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Certified Nutrition Specialist℠ Commission on Dietetic Registration Clinical Nutrition Certification Board
(CNS Credential) (RD credential) (CCN Credential)

A. Hold either a: Academic Degree A. Hold either a:
1. Masters of Science or Doctoral degree in Minimum of a Baccalaureate degree granted by a 1. Bachelors of Science
the field of nutrition from a United States U.S. regionally accredited college/university or For individuals holding a Bachelors of Science
regionally accredited college or university, foreign equivalent. from a Regionally, National, State and DETC
or its foreign equivalent; or Accredited University, the coursework below
2. Doctoral degree in a field of clinical Current Minimum Academic Requirements should be incorporated into the existing
healthcare (including, but not limited to, Completion of an Accreditation Council for degree or taken as supplemental coursework
MD, DO, DC, DDS, Doctor of Nursing, ND, Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND) prior to qualification for the CNCB’s PGSCN
PharmD) from a United States regionally accredited Didactic Program in Dietetics. All online program.
accredited college or university, or its Didactic Programs in Dietetics are listed in the
foreign equivalent. Directory of Dietetics Programs. December 31, Core Science Coursework:
1999 is the last postmark date for submitting 3 course hours each required
And registration eligibility applications using Plan IV Anatomy & Physiology Human Biology,
minimum academic requirements. Chemistry, Biochemistry (pre-requisite organic
B. Have completed the following minimum chemistry), Microbiology, Core Nutrition
for-credit coursework: Coursework/or Equivalency (five courses
1. Nutrition (minimum of nine semester needed - 3 course hours each
credit hours). required)
Examples of such course topics include but *Course titles may vary but must be
are not limited to: therapeutic nutrition, equivalent.
nutrition assessment, developmental Introduction to Nutrition I, Nutrition II
nutrition, micro nutrients, macro Nutrition and Disease, Nutrition &
nutrients, functional nutrition, nutrient Supplementation, Nutrition Assessment,
depletion & drug/herb interactions, Herbology, Nutrition Counseling Strategies,
dietary supplements, nutritional disorders, Nutrition and Aging
pharmacology, and biomedical science
courses that involve nutrition-related 2. An Advanced Professional Degree in a
metabolic systems. Licensed Health Care Field: (Degree must
2. Biochemistry (minimum of six semester include Core Science Coursework.)
credit hours) For qualified health professionals in licensed
3. Physiology or Anatomy/Physiology categories, including but not limited to holders
(minimum of three semester credit hours) of MD, DO, DC, DDS, DPM, OD, RPh, PharmD,
4. Clinical or Life Sciences (minimum of DPT, PA, LAc, RD, or a BS in nursing, 56 hours
twelve additional semester credit of online training in clinical human nutrition
hours). These courses may be within the PGSCN program is required prior to
prerequisites for the above courses and examination. Naturopaths with a degree
include, but are not limited to: biology, approved through the Council on Naturopathic
micro-biology, chemistry, organic Medical Education or licensed through the
chemistry, botany. state are qualified for the PGSCN online
“Regionally accredited” means an program. Those individuals holding an
institution that was accredited, at the time Associates Degree in Nursing would be
the degree was awarded, by a regional qualified after obtaining the Core Nutrition
accreditation body in the United States Coursework listed above. Individuals holding
which is recognized by the Council for an MS degree in the field of Clinical Nutrition
Higher Education Accreditation and the from a State, National or DETC college are
United States Department of Education. qualified for the PGSCN online program.
Degrees from institutions outside the U.S.
must be from that country’s equivalent of 3. An individual that holds a Masters, Ph.D,
a regionally accredited U.S. institution. or D.Sc. in Human Nutrition: from a
Regionally, National, State and DETC
Accredited University. (Degree must
include Core Science and Nutrition
Dependent upon CNCB approval of individual
academic nutrition programs, Masters, Ph.D.,
and D.Sc. applicants may be eligible to take the
examination without completion of the Post
Graduate Studies in Clinical Nutrition (PGSCN)
Supervised Experience Requirement All dietetic education programs accredited by New York State requires undergraduate
ACEND must be in the U.S. or its territories. degrees lacking 3 years clinical experience to
The candidate must complete 1000 hours Supervised practice requirements stipulate complete the 900 hour internship.
of documented supervised practice completion of one of the Accreditation Council
experience in nutrition in accordance with for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics
the following: accredited pathways:
A. Supervisor Qualifications:
1. The following individuals may serve as a • Accredited Dietetic Internship Program
Supervisor, provided he/she has a Provides for the achievement of
minimum of three full-time years of performance requirements for entry-
clinical experience in nutrition care: level dietitians through a minimum of
i. Certified Nutrition Specialist; 1200 hours of supervised practice. The
ii. Holder of a Masters of Science or program follows completion of the
Doctoral Degree in the field of nutrition Didactic Program in Dietetics and a
with a state license or certification; or Baccalaureate degree. Some programs
iii. MD or other doctoral-level licensed may be completed part-time with
professional whose scope of practice supervised practice.
includes nutrition • Accredited Coordinated Program
2. Supervisor(s) must be approved by the Academic program in a U.S. regionally
CBNS Credentials Council. Supervisor accredited college or university
Approval Request Form must be submitted culminating in a minimum of a
to the CBNS Credentials Council.Structure Baccalaureate degree. The program
of the Supervised Experience: provides for the achievement of
1. 1000 hours supervised experience must knowledge and performance
include minimum hours in each of the requirements for entry-level dietitians
following categories: through integration of didactic
i. Nutrition assessment (minimum 200 instruction with a minimum of 1200
hours) hours of supervised practice.
ii. Nutrition intervention, education,
counseling, or management (minimum INDIVIDUALIZED SUPERVISED PRACTICE
200 hours) PATHWAYS (ISPPs)
iii. Nutrition monitoring or evaluation
(minimum 200 hours) In September 2011, the Academy announced the
iv. The remaining hours may be in any of development of Individualized Supervised
the above categories. Practice Pathways or ISPPs ("ispeys") which are
2. The Supervisor must: intended to add supervised practice capacity
i. Meet at regularly scheduled sessions through ACEND-accredited dietetics programs,
with the supervisee; while providing student protections missing from
ii. Verify completion of the supervised the unaccredited models of the past. This
program; and approach provides a framework that can align the
iii. Submit the CBNS Supervised Practice availability of supervised practice with demand
Experience Report for approval by the from DPD students who hold verification
CBNS Credentials Council. statements, thereby laying the foundation for
3. A variety of experience with multiple addressing supervised-practice shortages in the
supervisors and settings may be combined future.
to achieve the 1000 hours.
4. Supervised experience setting may be Some features of the ISPP initiative include:
any that facilitates the above
requirements, including but not limited to: • Developing processes for assessment of
i. Internship, residency, or clinical prior work experience and learning.
rotation • Developing dietetics structured
ii. Clinical practice competency-assessment exams for
iii. Institutional setting assessment of prior work experience.
iv. Community setting • Permitting DIs, CPs and DPDs to
implement accredited ISPPs to prepare
The Supervised Experience may be graduates with verification statements to
completed after passing the CBNS sit for CDR's registration exam.
Certifying Examination, however the • Giving permission for programs to
candidate will not be awarded, and may develop criteria for accepting individuals
not use, the CNS credential until the holding doctoral degrees or overseas
Supervised Experience is completed and dietitians into ISPPs without a didactic
approved. verification statement.

CBNS Certifying Examination CDE Certifying Examination CCN Certifying Examination
The candidate must successfully complete The candidate must successfully complete the The candidate must successfully complete the
the CBNS Certifying Examination. CDE Certifying Examination. CCN Certifying Examination.
To maintain the CNS credential, the Completed continuing professional educational The CCN Credential requires on-going
individual must re-certify every five years requirements to maintain registration. RD’s 75 maintenance to verify that the practitioner is
and document 75 Continuing Nutrition CPEs in 5 years. Registered Dietetic Technician: continuing to update knowledge and skills:
Education credits, in compliance with the 50 CPE’s in 5 years.
CBNS Continuing Education Policy. Forty approved CE Hours every 2 years,
fulfilled by the following;
1. Attendance at "three out of four" IAACN
Annual Scientific Symposiums (60 CEs earned).
2. Payment of Annual CNCB Maintenance Fee.
(no refunds in part or in full)
3. Recertification in the spring of your fifth
year via annual study textbooks with
contracted Open Book Exam.
Recertification Text books total 24 CE hours.

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