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University of Economics, HCMC End of Unit Test.U1.

School of Foreign Languages
Division of English for General Purposes


Section 1: Language knowledge (40 marks)

I. Choose the best answer for each blank.
Topalino is a well-known brand of sweets and chocolates (1)…………… by ABG, a company based in
Slovenia. It focuses mainly on (2)…………… products and was the market leader in exclusive confectionery.

In the last two years, however, Topalino’s market (3)…………… has declined by 25%. There are two reasons
for this decline.

First, supermarkets in the region are now selling sweets of similar quality at much lower prices, so more and
more (4)…………… say that Topalino is no longer value for money. The (5)…………… downturn has
naturally made people more price conscious, and brand (6)…………… is suffering as a result. A possible
solution would be to reduce the price of at least a number of products so that they are in the medium range of

Secondly, a lot of middle-aged people find the logo childish and the packaging old-fashioned and
(7)…………… - in other words, they no longer find the brand image attractive. In order to appeal to this
important market (8)…………… , Topalino is thinking (9)…………… repositioning its main products and
expanding its product (10)…………… .

1. A. own B. owner C. owning D. owned

2. A. inexpensive B. upmarket C. influential D. down-market
3. A. label B. logo C. share D. slogan
4. A. suppliers B. competitors C. consumers D. shareholders
5. A. economy B. economic C. economical D. economically
6. A. stretching B. research C. loyalty D. choice
7. A. exciting B. unexciting C. excited D. excitement
8. A. segment B. survey C. challenge D. research
9. A. in B. on C. at D. of
10. A. range B. numbers C. list D. position
II. Choose the best answer.
11. A(n) …………… is a public statement by someone who is famous, that the person uses or likes a particular
A. segment B. awareness C. endorsement D. challenger
12. Christian Dior Couture …………… luxury, ready-to-wear fashion.
A. is making B. make C. makes D. will make
13. A market …………… is the company or product that is second in market share.
A. leader B. challenger C. sector D. merger
14. A …………… consists of introduction, growth, maturity and decline.
A. product launch B. product range C. product lifecycle D. product
15. …………… is a measure of how well a company controls its costs, which is calculated by dividing a
company's net income by its revenues.
A. Brand awareness B. Market research C. Market challenger D. Profit margin
16. Bonus payments provide an …………… to work harder.
A. inflation B. incentive C. inclusion D. innovation
17. They …………… the market for high-speed internet routers.
A. generate B. negotiate C. dominate D. communicate

HP3_EOU Test 1.K44

18. The country's largest automaker is rumored to be on the brink of …………… .
A. expansion B. bankruptcy C. asset D. promotion
19. The rise in US interest rates caused the dollar to …………… against all the Asian currencies.
A. strengthen B. demand C. reduce D. decrease
20. One of the minus points of working at home is not having social …………… with colleagues.
A. target B. growth C. awareness D. contact
21. My present job doesn't stretch me, so I'm looking for something more …………… .
A. demanding B. luxurious C. global D. reliable
22. We are …………… a survey to find out what our customers think of their local bus service.
A. conducting B. reducing C. negotiating D. growing
23. Manufacturers see the Internet as a way to …………… brand awareness.
A. endorse B. grow C. promote D. launch
24. Usually, I ………… as a secretary at ABT, but this summer I ………… French at a language school in
A. work – study C. work – am studying
B. am working – am studying D. am working – study
25. Louis Vuitton usually …………… its products through authentic Louis Vuitton boutiques.
A. is selling B. sell C. sells D. will sell
26. The company has made strenuous attempts to improve its …………… in recent years.
A. stretching B. image C. lifecycle D. segment
27. …………… you …………… on the report at the moment?
A. Are – working B. Do – work C. Will – work D. Have – worked
28. The company has been taking action to protect consumers …………… high-pressure sales tactics.
A. for B. of C. against D. about
29. The products have all been researched and tested for market …………… .
A. appeal B. balance C. chain D. network
30. Flexible working hours encourages employee …………… to the company.
A. expansion B. loyalty C. image D. range
31. We need to decide soon what marketing strategy we should …………… for these new products.
A. demand B. calculate C. produce D. pursue
32. Every step of the retail …………… is now tracked by computer.
A. luxury buyer B. supply chain C. brand loyalty D. consumer profile
33. He currently …………… the position of technical manager.
A. is holding B. hold C. holds D. will hold
34. Nike is widely recognized as the …………… in the sports clothing industry.
A. market challenger B. market segment C. market research D. market leader
35. The application normally …………… about two weeks to process.
A. taking B. will take C. take D. takes
36. Product …………… is a marketing technique where brands or products are incorporated into films or
television programs.
A. lifecycle B. range C. placement D. launch
37. Currently, Dior …………… to recruit a marketing director for the UK and Ireland.
A. look B. is looking C. looks D. will look
38. The …………… consumers for the new product is young people aged 18 to 30.
A. image B. brand C. target D. position
39. The market leader's proven ability to …………… provides a key attraction for shareholders.
A. suggest B. innovate C. generate D. work
40. Many people jump at the …………… to work overseas.
A. asset B. view C. chance D. opinion
Section 2: Language use (60 marks)
I. Read the following passages and answer the questions that follow.

HP3_EOU Test 1.K44

Joel Saveuse walks across the Real hypermarket in northern Germany in search of ‘those little biscuits’. Moving
from toys to the freezer section, the 55-year-old, who runs the country’s biggest food retailer, finds what he is
looking for in aisle 45. ‘This is my favorite product.’ Mr Sauveuse says, holding a packet of chocolate-filled
Mini Double Biscuits. ‘Look, here’s a simple picture of the contents.’ He says as his finger moves across the
packaging. ‘And top left is the “Real Quality” logo.’
Together with a handful of rivals, the Frenchman is starting a small revolution in Germany by replacing its
different in-house brands with a single own brand that link the retailer with a product range. The aim is to raise
in-house brand sales from 15 per cent up to 25 per cent of food sales in two to three years’ time. Mr Saveuse
says that customers get top quality for at least 15 percent less than they would pay for a name brand – and Real
gets a better profit margin.
Such logic has seen Real’s foreign rivals push true own-brand lines for decades. Real reckons up to 60 per cent
of Tesco brands, and Carrefour is aiming for a 30-per-cent quota, up from 25 per cent now.
After working on the concept for the last year, Real introduced 850 Real Quality items this September –
coincidental but ‘absolutely perfect timing’ for the economic downturn that followed the baking crisis the Real
head says. Although Mr Saveuse says that shopping habits at Real have not yet been affected by economic
woes, he stresses that next year could see shoppers buying more value for money. ‘Crisis doesn’t just bring
disadvantages.’ he says.
Given the power of own brands in good times and bad, it is surprising that German retailers only launched
distinctive lines last year. The cause lies with Germany’s powerful discounters. Aldi and Lidi have in the past
generation helped corner 40 per cent of the food retail market – as against 6 per cent in the UK – by selling little
else than a small range of own brands, a move copied by Real, with, say, its low-cost ‘Tip’ range.
‘But we’re internationalizing now,’ Mr Saveuse says. ‘In Poland and Turkey, we’re competing against
Carrefour and Tesco, in Russia and Romania against Carrefour – that has forced us to focus on true own-brand
as a way of building our presence.’ Strengthening the Real brand is key to reviving the chain. A format held
back by discounters, Mr Saveuse reckons the German hypermarket has a future. He should know. Until 2005, he
was second-in-command at hypermarket pioneer Carrefour.

Choose the best answer.

1. According to Mr Saveuse, how does Real get a better profit margin?
A. By increasing the in-house products from 15 per cent up to 25 per cent.
B. By starting a small revolution in Germany and connecting the retailers with the producers.
C. By raising in-house brand sales from 15 per cent up to 25 per cent.
D. By having customers get top quality at least 15 per cent less than they would pay for a name brand.

2. Why does Mr Saveuse says “Crisis doesn’t just bring disadvantages”?

A. Because he has a chance to beat his competitors in the market.
B. Because he predicts that shoppers would buy more own brands for more value of the money.
C. Because he reckons that September is the right time for customers to buy products.
D. Because he thinks that economic downturn will lead to banking crisis and consumers’ shortage of disposable

3. Why have own brands not been as important in Germany as elsewhere?

A. Because of the discounter chains’ power.
B. Because of the harsh competition with Tesco and Carrefour.
C. Because of the fierce competition with Carrefour.
D. Because of the strong competition with Tesco.

What does each of the following underlined words / phrases refer to?
4. “This is my favorite product.” (paragraph 1)
5. “… at least 15 per cent less than they would pay for a name brand …” (paragraph 2)
HP3_EOU Test 1.K44
Which words in the passage mean the following?
6. ……………………. = a person or thing competing with another for the same objective or for superiority in
the same field of activity
7. …………………….. = happening or existing at the same time
8. …………………….. = a person or company that sells things at lower prices than others

Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word from the passage. Put it in its correct form or tense.
9. The gradual evolution of quality __________ products from Europe's big store groups has changed the
way consumers think about shopping.
10. There is evidence of a _______ in the housing market, making home buyers more cautious.
II. Writing: Response to a letter of complaint
Read the following letter of complaint.
Dear Mr Hopkins,
With reference to your reminder of December 1, it seems to us that an error has been made.
As a matter of fact, the above invoice was settled on 10 October, i.e., exactly five days after our order had
been received.
As usual, we paid by bank transfer. We enclose a copy of a statement from our bank confirming that payment
was indeed made.
We would advise you to check your records carefully.
Yours sincerely,
Francs Smith
Write a reply to the letter above, using the notes:
+ Para 1: apologise for the mistake: accept apologies - sending the reminder by mistake
+ Para 2: explain how it happened: an invoice meant for another customer had a similar reference number
+ Para 3: explain what you have done or intend to do to put the mistake right: thanks for the prompt settlement -
do your utmost to avoid such mistakes
+ Para 4: apologise again: sorry for the inconvenience
+ Para 5: end on a positive note.

Dear Mr. Smith,

Please accept……………………………………………………………………................................................

Upon checking our records, we realised …………………………………………………………….……………….

We would like to thank you………………………………………………, and ……………………………………

We are sorry ………………………………………………………………………………………………………...

We ………………………………………………………………………………………..……................................

Yours sincerely,
Bob Hopkins

HP3_EOU Test 1.K44

III. Listening:
PART 1: Listen to the conversations and choose the best answer for each question.

Conversation 1: (Questions 1-2) 3. Who most likely is the speaker?

A. A resident from the Beach Towers
1. According to the speaker, who will get a free B. A rental manager
membership at the center? C. A customer
A. Residents whose incomes are not stable. D. An architect at Beach Towers
B. Residents who have lived in the community for
more than 60 years. 4. What does the speaker say about Beach Towers
C. Residents who have been members for over 6 Suites?
years. A. They are one of the best apartments in the town.
D. Residents who are over 60 years of age. B. They have two gyms and a swimming pool
C. They do monthly payments
2. What must swimmers do before using the pool? D. They don’t accept credit checks
A. Pay a twenty-five dollars membership fee.
B. Talk to one of the staff 5. What will the speaker probably do next?
C. Take a swimming lesson A. Give a tour of an available property
D. Sign a form B. Go check out other apartments
C. Sign the contract
Conversation 2: (Questions 3-5) D. Wait to see the sunset

PART 2: Listen to the announcement and take notes. (ONE word/number for each blank)

Airlines Announcement

Flight 899 from Incheon to Chicago.

Using a (Q6) __________ ____________.
Some of passengers have to be rebooked on __________ _____________ (Q7)
Flights (Q8)_______ __________, arriving in Chicago at (Q9) _________ __________ with a stop in

Welcome volunteers with (Q10) __________ __________ on flight 899, willing to rebook to American

The end

HP3_EOU Test 1.K44


SECTION 1 (40 M)
1. D 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. B
6. C 7. B 8. A 9. D 10. A


11. C 12. C 13. B 14. C 15. D

16. B 17. C 18. B 19. A 20. D
21. A 22. A 23. C 24. C 25. C
26. B 27. A 28. C 29. A 30. B
31. D 32. B 33. C 34. D 35. D
36. C 37. B 38. C 39. B 40. C

SECTION 2 (60 M)
I. Reading
1. D 6. rival
2. B 7. Coincidental
3. A 8. Discounter
4. A packet of (chocolate-filled) Mini Double 9. Own-brand
Biscuits 10. downturn
5. Customers

II. Writing: Suggested answer

Dear Mr. Smith,

Please accept our apologies for sending you the reminder by mistake.

Upon checking our records, we realised that an invoice meant for another customer had a similar
reference number, hence the confusion.

We would like to thank you for the prompt settlement of the above invoice, and will do our utmost to
avoid such mistakes in the future.

We are sorry for the inconvenience caused.

We look forward to doing further business with you.

Yours sincerely,

Bob Hopkins

HP3_EOU Test 1.K44

III. Listening

1. D 6. smaller airplane
2. D 7. American Airlines
3. B 8. number 1124
4. C 9. 8:45 A.M
5. A 10. confirmed reservation


Questions 1-2 (Source: Real TOEIC – Actual Test 1 Q98-100)

On behalf of the staff of the community center, I’d like to thank you for coming to our spring orientation. The
center is open to all town residents who have paid the twenty five dollar membership fee. This fee is waived for
residents 60 and over. I’m pleased to inform all of you that our new schedule of films begin in March. Every
Thursday night, we will be showing a film in the auditorium at no extra charge to members. Use of the
community center’s swimming pool is also included in your membership. Anyone wishing to use the pool must
sign a release form at the front desk.

Questions 3-5 (Source: Real TOEIC – Actual Test 1 Q89 – Q91)

First, let me welcome you all to the new rental wing of Beach Towers. One of the best things about this building
is the security and of course, our fitness gym and swimming pool is another benefit. Right now we have
furnished one bedroom spaces available on the 10th floors and larger suites on the 3rd and the 12th floors. All
have balconies where you can see the ocean and the sunsets; and they are just spectacular! Rentals are by the
month and they range from $800 to $1,400. Of course we require personal references and a credit check for all
prospective tenants. Shall we go ahead and look around at some more places.

Questions 6-10 (Source: Real TOEIC – Actual Test 1 Q74-76)

There will be a change of aircraft today for flight 899 from Incheon to Chicago. We are using a smaller airplane
and we will not be able to accommodate all passengers with reservations on flight 899. Some of you will have to
be rebooked on American Airlines flights number 1124, which departs at 11:5 P.M and arrives in Chicago at
8:45 A.M with a stop in Tokyo.

On behalf of Northeast Airways and all of us at World Operations, I’d like to apologize for any inconveniences
this may cause you. We welcome volunteers with confirmed reservation on flight 899 who are willing to rebook
to American Airlines.

HP3_EOU Test 1.K44


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