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11.1 Nature of advertising

Companies use advertising to achieve different marketing objectives such as building-up
long-term image of a product, or to create immediate purchase response from the target audience.
Advertising is a cost effective means of achieving geographically dispersed buyers.

11.2 Scope of advertising

Advertising is often regarded as the most important means of marketing a company's services
and tools. The scope of advertising is to communicate a message to current customers or potentially
target new customers.
An advertising strategy can be defined as a blueprint to help sell a given product to consumers.
There are almost as many different advertising strategies are there are products to advertise, and
each company follows its own unique strategy plans.
The promotional mix is one of the 4 Ps of the marketing mix. It consists of public relations,
advertising, sales promotion and personal selling. In this lesson, you'll learn how a marketing team
uses the promotional mix to reach company objectives and goals.
An advertising strategy can be defined as a blueprint to help sell a given product to consumers.
There are almost as many different advertising strategies are there are products to advertise, and
each company follows its own unique strategy plans.
The promotional mix is one of the 4 Ps of the marketing mix. It consists of public relations,
advertising, sales promotion and personal selling. In this lesson, you'll learn how a marketing team
uses the promotional mix to reach company objectives and goals.

11.3 Advertising Mix

The Advertising Mix refers to the blend of several promotional tools used by the business to
create, maintain and increase the demand for goods and services.
The fourth element of the 4 P’s of Marketing Mix is the promotion; that focuses on creating the
awareness and persuading the customers to initiate the purchase. The several tools that facilitate
the promotion objective of a firm are collectively known as the Promotion Mix.

The Adverting Mix is the integration of Advertising, Personal Selling, Sales Promotion, Public
Relations and Direct Marketing. The marketers need to view the following questions in order to have
a balanced blend of these promotional tools The fourth element of the 4 P’s of Marketing Mix is the
promotion; that focuses on creating the awareness and persuading the customers to initiate the
purchase. The several tools that facilitate the promotion objective of a firm are collectively known as
the Promotion Mix.

The Advertising Mix is the integration of Advertising, Personal Selling, Sales Promotion, Public
Relations and Direct Marketing. The marketers need to view the following questions in order to have
a balanced blend of these promotional tools
Advertising: The advertising is any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of goods
and services by the identified sponsor in the exchange of a fee. Through advertising, the marketer
tries to build a pull strategy; wherein the customer is instigated to try the product at least once.The
complete information along with the attractive graphics of the product or service can be shown to the
customers that grab their attention and influences the purchase decision.

Personal Selling: This is one of the traditional forms of promotional tool wherein the salesman
interacts with the customer directly by visiting them. It is a face to face interaction between the
company representative and the customer with the objective to influence the customer to purchase
the product or services.

Sales Promotion: The sales promotion is the short term incentives given to the customers to have
an increased sale for a given period.Generally, the sales promotion schemes are floated in the
market at the time of festivals or the end of the season. Discounts, Coupons, Payback offers,
Freebies, etc. are some of the sales promotion schemes.With the sales promotion, the company
focuses on the increased short-term profits, by attracting both the existing and the new customers.
Public Relations: The marketers try to build a favourable image in the market by creating relations
with the general public. The companies carry out several public relations campaigns with the
objective to have a support of all the people associated with it either directly or indirectly.The public
comprises of the customers, employees, suppliers, distributors, shareholders, government and the
society as a whole. The publicity is one of the form of public relations that the company may use with
the intention to bring newsworthy information to the public.
Direct Marketing: With the intent of technology, companies reach customers directly without any
intermediaries or any paid medium.The e-mails, text messages, Fax, are some of the tools of direct
marketing. The companies can send emails and messages to the customers if they need to be
informed about the new offerings or the sales promotion schemes.
11.4 Types of advertising
A successful advertising campaign will spread the word about your products and services, attract
customers and generate sales. Whether you are trying to encourage new customers to buy an
existing product or launching a new service, there are many options to choose from
Newspaper advertising can promote your business to a wide range of customers. Display
advertisements are placed throughout the paper, while classified listings are under subject headings
in a specific section
You may find that a combination of advertising in your state/metropolitan newspaper and your local
paper gives you the best results.
Advertising in a specialist magazine can reach your target market quickly and easily. Readers (your
potential customers) tend to read magazines at their leisure and keep them for longer, giving your
advertisement multiple chances to attract attention. Magazines generally serve consumers (by
interest group e.g. women) and trade (industry/business type e.g. hospitality).

If your products need to be displayed in colour then glossy advertisements in a magazine can be
ideal - although they are generally more expensive than newspaper advertisements.
Advertising on the radio is a great way to reach your target audience. If your target market listens to
a particular station, then regular advertising can attract new customers.

However, sound has its limitations. Listeners can find it difficult to remember what they have heard
and sometimes the impact of radio advertising is lost. The best way to overcome this is to repeat
your message regularly - which increases your costs significantly. If you cannot afford to play your
advertisement regularly, you may find that radio advertising does not generate strong results
Television has an extensive reach and advertising this way is ideal if you cater to a large market in a
large area. Television advertisements have the advantage of sight, sound, movement and colour to
persuade a customer to buy from you. They are particularly useful if you need to demonstrate how
your product or service works.
Producing a television advertisement and then buying an advertising slot is generally expensive
Directories list businesses by name or category (e.g. Yellow Pages phone directories). Customers
who refer to directories have often already made up their mind to buy - they just need to decide who
to buy from.

The major advantage of online directories over print directories is that if you change your business
name, address or telephone number, you can easily keep it up to date in the directory. You can also
add new services or information about your business.
Outdoor and transit
There are many ways to advertise outside and on-the-go. Outdoor billboards can be signs by the
road or hoardings at sport stadiums. Transit advertising can be posters on buses, taxis and bicycles.
Large billboards can get your message across with a big impact. If the same customers pass your
billboard every day as they travel to work, you are likely to be the first business they think of when
they want to buy a product.
Direct mail, catalogue and leaflets
Direct mail means writing to customers directly. The more precise your mailing list so or distribution
area, the more of your target market you will reach. A direct mail approach is more personal, as you
can select your audience and plan the timing to suit your business. A cost effective form of direct
mail is to send your newsletters or flyer electronically to an email database. Find out more about
direct mail.

11.5 types of Advertising Agencies

1. Traditional Advertising Agency

This is the oldest and most traditional type of marketing company style. Made most famous recently
by the hit TV show Mad Men.
Up until a little thing called the internet was launched in 1996 ad agencies were the only game in
town. The larger Winnipeg ad agencies offer all types of marketing; with the most common service
being media planning and buying services, however many now offer other services from branding,
to internet marketing.
2. Branding Agency
Branding or brand identity agencies are often referred to as boutique agencies. Agencies that
specialize in branding provide a range of services from logos design, to brand name development,
graphic identities & signage. Most branding specialists will conduct market research to support their
brand strategies, and may engage in wider services like website design & advertising.
3. Design Focused Agency
Many Design focused shops describe themselves as design agencies or studios. Design agencies
will often focus their efforts on the creation and design of brand packages, websites, advertising,
flyer, brochures and all types of print collateral.
4. Media Buying & Planning Service
Media agencies and buying services often specialize in strategy, research, planning, buying,
execution and placement of all types of media including TV, print or newspaper, radio, billboards or
outdoor, and online & digital. Like many of Winnipeg’s advertising & marketing agencies, media
agencies will also offer other types of marketing. The larger media agencies provide an integral
service to large advertisers due to their ability to negotiate and leverage and multimedia networks.
5. Promotional
Winnipeg has several promotional type agencies that specialize in working with retail and
package-goods clients for promotional campaigns that include advertising, coupons, contests,
loyalty programs, merchandising displays &promotional display.
6. PR or Public Relations Agency
Public relations, media relations, investor relations and crisis communications are common services
provided by Winnipeg PR Agencies. Other services include, news announcements, content creation
and placement, and press conferences events. Some Winnipeg Pr firm also offer event marketing
and will assist clients with new product launches, web development & social media.
7. Marketing Agency
The main difference between a Traditional Advertising Agency and Marketing Agency is the volume
of services they will offer. Traditionally, Advertising Agencies have focused on creating and
executing advertising campaign and while some have diversified and now offer many other services,
marketing agencies generally do it all. Most Winnipeg’s Marketing Agencies will refer to themselves
as full-service agencies and provide advertising, PR, Strategy and Planning, digital, branding ,
photography, video and other types of marketing.
8. Digital Agency
With the emergence of digital as an essential part of the marketing mix, Internet Marketing, social
media,e-commerce, content marketing and related, are the fastest-growing agency type of
Winnipeg. All agencies in this category will design websites, social media networks, manage blogs,
and more Further segmentation of this category occurs with Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
agencies or consultants, Paid Search pr Pay-Per-Click(PPC) advertising and application
development (APPS)
9. Social Media Agency
Winnipeg has an abundance of social media agencies that specialize in creating and managing a
brands on the social media networks. With many paying special interest in Facebook, Twitter,
YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram. In additional to profile design, they’ll ,manage blogs and engaging
content including info-graphs & videos.
Direct Marketing Agencies
Direct marketing agencies are experts in direct mail, but also utilize email marketing, internet
marketing, customer databases, analytic s and more.

11.6 Advertising method

Over the years, advertising has evolved considerably and has now become a highly complex form of
communication. Today, there are literally hundreds of thousands of ways that can be used by a
business for delivering their message to their audience. This means that is a plethora of choices
available to an ad agency when they wish to promote and market something. The internet alone
offers a vast number of options and most ad agencies are scrambling to take advantage of these
modern methods to reap their benefits.

Adding some modern advertising methods to your arsenal can undoubtedly provide huge returns, as
long as they are implemented in the right way. Listed below are some of these modern methods that
can provide to be quite effective:

1. Digital or Online Advertising

When you are using the internet and visiting websites, you automatically notice advertisements
there. Likewise, you can also see ads in search engines. All of these are basically forms of online or
digital advertising. They started out as simple ones, but have expanded to include web banner ads,
which are quite similar to billboards on roads, bandwagon advertising as well as ads on social media
networks. There are video ads as well that you can find on Facebook and other social platforms.

2. Mobile Advertising
A relatively new addition to the world of modern advertising methods is mobile advertising. Even
though it is quite new, there is no denying that it is dominating the advertising market. This is
primarily due to the fact that there has been an increase in the use of mobile devices like
smartphones and tablets. According to the CEO of Orange Label Advertising, mobile advertising
can have a powerful impact when done the right way and is becoming popular quickly for this reason.
The current trends in mobile advertising involve the use of major social platforms like Snapchat,
Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
3. Guerrilla Advertising
In the last 20 years, another form of advertisement has become quite noticeable and this is guerrilla
advertising or ambient media. This term is broadly used to define anything that’s unconventional.
Moreover, in guerrilla advertising, the customer is invited to interact with or participate in some way.
Timing is as important as a location with this method and creative ideas and innovation serve as
driving forces behind guerrilla marketing or advertising.

4. Print Advertising
There was a time when print advertising was deemed as a huge driver of sales, but it has taken a
backseat as digital marketing methods emerged. Nonetheless, it doesn’t mean that this form of
advertising has lost its impact. As a matter of fact, when combined with digital methods, print
advertising can also work wonders in boosting sales and marketing efforts. There are
sub-categories in print advertising, which include:
Periodical Advertising: This form of advertising refers to ads that are printed in newspapers,
magazines, or anything published at regular intervals.
Brochures, Flyers, and Leaflets: While these ads can also be placed in newspapers, they are
considered different because they are a more intimate and long-form method of engaging with the
customer. This method is typically suitable when you need to cram more information than in a
newspaper ad.
Direct Mail Advertising: As the name indicates, this basically refers to print advertising that’s mailed
directly to the customers’ addresses. If it is done in the correct way, direct mail can be an excellent
way to engage with the client, as long as it is intelligently conceived, created and properly executed.
5. Broadcast Advertising
Until recently, this form of advertising was the only one available when businesses wished to reach
a large audience. This mass-market form of communication typically involved the use of radio and
television, but it has taken a beating in the last couple of years. But, it is still a popular way to reach
your audience, especially on special occasions or at specific times when you know they will be
watching the TV or listening to the radio.
6. Testimonials and Endorsements
One of the most modern and powerful advertising methods to be introduced in the past few years is
the use of celebrities and other important figures in the promotion process. Getting an influential
personality to endorse and recommend your product is enough to tempt customers to try the
7. Outdoor Advertising
While it is not exactly a new method of advertising, it still remains effective and is widely used. Also
called out of home advertising, this term refers to any type of advertising that targets the customers
when they are outside. This can include bus shelter posters, billboards, fly posters and even digital
boards you see in some areas.
8. Public Service Advertising
Last, but not the least, there are also Public Service Advertisements (PSA), which are primarily
aimed to educate and inform instead of selling a product or service. They traditionally appeared on
radios and TVs, but can also be seen online now.
12.1 Ethics as a Science
There is widespread acknowledgment that it is very difficult to get a base for morality in science.
Albert Einstein saw this clearly. In a discussion on science and religion in Berlin 1930, he said that
our human sense of beauty and our religious instinct are "tributary forms in helping the reasoning
faculty towards its highest achievements. You are right in speaking of the moral foundations of
science, but you cannot turn round and speak of the scientific foundations of morality." Einstein
proceeded to point out that science cannot form a base for morality: "every attempt to reduce ethics
to scientific formulae must fail".
Richard Feynman, also a Nobel Prize-winning physicist, shared Einstein's view: "Even the greatest
forces and abilities don't seem to carry any clear instructions on how to use them. As an example,
the great accumulation of understanding as to how the physical world behaves only convinces one
that this behaviour has a kind of meaninglessness about it. The sciences do not directly teach good
or bad." Elsewhere he states that "ethical values lie outside the scientific realm".

The question is ethics, or can it ever be, in some sense of the word, a ‘science’ has been debated at
length by ethical theorists, and tends to divide them into two broad camps. According to the
‘continuity’ position, science and ethics share basic similarities, and even if ethics may not really be
a science, there are many more points of congruence between the two than popularly
acknowledged. The ‘discontinuity’ camp, on the other hand, assert that ethics and science are
fundamentally different kinds of activity, and the two shall never meet. Didn’t Hume in 'A Treatise of
Human Nature (1739-40)' clearly state that one cannot derive what ought to be (ie a moral answer)
from what is (ie an empirical answer)?
John Rawls, a discontinuity proponent, argues that moral ‘facts’ are of a very different nature than
scientific facts, even though both are theory-laden. In moral theory, according to Rawls, it is indeed
possible to reach a consensus about what constitutes a fact, but only because this fact is
constructed by certain sections of humanity that share a similar background and view of the world.
Another prominent discontinuity theorist is Alan Gibbard, who says that facts in the natural sciences
have an explanatory role that cannot possibly find an equivalent in moral theory. In the moral case,
to say that something is wrong is to express an attitude, not an empirical finding.
Ethics is not and does not work like science. However, modern ethical theory simply can’t afford to
ignore what the natural sciences tell us about human nature, about the neurological basis of moral
decision-making, and about the evolution of morality itself. This I think is a happy middle ground
between the two camps.

12.2The Foundation of Marketing Ethics

The Marketing Environment, Social Responsibility, And Ethics

1.Recognize the importance of environmental scanning and analysis.

Environmental scanning is the process of collecting information about the forces in the marketing
environment; environmental analysis is the process of assessing and interpreting the information
gathered through environmental scanning. This information helps marketing managers to minimize
uncertainty and threats and to capitalize on opportunities presented by environmental factors.
2.Explore the effects of competitive, economic, political, legal and regulatory, technological,
and sociocultural factors on marketing strategies.

Marketers need to monitor the actions of competitors to determine what strategies competitors are
using and how those strategies affect their own. Economic conditions influence consumers’ buying
power and willingness to spend. Legislation is enacted, legal decisions are interpreted by courts,
and regulatory agencies are created and operated by elected or appointed officials. Marketers also
can choose to regulate themselves. Technology determines how members of society satisfy needs
and wants and helps to improve the quality of life. Sociocultural forces are the influences in a society
that bring about changes in attitudes, beliefs, norms, customs, and lifestyles. Changes in any of
these forces can create opportunities and threats for marketers.
3. Understand the concept and dimensions of social responsibility.
Social responsibility refers to an organization’s obligation to maximize its positive impact and
minimize its negative impact on society. At the most basic level, companies have an economic
responsibility to be profitable so that they can provide a return on investment to their stockholders,
create jobs for the community, and contribute goods and services to the economy. Marketers are
also expected to obey laws and regulations. Marketing ethics refers to principles and standards that
define acceptable conduct in marketing as determined by various stakeholders. Philanthropic
responsibilities go beyond marketing ethics; they are not required of a company but promote human
welfare or goodwill.

4.Differentiate between ethics and social responsibility.

Whereas social responsibility is achieved by balancing the interests of all stakeholders in an
organization, ethics relates to acceptable standards of conduct in making individual and group

12.3 Ethics and Marketing

What is Ethical Marketing?

Ethical marketing is less of a marketing strategy and more of a philosophy that informs all marketing
efforts. It seeks to promote honesty, fairness, and responsibility in all advertising. Ethics is a
notoriously difficult subject because everyone has subjective judgments about what is “right” and
what is “wrong.” For this reason, ethical marketing is not a hard and fast list of rules, but a general
set of guidelines to assist companies as they evaluate new marketing strategies.

Principles of Ethical Marketing

* All marketing communications share the common standard of truth.
* Marketing professionals abide by the highest standard of personal ethics.
* Advertising is clearly distinguished from news and entertainment content.
* Marketers should be transparent about who they pay to endorse their products.
*Consumers should be treated fairly based on the nature of the product and the nature of the
consumer (e.g. marketing to children).
* The privacy of the consumer should never be compromised.
Marketers must comply with regulations and standards established by governmental and
professional organizations.
* Ethics should be discussed openly and honestly during all marketing decisions.
There are distinct advantages and disadvantages to ethical marketing. Unethical advertising is often
just as effective as it is unethical (See also Black Hat Marketing). And since unethical behavior is not
necessarily against the law, there are many companies who use unethical advertising to gain a
competitive advantage.

Many people buy diet pills even though they are rarely, if ever, effective. This is because some diet
pill companies use exaggerated and manipulative claims to essentially trick customers into buying
these products. If that same company committed to using ethical advertising they would probably go
out of business. However sneaky their business model may be, it is not illegal and it is keeping their
doors open.

For companies looking to improve the image of a brand and develop long-term relationships with
customers, this kind of unethical behavior can quickly lead to failure. Customers do not want to feel
manipulated by the brands they like. Companies can use ethical marketing as a way to develop a
sense of trust among their customers. If a product lives up to the claims made in its advertising, it
reflects positively on the entire company. It can make the consumer feel like the company is invested
in the quality of the products and the value they provide customers.

It is impossible to claim that any company is completely ethical or unethical. Ethics resides in a gray
area with many fine lines and shifting boundaries. Many companies behave ethically in one aspect
of their advertising and unethically in another.
Dove soap, for instance, ran a widely seen ad campaign featuring “real” models. The ad was meant
to promote realistic body images and encourage girls to love the way they looked even if they were
not supermodels. However, other Dove ads both during and since featured stereotypically beautiful
models whose images have been altered to hide imperfections. Dove marketed ethically in one
campaign and unethically in another. This illustrates how difficult it is to do the right thing in all
circumstances. What is most important for any company that claims to practice ethical advertising is
to make it a fundamental feature of their marketing process. With every decision they must ask
themselves “will this sell” and “is this the ethical way to sell it?” (See also Consumer Psychology)

12.4 Ethical Standard for Marketing Executives

Ethical marketing is less of a marketing strategy and more of a philosophy that informs all marketing
efforts. It seeks to promote honesty, fairness, and responsibility in all advertising. Ethics is a
notoriously difficult subject because everyone has subjective judgments about what is “right” and
what is “wrong.”
Ethics in Sales and Marketing. There is competition for resources, customers and price etc, which
breeds ground for activities that may not get ethical sanctions. A certain code of conduct, policies
and practices called ethics are required to manage markets and marketing.
Business owner should reflect on operating standards and practices. National and international
organizations have developed marketing code of ethics to guide business practices. When a
business commits to conducting its affairs with integrity and with the costumer well- being in mind.
The Business Marketing Associated (BMA) lists “ Branding, Promotion, Sales support, institutional
and financial relations and community outreach “ as areas of marketing good conduct. Categories
for marketing ethics may include ethical norms and values as defined by the American Marketing
Association (AMA), along with means of implement.
1. Define ethical norms to guide business protocol. These norms might include devising practices
that do no harm and developing procedures that build and sustain consumer confidential. Make sure,
for example, that all distributors have equal access to sales incentives, the (BMA) recommends.

2. Specify ethical values as they relate to your business. Commit to ethical values, such as honesty,
responsibility and citizenship, to name only three. Honest business practices communicates truth to
partners, customers and shareholders. When you practice responsible business, you and your
company take responsibility for the consequences of your marketing strategy. Good citizenship
suggest the AMA, includes protecting the environment in marketing campaigns. Recycle your
marketing materials .

3. Implement marketing ethics that are relevant to your specific business activity. The AMA advises
businesses to build upon marketing ethical norms and values to meet specific practices. Ethical
norms includes broad concepts such as” do no harm “ foster trust in the marketing system

4. Implement AMA ethical norms and values in marketing activities. The AMA advises marketing
ethics in such areas as “ marketing research commerce, internet selling , direct marketing and
advertising” in these and all marketing areas , implement ethical values in such activities as striving
to meet customers needs, never engaging in price fixing and acknowledge the efforts of employees
and consultants, the AMA recommends

12.5 Good Business Ethics

Ethical values, translated into active language establishing standards or rules describing the kind of
behavior an ethical person should and should not engage in, are ethical principles. The following list
of principles incorporate the characteristics and values that the most people associate with ethical
1. Honesty
- ethical executives are honest and truthful in all their dealings and they do not deliberately
mislead or deceive others by misrepresentation, overstatement, partial truths, selective omission, or
any other mean.
2. Integrity
- ethical executive demonstrate personal integrity and the courage of their convictions by doing
what they think is right when there is great pressure to do otherwise; they are principled, honorable
and upright; they will fight for their beliefs. They will not sacrifice principle for expediency, be
hypocritical or unscrupulous.
3. Promise
- keeping and trustworthiness. Ethical executives are worthy of truth. They are candid and
forthcoming in supplying relevant information and correcting misapprehensions of fact, and they
make every reasonable effort to fulfill the letter and spirit of their promises and commitments. They
do not interpret agreements in an unreasonably technical and legalistic manner in order to rational
non-compliance or create justifications for escaping their commitments.
4. Loyalty
- ethical executives are worthy of trust, demonstrated fidelity and loyalty to persons and
institutions by friendship in adversity, support and devotion to duty ; they do not use or disclose
information learned in confidence for personal advantage. They safeguard the ability to make
independent professional judgement by scrupulously avoiding undue influences and conflict of
interest. They are loyal to their companies and colleagues and if they decide to accept other
employment, they provide reasonable notice, respect the proprietary information of their former
employer, and refuse to engage in any activities that takes undue advantage to their previous
5. Fairness
- ethical execution and fair and just in all dealings; they o not exercise power arbitrarily, and do
not use overreaching nor indecent means to gain or maintain any advantage nor take undue
advantage of others mistake or difficulties. Fair person manifest a commitment to justice, the equal
treatment of individual, tolerance of acceptance of diversity, that they are open-minded; they are
willing to admit they are wrong and where appropriate, change their position and belief.
6. Concern for others
- ethical executives are caring, compassionate, benevolent and kind; they like the golden rule,
help those in need, and seek for the accomplish their business objectives in a manner that causes
the least harm and the greatest positive good.
7. Respect for the other
- ethical executives demonstrate respect for the human dignity, autonomy, privacy, right and
interest of all those who have a stake in their decisions; they are courteous and treat all people with
equal respect and dignity regardless of sex, race or national origin.
8. Law Abiding
- ethical executives abide by laws, rules and regulations relating to their business activities.
9. Commitment to Excellence
- ethical executives pursue excellence in performing their duties, are well informed and prepared,
and constantly endeavor to increase their proficiency in all areas of responsibility.
10. Leadership
- ethical executives are conscious of the responsibilities and opportunities of their position of
leadership and seek to be positive ethical role models by their own conduct and by helping to create
an environment in which principled reasoning and ethical decision making highly prized.
11. Reputation and Morale
- ethical executives seek to protect and build the company’s good reputations the moral of its
employees by engaging in no conduct that might undermine respect and by taking whatever actions
are necessary to correct or prevent inappropriate conduct of others.
12. Accountability
- ethical executives acknowledge and accept personal accountability for their ethical quality of
their decision and omission to themselves, and their communities.

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