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Company Instrumentation & Control Specialists, Inc. Document ID No.

JSEA -ICS - 001

Department/s Contractor Revision No. 5
Job Title Dismantling of Old Cables, Conduits and Cable Trays Effective Date Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2019

Item Procedure / Process Activities/Equipment/Products Risk Category Aspect / Hazard / Risk Impact / Risk / Threat HOC Control Measures Action Plan Target Date
No. or Services Source / Vulnerability

Miscommunication with 1. Coordinate the activity to the Project Enduser and Project Owner
Operational Delay to schedule and before commencing.
the Project Enduser and work activity.
Project Owner A 2. Follow Schedule and arrange the required document to avoid any
cause of delaay.
3. Refer to gant chart as the reference for preparing
Preparation of EL
Documents or Permit to Prepare necessary document
such as associated permits S
Work (PTW)

1. Supervisor and Safety Officer shall ensure obtaining and maintaining

Occupational Health Unauthorized May result in exposing valid work permit and all mandatory associated permit.
& Safety commencement of works workers and or potential
to harm and danger.
2. Inform
A all workers regarding permit condition before work starts.
supervisor shall conduct toolbox talks aout nature of works and
associated potential hazards and their essential precautionary


EL 1. remove any items that may obstruct the work activity. Keep the
working area, platform clear of debris or liquid spills.

Site Survey of the area Site Evaluation for the work area. Occupational Health Physical injury to workers
for the Dismantling of EC
2 Evaluate the possible hazard and & Safety Sprain and strain
old cables and Cable due to slipping hazard
trays. risks. 1.Cordon the area an d keep sign to warn others of the potentil hazard.
A 2.ensure close monitoring and supervision
3.materials to be stored in a safe and secure manner

PPE 1. Wear suitable Safety Shoes

EL 1. (Practice Good Housekeeping) Remove unnecessary materials that

may cause trip, slip.
Occupational Health Physical injury to workers Sprain and strain
& Safety due to tripping hazard

R - RoutineNR - Non RoutineN - NormalA - Abnormal ConditionE - Emergency Situation Risk Assessment Form CPC-IM-PRM-009-01-F01_Rev 2Effectivity Date Decmber 1, 2017
Company Instrumentation & Control Specialists, Inc. Document ID No. JSEA -ICS - 001
Department/s Contractor Revision No. 5
Job Title Dismantling of Old Cables, Conduits and Cable Trays Effective Date Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2019

Item Procedure / Process Activities/Equipment/Products Risk Category Aspect / Hazard / Risk Impact / Risk / Threat HOC Control Measures Action Plan Target Date
No. or Services Source / Vulnerability

Occupational Health Physical injury to workers Sprain and strain

& Safety due to tripping hazard 1. Make sure the work area is left clean and tidy.
2. check all the potential cause of trip
A and slip and remove it in the work area.
3.materials to be stored in a safe and
secure manner
PPE 1. Wear suitable Safety Shoes

R - RoutineNR - Non RoutineN - NormalA - Abnormal ConditionE - Emergency Situation Risk Assessment Form CPC-IM-PRM-009-01-F01_Rev 2Effectivity Date Decmber 1, 2017
Company Instrumentation & Control Specialists, Inc. Document ID No. JSEA -ICS - 001
Department/s Contractor Revision No. 5
Job Title Dismantling of Old Cables, Conduits and Cable Trays Effective Date Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2019

Item Procedure / Process Activities/Equipment/Products Risk Category Aspect / Hazard / Risk Impact / Risk / Threat HOC Control Measures Action Plan Target Date
No. or Services Source / Vulnerability

Site Survey of the area
for the Dismantling of Site Evaluation of the work area. Occupational Health 1. Limiting access by keeping people out of noisy areas (85db high)
Evaluate the possible hazard and & Safety Exposure to loud Noise Hearing Impairment 2. Limiting time spent in noisy areas
old cables and Cable risks.
trays. A 3. dentify areas with high noise level and provide suitable signage to
remind workers that they will be expose in high noise level in that
particular area.

PPE 1. Wear hearing protection such as earmuff and Earplug


EC 1. Refer to gant chart or project schedule as the reference prior work


Parallel or simultaneous May result in exposing 1. Ensure proper coordination and communication with other
Occupational Health activity of other workers and or potential contractor to avoid parrallel/simoltanueous activities.
& Safety trades/contractor in the 2. Supervisors and Safety Officers to ensure precise and
work area. to harm and danger. A
close supervision to all activities.
3. Supervisor shall conduct talks about nature of works and
associated potentil hazards and their essential precautionary measure.

PPE 1. Personnel to wear mandatory PPE such as but not limited to:
Hardhat, safety Goggles, Safety Shoes, earplug.

EC 1. Provide additional lifeline if necessary

2. Provide adequate railings to prevent personnel from falling.

Occupational Health Working at heights falling of personnel

& Safety

R - RoutineNR - Non RoutineN - NormalA - Abnormal ConditionE - Emergency Situation Risk Assessment Form CPC-IM-PRM-009-01-F01_Rev 2Effectivity Date Decmber 1, 2017
Company Instrumentation & Control Specialists, Inc. Document ID No. JSEA -ICS - 001
Department/s Contractor Revision No. 5
Job Title Dismantling of Old Cables, Conduits and Cable Trays Effective Date Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2019

Item Procedure / Process Activities/Equipment/Products Risk Category Aspect / Hazard / Risk Impact / Risk / Threat HOC Control Measures Action Plan Target Date
No. or Services Source / Vulnerability

1. Conduct and discuss Method Statement & Risk Assessment to all

Occupational Health Working at heights working personnel.
falling of personnel 2. Ensure and Practice 100% tied-off
& Safety
3. Provission of suitable signages to remind workers in the
A hazards of falling.
4. Conduct and discuss Method Statement & Risk
Assessment to all working personnel.
5. Provide training to all workers on fall
protection and ladder safety.

PPE 1. wear Full Body harness with Double lanyard

R - RoutineNR - Non RoutineN - NormalA - Abnormal ConditionE - Emergency Situation Risk Assessment Form CPC-IM-PRM-009-01-F01_Rev 2Effectivity Date Decmber 1, 2017
Company Instrumentation & Control Specialists, Inc. Document ID No. JSEA -ICS - 001
Department/s Contractor Revision No. 5
Job Title Dismantling of Old Cables, Conduits and Cable Trays Effective Date Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2019

Item Procedure / Process Activities/Equipment/Products Risk Category Aspect / Hazard / Risk Impact / Risk / Threat HOC Control Measures Action Plan Target Date
No. or Services Source / Vulnerability

Manual handling of tools and
materials EC
Preparation and (Combination/box/open wrench,
hacksaw, Pusch cart, multi-tester, 1. provide an awareness training regarding line of fire and hand finger
3 mobilization of tools, voltage detector, masking tape, Occupational Health Pinch Point Cuts, wounds safety.
equipments and & Safety 2. Know the hazards and dangers in the job to be done.
materials extension cord, GFCI, grinder,
Toolbox, electrician tools, A 3. Be aware of
dismantled cables and cable pinch point
trays). 4. Check and inspect the tools that they are in good condition and safe
to use.
PPE 1. wear safety gloves

EL 1. remove any items that may obstruct the work activity. Keep the
working area, platform clear of debris or liquid spills.

Occupational Health Physical injury to workerss sprain and strain
& Safety due to Slip hazard
1.Cordon the area an d keep sign to warn others of the potential
A hazard.
2.ensure close monitoring and supervision
3.materials to be stored in a safe and secure manner

PPE 1. Wear suitable Safety Shoes

EL 1. (Practice Good Housekeeping) Remove unnecessary materials that

may cause trip, slip.
Occupational Health Physical injury to workerss Sprain and strain
& Safety due to Trip hazard 1. Make sure the work area is left clean and tidy.
2. check all the potential
A cause of trip and slip and remove it in the work area.
3.materials to be
stored in a safe and secure manner
PPE 1. Wear suitable Safety Shoes
Fatality EL
EC 1. Provission of Safe pedstrian access.

4 Mobilization of Mobilization of manpower to Occupational Health Hit by moving macheniry

manpower work area by means of walking & Safety

R - RoutineNR - Non RoutineN - NormalA - Abnormal ConditionE - Emergency Situation Risk Assessment Form CPC-IM-PRM-009-01-F01_Rev 2Effectivity Date Decmber 1, 2017
Company Instrumentation & Control Specialists, Inc. Document ID No. JSEA -ICS - 001
Department/s Contractor Revision No. 5
Job Title Dismantling of Old Cables, Conduits and Cable Trays Effective Date Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2019

Item Procedure / Process Activities/Equipment/Products Risk Category Aspect / Hazard / Risk Impact / Risk / Threat HOC Control Measures Action Plan Target Date
No. or Services Source / Vulnerability

4 Mobilization of Mobilization of manpower to Occupational Health Hit by moving macheniry 1. Ensure all workers abide to the traffic rules and regulations in the
manpower work area by means of walking & Safety plant.
A 2. Ensure workers use the pedestrian walkway provided during
3. Be extra careful when crossing the road


R - RoutineNR - Non RoutineN - NormalA - Abnormal ConditionE - Emergency Situation Risk Assessment Form CPC-IM-PRM-009-01-F01_Rev 2Effectivity Date Decmber 1, 2017
Company Instrumentation & Control Specialists, Inc. Document ID No. JSEA -ICS - 001
Department/s Contractor Revision No. 5
Job Title Dismantling of Old Cables, Conduits and Cable Trays Effective Date Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2019

Item Procedure / Process Activities/Equipment/Products Risk Category Aspect / Hazard / Risk Impact / Risk / Threat HOC Control Measures Action Plan Target Date
No. or Services Source / Vulnerability

EL 1. Remove unnecessary materials or tools at the surrounding area.

(Practice Good Housekeeping)


Mobilization of Mobilization of manpower to Occupational Health Slip and Trip 1. Bring only what you need and don’t bring unnecessary tools.
fractures 2. Identify other possible causes of slip, trip, area such as pressence of
manpower work area by means of walking & Safety
protudring rebars wet floor, and others.
A 3. Every flatform shall be kept free from any obstruction, materials, and
4. When they become slippery due to nature of work, steps shall be
taken by way of sanding, cleaning or by any other means to roughen
the surface.

PPE 1. Wear suitable Safety Shoes

EL 1. Make sure all access and egress, access ladders, steps and ramps are
safe and secure.

1. All personnel to have read and understood the RA that is specific for
May result in exposing their area of work.
5 Preparation of work area Assess work area; access and Occupational Health poor access and egress workers and or potential 2. RA is to be modified where and when necessary to reflect
weather condition & Safety to harm and danger. A the changing work area.
3. Supervisor shall conduct talks about
nature of works and associated potential hazards and their essential
precautionary measure.

PPE 1. Personnel to wear mandatory PPE such as but not limited to:
Hardhat, safety Goggles, Safety Shoes, earplug.
May result in exposing 1. only authorized personnel are allowed to enter in the work area.
Occupational Health unauthorized entry of workers and or potential
& Safety personnel to harm and danger. 2.Cordon the area and keep sign to warn others of the
A potential hazard.
3.ensure close monitoring and supervision


R - RoutineNR - Non RoutineN - NormalA - Abnormal ConditionE - Emergency Situation Risk Assessment Form CPC-IM-PRM-009-01-F01_Rev 2Effectivity Date Decmber 1, 2017
Company Instrumentation & Control Specialists, Inc. Document ID No. JSEA -ICS - 001
Department/s Contractor Revision No. 5
Job Title Dismantling of Old Cables, Conduits and Cable Trays Effective Date Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2019

Item Procedure / Process Activities/Equipment/Products Risk Category Aspect / Hazard / Risk Impact / Risk / Threat HOC Control Measures Action Plan Target Date
No. or Services Source / Vulnerability

Immediately cease work in hazardous weather conditon such as:

EL 1. strong winds that may cause loss of balance.
2. Rain is causing a slippery work surface.
May result in exposing
Environmental Poor or bad weather workers and or potential
condition S 1. transfer all outdoors activity to indoors activity.
to harm and danger.

1. Supervisor and Safety Officer shall ensure obtaining and maintaining

valid work permit and all mandatory associated permit.
2. Only
May result in exposing competent and authorized personnel to be deployed, supervisor to
Preparation of work area Assess work area; access and Operational Interference with
workers and or potential control.
weather condition operational activity to harm and danger. A 3. Supervisor to give tool box talk prior to start the activity. This
shall cover the method statement and Risk assessment.
4. Proper coordination with SCPC shift supervisor prior to
commencement of the activity.
5. In case of emergency, immediately contact SCPC Emergency
Response Team, EMERGENCY NO.:(043) 773-6444 or local 6444

PPE 1. Personnel to wear mandatory PPE such as but not limited to:
Hardhat, safety Goggles, Safety Shoes, earplug.
EC 1. Refer to list of Circuit breaker to be isolate (LOTOTO)

Identification and Identification and Marking of Diffent color for tagging will be
6 Marking of cables to be cables to be dismantle using wire Operational Incorrect labeling people get electricuted used for cable that has power and
during dismantle
dismantled tracer and voltage detector no power.

R - RoutineNR - Non RoutineN - NormalA - Abnormal ConditionE - Emergency Situation Risk Assessment Form CPC-IM-PRM-009-01-F01_Rev 2Effectivity Date Decmber 1, 2017
Company Instrumentation & Control Specialists, Inc. Document ID No. JSEA -ICS - 001
Department/s Contractor Revision No. 5
Job Title Dismantling of Old Cables, Conduits and Cable Trays Effective Date Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2019

Item Procedure / Process Activities/Equipment/Products Risk Category Aspect / Hazard / Risk Impact / Risk / Threat HOC Control Measures Action Plan Target Date
No. or Services Source / Vulnerability

Identification and Identification and Marking of 1. Only competent personnel to do the task Diffent color for tagging will be
6 Marking of cables to be cables to be dismantle using wire Operational Incorrect labeling people get electricuted 2.Cordon the area and keep sign to warn others of the used for cable that has power and
during dismantle potential hazard.
dismantled tracer and voltage detector no power.
3.ensure close monitoring and supervision.
A 4. Proper coordination and communication with SCPC elctrical
5. Each cable to be dismantle/demolish should be
identified with a particular tape, such as 'Green' ensuring that the
similar tape is not used in any adjacent cables.

PPE 1. Wear suitable electrical safety gloves

R - RoutineNR - Non RoutineN - NormalA - Abnormal ConditionE - Emergency Situation Risk Assessment Form CPC-IM-PRM-009-01-F01_Rev 2Effectivity Date Decmber 1, 2017
Company Instrumentation & Control Specialists, Inc. Document ID No. JSEA -ICS - 001
Department/s Contractor Revision No. 5
Job Title Dismantling of Old Cables, Conduits and Cable Trays Effective Date Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2019

Item Procedure / Process Activities/Equipment/Products Risk Category Aspect / Hazard / Risk Impact / Risk / Threat HOC Control Measures Action Plan Target Date
No. or Services Source / Vulnerability


1. Refer to list of cables and Circuit breaker to be isolate (LOTOTO).

EC 2. Perform voltage/current checking for all terminated cables and wires Perform Lock out, Tag out, try out
and detached it from each terminal block. 3. (LOTOTO) or any equivalent
Use chrome vanadium termintion screw requirement for isolating energy
Disconnection of Disconnection of wires/cables to source. SCPC
7 wires/cables to each each terminal block using Operational electrocution fatality
terminal block termination screw Engineers/ Electrical/
1. Only competent and authorized personnel to perform the activity. Technician(s) will isolate the
related power suplly (AC/DC) for
2. Provide adequate monitoring and supervission at the workplace. panels and electrical equipment.
3. Educate and train personnel in basic electrical safety.
4. Educate personnel in Lock out tag out

PPE 1. Wear suitable electrical safety gloves


1. Only competent and authorized personnel to perform the activity.

Injury due to unsafe or
Operational incorrect use of electrical Hand injury 2. Provide adequate monitoring and supervision at the workplace.
hand tools A
3. use right tools for the right job.
4. educate and train personnel for proper use and
handling of hand tools.
Disconnection of Disconnection of wires/cables to
wires/cables to each each terminal block using PPE 1. wear suitable hand safety gloves
terminal block termination screw
1. Conduct regular exercise and streching before the activity.
Occupational Health Ergonomics hazards:
repeated motions in body pain 2. Maintain neutral posture whenever
& Safety awkward position possible. 3. Change
A positions often, take stretch breaks.
4. workers should be trained on proper work technique.
5. avoid awkward position to
prevent body pain/back pain.

R - RoutineNR - Non RoutineN - NormalA - Abnormal ConditionE - Emergency Situation Risk Assessment Form CPC-IM-PRM-009-01-F01_Rev 2Effectivity Date Decmber 1, 2017
Company Instrumentation & Control Specialists, Inc. Document ID No. JSEA -ICS - 001
Department/s Contractor Revision No. 5
Job Title Dismantling of Old Cables, Conduits and Cable Trays Effective Date Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2019

Item Procedure / Process Activities/Equipment/Products Risk Category Aspect / Hazard / Risk Impact / Risk / Threat HOC Control Measures Action Plan Target Date
No. or Services Source / Vulnerability

EL 1. Cable s to be dismantle, they shall be electrically isolated as per

existing power isolation procedure.

1. Cable shall be verified by continuity test by means of Voltage

EC detector, multi tester and wire tracer.
2. Refer to list of cables and Circuit breaker to be isolate (LOTOTO).

8 Cutting of cables/wires Cutting of identified/mark and Occupational Health Cutting the wrong cables electrocution, fatality 1. Each cable to be cut and dismantled should be identified with a
disconnected cables/wires & Safety particular tape or marking.
2. if several cables or conductors are being cut or dismatled, they
shall be cut one at a time.
A 3. No cables shall be cut until it has been physically removed to an
access point.
4. Tools used to cut cables shall not be positioned in a
way that they may cause inadvertent damage to other cables.
5. cutting tools with insulated handle only should be used for this


1. use right tools for the right job

Occupational Health Hand injury Cuts, wounds 2. avoid using dull blade
& Safety 3. provide an awareness training/orientation regarding line
A of fire and hand finger safety.
4. educate worker on proper hand placement.
5. only competent and authorized personnel to do the

PPE 1. wear safety gloves


Dismantling of Pull out/removal of cable from Occupational Health electrocution

9 panels, cable trays, conduit and fatality 1. Refer to list of cables and Circuit breaker to be isolate (LOTOTO).
cables/wires electrical equipment. & Safety
2. Perform voltage/current checking for all terminated cables and wires
and detached it from each terminal block.

R - RoutineNR - Non RoutineN - NormalA - Abnormal ConditionE - Emergency Situation Risk Assessment Form CPC-IM-PRM-009-01-F01_Rev 2Effectivity Date Decmber 1, 2017
Company Instrumentation & Control Specialists, Inc. Document ID No. JSEA -ICS - 001
Department/s Contractor Revision No. 5
Job Title Dismantling of Old Cables, Conduits and Cable Trays Effective Date Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2019

Item Procedure / Process Activities/Equipment/Products Risk Category Aspect / Hazard / Risk Impact / Risk / Threat HOC Control Measures Action Plan Target Date
No. or Services Source / Vulnerability

1. Only competent and authorized personnel to perform the activity.

2. Provide adequate monitoring and supervission at the
A 3. The cable shall be electrically isolated from both the ends.
4. cable removal shall
be started from the voltage source end.
5. only reasonable force shall beapplied while performing
dismanle and removal of cables interwined with other cables that are
intended to stay in service.

PPE 1. wear suitable elctrical safety gloves


Occupational Health Pinch Point 1. Educate worker on proper hand placement

Hand injury, cuts 2. Buddy buddy system
& Safety
A 3. proper communication and
coordination before lifting tubular pipes.
4. provide an awareness training
regarding line of fire and hand finger safety.

PPE 1. wear suitable safety gloves

1. Educate worker of correct manual lifting method.
Occupational Health awkward position body pain/back injury 2. Advice worker to seek help if the load is
& Safety to heavy/large (Buddy Buddy System)
A 3. avoid awkward position to
prevent body pain/back pain. 4.
Conduct regular exercise and streching before the activity.


R - RoutineNR - Non RoutineN - NormalA - Abnormal ConditionE - Emergency Situation Risk Assessment Form CPC-IM-PRM-009-01-F01_Rev 2Effectivity Date Decmber 1, 2017
Company Instrumentation & Control Specialists, Inc. Document ID No. JSEA -ICS - 001
Department/s Contractor Revision No. 5
Job Title Dismantling of Old Cables, Conduits and Cable Trays Effective Date Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2019

Item Procedure / Process Activities/Equipment/Products Risk Category Aspect / Hazard / Risk Impact / Risk / Threat HOC Control Measures Action Plan Target Date
No. or Services Source / Vulnerability

1. Limiting access by keeping people out of noisy areas (85db high)

2. Limiting time spent in noisy areas
3. dentify areas with high noise level and provide suitable signage to
remind workers that they will be expose in high noise level in that
A particular area.
Occupational Health Exposure to loud noise 4. Discuss to working personnel the possible hazards and consequences
Hearing impairment for exposure to excessive noise level exeeding 85dB.
& Safety
5. Adequate
rest period for workers and practice rotation personnel to limit their
exposure to high noise level.

PPE 1. wear hearing protection Earmuff/earplug

EC 1. Provide adequate ventilation

1. Educate workers on symptoms and precaution of heat stress.

Occupational Health heat stress and
Hot working environment dehydration 2. Provide adequate rest periods and rest shelters at the area.
& Safety 3. Provide cold & safe drinking water.
A 4. Monitor humidity & temperature frequently.
5. Provission of Oral rehydration solution when necessary.
6. Provide adequate ventilation at the area
7. Advise to increase water intake.


EC 1. provide adequate general lighting

2. personal torchlight
Occupational Health Poor Lighting/illumination physcally injury to
& Safety (resulting slips, trips and workers
falls). 1. precise coordination and supervision
A 2. ensure adequate lighting in the workplace
3. ensure buddy buddy system

PPE 1. Personnel to wear mandatory PPE such as but not limited to:
Hardhat, safety Goggles, Safety Shoes.

Pull out/removal of cable from S
panels, cable trays, conduit and Occupational Health Falling from heights Serious injury, fatality
electrical equipment.(working at & Safety

R - RoutineNR - Non RoutineN - NormalA - Abnormal ConditionE - Emergency Situation Risk Assessment Form CPC-IM-PRM-009-01-F01_Rev 2Effectivity Date Decmber 1, 2017
Company Instrumentation & Control Specialists, Inc. Document ID No. JSEA -ICS - 001
Department/s Contractor Revision No. 5
Job Title Dismantling of Old Cables, Conduits and Cable Trays Effective Date Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2019

Item Procedure / Process Activities/Equipment/Products Risk Category Aspect / Hazard / Risk Impact / Risk / Threat HOC Control Measures Action Plan Target Date
No. or Services Source / Vulnerability

Pull out/removal of cable from

panels, cable trays, conduit and Occupational Health Falling from heights Serious injury, fatality
electrical equipment.(working at & Safety 1. Complete edge protection to working flatform
heights) 2. safe access and egress from the scaffold must be
EC provided 3. Install
independent lifeline

R - RoutineNR - Non RoutineN - NormalA - Abnormal ConditionE - Emergency Situation Risk Assessment Form CPC-IM-PRM-009-01-F01_Rev 2Effectivity Date Decmber 1, 2017
Company Instrumentation & Control Specialists, Inc. Document ID No. JSEA -ICS - 001
Department/s Contractor Revision No. 5
Job Title Dismantling of Old Cables, Conduits and Cable Trays Effective Date Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2019

Item Procedure / Process Activities/Equipment/Products Risk Category Aspect / Hazard / Risk Impact / Risk / Threat HOC Control Measures Action Plan Target Date
No. or Services Source / Vulnerability

1. Secure supporting PTW for working at heights

2. Ensure close supervision
3. Ensure 100% tie-off of full body
harness lanyard 4. ensure 3
A point of contact while descending and ascending on scaffold ladder and
working flatform. 5. Make sure all
workers stayfully within the scaffold at all times.

1. personnel to wear suitable full body harness with double lanyards

PPE and shock absorber.

1. Provide and install safety nets.

EC 2. Provide and install fall arrester
3. Provide independent lifeline.

1. Provide training/orientation on working at heights and ladder safety.

Falling of Personnel due 3. Conduct and discuss Method Statement & Risk Assessment to all
Occupational Health to unsuitable access and Fatality working personnel.
& Safety 4. Practice 100% tied-off
A 5. Provide adequate railings to prevent personnel from falling.
6. Railings shall be free from defects.
7. Provide suitable access and egress complete with railings
8. Provission of suitable signages to remind workers in the hazards of
9. Adequate Information & Instruction to all working personnel

PPE 1. wear full body harness with double lanyard and shock absorber.


1. Install Safety Nets to prevent materials from falling directly on the

EC ground. (if necessary) 2.
Provide tool holster for workers working at height.
Occupational Health Falling of tools & Injury to working
& Safety Materials personnel
1. Provission of Toe boards
A 2. Attach small rope to the tools to prevent it from falling
3. Bring only what you need and don’t bring unnecessary tools.

R - RoutineNR - Non RoutineN - NormalA - Abnormal ConditionE - Emergency Situation Risk Assessment Form CPC-IM-PRM-009-01-F01_Rev 2Effectivity Date Decmber 1, 2017
Company Instrumentation & Control Specialists, Inc. Document ID No. JSEA -ICS - 001
Department/s Contractor Revision No. 5
Job Title Dismantling of Old Cables, Conduits and Cable Trays Effective Date Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2019

Occupational Health Falling of tools & Injury to working

& Safety Materials personnel
Item Procedure / Process Activities/Equipment/Products Risk Category Aspect / Hazard / Risk Impact / Risk / Threat HOC Control Measures Action Plan Target Date
No. or Services Source / Vulnerability

PPE Use suitable PPE: Hard Hat, Safety Glass, Gloves, Safety Shoes

R - RoutineNR - Non RoutineN - NormalA - Abnormal ConditionE - Emergency Situation Risk Assessment Form CPC-IM-PRM-009-01-F01_Rev 2Effectivity Date Decmber 1, 2017
Company Instrumentation & Control Specialists, Inc. Document ID No. JSEA -ICS - 001
Department/s Contractor Revision No. 5
Job Title Dismantling of Old Cables, Conduits and Cable Trays Effective Date Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2019

Item Procedure / Process Activities/Equipment/Products Risk Category Aspect / Hazard / Risk Impact / Risk / Threat HOC Control Measures Action Plan Target Date
No. or Services Source / Vulnerability

1. Ensure and practice obesrvation skills by looking Above, Behind,
potential of being struck Below Inside(ABBI).
Occupational Health by object during laceration and bruises
& Safety A 2. Refer to the List of cable trays that need to dismantled.
inspection process 3. . Ensure precise supervision
4. Ensure proper
coordination and communication

PPE Provide PPE's Such as but nt limited to: Safety Hardhat, Safety Goggles,
Safety shoes, Safety Gloves


Identification and 1. Bring only what you need and don’t bring unnecessary tools.
10 marking of cable trays Visual inspection, Identification Occupational Health Slip and Trip physcally injury to workers
2. Identify other possible causes of slip, trip, area such as pressence of
and conduit pipes to be and marking of cable trays and & Safety protudring rebars wet floor, and others.
dismantled. conduit pipes to be dismantled. 3. Every flatform shall be kept free from any obstruction, materials, and
4. When they become slippery due to nature of work, steps shall be
taken by way of sanding, cleaning or by any other means to roughen
the surface.

PPE 1. wear suitable safety shoes


1. Educate worker of correct manual lifting method.

Occupational Health awkward position Back injury, Sprains 2. Advice worker to seek help if the load is to
& Safety heavy/large (Buddy Buddy System)
A 3. avoid awkward position to prevent body
pain/back pain. 4. Conduct regular
exercise and streching before the activity.
5. practice buddy buddy system


R - RoutineNR - Non RoutineN - NormalA - Abnormal ConditionE - Emergency Situation Risk Assessment Form CPC-IM-PRM-009-01-F01_Rev 2Effectivity Date Decmber 1, 2017
Company Instrumentation & Control Specialists, Inc. Document ID No. JSEA -ICS - 001
Department/s Contractor Revision No. 5
Job Title Dismantling of Old Cables, Conduits and Cable Trays Effective Date Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2019

Item Procedure / Process Activities/Equipment/Products Risk Category Aspect / Hazard / Risk Impact / Risk / Threat HOC Control Measures Action Plan Target Date
No. or Services Source / Vulnerability

Dismantling of identified cable
trays and conduit pipe by
loosening and removing fasteners 1. Only competent and authorized personnel to perform the activity.
11 Dismantling of cable in splice plate by using hand Occupational Health unsafe or incorrect use of hand injury
trays and conduits tools. (Hand Tools & Safety hand tools 2. Provide adequate monitoring and supervision at the workplace.
includes spanners, combination A
wrench, open wrench, box 3. use right tools for the right job.
wrench) 4. educate and train personnel for proper use
and handling of hand tools.

PPE 1. wear safety gloves

1. Conduct regular exercise and streching before the activity.
Occupational Health Ergonomics hazards: body pain 2. Maintain neutral posture whenever
& Safety repeated motions in
awkward position possible. 3. Change
A positions often, take stretch breaks.
4. workers should be trained on proper work technique.
5. avoid awkward position to
prevent body pain/back pain.

1. Ensure and practice obesrvation skills by looking Above, Behind,

potential of being struck Below Inside(ABBI).
Occupational Health by object during laceration and bruises
& Safety A 2. Ensure and always practice buddy buddy system
dismantling and handling 3. . Ensure precise supervision
4. Ensure proper
coordination and communication

PPE Provide PPE's Such as but nt limited to: Safety Hardhat, Safety Goggles,
Safety shoes, Safety Gloves

Occupational Health Falling from heights Serious injury, fatality
& Safety

R - RoutineNR - Non RoutineN - NormalA - Abnormal ConditionE - Emergency Situation Risk Assessment Form CPC-IM-PRM-009-01-F01_Rev 2Effectivity Date Decmber 1, 2017
Company Instrumentation & Control Specialists, Inc. Document ID No. JSEA -ICS - 001
Department/s Contractor Revision No. 5
Job Title Dismantling of Old Cables, Conduits and Cable Trays Effective Date Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2019

Item Procedure / Process Activities/Equipment/Products Risk Category Aspect / Hazard / Risk Impact / Risk / Threat HOC Control Measures Action Plan Target Date
No. or Services Source / Vulnerability

Occupational Health Falling from heights Serious injury, fatality

& Safety 1. Complete edge protection to working flatform
EC 2. safe access and egress from the scaffold must be
provided 3.
Install independent lifeline

R - RoutineNR - Non RoutineN - NormalA - Abnormal ConditionE - Emergency Situation Risk Assessment Form CPC-IM-PRM-009-01-F01_Rev 2Effectivity Date Decmber 1, 2017
Company Instrumentation & Control Specialists, Inc. Document ID No. JSEA -ICS - 001
Department/s Contractor Revision No. 5
Job Title Dismantling of Old Cables, Conduits and Cable Trays Effective Date Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2019

Item Procedure / Process Activities/Equipment/Products Risk Category Aspect / Hazard / Risk Impact / Risk / Threat HOC Control Measures Action Plan Target Date
No. or Services Source / Vulnerability

1. Secure supporting PTW for working at heights

Dismantling of identified cable 2. Ensure close supervision
trays and conduit pipe by 3. Ensure 100% tie-off of full body
loosening and removing fasteners A harness lanyard 4.
in splice plate by using hand ensure 3 point of contact while descending and ascending on scaffold
tools. (Hand Tools ladder and working flatform.
includes spanners, combination 5. Make sure all workers stayfully within the scaffold at all times.
wrench, open wrench, box
wrench) (working @ heights)
PPE 1. personnel to wear suitable full body harness with double lanyards
and shock absorber.
1. Install Safety Nets to prevent materials from falling directly on the
EC ground. (if necessary) 2.
Provide tool holster for workers working at height.
Occupational Health Falling of tools or Injury to working
& Safety Materials personnel
1. Provission of Toe boards
A 2. Attach small rope to the tools to prevent it from falling
3. Bring only what you need and don’t bring unnecessary tools.

PPE Use suitable PPE: Hard Hat, Safety Glass, Gloves, Safety Shoes


1. All Raising and lowering of materials to be carried out in controlled

EC manner (i.e. hand to hand, by light-line, nylone rope and fitting bags.)
Provide safety nets if necessary

Occupational Health Falling of tools or Property or equipment

& Safety Materials damage
1. post warning signs and work within the sealed area
2. materials to be stored in
A a safe and secure manner, to prevent them accidentally falling or being
knocked off the working platform when at height.
3. Ensure close monitoring and supervision

PPE 1. personnel to wear suitable full body harness with double lanyards
and shock absorber.


R - RoutineNR - Non RoutineN - NormalA - Abnormal ConditionE - Emergency Situation Risk Assessment Form CPC-IM-PRM-009-01-F01_Rev 2Effectivity Date Decmber 1, 2017
Company Instrumentation & Control Specialists, Inc. Document ID No. JSEA -ICS - 001
Department/s Contractor Revision No. 5
Job Title Dismantling of Old Cables, Conduits and Cable Trays Effective Date Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2019

Item Procedure / Process Activities/Equipment/Products Risk Category Aspect / Hazard / Risk Impact / Risk / Threat HOC Control Measures Action Plan Target Date
No. or Services Source / Vulnerability

R - RoutineNR - Non RoutineN - NormalA - Abnormal ConditionE - Emergency Situation Risk Assessment Form CPC-IM-PRM-009-01-F01_Rev 2Effectivity Date Decmber 1, 2017
Company Instrumentation & Control Specialists, Inc. Document ID No. JSEA -ICS - 001
Department/s Contractor Revision No. 5
Job Title Dismantling of Old Cables, Conduits and Cable Trays Effective Date Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2019

Item Procedure / Process Activities/Equipment/Products Risk Category Aspect / Hazard / Risk Impact / Risk / Threat HOC Control Measures Action Plan Target Date
No. or Services Source / Vulnerability

1. All Raising and lowering of materials to be carried out in controlled

EC manner (i.e. hand to hand, by light-line, nylone rope and fitting bags.)
Provide safety nets if necessary

1. post warning signs and work within the sealed area

2. materials to be stored in
Occupational Health Hit by falling tools or Injury to working a safe and secure manner, to prevent them accidentally falling or being
& Safety materials personnel knocked off the working platform when at height.
A 3. Ensure close monitoring and
supervision. 4. ensure buddy
system when lifting 3 meters and above to prevent struck/striking

PPE 1. Wear PPE's such as but not limited to hardhat, Safety Shoes, Safety


1. Complete edge protection to working flatform

EC 2. safe access and egress from the scaffold must be provided
3. Installed independent lifline

Occupational Health Fall from scaffold or 1. Secure supporting PTW for working at heights
& Safety working flatform Serious injury, fatality 2. Ensure close supervision
3. Ensure 100% tie-off of full body harness
A lanyard 4. ensure 3 point of
contact while descending and ascending on scaffold ladder and working
flatform. 5. Make
sure all workers stayfully within the scaffold at all times.

1. personnel to wear suitable full body

PPE harness with double lanyards and shock
Occupational Health Falling of Personnel due
to unsuitable access and Fatality
& Safety egress. 1. Provide and install safety nets.
EC 2. Provide and install fall arrester
3. Provide independent lifeline.

R - RoutineNR - Non RoutineN - NormalA - Abnormal ConditionE - Emergency Situation Risk Assessment Form CPC-IM-PRM-009-01-F01_Rev 2Effectivity Date Decmber 1, 2017
Company Instrumentation & Control Specialists, Inc. Document ID No. JSEA -ICS - 001
Department/s Contractor Revision No. 5
Job Title Dismantling of Old Cables, Conduits and Cable Trays Effective Date Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2019

Item Procedure / Process Activities/Equipment/Products Risk Category Aspect / Hazard / Risk Impact / Risk / Threat HOC Control Measures Action Plan Target Date
No. or Services Source / Vulnerability

1. Provide training/orientation on working at heights and ladder safety.

3. Conduct and discuss Method Statement & Risk Assessment to all
working personnel.
4. Practice 100% tied-off
A 5. Provide adequate railings to prevent personnel from falling.
Falling of Personnel due 6. Railings shall be free from defects.
Occupational Health to unsuitable access and Fatality 7. Provide suitable access and egress complete with railings
& Safety 8. Provission of suitable signages to remind workers in the hazards of
9. Adequate Information & Instruction to all working personnel

PPE 1. wear full body harness with double lanyard and shock absorber.

1. Ensure material is carried in small quantity to minimize the weight
EC carried.
2. use of mechanical aid if necessary (push cart or
hauling of dismantled cables and trolley)
cable trays to approved Occupational Health Ergonomically Hazards
12 Housekeeping 5's temporary disposal or storing body pain, back injury
area. (Manual handling, carrying & Safety
and hauling). 1. Educate worker of correct manual lifting method.
2. Advice worker to seek help if the load
A is to heavy/large (Buddy Buddy System)
3. See if you can break the load into smaller pieces.
4. Conduct regular exercise and streching before the activity.
5. Conduct training in manual handling and storing of materials.


Occupational Health Pinch point and sharp 1. Educate worker on proper hand placement
hand and finger injuries 2. Buddy buddy system
& Safety edges
A 3. proper communication and
coordination before lifting tubular pipes.
4. provide an awareness
training regarding line of fire and hand finger safety.

PPE 1. wear suitable safety gloves

R - RoutineNR - Non RoutineN - NormalA - Abnormal ConditionE - Emergency Situation Risk Assessment Form CPC-IM-PRM-009-01-F01_Rev 2Effectivity Date Decmber 1, 2017
Company Instrumentation & Control Specialists, Inc. Document ID No. JSEA -ICS - 001
Department/s Contractor Revision No. 5
Job Title Dismantling of Old Cables, Conduits and Cable Trays Effective Date Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2019

Item Procedure / Process Activities/Equipment/Products Risk Category Aspect / Hazard / Risk Impact / Risk / Threat HOC Control Measures Action Plan Target Date
No. or Services Source / Vulnerability

EL 1. remove any items that may obstruct the work activity. Keep the
working area, platform clear of debris or liquid spills.

Occupational Health Physical injury to workers Sprain and strain
& Safety due to slipping hazard
1.Cordon the area an d keep sign to warn others of the potential
A hazard.
2.ensure close monitoring and supervision
3.materials to be stored in a safe and secure manner

PPE 1. Wear suitable Safety Shoes

EL 1. (Practice Good Housekeeping) Remove unnecessary materials that

may cause trip, slip.
Occupational Health Physical injury to workerss Sprain and strain
& Safety due to Trip hazard 1. Make sure the work area is left clean and tidy.
2. check all the potential cause of trip
A and slip and remove it in the work area.
3.materials to be stored in a safe and
secure manner
PPE 1. Wear suitable Safety Shoes
Used of consumables
Environmental (used dust mask, gloves, generation of solid waste 1. Educate workers on the conservation of resources.
caution and danger tape) 2. practice waste segregation and good
A housekeeping. 3. observe
and maintain proper handling, storage and disposal of all solid and
hazardous waste.
Prepared by / Date: Checked by / Date: Approved by / Date:

______________________________ ________________________________________ _______________________________________

Safety Officer / PIC CPC Safety Inspector TL Risk Management

R - RoutineNR - Non RoutineN - NormalA - Abnormal ConditionE - Emergency Situation Risk Assessment Form CPC-IM-PRM-009-01-F01_Rev 2Effectivity Date Decmber 1, 2017
Please contact TDC/IMS Department if you have questions.

1 Processes, Enlist all processess, activities, equipment, materials and services that are covered by your
Activities, Department's operation.
Products or You may refer to the following:
Services • Processes/ activities as indicated by your Departmental procedures;
• Lists of equipment which are included in your operation;
• Materials or products that you use in your operation; and
• Services that you offer to other Department or party

Risk Category Identify if it is safety, environmental, operational, etc. related.

2 R/NR/A/N/E Identify if the Process, activity, equipment, product or service mentioned is

R Routine When operations or activity are performed in accordance to plan or w/in the
operation conditions
NR Non-Routine When there is deviation from plan or operating conditions giving rise to
change in product specification or minor accident
Abnormal condition of process, activities, equipment, product or services
A Abnormal
E Emergency All foreseeable emergency situations
3 Hazard / Aspect Identify hazards / aspects related to the process / task.

An element or characteristic of an activity, product, or service that interacts

Aspect with the environment
Source, situation, or act with a potential for harm in terms of human injury or
Hazard ill health or a combination of these
4 Risk / Impact Identify risk / impact of the of the hazard / aspect to the environment / worker.

Any change to the environment, whether adverse or beneficial, resulting

Impact from a facility's activities, products or services.
Possible effect of the hazard to the worker based on the facilities activities,
Risk products or services.
Legal Compliance List down related Legal and Other Regulatory Requirements if applicable
Residual Risk Risk assessment after the effective implementation of controls.
7 Controls Identify controls following the hierarchy. Note that controls belonging in the lowest level (e.g.,
PPE) may not reduce the risk (impact x likelihood), thus, an OTP may need to be prepared to
formalize stronger controls.
E ELIMINATION modify a design to eliminate the hazard, e.g. introduce
mechanical lifting devices to eliminate the manual
handling hazard

S SUBSTITUTION substitute a less hazardous material or reduce the system

energy (e.g. lower the force, amperage, pressure,
temperature, etc.)
Hierarchy of
Hierarchy of
Controls EC ENGINEERING install ventilation systems, machine guarding, interlocks,
(HOC) CONTROLS sound enclosure, etc.

A ADMINISTRATIVE safety signs, hazardous area marking, photo-luminescent

CONTROLS signs, markings for pedestrian walkways, warning
sirens/lights, alarms, safety procedures, equipment
inspections, access controls, safe systems of working,
tagging and work permits, etc.

PPE PERSONAL safety glasses, hearing protection, face shields, safety

PROTECTIVE harnesses and lanyards, respirators and gloves

8 Significance Refer to Risk Assessment Matrix

If the Residual Risk is High or Extreme (10 and above), an OTP may need to be submitted to design
9 OTP stronger controls to reduce the risk.
The procedure(s) for hazard identification and risk assessment shall take into account:


S Source Reduction Don’t buy it!
End product redesign,
Hazardous chemical substitution,
Hazardous chemical modification,
Purchasing and inventory control, best
Management practice and good housekeeping

W Waste Reduction Don’t waste it!

Benchmarking, employee training, maintenance, process control
Process modification and equipment modification
R Waste Recycling Don’t throw it away!
Closed loop recycling, waste segregation, reuse waste, reclaim

T Treatment Turn waste into resources!

Convert waste into new products, find outside users for wastes


Impact Assessment

> The level to which the risk would affect the financial results of the business and the ability of the business to
deliver its strategy and objectives, e.g:

a. Impact on achievement of strategic and corporate objectives

b. Impact on people including customers, staff and the public
c. Impact on reputation (e.g., due to environment/product incident)

> Impact score should consider other relevant factors in relation to risk identified based on experience/expert

Impact Level
Impact SCORE
Criteria Insignificant Minor Moderate Major Critical
1 2 3 4 5
Health and No impact Self-medication; Require treatment Temporary Fatality or severe
safety Risk local first aid by a medical disability/ irreversible/
treatment practitioner
Impairment, permanent

Lost time injury,

Medical treatment
with restricted

Environment No impact Temporary Immediate Localized impact Offsite impact and

al inconvenience to containment / and (DENR) DENR reportable
community control, harm to reportable incident incident (Offsite -
environment, clean affecting
up required neighboring

(Localized -
contained within
the site)

Major impact
(immediate or long
term harm);

High potential for

adverse publicity

Likelihood Assessment

> The chances of risks occuring based on the information below and your own management experience and intuition

> Likelihood and impact should be assessed BOTH on a Gross or Inherent (before the application of controls) and Net
or Residual (after the application of controls) basis

Likelihood SCORE
Criteria Rare Unlikely Likely Highly Likely Almost Certain
1 2 3 4 5

1 out of 1,000,000 1 out of 100,000 1 out of 10,000 1 out of 1,000 1 out of 100
chances chances chances chances chances

0.00% 0.00% -0.01% -0.10% -1%

The event has not The event has not The event has Has happened in Has happened in
occurred in any occurred in the occurred within the the past once the past more than
industry business and industry but not yet once
within the industry in the business.

Possibility of event
from happening is


SCORE 1 2 3 4 5

5 5 10 15 20 25

4 4 8 12 16 20

3 3 6 9 12 15

2 2 4 6 8 10

1 1 2 3 4 5


VALUE OVERALL RISK Occupational Health & Safety and
ASSESSMENT Environment
1-4 LOW RISK (LR) Supervisor / worker to review and discuss prior to
starting work.
5-9 MEDIUM RISK (MR) Supervisor / worker to review and discuss prior to
starting work.

10 - 12 HIGH RISK (HR) Safe work method developed and validated by

authorized person; detailed JSEA prepared by
Supervisor with work crew; Confirm that work crew
understand requirements and implement controls.

13 - 25 EXTREME RISK (ER) Stop - Analyze work method and ensure substantial
safe work controls (e.g., work permit system) are
determined and applied.Revised methodology to be
authorized by Responsible Manager.
Other Risk Types
(Lifted from SMPC ERM Policy)
• Action is advisable if it is cost effective

• The issue does not necessarily warrant immediate attention but should have an agreed
programme for resolution within a reasonable time if it is cost effective.

• Business concern is not likely to significantly impact the validity and accuracy of balance sheet
and P&L accounts but would materially affect the economy and adequacy of a process.

• Matters that generally include recommendations which will lead to a general improvement in
the control environment over time or could improve economy and adequacy of a process.
• Action required to control the risk

• Corrective action by appropriate management is required not exceeding six months.

• Business concerns are:

a. Significant to affect the validity and accuracy of balance sheet and P&L accounts.
b. Significant to affect the validity, accuracy, economy and adequacy of the process.
c. An internal control weakness that could lead to potential exposure to error or fraud but which
are compensated for by some controls to mitigate gaps and/or deficiencies.
d. Area of business risk or non-compliance with legislation or regulation considered to be of such
a nature that it should receive management’s attention over a reasonable period.

• Value added ideas. These matters generally include recommendation which will have
significant improvement on the accuracy, economy and adequacy of a process.

• Immediate action required to control the risk

• Immediate corrective action by appropriate management is required within 1 -3 months.

• Business concerns are:

a. Material to affect the validity and accuracy of balance sheet and P&L accounts.
b. Material to affect the validity, accuracy, economy and adequacy of the process.
c. An internal control weakness that could lead to potential exposure to error or fraud and no
compensating controls exist to mitigate gaps and/or deficiencies.
d. High business risk area or non-compliance with legislation or regulation which is of such a
serious nature that SMPC or Subsidiary could suffer material financial loss.
e. Contravention of any company policy, statute or regulation

• Material value added ideas. These matters generally include recommendations which will have
significant improvement on the validity, accuracy, economy and adequacy of a process.
Title of Document Risk Assessment Document ID No.
Division ( If applicable ) Revision No.:
Department(s) Effective Date:
Type of
Item Procedure / Process Activities, Equipment, Products or Activity Risk Impact / Legal Compliance Impac Likelih Risk RISK Impa Likeli Risk RISK Action Plan
/Condi Aspect / Hazard t ood ASSESSME HOC Control Measures ct hood ASSESSME Opportunities Identified
No. Services tion/Sit Category Risk (if any) (thru OTP)
Operatio EL
nal S
EC Use two-way radio for long distance
communication or other device
approved by the management.

Miscommunication of Work delay, OSH Rule 1005 Duties of

Information Employers, Workers, and 4 3 12 HIGH RISK A 1. Conduct Safety Orientation, & TBT 1.43 1.08 1.54 LOW RISK
employee conflict other person CPC-SAF-PRO-002 Safety Orientation
2. Secure PTW/Clearances
3. Informed concerned department and

Operatio EL
nal S
EC Use two-way radio for long distance
communication or other device
approved by the management.

A 1. Conduct CPC-SAF-PRO-002 Safety

Orientation, & TBT prior to start of work
2. Inform all department and personnel
Miscommunication or and secure necessary PTW CPC-SAF-
OSH Rule 1005 Duties of PRO-005-Permit to Work
WORKING AT HEIGHTS/LADDER misinterpretation of Work delay, Employers, Workers, and 5 4 20 EXTREME
information & employee conflict RISK 3. CPC-SAF-PRO-011 Working at heights 0.26 0.20 0.05 LOW RISK
other person 4. CPC-SAF-PRO-010 Personal Protective
5. CPC-SAF-PRO-016 Ladder Safety

Occupati EL
onal S
Health &
Safety EC

Back injury,
Ergonomics hazards: Sprains, muscle OSH Rule 1412.07 Lifting of EXTREME
repeated motions in 5 3 15 2.56 1.54 3.94 LOW RISK
awkward position cramps, and body weights RISK

R - RoutineNR - Non RoutineN - NormalA - Abnormal ConditionE - Emergency Situation Risk Assessment Form CPC-IM-PRM-009-01-F01_Rev 2Effectivity Date Decmber 1, 2017
Title of Document Risk Assessment Document ID No.
Division ( If applicable ) Revision No.:
Department(s) Effective Date:
Type of
Item Procedure / Process Activities, Equipment, Products or Activity Risk Impact / Legal Compliance Impac Likelih Risk RISK Impa Likeli Risk RISK Action Plan
/Condi Occupati Aspect / Hazard ASSESSME HOC Control Measures ASSESSME Opportunities Identified
No. Services Category
tion/Sit onal Risk (if any) t ood ct hood (thru OTP)
uation Health &
Safety I L IxL I L IxL
A 1. Use Proper/Ergonomic tools.
2. When moving things from high
places use a tool or a flatform.
3. Get help when you think you need
it/Practice buddy-buddy sytem.
4. Use equipment to make your job
Back injury, 5. Secure any bulky, awkward or
Ergonomics hazards:
repeated motions in Sprains, muscle OSH Rule 1412.07 Lifting of 5 3 15 EXTREME delicate items. 2.56 1.54 3.94 LOW RISK
cramps, and body weights RISK 6. Conduct regular exercise and
awkward position pain streching before the activity.
7. Conduct training in CPC-SAF-PRO-022
Safety guidelines in lifting heavy objects

Occupati EL
onal S
Health &
Safety EC
A 1. When moving things from high
places use a tool or a flatform.
2. Get help when you think you need it.
3. Use equipment to make your job
4. Secure any bulky, awkward or
delicate items.
Back injury, 5. See if you can break the load into
Ergonomics hazards: Sprains, muscle OSH Rule 1412.07 Lifting of EXTREME smaller pieces.
repeated motions in 5 3 12 6. Conduct regular exercise and 2.56 1.54 3.93 LOW RISK
cramps, and body weights RISK
awkward position pain streching before the activity.
7. Conduct training in CPC-SAF-PRO-022
Safety guidelines in lifting heavy objects

Occupati EL
onal S
Health &
Safety EC

Poor Health Condition:

Injury to working OSH Rule 1093.12 Instruction 3 4 12 HIGH RISK
Pressence of illness 1.54 2.05 3.15 LOW RISK
while working personnel on Health Hazards

R - RoutineNR - Non RoutineN - NormalA - Abnormal ConditionE - Emergency Situation Risk Assessment Form CPC-IM-PRM-009-01-F01_Rev 2Effectivity Date Decmber 1, 2017
Title of Document Risk Assessment Document ID No.
Division ( If applicable ) Revision No.:
Department(s) Effective Date:
Type of
Item Procedure / Process Activities, Equipment, Products or Activity Risk Impact / Legal Compliance Impac Likelih Risk RISK Impa Likeli Risk RISK Action Plan
/Condi Occupati Aspect / Hazard ASSESSME HOC Control Measures ASSESSME Opportunities Identified
No. Services Category
tion/Sit onal Risk (if any) t ood ct hood (thru OTP)
uation Health &
Safety I L IxL I L IxL
A 1. Provide first aid facility and medical
personnel for monitoring and treatment
of sick personnel
2. Educate workers on the risk of
working when sick.
Poor Health Condition: Injury to working OSH Rule 1093.12 Instruction 3. Provide posters educating, giving
Pressence of illness 3 4 12 HIGH RISK information and reminding personnel 1.54 2.05 3.15 LOW RISK
personnel on Health Hazards
while working on how to maintain good health.
4. Never allow sick personnel to do the

Occupati EL
onal S
Health & EC
A 1. Conduct Safety Orientation, & TBT
CPC-SAF-PRO-002 Safety Orientation
2. Discuss company code of conduct
rules & safety Rules.
3. Implement Diciplinary Action for
OSHS Rule 1070: Occupational violators.
Health and Environmental 4. Adequate supervission and
Unsafe Acts & Behavior, Violence, Physical Control monitoring of personnel.
working under influence Injury OSHS Rule 1080: Personal 4 3 12 HIGH RISK 5. Provission of Alco-Blow Device and 2.05 1.54 3.16 LOW RISK
of drugs/alcohol Protective Equipment regular monitoring to employees.
OSHS Rule 1060: Premises of 6. Medical records and drug test to

Occupati EL
onal S
Health &
Safety EC
Cardiac failure,
stroke and (in the
OSHS Rule 1060 Premises of 1. Conduct Safety Orientation, & TBT
Exposure to extreme case of Establishment
cold exposure) EXTREME CPC-SAF-PRO-002 Safety Orientation
environmental OSHS Rule 1080 Personal 5 3 15 2. BP monitoring 2.30 1.54 3.54 LOW RISK
conditions respiratory Protective Equipment and RISK A
infections, heat- 3. Signages
or cold-related Devices 4. CPC-SAF- PRO-010 Personnel
illnesses, Protective Equipment.

PPE Safety Shoes, Hardhat, Safety Glass,

Safety gloves
onal (Practice Good Housekeeping) Remove
Health & EL unnecessary materials that may cause
Safety trip, slip.


OSHS Rule 1060 Premises of

Trip, Slip Personnel Injury OSHS Rule 1080 Personal 5 4 20 EXTREME 0.23 0.20 0.05 LOW RISK
Protective Equipment RISK
R - RoutineNR - Non RoutineN - NormalA - Abnormal ConditionE - Emergency Situation Risk Assessmentand
Form CPC-IM-PRM-009-01-F01_Rev 2Effectivity Date Decmber 1, 2017
Title of Document Risk Assessment Document ID No.
Division ( If applicable ) Revision No.:
Department(s) Effective Date:
Type of Health &
Item Procedure / Process Activities, Equipment, Products or Activity Safety
Risk Impact / Legal Compliance Impac Likelih Risk RISK Impa Likeli Risk RISK Action Plan
/Condi Aspect / Hazard t ood ASSESSME HOC Control Measures ct hood ASSESSME Opportunities Identified
No. Services tion/Sit Category Risk (if any) (thru OTP)

OSHS Rule 1060 Premises of

Establishment 1. Keeps walkways and hallways free of
Trip, Slip Personnel Injury OSHS Rule 1080 Personal 5 4 20 EXTREME debris, clutte and obtacles. 0.23 0.20 0.05 LOW RISK
RISK 2. Consider installing abrassive floor or
Protective Equipment and
Devices A replacing worn flooring
3. Right people for the job
4. Signages
5. CPC-SAF- PRO-010 Personnel
Protective Equipment.

PPE Safety Shoes, Helmet, Safety Glass,

Safety gloves
onal (Practice Good Housekeeping) Remove
Health & EL unnecessary materials that may cause
Safety trip, slip.

OSHS Rule 1060 Premises of

Establishment 1. Keeps walkways and hallways,
Trip, Slip, Fall Personnel Injury 5 4 20 EXTREME stairways free of debris, clutte and 0.23 0.20 0.05 LOW RISK
Protective Equipment and obtacles.
Devices A 2. Consider installing abrassive floor or
replacing worn flooring
3. CPC-SAF-PRO-011 Working at heights
4. CPC-SAF- PRO-010 Personnel
Protective Equipment.

PPE Safety Shoes, Helmet, Safety Glass,

Safety gloves

R - RoutineNR - Non RoutineN - NormalA - Abnormal ConditionE - Emergency Situation Risk Assessment Form CPC-IM-PRM-009-01-F01_Rev 2Effectivity Date Decmber 1, 2017
Title of Document Risk Assessment Document ID No.
Division ( If applicable ) Revision No.:
Department(s) Effective Date:
Type of
Item Procedure / Process Activities, Equipment, Products or Activity Risk Impact / Legal Compliance Impac Likelih Risk RISK Impa Likeli Risk RISK Action Plan
/Condi Aspect / Hazard t ood ASSESSME HOC Control Measures ct hood ASSESSME Opportunities Identified
No. Services tion/Sit Category Risk (if any) (thru OTP)
Occupati EL
onal S
Health &
Safety EC Provission of Safe pedstrian access.

A 1. CPC-SAF-PRO-020 Driving Safety

2. Provide suitable signages such as:
Directional Arrows, Slow Down Men at
Crush by or struck by Physical Injury OSHS Rule 1060 Premises of HIGH RISK Work, Road block if necessary
moving vehicles Establishment 4 3 12 3. Implement speed limit for service 1.79 1.08 1.93 LOW RISK
vehicles inside the plant. (25kph)
4. Educate and inform workers in using
safe pedestrian access.

Occupati EL
onal S
Health &
Safety EC Provission of Safe pedstrian access.

A 1. Provide suitable signages such as:

Directional Arrows, Slow Down Men at
Work, Road block if necessary
2. Implement speed limit for service
vehicles inside the plant. (25kph)
Crush by or struck by Fatality OSHS Rule 1060 Premises of 5 3 15 EXTREME 3. Educate and inform workers in using 1.79 1.08 1.93 LOW RISK
moving vehicles Establishment RISK safe pedestrian access.
4. CPC-SAF-PRO-020 Driving Safety
5. CPC-SAF- PRO-010 Personnel
Protective Equipment.

Occupati EL
onal S
Health &
Safety EC Vacuum cleaning system

1. Conduct TBM about the exposure to

2. All fixtures ledges, projections,
Exposure to dust Respiratory OSH Rule 1093.07 Prevention 5 3 15 EXTREME bearings, sidewalks, ceilings and other 1.61 1.08 1.74 LOW RISK
problems of Dust Accumulation RISK parts shall be cleaned and freed of dust
at least onnce a week
3. SCP-EHS-PRO-002 Develop and
Execute ESH Program.
4. CPC-SAF- PRO-010 Personnel
Protective Equipment.

PPE Dust mask (N95), Respirator

R - RoutineNR - Non RoutineN - NormalA - Abnormal ConditionE - Emergency Situation Risk Assessment Form CPC-IM-PRM-009-01-F01_Rev 2Effectivity Date Decmber 1, 2017

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