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CSEC Physics June 1999 P1

June 1999
.1. · A beam of 1iaht 1111 a wavelangth S. lbe J9lalive dmniry of brass is 8.4 Thia
0.0006 mm. This may be wmr.. . - Iba!

CA) 6x11r 1 m (A) brass is heavier than water

(B)-6x10-•m (B) Water is heavier than brasS
(C)· IOOcm' ofbrass iS heavier than 100
eel • 6 l(l0- 6 m
cm' of water
(D) 6 x10-7 m (D) 100 cm' of waier is heavier tban
100 cm' of brass.
2. 'lblliustrummtMOSTlllliublofar1111Uur-
• iug the exllllDll dj....... of a• tube ill a 6. Which of thD following physical qllllltities
does NOT bave a llllit?
(A) wic:zolmler scnw puae
(B) yt:rJlier calipen (A) ~frllctive index
(C) meUe lull (B) e.m.f..
(D) SCI aquare (C) Density
(D) Frequency
3. Which oftho followiDc pain consisl(s) of
base units of funclamentaJ qullllilies? 7.


Melle ml RCX1IJd
Ampere ml tB!Yin

l oilly
ll OD1y
0 •
The diagiam above shows a velocity/time
(C) I aDd !II OD1y graph for an object. Whicl! of the follow-
.- (D) I, llaud m ing statemeoll about tho object would be

;_ .. 4. A student fiDds that tbe time for a ball to L h ietums ID its starting poinL
fall 50.0 cm in oil is 14.8 s. She cli"Yides n. k has zero acc:elenlion between
the dislaDCe by the time to find tbe speed, times r. 11111 r,.
aud tbe cak:ulalordi.spays 3.3,7837~..'J;b8 m llS velocity at 14 ii tho nme u ill
· beat way to wrile this Vila is iDitia1 velocity.

(A) 3.4 czna-1 CA) II oDl.y

(B) 3.38 ems_, (B) I BDd II ooly
(C) 3.378cms~ (C) II and ID only
(D) 3.3783783 cm s-1 (D) I.Jiaudm

~~~~~~,•--•=====• ...1rr1----~~--~
a. A balloon, wbcu filled with hydroae:ll ps 12. . _
llllll r1l111ed, willoccelerlleupwaa:ds. 'Jbe
ballooa - lbemrore haw displaced ..

(A) Jess tbanits OW11 weight

(B) equal ID ils own weiglll
(CJ ~ tban ;u OWll weigbt
(D) equl ID tbe weiaJit of lbD hydn>-
......8• 'JS FIN
1he·ciiapam. above shows a simple exten-

=s '· A1k7-cli-,wboseweigbti1600N,jumpl

wirh ·-speed.
fi'arn a plma and, after 1. while ii falling
1ion (%)/(olo (P).paph for a lighl apriDg.
Wbich of the ftlllowiDg ..._ . would .
ii falling willi•C--speed, tbeupnrd
fmai ICliDI on her ii I 1he elutic limit oftbeaprillg waa
(A) fell tban 600 N n Tbe spdng obeyed Hooke 'i Jaw
Wd]f600N over ill eatinl eztension.

(C) ~lblll600N m Tbe 1on:e Jlfl'uaJl-¥m in the
(D) elaalie.legioa- 7.5 N c:m- 1•

(A) IOJl)y
te. Wbich of dao fOl1owlag ii a llllil of wmk'I (B) I and mODly
<CJ n and mOD1y
(A) kg ma-• CD> 1,nm1m
(B) . Nm'
(C) Nm.
11-• 13. A body of mass m, Jl10\ICI with a velocity
v, 11111 bis a certain kinetic coeigY. W'llh
,_ what 'Velocity would a body of twice Ibis

.. u. A bydroelectiic JIO""' llaliaD UICI a Io-

newabluollftlO of e.ueqy, X. This energy

blw ID move ill old« to have tbis
S8Qlll kinolic eiiorgy?
nlses-1Dtbe10pofa-8lsolhll (A)
itbls gra'litaboaal po!OlllWenqy. Al the
w*"r 11111& down die mm!!!hln it - a
Ill llllbine which converll Y ialo Z v
(B) ;:
-gy. Wblcluetof__.l'arX.Yaad
II Z u cOllllOl'l
(C) .Jzv
~ .Y M.
(D) 2v
(A) Electrical polClllill killetic
(B) Solar kiDo& dsrtdral
(C) Solar polClllill elCCllical
(DJ Oicmical kiuo& eloctricll

14. Twosmoothaphms.AllldB, coDideboad 17. Tho farce wbidl bops the lllDOD in OJbll ii 20.
on. Which of the followin& lt•=ent•
would be true? CA) mopolic
(B) c:ealrifogal
L nie molllOllllllll of A ii Ibo A111e (C) reoctiw
· .after co1lisiall 11 it wu befole. (D) grarillliollal
ll nie ~1111 of B is Ibo A111e
after collisioa 11 ii - beloJe.
m> The tolal monen"iili of AaudB is 11. Avolume. V, ohiut a pmsme. P, is trap- v
lbe Allle a!W mllilion IS it WIS
befoie. ped ill a syriup_ Irthe YOllllDO is reduced
tor. whol is the .... preuure7
(A) I 01117
(B) maa1y p
(C) nam1moa1y (A)
(D) 1.na1111m 9
JS, Which of Ibo followillg could be used to
find tbo speed of 111 object'/ (CJ 3P
Clwlge in wlocity
(A) (D) 9P
Time taken
Chango in aoce1entio11 ((
Tim<>takoa u. Tho beat capacity of a body dopoDds Oil
Diataam tta..ned (A) its mass lllll Ibo specific boat
Timotakoa capacity of the m-w
(B) illllllSSaodlho~chlDgo
{D) I>istance travelled X Time takoll the body wletgoes
(C) tho density and~ oftbo
16. Six forces act on a ball 11 sbowll in the (D) tho dlmsir.y aod elpllllivir.y of tho
diagram below. In whichdUection would mawial
you expect the ball to aa:elonta? ·

lN 2N s
3N n.

(A) North
(B) South
20. Sooie mollen napbtb•Jme. 11 JOO°C, ia l!!!!Biefm totbe followiugillformation.
allowed to cool II room ~ II
naphthalene bu a melting poim of so•c,
which Of Ibo following BBST ~

Ibo "1lOling curve?

(A) ·~L_

22. WbiohoflhefollowiDgwoaldbetbeBEST
colour ID paiDI pipes c:myiDg bigh 1m1-
puaun stemnso .. to cause Ibo least Joas
of hoot by radialion?

(A) Silver
(8) (B) Blue
{C) Red
{D) Blaclc

23. Tho specific heal capacily of 1 Dllll:riol is

the energy~ ID

(C) (A) meh 1 kg of the material with 110

(B) c11'!':':i':e~ture of the

material by I It
(C) challge I kg of tbe liquid JDllerial
to 1 kg of gas without a challge in

. IGO temperature
(D) {D) challge the temper= of I kg of
the,matmial by 1 K

dmla 24. Wbidl of tblo following occurs when one

end of a motal rod is healed?

L Hotmolocules IDO\'Odownlhemd.
n l!lectnmslllO"l9cloW11tborodc:ony·
:u. Tho bombardment Of the moJecules of a ingmioqy.
gas oa the walls of Its coDllinina wssoJ m Thonnai Ollml)' puses from ODO
determimsirl molecule to the - .

(A) mass CAJ mon1y

(B) volume (B) Iaodmonly
(C) pteSSUle (C) Dmdmonly
{D)- - tcmperllUre (0) I.llaodm
2S. p..u..;a. is BEST absmbed b7 • - 2'7. Tl& followiD&: llO l)'pOI oftadillioo in tho
wbichllO ~·poctnun. Whichofdlem
could ba'l9 a wawleagth wbich is more
(A) bW:t 11111 sbiuy tlmDl.Om?
(B) white 11111 sbiuy
(C} bW:t 11111 dull (A) Radio
(D) wbileooddull (B) lnl'ra-nd
(C) Ultra viokt
(D) X-1111
2'. Whicb of Ibo following paphs is oblainod
if 1111 YOiumo of a fixed JDlllS of pa, II a
Wbicb. of tho followiD&; objects is used in •
- plUl1ll8, ia ~ apimt - 28. plGjeclor'I
K&lvio tempOrl!UIO?
(A) ltoclangullr glass prism
(B) Triqullr glass prism
CC) Di-A lclls
(D) ColmrgiDg lam

29. The note from a drum is louder when it is

ldlUCk birder because tho SDUDd ......
tS) procluoocl have apeotw

(A) amplitude
(B) ~
(C) wl\'elqlh
(D) ..iocity.
llem 30 mas to 1111 following displa<:e
iiiiiiii-=-time gnph of a WllOC wave


30, What is the periodic limo of 1111 wave7

(A) O.l 1
(B) 0.2.
(C) 0.3.
(D) 0.4•
31. Whidioftbefollowil!&cliagramlconectly '33.
..-m tbeJlllll&Oof•lisllnydllough
a iec:llD&Ular gJm block'I
Deep bballow
Walee-----, Wit«

Plam wale:r wavea true! ftomdilcp walet

IO shallow Wiilet with 111 angle of incj.
(A) deooo Df 0- u sbownm the diagram abo..,.
Wbich of the following would be cnie?

I Tbe ~ of the wa- de-

D Tbespeedofthewawsdoc:Rma.
m The waVIOlength or the wa- de-
(A) IaadDonly
(B) I 11114 m only
CC> n am1 mon1y
(D) t,nandm

(C) 34. Whichof tbe foDowinJ doeo NOT apply 10


(A) Tbe)' CID travel fast ma VICUDID.

(B) 'lboy can be diffracted.
(C) Tboy llaDsmit eamgy.
(D) Tboy are propagated by a series of

JS. Which of tbe following is NOT cnie about

thll image fonmd by a plaoc mirror?

(A) II ii fmmed bebind. !be minor.

(B) II inpright.
3l. Which of tho followin& would be iuvol>ed (C) I! CID be RCeivcd on a saeen.
in tbe production of friDp in a Young' a (l)) I! ii the same size as the object
clollb!Hlit nperlmoul?

.1 ~· 3'. A CODVetging lens produces an image

~11 Refried® ' wldch is the same size • the object. II ii
m ~ true IO Ill)' that the

(A) !only (A) object is at !be priDcipal focus

(B) monly (JI) object is at infinity
(C) I and m only (C) image is vUtaal
3 - (D) I, U andm (D) image is invened
37. A Ill)' o! Dpt In alr llrikel a i1aa
block• A lllUdcD llllj1dRs a c:lrcuit 10 111e11S111e the 43.
111 aug1e ln::idence oect.
nie li&bt wll1 i=sislance of I raistor. Wbich oflbc c:ir•
be cui1' below Is com:c:lly coaneaed'1
allilCYiated .
IOlally mhlclecl
mfrac:led a 90" IO normal
w c-11----., (B)i----"IM/'J--,

(D) a:fnldcd • an uatoowa aneJe t----iAt---1

31. Wblcb o!lbc followlni Is &JePR*"'e!'ml (CJ (D)

otlbc c:mreDl/p.d. mat1nnshlp ror 1meia1-
11c coadUCIQf It l mnsl•nt aemperalUR?

4L Which of the followi!rg COIJdll 11ing 11111-

I ll»lm is correct?
(B) f!eslsl- Cln:alt Ceancdiea
(A) Low in series
(B) LAlw in parallel
(C} High inpmllel
(D) High in series

(C) (D)
Which of the following Would NOT in-
duce an e.m.f. in a coodw:ior?
v v (A) Movingamagnericfieldacrossthe
(B) MovingdJerorybv:wiounagoetie
Whcnmr there ·1s complele dcslnK:dYe field
lnled'am between two c:ollmmt wave
lnllDs, the waves must be (C) Placiug II» conth1ctor - IO a
wire cauyiDg 1111 Rlte:mating cur-
(A) lnpbasc rm
(B) out of phase by ball of l WIVO- .;I)) Placing tbe condoctor near to a 47.
lqlh magnetic field
(C) out of phase by one wawlcns!h
(D) out of ·p11ase by a quancr of a
wavelength 4- --

lD LI Ill I!
A mndnctor, mtating. in a 1llliform mag- (A) (B)
netic field, indw:es maximum instan-
taneous e.m.f. wilelitherandi1ctor CUii !be
wgnetic field liDea at
(A) 30" (B) 45°
(C) 90" (D) 80"
A ligkbulb is llle4 a 100 V, 80 W. The

e ))
(C) (D)
cammt-Jtrflowilrg duough the bulb
will be
0.80 A (B)
1.0 A
!ODA ® (C
Jfb earth's magnetic lidd is ignmd, the
Cmrem ll)lgnelic field Ii Del betwecll the poles
in wile would look like
The wile in the diagram aboWI wm lllO'fO (A)
(A) towards N N S
(B) towanls s (B) .
(C) info lbe paper
(D) out oftbe paper
Apositivelycbargedbodydischarges wb=n
COllDOCICd by a c:cmd'" ting wile to earth.
This is because
(A) negaliveclwgetlowsftomtheearth
lo the objeci- (C) .
(B) negadve c:Jw:se t1ows from tbe
object ID lbe earth
CCI polilive cJw:se t1owa from the
object to !be earth
(D) bolh negative 1114 positive chqes
flow in opposile cliJecliolll

l 47. Wbldl or tbe ronowillg shows tilt mag-

nelic field arGlllld aSU'ligbtcondudol"per·
pendicular todle page and canying cunenl
INTO the page?

..,, A a1111f'0111m ii ,,_lpd to cbal!p•a.c:. 52. Wbichof tho Collowia& pails of 11• "'""
1umof240V1oomot24V. Wbic:hof is '"'" foT 'both ..... md Slftf!
lho followinc •.........,,. ..,..., aw?
,!rail Sleol
l If lbe J1limil)' coil bas 200 l1lml
thenlholeCClllllllybas20001111DL (A) ouilY dool JIDI ..w..
D. If lbe flaqueai:y of lho iapul is magnetised maa••tim.
'° Hz_lllOJI llrll of lho Olllplll is
Sliz. (Bl llDI cuily lOlllm ill
ID. Jflbo-inlboprimll)'ilG.2A 1'11.A11wi1ed mapiom well
11114 Ibo lrlllSlormer ii 100'5
efficielll lbOll tbe -
ICCl>lllilr)' is 2 A.
ill the (C)
euilY, l'Ollim lll
P!ICl""'nn well
CAI I Dlll1 (D) llDI oasily dool JIDI ntaiD.
(B) 111 oaly magnetised its msptis'll
(C) II ml m ouly
{D) 1,nam
SJ. A ormi........."'lol diode J111Hb11* balf·
wave JtCtification Of •1ternat111 curred.
51. WDm .• pofylhaie rod ii rubbed wltb a Wbich oftbe foDoq ........... would
cloth. it becomos be aw?



pooilively <barged by piaiDg pro-

positively cborge4 by losing eleo-

11e111iwly cJwaed llJ pinie&

1bo cumnt obtained has • COJI-
Tho c:umm obtained flows only iii
ODO dhection.
'IbOle am periods whim m cum::at

·eleclnms flows from tho .........
(D) 11epli.'Vely cborge4 by loliDg JllO-
(A) Ionly
.,., (B) ncm11
• • (C) 111111mcm11
, SJ. lD domeslic e1ec1ric install.iii.on syaems
which of tbe foll~maybe ftllmd con-
(D) Uaad.mcmly
nected to tho li'Ve w'
54. Which of tbe followini: could NOT be a
J Switcbes llllllofcunenl?
11 ·Cin:ull~
m WV"'
"""" (A)

-- (Al
Ill only

SS. 'Tr -t e 'I- m1 lleml 51 • SI mtir to tbe fDllowiu& tabla
" ... 1
'!bl ecp•etio.n lbcm mp1llEU tile n4io- Neatroa
IClivo decay of a certain DllCleus. Tba Nadel Ma No. Number
values of JC lllld y are
p 16 8
JC :f Q 13 !l
R 18 JO
(A) 137 53 s 21 11
(B) 137 52
(C) 137 Sl
(D) 136 53 51. Whicll . _ followa
Perioctic Table? •
zu in the

56. Wbidl of the following is four times tbe (A) p

mus of a p!OIOJI? (B) Q
(C) R
(A) Alpha particle (D) s
~) Bota panicle
(C) BlecuoD.
(DJ NOUllllll 58. Which.pair of nuclei m Isotopes?

(A) plllldQ
(B) Q 111111 R
(C) PmlR
IP> QmlS

5' Wilh wbich of lbll fo~ sc:ieDtists

micleul? ' ' .

(A) 'IbomsoA
(B) Bohr·
(C) Clwhrict.·
(D) Bllil1eiJi

60. Which of the followiDg is aue of gamma


(A) 1t ii higb-ellergy radiation.

(B) 1t is DOI vecy
(C) 1t bis negative charge
(D) It is a long-waveieJll!lh e.m. wave


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