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Primary Exit Profile

May/June 2018


Grade 5

Social Studies
This paper consists of ten (10) items.

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Social Studies Grade 5 Practice Items

Question 1
Theme: Our Common Heritage
Objective: Explain the reasons for the coming of the Europeans to the Caribbean (G5T1U1O5).
Item Type: Table Grid

Use the advertisement below to answer Question 1.


Come explore, the beautiful New World, the fairest

your eyes will ever see.

The islands are filled with precious stones and other

treasures untold. Come sail with me!

Read each statement below then indicate with a tick () whether the Europeans main reasons for
coming to the Caribbean are SUPPORTED or NOT SUPPORTED.

Statements Supported Not

The Europeans came because of the
beauty of the islands.
The Europeans came because of the
possibility of becoming wealthy.
The Europeans came to discover
and claim the New world .

(3 marks)

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Question 2

Theme: The physical environment and its impact on human activities

Objective (s): Describe how human actions contribute to the effects of these hazards.

Propose ways to prepare for and cope with the effects of these hazards

Item type: Short Constructed Response


a) Examine the picture above, then explain how one human activity may contribute to
the effects of the hazard shown in the picture


b) Suggest one action that can be taken to prevent the effects of this hazard.

( 4 marks)

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Question 3

Theme: The physical environment and its impact on human activities.

Objective: Define and use correctly the following words/terms: cardinal points, intermediate
points/intercardinal points, secondary intercardinal points, latitude, longitude ,grid
system, hemisphere
Item Type: Multiple Selection Responses


Hurricane Suzie is making its way through the Caribbean. The meteorologists are tracking its
movement and provide the public with regular reports.

Which two (2) of the following should be used by the meteorologist to give the BEST report?

A. The latitude and longitude of the eye of the hurricane

B. The distance between the two islands that the hurricane will be passing

C. The cardinal points that give relative location of the eye of the hurricane

D. The degrees from the equator where the eye of the hurricane is located

( 2 marks)

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Question 4

Theme: The physical environment and its impact on human activities

Objective: Use lines of latitude and longitude to locate places in the Caribbean (G5T2U2O5)

Item Type: Selected Response – Table Grid


Below is a map of the Caribbean. Use it to answer question 4.

The table shows a section of the Caribbean. Refer to the map to complete the table.

Coordinates for
location. Country

19°N, 78°W

(2 marks)

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Question 5
Theme: Living together
Objective: Describe the functions/services of the parish council and draw conclusions about its
importance to governing of the country (G5T2U3O4)

Item Type: Multiple Selection Responses with explanation.


Miss Pat, you’re selling Yes Miss Brown,

on the street now? I we’re selling on the
went into the market and street now the market
you weren’t there. too dirty.

After all, there’s

no running water
and we can’t pay
market the fees.

In the cartoon above two vendors and a shopper are having a conversation.

Which of the following two services of the local government will most likely be affected by the
actions of the vendors?

(a) Beautification of municipal areas

(b) Maintenance of public areas
(c) Providing minor water supply for homes
(d) Control of public vending

Explain your answer.

Question 5
Que( 3 marks)

( 3 marks)

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Question 6
Theme: Diversity, sustainability and interdependence

Objectives: Examine different water bodies to identify evidence of pollution and determine the
ways in which the pollution affects living things and human activities (G5T3U4O4).

Design methods to reduce water pollution (G5T3U4O5).

Item type: Constructed Response – Extended Response

The picture below shows a section of Wag Town.

The Wag Town residents have decided to clean up their town

Examine the picture then complete the table that will guide the residents as they clean up the

Identify the source of Impact on living things Method of reducing the

Pollution /human activities impact

( 3 marks)

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Question 7

Theme: The physical environment and its impact on human activities

Objective (s): Identify the types of rainfall.

Explain how each type of rainfall occurs

Item Type: Selected Response – Table Grid


The images below show different types of rainfall.

Rainfall B
Rainfall A

Which type of rainfall, (A or B), is being described by each statement in the table?

Statements Type of
The sun heats up the land in the morning
and it rains in the afternoon

As the wind rise to cross the mountain the

air cools, clouds forms and then it rain.

When the temperature is high, the air rises

quickly and the result is rainfall.

( 3 marks)

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Question 8

Theme: The physical environment and its impact on human activities.

Objective: Discuss the importance of the Sun to the Solar System.

Item Type: Constructed Response - Short Constructed Response


Read the statement below then answer the question that follows.

The Sun is just one of the many stars that exist in our galaxy, so we
can live without it.

Do you agree with this statement? Yes No

Give one (1) reason to support your response.


( 3 marks)

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Question 9

Theme: Our common heritage

Objective: Locate maroon communities on a map of Jamaica and put forward reasons for the
sites selected by the Maroons

Item Type: Constructed Response – Short Constructed Response


The map shows the areas where Maroons settled in Jamaica.


Explain why the Maroons did not settle in the region marked with an X.


( 4 marks)

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Question 10

Theme: Our common heritage

Objective: Examine the activities of Nanny of the Maroons and Sam Sharpe in the fight for
freedom and draw conclusions about their roles in the fight for freedom.

Item Type: Constructed Response – Short Constructed Response


Below are the words written about one of Jamaica’s National Heroes. Read the words and
answer the questions that follow.


DIED MAY 23, 1832

Samuel Sharpe was a deacon in the Baptist Church in Montego Bay. There
he was able to express his concerns about how enslaved Africans were being
treated. He also had access to discussions in England on the evils of slavery and the
movement for its abolition. This helped to strengthen his belief that every man, woman
and child should be free.

Sharpe made a plan whereby enslaved Africans would refuse to work on Christmas
day unless their complaints were addressed.

Samuel Sharpe was declared a National Hero in 1975.

(a) How did Sam Sharpe help to bring about the freedom of the enslaved Africans ?


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(b) Explain one reason why enslaved Africans followed Sam Sharpe?

(4 marks)

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