(Wissenschaft Und Kultur 27) Markus Båth (Auth.) - Introduction To Seismology (1979, Birkhäuser Basel) PDF

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Markus Bath: Introduction to Seismology

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World seismici.y map compiled from ESSA, Coast and Geode.ic Survey, epicen". data, 1961-7 Depths 000-700 km
[aner M. BARAZANC' and J. DORMAN, Bull . S<ism . Soc. Amer. 59. 369- 380 ( 1969)1.
Markus Bath

to Seismology
Second, Revised Edition

1979 Springer Basel AG

First published under
Markus Bath, Introduktion till Seism%gin
by Natur och Kultur Stockholm
© 1970, Markus Bath and Bokforlaget Natur och Kultur, Stockholm

CIP-Kurztitelaufnahme der Deutschen Bibliothek

Bath, Markus:
Introduction to seismology / Markus Bath. - 2.,
rev. ed.
(Wissenschaft und Kultur; Bd. 27)
Einheitssacht.: Introduktion till seismologin (dt.)
ISBN 978-3-0348-5285-2 ISBN 978-3-0348-5283-8 (eBook)
DOI 10.1007/978-3-0348-5283-8

All rights reserved

No part of this book may be reproduced by any means,
nor transmitted, nor translated into a machine language
without the written permission of the publisher

English translation © 1973, 1979 Springer Basel AG

Urspriinglich erschienen bei Birkhlluser Verlag Basel 1979
Softcover reprint of tbe hardcover 2nd edition 1979
ISBN 978-3-0348-5285-2
Preface The data must be greatly amplified
to the First Edition and strengthened.

The purpose of this book is to give a popular review of modern

seismology, its research methods, problems of current interest and results
and also to some extent to elucidate the historical background. Especially
in recent years, seismology has attracted much interest from the general
public as well as from news agencies. The reasons for this are partly con-
nected with recordings of large explosions (nuclear tests), partly related
to earthquake catastrophes. This interest and the questions which people
have asked us for the past years have to a certain extent served as a sti-
mulus in the preparation of this book. I have aimed at answering the
usual questions in a way which is both exact and easy to understand.
Seismology is an applied mathematical-physical science. In its pre-
sentation, I have aimed at giving the reader an understanding of those
phenomena which can be considered as primary, rather than to dwell on
long, detailed descriptions of various more or less secondary effects of
earthquakes or just to list facts. In other words, I have aimed at giving
the reader an apprehension of basic phenomena, which lie behind the
more immediately visible ones. No doubt, several difficulties present them-
selves in giving an account of seismology using practically no mathematics.
As a consequence, it was found necessary to communicate some results
without proof, particularly where a mathematical treatment is unavoid-
able for a more thorough understanding of the procedures.
In general, we can state that the mathematical apparatus needed
for the solution of seismological problems extends far above any high-
school course. In fact, considerably more is needed of applied mathematics
than is usually contained in a B. Sc. degree in the subject. On the other
hand, it is true that high-school physics in many respects can very well
lead to an understanding of seismological problems, This is then possible
more in an intuitive way than by strict mathematical derivation. For in-
stance, we may mention the importance of electricity theory for a correct
apprehension of modern seismograph constructions or the importance of
optics for an understanding of elastic wave propagation through the earth's
6 Preface to the First Edition

interior. In this book I have therefore referred to high-school physics,

rather than to advanced mathematical discussions. In this connection, it
ought to be emphasized that seismology offers a number of instructive
applications of school physics.
In the selection of items and in their treatment, I have had the use
of the book constantly in mind: as a guide-book for high-school teachers
in physics, geography and related subjects, as a reading-book for high-school
pupils, as an introductory book on a university level, as an information
source for construction engineers and others who are in need of knowledge
of earthquake effects, as an introduction to the principles of seismic pro-
specting, and as an information book for an interested general public.
Chapters 1-7 comprise what we could term classical seismology.
Thereafter, we have a background enabling us to understand trends in
modern seismology. We discuss methods to improve seismological informa-
tion, both with regard to observations in nature (Chapter 8) and by means
of laboratory investigations (Chapter 9). Chapters 10-12 deal with three
different branches of great current importance in seismology: earthquake
prediction, nuclear test detection, and planetary seismology. Finally, Chapter
13 discusses education and practice in seismology.
The present book is essentially a translation of my book in Swedish
entitled Introduktion till Seism%gin, published by Natur and Kultur Co.,
Stockholm, in 1970. In working up the present English edition, several
minor modifications of the Swedish version were undertaken, especially in
the light of seismological developments during the last two years. Some
smaller items of more limited Swedish or Scandinavian interest, such as
the seismicity of Fennoscandia, have been excluded from this edition. On
the other hand, many examples of seismological observations presented
here are still based upon our own records in Sweden, of which we have
the best knowledge for obvious reasons.
The author is grateful to Mr. R. J. BROWN, Ph. D., Uppsala, who
has checked and improved the language, to Mrs. E. DREIMANIS, Uppsala,
who has drafted most of the illustrations, and to Birkhiiuser Verlag, Basel,
for their interest and care in the production of this book.

November, 1971 MARKUS BATH

Preface to the Second, Revised Edition 7

In reviewing the first English edition of this book it has been con-
sidered important not to change its scope, level or purpose, but rather
to bring all information up-to-date. This concerns partly tabular material
on large and destructive earthquakes (Chapter 5), partly data on nuclear
explosions (Chapter 11). Fields in which recent significant developments
have taken place have called for added sections. This concerns earthquake
prediction (Chapter 10) and planetary, especially moon, seismology
(Chapter 12). The seismology curriculum (Chapter 13) has been replaced
by a somewhat changed, newer version, and the Literature Review has
been up-dated by a selection of recent literature. Beyond this, only minor
additions and modifications, corrections of a few misprints, etc have
been done.

March,1979 MARKUS BATH


Scope and History of Seismology .......................... 13

1.1 What is Seismology? ................................ 13
1.2 Development of the Theory of Elasticity .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
1.3 Observations of Earthquakes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 20
1.4 Early Knowledge of the Earth's Interior ............... 23
1. 5 Installation of Seismographs: Seismology Becomes a
Science. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 24
2 Seismographs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2.1 Fundamental Principles ............................. 29
2.2 Pendulum Seismographs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 38
2.3 Other Seismograph Types. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 52
2.4 Some Lines of Development ................•........ 54
2.5 A Seismograph Network ............................ 56
3 Seismic Waves. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
3.1 Main Types of Seismic Waves and Fundamental Laws .. 61
3.2 Body Waves from Distant Earthquakes. .. . . .. . .... . .. . 66
3.3 Body Waves from Near Earthquakes. . .. . . ... . .. . ... .. 75
3.4 Surface Waves (Fundamental Mode) .................. 79
3.5 Surface Waves (Higher Modes) and Channel Waves. . . . . 88
3.6 Travel-time Diagrams ............................... 95
3.7 Microseisms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 99
4 Source Parameters and Their Determination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 105
4.1 Parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 105
4.2 Coordinates and Origin Time ........................ 108
4.3 Magnitude and Energy .............................. 114
4.4 Intensity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 123
4.5 Seismic Effects on Structures ......................... 127
4.6 Appendix I: The MSK Intensity Scale of 1964 .......... 130
4.7 Appendix II: An Example of a Macroseismic Questionnaire 133
10 Contents

5 Earthquake Statistics and Earthquake Geography ............ 137

5.1 Earthquake Catastrophes ............................ 137
5.2 Frequency and Energy of Earthquakes ................. 153
5.3 Geographical Distribution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 157
6 Earthquake Mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 169
6.1 Solutions for Individual Earthquakes .................. 169
6.2 Geographical Combination of Earthquake Mechanisms .. 180
6.3 The New Global Tectonics ........... .- ............... 185
6.4 Time Series of Earthquakes .......................... 193
7 Internal Structure of the Earth ............................ 203
7.1 The Main Features of the Earth's Physical Properties 203
7.2 The Earth's Crust .................................. 220
7.3 The Earth's Core ................................... 232
8 Methods to Improve Seismological Observations ............. 245
8.1 Data Exchange and Data Improvement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 245
8.2 Signal-Sensitive Localities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 249
8.3 Underground Recordings .......................... 252
8.4 Array Stations and Special Methods of Analysis ........ 254
8.5 The World Network of Seismograph Stations ........... 262
8.6 A World Network of Array Stations ................... 270
8.7 Concluding Remarks ................................ 273
9 Model Seismology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 277
9.1 Fundamental Problems .............................. 277
9.2 Seismic Wave Propagation ........................... 279
9.3 Earthquake Mechanism .............................. 284
9.4 Seismic Wave Velocities .............................. 286
10 Prediction and Artificial Release of Earthquakes ............. 291
10.1 Background and Purpose ............................ 291
10.2 The Physical and Observational Side of the Problem .... 295
10.3 Existing Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 297
10.4 Oscillations and Migrations .......................... 304
10.5 Trigger Effects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 308
10.6 Dams and Earthquakes .............................. 310
10.7 Explosions and Earthquakes ......................... 317
10.8 Mining Operations and Rockbursts .................. 323
Contents 11

11 Nuclear Tests and Other Explosions .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 327

11.1 Seismological Aspects ............................... 327
11.2 Seismological Results. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 330
11.3 Detection: General Problems ........................ 335
11.4 Detection: Position, Depth, Origin Time .............. 337
11.5 Detection: Source Mechanism and Seismic Waves. . . . . .. 339
11.6 Magnitude and Energy .............................. 346
11.7 Some Statistics on Nuclear Explosions ................ 352
11.8 Peaceful Application of Nuclear Explosions ............ 356
11.9 Chemical Explosions ................................ 359
12 Planetary Seismology .................................... , 363
12.1 Purpose of Research and Earlier Results. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 363
12.2 The Moon's Magnetic Field, Topography and Origin .... 365
12.3 Selenophysical Phenomena: Volcanic Eruptions, Moon-
quakes, etc. ........................................ 369
12.4 Instrumental Observations and Models of the Moon. . . .. 370

13 Seismological Education and Practice ...................... , 381

13.1 Seismology Curriculum at Uppsala University ......... , 381
13.2 Exercises .......................................... 386
13.3 Practical Application of Seismology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 391
Literature Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 395
Subject Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 409
Author Index ............................................ 419
Geographical Index ...................................... 423

Chapter I

Scope and History of Seismology

1.1 What is Seismology?

The word seismology is formed from the Greek seismos=earthquake and
logos = science. Sometimes one encounters the belief that seismology cor-
responds only to the exact translation of this word, i.e. the science of
earthquakes. However, this is far from the truth. Like most other sciences,
seismology has grown beyond its original boundaries. Even though the
study of earthquakes still constitutes an essential part of seismology, also
several other important branches have been added. The elastic waves
emanating from an earthquake permit the most reliable studies and con-
clusions about the internal constitution of the earth, thanks to the records
at the seismograph stations around the world. The physical properties
of the earth's interior thus constitute another important branch of seismo-
logical studies. I shall here define seismology in two ways, which, how-
ever, agree by content:
1. Seismology
a) the science of earthquakes, plus
b) the physics of the earth's interior (essentially with regard to
seismic wave propagation and the conclusions it permits con-
cerning the internal constitution of the earth);
2. Seismology
the science of elastic (seismic) waves, i.e.:
a) their origin (earthquakes, explosions, etc.),
b) their propagation through the earth's interior, and
c) their recording, including the interpretation of the records.
Basic research in seismology is concerned with problems within the cate-
gories mentioned. In addition, there is applied seismology, where we can
also distinguish between several branches, such as seismic prospecting, i.e.
the search by seismic methods for economically significant occurrences of
salt, oil, minerals, ores, furthermore depth-to-bedrock measurements for
construction purposes, etc. The problem of distinguishing between earth-
14 Scope and History of Seismology

quakes and explosions can be considered as another branch of applied

Seismology is a part of a much more comprehensive science, i.e.
geophysics. By geophysics we mean physics applied to the earth, both
the solid earth, the sea, the atmosphere and the ionosphere. By 'solid-
earth physics' or geophysics in a more restricted sense we mean physics
applied to the earth's interior. Just as the usual physics is divided into a
number of smaller disciplines, corresponding to various physical pheno-
mena, it is customary to split 'solid-earth physics' in a corresponding way.
However, for natural reasons it is convenient to split geophysics in a slightly
different manner, and within 'solid-earth physics' we list the following parts:
1. Seismology.
2. Volcanology (also part of geology): volcanoes, hot springs, etc.
3. Geomagnetism: the magnetic field of the earth.
4. Geoelectricity: the electrical properties of the earth.
S. Tectonophysics (common with geology): physics applied to geo-
logical processes.
6. Gravimetry (also part of geodesy): measurement of gravity and its
7. Geothermy: the temperature conditions in the earth's interior.
8. Geocosmology: the origin of the earth.
9. Geochronology: the dating of events in the earth's history.
This division is the internationally most usual one, corresponding to 'soIid-
earth physics', Physik des Jesten Erdkorpers, etc. Geodesy, which deals
with the shape and size of the earth, is a science closely related to geo-
physics. Nowadays, it is usual to combine geophysics and geodesy with
other sciences concerned with the natural properties of the earth, like
geology and geography, into a still bigger unit, called geoscience. A schem-
atic review is shown in Figure 1.
The term 'solid-earth physics' is not entirely satisfactory. 'Solid' has
here to be taken as referring to those parts of the earth which remain when
the liquid and gaseous parts (sea and atmosphere) are excluded. On the
other hand, it cannot be taken as characterizing the earth's interior in a
strict physical sense. The earth is solid in a physical sense, i.e. crystalline,
only to a depth of around 80 km. In many universities one simply uses
What is Seismology 15

the term 'geophysics' to denote what has been listed under 'solid-earth
physics'. Geochemistry is another related subject, which has not been listed
separately here, as it forms a part of several of the subjects in Figure I.






Fig. 1. Subdivision of geoscience, geophysics and solid-earth physics into different disciplines. For other
subjects listed the subdivisions are left out.

Seismology, like geophysics in general, works on three parallel fronts:

by observations in nature (including recordings of natural phenomena), by
laboratory investigations and by theoretical investigations. The problems
are often very difficult, mainly because the object of our studies - the
earth's interior - is in general inaccessible to direct investigation. Instead
we have to rely on indirect observations, made on the earth's surface or
very near to it. It is clear that the interpretations of such observations can
involve great difficulties. In fact, seismological problems consist, to a very
great extent, of such interpretational questions. Still, there is no doubt
that seismological observations (generally in the form of seismograph
records) permit less ambiguous and more reliable interpretations than
other geophysical observations, such as gravimetrical and magnetic. In
order to get a picture of the earth's interior as reliable and complete as
possible it is most suitable to combine as many different observations as
possible. The interpretation of the internal constitution has to agree with
16 Scope and History of Seismology

all reliable observations, if it shall be accepted. Or as a famous geophysicist

once expressed this: 'We have to remember that there is only one earth.'
Laboratory investigations may yield results of great significance to
the interpretation of the observations. Thus, the behaviour of various
materials (metals and minerals) at high pressures and high temperatures
has been investigated in the laboratory. Moreover, it is possible to simulate
earth processes in the earthquake regions as well as wave propagation
through the earth's interior. Experiments of the last-mentioned types are
usually referred to as model seismology. The advantage of laboratory in-
vestigations is that they permit variations of the parameters at will and
thus having the specimen under much better control than in nature, even
if it is not always possible to simulate nature in all details. Modern electronic
computers offer another efficient method of simulating complicated natural
In fact, theory and observations (recordings) have always played an
important role in seismological research. Laboratory investigations, espe-
cially model seismology, have been added in more recent decades as a
useful complement.
Obviously, seismology is an applied science. Above all, a thorough
knowledge of mathematics and physics is essential in order that one might
produce more significant contributions in this science. In addition, other
subjects, such as geology, statistics, etc., also playa very great role.
Seismology first became an independent science around the turn of
the century. The theoretical foundations, especially the theory of elasticity
and wave propagation, had been developed much earlier, the elasticity
theory particularly by CAUCHY and POISSON as early as during the first
half of the nineteenth century. Observations of earthquakes and their effects
have been made in populated areas as far back as history goes. A certain
instrument for earthquake observations, the seismoscope, already existed
in China about one century after Christ. But the theoretical foundations
and the observations were completely separated from each other until the
end of the last century. Thanks to the construction of seismographs, it was
then possible to combine the two disciplines. It is the operation of good
seismographs which has led to the considerable advances in our knowledge
of the earth's interior during the present century and which has made
seismology a science.
Development of the Theory of Elasticity 17

1.2 Development of the Theory of Elasticity

We shall now scrutinize the development of seismology and we start with

the theory of elasticity and strength of materials. This deals with the be-
haviour of bodies (especially solids) when they are subjected to forces,
both how they are deformed and how they ultimately break under large
enough stresses. The first mathematician who studied such problems was
GALILEO in 1638. He investigated the behaviour of a beam attached at
one end to a wall and loaded. He found that with increasing load the
beam bends around an axis perpendicular to its length and situated in
the plane of the wall. The problem to determine this axis is called Galileo's
problem. Even though GALILEO did not give any mathematical relations
between load and deformation, his works were pioneering in elasticity
Two of the most important events in the further development of
elasticity theory are the establishment of HOOKE'S law in 1660 and the
formulation of the general equations of elasticity by the French scientist
NAVIER in 1821. HOOKE'S law states that the deformation of a body is
directly proportional to the applied stress. It forms the basis for the mathe-
matical theory of elasticity, and also in the study of the earth's interior it
is assumed to be valid. At least it still serves as a good first approximation
to the elastic conditions in the earth. The main problems which occupied
the elasticity scientists in this relatively early stage were a development
of Galileo's problem and studies of vibrations of bars and plates, stability
of columns, etc. NAVIER was the first to investigate the general equations
both for equilibrium and for vibrations of elastic solid bodies. The elasticity
theory and especially the problem of propagation of elastic waves through
a medium attracted at about the same time two other French mathematicians
of high standard: CAUCHY and POISSON. Through their studies the develop-
ment of elasticity theory became closely linked with the problem of light
propagation. In 1822, CAUCHY had presented most of the foundations of
elasticity theory and later he extended his researches to crystalline bodies.
In his research of wave propagation in an elastic medium POISSON found
around 1830 two types of waves. At a greater distance from the source,
these are effectively longitudinal and transverse, respectively, and their
velocities have the ratio V3: 1. This was later confirmed by STOKES in
2 BAth: Introduction to Seismology
18 Scope and History of Seismology

England in 1849. This is the first time that we come across the waves P
and S, now so well known in seismology. POISSON also studied the free
radial vibrations of a solid sphere, a problem which was also studied later
in England by LAMB and others.
In 1845, STOKES observed that the elastic resistance which an isotropic
body exerts to an applied stress can be split into a resistance against com-
pression or tension and a resistance against shear (by 'isotropic' we mean
that the elastic properties are independent of direction). Compression or
tension is due to normal stress, whereas shear is due to tangential stress.
STOKES also defined two parameters or elasticity moduli to express these
resistances. These two parameters are nowadays called the modulus of
compressibility and the modulus of rigidity.
We have already mentioned POISSON'S discovery of longitudinal and
transverse waves through the interior of a solid elastic body. In 1887, Lord
RAYLEIGH discovered still another type of elastic wave, which instead
propagates along the surface of a body. The velocity or speed of propa-
gation of this wave type was found to be lower than for the two first men-
tioned. These surface waves are also well known in seismology and are
called Rayleigh waves, after their theoretical discoverer. Another important
type of seismic surface wave, i.e. Love waves after the Englishman LOVE,
was not found until in 1911.
The German scientist A. SCHMIDT published in 1888 a paper in
which he discussed the propagation of waves through the earth's interior.
He emphasized that in general the wave velocity must increase with depth
in the earth and that because of this, the wave paths will be curved and
not rectilinear. The curved wave paths will have to be concave towards
the earth's surface. About the same time, KNOTT in England investigated
the energy of reflected and refracted waves.
Among other problems, which were studied at an early stage of elasticity
theory, we mention also conditions on impacts between two solid bodies.
The early elasticity research workers devoted most of their efforts to basic
research. However, their results have later been of the greatest significance
in a number of applied branches, such as technology, seismology, etc.
Thus, we have seen that the main types of seismic waves, nowadays regularly
found on our seismograph records, had been discovered by mathematicians
long before any seismic records had been obtained. For easier review,
Development of the Theory of Elasticity 19

the main points in the development of the elasticity theory up to around

the turn of the century are summarized in Table I.

Table 1. Some historically important points in the earlier development of elasticity

theory and seismology.

1638 GALILEO Deformation of beams (Galileo's problem)

1660 HOOKE Proportionality between stress and strain (Hooke's
1799 CAVENDISH Determination of the earth's mean density
1821 NAVIER General equations of elasticity
1822 CAUCHY Foundations of elasticity theory
1830 POISSON Longitudinal and transverse waves; vibrations of a
1845 STOKES Compressibility and shear modulus
1860 MALLET World seismicity map
1874 DE ROSSI The first more generally used intensity scale
1878 HOERNES Classification of earthquakes
1880 GRAY, MILNE, Seismograph construction
1887 RAYLEIGH Surface waves of Rayleigh type
1888 SCHMIDT Wave propagation in the earth's interior
1897 WIECHERT Iron-core hypothesis
1899 KNOTT Reflection and refraction of elastic waves
1900 WIECHERT Construction of the Wiechert seismograph
1900 MONTESSUS DE World seismicity maps
1906 OLDHAM Iron-core hypothesis verified seismologically
1906 G ALITZIN Construction of the Galitzin seismograph; application
of electromagnetic induction
1906 REID 'Elastic rebound theory' - still the generally recognized
theory for tectonic earthquakes
1909 MOHOROVICIC Earth's crust bounded below by a sharp discontinuity,
the so-called Mohorovicic discontinuity
1911 LOVE Surface waves of Love type
1913 GUTENBERG Depth to the outer core determined as 2900 km
1922 TURNER Indications of the existence of deep-focus earthquakes
1928 WADATI Existence of deep-focus earthquakes established
1935 BENIOFF Construction of the strain seismograph
1935 RICHTER Earthquake magnitude scale
1936 LEHMANN Discovery of the inner core
20 Scope and History of Seismology

1.3 Observations of Earthquakes

Quite independent of the development of elasticity theory up to the end

of the nineteenth century, there is a comprehensive body of literature on
earthquake effects. Information on earthquakes exists at least as far back
as 1800 B.C. Information of older date is, however, generally very scanty
and does not satisfy modern scientific requirements on observations. First
around the middle of the eighteenth century, descriptions of more scientific
value began to be produced. Thus, the Lisbon earthquake on November 1,
1755, was studied in a more scientific way. Earthquakes in Calabria, Italy,
in 1783, were studied by special scientific commissions. An earthquake in
Cutch, India, in 1819 seems to be the first one for which clear effects of
fault action were observed. An earthquake at Naples in 1857 was thoroughly
investigated in the field, and this represents the first attempt to apply physical
principles to such observations. Among other early earthquakes which were
carefully investigated in the field, we may mention especially the Mino-
Owari earthquake in Japan in 1891 with great fissures on the surface,
likewise the San Francisco earthquake in 1906 (which gave rise to a still
valid theory for earthquakes, the 'elastic rebound theory', due to REID)
and finally the Kwanto earthquake in Japan in 1923, when large parts of
Tokyo and Yokohama were devastated. Chapter 5 below gives a summary
of the more important earthquakes.
Most of the earlier reports on earthquakes deal only with various
effects, such as on constructions, topography, etc. In most cases such de-
scriptions call for a critical attitude on the part of the reader. But, to an
equally high degree, it is necessary for a present-day observer to be critical
of his own observations. To observe earthquake effects in a scientifically
satisfactory way is not so simple as it may seem. It is very common that
secondary effects are observed and described in detail, whereas more primary
effects, such as faulting, are given much less attention. Still, the latter are
of most interest and value in any scientific study of earthquakes. From the
engineering point of view, it is of importance to investigate any effects in
relation to the structural details of buildings or other constructions, and not
simply describe the degree of destruction.
In 1878, R. HOERNES in Germany proposed a classification of earth-
quakes, which is still valid:
Observations of Earthquakes 21

1. Collapse earthquakes, caused by collapse of cavities in the earth's

2. Volcanic earthquakes.
3. Tectonic earthquakes.
Tectonic earthquakes are due to folding in the earth's crust, formation of
mountain ranges, etc., in general, motions within the solid earth, and
these are the only earthquakes which are of greater significance on the
earth as a whole. Shocks of the categories I and 2 were earlier overestimated
in importance, but they are generally only of local significance and nearly
always very small.
It was obvious from earthquake observations at an early stage that
effects were considerably stronger on soft, moist ground than on dry
material, and that the amplitudes were smallest on solid rock. These ob-
servations have later been confirmed by direct recordings. One problem,
which early attracted considerable attention, was the direction in which
pillars had fallen. It was often believed that such directions could give
important information about the direction to the earthquake source. How-
ever, it was found that in equally many cases the direction of fall was per-
pendicular to the direction of the source. It depends obviously on what
wave causes the pillar to fall: if it is P, or the longitudinal wave, the pillar
will fall in the direction of the source, or in the opposite direction, but if
it is S, or the transverse wave, which made the pillar fall, the direction
of fall may be perpendicular to the source direction. In addition, this may
be modified because of special conditions.
In earthquake reports, observations of sound and light playa certain
role. While sound observations probably derive from the elastic waves
(sometimes noticed even before the main earthquake) the light effects are
more difficult to explain. A conceivable reason may be electric charges
(friction between adjacent sides in the fault) and following discharges, or
(more trivially) short-circuiting in the electric net.
At sea earthquakes can be noticed on ships because of the wave
which can traverse the water from a shock below the sea bottom. This
is possible only for the longitudinal wave, and there are several reports
telling that this can cause the same sensation as if the ship had hit a hard
rock. Another sea effect consists of the so-called tsunamis (or tidal waves,
as they are also, but erroneously, called). These are waves on the sea surface,
22 Scope and History of Seismology

several hundred kilometres in length but not particularly high. They

propagate with a velocity of about 220 m/sec when the water depth is
5 km, and more slowly in shallower water. On the open sea they do not
present any danger, but when they hit a coast, particularly in narrow
passages, they rise in height and may cause much damage to ships and
On the basis of direct earthquake observations, the first maps of the
distribution of earthquakes over the earth were made around the middle
of the nineteenth century. A map by MALLET (England) from about 1860
was the most reliable, even up to around 1900, when MONTESSUS DE
BALLORE (France) and MILNE (England) independently constructed seismic
world maps. They both noticed that the seismic activity was concentrated
to areas with tectonic and volcanic activity in late geologic time. It is quite
clear that such seismicity maps to a certain extent are also population
maps, and therefore they cannot satisfy modern requirements. Already
around the middle of the nineteenth century, numerous investigations of
possible periodicities of earthquakes were started, but hardly any of these
gave any definite results.
In order to express earthquake effects (the so-called macroseismic
observations) in a quantitative way, intenSity scales were introduced as
early as the 1870's. Thus, DE ROSSI in Italy proposed between 1874 and
1878 the first more commonly used intensity scale. In 1881 FOREL in Switzer-
land proposed a similar scale, and soon thereafter they joined their efforts
into the Rossi-Forel scale. This scale which had 10 degrees has later
been modified and modernized. About this we shall learn more in Chapter 4.
By expressing the observations in an intensity measure, the foundation was
laid for the combination of all observations for a given earthquake into
an intensity map. Such a map shows by special curves (isoseismals) the
geographic distribution of the intensity. Such maps permit some conclu-
sions about the depth to the earthquake source (focus). If the intensity
decreases rapidly outward from its maximal value, then this indicates a
shallow focus, whereas if the intensity decreases only slowly this suggests
a greater focal depth. On the basis of this principle it was concluded in
the 1880's that some earthquakes in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea with
exceptionally large macro seismic areas also had focal depths in excess of
normal-conclusions which have later been confirmed by seismic records.
Early Knowledge of the Earth's Interior 23

1.4 Early Knowledge of the Earth's Interior

It is correct to say that our knowledge of earthquakes was quite imperfect

up to the beginning of the present century, but this is true to an even higher
degree of our knowledge about the earth's interior. The interior of the
earth has been a very popular field for various speculations and free imagina-
tion as far back as history goes. The first more scientific opinions were
probably based on the observation that volcanoes from time to time spew
out molten lava, which was taken as evidence that the interior of the earth
was red-hot and in a molten condition. This opinion was considered proved,
when it was found over a century ago that the temperature grows with
depth in the earth. However, other opinions were also proposed, for in-
stance by POISSON, who did not believe in a gaseous central part in the
earth with temperatures of hundreds of thousands of degrees, and who
warned against extrapolation to great depth of observations made near
the surface. Others maintained that the lava only came from local cavities
near the earth's surface and did not represent any global condition. By
means of observations of the tidal effect in the solid earth, Lord KELVIN
claimed in 1863 that the earth as a whole is more rigid than glass. This
opinion has been confirmed later, the only difference being that steel offers
a better comparison.
As early as in the eighteenth century a rough idea had been reached
about the value of the mean density of the earth, among others by the
English scientist CAVENDISH in 1799. As this density exceeded the density
of rocks on the surface, the conclusion was that the density must increase
with depth in the earth. It was assumed that it increases to a maximum
in the centre of the earth. In 1897, the German geophysicist WIECHERT
found by theoretical calculations that the earth's interior consists of a mantle
of silicates, about 1500 km thick, surrounding a core of iron. This was
the first proposal of the so-called iron-core hypothesis, which still has a
majority of adherents. The existence of the earth's core was confirmed
by the English seismologist OLDHAM in 1906. The depth to the boundary
of the core was revised to its present value (2900 km) in 1913 by the famous
German, later American geophysicist, GUTENBERG.
24 Scope and History of Seismology

1.5 Installation of Seismographs: Seismology Becomes a Science

Even though earthquake observations were expressed quantitatively in an

intensity scale, the purely descriptive reports were too far from the mathe-
matical foundations of the elasticity theory to permit a unification of the
two disciplines-even in spite of the fact that basically the phenomena which
were observed and which were studied theoretically were closely related.
The unifying link consisted of the seismographs, by which exactness was
introduced into earthquake study. These turned seismology into a science,
not only one of a descriptive nature but a mathematical-physical science.
If we should mention any breakthrough in the study of earthquakes and
the earth's interior, then the installation of seismographs is no doubt the
most important.
Nowadays,. it is equally difficult to conceive seismology without
seismographs as astronomy without telescopes. While telescopes already
existed around 1600, the first useful seismographs date back to the time
between 1880 and 1890, i.e. remarkably late. In 1880 seismographs were
constructed in Japan by the Englishmen GRAY, MILNE and EWING. They
were mainly intended for recording of Japanese earthquakes. It took until
1889 before the first record of a distant earthquake was obtained. This
earthquake occurred in Japan and the record was written in Potsdam near
After this, the development was rapid and two very famous seismo-
logists published detailed descriptions of seismographs which they had con-
structed. One of these was due to WIECHERT in Germany who in 1903 gave
a detailed account of his mechanical seismograph, constructed in 1900; the
other was due to the Russian Prince GALITZIN who in 1911 reported his
seismograph. In this apparatus he applied in 1906 electromagnetic induc-
tion with galvanometric recording on photographic paper. Both these papers
have been of fundamental importance in the later development of seismo-
graphs and their theory. Several seismographs from the beginning of the
century are still in operation at various stations, especially in Europe where
significant development took place early, and such seismographs may still
give good records. Because of their low magnification of ground motion,
by modern standards, the records of these older instruments are still among
the most useful for the biggest earthquakes. The modern seismographs
Installation of Seismographs: Seismology Becomes a Science 25

generally have a magnification which is too high to give really good records
of the largest shocks.
Soon after the initial studies of the first seismograms, the identifica-
tion of longitudinal and transverse waves and of Rayleigh waves was clear.
Thus, in the 1890's OLDHAM in England and WIECHERT in Germany asserted
independently that longitudinal and transverse waves and surface waves
exist in the seismograms. Through this discovery the link with elasticity
theory was established, and this initiated a very fruitful period in seismology.
The decades around the turn of the century are characterized by the new
combination between earthquake observations and the elasticity theory.
Efforts to explore the earth's internal constitution by means of seismic
records were pursued with much enthusiasm. On the whole, it can be
maintained, that in this stage the research workers were more inclined to
suspect sharp discontinuity surfaces in the interior, as soon as some observa-
tion seemed to call for such a surface. Later, several such discontinuity
surfaces disappeared, i.e. they were not necessary to explain the observa-
tions, and they were for the most part replaced by zones of more gradual
transition. However, in the course of time, the pendulum swings, and
recently mantle discontinuities begin to appear again. One discontinuity
surface which has remained in spite of all reinterpretations and has been
strongly confirmed is the sharp limit of the earth's core. Its depth was
placed at 2900 km by GUTENBERG in 1913, a depth value which later in-
vestigations have not been able to modify considerably. During the 1930's
the inner core was discovered, having its surface or rather zone of transi-
tion at a depth of around 5000 km. Another well-known and well-established
discontinuity is the base of the earth's crust. This was found in 1909 by
A. MOHOROVICIC by means of seismic records of earthquakes in Croatia.
After him, this surface is called the Mohorovicic discontinuity or, for
brevity, the Moho. The epoch 1910-1940 is characterized by an intensified
study of earthquakes and the earth's interior by means of seismograms.
At the end of this period, seismology had arrived at fairly accurate values
of the internal properties of the earth, such as the elastic wave velocities
(calculated from observed travel times of P and S waves), and moreover
the distribution within the earth of density, pressure, gravity and elastic
parameters. Another discovery in this period (by the English seismologist
TURNER in 1922 and the Japanese seismologist WADATI in 1928) concern-
26 Scope and History of Seismology

ed deep earthquakes. It was found that some earthquakes occurred at

depths of several hundred kilometres. The deepest (about 720 km below
the earth's surface) have been found in the Indonesian archipelago.
In a study of the history of seismology one cannot avoid observing
that national considerations have played a certain role in the judgment of
the achievements of various seismologists. This is more true for the break-
through years from 1890 to 1910 than for any other epoch. A famous
American seismologist once stated- this very clearly at a conference in the
1950's. With regard to a certain seismological result, he said that the remark-
able thing in this connection is that the name of the discoverer is pro-
nounced so differently in different countries: in England they pronounce
it as MILNE, in Germany as WIECHERT, and in Russia as GALITZIN.
With regard to the period after World War II, it is correct to say
that the picture of the earth's interior from about 1940 has stood up very
well. It has not been subject to any major changes, but has rather been
improved in detail, thanks to more numerous and more accurate observa-
tions. It is not until after the installation of special so-called array stations
during the 1960's, that reason has been found to somewhat modify our
earlier knowledge about the variation of the elastic wave velocities with
depth in the earth. Seismological research work after W orld War II will
occupy us to a great extent in the following chapters. Already at this stage,
we can emphasize one very important thing, namely the extension of the
seismic recordings to a considerably larger range of period of the seismic
waves than earlier, both towards shorter and longer periods. This has
been made possible thanks to newer seismograph constructions and to
the installation of particularly sensitive stations.
It is hardly any exaggeration to characterize seismology today as a
popular science. The reasons are quite obvious. Above all, the possibilities
of detecting explosions, which are offered by seismic methods, have con-
tributed considerably to increased interest in this science, not the least
from the military and political points of view. Seismologists have been
faced with a number of questions to which they have not had any ready-
made answers. This expIains why in some countries, especially in the USA,
basic research in seismology has since late 1950's received consider-
ably more support than ever before in its history. This research has covered
a wide range of basic interests in seismology, but the ultimate goal was to
Installation of Seismographs: Seismology Becomes a Science 27

improve detection and identification capabilities. The American VELA

Project has spent enormous funds on seismological research, which has
been of great benefit to many institutes, even outside the USA itself. For
instance, many institutes in different European countries have conducted
seismological research on American funds during the 1960's. This research
has been completely free and open, available to anybody through publica-
tion in international journals. Around 1971, this phase of research has
been largely terminated and followed by a stage of applications, done inside
the USA.
UNESCO has shown a very great interest in seismological problems,
especially after the earthquake catastrophes during the spring of 1960
(Agadir in Morocco, Lar in Iran, Chile). Accordingly, UNESCO sent in
the early 1960's four different seismological missions to different countries
(Southeast Asia, South America, Mediterranean countries including the
Middle East and to Africa). Each mission consisted of a few experts whose
job it was to investigate various conditions in connection with earthquake
risks for people and buildings and to suggest various measures to be taken
to eliminate the risks as much as possible. An accurate mapping of seis-
micity is required in order to facilitate judgment on the risks at different
places, and this includes the installation of more and better seismograph
stations. Special instructions for building construction, so-called building
codes, are still missing in numerous earthquake countries, and it was part
of the missions' duties to suggest such codes in applicable parts, where
they are still non-existent. In several cases, UNESCO has also sent experts
to study earthquake effects immediately following the occurrence of a
catastrophe. Numerous tasks are involved in the duties of such an expert
group, such as observation of geological and topographic effects, damage
to buildings and other types of construction, as well as installation of
temporary stations in the area to record aftershocks, etc.
Moreover, the International Geophysical Year (IGY) in 1957-8 meant
a considerable improvement in the observation net, especially in the southern
hemisphere, including Antarctica, and also an intensification of the global
seismological cooperation. During the 1960's the international Upper
Mantle Project (UMP) has similarly contributed to an increase in seis-
mological resources to attack big problems and has also stimulated closer
cooperation between different branches of geophysics and related sciences.
28 Scope and History of Seismology

After the termination of the UMP in 1970, the International Geodynamics

Project provides for another broad, multi-disciplinary attack on major geo-
physical, geochemical and geological problems.
A notable feature of the development of seismology in the last five-
year period is the enormously increased demand for accurate information
on earthquake risk in connection with various engineering undertakings,
in particular for the planning and construction of nuclear power plants,
as well as for a number of other applications, e.g. in mining operations.
Earthquake insurance is another important applied field.
Finally, we can make the following commentary on the development
of seismology, which is probably typical of most subjects within science.
Earlier it was possible by relatively simple means to reach results of sur-
prising accuracy. When later, one wants to improve these results, really
large problems are encountered, which require major input even for re-
latively modest output. This is illustrated simply by the phases A and B,
respectively, in Figure 2. One example is furnished by the development

Fig. 2. Schematic relation between output and input in earlier (A) and later
INPUT (B) stages of the development of seismology.

of seismographs. All facilities up to about a decade ago were relatively

inexpensive in installation and operation, yet they have given all the fun-
damental results of present-day seismology. Nowadays, enormous funds
have to be spent on large stations, but the results are not in the same pro-
portion to the input as earlier. The condition is similar within seismological
theory. The simple elasticity theory has carried us very far in the explora-
tion of the earth's interior. For any further progress, even of minor extent,
considerably more involved mathematical discussions are necessary.

Chapter 2


2.1 Fundamental Principles

Some definitions. First we shall define some fundamental concepts: a seis-

moscope is an apparatus or device which only indicates that an earth-
quake has occurred, but which does not record anything; a seismograph
is an instrument which gives a continuous record of the motion of the
ground, i.e. a seismogram; a seismometer is a seismograph whose physical
constants are so well known that the true ground motion can be calculated
from the seismogram. However, seismometer has also another and more
usual meaning. Electromagnetic seismographs (see below) consist partly
of an electromagnetic pick-up (a sensor), usually a pendulum instrument,
partly of a galvanometer with a recording device. In such an installation,
the pick-up is usually termed a seismometer, whereas the whole apparatus
is called a seismograph. In addition, we have to observe that nowadays
numerical characteristics of practically all seismographs ('seismograph con-
stants') are so accurately known as to permit an accurate calculation of
the ground motion. Also for this reason, it is advantageous to use the latter
definition of the word seismometer.
The pendulum principle. When an earthquake of sufficient strength
occurs, elastic waves are radiated from the earthquake source through
the whole of the earth. A seismograph at some point on the earth's surface
records the waves which arrive at or pass this point. Obviously everything
in connection with the earth, such as buildings, the seismograph pier, the
frame of the seismograph, etc., takes part in this motion. However, it is
required to have some fixed point, not taking part in this motion, just
to be able to record the motion. This fixed point corresponds to the seis-
mograph pendulum, which has been made more or less independent of
its surrounding by special suspension. For instance, in a vertical-component
seismograph of the simplest kind, consisting of a weight suspended by a
vertical spiral spring, it is the frame, where the spring is attached, which
moves when hit by a seismic wave, whereas the weight remains still. A
30 Seismographs

completely statical pendulum is an ideal case; in reality, even the pendu-

lum gets its own small motion.
Figure 3 illustrates in principle a vertical pendulum and a horizontal
pendulum of the simplest kind. The principle of the stationary pendulum
mass is that for a displacement of frame, including recorder, upwards

0) b) c) d)

Fig. 3. Principles of a vertical pen-

dulum (a) and a horizontal pen-
'rlulum (c) in their simplest forms.
b) and d) show the relations be-
tween ground displacement and
recorded displacement for a verti-
cal and a horizontal displacement,
R respectively. W=pendulum mass,

(Fig. 3b), the recording pen traces a displacement downwards. The cor-
responding holds for a horizontal displacement in the case of the horizontal
pendulum (Fig. 3d). These considerations are of fundamental importance
in the transcription of a given record into the corresponding ground motion.
In principle, the pendulums in Figure 3 are seismographs, but of
a very unsatisfactory construction. There are three main objections which
can be made against them:
1. Damping. The pendulums in Figure 3 are practically undamped.
2. Period. The formula for the free period of a pendulum tells us
that pendulums of the construction shown in Figure 3 can only have short
periods, if the size of the instruments should be kept within reasonable
3. Magnification. The pendulums in Figure 3 work with practically
no magnification of the ground motion.
In the following, we shall see how we can eliminate these short-
Fundamental Principles 31

Evidently, any instrument containing a pendulum, i.e. a mass mov-

able in relation to its frame, can be considered as a kind of seismograph.
This is true, for instance, of gravimeters, tilt meters, magnetometers, etc.
H is important to observe that such instruments can operate as seismo-
graphs upon the arrival of seismic waves. In many cases, such records
have been interpreted, often erroneously, as due to some real variations
of gravity or of the earth's magnetic field, caused by the earthquake or the
waves radiated from it.
Practically all physical principles have been applied in different seis-
mograph constructions. Many of these have now only a curiosity interest.
We shall limit our discussion to constructions which have shown to be
of scientific value, i.e. such which have well-defined properties.
Translation, rotation, deformation. The general motion of the particles
in a solid body can be divided into three kinds: translation, rotation and
deformation. For a complete recording we should evidently need seismo-
graphs which react to all three kinds of motion, or still better, seismographs
for each one of the three motions: translation seismographs, rotation
seismographs and deformation seismographs. In fact, nearly all seismo-
graphs are of the first kind, since the translatory motion has always been
the one to attract the greatest attention. Rotation seismographs have been
constructed, but rotational effects are considered to be of significance only
at or near the earthquake source and to be of interest only in connection
with the influence of the ground motion on various constructions. De-
formation seismographs or strain seismographs, as they are usually called,
have also been constructed (see Section 2.3), but they still only exist in a very
limited number.
In order to get a complete picture of the translation, it is necessary
to record the ground motion in three components, generally in the north-
south (N), east-west (E) and vertical (Z) directions. Other directions have
been recorded from time to time. In this connection we want especially
to mention so-called azimuthal seismographs which Russian seismologists
have installed. In these, a series of seismographs are arranged with their
direction of vibration along the generators of a cone with vertical axis.
By comparison of amplitude and phase of the different records, it is pos-
sible to determine the nature of the waves and their direction of arrival.
A similar development in the USA is termed triaxial seismometer.
32 Seismographs

Every seismic wave consists of a whole spectrum, and to be able to

reproduce this fairly well, it is necessary in addition to record in different
period ranges, from a few tenths of a second up to several minutes. Finally.
parallel instruments with different sensitivity are needed to a certain extent,
because of the great variation among the amplitudes of the incoming
signals. Thus, we easily see that a well-equipped station comes up to a
dozen instruments, recording simultaneously.
Damping. These days, all seismographs are equipped with camping
devices. As we shall see, the record of an earthquake consists of a series
of onsets of different waves, which have different velocities and therefore
do not arrive at the same time but at certain time intervals. In order to be
able to observe all these sufficiently well, it is necessary that the motion
provoked by one phase has been adequately damped before the next phase
arrives. In time readings on records, it is only the first swing of each phase
which is measured. A damped pendulum (preferably with critical or aperiodic
damping) also gives a record which best corresponds to the ground motion.
Figure 4 illustrates different degrees of damping.


Fig. 4. Different degrees of damping: a) the pendulum

motion when the damping mechanism is removed, b)
underdamped vibration (with damping mechanism), c)
overdamped vibration, d) critical (aperiodic) damping.

The period problem. Seismometer periods as long as 10 sec or more

certainly entail some constructional problems. For one thing the instrument
has to be made as compact as possible, for another the equilibrium position
has to be as stable as possible, even if the restoring force is small. For
example, for a vertical pendulum of the simplest kind, i.e. a weight hang-
ing by a vertical helical spring (Fig. 3a), one has to use a spring of about
Fundamental Principles 33

25 m length in order to achieve a free period of vibration of 10 sec. The

length of the spring increases with the square of the free period. By special
suspensions, such difficulties can be avoided. For a vertical pendulum a
suspension system as shown in Figure 5a can be used. The pendulum mass-



Fig. 5. Examples of pendulum suspensions
through which arbitrarily long periods can be
achieved: a) vertical pendulum (W=pendulum
mass, A = horizontal rotational axis, B = suspen~
sion point for the helical spring F), b) horizon-
tal pendulum (W=pendulum mass, A and B=
suspeI15ion points, AB = rotational axis).

W is attached to a bar, movable vertically around an axis A and suspended

by the helical spring F. This is attached to the frame at B. A variation of
this suspension principle was suggested by LACOSTE in 1935. Nowadays,
helical springs of 'zerQ length' are used, which means that the real length
under load is equal to the extension.
For horizontal seismographs a suspension, which can be characterized
as a 'hanging gate', is frequently used (Fig. 5b). If the axis AB is exactly
3 Bath: Introduction to Seismology
34 Seismographs

vertical, then the pendulum boom and the pendulum are in equilibrium
in any position, in other words the free period becomes infinitely great.
By tilting AB, a fixed equilibrium position and a finite period are achieved.
The more AB is tilted, the shorter the period will be and the greater the
restoring force, i.e. the force that restores the pendulum to its equilibrium
position after deflection.
Transmission of pendulum motion to record. Magnification. Practically
all translation seismographs presently in use are pendulum instruments.
This means that the basic principle is the same for all of them. Nonetheless,
different types may deviate from each other by the manner in which the
pendulum motion relative to its frame is transmitted to the record. We
can distinguish two main types for this transmission:
1. Direct-recording seismographs.
2. Electromagnetic seismographs.
In seismographs of older date (for instance, the Wiechert) the motion
is transferred from the pendulum to the recording pens in a purely mecha-
nical way and simultaneously magnified (Fig. 6). In addition, the record-

Fig. 6. Schematic picture of the Wiechert seismo-

graph. W = inverted pendulum (1000 kg at Uppsala).
at its lower end supported by a Cardan suspension,
DD'=cylinders for air damping, RR'=pens record·
ing on smoked paper, one for the E~component
and one for the N-component.

ing is mechanical (stylus on smoked paper). These things entail that the
seismograph becomes rather bulky and that friction is introduced both
in the mechanical transmission and above all in the mechanical recording.
Fundamental Principles 35

In order to overcome the friction as much as possible it is necessary to

use large pendulum masses, for instance 1000 kg in many Wiechert seis-
mographs. In certain other Wiechert seismographs, pendulum masses of
as much as around 20 tons are used. Such instruments were installed in
the beginning of the century at several places, especially in Central Europe.

" w

Fig. 7. The principle of a mechanical-optical seis-
mograph. W = pendulum (horizontal), L = light
source, C=slit, E=lenses, H=mirrOT, R=recording

Another type of direct-recording seismograph uses optical recording

with small mirrors attached to the pendulum, which reflect a light beam
from a light source onto the photographic paper on a recording drum
(Fig. 7). This principle is used in the English seismograph Milne-Shaw,
among others.
Other seismograph types (e.g. Galitzin) are electromagnetic, in which
one or several coils are attached to the pendulum such that they are mov-
able in the field of a permanent magnet. The magnet is attached to the
frame and the coils are connected to a galvanometer. On the arrival of
seismic waves, the coil is set in motion in relation to the magnet, and an
electromotive force is induced, whereby the galvanometer shows deflec-
tions. These are recorded optically on photographic paper. In this con-
struction, friction is avoided completely. One of the best seismographs at
present is the electromagnetic type constructed by BENIOFF (Pasadena) as
early as in 1931. It has great magnification for periods less than 1 sec. The
common principle for all electromagnetic seismographs is the use of the
induction of an electromotive force by the variation of the magnetic flux
through a coil. In most types (e.g. Galitzin) this is achieved by relative
motion of coil and magnetic field, in the Benioff type by variation of the
magnetic reluctance.
As distinct from the mechanical and mechanical-optical seismographs,
the electromagnetic seismographs thus transform the originally mechanical
36 Seismographs

vibrations into corresponding electrical vibrations, both in analogue form.

Time measurements. When a record of an earthquake has been ob-
tained, the first task is to determine the arrival times of various phases,
and moreover, periods and amplitudes for the different waves. As the
earthquake waves exhibit periods from less than one second up to several
minutes, it is not possible to achieve the same good reaction to all these
waves with one and the same instrument. The reaction is naturally best
for those earthquake waves, whose periods agree with the free period of
the seismograph. This period is somewhat modified with the addition of
damping to the system. The common Wiechert seismograph has a period
around 10 sec. If we want a very good record of the short-period, prelim-
inary phases (periods around 1-2 sec), as is nowadays generally required,
then short-period seismographs are used. However, these will in general
not show the longer period waves. In modern highly sensitive instruments
(like the Benioff) the recording speed (drum speed) is usually 60 mm/min
for the short-period instruments, which for sharp onsets permits a time
measurement to 0.1 sec accuracy. For long-period records, a drum speed
of 15 or 30 mm/min is generally used. For reliable time measurements,
we need reliable time marks on the record (usually each minute), a constant
rotation of the recording drum, and an exactly known correction of the
clock that activates the time marking.
In general, it is true that it is not particUlarly difficult to construct
an apparatus that records seismic waves. But what may be far more difficult
is to construct an apparatus with well-defined properties and to achieve
accurate timing. With no exact time, the seismic records are as a rule useless.
Today, quartz crystal clocks are generally used on the seismograph stations.
With good construction and with proper adjustment, such a clock can
keep its correction unchanged within 0.1 sec for several weeks. Frequently,
such a clock is made to accomplish the following three operations:
1. Deliver minute and hour marks to the recording apparatus.
2. Deliver electric voltage with well-controlled frequency to the mo-
tors driving the recording drums.
3. Automatically turn on and off a radio receiver for direct recording
of a time signal on the records.
Amplitude measurements. As a rule, amplitude determination is con-
siderably more complicated and less reliable. The amplitudes on a record
Fundamental Principles 37

can be conveniently measured to 0.1 mm accuracy, but the problem is to

recalculate these amplitudes into the corresponding amplitudes of the ground
motion. Only the latter are of interest and only these can be used for com-
parison between different places with different instruments or for comparison
between vibrations of different periods recorded by one and the same in-
strument. In order to penetrate deeper into these questions, we need a long
mathematical treatment. Just as the motion of an ordinary simple pen-
dulum is governed by a special equation, a differential equation, so also
is the case with a seismograph. For a direct recording seismograph, there
is one equation, and this contains terms corresponding to the damping of
the instrument and corresponding to external forces (i.e. the ground motion
affecting the instrument). For an electromagnetic seismograph, there are
two vibrating systems coupled to each other-seismometer and galvano-
meter-and then we have to solve a system of two differential equations.
Fully exact solutions have offered great difficulties, and in many cases one
has to be content with an approximate solution.
As already emphasized, the pendulum is not absolutely stationary
when seismic waves arrive. At some point the pendulum has to be attached
to its frame, and therefore it cannot entirely be prevented that the pen-
dulum also makes some slight motion of its own. What we record is always
the relative motion of pendulum and frame. This record would give an
exactly true picture of the ground motion if the pendulum were absolutely
still (while the frame, naturally, faithfully follows the ground motion).
As this ideal case cannot be perfectly achieved, the record obtained will
be more or less deformed, compared to the incoming wave motion. Also
the relative periods of the ground motion and of the pendulum are of
importance for the behaviour of the seismograph. If the pendulum period
is much longer than the ground period, the deflections on the record are
proportional to the displacement (amplitude) of the ground and the seis-
mograph is an amplitude meter. Conversely, if the pendulum period is
much shorter than the ground period, then the deflections are proportional
to the ground acceleration and the seismograph is an acceleration meter
(or accelerograph). Finally, when the two periods are about equal, the
deflections are proportional to the velocity of the ground motion. How-
ever, this subdivision has no decisive importance in practice, because the
three quantities, amplitude, velocity and acceleration, are mathematically
38 Seismographs

connected to each other. Therefore, a seismograph which is said to record

one of these quantities, also records the other two. In pure seismology,
the ground motion is generally expressed by its amplitude (plus its period),
while acceleration is of more concern to engineering seismology.
In the theoretical solution of the differential equations for a seis-
mograph, it is customary to assume the ground motion to be simple har-
monic (for instance, a simple sine curve of some given period). This is ob-
viously a great simplification, as the ground motion deviates considerably
from this simple type. However, in two ways it is possible to get mathe-
matical expressions which resemble reality much better. One method is to
replace the simple sine term by a summation over a large number of sine
terms, with different periods. According to FOURIER'S theorem it is possible
in this way to represent any shape of curve or any ground motion. Each
simple sine vibration has a certain period and is assumed to prevail without
beginning or end. Another method, which may even better approximate
the often impulsive onsets in the beginning of a record (P and S), is to
assume a mathematical expression of a corresponding type. In course of
time, several such investigations have been published.

2.2 Pendulum Seismographs

In this and in the following section we shall learn how the basic ideas
described above have been applied in seismograph constructions. In fact,
there are often a great variety of constructions which agree in principle,
and therefore we shall limit the discussion to the most representative and
most commonly used types.
Mechanical seismographs. We have already mentioned the Wiechert
seismograph, which is one of the best-known types (Fig. 6). As an example,
I might mention the Wiechert seismograph that was installed at Uppsala,
Sweden, back in 1904. It has a pendulum of 1000 kg and it records the
two horizontal components (E and N) but not the vertical component.
This seismograph is still in operation, but not only out of pious considera-
tions. By its relatively low magnification (maximum around 240 times at
a period of about 8-9 sec), the instrument is still the very best one for
the largest earthquakes. For these the motions are so strong that the records
of the modern, highly sensitive instruments become almost unreadable.
Pendulum Seismographs 39

The corresponding vertical-component seismograph of the Wiechert type

was also constructed in the beginning of the century and is still operative
at some stations. It was in general more difficult to keep in good operation.
Another widely used type of mechanical seismograph was constructed by
MAINKA in Germany.
Mechanical-optical seismographs. The Milne-Shaw seismograph from
1915 is another one of the early seismograph types, especially common
in England and its former colonies. It can yield a magnification of the
ground motion of up to 350 times for a period of 10-12 sec. It is also
direct-recording, but in an optical way. A mirror is attached to the pen-
dulum or other parts connected to it, and this reflects a light beam to-
wards the photographic paper on a recording drum (Fig. 7). The mag-
nification which is achieved mechanically (by means of levers) in the Wie-
chert seismograph, is here accomplished by the optical path length.
Another type of optical direct-recording seismograph is the torsion
seismograph. Of these, the best-known one was constructed in 1925 in
USA by ANDERSON and WOOD, and it is usually called the Wood-Ander-
son torsion seismograph. The pendulum consists of a metal cylinder (gen-

Fig. 8. The suspension (T) of the stationary mass (pendulum W) in the Wood-Andersoll
T- torsion seismograph. In this case the pendulum mass is of the order of a few grams.
The height of the instrument is usually around 36 em.

erally made of copper), which is attached to a vertical suspension wire

along one of its generators. Instead of a cylinder, a metal plate can also
be used. Upon arrival of seismic waves, the cylinder (or the plate) rotates
slightly around the wire, and a mirror, attached to the suspension, is used
40 Seismographs

for photographic recording of the displacements (Fig. 8). Two variations

of this instrument were constructed. One of them had a free vibration
period of 0.8 sec and a maximum magnification of 2800 (usually with an
optical path length of 1 m), the other had a period of 6 sec and a maximum
magnification of 800. The short-period version proved to be a stable and
suitable instrument, particularly for the recording of local shocks, in which
more high-frequency waves dominate. It was earlier a very much used
instrument, among other places, in a station network in southern California.
Its records also played a decisive role in the original formulation of the
magnitude scale (see Chapter 4). The long-period variation of the torsion
seismograph is most suited to recording of distant earthquakes. One draw-
back of these instruments is that they record only the horizontal components
of the ground motion, but not its vertical component. Another draw-
back is their limited magnification, especially as regards the short-period
type, which is insufficient for detection of the small ground motions, which
is nowadays considered necessary. During the 1950's some improved ver-
sions of the torsion seismograph with photocell-type amplifier were con-
structed, notably in Pasadena in California.
Moving-coil seismographs. GALITZIN'S application in 1906 of electro-
magnetic induction to the transmission of the pendulum motion (relative
to its frame) to the records had a radical significance for later developments.
The majority of the seismographs constructed since then and presently in
operation at seismograph stations around the world is based on the pen-
dulum principle plus electromagnetic induction. In course of time the origi-
nal Galitzin seismographs have been improved and modified. At some sta-
tions, e.g. Kiruna, Sweden, Galitzin seismographs of the original type are
still in operation. This is a set of three seismographs, one for each com-
ponent, and in spite of their age they still operate properly, provided the
instrumental parameters are under control. Their maximum magnification
falls within the same period range as for the Wiechert or Milne-Shaw,
and the instruments are intended only for recording of distant earth-
The electromagnetic seismographs meant a great step forward com-
pared to the mechanical ones. Practically no friction exists in the electro-
magnetic types, and this eliminates the large pendulum masses. Also, much
higher magnifications are possible. Moreover, the electromotive force, re-
Pendulum Seismographs 4t

corded through a galvanometer, is proportional to the velocity and not

the displacement of the pendulum, relative to its frame. This means that
such seismographs are less sensitive to drift of the equilibrium position
than mechanical seismographs may be.
In 1929, GUTENBERG modified a Galitzin seismograph by lowering the
seismometer period to 3 sec and increasing the magnetic field by using a nar-
rower air gap. In this way, a much better recording was achieved of short-
period waves (such as of local earthquakes and of P from distant earth-
quakes). The maximum magnification was kept at 4400 and was in fact
limited only because of the background noise (microseisms).
In the 1940's, SPRENGNETHER in St. Louis, USA, constructed two seis-
mograph types, of which one deviates from the original Galitzin only in
mechanical details, while the other has almost the same characteristics as
GUTENBERG'S modification. Other developments of moving-coil seismo-
graphs have been made by BENIOFF (USA), WILLMORE (England), HILLER
(Germany), GRENET and COULOMB (France), KIRNOS and KHARIN (USSR),
JOHNSON and MATHESON (USA), and others. The Grenet-Coulomb type,
generally called 'Grenet', is among other places used at several of the sta-
tions in Sweden (Fig. 9).

F .......

------------ ---'. w Fig. 9. Short-period vertical-

component seismometer of
type Grenet-Coulomb. M =
p magnet, P=coil, F=helical
spring, B = suspension of the
spring in the frame, W = pen~
M dulum mass (of the order of
1-2 kg), A =rotational axis
(horiz,mtal). The suspension
corresponds to the one shown
in Figure 5a. Photo H. BORG.

A number of seismographs, often of the moving-coil type, have been

constructed for special applications. Among these we want to mention
seismographs with small magnification (usually only up to 100 times) to
42 Seismographs

be used in earthquake regions. Such instruments, so-called strong-motion

seismographs, are of great significance in engineering seismology. Another
important development consists of portable seismographs, which find much
application for recording of aftershocks and microearthquakes in temporary
instaIlations, as weIl as for recording of explosions for prospecting work.
In the latter application, the seismometers are usuaIly termed geophones.
We have seen that the earlier seismograph types (Wiechert, Milne-
Shaw, Galitzin, and others) had their maximum magnification of the ground
motion at a period around 10 sec. This was sufficiently good to produce
fine records of stronger, distant earthquakes, showing both preliminary
phases (P and S) and surface waves. In this way, these instruments were
well suited to form the bridge between theory and observations that was
so essential for the development of seismology (Chapter 1). However, a
requirement gradually emerged to extend the period range considerably,
partly towards shorter periods (around 1 sec and below) to be able to re-
cord local shocks and also to get more exact information on P-waves from
distant events, partly towards longer periods (of the order of several minutes)
to be better able to record long-period surface waves from distant earthqua-
kes. The first attempts to extend the range towards shorter periods are mark-
ed by the Wood-Anderson torsion seismograph and GUTENBERG'S modified
Galitzin. Later and more efficient developments in this direction were made

Fig. 10. Press-Ewing vertical-component

seismometer. W=pendulum mass (of the
order of 7 kg), M = magnet, F = helical
spring, B = suspension for the helical spring.
A=horizontal rotation axis. Photo Spreng-
nether Co., St. Louis, USA.
Pendulum Seismographs 43

by the seismologists whose names were given above. These developments

commenced in the 1930's. The extension towards longer periods is a con-
siderably later development, in the 1950's. One of the most significant
constructions in this connection is the Press-Ewing seismograph or the
Columbia seismograph, as it is also called (Fig. 10).
Originally, PRESS and EWING used a seismometer period of 15 sec
and a galvanometer period of about 75 sec. Later, seismometer periods
of 30, 60 sec or even longer have been used. Long-period vertical-com-
ponent seismometers are sensitive to drift of the equilibrium position, es-
pecially due to variations in the atmospheric pressure. Such effects can
be avoided by enclosing the seismometer in an airtight case or by apply-
ing a compensator for variations in air pressure (Archimedes' principle !).
In addition, long-period seismometers (both vertical- and horizontal-com-
ponent) are often sensitive to air currents (convection) in the seismometer
vault (particularly when these are heated), and therefore they must be
protected by special covers from direct impact of such currents. Another
method to achieve high sensitivity for long periods, without using seismo-
meters and galvanometers of very long periods, with ensuing problems,
is to use overdamped seismometers and galvanometers of more medium
Reluctance seismographs. The reluctance seismograph implies a varia-
tion of the principle of the moving-coil seismograph. The principle of a

Fig. 11. Schematic cross-section of B!::NlOFF'S val iable-

reluctance seismometer (vertical component). BF =ftat
springs which restrict the pendulum to a purely vertical
motion and at the same time to a certain extent deter-
mine the free period, F~helical spring, W~pendulum
mass (about 100 kg), T ~ transducer (shown in detail in
Fig. 12).
44 Seismographs

reluctance seismometer, constructed by BENIOFF, is clear from Figure 11-12.

M is a permanent magnet, 0 pole-pieces (flux distributing members) of
soft iron, N armature of soft iron, P coils. The magnet M is attached to
the seismometer pendulum, while the armature N and the coils P are fixed
to the frame, or vice versa. Upon motion of the magnet M in relation to

Fig. 12. Cross-section of the transducer according to H.
P BENIOFF. M = magnet. 0 = pole-pieces, N = armature, P =

13cm coils. At zero position the four air gaps are each 2 mm wide.

the armature, the air gaps between Nand 0 are varied and thus the magnetic
reluctance (=magnetic resistance) is varied with a corresponding varia-
tion of the magnetic flux through the magnetic circuit. In this way, an
electromotive force is induced in the coils P, and this is then recorded via
a galvanometer. The part shown in Figure 12 is called a transducer and
is in effect nothing other than a modification of an ordinary telephone
In a usual construction of BENIOFF'S reluctance seismograph, the trans-
ducer contains eight coils. Of these, four are connected in parallel to a
short-period galvanometer (usually of free period 0.2 or 0.7 sec), while
the other four coils are connected in series to a long-period galvanometer
(usually of a free period of 80-100 sec). In this way, it is possible to pick
out two quite different spectral ranges from one and the same seismometer.
In the Benioff seismometers, pendulum masses around 100 kg are used.
The pendulum (Fig. 11) is restricted in its relative motion to a vertical
direction by flat springs above and below the pendulum mass. By altering
the tension in these springs it is possible to vary the free period of the pen-
Pendulum Seismographs 45

dulum within certain limits. The helical spring in the vertical-component

seismometer is made of a special nickel alloy with very low temperature
coefficients for elasticity and expansion. The pendulum remains stable and
operative even if it should be exposed to temperature variations up to
55 °e. The corresponding horizontal-component seismometers have a sim-
ilar construction, only with the difference that special flat springs restrict
the pendulum motion to a horizontal direction.
The development of very useful variable-reluctance seismographs is
due especially to the availability of magnetic material of much higher
quality than earlier, which makes it possible to use much stronger magnetic
Electrostatic seismographs. Only a few electrostatic seismographs have
been constructed. Their common principle is to use the variable capacity
in a condenser with one plate attached to the pendulum and the other
plate attached to the frame. Such instruments have been constructed by
BENIOFF (USA) and GANE (South 'Africa). The condenser (with variable
capacity) is part of an electronic circuit, which in turn is connected to a
short-period galvanometer for recording in the usual way. These electro-
static seismographs are useful only for the recording of short-period waves,
and so far they have found only limited application for special purposes.
The seismographs installed on the moon (first in July 1969) are of a capacitor
type, with a resonant period of 15 sec for the long-period types, and 1 sec
for the short-period one.
A number of constructions of electronic seismographs have been
proposed. For instance, the application of various electric filters offers
a possibility to separate out different period ranges from a given seismo-
meter. In general, such constructions involve much more complicated
electric circuits than the simple electromagnetic seismographs, often with
less reliable operation as a consequence.
Recording methods. Of the various recording methods, the photo-
graphic one has dominated ever since GALITZIN'S days. This is still the
case. In general, this method is very reliable in operation, while the draw-
backs consist in the developing, etc., of the records before they can be
read. Figure 13 shows a typical interior of a photographic recording room.
Instead of recording on photographic paper, sometimes· film recording
(usually 35 mm film) is applied. In order to eliminate the photographic
46 Seismographs

Fig. 13. The interior ofa pho-

tographic recording room. R =
two so-called triple drums,
each with provision for three
records of size 30 X 90 em,
L = light sources, GI=long-
period galvanometers (free
period 100 sec), G2 =s hort-
period galvanometers (free
period 0.7 sec). According to
the U.S_ Coast and Geodetic
Survey (now the U.S. Geolo-
gical Survey).

work, as well as the need for darkrooms for recording and developing,
instruments with visible recording have been introduced in recent years.
They have the further advantage of permitting an immediate inspection
of the records. There are several different types available on the market,
such as ink-writing recorders, hot-stylus recorders, etc. In order to operate
these, an amplifier has to be installed between the seismometer and the
recorder. Therefore, the operation may be more expensive and less depend-
able than the photographic one.
Quite another principle for the recording is applied in the so-called
digital seismographs, developed at some institutes in the USA, among
others. In modern research large electronic computers are constantly used_
As a rule, the ordinary records cannot be used directly with computers,
but have to be digitized first (i.e. the curve has to be represented at equal
intervals by numerical values, corresponding to the continuous curve)_
This transcription of the record is frequently a laborious job, at least when
more sophisticated digitizers are not available. Therefore, in the digital
seismographs this trouble is eliminated and one may get directly a series
of numbers (or some other equivalent data form) instead of the continuous
record. Another newer development, which also facilitates the application
of computers, consists in the recording of seismometer outputs on mag-
netic tape.
Calibration. Frequently, electromagnetic seismographs are adjusted to
critical (aperiodic) damping, both for the seismometer and the galvano-
Pendulum Seismographs 47

meter. In this way the picture of the ground motion will be as true as pos-
sible, and moreover, the mathematical treatment will be considerably
simplified. In modern electromagnetic seismographs (as for instance, Benioff,
Grenet) the damping is achieved by electric resistances in the circuit con-
necting the seismometer with the galvanometer. By the shunt shown in
Figure 14 it is possible to reduce the magnification to a value which is

Fig. 14. A standard circuit between an electro·

magnetic seismometer (S) and a galvanometer (G).
Rs = resistance for regulating the seismometer damp-
ing. Rg = resistance for regulating the galvanometer
damping. Rk = bridge resistance for regulating the
sensitivity (magnification).

suitable with regard to the always prevailing background noise. Nowadays,

there is no problem reaching high magnifications. Instead the problem
consists just of the micro seismic disturbances in the ground, which always
put a limit on the magnification that can be used. For instance, with a
modern short-period instrument, with a galvanometer directly connected
to a seismometer, the magnification would be too big and of no use. In-
stead the magnification has to be reduced by using a bridge as shown in
Figure 14. The magnification has to be adjusted so as to give the optimum
signal-to-noise ratio.
In seismographs of older construction, the damping was achieved
in various ways, as for instance by air damping (Wiechert), oil damping
(in an early version of the Benioff variable-reluctance seismograph), by
eddy currents (Foucault currents) in a copper plate movable in a magnetic
field (Galitzin, Spreng nether, Wood-Anderson). The Wiechert and Galitzin
seismographs usually work in a slightly underdamped condition (Fig. 4).
Besides time measurements on seismograms, also amplitude mea-
surements are of essential importance, not only for the calculation of
magnitudes of earthquakes (see Chapter 4), but also for the study of wave
propagation through the earth's interior. In the long run, it is not unlikely
that amplitude measurements can furnish more complete information about
the earth's interior than time measurements alone can do, even if the
48 Seismographs

amplitude measurements are considerably more difficult to interpret. As

only the ground amplitudes and not the recorded amplitudes ('trace am-
plitudes') are of interest (except in special cases concerning only relative
measurements), then we are faced with the problem of calibrating our
seismographs. A physicist, accustomed to accurate laboratory measurements,
will certainly be surprised at the relative lack of accuracy in the determina-
tion of the true ground motion. The reasons are to be found partly in
insufficiencies in the seismograph theories, as hardly any theory has been
proposed taking due account of all factors, partly in the complications
of the ground motion itself. On the other hand, it should be emphasized
that the accuracy of the measurements is in general sufficiently great for
most seismological purposes.
In principle, the magnification is determined by imparting to the
seismometer pendulum a known displacement, e.g. by means of an electro-
magnetic hammer (Galitzin) or by means of weights placed on the pen-
dulum and lifted (Benioff, Grenet, Wiechert), and measuring the cor-
responding displacement on the record. One difficulty, especially for high-
sensitive short-period seismographs, is that even a very small pendulum
displacement, not measurable with commonly available techniques, will
produce a very large displacement on the record. As an example of this,
we may mention that on the Benioff reluctance seismometers at Uppsala
a pendulum displacement of only 0.01 mm produces a displarement of
about 400 mm on the record. In such cases, the pendulum displacement is
not measured but instead it is calculated, which is possible from known
values of the pendulum mass, the seismometer free period and the mass
of the test weight used. This impulse method has to be accompanied by
measurements of the free periods and the damping of both the seismo-
meter and the galvanometer. Having this, it is possible by means of theo-
retically deduced formulas (i.e. solutions of the differential equations for
the whole system) to calculate the magnification curve or response curve,
as it is also called. A few typical response curves are shown in Figures
15 and 16.
In order to avoid the detailed determinations of each constant one
by one and to avoid the often imperfect theoretical assumptions, which
have to enter the procedure just described, other and more direct methods
have been developed to determine a response curve. One such method
Pendulum Seismographs 49

4.0 r - - - , - - - - - - , - - - - - , - - - - - - , - - - - , . - - - - - - , - - , 10000
logY v


T sec

Fig. 15. Typical response curves for amplitude for some long-period seismographs. BB=Benioff N (Up).
WW=Wiechert N (Up). GG=Galitzin N (Ki). PP=Press-Ewing N (Um). V=dynamic magnification.
T=period. Cf. Table 2.

uses a shaking table. In this method, the seismometer is placed on such a

table which is set into vibration (usually simple harmonic vibration) with
known amplitude and period. The oscillation is recorded and this gives
immediate information on the magnification at the period used. The ex-
periment is repeated with another period of vibration of the shaking table
and after a sufficient number of such tests it is possible to construct a
complete response curve. In some constructions it is also possible to generate
wave shapes more similar to those encountered on seismograms. This
shaking-table method has the advantage that it completely avoids all theo-
retical difficulties, but, on the other hand, there may be a number of other
problems with this method, especially of a technical nature. For instance.
the shaking table should not have any free vibrations of its own within
the investigated period range. For tests of horizontal-component seismo-
graphs it is very significant that the table does not tilt in any way under
4 BAth: Introduction to Seismology
50 Seismographs

the load. As a consequence, shaking tables have been mostly applied for
testing short-period seismographs, especially those used in seismic prospect-
ing. However, more recent constructions have permitted testing with periods
of several minutes.
In other calibration methods, a device is used by which the seismo-
meter pendulum is set in motion of known amplitude and period, without

10 5
5.10 4

10 4

510 3

Fig. 16. Response curves for amplitude (V) and phase

shift (q» for some short-period vertical-component seis~
mographs at Swedish stations: Benioff at Up and Urn,
Grenet at the other stations. The station abbreviations
are explained in Table 2. After E. S. HUSEBYE and
B. JANSSON (1966), modified.

any need to move the seismometer to any shaking table. There are several
different implementations of this method, for instance. by attaching to the
pendulum boom a small magnet, movable in a fixed coil. By connecting
an electric oscillator to the coil, the magnet and thus the pendulum are set
into vibrations which are recorded. In another calibration method. devel-
oped by the British seismologist WILLMORE, the seismometer coil itself is
used to put the seismometer into forced oscillations, where the seismometer
Pendulum Seismographs 51

coil is part of a Maxwell resistance bridge. Many modern seismographs

are equipped with calibration coils which make it possible to test them
easily every day. The recorded test pulses provide a continuous check on
the operation. In other constructions, use is made of a condenser, of which
one plate is attached to the pendulum boom and the other is fixed. By con-
necting the condenser to an electric voltage oscillator, the air gap in the
condenser is varied in a fully controllable way.
An exactly known response curve is a prerequisite to our being able to
make full use of a given record. Only a magnification which were completely
independent of the vibration period could furnislt,a fully true picture of the
ground motion. This ideal case cannot be achieved by pendulum instru-
ments, even though this condition is sometimes aimed at, for instance, by
connecting a short-period Benioff variable-reluctance seismometer to a very
long-period galvanometer. In other cases, the ideal is instead a response
curve which is as selective as possible, i.e. it has a sharply limited maximum
around some period range which one wants to emphasize and only small
magnification outside this range. This is generally the principle followed
in the short-period seismographs, which are suitable for the short periods
in near events and for P-waves from distant earthquakes. On the other
hand, they do not in general record the more long-period transverse waves
or surface waves, except for larger shocks.
From Figure 15 we see that the Galitzin has a larger magnification
than the long-period Benioff within the period range of 6-25 sec, but smal-
ler outside this range. As a consequence, short-period P-waves (periods
less than 6 sec) and long-period surface waves (periods over 25 sec) are
better recorded by the Benioff, while S-waves (generally with periods of
10-20 sec) are better recorded by the Galitzin. The maximum magnifica-
tion of both the Galitzin and Wiechert falls within the range of the usual
microseisms (period range about 4-10 sec), which is a certain drawback.
However, the motion shown on the seismic records deviates from the
ground motion not only because of the magnification. There is also a
phase shift between the recording and the ground motion. Figure 16 shows
some response curves both for amplitude and for phase shift as functions
of the period of the ground motion. The value of the phase shift depends
partly upon the properties of the seismograph (free period, damping),
partly upon the period of the ground motion. As the ground motion is in
52 Seismographs

general composed of a large number of different periods, we understand

that the resulting record must be quite distorted in relation to the incom-
ing vibration. But an exact knowledge of the response characteristics of
the seismograph, both concerning amplitude and phase shift, permits a cal-
culation of the true ground motion.

2.3 Other Seismograph Types

We have on purpose dealt quite extensively with pendulum seismographs,

as these still play a dominant role in seismology. Among seismograph
types, which are not based upon the pendulum principle, the most important
is the strain seismograph, constructed by BENIOFF in the 1930's.
While the pendulum seismographs react to translation in the ground,
the strain seismograph reacts to deformation in the ground. In principle,
this instrument consists of a long bar (R in Fig. 17) which is attached to
Fig. 17. The principle of a strain seismometer.

A R B A. B = two piers firmly attached to bedrock at
a mutual distance of 20-50 m, R = rigid tube of
steel or fused quartz attached to B and extending
very nearly to A. A transducer for conversion of
mechanical vibration into electric current is
mounted in the air gap at A.

the ground at one end B, while the other end extends to another point A,
also attached to the ground. As such a system is hit by a seismic wave, a
relative motion occurs between the two points A and B. As a consequence,
the small air gap at A between R and A will vary, and this variation can
be measured. The usual construction is to provide this end, A, with a trans-
ducer, of the same type as in the variable-reluctance seismometer, and
then recording can be made in the usual way via a galvanometer. In some
installations, provisions have also been made for direct visual readings of
the air gap by means of a microscope; such readings can reveal longer-
period deformations in the earth. By using a quartz tube (R) it has been
possible to measure permanent deformations of 10- 9 , i.e. an extension (or
contraction) of 1 mm per 1000 km. For non-permanent deformations, the
sensitivity is about 10 times as high.
In actual constructions, the bar R is made of quartz because of its
low temperature coefficient. Earlier a steel bar was used, but with less
Other Seismograph Types 53

satisfactory results. The length of the bar R is usually of the order of 20-50
metres. In order to get a well-measurable relative displacement of the two
points A and B, the bar should exceed a certain minimum length; on the
other hand, the construction problems and the installation put an upper
limit on the suitable bar length. The strain seismographs, constructed by
BENIOFF, were made exclusively for measurements of the horizontal com-
ponent, but not the vertical component, of the relative displacements. On
the other hand, he has successively used a combination of two of his strain
seismographs, oriented at right angle)o each other.
BENIOFF installed his strain seismographs in some mountain tun-
nels in southern California. They are very sensitive to temperature varia-
tions (in spite of the quartz bar) and they have even been able to record
the daily expansion and contraction of the mountain where they are in-
stalled. Only deep underground installations have some prospect of lead-
ing to useful recordings. In connection with the International Geophysical
Year 1957-S, BENIOFF installed similar instruments also in South America
(Peru). Strain seismographs have been in use also ~:in Japan and in Ger-
many. They are still rather rare, which among other things is due to diffi-
culties in finding suitable localities for their installation.
The period response of a strain seismograph depends only upon the
galvanometer, as the seismometer has no free period of its own. By vary-
ing the galvanometer properties a possibility is offered to vary the seis-
mograph response within wide ranges. For instance, in combination with a
galvanometer of O.S-sec period, a response curve is obtained which corres-
ponds to the Wood-Anderson short-period torsion seismograph. As the
superiority of a strain seismograph compared with a pendulum seismograph
increases with the period, it is customary to connect the strain seismometer
to very long-period galvanometers, for instance, of 70 or ISO sec or even up
to S min (in Pasadena). It was with such a system with a ISO-sec galvano-
meter that BENIOFF was able to record a ground motion of 57 min period
from the great Kamchatka earthquake of November 4, 1952. This con-
stituted one of the strongest impulses to continued theoretical and ob-
servational studies of the free vibrations of the earth, generated by large
earthquakes. Such seismographs have also been used to record the daily
tides in the solid earth as well as to investigate the slow motions in the
solid earth, which give rise to earthquakes in seismically active regions.
54 Seismographs

It is frequently an advantage to be able to use much longer base

lines (up to several kilometres). In such cases, a strain seismograph as
described here can naturally not be used. Instead, corresponding strain or
deformation meters have been developed, which use light or microwaves
between two points. In this case, the atmospheric influence on the wave
propagation enters as a special factor to correct for. Recently, it has been
possible to eliminate such influences from the observations by a sophisti-
cated combination of double laser rays. The laser reflector method is based
on the interference principle. Two laser rays are made to interfere with
each other, and shifts in their interference pattern can be measured to a
high accuracy. Such devices permit higher accuracy in strain measurements
than BENIOFF'S strain seismometer. Accuracies of one part in 1012 have
been attained, i.e. a change of length of 1 mm per 106 km (= 25 times the
earth's circumference). Contrary to BENIOFF'S strain seismometer, the length
of a laser strain meter is practically unlimited, and therefore its sensitivity
can be made very high. In addition, a laser strain meter has a linear response,
as there is no dependence on the frequency of the ground motion. The
method no doubt provides accurate means for measuring small motions
of large scale. Examples are the relative motions across a fault, which have
significance in connection with earthquake prediction (Chapter 10).
A number of other physical phenomena has been applied in the
construction of seismographs and, even more commonly, for construction
of static pressure meters. This concerns such phenomena as, for instance,
that minerals exposed to pressure show certain electric and magnetic pro-
perties (piezoelectricity, magnetostriction). Thus, the Swedish professor
NILS HAST has constructed a measuring sonde, based on magnetostriction,
which can measure the absolute pressure in solid rock with high accuracy.
Originally developed for stress measurements in cement and concrete, and
later applied to measurements of stability in mines, the method has proved
more and more to be of very great geophysical significance.

2.4 Some Lines of Development

The present network of operating seismograph stations in the world con-

sists of nearly 1500 stations (about 1460 listed in 1974). However, they are
very unequally spaced. While USA, incl. Hawaii and Alaska, have about
Some Lines of Development 55

480 stations and Japan about 155, there are only very few in large areas,
especially in the great oceans. In recent years, much effort has been devoted
to improvement of the station networks, partly by standardizing instruments,
partly by extending observations to new areas. The latter item includes
installation of unmanned stations in remote parts of the continents and of
stations on the sea bottom. Several experiments with the operation of ocean-
bottom seismographs have been made, particularly by the Russians and the
Americans. But still very much remains to be done, before the earth is
covered by an equally spaced station network.
Among instrumental improvements, I may mention the so-called
array stations (or multiple stations). They consist of a system of seismo-
meters arranged in some regular geometric pattern over an area extending
over a few kilometres to hundreds of kilometres. Such stations, built
mainly for the detection of nuclear tests, now exist in the USA, Canada,
Scotland, Sweden, Norway, India, Australia, and in a few other places.
In combination with recordings on magnetic tape and the use of big com-
puters, such stations offer a quicker and more complete analysis of the
recorded waves. However, special research has shown that even more tradi-
tional station networks can be treated as great array stations, as long as
the signals on the different stations show enough similarity that array
techniques can be applied. Tests of this kind on the Swedish network were
very promising, probably because of the similar ground conditions at the
different stations. Recordings of seismometers placed in deep bore holes
(so-called bore-hole seismographs) is another method which can be used
with advantage to avoid the disturbing background noise on the surface.
A suitably placed bore-hole seismometer could reach a higher signal sensi-
tivity than a considerably more expensive array station on the surface or
near to it.
As a consequence of more numerous and more sensitive stations,
the data flow to the world centres has increased enormously. This has led
to some reorganization of such centres, and since 1960 big computers are
regularly used for the calculation of earthquakes and other seismic events.
In Chapter 8 we shall describe in more detail how we are trying to
improve seismic records and their sensitivity. In Chapter 12 we shall learn
something about moon seismographs, which have been developed especially
for the observation of seismic phenomena on the moon.
56 Seismographs

It is a correct statement that the development during the last decades

has not particularly been focussed on new constructions of seismometers.
Those already in existence and described above have proved to be practically
unsurpassed. Rather, the development has been concerned with the loca-
tion and distribution of these seismometers with those modifications of
the construction that this can entail. The general trend of the instrumental
development has been toward more sensitive, stable, and rugged equipment
that can be set up quickly and can operate reliably under the most severe
field conditions. This development has been paralleled by improved record-
ing technique and improved data handling.

2.5 A Seismograph Network

Most countries have now well-developed seismograph networks, usually

operated by some central institution. As an illustration of such a network,
I shall here briefly describe the one which is operated by the Seismological
Institute in Uppsala, Sweden, and with which I am most familiar for ob-
vious reasons. The present seismograph network in Sweden is equipped
with modern, high-sensitive instruments (Table 2). The recording is made
photographically via galvanometers except in the following cases: Wie-
chert EN (Uppsala) records mechanically with a stylus on smoked paper;
Press-Ewing ENZ (Uppsala) recorded in 1962-8 on magnetic tape in paral-
lel with the photographic recordings; Press-Ewing Z (Uppsala) with vis-
ible recording has an ink writer with an amplifier. The Wiechert seismograph
of 1904 has been in practically continuous operation since then and has
up to now (1977) produced an archive of nearly 53000 records. It is still the
best instrument for the largest earthquakes, just because of its lower magni-
All records from the network are sent weekly to the institute in
Uppsala, nearly all undeveloped. At Uppsala, the records are developed
and analysed for our bulletins (see Chapter 8) and stored to be used for
special research. With presently (1977) 27 parallel records per day (each
record measuring about 30X90 cm in size), our archive increases by about
9850 papers per year. In order to provide for an additional file, these re-
cords are put on microfilm.
The long-period seismographs are best suited to recording of distant
A Seismograph Network 57

Table 2. The Swedish network of seismograph stations, operated by the Seismological

Institute at Uppsala.

Station; geographic Seismograph Seismome- Galvanome- Maximum dyna- Start of

coordinates; height; ter period ter period mic magnifica- operation
ground sec Sec tion

Uppsa/a (Up): Short-period:

59°51.5' N, 17°37.6' E; Benioff E 0.9 0.7
14 m; granite Benioff N 0.8 0.7 80000 1955
Benioff Z 1.0 0.7 40000
Coulomb Z 1.4 0.7 13510 1951
Benioff E 0.9 83 3030}
Benioff N 0.8 92 3290 1955
Benioff Z 1.0 88 3670
Wiechert E 11 240} 1904
Wiechert N 10 230
Press-Ewing E 15 103 227O}
Press-Ewing N 15 98 2250 1957
Press-Ewing Z 15 100 I 770
Press-Ewing Z 15 100 1200 1963
Kiruna (Ki): Short-period:
67°50.4' N, 20°25.0' E; Grenet-
390 m; porphyry Coulomb Z 1.4 0.7 13310 1951
Galitzin E 12 12
Galitzin N 12 12 770}
800 1951
Galitzin Z 10 10 860
Press-Ewing Z 15 100 3800 1963
Skalstugan (Sk): Short-period:
63°34.8' N, 12°16.8' E; Grenet-
580 m; gneiss Coulomb Z 1.3 0.8 12040 1956
Umea (Urn): Short-period:
63°48.9' N, 20°14.2' E; Benioff E 1.0 0.7 75000}
16 m; mica gneiss and Benioff N 1.0 0.7 75000 19621
pegmatite (WWSSN) Benioff Z 1.0 0.7 75000
Press-Ewing E 15 100 5500}
Press-Ewing N 15 100 5500 1962
Press-Ewing Z 15 100 5500
Uddeholm (Ud): Short-period:
60°05.4' N; 13°36.4' E; Benioff Z 1.0 0.7 75000 1967"
240 m; grani te
Delary (De): Short-period:
56°28.2' N, 13°52.2' E; Grenet-
150 m; gneiss Coulomb Z 1.4 0.7 12990 1967
58 Seismographs

Table 2. The Swedish network of seismograph stations, operated by the Seismological

Institute at Uppsala (continued).

Station; geographic Seismograph Seismome- Galvanome- Maximum dyl1a- Start of

coordinates; height; ter period ter period mic magnifica- operation
ground sec sec tion

GOfeborg (Gb): Short-period:

57°41.9' N, W58.7' E; Grenet-
66 m; gneiss Coulomb Z 1.4 0.5 10 530 1958"
Karlskrolla (Ka): Short-period:
56°09.9' N, 15°35.5' E; Grenet-
II m; granite Coulomb Z 1.5 0.7 11 590 1961 3
Hedemora (Hd): Short-period:
60°17.3' N, 15°56.9' E; Grenet-
124 m; gneiss-granite Coulomb Z 1.4 0.7 (15000) 19694
Kungsor (Ku): Short-period:
59°24.1' N; 16°08.0' E; Grenet-
63 m; gneiss Coulomb Z 1.4 0.7 (15000) 19694

1 Umea operated a Grenet-Coulomb Z seismograph in 1960-2, until the world-wide standardized equipment
of the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey was installed in 1962.
2 Uddeholm operated a Grenet-Coulomb Z seismograph in 1966-7.
3 The operation of Goteborg and Karlskrona was discontinued in 1968, and replaced by the more sensitive
station at Delary.
• Hedemora and Kungsor operated for one year (1969-70) together with Uppsala as a triangular array.

earthquakes, and then especially for the more long-period waves, as the
transverse waves and surface waves. For such recordings, the net does not
need to be particularly dense, and our three stations with such apparatus
(UppsaJa, Kiruna, Umea) fulfill the need very well. According to interna-
tional recommendations, fully equipped stations (like those we have at
Uppsala, Kiruna and Umea) should be placed at intervals not exceeding
1000 km. As is evident from the map in Figure 18, our net fulfills this
requirement very well. On the other hand, a denser net of Short-period
stations is needed, partly for a more complete recording of the short-
period components of P-waves from distant events, partly for recording of
near events, i.e. those which occur within Scandinavia and its nearest sur-
roundings. This requirement is well fulfilled together with our supple-
mentary stations (Skalstugan, Uddeholm, Delary).
The present network extends over more than 1300 km and exhibits
also a relatively even distribution over the country. Its extent and regularity
A Seismograph Network 59

Fig. 18. The seismograph network in

Sweden which is operated by the Seismolo-
gical Institute at Uppsala. Filled circles are
the present stations {I 917), open circles
earlier stations. For details, see Table 2.

permit good locations not only of near events but also of those at greater
distance. It should also be emphasized that our network ties in very well
with corresponding networks in the neighbouring countries. Seen from a
global viewpoint, there is no doubt that Sweden, like all the Nordic coun-
tries, is today well equipped with seismograph stations.
The combination of highly sensitive instrumentation and good bed-
rock has placed our network among the most sensitive ones in the world.
As an example of the sensitivity of the network, I quote here the number
of events recorded during the first six months of 1970:
Number of
Month events

January 377
February 371
March 458
April 804
May 538
June 524
60 Seismographs

The total amounts to 3072 events, i.e. on the average 16.8 events per day,
and this is approximately a normal figure. The majority of the events are
distant earthquakes but even a number of Scandinavian events (both ex-
plosions and earthquakes) is recorded.
When large earthquakes take place, these are generally followed by
a great number of aftershocks. Then, the number of recorded events is
considerably higher than just mentioned. One example is provided by
August, 1969, when after a Kurile Islands earthquake on August 11, we
recorded during the following day (i.e. for 24 hours) no less than 219
aftershocks. During the month of August, 1969, we were also able to
identify by means of our network 172 more aftershocks than reported from
anywhere else.
For one year, August 1969 to August 1970, the Seismological In-
stitute in Uppsala also operated a triangular array station. The three sta-
tions (Uppsala, Hedemora and Kungsor) formed an almost equilateral
triangle with a side of about 100 km length. The recording was made centrally
in Uppsala over the telephone lines.
In addition to the stations listed in Table 2, the Seismological In-
stitute at Uppsala has at different times operated about a dozen temporary
stations, partly in collaboration with the Research Institute of National
Defence, Stockholm. These stations have been located at places scattered
over the whole of Sweden and they have operated only for a few months
each. This has been done mainly for investigations of signal sensitivity
(Chapter 8).

Chapter 3

Seismic Waves

3.1 Main Types of Seismic Waves and Fundamental Laws

By seismic waves we mean every motion that can be observed on a seis-

mogram, with the exception of direct disturbances of the instruments.
The seismic or elastic waves, which arise through the sudden rupture in
an earthquake source or by an explosion, propagate through the whole of
the earth's interior or along its surface layers. The waves are recorded by
seismograph stations the world over, provided that the released energy
has been big enough. The seismic waves are of two main types:
1. Body waves, which propagate through the interior of the earth.
These consist of two types:
a) longitudinal waves or P-waves;
b) transverse (or shear) waves or S-waves.
2. Surface waves or guided waves, which propagate along some sur-
face. These consist of the following types:
a) Love (L) and Rayleigh (R) waves which follow the free surface of the
b) Stoneley waves, which are related to Rayleigh waves, but follow a dis-
continuity surface in the earth's interior;
c) channel waves, which propagate along some layer of lower velocity in
the earth's interior.
While the body waves can be considered as 'free waves', i.e. they
have freedom to propagate in practically every direction through the earth's
interior, the surface waves are 'bound waves', i.e. they are bound to some
surface or some layer during their propagation.
Besides in their way of propagation, the different wave types also
differ both concerning particle motion and propagation velocities. P is
longitudinal, i.e. particles hit by this wave oscillate back and forth around
their equilibrium position in the same direction as the wave propagates.
S is transverse. i.e. the particle motion is confined to a plane perpendicular
to the direction of propagation. For simplicity, we split the S-wave motion
62 Seismic Waves

into a horizontal component (SH) and a vertical component (SV). Love

waves (L) have a particle motion which agrees with SH, i.e. transverse
horizontal. For the Rayleigh wave (R), the particle motion is elliptic, with
the plane of the ellipse vertical and lying in the plane of propagation. The
rotation in the ellipse is retrograde. With regard to speed of propagation,
this is highest for P and decreasing in the following order P-S-L-R. As a
consequence, at some distance from the source, P is recorded first (P=
= primary), followed by S (S=secondary), L and finally R. Figure 19

p sv
, ..


- --I
Fig. 19. Sketch to demonstrate the propagation of the
direct waves in a slab: a) seen from one side, b) seen from
above. The arrows indicate the particle motions and the
waves have been arranged in order of their propagation

shows schematically the particle motion and the propagation of the dif-
ferent waves.
We came across the different wave types already in Chapter 1. In
fact, it is the elasticity theory which can give complete information about
these waves, in other words, about the behaviour of materials upon com-
pression or dilatation (in the P-wave) and upon shear stresses (in the S-wave).
The conditions can be expressed in an exact mathematical form. In most
cases, however, simplifying assumptions are justified and acceptable in the
study of the conditions of the earth's interior. Thus, it is assumed that:
1. Relative displacements between adjacent particles are infinites-
imally small.
2. The material is perfectly elastic, i.e. the stress is a homogeneous
linear function of the strain and vice versa; usually, a generalized form of
HOOKE'S law is applied.
3. The material is isotropic, i.e. the elastic parameters are independent
of direction (the same in all directions).
4. External forces, such as gravity, friction, etc., can be neglected.
Main Types of Seismic Waves and Fundamental Laws 63

Under certain circumstances it may be necessary to abandon one or

the other of the above-mentioned simplifying assumptions. In such a case,
we may be faced with the problem of finite displacements (especially in
the near vicinity of the source) instead of infinitesimal ones; or we may
have to deal with time effects of the material exposed to stress (in the simple
elastic case, the deformation follows the application or the removal of
stresses instantaneously, but this is often not the case with real materials,
which exhibit a certain lag). Such time effects are often so difficult to treat
in an exact mathematical way that laboratory models may be necessary
to give more reliable results. If the material is not isotropic, but has el::\stic
properties which are different in different directions, the material is said to be
anisotropic or aeolotropic. Such conditions certainly exist in some parts of the
earth's interior and they play a certain role in the wave propagation. Ex-
ternal forces, such as gravity, have in general only negligible effects on
the wave propagation, while friction (absorption) can be of great signifi-
cance in certain studies.
In spite of the assumptions underlying the simple elasticity theory,
this has proved to be remarkably useful in the treatment of wave propaga-
tion through the earth. In fact, it is only in more special cases that it is
found necessary to drop one or another of the simplifying assumptions,
and then mostly just to investigate this particular effect. The major part
of seismology, including our knowledge of the earth's interior, is based
on these simple assumptions. And investigations have confirmed that the
results are nevertheless remarkably accurate. For the most part additional
investigations deal just with improvements of the picture already arrived
at by these simple means. Seismology is certainly not unique in this situa-
tion: that a first-order theory can lead very far, but for even modest further
progress, an enormously larger input is required. See the diagram in Fig-
ure 2.
In the simple elasticity theory, the elastic properties of the material
are characterized by only two independent parameters. A number of these
have been defined in the literature, which have certain relations to each
other. We shall choose k=incompressibility modulus or bulk modulus and
J1=modulus of rigidity or shear modulus. If we denote the density of the
material by Q, then the wave velocities Vp and Vs for P- and S-waves, re-
spectively, are given by the following simple equations:
64 Seismic Waves


For the earth's crust and the upper part of the earth's mantle, we have
with good approximation that k = 3" J1 (corresponding to a POISSON

ratio = !' i.e. a ratio of ! between the lateral contraction "nd the
longitudinal extension of a cylinder). Substituting this into equation (1),
we find that for the upper parts of the earth Vp: Vs = y'3: 1 (cf. Chapter 1).
Now, we can get an explanation for the order in which the different
waves arrive (Fig. 19). The P-wave has always a higher velocity than the
S-wave according to equation (1) and therefore it always arrives before
S in the seismogram. The P-wave, which corresponds to the sound wave
through the earth, has the highest velocity among all seismic waves. No
reliable velocity difference has been observed between SH and SV. Nor
is any such difference to be expected in elastically isotropic media, while
with anisotropy a velocity difference may exist. The Love (L) wave is an
SH-wave, as we have seen, but it arrives later than S. The reason for this
is that during its propagation it is bound to the surface layers, where the
velocity is lower than in the interior parts of the earth, through which
the S-wave travels. Finally, the Rayleigh (R) wave arrives later than the
Love wave. This can also be proved theoretically. In the simplest case,
with Rayleigh waves propagating along the surface of a homogeneous me-
dium, it can be shown that their velocity is =O.92vs. Thus, they have a
lower velocity than the Love wave would have, and this result is not changed
if instead we assume a layered structure. Incidentally, Love waves require
a layered structure for their existence, whereas Rayleigh waves can also
exist on the surface of a homogeneous medium.
During their propagation through the earth's interior, the body
waves follow the same laws which hold for any other wave propagation,
for instance, in optics. The most important relation is SNELL'S refraction
law. In optics, it is generally written as n sin i=constant along a given
wave path, where n=the refractive index and i=the angle between the
incident wave direction and the normal to a discontinuity surface. This
angle is generally termed angle of incidence. In seismology, it is more
Main Types of Seismic Waves and Fundamental Laws 65

suitable to work with wave velocity v instead of refractive index n, and

then the law reads (sin i)/v=constant along a given wave path. On account
of the curvature of the earth and thus the ensuing curvature of all dis-
continuity surfaces and layers in the earth, we cannot use this simple form
of SNELL'S law but we have to introduce the radius or the distance r from
the earth's centre as well. By simple geometrical considerations, we find
that the formula for plane parallel layers has to be modified into the fol-
lowing expression, when we deal with concentric, spherical layering:
r sin i .
- - = constant along a given wave path (2)
The expression in equation (2) is called the wave parameter. It has a char-
acteristic value for each wave path, but is different for different wave
paths. SNELL'S law is a direct consequence of FERMAT'S principle, which
says that a wave propagates along a path which corresponds to a stationary
time. This means that the travel time along the path should be a minimum
or a maximum or correspond to an inflexion point. A consequence of
this is that each seismic wave corresponds to a stationary time, but dif-
ferent waves can correspond to different kinds of stationarity (minimum,
maximum, inflexion).
The conditions in the earth's interior are more complicated than for
light waves also by virtue of the existence of two types of motion (P and S)
instead of only one. For instance, when a P-wave impinges upon a dis-
continuity surface between two solid media, there are four emergent waves
created, i.e. two reflected (P and S) and two refracted (P and S). Evidently
the wave propagation becomes in this way rather complicated. In addition,
there may be diffraction phenomena under certain circumstances. It has
to be emphasized that the wave propagation is governed by exact mathe-
maticallaws; in other words, it is a good example of mathematics at work.
In this way, the wave propagation from an earthquake contrasts sharply
to the often chaotic phenomena that earthquake effects may exhibit.
Figure 20 illustrates different cases at a discontinuity surface separating
two different media. In order that reflection or refraction should take place
at the surface, it must exhibit a contrast in the wave velocities. From equa-
tion (l) we thus see that a contrast is required in the elastic properties
and/or the densities between the two adjacent media, in such a way that
5 BAth: Introduction to Seismology
66 Seismic Waves

the wave velocities are changed. If the two media differ only in other pro-
perties, then the surface of separation has no influence on the wave pro-
pagation. In a study of Figure 20, we must remember that the P-wave,
being longitudinal, is able to propagate through any medium (whether

0) b) c) d)

p p SV P

P ~
p SV P
~ ~


-* -+-
SV p p

SV ~
sv SV p sv SV P

*- -+-
* -+-


Fig. 20. Reflection and refraction of P, SV and SH at boundaries between different media: a) solid-solid,
b) liquid-liquid, c) solid-liquid, d) liquid-solid. In the figure, 'solid' and 'liquid' have been indicated only for
SV(middle figure). Cases where no wave paths have been drawn, cannot exist (incidence from below 'assumed
in all cases).

solid, liquid or gaseous), whereas the transverse wave (S) propagates only
through solid media. Moreover, we have to keep the particle motions in
mind (Fig. 19), from which it follows that, for example, an incident SH-
wave can only give rise to SH-waves (by reflection or refraction). Similarly,
an incident P-wave gives rise only to P- and SV-waves, but not to SH-
waves, and an incident SV-wave gives rise to P- and SV-waves, but not to
SH-waves. From equation (2), we also find that the angle of incidence i is
smaller for S than for P, because Vs is smaller than Vp. The atmosphere
can as a rule be treated as a vacuum, i.e. without any wave propagation.

3.2 Body Waves from Distant Earthquakes

Concerning the wave propagation through the earth's interior, there are
two facts which we have to take into consideration:
1. The earth is a sphere and all layers have the same curvature (as a
first approximation).
Body Waves from Distant Earthquakes 67

2. The properties of the earth vary with depth and in general the
wave velocities increase with depth.
Item I has a dominating significance, while item 2 is to be considered
at most as a correction to the results that item 1 leads to. This means that
we can get a very good apprehension of the wave propagation by studying
the conditions in a homogeneous sphere. This simplifies the discussion con-
siderably. In some modern wave propagation studies by famous theoretical
seismologists, it is also customary to assume a homogeneous sphere, as
its wave propagation approximates well to the real earth. We have to
understand this in such a way that the homogeneous earth provides for a
qualitative approximation, which will greatly assist us in understanding the
principles of the wave propagation in the real earth. On the other hand,
there may be quite large divergences quantitatively, i.e. when numerical
applications are made, between the homogeneous and the real earth.



Fig. 21. Principles of the wave propagation through a homo-
geneous sphere: a) surface focus, b) deeper focus. F = focus,
U = station.

Thus, we begin with a homogeneous sphere and assume an earth-

quake source (also called focus) located on the free surface at F (Fig. 21),
Waves radiate from F in all directions through the sphere along rectilinear
68 Seismic Waves

paths. Figure 21 shows some of the waves reaching the station D. Besides
the direct waves P and S, there are those which have been reflected at the
earth's surface from underneath. The incident P-wave gives rise to a re-
flected P-wave, denoted PP, and to a reflected S-wave, denoted PS. Sim-
ilarly, by reflection against the earth's surface, the S-wave gives rise to a
reflected S-wave, denoted SS, and a reflected P-wave, denoted SP. This
illustrates how the notation for the seismic waves is built up. One symbol
(P or S in the cases just mentioned) is used for each part of the wave path.
In general, the S-wave leaving the focus F consists both of SH and SV.
However, if SV were missing in the direction from F to D, then there
would be no SP-wave at D. According to equation (2), the incidence angle
at the reflection point is bigger for P than for S. While PP and SS have
a common reflection point B midway between F and D, the reflection
points for PS and SP must be shifted from R The reflection point for
PS is located at C, i.e. closer to F than to D, and the reflection point for
SP is closer to D than to F. Applying equation (2) and assuming Vp: Vs =
= Y3, we find easily for the homogeneous sphere in Figure 21a and for FU =
= 180°, that CB=300, whereas for FD = 130° we find that CB=45°. We
also find that for PS, as distinct from PP, there is a certain minimum dis-
tance FD, below which PS cannot be obtained. For the homogeneous
sphere, this minimum distance is 110 0. For the real earth, the minimum
distance for PS is about 44°.
Then we can repeat the process, with two successive reflections
against the earth's surface. From an original incident P-wave, we thus get
PPP, PPS, PSP and PSS, and an original incident S-wave gives rise to
SSS, SSP, SPS and SPP. We have now three parts (from F to the first
reflection point, between the two reflection points, and from the second
reflection point to D), and as a consequence three letters are used in the
symbol for each wave. Obviously, we can continue this operation with
three reflections and form the corresponding symbols. However, it is quite
rare that more than two reflections from the earth's surface are clearly
readable in seismograms. In addition, we can consider wave propagation,
including reflections, along the greater arc between F and D in Figure 21.
After this, we shall study the wave propagation from a deeper focus
(Fig. 21b), instead of a surface focus, but still for a homogeneous sphere.
Then it can easily be shown that the law of reflection is fulfilled only at
Body Waves from Distant Earthquakes 69

three points of the earth's surface between F and U. Limiting ourselves to

the smaller arc FU, the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection
at only two points on the periphery, but not at any more points (Fig. 22).

i2 i,

~~-- .. ~/
~,=1.6' log~, "',= 71'
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

Fig. 22. Diagram demonstrating that the two reflection angles il and i2 are equal at two points on the smaller
arc FU. The curves have been constructed under the assumption that LI = 150' and Rj(R-h) = 1.1.

One of the reflection points (A in Fig. 21 b) is located near the focus and
obliquely above it, whereas the other (B) is nearer to the midpoint between
F and U. The first reflection point corresponds to the optical case, while
the other one is generally not observed in optics because of the limited
extent of mirrors. Waves leaving F in an upward direction (above the
horizontal plane through F) are denoted by lower-case letters: p for lon-
gitudinal waves and s for transverse. Besides the waves reflected at Band
already dealt with in the preceding paragraph, there are now also waves
reflected at A. An incident longitudinal wave at A gives rise to the reflected
waves pP and pS, and a transverse wave gives sS and sP. Just as in the
case of a surface focus, the reflection points for the transformed waves
(pS, sP) do not coincide with those of the non-transformed waves (pP, sS).
Also in the case of a deeper focus, it is possible to have several reflections
at the earth's surface, with the first reflection at A. Such waves are then
logically denoted by pPP, pPS, pSP, pSS, sSS, sSP, sPS, sPP. These
waves are frequently observed on seismograms. The deeper F is, the later,
clearly, is the arrival of pP in relation to the direct P-wave. For deeper
earthquakes, we get a greater number of phases than for a surface focus,
and in addition the recorded phases are usually sharper for the deeper
70 Seismic Waves

An important observation, made already at a relatively early stage,

is that the direct P-wave becomes weaker or disappears at distances L1 >- 103 0
and does not reappear until at L1 ~ 144 o. This was explained by the earth's
core. The direct P-wave is tangential to the core boundary at 103 0 distance
and at greater distances it is hidden by the core. At 144 0 a P-wave reappears,
being the one which has traversed the core with two refractions. The dis-
appearance of the P-wave at 103 0 made it possible to calculate the depth
to the core boundary. GUTENBERG, who made this discovery already in
1913, in this way calculated this depth to be 2900 km. Later calculations
have fully confirmed GUTENBERG'S result. The depth has been determined
to 2898 km with an error of only 4 km; the boundary is thus a very sharp
discontinuity. See Chapter 7 for recent revisions of the core depth. The
range from 103 0 -144 0 is a so-called shadow zone, but weak phases are
observed even within this range.
While P-waves are able to traverse every part of the earth's interior,
it has still not been possible to observe any waves which have passed through
the core (below 2900 km depth) as transverse waves, in spite of several
efforts to find these on records. This fact has been taken as a strong sug-
gestion that the core is liquid; in any case it behaves as a liquid in relation
to the seismic waves.
The results regarding the earth's core are based on careful analyses
of seismograms. But even in this case it is possible to make a simple and
quite accurate picture of the wave propagation by means of a homogene-
ous sphere, inside which we place another homogeneous sphere concen-
trically, the latter corresponding to the core (Fig. 23). The properties have
to be different in the two spheres. The wave propagation from F will now



~_-- P diffracted Fig. 23. Principles of the wave propagation in the case of two
A around the core concentric, homogeneous spheres.
Body Waves from Distant Earthquakes 71

be disturbed by the core in several different ways. FA denotes the limiting

ray which is tangential to the core (and in the real earth corresponds to
a distance of 103°), behind which the core shadow begins. If we let the
angle i at F decrease further, we get waves which hit the earth's core. This
is a boundary between a solid medium (the mantle) and a liquid medium
(the core). We get reflected waves, and in their notation a e is inserted
between the symbols to avoid confusion with reflections at the outer sur-
face. Thus, PcP, PeS, SeS and SeP are waves which have been reflected
from outside against the core boundary. But in addition we have refracted
P-waves which penetrate through the core. A P-wave within the core is
not denoted by P but by K (from German Kern=core). When it has passed
through the core and reached its opposite side, there is again a partition-
ing into a reflected P- (or K-) wave and refracted P and S in the mantle.
Then we can immediately form the following symbols for waves which
have passed through the core: PKP, PKS, SKS, SKP, and here we have
to remember that K is always a P-wave. Instead of PKP the notation P'
is sometimes used.
If in a homogeneous sphere, the incidence angle i at the focus F is
gradually decreased, we will reach greater distances from F, until when
i=Oo we get the wave which have left F vertically downwards (to the dis-
tance 180°). If we now place another homogeneous sphere concentrically
inside the first one, we shall find interesting deviations from this simple
scheme. For the calculations illustrated in Figure 24, I have assumed that

30' PKP2


PKP1 Fig. 24. The origin of a

caustic C with ray propagation
10 through two concentric. ho-
mogeneous spheres. In the cal-
culations for this figure, we
have assumed that (l'P)mantle
:(l'P)coce= 1.2 and the core
radius has been assumed to be
half the earth's radius.
72 Seismic Waves

(VP)mantle:( VP)core = 1.2 and that the core radius is equal to half the earth's
radius and I have applied the wave-path equation (2). I want to emphasize
again that the intention in this and other model calc'llations concerning
the wave propagation is not to approximate the earth numerically, but
simply to bring the wave propagation back to simple principles, well known
from school physics. In the case mentioned (Fig. 24), i=300 corresponds
to the ray that is tangential to the earth's core. Then letting i gradually
decrease, we find that the distance to U first decreases from 187 ° down to
155°, where it 'turns' and increases again up to 180°, the latter distance
corresponding to i=Oo. The implication of this is that every point U sit-
uated more than 155° from F will receive not one, but two PKP-waves,
which have propagated along different paths. Exactly at 155 ° these two
waves coincide. This means a great concentration of energy at a distance
of 155 ° in our model (which can easily be seen by simple geometrical con-
siderations). We say that a caustic is formed on the surface of the sphere at
this distance. The two PKP-waves use to be distinguished by the notation
PKPI and PKP2 for the first and second arrivals, respectively.
The conditions in the real earth correspond to the phenomenon just
described for our model. But the properties of the real earth deviate from
those of the model chosen, and so does the location of the caustic. For
the real earth, we find it at a distance of about 144 °from the source. But
in principle the phenomenon is nothing other than what we know from
school optics as the minimum deviation for light passing through a prism.
Figure 25 illustrates the caustic phenomenon in a striking way. The existence
of a shadow zone and a caustic is a direct consequence of a low-velocity
layer at the inside of the outer-core boundary (see further Chapter 7).

Ki ni --- --

Sk ., ,I ,;,',

Fig. 25. PKP from an earthquake in the Kermadec Islands

(north of New Zealand) on July 14, 1957, as recorded at
Kiruna (Ki) at a distance of 140' (inside the shadow zone)
and at Skalstugan (Sk) at a distance of 145' (outside the

1 min shadow zone).
Body Waves from Distant Earthquakes 73

This is the most marked low-velocity layer in the earth, but corresponding
effects, though less pronounced, exist also from other less marked low-
velocity layers at other depths in the earth.
According to the simple geometrical wave propagation, there should
be a shadow in the range of 103°-144°. However, weaker signals are ob-
served also within this range, which can be explained by three diffe-
rent effects:
1. Diffraction of the P-wave around the core boundary. Such waves
have been observed up to a distance of about 165°. These waves are as a
rule of very long period (around 20-30 sec), and therefore they are best
recorded by long-period seismographs (Fig. 26). The corresponding dif-

Fig. 26. Earthquake at New Guinea

(magnitude M=7.7) on May 28, 1968,
1339 GMT '1iYiln' as recorded by Press-Ewing Z at Upp-
sala (distance 108°), showing P (dif-
zt p fracted around the core boundary) and

fracted short-period P-waves are observed only to much shorter distances

(around 119°).
2. Diffraction at the caustic at 144°. Just as in optics, a caustic is
always accompanied by diffraction phenomena, which give rise to weak
waves within the shadow zone. Theoretical calculations show that the
diffraction at the caustic at 144 ° can explain weak signals down to a dis-
tance of about 139 0.
3. As the phenomenon, mentioned under 2., proved to be insufficient
to explain the often relatively weak but clear signals within the shadow
zone even down to distances of about 110°, it was in the 1930's found
necessary to postulate still another core, inside the outer core and con-
centric with it. The boundary of the inner core is located at about 5000 km
depth. It was assumed to have higher wave velocities than the outer core.
In this way it could divert sufficient energy to explain the waves observed
74 Seismic Waves

within the shadow zone. The existence of the inner core has later found
full confirmation from numerous observations.
In fact, the boundary of the inner core is more complicated with
several layers, extending altogether over a few hundred kilometres in depth.
Therefore, it is more correct to talk about a transition zone between the
outer and the inner core than a simple discontinuity surface. Recent in-
vestigations suggest that some layering exists also at the outer-core boundary.
See further Chapter 7.
The inner core made it necessary to further supplement the wave
notation. A wave which has traversed the earth's inner core as a longitu-
dinal wave is denoted by I (this symbol refers to the part of the wave path
that falls within the inner core). As concurring evidence indicates that the
inner core, as distinct from the outer core, is solid, there should also be a
possibility of transmission of transverse waves through the inner core;
these phases are denoted by J. Thus we can form the following wave nota-
Naturally, the symbols I and J have always to be surrounded by K. Much
effort has been spent in searching for waves with J characteristics, but
still with no reliable results. This may be due to small amplitudes of the
corresponding waves. As mentioned above the boundary of the inner core
is rather a transition layer and not as sharp as the outer core boundary.
A consequence of a gradual transition to the inner core may be that the
K-wave is only insignificantly transformed into a J-wave, while nearly all
its energy passes into an I-wave. For similar reasons, there are not many
completely reliable observations of waves reflected from the outside of
the inner core (denoted PKiKP, as an example).
Without difficulty we can build further with the symbols already
introduced. For example, PKKP is a P-wave which has been reflected
once against the inside of the core boundary. PKPPKP or P' P' is a PKP-
wave which has been reflected once against the earth's surface. Also several
such reflections have been observed in seismograms, for instance P' P' P'.
As P' is strongest at a distance of 144°, we would also expect that the
strongest reflections are obtained at about this distance. The consequence
of this is that the strongest P' P'-waves will be observed at distances around
72°, and the strongest P'P'P' also around 72°. While P'P' is regularly
observed in seismic records, P' P' P' is more seldom seen. On records in
Body Waves from Near Earthquakes 75

Sweden it has been observed only a few times and then from earthquakes
in Mexico. P' P' arrives about 18-20 minutes after the PKP-phase. It
resembles a new P- or P KP-phase and earlier it was often misinterpreted
as such. However, p'P' in general differs from its parent PKP-phase,
partly by somewhat longer periods, partly by a less defined onset of the
wave (moreover, it is frequently doubled on the records).
The next step in developing the model, we have built up by means
of homogeneous spheres, is to introduce the velocity distribution that we
know exists in the interior of the real earth (Chapter 7). Figure 27 gives a
picture of the corresponding wave propagation. Since the wave velocities
generally increase with depth in the earth, the wave paths will be curved
and concave towards the free surface, according to equation (2). We have
seen that the homogeneous sphere models lead us remarkably far into
the understanding of the wave propagation in the earth, at least in principle.
The velocity distribution in the real earth entails at most modifications of a
quantitative nature in the picture we have arrived at.
However, in real seismograms there are a number of minor features
which are not incorporated in the picture so far presented. Such features have
nevertheless attracted much attention, especially in recent years by means
of array-station records, and they have given useful information about
factors of significance for the wave propagation. Particularly noteworthy are
the precursors or early arrivals, i.e. smaller-amplitude waves arriving a few
seconds and more ahead of the main wave. These have been observed for
PP in the distance range of 90°-110° and for PKP. Such precursors are
nowadays usually interpreted as due to scattering phenomena. Scattering
- earlier only looked upon as a disturbance - has certainly been raised
recently in importance as a wave-shaping factor.

3.3 Body Waves from Near Earthquakes

For distances less than 10°, other complications enter into the wave pro-
pagation, this time depending upon the regional structure of the earth's crust.
Figure 28a shows a vertical section through a typical continental crust of
the earth. 00 is the earth's surface, CC is the Conrad discontinuity be-
tween the upper layer (granite) and the lower layer (basalt), and finally
MM is the MohoroviCic discontinuity which marks the base of the earth's


l~ttt\ E
,. S" 9" I:>" II " 12" l,lw I""
l ime --...,:..

Fig. 27. Vertical section through half the earth, showing the propagation of the longitudinal waves from a source in the left corner of'the figure. The
outer-core boundary is marked by a circular arc at a depth of 2900 km and the transition to the inner core is marked by a shaded zone at about 5000 km
depth. After B. GuTENBERG.
Body Waves from Near Earthquakes 77

crust. Below MM we have the earth's mantle with uItrabasic rocks. The
layer thicknesses given in Figure 28a correspond approximately to average
conditions on the continents.
From an earthquake source F in Figure 28a we have the following
direct waves propagating to the station U:
Pg, Sg=longitudinal and transverse waves, respectively, through the gran-
itic layer (sometimes the notation P, S is used for these waves);
P*, S* = longitudinal and transverse waves, respectively, which have fol-
lowed CC (sometimes also denoted by Pb, Sb);
Pn, Sn=longitudinal and transverse waves, respectively, which have fol-
lowed MM.
Evidently, it is necessary to further amplify the wave notation we
learnt in the preceding section, when we have to deal with distances less
than about 10°. Waves propagating along the boundary between two media
with different velocities travel with the higher of the two adjacent velocities.
In addition to the direct waves mentioned above, there are also reflected
waves, for instance, waves reflected from CC and MM.
For a 'typical crust under the deep ocean, we can make a correspond-
ing picture by excluding the granitic layer altogether and by diminishing
the thickness of the basaltic layer to about 5 km (Fig. 28b). However, for

a) b)

o' ____________~=_~

F ',water U
c: __+~____I____,L1~5~':. / - ~ F s:p*+-pasalt 7
// Pn

~_ _ _-L__~M//

Fig. 28. Principles of the wave propagation through a continental crust (a) and an oceanic crust (b). F = source,
V = receiver, 00 = earth's surface, CC=Conrad discontinuity, MM = Mohorovicic discontinuity.

obvious reasons the near-source wave propagation is much more seldom

observed in the case of the oceanic crust than for the continental one.
The deficiency of such observations will be eliminated by the installation
of more ocean-bottom seismographs. The wave propagation shown in
Figure 28 is also directly applicable to explosions, by placing the focus F
78 Seismic Waves

at or near the surface instead of at some depth. By means of controlled

explosions as wave sources the structure of both the continental and the
oceanic crust has been extensively investigated, especially since early 1950's
(Chapter 7).
In Figure 28 we have assumed the velocities to be constant within
each layer and as a consequence the wave paths to be rectilinear within
each layer. As distinct from the discussion of the earth's deep interior in
the preceding section, this assumption is not only a good model in the
treatment of the crust; beyond that, it corresponds very well to reality.
In fact, an assumption of layers with constant velocities is generally made
as working hypothesis in the evaluation of actual records over short dis-
tances. The formulation of mathematical relations between travel times of
the different waves, wave velocities, layer thicknesses and focal depths can
be made easily by means of the refraction law and the geometry of Figure
28. Such relations are used in the interpretation of records of near earth-
quakes or near explosions (Chapter 7). Proceeding into more detail, it is
necessary to admit velocity variations with depth, even within layers, such as
downwards increasing velocity, imbedded low-velocity layers, etc. Moreover,
the granitic layer has a thin surficial low-velocity layer (thickness 1.4 km
according to a recent field investigation in central Sweden), apart from
possible sedimentary layers at the surface.
In continental earthquakes it has often been observed that Sg has
the largest amplitudes. This has also been used as a guide in the identifica-
tion of the different waves in a record. On comparison of results from
different areas, some variation has been found in the wave velocities, often
apparently greater for Sg than for other crustal waves. This has then been
taken as evidence of real structural variations from place to place. How-
ever, such conclusions are partly erroneous. It has been shown that in
records of continental earthquakes at short distances there are two Sg-
phases, denoted Sgl and Sg2. The Sgl-wave is the proper Sg with largest
amplitudes, while Sg2 probably belongs to the surficial granitic layer.
In the analysis of records of earthquakes as well as of explosions over
continental paths it is necessary to pay attention both to Sgl and Sg2, and
not to mix them in the false belief that these are only one wave. There is a
corresponding doubling of Pg into PgI and Pg2; cf. Table 3. A typical
record of a near earthquake is shown in Figure 29.
Surface Waves (Fundamental Mode) 79

Fig. 29. Typical record of a relatively near earthquake. The shock occurred in Vastergotland, Sweden, at
58.4'N, 14.1°E at 2235 19 GMT on September 3,1968, and the record shown here was obtained at Uddeholm
at a distance of about 180 km. The first phase (Pgl) and the largest amplitudes (SgI) are easy to recognize
(cf. Table 3). There is I minute between successive time marks and time advances from left to right.

In records at short distances (less than 10°) it often happens that

the P-waves are missing and that the record consists only of S-waves,
usually Sn and SgJ. This is true especially for weaker events. Sometimes,
only SgJ is seen. As all the waves are of short period, only short-period
seismographs are suitable for their recording.
Summarizing the discussion in this and the preceding section we
arrive at the following review:
1. Distances 0°_10°: the records are complicated because of the
regional structure of the earth's crust.
2. Distances 10°-100°: the records are relatively simple and easy
to interpret, as the wave propagation is dominated by the mantle.
3. Distances 100°-180°: the records again become complicated, this
time because of the outer and the inner core of the earth.

3.4 Surface Waves (Fundamental Mode)

In the beginning of this chapter, we denoted Love waves by L and Rayleigh

waves by R. An alternative notation for Love waves is LQ or Q (from the
German Quer-Wellen, while L in the combination LQ refers to long, i.e.
long waves). Similarly, Rayleigh waves are often denoted by LR instead
of just R. Sometimes only the symbol L is used to denote the beginning
80 Seismic Waves

of 'long waves', i.e. surface waves, without making any distinction between
Love and Rayleigh waves.
Among the surface waves, the Love and Rayleigh types dominate
on the seismograms. Stoneley waves are not observed as a rule, as they are
restricted to internal discontinuity surfaces in the earth and the layers
adjacent to such surfaces. Love and Rayleigh waves follow the earth's
free surface and the layers just beneath it during their propagation. Their
properties are thus defined by the earth's crust and the upper part of the
There are two main results which indicate that this part of the earth
is layered and not homogeneous:
1. Existence of Love waves. It can be shown theoretically that Love
waves cannot exist on the surface of a medium which is homogeneous.
They require at least one outer layer or a velocity which increases con-
tinuously with depth.
2. Velocity dispersion. For both Love and Rayleigh waves it is true
that the whole wave group does not arrive at the same time at a station, but
as a rule the longest waves travel with the highest velocity and thus arrive
first, followed by shorter and shorter waves. This phenomenon is called
velocity dispersion or simply dispersion.
The dispersion depends on the layering in the upper parts of the
earth, where velocities in general increase with depth. This is illustrated
in Figure 30. During their propagation, the surface waves extend to some

0) v
- Direction of propagation

b) v Fig. 30. The influence of a
vertical velocity gradient on
the dispersion of surface
waves: a) smaller gradient-
smaller dispersion, b) larger
gradient-larger dispersion.
v=wave velocity, h=depth
below the earth's surface.
Surface Waves (Fundamental Mode) 81

depth in the earth, say, to a depth of the same order as the wave-length.
Rayleigh waves with periods of 60 sec would thus be noticeable to depths of
around 200 km, while those of 20 sec would affect depths only to about
70 km. If we assume the velocity to increase continuously with depth as
in Figure 30, it is obvious that the longer waves should propagate with a
higher velocity than the shorter waves. This is called normal dispersion (the
opposite case, when the short waves arrive first, is called inverse dispersion).
The more rapidly the velocity increases with depth the greater will the
difference in propagation velocity be for different periods, i.e. the greater
is the dispersion. In Figure 30 this is illustrated by two cases with different
velocity gradient and a correspondingly different dispersion. Instead of
assuming a continuous velocity variation with depth, we could have con-
sidered several superimposed layers each with a constant velocity, but in-
creasing downwards. This latter model is more common in applications,
as being more apt to the real earth. In practice, the procedure is the re-
verse: from a given dispersion curve, obtained from records, one should
calculate the corresponding structure. Here, as in any similar reversal of
a procedure, one has to consider carefully if the interpretation is unambigu-
ous or not. In most cases a given dispersion curve can be interpreted in
terms of more than one structure. If dispersion curves are available both
for Love and for Rayleigh waves, this limits to a certain extent the number
of alternative interpretations.
Especially earlier, the arrival time of the beginning of the long waves
(L) was frequently reported in seismological bulletins. Obviously, such in-
formation has no great significance, not even if one distinguishes between
Land R, since also the period has to be given. In addition, an analysis
of the whole wave train is necessary for a full understanding (this is, how-
ever, beyond the routine duties of a seismological bulletin).
A consequence of the dispersion phenomenon is that we have to
distinguish between two different velocities for the propagation of surface
waves: phase velocity and group velocity. By phase velocity or wave velocity
we mean the velocity with which a certain phase, e.g. a maximum, pro-
pagates. By group velocity, on the other hand, we mean the velocity with
which a whole wave group propagates. The two velocities are not equal
when there is dispersion, and this can be understood by realizing that a
certain phase (e.g. a maximum) can propagate in relation to the wave
6 Bath: Introduction to Seismology
82 Seismic Waves

group to which it belongs. A new wave appearing at the front of the wave
group can be followed through the wave group until it disappears at the
rear of the group; in such a case, the phase velocity is less than the group
velocity. Or conversely, a particular wave may be seen to move through
the wave group from its rear end until it disappears at the front of the
group; in the latter case, the phase velocity is greater than the group velocity.
This latter case holds for waves on a water surface, which incidentally
offer one of the best visual examples of surface waves. For body waves,
no clear indication of dispersion has been observed, and then the phase
velocity and the group velocity are equal.
For surface waves the amplitudes are largest at or near the earth's
surface and they decrease (roughly exponentially) with depth. The earth's
surface is an antinode for the vibration and at greater depth there are one
or more nodes, where the amplitude vanishes. Conversely, a given earth-
quake would generate the biggest surface waves if it is located near the
surface, whereas if located at or near a node it would give only insignificant
surface waves. This is also confirmed by observations in nature. This is
an immediate application of a well-known principle, which holds for every
kind of wave motion. In order to generate vibrations, the onset should
be made at an antinode and not at a node of the vibration in question.
In seismology this fact is generally termed RAYLEIGH'S principle. Most
earthquakes are located in the vicinity of the earth's surface (i.e. within
the upper 30 km) and therefore they give rise to clear surface waves; in
fact, the surface waves then have the largest amplitude on the whole record,
far exceeding the amplitude of the body waves. A typical case is shown
in Figure 31. However, with increasing depth of focus the surface waves
become smaller and smaller, and may be relatively insignificant compared
with the body waves. This fact provides a reliable means to distinguish
at first sight between shallow (or so-called normal) earthquakes and deep
In seismological bulletins of older date, in a few exceptional cases
still, we find in connection with surface waves some further symbols, such
as C and F. By C (from Latin cauda) is meant the tail of surface waves
which follows their maximum displacements. This tail can continue for
several hours on the records of stronger earthquakes. It is not a phase
in the usual sense and, in fact, it is not covered by the usual theory of seis-
Surface Waves (Fundamental Mode) 83

mic surface waves. Instead C is usually explained by the circumstance

that part of the surface-wave energy has not followed the great circle arc
from source to station, but has been sUbjected to lateral reflections and
refractions. These in turn are explained by lateral variations of the structure

-' -·-I-·-·------t·'--...,'-i'-+T\Irj~~HLH~1r_! Fig. 3/. Records obtained at Uppsala by
. - .... j"'~-
, ' II
three long-period seismographs (Press-
Ewing) of an earthquake in Turkey (39.2'N,
I 28.4"E, focal depth 37 km) on March 25,
1969 (origin time 1321 32.4 GMT). Magni-
tude M = 6.1. The arrows indicate the di-
rection of ground motion, i. e. upwards on
the records corresponds to eastward, north-
ward and upward ground motion, respecti-
84 Seismic Waves

of the earth's crust and upper mantle, which are especially pronounced
in transition zones between continents and oceans. As some parts of the
surface-wave train will thus have propagated a longer path they will also
arrive later at any station. Alternative explanations consider the cauda
waves to be due to standing vibrations of crustal layers, generated by the
surface waves. By F (from Latinfinis) the time was indicated for the termi-
nation of any visible motion on the seismogram. Such an indication has
no real significance, as it depends very much on the sensitivity of the seis-
mograph used. We have to remember that the phenomenon at the earth-
quake source lasts only a very short time of the order of seconds. The
fact that an earthquake record at some distance from the source can last
for several hours depends exclusively on various wave propagation effects,
particularly dispersion, and has nothing to do with the duration of the
earthquake as such. For a given seismograph (of a given sensitivity) the
time interval F-L provides a certain measure of the earthquake magnitude
(Chapter 4), and has in some cases been used for such calculations.
Thanks to the installation of more long-period seismographs in recent
years a greater number of records of long-period surface waves, so-called
mantle waves, have been obtained. These can be both of Love-wave type
(usually denoted G after GUTENBERG) and of Rayleigh-wave type (R). They
frequently have periods of 8-10 minutes, which corresponds to wave-lengths
of more than 2000 km. Evidently, nearly the whole of the earth's mantle
must take part in these vibrations simultaneously. As the wave-lengths are
an appreciable fraction of the earth's radius, it is necessary to take the
earth's curvature into consideration in their study. A typical feature of
these mantle waves is that they can be observed repeatedly, as they are
passing around the earth. After the direct waves, which have travelled the
shortest distance from source to station, those mantle waves arrive that
have travelled along the greater arc from source to station. Some time
later waves arrive which have again gone the direct way, but which in addition
have travelled once around the earth, and so on. How the mantle waves
are denoted is evident from Figure 32. An exceptional case with very clear
mantle waves was offered by a strong earthquake in Chile in May 1960
(Fig. 33). At Uppsala mantle waves were recorded up to 60 hours after
the earthquake. These must have been able to encircle the earth about 20
times before they were too weakened to be recorded. G20 or R20 have
Surface Waves (Fundamental Mode) 85

Fig. 32. Explanation of the notation used for mantle waves of

: path -length = mr - L>.
Love-wave type: GI has travelled the shortest path (.1) from the
= focus F to the station V, G2 has travelled along the greater arc
GCn+lr • ntr + .0..
from F to U, etc. A corresponding notation is used for mantle
n = O. 2. 4 .... waves of Rayleigh type: RI, R2, ...

travelled a distance which is about equal to the distance from the earth to
the moon. In many other cases observations have been made up to G8
or R8 and over. Occasionally, mantle waves are also reported in seismological
bulletins of older date, but naturally only for the strongest earthquakes.
In these bulletins they were usually denoted by W (from German Wieder-
kehr-Wellen); W2 corresponds to R2 and W3 corresponds to R3.
Closely related to the mantle waves are the free vibrations of the
earth, which are generated by stronger earthquakes and which have also
been recorded a number of times in the last decades (e.g. Kamchatka
in 1952, when BENIOFF suspected a wave with a 57 minute period, and
notably Chile in 1960). In the interval between these two earthquakes,
the theory had been worked out, especially by PEKERIS and his group in
Israel, and the Chilean earthquake in 1960 gave a brilliant confirmation
of the theories developed. Another early observation refers to torsional
oscillations from an Alaskan earthquake in 1958 (BATH, 1958). Since 1960,
free vibrations have been recorded and studied from several earthquakes,
especially Alaska on March 28, 1964, and the Aleutian Islands on February
4, 1965. A useful summary has been published by DERR (1969). The free
vibrations are of different kinds: spheroidal (including radial vibrations)
and torsional (without radial component). See Figure 34. Like all free vibra-
tions these are standing waves. The spheroidal waves arise through mutual
interference of propagating Rayleigh waves, and the torsional vibrations
--:-"- . - ~ 0..
, Nr.~T'J ---------
:::::.:::::-:-:::~,-'--;-:-:-;"~- i ' :: . : : ; l ,
.... - - [ , " - : ' , , - - - _'--'" . j 'j ; ., p', .. I I .' : i 't ' 1 ... : •#' ------....,I-~.\\~ll't:/\:...... ""',, .'' .. (",:, ~.i.#,l-'·t Ip ;\.,\:4,<J..':~
- , - - -'- ' __'_'-r·~,""~\.~~I\"""V~f~\. YtM4... ."..'y': "/. )/'h :.~(~\:.'.~~t\·\', \~ ,1.1 -\, .; .. ' -/'\14, \. (I}
.. ~ ~ ~ . '" ,; ~. : ', · ', .~ "I ;: " ", (\ A f , ; •.':',:' ,? . . :~"It· ,':1:' ~!)j~ I" • • ,\ '~ 7'~ J:'I 't:- ~ .t:.. <I>
- ---
.g~~~~~ ~-----, , >"I
~ in '
_~'_01 '~~

§,~~~,.:. . . . .,~...,~,~~~
~ .~'~'~~.~'~.'. ~"~.'~"~~,\~':~'I'.' ~.~"':~: :'§;-~ .'~'~'' ~' ' ~':'~'~ 7' I~i~ ' ~·: ~'~) ' '~~'i·:~'>.iJ§'.~;t~"~~~~')~N~~~'~'.~.~,!~.~;:~.,~.~~,.........
~~§§§§§~ . .- - ..'_"" . ,
. 3
---' - -- ~
'-'- '---'--~...... :: .....'1':".', Po>

~. :Kft

;t " -1'

I. , . ....----~. -:-~::::::: :C
------.,-~.,'" ----... '-..:..-,.,.---,~~.,.. ../,.,-"'-~. --~~~--,-'"---.------ ,
~'-:-~-_~ . . .,-7
. "- . ./~ ~____ _ .- --........ ~ _. ......... ~ -~._"'.._-----.,....-
~'........., ' -----~" " '----.:..-..-."""""-..,-~
. . . - -.
....- [. ". - ..--~----.
-'---"- "--- -
__ ---..----....._~~
- ' - - --.-----:::::--:'>', -,.-:V. ..·~ .."_:...\Iy., ....;~••,. ·,' .......-~"_~--- ------
. "'- . .- . .
=-==--~~~-~~~ .:-=:===--:===::==-==-~~ .:;-~-- --:::::~~~
----.- -, :~::-:::==:==='===::=::::::=--'---'--'------'--,. '- :-'-:-" j *'
- ' '_ ' .-.-.:...-,- '- ' ---- ~ -w-'" ...J
~-.-.-.----.--.---'~-,------ ---.--...-'- -=-"- ' '-.
~ '4
--------.- '- -'-----.--"-'----:-----"---,-~=--==== .-~-="=====-==: .~
:.:.:=~:~-=:====~:-':::===~.~::=:::~~.~ -~_.~~::-~ -:"=~=:=:::~::3--'-r~==:;~ .
Fig. 33, The Chilean earthquakes of May 22, 1960, according to records of Press-Ewing seismographs at Uppsala. The upper picture comprises May
22-23 (with the Agadir earthquake of February 29, 1960, inserted for comparison in the upper right·hand corner), the lower picture shows the conti-
nuation for May 23-24, 1960, with clear mantle surface waves, There is 1 minute between successive time marks and time advances from left to right
(1 hour for each line. proceeding from top to bottom).
Surface Waves (Fundamental Mode) 87

Fig. 34. Lowest modes of the free
torsional and spheroidal vibrations
of the earth. Mode notation is
explained in Table 4c). Nodal sur-
faces are marked by dashed lines,
and arrows indicate the direction
of motion. U =upward motion,
o = downward motion. After BAR-
BER (1966), modified.

arise from Love waves in the same way. Not only fundamental vibrations
but also those of higher modes ('overtones') have been investigated theoreti-
cally and observed in records. The longest theoretically calculated periods
amount to 44 min for the torsional vibrations and 56 min for the spheroidal
vibrations. Spheroidal vibrations of the earth's core have been calculated
to have periods up to about 100 min. The observations of the earth's
free vibrations have not caused any essential change of the picture of
the earth's interior which had already been arrived at by other means.
Observed and theoretically calculated periods agree within 1 %. Comparisons
have been made both with BULLEN'S and with GUTENBERG'S earth models
(Chapter 7), and a somewhat better agreement was found with the latter
model (including a low-velocity layer in the upper mantle). Observations
of torsional oscillations have only been of limited help in discriminating
88 Seismic Waves

between different models, whereas those of spheroidal oscillations provide

for better discrimination. Free oscillations are recorded by seismographs,
tilt meters and gravimeters. Comparison between these records has proved
to be elucidating. Torsional oscillations, lacking radial component, imply
unchanged density of the earth, i.e. no gravity effects are produced. There-
fore, gravimeters are only able to record spheroidal vibrations, whereas
seismographs record both types. The outer core, being fluid, cannot make
any torsional, but only spheroidal vibrations. Even though core oscilla-
tions produce only small amplitudes at the earth's surface, further detailed
observations of these could lead to a more reliable determination of the
density at the earth's centre as well as to a solution of the problem of the
solidity of the inner core. There is no doubt that the observations of the
earth's free vibrations rank among the most significant seismological dis-
coveries in recent time. They are a brilliant example of what the combina-
tion of advanced theoretical developments and improved observational tech-
niques can lead to.

3.5 Surface Waves (Higher Modes) and Channel Waves

From physics we know that a vibrating string, fixed at both its end points
A and B (Fig. 35a), is able to perform a fundamental vibration, in which
the wave-length is equal to double the length of the string. But, in addition,
the string can at the same time perform a number of vibrations of higher
modes (overtones). Mathematically we have the following simple rela-
tion between the length I of the string and the wave-length ).:
I=n- (3)
where n = I for the fundamental vibration, n = 2 for the first overtone, n = 3
for the second overtone, etc.
Similar conditions prevail for the surface waves in the earth, and
we can illustrate this simply with a Love wave or SH-wave propagating
in a layer (Fig. 35b). In order that a wave should be able to propagate to a
greater distance constructive interference is required. This means, for in-
stance, that the down-going wave AB should be in phase with CD which
propagates in the same direction. Just as in optics we can express this
Surface Waves (Higher Modes) and Channel Waves 89


n =1

~ --- ------
---- ------ . a
n =3


Fig. 35. Fundamental tone and overtones for two cases: a)

vlb~ah~g strmg, b) constructive .mterference durmg wave propa-
___ _ _ _ gatIon
~--____"'--- 10 alayer.
D a
condition by putting the path length ABC equal to one whole wave-length
or an integral multiple of one wave-length. But in addition we have to
take account of possible phase shifts on the reflections at Band C. Assum-
ing the phase shifts at the two reflections to be 6 1 and 6 2 radians, respectively,
we then get the following condition


where 6 1 and 6 2 have to be inserted with their signs, positive or negative.

For n= 1 we again have the fundamental vibration, n=2 corresponds to
the first 'overtone', n=3 to the second 'overtone', etc. Exactly as for the
string, the 'overtones' have shorter and shorter wave-lengths the bigger n
is. A similar discussion can be made for Rayleigh waves, but not in such
an easily apprehensible way as for Love waves. The overtones are called
higher-mode surface waves. Equation (4) permits a simple deduction of
the relation between the phase velocity and the period, i.e. the dispersion
equation or the period equation, as it is also called.
The plate in Figure 35b can correspond to the earth's crust or some
layer in the crust or the upper mantle. In nature, however, we have to deal
with a series of such layers with ensuing complications in the wave pro-
pagation. The thickness of the plate plays a certain role in the constructive
interference and it also enters into equation (4). The consequence is that
90 Seismic Waves

if this thickness is altered during the wave propagation, especially if this

happens rapidly (within a short distance), then equation (4) will not hold
any more. This means that the constructive interference is destroyed and
the waves are not able to propagate any further but are very much weakened
or completely disappearing. This agrees with observations that higher-mode
surface waves are not able to cross the transition between a continental
and an oceanic structure, also that they are strongly reduced in passages
across mountain ranges, where the crust is usually thicker.
The study of the higher-mode waves is relatively new and was not
started until the 1950's, in spite of the fact that they had been recorded
on seismograms ever since the turn of the century. The studies have con-
sisted partly of theoretical calculations of disperion curves for assumed
structures, partly of observations. Extensive observations of these waves,
at among other places the Seismological Institute at Uppsala, showed that
the first overtone of the Rayleigh waves (2 nd R) is the one most frequently
found, but only over continental paths. Wave paths, which at any point
have crossed an oceanic structure, do not show the higher modes. On the
other hand, observations have been made at some other places of such
waves propagating along purely oceanic paths. It is just this transition
between the continental and the oceanic structures which constitutes a
barrier to these waves. There is no doubt that ocean-bottom seismographs
will be able to furnish extremely interesting information about the pro-
pagation of these waves over oceamc structures. As already mentioned,

Fig. 36. An earthquake in Sinkiang, China, on November 13, 1965, recorded by a long-period vertical-
component Press· Ewing seismograph at Kiruna. The distance is 41.5 0 and the magnitude M is 7.0. PP
signifies the P-wave that has been reflected once from the earth's surface about midway between the epicentre
and the station; SS is the corresponding reflected S-wave. The higher-mode Rayleigh wav!s are exceptionally
Surface Waves (Higher Modes) and Channel Waves 91


~~~~ ~~~~-

the higher modes have shorter periods than the fundamental mode and,
moreover, they have higher velocities. Therefore, they arrive ahead of L
and R, but like the fundamental modes they exhibit dispersion with a wave
train which lasts for several minutes. See Figure 36.
The so-called channel waves are another but related type of waves.
In Figure 37 we have depicted a layer with decreased velocity (a low-
velocity layer). The refraction law, equation (2), requires that every wave
path which is not too steep towards the channel axis should be refracted
back to the channel, and this holds both above and below the channel
axis. Obviously, such a channel preserves the energy once fed into it in
a very efficient way, and in fact such channels are the most capable guides
known in nature. Such low-velocity layers are well-known from the atmo-
sphere and the seas (for sound waves). An explosion in the ocean can emit
part of its energy into such a channel in the sea. A longitudinal wave travels
along the channel until it strikes a coast, where it is transformed into the
usual land-propagated seismic waves. Earthquakes near the sea bottom
are also able to generate longitudinal waves through the ocean, but in this
case they generally propagate by mUltiple reflections between the bottom
and the surface. Longitudinal waves through the ocean are termed T-waves
(T as in tertiary, corresponding to P=primary and S=secondary). As
their velocity during the water propagation is only about 1.5 km/sec, they
arrive several minutes after the corresponding P-wave which has passed
through the earth's interior. See Figure 38.
In the earth's interior there are similar channels or low-velocity
layers. The most significant is situated at the inside of the outer core bound-
ary at a depth of 2900 km but concerns only the P-wave. However, there
are no sources (earthquakes) in this layer which otherwise would be able
to feed much energy into it. But waves which have been multiply reflected
92 Seismic Waves

Fig. 38. Typical case of a so-called T-phase, recorded by Benioff Z in Bermuda from a North Atlantic
earthquake (lO.6°N, 43.7°W, depth 25 km, magnitude M=6.8) at a distance of 3231 km, on March 17, 1962.
The travel time of Tis 35 min 21 sec, yielding a velocity of 1.52 kmjsec through water. The upper trace shows
P, the lower T.

in this layer are recorded, e.g. PKKP, PKKKP, etc. These may be con-
sidered as a kind of leaking channel wave.
Among low-velocity layers nearer to the surface, for which it is
maintained that channel waves have been observed, the following are the
most important:
1. A layer in the upper mantIe of the earth. This layer has been
generally accepted since around 1960, but was originally proposed as
early as 1926 by GUTENBERG. Pa and Sa (a stands for asthenosphere,
a name for the upper mantle) are longitudinal and transverse waves, re-
spectively, which have been explained as channel waves in this layer. As a
rule they have periods of 10 sec and 20 sec, respectively, and they are
often recorded by long-period instruments. Alternatively, these waves have
been interpreted as higher-mode surface waves.
2. Layers in the earth's crust, both in the granitic and the basaltic
media. Such low-velocity layers, suggested during the 1950's, especially by
GUTENBERG, did not find general acceptance. However, waves are ob-
served which have been characterized as the corresponding channel waves
(Li, LgJ, Lg2, see Table 3). Crustal low-velocity layers have experienced a
certain revival in the last decade, as several investigators deem them neces-
sary to explain their observations.
Most of the channel waves mentioned here have been found to bear
relation both to the higher modes of surface waves and to the waves found
on records of near earthquakes (see above, this chapter). Thus, it has been
possible to explain most or all of the channel waves in terms of higher
Surface Waves (Higher Modes) and Channel Waves 93

Table 3. Corresponding phases in records of near and distant events

(earthquakes, explosions).

Near events Distant events Group velocityl

,1<10° ,1>10-> km/sec

Pn Pn 7.8-8.2
Sn Sn 4.6-4.7
p* or Pb 6.6
S* or Sb Li 3.7-3.8
PgJ IIg 6.25
SgJ LgJ 3.54
Pg2 or Pg or P 5.7
Sg2 or Sg or S Lg2 3.37
Rg 2 Rg 2 3.02

1 These may be taken as characteristic values, but minor regional variations occur.
• Rg is a short-period surface wave of Rayleigh type.

modes which eliminates the need for a low-velocity layer for their pro-
pagation. On the other hand, it is clear that the velocities of the channel
waves exhibit such remarkably good agreement with the velocities of waves
from near earthquakes that a pure coincidence is excluded. However, in
both of these comparisons there still remains much to be investigated. For
this purpose, it would be particularly useful to have records from densely
spaced stations, from short distances out to great distances from seismic
events, preferably along a few profiles. Only in such a way would it be
possible to investigate details of the wave propagation, possible mode con-
versions, etc.
The wave symbols we have introduced in this chapter are summarized
in Table 4. The principles for notation of phases are generally accepted
and used by all seismologists. The notation has the advantage of giving
immediate information of the way in which a wave has propagated through
the interior of the earth. It is also easy to check that the system is fully
unambiguous, i.e. a given notation cannot stand for more than one wave.
In defining notation for new waves discovered in records or theoretically,
it is also of importance to conform to the system already developed.
94 Seismic Waves

Table 4. Symbols for seismic waves.

a) Body waves: direct

Layer Longitudinal Transverse

Earth's crust: granite Pgl. Pg2 (P) Sgl. Sg2 (S)

basalt P*(Pb) S* (Sb)
Moho Pn Sn
Mantle P,p S,s
Outer core K
Inner core 1 J

b) Body wares: reflected or refracted

Discontinuity Reflection Reflection Refraction

from above from below

Earth's surface PP,pP

Outer core PcP PKKP PKP1, PKP2

In this table, P can everywhere be exchanged for S and I for J. P' and pI/ are used as
briefer notations for PKP and PKIKP, respectively: P'=PKP, P'P'=PKPPKP,
PI/=PKIKP. PKHKP=a wave with its deepest penetration in the transition zone
between the outer and the inner core.
c) Surface waves:

Wave mode Love Rayleigh

Fundamental mode L(LQ, Q) R(LR, Rg)

Higher modes 2 nd L, ]rd L, ... 2nd R, 3rd R, ...
Mantle waves Gn(n=1,2,3, ... ) Rn(Wn)(n=1,2,3, ... )
Free vibrations Torsional (toroidal) Spheroidal
nTt nSj
I. m, n = 0, 1, 2, ... indicate the number of nodal surfa-
ces: 1= latitudinal, m=longitudinal, n=radial (cf.
Fig. 34).

d) Special symbols:

'Channel waves': Pa, Sa, PL, Li, Lgl, Lg2, Ilg, T, etc.
Several of these can also be grouped under c).
Travel-Time Diagrams 95

3.6 Travel-time Diagrams

One of the most important problems in seismology since the turn of the
century has been the determination of travel times (also called transit
times) with the highest possible accuracy. The corresponding tables or
graphs give the travel times of all seismic waves in dependence on epi-
central distance and focal depth. Obviously, this problem can be solved
only by successive approximations, at least when uncontrolled sources (earth-
quakes) are used. We start from an assumed source (with a certain latitude
and longitude) and an assumed time for the occurrence of the earthquake,
both obtained, for instance, by direct observations or otherwise. Then the
onset times from seismograph records at different distances permit the
construction of a preliminary travel-time curve which gives the dependence
of the travel time on distance. This curve can then be used for a more
accurate determination of the location of the source and the origin time
which in turn gives another, more accurate travel-time curve, and so on,
until the curve does not change. In all determinations of such diagrams it
is assumed that all seismic waves are generated by one and the same motion
at the source, i.e. all waves are assumed to have the same origin time.
Also, the source is assumed to be a point source.
A number of travel-time tables have been constructed. Among those
best known and most used are those of GUTENBERG-RICHTER and of
JEFFREYS-BuLLEN. The latter were first published in 1940, of which those
for a surface focus are shown in graphical form in Figure 39. The ordinate
t is the travel time and the abscissa A is the geocentric angular distance
between the epicentre and the station. As the arrival time of the P-wave
is the one which can be determined with the highest accuracy the same
holds also for the corresponding travel times. Obviously, the travel times
of different waves are not independent of each other. For instance, the
travel times of PP and of PPP are related to those of P by the following
tpp(A) = 2t p(A j2)}
tppp(A) = 3tp(Aj3)
provided that both focus and reflection points are located at the earth's
surface. Such relations are used to calculate the travel times of PP and
PPP from empirically determined times for P. Comparisons with seis-

~m,,, .. tul

Fig. 39. Travel-time diagram for a surface focus according to H. JEFFREYS and K. E. BULLEN.
Travel-Time Diagrams 97

mograms have made it possible to identify PP and PPP. But the observed
times of P P and P P P may show deviations from the calculated ones, because
of deviations from the assumptions made in the calculations (focus and
reflection points at the earth's surface). That foci are deeper is of course
a general occurrence, but it has also been found, especially for the distance
range around 90°-110°, that PP exhibits early arrivals, due to reflections
at discontinuities within the earth's mantle. These early arrivals are generally
weaker than the surface reflections which follow later in the same record.
Even though the early PP has also got alternative explanations (Section 3.2),
there seems to be no doubt that deeper reflections do occur. In an analogous
way the travel time of PS can be deduced from the times of P and S:

t ps (.1) = t p (.1 1) + tS (.1 2 )}

where .1 = .11 +.12

Similar relations can be formulated also for other composite waves. In the
Jeffreys-Bullen tables, empirical times are used for P, S, PcP, ScS, PKP
and SKS as a base and all other times are calculated from these.
Determination of accurate travel times has naturally involved an
enormous amount of work, including a comprehensive statistical treatment.
On the other hand, the travel times have no doubt given the most important
information about the earth's interior. Some conclusions may be men-
tioned here. We see from Figure 39 that the travel-time curves of P, S
and all other body waves are curved in such a way that waves from greater
distances have travelled during part of their path with a greater velocity
than exists near the surface. The curvatures are such that they can only
be explained by a velocity which increases with depth in the earth. See
further Chapter 7. In comparison, the travel-time curves for LQ and LR
in Figure 39 are rectilinear. This means that these waves have travelled
along some layer of constant velocity, in this case the surface layers.
In general, the travel time of any body wave is a function both of
the epicentral distance and of the focal depth. By means of considerations
of the wave propagation in homogeneous spheres, made earlier in this
chapter, it is relatively easy to demonstrate that the travel-time difference
S-P depends much more on distance than on depth. Similarly, it can be
shown that the difference pP-P depends much more on focal depth than
7 BAth: Introduction to Seismology
98 Seismic Waves

on distance. These conditions prevail also in the real earth. See data in
Table 5.
A remarkable result is that the travel times for body waves for a
given distance and depth are very nearly the same, independently of the
position of the source and the station, after eliminating the influence of
the earth's ellipticity. This would mean that the earth has a symmetrical
structure (inside the crust). In fact, this is only an approximation, but it
is so good that even today the same travel-time tables are used as were
constructed around 1940, without making any distinction between
different parts of the earth. Howe\ler, improvements have been made more
Table 5. Some travel-time data.
a) Travel times of P- and S-waves and the time differences S-P for different distances
(..1) and a surface focus. Calculated from JEFFREYS-BULLEN tables.

P S s-p
min sec min sec min sec

10 2 28 22
4 1 54
20 4 37 17
8 3 40
30 6 13 11 10 4 57
40 7 38 13 45 6 07
50 8 58 16 09 7 11
60 10 11 18 23 8 12
70 11 15 20 26 9 11
80 12 13 22 17 10 04
90 13 03 23 55 10 52
100 13 48 25 20 11 32

b) Travel-time differences S-P (min sec) for different distances (..1) and focal depths
(h). Calculated from GUTENBERG-RICHTER tables .

.d'-/hkm 100 300 500 700

20 3 34 3 24 3 12 3 07
30 4 51 4 37 4 26 4 16
40 5 57 5 41 5 27 5 17
50 6 59 6 44 6 31 6 19
60 8 02 7 44 7 30 7 18
70 8 54 8 37 8 22 8 09
80 9 48 9 31 9 18 9 05
90 10 42 10 25 10 10 9 56
100 11 26 11 09 10 51 10 37
Microseisms 99

Table 5. Some travel-time data (continued).

c) Travel-time differences pP-P (min sec) for different distances (L/) and focal depths
(h). Calculated from GUTENBERG-RICHTER tables.

,jOfhkm 100 300 500 700

20 0 16
30 0 19 0 57
40 0 23 1 00 1 29
50 0 25 1 05 1 36 2 03
60 0 25 1 07 1 41 2 08
70 0 26 1 10 1 47 2 15
80 0 26 1 12 1 51 2 22
90 0 27 1 12 1 52 2 27
100 0 27 1 13 1 52 2 28

recently, especially by means of records of large explosions (nuclear tests)

with well-known data on source location and origin time (thus eliminating
the inaccuracies inherent in any earthquake study). Such investigations
have demonstrated that the tables used up to now are in need of minor
corrections, for example, that the Jeffreys-Bullen times need reduction by
approximately 2 sec. Revised world-wide tables have recently been published
by HERRIN et al. (1968) in the USA. Moreover, it appears as if regional
tables would be the next step in the development. A few such tables have
been worked out. See further in Chapter 11.
Travel-time diagrams (sometimes also called hodographs) or travel-
time tables are the most important tools for the seismologist when he
identifies the phases he has read on a seismogram. If an interpretation of
a record should be accepted, then all measured phases (at least all clear
and significant phases) should be explained and they should also agree
mutually. In such work travel-time tables and graphs are needed not only
for surface focus (as in Fig. 39) but also for greater focal depth. Indications
of greater depth than normal are obtained partly from the existence of
pP and similar waves, partly from underdeveloped surface waves.

3.7 Microseisms

A description of seismic waves would not be complete without mention-

ing also the seismic background noise or rnicroseisms on the records.
100 Seismic Waves

These are such a characteristic feature of every seismic record that, if a

record should exhibit perfectly straight lines with no microseisms, the most
immediate conclusion is that the seismograph is out of operation.
By microseisms or seismic noise we mean small elastic wave motions
in the solid crust of the earth, which as a rule originate because of external
influences from the atmosphere and the sea. Thus, they have in general
nothing to do with earthquakes and their study is a border-line subject
between seismology, meteorology and oceanography. These waves, which
always exist on seismic records but with varying intensity, no doubt con-
stitute a disturbance to the earthquake records. On the other hand, they
have been the subject of numerous investigations themselves ever since the
latter part of the nineteenth century. The most important problem is to
explain their origin. Since the 1920's, two opposing theories have do-
minated the discussions: the coast theory, which explains the micro-
seisms as originating from surf or other action at steep coasts, and the
cyclone theory, which ascribes the microseism origin to the cyclones over
deep water. Among the numerous microseism investigations made in dif-
ferent parts of the world, often with apparently contradictory results, I
might mention an investigation by means of records at Uppsala. A combined
study of seismograph records and the corresponding meteorological and
oceanographic data suggest that in this case the most important source
is some kind of coast effect, primarily at the Norwegian coast, but that
in addition there is also some cyclone effect. As a consequence, it seems
as if both theories are correct, and the result obtained at any particular
station depends very much on its location in relation, for instance, to steep
coasts, etc. During W orId War II, the Americans were able to trace tropical
cyclones in the Canbbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean by means of the
microseisms which originated from the cyclones. This became of great prac-
tical significance, while corresponding efforts in Europe failed.
The essential problem is to explain how the energy can be trans-
mitted from the atmosphere through the sea to the ocean bottom. A theory
developed by the British oceanographer LONGUET-HIGGINS in 1950 seems
to unify the coast and the cyclone effects. According to his theory, the
microseisms depend upon pressure variations from standing sea waves.
Standing sea waves will arise by interference between two wave trains
which propagate in opposite directions, as for example, around a storm
Microseisms 101

centre at sea or by reflection against a steep coast. As distinct from propagat-

mg sea waves, the pressure variations under standing sea waves will be
transmitted undiminished to the sea bottom. However, the problems are
still far from solved and there are also other theories. Difficulties of dominat-
ing significance in the interpretation of microseisms as compared to earth-
quake records derive partly from simultaneous influence of a greater number
of uncontrolled factors, partly from the distribution in time and space of
the microseism source, as distinct from an earthquake. These factors render
the analysis of the microseisms considerably more difficult. In spite of
this, methods have been worked out for the determination of the direction
of arrival of such waves. The nature of the waves is not quite clear, even
though in most cases they seem to consist of Rayleigh and Love waves,
including their higher modes. Recent observations from some array stations

a) 1 min 1 min

1min 1min
c) t----t d) ~

Fig . 40. Microseisms within different period ranges: a) short-period, T--<2 sec (Karlskrona Z, February 7,
1965), b) medium·period, T-;;,6 sec (UmeA N, April 5, 1969), c) medium-period, T=9-lOsec (UrneA Z,
March II, 1969), d) long-period, T= 17-20 sec (UmeA N, April 24, 1965).

in the USA (especially at the large station in Montana, called LASA=

= Large Aperture Seismic Array) have revealed that the microseisms at
that place consist to about equal degrees of Rayleigh waves and P-waves.
Figure 40 shows examples of the most common types of microseisms
102 Seismic Waves

at Swedish stations and which probably have quite a general validity as

typical examples the world over (all cases shown are storm situations when
microseisms are largest):
a) Short-period microseisms, T(period) <2 sec. Such microseisms de-
pend mostly on near disturbances, such as wind over adjacent seas, also
traffic, etc. They decrease significantly with increasing distance from nearby
coasts, even those of more enclosed basins, like the Baltic Sea.
b) T"", 6 sec. These are due to a direct effect on the Norwegian coast
and they are strongest when a cyclone centre is situated over northern
Norway or northern Russia with winds and sea waves impinging almost
perpendicularly along the whole west coast of Norway.
c) T=9-10 sec. These microseisms exist when large low-pressure areas
are situated at greater distance, especially over the North Atlantic between
Greenland and the British Isles.
d) T= 17-20 sec. These are observed more seldom, and occur only
a few times per year. They have been ascribed to coastal effects, due to ocean
swell of the same period as the microseisms.
While microseisms of type a are most disturbing for short-period
seismographs, those of types b, c and d are disturbing for medium-period
and long-period seismographs. Earlier seismograph types (Wiechert, Ga-
litzin, etc.) had their maximum magnification within the range of the micro-
seisms of types band c. See Chapter 2.
A still not completely solved problem is whether microseisms of type
c are generated within the low-pressure area or if they are generated at
the Norwegian coast from the sea waves which emanate from the storm
centre. In this case as well, ocean-bottom seismographs could contribute
efficiently to a solution of the problem. The Russians have already made
some investigations of microseisms by means of such installations.
Quite distinct from the microseisms mentioned so far, which have
external sources, are those which derive from internal sources, i.e. from
earthquakes. This kind of microseisms is termed signal-generated noise.
Theoretically, a seismic record should look much 'cleaner' and simpler than
is really does. A theoretical record exhibits only a series of distinct phases,
P, PP, S, etc., and between these the trace is undisturbed. Real seismo-
grams, on the other hand, exhibit a continuous and rather irregular motion
right through the whole record of an earthquake. Many efforts have been
Microseisms 103

devoted to an explanation of this phenomenon. The motion appears to

originate from the seismic waves in various ways, such as by scattering at
irregularities in the crust or by reverberations (i.e. repeated reflections)
between different layers in the crust. Another type of microseisms due to
internal sources may be observed in the near vicinity of active volcanoes,
due to motion of molten lava.

Chapter 4

Source Parameters and Their Determination

4.1 Parameters

A source of seismic waves (whether an earthquake or an explosion) is defined

by the following parameters:
1. The latitude and longitude of the epicentre (i.e. the point on the
earth's surface located vertically above the source).
2. The depth of the source, or the focal depth (the source itself is
called the focus or hypocentre).
3. The time of the event, or the origin time of the seismic waves
(simply called origin time).
4. The size of the event: magnitude or seismic wave energy.
In order to calculate parameters 1-3 only time measurements are
needed (i.e. arrival times of the seismic waves at various seismograph sta-
tions), while parameter 4 requires measurements of amplitudes and periods.
Therefore, we may call 1-3 kinematic parameters, while 4 is a dynamic
The calculation of an earthquake is thus concerned with the deter-
mination of a number of unknowns. It may be instructive to see what
least number of given quantities are needed for such a calculation. For
simplicity, we consider a plane (Fig. 41) and we assume the wave velocity
v to be constant. Let us assume that we have measured the arrival times
fl' t 2 , t3 for the P-wave (or any other given wave) at three stations 1, 2, 3
and that t3>t2>tl' Considering first the station pair 1, 2, then obviously
the epicentre must be located on a curve for which t 2-t 1 is constant and
equal to the measured time difference. Such a curve is a hyperbola with
1 and 2 as foci. As we have already assumed that t2 >t1' the epicentre
location is limited to one branch· of the hyperbola, as shown in Figure
41a. In a similar way, we can plOceed with the station pairs 2, 3 and 3, 1.
The three hyperbola branches will intersect each other in one point or very
nearly so, and this point is the epicentre. This method is called the hyper-
bola method.
106 Source Parameters and Their Determination

2 3

Fig. 41. Determination of the position of the epicentre (E) by means of the hyperbola method (a) and by
means of the circle method (b). I •• I •• I. are the arrival times for the P-wave (or any other given wa,e) at the
three stations I. 2. 3. respectively.

In practice, however, the hyperbola method is not very convenient,

unless hyperbolas are available, constructed in advance for given station
pairs. Another method, we may call it the circle method (Fig. 4Ib), is con-
siderably simpler. With the stations 2 and 3 as centres we construct circles
with radii equal to V(t 2-t1) and v(t a-t1), respectively, where v is the velocity
of the particular wave read at the three stations. Then, the epicentre E is
the centre of a circle which passes through the station I and is tangential
to the two above-mentioned circles. In practical applications, it is possible
to find the location of E after a few trials with no need to perform any
Thus, in order to determine the three parameters longitude, latitude
and origin time, we need observations of the arrival time of the P-wave
at least at three stations. This is also to be expected: for calculation of three
unknowns, we need at least three given quantities.
If, in addition, we introduce the focal depth as unknown, then the
minimum number of stations with given P-phases will be four. Figure 42
gives an analogous picture for the vertical plane (the problem is assumed
two-dimensional). By means of only two P-observations (t1 and t2), it is
Parameters 107

not possible to distinguish between focal depth and epicentre location,

because F is situated on the hyperbola tCt2' But if two more P-observa-
tions are added (t3 and t 4), the solution becomes unambiguous. The four
P-observations permit a determination both of epicentre location, focal

1 2 3 4
J/))III/iJ/II!!II'l''1I1l! nh',n,J),; )lln,n/llm/III}I! 'I)}} ) II h.' 1'}.i,Vhf, Jlm/nfJlI";
\ I
\ I
\ I
\ I
\ ,, /

Fig. 42. Ptinciple of the hypocentre

(F) determination from four P·wave
observations. For simplicity, the prob-
lem is assumed to be two-dimensional
and the velocity constant.

depth and origin time. In this schematic two-dimensional case, where the
epicentre is defined by only one coordinate, in fact three P-observations
would suffice.
The arrival times of P are usually the primary data with which we
have to work. But if, in addition, information is available on azimuth ob-
tained from the P-wave or on arrival times for other waves (for instance S),
then the number of stations can be diminished correspondingly. The follow-
ing two cases give some typical examples:
1. Two stations: station 1 gives P-time and P-azimuth, station 2
gives P-time.
2. One station: P-time, S-time and P-azimuth given (see further below,
this chapter).
In both the cases mentioned a unique solution is obtained under the
assumptions of a surface focus.
Even though the seismological literature, especially that of older date,
offers numerous examples of such geometrical games, these methods are
generally of less significance today. The common method today is to base
the determinations on as many different stations as possible. Local de-
viations exist from assumed travel-time tables depending, for instance, on
local structures, and therefore a least-square calculation technique is applied.
Then, the error limits of the results obtained can be indicated. It is cus-
108 Source Parameters and Their Determination

tomary to give the epicentral coordinates to 0.1°, the focal depth to 1 km

and the origin time to 0.1 sec. The errors are usually 0.1°-0.4° in the epi-
centre location, 5-25 km in the focal depth and around a second in the
origin time.

4.2 Coordinates and Origin Time

As a rule, source parameters are continuously calculated at a few world
centres (see Section 8.1), where station readings are collected world-wide.
These central determinations are based almost exclusively on the arrival
times of the P-waves.
In principle, we can illustrate the method used by a simplified case
(Fig. 43), in which we assume propagation over a plane surface with a

0) 01





E-E o
30 08 \
b1 6E 01

0 Fig. 43. Principles of deter-
180 6 270 360· mina tion of the epicentre by

residual calculation using ob-
-10 servations at a number of sta-
tions. 1, 2, ... , lO=stations,
E = assumed epicentre, Eo =
actual epicentre.
Coordinates and Origin Time 109

constant P-wave velocity. The following quantities are given or assumed

a) The arrival times of the P-wave are given at the ten stations in
Figure 43;
b) a preliminary position of the epicentre (E) is assumed;
c) a preliminary origin time is assumed.
The problem is to adjust the assumed epicentre and the assumed
origin time by means of the given observations at the ten stations, in such
a way that the residuals become a minimum. In doing this, we proceed as
a) Determine for each station the distance to the assumed epicentre E
(this can be measured on a map or, better, calculated from given coordinates);
we call these distances E.
b) Calculate for each station the epicentral distances from the P-wave
travel times, using the assumed origin time and a travel-time table appro-
priate to our model: we call these calculated distances Eo.
c) Plot the differences E-Eo against the azimuth Az(E), measured from
E to each station (Fig. 43b). As the assumed epicentre E is generally not
exactly correct, finite differences E-Eo arise. We find a clear variation
with azimuth of a cycloid type. This demonstrates that the assumed epi-
centre E and the assumed origin time are in need of correction. The correct
solution has not been obtained until all differences are zero or nearly so.
With reference to Figure 43, this can be achieved by the following pro-
d) Make the origin time earlier by an amount {)O in Figure 43b, correspond-
ing to the deviation from the true zero-line.
e) Shift the epicentre E towards 3150 (northwest) to Eo by an amount
corresponding to the amplitude {)E of the curve in Figure 43b.
In a renewed calculation of the residuals we would find that all
differences were zero or nearly so and that they did not show any azimuthal
variation. When this procedure is applied in practice, the distance E-Eo
is generally small in comparison with the distances to the different stations.
In such a case the residual curve becomes almost exactly a sine curve.
This method evidently requires an approximate knowledge of the
epicentre. In general, this can be easily obtained by a preliminary determina-
tion from a few stations at shorter distances. With the electronic computers,
110 Source Parameters and Their Determination

nowadays generally used for these calculations, there are no stringent

requirements on the exactness of the preliminary epicentre. It would even
be possible always to start from one and the same point on the earth (for
instance, 0° longitude and 0° latitude), and the successive adjustments of
this position which are needed are performed with high speed. The same
holds for the preliminary origin time needed.
In order to illustrate the principle of the calculation, we have here
used a simplified case: propagation in a plane with constant velocity. In
practice, this case has to be replaced by the real earth which is represented
by the corresponding travel-time table. Figure 44 gives an example of the
determinations which are distributed from the U.S. Coast and Geodetic
Survey (now the U.S. Geological Survey). Such determinations are
clearly of very great help in the continued analysis of the records at the
individual stations.
Frequently, it is necessary for individual stations to make preliminary
determinations of the parameters shortly after the occurrence of an event.
Then, only the records at one station may be available. As the method
of such determinations provides a good example of the combined use of
the different records and the different waves, we shall see how such a de-
termination proceeds.
In order to determine the position of the epicentre from the records
of only one station, we have to get its distance and azimuth from the sta-
tion. The distance is relatively easy to calculate for well-recorded earth-
quakes and is obtained from the time difference between different phases,
usually S-P. Table 5 gives a review of the values which may occur. The
direction to the source is slightly more difficult to determine accurately
and it puts higher requirements on the quality of the records. We have
seen above (Fig. 19) that both P and R oscillate in the plane of propaga-
tion (i.e. the vertical plane through the epicentre and the station). By a
combination of simultaneous amplitudes and directions of displacement
on three components it is then possible to calculate the direction to the
source. Figure 45 illustrates this procedure. In determinations of azimuth
to the epicentre, as in Figure 45, it is possible to combine directly the
recorded amplitudes (the so-called trace amplitudes) only in the event
the three components have the same response curves. If this is not the
case, then the trace amplitudes have first to be transformed into the
Coordinates and Origin Time 111


2 07 C7 02.5 J9.5 N 111.0 W UTAH 6 t.9 9
3 10 02 17.3 33.0 N 116.2 W SOUTHERN CALIFORIHA 1 3.8 C.I> 7
MAG. 3.2 "A5I.

111.10 .
112.3 II UTA.H
111.0 W UTAH
t.8 8
5 23 10 28.7 39.5 N 110.9 II UTAH 5 K 1.0 q
11 lZ. 07 56.9· 1.7 N 126.3 E MOLUCCA PASSAGE 33 R I.Z I.
12 11 107 33.~* 1.7 N 126.7 E MULUCCA PASSAGE 33R 1.1 7
lZ lJ 58 33.Z. 29.6 N 141.1 E SOUTH OF HONSHU. JAPAN 108 4.10 0.4 9
13 11 ~9 16.1- 60.3 N 153.7 W SOUTHERN ALASKA 127 10.3 C.I> 14
14 10 13 1t6.1- 1.7 N 126.3 E MULUCtA PASSAGE 33R 4.7 C.7 10
II> 15 ~6 Z5.8· 21.Z S 179.3 FIJI ISLANDS REGION 667 10.2 1.0 15
II> ZI 33 106.7. 41>.10 N 14.2 YUGOSLAVIA H 10.': 1.0 7
H 13 18 101.]· 1.8 N 126.10 k MOLUtCA PASSAGE 33 R 1.5 10
o. u8
01 33
39.5· 23.7 S
12.1 Z9.8 S

11 01
12 21
210.8" 12.9 N
Z8.1 51>.2 S
1.0 l'

210 I ' ZI> 01.1t- 30.0 N 95.1 E TI~ET 5_ ".1> 0.5 8
Z5 00 11 33.Z· I.Z N 1.0.1 E M"LUttA PASSAGE .l 5.3 1.1 11
26 05 59 09.1- Z6.7 " 55.0 E SOUTHERN IRAN
JJ "
4.6 1.2 ~

26 .,7 01 l i d "0.3 N 11ol.6 E OFF EAST COAST O~ HuNSHU, JAPAN Z. 4." 1.1 11
2. I" 35 08.5 0.2 S 121.8 E NORTHERN tELE6ES 295 ".5 I.Z Z.

26 17 210 35.C 17.6 S 69.6 10 PERU-~OLIYIA ~DRUER REG I 0"'" 170 ".1 1.0 1
26 ZO z.r. 28,)· 21.3 S 179.5 W FIJI ISUNOS REGIUN 1>71 ~.4 11
21 u6 ~3 "1.4. 19.2 S 111.1 W FIJI I SLANDS REG ION 6Jl '. C ~.~ I"
27 Zl 55 "8.3 1.0 N 120.1 E· NORTHERN CkHeES 31 R 5.C 1.~ Z1
28 OZ 55 30.~ 45.4 N 13 •• 7 E NEAR f. COAST .JF EASTERN RUSSIA 2108 ".Z ~.I 11
le 1~ os 31.5 1~.1 S 161,J E NE. HEBRIDES ISLANDS 123 4 •• 1.1 21
19 110 Z6 22.9 5.4 ~ 1"5.5 EAST NEW GUiNEA REGION 8b ~. ~ 1.1 12
29 Id Z1 08.9. 15.3 N 12Z.6 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REGION 33M ~. > I., 5
19 ZI 15 "10.1 •• 9 N 13.0 W NUIUHERN toLUMBI A 151 '.1> 1.1 15
)0 O. 18 30."· I."
N 126.3 E MoLUtCA PASSAGE so 5." 1. Z '1

30 21 11 ZO •• 310.9 59.5 E IKAN 1) R • .3 I>
~UAKE Of AUG. ] 1, HYPOcet.lYI::M
31 IJ H 37.4 H.~ N 59.0 E IRAN 11 •• 0 1.1 1.5 51>
MOR~ THAN 11000 K ILLEU ANO 6000
7.7 IdRKI. 1 liZ I Gall.
31 11 H 32.9 H.~ N S9.Z IRAN 24 S.~
".~ H
11 19 06 3~.1 ~6ol N 115.6 EAS T OF LAKE BAIKAL .~ R ".1> 0.8 19

1 00 19 5".8 1.6 N Il6.3 .E "OLUttA PASSAGE l3 k 4.9 C.9 IB
1 01 50.5· 0.9 S 210.6 W CENTRAL MID-ULANT IC RIUGE 13 '.3 O.S 7
42 06 •• • 0.9
18 01.1. 0.9

31 R "."
03 39.9·
Z1 30.Z H.C
101 S
• "."
5. C; b. J
HAG. 1>.2 'PAS" 1.0 I8RK), 6 1/''-
6 liZ IGoLl.

Fig. 44. Sample page of preliminary epicentre determinations from the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey,
now the U.S. Geological Survey. MAG = magnitude, SD=standard deviation of the origin time, sec,
N = number of stations used in the solution.
112 Source Parameters and Their Determination

p Z R


W AE d>

...::::::'-- Of = Qzimuth

tan a =A:

Fig. 45. Sketch showing how from ai~en records (E, N, Z) of the P-wave it is possible to determine the
direction (azimuth) to the epicentre. The corresponding Rayleigh waves are shown to the right, where one
should note the 90° phase shift between Z and the horizontal components. Compare Figure 19.

corresponding ground amplitudes and, after this, combined to give the

Obviously, three components are necessary and sufficient for such a
determination. If we had only two horizontal components and no vertical
component recorded, an unambiguous direction determination would not
be possible. The Love waves (L) are recorded only by the horizontal com-
ponents and do not permit an unambiguous determination of direction.
The S-waves could be used as a check, but are less practical because of
their composition of SV and SH. When, in practice, an epicentre de-
termination is made from the records at only one station, it is advisable
to use as many different waves as possible. If the determination has been
made correctly all waves have clearly to agree with each other.
The two methods for epicentre determinations described above can
be summarized as follows:
I. Many stations with times: can be used both for distant and near
2. One station with time, distance, azimuth: can be used both for
distant and near events.
The difference between the two methods thus depends on the number
of stations used and the character of the given data, but not on the location
of the epicentre (near or distant).
While in general the epicentre location can be calculated with rel-
Coordinates and Origin Time 113

atively good accuracy, it has proved more difficult to obtain the focal
depth with the necessary precision. As indicated in the preceding section,
the accuracy of the focal depth, as measured in kilometres, compares
favourably with the accuracy in kilometres of the epicentre location. How-
ever, the requirements on focal-depth accuracy are more stringent. This
concerns especially shallower depths, i.e. for events in the upper 100 km
of the earth. The requirements on accurate depths stem from both prac-
tical and theoretical aspects of seismology, which can be summarized in a
few points:
I. Nuclear explosion detection. Events for which the depth exceeds
a few kilometres, say 5-10 km, are very likely natural (earthquakes), whereas
shallower events may be artificial. See further Chapter I I.
2. Tsunami warning. Tsunamis or seismic sea waves may arise be-
cause of earthquakes near an ocean bottom (Chapter 1). It seems probable
that only very shallow earthquakes give rise to tsunamis. Therefore, im-
proved precision of the focal-depth determination would be of immense
importance to warning services.
3. Pure seismology. In many seismological studies, a higher accuracy
of focal depths is required, especially for the upper 100 km of the earth.
This concerns every investigation where focal depth enters as an independent
variable, for example in investigations of spectra as a function of focal
depth or of energy content in higher-mode surface waves as a function of
focal depth, etc.
At the same time as the requirements are especially stringent for
focal depths less than 100 km, the difficulties for depth determinations
are greater in this range than for deeper events. Table 5 gives information
on the time differences pP-P which correspond to different depths from
100 to 700 km. For depths less than 100 km the problems of accurate depth
determination increase, partly because of the fact that pP follows closely
after P and may be difficult to read, partly because of greater influence
of local source conditions on the observed time difference pP-P.
The world centres mentioned above often do not consider it
possible to guarantee a higher precision than ± 25 km in the calculated
depths (even if these are given to 1 km). However, a higher accuracy can
be achieved by the simultaneous inspection of the records from a whole
network of stations. By direct visual comparison, it is possible to make
8 Bilth: Introduction to Seismology
114 Source Parameters and Their Determination

more reliable wave identifications than just to go by reported times. Thus,

experience from the Swedish network has shown that in this way it is
generally possible to calculate focal depths to an accuracy of ± 5 km.
For most purposes, this is sufficiently accurate. This provides both an
easy and an accurate method for depth calculations. More sophisticated
techniques, especially array techniques, can lead to exact values in a more
complicated way.
The correct identification of pP may offer certain problems. Con-
sidering the frequent occurrence of multiple shocks, it may often be question-
able whether a later phase is really pP or if it is P of another shock in the
same location. This is a frequently occurring problem in readings from net-
works of limited geographical extent. A better distinction can then be made
by networks of greater extent.

4.3 Magnitude and Energy

In earlier earthquake statistics usually no attention was paid to the released

energy. This naturally gave erroneous results, and it was a major step
forward when the American seismologist RICHTER in the 1930's introduced
the magnitude concept. In general, we can define the magnitude in the
following way:
M = log r+f(LI, h)+C.+Cr (1)

where M=magnitude, a=ground amplitUde (expressed in microns; 1 mi-

cron =0.001 mm), T=wave period (sec), LI =epicentral distance (degrees),
h=focal depth (km), C.=station correction, which corrects for special
conditions at the station (local structure, etc.), Cr=regional correction,
different for different earthquake areas, and depending on the earthquake
mechanism (Chapter 6) and the wave propagation. All logarithms in this book
refer to the base 10. The function f has been determined by a combination of
theoretical and empirical results. It corrects for the effect of distance (which
influences the amplitudes because of geometrical spreading and absorp-
tion) and for the effect of focal depth. f is different for different waves
and also for different components of the same wave. The magnitude is a
quantity which is characteristic of each earthquake (or explosion), and
Magnitude and Energy 115

determinations made at different stations, or by means of different records

or different waves at one and the same station, should agree within error
limits. Even in the best cases, we have to expect errors of 0.2-0.3 units
in a calculated magnitude. Equation (1) shows that the magnitude has no
upper limit, theoretically speaking. It is thus completely erroneous to talk
about the' 12-degree Richter scale', which unfortunately is heard or seen
in news media too often. From a practical point of view there is an upper
limit for M, caused by the fact that the earth has a limited strength and
cannot store energies beyond a certain upper limit. The largest earthquakes
known have reached a magnitude of about 8.9. On the other hand, it is also
clear from equation (I) that negative magnitudes are possible for small
So far, the magnitude concept appears simple and relatively free
from complications. However, on closer examination, this is found to be
far from the truth, and here I shall try to describe the present situation
with regard to magnitude determinations. In fact, there is not one magni-
tude scale, but we can distinguish three different scales:
1. ML is the original magnitude introduced by RICHTER in 1935. This
was defined so as to be used for local shocks in southern California. ML
was defined by RICHTER as the logarithm of the maximum, recorded (trace)
amplitude (expressed in microns) by a Wood-Anderson torsion seismo-
graph with specified constants (free period=0.8 sec, maximum magnifica-
tion = 2800, damping factor =0.8), when the seismograph was at an epi-
central distance of 100 km. The magnitude for shocks at other distances can
be calculated from a knowledge of the variation of the maximum amplitude
with distance. Obviously, this definition is not in conflict with equation (l),
even though it must be said that the definition was arbitrary and permitted
only a limited application.
2. M is magnitude based on surface waves. In 1945, GUTENBERG de-
veloped the magnitude scale considerably, making it applicable to any
epicentral distance and to any type of seismograph. This development re-
quired a better knowledge of the variation of wave amplitudes with distance.
and in order to be able to use different seismograph types, it was hence-
forth necessary to use ground amplitudes instead of trace amplitUdes. The
first generalization was made for surface waves (R). By limiting the period
range considered to 20±2 sec, further by including only earthquakes of
116 Source Parameters and Their Determination

normal depth (h constant) and finally by stating that the function f for
surface waves is proportional to log ,1, equation (1) is simplified to the
following form:

where C1 and C2 are constants. In most formulas of this type which have
been developed the amplitude a refers to the horizontal component of
Rayleigh surface waves. Some similar formulas for the Rayleigh-wave ver-
tical components have also been developed.
3. m is magnitude based on body waves and defined by the same
equation (1). In 1945, GUTENBERG extended magnitude determinations also
to body waves (P, P P, S) and to earthquakes of any depth. These generaliza-
tions have to be made on the basis of equation (1). Later, m was called the
'unified magnitude' by GUTENBERG.
However, the three scales do not agree with each other, which means
that one and the same earthquake will have different magnitude values on
the different scales. Relations between the scales have been deduced, which
make relatively simple recalculations, from one scale to another, possible
(Fig. 46):
m = 1.7 +O.8ML -O.OIMI}
m = O.56M + 2.9
The relation between m and M expresses an interesting result, which
has emanated from magnitude studies. The relation implies that for earth-
quakes at normal depth the surface waves become more and more important
in relation to the body waves the bigger the earthquake is. As seen from
the relation (3) and Figure 46 the slope is greater for the M-scale than for

6 7 8 9 Fig. 46. Relations between different magnitudes.

Magnitude and Energy 117

the m-scale, and the two scales intersect at m = M = 6.6. This circumstance
is explained by the fact that in larger earthquakes the focal mechanism is
more extended both in space and time, and this has a favourable influence
on the generation of longer-period surface waves.
ML has only a rather limited application, but is still generally used
in studies of regional events. The use of any well-calibrated short-period
seismograph system and conversion into the amplitudes of the standard
Wood-Anderson seismograph have enlarged the applicability of the M L -
scale. Best results are obtained if such measurements are combined with
regionally determined attenuation values, preferably by spectral methods,
instead of using those derived for California. An example of this procedure
is presented by BATH et al. (1976), where an ML -scale is developed for Fen-
noscandia. The other magnitudes (m and M) have a much wider application.
One complication arises from the fact that some stations use only the
M-scale, others only the m-scale, and it is not always obvious which scale
has been applied.
But there are also a number of other complications, depending par-
ticularly on the way in which the measurements on the seismograms are
made. One important reason for discrepancies is illustrated by a schematic
case in Figure 47. While the magnitude scales were defined by GUTENBERG
as applicable to the maximum amplitudes in each wave group (correspond-
ing to Am in Fig. 47), some seismologists are instead in the habit of measur-
ing the very first swing (AI in Fig. 47). Obviously, in the two ceses shown
in Figure 47, the magnitudes would erroneously be the same, if AI is
used, whereas the magnitude would be 0.7 units higher in the latter case
if the maximum amplitudes are measured (assuming other parameters to
be the same in the two cases).
Another cause of discrepancies arises when surface waves are also
used for magnitude determination for focal depths in excess of normal.
We have seen in Chapter 3 that the surface waves are best developed for
a surface focus and that they decrease with increasing focal depth. How-
ever, consistent values of magnitudes can be obtained from surface waves
for focal depths down to about 100 km, provided the magnitudes are cor-
rected by +0.008 h, where h is the depth in km. Even for such a relatively
small depth as 60 km this magnitude correction amounts to no less than
+0.5. However, there are quite large variations in this correction from
118 Source Parameters and Their Determination



Fig. 47. Two constructed records of P-waves, with the same

amplitudes of the first swing (A,) but with a maximum ampli-
tude (Am) differing by a factor of about five.

earthquake to earthquake, and, exceptionally, even very deep earthquakes

can produce remarkably well developed surface waves.
An important step towards greater unification of the magnitude de-
terminations was taken at the International Geophysical Assembly in Zu-
rich in 1967. There the following recommendations were adopted for mag-
nitude determinations of distant events (A ~200), here reproduced in full
(with minor explanations):
'1. Magnitudes should be determined from (ajT)max for all waves for
which calibrating functions/(A, h) are available: PZ, PH, PPZ, PPH, SH,
LH, (LZ). (Z=vertical component, H=horizontal component, L=surface
2. Amplitudes and periods used ought to be published. Two mag-
nitudes (m=body-wave magnitude, M=surface-wave magnitude) should be
used. For statistical studies M is favoured. The conversion formula 111 =
= O.56M + 2.9 is recommended.
Magnitude and Energy 119

3. For body waves the Q-values (=f(A, h)-values) of GUTENBERG

and RICHTER (1956) are used. For surface waves, the Moscow-Prague
formula of 1962:
M = log T + 1.66 log AO+3.3

is used. Determinations of station and epicentre corrections are encouraged.

(a is the horizontal component of Rayleigh surface waves; T should be
in the period range of 10-30 sec.)
4. If short-period records are used exclusively, too low magnitudes
result. In order to eliminate this error, it is strongly recommended that
for short-period readings either afT or f(A, h) be adjusted such that agree-
ment with long-period instruments is achieved.'
Nowadays, magnitudes are regularly reported both by several in-
dividual stations as well as by networks of stations and by world centres.
As an example, I may mention that the Seismological Institute in Uppsala
from January 1968 reports both m (from body waves) and M (from surface
waves) in agreement with the Zurich recommendations for all cases with
well-measurabJe amplitudes. The reported values are averages of determina-
tions obtained from records at Uppsala and Kiruna. As a rule, the fol-
lowing waves are used in these calculations: P(H, Z, Z'), PP(H, Z, Z').
S(H), R(H), where H=long-period horizontal component, Z=long-period
vertical component, Z' = short-period vertical component. For larger earth-
quakes with a greater number of well-readable amplitudes, m may thus be
an average of 10-15 individual determinations. For smaller shocks, on the
other hand, m may be an average of just two determinations, like M. As
we shall see later in Chapter 6, the combination of P and S implies to a
certain extent an elimination of the azimuth-dependent radiation from the
focus. Later, from January 1970, the procedure has been simplified such
that m is always an average of only two determinations, i.e. P(Z') from
U ppsala and Kiruna, just as M is an average of R(H) from the two stations.
The corresponding amplitudes and periods are reported in our bulletins
when the amplitudes amount to 0.1 micron or more, but not otherwise.
In order to get an apprehension of representative magnitude values,
a collection of these has been given in Table 6.
120 Source Parameters and Their Determination

Table 6. Magnitude formulas.

a) Evaluation of M = log y+ 1.66 log .1° + 3.3 for T = 20 sec.

~ola micron 0.1 10 100 1000 10000

20 3.2 4.2 5.2 6.2 7.2 8.2

40 3.7 4.7 5.7 6.7 7.7 8.7
60 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 (9.0)
80 4.2 5.2 6.2 7.2 8.2 (9.2)
100 4.3 5.3 6.3 7.3 8.3 (9.3)
120 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 (9.5)
140 4.6 5.6 6.6 7.6 8.6 (9.6)
160 4.7 5.7 6.7 7.7 8.7 (9.7)
180 4.8 5.8 6.8 7.8 8.8 (9.8)

b) Evaluation of m = logy+f(.1, h) for PZ, T=1 sec and h=normal.

J 0 /a micron 0.01 0.1 10 100

20 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 (8.0)

40 4.4 5.4 6.4 7.4 (8.4)
60 4.8 5.8 6.8 7.8 (8.8)
80 4.7 5.7 6.7 7.7 (8.7)
100 5.4 6.4 7.4 (8.4) (9.4)

The main significance of the magnitude lies in the fact that it permits
a classification of earthquakes based upon the energy released. The mag-
nitude has a simple relation to the total energy of the seismic waves (E, ergs),
which has been released in an earthquake:

log E = 12.24+ 1.44M (4)

A magnitude increase by one unit in the M-scale thus corresponds to an
energy increase by 25-30 times. Equation (4) has been deduced for M>- 5,
and it should not be used for lower magnitudes. By means of equatIOn (3)
we can easily substitute m or ML for M in equation (4). Expressed in m,
the energy formula thus becomes:

log E = 4.78+2.57m (5)

Considering such energy-magnitude relations, we have to realize that
magnitudes were originally defined in a more arbitrary way. It was not
until a later stage that efforts were made to derive relations between M
Magnitude and Energy 121

and E. This has involved great problems, and ever since the 1930's a great
number of different relations of this kind have been proposed, some of
them deviating strongly from each other. Equation (4) seems to represent
one of the more reliable solutions. In the derivation of an equation like
(4) M is determined according to the usual method, while the energy E has
to be computed, usually by an integration over the whole wave train under
study, i.e. both in time and space. Such computations have been made
both for surface waves and for body waves. Modern techniques (especially
magnetic-tape recording combined with the use of electronic computers)
have considerably simplified the extensive integration work. In comparison
with energy calculations from seismograms, energy determinations from
geodetic measurements in the epicentral area have only a limited applica-
tion. In fact, only relatively few earthquakes permit reliable measurements
in the field; moreover, it is unclear what the relation is between such mea-
surements and the total seismic wave energy E released.
From Tables 7 and 8 it is clear that earthquakes cover an enormous
energy range. This great range can be even better elucidated by the follow-
ing comparison. An earthquake of the relatively modest magnitude M=6.8
corresponds to an energy release of about 290 million kWh, i.e. the electric
energy consumption in Uppsala during 1966 (then about 100000 inhab-
itants). An earthquake of M =8 i releases an amount of energy equivalent to
the electric energy consumption in Uppsala for 670 years, assuming the
same annual value as for 1966. And a very small earthquake, with a mag-
nitude of 1.6, would correspond to the average amount of electric energy

Table 7. Corresponding values of seismic wave energy (E), magnitude (M and m),
maximum intensity (10) and maximum acceleration (ao)'

E M m 10 Qo1
erg cm/sec 2

1020 5.4 5.9 61/2 50

1021 6.1 6.3 71/2+ 100
1022 6.8 6.7 81/2+ 250
1023 7.5 7.1 10- 550
1024 8.2 7.5 11- 1250
1025 8.9 7.9 12 2800

1 Refers to periods of 0.1-0.5 sec of the ground motion.

122 Source Parameters and Their Determination

Table 8. Review of some sample earthquakes.

Earthquake M Energy' Number of deaths

Agadir, February 29, 1960 5.8 7+ I 10000-15000

Skopje, July 26, 1963 6.0 71/2 2 1 100
Mediterranean Sea, July 19, 1963 6.4 8 7 o
Georgia, USSR, July 16, 1963 63/4- 9- 35 (0)
Kurile Islands, October 13, 1963 81/4 II 3400 o
Alaska, March 28, 1964 8.5 II + 7800 131

1 10 has been calculated from M by means of equation (10), Chapter 4, and in single cases it may deviate
significantly from values really observed.
• In order to facilitate comparison among the shocks listed, the energy of the Agadir earthquake has bee n
chosen as unit.

used in Uppsala in just one second. However, hitherto it has not been
possible to bring the enormous energy of earthquakes under control or
to extract any useful work from it.
Tallie 8 also demonstrates the practically complete absence of cor-
relation between released energy and casualties (number of deaths). In
Chapter 5 we shall learn more about destructive earthquakes.
Thanks to the ease of its determination and its reliability, the magni-
tude has rightly come to stay as a dynamic source parameter of unparalleled
significance. However, in recent time several other dynamic parameters have
appeared, notably the seismic moment Mo' This is defined by the equation


where /L=modulus of rigidity (cf. Section 3.1), D=average dislocation on a

fault plane and S = area of fault plane. The seismic moment can be deter-
mined from field data, from spectra of records of seismic waves or from
empirical relations to magnitude. An example of such a relation is the
following, deduced for earthquakes in the western United States (WYSS and
BRUNE, 1968):

log Mo = 15.1 + 1.7ML (7)

where Mo is expressed in dyne. em and 3<ML <6.

Intensity 123

4.4 Intensity

Intensity is not a source parameter, but it will be convenient to treat this

concept in immediate connection with magnitude. We have to differ clearly
between the magnitude and the intensity of an earthquake. The magnitude
is calculated from instrumental records, while the intensity is based on
direct effects of the shock, such as on buildings, topography, etc., i.e.
so-called macroseismic effects. While the magnitude has a certain definite
value for each earthquake, as we have seen, the intensity varies with the
position of the observation point. The intensity is greatest within the epi-
central area, and from there it usually decreases in all directions. As a rule,
intensity is expressed on some scale, nowadays generally on a scale of
12 degrees.
The first more generally used intensity scale (ROSSI-FoREL, see
Chapter I) had 10 degrees. However, as it did not permit a sufficiently
clear distinction among the strongest earthquakes (degree 10), it was re-
placed by a 12-degree scale. This is still usually referred to one or several
of the names MERCALLI, CANCANI, SIEBERG. It was revised by WOOD and
NEUMANN in the USA in 1931 and was then called the 'Modified Mercalli
Scale' or simply the 'MM-scale'. Another revision was made by RICHTER,
who called the result the 'Modified Mercalli Scale, 1956 version'. The
latest modification is called the MSK-scale, after the seismologists MEDVE-
DE V, SPONHEUER and KARNIK. Appendix I to this chapter gives the MSK-
scale of 1964. Table 9 gives corresponding intensity values in some dif-
ferent scales.
In order to determine which intensities have prevailed at different
places during an earthquake, it is frequently necessary to send special
expeditions to investigate the epicentral area. In addition, questionnaires
may be distributed to the general public. A number of slightly different
questionnaires are in use in different countries. Just to give an example,
Appendix II of this chapter reproduces (in translation) the form used in
Sweden. The forms may be sent to post offices or other agencies with close
contact with the general pUblic. When all data on the effects of an earth-
quake have been accumulated and the effects expressed in intensities, the
result is usually represented by isoseismals on a map (Fig. 48). Isoseismals
are nowadays usually defined as curves demarcating areas with different
124 Source Parameters and Their Determination

Table 9. Corresponding intensity values on different scales.

MSK 19641 Japanese Sca!e 2 Rossi-Fore!

1950 1874

I 0 I
IV 2.3 IV
V 3 V-VI
IX 6 X
X 6 X
XI 7 X

1 Intensity values according to MSK 1964 agree with those of the Mercalli-Cancani-Sieberg Scale (1917). the
Modified Mercalli Scale (1931) and the Soviet Scale (1952).
t The seven-degree Japanese Scale is often used also in international communications issued from Japan.
It is to be observed that this is an intensity scale and not a magnitude scale.

intensities from each other. The isoseismal maps are valuable comple-
ments to the instrumental records, and they are of special importance
in engineering seismology. However, it has to be emphasized that the
construction of isoseismal maps from macroseismic observations requires
a critical attitude towards the observations and a good knowledge of the
psychology of observations. Good knowledge about the geological con-
ditions and the types of building construction used in the area is also of
essential importance. As a rule, the intensity is greater on loose ground
than on solid bedrock, an observation which has been confirmed by
instrumental records. Whether the intensity is smaller below the surface
(e.g. in mines) than on the surface, has not been established reliably_
Some observations, which seem to indicate such a behaviour, may depend
on different ground conditions (solid rock in the mine as compared to loose
ground on the surface). Especially for use in engineering seismology, ins-
trumental records of accelerations are of indipensable value and more
reliable than direct observations alone. Such recording is also performed
continuously in some earthquake areas, where damaging effects are ex-
Some difficulty in evaluating macro seismic observations may be
Intensity 125

Fig. 48. Isoseismal map for the San Fran-

cisco earthquake of April 18. 1906. Inten-
sities refer to the MSK scale. Note the
elongated shape of the isoseismals in the
direction of the San Andreas fault.

caused by the fact that several non-seismic phenomena give rise to effects
similar to those of earthquakes. One example is provided by the sonic
booms from airplanes. These booms are not recorded by seismographs
except in the immediate vicinity of the phenomenon. Crack formation
in loose material due to frost action is another example. This may occur
during cold winters, especially in connection with rapid temperature varia-
tions. The shaking thus produced may remind one of a small earthquake,
but since such events are limited to loose material, they are not recorded
by seismographs. Landslides are another phenomenon restricted to the
soil and other loose material and are generally not recorded by seismo-
By means of an isoseismal map, it is possible to calculate charac-
teristic quantities for an earthquake, such as the position of the epicentre.
the depth of the source (hypocentre) below the earth's surface and the
released energy. On the basis of the macroseismic observations, the epi-
centre is the central point where the maximum intensity has been observed.
126 Source Parameters and Their Determination

It has been found quite often that epicentres determined macro seismically
and instrumentally do not agree exactly. The deviations can depend on
inhomogeneities in the geological structure. In addition, an instrumentally
determined epicentre (from initial P-wave readings) is generally located
at the point where the fracture starts. In extended fault systems this point
can deviate considerably from the area with the highest intensity. For a
source located at some depth, the decrease of intensity outwards from the
centre is evidently much slower than for a source at or near the surface.
This provides a possibility to estimate the focal depth from the rate of
decrease of the intensity from the central area outwards. After this, the
released energy can be estimated. It can be formulated as a function of

Fig. 49. Schematic picture of isoseismals, partly in a

vertical section (below ground level 00), partly in a
horizontal plane (coinciding with 00). F=focus,
Io=maximum intensity, h=focal depth, rj=radius
of the macroseismic area and I j =the correspond-
ing intensity.

any two of the following three variables: the maximum intensity (10 ), the
average radius of the macroseismic area (r,), the depth of the hypocentre
(h). See Figure 49. It is of essential importance to notice that knowing
only one of these quantities is not sufficient to define the released energy
in an unambiguous way; instead two of these quantities are required in
the general case. It is natural that an earthquake at a certain depth and
with a certain macroseismic area has a certain energy. For instance, the
maximum intensity alone is not sufficient to define the energy, because
for a given maximum intensity the released energy has to be greater, the
deeper the source is located.
The following equation gives at least approximate information about
the relation between the three quantities mentioned:

= 3 log rl+h
10 -2 h2 (8)
Seismic Effects on Structures 127

Equation (8) is a special case of the following more general formula,

which informs us about the decrease of intensity with increasing distance.
At horizontal distance r=O, the intensity is 10 , and at distance r, it is I.
Then, the following approximate relation holds:
r2+h 2
10 -1= 310g~ (9)

A number of relations have been given between magnitude (M) and

maximum intensity (/0), of which the following, derived for earthquakes
in southern California, can serve as an example (the focal depth h assumed
constant = about 17 km):
M = 1 +2/0/3 (10)
Similarly, the following approximate relation holds between 10 and the
corresponding acceleration ao (expressed in cm/sec 2):

10 = 3 log ao+ 1.5 (11)

We have to observe that there may be strong variations in the numerical

coefficients in equations (10) and (11) between different seismic areas. The
formulas given here are nevertheless close to a world average and can
therefore be used as a first approximation, when more accurate knowl-
edge of an area is missing. Numerical values are given in Tables 7 and 8.
More general formulas, expressing ground acceleration a as a function
of magnitude M, focal depth hand epicentral distance r, i.e. a=a(M, h, r),
can be found for example in BATH (1975). The approximations involved
are about as severe as in the formulas above. More accurate results can be
achieved by deduction of formulas for each specified region, preferably by
spectral means. An example of such a study, referring to Fennoscandia, is
given by BATH et al. (1976).

4.5 Seismic Effects on Structures

A special field of science, named engineering seismology or earthquake

engineering, deals with the effects of seismic forces and vibrations on all
kinds of structures. Field investigations after each destructive earthquake
together with investigations on laboratory models and theory all play an
128 Source Parameters and Their Determination

important role in such research. Its practical aspects are clear and do not
need any further explanation.
The ground motion during an earthquake, especially in the epicentral
region, is a complicated phenomenon. A building or any other construc-
tion also represents a dynamically complex structure. We then understand
that great complexities are involved in the interaction between the two.
The motion of the ground will induce oscillatory stresses and strains in a
structure. The characteristics of the vibratory motion of a structure will
depend on the characteristics of the ground motion as well as on the pro-
perties of the structure, such as its size, shape, mass, rigidity, damping,
etc. As a rule, it is the weakest parts in a structure that will be damaged
first. Therefore, it is considered most suitable to avoid weak parts, i.e. to
make the structure as a whole of similar strength throughout, sufficient
to withstand expected seismic forces. In this way, concrete structures or
reinforced buildings can be made to withstand even very large seismic
forces. Flexible joints between walls, floors and roofs are of great help, and
are exemplified in wooden structures, but are also a general principle follow-
ed in the design of any earthquake-proof structure. Resonance effects have
to be avoided as much as possible. In case some choice for the location of a
building is given, then experience from California has demonstrated that a
location on as solid rock as possible should be selected (this being the pri-
mary request), then should in addition active faults be avoided. The re-
quirements on earthquake-proof constructions have recently become much
more severe than earlier. This is true especially in the design of nuclear
power plants, for which earthquake effects are considered even in countries
(like Sweden) where they were never before taken into account. Structures
of considerable horizontal extension, e.g. larger bridges, dams, pipelines,
are also sensitive to slow motions in the ground, such as in the vicinity of
active faults, which has to be considered in their location and construction.
In the following we shall give a brief outline of calculations on the
basis of which earthquake-resistant buildings may be constructed. The
mathematics used is rather simple, and the main difficulty derives from
lack of accurate knowledge of numerical values of all (;ontributing factors
to be applied in any special case. The forces that an earthquake may exert
on a structure can be written as follows:
Seismic Effects on Structures 129

Horizontal force: F=s.Q }

Vertical force: V=±y.s.Q
where s is the seismic coefficient, Q is the weight of the structure and y
is a correction factor. The seismic coefficient s is the product of several
factors as shown in the following formula:
s = rx·lf·P·(j (13)

where rx=an intensity factor, depending both on ground acceleration (ao/g,

where ao=acceleration and g=gravity) and on seismic risk R, i.e. the
frequency of occurrence of earthquakes: rx = ao • R; If = a distribution
factor, i.e. a mechanical characteristic of the structure and its mass dis-
tribution; p=a factor characterizing the motion induced in the structure
by an earthquake; (j=a ground factor, depending on the ground char-
acteristics and the foundation of the structure. The seismic risk R is defined
by the following formula:
R = 1-(1-~-r (14)

in which n = a specified number of years for which the risk is calculated

and T=the recurrence period, i.e. the interval in years between shocks
of a given intensity. The factor p can be approximately calculated from
the formula
P= p/3

where B assumes values between 0.6 and 0.8 and T is the period of the
Table 10. Numerical example of the calculation of the seismic coefficient s for
T=0.5 sec, P=0.75 and,,= \; compare equation (13).

Intensity Acceleration: Seismic ap Seismic coefficient 5 Correction factor

Gravity risk
MSK ao/g R Rock Soil )'=V/F

7 0.08 1.00 0.06 0.02 0.\3 1.2-1.5

8 0.15 0.90 0.11 0.03 0.24 0.9-1.2
9 0.30 0.73 Oj7 0.05 0.37 0.8-1.0
10 0.60 0.52 0.23 0.07 0.5\

9 BAth: Introduction to Seismology

130 Source Parameters and Their Determination

As an illustration, Table 10 summarizes some typical values of the

factors, extracted from a Spanish publication (Norma Sismorresistente,
1968). The values of the seismic risk R naturally vary considerably from
region to region, and those of Table 10 are only to be taken as examples.
They are computed assuming n=50 years. For a period T=0.5 sec and
B=0.6, we get P=0.75 which, in addition, may serve as an approximate
average for most cases. The factor" can be calculated for any given struc-
ture. Here we assume for simplicity that" = 1. The factor ~ varies between
0.3 for hard rock (with longitudinal wave velocity vp>4.0 km/sec) to about
2.2 for loose soil (vp;§0.3 krnfsec).
As an example, we then find from Table 10 that for an intensity of
10, the horizontal seismic force affecting a structure reaches the following

Hard rock: F=0.07Q

Loose soil: F=0.5IQ

And the vertical force has approximately the same size as the horizontal.
Such calculations may serve as a guide on how to construct a building or
other structure to withstand the seismic forces. Obviously, there is quite
a number of considerations which have to be taken and which are adequately
summarized in the expression (13) for the seismic coefficient. Detailed
and accurate evaluations no doubt require close cooperation between spe-
cialists within various branches, such as geology, seismology, structural
engineering, etc. Developments similar to those given here apply to any type
of mechanical vibrations and their influence on structures. For example,
the modern problem of traffic vibrations can be treated in. an analogous
way, then putting R= 1 and considering that dominant periods T are gene-
rally short and that structural effects are of an integrated fatigue nature.

4.6 Appendix I: The MSK Intensity Scale of 1964 (slightly simplified)

I. Not noticeable: The intensity of the vibration is below the limit of sen-
sibility; the tremor is detected and recorded by seismographs only.
II. Scarcely noticeable (very slight): Vibration is felt only by individual
people at rest in houses, especially on upper floors of buildings.
The MSK Intensity Scale of 1964 131

III. Weak, partially observed only: The earthquake is felt indoors by a

few people, outdoors only in favourable circumstances. The vibration is
like that due to the passing of a light truck. Attentive observers notice a
slight swinging of hanging objects, somewhat more heavily on upper floors.
IV. Largely observed: The earthquake is felt indoors by many people, out-
doors by few. Here and there people awake, but no one is frightened.
The vibration is like that due to the passing of a heavily loaded truck.
Windows, doors and dishes rattle. Floors and walls creak. Furniture begins
to shake. Hanging objects swing slightly. Liquids in open vessels are
slightly disturbed. In standing motor cars the shock is noticeable.
V. Awakening: The earthquake is felt indoors by all, outdoors by many.
Many sleeping people awake. A few run outdoors. Animals become un-
easy. Buildings tremble throughout. Hanging objects swing considerably.
Paintings knock against walls or swing out of place. Occasionally pen-
dulum clocks stop. Unstable objects may be overturned or shifted. Open
doors and windows are thrust open and slam back again. Liquids spill
in small amounts from well-filled open containers. The sensation of vibra-
tion is like that due to a heavy object falling inside the building.
Slight damages in buildings of poor construction are possible.
Sometimes change in flow of springs.
VI. Frightening: Felt by most indoors and outdoors. Many people in
buildings are frightened and run outdoors. A few persons lose their balance.
Domestic animals run out of their stalls. In few instances dishes and glass-
ware may break, books fall down. Heavy furniture may move and small
steeple bells may ring.
Slight damage is sustained in single buildings of medium construction.
Moderate damage in a few buildings of poor construction.
In a few cases, cracks up to widths of 1 cm are possible in wet ground;
in mountains occasional landslips; changes in flow of springs and in level
of well-water are observed.
VII. Damage to buildings: Most people are frightened and run outdoors.
Many find it difficult to stand. The vibration is noticed by persons driving
motor cars. Large bells ring.
In many buildings of good construction slight damage is caused;
in many buildings of medium construction damage is moderate. Many
poor buildings suffer heavy damage, a few even destruction. In single
132 Source Parameters and Their Determination

instances landslips of roadway on steep slopes; cracks in roads; seams

of pipelines damaged; cracks in stone walls.
Waves are formed on water, and water is made turbid by mud stir-
red up. Water levels in wells change and the flow of springs changes. In a
few cases dry springs have their flow restored and existing springs stop
flowing. In isolated instances parts of sandy or gravelly banks slip off.
VIII. Destruction of buildings: Fright and panic; also persons driving motor
cars are disturbed. Here and there branches of trees break off. Even heavy
furniture moves and partly overturns. Hanging lamps are in part damaged.
Many buildings of good construction suffer moderate damage and
a few heavy damage. Many buildings of medium construction suffer heavy
damage and a few destruction. Many poor buildings suffer destruction
and a few total damage. Occasional breaking of pipe seams. Memorials
and monuments move and twist. Tombstones overturn. Stone walls collapse.
Small landslips in hollows and on banked roads on steep slopes;
cracks in ground up to widths of several centimetres. Water in lakes be-
comes turbid. New reservoirs come into existence. Dry wells refill and
existing wells become dry. In many cases change in flow and level of water.
IX. General damage to buildings: General panic; considerable damage to
furniture. Animals run to and fro in confusion and cry.
Many good buildings suffer heavy damage, a few destruction. Many
medium buildings show destruction, a few total damage. Many poor build-
ings suffer total damage. Monuments and columns fall. Considerable dam-
age to reservoirs; underground pipes partly broken. In individual cases
railway lines are bent and roadways damaged.
On flat land overflow of water, sand and mud is often observed.
Ground cracks to widths of up to 10 cm, on slopes and river banks more
than 10 cm; furthermore a large number of slight cracks in ground; falls
of rock, many landslides and earth flows; large waves on water. Dry wells
renew their flow and existing wells dry up.
X. General destruction of bUildings: Many good buildings suffer destruction,
a few total damage. Many medium buildings show total damage; most of
the poor buildings are totally damaged. Critical damage to dams and dykes
and severe damage to bridges. Railway lines are bent slightly. Underground
pipes are broken or bent. Road paving and asphalt show waves.
In ground, cracks up to widths of several decimetres, sometimes up
An Example of a Macroseismic Questionnaire 133

to 1 meter. Parallel to water courses broad fissures occur. Loose ground

slides from steep slopes. From river banks and steep coasts considerable
landslides are possible. In coastal areas displacement of sand and mud;
change of water level in wells; water from canals, lakes, rivers, etc. thrown
on land. New lakes occur.
XI. Catastrophe: Severe damage even to well-built buildings, bridges, water
dams and railway lines; highways become useless; underground pipes de-
Ground considerably modified by broad cracks and fissures as well
as by movement in horizontal and vertical directions; numerous landslips
and falls of rock. The intensity of the earthquake has to be investigated
XII. Landscape changes: Practically all structures above and below ground
are greatly damaged or destroyed.
The surface of the ground is radically changed. Considerable ground
cracks with extensive vertical and horizontal movements are observed. Falls
of rock and slumping of river banks over wide areas; lakes are dammed;
waterfalls appear and rivers are deflected. The intensity of the earthquake
has to be investigated specially.

4.7 Appendix II: An Example of a M acroseismic Questionnaire

According to available information, an earthquake has occurred on ...... .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (date and hour) in ...................... .
(geographical area).
You are kindly asked to answer the following questions as completely as
possible, and return the form to .......................... (address of
institute collecting the data).
As every piece of information is of value, the questionnaire ought to be
returned even if only a few of the questions can be answered. If the earth-
quake was not noticed at your place, this is also significant information.
Was the above-mentioned earthquake noticed at your place? ............ .
If the earthquake was observed, will you please answer the following ques-
Where were the observations made (county, city, village, farm, etc.)? ....
134 Source Parameters and Their Determination

When did the earthquake occur? ................................... .

Were the observations made indoors (which floor? what kind of building?)

or in the open air or at sea? ........................................ .

What are the ground conditions at the place where the observations were
made (solid rock or loose ground, sand, clay, or similar)? .............. .
Describe below the observations as accurately as possible
How did the earthquake start? ..................................... .
By rumbling sound or by a shock? ................................. .
Was any shock noticed? ........................................... .
How many shocks? ............................................... .
How much time elapsed between the shocks? ........................ .
What was the duration of each shock? .............................. .
Was any rumbling noticed? ........................................ .
Before, during or after the shock? .................................. .
What was the duration of the rumbling? ............................. .
How was the earthquake motion felt (as a shock, as shaking motion or as
oscillatory motion)? .............................................. .
From which direction did the motion appear to come? ................ .
What effects did the earthquake produce? .......................... .
Was it noticed generally by the population or only by individual persons?

Give the approximate number of persons you have interviewed ......... .

Were any easily movable objects shaken or set rattling, such as lamp-
shades, windows, doors or furniture? ................................ .
Were creakings of floors or walls heard? ............................. .
Were smaller objects moved or did they fall down? ................... .
Were heavier objects, such as furniture, moved? ...................... .
Did bells ring? ................................................... .
Did hanging lamps swing? ........................................ .
Were sleeping persons awakened (in general or only· in individual cases)?

Did pendulum clocks stop? ........................................ .

Were trees and bushes clearly swaying? .............................. .
Did general uneasiness and fright arise? ............................. .
Were heavier objects overturned? ................................... .
An Example of a Macroseismic Questionnaire 135

Were buildings damaged? ......................................... .

Did pieces of plaster fall down from buildings? ...................... .
Did cracks arise in walls? .......................................... .
Were chimneys overthrown? ....................................... .
Did fissures appear in the ground? ................................. .
In which direction did swinging objects move? , ...................... .
In which direction were chimneys and other objects overthrown? ........ .
Was anything else of interest observed in connection with the earthquake
(change of river flow, unusual motion of water in lakes or on the sea,
etc.)? ........................................................... .
Is there any other reliable information available about the earthquake?
Was it felt equally strong at all places in your area or was it felt stronger
at some places? Where were the strongest effects observed (on hills or in
valleys)? ........................................................ .

Chapter 5

Earthquake Statistics and Earthquake Geography

5.1 Earthquake Catastrophes

It has been estimated that during historical time 50 to 80 (according to one

estimate 74) million people have lost their lives in earthquakes or their
immediate aftereffects, as fires, landslides, tsunamis, etc. The figure is
rather modest compared to some other kinds of catastrophes, not to mention
modern traffic. The distribution of population takes generally no account
of earthquake risk, at least not on a large scale. In fact, some of the seismi-
cally most active areas are among those most populated; this is especially
true for Japan. The distribution of population is dictated primarily from
economic viewpoints, and it is considered far more practical to find pro-
tective measures against earthquake disasters. Active research is going
on in this field at present. This concerns partly the problem of earthquake
prediction (Chapter 10), which would make evacuations possible, partly the
introduction of building codes, which are still lacking in many earthquake
There is usually no clear correlation between the magnitude of a
shock and the number of killed people or other destruction (cf. Table 8).
An earthquake may be large but not destructive, on the other hand, an
earthquake may be destructive but not large. The absence of correlation
is due to the fact that a great number of other factors enter into the prob-
lem when considering casualties: first of all, the location of the earthquake
in relation to populated areas, but also soil conditions, building construc-
tions, etc. The Mediterranean and Middle East area has provided numer-
ous examples of relatively small, but destructive earthquakes (for example
Agadir, Morocco, February 29, 1960; Lar, Iran, April 24, 1960; Skopje,
Yugoslavia, July 26, 1963; also Managua, Nicaragua, December 23, 1972).
On the other hand, earthquakes of large magnitude occur from time to
time at sea or in unpopulated areas, with no damage to people or structures,
and they often pass unnoticed by the general public. Earthquake statistics
based on news reports can at most be used to get an apprehension of de-
138 Earthquake Statistics and Earthquake Geography

struction and casualties, but is not useful from a purely scientific viewpoint.
There are numerous descriptions of earthquake effects to be found
in the literature, also there are a number of summaries of such descrip-
tions. Older literature becomes more and more unreliable the farther back
one goes. There are frequently gross overestimates of the number of deaths,
which also happens from time to time in the very first news from an earth-
quake disaster. Official statements from governments and rescue organiza-
tions are generally reliable. In addition, older literature often dwells upon
secondary effects, while primary effects - such as observations of fault dis-
placements - do not attract the same attention. A thorough knowledge of
earthquake effects and a sound criticism is necessary in using this literature.
On the other hand, it is often questionable to what extent surface observa-
tions of fault displacements are representative of focal mechanism, con-
sidering that for most shocks with observable effects the hypocentre is
20--30 km deep.
The effects of earthquakes on buildings and other constructions, such
as bridges, dams, etc., have been studied extensively for many earthquakes,
e.g. San Francisco in 1906, Tokyo and Yokohama in 1923, Kern County,
California, in 1952, Chile in 1960, Skopje in 1963, and others. Nowadays,
usually every earthquake which has caused damage is carefully investigated
on the spot, to a great extent thanks to special missions sent out on the
initiative of UNESCO. The experience gained by such studies is naturally
of great importance in formulating any building codes. From the engineer-
ing side it is frequently and correctly emphasized that a greatly expanded
network of strong-motion accelerographs is needed throughout the seismic
regions of the world.
Experience has shown that it is practicable to build in an earthquake-
proof way. Buildings and other constructions, specially built according to
building codes and located on good ground (preferably solid rock), have
been able to resist the stresses which arise even in the strongest earthquakes.
The examples are still few but nevertheless of the greatest significance,
as they point to the possibility that earthquake disasters to buildings can
be avoided. The additional costs required in earthquake-proof building are
in general considerably lower than the costs for rebuilding. However, hitherto
some form of building code has been applied only in about one-third of
the approximately 70 countries, where earthquake risk exists.
Earthquake Catastrophes 139

Table 11. Destructive earthquakes.

Date Region Magni- Number of Remark

tude deaths

1556 January 23 China: Shansi 830 000 This is usually referred to as

the earthquake with the
greatest number of persons
killed. Although the figure
may of course be uncertain,
it is by no means unrealistic.
1693 January 9 Italy: Sicily (60000)
1703 December 31 Japan: Odowara,
Tokyo 5 230 Divergent information on
the number of people kil-
led: SIEBERG (1932) gives
150000, RICHTER (1958)
5233, the latter figure prob-
ably more correct.
1730 December 30 Japan: Hokkaido 137000 Uncertain; may be confu-
sion with preceding earth-
1737 India: Calcutta 300000 Uncertain, as reliable con-
firmation is lacking.
1755 November 1 Portugal: Lisbon (8 3/4) 60000 One of the best-known
earthquakes. The epicentre
was probably located about
100 km west of Lisbon.
Unusually large macro-
seismic extent, the radius
of perceptibility reaching
about 2000 km and the
seiche limit about 3500 km,
i.e. to Scandinavia and Fin-
1759 October 30 Syria 30000
1783 February 5 Italy: Calabria 30000
1797 February 4 Ecuador, Peru 40 000
1812 March 26 Venezuela: Caracas 20000
1857 December 16 Italy: Naples (61/2) 12000 Studied extensively by R.
MALLET, especially regard-
ing direction of displace-
1868 August 13 Peru, Ecuador 40000
140 Earthquake Statistics and Earthquake Geography

Table 11. Destructive earthquakes (continued).

Date Region Magni- Number of Remark

tude deaths

1883 July 28 Italy: Casamicciola 2 300 Strictly local destruction,

(Ischia) the area of destruction not
being more than 3 km wide,
suggesting very shallow fo-
cus. Probably volcanic

1891 October 28 Japan: Mino-Owari 7 270 Displacements up to 4 m

horizontally, 7 m vertically.
Great damage.

1896 June 15 Japan: Riku-Ugo 27120

1897 June 12 India 8.7 Extensively studied by

OLDHAM. Two faults, Sa-
min and Chedrang, the
latter with displacements
reaching 11 m. Several
secondary effects: flooding
in the Brahmaputra plain,
slides near the Assam hills.
Shillong destroyed.

1899 September 10 Alaska: Yakutat Bay 8.6 Vertical uplifts of 14.5 m.

Effects on glacier flow. Se-
veral major shocks in this
area in September 1899,
the next largest on Sep-
tember 4, M = 8.2.

1902 December 16 Turkestan 4500

1905 April 4 India: Kangra 8.6 19000 Epicentral area, including

Kangra, on Tertiary rocks
in the Himalaya foothills.
September 8 Italy: Calabria 7.9 (2500)

1906 January 31 Colombia 8.9 1000

March 16 Formosa: Kagi 7.1 1300 Investigated in detail by
OMORI. Strike-slip displace-
ment reaching 2.5 m, verti-
cal displacement half as
Earthquake Catastrophes 141

Table 11. Destructive earthquakes (continued).

Date Region Magni- Number of Remark

tude deaths

1906 April 18 California:

San Francisco 8.3 700 Studied in greater detail,
especially macroseismically,
than most other earth-
quakes. Strike-slip dextral
displacement on San And-
reas fault extending over
330 km and amounting to
maximum 6.4 m; maximum
vertical displacement not
quite 1 m. Great fires.
August 17 Chile: Santiago,
Valparaiso 8.6 20000
1907 January 14 Jamaica: Kingston 6.0 1600
October 21 Central Asia 8. I 12000
1908 December 28 Italy: Messina,
Reggio 7.5 83000
1911 January 3 North Tien-Shan 8.7 450 Extensive ground displace-
1912 August 9 Marmara Sea 7.8 1950
(west coast)
1915 January 13 Italy: Avezzano 7.5 29980
October 3 Nevada: Pleasant
Valley 7.8 (0) Vertical displacements of
1920 December 16 China: Kansu,
Shansi 8.6 100 000 Macroseismic area included
the whole of China. Largest
destruction around Tsinning.
Major fractures, landslides.
1922 November 11 Peru: Atacama 8.4 600
1923 September 1 Japan: Tokyo,
Yokohama 8.3 99 330 Usually called the Kwanto
earthquake. Maximum dis-
placements of 4.5 m. De-
structive fires.
1925 March 16 China: Yunnan 7.1 5 000 Talifu almost completely
142 Earthquake Statistics and Earthquake Geography

Table 11. Destructive earthquakes (continued).

Date Region Magni- Number of Remark

tude deaths

1927 March 7 Japan: Tango 7.9 3 020 A very well-investigated

May 22 China: Nan-Shan 8.3 200 000 Large fractures. Felt as far
as Peking.
1929 May 1 Iran: Shirwan,
Kutshan,Budshnurt 7.1 3300
June 16 New Zealand:
Buller, Murchison 7.6 17 Vertical displacements
about 5 m on White Creek
fault (South Island). Con-
siderable landslides. Severe
1930 July 23 Italy: Ariano,
Melfi, Calitri 6.5 1430
1931 February 2 New Zealand:
Hawke's Bay,
Napier, Hastings 7.9 225 The first great earthquake
disaster in New Zealand.
Displacements reached 1-2
m. Isoseismals elongated in
the direction of the two
islands; felt all over New
Zealand. Fires and land-

1933 March 2 Japan: off Pacific

coast 8.9 2990
1934 January 15 India: Bihar-Nepal 8.4 10700 Effects typical for large
thicknesses of sediments
and alluvium. Fissures
opened up, one being 5 m
deep, 10 m wide and nearly
300 m long. Almost all
houses either tilting or
sinking into the ground, up
to 1 m.
1935 April 20 Formosa 7.1 3280
May 30 Pakistan: Quetta 7.5 30000 Quetta almost completely
Earthquake Catastrophes 143

Table 11. Destructive earthquakes (continued).

Date Region Magni- Number of Remark

tude deaths

1939 January 25 Chile: Concepcion 8.3 28000

December 26 Turkey: Erzincan 7.9 30000 Roughly elliptical macro-
seismic area, 1300 km
long (east-west) and600km
wide. Strike-slip displace-
ments up to 3.7 m with
smaller vertical displace-
ments. Tectonics similar to·
San Andreas in California.
Large activity continued.
during 1942-4.
1943 September 10 Japan: Tottori 7.4 1190
1944 December 7 Japan: Tonankai,
Nankaido 8.3 1000
1945 January 12 Japan: Mikawa 7.1 1900
1946 November 10 Peru: Ancash 7.3 1400 Purely vertical displace-
ments, up to 3.5 m, along a
5 km fault scarp trending
NW (eastern block moving
up): first time clear faulting
was demonstrated for an
earthquake in South Amer-·
ica. Great destruction,.
December 20 Japan: Tonankai,
Nankaido 8.4 1330
1948 June 28 Japan: Fukui 7.3 5390 Larger intensities on allu-
vium (where large fissures.
opened up) than on sur-·
rounding bedrock.
October 5 Turkestan:
SE of Ashkhabad 7.3 (400) Considerable damage in an
area which had not been
affected by strong earth-·
quakes for several centuries.
1949 August 5 Ecuador: Ambato 6.8 6000 Large landslides and to-
pographic changes in the-
144 Earthquake Statistics and Earthquake Geography

Table 11. Destructive earthquakes (continued).

Date Region Magni- Number of Remark

tude deaths

1950 August 15 India: Assam, Tibet 8.7 1 530 Radius of macroseismic

area reaching 1400 km.
Great topographical chan-
ges, landslides, floods. More
damaging in Assam than
the shock of 1897. Nume-
rous aftershocks in an area
of more than 700 km in
east-west extent.
1952 March 4 Japan: Tokachi 8.3 (28) Several hundred people kil-
led, of which 28 on Hok-
kaido. Considerable dama-
ge, tsunami, significant va-
riations in the geomagnetic
field following the earth-
July 21 California:
Kern County 7.7 14 The largest earthquake in
California since 1906, with
considerable damage. Main
shock on White Wolf fault,
mainly dip-slip (vertical dis-
placements over 1 m), after-
shocks mainly strike-slip.
Both main shock and after-
shocks very well covered by
seismograph recordings in
the area.
1953 February 12 Iran:
Mazandaran 6.5 970 Ground fracturing.
March 18 Turkey:
Marmara Sea,
Bandirma 7.4 240
August 12 Ionian Islands 7.4 460
1954 September 9 Algeria:
Orleansville 6.8 1 250 Strongest earthquake in
North Africa in the last
hundred years. Occurred on
the Dahra range along the
coast. Vertical soil dis-
placements of 0.6-1 m
Earthquake Catastrophes 145

Table 11. Destructive earthquakes (continued).

Date Region Magni- Number of Remark

tude deaths

over more than 20 km in

length. Focal depth 8-9
km. A 'relay shock', M=
6.2, occurred on September
10,1954, about 40 km north
of this epicentre.
1955 March 31 Mindanao 7.9 430
1956 June 9 Afghanistan: Kabul 7.7 220 Varying information on
number of deaths: 224, 600
or 10000, the lowest figure
probably most reliable.
July 9 Aegean Sea:
Santorin 7.4 57 Tsunami, volcanic eruption.
1957 July 2 Iran: Tehran to
Caspian Sea,
Damovand, Larid-
jan, Bi Bol 7.2 130 Extensive property damage.

July 28 Mexico 7.8 55 Intensity distribution found

to depend heavily on local
geology and soil conditions.
Damage at greater distance
often due to longer-period
waves (resonance effects
with some structures).
December 4 Mongolia: Altai-
Gobi 7.8 30 Great topographical chan-
ges, landslides. In the Altai
Mountains a rift was found,
250 km long. One moun-
tain range is reported to
have increased in height by
December 13 Iran: Farsinaj,
Kermanshah 7.1 1130
1958 July 10 S. Alaska, British
Columbia, Yukon 7.8 5 Felt over an area 200 km
in extent along the Fair-
weather fault. Horizontal

10 Bath: Introduction to Seismology

146 Earthquake Statistics and Earthquake Geography

Table 11. Destructive earthquakes (continued).

Date Region Magni- Number of Remark

tude deaths

displacements 7 m, vertical
1 m, especially at Lituya
Bay and Yakutat Bay, mo-
tions conforming to San
Andreas' system. Landsli-
des, sand blows, fissures,
extensive minor faulting.

1960 February 29 Morocco: Agadir 5.8 10000 The greatest number of

to 15000 deaths ever for such a small
shock. Maximum observed
intensity was 11.

April 24 Iran: Lar (Girash) 5.9 450 Damage almost total along
a very narrow band right
through Lar. Larger de-
struction to buildings on
the alluvial plain (where Lar
is located) than to those on
surrounding rock.

May 22 Chile: 36° S-48° S 8.3 5 700 Active area 1600 km long
and 160 km wide. Fault mo-
vement began in the north
and progressed southwards.
Both horizontal and verti-
cal displacements. Floods,
tsunami, volcanic activity.
This is a repetition of events
in 1835-7 in the same

1962 September 1 Iran: Qazvin 7.1 12 230 Probably no earthquake as

strong as this one has occur-
red in this area since 1630.
Progressive faulting, ex-
tending over 100 km, on the
Ipak fault. Landslides, rock
falls. About 1800 after-
shocks recorded in Iran up
to the middle of November
Earthquake Catastrophes 147

Table 11. Destructive earthquakes (continued).

Date Region Magni- Number of Remark

tude deaths

1963 July 26 Yugoslavia: Skopje 6.0 1100 Like Agadir 1960, this
shock occurred at shallow
depth right under a city;
80 % of the buildings in
Skopje destroyed; 295 after-
shocks felt up to August 15,
1963. Skopje had earlier
been destroyed by earth-
quakes in 518 and 1555.
1964 March 28 Alaska: Anchorage,
Seward 8.5 131 Most destructive earth-
quake in this area since
1899. Fissures in Ancho-
rage, 10 m deep and 15 m
wide. Horizontal and verti-
cal displacements of 6 m.
Aftershocks within an area
of 900 km X 300 km. Fires,
tsunamis (Yakutat Bay 8 m
high, Kodiak Island 3 m,
Easter Island 30 cm), minor
volcanic activity. Seiches,
2 m high, on the coasts of
Texas and Louisiana.

June 16 Japan: Niigata 7.4 36 Great material damage.

Tsunami. Great topogra-
phical changes.
1965 March 28 Chile: Valparaiso 7.5 600
1966 August 19 Turkey: Varto 6.9 2520
1968 January 15 Sicily 6.1 740 A series of shocks, of which
M = 6.1 was the largest.
May 16 Japan: SE of
Hokkaido 8.6 48
August I Luzon: Manila 7.7 300
August 31 Iran: 280 km south
of Mashad 7.4 12000 Horizontal displacements of
to 20000 maximum 4 m over a di-
stance of 27 km.
September 1 Iran: Ferdows 6.7 >2000 Extensive property damage.
1969 February 28 Atlantic Ocean,
off Portugal 7.9 13 Damage in Portugal, Spain
and Morocco. Tsunami.
148 Earthquake Statistics and Earthquake Geography

Table 11. Destructive earthquakes (cont.inued).

Date Region Magni- Number of Remark

tude deaths

1969 July 25 Eastern China 6.1 (3000)

1970 March 28 Turkey: Gediz 7.3 1086 Dislocations of 3.5 m in
April 7 Luzon: Manila 7.7 15 Major damage in Manila.
May 14 Caucasus 6.9 ? Unknown number of deaths.
Great damage.
May 31 Peru: Huaras,
Chimbote, Trujillo,
Yungay 7.7 66794 Avalanches, landslides, flo-
ods. Largest catastrophe in
Peru this century.
December 10 Peru-Ecuador 7.6 81
1971 February 9 California: near
Los Angeles 6.8 65 Extensive property damage.
May 12 Turkey: Burdur 6.3 72
May 22 Turkey: Bingol,
Genc 6.7 863
July 9 Chile: l11apel,
Valparaiso 7.7 90 Great fires. Tsunami.
1972 April 10 Iran: Zagros 7.1 5 374 Major damage. Landslides.
December 23 Nicaragua:
Managua 6.0 10 000 Heavy damage. Fire. 80%
of Managua destroyed.
1973 January 30 Mexico: Colima,
Jalisco, Michoacan 7.8 52 Damage.
February 6 China: Szechwan 7.8 ? Many casualties. Consider-
able damage.
August 28 Mexico: Vera Cruz,
Ciudad Cerdan,
Orizaba, Cordoba 6.8 >600 Fires, considerable damage.
1974 October 3 Peru: Lima, Callao 7.8 78 Extensive damage. Tsunami.
December 28 Pakistan: Polas 6.4 5300 Pattan destroyed.
1975 February 4 China: Liaoning 7.6 ? Considerable damage.
September 6 Turkey: Lice 6.8 2700 Lice destroyed.
November 29 Hawaii 6.9 2 Tsunami. Volcanic erup-
tion. Ground cracks 1 m
1976 February 4 Guatemala 7.3 22836 Guatemala City almost
completely destroyed.
Earthquake Catastrophes 149

Table 11. Destructive earthquakes (continued).

Date Region Magni- Number of Remark

tude deaths

1976 May 6 Italy: Friuli 6.9 918 Considerable damage, nu-

merous aftershocks. Rock-
falls, landslides. Strongest
earthquake in this region
for the last 2000 years.
May 17 Soviet: Uzbek 7.3 ? Considerable damage at
Gazli and Bukhara. April 8,
1976, same region, had
M=7.3 also.
May 29 China: Yunnan 7.0 ? Two larger shocks.
June 25 Irian 7.3 443 Landslides, flooding, da-
July 14 Indonesia: Bali 6.6 466
July 27 China: Hopeh Prov.,
Tangshan, Tientsin,
Peking 8.2 700 000 Exact number of deaths
unknown (Hong Kong re-
ported 655 237). Severe da-
mage. Numerous after-
shocks, largest M = 7.8 on
July 28 and M = 6.8 on
November 15.
August 16 China: Szechwan 7.2 ? Aftershocks August 21 and
23, with M=6.5 and 6.7,
August 16 Mindanao, Moro
Gulf, Sulu 8.1 8 000 Tsunami. Considerable da-
mage. Aftershock August
17, M=7.1.
November 24 Turkey: NE of Lake
Van 7.3 3626 Considerable damage.
1977 March 4 Rumania 7.2 1541 Extensive damage in Bu-

April 21 Guadalcanal 7.6 12

August 19 Sumbawa 7.8 90
1978 September 16 Iran 7.7 16 000 Extensive damage.
November 29 Mexico 7.8 (9)
150 Earthquake Statistics and Earthquake Geography

Table 11 summarizes information on the most destructive earthquakes.

The material has been limited in the following way:
1. Earthquakes with magnitude M >- 7.5 with reported casualties, even
if small, are included, in particular those which have been studied in con-
siderable detail.
2. Earthquakes with M~7.5 are included, if the number of deaths
exceeded 1000. In addition, several others with a less number of casualties
are included, that occupied much space in newspapers, especially from
the last quarter century.
Even though we have aimed at some completeness in Table 11 for the
present century, we cannot naturally claim this. The obvious increase
towards later years clearly reflects the much better communication systems
in recent time. Before 1900 only major earthquake disasters are included,
usually only where the number of deaths has exceeded 20000. Many larger
shocks, with magnitude around 8 or over, do not appear in Table 11. This
is the case for earthquakes at sea, especially around the Pacific Ocean,
which may cause tsunamis and some damage, but remarkably few casual-
ties, if any at all. No focal depths have been given in Table 11, as it is ob-
vious that nearly all destructive earthquakes have been at shallow depth
and usually not deeper than 60 km. Rumania is an exception with de-
structive earthquakes with h;: 150 km.
The total number of deaths listed in Table 11 for the period 1900-1976
amounts to more than 1.6 million, i.e. over 22000 per year. However, these
figures are heavily influenced by the China earthquake on July 27, 1976.
Excluding this earthquake with 700 000 deaths, the total for 1900-1976
amounts to over 0.9 million and the annual figure to nearly 12000.
There is no relation between the number of deaths N and the magni-
tude M which could serve as a guide in individual cases. Only a statistical
relation exists such that log N is approximately proportional to 0.8 M,
which means an increase of N by 8 factor of about 6 for a unit upward step
in M. But it has to be strongly emphasized that this is only a statistical
result from Table 11, derived from the data for the years 1905-1976, and
it cannot be used in individual cases. The reason is that a number of other
factors has a strong or even dominating influence on the number of
Geographically, the number of destructive earthquakes exhibits a
Earthquake Catastrophes 151

striking distribution. Of the 100 earthquakes in the 80-year period

1897-1976,64% fall within the belt 35°± 10° N. This belt contains Japan,
Central Asia, the Middle East (Iran) and the Mediterranean area. If instead
of just counting the number of destructive earthquakes, we consider the
number of deaths, we find that this belt accounts for nearly 90'1.', of the
total loss of lives in earthquakes. The corresponding percentage figures for
the belt 35° ± 5° N are 45 for the number of destructive shocks and over 80
for the number of deaths. The existence of such a pronounced 'destruction
belt' is due to a number of factors:
1. High seismicity.
2. Densely populated areas (at least some of them).
3. Old cultures, where most buildings are not earthquake-proof,
but in rather bad condition.
The year 1976 deserves a special comment. Numerous earthquake
disasters occurred throughout this year, with maximum number of casualties
in China. In fact, we have to go back to the year 1556 to find a similar
death toll, i.e. not less than 420 years, and then it was also China that was
hit. On the other hand, looking at 1976 from a purely seismological point of
view, there were not more or stronger earthquakes this year than in average.
Figure 50 shows the annual energy release and the annual number of all
earthquakes with M~7.0 since 1968, with corresponding averages marked.
As far as energy release is concerned, it is seen that we need to go back only
to 1972 to find a year with a higher value. The explanation of this combina-
tion of extraordinary catastrophes with just average seismological be-
haviour lies in the anomalous distribution of earthquakes in 1976. They
were hitting sensitive, densely populated areas. On the other hand, several
well-known seismic areas, as for example the Aleutians, Kamchatka,
Kurile Islands, were remarkably passive in 1976. In other words, a seismicity
map based exclusively on 1976 would be a rather good map of catastrophes
but a very poor map of the earth's true seismicity.
We have been using the number of people killed as an indication of
the destruction. It is difficult to summarize in one figure such a complicated
thing as the destruction during an earthquake, and even the number of
deaths is not without shortcomings. But I have found it to be much more
useful than, for instance, information on the number of destroyed houses
or the monetary value of destroyed property. The latter information in
152 Earthquake Statistics and Earthquake Geography

10 l-
E M~7

- 10 24 ergs


.--- MEAN

I--- .---
1968 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 1976

~ N M~7


0 .----
f-- ..--
I--- f--
I--- Fig. 50. Total number N and cor-
responding energy release E for
10 I- all earthquakes with magnitude
M~7 for the years 1968 to 1976.
The respective mean values for the
1968 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 1976 same period are indicated by hori-
o zontallines.

particular does not mean very much, even though it will be of the greatest
interest to companies issuing earthquake insurances. The maximum inten-
sity (/0) is naturally a useful quantity, but frequently not enough. A comp-
lete description has naturally to take due account of all details and as far
as possible express the effects numerically.
Concerning the strength of an earthquake, this is judged by the
general public from the damage that the earthquake may have caused.
This is quite clear, and only the seismologist, who also has the opportunity
of examining his records, may arrive at another opinion. If we look upon
earthquakes as expressions of the dynamics of the earth then the magnitude
or the released energy are the only reliable measures of the strength of an
Frequency and Energy of Earthquakes 153

earthquake. As already emphasized the damages depend on a large number

of other factors, which have nothing to do with the dynamics of the earth.
The Agadir earthquake in Morocco in 1960 is considered by the general
public as a large earthquake; however, it was in fact relatively small, mag-
nitude=5.8, whereas the destruction was very great. Similarly, the Tash-
kent earthquakes in 1966 appeared as large to the newspaper-reading public.
However, these were also very small shocks; the biggest reached a magnitude
not more than about 5. For the seismologist, who could see both sides
(both his records and the news reports), it appeared as a problem why
such small shocks could have such large effects. The probable explanation,
later confirmed by Russian seismologists, was that the shocks occurred at
shallow depth (a few kilometres) right under the city. The conditions were
similar in Agadir in 1960, in Skopje in 1963 and in Managua in 1972.
A small local shock of shallow focus right under a city can produce con-
siderable damage to the buildings just above (by displacements, crack for-
mation in walls, and slides), but it does not produce much in the way of
seismic waves which can be observed at a greater distance.

5.2 Frequency and Energy of Earthquakes

As already emphasized, no reliable earthquake statistics can be founded

on news reports alone. This is naturally no criticism of our news agencies.
On the contrary, these perform a highly recommendable service by trans-
mitting information on earthquake effects and then primarily those which
have caused destruction and death tolls. And that our news agencies should
give reports much beyond this is hardly their duty; this is instead a duty
of the seismologists. It should be emphasized that it is the magnitude
concept which has made it possible to measure the seismicity exactly in
a quantitative way. Seismological statistics and seismicity maps from the
time before the use of magnitude scales were very incomplete and un-
The number of earthquakes is considerably greater than most people
realize. Over magnitude 8 there are on the average one to two earthquakes
per year for the earth as a whole. Proceeding towards lower magnitudes,
the number increases exponentially. The total number of earthquakes on
the earth is estimated to be about 1 million per year. This corresponds to
154 Earthquake Statistics and Earthquake Geography

Table 12. Number and energy of earthquakes for the earth as a whole.

Magnitude M Number of earthquakes Energy release

per 10 years 1023 ergsllO years

8.5-8.9 3 156
8.0-8.4 11 113
7.5-7.9 31 80
7.0-7.4 149 58
6.5-6.9 560 41
6.0-6.4 2100 30

about two shocks every minute. Of these only the stronger ones, numbering
a few thousand per year, are recorded world-wide by seismograph networks
(see Chapter 2).
The number of earthquakes of magnitude 6.0 and over occurring
on the earth as a whole is summarized in Table 12, using 10 years as a
reference time unit. For magnitudes M?E7.0, the numbers given are those
actually observed for an interval of 47 years (1918-64), based upon a
compilation by S. J. DUDA at the Seismological Institute, Uppsala. For
magnitudes M <- 7.0, the numbers in Table 12, have been obtained by extra-
polation, and therefore they have to be taken with some reservation.
The number N of earthquakes with the magnitude M can be expressed
by the following simple formula:

10gN = a-bM (1)

where a and b are positive constants. Referring N to une year and a mag-
nitude interval of 0.1 unit (M±O.OS), we find for the above-mentioned
material for 1918-64 that a=8.73 and b=l.lS (Fig. Sl):

log N = 8.73-l.1SM (2)

Thus, the number of earthquakes increases rapidly as we proceed

towards lower magnitudes. The value obtained for b (= LIS) is an aver-
age for the whole material. However, b exhibits significant differences be-
tween different earthquake regions as well as between different depth
ranges. Nearly all b-values fall in the range from O.S to 1.S. The b-value
has served as a kind of tectonic parameter in many discussions.
Frequency and Energy of Earthquakes 155

log N'

X log N' for each M-interval =0.1

@ log N' averages for M - inlerval =0.5

2.0 log N' = 10.40 - 1.15 M

for 1918 -1964 (47 years)
/ and M :t 0.05

1.5 X





o L--_ _ _- L _ ---*---X~
7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0

Fig. 51. Earthquake frequency for the earth as a whole for the interval 1918-64.

We have seen (Chapter 4) that the energy E (expressed in ergs) of

the seismic waves depends on the magnitude according to the following
log E = 12.24+ 1.44M (3)

In a certain way the two effects, expressed by (2) and (3), counteract each
other. As we proceed towards lower and lower magnitudes, the energy of
each shock decreases according to (3), but at the same time the number
of shocks increases according to (2). In order to see what the net result
will be, we combine (2) and (3) into the following formula:
log EN = 20.97 to.29M (4)
where EN is the energy release, expressed in ergs per year, corresponding
156 Earthquake Statistics and Earthquake Geography

to the magnitude M. The right-hand column of Table 12 has been calculated

by means of equation (4).
Obviously, the greatest energy release is due to the largest earth-
quakes, in spite of their smaller number. With decreasing magnitude the
energy release decreases according to equation (4), but clearly much slower
than for individual shocks according to (3). From equation (4) we see that
a step upward on the magnitude scale of one unit corresponds to a doubl-
ing of the total energy released. These calculations show that earthquakes
with magnitudes M~8.0 are responsible for about 50% of the total energy
released, those with magnitudes M~7.0 correspond to about 75% and
those with M~6.0 to nearly 90% of the total energy.
In summary, from statistical viewpoints we can divide earthquakes
into three groups, considering the earth as a whole and the era of instru-
mental seismology:
1. M>- 8: the material is complete but insufficient for reliable statistical
2. M = 7 -8: the data are both completely known and statistically
sufficient; however, this is a valid statement only for one magnitude unit.
3. M < 7: the data are not completely known or catalogued in an
easily accessible way; on the other hand, it is clearly statistically sufficient
as soon as a homogeneous series is available. For some more restricted
areas attempts have been made to eliminate this deficiency by studies of
microearthquakes (see below).
For continued statistical studies of the earth's seismicity one of the
main tasks is obviousiy to get homogeneous catalogues for the magnitude
range M == 6 - 7 in particular, extending as far back in time as possible.
The handicap under item 1, however, can be remedied only by continued
observations in the future.
Frequently, it is of great importance to know the seismic activity
not only for the earth as a whole, but even more so for limited areas. From
what has already been said, it would in general be necessary to wait a
considerable number of years before reliable statistics could be gathered.
In recent years seismologists have tried to eliminate this undesirable circum-
stance by observations of very small shocks, so-called microearthquakes
(M <3). Within the area to be investigated highly sensitive seismographs
are installed at many places. In seismic areas the microearthquakes are
Geographical Distribution 157

usually frequent and there is no need to wait a long time until statistically
sufficient material has been accumulated. When this is available, it is possible
to calculate the constants a and b in equation (1) and then to extrapolate
this result to earthquakes of higher magnitudes. In so doing, it is generally
assumed that a and b are the same for large as for small earthquakes. In
some cases the method has been successful, for example in Nevada, where
it has been possible to reproduce the secular statistics within a short time.
But certain other results suggest that the coefficient b is not the same for
all magnitude ranges. Thus, it has been found in some cases that b increases
considerably with increasing magnitude. In such cases a simple extrapola-
tion would lead to an overestimate of the number of large earthquakes.
In concluding this section, I have summarized in Table 13 complete
data for all the largest earthquakes (magnitude M~ 8.5) which have occurred
in the interval 1897-1976. The data are based on the most reliable sources
available. It should also be noted that all data in Table 13 are deduced
from instrumental records.

5.3 Geographical Distribution

A seismicity map can be constructed according to different principles, for

1. In a purely qualitative way, as in Figure 52.
2. More exactly physically defined, especially by indicating the energy
released per unit time and unit area.
3. By indicating the maximum observed intensity at different points;
such maps, called seismic zoning maps, are of importance primarily in
engineering seismology.
Figure 52 shows the geographical distribution of earthquakes, based
upon homogeneous data for the interval 1904-52 (GUTENBERG and RICHTER).
About 80% of all seismic energy is released within the marginal areas of the
Pacific Ocean, particularly along the coasts of eastern Asia down to New
Zealand. In comparison with this, the contributions from other seismic zones
are relatively modest, even though great catastrophes occur from time to time.
The map in Figure 52 gives a correct picture of the main features
of the earth's seismicity. However, we have to note that the observation
158 Earthquake Statistics and Earthquake Geography

Table 13. Earthquakes with magnitude M"" 8.5 during the interval 1897-1976.
Date Origin time Latitude Longitude Focal Region Magni.
Greenwi(.h deg deg depth tude
h m s km M

1897 June 12 11 06 26.0N 91.0E n1 India 8.7

August 5 00 12 38.0N 143.0E n Japan 8.7
September 20 19 06 6.0N 122.0E n Mindanao 8.6
September 21 05 12 6.0N 122.0E n Mindanao 8.7
1899 September 10 21 41 60.0N 140.0W n Alaska 8.6
1902 August 22 03 00 40.0N 77.0E n Sinkiang 8.6
1905 April 4 00 50 00 33.0N 76.0E n India 8.6
July 23 02 46 12 49.0N 98.0E n Mongolia 8.7
1906 January 31 15 36 00 1.0N 81.5W n Colombia 8.9
August 17 00 40 00 33.0S 72.0W n Chile 8.6
1910 June 16 06 30 42 19.0S 169.5E 100 New Hebrides 8.6
1911 January 3 23 25 45 43.5N 77.5E n Tien-Shan 8.7
June 15 14 26 00 29.0N 129.0E 160 Ryukyu 8.7
1914 November 24 11 53 30 22.0N 143.0E 110 Mariana Islands 8.7
1917 May 1 18 26 30 29.0S 177.0W 60 Kermadec 8.6
June 26 05 49 42 15.5S 173.0W n Samoa 8.7
1920 December 16 12 05 48 36.0N 105.0E n China 8.6
1929 March 7 01 34 39 51.0N 170.0W 60 Aleutians 8.6
1933 March 2 17 30 54 39.3N 144.5E n Japan 8.9
1938 February 1 19 04 18 5.3S I30.5E n Banda Sea 8.6
November 10 20 18 43 55.5N 158.0W n Alaska 8.7
1939 December 21 21 00 40 0.0 123.0E 150 Celebes 8.6
1941 June 26 11 52 03 12.5N 92.5E 60 Andaman
Islands 8.7
1942 August 24 22 50 27 15.0S 76.0W 60 Peru 8.6
1950 August 15 14 09 30 28.5N 96.5E II India, Assam,
Tibet 8.7
1958 November 6 22 58 06 44.5N 148.5E 75 Kurile Islands 8.7
1964 March 28 03 36 13 61.1N 147.6W 20 Alaska 8.5
1968 May 16 00 49 54 40.8N 143.2E 7 Japan 8.6
1972 January 25 02 06 23 22.5N 122.3E n Formosa 8.5

1 n=normal depth, i.e. around 20-30 km below the earth's surface.

interval is too short to guarantee against surprises. The map is based

exclusively on instrumental records obtained at seismograph stations around
the world, and these do not extend further back in time than to around
the turn of the century. Some seismic phenomena occur at far greater
intervals. For instance, it was believed up to 1954 that earthquakes with
focal depths exceeding 300 km occur only in the Pacific marginal areas.


s.g .
• WAGNITUD £ T~71' , I . ... - Il n

* NACNITUD ! 7 ~/4 OR ovtR . •to" - 4IU

Fig. 52. Geographi cal distributio n of the larger earthquak es
according to B. GUTENBER G and C . F. R ICHTER .
160 EarthquaKe Statistics and Earthquake Geography

However, on March 29, 1954, an earthquake occurred in southern Spain

at a depth of over 600 km - then perhaps the greatest seismological sensa-
tion within the previous 25 years. The catastrophe at Agadir on February
29, 1960, had a precedent, but then we have to go back to the year 173L
Skopje in southern Yugoslavia was partially destroyed on July 26, 1963,
and there we have to go back to 1555 to find a parallel case. Still another
example is furnished by an earthquake at the northern end of the Red Sea
on March 31, 1969 (origin time=0715 54.4 GMT, epicentre=27.7 oN,
34.0oE, magnitude M=6.6). This shock has no correspondence within
the approximately 70-year-old statistics, instrumentally based, nor have we
been able to find any historical indication of such strong earthquakes
earlier at this place. The examples of 'surprises' can easily be multiplied.
For easier review we distinguish three main belts of earthquake
1. The circum-Pacific belt.
2. The mid-Atlantic to East African and Easter Island belt.
3. The Asiatic-European belt (the Alpide belt).
Belt 1 is no doubt the most important by far, considering the released
energy. It should be emphasized that seismic activity is limited to the mar-
ginal areas of the Pacific Ocean, at the transition between oceanic and
continental structure. In contrast, the Pacific Ocean itself is really
'peaceful' even from a seismic point of view, and it is in fact one of the
greatest stable areas on the earth. Exceptions have to be made for the
volcanic Hawaii Islands and the Easter Island rift structure. Belt 2 is a
global structure, which is clear from Figure 53. This belt starts at the
northern coast of Siberia (near the estuary of the river Lena), it passes
across the Arctic and continues over Spitsbergen and Iceland into the
Atlantic. It follows the centre of the Atlantic Ocean along its whole extent,
proceeding into the Indian Ocean. There it branches into the East African
rift system, and another belt passing over the Easter Island ridge in the
Pacific up to the Rocky Mountains in North America. Belt 3 can be con-
sidered as a link between belts 1 and 2. It starts partly in the Kamchatka
area, partly in Indonesia. The first belt passes diagonally across Central
Asia; the other passes along southern Asia (the Himalayas). These belts
unite in Pamir, from where the belt continues westwards through Iran,
Turkey and the Mediterranean area out to the Azores, where it joins the




.. ~

j f· ' t' f .• .•• : , r~

o· C'l
'",. 'o"
.... .;.~) ~.; ; .

Fig. 53. The mid-Atlantic rift zone and its branches, one towards the Indian Ocean and East Africa, the other towards the Easter Island Ridge
and North America. After B. HEEZEN and M. EWING.
162 Earthquake Statistics and Earthquake Geography

mid-Atlantic belt. Concerning released energy, belt 1 takes the first place,
as already mentioned, followed by belt 3, while belt 2 comes in the third
place. Outside the narrow belts mentioned the seismic activity is consider-
ably lower, but it is hardly completely absent anywhere. Relatively stable
areas are to be found in Russia-Siberia (to the north and northwest of
the mountain ranges in Asia), in Mrica (excepting the East Mrican rift
zone and northern Africa), and in parts of North and South America.
Shield areas are exceptionally stable. Examples of such areas are to be
found in Canada, Brazil, Fennoscandia, northern Asia, parts of Mrica,
Arabia, western Australia. All seismic belts are also obvious on the fronti-
spiece map (opposite the title page of this book), which shows more recent
results, obtained by computer calculation.
However, even within the three belts mentioned, the activity is not
evenly distributed. In some parts it may be very high while intervening
parts exhibit a lower activity. A numerical comparison of different regions
is presented in Table 14, based on all earthquakes with M~7.9 in the
interval 1904-64. The total energy E released in the stated interval of
time and magnitude amounted to 2.4 X 1026 ergs. Its percentage distribu-
tion over the most important areas is clear from Table 14. All circum-
Pacific areas 'together correspond to 77% of the total energy release. As the
different regions in Table 14 are of different size or of different length, I

Table 14. Geographical distribution of the seismic energy release for M'f!E7.9 for the
interval 1904-64.

Region Percentage Energy per degree

energy release along the belt
10.3 ergs

Alaska 4.3 6.1

Western North America 1.0 0.8
Mexico-Central America 4.2 2.3
South America 16.4 6.4
Southwest Pacific Ocean-Philippine Islands 26.5 7.0
Ryukyu-Japan 15.8 13.5
Kurile Islands-Kamchatka 5.8 7.0
Aleutian Islands 3.0 2.9
Central Asia-Turkey 16.9 5.6
Indian Ocean 4.5
Atlantic Ocean 1.6
Geographical Distribution 163

have also expressed the energy concentration by dividing the total energy
(ergs) in each belt by the length (degrees) of each belt. The figures thus
obtained are clearly to some extent dependent upon the division into
regions, but still they furnish a reliable picture of the relative distribution
of the activity. The highest energy concentration is found in the Ryukyu
Islands-Japan area. The energy concentration is about half as big as this
in the Kurile Islands-Kamchatka and in the southwest Pacific Ocean-
Philippine Islands. Only slightly lower values are found for South America,
Alaska and Central Asia to Turkey. Smaller values are obtained for the
Aleutian Islands and Mexico-Central America, these two areas being
comparable. For all other areas the energy concentration is considerably
lower and it has not been possible to calculate it. For the Pacific area we
can distinguish two 'poles' with maximum activity, one located in the Japan
area, the other in Chile.
On the whole, earthquakes are located in areas with active tectonics,
formation of mountain ranges, folding, etc. The relation between earth-
quakes and volcanic eruptions is a question which is frequently raised.
In general, it can be said that earthquakes which have a direct connection
with volcanic eruptions (so-called volcanic earthquakes) are small, whereas
all important earthquakes are tectonic. Nevertheless, there is often a certain
parallelism in the occurrence of tectonic earthquakes and voicanoes, but
presumably with no immediate genetic connection between the two.
For the tectonic earthquakes there are essentially two types of tectonics
which are of significance: arc tectonics and block tectonics. Arc tectonics
is illustrated by Figure 54; block tectonics implies that blocks of the solid
earth move in relation to each other, often along rectilinear, vertical fault
surfaces. Arc structures dominate in most of the circum-Pacific earthquakes
as well as in the Alpide belt. Along the western margin of the Pacific Ocean,
the arc structure consists mostly of island arcs, while in the Alpide belt it
appears mostly as mountain ranges (as the Himalayas, the Alps, the Car-
pathians). Block tectonics dominates in certain parts of the circum-Pacific
area, especially in California and the central part of New Zealand as well
as in the Pamir-Baikal zone and along the mid-Atlantic belt, i.e. especially
where earthquakes of normal depth occur. In some areas the two types
overlap, as in Japan, Peru, the Philippines. Earthquakes of arc tectonics
are in the majority, but information about them derives mostly from in-
164 Earthquake Statistics and Earthquake Geography

o _0
o 00
o 0
o 0 ~

o 0

Fig. 54. Vertical section of a typical so-called Pacific arc in northern Japan. After B. GUTENBERG and C. F.

strumental records. In contrast, most macroseismic information derives

from earthquakes of the block type.
The most important structural elements of a typical Pacific arc are
the following (see Figure 54 for the different elements a-f):
a) Deep-sea trench.
b) Most important tectonic line with shallow-focus earthquakes, negative
gravity anomaly and a non-volcanic anticline (which may appear as a
ridge on the sea bottom or as an island chain).
c) A belt of positive gravity anomaly with earthquakes at about 60 km
d) Most important arc structure from late Cretaceous or Tertiary period,
often consisting of large islands. Active or recently extinct volcanoes. Earth-
quakes at a depth of about 100 km.
Geographical Distribution 165

e) An inner structural arc. The volcanism is usually older, either in an

advanced stage or extinct. Earthquakes at depths of 200-300 km.
f) A belt of earthquakes at depths of 300-700 km.
At the west coast of Chile there are elevation differences of up to
14 km between the bottom of the deep-sea trench and the summits of the
Andes. Such height differences seem to exclude a static equilibrium but
rather suggest a dynamic equilibrium. The regular arrangement of dif-
ferent elements a) to f) indicates that all phenomena are different expres-
sions of one and the same process in the earth, namely a relative motion
of the sea bottom and the continental structure. Moreover, it is this relative
motion that causes the stresses which are necessary for the occurrence of
earthquakes. As we shall see in the next chapter, it is possible to carry the
generalizations much further and to consider arc structures and rift structures
as special expressions of one world-wide dynamic system.
Arc structures have been found in many places around the Pacific
Ocean, even though one or another of the components a)-f) may be missing
in some places. While a)-d) are regularly found in the Pacific arcs, the
element e) and particularly f) are missing in several of them. Arc structures
outside of the Pacific area, as, for example, in Burma, the Himalaya Moun-
tains, Baluchistan, the eastern Mediterranean, the Tyrrhenian Sea, the
Carpathian Mountains, are in general more rudimentary.
One of the most important results from a closer study of deep earth-
quakes was the finding that in arc structures the foci are located on sloping
planes. These planes exhibit a slope angle of about 45° in under the con-
tinents. Later, it was found that the shallower shocks are located along a
plane with a smaller slope (34° in the Kurile Islands; see Fig. 55), while
the deeper ones are found along a plane with a greater slope (58° in the
Kurile Islands). The break in the plane occurs between earthquakes of
intermediate depth and the deep ones (see next paragraph).
The variation of the seismic activity with depth is shown in Figure
56. We see that the largest activity is located in the uppermost 75 km.
From here the activity decreases down to about 400 km depth, exhibiting
a pronounced minimum between 425 and 475 km (at the arrows in Fig.
56a). Below this level, renewed activity starts between 475 km and about
700 km depth. On the basis of these results it appears most natural to
divide earthquakes with regard to focal depth into normal or shallow
166 Earthquake Statistics and Earthquake Geography



• • • M • 6.0 .9
- 6
, • 0 M • 7.0 - 7. 7
T RENCH OM . 7.75 - 8.5

Fig. 55. A typical arc structure: Kamchatka-Kurile Islands. After H. BENIOFF.

earthquakes (h<60 km), intermediate-depth earthquakes (60 km<h<

<450 km) and deep earthquakes (h>450 km). The depth variation is no
doubt closely connected with the mechanism of earthquakes, but still much
remains to be investigated before a complete explanation can be given.
The curves in Figure 56 have been calculated from data given by
S. J. DUDA (1965). We have to observe that the data cannot yet be considered
statistically significant, particularly not for the deeper levels. It is easy to
show that even one larger earthquake at greater depth can modify the
curves. This fact is reflected as a certain·fluctuation of the values in Figure
56a, especially at deeper levels. In order to eliminate this deficiency to
some extent, I have also calculated values for each interval of 100 km
(Fig. 56b). Then, the curves become clearly smoother, but at the same time
we may run the risk of losing significant details in the curves.
Geographical Distribution 167
2 3 4 log E







700 ~ ____________________ ~L_----L--- __ ~ ____ ~ ____ ~ ____ ~ ____ ~~

b) 0 - 2- X_
...- 0 .""..-
.., .- .- ..-- .-
100 h /
E /"
0'" ,/X ..... //+
200 N,/ M
/ /
o ,/
X +/
300 / / I
/ I I
.., .-- 0 ,/X .....
.. +
400 ..-- ,/ L . ,/
X- ..... 7.0 ~".... 8.0 9.0
500 "- "- ....

"' J
0 "'X/ '\
I / I
..,0 ..--X ..... + log E

2 3 4
Fig. 56. The depth dependence ofsei.mic activity.E=total seismic energy (unit = 10" ergs) for all earthquakes
with M?ii7 for the intenal 1918-64, N=corresponding total number of earthquakes, M=maximal magni-
tude: a) for depth intervals of 25 km (the points are connected by straight lines), b) for depth intervals of
100 km (the dashed curves suggest a plausible generalization).

Chapter 6

Earthquake Mechanism

6.1 Solutions for Individual Earthquakes

Figure 57 shows a photograph of part of the San Andreas fault in Cali-

fornia - one of the best investigated fault zones in the world. The displace-
ments are in this case mainly horizontal, in which the eastern side (towards
the mainland of the USA) is moving towards the south in relation to the
western side (towards the Pacific Ocean).
Figure 58 shows a schematic picture of the mechanism, that is re-
sponsible for so-called tectonic earthquakes, i.e. all earthquakes of any
significance. The heavy full line marks a fissure or fault in the solid earth.
By slow motions in the earth, proceeding over geologic epochs, one side (a)
of the fault is displaced in relation to the other (b). This is shown by a de-
formation of the straight lines drawn across the fault, from the first situa-
tion (A) to the situation at a later time (B). This process continues until
the stresses thus generated in the fault zone are large enough to overcome
the friction between the two sides (a) and (b). Then, a rupture occurs, i.e.
a sudden displacement, after which the configuration is as shown in (C).
It is this sudden rupture which constitutes the earthquake. The slow mo-
tions at the fault continue unimpeded, the whole process is repeated and
a new shock occurs at some later time, and so on. This picture of the earth-
quake-generating process is ascribed to the American seismologist REID.
He arrived at this result after careful studies of the 1906 San Francisco
earthquake, which incidentally occurred on the San Andreas fault. The
theory is generally called the elastic rebound theory.
Similar relative motions can exist along planes of any orientation,
e.g. sloping planes. This is illustrated in Figure 59, showing a schematic
vertical section perpendicular to the coast zones of the Pacific Ocean.
In this case the sea bottom moves in relation to neighbouring continents
both in vertical and horizontal directions. This motion pattern gives rise
to the seismically most active areas in the world. The relative motions
shown in Figure 59 can extend to depths of 600-700 km, different at dif-
170 Earthquake Mechanism

Fig. 57. Part of the San Andreas fault in California. After H. BENIOFF, modified.
Solutions for Individual Earthquakes 171

ferent places, and the fault zone slopes in under the continent in the way
that the figure shows (compare Fig. 54). Later in this chapter, in the section
on the new global tectonics, we shall see that the sloping fault zone in Figure
59 has a modified explanation. In fact, both Figure 58 and 59 are nowadays
more of a historical significance in the development of our knowledge, but
their importance for present-day seismology is still so great that they cer-
tainly deserve to be described and known.

Jv.P. P-


P- P.

A B c 0
Fig. 58. A simple model (in the horizontal plane) explaining the fault mechanism in tectonic earthquakes.
P+ =compression (anaseism), i.e. the first motion of the P-wave is directed away from the source (NW
and SE quadrants above), P- =dilatation (kataseism), i. e. the first motion of the P-wave is directed towards
the source (NE and SW quadrants above).

Deep-seo Irench Mountain range

- -- -- - - - -

Fig. 59. A schematic vertical sec-

tion perpendicular to the Pacific
coast. showing orientation of fault
surfaces and relative motions.

From these simple models we understand that three conditions are

required to produce earthquakes: relative motions in the earth, stress genera-
tion and stress release.
172 Earthquake Mechanism

Motions of different parts of the earth in relation to each other [such

as between the sides (a) and (b) of the fault in Fig. 58] constitute an old
and much discussed problem, including such questions as continental drift,
mountain formation, etc. That such motions really do exist, is beyond any
doubt. However, it is still an unsolved problem what the reasons are for
such motions. Here, there is still room for hypotheses of various kinds.
Among the different hypotheses which have been proposed, the following
ought to be mentioned:
1. Contraction of the earth by cooling. This was the old hypothesis,
which has nowadays been mostly abandoned, partly because the solar
origin of the earth is no longer considered reliable. Moreover, it is uncertain,
whether the earth's internal temperature is at present decreasing or in-
2. Expansion of the earth. This is a relatively new hypothesis, which
has gained more and more adherents. As a reason for the expansion one
has referred to phase changes at the boundary of the outer core at 2900 km
3. Convection currents (circulation cells) within the earth. These imply
an unchanged volume of the earth. These currents are attributed to the
temperature structure in the earth's interior and correspond approximately
to the atmospheric circulation in thunderstorms.
Seismological observations alone are not able to give any final solu-
tion to the problem concerning the driving mechanism of the slow motions
in the earth. On the other hand, they no doubt provide the most complete
information on the present dynamics of the earth.
Stresses have to be accumulated for earthquake generation, which
means that earthquakes cannot arise in liquid matter. In such a case stres-
ses are released at the same time as they are generated. No earthquakes
have been observed at depths exceeding 720 km, which has been interpreted
as due to a greater mobility of the matter at greater depth. An increase of the
electric conductivity at about the same depth also indicates a greater mo-
bility of the matter.
The release of the stresses will happen sooner or later, depending on
the amount of friction. The friction at a fault surface certainly has an
upper limit and therefore this also puts a certain upper limit on the earth-
quake strength.
Solutions for Individual Earthquakes 173

The degree of cooperation between the three factors mentioned de-

termines the seismic conditions on the earth: the geographical distribution
is determined by the location of the relative motions (which are quite un-
evenly distributed over the earth), whereas the speed of the motions and
the size of the friction determine the frequency and strength of the earth-
The case shown in Figure 58 corresponds to a dextral horizontal
displacement along a vertical fault surface. By dextral we mean that, in
looking across the fault, the other side is displaced towards the right.
If instead this displacement is directed towards the left, it is called sinistral.
In nature, the fault surface can have any orientation and, similarly, the
displacement can have any direction along this surface. Figure 60 shows

Fig. 60. Fundamental types of fault motion.

a) A block with a fault before any motion has taken place.
b) Strike-slip fault, transcurrent fault , lateral fault, tear fault , wrench fault, 1% is often near 90'.
c) Dip-slip fault, normal-slip fault , normal fault, tensional fault , gravity fault. Generally 45'< 1%<90' .
d) Dip-slip fault, reverse-slip fault, reverse fault, compressional fault, thrust fault. Often 0' <1%<45' .

the fundamental types of faults, including the various alternative names

used for different faults. Obviously, the radiation of seismic waves will
vary considerably with the direction from the focus. Thus, we may expect
that transverse waves will reach maximal amplitudes in a direction per-
pendicular to the fault but will be small or vanishing in the same direc-
tion as the fault itself. Longitudinal waves will have their maximum ampli-
tudes in a direction of about 45 0 with the fault direction and will disappear
174 Earthquake Mechanism

both along and perpendicular to the fault surface. In Figure 58 the radia-
tion diagrams are shown for P and S for the simple model illustrated in
that figure.
While earthquake parameters can be calculated, at least approximately,
from the records at only one station (Chapter 4), the determination of
the source mechanism evidently requires a combination of records ob-
tained at a great number of stations in different directions from the source.
Earlier studies of this kind were almost exclusively based on the direc-
tion of first motion of the P-wave (compression or dilatation). In more recent
studies, both P- and S-waves as well as reflected body waves and surface
waves have been used and in addition spectral methods are applied.
By including as many different wave types as possible in the calcula-
tion of focal mechanisms, we eliminate to a certain extent the lack of
observations in critical directions. In addition, such a combination provides
a much deeper insight into the properties of different waves, their propaga-
tion, etc., as all waves have to agree with one mechanism solution, when
correctly interpreted. Under the assumption that all waves have originated
by one and the same motion at the hypocentre, then the different phases
(their amplitudes, direction of displacement in the records, etc.) are evidently
not independent of each other. If we start from the record and, so to speak,
follow the waves backwards to the hypocentre with due regard to all changes
in amplitudes, phase angles, etc., which have occurred at the different
discontinuity surfaces or within continuously varying media, then all phases
should agree. The partitioning into two reflected waves (P and S) and two
refracted waves (P and S), which occurs when an elastic wave (P or S)
strikes a given discontinuity surface (in density or elastic properties or both),
is unambiguously determined. In principle, it is easy to calculate, even though
algebraically rather cumbersome expressions are met with in the general case.
However, as always when a problem is inverted we have to be careful
and check if the solution is unique. For a given focal mechanism it is a
straightforward task to calculate the radiation of different waves and their
distribution over the earth's surface. This is what we did in Figure 58 for
a simple case. But in practice, we have the inverted problem: to draw
conclusions about the mechanism from given distributions. In addition,
we could not exclude the possibility of curved fault surfaces or of curvi-
Solutions for Individual Earthquakes 175

linear fault displacements, even if such cases are presumably of subordinate

For the earth the problem is not as simple as in the plane (Fig. 58)
since we have to consider the shape of the earth and the curvature of the
wave paths. One method which has proved to be useful in practice is to
imagine the focus surrounded by a small sphere, the focal sphere, and to
project the focal motions onto this sphere. The P-waves are depicted as


~ Fig. 61. Focal sphere for a single force
couple F with moment (single dipole with
'\ \ '\
'-,;:, moment). Radial displacements (P): plus
outwards, minus inwards. Tangential dis-

placements (S): indicated by arrows. F =
focus, FP = trace of the fault plane, BP =
trace of the auxiliary plane, perpendicular
®-- FP
®.-. to the fault plane, PBP=pole of the auxili-
ary plane, N = null vector.

radial displacements on the surface of the sphere and the S-waves as tan-
gential displacements. These are in turn split into SV and SH. Figure 61
shows a typical case.
It is quite clear that we need observations with a good coverage of
the focal sphere in order to be able to make any reliable conclusions about
the mechanism. Unfortunately, in many practical applications only a small
part of this sphere is covered by observations (Fig. 62). For example, if
P-observations are available only for distances exceeding 10°, then only
about 1/3 of the surface of the focal sphere is covered by observations
(for 20° and 30° the corresponding fractions are only about 1/6 and 1/10'
respectively). This is important to keep in mind in any focal mechanism
solution. This deficiency can be remedied in two ways:
1. By including observations as near to the epicentre as possible (i.e.
for distances less than 10 0).
176 Earthquake Mechanism




Fig. 62. The fraction (y) of the surface of the
focal sphere that is covered by P-wave observa-
tions when these are available only for distances
~_~_ _~_ _~_ _~--L!.~ _ _~!A_o_ larger than .1 0 ' The figure has been derived
10 30 50 70 0 with an assumed focal depth of 100 km.

2. By using also other waves in addition to P; in particular, pP

would be suitable, as it leaves the focus in an upward direction.
But a focal sphere is not sufficient to demonstrate the focal mechanism.
It is also necessary to be able to project the focal sphere onto a plane,
and for this purpose a number of projection methods have been applied.
The details will not be described here. This is mainly a technical prob-
lem of interest only in immediate connection with the work on a mechanism
As said, the number of observation points can be increased by using,
besides P, also the recorded initial displacements of other P-waves, such
as PP, PcP, pP, with due regard to possible phase changes upon the re-
flections. These waves will give information about the radial component
in other directions than shown by the direct P-wave, for one and the same
station. Similarly, S-wave readings could be supplemented by readings of
SS, ScS, sS. Unfortunately, it is frequently difficult to read the direction
of motion for all waves after P, depending on the already existing motion
in the seismogram. For the S-waves, one frequently uses the whole oscilla-
tion figure, which can yield results of higher reliability than a reading of
just the direction of the first onset.
In addition to such kinematical properties, observations of a more
dynamic character are also of great importance, e.g. of the amplitude
ratios between different waves. Such methods have been particularly de-
veloped by Russian seismologists. In recent years, studies of seismic wave
spectra have also been added as a further useful contribution. However,
Solutions for Individual Earthquakes 177

there are still certain difficulties inherent in a complete explanation of an

observed spectrum, as it depends both on the focal mechanism and on
changes during the wave propagation.
From Figure 58 it is clear that P-waves alone are insufficient to decide
which plane is the fault plane. As we see from this figure, the plane per-
pendicular to the fault plane, i.e. the so-called auxiliary plane, is oriented
in exactly the same way to the distribution of compression and dilatation
of P. In order to decide which plane is the fault plane, one has sometimes
combined the P-readings with geological or tectonic information. Even
better, however, would be to combine the P-readings with S-readings, as
these would be able to discriminate between the two planes, in case we are
justified in assuming the model in Figure 58 to be correct.
As the P-waves do not permit an unambiguous solution and as
many seismologists have been working only with this wave, a new concept,
the so-called null vector (Fig. 61), was introduced. This is defined as the
intersection between the two planes, and it is obviously unambiguous.
It is called null vector, because it is perpendicular to the displacement and
is thus not displaced. The null vectors have been mapped from solutions of

Fig. 63. Radiation of P and S from a double couple (double

dipole with zero net moment). P + =compression, P - = dilatation.
s Heavy arrows suggest a possible stress distribution.

many earthquakes within certain areas, in efforts to draw more general

conclusions from their distribution. For instance, in the southwest Pacific
Ocean it has been found that the null vectors are parallel with vertical planes
along the geographical structures.
The conditions in Figure 58 correspond to the action of a single force
couple. However, in many solutions it has been shown that the S-waves
12 BAth: Introduction to Seismology
178 Earthquake Mechanism

do not exhibit the simple distribution scheme of Figure 58, but instead
show four lobes, just like the P-waves but rotated 45° in relation to the
P-lobes (Fig. 63). Such a radiation pattern can be explained by assuming
two force couples at the source instead of just one couple. In such cases,
obviously not even the S-waves are able to discriminate between the fault
plane and the auxiliary plane. In the seismological literature much dis-
cussion can be found about the nature of mechanisms, especially if there has
been a single-couple source or a double-couple source. BENIOFF has shown
that both hypotheses are in agreement with REID'S elastic rebound theory.
Modern investigations are much more in favour of the double-couple
explanation (Fig. 63) than the single-couple one (Fig. 58).
In recent years, surface waves have also been included in mechanism
studies. By and large, it is true to say that the radiation of Rayleigh waves
is related to the radiation of P and that Love-wave radiation is related to
S. In most major earthquakes the active fault has a considerable extent
in the horizontal direction, sometimes up to around 1000 km. Observa-
tions of surface waves have been particularly informative in such cases.
We then have to imagine that the fault motion starts in some part of the
fracture zone, usually near one end of this zone, and then propagates along
the whole fracture. Obviously, by such a phenomenon the major earth-
quakes will be extended, both in space and in time with certain ensuing
complications in the seismic records. It has been found theoretically and
also confirmed by observations that surface waves which propagate in the
same direction as the fault motion will have shorter periods and larger
amplitudes than those surface waves which propagate in the opposite direc-
tion (compare the DOPPLER principle). In an application of this theory to
observations of Rayleigh waves from the Chile earthquake of May 22,
1960, a velocity of fault propagation of 4.5 km/sec was found and a fault
length of 750-800 km of the active segment. The seismologist A. BEN-
MENAHEM (Israel) has performed pioneering investigations of great impor-
tance in the application of surface waves to the study of focal mechanisms.
Hitherto, the studies have mostly concerned fundamental-mode surface
waves, and the relations between mechanism and higher-mode surface
waves largely remain to be investigated.
Another method to calculate the propagation of a fault depends
on phase relations between vertical and horizontal components of spheroidal
Solutions for Individual Earthquakes 179

free vibrations of the earth. The phase difference can have any value be-
tween 0° and 180° depending upon the wave-length, the fault length and
the velocity of fault propagation. For the same Chile earthquake as just
mentioned it was found in this way that the fault propagation velocity
was 3-4 km/sec and the active fault length was 960-1280 km. Taken to-
gether, this means that the total duration of the source phenomenon was
not less than about 5 minutes.
These theories are of great significance, especially as they permit a
calculation of fault length and fault propagation velocity also in cases
which are not accessible to direct observation on the spot. Direct observa-
tions have revealed displacements of the order of a few centimetres in
small shocks up to about 14.5 m (Yakutat Bay, Alaska, 1899). The horizontal
extent of the active fault zone also varies from a few metres in small shocks
to around 1000 km in the largest. The greatest extent of directly observed
displacements was encountered in the San Francisco earthquake of 1906
which could be followed over a length of 330 km. Most of the large fault
zones are located around the Pacific Ocean, but with the exception of
the San Andreas fault zone in California they are mostly located off the
coasts and thus in general evade direct observations.
In interpreting mechanism solutions, we have to remember that our
immediate results concern the orientation of the fault surface and the
direction of motion along this surface. The next step is to try, by means
of these results, to learn something about the stress system, which has
caused the rupture. These stresses must be considered to have a more
primary importance than just the fault motion.
However, the relations between fault motions and earthquakes have
in recent time been subjected to renewed scrutiny. Some seismologists
prefer to consider the primary phenomenon in the earthquake source as
a sudden volume change (for instance, caused by some phase change of
the matter), and then the formation of fracture should be of a more sec-
ondary nature. To date, this view has not gained many adherents, and it
may be true that this picture would fit better for deep earthquakes (h>
>450 km) than for the shallower ones. Particularly for the deep earth-
quakes there still remains much to be investigated in this respect.
BENIOFF reports that records on strain seismographs in South America
of two deep South-American earthquakes suggest that the elastic rebound
180 Earthquake Mechanism

theory is in need of revision. BENIOFF maintains that his records cannot

be interpreted as anything else but a mechanism consisting of a sudden
collapse, caused by some change of state of the matter. It has also been
shown by others that the dimensions of such an implosive source can be
considerably smaller than according to the fault theory for the same energy
release. This hypothesis is also in accord with the similarity found between
P-wave spectra of deep-focus earthquakes and explosions. It ought to be
observed that collapse due to. change of state can provide for a large energy
release, whereas collapse of cavities (Chapter 1) is only of very small sig-

6.2 Geographical Combination of Earthquake Mechanisms

At present, a large number of focal mechanism solutions are available for

individual earthquakes. These solutions can be considered as point in-
formation about present tectonic motions, which need to be coordinated
and also extended both in space and time. Even if hitherto not too many
attempts have been made to combine the point solutions into larger pictu{es
of continental or global extent, it must be emphasized that such works
will give the most reliable information on present tectonics and the dynamics
of the earth's interior. In particular, tectonic motions in the solid earth
giving rise to mountain formation, orogenesis, are in the centre of interest.
However, further complication arises in such a combination of me-
chanism solutions. For instance, the majority of the mechanism solutions,
especially around the Pacific Ocean, have given evidence of horizontal
displacements. This means that the displacements in most of the investigated
cases are not directed up or down sloping planes (Fig. 59), which would
be expected whatever the driving force may be. Several expedients to avoid
this dilemma have been envisaged, such as that the differential displacements
at the rupture do not coincide with the rupture surface. There has also
been expressed some criticism towards the focal mechanisms, partly con-
cerning methods, partly concerning the selection of earthquakes for in-
vestigation, even if-nobody seems to have been able to point to any particular
The focal mechanisms of earthquakes around the Pacific Ocean
exhibit to a great extent dextral horizontal displacements. By a combination
Geographical Combination of Earthquake Mechanisms 181

of such circum-Pacific solutions, BENIOFF concluded that the bottom of

the entire Pacific Ocean is rotating counter-clockwise in relation to sur-
rounding continents and that a complete revolution would take about
3 X 109 years to complete. Later, BENIOFF modified his hypothesis to some
extent. We shall be looking a little closer at this idea. In addition to the
apparently dominating displacement system (dextral horizontal displace-
ments, tangential to the coasts), as we encounter in the Pacific marginal
areas, there are also radial, horizontal displacements as well as displace-
ments along sloping planes. The San Andreas fault system in California
is among the best investigated ones, with clear dextral horizontal displace-
ments (6.4 m in the San Francisco earthquake in 1906, 5.8 m in the Imperial
Valley earthquake in 1940). Geodetic measurements have shown that the
relative motion of the two sides of the fault amounts to as much as 5 em/year.
The total length of the fault is estimated to be about 3400 km. Earthquakes
in Nevada indicate that the San Andreas' stress system extends at least
500 km into the continent. In addition, there is a multitude of other faults
in California, for instance, the Garlock fault, which deviates sharply from
the San Andreas direction, but which can be included in the same tectonic
Field observations after the Chile earthquake of May 22, 1960, re-
vealed a system of dextral horizontal displacements, parallel to the coast
of Chile and extending along most of Chile. The active fault segment
extended about 1000 km to the south of the epicentre of the large earth-
quake on May 22, 1960. Records of G- and R-waves on strain seismographs
in California gave the same result. The Peru-Ecuador segment of the earth-
quake belt is apparently closely related to the Chilean segment and con-
stitutes a direct northward extension of the latter. For Central America
and Mexico the character of the displacements has not been fully clarified
from instrumental information, but the similarity to adjacent segments is
a strong indication of related or similar motions.
The earthquake belt from British Columbia to Alaska exhibits clear
dextral horizontal displacements. This has been clearly shown for three
large earthquakes in the area, whereas the large vertical displacements
at Yakutat Bay in 1899 are considered as a secondary phenomenon. The
Alaska earthquake of March 28, 1964, also showed great vertical displace-
ments of several metres, which are also considered to be secondary. In
182 Earthquake Mechanism

the Aleutian Islands a major earthquake occurred on March 9, 1957, which

has been studied in considerable detail. The active fault extended over a
length of 1100 km, to judge by the extent of the aftershock area. The width
was only about 160 km. The great length of the area is a strong indication
that a horizontal displacement has dominated. The Kurile Islands-Kam-
chatka area has been the site of many large earthquakes. The Kamchatka
earthquake of November 4, 1952, has been carefully studied. It extended
over an area about 1000 km long and 220 km wide. A focal mechanism
solution for this earthquake demonstrated a dextral horizontal displace-
ment, parallel to the southeast coast of Kamchatka. For the area from
Japan to New Zealand there is much evidence for dextral horizontal dis-
placements, but also for the opposite, notably in the Philippine Islands.
The preponderance of dextral horizontal displacements for earth-
quakes around the Pacific Ocean led to the hypothesis of the ocean bottom
rotating counter-clockwise in relation to adjacent continents. The fracture
systems and the earthquake belts are located at the contact zone between
the two blocks moving in relation to each other. However, this imaginative
summary picture suffers from a number of difficulties and problems. Most
of the arcs (as in the Aleutians) are convex towards the Pacific Ocean.
Between Samoa and New Zealand the belt is not tangential but rather
radial to the Pacific Ocean. Some belts form sharp angles with each other
(for instance, Aleutians-Kamchatka, Aleutians-Alaska). All these facts
do not agree with the picture of the Pacific Ocean bottom rotating like a
solid body (a disk) relative to surrounding continents. A possibility would
be that we instead have to deal with plastic flow, but proof is lacking for
this. Even if the picture of the rotating Pacific Ocean seems to be difficult
to defend, still the hypothesis represents a commendable effort to integrate
different point solutions. That some form of connection exists between
the motions in one and the same earthquake belt (as the circum-Pacific)
seems to be difficult to dismiss. But the connections are probably more
complicated than generally envisaged hitherto.
BENIOFF'S notion of large-scale rotations has recently been revived,
but in quite a different form (see next section). It is of considerable in-
terest to compare BENIOFF'S results with the picture which LENSEN (New
Zealand) has deduced for the direction of the principal horizontal stress
for the circum-Pacific belt (Fig. 64).
Geographical Combination of Earthquake Mechanisms 183

40 ~--+----+----~~4-~~----r---~--~----+----+~~r-~

Fig. 64. Directions of the principal horizontal stress around the Pacific Ocean. After G. J. LENSEN (1960).

By a similar comparison of local mechanisms for the Asiatic con-

tinent, SCHEIDEGGER has demonstrated the possibility of combinations over
large areas. He uses the null vector and applies a statistical treatment of
the individual solutions. A southward motion of the Asiatic continent is
proposed as a possible solution for the observed mechanisms. India is
considered to have a northward motion, relative to central Asia. A similar,
somewhat modified picture of the motion in Asia has been suggested by
BATH (Fig. 65). This picture is not based on focal mechanism solutions
but on the geographical distribution of the earthquake belts. Many more
observations from this area are needed, both of slow motions and of earth-
quake mechanisms, before any of these hypotheses can be considered as
184 Earthquake Mechanism

ro'N ~----------~~------------~




Fig. 65. Earthquake belts in continental
Asia and a hypothetical explanation (the
arrows are supposed to indicate possible
slow motions in the earth). Earthquakes
with M?:o7 for the interval 1897-1964
according to S. J. DUDA'S table are located
within the shaded areas.


well founded. Moreover, it is necessary to clarify the conditions in eastern

Asia, on the transition to the Pacific Ocean.
Another global structure, which has been studied particularly by
scientists of Columbia University in New York, consists of the mid-Atlantic
ridge (Fig. 53). Along the whole extent of this ridge, there is a seismically
active fissure or rift. However, the seismicity is considerably lower than
in the circum-Pacific belt or in the Asiatic-European belt. It is generally
believed that this rift system depends on tensile stresses, due to which the
earth's crust has cracked. But there are several indications that also other
factors may be of importance. These derive partly from solutions of focal
mechanisms within this system, partly from direct stress measurements
on Iceland (conducted by N. HAST). The latter indicate large horizontal
compressional stresses instead of tensile stresses. A considerable extension
of observations of all kinds within this rift system no doubt appears to
be an important geophysical task. In the next section, we shall see how
The New Global Tectonics 185

modern theories of global tectonics integrate both the rift system and the
arc structures into one world-wide structural pattern.
In this connection, it should be mentioned that the planes, along
which deeper earthquakes (h >300 km) are located, exhibit dip angles of
about 55°-60° (Fig. 55). Two American scientists found in 1968 that these
planes are tangential to the outer core boundary, provided they are suffi-
ciently extended. According to their suggestion, relative motions of core
and mantle generate tangential stresses which in some way are transmitted
towards the earth's surface and released there in the form of earthquakes.
However, it appears improbable that tangential stresses could arise at this
boundary between a liquid and a solid medium, especially as it concerns
stress accumulation over long periods of time. In contrast, normal stresses
could be envisaged at the boundary between core and mantle, especially
if one adheres to the hypothesis of an expanding core. Such pressures
could cause the mantle to rupture in its outer part along planes which
would be approximately tangential to the core boundary. This has been
demonstrated by laboratory experiments.
In this section, we have tried to take the step from mechanisms
of individual earthquakes to systems of continental size. We have seen that
some generalizations in this way are possible. The next step would be to
extend the system to comprise the whole earth, i.e. to try to explain all
the different expressions of the earth's activity, in the form of earthquakes
and otherwise, as due to one and the same underlying reason. Efforts in
this direction have not been lacking. In the most recent years a theory
of ocean-floor spreading has played a very great role in the discussions,
but still much remains to be investigated.

6.3 The New Global Tectonics

Seismology as well as other branches of geoscience provide us with numerous

pieces of information. Our goal is to combine all these pieces into some
coordinated system which will inform us better about underlying mechanisms
of the earth of which all our observations may come out as special cases.
Coordination of different observations into bigger systems has always been
appealing to the imagination, and history can report many such attempts.
A most significant attempt goes under the name of continental drift and
186 Earthquake Mechanism

was proposed by the German scientist A. WEGENER around 1915. There

is no doubt that horizontal displacements of large extent occur, such as
observed along the San Andreas fault in California. Likewise, large vertical
motions are known to have occurred. But WEGENER'S theory went further
and considered that the continents have drifted apart from an original
block. It was stimulated by among other things, the similarity of the coast
lines of Mrica and South America, also by similarities in rocks on the
two sides. WEGENER'S hypothesis gave rise to lively discussions, presented
in several hundred papers, involving much of scientific controversy. It
appeared as if the negative criticism gained and for some time the hypothesis
was almost completely abandoned.
However, during the 1960's the hypothesis has again been proposed
and now it has gained a significant number of adherents, in fact so many
that a more detailed account of the recent findings is justified here. The
situation is naturally much better now as we have a considerably larger
amount of various geophysical observations to base a theory upon. The
new theory appears under various names, such as the ocean-floor spreading
hypothesis or the new global tectonics or plate tectonics. In its essential
parts, it implies that the crust is drifting apart in opposite directions at the
ocean ridges (Fig. 66). Roughly perpendicular to the ridges, there are faults

Fig. 66. Relative motions envisaged in the ocean-floor spreading hypothesis. Ridge structure in the centre,
arc structures to the left and right. After B. [SACKS et al. (1968).

(called transform faults, rather than simple strike-slip faults), which mark
the lines of breakage. New material is supplied from below. The ocean
floor, which drifts away from a ridge, will proceed until it hits a continental
edge. Here it bends downwards, and creates the dipping planes well known
The New Global Tectonics 187

from the distribution of deep earthquakes in island arc structures. This

system of movements is shown in Figure 66. The top layer, the so-called
lithosphere, is a layer of finite strength about 100 km thick. This moves
on the asthenosphere layer which has practically no strength and extends
to several hundred kilometres depth. Below this we have the mesosphere
which extends to the core and in which no tectonic processes take place.
The lithosphere consists of blocks moving over the asthenosphere layer.
The major tectonic features are the results of relative movement and inter-
action of these blocks, which spread apart at the rifts (ocean ridges) leaving
a pattern of ridges and transform faults, slide past one another at the large
strike-slip faults and are underthrust at the arc structures. This means a
modification to our earlier picture, Figure 59, according to which there
is a sloping fault zone extending in under the continent. In the new hypo-
thesis this fault zone is replaced by a slab of the oceanic lithosphere under-
thrusting the continent (subduction). The immediate causes of earthquakes
occurring along the sloping zone, i.e. the existence of stresses between adja-
cent parts of the solid earth, are still there.
A world-wide combination offault mechanisms, both on rift structures
and in island arcs, has been possible. It would explain the present motions
as rotations around a number of poles on the earth. Table 15 summarizes
some such results presented by the French scientist LE PICHON (1968).
He distinguishes a few rotation patterns, as indicated in Table 15, each

Table 15. Centres and rates of rotation after X. LE PICHON (1968).

Zone Rotation centre Rotation rate

10 - 7 degree/year
Latitude Longitude

South Pacific 70 0 s 118°E lO.8

Atlantic 58 N 37 W 3.7
North Pacific 53 N 47 W 6.0
Indian Ocean 26 N 21 E 4.0
Arctic Ocean 78 N lO2E 2.8
_ U H[' WITIo( KNOW,. IUT[
- 0'- O,("INt:
~ t:
(XU_,IO. ~l'UL.TlIIII' Il'

30' Il'


3 0'

.) T"-
60 '

120' 120' o·
Fig. 67. Relative motions (compression and extension) of six lithospheric blocks (after X. Le PICHON, 1968), Crosses denote historically active volcanoes,
open circles denote earthquakes which have generated major tsunamis.
The New Global Tectonics 189

with its rotation centre. The location of the rotation centres were deter-
mined by least-square procedures, both from the orientation of transform
faults and from the known rates of displacement. The centres given in
Table 15 are based upon the orientation of the fracture zones. We note,
for instance, that the centres of rotation both for the Atlantic and for the
North Pacific are relatively near to the southern tip of Greenland. These
results can be interpreted in terms of a number of blocks which move
relatively to each other. As a first approximation, LE PICHON discriminates
between six major blocks, as indicated in Figure 67. Their relative motions
are given in Table 16, which is a summary of a more detailed tabulation by
LE PICHON. The system of motions forms a world-wide pattern in which
all motions are interrelated. The pattern obtained permits extrapolation
back in time, which reveals the nature and extent of continental drift in

Table 16. Differential movements between blocks (Fig. 67) after X. LE PICHON (1968).

Block Relative motion Number of obser-

em/year vations averaged

Eurasia-Pacific -8.7 1 6
Australia-Pacific -5.0 5
America-Antarctica -4.3 8
America-Pacific -5.9 3
America-Eurasia -1.5 2
Africa-Antarctica +2.1 2
Australia-Antarctica +6.1 2
Africa-Eurasia -2.1 4
Australia-Eurasia -5.1 5

1 Positive values indicate extension, negative compression.

past geological epochs. Of a detailed account of this aspect, given by

LE PICHON, we may mention just one example. If we imagine that Antarctica
is kept still, the displacements of all other continents can be shown as a
counter-clockwise motion around Antarctica by amounts of the order of
5 cm/year, i.e. 500 km during the last 10 million years. Another interest-
ing result can be obtained by considering Figure 54. The length of the
dipping plane (in the direction of downdip) amounts to 800--850 km. With
a relative compressional motion of 8.7 cm/year (Table 16), the time required
for the slab to penetrate so deep is of the order of 10 million years. This
190 Earthquake Mechanism

time interval seems to have a world-wide validity. Related to such historical

aspects are also investigations of polar wanderings and their possible inter-
relation with seismic phenomena.
Like any new theory of such a comprehensive nature, also this ap-
proach has been met with very much interest and much debate. However,
it appears that such a large amount of observational data favour this
explanation, that as a consequence the new ideas have been widely accepted.
It is no doubt of great importance to test the idea with all possible geo-
physical and other means. Much information derives from magnetic mea-
surements, which among others have revealed a striking alignment parallel
to the rift structures and have permitted a more accurate dating. Similarly,
seismic exploration of ocean-bottom sediment thickness and distribution
has contributed substantially. From the purely seismological side there is
naturally an abundance of relevant facts. It is maintained by several seis-
mologists that within the entire field of seismology there appears to be
no serious obstacle to the new global tectonics. Earthquake mechanism
studies no doubt provide us with very significant information in this con-
nection. Figure 68 shows a summary of about 100 such mechanisms.
The relative motions resulting from this compilation agree remarkably well
with LE PICHON'S simplified model with relative motions of six large and
rigid lithospheric blocks. Also the seismicity distribution over the earth
confirms the new ideas. The earthquakes are confined to narrow continuous
belts that bound large stable areas. In the zones of divergence and strike-
slip motion, the activity is moderate and shallow (transform-fault motion),
whereas in the zones of convergence the activity reaches much higher
energy levels and extends also to greater depths (underthrusting lithosphere
slabs). The presence of volcanism, the generation of many tsunamis (in-
volving vertical motions at the source) and the frequency of occurrence
of large earthquakes also seem to be related to underthrusting in island
arcs. Another aspect is presented by anisotropy in the upper mantle. There
is quite a lot of evidence for this, implying differences in wave velocities
in different directions, and which could be explained by the new theories.
The new theory entails quite a different view on the existence of
deep earthquakes. Earlier it was considered that the earth had sufficient
strength to store stresses for considerable time down to depths around
700 km. Below, the material was considered as much more mobile, evidenced
The New Global Tectonics 191

Fig. 68. Direction of relative horizontal motion, as derived from earthquake mechanism studies. Double
lines mark the world rift system, heavy lines mark arc structures, thin, single lines mark major transform faults.
After B. ISAcKs et a!. (1968).

by, among other things, an increase of the electric conductivity around

this depth. BENIOFF also preferred to include the whole layer down to
about 700 km depth in the crust of the earth. In the new theory, however,
the layer able to hold stresses is limited to the lithosphere, which is at
most 100 km thick. Its thickness agrees approximately with the crystalline
layer of GUTENBERG, which he estimated to extend to about 80 km depth.
The layer below, the asthenosphere, with practically no strength, can then
be identified with the upper-mantle low-velocity layer. This layer is unable
to store any stress to produce earthquakes. The deeper earthquakes (depths
exceeding about 100 km) are localized to narrow zones and they are bound
to the lithosphere. Where the lithosphere bends down under continental
margins, it still preserves its rigidity and therefore also its ability to store
stresses. And then it also provides a possible location for earthquakes to
192 Earthquake Mechanism

occur. The fact that earthquakes are not found to occur below about
700 km is therefore not explained by any world-wide property of the earth's
interior, but is just a more localized feature, bound to island arc structures.
But how do stresses arise in the descending lithospheric slab at the island
arcs? If the surrounding medium at the continental margin is rigid enough,
the relative motions can generate stresses which can be stored for some
time. But with a non-rigid surrounding medium and with a uniformly
moving lithospheric slab, any stresses would hardly be expected, except
where the slab bends or meets resistance. Alternatively, it has been speculated
that slow phase changes in the slab may generate stresses that ultimately
produce fracture. The problem of the mechanism of deep earthquakes as
compared to shallow ones is no doubt related to the present picture of a
down-going slab. Moreover, it is to be noticed that in the motion of the
lithosphere from the ridges towards the island arcs not enough stresses
are generated to produce earthquakes. The oceanic areas outside the ridge
systems are remarkably free from earthquakes, as we have seen.
There are still several problems connected with the new theories.
For instance, we need explanations of the seismic differences between the
coastal areas of the Pacific Ocean on the one hand and the Atlantic and
Indian Oceans on the other. Also the high compressional stresses found in
absolute stress measurements in Iceland must be considered in relation to
the rift tension required in the new theories.
One major question concerns the nature of the driving force which
can produce all these motions. In earlier discussions of possible continental
drift, GUTENBERG maintained that no force is known which would produce
such world-wide motions. Nowadays, the situation seems to have changed,
as well-established motions do exist, and they cannot be dismissed for the
reason that no large enough driving force is known. Instead, we have to
find this force, whatever it is. There are two main ideas which dominate
these discussions, i.e. the hypotheses of an expanding earth and of con-
vection currents in the earth's interior. It has been considered unlikely
that convection currents could be the reason, as these would then have
to be oriented along the ridge structures. Rather it is assumed that the
breaking apart of the lithosphere slabs and their motion are due to some
underlying state of stress. It has been argued that a possible reason for such
a state of stress is an expansion of the earth. However, with the known
Time Series of Earthquakes 193

numerical values of the movements it is possible to demonstrate that, if

the earth should keep its nearly spherical form, it is necessary to combine
the expanding-earth hypothesis with compensating motions by compres-
sion or thrust. The problem of the driving force cannot yet be considered
Even though the new theories are to a great extent only qualitative,
lacking detailed quantitative information on the earth's interior, we can
state in summary that they have had an extremely stimulating effect on
discussions and investigations of the earth's dynamical properties. Also,
they seem to be able to incorporate nearly all observations into their scheme
and to provide acceptable explanations for a variety of phenomena. In
contrast, BELOUSSOV (1970) maintains that 'not a single aspect of the ocean-
floor spreading hypothesis can stand up to criticism'. Even though there are
still problems to be clarified, there is no doubt that the new theories will have
repercussions within many fields of the earth's study, for instance, earth-
quake prediction (Chapter 10), just to mention one case.

6.4 Time Series of Earthquakes

Besides the combination in space the combination in time of earthquakes

is also of great significance. The normal process is that a bigger earthquake
is followed by a long sequence of aftershocks. This may continue for several
years after the main shock. Thus, it has been found for the earthquakes
in Kamchatka in 1952 and in the Aleutians in 1957, that 3-4 years elapsed
before the activity was back to normal again. However, most of the after-
shocks are small, and the biggest of them as a rule reaches a magnitude
about 1.2 units lower than for the main shock. This aftershock usually
occurs a few hours to a few days after the main earthquake (Table 17).
In addition, the main shock may be preceded by small earthquakes, so-called
foreshocks. These are mostly so small that, as distinct from the aftershocks,
they are usually not recorded at distant stations.
In several cases, deviations from this normal scheme are observed.
It should be especially emphasized that frequently there is not just one
main shock, but there may be several about equally strong or even increas-
ing in strength. The latter case happened, for instance, for the earthquakes
on the Ionian Islands in August 1953 (the series comprised one shock on
13 Bath: Introduction to Seismology
194 Earthquake Mechanism

Table 17. Main shock and largest aftershock-a few examples.

Earthquake Richter magnitude (M) Time of occurrence

of the largest aftershock
Main Largest
shock aftershock

Alaska, March 28, 1964 8.5 6.8 About 17 hours after the main shock
Aleutians,February 4, 19658.1 7.2 About 3.5 hours after the main shock
Japan, May 16, 1968 8.6 8.0 About 10 hours after the main shock
Kuriles, August 11, 1969 8.1 6.9 About 7.5 hours after the main shock

August 9, 1953, magnitude = 6 1/ 4 , then one on August 11, magnitude=

=6 3/ c 7, and one on August 12, magnitude 7 1/ c 7 1/ 2 , and in addition a
large number of smaller shocks). The largest of these shocks could be
regarded as the main earthquake, but then the foreshocks are exceptionally
strong. More correctly, the three shocks mentioned are to be looked upon
as representing a three-stage release of what otherwise could have been
one main earthquake, corresponding to the total energy in the three shocks.
Quite another time sequence is represented by the so-called earth-
quake swarms. In these there is no main earthquake, but all shocks are
rather similar in magnitude and in general relatively small. The swarm
starts with a few shocks, then their number gradually increases, until a
maximum is reached, and then the whole phenomenon dies out again
gradually. There are several examples of such swarms. Jan Mayen in the
North Atlantic is a source of such phenomena from time to time. In the
autumn of 1965, a swarm started at Matsushiro in Japan which lasted
over one year. This swarm attracted much attention and was carefully
observed by Japanese seismologists and others. At its maximum activity,
the number of shocks reached several thousands per day. The magnitu-
des were low and do not seem to have exceeded 5; moreover, the focal
depths were small, as a rule 2-5 km. Similarly, the series of shocks at
Tashkent in 1966 has to be considered as a swarm. Swarms are especially
apt to occur in regions with present or earlier volcanic activity. These
shocks are most likely to be classified as volcanic, as distinct from the
tectonic ones.
Aftershocks of tectonic earthquakes have been studied for many years,
by investigating among other things the variation of the number of after-
shocks with time. Table 18 gives a review of the number of aftershocks
Time Series of Earthquakes 195

Table 18. Number of aftershocks per day (24 hours) counted from the time of the
main shock, according to records firstly at Uppsala, secondly over the Swedish net-
work, for some of the most important earthquakes during the 1960's. The minimum
magnitudes are around 5-5.5 on the Richter scale.

Day! A. Uppsala B. Swedish network BIA

True number Reduced True number Reduced

number number

a) Alaska, March 28, 1964

1. 145 100 389 100 2.7
2. 51 35 121 31 2.4 2.5
3. 28 19 65 17 2.3

b) Aleutians, February 4, 1965

1. 170 100 227 100 1.3
2. 48 28 77 34 1.6 1.4
3. 45 26 55 24 I.2

c) Japan, May 16, 1968

1. 45 100 171 100 3.8
2. 10 22 47 27 4.7 4.3
3. 1 2 11 6 (11)

1 The days are counted from the time of the main shock: I. = first day, i.e. 0-24 hours after the main shock~
2. = second day, i.e. 24-48 hours after the main shock; 3. =third day, i.e. 48-72 hours after the main shock.

recorded from some of the most important series during the 1960's. In
addition to the numbers actually observed I have also given reduced num-
bers in order to facilitate comparisons. The column BIA gives the ratio
of the number of shocks recorded over the whole Swedish network to the
number of shocks recorded only at Uppsala. From Table 18 we can learn
the following facts:
1. The ratio between the number of shocks recorded by the whole
network (Table 2) and only at Uppsala (BIA) exhibits a strong dependence
on the location of the shocks. Most likely, the mechanism of the earthquakes
is the reason for such behaviour, along with different sensitivity of our dif-
ferent stations.
2. The decrease in the number of shocks from the first to the second
and third days shows remarkably smaller variations. Disregarding minor
differences, this decrease is about the same for all earthquake areas investi-
gated and also it is about the same at all our stations as it is at Uppsala alone.
196 Earthquake Mechanism

Studies of the number of shocks in an aftershock sequence are mainly

of a statistical nature. An effort to make a more physical interpretation
of the aftershock problem was made around 1950 by BENIOFF in Pasadena.
Figure 69 demonstrates the behaviour of materials with elastic creep pro-
perties under an applied load. The stress variation with time is shown in
Figure 69a and the corresponding strains in Figures 69b and 69c. When
a stress OA is applied momentarily, there is first a purely elastic strain OA
(also momentarily), but after this an elastic creep or aftereffect takes over.
Depending on the properties of the material, either the strain can attain a
certain limiting value after a sufficiently long time of loading (Fig. 69b)
or elastic flow will occur (Fig. 69c) until the material breaks. Similarly,
the conditions on removing the stress Be first correspond to purely elastic
strain release Be and EF, respectively, followed by elastic creep. This
unloading is considered to correspond to the conditions in an earthquake.
Be in Figure 69a corresponds to the stress change in the earthquake, Be
in Figure 69b to the main shock, while the creep curve corresponds to the
aftershocks. A material which behaves as in Figure 69b is said to have
elastic creep characteristics, whereas a material as in Figure 69c has elastic
flow creep characteristics. By the introduction of such time effects, we
have clearly abandoned the simple HOOKE'S law. While this is well suited
to treat such short-period phenomena as in ordinary seismic waves, it is
not sufficiently accurate in dealing with the longer-period phenomena lead-
ing to earthquakes.


c) ~~,~~~F~++~I
~7~~~--~-+~~ Fig. 69. Relations between the time variation of stress and of
~~O~-L~--~·~I strain: a) The time variation of the applied stress, b) and c) result.
TIME --.- ing strains for different materials. After H. BENIOFF.
Time Series of Earthquakes 197

The behaviour of materials, such as we have just learnt from Figure

69, has an important general application to the earth's interior, in particular
to its behaviour as solid or liquid. In a strict physical sense solid is equi-
valent to crystalline. Such a condition does probably not prevail within
the earth to depths greater than about 80 km. From a seismological point
of view it is more convenient to define the behaviour of a body (as solid
or as liquid) in relation to the period of the applied force. One and the
same non-crystalline material can thus behave as solid in relation to short-
period influences (as in the usual seismic waves), but as liquid in relation
to more long-period actions (as in secular motions, tide effects, etc.). In
seismology the material is considered as solid if it can transmit S-waves
(such as the crust, mantle and probably the inner core), but it is considered
as liquid if S-waves are not transmitted (as in the outer core).
In his efforts to apply such considerations to aftershock sequences,
BENIOFF had to introduce a number of simplifying assumptions. These led
to the result that the strain (i.e. the deformation per unit volume) could
be obtained as the square root of the seismic wave energy E. And E in
turn was obtained from the magnitude M. Thus, a possibility was offered
to calculate the strain in a simple way for each earthquake, both for the
main shock and for the aftershocks. The strains were plotted in a cumulative
way against origin times of the shocks, which led to diagrams correspond-
ing to the latter part of Figure 69b.
BENIOFF'S method was widely adopted and applied by many seis-
mologists. In 1963, BATH and DUDA suggested a modified technique, which
paid more attention to some factors for which BENIOFF had just made
assumptions. Above all, it was obvious that the volume of an earthquake,
i.e. the space within which the stress has been stored, is not constant, as
BENIOFF assumed, but increases with the magnitude. By identifying the
earthquake volume with the volume occupied by the aftershocks, the fol-
lowing relation was obtained between this volume V (cm3) and the mag-
nitude M:
log V =9.58+1.47M (1)

Moreover, it was clear that the essential difference between large and small
earthquakes is not to be found in the strain (deformation per unit volume),
but primarily in the size of the volume which is in a state of stress and in
198 Earthquake Mechanism

-lJf I

I 16 i 3
'-9'10 em
i I
_ A - Aleutian
M ~5.9
1957 -t·_-;;
: I

i1 8 - , _____
M ~5.6
1960 I Jl--h I I I
7-~---+ : ! i


I I i

~ 6---
~ ----
1 l! I I I
75--,--,' 67 65
727.0·. . 6.2 6.0 "> i
L5 ----+--1 +-~!

: I
. I I

IJ !

- -H


Days after th.e main shock, t I

lOa ~
Time Series of Earthquakes 199

which a simultaneous release occurs. As a consequence it was found more

correct to investigate the time variation of the total deformation instead
of the deformation per unit volume (the strain). The total deformation D
(cm 3) has the following relation to M:

10gD = 5.17+1.46M (2)

Instead of investigating the time variation of D, one can investigate the

time variation of E. It is of interest to note that all three quantities log V,
log D, log E vary in almost exactly the same way with M [compare equa-
tion (4) in Chapter 4]. This implies that D/ V ( = strain) and E/ V are constant,
i.e. independent of magnitude.
Figure 70 shows the cumulative deformation, calculated according
to equation (2), for two aftershock sequences, one in the Aleutians after
March 9, 1957, and one in Chile after May 22, 1960. In both cases we see
a marked increase of the activity, about 1.36 and 7.9 days, respectively,
after the main shock. Such a marked increase appears to be a general
characteristic of aftershock sequences, but its explanation is still not
clear. Earlier it was assumed that the first part corresponds to the release
of compressional stresses and the later part to the release of shear stresses.
However, this idea has not been confirmed by laboratory tests. The pos-
sibility does not appear excluded that the improved version of BENIOFF'S
method will lead to more unified shapes of the release curves than resulted
from the original technique. Such studies, suitably supplemented by in-
vestigations of laboratory models and theoretical calculations, are of the
greatest significance to our understanding of the behaviour of the solid
earth in relation to stresses, in other words, its rheologic behaviour.
Figure 71 shows a schematic diagram of the energy accumulatio.n
and release. It is a well-known fact that aftershocks of deep earthquakes
are smaller and fewer than of shallow-focus earthquakes. Figure 71 gives
a plausible explanation for this behaviour. For deep earthquakes a major
part of the stored energy is released in the main shock, leaving only a
smaller part for the aftershocks. For shallow-focus earthquakes the parti-
tioning of the stored energy would favour the aftershocks more.

Fig. 70. Deformation characteristics for two aftershock sequences: Aleutian Islands 1957 and Chile 1960.
After M. BATH and S. J. DUDA.
200 Earthquake Mechanism

1 \ ~"}'
\ ...()~'
\ ",.-.-,)
5 \
6 \
>- 7 \
CD \
9 \
'" 10 \
13 \
14f---.- '------,------- ,------r------r----
1813 1830 1850 1870 1890 1910 1930.01 0.1 1.0 10 100

Fig. 71. Energy accumulation (arbitrary scale) and release. The purpose of the figure is to demonstrate the
differences both between the main shock and the aftershocks as well as between shallow and deep earthquakes.

Studies of time sequences of earthquakes has also been extended

to so-called secular series, i.e. usually comprising the time from the beginning
of instrumental records around the turn of the century up to the present
time. In this way, deformation and energy release curves have been con-
structed both for the earth as a whole and for more restricted areas. Figure
72 shows the accumulated energy release for all earthquakes with mag-
nitude M~7 during the interval 1897-1976. The most pronounced feature
in this figure is the change of slope around the year 1917. According to
the straight lines, which have been put into Figure 72, the average energy
release was 8.5X 10 24 ergs/year for the interval 1897-1917, but only about
half as large or 4.0X 1024 ergs/year for 1917-76. In terms of energy, this
difference corresponds to one earthquake with M = 8.6 per year. However,
it has to be remembered that such observations do not give more than a
momentary picture, geologically speaking. Therefore, the results cannot be
taken to represent more than the investigated interval, and they do not
permit extrapolations in either direction.
Time Series of Earthquakes 201

40 x 10 25






10 1897 -1976

1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970

Fig. 72. Accumulated energy release for all earthquakes with M?;;7 for the interval 1897-1976. The curve
has been calculated by means of equation (4) in Chapter 4, using S. J. DUDA'S tables for 1897-1964 and the
monthly bulletins of the Seismological Institute, Uppsala, for the following years.

Many laymen have the impression that the seismic activity on the
earth has increased in recent years. The reason that many people have
such an impression is to be found partly in an intensification of the seis-
mological reporting activity, such that newspapers contain more frequent
and more detailed information on earthquakes than earlier. Another reason
is to be found in the expansion of the population to earlier uninhabited
areas which is presently going on in many eartllquake countries (for in-
202 Earthquake Mechanism

stance, Assam). But, as we have seen, reliable seismological statistics

(Fig. 72) do not confirm the impression of increased seismic activity; on
the contrary, there has been some decrease during this century.
Since the headline of this section reads Time series of earthquakes,
one might expect something to be said about periodicities of earthquakes.
These have, in fact, been the subject of much investigation, especially in
earlier years. However, any results of general validity or of physical signifi-
cance have hardly been produced. This whole field has also a rather poor
reputation among seismologists.
Seismology has no doubt furnished the quantitatively most reliable
information about the present tectonic conditions in the earth, partly by
energy determinations (Chapter 4), partly by mechanism studies. In spite
of this, the best results are still attained by a combination with other geo-
physical and geological methods of research. The knowledge we have
accumulated about the dynamics of earthquakes is still incomplete and
it is valid only for the time interval for which we have instrumental records.
Extrapolations are not possible, neither over longer (geological) epochs
back in time nor for even short periods of time ahead of us (see further
Chapter 10). Nor do the seismological observations alone give any definite
answer to the question about the driving mechanism behind the observed
phenomena. In addition, there is another limitation whose scope it is still
too early to estimate, i.e. stress release by slow motions (Chapter 10). If
this should be responsible for a considerable portion of the stress release,
this would mean that the seismic records will give information on only
a part of the total stress release.

Chapter 7

Internal Structure of the Earth

7.1 The Main Features of the Earth's Physical Properties

It is suitable to divide the earth's interior into the following three parts:
1. The earth's crust.
2. The earth's mantle: the upper mantle and the lower mantle.
3. The earth's cores: the outer core and the inner core.
Table 19 gives a review of the extent of the different parts, both
their depth extent as well as their volumes, masses, and average densities.
See also Figure 73.

Table 19. Different structural components of the earth's interior.

Layer Depth extent Volume Mass Average

True Percentage True 10'2 Percentage gtem3
km 10' km 3 megaton 2

Earth's crust Surface-Moho' 5.1 0.5 15 0.3 2.94

Upper mantle Moho-lOOO 429.1 39.6 1673 28.0 3.90
Lower mantle 1000--2900 473.8 43.7 2415 40.4 5.10
Outer core 2900-5100 166.4 15.4 1747 29.2 10.50
Inner core 5100-6370 8.6 0.8 125 2.1 14.53
Sum 1083.0 100.0 5975 100.0 5.52

, The thickness of the earth's crust averaged over the whole earth is about 10 km.
2 1 megaton = 106 tons.

Body-wave velocities. By means of travel times of seismic waves

(Chapter 3) it is possible to calculate the velocities of longitudinal and
transverse waves in the earth's interior. Just as in Chapter 3, it will be of
advantage first to study the conditions in a homogeneous sphere (Fig. 74).
If R=the radius of the sphere and vp=the velocity of P-waves, then we find
immediately from Figure 74 the following relation between travel time t
and distance L1 :
2R . L1
t = -SIO- (1)
Vp 2
204 Internal Structure of the Earth

Fig. 73. Schematic picture of the earth's interior,

showing the right proportions between mantIc,
outer and inner core.

Equation (1) is shown graphically in Figure 74, assuming R=6370 km

(=the earth's radius) and vp =6.0 km/sec. As we see, the travel-time graph
t(A) is curved, in spite of the fact that we have assumed that the velocity
Vp is everywhere the same. The reason for this is purely geometrical: if we
had measured the distance along the real wave path FU, then obviously
the travel-time graph would have been rectilinear. But in seismology we
usually measure distances A as indicated in Figure 74 (either in degrees or

t , _ _


15 b)


Fig. 74. Travel-time curves for P for a surface focus: a) for a
homogeneous sphere (v p =6.0 km /sec), b) for the real earth
o 50 100·
(according to JEFFREYS and BULLEN).
The Main Features of the Earth's Physical Properties 205

in kilometres along the earth's surface). Then the travel-time graph has
to be curved even when Vp is constant.
Figure 74 also shows the observed travel-time graph for P for a
surface focus. We find that the observed graph gives lower times than the
one corresponding to a homogeneous sphere and moreover, the observed
graph is more curved than in the homogeneous case. These circumstances
can be interpreted in only one way: that the waves have propagated with
higher velocities during some part of their path, or, in other words, that
the wave velocities in general increase with depth in the earth. However,
a consequence of this is that the wave paths are no longer rectilinear, but
curved and in fact concave towards to earth's surface. And in turn this
naturally means that the wave paths are longer than in the case of a homo-
geneous sphere. Thus, we have to determine such a velocity-depth dis-
tribution that the net result (of a longer wave path.and higher velocities).
is a decreased travel time.
It is possible to solve this problem exactly and it has also been sub-
jected to extensive mathematical treatments, including solutions of integral
equations. Symbolically, we can express the problem in the following simple
way: t(LI) -vCr), i.e. from observed travel times t we calculate the velocities
v at different distances r from the earth's centre. Conversely, a number
of theoretical models have been investigated, where one starts from an
assumed velocity distribution and deduces the corresponding travel-time
curve, i.e. a problem which can be expressed as vCr) -t(LI). This curve
can then be compared with observations and the theoretical model can
be successively modified until agreement is achieved. The transformation
v-I is a direct problem with a unique solution, whereas t-v represents the
inverse problem, usually non-unique. Here, we shall be content with re-
porting the results of these investigations.
Figure 75 shows the velocities of longitudinal and transverse waves
as a function of depth below the earth's surface. Obviously, the results
according to the two geophysicists JEFFREYS and GUTENBERG are in general
in very good agreement. Of particular interest is the pronounced decrease
of the P-wave velocity from 13.6 to 8.1 km/sec at 2900 km depth, i.e. at
the outer-core boundary. In addition, the transverse waves cease to exist
at this depth. Waves which have traversed the outer core as shear waves
have still not been found with reliability. This has led to the conclusion
206 Internal Structure of the Earth

100 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000

7 h km 14
vs S vp
km/sec \ km/sec 13
6 12
Ip 11

km/sec 13
Fig. 75. The velocities (v)
of longitudinal waves (P, K,
/) and transverse waves (S) in
the earth's interior according
toH.JEFFREYs,1939 (upper fig-
9 ure) and according to B. Gu-
TENBERG, 1958 (lower figure).
h km B
,. _ - - - - - ' - - - ' - - - - - L T=wave period, h=depth
100 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 be10w earth's surface.

that the outer core behaves as a liquid - at least in relation to seismic waves.
This conclusion is confirmed by observations of the tidal effect in the
solid earth (corresponding to the ocean tides), which is too large to be
explained by an entirely solid earth, but fits well with the assumption
of a liquid core. The irregularities of the velocity around 5000 km depth
(Fig. 75) mark the boundary of the inner core. Whether the latter is solid
or liquid, is a problem which is not yet quite settled, but some facts seem
to indica te that it is solid and thus should be able to transmit transverse
waves. For his velocity values, JEFFREYS has given error limits of at most
±0.5'X), except for the depth intervals 413-1000 km and 4982-5121 km,
where the velocities are considered somewhat less reliable.
The good agreement between JEFFREYS' and GUTENBERG'S velocity
curves is an expression of the fact that their travel-time tables agree closely.
The remaining discrepancies just illustrate the uncertainties which in spite
of this may still remain. It is particularly at two levels where interesting
deviations are found:
I. In the transition zone to the inner core. JEFFREYS has here introduced
a low-velocity layer, while GUTENBERG does not consider this to have suffi-
cient basis in the observations. The difficulties become large at these levels,
The Main Features of the Earth's Physical Properties 207

which is clear when we realize that a wave spends only a small fraction of
its total travel time in any such layer. The problem about the transition
to the inner core cannot yet be regarded as completely solved. Most likely,
the transition zone consists of several layers, to some extent reminiscent
of the layering in the earth's crust, even though the transition extends
over a few hundred kilometres in depth.
2. In the upper mantle. At a depth of 413 km, JEFFREYS has a second-
order discontinuity (i.e. a discontinuity in the velocity gradient with regard
to depth), which would explain the behaviour of the travel-time curve
around 20° distance (the so-called 20° discontinuity). GUTENBERG, on the
other hand, has completely eliminated the discontinuity at 413 km depth
and replaced it by a low-velocity layer in the upper mantle (Fig. 75). It
is still not quite settled which one of these interpretations can be regarded
as the correct one, even though the idea of a low-velocity layer has got
strong supporting evidence from a number of different observations.
The close agreement between the two velocity curves for some time
led to the idea that future research would only need to improve details
in these curves, while all the main features were well known. However,
in the last few years a number of velocity curves have been proposed which
show more significant deviations from those just discussed. Above all, this
concerns the depths around 400 and 600 km where relatively strong velocity
increases with depth have been introduced (Fig. 76). These results are based
on observations at so-called array stations, where frequently not the travel
times themselves but the derivative dt/dA has been used as a basis for the
conclusions. With a dense net of stations, this quantity can be observed in
much greater detail than has been possible hitherto. In addition, early arrivals
of PP and P' P' have been observed which may seem to require sharp dis-
continuities around 400 and 650 km depth. However, recent alternative
explanations of these early arrivals in terms of scattering (Section 3.2)
have somewhat weakened this suggestion.
It should be emphasized that in the deduction of the velocities (Fig. 75),
a spherically symmetric structure of the earth has been assumed. This assump-
tion is made also in the calculation of other properties described below.
Lateral variations of a more regional nature have been neglected, although
it is known that such variations may have a considerable depth extent,
including a major part of the lower mantle. From this viewpoint we may
208 Internal Structure of the Earth

800 KM




2400 MODEL 77


Fig. 76. Velocities of P-waves in the mantle according to array data ('model 77') compared with the JEFFREYS-
BULLEN velocities. After M. N. TOKSOZ, M. A. CHINNERY and D. L. ANDERSON (1967), modified.

regard the structure of the earth we are deducing in this chapter as a

first approximation, considering the depth variation as far more significant
than lateral variations.
It may be instructive to compare the seismic wave velocities with
some other well-known velocities. Let us take as examples, on the one
hand, the velocity of light (= 300 000 km/sec), on the other hand, the
velocity of sound in air (=0.3 km/sec). A simple calculation shows that
if the P-wave would propagate with the velocity of light it would need
The Main Features of the Earth's Physical Properties 209

only 0.042 sec to traverse the entire earth. This means that with present-
day accuracy of time measurements at the seismograph stations (about
0.1 sec), all stations would get a simultaneous recording and it would be
impossible to locate the event. On the other hand, if the P-wave travelled
with the velocity of sound in air, then it would need 11.8 hours to penetrate
the whole earth. Even in this case it would be impossible to locate most
events, because with present frequency of earthquakes it would be impos-
sible to coordinate observations at different stations. The true time for a
PKP-wave to travel 180 0 from a surface focus is 20 min 12 sec. It is evident
that the seismic wave velocities fall within a range which is favourable
from the viewpoint of measuring techniques.
Density. The next step in our study of the earth's internal constitu-
tion is to deduce the variation of density with depth. A number of density
curves has been proposed through the course of time, the presently most
accurate one by the Australian seismologist BULLEN. In deducing the
density in the earth, we base our calculations on the following consid-
1. In a complete expression, the density of matter depends on pres-
sure, temperature and chemical composition. In the calculations, the
effects of the latter two are neglected. Therefore, the method cannot be
applied to any layer where there is reason to suspect a change in the chemi-
cal composition or a phase change. Furthermore, hydrostatic equilibrium is
2. The calculated density curve has to yield the correct value of
the earth's total mass (Table 19) and of its moment of inertia with regard
to the axis of rotation (=0.3336MR2, with M =mass and R=radius of the
earth). These quantities are well known from astronomical observations.
In addition, the density curve has to be compatible with the velocity curves.
Let us introduce the following symbols:
p=pressure and Q=density at the distance r from the earth's centre,
m=the mass of the earth inside the radius r,
g = acceleration of gravity and ')' = gravitational constant.
Then we arrive at the following four simple relations:
1. The condition for hydrostatic equilibrium:
dr = -gQ (2)
14 Bath: Introduction to Seismology
210 Internal Structure of the Earth

2. The law of gravitation:

g=~ (3)

3. The expression for the incompressibility (at constant chemical

composition) :
k dp
= (!-

4. From equation (1) in Chapter 3:

-k =Vp--Vs
2 4

Combining equations (2) to (5) we arrive at the following expression

for the radial density gradient, which has been applied to the calculations
of the density in the earth:

d(! ym(!
r2 (V~- ~ V~)
While the density of the earth's crust (about 33 km thick in con-
tinents) is about 3 g/cm 3 , the mean density of the earth is = 5.517 g/cm 3 with
an error of about 0.08 %, as obtained by JEFFREYS from determinations
of the gravitational constant. This shows that the density in the interior
of the earth is greater than in the surface layers. In applications of the
formula (6) for the radial density gradient the mass of the surface layers
is first subtracted. This mass is somewhat different in different places,
but calculating with an average crust instead has only a very slight influence
on the density values at greater depths.
In his density calculation BULLEN applied the velocity curves which
JEFFREYS had determined (Fig. 75). Starting from a probable value of the
density=3.32 g/cm 3 at 33 km depth, the density is first calculated for the
depth range 33-413 km. In this range the velocity variations of P and
S are smooth (constant gradient) and the assumption of a constant chemical
composition is assumed to be fulfilled. In the following layer (413-984 km),
where the velocity gradients are large, it is doubtful whether the composi-
The Main Features of the Earth's Physical Properties 211

tion is constant. In addition, at each discontinuity surface the possible

density jump enters as a further unknown.
However, the density distribution has to be such that it gives the
correct value of the earth's moment of inertia. For a homogeneous sphere
the moment of inertia is 004MR2. It is easy to show, that for constant
values of M and R, the moment of inertia is>004MR2, if the density de-
creases inwards, and it is<004MR2, if the density increases inwards. If
we should continue the density calculation, mentioned in the preceding
paragraph, right through the whole mantle down to 2900 km depth, we
would find that the moment of inertia of the core would be 0.57MeR~
(Me and Re are the core mass and radius), which is obviously too high.
In order to avoid this difficulty and to be able to proceed, we make some
additional assumptions. As Vp and Vs themselves are continuous at 413 km
depth, then this is probably also the case with the density but not with its
gradient. The depth ranges 984-2898 km, 2898--4982 km and 5121-6371 km
are each assumed to be of constant composition just like the range 33--413 km.
The coefficient for MeR~ in the expression for the moment of inertia of
the core is probably between 0.375 and 0.395, which determines the density
at 984 km depth to an accuracy of 0.1 g/cm3 • For the range 413-984 km
the density is assumed to be a quadratic function of the radius r. The
three constants in this formula are determined by the densities at 413 km
and at 984 km and from the density gradient at 984 km. BULLEN gives two
extreme series of densities below 500 km, one of them for an hypothesis
of a continuously varying density in the core, the other for an hypothesis
of a density at the earth's centre 10 g/cm3 higher than according to the first
hypothesis. The true density curve is probably to be found somewhere
between his two curves. The densities shown in Figure 77 are considered
to have errors of at most 1 % down to 2700 km and at most 3% below
this level. The most pronounced feature of the density curve is the jump
from 5.7 to 904 g/cm 3 at the crossing of the outer-core boundary.
If instead we should make GUTENBERG'S velocity curve the basis for
our density calculation, we encounter certain difficulties, especially for the
low-velocity layer in the upper mantle. BULLEN assumed constant com-
position in this layer, but this is no longer certain, if we have to deal with
a low-velocity layer. Later, BULLEN also made calculations for other models,
leading to somewhat different results (see below).
212 Internal Structure of the Earth


Fig. 77. The density distribution in the earth's

interior according to K. E. BULLEN (1963).

In this connection it is appropriate to correct some usual misunder-

1. It is not correct to maintain that the densities are deduced from
the velocities. The velocity curves serve as a guide, but for the densities
other information and assumptions are needed as well. They are also less
reliable than the velocities.
2. It is not correct to maintain that the velocities increase inwards
in the earth because the density increases. As we see from equation (1)
in Chapter 3, increased density alone means decreased velocity, not in-
Just as the velocity curves have recently been altered in their founda-
tions, something similar has to a certain extent happened also with the
density curve. Some observations of amplitudes of PcP (i.e. the P-wave
reflected at the outer core) indicate that the density jump at this surface
would not be as large as in BULLEN'S model. The observations have been
interpreted as indicating the same or nearly the same density on the two
sides of the boundary. But then the question arises as to what extent the
density curve will have to be changed elsewhere, in order still to satisfy
the mass and the moment of inertia of the earth. Another possibility is
that the core boundary is a transition zone with a thickness of several tens
of kilometres and that this is the reason for the PcP-observations. See
further Section 7.3 on the earth's core.
Elastic parameters, pressure, gravity. When the variations of density
The Main Features of the Earth's Physical Properties 213


k, fl
1012 dynes/cm 2


Fig. 78. Incompressibility (k) and modulus of
rigidity (,,) at different depths (h) in the earth's
0~~10~OO~-2~OOO~~3000~--4000~~-5000~--6-00LO~ interior. According to K. E. BULLEN.

and wave velocities with depth are known, it is a simple matter of calcula-
tion, using equation (1) in Chapter 3, to get the corresponding variations
of the incompressibility k and the modulus of rigidity Jl (Fig. 78). As we
know, two elastic parameters are enough to describe the behaviour of the
material in the earth in relation to seismic waves. There are other elastic
parameters than k and Jl, but they are simply related to these. From the
density variation it is also relatively simple to calculate the depth variation
of pressure and gravity (according to equations (2) and (3); see Fig. 79).
The pressure (=the pressure of overlying layers) increases monotonically
with depth, as expected, whereas the acceleration of gravity exhibits both
maxima and minima. Thus, the acceleration has a major maximum at the
outer-core boundary, where it attains the value 1037 cmjsec2 • The reason
for this apparently irregular depth variation of gravity is to be found in
the fact that g depends partly on the mass (m) inside the respective levels
in the earth, partly on the distance (r) to the centre of the earth from the
different levels. Proceeding towards the centre, both m and r decrease.
As the acceleration is proportional to mjr2, we could expect the curve
shown in Figure 79.
Recent modifications of both the velocity and the density curves,
214 Internal Structure of the Earth

10 12 dynes/ cm 2
cm/sec 2
9 1000

2 800



Fig. 79. Pressure (p) and acceleration
of gravity (g) at different depths (h)
in the earth's interior. According to
o I 0
1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000

mentioned above, will entail some modifications of all curves which have
been deduced from them.
As we have seen, the physical properties we have studied so far are
intimately connected with each other and form a consistent system. The
trend of the calculations is defined by the following points:
1. Travel times of P- and S-waves: deduced from seismograms.
2. Velocities of P- and S-waves: calculated from 1 by extensive oper-
3. Density: calculated by means of2 and other assumptions and con-
4. Elastic parameters: calculated from 2 and 3.
5. Acceleration of gravity and pressure: calculated from 3.
Revised models. In recent years, improved information on a number
of points has called for a revision of the model presented so far for the
earth's interior. The newer development has been summarized by BULLEN
and HADDON (1970), who have included the following new results in their
revised models:
1. A new value of the earth's moment of inertia (0.3309MR2 instead
of 0.3336MR2), based on observations of artificial satellite orbits.
The Main Features of the Earth's Physical Properties 215

2. Revised P- and S-wave velocity distributions in the earth, both

in the upper mantle and in the inner core.
3. More reliable travel-time data from nuclear-explosion and array-
station results.
4. A generalization of equation (6) for the radial velocity gradient
to the following form:


where the factor '1 is different from unity in the earth, except for the depth
range 3600-4500 km.
5. Studies of compressibility of materials at high pressure.
6. Shock-wave experiments.
7. Observations of the earth's free oscillations.
The revised data have led to several new earth models of which one
of the most recent ones is demonstrated in Figure 80. It is especially to
be noticed that the S-wave velocity exhibits a minimum in the upper mantle
in this model. According to the newest model of BULLEN and HADDON
the density increases from 5.62 g/cm3 to 9.89 g/cm 3 at the outer-core bound-
ary at 2878 km depth and the gravity attains the value 1080 cm/sec2 at this
A recent modification concerns the radius of the earth's core. A num-
ber of different observations indicates that this radius is somewhat larger
than believed hitherto. The proposed increases vary depending upon the
kind of observations, for instance, an increase of 10-30 km according to
PcP-observations, an increase of about 15 km from observations of the
earth's free vibrations and an increase of 64 km derived from some ob-
servations of P-waves diffracted around the core boundary.
Absorption. The physical properties discussed so far are based on
purely elastic conditions in the earth's interior. However, it is a well-
known fact that seismic waves are absorbed during their propagation.
This indicates that also non-elastic effects are operative. Investigations of
absorption must be based on amplitudes of seismic waves, as distinct
from travel times used above. The studies have not yet been able to
yield a completely unique picture of the absorption, but at least some
216 Internal Structure of the Earth

~ r-

12 >-

10 I 9


Fig. 80. Earth model accord-

ing to R. A. w. HADDON and
K. E. BULLEN (1969). p=pres-
sure in units of 1012 dynes/em:!,
IJ = density in g/cm 3 , 1%( = l'p)
and P(='·s)=P- and S-ve-
o 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 loci ties in km/sec. g = accelera-
Oopth (km.) tion of grrvity in 102 cm/sec:!.

preliminary results can be included here. The amplitude absorption of a

seismic wave can be simply described by the factor e-"D, where x=absorp-
tion coefficient and D=the distance along the wave path. It has been
found that x is inversely proportional to the wave period T for a given
material. This means that the absorption for a distance equal to the wave-
length is constant for a given material. We can write this as follows for
body waves:

where A=Tv is the wave-length, T=period and v=wave velocity. The

material constant Q is termed the quality factor and it is related to % by
the relation:
Q=--'X Tv

The lower the absorption Y. is, the higher is the quality factor, hence its name.
The Main Features of the Earth's Physical Properties 217

log Q Q

3.0 1000

/ 500

(CArY_E_R_ _ _..J


h km 50

500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000

Fig. 81. The quality factor (Q) for P-waves in dependence on the depth (h) in the mantle.

The depth variation of Q in the earth has been displayed by several

authors, all with some discrepancies from each other. However, the main
features are common. Figure 81 shows the depth dependence of the Q-factor
for P-waves in the mantle, as given by IBRAHIM (1971) in connection with
his PcP-amplitude studies. Clearly, the poorest quality is to be found
in the upper-mantle low-velocity layer. Comparable low Q-values are found
for the uppermost granitic layer and in sediments. The lower mantle exhibits
a steady increase of Q between about 1000 and 2000 km depth, below which
a constant high value prevails. The quality factol' Q no doubt depends on a
number of material properties, such as pressure, temperature, chemical
composition, structural properties, degree of homogeneity, etc. Further
detailed studies of absorption will certainly prove very useful as additional
constraints on our knowledge of the earth's interior.
Temperature and chemical composition. Seismology is not able to
give any direct information about the temperature in the earth's interior,
nor about the chemical composition. The temperature is a quantity about
which our knowledge is particularly meagre. A number of temperature-
depth curves has been proposed by different authors, some of them quite
218 Internal Structure of the Earth

Mantle Core

i.E -+_______-,
~OVa,--(:,::19::58:)_ _


---1 1_------------

h km

Fig. 82. The temperature as a function of depth in the earth after B. GUTENBERG (1951) and E. A. LUBIMOVA

divergent. The two curves shown in Figure 82 seem to represent more

reliable information. The data are mostly based on measurements of tem-
perature increase with depth in boreholes, on measurements of radio-
activity, and for the rest of the earth mostly on hypotheses. The sharp
bend of GUTENBERG'S temperature curve at a depth of 70 km (Fig. 82) cor-
responds to an assumed transition from a crystalline to a plastic state
·of the material. The temperature at this level should be equal to the melt-
ing point of the material. Below this level, GUTENBERG'S temperature
curve exhibits a relatively small gradient. LUBIMOVA'S curve increases steadily
in the upper 1500 km of the earth, asymptotically approaching a tem-
perature of about 4000 DC. According to the two curves shown in Fig-
ure 82, the temperature at the centre of the earth should be between about
3000° and 4000 DC. This is regarded as much more likely than the consider-
ably higher values (up to 10 000 0c) which had been presented in some
earlier studies.
The distribution of temperature in the earth's interior is still largely
unexplored, but renewed interest in these problems derives partly from
the new global tectonic theories (Chapter 6). This has been stated very
clearly in a U.S. Program for the Geodynamics Project (May, 1971), from
which I quote the following:
'Temperature is probably the most important parameter concerning
the state of motion of the earth's interior. The earth's interior is, in effect,
The Main Features of the Earth's Physical Properties 219

a heat engine, almost certainly involving heat transfer by large-scale trans-

port of matter. Movement of matter from hot regions to cooler ones will
tend to decrease the thermal imbalance unless it is regenerated by some
process. The temperature distribution in the earth's interior is an indicator
not only of the magnitude of the driving force for the heat engine, but
also the mobility of matter (because viscosity is temperature dependent).'
'Seismic shear-wave velocities represent indirect indicators of tem-
perature: these velocities are reduced in the vicinity of partially molten or
near-molten conditions.'
We have seen that the earth's. interior behaves like solid matter in
relation to seismic waves, except for the outer core which behaves like a
liquid. While this has been reliably confirmed, there is greater uncertainty
about the chemical composition. The only guide that determinations of
the physical parameters can yield, concerning the chemical composition,
derives from comparisons with the behaviour of matter under high pressure
and high temperature in the laboratory. However, until recently it has
not been possible to reproduce conditions further down than about 300 km,
and, therefore, this possibility for comparison was usually not available
for greater depths. A recent improvement has occurred in this connection.
Through explosion experiments in the laboratory it has been possible to
reproduce pressures which are greater than at the earth's centre. Certain
information on composition can be obtained from the relative abundance
of different elements in meteorites. The earth's core, at least the outer one,
is believed to consist of nickel and iron, the upper mantle of basic silicates
and the lower mantle of metallic oxides and sulphides.
General comments. No doubt, the properties of the earth's interior
are extraordinary, and it is not easy to get a good apprehension of them
by comparison with well-known conditions on the earth's surface. Naturally,
the most extreme conditions are to be found at the centre of the earth.
Here, at practically zero gravity, we have a pressure of about 4 million
atmospheres and a heat of a few thousand degrees in a material with a
density comparable to that of mercury under normal conditions. And this
condition prevails at a distance under our feet no longer than the distance
from New York to Uppsala. By order of magnitude, the seismic wave
velocities (P and S) are only about 10- 5 of the velocity of light and about
10 times the sound velocity in air. It is in fact true that they fall within
220 Internal Structure of the Earth

a rang,,: which is suitable for observations in station networks of continental

size. As a point of interest it may be added that the P-wave velocity just
under the Moho is comparable both with its velocity just inside the outer-
core boundary (Fig. 75) as well as with the velocity of the satellites which
encircle the earth.
Another interesting fact is that we can consider the earth's interior
as quasi-stationary, i.e. practically independent of time. As a consequence,
we can combine observations say from the year 1900 with those made in 1976
and still assume the conditions to be unchanged. However, if we were to
combine observations from different geological epochs, the time factor has
to be taken into account. In seismology it is essentially only in connec-
tion with earthquake prediction (Chapter 10) that the time factor is of
Finally, let us apply a more general consideration of fundamental
importance to the problem of determining the earth's internal structure.
The following two factors dominate this work:
1. A number of given quantities, for instance, travel times, the
earth's mean density and moment of inertia, the earth's free vibrations, etc.
2. A number of unknown quantities, which shall be determined, i.e.
physical and chemical properties of the earth's interior.
In general, 1 does not permit a fully unambiguous solution of 2.
Rather, 2 can at most be restricted within certain limits; in other words,
there is a certain variation width of the calculated quantities. This varia-
tion can be diminished, i.e. the precision in our knowledge can be increased
by an amplification of point 1, both qualitatively and quantitatively. The
availability of large computers has made it possible to calculate a large
number of earth models. This work has been considerably developed by
F. PRESS (1970) in the USA.

7.2 The Earth's Crust

The earth's crust constitutes only a very small fraction of the whole earth
(Table 19), but nevertheless it has been investigated in more detail than
any other part. The reasons are obvious. The earth's crust is closest to
us in space and hitherto the only part of the earth's interior which has
permitted direct investigation, at least partly. The possibilities for profit-
The Earth's Crust 221

able extraction of various deposits (salt, oil, minerals, etc,) have contrib-
uted efficiently to the exploration of the earth's crust. A number of dif-
ferent methods have been used in such investigations.
Deep drilling. This represents no doubt the most reliable method to
determine the structure, not only the depth to discontinuity surfaces but
also the chemical composition. However, such direct methods have a limited
application, not only due to their high cost and the strictly local informa-
tion they give but also due to their limitation in depth. The deepest bore-
holes of a few kilometres (about 0.1-0.2% of the earth's radius) penetrate
only a fraction of the continental crust which has an average thickness
of 30-35 km. Nevertheless, several relevant projects have been started, both
in the USA and the USSR. In 1957, the Americans proposed the so-called
Mohole Project, which aimed at a drilling down to the Moho (abbrevia-
tion of MohoroviCic discontinuity, i.e. the base of the crust). Since then, much
effort has been put into realizing this project, especially in oceanic areas
where the earth's crust is thinner (only about 5 km thick in typically oceanic
areas). Even if it has not yet been possible to reach the Moho the dril-
lings have been of very great value, both scientifically and technically.
The Russians have started similar projects at a number of places in the
USSR, all of them on continental structure and aiming at bore-hole depths
of 15 km.
Even though bore holes do not reach very far when we are concerned
with the earth's internal structure, they would still be sufficient to penetrate
into the earthquake foci at several places. Many shocks occur at depths
less than 5 km, and there a drilling could reach the focal region. In combina-
tion with stress measurements in situ such an undertaking would no doubt
give very valuable information.
Apart from drilling experiments, all methods for investigation of
the earth's crust - as well as the rest of the earth's interior - are indirect, i.e.
they are observations on the earth's surface of various phenomena (seismic,
magnetic, electric, gravimetric, etc.) which depend on the conditions in the
interior. Obviously, indirect methods often involve great difficulties of inter-
pretation, and discussions of such problems occupy the geophysical litera-
ture to a very large extent.
Near earthquakes (Ll <: 10°). Records of near earthquakes have been
used extensively for the study of crustal structure, ever since the birth of
222 Internal Structure of the Earth

a ___ partial reflection


Vp km/sec '2=147
6 7 8 tl=71~O 1 200 300

Fig. 83. Wave propagation paths and travel-time curves (quantitatively calculated) for an assumed velocity
profile. CC = Conrad discontinuity, MM=Mohorovi~ic discontinuity.

instrumental seismology. Back in Chapter 3 we described the wave propaga-

tion through the earth's crust (Fig. 28). Figure 83 shows a case which
has been calculated quantitatively. For distances A <AI' Pg is the first
arriving wave, while for A >A2' Pn arrives first. Using the notation of
Figure 83 we get immediately the following expressions for the travel times:

FX )
Pg: t=--

p*: t=

AB I'-
( (10)

Pn: t=
+ V2
V3 J

Tn addition, we have the refraction law, equation (2) in Chapter 3:

The Earth's Crust 223

sin ii
VI v2
sin i~ sin i2

--=-- (11)

sin i2 1
V2 V3 J

By a combination of (10) and (11) and by simple geometrical considera-

tions of Figure 83, it is very easy to deduce relations for the travel times as
functions of VI, V2 , V3 , h, HI, H 2 , A. This is left to the reader as an exercise.
The unknowns (partly source parameters, partly structural parameters) can
be calculated from equations (10), when a sufficient number of stations is
available. If in addition to the direct waves (Fig. 83), also those waves
which have been reflected at the surfaces CC and MM have been observed,
then additional relations are obtained. In Figure 83 we use a reduced time
scale as ordinate, by which a better separation between the various travel-
time curves is achieved.
In order to facilitate the understanding of the system of travel-time
curves in Figure 83, some comments will be given. For the refracted waves
there are certain minimum distances, inside which these waves cannot exist.
This is a direct consequence of the refraction law. For the case shown in
Figure 83 these minimum distances are 37 km for P* and 80 km for Pn.
The direct wave Pg as well as those reflected at CC and MM can exist
down to A =0. For the reflected waves the dashed travel-time curves in
Figure 83 (at shorter distance) correspond to partial reflection, while the
full curves (at greater distance) correspond to total reflection. We can
look upon the travel-time curves of the reflected waves as links between
the different branches of the travel-time curves of the refracted waves:
1. The reflection at CC coincides with p* at its minimum distance and
it approaches Pg asymptotically at great distances.
2. The reflection at MM coincides with Pn at its minimum distance
and it approaches P'" asymptotically at great distance.
These facts can also be envisaged in a purely intuitive way by consider-
ing the lower right-hand part of Figure 83.
224 Internal Structure of the Earth

A picture corresponding to Figure 83 holds also for the transverse

waves Sg, S*, Sn. Concerning Pg and Sg, different opinions have been
expressed. According to GUTENBERG among others, Pg and Sg are not
identical with the waves propagating upward in the upper layer, but in-
stead they are so-called channel waves in the granitic layer. Related to this
problem is the observation that there are two Sg-waves (Sgl and Sg2),
also two Pg-waves (PgI and Pg2), of which Figure 83 shows PgI (cf. Sec-
tion 3.3).
The structure dealt with so far consists of two homogeneous, plane
and parallel layers over a homogeneous medium. This would correspond to
average conditions on the continents. The upper layer is termed the gran-
itic layer, the second layer the basaltic layer, although we have to take
'granite' and 'basalt' in a wide sense; in fact, these names have to be under-
stood in such a way that the respective layers exhibit the same physical pro-
perties as granite and basalt would do. The surface CC is called the Conrad
discontinuity and MM (the base of the crust) is called the MohoroviCic dis-
continuity, often abbreviated to Moho for simplicity. The average depths to
CC and MM are 10-20 km and 30-35 km, respectively.
However, the near-earthquake method suffers from several limi-
1. It is applicable only in areas where earthquakes exist. Non-seismic
areas cannot be investigated in this way.
2. it is limited to continental areas (at least as long as a network
of ocean-bottom seismographs does not exist).
3. Inaccuracies in the location of the hypocentre F and the origin
time of the shock, which both have to be determined from seismic records,
are reflected as inaccuracies in the deduced crustal structure.
Explosions. Controlled explosions offer a considerably more efficient
method to investigate the earth's crust and even the interior of the entire
earth, provided the explosions are strong enough to be recorded at great
distances (Chapter 11). None of the above-mentioned limitations applic-
able to near earthquakes are valid in case of the controlled explosion tech-
nique. There are mainly two procedures which have been developed for
such investigations:
1. The refraction method. This can be iIIustrated by Figure 83, only
by letting the focal depth h be zero. As a rule, observations are made
The Earth's Crust 225

along a profile of seismographs (geophones) which extends from the shot

point along a straight line to a distance approximately 10 times as large
as the depths to be investigated. For exploration of a crust of 30 km thick-
ness it is thus necessary to have a profile which is at least 300 km long.
2. The reflection method. In this method waves reflected at dif-
ferent boundaries are observed. This is a simpler method, because it is suffi-
cient to record at only one or a few points. These may be located at various
distances: within a few kilometres of the shot point or at a distance around
100 km - corresponding to critical reflection from the MohoroviCic dis-
continuity with a relatively high energy concentration in the reflected signal.
On the other hand, the reflection method alone does not give as complete
information as the refraction method. In general, it is advisable to combine
both methods.
Compared to the near-earthquake method, the explosion methods
clearly offer a superior flexibility. The explosions can be set off wherever
they are needed and we are not restricted to earthquake sources. This
makes a much more detailed structural study possible, with much higher
precision also. Instead of the simple structure of Figure 83, we may assume
sloping interfaces CC and MM. To determine such slopes, clearly, addi-
tional data are needed. By a relatively simple geometrical consideration
of a case with a sloping CC and/or MM, we find that such a structure can
be determined by means of reverse shooting. This means that the experi-
ment is repeated with an explosion also at the opposite end of the profile.
Azimuthal shooting provides for a more complete mapping of discontinuity
As a rule, there are no problems in calculating a travel-time curve
as soon as a structure is given. But in practice we are faced with the in-
verse problem: to calculate the structure from a given travel-time curve.
Here, as in many other similar cases in seismcIogy, the question of the
uniqueness of the solution has to be dealt with. To illustrate the difficulties
which may arise, I have started in Figure 84 from an assumed structure.
It is a slightly more complicated structure than in Figure 83, but stilI one
which is very well possible. We have also shown some wave paths both
for direct and reflected waves, together with the corresponding travel-
time diagrams, all computed in a quantitatively exact way from the given
velocity profile. We find that within certain distance ranges not less than
15 Bath: Introduction to Seismology
226 Internal Structure of the Earth

\ (1). (2) = Pg
8 \ (3) = p. (1)
\(4) (4) = reflection at MM
\ (5) = Pn
6 \
6.8 "
sec (4)


o ____ parlial refleclion


Vp km/sec (1)
7 8 F 300

Fig. 84. Wave propagation paths and travel-time curves (quantitatively calculated) for an assumed velocity
profile. Same notation used as in Figure 83.

Table 20. Examples of different interpretations of Figure 84.

Solution Depth to CC Depth to MM Vp (from the top)

km km km/sec

a) Only (1) and (5) measured 24.5 5.8, 8.1

b) (1), (3) and (5) measured 16.1 28.6 5.8, 6.8, 8.1

five waves arrive within short intervals of time. In general, it is a hard

task to disentangle so many closely arriving phases in a record. The first
phase is generally the easiest to measure, followed next by those later phases
which rise markedly above the background of the already existing motion.
In Table 20 I have given two possibilities in the practical evaluation as
examples. We see that none of these efforts leads to correct result, in other
words, none of these efforts has been able to reproduce the velocity profile
we started from in Figure 84. These examples illustrate the fallacies which
may be encountered in the interpretation of such records. It is important to
The Earth's Crust 227

be well aware of possible sources of error in the interpretation. It has often

been discussed whether structural differences between continents (for ex-
ample, between America and Asia) depend on real differences or if they
just depend on differences of interpretation. Even though real structural dif-
ferences seem to exist, we should not overlook the essential influence that the
interpretation has on the results.
In spite of such difficulties, a large amount of important informa-
tion about the earth's crust has been collected by the explosion methods.
The most important result is the pronounced difference found between the
typically oceanic and the typically continental structures (Fig. 28). Some
representative results are summarized in Figure 85. The boundary between
continental and oceanic structure is in general to be found around 2000 m

20 8.78C31O

vr . .,t.
.7 •
30 30
8.1 •
40 C 40
M M 6.4 •
M 8.0 - 8.1
so. 50

80 60

70 z M 70
« ...J 8.1 -

I ~
~z I
::> UJ
« ""ct
0« DO
:;: h
<Ii ....
:r.., UJ
0.. U
• 6.0 - 0

20 Fig. 85. Some typical results of seismic ex·

20 c-J C
64.~ M plosion investigations in Europe, Asia,
30 Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and South
M ~
America. C=Conrad, M=Moho. Each
column gives to the left the longitudinal
: J'8.27 M
4.83 t40 wave velocity, to the right the transverse
- (6.8~.0SO wave velocity (in km/sec); h=depth below
the earth's surface.
228 Internal Structure of the Earth

water depth, i.e. where the shelf zone ends and the slope towards the deep
sea begins. Variations in the structure occur also within typical continents
or oceans. Particularly noticeable in this respect is the thickening to about
50--60 km of the earth's crust (so-called mountain roots) which is generally
observed under mountain ranges.
Surface waves. As we have seen already in Chapter 3, the velocity
dispersion of seismic surface waves depends on the structure of the earth's
crust and upper mantle. This method has been used extensively for structural
studies. Also in this case we have to deal with a difficult interpretational
problem: to translate an observed dispersion curve into some structure.
In general, the solution is not unique. On the theoretical side, a great
number of dispersion curves has been deduced for assumed structures,
which can serve as a guide in interpretations of observed dispersion (one
example is shown in Fig. 86).


1.732Y51 Y51 ~1 H1
2 3.873v51 2.236v51 ~1

1.8 C/Ys1

U/Y S 1


1.2 Fig. 86. Theoretical dispersion curves for

phase velocity (c) and group velocity (U)
1.0 for Rayleigh waves in a structure consist~
ing of a top layer (HI) over a semi·infinite
0.8 substratum. The structural parameters are
given in the figure. vp and vs=wave velD·
cities for P- and S-waves, respectively,
04 Q=density, H=layer thickness, T=waye
0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 period. After K. KANAI.

The two curves in Figure 86 are limited to the left by the abscissa
cTj HI =0, and to the right by cTj HI = 00 (outside the figure). These limiting
cases can arise under the following circumstances:
1. cTjHI =0 for HI = 00, if T is finite, or for T=O, if HI is finite.
2. cTj HI = 00 for HI = 0, if T is finite, or for T= 00, if HI is finite.
S " a
1 I,0 I~S~1 J~
15 / 7 J gllO /
Lan d
I 1'1 1 1/2 \
6 8 9
l1li 90 110
comer) are numbered 0- 12 in Ihe ordcro(incre asinG
vdoc it)' disp~n.ion of Raylc:1ih waVd, essenlially in Ihe period
mn,ie of 20----40 sec·. The dispersion curves (given in the upper Ti8hl~hand
FIt{. 87. A world map. show ing the distribution of the troup SANTO.
map. A . a and C denote special $t.ruClures (ocean ridges). AfletT.
Continen tality, and the correspondi ng numbers are given on ahe
The Earth's Crust 229

In all the cases mentioned the structure is effectively reduced to a ho-

mogeneous medium (without a surface layer). Then, there is no dispersion
and c = U =0.92 X the $-wave velocity in the respective media. Between these
extremes, there is dispersion, i.e. in this case dc/dT>O and c>U. The phase
velocity (c) is determined by the physical properties of the medium, whereas
the group velocity (U) corresponds to the net result from the addition
of all elements with different periods and different velocities within the
wave motion.
We distinguish two methods in the application of surface waves to
structural studies:
1. The group-velocity method. The group velocity is obtained by
dividing the epicentral distance by the travel time. It is calculated for each
separate period that can be observed, and from this a dispersion curve
can be constructed. A curve obtained in this way corresponds to an aver-
age structure along the path from epicentre to station. In order to obtain
significant results, it is therefore important not to mix structures which
are known to be different. For instance, if a path crosses an oceanic coast,
we have to distinguish between the oceanic and continental parts of the
path. Even much more detailed divisions of the wave path are possible.
The Japanese seismologist SANT6 was thus able to make a detailed map-
ping of dispersion properties, by using a large number of wave paths
which crossed each other in as many different directions as possible (the
'crossing-path method'). See Figure 87. A typically oceanic dispersion is
observed for the central parts of the Pacific Ocean and parts of the Atlantic
and Indian Oceans. The most pronounced continental dispersion (with
the lowest velocities) is observed for Tibet and also for a few other areas,
partly due to thick sedimentary deposits.
The application of specially long-period seismographs (Chapter 2)
has made it possible to extend observed dispersion curves to very long
periods (Fig. 88). For the oceanic dispersion of Rayleigh waves the water
layer (about 5 km thick) plays a dominant role. This is a low-velocity
layer and leads to the steep curve in Figure 88, which implies a very pro-
nounced dispersion. At a period of about 17 sec the velocities along con-
tinental and oceanic paths agree. For larger periods the oceanic basaltic
layer with its higher velocity dominates over the granitic layer in the con-
tinent. The marked difference between continental and oceanic dispersion
230 Internal Structure of the Earth



3.0 r----j<----



T sec

10 20 30.4050 100 200 300 400 500

Fig. 88. Observed group velocity dispersion of Rayleigh waves for periods up to SOO sec. U=group velocity,
T=wave period.

prevails up to periods around 75 sec. For longer periods the wave mo-
tion will extend to greater depths, and then the relatively superficial dif-
ference between oceanic and continental structure is of little or no im-
2. The phase-velocity method. By observing the passage of a certain
phase (e.g. a maximum) across a triangle of stations, it is possible to calculate
both the velocity across the triangle and the direction of propagation for
this maximum. The velocity thus obtained is the phase or wave velocity
(Chapter 3). If the procedure is repeated for a number of maxima along a
train of surface waves, we have the material for constructing a dispersion
curve for the phase velocity. Since the 1950's, several such investigations
have been made, as in North America, Japan, Scandinavia and elsewhere.
In general, it has been found possible to interpret an observed dispersion
curve in terms of a certain average thickness of the crust within the area
occupied by the station triangle: The Scandinavian measurements thus gave
a crustal thickness of about 35-40 km with only smaller variations between
different parts of Scandinavia.
The Earth's Crust 231

The phase-velocity method has the advantage of being as simple and

inexpensive as the group-velocity method, and at the same time providing
almost as much local and detailed information as expensive explosion meth-
ods. A necessary condition for an effective use of this method is that tri-
angular station nets of proper size and with matched seismographs are
available. According to other methods, phase velocities can also be deter-
mined from records at a single station by integration of group velocities or
from phase spectra of surface waves.
Both surface-wave methods have also been applied to surface waves
of higher modes. If for a given earthquake and a given station we have
constructed dispersion curves' both for Love and Rayleigh waves and both
for fundamental and first higher modes, then we have four dispersion
curves for the same structure. In favourable cases another two or three
dispersion curves may be obtained for still higher modes. Then, there
seems to be a good possibility to restrict the solution in terms of structure,
as one and the same structure has to satisfy all observed dispersion curves.
However, different modes of the surface waves depend to different de-
grees on different layers in the crust and the upper mantle. It is partic-
ularly surprising that higher modes apparently depend more on the upper
mantle than on the crust. Therefore, different dispersion curves rather sup-
plement each other than give information about exactly the same structure
in all cases.
Recently (IBRAHIM, 1968), it has been found that dispersion observa-
tions of PL-waves are able to lend more restricting information as a sup-
plement to other dispersion observations. By PL we mean a long-period
wave which arrives between P and S and also after S and which is char-
acterized as a leaking-mode wave. Like other surface waves, it exhibits
both fundamental mode and higher modes. Its dispersion is governed
primarily by the longitudinal wave velocity, whereas other dispersion curves
(Rayleigh and Love) are determined in the first place by transverse wave
velocities. Therefore, combined dispersion observations of PL and Rayleigh
waves provide many more constraints on possible solutions in terms of
structure than combinations of Love and Rayleigh waves.
232 Internal Structure of the Earth

7.3 The Earth's Core

We shall now pass on to a discussion in some detail of the nature of the

boundary of the outer core at 2900 km depth. The discussions were par-
ticularly lively around 1950. The following account may have its interest
mainly in demonstrating the difficulties which are inherent in the indirect
methods of geophysics, but also in elucidating the sharpest disc-ontinuity
in the interior of the earth. It is of particular interest to notice the differences
between studies of the earth's crust, where more direct methods are applic-
able to a high degree, and of the earth's core, where only indirect methods
are available.
From seismic observations it is clear that the core boundary at
2900 km depth represents a very sharp discontinuity in physical properties.
However, the question how this discontinuity should be explained cannot
be answered by seismology alone. For a solution of this problem coopera-
tion is needed not only between different branches of geophysics, but also
with theoretical and experimental physics, chemistry, astrophysics, etc.
WIECHERT'S iron-core hypothesis. As early as 1897, the German geo-
physicist WIECHERT proposed the so-called iron-core hypothesis, sometimes
also called the NiFe hypothesis after Ni=nickel and Fe=iron. According
to this hypothesis, the earth's core consists of iron and nickel, while the
mantle (outside the core) consists of silicates. Thus, the sharp discon-
tinuity at the core boundary should be a discontinuity in chemical com-
position. As evidence in favour of the iron-core hypothesis, the following
observations have been quoted:
1. Iron is the only one of the more abundant elements which would
be able to explain the high density of the core (which is larger than compres-
sion alone would yield).
2. Besides stone meteorites (silicates) also iron meteorites have been
3. An iron core would be able to explain the earth's magnetism.
This idea about the earth's core was practically the only one in
existence until the beginning of the 1940's, and until then the core was
not considered a problem. However, since then several new and bold
hypotheses have been proposed, which deviate both from the iron-core hypo-
thesis and from each other. The conflicting ideas have had a stimulating
The Earth's Core 233

effect on geophysical research. We have become accustomed to scrutinizing

even so-called accepted truths, and to approach new theories with more
scepticism than earlier. In spite of all attacks, it appears as if the iron-core
hypothesis still has the most adherents, even though the original hypothesis
has been modified in parts.
KUHN-RITTMANN'S hypothesis. In 1941, two Swiss scientists, the phys-
ical chemist KUHN and the geologist RITTMANN, proposed an entirely new
hypothesis on the earth's interior and the earth's origin from a homogene-
ous primitive state. Their objections to the iron-core hypothesis can be
summarized in the following points:
1. The chemical composition of the earth according to the iron-
core hypothesis deviates from the composition both of meteorites and
of the sun.
2. The rapid decrease of the longitudinal wave velocity at the core
boundary and the absence of transverse waves in the core do not necessitate
a chemical discontinuity as an explanation, but can have a physical cause
within a chemically homogeneous medium.
3. There is no plausible explanation of the processes which would
have led to the chemical differentiation of different elements that the iron-
core hypothesis assumes.
KUHN and RITTMANN developed a completely new hypothesis, which
pays special attention to the origin of the earth from homogeneous solar
matter. According to this idea, the primitive earth should have had the
same composition as the sun, i.e. initially at least 30% hydrogen by weight.
At the prevailing high temperature and the relatively low gravity, compared
to the sun, large amounts of lighter elements, particularly hydrogen and
helium, were lost to outer space from the primitive earth. The outer parts
of the earth became heavier by cooling and loss of lighter gases and they
began to sink inward. At the same time hot and hydrogen-rich gas masses
ascended from the interior, i.e. convection currents and turbulence arose.
The convection currents are assumed to have extended only over a limited
depth range and not to have comprised the whole earth. During the con-
tinued cooling of the outer parts, the boiling point was first reached for the
least volatile constituents, among which metallic iron played a great role.
Drops were formed due to condensation, which fell down, but were soon
again evaporated in inner zones with higher temperature. The gas mixture
234 Internal Structure of the Earth

here became enriched in components with high evaporation temperatures.

Upon continued cooling, crystallization occurred in the outer parts, and
then also the crystals sank to some extent. As a consequence of the convec-
tion, gas bubbles, especially of light gases, were transported up to levels
with lower hydrostatic pressure (so-called gas transport differentiation).
Within the range of the convection currents, according to KUHN and RITT-
MANN down to 2400-2500 km depth, we would thus get a differentiation
with heavier elements being accumulated at lower levels. Below the range
of convection currents, there should be unchanged solar matter.
The hypothesis of KUHN and RITTMANN created considerable dis-
cussion and, not the least, negative criticism. On account of the numerous
serious objections which can be made against this hypothesis, its adherents
have always been few in number. In spite of the many objections, KUHN
and RITTMANN have no doubt pointed to certain problems which were
earlier considered as self-evident. For easier review we shall summarize
the objections in the following points.
I. The basic assumption - that the earth has originated from solar
matter - is by no means reliable. And if this assumption is incorrect, the
whole hypothesis becomes invalid. Several scientists maintain that observed
physical and chemical properties of the planets can be satisfactorily ex-
plained by assuming an origin by condensation in a medium with everywhere
about equal composition, but with varying temperatures and densities. It
is found that the inner (terrestrial) planets have almost identical com-
position and the differences in densities depend primarily on different
compression due to gravity. But in order to explain the densities of the
major planets (which are close to I g/cm 3), we have to assume an abundant
occurrence of light elements. Thus, Saturn is calculated to consist of hy-
drogen and helium to 60% by weight and Jupiter to consist of the same
elements to 87%. Further advances of our knowledge about the structure
of the planets depend on further theoretical studies of the behaviour of
cold matter at very high pressure. A number of scientists have proposed
hypotheses according to which the earth and the other planets originated
by accretion of cold matter in outer space.
2. A direct consequence of KUHN-RITTMANN'S hypothesis is that no
discontinuous change will occur in the physical properties at the core bound-
ary. On the whole, the sharp discontinuity which the seismic data indicate
The Earth's Core 235

has been erased in this hypothesis. This is probably the strongest objection
that can be made from the seismological point of view. In a paper dealing
with seismic waves which have traversed the core GUTENBERG (1951) says
among other things that 'no hypothesis can be considered a good approxi-
mation which disagrees with the result that the boundary of the outer core is
very sharp'. 'Waves having lengths of 10 km or even less are reflected at
both sides of the boundary.'
3. When KUHN and RITTMANN maintain that no separation of different
elements was possible (as claimed by the iron-core hypothesis), then they
imply that an equally high viscosity, as at present, existed at the beginning
of the development when the earth was supposed to consist of gaseous
solar matter. The separation according to the iron-core hypothesis has
been compared to the process in a smelting-furnace, where iron and slag are
4. EUCKEN (1944) objected that the high densities found for the core
(10-13 g/cm 3 ; see Fig. 77) cannot be explained if it were to consist of
solar matter (mainly hydrogen), whereas they can be easily explained by
an iron core. In fact, if the earth's core should consist mainly of hydrogen,
its density would hardly be more than about 1 g/cm 3 . For comparison,
the major planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune) have densities around
1 g/cm 3 as mentioned above. It does not appear impossible that this hypoth-
esis is better applicable to them than to the earth.
RAMSEY'S hypothesis. We now pass over to the hypothesis for the
earth's core that was proposed by the British scientist RAMSEY in 1948
and 1949. Like KUHN and RITTMANN, he started from a criticism of the
iron-core hypothesis. The main points of his objections are summarized here.
1. The existence of the earth's magnetism has been taken as evidence
for the iron-core hypothesis. The elements with the strongest magnetic
properties, i.e. iron, nickel, cobalt, so-called ferromagnetic elements, lose
their magnetism when their temperature exceeds a certain value (the Curie
point): for iron 768°C, for nickel 360°C, for cobalt 1137 0c. In all prob-
ability, the core temperature is higher than the highest of these values (cf.
Fig. 82), and, moreover, the pressure influence on the Curie points seems
to be insignificant. As a consequence, it appears as if these elements can-
not be magnetic at the conditions prevailing in the core. In other words,
the existence of the earth's magnetism is no evidence in favour of the
236 Internal Structure of the Earth

iron-core hypothesis. However, the pressure influence on the Curie point

does not seem to have been fully clarified. According to some results,
this temperature increases so rapidly with increasing pressure for some
iron alloys, that the ferromagnetism would remain even in the inner,
solid core.
2. Measurements of the earth's magnetism in mines have shown that it
decreases in intensity downward. This would indicate that the earth's mag-
netism derives to some extent from the outer parts of the earth and is not due
exclusively to the core. According to more recent theories, the earth's
magnetism is due to a great extent to convection currents in the earth's
core. These currents are considered to arise as a consequence of the in-
stability caused when the radial temperature gradient in the core exceeds a
certain critical value.
3. The mean density of the earth (5.52 g/cm3) is the largest found
in our planetary system. The four major planets have low densities, be-
cause their large masses have been able to retain light constituents, such as
hydrogen. But it is a problem why among the terrestrial planets the earth
has at the same time the largest mass and the largest mean density. This
could be explained either by assuming these planets to be of different com-
position (which is improbable) or by assuming core and mantle to have the
same composition, but with a gradual concentration of heavier elements
inwards. According to RAMSEY, the iron-core hypothesis leads to planetary
densities that are too high, if the planets are assumed to have iron-nickel
cores in the same mass proportion as in the earth.
4. According to the iron-core hypothesis, the iron content of the earth
should be about 40% by weight, while the average iron content in all me-
teorites is only about 25 % by weight. An iron content according to the iron-
core hypothesis appears to be too high, even if the earth is assumed to have
originated from solar matter. Obviously, this is the same objection as
KUHN-RITTMANN made (point 1 above).
5. According to RAMSEY, the densities in the earth's core cannot be
explained, if this is assumed to consist of iron or an iron-nickel alloy.
The density just inside the outer-core boundary is assumed to be 8.92 g/cm3
(this value does not agree exactly with BULLEN'S curve, Fig. 77; instead
this value, used by RAMSEY, has resulted from a recalculation of the densities
under the assumption of a gravitational increase inward of the content of
The Earth's Core 237

heavier elements). Besides on the material composition, the density depends

above all on the pressure, which amounts to about 1 million atmospheres
at the core boundary (see Fig. 79); on the other hand, the temperature
has only a minor influence on the density. If we now let the high pressure
disappear and be replaced by the pressure of one atmosphere, the above-
mentioned density will diminish to 4,8 g/cm3 • However, the densities at
atmospheric pressure are 7.9 and 6.9 g/cm3 for solid and liquid iron, re-
spectively, and 8.9 g/cm3 for solid nickel. The clear deviation from 4.8 g/cm 3
is not due to any uncertainty in the extrapolation to atmospheric pressure.
Under the most extreme assumptions which can be made (i.e. no density
discontinuity at the earth's core and no inward increase of the content of
heavier elements) the density at atmospheric pressure will be 6.4 g/cm3 ,
i.e. still considerably lower than the densities of iron and nickel at atmo-
spheric pressure. Therefore, according to RAMSEY, a core of iron or iron-
nickel will give densities which are too high.
6. Just like KUHN-RITTMANN, also RAMSEY considers a separation
according to the iron-core hypothesis as impossible.
However, RAMSEY does not adhere to KUHN-RITTMANN'S hypothesis,
mainly for the reason listed under 4 among the objections to KUHN-RITT-
MANN. The high density of the earth's core cannot be explained, if the hy-
drogen content is assumed to be the same as in solar matter.
RAMSEY proposes an entirely new hypothesis to explain the earth's
internal constitution, in particular the core. According to this hypoth-
esis, the material of the earth's core is chemically identical with the material
of the mantle, apart from a gradual increase inwards of the content of
heavier elements, especially iron. The sharp discontinuity in the physical
properties, required by seismology for the core boundary, is not due to any
chemical discontinuity. Rather, it is due to a phase change (from the molec-
ular to a metallic phase) in the same material at a certain high pressure and
a certain high temperature. Similarly to KUHN-RITTMANN'S hypothesis,
there is thus no need to assume separation, as required by the iron-core
hypothesis. However, compared to KUHN-RITTMANN'S hypothesis, RAMSEY'S
model has the indisputable advantage of providing a good explanation for
the seismic discontinuity at the core boundary.
In order to elucidate what we mean by metallic phase, let us take
helium as an example. In the molecular state, the positively charged nucleus
238 Internal Structure of the Earth

of a helium atom is surrounded by two negatively charged electrons. These

form a so-called closed electron shell with the consequence, among other
things, that the electric conductivity and the ability to react chemically are
equal to zero. If one of the electrons is raised to an outer electron shell or is
set completely free, it no more belongs to a closed shell. Then even helium
becomes electrically conductive, thanks to the outer looser or completely
free electrons and it behaves in many respects like metals. If all atoms are
in this higher energy state, the element is said to be in its metallic phase. By
means of thermodynamic relations, it can be shown that the molecular phase
and the metallic phase are in equilibrium with each other (i.e. can exist in
permanent contact with each other) only at a certain temperature and a
certain pressure. RAMSEY assumes that such an equilibrium condition exists
at the core boundary, naturally not in helium but in some silicate, probably
olivine (Mg, FehSi0 4 • At the phase change an increase of the density occurs
also. The transition to the inner core would mean a further phase change
according to RAMSEY.
This phase change has been calculated in detail for hydrogen. For
this element the pressure at the phase change is 700 000 atmospheres and
the density jumps from 0.4 to 0.8 g/cm 3 , provided the temperature is at
absolute zero. These calculations were modified by RAMSEY, who found
that the pressure at this phase change is 800000 atmospheres and that
the densities of the two phases are 0.35 and 0.77 g/cm 3 , respectively. Another
well-known example of the phase transition is offered by tin. Grey tin
is a non-metal and insulator, while white tin is a typical metal with about
25'){, higher density. They both exist at atmospheric pressure which demon-
strates t hat the phase change does not require as high a pressure for all sub-
stances as for hydrogen. Similarly, arsenic has both metallic and non-metallic
modifications. The density of metallic arsenic is 5.1 g/cm3 and of non-
metallic arsenic it is 2.0 gjcm 3 • The cases mentioned are only to be looked
upon as a few examples of transitions to a metallic phase.
Great difficulties are encountered in efforts to apply the hypothesis
of phase changes to the earth's interior in a quantitative way. The pressure
at the outer-core boundary is l.4x 106 atm. (see Fig. 79) and the density
contrast probably about 50%, which could be taken as being in fair agree-
ment with conditions at a phase change. RAMSEY assumes the earth to
consist mainly of olivine with a gradual increase inward of the proportion
The Earth's Core 239

iron:magnesium (gravitational separation), The latter assumption is based

upon calculations of the densities of the planets. For instance, the density
of Mars will be too small if a constant composition is assumed, but its
density can be easily explained under the assumption of a central concentra-
tion of heavier elements. RAMSEY has also investigated the internal constitu-
tion of the major planets from the viewpoint of the phase-change theory,
The result is that hydrogen constitutes 80% of the mass of Jupiter and 60%
of the mass of Saturn, i.e. hydrogen contents comparable with that of the
sun. The density distribution of the interior of Jupiter and Saturn has
been calculated under the assumption of chemical homogeneity; however,
there seems to be some increase of heavier elements towards the interior.
According to RAMSEY, the planets can be divided into three distinct groups
by their composition:
a) Terrestrial planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars) with about the same
composition as meteorites.
b) Uranus and Neptune, consisting mainly of water, methane and ammonia,
c) Jupiter and Saturn, consisting mainly of hydrogen and helium.
Even in 1938 some scientists had arrived at the result that Jupiter
and Saturn contain cores of metallic hydrogen.
Additional evidence in favour of his hypothesis was found by RAMSEY
in the velocities of the elastic waves immediately outside the core and espe-
cially outside the inner core, as the curve was drawn by JEFFREYS (Fig. 75).
These velocity features are explained by RAMSEY with the assumption that
a certain percentage, about 1 %, of the molecules are thermally excited just
outside the cores.
RAMSEY'S hypothesis is worth very careful consideration, as it points
to phenomena which are probably of great significance in the earth's
interior. It has also been emphasized from the physical-chemical side
that such phase changes are to be expected under the pressures and tem-
peratures which prevail in the earth's interior. Still, the hypothesis does
not provide a fully satisfactory solution, above all for the following reasons:
1. A complete development of the hypothesis still remains. Theoretical
calculations of the pressure and the temperature at which the two phases of
olivine are in equilibrium with each other involve considerable difficulties.
The same holds for calculations of the corresponding density change.
2. At the temperatures and pressures prevailing in and near to the
240 Internal Structure of the Earth

cores, chemical compounds could hardly exist. Possibly, a mixture of

oxides of silicon, magnesium and iron might exist. These mix with each
other and cannot be separated. As different substances in general will
change their phase at different temperatures and pressures, we would
expect a number of corresponding discontinuities following each other at
different depths. On the other hand, it is conceivable that they are located
within such a narrow depth range, that it has not been possible to separate
them seismically. Some recent seismological results, described later in this
section, may be relevant to this circumstance. In his calculations of the den-
sity distribution in the major planets RAMSEY assumes a mixture of hy-
drogen and helium and the same phase-change pressure for these two
3. A third question concerns the fact that transverse waves do not
penetrate the outer core and how this should be explained by this hypoth-
esis. Is the change into a metallic phase accompanied by a change from solid
to liquid state?
4. From a geochemical viewpoint, a density ratio of 1.6-1.7 at
the outer-core boundary is considered as far too high to be explained by the
phase-change hypothesis. However, other suggestions for this ratio have
resulted from observations of PcP.
If is of interest to note that the same hypothesis as proposed by
RAMSEY was also proposed by the German scientist HAALcK as early as
1931, but not at all in an elaborate way.
On the whole, phase changes have played a great role in the discus-
sion of the earth's interior. There are essentially three cases where different
kinds of phase changes have been introduced:
1. At the boundaries of the earth's cores.
2. In the upper mantle, especially in the range from 413 to 1000 km,
where the velocities increase rapidly inwards. Here a more continuous
phase change is envisaged, extended over the whole range.
3. At the MohoroviCic discontinuity.
In summary, the present situation seems to be that phase changes are
believed to be of importance above all in case 2, followed by case 1 and
lastly case 3. Observations on other celestial bodies, in the first place on
the moon, will probably contribute effectively to the solution of these
The Earth's Core 241

BULLEN'S compressibility-pressure hypothesis. Next, we shall deal with

the compressibility-pressure hypothesis proposed by BULLEN in 1949. This
is based upon the values of compressibility (= 11k) and pressure in the
earth's interior (Fig. 78-79), calculated from seismological and other ob-
servations. According to this hypothesis, the compressibility (as a func-
tion of pressure) and its first derivative (with regard to pressure) are both
continuous across the boundary of the outer core. In contrast, density,
etc., are discontinuous. This result is generalized by BULLEN, who main-
tains that the compressibility is independent of the chemical composition
at the temperatures and pressures in the earth's interior. This generaliza-
tion presupposes a change of the chemical composition at the earth's core
boundary. On the other hand, we may combine the hypothesis concerning
the continuous compressibility at the core boundary with RAMSEY'S hypoth-
esis. Then, our conclusion will be that the compressibility for a given sub-
stance is the same in its molecular phase as in its metallic phase.
After RAMSEY had proposed his hypothesis, BULLEN as well appears
to be inclined to combine the two hypotheses in this way. However, RAMSEY
is of the opinion that the compressibility-pressure hypothesis is only a
consequence of BULLEN'S assumption of constant composition between the
discontinuities. This is not correct according to RAMSEY who maintains
that there is a gradual, inward increase in the content of heavier elements.
BULLEN'S earlier density curve was modified both by BULLEN himself on
the basis of the compressibility-pressure hypothesis as well as by RAMSEY
on the basis of gravitational increase in heavier elements towards the in-
terior. Among the results we may mention that, according to BULLEN,
the inner core cannot be chemically homogeneous. Otherwise, there are
only minor corrections to both these modifications. Information about the
terrestrial planets has been of certain importance in this connection. It is
common to BULLEN and RAMSEY, that these planets are all assumed to
have the same chemical composition. The known mean densities for these
planets are explained both by BULLEN by means of the compressibility-
pressure hypothesis and by RAMSEY by means of the hypothesis of grav-
itational increase of heavier elements towards the interior. However, it
has to be observed that the degree of this gravitational increase was de-
termined by RAMSEY from observations of planets, while BULLEN'S hypoth-
esis in fact receives independent support from the planetary data. Another
16 Bath: Introduction to Seismology
242 Internal Structure of the Earth

difference between the two hypotheses is that RAMSEY considers the sur-
face of the inner core also to correspond to a phase change, whereas ac-
cording to BULLEN this is a chemical discontinuity. One consequence of
BULLEN'S compressibility-pressure hypothesis is that the inner core is solid
in all probability.
Some recent seismological results. As already emphasized, a clarifica-
tion of the nature of the core-mantle boundary requires cooperation from
many branches of science. Seismology established the existence of this
sharp boundary, including information on changes of wave velocities,
density and other properties at this discontinuity. But beyond this, seis-
mology is not able to yield information on the exact nature of this transition.
However, recently seismology has again been put in a position to
improve our knowledge about this boundary. And this is mainly due to
detailed studies of waves, especially of the core-reflected P-wave (PcP),
which have been made possible by use of well-controlled sources (nuclear
explosions). In Figure 75 we find that even earlier a flattening of the mantle
wave velocities had been found just outside the outer core, in some cases
even a velocity decrease. This picture can now be established with more
reliability and more detail. A. K. IBRAHIM, while working at the Seismologi-
cal Institute at Uppsala, found on the basis of PcP-observations from
nuclear explosion sources the following structural features of the core-
mantle boundary:

1. There are two low-velocity layers at the bottom of the mantle.

The thicknesses are 16.10 km (outer layer) and 19.96 km (inner layer),
the P-wave velocities are 12.17 and 10.94 km/sec, respectively, and the
S-wave velocities are 6.29 and 5.33 km/sec, respectively.
2. The core has in its outer part a finite rigidity with an S-wave
velocity of 2.20 km/sec.
3. The density ratio core/mantle is 1.07.
Continued studies, especially of corresponding S-waves (ScS and
other), will hopefully shed further light on this structure. A recent paper by
MOLLER et al. (1977) demonstrates that the nature of the core-mantle
boundary is still not fully settled.
Concluding remarks. We have seen in this section that the nature
of the boundary of the earth's core presents us with very complicated and
The Earth's Core 243

very comprehensive problems. Let us here summarize some of the questions

in a few points:

1. Has the earth originated from solar matter or from an accretion

of cold matter in outer space?
2. Has a separation been possible into an iron core and a silicate
mantle (the iron-core hypothesis) or not (KUHN-RITTMANN, RAMSEY)?
3. Can the density in the earth's core be explained if it is assumed
to consist of iron-nickel (ELSASSER) or can it not be explained in this way
4. What influence do high pressures have on the temperature at which
the ferromagnetism disappears?
5. If the terrestrial planets are assumed to have the same composition,
is it then possible to explain their densities with the assumption of an
iron core (BROWN) or is this not possible (RAMSEY)? Does BULLEN'S com-
pressibility-pressure hypothesis or RAMSEY'S assumption of gravitational
increase inward of heavier elements provide the correct solution?
6. Does the boundary of the inner core correspond to a phase change
(RAMSEY) or to a chemical discontinuity (BULLEN)?
In spite of all contradictory opinions and hitherto unsolved problems,
we can state that, compared to the iron-core hypothesis, RAMSEY'S hypoth-
esis has the advantage of not requiring any separation of iron in an early
stage of the earth's history. And compared to KUHN-RITTMANN'S hypoth-
esis, RAMSEY'S hypothesis has the indisputable advantage of providing an
explanation of the discontinuities at the core boundaries which is satis-
factory even for seismologists. Recent seismological studies, such as those
just described, deserve both to be followed up on the seismological side
and to be fully considered in every endeavour to explain the nature of
the core-mantle boundary. In spite of all efforts, it will certainly still take
a very long time before such a picture of the internal constitution of the
earth has been constructed that will remain unchanged in detail in the
future-such a goal w~ll perhaps never be reached ....

Chapter 8

Methods to Improve Seismological Observations

8.1 Data Exchange and Data Improvement

It is no exaggeration to claim that seismology (as well as the whole of

geophysics) depends more on a continuous international cooperation than
most other branches of science. In seismology we are not only concerned
with an exchange of scientific results but also to a very high extent with
an exchange of primary data. Most seismograph stations report their
readings regularly to several world centres. Frequently, reporting is made
from a central station or institute responsible for a whole network. For
instance, the Seismological Institute at Uppsala is the centre of a seismo-
graph network in Sweden (Table 2), and both the reading of records and
reporting are done for the whole network at the institute. Table 21 gives
a review of the bulletin service and Figure 89 shows a sample page from
the monthly bulletin. This may serve as an example of an activity which
now goes on in most countries.
Among the world centres the following should be especially men-
tioned: NEIS=National Earthquake Information Service, U.S. Geological
Survey, Denver, Colorado, USA, replacing the earlier USCGS = United
States Coast and Geodetic Survey and USNOS = United States National
Ocean Survey; ISC=International Seismological Centre, Newbury, UK,
since 1964 replacing the earlier ISS = International Seismological Summary;
CSEM=Centre Seismologique Europeo-Mediterraneen, StrasboUlg, Fran-
ce, since 1976 replacing the earlier BCIS = Bureau Central International de
Seismologie. When such centres have accumulated enough data, the source
parameters are calculated, since around 1960 almost exclusively by means
of large computers. The results are then distributed to the seismological
institutes the world over (cf. Section 4.2). This information then serves as a
necessary basis for many special investigations in seismology.
We have seen in earlier chapters of this book that advances within
seismological research to a very high degree depend on the availability of
instrumental observations. Then, it is quite natural that efforts to improve
246 Methods to Improve Seismological Observations

Table 21. Seismological reports issued by the Seismological Institute, Uppsala.

Type of report Frequency Stations Content of report Start of service

of report reporting

Telex to NElS' Daily

Uppsala Arrival times of P, Uppsala: May 20,
Kiruna PKP.pP 1952
Kiruna: October 13,
Telex to CSEM' Daily Uppsala Arrival times of P, Uppsala: January 7,
(shocks within Kiruna occasionally also 1953
5000 km) PP,S Kiruna: January 1,
Weekly air letter Weekly Uppsala All short-period June 15, 1961
(at present 114 readings
addressees) (arrival times)
Punched cards to ISC Monthly Uppsala Arrival times of P, January 1, 1964
(air mail) Kiruna PKP,S,SKS
Monthly bulletin 2 Monthly All sta- Complete analyses All stations are
(air mail; at present tions of short- and long- reported together in
149 addressees) period records the same bulletin
(arrival times, amp- since January, 1956
Iitudes, periods,
magnitudes, etc.)

, Telex messages were started in January, 1977; before that we sent telegrams to NElS and air-mail letters
to CSEM.
2 Up to 1959, inclusive, also an annual seismological bulletin was issued, which started back in 1904. Be-
cause of the very much increased demand for rapid reports, annual seismological bulletins have no longer
the same importance as earlier. Their function is now fulfilled by the monthly bulletins.

this research have to be applied primarily to an amplification of the ob-

Up to the Second World War, nearly all seismographs in operation
were of an old construction, many of them having been installed around
the turn of the century. In those days there were no severe requests for
high sensitivity. Even an old-time instrument, put up in any place, records
in course of time a great number of larger earthquakes, and these can
provide good material for the calculation of travel times and the earth's
internal structure. In fact, the travel-time tables for seismic waves, which
are still in use (JEFFREYS and BULLEN, 1940; GUTENBERG and RICHTER,
1936), were constructed almost exclusively by means of data obtained
from old-time instruments. Considering this, their accuracy is remark-
- 2 -

Up = Uppsala, Ki = Kiruna, Sk Skalstugan, Um Umea, Ud Uddeholm,

De " Delary

1969 1969
Jan. 2 (cant. ) Jan. 3 (cf'lnt. )
Sk eP 15 23 40 Urn iPP 03 24 55.6
Ud iP 15 23 08.8 iSS 03 31 45
De iP 15 22 38.9 Ud iP 03 23 41.9 C
Rhodes Island (h " N). i 03 23 44.6
iPn 03 24 56.7
" 2 Um iPKP 16 05 44.0 C
Santa Cruz Islands
De iP
03 23 33.6
03 24 45.7
(h 640 km). Iran-USSR (h " 10 km).
m = 5.9, M " 5.2 (Up,Ki).
" 2 Up
18 09 28.4
18 09 43.9 C
Double P with P2 - P1
" 2.9 sec in average.
iSKP 18 12 53.8 Clear Pn phases.
micr Bec
SKP Z' 0;2 1.5 II
3 Ki iP 06 48 40.7 C
Um iPKP 18 09 36.6
iSKP 18 12 40.9 II
3 Ud iP 075223.7
i 18 13 01.7 Aleutian Islands (h " N).
Ud iPKP 18 09 26.7
Snuth Sandwi~h Islands II
3 Up iP 10 10 19.4
(h 80 km).
3 Ud iP 11 31 40,0
" 2 Up
18 18
18 17
ipP 11 32 02.8
Um iP 18 17 41.3 C
Guatemala. h = 90 km (Ud) •
Ud if 18 18 12.1 C
De eP 18 18 28
3 Up iP 11 43 03.0
Japan (h = 70 km) • Um iP 11 42 40.1
i 11 42 55.5
" 3 Ud iPKP 00 37 47.6
Tonga-Kermadee Islands
Ud e(P) 11 42 54
(h 70 km). 3 Um iP 13 07 05.9
3 Up iP 03 23 25.5 II
3 Up iP 13 39 13.2 C
i 03 23 28.1 i 13 39 34.3
iPn 03 24 31.3 mier sec
mier sec P Z' 0.9 0.9
P Z' 0.2 1.3 Ki iP 13 38 20.1 C
Mx E 1.0 11 iX 13 38 24.6
Mx N 2.2 14 mier sec
Mx Z 1.7 11 P Z' 0.1 0.8
Ki iP 03 23 51.3 Sk iP 13 38 52.0 C
i 03 23 53.9 Um iP 13 38 46.2 C
iPn 03 25 04.5 iX 13 38 50.4
micr sec Ud iP 13 39 13.7 c
P z' 0.3 1.0 iX 13 39 18.4
Mx E 4.0 12 i 13 39 29.5
Mx N 3.3 17 De iP 13 39 35.8 c
Mx Z 4.6 12 iX 13 39 39.9
Sk iP 03 23 57.7 Aleutian Islands
i 03 24 00.7 (h " 30 km).
iPn 03 25 20.9 X - P = 4.4 sec in average.
Um iP 03 23 31.5 If X were pI', h would be
i 03 23 34.9 about 15 km only.
(eont.) Remarkable PZ'-amplitude
Fig. 89. Sample page of the monthly bulletin from the Seismological Institute at Uppsala.
248 Methods to Improve Seismological Observations

ably high, partly thanks to the application of an advanced statistical pro-

However, the situation has changed considerably, especially in the
last few years. There are now very severe demands both for increased
accuracy in time and amplitude readings and particularly for increased
sensitivity of the seismic recordings. These requests come partly from the
seismologists themselves, who in recent time have become more and more
interested in small earthquakes (so-called microearthquakes) for accurate
information on seismic risk, and partly from the political side in con-
nection with problems to detect nuclear explosions (Chapter 11). Especially
for underground explosions, seismology seems to provide the only
trustworthy method and, in course of time, the politicians have been
requesting higher and higher sensitivity from the seismic records.
In the following I shall concentrate on some methods by which
research people at the Seismological Institute, Uppsala, have tried to meet
the modern requirements for increased accuracy and sensitivity. The methods
used may be taken as representative of similar efforts at some other places.
Naturally, there are several obvious means to meet the demands.
For example, increased time accuracy presupposes that an accurate clock
(preferably a quartz crystal clock), accurate time signals and a constant
drum rate on the recorders are used. Likewise, increased accuracy in calcula-
tion of the ground amplitudes presupposes accurately known response
curves of the instruments. These obvious prerequisites for better recordings
are assumed already fulfilled, and they will not be further discussed here.
Our problem goes beyond this, i.e. to make further improvements in the
recordings. This includes selection of good recording sites, both on the
surface and underground, furthermore combination of seismometers in
special geometrical patterns (arrays) and more sophisticated techniques in
the evaluation of the records. On the latter point, the application of methods
already developed in other related fields has proved to be very fruitful
(for instance, from communication theory and radar techniques which are
also concerned with the problem of discovering signals in the presence
of background noise).
Signal-Sensitive Localities 249

8.2 Signal-Sensitive Localities

The selection of a suitable site is probably the most important thing to

consider when a new station is installed. A good site should be located on
very stable ground (preferably unweathered granite) and as far away as
possible from all kinds of noise (such as from traffic, industry, water falls,
windy places, high trees, etc). It is no problem to increase the sensitivity
of a modern seismograph almost without limit. But the main trouble is
the existence of disturbances (seismic noise or microseisms), which also
increase if the instrument magnification is increased. Therefore, quiet loca-
tions have to be searched for. And even then it is necessary to perform test
recordings in order to get reliable information about a selected site.
The conditions available for seismic recordings vary considerably.
In a country like Sweden, partly located in a shield area, there is generally
no problem to find good rock. Therefore, our experience from recordings
on loose ground is relatively little. But in 1957 we were operating a Grenet-
Coulomb short-period vertical-component seismograph for a few months
at the old seismograph station at Lund in south Sweden. There the ground
consists of sand and clay, according to one source to a depth of about
60 m, below which there is limestone. The consequence was very disturbed
recording, particularly from traffic.
Since the end of 1961, six to eight seismograph stations have been
in continuous operation in Sweden. See Table 2. Although they are all
located on very good, unweathered rock (granite, gneiss, porphyry), it
was soon obvious that their seismic sensitivity was very different. This
naturally means that in addition to the properties of the bedrock other
characteristics are coming into play. Both in order to investigate what
these factors may be, and in order to find out whether other localities
exist in Sweden with still higher sensitivity than at the permanent stations,
test recordings were made in 1964-6 at 11 places distributed over the
country. These tests were made in cooperation between the Research
Institute of National Defence, Stockholm, and the Seismological Institute,
By seismic sensitivity we mean the ability to record longitudinal
(P) waves by means of high-magnification short-period vertical-component
seismographs. This means that we are concerned with the period range
250 Methods to Improve Seismological Observations

of about 0.5-1.5 sec. The P-waves no doubt constitute the most important
information from any seismic station. In addition, in this period range
conditions vary considerably from place to place, much more so than
for the longer-period transverse (S) waves or for the surface waves.
For future developments of station networks and especially for in-
stallations of more advanced seismic stations, it is of considerable importance
to accumulate knowledge offactors significant for favourable seismic record-
ing. This research, as carried out in Sweden in 1964-6, is both time-consum-
ing and expensive, and therefore if some results of general applicability
can be found, these could prove useful in seismograph station planning in
other parts of the world, without the need to repeat in every area the same
or similar investigation as in Sweden.
The records of the temporary stations are measured by visual in-
spection in the same way as the records from the permanent net. Accord-
ing to my experience, the number of events (usually the number of P-
phases) recorded in any given time interval is a good measure of the signal
sensitivity. Exceptions to this rule will occur when some special source
dominates at one of the stations, but is not observed at other stations.
Avoiding such instances, the numbers in Figure 90 represent the sensiti-
vities at the various stations. They mean that while, for example, Uppsala
has recorded lOO events, Kiruna recorded 86 on similar type instruments,
etc. The figure well serves the purpose of illustrating the method and it
gives at any rate preliminary results. Figure 90 also includes readings from
stations in Finland and Norway, as obtained from their seismic bulletins.
In Figure 90 I have also tried to generalize the results, as shown
by the sketched curves. The sensitivity numbers in Figure 90 can be con-
sidered to be influenced by a regional factor and a purely local factor.
The generalization made has sense only if the regional factor dominates
over the purely local influences. The latter could be traced only with a much
denser network of stations.
We have to think of the curves in Figure 90 as being a result of
several effects of which the most important are the following:
1. Geological structure: the eastern side of the country (mostly on
granite) exhibits higher sensitivity than the western part (mostly on gneiss).
2. Distance from oceans: the greater the distance, the higher is the
Signal-Sensitive Localities 251

1 -r-r_,~a~~~~~~~~~3T&'~
E ~
"N 'N

Fig. 90. Signal sensitivity in

Fennoscandia. The Swedish
58 stations are the fol\owing from
north to south: Ki = Kiruna ,
Ly = Lycksele, Sk = Skalstu-
gan, St=Stromsund, Um=
UmeA, Sv=Sveg, Ug=Uggel-
heden, Mo = Mora, Ud =
Uddeholm, Up = Uppsala,
As = Askersund. Gb=Gote-
54 54 borg, He = Hermanstorp.
l=~"'-'~~;-~ -""f.--~----"'1n--'----"lrr,,-......- --t,28i'i·Er Ka = Karlskrona.

It is then no great surprise that the central interior part of Sweden

(on granite) has a high signal sensitivity. The hatched areas in Figure 90
indicate where the most sensitive seismic recordings can be made. One of
them is located in the interior of central Sweden, the other in the interior
of Finland. The good receiver conditions in these areas depend primarily
on decreased noise. The geographical distribution of short-period micro-
seisms has been studied by means of the same network as used for the
sensitivity study. The results clearly demonstrate that these microseisms
decrease inland from all the surrounding ocean coasts.
The importance of selecting a good site for seismic recordings is
illustrated by the fact that while the elaborate Eskdalemuir array in Scot-
land records about five events per day, the ordinary Swedish network
records on the average 10-15 events per day.
252 Methods to Improve Seismological Observations

8.3 Underground Recordings

The source of seismic noise is to be found on the earth's surface, and this
is true for the whole period range of microseisms, from those of periods
above 20 sec down to local noise with periods around 0.1 sec or less. In
addition to looking for quiet places on the surface, as already described,
there is another way to avoid the noise, especially that of short period,
namely by recording underground (in bore holes or in mines) instead of at
the earth's surface.
In the summer of 1965 we recorded the seismic noise in the period
range of 0.03-0.13 sec (or frequency range of 33-8 cycles/sec) in three mines
(Haggruvan, Idkerberget, Stripa) in central Sweden at different levels down
to about 750 m. The measurements were taken in competent hard rock
(leptite), i.e. not in the ore veins but in the surrounding rock. There have
been some related measurements made, especially in the USA, but these
usually concern lower frequencies and sedimentary rock. These two facts
have to be taken into account in any comparison of the results.
In every individual case we found a clear amplitude decrease with
depth. As an average of 28 individual amplitude-depth curves, we found
that the noise amplitude decreases to 25% of its surface value at a depth
of 50 m, to 13 % at 100 m, to 6% at 200 m depth, and that it is less than
I % of the surface value at depths exceeding 500 m. However, individual
deviations from these averages may be large, depending on various effects.
The amplitude-depth diagrams obtained (Fig. 91) suggest an interpretation
in terms of body waves rather than surface waves, and the depth effect
is mainly to be explained as due to increasing distance from the noise
Curve C in Figure 91 represents body waves and its equation is
e-O.262 b
a = 263 b (I)

where a is the amplitude in O.lm/! (lm/!=1O- 3 /!=1O- 6 mm), b is the

distance from the noise source in units of 100 m. This curve gives by far
the best explanation of the observed values (crosses in Fig. 91), except
for the uppermost 100 m. In this top layer the amplitude decrease with
depth is much more rapid than can be explained by any simple theory for
Underground Recordings 253

log 0--
--+ 1Jx ~l


300~ / 1

500~ A x
Fig. 91. Observed amplitude-depth variation (crosses)
60+ and theoretical curves: A for Rayleigh waves of O.100sec
period in a homogeneous medium, B the same as A but
700~ for 0.15-sec period, C for body waves. The unit for the
L--.L._--L-_-'--_---L_ _'--' amplitude a is 0.1 mJl.

homogeneous media. This also demonstrates clearly the advantage of get-

ting away from the free surface.
As a result, the short-period local noise of periods around 0.1 sec
will be effectively removed at depths of 500 m or more in hard rock. How-
ever, in seismic recordings of distant events P-waves have periods around
I sec, and then it is also of great importance to be able to remove noise in
the same period range. Obviously, the noise reduction with depth will be
slower the longer the wave-length is, and this holds whether the noise
consists of body waves or of surface waves. The results above can be ap-
proximately extrapolated to other periods as follows. The depth effect
depends on the ratio of depth to wave-length. This means that a given
value of hiT (h=depth, T=period) corresponds to a certain percentage
amplitude decrease within a limited range. For a period of T= 1 sec we
then find that the noise amplitude has decreased to about 25% of its sur-
face value at a depth of 500 m, to 13 % at 1000 m and is less than 1% of
the surface amplitude at depths exceeding 5000 m. This is naturally a rough
extrapolation from our results but could represent the conditions in hard
The noise reduction with depth has already been utilized for more
sensitive seismic recordings, e.g. in the USA. Specially constructed bore-
hole seismometers are now available on the market, some made for opera-
tions at a few hundred metres depth, others for depths of several kilometres_
In most cases only the vertical component of the ground motion is recorded,
254 Methods to Improve Seismological Observations

but recently three-component bore-hole seismometers are also available.

The obvious thing to do is to combine such installations with a surface
survey as outlined in the preceding section. That is, a deep bore hole should
be made in a locality which on a surface survey has already been found to
have a high signal sensitivity. Such a single bore-hole installation could
under good conditions provide even higher sensitivity than an elaborate
array station on the surface and also at a much lower cost.

8.4 Array Stations and Special Methods of Analysis

The discussion so far has concerned the selection of the best sites on the
surface or underground. Another important method to improve sensitivity
is to combine records from a number of seismometers spread out over
an area, instead of using just a single channel. The idea is not new. Record-
ings by means of a profile of seismometers (geophones), usually ranging
from a few hundred metres to a few kilometres in length, have been used
for many years in field investigations of crustal structure and seismic
prospecting. Sometimes, an areal distribution of the seismometers has also
been applied, in addition to straight-line profiles. The new development-cal-
led array stations, i.e. an array of seismometers-dates from about 1958
and has been inspired by the interests in nuclear explosion detection by
seismic methods. The profile or array technique is not new, but its applica-
tion to continuous recordings of distant events is new.
The seismometers in an array form a regular geometric pattern, which
facilitates the combination of the different channels. At present such arrays
exist in the USA, Canada, Scotland, India, Australia, Norway, Sweden
and in a few other countries. Figure 92 shows the geometrical pattern in
some of the American arrays. The largest arrays so far built are LASA
(=Large Aperture Seismic Array, Montana, USA) and NORSAR (=Nor-
wegian Seismic Array, Norway), both consisting of over 500 seismometers
at their maximum activity.
The advantage of an array compared to a single channel is that it
makes use of the combination between the different channels. For example,
by adding up the individual outputs in an array with variable time lags
between the different seismometers, we get constructive interference for
the P-wave at a certain lag and constructive interference for the S-wave
Array Stations and Special Methods of Analysis 255


Fig. 92. Geometrical patterns of some of the

American arrays. BMSO=Blue Mountains
Seismological Observatory, CPSO = Cumber-
land Plateau Seismological Observatory, UBSO
4km = Uinta Basin Seismological Observatory,
• Voults WMSO = Wichita Mountains Seismological Ob-
iii Vaults (three-component systems) servatory. According to bulletin issued by
c::J Centrol recording building Geotech, Garland, Texas.

at another lag, whereas the noise may be more or less uncorrelated. In

other words, the signal-to-noise ratio is increased, by a factor of approxi-
mately Nt, if N is the number of outputs. And this naturally increases
the sensitivity of such a station over a single station in the same place.
In addition, the direction of approach of the waves can be easily determined,
and this can be done with higher accuracy the greater the distances be-
tween the seismometers are. Obviously, the time differences between the
different seismometers (channels) depend both on azimuth and on epi-
central distance (due to the curvature of the travel-time graph). Therefore,
it is possible to 'focus' or direct an array to special areas of the earth, for
which a high detection capability is wanted. Tape recording is used and
in combination with computers this also facilitates a number of operations
which otherwise would take a much longer time.
The array stations have supplied seismology with an enormous
amount of observational data. In fact, the material is often so large that
nobody has the time or opportunity to fully utilize all of it. In addition,
256 Methods to Improve Seismological Observations

it is impossible to store all magnetic tape records in archives, and then

this material is lost for any future research. LASA, as well as the other
American array stations, and NORSAR used to publish their readings until
some time ago; LASA and NORSAR also used to calculate source para-
meters by means of their own records. Similar determinations have been
published also by some other array stations. However, these determinations
often demonstrate the limitations of the method rather than being of any
real value, even though improvements in course of time are noteworthy.
On the other hand, a few array stations well distributed over the earth
would be able to make reliable source determinations in a cooperative
program. See Section 8.6.
The installation and operation of array stations are usually beyond
the economic possibilities of university institutes. In addition, the limited
size of many arrays was experienced as a serious handicap, which one tried
to overcome by increasing their size more and more. Still, the ratio of eco-
nomic input and scientific output could hardly reach agreeable values.
Partly with this in mind, partly knowing how well the waves at the different
stations in Sweden correlate with each other, we tried to explore the pos-
sibilities of combining the signals from the whole Swedish network of
seismograph stations, i.e. applying array-data processing techniques. Of
course, this network covers an area many times as large as the biggest
array. LASA is roughly ten times as large as any of the other average-sized
arrays in linear extent, but the Swedish network is roughly ten times LASA.
An important assumption which has to be made in applications
of array-data techniques is that the pulse shape is at least approximately
identical at all seismometer outputs in the array, apart from time shifts.
This assumption is not necessarily valid since the character of a recorded
signal is determined by the source, propagation path, receiving station
and the seismograph. The effect of the seismographs is straightforward and
assumed known. Although the influence of the path is considered linear,
i.e. only phase distortion and amplitude variation of the pulse are possible,
the crust and upper mantle can strongly change the character of a seismic
wave. For example, an incident P-wave can be converted both to body
and surface waves at discontinuities in the earth. It is significant that the
stations to be compared are located on geologically homogeneous structure.
For example, earthquakes recorded by California stations show only little
Array Stations and Special Methods of Analysis 257






Fig. 93. Short-period P-wave signals from the

Panama earthquake of July 26, 1962, magnitude
Summed output M=7.4, demonstrating the possibility of treat-
p ing our network as a 'super-large' array. Up =
Uppsala, Ki=Kiruna, Sk=Skalstugan, Gb=
Goteborg, Ka=K.rlskrona (see Table 2). After
5 nc I

similarity from one station to another, even if the mutual station distances
are much shorter than in Sweden. This is explained by the complicated
structure of California with a much dissected crust, also by sediment layers
of varying thickness and structure. The Swedish stations, on the other
hand, are located on more homogeneous ground, and application of array-
processing techniques to this network has been successful.
Figure 93 shows a good case with excellent correlation between the
short-period P-wave signals all over the Swedish network. Records at the
Swedish stations generally exhibit the signal resemblance required by the
array methods. By combination of the records (usually a summation after
appropriate time shifts) the signal-to-noise ratio can be increased by a
factor of about two and the accuracy of the P-readings is improved. Also
the direction of the first motion of P (compression or dilatation; see Chapter
17 Bath: Introduction to Seismology
258 Methods to Improve Seismological Observations

6), which is important for source-mechanism studies, can be determined

more reliably by the combination of records.
Later, these investigations have been continued to include stations
in the whole Fennoscandian region. The results are equally good despite
some differences in crustal structure at the stations and in their instrumenta-
tion. Such methods will greatly improve the seismological information which
can be extracted from ordinary station records. Another recent extension
of this project includes the study of S-waves from a Fennoscandian array
of five long-period stations. This study also suggests that considerable
improvement in the readings of S can be achieved by a summation of
records, with appropriate time shifts. In this case, SH and SV (see Chap-
ter 3) are summed separately, and then comparisons between these two
wave types are facilitated.
Computer calculations of hypocentres from arrival times of P and
pP at the Swedish and Swedish-Finnish station networks (SHAPIRA and
BATH, 1976, cf. Chapter 4) compare very favourably in accuracy with those
from the largest arrays. The smaller number of stations in our networks is
compensated by the larger array size and the homogeneous bedrock. So far,
we have applied the array techniques to special cases (earthquakes and
explosions) mainly in order to test the applicability of the methods,
~hereas routine application has not yet been introduced.
As a conclusion from our research in Fennoscandia, we believe that
many other station nets around the world could apply the same techniques
with advantage. In my opinion a group of stations form an array as soon
as their records can be combined and studied ensemble in the way that
array techniques require. A regular geometrical pattern of the stations is
certainly helpful, but not of such a discriminating nature as correlations
between different channels.
Application of techniques already developed in other fields, such as
communication theory and statistical analyses of time series, have consider-
ably improved the analyses of seismic records. Especially, I would like to
mention the method of filtering. Filtering means separation, i.e. we separate
out the part of the record we want to study and eliminate other simultane-
ous but unwanted parts. In order that filtering should be successful, it is
necessary that the wanted and the unwanted wave motions differ in some
Array Stations and Special Methods of Analysis 259

property. Then, this property can be made the basis of the filtering tech-
This is the reason why we distinguish between different filtering tech-
niques, such as velocity filtering and frequency filtering. Velocity 1iltering
depends on different velocities of the wave trains which should be separated,
for instance a seismic body wave (P) and microseisms. Frequency filtering
may be more common and depends on different frequencies of the wave
trains to be separated.
Figure 94 shows a striking example of frequency filtering. Higher-
mode surface waves are usually seen as short-period waves riding on the
longer-period surface waves of fundamental mode (upper part of Fig. 94).
By applying a band-pass filter which permits waves of periods 6-15 sec
to pass but which excludes other periods, it is possible to isolate the higher
modes from the given record (lower part of Fig. 94). Obviously, the ac-
curacy in measuring higher modes from the filtered record is far better

Fig. 94. Digital filtering of

higher-mode surface waves.
a) Long-period record at
Uppsala of an earthquake in
the Ryukyu Islands on August
(15 - 6) 17, 1963, magnitude M=6.6,
2ndR b) the same record played
~------------~-~------------~ back, before and after passage
through a band-pass filter
(15-6 sec). 2 nd R = second-
mode Rayleigh waves. After
260 Methods to Improve Seismological Observations

than from the original records directly. By application of a series of dif-

ferent filters, it is even possible to separate different orders of the higher-
mode waves from each other. As another example, the technique can be used
with advantage to separate different kinds of microseisms from each other.
Spectral analysis of seismic waves is another promising method, which
has come into much use during the last decades, as a consequence of the
general availability of large computers. The usual seismic records display
the amplitude as a function of time (in the 'time domain'), whereas a
spectrum, just as in optics, shows the amplitude as a function of frequency
or period (in the 'frequency domain'). Also the phase of a seismic wave
can be displayed as a spectrum and, therefore, in seismology we usually
talk about amplitude spectra and phase spectra. The application of spectral
analysis, both to body waves and surface waves as well as to the earth's
free vibrations, means a breakthrough in seismological research. There is no
doubt that the evaluation of spectra yields very important information both
about the source and the medium traversed by the waves. The problems may,
for instance, concern the dependence of a spectrum on epicentral distance,
focal depth, magnitude, etc. Spectral comparisons between earthquakes
at normal and greater depth as well as with nuclear explosions give sig-
nificant information for source identification. At the same time as
the spectral analysis provides a powerful improvement to the ordinary
seismogram analyses (in the time domain), there are also more difficulties
involved in the interpretation of spectra. The reason is that an observed
spectrum as a rule depends on a number of factors, such as the source
mechanism and the wave propagation (e.g. selective absorption, reverbera-
tions, etc.). Ingenious combinations of observations may be necessary in
order to separate different effects from each other. Figure 95 gives an ex-
ample of P-wave spectra of an underground nuclear explosion. The regular
occurrence of minima in these spectra is explained by destructive inter-
ference between P and pP in the source region.
In addition, there are a number of other methods to improve seismic
data which can be applied to single channels or to combinations of several
channels. It has been known for many years that local corrections to
observed arrival times of seismic waves exist, due to variations of the crust
and upper mantle under the stations. Several such determinations of sta-
tion corrections can be found in the literature. However, it has been found
Array Stations and Special Methods of Analysis 261


JAN 19


~ 10 t--~'_'<''''
~ 10 f--::,,",,'---+--- \\


101-----+--- \--iI

101-----+---\·+-1 \ - + - - \

Fig. 95. Amplitude spectra of short-period vertical-compo-
nent P-waves recorded at Swedish stations (Table 2) Cram an
1 15 2 underground nuclear explosion in Nevada on January 19,
FREQUENCY CYCLES/SEC 1968 (Table 30). After O. KULHANEK (1971).

that more progress in this field can be made if the correction is separated
into a station correction and an epicentre correction (just as for magnitu-
des; cf. Section 4.3). So far the same travel-time tables are applied for the
whole earth (except for regional studies). Information, especially from
records of some nuclear explosions, has shown that regional corrections
are needed to the presently used travel-time tables, of the order of - 2 sec
but different in different regions. Therefore, the results suggest that regional
262 Methods to Improve Seismological Observations

travel-time tables, different for different parts of the earth, will be the next
development in this field.
Other geophysical observations, for example of gravity, are always
reduced in some way before being studied. This is not the case with arrival
times of seismic waves which are used directly, apart from exceptional
cases when station corrections are applied. One could think that it would
be better to use arrival times reduced to the Mohorovicic discontinuity at
the base of the crust. The great difficulty is that before such a reduction
can be made with confidence we need to have a good knowledge of the
crustal structure under each station.

8.5 The World Network of Seismograph Stations

Nearly a century has elapsed since the first seismograph record of a

distant earthquake was written. This happened on April 18, 1889, in Potsdam,
where an earthquake in Japan was recorded (see Chapter 1). This marks
in a way the birth of instrumental seismology in its world-wide sense.
Since then, stations have been set up in many parts of the world, usually
on initiatives from single countries, universities or individuals, with little
or no coordination of the efforts. The development has been very different
in different countries, reflecting in a striking way the variation in possibilities,
especially financial, and in individual enthusiasm for the subject. Many
countries had seismograph stations already around the turn of the century.
On the other hand, several seismic countries developed slowly in this res-
pect. For instance, Iran got its first seismograph station not until 1958, in
connection with the increased efforts during the International Geophysical
Year 1957-8, and Greece had until recently only one seismograph station,
in Athens. Lately, both Iran and Greece as well as Turkey, Morocco and a
number of other seismic countries have got weB equipped station networks.
With all appreciation of the important contributions of seismologists
in the establishment of stations, it must nevertheless be mentioned that as
a consequence of the usually non-coordinated efforts we have to face a
very inhomogeneous network, both regarding instrumentation and spac-
ing between stations. Table 22 gives a review of present stations based on
the list published by the U.S. Geological Survey in March 1974. The list also
The World Network of Seismograph Stations 263

Table 22. Presently operating seismograph stations according to the list published in
March 1974 by the U.S. Geological Survey.

NO.1 Region Number of Surface area Station

stations A density
no 10' km 2 nolA

1 Japan 155 0.37 419

2 New Zealand 31 0.27 148
3 Italy 22 0.30 73
4 Central Europe, south of Denmark, west
of USSR, north of Spain, Italy, Greece 134 2.24 60
5 USA, including Aleutians, Alaska,
Hawaii 480 9.36 51
6 United Kingdom-Ireland 13 0.33 39
7 Greece-Turkey 34 0.90 38
8 Spain-Portugal 15 0.60 25
9 Formosa-Indonesia-New Guinea 64 2.58 25
10 Scandinavia-Finland 25 1.15 22
II Central America-West Indies-Mexico 57 2.74 21
12 India 25 3.15 7.9
13 Australia 42 7.70 5.5
14 Eastern Mediterranean-Pakistan 15 3.33 4.5
15 South America 69 17.80 3.9
16 Canada 36 9.97 3.6
17 Soviet· Union 79 22.40 3.5
18 China-Mongolia-Korea-Tibet 38 15.06 2.5
19 Africa 59 30.29 1.9
20 Greenland 3 2.18 1.4
21 Antarctica 11 14.1 0.8
22 Pacific Ocean 39 180 0.2
23 Atlantic Ocean, including Iceland 12 106 0.1
24 Indian Ocean 3 75 <0.1

1 Arranged in order of decreasing station density.

gives station density, expressed as number of stations per million km 2 • The

area A is only the land area, except in the case of the three large oceans.
In some cases especially for island areas, such as Formosa-Indonesia-
New Guinea and Central America-West Indies-Mexico, this method natu-
rally leads to high values of station density. Quite generally, we can state that
station density nolA can be made large by making no large or by making A
small. It is easier to get a high density over a smaller area. Therefore, a
more strict approach would be to divide the earth's surface into equal areas
264 Methods to Improve Seismological Observations


Fig. 96. Number of operating seis-

mograph stations pcr 19.62 mil-
lion km", obtained by dividing the
earth's surface into 26 equal areas.
Uppcr numben refer to the north-
ern hemisphere, lower numben
to the southern hemisphere.

A and to count the number of stations no in each of them. This is illustrated

in Figure 96.
It is obvious from Table 22 that the highest station density is to
be found in some of the most seismic countries of the world, especially
Japan, but there are notable exceptions to this rule. The large, practically
empty areas are naturally the three large oceans with only 1-2 stations
per to million km 2. The table contains a total of 1461 stations, which di-
vided by the land area of the earth, i.e. 145 million km2, gives 10 stations
per million km 2.
In recent years, important steps have been taken towards the crea-
tion of a more homogeneous network. This has at least two sides:
1. Standardization of seismographs. The U.S. Coast and Geodetic
Survey installation of 120 stations with standardized instruments marks
the most important contribution in this field. This program started in 1960.
Comparisons between these instruments and types developed and used
in the Soviet Union will extend the standardization further still.
2. Creation of networks of equal spacing between stations. Although
the importance of such a project has been recognized, only very little
The World Network of Seismograph Stations 265

progress has so far been possible in a world-wide sense. We may distinguish

between three kinds of networks:
a) World-wide net of about 20 array stations.
b) World-wide net of fully equipped teleseismic stations, i.e. with three
component long- and short-period seismographs.
c) Local or regional networks in seismic areas, usually only with short-
period vertical-component seismographs. Seismic areas require a higher
concentration of stations, espe~ially for studies of earthquake mechanism
and tectonic relations, as well as to be able to reach a much lower mag-
nitude limit than is considered necessary on the world-wide scale.
The present section will mainly be restricted to a discussion of points
2a and 2b, but the ideas may be applied to 2c as well. The requirement
of equal spacing between stations may be fulfilled by choosing some ap-
propriate geometrical model. Different models differ only in less significant
details. Among a number of different patterns I selected a triangular one,
which means that the earth's surface is divided into spherical equilateral
triangles of equal size and with one station at the centre of each triangle.
Figure 97 shows part of such a grid and gives also the pertinent formulas
with notation explained in the figure. The three curves give the number
of stations (n) which are situated within any distance (D) from any point
on the earth's surface, for three different spacings (x) between stations.
nolA is the number of stations per million km 2 and connects therefore
this figure with Table 22. A station spacing of x = about 10 0 has been
recommended internationally for fully equipped teleseismic stations (of type
2b). This corresponds only to nolA =0.6, which is surpassed already by
most regions of the world. However, it must be noticed that this require-
ment is connected with certain requirements concerning instrumentation,
which are not fulfilled by most stations included in Table 22. Moreover,
even within the different areas listed in Table 22, the spacing may be very
different in different parts.
The plan as demonstrated in Figure 97 includes the installation of
unmanned stations in remote parts of the continents as well as of ocean-
bottom seismographs .. At present very promising results on an experimental
basis have been achieved in both these respects. Several organizations in
the USA have thus been operating ocean-bottom seismographs. For in-
stance, seismographs have been constructed for 30 days' automatic .opera-
266 Methods to Improve Seismological Observations




100 zoS: N=81

Fig. 97. Some numerical in-
10 formation on world-wide sta-
CD cos a. ::
1 -2tO"2 t tion networks with equal spac-
ing. The assumed grid is shown
::E 2(I.tO"21-> in inset in the upper left-hand
z 2'" (1 - cos 0 )
corner. where there is one sta-
n = 3(11- '11"
tion (marked with a dot)
within each equilateral tri..
angle. x = station spacing, n =
N :: the number of stations within
distance D from any point on
the earth, N = the total number
!!2- _N_ of stations and lIolA =the
A - 510
number of stations per million
km 2 •

tion at water depths of 7700 m. Several problems still remain to be solved,

such as to develop a more reliable operation, to improve determinations
of the exact position of the seismometer on the sea bottom and to provide
for a sufficiently good coupling to the bottom. The Russians also operate
a number of deep-ocean seismographs (down to 4000 m depth) in the
North Atlantic-Arctic Ocean area, mainly for micro seismic research. In
Japan, several similar experimental set-ups are operated at ocean depths
The World Network of Seismograph Stations 267

down to 5600 m, mainly as a contribution to the earthquake prediction

problem (Chapter 10).
The application of diagrams like those in Figure 97 is best illustrated
by a specific case. Figure 98 shows a relation between magnitude (m) and
the maximum recording distance of longitudinal waves on the most sensitive
short-period seismographs, excluding array stations. The diagram in Fig-
ure 98 is valid only for surface sources, i.e. mainly explosions. For earth-
quakes at some depth within the earth the maximum range is expected
to be greater. As an example, say that we are interested in recording explo-
sions of magnitude 5.0 and over, irrespective of the location of the explosion
on the earth. Figure 98 tells us that the maximum range for magnitude
5.0 is about 35°. Comparing then with Figure 97, we see that if we want
recordings of this event from 30 stations we need a station spacing (x)
of 10°. If we are satisfied with recordings at 8 stations, a station spacing
of 20° will be sufficient. Finally, with a spacing of 30° the event will be
recorded at only 3 stations. This is valid under the assumption that all sta-
tions are very sensitive; otherwise, the number of stations with positive
indication will be correspondingly decreased.
This example demonstrates a matter of principle in planning a sta-
tion net. We have to decide the magnitude limit, above which we want
to have complete information, but below which the material will be in-
<:omplete. The chosen magnitude limit then defines the station spacing
which is necessary to achieve this objective, subject to modifications of
local origin. In some international agreements certain station spacings have
been recommended, but corresponding magnitude limits have usually not
been mentioned. The same principles as laid down here also hold for local
or regional networks, only with the difference that we then want to proceed
to much lower magnitudes.
Some seismologists have expressed the opinion that stations should
not be located within the seismic zones, whereas others prefer them con-
centrated to just these zones rather than to have them at equal spacing.
As already outlined, I am convinced that we need both, i.e. both a world-
wide net with equal spacing for the earth as a whole and denser nets within
the seismic regions. The equal spacing, which has been emphasized here,
has a number of advantages, which may be summarized as follows:
1. Seismicity studies (Chapter 5). Accurate location and timing of
268 Methods to Improve Seismological Observations


4.0 50 6.0



Fjg. 98. Empirical relation be-
tween magnitude of explosions and
0.01 RANGE maximum recording range for
short-period P-waves (excluding
a 20 40 60 80 100 150· array stations).

earthquakes require good azimuthal and distance distribution of stations.

It is especially difficult to separate corrections of focal depth from those
of epicentre location in case all stations are concentrated within a small
range of azimuth. In principle, this is obvious from Figure 42. There are
still a number of seismic regions which are poorly covered with 0 bserva-
tions. This is true especially for parts of the southern hemisphere, for
which, however, the Antarctic stations installed in 1957 and later, meant
The World Network of Seismograph Stations 269

an essential improvement. The oceanic areas, which are seismic in many

parts, are generally lacking observations from near stations.
2. Magnitude determinations (Chapter 4). The equal spacing permits
consistent recording of all events, whether seismic or not, above a certain
magnitude limit, for all parts of the earth. In addition, a good coverage
of azimuths is of significance in magnitude determinations, because of
unequal radiation of seismic waves in different directions.
3. Detection problems, whether of small earthquakes or of explo-
sions (Chapter 11). In this connection great use can be made of the caustic
effect of the earth's core which produces very large sensitivity to PKPJ at
a distance of 144 0 and a little beyond (Chapter 3), in addition to the ob-
servations at near stations. At the caustic it is possible with the instrumenta-
tion of the Swedish network to detect events with magnitudes (m) down
to 4.5 in spite of the large distance. With equal spacing on a world-wide
scale, there would always be some stations close t6 the caustic at 144 0
from any point on the earth, provided the spacing is dense enough. It is
now considered that with a world network of 20-30 array stations, located
in areas with good recording possibilities and each one equipped with
about 100 seismometers, it would be possible to detect and to locate all
events down to the magnitude m=3 1 / 2 •
4. Mechanism studies (Chapter 6). Studies of mechanism of events
is of great significance, both for the identification of the source (whether
earthquake or explosion) and for tectonophysical studies (in the case of
earthquakes). Such studies are often hampered by insufficient azimuthal
coverage, which could only be remedied by a homogeneous net with equal
5. Studies of path properties from dispersion of surface waves (Chap-
ter 7). In such studies we clearly want the best possible coverage of large
areas, preferably in many crossing directions for more detailed use of the
group-velocity method. In phase-velocity determinations, networks are es-
sential with station spacings small enough to permit phase identification
from station to station.
All examples demonstrate the usefulness of homogeneous networks,
although the required spacing may vary according to the special problems
to be solved. For magnitude determinations, for instance, a denser net is
needed for body waves than for surface waves, as the latter carry a larger
270 Methods to Improve Seismological Observations

part of the energy, at least for shallow-focus earthquakes, and thus travel
farther. Ten to twenty stations, well selected considering their spacing
and their quality, would be a very satisfactory net for magnitude deter-
Even though a scheme as outlined here with its numerical evaluation
has to be kept in mind in any planning for network developments, it does
not represent more than a first approximation. Going a step further, it is
very important in choosing locations of new stations to take due regard
to the noise background. New sites should preferably be tested before
expensive installations are made. This means in practice that it will not
be possible to use a scheme like the one outlined here for more than a first
orientation of station locations. Tests on each spot will indicate their suit-
ability, and as a consequence we have to consider shifts of the positions
up to the same order as the station spacings. In addition, only experience
based on recordings will define the lower magnitude limit which can be
reached. Also, in practical applications, economic considerations often dic-
tate possible network developments.
Although it will certainly take many years before we have a homogene-
ous world-wide station network, considerable progress is already under
way in this direction. On the technical side we note very promising tests
as mentioned above. On the organizational side, we note that among
others UNESCO has taken an interesting action in such matters. Since
a very important part of the project concerns international territory (the
large oceans), the active cooperation of an international body like UNESCO
would be very significant.

8.6 A World Network of Array Stations

The accuracy of source parameter determination has increased consider-

ably in the last decades. This is witnessed among others by world seismicity
maps of the USCGS covering the interval 1961-9. They demonstrate very
clearly the mid-Atlantic rift zone and its branches into adjacent oceans,
and particularly that these structures are very limited in width. Similarly,
the arrangement of hypocentres in the circum-Pacific zones is well demonst-
rated. A more accurate knowledge of the earth's seismicity is of great sign i-
A World Network of Array Stations 271

ficance for many studies and applications, for example, the modern hypo-
theses on global tectonics as well as in engineering.
The increased precision is based upon a favourable cooperation be-
tween a number of factors, of which the following are most important:
I. A better distribution of stations over the earth.
2. Installation of special array stations.
3. Increased time accuracy, by general use of well-controlled quartz
crystal clocks.
4. More accurate travel times, especially of P-waves, derived from
records of nuclear explosions.
5. Application of large computers in the evaluation of the obser-
In the present section, I shall limit the discussion to points 1 and 2
above. Even though advances have been made in these two respects, much
still remains to be achieved. In the preceding section, I advocated the idea
of homogeneous networks over the globe. Here, [ will apply the ideas
to the development of a world network of array stations. I will base my
proposal upon already existing array stations rather than suggesting a ho-
mogeneous network (which may be unrealistic).
A world network, preferably as homogeneous as possible, is required
for numerous seismological studies. I shall here limit the discussion to
the determination of source parameters, especially hypocentre coordinates
and origin time. With regard to this problem, we can summarize com-
monly used methods of determination as follows, considering only tele-
seismic events:
I. Using only one station, by combination of times and of three-com-
ponent amplitudes of different waves.
2. Using a limited network, say of 5-10 stations over an area of
roughly 10 0 X 10° in extent, primarily by combination of P-wave readings.
3. Using one array station, say of 1°_2 ° in extent and with numer-
ous sensors, essentially by combination of P-wave readings.
4. Using a world network of ordinary stations, by combination of
P-wave arrival times. This refers to the determinations made at some world
centres, as for example NElS, ISC, CSEM.
Let us consider the accuracies achieved by the different approaches
mentioned. Method I can only provide a preliminary location, sometimes
272 Methods to Improve Seismological Observations

with wide margins, and its purpose is only to deliver rapid messages to
certain institutions and to news agencies. Method 2 is usually not applied
to teleseismic events, but only to regional ones. Method 3 has been practised
by several array stations, and it has become customary that each array
makes its own determinations. They have often large error margins. Me-
thod 4 is still superior to any other method and yields data of great value
to seismology.
The question now appears if there is any possibility to improve
source data information and then, in what ways. Method I has always a
justification for rapid information on epicentral area (and magnitude, etc.)
but has to be left out from the discussion of improvements. Comparisons
of methods 2 and 3 would be very informative. Some comparison of this
kind has been made; see Section 8.4. For increased accuracy these methods
alone are insufficient. In order to achieve higher precision, method 3 could
be amplified by the use of a world-wide network of array stations instead
of just one station at a time. Method 4 could be improved by extended and
preferably homogeneous networks as discussed above.

Let us consider a world-wide network of array stations. With greatest

emphasis on an equal geographical distribution of such stations we could
list the following locations:
Europe (several arrays exist)
Asia (one array exists in India)
Australia (one array exists)
North America (arrays exist both in Canada and the USA)
South America (one array exists in Brazil)
Africa (this represents a gap, which could preferably be filled by an
array in southern Africa)
Antarctica (one array would be necessary)
Concluding Remarks 273

This system would include about 10 array stations with quite a good
coverage of the world. In applying this system to hypocentral location,
all information available from array stations should be used, i.e. they
should be treated as arrays and not as single stations. In other words, all
data which single array stations put into their source location programmes
should be combined for this world system. Then the accuracy of the results
should be compared with results already obtained from method 4. I have
not seen any such detailed and systematic study, and therefore I would
like to make a strong suggestion for this project to anybody with access
to primary data from all existing array stations (including calibration data)
and to a large computer.
Comparative studies of the achievements of the world net of array
stations and the usual method 4 are very significant for further develop-
ment of the whole project, for instance, if the additional array stations
(in southern Africa and Antarctica) would fill a need or not. A combina-
tion could also be envisaged of the world net of arrays and method 4,
i.e. the world net of ordinary stations, and the accuracy achieved by this
combination should be compared with either of the methods applied sep-
We have discussed accuracy of source determination by different
methods. Closely related to this problem is the sensitivity of any seismo-
graph system. The networks suggested should be compared also from this
point of view and particularly the lower magnitude limit should be speci-
fied, above which a homogeneous world-wide material can be guaranteed.

8.7 Concluding Remarks

In conclusion, we can summarize the different aspects of improvements of

seismic recordings in the following points:
1. Use of better seismographs. This is only a small part of the recent
improvements, as sufficiently effective seismographs had already been de-
veloped about 30 years ago. On the other hand, the combination of these
seismographs into arrays with magnetic-tape recording has meant a con-
siderable improvement.
2. Location of seismographs in specially selected sites.

18 Bath: Introduction to Seismology

274 Methods to Improve Seismological Observations

3. Special techniques to evaluate records.

4. Development of homogeneous world-wide seismograph networks.
The efficient combination of different seismometer channels, as made
in arrays, whether these consist of ordinary station networks or not, means
a great step forward. Earlier combinations of different outputs were gen-
erally limited to the arrival times of P for epicentre computations. How-
ever, many problems remain before the new techniques can be fully eval-
uated. For instance, the interpretation of a P-wave spectrum in terms of
source properties and propagation effects is a problem of great signifi-
cance today.
On the other hand, we could ask what the aim is of the increased
accuracy and sensitivity of seismic recordings. Obviously, an increased
accuracy of the arrival time of P- and other seismic waves will result in
increased precision both in epicentre location and ultimately in our knowl-
edge about the earth's internal structure. But this is true only if the in-
creased accuracy is carried through at many stations, because increased
accuracy at only few stations would not help. Therefore, world-wide col-
laboration is necessary. Still, it is very likely that the increased precision
will not lead to any revolutions in our knowledge about the earth's structure,
but rather to refinements.
Let us consider the accuracy of hypo centrelocation also from another
viewpoint. Due to its inhomogeneous structure, the earth itself puts a
certain limit to the obtainable accuracy in location of teleseismic events.
And this limit can be approached but hardly surpassed by improved sta-
tions and networks, excepting the cases where an earthquake is well sur-
rounded by near stations. Therefore, in the teleseismic case, it appears
reasonable to try to work up to this limit. The problem is which method
will lead to this goal in the easiest and most practicable way: a world net
of array stations, a (homogeneous) world net of ordinary stations or a
combination of the two.
Another justified question is what use is it to record smaller and
smaller events, in other words, what is the use of a very much increased
sensitivity. From the nuclear explosion side the answer is obvious, and in
fact this side has prompted much of the development in seismology since
late 1950's. But seismologists have also shown increased interest in small
events (microearthquakes). However, in this case recordings are best
Concluding Remarks 275

performed within and near the seismic area studied and not by distant
stations, which may be the only method in nuclear detection work. Ob-
servations of small earthquakes have revealed interesting facts about earth-
quake mechanisms and also given clues to the secular stress variations.
For other problems in seismology not much use can be made of very small
events. For ordinary seismological research, events of intermediate magni-
tude (around 6-7.5) have always proved to be most useful.
For an efficient improvement of the seismological observations (both
increased sensitivity and increased accuracy) a combination of the dif-
ferent procedures described will be necessary. In addition, world-wide coop-
eration is of profound significance to seismology, not only in the daily ex-
change of observations but also in the planning of future development of
station networks.

Chapter 9

Model Seismology

9.1 Fundamental Problems

As emphasized earlier (Chapter 1), seismology works on a broad front:

it draws upon observations in nature, laboratory investigations and theo-
retical research. In general, the seismological problems are so difficult that
close cooperation between all these disciplines is necessary in order to arrive
at reliable results.
Laboratory seismology comprises a number of different branches.
Such laboratory subjects as solid mechanics and solid state physics, which
are usually represented at universities and technical colleges, are closely
related to laboratory seismology. Concerning strength of materials, in seis-
mology the interest is concentrated on the behaviour of various rocks
under different stress conditions, not only at room temperature but also
at high temperatures, prevailing simultaneously with high pressure. Hitherto,
there are relatively few investigations of the behaviour of rock specimens,
which have been subjected to high pressure and high temperature at the
same time. But this method offers the only procedure by which it would
be possible to simulate conditions in the deep interior of the earth. The
highest pressures until recently being used in the laboratory corresponded
only to about 300 km depth in the earth. But by the application of shock
waves it has now been possible in the laboratory to reproduce pressures
even exceeding those at the centre of the earth.
It is of special interest to seismology to investigate the stress con-
ditions around cracks in various materials, corresponding to the stress
conditions around a fault in the solid earth. The German seismologist
DUDA performed at Uppsala a series of such stress measurements by means
of photoelastic methods. These experiments concerned the static stress field
around a fissure in a plate of araldite. There appeared to be a high con-
centration of stress around the two ends of the fissure. Such investigations
and, even more so, the corresponding dynamic experiments can give valu-
able clues to our understanding of the stress conditions around a fault
278 Model Seismology

as well as their changes when an earthquake occurs. Model tectonics,

which is conducted at several institutes, e.g. at the Geological Institute at
Uppsala, provides another method for studying stress conditions and slow
motions in the solid earth.
In model seismology some efforts are concentrated on studies of the
wave propagation in various model structures, corresponding to real or
assumed structures in the earth. On the whole, it can be said that wave
propagation studies by means of models have come into use from two lines
of approach:
1. As a supplement to mathematical studies. Theoretical investiga-
tions of more complicated structures may be very difficult and then a
laboratory model may be able to demonstrate the properties of the wave
2. As a supplement to observations in nature. On seismograms we
find from time to time waves and wave forms which deviate from the
usual and well-known ones. Then, we may try to construct a model which
in the laboratory may reproduce the empirically found wave or wave forms.
Let us here summarize in a few points some problems in laboratory
seismology which are of current interest:
1. Wave propagation in inhomogeneous media. In particular, thor-
ough investigations of various diffraction effects are needed, which have
not yet been sufficiently analysed theoretically. Wave guides (low-velocity
layers) playa significant role in model seismology. Also wave propagation in
layered media, where the layers are not horizontal but sloping, is an im-
portant branch of research.
2. Wave propagation in media with properties which deviate con-
siderably; from the exact elastic case. Measurements of attenuation of P-
and S-waves at high pressures and high temperatures are of great signi-
3. Stress release in sources of different types: explosion sources, dis-
location sources (=earthquake sources), etc. The creep effects of the material
are of interest. Laboratory experiments on phase transformations are of
special value in connection with the new global tectonics (Chapter 6). These
investigations are closely related also to the problem of predicting earth-
quakes (Chapter 10).
Seismic Wave Propagation 279

This list is far from complete. In fact, there is an equally great va-
riety of problems within model seismology as within the rest of seismology.
Japanese laboratory studies of Rayleigh waves as early as 1927 are
probably among the earliest model experiments made. The most important
development has taken place since around 1950, and nowadays model
seismology is conducted at several institutes around the world. Both
surface waves and various kinds of body waves are now studied. Earlier
models were usually three-dimensional. Such models can entail certain com-
plications from unwanted wave reflections at the different sides of the
model. Therefore, it was an important improvement when Russian and
American scientists in the beginning of the 1950's introduced two-dimen-
sional models. These consist of plates of different materials, frequently
plexiglass. If the plate thickness is one-tenth or less of the wave-length,
the plate can be considered to be two-dimensional. Important technical
improvements were made possible by the application of crystals of barium
titanate. These have the piezoelectric property of being able to oscillate in
phase with an electromotive force applied between two electrodes in the
model; in other words, the crystal acts as an electroacoustic transducer.
This substance is more efficient for this purpose than Rochelle salt, which
was used earlier in such experiments. The crystals are used both as trans-
mitters and as receivers of the waves. Recording is generally made by means
of oscilloscopes.

9.2 Seismic Wave Propagation

In model seismology it is important to use models which represent true

structures and true wave propagation, scaled by certain well-known factors.
By appropriate transformations, wave equations and boundary conditions
can be expressed in dimensionless quantities. Such equations and condi-
tions can then be used for transformation from one model to another or to
the real earth. With regard to simulation of true conditions, we may dis-
tinguish between two kinds of models:
I. The model parameters (wave velocities and density) are equal to
the corresponding parameters in nature.
2. The model parameters bear a certain proportion to the parameters
in nature. This is the more usual case.
280 Model Seismology

By means of 2, a possibility is offered to reproduce the wave propaga-

tion, when wave velocities would be too high for direct reproduction in
the laboratory. However, sometimes it may be difficult to find materials
which satisfy any simulation requirements. Then one has been compelled
to make experiments with model material with properties lacking obvious
relations to the corresponding properties in the earth.
Two-dimensional models are designed in different ways in order to
simulate different structures in the earth:
1. Bimorphic and polymorphic models. Two or more plates are glued
together to correspond to a layered structure.
2. Perforated models. Perforated plates correspond to heterogene-
ous media. Both absorption and wave velocities for both body and sur-
face waves have been investigated with perforated plates. The wave ve-
locity can be diminished by 50% depending on the hole density.
3. Thermal models. Certain parts of a plate are heated. By using
plates consisting of a mixture of paraffin and polyethylene and heating
some part of the plate, it has been possible to simulate low-velocity layers.
Then, comparisons are made between the wave propagation in such a plate
and in the corresponding homogeneous plate.
4. Models of variable thickness. The variation of the plate thickness
corresponds to density variations. In combination with the preceding
method, density and wave velocity can be varied independently, which
clearly multiplies the possible experimental conditions. See Figure 99, which
illustrates the refraction of a wave front caused by a change in plate thickness.
A continuously varying velocity in a three-dimensional model can
in principle be achieved by composing the model of two or more substances
with different wave velocities. A continuous velocity variation can be prod-
uced if the substance with the lowest velocity is mixed with varying con-
centrations of other substances with higher velocity. The latter then de-
termine the maximum velocity in the model. A usual method of construct-
ing such a model is to combine a large number of thin plates, of which
adjacent plates exhibit only insignificant velocity differences. The thick-
ness of each plate should be less than the wave-lengths used. Among sub-
stances which have proved to be suitable for such models, we can mention
a gel consisting of water-glycerol-gelatine. It has proved to be particularly
useful for investigations of P-waves. A disadvantage with this gel is that
Seismic Wave Propagation 281

Fig. 99. Model seismograms show-

ing a decrease of the phase \'elocity
(refraction of the wave front) as a
consequence of a decrease in plate
thickness. After F. PRESS.

the velocity vanatlOn amounts to 26')(. at most, which is insufficient to

simulate the earth's interior. Therefore, a large number of other gels of
different composition have been tested, by which it has been possible to
raise the velocity variation to 54')(.. Such investigations have been made
by scientists in Czechoslovakia. Among other things the velocity varia-
tion for P-waves in the upper mantle down to about 550 km depth has
been modelled. Good agreement has been achieved between model and real-
earth velocities.
Cement has also been used for construction of three-dimensional
models with several layers. It is especially useful when greater contrasts
between the different layers are desired. As the wave velocities depend on
the age of the cement, stabilized values cannot be expected earlier than a
month after the solidification of the cement.
Just as in ordinary seismology, it is necessary to record in three direc-
tions perpendicular to each other for a more complete study of the wave
motion. In model seismology this is achieved by placing the piezoelectric
receivers in three mutually perpendicular directions.
Special technical problems are involved in the construction not only
of the models but also to an equally great extent of the transducers. These
are used both as transmitters and receivers of seismic waves. The linear
282 Model Seismology

extent of a transducer is in many cases of the order of one-tenth mm to

satisfy the scaling laws. However, such small dimensions entail difficulties
not only in the manufacturing but also because of their small power.
The properties of the piezoelectric material play a great role, e.g. for the
free period of the transducer. The damping and the directional properties
of the transducer are other characteristics to take account of. For the
receiver we have in addition to require a number of properties, among
1. Distortion-free recording of signals within the entire frequency
range in which we are interested, e.g. from 100 kc/sec to 2 Me/sec (1 kc =
= 1 kilocycle = 103 oscillations; 1 Mc = 1 megacycle = 106 oscillations).
2. Amplitude measurements possible with an accuracy of 3 % and
stability of the sensitivity.
3. Time measurements in the interval from 0 to 1000 Jl.S possible
with an accuracy better than 0.1 Jl.s (1 Jl.s= 1 microsecond = 10- 6 sec).
Among a number of wave propagation problems, which have been
studied by model seismology, we like to mention particularly those con-
nected with low-velocity layers in the upper mantle. By methods outlined
above models have been constructed with different velocity profiles, in-
cluding a layer with lower velocity. The wave propagation in the presence




5 10
I (to)

65, I
Fig. 100. Amplitude-distance curves for P- and S-waves
(horizontal components) for southeastern Europe. The ordi-
nate is/(LI)=m-iog (aIT), equation (I), Chapter 4, i. e. for
7.0 a given m the ordinate gives the variation of log (al T) with
5 10 15 20 25° distance. After J. VANtK.
Seismic Wave Propagation 283

of such a layer is often difficult to deal with theoretically. This is particularly

true for the diffraction effects inside the shadow zone. In such cases models
are able to furnish valuable information. Moreover, seismographic ob-
servations in nature have revealed variations of amplitudes of body waves
between about 5 °and 25 °epicentral distance, which are usually ascribed
to special velocity anomalies in the upper mantle of the earth (Fig. 100).
Also for the investigation of such amplitude variations, model seismology
seems to offer the most practicable method. Such experiments have sug-
gested the following results:
1. The amplitude increase near 20° (Fig. 100) may depend on a low-
velocity layer (for P) at about 100 km depth.
2. The amplitude oscillations near 20° indicate the existence of a
low-velocity layer near 100 km depth and a discontinuity at about 400 km
depth; a relatively small negative velocity gradient in the low-velocity layer
and a second-order discontinuity, respectively, may be sufficient.
3. The amplitude oscillations at distances less than 12 °can be in-
terpreted as due to interference between waves reflected at different dis-
continuity surfaces of the first or second order and located between the Moho
and 100 km depth.
These results have been proposed by the Czech seismologist VANEK.
The method certainly seems to be effective in exploring the details of the
velocity profile in the upper mantle.
Seismic soundings of the earth's crust (Chapter 7) have for a very
long time been SUbjected to various interpretational difficulties. Also in
this area, model seismology offers a method which is able to give further
information and limit the uncertainties. See Figure 101.



H" 6" PLEXIGLASS Fig. 101. Waves observed in a three-layer model: H,
Hz' 6" OR 11/4" BRASS plexiglass, Hz brass, Ha aluminum. After F. PRESS, J.
284 Model Seismology

9.3 Earthquake Mechanism

Studies of source mechanism is another aspect of model seismology. Ex-

perimentally, one has tried to simulate various source mechanisms and to
study the wave propagation in the model. I should like to mention the
experiments which the American seismologist PRESS conducted in Pasadena
(California) some years ago. Two-dimensional models of plexiglass in the
shape of circular plates were used. The source (simulating an earthquake)
was located at the centre of the plate and the receivers were placed along
its circumference. They recorded amplitudes, wave shapes and directions
of motion both for P- and S-waves (i.e. just like ordinary seismograms).
Crystals of barium titanate were used as transmitters and receivers.

p s

Fig. 102. p. and S-waves from a single source in a circular plate. After F. PRESS.

As wave generators PRESS used both a single source (Fig. 102) and
a dipole. A dipole source is made of two barium titanate crystals located
close to each other but oriented so as to produce opposite phases. The
amplitude diagrams and the directions of motion show good agreement
with theory both for P- and S-waves. A third experiment was also performed,
including a dipole with a fissure between the two forces, in order to simulate
nature still better. For this case the P-waves again behaved in a normal
way. whereas for the S-waves a motion was observed even in those direc-
Earthquake Mechanism 285

tions where a node was expected. The cause was considered to be a transi-
tion of Rayleigh waves, propagating along the fissure, into S-waves at
the end of the fissure-an observation which may be of importance to con-
sider also in focal mechanism studies from seismograms of natural events.
Similar results have been found in Japan. On the other hand, caution is
required in translating model results into conditions prevailing in nature.
What has been found may be representative of the model only and may not
represent nature.
In this connection, it is of interest to note that the American seis-
mologist HOWELL did not find the S-wave anomaly in his experiments
which were conducted later. Some of his results, which may be of signi-
ficance in the determination of earthquake focal mechanisms, are sum-
marized here:
I. The first motion, observed for homogeneous models, confirms the
theory for a single force, a couple and for two couples (perpendicular to
each other).
2. P-waves exhibit compression everywhere and with nearly constant
amplitude in all directions for a radial force (explosion), as expected, while
weak S-waves also appear.
3. In a homogeneous model, an un symmetric couple may give rise to
P-waves which are similar to the distribution from a radial source, but
S-waves are able to discriminate. Such findings are of importance in con-
nection with detection of explosions (Chapter 11).
4. A discontinuity may entail reduced amplitudes for P and S within
the layer which has the higher velocity. As a consequence, the first displace-
ment may become too small and may be overlooked in this medium. In turn
this may cause erroneous readings of the first motion and incorrect conclu-
sions about the focal mechanism. These results indicate the significance of
a velocity discontinuity at a distance of the order of one wave-length from
the source.
In other experiments, the wave propagation has been studied from
thermally induced cracks in a glass plate. Comparison with theory has
shown serious discrepancies, especially for the S-wave. These deviations
are ascribed to non-elastic effects, particularly at the end of the crack.
On application to real conditions in nature we have to face the question:
which approach is most suitable. theory or model experiment.
286 Model Seismology

Earthquake mechanism can be studied by means of the emitted seis-

mic waves, as in the methods mentioned so far. But in addition, direct
stress measurements in a simulated earthquake source are of great signi-
ficance in laboratory studies. Such research is currently conducted at several
institutes, among others in the USA. BRACE (1969) has summarized the
objectives of such laboratory studies in three points, which I reproduce here:
1. To discover and investigate all possible mechanical instabilities
likely to cause earthquakes in the crust.
2. To study changes in rock properties as stress is increased to the
point of instability.
3. To explore the possibility of conversion of damaging forms of
sliding motion to undamaging forms.
The importance of such studies for earthquake prediction (Chap-
ter 10) is quite obvious, especially as it has been shown that many properties
of rock under stress change drastically just before fracture.

9.4 Seismic Wave Velocities

In seismology we are frequently faced with the problem of comparing

seismic velocities measured in the field with those determined in the lab-
oratory on samples of rocks and minerals. The purpose of such comparisons
is, if possible, to determine the chemical composition of the earth's interior.
In this way, we understand that laboratory measurements of wave velocities
have a great importance.
For laboratory determination of seismic wave velocities there are
essentially three methods which have been applied:
1. Resonance methods, in which free vibrations are generated in the
specimen and the corresponding frequencies measured.
2. Pulse-transmission methods, in which the travel time is measured
of a high-frequency pulse propagating through the specimen.
3. Ultrasonic-interferometry methods, in which internally reflected
waves are made to interfere.
We shall discuss these three methods each in its turn, a little more
Resonance methods. For many years elastic properties of materials
have been determined by various static experiments: bending, torsion,
Seismic Wave Velocities 287

compression, etc. While such methods are suitable for metals and glass,
they proved to be unreliable for rocks because of their inhomogeneous
structure. About 30 years ago the resonance method was introduced, in
which cylindrical specimens were used. The frequencies were observed
for different free vibrations of the specimen: longitudinal (along the cylinder
axis), transverse (perpendicular to the cylinder axis) and torsional vibra-
tions. In each case the phase velocity in the specimen can be calculated
from the length of the cylinder and the observed frequency. The free vibra-
tions are induced by means of a transducer of some kind (electromagnetic,
magnetostrictive, electrostatic or piezoelectric). The receiver can be placed at
one end of the cylinder or can be moved along the cylinder to locate nodes
and antinodes. These measurements can be performed also under high
pressure and high temperature. The method is relatively reliable even for
porous samples. The errors in the velocities amount to about ± 5 %. The
method has proved particularly suitable to the determination of transverse
wave velocities at high temperatures and high pressures.
Besides cylindrical specimens also prismatic specimens have been used,
but these require more comprehensive corrections depending upon their
shape. In a newer development of the resonance method, one observes
free vibrations of small spherical specimens-in a way corresponding to the
free vibrations of the earth observed after larger earthquakes.
In a variation of the resonance method, single crystals or crystal
aggregates are used as specimens instead of the cylindrical or prismatic
samples. When a single crystal is used as the specimen, it may be brought
into immediate contact with a piezoelectric crystal in such a way that
desired vibrations are· induced in the specimen. An alternating potential
applied to the electrodes in the piezoelectric crystal will induce vibrations
in the combined oscillator. The frequencies generally used are in the range
from 90 to 250 kc/sec, depending on the frequencies of the specimen itself.
This method can be used with small crystals of only a few mm in length.
It is also easy to apply at high temperatures, but it has not been used at
high pressures.
Pulse-transmission methods. It was not until sufficiently accurate elec-
tronic equipment had been developed during and after World War II that
this method could offer a possibility for laboratory seismology. The pulses
(50 kc/sec to 10 Mc/sec) are generated by means of a crystal transducer
288 Model Seismology

which is attached to the specimen. The travel time through the specimen
is measured either absolutely or by comparison with another specimen
(Fig. 103). A circular-cylindric shape of the specimen has proved to be



~ ®

Fig. 103. Principle of the pulse-transmission method. I=input signal, E=electrode, T=transducer, P=
sample, G=rubber tubing, U=output signal. After F. BIRCH (1960) and G. SIMMONS (1964). See ANDERSON
and LIEBERMANN (1966).

most suitable. Its geometrical shape and dimensions have to fulfill certain
conditions to avoid unwanted effects, such as disturbing reflections, scat-
tering of waves, etc., and thus to make it possible to reach reliable results.
Most applications of this method have concerned the direct waves,
P and S. In some experiments also transformed waves, such as PSP, have
been used. By P SP we mean a P-wave which has been partially trans-
formed into S V by reflection at the cylinder side and then by another
reflection has been transformed into P. The travel-time difference PSP-P
depends on both the P-wave and the S-wave velocities in the sample.
This method has proved useful for metals, limestone, marble. But for
more coarse-grained rocks, serious errors arise with the transformed pulse
method because of interference and reflections at the grains in the sample.
Pulse-transmission methods have been in frequent use since the be-
ginning of the 1950's. They do not require homogeneous specimens, but
can be used also for porous specimens, and moreover they can be easily
applied at high temperatures and high pressures. The accuracy of the method
is about 1-3 %.
Seismic Wave Velocities 289

For very fine-grained specimens (with grain sizes less than 0.5 mm),
a pulse-echo method has also proved to be useful. In this method a pulse
passes through the sample and is reflected back to the receiver and the travel
time is measured.
Total reflection of a P-wave at the boundary between a liquid medium
and a solid medium (the specimen) has also been applied for the deter-
mination of wave velocities (Fig. 104). When the angle of incidence i1 is

Fig. 104. Reflection and refraction at the surface of
a specimen. j = angles of incidence, v = velocities.
After G. SIMMONS (1965). See ANDERSON and

varied continuously, total reflection will occur at a certain value (icrit).

By application of the refraction law, equation (2) in Chapter 3, we find
the following relation for calculation of the wave velocity in the sample:


It is considered possible to observe the critical angle of incidence with an

accuracy of 0.1 0, which corresponds to an accuracy of the P-wave velocity
ofO.5-1.0'X,. It has been observed that the velocity decreases with increasing
grain size of the specimen, and the results become unreliable when the
grain size approaches the wave-length of the signal used. For the frequencies
usually used (1-5 Me/sec) the applicability of the method is thus limited to
samples with an average grain size of less than 1 mm.
19 Bath: Introduction to Seismology
290 Model Seismology

Fig. 105. Principle of ultrasonic-interferometry methods. T =
transducer, l=direct wave, Rl = once reflected wave, R2=twice
reflected wave. After O. L. ANDERSON and N. SOGA (1965).

Ultrasonic-interferometry methods. The principle of these methods is

obvious from Figure 105. A transducer, acting as a transmitter, is cemented
to one side of a specimen. The same transducer is used to receive waves
which have travelled through the specimen with one or several reflections
from the opposite side. The echo waves will arrive at equal time intervals
but will exhibit gradually decreasing amplitudes. The time differences yield
the velocity immediately. Various methods have been introduced to solve
the problem of accurately measuring the time interval between reflections.
Interferometric methods are used either between successively reflected
pulses or between reflected pulses and regularly superposed pulses. Both
P-wave and S-wave velocities may be determined in this way, by appli-
cation of transducers generating P-waves and S-waves, respectively, through
the sample.
This method is especially suitable because it renders very exact mea-
surements possible even on small samples (with an extent of a few milli-
metres). In addition, it can be used under high pressure, but hardly for
temperatures exceeding 300°C. Severe requirements have to be placed on
the condition of the specimen and its geometrical shape.
The three methods, which we have described briefly, are those in
most general use. In addition, there are several other methods which are
still for the most part in a stage of development, but which may be more
generally used in the future.

Chapter 10

Prediction and Artificial Release of Earthquakes

10.1 Background and Purpose

The problem of earthquake prediction is of primary concern to seismological

research, but it is only in the last few years that more optimistic hopes
have been expressed about the possibility of solving this problem. For
many years it has been considered impossible to solve it in a way which has
practical significance, i.e. to predict the location and time (at least to the
nearest day) and magnitude of a coming shock.
There is still a long way to go before this goal is reached, but recently
active interest in the subject has been displayed both from governments
and international bodies like UNESCO. This interest has been activated
by a number of disastrous earthquakes in the last few years, as for instance
Morocco (Agadir), Iran (Lar) and Chile in 1960, Iran in 1962, Yugoslavia
(Skopje) in 1963, Alaska and Japan (Niigata) in 1964, Turkey (Varto) in
1966, Iran in 1968, Peru in 1970, Nicaragua in 1972, Guatemala and China
in 1976 (Table 11).
In Japan, where this problem is always of acute significance, a detailed
plan was made in 1962 by TSUBOI, W ADATI, and HAGIW ARA. Although there
was no doubt that very much would be learned if their proposal of about
10 years' intensified observational research was carried through, it was
still an open question as to what extent this would solve the earthquake
prediction problem. But naturally the beginning has to be made at some end
of this enormously large complex of problems, and then we must agree that
the observational side is the one which should receive the greatest attention.
This plan was limited to a 5-year plan, and in the spring of 1969 it was
communicated from Japan that the Japanese government had approved
another 5-year plan with a beginning in 1969. The total budget for the
9-year period 1965-73 amounted to 18 million dollars. Early in 1977 it is
reported from Japan that they are presently busy with their third 5-year
In the USA there was a special committee for the development of
292 Prediction and Artificial Release of Earthquakes

plans for a solution of the prediction problem. Also here, a lO-year plan
had been proposed for intensified observations in three seismic areas:
California, Nevada, and Alaska. Cost estimates for the original project
appeared very high (about 140 million dollars), and economic considerations
were a major obstacle to the realization of the original plan. On the other
hand, it has been emphasized quite correctly that this cost would correspond
only to a very small fraction of the losses in a destructive earthquake in
California. And this holds stilI true, even though later requests amount to
3 to 4 times as much. Thus, for a lO-year plan proposed in 1976 the sum has
risen to 490 million dollars, to be shared about equally between the U.S.
Geological Survey and the National Science Foundation in a broad attack
on the whole problem. In the USSR, investigations aiming at earthquake
prediction have been started in several seismic areas in Siberia, as in Garm
and Tien-Shan and on Kamchatka.
In planning for a solution of the prediction problem, we have at
present a better background than ever before, partly because of the interest
from national and international bodies, partly because of the very much
increased effectiveness in modern seismological observations and data hand-
ling techniques. It is also true to say that the time has passed when earth-
quake prediction was left only to amateurs, who underrated the inherent
difficulties, and unfortunately made the field one of bad scientific reputation.
The consequence was that for many years anyone who pretended to be
able to predict earthquakes was placed in the same category as those
who tried to construct a perpetual motion machine. Such prediction efforts
have correctly been dismissed from the scientific side. Many so-called pre-
dictions were also lacking the necessary precision. For instance, if I say that
an earthquake will occur tomorrow, I am one hundred percent right. This is
obvious from the earthquake statistics (Chapter 5). But such a 'prediction'
is completely useless. Some other viewpoints from a responsible seismologi-
cal side may also have acted as an obstruction to the development of scienti-
fically based earthquake prediction. In 1941, the famous geophysicist
GUTENBERG wrote among other things the following: 'Even if earthquake
predictions could be as accurate as weather forecasts, they probably would
do more harm than good since they would create a wrong feeling of security
and neglect of precautions agtinst eard:quake eff(cts where no prediction
has teen made and, on the other hand, they might cause unnecessary
Background and Purpose 293

worries where an imminent earthquake has been predicted.' In spite of such

obstructive factors, the prediction problem has since around 1960 been
seriously adopted both among seismologists and by responsible authorities.
It is now recognized everywhere that only a strictly scientific approach to
this problem will have any chance of success. This must be based on very
thorough testing of every idea, especially as we meet a field where our
knowledge is practically non-existing.
The prediction problem has a practical importance (to save at least
a large fraction of the 10 to 20 thousand lives lost annually in earthquakes
and their aftereffects; Table 11), but the problem has also a scientific im-
portance (to increase our knowledge about the earth's interior and the
acting forces). It is true that most large earthquakes are located in coastal
regions (especially around the Pacific Ocean) and many of these regions
are among the most populated in the world, e.g. Japan. As emphasized
in Chapter 5, economic interests play a far greater importance in the dis-
tribution of population than earthquake danger, at least on the whole.
It is considered more practical to take measures of precaution against
earthquakes and their effects. Such precautions can be developed along
two main lines:
1. Application of building codes: in this way, buildings and other
constructions, like dams, power plants, etc., can be made earthquake-proof.
Such codes are enacted by law in several countries, as, for instance, in parts
of the USA, USSR, Italy, etc. However, there are still many seismic areas
lacking such codes. For the preparation of building codes reliable seismic
maps are necessary. These are based in the first place on recorded and
observed earthquakes within the area in question. But such information
may often be insufficient, because the statistics may cover too short a time.
Then one may have to resort to historical information on earthquake
effects and, moreover, try to see relations between the tectonic structure
of an area, especially tectonic motions, and earthquakes. It is a common
experience that earthquake risk is always greater in the borderline zone
between different tectonic units than within each unit. Such studies may
result in seismic zoning maps (Chapter 5), which show the maximum intensity
which is likely to occur within each area. See also Chapter 4. As additional
precautionary measures against earthquake effects, it is of great importance
to prepare protection against fires, considering that fires, following major
294 Prediction and Artificial Release of Eartilqu,lhc,

earthquakes, often have caused greater damage than the earthquakes them-
selves (for example, San Francisco 1906, Tokyo 1923).
2. Earthquake prediction: through this, people could be protected
from catastrophes by evacuation and by other measures of precaution.
But evacuation with ensuing interruption of many activities is terribly
expensive, and no scientific seismologist would be willing to take that
responsibility before he had 100% certainty in his prediction. The' most
suitable procedure would probably be that seismologists for a long, long
test period make their own 'secret' predictions, and that official predic-
tions not be made until the technique has been developed to a sufficiently
high precision. Otherwise, there may again be a great risk of this whole
problem being discredited among the general pUblic.
To be of value, a prediction should tell the time of a coming shock
(preferably to the nearest day), its location (e.g. towns, villages etc., likely
to be damaged) and its intensity. From the practical point of view the
problem can be limited to damaging earthquakes, i.e. those above a maxi-
mum intensity of 7-8 in case of badly designed structures and of 9 for
specially designed structures, and the problem is naturally limited to
populated areas. From the scientific point of view prediction has signifi-
cance also for unpopUlated areas and also for deep shocks. In order to
understand the problem, it will be necessary to include also these shocks
in 'planned projects. We have also to consider that many seismic areas,
which are uninhabited today, will be built-up areas in the future. During
such expansions of the population into new areas, it is of the greatest
advantage if the earthquake engineer is able to give advice in the planning
of the building projects.
Items I and 2 represent two different aspects of the prediction prob-
lem; while I is concerned with statistical prediction, item 2 concerns de-
terministic prediction. Statistical prediction is based on past seismic history,
and can be made with fair reliability as soon as this is available. On the other
hand, deterministic prediction, i.e. prediction of isolated events, is a much
more difficult problem and for its solution a large variety of phenomena has
been investigated, as we shall learn in following sections.
There is hardly any problem that has so far-reaching consequences
as earthquake prediction. This is not only a scientific problem, but one with
the greatest concern for the general public and all its occupations. The public
The Physical and Observational Side of the Problem 295

experience of earthquake disasters is unique for at least two reasons,

compared to other natural disasters: firstly, earthquakes are sudden events
which usually occur without previous warning (at least nothing observable
to people); secondly, in any given place, the intervals between earthquake
disasters are frequently much longer than human lifetimes, whence most
people have no previous experience from such catastrophes. The repercus-
sions of earthquake predictions on numerous activities are enormous,
especially those of industrial and commercial as well as social nature, not to
mention earthquake insurance, etc., in short, the whole operation of a mo-
dern community. In the following two sections, we shall see how efforts are
made to approach the scientific side of the prediction problem.

10.2 The Physical and Observational Side of the Problem

Let us first approach the problem from the physical side and consider
the simplest possible model: a vertical string (this is essentially a one-
dimensional body) is loaded at its lower end, and the load is increased
continuously until the string breaks (for example, the load may be a vessel,
into which we are pouring mercury). If the initial load (at time t=O) is
zero, the string will break at a time 10=Fo:(dF/dt), where Fo is the load
at the breaking-point and dF/dt is the rate of increase of the load, this rate
assumed constant. Therefore, in order to predict the time 10 when the string
breaks we have to know both the rate with which the load increases with
time (dF/dt) and the properties of the string (which define Fo).
The string corresponds to the earth and the load to the stress- and
strain-generating forces in the earth. Professor H. BENIOFF in California
proposed some years ago a possible scheme for earthquake prediction which
corresponds essentially to this model. By observations of stress and strain
at an active fault and of the points in time when it breaks (i.e. when earth-
quakes occur) it would be possible to predict coming events. But accord-
ing to BENIOFF, observations would be needed for every single fault and
extending over at least two centuries, before reliable prediction could be
made. Experiences from one fault cannot simply be applied to other faults.
However, not only is the long time-scale of this project discouraging, also
the possibilities are uncertain .. The model is extremely oversimplified, since
for the real earth we have practically no reliable knowledge of the origin
296 Prediction and Artificial Release of Earthquakes

and nature of the acting forces, nor can we assume that stress and strain
vary linearly with time (rather the variation is apparently irregular, frequently
speeded up just before larger earthquakes, sometimes even reversed); further-
more, there are possible influences from external factors of various kinds
(such as activities on adjacent faults, triggering forces, etc.). The earth is
of a complicated and inhomogeneous structure, especially in earthquake
regions with numerous fractures, and we have practically no information
on breaking strength.
A direct physical approach to the prediction problem is therefore
practically impossible at present. As far as prediction is concerned, seis-
mology is certainly in a worse situation than meteorology, where it is
possible to make predictions of weather on a strict physical basis (using
large computers). In the distant future, similar predictions could be envisaged
in seismology. But there is a very long way to go before we know all para-
meters of importance and their n,umerical values for each region. There-
fore, in seismology we are forced to try indirect methods, i.e. to observe
various effects produced by increasing stress and strain, of all possible
kinds, both mechanical (tilts, slow motion, etc.) and electromagnetic. Ac-
tually, the present efforts are mainly based on 'trial and error', and in a
first attack one tries to include as many different effects as possible. To
conclude from observations of such effects something about the underly-
ing physical causes, is a very difficult interpretational problem, and has
resulted in many controversial statements, especially with regard to the
use of the various observations for prediction purposes. This difficulty is
further augmented by the fact that the observations are restricted to the
earth's surface or very near to it, i.e. we have observations only from one
boundary of the medium, from which we would need observations
Above we have specified the earthquakes for which prediction is
wanted. In view of the facts just mentioned, we could complete that state-
ment by defining the geographical scale on which prediction is possible
or wanted, and let us distinguish between small scale, intermediate scale,
and large scale. In a small-scale project we are only concerned with a single
fault. In this case the situation is closest to the physically simple model,
and this would correspond to BENIOFF'S scheme. On the other hand, in a
large-scale (or global-scale) project we are concerned with interrelationships
Existing Projects 297

between earthquakes, first in the same earthquake belt, later maybe over
the entire globe. The projects which have been proposed by some nations
belong rather to the intermediate scale and concern regional properties.
Then, we have to bear in mind that features of single faults will be 0 bscured
as we generally have to deal with an ensemble of a large number of faults
with different characteristics. The intermediate-scale projects are certainly
very useful, but in my opinion they could be even more valuable if extended
both to small-scale investigations (of a few well-defined faults) and to the
large-scale project.
Also the time scale of any observable changes is of crucial importance
for the success of any prediction project. Changes which would be observ-
able only over geological epochs or centuries are equally useless as very
rapid changes during a few seconds or so. Intermediate-scale changes, say
of days to years, are most likely to lead to success. In general, the larger the
earthquake magnitude is, the longer is the premonitory period.

10.3 Existing Projects

I shall summarize the essential points in the projects outlined by Japan,

China, the USA and the USSR and give some comments. The more im-
portant items are as follows:
1. Investigations of crustal deformation (slow motion), partly by
geodetic measurements (triangulations) repeated at intervals of only a few
years, partly by continuous recording with tide gauges, tiltmeters and
extenso meters (Fig. 106). In several cases, especially in Japan, it has been
observed that greater earthquakes are preceded by relatively rapid de-
formation of the ground (sinking, upheaval, tilts) several days in advance.
Even though the connection between such deformations and the following
earthquake is beyond doubt in the reported cases, it is questionable to what
extent this method can be generally used for prediction. There may be
large deformations without a following earthquake and there are earthquakes
without observable deformations beforehand. From Italy there are ob-
servations from time to time of slow vertical ground movements (Italian
"bradisismo"), which are taken as forerunners of coming earthquakes or
volcanic eruptions. Thus, the north Italian earthquake on May 6, 1976
(Table 11), is said to have been preceded by such movements.
298 Prediction and Artificial Release of Earthquakes

1· 75 f-r-----\....


Geodetic Measurements
Vertical Motion-Several cm
Tilts _10- 6 ,ad.
Volumetric Strain
_10- 5_10- 6

Number of
Seismic Events

Time Fig. 106. Various premonitory

Stage I phenomena ahead of the release
Elastic Strain Sudden of an earthquake. After MIACHKIN
Buildup Stress Drop et al. (1975), modified.

At the well-known San Andreas fault in California it has recently

been observed by means of accurate field measurements that stresses are
released not only by sudden rupture (as earthquakes) but also by slow
movements (which do not produce any recorded earthquakes, so-called
silent earthquakes). Such motion, on the average amounting to 11 mm/year,
does not occur continuously but only at certain times, but each time it
can last for several hours and it is not sudden as in ordinary earthquakes.
If such a slow stress release is of global importance, it would mean that
energy calculations (based on seismic records) would only yield a fraction
of the strain energy. Laser techniques offer the hitherto most accurate
method to measure such motion over a longer distance (see Chapter 2).
Existing Projects 299

Modern techniques permit accurate measurements of relative motion

of points at large, even global, mutual distance, thus providing a link be-
tween earthquake prediction and plate tectonics (Section 6.3). There are
essentially two techniques which are in use:
a) Laser ranging, using laser rays reflected from reflectors on artifi-
cial satellites or on the moon. Measurements of travel times to different
points on the earth's surface yield information on their relative motion.
b) Very long baseline interferometry, using radio antenna stations to
track quasars, i.e. very distant radio stars. Measuring the difference of arrival
of signals to different stations yields information on their relative motion.
Other methods consist of direct measurements in situ of the absolute
stresses in the solid earth. Such measurements carried out at many places
on the earth by Professor NILS HAST (Sweden) exhibit a remarkable com-
mon property, namely very large horizontal compressional stresses, many
times larger than the weight of the overburden. To map stresses and their
time variations around active faults would certainly be very instructive.
A disadvantage inherent in these as well as all other direct measurements
is their limitation to the level nearest the earth's surface (for the stress mea-
surements mentioned, to about 1 km depth), while earthquakes in general
occur at considerably greater depth.
2. Intensified instrumental observations of earthquakes, especially of
microearthquakes (magnitude less than 3; Fig. 106). Volcanic eruptions are
often preceded by a series of small shocks, and the prediction of a volcanic
eruption seems to be more reliable than the prediction of a large earth-
quake from series of small earthquakes. The difficulty is that so far we
have no reliable criterion by which to tell if a small earthquake is a fore-
shock or a more or less isolated event. If such a criterion could be found,
it would certainly be very helpful. The number of shocks in relation to
magnitude could possibly give a clue, as such a relation seems to be de-
pendent on the current stress conditions in the earth. In particular, such
relations appear to be different for foreshocks (when the stress in the
medium is high) and for aftershocks (when the stress is low). However,
in order to establish such relations, a series of observable foreshocks
is required which would permit a determination of the magnitude rela-
tion. Moreover, it is required that the conditions are known from earlier
investigations for the region concerned. Another way of discriminating
300 Prediction and Artificial Release of Earthquakes

between fore- and aftershocks may be offered by the observation, par-

ticularly by Russian seismologists, that the wave frequency, at least of
S-waves, is noticeably higher for foreshocks than for aftershocks. This is
presumably due to the higher stress in the rock during the foreshocks.
Within seismic areas it is possible to record hundreds of micro-
earthquakes per day (as a rule 200jday in Japan, over 100 in Central Asia,
etc.). There is therefore no need to wait very long until statistically useful
data have been collected, to establish, for instance, a relation between
number of shocks and their magnitude [see equation (1) in Chapter 5].
Then, the idea is to extrapolate such relations to considerably larger mag-
nitudes and in this way to produce a statistics as would otherwise take
many years to accumulate. However, caution is required in such extrapola-
tion to large magnitudes. While this would appear to be permissible within
certain areas, it is clearly unreliable in others. The reason for this is that
the relation between number and magnitude of shocks may be different
for different magnitude intervals. In such cases the kind of extrapola-
tion mentioned leads as a rule to an overestimate of the number of large
It ought to be emphasized that thorough studies of series of after-
shocks may give useful information about the rheological properties of
the solid earth. Analysis of such time series may be made with the techniques
developed in Chapter 6. There is no doubt that series may behave differently
in different regions. Sometimes, such differences have been interpreted as
indicating corresponding differences of the material properties or the stress
variations in different regions. For a better approach to a solution of this
problem we also need comparative studies of different aftershock series
which have occurred in the same earthquake region. If predictions of the
development of the aftershock activity were possible, these would also be of
great practical significance. It has often been observed that buildings which
have had their joints loosened by the main shock have subsequently col-
lapsed completely as a consequence of a relatively insignificant aftershock.
This has often given the impression that such an aftershock was consider-
ably stronger than its magnitude indicates, sometimes even stronger than
the main earthquake.
We usually do not discourage people from taking tourist trips or
other journeys to seismic countries. We may only warn against visits to
Existing Projects 301

places where a disastrous earthquake has occurred, shortly after such an

event. Such visits are only for rescue parties and for seismologists, engineers
and others who investigate the effects. There is naturally always a certain
risk in visiting seismic areas-even though this risk is smaller than in
traffic-and the risk is in fact that much greater the longer such an area has
remained quiet with no larger earthquakes.
3. Intensified research, mapping, etc., of active faults, using all
available geological and tectonophysical methods.
4. Observations of radon emission (radon is an inert radioactive gas).
For example, radon gas increased anomalously in well water before the
earthquake swarm at Tashkent in 1966.
5. Observations of electromagnetic phenomena, especially variations
in the geomagnetic field, in the electrical conductivity of rocks and in earth
currents in seismically active areas (Fig. 106). These are based on the experi-
ence that stress changes in the earth are combined with electromagnetic ef-
fects. However, such variations due to stress changes are generally smaller
than variations caused by other factors. In order to separate the seismo-mag-
netic variations, it is therefore most suitable to combine two or more stations
and to investigate differences between them. In some exceptional cases
motions have been observed in the ionosphere, which are considered as
due to such disturbances in the earth's magnetic field. Russian investi-
gations in Kamchatka, the Caucasus and Central Asia have revealed a
relatively shallow origin (10-20 km depth) of some geomagnetic varia-
tions. Clear relations to some volcanic eruptions have been noticed and
great hope is expressed that earthquakes also could be predicted by this
As in most other aspects of the prediction problem, there are con-
troversial opinions about the usefulness of these observations. While some
consider geomagnetic variations to be a reliable indication of a coming
earthquake, others consider their value questionable.
6. Laboratory investigations of rock behaviour under extreme pres-
sures and temperatures. It has been found that most rocks are relatively
resistant to compression, but they soon break under a shear stress. One
problem of great significance concerns the origin and propagation of
cracks. Another important problem concerns the behaviour of various ma-
terials showing creep effects on the application or removal of a load
(Fig. 69).
302 Prediction and Artificial Release of Earthquakes

7. Determination of seismic wave velocity, especially of the P-wave,

by field measurements or by regular recording of near and distant events.
This idea is based on the fact that stress changes in the earth will give rise to
velocity variations prior to an earthquake. Even better success has been
experienced in investigations of the velocity ratio as well as the amplitude
ratio of PIS and their variations with time for a given area.
This discovery is ascribed to Russian seismological experience, espe-
cially from investigations in the Garm area. Since around 1971, these ideas
have been adopted and further developed by American seismologists, with
field data primarily from California. It is a common feature of the Russian
and American measurements that the local P-wave velocity (vp) and the
local ratio of P- and S-wave velocities (vplv s ) exhibit a characteristic va-
riation for some time prior to the release of an earthquake (Fig. 106).
The time scale varies from case to case and can be anything between days
and years. Similar velocity variations are reported also from Japan and
China. Somewhat different explanations have been produced to lighten
this behaviour. The American explanation, usually called the dilatancy-
diffusion model, assumes one stage (dilatancy) in which cracks open up,
with seismic velocities decreasing, followed by another stage (diffusion)
in which cracks are filled with water whence the velocities increase again.
At the end of the diffusion stage, when velocities have returned to their
original values, the main earthquake occurs. The Russian explanation is
similar, including crack formation in intact rock. However, it does not
assume any diffusion stage, but works exclusively with experience from
fracture mechanics, explaining the velocity increase by crack closure. It is
still unsolved which one of the two explanations is the best approximation,
but they certainly both point to essential developments in the rock due to
stress accumulation prior to its release.
There is no doubt about the observed velocity variation, but the
suggested explanations may as always stimulate to some further questions.
Considering the dilatancy-diffusion model, we may make the following
a) The water is probably in a liquid state due to pressure increase
with depth. The critical point of water corresponds to a pressure of 218
atmospheres (equivalent to the weight of the overburden at a depth of
around 0.7 km) and a temperature of 374°C (approximately corresponding
Existing Projects 303

to a depth of 11 km in the earth). In the depth range down to 11 km, the

water should then be in its liquid state.
b) Considerably deeper penetration of water appears difficult to
visualize. Particularly for deep shocks, it seems probable that the mecha-
nism is different. So far, the method has apparently been tested only in
areas of relatively shallow shocks.
c) The clear separation into two distinct stages - dilatancy and
diffusion (Fig. 106) - is an empirical fact. But in the explanation it appears a
little hard to realize such a separation, as one would rather be inclined to
expect a more continuous influx of water simultaneously with the dilatancy
process. In other words, if the dilatancy-diffusion model is accepted, there
must be some additional mechanism whereby the clear two-stage separation
comes about.
d) With the clear two-stage dilatancy-diffusion development, one
would be tempted to expect a corresponding two-stage development of the
electrical resistivity. But as Figure 106 shows, there is no such two-stage
development, a fact which also raises certain questions concerning the
exact mechanism.
Nevertheless, among the many different experiments undertaken to
find reliable methods for earthquake prediction, it is now clear that the
method of velocity variations is the best and most reliable one. Therefore,
in many earthquake prediction projects, the main emphasis is nowadays laid
on further investigations of such velocity variations.
8. In addition to the methods outlined above, which are generally
of an instrumental nature, we also note non-instrumental observations of
various earthquake forerunners. These consist for example of the be-
haviour of animals, which become uneasy, or of changes of water level and
turbidity in wells, etc. Such observations, based on a long experience from
history, playa significant role also today, especially in China, where a large
number of amateur seismologists is engaged in such observations and their
reporting to central institutions. From China there are several reports of
successful predictions, based on a wide range of both instrumental and
non-instrumental observations. A noteworthy case is the Liaoning earth-
quake on February 4, 1975 (Table 11), when a great number of people could
be saved. This is considered as the first major earthquake that has been
predicted successfully (ADAMS, 1976).
304 Prediction and Artificial Release of Earthquakes

Finally, concerning all methods for earthquake prediction, it is very

important that observations are made in a variety of seismic areas and that
results are compared. This is important for areas with very similar seismic
structure, as for example the San Andreas fault in California and the North
Anatolian fault in Turkey. But it is also important to compare regions with
quite different seismic regime.
In spite of all remaining problems, there is no doubt that the prospects
for successful earthquake predictions are brighter today than ever before.
The optimists in the USA, working in this field, estimate that within about
10 years from now (1977) it will be possible to issue public warnings for
earthquakes on a rather regular basis, at least for the best investigated areas,
like California. In recent (1977) statements from Japan, hopes are expressed
that before long it will be possible to issue warnings for earthquakes with a
magnitude M::> 7 with an accuracy of about 10 km in location and 2 to 3
years in time. The low timing accuracy is, of course, still discouraging, and
could hardly be of real value for evacuation purposes, but could be enough
for taking other measures of precaution.

10.4 Oscillations and Migrations

In this section I shall outline some evidence for apparent relationships be-
tween earthquakes on a large scale, a field of study which has not received
as much attention as it would deserve in the current projects. When an
earthquake occurs at some point of the earth, the stress conditions are
changed at this point. But as the whole earth constitutes one great stress
system, a change at one point would be expected to have repercussions at
all other points-even if small. This would be still more expected within
one and the same earthquake belt, which more obviously constitutes one
stress system. However, modern plate tectonics is able to offer a more
plausible explanation of this behaviour.
It has frequently been observed that seismic activity apparently wan-
ders from place to place along an earthquake belt. These wanderings are
of two kinds: oscillation and migration. See Table 23. Oscillation patterns
are found in aftershock areas and imply a more or less periodic shift of the
highest seismic activity between the two extremes of the area. It was ex-
ceptionally well developed in the Aleutian aftershock sequence in 1957,
Oscillations and Migrations 305

Table 23. Some examples of oscillation and migration.

Direction Oscillation Migration

Horizontal Aleutian Islands Chile

(DUD A, 1962)1 (DUDA, 1963)
California California-Chile
(DUDA and BATH, 1963) (T AMRAZY AN, 1962)
Chile Carpathians-Kamchatka
(DUDA, 1963) (TAMRAZYAN,1962)
Atlantic Ocean-Burma
(BATH, 1966)
(first presented here)
Vertical Kamchatka Southwest Pacific Ocean
(TARAKANOV,1961) (BLOT, 1963)

1 The information in the brackets refers to the discovery.

the oscillation period increasing with time from a few hours just after the
main earthquake and approaching about 300 days three years later. Oscil-
lations have been found not only in horizontal directions along a belt,
but also in the vertical direction as, for instance, along the sloping planes
shown in Figures 54 and 55. Migration patterns, on the other hand, are
unidirectional and only found in ordinary series of earthquakes, excluding
aftershock sequences. A repeated northward migration in Chile between
35 oS and 10 oS was found for the years 1957-60, the speed of migration
increasing from 7.6 km/day in the first cycle to 41.4 km/day in the fourth.
These cycles all began at the southern end of the belt and moved north-
wards. This scheme was interrupted by the large Chilean earthquakes in
May 1960. Similarly, a southward migration from California to Chile has
been found for 1951-8.
The east-west belt extending from the middle of the Atlantic over
the Mediterranean area and southern Asia has a tendency to show an east-
ward migration of seismic activity. Especially clear sequences occurred
in 1962 and 1976 (see Fig. 107). It should be noted that all these shocks are
significant in the sense that their magnitudes are well above the average,
except for the earthquake in Spain (August 14, 1962) which had a much smal-
ler magnitude. Note that in this sequence the magnitude increases gradually
to a maximum of 7.1 (Iran) and then decreases again. The Mediterranean
20 Bath: Introduction to Seismology
306 Prediction and Artificial Release of Earthquakes

5000 10000 15000 5000 10000 15000



~ 10 0 IONIAN SEA 6·7

~ 15 'O'SPAIN
:>: o SOVIET 7·3
20 20
o ITALY 6·'

25 25
o GREECE 6·8
o CHINA 7·0
30 30

\'' ' '"'

o IRAN 7·'

10 10
\ o TADZHIK 6·9
:e 1S
~ \

"'5!! 15
\ "-
~ 20 SUMATRA 7·' 0 \ Vl 20

25 IRIAN 7·3 \0

Fig. /07. Eastward earthquake migrations along the Mediterranean to southern Asia belt in 1976 and in
1962. Distances are measured along the earthquake belts starting from the epicentre of the initial earthquake.
After each geographical name, the magnitude M is given.

and the mid-Atlantic belts join each other in the middle of the Atlantic.
Such junctions (and also bends) are places of high stress concentration and
could be assumed to be sources of migration patterns. As a matter of fact,
an oscillation pattern can be looked upon from the same viewpoint. In this
case-in an aftershock region-there are in general two 'poles' of increased
stress accumulation, at either end of the belt. It is from these poles that the
activity starts, and it becomes oscillatory with two poles, but migratory with
only one pole. A migration very similar to the one from 1962 was observed
in 1976 (Fig. 107) extending from Italy to Irian in western New Guinea.
As seen in Figure 107, the migration velocity is nearly constant and
is equal to 12 to 14 km/h. With this velocity known, we could predict the time
of occurrence of the shocks with an average error of ± 2 days, starting from
the time and location of the initial shock and assuming the locations
of all subsequent shocks known. However, the constancy of this velocity
from case to case cannot be relied upon, and, what is still worse, we have
Oscillations and Migrations 307

no knowledge of where along the belt the releases will occur. Such global
systems have to be supplemented by detailed investigations at the various
earthquake sites.
The shocks in Agadir, Morocco (February 29, 1960) and Lar, Iran
(April 24, 1960) may be looked upon in a similar way, but with more doubt:
partly because of the small magnitudes of the shocks (even though devastat-
ing), partly because of the lack of shocks in between. The migration velocity
would then be about 5 km/h.
On the basis of such indications there is reason to suspect similar
relationships between earthquakes all along the circum-Pacific belt. Com-
bined studies of time and space distribution of seismicity will certainly
prove useful. As an addition to the current projects, it is therefore of im-
portance to coordinate observations all along that belt as densely as pos-
sible, at least for a limited time. A systematic and comparative study of
deformation and energy release in aftershocks (in relation to main shocks and
foreshocks) is also of great significance.
Another related problem concerns the 'sympathetic' behaviour of
earthquakes over the globe, implying that relatively quiet intervals alternate
with intervals of higher seismic activity. It has been found that earthquakes,
even in widely different parts of the earth, frequently occur in groups,
separated by quieter periods. Statistical tests have suggested that the pheno-
menon is not real, but still it cannot be excluded that there is some real
phenomenon behind this. On the other hand, in the oscillation and migration
patterns there is implicitly contained an opposite tendency in neighbouring
areas: when activity in one of them increases, it decreases in the next one.
Also, when aftershocks following large earthquakes take place, there is
apparently a decrease in the seismic activity over the rest of the earth. It
would seemingly be easy to dismiss this as just due to a concentration of the
attention on the aftershocks (disregarding other shocks) or that the records
are so overcrowded by aftershocks that no others are discovered. Neither is a
true statement (the latter only for 2-3 hours after the main shock) and
therefore this may be attributed to some real phenomenon-but what?
It should be added that there are notable exceptions to this as to most other
observations in the prediction field.
Even though observations like these have been made for many years,
it was not until the advent of the new global tectonics or plate tectonics
308 Prediction and Artificial Release of Earthquakes

theories (Section 6.3) that plausible explanations could be produced.

That one earthquake can release another earthquake at a greater distance,
even within the same belt, is an idea that has to be dismissed. But larger
plates which move in relation to each other, provide an acceptable explana-
tion. For example, the eastward migration in the Mediterranean and south-
ern Asia could be explained by slow motion of the African-Indian plates
towards the Euroasiatic plate, combined with a small rotation. Speeds of only
5 cm/year of the plate motion would be enough to explain the propagation
of the contact point eastwards by 12 to 14 km/h. Likewise, the world-wide
sympathetic behaviour of earthquakes can get a reasonable explanation
from plate motions. A related problem is the alternation of quiet and active
periods, which would require irregular motion of the plates. This cannot
be excluded, but to explain the reason, we are rather referred to hypotheses.
One is that the driving force, probably due to convection currents in the
earth's mantle, would vary in intensity. Another possibility is that external
forces vary, e.g. gravity action from the moon, sun and planets, according
to their relative positions. Anyway, these ideas suggest that a fruitful com-
bination could probably be made between the new global tectonics and
large-scale (global-scale) earthquake prediction.
If the reader has got the impression that prediction is a field about
which the specialist's knowledge is very limited-then this is a correct
impression. But nevertheless it is gratifying to know that there is active
interest in the problems and that current projects, preferably supplemented
as outlined here, will make the prospects much brighter. In a decade or two,
it will probably be possible to issue predictions regularly and generally.
Our discussion has so far been limited to purely natural processes,
both for strain accumulation and release. With external influences, especially
those of an artificial nature, the prospects of prediction are much more
hopeful as we shall see in the following sections.

10.5 Trigger Effects

Another controversial point concerns the importance of triggering forces.

There are numerous forces which possibly could act as triggers. Meteoro-
logical factors (especially variations in air pressure) have been correlated
with seismic activity, and in some particular areas apparently good cor-
Trigger Effects 309

relations have been obtained. The forces produced by body tides are about
10 times as great and have therefore attracted more attention. Whereas
several scientists deny any correlation, usually on statistical grounds, others
believe in some tidal triggering of some large earthquakes. Figure 108


Fig. lOS. Curve illustrating how the time for a

break to occur (breaking time) increases with
BREAKING TIME - - diminishing overstress.

illustrates a difficulty by virtue of which many efforts to demonstrate cor-

relation between possible triggers and earthquakes fail: if the excess over
the critical stress (breaking stress) is small, it will take a very long time
before a release occurs; in other words, the greater the overstress, the
sooner will the release take place. This is true whatever the trigger is. Quite
generally, it is always difficult to prove the existence of a triggering force:
there must be very careful and balanced cooperation between the trigger
and the stress system in the earth. If the stress is far from release, no addi-
tional small force will have any effect whatsoever. And if the stress is near
release, this will come anyway, irrespective of possible triggers. This circum-
stance is one example of the great difficulty which is often encountered in
geophysical research: standard statistical tests will fail to give any positive
evidence even if there might be an effect sometimes. Also several simultane-
ous effects generally tend to mask each other. In such cases it is a more
reliable procedure to approach the problems from the physical side and not
only from the statistical side.
A unique opportunity of tidal trigger action has been expected for
1982 when several of the planets line up and reinforce their gravitational
310 Prediction and Artificial Release of Earthquakes

action on the earth. Besides regular tidal triggering, there does not seem to
be any reason for unusually many or large earthquakes, as testified by a
number of scientists. The tidal action of planets is anyway quite small;
also on an earlier similar planetary constellation, no exceptional earthquake
activity took place.
Besides the triggers mentioned, which are of natural origin, there
are artificial triggers, created by human activities, which have become of
great 'significance in recent years. Since around 1940 it has been observed
at a number of places around the world that the local seismic activity has
increased some time after the construction of a dam and the impounding
of a reservoir. This phenomenon has usually been ascribed to the increased
load on the earth's surface due to the dam and especially the artificial
lake. Later observations indicate, however, that other effects also may be
involved. The observation that large underground explosions release strain
and are thus followed by a local sequence of 'aftershocks' is much more
recent. The reason is that it is only in the last few years, since 1965 and
with greater intensity from 1968 onwards, that large underground explosions
have been made (Chapter 11). Mining operations are still another trigger,
releasing small local shocks, called rockbursts (see further Section 10.8).

10.6 Dams and Earthquakes

Let us consider the earthquake mechanism by applying what school physics

tells us about friction. Figure 109a shows the well-known picture, where
the block on the rough surface begins to move when the force F is equal
to the product IN of the frictional coefficient I and the normal stress (pres-
sure) N (M =the mass of the block and g=the acceleration due to gravity).
The common contact surface corresponds to the fault surface in an earth-
quake, and the force F corresponds to the stress in the solid earth, due to
the action of tectonic forces between blocks and structures. We assume the
force F to increase linearly with time and we consider only purely elastic
effects, i.e. we disregard elastic aftereffects and other more complicated
cases. Then, we can illustrate an earthquake sequence as in Figure 109b.
Every time F(t) attains the value IN or slightly above, a sudden 'pull'
occurs (i.e. an earthquake occurs). The stress is then released practically
instantly, i.e. F(t) falls almost immediately to a value considerably below
Dams and Earthquakes 311

~~) l)!6FV ~/

~(f)~ 1
1 -
1- ~1~6(fN)
/1----"------' IN

. ~t) VV~/
TIME (I) ---

Fig. 109. Schematic picture of an earthquake process

and its changes due to external influences of various

IN (in Fig.109,fN is identified with the release level). After this, the phenom-
enon is repeated in a similar manner and this continues over geological
Obviously, this process and especially the condition F(t)?EIN can
be influenced, if any of the factors entering this relation can be changed
due to some external effects. We consider two cases.
1. In Figure 109c we assume that at a certain moment F receives
a constant increment of, while I and N are kept constant. As we easily see
from the figure, the effect is that the value IN is reached earlier. This means
312 Prediction and Artificial Release of Earthquakes

that the next earthquake will be released earlier than in the undisturbed
case. On the other hand, its magnitude (corresponding to the frictional
force IN) will be unaffected as well as the frequency of shocks thereafter.
2. If instead we change the frictional force fN, keeping F(t) unaf-
fected, we get the situation shown in Figure 109d. If fN is decreased by
fJ(IN), then the next shock will again occur earlier, but its magnitude
will be lower as IN is lower. Figure 109d also shows that the earthquake
frequency will be increased. The total energy released during a longer
time span will nevertheless be unchanged as long as the generating factor F
is unaffected.
By combination of Figures 109c and I09d it is easy to deduce the
development also under other conditions. This model is naturally a strong
simplification of reality, but still it can serve well as a first approximation.
In nature, F(t) does often not vary linearly with time, but shows a much
more complicated time variation with both accelerations and retardations
depending on various influences. In nature, we have also to assume that,
for some interval before the release, F(t»fN by a finite amount, corre-
sponding to the unstable area above the IN-level in Figure 109, and that
the release level is somewhat abovefN (cf. Fig. 108). A more exact treat-
ment must also take into account thatfis lower when in motion than when
at rest. Finally, in nature we have not to deal with just one fracture but
generally with a system of fractures, which can be more or less parallel.
The different fractures behave differently, especially with regard to their
values of f and N, and they can influence each other. All this leads to a
complicated time function.
Figure 10ge gives a somewhat more realistic picture with an almost
vertical fracture below a dam. In this case the load of the dam means an
increase of the force F (as in Fig. 109c). The slope of the fault surface is
of great significance, and we easily see that if this surface were horizontal
the effect of the water load would only be an increase of the normal pressure
N. Then, the water load would impede the release. For a sloping fault
surface the water load affects both F and N, and these effects can be of
opposite sign. If instead we had unloaded the surface, we could have di-
minished F (i.e. a negative fJF in Fig. 109c), which would also have had an
impeding effect on the seismic activity.
As is clear from Figure 109d, the process can be influenced not
Dams and Earthquakes 313

only by load changes but also by changing! or N. The penetration of water

into existing cracks in the earth's crust can lead to a decrease both of the
friction between the rock walls (lubrication) and of the normal pressure by
the separation effect of a water system which is continuous from the surface
However, in every case we have to remember that the effects dealt
with here are small in comparison with the underlying tectonic phenomena
and that the additional effects are to be considered as triggers. Moreover,
contrary to the tectonic forces, the effects of a dam reservoir do not con-
tinue. Once their effect (due to load or injection of water) has released stres-
ses, there is no more stress generation or release due to the dam. In other
words, the only forces then active are the natural ones, i.e. those which
existed already before the dam was built. Therefore, in agreement with
observations, the increased seismic activity due to a dam construction is
only of a temporary nature.
The first observations of increased seismic activity caused by a reser-
voir were made by MEAD and CARDER (1941) at Boulder dam (now called
Hoover dam) in the Colorado river in the USA. No earthquakes had been
recorded from this area for 15 years, but after the construction of the dam
in 1935 activity started: the first shock in September 1936, followed by
about 100 shocks in 1937, and culminating in May 1939, with a maximum
magnitude M of 5.0, after which conditions returned to normal, i.e. as
they were before the dam existed. This seems to be an observation of gen-
eral validity, i.e. that no lasting change occurs. This is also in accord with
Figure 109c.
After this, CALOI (1966, with additional references) is among those
who have worked most thoroughly on this problem since around 1950,
particularly in relation to the dams Pieve di Cadore, Tolmezzo, Vajont,
and others in Italy. CALOI has emphasized the importance of more extensive
observations, in addition to the seismic ones, near dam sites. Thus, he
refers to continuous observations of changes in the elastic properties of
the bedrock due to a dam; furthermore vibrograph recordings to estab-
lish free vibrational periods of various earth layers (to avoid resonance
effects in the dam) and inclinometer observations, by which slow changes
of slope in the vicinity of a dam can be discovered at an early stage.
A number of Greek seismologists (COMNINAKIS et aI., 1968) studied
314 Prediction and Artificial Release of Earthquakes

the conditions at the Cremasta dam in Greece. The impounding of water

began on July 21, 1965. A few shocks were noted near the lake already
in August 1965, and in December the shock frequency started an exponential
increase up to February 5, 1966, when a bigger, damaging shock (mag-
nitude M = 6.2) occurred. This was followed by an aftershock sequence
during the rest of 1966. It is their opinion that the foreshocks and the main
earthquake were released by the water load in the Cremasta lake. But it is
also emphasized that it was a coincidence that the impounding was made at
a time when the tectonic energy was near release anyway.
On December 10,1967, a destructive earthquake of magnitude M=6.5
occurred at Koyna, near Bombay in India. This is a relatively strong
earthquake to be located so far south of the seismic belt through southern
Asia, and a connection with the Koyna dam was suspected. Following
the impounding of the reservoir in 1963, an increased frequency of small
shocks occurred in the area, culminating in the large shock of December
1967. And this occurred in an area considered to be very stable, apart
from, to some extent, the Indian west coast. The December shock of 1967
is rated as the largest which has occurred in historical time in the peninsular
shield of India. This event attracted enormous interest and was the impulse
to many geophysical and geological investigations. These investigations
seem to suggest the existence of a relatively deep, north-south fault through
the area. This dormant fault was probably reactivated by the reservoir
load. However, several Indian seismologists are of the opinion that the
dam did not release the earthquake, but that this was a purely natural
phenomenon. Some scientists suggest that the large number of small shocks
since 1963 were directly caused by the reservoir load, while these in turn
released (by trigger action) the larger shock in 1967.
On seismicity maps of later years the area around the Kariba dam
on the border between Zambia and Rhodesia exhibits a strong concentra-
tion of mainly smaller shocks. This activity is considered to be due to the
artificial Kariba lake. The water began to be impounded in 1958. The
strongest seismic activity came in September 1963, with among others a
magnitude M = 6.1 earthquake on September 23. After this, the activity has
again decreased. A Bulawayo report of 1969 gives the following excellent
summary of the development: 'In general terms, and up to the present
time, the pattern at Lake Kariba appears to have followed the pattern
Dams and Earthquakes 315

of behaviour at other large dams at which seismic activity has occurred.

The pattern is as follows: (1) The region contained pre-existing weaknesses
in otherwise competent rock. (2) Prior to the building of the dam the region
was apparently seismically inert. (3) Weak but persistent seismic activity
commenced very soon after water started being impounded. (4) Some time
later there occurred an outburst of intense activity which accounted for
almost all the seismic energy released. (5) After the outburst the activity
continued at a gradually decreasing level for a considerable time.'
To this scheme we may comment that item (3) is explained by the
schematic picture in Figure 109, and these small shocks are probably a
direct result of the dam reservoir. Item (4), however, corresponds to a
larger shock, often of magnitude M =6-61/ 2 and occurring 3-4 years after
the impounding of water. This is not directly contained in our Figure 109,
and its relation to the dam and to the 'foreshocks' (item 3) is still an open
problem. It is conceivable, though not at all proved, that the foreshock
activity is due to the fact that dam reservoirs are filled gradually, over an
interval of several years, and that the main shock only occurs when the
water level has reached a certain critical value (about 100 metres).
The seismic activity developed after dam constructions exhibits a
pattern quite similar to what nature itself produces: a minor foreshock
s~quence, one or a few major earthquakes, a long sequence of aftershocks.
The question why, for instance, foreshocks occur is not unique to the
dam problem, but concerns nature itself. A major earthquake requires
the practically simultaneous release of strain over a larger volume of rock.
Foreshocks are much smaller and are localized to zones of weaknesses and
naturally the first to be released after the application of a load (Fig. 109c).
Their effect is to create a more uniform stress field over a larger volume, a
necessary prerequisite for a major earthquake to occur.
In the cases mentioned the increased load is usually believed to be the
reason for the increased seismic activity. Quite generally, it appears that
the water depth is more significant than the water volume, and that water
depths of 100 metres and more are needed to cause appreciable seismic
activity. On the other. hand, observations of variations of IN (Fig. 109d),
and thus released shocks, are of later date and are so far almost exclusively
limited to Denver in Colorado. In 1962, injections of waste water into a
well, 3670 metres deep, started. This led to a marked increase in shock
316 Prediction and Artificial Release of Earthquakes

activity in an area, where no shocks had been noted since 1882. For in-
stance, from April 1962 to November 1965, more than 700 earthquakes
were recorded in the area, the greatest magnitude M being 4.3. As a con-
sequence it was decided at the beginning of 1966 to give up the water
injection. The area appears to be underlain by steeply dipping faults. Later,
the same results have been obtained through special water-injection experi-
ments at Rangely in Colorado. Similar effects are probably of significance
also in dam reservoirs, caused by water penetrating through cracks and
fractures in the crust.
The cases reported exclude any doubt about the seismic effects of dam
reservoirs. Cases with increased activity have naturally attracted most at-
tention, whereas the opposite case (decreased activity) can also be expected
due to a dam. One difficulty inherent in most observations of this kind is
that seismic recording at dam sites has usually been started only at or
some time after the construction of the dam. In order to make reliable
and quantitative conclusions on the role of the dam as a seismic stimulator,
we would need a long series of observations at the dam site before the
dam existed. Teleseismic observation is too insensitive to small local shocks
to act as a useful substitute. Special sensitive seismograph stations in the
near vicinity of the dam site are necessary. This is certainly something
to bear in mind in future dam construction. In the cases reported above
the information from the time prior to the dam is for the most part in-
complete, but in all cases the general opinion is that the increased seismic
activity occurred well correlated to the dam construction.
In deciding upon the causative relations between reservoir loading
and shock activity, the correlations between time series of these two para-
meters are most informative. This is especially true when the reservoir
load has been changed several times and a significant correlation with
the local seismic activity is obtained. Such diagrams, usually convincing.
have been produced in most cases reported above.
Dams are usually built in narrow passages in order to create a lake
from a river, flowing through the passage. But such gorges are only found
in complicated topography, which - at least in seismic areas - may have
originated through some earlier seismic activity. This gives us special reason
to be careful in selecting a site for a new dam, and every dam construction,
especially in seismic areas, must be preceded by careful geophysical and
Explosions and Earthquakes 3 I7

geological investigations. It is probably rather exceptional that the reservoir

load gives rise to new cracks in the crust and, more usual, that already
existing cracks are activated. This explains why seismic activity can reappear
where shocks have occurred only far back in time. If in Figure 109d we
assume the tectonic forces F to have been weakened so much that the orig-
inallevelfN is no longer reached (i.e. no shocks occur), then a lowering of
this level can lead to a new series of shocks.
From time to time it has been said that the water load is the shock-
generating factor and that tectonic stresses are only of secondary importance.
This suggestion appears very unlikely for several reasons. A water column
exerts a pressure which is only about one-third of that of the surrounding
rock medium. Furthermore, even in stable areas horizontal pressures have
been measured, which are about 10 times the weight of the overburden
(HAST, 1958, 1967; cf. Chapter 2) and thus about 30 times the water pres-
sure. Finally, in tectonically active areas stresses are probably orders of
magnitude higher still than in stable areas. The water pressure is no doubt
significant, but its role is only one of releasing or triggering.
In this problem we are certainly facing a version of the law of action
and reaction: the dam influences seismic activity; by the same token, this
activity influences the dam. The last factor is of course not the least im-
portant, and in potential seismic areas, the effects of seismic forces on the
dam must be included in the calculations of the dam construction.
We can state that an accurate knowledge of fluid pressure and its
variations on and inside the earth is of great significance in connection
with the problem of earthquake prediction. But we should remember that
the most essential factor is, after all, conditions in the earth's crust, i.e.
whether or not stresses exist which can be released as shocks. Considering
this, there is generally no reason to fear any seismic effects of dams in stable
areas with no faults, neither active nor dormant.

10.7 Explosions and Earthquakes

Nuclear explosions will be dealt with in the next chapter. Table 30 presents
the largest detonated underground explosions.
The Amchitka tests of October 2, 1969, and November 6, 1971,
which were announced beforehand, caused some strong protests from Japan
318 Prediction and Artificial Release of Earthquakes

and Canada, referring to the possibility of earthquake release by such

large underground explosions. Considering this problem, It IS appropriate
to distinguish between (1) release of smaller 'aftershocks' and (2) release
of major earthquakes. As far as (1) is concerned we have already gained
quite some experience from the large underground Nevada tests, especially
since the beginning of 1968. This area has a natural seismicity, and these
tests have led to the release of a large number of aftershocks, in many
respects similar to the aftershock sequences following greater natural
earthquakes. Local observations and recordings in Nevada have shown
that several thousand shocks have been released in the largest tests. How-
ever, special investigations show that all these aftershocks are very small
and that the largest has a magnitude m about one unit lower than that of
the explosion itself (Table 24).
The Nevada cases give closely agreeing values of the magnitude dif-
ference LIm (about 1.2). However, caution is required because we are com-
paring magnitudes for explosions and earthquakes. Due to various effects

Table 24. Examples of underground nuclear explosions which have released


Explosion site Observation Number of Magnitude Remark Data source

and date period aftershocks difference

1966 Dec 20 Dec 20-23 12 U.S. Coast and
Geodetic Survey
1968 Apr 26 Apr 26- U.S. Coast and
May 4 13 1.2 Geodetic Survey
Dec 19 Dec 19-31 33 1.3 30 aftershocks U.S. Coast and
Dec 19-23; in Geodetic Survey
all, about 10 000
1969 Sep 16 Sep 16-20 6 1.2 115 aftershocks U.S. Coast and
within the first Geodetic Survey
3 hours, with
.<1m= 1.3
Novaya Zemlya:
1973 Oct 27 Oct 27 5 2.6 Uppsala Seismo-
logical Bulletin
1974 Nov 2 Nov 2 2 (2.8) Uppsala Seismo-
logical Bulletin
Explosions and Earthquakes 319

it is more correct to reduce the value of Am by about 0.4 (Chapter II),

i.e. A111=0.8 gives a better estimate. Recalculated into surface-wave mag-
nitudes, this gives AM = 1.4, which is in good agreement with natural earth-
quake sequences. Expressed in energy, this means that even the largest
aftershock of an explosion has an energy amounting only to about 1 % of
the wave energy released in the explosion itself. Such small shocks are almost
always harmless.
An aftershock sequence occurred also after the Amchitka test in
October 1969, as the Aleutians are also seismic. The sequence was smaller
than anticipated on the basis of Nevada experience. None of these shocks,
nor the explosion itself, led to tsunamis of any significance, as was feared
in some of the protests. With this experience, it came as a rather great sur-
prise that underground nuclear explosions in a new test area in southern
Novaya Zemlya also produced aftershocks, especially as this area is gener-
ally considered aseismic. It is probably symptomatic that the explosions
were unusually strong, also that the magnitude difference was more than
twice as large as found for Nevada (Table 24). Lacking further information on
these aftershocks, the following information in this section is based upon
Nevada experience exclusively.
As a general rule it can be stated that significant increase in seismic
activity occurs after underground explosions only with a body-wave mag-
nitude m exceeding 51-. This in fact is a threshold value for explosions cor-
responding to the threshold of 100 metre water depth in case of dam res-
ervoirs, mentioned above. In addition, the activity is strictly local, usually
not extending further than 20 km from the explosion site and only excep-
tionally twice this distance. A detailed account of effects of underground
nuclear explosions in Nevada, especially strain release and various geo-
logical effects, is given in the Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America
for December 1969.
Concerning point (2), i.e. release of a major earthquake by an ex-
plosion, some fear may be justified. However, an earthquake requires a
source of energy, and this consists of the strain energy corresponding to
the stresses in the solid earth. The earthquake occurs when the stresses
have grown so much that the medium breaks (usually at a fault surface).
The effect of an explosion in such a medium could be to release already
existing strain energy, but not to create any strain energy. We also under-
320 Prediction and Artificial Release of Earthquakes

stand that release of an earthquake by an explosion could only happen if

the earthquake was relatively near release anyway, i.e. the explosion would
act as a trigger. This would require quite a delicate balance between the
occurrence of the explosion and the state of stress in the earth. The condi-
tion is so special that, at least so far, no such thing has happened neither in
Nevada nor in any other test area.
Moreover, we can state that the effect of the explosion in case (2)
would only be to accelerate a development, which would inevitably take
place anyway.
Finally, we have to observe that a major earthquake involves the
practically simultaneous release of strain over a large volume-larger, the
larger the magnitude is. Table 25 shows that a shock of M =8.5 would

Table 25. Earthquake volumes (assumed hemispherical of radius r) corresponding to

given magnitudes [calculated from equation (1) in Chapter 6 and equation (3) in
Chapter 4].

M 8.5 III 7.7 ~m 180

8.0 7.4 100
7.0 6.8 33
6.6 6.6 20

require the almost simultaneous release over a volume with a radius of

no less than 180 km, assumed hemispherical with the explosion at the
centre. This must be considered as a very unlikely event, especially as ex-
perience shows that the aftershock area seldom extends beyond 20 km
from the shotpoint. Moreover, in the aftershock sequence there is no si-
multaneous release, but instead this is spread out over an interval of days
or weeks.
Obviously, the usual question whether large underground explosions
can release earthquakes must be answered in the affirmative. However, as
a rule there will be no catastrophic shocks. Such events could be released
in a seismic area only due to a rare coincidence of various conditions. To
be perfectly safe, it would be preferable to make large explosions in non-
seismic areas and to avoid the seismic ones. There is no support for the
belief, sometimes expressed, that nuclear explosions would influence the
seismic activity at remote locations or world-wide.
Explosions and Earthquakes 321

The mechanism of shock release due to explosions is essentially dif-

ferent from release due to dams. In the latter case it is a static pressure
which is the crucial factor, whereas explosions are transient phenomena of
short duration. The exact mechanism for relea.se by explosions is less
clear. For one thing there can be permanent rock displacements (which in
their turn may have a releasing influence on the stress field, as for example
by the opening of cracks), for another there may be the transient pressure
pulse, which at places would cause excessive pressures with ensuing release.
As an example, the Nevada explosion of April 26, 1968, caused a fracture
in hard rock with a two-foot vertical displacement and a one-foot horizontal
displacement almost three miles long.
Figure 1IO shows schematically that the time pattern of deformation

M1 - M2 1. D

M1 - MO 2.4



Fig. IIO. Schematic picture to

demonstrate the different patterns
of deformation release caused by
dams and by underground explo-
sions. The surface-wave magnitu ..
EXPLOSION des (M) refer to the maximum
values in each sequence (subscript
o for foreshocks, subscript 1 for
TIME main events, subscript 2 for after..
L ___________________________________ ........... ~


21 BAth: Introduction to Seismology

322 Prediction and Artificial Release of Earthquakes

release due to dam reservoirs is essentially different from that of explosions.

For dams the foreshock activity is relatively small compared to the major
activity, which sets in with the main shock (M1 ). The magnitude differences
in Figure 110, all expressed in surface-wave magnitudes, are only approx-
imate. For dams the values given are averages of the closely agreeing results
for the Kariba and Cremasta dams.
The different shapes of the released activity (Fig. 110) result from
the different time functions of the applied stress, transient in explosions
versus steady, static pressure in the case of dams. Simultaneous activation
of large volumes of rock is possible for dams, given due time for develop-
ment of a uniform stress field, but generally not in the case of explosions.
It is also of interest to compare the 'aftershock' sequences of large
explosions with those following natural earthquakes. At least superficially,
the two kinds of sequences exhibit similar features; for instance, the largest
aftershock is about 1.2-1.4 magnitude units lower than the main shock/ex-
plosion. Also the activated volumes are of similar size (Table 25). But the
mechanisms are probably different. According to generally accepted views,
proposed mainly by BENIOFF, the natural strain in the earth is only partly
released in the main earthquake; the rest is released in aftershocks, cor-
responding to elastic creep recovery. For aftershocks of explosions the
mechanism must be different from earthquake aftershocks and is most
nearly tantamount to readjustments of the rock. It is not unlikely that
further studies of explosion aftershock sequences will shed light upon
studies of natural aftershock release. A few such comparisons have been
made, which demonstrate different frequency-magnitude relations and dif-
ferent focal depths, the explosion aftershocks being shallower, at less than
about 5.5 km depth.
Now and then it has been proposed that explosions could be used
in seismic areas to release strains before these had grown to a size corre-
sponding to a major earthquake. The idea is that this would be a means
to avoid major earthquake disasters. First of all, we can state that such
experiments would have some chance of succeeding, only if we had an
accurate and detailed knowledge of the stress conditions in the earth, their
natural variation with time, the material strength, etc. Without this knowl-
edge, as yet almost totally lacking, tests at random would probably fail.
For energy reasons release in terms of a large number of small shocks is
Mmmg uperauons ana KOCKbursts JLJ

too inefficient. A simple calculation shows that an earthquake of magnitude

M = 8.5 corresponds to the total wave energy of about 100000 shocks of
magnitude M = 5. Thus, if we want to eliminate the large 8.5-earthquake
by releasing magnitude 5 shocks, we must release no less than 100 000 of
these. If by a large underground explosion we succeed in releasing 20 000
shocks of magnitude 5 (which far exceeds achievements thus far), we would
still be left with 80000 shocks to be released. If they are not released,
we have still to expect a major earthquake, certainly smaller than magnitude
8.5, but not lower than 8.4, which without doubt is a practically insignificant
lessening of the catastrophe.
If we instead imagine the release of a major earthquake all at once,
i.e. the explosion used as a trigger, then the danger has not been eliminated.
The only difference is that it happens at an earlier time than in the natural
development, also at an approximately prescribed time. The latter would
permit some measures of precaution beforehand, but still a major earth-
quake is a very uncontrollable event.
In an effort to use explosions to avoid earthquake catastrophes one
has probably to aim at something intermediate between the extremes de-
scribed here. Such tests are very difficult for many reasons. They are in-
timately connected with the problem of earthquake prediction. The same is
true for applications of the water-injection experiences from Denver, men-
tioned above, to controlled release of earthquakes.

10.B. Mining Operations and Rockbursts

Quite generally, any change in the natural stress conditions in the earth's
interior could lead to release. Examples are excavations within the crust,
as in mines, which may cause rockbursts. Another example is the extraction
of oil, especially in such seismically active areas as Iran with prestressed
crustal layers. Whereas relatively little is known so far about the latter
effect, rock bursts in mining areas have been known for many years. The
existing literature on rockbursts from several different countries is con-
centrated on various trigger effects and on methods for statistical prediction
of rock bursts.
Rockbursts are a daily experience in many mining areas, especially
near coal mines in central Europe or gold mines in South Africa, and they
324 Prediction and Artificial Release of Earthquakes

are also reported from North America. As distinct from this, the Swedish
iron ore mines have apparently experienced notable rockbursts only in the
last few years. This is the case with Kiruna and Malmberget in north Sweden
and with Dannemora, Gdingesberg and other mines in central Sweden.
It is known from direct measurements that the horizontal stresses
in rock generally increase rapidly with depth already in the uppermost
kilometer of the crust (Section 10.6). The horizontal stresses reach amounts
many times the weight ofthe overburden. Excavations in mining operations
lead to disturbances in the natural stress field in surrounding rock masses,
and release may take place at certain points, where the stresses exceed the
strength of the rock material. This is demonstrated schematically in Figure
Ill. In modern mining operations, excavations are done at a generally
much higher speed than earlier, with the consequence that the time variation
of the stress field will be more rapid. The natural ability of the crust to adjust
itself slowly to changing stress may then no longer be enough to avoid
sudden breakage. In addition, mining has gradually rezched greater depths
with larger pressures. These are factors of significance in explaining why

aJ .,




Fig. J J J. Schematic illustration of rock failure under stress:

a) A rock specimen with cracks is subjected to compression.
b) A circular excavation in the specimen reduces the supporting element.
e) This element become's too weak and a sudden rupture occurs along the
Mining Operations and Rockbursts 325

rock bursts seem to be more general in recent years than earlier in a country
like Sweden.
On the basis of recordings at the Swedish seismograph network
(Table 2 and Fig. 18), a rockburst sequence at the Grangesberg iron ore
mines in central Sweden (60. ION, 15.00 E) has been investigated for the in-
terval from August 1974 to July 1976 with 340 events in all (BATH and
WAHLSTROM, 1976). This is the first time that Sweden has produced a sequence
of shocks, analogous to an aftershock sequence, that has permitted a detail-
ed study. The magnitudes range from ML =0.5 to 3.2, with a complete cover-
age from ML~ 1.0 upwards. Tentatively applying equation (7) in Section
4.3 to the largest event (August 30, 1974) with ML =3.2, we find the seismic
moment Mo=3.5. 10 20 cgs. This would correspond to an average dislocation
of no less than 10 em over an area of 100 X 100 m. However, application of
equation (7) may not be very trustworthy in this case, as the equation was
derived for a totally different region. An average dislocation of I cm over the
seme area corresponds to ML =2.6, which appears more reasonable. The
focal depths of the events, derived from amplitude ratios of Rg to SgJ
waves, exhibit a certain variation, with the first and largest event (August
30, 1974) at greatest depth (estimated as about 1 to 2 km), rising to much
shallower depth during the summer of 1975 (probably around 200 m),
after which the depths tend to increase again. The last phase a coupled with
a decreasing rate of seismic energy release, resulting from a decrease of the
active volume of rock.
Our curves for energy and strain accumulation and release have shapes
similar to those of regular aftershock sequences, starting with a relatively
mild phase, followed by a much more active period, finally again decreasing
in activity (cf. Section 6.4). The accumulation and release are studied in
relation to various triggering factors. Mining operations may influence the
large-scale development, whereas rainfall seems to correlate well even in
details. Semidiurnal lunar tidal action is found, and certain correlation
appears between the fortnightly lunar tide and the occurrence of larger
events. From the practical point of view, rockbursts are a significant
factor in the planning and performance of future mining excavations. For
this purpose, several mines (e.g. Griingesberg and Malmberget in Sweden)
operate their own local geophone networks around the mines, to have the
development under control.
326 Prediction and Artificial Relc,bc of Earthquakes

The moral to be drawn from this and the preceding sections is that
human impacts on the solid earth have now reached such dimensions as to
fully require a much more detailed scrutiny than hitherto of the geophysical
and geological properties of areas for planned works. This is especially
true for areas which exhibit seismic activity, now or in the past. On the
other hand, much exaggerated fear of the effects has been expressed, usually
emanating from lack of knowledge of the conditions.

Chapter 11

Nuclear Tests and Other Explosions

11.1 Seismological Aspects

Since late 1950's, many seismological institutes around the world have
been in the centre of public interest as never before. This is connected
with the seismological possibilities of detecting nuclear explosions and
the considerable interest in such events from the political and military
points of view. Even though it has been of satisfaction to seismologists to
be able to give significant information on such explosions on the basis of
our records, still it has to be emphasized that this constitutes only a minor
part of our work. Compared to a daily average of 10-15 recorded events,
for instance, over the Swedish network, it is obvious that the number of
nuclear explosion records is only a small fraction.
However, in parallel with the reporting activity, seismologists have
also an interest of their own in such recordings. Thorough studies of nuc-
lear explosion records are able to furnish very important contributions to
basic seismological research, mainly from the following two viewpoints:
1. Controlled explosions with accurately known location and ex-
plosion time eliminate the difficulties inherent in every earthquake study.
This considerably increased precision together with explosions so strong that
waves right through the earth can be recorded are necessary to increase
our knowledge about the earth's interior.
2. Explosions provide us with a seismic wave source, which is quite
different from the one encountered in earthquakes. The different mechanisms
entail different appearances of the records, and a thorough study of explo-
sion records can contribute to increased knowledge about earthquakes and
their mechanism.
We have learnt earlier (Chapter 7) how controlled explosions can be
used to get considerably more reliable information about the structure of
the earth's crust than is possible from earthquake records. The explosions
generally used for crustal research are chemical and with few exceptions
no larger than to produce records out to distances of at most a few hundred
kilometres. With ever increasing chemical explosions and nuclear ex-
328 Nuclear Tests and Other Explosions

plosions, the possibility of obtaining records to greater distances is offered

and with sufficiently large yields to any point on the earth. This entails
a considerably increased precision in investigations of the deeper structure
of the earth's interior, including the cores. Among the first records of ex-
plosion-generated PKP-waves are those which derived from American tests
in the Marshall Islands in the Pacific Ocean. The Australian seismologists
BULLEN and BURKE-GAFFNEY studied PKP-records from these tests. Figure
112 demonstrates in a striking way the increase of precision that explosion
records permit compared to earthquake records.



20 K

10 L-~ __~__- L_ _~_ _~_ _L-~
137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144'
50 .----r--~----,----,----n



Fig. II2. Readings of PKP-waves: a) From nuclear

10 I 0 0
explosions in the Marshall Islands (P = Pretoria,
K=Kimberley. T=Tamanrasset). b) from a deep-

focus earthquake in South America. I=travel time,
L1 =epicentrai distance. After K. E. BULLEN and
o I
138 140 142 144 146 148'

Convinced about the increased accuracy of our knowledge of the

earth's interior that seismic records of explosions could lead to, Professor
BULLEN proposed in his introductory speech at the assembly of the Interna-
tional Seismological Association in Toronto in 1957, that a number of
atomic bomb explosions should be performed for scientific purposes. BUL-
Seismological Aspects 329

LEN proposed four such explosions: one in the USA, one in the USSR,
one near Australia and one in the Pacific Ocean area. The plan included
also the requirement that satisfactory precaution should be taken against
radioactive fallout. The proposal stimulated a very lively discussion with
arguments both for and against the idea. The plan was never carried out and
presently the prospects of its realization are probably more distant than
ever before.
Although explosion records would be able to give seismology large
possibilities, it is not for that reason that public interest has been focussed
on nuclear explosions. Instead this is related to the political and military
aspects of the problem. As early as 1958, a conference of experts was held
in Geneva to explore the possibilities to detect and to identify nuclear
tests. One of the proposals from this conference concerned installation
of so-called array stations (Chapter 8), also called Geneva-type stations.
Even at an early stage, seismology proved to offer one of the most
efficient methods for discovery of large explosions. From the political and
military sides many questions were addressed to the seismologists, and in
many cases sufficiently accurate answers were not immediately available.
As a consequence, responsible authorities in several countries, especially in
the USA, found it necessary to give strong economic support to seismo-
logical research on a broad basis. Since around 1960, the Advanced Research
Projects Agency in Washington, D.C., has been in charge of the American
project in this connection, called VELA, as a common name for all detec-
tion research. Within the frame of the VELA project, many institutions
have been conducting basic seismological research, both within the USA
and abroad. Even though the ultimate goal of this project is to improve
detection possibilities, it was obvious that only considerably enhanced basic
research in seismology could lead to this goal.
Besides their seismological and their military-political interests, nuclear
explosions have also another, peaceful interest, i.e. to perform large works,
as in connection with river regulation, building of canals, etc. Technically
such a use of large explosions is very well possible and has also been tested,
both in the USSR and in the USA. However, the permission to conduct
such tests is also connected with the disarmament discussions in Geneva.
Construction of nuclear power plants is another peaceful application of
nuclear energy.
330 Nuclear Tests and Other Explosions

11.2 Seismological Results

Numerous seismological results have emanated from the study of explosion

records, some of which we shall describe here.
An exact knowledge about explosion time and explosion location
permits the most accurate determinations of seismic travel times. It has
been shown that the most commonly used travel-time tables, for instance,
those of JEFFREYS-BuLLEN, are in need of a reduction by a few seconds
for surface foci. Thus, according to records at eight American stations in
the distance range of 69.0°-78.6°, the first underwater nuclear explosion
(on July 24, 1946, in the Bikini atoll) gave a difference of -1.8±0.8 sec
for the P-wave, compared to the JEFFREYS-BuLLEN tables for a surface focus.
Similar differences have been obtained in several following investigations
with much larger material. The Russian seismologist KOGAN studied records
of the American tests in the Marshall Islands and found an average dif-
ference between observations and JEFFREYS-BuLLEN tables of -1.8 ±0.6 sec
for the P-wave and between -4 and +5 sec for the S-wave. The negative
differences for the P-wave were usually explained by the structure under
the Pacific explosion area which deviates from the continental structure.
The latter structure corresponds better to the tables. If the velocities be-
neath the explosion area are greater than in the continental crust, this will
naturally entail earlier arrivals or shorter travel times.

E.Pacific Ocean
o Nevada
Marshall Islands



30 40 50 60 70 80 90·

Fig. 113. Travel-time differences (at) between explosion data and JEFFREYS-BuLLEN tables for P-waves. After
ESSA Symposium on Earthquake Prediction, 1966.
Seismological Results 331

Later, these investigations were continued and Figure 113 gives a

summary. From this an interesting general result is obtained, namely that
negative differences prevail almost consistently and not only for oceanic
but also for typically continental explosions (such as Semipalatinsk in
Kazakh, Siberia, and Algeria). Therefore, it would hardly be justified to
explain the differences as solely due to the higher velocities in the oceanic
structure. Even the continental structure has to exhibit higher velocities than
assumed in the construction of the travel-time tables. In the JEFFREYS-BuLLEN
tables, the P-wave velocity is assumed to be 7.8 km/sec just beneath the
MohoroviCic discontinuity, whereas later investigations have shown that
this velocity is usually higher in typically continental areas, i.e. between
8.0 and 8.5 km/sec.
The significance of these corrections and of more exact travel-time
tables is quite obvious. The more accurately the travel times are known,
the more accurate calculations of the sources are possible, whether the
source is an earthquake or an explosion. Records of explosions with well-
known source data have thus been used for recent revisions of the travel-
time tables. Up until now, the same tables have been used for the whole
earth. In the future, it appears to be necessary to replace these by a number
of regional tables, depending on the location of the source and the station.
But the improvement of travel-time data has also another aspect.
We generally assume the travel time to be the same in all directions from
the source. However, most earthquake epicentres are located in coastal
areas, especially all around the Pacific Ocean (Chapter 5). The structure
down to great depths, at least 300 km, is probably different in different
directions from such an earthquake source: on one side we have the oceanic
structure and on the other the continental structure. In order to attain higher
precision, it would then be necessary to use azimuth-dependent travel times.
Natural events (earthquakes) can hardly give any reliable information on
this point, whereas suitably located explosions of sufficient strength would
be able to do so. Such a seismic experiment was carried out by the Americans
on October 29, 1965, on Amchitka Island in the Aleutians. A nuclear
explosion of 80 kilotons (1 kiloton = 1000 tons TNT) was detonated at a
depth of 660 m. Records were obtained all over the earth. For instance,
Uppsala recorded besides P also clear PcP- and P'P' -waves. On October 2,
1969, another Amchitka test was performed (Fig. 114), this time with a

....... .-
::£ -:!Y'(



c) ,.,.,

,~. \ I ' .

'~ ..... ..
• .11••

• 1.

~~.~"" ..........,." . ..•. ...... \

. 1.

.•k I \

d) "1~t~
~\ .~
J. .,

.~ \ .
Seismological Results 333

megaton yield (1 megaton = 106 tons TNT), followed by a five-megaton ex-

plosion on November 6, 1971. The importance of the studies of these
records is quite obvious. They can lead to much more exact informa-
tion about the location of earthquakes within island arcs than hitherto
available (Fig. 54-55). For a more complete knowledge of azimuthal varia-
tion of travel times, it would be necessary to record controlled explosions
performed all around the Pacific Ocean as well as in other seismic areas,
where the structure is different in different directions.
Other seismological results also concern the structure. As an ex-
ample, we may mention a series of atomic bomb explosions carried out at
Maralinga in central Australia in 1956. The seismic records permitted a
determination of the crustal structure within this area, which had not
been possible by means of earthquakes. Within the USA, the explosions
have given very interesting information on the crustal structure. Most of
these explosions have been performed in Nevada (at Nevada Test Site=
= NTS). This site is located in the western USA within an area whose
structure can hardly be considered as typically continental. From a struc-
tural point of view, this area is a landward continuation of the Easter
Island ridge structure, i.e. with relatively low wave velocities in the upper
mantle. An extremely elucidative test was made on December 10, 1961,
further to the east (in New Mexico; yield =3.5 kilotons; depth = 800-900 m;
this test has the code name Gnome). This experiment was made in an area
where the structure is considered to be more typically continental. The
wave propagation from this test exhibited very interesting properties: the
amplitudes of the P-waves diminished strongly during propagation west-
wards, where the waves had to pass under the Rocky Mountains. In Cali-
fornia, only weak and unclear records were obtained. But towards the
east and northeast, the amplitudes were exceptionally large, and clear rec-
ords were obtained even at Scandinavian stations. In addition, the travel
times were different in different directions from the test site. Towards the
west, the relatively low velocities for the upper mantle were confirmed
(about 7.8 km/sec for the P-wave), whereas towards the eastern and north-
Fig. 114. Records of some underground explosions:
a) Aleutians, October 2, 1969. 1.2 megaton, 1220 m depth, .<1=68°, m=7.0 (Uppsala short-period Z).
b) Nevada, January 19, 1968, I megaton, 980 m depth, .<1=74°, m=7.0 (Uppsala short-period Z).
c) North of the Caspian Sea, July I, 1968, .<1=23°, 111=6.6 (Uddeholm short-period Z).
d) Novaya Zemlya, October 27, 1966,.<1 = 1S°, III = 6.6 (U meA long-period Z).
334 Nuclear Tests and Other Explosions

eastern USA, the corresponding velocities were found to be as high as

8.4 km/sec. The latter value is of some interest because it agrees with some
determinations of upper-mantle velocities under Scandinavia. It has to be
taken as a more typical value for the upper mantle in continental structures.
Nuclear yields of about 20 kilotons or more are able to provide
observational material for more detailed studies of the upper mantle. Again
the most important information derives from the travel times of P-waves,
but also S-waves and surface waves are of significance in this study. Sur-
face waves in the period range of 5-50 sec have been recorded from nuclear
explosions and then regional structural variations can be mapped with
higher accuracy.
By means of still larger yields, it is possible to extend the investiga-
tions to depths greater than 1000 km into the earth. Major explosions-for
instance, one of 10 megatons in a deep-sea trench as was proposed by some
scientists-would be able to give P-waves comparable to those of the largest
earthquakes. In addition, such explosions would presumably be able to
generate free vibrations of the earth-similar to those after the earthquakes
in Kamchatka in 1952, in Chile in 1960 and others. Through experiments
of this kind we would be independent of large earthquakes for such studies;
we would have a source mechanism which is well known and we would be
able to vary the source conditions within certain limits. Possibly it could
be envisaged that different modes of the free vibrations could be generated
by variation of the source mechanism. Combinations of several explo-
sions - with appropriate time and space shifts - could probably contribute to
diversify the experimental conditions.
An additional advantage with controlled explosions as wave sources
for the exploration of the earth is that they can be performed anywhere,
at least theoretically. In any case, we would not be restricted to the localities
where earthquakes occur.
In the present situation, methods for seismological research with
high precision are available, but other considerations-especially military
and political - prevent their application. As a consequence, seismologists
have had to study records of tests which have been performed for other
purposes. In those cases where source data have been communicated, such
studies have yielded useful results. Even those cases, where direct informa-
tion about the source has been lacking, have permitted interesting studies,
Detection: General Problems 335

but the increased precision may not be attained. If exact source data could
be published for all test explosions, this would undoubtedly stimulate seis-
mologists to further studies of their records. And these in turn would
increase our knowledge of the earth. Primarily, data on the exact posi-
tion of the source and the explosion time are needed and for atmospheric
tests also their height above the earth's surface. Even if the yield is not
published (this is apparently the most secret data), the information men-
tioned would be of the greatest scientific value. Seismological studies,
thus made possible, would certainly also contribute to providing a bet-
ter foundation for the disarmament discussions in Geneva. Even though
explosions provide seismic sources of high accuracy, it should be em-
phasized that seismologists would not suggest their application in cases
which would be hazardous to mankind, from any point of view whatsoever.

11.3 Detection: General Problems

We shall start by giving a review of the detection problem as a whole.

We are most concerned with seismological detection methods, but as we
shall see, difficulties are so great that all possible methods have to be in-
cluded. In particular, smaller tests are difficult to discover, especially if
only records from greater distances are available. For successful detec-
tion it is frequently necessary to combine indications of various kinds.
As a general rule, we can state that we should preferably 'listen'
in the same medium as that where the explosion is set off. In this way, the
greatest amount of radiated energy is likely to be received, while in listening
in another medium we have to expect that losses of energy occur in the pas-
sage of waves from one medium to another. In thiJ discussion, the word
medium refers to the solid earth, the sea, the atmosphere and the iono-
sphere. Thus, we arrive at the following review:
1. The solid earth, i.e. underground explosions. The seismological
methods are practically the only ones that can be used. Examples of rec-
ords are shown in Figures 114 and 115. Sometimes electromagnetic effects
have been mentioned as useful indications, but this is probably true only
for relatively short distances from the source.
2. The sea, i.e. underwater explosions. Hydrophones are the best
reception equipment in this case. This is particularly true if both the ex-
336 Nuclear Tests and Other Explosions

Fig. 115. Underground explo-

sion in Novaya Zemlya on
September 27, 1971, as record-
ed by U ppsala long-period
Z, <1=19', m=6.7.

pi OS ion and the hydrophone are located on or near the SaFAR channel
(SaFAR =sound fixing and ranging), where the velocity has a minimum.
Seismological methods are also very useful; in underwater explosions,
the coupling between the explosive charge and the solid earth is as a rule
better than for explosions in other media.
3. The atmosphere, i.e. atmospheric explosions. These produce an
atmospheric pressure wave and hence are best observed by means of mi-
crobarographs. But seismological methods are also of great significance,
even though only a very small fraction of the total explosive energy is
transmitted into seismic wave energy. Atmospheric explosions have been
detonated both on or near the surface as well as at altitudes of a few kilo-
4. The ionosphere, i.e. explosions at an altitude of a few hundred
kilometres above the earth's surface. These are best recorded by suitable
magnetic instruments. Figure 116 shows such a case, obtained by an instru-
ment for recording short-period variations of the earth's magnetic field.
The magnetic method is very sensitive, and the reaction is practically in-
stantaneous. On the other hand, this method-at least as it operated at
Uppsala-proved to be insensitive to explosions in the lower atmosphere-
even to the very strongest of them. Magnetic methods are apparently among
the only ones useful for ionospheric explosions. No seismic effects are ob-
served for such explosions.
The detection methods outlined here are augmented by a number
of other observations, for instance of radioactive fallout, especially from
atmospheric tests but also from leaking underground explosions. Direct
observations by means of satellites also playa great role.
In the partial test-ban treaty of 1963, all nuclear explosions were
forbidden except the underground ones. It was then considered that suf-
Detection: Position, Depth, Origin Time 337

I .

Fig. 116. An explosion of 1.4 megaton at an altitude of about 400 km above Johnston Island in the Pacific
on July 9, 1962, as recorded by a magnetic instrument at Uppsala (.<1= 103'1/2).

ficiently reliable control methods were available for all tests except for
those made underground. For this reason efforts in detection work have
since then been concentrated on underground explosions and primarily on
seismological methods. While the treaty mentioned was signed by the USSR,
the USA and Great Britain, to name a few, it has not been signed by among
others France and China. The latter two have also conducted atmospheric
nuclear tests after 1963.

11.4 Detection: Position, Depth, Origin Time

The fact that instrumental seismological observations still cover too short
a time interval to guarantee against surprises (see Chapter 5), has an im-
portant application to the identification of unknown events (whether ex-
plosions or earthquakes). If an event is recorded, which can be localized
to a suspected area, e.g. a known test area, and in which no seismic activity
is known, this is certainly a reason to investigate more carefully the nature
of the source, if possible. But the very circumstance that earthquakes occur
22 Bath: Introduction to Seismology
338 Nuclear Tests and Other Explosions

from time to time in areas, where they are hitherto unknown, is a warn-
ing against too hastily drawn conclusions. On the other hand, it is naturally
much easier to 'hide' an underground test by performing it within a seis-
mic area.
An increased precision in the calculation of epicentrallocations could
contribute to an improvement of the possibilities of deciding the nature
of a recorded event. To wit, it is highly improbable that an underground
explosion be set off under the ocean bottom or very near the frontier of
another country.
Seismicity studies have clearly been considerably stimulated because
of these new aspects. For instance, the seismic conditions in the Soviet
Union have attracted great interest. The Soviet Academy of Sciences in
Moscow has also contributed efficiently to these studies by publishing very
comprehensive tables and maps regarding the seismic conditions in the
USSR for the period 1911-57, a classical work in its field.
The problem of calculating the depth of a seismic event is of great
importance for the identification of the nature of the source. Even though
the precision of depth determinations is sufficiently great to establish struc-
tures as shown in Figures 54 and 55, seismic depth calculations often suffer
from errors of ±25 km. To date, the deepest underground explosions have
been made at depths of 1-2 km. If depth calculations could be made with
higher precision, events with calculated depths of say 5-10 km or more
could be referred to the earthquake category, and closer investigations
could be limited to more superficial phenomena. From this point of view
it is obvious that increased precision of depth calculations appears as one
of the most important contributions to the supervision of a test-ban treaty
for underground explosions. For this to be accomplished, increased preci-
sion of seismic measurements will be necessary, comprising for one thing
reliable timing to 0.1 sec or better, and for another thing applications of
time corrections because of local structural deviations both for the source
area and for every single seismograph station. A comprehensive investiga-
tion would be needed for the calculation of these corrections. The most
reliable depth calculations are based on the arrival-time difference pP-P.
In Chapter 4, we have seen how this method can be applied with higher
accuracy by simultaneous inspection of records from a seismograph net-
work. Spectral methods offer even more powerful techniques, applying the
Detection: Source Mechanism and Seismic Waves 339

destructive interference between P and pP (see Fig. 95 and Section 8.4).

This method is particularly useful for the shallow depths of explosions,
where clear separation of P and pP may be difficult directly in the records.
Also the time of an event may provide some guide in detection work.
It is well known that in most test series explosions are touched off on a full
hour or on a full minute, and they are frequently limited to certain hours
of the day. For instance, underground explosions in Kazakh (Semipalatinsk)
are carried out in our early morning hours, always on a full minute. Quite
obviously, such occurrences cannot by themselves serve as reliable identifi-
cation arguments: it may happen both that an earthquake occurs on an
exact minute and that explosions are made at other times. However, together
with other indications, observations of the origin time may constitute a
contribution of some value and interest.

1l.5 Detection: Source Mechanism and Seismic Waves

Detection of nuclear tests by means of information on location, depth

and time, as outlined in the preceding section, is possible only in favourable
cases. As an example, I might mention the very large record obtained on
January 15, 1965, from an explosion at the Semipalatinsk test site. The
records we obtained at Uppsala were of considerably larger amplitude
than for any earlier underground explosion, and our immediate reaction
was that the record was due to an ordinary earthquake. We calculated
the location from the Uppsala records and found excellent agreement with
the known test area at Semipalatinsk. But earthquakes could not be excluded
for this area. However, the records exhibited typical features suggesting
an explosive origin, such as large amplitudes of P and PP on short-period
records, as opposed to comparatively weak surface waves on the long-
period records. But we know that this is a characteristic feature also of
deep earthquakes. A study of available seismicity maps showed definitely
that no deep earthquakes had ever been recorded from this area. But still
the earthquake hypothesis could not be completely excluded: we could be
faced with a seismological surprise, i.e. an event for which existing observa-
tional series are too short to show a parallel case. The possibility of this
appeared small, and it became vanishingly so when we also considered that
340 Nuclear Tests and Other Explosions

the event had occurred exactly on a full hour, a usual explosion time at
In the case mentioned the considerations described were sufficient
to decide the nature of the phenomenon. Similar arguments are usually
effective in most cases when we have to deal with longer series of tests
performed within a smaller area. In the case of single tests, especially
those of smaller strength, this line of argument is frequently not enough.
Then recourse has to be taken to more detailed studies of the seismic records,
including comparison between records of known origin, both explosions
and earthquakes. Even after such a careful study, it is not always possible
to reach one hundred percent reliability.
The problem of using different properties of the records in order to
decide the nature ofthe source can in general be illustrated as in Figure 117.
If some property proves to be completely different for earthquakes and
explosions (Fig. 117a), the discrimination is one hundred percent reliable

~ 0)

~ r-~~~--~'-J-~-----
~ b)

~ Fig. 117. Schematic comparison of the frequency distribu-

c) tions for different properties for explosions and earthquakes:
a) Complete separation, b) no separation at all, c) partial
fl: L -_ _ _________ separation.

on the basis of this property. However, if the frequency curves coincide

(Fig. 117b), the corresponding property cannot be used for discrimination.
As a rule, frequency curves for explosions and earthquakes overlap par-
tially (Fig. 117c), and such a property may not permit one hundred percent
reliability in the discrimination. Then, it will be necessary to study as many
different properties on the records as possible. If they all give the same
indication, this naturally strengthens the suspicions based on just one such
property. In Figure 117 we have on purpose made the variational width
broader for earthquakes than for explosions. This is a generally observed
Detection: Source Mechanism and Seismic Waves 341

fact, depending on the greater variability of the source mechanisms of

Earlier (Chapter 6) we studied the mechanism of earthquakes. As
distinct from earthquakes the mechanism of an explosion is spherically
symmetric, at least theoretically, radiating a longitudinal wave of equal
amplitude in all directions. This corresponds to the ideal case. However,
this does not happen in practice, because of the inhomogeneous struc-
ture of the earth's crust, particularly its different structure in different
directions. Therefore, explosions also exhibit a certain lack of symmetry,
even though this is not as pronounced as in earthquakes. The observed
fact that explosions also generate transverse waves, even though such
waves would not be expected in the ideal case, is another expression of the
The differences in mechanism with ensuing differences in the radia-
tion of seismic waves can be used for identification of the source in uncertain
cases. But in order to apply this procedure successfully, observations are
needed in as many different directions from the source as possible for
simultaneous inspection. This requirement would be met by a system provid-
ing seismic observations in at least 36 different directions from the source
and with an even distribution, i.e. one observation for every 10° of azimuth
and all observations within a comparable distance range, say 3000-4000 km
or less. Such observational material would offer good opportunities to
decide on the source nature, however, still not always with one hundred
percent reliability. The number of observation points could be diminished
with the availability of array-station records.
Another related factor of great significance to the appearance of the
records concerns the extent in time and space of the source action. Earth-
quakes-especially those of larger magnitude-always exhibit a certain ex-
tension both in time and space. Often the rupture starts at one end of the
fault and propagates with a velocity around 3 km/sec along the fault to
its opposite end. This entails that a comprehensive spectrum of seismic
waves is generated and that records are obtained both on short-period and
long-period seismographs. For an underground explosion the source effect
is strictly limited both in space and time. As a consequence, mainly short-
period (high-frequency) waves are created, and records are obtained pri-
marily with short-period instruments (of P, PP, Pn, etc.). On long-period
342 Nuclear Tests and Other Explosions

instruments, short-period surface waves may be recorded (especially of

higher-order modes, if the path is purely continental), while surface waves
of longer period (fundamental mode) certainly may exist, but are much
underdeveloped in comparison with short-period P. Comparison of spectra
both of P-waves and of Rayleigh waves for underground explosions and
earthquakes has proved to provide a reliable discrimination method. Atmo-
spheric explosions give rise to seismic waves through the impact of the
atmospheric pressure wave on the ground surface (or ocean surface) below
the explosion point. In this case we have again a source of seismic waves
that is extended both in space and time. The seismic source consists of an
approximately circular area on the surface just under the explosion, and
this source area may have an extent of several kilometres. Similarly, it
takes a certain time for the atmospheric pressure wave to propagate over
this area. As a consequence, atmospheric explosions produce seismic rec-
ords which resemble those of earthquakes much more than those of under-
ground explosions. This means that the atmospheric test records are dom-
inated by longer-period waves, especially surface waves, and are thus best
recorded by long-period seismographs. Our discussion of the respective
seismic records can be summarized in the following two points:
1. Atmospheric explosions resemble earthquakes at normal depth.
2. Underground explosions resemble earthquakes at greater depth.
This scheme may serve as a starting point and there are several
modifications to it in detail. Whether the similarity between records of
underground explosions and deep earthquakes-especially the dominant
occurrence of high frequencies and of relatively simple wave forms-may
be taken as an indication of a more concentrated source for the latter (e.g.
by means of phase changes; see Chapter 6) is a problem of great signifi-
cance. What has been said above for underground explosions, is also applic-
able to underwater explosions. The results suggest that once the identifica-
tion of an explosion by means of seismic records has been made, it is
generally no greater problem to decide if the explosion took place above
or below the ground surface. The atmospheric explosions discussed here
refer to those made at altitudes of a few kilometres above the surface.
Atmospheric explosions detonated on or near the surface are, just as the
underground explosions, strongly limited in time and space, with regard to
Detection: Source Mechanism and Seismic Waves 343

their seismic effect. Therefore, their records are more similar to those of
underground tests.
There are also a number of discrepancies between records of atmo-
spheric explosions and of earthquakes at shallow depth. Surface-wave am-
plitudes are more important in relation to body-wave amplitudes for atmo-
spheric explosions than for earthquakes. A striking comparison which il-
lustrates this fact can be seen in Figure 118. In addition, records of atmo-
spheric explosions are 'smoother', i.~. they are lacking much of the higher-
frequency motion of an earthquake record. Detailed frequency analysis of
different waves may provide powerful means to discriminate between dif-
ferent phenomena. Moreover, atmospheric explosions exhibit only insigni-
ficant motion perpendicular to the plane of propagation as expected. Almost
all the motion on the seismogram is contained in the plane of propagation,
i.e. it consists of P, the SV-component of S and of R. However, some
poorly developed transverse motions are found, but these are considerably
weaker than the motion along the plane of propagation. The atmospheric
explosions-for instance, those performed at Novaya Zemlya-did not show
any traces of SH or of Love waves at Swedish stations; on the other hand,
we have found traces of higher-mode Love waves. As a consequence of
inhomogeneities in the earth's crust, transverse motion is more common
in records of underground explosions than of atmospheric tests. Clear
Love waves of fundamental mode were thus recorded from the underground
test at Novaya Zemlya on October 27, 1966 (Fig. 114) as well as from the
underground test in Nevada on December 20, 1966, just to mention a couple
of examples.
In addition to frequency analysis (spectral analysis) of recorded waves,
a detailed study of wave forms (in the time domain) may be of great assist-
ance. It has been found that short-period records of P-waves from under-
ground explosions consistently show a first displacement (compression) fol-
lowed by a second swing (dilatation) about two to three times as large as
the first one (Fig. 114). If a record is found with this typical appearance,
this feature may indicate an explosive origin. But this indication alone is
rather uncertain, as many earthquakes are able to give rise to exactly the
same wave form. In order to utilize the wave forms better, simultaneous
access to as many records as possible at widely different directions from
the source is necessary, which has already been emphasized above. On
344 Nuclear Tests and Other Explosions

the other hand, it can be maintained that a wave form, which deviates
significantly from the one described, suggests that the origin has been an
e(lrthnll!>kp !>nrl nnt !>n P¥nln,,;nn
a) 1 min

j, II
b) ~
......'~.~~~~",.,..,..."...~'~.~1/1'10." ..~¥'/,._

Novaya Zem lya

Fig. llB. Long-period vertical-component records at Uppsala:

a} The Skopje earthquake. July 26, 1963, LI = 18', M =6.0.
b} The Novaya Zemlya atmospheric explosion, October 30, 1961, LI = 19.5', M=5.4 (the largest explosion
ever). The larger M for a} than for b} is due in part to different amplitude response of the two records.
Inserted: the atmospheric pressure wave from this explosion, arriving about 2 hours after the explosion.
Detection: Source Mechanism and Seismic Waves 345

In the original efforts to discriminate between explosions and earth-

quakes, proposed in Geneva in 1958, great emphasis was laid on the direc-
tion of the first motion of the P-wave. This constitutes only a very small
fraction of the whole record, and in addition may be difficult to assess
with reliability, especially with low signal-to-noise ratio. Therefore, it has
been emphasized quite correctly that it is necessary to extract information
from the whole record, not only from the direction of the first swing.
Besides P-waves, also surface waves have been used with considerable
success. From surface waves it has been possible to deduce source func-
tions. These in turn provide valuable information about the nature of
the source.
Estimates of the height above ground for atmospheric tests are of
importance in connection with warnings for radioactive fallout. Unfortu-
nately, it is hardly possible to make any reliable absolute height estimate
from seismic records alone. On the other hand, there are some possibilities
to make relative height estimates for a series of tests in the same area, as
for Novaya Zemlya tests as recorded at Swedish stations. In this work we
apply a principle which is clear from our discussion above, namely that the
higher an explosion is made, the more will long-period components dom-
inate over short-period ones in a seismic record. Amplitude ratios between
different parts of the surface-wave train as well as between surface waves
and P-waves can be used for such relative height estimates. More accurate
and absolute height calculations could be made by a combination of seismic
and electromagnetic observations. Seismic records provide an information
about the moment when the pressure wave hits the surface, whereas electro-
magnetic observations tell us the shot moment itself. The difference between
these two times could provide a relatively accurate piece of information
about the height.
Tables 26 and 27 summarize some properties of records of under-
ground explosions (Nevada) and of earthquakes, as obtained at Pasadena
in southern California. These results deviate in part from those obtain-
ed at Uppsala from records of Semipalatinsk explosions. An essential
reason is to be found in the different source distances involved. While the
distance Semipalatinsk-Uppsala is about 3800 km, the epicentral distances
in Tables 26 and 27 are only about one-tenth of this. This demonstrates
346 Nuclear Tests and Other Explosions

Table 26. Generation of long-period surface waves (T>5 sec) from earthquakes and
explosions ' .

Magnitude Surface waves


<3.9 <3.0 No surface waves observed.

3.9-4.4 3.0-3.8 25 % of cases exhibit surface waves.
>4.4 >3.8 Surface waves generally observed, at least up
to 3000 km distance.

1 After F. PRESS, G. DEWART and R. GILMAN (1963).

Table 27. Some properties which can be used for source identification'.

Property Earthquake (q) Explosion (xl

Dominating Love-wave period ~13 sec <8 sec

Area of surface-wave envelope q>x
Amplitude ratio Lg(H): Rg(Z)2 2.13 0.77
Energy ratio (Sg+4 sec)/(Sg-4 sec) 41.2 8.4 (underground)
4.1 (atmospheric)

1 After F. PRESS, G. DEWART and R. GILMAN (1963).

2 H=horizontal component, Z=yertical component.

that in giving various diagnostic properties it is very important to state

also for what distance range they are applicable.
Some comments are necessary concerning the magnitudes in Table 26.
By later installations of highly sensitive long-period seismographs, it has
been possible to decrease the magnitude limits still further. Thus, surface
waves have been recorded from events with magnitudes M less than 3.0.
Recent installations of long-period seismographs with a maximum magnifi-
cation of 60 000 and more will still further improve the possibilities of record-
ing surface waves from weak events.

11.6 Magnitude and Energy

It is equally important to be able to calculate magnitude and energy of the

source as it is to be able to identify its nature. Calculations of energy and
magnitude have earlier been developed for earthquakes (Chapter 4). But
Magnitude and Energy 347

when we have to deal with explosions, caution is required in the application

of such methods.
It is still common practice to calculate magnitudes for explosions
in exactly the same way as for earthquakes, also to use the same equation
as for earthquakes in calculations of elastic wave energy. However, if we
consider the conditions at an explosion (limiting the discussion to under-
ground explosions), we will find that this procedure could be improved.
As we have seen, records of distant underground explosions exhibit only
short-period P, sometimes also short-period PP, but no S and not any
or only weak surface waves. In addition, explosions are made practically
at the surface level, and the duration of the wave train is generally con-
siderably shorter than for earthquakes. The result of these effects is that
for a given distance and for a given ratio amplitude/period (a/T) the wave
energy from an explosion amounts only to about one-tenth of its value from
an earthquake.
This circumstance can easily be included in our calculations. If by
a subscript x we denote quantities which refer to an explosion (underground),
we are able to calculate the total seismic wave energy from the same equa-
tion as (5) in Chapter 4, i.e.
log Ex = 4.78+2.57mx (1)
where, however, mx is expressed in a magnitude scale for underground ex-
plosions. The relation between mx and the usual m (defined for earthquakes)
is simply the following (BATH, 1966):
mx = m-O.4 (2)

This may at least serve as a first approximation to a magnitude scale for

underground explosions. For atmospheric explosions the same procedure
as for earthquakes may serve as a first approximation.
However, calculations of magnitude or wave energy are often not
sufficient. In addition, we need calculations of yields. As concerns calcula-
tion of the yield from a knowledge of Ex or n1 x , we are faced with the prob-
lem of estimating the fraction of the total explosive energy that has been
transferred into seismic wave energy. This fraction depends upon a number
of different factors and varies within wide limits.
From the political and military side as well as from news agencies the
348 Nuclear Tests and Other Explosions

question is often raised as to how far from a source of a given yield it is pos-
sible to get a seismic record. A unique answer can hardly be given to this
question, as the same factors are also of importance here. The most important
of these are the following:
1. Yield. Figure 98 shows a relation between maximum recording
distance (for the most sensitive seismograph stations, excluding array sta-
tions) and yield. It demonstrates that, for instance, an underground explo-
sion of 1 kiloton could be recorded to distances of 3000-4000 km under
favourable circumstances. For surface explosions, about 1000 times as large
a yield is required for the same recording range.
2. Depth of the explosion below the surface. The deeper the explosion
is emplaced, the better is the conversion into seismic energy. That is at
least true for very shallow depths, until a depth of complete coverage is
3. Nature of the medium in which the explosion takes place. From
the USA, experience has been gained on explosions in various media, such
as salt, volcanic tuff, granite. Of these, granite and salt are the most favour-
able for the transfer of explosive energy into seismic energy.
4. Degree of coupling between the charge and adjacent medium.
Especially in the USA, comprehensive investigations, both theoretical and
experimental, have been made concerning decoupling of an explosive charge.
These indicate that it would be possible in this way to lower the seismic
output several hundred times.
A few examples will be given which demonstrate in a very striking
way the enormous variation there is in the possibility of recording an under-
ground explosion. The so-called Gnome test on December 10, 1961, in New
Mexico, USA, which corresponded to 3.5 kilotons and was made at a depth
of 800-900 m in a salt layer, was very well recorded in Sweden. On the
other hand, the Sedan explosion on July 6, 1962, in Nevada, which amounted
to 100 kilotons and was performed at a depth of about 200 m, was not
recorded at all in Sweden. The latter test was a crater experiment: the top
of the mountain was blown off by the explosion and too little energy prop-
agated downwards to give any record at our distances.
The following equation gives an approximate relation between the
magnitude mx , the yield Y in kilotons and the seismic coupling factor l/., i.e.
the ratio of seismic energy to total explosive energy:
Magnitude and Energy 349

mx = 5.4 +0.4 log IX Y (3)

This formula is applicable to all kinds of explosions, not only the under-
ground ones, provided that the correct value of the coupling factor is
used. The yield Y is generally expressed either in kilotons (1 kt = 103 tons)
or in megatons (1 Mt= 106 tons), by which we mean that the total explosive
energy is the same as if that amount (kt or Mt) of TNT were used. For
calculation of seismic energy we also need to know the conversion factor
between kt and ergs: 1 kt corresponds to an energy of 4 X 1019 ergs.
A number of different calculations of seismic coupling factors have
been published, of which we present a short summary in Table 28, referring

Table 28. Seismic toupling, i.e. the fraction of the total explosion energy which is
converted into seismic wave energy, for different locations of the explosion in relation
to the earth's surface (according to American data).

Location of explosion 10 km altitude Coupling factor (~) 1 X 10 -.

1 km altitude 3 X 10- 5
surface 1 X 10- 4
300 m underground 1 X 10- a
30 m under water 5X10- a
100 m under water 2X 10- 2
500 m under water 4X 10- 2

to an explosion of Y=20 kt. The coupling may vary considerably from case
to case. The values in Table 28 have been determined by American scientists.
Our own research in this field fully confirms the low coupling factors for
atmospheric explosions, whereas for explosions below the surface, especially
in water, we have found reason to suspect considerably larger coupling
factors than those given in Table 28.
It is internationally agreed (in 1968) that existing station networks
are able to detect underground explosions in the northern hemisphere
down to 20 kt, if the explosion has taken place in hard rock, like granite,
and that the source can be located to within 10-40 km. From the American
side it is maintained in 1971 that underground explosions as small as 1 kt
can be detected to distances exceeding 6000 km. It is of interest to compare
this statement with my graph of 1958, presented in Figure 98. Using this
graph and equation (3) above, we have in this case: distance =6000 km=54°
350 Nuclear Tests and Other Explosions

(maximum range in Fig. 98), corresponding to m=5.4, m x =5.0 from equa-

tion (2), Y = 1 kt (given), which gives lX = 10- 1 by equation (3). This is higher
than the corresponding values of Table 28, but in better agreement with our
own experience of favourable coupling.
For atmospheric explosions the seismic output is very poor indeed.
If the total energy of the 58-megaton bomb on October 30, 1961, at Novaya
Zemlya had been converted into seismic energy, it would have corresponded
to an earthquake of magnitude M = 8.4, i.e. in the same class as the largest
earthquakes. However, the conversion into seismic energy was only about
5 X 10- 5 of the total energy of the bomb. The rest of the energy appeared
in other forms, especially as an atmospheric pressure wave. Therefore,
from a seismological point of view, this bomb corresponded to an earth-
quake with a magnitude of only M =5.4, as far as energy is concerned.
Figure 119 also demonstrates that the bomb was relatively insigni-

Fig. 119. Records at Uppsala showing

part of the surface waves from the

Iranian earthquake of September I,
- . --- - .-= - -..
- -.
. - -. .
.-- 1962 (upper figure) and from the No-
•- . - . -
. -

. .---.

.--- . j
vaya Zemlya explosion of October 30,
1961 (lower figure). The records are
written by the same instrument, and
...--..- ..- ..-..-. - ,
..- . -....
therefore the trace amplitudes are di-
rectly comparable.

ficant as a seismic phenomenon. This picture shows two records from

the same instrument at Uppsala, one from the earthquake in Iran on
September 1, 1962 (magnitude 7.1), the other from the bomb on October
30, 1961.
The relation between body-wave magnitude m and surface-wave mag-
Magnitude and Energy 351

nitude M, which we have discussed earlier (Chapter 4), is valid for earth-
quakes. On account of the different focal mechanism for earthquakes and
explosions, the relation m-M will be different for underground explosions.
Figure 120 illustrates how a given body-wave magnitude m corresponds
to a remarkably lower surface-wave magnitude M for explosions than it
does for earthquakes. This circumstance has sometimes been considered as
the most reliable criterion for discriminating underground explosions from
earthquakes. However, a similar difference exists between deep and shallow
earthquakes, and therefore the criterion has to be combined with some in-
formation on focal depth.
There is now a large collection of observational material, including
source information, available for underground explosions made by the USA,
but we are still lacking corresponding information regarding the Asiatic

6 ~ M


. .-
. •~.-":
Y'. /

i( Fig. 120. Relation between magnitudes M and m for

explosions and for earthquakes. After P. W. BASHAM
m (1968). See DAVIES (1968). The scales do not agree with
3 our Section 4.3, equation (3), but the difference between
3 4 5 6 earthquakes and explosions is nevertheless clear.

continent. The continents vary in their structure, even in different parts

of the same continent. This may have a considerable influence on the
distance range to which seismic recordings can be obtained as well as on
other properties of obtained records. Obviously, experience from the North
American continent cannot simply be applied to the Asiatic continent. In
order to provide the necessary basis for the disarmament discussions in
Geneva and for a possible test-ban treaty, including underground explosions,
it would be of great significance if information on a series of tests on the
Asiatic continent could be made available.
352 Nuclear Tests and Other Explosions

11.7 Some Statistics on Nuclear Explosions

Table 29. Number of nuclear tests up to 1976, inclusive, which have been reliably
recorded by the Swedish network (Table 2).
Explanation of notation:
A Novaya Zemlya 1 Underground
B Semipalatinsk 2 Underwater
C Caspian Sea-Ural region 3 Surface
D USA, particularly Nevada 4 Atmosphere
E Aleutian Islands
F Pacific Ocean
G Sahara
H Sinkiang
I India

USSR USA France China India

AI A2 A4 BI CI -------~--
G3 HI H4 II Sum

1954 1
55 2
56 2 2
57 4 4
58 11 2' 14
59 0
60 1
61 2 18 1 21
62 24 4 10' 40
63 3 4
64 2 4 2 8
65 9 4 2 16
66 11 9 1 23
67 14 11 27
68 11 1 20 2" 36
69 10 4 20 38
70 8 4 21 2" 37
71 11 5 7 J2 26
72 1 11 5 4 21
73 3 7 4 9 24
74 2 13 2 5 24
75 3 8 13 24
76 2 10 9 (223 )

Sum 19 2 58 128 27 143 3 3 17 5 6 415

1 USA.
2 France.
3 Probably incomplete.
Some Statistics on Nuclear Explosions 353

Table 29 gives a summary of all nuclear tests which have been recorded
by the Swedish seismograph station network (Fig. 18) up to 1976, inclusive.
Nuclear explosions were certainly started by 1945, but it took several years
until the explosions were large enough to be recorded seismically at greater
distance and also until our own station network had been created and
equipped with instruments of high sensitivity (see Table 2). Table 29 gives
an idea of the extent of the material we have to offer on this point and
at the same time clearly demonstrates the number of tests which have
been large enough to be recorded at greater distance. Military and po-
litical aspects (for instance, the partial test-ban treaty in 1963) are also
reflected in the material. In addition, there is a large number of smaller
tests which has not been recorded by us. As a rough estimate, the total
number of our recordings (415) is hardly more than 40% of the total number
of tests performed. Our statistics (Table 29) cuts the top and is therefore
still representative of the "seismopolitical" development.
The right-hand column in Table 29 shows clearly how the interval
can be divided into four periods, of which the first three show an increasing
frequency of explosions:
1. 1954-8, before the first test ban.
2. 1960-2, dominated by the large number of atmospheric explosions.
3. 1963-70, after the partial test-ban treaty in 1963, exhibiting a
steady increase of the number of underground explosions. Each of the
three years, 1968-70, has nearly the same total number, which might suggest
that some degree of saturation has been reached, technically, economically,
politically or military.
4. 1971-6, with a constant and somewhat lower frequency of explo-
sions. Notable features from this period are the continued atmospheric
tests by France and China, besides underground tests, also that India con-
ducts its first nuclear test (1974) and that the USSR expands activity on
Novaya Zemlya to include two test areas from 1973.
Table 30 summarizes the largest underground explosions which have
been made. The list includes those explosions which have given a body-
wave magnitude (m) at the Swedish network of 6.5 and over.
Even though we have based the magnitudes on Swedish records only
and even though there are still certain problems connected with magnitude
determinations, the list can be considered as relatively homogeneous, es-
23 BAth: Introduction to Seismology
354 Nuclear Tests and Other Explosions

Table 30. The largest underground nuclear explosions (m~6.5) up to 1976, incl.
American tests 1 :

Date Location Magnitude Remark


1968 January 19 Nevada 7.0 About 1 megaton at 980 m

April 26 Nevada 6.5 1.2 megaton at 1160 m
December 19 Nevada 6.5 1.1 megaton at 1400 m
1969 September 16 Nevada 6.5 800-900 kiloton at 1160 m
October 2 Aleutians 7.0 1.2 megaton at 1220 m
1970 March 26 Nevada 6.7 Over I megaton at 1210 m
1971 November 6 Aleutians 7.22 5 megaton at 1791 m depth
1975 May 14 Nevada 6.5 765 m depth
October 28 Nevada 6.6 1265 m depth
1976 March 14 Nevada 6.6 0.5-1 megaton

Russian tests:

1965 January 15 Semipalatinsk 7.0

1966 February 13 Semipalatinsk 6.6
March 20 Semipalatinsk 6.8
October 19 Semipalatinsk 6.5
October 27 Novaya Zemlya 6.6
December 18 Semipalatinsk 6.7
1967 February 26 Semipalatinsk 6.7
1968 July I North of Caspian Sea 6.6
November 7 Novaya Zemlya 6.5
1969 October 14 Novaya Zemlya 6.5
November 30 Semipalatinsk 7.0
December 28 Semipalatinsk 6.6
1970 October 14 Novaya Zemlya 6.93
December 12 East of Caspian Sea 6.6
December 23 East of Caspian Sea 6.5
1971 April 25 Semipalatinsk 6.7
September 27 Novaya Zemlya 6.7
December 22 North of Caspian Sea 6.8
1972 August 28 Novaya Zemlya 6.7
November 2 Semipalatinsk 6.9
December IO Semipalatinsk 7.0
1973 July 23 Semipalatinsk 7.1
September 12 Novaya Zemlya 6.7
Some Statistics on Nuclear Explosions 355

Russian tests (continued):

1973 October 27 Novaya Zemlya 7.1

December 14 Semipalatinsk 6.7
1974 May 31 Semipalatinsk 6.9
August 29 Novaya Zemlya 6.5
November 2 Novaya Zemlya 7.0
1975 April 27 Semipalatinsk 6.7
August 23 Novaya Zemlya 6.6
October 29 Semipalatinsk 6.7
December 25 Semipaiatinsk 6.7
1976 July 4 Semipalatinsk 6.7
July 29 North of Caspian Sea 6.5
August 28 Semipaiatinsk 6.6
November 23 Semipaiatinsk 6.8
December 7 Semipalatinsk 6.7

1 For further detailed information on recent American tests, I refer to SPRINGER and KINNAMAN (1971, 1975).
2 The largest magnitude for any explosion so far, partly due to favourable coupling.
3 Estimated to correspond to 6 megatons by the American Atomic Energy Commission, and rated as the
strongest underground test so far performed.

pecially as it is based on the same instruments, which have worked with

unchanged characteristics for the whole observation period. The magnitudes
have been revised to conform to the Zurich recommendations (Chapter 4)
and they are averages from Uppsala and Kiruna short-period P-wave rec-
ords. On account of the uncertainties of any transformation from magnitude
to yield, I have refrained from making any such calculation, and the in-
formation on yield and depth given for the American tests is taken from
American sources.
From Table 30 we see that large underground tests have not been
made until during the last few years-since 1965. For magnitudes of 6.5
and above there are up to 1976, inclusive, 37 Russian and 10 American
underground tests. This result is not exclusively explained by an over-
weight of strong Russian explosions. It is also to some extent depending
upon the fact that our magnitudes for Russian tests, especially those in the
Semipalatinsk area, tend to be somewhat high, probably due to favourable
wave propagation properties. For the American explosions we see that most
yields are about 1 megaton and the depths around 1 km. There is good
reason to assume that most Russian tests listed have had similar values for
yield and depth.
356 Nuclear Tests and Other Explosions

For further detailed discussion of "seismopolitical" aspects of nuclear

explosions, the reader is referred to an excellent book by BOLT (1976).

11.8. Peaceful Application of Nuclear Explosions

Although originally developed for military purposes, there is no doubt

that there are many peaceful applications of nuclear devices. In the USA
the Atomic Energy Commission has developed a special programme,
termed Plowshare, to incorporate such projects. Several such explosions
have also been performed by the Americans. The so-called Sedan explosion
in July 1962 is a good example of a cratering experiment. The explosion
corresponded to 100 kt and was carried out at a depth of about 200 m.
It produced a crater which was about 365 m across and about 100 m
deep. In another American experiment, five I-kiloton bombs were arranged
along a line and simultaneously detonated. As a result, a linear crater
was produced. Such experiments open up the possibility of using this
method for the construction of large canals. Other fields of application in-
clude dam construction. Nuclear explosions carried out at greater depth
can be used efficiently for excavation purposes, for instance, for construc-
tion of underground chambers for storage of oil and natural gas. Other
applications involve stimulation of natural gas formations and oil reser-
voirs, etc. For instance, for gas stimulation an exp~riment was made in
Colorado, USA, on May 17, 1973. Three charges, each of 30 kiloton, were
placed vertically above each other in the depth range 1780 m to 2040 m.
Scientific applications, especially seismological, have already been em-
phasized above.
It has been maintained that nuclear explosions provide a means to
carry out large engineering works more efficiently and above all more eco-
nomically than by conventional methods. On the other hand, even peaceful
application of nuclear explosions entails a number of problems. Radio-
activity, seismic shock and acoustic waves tend to limit the application to
sparsely populated areas. Consideration of such effects, also of possible
violation of a test-ban treaty, has caused much opposition to the use of
nuclear explosions at all.
There is an abundance of relevant information from the USA. From
the USSR there is some related information, but much more sparse. There
Peaceful Application of Nuclear Explosions 357

seems to be a Soviet programme in many respects similar to the American

Plowshare programme.
In 1970, the USSR described plans for peaceful application of large
(nuclear) explosions in a report to the International Atomic Energy Agency

Table 31. Soviet explosions within the area of the Caspian Sea and Ural Mountains
up to 1976, incl. Magnitudes are calculated as in Table 30.
Date Location Magnitude Remark

1954 September 14 62°N,58°E Urals 4.4 Chemical explosion.

1956 April Urals Chemical explosion,
174 tons (USSR).
Not recorded in
1957 December 7 60 N,60 0E
Urals 4.3 Chemical explosion,
432 tons (USSR).
1958 March 25 60 0N,60 E 0
Urals 5.3 Chemical explosion,
3.1 kilotons (USSR).
1966 April 22 48°N,48°E North of Caspian 6.1
September 30 400N,64°E Uzbekistan 5.9 Nuclear (USSR).
1968 July 1 48°N,48°E North of Caspian 6.6 Nuclear according to
Sea USA. Cavity in salt
1969 September 2 5TN,55°E Urals 5.6} Oil field
September 8 57°N,55°E Urals 5.6 experiments.
September 26 46°N,43°E West of Caspian 6.1 Gas stimulation.
December 6 44°N,55°E East of Caspian
Sea 6.2
1970 February 21 60 0N,59°E Urals Depth 1 km.
June 25 52°N,56°E Urals 5.6
December 12 44°N, 55°E East of Caspian Sea 6.6
December 23 44°N,55°E East of Caspian Sea 6.5
1971 March 23 61°N,56°E Urals 5.9
July 2 Urals
July 10 64°N,55°E Urals 5.3
October 22 52°N,54°E Urals 5.8
December 22 48°N,48°E North of Caspian
Sea 6.8
1972 August 20 49°N,48°E North of Caspian
Sea 6.2
September 21 52°N,52°E North of Caspian
Sea 5.3
358 Nuclear Tests and Other Explosions

Date Location Magnitude Remark


October 3 47°N,45°E Northwest of Cas-

pian Sea 6.4
November 24 53°N,51°E North of Caspian
November 24 52°N,64°E Southern Ural
region 5.6
1973 August 15 43°N,67°E Uzbekistan 5.9
August 28 50 0 N,68°E Southeast of Urals
September 30 52°N,55°E Southern Urals 5.7
October 26 54°N,55°E Southern Urals 4.9
1974 August 14 69°N,76°E Northeast of Urals 5.8
August 29 67"N,62°E Urals 5.4
1976 July 29 48°N,48°E North of Caspian
Sea 6.5

in Vienna, among other things for regulation of the water system of the
Caspian Sea. According to records at our stations, explosions partly with
this purpose have been carried out already for several years. In Table 31,
I have summarized all those explosions, known to us, which could be of
interest in this connection. Coordinates, given to the nearest full degree,
have in most cases been determined by the NElS (USCGS), whereas
magnitudes (m) are based on Swedish records. The explosions in Table 31,
which were carried out during the 1950's, were all chemical, according
to Russian reports. As we see from Table 31, the explosions during the
1960's are considerably larger, and most or all of them may be nuclear.
The relation between many of the listed explosions and the Caspian Sea
and its water system is quite obvious. In addition to these cases, there are
also others, both east and west of the Ural Mountains. The Russians have
an active programme for the application of nuclear explosions to extraction
of ores, oil and natural gas, as indicated for some of the cases listed in
Table 31.
The performance of large nuclear explosions, especially for peaceful
purposes, is no doubt a major technical achievement. But it appears to
require a far greater achievement also to have such explosions under
control politically.
Chemical Explosions 359

11.9 Chemical Explosions

Sometimes the question has been raised as to what extent it is possible

to distinguish nuclear and chemical explosions by seismic means. Quite
obviously, this problem is much more difficult than to discriminate ex-
plosions from earthquakes. The magnitude of an event may give some clue,
especially if an explosion proves to be very large, in which case a nuclear
origin would appear to be likely. The volume of the charge is considerably
larger for a chemical explosion than for a nuclear explosion of corre-
sponding yield. This could possibly influence minor details in a record.
However, no noteworthy progress hitherto seems to have been made as
far as deciding the exact nature of an explosion is concerned. We have
probably to be content with the possibility of deciding that an event is
an explosion and not an earthquake. It is in this connection, among others,

- 'h



Ii. -

Fig. 121. Submarine mine explosion at Sandhamn (Baltic Sea) on August 6, 1957, as recorded by a short-
period vertical-component Benioff seismograph at Uppsala. In order of arrival, the waves are PgI, Sgl and
Rg, the latter with the largest amplitudes.
360 Nuclear Tests and Other Explosions

that the request for direct inspection at the explosion site has been dis-
cussed. For instance, a chemical explosion would not give any radioactive
Smaller explosions of conventional nature are frequently recorded and
they are also of interest from the seismological point of view. A few ex-
amples may be given. Figure 121 shows the record at Uppsala of the detona-
tion ofa submarine mine near Sandhamn in the Baltic Sea in August 1957.
The distance is 100 km. The amplitudes (especially of the Rg-wave) are
considerable, and a weak record was obtained as far as our station at
Kiruna. The explosion occurred under· water, which is the reason for the
very good coupling to the solid earth.
The explosions in the Kiruna iron-ore mines are regularly recorded
at the Kiruna station. It is true that to a certain extent they disturb our
records, but in general we have no difficulties in separating the explo-
sions from earthquakes in these cases. Figure 122 shows a typical record
at Kiruna of one such explosion; the distance is about 10 km. Besides
p- and S-waves (denoted Pg2 and Sg2), there is a wave about 10 sec after P

Fig. 122. Typical record of an

explosion in the Kiruna iron-
ore mines written by the Gre-
,10 sec net seismograph at the Kiruna
~ seismograph station on Octo-
ber 23, 1951, at 17.53 GMT.
The waves Pg2, Sg2 and the
P-wave reflected at the Moho-
rovic:ic discontinuity are spe-
cially marked.
Chemical Explosions 36 [

which has been reflected at the base of the earth's crust at a depth of
30-35 km.
Especially since the 1960's, the Russians have performed a long
and intensive series of large chemical explosions on the Kola Peninsula.
The charges are of the order of 50-100 tons of dynamite and records are
as a rule obtained at our stations at Kiruna, Umea and Skalstugan, in
exceptional cases all over our network. The explosions are probably con-
nected with mining activities in the area, but also construction of power
plants, river regulation, etc., are possible reasons. Other explosions are
frequently carried out in the Soviet border regions, especially in the Lake
Ladoga area and around the coasts of Esthonia.
A comparative study of our records of chemical explosions in and
near Fennoscandia and of earthquakes in the same region would no doubt
yield valuable information for discrimination purposes. Because of the short
distances involved, such research would hardly be of any value for detec-
tions by means of records at greater distance. On the other hand, such a
study would be of essential importance in seismicity studies in Fennoscandia,
considering the large number of explosions carried out in the area. On the
average, the Swedish network can locate around 50 events per month within
Scandinavia and its immediate surroundings. Of these, no less than 80%
are explosions. Under these circumstances reliable discrimination criteria
appear as very significant for seismicity studies in such areas. The following
preliminary results may be mentioned:
1. Clear Rg-waves are recorded on short-period vertical-component
seismographs up to distances around 500 km from explosions, but not from
earthquakes, unless these are very shallow, i.e. with focal depths less than
2-3 km (as rockbursts).
2. The amplitude ratio Pgl/Sgl (or between any other pair of P- and
S-waves) is generally larger for explosions than for earthquakes.
3. Combination of travel times of different waves through the crustal
layers may provide information about the focal depth, which in turn may
serve as a discriminating factor.
There are exceptions to these rules, and in several cases discrimination
may be very difficult or impossible.
Besides discrimination problems, we note also the extensive use of
362 Nuclear Tests and Other Explosions

controlled explosions for investigation both of path properties (Section 7.2)

and of source properties. Thus, numerous investigations have been made
on the generation of seismic waves from different controlled sources, e.g.
from underwater explosions at varying water depths and with varying

Chapter 12

Planetary Seismology

12.1 Purpose of Research and Earlier Results

Since the first satellite was launched by the Russians in October 1957.
development has been very rapid in the exploration of outer space. This
development is of great interest also in seismological research and in geo-
physical research in general. In this chapter, we shall consider geophysics
as a whole and not just restrict ourselves to the seismological aspects.
Furthermore, we shall concentrate our attention onto the moon, as this
is the first heavenly body that has given any direct results in this con-
Geophysics and moon research-this sounds like a contrast between.
on the one hand, a research branch which is concerned with the earth,
especially the physical properties of its interior, and, on the other hand.
research which is directed outwards from the earth to outer space. How-
ever, there is really no such contrast. Instead, geophysics can expect very
useful impulses and results from such direct planetary observations, as
have now been realized in the case of the moon. The closer investigation
of the moon and the planets means nothing else than a new epoch in the
development of geophysics-for the first time, man is provided with bodies
comparable to the earth in size for direct inspection. It may perhaps seem
as if this would not diminish but rather increase our problems. To a certain
extent this is true, but on the other hand, the new observations will provide
a better check on our theories about the earth itself. It may be easy to
formulate hypotheses, when observations are lacking. But we are not satisfied
with hypotheses alone-we want to know the truth, and then observa-
tions from other planets will be of great significance also for geophysics.
There are several examples demonstrating how increased knowl-
edge about the moon could influence and enhance our knowledge about
our own earth. Here, I shall limit myself to a few of these. The base of
the earth's crust, the MohoroviCic discontinuity, is generally considered
to be a chemical discontinuity between overlying basic and underlying
364 Planetary Seismology

ultrabasic rocks. However, according to another hypothesis, this discon-

tinuity would correspond to a phase change and not to a chemical dis-
continuity. There appeared to be good possibilities of getting some contribu-
tion to the solution of this problem from observations on the moon. If
it should correspond to some chemical separation, possibly arisen during
some cooling process, then the depth to this surface is expected to be about
the same in the moon as in the earth (Chapter 7). However, if instead it
were a phase change, the surface should be found in the moon at the same
pressure and temperature as are prevailing at the Moho in the earth. And
this may occur at quite a different depth in the moon. Seismic methods,
directly applied to the moon, would thus be able to assist in the solution of
this problem. This appeared to be a well-defined problem, until observations
were really obtained. As we shall see in Section 12.4, the moon's crust is
about twice as thick as the earth's crust. Nevertheless, due to differences in
composition and in the stage of planetary development, no clear-cut answer
to the question could still be obtained.
Astronomers have already for a long time supplied us with accurate
information about the orbit of the moon-this is testified to by the accuracy
with which eclipses of the sun and moon can be predicted as well as the
accuracy of the propagation paths of the moon satellites. In addition,
the mass, volume, density, etc., of the moon are known with good accuracy
(see Table 32). Information of this kind, which is also available for the

Table 32. Some data for the earth, the moon, Venus and Mars.
Planet Mass Mean radius Volume Mean density Gravity at
1012 megaton] km 10 9 km 3 g/cm 3 cm/sec 2

Earth 5975 6371 1083 5.52 981

Moon 73.5 1738 22 3.34 163
Venus 4860 6100 950 5.12 874
Mars 644 3385 163 3.95 389

1 I megaton = 10 6 tons.

planets with high accuracy, has already been utilized by seismologists in

comprehensive calculations for comparison with the conditions in the earth.
The Australian seismologist BULLEN, notable among others, has published
an extensive series of such investigations. These have already been accom-
The Moon's Magnetic Field, Topography and Origin 365

plished facts for many years-BULLEN'S papers in this field extend over
more than 25 years back in time. On the other hand, access to direct ob-
servations on or near other heavenly bodies has become a reality only in
the last decade.
Our present knowledge about the moon's internal constitution can
be compared with our knowledge about the earth's interior around the
turn of the century, before seismic recordings were available to a greater
extent. It is probably correct to say, however, that the basis is more favour-
able in the case of the moon's exploration, especially as seismological
experience from the earth can be utilized in the planning of experiments
on the moon. On the whole, we could expect a repetition of the develop-
ment of seismology during the present century-but now instead con-
cerning the moon. With all probability this development will be considerably
faster than in the case of the earth.
Guided by data as collected in Table 32 and theoretical considera-
tions, certain ideas have already been formulated regarding the interior
of the moon. A usual model for the moon's density assumes a surface
value of 3.28 g/cm 3 and a value of 3.41 g/cm3 at the centre. This is the
simplest model derived from the compression of the material under increas-
ing pressure. Then it is also assumed that the composition of the moon is
chemically homogeneous and that no phase changes occur. Also spherical
symmetry is assumed. However, other facts indicate that there are devia-
tions from hydrostatic equilibrium and that density variations exist laterally
and not only in a vertical direction. The pressure at the centre of the
moon has been calculated to be slightly less than 5 X 1010 dynes/cm 2 ,
approximately the same as the pressure at a depth of only about 150km
in the earth. These and other calculations await verification by direct
observations on the surface of the moon. Among these, seismic obser-
vations play a significant role.

12.2 The Moon's Magnetic Field, Topography and Origin

Whether or not the moon has a central core, corresponding to the earth's
core, is still an unsolved problem. Sometimes, it has been suspected that a
central core is lacking. This has been based partly upon the relatively low
mean density of the moon (3.34 g/cm 3), partly upon the large rigidity of the
366 Planetary Seismology

lunar body. The latter is proved by the shape of the moon, which is elongated
in the direction to the earth. This figure has arisen in an earlier epoch as
a consequence of gravity effects and still remains. Whereas remanent mag-
netization has been found in rock samples from the moon, as well as in
recent observations in the vicinity of the moon, it appears as if the moon
lacks a present magnetic field of any significance. This is a very interesting
observation which seems to indicate the absence of a moon core and at the
same time lends support to the theory that the earth's magnetism has its ori-
gin in the fluid core. However, the question about the existence or non-exis-
tence of a moon core can probably not be fully settled until we have obtained
the corresponding seismic records from the moon.
An essential contribution to the study of the topography of the
moon surface was made by the Russians in 1959. Using a very much de-
veloped technique they succeeded for the first time, by means of Lunik III,
in taking pictures of the rear side of the moon, which up to that time had
been completely unknown to us. Among the most striking discoveries was
a moon crater about 300 km in diameter, i.e. considerably larger than
the largest crater known up to that time (about 200 km in diameter). After
the publication of the Russian moon pictures, it was advocated that the
moon had been the scene of large catastrophes-violent collisions with
other heavenly bodies which had caused lava flows over the moon's sur-
face, this in turn creating the so-called seas. At first, it was believed that the
rear side of the moon was much smoother and had fewer contours than
the front side. But further photographic work, both by Russians and Ameri-
cans, revealed that the rear side resembles the front side in all its properties.
Numerous photographs have been taken on later moon flights, especially by
the American expedition in July 1971 (Apollo 15).
Before landings on the moon were undertaken, careful investigations
were made of the surface structure. Among others, a 'moon-scraper' was
used to test the properties of the surface. It had been feared that large
parts of the moon might be covered by soft material of volcanic origin.
People and instruments could then be in danger of sinking through this
material to unknown depth. However, both the results from the moon-
scraper and the placing of heavy photographic equipment on the moon
The Moon's Magnetic Field, Topography and Origin 367

as well as the American Apollo landings on the moon (beginning in July

1969), all testified that the surface is solid and able to support the loads
applied, at least at the places investigated.
An interesting observation concerns rifts on the moon, which could
suggest a seismic activity. In May 1967, it was communicated from the
Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena in California that the American
moon satellite Lunar Orbiter 4 had photographed a moon rift, which was
318 km long and 16 km wide. It was considered that this rift may have
been created by a moonquake and that lava had poured out from within
the moon's crust. Similar rifts had also been noticed earlier on moon
photographs. As an alternative explanation, the possibility has been sug-
gested that a meteor has grazed the lunar surface and thus caused a rift.
Some scientists are of the opinion that the fissures on the moon's surface
form a regular pattern, which could be explained by convection currents
in the moon's interior-possibly in an earlier epoch. In some cases, fea-
tures have been found on the moon which bear strong resemblance to cer-
tain features on the earth's surface, e.g. the fissure occupied by the Red
Sea. On the other hand, it has also been emphasized that mountain ranges
do not exist on the moon in the same sense as on the earth. The nature
of possible tectonic phenomena on the moon is still an open question.
Regarding the origin of the moon, we can distinguish between three
different hypotheses:
1. Separation from the earth.
2. Origin simultaneous with the earth as a double planet.
3. Capture from outer space by the earth.
According to the old idea, the moon had been separated from the
earth and left the Pacific Ocean as its mark. The circumstance mentioned
above, that a lunar core is probably lacking, has been thought to support
this idea. It has been envisaged that a mighty tidal wave, amplified by
resonance, was able to break loose from the earth and to form the moon.
This theory has been almost completely abandoned because of several
difficulties, especially that friction would have limited the height of the tidal
wave too greatly; furthermore that the formation would have taken place
when the earth was liquid, and then no trace, like the Pacific Ocean, could
have been left. As alternative theories one has considered the possibilities
that the earth and the moon were formed simultaneously as a kind of
368 Planetary Seismology

double planet or that the moon was captured from outer space by the
earth. However, Professor BULLEN in Sydney, with collaborators, has proved
that phase changes in the earth's interior with reasonable assumptions
would be able to generate sufficient energy to eject the moon from the
earth. In a way, this throws us back to the old hypothesis, even though
many problems remain to be solved.
This idea about the moon's possible origin from the earth, which
was proposed by BULLEN in 1951, seems to be relatively~ unknown but
deserves to be briefly described in this connection. According to certain
newer ideas, the earth's core inside 2900 km depth, has the same chemical
composition as the surrounding mantle (silicates), but by a phase transi-
tion under high pressure and high temperature, the core material is in a
so-called metallic phase (Chapter 7). A planet with such a core of very
small size is in an unstable state, and the stable state corresponds to the
normal (molecular) phase. The phase change to the stable state entails
liberation of energy, which under certain circumstances could be enough
to eject the moon from the earth. The Indian scientist DATTA showed in
1954 that this is possible quantitatively, if we start from an original earth-
moon with three phases, a normal phase, X, and two high-pressure phases,
Y and Z. The disappearance of the phase Z would be connected with
enough energy liberation to eject the moon from the earth, provided that
the radius of the phase Z amounted to at least 1500 km and that its density
were at least 18.5 gjcm 3 • These assumptions appear to be reasonable, but
cooperation is required with some resonance effect which could bring the
body over a certain potential barrier.
Age determinations oflunar rock samples, collected during the Apollo
landing in July 1969, gave surprisingly high values, about 3.5X 109 years.
Age determinations of samples collected during later Apollo expeditions
have yielded even higher values, up to about 4.6 X 109 years. Such results
will be considerably amplified by investigation of rock samples from other
localities on the lunar surface as well as from beneath it, through planned
drilling to about 3 m depth. The presently most-favoured idea about the
moon's origin is that it was captured by the earth about 4X 109 years ago.
Se1enophysical Phenomena: Volcanic Eruptions, Moonquakes, etc. 369

12.3 Selenophysical Phenomena: Volcanic Eruptions, Moonquakes, etc.

In this section we shall essentially restrict our attention to observations of

selenophysical phenomena from the time prior to the first moon landing (July
1969). A question of the greate'>t interest is whether the moon is physically
dead or alive, i.e. if volcanic eruptions, moonquakes, etc., exist or not. The
surface of the moon is mainly characterized by extensive lava fields (maria),
surrounded by mountain ranges, and an enormous number of craters, pos-
sibly formed by meteor impacts in an early epoch. For comparison, it should
be emphasized that similar craters have been found on the earth's surface,
as in Arizona and Canada, probably with the same origin. To discover
such craters on the earth is considerably more difficult, due in part to the
cover of soil, partly to the weathering and eroding effect of wind and water.
The exact origin of moon craters has been very much debated, and the
ideas vary from an exclusively volcanic origin to an exclusively meteoritic
origin. Many scientists hold an intermediate position and consider some
craters to be volcanic and others to have been formed by meteor impacts.
Probably only a direct investigation of the moon's surface will lead to
an answer to this question. In the event that the hypothesis of meteor
impacts be verified, then the further exploration of the moon's surface
will contribute to our knowledge of meteors also.
Many times it has been maintained that changes have occurred on
the moon's surface, such as the disappearance of some crater or the appear-
ance of a new one, which could suggest volcanic eruptions or moonquakes.
But many of these observations, especially those which are visual and not
photographic, have to be taken with caution, because of the great influence
of different lights and shadows. The best-known case is the disappearance
of the crater Linne which could suggest a lunar catastrophe some time
between 1843 and 1866. Such observations do not in general provide very
reliable evidence either for/ or against any selenophysical activity. We have
to bear in mind that even large moon quakes could occur without leaving
any surface trace visible from the earth. Just as on the earth, we have to
expect possible moon quakes to occur at many kilometres depth below
the surface.
The temperature variation on the surface of the moon amounts to
about 280 0 between its day- and night-side. There is no doubt that this
24 BAth: Introduction to Seismology
370 Planetary Seismology

will cause heavy stresses in the moon's crust, which could provoke breaks
and displacements. Observation of radiofrequency radiation demonstrates
a temperature variation of only about llOo. This corresponds to condi-
tions at a depth of about 40 cm below the moon's surface. Likewise, the
Apollo 15 heat flow measurements reveal that the diurnal temperature
variation is almost negligible at 50 cm depth. These observations show not
only that the superficial layer consists of material with very low heat con-
ductivity, but also that the stresses produced must be restricted to the very
top leyer. Nevertheless, it has been found that a large number of small
moonquakes must be ascribed to the diurnal temperature variation on the
moon's surface. These quakes, so-called thermal moonquakes, are explained
as slumping of lunar soil triggered by diurnal thermally induced stresses.
It has been reported repeatedly that haze or fog has been observed
on the moon, especially in some crater. Most likely this consists of gas
emanating from the moon's interior and is not a result of condensation
in any thin atmosphere. Of particular interest are the much discussed
observations of presumed volcanic activity on the moon that were made
from the Crimea Observatory, for the first time in November 1958, and
since then on several other occasions. The question of the possible existence
of a very thin moon atmosphere has not yet been answered definitely. It
does not appear impossible that a thin upper atmosphere and an ionosphere
could exist, to some extent resembling conditions on the earth. A few
observations of light flashes, interpreted as due to meteorites passing
through the outer moon atmosphere, could be taken as an indication of
this. Ionosphere scientists and meteorologists will probably also have an
interest in closer investigation ofthe moon, even though some of the planets,
such as Venus or Mars, will have more to offer for these branches.

12.4 Instrumental Observations and Models of the Moon

In 1957, I mentioned the importance of seismograph installations on the

moon to the leaders of the American and Russian committees for the
International Geophysical Year project. At both places, the proposal was
received with the greatest interest and sympathy and was considered to be
unique and of considerable value, perhaps only raised too early. Since then,
the development of suitable seismographic equipment for the moon has ad-
Instrumental Observations and Models of the Moon 371

vanced considerably, especially in the USA. In the beginning of the 1960's,

the Americans launched three rockets with seismograph equipment for
automatic installation and operation on the moon, but these efforts failed
and at least one of them missed its target. It was with the American astronaut
landing on the moon in July 1969 (Apollo 11), that seismometers first
were mounted on the moon's surface. The recording was done on the
earth by means of radiowave transmission. This equipment consisted of
four seismometers: one 3-component long-period system and a short-
period vertical-component apparatus. In principle, they were of a capacitor
type (Chapter 2) with magnifications reaching 1.6 million. During the lapse
of 21 days, these recorded several events suggesting moon slides (probably
a temperature effect on the moon surface) and a few events whose origin
could not be fully ascertained: moonquakes or meteor impacts. A clear
velocity dispersion could be observed, suggesting a layering in the
moon's crust.
The absence of water and, practically, of atmosphere on the moon
implies absence of noise (microseisms) on seismic records. This means
that considerably higher magnification could be used than is possible for
any station on the earth. On, the other hand, we cannot exclude the pos-
sibility that temperature variations in the superficial layer with ensuing
motions could disturb the records. The continuous impacts of meteorites
against the moon are another and perhaps even more important source
of noise. Experience has shown, however, that none of these effects are
able to produce any significant background noise, at least not at the sites
investigated. In fact, the background seismic noise has been found to be
extremely low, far below the noise level at any known earth site. As a
consequence, it has been found possible to detect motions on the moon's
surface as small as 1 A= 10- 8 cm = 10- 4 microns. In the study of records
of possible moonquakes we will be faced with the problem of distinguishing
between meteor impacts and real quakes, a problem which very much
resembles that of distinguishing explosions from earthquakes on the earth
(Chapter 11).
Recordings of meteor impacts on the moon may give very valuable
information about their frequency of occurrence. Previously, only moon
photographs could provide any material for such studies. From careful
studies of these it has been found that the number of craters increases
372 Planetary Seismology

exponentially with their decreasing size, and that the whole surface of
the moon has been covered by craters over and over again. Such results
have been of significance in connection with studies of craters on the earth
as well as for a better apprehension of conditions in space, of importance
for future space flights among other things.
By means of smaller explosions, a method is offered to generate
seismic waves both regionally and through the whole of the moon, whose
records would clarify the layering in its interior, the possible existence of a
lunar core, etc. By means of records of moonquakes, the seismic conditions
on the moon could ultimately be mapped.
An interesting seismological experiment was carried out in connection
with the moon landing of Apollo 12 in November 1969. After takeoff
from the moon, the ascent stage of the lunar module was shot against the
moon's surface. This generated an artificial moonquake which gave strong
records on the seismometers placed 75.9 km from the impact point. Most
remarkable in this connection is the long duration of the record-no less
than 55 minutes-which gave rise to many discussions (Fig. 123). With

lM Impact __ 6 nm
20 Nov. 1969 l'
22 :17:41.2 10 minutes

Fig. 123. Seismic signal received on the lunar long-period vertical-component seismometer from the Apollo
12 lunar-module impact. After G. LATHAM et al. (1970). 1 nm= 1 nanometre= 10- 9 metre = 1 millimicron.

a mass of 2383 kg and an impact velocity of 1.68 km/sec, the kinetic energy
of the lunar module corresponds to a body-wave magnitude m=5.0 at
100% conversion into seismic wave energy [using equations (1) and (2) in
Chapter 11], to m=4.6 at 10% energy conversion, and to 111=4.2 at 1%
energy conversion. However, it is estimated that the conversion factor may
be much smaller, around 0.001 %, i.e. 10- 5 of the kinetic energy. For such
a conversion we get m = 3.0. The ascent stage, shot down from Apollo 13
in the spring of 1970, had a larger mass (13 925 kg) and a higher impact
velocity (2.58 km/sec). The seismic magnitude m is calculated to be 5.4,
5.0, 4.6 and 3.5, corresponding to the four cases, respectively, just dealt
with. A 4-hour-long seismic record was then obtained at a distance of 115 km.
Later experiments during the following Apollo flights gave similar results.
For comparison, on February 4, 1967, an earthquake occurred inVarmland,
Instrumental Observations and Models of the Moon 373

Sweden, with a magnitude m=4.6, which gave records on short-period

instruments of about 6 minutes duration both at Uddeholm (distance
53 km) and at Uppsala (distance 245 km). On the moon, we have to expect
longer duration, partly because of the considerably larger seismometer
magnifications used and partly because of considerably smaller or absent
background noise. But it appears that in addition we need to have recourse
to some structural difference in order to explain the long duration of the
moon record. A number of structural properties has been suggested in
speculation about the long duration of the moon record which we can
summarize in the following points:
1. Existence of a much greater number of homogeneous (compe-
tent) layers in the moon, which would make numerous reverberations
2. Existence of a sharp discontinuity at shallow depth in the moon,.
which to a large extent would preserve vibrations within the top layer
(,blanket effect').
3. Existence of blocks (perhaps of meteoric origin) with loose coupl-
ing to the rest of the moon, and that impact and seismometers were located
on the same block.
4. A high quality factor Q (see Chapter 7) of the moon material,
of the order of 3000-5000, or low absorption coefficient, because of degas-
sing, dehydration and possibly compression.
5. Scattering of seismic waves in a highly heterogeneous medium.
6. A spray of secondary ejecta around the seismometer, i.e. lunar
dust particles which rain down on the lunar surface close to the seismo-
meter. If true, this explanation for the long duration of the record naturally
detracts much of the seismological interest in the experiment.
Some of these explanations are obviously contradictory, and only
repeated experiments will permit more reliable conclusions. The fact that
similarly long durations were obtained at other places on the moon in
1970 and 1971 suggests that it is a moon-wide phenomenon and not of
local nature.
The seismometers, placed on the moon in connection with the Apollo
12 landing in November 1969, continued for a long period to record about
one event per day. These were found to be due to two causes, on the one
hand, lunar tides (attraction mainly from the earth) and, on the other hand,
374 Planetary Seismology

meteor impacts. This means that both reasons for the moonquakes were
exterior to the moon and any interior activity, corresponding to that known
for the earth had so far not been discovered. The observation of moonquakes
due to lunar tides is interesting because it sheds light on an old problem
concerning the earth, i.e. whether earthquakes are released by tidal trig-
gering action or not. The experience from the moon seems to justify the
assumption of such an effect, even though it is generally hidden by other
more important phenomena on the earth. For the moon it did not appear
clear whether the tides act as generators of quakes, i.e. causing both strain
and its release, or if they act simply as triggers, i.e. releasing strain existing
in the moon for other reasons.
It is of considerable interest to note that moon recordings generally
do notresemble those regularly obtained on the earth, except for those due
to such phenomena as volcanic tremors, microseisltls, landslides, etc.
Distinct phases as observed in earthquake records do not show up on the
moon in the time-compressed record of Figure 123. With better resolution,
however, separate phases have been found, corresponding to P, Sand
surface waves, even though these are much less conspicuous than on the
earth. If any quake activity should exist, similar to that on the earth, then
the time of observation would have been long enough to record many of
these. At present, we can speculate either that tectonic activity is absent
on the moon, at least it is not at all comparable to the one on earth, or that
the moon's interior is of such a nature as to prevent wave propagation to
greater distances. The latter idea obviously conflicts with suggestions of
high quality.
With the installation of the seismograph equipment of Apollo 15 in
July, 1971, the first triangular array was established, further developed by the
installations of Apollo 16 and 17. This naturally enhanced the possibilities
of locating seismic events. The most remarkable finding was moonquakes at
depths of 700-1200 km with magnitudes of2 to 3. While generally no larger
moonquakes have been observed, the depth is quite remarkable. Among
other events we note swarms (Section 6.4) of moonquakes with one shock
every second hour and lasting for several days, but still with unknown
reason. It has also been possible to locate specially active zones - one of
which is responsible for about 80% of the moon's seismic activity.
With the much more abundant data which gradually became avail-
Instrumental Observations and Models of the Moon 375

able, it was possible also to conduct some statistical studies of moon quakes.
For instance, in the frequency-magnitude relation log N=a-bM, cf.
Section 5.2, it was found that b"=".2 for moonquakes as distinct from its
value around I for tectonic earthquakes. Such a high value of the b-coeffi-
cient is characteristic for volcanic earthquakes, and could suggest micro-
fracturing, possibly due to thermal stresses.
Guided by our seismological knowledge about the earth, quite a
number of theoretical calculations have been made regarding the seismic
conditions of the moon. Among such calculations, we may mention deter-
mination of preliminary travel times for P- and S-waves, assuming con-
stant velocities of 8.0 km/sec and 4.6 km/sec, respectively, for the entire
moon. On the basis of these assumptions, it will take a little more than 7 min
and 12-!- min for a P-wave and an S-wave, respectively, to pass straight
through the moon. Later, these calculations have been extended to var-
ious layered models of the moon, also to a number of body waves in addi-
tion to P and S (as pP, PP, sS, SS). See NAKAMURA and LATHAM (1970)
and DERR (1970). Other theoretical calculations concern surface waves.
Among other things, dispersion curves for Rayleigh waves with periods
between 10 and 100 sec have been drawn for two moon models with dif-
ferent layering in the moon's crust. Similarly, the free vibrations of the
moon have been calculated under the assumption of certain models. Ob-
servations of spheroidal moon vibrations are expected to be able to dis-
criminate between different moon models. Such calculations, of which
just a few examples have been mentioned here, are mostly theoretical
and speculative. But they will certainly become of great importance
by comparison with direct seismological observations of the moon.
More recently, it has become possible to place considerations of moon
models on a more reliable basis thanks to direct observations. See Figure
124 and Table 33. The velocity structure is based on travel times and
amplitudes of recorded seismic waves, especially P, together with informa-
tion from theoretical seismograms and laboratory measurements of seismic
wave velocities in rock samples from the moon. A two-layered crust with
total thickness of no less than about 65 km is suggested, overlying a litho-
sphere which extends to depths around 1200 km. The existence of remarkably
deep moonquakes, at depths of 700-1200 km, suggests that the interior is
solid enough to such depths to hold stresses. The innermost part, astheno-
376 Planetary Seismology


h KM

-25 KM



60 "MOHO"

70 Fig. 124. P-wave velocity profile in the crust and uppermost
mantle of the moon. After ToKSl)z et al. (1972), modified.

sphere, extending from about 1200 km depth to the moon's centre, is prob-
ably partially molten, as indicated by stronger attenuation of S-waves and
absence of moonquakes. There is no correspondence to the earth's core,
unless one would like to look upon the inner asthenospheric globe as a
certain counterpart, even though it better corresponds to the earth's lower
mantle. Comparing the gross features of the earth's and the moon's interior,
we could say that the moon exaggerates the outer parts of the earth, but
Table 33. Model of the moon's internal structure.

Layer Depth range P-wave velocity Remark

km km/sec

0-25 0.1-6.8 Increasing velocity due to

Crust { compaction and chemical
25-65 6.8 Practically constant velocity.
Lithosphere 65-1200 9.0 at 75 km depth Quakes located to depths of
700-·1200 km.
Asthenosphere 1200-1738 Partially molten. S-waves
attenuated. Possibly decreasing
P-wave velocity.
Instrumental Observations and Models of the Moon 377

suppresses the inner parts. For instance, taken in relation to the respective
radii of the moon and the earth, both the crustal thickness and the depth to
the deepest quakes are 6 to 7 times as large for the moon as for the earth.
Other geophysical-or more correctly selenophysical-measurements
should also be conducted on the moon, such as heat flow and radioactive
measurements, observations of moon tides, gravity measurements and
selenodetic measurements. Several of these are already included in the man-
ned lunar landing projects, besides the coltection of lunar rock samples.
Selenothermal measurements ought to give information about the thermal
history of the moon, and thus contribute to the solution of the problem of
the origin of the moon and our planetary system. The shape of the moon
should be accurately determined, and also an exact coordinate network
(longitudes and latitudes) will be necessary.
A recent observation on the moon concerns so-called mascons, i.e.
mass concentrations, which exhibit themselves by increased gravity. Their
origin has been much discussed, and the suggestions vary from meteoritic
origin to an origin from the moon's interior. Besides the existence of
mascons, there are several other indications of relatively low internal tem-
peratures, probably below the melting point, within the moon, e.g. results
from the Apollo surface magnetometer experiment, furthermore the shape
of the moon and the existence of very deep quakes, which both testify to
considerable internal strength. Also direct heat flow measurements on the
moon's surface give similar results. The heat flow has been measured as
30 ergs/cm 2 sec, i.e. 0.7.10- 6 cal/cm2 sec or only about half of the earth's
average value, estimated as 1.5· 10- 6 cal/cm 2 sec. Only preliminary estimates
of the moon's internal temperature have been made, all of them lying below
3000 °C and some even below 1000 0c.
Observations of cosmic radiation, not to mention astronomical ob-
servations, both optical and in the radiofrequency range, could be made
with advantage from the moon as well as all observations for which the
earth's atmosphere is a disturbing factor. Among these we may mention
all kinds of radiation measurements, such as radiation from the sun and
from the earth. These and other observations have been made with rockets,
which, however, are unable to provide continuous observations over a
longer time span. Satellites, however, provide such a possibility. For in-
stance, for observations of corpuscular radiation from the sun, distances
378 Planetary Seismology

on the earth are too short to provide sufficiently long base lines. But simul-
taneous observations from the earth and the moon would be able to furnish
important information about the propagation and distribution of this
radiation. The moon contains such a record of the sun's development as
is impossible to find in meteorites or in any substance on the earth. For
4.6 X 109 years, the moon has been exposed to an uninterrupted solar wind.
This means that particles from the sun can be found on the moon and
corresponding samples have now been collected for laboratory investiga-
tion on the earth. Also a number of observations of our own earth could
be made with advantage from the moon, e.g. of the tail of leaking atmo-
sphere that sometimes has been suggested to exist. At present, it is mainly
a question of technical facilities, whether many of these observations are
better made on the moon's surface or from a space laboratory. The low
gravity and the practically complete absence of air resistance make the
moon very suitable as a platform for continued satellite and rocket ex-
periments on our way towards outer space.
A laser reflector placed on the moon in July 1969 (Apollo 11) has
made it possible to measure the earth-moon distance to an accuracy of
about 15 cm. This increased accuracy has great significance for many studies,
such as of the moon's motion and of continental drift and polar wandering
on the earth. Therefore, a network of observing stations around the earth
would provide accurate means for testing hypotheses as expressed in the
new global tectonics (Chapter 6).
Even though interest at present is naturally focussed on the moon,
preliminary calculations, similar to the ones described above for the moon,
are being made for the planets next in line for manned landings, i.e. Venus
and Mars.
As the mass and the mean density of Venus are nearly the same
as for the earth (Table 32), these two planets have presumably almost
the same composition. Observations on Venus may therefore have a special
relevance to observations on our own earth. It is considered on good grounds
that Venus has a core, which is metallic and liquid, like the outer core of
the earth. Accurate determinations of the radius of the Venusian core
would make a discrimination possible between the two most important
hypotheses for the boundary of the core: whether this is a chemical dis-
continuity or represents a phase change (see Chapter 7). We see that this
Instrumental Observations and Models of the Moon 379

problem is analogous to the problem concerning the Moho discontinuity

and the moon.
Mars is like Venus a terrestrial planet, and seismological informa-
tion can be expected in the future which will resemble that from Venus.
The existence of a Martian core is more uncertain than a Venusian core.
BULLEN has estimated that the radius of the Martian core amounts to
900 km at most, but direct measurements are needed to test the hypothesis.
The American chemist UREY has suggested that Mars is chemically homo-
geneous. This too can be tested by direct measurements of wave velocities
on Mars. In July and September, 1976, the Americans succeeded in placing
instruments on the surface of Mars with the unmanned expeditions Viking I
and Viking II, respectively. They both brought seismographs, of which
Viking I was damaged on landing, but of which Viking II in January, 1977,
gave the first positive indication of a marsquake. Otherwise, this activity
has concerned taking lots of photographs and some meteorological observa-
tions, and, above all, searching for indications of possible life - now or in
the past - on Mars.
Finally, let us look at the development from a historical perspective-
back in time but essentially into the future. Throughout all time, man has
been attracted towards exploration of the unknown. Quite clearly, it is
easiest to move in horizontal directions along the earth's surface, both
over continents and oceans. This was done during the time of the great
geographic discoveries in past centuries, when new continents and new
oceans were found. In our time, this expansion corresponds to man's ex-
ploration of outer space-the enormously increased problems connected
with such journeys are now being solved. In this chapter, we have been
dealing mainly with the moon, but exploration of other planets will also
have great repercussions on geophysical research. In the present rapid
development, geophysics occupies a rather strange position. The object
for its study-the interior of the earth-is at the same time so close to us
and so inaccessible. During the Apollo 11 expedition in July 1969, samples
of moon rocks were for the first time carried to the earth for direct investiga-
tion in the laboratory. Thus, it has proved to be easier to get a rock sample
from the moon than to get a corresponding sample from only 20 km depth
in the earth. Another example: our knowledge about the nature of the core-
380 Planetary Seismology

mantle boundary only 2900 km beneath our feet is less certain than our
knowledge about the outer parts of the sun.
The recent direct observations on the moon have stimulated an
enormous literature and also raised a number of new problems not envisaged
before. But there is no doubt that with these observations new pathways
are opened up to science, which will lead to a more reliable apprehension of
the universe and its development.

Chapter 13

Seismological Education and Practice

13.1 Seismology Curriculum at Uppsala University

University institutes in seismology and in geophysics now exist in many
countries, where both research and education are carried on. Just as an
example, I will quote below the present curriculum in seismology followed
at the Seismological Institute at Uppsala, Sweden. Seismology here became
a university subject with an established curriculum in 1961, but only on
the postgraduate level. This means that students should first have a degree
corresponding to B. Sc. or M. Sc. and then start with seismology which
would lead to a degree corresponding to Ph. D.
Recently, the Swedish degree system has been reorganized, such that
the basic university degree (filosofie kandidat, roughly equivalent to B. Sc.)
can be attained in three years after high school. This is then followed by
a four-year programme of education leading to the new doctor's degree
(filosofie doktor, roughly equivalent to Ph. D.). The programme of educa-
tion in seismology still exists only on the latter, postgraduate level. I re-
produce here in full a translated version of the present (1977) curriculum in
seismology with brief explanations inserted where needed.

Program of Studies for Graduate Education in Seismology

at Uppsala University
This program of studies is formalized by the Office of the Chancellor of
the University March 27, 1973. Graduate studies are provided to the extent
that available resources allow.

1. Subject Description and Educational Objectives

1.1 Subject Description
Seismology, literally translated, means the study of earthquakes. The
central problem in seismological research is the generation, transmission,
and registration of elastic waves. Registration of seismic waves by a world-
382 Seismological Education and Practice

wide network of seismograph stations makes it possible to determine the

location of earthquakes as well as their energy, mechanism, etc. and thereby
gives valuable insight into the global tectonics. The properties of seismic
waves (velocity, amplitude, etc.) depend upon the medium through which
they pass. Thereby, studies of the physical properties of the Earth's in-
terior are made possible, and seismic methods present a more certain and
meaningful determination of these properties than any other methods here-
tofore presented. Seismology has many practical connections as well, among
which prospecting, seismic protection of various types of construction pro-
jects, and nuclear weapons detection should be especially pointed out.
Seismology is an applied mathematical and physical science and, like
geophysics in general, it is broadly based upon physical observations, la-
boratory experiments (seismological modelling, etc.), and theoretical
1.2 Educational Objectives
The educational goal is to provide the student with deepened knowledge
and capability in the methodology of research, leading to the ability to carry
out independent seismological research, including planning and super-

2. Requirements for Admission

To be considered for admission to graduate studies in seismology, the appli-
cant must have a bachelor's degree, as well as at least 40 points credit in the
area of mathematics and at least 60 points credit in physics or mathematical
statistics. (In the Swedish university system, a passing grade in a one-
semester course normally corresponds to 20 points which is equivalent to
1 point per week).
It is recommended that this preparation includes a course in computer
programming (for example, 10 points in computational physics as part ofa
physics course, or in information processing, especially numerical analysis).
Applicants who, in other programs inside or outside Sweden, have
acquired capabilities corresponding basically to the above will also be con-
sidered for admission. In addition, a person who has not been formally
admitted as a graduate student has the right to undergo examinations and
Seismology Curriculum at Uppsala University 383

defend a thesis for the doctor's degree, if he fulfills the general admission

3. Educational Program
3.1 General
The doctor's degree program is planned so that it normally requires four
years' full-time study. The course-related work corresponds to approxi-
mately 40 points and is mainly concentrated in the first two years. This
includes both elements which are common to all students and elements
which are directed towards the scientific studies particular to the individual
At the beginning of the program, an individual study plan which the
student intends to follow is defined. This plan is worked out between the
student and his advisor.

3.2 Courses
3.2.1 Methodology and introduction, 8 points comprising:
a) Physical geology (features and formations of the surface of the Earth,
constitution of the crust, external and internal processes, corresponding,
for example, to HOLMES: Principles of Physical Geology).
b) Statistical processing of observations (distributions, means, correlations,
significance calculations, spectral theory, least-square method).
c) Applied mathematics (contour integration, conformal mapping, sta-
tionary-phase method, series integration, Bessel functions, Legendre
functions, integral transforms, matrix algebra, calculus of variations,
integral equations; BATH: Mathematical Aspects of Seismology).
d) Computer programming, in case this is not included in the student's
preparation (the ability to write the necessary programs may be best
acquired by auditing one of the programming courses given in other
e) Spherical trigonometry and map projections (familiarity with spherical
trigonometric formulas, especially sine and cosine relations, as well as
the most common map projections).
f) Introduction to seismology (BATH: Introduction to Seismology) and to
384 Seismological Education and Practice

areas related to seismology, such as gravimetry, Earth's magnetism,

tectonics, geothermometry, etc. (HOWELL: Introduction to Geophysics).
3.2.2 Theoretical seismology, 20 points (wave equation, transmission
through lc::yered media, surfc::ce and body waves, effects of gravity,
curvature of the Earth, and viscosity upon wave transmission, vibra-
tions of plates and cylinders, transmission through media with variable
velocity, free oscillc:: tions of the Earth; EWING, JARDETZKY, PRESS:
Elastic Waves in Layered Media, BULLEN: Theory of Seismology,
BATH: Mathematical Aspects of Seismology).

3.2.3 Seismicity and general seismology, 3 points (seismic condition of the

Earth, earthquake processes, direct observations, magnitude and
intensity, more important earthquakes and their effects, calculations
from records, etc; RICHTER: Elementary Seismology, GUTENBERG,
RICHTER: Seismicity of the Earth).
3.2.4 Tectonics, internal structure of the Earth, 3 points (interior of the
Earth, the crust, the mantle, the cores, physical properties in the
Earth's interior, inelastic processes, tectonophysical processes; GUTEN-
BERG: Internal Constitution of the Earth, GUTENBERG: Physics of the
Earth's Interior, JEFFREYS: The Earth).
3.2.5 Instrument and seismograph theory, 3 points (theory of seismographs,
methods for determining constants, theory as well as practice; BYERLY:
Seismology, BENIOFF: Earthquake Seismographs and Associated Instru-
3.2.6 Seismic prospecting, 3 points (theory of seismic prospecting, practical
aspects, participation in field courses and field work; HEILAND: Geo-
physical Exploration, DIX: Seismic Prospecting for Oil, SLOTNICK:
Lessons in Seismic Computing, DOBRIN: Introduction to Geophysical
The above-mentioned literature is meant only to specify approxima-
tely the level of each topic and may be replaced by course literature of
similar value after agreement with the supervisor.
The courses are terminated by written and/or oral examinations.
One or more of the courses may, with agreement of the research
Seismology Curriculum at Uppsala University 385

supervisor, be replaced or modified, whereupon the supervisor shall deter-

mine how course credits shall be arranged. The substituted course can also
be selected from subject areas other than, but related to, seismology.

3.3 Dissertation
For the doctor's degree it is also required that the candidate write and
publicly defend a scientific presentation. Specifications of the form of the
dissertation and of the public defence are found in §§ 59-69 Declaration
(1969: 50) on education in the philosophical faculties.
The dissertation shall be of such quality that it is judged to fulfil
recognized, reasonable requirements to be accepted, as a whole or in sum-
mr.ry, for publicetion in an international scientific journal of high quality.
The choice of subject for the thesis is normally made in agreement
with the advisor.

4. Instruction
The Seismolofic21 Institute provides instruction for the basic courses for
the doctor's degree to the extent that instructional steff is available. Beyond
this, lectures and seminars in specialized areas as well as guest lectures are

5. Advisors
Candidates accepted to graduate studies are entitled to supervision by an
advisor, full-time students for four years, and part-time students with uni-
versity positions as assistants or technicians for five years. Other part-time
students are entitled to research supervision of corresponding extent.
Upon entrance into the program, each student is assigned an advisor who
is continuously available to supply guidance concerning the course of studies
and the selection of course literature, etc. Later, usually when the student
has completed some of the basic courses and begun to consider the nature
of the dissertation, the student will work with a research advisor who need
not be the advisor first assigned and in the normal case directs the special
studies and research leading to the dissertation. Normally, this research
advisor is also an examiner for the doctoral dissertation.

25 Bath: Introduction to Seismology

386 Seismological Education and Practice

It is the responsibility of the student to keep his supervisors informed

of the progress of his studies and research.
A supervisor who is not himself appointed to be an examiner for the
doctoral examination is requested to reach a final decision in agreement
with someone who is a qualified examiner in those cases mentioned in
points 3 and 6 in this Program of Studies.

6. Examinations
Examinations for the doctor's degree in seismology cover the basic courses
by means of written or oral examinations, both at the terminations of
courses and at other times when required.
Those who wish to carry out studies and dissertation work without
being accepted as a doctoral candidate are entitled to undergo examinations
for the doctor's degree.
Students are entitled to transfer credit for examination passed in
graduate studies in a philosophical faculty even at another university. This
also applies to examinations in graduate studies at colleges within Sweden.

7. Miscellaneous Information
Because of the international nature of the research community, all instruc-
tion (lectures, seminars, etc.) is given as a rule in English. The students also
use English in their seminar talks, which seems to give the students practice
for participation in international scientific conferences.

13.2 Exercises

In this section we give a number of exercises, by which the reader will get
an opportunity to test his knowledge acquired from the reading of the
present book. All the problems are relatively simple and of such a nature
as a seismologist is confronted with in his daily work with records.
1. Determine the epicentre and the origin time for the following event:
Exercises 387

h m s h m s
Uppsala i 22 50 57.0 Skalstugan iPn 22 48 11.2
iSg 22 51 03.7 i 22 48 34.5
iSg 22 48 57.2
Kiruna iPg 22 48 16.9
i 22 48 30.1 Umea ePn 22 48 24
iSg 22 49 00.7 iPg 22 48 37.0
iSn 22 49 07.5
is* 22 49 22.2
iSg 22 49 33.0
Hint: Use the Jeffreys-Bullen travel-time tables and a map of the Nordic
countries, preferably of scale 1: 5 X 106 •
Answer: West coast of Norway at 66.6 ON, 13.6°E. Origin time
=22 47 22.
2. Same problem as 1 for the following event:
h m s h m s
Kiruna iPn 00 09 48 Umea iSn 00 11 28.1
iSn 00 10 42.1 is* 00 11 43.7
iSg 00 11 05.9 iSg 00 12 03.0
Skalstugan eSg 00 13 35
Answer: Northwest Russia, 68.2 ON, 31.6 °E. Origin time =00 08 37.
3. Same problem as 1 for the following event:
h m s h m s
Uppsala iPg 04 16 56 Goteborg ePn 04 16 17
iSn 04 17 34 eSg 04 16 57
iSg 04 17 53
Karlskrona iPg 04 15 40
Ska1stugan eSn 04 19 00 iSg 04 15 48
iSg 04 19 49
Answer: Southern Baltic Sea, 55.6 ON, 15.0 o E. Origin time=04 15 28.

Comment: Somewhat more accurate results are obtained by using regional

travel-time tables, e.g. those of BATH (1971), Chapter 3.
388 Seismological Education and Practice

4. Are the following phases possible and, if so, how do they propagate:
5. Suppose we have a given earthquake and a given station, such
that a) both Sand SKS are recorded; b) both P and PKP are recorded.
Explain how this is possible and within what distance ranges a and b can
6. Suppose we have records in three components (E, N, Z). Which of
the following waves can be used for determination of the direction to the
epicentre: P, PP, S, PeS, ScS, SKS, L, R?
7. Given the following earthquake: November 9, 1963, 21 15 30.4
GMT, 9.0 oS, 71.5 oW, western Brazil, depth about 600 km, magnitude
m = 7.1. Calculate the following quantities for the station at Uppsala:
a) Epicentral distance to 0.10 by means of spherical trigonometry_
b) Azimuth of the epicentre as seen from the station and vice versa to 0.1 0
by means of spherical trigonometry.
c) Theoretical arrival times of P, pP, PP, SKS, S, PKKP, P' P' using both
the Jeffreys-Bullen tables and the Gutenberg-Richter tables.
d) Compare the results from c with observed arrival times at Uppsala.
e) Angle of incidence (or angle of emergence) at the focus and at the sta-
tion of P, pP, PP, S.
f) Depth of deepest penetration of P, Sand PP rays.
Hint: For the solution of a and b, knowledge of spherical trigonometry is
required (as a rule, the cosine and the sine theorems are sufficient for all
seismological purposes). For part d, the Uppsala readings are communi-
iP 21 28 01.5
ipP 21 30 06.5
iPP 21 32 18.6
iSKS 21 37 42
is 21 38 36
iPKKP 21 44 28.2
iP'P' 21 52 51.9
Exercises 389

8. Repeat the calculations under c, d, e and f in problem 7, but

instead under the assumption of zero focal depth, i.e. with a focus located
on the earth's surface.
9. Calculate the magnitude for the earthquake of September 1, 1962,
19 20 38.7 GMT, 35.6 oN, 49.9°E, Iran, depth 20 km, by means of the
following readings at Uppsala and Kiruna:
microns sec microns sec
Uppsala P E 8.9 10 Kiruna P E 12 7
P N 5.4 6 P N 8.9 7
P Z 6.5 6 P Z 26 9
p Z' 0.4 0.6 P Z' 2.4 1.0
S N 2.7 4 pp Z 14 6
R E 230 18 S E 17 11
R N 250 17 S N 27 11
R Z 330 18 R E 200 13
R N 210 17
R Z 430 17
Hint: Use graphs and other means from RICHTER'S book Elementary Seis-
Answer: m=6.9, M=7.1.
10. Same problem as 9 for the following earthquake: December 7,
1962, 14 03 37.0 GMT, 29.2 ON, 139.2°E, Bonin Islands, depth 440 km.
microns sec microns sec
UppsaJa P E 1.4 1 Kiruna P E 3.3 5
p N 1.8 3 P Z 5.4 5
p Z' 0.6 0.5 P Z' 0.4 0.5
pp E 1.5 3 pp Z 3.2 4
pp N 2.1 3 S E 17 7
pp Z 3.8 3 S N 19 7
S E 11 3 R E 7.0 15
S N 12 3 R N 4.1 16
R E 4.8 17 R Z 6.9 17
R N 6.7 19
R Z 6.1 16
390 Seismological Education and Practice

Answer: m = 6.8, M = 6.2 (M not corrected for focal depth).

11. Given all Uppsala records for the following earthquake: July 26,
1963, 04 17 16.7 GMT, 42.1 ON, 21.5 DE, Skopje, surface focus assumed.
a) Determine epicentral distance from the records and compare with trig-
onometrically calculated distance.
b) Repeat the problem a for the azimuth of the epicentre.
c) Determine origin time from Uppsala records and compare with given
origin time.
d) Determine the magnitude.
The Uppsala readings follow here:
iP 04 21 22
is 04 24 44
microns sec
P N 2.3 3
P Z 1.3 3
P Z' 0.2 0.6
S E 3.9 6
S N 3.0 5
L,R E 45 15
L,R N 34 10
R Z 25 9
Hint: Problem b supposes an access to all Uppsala records of this earth-
quake. However, as an exercise, the problem can be applied to any other
station and to any well-recorded earthquake.
12. Arrival times of the P-wave are given for a number of stations
according to the following table from U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey:
ADK iP 16 27 18.3 NEW eP 16 34 09.0
BIG eP 16 30 29.0 BMO eP 16 34 22.8
TNN eP 16 31 12.0 HHM e(P) 16 34 24.3
SCM eP 16 31 18.0 ALE eP 16 34 32.0
COL eP 16 31 26.0 BOZ eP 16 34 46.7
PJO eP 16 31 28.0 EUR iP 16 34 54.5
MBC eP 16 33 19.2 WDY iP 16 34 58.0
Practical Application of Seismology 391

LF4 eP 16 35 00.4 FBC eP 16 35 55.0

DUG eP 16 35 06.1 WMO eP 16 36 35.0
UBO eP 16 35 20.5 CPO eP 16 37 20.2
TFO eP 16 35 41.8 SHL iP 16 37 36.6
GOL eP 16 35 42.0
Verify the solution of the USCGS: origin time = 16 26 34.1 GMT, epi-
central coordinates 51.2 ON, 179.0 °E, Aleutian Islands, focal depth=36 km.
Make also an independent solution.
Hint: A table of stations and their coordinates has to be used as well as
travel-time tables.

13.3 Practical Application of Seismology

It is undoubtedly of very great value to students to be acquainted with

the possibilities for practical application and employment in their field
after a degree has been obtained. Apart from employment as high-school
teachers in physics, we have to state that the possibilities are more restricted
than in 'big' subjects, like physics and chemistry. But in spite of this, it
is very satisfying to see that seismology has gained more and more practical
significance in the community in recent time. In this section, I shall give a
review of various practical applications of seismology. On the whole, when
a study of seismic waves enters a problem, the applications aim at increased
knowledge of the source, of the transmitting medium or of the receiv-
ing end.
1. Seismic prospecting. In this branch, seismic methods are applied
to exploration for occurrences of oil, salt, ore bodies, minerals, etc. As
only economically profitable resources are of interest, the seismic investiga-
tions are limited to relatively shallow depths. In principle, the methods are
the same as used in seismic soundings of the earth's crust (Chapter 7).
Just as in that case, there are principally two methods which are applied:
the reflection method and the refraction method. In prospecting work,
however, the measurements have to be done on another scale: the investi-
gated depths are smaller, and smaller explosions and shorter profiles are
enough. But on the other hand, the timing accuracy has to be increased
to a corresponding degree to yield sufficiently accurate results.
It ought to be emphasized that it is not possible to detect oil, etc.,
392 Seismological Education and Practice

by seismic or any other geophysical means. It is only possible to discover

geological formations where there may be reason to suspect the occurrence
of oil, etc. When such a suspected location has been found, the drilling of
bore holes can be started. Oil prospecting has recently received renewed
stimulus. Intensive prospecting for oil is thus made in several different parts
of the earth, as for instance, in the North Sea, the Baltic Sea, in the Sahara,
and other places.
Geophysical firms who conduct prospecting work are now in existence
in many countries. Depth-to-bedrock investigations (soil depth, etc.) is
another branch of applied seismology, also made by such firms and of
importance in connection with various constructional problems.
2. Vibration measurements. As a consequence of an ever increasing
extent of built-up areas (cities, etc.), the effect of vibrations on various
structures as well as on human beings is a problem of increasing importance.
This includes vibrations from explosions in connection with various kinds
of works and from mining blasts as well as from modern traffic. Therefore,
vibration measurements have become of great practical importance, and
they are usually made at a large number of points in exposed areas. As a
rule, such measurements are made with accelerographs. One example is
the frequent construction of underground railways in cities with old build-
ings, which one wants to keep intact (Stockholm provided such an example).
Vibration problems in towns in the immediate vicinity of large mines have
attracted special interest. Kiruna, which is located near the iron-ore mines,
provides such an example where vibration measurements have been made
on several occasions.
3. Stress measurements. Measurement of absolute stress has applica-
tion within several different fields: in investigation of strength of building
materials, in investigation of stability in mines, etc. In Sweden, such mea-
surements are of great importance and Professor N. HAST, Stockholm, has
developed a very sensitive method for these (Chapter 2). He and his col-
laborators have conducted measurements both in the Nordic countries and
elsewhere, as in Canada, Egypt, Zambia, Iceland, etc. Professor HAST has
coordinated and studied his observations from a geophysical point of view.
There is no doubt that such measurements in the solid earth will be of
great significance to the problem of earthquake prediction (Chapter 10).
In the planning of various constructions, as dams and power plants, it is
Practical Application of Seismology 393

also of the greatest significance to have an accurate knowledge about the

stress conditions and possible fracture zones in the solid rock.
4. Engineering seismology or earthquake engineering. This is such
an important branch of applied seismology, that it is represented by special
institutes and professional research workers in a number of countries,
especially seismic countries. This field is concerned with the effects of earth-
quakes on all kinds of building structures. Thorough studies are now
usually made after every destructive earthquake, frequently by special mis-
sions sent out by UNESCO in Paris. In addition, laboratory investiga-
tions on models playa very great role in this field. It is on the basis of such
studies, combined with seismicity research, that so-called building codes
can be formulated, which regulate the way of building in seismic areas.
Obviously, these problems are of the greatest importance in earth-
quake countries. But they are of concern not only to the inhabitants of
such countries, but to everyone who is going to build something in such
a country. Therefore, many firms in non-seismic countries, like Sweden,
who are involved in large construction works in seismic areas, are very
much concerned with seismic conditions and possible damage in such areas.
This is an important field where the seismologist can be of great help,
thanks to the information he can provide on seismicity around the world.
Sometimes very severe requirements have to be made on a site, which
should be free from vibrations of seismic or other origin. This concerns,
for instance, accelerator installations and more recently, nuclear power
plants. Then even very small shocks have to be taken into account as well
as the rock structure and in great detail.
5. Earthquake insurance. The seismological part of this problem is
closely related to the one described under point 4. From the seismological
side, information is provided on the seismic risk, i.e. the intensities (magni-
tudes) and their frequency of occurrence to be expected for a location
under interest. Information on seismic risk has then to be converted into
insurance premiums. A recent investigation of this problem is presented in a
paper by KULHANEK and BATH (1976), cf. Chapter 4, where methods are
developed and applied to selected areas in Central and South America.
6. Eerthqm:ke prediction. That this represents a field of the greatest
practical importance is clear beyond any doubt. We touched upon this
394 Seismological Education and Practice

problem under 3 above and for a more detailed account we refer to Chap-
ter 10.
7. Recording of seismic waves to establish the nature of the source.
This field comprises several parts, of which we give the most significant
a) Nuclear test detection. Detection of nuclear explosions has now
to be considered as an important branch of applied seismology. The details
of the problem have been described in Chapter 11. Research on this prob-
lem as well as practical detection are being conducted both by government
agencies and by seismological institutes in several countries.
b) Seismic detection in connection with military operations. In such
operations, it has been customary for a long time already to listen in var-
ious media, such as in the atmosphere and in water (hydrophones). More
recently, these methods have been supplemented by listening methods
applied to the ground, using seismic detectors.
c) Seismic detection of rockbursts. Rockbursts (Section 10.8) are small
ruptures which can be located seismically by recording with a number ofre-
ceivers. Such recordings are of significance as they can locate possible crack
formation in tunnels, underground chambers, mines, etc. They may there-
fore be of importance for safety measures against major ruptures.
8. Seismic-glr.ciologicel research. Every line of work, where seismic
methods are being employed, can be considered as a branch of applied
seismology. Seismic-glaciological research offers one such example. In-
vestigations have been made of the internal structure of glaciers in many
areas, by the application of seismic refraction techniques.
On the whole, it can be said that there is an increasing demand for
seismologists all over the world with a good theoretical and experimental
background. Technically highly skilled seismolog~sts are required for the
operation of seismograph station networks and of array stations as well
as for the reading of records and other handling of data. Universities need
well-qualified people to carryon teaching in seismology on an advanced
level. This together with the practical side, of which a number of examples
have been given above, tend to make the prospects for seismologists brighter
than ever before.

Literature Review

The intention of the following literature review, arranged according to chapter, is both
to give the main sources upon which the present book is based as well as to give sugges-
tions for further reading. On the other hand, the intention is not to give any complete
coverage of the seismological literature, which would be practically impossible with
the great abundance of published papers. The list is rather to be looked upon as a selection
of papers suitable for further reading. In the papers listed there are often extensive ref-
erences to further literature. As a considerable part of the material in this book is based
upon observations and studies at the Seismological Institute, Uppsala, there is a corre-
sponding overweight of papers from this institute. In case publications refer to more
than one chapter, they are generally listed only on the first of these chapters. Books given
already in Chapter 13 are in general not repeated here.

Chapter 1
BATH, M., Seismology in the Upper Mantle Project. Tectonophysics 1. 261-271 (1964).
BATH, M., Seismology. Acta Univ. Ups., Uppsala University 500 Years, Fac. Sci. 8.
181-191 (Math. & Physics), and 10. 207-217 (Earth & Life Sci.) (1976).
BOLT, B. A. (Ed.), Methods in Computational Physics. Vol. 13: Geophysics (Acad. Press,
New York 1973),473 pp.
CIVETTA, L., GASPARINI, P., LUONGO, G., and RAPOLLA, A. (Editors), Physical Volcanology
(Elsevier, Amsterdam 1974), 333 pp.
GUTENBERG, B. (Ed.), Handbuch der Geophysik. Vol. 4 (Borntraeger, Berlin 1932), 1202 pp.
GUTENBERG, B., Seismology. Geol. Soc. Amer., 50th Ann. Vol., 439-470 (1941).
JEFFREYS, H., and JEFFREYS, B. S. (Editors), Collected Papers of Sir Harold Jeffreys on
Geophysics and Other Sciences. Vol. 1-6 (Gordon and Breach, London 1971-7).
LOVE, A. E. H., A Treatise on the Mathematical Theory of Elasticity (Dover, New York
1944), 643 pp.
PARASNIS, D. S., Principles of Applied Geophysics (Chapman and Hall, London 1972),
214 pp.
PRESS, F., and SIEVER, R.o Earth (Freeman, San Francisco 1974),945 pp.
SCHEIDEGGER, A. E., Foundations of Geophysics (Elsevier, Amsterdam 1976), 238 pp.
SHARMA, P. V., Geophysical Methods in Geology (Elsevier, Amsterdam 1976), 428 pp.
Chapter 2
ANDERSON, J. A., and WOOD, H. 0., Description and Theory of the Torsion Seismometer,
Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer. 15, 1-72 (1925).
BATH, M., Development of Instrumental Seismology in Sweden in 1949-1958, Geofis.
pura e appl. 43, 108-130 (1959).
BENIOFF, H., A New Vertical Seismograph. Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer. 22, 155-169 (1932).
BENIOFF, H., A Linear Strain Seismometer. Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer. 25, 283-309 (1935).
BENIOFF, H., Earthquake Seismographs and Associated Instruments, Advances in Geophys.
2,219-275 (1955).
396 Literature Review

BENIOFF, H., Long-Period Seismographs, Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer. 50, 1-13 (1960).
BORG, H., and BATH, M., The Uppsala Seismograph Array Station, Pure and Appl.
Geophys. 89, 19-31 (1971).
COULOMB, J., and GRENET, G., Nouveaux principes de construction des seismographes
electromagnl!tiques. Ann. Phys., Ser. 11,3, 321-369 (1935).
DE BREMAECKER, J. CL., DONOHO, P., and MICHEL, J. G., A Direct Digitizing Seismograph,
Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer. 52, 661-672 (1962).
GUTENBERG, B. (Ed.), Handbuch der Geophysik, Vol. 4 (Bomtraeger, Berlin 1932),
1202 pp.
HAST, N., The Measurement of Rock Pressure in Mines. Swedish Geological Survey,
Yearbook 52, 183 pp. (1958).
HAST, N., The State of Stresses in the Upper Part of the Earth's Crust, Engineering Geology
2,5-17 (1967).
WILLMORE, P., The Detection of Earth Movements. Methods and Techniques in Geo-
physics (S. K. RUNCORN, Ed.), Interscience, J, 230-276 (1960).

Chapter 3
ANSELL, J. H., Observation of the Frequency-Dependent Amplitude Variation with Distance
of P waves from 87° to 119°. Pure and Appl. Geophys. 112, 683-700 (1974).
BARBER, N. F., Fourier Methods in Geophysics. Methods and Techniques in. Geophysics
(S. K. RUNCORN, Ed.), Interscience, 2, 123-204 (1966).
BATH, M., An Investigation of the Uppsala Microseisms (Almqvist & Wiksell, Uppsala
1949), 168 pp.
BATH, M., Comparison of Microseisms in Greenland, Iceland, and Scandinavia, Tellus 5,
109-134 (1953).
BATH, M., A Study of T Phases Recorded at the Kiruna Seismograph Station, Tellus 6,
63-72 (1954).
BATH, M., Ultra-long-period Motions from the Alaska Earthquake of July 10, 1958, Geofis.
pura e appl. 41, 91-100 (1958).
BATH, M., Channel Waves in the Earth's Continental Crust, Scientia 56, 8 pp. (1962).
BATH, M., Propagation of Sn and Pn to Teleseismic Distances, Pure and Appl. Geophys.
64, 19-30 (1966).
BATH, M., An Earthquake with Exceptionally Strong Higher-mode Surface Waves, Pure
and Appl. Geophys. 66, 16-24 (1967).
BATH, M., Observations of Teleseismic Pn Phases, Pure and Appl. Geophys. 66, 30-36
BATH, M., Average Crustal Structure of Sweden. Pure and Appl. Geophys. 88. 75-91
BATH, M., Short-Period Rayleigh Waves from Near-Surface Events. Phys. Earth Planet.
Interiors 10. 369-376 (1975).
BATH, M., and LOPEZ ARROYO, A., Attenuation and Dispersion of G Wm'es, J. Geophys.
Res. 67, 1933-1942 (1962).
BATH, M., and LOPEZ ARROYO, A., Pa and Sa Waves and the Upper Mantle, Geofis.
pura e appl. 56, 67-92 (1963).
BATH, M., and CRAMPIN, S., Higher Modes of Seismic Surface Waves - Relations to
Channel Waves, Geophys. J. 9, 309-321 (1965).
BATH, M., and SHAHIDI, M., T-phases from Atlantic Earthquakes, Pure and Appl. Geo-
phys., 92, 74-114 (1971).
Literature Review 397

BATH, M., et aI., A Seismic Refraction Investigation of Superficial Granitic Layering.

Seism. Inst., Uppsala, Rep. No. 7-76, 21 pp., 3 tables, 7 figs (1976).
BENIOFF, H., Long Waves Obs-erved in the Kamchatka Earthquake of November 4. 1952.
J. Geophys. Res. 63. 589-593 (1958).
BOLT, B. A. (Ed)., Methods in Computational Physics. Vol. II: Seismology. Surface Waves
and Earth Oscillations (Acad. Press, New York 1972), 309 pp.
BOLT, 8. A. (Ed.), Methods in Computational Phy~ics. Vol. 12: Seismology. Body Waves
and Sources (Acad. Press, New York 1972),391 pp.
BROWN, R. J., Azimuthally Varying P-Wave Travel-Time Residuals in Fennoscandia
and Lateral Inhomogeneity. Pure and Appl. Geophys. 105. 741-758 (1973).
BROWN, R. J., and ENAYATOLLAH, M. A., Comparison of Short- and Long-Period P-Wave
Travel Times and Arrival Angles. Pure and Appl. Geophys. 109. 1638-1652
CRAMPIN, S., Higher Modes of Seismic Surface Waves - Preliminary Observations,
Geophys. J. 9, 37-57 (1964).
CRAMPIN, S., Higher Modes of Seismic Surface Waves - Phase Velocities Across Scan-
dinavia, J. Geophys. Res. 69, 4801--4811 (1964).
CRAMPIN, S., Higher Modes of Seismic Surface Waves - Propagation in Eurasia, Bull.
Seism. Soc. Amer. 56, 1227-1239 (1966).
DERR, J. S., Free Oscillation Observations Through 1968, Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer. 59,
2079-2099 (1969).
DONN, W. L., Microseisms, Earth-Sci. Rev. 1, 213-230 (1966).
ENAYATOLLAH, M. A., Travel Times of P-Waves for the Swedish-Finnish Seismograph
Network. Pure and Appl. Geophys. 94. 101-135 (1972).
GUTENBERG, B., Effects of Low-Velocity Layers, Geofis. pura e appl. 28, 1-10 (1954).
GUTENBERG, B., Channel Waves in the Earth's Crust, Geophysics 20, 283-294 (1955).
GUTENBERG, 8., and RICHTER, C. F., Materials for the Study of Deep-Focus Earthquakes,
Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer. 26, 341-390 (1936).
HADDON, R. A. W., HUSEBYE, E. S., and KING, D. W., Origins of Precursors to p'p'.
Phys. Earth Planet. Interiors 14, 41-70 (1977).
HERRIN, E., et aI., 1968 Seismological Tables for P Phases. Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer. 58.
1193-1352 (1968).
HUSEBYE, E. S., Correction Analysis of Jeffrey~-Bullen Travel Time Tables-. Bull. Seism.
Soc. Amer. 55. 1023-1038 (1965).
JEFFREYS, H., and BULLEN, K. E., Seismological Tables. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 50 pp.
KULHANEK, 0., and BATH, M., Power Spectra and Geographical Distribution of Short-
Period Microseisms in Sweden. Pure and Appl. Geophys. 94. 148-171 (1972).
LEONG, L. S., Sp Converted Phases. Synthetic Long-Period S Waveforms and Crustal
Structure at Umed. Sweden. Seism. Inst., Uppsala, Rep. No. 4-76, 13 pp., 4 figs
PAYO SUBIZA, G., and BATH, M., Core Phases and the Inner Core Boundary. Geophys. J.
8.496-513 (1964).
SAVARENSKY, E., Seismic Waves (Mir Publishers, Moscow 1975), 349 pp.
SHAHIDI, M., Variation of Amplitude 0/ PKP Across the Caustic. Phys. Earth Planet.
Interiors I. 97-102 (1968).
STAMOU, P., and BATH, M., The Caustic and Other Properties of SKP. Phys. Earth Planet.
Interiors 8.317-331 (1974).
398 Literature Review

TRYGGVASON, E., Crustal Thickness in Fennoscandia from Phase Velocities of Rayleigh

Waves. Ann. Geofis. 14. 267-293 (1961).
WHITE, J. E., Seismic Waves - Radiation. Transmission. and Attenuation (McGraw-Hili,
New York 1965),302 pp.
Chapter 4
ANONYMOUS, Norma sismorresistente, Inst. Geograf. y Catastral, 173 pp. (1968).
BATH, M., Earthquake Energy and Magnitude, Phys. and Chern. Earth 7, 115-165
BATH, M., Handbook on Earthquake Magnitude Determinations. 2 nd rev. ed., Seism. Inst.,
Uppsala, 158 pp., 1969 (VESIAC Spec. Rep. 7885-36-X; this book contains a
bibliography on magnitude and energy calculations, comprising about 410 items).
BATH, M., Seismicity of the Tanzania Region. Tectonophysics 27.353-379 (1975).
BATH, M., KULHANEK, 0., van ECK T., and WAHLSTROM, R., Engineering Analysis of
Ground Motion in Sweden. Seism. Inst., Uppsala, Rep. No. 5-76. 37 pp., 8 tables,
11 figs (1976).
BEN-MENAHEM, A., and BATH, M., A Method for Determination of Epicenters of Near
Earthquakes. Geofis. pura e appl. 46. 37-46 (1960).
FREEMAN, J. R., Earthquake Damage and Earthquake Insurance (McGraw-Hill, New York
1932),904 pp.
GUTENBERG, B., SV and SH, Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 33,573-584 (1952).
GUTENBERG, B., and RICHTER, C. F., Magnitude and Energy of Earthquakes, Ann. Geofis.
9, 1-15 (1956).
GUTENBERG, B., and RICHTER, C. F., Earthquake Magnitude, Intensity, Energy, and
Acceleration, Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer. 46, 105-145 (1956).
H OUSNER, G. W., The Design ofStructures to Resist Earthquakes, Dept. Nat. Res. Califor-
nia, Div. of Mines, Bull. 17I, 271-277 (1955).
HUSEBYE, E. S., A Rapid, Graphical Method for Epicenter Location, Ger\. Beitr. Geo-
phys. 75, 383-392 (1966).
KULHANEK, 0., and BATH, M., Earthquake Insurance Coefficients with Application to
Some South-Central American Capitals. Seism. Inst., Uppsala, Rep. No. 8-76.
28 pp., 12 tables, 2 figs (1976).
LOMNITZ, c., Global Tectonics and Earthquake Risk (Elsevier, Amsterdam 1974), 320 pp.
LOMNITZ, c., and ROSENBLUETH, E. (Editors), Seismic Risk and Engineering Decisions
(Elsevier, Amsterdam 1976),425 pp.
MEDVEDEV, S. V., SPONHEUER, W., and KARNiK, V., Seismic Intensity Scale. MSK 1964.
Acad. Sci. USSR, SOY. Geophys. Comm., 13 pp. (1965).
NEWMARK, N. M., and ROSENBLUETH, E., Fundamentals of Earthquake Engineering
(Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 1971),640 pp.
RICHTER, C. F., An Instrumental Earthquake Magnitude Scale. Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer.
25. 1-32 (1935).
SHAPIRA, A., and BATH, M., Location of Teleseisms from P- Wave Arrivals at the Swedish
Stations. Seism. Inst., Uppsala, Rep. No. 9-76. 14 pp., 4 tables, 4 figs (1976).
WySS, M., and BRUNE, J. N., Seismic Moment. Stress. and Source Dimensions for Earth-
quakes in the California-Nevada Region. J. Geophys. Res. 73. 4681-4694 (1968).
Literature Review 399

Chapter 5
BATH, M., Seismicity of Fennoscandia and Related Problems, Ger!. Beitr. Geophys. 63,
173-208 (1954).
BATH, M., Earthquakes, Large, Destructive, Int. Dict. Geophys. 1, 417-424 (1967).
BATH, M., and DUDA, S. J., Strain Release in Relation to Focal Depth, Geofis. pura e
app!. 56, 93-100 (1963).
BENIOFf, H., Orogenesis and Deep Crustal Structure - Additional Evidence from Seis-
mology, Bull. Geo!. Soc. Amer. 65, 385-400 (1954).
BENIOFF, H., Seismic Evidence for Crustal Structure and Tectonic Activity, Geo!. Soc.
Amer., Spec. Paper, 62, 61-74 (1955).
DUDA, S. J., Secular Seismic Energy Release in the Circum-Pacific Belt, Tectonophysics
2, 409-452 (1965).
DUDA, S. J., Regional Seismicity and Seismic Wave Propagation from Records at the
Tonto Forest Seismological Observatory, Payson, Arizona, Ann. Geofis.18, 365-397
HEEZEN, B. C., The Rift in the Ocean Floor, Sci. Amer., 1-15 (Oct. 1960).
HEEZEN, B. c., and EWING, M., The Mid-Oceanic Ridge and its Extension Through
the Arctic Basin, Geology of the Arctic, 622-642 (1961).
OLIVER, J., RYALL, A., BRUNE, J. N., and SLEMMONS, D. B., Microearthquake Activity
Recorded by Portable Seismographs of High Sensitivity, Bull. Seism. Soc .. Amer.
56, 899-924 (1966).
ROTHE, J. P., The Seismicity of the Earth 1953-1965, UNESCO, Earth Sciences 1,
336 pp. (1969).
SCHEIDEGGER, A. E., Physical Aspects of Natural Catastrophes (Elsevier, Amsterdam
1975), 289 pp.
SCHNEIDER, G., Erdbeben, Entstehung, Ausbreitung, Wirkung (Enke, Stuttgart 1975),
406 pp.
Chapter 6
BATH, M., Lateral Inhomogeneities of the Upper Mantle, Tectonophysics 2, 483-514
BATH, M., and BENIOFF, H., The Aftershock Sequence of the Kamchatka Earthquake of
November 4, 1952, Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer. 48, 1-15 (1958).
BATH, M., and DUDA, S. J., Earthquake Volume, Fault Plane Area, Seismic Energy,
Strain, Deformation and Related Quantities, Ann. Geofis. 17, 353-368 (1964).
BELOUSSOV, Y. Y., Againsl the Hypothesis of Ocean-Floor Spreading, Tectonophysics 9
489-511 (1970).
BENIOFF, H., Earthquakes and Rock Creep, Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer. 41, 31-62 (1951).
BENIOFF, H., Circum-Pacific Tectonics, Pub!. Dom. Obs. Ottawa, 20(2), 395-402 (1957).
BENIOFF, H., Movements on Major Transcurrent Faults, Int. Geophys. Ser., Acad. Press
3, 103-134 (1962).
BENIOFF, H., Source Wave Forms of Three Earthquakes, Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer. 53,
893-903 (1963).
BENIOFF, H., Earthquake Source Mechanisms, Science 143, 1399-1406 (1964).
BEN-MEN AHEM, A., Radiation of Seismic Surface Waves from Finite Moving Sources,
Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer. 51, 401-435 (1961).
BONNIN, J., and DIETZ, R. S. (Editors), Present State of Plate Tectonics, Tectonophysics
38,168 pp. (1977) (contains papers presented at a symposium in Grenoble in 1975).
400 Literature Review

CAREY, S. W., The Expanding Earth - An Essay Review, Earth Sci. Rev. 11, 105-143
Cox, A., Plate Tectonics and Geomagnetic Reversals (Freeman, San Francisco 1973),
702 pp.
EVISON, E E, On the Occurrence of Volume Change at the Earthquake Source, Bull. Seism.
Soc, Arner. 57, 9-25 (1967).
ISACKS, 8., OLIVER, J., and SYKES, L. R., Seismology and the New Global Tectonics,
J, Geophys. Res. 73, 5855-5899 (1968).
KHATTRI, K" Earthquake Focal Mechanism Studies - A Review, Earth Sci. Rev. 9,
19-63 (1973).
LENSEN, G. J., Principal Horizontal Stress Directions as an Aid to the Study of Crustal
Deformation, Publ. Dorn. Obs. Ottawa 24 (10 j, 389-397 (1960).
LE PICHON, x., Sea-Floor Spreading and Continental Drift, J. Geophys. Res. 73, 3661-
3697 (1968).
OLIVER, J., SYKES, L., and ISACKS, 8., Seismology and the New Global Tectonics, Tectono-
physics 7, 527-541 (1969).
OLSSON, R., Strain Energy Release, De/ormation Energy Release and Related Problems,
Riv. Ital. Geofis. 22, 341-352 (1973).
OLSSON, R., Earthquake Activity in the Kamchatka-Kurile Islands-Japan Region NOl'ember
6. 1958-November 30. 1970. Riv. Ital. Geofis. 23. 43-56 (1974).
OLSSON, R., Some Aftershock Sequences in the Japan-Kamch{.'tka Region, Scism. Inst.,
Uppsala, Rep. No. 3-76. 12 pp., 2 tables, 2 figs (1976).
ROUSE, G. E., and BISQUE, R. E., Global Tectonics and the Earth's Core, The Mines Mag.,
Mining Eng" 8 pp" March 1968.
SCHEIDEGGER, A. E., The Geometrical Representation of Fault-Plane Solutions of Earth-
quakes, Bull. Seism, Soc. Amer. 47, 89-110(1957).
SCHEIDEGGER, A. E., Recent Advances in Geodynamics, Earth-Sci. Rev. 1, 133-153
STEFANSSON, R .• The Use 0/ Transverse Waves in Focal Mechanism Studies, Tectono-
physics 3,35-60 (1966).
STEFANSSON, R., Methods of Focal Mechanism Studies with Application to Two Atlantic
Earthquakes, Tectonophysics 3, 209-243 (1966).
UYEDA, S. (Ed.), Subduction Zones. Mid-Ocean Ridges, Oceanic Trenches and Geodyna-
mics. Tectonophysics 37,246 pp. (1977) (contains papers presented at a symposium
in Grenoble in 1975).
WILSON, J. T, (Ed.), Continents Adrift. Readings from Sci. Amer. 1952-72 (Freeman,
San Francisco 1972), 172 pp.

Chapter 7
ANDERSON, D. L., Recent Evidence COllceming the Structure and Composition of' the
Earth's Mantle, Phys. and Chern. Earth 6,1-131 (1966).
ANONYMOUS, Geodynamics Project: Det'eloplllent of a u.s. Program, Trans. Amer. Geo-
phys. Union 52, 396-405 (1971).
BATH, M., Seismic Exploration of the Earth's Cl'lIst - Recellf Del'elopmellfs, Geol. Foren.
Forhandl. 80,291-308 (1958).
BATH, M., Die COllrad-Diskontinuitiit, Freiberger Forsch.-Hefte C 101,5-34 (1961).
BATH, M., Crustal Structure in Icelalld amI Surrounding Ocean, ICSU Review 4, 127-133
Literature Review 401

BATH, M., An Analysis 0/ the Time Term Method ill Re/raction Seismology. Seism. Inst.,
Uppsala, Rep. No. /0-76.22 pp., 2 figs (1976).
BATH, M., et a!., A Seismic Re/raction Investigation 0/ Superficial Granitic Layering.
Seism. Inst., Uppsala, Rep. No. 7-76. 21 pp., 3 tables, 7 figs (1976).
BROWN, R. J., Lateral Inhomogeneity in the Crust and Upper Mantle from P- Wave Ampli-
tudes. Pure and App!. Geophys. /01. 102-154 (1972).
BULLEN, K. E., The Earth's Demity (Chapman and Hall, London 1975),420 pp.
BULLEN, K. E., and HADDON, R. A. W., Evidence from Seismology and Related Sources
on the Earth's Present Internal Structure. Phys. Earth Planet. Interiors 2.342-349
COOK, K. L., The Problem 0/ the Mantle-Crust Mix: Lateral Inhomogeneity in the Upper-
most Part 0/ the Earth's Mantle. Advances in Geophys. 9. 295-360 (1962).
FINDLAY, D. C, and SMITH, C H., Drilling for Scientific Purposes. Geo!. Surv. Canada,
Paper 66-13.264 pp. (1966).
GURWITSCH, I. I., Seismische Erkundung (Geest & Portig, Leipzig 1970), 699 pp.
GUTENBERG, B., PKKP, P'P', and the Earth's Core, Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 32,
373-390 (1951).
HADDON, R. A. W., and BULLEN, K. E., An Earth Model Incorporating Free Earth
Oscillation Data, Phys. Earth Planet. Interiors 2, 35-49 (1969).
IBRAHIM, A. K., Leaking and Normal Modes as a Means to Determine Crust-Upper
Mantle Structure for Different Paths to Sweden, Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer. 59,
1695-1712 (1969).
IBRAHIM, A. K., Effects 0/ a Rigid Core on the Reflection and Transmission Coefficients
from a Multi-Layered Core-Mantle Boundary, Pure and App!. Geophys. 91,95 -1 13
IBRAHIM, A. K., The Amplitude Ratio PcP/P and the Core-Mantle Boundary, Pure and
App!. Geophys., 91,114-133 (1971).
KANA!, K., On the Group Velocity 0/ Dispersive Sur/ace Waves, Bull. Earthq. Res. Inst_
Tokyo 29, 49-60 (1951).
KULHANEK, 0., and BROWN, R. J., P-Wave Velocity Anomalies in the Earth's Mantle
from the Uppsala Array Observations, Pure and Appl. Geophys. 112, 597-617
LEE, W. H. K., and TAYLOR, P. T., Global Analysis 0/ Seismic Re/raction Measurements,
Geophys. J. 11.389-413 (1966).
LUBIMOYA, E. A., Thermal History o/the Earth with Consideration o/the Variable Thermal
Conductivity 0/ its Mantle. Geophys. J. I, 115-134 (1958).
MASON, 8., Principles o/Geochemistry (Wiley & Sons, New York 1952),276 pp.
MULLER, G., MULA, A. H., and GREGERSEN, S., Amplitudes 0/ Long-Period PcP and the
Core-Mantle Boundary. Phys. Earth Planet. Interiors 14. 30-40 (1977).
PRESS, F., Earth Models Consistent with Geophysical Data, Phys. Earth Planet. Interiors
3,3-22 (1970).
SANTO, T., Lateral Variation 0/ Rayleigh Wave Dispersion Character; I. Observational
Data, Pure and Appl. Geophys. 62,49-66 (1965).
SANTO, T., Lateral Variation 0/ Rayleigh Wave Dispersion Character; II. Eurasia, Pure
and Appl. Geophys. 62, 67-80 (1965).
SANTO, T., Lateral Variation 0/ Rayleigh Wave Di~persion Character; III. Atlantic Ocean,
A/rica and Indian Ocean, Pure and App!. Geophys. 63,40-59 (1966).

26 BAth: Introduction to Seismology

402 Literature Review

TOKSQZ, M. N., CHINNERY, M. A., and ANDERSON, D. L., Inhomogeneities in the Earth's
Mantle, Geophys. J. 13, 31-59 (1967).

Chapter 8
AL-SADI, fl. N., Dependence of the P-Wave Amplitude Spectrum on Focal Depth. Pure and
App!. Geophys. 104.439-452 (1973).
BATH, M., Futur developpement des rbeaux de stations seismologiques, Scientia 99, 184-
191 (1964).
BATH, M., Seismic Recording Possibilities in Sweden, FOA4, Stockholm, A 4466-4721,
34 pp. (1965).
BATH, M., Underground Measurements of Short-Period Seismic Noise, Ann. Geofis. 19,
107-117 (1966).
BATH, M., Methods to Improve Seismograph Data, Scientia 102, 304-317 (1967).
BATH, M., Spectral Analysis in Geophysics (Elsevier, Amsterdam 1974), 563 pp.
BEAUCHAMP, K. G. (Ed.), Exploitation of Seismograph Networks. NATO Advanced Study
Inst., E 11 (Noordhoff, Leiden 1975),647 pp.
BROWN, R. J., Slowness and Azimuth at the Uppsala Array. Part 1: Array Calibration and
Event Location. Pure and App!. Geophys. 105.759-769 (1973).
BROWN, R. J., Slowness and Azimuth at the Uppsala Array. Part 2: Structural Studies.
Pure and App!. Geophys. 109, 1623-1637 (1973).
CRAMPIN, S., and BATH, M., Higher Modes of Seismic Surface Waves: Mode Separation.
Geophys. J. 10. 81-92 (1965).
ENAYATOLLAH, M. A., Continental-Array Measurements of P- Wave Velocities in the Mantle.
Pure and App!. Geophys. 94. 136-147 (1972).
FARNBACH, J. S., The Complex Envelope in Seismic Signal Analysis. Bull. Seism. Soc.
Amer. 65,951-962 (1975).
FROSCH, R. A., and GREEN, P. E., JR., The Concept of a Large Aperture Seismic Array,
Proc. Roy. Soc. A 290, 368-384 (1966).
HUSEBYE, E. S., and JANSSON, B., Application of Array Data Processing Techniques to
the Swedish Seismograph Stations, Pure and App!. Geophys. 63, 82-104 (1966).
JANSSON, B., and HUSEBYE, E. S., Application of Array Data Processing Techniques
to a Network of Ordinary Seismograph Stations, Pure and App!. Geophys. 69,
80-99 (1968).
KORKMAN, K., Aftershock P-wave Spectra and Dynamic Features of the Aleutian Islands
Earthquake Sequence of February 4, 1965, Tectonophysics 5, 245-266 (1968).
KULHANEK, 0., P-wave Amplitude Spectra of Nevada Underground Nuclear Explosions,
Pure and App!. Geophys. 88, 121-136 (1971).
KULHANEK, 0., Signal and Noise Coherence Determination for the Uppsala Seismograph
Array Station. Pure and App!. Geophys. 109. 1653-1671 (1973).
KULHANEK, 0., Introduction to Digital Filtering in Geophysics (Elsevier, Amsterdam 1976),
168 pp.
LEONG, L. S., Crustal Structure of the Baltic Shield beneath Umed. Sweden. from the
Spectral Behavior of Long-Period P Waves. Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer. 65. 113-126
SUTTON, G. H., McDONALD, W. G., PRENTISS, D. D., and THANOS, S. N., Ocean-Bottom
Seismic Observations, Proc. IEEE 53, 1909-1921 (1965).
Literature Review 403

WHITCOMB, J. H., Array Data Processing Techniques Applied to Long-Period Shear Waves
at Fennoscandian Seismograph Stations, Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer. 59,1863-1887
WHITEW AY, F. E., The Use of Arrays for Earthquake Seismology, Proc. Roy. Soc. A 290,
328-342 (1966).
Chapter 9
ANDERSON, O. L., and LIEBERMANN, R. C., Sound Velocities in Rocks and Minerals,
VESIAC Rep. 7885-4-X, 182 pp. (1966).
ANONYMOUS, Symposium on Seismic Models, LibIice near Prague, November 9-12, 1965
(a collection of papers presented at the symposium), Stud. Geophys. Geodaet.
10, 239-400 (1966).
BRACE, W. F., Laboratory Studies Pertaining to Earthquakes, Trans. New York Acad.
Sci., Ser. II 31, 892-906 (1969).
DUDA, S. J., The Stress Around a Fault According to a Photoelastic Model Experiment,
Geophys. J. 9, 399-410 (1965).
LAVIN, P. M., and HOWELL, B. F., JR., Model Studies of Effects of Near-Source Velocity
Discontinuities on First-Motion Patterns, Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer. 53, 933-954
PRESS, F., A Seismic Model Study of the Phase Velocity Method of Exploration, Geophysics
22, 275-285 (1957).
PRESS, F., Elastic Wave Radiation from Faults in Ultrasonic Models, Pub!. Dom. Obs.
Ottawa 20 (2),271-277 (1957).
PRESS, F., OLIVER, J., and EWING, M., Seismic Model Study of Refractions from a Layer
of Finite Thickness, Geophysics 19, 388-401 (1954).
RAMBERG, H., Gravity, Deformation and the Earth's Crust (Academic Press, New York
1967), 214 pp.
VANEK, J., Revised Amplitude Curves of Seismic Body Waves for the Region of South-
Eastern Europe, Stud. Geophys. Geodaet. 13, 173-179 (1969).

Chapter 10
ADAMS, R. D., The Haicheng, China, Earthquake of 4 February, 1975: The First Success-
fully Predicted Major Earthquake, Bull. New Zealand Nat. Soc. Earthq. Eng. 9,
32-42 (1976).
ANONYMOUS, ESSA Symposium on Earthquake Prediction, U.S. Dept. Commerce, 167 pp.
ANONYMOUS, Proposal for a Ten-Year National Earthquake Hazards Program. Ad hoc
Interagency Working Group for Earthquake Research, Fed. Council Sci. & Tech.,
Washington, D.C., 81 pp. (1968).
BATH, M., Earthquake Prediction, Scientia 101,234-243 (1966).
BATH, M., Artificial Release of Earthquakes, Scientia 105, 19 pp (1970).
BATH, M., and WAHLSTROM, R., A Rockburst Sequence at the Griingesberg Iron are
Mines in Central Sweden, Seism. Inst., Uppsala, Rep. No. 6-76, 30 pp., 3 tables,
1 appendix, II figs (1976).
BLOT, c., Origine profonde des seismes superficiels et des eruptions volcaniques. IUGG
XII Gen. Ass. Seismology, 1963.
BOUCHER, G., RYALL, A., and JONES, A. E., Earthquakes Associated with Underground
Nuclear Explosions, J. Geophys. Res. 74, 3808-3820 (1969).
404 Literature Review

CALOI, P., and SPADEA, M. C., Principali risultati conseguiti durante l'osservazione geo-
dinamica, opportunamente estesa nel tempo, di grandi dighe di sbarramento, e loro
giustificazione teoriche, Ann. Geofis. 19, 261-286 (1966).
CARDER, D. S., Seismic Investigations in the Boulder Dam Area, 1940-1944, and the
Influence of Reservoir Loading on Local Earthquake Activity, Bull. Seism. Soc.
Amer. 35, 175-192 (1945).
shock and Aftershock Sequences of the Cremasta Earthquake and their Relation
to the Waterloading of the Cremasta Artificial Lake, Ann. Geofis. 21, 39-71
DUDA, S. J., Phanomenologische Untersuchung einer Nachbebenserie aus dem Gebiet der
Aleuten-Inseln, Freiberger Forsch.-Hefte C 132, 9-90 (1962).
DUDA, S. J., Strain Release in the Circum-Pacific Belt: Chile 1960, J. Geophys. Res. 68,
5531-5544 (1963).
DUDA, S. J., and BATH, M., Strain Release in the Circum-Pacific Belt: Kern County 1952,
Desert Hot Springs 1948, San Francisco 1957, Geophys. J. 7, 554-570 (1963).
FEDOTOV, S. A., et aI., Long- and Short-Term Earthquake Prediction in Kamchatka.
Tectonophysics 37.305-321 (1977).
FOWLER, R. A., Earthquake Prediction from Laser Surveying. NASA SP-5042. 32 pp.
GUPTA, H. K., and RASTOGI, B. K., Dams and Earthquakes (Elsevier, Amsterdam 1976),
229 pp.
GUTENBERG, B., Seismology, Geol. Soc. Amer., 50th Ann. Vol., 439-470 (1941).
HAGIWARA, T., and RIKITAKE, T., Japanese Program on Earthquake Prediction, Science
157,761-768 (1967).
KNOPOFF, L., Earth Tides as a Triggering Mechanism for Earthquakes, Bull. Seism. Soc.
Amer. 54, 1865-1870 (1964).
MEAD, T. S., and CARDER, D. S., Seismic Investigations in the Boulder Dam Area in 1940,
Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer. 31, 321-340 (1941).
MJACHKIN, V. I., BRACE, W. F., SOBOLEV, G. A., and DIETERICH, J. H., Two Models for
Earthquake Forerunners. Pure and Appl. Geophys. 113. 169-181 (1975).
PAGE, R. (Ed.), Proceedings of the Second United States-Japan Conference on Research
Related to Earthquake Prediction. Nat. Sci. Foundation and Japan Soc. Prom.
Sci., 106 pp. (1966).
PRESS, F., Earthquake Prediction. Sci. Amer. 232. 14-23 (1975).
PRESS, F., and BRACE, W. F., Earthquake Prediction, Science 152, 1575-1584 (1966).
RIKITAKE, T., A Five-Year Plan for Earthquake Prediction Research in Japan, Tectuno-
physics 3, 1-15 (1966).
RIKIT AKE, T. (Ed.), Earthquake Prediction, Tectonophysics 6, 1-87 (1968).
RIKITAKE, T. (Ed.), Earthquake Mechanics, Tectonophysics 9, 97-300 (1970) (contains
papers presented at a symposium in Madrid in September 1969).
RIKITAKE, T. (Ed.), Focal Processes and the Prediction of Earthquakes. Tectonophysics
23.219-318 (1974) (contains papers presented at a symposium in Lima in 1973).
RIKITAKE, T., Earthquake Prediction (Elsevier, Amsterdam 1976),357 pp.
RYALL, A., and SAVAGE, W. U., A Comparison of Seismological Effects for the Nevada
Underground Test Boxcar with Natural Earthquakes in the Nevada Region. J.
Geophys. Res. 74. 4281-4289 (1969).
Literature Review 405

SAVARENSKY, E. F. (Ed.), Prediction of EarthquakeJ (in Russian) (Publ. House Mir,

Moscow 1968), 213 pp. (a collection of papers translated from English).
SAVARENSKY, E. F., and RIKITAKE, T. (Editors), Forerunners of Strong Earthquakes.
Tectonophysics 14. 175-348 (1972) (contains papers presented at a symposium
in Moscow in 1971).
SIMON, R. B., The Denver Earthquakes, 1962-1967, Earthquake Notes 39, 37-40
SUYEHIRO, S., Difference Between Aftershocks and Foreshocks in the Relationship of Mag-
nitude to Frequency of Occurrence for the Great Chilean Earthquake of 1960, Bull.
Seism. Soc. Amer. 56, 185-200 (1966).
TAMRAZYAN, G. P., On the Periodicity of Seismic Activity in the Last Fifteen Hundred
to Two Thousand Years (as revealed in Armenia), Izv. Akad. Nauk SSR, Ser.
Geofiz. 1, 76-85 (1962).
T ARAKANOV, R. Z., Aftershocks of the Earthquake from November 4, 1952, Trud. Sakhalin
Compl. Sci. Res. Inst. 10, 112-116 (1961).
TSUBOI, c., W ADATI, K., and HAGIWARA, T., Prediction of Earthquakes, Earthq. Res.
Inst. Tokyo, 21 pp. (1962).
WHITCOMB, J. H., GARMANY, J. G., and ANDERSON, D. L., Earthquake Prediction: Va-
riation of Seismic Velocities before the San Fernando Earthquake. Science 180.
632-635 (1973).

Chapter 11

ANONYMOUS, The Detection and Recognition of Underground Explosions, U.K. Atomic

Energy Authority, Spec. Rep., 118 pp. (1965).
BATES, C. c., VELA UNIFORM, the Nation's Quest for Better Detection of Underground
Nuclear Explosions, Geophysics 26, 499-507 (1961).
BATH, M., Seismic Records of Explosions - Especially Nuclear Explosions. III, FOA4,
Stockholm, A 4270-4721,116 pp. (1962).
BATH, M., Earthquake Energy and Magnitude. Phys. and Chern. Earth 7. 115-165 (1966).
BATH, M., Short-Period Rayleigh Waves from Near-Surface Events. Phys. Earth Planet.
Interiors 10. 369-376 (1975).
BATH, M., and TRYGGVASON, E., Deep Seismic Reflection Experiments at Kiruna. Geofis.
pura e appl. 51. 79-90 (1962).
BOLT, B. A., Nuclear Explosions and Earthquakes -. The Parted Veil (Freeman, San
Francisco 1976), 309 pp.
BULLARD, E., The Detection of Underground Explosions. Sci. Amer. 215. 19-29 (1966).
BULLEN, K. E., Seismology in Our Atomic Age. UGGIIASPEI, CR 12 (Toronto 1957),
19-35 (1958).
BULLEN, K. E., and BURKE-GAFFNEY, T. N., Diffracted Seismic Waves Near the PKP
Caustic. Geophys. J. 1.9-17 (1958).
CRAMPIN, S., Higher Mode Seismic Surface Waves from Atmospheric Nuclear Explosions
over Novaya Zemlya. J. Geophys. Res. 71. 2951-2958 (1966).
DAVIES, D. (Ed.), Seismic Methods for Monitoring Underground Explosions (SIPRI,
Stockholm 1968), 130 pp.
EVERNDEN, J. F., Identification of Earthquakes and Explosions by Use of Teleseismic Data.
J. Geophys. Res. 74. 3828-3856 (1969).
FARNBACH, J. S., The Composition of P Waves from Underground Explosions. Seism.
Inst., Uppsala, Rep. No. 6-75. 25 pp., 6 tables, 7 figs (1975).
406 Literature Review

GORDON, D. W. Travel Time Curve, ESSA Symp. Earthq. Pred., 141-145 (1966).
GRIGGS, D. T., ;nd PRESS F., Probing the Earth with Nuclear Explosions (Univ. of Calif.,
Lawrence Radiation Lab., 1959), 31 pp.
KOGAN, S. D., Travel Times of Body Waves from Surface Focus, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSR,
Ser. Geofiz. 3. 371-380(960). Also in IASPEI, Trav. Sci. A 21, 15-22 (1961).
KORKMAN (KOGEUS), K., A Synthesis of Short-Period P-wave Records from Distant
Explosion Sources, Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer. 58, 663-680 (1968).
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Chapter 12
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BASTIN, J. A., The Diffusion of Lunar Seismic Energy, Phys. Earth Planet. Interiors 4,
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Literature Review 407

COOPER, M. R., KOVACH, R. L., and WATKINS, J. S., Lunar Near-Surface Structure.
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DUENNEBIER. F., and SUTTON, G. H., Thermal Moonquake!>. J. Geophys. Res. 79.4351-
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DUENNEBIER, F., and SUTTON, G. H., Meteoroid Impacts Recorded by the Short-Period
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EWING, M., et aI., Seismology of the Moon and Implications on Internal Structure. Origin
and Evolution. Highlights of Astronomy (De Jager, Ed.), 155-172 (1971).
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KOZYREV, N. A., Volcanism on the Planets, Tectonophysics 1, 451-454 (1964).
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periment, Science 165, 241-250 (1969).
LATHAM, G. Y., et aI., Apollo 11 Passil'e Seismic Experiment, Proc. Apollo II Lunar
Science Conf. 3, 2309-2320 (1970). In abbreviated form also in Science 167,
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LATHAM, G. Y., McDONALD, W. G., and MOORE. H. J., Missile Impacts as Sources of'
Seismic Energy on the Moon, Science 168, 242-245 (1970).
LATHAM, G., et aI., Moonquakes. Science 174, 687-692 (1971).
MIDDLEHURST, B. M., An Analysis of Lunar Events, Rev. Geophys. 5, 173-189 (1967).
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O'KEEFE, J. A., Origin of the Moon, J. Geophys. Res. 74, 2758-2767 (1969), and 75.
6565-6574 (1970).
SUTTON, G. H., and STEINBACHER, R., Surveyor Seismograph Experiment. J. Geophys.
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TOKSDZ, M. N., et aI., Velocity Structure and Properties of the Lunar Crust, The Moon,
Reidel Publ. Co., 4, 490-504 (1972).
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and Evolution of the Moon, Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta, Suppl. 4, 3, 2529-
2547 (1973).

Subject Index

Absorption 114, 216 Benioff seismograph 35, 43

Acceleration, earthquake 121, 127 Bimorphic model 280
Acceleration, gravity 209, 214 Blanket effect 373
Accelerograph 37 Block tectonics 163
Advanced Research Projects Agency Body wave 61, 66, 75, 94, 116, 119, 203,
(ARPA) 329 252 see also P-wave and S-wave
Aeolotropy 63 Bore hole 252
Aftershock 42, 193, 298, 299, 300, 304, Bore-hole seismograph 55, 253
318, 321, 322, 325 Bradisismo 297
Air damping 47 Breaking time 309
Air pressure 308 Building code 27, 137, 293, 393
Alpide belt 160 Bulk modulus 63
Amplitude-depth variation 252 Bullen compressibility-pressure hypothesis
Amplitude measurement 36,47 241
Amplitude meter 37 Bureau Central International de Seismolo-
Amplitude spectrum 260 gie (BCIS) 245
Anaseism 171
Angle of incidence 64 Calibration 46
Anisotropy 63 Catastrophe 137
Aperiodic damping 32 Cauda 82
Apollo 366, 368, 370, 371, 372, 373, 374, Caustic 71, 72, 269
377, 378, 379 Centre Seismologique Europeo-Mediterra-
Archimedes principle 43 neen (CSEM) 245,246,271
Arc tectonics 163 Channel wave 61, 88,91, 94, 224
Array station 26, 55, 58, 60, 75, 207, 208, Chemical composition 217, 219, 233, 286
251,254,265,269,270,329,374 Chemical explosion 359
Artificial release 291 Circle method 106
Asiatic-European belt 160 Circum-Pacific belt 160
Asthenosphere 92, 187, 376 Coefficient, seismic 129
Astronomical observations 209, 377 Columbia seismograph 43
Atmospheric explosion 336, 342, 352 Communication theory 248
Atomic Energy Commission 356 Compressibility 241
Auxiliary plane 175, 177, 178 Compressibility modulus 18
Azimuth 112 Compressibility-pressure hypothesis 241
Azimuthal seismograph 31 Compression 18, 62, 171, 257, 301
Azimuthal shooting 225 Compressional fault 173
Compressional stress 199
Band-pass filter 259 Conrad discontinuity 75, 222, 224
Basalt 75, 94, 224 Construction, earthquake-proof 128
Basaltic layer 224 Constructive interference 89

Continental crust 77, 227 Detection 269, 335, 337, 339, 394
Continental drift 185 Deterministic prediction 294
Continental path 229 Dextral displacement 173
Contraction, earth 172 Diffraction 65, 73, 278, 283
Convection current 172, 233, 236, 308 Diffusion 302
Coordinate 108 Digital seismograph 46
Core 23, 25, 70, 73, 87, 94, 185, 203, 215, Dilatancy 298
232, 368, 376 Dilatancy-diffusion 302
Correlation 257 Dilatation 62, 171, 257
Cosmic radiation 377 Dipole 175, 177
Coupling 348, 349 Dip-slip fault 173
Coupling factor 348, 349 Direct-recording seismograph 34, 35, 39
Crater 369 Discontinuity, Conrad 75, 222, 224
Crater experiment 348 Discontinuity, Mohorovicic see Mohoro-
Creep 196 vicic discontinuity
Cretaceous period 164 Dislocation 122, 278, 325
Critical angle of incidence 289 Dispersion 80, 81, 228, 230, 269, 371
Critical damping 32 Dispersion equation 89
Crust 94, 203, 220, 333, 376 Doppler principle 178
Crustal deformation 297 Double dipole 177
Crust, continental 77, 227 Drilling 221
Crust, moon 376 Dynamics of the earth 152
Crust, oceanic 77, 227
Curie point 235 Earth contraction 172
Curriculum, seismology 381 Earth current 301
Earth dynamics 152
Dam 128, 310,321, 392 Earth expansion 172
Dam construction 317 Earth magnetism 232, 235 see also
Damping 32 Geomagnetism
Damping, air 47 Earthquake acceleration 121, 127
Damping, aperiodic 32 Earthquake, artificial release 291
Damping, critical 32 Earthquake catastrophe 137
Damping, oil 47 Earthquake, deep 190, 303
Data exchange 245 Earthquake, destructive 139
Decoupling 348 Earthquake effect 138
Deep drilling 221 Earthquake engineering 28, 42, 127, 157,
Deep earthquake 190, 303 271, 393
Deep-sea trench 164 Earthquake forerunner 303
Deformation 31, 199 Earthquake frequency 153, 375
Deformation characteristic 199 Earthquake insurance 28, 295, 393
Deformation, crustal 297 Earthquake mechanism 169, 190, 269,
Deformation seismograph 31 284,310,327,341
Density 23, 203, 209, 232, 235, 236, 364 Earthquake, near 75, 221
Density gradient 210 Earthquake, number 150, 151, 152, 153,
Depth, focal 126, 167, 325, 338, 361 154,298
Destruction belt 151 Earthquake periodicity 202
Destructive earthquake 139 Earthquake prediction 267, 286, 291, 393

Earthquake risk 28, 129, 248, 393 Fault, normal-slip 173

Earthquake, silent 298 Fault propagation 179
Earthquake swarm 194, 374 Fault, reverse 173
Earthquake, tectonic 21, 163, 169, 194 Fault, reverse-slip 173
Earthquake, volcanic 21, 163, 194, 375 Fault, strike-slip 173
Earthquake volume 197 Fault, tear 173
Earth temperature 217 Fault, tensional 173
Eddy current 47 Fault, thrust 173
Education, seismology 381 Fault, transcurrent 173
Elastic creep 196 Fault, wrench 173
Elastic flow creep 196 Fermat principle 65
Elasticity 17 Ferromagnetic element 235
Elasticity modulus 18 Filtering 258
Elastic rebound theory 19, 169 Finis 84
Electric conductivity 172,301 Fluid pressure 317
Electric resistivity 298, 303 Focal depth 126, 167, 325, 338, 361
Electroacoustic transducer 279 Focal sphere 175
Electromagnetic seismograph 34 Focus 67, 105
Electrostatic seismograph 45 Foreshock 193, 298, 299, 321
Energy 114, 120, 121, 126, 152, 153, 155, Foucault current 47
346 Fourier theorem 38
Energy accumulation 200 Free vibration 18, 53, 85, 94, 179, 215,
Energy-magnitude relation 120 287, 334, 375
Energy release 200, 325 Frequency analysis 343
Engineering seismology 28, 42, 127, 157, Frequency distribution 340
271, 356, 393 Frequency domain 260
Epicentre 105 Frequency, earthquake 153, 375
Epicentre correction 261 Frequency filtering 259
Exercise 386 Friction 62
Expansion, earth 172 Frictional coefficient 310
Explosion 224, 267, 285, 317, 327 Frost action 125
Explosion, atmospheric 336, 342, 352 Fundamental mode 79, 87, 94
Explosion, chemical 359
Explosion, nuclear 113, 260, 274, 317, Galileo problem 17
327 Galitzin seismograph 35, 40
Explosion, surface 352 Gas transport differentiation 234
Explosion, underground 321, 333, 335, Geneva-type station 329 see also Array
342, 352, 354 station
Explosion, underwater 335, 342, 352, 360 Geochemistry 15
Extensometer 297 Geochronology 14
Geocosmology 14
Fault, compressional 173 Geodesy 14, 298
Fault, dip-slip 173 Geoelectricity 14
Fault, !;ravity 173 Geographical distribution, earthquake 157
Fault, lateral 173 Geological Institute, Uppsala 278
Fault length 178 Geomagnetic field 301, 336
Fault, normal 173 Geomagnetism 14

Geometrical spreading 114 Interferometry 290, 299

Geophone 42, 225, 254, 325 International Atomic Energy Agency
Geophysics 14, 363 (IAEA) 357
Geoscience 14, 185 International Geodynamics Project 28
Geothermy 14 International Geophysical Year (IGY)
Glaciology 394 27, 53, 262, 370
Global tectonics 185, 307 see also Plate International Seismological Centre (ISC)
tectonics 245, 246, 271
Gn 94, 181 International Seismological Summary
Gnome 333, 348 (ISS) 245
Granite 75,94,224 Inverse dispersion 81
Granitic layer 224 Inverse problem 205, 225
Gravimetry 14 Ionosphere 301, 336
Gravitation constant 209 Iron 232, 240
Gravitation law 210 Iron-core hypothesis 23, 232
Gravity 62, 209, 262, 308, 364 Island arc 333
Gravity anomaly 164 Isoseismal 22, 123
Gravity fault 173 Isotropy 18, 62
Grenet-Coulomb seismograph 41,249
Ground factor 129 J 74,94
Group velocity 81, 228, 229, 230 Japanese intensity scale 124
Group-velocity method 229 Jeffreys-Bullen travel times 95, 330
Guided wave 61 see also Channel wave Jet Propulsion Laboratory 367
Gutenberg-Richter travel times 95 Jupiter 234, 235, 239

Heat flow, moon 370, 377 K 71,94

Height, explosion 345 Kataseism 171
Helium 238 Kern 71
Higher mode 88,89,94, 178,231,259 Kiloton 349
Hodograph 99 Kuhn-Rittmann hypothesis 233
Hooke law 17,62, 196
Hydrogen 238, 239 L see Love wave
Hydrophone 335 Landslide 125
Hydrostatic equilibrium 209 Large Aperture Seismic Array (LAS A)
Hyperbola method 105 101, 254, 256
Hypocentre 105, 258 Laser 54, 299, 378
Lateral fault 173
174,94 Layer, basaltic 224
Incidence angle 64 Layer, granitic 224
Incompressibility 210, 213 Layer, low-velocity see Low-velocity layer
Incompressibility modulus 63 LgJ 92, 93, 94, 346
Inertia, moment 209, 211, 214 Lg2 92, 93, 94
Inner core 73, 94, 203, 206 Li 92,93,94
Insurance, earthquake 28, 295, 393 Lithosphere 187, 376
Intensity 123, 124 Longitudinal wave see P-wave
Intensity scale 22, 123 Long-period seismograph 229
Interference 89, 339 Love wave (L) 18, 19, 61, 62, 64, 79, 80,

81, 84, 87, 88, 89, 94, 97, 101, 112, 178, Mining operation 28,310,323
231, 343, 346 Mode, fundamental 79, 87, 94
Low-velocity layer 78, 87, 91, 92, 206, Mode, higher see Higher mode
242, 278, 282, 283 Model, moon 375, 376
Lubrication 313 Model seismology 277
Lunar Orbiter 367 Model tectonics 278
Lunar tide 325, 374 Modified Mercalli scale (MM-scale) 123
Lunik III 366 Modulus, bulk 63
Modulus of compressibility 18
Macroseismic area 126 Modulus of elasticity 18
Macroseismic observation 22, 125 Modulus of incompressibility 63
Macroseismic questionnaire 133 Modulus of rigidity 18, 63, 122, 213
Magnetic reluctance 44 Modulus, shear 63
Magnetism, earth 232, 235 Mohole project 221
Magnetism, moon 365 Mohorovicic discontinuity (Moho) 19, 25,
Magnetostriction 54 75, 203, 220, 221, 224, 240, 262, 283,
Magnification 34 331,360,363
Magnification curve 48 Moment of inertia 209, 211, 214
Magnitude 105, 114, 121, 197, 267, 268, Moment, seismic 122, 325
269, 318, 346, 350, 351 Moon 299, 364
Magnitude formula 120 Moon crust 376
Mantle 94, 203 Moon magnetism 365
Mantle, moon 376 Moon mantle 376
Mantle wave 84,94, 181 Moon model 375, 376
Maria 346 Moonquake 369, 370, 374
Mars 239, 364, 370, 378, 379 Moon research 363
Marsquake 379 Moon-scraper 366
Mascon 377 Moon seismograph 370
Maxwell resistance bridge 51 Moon slide 371
Mechanical-optical seismograph 39 Moon temperature 369, 377
Mechanical seismograph 38 Moon topography 365
Mechanism, earthquake 169, 191, 269, Moscow-Prague formula 119
284, 310, 327, 341 Mountain formation 180
Mechanism, explosion 341 Mountain root 228
Megaton 349 Moving-coil seismograph 40
Mercalli scale 123, 124 MSK intensity scale 123, 124, 130
Mercury 239 Multiple station see Array station
Mesosphere 187
Metallic phase 237 Nanometre 372
Meteor 369, 371 National Aeronautics and Space Admi-
Meteorite 232, 236, 239 nistration (NASA) 407
Microearthquake 42, 156, 248, 274, 299 National Earthquake Information Service
Microseisms 99,249, 259, 266, 371 (NElS) see U. S. Geological Survey
Mid-Atlantic belt (ridge, rift) 160, 161, 184 National Science Foundation 292
Migration 304 Near earthquake 75, 221
Milne-Shaw seismograph 35, 39 Neptune 235, 239
Mine 252, 323 Nevada Test Site (NTS) 333

NiFe hypothesis 232 Periodicity, earthquake 202

Nodal surface 87,94 Period problem, seismograph 32
Noise 99, 249 see also Microseisms Pg 77, 78, 93, 94, 222, 223, 224, 359, 360,
Normal dispersion 81 361
Normal fault 173 Phase change, matter 179, 192, 237, 240,
Normal-slip fault 173 342
Normal stress 18, 310 Phase shift, wave 50,51
Norwegian Seismic Array (NORSAR) Phase spectrum 260
254,256 Phase velocity 81,228,281
Nuclear explosion 113,260,274, 317, 327 Phase-velocity method 230
Nuclear explosion,· peaceful application Piezoelectricity 54, 279
356 PKHKP 94
Nuclear power plant 28, 128, 393 PKiKP 74,94
Null vector 175, 177 PKIIKP 94
Number of deaths 150 PKIKP 74,94
Number of earthquakes 150, 151, 152, PKIKS 74
153, 154, 298 PKJKP 74
Number of stations 54, 263, 264 PKJKS 74
PKKP 74,94
Ocean-bottom seismograph 55, 77, 265 PKP 71, 72, 74, 75, 94, 97, 209, 246, 269,
Ocean-floor spreading 186 328
Oceanic crust 77, 227 PKPPKP 74,94
Oceanic path 229 PKS 71
Oil damping 47 PL 94,231
Olivine 238, 239 Planetary seismology 363
Origin, moon 365, 367 Plate tectonics 186, 299, 304, 307
Origin time 95, 105, 108 Plowshare 356
Orogenesis 180 Pn 77, 93, 94, 222, 223, 341
Oscillation 304 Poisson ratio 64
Outer core 94, 203, 205 Polymorphic model 280
Overtone 88 see also Higher mode Portable seismograph 42
pP 69,94,97,99, 113, 176,246, 258, 260,
p 94 338, 339, 375
p* 77,93,94,222,223 PP 68, 75, 94, 95, 97, 102, 116, 118, 119,
P' 94 176,246,339,341, 347, 375
P" 94 P' P' 74,94,331
Pa 92,94 pPP 69
Pacific arc 164 PPP 68,95
Parameter 65, 105, 223 P'P'P' 74
Ph 77,93 pPS 69
PeP 71, 94, 97, 176 212, 215, 217, 240, PPS 68
242, 331 Practical application 391
PeS 71 Practice, seismology 381
Pendulum principle 29 Precursor 75
Pendulum seismograph 38 Prediction, earthquake 267, 286, 291, 393
Perforated model 280 Press-Ewing seismograph 42
Period equation 89 Pressure 209, 212, 241, 317, 365

Pressure wave 350 Regional correction, magnitude 114

Principal stress 182 Regional correction, travel time 99, 331
Prospecting 13, 254, 391 Release, energy 200, 325
pS 69 Reluctance seismograph 43
PS 68,97 Research Institute of National Defence,
pSP 69 Stockholm 60, 249
PSP 68, 288 Residual calculation 108
pSS 69 Resonance 128, 313
PSS 68 Resonance method 286
Pulse-echo method 289 Response curve 48
Pulse-transmission method 287 Reverberation 103, 373
P-wave 18, 19, 21, 25, 38, 41, 42, 51, 58, Reverse fault 173
61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 68, 70, 91, 94, 95, Reverse shooting 225
97, 98, 101, 102, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, Reverse-slip fault 173
110, 112, 116, 118, 119, 126, 171, 174, Rg 93, 346, 359, 361
175, 176, 177, 203, 204, 205, 206, 208, Rheology 300
214, 219, 242, 246, 249, 253, 254, 256, Richter scale 115
257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 268, 271, 273, Rift 184
274, 280, 282, 283, 284, 285, 288, 289, Rigidity modulus 18, 63, 122, 213
290, 302, 330, 331, 333, 334, 339, 341, Risk, seismic 28, 129, 248, 393
342, 343, 345, 347, 355, 374, 375, 376 Rn 94, 181
Rockburst 310, 323, 361, 394
Quality factor 216, 373 Rossi-Forel scale 22, 123, 124
Quartz crystal clock 36, 248 Rotation, ground motion 31
Quasar 299 Rotation, plate 187
Quer-Welle 79 Rotation seismograph 31

R see Rayleigh wave s 94

Radar technique 248 S* 77, 93, 94, 224
Radioactivity 218, 336, 356 Sa 92, 94
Radon 301 Satellite 214, 299, 336, 363
Rainfall 325 Saturn 234, 235, 239
Ramsay hypothesis 235, 241 Sb 77,93
Rayleigh principle 82 Scattering 75, 103, 207, 373
Rayleigh wave (R) 18, 19, 25, 61, 62, 64, SCP 71
79,80,81,84,85,89,90,93,94,97, 101, SCS 71,97, 176,242
110, 112, 116, 119, 178, 228, 229, 230, Secular motion 197
231, 253, 259, 279, 285, 342, 343, 375 Secular series 200
Recording method 45 Sedan 348, 356
Recording range 267 Seismic coefficient 129
Recording, underground 252 Seismic-glaciological research 394
Reflection 66, 289 Seismicity 190, 267, 270, 338
Reflection method 225, 391 Seismicity map 157
Refraction 66 Seismic moment 122,325
Refraction index 64 Seismic risk 28, 129, 248, 393
Refraction law 64, 222, 289 Seismic world map 2,22, 159
Refraction method 224,391 Seismic zoning map 157, 293

Seismogram 29 Shear 18
Seismograph 24, 29 Shear modulus 63
Seismograph, azimuthal 31 Shear stress 62, 199, 301
Seismograph, Benioff 35, 43 Shear wave see S-wave
Seismograph, bore-hole 55, 253 Shelf 228
Seismograph, Columbia 43 Shield 162
Seismograph, deformation 31 Shock wave 277
Seismograph, digital 46 Signal sensitivity 251
Seismograph, direct-recording 34, 35, 39 Signal-to-noise ratio 255, 257
Seismograph, electromagnetic 34 Silent earthquake 298
Seismograph, electrostatic 45 Single dipole 175
Seismograph, Galitzin 35, 40 Sinistral displacement 173
Seismograph, Grenet-Coulomb 41,249 SKIKP 74
Seismograph, long-period 229 SK1KS 74
Seismograph, mechanical 38 SKJKP 74
Seismograph, mechanical-optical 39 SKJKS 74
Seismograph, Milne-Shaw 35, 39 SKP 71
Seismograph, moon 370 SKS 71, 97, 246
Seismograph, moving-coil 40 Slow motion 128, 297
Seismograph, ocean-bottom 55, 77, 265 Sn 77, 93, 94, 224
Seismograph, pendulum 38 Snell's law 64
Seismograph, portable 42 SOFAR channel 336
Seismograph, Press-Ewing 42 Solar wind 378
Seismograph, reluctance 43 Solid-earth physics 14
Seismograph, rotation 31 Solid mechanics 277
Seismograph, strain 52, 179 Solid state physics 277
Seismograph, strong-motion 42 Sonic boom 125
Seismograph, torsion 39, 115 Source parameter 105, 223
Seismograph, translation 31 sP 69
Seismograph, triaxial 31 SP 68
Seismograph, Wiechert 34, 38 Spectral analysis 260
Seismograph, Wood-Anderson 39, 115, Spectrum 122, 127, 180, 273, 338, 342
Il7 Spheroidal vibration 85, 87, 94
Seismological Institute, Uppsala 56, 90, sPP 69
119, 154, 201, 242, 245, 246, 247, 248, SPP 68
249, 381, 395 Spreading, geometrical 114
Seismometer 29 Spreading, ocean-floor 186
Seismos 13 sPS 69
Seismoscope 16,29 SPS 68
Selenodesy 377 sS 69, 176, 375
Selenophysical phenomena 369 SS 68, 176, 375
Selenothermy 377 sSP 69
Sensitivity, signal 251 SSP 68
Sg 77, 78, 93, 94, 224, 346, 359, 360, 361 sSS 69
SH 62, 64, 66, 88, II 2, 175,258 SSS 68
Shadow zone 70,91 Station correction, magnitude Il4
Shaking table 49 Station correction, travel time 261

Station density 263, 264 Tidal wave 21, 367

Statistical prediction 294, 323 Tide 53, 309, 374
Stoneley wave 61, 80 Tide gauge 297
Strain 196, 295, 298, 325 Tilt 298
Strain seismograph 52, 179 Tiltmeter 297
Stress 196, 277, 286, 295, 298, 299, 309, Time domain 260
324 Time measurement 36
Stress, compressional 199 Topography, moon 365
Stress measurement 184, 392 Torsional (toroidal) vibration 85, 87, 94
Stress, normal 18, 310 Torsion seismograph 39, 115
Stress, principal 182 Total reflection 289
Stress, shear 62, 199, 301 Traffic vibration 130, 392
Stress, tangential 18 Transcurrent fault 173
Strike-slip fault 173 Transducer 44, 279, 282
Strong-motion seismograph 42 Transformed wave 69, 288
Structural parameter 223 Transit time 95 see also Travel time
Subduction 187 Translation 31
Surface explosion 352 Translation seismograph 31
Surface wave 25,42, 58, 61, 79, 88, 89, 94, Transverse wave see S-wave
115, 118, 178,228, 334, 346, 374 see also Travel time 95, 203, 330, 361, 375
Rayleigh wave and Love wave Travel-time curve (table) 95, 204, 222,
SV 62, 64, 66, 112, 175,258 226,246,261, 330, 331
Swarm 194, 374 Travel-time difference 330
S-wave 18, 19, 21, 25, 38, 42, 51, 58, 61, Trench 164
62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 68, 94, 97, 98, 102, 107, Triangulation 297
110, II 2, Il6, Il8, 119, 174, 176, 177, Triaxial seismograph 31
178, 197, 203, 206, 214, 215, 219, 242, Trigger 296, 308, 313, 323, 374
246, 254, 258, 282, 284, 285, 288, 290, Tsunami 21, 113, 150, 188, 190
302, 330, 334, 343, 347, 374, 375, 376 T-wave 91, 94
Two-dimensional model 280
Tangential stress 18
Tear fault 173 UltrasoniC-interferometry method 290
Tectonic earthquake 21, 163, 169, 194 Underground explosion 321, 333, 335,
Tectonics, arc 163 342, 352, 354
Tectonics, block 163 Underground recording 252
Tectonics, global 185, 307 Underwater explosion 335, 342, 352, 360
Tectonics, plate 186,299, 304, 307 UNESCO 27, 138, 270, 291, 393
Tectonophysics 14 Unified magnitude 116
Temperature, earth 217 Upper Mantle Project (UMP) 27
Temperature, moon 369, 377 Uranus 235, 239
Tension 18 U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey (USCGS)
Tensional fault 173 see U. S. Geological Survey
Tertiary period 164 U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) 2, 46, 110,
Test-ban treaty 336, 351, 353, 356 III, 245, 246, 262, 263, 264, 270, 271,
Thermal model 280 292, 318, 358
Thrust fault 173 U. S. National Ocean Survey (USNOS)
Tidal effect 23, 197, 206, 325, 374 see u. S. Geological Survey

27 BAth: Introduction to Seismology


VELA Project 27, 329 Wave, guided see Guided wave and Chan-
Velocity 63 nel waVe
Velocity dispersion 80,228,230 Wave, longitudinal see P-wave
Velocity filtering 259 Wave, Love see Love wave
Velocity gradient 215 Wave, mantle 84, 94, 181
Velocity, group 81, 228,229,230 Wave parameter 65
Velocity, phase 81, 228, 281 Wave, Rayleigh see Rayleigh wave
Velocity, P, S 206, 208, 376 Wave, shear see S-wave
Velocity, wave 63, 81, 286, 302 Wave, shock 277
Venus 239, 364, 370, 378, 379 Wave, Stoneley 61, 80
Vibrating string 88 Wave, surface see Surface wave
Vibration, free see Free vibration Wave, tidal 21, 367
Vibration measurement 130,392 Wave, transformed 69, 288
Viking 379 Wave, transverse see S-wave
Volcanic earthquake 21, 163, 194, 375 Wave velocity 63, 81, 286, 302
Volcanic eruption 163,297,299,369 Wiechert iron-core hypothesis 232
Volcanism 164, 190,369 Wiechert seismograph 34, 38
Volcano 23
Volcanology 14 Wiederkehr-Welle 85
Volume, earthquake 197 Wood-Anderson seismograph 39, 115, 117
Volume, planetary 364 World map, seismic 2,22, 159
World network 262,270
Water injection 315 Wrench fault 173
Wave, body see Body wave
Wave, channel see Channel wave Yield 348
Wave form 343
Wave guide 278 see also Low-velocity layer Zoning map, seismic 157, 293

Author index

Adams, R. D. 303, 403 Bullard, E. 405

Alfven, H. 406 Bullen, K. E. 87, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 204,
AI-Sadi, H. N. 402 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215,
Anderson, D. L. 208, 400, 402, 405, 407 216, 236, 241, 242, 243, 246, 328, 330,
Anderson, J. A. 39, 42, 47, 53, II 5, II 7, 331, 364, 365, 368, 379, 384, 387, 388,
395 397, 401, 405, 406
Anderson, K. R. 407 Burke-Gaffney, T. N. 328,405
Anderson, O. L. 288, 289, 290, 403 Byerly, P. 384
Ansell, J. H. 396
Archimedes 43 Caloi, P. 313, 404
Cancani, A. 123, 124
Barazangi, M. 2 Carder, D. S. 313,404
Barber, N. F. 87, 396 Carey, S. W. 400
Basham, P. W. 351 Cauchy, A. L. 16, 17, 19
Bastin, J. A. 406 Cavendish, H. 19, 23
Bates, C. C. 405 Chang, G. K. 406
Bath, M. 85, 117, 127, 183, 197, 199,258, Chinnery, M. A. 208,402
259, 305, 325, 347, 383, 384, 387, 393, Civetta, L. 395
395, 396, 397, 398, 399, 400, 401, 402, Comninakis, P. 313,404
403,404,405,406 Conrad, V. 75, 77, 222, 224, 227
Beauchamp, K. G. 402 Cook, K. L. 401
Beloussov, V. V. 193, 399 Cooper, M. R. 407
Benioff, H. 19, 35, 36, 41, 43, 44, 45, 47, Coulomb, J. 41,57,58,249, 396
48,49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 57, 85, 92, 166, Cox, A. 400
170, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 191, 196, Crampin, S. 259, 396, 397, 402, 405
197, 199, 295, 296, 322, 359, 384, 395,
396, 397, 399 Dainty, A. M. 407
Ben-Menahem, A. 178,398,399 Datta, A. N. 368, 407
Birch, F. 288 Davies, D. 351, 405
Bisque, R. E. 400 De Bremaecker, J. Cl. 396
Blot, C. 305, 403 De Fermat, P. 65
Bolt, B. A. 356, 395, 397, 405 De Rossi, M. S. 19,22, 123, 124
Bonnin, J. 399 Derr, J. S. 85, 375, 397, 407
Borg, H. 41, 396 Dewart, G. 346, 406
Boucher, G. 403 Dieterich, J. H. 404
Bowin, C. 406 Dietz, R. S. 399
Brace, W. F. 286, 403, 404 Dix, C. H. 384
Brown, H. 243 Dobrin, M. B. 384
Brown, R. J. 6, 397, 401, 402 Donn, W. L. 397
Brune, J. N. 122,398,399 Donoho, P. 396

Doppler, Chr. 178 207, 211, 218, 224, 235, 246, 292, 384,
Dorman, J. 2 388, 395, 397, 398, 401, 404
Drakopoulos, J. 404
Dreimanis, E. 6 Haa1ck, H. 240
Duda, S. J. 154, 166, 184, 197, 199, 201, Haddon, R. A. W. 214,215, 397, 401
277, 305, 399, 403, 404 Hagiwara, T. 291, 404, 405
Duennebier, F. 407 Hast, N. 54, 184,299,317,392,396
Heezen, B. C. 161,399
Elsasser, W. M. 243 Heiland, C. A. 384
EnayatoIlah, M. A. 397, 402 Herrin, E. 99, 397
Eucken, A. 235 Hiller, W. 41
Evernden, J. F. 405 Hoernes, R. 19, 20
Evison, F. F. 400 Holmes, A. 383
Ewing, J. A. 19,24 Hooke, R. 17, 19, 62, 196
Ewing, W. M. 42, 43, 49, 56, 57, 73, 83, Housner, G. W. 398
86, 90, 161, 283, 384, 399, 403, 407 Howell, B. F., Jr. 285, 384, 403
Husebye, E. S. 50, 257, 397, 398, 402
Farnbach, J. S. 402,405
Fedotov, S. A. 404 Ibrahim, A. K. 217,231,242,401
Findley, D. C. 401 lsacks, B. 186, 191, 400
Forel, F. A. 22, 123, 124
Foucault, L. 47 James, D. B. 406
Fourier, J. B. J. 38 Jansson, B. 50, 257, 402
Fowler, R. A. 404 Jardetzky, W. S. 384
Freeman, J. R. 398 Jeffreys, B. S. 395
Frosch, R. A. 402 Jeffreys, H. 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 204, 205,
206, 207, 208, 210, 239, 246, 330, 331,
Galileo, G. 17, 19 384, 387, 388, 395, 397
Galitzin, B. 19, 24, 26, 35, 40, 41, 42, 45, Johnson, D. P. 41
47,48,49, 51, 57, 102 Jones, A. E. 403
Gane, P. G. 45 Jones, D. A. III
Garmany, J. G. 405
Gasparini, P. 395 Kanai, K. 228, 401
Gilman, R. 346, 406 Klirnik, V. 123, 398
Gordon, D. W. 406 Kelvin, Lord 23
Gray, T. 19, 24 Kharin, D. A. 41
Green, P. E., Jr. 402 Khattri, K. 400
Gregersen, S. 401 King, D. W. 397
Grcnet, G. 41,47,48,50,57, 58,249,360, Kinnaman, R. L. 355, 406
396 Kirnos, D. P. 41
Griggs, D. T. 406 Knopoff, L. 404
Gunther, P. 406 Knott, C. G. 18, 19
Gupta, H. K. 404 Kogan, S. D. 330, 406
Gurwitsch, I. I. 401 Korkman (Kogeus), K. 402, 406
Gutenberg, B. 5, 19,23,25,41,42,70,76, Kovach, R. L. 407
84, 87, 91, 92, 95, 98, 99, ll5, ll6, ll7, Kozyrev, N. A. 407
119, 157, 159, 164, 191, 192, 205, 206, Kuhn, W. 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 243

Kulhanek, o. 261, 393, 397, 398, 401, Neumann, F. 123

402,406 Newmark, N. M. 398
Nordyke, M. D. 406
LaCoste, L. J. B. 33
Lamb, H. 18 O'Keefe, J. A. 407
Latham, G. V. 372, 375, 407 Oldham, R. D. 19, 23, 25, 140
Lavin, P. M. 403 Oliver, J. 283, 399, 400, 403
Lee, W. H. K. 401 Olsson, R. 400
Lehmann, I. 19 Omori, F. 140
Lensen, G. J. 182, 183, 400
Leong, L. S. 397, 402 Page, R. 404
Le Pichon, X. 187, 188, 189, 190,400 Papazachos, B. 404
Liebermann, R. C. 288, 289, 403 Parasnis, D. S. 395
Lomnitz, C. 398 Payo Subiza, G. 397
Longuet-Higgins, M. S. 100 Pekeris, C. L. 85
Lopez Arroyo, A. 396 Persen, L. N. 406
Love, A. E. H. 18, 19, 61, 62, 64, 79, 80, Poisson, S. D. 16, 17. 18, 19, 23, 64
81, 84, 87, 88, 89, 101, 112, 178, 231, Prentiss, D. D. 402
343, 346, 395 Press, F. 42, 43, 49, 56, 57, 73, 83, 86, 90,
Lubimova, E. A. 218, 401 220, 281, 283, 284, 346, 384, 395, 401,
Luongo, G. 395 403, 404, 406, 407

Mainka, C. 39 Ramberg, H. 403

Mallet, R. 19, 22, 139 Ramsey, W. H. 235, 236, 237, 238, 239,
Mason, B. 401 240, 241, 242, 243
Matheson, H. 41 Rapolla, A. 395
Maxwell, J. C. 51 Rastogi, B. K. 404
McDonald, W. G. 402,407 Rayleigh, Lord 18, 19, 25, 61, 62, 64, 79,
Mead; T. S. 313,404 80,81,82,84,85,89,90,93,94, 101, 112,
Medvedev, S. V. 123, 398 116, 119, 178, 228, 229, 230, 231, 253,
Mercalli, G. 123, 124 259, 279, 285, 342, 375
Meyer, K. 406 Reid, H. F. 19,20, 169, 178
Michel, J. G. 396 Richter, C. F. 19, 95, 98, 99, 114, 115,
Middlehurst, B. M. 407 119, 123, 139, 157, 159, 164, 195, 246,
Milne, J. 19, 22, 24, 26, 35, 39, 40, 42 384, 388, 389, 397, 398
Mjachkin, V. I. 298,404 Rikitake, T. 404,405
Mohorovicic, A. 19, 25, 75, 77, 221, 222, Rittmann, A. 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 243
224, 225, 227, 240, 262, 331, 360, 363 Robinson, E. A. 406
Montessus de BaIlore, F. de 19, 22 Rodean, H. C. 406
Moore, H. J. 407 Rosenblueth, E. 398
Morokhov,I. D. 406 Rothe, J. P. 399
Moumoulidis, G. 404 Rouse, G. E. 400
Mula, A. H. 401 Ryall, A. 399, 403, 404
Muller, G. 242, 401
SantO, T. 229, 401
Nakamura, Y. 375, 407 Savage, W. U. 404
Navier, C. L. M. H. 17, 19 Savarensky, E. F. 397, 405

Scheidegger, A. E. 183, 395, 399, 400 Tamrazyan, G. P. 305, 405

Schmidt, A. 18, 19 TarakanoY, R. Z. 305, 405
Schneider, G. 399 Taylor, P. T. 401
Shahidi, M. 396, 397 Thanos, S. N. 402
Shapira, A. 258, 398 Toksoz, M. N. 208,376,402,407
Sharma, P. V. 395 Tryggyason, E. 398, 405
Shaw, J. J. 35, 39, 40, 42 Tsuboi, C. 291,405
Sieberg, A. 123, 124, 139 Turner, F. J. 19, 25
Simmons, G. 288,289
Simon, B. 406 Urey, H. 379
Simon, R. B. 405 Uyeda, S. 400
Slemmons, D. B. 399
Slotnick, M. M. 384 Van Eck, T. 398
Smith, C. H. 401 Vanek, J. 282,283,403
Snell, W. 64,65 Von Linne, C. 369
Soboley, G. A. 404
Wadati, K. 19, 25, 291, 405
Soga, N. 290
Wahlstrom, R. 325, 398, 403
Solomon, S. C. 407 Watkins, J. S. 407
Spadea, M. C. 404 Wegener, A. 186
Sponheuer, W. 123,398 Whitcomb, J. H. 403, 405
Sprengnether, W. F. 41, 42, 47 White, J. E. 398
Springer, D. L. 355, 406 Whiteway, F. E. 403
Stamou, P. 397 Wiechert, E. 19, 23, 24, 25, 26, 34, 35, 36,
Stefansson, R. 400 38, 39, 40, 42, 47, 48, 49, 51, 56, 57, 102,
Steinbacher, R. 407
Willmore, P. L. 41,50,396
Stokes, G. H. 17, 18, 19 Wilson, J. T. 400
Stoneley, R. 61, 80 Wollenhaupt, W. R. 406
Sutton, G. H. 402, 407 Wood, H. O. 39,42,47,53, 115, 117, 123,
Suyehiro, S. 405 395
Sykes, L. R. 400 Wyss, M. 122,398

Geographical index

Aegean Sea 145 Avezzano 141

Afghanistan 145 Azores 160
Africa 27, 144, 160, 186, 187, 189, 227,
263, 272 see also South Africa Baikal 163
A~fu~~I~I~I~I~I~ Bali 149
160,291, 307 Baltic Sea 102, 359, 387, 392
Alaska 54, 85, 122, 140, 145, 147, 158, ,Baluchistan 165
162, 179, 181, 182, 194, 195, 263, 291 Banda Sea 158
Aleutian Islands 85, 151, 158, 162, 182, Bandirma 144
194, 195, 199, 263, 305, 319, 331, 333, Basel 6
352, 354, 391 Berlin 24
Algeria 144,331 Bermuda 92
Alps 163,227 Bi Bol 145
Altai-Gobi 145 Bihar-Nepal 142
Ambato 143 Bikini 330
Amchitka 317, 319, 331 BingO) 148
America 187, 189, 227 see also North, Blue Mountains 255
Central and South America Bombay 314
Anatolia 304 Bonin Islands 389
Ancash 143 Boulder Dam 313
Anchorage 147 Brahmaputra 140
Andaman Islands 158 Brazil 162, 272, 388
Andes 143, 165 British Columbia 145, 181
Antarctica 27, 187, 189, 263, 268, 272 British Isles 102
Arabia 162 Bucharest 149
Arctic 160, 187, 266 Budshnurt 142
Ariano 142 Bukhara 149
Arizona 369 Bulawayo 314
Ashkhabad 143 Buller 142
Asia 27, 141, 151, 160, 162, 183, 184, Burdur 148
227,272,300,301,305,306,308,314 Burma 165, 305, 306
Askersund 251 .
Assam 140, 144, 158, 202 Calabria 20, 139, 140
Atacama 141 Calcutta 139
California 40, 53, 115, 117, 127, 128, 138,
Athens 262
141, 143, 144, 148, 163, 169, 170, 179,
Atlantic 147, 160, 162, 163, 184, 187, 192, 181, 186, 256, 284, 292, 295, 298, 302,
229, 263, 305, 306 see also North Atlantic 304, 305, 333, 345, 367
Australia 55, 162, 189,227, 254, 263, 272, Calitri 142
329,333 Callao 148

Canada 55, 162,254, 263, 272, 318, 369, Esthonia 361

392 Eurasia 187, 189
Caracas 139 Europe 24, 35, 100, 227, 263, 272, 282, 323
Caribbean Sea 100
Carpathians 163, 165, 305 Fairweather 145
Casamicciola 140 Farsinaj 145
Caspian Sea 145, 227, 333, 352, 354, 355, Fennoscandia 6,117,127,162,251,258,361
357,358 Ferdows 147
Caucasus 148, 301 Finland 139, 227, 250, 251, 263
Celebes 158 Formosa 140, 142, 158, 263
Central America 162, 181, 263, 393 see France 22, 41, 245, 337, 352, 353
also America Friuli 149
Chedrang 140 Fukui 143
Chile 27, 84, 85, 86, 138, 141, 143, 146,
147, 148, 158, 163, 165, 178, 181, 199, Garland 255
227, 291, 305, 334 Garlock 181
Chimbote 148 Garm 292, 302
China 16, 90, 139, 141, 142, 148, 149, 150, Gazli 149
151, 158, 263, 291, 297, 302, 303, 306, Gediz 148
337, 352, 353 Gene 148
Ciudad Cerdan 148 Geneva 329, 335, 345, 351
Colima 148 Georgia (USSR) 122,227
Colombia 140, 158 Germany 20, 24, 25, 26, 39, 41, 53
Colorado 245, 313, 315, 316, 356 Girash 146
Concepci6n 143 Goteborg 50,58,251,257, 387
Cordoba 148 Grangesberg 324, 325
Cremasta 314, 322 Great Britain 337
Crimea 370 Greece 262, 263, 306, 314
Croatia 25 Greenland 102, 189,263
Cumberland Plateau 255 Guatemala 148, 291
Cutch 20
Czechoslovakia 281 Haggruvan 252
Hamadan 145
Dahra 144 Hastings 142
Damovand 145 Hawaii 54, 148, 160, 263
Dannemora 324 Hawke's Bay 142
Delary 57 Hedemora 58, 60
Denmark 263 Hermanstorp 251
Denver 245,315 Himalaya 140, 160, 163, 165
Hokkaido 139, 144, 147
East Africa 161 see also Africa Hokoda 227
Easter Island 147, 160, 161, 333 Hoover Dam 313
Ecuador 139, 143, 148, 181 Hopeh Province 149
Egypt 392 Huaras 148
England 18, 22, 25, 26, 39, 41
Erzincan 143 Iceland 160, 184, 192, 263, 392
Eskdalemuir 251 Idkerberget 252

IiIapel 148 Kodiak Island 147

Imperial Valley 181 Kola Peninsula 361
India 20, 55, 139, 140, 142, 144, 158, 183, Korea 263
187, 254, 263, 272, 314, 352, 353 Koyna 314
Indian Ocean 160, 161, 162, 187, 192, 229, Kungsor 58, 60
263 Kurile Islands 60, 122, 151, 158, 162, 165,
Indonesia 149, 160, 263 166, 182, 194
Ionian Islands 144, 193 Kutshan 142
Ionian Sea 306 Kwanto 20, 141
Ipak 146
Iran 27, 137, 142, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, Lake Ladoga 361
151, 160, 262, 291, 305, 306, 307, 323, Lake Van 149
350, 389 Lar 27, 137, 146, 291, 307
Ireland 263 Laridjan 145
Irian 149, 305, 306 Lena 160
Ischia 140 Liaoning 148,303
Israel 85, 178 Lice 148
Italy 20, 22, 139, 140, 141, 142, 149, 263, Lima 148
293, 297, 305, 306, 313 Lisbon 20, 139
Lituya Bay 146
Jalisco 148 Los Angeles 148
Jamaica 141 Louisiana 147
Jan Mayen 194 Lund 249
Japan 20, 24, 53, 55, 124, 137, 139, 140, Luzon 147, 148
141, 142, 143, 144, 147, 151, 158, 162, Lycksele 25 I
163, 164, 182, 194, 195, 227, 230, 262,
263, 266, 285, 291, 293, 297, 300, 302, Malmberget 324, 325
304, 317 Managua 137, 148, 153
Johnston Island 337 Manila 147, 148
Maralinga 333
Kabul 145 Mariana Islands 158
Kagi 140 Marmara Sea 141, 144
Kamchatka 53,85,151, 160, 162, 166, 182, Marshall Islands 328, 330
193, 292, 301, 305, 334 Maryland III
Kangra 140 Mashad 147
Kansu 141 Matsushiro 194
Kariba Dam 314, 322 Mazandaran 144
Karlskrona 50,58, 101,251,257, 387 Mediterranean 22,27, 122, 137, 151, 160,
Kazakh 331,339 165, 263, 305, 306, 308
Kermadec Islands 72, 158 Melfi 142
Kermanshah 145 Messina 141
Kern County 138, 144 Mexico 75, 145, 148, 162, 181,263
Kimberley 328 Michoacan 148
Kingston 141 Middle East 27, 137, 151
Kiruna 40,49,50,57,58,72,90, 119,246, Mikawa 143
250, 251, 257, 324, 355, 360, 361, 387, Mindanao 145, 149, 158
389,392 Mindoro 306

Mino-Owari 20, 140 Peking 142, 149

Mongolia 145, 158, 263 Peru 53, 139, 141, 143, 148, 158, 163, 181,
Montana 101,254 227,291
Mora 251 Philippine Islands 162, 163, 182
Morocco 27, 137, 146, 147, 153, 262, 291, Pieve di Cad ore 313
307 Pleasant Valley 141
Moro Gulf 149 Polas 148
Moscow 119, 338 Portugal 139, 147, 263
Murchison 142 Potsdam 24, 262
Prague 119
Nankaido 143 Pretoria 328
Nan-Shan 142
Napier 142 Qazvin 146
Naples 20, 139 Quetta 142
Nevada 141, 157, 181, 261, 292, 318, 319,
321, 330, 333, 343, 345, 348, 352, 354 Rangely 316
Newbury 245 Red Sea 160,367
New Guinea 73, 263, 306 Reggio 141
New Hebrides 158 Rhodesia 314
New Mexico 333, 348 Riku-Ugo 140
New York 184 Rockville III
New Zealand 72, 142, 157, 163, 182, 227, Rocky Mountains 160,333
263 Rumania 149, 150
Nicaragua 137, 148, 291 Russia 26, 102, 162, 387 see also Soviet
Niigata 147, 291 Union and USSR
North America 160, 162, 230, 272, 324 Ryukyu 158, 162, 259
see also America
North Atlantic 92, 102, 194, 266, 306 see Sahara 330, 352, 392
also Atlantic Samin 140
North Sea 392 Samoa 158, 182
Norway 55, 102, 250, 254, 387 San Andreas 125, 141, 143, 146, 169, 170,
Novaya Zemlya 318, 319, 333, 336, 343, 179, 181, 186, 298, 304
344, 345, 350, 352, 353, 354, 355 Sandhamn 359
Odowara 139 San Francisco 20, 125, 138, 141, 169, 179,
Orizaba 148 181, 294
OrleansvilIe 144 Santiago (Chile) 141
Santorin 145
Pacific 100, 142, 150, 158, 160, 162, 163, Scandinavia 58, 139, 230, 263, 334, 361
164, 165, 169, 171, 177, 179, 180, 181, Scotland 55, 251, 254
182, 183, 187, 189, 192, 229, 263, 293, Semipalatinsk 330, 331, 339, 345, 352,
305, 307, 328, 329, 330, 331, 333, 337, 354,355
352,367 Seward 147
Pakistan 142, 148,263 Shansi 139, 141
Pamir 160, 163, 227 Shillong 140
Panama 257 Shirwan 142
Paris 393 Siberia 160, 162, 292, 331
Pasadena 35, 40, 53, 196, 284, 345, 367 Sicily 139, 147

Sinkiang 90, 158,352 Transvaal 227

Skalstugan 50, 57, 58, 72, 251, 257, 361, Trujillo 148
387 Tsinning 141
Skopje 122, 137, 138, 147, 153, 160, 291, Turkestan 140, 143
344, 390 Turkey 83, 143, 144, 147, 148, 149, 160,
South Africa 45, 323 see also Africa 162,262, 263, 291, 304
South America 27, 53, 143, 162, 179, 186, Turkmenia 227
227,263,272,328,393 see also America Tyrrhenian Sea 165
Soviet Union 149, 263, 264, 306, 338, 361
see also Russia and USSR Uddeholm 57, 58, 79, 251, 333, 373
Spain 147, 160, 263, 305, 306 U ggelheden 251
Spitsbergen 160 Uinta Basin 255
St. Louis 41, 42 UmeA 49, 50, 57, 58, 101, 246, 257, 333,
Stockholm 6, 60, 249, 392 361,387
Strasbourg 245 United Kingdom 245, 263
Stripa 252 Uppsala 6, 34, 38, 48, 49, 50, 56, 57, 58,
Stromsund 251 59, 60, 73, 83, 84, 86, 90, 100, 119, 121,
Sulu 149 154, 195, 201, 242, 245, 246, 247, 248,
Sumatra 306 249, 250, 257, 259, 277, 278, 318, 331,
Sveg 251 333, 336, 337, 339, 344, 345, 350, 355,
Sweden 6,38,40,41,55,56,59,60,75,78, 360, 373, 381, 387, 388, 389, 390, 395
79, 123, 128, 245, 249, 251, 252, 254, Ural 227, 352, 357, 358
256, 257, 299, 324, 325, 348, 357, 373, USA 26,27, 31, 39, 41, 42, 45, 46, 54, 55,
381, .392 99, 101, 122, 123, 169, 220, 221, 245,
Switzerland 22 252, 253, 254, 263, 265, 272, 286, 291,
Sydney 368 293, 297, 304, 313, 329, 333, 334, 337,
Syria 139 348, 351, 352, 356, 357, 371
Szechwan 148, 149 USSR 41, 122, 221, 263, 292, 293, 297,
329, 337, 338, 352, 353, 356, 357 see also
Tadzhik 306 Russia and Soviet Union
Taiwan see Formosa Uzbekistan 149, 357,358
Talifu 141
Tamanrasset 328 Vajont 313
Tango 142 Valparaiso 141, 147, 148
Tangshan 149 Viirmland 372
Tashkent 153, 194,301 Varto 147, 291
Tehran 145 Viistergotland 79
Texas 147, 255 Venezuela 139
Tibet 144, 158,229, 263 Vera Cruz 148
Tien-Shan 141, 158, 227, 292 Vienna 358
Tientsin 149 Volga 227
Tokachi 144
Tokyo 20, 138, 139, 141,294 Washington D. C. 329
Tolmezzo 313 West Indies 263
Tonankai 143 White Creek 142
Toronto 328 White Wolf 144
Tottori 143 Wichita Mountains 255

Yakutat Bay 140, 146, 147, 179, 181 Yunnan 141, 149
Yokohama 20, 138, 141
Yugoslavia 137, 147, 160, 291 Zagros 148
Yukon 145 Zambia 314,392
Yungay 148 Zurich 118, 119, 355

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