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12/12/2010 My Random Diatribes (Michael Makovi's …

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Roger Sherman, A Caveat Against Injustice

I found Roger Sherman's important work A Caveat Against Injustice online. Sherman's work is a v aluable
work of free market, laissez-faire, c apitalist, proto-Austrian ec onomics, but it is rare and v ery muc h out-of-
the-way .

Note: This present blog post is av ailable as a printable PDF at 54604

A scan of the original publication of this work by Sherman is av ailable at 6561 1 /

See also John Witherspoon's "Essay on Money ": i.blogspot.c om/201 0/1 2/john-
witherspoon-essay -on-money .html

A Cav eat Against Inju stice

or, An Inquiry into the Evils of a Fluctuating Medium of Exchange,

WHEREI N is considered, whether th e Bills of Credit on the Neigh boring Gov ernm ents, are a
legal T ender in Pay m ent of Money , In th e COLONY of CONNECT ICUT for Debts du e by Book,
and otherwise, where the Contract Mentions only Old-T enor Money .

by Roger Sherm an
auth or of Article 1 Section 10 of the United States Constitu tion, “No State shall m ake any T hing
Gold and Silv er Coin a tender in Pay m ent of Debts”

Original publication, 17 52

To briefly describe Sherman, I shall quote the first two paragraphs of the Wikipedia article about him:

Roger Sherman (April 1 9, 1 7 21 – July 23, 1 7 93) was an early A merican lawy er and politician. He
serv ed as the first may or of New Hav en, Connec ticut, and serv ed on the Committee of Fiv e that
drafted the Declaration of Independenc e, and was also a representativ e and senator in the new
republic. He was the only person to sign all four great state papers of the U.S.: the Continental
Association, the Dec laration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation and the
Constitution. Thomas Jefferson said of him: "That is Mr. Sherman, of Connec ticut, a man who
nev er said a foolish thing in his life.

("Roger Sherman." In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retriev ed 1 8:1 3, Dec ember 5, 201 0, from URL: (a).)

I am producing the work here on my blog, hav ing taken it from a reproduction with a foreword and endnotes
by Frederick Tupper Saussy , URL: (b). Howev er, there is also another edition, of just the bare tex t alone, from, at URL: (c).

- Michael Makov i

(a) .php?title=Roger_Sherman&oldid=39926567 7 (return)

(b) -Roger-Sherman-A-Cav eat-A gainst-Injustic e?
s=fd1aa4f56c0bb81 6a937 63cbe1 34fb83&p=40520#post40520 (return)
(c) eatagainst.htm (return)

A Liv ing V oice

foreword by Frederick Tupper Saussy
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Sewanee, Tennessee, A pril, 1 982
(Cf. Wikipedia, "Tupper Saussy ", )

Any student of the economic sy stem of the United States ought to be familiar with United States monetary
law. Since all laws in this country must flow in pursuance of the United States Constitution, the student should
base his study of monetary law on the economic prov isions contained in the Constitution.

It's not widely known that the Constitution deals with economic s. Indeed, most people are surprised to learn
that the sole purpose of the Constitutional Conv ention, as desc ribed by Alexander Hamilton in a repo rt to
Congress in 1 7 86 rec ommending that there be a conv ention was to take into consideration the trade and
commerce of the United States.

What was wrong with trade and c ommerce in the United States? They were being twisted all out of shape by an
inflating balloon of an elastic currenc y , the v ery stuff the Federal Reserv e prov ides today .

Our first constitution, the Articles of Confederation (1 7 81 ), was sev erely deficient in the ec onomic rights
department. The Artic les empowered Congress to emit a paper currency , while allowing the states to retain
their power to make this paper a legal tender in pay ment of debts, that is, to compel people to use the stuff.
The result? A warping of personal and business relations in the United States that drov e George Washington
(and God knows how many other folks) to depression and nerv ous ex haustion. Suffering the compounded
agonies inflicted by a paper monetary sy stem of uncontrollable v alue fluctuations. Washington wrote these
dismal words to James Madison on the ev e of the Conv ention:

The wheels of gov ernment are c logged, and we are descending into the v ale of c onfusion and
darkness. No day was ev er more clouded than the present. We are fast v erging into anarchy and

The deliberate purpose of the 1 7 87 Constitutional Conv ention was to stop the rav ages of a fluctuating medium
of ex change by obligating gov ernment to maintain reliable medium of ex change. President Andrew Jackson
v alidated this fact in his Eighth A nnual Message to Congress, Dec ember 5th, 1 836, just 47 y ears after the
Constitution was ratified by the states.

...It was the purpose of the c onv ention to establish a currency consisting of the prec ious metals.
These were adopted by a permanent rule exc luding the use of a perishable medium of ex change,
such as of certain agric ultural commodities recognized by the statutes of some States as tender
for debts, or the still more pernic ious expedient of paper currency .

The "permanent rule ex cluding the use of the pernicious ex pedient of paper c urrenc y " is an ex quisitely framed
piece of legislativ e machinery . In article I Section 8, the Framers gav e Congress the power coin Money , regulate the V alue thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standards of Weights
and Measures.

In A rticle I Section 1 0, the Framers denied the states any power to coin and issue money . More importantly ,
they denied the states the power to ordain-in pay ment of debts-the use of any thing but the money Congress
was empowered to coin. The substance of that coin is named in the denial:

No State shall coin Money , emit Bills of Credit, make any Thing but gold and silv er Coin a Tender
in pay ment of Debts.

Through the Framers, then, the People of the United States appointed the states to be c ustodians of the
American monetary sy stem. If Congress ceased coining gold and silv er, causing gold and silv er coin to stop
circulating, the states would be unable to compel their citizens to pay any debts, public or priv ate. It was the
responsibility of an ev er-v igilant union of states to keep Congress c oining gold and silv er, thereby preserv ing
interstate commerce, preserv ing the v ery Union itself.

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The power the states had reserv ed under the Articles of Confederation, the power to make any thing a legal
tender, is a marv elous power indeed. The power to c ompel people to ac cept something of no intrinsic v alue in
ex change for something of v alue is the power to rob people of their property "secretly ," as John May nard
Key nes put in the 1 920's, "and unobserv ed."

The United States Constitution is one of the few written compacts between people and gov ernment that
actually dragged the power out into the open for all to see and c ondemn. In the 44th Federalist Paper, James
Madison eloquently ex plained why the States were giv ing up their power to c ompel citizens to use either
federal or state paper money :

The loss which America has sustained from the pestilent effects of paper money on the necessary
confidence between man and man, on the necessary c onfidenc e in the public c ouncils, on the
industry and morals of the people, and on the character of republican gov ernment, constitutes
and enormous debt against the States c hargeable with this unadv ertised measure, which must
long accumulation of guilt, which can be ex piated no otherwise than by v oluntary
sacrifice on the alter of justice of the power whic h has been the instrument of it.

The states' v oluntary sacrific e hastily rescued our forefathers from the v ale of confusion and darkness,
unclogged the wheels of gov ernment, brightened the day , and restored peace and order. A mere nine mo nths
after the " permanent rule excluding the pernicious ex pedient of paper currenc y " was ratified by the states,
the December 1 6th 1 7 89 edition of The Pennsy lv ania Gazette was able to say :

Since the federal constitution has remov ed all danger of our hav ing a paper tender, our trade is
adv anced fifty percent. Our monied people can trust their cash abroad, and hav e brought their
coin into circulation.

And in June, 17 90, a little more than a y ear after ratific ation, a much happier George Washington was able to
write his friend the Marquis de LaFay ette that

Our rev enues hav e been c onsiderable more productiv e than it was imagined they would be. I
mention this to show the spirit of enterprise that prev ails.

"The writers of the constitution knew ex actly what they were doing when they wrote in Artic le I Section 1 0
paragraph 1 'No state shall... make any thing but gold and silv er coin a tender in pay ment of debts.' People able
to barter with gold and silv er coin control gov ernment and are free. Loss of the right to trade in gold and
silv er coin enslav es people to the creators of psy c hological 'money .'"
-Merrill Jenkins, Sr.,
The Greatest Hoax on Earth

"The v oice of legislators is a liv ing v oice."

-1 0 COKE 101 (England) [ = Sir Edward Coke]

The Framer who perfected the design of our country 's monetary sy stem was a man who had spent most of his
life struggling with-and publicly condemning-a fluctuating medium of ex change.

That man was Roger Sherman (1 7 21 -1 7 93), a delegate from Connectic ut. It was he who, on August 28th,
17 87 , proposed that the states sacrifice the power to participate in paper money sc hemes. When it was
counter-proposed that the states allowed by Congress make other things than gold and silv er c oin a tender in
pay ment of debts, we're told by James Madison that Sherman ex claimed,

We are making these measures absolute. This is a fav orable c risis for crushing paper money . If

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the consent of the Legislature c ould authorize emissions of it, the friends of paper money would
make ev ery ex ertion to get into the Legislature in order to license it.

The reader of Madison's Notes on the Debates of the Convention would naturally infer that Sherman was
prejudiced against paper money . But where is any material ex plaining why Sherman disliked paper money ?
None can be found. There's a blac k hole in history where Roger Sherman's monetary philosophy should be.

It's been estimated that there are more than 500 million copies in print of Karl Marx 's Manifesto of the
Communist Party and Das Kapital. How many billions of impressions of Marx 's monetary philosophy hav e
been etched into human c onsciousness nobody can calculate. He is celebrated as the founding father o f the
Communist mov ement and is regarded as one of the greatest thinkers of all time not only in the c ommunist
countries, but also in most A merican c olleges and univ ersities, where he is Required Reading in many
sociology , history , economic s, and philosophy courses. Karl Marx (1 81 8-1 883), of course, was a friend of
paper money . He held that a central bank empowered to emit paper money and compel the people to use it
was essential to gov ernment's c ontrol of indiv idual property .

We don't hav e to estimate how many c opies of Roger Sherman's only book there are in ex istence. There are
considerably fewer than 500 million. In fact, there are only two. Only two copies of A Caveat Against
Injustice left in the world. Think about it. Fiv e hundred million that say paper money is good v s two that say
paper money is ev il.

Admitted, other people hav e written that paper money is ev il. But they weren't the Framer of the United
States Constitution's monetary c lauses.

One of the two copies of A Caveat Against Injustice was in the collection of the late Senator George Frisbie
Hoar (1826-1904), lawy er, representativ e, and grandson of Roger Sherman. In this copy , acc ording to A
Dictionary of Books Relating to America, From Its Discovery To The Present Time (New Y ork:1 891 ), Sherman
had scratched through the pseudony m Philoenomos (Greek for "lov er of good law") on the title page and
written "By Roger Sherman." Beneath his signature, Sherman had inscribed the book "For Mr. Edward
Wigglesworth." The only other original c opy sleeps in the Beinec ke Rare Book Library at Y ale, the univ ersity
of which the author serv ed as Treasurer from 1 7 65 to 1 7 7 6.

The Spencer Judd edition of A Caveat Against Injustice is the first known public presentation of this v ital
book after more than 200 y ears of undeserv ed obsc urity .

Now, I'm not suggesting that A Caveat Against Injustice might hav e been suppressed by those who prosper
from people's unawareness of their economic rights sec ured by the Constitution, but it is strange that the only
comprehensiv e indictment of paper money written by the Framer of the Constitution's guarantee of indiv idual
economic security should be allowed to dwindle down to two copies. Two copies from obliv ion! This, mind
y ou, is the only book written by the only man to sign all four of our most prec ious politic al documents-The
Continental Association of 1 7 7 4, The Declaration of Independence, The A rtic les of Confederation, and The
United States Constitution. Do the Guardians of our A meric an Heritage think it's not worth remembering?

First published in 1 7 52, A Caveat A gainst Injustic e is an economic s treatise any one c an understand, in spite
of its period literary sty le. Considering the stature of the author, it's probably the most important economic s
treatise ev er written. For all the influence of Marx , Adam Smith, Ricardo, Bastiat, Engels, Key nes, Samuelson,
Hay ek and Friedman may exert ov er a student's monetary thinking, not one of them has enjoy ed the priv ilege
of standing on the floor of a legislativ e body , proposing his philosophy , and hav ing it enacted into law ratified
by the people, in the way Roger Sherman has.

If the v oice of the legislator is a liv ing v oice, and if the legislator's intent constitutes the law, then the student
of United States monetary law must listen carefully to Roger Sherman's v oice, and be guided by the intentions
it ex presses. For A Caveat A gainst Injustic e, word for word, is the v ery soul of the supreme law gov erning the
money and the property of the the people of the United States. It remov es the danger of judicial speculation
as to the intent of the Constitution's monetary prov ision, being the only authoritativ e description by a Framer

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of the monetary sy stem the Framers wished to av oid, and why ; and of the sy stem they were adv ancing, and
why .

"A prophet is not without honor, sav e in his own country , and in his own house."
-Jesus of Nazareth,
Matthew 13:53

"Mr. Sherman ex hibits the oddest shaped c haracter I ev er remember to hav e met with. He is awkward, un-
meaning, and unacc ountably strange in his manner. But in his train of thinking there is something re gular,
deep, and comprehensiv e; y et the oddity of his address, the v ulgarisms that accompany his public speaking,
and that strange new England cant which runs through his public and priv ate speaking make ev ery thing that is
connected with him grotesque and laughable; - and y et he deserv es infinite praise;- no Man has a better Heart
or a clearer Head. If he cannot embellish he can furnish thoughts that are wise and useful. He is an able
politician, and extremely artful in acc omplishing any partic ular object;- it is remarked that he seldom fails."
-Major William Pierce (Georgia),
Characters in the Conv ention, 1 7 87 .

A Caveat Against Injustice reflec ts ev ents in Roger Sherman's personal life. There is on file in the Connec ticut
State Library in Hartford an action in which Roger, then 30 y ears old, and his brother William sued James
Battle for pay ing a debt to their shop in New Milford, Connectic ut, in depreciated paper currency .

Ov er a period of 15 months in 1 7 50-51 , Battle had charged "div ers wares & merchandizes" amounting to 1 29
pounds of what the Shermans assumed were pounds of Connectic ut "Old Tenor" currency , a stable currency
whose v alue was well-preserv ed by taxation's taking it out of c irculation. But Battle assumed the debt was
denominated in pounds of ev er-depreciating Rhode Island c urrenc y , tendered same, and the Shermans to ok a
beating in the pay ment and sued for rec ov ery for loss of depreciation.

Sherman wrote in Caveat: impose Rhode Island Bills of Credit in Pay ments for Debts in this Colony when the Creditor
nev er agreed to take them, and that without any A llowanc e for the Depreciation, would be to
take away Men's Estates and wrong them of their just and righteous Dues without either Law or

The record of Sherman v s Battle states:

And now the Defendant Comes into Court and pleads and Say s that he owes nothing to the
Plaintiffs in money of the Colony of Connec ticut in Manner and form of the Plaintiffs in their
Declaration hav e supposed and therefore puts himself on the Country .
And the Plaintiffs say the Plea of the Defendant abov e pleaded is insufficient in the Law.
And the Defendant say s his plea is sufficient, etc .

The outcome of Sherman v s Battle was a v ic tory for paper money , bec ause James Battle won. Why did he win?
Battle "put himself on the Country ." which is a way of say ing that he pled "the law of the land" or " custom."
Custom, in Sherman's day , meant the colonial common law: the way things were done in early America.
Sherman's position was that Battle's pleas was insufficient in English Common Law, big L, under whic h paper
currency could not pay a debt unless spec ifically prov ided for in a contract.

Without thinking much about it, the people of Connecticut obey ed their timeworn custom of allowing the
currencies of the v arious Colonies to circ ulate promiscuously with one another, heedless of differences in
their real purchasing power, v ery much as the people of our states did in the 1 960's when irredeemable
Federal Reserv e notes began circulating promisc uously with redeemable Fed notes, United States notes,
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Treasury notes, and Silv er Certificates.

When Federal Reserv e notes were first emitted in 1 91 4, their stated rate was one dollar of gold or lawful
money for each dollar promised. Today ,(1 982) a one-dollar Federal Reserv e note will purchase less than
1/1 0th of a dollar of gold or lawful money . Roger Sherman's c ondemnation of Rhode Island bills applies with
equal force to today 's Federal Reserv e notes:

And since the Value of the Bills of Credit depend[s] wholly on the Rate at which they are stated
and on the Credit of the Gov ernment by whom they are emitted and that being the only Reason
and Foundation upon whic h they obtained their first Currency and by which the same has been
upheld ev er since their first being current, and therefore when the Publick Faith and Credit of
such Gov ernment is v iolated, then the Reason upon which such Bills obtained their Currency
ceases and there remains no Reason why they should be any longer c urrent.

In Sherman's day , a trav eling man could make a fortune hopping across the State line, buy ing many c heap
Rhode Island pound bills of credit ("or rather of no Credit," growled Sherman in A Caveat) with his few fine
Connecticut pound bills, return to Connec ticut and enjoy an enormous increase in purchasing power by
pay ing in Rhode Island bills. (Motion is traditionally associated with c heating: is not Mercury , the Roman god
of trav el, also the god of commerce and thiev ery ?) And all the while, the people-stuck in the habit of dealing
with paper images-let their v alue slip through their fingers without complaint.

Sherman addressed the law of the land, or custom, in A Caveat Against Injustic e:

If what is us'd as a Medium of Exc hange is fluctuating in its Value it is no better than unjust
Weights and Measures, both which are c ondemn'd by the Laws of GOD and Man, and therefore the
longest and most univ ersal Custom could nev er make the Use of such a Medium either lawful or

Losing the Battle case did not quell Roger Sherman's struggle for lawful and reasonable money . Quite the
contrary , it conv inced him that somehow the c olonial custom of passiv ely partic ipating in a monetary sy stem
of fluctuating v alue, suffering the losses without c omplaint, drowning the pain in v ice and sermons, had to be
altered. A Caveat Against Injustic e closes with a petition to the General Assembly of Connec ticut asking that
Rhode Island bills of credit be forbidden from circulating within the state borders and

...whether it would not be v ery much for the Publick Good to lay a large Ex cise upon all Rum
imported into this Colony or distilled herein, thereby effec tually to restrain the ex cessiv e use
thereof, which is suc h a growing Ev il among us and is leading to almost all other V ices. And I
doubt not but that if those two great Ev ils that hav e been mentioned were restrained we should
soon see better Times.

Twenty -four y ears later, Roger Sherman was to help write the Declaration of Independence, whic h
ingeniously described the destructiv e social consequenc es of man's tendency to hang on to bad habits:

All ex perienc e hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer while ev ils are sufferable
than to right themselv es by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

The Common Law, the great riv er of habit flowing down from the remote English past, has alway s held that the
only money with which debts can be paid is metals of intrinsic v alue. But the Common Law had been shunted
off course in the American colonies by a confusion of statutes which serv ed legislators and their supporters at
the expense of the people in common. This needed correc tion, redirection. The widespread failure of an

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elastic currency made nec essary the forging of a brand new custom (call it the resumption of an old, if y ou
like). The habit of using materials of intrinsic v alue -gold and silv er coin-must be introduc ed into the
American consciousness, must be sec ured as " law of the land;" otherwise, Sherman wrote in Caveat,

...instead of hav ing our Properties defended and secured to us by the Protection of the
Gov ernment under whic h we liv e , we should be alway s ex posed to hav e them taken from us by
Fraud at the Pleasure of other Gov ernments, who hav e no Right of Jurisdiction ov er us.

Of course, Sherman might hav e been spec ifically referring to the gov ernment of Rhode Island. But would he
not hav e condemned the assumption of jurisdiction ov er us by any gov ernment not created by constitution?
Recall House Banking Committee Chairman Wright Patman's warning a dec ade ago that we were being rule d by
another gov ernment:

In the United States today we hav e in effec t two gov ernments.... We hav e the duly constituted
Gov ernment...Then we hav e an independent, unc ontrolled and uncoordinated gov ernment in
the Federal Reserv e Sy stem, operating the money powers whic h are reserv ed to Congress by the

Doesn't Congressman Patman's testimony make it c lear that the Federal Reserv e banking sy stem is our "other
Gov ernment" to which we are " alway s ex posed " to hav ing our properties "taken from us by Fraud"?

I am loy al to a duly c onstituted Gov ernment. But why should I pledge loy alty to an independent,
uncontrolled, and uncoordinated gov ernment not obliged to take a Constitutional oath, a gov ernment "who
(has) no Right of Jurisdiction ov er us"?

When the Constitution was ratified on the first Wednesday in Marc h, 1 7 89, Roger Sherman ac complished his
lifetime quest for an unalterably secure monetary sy stem consisting of gold and silv er coin. A ccording to the
2nd Section of Artic le V I of the Constitution,

This Constitution and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuanc e thereof; and
all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the
supreme law of the land, and the judges in ev ery State shall be bound thereby , any thing in the
Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding.

On that first Wednesday in March 1 7 89, the monetary sy stem adv ocated in A Caveat Against
Injustice became a v ital organ in the Supreme Law of the Land. No one thereafter could "put himself on the
country , " say ing " we'v e alway s used this stuff for money ," and hope to get a state court to ordain the use of
paper money as tender in pay ment of debts. nor could a state court say "Y ou must pay in paper because we'v e
alway s used this stuff for money ." Not ev en Congress could compel the states to traffic in irredeemable notes,
for Sherman in Conv ention had insisted that the prohibition be "absolute, instead of...allowable with the
consent of the Legislature of the U.S. "

Our economic right to circulating gold and silv er, coined by Congress has nev er been amended out of the
Constitution. There are only two way s this right can be denied to us: our v oluntarily surrendering it, which is
what most of us hav e done up to now; or its being taken away from us by a ty rannical force applied by our
fellow country men, in our own land, against us.

"If the banks create ample sy nthetic money , we are prosperous; if not, we starv e! We are absolutely without a
permanent monetary sy stem. When one gets a c omplete grasp of the picture, the tragic absurdity of our
hopeless position is almost incredible-but there it is. It is the most important subject intelligent persons can
inv estigate and reflec t upon. It is so important that our present civ ilization may collapse unless it is widely
understood and the defect remedied soon."

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-Robert H. Hemphill, former Credit Manager,
The Federal Reserv e Bank of Atlanta,
in the Forward to 1 00% MONEY ,
by Irv ing Fisher

"If Congress won't keep its part of the Constitutional bargain and c oin money of gold and silv er like Artic le 1 ,
Section 8 Clause 5 commands,there's no way my c ourt can require any one to pay fines. I'm not here to protect
certain people's inv estments. I'm here to carry out the mandate of the U.S. and the Kansas Constitutions."
-The Honorable Larry Moritz
Municipal Judge, Spearv ille, Kansas, 1 981

If Ratification of the Constitution was the Grand Finale in Roger Sherman's career, c ertainly A Caveat Against
Injustice was the Ov erture, and both are made of the same thematic material: a quest for ec onomic security in
the Law. Y ou could hav e sat down with Sherman at the c lose of the Conv ention and asked him what the
purpose of Article 1 Section 1 0 Paragraph 1 was and he would hav e handed y ou a copy of this little book.

Y et, solid as they are, Sherman's ideas on money were ridic uled by many contemporaries as crankish. We'v e
seen how they were rejected by the court in in New Milford. Who but a fool would dare suggest that the states
make nothing but gold and silv er coin a tender in pay ment of debts when there was so little gold and sliv er to
be had? Surely , Sherman must hav e heard " There's not enough gold to go around, is there?" as often as he
heard " Since all the gold's in Europe, what will prev ent the Europeans from flooding the market, and getting
our property for nothing?"

Those questions were answered by history : it is a matter of record that after no state could make any thing but
gold and silv er coin a tender in pay ment of debts, the United States became the world's largest depo sitory of
gold and silv er while simultaneously bec oming the most produc tiv e nation in the history of the world.

Roger Sherman had predicted ev ents with perfect ac curacy in the closing paragraphs of Caveat:

So long as we part with our most v aluable Commodities for such Bills of Credit as are no Profit;
but rather a Cheat, Vexation and Snare to us, and bec ome a Medium whereby we are continually
cheating and wronging one another in our Dealings and Commerce, and so long as we import so
much more foreign Goods than are necessary , and keep so many Merchants and Traders
employ ed to proc ure and deal them out to us...I say as long as these Things are so we shall spend
great Part of our Labour and Substanc e for that will not profit us. Whereas if these Things were
reformed, the Prov isions and other Commodities which we might hav e to export y early , and
which other Gov ernments are dependant [sic] upon us for, would proc ure us God And Silv er
abundantly suffic ient for a Medium of Trade. And we might be as independent, flourishing and
happy a Colony as nay in the British Dominions.

Compare this prediction with President Washington's jubilant address to both houses of Congress on
December 8th, 17 95, six y ears after the states had been forced onto a stric t diet of gold and silv er c oin:

Our agriculture, commerce, and manufacture prosper bey ond former ex ample...Ev ery part of
the Union display s indications of rapid and v arious improv ements, and with burdens so light as
scarcely to be perceiv ed; with resources fully adequate to our present ex igencies; with
gov ernments founded on the genuine principles of rational liberty , and with mild and wholesome
laws; is it too muc h to say , that our c ountry ex hibits a spectac le of national happiness nev er
surpassed, if ev er before equaled?

Whether y ou're a student of monetary law or just a participant in what Charles Riely calls "the Culture of
Freedom," I pray that y ou'll read Roger Sherman's lost masterpiece time and time again, marking it, inwardly
digesting it.
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I hope y ou'll show it to people who hav e to be shown things before they 'll believ e. I hope y ou'll use it to
demonstrate to skeptical neighbors as well as attorney s, both official and priv ate, that it was the resolute
intent of the Framers of the Constitution to do away with a fluctuating medium of ex change for the v ery
reasons Roger Sherman sets down in his wondrous little document.

In A Caveat A gainst Injustice, our forgotten Framer is warning us (cav eat is Latin for "warning") that the form
of money Congress (but no state legislature) has declared "legal tender," this monetized debt issued and
regulated by " Gov ernments who hav e no Right of Jurisdiction ov er us," is ev il; and let me remind y ou that
"ev il" means "morally bad or wrong; wicked; malev olent; sinful; c ausing an undesirable condition, as ruin,
injury , pain, harmful, injurious, undesirable, infamous; that which is destruc tiv e or c orruptiv e". If the money -
" that whereby other things are v alued"-is ev il, how can the things it v alues be good? Indeed, an ev il medium
of ex change colors ev ery thing ev il. Just look around.

What passes for money in 1 982 (1 996) is as ev il, as unpredictable, as damnable as Rhode Island Bills of Credit
in a 17 51 Connecticut dry goods store.

Today 's official medium of exchange is "unjust weights and measures, both whic h are condemn'd by the Laws
of GOD and Man." It is money deliberately designed to "take away Men's Estates and wrong them of their just
and righteous Dues without either Law or Reason." All these charges are prov ed ev ery minute of ev ery day .

The remedy is contained in the Law.

By Law, the states hav e no Constitutional authority whatsoev er to participate in a monetary sy stem
comprised of bills not redeemable unit for unit in gold and silv er c oin. In fact, any state court, judge, or
ministerial officer who participates in a compulsory fluctuating medium of ex change is "obliging Men to part
with their Estates for that which is worth nothing in it self."

The pages of The Main Street Journal (a monthly publication that was put out by Frederic k Tupper Saussy
before his ex ile from the United States) tell monthly of the thousands of Americ ans who hav e begun
withholding public dues to their states, c ountries, and municipalities until suc h time as Congress once again
coins that which the states can make tender in pay ment of debts. Although many officials hav e respec ted this
claim of right, it saddens me to report that others hav e worked ex treme hardship on c itizens who assert
economic rights guaranteed by the Constitution. Why ? Do these officers feel threatened? Are they frightened?
If they are merely skeptical that the Constitution was designed to crush a monetary sy stem identic al to ours
today , they need A Caveat Against Injustice.

As they read,they will hear the c onv incing v oice of the Legislator himself declare that a monetary sy stem
comprised of a fluc tuating medium of ex change suc h as ours today is "an Iniquity not to be countenanced, but
rather to be punished by the Judges."

It is a liv ing v oice of the man whom Thomas Jefferson dec lared "Nev er said a foolish thing in his life."

- Frederick Tupper Saussy

Sewanee, Tennessee, A pril, 1 982

Repeated mention was made to Rhode Island. For details on a similar affair (a few dec ades later) to the one
being cited, see The Critical Period of American History 1 7 83-1 7 89, by John Fiske (Houghton, Mifflin and
Company , Boston and New Y ork, 1 888), pp. 1 7 3-1 7 7 . (Reproduced at URL: (d)) (I found Fiske's words on this
subject thanks to Jason Pappas's entry "Rogues' Island Nation" (URL: (e)) at his blog Liberty and Culture.):

The debates ov er paper money in the Rhode Island legislature began in 1 7 85, but the adv ocates
of a sound currency were v ictorious. These men were roundly abused in the newspapers, and in
the next spring election most of them lost their seats. The legislature of 1 7 86 showed an
ov erwhelming majority in fav or of paper money . The farmers from the inland towns were
unanimous in supporting the measure. They c ould not see the difference between the state
making a dollar out of paper and a dollar out of silv er. The idea that the v alue did not lie in the

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gov ernment stamp they dismissed as an idle c rotchet, a wire-drawn theory , worthy only of
"literary fellows." What they could see was the glaring fac t that they had no money , hard or soft;
and they wanted something that would satisfy their creditors and buy new gowns for their wiv es,
whose raiment was unquestionably the worse for wear.

On the other hand, the merchants from seaports like Prov idence, Newport, and Bristol
understood the differenc e between real money and the promissory notes of a bankrupt
gov ernment, but they were in a hopeless minority . Half a million dollars were issued in scrip, to
be loaned to the farmers on a mortgage of their real estate. No one could obtain the scrip without
giv ing a mortgage for twice the amount, and it was thought that this security would make it as
good as gold. But the deprec iation began instantly . When the worthy farmers went to the store
for dry goods or sugar, and found the prices rising with dreadful rapidity , they were at first
astonished, and then enraged. The trouble, as they truly said, was with the wicked merchants,
who would not take the paper dollars at their fac e v alue. These men were thus thwarting the
gov ernment, and must be punished. An act was acc ordingly hurried through the legislature,
commanding ev ery one to take paper as an equiv alent for gold, under penalty of fiv e hundred
dollars fine and loss of the right of suffrage.

The merchants in the cities thereupon shut up their shops. During the summer of 1 7 86 all
business was at a standstill in Newport and Prov idence, ex cept in the bar-rooms. There and
about the market-places men spent their time angrily discussing politics, and sc arcely a day
passed without street-fights, whic h at time grew into riots. In the country , too, no less than in the
cities, the goddess of disc ord reigned. The farmers determined to starv e the c ity people into
submission, and they entered into an agreement not to send any produce into the c ities until the
merchants should open their shops and begin selling their goods for paper at its face v alue. Not
wishing to lose their pigs and butter and grain, they tried to dispose of them in Boston and New
Y ork, and in the coast towns of Connectic ut. But in all these places their proc eedings had
awakened such liv ely disgust that placards were posted in the tav erns warning purchasers
against farm produce from Rhode Island. Disappointed in these quarters, the farmers threw away
their milk, used their corn for fuel, and let their apples rot on the ground, rather than supply the
detested merchants. Food grew sc arce in Prov idence and Newport, and in the latter city a mob of
sailors attempted unsuccessfully to storm the prov ision stores. The farmers were threatened
with armed v iolence. Town-meetings were held all ov er the state, to disc uss the situation, and
how long they might hav e talked to no purpose none c an say , when all at once the matter was
brought into court.

A cabinet-maker in Newport named Trev ett went into a meat-market kept by one John Weeden,
and selecting a joint of meat, offered paper in pay ment. Weeden refused to take the paper ex cept
at a heav y discount. Trev ett went to bed superless, and next morning informed against the
obstinate butc her for disobedience to the forcing act. Should the court find him guilty , it would
be a good speculation for Trev ett, for half of the fiv e hundred dollars fine was to go to the
informer. Hard-money men feared lest the court might prov e subserv ient to the legislature,
since that body possessed the power of remov ing the fiv e judges. The case was tried in
Spetember amid furious ex citement. huge crowds gathered about the c ourt-house and far down
the street, screaming and cheering like a c rowd on the night of a presidential election. The judges
were clear-headed men, not to be brownbeaten. They dec lared the forcing act unconstitutional,
and dismissed the c omplaint. Popular wrath then turned upon them. A special session of the
legislature was c onv ened, four of the judges were remov ed, and a new forc ing-act was prepared.
This act prov ided that no man c ould v ote at elec tions or hold any office without taking a test oath
promising to receiv e paper money at par. But this was going too far. Many soft-money men were
not wild enough to support such a measure; among the farmers there were some who had grown
tired of seeing their produc e spoiled on their hands; and many of the richest merc hants had
announced their intention of mov ing out of the state. The new forcing act ac cordingly failed to
pass, and presently the old one was repealed. The paper dollar had been issued in May ; in
Nov ember it passed for six teen cents.

These outrageous proc eedings awakened disgust and alarm among sensible people in all the

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other states, and Rhode Island was ev ery where rev iled and made fun of. One clause of the forcing
act had prov ided that if a debtor should offer paper to his creditor and the creditor should refuse
to take it at par, the debtor might carry his rag money to c ourt and deposit it with the judge; and
the judge must thereupon issue a c ertificate disc harging the debt. The form of certific ate began
with the words "Know Y e," and forthwith the unhappy little state was nic knamed Rogues' Island,
the home of Know Y e men and Know Y e measures.

- Michael Makov i

(d) /rv 01 4.htm (return)

(e) 0/rogues-island-nation.html (return)

And now, Sh erm an's work proper, A Caveat Against Injustice

(A scan of the original publication is av ailable at /doc/45165611/)

§1 Forasmuch, as there hav e many Disputes arisen of late c oncerning the Medium of Exc hange in this Colony ,
which hav e been occasioned chiefly by Reason of our hav ing suc h large Quantities of Paper Bills of Credit on
some of the Neighbouring Gov ernments, passing in Pay ments among us, and some of those Gov ernments
hav ing issued much larger sums of Bills than were necessary to supply themselv es witha c ompetent Medium
of Ex change, and not hav ing supplied their Treasuries with any Fund for the maintaining the Credit o f such
Bills; they hav e therefore been continually depreciating and growing less in their V alue, and hav e been the
principal Means of the Depreciation of the Bills of Credit emitted by this Colony , by their passing
promiscuously with them; and so hav e been the Oc casion of Much Embarrasment and Injustic e, in the Trade
and Commerce of the Colony , and many People and espec ially Widows and Orphans hav e been great Sufferers
thereby .

§2 But our Legislature hav ing at length taken effectual Care to prev ent further Depreciation of the Bills of this
Colony , and the other Gov ernments not hav ing taken the prudent Care, their Bills of Credit are still sinking (1 )
in their Value, and hav e in Fackt sunk much below the Value of the Bills of this Colony .

§3 Y et some People among us, by long Custom, are so far prejudiced in Fav our of a sinking Medium, and
others not being really sensible of the true State of the Case, are inc lined to think that Bills of Credit on the
neighbouring Gov ernments ought to be a legal Tender in Pay ments in this Colony for all Debts due by Book
and otherwise wheere there is no special c ontract ex pressly mentioning some other Currency , and others
being of a different Opinion, the Disputes hav e been carried on so far, as to occasion some Ex penc e in the Law,
and may be likely to occasion much more, unless prev ented by those Prejudices being some way remov ed.
And since it is a a Cause wherin ev ery one is more or less interested, I hav e v entured to shew my Opinion,
with a sincere Desire to hav e Peac e and Justice maintained and promoted in the Colony . Not desiring any
Person to approv e of my Observ ations any farther than he finds them agreeable to the Principles of Justice
and right Reason.


§4 Suppose a Man comes to a Trader's Shop in this Colony to buy Goods, and the Trader sells him a certain
Quantity of Goods and tells him the Pric e is som many Pounds, Shillings and Pence, (let it be more or less) to
be paid at the Ex piration of one Y ear, from that Time, and the Man receiv es the Goods but there [sic ] is
nothing said either by Seller or Buy er, what Currency it is to be paid in, but the Goods are charged according
to the Value of Bills of Credit Old Tenor on this Colony .

§5 Now I Query what the Creditor has a Right to demand for a Debt so contrac ted; or what the Debtor c an
oblige him to accept in Pay ment?

§6 The Creditor say s, that the Debt being c ontracted in the Colony of Connectic ut, he ought to hav e what is
known by the Laws of said Colony to be Money : A nd that he has no Right to demand any thing else.

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§7 The Debtor say s, That Bills of Credit on the neighbouring Gov ernments hav e for many Y ears passed
promiscuously with the Bills of Credit on this Colony as Money in all Pay ments, (ex cept special Contracts) and
that People in general where the Contrac ts ly at large hav e ex pected, and do still expec t, that any of the Bills of
Credit on any of the Gov ernments in New-England, that hav e obtained a Currenc y in this Colony will answer in
Pay ment, and in as much as the Creditor did not giv e him any Notice to the c ontrary , when he bought the
Goods, therefore he thinks that such Bills of Credit ought to be accepted in Pay ment for the aforesaid Debt.

§8 A nd altho' there is no particular Statute in this Colony , that such Bills of Credit shall be a legal Tender in
Pay ments of Money : Y et the Prac tice has been so univ ersal for so long a Time, adnd the Creditor himself has
both receiv ed and pass'd them as Money c onstantly without making Ex ceptions against them 'till this Debt was
contracted, and for many Y ears all Demands on Book Debts hav e been for Old Tenor Money indifferently ,
without Distiction of Colonies, and Judgements in all Courts hav e been giv en thereon ac cordingly : And any of
the aforesaidBills of Credit hav e pass'd in Pay ment to satisfy all Judgements, so obtain'd and this univ ersal
Custom, the Debtor saith, ought to be esteemed as common Law and ought not without some special Reason
to be set aside, and that in this Case there is nothing special; and therefore the Creditor ought no t to make
Demand or obtain Judgement different from the common Custom of the Colony .

§9 In Answer to this the Creditor saith, that altho' Bills of Credit on the neighbouring Gov ernments hav e for a
Number of Y ears been pass'd and receiv 'd in Pay ments: Y et it has been only by the v oluntary Consent of the
Persons receiv ing them, and not because they were under any Obligation to rec eiv e them; and that it is no
Argument that a Person shall be obliged to receiv e any Species where it won't answer his End, bec ause in Time
past he has receiv 'd it when it would answer.

§10 And the Creditor furthur saith, that such Bills of Credit are of no intrinsick V alue, and their Ex trinsical
Value is fluctuating and v ery uncertain, and therefore it would be unjust that any Person should be obliged to
receiv e them in Pay ment as Money in this Colony , (since neither the Colony nor any of the Inhabitants thereof
are under any Obligation either to Refunds said Bills or to maintain the Credit of them) for Money ought to be
something of certain Value, it being that whereby other Things are to be v alued. (2)

§11 A nd I think it is a Principle that must be granted that no Gov ernment has Right to impose on its Subjects
any foreign Currenc y to be receiv ed in Pay ments as Money which is not of intrinsick V alue; unless suc h
Gov ernment will assume and undertake to sec ure and make Good to the Possesor of such Currenc y the full
Value which they oblige him to rec eiv e it for. Because in so doing they would oblige Men to part with their
Estates for that which is worth nothing in it self and whic h they don't know will ev er procure him any Thing.

§12 And Rhode-Island Bills of Credit hav e been so far from being of certain V alue and sec uring to the
Possessor the Value that they were first stated at, that they hav e depreciated almost four sev enth Parts in nine
Y ears last past, as appears by their own A cts of Assembly .

§13 For in the y ear 1 7 43, it appears by the Face of the Bills then emitted that Twenty -sev en Shillings Old-
Tenor was equal to one Ounc e of Silv er. And by an Ac t of their General A ssembly pass'd in March last, they
stated Fifty -four Shilling Old-Tenor Bills equal to one Ounce of Silv er, which sunk their V alue one half. And by
another Act in June last, (v iz. 1 7 51 ) they stated Six ty -four Shillings in their Old-Tenor Bills equal to one Ounce
of Silv er. And by another A ct in A ugust last they gav e Order and Direction to the Courts in that Colony to
make Allowance to the Creditors in making up Judgement from Time to Time as the Bills shall depreciate for
the Future, which shews that they ex pect their Bills of Credit to deprec iate for the Future.

§14 And since the Value of The Bills of Credit depend wholly on the Rate at which they are stated and on the
Credit of the Gov ernment by whom they are emitted and that being the only Reason and Foundation upon
which they obtained their first Currency and by whic h the same has been upheld ev er since their first being
current and therefor e when the Public k Faith and Credit of such Gov ernment is v iolated, then the Reason
upon which such Bill obtained their Currenc y c eases and there remains no Reason why they should be any
longer current.

§15 And this I would lay down as a Princ iple that can't be denied that a Debtor ought not to pay any Debts with
less V alue than was c ontracted for, without the Consent or against the Will of the Creditor.

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§16 And the Creditor further saith, that his accepting Rhode-Island Bills of Credit when they stood stated
equal to Silv er at Twenty -sev en Shillings an Ounce, can be no Reason that he should receiv e them at the same
Value when they are stated equal to Silv er at Fifty -four Shillings an Ounc e, and still to receiv e them at the
same Rate when they are so reduced down that Six ty -four Shillings is equal to but one Ounce of Silv er, and
whoev er does receiv e them so must not only act without, but against Reason.

§17 And the Debtor can't possibly plead with (3) any Truth that he expected to pay in Rhode-Island Bills of
Credit at their present Value and under their present Circ umstances, (any Debts contrac ted before the
aforesaid Acts of Rhode Island were published) because there was no suc h Thing (as those Bills are under their
present Circumstances) existing at the Time of Contrac t, for as was observ 'd before, the V alue of such Bills of
Credit depend wholly upon the Rate at whic h they are stated and on the Credit of the Gov ernment by whom
they are emitted, and a Bill of Credit for the same Sum that is stated equal to Silv er at Twenty -sev en Shillings
an Ounce, must be of more than double the V alue of one stated equal to Silv er at Sixty -four Shillings an Ounce
if the Credit of the Emitter may be depended on: But if the Emitter's Credit can't be depended on then neither
of the Bills aforesaid are of any Value, bec ause it is ev ident that no Bills of Credit hav e any V alue in
themselv es, but are giv en to secure something of intrinsick V alue, to the Posessor.

§18 So that the Arguments draw from Custom are of no Force, because the Reasons upon which that Custom
were grounded do now cease.

§19 I grant that if any Thing whose Value is intrinsical and inv ariable the same should obtain a Currency as a
Medium of Ex change for a great Number of Y ears in any Colony , it might with some Reason be urg'd that it
ought to be accepted in Pay ments for Debts where there is no special Agreement for any other Species.(4)

§20 But if what is us'd as a Medium of Ex change is fluc tuating in its V alue it is no better than unjust Weights
and Measures, both whic h are condemn'd by the Laws of GOD and Man, and therefore the longest and most
univ ersal Custom could nev er make the Use of such a Medium either lawful or reasonable.

§21 Now suppose that Gold or Silv er Coines that pass c urrent in Pay ments at a c ertain Rate by Tale (5) should
hav e a considerable Part of their Weight filed or clipp'd off will any reasonable Man judge that they ought to
pass for the same Value as those of full Weight?

§22 But the State of R...I...d Bills of Credit is much worse than that of Coins that are clipp'd, because what is left
of those Coins is of intrinsick Value: But the General Assembly of R...I...d hav ing depreciated their Bills of
Credit hav e thereby v iolated their Promise from Time to Time, and there is just Reason to suspect their Credit
for the Future for the small Value which they now promise for said Bills, and they hav e not only v io lated their
Promise as to the Value, pretended to be secured to the Posessor by said Bills; but also as to the Time of
calling them in and pay ing the same, they hav e lengthened out the Time Fifteen Y ears.

§23 So that if the Posessor must be kept out of the Use of his Money until that Term is ex pired (and the Bills
secure nothing to him sooner.) One Ounce of Silv er paid down now, would be worth more than Sev en pounds
Ten Shillings in suc h Bills of Credit c omputing the Interest at 6 per Cent per Annum.

§24 These Things considered, can any reasonable Man think that such Bills of Credit (or rather of no Credit)
ought to be a legal Tender in Pay ment of Money in this Colony for Debts, for whic h the Debtor receiv ed
Species of much more Value than those Bills prov ided the Creditor could get the full Value of them in Silv er
that they are now stated at.

§25 For it must be remembered that according to the State of the Case now in Question the Goods were
charged according to the Value of Old-Tenor Bills of this Colony . Wherefore upon the whole it appears that it
would be ev idently unjust to impose Rhode-Island Bills of Credit in pay ment for such a Debt, or any other in
this Colony , unless the Creditor obliged himself by a special A greement to receiv e them in Pay ment.

§26 And if he had agreed to rec eiv e them in Pay ment for Debts contracted any Time between last Marc h and
June it would be unjust to oblige him to take them without three Shillings on the Pound Allowance, for the
General Assembly of Rhode-Island depreciated them so muc h in June below both their current and stated
Value in March preceding.

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§27 A nd to oblige People to rec eiv e them without such Allowance in this Colony ; would be, to more dishonest
than they are in Rhode-Island Colony for they are obliged by Law to make Allowanc e for the Depreciation.

§28 But in as much as we are not under the Jurisdiction of Rhode-Island Gov ernment and therefore can take
no Benefit by equitable Ac ts, I suppose that acc ording to the Rules of the Law, upon a Contract made in this
Colony for the Pay ment of Bills of Credit on the Colony of Rhode-Island or any of the neighbouring
Gov ernments,

§29 if the Debtor could not produce such Bills under the same Circ umstances that they were at the Time of
Contract, the Courts would assess Damages for Connecticut Money , according to the Value of suc h Bills at the
Time of Contract.

§30 A nd the Reason is, bec ause if on the one Hand all such Bills should be called in and burnt between the
Time of Contract and the Time of Pay ment it would be unreasonable to oblige the Debtor to an impossibility ,
and on the other Hand if there should between the Time of Contrac t and the Time of Pay ment be an Ac t pass'd
that all such Bills should be brought into the Treasurer to be redeem'd by a certain Time or else be Outlawed
and rendered of no Value and that Time should be ex pired before the Time of Pay ment, or if by an Ac t of
Assembly they should be depreciated and sunk one half or two thirds of their Value, it would be unreasonable
that the Creditor should be thereby defrauded of his just Due and lose so much of his Estate.(6)

§31 But to impose Rhode-Island Bills of Credit in Pay ments for Debts in this Colony when the Credito r nev er
agreed to take them, and that without any Allowance for the Depreciation, would be to take away Men's
Estates and wrong them of their just and righteous Dues without either Law or Reason.

§32 And instead of hav ing our Properties defended and sec ured to us by the Protec tion of the Gov ernment
under which we liv e; we should be alway s exposed to hav e them taken from us by Fraud at the Pleasure of
other Gov ernments, who hav e no Right of Jurisdic tion ov er us.

§33 And according to this Argument, if Rhode-Island General Assembly has been pleased last June to hav e
stated their Old-Tenor Bills equal to Silv er at Forty -eight Pounds Twelv e Shillings an Ounc e, instead of Six ty -
four Shillings, and to hav e cut off the V alue of them Eighteen Shillings on the Pound, instead of Three Shillings,
all Creditors in this Colony would thereby hav e been necessitated to lose Ninety Pounds out of ev ery Hundred
Pounds of their Debts which were then out standing, for if they could take away one Six th Part of their Value
and reduce them so much below the Old-Tenor Bills of this Colony and the Creditor be notwithstanding
obliged to receiv e them without Allowance, by the Rule they might hav e taken away three Quartes of Nine
Tenths or indeed the whole, and the Creditor hav e had no more Remedy than he has now.(7 )

§34 And the Estates of poor Widows and Orphans must ac cording to this Principle in the same unjust Manner
be taken away from them and giv en to others that hav e no Right to them, (for what the Creditor loses in this
way the Debtor gains becaue the more the Bills of Creditdepreciate the less Value the Debtor can produce
them for) and according to the Debtor's Arguement the Executiv e Courts in this Colony must giv e Judgement
in Fav our of all this Fraud and Iniquity at least, 'till there is some special Act of Assembly to order them to the
contrary ; (8) but I believ e that ev ery honest Man of Common Sense, upon mature Consideration of the
Circumstances of the Case, will think that this is an Iniquity not to be countenanc ed, but rather to be punished
by the Judges.

§35 But in Answer to what is said c oncerning Demands being made for Old-Tenor Money indifferently and the
Courts giv ing Judgement ac cordingly . The Creditor saith that Phrase in all Demands made in this Colo ny
ought to be understood to be the Old-Tenor Money of this Colony , and no other, for there nev er was any Law
in this Colony that Bills of Credit on the neighbouring Gov ernments should be a legal Tender in Pay ments of
Money , and I hav e observ ed before that it would be unreasonable, that any such Foreign Currenc y should be
imposed as Money , and the same Phrase is us'd in tax ing Bills of Cost in the Ex ecutiv e Courts, but it is
understood to be the Old-Tenor Money of this Colony only , for a Thousand Pounds in Bills of Credit on the
neighbouring Gov ernments would not be suffic ient in the Law to satisfy a Bill of Cost of Twenty Shillings Old-

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§36 And the General A ssembly of this Colony hav e suffic iently declared that they don't Esteem such Bills of
Credit as Money , and that no Person ought to be obliged to receiv e them as suc h. In that, they themselv es will
not receiv e them for their Wages, neither do they oblige any other Person whose Fees or Wages are stated by
Law to receiv e them, but hav e made Prov ision how they shall be paid exc lusiv e of suc h Bills.

§37 A nd as to the Objection that they hav e been receiv 'd in Pay ment to satisfy all Judgements giv en as
aforesaid, the Creditor faith, that it was only by the same reasons that they should be receiv ed now at the
same V alue as Bills of Credit on this Colony that there was formerly because it is ev ident that there is now a
real Difference in their Values.

§38 For by a Law of the Prov ince of the Massachusets-Bay , their Bills of Old-Tenor are stated equal to Silv er at
Fifty Shillings an Ounce and Sev en Shillings and Six Penc e are equal to One Shilling Proclamation Mo ney , and
the Ex ecutiv e Courts in this Colony reckon Eight Shillings Old-Tenor Bills of this Colony equal to One Shilling
Proclamation Money whic h is equal to Silv er at Fifty -four Shillings Old-Tenor an Ounc e.

§39 And by an Act of Rhode-Island General Assembly Six ty four Shillings of their Old-Tenor Bills is stated
equal to one Ounce of Silv er, at whic h Rate nine Shillings and Six pence is equal to but One Shilling
Proclamation Money , whereas three Y ears ago the Bills of Old-Tenor on all the three Gov ernments aforesaid
were of equal Value.

§40 A nd since it appears, that there is suc h a Difference in the stated Value of the aforesaid Bills of Credit, no
Man can with any Propriety be said to make them all without Distinction, a Standard to v alue Things by ; for a
Man could afford to sell any Goods or Merc handize for a less Sum in Old-Tenor Bills of the Massac husets-Bay ,
than for the Old-Tenor Bills of this Colony and he could afford to sell Goods for a less Sum by 1 5 per Cent for
the Old-Tenor Bills of this Colony , than for the Old-Tenor Bills on Rhode-Island Colony .

§41 And to say that an Acc ompt (9) is charged in Old-Tenor Money indifferently of this and the neighbouring
Gov ernments, is to say that 7 s.-6d. and 8s. and 9s.-6.d are one and the same Sum, or that there is no
Difference between Fifty and Fifty -four, or between Fifty -four and Sixty -four Q.E.D.

§42 And since it appears that it would be ev idently absurd to make a Demand for old-Tenor Money
indifferently of this and the neighbouring Gov ernments, it follows that all Demands made for Old-Tenor
Money in this Colony must be for the Money of this Colony ex clusiv e of the Old-Tenor of the neighbouring
Gov ernments, or else for the Old-Tenor Money of some one of the other Gov ernments ex clusiv e of the Old-
Tenor of this and the rest.

§43 And since nothing but a spec ial Contract can intitle any Person to demand the Money of any other
Gov ernment, for a Debt contrac ted and demanded in this Colony : It necessarily follows, that all Demands for
Debts due by Book, where the Contract ly es at large must be for the Money of this Colony only .

§44 What I would be understood to mean by Old-Tenor Money of the Colony of Connec ticut is, whatsoev er is
established by Law in said Colony to pass as, or in Lieu of Money , rated according to its V alue in Old-Tenor
Bills on said Colony , and I supposed that the Words (Old-Tenor) when us'd in Contrac ts are univ ersally
understood to be intended only to assertain the Value of the Sum to whic h they are affix ed and they must be
so understood when the Executiv e Courts tax Bills of Cost in Old-Tenor Money , for they hav e no Right neither
do they mean to ex clude Bills of the New-Tenor, or any of those Coins established by Law (to pass in Pay ment
for Fees) from being a sufficient Tender in Pay ment of such Costs.

§45 And now I hav e gone through with what I first proposed, But perhaps some, may be ready to say , that we
are sensible that it is of bad Consequence to hav e a fluc tuating Medium of Exc hange, but what c an be done to
Remedy it?

§46 I answer take away the Cause, and the Effect will necessarily c ease.(1 0)

§47 but it may be further objected, that if it were not for the Bills of Credit on the neighbouring Gov ernments,
we should hav e no Money to Trade with, and what should we do for a Medium of Exc hange? or how c ould we
liv e without? (11 )

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§48 To this I answer, that if that were indeed the Case, we had better die in a good Cause than liv e in a bad one.
But I apprehend that the Case in Fact is quite the rev erse, for we in this Colony are seated on a v ery fruitful
Soil, the Product whereof, with our Labour and Industry and the Div ine Blessng thereon, would suffic iently
furnish us with and procure us all the Necessaries of Life and as good a Medium of Ex change as any People in
the World hav e or can desire.

§49 But so long as we part with our most v aluable Commodities for suc h Bills of Credit as are no Pro fit; but
rather a Cheat, Vexation and Snare to us, and become a Medium whereby we are continually c heating and
wronging one another in our Dealings and Commerce.

§50 A nd so long as we import so much more foreign Goods than are necessary , and keep so many Merc hants
and Trader employ ed to procure and deal them out to us: Great Part of which, we might as well make among
ourselv es; and another great Part of whic h, we had much better be without, especially the Spiritous Liquors of
which v ast Quantities are c onsumed in this Colony ev ery Y ear, unnec essarily to the great Destruction of the
Estates, Morals, Health and ev en the Liv es of many of the Inhabitants.

§51 I say so long as these Things are so we shall spend great Part of our Labour and Substanc e for that which
will not profit us.

§52 Whereas if these Things were reformed, the Prov isions and other Commodities whic h we might hav e to
ex port y early , and whic h other Gov ernments are dependant upon us for, would proc ure us Gold and Silv er
abundantly sufficient for a Medium of Trade. And we might be as independent, flourishing and happy a Colony
as any in the British Dominions.

§53 And with Submission I would humbly beg Leav e to propose it to the wise Consideration of the Honourable
General Assembly of this Colony ; whether it would not be conductiv e to the welfare of the Colony to pass
some act to prev ent the Bills last emitted by Rhode-Island Colony from obtaining a Currency among us.

§54 And to appoint some reasonable Time (not exc eeding the Term that our Bills of Credit are allowed to pass)
after the Expiration of whic h none of the Bills of Credit on New Hampshire or Rhode-Island, shall be allowed to
pass in this Colony , that so People hav ing prev ious Notic e thereof may order their A ffairs so as to get rid of
such Bills to the best Adv antage that they c an before the Ex piration of suc h Term.

§55 And whether it would not be v ery muc h for the Publick Good to lay a large Ex cise upon all Rum imported
into this Colony or distilled herein, thereby effectually to restrain the exc essiv e use thereof, which is such a
growing Ev il among us and is leading to almost all other V ices.

§56 And I doubt not but that if those two great Ev ils that hav e been mentioned were restrained we should
soon see better Times.


"Thou shalt not hav e in thy bag div ers weights, a great and a small. Thou shalt not hav e in thine house div ers
measures, a great and a small. But thou shalt hav e a perfec t and just weight, a perfec t and just measure shalt
thou hav e: that the day s be lengthened in the land which the LORD thy God giv eth thee. For all that do suc h
things, and all that do unrighteously , are an abomination unto the LORD thy God."
- Deuteronomy 25 v s 1 3-1 5

1. "Sinking" Bills of Credit is tax ing them out of circ ulation. The states were nev er able to institute truly
effectiv e sy stems of sinking paper money . (return)
2. A highly useful definition of money . (return)
3. "Without,", as used in the original, renders the sentence meaningless. (return)
4. It is a rule of Common Law that in the absenc e of a spec ial agreement to receiv e bills,the right to v alue for
v alue applies. (return)
5. "By tale" means "by count." The root of the word "teller." (return)

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6. This is why the tender prov ision, Artic le 1 Sec ion 1 0, also denies the states power to impair the obligation
of contracts. (return)
7 . An accurate description of today 's dilemma. The federal gov ernment (debtor) borrows from the people
(creditor) to the ex tent the people are willing to lend. What the people will not lend, the federal gov ernment
then receiv es in form of c redit c reated by the Federal Reserv e sy stem. The credit increases the digital supply
of "money ," causing a reduction of the purchasing power of the funds in the public's hands. (return)
8. Executiv e courts or courts of equity , hav e power to fashion a remedy where some exists in the law. In the
absence of laws defining lawful tenders, the courts consitently found in fav or of bills of credit. Roger Sherman
was to liv e to legislate the "Acts of Assembly " that ordered them to the contrary . That Act was Article 1
Section 10 Paragraph 1 of the United Staes Constitution. (return)
9. Account. (return)
10. A rticle 1 Secion 1 0 Paragraph 1 took away the cause. The effect promptly c eased, ex actly as Sherman said
it would. (return)
11. The uninformed ask the same question today . (return)
Posted by Mikewind Daleat8:1 5 PM

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