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Chapter 2


Foreign Literature and Studies

According to Trip Adler, enrollment is the process of entering and verifying data of

students to register on a particular school. Different interrelated processes build up

enrollment procedures called Enrollment System (ES). ES are used particularly in recording

and retrieving student information. Trip Adler says enrollment is process of entering and

verifying data of students to register on a particular school. From different interrelated

processes will build up enrollment procedures.

According to Matthew Townsley, “The implementation of the successful

enrollment management program requires cooperation, coordination and teamwork

among various campus constituencies.”

Cooperation, coordination and teamwork among the proponents in making the

Enrollment System play a very important role in the project. Thus resulting more

productivity and better output.

According to Daniel John Hossler, Enrollment System is a comprehensive process

designed to help achieve and maintain optimum enrollment (recruitment, retention, and

graduation rates). It is an institution wide process that permeates

Virtually every aspect of the school’s functioned and culture. (Daniel John Hossier, System

Structure etc. pg. 41, 2011)

According to Bernard Konsynski, without a comprehensive strategy to manage

enrollment, a school finds it difficult to increase productivity, service, quality, and

competitiveness. (Bernard Konsynski, 1999)

Competitiveness in all of the schools’ enrollment system is very high due to the standards

and requirements of the school nowadays, so the proponent’s enrollment system has to

meet all the standards and requirements of the school.

According to Peterson, Eric W. Nov. 1999. The technology today plays a vital role in

our society. It makes man work easier and fast. It lessens error of work by using machines.

It reduces costs to an organization from paper works up to computerized working system.

Many manual transactions can be computerized by using software applications or

computer systems to make work easier and efficient. (Peterson, Eric W. November. 1999)

Information technology can give a company ready access to improve product and

service quality, reduce costs, increase productivity in smallest time possible, and

communication between employees and to make things with lesser effort but having a

better output and even improve the company morale.

According to Ian Sleight, Enrollment system is the must have system in a school.

When a student is enrolling for a specific course the school requires all the necessary

information of the enrollees. When the school retrieves the important information from
the student, the encoder now should input the details of the student in the enrollment


In the enrollment system, the school can trace what are the standings of the students or

the academic performance of each student. It holds all the information needed by the

school to provide a stored student data. (Ian Sleight, January 2010)

Local Literature and Studies (25)


Hossier, Daniel John (2011) System Structure etc. page 41

Konsynski, Bernard (1999) Thesis Document no.70 title: Batasan Chunan Christian

School. Inc Enrollment System. Page 19

Peterson, Eric W. (November, 1999) Thesis Document no.13 title: Batasan Chunan

Christian School. Inc Enrollment System. Page 17

Sleight , Ian ( January. 2010 ) studymode. com/essays/Enrollment-System-


Townsley, Matthew (2006) Thesis Document no.61 title: Batasan Chunan Christian

School. Inc Enrollment System. Page 18

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