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UY CHICO, vs .



[G.R. No. 9231. January 6, 1915.]

Facts: The plaintiff seeks to recover the face value of two insurance policies upon a stock of dry goods destroyed by fire. It appears
that the father of the plaintiff died in 1897, at which time he was conducting a business under his own name, Uy Layco. The plaintiff
and his brother took over the business and continued it under the same name, "Uy Layco." Sometime before the date of the fire, the
plaintiff purchased his brother's interest in the business and continued to carry on the business under the father's name.

At the time of the fire "Uy Layco" was heavily indebted and subsequent thereto the creditors petitioned for the appointment of an
administrator of the estate of the plaintiff's father. During the course of these proceedings, the plaintiff's attorney surrendered
the policies of insurance to the administrator of the estate, who compromised with the insurance company for one-
half their face value, or P6,000. This money was paid into court and is now being held by the sheriff. The plaintiff now brings this
action, maintaining that the policies and goods insured belong to him and not to the estate of his deceased father and alleges that
he is not bound by the compromise effected by the administrator of his father's estate.

The defendant insurance company sought to show that the plaintiff had agreed to the compromise settlement of the policies, and for
that purpose introduced evidence showing that the plaintiff's attorney had surrendered the policies to the administrator with the
understanding that such a compromise was to be effected.

The plaintiff was asked, while on the witness stand, if he had any objection to his attorney's testifying concerning the surrender of
the policies, to which he replied in the negative. The attorney was then called for that purpose. Whereupon, counsel for the plaintiff
formally withdrew the waiver previously given by the plaintiff and objected to the testimony of the attorney on the ground that it was
privileged. Counsel, on this appeal, base their argument on the proposition that a waiver of the client's privilege may be withdrawn
at any time before acted upon.

Issue: Was the testimony in question privileged?

Held: The judgment was affirmed.

"A lawyer must strictly maintain inviolate the confidence and preserve the secrets of his client. He shall not be permitted in any court,
without the consent of his client, given in open court, to testify to any facts imparted to him by his client in professional consultation,
or for the purpose of obtaining advice upon legal matters."

A similar provision is inserted in section 383, No. 4. of the same Act. It will be noted that the evidence in question concerned the
dealings of the plaintiff's attorney with a third person. Of the very essence of the veil of secrecy which surrounds
communications made between attorney and client, is that such communications are not intended for the information
of third persons or to be acted upon by them, but for the purpose of advising the client as to his rights. It is evident that
a communication made by a client to his attorney for the express purpose of its being communicated to a third person is essentially
inconsistent with the relation. When the attorney has faithfully carried out his instructions by delivering the communication to the
third person for whom it was intended and the latter acts upon it, it cannot, by any reasoning whatever, be classified in a legal sense
as a privileged communication between the attorney and his client. It is plain that such a communication, after reaching the party for
whom it was intended at least, is a communication between the client and a third person, and that the attorney simply occupies the
role of intermediary or agent.

These cases cover a variety of communications made by an attorney in behalf of his client to third persons. And cases wherein
evidence of the attorney as to compromises entered into by him on behalf of his client were allowed to be proved by the attorney's
testimony are not wanting.

It is manifest that the objection to the testimony of the plaintiff's attorney as to his authority to compromise was properly overruled.
The testimony was to the effect that when the attorney delivered the policies to the administrator, he understood that there was a
compromise to be effected, and that when he informed the plaintiff of the surrender of the policies for that purpose the plaintiff made
no objection whatever. The evidence is sufficient to show that the plaintiff acquiesced in the compromise settlement of
the policies. Having agreed to the compromise, he cannot now disavow it and maintain an action for the recovery of their face

As to waiver
A waiver of the client’s privilege personally made in an open court can be withdrawn before acted upon, quaere.

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