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 Mambulao Lumber Co. applied for industrial loan and granted by PNB (R). To secure payment of
loan, P mortgaged a parcel of land together with various sawmill equipment, rolling units and
other fixed assets situated therein.
 Mambulao failed to pay the amortization and the amounts released to and received by it.
Repeated demands were made but upon inspection it was found that Mambulao stopped
operation. PNB sent a letter to Respondent sheriff of Camarines Norte requesting him to take
possession of the parcel of land and the chattels and to sell them at public auction. R sheriff
issued corresponding notice of extrajudicial sale and sent copy to P.
 Mambulao sent a bank draft for to PNB allegedly full settlement of the obligation after the
application of the sum representing the proceeds of the foreclosure sale of the parcel of land. P
averred that the foreclosure of chattel mortgage is no longer needed for being fully paid and
that it could not be legally effected at a place other than City of Manila, the place agreed and
stipulated in their contract.
 PNB’s counsel wrote to Mambulao that the remitted amount was not enough for its liability to
which should be added the expenses for guarding the mortgaged of chattels, attorney’s fees and
expenses of the sale. Notwithstanding, the foreclosure of both land and the chattels were held.

ISSUE: Whether Mambulao Lumber Co. is entitled to moral damages.

 No. Even if the PNB and Respondent sheriff committed several infractions/errors, to wit:
1. R sheriff’s actual work performed should be compensated pursuant to Sec 4 of Act 3135,
which is the governing law for extrajudicial foreclosure and not Sec 7 of Rule 130, which is
applicable for judicial foreclosure;
2. Atty’s fees was found to be excessive and unconscionable;
3. Foreclosure should be conducted in the City of Manila, as agreed in the contract. Ergo, R is
guilty of conversion when he sells under the mortgage but not in accordance with its terms;
4. The amount of sale of the chattels is spurious/ grossly unfair to P.
 However, P’s claim for moral damages seems to have no legal or factual basis. Obviously, an
artificial person like herein P corporation cannot experience physical sufferings, mental anguish,
fright, serious anxiety, wounded feelings, moral shock or social humiliation which are basis of
moral damages. A corporation may have a good reputation which, if besmirched, may also be a
ground for the award of moral damages. The same cannot be considered under the facts of this
case, however, not only because it is admitted that herein appellant had already ceased in its
business operation at the time of the foreclosure sale of the chattels, but also for the reason
that whatever adverse effects of the foreclosure sale of the chattels could have upon its
reputation or business standing would undoubtedly be the same whether the sale was
conducted at Jose Panganiban, Camarines Norte, or in Manila which is the place agreed upon by
the parties in the mortgage contract.
 But for the wrongful acts of herein R bank and the R sheriff of Camarines Norte in proceeding
with the sale in utter disregard of the agreement to have the chattels sold in Manila as provided
for in the mortgage contract, to which their attentions were timely called by herein appellant,
and in disposing of the chattels in gross for the miserable amount of P4,200.00, herein appellant
should be awarded exemplary damages in the sum of P10,000.00.

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