red Bile Agar) 01-164 Violet Red Bile Agar (VRB Agar)
1.01590 Azide Dextrose Broth 02-027 Azide Dextrose Broth (Rothe)
1.01614 Agar agar granulated 07-490 Agar-Agar
1.01621 Standard Count Agar 01-635 Nutrient Agar (ISO)
1.01800 Alkaline peptone water 02-468 Alkaline Peptone Water
1.02239 Peptone from caseine (Tryptone) 07-119 Tryptone - Casein Trypsic Peptone
1.02239 Peptone from caseine (Tryptone) 07-489 Tryptone - Peptone from Casein acc. to USP specifications
1.02245 Caseinhydrolysate (acid hydrolyzed) 07-151 Casein Acid Hydrolysate
1.02249 Campylobacter Supplement Skirrow 06-139 Novobiocin Selective Supplement (10 mg)
1.02501 Simmons Citrate Agar 01-177 Simmons Citrate Medium
1.02894 Deoxycholate Lactose Agar 01-057 Deoxycholate Lactose Agar
1.03753 Yeast extract, granulated 07-079 Yeast Extract
1.03756 Ox bile dried 07-039 Bile
1.03784 Egg-Yolk Emulsion Sterile 06-016 Sterile Egg Yolk Emulsion
1.03913 KLIGLER Agar 01-103 Kligler Iron Agar (KIA)
1.03915 Triple Sugar Iron Agar (TSI Agar) 01-192 Triple Sugar Iron Agar (TSI Agar) (Eur. Pharm. Agar Medium M)
1.03979 Meat extract 07-075 Meat Extract
1.04044 Endo Agar 01-589 Endo Agar Base
1.04054 Bile salt mixture for microbiology 07-525 Bile Salts No.3
1.05178 TBG-Broth modified 02-629 Tetrationate Bile Brilliant Green Broth Base (Eur. Pharm.)
1.05222 Kanamycin Esculine Azide Agar 01-263 Kanamycin Esculin Azide Agar (KAA Agar)
1.05264 TSN Agar (Perfringens Selective Agar acc. to Marshall) 01-195 Tryptone Sulfite Neomycin Agar (TSN Agar)
1.05267 MYP Agar 01-262 Bacillus cereus Agar
1.05269 Antibiotic Agar n. 11 01-017 Antibiotic Medium A pH 7.9 (Eur. Pharm.)
1.05272 Antibiotic Agar n. 1 01-009 Antibiotic Medium A pH 6.6 (Eur. Pharm.)
1.05273 Antibiotic Broth (Medium No. 3) 02-011 Antibiotic Medium C (Eur. Pharm.)
1.05284 Pseudomonas Selective Agar Base (Cetrimide Agar) 01-160 Cetrimide Agar (Pseudomonas Selective Agar)
1.05287 XLD (Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate) Agar 01-552 Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Modified Agar
1.05287 XLD Agar 01-211 Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Agar (XLD Agar)
1.05289 mf-Enterococcus Selective Agar Base acc. to SLANETZ BARTLEY 01-579 Slanetz Bartley Agar Base
1.05391 Malt extract 07-080 Malt Extract
1.05394 Enterobacteriaceae Enrichment Broth acc. Mossel 02-064 Enrichment Enterobacteriaceae Broth (EE Broth)
1.05396 MaCConkey Broth 02-118 MacConkey Broth
1.05396 MaCConkey Broth 02-611 MacConkey Broth (Eur. Pharm.)
1.05397 Malt Extract Broth 02-491 Malt Extract Broth No. 2
1.05398 Malt Extract Agar 01-573 Malt Extract Agar No. 2
1.05404 Mannitol Salt Phenol Red Agar 01-116 Mannitol Salt Agar (Chapman Agar)
1.05405 VOGEL-JOHNSON Agar Base 01-206 Vogel Johnson Agar (VJ Agar)
1.05406 Baird Parker Agar 01-030 Baird Parker Agar Base
1.05410 Reinforced Clostridial Agar 01-289 Reinforced Clostridial Agar
1.05411 Reinforced Clostridial Medium (RCM) 03-289 Reinforced Clostridial Medium
1.05435 Mueller-Hinton Agar acc. to NCCLS 01-136 Mueller-Hinton Agar
1.05438 Sabouraud 4% Dextrose Agar 01-165 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar
1.05443 Nutrient Broth 02-144 Nutrient Broth (APHA)
1.05448 Wort Agar 01-132 Wort Agar
1.05449 Wort Broth Base 02-132 Wort Broth
1.05450 Nutrient Agar (APHA) 01-144 Nutrient Agar (APHA)
1.05454 Brilliant-green-2%-Bile Broth 02-041 Brilliant Green Bile 2% Broth
1.05458 Tryptic Soy Agar (TSA) (CASO Agar) 01-200 Tryptic Soy Agar (TSA)
1.05459 Tryptic Soy Broth (CASO Broth) 02-200 Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB)
1.05463 Plate Count Agar (Casein Peptone Dextrose Yeast Agar) 01-161 Plate Count Agar (PCA)
1.05465 MacCONKEY Agar 01-118 MacConkey Agar
1.05470 SIM Medium 03-176 SIM Medium
1.05712 MR VP Broth 02-207 Methyl Red Voges Proskauer Broth (MRVP)
1.05878 Müller KauffMann tetrathionate-Novobiocin Broth (MKTTn) 02-335 Müller-Kauffmann Tetrathionate Broth Base
1.05978 Oxytetracyclin Glucose Yeast Extract Agar (O.G.Y.E Agar) 01-275 Sabouraud Oxytetracycline Agar Base (OGYEA)
1.0634 Sodium hydrogen selenite 06-607 Basic Fuchsin (250) Selective Supplement
1.06504 Sodium Deoxycholate for microbiology 07-644 Sodium Deoxycholate

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Cross-references: MERCK - SCHARLAU (numeric)
Art. No. MERCK Description MERCK Art. No. SCHARLAU Description SCHARLAU
1.07004 Oxford Listeria Selective Agar Base 01-471 Oxford Agar Base
1.07006 Oxford Listeria Selective Supplement 06-109 Oxford Agar Selective Supplement
1.07212 Peptone from Soyameal (papainic),granulated 07-155 Soy Peptone
1.07213 Peptone from casein, pancreatic 07-154 Tryptone - Casein Pancreatic Peptone
1.07224 Peptone from meat (peptic), granulated 07-152 Meat Peptone
1.07228 Buffered Peptone Water 02-277 Buffered Peptone Water
1.07229 Proteose peptone 07-625 Proteose Peptone No. 3
1.07232 BPLS Agar (USP) (Brilliant green Phenol red Lactose Sucrose Agar) 01-203 Brilliant Green Agar (BGA)
1.07284 Peptone from Gelatin (pancreatic) 07-153 Gelatin Pancreatic Peptone
1.07324 Tryptic Soy Agar (CASO) w. Polysorbate 80 and Lecithin 01-613 Microbial Content Test Agar
1.07620 Pseudomonas Selective Agar Base 01-609 CN Selective Agar Base
1.07661 Lactose Broth 02-105 Lactose Broth
1.07667 Salmonella-Shigella Agar 01-555 Salmonella-Shigella Agar (SS Agar)
1.07680 Lactosa TTC Agar With TERGITOL R 7 01-053 Chapman TTC Agar (Tergitol® 7 Agar)
1.07700 Rappaport Vassiliadis Broth 02-379 Rappaport Vassiliadis Broth
1.07700 Rappaport Vassiliadis Broth 02-668 Rappaport Vassiliadis Salmonella Enrichment Broth
1.07709 Selenite Cystine Broth 02-602 Selenite Cystine Broth Base
1.07717 Selenite Enrichment Broth LEIFSON 02-598 Selenite Broth Base
1.07994 BAT medium 01-675 BAT Agar
1.08100 Thioglycollate Broth 02-186 Thioglycollate Broth
1.08190 Thioglycollate Broth 02-186 Thioglycollate Broth
1.08191 Fluid Thioglycollate Medium 03-187 Thioglycollate Fluid Medium
1.08339 Sabouraud 2% Dextrose Broth 02-165 Sabouraud Broth
1.08483 Urea Broth 02-202 Urea Broth Base
1.08492 Urea Agar Base acc CHRISTENSEN 01-261 Urea Agar Base
1.08960 Dermatophyte selective Agar (DTM) acc. to Taplin 01-442 Dermatophyte Selective Agar
1.08981 XLT4 Agar Supplement 4,6mL 06-709 XLT4 Agar Selective Supplement
1.09023 Griess-ilosvay´s Reagent 06-003 Nitrates A Solution
1.09023 Griess-ilosvay´s Reagent 06-004 Nitrates B Solution
1.09207 Sorbitol MacConkey (SMAC) Agar 01-729 MacConkey Sorbitol Agar
1.09293 Kovacs Indol Reagent RE0007 Kovacs’ Reagent
1.09875 Bacillus cereus Selective Supplement (Polymyxin B 50000u) 06-021 Polymyxin B Sulfate Selective Supplement
1.09877 OGYE Selective Supplement 06-114 Disodium Disulfite (Meta-Bisulfite Sodium)
1.09878 MSRV Medium, Base Modified 03-376 Rappaport Vassiliadis Modified Semi-solid Medium Base
1.10128 TGE Agar 01-082 Tryptone Glucose Extract Agar (TGE Agar)
1.10130 Potato Dextrose Agar 01-483 Potato Dextrose Agar
1.10213 Tryptose 07-197 Tryptose
1.10235 SPS Agar 01-050 Clostridium Perfringens, Selective Agar (SPS Agar)
1.10240 Legionella BCYE Growth Supplement 06-137 Legionella BCYE Growth Supplement
1.10241 Legionella GVPC Selective Supplement 06-137 Legionella GVPC Selective Supplement
1.10242 Legionella CYE Agar 01-687 Legionella BCYE Agar Base
1.10263 TCBS Agar (Vibrio Selective Agar) 01-567 TCBS Agar
1.10266 Lauryl Sulfate Broth 02-108 Tryptose Lauryl sulfate Broth
1.10275 VRBD (Violet Red Bile Dextrose) agar acc. to Mossel 01-295 Violet Red Bile Dextrose Agar (VRBD Agar)
1.10282 O/F Basal Medium acc. to Hugh & Leifson 03-037 Oxidation-Fermentation Fluid Medium Base (O/F Medium)
1.10283 LB-Agar (Miller) 01-385 LB Agar (Miller)
1.10285 LB-Broth (Miller) 02-385 LB Broth (Miller)
1.10293 Mueller Hinton Broth 02-136 Mueller-Hinton Broth
1.10328 Blood Agar Base N.2 01-505 Blood Agar Base No. 2
1.10398 Fraser Listeria Selective Enrichment broth Base 02-496 Listeria Enrichment Broth Base (Fraser)
1.10404 Letheen Agar Base Modified 01-237 Letheen Modified Agar
1.10405 Letheen Broth Modified 02-237 Letheen Modified Broth
1.10426 Chromocult Coliform Agar 01-695 Microinstant ® Chromogenic Coliform Agar
1.10449 DNAse Test Agar 01-346 DNAse Agar
1.10453 APT Agar 01-026 APT Agar
1.10455 Columbia Agar Base 01-034 Blood Agar Base (Columbia)
1.10456 Candida Selective Agar acc. to Nickerson 01-137 Nickerson Agar (Biggy Agar)
1.10493 Brain Heart Broth 02-599 Brain Heart Infusion Broth (BHI Broth)
1.10549 Listeria Enrichment Broth (LEB) acc. to FDA/IDF-FIL 02-498 Listeria Enrichment Broth Base (Lovett)
1.10582 Sodium Chloride peptone Broth Buffered 02-494 Buffered Peptone Water (Eur. Pharm.)
1.01638 BROLACIN Agar (CLED Agar) 01-047 CLED Agar
1.10660 MRS Agar 01-135 MRS Agar
1.10661 MRS Broth 02-135 MRS Broth
1.10673 Orange Serum Agar 01-698 Orange Serum Agar
1.10675 Giolitti Cantoni Broth 02-230 Giolitti-Cantoni Broth
1.10707 KF Streptococcus Agar Base 01-294 Kenner Fecal Agar (KF Agar)
1.10747 BPLS Agar, mod 01-309 Brilliant Green Modified Agar (BGA Modified)
1.10756 GN Enrichment Broth acc. to HAJNA 02-093 Gram Negative Broth (GN Broth)
1.10765 EC Broth 02-060 E. coli Broth
1.10859 Tryptone Water 03-156 Tryptone Water (Peptone Water)
1.10860 Dextrose Tryptone Agar 01-556 Dextrose Tryptone Purple Bromocresol Agar
1.10866 WL Nutrient Agar 01-210 WL Nutrient Agar
1.10886 Blood Agar Base 01-352 Blood Agar Base

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Scharlau, The wise choice

Cross-references: MERCK - SCHARLAU (numeric)

Art. No. MERCK Description MERCK Art. No. SCHARLAU Description SCHARLAU
1.10987 Phenol-Red Broth Base 02-032 Phenol Red Broth Base
1.10988 Pseudomonas Agar P Base 01-001 King A Agar (P Agar)
1.10989 Pseudomonas Agar F Base 01-029 King B Agar (F Agar)
1.11640 Lysine Iron Agar 01-094 Lysine Iron Agar (LIA)
1.11681 HEKTOEN Enteric Agar 01-216 Hektoen Enteric Agar
1.11723 TAT Broth Base 02-539 Casein Lecithin Polysorbate Broth Base
1.11755 PALCAM Listeria Selective Agar Base acc. to Van Netten 01-470 Palcam Agar Base
1.11781 Listeria selective Enrichment Supplement acc. to FDA / BAM 06-107 Listeria Selective Supplement for Enrichment acc. to FDA/IDF
1.11885 Gram stainig set RE0100 Barrit’s Reagent
1.11885 Gram stainig set VI0027 Crystal Violet Dye Solution
1.11885 Gram stainig set LU0010 Lugol Solution
1.11885 Gram stainig set DE0010 Decolouriser for Gram Staining
1.11885 Gram stainig set DE0010 Safranin Dye Solution (for Gram Staining)
1.11972 TSC Agar 01-278 Tryptose Sulfite Cycloserine Agar (TSC Agar)
1.12122 PALCAM Listeria Selective Supplement acc. to Van Netten 06-110 Palcam Agar Selective Supplement
1.12523 Lactalbumin hydrolisate 07-455 Lactalbumin Hydrolysate
1.12535 Maximum recovery Diluent 02-510 Maximum Recovery Diluent (MRD)
1.13825 Brain Heart Agar 01-599 Brain Heart Infusion Agar (BHI Agar)
1.13919 XLT4 Agar 01-708 XLT4 Agar
1.15338 Plate Count Skim Milk Agar 01-412 Plate Count Skim Milk Agar
1.15363 Skim Milk Powder 06-019 Skimmed Milk Powder
1.16000 YGC Agar (Yeast Extract Glucose Chloramphenicol Agar FIL-IDF) 01-366 Chloramphenicol Glucose Agar (CGA)
1.16122 Chromocult TBX (tryptone Bile X-glucoronide) Agar 01-619 Microinstant ® Tryptone Bile Glucuronic Agar (TBX Agar)
1.16434 Yersinia Selective agar acc. to Schiemann (CIN-Agar) 01-144 Nutrient Agar (APHA)
1.16466 Yersinia Selective Supplement (CIN) 06-143 Yersinia Selective Supplement
1.16761 Fluid Thioglycollate Medium G 03-187 Thioglycollate Fluid Medium
1037850 Egg-Yolk Tellurite Emulsion 20% Steril 06-026 Egg's Yolk Tellurite Sterile Emulsion

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Cross-references: OXOID - SCHARLAU (alphabetical)
Art. No. OXOID Description OXOID Art. No. SCHARLAU Description SCHARLAU
LP0011B Agar bacteriological (Agar n.1) 07-004 Agar Bacteriological
CM1028B Alkaline Peptone Water 02-468 Alkaline Peptone Water
CM1117B Alkaline Saline Peptone Water 02-697 Alkaline Saline Peptone Water
CM0327B Antibiotic Medium n. 1 01-009 Antibiotic Medium A pH 6.6 (Eur. Pharm.)
CM0287B Antibiotic Medium No. 3 (Assay Broth) 02-011 Antibiotic Medium C (Eur. Pharm.)
CM0868B Azide Dextrose Broth (Rothe) 02-027 Azide Dextrose Broth (Rothe)
CM0617B Bacillus Cereus Selective Agar Base 01-487 Bacillus cereus Selective Agar
SR0099E Bacillus cereus Selective Supplement 06-021 Polymyxin B Sulfate Selective Supplement
R21522 BactiDrop Indol , Kovacs RE0007 Kovacs’ Reagent
R21536 BactiDrop Nitrate A 06-003 Nitrates A Solution
R21538 BactiDrop Nitrate B 06-004 Nitrates B Solution
CM0275B Baird Parker Agar Base 01-030 Baird Parker Agar Base
CM0589B BiGGY Agar 01-137 Nickerson Agar (Biggy Agar)
CM0888B Bile Aesculine agar 01-265 Bile Esculin Modified Agar
CM0055B Blood Agar Base 01-352 Blood Agar Base
CM0271B Blood Agar Base N.2 01-505 Blood Agar Base No. 2
SR0183E Bolton Broth Selective Supplement 06-131 Campylobacter Bolton Selective Supplement
CM0983B Bolton Selective Enrichment Broth 02-688 Bolton Enrichment Broth Base
CM1136B Brain Heart Infusion Agar 01-599 Brain Heart Infusion Agar (BHI Agar)
CM0225B Brain Heart Infusion Broth 02-599 Brain Heart Infusion Broth (BHI Broth)
CM0263B Brilliant Green Agar 01-203 Brilliant Green Agar (BGA)
CM0329B Brilliant Green Agar (Modified) 01-309 Brilliant Green Modified Agar (BGA Modified)
CM0031B Brilliant Green Bile (2%) Broth 02-041 Brilliant Green Bile 2% Broth
CM0509B Buffered peptone Water 02-693 Tryptone Phosphate Water 09
CM1049B Buffered Peptone Water (ISO) 02-277 Buffered Peptone Water
CM0982B Buffered sodium Chloride Peptone 02-494 Buffered Peptone Water (Eur. Pharm.)
CM0739B Campylobacter Blood-free Selective Agar Base 01-685 Charcoal Cefoperazone Deoxycholate (CCD) Modified Agar Base
SR0232E Campylobacter Growth Supplement 06-128 Campylobacter Growth Supplement
SR0069E Campylobacter Selective Supplement Skirrow) 06-132 Campylobacter Skirrow Selective Supplement
CM0519B Cary-Blair Medium 03-643 Cary-Blair Transport Medium
SR0155E CCDA Selective Supplement 06-133 Campylobater Ccda Selective Supplement
CM0579B Cetrimide Agar 01-160 Cetrimide Agar (Pseudomonas Selective Agar)
SR0078E Chloramphenicol Selective Supplement 06-118 Chloramphenicol Selective Supplement
CM0333B Cholera Medium TCBS 01-567 TCBS Agar
CM1084B Chromogenic Listeria Agar (ISO) 01-719 Microinstant ® Chromogenic Listeria Agar acc. to Ottaviani & Agosti
CM0301B CLED Medium 01-047 CLED Agar
CM0331B Columbia Blood Agar Base 01-034 Blood Agar Base (Columbia)
SR0222C Cycloheximide 06-022 Cycloheximide Selective Supplement
SR0088E Cycloserine (TSC) Supplement 06-116 Cycloserine Selective Supplement
CM0539B Dermasel Medium 01-442 Dermatophyte Selective Agar
CM0163B Desoxycholate Agar 01-057 Deoxycholate Lactose Agar
CM0729B Dichloran Glycerol (DG18) Agar Base 01-485 Dichloran Glycerin Selective Agar (DG18 Agar)
CM0321B DNAse Agar 01-346 DNAse Agar
CM0727B DRBC Agar Base 01-657 Dichloran Rose Bengal Chloramphenicol Agar (DRBC Agar)
CM0853B EC Broth 02-060 E. coli Broth
CM0317B EE Broth 02-064 Enrichment Enterobacteriaceae Broth (EE Broth)
SR0054C Egg Yolk tellurite Emulsion 06-026 Egg's Yolk Tellurite Sterile Emulsion
SR0047C Egg-Yolk Emulsion 06-016 Sterile Egg Yolk Emulsion
CM0479B Endo Agar Base 01-589 Endo Agar Base
CM0069B Eosine Methylene Blue Agar , Modified Levine 01-068 Eosin Methylene Blue Agar (EMB Agar)
CM0523B Giolitti Cantoni Broth 02-230 Giolitti-Cantoni Broth
R40080 Gram Stain Kit RE0100 Barrit’s Reagent
R40080 Gram Stain Kit VI0027 Crystal Violet Dye Solution
R40080 Gram Stain Kit LU0010 Lugol Solution
R40080 Gram Stain Kit DE0010 Decolouriser For Gram Staining
R40080 Gram Stain Kit SA0042 Safranin Dye Solution (for Gram Staining)
CM0898B Haemophilus Test Medium (HTM) 01-706 HTM Agar Base (Haemophilus Test Medium Agar)
SR0166E Half Fraser Supplement 06-136 Listeria Enrichment Half Fraser Selective Supplement (225 ml)
CM0419B Hektoen Enteric Agar 01-216 Hektoen Enteric Agar
CM0591B Kanamycin Aesculin Azide Agar Base 01-263 Kanamycin Esculin Azide Agar (KAA Agar)
CM0701B KF Streptococcus Agar 01-294 Kenner Fecal Agar (KF Agar)
CM0033B Kligler Iron Agar 01-103 Kligler Iron Agar (KIA)
CM0015B Lab-Lembco Broth 02-144 Nutrient Broth (APHA)
CM0017B Lab-Lemco Agar 01-144 Nutrient Agar (APHA)
LP0029B Lab-Lemco powder 07-075 Meat Extract
LP0029B Lab-Lemco powder 07-515 Beef Extract
LP0048B Lactalbumin hydrolisate 07-455 Lactalbumin Hydrolysate
CM0137B Lactose Broth 02-105 Lactose Broth
CM0451B Lauryl Tryptose Broth 02-108 Tryptose Lauryl sulfate Broth
SR0110C Legionella BCYE Growth Supplement 06-137 Legionella BCYE Growth Supplement
SR0175A Legionella BCYE Growth Supplement without L-cysteine 06-134 Legionella BCYE without cysteine NO Growth Supplement
CM0655B Legionella CYE Agar Base 01-687 Legionella BCYE Agar Base
SR0152E Legionella GVPC Selective Supplement 06-137 Legionella GVPC Selective Supplement

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Cross-references: OXOID - SCHARLAU (alphabetical)
Art. No. OXOID Description OXOID Art. No. SCHARLAU Description SCHARLAU
CM0862B Listeria Enrichment Broth Base (FDA) 02-498 Listeria Enrichment Broth Base (Lovett)
CM0863B Listeria Enrichment Broth Base (UVM formulatoin) 02-472 Listeria Enrichment Broth Base (UVM)
CM0895B Listeria Enrichment Broth Base acc. to Fraser 02-496 Listeria Enrichment Broth Base (Fraser)
CM0856B Listeria Selective Agar (OXFORD) 01-471 Oxford Agar Base
SR0141E Listeria Selective Supplement for Enrichment FDA/IDF 06-107 Listeria Selective Supplement for Enrichment acc. to FDA/IDF
SR0142E Listeria Selective Supplement for primary enrichment 06-106 Listeria Selective Supplement for Primary Enrichment (UVM I)
SR0143E Listeria Selective Supplement for secundary enrichment 06-111 Listeria Selective Supplement for Secondary Enrichment (UVM II/Fraser)
CM0381B Lysine Iron Agar 01-094 Lysine Iron Agar (LIA)
CM0308S Lysine Decarboxylase Broth (taylor Modificaction) 02-336 Decarboxylase Lysine Broth (Taylor)
SR0188E m-CP Selective Supplement 06-125 m-CP Selective Supplement
CM0115B MacCONKEY Agar No. 3 01-118 MacConkey Agar
CM0109B MacConkey Agar No. 2 01-682 MacConkey No. 2 Agar
CM0005B MacCONKEY Broth 02-118 MacConkey Broth
CM0505B MaCConkey Broth Purple 02-611 MacConkey Broth (Eur. Pharm.)
LP0039B Malt Extract 07-080 Malt Extract
CM0059B Malt Extract Agar 01-574 Malt Extract Agar No. 3
CM0057B Malt Extract Broth 02-491 Malt Extract Broth No. 2
CM0085B Mannitol Salt Agar 01-116 Mannitol Salt Agar (Chapman Agar)
CM0733B Maximum recovery Diluent 02-510 Maximum Recovery Diluent (MRD)
CM0733B Maximum recovery Diluent 02-631 Purple Maximum Recovery Diluent
CM0992B Membrane Clostridium Perfringens (m-CP) Medium 01-513 m-CP Agar Base
CM0681B Milk Plate Count Agar 01-412 Plate Count Skim Milk Agar
CM0607G Minerals Modified Medium Base 02-656 Mineral Modified Glutamate Medium Base
SR0204E Modified Preston Campylobacter Selective Supplement 06-135 Campylobacter Preston Modified Selective Supplement
CM0910B Modified Semi-Solid Rappaport-Vassiliadis (MSRV) Medium Base 03-376 Rappaport Vassiliadis Modified Semi-solid Medium Base
CM0361B MRS Agar 01-135 MRS Agar
CM0359B MRS Broth 02-135 MRS Broth
CM0043B MRVP Medium 02-207 Methyl Red Voges Proskauer Broth (MRVP)
CM0337B Mueller hinton Agar 01-136 Mueller-Hinton Agar
CM0405B Mueller Hinton Broth 02-136 Mueller-Hinton Broth
BR0071E MUG Supplement 06-102 MUG Supplement
CM1048B Müller KauffMann tetrathionate-Novobiocin Broth (MKTTn) 02-335 Müller-Kauffmann Tetrathionate Broth Base
CM0929B MYP Agar 01-262 Bacillus cereus Agar
SR0181E Novobiocin supplement 06-139 Novobiocin Selective Supplement (10 mg)
CM0003B Nutrient Agar 01-140 Nutrient Agar
CM0003B Nutrient Agar 01-635 Nutrient Agar (ISO)
CM0001B Nutrient Broth 02-140 Nutrient Broth
CM0067B Nutrient Broth No.2 (Preston Selective Broth) 02-561 Preston Campylobacter Broth Base
SR0226 OCLA Differential Suppement 06-755 Microinstant ® Listeria Selective Supplement
SR0244 OCLA Selective Suppement 06-754 Microinstant ® Listeria Enrichment Supplement
SR0073A OGYE Selective Supplement 06-114 Disodium Disulfite (Meta-Bisulfite Sodium)
SR0140E Oxford Agar Selective Supplement 06-109 Oxford Agar Selective Supplement
CM0545B Oxytetracyclin Glucose Yeast Extract Agar (O.G.Y.E Agar) 01-275 Sabouraud Oxytetracycline Agar Base (OGYEA)
CM0877B Palcam Agar Base 01-470 Palcam Agar Base
SR0150E Palcam Selective Agar 06-110 Palcam Agar Selective Supplement
CM0009B Peptone Water 03-156 Tryptone Water (Peptone Water)
CM0587B Perfringens Agar Base (TSC & SFP) 01-278 Tryptose Sulfite Cycloserine Agar (TSC Agar)
CM0325B Plate Count Agar (Tryptone Glucose Yeast Agar) 01-329 Plate Count Modified Agar
SR0030J Potassium tellurite 3,5% 06-011 Potassium Tellurite Sterile Solution 3,5%
CM0139B Potato Dextrose Agar 01-483 Potato Dextrose Agar
SR0117E Preston Campylobacter Selective Supplement 06-130 Campylobacter Preston Selective Supplement
CM0689B Preston Selective Agar 01-451 Preston Campylobacter Agar Base
LP0085B Proteose peptone 07-625 Proteose Peptone No. 3
CM0559B Pseudomonas Agar Base 01-609 CN Selective Agar Base
CM0906B R2A Agar 01-540 R2A Agar
CM0866B Rappaport-Vasisliadissoya Peptone (RVS) Broth 02-379 Rappaport Vassiliadis Broth
CM0669B Rappaport-Vassiliadis (RV) Enrichment Broth 02-668 Rappaport Vassiliadis Salmonella Enrichment Broth
CM0151B Reinforced Clostridial Agar 01-289 Reinforced Clostridial Agar
CM0149B Reinforced Clostridial Medium 03-289 Reinforced Clostridial Medium
CM0549B Rose Bengal Chloramphenicol Agar 01-301 Rose Bengal Agar
CM0041B Sabouraud Dextrose Agar 01-165 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar
CM0147B Sabouraud Liquid Medium 02-165 Sabouraud Broth
CM0533B Salmonella Shigella Modificado Agar 01-555 Salmonella-Shigella Agar (SS Agar)
CM0395B Selenite Broth Base 02-598 Selenite Broth Base
CM0699B Selenite Cystine Broth Base 02-602 Selenite Cystine Broth Base
CM0409B Sensitest Agar 01-655 Sensitivity Test Agar (STA)
CM0435B SIM Medium 03-176 SIM Medium
CM0155B SIMMONS Citrate Agar 01-177 Simmons Citrate Medium
LP0031B Skim Milk Powder 06-019 Skimmed Milk Powder
CM0377B Slanetz & Bartley Medium 01-579 Slanetz Bartley Agar Base
LP0121A Sodium bi-selenite 06-607 Basic Fuchsin (250) Selective Supplement
CM0813B Sorbitol MaCConkey Agar 01-729 MacConkey Sorbitol Agar
CM0463B Standard Plate Count Agar (APHA) 01-161 Plate Count Agar (PCA)

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Cross-references: OXOID - SCHARLAU (alphabetical)
Art. No. OXOID Description OXOID Art. No. SCHARLAU Description SCHARLAU
CM0111B Stuart Transport Medium 03-454 Stuart Ringertz Transport Medium
CM0793B Tergitol R 7 Agar 01-053 Chapman TTC Agar (Tergitol® 7 Agar)
CM0391B Thioglycollate Broth USP-Alternative 02-186 Thioglycollate Broth
CM0173B Thioglycollate Medium USP 03-187 Thioglycollate Fluid Medium
CM0189B Todd-Hewitt Broth 02-191 Todd-Hewitt Broth
CM0277B Triple Sugar Iron Agar 01-192 Triple Sugar Iron Agar (TSI Agar) (Eur. Pharm. Agar Medium M)
CM0989B Tryptona Soya Broth Modified (mTSB) 02-691 Tryptic Soy Broth Modified
CM0595B Tryptone Bile Agar 01-526 Tryptone Bile Agar
CM0945B Tryptone Bile X-glucoronide Agar 01-619 Microinstant ® Tryptone Bile Glucuronic Agar (TBX Agar)
CM0127B Tryptone Glucose Extract Agar 01-082 Tryptone Glucose Extract Agar (TGE Agar)
CM0131B Tryptone Soy Agar 01-200 Tryptic Soy Agar (TSA)
CM0129B Tryptone Soya Broth 02-200 Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB)
LP0043B Tryptone T 07-119 Tryptone - Casein Trypsic Peptone
LP0043B Tryptone T 07-489 Tryptone - Peptone from Casein acc. to USP specifications
LP0047B Tryptose 07-197 Tryptose
SR0229K TTC Solution (1%) 06-023 TTC Sterile Solution 1%
CM0053B Urea Agar Base 01-261 Urea Agar Base
CM0071B Urea Broth Base 02-202 Urea Broth Base
SR0020K Urea Steril Solution 40% 06-083 Urea Sterile Solution 40%
CM0485B Violet Red Bile Glucose Agar 01-295 Violet Red Bile Dextrose Agar (VRBD Agar)
CM0107B Violet Red Bile Lactose Agar 01-164 Violet Red Bile Agar (VRB Agar)
CM0641B Vogel Johnson Agar 01-206 Vogel Johnson Agar (VJ Agar)
CM1012B Water Plate Count Agar (ISO) 01-590 Tryptone Yeast Extract Agar
CM0309B WL Nutrient Agar (Medium) 01-210 WL Nutrient Agar
CM0247B Wort Agar 01-132 Wort Agar
CM0469B XLD Medium 01-552 Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Modified Agar
CM1061B XLT-4 Agar 01-708 XLT4 Agar
SR0237E XLT-4 Selective Supplement 06-709 XLT4 Agar Selective Supplement
LP0021B Yeast Extract powder 07-079 Yeast Extract
CM0920B Yeast Mold Agar (YM Agar) 01-219 Yeast Malt Agar
CM0653B Yersinia Selective (CIN) Agar Base 01-144 Nutrient Agar (APHA)
SR0109E Yersinia Selective Supplement 06-143 Yersinia Selective Supplement

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Cross-references: OXOID - SCHARLAU (numeric)
Art. No. OXOID Description OXOID Art. No. SCHARLAU Description SCHARLAU
BR0071E MUG Supplement 06-102 MUG Supplement
CM0001B Nutrient Broth 02-140 Nutrient Broth
CM0003B Nutrient Agar 01-140 Nutrient Agar
CM0003B Nutrient Agar 01-635 Nutrient Agar (ISO)
CM0005B MacCONKEY Broth 02-118 MacConkey Broth
CM0009B Peptone Water 03-156 Tryptone Water (Peptone Water)
CM0015B Lab-Lembco Broth 02-144 Nutrient Broth (APHA)
CM0017B Lab-Lemco Agar 01-144 Nutrient Agar (APHA)
CM0031B Brilliant Green Bile (2%) Broth 02-041 Brilliant Green Bile 2% Broth
CM0033B Kligler Iron Agar 01-103 Kligler Iron Agar (KIA)
CM0041B Sabouraud Dextrose Agar 01-165 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar
CM0043B MRVP Medium 02-207 Methyl Red Voges Proskauer Broth (MRVP)
CM0053B Urea Agar Base 01-261 Urea Agar Base
CM0055B Blood Agar Base 01-352 Blood Agar Base
CM0057B Malt Extract Broth 02-491 Malt Extract Broth No. 2
CM0059B Malt Extract Agar 01-574 Malt Extract Agar No. 3
CM0067B Nutrient Broth No.2 (Preston Selective Broth) 02-561 Preston Campylobacter Broth Base
CM0069B Eosine Methylene Blue Agar, Modified Levine 01-068 Eosin Methylene Blue Agar (EMB Agar)
CM0071B Urea Broth Base 02-202 Urea Broth Base
CM0085B Mannitol Salt Agar 01-116 Mannitol Salt Agar (Chapman Agar)
CM0107B Violet Red Bile Lactose Agar 01-164 Violet Red Bile Agar (VRB Agar)
CM0109B MacConkey Agar No. 2 01-682 MacConkey No. 2 Agar
CM0111B STUART TRANSPORT MEDIUM 03-454 Stuart Ringertz Transport Medium
CM0115B MacCONKEY Agar n. 3 01-118 MacConkey Agar
CM0127B Tryptone Glucose Extract Agar 01-082 Tryptone Glucose Extract Agar (TGE Agar)
CM0129B Tryptone Soya Broth 02-200 Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB)
CM0131B Tryptone Soy Agar 01-200 Tryptic Soy Agar (TSA)
CM0137B Lactose Broth 02-105 Lactose Broth
CM0139B Potato Dextrose Agar 01-483 Potato Dextrose Agar
CM0147B Sabouraud Liquid Medium 02-165 Sabouraud Broth
CM0149B Reinforced Clostridial Medium 03-289 Reinforced Clostridial Medium
CM0151B Reinforced Clostridial Agar 01-289 Reinforced Clostridial Agar
CM0155B SIMMONS Citrate Agar 01-177 Simmons Citrate Medium
CM0163B Desoxycholate Agar 01-057 Deoxycholate Lactose Agar
CM0173B Thioglycollate Medium USP 03-187 Thioglycollate Fluid Medium
CM0189B Todd-Hewitt Broth 02-191 Todd-Hewitt Broth
CM0225B Brain Heart Infusion Broth 02-599 Brain Heart Infusion Broth (BHI Broth)
CM0247B Wort Agar 01-132 Wort Agar
CM0263B Brilliant Green Agar 01-203 Brilliant Green Agar (BGA)
CM0271B Blood Agar Base N.2 01-505 Blood Agar Base No. 2
CM0275B Baird Parker Agar Base 01-030 Baird Parker Agar Base
CM0277B Triple Sugar Iron Agar 01-192 Triple Sugar Iron Agar (TSI Agar) (Eur. Pharm. Agar Medium M)
CM0287B Antibiotic Medium No. 3 (Assay Broth) 02-011 Antibiotic Medium C (Eur. Pharm.)
CM0301B CLED Medium 01-047 CLED Agar
CM0308S Lysine Decarboxylase Broth (taylor Modificaction) 02-336 Decarboxylase Lysine Broth (Taylor)
CM0309B WL Nutrient Agar (Medium) 01-210 WL Nutrient Agar
CM0317B EE Broth 02-064 Enrichment Enterobacteriaceae Broth (EE Broth)
CM0321B DNAse Agar 01-346 DNAse Agar
CM0325B Plate Count Agar (Tryptone Glucose Yeast Agar) 01-329 Plate Count Modified Agar
CM0327B Antibiotic Medium n. 1 01-009 Antibiotic Medium A pH 6.6 (Eur. Pharm.)
CM0329B Brilliant Green Agar (Modified) 01-309 Brilliant Green Modified Agar (BGA Modified)
CM0331B Columbia Blood Agar Base 01-034 Blood Agar Base (Columbia)
CM0333B Cholera Medium TCBS 01-567 TCBS AGAR
CM0337B Mueller hinton Agar 01-136 Mueller-Hinton Agar
CM0359B MRS Broth 02-135 MRS Broth
CM0361B MRS Agar 01-135 MRS Agar
CM1136B Brain Heart Infusion Agar 01-599 Brain Heart Infusion Agar (BHI Agar)
CM0377B SLANETZ & BARTLEY Medium 01-579 Slanetz Bartley Agar Base
CM0381B Lysine Iron Agar 01-094 Lysine Iron Agar (LIA)
CM0391B Thioglycollate Broth USP-Alternative 02-186 Thioglycollate Broth
CM0395B Selenite Broth Base 02-598 Selenite Broth Base
CM0405B Mueller Hinton Broth 02-136 Mueller-Hinton Broth
CM0409B Sensitest Agar 01-655 Sensitivity Test Agar (STA)
CM0419B HEKTOEN Enteric Agar 01-216 Hektoen Enteric Agar
CM0435B SIM Medium 03-176 SIM Medium
CM0451B Lauryl Tryptose Broth 02-108 Tryptose Lauryl sulfate Broth
CM0463B Standard Plate Count Agar (APHA) 01-161 Plate Count Agar (PCA)
CM0469B XLD Medium 01-552 Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Modified Agar
CM0479B Endo Agar Base 01-589 Endo Agar Base
CM0485B Violet Red Bile Glucose Agar 01-295 Violet Red Bile Dextrose Agar (VRBD Agar)
CM0505B MaCConkey Broth Purple 02-611 MacConkey Broth (Eur. Pharm.)
CM0509B Buffered peptone Water 02-693 Tryptone Phosphate Water 09
CM0519B Cary-Blair Medium 03-643 Cary-Blair Transport Medium

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Cross-references: OXOID - SCHARLAU (numeric)
Art. No. OXOID Description OXOID Art. No. SCHARLAU Description SCHARLAU
CM0523B Giolitti Cantoni Broth 02-230 Giolitti-Cantoni Broth
CM0533B Salmonella Shigella Modificado Agar 01-555 Salmonella-Shigella Agar (SS Agar)
CM0539B Dermasel Medium 01-442 Dermatophyte Selective Agar
CM0545B Oxytetracyclin Glucose Yeast Extract Agar (O.G.Y.E Agar) 01-275 Sabouraud Oxytetracycline Agar Base (OGYEA)
CM0549B Rose Bengal Chloramphenicol Agar 01-301 Rose Bengal Agar
CM0559B Pseudomonas Agar Base 01-609 CN Selective Agar Base
CM0579B Cetrimide Agar 01-160 Cetrimide Agar (Pseudomonas Selective Agar)
CM0587B Perfringens Agar Base (TSC & SFP) 01-278 Tryptose Sulfite Cycloserine Agar (TSC Agar)
CM0589B BiGGY Agar 01-137 Nickerson Agar (Biggy Agar)
CM0591B Kanamycin Aesculin Azide Agar Base 01-263 Kanamycin Esculin Azide Agar (KAA Agar)
CM0595B Tryptone Bile Agar 01-526 Tryptone Bile Agar
CM0607G Minerals Modified Medium Base 02-656 Mineral Modified Glutamate Medium Base
CM0617B BACILLUS CEREUS SELECTIVE AGAR BASE 01-487 Bacillus cereus Selective Agar
CM0641B VOGEL JOHNSON Agar 01-206 Vogel Johnson Agar (VJ Agar)
CM0653B Yersinia Selective (CIN) Agar Base 01-144 Nutrient Agar (APHA)
CM0655B Legionella CYE Agar Base 01-687 Legionella BCYE Agar Base
CM0669B Rappaport-Vassiliadis (RV) Enrichment Broth 02-668 Rappaport Vassiliadis Salmonella Enrichment Broth
CM0681B Milk Plate Count Agar 01-412 Plate Count Skim Milk Agar
CM0689B Preston Selective Agar 01-451 Preston Campylobacter Agar Base
CM0699B Selenite Cystine Broth Base 02-602 Selenite Cystine Broth Base
CM0701B KF Streptococcus Agar 01-294 Kenner Fecal Agar (KF Agar)
CM0727B DRBC Agar Base 01-657 Dichloran Rose Bengal Chloramphenicol Agar (DRBC Agar)
CM0729B Dichloran Glycerol (DG18) Agar Base 01-485 Dichloran Glycerin Selective Agar (DG18 Agar)
CM0733B Maximum recovery Diluent 02-510 Maximum Recovery Diluent (MRD)
CM0733B Maximum recovery Diluent 02-631 Purple Maximum Recovery Diluent
CM0739B Campylobacter Blood-free Selective Agar Base 01-685 Charcoal Cefoperazone Deoxycholate (CCD) Modified Agar Base
CM0793B TERGITOL R 7 Agar 01-053 Chapman TTC Agar (Tergitol® 7 Agar)
CM0813B Sorbitol MaCConkey Agar 01-729 MacConkey Sorbitol Agar
CM0853B EC Broth 02-060 E. coli Broth
CM0856B Listeria Selective Agar (OXFORD) 01-471 Oxford Agar Base
CM0862B Listeria enrichment Broth Base (FDA) 02-498 Listeria Enrichment Broth Base (Lovett)
CM0863B Listeria Enrichment Broth Base (UVM formulatoin) 02-472 Listeria Enrichment Broth Base (UVM)
CM0866B Rappaport-Vasisliadissoya Peptone (RVS) Broth 02-379 Rappaport Vassiliadis Broth
CM0868B Azide Dextrose Broth (Rothe) 02-027 Azide Dextrose Broth (Rothe)
CM0877B PALCAM Agar Base 01-470 Palcam Agar Base
CM0888B Bile Aesculine agar 01-265 Bile Esculin Modified Agar
CM0895B Listeria Enrichment Broth Base acc. to Fraser 02-496 Listeria Enrichment Broth Base (Fraser)
CM0898B Haemophilus Test Medium (HTM) 01-706 HTM Agar Base (Haemophilus Test Medium Agar)
CM0906B R2A Agar 01-540 R2A Agar
CM0910B Modified Semi-Solid Rappaport-Vassiliadis (MSRV) Medium Base 03-376 Rappaport Vassiliadis Modified Semi-solid Medium Base
CM0920B Yeast Mold Agar (YM Agar) 01-219 Yeast Malt Agar
CM0929B MYP Agar 01-262 Bacillus cereus Agar
CM0945B Tryptone Bile X-glucoronide Agar 01-619 Microinstant ® Tryptone Bile Glucuronic Agar (TBX Agar)
CM0982B Buffered sodium Chloride Peptone 02-494 Buffered Peptone Water (Eur. Pharm.)
CM0983B Bolton Selective Enrichment Broth 02-688 Bolton Enrichment Broth Base
CM0989B Tryptona Soya Broth Modified (mTSB) 02-691 Tryptic Soy Broth Modified
CM0992B Membrane Clostridium Perfringens (m-CP) Medium 01-513 m-CP Agar Base
CM1012B Water Plate Count Agar (ISO) 01-590 Tryptone Yeast Extract Agar
CM1028B ALKALINE PEPTONE WATER 02-468 Alkaline Peptone Water
CM1048B Müller KauffMann tetrathionate-Novobiocin Broth (MKTTn) 02-335 Müller-Kauffmann Tetrathionate Broth Base
CM1049B Buffered Peptone Water (ISO) 02-277 Buffered Peptone Water
CM1061B XLT-4 Agar 01-708 XLT4 Agar
CM1084B Chromogenic Listeria Agar (ISO) 01-719 Microinstant ® Chromogenic Listeria Agar acc. to Ottaviani & Agosti
CM1117B Alkaline Saline Peptone Water 02-697 Alkaline Saline Peptone Water
LP0011B Agar bacteriological (Agar n.1) 07-004 Agar Bacteriological
LP0021B Yeast Extract powder 07-079 Yeast Extract
LP0029B Lab-Lemco powder 07-075 Meat Extract
LP0029B Lab-Lemco powder 07-515 Beef Extract
LP0031B Skim Milk Powder 06-019 Skimmed Milk Powder
LP0039B Malt Extract 07-080 Malt Extract
LP0043B Tryptone T 07-119 Tryptone - Casein Trypsic Peptone
LP0043B Tryptone T 07-489 Tryptone - Peptone from Casein acc. to USP specifications
LP0047B Tryptose 07-197 Tryptose
LP0048B Lactalbumin hydrolisate 07-455 Lactalbumin Hydrolysate
LP0085B Proteose peptone 07-625 Proteose Peptone No. 3
LP0121A Sodium bi-selenite 06-607 BASIC FUCHSIN (250) SELECTIVE SUPPLEMENT
R21522 BactiDrop Indol , Kovacs RE0007 Kovacs’ Reagent
R21536 BactiDrop Nitrate A 06-003 Nitrates A Solution
R21538 BactiDrop Nitrate B 06-004 Nitrates B Solution
R40080 Gram Stain Kit RE0100 Barrit’s Reagent
R40080 Gram Stain Kit VI0027 Crystal Violet Dye Solution
R40080 Gram Stain Kit LU0010 Lugol Solution
R40080 Gram Stain Kit DE0010 Decolouriser For Gram Staining

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Cross-references: OXOID - SCHARLAU (numeric)
Art. No. OXOID Description OXOID Art. No. SCHARLAU Description SCHARLAU
R40080 Gram Stain Kit SA0042 Safranin Dye Solution (For Gram Staining)
SR0020K Urea Steril Solution 40% 06-053 Urea Sterile Solution 40%
SR0030J Potassium tellurite 3,5% 06-011 Potassium Tellurite Sterile Solution 3,5%
SR0047C Egg-Yolk Emulsion 06-016 Sterile Egg Yolk Emulsion
SR0054C Egg Yolk tellurite Emulsion 06-026 Egg's Yolk Tellurite Sterile Emulsion
SR0069E Campylobacter Selective Supplement Skirrow) 06-132 Campylobacter Skirrow Selective Supplement
SR0073A OGYE Selective Supplement 06-114 Disodium Disulfite (Meta-Bisulfite Sodium)
SR0078E Chloramphenicol Selective Supplement 06-118 Chloramphenicol Selective Supplement
SR0088E Cycloserine (TSC) Supplement 06-116 Cycloserine Selective Supplement
SR0099E Bacillus cereus Selective Supplement 06-021 Polymyxin B Sulfate Selective Supplement
SR0109E Yersinia Selective Supplement 06-143 Yersinia Selective Supplement
SR0110C Legionella BCYE Growth Supplement 06-137 Legionella BCYE Growth Supplement
SR0117E Preston Campylobacter Selective Supplement 06-130 Campylobacter Preston Selective Supplement
SR0140E Oxford Agar Selective Supplement 06-109 Oxford Agar Selective Supplement
SR0141E Listeria Selective Supplement for Enrichment FDA/IDF 06-107 Listeria Selective Supplement for Enrichment acc. to Fda/Idf
SR0142E Listeria Selective Supplement for primary enrichment 06-106 Listeria Selective Supplement for Primary Enrichment (UVM I)
SR0143E Listeria Selective Supplement for secundary enrichment 06-111 Listeria Selective Supplement for Secondary Enrichment (UVM II/Fraser)
SR0150E PALCAM Selective Agar 06-110 Palcam Agar Selective Supplement
SR0152E Legionella GVPC Selective Supplement 06-137 Legionella GVPC Selective Supplement
SR0155E CCDA Selective Supplement 06-133 Campylobater CCDA Selective Supplement
SR0166E Half Fraser Supplement 06-136 Listeria Enrichment Half Fraser Selective Supplement (225 ml)
SR0175A Legionella BCYE Growth Supplement without L-cysteine 06-134 Legionella BCYE without Cysteine NO Growth Supplement
SR0181E Novobiocin supplement 06-139 Novobiocin Selective Supplement (10 mg)
SR0183E Bolton Broth Selective Supplement 06-131 Campylobacter Bolton Selective Supplement
SR0188E m-CP Selective Supplement 06-125 m-CP Selective Supplement
SR0204E Modified Preston Campylobacter Selective Supplement 06-135 Campylobacter Preston Modified Selective Supplement
SR0222C Cycloheximide 06-022 Cycloheximide Selective Supplement
SR0226 OCLA Differential Suppement 06-755 Microinstant ® Listeria Selective Supplement
SR0229K TTC Solution (1%) 06-023 TTC Sterile Solution 1%
SR0232E Campylobacter Growth Supplement 06-128 Campylobacter Growth Supplement
SR0237E XLT-4 Selective Supplement 06-709 XLT4 Agar Selective Supplement
SR0244 OCLA Selective Suppement 06-754 Microinstant ® Listeria Enrichment Supplement

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Product index

Product Page Product Page

A B (continue)
Acetamide Medium (03-428) 8, 55 Blood Agar (01-352)  11
Acrylamide, electrophoresis grade 51 Blood Agar Base 50, 53
Acrylamide, molecular biology grade 51 Blood Agar (Columbia) (01-680) 11, 50, 54
Agar Bacteriological 40 Blood Agar No. 2 (01-505) 11, 50, 53, 55
Agar-Agar 40 Blood CNA Agar (Columbia CNA) (01-703) 11, 50
Agarose and Acrylamide. Eletrophoresis 51 Bolton Enrichment Broth (02-688) 11, 52
Agarose High EEO 51 Boric Acid, molecular biology grade 51
Agarose High Resolution 51 Brain Heart Infusion Agar (BHI Agar) 51, 53, 55
Agarose Low EEO 51 Brain Heart Infusion Broth (BHI Broth) 50, 53, 55
Agarose Low Melt 51 Brilliant Green Agar (BGA) (01-203) 50, 53, 54
Agarose Medium EEO 51 Brilliant Green Bile 2% Broth (02-041) 11, 50, 52, 55
AK Agar (01-069) 8 Brilliant Green Modified Agar (01-309) 11, 53, 55
Algae Agar (01-007) 8, 55 Brilliant Green Selective Supplement with Novobiocin 22, 38
Algae Broth (02-007) 8, 55 Brolacin Agar (01-047) 11
Alkaline Peptone Water (02-468) 8, 53 Buffer Solution pH = 4, 00 40
Alkaline Saline Peptone Water (02-697) 8, 53, 55 Buffer Solution pH = 7, 00 40
Ammmonium Chloride, molecular biology grade 51 Buffered Peptone Water (02-277) 11, 50, 52
Ammonium Acetate, molecular biology grade 51 Buffered Peptone Water Eur. Pharm. (02-494) 12, 54
Ammonium Chloride (Additive) 21, 40 Buffered-Phosphate Peptone Water (02-568) 12
Ammonium Persulfate, molecular biology grade 51 Buffers for Electrophoresis 51
Ammonium Sulfate, molecular biology grade 51 Buffers for Hibridization 51
Ampicillin, Sodium Salt, biochemical purposes 51
Ampicillin Selective Supplement 36 C
Anaerobic jarr 50 Calcium Chloride 2 Hydrate, molecular biology grade 51
Antibiotic Medium A pH 6, 6 Eur. Pharm. (01-009) 8, 54 Campylobacter Blood-Free Selective Agar (01-685) 12
Antibiotic Medium A pH 7, 9 Eur. Pharm. (01-017) 8, 54 Campylobacter Bolton Broth (02-688) 12
Antibiotic Medium B (01-016) 8, 54 Campylobacter Bolton Selective Supplement 11, 36
Antibiotic Medium C Eur. Pharm. (02-011) 8, 54 Campylobacter CCDA Selective Supplement 12, 36
Antibiotic Medium E (01-430) 8, 54 Campylobacter Growth Supplement 24, 27, 36
Antibiotic Medium F Eur. Pharm. (01-434) 8, 54 Campylobacter Preston Agar (01-451) 12
Antibiotics. Cloning 51 Campylobacter Preston Broth (02-561) 12
APT Agar (01-026) 8, 53 Campylobacter Preston Modified Selective Supplement 24, 36
Aquachrom™ ECC 43 Campylobacter Preston Selective Supplement 24, 36
D-(-)-Arabinose, for Bacteriology 40 Campylobacter Skirrow Selective Supplement 27, 36
L-Arginine extra pure 40 Cary-Blair Transport Medium (03-643) 12, 50
L-Asparagine 40 Casein Acid Hydrolysate 40
Asparagine Broth (02-271) 8, 55 Casein Lecithin Polysorbate Broth (02-539) 12, 51, 54
Azide Dextrose Broth according to Rothe (02-027) 9, 52, 54 Casein Pancreatic Peptone 40
Casein Trypsic Peptone (Tryptone) 40
B Catalase Activity 48
Bacillus Cereus Agar (01-262) 9, 50, 52 CCA (Microinstant ® Chromogenic Coliform Agar (01-695) 12
Bacillus Cereus Selective Agar (01-487) 9, 52 CCD (Charcoal Cefoperazone Deoxycholate) Modified Agar (01-685) 12
Baird Parker Agar (01-030) 9, 50, 51, 53, 54 Cesium Chloride, molecular biology grade 51
Baird Parker with RPF Agar Cetrimide Agar (01-160) 12, 53, 54, 55
(Rabbit Plasma Agar & Fibrinogen) 9 Cetrimide-Nalidixic (Cn) Selective Agar (01-609) 12
Barrit Reagent (Alpha-Naphtol) (A) 49 CGA (Chloramphenicol Glucose Agar) (01-366) 12
Basic Fuchsin 2,5% Solution 15, 34 Chapman Agar (01-116) 12
BAT (Bacillus Acidoterrestris) Agar (01-675) 9, 52 Chapman TTC Agar (01-053) 12, 52, 55
BAT (Bacillus Acidoterrestris) Broth (02-675) 9, 52 Charcoal Cefoperazone Deoxycholate Modified Agar (01-685) 12, 52
BCYE Agar without Cysteine 18 Chloramphenicol Glucose Agar (CGA) 53
BCYE Legionella Agar (01-687) 10 Chloramphenicol Selective Supplement (25 mg) 38
BCYE Legionella Selective Agar 10 Chloramphenicol, biochemical purposes 51
BCYE without Cysteine Legionella Agar 10 Chloride Ferric Solution 49
Beef Extract 40 Chocolate Agar 16
Beerens Cosmetic Diluent (02-257) 10, 51 Christensen's Citrate Agar (01-664) 13, 53
BGA (Brilliant Green Agar) (01-203) 10 CIN Agar (01-444) 13
BGA Modified (Brilliant Green Modified Agar) (01-309) 10 Citric Acid 1 Hydrate, molecular biology grade 51
BGBL Broth (02-041) 10 CLED Agar (01-047) 13, 50
BHI Agar (Brain Heart Infusion Agar) (01-599) 10 Cloning. Antibiotics 51
BHI Broth (Brain Heart Infusion Broth) (02-599) 10 Cloning. Enzyme Substrates 51
Biggy Agar (01-137) 10, 50, 51 Clostridium Perfringens, Selective Agar (SPS Agar) 51, 52, 55
Bile 40 CN (Cetrimide-Nalidixic) Selective Agar Base (01-609) 13, 50, 51, 53, 55
Bile Esculin Azide Agar (01-592) 11, 52, 55 Coagulase Test (Rabbit Plasma) 48
Bile Esculin Modified Agar (01-265) 11, 52 Coliform CV Selective Supplement 13, 36, 47
Bile Salts No. 3 40 Coliforms Presence/Absence Broth 13, 47
Biological Buffers 51 Columbia Agar Base (Eur. Pharm./HP) (01-680) 13, 54

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C (continue) F (continue)
Columbia Blood Agar (01-034) 13, 27 Formamide, r.g. 51
Columbia CNA Agar (01-703) 13, 50 Fraser Half Concentration Enrichment Broth 15
Cosmetic Diluent of Beerens (02-257) 13 Fraser Listeria Enrichment Broth (02-496) 15
m-Cp Agar (Clostridium Perfringens) (01-513) 13, 55 D-(-)-Fructose, extra pure 40
m-Cp Selective Supplement 13, 36 Fuchsin Basic 40
CP Selective Supplement for Gram-Positive Cocci (CNA) 38
CT SMAC Selective Supplement 27, 36 G
Cycloheximide Selective Supplement 36 GC Agar Base (01-310) 16, 28, 50
Cycloserine Selective Supplement 31, 36 Gelatin Pancreatic Peptone 40
L-Cysteine Hydrochloride Anhydrous, extra pure 40 Gelatine Powder, for analysis and bacteriology 40
Giolitti-Cantoni Broth (02-230) 16, 53
D Glycerol (Additive) 21
D/E Neutralizing Agar (01-610) 14, 51 ß-Glucoronidase Broth 48
D/E Neutralizing Broth (02-610) 14, 51 D-Glucose (Dextrose) 34, 40
Decarboxylase Lysine Broth according to Taylor (02-336) 14, 52 Glucose Bromocresol Purple Agar (01-502) 16, 52
Deoxycholate Lactose Agar (01-057) 14, 50, 52, 55 Glucose Peptone Chloramphenicol Agar (01-692) 16, 51
Dermatophyte Selective Agar (01-442) 14, 50 Glycerol (Additive) 12, 17
Dextrose 34 Glycerol Anhydrous, molecular biology grade 51
Dextrose Tryptone Purple Bromocresol Agar (01-556) 14, 52 Glycerol, 99, 5% 40
DG18 Selective Agar (Dichloran Glycerin Selective Agar) (01-485) 14 Glycine, extra pure 51
Dichloran Glycerin Selective Agar (DG18 Agar) 53 Glycine, molecular biology grade 51
Dichloran Rose Bengal Chloramphenicol Agar (DRBC Agar) (01-657) 14, 53 GPS (Growth Promotion Supplement) 16, 38
Differential Reinforced Clostridial Medium (DRCM) (02-410) 14, 50, 52, 55 Gram Negative Broth (Gn Broth) (02-093) 16, 52
1, 4-Dithiotreytol, molecular biology grade 51 m-Green Agar (01-633) 16, 53, 55
DNA/RNA Extraction 51 m-Green Broth (02-633) 16, 55
DNase Activity 48 Guanidine Hidrochloride, molecular biology grade 51
DNase Agar (01-346) 14, 53 Guanidine Thiocynate, molecular biology grade 51
DRCM (02-410) 14 GVPC 16
DTM Agar (01-442) 14
Dyes. Electrophoresis 51 H
Haemophilus Growth Supplement 16
E Half Fraser Broth 16
E. E. Broth (Enrichment Enterobacteriaceae Broth) (02-064) 14, 52, 54 Hektoen Enteric Agar (01-216) 16, 50, 52
EC Broth (E. Coli Broth) (02-060) 15, 50, 52, 55 Hepes, extra pure 51
EDTA, Disodium Salt 2 Hydrate, R.G. 51 Hepes, Free Acid, molecular biology grade 51
EDTA, Disodium Salt, molecular biology grade 51 Hepes, Sodium Salt, molecular biology grade 51
Egg's Yolk Sterile Emulsion 9, 34 Hippurate Test 48
Egg's Yolk Tellurite Sterile Emulsion 9, 34 L-Histidine Hydrochloride Monohydrate, extra pure, Eur. Pharm. 40
Eletrophoresis. Agarose and Acrylamide 51 HTM (Haemophilus Test Medium) (01-706) 16, 50
Eletrophoresis. Buffers for Electrophoresis 51 Hybridization. Buffers for Hibridization 51
Eletrophoresis. Dyes 51 Hybridization. Reagents for Hibridization 51
Eletrophoresis. Reagents for Electrophoresis 51 Hydrochloric Acid 0,1 N, sol. valorated 48
EMB Agar (Eosin Methylene Blue Agar) (01-068) 15, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55 Hydrochloric Acid, Solution 0, 1 mol/L (0,1 N) 40
Endo Agar (01-589) 15, 52, 55 Hydrochloric Acid, Solution 1 mol/L (1 N) 40
m-Enterecoccus Agar (01-579) 15 Hydrogen Peroxide 30% (V/V) extremely pure 48
Enzyme Substrates. Cloning 51 Hydrogen Peroxide, 30% W/W, extra pure 40
Esculin Bile Modified Agar (01-265) 15
Ethanol 96% V/V, Multisolvent ® 40 I
Ethanol Absolute, Synthesis Grade 40 Immersion Oil, for microscopy 40
Ethanol, Dnase Free 51 Indol Test 48
Ethidium Bromide, biochemical purposes 51 Iodine 34
Ethidium Bromide, Solution 10mg/mL 51 Iodine Potassium Iodide Solution 22, 34
Ethyl Violet Azide Broth (Eva Broth) 15, 55 IPTG, molecular biology grade (Dioxane Free) 51
Eugon LT 100 Agar (01-654) 15, 51 Iron Sulfite Modified Agar (01-634) 16, 51, 53
Eugon LT 100 Broth (02-654) 15, 55 Iron(III) Chloride Hexahydrate, extra pure 40
EVA Broth (02-028) 15 L-Isoleucine, extra pure 40

F Agar (01-029) 15 K Agar (01-674) 17, 52
Fecal Coliform Agar (FC Agar) (01-287) 15 Kanamycin Disulphate, molecular biology grade 51
Ferric Ammonium Citrate Supplement 15, 18, 36, 38, 40 Kanamycin Esculin Azide Agar (KAA Agar) (01-263) 17, 52, 54, 55
Ferric Chloride 49 Kanamycin Esculin Azide Broth(KAA Broth) (02-263) 17, 52
Ficoll® 400 51 KF (Kenner Fecal) Agar (01-294) 17, 52, 55
Formaldehyde, Sol 37%, molecular biology grade 51 King A Agar (P Agar) (01-001) 17, 51, 53, 54, 55
Formaldehyde, Sol 37%, R.G. 51 King B Agar (F Agar) (01-029) 17, 51, 54, 55
Formamide Deionized, molecular biology grade 51 Kligler Iron Agar (Kia) (01-103) 17, 50, 52

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K (continue) M (continue)
Kovac's Reagent 48 Malt Extract Agar according to Blakeslee (01-672) 20, 53
Malt Extract Agar No. 1 (01-111) 20, 53
L Malt Extract Agar No. 2 (01-573) 20, 51, 53
Lactalbumin Hydrolysate 40 Malt Extract Agar No. 3 (01-574) 20, 51, 53
Lactose Broth (02-105) 17, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55 Malt Extract Broth No. 1 (02-111) 20, 53
Lactose Gelatin Medium (03-632) 18, 52 Malt Extract Broth No. 2 (02-491) 20, 53
D(+)-Lactose Monohydrate 34, 40 D-Maltose 34, 40
Lactose Sulfite Broth (02-519) 18, 52, 54 Mannitol Salt Agar (01-116) 20, 50, 53, 54, 55
Lactose TTC Sodium Heptadecyl Sulfate Agar (01-053) 18 (-)-Mannitol, Reagent Grade 34, 40
m-Lauryl sulfate Agar (01-524) 18, 55 D-(+)-Mannose, for Biochemistry 40
Lauryl sulfate MUG Broth (02-527) 18 Marine Agar (01-291) 20, 53, 55
Lauryl sulfate Tryptose Broth (02-108) 18 Maximum Recovery Diluent (MRD) (02-510) 21, 52, 54, 55
Lauryl sulfate Tryptose Mannitol Tryptophan Broth (02-460) 18 Meat Extract 40
LB Agar according to Miller (01-385) 18, 54 Meat Peptone 40
LB Broth (02-384) 18, 54 Mercaptoethanol, molecular biology grade 51
LB Broth according to Lennox (02-406) 18, 54 Methyl Red Solution 42
LB Broth according to Miller (02-385) 18, 54 Methyl Red Test 42
Lecithin 40 Methyl Red Voges Proskauer Broth (02-207) 21, 50, 52
Legionella BCYE Agar (01-687) 18, 50, 51, 55 Methyl Red Voges Proskauer Saline Broth (02-456) 21, 52
Legionella BCYE Agar Without Cysteine 18 N, N'-Methylene-Bis-Acrylamide, electrophoresis grade 51
Legionella BCYE Growth Supplement 10, 36 N, N'-Methylene-Bis-Acrylamide, molecular biology grade 51
Legionella BCYE Selective Agar 18 Microbial Content Test Agar (01-613) 21, 51
Legionella BCYE W/O Cysteine No Growth Supplement 10, 36 Microinstant ® Chromogenic Coliform Agar (CCA) (01-695) 21, 41, 51, 52, 55
Legionella GVPC Selective Supplement 10, 36 Microinstant ® Chromogenic Colinstant Agar (01-618) 21, 41, 52, 55
Letheen Agar (01-236) 18, 51 Microinstant ® Chromogenic Listeria Agar acc. to Ottaviani & Agosti (01-719) 21, 41
Letheen Broth (02-236) 18, 51 Microinstant ® Listeria Enrichment Supplement 21, 38, 41
Letheen Modified Agar (01-237) 19, 51 Microinstant ® Listeria Selective Supplement 21, 38, 41
Letheen Modified Broth (02-237) 19, 51 Microinstant ® Sakazakii Chromogenic Agar (01-744) 21, 41
L-Leucine, extra pure, Eur. Pharm., USP 40 Microinstant ® Tryptone Bile Glucuronic (TBX Agar) (01-619) 21, 52, 55
Levine Agar (01-068) 19 Mineral Modified Glutamate Agar (01-659) 21, 52
Liebermeister & Braveny Agar (01-446) 19, 50 Mineral Modified Glutamate Medium (02-656) 21, 52
Linden Grain Medium 19 MOPS, molecular biology grade 51
Listeria Enrichment according to FDA and IDF Selective Supplement 19 Mossel Broth (02-064) 21
Listeria Agar according to Ottaviani & Agosti 19, 47 Motility Indol Ornithine Fluid Medium (MIO) (03-422) 21, 50
Listeria Enrichment Broth according to Fraser (02-496) 19, 53 Motility Nitrate Medium (03-612) 21, 52
Listeria Enrichment Broth according to Lovett (02-498) 19, 53 MRS Agar (01-135) 21, 51, 53
Listeria Enrichment Broth UVM (02-472) 19, 53 MRS Broth (02-135) 21, 50, 53, 55
Listeria for Primary Enrichment Selective Supplement (Half Fraser) 15 MRVP Broth (Methyl Red Voges Proskauer Broth) (02-207) 21
Listeria Oxford Agar (01-471) 19 MRVP Saline Broth (Methyl Red Voges Proskauer Saline Broth) (02-456) 21
Listeria Palcam Agar (01-470) 19 Mueller-Hinton Agar (01-136) 22, 50, 54
Listeria Selective Supplement for Enrichment (FDA and IDF/FIL) 38 Mueller-Hinton Broth (02-136) 22, 50
Listeria Selective Supplement for Primary Enrichment (UVM I) 32, 38 MUG Fluorescent Supplement 36
Listeria Selective Supplement for Primary Enrichment Half Fraser 15, 38 Müller-Kauffmann Tetrathionate Broth (02-335) 22, 50, 53
Listeria Selective Supplement for Secondary Enrichment (UVM II/Fraser) 15, 32, 38 MYP Agar (01-262) 22
Listeria Selective Supplement for Secondary Enrichment (UVM II/Fraser) 15, 32, 38
with Ferric Ammonium Citrate (250mg) N
Lithium Chloride, molecular biology grade 51 Nalidixic Acid Selective Supplement 13, 38
Litsky Azide Broth (02-028) 19 Nessler, Reagent 49
Lovett Listeria Broth 53 Neutralizing Fluid (02-512) 22, 54
Löwenstein-Jensen Medium (02-627) 19 Neutralizing Special Broth (02-583) 22, 51, 54
Löwenstein-Jensen Pyruvate Medium 19 Nickerson Agar (Biggy Agar) (01-137) 22, 50, 51
Lyophilized Rabbit Plasma 48 Ninhydrin Developer 48
Lysine Descarboxylase Broth according to Taylor (02-336) 19 Nitrate Broth (02-138) 22, 52
Lysine Iron Agar (LIA) (01-094) 19, 50, 52 Nitrate Reagent A 49
L-Lysine Monohydrochloride, Synthesis Grade 40 Nitrate Reagent B 49
Nitrate Test 49
M Novobiocine Selective Supplement (10mg) 25, 28, 31, 36, 38
MacConkey Agar (01-118) 19, 50, 52, 54, 55 Nutrient Agar (01-140) 22, 50, 54, 55
MacConkey Agar No. 2 (01-682) 20, 52, 55 Nutrient Agar (APHA) (01-144) 22, 51, 53, 55
MacConkey Broth (02-118) 20, 52, 54, 55 Nutrient Agar (ISO) (01-635) 22, 53
MacConkey Broth (Eur. Pharm.) (02-611) 20, 52, 54, 55 Nutrient Agar No. 2 (01-451) 22
MacConkey Sorbitol Agar (SMAC Agar) (01-729) 20, 50, 52 Nutrient Broth (02-140) 22, 54
MacFarland Standard 48 Nutrient Broth (APHA) (02-144) 23, 53, 54, 55
Magnesium Chloride 6 Hydrate, molecular biology grade 51
Magnesium Sulphate 7 Hydrate, molecular biology grade 51 O
Malt Extract 40 O'Meara Reagent (B) 49

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O (continue) R (continue)
OGYE Agar (01-275) 23 Rappaport Vassiliadis Modified Semi-Solid Medium (03-376) 25, 53
ONPG-FDA-MUG-Indol Test 49 Rappaport Vassiliadis Salmonella Enrichment Broth (02-668) 25, 54, 55
Orange Serum Agar (OSA) (01-698) 23, 52 Reagents for biochemical tests 48
L-Ornithine Hydrochloride, extra pure 40 Reagents for electrophoresis 51
Ornithine Test 49 Reagents for hibridization 51
Oxford Agar (01-471) 23, 53 Reagents for molecular biology 51
Oxford Agar Selective Supplement 23, 38 Reinforced Clostridial Agar (RCA) (01-289) 25, 50, 52, 55
Oxford Towers Scharlau 49 Reinforced Clostridial Medium (RCM) (03-289) 25, 52, 54
Oxidase Test 49 D(-)-Ribose, extra pure 40
Oxidation-Fermentation Fluid Medium Base (O/F Medium) (03-037) 23, 50 Ringer Solution (06-073) 25
Oxytetracycline Selective Supplement 26, 38 RNA/DNA Extraction 51
Rose Bengal Agar (01-301) 25, 51, 53, 55
P Rosolic Acid Solution 1% 15, 34
P Agar (01-001) 23 Rosolic Acid, C.I. 43800, indicator, for microscopy 40
Palcam Agar (01-470) 23, 53 Rothe Azide Broth (02-027) 25
Palcam Selective Supplement 23, 38 RPF Supplement 38
PBS (Phosphate Buffered Saline) 23
PCA (01-161) 23 S
Pemba Agar (01-487) 23 Sabouraud Broth (02-165) 26, 53, 54
Peptone From Casein 40 Sabouraud Chloramphenicol Actidione Agar 26
Peptone Water (03-156) 23 Sabouraud Chloramphenicol Agar (01-166) 26, 50, 51, 53, 54, 55
Peptone Water, Alkaline Saline (02-697) 23 Sabouraud Chloramphenicol Penase Agar 26
Peptone Water, Buffered (02-277) 23 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (01-165) 26, 50, 51, 53, 54, 55
Peptone Water, Buffered (Eur. Pharm.) (02-494) 23 Sabouraud Oxytetracycline Agar (OGYEA) (01-275) 26, 51, 53, 54
Peptone Water, Phosphate-Buffered (02-568) 23, 52 D(+)-Saccharose, extra pure 34, 40
Peptone Water, Saline (02-510) 23 D-Salicin, for Biochemistry 40
Phenol Cryst., molecular biology grade 51 Saline Peptone Water (02-510) 26
Phenol Red Broth Base (02-032) 23, 50, 54 Saline Solution 26
Phenylalanine Agar (01-083) 23, 50 Salmonella Shigella Agar (SS Agar) (01-555) 26, 50, 53
Phosphate-Buffered Peptone Water (02-568) 24 SDS, molecular biology grade 51
Pipes, Free Acid, molecular biology grade 51 Selenite Broth (02-598) 27, 50, 53
Pipes, Sesquisodium Salt 51 Selenite Cystine Broth (02-602) 27, 50, 53, 54, 55
Plate Count Agar (PCA) (01-161) 24, 50, 51, 53, 54, 55 Sensitivity Test Agar (Sta) (01-655) 27, 50
Plate Count Modified Agar (01-329) 24, 51 L-Serine, extra pure 40
Plate Count Skim Milk Agar (01-412) 24, 53 Shigella Broth (02-662) 27, 53
Polyethylene Glycol 6000, molecular biology grade 51 SIM Medium (03-176) 27, 50, 52
Polymyxin B Sulfate Selective Supplement 9, 36 Simmons Citrate Agar (01-177) 27, 50
Polysorbate 20 (Tween 20) (Additive) 12 Skimmed Milk (06-019) 34, 40
Polysorbate 80 (Additive) (TW0080) 10, 18, 19, 34 Skirrow Selective Medium 27
Polyvinylpyrrolidone, molecular biology grade 51 Slanetz Bartley Agar (01-579) 27, 52, 55
Potassium Acetate, molecular biology grade 51 Sodium Acetate Anhydrous, molecular biology grade 51
Potassium Chloride, molecular biology grade 51 Sodium Biselenite (Additive) (SO0160) 20, 34
Potassium Di-Hydrogen Phosphate, molecular biology grade 51 Sodium Chloride, molecular biology grade 51
Potassium Iodide, Reagent Grade, ACS, ISO 34, 40 Tri-Sodium Citrate Dihydrate, molecular biology grade 51
Potassium Tellurite 1% Sterile Solution (Additive) 16, 32 Sodium Deoxycholate 40
Potassium Tellurite 3,5% Sterile Solution (Additive) 32 Sodium Di-Hydrogen Phosphate 1 Hydrate, molecular biology grade 51
Potato Dextrose Agar (Pda) (01-483) 24, 50, 53, 54 Sodium Disulfite (Sodium Meta-Bisulfite) for Bacteriology 36
Potato Dextrose Broth (02-483) 24, 53, 54 Di-Sodium Hydrogenophosphate Anydrous, molecular biology grade 51
Potato Peptone 40 Sodium L-Glutamate Monohydrate, extra pure 21, 40
PPA (01-083) 24 Sodium Metabisulfite Selective Supplement 18
Presence/Absence Coliforms Broth 24 Sodium Pyruvate 40
Preston Campylobacter Agar (01-451) 24, 52 Sorbitol MacConkey Agar (SMAC Agar) (01-729) 27
Preston Campylobacter Broth (02-561) 24, 52 D(-)-Sorbitol, extra pure 40
Proteose Peptone No. 3 40 Soy Peptone 40
PSB (Peptone Sorbitol Bile Broth) 24 Sporulating Agar (01-069) 8, 27, 54
Pseudomonas Selective Agar Base (01-160) 24 SPS Agar (01-050) 28
Pseudomonas Agar Base (01-728) 25 SS Agar (01-555) 28
Purple Broth Base (02-663) 24, 53 SSC 20X Buffer, molecular biology grade 51
Purple Maximum Recovery Diluent (02-631) 25, 52 SSPE 20X Buffer, molecular biology grade 51
Stuart Ringertz Transport Medium (03-454) 28, 50
R Sucrose, extra pure 34, 51
R2A Agar (01-540) 25, 54, 55 Sucrose, molecular biology grade 51
D(+)-Raffinose Pentahydrate, for biology 40
Rambach™ Agar (Salmonella) 42 T
Rambaquick™ Salmonella 42 T.D.A. (Tryptophan Deaminase Activity) Test and Deamination of Phenylalanine Test 49
Rappaport Vassiliadis Broth (02-379) 25, 50, 53 TAE 10X Buffer, molecular biology grade 51

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T (continue) V
TBA (Tryptone Bile Agar) (01-526) 28 L-Valine, extra pure 40
TBE 5X Buffer, molecular biology grade 51 Vancomycin Selective Supplement (5mg) 30, 38
TBX Agar (01-619) 28, 41 Vaseline, Sterile (06-077) 34
TCBS Agar (01-567) 28, 50, 53, 55 VCAT Selective Supplement 16, 38
Temed, r.g. 51 VCNT Selective Supplement 16, 38
Tergitol® 7 Agar (01-053) 28 Violet Red Bile Agar (Vrb Agar) 51, 52, 54, 55
Tetracycline Hydrochloride, biochemical purposes 51 Violet Red Bile Dextrose Agar (Vrbd Agar) 51, 52, 55
Tetrathionate Bile Brilliant Green Broth (Eur. Pharm.) (02-629) 28 Violet Red Bile Lactose Dextrose Agar (Eur. Phar. Medium F) 54
Tetrathionate Müller-Kauffmann Medium (02-335) 28 Vogel Johnson Agar (01-206) 32, 50, 51, 53, 54
Tetrationate Bile Brilliant Green Broth Base (Eur. Pharm.) 53, 54 Voges Proskauer Test 49
TGE Agar (Tryptone Glucose Extract Agar) (01-082) 28 VRB Agar (Violet Red Bile Agar) (01-164) 32
Thayer-Martin Agar 16, 28 VRBD (Violet Red Bile Dextrose Agar) (01-295) 32
Thioglycollate Broth (02-186) 29, 50, 54 VRBLD (Violet Red Bile Lactose Dextrose Agar) (01-220) 32
Thioglycollate Fluid Medium (03-187) 29, 52, 54
Thioglycollate Penase Medium Fluid 29 W
Todd-Hewitt Broth (02-191) 29, 50 WL Nutrient Agar (01-210) 32, 53
Transgrow Agar 16 Wort Agar (01-132) 33, 53
D-Trehalose, for bacteriology 40 Wort Broth (02-132) 33, 53
Triple Sugar Iron Agar (01-192) 29, 50, 52, 54
Tris Base, molecular biology grade 51 X
Tris-HCl, molecular biology grade 51 X-Gal, biochemical purposes 51
Tris, extra pure 51 XLD Agar (Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Agar) (01-211) 33, 50, 54, 55
Triton X-100, molecular biology grade 51 XLD Modified Agar (Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Modified Agar) (01-552) 33, 50, 53
Triton® X-100, extra pure 40 XLT4 Agar (01-708) 33
Tryptic Soy Agar (TSA) 50, 51, 53, 54, 55 XLT4 Selective Supplement 33, 38
Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB) 50, 51, 52, 54 D-(+)-Xylose, extra pure 40
Tryptic Soy Broth Irradiated 54
Tryptic Soy Broth Modified 50, 52 Y
Tryptic Soy Broth without Dextrose 52, 55 Yeast Extract 40
Tryptone Bile Agar (01-526) 29, 55 Yeast Malt Agar 51, 53
Tryptone Glucose Extract Agar (TGE Agar) 53, 55 Yeast Starch Glucose Agar 52
Tryptone Phosphate Water (02-277) 29 Yeast Starch Glucose Broth 52
Tryptone Sulfite Neomycin Agar (TSN Agar) 52, 55 YEPD Broth (Yeast Extract, Peptone and Dextrose Broth) (02-473) 33, 54
Tryptone Water (03-156) 29, 52 Yersinia Cin Agar (01-444) 33
Tryptone Yeast Extract Agar (01-590) 29, 55 Yersinia Cin Agar Base 50, 53
Tryptophan Broth (02-418) 29, 55 Yersinia Selective Supplement 33, 38
L-Tryptophan, extra pure 40 YGC 33
Tryptose 40 YM Agar (Yeast Malt Agar) (01-219) 33
Tryptose Lauryl sulfate Broth (02-108) 29, 50, 52, 55 YM Broth (Yeast Malt Broth) (02-219) 33
Tryptose Lauryl sulfate Mannitol Tryptophan Broth (02-460) 30, 55 YSG Agar (Yeast Starch Glucose Agar) (01-673) 33
Tryptose Lauryl sulfate Modified Broth Base (MLST) 30 YSG Broth (Yeast Starch Glucose Broth) (02-673) 33
Tryptose Sulfite Cycloserine Agar (TSC Agar) 52, 55
TSA (Tryptic Soy Agar) (01-200) 30 Z
TSA ß-Lactamase 30 Zinc Chloride, molecular biology grade 40, 49, 51
TSA Lecithin & Polysorbate (01-613) 30
TSA Penase 30
TSB (Tryptic Soy Broth) (02-200) 30, 31
TSB Irradiated (02-575) 30
TSB Modified (02-691) 31
TSB Penase Broth 31
TSB without Dextrose (02-227) 31
TSC (Tryptose Sulfite Cycloserine Agar) (01-278) 31
TSI (Triple Sugar Iron Agar) (01-192) 31
TSN (Tryptone Sulfite Neomycin Agar) (01-195) 31
TTC Sterile Solution (06-023) 12, 17, 27, 34
Tween 20, molecular biology grade 51
L-Tyrosine, extra pure 40

Universal Beer Agar (UBA) 31
Urea & Indol Broth (03-084) 31
Urea Agar (01-261) 31, 50, 52
Urea Broth (02-202) 32, 50
Urea, molecular biology grade 51
Urea, Sterile Solution 40% (06-083) 31, 32, 34
UVM Listeria Enrichment Broth (02-472) 19, 32

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Reference index

Art. No Page Art. No Page Art. No Page Art. No Page

01-001 17, 23, 45, 47, 48, 49 01-136-500 22 01-265 11, 15, 46 01-483-500 24
01-001BA05 17 01-136BA05 22 01-265-500 11 01-483BA05 24
01-001-500 17 01-137 10, 22, 44, 45 01-265BA05 11 01-485 14, 47
01-007 8, 49 01-137-500 22 01-275 23, 26, 38, 45, 47, 48 01-485-500 14
01-007-500 8 01-137BA05 22 01-275-500 26 01-487 9, 23, 36, 46
01-009 54 01-140 22, 44, 48, 49 01-275BA05 26 01-487-500 9
01-009-500 8 01-140-500 22 01-278 31, 36, 46, 49 01-502 16, 46
01-009BA05 8 01-140BA05 22 01-278-500 31 01-502-500 16
01-016 54 01-144 22, 45, 47, 49 01-278BA05 31 01-502BA05 16
01-016-500 8 01-144-500 22 01-287 15 01-505 11, 36, 44, 47
01-017 54 01-144BA05 22 01-287-500 15 01-505-500 11, 27
01-017-500 8 01-160 12, 24, 47, 48, 49 01-289 25, 44, 46, 49 01-505BA05 11
01-017BA05 8 01-160-500 12 01-289-500 25 01-513 13, 36, 49
01-026 53 01-160BA05 12 01-291 20, 47, 49 01-513-500 13
01-026-500 8 01-161 23, 24, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49 01-291-500 20 01-513BA05 13
01-029 15, 17, 45, 48, 49 01-161-500 24 01-294 17, 46, 49 01-524 18, 49
01-029-500 17 01-161BA05 24 01-294-500 17 01-524-500 18
01-029BA05 17 01-164 32, 36, 45, 46, 48, 49 01-295 32, 45, 46, 48 01-526 28, 29, 49
01-030 9, 38, 44, 45, 47, 48 01-164-500 32 01-295-500 32 01-526-500 28
01-030-500 9 01-164BA05 32 01-295BA05 32 01-526BA05 28
01-030BA05 9 01-165 26, 38, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49 01-301 25, 45, 47, 49 01-540 25, 48, 49
01-034 11, 13, 36, 38, 44, 48 01-165-500 26 01-301-500 25 01-540-500 25
01-034-500 11, 27 01-165BA05 26 01-301BA05 25 01-540BA05 25
01-034BA05 11 01-166 26, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49 01-309 10, 11, 47, 49 01-729 20, 27, 36, 44, 46
01-047 11, 13, 44 01-166-500 26 01-309-500 10 01-729-500 27
01-047-500 13 01-166BA05 26 01-309BA05 10 01-729BA05 27
01-047BA05 13 01-177 27, 44 01-310 16, 38, 44 01-545 54
01-050 28, 45, 46, 49 01-177-500 27 01-310-500 16 01-552 33, 44, 47
01-050-500 28 01-177BA05 27 01-329 24, 45 01-552-500 33
01-050BA05 28 01-192 29, 31, 44, 46, 48 01-329-500 24 01-552BA05 33
01-053 12, 18, 28, 46, 49 01-192-500 31 01-329BA05 24 01-555 26, 28, 44, 47
01-053-500 12 01-192BA05 31 01-346 14, 47 01-555-500 26
01-053BA05 12 01-195 31, 46, 49 01-346-500 14 01-555BA05 26
01-057 14, 44, 46, 49 01-195-500 31 01-346BA05 14 01-556 14, 46
01-057-500 14 01-195BA05 31 01-352 11, 36, 38, 44, 47 01-556-500 14
01-057BA05 14 01-200 30, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49 01-352-500 11 01-567 28, 44, 47, 49
01-068 15, 19, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49 01-200-500 30 01-352BA05 11 01-567-500 28
01-068-500 15 01-200BA05 30 01-366 12, 47 01-567BA05 28
01-068BA05 15 01-203 10, 11, 44, 47, 48 01-366-500 12 01-573 20, 45, 47
01-069 8, 27, 48 01-203-500 10 01-366BA05 12 01-573-500 20
01-069-500 27 01-203BA05 10 01-385 18, 48 01-573BA05 20
01-082 28, 47, 49 01-206 32, 44, 45, 47, 48 01-385-500 18 01-574 20, 45, 47
01-082-500 28 01-206-500 32 01-385BA05 18 01-574-500 20
01-083 23, 24, 44 01-206BA05 32 01-412 24, 47 01-574BA05 20
01-083-500 23 01-210 32, 36, 47 01-412-500 24 01-579 15, 27, 46, 49
01-083BA05 23 01-210-500 32 01-412BA05 24 01-579-500 27
01-094 19, 44, 46 01-211 33, 44, 48, 49 01-430 54 01-579BA05 27
01-094-500 19 01-211-500 33 01-430-500 8 01-589 15, 36, 46, 49
01-094BA05 19 01-216 16, 44, 46 01-434 54 01-589-500 15
01-103 17, 44, 46 01-216-500 16 01-434-500 8 01-589BA05 15
01-103-500 17 01-216BA05 16 01-442 14, 44 01-590 29, 49
01-103BA05 17 01-219 33, 45, 47 01-442-500 14 01-590-500 29
01-111 20, 47 01-219-500 33 01-442BA05 14 01-590BA05 29
01-111-500 20 01-220 32, 36, 48 01-444 13, 33, 38, 44, 47 01-592 11, 46, 49
01-111BA05 20 01-220-500 32 01-444-500 33 01-592-500 11
01-116 12, 20, 44, 47, 48, 49 01-236 18, 45 01-444BA05 33 01-592BA05 11
01-116-500 20 01-236-500 18 01-446 19, 44 01-599 10, 45, 47, 49
01-116BA05 20 01-237 19, 45 01-446-500 19 01-599-500 10
01-118 19, 36, 44, 46, 48, 49 01-237-500 19 01-451 12, 22, 24, 36, 46 01-599BA05 10
01-118-500 19 01-237BA05 19 01-451-500 24 01-609 12, 13, 38, 44, 45, 47, 49
01-118BA05 19 01-261 31, 44, 46 01-470 19, 23, 47 01-609-500 13
01-132 33, 47 01-261-500 31 01-470-500 23 01-609BA05 13
01-132-500 33 01-261BA05 31 01-470BA05 23 01-610 14, 45
01-135 21, 45, 47 01-262 9, 22, 36, 44, 46 01-471 19, 23, 38, 47 01-610-500 14
01-135-500 21 01-262-500 9 01-471-500 23 01-613 21, 30, 45
01-135BA05 21 01-263 17, 46, 48, 49 01-471BA05 23 01-613-500 30
01-136 22, 44, 48 01-263-500 17 01-483 24, 44, 47, 48 01-613BA05 30

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Reference index

Art. No Page Art. No Page Art. No Page Art. No Page

01-618 21, 36, 41, 46, 49 01-744-500 21, 41 02-207BA05 21 02-498 19, 38, 47
01-618-500 21, 41 01-744BA05 21, 41 02-219 33 02-498-500 19
01-618BA05 21, 41 01-781-500 31 02-219-500 33 02-498BA05 19
01-619 21, 41, 46, 49 02-007 8, 49 02-227 31, 46, 49 02-510 21, 23, 26, 46, 48, 49
01-619-500 21, 41 02-007-500 8 02-227-500 31 02-510-500 21
01-619BA05 21, 41 02-011 54 02-227BA05 31 02-510BA05 21
01-633 16, 47, 49 02-011-500 8 02-230 16, 47 02-512 22, 48
01-633-500 16 02-027 9, 25, 46, 48 02-230-500 16 02-512-500 22
01-634 16, 45, 47 02-027-500 9 02-230BA05 16 02-512BA05 22
01-634-500 16 02-028 15, 19, 49 02-236 18, 45 02-519 18, 36, 46, 48
01-634BA05 16 02-028-500 15 02-236-500 18 02-519-500 18
01-635 22, 47 02-032 23, 44, 48 02-236BA05 18 02-527 18
01-635-500 22 02-032-500 23 02-237 19, 45 02-539 12, 45, 48
01-635BA05 22 02-041 10, 11, 36, 44, 46, 49 02-237-500 19 02-539-500 12
01-654 15, 45 02-041-500 10 02-237BA05 19 02-539BA05 12
01-654-500 15 02-041BA05 10 02-257 10, 13, 45 02-561 12, 24, 46, 36
01-654BA05 15 02-060 15, 36, 44, 46, 49 02-257-500 10 02-561-500 24
01-655 27, 44 02-060-500 15 02-257BA05 10 02-568 12, 23, 24, 46
01-657 14, 47 02-060BA05 15 02-263 17, 46 02-568-500 24
01-657-500 14 02-064 14, 21, 46, 48 02-263-500 17 02-575 30, 48
01-657BA05 14 02-064-500 14 02-271 8, 49 02-575-500 30
01-659 21, 46 02-064BA05 14 02-271-500 8 02-583 22, 45, 48
01-659-500 21 02-093 16, 46 02-271BA05 8 02-583-500 22
01-659BA05 21 02-093-500 16 02-277 11, 23, 29, 44, 46 02-598 50, 47, 49
01-664 53 02-093BA05 16 02-277-500 11 02-598-500 27
01-664-500 13 02-105 17, 36, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49 02-277BA05 11 02-598BA05 27
01-664BA05 13 02-105-500 17 02-335 22, 28, 38, 44, 47 02-599 10, 44, 47, 49
01-672 20, 47 02-105BA05 17 02-335-500 22 02-599-500 10
01-672-500 20 02-108 18, 29, 36, 44, 46, 49 02-335BA05 22 02-599BA05 10
01-673 33, 46 02-108-500 29 02-336 14, 19, 46 02-602 27, 44, 47, 48, 49
01-673-500 33 02-108BA05 29 02-336-500 14 02-602-500 27
01-673BA05 33 02-111 20, 47 02-379 25, 44, 47 02-602BA05 27
01-674 17, 46 02-111-500 20 02-379-500 25 02-610 14, 45
01-674-500 17 02-118 20, 36, 46, 48, 49 02-379BA05 25 02-610-500 14
01-674BA05 17 02-118-500 20 02-384 18, 48 02-610BA05 14
01-675 9 02-118BA05 20 02-384-500 18 02-611 20, 36, 46, 48, 49
01-675 9, 46 02-132 33, 47 02-385 18, 48 02-611-500 20
01-675-500 9 02-132-500 33 02-385-500 18 02-611BA05 20
01-675BA05 9 02-135 21, 44, 47, 49 02-385BA05 18 02-627-500 19
01-680 13, 48 02-135-500 21 02-406 18, 48 02-629 28, 38, 47, 48
01-680-500 13 02-135BA05 21 02-406-500 18 02-629-500 28
01-680BA05 13 02-136 22, 44 02-410 14, 44, 46, 49 02-629BA05 28
01-682 20, 46, 49 02-136-500 22 02-410-500 14 02-631 25, 46
01-682-500 20 02-136BA05 22 02-418 29, 49 02-631-500 25
01-685 12, 36, 46 02-138 22, 46 02-418-500 29 02-631BA05 25
01-685-500 12 02-138-500 22 02-456 21, 46 02-633 16, 49
01-687 10, 18, 36, 44, 45, 49 02-140 22, 48 02-456-500 21 02-633-500 16
01-687-500 10 02-140-500 22 02-460 18, 30, 49 02-633BA05 16
01-687BA05 10 02-140BA05 22 02-460-500 30 02-654 15, 49
01-692 16, 45 02-144 23, 47, 48, 49 02-468 8, 47 02-654-500 15
01-692-500 16 02-144-500 23 02-468-500 8 02-656 21, 46
01-695 12, 21, 36, 41, 45, 46, 49 02-144BA05 23 02-472 19, 32, 38, 47 02-656-500 21
01-695-500 21, 41 02-165 26, 47, 48 02-472-500 32 02-656BA05 21
01-695BA05 21, 41 02-165-500 26 02-472BA05 32 02-662 27, 47
01-698 23, 46 02-165BA05 26 02-473 33, 48 02-662-500 27
01-698-500 23 02-186 29, 44, 48 02-473-500 33 02-662BA05 27
01-703 11, 13, 44 02-186-500 29 02-483 24, 47, 48 02-663 24, 47
01-703-500 13 02-186BA05 29 02-483-500 24 02-663-500 24
01-706 16, 44 02-191 29, 44 02-483BA05 24 02-668 25, 48, 49
01-706-500 16 02-191-500 29 02-491 20, 47 02-668-500 25
01-719 21, 41 02-200 30, 44, 45, 46, 48 02-491-500 20 02-668BA05 25
01-719-10L 21, 41 02-200-500 30 02-494 12, 23, 48 02-673 33, 46
01-719BA05 21, 41 02-200BA05 30 02-494-500 12 02-673-500 33
01-728 25 02-202 32, 44 02-494BA05 12 02-675 9, 46
01-728-500 25 02-202-500 32 02-496 15, 19, 38, 47 02-675-500 9
01-728BA05 25 02-207 21, 44, 46 02-496-500 15 02-675BA05 9
01-744 21, 41 02-207-500 21 02-496BA05 15 02-688 11, 12, 36, 46

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Reference index

Art. No Page Art. No Page Art. No Page Art. No Page

02-688-500 11 06-110LYO1 23, 38 064-BA1012 30 064-PA0045 10

02-688BA05 11 06-111LYO1 15, 32, 38 064-BA1022 10 064-PA0046 32
02-691 31, 36, 38, 44, 46 06-112LYO1 15, 38 064-BA1023 29 064-PA0047 19
02-691-500 31 06-113LYO1 18, 36 064-BA1024 22 064-PA0049 32
02-697 8, 23, 47, 49 06-114LYO1 18, 36 064-BA1026 29 064-PA0050 12
02-697-500 8 06-115LYO1 26, 38 064-BA1028 9 064-PA0050 30
02-711-500 30 06-116LYO1 31, 36 064-BA1032 12 064-PA0063 33
02-745-500 19 06-118LYO1 26, 38 064-BA1033 9 064-PA0067 26
03-037 23, 44 06-119-025 43 064-BA1035 22 064-PA0069 10
03-037-500 23 06-124LYO1 13, 38 064-BA2022 10 064-PA0070 23
03-084 31 06-125LYO1 13, 36 064-BA2120 24 064-PA0073 28
03-156 23, 29, 46 06-126LYO1 36 064-BA2128 26 064-PA0076 45
03-156-500 29 06-127LYO1 23, 38 064-BA2130 21 064-PA0080 44
03-156BA05 29 06-128-008 24, 27, 36 064-BA2143 20 064-PA0082 42
03-176 27, 44, 46 06-130LYO1 24, 36 064-BA2144 14 064-PA0083 42
03-176-500 27 06-131LYO1 11, 36 064-BA3018 18 064-PA0084 21, 41
03-176BA05 27 06-132LYO1 27, 36 064-BA3019 18 064-PA0134 30
03-187 29, 46, 48 06-133LYO1 12, 36 064-BA3021 12 064-PA0137 26
03-187-500 29 06-134LYO1 10, 36 064-BA3029 17 064-PA0138 30
03-187BA05 29 06-135LYO1 24, 36 064-BA3034 25 064-PA0139 30
03-289 25, 46, 48 06-136LYO1 15, 38 064-BA3038 24 064-PA0145 9
03-289-500 25 06-137LYO1 10, 36 064-BA3039 26 064-PA0146 26, 41
03-289BA05 25 06-138LYO1 10, 36 064-BA3051 25 064-PA0147 26
03-376 25, 36, 38, 47 06-139LYO1 25, 31, 36, 38 064-BA3057 24 064-PA0172 25
03-376-500 25 06-140LYO1 13, 36, 41 064-BA3058 31 064-PA0945 28, 41
03-376BA05 25 06-141LYO1 16, 38 064-BA3059 29 064-PA1035 33
03-422 21, 44 06-142LYO1 16, 38 064-BA4010 11 064-PA3124 26
03-422-500 21 06-143LYO1 33, 38 064-BA5001 15 064-PA3134 11
03-428 8, 49 06-144LYO1 16, 38 064-BA5002 15 064-PA3135 26
03-428-500 8 06-145LYO1 15, 38 064-BA6000 11 064-PA3136 30
03-454 28, 44 06-146LYO1 27, 36 064-BA6011 11 064-PA3144 27
03-454-500 28 06-147LYO1 28, 38 064-BA6012 11 064-PA6000 31
03-454BA05 28 06-155LYO1 16 064-BA6016 31 064-PA6001 10
03-612 21, 46 06-712LYO1 30 064-BA6041 32 064-PA6006 30
03-612-500 21 06-726LYO1 25, 36 064-BA6043 30 064-PA6015 13, 41
03-612BA05 21 06-742LYO1 25, 36 064-BA6062 12 064-PA608T 30
03-632 18, 46 06-754-024 41 064-BA6063 12 064-PA7035 23
03-632-500 18 06-755LYO1 41 064-BA6064 12 064-PF0001 22
03-643 12, 44 06-790LYO1 15 064-BA6065 8 064-PF0002 28
03-643-500 12 064-AG0P25 50 064-BA6073 14 064-PF0003 12
03-643BA05 12 064-AG0R25 50 064-BA6079 10 064-PF0004 27
05-017UNID 43 064-BA0013 29 064-BA7035 23 064-PF0005 13
06-003-100 43 064-BA0027 28 064-BA7066 24 064-PF0006 26
06-004-100 43 064-BA01-2 11 064-BA8005 15, 34 064-PF0007 24
06-011 34 064-BA01-3 11 064-BA8020 15, 34 064-PF0008 11
06-011-100 32, 34 064-BA01-5 11 064-BA9992 12 064-PF0013 29
06-013LYO1 38 064-BA0103 23 064-BACOLI 13, 41 064-PF0014 28
06-016-100 9, 34 064-BA02-2 15 064-CL0039 42 064-PF0018 31
06-017LYO1 22, 38 064-BA02-3 15 064-CL0046 43 064-PF0022 26
06-019 34 064-BA02-5 15 064-PA0007 21 064-PF0024 15
06-019-500 34, 40 064-BA03-2 30 064-PA0008 9 064-PF0025 20
06-021LYO1 9, 36 064-BA03-3 30 064-PA0012 14 064-PF0026 30
06-022LYO1 36 064-BA03-5 30 064-PA0015 24 064-PF0030 13
06-023 34 064-BA04-2 21 064-PA0017 10 064-PF0072 25
06-023-100 12, 17, 27, 34 064-BA0485 32 064-PA0018 22 064PF0089P 16
064-BA1018 9, 34 064-BA0486 11 064-PA0019 19 064-PF1015 13, 41
06-073 25 064-BA0733 21 064-PA0024 24 064-PLA-CO 42
06-073-500 25 064-BA0945 28, 41 064-PA0025 26 064-PR0001 24
06-077 34 064-BA0RPF 9 064-PA0026 26 064-PR0002 26
06-077-100 34 064-BA1003 19 064-PA0027 20 064-PR0003 26
06-083 34 064-BA1004 22 064-PA0029 28 064-PR0004 30
06-083-100 31, 32, 34 064-BA1005 24 064-PA0031 30 064-PR0005 30
06-089 34 064-BA1006 26 064-PA0032 9 064-PR0006 32
06-089-100 16, 32, 34 064-BA1007 26 064-PA0034 33 064-PR0007 25
06-102LYO1 36 064-BA1008 30 064-PA0055 30 064-PR0008 9
06-106LYO1 32, 38 064-BA1009 25 064-PA0038 25 064-PR0009 12
06-107LYO1 19, 38 064-BA1011 32 064-PA0144 24 064-PR0011 19

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Reference index

Art. No Page Art. No Page Art. No Page Art. No Page

064-PR0012 16 064-TA0197 17 07-525-500 40 HI01351000 40, 42

064-PR0013 30 064-TA0198 25 07-620-500 40 HI03360500 40, 43
064-PR0015 20 064-TA0199 24 07-625-500 40 HI04050025 40
064-PR0018 32 064-TA0201 25 0BA1012-90 30 IP0010 51
064-PR0020 24 064-TA0203 43 0BA2145-90 19 IS01400025 40
064-PR0022 26 064-TA0221 30 0BA3024-90 17 KA0010 51
064-PR0027 30 064-TA0260 18 0BA3029-90 17 LA00600500 34, 40
064-PR0028 30 064-TA0261 21 0BA3929-90 17 LE00550025 40
064-PR0031 20 064-TA0325 24 0TA2151-10 12 LE00700500 40
064-PR0037 26 064-TA0451 29 0X074-X076 46 LI00351000 40
064-PR0038 30 064-TA0485 32 AC00310100 40 LI0112 51
064-PR0039 24 064-TA0846 18 AC0402 51 M0468 51
064-PR0040 30 064-TA0847 29 AC0406 51 MA0037 51
064-PR0041 24 064-TA1024 22 AC0580 51 MA0086 51
064-PR0042 26 064-TA1125 15 AC0726 51 MA01000100 40
064-PR0050 30 064-TA1198 25 AC07441000 40 MA01000500 34, 40
064-PR0061 30 064-TA2115 28 AC07461000 40, 42 MA01500500 34, 40
064-PR0062 26 064-TA2120 25 AC0965 51 MA01600010 40
064-PR0063 25 064-TA2127 42 AC0967 51 ME0095 51
064-TA0013 29 064-TA2135 20 AC19900010 40 MO0070 51
064-TA0100 11 064-TA2141 17 AC3343 51 OR00550025 40
064-TA0102 11 064-TA2142 17 AC3345 51 PI0061 51
064-TA0103 23 064-TA2144 22 AG0030 51 PI0062 51
064-TA0104 23 064-TA2146 25 AG0031 51 PO0066 51
064-TA0105 26 064-TA2147 30 AG0032 51 PO0080 51
064-TA0106 27 064-TA2148 26 AG0034 51 PO0112 51
064-TA0107 32 064-TA2151 12 AG0036 51 PO0201 51
064-TA0110 28 064-TA2155 29 AM0271 51 PO0262 51
064-TA0112 23 064-TA2156 31 AM02730500 21 PO04100250 34, 40
064-TA0113 30 064-TA2157 42 AM02730500 40 RA00250025 40
064-TA0114 42 064-TA2159 25 AM0274 51 RE00071000 42
064-TA0115 29 064-TA2160 26 AM0371 51 RE0007G100 42
064-TA0116 17 064-TA2161 28 AM0401 51 RE00500250 43
064-TA0117 19 064-TA5002 15 AR00500005 40 RE0057G100 42
064-TA0119 21 064-TA6070 19 AR01250050 40 RE00571000 42
064-TA0120 29 064-TA6074 21 AS00150025 40 RE0060G100 43
064-TA0121 30 064-TA8271 50 BI0090 51 RE00650005 43
064-TA0128 22 064-TA8272 50 BI0091 51 RE0100G100 43
064-TA0129 23 064-TA8273 50 CA0198 51 RI00250005 40
064-TA0131 43 064-TA8274 50 CE0121 51 SA0020 51
064-TA0132 42 064-TA8275 50 CI01450500 40, 43 SA00200500 40
064-TA0134 29 064-TA8276 50 CI0155 51 SA00250025 34, 40
064-TA0135 26 064-V11108 22, 34 CI03050025 40 SD0010 51
064-TA0136 26 064PA0024I 24 CL0025 51 SE01050010 40
064-TA0138 27 064PA0025I 26 DI1360 51 SO0036 51
064-TA0143 10 064PA0026I 26 ES47045100 50 SO0160 34
064-TA0144 31 064PA0031I 30 ET00021000 40 SO01600100 20, 27, 34
064-TA0145 42 064PA0072I 25 ET0011 51 SO0205 51
064-TA0147 32 064PA0075I 30 ET00131000 40 SO0230 51
064-TA0148 31 064PF0030C 13 ET0108 51 SO02570100 40
064-TA0149 42 064TA0125L 14 ET0109 51 SO02570500 40
064-TA0150 42 07-004-500 40 FE0484 51 SO0328 51
064-TA0152 10 07-039-500 40 FI0009 51 SO0329 51
064-TA0153 42 07-075-500 40 FO0011 51 SO04000500 21, 40
064-TA0155 9, 38 07-079-500 40 FO0012 51 SO05900100 40
064-TA0157 29 07-080-500 40 FO0026 51 SO05900500 40
064-TA0158 9 07-119-500 40 FO0027 51 SO08500250 40
064-TA0163 27 07-151-500 40 FU00600025 40 SO10040250 40
064-TA0165 19 07-152-500 40 GE00200250 40 SO10070250 40
064-TA0166 19 07-153-500 40 GL00261000 12, 17, 21, 40 SS0010 51
064-TA0173 21 07-154-500 40 GL0028 51 SS0015 51
064-TA0177 31 07-155-500 40 GL01250500 34, 40 SU0030 51
064-TA0179 10 07-197-500 40 GU0061 51 TA0010 51
064-TA0189 14 07-342-500 40 GU0065 51 TB0010 51
064-TA0190 16 07-455-500 40 HE0011 51 TBX 47
064-TA0191 16 07-489-500 40 HE0100 51 TE0050 51
064-TA0193 14 07-515-500 40 HE0101 51 TE0132 51

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Reference index

Art. No Page

TI03250100 40
TR00300005 40
TR04000025 40
TR0422 51
TR0424 51
TR0425 51
TR04441000 40
TR0447 51
TW00201000 12
TW0022 51
TW0080 34
TW00800100 10, 18, 19, 34
UR0133 51
VA00550025 40
XG0010 51
XI00800100 40
YO00210100 34

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[email protected] Scharlab The Lab Sourcing Group 81

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Culture Media
for Microbiology
Edition No. 5

Culture Media for Microbiology (Edition No. 5)

Scharlab S.L.
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Tel.: +34 93 715 19 40 - Fax: +34 93 715 27 65
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CAT-MICR14 (09/2015)

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