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Environmental Protection Department

enviro news
Environmental Protection Department
Fourth Quarter 2018 Issue No. 29

(Photo Source: Abdullah Alsuhaibany)

Fourth Quarter 2018 Issue No. 29

Environmental Protection Department

enviro news Fourth Quarter 2018 Issue No. 29

Environmental Protection Department

Manager, Omar S. Abdulhamid

Enviro News Editorial Board

Chairman, Nassir T. Al-Harbi
Khaled Abdulkader
Abdullah Alsuhaibany
Hussain Aseeri
Mohammad Hajri
Ziad Hawi
Forrest Jones
Jumaan Qahtani
Kent F. Strawn
Abdullah Tawlah
For questions, comments or any other inquiries regarding Enviro News, please contact Rana M.
Al-Ghamdi at [email protected] or (013) 880-0491

© Saudi Arabian Oil Company, 2019

Fourth Quarter 2018 Issue No. 29

Horizons 04 In Focus 44

To the last drop

Conserving water for a healthier EPD participates at United Nations Climate
environment at Yanbu’ Refinery 05 Change Conference (COP24) 45

Stop the leaks

A look at Leak Detection & Repair processes
that protect our environment 09 EPD attends Red Sea biodiversity workshop 46

Smart vendor
More than (50) employees certified as
How technology brings nutritious drinks to
environmental professionals 46
‘Udhailiyah 13
A watchful eye
EPD strengthens health impact assessment
Monitoring and optimizing flare purge gas
capacity 47
to reduce emissions 15

Earth Day and the Qomama Initiative EPD hosts Environmental Discussion
Targeting the root causes of plastic pollution 21 Workshop for Managers 48

EPD hosts informative food safety event to

commemorate 2018 World Food Day, 600
attend 48
In Depth 24
EPD raises environmental awareness for
females at Yanbu’ Refinery Department 48
Bright side of life
A look at Saudi Aramco biodiversity
protection areas 25 EPD conducts second Environmental
Coordinators Workshop of 2018 48

Good vibrations
Protect yourself from hand/arm vibration 33
Enviro Snaps 52

The facts of life

Learn more about new Saudi food Our brothers from the sea
mandatory labeling requirements. 39 The dolphins 53

Environmental Protection Department

A Message
from Omar S. Abdulhamid
EPD Manager

If there’s one clear takeaway for protecting the environment remote areas where such offerings
from this issue of Enviro News can make a difference. may not have been possible in
regarding the reach and richness the past. And on the industrial
of Company efforts to reduce Elsewhere, our work to both hygiene front, learn more about
its environmental footprint, it’s protect and enhance biodiversity the many activities that can result
the fact that everyone in Saudi continues to move forward, even in hand-arm vibration and how to
Aramco is pushing ahead on all beyond our successful Shaybah protect yourself.
fronts to conserve resources and Wildlife Sanctuary. New survey
protect health and biodiversity in activities across Company lands As always, the Environmental
all of our affairs. have revealed striking levels of Protection Department invites
biodiversity, with seven sites you to browse our latest success
Take the facility level. In this issue, now having been designated stories and share with us your
we’ll learn more about the steps as Biodiversity Protection Areas own (previous issues of the
Haradh Gas Plant Department totaling 854 km2 of land. magazine can be found internally
is taking to address flaring, on the EPD site or externally at
while Berri Gas Plant will share Also be sure to read up on https://www.saudiaramco.com/
its success with Leak Detection nutrition labeling requirements en/news-media/publications).
& Repair (“LDAR”). Meanwhile appearing on food items in Saudi So keep us informed to help the
at Yanbu’ Refinery, read up on Arabia and what they mean for Company illustrate to the world
water conservation techniques. your health and waistline. And how Saudi Aramco considers
All three instances illustrate how speaking of health matters, find environmental protection to be an
a blend of new technologies, best out how technology is allowing integral pillar of its social license
practices and a genuine concern the Company to provide fresh to operate.
orange juice and all its nutrients in

Fourth Quarter 2018 Issue No. 29

Environmental Protection Department

Fourth Quarter 2018 Issue No. 29

To the last drop

Conserving water for a healthier environment
at Yanbu’ Refinery
Maddala Bhanumurthy, YRD

Everyone knows water is vital to environmentally toxic byproduct CO2 associated with desalination.
life and for sustainable ecosystems. and often at very high ambient
Thanks to water resources, trees temperatures. This double Bottom line: desalination is an
grow and flourish, releasing whammy of being overheated energy-intensive business, so it
oxygen in the process while and containing residues stemming cannot be stressed enough that
absorbing carbon dioxide at the from pretreatment and cleaning individuals in areas serviced by
same time. They shelter and chemicals merits concern. Why? desalination plants must do their
shade, which are very welcome For every one gallon of freshwater part to save water. A drop of water
in desert climates like Saudi produced, two gallons of brine leaking per second can waste 6m3
Arabia’s, though they require must be disposed, and failure per year, a sum that required hefty
water from irrigation to survive. to do so properly can wreak amounts of energy to produce.
That said, excessive demand for havoc on marine ecosystems, Hence, every individual at home, at
water, even in our gardens, can especially if dumped carelessly. work and wherever possible must
be bad for the environment, so Fortunately, desalination facilities measure, monitor and optimize
one can imagine the importance associated with Saudi Aramco do water use by promoting efficiency
of conserving water in big oil- not dump brine or chemicals into and eliminating wastage.
and-gas operations. This concern the marine environment. As part With this in mind, Yanbu Refinery
is heightened in the Middle East, of environmentally responsible prioritized water conservation and
where natural sources of fresh business practices, brine can be implemented several projects as
water are limited and even stressed safely discharged into the marine part of its broader environmental
under expanding populations. environment if treated and roadmap. YRD evaluated an
As a result, dependence on managed properly, or cleaning innovation idea to resolve summer
desalination — the conversion of may be conducted in a closed loop cooling limitations and avoid
salty ocean water into fresh water in which all waste is trucked and showering (i.e., spraying water on
— increases. sent outside a refinery for proper hot equipment to cool down.
handling and discharge.
Sea water is abundantly available Consequently, the refinery
for desalination efforts, including Separately, energy consumed executed an in-house design
those that supply Yanbu’ Refinery to desalinate seawater can project and created a new closed
Department (YRD). Yet due to reach up to 6 kWh/m3, and this loop circulating the supplement
high costs, energy intensiveness figure increases by 45 Kwh after cooling water system. As a result,
and the environmental footprints factoring in energy consumed boiler makeup water was diverted
this process entails, many view indirectly in the processes, such through compressors to recover
desalination as a last resort for as crude extraction from wells heat with water and conserved
providing fresh water. and refining into fuels used for 90 million gallons of water with
electricity generation to power enhanced compressor efficiency
Desalination produces large desalination plants. Each 1kwh in
quantities of brine, a salty and and reliability.
savings can eliminate 440 grams

Environmental Protection Department

(Photo Source: Shutterstock)

Fourth Quarter 2018 Issue No. 29

Instrument Air System

Fig.1. Process water feeding compressor coolers and then drained to the sea. It was modified to the process
in Figure 2.

Creating a Closed Loop System Innovatively

Fig. 2. Innovation Idea implemented: Process water makeup to boilers was diverted to compressor coolers
and collected in a condensate flash drum to ultimately use as preheated makeup water. It provided
supplement cooling water for use as an independent and redundant cooling source to avoid compressor trips
due to cooling deficiencies.

Environmental Protection Department

Photo 1: Yanbu Refinery, seen here, receives two awards, a Global Water Conservation Award in Platinum
Category and the Global Innovation in Water Technology Award in Gold category on United Nations World
Water Day. (Photo Source: Saudi Aramco)

This project reduced process This innovative project Lastly, YRD won two Water
water intake from outside sources accomplished multiple objectives, Conservation awards in 2018
by 50% and therefore avoided including enhancing safety and from the Energy and Environment
energy otherwise consumed to reliability, along with conserving Foundation at the World Water
desalinate water. energy, and protecting the Summit, New Delhi, sponsored by
environment. Moreover, the the Government of India.
YRD reduced desalinated project integrates instrument air
water booked capacity from and water cooling systems with So let us conserve water by
5500 m3/hr to 2500m3/day by compressors and boilers. The promoting the efficient use of
halting draining/showering and novel solution, designed and water through awareness, to
recovering cooling water after executed within YRD, can be protect the environment and save
cooling compressed air to boilers applied at many facilities. money.
as makeup water.

Fourth Quarter 2018 Issue No. 29

Stop the leaks

A look at Leak Detection & Repair processes
that protect our environment
Nader H. Zayer, Berri Gas Plant

In 2011, a Company Leak hundreds of gas leaks have been fixing them. This Gas Leak (Find
Detection and Repair Program fixed avoiding contract costs and & Fix) program, however, has
(“LDAR”) was endorsed under done so in reasonable timeframes demonstrated itself to be the
Ambient Air Quality and In 2014, the Environmental preferred program; it is practical,
Source Emissions Standards Protection Department (EPD) cost-efficient and time-effective
(SAES-A-102). The same year, issued another LDAR protocol as a routine practice based on the
the program was submitted and based on Method 21 of 40 CFR, following comparison (Table 1)
accepted as a new technology Part 60, which advocates the use
item. In 2012, Saudi Aramco of Flame Ionization Detectors (FID) When there is serious gas leak,
developed a program called “Gas or Photo Ionization Detectors huge amounts of gas can be
Leak (Find & Fix)” as a qualitative (PID) for detecting component released in a very short time.
method that relied on LDAR and leaks. The “Gas Leak (Find & Here, the safety conerns take
began implementing it using in- Fix)” was then later modified as a priority over environmental
house resources, which allowed quantitative method. Both LDAR impacts at first. These types
the Company to bypass contracts programs serve the same purpose, of leaks must be attended
with external entities. Since then, which is finding gas leaks and immediately to save lives. When

Table 1: A comparison between both LDAR programs.

Method 21 of 40 CFR Part 60 Gas Leak (Find & Fix)

Purpose Stopping or Minimizing Gas Leaks Stopping or Minimizing Gas Leaks
Emphasis Environment Environment & Safety
Procedure Complicated Simple
Tools Gas Detectors Gas Imaging Cameras and/or Gas Detectors
Detection Quantitative Qualitative and/or Quantitative
Flammable material and people Flammable material and people exposure
Repair Criteria
exposure locations are not considered locations are considered
Tags with hazard rating, colors, symbols and
Tagging Tags with number only
film reference numbers
Manpower Contractor Facility
Cost Very costly Insignificant
Time Very long time Short time
Training Qualified personnel Minimum

Environmental Protection Department

there is a fugitive emission gas Better Economy: placed at each leak point until it is
leak, small amounts of gas will Profits may rise via the elimination fixed and the repair is confirmed.
be released in a very long time. In of lost products. Also, it should include the film
this case, environmental concerns reference number.
trump the safety impacts. The Better Reputation:
Gas Leak (Find & Fix) program The Company’s environmental Protection Zone:
was developed to prevent the reputation will be enhanced As an extra precaution, a
conversion of fugitive emission when the Gas Leak (Find & Fix) is protection zone must be
gas leaks into serious gas leaks, applied regularly. identified and surrounded by
thus carrying both environmental a yellow warning stripe. This
and safety components with it. Repair Criteria: measurement is conducted by
Other advantages of conducting Taking into consideration the fact using two calibrated gas monitors
routine Gas Leak (Find & Fix) that not all detected leaks can be at the same time: the Hydrogen
procedures include: repaired at the same time, criteria Sulfide (H2S) and Lower Explosive
were developed to prioritize and Limit (LEL) levels starting 10
Better Safety: expedite repair processes. The meters away from the leak
This is accomplished by criteria depend on the hazard point and then reducing the
eliminating the leakage of toxic size, or rating, with the higher distance towards it. When the
and flammable gases that may numbers signifying higher hazards detected measurement exceeds
cause harmful exposure, fire or (See Table 2). the allowable limits at certain
explosion. distance, then that distance can
Environmental Worksheet (EWS): be considered as the radius of
Better Environmental Protection: Hazard ratings are calculated on the protection zone. A protection
When fugitive emissions are Environmental Worksheets (i.e., zone is not required if no
controlled, Volatile Organic the sum of the assigned points exceedance is detected at one
Compounds (VOC) will be of each category), and below are meter from the leak point.
reduced or eliminated. VOCs some examples of the final EWS.
can be of particular concern Focusing on safety, high approval Note 1: The measurement should
because of their health impacts authority is recommended for be conducted from all access
ranging from mild discomfort up the repair due date, especially directions to the leak point. And
to long-term exposure cancer for leakages with high hazard the warning signs should be
risk, depending on their type. ratings. The approver may request placed at those accesses near the
VOCs are the main ingredient Safety and Environmental Hazard border of the protection zone.
for making ground-level ozone, Assessments (SEHA) if the repair
Note 2: For H2S leak
a major air pollution concern in is going to be delayed long
measurement, respiratory
many industrial countries and enough to impose safety and
apparatus is required as Personal
big metropoles. Ozone is formed environmental impacts. A SEHA
Protective Equipment
when VOCs and nitrogen oxides team should include Facility,
(NOX) react in the atmosphere Loss Prevention, Environmental (PPE)..
in the presence of sunlight. Protection and Fire Department
Exposure to ozone is considered representatives. See Table 3 for an Note 3: One daily measurement
harmful to humans, and has example. per shift is required around the
been attributed with respiratory protection zone to make sure the
infections and heart diseases. Safety and environmental limits are not expanded beyond
Another important advantage guidelines: the border of that zone.
is reducing Greenhouse Gases Warning Sign: “GAS LEAK, AVOID
(GHG), which have an impact on
global warming. EXPOSURE” mobile sign must be Monitoring each leak point is
recommended periodically to

Fourth Quarter 2018 Issue No. 29

make sure the leak is constant If deemed necessary, an should be updated quarterly.
and there is no expansion of the Emergency Response Plan for
gas. hazardous leaks should be Gas Leakage Day:
prepared by the SEHA team. Also, An awareness day needs to be
Repair Confirmation: active leaks should be considered conducted annually to remind
Before a repair is marked within the emergency drill employees about the hazard of
complete, a repair confirmation is scenarios. gas leakage.
required. This is done by using the
Gas Imaging Camera. OIM: By implementing Gas Leak (Find
& Fix), Saudi Aramco will be able
Operating Instruction Manual
KPI: (OIM) should be developed for the
to enhance safety and protect the
Environmental Key Performance environment. Further action on
Gas Leak (Find & Fix).
Indicators (KPI) need to be untested locations can be planned
established to track leak-repair Gas Leakage Diagram: annually. The repair criteria will
progress. Also, the EWS should be A diagram indicating with the help the Company prioritize
reviewed during Quarterly Safety hazard symbols all active leaking repairs based on the hazard-rating
Inspections (QSI). points maybe developed and kept calculation. Contract costs will be
in the Disaster Control Center as avoided, and product losses will
Emergency Response Plan: extra information. The diagram be prevented.

Table 2: Hazard Ratings by category.

A) Type: B) Concentration:

Assigned Gas Concentration

Type H2S Concentration (%) Assigned Points
Points (PPM)
Acid Gas > 40 12
Sour Gas (A) >18 6 > 10000 3
Sour Gas (B) >13 5
Sour Gas (C) >8 4 > 1000 2
Sour Gas (E) >4 3
Sour Gas (F) >3 2
> 500 1
Sweet Gas < 0.01 1

C) Size: D) Location:

Gas Leaks Size* Assigned Points Flammable / Exposure Location
Nearby flammable storage tank or
Large 3 4
Close to office or CCR 3
Medium 2
Within working area 2
Small 1 Far away from all the above (rarely
find workers at the location)

* Gas leaks size is detrmined by comparing the films images.

Environmental Protection Department

Table 3. Environmental Worksheet

Leak Gas Conc. Hazard

Plant Repair Requirement ETC Status
location (PPM) Rating

XYZ XYZ >10000 15 Approval if the due date needs to be extended 2012 Fixed

XYZ XYZ >10000 12 Approval if the due date needs to be extended 2012 Fixed

XYZ XYZ >1000 6 Shutdown 2012 Fixed

XYZ XYZ >500 4 Spare parts 2012 Fixed

High priority » 15-19 Low priority 3-6 Medium priority » 7-14 : Flammable : Toxic


# Requirements

1 Assign an approver for leaks that are going to be kept for a long time before repairing.

2 Assign and train two personnel to perform Gas Leak (Find & Fix).

3 Order or borrow Gas Imaging Camera, Gas Detector and Gas Monitor.

4 Measure H2S/LEL, surround by warning stripe and install warning signs.

5 Establish Gas Leak (Find & Fix) Key Performance Indicators.

6 Develop Gas Leak (Find & Fix) Operating Instruction.

7 Develop gas leak diagram for the active leaks.

8 Repair the identified gas leaks.

9 Prepare an Emergency Response Plan for hazardous leaks.

10 Consider active leaks within the scenarios of the emergency drills.

11 Conduct annual gas leakage awareness.

Fourth Quarter 2018 Issue No. 29

Smart vendor
How technology brings nutritious drinks to
Thomas Hullock, EPD

Vending machines are nothing such parameters in a juice- The U.S. Food and Drug
new. We’ve all used them at one vending machine cannot be Administration recognizes oranges
time or another to purchase a overestimated. Still, pressure is and fresh juices to be a source of
soda or a chocolate bar while on for the soft drinks industry to foodborne illness, particularly in
“on the go.” Tracing their history provide healthy options, and that fresh juice that is not pasteurized.
back to the 1880s when the can go for vending machines as A survey of the presence of
first vending machines were well, though not at the expense Salmonella, and Shigella in freshly
developed to dispense postcards of health safety. squeezed orange juice in Mexico
for holidaymakers in England, found that of 100 samples, 14%
vending machines have evolved Take fruit. contained Salmonella and 6%
to a point where everything contained Shigella (Journal of
from life insurance to a pizza can Food protection, 2006). These
be delivered on demand at the high counts may indicate poor
touch of a button. So popular sanitation and potential exposure
in Japan, it is estimated that to fecal contamination, either in
there is one vending machine for the raw materials or during the
every twenty-three (23) people orange-crushing and juice-serving
in a country with a population process. There is a real threat
of 126 million (SOURCE: Japan of food poisoning from what is
Vending Machine Manufacturers perceived to be a healthy option.
Association). In Singapore, the importance
of good hygiene practices and
From a food safety perspective, temperature control for food
there always remains a concern vending machines, resulted
about temperature control in in national regulations being
food vending machines with introduced in 2017. They provide
the chance that high-risk foods a framework for the requirements
can enter the danger zone for for food vending machines that
the growth of harmful bacteria extend beyond the machines
without anyone knowing. Who themselves, to the food handlers
can tell when the refrigerator who load the machines, and the
compressor on an unmanned and Figure 1: New technology brings
fresh orange juice—and fresh point of food production.
largely unmonitored device breaks
down? vitamins and nutrients—to Here at Saudi Aramco, we have
‘Udhailiyah. (Photo Source: Saudi gone a step further. Using Wi-
The importance of controlling Aramco) Fi, vending machine operators

Environmental Protection Department

(Photo Source: Shutterstock)

now have the ability to have In addition, EPD has placed

information about their machines additional requirements on the
delivered instantly to their vending machine operators to
smartphones. A fresh orange make sure that the risks are
juice vending machine recently reduced further, with simple
approved by the Environmental steps such as disinfecting the
Protection Department (EPD) for oranges according to Saudi
deployment at ‘Udhailiyah relies Aramco Environmental Health
on SMART technology to monitor Figure 2: The feeder from the Code Standards, before the fruit
the machine’s vital parameters orange hopper to the juicer. is placed in the machine, and
in real time. The vending unit’s (Photo Source: Saudi Aramco) ensuring that the food handlers
operator can know anytime, are trained in food safety
anywhere how the machine is practices.
performing and SMS alerts are
sent from the machine, if for The benefits of using this type of
example, the temperature of the technology bring the possibility
machine goes out of range. The of introducing healthy beverage
machine will also shut down if options to employees and
critical limits are exceeded. The dependents in all parts of the
machine will also let the operator Company, regardless of location,
know how many fruits have been as in the past, fresh vitamin-rich
used – essential to ensure that the fruit juices were not as available
juice continues to flow but more as they are today. EPD continually
critically, that the oranges don’t strives to identify and deliver
stay in the basket too long and technology solutions from around
start to spoil. Figure 3. Removing the juicing the world to further protect the
parts during routine maintenance. health and wellbeing of our
(Photo Source: Saudi Aramco) people.

Fourth Quarter 2018 Issue No. 29

A watchful eye
Monitoring and optimizing flare purge gas to
reduce emissions
Selvam Daniel and Abdulrahman O. Lashkar, Haradh Gas Plant Department

Introduction: compared to other international by poor resolution and readout

oil companies. uncertainties due to parallax
Flaring is a common sight at any errors. Such technology made it
facility where oil and gas are To avoid excessive flaring and hard for field operators to monitor
concerned, either in the field ensure adequate purging to and report readings needed to
or at the refinery. Flaring occurs reduce gas emissions, Saudi control and optimize the purge
when the need arises to safely Aramco facilities monitor and flow rate. Previously the reading
control waste gas by burning it, optimize the purge fuel gas that was checked by field operators
thereby minimizing the release of is admitted to the flare, a very on weekly basis. Hence, any
pollutants into the atmosphere. important task. changes in the reading would
Sometimes, however, safety and In the past, the purge fuel gas go unnoticed and unaccounted,
other reasons allow for flaring to flare network could not be which hindered monitoring and
that may result in emissions, continuously monitored or even optimization of purge gas to flare.
though rest assured that Saudi optimized due to the use of local It may be noted that lowering
Aramco has one of the lowest rotameters. The meters provided the purge quantity could create
flaring rates in the world only analog values in field marked a vacuum in the flare piping

Purge Flow Rotameter- Wireless

Environmental Protection Department

network, while higher purge The purpose of continuous would allow for communication
quantities could lead to excess purging is to: between field devices and the
burning of fuel gas and emissions DCS.
into the atmosphere. Less purging › Sweep any stagnant sour fluid
would allow for the ingress of air in the piping network. Challenges Overcome:
and moisture that could create › Prevent corrosion and Haradh Gas Plant is pleased to
problems like pipe corrosion eliminate the liquid report that all of the above-
flame out of flare. Higher accumulation that may mentioned challenges have been
purge quantities would burn the condense in the flare network. met. The following bullets outline
expensive fuel gas and impact the some details behind this success
› Provide positive pressure to
environmental Key Performance story.
prevent air ingress from the
flare tip into the flare network
Select the flow meters of
To overcome this situation, piping.
same face-to-face dimensions:
Haradh Gas Plant searched for › Compensate shrinkage effects To have aligned dimensions,
suitable technology, though due to ambient cooling or flange sizes and ratings, a little
what was best for our operations rapid cooling of gases after compromise was reached in
was not always available on the hot gas releases. measuring flow range without
market. Thus, the plant embarked affecting the design and
on its own to develop a wireless Challenges in Design:
operating values, to match the
rotameter. Haradh Gas Plant existing installed flow meter
The first challenge in selecting
developed a prototype device, dimensions.
a purge flow meter was to
tested it successfully, and then the
match the device with the face-
plant installed and commissioned Wireless flow meters in the
to-face dimensions of existing
the equipment to measure purge selected meter: The prototype
conventional analog rotameters
flow quantity. wireless flow meter was
to avoid any hot work such as
developed by integrating wireless
The apparatus provided digital cutting or welding in the field.
devices with the electronic smart
displays from the field and the The second challenge was that
rotameter. This was tested by
wirelessly communicated data to the flow meters must be a smart
creating many obstructions and
the Distributed Control System electronic type with wireless
(DCS), to monitor the flow rate options, to communicate with
continuously. DCS to avoid laying of cables, Finding wireless interface
scaffolding and DCS input cards. devices: To ensure
The project will now provide daily The third challenge was to find communication between wireless
and monthly consumption data the availability of suitable wireless flow meters and DCS, the
involving fuel gas. In addition, flow meters that would comply interface devices such as access
readings are made available in with Company standards, such as points and field bus modules
Plant Information (PI) systems the Instrument Society of America were integrated through network
so that the performance of (ISA) or Highway Addressable switches, which were not part of
these meters can be monitored Remote Transducer (HART). the existing DCS.
periodically from the office itself. The fourth challenge analyzed
giving batteries longer lifespans Selection of batteries and
Further the battery life time is lifetime: The wireless field
(for at least 3 to 4 years) with a
also configured in DCS to replace devices and repeaters are
reasonable update/scanning rate
before expiration. operating with battery power. If
of wireless flow meters. The fifth
Purpose + Continuous challenge was to select the correct the battery consumption is more,
wireless interface devices (i.e., then frequent replacement of
modems, converters, etc.), which batteries is required. Doing so

Fourth Quarter 2018 Issue No. 29

would increase the maintenance such as the wireless flow meter, The repeaters were placed at
and operating costs in terms repeaters, the antenna, and appropriate locations per the
of purchasing, man hours and access points. In this regard, a survey conducted earlier. The
reading interruptions. Hence, a field survey was conducted to antenna and access point were
study was conducted to optimize identify locations for the wireless installed in the control building
the power consumption, and repeaters to get signals from all in such a way that the antenna
accordingly the update/scan rate installed wireless rotameters, could receive the signal from
has been decided to get the without any major signal loss, to repeaters directly. An Ethernet
lifetime of 4 to 5 years for the ensure uninterrupted transfer of cable was installed between the
batteries. data from field rotameters to the access point and the network
DCS. switch. After completion of all
Communication with DCS: the field installation the batteries
Upon the selection of interface The meters were designed and were placed in all rotameters and
devices, such as the network constructed based on the newly repeaters.
switch, the field bus module, developed Instrumentation
and the control processor; the Specification Sheets (ISS), From the network switch, through
plant successfully configured field complete with details on laptop application software, all
devices and the DCS to match the meter range, dimensions, area field devices have been linked
data. With the field readings in classification, process parameters to one another wirelessly (with
the DCS, the operators are able and metallurgy. readings stored in the laptop).
to monitor purge flow rates to
save fuel gas, and hence address Upon procurement, the meters System Architecture:
emissions. were installed by removing the
local analog meters without After ensuring communication from
Planning and cutting, welding or hot work. The field devices to the control room,
transition went smoothly without the next activity was conducted in
any major impacts to the flare the DCS by building a face plate
After the detailed study, it was network’s operations. and entering the IP address, baud
planned to procure devices, rate, data addresses, etc.

Environmental Protection Department

Also, a graphic was built in the Technology Resilience

DCS to compile all purge flow
meter readings into a single page. These installations with the latest
The graphic was also configured technology are permanent. These
to ensure battery health and devices are more reliable and
longevity in the DCS. efficient in measuring flow rates
of purge gas and transmitting
the signals accurately to the DCS
with minimum delay times. Since
the flow rates are not expected
to change frequently, any The alarm limits of low and high
given delays will be considered flow rates have been configured in
acceptable and will allow for the DCS to alert operators to take
reasonable readings. action in case of any deviations
in purge quantity. Lower purge
rates will result in flare network
problems, such as air ingress,
The implementation of wireless corrosion, flameout, while higher
purge flow meters reduced gas flow rates would waste fuel
emissions by cutting fuel gas and energy, and also pollute the
consumption by 11%. environment via gas emissions.

Wireless rotameter to measure & optimize purge fuel gas (Flare purge)

Reduction of FG
TAG NO. Previous Flow SCFM Current Flow Reduction %

Flowmeter #1 60 57.75

Flowmeter #2 60 56.75

Flowmeter #3 60 54.25

Flowmeter #4 250 250.00

Flowmeter #5 240 139.00

Flowmeter #6 250 242.00 126.77 11.29

Flowmeter #7 60 56.75

Flowmeter #8 90 87.50

Flowmeter #9 45 43.25

Flowmeter #10 5 5.34

Flowmeter #11 3 3.63

Total Flowrate 1123 996

Fourth Quarter 2018 Issue No. 29

(Photo Source: Saudi Aramco)

Environmental Protection Department

The battery effectiveness has been To monitor the lifetime of battery, of fuel gas purge quantity in
calculated to get the maximum in DCS the configuration has DCS and PI
possible lifetime, by adjusting the been conducted for the battery
› Helps to optimize the purge
update of flow readings without lifetime with a 90-day alarm.
comprising the measurement That means whenever the battery
accuracy. alarm sounds, the operations › Ensure sweeping of the entire
and maintenance staff can take flare header
The effectiveness of this action to buy the batteries in
innovative approach would help › No need for the operator to
advance, before the installed visit field, every shift, to take
the operators to optimize the battery surpasses its lifetime. The
purge flow rate, to save energy, reading
new batteries can be replaced to
and reduce fuel consumption, in ensure the sustainability of the › Provided flow rate and alarm
alignment with the Kingdom’s operation of wireless flow meters. for deviation
Vision 2030.
› Low battery alarm for timely
Benefits: replacement
› Avoiding excess flaring › Guaranteed purging and
In our facility, the purge flow
› Ensuring adequate purging ensured sweeping of the flare
rate readings are obtained in our
desktop through the PI system, › Optimizing energy
to periodically monitor the consumption › Reduce gas emissions
performance of installed meters. › Energy savings
› Monitor daily consumption
Wireless rotameter to optimize purge fuel gas
Battery life time

Battery remaining Remaining life Battery low

TAG NO. Decscription
life (Days) (Months) alarm days
Fl-001 DS of PZV001A/B/C (FG Pressure Reducing) 809 26.97 90
Fl-002 Turbine FG KO Drum PZV 003A/8 and 004A/B 955 31.83 90
Fl-003 Turbine FG KO Drum 005A/B and 006A/B 900 30 90
Fl-004 SG Metering PZV007A/8/C/0/E 660 22 90
Fl-00S Sweep HP Flare Header 939 31.3 90
Fl-006 Sweep HP Flare from Gas Export Launcher 874 29.13 90
Fl-007 DS of PZV002A/B (FG Pressure Reducing) 857 28.57 90
Fl-008 Sweep LP Flare Header 935 31.17 90
Fl-009 Sweep LP Flare from SG Metering 1041 34.7 90
Fl-010 Sweep Wet Slowdown 848 28.27 90
Fl-011 Sweep Slowdown from SG compressor 870 29 90
RT-001 Repeater 1 1198 39.93 90
RT-002 Repeater 2 1155 38.5 90
RT-003 Repeater 3 1778 59.27 90

Fourth Quarter 2018 Issue No. 29

Earth Day and the Qomama

Targeting the root causes of plastic pollution
Richard H. Bodington & Rana M. Al-Ghamdi, Qomama Initiative Members

Photo 1: Large amounts of rubbish ended up in bags for proper disposal and off highway shoulders. (Photo
Source: Saudi Aramco)

We all shake our heads when Since 2017, the Qomama Aramco Sanitation Department,
we see litter blowing across our Initiative has asked these and Environmental Protection
beautiful desert landscapes, but other questions, to address these Department, JHAH, SPE, SAVE,
did you ever stop and think about very pressing environmental issues among others) on February 10,
how many people it might take by tackling the causes of litter in 2018, to pick up litter discarded
to clean it up? Or closer to home, parallel with cleaning it up, all alongside the Old Abqaiq Road. In
do you take the time do separate with the aim of making a real just over an hour, these volunteers
recyclable trash or even ponder difference in Saudi Arabia. collected over 300 bags of litter,
whether or not it’s properly mainly plastic bags and bottles,
disposed? Fortunately, there’s an The initiative’s first action which are not only unsightly, but
organization here in Saudi Arabia was to assemble over 120 threaten the health of plants,
that is concerned with such volunteers from 12 interested animals and ecosystems. But as
matters. organizations (including Saudi they did so, they were asked to

Environmental Protection Department

Photo 2: A participant at the Qomama Initiative’s first highway litter cleanup makes a difference by
helping to keep our roads cleaner. (Photo Source: Saudi Aramco).

think about the causes of this Environmental protection people about the health and
blight rather than the symptoms. campaigns of all sizes across the environmental risks associated
globe are working to influence with the improper disposal of
As a result, the Qomama rules and regulations to properly plastics, to getting out there in
Initiative’s tasks include the dispose of plastics. volunteer groups and picking up
following: trash across our communities.
That aspiration reflects both
› Over the medium-term, Saudi Aramco’s and the Qomama The Qomama Initiative will
Qomama Initiative volunteers Initiative’s efforts to encourage continue to curb plastic pollution
will work with a network of prudent use of plastic and to through its medium- and long-
schools and local authorities, recycle and re-use wherever term goals, yet there is always
to promote recycling possible. room for more volunteers. If
improvements in the Eastern you would like to volunteer to
Province. Does that mean you, as an be a part this movement and
individual, can make a difference? make lasting transformation to
› Over the long-term, Qomama
Absolutely it does. the Kingdom, please ring the
Initiative volunteers will support
work to identify sustainable To succeed here, everyone must Qomama Initiative Hot Line on
commercial waste management play a role, from educating +966 0500 758983.
solutions for the nation.

Fourth Quarter 2018 Issue No. 29

Environmental Protection Department

in depth
Fourth Quarter 2018 Issue No. 29

Bright side of life

A look at Saudi Aramco biodiversity protection
Dr. Chris Boland, EPD

An astonishing array of invertebrates. Much of this land. The biodiversity within

biodiversity occurs within Saudi biodiversity can be found on our facilities has been protected
Arabia, including no less than Saudi Aramco’s reservation areas, from hunting, grazing, firewood
493 bird species, 107 reptiles, particularly inside fenced areas. collection, off-road driving and
88 mammals, 8 amphibians, 7 illegal dumping. In other words,
freshwater fish and 2,248 plant Some of the best habitat in the by building security fences around
species, along with countless Kingdom occurs on Company Company facilities we have

Table 1: High value biodiversity sites on Company land that have been (i) rapidly surveyed by EPD, (ii)
comprehensively surveyed by a third party consultant, and/or (iii) designated as a Saudi Aramco Biodiversity
Protection Area

Location Area (km2) EPD rapid survey Full survey Designated

Abu Ali Island Biodiversity Protection Area 105 √ √ 2014
Tanajib Biodiversity Protection Area 29 √ √ 2015
Shaybah Wildlife Sanctuary 637 √ √ 2016
Rahima Bay Mangrove Eco-park 60 √ √ 2016
Manifa Biodiversity Protection Area 18 √ √ 2017
Abqaiq Wetlands Biodiversity Protection Area 2.5 √ √ 2017
‘Udhailiyah Biodiversity Protection Area 2.3 √ √ 2018
Bahra SSSP 47 √ √
Abha SSSP 45 √ √
Khurais 38 √ √
Madinah SSSP 27 √ √
Dhahran Jebels 1.3 √ √
East-West Pipeline 100 √
Riyadh SSSP 53 √
Qassim SSSP 34 √
Haradh 8.3 √
Aramco Beach Half Moon Bay 1.7 √
Hida Park (Al-Ahsa) 0.3 √

Environmental Protection Department

Photo 1: A sign reminds motorists to slow down to protect ‘Udhailiyah Dhub, the first such “Dhub Crossing”
sign in the world. (Photo Source: Abdullah Alsuhaibany)

Fourth Quarter 2018 Issue No. 29

Photo 2: Abqaiq Wetlands Biodiversity Protection Area supports a thriving ecosystem, including this
nocturnal Desert Hedgehog. (Photo: Jem Babbington)

inadvertently created biodiversity Abqaiq Wetlands vegetation, which is crisscrossed

protection areas throughout the Biodiversity Protection Area by innumerable mammal and
Kingdom. reptile tracks. By night, small
One site recently designated mammals such as the Desert
Over the last 5 years the as a Saudi Aramco Biodiversity Hedgehog (Photo 2), Wagner’s
Environmental Protection Protection Area is the Abqaiq Gerbil, and Arabian Red Fox feed
Department (EPD) has been Wetlands. This 2.5-km2 site on invertebrates on the ground,
working with numerous contains superb wetlands formed while Kuhl’s Pipistrelle Bats feed
proponent departments to from a naturally occurring on insects in the air. By day,
formally designate high value upwelling of the Neogene aquifer dozens of migratory birds feed on
patches of habitat as Saudi (which otherwise lies below invertebrates and small fish in the
Aramco Biodiversity Protection ground) supplemented with water. It’s a thriving ecosystem of
Areas as per SAEP-359 (detailed tertiary treated wastewater. regional significance.
Much of the wetlands are covered The site has been fenced to
As of 2018, seven sites have with dense reeds, which provide prevent illegal dumping and piles
been designated as Biodiversity food, nest sites and hiding spots of previously dumped debris have
Protection Areas (Table 1) totaling for at least 100 different species been cleared. Feral dogs have
854 km2 of land. Two of these of resident and migratory birds. been controlled to reduce their
sites (Abqaiq and ‘Udhailiyah) are The area around the wetlands impacts on nesting birds. What’s
presented as case studies below. consists of intact sand dunes more, two bird hides — the first
supporting a diversity of native in the Kingdom — have been

Environmental Protection Department

Photo 3: ‘Udhailiyah Biodiversity Protection Area helps to preserve the iconic Dhub lizard, which is
declining globally. (Photo: Jem Babbington)

constructed to allow visitors to larks occur at the site; in spring, Which sites might be next?
watch birds without disturbing the males broadcast their loud,
the animals. musical, flute-like tunes that float Comprehensive surveys have
across the wide-open plains of already been conducted at five
‘Udhailiyah Biodiversity ‘Udhailiyah like a call to prayer, more sites, all of which contained
Protection Area bringing joy to anyone lucky impressive biodiversity and are
enough to listen. thus currently under consideration
Another patch of habitat that for designation, including
was recently designated as a Significantly, a healthy the extraordinary habitat at
Biodiversity Protection Area can be population of Dhub occurs Abha SSSP (the Saudi Strategic
found at ‘Udhailiyah. A thorough around ‘Udhailiyah. These Spiny- Storage Program, or SSSP, stores
plant survey had revealed that the tailed Lizards are formally listed petroleum and derivatives in safe,
2.3-km2 fenced site contains the internationally as vulnerable to underground locations for use in
very rare Ephedra alata plant, which extinction and decreasing globally, emergencies or if other situations
had not been recorded within the which means these iconic reptiles should disrupt otherwise normal
Eastern Province for over 20 years, are at risk of becoming extinct supply. Lands above SSSPs may
along with 48 other desert plant within our lifetime. By establishing not be developed and have
species. These plants support a the ‘Udhailiyah Biodiversity thus become key biodiversity
diversity of desert-adapted animals, Protection Area, Saudi Aramco sites). Exceptional biodiversity
including at least six mammal is helping to conserve these has also been recorded during
species, seven reptiles and 35 birds. remarkable reptiles (Photo 3). comprehensive surveys at
For example, many desert-adapted Al Madinah and Bahra SSSPs, and

Fourth Quarter 2018 Issue No. 29

Photo 4: Abha SSSP provides ideal habitat for this rare and endemic bird, Philby’s Partridge. (Photo Source:
Jem Babbington)

Environmental Protection Department

Photo 5: Comprehensive biodiversity surveys reveal exceptional plant and animal diversity on Company
land, such as this field of native flowers in bloom at ‘Udhailiyah Biodiversity Protection Area. (Photo
Source: Saudi Aramco)

during rapid surveys conducted of mammals. In addition, pitfall were brought to Abha SSSP to
by EPD at Riyadh and Qassim traps and pain-free mammal traps photograph birds and other
SSSPs. All of these sites have were placed in strategic locations animals at the site. Eight of the
the potential to be designated around the site, while six remote birds recorded were endemic
as Saudi Aramco Biodiversity infrared cameras were set up species – that is they occur in
Protection Areas according to beside trays of food, to record Arabia and nowhere else on
SAEP-359, because of their any animals that came to feed on earth – which means they have
outstanding natural values. the free meals during the night. especially high conservation value.
The results were amazing. Over For example, Abha SSSP appears
In addition, at least six more sites the course of only five days and to contain the best habitat in the
have been identified by EPD as nights of survey, no less than 21 world for the endemic Philby’s
also potentially containing high mammal species were recorded, Partridge (Photo 4). Only 25,000
value habitat. And, no doubt, including Crested Porcupine, Rock pairs are thought to exist across
many more patches containing Hyrax, White-tailed Mongoose its range, but at Abha SSSP they
wonderful biodiversity occur at and Asiatic Caracal. In other are commonplace.
many other Company sites around words, 28% of all of Saudi
the Kingdom – each just waiting Arabia’s mammals were found How Saudi Aramco
to be surveyed and protected. in one 45-km2 Company facility designates Biodiversity
in the space of only five days! Protection Area
Exceptional Biodiversity at
A fantastic array of 37 native
Abha SSSP In 2014, EPD developed a
plant species, 6 reptiles and
Company procedure (SAEP-359
Comprehensive biodiversity 61 birds were also recorded.
Biodiversity Protection Areas:
surveys have revealed Doubtless many more species
Designation and Management)
extraordinary biodiversity at Abha will be recorded with additional
that outlines the simple steps
SSSP. The surveys consisted of surveying.
required to designate Saudi
two people searching for tracks,
Two leading birdwatchers Aramco Biodiversity Protection
burrows, scats and other traces

Fourth Quarter 2018 Issue No. 29

Areas over high quality habitat. What are the criteria for resident or migratory fauna.
Essentially, the procedure requires designating a Saudi Aramco f. The area plays an integral role
a third-party consultant to confirm Biodiversity Protection in the ecosystem functioning
that a proposed site is of sufficient Area? of a valued area.
ecological quality to warrant
designation as a Saudi Aramco To ensure that only the best g. The area has the potential to
Biodiversity Protection Area. The value habitat is protected, benefit the education and/or
steps outlined in the procedure SAEP-359 outlines the criteria well-being of local residents.
can be summarized as follows: for determining whether h. The area exhibits potential for
a site contains biodiversity restoration of important or
› The proponent department worthy of being designated
notifies EPD that good quality rare habitat.
as a Saudi Aramco Biodiversity
habitat occurs within the Protection Area. Essentially, a i. The area acts as an important
proponent’s reservation area site warrants protection if it link or ecological corridor
(or EPD notifies the proponent contains endangered, migratory between other sites of
that good quality habitat or endemic species. As per SAEP- biodiversity value.
occurs on site). 359, a site shall be considered j. The area is a significant source
› EPD conducts a rapid for designation if it meets two or of native seed, or larval and/or
biodiversity assessment of the more of the following criteria: juvenile recruits.
a. The area contains one or k. The area contains landscapes
› EPD provides the proponent more species that are listed of particularly high aesthetic
with a scope of work for as Vulnerable, Endangered or value.
a third party biodiversity Critically Endangered or two Conclusions
consultant to conduct or more species that are listed
comprehensive surveys. as Near Threatened by the Almost every Company facility
› The proponent then contracts International Union for Nature seems to have at least one patch
the biodiversity consultants to Conservation’s Red List of of high quality habitat within its
conduct the comprehensive Threatened Species. reservation area. These patches
biodiversity surveys. b. The area contains two or more of vegetation may be as small
species that are listed as High as 100 m x 100 m; others may
› If the surveys confirm that cover many square kilometers.
the site contains significant Conservation Priority by the
Saudi Arabian government. In many cases, this habitat can
biodiversity (that is, the site be protected at very little cost
meets criteria outlined below), c. The area contains one or more and with very little risk to the
then the proponent proposes species that are endemic to Company. Protecting these
to EPD that the site should be the Arabian Peninsula (that patches of habitat can be a source
designated as a Saudi Aramco is they occur in Arabia and of great pride and benefit for
Biodiversity Protection Area. nowhere else on earth). the Company and its employees.
› EPD assists the proponent to d. The area frequently contains Together, these patches of high
designate a Company Land five or more migratory bird quality habitat help to protect
Use Permit over the habitat species. the Kingdom’s precious and
patch. vulnerable plants and animals.
e. The area is a traditional The importance of this cannot be
› EPD assists the proponent to colonial nesting site / roosting overstated. After all, they need
develop a Biodiversity Action area / foraging area for our help.
Plan to help manage the site.

Environmental Protection Department

(Photo Source: Saudi Aramco)

Fourth Quarter 2018 Issue No. 29

Good vibrations
Protect yourself from hand/arm vibration
Masra Ohali, EPD

What is Hand-Arm system, and vascular, which CTS is a musculoskeletal disorder

vibration? affects the peripheral blood that affects the bones, soft tissue
vessels. Both components work and nerves in the wrist (Figure
Hand-arm vibration is a form of together and cause the signs and 3). It can be caused by high grip
physical energy transmitted into symptoms of HAVS that include: forces or repetitious gripping of
a person’s hands and arms from tools and machinery. Symptoms
sources such as handheld power › A tingling sensation and and effects of CTS may include:
tools. Examples include but are loss of feeling in the fingers,
not limited to, reciprocal saws, which can make basic routine › A tingling sensation and loss
angle grinders, impact drivers and tasks difficult to perform, of feeling in the fingers, which
weed whackers. Other sources resulting in an inability to do can make basic routine tasks
include hand-guided machinery fine detailed work such as difficult to perform.
and equipment, such as plate assembling small and delicate
› Persistent pain in the hands,
compactors and human-controlled components, or everyday
wrists and forearms.
road rollers, or even hand-held tasks such as hand writing.
work pieces used on equipment › Loss of mobility in the hands
› Loss of grip strength in the
such as bench grinders. The and fingers.
hands affecting the ability to
power sources of the tools or hold tools properly.
machines in use can be electrical,
hydraulic, pneumatic or gasoline, › Reduced peripheral blood
but the resulting vibration hazard flow to the fingers causing
is the same regardless. whitening of the fingers also
known as blanching (Figure
Hazards and Risks 2) and can result in pain (the
effect is more pronounced in
What is the hazard? cold or wet conditions).
Prolonged and/or frequent
exposure to hand-arm vibration
can lead to two ill health
conditions: Hand-Arm Vibration
Photo 2: Illustration of where
Syndrome (HAVS) and Carpal
carpal tunnel syndrome occurs
Tunnel Syndrome (CTS). Both
in the body. (Photo Source:
conditions are non-reversible and
can seriously impact the worker’s
future employment and lifestyle if HAVS and CTS symptoms are
not managed correctly. intermittent and sporadic, though
Photo 1 Illustration of HAVS
finger blanching. (Photo Source: if exposure to vibration continues
HAVS has two main physiological
Shutterstock) they may become permanent
components, sensorineural, which
and painful, and in turn lead to
affects the peripheral nervous

Environmental Protection Department

Photo 3: A worker uses a jackhammer, one of many activities that may pose the risk of hand/arm vibration.
(Photo Source: Shutterstock)

Fourth Quarter 2018 Issue No. 29

45 800
30 450 900
25 315 625 1250
20 200 400 800
19 180 360 720 1450
18 160 325 650 1300
17 145 290 580 1150
16 130 255 510 1000
15 115 225 450 900 1350
14 98 195 390 785 1200
13 85 170 340 675 1000 1350
12 72 145 290 575 865 1150 1450
11 61 120 240 485 725 970 1200
Vibration 10 50 100 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
magnitude 9 41 81 160 325 485 650 810 970 1300
m/s2 8 32 64 130 255 385 510 640 770 1000 1200
7 25 49 98 195 295 390 490 590 785 866
6 18 36 72 145 215 290 360 430 575 720
5.5 15 30 61 120 180 240 305 365 485 605
5 13 25 50 100 150 200 250 300 400 500
4.5 10 20 41 81 120 160 205 245 325 405
4 8 16 32 64 96 130 160 190 225 320
3.5 6 12 25 49 74 98 125 145 195 245
3 5 9 18 36 54 72 90 110 145 180
2.5 3 6 13 25 38 50 63 75 100 125
2 2 4 8 16 24 32 40 48 64 80
1.5 1 2 5 9 14 18 23 27 36 45
1 1 1 2 4 6 8 10 12 16 20
15 m 30 m 1h 2h 3h 4h 5h 6h 8h 10 h
Daily exposure time
Figure 1. Vibration points ready reckoner card.
other psychological conditions Qualitative assessments are Quantitative assessments are
such as stress and anxiety. Effects relatively easy to do and require much more difficult, requiring
may occur after a period of only no special equipment. A sophisticated measuring devices
a few months to several years of manufacturer’s vibration data for and considerable expertise;
vibration exposure. a tooling or machinery item can therefore it is best left to trained
be used together with some basic and competent people.
How do we assess the risk? workplace observations to provide
Vibration assessments can be a reasonable estimate of exposure Both qualitative and quantitative
either qualitative or quantitative. levels. assessment methods have their

Environmental Protection Department

(Photo Source: Shutterstock)

pros and cons, but on balance per second. The total vibration Is there a safe level?
qualitative assessment is adequate emitted is the combination of There is currently no established
for 90% of situations. all frequencies within any given safe level for hand-arm vibration
range of frequencies. Not all exposure; there are only guideline
What is vibration frequencies are harmful. The values that are set at levels that
frequency? frequencies that give cause for aim to reduce vibration risks.
All power tools or pieces of concern are the lower frequencies Individual susceptibility is one of
machinery produce vibration due (i.e., below 20Hz), as they are the several factors that affect overall
to the fact they have moving frequencies to which the human risk. Exposure limits vary slightly
parts. In reality a machine will body is most susceptible. Higher from one country to another, but
produce vibrations at many frequencies do not give rise to all are around the same level.
different frequencies. These hand-arm vibration issues. If you
frequencies are characterized by observe a construction worker The most frequently used
the number of oscillations per using a jack hammer or vibrating measurement parameter for
second in just the same way as plate compactor, you will see hand-arm vibration is acceleration,
radio frequencies. The unit of that those kinds of tools produce which is normally expressed
measurement used to define each a vibration frequency of about in units of meters per second
frequency is the hertz (Hz), and 5 -15 strikes per second, or put squared (m/s2) and often referred
1 Hz is equivalent to 1 oscillation another way, 5-15 Hz. to as the “vibration magnitude.”

Fourth Quarter 2018 Issue No. 29

Acceleration is not an easy tool use time (often referred to as › Foundries – needle guns,
concept to understand, and trigger time). The exposure action grinders, and powered
involves complex mathematical and limit values are: chipping hammers.
calculations to obtain a result
› A daily EAV of 2.5 m/s2 A(8) - › Woodworkers – sanders,
that can be compared against
this is equivalent to 100 VPts routers, and circular saws.
the guidelines. Fortunately, the
U.K. Health and Safety Executive spread over an 8-hour period. › Motor vehicle manufacture
(HSE) has produced a system that Below this value the risk is and repair – nut runners, and
translates acceleration values into considered low, above this orbital sanders.
more easily understood vibration value the risk is considered
significant enough to warrant › Parks and grounds
points (VPts) system, which can be maintenance – lawn mowers,
used as an effective screening tool additional control measures.
and weed whackers.
(Figure 4). › A daily ELV of 5 m/s2 A(8) –
this is equivalent to 400 VPts › Shipbuilding and repair –
The ready reckoner card grinders, and riveters.
spread over an 8-hour period.
is designed to be used in
It is recommended that Poorly maintained and badly
conjunction with both qualitative
workers are not exposed to worn older tools may produce
and quantitative assessments.
levels higher than this level. significantly more vibration than
The vibration magnitude value
stated in the manufacturer’s
can be obtained qualitatively How do I know if it’s a
literature. Improper tool use is
from the manufacturer’s vibration problem in my workplace?
also a factor to be considered.
data supplied with the tool, or First review each task involving
quantitatively, through actual power tools, hand guided Controlling HAVS Risk
vibration measurements. The daily machinery or hand-held
exposure is the total amount of workpieces. Not all tools, How can I control the risk?
trigger time each day for that equipment or tasks will Control of hand-arm vibration
tool. produce enough vibration to be risk follows the long established
problematic, and some that do hierarchy of controls. The most
Example: A tool manufacturer’s
may not be of sufficient duration effective way to control hand-
instruction book quotes 5.5 m/
or daily recurrence to exceed the arm vibration risk is to eliminate
s2 for the vibration magnitude,
EAV. the vibration hazard by using
and the total trigger time is two
tools and equipment that can
hours. Reading across from 5.5m/ Typically, work involving regular be remotely operated. The next
s2 in the left column and up from and frequent exposure to best thing is to reduce vibration
2h on the bottom row, the point vibration exceeding the EAV sources by purchasing the lowest
where both intersect is 120 points can be found in a wide range of vibration tool that will do the
in the yellow zone, indicating industries using certain types of job satisfactorily. Consider the
that additional control measures tools, including the following: vibration data supplied with the
are advisable, but the tool is
› Construction and civil tool or equipment, and estimate
still acceptable for use in that
engineering - jack hammers, the typical daily trigger time.
vibrating plate compactors, The total amount for vibration
The vibration points system can floor saws, and road rollers. transmitted to a worker’s hands is
be compared against an Exposure a product of both vibration level
Action Value (EAV) and an › Engineering – nut runners, and trigger time.
Exposure Limit Value (ELV). These grinders, reciprocating saws,
hammer drills, and belt The next step is to reduce the
values take into account the total
sanders. amount of vibration transmitted
amount of vibration transmitted
to the hand and/or reduce the
to the user’s hands and the actual › Forestry – chainsaws.
time spent operating and holding

Environmental Protection Department

vibrating tools, equipment or › Plan work schedules to Summary

work-pieces. If the risk cannot minimize vibration exposures
be controlled to below the EAV, and make sure exposures are Excessive exposure to Hand-
then the following actions are below the ELV and if possible Arm vibration can result in
recommended: below the EAV. permanent disability if the risk
is not managed correctly. The
› Provide information, › Organize work and design medical conditions arising from
instruction and training to ergonomic workstations excessive exposure are HAVS and
employees on the vibration to avoid awkward or CTS. Exposure is predominantly
hazards and risks they may uncomfortable postures, but not exclusively among
encounter in their workplaces. reduce workpiece handling workers who use vibrating tools
effort and minimize grip and/or machinery regularly.
› Assess all handheld or hand- forces.
guided tools and machinery Not all tools and machinery are
prior to purchasing. Reputable › In cold or damp work problematic, with low-frequency
tool and mechanical conditions, provide suitable (below 20Hz) vibrating tools
equipment suppliers will clothing to keep workers requiring the most attention.
supply vibration data in the hands warm and dry to Vibration assessments can be
equipment manual that can maintain blood circulation. either qualitative or quantitative
be used to make a preliminary and each method has its pros
› Provide suitable risk- and cons — for most situations,
assessment. based health monitoring a simple qualitative assessment
› Check the equipment for significantly exposed is sufficient. In recent years tool
manufacturer’s vibration data, employees. manufacturers have made great
which is normally found in the What about PPE? strides to produce lower-vibration
instructional handbook. products, while remote control
Personal Protective Equipment technology can eliminate vibration
› Maintain an inventory of
(PPE), gloves in particular, have yet exposure in some applications.
vibrating equipment, and
to be proven effective in reducing When planning construction,
include the vibration output
hand-arm vibration exposure. maintenance or demolition work
for each item.
This is because harmful low consideration should be given to
› Identify groups of workers frequencies that cause HAVS are hand-arm vibration risk and how
who will the use handheld much more difficult to attenuate to control it.
tools and hand-guided than higher frequencies, and
machines and establish their to make a glove capable of Further Information:
typical use patterns. absorbing low frequencies would
If you believe you may have a
› Adopt work methods that result in a glove that would be
potential hand-arm vibration
avoid or minimize the use too heavy and thick to be of any
issue, contact the Environmental
of hand operated vibrating practical use.
Protection Department/Workplace
equipment. In cold or wet conditions using Environment Division at 880-0457
› Consider using mountings gloves to keep the hands warm for information and assistance.
or jigs to hold work-pieces. and dry will aid blood circulation
Maintain equipment and provide some relief for the
in accordance with its wearer.
manufacturer’s instructions.

Fourth Quarter 2018 Issue No. 29

The facts of life

Learn more about new Saudi food mandatory
labeling requirements.
Hassan Zain and Jason R. Hall, EPD

Throughout history, being the person’s height (in meters indicate that since 1975,
overweight and or even obese squared). Those who hold a BMI worldwide obesity among males
were often indications of wealth greater than or equal to 25 are and females has nearly tripled. In
and good health. Fortunately classified as overweight, whereas 2016, more than 1.9 billion adults
for humanity, times have those who hold a BMI greater or were either obese or overweight
changed. The vast technological equal to 30 are classified as obese (Ritchie and Roser, 2019; WHO,
developments and astonishing (WHO, 2019). Obesity remains 2018).
advancements in the fields of a problem today, as rates show
medicine and healthcare in no sign of decline, thus affecting The Saudi Arabian Obesity
the 20th Century resulted in individuals and the healthcare Crisis
the world having a better and system.
Over the past few decades,
accurate understanding of the
The Global Obesity Crisis obesity in the Kingdom of Saudi
human body. The original beliefs
Arabia has become a prime
surrounding overweightness and The widespread presence of source of concern with one of the
obesity have completely changed, obesity and overweightness highest obesity and overweight
going from being a sign of has increased significantly over prevalence rates worldwide (De
success to a sign of serious health the past three decades in many Nicola et al., 2015; Horaib et al.,
problems. (Eknoyan, 2006). countries around the globe 2013; Al-Hazzaa et al., 2012; Al-
Obesity or being overweight are (Alqarni, 2016), even described Othaimeen, Al-Nozha and Osman,
harmful yet preventable medical overweightness and obesity as 2007; Khan, 2014), where exactly
conditions that occur when the a global epidemic (Al Shehri, Al seven out of 10 Saudi citizens
energy intake from food and drink Fattani and Al Alwan, 2013). It are experiencing the problem
is greater than the energy the is predicted that by 2030, nearly (Memish et al., 2014). Figures 1–2
body needs, resulting in excessive half of all adults will be either highlight the prevalence of obesity
or abnormal accumulation overweight or obese (Mahmood and overweight among adults
of fats within the body and and Arulkumaran, 2012), (i.e., defined as aged 18 years and
leading to multiple chronic representing an economic burden older) over a period of 40 years. It
diseases responsible for lower on gross domestic product. The demonstrates that in 2016, rates
life expectancies. The Body Mass percentage of adults (i.e., defined of obesity and overweightness
Index (BMI) is the overall weight as aged 18 years and older) among Saudi Arabian males and
of an individual represented females have more than tripled
who are classified as obese and
in kilograms (kg) divided by since 1975 (Ritchie and Roser,
overweight. These illustrations
2019; WHO, 2018).

Environmental Protection Department

Figure 1 shows the Saudi prevalence of obesity in adults from 1975 to 2016.

Figure 2 shows the Saudi prevalence of overweight in adults from 1975 to 2016.
The alarming increase in the and Drug Authority (SFDA) coined food properties, keep track of
obesity and overweightness the Nutrition Fact Sheets (NFSs) their daily dietary needs, and
trends in Saudi Arabia have Initiative to be implemented live healthier lives by eating
highlighted the need for critical across the country. Once an a well-balanced diet. Such a
and immediate actions to tackle optional afterthought, these diet is a cornerstone of good
the obesity crisis in the country, tools aim to crop the obesity and wellbeing and higher productivity
as obesity rates in 2022 are overweight crisis by providing by preventing conditions such
going to be four times higher regulatory guidance under which as overweightness and obesity.
than obesity rates back in 1992, food business providers must Nutrition is classified as the
just 30 years ago (12% for men comply. The display of NFSs will intake of food in relation to an
and 20.7% for women). Saudi empower Saudi Arabian citizens individual’s daily dietary needs.
Arabia is experiencing a growing to make healthy and informed Poor nutrition can be a significant
obesity crisis, which demands choices upon selecting food factor in reducing the following:
greater focus on healthy eating items. people’s susceptibility to disease,
habits (Alzahrani, Al Khaldi and productivity, and immunity; a diet
Alsamghan, 2016). NFSs (Figure 7) provide nutritional and support the development of
information on protein, sugars, mental health illness and physical
A New Weapon against salt, fats, saturates and calorie disability (WHO, n.d.). Accurate
Obesity—Food Labels counts. This information supports interpretation of NFSs is a vital
consumers to understand the step toward diet customization.
In October 2017, the Saudi Food

Fourth Quarter 2018 Issue No. 29

Figure 1 shows the Tabular (Horizontal) Format of Nutrition Fact Sheets (USFDA, 2019).

Reading and Understanding serving). Generally, all the [4.0] Footnote with Percentage
Nutrition Fact Sheets nutrition information listed on (%) Daily Value: Most of the
NFSs is based on one serving size nutrient’s % Daily Value is based
To customize a balanced and of the food. on dietary needs of 2,000 calories
healthy diet, food consumers a day. The number of calories
should properly read and [1.2] Servings per Container: Food that consumers need is not
interpret NFSs found on the food Servings per Container indicate always fixed to 2,000 calories
packaging. It consists of the the total number of servings that per day, but rather generally on
following four main pieces of contained within the entire food consumers’ dietary needs, gender,
nutritional information: package — a food package may age, level of physical activity,
contain more than one serving height and weight.
Depending on the space
[2.0] Calories: Food calories available on the food package,
indicate the total amount of food business providers could
“energy” or calories from all voluntarily list the recommended
the nutritional sources (i.e., daily values on the footnote
Total Saturated and Trans Fats, for selective key nutrients as
Cholesterol, Protein and Total guidance.
Carbohydrates of Dietary Fiber
and Total Sugars) present in Nutrition Fact Sheets and
one serving size of the food Healthy Eating: Know Your
package. Generally, a total of 100 Food
calories in one serving size of the
food package is considered as The United States Food and
moderate, whereas 400 calories Drug Administration and the
in one serving size of the food Saudi Food and Drug Authority
package is considered as high. recommends — for eating a
healthy and well-balanced diet —
[3.0] Percentage (%) Daily Value: that consumers should aim for the
Food % Daily Value shows the following:
overall contribution of a nutrient
in one serving size of the food › Calculate and understand
package to consumers’ daily diet. the exact daily dietary needs
Figure 2: Food Serving Size from an approved source,
Generally, if a Food % Daily Value
indicates the amount of food for example, a nutritionist’s
of a nutrient in one serving size of
that is designed to be consumed consultation.
the food package is 5% or below,
in one serving (i.e., the amount
it is considered low, whereas 20% › Read and understand the
consumers usually eat in one
and above is considered high.

Environmental Protection Department

properties of food packages Arabia. Analysis of data from the 34(4), pp. 401-407.
through NFSs. National Nutrition Survey. NCBI,
13(2), pp. 441-448. Khan, F. (2014). 70% of Saudis
› Ask the food business are obese, says study.
provider to elaborate on their Al Shehri, A., Al Fattani, A. and Al
NFSs if needed. Alwan, I. (2013). Obesity among Mahmood, T.A. and Arulkumaran,
Saudi children. Saudi Journal of S. (Eds.) (2012). Obesity: A ticking
› Effective management of the
Obesity, 1, pp. 3-9. time bomb for reproductive
daily calories and nutrient
health. Elsevier: London.
Alqarni, S. (2016). A Review of
› Select food packages that are Prevalence of Obesity in Saudi Memish, Z.A., El Bcheraoui,
low in saturated and trans Arabia. Journal of Obesity & C., Tuffaha, M., Robinson, M.,
fats, sodium and added sugars Eating Disorders, 02. Daoud, F., Jaber, S., Mikhitarian,
and higher in dietary fiber, S., Al Saeedi, M., AlMazroa, M.A.,
vitamin D, potassium, iron and Alzahrani, A.A., Al Khaldi, Y.M. Mokdad, A.H. and Al Rabeeah,
calcium. and Alsamghan, A.S. (2016). A.A. (2014). Peer Reviewed:
Prevalence of obesity among Obesity and Associated Factors-
› Consume less than 10% of Saudi board residents in Aseer Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 2013.
the total daily calories from Region, Saudi Journal of Obesity, Preventing Chronic Disease, 11,
added sugars. 4(1), pp. 13-19. 140236.
› Avoid the daily exceedance
Eknoyan, G. (2006). A History Ritchie, M. and Roser M., (2019).
of 100% the % Daily
of Obesity, or How What Was Obesity & BMI.
Value in nutrients that are
Good Became Ugly and Then
associated with higher risks United States Food and Drug
Bad. Advances in Chronic Kidney
of developing obesity and Administration (USFDA), (2019).
Disease, 13(4), pp.421-427.
other health related risks The New Nutrition Facts Label:
(i.e., saturated and trans fats, De Nicola, E., Aburizaiza, O.S., Examples of Different Label
sodium and added sugars). Siddique, A., Khwaja, H. and Formats.
References List Carpenter, D.O. (2015). Obesity
and public health in the Kingdom World Health Organization
Al-Hazzaa, H.M., Abahussain, of Saudi Arabia. NCBI, 30(30), pp. (WHO), (2018). Obesity and
N.A., Al-Sobayel, H.I., Qahwaji, 191-205. overweight.
D.M. and Musaiger, A.O. (2012). World Health Organization
Lifestyle factors associated with Horaib, G.B., Al-Khashan, H.I.,
Mishriky, A.M., Selim, M.A., (WHO), (2019). Obesity.
overweight and obesity among
Saudi adolescents. NCBI, 12, p. Alnowaiser, N., Binsaeed, A.A., World Health Organization
354. Alawad, A.D., Al-Asmari, A.K. (WHO), (n.d.). Nutrition.
and Alqumaizi, K. (2013).
Al-Othaimeen, A.I., Al-Nozha, M. Prevalence of obesity among
and Osman, A.K. (2007). Obesity: military personnel in Saudi Arabia
an emerging problem in Saudi and associated risk factors. NCBI,

Fourth Quarter 2018 Issue No. 29

Environmental Protection Department

in focus
Fourth Quarter 2018 Issue No. 29

Photo 1: From left to right, Abdulaziz Ansari (Environmental Protection Department), Tidjani Niass
(Technology Strategy Planning Department) and Adel Ghamdi (Environmental Protection Department)
showcase Saudi Aramco’s efficient internal combustion engine technology to elaborate it’s potential to
reduce carbon emissions at COP24 in Poland. (Photo Source: Saudi Aramco)

EPD participates at United the rulebook containing over the establishment of a permanent
Nations Climate Change 150 pages finally came to forum to address the impacts of
Conference (COP24) fruition. EPD representatives response measures, including a
spearheaded several negotiation Katowice Committee of Experts.
Representatives from the aspects related to submitting and The forum aims to minimize the
Environmental Protection updating Nationally Determined socio-economic impacts on oil-
Department (EPD) along with Contributions (NDCs), reporting producing countries from the Paris
Kingdom officials participated the transparency framework, and Agreement’s implementation.
in the historic 24th Conference convening the global stock take Furthermore, the adopted NDC
of the Parties (COP24) under to assess the collective progress features are consistent with the
the United Nations Framework towards the Paris Agreement’s Kingdom’s NDC, which allows
Convention on Climate Change goals. The key elements that Saudi Arabia to submit its
(UNFCCC), in Katowice, Poland, serve the best interests of the upcoming NDCs without further
from November 27—December Kingdom have been successfully adjustments. The outcome of the
16, 2018. COP24 was a anchored in the rulebook, meeting also opened the door
deadline to complete the Paris including mitigation co-benefits for different flexibility aspects, to
Agreement Work Programme resulting from adaptation actions avoid overburdening or interfering
(PAWP), also known as the “Paris and economic diversification. One with the Kingdom’s functions or
Rulebook.” After more than 2 of the major accomplishments of its national policies.
weeks of intense negotiations, the Saudi climate negotiators was

Environmental Protection Department

On a parallel note, the Kingdom Emissions, International allows detection of changes in

of Saudi Arabia, represented Collaboration, and Adaptation. biodiversity faster than traditional
by the Ministry of Industry, methods.
Energy and Mineral Resources EPD attends Red Sea
(MEIM), led the establishment biodiversity workshop More than 50 Employees
of a GCC pavilion at COP24. Certified as Environmental
EPD representatives attended the
Representatives from EPD Professionals
first Red Sea regional workshop
consolidated, reviewed, and
on October 23-25, 2018, at The Environmental Protection
approved the technical content,
the King Abdullah University of Department (EPD), in
in collaboration with MEIM and
Science and Technology (KAUST). collaboration with Technical
the Corporate Communication
The workshop addressed how Services Professional Academy
Department (CCD). The
much is known about Red Sea (TSPA), successfully conducted
content consisted of technical
biodiversity (e.g., coral reefs in the First Live Remote Interactive
presentations and showcase
particular), challenges in assessing Teaching Preparatory Course (via
materials developed to enhance
biodiversity, and the optimal WebEx conferencing technology),
awareness and provide exposure
innovative techniques for coral- titled “General Environmental
of the Kingdom’s efforts
reef monitoring. This is particularly Science,” which is required for
to combat climate change.
relevant in the light of anticipated obtaining the Environmental
Presentation sessions covered
pressures associated with major Professional Intern (EPI)
important topics such as:
coastal development plans in certification.
› Water & Wastewater the region. The workshop also
aimed to establish standardized A total of 51 environmental
Challenges in the Gulf Region
sampling protocols across Red professionals, including EPD
› Sustainable Development for Sea countries, to make scientific engineers and scientists, as well
an Attainable Future data comparable among them. as Environmental Coordinators,
› Emission to Value: Creating There were delegates from all completed the course and the
Value from CO2 nations with access to the Red required certification exam with
Sea, as well as international an overall passing rate of 97%
› Energy Efficiency Applications (See Table 1).
experts who presented on the
within the Gulf Region
lessons learned from other EPI certification is the first
› R&D for Climate Solutions regions. The standardization of step towards obtaining the
› Oil & Gas Technology to sampling methods to measure more advanced Qualified
address Climate Change biodiversity in the Red Sea is Environmental Professional (QEP)
Challenges highly important to the Kingdom, certification. Achievement of
currently due to the fact that these certifications is considered
› Carbon Capture Utilization upcoming megaprojects (i.e., The
and Storage (CCUS) to be an accomplishment of the
Red Sea Project and NEOM) are highest order, signifying strong
Technologies targeting high revenues based professional and ethical standards
Each session consisted of several on ecotourism, thus depending in the arena of environmental
presentations from various experts on in the preservation of the management. Through these
on subjects representing different marine life in the Red Sea. The certifications, environmental
industrial, educational and EPD team highlighted the need professionals demonstrate the
research organizations. Showcase to preserve the coastline in these breadth and depth of their
side events included interactive developments, as established knowledge and experience.
screens on 18 topics, covering by the 400m seatback rule The exams and certifications
four main categories: Economic (Royal Decree) as well as utilize were issued and recognized
Diversification, Addressing new monitoring techniques by the Institute of Professional
like environmental DNA, which

Fourth Quarter 2018 Issue No. 29

Environmental Practice (IPEP, USA),

12 Abdulrahman M. Alabdullatif 42 Othman S. Alkubaisi
an independent organization
whose multidisciplinary exams 13 Abdulrahman A. Alshahwan 43 Perdana K. Prihartato
are developed by professionals
44 Rashed F. Alhajri
across all sectors of environmental 14 Ahmed A. Alhomran
practice, including: industry, 45 Rayan M. Al-Nasser
agencies, academia, and 15 Ahmed M. Al-Nughairi
consulting organizations. 46 Saleh M. Al-Qahtani
16 Ahmad M. Al-Otaibi
47 Sibusiso M. Masuku
According to IPEP, Saudi Aramco
17 Diego F. Lozano-Cortés
leads the top ten companies 48 Sohaib B. Alhajhussein
worldwide with the most qualified 18 Fahad A. Al-Ghamdi
members. It is worth mentioning 49 Sultan I. Alrubaish
the live remote interactive course 19 Fahad H. Alhargan
50 Tyas I. Hikmawan
is the first of its kind for Saudi
20 Fahad S. Al-Zahrani 51 Yousef M. Al-Reshaidan
Aramco and resulted in more than
90% cost avoidance, as compared 21 Fawaz A. Al-Wohaib
to normal instructed lead training EPD strengthens health
classes. 22 Fuad A. Bukhari
impact assessment capacity
Table 1. List of Saudi Aramco 23 Ganiyu A. Asuni
In December of 2018, the
employees who passed 24 Haithm A. Al-Shareef Environmental Protection
the General Environmental Department facilitated a 5-day
Science course, and have been 25 Hassan A. Alkhunaizi
Knowledge Level course on
internationally certified as an 26 Hassan M. Alzain Health Impact Assessments
Environmental Professional Intern (HIA), to develop and strengthen
(EPI). 27 Hattan J. Balkhi
competencies among internal
28 Ibrahim A. Aljabr staff. These competencies include
No. Name how to identify and effectively
29 Ibrahim A. Al-Nemer evaluate potential HIAs in
1 Abdulaziz A. Al-Malki accordance with international
30 Ibrahim A. Al-Shayqi
2 Abdulaziz I. Al-Salem standards and best practices,
31 Justin M. Shewchuk principally those pertaining to the
3 Abdulaziz J. Al-Ansari 32 Khalid A. Al-Masoud International Petroleum Industry
Environmental Conservation
4 Abdulaziz K. Al-Ghowainem 33 Khalid S. Al-Zahrani Association (IPIECA) and the
International Finance Corporation
5 Abdulla G. Alhamed 34 Krystle A. Pertsch
(World Bank).
6 Abdullah A. Al-Duaiji 35 Majed I. Al-Arf
An HIA is an internationally
7 Abdullah B. Al-Zahrani 36 Mohammed A. Al-Nami recognized combination of
procedures, methods and tools
37 Mohammed A. Al-Mugahwi
8 Abdullah J. Al-Khamis that systematically judges —
38 Muhammad B. Al-Rayaan through the evaluation of
9 Abdullah S. Al-Subaie available evidence — the potential
39 Mohammad Y. Al-Yagout
10 Abdulmalik A. Alsabti and sometimes unintended effects
40 Muhanned A. Abu Ghdaib of policies, plans, programs or
11 Abdulrahman K. Al-Jaafari projects on the health of local
41 Naif A. Alabdullatif populations. These effects could,

Environmental Protection Department

for example, lead to additional Discussion Workshop for another vendor representative
pressure on local water aquifers, Managers in Dhahran. Fifty- introduced attendees to waste
disruption of grazing rights or to two participants, including food recycling processes. More
impacts on local facilities from the 35 managers, attended. The than 600 people attended the
inward migration of thousands workshop built on the success event, which took place in the
from a contractor workforce. The of the 2017 Environmental common area of Al Midra Tower.
HIA then identifies appropriate Discussion Workshop under
actions to manage those effects the objective of sharing with EPD raises environmental
so as to safeguard and enhance management the essential awareness for females at
the population. HIAs and the elements of the Company’s Yanbu’ Refinery Department
broader Environmental, Social Environmental and Health (E&H)
On November 28, 2018, EPD
& Health Impact Assessments protection programs, E&H
raised awareness over the need
(ESHIAs) are often prerequisites gaps in project execution and
to protect the environment and
for external funding from addressing success stories, Facility
human health at the Yanbu’
international lending banks and Environmental Performance (FEP)
Refinery Department’s Health,
multilateral financial institutions. System, and challenges that
Safety, Security and Environmental
organizations experience today.
The course was delivered by Dr. Campaign & Exhibition. Subject
The workshop also addressed a
Gary Krieger, an internationally Matter Experts delivered
proposal to the HSSE Committee
recognized toxicologist and public presentations and participated in
regarding E&H coverage in EMSR
health expert who has written showcases to raise environmental,
as well as feedback from 2018
many of the current international health and safety awareness
Environmental Coordinators
standards and best practices among families and females
workshops. Six EPD Subject
on the subject. The course in particular. EPD participated
Matter Experts (SMEs) delivered
provided the necessary skills at a general environmental
presentations on topics pertinent
for EPD personnel to effectively awareness booth focusing on
to Company managers.
screen, scope and evaluate Saudi Aramco’s efforts to protect
HIAs submitted by outside EPD hosts informative the environment. Topics covered
consultancies as part of the overall food safety event to at the event included tips on
Capital Management System, commemorate 2018 World water conservation, recycling, safe
which is the Company’s general handling of chemicals at home
Food Day, 600 attend
framework for managing projects. and general health. More than
It also promoted Saudi Aramco’s EPD hosted a World Food Day 300 people visited the booth.
social responsibility efforts to event on October 16, 2018,
support local communities to highlight the need for safe EPD conducts second
while identifying a number of food handling. EPD manned a Environmental Coordinators
opportunities for strengthening booth with displays and hosted Workshop of 2018
visibility and alignment with Environmental Health SME-led
EPD hosted its second
international standards, and presentations on how to avoid
Environmental Coordinators (EC)
these will be taken forward by an illness when handling leftovers.
Workshop for 2018 on Oct. 25
internal working group over the A digital display offered booth
at the R&D Technical Exchange
next quarter. attendees a quiz to gauge their
Center in Dhahran. This biannual
knowledge on how to safely buy,
EPD hosts environmental workshop forms part of EPD’s
prepare and store food. A vendor
discussion workshop for ongoing efforts to enhance EC
representative from Al Tamimi
environmental capacity-building
managers Global shared processes used
and to share experiences,
in handling leftovers in Saudi
On November 14, 2018, EPD exchange information on new
Aramco dining facilities. Last,
held its second Environmental technologies, and find solutions

Fourth Quarter 2018 Issue No. 29

(Photo Source: Shutterstock)

Environmental Protection Department

Photo 2. EPD Manager Omar Abdulhamid speaks at the department’s Environmental Discussion
Workshop for Managers. (Photo Credit: Saudi Aramco)

to concerns and challenges. knowledge and expertise, requirements. Other issues such
EPD’s management and SMEs operating departments concerns as key performance indicators,
conducted an open discussion with regard to operational marine protection, groundwater
session that covered topics related excellence, compliance and career protection, waste management,
to government regulations, and advancement as well as new water conservation, and
communication with government challenges facing Saudi Aramco, contracting issues were discussed
agencies as well as training, such as potentially more stringent by the 186 Environmental
technology issues and other governmental environmental Coordinators who attended the
topics. Participants exchanged regulations, as well international one-day workshop.

Fourth Quarter 2018 Issue No. 29

Environmental Protection Department

Fourth Quarter 2018 Issue No. 29

Our brothers from the sea

the dolphins
Abdullah Alsuhaibany, EPD

Dolphins have long played a are recorded in the Red Sea and A dolphin’s skin looks super
role in human culture. They are Arabian Gulf, feeding largely on smooth and sleek, and this is
sometimes used as symbols, for fish and squid. because the epidermis (outer layer
instance in heraldry; they have of skin) can be sloughed off and
long been known as helpers Dolphins are highly social, and replaced with new skin cells as
of humankind. Coastal nations scientists are still discovering often as every two hours, which
pass down stories of dolphins fascinating details about how reduces drag as they swim.
providing help for those in need these mammals interact with
in the water, sailors especially. Is one another. Research shows Dolphins are at the top of the
this not what brothers and friends that in social networks, dolphins food chain and play an important
do for one another? have friends. Instead of spending role in the overall balance of the
equal time with the dolphins marine environment. They can
Dolphins are widespread and around them, the animals actually tell us a lot about the health of
prefer the warmer waters of the segregate themselves into friend the ocean, such as the presence
tropic zones. There are about groups. Just like humans, dolphins of pollution or declines in fish
43 species of dolphins in the seem to prefer the company of populations. They are also very
world, about seven of which certain peers more than others. popular with tourists.

(Photo Source: Abdullah Alsuhaibany)

Environmental Protection Department

(Photo Source: Abdullah Alsuhaibany)

(Photo Source: Saudi Aramco)

Fourth Quarter 2018 Issue No. 29

Environmental Protection Department

Fourth Quarter 2018 Issue No. 29


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