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QSD111.00 Fluke Corporate Quality Manual Rev.


This procedure defines the policies and related procedures Fluke follows to comply with the
requirements of the ISO 9001:2015, ISO/IEC 17025 and ISO/IEC 80079-34 standards.

Fluke Corporation (Fluke) is a leading manufacturer of measurement and test equipment
with corporate headquarters located in Everett, Washington, USA with global operations and

Fluke uses a process approach in our Quality Management System (QMS) where required
inputs and desired outputs are identified and monitored to ensure applicable requirements
and customer expectations are met.

Fluke is part of the Fortive Corporation and employs the Fortive Business System (FBS) as
the cornerstone of our culture and our competitive advantage. FBS drives continuous
improvement of our Quality Management System. Tools include Kaizen events, Problem
Solving Process (PSP), risk analysis using the DIVE methodology (define the problem,
investigate to drive root cause, verify and implement countermeasures, ensure sustainment)
and other tools as appropriate.

Fluke’s interaction of processes of the Quality Management system is shown in the following

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Fluke Quality Management System

Leadership - Strategic direction, commitment, quality policy, communication, customer focus

Support (7) Operations (8)

Resources Order Management

Training/competence Design and development
Organization and Purchasing
its context (4) Production
Documented information Change Control Customer
Control of nonconforming outputs Satisfaction

Plan Do

Performance evaluation (9)

Customer Planning (6)
requirements Monitoring and measurement
Risk assessment
Analysis and evaluation
Quality Objectives
Internal audits
Planning for changes
Management review
Products and
Needs and Act Check
expectations of
interested parties (4) Improvement (10)

Nonconformity and corrective action

Continuous improvement

Fortive Business System (FBS) Fundamentals

Voice of the Customer (VOC), Value Stream Mapping (VSM), Kaizen Events, 5S, Problem Solving
Process (PSP), Visual Management (VM)

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1 Procedure scope
This procedure applies to all personnel doing work under Fluke’s control. Facilities
may have supplementary policies, processes and local procedures to further define
their specific requirements and activities.

It is important to follow this policy to ensure Fluke’s Quality Management System

(QMS) is consistently implemented and followed to ensure compliance with all
necessary standard requirements.

2 References
Fluke Corporate Scope and Context Statement
QSD111.01 Manufacturing Process Policy
QSD111.02 Corporate Training Policy
QSD111.03 External Product Quality
QSD111.04 Fluke Supplier Handbook
QSD111.07 Control of Nonconforming Material Policy
QSD111.09 Corrective Action and Risk Mitigation Policy
QSD111.10 Internal Audit Process
QSD111.11 80079-34 Ex Quality Manual
QSD111.37 Product Development Process
QSD111.39 Document Control Policy
QSD111.41 Fluke 17025 Quality Manual
QSD111.44 Measurement Management System
QSD111.50 QMS Records Retention Policy
QSD111.50.AppA QMS Records Retention Requirements
QSD111.56 Serialization Policy
QSD19.1 Electrostatic Discharge Policy
DOC_143 Management Review Template
DOC_3209 Management Review PowerPoint Template
LPD.FQM Fluke Europe Quality Manual Addendum

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ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems – Requirements
ISO/IEC 17025 General requirements for the competence of testing and
calibration laboratories
ISO/IEC 80079-34 Explosive atmospheres – Application of quality systems for
equipment manufacture

3 Terms and definitions

For a list of available definitions, please go to

4 Fluke scope and context

The overview of Fluke, its organization, context and interested parties as well as their
needs and expectations are located in the Fluke Corporate Scope and Context
Statement. Each facility has a Scope and Context statement that further defines their
context and interested parties based on the activities performed and products
manufactured within that facility or functional area.
Fluke has established, maintains and continually improves our Quality Management
System in accordance with the ISO 9001 standard.
As part of our Quality Management System, Fluke has determined the processes
needed and their application throughout the company and continually:
 determines required inputs and expected outputs from these processes,
 determines the sequence and interaction of processes,
 determines and applies criteria and methods needed to ensure the effective
operation and control of our processes
 determines the resources needed for these processes and ensures their
availability and suitability
 assigns the responsibilities and authority for these processes
 addresses the risks and opportunities for improvement as determined in
accordance with our planning processes
 evaluates these processes and implements changes needed to ensure that
these processes achieve their intended results
 improves the processes and the Quality Management System.
To the extent necessary, Fluke maintains documented information necessary to
support our processes and retains documented information as required to
demonstrate that these processes are being carried out as planned.
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5 Leadership
Leadership and commitment
Top management demonstrates leadership and commitment with respect to the
Quality Management System by:
 taking accountability for the effectiveness of the Quality Management System
in achieving its intended results through active participation in management
 ensuring that the quality policy and quality objectives are established and are
compatible with the strategic direction of Fluke (policy deployment, key
performance indicators (KPI’s), and employee performance objectives).
 ensuring integration of the Quality Management System requirements with
Fluke’s business processes
 promoting continuous improvement, the use of a process approach and risk
based thinking through use of our FBS tools
 ensuring that the resources needed for the Quality Management System are
 communicating the importance of effective quality management and
conforming to Fluke’s Quality Management System requirements

Top management demonstrates leadership and commitment with respect to customer

focus by ensuring that:
 customer and applicable regulatory requirements are determined, understood,
and consistently met
 risks and opportunities that can affect conformity of products and services and
the ability to enhance customer satisfaction are determined and addressed,
 focus on enhancing customer satisfaction is maintained through appropriate
setting of performance objectives.
 ensuring customers have a method to provide quality feedback to Fluke

Quality policy
Top management has established Fluke’s Quality Policy which is documented in the
Fluke Corporate Scope and Context Statement and is available in Intelex. The
Quality Policy is communicated throughout the company.
Roles and responsibilities
Top management ensures that responsibilities and authorities for relevant roles are
assigned, communicated and understood throughout Fluke. This is done through
departmental organizational charts and job descriptions.

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Top management has assigned the Director of Global Quality as the Management
Representative with responsibilities for:
 ensuring that the Quality Management System conforms to the ISO 9001
standard requirements
 ensuring that the Quality Management System conforms to the ISO/IEC 17025
standard requirements as applicable for calibration laboratories accredited to
ISO/IEC 17025.
 ensuring that the Quality Management System conforms to the IEC 80079-34
standard requirements as applicable for the manufacture of products intended
for use in explosive atmospheres. See QSD111.11 Fluke 80079-34 Ex Quality
 ensuring that processes are delivering their intended outputs
 reporting on the performance of the Quality Management System and on
opportunities for improvements
 ensuring the promotion of customer focus throughout Fluke
 ensuring that the integrity of the Quality Management System is maintained
when changes are planned and implemented.

6 Planning
When planning for the Quality Management System, Fluke considers the context of
the organization, its customers and their requirements and determines the risks and
opportunities that need to be addressed in order to:
 give assurance that the Quality Management System can achieve its intended
 prevent or reduce undesirable effects and enhance desired effects
 achieve improvement.
Fluke addresses these risks and opportunities by integration and implementation of
actions into the Quality Management System and evaluation of the effectiveness of
these actions through use of tools such as daily and visual management, Key
Performance Indicator (KPI) bowlers and other measurement processes. Actions
taken are proportional to the potential impact on the conformity of products and

Policy Deployment and Operational KPI reviews are used to establish objectives,
measure performance and drive continuous improvement. Policy deployment is a 7
step process used by Fluke to focus on impactful, breakthrough objectives that are
critical for achieving world-class status. The crucial cornerstones to achieving this
success are the focus on the Voice of the Customer (VOC) and the planning process

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that links that focus to specific support plans describing how we will satisfy the
innovation, delivery and cost objectives to meet the customer needs.
Operations KPIs are defined and flowed to the relevant functions, levels and
processes to measure the sustaining business processes. Improvement objectives
are established as part of the annual planning process and Operations Reviews are
held monthly to review results and countermeasures to misses.

Policy Deployment diagram

7 Support
Fluke determines and provides the resources needed for the operation and
improvement of the Quality Management System to ensure the products and
processes achieve their planned results. When considering resources, Fluke
considers the capabilities and constraints on existing resources as well as needs
from external sources. Resources are determined and addressed at each facility and
functional area. These may include:
 infrastructure

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 environment
 materials and equipment
 personnel

Monitoring and measurement resources

Fluke determines the type and extent of the resources required to ensure valid and
reliable results are obtained when monitoring and measuring is used to verify the
conformity of products and services.
Manufacturing policies, requirements and monitoring activities are defined in
QSD111.01 Manufacturing Process Policy and QSD111.44 Measurement
Management System defines the policies, procedures and requirements of the
Measurement Management System.

Competence and awareness

Fluke determines the type and extent of training required for personnel performing
work that affects the performance and effectiveness of its Quality Management
System. Fluke provides training as necessary to meet these requirements.
Personnel are considered competent with respect to their assignment and/or job
description, based on their education, training, skills, experience, and demonstrated
results. Documented information as record of competence shall be retained in
accordance with QSD111.02 Corporate Training Policy and local process documents.
Personnel performing work under Fluke’s control shall be aware of:
 the quality policy
 relevant quality objectives
 their contribution to the effectiveness of the Quality Management System
 implications of not conforming to the Quality Management System.

Fluke determines the communications (internal and external) relevant to the Quality
Management System and on relevant levels. Fluke uses standard processes to
determine communications including:
 what will be communicated
 when to communicate
 with whom to communicate

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 how to communicate
 who communicates

Documented information
Fluke’s Quality Management System includes documented information required by
the ISO 9001 standard, as well information determined necessary by Fluke to ensure
the effectiveness of the Quality Management System.
Fluke’s document structure and its control is defined in QSD111.39 Document
Control Policy. This policy ensures documents are created with the necessary
information to ensure proper control and are documented in the acceptable formats.
Documented information is made available to all necessary personnel through the
use of control systems, such as Intelex, SharePoint and Team Center. These
systems ensure only the current approved versions of documented information is
available to the users.
Retention of documented information is defined in QSD111.50 QMS Records
Retention Policy and QSD111.50.AppA QMS Records Retention Requirements or the
specific document. These procedures provide direction on how and where
documented information is retained as well as the retention period and the disposition

Organizational knowledge
Fluke has identified and documented organizational knowledge that is necessary for
the operation of its processes and to achieve conformity of products and services.
Organizational knowledge is maintained by the functional groups and made available
as necessary. As processes change, Fluke will determine whether additional
information is necessary and if so, how it will be obtained.

8 Operations
Operational planning and control
Fluke plans, implements and controls processes needed to meet the requirements for
the provision of products and services by:
 determining requirements for the products and services
 establishing criteria for the processes and for the acceptance of the products
and services

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 determining the resources needed to achieve conformity to the product and

service requirements
 implementing control of the processes in accordance with the criteria
 determining, maintaining and retaining documented information to the extent
necessary to demonstrate the conformity of products and services to their
QSD111.01 Manufacturing Process Policy defines Fluke’s manufacturing process
policy and requirements.
Fluke controls changes to products and processes, including out-sourced processes,
and reviews the consequences of unintended changes, taking action as necessary to
mitigate any adverse effects.

Requirements for products and services

Fluke’s communication with its customers includes:
 providing information relating to the products and services
 handling inquiries, contracts or orders, including changes
 obtaining customer feedback relating to products and services, including
customer complaints
 handling or controlling customer property
 establishing specific requirements for contingency actions, when relevant.
Fluke uses the BOB process, QSD111.37 Product Development Process (PDP),
when determining the requirements for the products and services to be offered to
customers, and ensures that:
 the requirements for the product and services are defined, including any
applicable statutory and regulatory requirements
 requirements considered necessary by Fluke are defined
 Fluke can meet the claims for the product and services it offers.
Contract review occurs during the order process to ensure fulfillment of all
contract/order requirements; resolve any discrepancies, and coordinate the
requirements with all affected areas of the company. The contract/order process
includes quotations, order entry and subsequent contract/order changes.
As part of the quotation process, each department involved will communicate Fluke’s
terms of sale to the customer.

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Before committing to supply product or services, Fluke reviews the contract/order to

 requirements specified by the customer, including the requirements for
delivery and post-delivery activities
 requirements not stated by the customer but necessary for the specified or
intended use, when known
 requirements specified by Fluke
 statutory and regulatory requirements applicable to the products and services
 contract or order requirements differing from those previously expressed.
Fluke maintains documented information on the results of these reviews and on any
new requirements for the products or services in accordance with local process
documents, QSD111.50 QMS Records Retention Policy and QSD111.50.AppA QMS
Records Retention Requirements.
When the requirements for products and services change, Fluke ensures that
relevant documented information is amended and that relevant persons are made
aware of the changed requirements.

Design and development of products and services

Fluke uses the BOB process, QSD111.37 Product Development Process (PDP),
along with its sub-processes, guidelines and checklists to control and verify the
design of products to ensure that specified requirements are met. These processes
ensure consistent and effective management of design activities in all divisions of

Design and development activities include:

 determining the design input requirements relating to the product, including
applicable statutory and regulatory requirements, and their identification,
documentation and review.
 verification and validation of the design to ensure that the designed products
meet all input requirements as well as performance, durability, reliability,
serviceability, safety, regulatory, and contractual requirements.
All process step output documentation will be under change control procedures
established by the Project Manager and described in the BOB process. At the end of
the project, design disclosure drawings (e.g. drawings, component specifications,
software, CAD databases) that are under Configuration Control, will be released in
the approved Product Data Management (PDM) system.

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Control of externally provided processes, products and services

Fluke ensures that externally provided processes, products and services conform to
requirements. Fluke determines the controls to be applied to externally provided
processes, products and services when:
 products and services from external providers are intended for incorporation
into Fluke’s own products and services
 products and services are provided directly to the customer(s) by external
providers on behalf of Fluke
 a process, or part of a process, is provided by an external provider as a result
of a decision by Fluke.
Requirements for suppliers are located in QSD111.04 Fluke Supplier Handbook.
Fluke determines and applies criteria for the evaluation, selection, monitoring of
performance, and re-evaluation of external providers, based on their ability to provide
processes or products and services in accordance with requirements. Fluke retains
documented information of these activities and any necessary actions arising from
the evaluations.
Fluke ensures that externally provided processes, products and services do not
adversely affect its ability to consistently deliver conforming products and services to
our customers.
Fluke ensures that externally provided processes remain within the control of its
Quality Management System and defines both the controls that it intends to apply to
an external provider and those it intends to apply to the resulting output.
Fluke takes into consideration the potential impact of the externally provided
processes, products and services on Fluke’s ability to consistently meet customer’s
requirements, applicable statutory and regulatory requirements and the effectiveness
of the controls applied by the external provider.
Fluke determines the verification, or other activities, necessary to ensure that the
externally provided processes, products and services meet requirements. Fluke
ensures the adequacy of requirements prior to their communication to the external

External providers of measurement services, including calibration and repair of Fluke

M&TE are managed in compliance with QSD111.44 Measurement Management

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Fluke communicates to external providers our requirements for:

 the processes, products and services to be provided
 the approval of
o products and services
o methods, processes and equipment
o the release of products and services
 competence, including any required qualification of persons
 the external providers’ interactions with Fluke
 control and monitoring of the external providers’ performance to be applied by
 verification or validation activities that Fluke, or our customer, intends to
perform at the external supplier’s premises.
Fluke retains documented information of these activities and any necessary actions
arising from evaluations.

Product and service provision

Production, installation, support and servicing processes that directly affect quality
have been identified and planned to ensure those processes are carried out under
controlled conditions that include:
 the availability of documented information that defines the characteristic of the
products which includes design disclosure information
 the availability of work instructions and procedures
 the availability and use of suitable equipment
 the implementation of monitoring and measurement devices at appropriate
stages in the process with acceptance criteria
 the use of suitable infrastructure and environment
 the appointment of trained and competent persons, including any required
 the validation, and periodic revalidation, of the ability to achieve planned
results where the resulting output cannot be verified by subsequent monitoring
or measurement
 where possible the implementation of error-proofing (poka-yoke) activities
 documented information for the release, delivery and post-delivery activities
where required.

Calibration and repair services are provided for all our instruments that have
guaranteed performance specifications as well as for a wide range of instruments

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manufactured by other companies. The service centers have established processes

and procedures to ensure these activities are carried out under controlled conditions.
Calibration and repair services are the responsibility of our service organization.
Fluke has a network of strategically located service centers which provide:
 Repair services
 Calibration services
 Service agreements
 Extended warranty agreements
 Asset management agreements
Service centers also provide warranty failure data to the factory for the purpose of
monitoring product failure trends.
All Fluke calibration services are in compliance to QSD111.44 Measurement
Management System. Where appropriate, accredited calibration activities are
provided in accordance with QSD111.41 Fluke 17025 Quality Manual.
The Service Parts department maintains replacement parts and manual inventory for
Fluke service centers and direct parts sales to customers. All replacement parts are
subjected to the same inspection and quality assurance programs applicable to parts
used in production.
A product exchange service provides rebuilt assemblies for self-maintenance
customers, fast turn-around-time and low cost products and accessories.

Identification and traceability

Fluke defines its part marking and traceability requirements in QSD 111.56
Serialization Policy.
Records are established and maintained providing evidence the product has been
inspected and/or tested. These records identify the person responsible for the
release of the conforming products.
Process owners identify the inspection and test status of products by indicating
conformance or nonconformance by using stamps, labels and/or physical locations.
This identification is maintained and understood, as defined in local work instructions,
throughout production, installation and servicing of products to ensure only products
that have passed the required inspections and tests are shipped, used or installed.
All departments are responsible for complying with QSD111.07 Control of
Nonconforming Material Policy and for taking corrective action as appropriate per
QSD111.09 Corrective Action and Risk Mitigation Policy.

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Customer and external provider property

Fluke identifies customer property as “product and accessories” returned for repair or
calibration. Fluke does not use any other type of customer or provider property.
Fluke identifies customer property upon receipt and exercises care to prevent
damage. In the event a customer’s property is damaged or lost, Fluke reports this to
the customer and takes action to address the situation.

Fluke has implemented local processes for the handling and preservation of product
as necessary in order to prevent damage and deterioration.
Materials and stores departments are responsible for establishing processes for
purchased parts. Production departments are responsible for establishing processes
for work in process. The distribution centers are responsible for establishing
processes for shipping product to the customer.
All organizations handling printed circuit assemblies (PCAs) shall comply with
QSD.19.1 Electrostatic Discharge Policy.

Post-delivery activities
Fluke determines and meets requirements for post-delivery activities related to its
products and services. In determining post-delivery activities, Fluke considers:
 statutory and regulatory requirements
 potential undesired consequences associated with its products and services
 the nature, use and intended lifetime of our products and services
 customer requirements
 customer feedback.
Post-delivery activities are documented in local process documents as required.

Control of changes
Fluke reviews and controls changes for production and service provisions, to the
extent necessary to ensure continuing conformity with applicable requirements.
Fluke retains documented information on these changes and the person(s)
authorizing the change as well as any necessary actions arising from the review.

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Release of products and services

Fluke has planned checks at appropriate stages in production and service to verify
that requirements have been met. Products are not released to the customer until
the planned checks have been successfully completed unless otherwise approved by
the relevant authority, and where required by the customer.
Documented information is retained providing evidence the product has been
inspected and/or tested. Records identify the inspection and test authority
responsible for the release of conforming products.

Control of nonconforming outputs

Fluke ensures that outputs that do not conform to their requirements are identified
and controlled to prevent their unintended use or delivery through local processes as
defined in QSD111.07 Control of Nonconforming Material Policy for materials or
QSD111.41 Fluke 17025 Quality Manual for ISO/IEC 17025 accredited calibration
Fluke takes appropriate actions based on the nature of the nonconformity and its
effect on the conformity of products and services determined at our facilities and after
delivery or service as defined in QSD111.09 Corrective Action and Risk Mitigation
Fluke retains documented information that describes the nonconformity, describes
the actions taken, describes any concessions obtained and identifies the authority
deciding the actions.

9 Performance evaluation
Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation
During new product development, or when an existing product design change is
required, the responsible engineering organization will determine the measurements
to be made, the accuracy required, the frequency of the measurement and will select
the appropriate inspection, measuring, and test equipment that is capable of the
necessary accuracy and precision.
Test systems are defined as any hardware or software used in production or service
to verify the acceptability of the product or service. Test systems will be validated
prior to their initial use and whenever a product or test system requires a change that

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could affect the acceptability of the product or service. Test system use, validation,
maintenance and control will be described in local work instructions.
Where the results of processes cannot be fully verified by subsequent inspection and
testing of the product and where processing deficiencies may become apparent only
after the product is in use, the processes shall be carried out by qualified operators
and/or shall require continuous monitoring and control of process parameters to
ensure the specified requirements are met.
The requirements for qualification of process operations, including associated
equipment and personnel shall be specified.
Supervisors/process owners are responsible for in-process and final inspection,
testing, and monitoring per documented work instructions and design control
information. Equipment maintenance documentation will list all equipment in the
process owner’s area of responsibility, maintenance schedules, maintenance
instructions, and training records for all personnel performing maintenance.

Customer satisfaction
Fluke monitors customer satisfaction through surveys, data collected through the
External Product Quality Database, and the customer feedback system as defined in
local process documents.

Analysis and evaluation

Measuring and monitoring of processes and process outputs are used to determine
the effectiveness of various processes as appropriate. These measurements also
roll-up to strategic goals related to, among other things, the Core Value Drivers of
Core Growth, Operating Margin Expansion (OMX) and Quality. The goals are
documented in the policy deployment matrices and/or KPI bowlers at the top,
divisional and departmental levels of the company. Countermeasures will be written
for corrective action as determined by top management.
The results of analysis are used to evaluate:
 conformity of products and services
 the degree of customer satisfaction
 the performance and effectiveness of the Quality Management System
 whether planning has been implemented effectively
 the effectiveness of actions taken to address risks and opportunities
 the performance of external providers
 the need for improvements to the Quality Management System.

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Internal audits
QSD111.10 Internal Audit Process defines Fluke’s internal audit policy and program
for verifying the Quality Management System has been effectively implemented and
that processes conform to internal requirements and ISO standard requirements.
Frequency of audits, selection of auditors and corrective action requirements are
defined in QSD111.10 Internal Audit Process.

Management review
Fluke performs Management Review on different levels throughout the year
according to processes defined by the Fortive Business System. Over the course of
the year, a complete Management Review is performed involving the L1 and L2

Core Value Drivers (CVDs) are reviewed annually and the Strategic (Strat) Planning
meetings develop and define the strategic direction of Fluke based on current
business needs and opportunities. Policy Deployment (PD) drives breakthrough
changes and determines the capabilities needed to achieve the strategic direction.
Policy Deployment Targets to Improve (PD TTIs) are reviewed by L1 and L2
management at the PD Reviews to assess the effectiveness of actions taken to
implement the necessary changes.
Monthly Ops reviews are held for each business unit or functional group and review
KPI bowlers to determine the level to which objectives are met. KPIs and objectives
are focused on Key Stakeholders as defined by the Fortive Core Value Drivers and
including on time deliver (OTD), quality (DPPM) and revenue among others. Slide
decks are available from executive assistants for each BU/function or from
BU/function leaders.
Daily Management occurs in Obeyas throughout the Fluke facilities where details are
discussed relating to each functional area and how they contribute to the overall
At the monthly Ops Reviews, the Director of Global Quality is responsible for raising
key issues to the appropriate management level for consideration and actions are
determined as necessary.

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The Management Review Template DOC_143 provides an outline for the discussion
and defines required inputs and outputs. The Management Review PowerPoint
Template DOC_3209 or other similar templates may also be used.

Management Review inputs include:

 status of actions from previous Management Reviews
 changes in external and internal issues that are relevant to Fluke’s Quality
Management System
 information on the performance and effectiveness of Fluke’s Quality
Management System including:
o customer satisfaction and feedback from relevant interested parties;
o the extent to which quality objectives have been met;
o process performance and conformity of products and services;
o nonconformities and corrective actions;
o monitoring and measurement results;
o audit results;
o the performance of external providers;
o equipment intended for use in explosive atmospheres, as applicable
 adequacy of resources
 effectiveness of actions taken to address risks and opportunities
 opportunities for improvement.
Management Review outputs include decisions and actions related to:
 opportunities for improvement;
 any need for changes to the Quality Management System;
 resource needs

See the Management Review Matrix for information on where each aspect of the ISO
9001 standard is addressed and where records are retained
Functional areas may perform their own management review to ensure their
Business Unit management is aware of issues specific to their functions.

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Management Review Records Matrix

ISO 9001:2015 Requirement Activity/Record
9.3.2.a Review previous action items PD and Ops Reviews
9.3.2.b Changes affecting the QMS Raised at Ops Reviews and escalated as
9.3.2.c.1 Consider trends in customer Data in the Quality Obeya and discussed at
satisfaction and feedback the monthly Ops reviews.
9.3.2.c.2 Consider the extent quality Determined through CVDs, Strat Plan and
objectives have been met PD. Data on the KPI bowler and discussed
at monthly Ops reviews
9.3.2.c.3 Consider trends in process Data in the Quality Obeya and discussed at
performance and conformity of Daily Management and the monthly Ops
products and services reviews.
9.3.2.c.4 Consider trends in Data in the Quality Obeya and discussed at
Nonconformities and Corrective Daily Management and the monthly Ops
actions reviews.
9.3.2.c.5 Consider trends in Monitoring Data in the various Obeya and discussed at
and measurement results the monthly Ops reviews.
9.3.2.c.6 Consider trends in audit results Data in the Quality Obeya and escalated at
the monthly Ops reviews as required.
9.3.2.c.7 Consider trends in the Data in the Purchasing Obeya and
performance of external escalated at the monthly Ops reviews as
providers required.
9.3.2.d Consider adequacy of resources Exposed through the problem- solving
process (PSP) and addressed on a case by
case basis.
9.3.2.e Consider the effectiveness of Major nonconformances reviewed in the
actions take to address risks and Quality Obeya and escalated to Ops and
opportunities PD reviews as required.
9.3.2.f Consider opportunities for Discussed in the Obeyas during Daily
improvement Management, and escalated to the PD and
Ops reviews as necessary

10 Improvement
Continuous improvement
Fluke continuously improves the suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of our Quality
Management System through the use of Fortive Business System (FBS) which
includes tools such as problem solving and Kaizen activities.
Improvement opportunities include:
 improving products and processes to better address customer needs and
 correcting or preventing undesired effects,
 improving the effectiveness of the Quality Management System.

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QSD111.00 Fluke Corporate Quality Manual Rev. 123

Nonconformances and corrective actions

Fluke takes action to address nonconformances, correct or control the situation and
address the consequences at a level that is appropriate for each nonconformance.
Records of the nonconformance, actions taken and the results are created and
maintained in accordance with QSD111.07 Control of Nonconforming Material Policy
and QSD111.09 Corrective Action and Risk Mitigation Policy.
The need for taking action to eliminate the cause is evaluated by reviewing and
analyzing the nonconformity, determining the cause and determining whether similar
situations can or do exist.
Fluke implements actions as needed and reviews the effectiveness of the actions
taken. If necessary, risks and opportunities for this product or service are evaluated
and updated and, if required, changes are made to the Quality Management System.
Corrective action policies are further defined in QSD111.03 External Product Quality
and QSD111.09 Corrective Action and Risk Mitigation Policy.

11 Approvals and Notifications

Process Owner/Approver: Director of Global Quality
Approver: Quality Systems Manager
Document Reviewer: Corporate Quality Council
Document Owner: Quality Systems Manager
Date: August 30, 2019

The Corporate Quality Council will be notified of changes to the Corporate Quality Manual
through Intelex. Corporate Quality council members are responsible for communicating
changes to their functional groups.

Corporate Quality Manual

Corporate Quality Council

Site Quality Managers Site Quality Managers Site Quality Managers

APAC Americas EMEA

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QSD111.00 Fluke Corporate Quality Manual Rev. 123

12 Change History (all but last 3 revisions are hidden)

The translated version of this document must be reviewed and revised each time this
document is revised to ensure changes area easily identified for translation purposes.

Revision Brief Description of Change(s) Training

Date required (Y/N)
Rev 121 In section 9 Management Review defined top No
June 2017 management as L2 and L3 level, changed frequency from
annually to quarterly, added a summary report to L1
management, added site/functional Management Reviews
when necessary, referenced and added a link to the
Management Review template, clarified where records are
to be maintained.
Rev 122 Updated document links from Intelex v5 to Intelex v6; no No
June 2018 other changes were made

Rev 123 Updated Document to new format: changed logo and No

Aug 2019 position in header to comply with corporate design
requirements, moved the title and revision to the header,
removed document number from footer, moved the
approvals and distribution to section 11, moved revision
history to section 12 and added standard translation
statement; removed the quality policy from the cover

Changed to the standard verbiage for the purpose

statement and added a statement of why it is important to
adhere to this policy in section 1; added a reference and
hyperlink for QSD111.04 Fluke Supplier Handbook and
the Fluke Europe Quality Manual Addendum in section 2;
added a reference to QSD111.04 Fluke Supplier
Handbook in section 8; revised the Management Review
process to reflect where this information is already
reviewed as part of the Fortive Business System in section
*Training column added at revision 119.
End of Doc

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