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Vol. 35. No.

04 • JAN 20 - FEB 02, 2020

Cover Story
Moat Stocks
For All Seasons !

10 Choice Scrip

12 Low Priced Scrip

14 Hot Chips

18 Analysis Regulars
Godawari Power and Ispat Limited 06 Editor’s Keyboard
Powered For A ‘Steely’ 07 Company Index
08 Market View

16 Technicals
Special Report 59 Query Board
62 Reviews
Shocks Rattle The
Markets, Recoveries 63 Kerbside
Happen Soon After
Subscribers can access

the complete databank
consisting of more than
Special Report 3500 companies on our
ROIC : A Preferable Path To Communication Feature sections
Measuring Profitability are advertorials provided by the
company & carried on “as is” basis.


Euphoria Is Welcome, But Play Safe!
A s of now, the markets are zooming ahead and touching new heights. This does not
come as a surprise to us given the fact that we had predicted several months ago
about how the Sensex would get close to 41,500. However, the point to be cautious
about is that all this movement is primarily on account of the solid expectations from the
upcoming budget. There is no doubt that the budget will be investor-friendly. This is
evident from the positive body language and comments emanating from Finance Minister
Nirmala Sitharaman. And, as always, the positive buzz in the market is pushing the
markets to become overly optimistic – the ‘celebratory’ scenario reflects it clearly. Hence, it
will be a good strategy to use this euphoric phase to do book some partial profit booking
before the budget. Post the budget we believe there will be more opportunities to re-enter
the stocks.

Further, I would like to emphasize the humungous growth opportunity brewing in the
banking sector considering a 2-3 years’ investment horizon. This has been further
reinforced by the recent announcement that the RBI is working on an ambitious project
that integrates privacy protection with credit reporting. This will give consumers access to
one’s financial transactions and data in an authentic and approved manner which can then
be shared with others as desired. This simplicity will bring in sheer volume of credit
lending to smaller companies and individuals who are currently not able to prove their
credit worthiness via a trustworthy source. It will help them to demonstrate their cash
flow and various transactions to build trust with a potential lender. This will allow lenders
to aggressively but safely and securely provide the required funding. With more than 60
crore people connected on the internet, this facility will suddenly open a huge market for
the banking and lending industry. Hence, do stay tuned for further developments on
this front.

In this intensely competitive world it is fairly presumed that the gap between the top
enterprises is low and it’s just a matter of time when one topples the other. However, there
are some companies that have created a gap or should we say a ‘moat’ that is meant for
preventing other companies to catch up. Our cover story this time delves on such moat
companies and provides our readers an insight along with probable opportunities.

Our special story talks about the market shocks and its impact. You might be surprised to
discover how quickly and how frequently the markets have recovered after shocks. Equity
as an asset class almost always outperforms whenever shocks hit the markets. Do let us
know your feedback on the story and tell us how you intend to use the observations
shared in the story. In our other special story, we talk about return on invested capital
(ROIC) as an important profitability measure to be tracked while evaluating investment
opportunities. ROIC is important because it focuses on the operation performances of a
firm and much more. Read this special story as it might help you identify quality stocks.

The market mood is buoyant. Enjoy the present pre-budget rally while being cautious
about it getting overboard.

Managing Director & Editor

Vol. 35. No. 04 • JAN 20 - FEB 02, 2020 [email protected]

Importance of Financial Ratios

Founder Graphics
Late V B Padode Vipin Bendale I thoroughly enjoyed your article on ratio analysis covered in your previous
Managing Director & Editor Subscription & Customer Service issue. I liked the way you mentioned in detail as to how a person should not
Rajesh V Padode Utkarsh Sawale just look at one ratio in isolation but instead, consider multiple ratios in
Compliances and Internal Audit
conjunction. Can you please explain how one can look at the return on
Deputy Editors equity and other ratios such as the return on assets to arrive at a decision?
Yogesh Supekar Arvind Manor
Shashikant Singh - Sareet Kunden
Marketing & Sales
Copy Editors Farid Khan - AVP
Avalokita Pandey Mayank Dubey - AVP Digital Editor Responds: Thank you for writing to us! We are glad to know that you
Mumbai: liked our article. Both RoE and RoA are different but they are important
Karan Bhojwani Anand Chinchole - Sr. Manager metrics in considering management’s performance. A strong RoA combined
Apurva Joshi Delhi: with a strong RoE indicates that the management is using their assets efficiently
Amir Shaikh Lokesh Sharma - Sr. Manager and is doing a good job in generating returns for their shareholders. However, if
Nidhi Jani RoA is low or the debt on the books is high, a high RoE can give a false
Henil Shah
Pratik Shastri
Domain Experts impression to the shareholders. This is simply because RoA, unlike RoE,
Vinayak Gangule
Hemant Rustagi considers total assets in the denominator, which is essentially equal to
Jayesh Dadia shareholders equity + total liabilities. Hope this gives you some clarity regarding
the concept. Keep writing to us. It’s a pleasure to receive your feedback!

DSIJ Private Limited

For Customer Service Company/Scheme Reco. Price (`) Column Page No
020-49072626 OR  [email protected] Ajanta Pharma l Buy 1077.40 Kerbside 63
Amara Raja Batteries l Buy 759.35 Kerbside 63
Mumbai Office
419-A, 4th Floor, Arun Chambers, Tardeo, Next to AC Market Bayer CropScience Limited l Hold 3923.95 QueryBoard 61
Mumbai - 400034 022-43476012/16/17
Berger Paints l Buy 530.15 Technicals 17
Pune Office
C-105, 1st Floor, Trade Center, North Main Road, Near Axis Bank, BHEL l Hold 45.90 Reviews 62
Opposite Lane no. 6, Koregaon Park, Pune - 411001
Birlasoft Limited l Buy 73.05 Low Priced Scrip 12
Colgate-Palmolive l Buy 1502.80 Technicals 17
Delhi 8076878278
Godawari Power and Ispat l Buy 246.65 Analysis 18
Godfrey Phillips India l Buy 1413.70 Hot Chips 14

To advertise, mail us on [email protected] Havells India Ltd. l Buy 642.20 Choice Scrip 10
Printer and Publisher: Nitin Sawant, Editor: Rajesh V Padode for DSIJ Pvt Jain Irrigation Systems l Avoid 8.34 QueryBoard 60
Ltd. on behalf of Achievements Merchandise Pvt Ltd. Printed at RMOSS
Prints Pvt. Ltd., C/449, MIDC Pawane, TTC Area, Near Mayur Cold JK Paper l Buy 136.95 Kerbside 63
Storage, Turbhe, Navi Mumbai -400708 and published from 419-A, 4th
Floor, Arun Chambers, Tardeo, Next to AC Market, Mumbai - 400034 Sanghi Industries l Sell 42.95 QueryBoard 61
 All rights reserved.  While all efforts are made to ensure that the
information published is correct and up-to-date, Dalal Street Investment Take Solutions l Hold 102.65 QueryBoard 60
Journal holds no responsibility for any errors that might occur. All
material contained herein is based on fundamental and technical analysis
and other in-house methods, which though reliable, are not infallible. The
Tata Power Company l Hold 60.20 Reviews 62
information given in the magazine is of an advisory nature. Readers are
advised to consult experts before taking any investment decision and Dalal Transcorp International l Sell 14.19 QueryBoard 59
Street Journal holds no responsibility for any losses that may arise due to
investment decisions made on the basis of information given within the Tube Investments of India l Buy 505.70 Hot Chips 14
magazine. No reproduction is permitted in whole or part without written
consent from Dalal Street Journal  All disputes are subject to the TVS Motor Company l Hold 471.65 QueryBoard 59
exclusive jurisdiction of competent courts and forums in Mumbai only.
 Dalal Street Investment Journal is a member of INS/ABCs. BP - Book Profit • BPP - Book Partial Profits • BL - Book Loss JAN 20 - FEB 2, 2020 I DALAL STREET INVESTMENT JOURNAL 7

Market Watch While the political
drama played out
As Global Tension Simmers Down, between the US and
Iran escalated, the
Markets Recover markets lost their grip.
However, cooling of

ith the US and Iran outperformed by 5.38 per cent and 2.89
tempers has helped
almost rushing into a
war-like scenario, the
per cent respectively on account of
buying by institutional investors.
stage a comeback
markets were bound
to suffer. However, The Realty index rose by 6.70 per cent second-largest OPEC producer, crude oil
post the comments made by US President due to pre-budget expectations. prices have been volatile for the last three
Donald Trump and the face-off between Following it, other indices such as Power, years due to Iran-Iraq and US-Iraq
the nations having eased to some extent, Metal, FMCG and IT also surged by 3.74 tensions. The fortnight saw crude prices
the domestic as well as global markets per cent, 3.38 per cent, 3.27 per cent and reaching a 14-month high, thus creating
have recovered for now. 3.80 per cent. On the contrary, Auto and concern about increase in insurance,
Bankex registered de-growth of 0.28 per refineries and freight charges. The gold
With the global indices surging during cent and 0.89 per cent. price increased by 1.64 per cent to Rs
the fortnight, NASDAQ, S&P 500 and 40,780 for 10 grams of 24-carat in the last
Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) The trading data for the FIIs and DIIs 15 days. Brent crude prices fluctuated
increased by 3.41 per cent, 1.92 per cent showed that for the fortnight under with a decrease of 3.70 per cent since
and 1.68 per cent respectively. European review, FIIs were net buyers to the tune December 30, 2019 to USD 64.20 per
indices such as DAX registered a positive of Rs 1,772.72 crore and DIIs were also barrel on January 13, 2020, whereas it
growth of 1.57 per cent while CAC 40 net buyers to the tune of Rs 637.68 crore. increased by 3.35 per cent to USD 68.91
and FTSE 100 rose by 0.98 per cent and per barrel on January 6, 2020. On January
0.47 per cent respectively. This was in the Oil and rupee were the most affected due 7, 2020, the rupee touched 72.20 per USD
wake of more clarity regarding Brexit to US-Iran tensions. While Iraq is the and later appreciated to 70.86 per USD as
on January 14, 2020. DS

30th Dec. 14th Jan. Gain/Loss

2019 2020 (%)
Dow Jones Ind 28462.14 28939.67 1.68
S&P 500 3221.29 3283.15 1.92
NASDAQ 8945.99 9251.33 3.41
FTSE 100 7587.05 7622.35 0.47
DAX 13249.01 13456.49 1.57
CAC 40 5982.22 6040.89 0.98
Hang Seng 28319.39 28,885.14 2.00
Nikkei 23656.62 24,025.17 1.56
Shanghai 3,040.02 3,106.82 2.20

Performance Of Indices Net Investment In Equity Markets (`/Cr)

with UK’s lawmakers approving a law to 30th Dec. 14th Jan. Gain/Loss
Date FIIs DIIs
allow it to officially exit the European Indices
2019 2020 (%)
14 Jan 2020 120.79 -642.47
Union on January 31, 2020 with a deal. 13 Jan 2020 658.56 47.17
Sensex 41558 41952.63 0.95%
The Asian indices traded higher as China 10 Jan 2020 156.51 -251.74
Nifty 12255.85 12362.3 0.87%
9 Jan 2020 -344.75 419.22
and the US sign a preliminary trade deal Mid-Cap 14972.27 15405.13 2.89%
8 Jan 2020 -612.9 748.4
on January 15, 2020. The Shanghai index Small-Cap 13648.75 14383.71 5.38%
7 Jan 2020 -18.99 311.19
increased by 2.20 per cent, followed by Auto 18642.95 18591.39 -0.28%
6 Jan 2020 1301.97 -23.7
Hang Seng which increased by 2 per cent, Bankex 36866.83 36538.86 -0.89% 3 Jan 2020 1088.24 -1029.2
and Nikkei increasing by 1.56 per cent. FMCG 11448.3 11823.14 3.27% 2 Jan 2020 359.03 63.95
Domestic indices Sensex and Nifty have IT 15575.06 16167.44 3.80% 1 Jan 2020 -1972.18 208.47
posted a flat growth of 0.95 per cent and Metal 10417.83 10769.84 3.38% 31 Dec 2019 278.71 585.07
0.87 per cent for the last few weeks. The Power 1914.47 1985.98 3.74% 30 Dec 2019 757.73 201.32
Small-Cap and Mid-Cap indices Realty 2269.29 2421.29 6.70% Total 1772.72 637.68


Recommendations Equity
Overall, the electrical industry in India is
expected to provide sustainable growth on
a long-term basis. The industry is
Havells India Ltd. aggressive in nature and there is
competition from the unorganised sector

LIGHTEN YOUR PORTFOLIO besides the presence of other large players.

The government has taken several
initiatives like focus on electrification,
investments in infrastructure and
HERE IS WHY housing, change in tax regime to create a
Healthy cash flow generation. shift from the unorganised to organised
Premium positioning of products. sector, and encouraging ‘Make in India’,
among others, for promoting a healthy
Diversified product offerings.

environment for the growth of the
manufacturing sector in the country.
avells India Limited has a
strong presence in These initiatives have also helped create a
domestic electrical pool of new consumers, thus ensuring the
appliances and equipment next leg of growth for Havells India. The
market with a diversified company is dependent on power and real
product portfolio in switchgears, cables, estate sectors’ prospects. With revival in
electrical consumer durables, and lighting real estate on account of the recent push
and fixtures segments. It enjoys an by the government, Havells India is poised
admirable market presence in a wide to reap some benefits. On a consolidated
Best of LAST ONE Year
range of products. It has an established basis, the company has shown good
Name of Reco Exit/CMP Absolute Annual
market position with premium Company Price Price (`) Gains Returns year-on-year growth in gross sales,
positioning of its products, considerable (`) (%) (%) EBIDTA and PAT for the past three years.
market share across all its key products, Balkrishna Ind. 1079.8 1317.85 22.05 417.79 Gross sales have grown from `6,613 crore
and strong brand recall. Havells India Tata Metaliks 667.8 826.2 37.93 89.89 in FY16-17 to 9.75 pt10,073 crore in
pioneered the concept of exclusive brand Colgate-Palmolive (I) 1051.65 1231 17.5 77.78 FY18-19, showing a CAGR of 23 per cent.
showroom in the electrical industry with PFC 122.6 147.6 20.39 64.96 EBITDA and PAT have shown CAGR of
‘Havells Galaxy’ stores. Today, over 500 Symphony 1429.8 1672 16.94 64.19 18 per cent and 25 per cent respectively.
such stores across the country are aiding
customers, both domestic and ‘Make in India’, Lloyd’s first air-conditioner In the same period, its RoCE has
institutional, to choose from a wide plant at Ghiloth has started commercial improved from 22.30 per cent in
variety of products for different uses and production. The company is consistently FY16-17 to 29.40 per cent in FY18-19.
applications. The company continues to generating free cash flows which help to The PAT margin has remained constant
invest in building institutional capability, fund its growth with minimum debt. It has at around 7.8 per cent. The company is
and increasing channel penetration, been successful in financing significant currently trading at a PE of 53x. Long
brand proliferation, production capacity investments through internal accruals, track of operations, demonstration of
and innovative solutions. thus retaining its debt-free status on a net stable profitability margins over the
basis. years, strong brand recall, efficient
Lloyd, a subsidiary of Havells India, working capital management, and
continues to evolve as a mass premium The outlook on the electrical equipment diversified product offering are all
brand on the back of constant investment sector is stable, given the large population, positives for the company. By virtue of
in its distribution, marketing and people. lower level of penetration, increasing these factors, we recommend our
In continuation with its commitment to urbanisation and disposable income. reader-investors to BUY this stock. DS

Monthly Stock Market Returns Shareholding Pattern Last Five Quarters (`/Cr) (Standalone)
as of Dec. 2019 Sept-19 Jun-19 Mar-19 Dec-18 Sep-18
Total Income 2230.32 2711.97 2751.86 2518.43 2190.99
Promoters 59.52
Other Income 29.23 39.70 30.95 33.06 34.32
Public 40.48 Operating Profit 263.30 315.35 353.80 327.64 296.83
BSE Code: 517354  Interest 5.14 4.72 6.14 3.56 3.66
CMP: `642.20 FV: `1 Others 0.01
BSE Volume: 464,272 Net Profit 181.37 173.91 206.83 195.67 178.62
Date: 15/01/2020
Total 100 Equity 62.58 62.58 62.55 62.55 62.55


Recommendations Equity
the shift from brick-and-mortar
Birlasoft Limited businesses to digital businesses will be the
main driver for the uptick in IT spending.


This bodes well for Birlasoft Limited.
Around 53 per cent of its business is
derived from ERP-centric services
(integrated enterprise solutions and SAP);
around 30 per cent of business from
HERE IS WHY high-growth digital services like Cloud,
Good dividend yield of 2.75 per cent.
CRM, BI and data analytics (digital
transformation); and around 17 per cent
Diversified revenue stream. from custom application services and
other horizontals in IT-related services.
Zero borrowings.

After the merger of KPIT’s IT business
irlasoft Limited is a part of C K with Birlasoft, it has strengthened its
Birla Group and was position in SAP, Oracle, JDE and other
incorporated in 1995. It is a related areas of enterprise services with
global provider of IT solutions core digital strengths in custom
and services with operations PRICED SCRIP application development and
across USA, Europe and the APAC region. maintenance, sales force, data and
With its 10,000+ technical force, the Best of LAST ONE Year
analytics. It is now positioned to capture
company has been providing various Name of Reco Exit/CMP Absolute Annual
increasing opportunities in the enterprise
digital and IT-related services to its client Company Price Price (`) Gains Returns digital space. Going forward, the
in the areas of software development, (`) (%) (%) management plans to increase the share of
package implementation, application National Fert. 61.30 78.00 27.24 350.22 digital services, which are of high margin.
management as well as testing domain, Gufic BioSci. 78.70 95.10 20.84 288.55 This will result in better PAT margins.
enterprise and digital technologies. The Jamna Auto Ind. 77.15 96.75 25.41 254.10 Further, zero debt will make the income
revenue is diversified and sourced from Virinchi 88.00 110.00 25.00 225.00 statement look healthier. In addition, the
various segments – discrete Amines & Plasti. 68.00 81.00 19.12 167.88 synergies of merger with KPIT will surely
manufacturing, hi-tech and media (19.3 help Birlasoft in the long run.
per cent), BFSI (19.7 per cent), energy and its service offerings. Its key alliances
utilities (19.1 per cent), automotive (12.7 include Oracle, JD Edwards, SAP, Infor On a consolidated basis, the company has
per cent), life sciences (14 per cent), CPG, and Microsoft. The company is a shown good year-on-year growth in gross
and retail and process manufacturing (15 Microsoft Gold Certified partner with sales, EBITDA and PAT for the past three
per cent). competencies in multiple technology years. Gross sales have grown from
areas, including Microsoft Dynamics’ `3,323 crore in FY16-17 to `3,942 crore
The company continues to maintain a partner for enterprise solution in FY18-19, showing a CAGR of 8.91 per
healthy financial risk profile with a strong implementation and Microsoft Azure cent. EBITDA and PAT have shown
capital structure marked by zero debt as Cloud, among others. CAGR of 15.70 per cent and 12.49 per
on September 30, 2019. It does not have cent respectively. In the same period, its
any long-term debt as on March 31, 2019 It, predominantly with its enterprise digital RoCE has improved from 17.35 per cent
and only has working capital borrowings offerings in the areas of ERP, customer in FY16-17 to 20.94 per cent in FY18-19.
of `38.12 crore, which became zero as on experience, CRM and digital Currently, the company is trading at a PE
September 30, 2019. Birlasoft has entered transformational services, is poised with of 9.45x. By virtue of these factors, we
into strategic alliances with various digital transformation being ‘top of mind’ recommend our reader-investors to BUY
business partners to widen the gamut of for IT executives globally. As per Gartner, this stock. DS

Monthly Stock Market Returns Shareholding Pattern Last Five Quarters (`/Cr) (Consolidated)
as of Dec. 2019 Particulars Sept-19 Jun-19 Mar-19 Dec-18 Sep-18
Total Income 773.42 777.19 788.29 563.70 603.55
Promoters 40.82
Other Income 2.87 8.44 16.96 3.00 3.70
Public 57.30 Operating Profit 88.37 85.63 79.04 68.10 95.89
BSE Code: 532400 Interest 4.09 4.60 2.77 2.75 2.70
CMP: `73.05 FV: `2 Others 1.88
BSE Volume: 38,615 Net Profit 40.83 41.80 66.06 64.93 82.57
Date: 15/01/2020 Total 100 Equity 55.29 54.94 54.83 38.29 38.13


Recommendations Equity

BSE CODE Volume Face Value Target Stoploss

540762 3,954 `1 `550 `480(CLS)

Scrip’s Movement
ube Investments of India (TII) is
a mobility-focused manufactur-
ing company. It manufactures
products for automotive and industrial
applications and operates through three
segments, namely, engineering, bicycles
and metal-formed products. Looking at
the consolidated quarterly trends, for
Q2FY20, the company posted net sales 2019 2020

of `1,191.11 crore which is a decrease of

15.74 per cent compared to net sales of Last Seven Days’ Volume Table
`1,413.58 crore in Q2FY19. The (No. of Shares)
decrease in net sales was a result of the Days Volume
slowdown in the domestic automobile
Jan 06, 2020 3712
industry to which nearly 50 per cent of
Jan 07, 2020 126
TII’s revenue is linked. The company’s
Jan 08, 2020 226
PBDT increased by 16.19 per cent to
Jan 09, 2020 1750
`161.48 crore in Q2FY20 from
Jan 10, 2020 4894
`138.98 crore in Q2FY19. Subsequently, Jan 13, 2020 1286
the net profit for Q2FY20 grew by 36.54 Jan 14, 2020 3954
per cent to `92.82 crore from `67.98
The scrips in this crore gained in Q2FY19. TII has a positions in key business segments and
column have been healthy business risk profile with also as one of the leading companies
recommended diversified revenue streams all along belonging to the Murugappa Group.
with a 15-day investment sustaining its market leadership Hence, we recommend a BUY.
horizon in mind and
carry high risk. Therefore, GODFREY PHILLIPS INDIA CMP - `1413.70
investors are advised to BSE CODE Volume Face Value Target Stoploss
take into account their risk 500163 24,888 `2 `1,540 `1,310 (CLS)
appetite before investing,

Scrip’s Movement
as fundamentals may odfrey Phillips India is engaged in
the manufacturing of cigarettes and
or may not back the chewing products and also in the
recommendations. trading of tobacco products and tea. It offers
cigarettes under brands such as Hawk-Eye,
Red and White, Marlboro, Cavender’s and
Four Square. On a consolidated quarterly
front, the company’s net sales posted growth
2019 2020 of 12.89 per cent to `744.32 crore in
Q2FY20 from `659.35 crore in Q2FY19. It
Last Seven Days’ Volume Table
reported an operating profit of `130.16 crore
(No. of Shares) in Q2FY20, up by 17.70 per cent from
Days Volume `110.59 crore in Q2FY19. The net profit
Jan 06, 2020 2726 grew by 56.97 per cent to `113.54 crore in
Jan 07, 2020 8037 Q2FY20 from `72.33 crore in the same
Jan 08, 2020 6904 quarter for the previous fiscal year. Growth
Jan 09, 2020 5346 in the company’s core business of cigarettes
Jan 10, 2020 3410 is expected owing to new product launches
Jan 13, 2020 11563 and better realisation. Thus, we recommend
(Closing price as of Jan 14, 2020) Jan 14, 2020 24888 a BUY. DS


Technicals Equity
NIFTY Index Chart Analysis
Back In The Bubble Territory

he Indian stock market has Roadmap for the next 15 trading sessions
continued to touch new Ideas Nifty Levels Action to be Initiated Probable Targets
highs since November 28, Trading above 12,395 on a weekly closing basis
Resistance for the medium-term 12,395 12,519
2019. As of now, the Nifty has would give further momentum to the bulls
reached new peaks seven Support for the medium term 12,270-12,100
Close below 12,100 on the weekly chart would
times in the last one and a half months. change the trend and trigger a retreat
After breaking down from the narrow
range flat base, it bounced back with a large-caps. The fact that Nifty suspicious in nature. At its lifetime high,
gap up and continues to rise. Now, the Mid-Cap and Small-Cap indices were the leading indicator RSI is still
market has reached multiple resistance decisively trading above the 200-DMA struggling to move above the prior swing
points in different trade setups. As for the past two weeks is also a high. It is moving in a downward
expected earlier, the 12,350-400 zone has positive sign for the market. The Nifty channel. In all timeframes and in the
been covered and all our targets have Mid-Cap 100 index has broken out of the hourly to monthly charts, negative
been attained. The question now is falling wedge and this is a bullish reversal divergence is clearly visible. The ADX
whether this rally will continue till the sign. (17.02), which indicates strength, is still
budget. In that respect, let us examine the much below the reasonable strength level
multiple scenarios. Historically, 14 out of The indicators also suggest bullish of 25. The -DI is above the ADX and this
is not a bullish sign. Though +DI is at a
higher level, it will flatten when the
market moves upward. As the MACD on
a weekly chart indicates, the histogram is
coming down, which means lack of
momentum. The swings have become
smaller in the recent past and this too is a
sign of waning momentum.

In the broader picture, the Nifty is

meeting a clear up in trending
characters. If you look at the bar by bar,
the down bars are more severe and
sharper than the smaller up bars. These
evidences lead to suspicion about the
16 times the market made a major top in momentum. In the meantime, most of uptrend in the Nifty. The upside targets
January or the first quarter of the the large-caps seem to look tired or in a are becoming smaller and the downside
calendar year. Most of the peaks topping formation. Some of the large- targets a little sharper in nature. It leads
witnessed high price earnings (PE) ratio caps are also trading with stretched to an element of doubt about the near
of 28 and above. valuation. Any kind of missing future uptrend. But, I will wait for a
expectations from these companies may lower low and a lower high for a bearish
In terms of valuations, we are again in a lead to a debacle. Now the question is, stance. It is time to focus on earnings and
bubble territory with 28.67 PE. Against will these mid and small-caps have the good quality mid and small-caps. As far
this background, as the earnings season capacity to lead the market? As for the as the levels are concerned, any close
already has begun, any kind of Nifty, as it trades at a lifetime high, the below the prior bar is a fist sign of
extraordinary performance will take us to trend is clearly upward. But, the weakness. A close below 12,270 may lead
a new high. This high PE has become momentum is waning. Just as a high is a to a reasonable correction initially to the
normal since early 2018. The interesting new normal, the negative divergences 12,100 level. Only below this, the Nifty
observation is that the market rally led by have become normal. In the leading may move lower than the recent swing
selective large-caps is poised to change to indicators, very serious negative low of 11,929. A close below 11,929 is a
mid and small-caps. As the out- divergences are visible across all trend reversal sign. On the upside, a
performance coming from mid-cap and timeframes. Most daily bars are small in close above 12,395 will lead to the level of
small stocks in recent times and the size or bearish in nature. 12,519. Above this level, we need to
improved overall market breadth observe the market behaviour and
indicates, the rally is shifting from the The market may be moving upside but is pattern formation.



BERGER PAINTS .......................... BUY ....................... CMP `530.15

BSE Code : 509480 Target 1 .... `570 | Target 2 ..... `580 | Stoploss....`500 (CLS)
Berger Paints has broken out of its 10-week Stage 2 cup-and-
handle pattern. After breaking out of the 48-week bullish
symmetrical triangle in August 2019, it has given whopping
60 per cent returns in just 13 weeks. This massive move in a
shorter period has led to consolidation for 10 weeks. For the
past 51 days, the stock has been forming a symmetrical
triangle, and it has broken out decisively with good volume.
As the stock reaches new lifetime highs, it is trading above
all the moving averages and other trend indicators. It has
never been below the 34 EMA ribbon since August 2019.
The leading indicator RSI has broken out of the downward
channel. The MACD has given a buy signal by moving
above the signal line in above the zero line. The stock has
CANSLIM characteristics. Its price relative strength is as
high as 93 and EPS strength is at 95. The greater buyers’
demand indicates the highest interest of institutional
investors’ interest. The institutional investors increased to 234 in the last few quarters. The 71 per cent increase in earnings shows
its fundamental strength. The return on equity (RoE) is at 19 per cent. A debt-free company with 81 master score makes the stock
fundamentally attractive. Buy this stock at `530.15 with a stop-loss of `500. The target is open to `570-580.

COLGATE-PALMOLIVE....................... BUY .................. CMP `1,502.80

BSE Code : 500830 Target 1 ..... `1,580 | Target 2 ..... `1,620 | Stoploss....`1,450 (CLS)
FMCG industry major Colgate-Palmolive has broken out of its
30-day consolidation and flat base on Tuesday. After forming a
base at the 38.2 retracement level at `1,436, the stock has
clearly closed above the flat base. The volumes for the last two
days have been above the average. At the same time, it has
decisively closed above the short-term moving averages. The
Bollinger Bands narrowed in the flat zone and with the
breakout there are early signs of an exponential move on cards
in the stock. The RSI also closed above the prior swing high
and out of the range. Now it has entered into a bullish zone.

The MACD line is above the signal line and very near to the
zero line. The +DI has moved over -DI and the Average
Directional Index (ADX) has improved a bit. This suggests that
the trend is strengthening. The stock is also meeting a majority
of the CANSLIM characteristics. Its price relative strength
(RS) is at 83 and the EPS strength is at a decent 77. A good buyers’ demand indicates an institutional interest in the stock. In fact,
institutional investors have increased their stake by 5.65 per cent in the company in the last quarter. The consistent performance in sales
and earnings and 54 per cent return on equity (ROE) makes the stock attractive fundamentally. Buy this stock at `1,502.80 with a
stop-loss of `1,450. The target is plac ed at `1,580-1,620 in a short-term. DS

*LEGEND: n EMA - Exponential Moving Average. n MACD - Moving Average Convergence Divergence n RMI - Relative Momentum Index
n ROC - Rate of Change n RSI - Relative Strength Index (Closing price as of Jan 14, 2020)
Disclaimer : Above recommendations are based on various technical parameters and any fundamental input has not been considered for the recommendations. Follow strict stop loss for the recommendation. JAN 20 - FEB 02, 2020 I DALAL STREET INVESTMENT JOURNAL 17

Analysis Equity

Godawari Power and Ispat Limited


odawari Power and Ispat manufacturing plant with capacity of
Limited is engaged in nearly 52,200 metric tons (MT) and also
the business of captive thermal power generation of 20
manufacturing and MW. In addition, it has an 8 MW biomass
trading of iron ore power plant with over 50 MW solar
Godawari Power and Ispat pellets, sponge iron, steel thermal power plant in Rajasthan. The
billets, hard bright (HB) wires and company also has a 0.6 million ton pellet
Limited has improved its generation of power. The company’s main capacity plant in Orissa.
financial and operational business segments include steel and
electricity. It is also an end-to-end
performance over a period manufacturer of mild steel wires, Industry Overview
ferroalloys, captive power, wires rods, By end of 2020, India’s labour force is
of time due to higher steel wires, oxygen gas, and fly ash brick. expected to reach 160-170 million based
realisations and improved The geographic business operations
segments of the company include both
on the current rate of population growth
and increased labour force participation.
capacity utilisation of its domestic and international markets. It Looking at the global steel sector scenario,
offers ferroalloys which include silico from January-October 2019, world crude
plants, thus making it a manganese. Through its subsidiaries, the steel production reached around 1,541.77
company has been operating a ferroalloys million tons and has shown a growth of 3.2
sound choice for investors
(2018-19) as per the report by Ministry of
Steel, Government of India. Domestic steel
prices are influenced by trends in raw Looking at the global steel
material prices and market forces of
demand and supply conditions as well as sector scenario, from
the international price trends among
January-October 2019,
world crude steel production
Business Performance reached around 1,541.77
Irregular and extended monsoon during
the year affected iron ore mining activity.
million tons and has shown a
Hence, production of iron mining fell by growth of 3.2 per cent over
2.04 per cent from 15,79,693 MT in FY18
to 15,47,384 MT in FY19. But, the the same period of the
production from captive iron ore mines
positively impacted the company’s
previous calendar year.
operating margins compared to the market China continued to remain
price of iron. Godawari Power and Ispat
has continuously strived to improve the the world’s largest crude
production volume from the mines and
expects to grow the volumes further steel producer during the
during the year. For Q2FY20, the iron ore
mining production was flat with a mere
same period (829.21 million
increase of 1 per cent to 3,07,286 MT from tons) followed by India
3,05,207 MT in Q2FY19.
(93.31 million tons), Japan
During FY18-19, the company achieved
capacity utilisation of 92 per cent which is
(83.79 million tons) and the
an increase of 5 per cent as compared to US (74.07 million tons).
that in FY17-18. The production of iron
per cent over the same period of the ore pellets also increased during FY19 by
previous calendar year. China continued to around 5.01 per cent. Higher production of and Ispat intends to increase the capacity
remain the world’s largest crude steel iron ore pellets coupled with better utilisation of its steel melting shop during
producer during the same period (829.21 realisations has been able to contribute the next few quarters. As part of
million tons) followed by India (93.31 towards higher sales and profitability. ferroalloys, the company makes silico
million tons), Japan (83.79 million tons) During FY19, the company’s sponge iron manganese which is then used in making
and the US (74.07 million tons). As for the plant operated at full capacity and achieved steel. Ferroalloys witnessed a decrease in
sector’s performance domestically, the production volumes of 4,60,008 MT production by 23.50 per cent from 13,772
Indian steel industry entered into a new mainly on account of operational MT in FY18 to 10,536 MT in FY19 because
development stage post de-regulation on efficiency. The plant hence operated at a of the strategic shift of power to steel billet
the basis of resurgent economy and rising capacity utilisation of 89 per cent. Iron ore production. Steel billets recording the
demand for steel. pellets production rose by 9 per cent to highest increase in production during
6,94,934 MT in Q2FY20 compared to Q2FY20 by 25 per cent to 79,290 MT
Robust increase in production resulted in 6,40,379 MT in Q2FY19. Similarly, sponge compared to 63,618 MT in Q2FY19.
India becoming the second largest iron production also witnessed an
producer of crude steel during 2018. It is impressive growth of 19 per cent to In the segment of captive power, the
also the largest producer of sponge iron or 1,32,275 MT in Q2FY20 from 1,11,229 company has been operating 73 MW of
DRI in the world. In 2018-19, the MT in Q2FY19. captive power generation capacity out of
production of total finished steel (alloy or which 42 MW is waste heat recovery
stainless + non-alloy) was 101.287 million For FY19, the company reported an whereas 11 MW is thermal coal-based and
tons. The coal-based route accounted for increase of 51.02 per cent in the 20 MW is biomass power. On an overall
around 79 per cent of total sponge iron production of steel billets to 2,98,418 MT basis, production volume decreased by
production (34.71 million tons) in the from 1,97,596 MT in FY18 on the basis of 8.95 per cent to `44.02 crore in FY19 as
country during 2018-19. Capacity in availability of additional power from compared to `48.35 crore in FY18 because
sponge iron-making has increased over the Jagdamba Power and Alloys Limited of higher cost of fuel. Meanwhile, captive
years and stood at 46.56 million tons (JPAL) during the year. Godawari Power power production reduced by 6 per cent to JAN 20 - FEB 02, 2020 I DALAL STREET INVESTMENT JOURNAL 19

Analysis Equity
`10.7 crore in Q2FY20 from `11.3 crore in
Q2FY19. Godawari Power & Ispat Ltd. Conclusion
BSE Code : 532734 CMP (`) 246.65
Financials Particulars Amonut (` Crore) To boost the steel sector, the Indian
Net Sales 3458.88
government has taken various steps such
Looking at the company’s consolidated % Change 17.67% as the National Steel Policy which allows
quarterly financial trends, it reported net Operating Profit 748.69 100 per cent foreign direct investment
sales of `827.88 crore in Q2FY20, % Change -2.83% (FDI) under the automatic route.
registering an increase of 2.92 per cent as Net Profit 242.52 Godawari Power and Ispat is promoted by
compared to `804.39 crore in Q2FY19. % Change -19.33% Hira Group which has a positive track
The increase in net sales is on account of Equity 34.11 record and experience in the steel and
higher utilisation and realisation in pellets. EPS (Rs.) 66.05 ferroalloys industries. It also has backward
The PBDT dropped by 20.10 per cent to FV (Rs.) 10.00 linkages in the form of captive iron ore
`112.35 crore in Q2FY20 from `140.61 P/E (x) 3.76 mines, long-term linkages for coal supply
crore in Q2FY19 as a result of fall in Dividend Yield (%) 0.71 and power supply through captive source
realisation in finished steel. Subsequently, Book Value (Rs) 360.20 and PPA. As of July 2019, CARE Ratings
the company’s net profit fell by 22.11 per (Trailing Four Quarter Data) Consolidated Data upgraded the company’s status to BBB+.
cent to `52.95 crore in Q2FY20 from CMP as on 10 Jan, 2019 Since the company has improved its
`67.98 crore gained in Q2FY19. On the financial and operational performance
annual front, net sales for FY19 increased `336.73 crore in FY18. For FY19, the over a period of time due to higher
by 28.31 per cent to `3,321.63 crore from company gained a net profit of `256.83, realisations and improved capacity
`2,588.84 crore gained in FY18. Its PBDT clocking a growth of 21.55 per cent utilisation of its plants as well as utilisation
grew significantly by 61.14 per cent to compared to net profit of `211.29 crore of surplus cash flows towards its debt
`542.60 crore in FY19 as compared to gained in FY18. repayments, we recommend a BUY. DS


Communication Feature

Our e-mobility company EMOSS has more

than doubled in a year and is in a good
position to cater to the mature markets.
Yatin S Shah
Chairman & Managing Director, Precision Camshafts Limited

Precision Camshaft has always at this point, given that, now we have
adopted inorganic growth four companies that are all on the
growth track.
strategy. Should investors expect
similar growth strategy going We are addressing this by getting young
forward? talented and driven people to join the
group. We have great allocation of
Precision Camshaft Limited (PCL) has responsibility within the management
acquired three companies in quick team as of now, and each business unit
succession in the last two years. We are is run efficiently as a profit centre.
in the process of fully integrating these
companies into the Precision Group and How do you ensure synergy is
making sure that each of the companies derived out of the group
are poised for long-term growth. We are companies?
seeing significant growth at PCL parent
business in an otherwise sluggish We can derive synergy at a group level
economy. MEMCO & MFT have also by standardising operating practices,
been stable despite a significant manufacturing raw parts at PCL
slowdown in the automotive industry. foundries for MFT & MEMCO, bringing in
Our e-mobility company EMOSS has experts from the parent company to
more than doubled in a year and is in a grow the acquired companies, cross
good position to cater to the mature selling products to the expanded
markets. customer base, etc. All these efforts are
already under way and we are seeing
We continue to look for interesting good results.
opportunities and would look at
inorganic expansion to grow the group.
Right now, your company enjoys
Your company supplies critical 9 per cent market share in the
components like balancer shafts, global camshafts industry. What
injector components and other steps are being taken to improve
automotive and non-automotive the market penetration /market
components to OEMs around the share in the global camshafts
world. What is your growth industry?
outlook for the next three years? We strongly believe in the future of IC
engines and have invested heavily in the
We have a solid order book at our camshaft machining as well as machining
component manufacturing companies for balancing shafts at MFT and injector
for the next four to five years. We have parts at MEMCO. The expanded
disclosed new business that has been customer base is allowing us to look at
awarded from GM, Ford, Maruti, Opel business in a bigger way with customers
and Linamar among others. that have not previously been on the PCL
roster. We continue to explore new and
What are the key challenges fast growing markets like Brazil, Mexico,
faced by your company? Uzbekistan, Korea, etc. We are also
expanding our customer base for
Management bandwidth is a challenge e-mobility solutions beyond Europe. JAN 20 - FEB 02, 2020 I DALAL STREET INVESTMENT JOURNAL 21

Special Report
Local or global events have the
power to rock equity markets
over the world but they should
not be the cause for panic among
investors. Geyatee
Deshpande finds out how
markets have recovered in the
past whenever shocks and
contingent events have impacted
markets negatively. There is a
lesson to be learned here by
long-term investors

Shocks Rattle The Markets,

Recoveries Happen Soon After
quity investors, from time to time, are faced with on an intraday basis, thus indicating a fall of almost 3 per cent in
contingent events and shocks that threaten to 2-3 trading sessions. However, the Sensex climbed back with a
shake, rattle and roll the markets. The impact in the sigh of relief and was trading above 41,450 as on January 9 –
initial phases of such events or shocks on investors’ thus indicating recovery in only four trading sessions from the
sentiment is such that investors start believing this time the global events delivered a punch to the equity markets.
may well be the end of a good run for the markets and that
there may be no treatment for such a malaise. In fact, Market Shocks and Impact
doomsayers enjoy such moments when they proclaim that the
curtains on the markets are now down forever. However, guess Over the past few years, we have seen markets being impacted
what, the initial fears of investors have almost always been by various shocks emerging from different parts of the world.
proven wrong by the markets. That is because each time any At times the market correction is triggered due to local events
contingent event – global or local in nature – has impacted the while at times this may happen due to a combination of both
equity markets negatively, there has been a steady recovery in local and global events, as was the case in the year 2016 when
the markets. the Sensex crashed by 1,689 points on account of the Indian
government’s announcement about crackdown on black
At times the markets may have taken longer to recover than money. It resulted in frantic selling in the equity markets.
usual but the fact remains that they have always recovered. Sensex slipped by 6 per cent to 26,902 and Nifty dropped by
This is something that every long-term investor should bear in 541 points to 8,002. This fall was partially explained by
mind. To cite an example, the recent shock faced by global demonetisation and in parts due to weakening rupee and the
equities comes from the crisis in the Middle East region where US’ presidential election. Globally, the equity market corrected
war clouds seem to be forming fast what with the hostilities as well with US’ markets falling nearly 5 per cent.
between certain nations on the increase over the past few
weeks and the probability that the scenario may escalate soon. If we look at the data in the table we find that the markets have
Initially, the Indian markets, matching the sentiments of the not only recovered 100 per cent of the times after being
global equities, sharply reacted negatively to the development. impacted by shocks but also recovered quite fast. If we factor in
various market shocks such as the US-China trade war,
As such, the erosion was quick and the Indian markets were implementation of Long-Term Capital Gains Tax (LTCG),
seen trading down immediately after the developments. BSE demonetisation, Chinese stock market crash, Japanese
Sensex was down by nearly 2 per cent after the news triggered a tsunami, Lehman Brothers’ collapse, political uncertainty,
market correction in the US’ markets. Sensex, from the levels of terrorist attacks or the dot-com bubble going bust since 2000,
41,464 on January 3, touched a bottom of 40,476 on January 8 we find that the Sensex has corrected by 3.59 per cent in a


Shocks and Market impact
Closing Levels Bottom Days to
Market Shock Shock date
Prior Day Next Day % Change  Level % Change recovery
US-China Trade War 07-Sep-18 38242.81 37922.17 -0.84 33349.31 -12.8 193
LTCG 05-Feb-18 35066.75 34195.94 -2.48 32596.24 -7.05 87
Demonetization drive in India 08-Nov-16 27458.99 27252.53 -0.75 25765.14 -6.17 78
Chinese Stock market crash 24-Aug-15 27366.07 26032.38 -4.87 24893.81 -9.03 60
Japanese Tsunami 11-Mar-11 18327.98 18174.09 -0.84 17839.05 -2.67 62
Lehman Bankruptcy 15-Sep-08 14000.81 13518.8 -3.44 8160.4 -41.71 247
Chinese Stock bubble 27-Feb-07 13649.52 12938.09 -5.21 12415.04 -9.04 48
Unexpected Congress party win in
17-May-04 5069.87 4877.02 -3.8 4644 -8.4 88
Terrorist Attacks 11-Sep-01 3183.63 3032.71 -4.74 2600.12 -18.33 70
Dot-com bubble 10-Mar-00 5328.79 5129.22 -3.75 2600.12 -51.21 1375
Medians       -3.59   -9.04 82.5
Past performance is no guarantee of future details. Source: BSE

single trading session post the market shock if we consider the opportunity for long-term investors. Commenting on this market
median figures. If we consider the median for the bottom that reality, momentum investor Vivek Diwate says, “Some of the best
the Sensex touched post various market shocks, we find that it times to invest in stocks are when the markets fall between 5-10
corrected around 9 per cent. per cent. Unless there is a serious damage to the market structure
and the long-term trend is punctured, chances are very bright that
The most interesting aspect that we can glean from the above table the stock prices will recover in no time.”
is that it takes close to 83 days to recover all the losses once the
markets are impacted by such shocks. This goes to show that every “In my experience, a market correction due to a macro event or
market correction triggered by shocks turns out to be a buying global shock is the best time to accumulate portfolio stocks.
Trend analysis is important and focus on quality is most relevant
Market reactions to 20 Middle East crisis events over the past in such times. The idea is to then bet on quality stocks indicating
three decades, according to a CNBC analysis using Kensho better relative strength. It works in most cases and one can beat
the markets while undertaking a more calculated risk,” he adds.
According to an analysis undertaken by CNBC, which has used The only problem while participating in markets during any such
hedge fund analytics tool Kensho to observe financial markets’ distressed environment is that the volatility is heightened and
performance after 20 crisis events in the Middle East over the spike in volatility is something that scares the best of traders and
past three decades, crude oil prices have posted a positive investors. Most investors make the mistake of averaging on their
change of more than 80 per cent of the time in the month already held poor stocks while the trick is to buy quality stocks
following major events, followed by gold and stocks, which are when the markets have corrected close to 10 per cent.
the next best asset class. However, when one takes into
consideration a three-month time horizon, it is seen that stocks
and oil rally further while safe haven assets retrace their initial Conclusion
gains after major events. Treasury and the US dollar basket have In the most recent global critical event, the assassination of
posted negative returns in a three-month timeframe while gold Iranian Major General Qasem Soleimani of the Islamic
prices have remained flat, the study states. Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) spooked the global equity
markets since it was the second most important event in the
Bought one day before crisis, sold one month after history of the US-Iran conflict that has spanned four decades.
Security Trades positive (%) Average return (%) However, despite all rhetoric between both the US and Iran, a
Oil (WTI) 84 5.9 full-scale war between the two hostile countries is unlikely. That
Gold 70 1.5 is the exact reason why we have seen recovery in the Indian
S&P 500 65 0.9 equities in line with the global equities. Long-term investors
US Dollar Index 55 0.1 can use such market correction whenever the prices fall
10-Year T-Note 50 -0.3 anywhere in the range of 2-10 per cent. As the mid-caps are
outperforming, there are signs that the year 2020 is going to be
Bought one day before crisis, sold three months after a better year for investors. Given the above explanation,
Security Trades Positive (%) Average return (%) investors can use any market correction triggered due to a
Oil (WTI) 74 9.1 shock or a contingent event for building long-term portfolios
S&P 500 75 2.8 and generating excess returns, albeit with caution.
Gold 50 0.0
US Dollar Index 50 -0.3 Keep in mind that such events also trigger increase in volatility
10Year T-Note 45 -0.8 and may punish unprepared investors. DS JAN 20 - FEB 02, 2020 I DALAL STREET INVESTMENT JOURNAL 23

Cover Story

Moat Stocks
For All Seasons !
It is a dream of any value investor to identify stocks that have some sort of moat in it.
What is this ‘moat’ and how does one identify stocks with investment moat? Are these
so called moat stocks worth considering? Yogesh Supekar explains how best to
identify stocks with investment moat while Karan Bhojwani shares a list of stocks
with probable investment moat built in it


Value of Moat
arrangement are also known as
companies with investment moat. You Companies with an investing moat are
will find that companies with bigger or the ones which have higher earnings
wider investment moats are the ones power, higher profitability, and higher
which are actually well-protected from returns on capital invested. A company
competitive pressures and remain with an investment moat ideally should
relatively profitable while enjoying larger not be afraid of increasing its product
market share, which of course is crucial prices fearing loss of customers to
in the long run since it proves to be a key competitors. For example, assume that
determinant of profit margins and Tata Motors is a company with an
consistent growth in profits while also investment moat and has recently
keeping the company in business for announced increase in prices for its key
longer periods. models such as Harrier, Nexon, Tiago
and Tigor anywhere between Rs 5,000 to
The Warren Buffet View Rs 55,000. If such an increase in prices
does not lead to slump in sales in a
Here is what ace investor Warren Buffet hyper-competitive segment such as the
has to say about the concept of moat: “I automobile industry, especially in the
don’t want a business that’s easy for passenger vehicle sub-segment, we can
competitors. I want a business with a say that Tata Motors has some quotient
moat around it with a very valuable of investment moat built around its
castle in the middle. And then I want the company and the brand. It can thus be
duke who’s in charge of that castle, to be said that companies with investment
honest, and hard-working and able. And moats may not face exodus of customers
then I want a big moat around the castle, just because the competitors have
and that moat can be various things. The reduced their product prices. The
moat in a business like our automotive competitors in this case are selling
Good market condition or poor market insurance business at GEICO is low-cost. similar products and or services with
condition, ‘risk on’ or ‘risk off’ mood in I mean people have to buy automotive different prices.
the market – the hunt for quality stocks insurance, so everybody’s going to have
is always on. One of the most popular one insurance policy per car basically, or Wide Moat Stocks
investment terminologies used while per driver. And I can’t sell them 20
identifying quality stocks is ‘stocks with policies but they have to buy one. What For companies to fall in the wide moat
an investment moat’. What is this moat are they going to buy it on? They are category they should enjoy a high market
after all and why should investors going to buy it based on service and cost. share and operate at high profitability
continue identifying it in stocks? Literally Most people will assume the service is levels. Also, wide moat companies are the
speaking, moat is nothing but a hole dug fairly identical among companies, or ones that improve their profitability with
around a castle, which is later filled with close enough, so they are going to do it time. One can identify the growth
water for ‘safety arrangement’. Safer the on cost, and therefore I have to be momentum by comparing the profitability
arrangement i.e. wider and deeper the low-cost producer. That’s my moat. To growth with historical averages. To
hole is, bigger the moat is, and hence the extent my costs get further lower understand growth in profitability, the
more protected is the castle. In those than the other guy, I have thrown a historical return on equity (RoE) should be
days of yore when kings and dukes ruled couple of sharks into the moat.” studied. One of the best ways to
regions and lived in castles, a big moat
would make it tough for attackers to gain
access into the castle.
Charlie Munger, Leading American investor
Similarly, in the business world any
company with a wider and deeper safety
siness and a bad business it is
arrangement or in other words a bigger
moat will always tend to be safer differ ence be tw ee n a go od bu
The The
relatively and hence profitable in the
go od bu sin esses throw up on e easy decision after another.
decisions time after time.”
long term, devoid of competitive
pressure, relatively speaking. Such bu sines se s throw up painf ul
companies with bigger safety

Cover Story
Stocks with High RoE (Current RoE higher than the average 5 year RoE and Sector RoE)
Latest Market Cap ROE Last Returns
Company Name Sector ROCE (%) ROE (%) ROE Sector (%)
(` cr) 5 Years (%) (%)
Gujarat Gas 17598.69 Trading 18.7 20.69 12.51 17.31 93.97
Manappuram Finance 14736.42 Finance 14.34 19.4 12.74 17.19 85.33
JK Cement 9925.88 Construction Materials 14.27 12.89 12.46 11.55 79.76
Balrampur Chini Mills 4094.20 Agri 19.89 31.1 13.24 18.31 72.88
SRF 19665.62 Diversified 13.4 14.04 13.36 13.7 71.12
Astrazeneca Pharma India 6329.00 Healthcare 26.53 20.03 15.22 6.46 70.79
Adani Gas 18812.25 Trading 23.94 21.4 12.51 17.4 68.61
Abbott India 27068.64 Healthcare 37.88 24.66 15.22 24.6 68.37
APL Apollo Tubes 4597.21 Iron & Steel 16.36 13.31 13.07 12.11 60.82
ICICI Lombard General Insurance Co 63114.34 Insurance 329.57 21.28 15.92 19.99 60.71
Bajaj Finance 241120.88 Finance 14.69 22.13 12.74 20.99 56.99
Bata India 22064.32 Retailing 30.54 20.44 14.89 18.81 52.68
Rites 7630.00 Capital Goods 29.71 19.4 18.46 18.32 47.16
Muthoot Finance 30094.71 Finance 16.22 22.45 12.74 19.29 46.72
Inox Leisure 3852.02 Media & Entertainment 21.89 15.75 8.13 11.13 46.06
Ipca Laboratories 14414.25 Healthcare 16.76 15.6 15.22 9.76 46
Tube Investments of India 9108.71 Automobile & Ancillaries 21.68 18.55 17.17 10.48 39.31
Godrej Properties 24457.64 Realty 9.48 10.22 9.49 6.97 35.93
Adani Enterprises 22441.62 Trading 14.5 13.62 12.51 7.27 35.13
Procter & Gamble Health 7103.79 Healthcare 100.08 73.79 15.22 23.44 34.7

Source : ACE Equity

Nestle India 137776.13 FMCG 70.93 45.3 28.61 36.02 32.57
KEI Industries 3738.30 Electricals 29.41 26.48 25.43 21.51 32
Astral Poly Technik 17277.19 Plastic Products 20.42 13.96 9.83 13.33 26.11
Petronet LNG 40627.50 Inds. Gases & Fuels 30.33 21.79 14.75 19.94 24.73

understand stocks with growth better stock from the other but where  High entry barriers to business, as
momentum is to identify those stocks that will the conviction to hold the stocks for example companies like RIL,
reflect higher current RoEs than the come from? Understanding the moat is ONGC, Microsoft, etc.
five-year average RoEs. Usually it is a what matters and helps investors hinge  Distribution network, examples
norm that the stocks with moat will reflect on to quality stocks for long terms.” being HUL, Flipkart, Amazon, SBI,
higher RoEs than the sector average RoEs. etc.
Investment Moat  Brands such as Nestle (Maggi,
Says Gautam Diwani, who has been an Nescafe), Pidilite (Fevicol), Eicher
investor for more than two decades: Usually companies with investment Motors (Royal Enfield), Bisleri, etc.
“Identifying stocks with moat is crucial moats are those with the following
if you want to be successful in the competitive advantages, termed Companies with economic moats are the
investment game. One can study economic moats: ones with better products and those that
numbers, profit and loss statement and  Better products, as for example, reinvest the profits earned into
balance-sheet, perform ratio analysis Apple. intellectual capital. Moat companies are
and ascertain which stock is better than  Intellectual capital in terms of found to enjoy economies of scale and
the other. However, when one identifies patents and copyrights, as for lower cost structure compared to their
the moat in any company the conviction example, big pharmaceutical competitors. It is a common observation
in the invested stock increases companies. that customers of banks find it difficult
tremendously and that conviction helps  Economies of scales and lower cost to switch to new banks; hence a greater
us remain invested in a good company structure, such as Tata Steel. number of captive customers are seen
for long term. And that to me is the key  Captive customers. This is observed depending on the same banking services.
for wealth creation. If one just studies when the switching cost is high as in This leads to a wider moat for the bank,
the number without understanding the banks and sophisticated technology which in turn contributes to its higher
moat of the company, one will identify a like ERP systems. profitability.


Cover Story
Probable Stocks With Investment Moat (High Market Share)
Historical PE YoY Quarterly YOY Quarterly
Market Current
Company Name Industry ratio – 3 Years Profit Growth Sales Growth
Capitalization PE Ratio
(Average) (%) (%)
Multi Commodity
Finance - Stock Broking 6921.24 36.95 30.14 100.50 40.86
Exchange Of India
Avanti Feeds Consumer Food 8843.70 22.14 24.86 132.82 41.05
Info Edge (India) BPO/ITeS 31192.61 68.32 79.82 -22.42 17.69
Engineering - Industrial
GMM Pfaudler 2910.93 35.84 43.16 51.10 27.75
Jubilant FoodWorks Consumer Food 22701.31 80.61 58.99 -3.41 12.17
Asian Paints Paints 174434.91 60.27 67.03 66.67 9.43
Pidilite Industries Chemicals 72500.81 53.19 64.44 39.75 2.81
Greaves Cotton Diesel Engines 3212.62 19.16 20.14 -11.72 3.50
Automobile Two &
Bajaj Auto 89748.63 19.61 18.04 21.84 -4.25
Three Wheelers
Hindustan Unilever Household & Personal Products 434910.74 53.33 61.11 23.42 6.09
Subros Auto Ancillary 1871.61 49.02 22.88 -42.69 -11.98
Zydus Wellness Consumer Food 8451.55 47.69 77.74 -128.51 135.89
Tata Motors Automobiles-Trucks/Lcv 60466.63 9.76 29.29 -116.05 -9.16
Solar Industries
Chemicals 9908.21 58.78 50.87 57.53 -2.75
Source : ACE Equity # Annualised Returns Data as on 10 Jan, 2020

Market Outlook 2020 Yes Securities

Mid-to-late 2020 or early 2021 will mark a fresh secular journey for Indian
equities. Many headwinds should recede in 12-15 months. A gradual A moat refers to business
recovery in economic growth, so also an improved access to credit in the enterprise’s ability of maintaining
months to come, a pickup in bad asset resolution following the Essar Steel
settlement, a bumper Rabi crop, and swift government measures pertaining
competitive advantages over its
to ease of doing business, structural reforms and less government in competitors in order to protect its
business are likely to take shape. An attractive earnings yield, lacklustre long-term profits and market share
alternate asset classes, our view on benign long-term oil prices, and a
supportive global risk-on trade are other positives for equities.
from competing firms.

Offering his view about the concept, Atul fixed deposits, gold locker, and also up buying their additional or
Gugale, a small time businessman from online mutual fund investment account incremental products and services.”
Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, says, “I have with the same bank. Several other private
a bank account in one of the leading banks approach me and pitch me their Conclusion
private banks in India. I have both banking services, but I am not able to
savings and current accounts along with switch my bank account anywhere else. I While the outlook remains strong for the
loans against property, personal loan, have become their permanent customer equity markets in 2020 and experts
cash credit (CC), debit card, credit card, and I have noticed every year that I end recommend being optimistically cautious


Profit Growth Sales Growth Current ROCE – 3 Years ROCE – 5 Years ROE – 5 Years Returns Returns Returns
5 Years 5 Years ROCE (Average) (Average) (Average) 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years
ROE (%) (%) #
(CAGR) (%) (CAGR) (%) (%) (%) (%) '(%) (%) (%) #
-0.97 -1.26 9.26 10.85 11.46 9.04 8.72 80.4 2.96 9.95

34.44 25.67 33.74 59.00 59.80 22.35 41.59 62.48 49.14 42.32
71.40 15.24 18.22 15.42 15.85 12.86 11.27 61.42 44.09 24.16

21.55 12.82 30.95 27.33 24.97 20.14 16.24 58.26 49.28 43.53

21.88 15.47 41.77 28.89 27.23 27.37 18.44 40.01 60.64 20.21
11.45 8.99 38.38 39.32 43.02 25.59 28.91 28.16 24.67 17.12
15.65 10.69 35.70 37.38 37.18 25.33 26.25 26.88 30.87 22.04
5.68 3.14 25.88 28.33 26.61 17.55 18.50 14.41 4.63 -1.92

7.19 8.43 32.62 33.12 37.04 22.87 26.23 14.14 4.22 5.44

8.91 6.27 116.06 108.10 124.14 82.24 87.75 9.4 33.01 17.74
29.68 12.70 18.22 13.95 11.86 14.03 9.59 8.29 20.33 32.92
11.74 15.92 4.53 15.35 19.86 4.80 20.09 7.76 18.34 12.74
- 5.34 10.56 3.54 1.58 9.55 -6.92 5.85 -27.50 -17.58

16.41 16.94 30.43 26.84 25.50 23.29 21.31 5.03 16.57 13.34

on markets, the best that investors can do Bombay Burmah Trading Corporation showing higher gross profit margins
for themselves is to identify stocks with are examples of stocks that were once and net profit margins indicating
wider economic moats and construct a constituents of the Sensex. After passage pricing power can be considered for
portfolio of such stocks. Moat stocks are of three decades, these index further research and preference can be
expected to deliver positive results in the constituents have not grown in line with given to those companies that indicate
long term as the moat gets wider and investors’ expectations. Even in the minimal investment required to stay
deeper and impacts the profitability history of corporate America, General competitive.
positively. Thus, a portfolio of moat stocks Electric is the only company that has
should be constructed with a long-term remained a constituent of its key The ROCE is almost always greater than
view. While doing so it should be benchmark index for over 100 years! the cost of capital for moat stocks. ROIC
remembered that not all stocks reflecting should be high along with RoEs.
moat will be meeting investors’ Thus, wider moat is great but to assume Investors can also focus on consistency
expectations as it is quite possible that the that it is going to exist forever would be a in dividend distribution and the
moat wanes instead of getting wider as mistake. Investors thus have to exercise dividend yield. The dividend aristocrats
time passes. caution in constructing a portfolio of can be good candidates with investment
wider moat stocks. Identifying a moats. A diversified portfolio of moat
This is the exact reason why investors company with a moat is one task and to stocks is the ultimate solution if you are
have to be on top of their portfolio continuously keep tracking the company looking to focus on quality without
investments and need to monitor them for the changes in its competitive compromising on growth. Indeed, a
regularly. History teaches us that very position is another essential aspect of portfolio of moat stocks constructed
few companies are able to sustain for successful investing using moat stocks. diligently could be your answer to beat
very long. Asian Cables, Ballarpur Certain quantitative aspects should be markets in long run because here is
Industries, CEAT, Century Textile and examined before investing. Those stocks where quality meets growth. DS JAN 20 - FEB 02, 2020 I DALAL STREET INVESTMENT JOURNAL 29

Databank Updated as on Jan. 10, 2020

Key To
Subscribers can access the complete databank consisting of
Databank Updated Information
more than 3500 companies on our website
 Face Value: Actual cost of the stock assigned by the security issuer and shown in the certificate.  NoShold: Indicates the Number of Share Holders of the company. (In Thousands)
 Year: First two digits shows Year while last two digits show month of calender, eg. 1103 shows  Market Cap: Current market price multiply no.of equity shares.
March’2011 results.  Price: Current Market Price.
 CEqt.: Current paid up capital of the company.  52 Week H/L: High/Low range is taken for the market prices during the 52 week H/L.
 B.V: Book Value Per Share: Equity capital plus reserves to the number of equity shares.  Enterprise Value : Current Market Cap Plus Debt Minus Cash and Bank Balances.
 Sales: Sales figures includes Excise duty.  Trail.P/E Ratio: Current market price to Trailing 12 months EPS.
 NP: Net Profit : Profit after tax but before investment allowance reserves.  Ticker: BSE Scrip Code
 EPS: Earnings Per Share: Ratio of net profit less preference dividend to the number of equity  U: Unaudited.
shares (Annualised).  Companies with an (“) following their equity capital have increased their capital after the
 Div (Rs.): Indicates the dividend per share. last financial year.
 D/E Ratio : A measure of a company’s financial leverage calculated by dividing its total  Companies with an (*) Before the name of the Company, indicates new addition/
Debt by stockholders’ equity. updation/correction made during the fortnight.
 RONW (%): Net Profit Divided by Total NetWorth.  CB: Cum-Bonus XB: Ex-Bonus.
 Latest Quarter: Indicates the recent quarterly filing of the company with the stock  EX: Ex-Rights wherever the price is indicated a Ex-bonus or Ex-rights, the
exchange. corresponding figures for equity. Reserves, Book value and EPS are adjusted
 YearToDate : Latest Results (qtr,half or Nine) of the company. as per the bonus or the Rights ratio.
 Sales Growth % : Indicates the % growth of sales on year-on-year basis. Notes: (A) The Profit figure reflects the performance of the current year. We have
made the necessary adjustments for the prior year’s entries in P/L .A/c to reflect the
 NP Growth % : Indicates the % growth of Net profit (NP) on year-on-yearbasis. true performance of the current year. Thus our figures may not be comparable with those
 Promoter Holding: Indicates the % of equity holding with the promoters of the company. published elsewhere unless they represent the same thing. (B) Source of information is
 Promoters pledged shares % :Indicates the % of shares Pledged by promoters. Company press releases and Annual Reports.
Institutional Holding: Indicates the % of equity holdings in the company held by Financial
Institutions, Banks,Insurance companies,MF’s and FIIs. Data powered by: Dion Global Solutions Ltd.,
Bangalore. Tel:080 - 40467500. For more details visit


Inst. Stake (%)

Trailing P/E Ratio

Sales Growth (%)

No. of Shareholder
Prom. Stake (%)
Latest Qtr. Year

Pledged (%)

Entprise Value
NP Growth (%)
Year / Months

Year / Months

Sales (` Cr)
CEqt. (` Cr)

Market Cap
Face Value

RONW (%)

Company Name
Bk Val (`)

NP (` Cr)
NP (` Cr)


CMP (`)
EPS (`)

(in’ 000)
Div (`)

(` Cr)
(` Cr)

(` Cr)

(` Cr)

(` Cr)


IND. COMPOSITE 62 904 16 37
Mishtann Foods L 1 1903 50.0 1 482 11.8 0.2 0.00 0.5 17.1 1909 115.7 2.9 1909H 241.6 1 6.0 11 49.28 0 0.00 1.7 640 12.79 72/13 675 -
Raghuvansh Agrofarms 10 1903 11.9 28 422 4.5 3.8 - 1.9 13.4 - - - - - - - - 21.10 0 0.00 0.5 237 199.10 200/73 301 -
IND. COMPOSITE 1098 60897 -928 303
InterGlobe Aviation 10 1903 384.8 179 28497 156.1 4.1 5.00 0.3 2.3 1909 8105.2 -1065.6 1909H 17525.3 38 134.9 122 74.85 0 20.98 63.1 54497 1416.25 1911/1049 48090 59.5
Jet Airways 10 1803 113.6 -638 23287 -767.6 -67.6 - -0.7 - 1812 6148.0 -587.8 1812N 18319.6 6 -3208.2 -1295 24.98 21 29.38 150.6 494 43.50 312/15 4429 -
Spicejet Ltd. 10 1903 599.7 -6 9113 -316.1 -5.3 - -2.8 - 1909 2845.3 -462.6 1909H 5847.3 42 -200.9 53 59.96 39 13.12 149.5 6366 106.15 157/73 7263 -
IND. COMPOSITE 1183 57509 2958 19
Hindalco Indus. 1 1903 224.6* 216 45749 1205.4 5.4 1.20 0.4 2.5 1909 9965.0 78.0 1909H 20020.0 -7 101.0 -86 34.65 0 46.49 298.2 47459 211.30 221/171 65408 81.3
MMP Industries Ltd. 10 1903 25.4* 65 261 20.4 8.0 - 0.1 12.4 - - - - - - - - 73.42 0 14.18 0.7 277 109.00XB 139/90 248 -
National Alumini 5 1903 932.8 56 11499 1732.4 9.3 5.75 0.0 16.5 1909 2363.6 -28.4 1909H 4447.6 -26 69.4 -94 51.99 0 27.69 214.7 8489 45.50 63/37 5059 14.0
IND. COMPOSITE 16 413 7 8
Arfin India 10 1903 15.9 54 413 6.6 4.1 0.67 1.3 7.6 1909 81.1 1.9 1909H 176.9 -18 3.0 -47 74.10 0 1.79 1.8 95 59.50 256/40 203 24.4
IND. COMPOSITE 68 4782 307 30
Avanti Feeds Lim 1 1903 13.6 78 2738 223.5 16.4 4.00 0.0 21.0 1909 832.9 105.2 1909H 1740.1 18 185.3 65 43.72 0 16.76 88.2 8378 614.90 626/253 8237 28.2
Coastal Corporation 10 1903 10.2 123 468 42.8 42.1 1.50 0.7 34.3 1909 139.2 12.9 1909H 248.4 24 22.4 -23 32.91 0 0.00 2.1 284 279.50 400/126 341 7.9
KSE 10 1903 3.2 406 1209 9.4 29.5 15.00 0.3 7.3 1909 354.5 4.0 1909H 695.4 14 -8.6 -137 25.61 0 0.10 6.5 399 1247.70 1784/898 414 -
Waterbase Ltd. 10 1903 41.4 42 365 30.8 7.4 1.50 0.1 17.8 1909 93.3 8.9 1909H 212.8 -15 20.3 -23 67.12 0 0.01 41.3 579 139.85 192/81 591 23.5
IND. COMPOSITE 497 82937 8887 19
Atul Auto Ltd 5 1903 11.0 118 667 53.1 24.2 4.00 0.0 20.5 1909 172.2 17.7 1909H 319.9 2 28.9 15 52.69 0 18.60 20.8 540 246.25 372/198 524 9.5
Bajaj Auto Ltd. 10 1903 289.4 753 30250 4675.2 161.6 60.00 0.0 21.5 1909 7707.3 1402.4 1909H 15463.1 0 2528.1 11 53.52 0 23.83 106.8 89792 3103.05 3290/2400 88869 18.2
Hero MotoCorp 2 1903 39.9* 644 33651 3384.9 169.5 87.00 0.0 26.3 1909 7570.7 874.8 1909H 15601.0 -13 2132.1 13 34.63 0 55.63 133.6 47186 2362.40 3021/2228 47049 13.0
Maha. Scooters 10 1903 11.4 9908 14 72.8 63.7 33.00 0.0 0.6 1909 2.9 68.9 1909H 4.3 -46 70.6 6 50.99 0 9.05 12.4 5001 4376.15 4948/3024 4996 65.1
Majestic Auto 10 1903 10.4 364 81 35.9 34.6 - 0.2 9.5 1909 7.9 3.6 1909H 17.1 44 5.2 3391 74.99 0 0.04 5.1 136 131.10 245/93 238 3.3
Scooters India 10 1903 87.3 8 64 -4.6 -0.5 - 0.2 - 1909 17.7 -3.4 1909H 31.4 8 -10.1 -288 93.87 0 3.88 8.7 257 29.50 51/21 251 -
TVS Motor Co. Ltd. 1 1903 47.5 70 18210 670.1 14.1 3.50 0.4 20.0 1909 4347.8 255.0 1909H 8816.5 -4 397.3 11 57.39 0 32.55 132.8 22343 470.30 560/340 23677 31.5
IND. COMPOSITE 1639 110679 7591 28
Amara Raja Batt. 1 1903 17.1 195 6793 483.5 28.3 7.08 0.0 14.5 1909 1695.3 218.8 1909H 3510.3 -1 359.8 54 28.06 6 31.64 71.1 12555 735.00 796/573 12530 20.6
AutoCorpn of Goa 10 1903 6.4 328 426 20.9 32.5 17.50 0.0 9.9 1909 82.6 5.1 1909H 204.1 -11 11.7 1 53.50 0 0.09 12.0 361 562.30 699/441 357 17.2
Automotive Axles 10 1903 15.1 356 1939 121.6 80.4 19.50 0.1 22.6 1909 200.0 6.2 1909H 618.5 -36 30.9 -49 71.03 0 14.94 18.8 1288 852.10 1340/731 1314 14.1
Banco Products 2 1903 14.3 93 736 122.9 17.2 8.00 0.0 18.5 1909 151.3 14.1 1909H 317.1 -13 48.2 -27 67.88 0 4.57 24.2 774 108.20 185/90 658 7.3
Bharat Seats 2 1903 6.3 33 904 21.4 6.8 1.00 0.3 20.5 1909 150.3 7.0 1909H 320.5 -36 10.8 -23 74.38 0 0.10 11.1 219 69.85 108/51 236 12.0
Bosch Ltd. 10 1903 29.5 3094 12258 1598.0 541.8 105.00 0.0 17.5 1909 2312.7 98.4 1909H 5068.1 -21 378.4 -56 70.54 0 20.54 73.4 43787 14846.4019724/12699 42535 38.9
Endurance Technologi 10 1903 140.7 148 5417 357.9 25.4 5.50 0.1 17.2 1909 1292.0 136.6 1909H 2653.2 -4 265.6 44 75.00 0 23.61 35.6 14518 1032.10 1380/743 14702 33.1
Enkei Wheels (India) 5 1903 8.5 76 474 12.7 7.5 - 0.2 9.8 1909 98.0 -5.7 1909H 213.2 -15 -11.0 -2069 73.64 0 0.97 4.2 528 309.25 419/280 528 239.3
Exide Inds. 1 1903 85.0 70 10588 844.0 9.9 2.40 0.0 14.1 1909 2610.9 237.3 1909H 5390.1 -2 461.6 -4 45.99 0 33.30 174.3 15785 185.70 264/166 15711 19.1



Inst. Stake (%)

Trailing P/E Ratio

Sales Growth (%)

No. of Shareholder
Prom. Stake (%)
Latest Qtr. Year

Pledged (%)

Entprise Value
NP Growth (%)
Year / Months

Year / Months

Sales (` Cr)
CEqt. (` Cr)

Market Cap
Face Value

RONW (%)
Company Name
Bk Val (`)

NP (` Cr)
NP (` Cr)


CMP (`)
EPS (`)

(in’ 000)
Div (`)

(` Cr)
(` Cr)

(` Cr)

(` Cr)

(` Cr)

Federal-Mogul Goetze 10 1903 55.6 132 1319 82.5 14.8 - 0.1 11.3 1909 254.2 10.7 1909H 561.5 -18 21.4 -54 74.98 0 14.17 15.7 3683 662.00 665/463 3740 64.1
FIEM Industries 10 1903 13.2 362 1444 55.5 42.2 12.00 0.3 11.6 1909 371.0 15.6 1909H 730.9 -3 30.0 9 66.55 0 12.12 15.9 596 453.00 561/313 726 10.3
Gabriel India 1 1903 14.4 41 2076 95.0 6.6 1.50 0.0 16.1 1909 472.7 18.5 1909H 989.8 -6 40.6 -27 52.74 0 14.64 60.8 1806 125.70 159/85 1764 22.6
GNA Axles 10 1903 21.5 187 928 65.9 30.7 2.75 0.4 16.4 1909 256.0 22.3 1909H 514.2 17 40.5 34 66.50 12 13.59 23.0 575 267.65 392/211 726 7.5
Harita Seating Syst. 10 1903 7.8 172 478 22.0 28.3 6.00 0.2 16.4 1906 93.0 -2.6 1906Q 93.0 -29 -2.6 -185 81.09 0 10.89 7.8 382 492.15 543/345 413 23.5
HBL Power Systems Lt 1 1903 27.7 28 1257 25.1 0.9 0.30 0.3 3.2 1909 302.2 5.4 1909H 561.7 -11 11.4 6 57.32 0 22.82 45.2 478 17.25 30/13 662 -
Hind. Composites 5 1903 7.4 517 197 19.0 12.9 0.13 0.0 2.5 1909 42.9 2.5 1909H 92.7 -4 5.9 -29 74.97 0 0.01 15.8 263 178.10 296/157 264 15.8
India Nippon Ele 5 1903 11.3 177 525 59.5 26.3 7.00 0.0 14.8 1909 119.8 14.1 1909H 250.2 -3 34.8 28 66.38 0 3.31 12.1 988 436.70 482/290 981 14.7
IST Ltd. 5 1903 5.8* 158 22 7.6 6.5 - 0.0 4.1 1909 5.0 2.1 1909H 8.5 -35 4.1 -7 74.99 0 0.00 6.9 428 366.65 431/238 427 58.4
Jamna Auto Inds. 1 1903 39.8 13 2047 139.8 3.5 0.14 0.0 27.2 1909 217.5 5.4 1909H 633.0 -41 26.2 -66 47.87 0 12.17 106.5 1805 45.30 65/30 1782 20.2
Jay Bharat Marut 5 1903 10.8 187 1994 52.2 24.1 2.50 0.9 12.9 1909 411.0 3.4 1909H 853.9 -19 11.2 -62 59.34 0 0.09 16.5 499 230.70 322/133 847 14.9
*Jay Ushin Ltd. 10 1903 3.9 194 855 11.5 29.9 3.00 1.7 15.4 1909 169.5 2.6 1909H 350.1 -26 4.2 -40 56.30 0 0.02 2.4 177 456.75 494/181 302 20.4
JBM Auto 5 1903 20.4 63 994 48.9 12.0 2.25 1.4 18.9 1909 207.3 7.8 1909H 441.4 -6 17.9 -22 61.95 0 0.13 18.5 1113 272.75 307/135 1467 25.3
JTEKT India 1 1903 24.4 23 1773 68.6 2.8 0.80 0.2 12.0 1909 396.7 9.0 1909H 792.0 22 16.0 -42 74.99 0 5.70 31.3 2189 89.55 119/64 2212 47.6
LG Balakrishnan&Bros 10 1903 31.4 203 1582 96.7 30.8 5.00 0.3 15.2 1909 388.1 36.0 1909H 727.7 -8 50.5 2 47.73 17 17.96 19.6 1029 327.80 450/210 1185 10.6
Lumax Auto Technolog 2 1903 13.6 40 652 45.5 6.7 3.00 0.2 16.7 1909 247.2 24.0 1909H 482.9 14 41.0 37 55.88 0 23.26 14.6 717 105.20 182/73 763 14.1
Lumax Inds. 10 1903 9.3 398 1851 107.4 114.9 35.00 0.4 28.9 1909 429.0 19.0 1909H 831.1 -18 32.9 -26 74.99 0 1.63 17.5 1322 1414.50 1965/912 1458 13.8
Minda Corporation 2 1903 45.4 50 2371 160.6 7.1 0.70 0.3 14.2 1909 528.9 39.8 1909H 1091.8 90 68.1 10 68.10 0 14.34 33.1 2447 107.70 157/66 2467 21.9
Minda Industries 2 1903 52.4 42 2100 145.3 5.5 1.10 0.3 13.2 1909 488.6 34.2 1909H 1004.1 -5 56.8 -23 70.78 0 16.74 49.1 10407 396.90 416/256 10750 80.8
MothersonSumiSystems 1 1903 315.8 20 7581 813.8 2.6 1.33 0.2 12.6 1909 1652.7 174.2 1909H 3495.6 -13 346.3 -25 61.72 5 28.44 288.0 46927 148.60 176/91 47923 67.2
Munjal Auto Industr. 2 1903 20.0 30 1147 33.3 3.3 1.00 0.1 11.0 1909 295.4 3.0 1909H 574.6 -7 7.1 -53 74.80 0 0.11 32.3 459 45.85 62/29 467 18.2
Munjal Showa Ltd 2 1903 8.0 153 1669 62.6 15.7 4.50 0.0 10.3 1909 352.2 11.5 1909H 740.1 -18 27.2 -25 65.01 0 0.29 18.7 543 135.70 184/115 500 10.2
Omax Auto 10 1903 21.4 107 992 0.4 0.2 - 0.8 0.2 1909 100.2 13.8 1909H 274.0 -53 42.8 4515 56.77 0 0.00 12.4 100 46.65 101/33 260 2.3
PPAP Automotive 10 1903 14.0 211 411 33.4 23.9 4.50 0.1 11.3 1909 85.3 4.3 1909H 177.3 -19 10.1 -51 64.20 0 0.38 17.7 267 190.55 377/154 283 11.6
Precision Camshafts 10 1903 95.0 63 424 42.9 4.5 1.00 0.0 7.1 1909 108.1 15.5 1909H 223.3 16 25.8 81 63.98 0 10.69 37.0 386 40.60 70/24 335 7.1
Pricol L 1 1903 9.5 68 1378 -227.9 -24.0 - 0.4 - 1909 317.5 -17.9 1909H 636.9 -10 -37.0 -577 36.52 0 2.06 39.9 538 56.75 61/22 770 -
Racl Geartech 10 1903 10.8 62 190 9.8 9.1 - 1.1 14.6 1909 56.0 5.1 1909H 108.8 31 8.3 95 53.31 15 0.00 8.1 121 112.20 118/52 196 8.8
Rane (Madras) 10 1903 12.0 260 1370 47.2 39.5 8.50 0.9 15.2 1909 280.1 2.7 1909H 576.0 -17 5.9 -78 62.83 0 0.14 10.0 353 295.10 498/200 626 13.6
Rane Brake Lining Lt 10 1903 7.9 265 514 36.5 46.2 15.50 0.0 17.4 1909 109.4 7.5 1909H 225.7 -7 14.8 24 66.99 0 9.79 13.0 516 651.90 784/423 502 13.1
Rane Engine Valve Lt 10 1903 6.7 189 423 -13.6 -20.2 - 0.9 - 1909 92.6 -3.7 1909H 195.6 -7 -7.9 6 54.84 0 1.30 6.2 178 265.45 643/195 292 -
Rico Auto Inds. 1 1903 13.5 43 1196 48.8 3.6 0.80 0.5 8.4 1909 310.3 7.6 1909H 615.0 -1 13.8 -54 50.28 0 8.57 62.4 642 47.45 75/35 931 19.8
Samkrg Pistons & Rin 10 1903 9.8 144 290 21.0 21.4 5.00 0.2 14.9 1909 63.8 6.2 1909H 122.5 -18 10.7 -12 66.87 0 0.03 9.6 125 127.65 199/90 149 6.4
Sandhar Technologies 10 1903 60.2 118 2037 95.3 15.8 2.50 0.2 13.4 1909 429.4 18.6 1909H 902.0 -12 34.8 -27 70.24 0 18.01 24.4 1648 273.75 314/223 1760 20.0
Setco Automotive 2 1903 26.8 20 613 36.2 2.7 1.00 0.8 13.8 1909 116.4 3.9 1909H 244.7 -20 11.4 -33 59.14 92 0.11 32.9 203 15.16 36/12 392 6.6
Shanthi Gears 1 1903 7.7 39 243 33.4 4.3 6.00 0.0 11.1 1909 70.9 8.4 1909H 142.7 18 17.8 2 70.47 0 8.08 14.4 777 101.30 136/84 757 23.1
Sharda Motor Ind 10 1903 5.9 737 1140 87.9 147.8 - 0.0 20.0 1909 210.0 18.8 1909H 463.7 -22 35.0 -20 73.19 0 0.58 8.6 633 1065.35 1665/765 492 8.0
Shivam Autotech Ltd. 2 1903 20.0 17 636 -18.2 -1.8 - 2.2 - 1909 156.3 -6.4 1909H 330.1 4 -14.8 -510 74.79 0 0.02 26.5 231 23.05 46/17 597 -
Shriram Pistons 10 1903 22.4 459 1955 138.4 61.9 10.00 0.2 13.5 1909 421.1 30.2 1909H 855.7 -10 47.7 -32 47.35 0 10.36 2.1 1589 710.00 1158/650 1589 13.7
*Sintercom India 10 1903 24.2 33 83 5.5 2.3 - 0.3 6.2 - - - - - - - - 13.81 0 2.33 0.9 177 73.00 79/56 200 -
*Steel Strips Wheels 10 1903 15.6 423 2041 82.4 52.8 4.00 1.3 12.5 1912 343.6 6.3 1912N 1176.3 -22 28.7 -54 61.09 51 1.01 14.9 1193 765.15 939/720 1923 24.5
Subros Ltd. 2 1903 13.0 104 2124 76.1 11.7 1.30 0.3 11.2 1909 496.5 13.2 1909H 1068.7 -2 55.0 29 36.78 0 8.52 21.8 1887 289.20 306/164 1984 21.3
Sundaram Clayton 5 1903 10.1 340 1833 119.7 59.1 36.00 1.0 17.4 1909 342.9 1.4 1909H 717.0 -25 6.2 -67 74.99 0 15.93 17.2 4207 2079.55 3525/1700 4883 39.4
Sundaram Fasten. 1 1903 21.0 91 4002 437.1 20.8 5.10 0.4 22.9 1909 766.8 71.1 1909H 1712.2 -13 164.2 -24 49.53 0 25.20 59.7 10210 485.90 593/400 11001 26.5
SundaramBrakeLining 10 1903 3.9 208 286 7.1 17.9 - 0.4 8.6 1909 59.1 -0.4 1909H 132.4 -6 0.9 -70 65.54 0 0.04 8.7 115 291.35 414/220 144 23.4
Suprajit Enginee 1 1903 14.0 50 1058 114.8 8.2 1.55 0.2 16.4 1909 275.4 46.9 1909H 522.9 2 71.9 27 44.56 0 18.56 44.2 2946 210.65 247/146 3078 22.6
*Talbros Auto. 10 1903 12.3 149 483 21.7 17.6 1.80 0.7 11.8 1909 90.7 2.1 1909H 198.2 -21 4.7 -58 57.67 0 1.52 19.2 171 138.90 243/97 300 11.4
The Hi-Tech Gears 10 1903 18.8 143 647 35.5 18.9 3.50 0.9 13.2 1909 133.6 4.3 1909H 284.3 -15 7.3 -38 55.39 0 0.00 5.2 357 190.15 348/142 551 11.5
Triton Valves 10 1903 1.0 731 243 3.5 34.9 12.00 0.7 4.8 1909 53.9 1.5 1909H 107.0 -11 2.7 3586 50.47 0 0.99 6.4 91 919.00 1200/778 140 14.9
Ucal Fuel System 10 1903 22.1 192 596 38.8 17.5 9.00 0.3 9.1 1909 136.9 7.2 1909H 278.8 -11 21.3 2 70.33 9 0.27 19.3 307 139.00 183/110 453 7.8
Varroc Engineering 1 1903 13.5 84 2573 119.5 8.9 - 0.2 10.6 1909 587.2 24.4 1909H 1213.3 -8 43.2 -41 84.99 0 12.63 48.5 6255 463.95 750/380 6486 69.9
WABCO India 5 1903 9.5 938 2878 282.2 148.8 9.00 0.0 15.9 1909 446.0 33.9 1909H 1083.8 -27 88.6 -48 74.99 0 12.18 26.3 12701 6696.00 7083/5798 12151 63.3
Wheels India Ltd. 10 1903 24.1 236 3181 75.7 31.4 8.00 0.7 13.3 1909 593.1 28.7 1909H 1305.1 -15 40.3 -1 60.77 0 9.04 8.9 1610 668.85 1064/548 1987 21.4
ZF Steering Gear 10 1903 9.1 406 439 -1.3 -1.4 - 0.1 - 1909 66.9 -0.8 1909H 163.0 -27 7.8 -70 67.38 25 0.00 11.5 365 401.95 817/335 393 -
IND. COMPOSITE 877 139635 12323 23
Hind. Motor 5 1903 104.3 -1 1 26.7 1.3 - 0.0 - 1909 0.1 0.4 1909H 0.1 -91 0.7 -61 32.33 0 4.90 118.3 118 5.66 9/5 102 4.6
Mahi. & Mahi 5 1903 621.6 275 53614 4796.0 38.6 8.50 0.1 14.0 1909 11076.0 1212.6 1909H 23998.8 -9 3526.4 23 18.89 3 59.10 382.9 67934 546.45 743/503 66683 12.5
Maruti Suzuki India 5 1903 151.0 1527 86020 7500.6 248.3 80.00 0.0 16.3 1909 16985.3 1358.6 1909H 36705.1 -18 2794.1 -34 56.20 0 38.45 397.9 221348 7327.45 7755/5447 221318 36.4
IND. COMPOSITE 966 113114 6225 23
Ashok Leyland 1 1903 293.6 28 29055 1983.2 6.8 3.10 0.0 23.8 1909 3929.5 38.9 1909H 9613.4 -31 269.1 -72 51.12 9 30.01 930.7 23881 81.35 98/57 22905 18.3
Eicher Motors 10 1903 27.3* 2610 9794 2054.4 752.4 125.00 0.0 28.8 1909 2181.9 570.5 1909H 4534.4 -8 1068.7 -0 49.30 0 39.07 108.8 55824 20445.0523428/15197 52961 27.2
Force Motors 10 1903 13.2 1468 3652 147.2 111.7 10.00 0.1 7.6 1909 755.1 7.5 1909H 1557.5 -12 34.5 -57 61.62 0 7.24 62.7 1532 1163.00 1869/951 1786 15.2
SML Isuzu Ltd. 10 1903 14.5 286 1409 19.6 13.5 3.00 0.5 4.7 1909 234.0 -17.8 1909H 705.5 -6 -1.2 -109 43.96 0 6.40 30.1 853 589.25 900/502 1037 141.2
Tata Motors Ltd. 2 1903 617.8 72 69203 2020.6 6.5 - 0.8 9.1 1909 10000.5 -1282.0 1909H 23352.4 -32 -1379.1 -206 42.39 4 33.20 1097.8 60667 196.40 239/106 76898 -
IND. COMPOSITE 1335 6831 548 19
Escorts Ltd. 10 1903 122.6 247 6196 484.9 39.6 2.50 0.1 16.0 1909 1323.9 104.6 1909H 2746.8 -6 192.1 -14 40.24 0 26.57 126.7 7926 646.60 834/423 7965 17.5
HMT Ltd. 10 1903 1204.1 8 20 17.2 0.1 - 1.9 1.8 1909 4.4 12.4 1909H 7.0 -11 15.9 16 93.68 0 0.00 18.2 1632 13.55 24/10 1711 -
VST Tillers Tr 10 1903 8.6 683 615 46.1 53.3 15.00 0.0 7.8 1909 160.9 6.4 1909H 300.6 4 17.9 -24 54.68 0 19.60 17.6 1113 1288.15 1648/901 1094 27.5
IND. COMPOSITE 185 10581 1039 32
Bimetal Bear. 10 1903 3.8 474 206 10.3 27.0 10.00 0.0 5.7 1909 35.8 -2.2 1909H 82.6 -22 -1.4 -121 74.87 0 0.00 7.2 127 331.35 542/290 123 52.0
Menon Bearings L 1 1903 5.6 16 174 25.3 4.5 1.50 0.5 27.9 1909 33.6 2.9 1909H 74.2 -20 7.9 -45 70.90 12 2.36 14.2 345 61.65 90/54 372 18.7
NRB Bearings Lim 2 1903 19.4 49 940 98.8 10.2 2.60 0.5 20.8 1909 188.9 7.3 1909H 396.9 -18 16.0 -75 48.51 1 41.18 24.7 992 102.30 219/75 1208 18.2
Schaeffler India 10 1812 31.3 866 4562 419.8 134.3 30.00 0.0 15.5 1909 1035.2 94.4 1909N 3324.2 -2 283.1 -9 74.12 0 19.32 22.4 14810 4737.50 5836/3841 14020 38.0
SKF India 10 1903 49.4 343 3035 335.8 67.9 12.00 0.1 19.8 1909 747.2 84.6 1909H 1524.0 0 162.6 -2 52.57 0 35.05 22.2 10571 2138.30 2290/1743 10058 31.7
Timken India Ltd 10 1903 75.2 178 1664 148.6 19.8 1.00 0.0 11.1 1909 401.2 49.8 1909H 838.9 1 100.3 54 67.80 0 10.87 49.0 6960 925.30 937/509 6959 37.8
IND. COMPOSITE 826 25498 1643 53
Asso. Alcohols 10 1903 18.1 83 399 30.3 16.7 1.00 0.1 20.3 1909 119.5 11.1 1909H 249.0 43 22.8 39 58.44 0 0.58 13.3 333 184.40 293/133 350 9.1
G M Breweries Ltd. 10 1903 18.3 201 464 82.3 45.0 3.00 0.0 22.4 1912 119.7 14.0 1912N 359.8 4 50.1 -14 74.43 0 1.56 20.3 712 389.75 684/335 711 9.6 JAN 20 - FEB 2, 2020 I DALAL STREET INVESTMENT JOURNAL 31

Databank Updated as on Jan. 10, 2020


Inst. Stake (%)

Trailing P/E Ratio

Sales Growth (%)

No. of Shareholder
Prom. Stake (%)
Latest Qtr. Year

Pledged (%)

Entprise Value
NP Growth (%)
Year / Months

Year / Months

Sales (` Cr)
CEqt. (` Cr)

Market Cap
Face Value

RONW (%)
Company Name
Bk Val (`)

NP (` Cr)
NP (` Cr)


CMP (`)
EPS (`)

(in’ 000)
Div (`)

(` Cr)
(` Cr)

(` Cr)

(` Cr)

(` Cr)

Globus Spirits Ltd. 10 1903 28.8 142 984 30.6 10.6 - 0.5 7.5 1909 271.7 13.7 1909H 567.3 24 23.1 123 55.84 0 1.84 15.0 380 132.10 162/93 579 8.8
IFB Agro Indus 10 1903 9.4 400 925 33.2 35.5 - 0.0 8.9 1909 298.4 14.4 1909H 515.9 -9 17.8 -24 65.00 0 1.31 8.8 392 418.15 705/241 346 14.1
Jagatjit Ind. 10 1903 46.1 20 224 -65.9 -14.3 - 2.2 - 1909 54.1 -13.2 1909H 100.6 -18 -29.7 20 33.90 0 0.00 3.5 119 25.75 55/23 314 -
*Jubilant Industries 10 1903 13.7 204 2 -2.7 -2.0 - 0.0 - 1909 0.2 -0.7 1909H 0.3 -97 -1.4 -38 72.58 0 0.02 17.1 177 128.55 144/76 177 -
Khoday India 10 1803 33.7 3 138 -10.7 -3.2 - 25.7 - 1803 41.6 -0.9 - - -11 - - 100.00 0 0.00 0.0 215 63.90 79/54 382 -
*Pioneer Distille 10 1903 13.4 -31 138 -67.1 -50.1 - -10.1 - 1909 39.8 -19.9 1909H 82.9 35 -101.6 -222 75.00 0 0.00 4.9 160 119.15 188/103 582 -
Radico Khaitan Ltd. 2 1903 26.7* 99 2097 188.1 14.1 1.20 0.2 14.3 1909 570.2 78.6 1909H 1193.8 15 133.4 38 40.34 5 28.81 60.2 4432 332.00 449/260 4738 19.7
Som Distilleries 10 1903 32.5 96 322 20.1 6.2 1.50 0.2 6.5 1909 54.7 4.3 1909H 192.9 11 17.2 9 24.14 0 2.92 17.0 351 107.90 171/103 395 16.3
*Tilaknagar Industrie 10 1903 125.1 -27 489 -148.9 -11.9 - -2.4 - 1909 210.5 -31.5 1909H 330.3 99 -64.3 32 54.79 91 0.06 25.8 162 12.91 20/12 942 -
United Breweries Ltd 1 1903 26.4 120 6472 562.8 21.3 2.50 0.0 17.7 1909 1578.6 115.1 1909H 3627.1 7 279.7 -27 57.72 18 20.03 40.2 33560 1269.25 1494/1185 33596 73.5
United Spirits 2 1903 145.3 43 8981 658.6 9.1 - 0.8 21.0 1909 2296.2 224.6 1909H 4514.6 6 422.0 24 56.75 2 28.59 108.8 42563 585.75 675/497 45077 57.5
Varun Beverages Ltd. 10 1812 288.7* 90 3862 332.4 11.5 2.50 0.8 12.8 1909 1338.7 65.2 1909N 4780.1 39 502.8 30 68.42 0 25.65 41.8 21224 735.20XB 789/497 23377 47.3
IND. COMPOSITE 213 14737 757 24
B C Power Controls L 2 1903 11.8 5 484 2.2 0.4 - 0.6 7.4 1909 41.2 0.9 1909H 124.1 -57 1.8 -7 21.99 0 1.26 1.2 101 17.15 51/7 80 -
Hindusthan Urban Inf 10 1903 1.4 3125 699 2.2 15.4 - 0.4 0.5 1909 149.8 2.5 1909H 283.6 1 4.2 276 74.67 0 0.34 1.3 100 690.90 800/505 243 11.3
KEI Industries 2 1903 15.9 98 4227 181.9 22.9 1.20 0.6 23.3 1909 1230.2 76.2 1909H 2311.5 23 122.0 66 45.59 0 31.86 42.6 3934 494.85 615/306 4245 17.1
Polycab India 10 1903 148.8* 192 7911 501.4 33.7 3.00 0.1 17.6 1909 2239.8 192.2 1909H 4179.7 20 325.7 89 68.68 0 18.01 98.5 15322 1029.65 1091/525 15187 23.4
Universal Cables 10 1903 34.7 123 1417 69.0 19.9 2.00 1.2 16.2 1909 375.2 20.2 1909H 801.6 25 38.8 15 61.88 0 2.71 12.6 593 171.00 275/128 1108 8.0
IND. COMPOSITE 269 11681 1152 11
Aksh Optifibre 5 1903 81.3 32 529 28.1 1.7 - 0.4 5.5 1909 63.6 -3.9 1909H 140.6 -55 -4.7 -116 27.94 0 0.66 67.8 117 7.17 25/5 302 -
Birla Cable 10 1903 30.0 57 502 47.0 15.7 2.00 0.3 27.4 1909 71.4 1.0 1909H 114.6 -56 1.5 -94 66.35 6 0.13 33.6 187 62.40 192/38 240 8.6
Finolex Cables 2 1903 30.6 160 3078 344.1 22.5 4.50 0.0 14.1 1909 715.8 123.1 1909H 1523.5 1 204.7 12 35.85 0 27.06 46.7 6235 407.65 507/335 6186 17.1
*Paramount Commun 2 1903 34.4 8 614 29.2 1.7 - 1.4 20.6 1909 154.6 7.3 1909H 306.8 18 13.9 30 56.70 41 1.71 25.8 144 8.39 15/7 329 4.5
Sterlite Technologie 2 1903 80.8* 39 4863 535.2 13.3 3.50 0.9 33.7 1909 1263.7 160.0 1909H 2608.5 42 297.6 40 53.67 0 12.75 194.1 5133 127.10 302/97 6365 8.3
Vindhya Telelink 10 1903 11.9 616 2095 168.7 142.3 12.00 1.1 23.1 1909 431.9 29.8 1909H 850.9 -12 62.8 -29 43.54 0 11.23 10.1 1085 915.35 1868/760 1850 7.6
IND. COMPOSITE 44 3916 462 7
Oriental Carbon 10 1903 10.0 414 388 73.7 73.8 12.00 0.2 17.8 1909 84.9 15.8 1909H 178.1 -7 38.4 13 51.55 0 23.40 15.3 1024 1024.65 1215/941 1122 13.1
Phillips Carbon 2 1903 34.5 96 3529 388.5 22.5 3.50 0.4 23.6 1909 863.0 77.0 1909H 1774.5 7 141.7 -31 53.56 0 13.41 98.4 2244 130.20 215/106 2894 6.9
IND. COMPOSITE 1293 24605 810 25
AIA Engineering 2 1903 18.9 337 2838 414.8 44.0 9.00 0.0 13.1 1909 624.1 226.0 1909H 1226.3 -12 309.4 45 58.46 0 37.74 17.3 15448 1637.85 2026/1484 15548 30.3
Alicon Castalloy 5 1903 6.9 224 1074 50.2 36.4 7.00 0.8 16.3 1909 241.3 9.2 1909H 479.3 -14 14.1 -42 63.16 0 0.20 5.4 547 397.10 646/331 794 13.6
Bharat Forge 2 1903 93.1 116 6520 1071.3 23.0 3.75 0.6 19.8 1909 1259.5 244.9 1909H 2606.0 -18 419.0 -9 45.76 0 33.07 144.1 23948 514.35 548/378 26618 23.3
Electrosteel Cas 1 1903 43.3 55 2391 -635.9 -14.7 - 0.6 - 1909 583.3 14.6 1909H 1210.6 15 48.3 107 51.21 86 13.57 49.0 618 14.27 23/10 1955 -
Investment & Pre 10 1903 5.0 150 119 10.0 20.0 2.00 0.6 13.3 1909 23.2 0.1 1909H 48.6 -26 -0.7 -117 50.26 0 0.00 4.0 94 188.45 329/127 131 19.1
Jayaswal Neco Indust 10 1903 638.6 11 4227 -443.9 -7.0 - 4.6 - 1909 842.0 -243.8 1909H 1951.3 -10 -443.1 -140 68.78 13 0.00 37.4 241 3.77 7/3 3376 -
KIC Metaliks 2 1903 7.1 25 849 31.7 8.9 - 1.2 35.4 1909 119.2 4.0 1909H 236.8 -51 8.8 -51 58.27 43 0.00 2.0 162 45.65 118/24 227 7.2
M M Forgings Ltd. 10 1903 24.1 181 904 81.4 33.7 5.00 1.4 18.6 1909 179.2 12.1 1909H 393.5 -7 28.5 -29 56.33 0 23.33 8.8 948 392.80 605/302 1407 13.6
Mahindra CIE Auto 10 1812 379.0 93 2529 35.5 0.9 - 0.0 1.0 1909 471.4 -32.6 1909N 1654.9 -14 37.7 -70 67.68 0 17.60 62.6 6489 171.20 255/136 6591 -
Nelcast Ltd. 2 1903 17.4 45 856 38.4 4.4 1.00 0.4 9.7 1909 128.1 3.4 1909H 316.8 -29 10.4 -55 74.72 0 0.04 21.0 442 50.85 83/33 552 17.1
Pradeep Metals 10 1903 17.3 37 175 11.9 6.9 1.00 1.3 18.7 1909 51.8 5.3 1909H 91.9 9 7.1 24 72.19 0 0.02 4.3 91 52.90 81/36 159 6.9
Ramkrishna Forgings 10 1903 32.7 267 1807 119.3 36.5 1.50 0.9 13.7 1909 260.7 0.7 1909H 639.9 -27 14.2 -77 44.80 17 28.35 9.0 1132 346.80 550/258 1920 15.5
Steel Cast 5 1903 10.1 57 318 25.0 12.3 2.00 0.5 21.7 1909 58.5 4.1 1909H 124.1 -23 8.5 -30 46.06 0 0.00 3.8 236 116.60 181/103 282 11.1
IND. COMPOSITE 3075 121805 9136 40
ACC 10 1812 187.8 561 14801 1506.6 80.2 14.00 0.0 14.3 1909 3527.6 300.0 1909N 11596.4 6 1089.7 40 54.52 0 29.81 99.2 28380 1511.30 1768/1325 25380 15.6
Ambuja Cements Ltd. 2 1812 397.1 106 11357 1487.0 7.5 1.50 0.0 7.1 1909 2626.1 234.6 1909N 8532.0 0 1073.6 13 63.11 0 29.52 174.9 42026 211.65 244/184 38736 26.1
Anjani Portland 10 1903 25.3 96 437 23.2 9.2 2.50 0.0 9.6 1909 91.4 9.4 1909H 214.2 3 26.0 181 74.99 0 0.12 7.1 397 157.15 192/92 372 10.0
Birla Corporation Lt 10 1903 77.0 549 4424 137.8 17.9 7.50 0.4 3.3 1909 1144.6 67.8 1909H 2442.6 18 170.0 292 62.89 0 19.05 44.7 5008 650.35 683/440 6520 18.9
Century Textiles 10 1903 111.7 296 3941 681.1 61.0 7.50 0.1 20.6 1909 885.2 201.5 1909H 1760.2 -59 278.9 -13 50.20 0 27.58 60.8 5674 507.95 1067/352 6092 7.5
Dalmia Bharat L 2 1903 38.6 393 164 101.0 5.2 - 0.0 1.3 1909 39.0 48.0 1909H 78.0 8 55.0 139 54.26 0 21.42 39.7 15551 805.95 1220/752 15538 116.9
Deccan Cements 5 1903 7.0 290 651 46.1 32.9 1.50 0.1 11.3 1909 134.2 32.3 1909H 316.3 -2 55.6 158 56.18 0 14.98 7.1 475 339.00 487/265 395 5.9
Guj. Sidhee Ceme 10 1903 87.4 43 563 -7.0 -0.8 - 0.1 - 1909 115.4 8.2 1909H 268.6 -2 21.8 6808 70.89 0 0.15 55.4 211 24.10 26/15 211 -
Heidelberg Cement In 10 1903 226.6 52 2133 220.7 9.7 4.00 0.3 18.8 1909 522.2 58.1 1909H 1111.4 18 137.2 36 69.38 0 18.60 57.4 4354 192.15 218/139 4409 17.0
India Cements Lt 10 1903 309.9 169 5628 69.4 2.2 0.80 0.6 1.3 1909 1245.7 8.7 1909H 2714.5 -1 80.9 260 28.20 27 35.79 162.7 2456 79.25 117/68 5430 19.2
JK Cement 10 1903 77.3 374 4981 324.9 42.0 10.00 0.7 11.2 1909 1254.2 108.8 1909H 2582.2 17 262.6 130 58.06 0 35.42 64.9 9847 1274.40 1314/656 11478 20.8
JK Lakshmi Cement L 5 1903 58.8 129 3882 79.6 6.8 0.75 0.9 5.2 1909 935.5 45.9 1909H 1977.4 11 85.3 296 45.93 0 30.14 67.8 3817 324.40 396/260 5118 26.6
Kakatiya Cement Suga 10 1903 7.8 285 111 5.2 6.6 3.00 0.4 2.3 1909 43.5 1.2 1909H 103.2 128 6.5 1203 53.72 4 0.15 39.7 220 283.00 298/132 140 19.8
KCP Ltd. 1 1903 12.9 38 1141 39.5 3.1 1.00 0.9 8.1 1909 198.6 -28.3 1909H 454.8 -19 -3.8 -112 44.07 0 6.34 21.6 844 65.45 100/55 1261 -
Mangalam Cement 10 1903 26.7 189 1195 -9.7 -3.6 0.50 0.8 - 1909 289.3 14.7 1909H 622.4 15 47.9 493 20.66 0 10.34 17.0 820 307.20 340/193 1212 -
NCL Industries 10 1903 45.2 110 980 46.8 10.3 2.50 0.5 9.4 1909 194.0 8.7 1909H 480.4 3 37.8 172 41.44 3 13.80 35.9 434 95.90 162/74 678 6.1
Orient Cement Ltd. 1 1903 20.5 51 2522 47.6 2.3 0.75 1.2 4.5 1909 515.0 -7.7 1909H 1202.8 0 48.2 6700 37.36 13 36.49 30.7 1671 81.55 125/62 2873 17.3
Prism Johnson 10 1903 503.4 23 5956 146.0 2.9 0.50 1.0 12.8 1909 1314.2 -8.8 1909H 2821.8 -0 56.8 -26 74.87 0 11.79 70.6 3272 65.00 104/59 4370 26.1
Rain Industries 2 1812 67.3 27 105 60.5 1.8 1.00 0.4 6.6 1909 15.4 -0.9 1909N 34.0 -45 2.1 -92 41.09 0 15.26 138.4 3976 118.20 148/77 4300 105.5
Sagar Cements 10 1903 21.9 386 902 26.6 12.1 2.50 0.3 3.1 1909 192.1 6.1 1909H 446.5 11 30.6 216 50.05 7 15.87 10.8 1244 566.90 749/488 1465 26.2
Saurashtra Cemen 10 1903 69.5 58 621 -4.9 -0.7 - 0.1 - 1909 128.3 15.4 1909H 279.1 -8 31.0 2457 73.52 38 0.89 11.8 339 48.75 52/31 288 -
Shiva Cement Ltd 2 1903 39.0 2 29 -21.3 -1.1 - 0.5 - 1909 5.7 -6.2 1909H 16.3 2 -10.4 -0 54.44 10 0.10 45.7 272 13.96 18/6 286 -
Shree Cement 10 1903 36.1 2660 11722 951.0 263.6 60.00 0.3 9.9 1909 2801.7 309.1 1909H 5838.1 3 672.1 104 62.55 0 23.16 35.0 84315 23368.5523414/14844 86785 65.1
Shree Digvijay 10 1903 141.4 16 433 2.1 0.1 - 0.2 0.9 1909 97.7 8.6 1909H 216.0 2 23.8 410 57.17 0 0.00 25.0 380 26.90 28/13 384 17.9
Star Cement 1 1903 41.9 25 1695 255.9 6.1 - 0.1 24.3 1909 373.5 55.1 1909H 818.9 3 113.5 -15 67.94 0 9.99 18.9 3928 93.70 138/84 3891 16.6
The Ramco Cements 1 1903 23.6 189 5146 505.9 21.5 3.00 0.3 11.3 1909 1316.7 168.2 1909H 2700.6 12 360.1 50 42.66 2 33.31 28.7 19262 817.65 845/554 20584 30.7
Udaipur Cement Works 4 1903 124.6 5 579 -40.7 -1.3 - 2.7 - 1909 166.9 3.3 1909H 368.6 51 17.0 169 72.53 0 0.43 29.3 410 13.18 18/11 812 -
UltraTech Cement 10 1903 288.6* 969 35704 2455.7 85.1 11.50 0.6 8.8 1909 9253.8 639.2 1909H 20276.0 25 1906.1 93 61.11 0 29.64 312.6 128363 4447.50 4904/3340 145321 38.8
IND. COMPOSITE 347 8428 486 13
Everest Industries L 10 1903 15.6 290 1404 64.2 41.1 7.50 0.2 14.2 1909 286.3 -6.4 1909H 717.8 -2 18.7 -51 48.09 0 4.31 23.4 440 281.10 516/238 504 9.8
GPT Infraprojects 10 1903 29.1 61 521 8.4 2.9 1.25 1.4 4.7 1909 129.1 3.6 1909H 264.9 14 7.0 49 74.99 51 4.59 3.0 116 39.75 65/33 333 10.8
HIL 10 1903 7.5 865 1482 101.5 135.8 25.00 0.5 15.7 1909 302.5 29.8 1909H 758.1 -6 62.9 -20 40.90 0 9.77 22.2 1013 1354.35 2077/1075 1349 11.8



Inst. Stake (%)

Trailing P/E Ratio

Sales Growth (%)

No. of Shareholder
Prom. Stake (%)
Latest Qtr. Year

Pledged (%)

Entprise Value
NP Growth (%)
Year / Months

Year / Months

Sales (` Cr)
CEqt. (` Cr)

Market Cap
Face Value

RONW (%)
Company Name
Bk Val (`)

NP (` Cr)
NP (` Cr)


CMP (`)
EPS (`)

(in’ 000)
Div (`)

(` Cr)
(` Cr)

(` Cr)

(` Cr)

(` Cr)

Indian Hume Pipe 2 1903 9.7 107 1629 86.3 17.8 3.60 0.9 16.6 1909 370.6 14.2 1909H 833.8 10 35.2 -25 69.92 0 4.24 19.3 1227 253.20 370/193 1661 16.4
Ramco Industries 1 1903 8.7 85 898 73.2 8.4 0.50 0.2 9.9 1909 177.0 21.6 1909H 473.0 -4 47.3 -1 54.02 8 5.73 15.6 1756 202.65 228/160 1904 24.2
Sahyadri Industries 10 1903 9.6 170 297 31.9 33.4 1.00 0.7 19.6 1909 50.2 3.5 1909H 158.6 -3 18.6 -15 66.41 0 0.01 7.9 120 125.15 201/98 204 4.2
Sanghi Industrie 10 1903 251.0 66 1061 52.6 2.1 - 0.5 3.2 1909 204.7 6.2 1909H 478.8 -8 44.6 104 68.67 94 17.54 26.0 1029 41.00 72/35 1618 13.7
Visaka Indus. 10 1903 15.9 315 1136 67.4 42.4 7.00 0.5 13.5 1909 228.4 13.2 1909H 581.2 -3 36.3 -18 41.69 36 1.91 23.5 429 269.85 462/209 634 7.2
IND. COMPOSITE 214 10966 464 29
Acrysil Ltd. 2 1903 5.3* 43 199 11.8 4.4 1.20 0.7 10.3 1909 54.8 3.0 1909H 109.0 10 6.6 -10 42.83 0 0.00 5.6 254 96.00 134/85 320 23.0
Asian Granito India 10 1903 30.1 126 1005 7.3 2.4 0.60 0.4 1.9 1909 289.2 8.5 1909H 541.2 19 14.9 297 34.09 0 10.70 21.0 658 218.55 273/130 784 35.7
Cera Sanitaryware L 5 1903 6.5 538 1344 115.1 88.5 13.00 0.0 16.4 1909 327.2 30.0 1909H 594.6 -3 49.1 1 54.74 0 21.14 19.6 3466 2665.25 3180/2151 3474 30.0
HSIL Ltd. 2 1903 14.5 209 2710 70.5 9.7 3.00 0.8 4.7 1909 469.9 15.0 1909H 908.9 -22 29.3 333 49.34 0 22.18 33.7 436 60.25 306/38 1533 4.7
Kajaria Ceramics 1 1903 15.9 99 2726 245.9 15.5 3.00 0.0 15.7 1909 651.4 100.4 1909H 1291.1 -0 157.4 41 47.57 0 36.28 65.9 8885 559.00 649/443 8647 30.5
Murudeshwar Cer. 10 1903 47.6 70 126 4.8 1.0 - 0.1 1.4 1909 22.9 6.2 1909H 48.4 -5 7.0 400 66.82 0 0.45 16.9 107 22.50 26/11 130 11.3
Nitco Ltd. 10 1903 71.9 14 590 -46.9 -6.5 - 7.4 - 1909 127.4 -25.0 1909H 266.5 5 -37.4 -35 53.00 91 23.98 18.7 221 30.80 45/19 756 -
Orient Bell 10 1903 14.3 161 571 8.9 6.2 0.50 0.4 3.9 1909 122.8 0.7 1909H 243.5 -9 1.0 -80 59.49 0 0.11 14.3 201 140.80 196/110 298 41.1
Somany Ceramics Ltd. 2 1903 8.5 140 1696 46.3 10.9 2.00 0.4 7.8 1909 421.7 4.8 1909H 808.8 7 13.5 4 51.46 0 23.98 13.8 940 221.85 472/172 1159 20.0
IND. COMPOSITE 1327 53567 5995 25
Aarti Ind. Ltd 5 1903 87.1* 147 4548 481.3 27.6 11.00 0.8 18.8 1909 1019.0 142.2 1909H 2105.2 -11 279.6 32 48.28 0 24.08 44.0 15135 868.65XB 950/651 16408 28.2
Alkyl Amines Che 5 1903 10.2 178 846 83.7 41.1 8.00 0.4 23.0 1909 235.0 53.9 1909H 501.2 26 89.0 102 74.19 0 1.08 9.0 2553 1251.45 1276/660 2662 19.8
Amines & Plast. 2 1903 11.0 16 455 17.3 3.1 0.30 0.7 19.6 1909 97.5 7.1 1909H 205.0 -3 13.3 86 73.16 0 0.00 5.4 187 33.90 41/26 238 8.0
Andhra Petro 10 1903 85.0 27 666 69.8 8.2 1.50 0.0 30.8 1909 128.9 11.1 1909H 273.2 -19 25.0 -46 45.05 0 0.04 73.1 310 36.45 71/29 313 6.3
Balaji Amines Li 2 1903 6.5 177 950 118.1 36.4 2.80 0.2 20.5 1909 230.4 34.7 1909H 461.8 -3 54.7 -16 53.60 0 1.85 16.2 1334 411.65 539/210 1408 12.4
BASF India Lt 10 1903 43.3 326 6026 81.7 18.9 5.00 0.6 5.8 1909 2074.3 2.3 1909H 3688.1 12 10.5 -69 73.33 0 11.26 38.1 4211 972.85 1554/897 5075 72.1
Camlin Fine Sciences 1 1903 12.1 27 548 10.7 0.9 - 1.0 3.3 1909 143.5 7.8 1909H 287.1 27 9.5 -29 22.73 11 22.29 33.9 993 81.90 90/39 1237 -
Chembond Chemica 5 1903 6.7 171 156 6.3 4.7 2.00 0.0 2.8 1909 12.4 0.6 1909H 33.9 -63 4.1 27 64.44 0 0.35 3.3 308 228.85 358/197 305 42.8
Cochin Minerals 10 1903 7.8 94 223 5.5 7.0 - 0.5 7.5 1909 57.2 2.4 1909H 129.5 59 5.6 106 52.23 0 0.77 7.9 121 154.95 244/140 154 14.5
Dai Ichi Karkari 10 1903 7.5 166 92 -12.6 -17.0 - 0.7 - 1909 27.2 -8.0 1909H 50.4 4 -13.6 -134 63.82 0 0.51 5.1 237 318.00 361/158 317 -
Deepak Nitrite 2 1903 27.3 78 1792 138.0 10.1 2.00 0.3 13.0 1909 569.1 178.6 1909H 1119.5 31 285.9 474 45.64 0 25.84 42.8 5379 394.35 399/206 5639 14.4
Dharamsi Morar. 10 1903 24.9 46 234 46.1 18.5 1.50 0.2 39.9 1909 44.7 4.3 1909H 100.6 -14 11.7 -52 53.28 0 1.65 15.8 298 119.55 195/90 309 8.9
Elantas Beck India L 10 1812 7.9 428 409 65.8 83.0 4.50 0.0 19.4 1909 95.3 14.2 1909N 300.8 1 39.0 -24 74.99 0 11.09 6.6 1969 2483.90 2620/1899 1959 36.9
Fairchem Speciality 10 1903 39.1 26 250 21.5 5.5 2.50 0.5 21.0 1909 65.7 12.0 1909H 136.9 17 17.2 47 74.05 0 2.15 7.9 1830 468.40 574/320 1878 67.7
Fine Organic Indus 5 1903 15.3 166 1044 129.0 42.1 - 0.2 25.4 1909 274.4 58.7 1909H 517.9 3 96.1 40 75.00 0 21.60 20.1 5954 1941.95 2186/1001 5964 38.1
Fineotex Chemical Lt 2 1903 22.3 12 113 17.3 1.6 0.10 0.0 12.5 1909 33.2 6.0 1909H 65.9 27 10.7 46 71.42 0 0.06 36.2 306 27.50 48/22 306 14.3
Foseco India Lim 10 1812 6.4 244 362 32.0 50.2 25.00 0.0 20.5 1909 78.7 10.2 1909N 249.2 -9 28.1 12 74.98 0 0.07 8.2 919 1439.65 1756/1142 826 26.2
Galaxy Surfacta. 10 1903 35.5 221 1996 168.4 47.5 8.00 0.2 21.5 1909 446.3 62.9 1909H 916.9 -9 99.9 6 70.94 0 15.81 43.0 5272 1486.90 1640/885 5385 30.3
Ganesh Benzoplas 1 1903 5.2 22 212 31.3 6.0 - 0.6 28.1 1909 50.3 9.0 1909H 119.0 21 15.4 -8 43.20 77 0.55 41.5 216 41.75 55/24 279 7.2
GFL L 1 1903 11.0 429 2728 1277.3 116.3 3.50 0.2 27.1 1909 0.0 8.4 1909H 0.0 40 16.2 -97 68.63 0 10.07 14.9 967 88.00 140/49 1786 1.3
Grauer & Weil 1 1903 22.7 18 599 63.7 2.8 0.60 0.1 15.9 1909 150.4 20.1 1909H 281.3 8 35.5 0 68.98 0 0.00 25.1 1242 54.80 63/38 1160 19.5
Gujarat Fluorochem 1 1903 11.0 1 0 -0.0 -0.0 - 0.0 - 1909 657.0 16.7 1909H 1392.2 - 128.4 - 68.36 0 11.15 12.7 6501 591.80 900/405 6501 -
Gulshan Polyols Ltd. 1 1903 4.7 62 674 21.4 4.6 0.70 0.4 7.4 1909 176.6 5.7 1909H 345.3 4 13.0 9 63.31 0 3.64 15.5 202 42.95 72/33 291 8.9
Himadri Speciality 1 1903 41.9* 40 2377 307.3 7.3 0.15 0.3 18.3 1909 487.2 50.5 1909H 1010.9 -16 125.9 -16 48.92 0 4.90 91.5 2820 67.35 138/54 3203 10.1
Hind. Organi 10 1903 67.3* 16 472 51.7 7.7 - 10.0 49.1 1909 80.0 -16.5 1909H 145.2 -45 -45.1 -168 58.77 0 0.01 49.0 112 16.70 28/11 519 -
I G Petrochemicals 10 1903 30.8 204 1304 116.5 37.8 4.00 0.2 18.5 1909 266.6 3.4 1909H 514.5 -24 12.5 -85 68.73 0 5.80 31.1 540 175.50 429/125 659 11.2
India Glycols 10 1903 31.0 347 3356 148.2 47.9 6.00 0.7 13.8 1909 848.6 40.0 1909H 1715.3 0 78.8 -8 61.01 84 2.33 35.4 721 232.85 345/179 1404 5.1
Indo Amines Limi 10 1903 33.3 28 471 22.7 6.8 1.00 1.2 23.6 1909 108.7 4.1 1909H 236.4 9 9.1 -12 73.50 0 0.00 12.1 187 56.00 111/47 292 8.7
Indo Borax 10 1903 3.2 375 128 17.6 54.8 1.50 0.0 14.6 1909 25.3 2.7 1909H 59.6 -10 7.9 -30 55.41 0 0.00 4.8 114 356.25 568/316 111 8.0
Jayant Agro Org 5 1903 15.0 106 798 47.5 15.8 4.38 0.5 15.0 1909 200.7 5.4 1909H 439.6 11 14.2 -39 66.34 0 0.02 11.0 387 128.95 229/110 534 10.1
Jocil Ltd. 10 1903 8.9 196 402 3.2 3.6 1.00 0.0 1.8 1909 102.4 4.0 1909H 197.5 -0 6.1 508 55.02 0 0.00 3.8 97 109.50 129/73 86 11.7
Kanchi Karpooram 10 1903 4.3 155 188 28.3 66.4 2.00 0.7 42.7 1909 64.9 9.3 1909H 120.3 19 17.6 -3 44.95 0 0.21 5.2 110 258.35 547/210 131 4.0
Kanoria Chemical 5 1903 21.8 139 448 7.7 1.8 0.75 0.2 1.3 1909 84.3 0.5 1909H 187.5 -18 2.1 -71 74.42 0 0.12 17.1 172 39.40 78/34 252 -
Lasa Supergenerics 10 1903 40.7* 30 170 -12.0 -3.0 - 0.8 - 1909 40.4 -0.5 1909H 79.4 8 -1.5 69 34.60 0 0.00 17.9 101 24.95 31/9 189 -
Mangalam Organics 10 1903 8.6 142 425 72.7 84.8 1.00 0.4 59.9 1909 121.0 16.3 1909H 212.1 8 31.3 2 51.87 0 0.00 10.1 243 283.80 614/242 290 3.3
Narmada Gelatines Lt 10 1903 6.0 216 126 10.1 16.6 10.00 0.0 7.7 1909 33.1 4.4 1909H 67.3 16 8.1 236 74.99 0 0.00 2.6 101 166.40 175/107 90 6.4
National Peroxid 10 1903 5.7 1070 402 153.0 266.3 65.00 0.1 24.9 1909 54.3 5.5 1909H 111.4 -52 19.9 -80 70.76 3 0.03 17.0 1090 1896.80 4312/1272 1155 14.7
Navin Fluorine Inter 2 1903 9.9* 214 955 148.5 30.0 1.26 0.0 14.0 1909 263.9 46.4 1909H 505.6 4 85.9 16 31.03 4 34.98 77.1 5301 1071.45 1119/570 5278 33.0
Neogen Chemicals 10 1903 23.3 32 239 21.0 9.0 - 1.6 28.5 1909 77.1 7.7 1909H 141.5 47 13.2 67 69.99 0 17.96 7.3 892 382.10 417/241 1005 33.9
Nitta Gelatin India 10 1903 9.1 157 261 -2.6 -2.9 1.50 0.5 - 1909 76.3 5.1 1909H 151.5 45 6.7 1250 74.48 0 0.10 5.8 115 127.00 145/88 173 -
Oriental Aromatics 5 1903 16.8 116 753 49.9 14.8 1.00 0.4 12.7 1909 204.2 26.1 1909H 415.9 20 44.7 58 74.16 0 0.22 15.3 616 183.15 310/165 785 9.5
Paushak Ltd. 10 1903 3.1 576 140 39.0 126.4 5.00 0.0 21.9 1909 34.5 7.5 1909H 70.3 12 17.5 -21 66.71 0 0.00 7.9 857 2779.85 3100/1690 856 24.9
Pidilite Inds. 1 1903 50.8* 82 6095 979.4 19.3 6.50 0.0 23.4 1909 1571.7 324.1 1909H 3350.6 7 611.6 20 69.71 0 19.81 124.2 71859 1414.55 1495/1049 71742 66.6
Pondy Oxides & C 10 1903 5.6 234 1049 33.7 60.5 4.00 1.1 25.9 1909 332.3 3.8 1909H 581.2 6 4.0 -80 46.42 0 0.00 12.4 105 188.00 395/137 241 6.1
S H Kelkar & Company 10 1903 141.3 42 694 45.0 3.2 - 0.1 7.6 1909 180.5 6.0 1909H 357.4 0 13.1 -45 57.49 0 24.04 24.1 1622 114.80 189/101 1703 47.1
Sanginita Chemicals 10 1903 17.3 20 188 3.9 2.3 - 0.8 11.2 1909 37.1 1.6 1909H 77.5 -27 2.4 24 73.49 0 0.00 0.2 261 150.90 160/37 286 -
Seya Industries 10 1903 24.6 336 413 88.5 36.0 1.50 0.8 10.7 1909 84.5 18.6 1909H 183.2 -14 41.6 -1 74.53 15 8.50 10.5 253 102.80 550/66 897 2.8
Shree Pushkar Chemic 10 1903 30.8* 87 400 36.5 11.8 1.50 0.0 13.6 1909 67.1 7.0 1909H 144.7 -24 12.0 -37 65.02 0 8.43 14.9 354 114.65 175/81 325 12.1
*Sree Rayalaseema Hi- 10 1903 17.2 190 702 20.4 11.9 2.00 0.1 6.3 1909 162.1 8.1 1909H 336.4 -1 16.0 -9 61.78 0 0.03 59.7 186 108.30 189/88 216 9.9
Tanfac Inds. 10 1903 10.0 48 222 36.0 36.1 - 3.4 74.9 1909 36.5 1.6 1909H 94.5 -15 9.5 -62 50.97 0 0.07 12.1 120 120.80 244/97 157 5.8
Thirumalai Chem. 1 1903 10.2 57 994 96.1 9.4 2.00 0.1 16.5 1909 209.5 10.7 1909H 447.4 -9 26.2 -63 41.57 0 1.86 49.5 779 76.05 112/51 777 15.0
Transpek Indus. 10 1903 5.6 558 595 65.7 117.7 20.00 0.4 21.1 1909 125.3 15.5 1909H 238.0 -9 18.8 -11 58.86 0 5.00 9.2 726 1300.00 1691/1077 846 11.5
Valiant Organics 10 1903 12.1 212 606 133.2 109.7 12.00 0.2 51.8 - - - - - - - - 47.76 0 0.32 1.2 1579 1300.00 2000/1140 1624 -
Vikas Multicorp 1 1903 66.3 1 216 1.9 0.0 - 0.4 2.1 1909 51.8 0.6 1909H 74.8 -13 0.7 -11 55.27 0 4.47 46.5 184 2.78 5/2 218 -
Vikas WSP 1 1903 20.4 55 800 46.9 2.3 - 0.1 4.2 1909 198.1 5.9 1909H 399.1 5 12.1 -38 14.92 56 0.41 43.6 191 9.33 26/8 345 4.8
Vinati Organics 2 1903 10.3 205 1108 282.5 55.0 7.00 0.0 26.9 1909 245.1 110.0 1909H 535.8 5 192.4 49 74.00 0 11.06 29.6 10241 1992.85 2511/1390 10241 29.6
Vinyl Chemicals 1 1903 1.8 32 483 8.9 4.8 2.40 0.0 15.0 1909 105.4 2.6 1909H 190.5 -19 3.3 287 50.61 0 0.24 21.2 120 65.20 88/55 118 10.6
Vishnu Chemicals 10 1903 11.9 99 668 12.2 10.2 1.00 2.6 10.3 1909 149.9 3.3 1909H 303.5 -8 6.9 35 74.99 42 0.02 5.6 153 128.15 164/82 370 10.9
IND. COMPOSITE 591 13361 2267 11
Chemfab Alkalis 10 1903 13.9 180 193 16.8 12.0 1.25 0.1 6.7 1909 56.3 9.1 1909H 112.4 21 18.1 1270 74.43 0 0.08 5.8 256 184.00 197/123 280 7.6
GHCL 10 1903 98.2 199 3371 361.0 36.8 5.00 0.6 18.5 1909 821.9 122.1 1909H 1697.8 7 225.5 61 18.52 1 33.17 58.8 1850 188.40 277/178 2923 4.1
Guj. Alkalie & C 10 1903 73.4 585 3161 689.6 93.9 8.00 0.0 16.1 1909 698.8 102.3 1909H 1447.4 -5 261.1 -27 46.27 0 9.65 55.6 3125 425.50 596/376 3041 5.3
Punj. Alkalie 10 1903 27.1 24 376 55.9 20.6 - -1.1 85.3 1909 74.0 -1.4 1909H 165.6 -12 10.6 -68 33.49 0 0.08 20.6 99 36.30 85/29 74 2.9 JAN 20 - FEB 2, 2020 I DALAL STREET INVESTMENT JOURNAL 33

Databank Updated as on Jan. 10, 2020


Inst. Stake (%)

Trailing P/E Ratio

Sales Growth (%)

No. of Shareholder
Prom. Stake (%)
Latest Qtr. Year

Pledged (%)

Entprise Value
NP Growth (%)
Year / Months

Year / Months

Sales (` Cr)
CEqt. (` Cr)

Market Cap
Face Value

RONW (%)
Company Name
Bk Val (`)

NP (` Cr)
NP (` Cr)


CMP (`)
EPS (`)

(in’ 000)
Div (`)

(` Cr)
(` Cr)

(` Cr)

(` Cr)

(` Cr)

Tata Chemicals 10 1903 254.8 463 4081 909.7 35.7 12.50 0.0 7.7 1909 1020.6 293.6 1909H 2052.0 2 548.1 -1 30.62 0 48.26 175.8 17569 689.65 702/544 16483 19.4
TGV SRAAC 10 1903 96.6 49 1205 68.4 7.1 - 0.6 14.6 1909 265.2 26.6 1909H 548.6 -9 43.9 73 59.19 2 0.56 32.2 247 25.60 45/19 483 2.8
The Andhra Sugars 10 1903 27.1 369 974 165.7 61.1 10.00 0.2 16.6 1906 284.1 46.6 1906Q 284.1 15 46.6 9 81.69 0 4.22 15.0 844 311.40 416/257 1037 5.0
IND. COMPOSITE 66 2789 247 30
Elgi Equipments 1 1903 15.8 42 1177 84.7 5.3 1.30 0.1 12.8 1909 271.3 24.7 1909H 549.0 1 38.6 -1 31.90 0 29.78 18.3 4222 266.45 310/228 4212 50.0
Ingersoll Rand 10 1903 31.6 133 739 80.9 25.6 6.00 0.0 19.3 1909 171.4 22.7 1909H 362.6 7 41.8 -3 73.99 0 6.66 28.6 2044 647.45 729/508 1926 25.7
Kirloskar Pneumatic 2 1903 12.8 77 710 55.3 8.6 2.50 0.0 11.2 1909 196.8 7.8 1909H 377.0 16 11.3 -43 53.86 0 25.39 23.8 914 142.30 210/115 882 19.6
*Revathi Equipment Lt 10 1903 3.1 518 76 9.3 30.4 - 0.0 5.9 1909 13.0 1.3 1909H 28.6 -17 3.4 50 72.57 0 0.00 4.9 125 408.65 519/305 117 12.0
Veljan Denison 10 1903 2.3 631 88 16.3 72.6 10.00 0.1 11.5 1909 20.7 3.2 1909H 39.0 21 5.4 2 74.98 0 0.00 2.8 222 985.25 1225/563 206 13.5
IND. COMPOSITE 332 29210 36 25
Cerebra Integrat 10 1903 121.2 19 261 1.1 0.1 - 0.0 0.5 1909 24.8 7.7 1909H 36.8 -75 11.5 -25 7.09 0 6.65 12.6 285 23.50 31/19 211 -
*Compuage Infocom Ltd 2 1903 13.0 27 4515 22.6 3.5 0.40 2.7 12.8 1909 1288.5 10.4 1909H 2214.7 2 14.6 23 58.33 0 7.24 8.0 103 15.80 22/8 463 4.1
Control Print Ltd. 10 1903 16.3 114 175 30.0 18.4 6.50 0.0 14.8 1909 50.1 7.3 1909H 101.3 19 14.9 -1 53.59 0 20.04 11.5 444 271.80 318/190 442 14.8
Creative Peripherals 10 1903 11.6* 29 371 5.7 5.0 0.50 0.9 17.1 1909 89.2 2.5 1909H 193.7 24 4.5 124 68.95 0 0.00 0.2 124 107.00XB 111/54 147 15.1
D-Link (India) 2 1903 7.1 56 700 23.6 6.6 1.00 0.0 11.8 1909 188.4 9.8 1909H 372.1 7 17.4 101 51.02 0 0.72 23.5 356 100.15 110/69 348 11.0
HCL Infosystem 2 1903 65.8 8 3581 -206.3 -6.3 - 2.1 - 1909 541.1 -38.3 1909H 1072.0 -43 -73.2 -3 62.88 0 1.45 96.0 234 7.10 25/6 668 -
Redington (India) Lt 2 1903 77.8* 41 16851 152.1 3.9 3.30 0.5 9.5 1909 4796.9 162.3 1909H 8872.8 15 196.8 164 0.00 0 58.79 23.0 4535 116.55 134/64 5244 16.5
TVS Electronics 10 1903 18.7 47 2757 7.4 4.0 1.50 0.0 8.5 1909 72.4 3.3 1909H 134.4 -95 5.2 8 59.83 0 0.09 37.7 211 113.20 229/95 203 27.0
IND. COMPOSITE 10184 349356 73797 23
3i Infotech 10 1903 1616.6 2 284 250.8 1.6 - 2.4 70.2 1909 81.0 28.2 1909H 155.2 15 26.1 -78 0.00 0 34.35 154.5 386 2.39 5/2 775 -
63 Moons Technologie 2 1903 9.2 620 147 0.1 0.0 2.00 0.0 0.0 1909 36.5 -7.5 1909H 69.0 -6 -9.1 -125 45.63 0 5.84 47.6 502 108.95 185/71 -474 -
ABM Knowledgeware 5 1903 10.0 79 55 15.8 7.9 1.25 0.0 10.0 1909 15.2 4.0 1909H 25.6 -5 6.0 -31 64.92 0 0.86 3.3 115 57.45 75/35 110 8.8
Accelya Solutions In 10 1906 14.9 128 378 103.8 69.6 32.00 0.0 54.5 1909 107.6 40.0 1909Q 107.6 10 40.0 37 74.65 0 5.92 20.7 1562 1046.70 1247/699 1556 13.6
AGC Networks 10 1903 29.7 31 307 1.3 0.4 - 1.1 1.4 1909 78.6 -5.5 1909H 160.4 13 -9.5 -801 64.28 34 12.65 8.0 469 157.55 160/75 563 -
*Airan Ltd. 2 1903 25.0* 3 44 5.9 0.5 - 0.1 7.3 1906 12.6 1.4 1906Q 12.6 36 1.4 43 73.59 0 0.00 0.9 171 13.70XB 50/9 177 -
Allied Digital Servi 5 1903 25.1 92 75 9.6 1.9 - 0.2 2.1 1909 22.8 1.1 1909H 42.9 20 3.8 169 49.04 5 0.03 21.1 106 21.20 26/9 169 8.9
Allsec Technologies 10 1903 15.2 115 153 9.5 6.2 10.00 0.0 5.4 1909 55.9 7.7 1909H 103.6 44 13.1 17 78.38 0 0.77 4.9 443 291.00 325/151 429 39.5
Aptech Ltd. 10 1903 39.9 70 209 18.2 4.6 3.50 0.0 6.5 1909 46.7 4.8 1909H 80.4 23 4.8 119 49.42 0 10.13 60.7 691 173.20 210/112 649 88.5
Aurionpro Solutions 10 1903 22.9 106 332 36.9 16.1 2.00 0.4 15.2 1909 64.0 1.9 1909H 140.1 -12 3.0 -90 27.60 66 0.48 8.7 136 59.25 159/54 202 15.0
AXISCADES Engineer 5 1903 18.9 60 225 -4.0 -1.1 - 0.3 - 1909 55.1 -3.9 1909H 109.9 6 -6.1 -494 67.60 73 0.09 16.4 202 53.50 87/44 271 -
Birlasoft 2 1903 55.3* 43 1002 167.6 6.1 2.00 0.0 14.1 1909 354.0 35.5 1909H 697.9 -19 65.4 -43 40.85 0 36.53 57.4 1957 70.75 222/57 1898 16.5
Bodhtree Consulting 10 1903 20.0 25 116 8.1 4.1 - 0.5 16.2 1909 19.0 1.6 1909H 47.5 34 2.2 -35 41.22 97 10.08 2.9 99 49.55 54/29 117 14.2
Brightcom Group 2 1903 95.3 12 459 -3.2 -0.1 - 0.3 - 1909 115.6 0.5 1909H 230.2 1 -24.1 -295 39.14 59 7.24 30.4 261 5.48 7/2 419 -
CESC Ventures 10 1903 26.5 571 63 65.8 24.8 - 0.0 4.3 1909 15.4 74.6 1909H 30.7 0 76.8 28 49.91 0 23.00 44.2 853 321.60 657/275 788 10.3
Cigniti Technologies 10 1903 27.7* 86 262 59.7 21.5 - 0.0 25.0 1909 72.4 14.5 1909H 147.0 21 28.5 -10 36.28 0 0.14 4.5 771 278.10 400/221 729 13.7
Cybertech System 10 1903 27.5 32 54 5.5 2.0 1.00 0.1 6.2 1909 15.3 2.5 1909H 29.7 18 4.6 339 37.61 0 0.26 10.5 122 44.45 64/33 128 13.5
Cyient Ltd. 5 1903 55.6* 201 1615 440.7 39.6 15.00 0.0 19.7 1909 403.6 88.5 1909H 776.2 -2 156.5 -32 22.79 0 65.76 40.8 4805 432.20 692/380 4092 13.1
Datamatics Global Se 5 1903 29.5 81 390 29.2 5.0 1.00 0.1 6.1 1909 109.5 12.7 1909H 210.6 11 23.5 34 73.45 0 0.36 20.0 426 72.35 116/63 442 12.9
eClerx Services 10 1903 37.0 352 1140 209.6 56.7 1.00 0.0 16.1 1909 275.9 -8.0 1909H 553.6 -2 25.8 -77 50.75 0 38.34 35.9 2475 669.10 1179/381 2111 20.4
Expleo Solutions 10 1903 10.3 104 283 31.4 30.7 - 0.0 29.6 1909 65.7 7.8 1909H 125.6 -16 14.2 -19 56.16 0 0.21 13.6 303 295.45 530/233 219 10.8
Firstsource Solution 10 1903 693.6 33 768 199.0 2.9 2.00 0.0 8.8 1909 220.6 30.0 1909H 428.2 9 78.6 -10 53.92 0 21.01 167.8 2840 40.95 58/37 2831 14.9
Genesys Int.Corp. 5 1903 15.6* 95 119 12.3 3.9 0.13 0.1 4.2 1909 27.6 3.3 1909H 64.6 35 9.7 67 51.33 5 8.47 5.6 200 64.20 146/49 216 12.4
HCL Technologies 2 1903 542.7* 112 26012 8185.0 30.2 8.00 0.0 26.9 1909 8130.0 2232.0 1909H 14895.0 19 4025.0 -3 59.99 0 36.59 154.9 157528 580.50XB 595/460151287 19.5
Hexaware Technologie 2 1812 59.7* 55 1794 453.0 15.2 8.50 0.0 27.6 1909 555.8 142.7 1909N 1567.8 21 375.6 8 62.45 0 29.42 79.6 9796 328.30 439/312 9648 20.4
Hinduja Global Solut 10 1903 20.9* 755 2196 230.5 110.5 10.00 0.1 14.6 1909 594.2 58.6 1909H 1156.0 10 94.3 -17 67.30 0 11.67 12.2 1236 592.50 729/535 1354 5.8
Infibeam Avenues 1 1903 66.4* 39 545 38.9 0.6 - 0.0 1.5 1909 151.5 10.0 1909H 320.6 42 20.0 209 34.73 8 8.88 70.6 3584 54.00 58/32 3495 46.4
*InfoBeans Tech 10 1903 24.0 52 99 19.2 8.0 - 0.0 15.5 1909 28.6 7.3 1909H 55.1 13 12.1 10 74.96 0 0.00 0.9 152 63.45 83/50 122 7.3
*Infosys 5 1903 2129.3 147 73107 14702.0 34.5 21.50 0.0 23.5 1912 20064.0 4076.0 1912N 58860.0 9 11474.0 5 13.15 0 55.74 1067.7 314387 738.25 847/615298836 20.6
Innovana Thinklabs 10 1903 10.3* 26 41 8.5 8.3 - 0.0 31.7 - - - - - - - - 73.17 0 0.00 0.2 126 122.50XB 166/86 120 -
*Inspirisys Solutions 10 1903 39.6 10 444 1.8 0.5 - 4.4 4.5 1909 69.7 0.8 1909H 202.7 -20 6.1 85 69.95 0 0.07 6.2 162 40.95 60/32 310 35.1
Intellect Design 5 1903 66.1 70 937 137.1 10.4 - 0.1 14.7 1909 180.6 -13.3 1909H 355.9 -21 -13.8 -113 31.39 0 25.79 51.3 2014 152.30 292/138 2089 141.3
*Intrasoft Technologi 10 1903 14.7 78 8 1.6 1.1 2.00 0.0 1.4 1909 1.4 0.3 1909H 2.9 -16 0.4 166 47.68 0 13.36 7.5 110 74.75 184/63 110 43.4
Jump Networks 5 1903 50.0 13 67 0.4 0.0 0.01 0.0 0.3 1909 10.0 -6.5 1909H 18.1 -50 -6.4 -728 1.83 0 0.38 3.2 543 54.30 77/24 542 -
*Kellton Tech Solutio 5 1903 48.2 11 111 8.4 0.9 - 0.2 7.7 1909 26.7 2.3 1909H 50.8 16 4.3 -5 62.06 19 0.30 16.0 156 16.15 49/14 170 -
KPIT Technologies 10 1903 274.1 34 230 74.4 2.7 - 0.1 8.0 1909 299.9 85.8 1909H 508.2 - 117.21065764 41.60 19 33.54 56.8 2385 87.00 118/69 2443 12.4
L&T Infotech 1 1903 17.4 271 8907 1475.1 84.8 28.00 0.0 31.3 1909 2406.1 388.2 1909H 4724.6 11 770.0 2 74.57 0 16.26 133.5 31646 1818.45 1897/1437 31430 21.2
Majesco L 5 1903 14.3* 181 10 12.2 4.3 1.50 0.0 2.4 1909 2.6 7.0 1909H 5.1 -47 21.6 269 38.59 4 22.51 21.8 1115 390.55 588/364 1070 39.9
Mastek Li 5 1903 12.1* 101 189 30.5 12.7 8.50 0.0 12.5 1909 42.3 9.5 1909H 86.5 -9 12.6 -21 45.61 57 18.08 23.6 1057 438.25 509/295 1046 38.9
MindTree Ltd. 10 1903 164.6 201 7022 754.0 45.8 33.00 0.0 22.8 1909 1914.3 135.0 1909H 3748.5 13 227.7 -39 73.76 0 16.09 86.5 13669 830.60 997/653 13415 22.1
*MosChip Technologies 2 1903 31.6* 6 59 -22.8 -1.4 - 0.5 - 1909 7.1 -6.6 1909H 13.8 -14 -12.0 -49 61.69 0 0.00 18.7 183 11.61 26/9 224 -
MphasiS Ltd. 10 1903 186.4* 175 3434 769.4 41.3 27.00 0.1 23.6 1909 1048.8 210.3 1909H 2009.1 20 416.1 16 52.22 0 42.45 55.8 16378 878.45 1060/828 16470 19.8
Newgen Software Tech 10 1903 69.6 70 552 95.8 13.8 3.00 0.2 19.8 1909 131.1 3.3 1909H 244.7 8 5.0 -76 66.00 0 21.36 22.1 1404 201.70 371/168 1327 17.5
NIIT Ltd. 2 1903 28.3 58 369 16.4 1.2 5.00 0.2 2.0 1909 111.4 199.9 1909H 205.9 19 1364.4 4764 34.34 0 32.68 63.0 1450 102.45 117/74 1576 1.1
NIIT Technologies 10 1903 62.5* 270 1999 299.0 47.9 - 0.0 17.7 1909 544.1 58.4 1909H 1082.3 16 170.0 -10 70.04 0 20.99 34.2 10774 1724.40 1778/1135 10644 38.4
Nucleus Software 10 1903 29.0 162 397 75.6 26.0 9.00 0.0 16.1 1909 105.5 22.7 1909H 207.7 8 45.5 4 67.58 0 9.15 16.1 818 281.55 398/276 765 10.5
Onward Technolog 10 1903 16.0 38 117 9.4 5.8 1.50 0.3 15.2 1909 30.8 2.5 1909H 60.4 -1 6.2 41 61.56 0 0.05 8.4 102 63.90 79/46 116 9.2
Oracle Financial Ser 5 1903 42.9* 452 3698 1282.5 149.4 - 0.0 33.0 1909 848.9 362.0 1909H 1783.6 -4 708.9 2 73.45 0 19.66 26.4 24522 2856.10 3933/2482 22815 18.9
Persistent Systems 10 1903 76.4 290 1960 315.0 41.2 11.00 0.0 14.2 1909 501.7 106.8 1909H 997.1 4 190.3 5 31.90 0 42.97 56.9 5256 687.70 727/472 4735 16.3
Quick Heal Technolog 10 1903 64.2 123 313 84.0 13.1 2.00 0.0 10.6 1909 97.7 37.6 1909H 154.8 -4 49.7 12 72.83 0 2.40 55.2 841 131.00 241/101 711 9.4
R Systems Internat. 1 1812 12.0 22 317 31.0 2.6 0.60 0.0 11.5 1909 98.0 12.4 1909N 290.8 27 35.7 96 51.28 0 0.00 12.5 837 69.55 78/34 791 17.1
Ramco Systems Lt 10 1903 30.6* 264 324 51.9 17.0 - 0.1 6.4 1909 82.2 15.1 1909H 165.1 9 30.3 -2 54.71 0 20.68 13.8 527 172.25 276/134 605 10.3
Saksoft Ltd. 10 1903 10.5 86 95 16.3 15.6 4.00 0.4 18.1 1909 28.2 7.5 1909H 56.2 31 15.5 63 69.20 0 0.86 4.2 230 219.65 367/187 267 10.3
Sasken Technologies 10 1903 15.1 465 415 94.0 62.5 12.50 0.0 13.4 1909 109.5 27.0 1909H 220.1 5 48.0 -8 45.04 0 20.56 22.3 901 598.55 774/473 897 10.1
*Scanpoint Geomatics 2 1903 9.9* 11 40 1.7 0.3 - 0.4 3.2 1909 11.1 0.5 1909H 17.2 23 1.0 46 27.80 41 0.09 8.5 99 20.10 37/18 117 -
Sonata Software 1 1903 10.5 51 829 172.4 16.4 12.75 0.0 32.3 1909 216.1 45.9 1909H 424.9 7 83.1 -7 28.17 0 24.83 43.1 3307 314.45 363/283 3221 19.9
Starcom Information 10 1903 5.0 5 14 0.1 0.3 - 1.8 5.6 1909 2.7 0.0 1909H 5.5 24 0.0 -42 75.00 12 11.97 0.4 110 220.10 301/48 114 -
Subex Ltd. 10 1903 562.0 13 21 -24.5 -0.4 - 0.0 - 1909 3.0 -2.6 1909H 4.1 -64 -7.7 49 0.00 0 0.61 103.4 355 6.31 8/5 354 -
Take Solutions Ltd. 1 1903 14.8 51 22 17.4 1.2 1.00 0.0 2.3 1909 0.9 6.1 1909H 1.4 115 7.7 -85 66.88 0 12.55 26.5 1514 102.35 167/91 1489 -
Tanla Solutions 1 1903 14.6* 48 809 17.1 1.2 0.35 0.1 2.4 1909 276.9 -44.4 1909H 548.9 66 -128.9 -7918 32.91 0 15.85 51.6 1005 68.90 76/29 917 -



Inst. Stake (%)

Trailing P/E Ratio

Sales Growth (%)

No. of Shareholder
Prom. Stake (%)
Latest Qtr. Year

Pledged (%)

Entprise Value
NP Growth (%)
Year / Months

Year / Months

Sales (` Cr)
CEqt. (` Cr)

Market Cap
Face Value

RONW (%)
Company Name
Bk Val (`)

NP (` Cr)
NP (` Cr)


CMP (`)
EPS (`)

(in’ 000)
Div (`)

(` Cr)
(` Cr)

(` Cr)

(` Cr)

(` Cr)

Tata Consultancy 1 1903 375.2 210123170 30065.0 80.1 30.00 0.0 38.1 1909 32387.0 8636.0 1909H 65044.0 8 17351.0 18 72.04 3 23.72 756.8 830722 2213.85 2296/1810 821855 25.4
Tata Elxsi Ltd. 10 1903 62.3 151 1597 290.0 46.6 8.00 0.0 30.8 1909 385.8 49.8 1909H 747.5 -5 98.6 -35 44.52 0 12.96 137.1 5277 847.35 1011/593 4761 22.4
Tech Mahindra Ltd. 5 1903 492.9* 209 27220 4380.4 44.4 14.00 0.0 21.2 1909 7095.7 1396.8 1909H 13954.4 6 2219.5 -1 35.88 0 51.95 473.4 76530 776.30 846/608 75326 17.6
*Trigyn Technolog 10 1903 30.8 58 129 4.0 1.3 0.75 0.0 2.2 1909 20.0 3.2 1909H 35.4 -20 3.6 458 45.99 3 0.14 16.2 147 47.70 89/39 145 21.2
Vakrangee 1 1903 105.9 24 1450 20.2 0.2 0.25 0.0 0.8 1909 137.1 10.2 1909H 247.7 -81 16.6 21 42.07 0 20.85 155.5 5313 50.15 71/23 4178 -
*Virinchi L 10 1903 32.7 72 170 21.5 6.6 - 0.3 9.1 1909 36.1 5.0 1909H 70.6 -28 11.1 -5 46.25 13 0.21 12.7 156 47.70 93/31 229 6.5
Wipro Ltd 2 1903 1142.6 86 48124 7614.0 13.3 2.00 0.1 15.4 1909 12522.6 2247.0 1909H 24583.9 4 4261.1 21 74.04 0 15.41 494.4 143825 251.75 302/232 138509 17.2
Xchanging Solutions 10 1903 111.4 18 52 16.5 1.5 - 0.0 8.1 1909 10.8 9.6 1909H 21.7 -14 16.6 116 75.00 0 5.12 14.6 624 56.05 64/39 480 24.6
Xtglobal Infotech 1 1903 9.5* 1 0 0.0 0.0 - -1.5 0.4 1909 1.1 0.3 1909H 1.6 65528 0.5 389 51.53 0 0.01 10.9 128 13.43 14/2 130 -
Zen Technologies Ltd 1 1903 7.7 18 92 19.2 2.5 0.30 0.3 14.1 1909 47.1 15.4 1909H 95.9 553 32.2 712 59.53 33 0.10 11.5 459 59.55 94/49 482 7.9
Zensar Technologies 2 1903 45.1 65 1370 258.0 11.4 2.80 0.0 17.5 1909 351.1 64.3 1909H 688.2 -1 111.9 -21 48.98 0 42.62 25.9 4172 185.15 271/168 4045 18.3
IND. COMPOSITE 10646 205393 9438 26
Ajmera Realty & Infr 10 1903 35.5 157 343 66.2 18.6 3.30 1.2 11.9 1909 105.2 10.8 1909H 198.0 40 19.0 -24 74.99 5 0.29 32.9 519 146.40 201/98 1171 8.6
Anant Raj Ltd. 2 1903 59.0 143 457 46.4 1.6 0.24 0.5 1.1 1909 84.2 4.0 1909H 170.5 -6 7.9 -28 63.56 0 8.23 49.0 1160 39.30 40/23 3112 26.8
Arihant Superstructu 10 1903 41.2 28 68 2.4 0.6 0.50 0.7 2.1 1909 12.4 -2.5 1909H 30.5 -12 -2.4 -261 74.14 0 5.32 3.5 113 27.50 69/21 190 -
Ashiana Housing Ltd. 2 1903 20.5 77 291 17.7 1.7 0.25 0.2 2.3 1909 60.5 -8.7 1909H 113.7 -38 -13.5 -173 61.03 0 9.49 24.2 1105 107.95 135/85 1213 -
Ashoka Buildcon Ltd. 5 1903 140.4 79 3821 286.2 10.2 - 0.3 12.9 1909 822.3 72.7 1909H 1699.1 17 137.4 9 54.25 0 37.62 28.0 2905 103.50 155/90 3581 9.8
B L Kashyap & Sons 1 1903 22.5 25 748 13.9 0.6 - 0.6 2.5 1909 217.6 -6.2 1909H 388.5 -5 -9.6 -144 61.44 100 8.17 20.6 217 9.61 24/7 539 -
Bharat Road Network 10 1903 84.0 140 11 14.3 1.7 0.50 0.1 1.2 1909 1.1 8.7 1909H 2.1 -58 14.9 27 53.75 22 1.34 12.5 568 67.60 145/55 687 32.5
Brigade Enterprises 10 1903 204.3* 113 1806 234.2 11.5 2.00 0.7 10.2 1909 549.8 75.4 1909H 1057.0 17 139.4 15 46.83 0 29.18 52.8 4605 225.40XB 235/126 6134 18.3
Capacit’e Infraproje 10 1903 67.9 124 1788 95.6 14.1 1.00 0.3 11.3 1909 405.3 39.8 1909H 816.5 -3 63.6 39 43.78 0 16.00 48.4 1328 195.55 295/156 1370 11.7
D B Realty Ltd. 10 1903 243.3 114 4 -120.5 -5.0 - 0.1 - 1909 0.2 -62.0 1909H 0.4 -84 -81.9 -282 62.36 69 8.46 30.5 272 11.19 30/6 579 -
Dilip Buildcon Ltd. 10 1903 136.8 234 9118 764.9 55.9 1.00 1.0 23.9 1909 1809.3 57.7 1909H 4103.1 1 182.9 -46 74.99 28 15.64 61.5 5594 409.00 734/312 8606 9.2
DLF Ltd. 2 1903 495.1* 93 3295 687.6 2.8 2.00 0.3 3.0 1909 529.3 1956.9 1909H 1034.0 -28 2739.6 1091 74.94 0 19.43 310.7 60435 244.15 245/134 63025 18.9
Eldeco Housing & 10 1903 2.0 834 108 28.5 144.7 17.50 0.0 17.4 1909 19.9 7.1 1909H 54.7 18 13.4 11 54.82 0 0.00 1.8 291 1480.15 2300/1286 232 9.8
Emami Realty 2 1903 5.6 58 64 0.7 0.3 - 10.3 0.4 1909 65.3 2.4 1909H 593.1 12082 5.3 173 50.50 0 0.14 32.9 137 49.20 155/37 1653 -
Future Market Net 10 1903 57.5 37 104 9.6 1.7 - 0.5 4.6 1909 29.9 4.2 1909H 60.5 24 4.2 22 71.56 98 0.42 15.5 153 26.60 60/21 262 14.4
Ganesh Housing 10 1903 49.2 156 95 11.2 2.3 0.50 0.4 1.5 1909 0.4 -12.0 1909H 1.1 -98 -25.3 -340 54.36 4 1.66 22.4 212 43.05 72/27 467 -
Gayatri Projects 2 1903 37.4 71 3463 210.8 11.3 - 1.2 15.9 1909 697.7 8.0 1909H 1681.8 17 62.8 -11 44.95 98 40.82 9.5 1593 85.10 188/57 2928 7.9
GeeCee Ventures 10 1903 20.9 209 147 35.1 16.8 - 0.0 8.0 1909 11.4 5.3 1909H 30.0 -49 11.5 -34 67.71 0 0.00 8.5 175 83.50 138/66 169 6.0
Generic Engineering 5 1903 21.1 35 202 15.6 3.7 0.05 0.1 10.6 1909 45.1 3.2 1909H 109.8 12 7.9 10 54.50 0 1.57 2.5 335 79.50 185/50 315 20.5
Godrej Properties Lt 5 1903 126.0 106 1434 209.3 8.3 - 1.3 7.9 1909 80.6 17.6 1909H 690.7 159 147.6 840 64.45 0 24.01 42.2 24502 972.20 1118/687 27735 71.8
HDIL 10 1903 474.0 248 584 96.2 2.0 - 0.1 0.8 1906 92.6 8.3 1906Q 92.6 -44 8.3 -67 41.84 0 17.29 253.4 128 2.70 29/1 1718 1.6
HG Infra Engineering 10 1903 65.2 101 2010 123.6 19.0 - 0.4 18.7 1909 474.2 38.6 1909H 1000.3 14 73.0 41 73.89 0 20.01 14.3 1720 263.95 307/173 1862 11.9
Hind.ConstructionCo. 1 1903 151.3 9 4341 -1961.8 -13.0 - 2.3 - 1909 987.9 -165.5 1909H 1819.0 -5 -180.5 88 34.89 92 35.38 234.5 1563 10.33 17/6 4260 -
Hubtown 10 1903 72.7 238 417 -7.1 -1.0 - 0.5 - 1909 102.6 1.6 1909H 111.3 -67 -15.4 -1228 52.38 92 6.19 23.0 102 14.00 43/11 930 -
Indiabulls Integrate 2 1903 17.9 178 0 21.9 2.4 - 0.0 1.4 1909 0.0 -5.0 1909H 0.0 -75 -5.3 -137 43.25 0 23.29 50.2 1086 121.60 376/53 1086 -
Indiabulls Real Esta 2 1903 90.9 144 117 106.0 2.3 - 0.5 1.6 1909 -6.1 -100.5 1909H 11.7 -89 -156.6 -1087 23.35 0 25.27 112.1 3999 87.95 151/38 7082 -
IRB Infrastructure 10 1903 351.4 75 3385 328.8 9.4 2.50 1.5 12.5 1909 1079.2 100.2 1909H 1958.4 22 155.5 -22 57.53 0 32.65 97.2 2906 82.70 160/56 5820 10.2
ITD Cementation Indi 1 1903 17.2 59 2283 81.9 3.8 0.40 0.2 8.0 1909 527.9 21.7 1909H 1066.0 136 38.4 34 46.63 0 32.09 36.3 976 56.80 143/35 1114 26.0
J Kumar Infraproject 5 1903 37.8 220 2787 177.1 23.4 2.25 0.4 10.6 1909 632.0 55.9 1909H 1299.7 15 96.8 28 44.65 24 22.23 23.1 1180 156.00 181/104 1312 6.0
JaiprakashAssociates 2 1903 486.5 36 6833 -773.7 -3.2 - 0.6 - 1909 1022.6 -161.8 1909H 2222.5 -38 -320.6 2 38.91 20 10.85 578.7 489 2.01 8/2 5487 -
Jaypee Infratech Ltd 10 1903 1388.9 8 1292 -1325.7 -9.5 - 5.6 - 1909 446.4 -409.1 1909H 1037.7 83 -833.0 -28 60.98 84 5.55 136.7 158 1.14 4/1 6729 -
JMC Projects 2 1903 33.6 55 3253 142.1 8.5 0.70 0.7 15.4 1909 941.7 39.1 1909H 1845.6 30 74.6 32 67.18 0 17.81 10.3 1682 100.20 150/85 2264 10.5
Karda Constructions 10 1903 12.3 77 105 12.1 9.8 - 0.8 12.8 1909 24.1 0.1 1909H 45.7 -1 2.9 -53 65.16 0 0.75 6.4 161 131.30 239/89 229 18.3
KNR Constructions 2 1903 28.1 101 2137 263.3 18.7 0.40 0.2 18.6 1909 546.2 70.1 1909H 1010.8 4 117.8 -1 55.17 0 33.60 32.5 3915 278.45 303/187 4141 14.9
Kolte-Patil Develope 10 1903 75.8 104 462 79.4 10.5 2.40 0.3 10.1 1909 94.8 -25.4 1909H 474.7 110 50.8 12 74.63 0 14.24 36.7 1861 245.45 288/196 2081 22.0
L&T 2 1903 280.7* 373 86988 6677.7 47.6 14.00 0.2 12.7 1909 18751.7 1983.6 1909H 35250.6 4 3375.6 27 0.00 0 56.13 1018.1 185841 1324.05 1607/1202 188586 25.2
Mahindra Lifespace D 10 1903 51.4 341 486 58.6 11.4 6.00 0.1 3.3 1909 271.5 29.8 1909H 355.1 74 39.5 6 51.48 0 25.15 58.0 2071 403.15 454/352 1973 34.1
Man Infraconstructio 2 1903 49.5 33 166 108.5 4.4 1.26 0.0 13.5 1909 17.1 11.5 1909H 43.0 -53 28.7 -62 64.31 0 1.62 29.5 717 28.95 42/18 679 11.6
MarathonNextgenRea 5 1903 23.0 130 81 34.2 7.4 0.50 0.5 5.7 1909 16.3 6.0 1909H 31.1 164 10.4 -54 74.96 0 0.00 5.6 447 97.25 160/57 739 15.2
NBCC (India) 1 1903 180.0 9 7245 384.1 2.1 0.65 0.0 24.5 1909 1098.5 -28.9 1909H 2355.1 -27 -3.6 -102 65.92 0 18.50 294.0 6579 36.55 68/29 4998 29.0
NCC 2 1903 120.1 79 12080 563.9 9.4 1.50 0.4 11.9 1909 1732.0 80.0 1909H 3919.7 -28 161.4 -30 18.11 37 45.67 147.3 3394 56.50 119/46 4831 6.8
Nila Infrastructures 1 1903 39.4 3 226 22.2 0.6 - 0.9 17.7 1909 52.6 5.7 1909H 105.3 7 9.7 2 61.90 0 7.52 31.4 179 4.55 10/4 279 -
Oberoi Realty 10 1903 363.6 166 1029 453.7 12.5 2.00 0.1 7.5 1909 126.7 121.0 1909H 326.8 -53 192.1 -43 67.70 0 30.03 24.9 19675 541.10 642/432 20068 63.5
Omaxe Ltd. 10 1903 182.9 75 768 23.1 1.3 0.70 0.6 1.7 1909 118.2 7.7 1909H 349.4 -14 13.5 70 74.38 51 14.87 47.9 2842 155.40 218/144 3403 99.2
Patel Engg. Ltd. 1 1903 38.8* 65 2070 82.9 2.1 - 0.9 3.3 1909 595.5 21.4 1909H 1193.8 9 79.9 90 59.84 13 19.58 57.8 684 17.66XR 21/9 2758 5.7
Peninsula Land L 2 1903 55.8 21 135 -777.9 -27.9 - 2.4 - 1909 10.1 -220.1 1909H 24.4 43 -286.4 10 55.36 27 4.34 54.3 155 5.55 11/3 1476 -
Phoenix Mills 2 1903 30.7* 179 440 173.1 11.3 3.00 0.2 6.3 1909 113.1 58.7 1909H 226.4 4 94.3 -10 59.15 0 33.30 11.7 13532 882.20 884/549 14207 83.4
PNC Infratech 2 1903 51.3 82 3097 324.9 12.7 0.50 0.1 15.4 1909 1180.2 206.9 1909H 2502.0 93 307.1 123 56.06 0 29.31 22.6 5036 196.30 219/126 5010 10.2
Prestige Estates Pro 10 1903 375.0 113 2441 289.2 7.7 1.50 1.1 6.8 1909 637.5 152.1 1909H 1409.8 30 232.2 133 70.00 0 29.04 15.5 12411 330.95 366/193 16804 29.4
PSP Projects 10 1903 36.0 103 1044 90.2 25.1 5.00 0.1 24.3 1909 312.5 32.7 1909H 619.8 39 58.2 51 73.68 0 7.91 12.0 1897 527.00 617/379 1700 17.3
Puravankara 5 1903 118.6 69 1472 91.8 3.9 1.00 0.5 5.6 1909 366.0 15.1 1909H 627.6 5 17.6 -53 74.99 0 18.09 30.1 1489 62.80 87/51 2234 20.7
Rail Vikas Nigam 10 1903 2085.0 18 10060 606.6 2.9 0.09 0.8 16.2 1909 3765.0 244.6 1909H 6610.6 82 394.6 72 87.84 0 5.38 128.6 5254 25.20 30/19 7336 6.8
Ramky Infrastructure 10 1903 69.2 61 1477 41.3 6.0 - 2.2 9.7 1909 223.9 4.0 1909H 740.7 38 7.2 -76 69.82 30 1.20 21.3 244 35.30 155/29 1047 13.2
Ratnabhumi Developer 10 1903 13.7 24 2 0.3 0.2 - 0.0 1.0 - - - - - - - - 72.99 0 0.00 0.1 112 81.90 113/58 112 -
RPP Infra Projects L 10 1903 22.6 93 581 24.4 10.8 - 0.6 11.6 1909 140.2 5.7 1909H 265.1 11 7.2 -54 52.51 76 6.68 4.8 158 69.95 155/56 227 10.0
Sadbhav Engineering 1 1903 17.2 119 3549 186.9 10.9 1.00 0.7 9.2 1909 565.1 25.9 1909H 1402.8 -12 65.3 -36 46.54 41 46.22 22.6 2076 121.00 274/103 3386 13.8
Shristi Infrastructu 10 1903 22.2 152 61 1.3 0.6 0.25 1.3 0.4 1909 20.1 0.3 1909H 43.8 29 0.7 -28 74.95 19 0.00 6.7 206 93.00 215/79 638 -
Simplex Infrastructu 2 1903 11.4 351 6041 122.6 21.4 0.50 1.7 6.1 1909 1155.6 7.5 1909H 2484.2 -19 28.4 -46 49.82 0 26.38 13.2 274 47.95 196/25 3521 2.8
SKIL Infrastructure 10 1903 216.6 112 - -173.4 -8.0 - 0.5 - 1909 0.0 -43.3 1909H 0.0 -71 -111.4 -140 67.65 76 6.81 5.2 120 5.53 18/4 1433 -
Sobha 10 1903 94.8 219 3399 286.5 30.2 7.00 1.1 13.8 1909 813.5 68.9 1909H 1998.1 67 160.0 59 51.75 20 43.65 52.3 3935 414.85 588/377 6137 11.4
Sunteck Realty Ltd. 1 1903 14.6 121 238 184.5 12.6 0.75 0.2 10.4 1909 63.5 29.9 1909H 126.7 5 55.1 -49 67.15 0 29.39 7.6 6422 438.85 532/320 6658 49.9
*TCI Developers Ltd. 10 1903 3.7 195 2 12.3 33.1 - 0.1 16.9 1909 0.5 -0.7 1909H 1.2 84 -0.8 -107 74.82 0 0.00 8.2 136 365.55 437/304 125 -
Texmaco Infrastructu 1 1903 12.7 29 13 7.0 0.5 0.20 0.1 1.9 1909 4.1 4.0 1909H 6.6 -19 4.7 -23 63.51 1 6.96 18.0 626 49.10 66/31 645 -
Unitech Ltd. 2 1903 523.3 27 508 -667.3 -2.6 - 0.4 - 1906 93.9 -78.9 1906Q 93.9 23 -78.9 -8 6.51 25 4.61 619.0 249 0.95 2/0 3258 -
Vascon Engineers Ltd 10 1903 178.1 38 363 15.2 0.9 - 0.3 2.2 1909 77.0 2.5 1909H 172.6 6 7.8 2078 36.07 25 0.46 37.0 266 14.95 19/10 431 11.7
Vipul Ltd. 1 1903 12.0 34 216 1.4 0.1 0.05 1.3 0.3 1909 70.2 -5.6 1909H 114.9 15 -7.5 -1615 63.43 61 2.20 3.7 237 19.75 55/17 754 -
Welspun Enterprises 10 1903 148.5* 108 1739 153.7 10.4 2.00 0.1 9.6 1909 303.8 32.4 1909H 819.7 37 70.0 17 47.42 0 8.40 50.2 1339 90.20 142/70 1391 8.2
Zuari Global 10 1903 29.4 625 2 40.3 13.7 1.00 0.1 2.2 1909 0.8 13.5 1909H 7.3 -80 17.7 -44 54.83 7 12.72 22.1 193 65.40 130/41 296 7.3 JAN 20 - FEB 2, 2020 I DALAL STREET INVESTMENT JOURNAL 35

Databank Updated as on Jan. 10, 2020


Inst. Stake (%)

Trailing P/E Ratio

Sales Growth (%)

No. of Shareholder
Prom. Stake (%)
Latest Qtr. Year

Pledged (%)

Entprise Value
NP Growth (%)
Year / Months

Year / Months

Sales (` Cr)
CEqt. (` Cr)

Market Cap
Face Value

RONW (%)
Company Name
Bk Val (`)

NP (` Cr)
NP (` Cr)


CMP (`)
EPS (`)

(in’ 000)
Div (`)

(` Cr)
(` Cr)

(` Cr)

(` Cr)

(` Cr)

IND. COMPOSITE 831 40895 -4815 40
Amber Enterprises 10 1903 31.4 310 2188 92.5 29.4 - 0.2 9.5 1909 393.4 4.6 1909H 1389.1 68 53.2 96 44.01 0 18.48 33.4 3866 1229.25 1240/621 3980 32.6
Bajaj Electricals 2 1903 20.5* 104 6673 167.1 16.3 3.50 1.5 15.6 1909 1091.8 -33.0 1909H 2396.0 -13 -15.6 -121 62.67 0 17.72 42.6 4000 390.35 588/306 5561 52.0
Blue Star 2 1903 19.3 100 4784 121.8 12.6 10.00 0.4 12.7 1909 1056.2 12.8 1909H 2526.9 10 87.0 -13 38.75 0 31.33 47.7 7929 823.25 881/560 8266 73.0
BPL Ltd. 10 1903 48.9 34 140 0.9 0.2 - 0.0 0.6 1909 32.0 -3.6 1909H 47.1 -38 -4.3 -246 63.24 0 0.59 29.8 102 20.80 44/14 95 -
Butterfly Gandhima 10 1903 17.9 105 652 9.6 5.4 - 0.8 5.0 1909 241.4 11.6 1909H 393.5 15 17.5 131 64.96 0 7.98 20.2 422 236.20 272/141 556 26.8
DHP India Ltd. 10 1903 3.0 237 67 12.9 43.0 2.50 0.0 18.2 1909 13.5 0.9 1909H 27.9 -24 2.6 -54 74.37 0 0.01 2.7 139 464.20 620/425 142 14.2
Dixon Technologies 10 1903 11.6* 311 2526 56.4 48.7 2.00 0.4 15.6 1909 1164.4 37.6 1909H 2099.8 77 58.0 105 38.07 0 29.28 32.0 4843 4186.20 4310/1831 4951 56.2
Eveready Industr 5 1903 36.3 52 1458 47.3 6.5 - 0.8 12.5 1909 348.3 18.4 1909H 669.3 -13 25.2 -41 30.83 85 26.76 57.3 404 55.60 234/34 693 13.7
Hawkins Cookers 10 1903 5.3 224 653 54.2 102.5 80.00 0.2 45.7 1909 192.6 27.0 1909H 334.6 14 40.6 44 56.03 0 15.43 13.8 1961 3708.35 4051/2606 1954 29.5
IFB Industries 10 1903 40.5 153 2540 74.0 18.3 - 0.0 11.9 1909 692.5 21.6 1909H 1367.1 9 31.9 -36 74.96 0 10.62 19.3 2840 701.00 999/559 2752 50.5
Indo National 10 1903 3.8 555 317 19.1 50.8 20.00 0.1 9.2 1909 92.8 8.7 1909H 173.4 8 11.1 1 65.35 59 5.34 7.5 206 548.20 742/378 216 10.7
Johnson Controls-Hit 10 1903 27.2 225 2241 85.9 31.6 1.50 0.3 14.0 1909 376.6 -0.6 1909H 1328.5 16 63.0 23 74.25 0 16.71 14.8 5313 1954.05 2175/1475 5473 54.4
Mirc Electronics 1 1903 23.1 9 644 -4.4 -0.2 - 0.3 - 1909 114.3 -7.8 1909H 291.8 -11 -6.9 -101 52.91 35 1.40 56.7 193 8.35 28/6 245 -
Panasonic Energy Ind 10 1903 7.5 135 207 4.6 6.2 4.00 0.0 4.6 1909 55.2 1.3 1909H 103.1 -5 3.4 -4 58.05 0 2.87 7.6 114 151.70 249/133 59 25.4
Shervani Ind.Syn 10 1903 2.7 568 73 33.3 123.3 - 0.0 21.7 1909 21.6 4.5 1909H 63.6 535 14.4 212 60.11 0 0.00 2.2 129 477.05 819/390 93 3.0
Symphony 2 1903 14.0 96 524 101.0 14.4 4.50 0.0 15.1 1909 195.0 57.0 1909H 355.0 56 83.0 113 74.99 0 15.55 20.5 8018 1146.15 1575/1070 7978 55.3
Timex Group India 1 1903 10.1 -5 242 7.5 0.7 - -1.9 - 1909 69.2 0.8 1909H 130.9 8 0.7 -88 74.93 0 0.02 41.6 355 35.20 58/29 380 -
TTK Prestige L 10 1903 13.9* 724 1968 190.3 137.3 30.00 0.0 18.9 1909 573.6 80.3 1909H 1007.2 4 116.8 30 70.40 0 18.91 27.8 7894 5694.65XB 7739/5047 7831 36.3
*Videocon Industries 10 1903 334.5 -79 907 -6760.8 -202.1 - -10.8 - 1903 269.7 -1638.4 - - -76 - - 40.67 99 6.38 331.1 142 4.25 6/1 28458 -
Voltas Ltd. 1 1903 33.1 113 6693 464.5 14.0 4.00 0.0 12.4 1909 1330.6 157.9 1909H 3867.4 18 304.9 10 30.29 0 49.22 109.1 22745 687.40 725/502 22622 46.1
Whirlpool of Ind 10 1903 126.9 169 5398 407.1 32.1 5.00 0.0 19.0 1909 1393.5 124.8 1909H 3367.7 19 315.7 30 74.99 0 14.33 50.8 29600 2333.10 2495/1292 28539 61.6
IND. COMPOSITE 13 85 15 18
Cupid Ltd. 10 1903 13.3 57 85 15.2 11.4 4.00 0.0 20.0 1909 42.1 11.0 1909H 77.0 105 19.2 118 45.06 0 0.48 17.2 280 210.05 239/101 274 11.0
IND. COMPOSITE 45 3682 112 53
Blue Dart Expres 10 1903 23.7 280 3165 87.6 36.9 12.50 0.2 13.2 1909 800.1 14.0 1909H 1586.6 4 18.6 -57 74.99 0 13.90 17.2 5328 2245.30 3650/2019 5207 84.8
Gati Ltd. 2 1903 21.7 70 516 24.3 2.2 0.80 0.1 3.2 1909 104.2 -2.3 1909H 222.5 -9 -4.0 -126 17.77 70 6.86 104.2 653 60.15 95/36 706 -
IND. COMPOSITE 19 5286 244 38
Tube Investments 1 1903 18.8* 75 5286 243.5 13.0 2.50 0.3 17.2 1909 1112.7 90.3 1909H 2365.1 -13 178.7 61 47.90 0 35.28 28.3 9353 498.00 508/309 9736 30.1
IND. COMPOSITE 767 74191 1895 63
Atlas Jewellery 10 1903 100.7 16 3 5.4 0.5 - 0.0 3.5 1909 0.3 1.7 1909H 1.0 -33 1.2 -92 49.67 0 0.00 5.9 357 35.45 165/9 356 -
D P Abhushan 10 1903 22.3 24 812 11.8 5.3 - 3.0 22.3 - - - - - - - - 73.34 0 0.00 0.4 112 50.50 57/38 227 -
Goldiam Internat 10 1903 23.0 100 170 19.6 8.5 3.00 0.0 8.5 1909 48.2 2.7 1909H 78.5 11 6.3 -6 62.80 0 0.14 9.5 349 151.95 163/70 329 18.2
PC Jeweller L 10 1903 395.0 100 8369 -2.8 -0.1 0.50 0.5 - 1909 1124.8 39.8 1909H 2473.3 -39 88.0 -63 46.44 0 10.93 249.4 918 23.25 168/21 2702 -
Rajesh Exports L 1 1903 29.5 155 42671 442.1 15.0 1.00 1.3 9.7 1909 12923.4 115.1 1909H 24045.5 5 217.2 -5 54.03 0 24.76 23.3 20701 701.10 756/555 12303 48.1
Renaissance Global 10 1903 18.9 246 1259 26.5 14.1 - 0.5 5.7 1909 358.1 9.6 1909H 592.7 4 14.0 -38 70.76 0 0.15 8.0 660 349.75 353/191 854 24.6
Titan Company 1 1903 88.8 70 19070 1374.4 15.5 5.00 0.4 22.2 1909 4435.0 320.2 1909H 9374.7 7 690.9 4 52.90 0 27.41 228.4 102455 1154.05 1390/945 103742 73.1
Tribhovandas Bhimji 10 1903 66.7 74 1764 15.3 2.3 0.75 1.2 3.1 1909 393.2 0.8 1909H 823.0 9 3.9 30 74.11 0 0.66 23.0 258 38.60 72/30 823 15.9
Uday Jewellery 10 1903 22.0 17 73 3.1 1.4 - 0.3 8.1 1909 16.3 1.2 1909H 41.2 2 2.3 24 73.28 0 0.00 2.6 229 104.00 107/45 240 64.8
IND. COMPOSITE 488 36697 1679 43
3M India Ltd. 10 1903 11.3 1651 2809 323.0 286.7 - 0.0 17.4 1909 701.6 92.1 1909H 1443.6 4 177.1 8 74.99 0 9.95 24.7 24122 21412.9025361/18200 23659 71.7
Balmer Lawrie & 10 1903 171.0* 76 1775 188.5 11.0 11.00 0.0 14.5 1909 381.9 38.3 1909H 812.9 -10 66.4 -9 0.00 0 8.01 50.6 2103 123.00XB 141/107 1680 11.6
DCM Shriram 2 1903 31.2 228 7684 906.8 58.2 9.80 0.4 25.5 1909 1735.7 125.4 1909H 3600.0 -3 339.5 -14 66.53 77 12.85 42.8 6279 402.65 637/285 7357 7.4
Grasim Inds. 2 1903 131.6* 637 20550 515.3 7.8 5.50 0.1 1.2 1909 4797.4 526.5 1909H 9798.0 -1 728.2 234 40.15 0 39.10 231.0 49733 756.05 959/636 52594 27.8
Kesoram Industri 10 1903 142.6 37 3879 -254.3 -17.8 - 5.3 - 1909 726.0 -115.2 1909H 1654.0 -11 -108.1 32 53.13 45 3.87 86.4 797 55.90 85/46 3540 -
IND. COMPOSITE 250 11663 1214 18
*AksharChem (India) 10 1903 8.2 314 323 22.6 27.5 3.50 0.0 8.8 1909 64.6 1.7 1909H 134.7 -16 7.7 -48 62.70 0 12.06 12.4 199 242.15 448/175 208 12.9
Amal Ltd. 10 1903 9.4 17 33 7.8 8.2 - 0.3 47.4 1909 8.8 2.4 1909H 18.4 -0 5.4 -3 65.50 0 0.02 12.4 117 124.50 177/90 117 15.4
Asahi Songwon Colors 10 1903 12.3 158 294 18.3 14.9 3.00 0.3 9.4 1909 71.6 7.9 1909H 153.4 -4 13.2 32 65.80 0 0.38 6.5 194 158.10 224/105 248 10.1
Atul Ltd. 10 1903 29.7 893 3916 428.6 144.5 15.00 0.0 16.2 1909 1013.0 208.3 1909H 2006.3 6 338.1 66 44.71 4 30.39 30.2 12561 4234.65 4379/3268 12532 22.3
Bhageria Industries 5 1903 21.8* 78 462 71.5 16.4 4.88 0.1 20.9 1909 108.4 17.2 1909H 209.8 -12 34.2 -26 70.48 0 0.16 10.7 486 111.25XB 150/88 473 8.1
Bodal Chemicals 2 1903 24.5 68 1379 144.1 11.8 0.80 0.2 17.3 1909 257.5 24.2 1909H 579.9 -20 53.1 -36 58.25 2 11.01 45.7 916 74.90 132/52 1044 8.0
Clariant Chemicals ( 10 1903 23.1 267 1028 18.6 8.0 10.00 0.0 3.0 1909 272.1 13.3 1909H 567.9 9 24.6 85 51.00 0 6.14 37.3 948 410.55 423/265 913 31.8
*Dynemic Products 10 1903 11.3 95 167 18.0 15.9 1.50 0.3 16.7 1909 45.6 5.5 1909H 92.3 19 11.2 41 40.50 0 0.73 9.7 179 158.40 166/96 209 8.5
*Indian Toners 10 1903 13.2 133 115 20.4 15.5 3.00 0.0 11.4 1909 24.7 3.7 1909H 48.0 -18 6.6 -36 69.25 0 0.02 15.9 146 110.55 156/80 131 8.7
Kiri Industries 10 1903 33.6 188 1062 120.0 35.7 2.00 0.2 19.0 1909 251.6 12.9 1909H 529.8 1 38.8 -49 41.61 0 26.30 18.2 1299 386.30 653/350 1431 15.7
Poddar Pigments 10 1903 10.6 206 357 16.5 15.6 3.00 0.0 7.6 1909 95.4 5.4 1909H 192.3 8 10.1 45 62.42 0 1.32 9.0 203 191.55 210/142 192 10.3
Polson Ltd. 50 1903 0.6 7553 109 9.9 827.3 - 0.9 10.9 1909 21.8 1.3 1909H 47.1 -8 3.1 15 74.98 0 0.21 3.9 93 7760.80 12190/7230 147 9.0
Sadhana Nitro 5 1903 9.3 56 267 75.3 40.4 2.00 0.1 71.9 1909 32.5 8.2 1909H 65.9 -56 14.9 -71 74.01 0 0.08 8.0 206 110.70 409/79 204 5.3
Sudarshan Chem. 2 1903 13.8 86 1433 151.6 21.9 6.00 0.4 25.3 1909 382.2 43.5 1909H 765.2 6 87.5 -30 52.89 0 9.91 22.4 3107 448.75 468/291 3348 27.2
Ultramarine Pig. 2 1903 5.8 132 307 56.5 19.3 4.50 0.0 14.7 1909 80.0 18.5 1909H 150.7 -0 33.3 1 53.60 0 1.30 9.7 527 180.60 284/160 499 9.3
Vidhi Specialty Food 1 1903 5.0 20 228 29.1 5.8 0.80 0.4 28.8 1909 53.7 8.5 1909H 105.5 -4 16.2 9 64.27 0 1.79 11.4 320 64.00 88/51 343 10.5
*Vipul Organics 10 1903 7.7 37 90 3.5 4.6 0.80 0.6 12.4 1909 25.2 1.5 1909H 46.8 10 2.6 68 54.50 0 0.25 2.5 109 141.75 209/98 125 23.9
Yash Chemex Ltd. 10 1903 10.2 16 92 2.0 1.9 0.30 0.1 11.7 1909 12.8 1.0 1909H 32.1 -28 1.4 49 51.97 0 0.00 0.6 92 90.10 117/67 93 38.3
IND. COMPOSITE 314 16461 501 8
Agro Tech Foods Ltd. 10 1903 24.4 147 824 33.9 13.9 2.50 0.0 9.5 1909 204.5 15.4 1909H 402.1 -1 22.4 44 51.77 0 11.84 14.9 1583 649.60 708/466 1579 38.9
AVT Natural Prod 1 1903 15.2 17 330 21.1 1.4 0.40 0.2 8.1 1909 106.9 8.6 1909H 176.8 19 13.7 66 74.81 0 0.04 19.6 519 34.05 36/19 571 19.5
*BCL Industries 10 1903 19.1 96 891 41.4 21.6 1.20 1.0 22.4 1909 211.5 7.5 1909H 427.4 5 14.1 -39 63.80 0 2.34 11.2 142 74.40 122/57 316 4.4
CIAN Agro Industries 10 1903 28.0 16 133 4.6 1.6 - 2.7 10.6 1909 69.3 -0.1 1909H 107.1 70 2.1 -51 75.00 0 0.19 6.1 100 35.70 52/28 135 -
Gokul Agro Resources 2 1903 26.4 16 4271 5.1 0.4 - 1.4 2.4 1909 1041.6 3.9 1909H 2181.8 3 6.9 236 71.79 16 0.76 7.5 176 13.31 19/9 360 10.3
Gokul Refoils & Solv 2 1903 26.4 19 8 2.7 0.2 - 0.0 1.1 1909 4.3 -1.9 1909H 4.3 600 -1.2 -135 73.41 0 0.75 4.7 175 13.30 19/7 175 -
Guj. Amb.Exports 2 1903 22.9 105 4021 198.2 17.3 1.00 0.2 16.4 1909 908.4 14.6 1909H 1919.8 21 37.2 -57 63.76 0 3.04 38.5 1614 140.75 246/114 1808 10.8
Kavit Industries 10 1903 61.9 11 92 1.5 0.2 - 0.1 2.1 1909 17.4 1.2 1909H 24.6 72 1.7 109 43.02 0 0.29 5.3 529 85.40 101/22 533 -



Inst. Stake (%)

Trailing P/E Ratio

Sales Growth (%)

No. of Shareholder
Prom. Stake (%)
Latest Qtr. Year

Pledged (%)

Entprise Value
NP Growth (%)
Year / Months

Year / Months

Sales (` Cr)
CEqt. (` Cr)

Market Cap
Face Value

RONW (%)
Company Name
Bk Val (`)

NP (` Cr)
NP (` Cr)


CMP (`)
EPS (`)

(in’ 000)
Div (`)

(` Cr)
(` Cr)

(` Cr)

(` Cr)

(` Cr)

Kriti Nutrients 1 1903 5.0 14 485 17.0 3.4 0.18 0.2 24.5 1909 126.6 4.3 1909H 268.4 6 8.1 -21 66.23 0 0.00 8.0 118 23.60 39/15 129 8.0
Manorama Industries 10 1903 11.1 93 103 19.1 17.1 - 0.2 18.3 - - - - - - - - 61.30 0 0.00 0.4 401 360.00 384/185 375 -
Sanwaria Consumer 1 1903 73.6 8 5304 156.1 2.1 0.07 1.6 24.0 1909 993.7 -384.7 1909H 2271.7 -9 -331.6 -541 54.10 0 9.72 77.0 137 1.86 11/1 1105 -
IND. COMPOSITE 1008 50367 2823 29
ABB India 2 1812 42.4 189 6690 510.9 24.1 4.80 0.0 12.7 1909 1745.6 135.3 1909N 5321.6 -31 381.9 22 74.99 0 15.58 64.0 28973 1367.25 1669/1210 27500 50.0
Apollo Micro Systems 10 1903 20.8 136 263 29.1 14.0 1.00 0.4 10.3 1909 56.9 2.9 1909H 101.0 -17 6.2 -54 63.91 0 9.88 28.9 157 75.85 152/65 235 7.2
Bharat Electroni 1 1903 243.7 37 12085 1927.3 7.9 2.05 0.0 21.4 1909 2742.7 339.5 1909H 4844.2 -12 544.2 -28 55.93 0 36.46 266.5 23672 97.15 122/73 22788 13.8
Centum Electronics L 10 1903 12.9 169 496 58.0 45.0 5.00 0.9 26.7 1909 107.2 5.5 1909H 230.6 22 10.6 -41 58.80 0 9.05 7.5 480 372.15 575/340 650 9.5
CG Power and Indust 2 1903 125.3 40 5356 -1417.4 -22.6 - 0.7 - 1909 957.4 0.9 1909H 2145.9 -16 24.3 -63 0.00 0 49.76 144.0 712 11.36 47/8 2379 -
Crompton Greaves Con 2 1903 125.4* 18 4479 402.5 6.4 2.00 0.3 36.6 1909 1075.8 111.3 1909H 2422.6 8 233.9 29 34.36 49 50.05 105.5 14966 238.60 272/192 15172 32.9
Elpro Internl. 1 1903 16.9 16 56 86.2 5.1 - 0.5 31.6 1909 68.8 7.6 1909H 77.1 174 5.8 -93 73.75 18 14.43 4.2 759 44.80 57/41 870 -
Genus Power Infrastr 1 1903 25.7 31 1055 72.4 2.8 0.58 0.3 8.9 1909 275.4 24.3 1909H 544.1 18 44.4 66 50.46 7 6.74 32.1 703 27.30 35/16 931 7.8
Havells India 1 1903 62.6 68 10058 791.5 12.6 4.50 0.0 18.6 1909 2230.3 181.4 1909H 4942.3 3 355.3 -9 59.51 0 32.10 111.9 40367 645.05 807/623 39123 53.3
*Hind Rectifiers 2 1903 3.3 47 255 11.8 7.1 0.40 0.8 15.1 1909 83.2 7.5 1909H 151.5 48 12.7 246 42.20 0 0.03 7.0 408 246.50 255/102 465 19.6
HPL Electric & Power 10 1903 64.3 114 1103 26.4 4.1 0.20 0.6 3.6 1909 262.1 6.1 1909H 505.7 -4 10.9 9 72.33 0 7.44 46.3 280 43.50 70/35 698 10.3
Igarashi Motors Indi 10 1903 31.5 134 606 57.4 18.2 4.90 0.1 13.6 1909 138.2 8.1 1909H 269.6 14 14.2 -50 75.00 0 11.07 15.4 1029 326.95 562/171 1084 33.4
Marine Electricals 10 1903 24.5 51 323 7.8 3.2 - 0.4 6.3 - - - - - - - - 73.51 0 0.00 0.2 257 104.80 123/80 257 -
Mehai Technololgy 10 1903 10.7 12 21 0.2 0.2 0.05 0.0 1.7 1909 6.0 0.3 1909H 13.9 46 0.1 -14 71.95 0 0.00 0.9 129 120.00 180/45 124 -
Modison Metals L 1 1903 3.2 42 220 16.7 5.1 1.50 0.1 12.1 1909 54.2 2.5 1909H 103.5 -0 3.5 -51 52.65 0 0.16 5.9 107 33.10 51/29 118 8.2
Olectra Greentech 4 1903 32.8 81 290 -13.6 -1.7 - 0.0 - 1909 110.6 3.0 1909H 223.4 115 11.5 211 60.80 16 3.02 14.8 1469 178.95 276/149 1337 -
Orient Electric 1 1903 21.2 14 1864 69.3 3.3 - 0.4 22.6 1909 434.6 4.9 1909H 1003.0 24 23.8 26 38.51 15 24.48 30.4 4097 193.10 216/125 4191 55.2
PG Electroplast Ltd. 10 1903 18.7 91 508 9.9 5.3 - 0.7 5.9 1909 144.3 0.7 1909H 317.1 37 4.9 25 66.52 0 5.67 6.0 122 65.35 121/34 234 11.2
Salzer Electr. 10 1903 16.0 180 560 24.0 15.0 1.60 0.5 8.3 1909 137.8 5.9 1909H 299.9 15 11.7 16 35.95 0 12.72 19.1 177 110.55 147/97 302 6.9
Schneider Electric 2 1903 47.8 1 1384 -24.4 -1.0 - 19.3 - 1909 314.0 -23.9 1909H 671.5 1 -33.9 -73 74.99 0 10.18 51.9 1983 82.95 118/61 2303 -
*Swelect Energy Syste 10 1903 15.2* 448 120 11.1 7.3 2.50 0.1 1.6 1909 40.3 5.6 1909H 69.5 -10 2.6 -21 56.21 0 0.01 13.2 245 161.30XB 200/94 272 23.6
V-Guard Ind.Ltd. 1 1903 42.8* 21 2574 165.5 3.9 0.80 0.0 18.4 1909 619.3 57.3 1909H 1318.7 7 109.8 51 64.04 0 25.36 73.8 9249 216.25 260/184 9174 45.6
IND. COMPOSITE 73 2090 149 33
Honda Siel Power 10 1903 10.1 510 816 54.1 53.4 10.00 0.0 10.5 1909 209.8 26.9 1909H 415.2 14 44.5 68 67.66 0 9.47 15.5 1228 1210.60 1360/819 1167 17.0
TD Power Systems Ltd 10 1903 30.9 148 445 7.1 2.3 2.00 0.1 1.5 1909 129.5 6.1 1909H 220.8 24 5.0 241 58.49 0 20.51 7.7 423 136.70 168/116 365 27.1
Triveni Turbine 1 1903 32.3 13 829 87.5 2.7 - 0.0 21.1 1909 245.4 43.5 1909H 457.1 18 68.7 52 67.78 0 27.69 28.7 3194 98.80 123/81 3181 28.8
IND. COMPOSITE 64 8663 195 10
Apar Industries 10 1903 38.3 294 7586 147.1 38.4 9.50 0.2 13.1 1909 1735.0 36.7 1909H 3602.6 12 78.8 46 58.68 0 31.15 22.7 1517 396.50 702/385 1494 8.8
Bharat Bijlee 10 1903 5.7 1331 932 41.5 73.5 12.50 0.3 5.5 1909 197.0 6.8 1909H 421.7 -3 17.5 -8 33.45 0 18.44 18.5 475 839.80 1209/765 660 11.8
Ujaas Energy 1 1903 20.0* 11 144 6.6 0.3 - 0.6 3.0 1909 16.5 9.0 1909H 28.7 -58 9.1 145 60.71 0 0.01 44.2 114 5.72 8/3 202 -
IND. COMPOSITE 82 13375 5868 2
Graphite India Ltd. 2 1903 39.1 238 6737 2805.8 143.6 55.00 0.1 60.3 1909 833.0 167.0 1909H 1730.0 -54 362.0 -80 65.21 0 13.71 217.1 5826 298.20 800/255 6155 4.2
HEG Ltd. 10 1903 38.6 964 6593 3050.4 790.4 80.00 0.2 82.0 1909 564.4 179.0 1909H 1380.9 -59 413.4 -75 59.61 0 16.85 163.9 4109 1064.75 3925/834 4218 2.3
Panasonic Carbon Ind 10 1903 4.8 214 45 12.3 25.6 10.00 0.0 12.0 1909 12.4 4.8 1909H 23.4 -1 8.4 28 63.30 0 0.03 10.8 170 355.05 438/270 82 12.1
IND. COMPOSITE 1439 79721 5637 28
A2Z Infra Engineer 10 1903 176.1 36 507 32.1 1.8 - 0.4 5.0 1909 144.6 -36.7 1909H 257.4 48 34.5 317 28.67 98 9.57 37.6 140 7.97 20/7 386 1.7
Ador Fontech Ltd 2 1903 7.0* 32 184 13.8 3.9 3.50 0.0 12.3 1909 49.7 4.8 1909H 93.7 3 8.0 3 37.36 0 7.54 8.0 155 44.20XB 61/37 129 11.0
Ador Welding Ltd. 10 1903 13.6 194 512 23.9 17.5 6.50 0.2 9.1 1909 128.6 10.2 1909H 258.2 13 14.6 34 56.70 0 15.84 13.1 424 311.45 414/272 461 15.4
Artson Engg. 1 1903 3.7 2 158 -1.7 -0.5 - 3.1 - 1909 41.3 -1.5 1909H 79.4 18 -1.4 43 75.00 0 0.00 13.0 150 40.55 56/24 164 -
Astra Microwave 2 1903 17.3 58 286 12.5 1.4 0.25 0.0 2.5 1909 108.7 20.7 1909H 139.0 42 13.4 299 12.82 0 15.27 37.9 716 82.70 105/71 696 31.7
*Axtel Industries 10 1903 16.2 32 111 13.0 8.0 1.50 0.0 24.9 1909 30.8 3.4 1909H 48.7 -6 4.2 -44 49.94 0 0.00 14.9 190 117.90 149/80 186 14.2
BGR Energy Systems 10 1903 72.2 195 3229 29.1 4.0 - 1.5 2.1 1909 609.7 -16.2 1909H 1241.7 -13 -26.2 -36 75.00 0 3.10 81.3 269 37.25 73/28 2017 12.2
BMW Industries 1 1903 22.5 23 823 41.0 1.8 - 0.6 7.9 1909 151.0 6.1 1909H 313.2 -29 11.5 -52 70.08 0 0.00 1.0 406 18.05 33/15 707 14.2
Carborundum Uni. 1 1903 18.9* 67 1782 166.1 8.8 2.75 0.0 13.0 1909 440.1 43.5 1909H 870.7 1 88.6 8 42.07 0 32.23 25.7 6230 329.15 415/266 6213 36.0
Commercial Engineers 10 1903 89.5 10 216 88.7 9.9 - 0.5 102.1 1909 15.3 -2.9 1909H 56.6 -45 2.8 122 60.71 84 9.33 10.8 133 14.81 27/12 156 1.3
Cummins India Lt 2 1903 55.4 149 5659 722.6 26.1 17.00 0.1 17.5 1909 1308.4 183.3 1909H 2651.4 -6 324.8 -18 51.00 0 38.11 74.6 16298 587.95 885/498 15869 25.0
De Nora India Ltd. 10 1903 5.3 100 33 1.6 3.0 - 0.0 3.0 1909 10.8 1.8 1909H 20.8 22 2.4 -2 53.67 0 0.00 7.1 122 229.20 330/191 110 79.2
Dynamatic Techno 10 1903 6.3 815 592 32.3 50.9 2.00 1.0 6.2 1909 149.7 15.7 1909H 303.0 6 26.4 40 48.77 15 25.81 8.7 631 995.00 1666/889 1099 15.8
*Electrotherm (In 10 1903 12.7 -880 3462 140.8 110.5 - -1.4 - 1909 647.4 34.4 1909H 1474.7 -13 69.5 210 31.31 8 5.10 6.3 179 140.80 380/115 1648 1.0
Esab India 10 1903 15.4 173 672 57.6 37.4 90.00 0.0 21.6 1909 172.5 18.9 1909H 353.8 5 35.6 20 73.72 0 13.76 10.4 2003 1301.30 1400/816 1947 31.6
Forbes & Company Ltd 10 1903 12.9 182 227 10.3 8.0 5.00 0.5 4.4 1909 45.0 -5.8 1909H 100.6 -12 -6.0 -223 73.85 68 11.65 14.9 2299 1782.40 2550/1451 2405 -
GKW L 10 1903 6.0 480 30 19.9 33.3 - 0.0 6.9 1909 14.8 11.9 1909H 19.2 75 13.2 141 70.59 0 5.79 24.4 416 697.05 1059/546 414 15.1
Greaves Cotton 2 1903 46.2 42 1988 169.3 7.3 4.00 0.0 17.5 1909 490.0 45.3 1909H 966.9 1 83.4 -6 54.81 0 28.53 80.8 3230 139.70 157/113 3188 19.8
Grindwell Norton 5 1903 55.4 98 1567 163.8 14.8 6.00 0.0 15.1 1909 387.9 51.8 1909H 794.4 2 94.0 14 58.32 0 20.36 15.7 6580 594.30 672/495 6350 37.5
Hercules Hoists 1 1903 3.2 133 102 12.8 4.0 1.50 0.0 3.0 1909 22.5 4.7 1909H 42.4 -16 6.1 -14 69.61 0 0.02 11.3 314 98.25 137/72 309 26.7
Honeywell Automation 10 1903 8.8 1976 3175 358.8 405.9 45.00 0.0 20.5 1909 827.5 120.2 1909H 1684.6 8 234.3 24 74.99 0 15.29 15.7 24146 27309.7029499/20700 22921 59.8
Ion Exchange (India) 10 1903 14.7 255 1102 66.6 45.4 4.50 0.2 17.8 1909 396.9 27.1 1909H 701.2 61 42.5 85 44.03 0 6.00 16.0 1334 909.25 929/355 1128 15.5
Ircon Internatio 10 1903 94.1 420 4415 444.7 47.3 21.55 0.6 11.3 1909 1161.1 87.7 1909H 2281.9 37 228.9 -7 89.18 0 3.48 72.2 3989 424.10 461/333 3616 9.3
*Jash Engineering 10 1903 11.8 113 202 17.8 15.1 1.50 0.4 13.3 - - - - - 77 - - 53.83 0 15.56 0.9 148 125.30 150/70 193 12.0
Kennametal India 10 1906 22.0 236 927 86.3 39.3 2.00 0.0 16.6 1909 197.9 20.3 1909Q 197.9 -13 20.3 -17 75.00 0 13.55 7.8 2216 1008.15 1275/915 2182 26.9
Kirloskar Bros. 2 1903 15.9 118 2223 87.3 11.0 2.50 0.2 9.3 1909 482.3 9.4 1909H 955.0 1 15.8 -59 65.92 0 13.42 16.5 1184 149.15 201/119 1296 18.2
Kirloskar Industries 10 1903 9.7 1224 46 49.5 51.0 21.00 0.0 4.2 1909 28.0 29.9 1909H 30.0 -8 32.8 -7 73.11 0 14.42 16.1 631 650.00 970/595 620 13.4
Kirloskar Oil Engine 2 1903 28.9 123 3204 225.0 15.6 5.00 0.0 12.7 1909 683.3 37.0 1909H 1448.4 -8 81.1 -11 59.44 0 23.19 33.2 2171 150.15 205/143 1998 10.1
KSB Ltd 10 1812 34.8 205 1093 74.0 21.3 6.00 0.1 10.4 1909 365.8 23.8 1909N 956.9 28 67.3 38 66.40 0 16.74 14.6 2413 693.35 779/536 2319 26.1
L&T Technology Serv 2 1903 20.9* 230 4712 700.1 67.1 21.00 0.0 29.1 1909 1293.4 203.0 1909H 2539.1 12 401.0 20 74.97 0 13.67 96.1 16261 1558.45 1818/1396 16112 21.2
Mazda Ltd. 10 1903 4.0 335 138 14.1 35.2 9.00 0.0 10.5 1909 50.0 4.9 1909H 85.8 63 7.2 91 45.50 0 0.02 4.1 175 438.00 480/244 172 10.0
McNally Bharat E 10 1903 211.6 27 1518 -466.0 -22.0 - 38.8 - 1909 153.8 -40.4 1909H 332.7 -68 -71.9 28 37.88 22 0.02 15.1 92 4.35 11/2 3087 -
Mold-Tek Technologi. 2 1903 5.6* 18 78 11.6 4.2 1.40 0.0 23.3 1909 23.5 2.7 1909H 46.6 27 5.9 20 50.52 0 0.00 6.5 143 51.00 63/41 144 11.3
Orient Abrasives 1 1903 12.0 17 313 16.2 1.4 0.25 0.3 7.8 1909 81.5 6.0 1909H 169.3 18 11.6 80 62.40 0 13.23 14.6 215 18.00 30/14 275 10.1
Permanent Mag. 10 1903 8.6 39 121 14.8 17.2 - 0.2 44.5 1909 31.3 3.7 1909H 56.5 1 6.5 20 70.03 1 0.00 5.6 90 104.30 213/75 95 5.6
Pitti Engineering 5 1903 16.0 55 622 23.7 7.4 - 1.6 13.4 1909 144.5 7.0 1909H 294.2 -3 11.5 -4 56.79 8 2.54 12.4 142 44.15 71/32 364 6.1
*Pritika Auto Ind. 10 1903 17.7 63 195 14.0 7.9 0.50 0.4 12.5 1909 43.0 2.0 1909H 82.0 -11 4.1 289 47.86 0 1.58 1.6 166 93.85 186/67 207 23.8
PTC Industries 10 1903 5.2 268 151 10.9 20.8 - 0.9 7.8 1909 39.5 2.2 1909H 78.8 20 4.4 -32 62.76 0 0.00 1.3 184 351.05 494/331 310 20.8 JAN 20 - FEB 2, 2020 I DALAL STREET INVESTMENT JOURNAL 37

Databank Updated as on Jan. 10, 2020


Inst. Stake (%)

Trailing P/E Ratio

Sales Growth (%)

No. of Shareholder
Prom. Stake (%)
Latest Qtr. Year

Pledged (%)

Entprise Value
NP Growth (%)
Year / Months

Year / Months

Sales (` Cr)
CEqt. (` Cr)

Market Cap
Face Value

RONW (%)
Company Name
Bk Val (`)

NP (` Cr)
NP (` Cr)


CMP (`)
EPS (`)

(in’ 000)
Div (`)

(` Cr)
(` Cr)

(` Cr)

(` Cr)

(` Cr)

Roto Pumps Ltd 2 1903 3.1 55 128 15.3 9.9 0.50 0.3 18.1 1909 38.1 6.5 1909H 64.2 10 8.9 22 69.69 0 0.61 5.5 263 170.20 186/87 284 15.5
*Salasar Techno Engin 10 1903 13.3 142 654 33.0 24.8 2.50 0.8 17.4 1909 153.7 9.4 1909H 316.9 4 16.3 20 74.94 0 0.22 8.6 149 112.20 299/87 288 4.6
Shakti Pumps (In 10 1903 18.4 148 523 31.4 17.1 5.00 0.6 11.5 1909 86.5 -5.1 1909H 188.5 -14 -4.4 -146 48.30 24 5.07 16.8 505 274.90 480/196 649 29.0
Siemens Ltd. 2 1909 71.2 254 13684 1086.9 30.5 7.00 0.0 12.0 1909 4128.8 330.6 - - 9 - - 74.99 0 14.12 114.5 53804 1510.85 1717/934 50159 49.5
*Singer India 2 1903 10.7 11 483 9.3 1.7 0.80 0.4 15.7 1909 101.7 1.6 1909H 225.4 4 3.0 -15 59.07 0 0.00 15.8 148 27.60 58/26 167 16.9
Skipper Ltd. 1 1903 10.3 63 1871 31.2 3.0 0.25 0.7 4.8 1909 313.3 1.4 1909H 651.8 -35 9.6 38 71.89 0 12.93 19.1 512 49.85 87/40 978 15.1
Sterling and Wilson 1 1903 16.0 27 8210 196.1 12.2 - 2.7 44.7 1909 964.3 66.7 1909H 2187.2 -44 102.7 35 77.21 48 18.39 34.1 4905 305.85 756/245 5764 -
Sterling Tools L 2 1903 7.2 79 512 44.9 12.5 2.00 0.3 15.8 1909 89.2 7.2 1909H 193.5 -28 16.0 -45 65.76 0 7.79 7.2 758 210.55 350/138 841 24.0
Swaraj Engines 10 1903 12.1* 196 872 82.4 67.9 50.00 0.0 34.6 1909 222.7 25.4 1909H 428.1 -11 42.3 -13 52.18 0 12.17 20.3 1563 1288.55 1649/1010 1545 20.5
Thermax 2 1903 23.8 230 3541 275.2 23.1 7.00 0.0 10.1 1909 838.3 64.9 1909H 1626.1 -20 114.8 0 61.98 0 25.26 33.3 12958 1087.45 1180/929 12879 47.0
United Drilling Tool 10 1903 20.3 65 156 24.7 12.2 1.20 0.0 18.8 1909 29.5 13.3 1909H 56.3 -44 23.5 114 74.65 4 0.00 5.1 274 135.00 165/59 263 7.4
Va Tech Wabag Ltd. 2 1903 10.9 168 1748 102.4 18.7 - 0.4 11.2 1909 442.8 17.9 1909H 766.8 -11 37.9 0 24.67 12 33.46 68.3 1163 212.60 361/160 1498 11.3
Wendt India 10 1903 2.0 573 143 13.5 67.3 30.00 0.0 11.7 1909 38.0 4.3 1909H 72.2 -1 8.2 -9 79.73 0 0.09 6.8 570 2850.00 3390/1955 560 45.0
WPIL Ltd. 10 1903 9.8 376 533 73.4 75.2 7.50 0.1 20.0 1909 103.6 12.7 1909H 190.4 -27 27.7 -38 68.81 0 6.96 8.6 683 699.35 1000/540 710 12.1
Yuken India 10 1903 12.0 150 284 118.2 98.5 2.00 0.5 65.8 1909 52.2 0.9 1909H 114.4 -13 3.5 -42 52.50 0 0.01 6.2 574 478.65 780/425 658 5.0
IND. COMPOSITE 2813 77754 -2753 14
Action Construction 2 1903 22.7 38 1342 56.2 4.9 0.50 0.1 12.9 1909 268.1 14.3 1909H 561.5 -17 26.3 -10 72.14 0 1.68 31.7 921 81.20 124/48 954 17.3
BEML Ltd. 10 1903 41.6 525 3481 63.5 15.2 7.00 0.2 2.9 1909 687.7 -25.9 1909H 1268.8 7 -122.8 14 54.02 0 29.65 69.8 4046 971.45 1108/644 4415 48.1
Bharat Dynamics 10 1903 183.3 124 3069 422.6 23.1 6.92 0.0 18.6 1909 659.5 106.5 1909H 1151.0 -0 172.0 56 87.75 0 7.62 112.7 5454 297.60 365/224 5085 11.3
Bharat Heavy Ele 2 1903 696.4 90 30349 1215.4 3.5 1.05 0.1 3.9 1909 6225.7 118.6 1909H 10757.4 -15 -97.7 -129 63.17 0 29.19 539.3 15582 44.75 79/41 10632 20.1
CMI FPE Ltd. 10 1903 4.9 387 496 35.1 71.1 10.00 0.0 18.4 1909 87.8 9.8 1909H 195.6 44 13.6 -1 74.99 0 0.59 3.5 446 903.10 1440/740 329 12.8
Disa India Ltd. 10 1903 1.5 935 242 27.8 191.0 2.50 0.0 20.4 1909 57.1 7.8 1909H 117.9 5 15.4 39 74.82 0 9.90 3.0 693 4765.85 6500/4540 595 21.6
*Eimco Elecon Ind 10 1903 5.8 540 185 23.2 40.2 7.00 0.0 7.5 1909 20.5 4.5 1909H 39.4 -56 5.4 -32 74.05 16 0.00 5.6 209 363.00 450/263 207 10.1
Elecon Engg. 2 1903 22.4 66 954 12.1 1.1 0.20 0.6 1.6 1909 205.7 4.5 1909H 419.0 -15 5.8 -16 58.92 46 2.87 42.1 431 38.40 75/25 874 -
GMM Pfaudler Ltd 2 1903 2.9 149 419 40.6 27.8 4.50 0.0 18.7 1909 136.1 18.0 1909H 266.4 38 32.7 73 75.00 0 2.08 11.5 2794 1911.25 1982/995 2765 51.3
*Gujarat Apollo Indus 10 1903 12.7 199 30 6.3 4.9 3.00 0.0 2.5 1909 8.9 5.4 1909H 15.8 69 6.3 51 56.44 0 0.00 6.7 173 136.75 170/107 180 20.7
Hindustan Aeronautic 10 1903 334.4 324 19894 2282.4 68.3 19.80 0.4 21.0 1909 3451.1 624.5 1909H 6742.7 24 1190.6 83 89.97 0 8.73 141.3 24609 735.95 828/603 28655 8.7
Inox Wind Ltd. 10 1903 221.9 91 1345 1.3 0.1 - 0.3 0.1 1909 55.4 -29.9 1909H 196.3 -75 -52.9 -346 74.99 0 7.33 48.4 811 36.55 81/31 1353 -
Integra Engineering 1 1903 3.4 7 63 11.1 3.2 - 0.6 47.8 1909 16.2 2.1 1909H 31.9 8 3.8 28 54.67 0 0.27 18.5 137 39.90 59/34 133 11.5
ISGEC Heavy Eng 1 1903 7.4 183 4129 128.3 17.5 2.00 0.1 9.5 1909 1253.5 45.9 1909H 2260.8 31 78.7 32 62.26 0 12.35 11.4 2668 362.85 622/306 2651 18.1
Kabra Extrusion 5 1903 16.0 77 245 24.5 7.7 2.00 0.0 9.9 1909 62.6 6.9 1909H 98.0 9 0.9 -87 57.58 0 0.42 13.7 219 68.65 89/52 226 11.8
Lakshmi Machines 10 1903 10.7 1582 2636 189.3 177.2 35.00 0.0 11.2 1909 411.4 17.4 1909H 863.7 -39 31.5 -65 30.91 0 22.71 36.4 3675 3439.95 6431/3147 3151 28.1
Praj Industries 2 1903 36.6 40 923 62.4 3.4 2.12 0.0 8.5 1909 250.3 16.1 1909H 436.4 30 28.8 234 32.95 0 28.86 99.4 2043 111.65 168/93 1988 24.7
Sanghvi Movers L 2 1903 8.7 169 282 -58.1 -13.4 - 0.5 - 1909 80.8 -0.8 1909H 164.1 27 -4.0 83 47.10 0 5.88 15.9 403 93.00 141/67 752 -
Stovec Indus. 10 1812 2.1 676 193 39.6 189.5 55.00 0.0 28.0 1909 54.8 9.9 1909N 143.3 1 22.3 -32 71.06 0 0.05 6.6 437 2093.35 2680/1500 347 15.3
Suzlon Energy Ltd. 2 1903 1064.0 -13 2544 -7413.3 -13.9 - -0.7 - 1909 106.8 -958.9 1909H 268.6 -81 -1356.2 -114 19.79 76 10.78 1010.5 1399 2.63 8/2 6512 -
Techno Electric&Eng 2 1903 22.0 128 989 181.6 16.5 - 0.0 12.9 1909 263.8 90.2 1909H 501.2 -6 141.5 18 60.18 0 28.75 6.7 3138 285.25 321/215 3110 15.5
Texmaco Rail & Engin 1 1903 26.8* 50 1858 75.3 2.8 0.35 0.5 5.6 1909 475.9 8.6 1909H 868.0 34 18.2 -6 51.19 1 20.63 64.5 1065 39.80 73/29 1605 15.2
The Anup Engineering 10 1903 10.2 276 243 42.0 41.2 - 0.0 14.9 1909 61.9 12.8 1909H 98.9 7 20.8 27 41.70 4 21.81 106.6 519 508.85 680/351 526 11.2
Titagarh Wagons Ltd. 2 1903 23.1 69 910 -82.9 -7.2 0.30 0.2 - 1909 298.2 12.3 1909H 626.9 99 26.0 252 45.70 0 12.45 71.7 636 55.00 83/31 794 -
TRF Ltd 10 1903 11.0 -61 237 -105.6 -95.9 - -2.6 - 1906 60.3 -5.3 1906Q 60.3 -2 -5.3 62 34.12 0 3.43 21.0 141 128.35 148/71 269 -
Walchandnagar 2 1903 7.6 88 364 -2.1 -0.6 - 1.2 - 1909 100.2 1.1 1909H 163.0 -5 -19.4 -967 55.00 98 3.07 61.3 247 64.75 108/48 576 -
Windsor Machines 2 1903 13.0 43 331 -31.6 -4.9 1.00 0.2 - 1909 62.7 4.9 1909H 131.6 -8 17.2 400 58.52 51 0.02 11.3 127 19.50 74/16 167 -
IND. COMPOSITE 2666 29068 2284 18
Affle (India) 10 1903 25.5 19 118 16.7 6.5 - 0.0 35.1 1909 49.2 8.8 1909H 79.6 - 15.0 - 68.37 0 19.66 16.6 3985 1563.00 1739/751 3975 -
Balaji Telefilms Ltd 2 1903 20.2 100 440 20.1 2.0 0.40 0.0 2.0 1909 179.4 15.5 1909H 262.2 6 18.0 204 34.22 0 20.43 21.8 522 51.65 107/45 506 16.2
Cineline India 5 1903 14.0 41 24 9.9 3.5 - 1.2 8.6 1909 6.7 1.3 1909H 13.8 11 1.8 -68 69.87 70 0.01 20.2 114 40.80 51/24 237 18.8
Den Networks Ltd. 10 1903 477.2 55 1009 -219.1 -4.6 - 0.1 - 1909 310.0 24.9 1909H 591.6 10 36.6 190 86.53 0 1.12 12.5 2410 50.50 98/37 2575 -
Diksat Transworld L 10 1903 17.5 14 13 0.6 0.3 - 0.2 2.2 - - - - - - - - 71.48 0 0.00 0.1 228 129.90 130/91 231 -
Dish TV India Ltd. 1 1903 184.1 29 3938 -1289.4 -7.0 0.50 0.1 - 1909 342.2 -50.8 1909H 702.4 -65 -109.5 -299 55.26 94 17.57 163.0 2375 12.90 42/10 2804 -
Entertainment Networ 10 1903 47.7 196 620 53.9 11.3 1.00 0.0 5.8 1909 113.9 1.3 1909H 245.5 1 6.1 -66 71.15 0 22.34 12.4 1245 261.10 605/220 1223 29.7
*Eros International M 10 1903 95.6* 161 836 87.4 9.1 - 0.4 5.7 1909 197.7 6.1 1909H 347.0 -16 17.1 -63 62.38 48 2.79 55.2 147 15.39 90/9 699 2.5
GTPL Hathway 10 1903 112.5 59 819 14.5 1.3 1.00 0.3 2.2 1912 548.9 34.8 1912N 1329.5 121 85.2 160 78.83 4 12.46 17.1 928 82.50 96/53 1026 13.9
Hathway Cable & Data 2 1903 354.0 24 528 210.6 1.2 - 0.2 4.9 1909 139.4 3.3 1909H 273.2 5 22.8 367 94.09 0 2.22 32.3 3558 20.10 39/18 4257 14.7
Inox Leisure 10 1903 102.9 94 1692 133.5 13.0 - 0.1 13.8 1909 519.9 35.1 1909H 1013.0 30 62.1 27 51.89 0 33.34 39.1 3971 386.05 399/234 4033 27.1
Media Matrix Worldwi 1 1903 113.3 1 3 0.4 0.0 - 0.0 0.2 1909 0.8 -0.1 1909H 1.5 0 0.2 -39 60.71 5 0.00 2.9 453 4.00 6/4 453 -
Mukta Arts Ltd. 5 1903 11.3 63 20 3.9 1.7 1.25 0.4 2.7 1909 3.3 -0.2 1909H 13.6 140 3.4 1089 70.37 0 0.00 8.4 93 41.25 54/32 143 13.3
Music Broadcast 2 1903 55.3 22 325 61.6 2.2 - 0.0 10.2 1909 62.5 18.5 1909H 132.3 -15 26.9 0 73.93 0 16.39 22.4 769 27.80 66/27 706 12.5
NDTV 4 1903 25.8 37 252 13.3 2.1 - 0.4 5.6 1909 42.4 -10.2 1909H 112.2 -11 -1.2 -248 61.44 0 14.17 23.0 168 26.10 44/25 257 14.8
Prime Focus 1 1903 29.9* 35 162 -33.3 -1.1 - 0.4 - 1909 32.4 -13.9 1909H 68.5 -3 -34.0 29 34.96 13 11.56 9.9 1347 45.00 93/32 1753 -
PVR Ltd. 10 1903 54.2* 225 2747 172.8 31.9 2.00 0.8 14.2 1909 916.0 48.6 1909H 1783.5 34 66.3 -18 18.40 0 70.30 34.4 10327 1905.35 1929/1346 11246 67.5
*Raj Television Netwo 5 1903 26.0 19 62 5.4 1.0 0.10 0.3 3.8 1909 16.6 0.3 1909H 33.6 44 1.1 117 71.26 0 0.00 7.5 221 42.65 53/31 247 16.9
Saregama India Ltd. 10 1903 17.4 245 524 51.9 29.8 3.00 0.1 12.2 1909 150.2 16.4 1909H 271.0 9 16.9 -28 59.06 0 7.54 24.8 750 430.20 637/302 807 16.5
Shemaroo Entertainme 10 1903 27.2 213 548 86.1 31.7 1.65 0.3 14.8 1909 147.8 20.1 1909H 286.5 6 36.5 -17 65.82 0 20.41 7.1 436 160.25 449/131 631 5.5
*SITI Networks 1 1903 87.2 0 821 -372.4 -4.3 - 30.8 - 1909 210.4 -41.5 1909H 409.0 -1 -93.9 19 65.67 91 15.80 88.7 167 1.92 11/2 837 -
Sun TV Network Ltd. 5 1903 197.0 138 3663 1394.9 35.4 12.50 0.0 25.6 1909 795.6 366.5 1909H 1896.9 1 748.4 -2 74.99 4 16.62 52.6 18250 463.10 649/389 17779 13.2
Tips Industries 10 1903 14.3 49 203 2.8 2.0 1.00 0.0 4.0 1909 11.7 2.6 1909H 48.4 -71 6.0 548 74.81 0 0.00 4.9 136 95.00 114/52 129 17.4
TV Today Network Ltd 5 1903 29.8 140 710 129.9 21.8 2.25 0.0 15.5 1909 180.4 21.7 1909H 425.7 23 74.7 6 57.96 0 27.32 21.4 1440 241.35 379/228 1150 10.9
TV18 Broadcast 2 1903 342.9 16 1079 85.0 0.5 - 0.3 3.1 1909 262.4 -10.3 1909H 560.5 50 -8.6 -142 60.40 0 15.35 124.0 3806 22.20 39/18 4635 -
UFO Moviez India Ltd 10 1903 28.4 168 425 40.6 14.3 30.00 0.1 8.5 1909 82.8 -6.1 1909H 170.3 -11 43.9 245 30.08 3 39.41 27.6 365 128.60 324/118 380 5.1
*Vertoz Advertising 10 1903 12.0* 22 22 2.8 2.3 - 0.1 10.2 - - - - - - - - 73.03 0 0.00 0.4 94 78.30XB 106/75 85 -
Zee Entertainment En 1 1903 96.0* 74 6858 1655.0 17.2 3.50 0.1 23.2 1909 1851.7 197.6 1909H 3641.5 12 709.8 -5 22.36 96 61.76 131.6 25266 263.05 490/204 24398 15.6
Zee Media Corp 1 1903 47.1 13 607 -55.3 -1.2 - 0.3 - 1909 120.6 -131.2 1909H 299.4 5 -110.4 -652 51.29 100 10.82 111.1 282 6.00 27/5 451 -
IND. COMPOSITE 4451 180425 30449 45
ADF Foods Ltd. 10 1903 20.0 105 187 30.5 15.2 - 0.0 14.5 1909 43.2 7.8 1909H 87.3 -8 15.1 -5 34.34 0 0.32 17.4 603 301.25 329/205 587 20.3
Amrit Corp. Ltd. 10 1903 3.2 641 68 11.4 35.4 7.00 0.0 5.5 1909 19.3 1.0 1909H 39.2 15 4.1 0 74.86 0 0.00 8.8 201 625.00 829/491 198 17.6
Apex Frozen Foods 10 1903 31.3 114 875 60.8 19.5 2.00 0.3 17.1 1909 269.4 21.9 1909H 491.2 -1 30.2 -26 72.59 0 9.56 37.0 1270 406.45 429/190 1366 25.4
Bajaj Consumer Care 1 1903 14.8 33 909 226.1 15.3 14.00 0.1 46.6 1909 217.1 57.3 1909H 457.3 5 115.9 10 38.04 0 50.90 39.6 3543 240.15 398/193 3554 15.0
Bambino Agro Ind 10 1903 8.0 67 249 5.0 6.2 1.60 1.3 9.2 1909 71.4 2.4 1909H 126.4 1 4.2 16 74.96 0 0.09 10.2 91 114.00 217/102 161 16.5



Inst. Stake (%)

Trailing P/E Ratio

Sales Growth (%)

No. of Shareholder
Prom. Stake (%)
Latest Qtr. Year

Pledged (%)

Entprise Value
NP Growth (%)
Year / Months

Year / Months

Sales (` Cr)
CEqt. (` Cr)

Market Cap
Face Value

RONW (%)
Company Name
Bk Val (`)

NP (` Cr)
NP (` Cr)


CMP (`)
EPS (`)

(in’ 000)
Div (`)

(` Cr)
(` Cr)

(` Cr)

(` Cr)

(` Cr)

Britannia Ind. 1 1903 24.0* 168 10482 1122.2 46.7 15.00 0.0 27.8 1909 2896.1 492.6 1909H 5475.6 7 742.8 40 50.66 0 28.78 162.3 71887 2989.45 3444/1151 71847 53.8
Colgate Palm. 1 1903 27.2 53 4462 775.6 28.5 23.00 0.1 53.6 1909 1221.8 244.1 1909H 2306.7 4 413.2 7 50.99 0 26.82 181.2 39664 1458.30 1641/1104 39342 49.4
Dabur India 1 1903 176.7 22 6273 1264.3 7.2 2.75 0.0 32.5 1909 1612.2 325.5 1909H 3240.5 8 583.4 8 67.87 0 25.37 181.5 82460 466.65 488/357 82470 63.0
DFM Foods Limi 2 1903 10.0 26 484 32.8 6.5 1.25 0.7 25.3 1909 135.9 14.8 1909H 263.6 21 22.4 86 38.26 85 15.22 6.4 1277 254.80 315/177 1330 29.6
Emami Ltd. 1 1903 45.4 45 2483 305.2 6.7 4.00 0.0 14.8 1909 592.1 95.7 1909H 1181.2 3 178.2 50 52.73 69 37.22 80.5 13766 303.25 448/246 13709 37.8
Euro India Fresh 10 1903 24.8 24 72 0.9 0.4 - 0.3 1.5 - - - - - - - - 73.50 0 0.00 0.3 283 114.00 131/81 298 -
Foods & Inns 1 1903 5.0* 15 337 109.4 21.7 0.20 0.6 140.2 1909 72.4 0.7 1909H 170.4 29 6.0 2223 45.39 4 0.00 5.5 236 46.80XB 89/38 321 2.0
Future Consumer 6 1903 1152.6 7 2990 60.5 0.3 - 0.5 4.4 1909 878.0 14.1 1909H 1662.4 14 25.8 192 46.28 62 19.08 147.9 4860 25.30 52/22 5537 -
*Galaxy Cloud Kitchen 10 1903 41.1* 4 72 -19.2 -4.7 - 2.2 - 1909 17.8 -5.5 1909H 36.4 7 -9.9 -3 40.44 0 0.00 2.9 117 28.50 47/14 133 -
Gillette India Ltd. 10 1906 32.6 239 1862 252.9 77.6 44.00 0.0 32.5 1909 462.2 61.8 1909Q 462.2 1 61.8 -5 74.99 0 11.62 28.2 21056 6461.75 8200/6203 20914 84.4
GlaxoSmithKlineConsu 10 1903 42.1 974 4782 982.8 233.7 105.00 0.0 24.0 1909 1345.1 345.3 1909H 2539.4 7 593.4 25 72.45 0 11.27 54.3 35722 8494.00 9388/6868 31625 32.5
Godfrey Phillips Ind 2 1903 10.4 365 2477 241.0 46.3 10.00 0.0 12.7 1909 712.9 115.3 1909H 1544.0 28 230.2 81 72.19 0 13.70 20.3 6905 1327.95 1428/675 6918 20.1
Godrej Agrovet L 10 1903 192.0 72 4286 207.9 10.8 4.50 0.1 14.9 1909 1379.5 100.6 1909H 2631.8 15 168.9 4 68.99 0 5.59 114.1 10533 548.45 572/422 10628 49.1
*Godrej Consumer Prod 1 1903 102.2 48 5679 1755.0 17.2 7.50 0.0 35.6 1909 1521.3 334.6 1909H 2836.6 1 574.6 11 63.23 0 30.01 137.6 75457 738.10 805/577 75359 41.6
Godrej Industries Lt 1 1903 33.6 48 2144 -90.7 -2.7 1.15 1.8 - 1909 542.7 33.0 1909H 1020.9 -5 22.1 -78 61.38 0 16.27 80.7 15027 446.60 554/377 17422 -
*Hatsun Agro Prod 1 1903 16.2 50 4760 114.8 7.1 4.00 0.9 14.3 1909 1278.5 25.2 1909H 2701.8 12 76.4 0 73.54 0 9.51 13.9 9665 597.80 775/547 10365 83.9
Heritage Foods 5 1903 23.2 173 2482 83.4 18.0 1.00 0.3 10.4 1909 805.7 14.0 1909H 1480.1 8 35.8 -10 39.89 0 18.71 22.0 1680 362.05 570/290 1861 21.2
Hind. Food 10 1903 13.5 47 237 10.2 7.6 - 1.0 16.2 1909 113.5 4.4 1909H 191.2 97 7.4 50 61.86 0 15.54 7.0 905 670.40 720/298 963 71.3
Hindustan Unilever L 1 1903 216.5 35 38224 6036.0 27.9 22.00 0.0 79.1 1909 9852.0 1848.0 1909H 19966.0 7 3603.0 18 67.18 0 19.07 384.5 422950 1953.75 2187/1650 419262 64.2
ITC Ltd. 1 1903 1229.1* 46 44996 12464.3 10.1 5.75 0.0 22.3 1909 11871.5 4023.1 1909H 23374.3 7 7197.0 25 0.00 0 58.01 973.4 292529 238.00 310/234 288768 21.1
Jubilant Foodworks L 10 1903 132.0 100 3531 322.8 24.5 5.00 0.0 24.4 1909 988.2 75.9 1909H 1928.3 11 150.7 -1 41.93 3 51.54 59.4 22807 1728.20 1738/1078 22318 71.0
Jyothy Labs 1 1903 36.7 23 1769 193.2 5.3 3.00 0.3 22.6 1909 464.2 53.2 1909H 875.9 5 89.1 15 67.11 25 26.67 87.3 5673 154.50 205/138 5801 27.7
Kaya L 10 1903 13.1 123 210 -4.0 -3.0 - 0.0 - 1909 54.6 -4.8 1909H 104.9 2 -11.0 -854 59.92 0 4.64 25.5 465 356.15 801/304 461 -
Kothari Products 10 1903 29.8 293 3260 20.4 6.8 1.00 0.8 2.3 1909 546.6 8.8 1909H 1384.7 -27 6.2 429 74.99 0 0.00 8.4 200 66.95 115/55 846 7.0
Marico Ltd. 1 1903 129.1 27 5971 1132.0 8.8 4.75 0.0 32.3 1909 1454.0 259.0 1909H 3231.0 2 510.0 16 59.60 0 33.51 98.6 43660 338.20 404/325 43452 36.3
Milk Food 10 1903 4.9 222 531 10.2 21.0 - 0.5 9.4 1909 139.0 4.6 1909H 271.5 24 7.8 110 50.10 0 7.74 4.2 244 499.75 520/241 290 17.1
Nestle India 10 1812 96.4 381 11292 1606.9 166.7 115.00 0.0 43.7 1909 3215.8 595.4 1909N 9219.6 10 1496.5 18 62.76 0 21.12 95.7 141588 14685.2015150/10028140013 77.0
P&G Hygiene&Health 10 1906 32.5 280 2947 419.1 129.1 88.00 0.0 46.1 1909 852.1 136.8 1909Q 852.1 8 136.8 -5 70.63 0 15.46 32.3 36065 11110.30 12700/9600 35524 87.6
Parag Milk Foods 10 1903 84.1 98 2346 114.1 13.6 1.00 0.3 13.8 1909 627.5 28.0 1909H 1243.7 13 55.2 1 45.96 36 25.23 49.0 1225 145.65 276/125 1423 10.7
Prabhat Dairy 10 1903 97.7 59 72 6.7 0.7 - 0.0 1.1 1909 54.6 4.0 1909H 112.4 -88 8.8 -5 50.09 60 8.28 20.1 855 87.50 112/47 847 -
Prataap Snacks 5 1903 11.7 245 1069 46.5 19.8 1.00 0.0 8.1 1909 342.9 12.1 1909H 633.8 16 21.9 -5 71.43 0 23.75 11.6 1976 842.35 1067/700 1921 43.7
Sheetal Cool Product 10 1903 10.5 37 234 2.1 2.0 - 0.5 5.3 - - - - - - - - 53.76 0 0.00 0.6 128 121.50 152/93 144 -
SKM Egg Produc 10 1903 26.3 36 286 6.0 2.3 0.50 0.5 6.4 1909 65.4 2.3 1909H 131.5 -9 3.1 -20 53.52 0 0.17 15.6 94 35.70 69/25 118 17.8
Sukhjit Starch & 10 1903 14.8 196 741 41.7 28.2 7.50 0.5 14.4 1909 185.7 12.9 1909H 374.8 7 22.1 69 63.55 0 0.02 6.0 288 194.90 290/169 428 5.7
Tamilnadu Petroprod 10 1903 90.0 45 1245 54.3 6.0 1.00 0.1 13.3 1909 340.1 20.9 1909H 683.1 12 39.9 39 34.54 0 9.40 79.7 355 39.45 43/29 310 5.4
Tasty Bite 10 1903 2.6 514 337 30.1 117.2 2.00 0.2 22.8 1909 105.7 11.0 1909H 196.5 20 18.6 24 74.23 0 3.23 4.8 2155 8398.15 10700/7516 2179 64.1
Umang Dairies Ltd. 5 1903 11.0 26 225 5.0 2.3 0.50 0.5 8.8 1909 49.9 -0.5 1909H 100.3 4 0.9 680 74.60 0 0.06 20.3 93 42.10 65/32 118 15.1
Vadilal Enterprises 10 1903 0.9 45 573 0.1 1.0 0.80 5.6 2.3 1909 136.4 0.7 1909H 431.6 13 11.9 196 51.25 0 0.00 1.3 102 1180.00 1311/774 121 12.8
Vadilal Indus. 10 1903 7.2 178 507 31.5 43.8 1.25 1.0 15.5 1909 122.8 19.2 1909H 363.1 10 54.6 49 64.72 0 0.15 13.0 519 721.80 840/441 639 10.5
Vikas Proppant & Gra 1 1903 50.6 4 53 44.3 0.9 - 0.3 22.4 1909 0.1 -0.4 1909H 0.3 -99 1.0 -95 22.42 0 0.00 13.8 401 7.93 18/3 466 -
VST Industries 10 1903 15.4 430 1099 226.8 146.9 95.00 0.0 34.2 1909 299.4 76.3 1909H 604.1 13 152.0 28 32.15 0 26.37 14.0 6639 4299.35 4673/3082 6602 25.5
Zydus Wellness Ltd. 10 1903 57.7 577 255 96.3 16.7 5.00 0.5 2.9 1909 39.6 -12.5 1909H 76.5 -45 -31.2 -147 67.62 0 24.86 34.2 8264 1433.05 1859/1217 9787 -
IND. COMPOSITE 29 1988 255 6
Maithan Alloys Ltd. 10 1903 29.1 385 1988 255.3 87.7 6.00 0.0 22.8 1909 469.7 41.9 1909H 955.5 -1 94.0 -28 74.98 0 2.58 19.6 1602 550.45 698/340 1567 7.3
IND. COMPOSITE 3102 79317 2438 12
Agro Phos India 10 1903 20.3 17 63 0.8 0.4 - 0.5 2.4 1909 13.6 1.1 1909H 23.9 -9 1.3 173 54.26 0 3.31 0.6 102 50.45 155/47 120 -
Aries Agro Ltd. 10 1903 13.0 121 273 14.9 11.5 1.80 1.0 9.5 1909 95.9 13.6 1909H 157.1 8 18.9 23 52.65 0 0.13 13.3 94 72.00 104/42 229 5.1
Bharat Agri Fert & R 10 1903 5.3 138 45 -3.4 -6.4 - 0.2 - 1909 4.8 -2.6 1909H 13.7 -39 -2.6 -719 67.90 0 0.00 4.8 102 193.85 204/102 114 -
Chambal Fertilis 10 1903 416.2 78 10095 545.3 13.1 2.00 2.5 16.8 1909 3550.1 375.3 1909H 6404.8 37 611.2 103 58.89 19 23.54 118.5 6564 157.70 196/134 14696 7.7
Coromandel Internati 1 1903 29.3* 117 13204 713.9 24.4 6.50 0.9 20.8 1909 4855.4 503.2 1909H 6987.8 -7 565.6 25 61.71 0 21.93 60.5 15696 536.30 543/337 18514 19.0
Deepak Fertilisers 10 1903 89.3* 180 3149 7.9 0.9 3.00 0.4 0.5 1909 384.6 7.2 1909H 920.6 -56 0.5 -97 51.49 0 6.41 103.0 949 106.25 169/76 1559 -
Fertilisers & Ch 10 1903 647.1 -23 1955 163.1 2.5 - -1.6 - 1906 351.2 -80.2 1906Q 351.2 2 -80.2 -126 0.00 0 89.24 20.7 3009 46.50 51/30 5203 -
GSFC 2 1903 79.7 182 8575 493.7 12.4 2.20 0.1 6.8 1909 2350.4 55.9 1909H 4058.1 -9 119.3 -60 37.84 0 32.17 130.0 3138 78.75 114/66 4104 9.9
Gujarat Narmada Vall 10 1903 155.4 322 5896 741.2 47.7 7.00 0.0 14.8 1909 1332.3 81.9 1909H 2542.3 -22 148.3 -69 41.18 0 27.77 238.9 2937 188.95 383/155 2910 7.2
Madras Fertilize 10 1903 162.1 -35 1593 -80.8 -5.0 - -2.9 - 1909 312.7 -46.7 1909H 350.5 -43 -134.0 -34 95.41 0 0.21 31.8 338 20.85 32/18 1953 -
Mangalore Chem. 10 1903 118.5 42 3074 32.9 2.8 1.00 3.4 6.6 1909 730.7 22.6 1909H 1471.8 -12 22.6 -10 56.60 74 0.48 45.5 408 34.45 45/25 2022 13.5
Nagarjuna Fertilizer 1 1903 59.8 10 1940 -490.7 -8.2 - 2.3 - 1909 482.1 -99.6 1909H 829.2 -35 -212.7 -23 57.13 87 1.18 424.5 275 4.59 10/3 1470 -
National Fertilizers 10 1903 490.6 45 12245 298.4 6.1 1.86 2.9 13.4 1909 3662.0 24.6 1909H 6209.0 15 -39.4 -135 74.71 0 13.98 57.5 1332 27.15 41/24 7715 9.2
Rama Phosphates 10 1903 17.7 86 607 19.4 11.0 1.00 0.2 12.8 1909 124.1 2.8 1909H 235.2 -21 8.4 -22 74.99 68 0.06 8.6 89 50.15 92/40 110 5.2
Rashtriya Chemicals 10 1903 551.7 55 8885 139.2 2.5 0.77 1.1 4.6 1909 2456.6 -20.9 1909H 4866.1 14 -12.8 -131 75.00 0 4.98 171.5 2816 51.05 68/36 6122 32.9
SPIC 10 1903 203.6* 17 2592 53.3 2.6 - 1.1 15.3 1909 627.6 9.0 1909H 1181.9 -18 23.6 50 41.49 0 3.63 65.8 451 22.15 30/16 740 7.4
Zuari Agro Chemicals 10 1903 42.1 103 5127 -211.1 -50.2 - 7.5 - 1909 521.8 -255.4 1909H 1669.1 -41 -379.8 -2664 65.04 23 8.38 38.5 484 115.15 251/83 3721 -
IND. COMPOSITE 15423 369573 42651 41
Axis Bank Ltd. 2 1903 563.9* 237 54986 4676.6 16.6 1.00 2.3 7.0 1909 15437.8 -112.1 1909H 30692.8 18 1258.0 -16 16.21 0 69.25 399.4 208658 740.00 827/623 326334 47.0
Bandhan Bank 10 1903 1610.1* 72 6644 1951.5 12.1 - 0.0 16.8 1909 2690.3 971.8 1909H 5321.6 68 1775.4 83 82.26 0 15.74 188.2 79240 492.15 650/398 75882 28.7
City Union Bank 1 1903 73.6 66 3767 682.9 9.3 0.27 0.1 14.1 1909 1036.8 193.5 1909H 2066.1 14 379.2 15 0.00 0 53.24 100.3 17244 234.35 237/172 15732 23.5
*CSB Bank 10 1903 173.5* 104 1348 -197.4 -11.4 - 0.0 - - - - - - - - - 49.73 0 10.47 54.8 3495 201.50 314/198 2770 -
DCB Bank 10 1903 310.2* 93 3041 325.4 10.5 1.00 0.9 10.4 1909 879.2 91.4 1909H 1736.9 21 172.5 21 14.90 0 54.08 172.9 5767 185.90 245/165 7173 16.3
Dhanlaxmi Bank 10 1903 253.0 25 971 11.7 0.5 - 0.3 1.5 1909 253.3 22.1 1909H 493.8 2 41.9 228 0.00 0 13.54 77.0 372 14.71 21/13 15 4.3
Federal Bank 2 1903 398.4* 67 11419 1243.9 6.2 1.40 0.6 9.4 1909 3254.3 416.7 1909H 6483.6 19 800.9 51 0.00 0 69.17 320.4 17690 88.80 110/78 19052 11.7
HDFC Bank 1 1903 547.7 272 98972 21078.2 38.5 7.50 0.8 14.1 1909 28166.3 6345.0 1909H 55557.9 19 11913.2 24 21.26 0 47.74 900.5 702812 1283.20 1304/1012 773134 30.1
ICICI Bank 2 1903 1293.5* 163 63401 3363.3 5.2 2.27 1.6 3.1 1909 18565.3 655.0 1909H 36545.4 23 2563.0 225 0.00 0 68.75 846.1 349420 540.25 552/336 476882 68.0
IDFC First Bank 10 1903 4788.2* 38 11948 -1944.2 -4.1 - 3.9 - 1909 4018.2 -679.5 1909H 7811.3 68 -1296.9 -589 40.00 0 20.33 784.5 21044 43.95 57/36 86878 -
IndusInd Bank 10 1903 693.1* 381 22261 3301.1 47.6 7.50 1.8 12.3 1909 7150.4 1383.4 1909H 14111.7 34 2815.9 44 13.04 26 62.84 198.1 103308 1490.60 1835/1192 140668 24.8
Jammu & Kashmir Bank 1 1903 55.7 108 7676 464.9 8.3 - 0.4 7.0 1906 2072.1 21.9 1906Q 2072.1 18 21.9 -58 59.23 0 21.79 101.3 1659 29.80 66/29 -592 3.8
Karnataka Bank 10 1903 282.6 190 5906 477.2 16.9 3.50 0.6 8.2 1909 1629.6 105.9 1909H 3214.0 12 281.3 2 0.00 0 25.62 190.3 2090 73.95 141/68 2004 4.3
Karur Vysya Bank 2 1903 159.9 80 5816 210.9 2.6 2.23 0.2 3.3 1909 1537.5 63.3 1909H 3030.0 5 136.3 5 2.09 20 43.85 141.0 4640 58.05 95/51 3271 21.3
Kotak Mahindra Bank 5 1903 955.3* 222 23943 4865.3 25.5 0.80 0.8 11.5 1909 6761.6 1724.5 1909H 13389.3 19 3084.7 42 29.97 0 52.40 232.5 321798 1684.20 1734/1199 343169 55.6
Lakshmi Vilas Ba 10 1903 336.7 51 2840 -894.1 -26.6 2.02 0.5 - 1909 607.3 -357.2 1909H 1231.3 -15 -594.4 -132 6.81 31 19.61 91.2 557 16.55 97/13 -176 - JAN 20 - FEB 2, 2020 I DALAL STREET INVESTMENT JOURNAL 39

Databank Updated as on Jan. 10, 2020


Inst. Stake (%)

Trailing P/E Ratio

Sales Growth (%)

No. of Shareholder
Prom. Stake (%)
Latest Qtr. Year

Pledged (%)

Entprise Value
NP Growth (%)
Year / Months

Year / Months

Sales (` Cr)
CEqt. (` Cr)

Market Cap
Face Value

RONW (%)
Company Name
Bk Val (`)

NP (` Cr)
NP (` Cr)


CMP (`)
EPS (`)

(in’ 000)
Div (`)

(` Cr)
(` Cr)

(` Cr)

(` Cr)

(` Cr)

RBL Bank 10 1903 508.3* 207 6301 867.0 17.1 2.70 1.6 8.3 1909 2126.2 54.3 1909H 4148.8 47 321.4 -19 0.00 0 54.17 195.4 17703 348.30 717/231 24696 22.3
South Indian Ban 1 1903 181.0 28 6877 247.5 1.4 0.25 1.0 4.6 1909 1954.0 84.5 1909H 3848.8 15 157.7 69 0.00 0 30.34 428.3 1869 10.33 19/9 3111 6.0
Ujjivan SmallFinance 10 1903 1728.2 11 1832 199.2 1.2 - 2.7 10.4 - - - - - - - - 83.32 0 9.98 95.1 9021 52.20 63/51 12741 -
YES Bank Ltd. 2 1903 510.1 106 29625 1720.3 6.7 0.48 4.0 6.4 1909 7386.3 -600.1 1909H 15202.4 10 -486.3 -122 8.33 3 29.37 1663.7 11426 44.80 286/29 109052 -
IND. COMPOSITE 78015 680635 -72952 186
Allahabad Bank 10 1903 3721.7 21 16864 -8334.0 -22.4 - 2.0 - 1909 4111.8 -2114.1 1909H 8434.9 -2 -1986.1 47 92.01 0 4.57 224.0 6867 18.45 59/17 9683 -
Andhra Bank 10 1903 2984.5 44 18932 -2786.1 -9.3 - 0.8 - 1909 4958.2 70.2 1909H 9920.4 7 121.8 113 87.80 0 4.14 239.5 4909 16.45 33/15 5061 -
Bank of Baroda 2 1903 924.1 100 49974 433.5 0.9 - 1.5 0.9 1909 19274.0 736.7 1909H 38219.3 61 1446.6 52 71.59 0 18.68 862.8 44819 97.00 144/86 85359 48.4
Bank of India 10 1903 3276.9 129 40768 -5546.9 -16.9 - 1.1 - 1909 10658.1 266.4 1909H 20990.3 6 509.0 148 89.09 0 6.28 329.1 22545 68.80 108/57 37550 -
Bank of Maharash 10 1903 5824.1 15 10850 -4783.9 -8.2 - 1.8 - 1909 2900.2 114.7 1909H 5672.9 4 195.8 118 92.48 0 4.11 195.7 7385 12.68 20/9 9614 -
Canara Bank 10 1903 1030.2 291 46810 347.0 3.4 - 1.4 0.9 1909 12392.1 364.9 1909H 24592.7 9 694.0 19 78.51 0 15.44 198.2 22062 214.15 302/171 33136 48.0
Central Bank 10 1903 5709.8* 36 22639 -5641.5 -9.9 - 0.3 - 1909 5890.1 134.1 1909H 11604.5 2 252.4 110 89.46 0 6.60 168.8 10135 17.75 37/16 -5405 -
Corporation Bank 2 1903 1198.8 26 15623 -6333.0 -10.6 - 0.5 - 1909 4007.2 129.8 1909H 7992.8 -2 233.0 24 93.50 0 4.49 88.8 14656 24.45 32/14 13389 -
IDBI Bank Ltd. 10 1903 10380.6 32 22071-15116.3 -14.6 - 1.5 - 1909 5198.4 -3458.8 1909H 10289.5 -7 -7259.7 -21 98.10 0 0.15 379.5 37682 36.30 65/24 70239 -
Indian Bank 10 1903 608.8 270 19185 322.0 5.3 - 0.7 1.6 1909 5307.7 358.6 1909H 10445.2 11 723.9 101 83.45 0 10.49 98.5 6012 98.75 292/98 6448 8.8
Indian Overseas 10 1903 12585.4 16 17631 -3737.9 -3.0 - 0.4 - 1909 4275.6 -2253.6 1909H 8612.0 1 -2595.7 -85 94.56 0 2.43 272.4 14070 11.18 16/9 9924 -
Oriental Bank of 10 1903 1370.2 127 17868 55.0 0.4 - 0.8 0.3 1909 4877.6 125.9 1909H 9797.5 14 238.6 182 87.57 0 7.85 147.0 7057 51.50 119/49 9982 12.1
Punj. & Sind Ban 10 1903 701.1 83 8559 -543.5 -7.8 - 0.5 - 1909 2013.7 -468.7 1909H 4084.6 -7 -499.0 2 83.06 0 6.95 120.3 1472 21.00 34/16 -755 -
Punj. NationlBak 2 1903 1347.5 62 51310 -9975.5 -14.8 - 1.0 - 1909 13291.9 507.1 1909H 26378.4 4 1525.7 128 83.19 0 10.67 706.4 42076 62.45 100/56 49273 -
SBI 1 1903 892.5 220242869 862.2 1.0 - 2.1 0.4 1909 64312.4 3011.7 1909H126950.2 8 5323.9 235 56.91 0 35.01 1854.4 296520 332.25 374/244 522605 29.3
Syndicate Bank 10 1903 2683.7 56 21725 -2588.3 -9.6 - 1.7 - 1909 5407.3 251.1 1909H 10952.0 3 -729.4 74 78.47 0 9.96 285.3 7206 26.85 47/23 19197 -
UCO Bank 10 1903 8623.3 17 14331 -4321.1 -5.0 - 0.7 - 1909 3804.7 -892.0 1909H 7621.2 6 -1493.4 16 93.60 0 2.83 319.1 14099 16.35 22/11 13600 -
Union Bank of In 10 1903 5082.6* 54 34067 -2947.4 -5.8 - 1.8 - 1909 9413.4 -1193.6 1909H 18311.0 6 -969.2 -461 74.27 0 16.06 283.6 26709 52.55 100/48 48777 -
United Bank of I 10 1903 9069.3 13 8560 -2315.9 -2.6 - 0.2 - 1909 2439.9 123.9 1909H 4814.3 13 228.9 118 97.40 0 1.22 102.1 7890 8.70 13/7 3925 -
IND. COMPOSITE 3751 108930 17983 27
Aavas Financiers 10 1903 78.3* 235 710 175.9 22.5 - 2.0 9.6 1909 231.2 76.0 1909H 428.6 38 121.3 86 58.24 0 26.73 12.7 15638 1997.10 2078/810 18612 67.4
Akme Star Housing 10 1903 15.7* 19 11 4.3 2.8 - 1.2 14.1 1909 3.8 1.3 1909H 7.3 43 2.6 28 52.67 0 0.00 0.8 122 77.90 89/35 151 24.7
Can Fin Homes 2 1903 26.6 134 1727 296.7 22.3 0.40 9.4 16.6 1909 500.5 97.6 1909H 984.5 20 178.6 17 29.98 0 7.72 77.9 5138 385.90 433/235 21413 15.8
Dewan Housing 10 1903 313.8 258 12884 -1036.1 -33.0 - 11.6 - 1906 2396.1 -206.4 1906Q 2396.1 -24 -206.4 -147 39.20 100 13.22 341.8 535 17.05 230/13 91242 -
GIC Housing Fi 10 1903 53.9 233 1225 171.8 31.9 5.50 9.3 13.7 1909 312.1 -10.0 1909H 622.2 5 5.0 -95 42.40 0 16.23 53.0 849 157.65 282/129 12455 9.3
HDFC 2 1903 345.7* 441 43348 9632.5 55.7 21.00 4.8 12.6 1909 13487.4 3961.5 1909H 26477.7 25 7164.6 54 0.00 0 88.98 331.3 424899 2458.15 2477/1822 788568 35.0
HUDCO 10 1903 2001.9 55 5548 1180.2 5.9 0.82 5.5 10.8 1909 2044.7 725.8 1909H 3851.2 39 1061.5 72 89.80 0 2.94 277.3 7968 39.80 48/29 67475 4.9
Indiabulls Housing F 2 1903 85.5 404 15407 3729.3 87.2 40.00 5.6 21.6 1909 2907.4 510.1 1909H 6200.7 -14 1089.1 -43 21.51 0 65.71 140.4 13432 314.15 919/166 95614 4.6
LIC Housing Fi 2 1903 100.9 322 17355 2431.0 48.2 7.60 10.5 14.9 1909 4972.9 772.2 1909H 9780.1 19 1382.9 21 40.31 0 47.46 204.6 22210 440.10 587/354 189882 8.3
PNB Housing Finance 10 1903 168.2* 442 7481 1081.4 64.3 9.00 9.7 14.5 1909 2187.3 342.1 1909H 4488.9 34 710.3 60 32.66 0 30.54 88.0 8160 485.20 991/372 75992 6.1
Reliance Home Fin 10 1903 485.1 38 1986 67.4 1.4 - 8.5 3.7 1909 341.0 -111.0 1909H 874.0 1 -63.0 -151 73.09 30 7.42 837.5 118 2.44 41/2 15224 -
Repco Home Finance L 10 1903 62.6 244 1189 234.6 37.5 2.50 6.1 15.4 1909 331.7 100.6 1909H 659.8 14 162.9 28 37.13 0 52.95 24.5 2026 323.85 481/269 11246 7.5
SRG Housing Finance 10 1903 13.0 43 59 14.2 10.9 - 3.6 25.4 1909 19.7 6.2 1909H 36.0 33 10.3 31 59.36 0 0.37 1.6 108 83.35 268/66 287 6.1
IND. COMPOSITE 56231 188533 42520 31
5Paisa Capital 10 1903 25.5* 58 63 -16.6 -6.5 - 2.0 - 1909 23.2 -3.5 1909H 46.1 111 -4.0 69 34.58 0 18.17 15.1 492 193.30 271/121 471 -
Aditya Birla Capital 10 1903 2313.2* 31 178 -9.6 -0.0 - 0.2 - 1909 89.3 47.2 1909H 94.3 -2 0.8 -97 72.70 0 11.27 513.8 25214 109.00 115/76 26650 -
Aditya Birla Money L 1 1903 5.6 4 168 10.0 1.8 - 19.4 46.5 1909 39.0 2.9 1909H 83.7 2 6.4 65 73.79 0 0.01 27.3 208 37.00 57/29 385 17.3
AK Capital Services 10 1903 6.6 585 85 23.5 35.6 6.00 0.2 6.1 1909 11.5 4.5 1909H 28.7 -33 10.9 11 68.00 0 0.00 2.3 186 281.30 350/232 260 7.6
Alankit 1 1903 14.3 5 123 13.2 0.9 0.20 0.2 18.2 1909 37.7 2.4 1909H 67.2 27 5.4 36 69.67 0 0.18 13.0 209 14.60 41/10 218 14.3
Arihant Capital 5 1903 10.4 52 74 16.8 8.1 0.75 0.9 15.4 1909 19.0 5.9 1909H 36.4 -6 9.7 8 74.05 0 0.00 4.8 91 43.90 73/39 97 5.2
Arman Financial Serv 10 1903 8.5 58 47 6.4 7.5 1.40 3.2 13.0 1909 17.1 5.4 1909H 33.0 64 10.6 257 27.65 0 0.08 5.5 638 755.00 790/326 780 45.4
Arnold Holdings 2 1903 30.1 3 16 0.3 0.0 - 0.2 0.5 1909 3.3 0.6 1909H 7.5 -4 1.0 6 6.58 0 0.00 1.2 123 8.20 18/5 126 -
Au Small Finance Ban 10 1903 303.6 97 2949 381.8 12.6 0.75 2.9 12.9 1909 1033.4 171.9 1909H 1990.8 55 362.3 115 30.99 7 41.85 77.9 24995 823.25 854/543 32797 43.4
*Authum Investment 10 1903 11.5 42 78 -21.1 -18.3 - 0.2 - 1909 30.6 -2.4 1909H 37.6 -23 -9.4 51 0.00 0 0.00 0.8 133 115.40 115/17 142 -
Bajaj Finance L 2 1903 120.3 323 17384 3890.3 64.7 6.00 4.4 20.0 1909 5696.6 1376.7 1909H 10994.4 40 2501.4 43 56.15 0 32.46 224.1 249349 4144.15 4296/2361 335459 53.8
Bajaj Finserv Ltd. 5 1903 79.6 199 423 307.2 19.3 2.50 0.0 9.7 1909 381.4 345.0 1909H 405.7 12 345.5 16 60.70 0 15.19 106.3 149149 9372.35 10297/5851 149089 420.1
Bajaj Holdings & Inv 10 1903 111.3 987 994 788.2 70.8 32.50 0.0 7.2 1909 713.8 666.6 1909H 786.5 -2 689.4 -2 49.55 0 17.09 45.6 37713 3388.60 3912/2809 37703 48.7
Balmer Lawrie Invest 10 1903 22.2 76 0 75.9 34.2 34.00 0.0 45.1 1909 79.8 79.0 1909H 82.3 11 80.7 11 59.67 0 6.90 11.8 939 423.10 460/373 805 11.2
Bengal & Assam Compa 10 1903 11.3 592 68 38.8 34.3 10.00 0.7 5.8 1909 74.5 59.5 1909H 101.1 275 68.0 219 72.57 0 2.50 27.9 1622 1436.00 1825/1160 2078 19.0
BF Investment Ltd. 5 1903 18.8 360 49 43.3 11.5 - 0.0 3.2 1909 33.3 27.0 1909H 36.6 27 29.5 4 73.38 0 1.81 22.1 1229 326.35 377/168 1221 27.8
BSE 2 1903 9.0 583 380 201.1 44.7 30.00 0.0 7.7 1909 138.2 39.2 1909H 275.7 -2 73.6 -30 0.00 0 35.27 176.4 2318 514.90 648/446 2079 13.7
Capital India Fin 10 1903 77.7 66 54 10.2 1.3 0.40 0.3 2.0 1909 26.9 9.2 1909H 53.7 195 18.3 452 73.03 0 0.00 0.7 1114 143.30 185/76 1220 44.2
*Capital Trust Lt 10 1903 16.4 136 165 0.8 0.5 0.50 1.4 0.4 1909 47.5 11.7 1909H 80.4 -2 0.9 105 66.16 0 20.13 6.3 333 203.75 243/47 607 15.6
Capri Global Capital 2 1903 35.0 77 500 128.7 7.3 0.36 1.5 9.5 1909 147.1 34.2 1909H 286.3 34 66.6 25 74.93 0 4.09 4.8 3546 202.45 229/114 5603 25.0
Centrum Capital 1 1903 41.6 12 17 139.1 3.3 0.05 0.3 27.7 1909 -0.4 27.5 1909H 1.0 -88 7.6 -98 37.98 64 0.80 19.4 1032 24.80 38/18 1197 -
*Choice Internati 10 1903 20.0 48 13 1.6 0.8 - 0.0 1.1 1909 2.2 0.5 1909H 4.2 -49 0.9 28 73.41 0 0.00 2.2 193 96.25 98/35 187 -
Cholamandalam Financ 1 1903 18.8 57 74 66.5 3.5 0.63 0.0 6.3 1909 18.4 16.9 1909H 22.4 -33 19.5 -36 48.79 0 33.44 19.8 9790 521.55 525/414 9678 175.5
Cholamandalam Invest 2 1903 156.4* 79 6992 1186.2 15.2 1.30 8.2 19.2 1909 2197.0 307.0 1909H 4226.4 28 621.2 5 52.93 0 38.36 55.0 24547 313.95 334/218 71439 20.2
Consolidated Finvest 10 1903 32.3 116 1 -8.9 -2.7 - 0.0 - 1909 0.4 -1.0 1909H 0.6 -20 2.3 11450 80.77 0 11.49 21.1 123 37.90 52/28 122 -
CreditAccess Grameen 10 1903 143.9* 164 1281 321.8 22.4 - 2.1 13.6 1909 391.5 100.9 1909H 767.3 29 196.7 35 80.05 0 14.36 34.6 11083 770.30 849/350 15334 29.7
Crest Ventures 10 1903 28.4 115 31 7.9 2.8 0.50 0.2 2.4 1909 8.2 0.5 1909H 15.9 3 2.2 -50 62.10 0 6.57 6.1 282 99.00 150/65 337 48.5
*CSL Finance 10 1903 6.2 348 60 25.2 40.8 2.00 0.5 11.7 1909 15.0 7.2 1909H 30.3 7 13.8 14 56.18 0 0.00 2.5 160 260.00 345/202 248 6.0
Dhanvarsha Finvest 10 1903 13.5 20 21 4.4 3.3 0.25 0.9 16.1 1909 4.4 1.0 1909H 8.3 -28 2.1 -31 56.90 0 0.00 0.6 110 81.25 100/41 130 31.4
Dhunseri Investments 10 1903 6.1 470 14 11.9 19.5 1.50 0.0 4.1 1909 11.5 11.3 1909H 11.8 2 11.3 6 74.95 0 0.03 12.5 146 239.80 356/181 145 11.7
Dolat Investment 1 1903 17.6 9 116 50.6 2.9 0.10 0.0 33.5 1909 21.8 20.7 1909H 52.8 -2 33.8 49 74.48 0 0.05 8.3 982 55.80 92/35 978 15.9
East West Holdings 10 1903 17.5 34 2 0.6 0.4 0.10 0.0 1.0 1909 0.2 -0.1 1909H 0.2 640 -0.1 -645 64.87 0 0.26 1.2 151 86.35 187/54 150 -
Ebixcash Workd Money 10 1903 11.1 94 9160 -13.6 -12.3 - 0.5 - 1909 1739.8 3.6 1909H 3690.7 -26 5.6 -75 89.93 0 0.00 8.0 530 476.70 562/240 497 -
Edelweiss Fin. Ser 1 1903 93.4* 35 303 102.9 1.1 1.40 0.1 3.1 1909 35.4 1.3 1909H 192.8 13 97.4 68 32.90 17 34.87 158.8 9903 106.00 210/67 10252 69.6
*Embassy Office Parks 300 1903 22903.9 300 0 -9.4 -0.1 - 0.0 - 1909 223.4 147.6 1909H 406.6 - 278.8 - - 0 0.00 - 31837 417.01 462/300 27555 -
Emkay Global Financi 10 1903 24.6 55 128 6.4 2.6 1.00 0.1 4.7 1909 29.8 -1.8 1909H 60.5 -11 -2.9 -136 74.55 0 0.00 9.1 167 67.65 112/50 48 -
Equitas Holdings Ltd 10 1903 341.8 53 21 9.3 0.3 - 0.0 0.5 1909 4.4 1.4 1909H 8.7 -14 4.8 -12 0.00 0 63.31 247.8 3596 105.20 144/83 3418 -
Finkurve Financial S 1 1903 10.8 1 15 0.9 0.1 - 6.6 6.1 1909 2.3 0.7 1909H 4.6 -41 1.3 -12 64.76 0 0.00 1.2 600 55.30 55/28 692 -
General Ins. Corp. 5 1903 877.2 181 4190 2224.3 12.7 6.75 0.0 7.0 1909 -504.7 -595.5 1909H 42.9 -96 -486.9 -138 85.78 0 12.24 261.7 42746 243.65 334/154 29898 94.5
Geojit Financial 1 1903 23.8 17 265 29.3 1.2 1.00 0.0 7.2 1909 68.5 10.2 1909H 136.5 1 7.1 -54 62.13 0 3.80 37.4 686 28.80 48/22 481 -



Inst. Stake (%)

Trailing P/E Ratio

Sales Growth (%)

No. of Shareholder
Prom. Stake (%)
Latest Qtr. Year

Pledged (%)

Entprise Value
NP Growth (%)
Year / Months

Year / Months

Sales (` Cr)
CEqt. (` Cr)

Market Cap
Face Value

RONW (%)
Company Name
Bk Val (`)

NP (` Cr)
NP (` Cr)


CMP (`)
EPS (`)

(in’ 000)
Div (`)

(` Cr)
(` Cr)

(` Cr)

(` Cr)

(` Cr)

Gloster L 10 1903 5.5 1717 501 44.2 80.7 10.00 0.0 4.7 1909 132.1 9.6 1909H 249.8 3 4.3 -86 72.56 0 18.82 3.3 342 624.90 1415/555 361 19.4
Gromo Trade & Consul 10 1903 28.4 14 30 0.4 0.1 - 0.0 0.9 1909 0.7 -0.1 1909H 1.7 -3 0.7 307 1.39 0 0.00 0.6 117 41.10 490/41 117 -
HDFC AMC 5 1903 106.3* 144 1915 930.6 43.8 24.00 0.0 30.4 1909 498.0 368.2 1909H 1002.4 5 660.0 61 82.70 0 7.45 310.7 65465 3078.85 3844/1302 65433 55.5
HDFC Life Insurance 10 1903 2018.6* 28 1615 1276.8 6.3 1.63 0.0 22.6 1909 360.3 308.7 1909H 809.4 15 733.3 10 71.16 0 20.34 399.1 125759 623.00 646/345 124519 93.7
ICICI Lombard Gen. 10 1903 454.4* 119 1691 1049.3 23.1 6.00 0.1 19.4 1909 492.5 307.9 1909H 993.7 9 617.7 6 55.86 0 31.67 233.4 62442 1374.05 1440/810 62525 57.6
ICICI Pru Life 10 1903 1435.9* 49 1719 1140.6 7.9 3.15 0.0 16.2 1909 601.3 301.9 1909H 1113.4 65 586.8 1 74.98 0 18.82 310.6 70141 488.50 538/278 69480 61.3
ICICI Securities 5 1903 161.1 32 1704 486.9 15.1 9.40 0.4 47.1 1909 416.9 133.9 1909H 803.4 -10 246.6 -6 79.22 0 14.72 120.0 13135 407.75 452/188 10466 27.9
IDFC L 10 1903 1596.4 61 158 127.9 0.8 - 0.0 1.3 1909 8.9 2.5 1909H 51.2 -65 28.3 -78 0.00 0 48.87 411.1 6090 38.15 48/31 6087 -
IFCI Ltd. 10 1903 1696.0 27 2157 -443.8 -2.6 - 3.4 - 1909 528.2 8.7 1909H 1008.6 -6 -1.7 100 56.42 0 16.75 519.0 1157 6.82 15/6 15906 -
IIFL Finance 2 1903 63.9* 33 151 147.1 4.6 4.50 0.0 13.8 1909 0.0 -1.5 1909H 0.0 -53 -2.1 -110 29.18 0 25.13 39.6 4841 151.45 490/99 4840 32.7
IIFL Securities 2 1903 63.9 20 691 144.9 4.5 3.00 0.2 22.6 1909 139.4 20.5 1909H 278.8 -25 45.4 -51 29.40 0 24.73 38.9 1736 54.35 60/19 856 17.7
IIFL Wealth Manage 2 1903 17.4* 255 482 151.8 17.5 - 0.2 6.8 1909 110.0 175.7 1909H 165.9 -50 144.8 -18 24.20 0 17.23 22.5 9915 1140.00 1532/1042 10323 82.4
IL&FS Investment Man 2 1903 62.8 4 36 10.2 0.3 0.30 0.0 8.4 1909 7.0 3.4 1909H 14.1 -27 6.6 72 50.41 100 0.07 50.1 111 3.52 7/3 105 -
*Ind. Inv Trust 10 1903 22.5 201 26 -44.1 -19.5 - 0.0 - 1909 2.9 1.9 1909H 14.4 915 12.1 468 41.83 0 9.75 2.0 129 57.15 87/51 116 -
India Grid Trust 99 1903 5799.2* 99 555 211.2 3.6 - 0.6 3.7 1903 148.1 114.3 - - 92 - - - 0 0.00 - 5636 96.60 98/81 7187 -
Indiabulls Ventures 2 1903 122.3* 95 311 105.5 1.7 1.00 0.4 1.8 1909 36.8 14.1 1909H 135.2 106 100.4 63 36.56 0 25.55 81.5 11834 193.45 412/78 12502 82.0
Indian Energy Exchan 1 1903 30.0 12 254 165.0 5.5 - 0.0 44.6 1909 67.5 48.8 1909H 128.0 -4 88.4 5 0.00 0 55.71 79.9 5320 177.60 190/112 5253 31.5
IndiaNivesh 1 1903 3.8 8 21 0.4 0.1 - 7.8 1.3 1909 6.4 -1.4 1909H 12.8 53 -2.4 -559 62.45 0 1.91 0.6 154 40.70 74/40 379 -
Inditrade Capital 10 1903 23.4 39 17 4.3 1.8 1.00 0.0 4.7 1909 0.1 0.1 1909H 0.3 -97 0.4 498 71.76 41 0.18 4.9 97 41.55 51/23 96 21.2
Indl.&Prud.Invst 10 1903 1.7 245 11 9.5 54.3 25.00 0.0 22.2 1909 1.0 0.9 1909H 7.1 -7 10.2 44 65.89 0 0.06 1.9 174 999.00 1080/814 173 13.8
Indostar Capital Fin 10 1903 92.3 328 1177 255.1 27.7 - 2.9 8.4 1909 407.0 45.9 1909H 811.7 52 80.5 -26 60.73 0 25.78 104.3 1745 189.15 443/166 9566 7.7
Inventure Growth & S 10 1903 84.0 18 81 -5.6 -0.7 0.25 0.0 - 1909 3.0 2.8 1909H 6.5 -91 3.6 556 27.58 0 0.00 2.7 118 14.05 16/11 61 -
JM Financial Ltd. 1 1903 84.1 30 143 111.3 1.3 1.00 0.0 4.5 1909 57.9 49.0 1909H 78.6 -6 39.3 -48 62.05 0 24.44 54.1 7899 93.90 100/61 7885 -
JSW Holdings 10 1903 11.1 7369 107 87.8 79.1 - 0.0 1.1 1909 85.5 75.6 1909H 97.3 17 85.0 23 61.41 18 25.97 18.8 2390 2153.00 3139/2125 2380 23.0
Kalyani Investment 10 1903 4.4 8359 37 33.0 75.6 - 0.0 0.9 1909 15.9 16.1 1909H 18.0 -3 17.4 -0 73.60 0 2.86 17.8 788 1806.00 1899/1396 788 23.9
Kama Holdings Ltd. 10 1903 6.5 863 38 37.7 58.5 15.00 0.0 6.8 1909 21.0 20.6 1909H 21.0 12 20.2 4 74.99 0 0.05 5.6 3738 5793.45 6390/4525 3738 97.2
Kiran Vyapar 10 1903 27.3 244 54 14.1 5.2 2.50 0.0 2.1 1909 12.5 8.1 1909H 19.5 -25 11.3 -27 72.80 0 0.00 3.1 259 95.00 134/81 278 26.0
L&T Finance Holdings 10 1903 2000.5 39 482 267.1 1.3 1.00 0.3 3.5 1909 29.2 -17.6 1909H 45.7 -65 -47.6 -208 63.85 0 16.92 520.0 24376 121.85 156/79 25541 -
LKP Finance Ltd. 10 1903 12.6 130 13 24.2 19.2 3.00 0.2 14.7 1909 11.7 9.1 1909H 8.2 -28 3.1 -87 63.51 0 0.15 4.4 111 88.00 175/51 137 37.4
M&M Fin.Services 2 1903 123.6 177 8723 1557.1 25.2 6.50 4.8 14.3 1909 2486.4 251.8 1909H 4880.4 21 320.2 -51 51.18 0 40.39 73.4 20535 332.40 461/285 72423 16.7
Magma Fincorp Ltd. 2 1903 53.9* 95 2231 275.1 10.2 0.80 4.6 10.8 1909 580.7 12.1 1909H 1139.7 4 19.9 -84 24.41 0 68.16 20.3 1525 56.60 138/37 12342 8.8
*Maha Rashtra Ape 10 1903 14.1 65 0 6.3 4.5 - 0.0 6.8 1909 0.0 -0.1 1909H 0.1 -38 -0.2 -111 62.54 0 0.00 10.0 132 94.00 133/70 129 33.8
Manappuram Finance 2 1903 169.0* 52 3418 790.5 9.4 2.20 2.9 18.0 1909 1043.1 336.2 1909H 1992.4 22 556.5 52 35.12 3 49.19 106.4 14500 171.60 182/90 26792 14.8
Mas Financial Servic 10 1903 54.7 166 572 152.1 27.8 5.10 2.2 16.7 1909 167.3 46.7 1909H 326.4 28 87.4 34 73.46 0 13.08 17.6 4776 873.80 927/505 6427 27.4
Max Financial Servic 2 1903 53.9* 74 317 49.4 1.8 - 0.0 2.5 1909 8.8 -27.1 1909H 204.9 57 144.4 656 28.32 91 60.26 60.7 13761 510.60 568/361 13758 78.8
Max India 2 1903 53.8 64 56 -18.5 -0.7 - 0.0 - 1909 9.4 -1.9 1909H 25.9 -10 -9.3 -891 40.89 76 41.49 33.1 2049 76.20 89/54 2049 -
Max Ventures and Ind 10 1903 146.6* 58 27 8.9 0.6 - 0.0 1.1 1909 7.8 3.0 1909H 15.4 21 5.9 206 47.82 0 31.21 34.8 780 53.20 61/33 666 -
MCX 10 1903 51.0* 286 298 136.5 26.7 20.00 0.0 9.3 1909 98.8 62.7 1909H 177.6 24 102.9 157 0.00 0 68.71 125.3 6919 1355.85 1368/644 6882 34.7
Moneyboxx Finance 10 1903 18.4* 10 2 0.2 0.1 - 0.0 1.1 1909 0.6 -0.7 1909H 1.4 92 -0.6 -517 74.01 0 0.00 0.0 129 70.00XB 83/8 112 -
Motilal Oswal Financ 1 1903 14.8* 175 1217 322.3 21.8 8.50 0.5 12.4 1909 357.9 152.2 1909H 640.9 9 215.3 155 69.92 0 14.95 29.9 13156 888.95 894/480 14011 29.0
Muthoot Capital 10 1903 16.4 290 535 82.4 50.1 - 2.9 17.3 1909 145.0 14.1 1909H 288.9 13 27.6 -32 62.61 0 18.43 11.3 959 583.05 1049/420 2236 13.8
Muthoot Finance 10 1903 400.9* 244 6878 1972.1 49.2 12.00 2.7 20.1 1909 2136.9 857.9 1909H 3993.7 22 1388.0 42 73.48 0 22.54 50.4 29987 748.05 798/472 55084 12.6
Nahar Capital & Fina 5 1903 8.4 452 11 11.8 7.0 1.50 0.0 1.6 1909 6.2 13.1 1909H 8.3 677 14.1 140 70.42 0 0.02 11.0 129 77.00 99/56 153 6.4
Nalwa Sons Investmen 10 1903 5.1 808 27 29.3 57.1 - 0.0 7.1 1909 32.2 20.6 1909H 35.0 49 15.1 -45 55.61 0 5.07 19.8 382 743.00 1150/616 381 22.7
NBI Industrial Fin 5 1903 1.2 476 8 6.1 24.8 0.25 0.0 5.2 1909 3.7 3.5 1909H 4.0 -36 3.5 -29 60.00 0 2.24 5.5 391 1591.55 1610/885 389 83.1
Network 18 Media & I 5 1903 523.5 16 112 -634.6 -6.1 - 1.2 - 1909 25.6 -56.3 1909H 53.3 43 -382.5 25 74.99 0 5.43 65.0 2685 25.65 42/18 4784 -
Nippon LifeAM Ltd. 10 1903 612.0* 41 1415 475.2 7.8 6.00 0.0 18.9 1909 283.6 133.9 1909H 591.8 -22 256.5 17 79.27 0 11.74 81.1 20956 342.40 387/120 20466 41.0
Niyogin Fintech 10 1903 84.8 30 19 -6.6 -0.8 - 0.0 - 1909 5.3 -5.7 1909H 10.9 33 -9.3 -581 41.18 0 19.86 1.1 384 45.35 113/40 353 -
Oswal Green Tech 10 1903 256.8 90 21 48.1 1.9 - 0.0 2.1 1909 5.3 15.0 1909H 10.8 1 29.0 63 64.32 0 9.70 194.3 317 12.35 20/7 313 5.3
Paisalo Digital L 10 1903 42.3 154 318 56.8 13.4 1.00 1.5 8.7 1909 83.1 19.8 1909H 166.0 -1 35.4 -9 27.73 0 17.90 1.8 1787 422.65 471/291 2724 34.1
*Paul Merchants 10 1903 1.0 3696 4899 15.1 146.4 - 0.0 4.0 1909 1326.5 2.4 1909H 2437.1 -19 5.9 -36 72.70 0 0.00 1.3 131 1276.45 3590/872 124 11.3
Pilani Investmen 10 1903 7.9 5584 49 33.4 42.2 25.00 0.1 0.8 1909 75.3 60.6 1909H 81.8 74 55.4 28 57.54 0 2.30 6.0 1392 1760.30 2627/1690 1636 30.6
PNB Gilts Ltd. 10 1903 180.0 49 508 52.9 2.9 1.40 9.3 6.0 1909 190.5 -1.9 1909H 389.5 79 43.2 230 74.06 0 0.45 42.0 507 28.15 40/26 8635 3.9
Power Finance Co 10 1903 2640.1 164 28842 6952.9 26.3 - 6.8 16.1 1909 8022.5 1157.3 1909H 15600.1 9 2540.0 -7 56.15 0 38.62 236.4 32130 121.70 139/91 313214 4.8
Prime Securities 5 1903 13.3 25 10 2.3 0.9 - 0.0 3.5 1909 8.1 -0.4 1909H 13.1 152 2.4 61 0.00 0 0.28 21.4 110 41.45 52/30 112 34.4
PTC India Financial 10 1903 642.3 32 1334 184.1 2.9 0.80 5.3 8.9 1909 348.8 44.2 1909H 700.0 3 59.9 -43 64.99 0 3.89 116.2 882 13.74 19/11 11762 6.4
PTL Enterprises 2 1903 13.2 29 63 39.9 6.0 2.50 0.0 8.2 1909 15.8 11.9 1909H 31.6 0 21.9 -2 69.82 0 1.01 10.8 252 38.00 46/32 250 6.4
Rane Holdings Ltd. 10 1903 14.3 302 116 76.4 53.5 19.00 0.0 17.7 1909 16.5 30.4 1909H 62.5 -8 37.3 -12 46.37 0 18.79 9.6 1062 743.85 1603/671 1075 14.9
REC 10 1903 1974.9 174 25310 5763.7 29.2 11.00 7.1 16.8 1909 7422.6 1306.8 1909H 14408.8 6 2808.1 -13 52.63 0 39.35 289.9 28093 142.25 170/116 270818 5.3
Reliance Capital 10 1903 252.7 351 2312 157.0 6.2 10.50 2.2 1.8 1909 322.0 -2820.0 1909H 831.0 -47 -2936.0 -1053 40.23 96 17.46 764.2 303 11.99 229/10 19708 -
Religare Enterprises 10 1903 258.1 62 9 -146.1 -5.7 - 0.2 - 1909 0.0 -270.0 1909H 0.0 -91 -277.1 -826 0.87 68 27.57 42.7 1160 44.95 61/17 1463 -
Sastasundar Ventures 10 1903 31.8 86 1 0.9 0.3 - 0.0 0.3 1909 0.0 -0.2 1909H 0.0 -97 0.5 206 74.37 0 0.23 9.9 211 66.45 133/63 211 -
Satin Creditcare 10 1903 52.0 218 1373 194.9 37.5 - 4.6 17.2 1909 344.9 54.7 1909H 677.6 3 96.1 38 29.70 21 39.68 9.3 1121 215.35 398/183 4633 5.1
SBI Life Insurance 10 1903 1000.0 76 1504 1326.8 13.3 2.00 0.0 17.5 1909 198.4 129.8 1909H 585.1 -6 501.8 -17 62.80 0 31.93 296.0 98760 987.60 1030/510 96340 80.7
Share India Securiti 10 1903 31.9 31 165 17.0 5.3 - 0.6 17.5 - - - - - - - - 50.87 0 0.00 0.5 248 77.75 90/61 174 -
Shriram City Uni 10 1903 68.7* 931 5779 988.9 143.9 22.00 3.5 15.5 1909 1489.2 297.5 1909H 2976.4 2 550.7 15 33.89 0 32.06 8.2 9756 1419.95 1900/1222 31042 9.2
Shriram Trans.Fi 10 1903 226.9 698 15522 2564.0 113.0 12.00 5.6 16.2 1909 4217.5 765.0 1909H 8271.4 8 1399.3 18 26.24 0 65.51 53.5 25659 1130.95 1297/909 109592 9.2
SIL Investments Ltd. 10 1903 10.6 329 25 19.7 18.6 1.50 0.0 5.7 1909 10.8 8.7 1909H 14.0 -23 15.6 13 62.75 0 0.05 5.6 157 147.95 245/131 152 7.3
*Sindhu Trade Links 10 1903 51.4 106 1140 70.1 13.6 - 0.7 12.9 1909 182.7 16.4 1909H 437.1 -22 23.2 -35 74.96 0 0.00 0.7 314 61.00 140/61 658 5.4
Smartlink Holdings 2 1903 3.4 145 19 -27.7 -16.4 - 0.0 - 1909 5.4 -0.3 1909H 9.3 -20 1.0 149 74.37 0 0.00 11.0 135 79.85 113/68 131 -
Spandana Sphoorty Fi 10 1903 64.2 295 1036 308.7 48.1 - 1.6 16.3 1909 352.6 42.5 1909H 644.8 32 133.1 -8 62.70 0 16.22 6.0 7470 1163.90 1400/690 10066 -
SREI Infrastructure 10 1903 503.1 59 1878 94.7 1.9 0.50 4.1 3.2 1909 380.3 4.2 1909H 897.2 5 7.1 -88 60.79 0 16.59 73.0 466 9.27 37/7 12536 -
STEL Holdings 10 1903 18.5 358 10 9.0 4.9 - 0.0 1.4 1909 4.9 4.6 1909H 5.3 58 4.8 63 53.56 0 0.22 23.1 114 61.65 120/54 99 10.5
Summit Securities 10 1903 10.9 492 15 12.7 11.7 - 0.0 2.4 1909 13.3 12.9 1909H 13.6 20 12.3 22 73.99 0 4.60 52.6 467 428.15 675/381 464 32.1
Sundaram Finance 10 1903 111.1 454 3398 1126.3 101.4 17.50 5.0 22.3 1909 993.7 269.0 1909H 1923.9 22 426.5 45 36.37 0 18.85 26.3 18598 1673.90 1745/1320 42765 14.8
Sundaram Finance Hol 5 1903 75.6 117 119 84.9 5.6 1.75 0.0 4.8 1903 41.8 32.4 - - 49 - - 52.92 0 10.57 25.5 1071 70.90 105/61 1069 12.6
Tata Investment 10 1903 50.6 1546 182 147.7 29.2 20.00 0.0 1.9 1909 84.8 76.6 1909H 110.2 -16 96.1 -16 73.38 0 4.23 32.9 4027 795.85 932/745 4010 31.0
The New India Assur 5 1903 824.0 142 690 579.8 3.5 1.50 0.0 2.5 1909 697.0 530.0 1909H 1081.2 -4 808.1 -16 85.43 0 13.50 99.5 24259 147.20 224/94 14654 57.4
Tourism Finance 10 1903 80.7 91 230 86.3 10.7 2.20 1.8 11.7 1909 80.3 18.6 1909H 143.0 31 41.5 15 45.56 48 12.97 50.8 536 66.35 154/56 1807 5.8
Ugro Capital 10 1903 70.5 91 37 1.5 0.2 3.50 0.0 0.2 1909 21.7 -5.9 1909H 36.6 239 -7.7 -525 4.28 0 13.83 1.2 1153 163.45 234/140 706 -
Ujjivan Financial 10 1903 121.6 144 22 21.6 1.8 1.30 0.0 1.2 1909 11.0 10.8 1909H 11.0 45 11.3 2358 0.00 0 50.35 85.5 4132 339.90 372/252 4010 123.6
Vardhman Holdings 10 1903 3.2 1885 32 30.2 94.8 5.00 0.0 5.0 1909 25.6 24.6 1909H 30.8 -6 28.4 -7 74.89 0 4.02 9.0 403 1262.05 2623/1211 400 11.8 JAN 20 - FEB 2, 2020 I DALAL STREET INVESTMENT JOURNAL 41

Databank Updated as on Jan. 10, 2020


Inst. Stake (%)

Trailing P/E Ratio

Sales Growth (%)

No. of Shareholder
Prom. Stake (%)
Latest Qtr. Year

Pledged (%)

Entprise Value
NP Growth (%)
Year / Months

Year / Months

Sales (` Cr)
CEqt. (` Cr)

Market Cap
Face Value

RONW (%)
Company Name
Bk Val (`)

NP (` Cr)
NP (` Cr)


CMP (`)
EPS (`)

(in’ 000)
Div (`)

(` Cr)
(` Cr)

(` Cr)

(` Cr)

(` Cr)

Vibrant Global Capit 10 1903 22.9 15 20 3.6 1.6 - 0.7 10.5 1909 0.3 -5.5 1909H 0.5 -98 -8.2 -247 70.06 0 0.00 0.2 101 44.00 63/42 125 -
VLS Finance L 10 1903 38.7 71 3001 17.6 4.5 1.00 0.0 6.4 1909 -5.9 -25.9 1909H -9.1 -101 -27.8 -551 45.65 0 1.20 23.9 205 53.00 68/40 204 -
IND. COMPOSITE 217 7149 227 26
Asahi India Glass 1 1903 24.3 51 2859 190.1 7.8 1.00 1.1 15.2 1909 634.3 30.7 1909H 1334.0 -10 70.8 -20 54.27 7 2.54 46.9 5292 217.70 283/170 6688 30.6
Borosil Glass 1 1903 9.2 94 357 46.9 5.1 0.25 0.0 5.4 1909 117.0 15.8 1909H 208.6 31 28.8 29 72.85 0 2.89 32.3 1531 165.65 239/113 1561 28.6
Empire Inds. 10 1903 6.0 396 526 43.8 73.1 25.00 0.9 18.5 1909 141.6 8.2 1909H 270.1 15 14.6 -57 72.55 0 14.64 5.6 410 684.05 1108/644 594 16.8
Guj. Borosil Ltd 5 1903 34.1 8 217 10.1 1.5 - 5.7 19.1 1909 57.9 -4.5 1909H 101.7 -4 -6.6 -177 74.95 0 0.06 31.7 515 75.45 106/55 722 -
Haldyn Glass 1 1903 5.4 28 223 12.1 2.3 0.60 0.1 8.2 1909 57.5 4.6 1909H 114.0 10 7.5 41 56.71 0 3.09 11.1 164 30.55 39/20 159 11.5
Hind. NationalGl 2 1903 17.9 -2 2404 -173.0 -19.3 - -86.8 - 1909 566.4 -29.8 1909H 1183.0 3 -55.0 -25 70.72 97 6.89 4.4 281 31.40 117/17 1979 -
HLE Glasscoat 10 1903 6.5 87 125 6.9 10.7 - 0.3 12.3 1909 40.6 3.1 1909H 80.5 45 5.8 99 50.24 0 0.00 4.8 307 471.80 491/149 311 31.2
La Opala RG Ltd. 2 1903 22.2 48 278 74.0 6.7 1.20 0.0 14.0 1909 67.9 24.8 1909H 126.0 -1 45.2 25 65.64 0 19.70 15.7 1848 166.50 226/132 1845 22.2
Saint-Gobain Sekurit 10 1903 91.1 13 160 16.1 1.8 - 0.0 13.8 1909 35.5 3.5 1909H 71.4 -10 5.8 -18 75.00 0 1.01 24.5 471 51.65 65/38 457 31.8
IND. COMPOSITE 6 146 7 16
Pokarna Ltd. 2 1903 6.2 45 146 6.9 2.2 0.12 0.3 5.0 1909 16.4 -1.8 1909H 42.4 -38 -1.4 -184 56.66 0 10.05 15.3 292 94.10 199/76 328 76.8
IND. COMPOSITE 134 4480 468 19
Advanced Enzyme Tech 2 1903 22.3 28 222 35.2 3.2 0.08 0.1 11.2 1909 58.9 11.1 1909H 117.4 4 24.4 24 57.86 0 19.54 53.2 1885 168.80 225/142 1903 47.2
JK Agri Genetics Ltd 10 1903 3.6 248 191 5.0 13.8 1.50 0.6 5.6 1909 5.0 -12.4 1909H 117.3 -5 2.3 -71 65.40 0 0.00 8.6 126 349.65 969/340 174 -
Kaveri Seed Company 2 1903 12.6 160 769 214.7 34.0 3.00 0.0 21.2 1909 77.4 6.9 1909H 732.9 12 235.9 6 55.09 0 30.63 28.4 3089 489.25 623/376 3084 13.5
Nath Bio-Genes 10 1903 19.0 267 231 38.4 20.2 - 0.1 7.6 1909 21.7 3.7 1909H 187.6 23 38.9 31 40.72 20 10.41 23.9 672 353.40 484/306 708 14.0
Trescon L 10 1903 61.9 14 24 0.1 0.0 - 0.1 0.1 1909 0.0 0.1 1909H 0.0 -100 1.3 -30 57.68 0 0.00 4.8 404 65.35 102/55 401 -
Venky’s (India) Ltd. 10 1903 14.1 626 3043 174.1 123.6 8.00 0.3 19.8 1909 814.7 13.6 1909H 1720.0 23 75.4 -1 56.10 0 2.54 47.3 2434 1727.55 2700/1100 2509 14.1
IND. COMPOSITE 2054 17022 1113 67
Apollo Hospitals 5 1903 69.6 279 8337 302.8 21.8 6.00 0.8 7.8 1909 2463.6 90.6 1909H 4692.8 17 169.9 22 30.80 67 62.18 47.0 20660 1485.00 1575/1083 23435 61.9
Aster DM Healthcare 10 1903 505.2 52 595 48.1 1.0 - 0.2 1.8 1909 200.6 -4.3 1909H 369.6 36 -21.2 9 37.80 0 18.02 84.5 8076 159.85 173/110 8474 -
Deccan Health Care 10 1903 15.7 42 44 14.5 9.2 - 0.0 21.9 - - - - - - - - 51.29 0 0.00 0.7 110 69.85 142/46 108 -
Dr. Agarwal’s Ey 10 1903 4.7 97 170 11.9 25.4 1.50 0.4 26.1 1909 45.5 3.2 1909H 92.1 4 8.0 -13 74.85 96 0.00 2.5 134 285.05 400/244 147 12.5
Dr. Lal Pathlabs Ltd 10 1903 83.3 112 1165 195.4 23.5 6.00 0.0 21.0 1909 351.2 79.5 1909H 675.7 15 136.8 30 56.91 0 30.22 41.2 13662 1639.30 1698/940 13184 60.2
Fortis Healthcare 10 1903 755.0 111 656 123.1 1.6 - 0.2 1.5 1909 181.4 -13.3 1909H 360.2 13 458.8 2351 31.16 0 50.47 111.0 10422 138.05 161/112 11837 17.3
Fortis Malar Hospita 10 1903 18.7 55 145 1.7 0.9 - 0.0 1.7 1909 30.7 -3.2 1909H 62.6 -11 -4.6 -1312 62.70 48 0.19 14.5 92 49.25 64/42 78 -
Healthcare Global En 10 1903 88.7* 72 641 7.2 0.8 - 0.6 1.1 1909 173.7 -3.5 1909H 344.6 9 -5.5 -225 23.91 0 58.53 9.9 949 107.00 249/90 1336 -
Indraprastha Med 10 1903 91.7 27 788 28.4 3.1 1.60 0.1 11.6 1909 216.1 17.9 1909H 419.8 8 26.5 87 50.99 0 0.11 35.2 418 45.60 52/34 411 10.3
KMC Speciality Hospi 1 1903 16.3 2 82 8.6 0.5 - 0.2 22.0 1909 23.8 3.3 1909H 46.3 21 6.0 102 75.00 0 0.00 53.2 234 14.35 18/9 235 -
Kovai Medical 10 1903 10.9 314 628 60.1 55.0 3.00 1.0 17.5 1909 176.6 16.4 1909H 342.1 12 36.2 31 50.65 0 4.79 6.5 788 720.35 850/600 1032 11.5
Metropolis Healthcar 2 1903 10.0 83 581 101.5 20.2 - 0.0 24.4 1909 172.3 31.7 1909H 329.2 17 50.0 28 57.40 45 21.61 15.6 8143 1622.75 1637/905 8134 72.5
Narayana Hrudayalaya 10 1903 204.4 57 2077 50.1 2.5 1.00 0.4 4.3 1909 596.7 28.4 1909H 1155.1 15 49.0 321 63.85 0 28.88 31.0 7002 342.65 360/181 7408 80.1
Sakar Healthcare 10 1903 15.0 48 68 7.0 4.7 - 0.2 9.8 1909 26.1 2.9 1909H 42.5 56 4.6 44 71.98 0 0.00 0.3 99 66.45 72/44 110 -
Shalby 10 1903 108.0 74 461 32.1 3.0 0.50 0.1 4.0 1909 125.8 12.9 1909H 257.6 9 36.6 131 79.43 0 6.39 53.9 1022 94.65 150/76 1005 19.4
Thyrocare Tech. 10 1903 52.8 86 370 95.2 18.0 20.00 0.0 21.1 1909 107.9 37.4 1909H 208.4 13 67.5 30 66.01 0 25.58 27.9 2796 529.10 605/407 2787 25.2
*Vimta Labs Ltd. 2 1903 4.4 78 213 25.3 11.4 2.00 0.1 14.8 1909 42.5 0.9 1909H 86.0 -21 2.1 -85 37.45 0 0.37 10.4 207 93.45 316/88 220 14.8
IND. COMPOSITE 2072 9833 616 44
Advani Hotels 2 1903 9.2 12 70 11.4 2.5 2.00 0.0 20.9 1909 11.5 -1.5 1909H 27.9 2 0.4 -76 50.16 0 0.10 5.6 237 51.30 78/48 238 23.5
Apollo Sindoori Hote 5 1903 1.3 134 165 9.8 37.8 1.50 0.0 28.1 1909 46.2 2.7 1909H 90.1 22 5.8 11 64.67 96 0.04 1.6 184 707.85 1125/622 169 17.7
Asian Hotels (North) 10 1903 19.5 363 274 -32.8 -16.8 - 1.3 - 1909 65.9 -8.2 1909H 122.0 -0 -23.0 34 72.35 99 0.14 10.7 179 92.00 158/85 1085 -
Asian Hotels (West) 10 1903 11.7 281 149 26.7 22.9 1.00 0.7 8.1 1909 32.2 0.1 1909H 64.2 -4 -0.4 -102 68.97 0 0.80 10.0 412 353.95 400/226 639 55.5
Benares Hotels 10 1903 1.3 552 60 8.7 67.1 15.00 0.1 12.2 1909 11.2 0.7 1909H 23.0 17 1.0 155 62.55 0 0.00 4.6 190 1460.00 1668/1255 192 20.3
Chalet Hotels L 10 1903 205.0 71 987 -10.2 -0.5 - 1.0 - 1909 235.4 10.4 1909H 475.6 1 24.4 163 71.41 32 27.10 2.6 6841 333.65 395/250 8115 -
Coffee Day Enterpris 10 1903 211.3 86 122 -67.7 -3.2 - 0.2 - 1906 8.7 1256.7 1906Q 8.7 -44 1256.7 8809 25.34 80 9.68 62.1 881 41.70 318/27 1195 -
EIH Associated 10 1903 30.5 106 264 37.9 12.5 4.50 0.0 11.7 1909 45.6 5.1 1909H 92.6 -2 6.9 184 74.99 0 14.19 5.8 955 313.50 419/255 918 22.5
EIH Ltd. 2 1903 114.3 50 1543 113.3 2.0 0.90 0.2 4.0 1909 287.7 41.0 1909H 577.3 -14 33.9 -8 35.24 0 20.42 49.9 8339 145.90 215/136 8765 75.4
Fomento Resorts 10 1903 16.0 67 66 9.2 5.7 1.00 2.7 8.6 1909 13.9 0.0 1909H 26.3 4 -0.9 -187 74.99 0 0.00 2.8 129 80.90 131/75 321 18.0
HLV L 2 1903 126.1 4 154 -118.9 -1.9 - 2.9 - 1909 32.6 16.7 1909H 64.5 -80 9.1 107 47.27 76 2.45 83.5 371 5.89 16/5 1110 -
India Tourism De 10 1903 85.8 41 350 42.2 4.9 2.10 0.0 11.9 1909 82.2 0.1 1909H 143.0 -10 1.2 -93 87.02 0 3.24 8.5 2502 291.75 419/152 2213 90.0
Indian Hotels Co 1 1903 118.9 38 2780 263.7 2.2 0.29 0.3 5.9 1909 598.5 118.9 1909H 1170.4 3 141.4 465 39.08 0 41.10 130.9 16436 138.20 164/121 17594 37.0
Kamat Hotels (In 10 1903 23.6 -12 192 25.1 10.6 - -2.9 - 1909 39.6 4.4 1909H 83.0 -2 7.3 19 60.89 92 0.04 14.2 91 38.50 55/27 236 3.4
Lemon Tree Hotels 10 1903 792.2 13 273 63.2 0.8 - 0.3 6.1 1909 66.9 6.2 1909H 131.6 3 9.3 -31 31.23 34 38.95 27.3 4607 58.15 91/48 4878 -
Mac Charles 10 1903 13.1 243 78 44.0 33.6 10.00 0.4 13.8 1909 8.6 2.6 1909H 13.8 -64 4.5 -63 74.99 98 0.02 9.3 478 365.00 430/250 594 13.2
Mahindra Holidays 10 1903 133.6 -34 918 63.9 4.8 3.33 0.0 22.4 1909 233.5 17.9 1909H 484.1 9 36.1 28 67.30 0 19.75 32.1 3064 229.45 256/185 3037 42.7
Oriental Hotels 1 1903 17.9 19 345 89.4 5.0 0.50 0.0 26.5 1909 68.7 -2.5 1909H 134.8 -17 -8.3 -111 62.17 13 12.23 19.7 609 34.10 49/31 557 -
Royal Orchid Hotels 10 1903 27.4 81 113 12.6 4.6 2.00 0.2 5.6 1909 26.4 2.2 1909H 53.8 3 4.1 -20 69.24 0 6.08 17.7 207 75.60 138/55 222 17.9
Sayaji Hotels Lt 10 1903 17.5 40 218 -3.1 -1.8 - 1.3 - 1909 42.3 -6.9 1909H 89.3 -5 -8.7 -205 74.90 45 0.02 3.3 398 227.00 279/210 465 -
SinclairsHotels 10 1903 5.6 174 46 9.7 17.5 6.00 0.0 9.7 1909 8.1 1.4 1909H 23.7 7 6.4 55 59.17 0 0.03 5.2 167 298.95 374/230 165 13.8
Speciality Restauran 10 1903 47.0 47 346 -6.3 -1.4 - 0.0 - 1909 88.5 -4.6 1909H 176.1 7 -5.8 27 51.19 0 9.53 13.7 313 66.65 116/56 305 -
Taj GVK Hotels & Res 2 1903 12.5 64 317 24.3 3.9 0.60 0.4 6.1 1909 73.3 3.0 1909H 145.5 1 8.6 48 74.98 0 11.35 25.9 1061 169.25 244/114 1219 39.2
Westlife Development 2 1903 31.1 31 0 -0.0 -0.0 - 0.0 - 1909 0.0 -0.1 1909H 0.0 -47 -0.1 63 62.14 0 25.93 9.5 6002 385.60 454/257 6002 -
IND. COMPOSITE 3318 10413 1878 17
Akash Infra-Projects 10 1903 16.9 45 92 1.7 1.0 0.50 0.3 2.2 - - - - - - - - 74.58 0 0.00 0.2 134 79.50 84/33 141 -
Arvind SmartSpaces 10 1903 35.6 87 234 46.0 12.9 1.50 0.3 14.9 1909 14.7 3.0 1909H 39.6 -48 7.5 -28 59.06 17 5.83 114.9 343 96.50 141/76 421 8.0
Bharti Infratel Ltd. 10 1903 1849.6 85 6822 2779.0 15.0 15.00 0.0 17.7 1909 1667.0 478.0 1909H 3391.3 -1 926.1 -52 53.51 0 45.83 37.0 46138 249.45 334/175 46143 25.9
GMR Infrastructure L 1 1903 603.6 19 1101 -1034.3 -1.7 - 0.5 - 1909 227.9 -227.0 1909H 540.3 -0 -442.0 -117 63.59 74 25.99 386.9 14426 23.90 25/13 20639 -
MEP Infrastructure 10 1903 183.4 45 1869 30.1 1.6 0.30 0.4 3.7 1909 388.9 12.5 1909H 813.3 -11 -19.9 -188 65.96 47 13.73 17.1 726 39.60 49/25 980 -
RattanIndia Infra
Sadbhav Infrastructu
2 1903 276.5
10 1903 352.2
39 295
0 -0.8
1.6 0.50
- 0.0
1909 0.0
1909 63.8
-0.6 1909H 0.0
-0.3 1909H 109.8
9.14 73.7
15.96 7.8
4/1 307
112/34 2919

Adhunik Industries 10 1903
374659 19930
24 670 3.8 0.8 - 0.3 3.4 1909 114.6 0.1 1909H 273.6 -15 2.7 -15 74.96 68 0.16 2.4 210 45.00 127/34 241

Inst. Stake (%)

Trailing P/E Ratio

Sales Growth (%)

No. of Shareholder
Prom. Stake (%)
Latest Qtr. Year

Pledged (%)

Entprise Value
NP Growth (%)
Year / Months

Year / Months

Sales (` Cr)
CEqt. (` Cr)

Market Cap
Face Value

RONW (%)
Company Name
Bk Val (`)

NP (` Cr)
NP (` Cr)


CMP (`)
EPS (`)

(in’ 000)
Div (`)

(` Cr)
(` Cr)

(` Cr)

(` Cr)

(` Cr)

APL Apollo Tubes 10 1903 24.9 406 5868 126.4 50.8 14.00 0.6 12.5 1909 1292.8 26.8 1909H 2945.1 7 47.4 -38 38.26 0 14.94 23.7 4717 1897.00 1940/1009 5284 48.4
Balasore Alloys 5 1903 46.7 100 1258 -29.2 -3.1 0.40 0.2 - 1909 197.2 -27.6 1909H 480.7 -26 -25.2 -333 61.43 45 2.46 119.4 125 13.40 28/9 264 -
Beekay Steel Indus 10 1903 19.1 208 960 98.3 51.5 2.00 0.3 24.8 1909 183.8 22.1 1909H 381.4 -27 49.3 -19 69.20 0 0.00 2.0 544 285.30 385/193 659 6.3
Bharat Wire Ropes Lt 10 1903 45.0 22 241 -44.6 -9.9 - 3.4 - 1909 66.1 -16.8 1909H 124.6 1 -32.8 -72 40.23 70 1.21 5.7 128 28.50 78/21 588 -
Gallantt Ispat Ltd. 1 1903 28.2 27 1229 130.2 4.6 0.05 0.3 17.0 1909 226.3 -4.0 1909H 537.6 -6 21.1 -70 63.09 0 0.00 3.4 816 28.90 43/16 1054 10.2
Gallantt Metal 10 1903 81.3 59 1064 71.6 8.8 0.25 0.1 14.9 1909 185.5 1.8 1909H 433.5 -19 8.5 -83 67.24 1 0.00 7.5 279 34.25 57/24 327 9.5
Gandhi Special 5 1903 6.5 155 123 38.6 29.9 9.00 0.0 19.3 1909 18.0 6.7 1909H 41.8 -41 12.5 -42 73.38 0 1.82 7.7 349 270.00 414/263 345 11.7
Godawari Power & Isp 10 1903 35.2 306 2875 213.3 60.5 - 1.2 19.8 1909 680.3 32.9 1909H 1407.8 4 73.4 -37 67.36 33 4.71 19.4 869 246.65 294/121 2086 5.1
Goodluck India 2 1903 4.6 124 1657 30.6 13.3 - 1.6 10.8 1909 388.4 5.8 1909H 857.0 10 14.4 1 62.17 0 0.00 11.2 129 56.05 81/39 534 4.2
Hi-Tech Pipes Ltd. 10 1903 10.7 121 1118 18.2 17.0 0.25 1.8 14.0 1909 215.6 3.8 1909H 481.5 -9 8.9 -6 60.85 0 1.56 1.1 176 164.10 329/128 342 9.9
Indian Metal & F 10 1903 27.0 429 1634 11.0 4.1 5.00 0.6 0.9 1909 389.5 -33.1 1909H 835.4 3 -22.4 -145 58.68 0 0.84 41.4 587 217.60 279/136 1209 -
Jai Balaji Industrie 10 1903 110.5 -142 3077 -153.7 -13.9 - -2.3 - 1909 646.3 -31.8 1909H 1461.1 -2 -50.2 34 50.97 93 15.49 7.4 307 27.80 39/13 3938 -
Jai Corp Ltd. 1 1903 17.8 58 623 22.1 1.2 0.50 0.2 2.1 1909 148.9 15.5 1909H 292.9 -11 19.5 -12 73.00 0 7.60 77.8 1933 108.35 133/66 2157 99.5
Jindal Saw 2 1903 64.0 199 9829 500.1 15.6 2.00 0.6 7.8 1909 2353.1 303.4 1909H 4934.1 7 449.0 128 63.02 4 12.13 57.2 2959 92.55 97/63 6790 3.9
Jindal St & Pwr 1 1903 102.0 221 27716 -262.9 -2.6 - 0.8 - 1909 6572.9 15.2 1909H 13657.7 1 239.0 -67 60.39 66 26.99 163.7 18019 176.65 190/91 35513 -
Jindal Stainless 2 1903 97.4 51 12585 139.0 2.9 - 1.5 5.6 1909 3170.4 51.9 1909H 6237.1 1 118.8 118 68.10 82 19.37 60.6 2095 43.00 47/21 5012 10.3
Jindal Stainless (Hi 2 1903 47.2 64 8956 261.6 11.1 - 1.3 17.3 1909 1970.7 82.2 1909H 4118.0 -6 166.2 18 57.66 88 24.84 54.3 2020 85.60 101/58 4002 7.0
JSW Steel 1 1903 241.7 145 76727 8259.0 34.2 4.10 0.9 23.5 1909 15520.0 2917.0 1909H 33218.0 -14 4356.0 -6 42.39 50 21.66 603.1 67199 278.00 313/202 93404 8.4
JTL Infra L 10 1903 10.0 38 322 14.5 14.5 - 0.9 38.1 1909 45.0 2.1 1909H 87.9 -34 3.9 -40 70.26 0 0.00 1.5 130 129.75 162/70 163 10.9
Kalyani Steel 5 1903 21.8 204 1407 132.0 30.2 5.00 0.0 14.8 1909 303.2 45.2 1909H 646.7 -9 81.8 45 64.71 0 5.20 48.2 1114 255.25 266/162 1076 7.1
Kamdhenu L 10 1903 26.5 68 1232 22.5 8.5 1.00 0.5 12.4 1909 238.0 6.5 1909H 461.0 -37 12.6 13 65.23 0 1.13 9.8 257 96.70 216/74 333 10.7
Kirloskar Ferrou 5 1903 68.9* 48 2159 98.1 7.1 2.00 0.2 15.0 1909 464.2 13.2 1909H 946.2 -9 31.6 -16 59.41 0 12.81 51.1 1027 74.60 101/56 1138 11.2
Lloyds Metals & Ener 1 1903 22.5 5 473 20.6 0.9 - 0.8 19.0 1909 55.4 0.0 1909H 181.8 -23 7.5 -32 63.02 0 0.00 11.8 187 8.32 14/7 264 -
Maha. Seamless 5 1903 33.5 476 3061 262.4 39.2 6.00 0.2 8.2 1909 788.1 196.3 1909H 1478.4 13 287.7 52 62.58 0 10.30 22.9 2836 423.30 513/342 3265 7.9
Mahamaya Steel Indus 10 1903 13.6 51 465 6.1 4.5 - 1.8 8.8 1909 67.9 2.9 1909H 179.8 -21 3.0 -29 67.74 0 0.04 3.7 126 92.55 221/74 213 25.6
Man Industries I 5 1903 28.6 123 2215 57.4 10.0 1.50 0.3 8.2 1909 306.0 9.7 1909H 544.9 -62 12.4 -69 43.59 41 4.77 26.4 272 47.70 74/35 432 9.2
Manaksia Steels 1 1903 6.6 28 689 10.3 1.6 - 0.5 5.5 1909 93.8 -1.5 1909H 221.5 -25 -0.3 -108 69.83 0 6.18 22.3 96 14.60 25/7 164 14.3
Mideast Integrated 10 1903 137.9 48 738 -3.9 -0.3 - 0.1 - 1909 150.0 -21.6 1909H 308.7 -11 -45.6 -366 65.53 29 0.21 180.1 96 6.98 18/5 114 -
Mishra Dhatu Nig 10 1903 187.3 45 711 130.6 7.0 2.19 0.1 15.6 1909 170.2 35.8 1909H 302.4 37 58.8 76 74.00 0 20.04 31.8 3189 170.25 187/100 3098 20.4
Monnet Ispat & Energ 10 1903 469.5 31 1879 -3461.1 -73.7 - 1.9 - 1909 660.4 -111.4 1909H 1437.5 69 -246.7 92 74.35 24 19.77 33.9 752 16.02 42/8 2737 -
MSP Steel & Power Lt 10 1903 385.4 9 1670 -20.6 -0.5 - 3.1 - 1909 376.0 -29.9 1909H 779.5 0 -54.7 -1714 41.61 100 33.42 9.9 281 7.30 16/4 1353 -
Mukand Ltd. 10 1903 141.4 74 3588 -84.1 -5.9 - 2.1 - 1909 647.4 -41.4 1909H 1469.4 -19 -73.5 -76 74.34 14 3.78 36.8 472 33.35 62/25 2638 -
Pennar Industrie 5 1903 76.2 44 2116 64.0 4.2 - 0.6 9.6 1909 579.3 23.4 1909H 1114.1 55 39.8 78 35.23 6 21.74 49.4 392 25.70 42/23 768 5.2
Prakash Indus. 10 1903 171.3 167 3588 539.2 31.5 1.20 0.2 18.8 1909 762.3 33.1 1909H 1587.7 -10 70.1 -75 42.10 45 3.48 88.1 1007 58.80 99/31 1549 3.0
Rajratan Global Wire 10 1903 10.2* 127 315 18.7 18.4 2.00 0.5 14.5 1909 71.4 6.9 1909H 158.0 1 14.1 47 63.49 0 7.78 3.8 317 312.15XB 403/245 381 13.7
Ratnamani Metals 2 1903 9.3 326 2755 252.9 54.1 9.00 0.0 16.6 1909 610.3 76.4 1909H 1198.0 -11 139.2 10 60.09 0 21.10 11.0 5370 1149.30 1185/780 5294 20.3
Rudra Global Infra P 10 1903 24.1 33 557 15.7 6.5 - 1.1 19.6 1909 67.0 0.3 1909H 242.3 -21 0.6 -92 74.66 0 0.00 0.4 205 85.00 206/67 293 25.5
Sarda Energy & Miner 10 1903 36.0 434 1653 214.8 59.6 5.00 0.2 13.7 1909 380.7 68.3 1909H 801.5 -7 120.8 8 72.49 0 0.18 20.8 884 245.20 331/140 1154 3.9
Scan Steels 10 1903 52.4 51 695 6.6 1.3 - 0.5 2.5 1909 158.5 3.7 1909H 339.7 -3 4.2 -68 48.10 13 0.00 3.2 90 17.25 60/16 216 -
Shivalik Bimetal 2 1903 7.7 27 193 23.1 6.0 0.25 0.4 21.9 1909 45.9 3.4 1909H 96.5 -5 6.3 -45 60.50 0 0.06 7.0 186 48.45 147/34 226 10.3
Srikalahasthi Pipes 10 1903 46.7 270 1559 117.5 25.2 6.00 0.3 9.3 1909 457.4 35.9 1909H 818.2 9 69.3 37 48.11 31 14.13 30.7 894 191.35 261/138 782 6.6
Steel Authority 10 1903 4130.5 92 66967 2178.8 5.3 0.50 1.1 5.7 1909 14127.4 -342.8 1909H 28947.5 -11 -274.0 -125 74.99 0 18.10 380.1 20632 49.95 60/30 61846 25.5
Steel ExchangeIndia 10 1903 76.0 -18 1024 -36.7 -4.8 - -6.2 - 1909 173.1 8.3 1909H 397.3 -18 32.5 67 47.58 33 4.01 56.0 195 25.70 29/9 1059 -
Sunflag Iron 10 1903 180.2 52 2229 110.6 6.1 0.50 0.3 11.8 1909 466.9 21.1 1909H 953.0 -18 25.2 -67 49.16 0 0.10 55.5 697 38.70 55/23 954 12.0
Surya Roshni Ltd 10 1903 54.4 212 5977 120.9 22.2 2.00 1.0 10.5 1909 1323.7 22.6 1909H 2735.9 3 42.0 -8 62.90 21 3.52 25.1 985 181.05 272/150 2115 8.4
Tata Metaliks 10 1903 28.1 273 2155 181.9 64.8 3.50 0.1 23.7 1909 511.4 23.4 1909H 1010.4 -0 43.0 -45 55.06 0 17.81 53.1 1826 650.15 704/481 1836 12.4
Tata Steel 10 1903 1126.5* 625 70611 10533.2 93.5 13.00 0.4 14.9 1909 14871.2 3837.8 1909H 30962.5 -10 5376.8 -4 33.12 4 43.77 835.0 54809 486.55 560/320 83026 5.3
Tata Steel BSL 2 1903 218.7 9 20892 1713.1 15.7 - 33.7 168.4 1909 4554.6 -255.9 1909H 8887.4 -15 -142.6 -107 72.65 0 10.37 105.2 3368 30.80 39/20 37232 -
Tata Steel Long Prod 10 1903 45.1* 570 992 124.3 27.6 12.50 0.0 4.8 1909 777.8 -196.9 1909H 1482.4 211 -270.8 -470 75.91 0 6.60 44.1 2035 451.30 610/347 1688 -
Technocraft Industri 10 1903 24.5 306 1151 102.4 41.8 - 0.7 13.7 1909 302.4 32.4 1909H 603.8 8 55.7 -10 74.15 0 3.65 10.5 864 353.15 610/281 1321 9.0
Usha Martin Ltd. 1 1903 30.5 8 1690 59.0 1.9 - 12.7 25.6 1909 364.6 16.6 1909H 725.4 -14 387.7 705 49.43 53 12.25 44.5 847 27.80 43/22 3746 2.1
*Uttam Galva Steels 10 1903 142.3 -160 556 -2126.2 -149.5 - -4.4 - 1912 147.7 -273.0 1912N 374.4 25 -868.9 41 60.68 0 0.19 37.1 115 8.08 13/6 3452 -
Uttam Value Steels 1 1903 660.8 -3 2467 -627.5 -0.9 - -1.2 - 1909 412.8 -111.6 1909H 891.8 -29 -143.7 -103 46.11 0 2.51 169.7 126 0.19 0/0 1531 -
Vardhman Special St 10 1903 40.4 91 1121 22.2 5.5 - 0.9 6.0 1909 211.8 -3.2 1909H 452.6 -20 -2.0 -113 58.97 0 9.01 18.0 332 82.30 117/62 654 -
Welspun Corp 5 1903 132.6 62 4136 -277.2 -10.5 0.50 0.4 - 1909 831.2 -8.4 1909H 1369.5 -48 145.4 1249 48.97 0 15.45 52.8 4450 167.80 171/89 4991 -
Welspun Specialty 6 1903 293.4* -3 436 -20.1 -0.4 - -1.7 - 1909 63.3 -10.9 1909H 162.3 -33 -18.9 -509 49.85 50 0.00 79.7 501 10.25 23/8 699 -
IND. COMPOSITE 134 6611 425 22
Century Plyboards 1 1903 22.2 44 2264 158.8 7.1 1.00 0.5 16.4 1909 589.4 52.1 1909H 1163.1 6 100.3 21 72.85 0 14.11 55.5 3636 163.65 222/112 4082 20.7
Greenlam Industries 5 1903 12.1 172 1196 65.1 27.0 3.00 0.5 15.6 1909 327.0 24.3 1909H 594.8 7 39.4 61 54.89 0 18.46 5.0 2339 969.00 1055/630 2532 29.3
Greenpanel Industrie 1 1903 12.3* 55 587 44.1 3.6 - 0.7 6.5 1909 185.5 5.5 1909H 389.2 53 8.2 -58 - 0 0.00 - 550 44.85 54/29 1031 -
Greenply Industr 1 1903 12.3 27 1284 61.3 5.0 0.40 0.4 18.5 1909 345.5 22.9 1909H 650.9 -24 38.6 1 51.69 0 33.17 21.6 2031 165.65 195/110 2144 20.0
Oriental Veneer 1 1903 5.4 9 103 10.1 1.9 0.20 0.8 19.7 1909 32.2 3.5 1909H 54.6 10 5.7 24 57.85 0 0.00 1.5 212 39.40 66/37 222 19.0
Rushil Decor Ltd. 10 1903 14.9 126 344 14.3 9.6 0.50 1.2 7.0 1909 89.4 9.1 1909H 173.4 -1 15.1 80 52.90 0 12.51 3.3 214 143.05 705/91 441 10.2
Stylam Industries 10 1903 8.2 221 461 35.1 43.0 - 0.8 19.4 1909 118.1 7.7 1909H 230.8 7 14.2 -6 52.70 41 6.90 3.6 418 512.30 810/413 552 12.3
The Indian Wood Prod 2 1903 12.8 55 200 17.8 2.8 0.20 0.2 5.1 1909 50.2 2.3 1909H 97.8 -4 4.9 -32 70.26 0 0.62 2.8 249 39.00 96/36 298 16.1
Uniply Industries 2 1903 33.5 33 172 18.3 1.1 0.24 0.2 3.3 1909 121.4 6.3 1909H 228.2 129 13.9 95 26.03 61 10.37 11.7 191 11.39 69/8 267 7.6
IND. COMPOSITE 203 9446 662 60
Bata India 5 1903 64.3 136 2928 329.7 25.6 6.25 0.0 18.9 1909 722.0 71.4 1909H 1604.1 9 172.1 25 52.95 0 32.94 127.9 22568 1755.85 1815/1081 21729 62.1
Bhartiya Interna 10 1903 12.2 219 609 16.3 13.3 1.20 1.2 6.1 1909 204.9 14.8 1909H 335.8 4 19.2 62 47.50 0 8.58 4.6 222 182.25 339/124 534 9.4
Khadim India 10 1903 18.0 160 799 21.2 11.8 1.00 0.4 7.3 1909 222.8 -1.5 1909H 438.9 5 1.8 -89 60.28 0 31.73 39.6 315 175.25 527/163 415 45.0
Liberty Shoes Li 10 1903 17.0 103 602 6.8 4.0 - 0.6 3.9 1909 133.8 5.6 1909H 302.0 -4 8.0 86 59.29 0 0.91 23.4 242 141.75 175/79 340 22.9
Mallcom (India) L 10 1903 6.2 140 301 14.1 22.6 2.00 0.6 16.1 1909 76.0 5.2 1909H 146.2 7 8.7 26 73.80 0 0.75 1.1 120 192.80 280/178 163 7.6
Mirza International 2 1903 24.1 51 1152 48.8 4.1 0.90 0.6 8.0 1909 306.0 9.6 1909H 613.8 10 19.1 -44 70.18 0 0.23 41.9 718 59.65 83/50 1049 21.3
Relaxo Footwears 1 1903 24.8* 45 2292 175.4 7.1 0.90 0.1 15.9 1909 621.8 70.5 1909H 1270.1 14 120.3 41 71.01 0 9.11 25.8 15787 635.95XB 641/344 15872 75.1
Sreeleathers Ltd. 10 1903 25.2 115 168 31.1 12.4 - 0.0 10.7 1909 52.6 9.3 1909H 95.6 10 16.6 -12 64.94 0 2.91 6.4 423 168.25 246/130 417 14.7
Superhouse Ltd. 10 1903 11.4* 253 594 19.1 16.8 1.00 0.6 6.6 1909 140.7 8.5 1909H 270.3 -11 14.3 15 54.88 0 0.01 24.3 106 92.55 140/57 236 5.0
IND. COMPOSITE 897 13696 768 28
Aegis Logistics Ltd. 1 1903 34.0 24 707 88.6 2.6 1.40 0.2 10.9 1909 194.5 -59.1 1909H 407.6 26 -17.4 -137 59.56 0 14.75 52.0 6647 195.70 241/160 6770 -
Allcargo Logistics 2 1903 49.1 55 1508 190.8 7.8 3.50 0.3 14.2 1909 393.5 16.0 1909H 817.3 10 44.4 -41 70.01 0 16.01 55.6 2447 99.60 126/87 2579 15.1 JAN 20 - FEB 2, 2020 I DALAL STREET INVESTMENT JOURNAL 43

Databank Updated as on Jan. 10, 2020


Inst. Stake (%)

Trailing P/E Ratio

Sales Growth (%)

No. of Shareholder
Prom. Stake (%)
Latest Qtr. Year

Pledged (%)

Entprise Value
NP Growth (%)
Year / Months

Year / Months

Sales (` Cr)
CEqt. (` Cr)

Market Cap
Face Value

RONW (%)
Company Name
Bk Val (`)

NP (` Cr)
NP (` Cr)


CMP (`)
EPS (`)

(in’ 000)
Div (`)

(` Cr)
(` Cr)

(` Cr)

(` Cr)

(` Cr)

Apollo TriCoat Tubes 2 1903 6.1 41 7 2.6 0.9 - 0.4 2.1 1909 153.7 9.4 1909H 205.4 5481 13.1 553 62.76 8 0.52 3.7 1004 330.35 333/124 1059 73.0
Arshiya 2 1903 49.4* 69 131 -35.2 -1.4 - 0.4 - 1909 54.2 0.6 1909H 121.5 268 11.1 135 51.58 100 2.02 9.6 401 16.25 39/15 1097 -
DRS Dilip Roadlines 10 1903 15.1 29 150 2.6 1.7 - 4.7 6.1 - - - - - - - - 72.11 0 0.00 0.2 116 77.00 78/61 157 -
Future Supply Chain 10 1903 43.9 138 1113 65.2 14.8 1.25 0.4 10.8 1909 312.5 8.8 1909H 611.3 21 12.2 -69 47.89 98 19.14 28.7 2004 456.70 700/444 2104 41.8
Gateway Distriparks 10 1903 108.7 69 367 88.2 8.1 4.50 0.8 11.7 1909 83.7 -10.2 1909H 223.0 27 32.1 33 30.00 20 57.63 33.0 1323 121.65 154/81 1911 13.8
Mahindra Logistics L 10 1903 71.5* 70 3666 84.4 11.8 1.80 0.0 16.9 1909 801.0 11.1 1909H 1655.8 -6 29.7 -30 58.52 0 28.96 54.0 3091 432.45 575/325 3022 43.1
Navkar Corporation L 10 1903 150.5 117 483 52.8 3.5 - 0.2 3.0 1909 130.5 10.1 1909H 267.0 17 21.5 -36 69.02 9 8.34 38.9 470 31.20 56/18 863 11.5
Orissa Bengal Carrie 10 1903 21.1 29 488 10.6 5.0 - 0.4 17.3 - - - - - - - - 64.25 0 0.17 0.2 92 43.50 60/36 111 -
Ritco Logistics 10 1903 24.5 38 407 12.2 5.0 - 1.0 13.1 - - - - - - - - 73.03 0 0.00 0.4 157 63.95 80/47 226 -
Sical Logistics 10 1903 58.5 103 1303 30.5 5.2 - 1.4 5.1 1909 248.5 -33.2 1909H 561.4 -2 -26.7 -313 51.45 83 0.50 39.5 104 17.75 157/16 901 -
Snowman Logistics Lt 10 1903 167.1 26 233 9.7 0.6 - 0.1 2.2 1909 58.4 -1.4 1909H 120.5 6 -10.4 -635 40.25 0 0.49 67.9 710 42.50 46/27 766 -
TCI Express 2 1903 7.7 70 1024 72.8 19.0 3.00 0.0 27.3 1909 269.5 26.1 1909H 525.6 6 44.5 37 66.89 0 10.50 25.8 2903 756.85 826/530 2892 34.2
VRL Logistics Ltd. 10 1903 90.3 71 2110 91.9 10.2 5.50 0.2 14.2 1909 523.8 34.7 1909H 1063.5 2 62.2 39 68.05 0 25.83 34.1 2395 265.15 315/222 2513 21.9
IND. COMPOSITE 277 12607 1027 28
Confidence Petroleum 1 1903 27.4 13 873 59.1 2.2 0.10 0.2 16.0 1909 247.4 14.6 1909H 494.3 32 28.7 3 52.69 1 6.27 27.5 768 28.05 48/19 809 12.8
Gujarat Gas 2 1903 137.7 32 7754 417.0 6.1 1.00 1.0 19.1 1909 2512.9 517.3 1909H 5127.5 37 750.9 362 60.89 0 17.77 33.5 18063 262.40 272/116 19843 18.0
Mahanagar Gas 10 1903 98.8 243 2791 546.4 55.3 20.00 0.0 22.8 1909 783.6 270.6 1909H 1541.1 17 440.9 67 32.49 0 47.04 118.3 9933 1005.55 1089/755 9634 13.7
Mauria Udyog 10 1903 13.3 106 1189 4.3 3.2 - 1.8 3.0 1909 174.0 -12.7 1909H 440.2 -30 -10.4 -319 73.93 0 0.00 1.7 178 134.00 412/131 422 -
IND. COMPOSITE 516 6902 1011 19
Castrol India 5 1812 494.6 12 3905 708.4 7.2 5.00 0.0 60.8 1909 849.2 188.4 1909N 2865.0 -0 556.1 12 51.00 0 29.95 190.5 12537 126.75 173/113 11793 16.3
GOCL Corporation 2 1903 9.9 78 99 27.9 5.6 4.00 0.0 7.2 1909 25.9 0.4 1909H 48.0 3 1.5 -79 74.93 0 4.30 32.5 1354 273.05 360/219 1323 60.4
Gulf Oil Lubricants 2 1903 10.0* 117 1706 177.8 35.5 11.50 0.5 30.3 1909 421.3 62.0 1909H 862.0 7 110.7 38 72.31 0 16.68 48.6 4025 803.25 909/675 4015 19.3
Tide Water Oil 5 1903 1.7 1856 1193 96.7 277.5 235.00 0.0 14.9 1909 280.2 29.8 1909H 575.9 0 51.5 7 57.27 0 11.84 21.7 1608 4612.95 5905/4350 1454 16.1
IND. COMPOSITE 519 11866 814 11
DB Corp 10 1903 174.9* 105 2463 273.9 15.7 10.00 0.0 14.9 1909 531.4 75.6 1909H 1138.4 -6 169.3 18 71.60 38 21.42 21.6 2349 134.25 209/130 2268 7.8
DIC India 10 1812 9.2 305 838 -9.3 -10.2 - 0.2 - 1909 196.6 0.6 1909N 598.7 -2 11.3 181 71.75 0 0.00 7.1 303 330.00 424/294 322 -
Gala Global Products 5 1903 27.3 7 100 3.4 0.6 - 0.1 9.2 1909 30.8 0.9 1909H 68.4 28 2.1 -0 74.41 0 0.00 3.9 422 77.25 102/52 425 -
Hindustan Media Vent 10 1903 73.4 189 866 71.9 9.8 1.20 0.0 5.2 1909 192.7 20.6 1909H 410.7 -5 60.2 129 74.30 0 15.57 12.2 526 71.65 132/61 514 5.0
HT Media 2 1903 46.5 70 1302 -138.9 -6.0 0.40 0.8 - 1909 309.2 -10.5 1909H 616.6 1 -153.0 -9 69.50 0 12.90 33.2 371 15.95 51/14 1571 -
Jagran Prakashan 2 1903 59.3 45 1940 219.9 7.4 3.50 0.2 16.5 1909 433.1 96.6 1909H 921.9 -3 156.0 42 61.60 0 28.83 44.6 1844 62.20 128/46 2106 6.9
Kokuyo Camlin 1 1903 10.0 25 689 15.2 1.5 - 0.7 6.1 1909 136.4 1.9 1909H 339.8 -2 6.9 -27 74.98 0 0.43 17.9 826 82.35 111/58 983 65.4
Linc Pen & Plast 10 1903 14.8 83 367 5.5 3.7 1.50 0.5 4.4 1909 101.5 5.7 1909H 202.3 16 9.9 196 59.49 0 0.07 5.4 290 195.85 271/164 347 24.1
MPS Ltd. 10 1903 18.6 247 224 74.7 40.1 25.00 0.0 16.3 1909 51.0 18.6 1909H 97.8 -16 31.0 -16 67.77 0 6.73 12.2 901 484.00 612/425 868 13.1
Navneet Education 2 1903 45.8 38 1361 177.5 7.8 1.00 0.3 20.4 1909 246.8 42.5 1909H 1041.8 12 189.9 22 61.84 0 21.89 27.9 2150 93.95 120/87 2427 10.1
Orient Press Ltd 10 1903 10.0 82 224 1.0 1.0 0.75 0.6 1.2 1909 41.5 0.1 1909H 83.6 -16 -1.5 -4235 73.04 0 0.00 2.7 98 98.45 195/84 142 -
Repro India Ltd. 10 1903 12.1 227 261 26.7 22.1 - 0.5 9.7 1909 67.3 5.9 1909H 136.3 2 13.1 5 52.66 0 18.11 6.8 747 618.00 740/480 873 27.3
Sandesh 10 1903 7.6 956 417 63.1 83.4 5.00 0.0 8.7 1909 83.9 17.6 1909H 173.8 -17 30.6 9 74.81 0 0.00 5.5 473 625.10 965/534 449 7.2
TCPL Packaging 10 1903 9.1 265 816 29.0 31.8 5.25 1.1 12.0 1909 227.3 8.6 1909H 438.9 11 14.0 -13 55.73 75 8.35 7.9 237 260.00 468/225 501 8.8
IND. COMPOSITE 44 587 66 19
Poly Medicure Lt 5 1903 44.1 43 587 66.3 7.5 2.00 0.3 17.4 1909 163.2 27.0 1909H 315.6 13 47.2 68 48.74 0 5.09 5.3 1913 216.80 237/167 1987 22.4
IND. COMPOSITE 1461 29799 8240 12
Gravita India Ltd. 2 1903 13.8 22 1059 19.0 2.7 0.30 1.4 12.7 1909 283.8 8.7 1909H 515.0 9 12.8 240 72.51 0 1.07 16.8 372 53.95 100/30 569 13.3
Hind. Copper 5 1903 462.6 18 1816 145.5 1.6 0.52 0.7 8.9 1909 287.6 19.5 1909H 591.7 -33 40.7 -42 76.04 0 14.18 131.8 4288 46.35 53/28 5348 37.1
Hind. Zinc 2 1903 845.1 80 21118 7956.0 18.8 20.00 0.1 23.7 1909 4511.0 2081.0 1909H 9498.0 -6 3846.0 3 64.92 0 3.82 124.4 92556 219.05 292/193 95071 11.5
Madhav Copper 5 1903 12.3* 5 213 3.6 1.5 - 0.8 27.9 - - - - - - - - 73.04 0 0.00 0.2 275 111.65XB 140/37 285 -
Precision Wires 5 1903 11.6 115 1758 41.8 18.1 4.50 0.1 15.8 1909 369.4 8.2 1909H 796.4 -9 16.3 -26 59.66 0 0.85 12.0 385 166.30 234/136 374 10.7
*Ram Ratna Wires 5 1903 11.0 83 1250 16.0 7.3 1.25 1.4 8.7 1909 324.1 7.5 1909H 662.0 12 9.3 11 72.99 0 0.00 5.8 162 73.55 130/60 407 9.6
Tin Plate Co. 10 1903 104.7 68 2584 58.0 5.5 2.00 0.0 8.2 1909 538.4 12.7 1909H 1099.7 -10 21.5 45 74.95 0 1.25 66.2 1586 151.55 168/87 1553 24.5
IND. COMPOSITE 7846 58713 20566 11
20 Microns Ltd. 5 1903 17.6 43 436 21.7 6.2 - 0.7 14.3 1909 131.2 6.1 1909H 259.0 20 14.1 18 44.02 0 0.02 12.3 121 34.35 44/29 219 5.1
Ashapura Min. Lt 2 1903 17.4 -46 337 -74.3 -8.5 - -0.1 - 1909 32.5 -30.0 1909H 111.8 -43 -28.9 66 39.78 0 24.13 23.1 268 30.80 38/16 282 -
ASI Industries 1 1903 8.3 30 181 19.1 2.3 0.30 0.5 7.6 1909 37.2 -4.9 1909H 80.8 -3 0.4 -92 70.43 0 0.00 6.1 90 10.85 18/8 190 6.5
Coal India 10 1903 6162.7 23 934 10469.7 17.0 13.10 0.0 74.8 1909 132.6 107.3 1909H 327.2 254 190.5 -72 69.04 0 28.05 665.8 126459 205.20 271/178126206 12.7
*Deccan Gold Mines 1 1903 9.3 5 0 -2.4 -0.3 - 0.0 - 1909 0.1 -0.6 1909H 0.3 125 -1.1 2 26.85 0 4.95 20.3 175 18.70 30/14 171 -
Guj. Mineral Dev 2 1903 63.6 135 1997 138.8 4.4 2.00 0.0 3.2 1909 298.8 38.6 1909H 836.1 -16 134.5 478 74.00 0 12.69 69.1 2083 65.50 94/54 2063 6.7
KIOCL 10 1903 621.9 32 1888 111.9 1.8 1.33 0.0 5.6 1909 361.2 4.1 1909H 959.7 17 20.7 -55 99.05 0 0.48 9.7 7746 124.55 173/108 6177 89.4
MOIL Ltd. 10 1903 257.6 120 1441 473.9 18.4 5.50 0.0 15.4 1909 253.1 88.6 1909H 533.2 -21 179.3 -18 65.69 0 17.18 278.0 4030 156.45 172/118 1768 9.3
NMDC Ltd. 1 1903 306.2 85 12153 4642.1 15.2 5.52 0.0 17.9 1909 2241.8 703.3 1909H 5505.5 13 1882.6 17 72.27 0 23.59 227.0 37064 121.05 132/75 32820 7.5
Orissa Minerals Deve 1 1903 0.6 225 0 -451.6 -752.7 - 0.9 - 1909 0.0 -13.1 1909H 0.0 -100 -33.9 -59 50.01 0 19.63 18.0 787 1311.35 1528/527 572 -
Sandur M & I Ore 10 1903 8.8 761 702 142.4 162.8 7.00 0.0 21.4 1909 138.1 25.9 1909H 334.5 -10 79.2 -9 72.46 55 2.87 9.7 642 733.65 1094/562 592 4.8
Vedanta 1 1903 371.7 210 38644 5075.0 13.7 18.85 0.5 6.5 1909 9700.0 2913.0 1909H 18317.0 -5 2663.0 1607 50.13 0 35.70 605.8 59457 159.95 202/126 93265 7.8
IND. COMPOSITE 1842 31444 5299 36
Adani Ports & Speci 2 1903 406.4 100 5336 2637.7 13.0 0.20 1.2 13.0 1909 1071.1 485.8 1909H 2275.5 -0 975.0 -7 62.45 40 34.64 255.4 79604 391.80 430/300100091 31.0
Bombay Oxygen Invest 100 1903 1.514740 1 6.8 454.2 10.00 0.0 3.1 1909 0.0 -0.2 1909H 0.2 -75 1.2 248 73.29 0 0.05 2.5 122 8130.00 22125/7050 120 13.8
Delta Corp Ltd. 1 1903 27.1 71 475 183.3 6.8 1.25 0.0 9.5 1909 119.1 44.9 1909H 239.0 4 88.7 -4 32.77 7 26.18 93.2 5489 202.60 278/116 5461 30.5
Dredging Corpora 10 1903 28.0 565 692 44.6 15.9 3.00 0.3 2.8 1909 123.0 -22.3 1909H 319.5 11 -21.5 72 73.47 0 8.78 52.1 972 347.05 465/293 1403 9.8
IFGL Refractories 10 1903 36.0 140 479 26.0 7.2 2.50 0.1 5.1 1909 115.7 7.6 1909H 256.0 12 16.2 10 72.43 0 16.59 12.5 573 158.95 262/125 629 20.9
Indraprastha Gas Ltd 2 1903 140.0 59 5765 786.7 11.2 0.34 0.0 19.0 1909 1692.5 381.0 1909H 3268.6 21 599.3 65 45.00 0 39.70 100.3 29327 418.95 439/258 28719 28.7
Info Edge (India) 10 1903 122.3 190 1098 281.7 23.0 6.00 0.0 12.1 1909 316.6 9.3 1909H 629.4 20 76.0 -46 40.54 0 48.70 32.2 31192 2550.15 2737/1511 31088 144.0
Intl. Coveyors 1 1903 6.8 24 78 -5.5 -0.8 0.05 0.6 - 1909 21.1 2.2 1909H 36.3 -4 3.6 190 47.28 0 19.48 1.8 178 26.40 33/20 279 -
IRCTC 10 1903 160.0 65 1868 272.6 17.0 29.85 0.0 26.1 - - - - - - - - 87.40 0 5.09 176.9 14662 916.40 981/625 13522 -
Jain Irrigation 2 1903 99.3 95 4443 234.5 4.7 1.00 0.3 5.0 1909 395.8 -113.1 1909H 1223.9 -39 -96.8 -209 28.64 50 26.96 210.5 421 8.49 68/7 1861 -
Linde India 10 1812 85.3 167 2192 33.5 3.9 1.00 0.5 2.3 1909 409.7 36.9 1909N 1349.0 -17 92.7 413 74.99 0 15.89 19.0 5941 696.60 819/403 6472 55.0
Mahindra EPC Irrigat 10 1903 27.7 54 260 11.4 4.1 1.00 0.0 7.6 1909 65.0 3.8 1909H 118.6 9 5.9 191 54.58 0 0.00 20.1 298 107.35 126/76 298 19.4



Inst. Stake (%)

Trailing P/E Ratio

Sales Growth (%)

No. of Shareholder
Prom. Stake (%)
Latest Qtr. Year

Pledged (%)

Entprise Value
NP Growth (%)
Year / Months

Year / Months

Sales (` Cr)
CEqt. (` Cr)

Market Cap
Face Value

RONW (%)
Company Name
Bk Val (`)

NP (` Cr)
NP (` Cr)


CMP (`)
EPS (`)

(in’ 000)
Div (`)

(` Cr)
(` Cr)

(` Cr)

(` Cr)

(` Cr)

Morganite Crucible ( 10 1903 2.8 354 120 15.4 54.9 16.00 0.0 15.5 1909 28.2 2.7 1909H 62.2 0 6.9 -23 75.00 0 1.14 3.7 441 1574.00 1690/1265 396 33.9
*Nicco Parks & Re 1 1903 4.7 9 55 8.2 1.7 0.80 0.0 19.1 1909 11.3 1.5 1909H 29.5 9 6.1 12 62.90 40 0.00 10.2 165 35.20 37/20 151 18.7
Nirlon 10 1903 90.1 39 299 63.7 7.1 0.75 2.4 18.1 1909 75.8 27.2 1909H 151.2 5 52.8 72 71.25 3 11.97 35.7 2479 275.05 304/165 3327 28.9
Orient Refractories 1 1903 12.0 31 748 89.8 7.5 2.50 0.0 23.9 1909 178.8 26.0 1909H 367.2 2 48.3 9 66.48 0 15.99 15.5 2952 245.75 276/164 2925 31.5
Premier Explos. 10 1903 10.8 195 241 11.7 10.9 2.70 0.1 5.6 1909 43.2 1.1 1909H 93.6 -17 1.9 -40 41.22 0 15.54 9.9 172 159.80 276/129 168 16.4
Radix Industries 10 1903 15.0* 11 11 1.2 0.8 1.00 0.4 7.4 1909 2.1 0.3 1909H 4.5 -27 0.7 -2 74.96 0 0.00 0.3 125 83.25XB 86/36 131 -
Riddhi Siddhi Gluco 10 1903 7.1 1742 151 44.5 62.4 2.00 0.1 3.6 1909 16.6 14.8 1909H 22.8 -75 28.1 603 74.82 0 0.00 3.8 198 277.65 485/215 291 2.5
Solar Industries Ind 2 1903 18.1 98 1663 191.5 21.2 7.00 0.1 21.6 1909 329.4 71.9 1909H 732.6 -2 121.9 40 73.14 0 22.16 13.3 9987 1103.70 1300/924 10042 44.2
Sun Pharma Advanced 1 1903 26.2 11 183 -145.4 -5.5 - 0.0 - 1909 17.2 -63.2 1909H 34.5 -56 -157.3 -135 68.46 3 4.27 81.2 4806 183.40 204/107 4806 -
Syngene Internationa 10 1903 400.0* 49 1826 330.7 8.3 0.50 0.3 16.8 1909 464.6 128.0 1909H 885.5 7 199.9 39 70.77 0 22.79 46.9 12372 309.30XB 368/266 12489 32.0
Thomas Cook (I) 1 1903 37.8 45 2253 26.5 0.7 0.38 0.0 1.5 1909 535.4 2.2 1909H 1466.6 1 38.8 -17 65.60 0 20.03 57.5 2296 60.70 264/60 1659 -
Vesuvius India 10 1812 20.3 364 925 92.5 45.6 7.00 0.0 12.5 1909 217.6 21.6 1909N 659.0 -6 62.9 -13 55.56 0 21.52 12.9 2314 1140.15 1322/894 1895 27.9
Wonderla Holidays Lt 10 1903 56.5 145 282 55.4 9.8 1.80 0.0 6.8 1909 40.8 0.2 1909H 158.4 9 42.2 24 69.33 0 16.94 26.5 1431 253.20 321/232 1389 22.5
IND. COMPOSITE 35752 97623 -17359
Bharti Airtel 5 1903 2566.0* 249 49608 -1829.0 -3.6 2.50 0.9 - 1909 13012.9-24513.5 1909H 25846.0 4 -25817.2 -1178 62.69 0 30.53 214.8 234638 457.20 486/277 318208 -
MTNL 10 1903 630.0 -155 1988 -3390.2 -53.8 - -2.0 - 1909 369.3 -949.8 1909H 781.7 -17 -2002.8 -11 56.25 0 15.22 133.1 656 10.42 16/4 19654 -
OnMobile Global Ltd. 10 1903 105.7 69 230 32.8 3.1 1.50 0.0 4.5 1909 49.8 4.5 1909H 99.8 -18 2.3 -88 48.17 0 1.94 33.8 322 30.45 50/26 291 20.2
Reliance Com 5 1903 1382.8 45 1379 2847.0 10.3 - 2.3 23.0 1909 225.0-28681.0 1909H 461.0 -38 -28880.0 -540 10.46 46 9.88 1362.6 238 0.86 14/1 28348 -
Tata Communications 10 1903 285.0 288 5389 -442.3 -15.5 4.50 0.0 - 1909 1469.6 75.2 1909H 2842.7 11 242.1 134 74.98 3 19.69 53.2 11591 406.70 627/260 11742 -
Tata Teleservices (M 10 1903 1954.9 -86 1277 -667.6 -3.4 - -0.9 - 1909 270.4 -2334.4 1909H 563.8 -14 -2563.3 -206 74.35 0 0.08 327.9 444 2.27 5/2 14951 -
Tejas Networks 10 1903 92.2* 140 894 146.7 15.9 1.00 0.0 11.4 1909 85.8 -3.3 1909H 246.3 -44 2.5 -97 0.00 0 38.92 25.1 854 92.65 226/65 731 12.2
Vodafone Idea L 10 190328735.4* 19 36859-14056.0 -4.9 - 1.7 - 1909 10804.5-49727.4 1909H 22013.0 63 -54765.7 -1137 72.05 0 21.10 422.8 17442 6.07 20/3 125182 -
IND. COMPOSITE 12199 200699 35624 7
Aban Offshore 2 1903 11.7 690 263 -69.3 -11.9 - 0.0 - 1909 49.9 20.5 1909H 103.4 -26 20.3 -58 45.99 19 2.30 132.3 154 26.30 78/22 249 -
Alphageo (India) 10 1903 6.4 392 405 49.9 78.4 8.00 0.1 20.0 1909 4.8 -22.6 1909H 138.7 1 -5.7 -140 44.92 10 1.90 16.5 117 183.95 548/153 45 3.9
Asian Oilfield S 10 1903 38.1 36 157 1.6 0.4 - 0.0 1.2 1909 6.3 -4.4 1909H 18.3 -76 -10.1 -511 59.61 0 0.13 8.9 379 99.60 116/61 359 -
Deep Industries 10 1903 32.0 159 259 59.6 18.6 1.50 0.1 11.7 1909 50.1 30.1 1909H 121.4 -6 46.6 50 63.99 0 6.03 18.0 354 110.60 176/90 353 4.7
GAIL (India) Ltd. 10 1903 4548.7* 102 75126 6025.7 13.2 7.13 0.0 13.0 1909 18039.9 1064.3 1909H 36350.5 -1 2351.8 -27 52.19 0 34.78 247.2 57040 125.40XB 183/111 56696 11.1
GP Petroleums 5 1903 25.5 41 607 16.2 3.2 0.75 0.7 7.8 1909 157.4 5.4 1909H 291.9 -5 9.5 55 72.90 0 0.00 12.2 222 43.45 76/29 356 11.3
Hind. Oil Explor 10 1903 132.2 40 237 149.0 11.3 - 0.0 28.4 1909 56.9 38.7 1909H 106.2 7 69.5 5 0.00 0 11.72 64.5 1334 100.90 136/83 1309 8.8
Jindal Drilling 5 1903 14.5 299 207 34.1 11.8 0.50 0.2 3.9 1909 44.4 4.3 1909H 75.9 -27 8.6 -60 67.18 0 0.38 15.8 284 98.00 117/60 443 13.4
Oil India Ltd. 10 1903 1084.4 256 13735 2590.1 23.9 10.25 0.3 9.3 1909 3213.6 627.2 1909H 6587.0 -8 1252.0 -20 59.56 0 24.44 140.4 17112 157.80 189/140 18243 7.5
ONGC 5 1903 6290.1 161109609 26715.8 21.2 7.00 0.1 13.2 1909 24492.6 6263.1 1909H 51047.4 -8 12167.4 -16 62.97 0 24.23 633.4 156121 124.10 179/116 177211 6.4
Selan Exploratio 10 1903 15.2 214 93 51.5 33.9 5.00 0.0 15.8 1909 22.3 8.4 1909H 44.8 -13 16.7 -41 30.09 0 4.39 22.6 241 158.25 197/128 225 6.0
IND. COMPOSITE 464 21420 536 15
Cosmo Films 10 1903 19.4 355 2050 58.4 30.0 6.00 0.9 8.5 1909 514.0 25.3 1909H 1021.5 3 49.5 136 44.14 0 4.76 24.9 511 262.80 284/161 1073 5.9
Emmbi Industries 10 1903 17.7 65 289 17.8 10.1 0.50 0.8 15.5 1909 80.8 3.9 1909H 147.7 7 7.3 -14 57.80 0 8.92 8.4 195 110.10 175/95 287 11.7
Essel Propack Ltd. 2 1903 63.1* 21 846 64.0 2.0 1.25 0.3 9.5 1909 209.2 -2.9 1909H 406.2 -4 11.7 -63 83.01 0 5.95 35.1 5402 171.25 185/79 5571 122.8
Ester India 5 1903 41.7 38 1028 31.1 3.7 0.50 0.7 9.9 1909 254.4 19.2 1909H 538.5 7 43.2 194 59.13 10 0.03 20.9 287 34.45 42/23 510 4.8
Everest Kanto Cylind 2 1903 22.4 22 452 87.5 7.8 - 0.6 34.7 1909 117.6 4.5 1909H 222.4 5 8.5 857 66.95 45 0.42 43.4 321 28.60 34/18 467 3.3
Garware Poly. 10 1903 23.2 587 923 74.3 32.0 10.00 0.1 5.4 1909 236.1 23.3 1909H 487.6 3 50.4 15 60.71 0 3.71 21.6 573 246.60 277/186 666 7.1
Goblin India 10 1903 10.4 17 60 2.1 2.0 - 2.1 11.5 - - - - - - - - 52.83 0 0.00 0.2 102 98.05 134/54 119 -
Hitech Corporation 10 1903 17.2 96 462 16.4 9.6 0.90 1.0 10.0 1909 122.0 0.9 1909H 243.5 5 2.9 -43 74.43 0 0.00 6.5 153 88.90 120/66 301 10.8
Huhtamaki PPL 2 1812 15.1 74 2369 34.9 4.6 3.00 0.7 6.3 1909 646.0 31.9 1909N 1909.2 9 101.9 502 66.93 0 6.69 17.5 1944 257.45 290/155 2296 16.2
Jindal Poly Films 10 1903 43.8 333 3694 -353.0 -80.6 1.00 0.6 - 1909 823.9 162.6 1909H 1653.0 -11 229.9 430 74.54 0 1.61 41.3 994 226.90 275/210 1817 -
Kanpur Plasti. 10 1903 14.3 89 323 16.2 11.3 1.80 0.8 12.8 1909 78.5 1.6 1909H 154.2 1 3.0 -68 71.77 0 0.00 7.8 100 69.95 138/50 182 9.5
Manaksia Ltd. 2 1903 13.1 19 34 21.3 3.2 3.00 0.0 16.9 1909 6.5 20.6 1909H 17.1 47 19.4 -30 72.91 0 0.21 20.2 226 34.50 44/29 213 17.5
Oricon Enterprises L 2 1903 31.4 32 631 32.2 2.1 0.50 0.7 4.6 1909 110.9 6.4 1909H 369.1 3 27.6 55 66.31 0 7.43 23.5 316 20.10 34/15 651 7.5
Polyplex Corpn. 10 1903 32.0 174 1348 228.1 71.3 51.00 0.3 41.1 1909 318.6 20.8 1909H 651.2 -1 153.2 8 50.02 0 9.19 20.3 1715 536.25 655/416 1898 7.1
Safari Indus. 2 1903 4.5 89 573 27.0 12.1 0.08 0.5 13.5 1909 169.8 8.0 1909H 372.8 32 16.6 -9 56.69 0 23.84 7.6 1348 603.05 819/481 1451 53.3
Time Technoplast Ltd 1 1903 22.6 60 2117 126.2 5.6 0.90 0.4 9.3 1909 519.8 20.6 1909H 1018.3 7 45.2 7 51.18 17 31.31 29.0 1228 54.30 115/42 1788 9.5
Uflex Ltd. 10 1903 72.2 297 4221 51.7 7.2 2.00 0.5 2.4 1909 1025.8 14.9 1909H 2076.7 -2 28.8 -14 44.01 10 7.59 42.4 1515 209.85 276/181 2564 32.3
IND. COMPOSITE 331 30412 3193 79
Akzo Nobel India Ltd 10 1903 45.5 249 2918 211.0 46.3 24.00 0.0 18.6 1909 633.8 49.3 1909H 1353.5 -5 106.4 33 74.75 0 9.84 39.2 9003 1976.95 2275/1600 8944 38.0
Asian Paints Ltd. 1 1903 95.9 93 16392 2134.8 22.3 10.50 0.0 24.0 1909 4278.0 790.5 1909H 8658.2 14 1443.0 41 52.79 12 27.46 227.9 171797 1791.05 1834/1291 171645 67.3
Berger Paints I 1 1903 97.1 24 5516 439.0 4.5 1.90 0.1 18.5 1909 1429.9 174.4 1909H 3015.1 12 338.8 46 74.99 0 13.42 80.1 49727 512.05 534/284 49810 91.1
Kansai Nerolac Paint 1 1903 53.9 64 5174 467.4 8.7 2.60 0.0 13.6 1909 1243.5 193.4 1909H 2707.0 1 341.3 30 74.98 0 15.70 50.1 27329 507.10 573/372 27251 50.0
Shalimar Paints 2 1903 10.9 53 288 -81.5 -15.0 - 0.5 - 1909 82.1 -5.2 1909H 167.1 36 -10.5 58 53.09 0 4.80 15.3 460 84.80 106/56 514 -
Sirca Paints India 10 1903 27.4* 35 125 22.2 8.1 - 0.1 23.5 1909 37.6 9.8 1909H 69.5 13 16.2 88 51.28 0 9.28 0.8 658 240.00XB 255/134 648 -
IND. COMPOSITE 818 22468 1941 6
Astron Paper & Board 10 1903 46.5 32 374 24.6 5.3 - 0.4 16.4 1909 85.2 2.8 1909H 167.9 -8 8.2 -39 43.78 5 0.77 16.7 186 39.95 125/36 242 9.5
Emami Paper Mill 2 1903 12.1 43 1528 44.0 7.3 1.20 5.3 17.0 1912 400.1 18.5 1912N 1127.4 -3 20.6 -52 74.97 13 7.38 3.0 541 89.50 199/62 1608 25.3
Genus Paper & Boards 1 1903 25.7 14 433 7.8 0.3 - 0.1 2.2 1909 76.7 5.7 1909H 146.8 -42 7.8 20 50.48 3 0.10 19.6 133 5.19 10/4 164 -
International Paper 10 1903 39.8 192 1427 200.1 50.3 - 0.0 26.2 1909 271.8 7.9 1909H 640.1 -5 68.9 -16 92.19 55 0.83 13.4 1180 296.65 504/271 1125 6.3
JK Paper Ltd. 10 1903 178.2 115 3256 437.2 24.5 3.50 0.5 21.4 1909 790.3 132.9 1909H 1502.8 -5 269.1 31 48.39 0 7.46 78.9 2369 132.90 156/93 3447 4.7
Kuantum Papers 10 1903 8.7 878 793 77.9 89.3 5.00 0.5 10.2 1909 190.4 19.4 1909H 379.0 7 37.7 14 70.30 3 0.00 9.1 428 491.00 580/330 682 5.2
Kushal L 2 1903 63.4* 41 358 13.3 0.4 - 0.1 1.0 1909 55.7 2.0 1909H 114.7 9 2.1 -53 65.69 0 0.00 22.8 244 7.71 56/6 352 -
N R Agarwal Indu 10 1903 17.0 184 1318 94.6 55.6 4.00 0.8 30.3 1909 342.8 23.8 1909H 702.7 10 47.6 -14 73.31 0 1.66 8.5 430 252.60 407/150 666 5.0
Orient Paper 1 1903 21.2 65 710 101.6 4.8 1.10 0.0 7.3 1909 158.7 11.6 1909H 308.4 -4 19.6 -60 38.73 0 15.69 57.2 599 28.25 44/19 616 8.2
Pudumjee Paper Produ 1 1903 9.5 27 590 16.7 1.8 0.15 0.3 6.5 1909 158.7 7.6 1909H 318.0 7 13.4 27 67.10 0 0.00 17.1 149 15.64 23/10 213 7.6
Ruchira Papers Ltd. 10 1903 24.3 101 494 40.2 16.6 2.25 0.2 16.5 1909 125.0 16.2 1909H 255.6 6 25.3 23 64.07 0 0.67 18.2 203 83.65 129/65 262 4.5
Satia Industries 1 1903 10.0 31 738 87.8 8.8 0.25 0.5 28.5 1909 203.9 25.0 1909H 428.3 17 51.5 20 51.67 0 0.00 1.4 838 83.75XS 102/47 993 8.7
Seshasayee Paper 2 1903 12.6 138 1325 190.0 30.1 4.00 0.1 21.9 1909 299.9 46.8 1909H 578.3 -5 85.6 11 42.65 0 5.13 13.5 1070 169.65 226/160 811 5.4
Shree Ajit Pulp 10 1903 5.4 232 270 23.1 43.2 0.75 0.4 18.6 1909 64.0 7.2 1909H 126.5 -13 10.7 -25 55.60 0 0.00 1.0 101 188.00 290/134 144 5.2
Shree Rama Newsprint 10 1903 147.5 31 504 38.2 2.6 - 0.7 8.5 1909 67.7 -12.9 1909H 146.5 -46 -25.3 -271 69.81 0 1.62 84.2 221 14.96 31/13 536 -
Shrenik L 2 1903 20.4 6 837 11.1 1.1 0.20 2.2 17.5 1909 225.2 3.9 1909H 454.6 15 7.8 42 73.54 0 0.00 0.5 430 42.15 101/33 548 -
Shreyans Inds. 10 1903 13.8 143 574 47.0 34.0 5.00 0.1 23.7 1909 123.7 7.8 1909H 279.9 8 18.3 1 50.24 0 0.09 21.4 164 118.30 173/90 188 3.5 JAN 20 - FEB 2, 2020 I DALAL STREET INVESTMENT JOURNAL 45

Databank Updated as on Jan. 10, 2020


Inst. Stake (%)

Trailing P/E Ratio

Sales Growth (%)

No. of Shareholder
Prom. Stake (%)
Latest Qtr. Year

Pledged (%)

Entprise Value
NP Growth (%)
Year / Months

Year / Months

Sales (` Cr)
CEqt. (` Cr)

Market Cap
Face Value

RONW (%)
Company Name
Bk Val (`)

NP (` Cr)
NP (` Cr)


CMP (`)
EPS (`)

(in’ 000)
Div (`)

(` Cr)
(` Cr)

(` Cr)

(` Cr)

(` Cr)

South India Pape 10 1903 15.0 104 242 18.4 12.2 1.50 0.2 11.8 1909 54.0 4.0 1909H 114.9 -6 8.5 -11 41.88 0 1.74 3.9 114 76.00 99/66 139 6.6
Star Paper Mills 10 1903 15.6 292 378 53.2 34.1 2.50 0.0 11.7 1909 74.1 6.7 1909H 163.2 -15 20.6 16 45.55 48 0.33 17.0 188 120.50 174/74 166 3.4
T Nadu Newsprint 10 1903 69.2 239 4083 94.4 13.6 7.50 0.9 5.7 1909 776.9 21.6 1909H 1728.0 -11 98.7 216 35.31 0 36.97 34.5 1204 173.90 244/151 2682 7.4
Victory Paper & 10 1903 13.5 -2 5 2.8 2.1 - -9.7 - 1909 3.9 -2.1 1909H 7.0 1341 -3.5 -6343 74.98 0 1.48 1.5 125 92.35 111/30 150 -
West Coast Paper 2 1903 13.2 167 1980 296.1 44.8 5.00 0.3 26.9 1909 509.8 82.0 1909H 1045.1 8 184.1 7 55.96 0 14.76 28.3 1495 226.35 305/204 1799 4.9
Yash Papers 10 1903 35.2 27 250 20.7 5.9 1.00 1.1 22.1 1909 65.7 5.6 1909H 131.4 9 13.9 64 45.06 100 0.00 15.7 147 41.75 65/34 248 5.6
IND. COMPOSITE 461 25437 2073 48
Aimco Pesticides 10 1903 9.6 37 197 7.9 8.3 1.50 0.0 22.2 1909 41.3 1.4 1909H 103.2 28 3.6 5 51.31 51 0.07 11.6 101 105.70 156/75 99 12.5
Astec Lifesciences L 10 1903 19.6 103 431 35.7 18.2 1.50 0.9 17.7 1909 140.2 5.3 1909H 217.2 22 4.2 -68 69.55 0 2.94 11.4 905 462.75 562/305 1080 33.8
BayerCropscience 10 1903 44.9 421 2686 237.6 52.9 18.00 0.0 12.5 1909 1346.3 169.8 1909H 2296.7 7 305.1 -8 71.43 0 15.96 58.6 17368 3864.45 4440/2952 17039 68.7
*Bhagiradha Chemi 10 1903 8.3 154 384 18.3 22.0 2.00 0.3 14.3 1909 66.5 2.4 1909H 189.4 3 10.1 31 24.90 32 2.40 2.0 314 378.10 540/351 353 15.2
Bharat Rasayan 10 1903 4.2 962 992 111.5 262.5 1.50 0.6 27.3 1909 365.7 54.6 1909H 720.1 36 96.3 59 74.82 0 0.42 7.7 2579 6069.55 7000/3352 2816 17.5
Dhanuka Agritech Ltd 2 1903 9.5 135 1006 112.6 23.7 0.60 0.0 17.5 1909 402.0 60.0 1909H 621.0 4 74.8 5 74.99 3 12.24 25.7 2035 427.80 450/289 2056 17.5
Excel Industries 5 1903 6.3 470 806 152.1 121.0 18.75 0.0 25.8 1909 180.9 38.2 1909H 370.3 -7 65.5 -20 52.37 0 8.32 17.7 1037 824.75 1400/735 1039 7.6
Insecticides (India) 10 1903 20.7 320 1192 122.4 59.2 2.00 0.4 18.5 1909 503.1 48.8 1909H 861.7 11 84.7 10 68.74 0 19.92 11.3 1005 486.50 740/392 1293 7.7
Meghmani Organics 1 1903 25.4 33 1410 168.7 6.6 1.00 0.3 20.1 1909 390.2 61.7 1909H 841.5 27 90.0 -23 48.32 0 2.08 108.3 1570 61.75 73/41 1852 11.0
NACL Industries L 1 1903 16.8 15 865 -8.4 -0.5 - 0.8 - 1909 301.7 6.4 1909H 492.7 -2 7.7 20 69.94 40 1.90 12.1 449 26.80 35/24 635 -
PI Industries 1 1903 13.8* 164 2841 407.7 29.5 4.00 0.0 18.0 1909 907.4 122.8 1909H 1661.5 25 223.6 27 51.37 0 34.60 45.8 19738 1429.20 1530/829 19665 43.4
Punjab Chemicals and 10 1903 12.3 83 640 20.3 16.5 1.50 0.9 20.0 1909 121.7 4.2 1909H 289.2 4 8.7 9 40.03 0 3.96 14.4 638 519.95 764/457 725 30.4
Rallis India 1 1903 19.4 64 1672 129.0 6.6 2.50 0.1 10.3 1909 692.1 82.9 1909H 1055.3 9 91.2 -4 50.09 0 22.60 59.1 3627 186.50 194/139 3657 28.9
Sharda Cropchem 10 1903 90.2 130 1607 144.0 16.0 4.00 0.0 12.3 1909 226.6 5.6 1909H 538.1 -9 33.2 -34 74.77 0 22.13 16.2 2251 249.45 420/208 2169 17.8
Shivalik Rasayan 5 1903 6.9 116 48 8.9 6.5 0.50 0.0 5.6 1909 16.1 1.9 1909H 30.6 27 3.9 54 52.49 0 0.00 3.0 379 274.70 312/174 299 36.8
UPL 2 1903 152.8* 104 8660 405.0 5.3 8.00 0.2 5.1 1909 2771.0 429.0 1909H 5108.0 12 442.0 -8 27.87 2 54.45 93.5 45885 600.55XB 709/496 47150 125.4
IND. COMPOSITE 1126 17088 1414 18
Agarwal Industrial C 10 1903 10.3 130 529 13.2 12.9 1.80 0.7 9.9 1909 45.5 2.3 1909H 302.7 59 6.1 21 59.32 0 0.03 2.6 107 104.50 199/69 187 7.5
Bhansali Engg.Po 1 1903 16.6 18 1225 46.5 2.8 0.50 0.0 15.6 1909 279.5 20.3 1909H 592.9 7 42.2 25 55.00 0 2.69 56.4 897 54.05 89/37 873 16.3
DCW Ltd. 2 1903 52.2 25 1353 -4.3 -0.2 - 0.9 - 1909 354.2 1.9 1909H 670.0 -0 3.4 130 46.72 0 8.83 55.9 386 14.78 23/12 907 -
Diamines & Chem. 10 1903 9.8 50 47 13.1 13.4 5.00 0.0 26.9 1909 15.7 5.4 1909H 31.3 18 10.5 22 65.20 0 0.03 9.0 139 142.30 166/78 129 9.3
Goa Carbons 10 1903 9.2 118 462 -7.5 -8.2 - 0.0 - 1909 101.5 -13.8 1909H 240.4 1 -18.8 -404 59.71 0 0.05 31.2 226 247.15 569/200 192 -
GujaratStatePetronet 10 1903 564.1* 102 1877 794.7 14.1 2.00 0.2 13.8 1909 635.4 454.9 1909H 1147.9 16 661.0 41 37.63 0 38.45 116.1 13298 235.75 243/149 14425 13.5
INEOS Styrolution 10 1903 17.6 354 2091 -12.5 -7.1 2.00 0.4 - 1909 436.8 9.9 1909H 880.3 -24 19.2 -20 74.99 0 6.67 12.8 1319 750.00 755/365 1526 -
Kothari Petroche 10 1903 59.2 14 300 12.2 2.1 0.50 0.4 14.3 1909 66.8 6.6 1909H 141.6 -10 10.5 45 86.32 0 0.18 11.9 99 16.75 24/15 126 6.4
Manali Petrochem 5 1903 86.0 26 702 65.2 3.8 0.75 0.0 14.8 1909 167.7 9.9 1909H 348.4 -3 21.0 -36 44.86 0 0.36 102.7 343 19.95 31/16 305 6.4
NOCIL Ltd. 10 1909 165.6 69 1043 184.1 11.1 2.50 0.0 16.0 1909 209.7 55.2 - - -14 - - 33.72 24 7.27 142.7 1877 113.35 172/74 1838 11.2
Savita Oil Tech 10 1903 14.1 605 2263 114.3 81.2 2.50 0.0 13.4 1909 541.9 25.0 1909H 1078.4 -3 53.4 47 71.75 0 16.34 8.0 1195 849.25 1515/810 1130 9.1
Sheela Foam 5 1903 24.4 137 1814 123.7 25.4 - 0.0 18.5 1909 410.6 52.1 1909H 846.3 -3 86.7 56 74.99 0 22.78 8.4 6532 1338.90 1450/1084 6520 42.2
Shri Jagdamba Poly 1 1903 0.9 75 190 21.9 25.0 0.01 0.0 33.4 1909 56.5 7.5 1909H 116.8 19 13.7 29 73.16 0 4.67 0.7 193 220.40 311/147 183 7.7
Supreme Petroche 10 1903 96.5 67 3194 49.2 5.1 3.00 0.0 7.7 1909 668.9 36.1 1909H 1439.6 -10 77.1 177 62.31 0 2.88 38.3 1602 166.00 239/144 1564 16.3
IND. COMPOSITE 3323 154643 20297 30
Aarti Drugs Ltd 10 1903 23.3 222 1454 87.3 37.4 1.00 0.9 16.8 1909 442.7 30.8 1909H 812.7 21 52.4 30 61.63 0 5.35 19.4 1350 579.55 705/419 1787 13.6
Abbott India Ltd. 10 1903 21.2 945 3679 450.3 211.9 65.00 0.0 22.4 1909 1054.8 178.3 1909H 2053.7 13 295.3 34 74.98 0 8.57 28.5 26647 12540.10 13450/7150 24963 50.7
Ajanta Pharma Lt 2 1903 17.5 245 1773 391.8 44.9 9.00 0.0 18.3 1909 559.5 120.7 1909H 1105.2 22 244.3 -4 70.51 17 19.44 35.7 9004 1031.90 1192/840 8969 23.6
Albert David Ltd 10 1903 5.7 369 317 26.6 46.7 6.00 0.0 12.7 1909 89.6 7.9 1909H 181.2 5 17.2 109 60.97 0 4.44 8.7 246 430.75 509/318 239 6.9
Alembic Ltd. 2 1903 51.4 16 124 41.1 1.6 0.20 0.0 10.0 1909 23.6 35.1 1909H 49.6 -36 37.1 2 66.30 0 7.79 55.3 1417 55.20 64/33 1415 32.0
Alembic Pharmaceutic 2 1903 37.7 144 3660 611.2 32.4 5.50 0.3 22.5 1909 1134.9 268.7 1909H 2031.6 7 423.9 16 72.96 0 15.95 43.0 10563 560.30 613/435 11271 15.8
Alkem Laboratories 2 1903 23.9 457 5714 799.8 66.9 16.00 0.1 14.6 1909 1894.7 434.0 1909H 3393.2 25 644.6 75 66.03 0 14.44 72.1 27130 2269.10 2298/1660 27236 25.2
*Ambalal Sarabhai 10 1903 76.6 3 0 -3.9 -0.5 - 0.4 - 1909 0.0 0.4 1909H 0.0 -41 1.1 128 30.75 0 0.00 160.3 159 20.80 22/9 166 -
Amrutanjan Health Ca 1 1903 2.9 50 253 24.5 8.4 2.15 0.0 16.8 1909 74.8 8.4 1909H 119.4 22 7.7 55 50.02 0 12.62 18.7 1282 438.75 523/266 1201 47.1
Anuh Pharma Ltd 5 1903 12.5 66 321 23.4 9.3 2.75 0.0 14.2 1909 74.2 3.0 1909H 159.0 -5 8.9 -30 72.03 0 0.00 9.0 342 136.50 165/101 335 17.5
AstraZeneca Pharma I 2 1903 5.0 120 728 54.5 21.8 - 0.0 18.1 1909 208.5 14.4 1909H 413.0 28 35.9 131 75.00 0 6.35 13.4 6328 2531.15 2927/1493 6155 84.5
Aurobindo Pharma 1 1903 58.6 194 12258 1529.7 26.1 2.50 0.4 13.5 1909 3221.7 398.1 1909H 6300.5 10 728.6 20 51.86 4 34.93 181.4 26830 457.90 838/390 31274 16.2
Bajaj Healthcare 10 1903 13.8* 53 370 16.3 11.8 - 0.8 14.4 1909 100.5 3.3 1909H 192.2 2 6.5 4 67.26 0 0.00 0.3 304 220.00XB 265/166 368 -
*Bharat Parentera 10 1903 5.7 169 220 22.6 39.4 - 0.0 23.3 1909 49.8 4.2 1909H 99.4 13 8.9 -8 74.41 0 0.00 1.4 97 170.00 259/152 88 4.4
Biocon 5 1903 600.0* 59 2885 492.7 4.1 0.33 0.0 6.9 1909 523.9 106.1 1909H 1004.7 14 218.0 -38 60.66 0 20.74 211.0 33726 281.05XB 341/211 33371 93.4
Bliss GVS Pharma 1 1903 10.3 58 427 74.4 7.2 1.00 0.1 12.3 1909 104.0 28.4 1909H 219.2 -3 52.4 -10 41.53 0 27.83 14.6 1534 148.75 184/74 1508 22.3
Cadila Healthcar 1 1903 102.4 87 6493 1602.1 15.6 3.50 0.3 17.9 1909 1682.7 627.9 1909H 3026.5 -4 706.6 -28 74.87 0 17.19 124.8 26438 258.25 360/206 29267 19.8
Caplin Point Lab 2 1903 15.1 56 537 148.2 19.6 2.20 0.0 34.8 1909 133.3 39.8 1909H 273.5 7 99.9 41 69.02 0 7.47 28.0 2191 289.65 466/281 2146 12.4
Cipla 2 1903 161.2* 196 12374 1888.4 23.4 3.00 0.0 12.0 1909 3370.2 737.4 1909H 6599.5 9 1431.4 49 36.65 0 41.74 221.4 38147 473.15 586/390 37972 16.2
Dishman Carbogen Amc 2 1903 32.3 303 549 56.0 3.5 0.20 0.1 1.1 1909 177.8 32.7 1909H 311.2 33 36.2 20 61.40 0 21.20 53.0 1311 81.25 258/64 1751 21.1
Divi’s Lab 2 1903 53.1 263 4880 1332.7 50.2 16.00 0.0 19.1 1909 1403.9 352.8 1909H 2543.8 12 620.2 -7 51.99 0 35.16 84.8 49546 1866.35 1884/1461 49546 38.4
Dr. Reddy’s Labs 5 1903 83.1* 763 10626 1277.3 76.9 20.00 0.1 10.1 1909 3446.0 1365.1 1909H 5954.7 13 1913.2 183 26.75 0 45.03 116.5 48717 2931.90 3006/2065 49495 19.4
Eris Lifesciences 1 1903 13.8 84 897 285.4 20.8 - 0.0 24.7 1909 272.9 91.5 1909H 535.2 15 173.5 13 56.23 0 19.49 31.9 6867 499.35 745/358 6861 22.5
Everest Organics 10 1903 8.0 32 156 7.5 9.4 1.00 1.0 28.9 1909 40.0 1.9 1909H 81.2 28 5.1 66 73.59 0 0.02 7.1 131 163.20 245/112 149 13.7
FDC Ltd. 1 1903 17.1 84 1076 171.5 10.0 - 0.0 12.0 1909 345.2 62.7 1909H 682.1 23 115.0 22 69.23 0 14.67 29.1 3730 218.15 222/148 3715 19.4
*Fermenta Biotech 5 1903 4.9* 61 19 -2.7 -2.7 1.25 2.2 - 1909 80.8 32.7 1909H 162.0 1627 46.7 365 63.14 0 0.55 4.9 855 871.35CB 1125/577 987 -
GlaxoSmithKline Phar 10 1903 169.4 126 3129 425.4 25.1 20.00 0.0 19.9 1909 882.1 502.8 1909H 1670.1 8 616.3 225 74.99 0 11.52 103.8 27538 1625.55 1735/1131 26383 32.3
Glenmark Pharma 1 1903 28.2 423 6305 1622.1 57.5 2.00 0.3 13.6 1909 1789.8 432.0 1909H 3288.6 7 659.8 -42 46.58 0 38.79 129.9 9767 346.15 675/267 12645 8.6
Granules India L 1 1903 25.7* 55 2098 161.8 6.3 1.00 0.7 11.4 1909 638.8 94.3 1909H 1206.6 26 153.9 91 42.90 37 17.68 98.8 3304 128.50 137/84 4174 14.0
Gufic BioSciences Lt 1 1903 7.8 10 351 21.9 2.8 0.05 1.3 29.1 1909 86.0 4.3 1909H 178.4 4 11.1 13 65.75 0 9.55 16.6 483 62.00 98/51 571 21.0
Hester Biosciences L 10 1903 8.5 211 171 43.9 51.5 11.00 0.2 24.4 1909 41.4 8.7 1909H 83.8 4 18.5 -6 53.73 0 2.15 8.8 1221 1435.00 2044/1043 1250 28.6
Hikal Ltd. 2 1903 24.7 61 1590 103.1 8.4 1.20 0.8 13.6 1909 321.1 6.4 1909H 724.2 1 31.6 -22 68.76 0 7.05 34.2 1452 117.80 187/101 2020 15.4
Ind-Swift Laboratori 10 1903 47.6 76 724 48.1 10.1 - 2.9 8.0 1909 189.6 -12.6 1909H 370.8 10 -29.0 -200 52.16 87 0.51 14.5 120 25.20 53/22 1149 -
Indoco Remedies 2 1903 18.4 72 968 -2.8 -0.3 0.30 0.4 - 1909 292.0 7.3 1909H 544.6 20 9.5 148 58.68 0 17.19 15.0 1789 194.15 231/133 1995 -
IOL Chemicals and Ph 10 1903 56.9 82 1685 236.7 41.6 - 0.6 50.9 1909 449.0 87.7 1909H 941.8 20 173.0 228 41.89 0 2.12 28.0 974 171.30 235/152 1202 2.7
Ipca Laboratorie 2 1903 25.3 248 3633 454.9 36.0 3.00 0.1 14.5 1909 1212.6 196.0 1909H 2223.6 20 328.1 77 46.07 0 40.20 66.1 15041 1190.40 1222/718 15111 25.2
J B Chemicals & Phar 2 1903 16.0 185 1501 182.1 22.7 5.00 0.0 12.3 1909 428.1 96.0 1909H 838.9 9 155.1 66 56.02 0 21.29 32.2 3558 443.50 455/299 3564 14.6
Jenburkt Pharmac 10 1903 4.6 169 123 19.8 43.1 10.20 0.1 25.6 1909 34.2 5.6 1909H 55.0 -0 5.6 -33 45.73 0 2.22 5.9 215 469.00 580/380 171 12.7
Jubilant Life Scienc 1 1903 15.9 147 3439 147.6 9.3 4.50 0.7 6.3 1909 757.5 143.1 1909H 1547.4 -10 175.3 69 50.67 0 29.79 48.0 8964 562.80 898/392 10532 40.8
Kilitch Drugs(I) 10 1903 15.4 97 96 14.8 9.6 0.50 0.1 9.8 1909 17.8 2.1 1909H 29.8 -46 2.7 -68 68.90 0 0.26 10.6 191 123.75 242/93 196 21.6



Inst. Stake (%)

Trailing P/E Ratio

Sales Growth (%)

No. of Shareholder
Prom. Stake (%)
Latest Qtr. Year

Pledged (%)

Entprise Value
NP Growth (%)
Year / Months

Year / Months

Sales (` Cr)
CEqt. (` Cr)

Market Cap
Face Value

RONW (%)
Company Name
Bk Val (`)

NP (` Cr)
NP (` Cr)


CMP (`)
EPS (`)

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Div (`)

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Kimia Biosciences 1 1903 4.1 2 94 3.9 0.9 - -33.0 47.7 1909 32.0 1.8 1909H 57.6 5 2.1 7 70.93 0 0.44 11.8 93 22.90 50/19 108 -
Kopran Ltd 10 1903 43.3 51 197 13.0 3.0 - 0.2 5.9 1909 48.3 2.4 1909H 86.0 12 3.9 90 43.77 0 2.55 31.7 140 32.40 47/24 177 9.4
Krebs Biochemicals & 10 1903 16.6 -9 48 -20.0 -12.0 - -3.5 - 1909 6.5 -7.8 1909H 11.1 -55 -15.4 -85 64.66 4 0.01 4.9 134 80.30 123/60 166 -
Laurus Labs 10 1903 106.9 149 2236 95.0 8.9 1.50 0.6 6.0 1909 705.9 59.5 1909H 1247.1 13 76.6 128 32.58 32 42.61 46.8 4250 397.55 418/298 5166 30.8
Lincoln Pharmace 10 1903 20.0 131 353 46.6 23.3 1.50 0.1 17.8 1909 110.6 18.0 1909H 205.2 5 30.2 0 32.39 0 0.23 13.6 407 203.40 228/124 431 8.7
Lupin Ltd. 2 1903 90.6* 378 11356 1538.8 34.0 5.00 0.0 9.0 1909 2885.4 137.8 1909H 5826.2 10 583.7 -32 46.95 0 38.70 296.2 34367 759.00 888/646 34308 27.1
Marksans Pharma 1 1903 40.9 11 424 43.6 1.1 0.05 0.2 9.3 1909 100.7 11.9 1909H 193.1 -7 17.5 -33 48.24 0 3.11 124.3 743 18.15 29/11 818 -
Medicamen Biotec 10 1903 12.2 71 123 12.0 9.8 1.00 0.1 13.8 1909 35.5 3.8 1909H 66.6 2 7.1 5 44.77 0 0.46 4.5 394 322.55 556/284 397 31.9
Morepen Labs.Lt 2 1903 90.0 6 717 28.6 0.6 - 0.5 10.3 1909 199.9 4.5 1909H 389.4 24 12.9 34 34.54 0 14.66 132.3 702 15.60 24/13 800 -
Natco Pharma 2 1903 36.4 196 1986 667.1 36.7 6.25 0.1 18.7 1909 457.7 122.2 1909H 922.4 -11 269.9 -29 48.97 0 30.55 76.4 11254 618.75 707/482 11376 20.3
Nectar Lifesciences 1 1903 22.4 49 2785 47.3 2.1 0.05 0.7 4.3 1909 570.5 1.9 1909H 1150.1 -8 15.4 -17 44.35 0 2.33 40.4 291 12.96 21/11 1072 6.6
Neuland Laborat 10 1903 12.8 541 667 16.1 12.6 1.20 0.3 2.3 1909 186.2 8.6 1909H 367.2 14 14.2 195 35.86 4 35.13 10.4 585 456.15 825/380 758 22.9
NGL Fine-Chem Li 5 1903 3.1 149 153 20.1 32.6 1.75 0.3 21.8 1909 37.2 3.0 1909H 77.9 6 8.4 -9 73.82 0 0.00 4.5 287 464.45 620/386 307 14.8
Novartis 5 1903 12.3 307 491 51.8 21.0 10.00 0.0 6.8 1909 117.8 -5.2 1909H 227.1 -7 -4.4 -123 70.67 0 1.03 40.2 1629 659.70 780/558 1017 58.2
P&G Health 10 1812 16.6 928 849 838.7 505.3 440.00 0.0 54.5 1909 225.2 35.8 1909N 689.8 7 120.5 -2 51.81 0 14.05 37.6 7138 4300.05 5121/2866 5894 8.5
Panacea Biotec L 1 1903 6.1 67 96 26.6 4.3 - 0.4 6.5 1909 21.0 -71.6 1909H 45.8 -79 -100.8 25 73.59 69 1.79 10.9 808 131.85 219/111 957 13.5
Pfizer Ltd. 10 1903 45.7 658 2082 429.1 93.8 22.50 0.0 14.2 1909 567.1 154.3 1909H 1111.5 8 267.1 42 63.92 0 16.37 74.4 18260 3991.45 4498/2640 16348 35.9
Piramal Enterprises 2 1903 45.0* 977 3671 -862.0 -38.3 28.00 0.6 - 1909 1442.9 635.7 1909H 2314.9 31 596.8 182 46.10 0 38.57 112.3 32612 1448.15 2621/1302 43783 -
RPG Life Sciences 8 1903 13.2 97 330 10.8 6.5 2.40 0.2 6.7 1909 98.5 9.8 1909H 192.5 13 18.1 354 72.06 0 0.30 15.4 501 303.15 335/155 536 20.1
Sanofi India 10 1812 23.0 964 2771 380.6 165.3 84.00 0.0 17.1 1909 779.1 126.6 1909N 2244.3 10 316.9 5 60.39 0 30.10 25.6 15574 6762.50 7225/5300 14743 39.3
Sequent Scientific 2 1903 49.7* 37 168 7.6 0.3 0.20 0.0 0.8 1909 51.5 10.2 1909H 103.2 65 11.6 118 56.49 71 11.02 16.2 1916 77.15 89/62 1953 -
Shilpa Medicare L 1 1903 8.2 157 664 124.1 15.2 1.00 0.1 9.7 1909 236.5 53.1 1909H 391.1 17 79.2 -14 53.80 10 26.94 15.6 2226 273.00 433/191 2295 19.9
SMS Pharmaceuticals 1 1903 8.5 40 465 41.5 4.9 0.20 0.4 12.2 1909 117.9 9.5 1909H 235.0 -10 19.0 -16 67.29 9 0.55 15.3 381 44.95 86/38 495 10.1
Solara Active Pharma 10 1903 26.0* 331 1367 62.0 20.4 - 0.5 7.2 1909 350.4 36.8 1909H 664.5 4 62.1 489 40.55 34 21.63 56.9 1106 424.75 492/275 1472 9.7
Strides Pharma Scien 10 1903 89.6* 364 1537 110.4 12.3 3.00 0.2 3.4 1909 425.4 47.0 1909H 867.9 26 71.7 2006 31.27 51 46.44 79.4 3504 391.30 550/288 4132 18.9
Sun Pharma. 1 1903 239.9 95 10303 816.6 3.4 2.75 0.3 3.6 1909 3373.3 823.2 1909H 6682.3 36 1586.5 345 54.54 10 33.22 621.8 106375 443.35 484/350 111884 40.7
Suven Life Sciences 1 1903 12.7 78 664 150.1 11.8 1.50 0.0 15.1 1909 274.3 72.3 1909H 473.3 68 129.5 128 60.00 0 7.40 61.8 3883 305.10 335/183 3907 17.4
Themis Medicare Ltd. 10 1903 9.2 156 184 -12.7 -13.8 - 0.5 - 1909 50.3 0.6 1909H 101.7 2 3.2 659 67.31 0 0.01 4.1 314 342.00 370/140 387 -
Torrent Pharmac 5 1903 84.6 296 5762 745.4 44.0 17.00 0.9 14.9 1909 1603.0 328.0 1909H 3206.0 10 551.0 38 71.24 36 20.79 36.5 32135 1898.95 1964/1453 36363 35.8
TTK Healthcare Ltd. 10 1903 14.1 175 628 24.4 17.2 5.00 0.1 9.7 1909 164.9 3.8 1909H 343.4 1 7.4 -49 74.56 0 4.56 12.9 716 507.00 924/420 619 41.5
Unichem Labs 2 1903 14.1 387 968 8.8 1.2 4.00 0.0 0.3 1909 225.1 -24.9 1909H 457.6 2 -24.4 -348 50.62 0 10.28 38.1 1137 161.50 223/142 946 -
Vivimed Labs 2 1903 16.6 69 252 6.2 0.7 - 0.7 1.1 1909 99.6 -3.6 1909H 158.7 26 -2.9 -215 34.23 66 4.22 32.1 103 12.42 35/10 468 -
Wintac Ltd. 10 1903 10.0 -4 72 0.1 0.1 - -1.3 - 1909 17.6 -3.3 1909H 35.4 30 -3.7 64 54.98 0 0.01 5.0 92 91.75 239/64 97 13.9
Wockhardt Ltd. 5 1903 55.4 111 2150 -81.9 -7.4 - 1.2 - 1909 424.3 0.1 1909H 776.5 -34 -82.9 -728 74.03 4 5.33 117.4 2717 245.35 523/230 3760 -
*Zenotech Laboratorie 10 1903 61.0 6 13 -3.1 -0.5 - 0.5 - 1909 7.1 2.1 1909H 14.1 196 4.0 183 68.84 0 0.00 6.3 161 26.45 37/14 168 -
Zim Laboratories 10 1903 16.2 93 332 16.0 9.9 0.50 0.4 10.7 1909 67.3 -0.5 1909H 134.2 -5 -0.5 -108 33.38 0 0.00 4.3 111 68.55 175/52 170 11.3
Zota Healthcare 10 1903 24.6* 28 86 5.6 2.3 1.00 0.0 8.1 1909 25.3 1.1 1909H 47.0 9 1.7 -60 69.67 0 0.60 2.3 455 185.10XB 237/175 452 -
IND. COMPOSITE 283 7572 634 42
Andrew Yule & Co 2 1903 97.8 4 311 8.7 0.2 - 0.3 4.6 1909 109.8 14.4 1909H 171.3 10 6.0 -49 89.24 0 4.75 29.4 707 14.46 23/10 677 -
Aspinwall and Co 10 1903 7.8 174 272 8.0 10.2 3.00 0.5 5.9 1909 57.6 -0.7 1909H 113.0 -8 -3.5 44 64.45 0 0.00 2.8 116 148.85 187/113 180 10.8
Bombay Burmah 2 1903 14.0 37 242 -19.7 -2.8 1.00 1.6 - 1909 56.9 -17.3 1909H 116.7 -1 -26.8 -81 65.71 2 7.56 29.8 7779 1114.85 1384/740 8170 -
CCL Products India 2 1903 26.6 49 809 125.4 9.4 3.50 0.6 19.3 1909 222.3 24.2 1909H 428.4 -1 106.4 103 45.27 0 31.05 19.3 2604 195.75 306/181 2926 14.5
Dhunseri Tea & Indus 10 1903 7.0 867 181 1.4 1.9 5.00 0.1 0.2 1909 67.1 89.2 1909H 101.5 17 91.7 773 67.12 0 4.83 17.2 128 183.25 315/140 162 1.6
Goodricke Group 10 1903 21.6 142 749 9.5 4.4 4.00 0.2 3.1 1909 248.2 56.2 1909H 417.0 15 62.1 3 74.00 0 0.00 14.5 471 218.15 290/150 505 41.9
*Jayshree Tea 5 1903 14.4 93 561 3.1 1.1 0.35 1.5 1.1 1909 140.7 8.4 1909H 258.6 -10 2.5 -93 50.38 0 6.90 24.5 148 51.25 88/40 535 -
Rossell India 2 1903 7.3 46 249 0.6 0.2 - 0.7 0.3 1909 104.5 28.2 1909H 170.6 45 35.4 163 74.87 0 7.91 7.2 270 73.60 89/33 394 12.0
Tata Coffee Ltd. 1 1903 18.7 52 703 71.6 3.8 1.50 0.1 7.4 1909 185.7 30.5 1909H 386.0 15 44.9 3 57.48 0 6.12 96.8 1739 93.10 102/67 1822 23.8
Tata Global Beverage 1 1903 63.1 70 3430 410.9 6.5 2.50 0.0 9.2 1909 914.1 99.7 1909H 1883.0 7 205.8 -23 34.45 4 40.62 186.9 21540 341.30 343/178 21072 61.8
The United Nilgiri 10 1903 5.0 279 66 14.4 28.8 2.70 0.0 10.3 1909 13.8 3.7 1909H 29.5 -13 5.9 -25 50.55 0 15.24 2.8 142 283.95 379/221 124 11.4
IND. COMPOSITE 553 23507 1666 32
Apollo Pipes 10 1903 13.1 148 362 23.9 18.3 1.00 0.5 12.3 1909 96.5 5.8 1909H 213.8 15 15.6 18 47.10 0 13.97 5.6 482 367.80 472/315 431 18.4
Astral Poly Technik 1 1903 15.1* 77 1916 141.4 9.4 0.70 0.1 12.3 1909 544.6 69.7 1909H 1017.1 30 103.8 80 55.74 0 30.12 31.5 16991 1127.75XB 1265/818 17075 88.4
*Captain Polyplast L 2 1903 10.1 8 149 7.2 1.4 0.04 1.4 17.5 1909 40.8 3.0 1909H 78.1 48 4.9 246 74.51 2 0.00 2.1 157 31.10 38/21 211 14.7
Dhunseri Ventures 10 1903 35.0 250 722 50.9 14.5 4.00 0.1 5.8 1909 4.6 18.4 1909H 10.1 -98 25.6 -22 74.82 0 3.64 21.0 257 73.35 117/65 297 5.9
Finolex Industri 10 1903 124.1 204 3091 349.8 28.2 10.00 0.0 13.8 1909 576.7 102.7 1909H 1520.5 11 175.2 -3 52.47 0 14.37 121.0 7116 573.45 635/440 7178 20.6
*Kkalpana lndustries 2 1903 18.8 34 2009 25.6 2.7 0.24 0.4 8.0 1909 414.0 3.6 1909H 908.8 -7 9.6 -24 74.84 0 0.00 5.7 203 21.60 32/13 307 9.0
Kriti Industries 1 1903 5.0 17 569 6.6 1.3 0.15 0.7 7.8 1909 97.0 1.9 1909H 317.7 25 8.7 109 65.90 0 0.00 5.9 123 24.70 33/16 164 11.0
Mayur Uniquoters 5 1903 22.7 115 573 87.2 19.2 3.25 0.0 16.7 1909 124.2 20.0 1909H 252.4 -13 35.9 -21 61.34 0 18.30 19.4 956 211.00 401/200 956 12.4
Mold-Tek Packaging 5 1903 13.9 69 394 24.1 8.7 4.00 0.5 12.6 1909 114.3 10.5 1909H 230.2 17 21.4 23 35.18 8 24.35 21.2 772 278.45 322/202 860 27.5
*Multibase India Ltd. 10 1903 12.6 79 110 15.4 12.2 - 0.0 15.5 1909 15.5 1.9 1909H 31.8 -47 4.5 -47 74.99 0 1.43 8.7 206 163.30 480/110 157 18.1
Nilkamal Ltd. 10 1903 14.9 593 2304 111.2 74.5 13.00 0.1 12.6 1909 541.6 43.1 1909H 1067.2 -10 73.2 32 63.96 0 16.96 25.9 1962 1314.50 1454/890 2006 15.2
Pil Italica Lifestyl 1 1903 23.5 3 53 3.1 0.1 - 0.0 5.3 1909 11.3 0.6 1909H 25.0 -9 1.6 103 66.11 0 0.65 9.6 121 5.14 11/4 121 -
Plastiblends Ind 5 1903 13.0 103 627 31.2 12.0 1.25 0.3 11.6 1909 146.4 9.3 1909H 320.6 3 20.8 26 63.20 0 3.16 9.9 486 187.15 205/160 554 13.7
Prakash Pipes 10 1903 20.4 53 341 28.6 14.0 - 0.0 26.1 1909 101.0 6.7 1909H 205.6 19 13.2 -14 39.29 27 0.90 80.6 140 68.60 109/61 139 5.3
*Prince Pipes & Fitti 10 1903 110.0 38 1572 83.4 7.6 - 0.6 19.8 - - - - - - - - 63.24 0 16.39 127.3 1821 165.55 178/145 2051 -
Responsive Industrie 1 1903 26.7 24 629 28.4 1.1 0.12 0.2 4.4 1909 124.2 19.5 1909H 247.0 -43 26.7 -23 50.13 0 8.19 3.0 2405 90.10 105/82 2499 -
Shaily Engineering P 10 1903 8.3 164 338 19.3 23.2 - 0.7 14.2 1909 87.6 5.6 1909H 168.2 -4 10.4 -10 51.06 0 12.60 4.5 511 614.40 985/495 607 28.1
Supreme Inds. 2 1903 25.4 157 5612 461.0 36.3 13.00 0.1 23.1 1909 1270.8 134.7 1909H 2707.6 2 208.9 -19 49.70 0 31.42 35.6 15230 1198.95 1255/950 15356 37.1
VIP Indus. 2 1903 28.3 39 1784 128.8 9.1 3.20 0.2 23.6 1909 411.5 30.2 1909H 975.7 6 67.7 -25 53.45 0 17.53 82.4 5949 420.95 526/342 6026 56.3
Wim Plast Ltd 10 1903 12.0 272 352 39.3 32.7 7.00 0.0 12.0 1909 75.6 11.0 1909H 165.5 -1 24.0 34 69.90 0 10.40 7.2 443 369.45 710/342 440 9.8
IND. COMPOSITE 48458 168274 16618 10
Adani Green Energy 10 1903 1564.0 9 318 -35.0 -0.2 - 2.1 - 1909 238.7 38.2 1909H 350.1 310 43.7 258 74.91 17 21.09 86.6 34432 220.15 243/30 37341 -
Adani Power Ltd. 10 1903 3856.9 24 2404 -225.2 -0.6 - 2.1 - 1909 16.6 -77.1 1909H 48.5 -98 -1194.9 -2763 74.97 29 20.83 278.6 23585 61.15 74/33 42196 -
BF Utilities Ltd. 5 1903 18.8 34 18 27.2 7.2 - 0.3 21.2 1909 8.1 1.8 1909H 13.0 6 2.4 -75 55.98 0 0.90 48.8 1214 322.20 361/146 1210 60.1
CESC Ltd. 10 1903 132.6 737 7754 937.0 70.7 17.50 0.6 9.6 1909 2246.0 275.0 1909H 4605.0 5 492.0 8 49.91 0 41.02 50.9 9775 737.45 855/631 15480 10.0
Guj. Industries 10 1903 151.3 170 1407 176.4 11.7 2.90 0.2 6.9 1909 332.4 51.8 1909H 686.1 -1 137.1 326 55.69 0 16.94 51.9 1166 77.10 82/64 1389 3.1
GVK Power & Infrastr 1 1903 157.9 12 23 113.9 0.7 - 0.3 6.2 1909 8.4 14.9 1909H 16.9 170 35.5 25 54.25 0 4.50 261.9 641 4.06 9/3 1112 -
India Power Corp 1 1903 97.4 11 523 18.7 0.2 0.05 0.3 1.7 1909 117.9 6.8 1909H 231.8 -17 8.9 5 59.49 67 0.12 3.8 833 8.55 16/8 1093 -
Jaiprakash Power Ven 10 1912 5996.0* 15 3732 -377.9 -0.6 - 1.0 - - - - - - -12 - - 29.84 87 50.22 293.5 1067 1.78 3/1 9594 - JAN 20 - FEB 2, 2020 I DALAL STREET INVESTMENT JOURNAL 47

Databank Updated as on Jan. 10, 2020


Inst. Stake (%)

Trailing P/E Ratio

Sales Growth (%)

No. of Shareholder
Prom. Stake (%)
Latest Qtr. Year

Pledged (%)

Entprise Value
NP Growth (%)
Year / Months

Year / Months

Sales (` Cr)
CEqt. (` Cr)

Market Cap
Face Value

RONW (%)
Company Name
Bk Val (`)

NP (` Cr)
NP (` Cr)


CMP (`)
EPS (`)

(in’ 000)
Div (`)

(` Cr)
(` Cr)

(` Cr)

(` Cr)

(` Cr)

JSW Energy Ltd. 10 1903 1642.4* 62 5118 251.4 1.5 1.00 0.2 2.5 1909 1063.5 64.6 1909H 2206.3 -12 139.6 27 74.90 60 15.57 121.9 11217 68.30 80/58 13159 39.9
Nava Bharat Ventures 2 1903 35.2 165 1359 166.2 9.4 1.50 0.1 5.7 1909 287.1 32.3 1909H 610.4 -8 68.2 -28 45.82 0 21.07 25.3 1458 82.75 121/59 1659 10.5
NHPC 10 1903 10045.0 29 8161 2630.6 2.6 1.46 0.6 9.0 1909 2605.4 1339.5 1909H 5026.7 9 2220.6 14 73.32 0 16.52 669.5 24359 24.25 26/21 41419 8.4
NLC India L 10 1903 1386.6 90 7146 1267.0 9.1 4.53 1.0 10.1 1909 1837.1 336.8 1909H 3513.6 4 659.8 2 80.85 0 11.58 95.2 7932 57.20 80/49 19599 6.2
NTPC 10 1903 9894.6 109 90307 11749.9 11.9 6.08 1.3 10.9 1909 22764.6 3262.4 1909H 46957.2 4 5865.2 17 54.50 0 42.74 571.3 118982 120.25 146/107 252039 9.4
*Orient Green Power C 10 1903 750.7 10 31 -6.5 -0.1 - 0.3 - 1909 7.2 -5.5 1909H 13.2 -27 -7.5 59 48.72 100 8.99 31.7 164 2.18 6/1 416 -
PTC India 10 1903 296.0 112 13496 262.3 8.9 4.00 0.3 7.9 1909 4749.9 134.9 1909H 9723.2 23 197.7 26 16.21 0 56.37 140.3 1748 59.05 93/52 2586 5.8
RattanIndia Power 10 1903 4564.4 8 1909 -2791.5 -6.1 - 3.1 - 1909 546.9 -73.2 1909H 1107.8 -15 -156.1 94 34.34 96 28.61 151.3 1004 2.20 4/1 6567 -
Ravindra Energy Ltd. 10 1903 119.6 19 163 6.8 0.6 - 0.8 3.0 1909 57.0 4.4 1909H 85.3 154 2.3 -69 74.50 9 0.00 69.3 380 31.80 48/23 551 -
Reliance Infrastruct 10 1903 263.0 543 794 -913.4 -34.7 - 0.4 - 1909 291.2 295.8 1909H 575.5 29 620.7 65 39.11 98 29.10 803.6 655 24.90 325/18 5393 -
Reliance Power L 10 1903 2805.1 46 43 -601.7 -2.1 - 0.5 - 1909 27.7 12.8 1909H 42.5 31 -79.7 -6281 43.19 83 11.32 3101.0 755 2.69 31/2 7492 -
SJVN Ltd. 10 1903 3929.8 29 2656 1364.3 3.5 2.15 0.2 12.1 1909 946.7 619.9 1909H 1671.2 22 1040.4 44 88.00 0 8.51 96.5 10237 26.05 28/22 9271 6.1
Tata Power Co. 1 1903 270.5 52 7933 1708.6 6.3 1.30 1.2 12.0 1909 1993.2 154.6 1909H 4029.8 7 451.1 -68 36.21 4 47.59 336.2 15945 58.95 78/50 32830 21.0
Torrent Power Ltd. 10 1903 480.6 186 12978 889.2 18.5 5.00 0.9 9.9 1909 3776.5 743.7 1909H 7463.0 9 1019.9 64 53.56 49 26.49 111.7 14310 297.75 314/230 22318 11.1
IND. COMPOSITE 6566 60181 11250 14
Adani Transmission L 10 1903 1099.8 16 833 42.4 0.4 - 5.4 2.4 1909 0.1 -9.0 1909H 0.1 -100 -7.4 -114 74.91 44 23.33 40.0 36321 330.25 366/192 45566 -
GE Power India 10 1903 67.2 132 1903 76.0 11.3 6.00 0.0 8.6 1909 519.3 -22.2 1909H 947.9 -6 -30.9 -502 68.57 0 17.62 33.7 4731 703.80 933/665 3903 126.4
GE T&D India 2 1903 51.2 56 4219 212.7 8.3 1.80 0.1 14.9 1909 821.1 -81.1 1909H 1554.7 -28 -77.7 -158 74.99 0 17.11 36.5 3993 155.95 331/124 4013 -
Indo Tech Transforme 10 1903 10.6 118 213 -8.4 -7.9 - 0.0 - 1909 60.8 2.8 1909H 101.3 4 1.9 138 74.34 0 0.00 9.1 120 113.25 145/70 90 -
Kalpataru Power 2 1903 30.9 204 7115 401.3 25.9 3.00 0.2 12.7 1909 1967.0 127.0 1909H 3622.0 25 219.0 27 54.36 42 36.38 28.2 6503 420.35 554/327 6966 14.5
KEC International Lt 2 1903 51.4 97 10118 497.7 19.4 2.70 0.6 19.9 1909 2469.6 132.6 1909H 4582.7 12 218.6 27 51.59 0 34.68 90.9 8156 317.25 341/230 9431 15.0
Power Grid Corpo 10 1903 5231.6 113 34119 9938.5 19.0 8.33 2.3 16.8 1909 8685.0 2527.1 1909H 17489.1 7 4955.0 9 55.36 0 40.26 555.3 100630 192.35 216/173 231637 9.7
Transformers & Recti 1 1903 13.3 25 833 5.0 0.4 - 1.0 1.5 1909 149.1 0.6 1909H 316.4 -23 1.4 -19 74.90 22 0.95 34.2 105 7.89 17/6 374 -
Voltamp Transformers 10 1903 10.1 679 829 84.8 83.9 22.50 0.0 12.4 1909 194.9 25.9 1909H 382.2 8 42.8 41 48.26 0 37.25 14.2 1251 1236.05 1284/926 1239 12.9
IND. COMPOSITE 1669 7487 986 17
Engineers India 5 1903 316.0 36 2444 370.1 5.9 4.00 0.0 16.3 1909 723.7 67.8 1909H 1458.6 16 191.9 4 51.49 0 31.91 189.3 6404 101.35 129/93 3743 17.0
*K P Energy Ltd. 10 1903 11.1 49 158 19.4 17.5 1.00 0.6 35.9 1909 27.8 2.4 1909H 64.0 25 7.4 4 69.44 0 0.00 0.5 143 129.00 237/111 167 7.3
OM Metals Infraproje 1 1903 9.6 68 215 16.0 1.7 0.25 0.1 2.4 1909 37.6 -3.0 1909H 100.9 -19 2.8 -32 71.01 0 0.86 16.4 225 23.40 41/13 258 15.3
Power Mech Projects 10 1903 14.7 528 1737 95.7 65.1 1.00 0.4 12.3 1909 512.1 31.8 1909H 980.5 38 58.3 47 62.49 0 14.44 11.1 916 622.50 1164/562 1156 8.0
Prozone Intu Propert 2 1903 30.5 68 8 2.4 0.2 - 0.0 0.2 1909 2.4 1.3 1909H 4.7 42 2.6 343 30.79 0 7.79 31.2 307 20.10 34/13 319 -
Reliance Ind.Inf 10 1903 15.1 224 85 7.8 5.2 3.00 0.0 2.3 1909 20.0 2.1 1909H 40.3 -5 3.8 -5 45.43 0 0.95 74.0 654 433.05 479/219 652 86.4
Rites Ltd. 10 1903 250.0* 95 1969 444.6 17.8 12.75 0.0 18.6 1909 726.2 232.6 1909H 1245.4 68 325.3 64 87.40 0 4.62 52.7 7769 310.75XB 325/160 4300 13.5
Shriram EPC Ltd. 10 1903 971.5 13 741 28.6 0.3 - 0.5 2.3 1909 159.7 2.5 1909H 367.2 57 6.9 -72 28.75 64 66.95 19.8 456 4.69 14/4 998 -
Urja Global 1 1903 50.7 2 130 1.3 0.0 - 0.0 1.1 1909 34.1 0.5 1909H 81.1 58 0.9 4 31.74 0 0.78 65.0 91 1.79 4/1 90 -
IND. COMPOSITE 22958 1614699 67721 19
Adani Gas 1 1903 110.0 10 1719 228.7 2.1 0.25 0.3 20.6 1909 472.6 120.4 1909H 923.1 16 199.7 86 74.80 0 21.92 80.9 18037 164.00 186/85 18223 56.2
Bharat Petroleum 10 1903 2169.3 170297275 7132.0 32.9 21.67 0.7 19.3 1909 64340.8 1708.5 1909H140658.7 -2 2783.6 -21 53.29 0 32.53 168.8 102009 470.25 550/309 129123 15.9
Chennai Petro. 10 1903 148.9 222 41338 -213.4 -14.3 - 1.9 - 1909 9237.7 -213.0 1909H 19385.4 -10 -446.4 -344 67.28 0 21.10 67.1 2023 135.85 278/106 7783 -
Hind. Petrol 10 1903 1523.8 185275197 6028.7 39.6 20.00 0.9 21.4 1909 60863.3 1052.3 1909H131852.2 -2 1863.3 -34 51.11 0 39.79 227.7 38598 253.30 333/211 63613 7.6
Indian Oil Corp 10 1903 9414.2 116527693 16894.2 17.9 9.25 0.8 15.5 1909111689.7 563.4 1909H243202.1 -7 4159.5 -59 51.49 0 21.47 450.2 118054 125.40 170/116 201222 10.8
Mangalore Refine 10 1903 1752.6 61 62062 332.0 1.9 1.00 0.8 3.1 1909 15261.7 -574.5 1909H 26461.9 -9 -1074.6 -483 88.58 0 5.06 329.1 7983 45.55 76/40 15573 -
PetronetLNG 10 1903 1500.0 67 38395 2155.4 14.4 1.25 0.0 21.4 1909 9361.2 1103.1 1909H 17974.6 -10 1663.4 45 49.99 0 37.24 307.1 40395 269.30 302/209 37536 15.1
Reliance Inds. 10 1903 6339.2* 639371019 35163.0 55.5 5.50 0.4 8.7 1909 87137.0 9702.0 1909H175400.0 -6 18738.0 6 48.87 0 37.21 2292.8 981119 1547.70 1618/10861134546 27.1
IND. COMPOSITE 1898 70342 2557 73
Aditya Birla Fashion 10 1903 773.7* 18 8118 321.2 4.2 - 0.8 22.5 1909 2297.2 6.9 1909H 4362.6 11 28.5 -41 59.09 0 29.97 154.6 18053 233.35 250/180 19194 59.9
Avenue Supermarts 10 1903 627.8 89 19916 936.4 14.9 - 0.1 16.7 1909 5949.0 333.4 1909H 11729.5 24 668.8 40 79.73 0 10.92 202.2 117818 1876.75 2011/1226 118029 104.4
Future Enterprises 2 1903 91.0* 87 4566 24.0 0.5 - 1.6 0.6 1909 1323.2 16.2 1909H 2420.8 8 3.4 115 50.19 80 4.56 52.4 1040 22.85 43/19 7320 20.5
Future Lifestyle 2 1903 40.3* 82 5377 145.4 7.2 1.40 0.5 8.8 1909 1457.6 7.6 1909H 2953.5 19 33.2 -38 45.88 97 41.39 36.2 8198 407.00 502/381 8887 65.7
Future Retail L 2 1903 105.5 73 20165 732.8 13.9 - 0.7 19.0 1909 5393.9 171.2 1909H 10543.2 11 333.7 2 49.50 52 25.48 53.9 18520 351.15 489/324 20821 25.1
Kewal Kiran Clothing 10 1903 12.3 349 502 80.3 65.2 34.00 0.2 18.6 1909 166.7 31.6 1909H 276.8 7 45.7 -4 74.25 0 21.25 5.2 1226 995.05 1400/921 1267 15.6
*Praxis Home Retail L 5 1903 12.3 18 684 -26.9 -10.9 - 0.5 - 1909 192.8 -18.5 1909H 355.0 4 -44.0 -1741 57.08 2 9.06 29.9 149 60.55 195/51 153 -
Shoppers Stop 5 1903 44.0 111 3481 78.8 9.0 0.75 0.0 8.1 1909 845.3 -5.4 1909H 1677.7 -1 -2.9 -113 63.72 13 29.84 11.6 3381 384.25 530/339 3364 64.0
SORIL Infra Resource 10 1903 31.5 73 150 15.0 4.8 - 1.5 6.5 1909 45.1 -3.9 1909H 91.4 36 -3.3 -143 64.70 0 13.58 14.4 406 128.80 387/74 731 101.6
Spencer’s Retail 5 1903 39.8 75 2187 7.9 1.0 - 0.0 1.3 1909 611.8 -15.6 1909H 1212.6 11 -14.7 -499 54.70 0 17.52 51.1 480 60.40 230/54 261 -
Trent Ltd. 1 1903 35.5 48 2532 127.5 3.6 1.30 0.2 7.5 1909 818.0 38.3 1909H 1585.2 31 96.2 35 37.00 0 36.87 46.6 19578 550.75 568/320 19922 128.4
V Mart Retail 10 1903 18.2* 223 1434 61.6 33.9 1.70 0.0 15.2 1909 314.2 -18.0 1909H 767.2 23 -0.4 -102 51.99 0 36.36 19.8 3020 1663.45 2867/1604 3004 74.9
V2 Retail 10 1903 34.1 85 748 20.5 6.0 - 0.0 7.0 1909 150.7 -10.4 1909H 353.0 3 1.0 114 51.13 0 15.44 22.4 356 104.60 321/90 358 12.4
Vaibhav Global 10 1903 32.1* 175 480 33.0 10.3 10.00 0.1 5.8 1909 106.7 8.4 1909H 213.3 -7 16.7 5 58.41 0 31.28 5.4 2781 865.00 909/596 2667 82.2
IND. COMPOSITE 76 1855 79 13
Apcotex Industries L 2 1903 10.4 54 626 46.6 9.0 3.00 0.0 16.8 1909 124.1 3.6 1909H 270.8 -13 15.0 -30 57.93 0 0.58 22.3 828 159.65 245/145 822 20.6
Elgi Rubber Co. 1 1903 5.0 52 203 0.5 0.1 - 0.4 0.2 1909 44.1 3.2 1909H 89.7 -11 2.3 -48 65.50 0 2.27 9.8 91 18.15 29/15 182 -
Harrisons Malaya 10 1903 18.5 43 354 -24.1 -13.1 - 0.8 - 1909 102.2 0.2 1909H 179.6 17 -6.6 64 50.30 0 0.04 23.6 114 61.50 88/44 196 -
Indag Rubber 2 1903 5.3 72 169 10.6 4.0 2.40 0.0 5.5 1909 51.1 4.4 1909H 100.2 20 7.3 12 73.36 0 1.94 5.7 226 86.05 121/66 221 19.9
Pix Transmission 10 1903 13.6 156 290 28.6 21.0 2.75 0.5 13.4 1909 71.5 7.6 1909H 141.6 0 13.5 -20 61.21 0 1.36 13.2 201 147.55 226/96 303 8.0
*Rubfila Internationa 5 1903 23.6 28 214 17.0 3.6 1.00 0.0 12.9 1909 58.2 3.1 1909H 118.7 9 8.0 -18 57.13 0 0.14 39.5 161 34.05 46/27 157 10.5
IND. COMPOSITE 721 17227 1502 36
BLS International Se 1 1903 10.2 3 52 13.3 1.3 0.04 0.2 39.3 1909 13.8 3.0 1909H 27.1 -4 19.7 87 74.24 0 3.63 18.2 735 71.70 145/58 728 32.8
CARE Ratings 10 1903 29.5 187 297 135.0 45.8 30.00 0.0 24.6 1909 66.4 37.0 1909H 111.7 -26 50.1 -30 0.00 0 66.61 47.3 1759 597.05 1040/445 1738 15.5
Career Point 10 1903 18.2 218 69 10.2 5.6 - 0.2 2.6 1909 13.6 4.1 1909H 30.2 -20 8.9 29 63.58 0 0.00 13.0 213 117.30 137/49 277 17.5
Central Depository 10 1903 104.5 52 153 84.4 8.1 - 0.0 15.6 1909 40.6 21.9 1909H 81.1 5 42.3 10 24.00 0 43.91 136.4 2767 264.80 271/181 2736 31.4
CL Educate 10 1903 14.2 249 170 9.8 6.9 1.00 0.1 2.8 1909 48.8 3.6 1909H 99.1 -2 8.7 9 48.15 0 21.75 20.2 108 76.05 140/67 134 10.2
Crisil 1 1812 7.2* 112 1182 277.5 38.4 30.00 0.0 34.3 1909 294.9 114.8 1909N 870.7 1 212.2 15 67.40 0 17.21 32.0 13226 1829.25 2070/1135 13175 43.2
ICRA Ltd. 10 1903 9.7 568 230 96.0 99.4 30.00 0.0 17.5 1909 50.9 13.1 1909H 102.3 -9 28.0 -45 51.86 0 39.73 12.6 2856 2959.40 3350/2542 2517 39.2
IndiaMART InterMESH 10 1903 28.9 56 530 12.6 4.4 - 0.0 7.8 1909 152.9 9.6 1909H 297.2 28 42.7 225 52.34 0 13.69 8.5 5911 2044.05 2310/952 5838 65.8
Just Dial 10 1903 64.9* 154 916 206.8 31.9 - 0.0 20.7 1909 242.6 76.9 1909H 482.7 12 134.2 54 32.99 2 61.03 31.0 3723 573.90 825/454 3687 14.7 5 1903 11.4 90 340 35.9 15.8 1.50 0.0 17.5 1909 91.1 7.3 1909H 185.5 10 15.9 -28 50.50 0 45.05 8.6 1064 467.95 750/365 999 35.7



Inst. Stake (%)

Trailing P/E Ratio

Sales Growth (%)

No. of Shareholder
Prom. Stake (%)
Latest Qtr. Year

Pledged (%)

Entprise Value
NP Growth (%)
Year / Months

Year / Months

Sales (` Cr)
CEqt. (` Cr)

Market Cap
Face Value

RONW (%)
Company Name
Bk Val (`)

NP (` Cr)
NP (` Cr)


CMP (`)
EPS (`)

(in’ 000)
Div (`)

(` Cr)
(` Cr)

(` Cr)

(` Cr)

(` Cr)

MT Educare Ltd. 10 1903 72.2 31 182 7.3 1.0 - 0.2 3.3 1909 44.4 2.6 1909H 88.2 -12 2.3 230 82.70 55 0.09 13.3 105 14.55 94/13 149 9.2
Nesco Ltd. 2 1903 14.1 166 359 180.2 25.6 0.44 0.0 15.4 1909 120.6 74.0 1909H 198.9 13 111.8 31 68.19 0 8.10 22.2 4821 684.20 712/420 4817 23.5
Nxtdigital L 10 1903 20.6 958 45 -47.2 -23.0 17.50 0.3 - 1909 11.9 -13.8 1909H 20.8 -22 -81.4 -137 70.82 0 6.52 9.2 812 395.00 430/276 1358 -
Quess Corp 10 1903 147.5 176 5613 231.3 15.7 - 0.2 8.9 1909 1805.6 54.8 1909H 3421.5 29 105.0 4 54.72 0 24.76 95.5 8092 548.60 820/387 8263 34.4
S Chand & Company 5 1903 17.5 235 194 -31.0 -8.9 - 0.1 - 1909 10.5 -20.4 1909H 29.9 -6 -34.1 -6 47.10 0 12.23 48.2 322 91.95 244/48 418 -
Security and Intelli 10 1903 73.3 96 2504 119.3 16.3 3.50 0.7 16.9 1909 747.2 55.5 1909H 1435.6 23 103.3 138 74.33 0 17.35 10.1 7197 981.55 996/702 7538 40.2
TeamLease Service 10 1903 17.1 309 4132 97.0 56.7 - 0.0 18.3 1909 1165.4 22.7 1909H 2316.7 18 43.2 -3 40.02 1 52.19 7.9 4515 2640.75 3201/2286 4404 47.2
Touchwood Entertainm 10 1903 10.2* 12 32 3.1 3.0 2.00 0.0 26.0 - - - - - - - - 69.83 0 0.00 0.1 95 92.90XB 93/20 91 -
*VJTF Eduservices 10 1903 17.6 13 16 -0.9 -0.5 - 0.8 - 1909 3.7 -1.8 1909H 7.5 16 -2.0 40 64.22 0 0.00 0.2 119 67.45 71/57 137 -
Zee Learn Ltd. 1 1903 32.6 13 210 61.7 1.9 0.10 0.4 14.9 1909 47.2 19.3 1909H 108.0 16 39.6 40 57.17 83 24.24 97.5 636 19.50 40/15 794 8.7
IND. COMPOSITE 1467 5231 -9684 15
Cochin Shipyard 10 1903 131.5 253 2962 481.2 36.6 13.00 0.0 14.4 1909 971.2 207.6 1909H 1706.6 17 327.8 29 75.21 0 13.69 155.2 5259 399.80 425/320 2859 9.5
Garden Reach Ship 10 1903 114.6 91 1386 109.9 9.6 6.95 0.0 10.6 1909 439.0 59.0 1909H 607.0 49 84.3 309 74.50 0 18.95 13.4 2300 200.75 249/79 310 14.1
Gujarat Pipavav Port 10 1903 483.4 42 702 205.6 4.3 3.50 0.0 10.2 1909 199.2 67.7 1909H 376.8 9 124.2 21 43.00 0 48.80 48.1 4334 89.65 104/74 3800 19.1
Reliance Naval 10 1903 737.6 -139 180-10481.0 -142.1 - -0.5 - 1909 20.6 -340.1 1909H 46.9 -49 -676.2 5 29.84 100 8.22 153.7 252 3.41 15/1 5679 -
IND. COMPOSITE 847 7373 -1658 12
Essar Shipping 10 1903 207.0 10 492 -1593.5 -77.0 - 1.1 - 1909 147.0 -47.9 1909H 281.1 -7 -73.3 52 74.36 95 9.08 85.5 145 7.02 16/6 2166 -
Great Eastern 10 1903 148.7 341 2651 -19.5 -1.3 5.40 0.7 - 1909 610.8 4.8 1909H 1200.5 4 -45.5 89 30.07 0 44.29 63.0 4665 313.70 329/212 6145 -
Seamec Ltd. 10 1903 25.4 137 304 76.7 30.2 - 0.0 22.1 1909 75.0 25.2 1909H 174.1 85 66.8 1562 70.83 0 3.41 9.7 1234 485.50 530/207 1236 8.8
Shipping Corpn. 10 1903 465.8 150 3926 -122.0 -2.6 - 0.6 - 1909 998.3 -56.5 1909H 1931.3 5 -95.9 72 63.74 0 17.80 159.0 2748 59.00 70/25 5864 -
IND. COMPOSITE 800 36350 1241 9
Avadh Sugar & Energy 10 1903 20.0* 254 2130 119.9 59.9 3.00 2.8 23.6 1909 437.4 -5.8 1909H 915.7 -15 20.6 18 60.35 24 0.60 17.0 597 298.30XB 381/170 1997 4.9
Bajaj HindusthanSuga 1 1903 113.4 30 6804 -64.1 -0.6 - 1.6 - 1909 1426.9 -87.1 1909H 3080.9 2 -105.6 26 15.43 100 47.67 144.0 758 6.69 10/5 6081 -
Balrampur Chini 1 1903 22.0 95 4286 570.6 25.9 2.50 0.8 27.4 1909 857.0 97.7 1909H 1805.5 -11 204.4 24 41.10 73 36.45 79.4 4049 184.05 194/98 5718 6.6
Bannari Amman Su 10 1903 12.5 954 1125 75.9 60.6 10.00 0.6 6.3 1909 438.5 22.7 1909H 699.4 46 28.2 -16 58.69 0 0.27 6.3 1650 1315.70 1690/1047 2383 23.4
Dalmia Bharat Sugar 2 1903 16.2 191 2019 187.4 23.2 1.60 0.6 12.1 1909 403.3 51.7 1909H 992.8 -3 109.2 12 74.91 0 3.88 18.6 982 121.30 136/70 1931 4.9
DCM Shriram In 10 1903 17.4 271 1689 73.6 42.3 6.00 0.9 15.6 1909 391.7 26.7 1909H 789.8 -10 43.4 -9 46.75 0 7.14 49.1 298 171.10 230/138 716 4.3
Dhampur Sugar 10 1903 66.4 187 2754 255.0 38.4 6.50 1.3 20.5 1909 654.9 5.8 1909H 1535.2 27 68.8 7 49.08 1 6.12 38.6 1534 231.00 252/128 3193 5.9
Dwarikesh Sugar 1 1903 18.8 25 1084 95.1 5.1 1.00 1.4 20.5 1909 175.9 4.7 1909H 554.9 -13 24.7 -36 41.86 0 2.98 36.4 730 38.75 42/20 1364 9.0
EID Parry 1 1903 17.7 97 1855 163.1 9.2 3.00 0.4 9.5 1909 441.9 6.1 1909H 829.9 3 -47.0 -172 44.75 0 9.93 53.4 4059 229.35 236/135 4762 80.0
*KCP Sugar & In 1 1903 11.3 23 318 10.2 0.9 0.10 0.7 3.9 1909 87.7 4.0 1909H 177.6 17 5.1 58 40.49 0 0.06 27.4 172 15.15 19/11 354 14.2
*Magadh Sugar & Energ 10 1903 14.1* 324 739 34.2 24.3 2.00 1.1 7.5 1909 163.0 1.8 1909H 343.2 -12 7.9 163 60.94 0 0.92 7.3 167 118.75XB 137/58 664 3.1
*Mawana Sugars Ltd. 10 1903 39.1 102 1158 42.4 10.8 - 0.4 10.6 1909 233.4 -24.1 1909H 546.9 -5 -17.3 -244 63.49 4 1.65 46.2 158 40.40 61/26 287 12.0
Ponni Sugars (Erode) 10 1903 8.6 340 185 8.4 9.8 2.00 0.1 2.9 1909 108.5 13.1 1909H 176.1 223 13.6 180 42.36 0 24.69 7.6 145 168.30 182/87 176 8.4
Sakthi Sugars 10 1903 118.8 22 505 -214.0 -18.0 - 2.2 - 1909 180.2 -41.9 1909H 362.1 144 -86.9 16 59.83 97 19.08 37.8 113 9.54 14/7 668 -
Shree Renuka Sugars 1 1903 191.7 -3 4297 -381.9 -2.0 - -4.8 - 1909 1283.9 -36.0 1909H 2281.2 21 -195.0 57 58.33 45 27.93 159.3 1648 8.60 13/7 4143 -
Triveni Eng.&Ind.Ltd 1 1903 24.8 43 3152 220.6 8.9 0.70 1.5 20.5 1909 948.5 107.0 1909H 1870.0 34 139.1 114 68.34 0 6.39 44.8 1798 72.50 78/41 3393 6.1
*Ugar Sugar Works 1 1903 11.3 5 750 4.3 0.4 - 8.0 8.5 1909 165.9 -15.2 1909H 384.7 22 -51.6 -8 45.03 0 0.00 30.3 165 14.68 18/11 570 -
Uttam Sugar Mills 10 1903 38.1 61 1215 58.1 15.2 - 2.6 24.8 1909 279.2 -11.8 1909H 626.4 21 3.4 -86 74.99 33 1.23 15.5 446 116.85 161/78 1036 11.9
Vishwaraj Sugar Ind 10 1903 37.6* 57 286 -17.6 -4.7 - 1.5 - 1909 71.3 -14.9 1909H 159.2 - -32.0 - 35.67 0 0.00 9.9 335 89.25 105/60 653 -
IND. COMPOSITE 13536 8298 -1229 36
Avantel Ltd. 10 1903 4.1 106 51 9.5 23.5 5.00 0.0 22.1 1909 8.1 2.4 1909H 16.7 -25 3.7 23 39.52 0 0.00 4.6 122 302.05 340/185 112 12.0
*DiGiSPICE Technologi 3 1903 68.4 14 157 8.0 0.3 0.45 0.0 2.5 1909 32.3 -4.1 1909H 70.0 70 -4.9 -1 74.35 0 0.00 17.8 120 5.25 12/4 106 -
GTL Infrastructure 10 1903 12319.1 1 1500 -1539.4 -1.2 - 0.3 - 1909 341.7 -296.6 1909H 704.1 -9 -503.6 -2 3.41 100 68.70 187.5 480 0.39 1/0 664 -
HFCL 1 1903 128.4 11 4366 184.0 1.4 0.10 0.4 12.8 1909 923.0 62.8 1909H 2123.7 -2 152.2 81 38.12 69 6.75 223.0 2261 17.60 25/17 2639 9.0
*ITI 10 1903 897.0 -7 1668 92.5 1.0 - -2.3 5.3 1912 828.0 168.3 1912N 1408.4 36 114.4 380 90.00 0 0.04 55.4 8853 98.70 117/56 10027 48.4
Nelco Ltd 10 1903 22.8 18 34 17.7 7.8 1.50 0.8 42.2 1909 9.2 3.1 1909H 18.4 12 9.9 -21 50.08 0 5.97 23.4 544 238.60 342/205 574 35.9
Optiemus Infracom 10 1903 85.8 39 401 2.2 0.3 - 0.7 0.7 1909 128.8 -6.3 1909H 216.1 -4 -15.6 -413 74.92 34 0.00 3.6 250 29.15 139/25 449 -
Prabhat Technologies 10 1903 10.7 24 122 -4.0 -3.8 - 3.9 - 1909 8.6 -2.3 1909H 22.6 -73 -5.5 25 70.00 0 1.67 0.2 323 301.40 433/295 419 -
IND. COMPOSITE 4445 101316 6237 13
7NR Retail Ltd. 10 1903 10.5 10 13 0.2 0.2 0.05 0.0 2.0 1909 4.2 0.5 1909H 4.9 18 0.3 180 57.89 0 0.00 0.9 115 109.70 240/11 114 -
Alok Industries Ltd. 10 1903 1377.3 -94 3129 2282.1 16.6 - -1.8 - 1909 811.1 -153.3 1909H 1628.4 -3 -220.2 91 9.95 100 6.31 219.4 406 2.95 6/1 23200 0.1
Ambika Cotton Mi 10 1903 5.7 829 656 63.2 110.4 30.00 0.2 13.3 1909 160.1 11.8 1909H 311.4 -8 25.6 -24 50.17 0 4.67 10.9 482 841.30 1193/831 548 8.8
Arvind Fashions 4 1903 23.5 229 1010 61.5 10.5 - 0.1 4.6 1909 278.0 -1.3 1909H 449.7 -13 -0.5 -102 35.58 4 35.71 174.7 2361 402.35 1085/304 2430 69.7
Arvind Ltd. 10 1903 258.8 109 6436 199.4 7.7 2.00 0.9 7.1 1909 1778.4 60.8 1909H 3520.1 7 93.7 -14 44.08 10 33.30 219.6 1115 43.10 101/33 3590 6.1
*AYM Syntex 10 1903 50.0 60 992 5.9 1.2 - 0.9 2.0 1909 269.2 2.3 1909H 518.5 7 4.1 148 72.49 0 0.24 8.0 165 33.10 43/27 409 19.9
Bannari Amman Spinni 10 1903 15.8 196 1000 19.3 12.3 1.60 2.0 6.3 1909 217.4 1.9 1909H 446.1 -12 6.6 -47 55.54 0 0.00 5.7 198 125.95 229/109 807 14.8
*Banswara Syntex 10 1903 17.1 172 1351 24.1 14.1 1.00 1.4 8.2 1909 344.2 18.9 1909H 686.1 1 30.5 183 58.86 0 4.29 8.9 187 109.00 122/50 589 4.2
Bella Casa Fashion & 10 1903 11.5 43 147 8.8 7.6 1.00 0.9 17.9 1909 50.5 3.0 1909H 89.2 14 5.8 13 67.85 0 0.00 0.5 129 112.00 165/98 174 13.6
Binny Ltd. 5 1903 11.2 148 0 -15.0 -6.7 - 1.0 - 1909 0.1 -4.9 1909H 0.2 0 -7.7 -10 74.68 68 2.11 10.0 160 71.75 162/70 486 -
Black Rose Industrie 1 1903 5.1 9 213 13.3 2.6 0.30 0.5 28.3 1909 64.5 6.0 1909H 119.6 22 10.6 105 74.99 0 0.26 16.1 507 99.35 119/37 528 27.3
Bombay Dyeing 2 1903 41.3 9 4430 1230.0 59.6 1.50 21.9 681.0 1909 555.3 89.5 1909H 1203.8 -2 117.2 -23 53.65 0 5.49 121.4 1823 88.25 149/61 5692 1.5
Bombay Rayon Fashion 10 1903 317.5 82 941 -1687.3 -53.1 - 0.9 - 1909 99.7 -462.5 1909H 251.1 -55 -997.9 -59 35.77 50 56.98 25.3 131 4.14 10/4 4023 -
Cantabil Retail Indi 10 1903 16.3 70 289 12.5 7.7 - 0.3 10.9 1909 76.8 0.2 1909H 134.8 15 0.6 -77 74.22 0 0.85 5.5 465 285.00 350/126 502 43.8
Century Enka 10 1903 21.9 437 1791 76.6 35.0 7.00 0.0 8.0 1909 334.4 46.0 1909H 709.6 -20 64.5 41 25.25 0 8.53 42.6 393 180.00 269/161 408 4.1
Cheviot Co Ltd 10 1903 6.5 946 395 50.2 77.6 1.00 0.0 8.2 1909 123.4 17.1 1909H 229.3 25 29.1 13 74.99 0 0.16 8.9 519 802.65 919/519 502 9.7
Dollar Industries 2 1903 11.3 74 1029 75.3 13.3 0.20 0.5 18.0 1909 243.2 13.7 1909H 476.8 -2 26.6 -20 60.05 0 8.56 8.2 742 130.75 311/129 931 10.8
*Donear Industrie 2 1903 10.4 21 594 14.2 2.7 0.20 2.6 12.7 1909 134.5 2.7 1909H 269.1 -6 4.1 -40 74.56 0 0.01 10.2 162 31.15 49/22 444 14.1
*Faze Three Ltd. 10 1903 24.3 54 266 16.3 6.7 - 0.5 8.7 1909 69.9 4.8 1909H 144.4 8 9.5 26 45.74 0 4.52 4.0 112 46.25 63/26 162 6.2
Filatex India 2 1903 43.9 21 2874 84.8 3.9 - 1.2 18.0 1909 680.2 61.8 1909H 1377.0 -3 81.9 103 59.72 37 4.92 6.9 896 40.80 62/32 1399 7.1
Ganesha Ecosphere 10 1903 21.8 192 1020 62.0 28.4 2.00 0.2 14.8 1909 235.6 15.8 1909H 479.0 -4 31.9 33 39.91 26 15.58 10.4 529 242.45 375/229 602 7.6
Garware Tech. Fibres 10 1903 21.9 297 1018 125.6 57.4 5.00 0.2 19.3 1909 232.4 46.3 1909H 464.7 -8 75.9 18 50.70 0 10.23 16.5 2671 1220.70 1299/967 2768 19.5
Gokaldas Exports 5 1903 21.4 56 1173 25.6 6.0 - 1.6 10.7 1909 361.6 4.1 1909H 702.9 21 39.7 613 33.08 0 14.68 17.8 335 78.30 119/66 705 5.7
Himatsingka Seid 5 1903 49.2 147 1745 236.0 24.0 5.00 1.5 16.3 1909 445.9 57.6 1909H 894.0 3 114.9 1 47.56 0 20.53 33.3 1254 127.35 241/119 3231 5.3
*Indian Acrylics 10 1903 135.3 10 731 11.6 0.9 - 1.6 8.8 1912 149.6 1.0 1912N 576.8 19 7.3 5 62.55 25 0.06 99.6 152 11.23 15/7 334 -
Indian Terrain Fashi 2 1903 7.6 61 422 25.7 6.8 - 0.1 11.2 1909 116.2 4.5 1909H 199.5 -4 8.2 -34 30.08 67 40.59 11.4 255 67.15 149/55 280 11.8
Indo Count Inds. 2 1903 39.5 49 1813 59.2 3.0 0.60 0.3 6.2 1909 566.2 8.9 1909H 1043.1 11 42.5 -16 58.93 0 9.42 52.6 1056 53.50 69/30 1322 20.6 JAN 20 - FEB 2, 2020 I DALAL STREET INVESTMENT JOURNAL 49

Databank Updated as on Jan. 10, 2020


Inst. Stake (%)

Trailing P/E Ratio

Sales Growth (%)

No. of Shareholder
Prom. Stake (%)
Latest Qtr. Year

Pledged (%)

Entprise Value
NP Growth (%)
Year / Months

Year / Months

Sales (` Cr)
CEqt. (` Cr)

Market Cap
Face Value

RONW (%)
Company Name
Bk Val (`)

NP (` Cr)
NP (` Cr)


CMP (`)
EPS (`)

(in’ 000)
Div (`)

(` Cr)
(` Cr)

(` Cr)

(` Cr)

(` Cr)

Indo Rama Synth. 10 1903 261.1 12 1695 -271.1 -10.4 - 2.1 - 1909 570.6 -44.1 1909H 1104.0 47 -74.2 -20 81.71 0 5.32 17.0 653 25.00 41/25 1109 -
Jindal Worldwide 1 1903 20.1 17 2114 26.4 1.3 0.05 1.1 7.6 1909 392.1 10.2 1909H 1084.7 4 17.5 -10 61.14 14 0.13 2.9 1257 62.70 88/52 1623 51.4
Kitex Garments 1 1903 6.7 89 607 81.5 12.2 1.07 0.1 13.8 1909 196.5 38.4 1909H 342.0 18 52.9 18 55.57 0 0.13 33.4 824 123.85 132/70 812 9.2
KPR Mill Ltd. 5 1903 34.4 219 2979 289.1 42.0 0.75 0.4 19.1 1909 692.3 99.2 1909H 1494.0 3 173.4 9 75.19 0 17.71 10.8 4861 706.40 714/513 5428 16.0
Lakshmi Mill Co. 100 1903 7.0 6377 248 -7.9 -114.0 5.00 0.1 - 1909 56.4 -2.8 1909H 110.1 -8 2.0 14 61.78 0 5.44 5.4 137 1970.00 3099/1601 196 -
Lovable Lingerie Ltd 10 1903 14.8 112 176 0.8 0.6 0.50 0.0 0.5 1909 39.1 1.5 1909H 91.7 -5 5.0 -8 63.84 0 0.09 21.9 120 80.80 119/55 118 -
Loyal Textiles M 10 1903 4.8 453 1307 25.7 53.4 1.50 2.0 11.8 1909 289.9 3.2 1909H 536.3 -16 3.6 -75 73.49 0 0.09 2.0 145 301.00 521/252 566 9.7
Lux Industries 2 1903 5.1 164 1209 101.3 40.1 3.50 0.4 24.5 1909 352.6 42.1 1909H 614.9 14 62.0 55 73.71 0 4.10 11.7 3557 1408.55 1471/984 3733 28.7
Mafatlal Ind 10 1903 13.9 364 1024 -180.1 -129.4 - 0.3 - 1909 280.1 -9.8 1909H 552.1 1 -15.0 68 72.08 26 2.58 100.1 90 64.80 128/59 264 -
Monte Carlo Fashions 10 1903 20.7 233 656 59.6 28.7 - 0.1 12.3 1909 152.8 6.8 1909H 212.7 15 0.6 -95 67.90 0 4.52 36.5 605 291.95 395/216 615 10.6
Nahar Indust.Ent 10 1903 39.8 174 1866 -21.6 -5.4 - 1.3 - 1909 335.7 -16.9 1909H 775.5 -18 -24.7 -228 68.74 0 0.45 53.0 106 26.50 64/19 981 -
Nahar Spg Mills 5 1903 18.0 243 2305 65.1 18.1 1.00 0.9 7.4 1909 394.2 -33.2 1909H 927.7 -17 -30.0 -176 64.82 0 0.07 30.2 161 44.65 97/40 980 -
*Nandan Denim 10 1903 48.0 102 1456 22.1 4.6 0.50 1.1 4.5 1909 390.0 2.2 1909H 850.3 17 5.4 -59 64.72 3 0.32 32.7 151 31.40 69/23 664 10.5
Nitin Spinners 10 1903 56.2 86 1243 64.1 11.4 1.25 1.7 13.3 1909 372.6 0.7 1909H 655.7 7 11.5 -64 55.81 0 16.09 19.9 295 52.55 97/45 1097 6.8
Orbit Exports Li 10 1903 27.4 59 133 23.1 8.4 - 0.0 14.3 1909 37.7 6.8 1909H 79.8 4 16.7 2 64.59 0 0.00 8.0 225 82.20 135/75 207 9.6
Page Industries Ltd. 10 1903 11.2 695 2852 393.9 353.2 344.00 0.1 50.8 1909 775.4 114.5 1909H 1610.4 7 225.2 4 48.31 0 39.69 68.2 26458 23720.7026174/17141 26486 65.8
Pasupati Acrylon 10 1903 89.1 20 825 27.4 3.1 - 0.0 15.5 1909 149.9 -4.8 1909H 341.5 -16 9.6 -46 65.87 26 0.20 56.2 92 10.36 21/9 69 4.8
PDS Multi. Fashions 10 1903 26.0 42 39 1.1 0.4 - 0.2 1.0 1909 10.3 2.0 1909H 19.1 -2 2.6 716 66.64 0 5.31 14.0 815 313.00 395/233 831 197.5
Pearl Global Industr 10 1903 21.7 146 840 21.5 9.9 3.00 0.6 6.8 1909 229.3 1.5 1909H 420.2 8 6.3 670 66.58 0 8.78 16.3 340 156.85 202/120 497 11.8
Rajapalayam Mill 10 1903 7.4 401 416 27.8 37.7 4.00 1.3 9.4 1909 88.4 10.3 1909H 191.3 -4 8.9 -67 53.16 0 3.83 4.8 586 794.80 932/655 979 61.9
Raymond Ltd 10 1903 64.7 212 3276 73.8 11.4 3.00 1.1 5.4 1909 921.5 62.9 1909H 1606.9 6 40.6 102 46.72 0 22.98 107.3 4318 667.25 869/533 5690 45.8
RSWM Ltd. 10 1903 23.6 332 2961 -24.3 -10.3 - 1.6 - 1909 697.3 -3.4 1909H 1398.0 -4 24.2 131 53.16 0 8.94 15.6 239 101.35 262/85 1462 -
Ruby Mills 5 1903 8.4 271 193 17.8 10.6 1.75 0.8 3.9 1909 48.0 7.0 1909H 89.2 -6 10.0 -23 74.90 0 0.01 7.0 324 193.60 334/122 664 21.9
Rupa & Company L 1 1903 8.0 72 1108 93.4 11.7 3.00 0.3 16.2 1909 278.5 35.4 1909H 467.0 8 44.7 16 73.28 0 0.12 12.7 1619 203.60 364/157 1786 16.2
S P Apparels Ltd. 10 1903 25.7 189 778 69.8 27.2 - 0.4 14.4 1909 233.2 33.6 1909H 438.2 24 40.2 61 61.63 0 23.36 11.7 567 220.70 336/172 698 6.7
Sarla Performance Fi 1 1903 8.4 38 316 29.5 3.5 1.10 0.4 9.2 1909 80.6 12.0 1909H 154.6 0 24.2 88 54.75 0 3.74 14.3 220 26.35 33/18 315 5.4
Shahlon Silk Indust 10 1903 17.9 47 531 3.7 2.1 - 2.1 4.2 1909 89.0 1.6 1909H 188.6 -26 4.0 99 72.62 0 0.00 3.0 145 81.00 138/60 309 -
Shiva Texyarn Ltd. 10 1903 13.0 86 354 6.7 5.2 1.10 1.4 6.0 1909 95.7 1.0 1909H 180.2 0 1.7 -61 74.03 0 0.00 7.5 124 95.50 208/79 269 30.5
Siyaram Silk 2 1903 9.4 162 1815 101.2 21.6 0.60 0.5 13.4 1909 487.7 30.1 1909H 813.6 4 40.1 17 67.06 0 14.18 14.6 1134 242.05 467/192 1539 10.6
SPL Industries L 10 1903 29.0 25 157 27.2 9.4 - 0.0 27.8 1909 67.3 12.0 1909H 114.1 47 17.9 15 68.73 0 0.01 9.7 98 33.70 74/28 84 3.3
SRF Ltd. 10 1903 57.5 682 6459 517.2 90.0 12.00 0.7 13.2 1909 1508.4 337.5 1909H 3032.5 0 487.8 122 52.32 0 29.99 48.5 20116 3499.70 3516/1951 22682 25.6
Super Sales India 10 1903 3.1 878 296 5.9 19.4 2.50 0.3 2.2 1909 73.9 5.4 1909H 154.3 8 6.8 -4 59.82 0 0.00 4.8 92 300.25 513/240 176 16.2
Sutlej Textiles & In 1 1903 16.4 58 2562 65.7 4.0 0.13 0.9 6.9 1909 629.0 18.2 1909H 1277.7 -2 26.8 -20 63.89 3 0.02 10.7 516 31.50 45/24 1331 8.8
SVP Global Ventures 10 1903 12.7 26 105 8.9 7.1 - 6.4 27.3 1909 18.7 0.9 1909H 42.9 -37 2.7 -55 68.71 0 0.00 1.0 436 345.00 422/235 636 78.2
Swan Energy Ltd. 1 1903 24.4 39 860 2.3 0.1 0.10 0.1 0.2 1909 63.1 1.3 1909H 123.9 -82 2.8 -92 64.89 17 12.37 7.6 2967 121.45 135/94 3035 -
TCNS Clothing 2 1903 12.3 101 1148 131.4 21.4 - 0.0 21.2 1909 320.8 17.7 1909H 600.5 8 38.2 -38 32.33 0 22.93 17.5 3703 602.45 865/581 3680 34.3
Trident Ltd. 1 1903 509.6* 6 5220 370.9 0.7 0.30 0.7 12.7 1909 1320.8 137.1 1909H 2626.1 4 260.3 55 71.06 0 2.41 109.7 3562 6.99Xs 8/5 5633 -
Vardhman Acrylics Lt 10 1903 80.4 42 417 34.5 4.3 2.50 0.0 10.3 1909 89.5 10.7 1909H 180.4 -21 27.5 8 74.97 0 0.07 9.5 283 35.20 48/33 280 7.7
Vardhman Textiles Lt 10 1903 57.5* 911 6415 695.9 121.0 17.50 0.4 13.3 1909 1552.8 120.0 1909H 3111.1 -1 223.6 -35 62.14 0 27.56 21.7 5650 982.55 1154/849 7549 9.8
Vishal Fabrics Ltd. 5 1903 22.0 49 998 17.9 4.1 - 1.5 8.2 1909 293.1 8.6 1909H 626.6 30 16.6 97 68.13 16 5.01 0.2 1076 245.00 413/230 1396 41.4
Voith Paper Fabrics 10 1903 4.4 484 112 23.1 52.6 5.00 0.0 10.9 1909 30.5 5.8 1909H 56.0 6 11.7 5 74.04 0 1.18 4.0 367 835.00 945/723 241 15.5
VTM Ltd. 1 1903 4.0 49 160 10.2 2.5 0.90 0.0 5.2 1909 44.7 4.3 1909H 86.7 11 7.4 10 74.99 0 0.00 3.2 97 24.10 30/23 98 8.9
Welspun India 1 1903 100.5 25 5395 141.8 1.4 0.30 0.9 5.7 1909 1460.8 163.4 1909H 2896.2 3 318.2 116 68.48 0 18.53 67.7 4923 49.00 66/41 7090 15.8
Zodiac Clothing 10 1903 22.5 112 214 -18.4 -8.2 1.00 0.2 - 1909 42.6 -6.4 1909H 94.8 -5 -12.8 -22 66.93 0 8.86 3.8 388 172.50 286/135 441 -
IND. COMPOSITE 648 70711 137 28
Abans Enterprises 10 1903 13.9 12 131 1.4 1.0 - 0.0 8.7 1909 124.4 0.2 1909H 271.4 290 0.3 -56 74.55 0 0.00 0.3 385 276.20 290/22 385 -
Adani Enterprises Lt 1 1903 110.0 30 15541 487.2 4.4 0.40 0.9 15.0 1909 2946.1 102.6 1909H 8382.5 46 571.4 1887 74.91 32 21.53 89.2 22953 208.70 221/113 25447 21.0
Best Agrolife 10 1903 8.0 64 128 0.1 0.1 0.10 0.2 0.2 1909 23.3 0.4 1909H 45.1 -19 0.8 882 5.10 0 4.68 1.4 187 233.85 278/12 195 212.4
Chaman Lal Setia 2 1903 10.3 44 765 34.4 6.7 0.48 0.5 15.3 1909 176.4 8.8 1909H 383.3 6 15.4 -9 73.86 0 0.37 8.8 256 49.50 91/37 359 7.8
Competent Automo 10 1903 6.1 345 1240 15.8 25.7 1.00 0.5 7.5 1909 247.2 33.1 1909H 515.1 -15 36.3 430 74.91 0 0.00 2.6 97 158.25 215/105 177 2.2
Cravatex 10 1903 2.6 123 1 2.3 8.8 2.00 0.3 7.1 1909 1.5 1.6 1909H 1.5 701 1.9 113 75.00 0 0.00 1.8 103 399.80 435/260 106 31.7
Dhruv Wellness 10 1903 10.5 15 117 0.6 0.5 - 1.2 3.6 - - - - - - - - 73.24 0 0.00 0.1 89 84.50 88/72 107 -
Freshtrop Fruits 10 1903 11.1 68 171 13.7 12.3 - 0.6 18.0 1909 14.6 -0.9 1909H 89.2 11 7.8 -33 56.12 0 3.84 6.5 101 91.00 198/78 135 10.2
Grandeur Products 10 1903 22.3 21 4 0.2 0.1 - 0.3 0.5 1909 0.0 -0.5 1909H 0.0 -85 -1.0 -69 25.62 80 0.00 0.6 703 314.95 378/188 717 -
India Motor Part 10 1903 12.5* 809 512 40.4 32.4 18.00 0.0 4.0 1909 121.7 15.9 1909H 260.3 4 24.8 42 30.71 0 8.52 7.6 731 585.90XB 714/523 728 15.3
KRBL Ltd. 1 1903 23.5 115 4120 503.3 21.4 2.50 0.5 18.5 1909 889.8 113.9 1909H 2107.4 6 250.1 -3 58.81 0 7.60 34.9 6403 272.00 391/187 7813 12.9
LT Foods Ltd. 1 1903 32.0 26 2193 54.5 1.7 0.15 0.8 6.5 1909 600.8 24.6 1909H 1201.8 19 45.6 56 56.17 5 9.42 76.4 768 24.00 44/18 1420 10.8
MMTC Ltd. 1 1903 150.0 10 28979 81.4 0.5 0.30 0.6 5.5 1909 6290.1 23.6 1909H 13176.4 5 43.3 4 89.92 0 4.12 114.8 3060 20.40 30/14 3927 -
MSTC Ltd. 10 1903 70.4 30 2927 -324.5 -46.1 - 2.9 - 1909 175.2 24.4 1909H 571.2 -56 49.6 113 64.74 0 14.41 13.6 981 139.40 184/70 1247 -
*Panth Infinity 10 1903 12.3 19 16 0.1 0.1 - 0.0 0.3 1909 3.9 0.3 1909H 8.4 -4 0.5 205 43.01 38 0.00 1.7 152 123.70 155/67 153 -
Sakuma Exports 1 1903 21.3 10 2039 35.9 1.7 0.10 0.1 17.6 1909 323.5 5.5 1909H 516.0 -52 6.8 -62 58.06 14 0.08 14.4 143 6.69 43/6 126 5.8
Sat Industries Ltd. 2 1903 21.6 9 34 3.3 0.3 0.10 0.0 3.6 1909 7.5 0.9 1909H 14.2 -16 1.6 -19 54.01 0 0.00 1.6 327 30.30 38/22 327 -
Shankara Building Pr 10 1903 22.8 142 2352 16.4 7.2 1.50 0.5 5.1 1909 592.8 5.8 1909H 1183.6 -7 10.7 -16 56.30 0 27.89 23.6 868 379.70 570/240 1020 60.0
State Trading 10 1903 60.0 -139 8903 -881.1 -146.8 - -1.1 - 1909 156.7 -7.6 1909H 2417.3 -63 -102.0 -759 90.00 0 1.99 26.7 293 48.80 147/42 1062 -
The Yamuna Syndicate 100 1903 3.1 1961 66 3.5 113.9 40.00 0.0 5.8 1909 10.3 5.3 1909H 29.0 -25 5.9 630 74.86 0 0.03 0.3 275 8950.00 13146/8000 261 31.9
TIL Ltd. 10 1903 10.0 310 471 26.7 26.7 1.75 0.6 8.6 1909 108.5 1.5 1909H 215.8 -3 4.3 -47 56.29 0 13.61 9.9 175 174.20 302/163 358 7.6
Uniphos Enterprises 2 1903 13.9 367 0 20.8 3.0 - 0.0 0.8 1909 0.0 19.7 1909H 0.0 -43 19.8 -2 72.19 0 14.95 11.6 483 69.50 123/58 482 23.7
IND. COMPOSITE 335 10479 1358 23
Container Corpor 5 1903 304.6 170 6882 1215.4 19.9 6.84 0.1 11.7 1909 1738.7 -322.0 1909H 3377.6 -0 -94.2 -116 54.79 0 40.69 60.6 34309 563.10 665/460 34840 64.4
Maheshwari Logist 10 1903 14.8 79 1039 14.8 10.0 1.20 0.7 12.7 1906 223.6 5.1 1906Q 223.6 -0 5.1 39 56.82 0 0.00 0.8 339 228.95 298/175 399 -
TCI Ltd. 2 1903 15.4 108 2558 127.6 16.6 1.80 0.5 15.4 1909 628.2 33.3 1909H 1240.3 3 63.0 17 66.83 0 11.71 24.0 2080 270.80 329/255 2464 15.2
IND. COMPOSITE 221 52174 3170 21
Apollo Tyres 1 1903 57.2 134 12354 592.1 10.4 3.25 0.4 7.7 1909 2774.7 99.8 1909H 5878.4 -5 249.6 -31 40.90 15 41.54 178.7 9645 168.60 236/144 12164 20.2
Balkrishna Ind. 2 1903 38.7 242 5245 782.0 40.5 8.00 0.2 16.7 1909 1071.2 291.0 1909H 2264.7 -16 467.0 3 58.29 0 27.10 59.4 20105 1040.00 1053/683 20879 25.2
Ceat Ltd. 10 1903 40.5 680 6831 288.9 71.4 12.00 0.4 10.5 1909 1645.3 65.9 1909H 3348.9 -1 152.9 -0 50.51 0 31.98 81.3 4119 1018.40 1272/731 5277 14.3
Goodyear India 10 1903 23.1 376 1912 102.1 44.3 13.00 0.0 11.8 1909 454.1 37.8 1909H 944.4 -8 64.0 20 73.99 0 9.86 21.1 2291 993.40 1064/800 1733 20.4
JK Tyre & Industries 2 1903 49.2 81 7613 204.4 8.3 1.50 1.5 10.2 1909 1377.8 197.0 1909H 3182.0 -17 214.3 49 56.22 0 4.12 135.9 1873 76.05 104/54 4782 6.8
MRF Ltd 10 1903 4.225119 15837 1096.9 2586.3 60.00 0.1 10.3 1909 3947.6 220.4 1909H 8357.1 7 488.9 -7 27.75 0 23.16 62.4 28648 67548.2068073/51850 30052 27.0
TVS Srichakra Lt 10 1903 7.7 971 2382 103.2 134.7 40.00 0.6 13.9 1909 545.1 20.3 1909H 1137.6 -7 46.5 -27 45.36 0 7.12 29.1 1284 1677.40 2489/1470 1678 14.9


Ticker Company Ind. NSE Ticker Company Ind. NSE Ticker Company Ind. NSE Ticker Company Ind. NSE Ticker Company Ind. NSE
Code Code Code Code Code Code Code Code Code Code
533022 20 Microns Ltd. 63 20MICRONS 539301 Arvind SmartSpaces 53 ARVSMART 532523 Biocon 72 BIOCON -- D P Abhushan 30 DPABHUSHAN 530079 Faze Three Ltd. 86 -
532628 3i Infotech 24 3IINFOTECH 515030 Asahi India Glass 48 ASAHIINDIA 500060 Birla Cable 14 BIRLACABLE 533146 D-Link (India) 23 DLINKINDIA 531599 FDC Ltd. 72 FDC
523395 3M India Ltd. 31 3MINDIA 532853 Asahi Songwon Colors 32 ASAHISONG 500335 Birla Corporation Lt 17 BIRLACORPN 500096 Dabur India 41 DABUR 500469 Federal Bank 44 FEDERALBNK
540776 5Paisa Capital 47 5PAISA 527001 Ashapura Min. Lt 63 ASHAPURMIN 532400 Birlasoft 24 BSOFT 526821 Dai Ichi Karkari 20 - 505744 Federal-Mogul Goetze 7 FMGOETZE
526881 63 Moons Technologie 24 63MOONS 523716 Ashiana Housing Ltd. 25 ASHIANA 514183 Black Rose Industrie 86 - 542216 Dalmia Bharat L 17 DALBHARAT 506414 Fermenta Biotech 72 -
540615 7NR Retail Ltd. 86 - 500477 Ashok Leyland 9 ASHOKLEY 506197 Bliss GVS Pharma 72 BLISSGVS 500097 Dalmia Bharat Sugar 84 DALMIASUG 590024 Fertilisers & Ch 43 FACT
533292 A2Z Infra Engineer 38 A2ZINFRA 533271 Ashoka Buildcon Ltd. 25 ASHOKA 540073 BLS International Se 81 BLS 532528 Datamatics Global Se 24 DATAMATICS 532768 FIEM Industries 7 FIEMIND
524348 Aarti Drugs Ltd 72 AARTIDRUGS 502015 ASI Industries 63 - 526612 Blue Dart Expres 28 BLUEDART 533151 DB Corp 60 DBCORP 526227 Filatex India 86 FILATEX
524208 Aarti Ind. Ltd 20 AARTIIND 532888 Asian Granito India 19 ASIANTILES 500067 Blue Star 26 BLUESTARCO 532772 DCB Bank 44 DCBBANK 541557 Fine Organic Indus 20 FINEORG
541988 Aavas Financiers 46 AAVAS 500023 Asian Hotels (North) 52 ASIANHOTNR 542669 BMW Industries 38 - 523367 DCM Shriram 31 DCMSHRIRAM 533333 Fineotex Chemical Lt 20 FCL
523204 Aban Offshore 66 ABAN 533221 Asian Hotels (West) 52 AHLWEST 524370 Bodal Chemicals 32 BODALCHEM 523369 DCM Shriram In 84 - 508954 Finkurve Financial S 47 -
512165 Abans Enterprises 87 - 530355 Asian Oilfield S 66 - 539122 Bodhtree Consulting 24 - 500117 DCW Ltd. 71 DCW 500144 Finolex Cables 14 FINCABLES
500002 ABB India 34 ABB 500820 Asian Paints Ltd. 68 ASIANPAINT 501425 Bombay Burmah 73 BBTC 590031 De Nora India Ltd. 38 DENORA 500940 Finolex Industri 74 FINPIPE
500488 Abbott India Ltd. 72 ABBOTINDIA -- Aspinwall and Co 73 ASPINWALL 500020 Bombay Dyeing 86 BOMDYEING 502137 Deccan Cements 17 DECCANCE 532809 Firstsource Solution 24 FSL
531161 ABM Knowledgeware 24 - 507526 Asso. Alcohols 12 - 509470 Bombay Oxygen Invest 64 - 512068 Deccan Gold Mines 63 - 503831 Fomento Resorts 52 -
500410 ACC 17 ACC 533138 Astec Lifesciences L 70 ASTEC 532678 Bombay Rayon Fashion 86 BRFL 542248 Deccan Health Care 51 - 507552 Foods & Inns 41 -
532268 Accelya Solutions In 24 ACCELYA 540975 Aster DM Healthcare 51 ASTERDM 502219 Borosil Glass 48 BOROSIL 532760 Deep Industries 66 DEEPIND 502865 Forbes & Company Ltd 38 -
524091 Acrysil Ltd. 19 - 532493 Astra Microwave 38 ASTRAMICRO 500530 Bosch Ltd. 7 BOSCHLTD 500645 Deepak Fertilisers 43 DEEPAKFERT 500033 Force Motors 9 FORCEMOT
532762 Action Construction 39 ACE 532830 Astral Poly Technik 74 ASTRAL 500074 BPL Ltd. 26 BPL 506401 Deepak Nitrite 20 DEEPAKNTR 532843 Fortis Healthcare 51 FORTIS
512599 Adani Enterprises Lt 87 ADANIENT 506820 AstraZeneca Pharma I 72 ASTRAZEN 532929 Brigade Enterprises 25 BRIGADE 532848 Delta Corp Ltd. 64 DELTACORP 523696 Fortis Malar Hospita 51 -
542066 Adani Gas 78 ADANIGAS 540824 Astron Paper & Board 69 ASTRON 532368 Brightcom Group 24 BCG 533137 Den Networks Ltd. 40 DEN 500150 Foseco India Lim 20 FOSECOIND
541450 Adani Green Energy 75 ADANIGREEN 514394 Atlas Jewellery 30 - 500825 Britannia Ind. 41 BRITANNIA 511072 Dewan Housing 46 DHFL 530077 Freshtrop Fruits 87 -
532921 Adani Ports & Speci 64 ADANIPORTS 531795 Atul Auto Ltd 6 ATULAUTO -- BSE 47 BSE 519588 DFM Foods Limi 41 DFMFOODS 533400 Future Consumer 41 FCONSUMER
533096 Adani Power Ltd. 75 ADANIPOWER 500027 Atul Ltd. 32 ATUL 517421 Butterfly Gandhima 26 BUTTERFLY 500119 Dhampur Sugar 84 DHAMPURSUG 523574 Future Enterprises 79 FEL
539254 Adani Transmission L 76 ADANITRANS 540611 Au Small Finance Ban 47 AUBANK 532321 Cadila Healthcar 72 CADILAHC 532180 Dhanlaxmi Bank 44 DHANBANK 536507 Future Lifestyle 79 FLFL
519183 ADF Foods Ltd. 41 ADFFOODS 532668 Aurionpro Solutions 24 AURIONPRO 532834 Camlin Fine Sciences 20 CAMLINFINE 507717 Dhanuka Agritech Ltd 70 DHANUKA 533296 Future Market Net 25 FMNL
538365 Adhunik Industries 54 ADHUNIKIND 524804 Aurobindo Pharma 72 AUROPHARMA 511196 Can Fin Homes 46 CANFINHOME 540268 Dhanvarsha Finvest 47 - 540064 Future Retail L 79 FRETAIL
540691 Aditya Birla Capital 47 ABCAPITAL 539177 Authum Investment 47 - 532483 Canara Bank 45 CANBK 506405 Dharamsi Morar. 20 - 540798 Future Supply Chain 57 FSC
535755 Aditya Birla Fashion 79 ABFRL 505036 AutoCorpn of Goa 7 - 533267 Cantabil Retail Indi 86 CANTABIL 531306 DHP India Ltd. 26 - 507488 G M Breweries Ltd. 12 GMBREW
532974 Aditya Birla Money L 47 BIRLAMONEY 505010 Automotive Axles 7 AUTOAXLES 540710 Capacit’e Infraproje 25 CAPACITE 540695 Dhruv Wellness 87 - 505714 Gabriel India 7 GABRIEL
530431 Ador Fontech Ltd 38 - 540649 Avadh Sugar & Energy 84 AVADHSUGAR 530879 Capital India Fin 47 - 533336 Dhunseri Investments 47 DHUNINV 532155 GAIL (India) Ltd. 66 GAIL
517041 Ador Welding Ltd. 38 ADORWELD 532406 Avantel Ltd. 85 - 511505 Capital Trust Lt 47 CAPTRUST 538902 Dhunseri Tea & Indus 73 DTIL 539228 Gala Global Products 60 -
540025 Advanced Enzyme Tech 50 ADVENZYMES 512573 Avanti Feeds Lim 5 AVANTIFEED 524742 Caplin Point Lab 72 CAPLIPOINT 523736 Dhunseri Ventures 74 DVL 506186 Galaxy Cloud Kitchen 41 -
523269 Advani Hotels 52 ADVANIHOTR 540376 Avenue Supermarts 79 DMART 531595 Capri Global Capital 47 CGCL 500120 Diamines & Chem. 71 - 540935 Galaxy Surfacta. 20 GALAXYSURF
500003 Aegis Logistics Ltd. 57 AEGISCHEM 519105 AVT Natural Prod 33 AVTNPL 536974 Captain Polyplast L 74 - 500089 DIC India 60 DICIND 533265 Gallantt Ispat Ltd. 54 GALLISPAT
542752 Affle (India) 40 AFFLE 532215 Axis Bank Ltd. 44 AXISBANK 513375 Carborundum Uni. 38 CARBORUNIV 517214 DiGiSPICE Technologi 85 DIGISPICE 532726 Gallantt Metal 54 GALLANTT
531921 Agarwal Industrial C 71 AGARIND 532395 AXISCADES Engineer 24 AXISCADES 534804 CARE Ratings 81 CARERATING 540151 Diksat Transworld L 40 - 513108 Gandhi Special 54 GANDHITUBE
500463 AGC Networks 24 AGCNET 523850 Axtel Industries 38 - 533260 Career Point 81 CAREERP 540047 Dilip Buildcon Ltd. 25 DBL 500153 Ganesh Benzoplas 20 -
-- Agro Phos India 43 AGROPHOS 508933 AYM Syntex 86 AYMSYNTEX 500870 Castrol India 59 CASTROLIND 500068 Disa India Ltd. 39 - 526367 Ganesh Housing 25 GANESHHOUC
500215 Agro Tech Foods Ltd. 33 ATFL 537766 B C Power Controls L 13 BCP 519600 CCL Products India 73 CCL 532839 Dish TV India Ltd. 40 DISHTV 514167 Ganesha Ecosphere 86 GANECOS
532683 AIA Engineering 16 AIAENG 532719 B L Kashyap & Sons 25 BLKASHYAP 500878 Ceat Ltd. 89 CEATLTD 540701 Dishman Carbogen Amc 72 DCAL 542011 Garden Reach Ship 82 GRSE
524288 Aimco Pesticides 70 - 532977 Bajaj Auto Ltd. 6 BAJAJ-AUTO 532885 Central Bank 45 CENTRALBK 532488 Divi’s Lab 72 DIVISLAB 500655 Garware Poly. 67 -
-- Airan Ltd. 24 AIRAN 533229 Bajaj Consumer Care 41 BAJAJCON -- Central Depository 81 CDSL 540699 Dixon Technologies 26 DIXON 509557 Garware Tech. Fibres 86 GARFIBRES
532331 Ajanta Pharma Lt 72 AJANTPHARM 500031 Bajaj Electricals 26 BAJAJELEC 501150 Centrum Capital 47 CENTRUM 532868 DLF Ltd. 25 DLF 532622 Gateway Distriparks 57 GDL
513349 Ajmera Realty & Infr 25 AJMERA 500034 Bajaj Finance L 47 BAJFINANCE 517544 Centum Electronics L 34 CENTUM 505526 Dolat Investment 47 DOLAT 532345 Gati Ltd. 28 GATI
530499 AK Capital Services 47 - 532978 Bajaj Finserv Ltd. 47 BAJAJFINSV 500280 Century Enka 86 CENTENKA 541403 Dollar Industries 86 DOLLAR 532767 Gayatri Projects 25 GAYAPROJ
-- Akash Infra-Projects 53 AKASH 539872 Bajaj Healthcare 72 - 532548 Century Plyboards 55 CENTURYPLY 512519 Donear Industrie 86 DONEAR 532309 GE Power India 76 GEPIL
539017 Akme Star Housing 46 - 500032 Bajaj HindusthanSuga 84 BAJAJHIND 500040 Century Textiles 17 CENTURYTEX 526783 Dr. Agarwal’s Ey 51 - 522275 GE T&D India 76 GET&D
532351 Aksh Optifibre 14 AKSHOPTFBR 500490 Bajaj Holdings & Inv 47 BAJAJHLDNG 532443 Cera Sanitaryware L 19 CERA 539524 Dr. Lal Pathlabs Ltd 51 LALPATHLAB 532764 GeeCee Ventures 25 GEECEE
524598 AksharChem (India) 32 AKSHARCHEM 530999 Balaji Amines Li 20 BALAMINES 532413 Cerebra Integrat 23 CEREBRAINT 500124 Dr. Reddy’s Labs 72 DRREDDY 540755 General Ins. Corp. 47 GICRE
500710 Akzo Nobel India Ltd 68 AKZOINDIA 532382 Balaji Telefilms Ltd 40 BALAJITELE 500084 CESC Ltd. 75 CESC 523618 Dredging Corpora 64 DREDGECORP 539407 Generic Engineering 25 -
531082 Alankit 47 ALANKIT 513142 Balasore Alloys 54 - 542333 CESC Ventures 24 CESCVENT -- DRS Dilip Roadlines 57 DRSDILIP 506109 Genesys Int.Corp. 24 GENESYS
524075 Albert David Ltd 72 ALBERTDAVD 502355 Balkrishna Ind. 89 BALKRISIND 500093 CG Power and Indust 34 CGPOWER 532610 Dwarikesh Sugar 84 DWARKESH 538961 Genus Paper & Boards 69 GENUSPAPER
506235 Alembic Ltd. 72 ALEMBICLTD 523319 Balmer Lawrie & 31 BALMLAWRIE 542399 Chalet Hotels L 52 CHALET 505242 Dynamatic Techno 38 DYNAMATECH 530343 Genus Power Infrastr 34 GENUSPOWER
533573 Alembic Pharmaceutic 72 APLLTD 532485 Balmer Lawrie Invest 47 - 530307 Chaman Lal Setia 87 - 532707 Dynemic Products 32 DYNPRO 532285 Geojit Financial 47 GEOJITFSL
531147 Alicon Castalloy 16 ALICON 500038 Balrampur Chini 84 BALRAMCHIN 500085 Chambal Fertilis 43 CHAMBLFERT 540006 East West Holdings 47 - 500173 GFL L 20 GFLLIMITED
539523 Alkem Laboratories 72 ALKEM 519295 Bambino Agro Ind 41 - 530871 Chembond Chemica 20 CHEMBOND 533452 Ebixcash Workd Money 47 WEIZFOREX 500171 GHCL 21 GHCL
506767 Alkyl Amines Che 20 ALKYLAMINE 500039 Banco Products 7 BANCOINDIA 541269 Chemfab Alkalis 21 CHEMFAB 532927 eClerx Services 24 ECLERX 511676 GIC Housing Fi 46 GICHSGFIN
532480 Allahabad Bank 45 ALBK 541153 Bandhan Bank 44 BANDHANBNK 500110 Chennai Petro. 78 CHENNPETRO 532922 Edelweiss Fin. Ser 47 EDELWEISS 507815 Gillette India Ltd. 41 GILLETTE
532749 Allcargo Logistics 57 ALLCARGO 532134 Bank of Baroda 45 BANKBARODA 526817 Cheviot Co Ltd 86 - 505200 Eicher Motors 9 EICHERMOT -- GKW L 38 GKWLIMITED
532875 Allied Digital Servi 24 ADSL 532149 Bank of India 45 BANKINDIA 531358 Choice Internati 47 - 500125 EID Parry 84 EIDPARRY 500660 GlaxoSmithKline Phar 72 GLAXO
532633 Allsec Technologies 24 ALLSEC 532525 Bank of Maharash 45 MAHABANK 504973 Cholamandalam Financ 47 CHOLAHLDNG 523127 EIH Associated 52 EIHAHOTELS 500676 GlaxoSmithKlineConsu 41 GSKCONS
521070 Alok Industries Ltd. 86 ALOKTEXT 532674 Bannari Amman Spinni 86 BASML 511243 Cholamandalam Invest 47 CHOLAFIN 500840 EIH Ltd. 52 EIHOTEL 532296 Glenmark Pharma 72 GLENMARK
526397 Alphageo (India) 66 ALPHAGEO 500041 Bannari Amman Su 84 BANARISUG 519477 CIAN Agro Industries 33 - 523708 Eimco Elecon Ind 39 EIMCOELECO 533104 Globus Spirits Ltd. 12 GLOBUSSPR
506597 Amal Ltd. 32 - 503722 Banswara Syntex 86 BANSWRAS 534758 Cigniti Technologies 24 CIGNITITEC 500123 Elantas Beck India L 20 - 542351 Gloster L 47 -
500008 Amara Raja Batt. 7 AMARAJABAT 500042 BASF India Lt 20 BASF 532807 Cineline India 40 CINELINE 523329 Eldeco Housing & 25 - 505255 GMM Pfaudler Ltd 39 GMMPFAUDLR
500009 Ambalal Sarabhai 72 - 500043 Bata India 56 BATAINDIA 500087 Cipla 72 CIPLA 505700 Elecon Engg. 39 ELECON 532754 GMR Infrastructure L 53 GMRINFRA
540902 Amber Enterprises 26 AMBER 506285 BayerCropscience 70 BAYERCROP 532210 City Union Bank 44 CUB 500128 Electrosteel Cas 16 ELECTCAST 540124 GNA Axles 7 GNA
531978 Ambika Cotton Mi 86 AMBIKCO 524332 BCL Industries 33 - 540403 CL Educate 81 CLEDUCATE 526608 Electrotherm (In 38 ELECTHERM 509567 Goa Carbons 71 GOACARBON
500425 Ambuja Cements Ltd. 17 AMBUJACEM 539018 Beekay Steel Indus 54 - 506390 Clariant Chemicals ( 32 CLNINDIA 522074 Elgi Equipments 22 ELGIEQUIP 542850 Goblin India 67 -
506248 Amines & Plast. 20 - 539399 Bella Casa Fashion & 86 - 500147 CMI FPE Ltd. 39 - -- Elgi Rubber Co. 80 ELGIRUBCO 506480 GOCL Corporation 59 GOCLCORP
507525 Amrit Corp. Ltd. 41 - 500048 BEML Ltd. 39 BEML 533278 Coal India 63 COALINDIA 504000 Elpro Internl. 34 - 532734 Godawari Power & Isp 54 GPIL
590006 Amrutanjan Health Ca 72 AMRUTANJAN 509438 Benares Hotels 52 - 501831 Coastal Corporation 5 - 531162 Emami Ltd. 41 EMAMILTD 500163 Godfrey Phillips Ind 41 GODFRYPHLP
515055 Anant Raj Ltd. 25 ANANTRAJ 533095 Bengal & Assam Compa 47 - 513353 Cochin Minerals 20 - 533208 Emami Paper Mill 69 EMAMIPAP 540743 Godrej Agrovet L 41 GODREJAGRO
532418 Andhra Bank 45 ANDHRABANK 509480 Berger Paints I 68 BERGEPAINT 540678 Cochin Shipyard 82 COCHINSHIP 533218 Emami Realty 25 EMAMIREAL 532424 Godrej Consumer Prod 41 GODREJCP
500012 Andhra Petro 20 - 539660 Best Agrolife 87 - 539436 Coffee Day Enterpris 52 COFFEEDAY 542602 Embassy Office Parks 47 EMBASSY 500164 Godrej Industries Lt 41 GODREJIND
526173 Andrew Yule & Co 73 - 533303 BF Investment Ltd. 47 BFINVEST 500830 Colgate Palm. 41 COLPAL 532737 Emkay Global Financi 47 EMKAY 533150 Godrej Properties Lt 25 GODREJPROP
518091 Anjani Portland 17 APCL 532430 BF Utilities Ltd. 75 BFUTILITIE 533272 Commercial Engineers 38 CEBBCO 533161 Emmbi Industries 67 EMMBI 532630 Gokaldas Exports 86 GOKEX
506260 Anuh Pharma Ltd 72 - 532930 BGR Energy Systems 38 BGRENERGY 531041 Competent Automo 87 - 509525 Empire Inds. 48 - 539725 Gokul Agro Resources 33 GOKULAGRO
532259 Apar Industries 36 APARINDS 530803 Bhageria Industries 32 BHAGERIA 532456 Compuage Infocom Ltd 23 COMPINFO 540153 Endurance Technologi 7 ENDURANCE 532980 Gokul Refoils & Solv 33 GOKUL
523694 Apcotex Industries L 80 APCOTEXIND 531719 Bhagiradha Chemi 70 - 526829 Confidence Petroleum 58 CONFIPET 532178 Engineers India 77 ENGINERSIN 526729 Goldiam Internat 30 GOLDIAM
540692 Apex Frozen Foods 41 APEX 500052 Bhansali Engg.Po 71 BEPL -- Consolidated Finvest 47 CONSOFINVT 533477 Enkei Wheels (India) 7 - 530655 Goodluck India 54 GOODLUCK
533758 APL Apollo Tubes 54 APLAPOLLO 531862 Bharat Agri Fert & R 43 - 531344 Container Corpor 88 CONCOR 532700 Entertainment Networ 40 ENIL 500166 Goodricke Group 73 -
508869 Apollo Hospitals 51 APOLLOHOSP 503960 Bharat Bijlee 36 BBL 522295 Control Print Ltd. 23 CONTROLPR 539844 Equitas Holdings Ltd 47 EQUITAS 500168 Goodyear India 89 -
540879 Apollo Micro Systems 34 APOLLO 541143 Bharat Dynamics 39 BDL 506395 Coromandel Internati 43 COROMANDEL 540596 Eris Lifesciences 72 ERIS 532543 GP Petroleums 66 GULFPETRO
531761 Apollo Pipes 74 APOLLOPIPE 500049 Bharat Electroni 34 BEL 532179 Corporation Bank 45 CORPBANK 533261 Eros International M 40 EROSMEDIA 533761 GPT Infraprojects 18 GPTINFRA
-- Apollo Sindoori Hote 52 APOLSINHOT 500493 Bharat Forge 16 BHARATFORG 508814 Cosmo Films 67 COSMOFILMS 500133 Esab India 38 ESABINDIA 539235 Grandeur Products 87 -
538566 Apollo TriCoat Tubes 57 - 500103 Bharat Heavy Ele 39 BHEL 509472 Cravatex 87 - 500495 Escorts Ltd. 10 ESCORTS 532482 Granules India L 72 GRANULES
500877 Apollo Tyres 89 APOLLOTYRE 541096 Bharat Parentera 72 - -- Creative Peripherals 23 CREATIVE 533704 Essar Shipping 83 ESSARSHPNG 509488 Graphite India Ltd. 37 GRAPHITE
532475 Aptech Ltd. 24 APTECHT 541096 Bharat Parentera 72 - 541770 CreditAccess Grameen 47 CREDITACC 500135 Essel Propack Ltd. 67 ESSELPACK 500300 Grasim Inds. 31 GRASIM
539151 Arfin India 4 - 500547 Bharat Petroleum 78 BPCL 511413 Crest Ventures 47 CREST 500136 Ester India 67 ESTER 505710 Grauer & Weil 20 -
532935 Aries Agro Ltd. 43 ARIES 590021 Bharat Rasayan 70 BHARATRAS 500092 Crisil 81 CRISIL EIFFLSM Euro India Fresh 41 EIFFL 533282 Gravita India Ltd. 62 GRAVITA
511605 Arihant Capital 47 - 540700 Bharat Road Network 25 BRNL 539876 Crompton Greaves Con 34 CROMPTON 531508 Eveready Industr 26 EVEREADY 500620 Great Eastern 83 GESHIP
506194 Arihant Superstructu 25 ARIHANTSUP 523229 Bharat Seats 7 - 542867 CSB Bank 44 CSBBANK 508906 Everest Industries L 18 EVERESTIND 501455 Greaves Cotton 38 GREAVESCOT
531179 Arman Financial Serv 47 ARMANFIN 539799 Bharat Wire Ropes Lt 54 BHARATWIRE 530067 CSL Finance 47 - 532684 Everest Kanto Cylind 67 EKC 538979 Greenlam Industries 55 GREENLAM
537069 Arnold Holdings 47 - 532454 Bharti Airtel 65 BHARTIARTL 500480 Cummins India Lt 38 CUMMINSIND 524790 Everest Organics 72 - 542857 Greenpanel Industrie 55 GREENPANEL
506074 Arshiya 57 ARSHIYA 534816 Bharti Infratel Ltd. 53 INFRATEL 530843 Cupid Ltd. 27 CUPID 500650 Excel Industries 70 EXCELINDUS 526797 Greenply Industr 55 GREENPLY
522134 Artson Engg. 38 - 526666 Bhartiya Interna 56 BIL 532173 Cybertech System 24 CYBERTECH 500086 Exide Inds. 7 EXIDEIND 506076 Grindwell Norton 38 GRINDWELL
542484 Arvind Fashions 86 ARVINDFASN 505681 Bimetal Bear. 11 - 532175 Cyient Ltd. 24 CYIENT 533121 Expleo Solutions 24 EXPLEOSOL 501314 Gromo Trade & Consul 47 -
500101 Arvind Ltd. 86 ARVIND 514215 Binny Ltd. 86 - 533160 D B Realty Ltd. 25 DBREALTY 530117 Fairchem Speciality 20 FAIRCHEM 500690 GSFC 43 GSFC JAN 20 - FEB 2, 2020 I DALAL STREET INVESTMENT JOURNAL 51

Databank Company Index
Ticker Company Ind. NSE Ticker Company Ind. NSE Ticker Company Ind. NSE Ticker Company Ind. NSE Ticker Company Ind. NSE
Code Code Code Code Code Code Code Code Code Code
532775 GTL Infrastructure 85 GTLINFRA 540565 India Grid Trust 47 INDIGRID -- Jocil Ltd. 20 JOCIL 539542 Lux Industries 86 LUXIND 516082 N R Agarwal Indu 69 NRAIL
540602 GTPL Hathway 40 GTPL 590065 India Motor Part 87 IMPAL 523398 Johnson Controls-Hit 26 JCHAC 522241 M M Forgings Ltd. 16 MMFL 524709 NACL Industries L 70 NACLIND
509079 Gufic BioSciences Lt 72 GUFICBIO 532240 India Nippon Ele 7 INDNIPPON 533148 JSW Energy Ltd. 75 JSWENERGY 532720 M&M Fin.Services 47 M&MFIN 539917 Nagarjuna Fertilizer 43 NAGAFERT
530001 Guj. Alkalie & C 21 GUJALKALI DPSCLTDE India Power Corp 75 DPSCLTD 532642 JSW Holdings 47 JSWHL 507836 Mac Charles 52 - 532952 Nahar Capital & Fina 47 NAHARCAP
524226 Guj. Amb.Exports 33 GAEL 532189 India Tourism De 52 ITDC 500228 JSW Steel 54 JSWSTEEL -- Madhav Copper 62 MCL 519136 Nahar Indust.Ent 86 NAHARINDUS
523768 Guj. Borosil Ltd 48 - 535789 Indiabulls Housing F 46 IBULHSGFIN 520057 JTEKT India 7 JTEKTINDIA 590134 Madras Fertilize 43 MADRASFERT 500296 Nahar Spg Mills 86 NAHARSPING
517300 Guj. Industries 75 GIPCL 533520 Indiabulls Integrate 25 IBULISL 534600 JTL Infra L 54 - 500264 Mafatlal Ind 86 - 532256 Nalwa Sons Investmen 47 NSIL
532181 Guj. Mineral Dev 63 GMDCLTD 532832 Indiabulls Real Esta 25 IBREALEST 533155 Jubilant Foodworks L 41 JUBLFOOD 540650 Magadh Sugar & Energ 84 MAGADSUGAR 532641 Nandan Denim 86 NDL
518029 Guj. Sidhee Ceme 17 GSCLCEMENT 532960 Indiabulls Ventures 47 IBVENTURES 533320 Jubilant Industries 12 JUBLINDS 524000 Magma Fincorp Ltd. 47 MAGMA 539551 Narayana Hrudayalaya 51 NH
522217 Gujarat Apollo Indus 39 GUJAPOLLO 542726 IndiaMART InterMESH 81 INDIAMART 530019 Jubilant Life Scienc 72 JUBILANT 523384 Maha Rashtra Ape 47 MAHAPEXLTD 526739 Narmada Gelatines Lt 20 -
542812 Gujarat Fluorochem 20 FLUOROCHEM 514165 Indian Acrylics 86 - 531337 Jump Networks 24 JUMPNET 500266 Maha. Scooters 6 MAHSCOOTER 524816 Natco Pharma 72 NATCOPHARM
539336 Gujarat Gas 58 GUJGASLTD 532814 Indian Bank 45 INDIANB 535648 Just Dial 81 JUSTDIAL 500265 Maha. Seamless 54 MAHSEAMLES 537291 Nath Bio-Genes 50 NATHBIOGEN
500670 Gujarat Narmada Vall 43 GNFC 540750 Indian Energy Exchan 47 IEX 532926 Jyothy Labs 41 JYOTHYLAB 513554 Mahamaya Steel Indus 54 MAHASTEEL 532234 National Alumini 3 NATIONALUM
533248 Gujarat Pipavav Port 82 GPPL 500850 Indian Hotels Co 52 INDHOTEL 539686 K P Energy Ltd. 77 - 539957 Mahanagar Gas 58 MGL 523630 National Fertilizers 43 NFL
532702 GujaratStatePetronet 71 GSPL 504741 Indian Hume Pipe 18 INDIANHUME 524109 Kabra Extrusion 39 KABRAEXTRU -- Maheshwari Logist 88 MAHESHWARI 500298 National Peroxid 20 -
538567 Gulf Oil Lubricants 59 GULFOILLUB 533047 Indian Metal & F 54 IMFA 500233 Kajaria Ceramics 19 KAJARIACER 500520 Mahi. & Mahi 8 M&M 513023 Nava Bharat Ventures 75 NBVENTURES
532457 Gulshan Polyols Ltd. 20 GULPOLY 530965 Indian Oil Corp 78 IOC 500234 Kakatiya Cement Suga 17 KAKATCEM 532756 Mahindra CIE Auto 16 MAHINDCIE 532504 Navin Fluorine Inter 20 NAVINFLUOR
532708 GVK Power & Infrastr 75 GVKPIL 532388 Indian Overseas 45 IOB 522287 Kalpataru Power 76 KALPATPOWR 523754 Mahindra EPC Irrigat 64 - 539332 Navkar Corporation L 57 NAVKARCORP
515147 Haldyn Glass 48 - 533329 Indian Terrain Fashi 86 INDTERRAIN 533302 Kalyani Investment 47 KICL 533088 Mahindra Holidays 52 MHRIL 508989 Navneet Education 60 NAVNETEDUL
590043 Harita Seating Syst. 7 HARITASEAT 523586 Indian Toners 32 - 500235 Kalyani Steel 54 KSL 532313 Mahindra Lifespace D 25 MAHLIFE 534309 NBCC (India) 25 NBCC
500467 Harrisons Malaya 80 HARRMALAYA 501700 IndiaNivesh 47 - 532468 Kama Holdings Ltd. 47 - 540768 Mahindra Logistics L 57 MAHLOG -- NBI Industrial Fin 47 NBIFIN
533162 Hathway Cable & Data 40 HATHWAY 532745 Inditrade Capital 47 - 526668 Kamat Hotels (In 52 KAMATHOTEL 590078 Maithan Alloys Ltd. 42 MAITHANALL 500294 NCC 25 NCC
531531 Hatsun Agro Prod 41 HATSUN 501298 Indl.&Prud.Invst 47 - 532741 Kamdhenu L 54 KAMDHENU 539289 Majesco L 24 MAJESCO 502168 NCL Industries 17 NCLIND
517354 Havells India 34 HAVELLS 524648 Indo Amines Limi 20 - 538896 Kanchi Karpooram 20 - 500267 Majestic Auto 6 - 532529 NDTV 40 NDTV
508486 Hawkins Cookers 26 - 524342 Indo Borax 20 - 506525 Kanoria Chemical 20 KANORICHEM 539400 Mallcom (India) L 56 - 532649 Nectar Lifesciences 72 NECLIFE
517271 HBL Power Systems Lt 7 HBLPOWER 521016 Indo Count Inds. 86 ICIL 507779 Kanpur Plasti. 67 - 513269 Man Industries I 54 MANINDS 532864 Nelcast Ltd. 16 NELCAST
500179 HCL Infosystem 23 HCL-INSYS 504058 Indo National 26 NIPPOBATRY 500165 Kansai Nerolac Paint 68 KANSAINER 533169 Man Infraconstructio 25 MANINFRA 504112 Nelco Ltd 85 NELCO
532281 HCL Technologies 24 HCLTECH 500207 Indo Rama Synth. 86 INDORAMA 541161 Karda Constructions 25 KARDA 532932 Manaksia Ltd. 67 MANAKSIA 542665 Neogen Chemicals 20 NEOGEN
500010 HDFC 46 HDFC 532717 Indo Tech Transforme 76 INDOTECH 532652 Karnataka Bank 44 KTKBANK 539044 Manaksia Steels 54 MANAKSTEEL 505355 Nesco Ltd. 81 NESCO
541729 HDFC AMC 47 HDFCAMC 532612 Indoco Remedies 72 INDOCO 590003 Karur Vysya Bank 44 KARURVYSYA 500268 Manali Petrochem 71 MANALIPETC 500790 Nestle India 41 NESTLEIND
500180 HDFC Bank 44 HDFCBANK 541336 Indostar Capital Fin 47 INDOSTAR 532899 Kaveri Seed Company 50 KSCL 531213 Manappuram Finance 47 MANAPPURAM 532798 Network 18 Media & I 47 NETWORK18
540777 HDFC Life Insurance 47 HDFCLIFE 532514 Indraprastha Gas Ltd 64 IGL 524444 Kavit Industries 33 - 502157 Mangalam Cement 17 MANGLMCEM 524558 Neuland Laborat 72 NEULANDLAB
532873 HDIL 25 HDIL 532150 Indraprastha Med 51 INDRAMEDCO 539276 Kaya L 41 KAYA 514418 Mangalam Organics 20 - 540900 Newgen Software Tech 24 NEWGEN
539787 Healthcare Global En 51 HCG 532187 IndusInd Bank 44 INDUSINDBK 590066 KCP Ltd. 17 KCP 530011 Mangalore Chem. 43 MANGCHEFER 524774 NGL Fine-Chem Li 72 -
509631 HEG Ltd. 37 HEG 506222 INEOS Styrolution 71 INEOSSTYRO 533192 KCP Sugar & In 84 KCPSUGIND 500109 Mangalore Refine 78 MRPL 533098 NHPC 75 NHPC
500292 Heidelberg Cement In 17 HEIDELBERG 539807 Infibeam Avenues 24 INFIBEAM 532714 KEC International Lt 76 KEC 541974 Manorama Industries 33 - 526721 Nicco Parks & Re 64 -
505720 Hercules Hoists 38 HERCULES 532777 Info Edge (India) 64 NAUKRI 517569 KEI Industries 13 KEI 503101 MarathonNextgenRea 25 MARATHON 500304 NIIT Ltd. 24 NIITLTD
519552 Heritage Foods 41 HERITGFOOD -- InfoBeans Tech 24 INFOBEAN 519602 Kellton Tech Solutio 24 KELLTONTEC 531642 Marico Ltd. 41 MARICO 532541 NIIT Technologies 24 NIITTECH
500182 Hero MotoCorp 6 HEROMOTOCO 500209 Infosys 24 INFY 505890 Kennametal India 38 KENNAMET -- Marine Electricals 34 MARINE 530377 Nila Infrastructures 25 NILAINFRA
524669 Hester Biosciences L 72 HESTERBIO 500210 Ingersoll Rand 22 INGERRAND 502937 Kesoram Industri 31 KESORAMIND 524404 Marksans Pharma 72 MARKSANS 523385 Nilkamal Ltd. 74 NILKAMAL
532129 Hexaware Technologie 24 HEXAWARE -- Innovana Thinklabs 24 INNOVANA 532732 Kewal Kiran Clothing 79 KKCL 532500 Maruti Suzuki India 8 MARUTI 540767 Nippon LifeAM Ltd. 47 RNAM
500183 HFCL 85 HFCL 532706 Inox Leisure 40 INOXLEISUR 540775 Khadim India 56 KHADIM 540749 Mas Financial Servic 47 MASFIN 500307 Nirlon 64 -
541019 HG Infra Engineering 25 HGINFRA 539083 Inox Wind Ltd. 39 INOXWIND 507435 Khoday India 12 - 523704 Mastek Li 24 MASTEK 532722 Nitco Ltd. 19 NITCO
-- Hi-Tech Pipes Ltd. 54 HITECH 532851 Insecticides (India) 70 INSECTICID 513693 KIC Metaliks 16 - 540704 81 MATRIMONY 532698 Nitin Spinners 86 NITINSPIN
524735 Hikal Ltd. 72 HIKAL 532774 Inspirisys Solutions 24 INSPIRISYS 524500 Kilitch Drugs(I) 72 KILITCH 539219 Mauria Udyog 58 - 506532 Nitta Gelatin India 20 -
509675 HIL 18 HIL 505358 Integra Engineering 39 - 530313 Kimia Biosciences 72 - 523371 Mawana Sugars Ltd. 84 MAWANASUG 538772 Niyogin Fintech 47 -
500184 Himadri Speciality 20 HSCL 538835 Intellect Design 24 INTELLECT 540680 KIOCL 63 KIOCL 500271 Max Financial Servic 47 MFSL 513683 NLC India L 75 NLCINDIA
514043 Himatsingka Seid 86 HIMATSEIDE 539448 InterGlobe Aviation 2 INDIGO 537750 Kiran Vyapar 47 - 539981 Max India 47 MAXINDIA 526371 NMDC Ltd. 63 NMDC
504036 Hind Rectifiers 34 HIRECT 502330 International Paper 69 IPAPPM 532967 Kiri Industries 32 KIRIINDUS 539940 Max Ventures and Ind 47 MAXVIL 500730 NOCIL Ltd. 71 NOCIL
509635 Hind. Composites 7 HINDCOMPOS 509709 Intl. Coveyors 64 - 500241 Kirloskar Bros. 38 KIRLOSBROS 522249 Mayur Uniquoters 74 MAYURUNIQ 500672 Novartis 72 -
513599 Hind. Copper 62 HINDCOPPER 533181 Intrasoft Technologi 24 ISFT 500245 Kirloskar Ferrou 54 KIRLFER 523792 Mazda Ltd. 38 MAZDA 530367 NRB Bearings Lim 11 NRBBEARING
519126 Hind. Food 41 HNDFDS 533506 Inventure Growth & S 47 INVENTURE 500243 Kirloskar Industries 38 KIRLOSIND 532629 McNally Bharat E 38 MBECL 532555 NTPC 75 NTPC
500500 Hind. Motor 8 HINDMOTORS 504786 Investment & Pre 16 - 533293 Kirloskar Oil Engine 38 KIRLOSENG 534091 MCX 47 MCX 531209 Nucleus Software 24 NUCLEUS
515145 Hind. NationalGl 48 HINDNATGLS 524164 IOL Chemicals and Ph 72 IOLCP 505283 Kirloskar Pneumatic 22 - 512267 Media Matrix Worldwi 40 - 500189 Nxtdigital L 81 NXTDIGITAL
500186 Hind. Oil Explor 66 HINDOILEXP 500214 Ion Exchange (India) 38 - 521248 Kitex Garments 86 KITEX 531146 Medicamen Biotec 72 - 533273 Oberoi Realty 25 OBEROIRLTY
500449 Hind. Organi 20 - 524494 Ipca Laboratorie 72 IPCALAB 526409 Kkalpana lndustries 74 - 532865 Meghmani Organics 70 MEGH 533106 Oil India Ltd. 66 OIL
500104 Hind. Petrol 78 HINDPETRO 532947 IRB Infrastructure 25 IRB 524520 KMC Speciality Hospi 51 - 540730 Mehai Technololgy 34 - 532439 Olectra Greentech 34 OLECTRA
500188 Hind. Zinc 62 HINDZINC 541956 Ircon Internatio 38 IRCON 532942 KNR Constructions 25 KNRCON 523828 Menon Bearings L 11 MENONBE 531092 OM Metals Infraproje 77 OMMETALS
500185 Hind.ConstructionCo. 25 HCC 541956 Ircon Internatio 38 - 523207 Kokuyo Camlin 60 KOKUYOCMLN 539126 MEP Infrastructure 53 MEP 520021 Omax Auto 7 OMAXAUTO
500440 Hindalco Indus. 3 HINDALCO 542830 IRCTC 64 IRCTC 532924 Kolte-Patil Develope 25 KOLTEPATIL 542650 Metropolis Healthcar 51 METROPOLIS 532880 Omaxe Ltd. 25 OMAXE
532859 Hinduja Global Solut 24 HGS 533033 ISGEC Heavy Eng 39 - 524280 Kopran Ltd 72 KOPRAN 540744 Mideast Integrated 54 - 500312 ONGC 66 ONGC
541154 Hindustan Aeronautic 39 HAL 508807 IST Ltd. 7 - 500247 Kotak Mahindra Bank 44 KOTAKBANK 540744 Mideast Integrated 54 - 532944 OnMobile Global Ltd. 65 ONMOBILE
533217 Hindustan Media Vent 60 HMVL 500875 ITC Ltd. 41 ITC -- Kothari Petroche 71 KOTHARIPET 507621 Milk Food 41 - 517536 Onward Technolog 24 ONWARDTEC
500696 Hindustan Unilever L 41 HINDUNILVR 509496 ITD Cementation Indi 25 ITDCEM 530299 Kothari Products 41 KOTHARIPRO 538962 Minda Corporation 7 MINDACORP 530135 Optiemus Infracom 85 OPTIEMUS
539984 Hindusthan Urban Inf 13 - 523610 ITI 85 ITI 523323 Kovai Medical 51 - 532539 Minda Industries 7 MINDAIND 532466 Oracle Financial Ser 24 OFSS
526217 Hitech Corporation 67 HITECHCORP 506943 J B Chemicals & Phar 72 JBCHEPHARM 542651 KPIT Technologies 24 KPITTECH 532819 MindTree Ltd. 24 MINDTREE 512626 Orbit Exports Li 86 ORBTEXP
522215 HLE Glasscoat 48 - 532940 J Kumar Infraproject 25 JKIL 532889 KPR Mill Ltd. 86 KPRMILL 500279 Mirc Electronics 26 MIRCELECTR 513121 Oricon Enterprises L 67 ORICONENT
500193 HLV L 52 HLVLTD 507155 Jagatjit Ind. 12 - 530813 KRBL Ltd. 87 KRBL 526642 Mirza International 56 MIRZAINT 504879 Orient Abrasives 38 ORIENTABRA
500191 HMT Ltd. 10 HMT 532705 Jagran Prakashan 60 JAGRAN 524518 Krebs Biochemicals & 72 KREBSBIO 541195 Mishra Dhatu Nig 54 MIDHANI 530365 Orient Bell 19 ORIENTBELL
522064 Honda Siel Power 35 HONDAPOWER 532976 Jai Balaji Industrie 54 JAIBALAJI 526423 Kriti Industries 74 - 539594 Mishtann Foods L 1 - 535754 Orient Cement Ltd. 17 ORIENTCEM
517174 Honeywell Automation 38 HONAUT 512237 Jai Corp Ltd. 54 JAICORPLTD 533210 Kriti Nutrients 33 - -- MMP Industries Ltd. 3 MMP 541301 Orient Electric 34 ORIENTELEC
540136 HPL Electric & Power 34 HPL 500219 Jain Irrigation 64 JISLJALEQS 500249 KSB Ltd 38 KSB 513377 MMTC Ltd. 87 MMTC 533263 Orient Green Power C 75 GREENPOWER
500187 HSIL Ltd. 19 HSIL 532627 Jaiprakash Power Ven 75 JPPOWER 519421 KSE 5 - 506261 Modison Metals L 34 - 502420 Orient Paper 69 ORIENTPPR
532662 HT Media 60 HTMEDIA 532532 JaiprakashAssociates 25 JPASSOCIAT 532937 Kuantum Papers 69 KUANTUM 533286 MOIL Ltd. 63 MOIL 526325 Orient Press Ltd 60 ORIENTLTD
532799 Hubtown 25 HUBTOWN 532209 Jammu & Kashmir Bank 44 J&KBANK 536170 Kushal L 69 - 533080 Mold-Tek Packaging 74 MOLDTKPAC 534076 Orient Refractories 64 ORIENTREF
540530 HUDCO 46 HUDCO 520051 Jamna Auto Inds. 7 JAMNAAUTO 500510 L&T 25 LT 526263 Mold-Tek Technologi. 38 MOLDTECH 500078 Oriental Aromatics 20 OAL
509820 Huhtamaki PPL 67 PAPERPROD JASHEQ Jash Engineering 38 JASH 533519 L&T Finance Holdings 47 L&TFH 538446 Moneyboxx Finance 47 - 500315 Oriental Bank of 45 ORIENTBANK
500199 I G Petrochemicals 20 IGPL 520066 Jay Bharat Marut 7 JAYBARMARU 540005 L&T Infotech 24 LTI 513446 Monnet Ispat & Energ 54 AIONJSW 506579 Oriental Carbon 15 OCCL
532174 ICICI Bank 44 ICICIBANK 513252 Jay Ushin Ltd. 7 - 540115 L&T Technology Serv 38 LTTS 538836 Monte Carlo Fashions 86 MONTECARLO 500314 Oriental Hotels 52 ORIENTHOT
540716 ICICI Lombard Gen. 47 ICICIGI 524330 Jayant Agro Org 20 JAYAGROGN 526947 La Opala RG Ltd. 48 LAOPALA 500288 Morepen Labs.Lt 72 MOREPENLAB 531859 Oriental Veneer 55 -
540133 ICICI Pru Life 47 ICICIPRULI 522285 Jayaswal Neco Indust 16 JAYNECOIND 500252 Lakshmi Machines 39 LAXMIMACH 523160 Morganite Crucible ( 64 - 541206 Orissa Bengal Carrie 57 -
541179 ICICI Securities 47 ISEC 533207 Jaypee Infratech Ltd 25 JPINFRATEC 502958 Lakshmi Mill Co. 86 - 532407 MosChip Technologies 24 - 590086 Orissa Minerals Deve 63 ORISSAMINE
532835 ICRA Ltd. 81 ICRA 509715 Jayshree Tea 73 JAYSREETEA 534690 Lakshmi Vilas Ba 44 LAKSHVILAS 517334 MothersonSumiSystems 7 MOTHERSUMI 539290 Oswal Green Tech 47 BINDALAGRO
500116 IDBI Bank Ltd. 45 IDBI 532605 JBM Auto 7 JBMA 540702 Lasa Supergenerics 20 LASA 532892 Motilal Oswal Financ 47 MOTILALOFS 500126 P&G Health 72 PGHL
539437 IDFC First Bank 44 IDFCFIRSTB 524731 Jenburkt Pharmac 72 - 540222 Laurus Labs 72 LAURUSLABS 526299 MphasiS Ltd. 24 MPHASIS 500459 P&G Hygiene&Health 41 PGHH
532659 IDFC L 47 IDFC 532617 Jet Airways 2 JETAIRWAYS 541233 Lemon Tree Hotels 52 LEMONTREE 532440 MPS Ltd. 60 MPSLTD 532827 Page Industries Ltd. 86 PAGEIND
507438 IFB Agro Indus 12 IFBAGRO 511034 Jindal Drilling 66 JINDRILL 500250 LG Balakrishnan&Bros 7 LGBBROSLTD 500290 MRF Ltd 89 MRF 532900 Paisalo Digital L 47 PAISALO
505726 IFB Industries 26 IFBIND 500227 Jindal Poly Films 67 JINDALPOLY 526596 Liberty Shoes Li 56 LIBERTSHOE 532650 MSP Steel & Power Lt 54 MSPL 531349 Panacea Biotec L 72 PANACEABIO
500106 IFCI Ltd. 47 IFCI 500378 Jindal Saw 54 JINDALSAW 500253 LIC Housing Fi 46 LICHSGFIN 542597 MSTC Ltd. 87 MSTCLTD 508941 Panasonic Carbon Ind 37 -
540774 IFGL Refractories 64 IFGLEXPOR 532286 Jindal St & Pwr 54 JINDALSTEL 531241 Linc Pen & Plast 60 LINCPEN 534312 MT Educare Ltd. 81 MTEDUCARE 504093 Panasonic Energy Ind 26 -
517380 Igarashi Motors Indi 34 IGARASHI 532508 Jindal Stainless 54 JSL 531633 Lincoln Pharmace 72 LINCOLN 500108 MTNL 65 MTNL 539143 Panth Infinity 87 -
532636 IIFL Finance 47 IIFL 539597 Jindal Stainless (Hi 54 JSLHISAR 523457 Linde India 64 LINDEINDIA 500460 Mukand Ltd. 54 MUKANDLTD 539889 Parag Milk Foods 41 PARAGMILK
542773 IIFL Securities 47 IIFLSEC 531543 Jindal Worldwide 86 JINDWORLD 507912 LKP Finance Ltd. 47 - 532357 Mukta Arts Ltd. 40 MUKTAARTS 530555 Paramount Commun 14 PARACABLES
542772 IIFL Wealth Manage 47 IIFLWAM 536493 JK Agri Genetics Ltd 50 - 512455 Lloyds Metals & Ener 54 - 526169 Multibase India Ltd. 74 - 500456 Pasupati Acrylon 86 -
511208 IL&FS Investment Man 47 IVC 532644 JK Cement 17 JKCEMENT 533343 Lovable Lingerie Ltd 86 LOVABLE 520059 Munjal Auto Industr. 7 MUNJALAU 531120 Patel Engg. Ltd. 25 PATELENG
532305 Ind-Swift Laboratori 72 INDSWFTLAB 500380 JK Lakshmi Cement L 17 JKLAKSHMI 514036 Loyal Textiles M 86 - 520043 Munjal Showa Ltd 7 MUNJALSHOW 539113 Paul Merchants 47 -
501295 Ind. Inv Trust 47 IITL 532162 JK Paper Ltd. 69 JKPAPER 532783 LT Foods Ltd. 87 DAAWAT 515037 Murudeshwar Cer. 19 MURUDCERA 532742 Paushak Ltd. 20 -
509162 Indag Rubber 80 - 530007 JK Tyre & Industries 89 JKTYRE 532796 Lumax Auto Technolog 7 LUMAXTECH 540366 Music Broadcast 40 RADIOCITY 534809 PC Jeweller L 30 PCJEWELLER
530005 India Cements Lt 17 INDIACEM 523405 JM Financial Ltd. 47 JMFINANCIL 517206 Lumax Inds. 7 LUMAXIND 511766 Muthoot Capital 47 MUTHOOTCAP 538730 PDS Multi. Fashions 86 PDSMFL
500201 India Glycols 20 INDIAGLYCO 522263 JMC Projects 25 JMCPROJECT 500257 Lupin Ltd. 72 LUPIN 533398 Muthoot Finance 47 MUTHOOTFIN 532808 Pearl Global Industr 86 PGIL


Ticker Company Ind. NSE Ticker Company Ind. NSE Ticker Company Ind. NSE Ticker Company Ind. NSE Ticker Company Ind. NSE
Code Code Code Code Code Code Code Code Code Code
503031 Peninsula Land L 25 PENINLAND 540709 Reliance Home Fin 46 RHFL 500387 Shree Cement 17 SHREECEM 532390 Taj GVK Hotels & Res 52 TAJGVK 532478 United Breweries Ltd 12 UBL
513228 Pennar Industrie 54 PENIND 523445 Reliance Ind.Inf 77 RIIL 502180 Shree Digvijay 17 SHREDIGCEM 532890 Take Solutions Ltd. 24 TAKE 522014 United Drilling Tool 38 -
504132 Permanent Mag. 38 - 500325 Reliance Inds. 78 RELIANCE 539334 Shree Pushkar Chemic 20 SHREEPUSHK 505160 Talbros Auto. 7 TALBROAUTO 532432 United Spirits 12 MCDOWELL-N
533179 Persistent Systems 24 PERSISTENT 500390 Reliance Infrastruct 75 RELINFRA 500356 Shree Rama Newsprint 69 RAMANEWS 500777 Tamilnadu Petroprod 41 TNPETRO 504212 Universal Cables 13 UNIVCABLES
532522 PetronetLNG 78 PETRONET 533107 Reliance Naval 82 RNAVAL 532670 Shree Renuka Sugars 84 RENUKA 506854 Tanfac Inds. 20 - 512070 UPL 70 UPL
500680 Pfizer Ltd. 72 PFIZER 532939 Reliance Power L 75 RPOWER -- Shrenik L 69 SHRENIK 532790 Tanla Solutions 24 TANLA 526987 Urja Global 77 URJA
533581 PG Electroplast Ltd. 34 PGEL 532915 Religare Enterprises 47 RELIGARE 516016 Shreyans Inds. 69 SHREYANIND 519091 Tasty Bite 41 TASTYBITE 517146 Usha Martin Ltd. 54 USHAMART
506590 Phillips Carbon 15 PHILIPCARB 532923 Renaissance Global 30 RGL 512453 Shri Jagdamba Poly 71 - 500770 Tata Chemicals 21 TATACHEM 513216 Uttam Galva Steels 54 UTTAMSTL
503100 Phoenix Mills 25 PHOENIXLTD 535322 Repco Home Finance L 46 REPCOHOME 532498 Shriram City Uni 47 SHRIRAMCIT 532301 Tata Coffee Ltd. 73 TATACOFFEE 532729 Uttam Sugar Mills 84 UTTAMSUGAR
523642 PI Industries 70 PIIND 532687 Repro India Ltd. 60 REPRO 532945 Shriram EPC Ltd. 77 SHRIRAMEPC 500483 Tata Communications 65 TATACOMM 500254 Uttam Value Steels 54 UVSL
500331 Pidilite Inds. 20 PIDILITIND 505509 Responsive Industrie 74 RESPONIND -- Shriram Pistons 7 SHRIPISTON 532540 Tata Consultancy 24 TCS 534976 V Mart Retail 79 VMART
500327 Pil Italica Lifestyl 74 PILITA 505368 Revathi Equipment Lt 22 REVATHI 511218 Shriram Trans.Fi 47 SRTRANSFIN 500408 Tata Elxsi Ltd. 24 TATAELXSI 532953 V-Guard Ind.Ltd. 34 VGUARD
539883 Pilani Investmen 47 PILANIINVS 520008 Rico Auto Inds. 7 RICOAUTO 511411 Shristi Infrastructu 25 - 500800 Tata Global Beverage 73 TATAGLOBAL 532867 V2 Retail 79 V2RETAIL
531879 Pioneer Distille 12 PIONDIST 524480 Riddhi Siddhi Gluco 64 - 520086 Sical Logistics 57 SICAL 501301 Tata Investment 47 TATAINVEST 533269 Va Tech Wabag Ltd. 38 WABAG
500302 Piramal Enterprises 72 PEL 542383 Ritco Logistics 57 - 500550 Siemens Ltd. 38 SIEMENS 513434 Tata Metaliks 54 TATAMETALI 519152 Vadilal Enterprises 41 -
513519 Pitti Engineering 38 PITTIENG 541556 Rites Ltd. 77 RITES 521194 SIL Investments Ltd. 47 SILINV 500570 Tata Motors Ltd. 9 TATAMOTORS 519156 Vadilal Indus. 41 VADILALIND
500333 Pix Transmission 80 - 533168 Rossell India 73 ROSSELLIND 523838 Simplex Infrastructu 25 SIMPLEXINF 500400 Tata Power Co. 75 TATAPOWER 532156 Vaibhav Global 79 VAIBHAVGBL
523648 Plastiblends Ind 74 PLASTIBLEN 517500 Roto Pumps Ltd 38 - 523023 SinclairsHotels 52 - 500470 Tata Steel 54 TATASTEEL 511431 Vakrangee 24 VAKRANGEE
532366 PNB Gilts Ltd. 47 PNBGILTS 532699 Royal Orchid Hotels 52 ROHLTD 532029 Sindhu Trade Links 47 - 500055 Tata Steel BSL 54 TATASTLBSL 540145 Valiant Organics 20 -
540173 PNB Housing Finance 46 PNBHOUSING 532983 RPG Life Sciences 72 RPGLIFE 505729 Singer India 38 - 513010 Tata Steel Long Prod 54 TATASTLLP -- Vardhman Acrylics Lt 86 VARDHACRLC
539150 PNC Infratech 25 PNCINFRA 533284 RPP Infra Projects L 25 RPPINFRA -- Sintercom India 7 SINTERCOM 532371 Tata Teleservices (M 65 TTML 500439 Vardhman Holdings 47 VHL
524570 Poddar Pigments 32 PODDARMENT 500350 RSWM Ltd. 86 RSWM -- Sirca Paints India 68 SIRCA 533393 TCI Developers Ltd. 25 TCIDEVELOP 534392 Vardhman Special St 54 VSSL
532486 Pokarna Ltd. 49 POKARNA 500367 Rubfila Internationa 80 - 532795 SITI Networks 40 SITINET 540212 TCI Express 57 TCIEXP 502986 Vardhman Textiles Lt 86 VTL
507645 Polson Ltd. 32 - 503169 Ruby Mills 86 RUBYMILLS 503811 Siyaram Silk 86 SIYSIL 532349 TCI Ltd. 88 TCI 541578 Varroc Engineering 7 VARROC
531768 Poly Medicure Lt 61 POLYMED 532785 Ruchira Papers Ltd. 69 RUCHIRA 533206 SJVN Ltd. 75 SJVN 541700 TCNS Clothing 86 TCNSBRANDS 540180 Varun Beverages Ltd. 12 VBL
542652 Polycab India 13 POLYCAB 539226 Rudra Global Infra P 54 - 500472 SKF India 11 SKFINDIA 523301 TCPL Packaging 60 TCPLPACK 533156 Vascon Engineers Ltd 25 VASCONEQ
524051 Polyplex Corpn. 67 POLYPLEX 533552 Rupa & Company L 86 RUPA 539861 SKIL Infrastructure 25 SKIL 533553 TD Power Systems Ltd 35 TDPOWERSYS 500295 Vedanta 63 VEDL
532626 Pondy Oxides & C 20 - 533470 Rushil Decor Ltd. 55 RUSHIL 538562 Skipper Ltd. 38 SKIPPER 539658 TeamLease Service 81 TEAMLEASE 505232 Veljan Denison 22 -
532460 Ponni Sugars (Erode) 84 PONNIERODE 540497 S Chand & Company 81 SCHAND 532143 SKM Egg Produc 41 SKMEGGPROD 532755 Tech Mahindra Ltd. 24 TECHM 523261 Venky’s (India) Ltd. 50 VENKEYS
532810 Power Finance Co 47 PFC 539450 S H Kelkar & Company 20 SHK 532419 Smartlink Holdings 47 SMARTLINK 542141 Techno Electric&Eng 39 TECHNOE -- Vertoz Advertising 40 VERTOZ
532898 Power Grid Corpo 76 POWERGRID 540048 S P Apparels Ltd. 86 SPAL 505192 SML Isuzu Ltd. 9 SMLISUZU 532804 Technocraft Industri 54 TIIL 520113 Vesuvius India 64 VESUVIUS
539302 Power Mech Projects 77 POWERMECH 532710 Sadbhav Engineering 25 SADBHAV 532815 SMS Pharmaceuticals 72 SMSPHARMA 540595 Tejas Networks 65 TEJASNET 538732 Vibrant Global Capit 47 -
532934 PPAP Automotive 7 PPAP 539346 Sadbhav Infrastructu 53 SADBHIN 538635 Snowman Logistics Lt 57 SNOWMAN 505400 Texmaco Infrastructu 25 TEXINFRA 531234 Victory Paper & 69 -
539351 Prabhat Dairy 41 PRABHAT 506642 Sadhana Nitro 32 - 532784 Sobha 25 SOBHA 533326 Texmaco Rail & Engin 39 TEXRAIL 511389 Videocon Industries 26 VIDEOIND
540027 Prabhat Technologies 85 - 523025 Safari Indus. 67 SAFARI 532725 Solar Industries Ind 64 SOLARINDS 507753 TGV SRAAC 21 - 531717 Vidhi Specialty Food 32 VIDHIING
513532 Pradeep Metals 16 - 502090 Sagar Cements 17 SAGCEM 541540 Solara Active Pharma 72 SOLARA 590062 The Andhra Sugars 21 ANDHRSUGAR 542655 Vikas Multicorp 20 VIKASMCORP
522205 Praj Industries 39 PRAJIND 532841 Sahyadri Industries 18 - 507514 Som Distilleries 12 SDBL 542460 The Anup Engineering 39 ANUP 531518 Vikas Proppant & Gra 41 VIKASPROP
506022 Prakash Indus. 54 PRAKASH 515043 Saint-Gobain Sekurit 48 - 531548 Somany Ceramics Ltd. 19 SOMANYCERA 522073 The Hi-Tech Gears 7 HITECHGEAR 519307 Vikas WSP 20 VIKASWSP
542684 Prakash Pipes 74 PPL -- Sakar Healthcare 51 SAKAR 532221 Sonata Software 24 SONATSOFTW 540954 The Indian Wood Prod 55 - 524394 Vimta Labs Ltd. 51 VIMTALABS
540724 Prataap Snacks 41 DIAMONDYD 590051 Saksoft Ltd. 24 SAKSOFT 532679 SORIL Infra Resource 79 SORILINFRA 540769 The New India Assur 47 NIACL 524200 Vinati Organics 20 VINATIORGA
540901 Praxis Home Retail L 79 PRAXIS 507315 Sakthi Sugars 84 SAKHTISUG 516108 South India Pape 69 - 500260 The Ramco Cements 17 RAMCOCEM 517015 Vindhya Telelink 14 VINDHYATEL
539636 Precision Camshafts 7 PRECAM 532713 Sakuma Exports 87 SAKUMA 532218 South Indian Ban 44 SOUTHBANK -- The United Nilgiri 73 UNITEDTEA 524129 Vinyl Chemicals 20 VINYLINDIA
523539 Precision Wires 62 PRECWIRE 540642 Salasar Techno Engin 38 SALASAR 542759 Spandana Sphoorty Fi 47 SPANDANA 540980 The Yamuna Syndicate 87 - 507880 VIP Indus. 74 VIPIND
526247 Premier Explos. 64 PREMEXPLN 517059 Salzer Electr. 34 SALZERELEC 534425 Speciality Restauran 52 SPECIALITY 530199 Themis Medicare Ltd. 72 THEMISMED 511726 Vipul Ltd. 25 VIPULLTD
533274 Prestige Estates Pro 25 PRESTIGE 520075 Samkrg Pistons & Rin 7 - 542337 Spencer’s Retail 79 SPENCERS 500411 Thermax 38 THERMAX 530627 Vipul Organics 32 -
540293 Pricol L 7 PRICOLLTD 526725 Sandesh 60 SANDESH 590030 SPIC 43 SPIC 500412 Thirumalai Chem. 20 TIRUMALCHM 532372 Virinchi L 24 -
532748 Prime Focus 40 PFOCUS 541163 Sandhar Technologies 7 SANDHAR 500285 Spicejet Ltd. 2 SPICEJET 500413 Thomas Cook (I) 64 THOMASCOOK 509055 Visaka Indus. 18 VISAKAIND
500337 Prime Securities 47 PRIMESECU 504918 Sandur M & I Ore 63 - 532651 SPL Industries L 86 SPLIL 539871 Thyrocare Tech. 51 THYROCARE 538598 Vishal Fabrics Ltd. 86 VISHAL
542907 Prince Pipes & Fitti 74 PRINCEPIPE 526521 Sanghi Industrie 18 SANGHIIND 532842 Sree Rayalaseema Hi- 20 SRHHYPOLTD 590005 Tide Water Oil 59 TIDEWATER 516072 Vishnu Chemicals 20 VISHNU
500338 Prism Johnson 17 PRSMJOHNSN 530073 Sanghvi Movers L 39 SANGHVIMOV 535601 Sreeleathers Ltd. 56 SREEL 505196 TIL Ltd. 87 TIL
542852 Vishwaraj Sugar Ind 84 VISHWARAJ
539359 Pritika Auto Ind. 38 - -- Sanginita Chemicals 20 SANGINITA 523756 SREI Infrastructure 47 SREINFRA 507205 Tilaknagar Industrie 12 TI
532660 Vivimed Labs 72 VIVIMEDLAB
534675 Prozone Intu Propert 77 PROZONINTU 500674 Sanofi India 72 SANOFI 503806 SRF Ltd. 86 SRF 532856 Time Technoplast Ltd 67 TIMETECHNO
509026 VJTF Eduservices 81 -
540544 PSP Projects 25 PSPPROJECT 519260 Sanwaria Consumer 33 SANWARIA 534680 SRG Housing Finance 46 - 500414 Timex Group India 26 -
511333 VLS Finance L 47 VLSFINANCE
532524 PTC India 75 PTC 504614 Sarda Energy & Miner 54 SARDAEN 513605 Srikalahasthi Pipes 54 SRIPIPES 522113 Timken India Ltd 11 TIMKEN
532822 Vodafone Idea L 65 IDEA
533344 PTC India Financial 47 PFS 532163 Saregama India Ltd. 40 SAREGAMA 540575 Star Cement 17 STARCEMENT 504966 Tin Plate Co. 62 TINPLATE
522122 Voith Paper Fabrics 86 -
539006 PTC Industries 38 - 526885 Sarla Performance Fi 86 SARLAPOLY 516022 Star Paper Mills 69 STARPAPER 532375 Tips Industries 40 TIPSINDLTD
532757 Voltamp Transformers 76 VOLTAMP
509220 PTL Enterprises 47 PTL 532663 Sasken Technologies 24 SASKEN 531616 Starcom Information 24 - 532966 Titagarh Wagons Ltd. 39 TWL
500575 Voltas Ltd. 26 VOLTAS
539785 Pudumjee Paper Produ 69 PDMJEPAPER 533259 Sastasundar Ventures 47 SASTASUNDR 512531 State Trading 87 STCINDIA 500114 Titan Company 30 TITAN
539118 VRL Logistics Ltd. 57 VRLLOG
533295 Punj. & Sind Ban 45 PSB 511076 Sat Industries Ltd. 87 - 500113 Steel Authority 54 SAIL 500420 Torrent Pharmac 72 TORNTPHARM
509966 VST Industries 41 VSTIND
506852 Punj. Alkalie 21 - 539201 Satia Industries 69 SATIA 513517 Steel Cast 16 - 532779 Torrent Power Ltd. 75 TORNTPOWER
531266 VST Tillers Tr 10 VSTTILLERS
532461 Punj. NationlBak 45 PNB 539404 Satin Creditcare 47 SATIN 534748 Steel ExchangeIndia 54 STEELXIND -- Touchwood Entertainm 81 TOUCHWOOD
532893 VTM Ltd. 86 -
506618 Punjab Chemicals and 70 PUNJABCHEM 502175 Saurashtra Cemen 17 - 513262 Steel Strips Wheels 7 SSWL 526650 Tourism Finance 47 TFCILTD
532891 Puravankara 25 PURVA 524667 Savita Oil Tech 71 SOTL 533316 STEL Holdings 47 STEL 532928 Transformers & Recti 76 TRIL
507410 Walchandnagar 39 WALCHANNAG
532689 PVR Ltd. 40 PVR 523710 Sayaji Hotels Lt 52 - 542760 Sterling and Wilson 38 SWSOLAR 506687 Transpek Indus. 20 -
523660 Waterbase Ltd. 5 WATERBASE
539978 Quess Corp 81 QUESS 500112 SBI 45 SBIN 530759 Sterling Tools L 38 STERTOOLS 500251 Trent Ltd. 79 TRENT
532144 Welspun Corp 54 WELCORP
539678 Quick Heal Technolog 24 QUICKHEAL 540719 SBI Life Insurance 47 SBILIFE 532374 Sterlite Technologie 14 STRTECH 532159 Trescon L 50 -
532553 Welspun Enterprises 25 WELENT
532735 R Systems Internat. 24 RSYSTEMS 511672 Scan Steels 54 - 504959 Stovec Indus. 39 - 505854 TRF Ltd 39 TRF
514162 Welspun India 86 WELSPUNIND
520073 Racl Geartech 7 - 526544 Scanpoint Geomatics 24 - 532531 Strides Pharma Scien 72 STAR 534369 Tribhovandas Bhimji 30 TBZ
500365 Welspun Specialty 54 -
532497 Radico Khaitan Ltd. 12 RADICO 505790 Schaeffler India 11 SCHAEFFLER 526951 Stylam Industries 55 - 521064 Trident Ltd. 86 TRIDENT
505412 Wendt India 38 WENDT
531412 Radix Industries 64 - 534139 Schneider Electric 34 SCHNEIDER 532348 Subex Ltd. 24 SUBEX 517562 Trigyn Technolog 24 TRIGYN
500444 West Coast Paper 69 WSTCSTPAPR
538921 Raghuvansh Agrofarms 1 - 505141 Scooters India 6 - 517168 Subros Ltd. 7 SUBROS 505978 Triton Valves 7 -
505533 Westlife Development 52 WESTLIFE
542649 Rail Vikas Nigam 25 RVNL 526807 Seamec Ltd. 83 SEAMECLTD 506655 Sudarshan Chem. 32 SUDARSCHEM 532356 Triveni Eng.&Ind.Ltd 84 TRIVENI
590073 Wheels India Ltd. 7 WHEELS
500339 Rain Industries 17 RAIN 540673 Security and Intelli 81 SIS 524542 Sukhjit Starch & 41 - 533655 Triveni Turbine 35 TRITURBINE
500238 Whirlpool of Ind 26 WHIRLPOOL
532826 Raj Television Netwo 40 RAJTV 530075 Selan Exploratio 66 SELAN 533306 Summit Securities 47 SUMMITSEC 507747 TTK Healthcare Ltd. 72 TTKHLTCARE
526586 Wim Plast Ltd 74 -
532503 Rajapalayam Mill 86 - 512529 Sequent Scientific 72 SEQUENT 532872 Sun Pharma Advanced 64 SPARC 517506 TTK Prestige L 26 TTKPRESTIG
522029 Windsor Machines 39 WINDMACHIN
531500 Rajesh Exports L 30 RAJESHEXPO 502450 Seshasayee Paper 69 SESHAPAPER 524715 Sun Pharma. 72 SUNPHARMA 540762 Tube Investments 29 TIINDIA
517522 Rajratan Global Wire 54 - 505075 Setco Automotive 7 SETCO 532733 Sun TV Network Ltd. 40 SUNTV 532515 TV Today Network Ltd 40 TVTODAY 524758 Wintac Ltd. 72 -
500355 Rallis India 70 RALLIS 524324 Seya Industries 20 SEYAIND 520056 Sundaram Clayton 7 SUNCLAYLTD 532800 TV18 Broadcast 40 TV18BRDCST 507685 Wipro Ltd 24 WIPRO
522281 Ram Ratna Wires 62 - 542862 Shahlon Silk Indust 86 - 500403 Sundaram Fasten. 7 SUNDRMFAST 532513 TVS Electronics 23 TVSELECT 532300 Wockhardt Ltd. 72 WOCKPHARMA
524037 Rama Phosphates 43 - 501423 Shaily Engineering P 74 - 590071 Sundaram Finance 47 SUNDARMFIN 532343 TVS Motor Co. Ltd. 6 TVSMOTOR 538268 Wonderla Holidays Lt 64 WONDERLA
532369 Ramco Industries 18 RAMCOIND 531431 Shakti Pumps (In 38 SHAKTIPUMP -- Sundaram Finance Hol 47 SUNDARMHLD 509243 TVS Srichakra Lt 89 TVSSRICHAK 505872 WPIL Ltd. 38 -
532370 Ramco Systems Lt 24 RAMCOSYS 540797 Shalby 51 SHALBY 590072 SundaramBrakeLining 7 SUNDRMBRAK 500464 Ucal Fuel System 7 UCALFUEL 532616 Xchanging Solutions 24 XCHANGING
532527 Ramkrishna Forgings 16 RKFORGE 509874 Shalimar Paints 68 SHALPAINTS 500404 Sunflag Iron 54 SUNFLAG 532505 UCO Bank 45 UCOBANK 531225 Xtglobal Infotech 24 -
533262 Ramky Infrastructure 25 RAMKY 540425 Shankara Building Pr 87 SHANKARA 512179 Sunteck Realty Ltd. 25 SUNTECK 530131 Udaipur Cement Works 17 - 539939 Yash Chemex Ltd. 32 -
532661 Rane (Madras) 7 RML 522034 Shanthi Gears 7 SHANTIGEAR 512527 Super Sales India 86 - 539518 Uday Jewellery 30 - 516030 Yash Papers 69 -
532987 Rane Brake Lining Lt 7 RBL 538666 Sharda Cropchem 70 SHARDACROP 523283 Superhouse Ltd. 56 SUPERHOUSE 500148 Uflex Ltd. 67 UFLEX 532648 YES Bank Ltd. 44 YESBANK
532988 Rane Engine Valve Lt 7 RANEENGINE 535602 Sharda Motor Ind 7 SHARDAMOTR 532509 Suprajit Enginee 7 SUPRAJIT 539141 UFO Moviez India Ltd 40 UFO 522108 Yuken India 38 -
505800 Rane Holdings Ltd. 47 RANEHOLDIN 540725 Share India Securiti 47 - 509930 Supreme Inds. 74 SUPREMEIND 530363 Ugar Sugar Works 84 UGARSUGAR 505537 Zee Entertainment En 40 ZEEL
524230 Rashtriya Chemicals 43 RCF 540203 Sheela Foam 71 SFL 500405 Supreme Petroche 71 SUPPETRO 511742 Ugro Capital 47 - 533287 Zee Learn Ltd. 81 ZEELEARN
540796 Ratnabhumi Developer 25 - 540757 Sheetal Cool Product 41 - 500336 Surya Roshni Ltd 54 SURYAROSNI 533644 Ujaas Energy 36 UJAAS 532794 Zee Media Corp 40 ZEEMEDIA
520111 Ratnamani Metals 54 RATNAMANI 538685 Shemaroo Entertainme 40 SHEMAROO 532782 Sutlej Textiles & In 86 SUTLEJTEX 539874 Ujjivan Financial 47 UJJIVAN 533339 Zen Technologies Ltd 24 ZENTEC
534597 RattanIndia Infra 53 RTNINFRA 526117 Shervani Ind.Syn 26 - 530239 Suven Life Sciences 72 SUVEN 542904 Ujjivan SmallFinance 44 UJJIVANSFB 532039 Zenotech Laboratorie 72 -
533122 RattanIndia Power 75 RTNPOWER 530549 Shilpa Medicare L 72 SHILPAMED 532667 Suzlon Energy Ltd. 39 SUZLON 506685 Ultramarine Pig. 32 - 504067 Zensar Technologies 24 ZENSARTECH
504341 Ravindra Energy Ltd. 75 - 523598 Shipping Corpn. 83 SCI 505590 SVP Global Ventures 86 - 532538 UltraTech Cement 17 ULTRACEMCO 505163 ZF Steering Gear 7 -
500330 Raymond Ltd 86 RAYMOND 532323 Shiva Cement Ltd 17 - 503310 Swan Energy Ltd. 86 SWANENERGY 500231 Umang Dairies Ltd. 41 UMANGDAIRY 541400 Zim Laboratories 72 -
540065 RBL Bank 44 RBLBANK 511108 Shiva Texyarn Ltd. 86 SHIVATEX 500407 Swaraj Engines 38 SWARAJENG 506690 Unichem Labs 72 UNICHEMLAB 521163 Zodiac Clothing 86 ZODIACLOTH
532955 REC 47 RECLTD 513097 Shivalik Bimetal 54 - 532051 Swelect Energy Syste 34 SWELECTES 532477 Union Bank of In 45 UNIONBANK ZOTAEQ Zota Healthcare 72 ZOTA
532805 Redington (India) Lt 23 REDINGTON 539148 Shivalik Rasayan 70 - 517385 Symphony 26 SYMPHONY 500429 Uniphos Enterprises 87 UNIENTER 534742 Zuari Agro Chemicals 43 ZUARI
530517 Relaxo Footwears 56 RELAXO 532776 Shivam Autotech Ltd. 7 SHIVAMAUTO 532276 Syndicate Bank 45 SYNDIBANK 532646 Uniply Industries 55 UNIPLY 500780 Zuari Global 25 ZUARIGLOB
500111 Reliance Capital 47 RELCAPITAL 532638 Shoppers Stop 79 SHOPERSTOP 539268 Syngene Internationa 64 SYNGENE 507878 Unitech Ltd. 25 UNITECH 531335 Zydus Wellness Ltd. 41 ZYDUSWELL
532712 Reliance Com 65 RCOM 538795 Shree Ajit Pulp 69 - 531426 T Nadu Newsprint 69 TNPL 533171 United Bank of I 45 UNITEDBNK JAN 20 - FEB 2, 2020 I DALAL STREET INVESTMENT JOURNAL 53

Our research-backed recommendations have been our greatest strength

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over the past so many years. In fact, helping investors book profits has
been the very essence of our existence. Here is a detailed guide on the
recommendations readers to get a quick insight on what to do next.

Recom. Recom. Exit Exit Return
Company Name
Date Price Date Price (%)
Jun 07, 2018 Tata Steel Long Products Ltd. 1088.65 Jun 11, 2019 706.85 -35.07
Jun 21, 2018 Bajaj Auto Ltd. 2833.80 Dec 03, 2018 2733.15 -3.55
Jul 05, 2018 KEI Industries Ltd. 406.35 May 24, 2019 484.70 19.28
Jul 18, 2018 Ashoka Buildcon Ltd. 147.85 Open -29.08
Aug 02, 2018 Take Solutions Ltd. 204.05 Open -50.01
Aug 16, 2018 Trent Ltd. 363.00 Jun 25, 2019 435.00 19.83
Aug 30, 2018 Finolex Industries Ltd. 602.65 Aug 30, 2019 504.00 -16.37
Sep 12, 2018 Chambal Fertilisers & Chemicals Ltd. 158.65 Jun 07, 2019 189.55 19.48
Sep 27, 2018 ITD Cementation India Ltd. 125.00 Sep 27, 2019 49.85 -60.12
Oct 11, 2018 V Mart Retail Ltd. 2032.20 Oct 31, 2018 2400.60 18.13
Oct 25, 2018 Escorts Ltd. 572.65 Nov 02, 2018 685.90 19.78
Nov 05, 2018 Crisil Ltd. 1495.00 Jan 03, 2019 1645.00 10.03
Nov 22, 2018 Indian Hotels Company Ltd. 134.30 Dec 12, 2018 148.00 10.20
Dec 06, 2018 Tech Mahindra Ltd. 725.25 Feb 08, 2019 817.00 12.65
Dec 20, 2018 Bandhan Bank Ltd. 556.00 Open -8.87
Jan 03, 2019 Godrej Consumer Products Ltd. 807.65 Open -8.75
Jan 17, 2019 ITC Ltd. 296.00 Open -19.26
Jan 31, 2019 Biocon Ltd. 326.80 Oct 24, 2019 245.50 -24.88
Feb 14, 2019 Shoppers Stop Ltd. 500.20 Open -22.26
Feb 28, 2019 Titan Company Ltd. 1037.70 May 20, 2019 1223.95 17.95
Mar 14, 2019 CCL Products India Ltd. 299.45 Open -34.48
Mar 28, 2019 Indian Hotels Company Ltd. 150.95 Open -8.25
Apr 11, 2019 Indian Bank 271.65 Open -63.67
Apr 25, 2019 ICICI Bank Ltd. 401.05 Nov 08, 2019 490.60 22.33
May 09, 2019 Larsen & Toubro Infotech Ltd. 1695.15 Open 7.42
May 23, 2019 SRF Ltd. 2927.70 Jan 09, 2020 3476.35 18.74
Jun 06, 2019 KNR Constructions Ltd. 287.25 Open -2.70
Jun 20, 2019 Manappuram Finance Ltd. 141.70 Oct 24, 2019 165.05 16.48
Jul 04, 2019 Bharat Electronics Ltd. 113.05 Open -12.61
Jul 18, 2019 Marico Ltd. 368.15 Open -7.37
Aug 01, 2019 Jubilant Foodworks Ltd. 1201.25 Sep 23, 2019 1441.50 20.00
Aug 14, 2019 Atul Ltd. 3623.05 Nov 01, 2019 4337.45 19.72
Aug 29, 2019 Radico Khaitan Ltd. 305.05 Open 14.88
Sep 12, 2019 HCL Technologies Ltd. 531.91 Open 10.12
Sep 26, 2019 PI Industries Ltd. 1304.80 Open 10.74
Oct 10, 2019 Aegis Logistics Ltd. 166.60 Dec 02, 2019 202.50 21.55
Oct 24, 2019 PNC Infratech Ltd. 172.40 Open 13.72
Nov 07, 2019 Petronet LNG Ltd. 288.25 Open -5.92
Nov 21, 2019 Hero MotoCorp Ltd. 2469.80 Open -3.99
Dec 05, 2019 Thyrocare Technologies Ltd. 567.35 Open -6.23
Dec 19, 2019 PVR Ltd. 1822.35 Open 4.98
Jan 02, 2020 Bata India Ltd. 1745.60 Open 0.80


Special Report

A Preferable
Path To
ROIC is a highly reliable and useful
metric to consider when measuring
investment quality. It is not readily
available like other popular ratios and
it takes a bit of work, but once
investors start figuring out ROIC, they
can be better armed to pick out stocks
with great value, suggests Anthony

hen it comes to picking the best stocks, Return on Invested Capital (ROIC). Despite being one of the
there are dozens – perhaps even hundreds most reliable performance metrics for spotting quality
– of metrics an investor can use for analysis. investments, ROIC doesn’t get the same level of interest as
Many novice traders simply use the compared to popular metrics like PE or ROE. This is simply
price-to-earnings ratio (PE) to compare because investors cannot pull off this metric from a balance-
stocks for their portfolios whereas some consider ROE to be a sheet like they can with other popular ratios.
prime decision-making tool. Others go a step further and
determine the free cash flow to a firm in order to find out how It requires some degree of understanding and a little
much money the company is generating. However, no calculation. However, for those eager to find out the true value
discussion of important investment metrics would be complete a company is generating, calculating ROIC can be well worth
without mentioning the Return on Capital (ROC). Every good the effort:
business has to generate high returns on capital consistently ROIC = NOPAT / Invested Capital
because it is the fundamental driver of valuation. Where, NOPAT = EBIT (1 – Tax Rate)
And, Invested Capital = Net Working Capital + Net PPE +
High ROC over a period of time is a good indicator of Other Operating Assets – Excess Cash.
identifying businesses with competitive advantages. There are
several variants one can use to calculate ROC. In all cases, the To start off, the numerator in this ratio consists of net
measurement looks to capture the level of profits of a company operating profits after tax or NOPAT, which is simply the
expressed as a percentage of invested assets or capital. operating earnings or EBIT adjusted for taxes. By considering
However, one of the most effective ways is to calculate the NOPAT, we are in effect acting as if we pay taxes on the


operating income, ignoring the tax shield of debt and interest produced higher ROIC have led to higher one-year returns on
expense as a whole. This is because we want to incorporate the an average. The below table highlights the fact that companies
income received from all the operations in the company for (256) with ROIC higher than 20 have delivered average returns
both the equity and the debt holders. For small companies that of 3.80 per cent on a one-year basis, whereas companies (232)
do not have debt on their books, NOPAT is the same as net having ROIC between 10 to 20 per cent have given average
income. However, for many large companies, there are many returns of negative 3.25 per cent. Similarly, companies (172)
‘below the line’ items like income from discontinued which have an ROIC less than 10 have performed rather
operations, minority interest or interest income, which do not poorly, delivering one-year average returns of negative 4.05 per
reflect the profitability in core operating activities. cent.

In the denominator, we use invested capital, for which we start

with the net working capital by subtracting the current
Stock Performance and ROIC
Average One-Year
liabilities from the current assets. We then subtract the cash No. of Stocks
Returns (Per Cent)
which is in excess on the books from the net working capital.
The non-cash working capital is then added to the net fixed ROIC above 20 256 3.8
assets (Net PPE), also known as long-term or non-current ROIC between 20 and 10 232 -3.25
assets. This is essentially the net operating capital invested in ROIC below 10 172 -4.05
the company to run its day-to-day operations.
Unintended Consequences of ROIC
ROIC: Link to Value Creation
Clearly, ROIC is a measure that is strongly aligned with
When a company builds a plant, buys vehicles or machinery of shareholder interest and value creation. This has made it all the
any kind, it chooses to invest cash into that asset, assuming it more important for the management of any company to
will contribute to the operations and will thereby help in present good numbers to the public. However, the added
increasing the profits. A high ROIC company is one that can pressure can have negative consequences that an investor
maintain high profitability with relatively low investments as should be aware of. It must be kept in mind that an increase in
compared to its peers, thus creating value for the shareholders. ROIC may not always indicate ‘better ROIC’. If a company has
But how does this create value? A high ROIC over a period a return of 8 per cent, getting to 13 or 15 per cent may or may
eventually results in higher earnings per share growth over the not always be an improvement. It largely depends on how the
long run because it takes less investment to grow the earnings. company gets this improvement. If the gain is attained by
This leaves more money to reinvest into the business or increased revenue and profits while maintaining disciplined
distribute to the shareholders as dividend. investment, the gain in ROIC is genuine and the management
has truly created value for the shareholders. However, if the
ROIC is considered a better indicator of value creation since it gain in returns is obtained by forgoing good investment
essentially does away with the shortcomings of ratios such as opportunities just because they aren’t great investments and
ROA and ROE. It considers total operating profit to both with the sole motive of increasing the ROIC, it can limit the
equity and debt, unlike ROE which just focuses on returns to growth of the company.
equity shareholders. Thus, it removes the distortion that makes
highly levered companies profitable using ROE. In practice, the Conclusion
primary reason for computing the ROIC is to compare it with
the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) of the company. ROIC is a highly reliable and useful metric to consider when
This is used extensively by portfolio managers who use the measuring investment quality. It is not readily available like
spread between ROIC and WACC to determine the value other popular ratios and it takes a bit of work, but once
across investments. A higher ROIC as compared to WACC investors start figuring out ROIC, they can be better armed to
would lead to value creation and lesser ROIC would lead to pick out stocks with great value. One should keep in mind to
value erosion. not just look at the level of ROIC but also the ongoing trend as
a whole. A falling ROIC for a considerable period may indicate
Empirical Evidence that the management is not able to pick good investments and
will have trouble coping up with its competitors. On the other
We have considered 660 companies with a market hand, an ROIC that is rising continuously strongly indicates
capitalization of above Rs 1,000 crore in an attempt to that the management is making effective capital allocation
understand the effect ROIC has on the returns of a stock. If we decisions and helping the company pull away from its
take a look at the ROICs of top Indian companies based on competitors. Such stocks deserve to trade at a premium to their
market capitalization, we find that companies that have peers, even if their PE ratios seem high. DS JAN 20 - FEB 02, 2020 I DALAL STREET INVESTMENT JOURNAL 57

Tax Column
account as unexplained income. The AO has also right. However, if you invest the entire `2
demanded `32 lakh. Can you please advise crore in the purchase of a new residential
what steps should I take now and how to handle house, then the entire `2 crore will be
the matter henceforth? allowed as deduction under section 54F of
the Income Tax Act and there will be no
The first step you should take is to tax implications at all. However, you have
approach any tax consultant or Chartered to follow certain time limit for the
Accountant (CA) and ask him to file an purchase and investment of the new asset.
Jayesh Dadia appeal against the assessment order before
the CIT (A). The appeal need to be filed
If you go for the second option, then there
will be no tax implications, if you receive
Chartered Accountant within 30 days from receipt of the order. the property on ownership basis after the
The appeal is to be filed online and its construction is over. Therefore, you have to
I sold a residential flat during the current filing charge is `1,000. Please ensure that decide which option suits more
financial year 2019-20. The entire sale you file the appeal within 30 days. As far as commercially and logically.
consideration was deposited in my Bank of the demand is concerned, you may write
Baroda account. I have another bank account to the Assessing Officer that an appeal has I am an individual, holding a power of attorney
with HDFC where there is substantial fixed been filed against the assessment order and for Mr A, which authorises me to sale his
deposits and bank balance. I purchased a new you do not have liquidity to make payment immovable property. During the financial year
of disputed demand and accordingly,
residential house by utilising the balance lying 2016-17, I sold the property belonging to him.
request him to keep the demand in
in HDFC Bank and shall avail benefit under abeyance till the disposal of the appeal. In the sale agreement, my PAN was mentioned,
section 54 of the Income Tax Act. One of my However, the AO may not accept your as the agreement was entered between the
friends told me that since I have not utilised the request and ask you to pay 20 per cent of purchaser and me as power of attorney holder.
actual sale proceeds which I have deposited in the demand. You may approach the AO Since I am not the owner, I did not disclose the
Bank of Baroda for the purchase of new house, again with a request to allow you to pay 20 capital gain in my Income Tax Return (ITR) for
the tax officer may deny exemption to me per cent in suitable monthly installments. the assessment year 2017-18. However, the AO
under section 54 of the Income Tax Act. What is You may also approach CIT (A) for has completed my assessment for 2017-18 by
posting the appeal for hearing out of turn.
your view on this? A proper representation should be made at taxing the entire sale consideration as my
Provisions of Section 54 of the Income Tax the time of appellate proceedings and all income since in the registered documents, my
Act does not require an assessee to hold on the relevant details, documents, PAN was given and my name was mentioned as
to the same money and to demonstrate explanations along with a paper book the seller. Whether the action of the AO is
that very same money. It means sale should be filed to convince the CIT (A) correct or not, in accordance with the law?
consideration can be utilised in the that the addition made by the AO is prima-
acquisition of assets. The requirement of facie incorrect and wrong. Therefore, it is Under the Income Tax Act, the income on
law is that, the money so available to the necessary to have a competent CA/Tax sale of asset accrues to the owner of the
assessee to the extent on which exemption consultant to represent your appeal. asset and accordingly, it is taxable in their
under section 54 is claimed, need to be hands. Power of attorney holders are not
invested in acquisition of specific asset, I am a senior citizen, staying in a tenanted the owners both legally and beneficially
within stipulated time. Since you have premise along with my wife and son for more but they have been granted the authority
invested a substantial amount in the than 30 years. Our building has gone for by the owner to convey the property to a
purchase of new asset, within a specified third party. The Courts have held
redevelopment and the builder has offered me
period, you are entitled to claim exemption consistently that the holders of power of
under section 54 of the Income Tax Act two proposals; first one is that-I surrender attorney do not become the owner of the
and the tax officer cannot deny that to you. tenancy rights and take consideration of `2 property by virtue of an irrevocable power
crore and the second option is-to handover the of attorney. Therefore, the Assessing
I am an individual, who filed Income Tax Return possession to the builder for redevelopment and Officer is apparently wrong in taxing
(ITR) for the assessment year 2017-18, receive the new premises on ownership basis income in your hand as you are not the
declaring income at `42 lakh, comprising of after the construction is over. I am confused. Can owner of the property. However, you have
you explain the tax implication in both the to file an appeal against the action of the
salary, interest and capital gain. I have received
AO for further relief. You can also refer to
an order under section 143 (3) of the Income situations? the decision of the Supreme Court (SC)
Tax Act for the above mentioned assessment If you choose the first option of reported in 340 ITR 1, and Karnataka
year where the Assessing Officer (AO) has surrendering tenancy rights and receiving High Court reported in 382 ITR 179,
assessed my total income at `1.25 crore. He has consideration of `2 crore, then that would where it has been held that income cannot
made an addition under capital gain as well as be a long-term capital gain in your hand as be taxed at the hands of power of attorney
certain credit entries appearing in my bank you will surrender capital asset i.e. tenancy holders. DS


Investment Horizon


I am holding 1,625 shares of Transcorp International
Kindly discuss the P/E (Price/Earnings) ratio and at a hold price of `31.4. Should I exit at loss or
EPS (Earnings Per Share) of TVS (Thirukkurungudi should I hold for better exit?
Vengaram Sundram) Motor Company Limited share?
- R Jayaramachandran
- Harminder

BSE/NSE Code 532343 /TVSMOTOR BSE Code 532410 / TRANSCOR
Face Value `1 Face Value `2
CMP `471.65 CMP `14.19
52-Week High `559.90/ Low `340.30 52-Week High `27.40 / Low `12.55
Your Current -- Your Current (54.80 per cent)
Profit/(Loss) Profit/(Loss)

eadquartered in Chennai, TVS Motor Company is a ranscorp International offers foreign exchange services,
manufacturer of motorcycles, scooters, mopeds, three focussing mainly on money changing and transfers. It
wheelers, parts and accessories. On a consolidated operates through travel, tour and allied segments and
quarterly basis, for Q2FY20, the net sales decreased by 9.27 per offers a range of products, such as currency exchange, travellers’
cent to ` 4,960.27 crore from `5,466.94 crore in Q2FY19. cheque and travel cards. On a consolidated quarterly front, the
PBDT increased by 2.85 per cent YoY to `456.14 crore in net sales in Q2FY20 grew by 77.37 per cent to `656.81 crore
Q2FY20. In Q2FY20, the net profit grew by 15.7 per cent YoY from `370.3 crore in Q2FY19. The company reported an
to `259.62 crore. On an annual front, the net sales increased by operating loss of `2.77 crore in Q2FY20, as compared to an
20.71 per cent to `20,159.99 crore for FY19, from `16,701.75 operating loss of `2.44 crore incurred in Q2FY19. Due to
crore in FY18. PBDT increased by 16.80 per cent to `1,522.86 investments made in developing systems and pre-paid instru-
crore for FY19, as compared to `1,303.84 crore for FY18. In ment business, the company incurred a net loss of `2.11 crore
FY19, the net profit rose by 8.96 per cent to `723.70 crore, in Q2FY20, as compared to a net loss of `1.78 crore in Q2FY19.
from `664.21 crore recorded in FY18. More the P/E ratio, the On an annual basis, the company’s sales grew to `1,475.5 crore
more price a shareholder is paying for every rupee of earnings in FY19, up by 79.74 per cent as compared to net sales of
of the company. EPS show how much earnings every share has `820.93 reported in FY18. The company reported an operating
a right to. The current P/E ratio of TVS Motors is 31, which is loss of `12.71 crore in FY19 as against an operating profit of
on a higher side compared to that of its peers such as Bajaj `34.33 crore in FY18. Net loss amounting to `9.85 crore was
Auto (18), Hero MotoCorp (13) and of Eicher Motors (29) incurred in FY19 as against net profit of `25.29 crore gained in
causing the company’s investors to factor in higher growth the previous fiscal year. Transcorp International has a high
expectations in EPS for TVS, as compared to its peers. Over operating cost structure which narrows the profit margins of
the period from 2015 to 2019, TVS has shown an increase in the company to a large extent. Owing to this cost, the company
EPS of 21 per cent CAGR. Hence, we recommend a HOLD. has been reporting operating losses over the last two quarters.
Thus, we recommend our investor-readers to SELL.

Readers are requested to send only one query at a time so that more readers get a chance. For complaints regarding non-receipt of
dividend, bonus, rights and other matters, investors may write to


Vol. No. 35 No. 04

Send in your queries:
C-101, 1st Floor, Trade Center,
Name: North Main Road, Near Axis Bank,
Opp. Lane No. 6, Koregaon Park,
Pune - 411001
E-mail: Email:[email protected] JAN 20 - FEB 2, 2020 I DALAL STREET INVESTMENT JOURNAL 59

Investment Horizon


I have 700 shares of Take Solutions Ltd bought at an
average price of `150.75 in June 2019. I will hold for
Kindly advice on Jain irrigation stock and also, 3-5 years but only if the fundamental of the company
whether is this right time to buy the stock? is intact. Please advice.
-Gokul -Michael J.B

NSE Code 500219 / JISLJALEQS BSE/NSE Code 532890 / TAKE
Face Value `2 Face Value `1
CMP `8.34 CMP `102.65
52-Week High `66.90 / Low `7.36 52-Week High `167 / Low `91
Your Current -- Your Current (31.90 per cent)
Profit/(Loss) Profit/(Loss)

ain Irrigation Systems Limited is an agri-business company. ake Solutions is engaged in computer programming
The company is engaged in the manufacturing of plastic consultancy and related activities. The company
products and of fruit or vegetable juices and their concen- provides a range of domain knowledge and technology-
trates, squashes and powder. Its business segments include hi-tech based solutions and services specifically in business verticals
agri input products, industrial products and non-conventional such as life sciences and supply chain management. In the life
energy. Its products segment consists of micro and sprinkler sciences space, it offers its Clients Internet Protocol (IP) based
irrigation systems, Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) pipes, PVC sheets, offerings and solutions to enable clinical, regulatory, safety and
Polyethylene (PE) pipes, etc. The non-conventional energy content management. In the supply chain domain, the
segment consists of wind energy, solar and bio-gas. company focusses on mobility and collaboration requirements
of customers, including e-business solutions and integrating
Looking at the quarterly trends on consolidated basis, for their supply chains with their distributors, suppliers and
Q2FY20, the company reported net sales of `1,388.28 crore, a contract manufacturers.
decrease of 26.74 per cent, as against the net sales of `1,895.11
crore for Q2FY19. For Q2FY20, the company incurred an On a quarterly consolidated front, the net sales grew by 17.93
operating loss of `103.44 crore, as against an operating profit of per cent in Q2FY20 to `608.38 crore, from `515.87 crore in
`106.42 crore gained in Q2FY19. Subsequently, Jain Irrigation Q2FY19. The company reported an operating profit of `61.99
incurred a net loss of `133.61 crore in the second quarter of FY20, crore in Q2FY20, decreasing by 15.98 per cent as compared to
as against a net profit of `18.32 crore gained in the second quarter the operating profit of `73.78 reported in Q2FY19. Similarly,
of FY19. net profit fell by 16.14 per cent to `50.98 crore in Q2FY20 as
compared to `60.79 gained in the same quarter for the previous
On the annual front, in FY19, the company reported net sales of fiscal year.
`8,576.94 crore, an increase of 8.63 per cent over the net sales of
`7,895.54 crore, reported in the previous fiscal. For FY19, the On an annual front, the company reported net sales of
PBDT stood at `683.27 crore as against `634.14 crore for FY18. In `2,038.99 crore in FY19, up by 28.46 per cent from `1,587.24
FY19, the net profit increased by 15.08 per cent to `250.48 crore crore reported in FY18. Operating profit grew by 14.74 per cent
from `217.66 crore, posted in the previous fiscal. to `215.68 crore in FY19, as compared to `187.97 crore
reported in the previous fiscal year. Net profit saw a growth of
The company’s working capital and interest payments have been 11.59 per cent to `178.39 crore in FY19, as compared to
considerably eating up its operating cash flow hence, leaving it `159.86 crore reported in FY18.
with negligible amounts to be used for debt repayment purposes.
Thus, the company can be considered to be caught in a debt trap The revenues from the company’s segment namely core life
as total debt (long-term plus short-term), which has been science which contributes by 92 per cent to the total revenue,
increasing and stood at `5,247.42 crore for FY19, from grew by an impressive 38 per cent CAGR over the last 5 years
`4,453.32 crore in FY18. It is assumed that the company’s stocks and is likely to continue this growth trend in the future.
will continue to see a drag until debt related issues are solved. Moreover, with acquisitions of KAI Research and DataCeutics,
the growth in the company is driven both by organic and
Hence, DO NOT BUY. inorganic expansion. Thus, we recommend a HOLD.


I am holding 343 shares of Sanghi Industries at a Please do the technical and fundamental analysis of
hold price of `83. Should I book loss or continue to the share-BCL (Bayer CropScience Limited)
hold? -Akash
- Singh

Face Value `10 Face Value `10
CMP `42.95 CMP `3923.95
52-Week High `72.00 / Low `34.75 52-Week High `4,440.00/ Low `2,952.00
Your Current (48.25 per cent) Your Current --
Profit/(Loss) Profit/(Loss)

anghi Industries is engaged in the manufacturing and sale ayer CropScience Limited is engaged in manufacturing
of cement and clinker. It operates in both domestic and of insecticides, rodenticides, fungicides and herbicides by
export markets and offers products, including Ordinary operating through the Agri Care segment. It offers crop
Portland Cement (OPC) and Portland Pozzolana Cement solutions for various crops, such as cotton, fruits, millet,
(PPC) under the brand name Sanghi Cement. Additionally, the mustard, pulses, rice, soybeans, sugar cane, vegetables, wheat
company also provides a service called Shakti Rath, which is a and also various pest management solutions like professional
mobile concrete testing laboratory having all the necessary pest management for household or structural pests and vector
equipment and facilities required for onsite concrete testing. management for pests that pose a threat to public health.

On a quarterly front, the net sales reported for the second On the standalone financial front, in Q2FY20, the net sales
quarter of FY20 were `204.65 crore, decreasing by 16.16 per increased by 9.11 per cent to `1,346.30 crore from `1,233.90
cent from `244.11 crore in Q2FY19. The company was not crore in Q2FY19. PBDT decreased by 7.69 per cent to `232.90
required to make any income tax provision due to carried crore in Q2FY20, as compared to `252.30 crore in Q2FY19. The
forward set-offs available to it under the Income Tax laws. company reported a mere growth of 1.8 per cent in net profit of
Hence, it reported a significant increase in the net profit of `169.80 crore gained for Q2FY20, compared to `166.80 crore,
`6.21 crore gained in the second quarter of the current fiscal gained in Q2FY19.
year compared to net profit of `1.96 crore gained in the
corresponding quarter of the previous fiscal year. Reduction in On the annual front, net sales in FY19 fell by 2.30 per cent to
depreciation expenses for Q2FY20 attributed to the immense `2,685.70 crore from `2,749 in Q2FY19. PBT for FY19
increase in net profit. decreased by 9.28 per cent to `366.3 crore as compared to
`403.8 crore of FY18. In FY19, the company’s profit was
On an annual basis, the reported net sales stood at `1,060.61 `237.6 crore, a decrease by 20.82 per cent, compared to `300.1
crore, increasing marginally by 0.87 per cent from `1,051.45 in crore in FY18.
FY18. In FY19, the net profit registered a degrowth of 43.63 per
cent to be `52.6 crore as compared to `93.31 crore gained in the Majorly, the stock is displaying a bullish trend as it is trading
previous fiscal year. above its weekly pivot and short & long-term moving averages,
that is, 20-week EMA, 50-week EMA, 100-week EMA, and 200-
Sanghi Industries has a large percentage of shares pledged by Week EMA. Three days ago, the 50-DMA crossed over the
the promoters at 94.41 per cent as of September 2019. This is a 200-DMA and was termed as the ‘golden crossover’, which is a
red flag in terms of corporate governance of the company and is long-term bullish signal. Last week, the volumes recorded were
likely to keep the stock beaten in the future. Moreover, sales above 50-week average, which is a sign of accumulation.
have been on a downward trend since the last two quarters Among the momentum indicators, the 14-period weekly RSI is
owing to a subdued demand growth in Gujarat. Since sales are a currently quoting at 61.01 and it is in super bullish zone. The
key driver of growth, the decrease in sales does not bode well weekly and daily MACD stays bullish as it is trading above its
for the financial viability of the company in the long-term. zero line and signal line. Moreover, the stochastic oscillator is
also suggesting some bullish strength as per cent K is above the
Hence, we recommend a SELL. per cent D. Hence, we recommend to HOLD.
(Closing price as of Jan 14, 2020) JAN 20 - FEB 2, 2020 I DALAL STREET INVESTMENT JOURNAL 61

In this edition, we have reviewed Tata Power Company and BHEL. We suggest our reader-investors to
HOLD in Tata Power Company and BHEL

CMP - `60.20

BSE CODE Reco. Price Face Value

500400 `67.75 `1

e had previously crore, which is an increase by 4.41 per
recommended Tata Power cent compared to net sales of `7,353.41
Company in Volume 34, Issue crore for Q2FY19. For Q2FY20, the
No. 11, dated April 29-May 12, 2019, company gained an operating profit of
under the ‘Low Priced Scrip’ segment. `2,133.26 crore, registering a growth of
The stock was then trading at `67.75 and 20.04 per cent from `1,777.1 crore gained
was recommended based on the in Q2FY19. The company reported a net
company’s strong project pipeline, profit of `163.21 crore in Q2FY20 as per cent to `1,279.23 crore in FY19
reduction in debt and steady growth against a net loss of `6.53 crore incurred from `1,128.68 crore in FY18.
plans. Tata Power Company is the largest in Q2FY19.
integrated power company in India As for capacity expansion, the company
having its presence in segments such as Looking at the annual financial trend of intends to acquire stressed thermal
fuel & logistics, generation, transmission, FY19, the net sales of the company power plants instead of constructing
distribution and trading in the power increased by 10.13 per cent to greenfield units or expanding current
sector. `29,558.64 crore from `26,840.27 crore capacities. Post clarity on the Mundra
in FY18. The PBDT increased by 19.02 project, the company’s financials and
Looking at the quarterly trends on a per cent and stood at `4,328.45 crore for growth is expected to be steady.
consolidated basis, for Q2FY20, the FY19 as compared to `3,636.82 crore for
company posted net sales of `7,677.82 FY18. The net profit increased by 13.34 Hence, we recommend a HOLD.

BHEL HOLD 29 Per Cent
CMP - `45.90

BSE CODE Reco. Price Face Value

500103 `64.65 `2

We had previously recommended Bharat before taxes reported for Q2FY20 was
Heavy Electricals Ltd. (BHEL) in Volume `166.88 crore, falling by 2.74 per cent as
34, Issue No. 17, dated July 22-August 04, compared to `171.58 crore in Q2FY19.
2019, under the ‘Low Scrip’ segment. The On the other hand, the net profit grew by
stock was then trading at `64.65 and was 41.89 per cent to `120.95 crore in
recommended based on the company’s Q2FY20, as compared to `85.24 crore
rising market share, healthy operating reported in the same quarter for the
performance and its prudent previous fiscal year.
management. BHEL is engaged in the An increase in orders for emission
designing, engineering, construction, On an annual basis, the net sales grew by control equipment, railway
testing, commissioning and servicing 5.34 per cent to `30,367.65 crore in FY19 transportation and waste management is
of a range of products which cater as compared to `28,827.48 crore in FY18. expected with government focusing on
to the core industries in the Indian For FY19, PBT increased by 52.29 per these areas. BHEL boasts a strong order
economy. cent to `1850.1 crore from `1214.87 pipeline with effective cost control and
crore in FY18. Net profit for FY19 grew execution, which is likely to aid the
Looking at the consolidated quarterly substantially to `1,009.16 crore from company in regaining a lost ground in an
trends, net sales decreased by 8.81 per `438.19 crore gained in the previous adverse operational environment. Thus,
cent in Q2FY20 to `6,030.16 crore from fiscal year. we recommend a HOLD. DS

`6,612.43 crore in Q2FY19. The profit (* Closing price as of Jan 14, 2020)


The recommendations provided in this column are taken from various market
sources such as brokers, analysts, dealers and investment strategists, etc. These
recommendations may not be backed by strong fundamentals. Therefore we advise
readers to use their own discretion before investing in these recommendation

Ajanta Pharma Limited is a speciality
Ajanta Pharma pharmaceutical company engaged in
BSE Code:532331 development, manufacture and marketing of
CMP: `1077.40 quality finished dosages in domestic and
international markets. The company has a
well-diversified and de-risked business model with branded generics in
India, Asia and Africa, generics in the US and institutional business in
Africa, comprising a wide range of products, in more than 30 countries.
In Q2FY20 its revenue grew 18 per cent YoY, aided by 13 per cent YoY
growth in its domestic business, 34 per cent in its Asia generics
business, and 39 per cent growth in its US business. The stock has
staged a smart recovery from lower levels along with decent volumes
and if our sources are to be believed this could be the dark horse in the
pharmaceutical space.


There is a JK Paper
Amara Raja BSE Code: 532162
Batteries buzz in the
markets that CMP: `136.95
BSE Code: 500008 HNIs and
CMP: `759.35 smart traders Shares of paper manufacturing
have been stacking up shares of companies were buzzing on D-Street
Amara Raja Batteries over the last on the back of heavy volumes on
week or so. The stock has seen its expectation of some big
trading volume jump by almost 10 announcement in the coming days.
per cent as on January 9 as Among the individual stocks, JK
compared to its average of 10 Paper has been a favourite as per
days. The chatter is on the street the technical analyst of a leading
that this stock is headed broking firm and it may give a quick
northwards as market participants up-move in the near term. Hence,
expect re-rating in this stock. traders can take exposure in this
Risk-takers can go for this scrip stock for some trading gains.
and hope to make a quick buck.

Traders have been stacking up on
Berger Paint shares of paint companies over the last
BSE Code: 509480 couple of trading sessions. Berger
Paints has seen its trading volumes
CMP: `530.15 jump to almost double as on January
14 compared to its average of the past
10-days. The chatter on the street is that the distributers of
the paint companies have had an outstanding festive season
and this would be reflected in the upcoming results.

(Closing price as of Jan 14, 2020) JAN 20 - FEB 2, 2020 I DALAL STREET INVESTMENT JOURNAL 63

MF Page - 01

Vol. 35. No. 04 • JAN 20 - FEB 2, 2020

[email protected]

Broader Market Is Where Best Investment

A Good Harvest Lies Please suggest me the Best SIP and Mutual fund to invest.
- Utsav Shah

he market has a way of always rewarding the
patient investor. But that’s if he or she is sitting on Editor Responds : Thank you for writing to us! First of all, it is
the right investments. At the same time, there are important to understand that there is nothing called the 'Best
opportunities galore for discerning investors Mutual Fund Scheme'. This is because the investment in mutual
exploring the next prospect. Within this scenario, the last fund serves a purpose and investors should know and
two years of underperformance of the broader market understand why they are investing in it. Neither the investment
indices compared to frontline indices has tilted the risk- in mutual funds (either through lump sum or SIP) nor the fund
reward scales in favour of these categories. This space is now managers are the magicians who can double your money in the
attractive for investors who are willing to take calculated blink of an eye. So, keeping the return expectations reasonable is
risks. Our analysis shows that such underperformance important. As every individual is different with different life
creates a launch pad for the next leg of growth for the situations and risk appetite, the best suitable investment too
broader market indices and mutual funds dedicated to such
differs. In your case, we do not have a detail of your risk appetite
nor do we know your life situations. Hence, we cannot comment
The last time we saw such a longer continuous as to which mutual fund is best for you. However, if you are new
underperformance of mid-cap and small-cap indices against to mutual funds and equity investments then, it is always better
large-caps on a two-year basis was between April 2012 and to invest in an aggressive hybrid fund as they are likely to give
May 2014. Post that, the broader market generated huge you better investment experience.
returns for their investors and outperformed the large-cap

for almost the next three years. The same pattern of
performance is even followed by mutual fund schemes. In
fact, the broader market dedicated to mutual funds tends to
perform better than the large-cap funds when compared to
their benchmarks. Even long-term investors who do not
want to time the markets can now invest in broader
markets given the fact that mid-cap and small-cap funds Cover Story MF Page
tend to generate better returns than the large-cap ones in the
long run. Time To Buy Small-Cap & Mid-Cap Funds
This is because these funds get the opportunity to invest and
participate in the journey of small-cap to mid-cap to
large-cap growth over a longer period. Besides, there are Financial Planning MF Page
other reasons too why we believe that the broader market is
waiting for the next round of a bull run. Our cover story this
time talks in detail about the various other factors that will Special Report
support reversal in the performance of mid-cap and
small-cap categories – the early signs of which are clearly Withdrawal Strategy
MF Page
visible in the last one month’s performance. Therefore, as an
astute investor you can increase your exposure to the broader
Post Retirement
market category at this stage.
Interview MF Page
A Balasubramanian
SHASHIKANT CEO, Aditya Birla Sun Life AMC
Cover Story MF page - 02

Time To Buy
Small-Cap &
Mid-Cap Funds

he last few years have been difficult for most of of year 2017 when some of the funds in mid and small-cap
the mutual fund investors. Their investments in category generated returns northward of 50 per cent.
mutual fund schemes through Systematic
Investment The story is not different for lump sum investors in the last 3
Plan (SIP) SIP Returns of Last 3 Years years. Mid-cap dedicated funds on an average, generated an
have Category Average Annualised annualised return of 7.77 per cent while, small-cap generated
generated lesser returns Returns (per cent) 4.69 per cent in the same period.
compared to very safe, BANK 8.45 Nevertheless, the situation might be changing for good now for
fixed deposits in banks. Consumption 4.83 these beleaguered categories, especially the mid-cap and
Baring IT and ELSS 5.17
small-cap categories. Since the start of the December (till
International category of Energy 1.23
January 6), the broader indices represented by BSE Small-cap
funds, every other INFRA -1.1
and BSE Mid-cap has outperformed the large-cap index
category have generated International 11.64
represented by BSE 100. The best return is generated by
returns in single digit. The Small-cap index, which is almost up by 5 per cent in the last
IT 12.63
worst hits were those one month, as compared to flat return by large-cap index.
Large & Mid cap 4.64
investors who had invested
Large Cap 8.45
in small-cap, The million dollar question is whether this is going to be
Mid cap 1.57
infrastructure and PSU sustainable or is it going to be another false signal, especially
Multi cap 5.71
dedicated funds. These after looking at the current geo-political tension that has a
MNC 4.09
funds on an average have potential to derail the current rally.
Pharma 1.84
generated negative return
PSU -3.75
in the last 3 years. This We believe the current rally has a longevity. There are strong
Small Cap -2.38
return also includes the reasons to believe that this will continue.
spectacular performance THEMATIC 2.54


Cover Story MF page - 04

Worst of economic growth is behind now generated by the funds also improves but not in the same
The Indian economy is going through one of the worst phase proportion or time. For example, between the second quarter
currently. The GDP growth numbers for the second quarter of FY14 and Q2FY15, the economy grew at an average rate of
ended September 19 at 4.5 per cent is 26 quarter low. 7.2 per cent. During the same period, funds based on broader
Nevertheless, economists believe that the worst is behind us. indices doubled more than before. The average return of the
Year 2020 could be a year of cyclical recovery for the economy. mid-cap and small-cap dedicated funds, was to the tune of 76
This will be aided by the global growth, easier domestic per cent and 88 per cent, respectively. These funds have a
financial conditions, positive fiscal impulse, uplift in sentiment, higher beta with respect to GDP growth. Therefore, in the
and an easing of supply bottlenecks. These factors will lead to current downturn, they are the one who have suffered most. In
pick up in the corporate profit growth assisted by better the last two years, the growth rate of the Indian economy has
operating leverage, lower interest burden and lower tax burden. come down from 8.1 per cent recorded for the fourth quarter of
Most of these factors till now were acting as headwind for the FY18 to 4.5 per cent during Q2FY19. Mid-cap dedicated funds
corporate but will now act as a tailwind. on an average were still down by 2 per cent till November 2019
while the small-cap funds are down by 13 per cent in the same
The change in the situation is clearly visible in some of the period.
recent high frequency data. The Nikkei Manufacturing
Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) has increased to 52.7 in Stock market being the lead indicator tends to perform before
December 2019, the highest since May 2019. Goods and the economy recovers and hence, the outperformance of the
Services Tax (GST) collections were above Rs 1 lakh crore for last one month of the broader market indices and the funds
the second consecutive month in December. Even the auto dedicated to that should be looked with this perspective. If the
companies such as Maruti Suzuki have reported a rise in economy is on a recovery path, we may see these funds
domestic car sales. Moreover, data compiled by Centre for generating far better returns going ahead.
Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE) on CapEx shows that the
new investment announcements have posted a positive growth Besides, there are other reasons to believe that these funds are
in December quarter, the first since June 2018. going to outperform, going ahead.

Mid-cap and small-cap companies will be the chief beneficiary Recovery from drawdown
of such reversal in the economic growth. Large-cap companies Various studies show that the current bear market cycle for
that are generally market leader of their sector has many levers small and mid-cap indices on the BSE and NSE had started in
to play during the economic downturn and hence, are less January 2018 and lasted for 21 months and 23 months,
impacted by slowing economy. However, in case of small and respectively. During these months, the BSE Mid-cap and BSE
mid-cap companies, they face the most at the time of Small-cap indices crashed 29.5 per cent and 40 per cent,
deceleration in the economy. However, when the economy respectively, from their all-time high levels seen in January
turns the corner and growth rate increases, we see that mid and 2018, to make a bottom in August 2019 (11,950 and 14,975,
small-cap companies are benefitted most. respectively).

The below chart shows the performance of mid-cap and The same is true in the case of mid-cap and small-cap funds,
small-cap funds against the quarterly GDP growth rate. For the while, the worst is behind us. The graph below shows that in
fund performance, we have taken the median return of the case of small-cap funds, we have reached the bottom
funds in the respective category. The fund returns are daily somewhere in the month of August only and in case of mid-cap
returns that are compounded while the GDP growth rates are funds in the month of October. It also shows that we are in the
quarterly. We see that as the economy recovers, the returns recovery phase.


MF page - 05

The current downturn in the mid-cap and small-cap funds is

already one of the longest and deepest especially, for small-cap
funds. Even during the sub-prime crisis and one of the worst
recent falls in the stock market world over including India, the
pain of the fall was not so long. Both the mid-cap and small-cap
funds fell for 137 days and started recovering from there on and
took 177 days and 146 days, respectively to reach its previous peak.

In the current downturn, in case of small-cap funds, we have although we took the index data from 2008, first return came at
gone down for 390 days, which is highest ever in the last 11 the start of 2010.
years. In case of mid-cap dedicated funds, we were into
downturn for 185 days, which remains the second highest. The graph clearly shows that the current underperformance of
the broader market against the large cap is probably longest and
The table below shows the top 10 drawdowns and their deepest in the current downturn. Hence, it make sense to invest
statistics. The table shows when the fall started, when it reached in these categories now.
its bottom (Trough) and again, when it reached its previous
peak. Next, it shows the maximum fall, total time taken to reach Right Time to Increase Your Exposure to
the fall and the time taken to recover back. Broader Market
In the world of finance, one of the most dangerous words used is
Top 10 Drawdown of  Small Cap Funds ‘this time is different’. It has been argued that more money has
From Trough To Depth (%) Length To Trough Recovery
been lost because of these 4 words than at the point of a gun. We
Aug 12, 2008 Mar 9, 2009 Oct 20, 2009 -48.7 283 137 146
Nov 11, 2010 Dec 20, 2011 Apr 2, 2014 -34.4 833 273 560
have seen at the start of January 201+7, when the Indian stock
Jan 16, 2018 Aug 22, 2019 NA -30.2 478 390 NA market started its ascent, more so, in the mid-cap and small-cap
Jan 4, 2016 Feb 29, 2016 Jun 30, 2016 -19.0 121 39 82 stocks, new theories started to appear that supported the
Oct 26, 2016 Dec 26, 2012 Mar 16, 2017 -14.5 95 41 54 astronomical valuation of stocks of broader market. One of them
Aug 6, 2015 Sept 7, 2015 Jan 1, 2016 -10.8 98 23 75 being, the large inflows into the Indian equity market especially
Oct 21, 2009 Nov 03, 2009 Nov 17, 2009 -10.2 19 9 10 from the institutional players such as mutual funds that would
May 3, 2010 May 25, 2010 Jun 30, 2010 -9.8 43 17 26 help in sustaining their higher valuation. Adding to this, the
Jan 19, 2010 Feb 25, 2010 Apr 5, 2010 -9.8 50 26 24 structural changes that Indian economy is going through will
Apr 15, 2010 Jun 12, 2015 Jul 23, 2015 -9.6 71 42 29 help mid-cap companies to improve their efficiency, which will
Top 10 Drawdown of  Mid Cap Funds (Since 2008) further improve the performance of these companies and higher
From Trough To Depth (%) Length To Trough Recovery valuation. These theories led to a huge jump in the share prices
Aug 12, 2008 Mar 09, 2009 Dec 03, 2009 -51.1 314 137 177 of small-cap and mid cap companies in a small span of time.
Nov 11, 2010 Dec 20, 2011 Mar 18, 2014 -31.7 822 273 549 This even got reflected in the different fund’s NAV and AUM
Jan 9, 2018 Oct 09, 2018 NA -22.5 483 185 NA dedicated to these stocks. The rise was so sharp that many funds
Aug 6, 2015 Feb 26, 2016 Jul 28, 2016 -21.8 238 136 102 have to stop accepting further investment in the funds.
Oct 26, 2016 Dec 26, 2016 Mar 15, 2017 -14 94 41 53
Apr 15, 2015 May 07, 2015 Jul 16, 2015 -9.5 66 16 50
Jan 19, 2010 Feb 25, 2010 Apr 05, 2010 -9 50 26 24
That was an extreme and what is happening now is also an
May 03, 2010 May 25, 2010 Jun 23, 2010 -8.3 38 17 21 extreme, however, in opposite directions/the opposite direction.
Jul 08, 2014 Jul 14, 2014 Aug 20, 2014 -6.4 30 5 25 The continuous fall in the prices of these stocks has made them
Jul 10, 2008 Jul 16, 2008 Jul 23, 2008 -6.4 10 5 5 untouchable for many investors. Nevertheless, for the reasons
explained above, it is a perfect time to start investing in funds
Mid-Cap & Small-Cap have not dedicated to broader market indices selectively.
underperformed for so long to Large Cap
According to a research by broking firm, Edelweiss, Small-cap Therefore, it makes sense to look at mid-cap and small-cap
and Mid-cap index has never underperformed the large-cap dedicated funds with an investment perspective. You should
index for more than a year. Whenever they underperformed for consider this space if you have a long-term investment horizon of
so long, they generated stupendous returns in the following say more than 5 years. You can start an SIP now and in the periods
year. For example, after the poor show of 2013, the mid-cap that this category does badly sometime in future, consider lump
index rallied 54.7 per cent in 2014, which was better than sum investments to reap higher returns in the upturn. These
Sensex’s 29.9 per cent surge. The same was repeated in the categories of funds tend to generate better returns in the long-run.
calendar years 2009 and 2012. The attractive valuation in the small-cap space makes a compelling
case to include this category of funds in your portfolio at this stage.
The above chart shows the difference in the relative These funds should not form more than 5-10 per cent of your total
performance of small cap index and mid cap index against the portfolio. So you can have 5-10 per cent in small-cap funds as well
large cap. We have taken two year of annualised returns to as another 5-10 per cent in mid-cap funds. Plan a strategy on how
calculate difference in returns of the indices. Therefore, you want to include these funds in the portfolio! DS JAN 20 - FEB 02, 2020 I DALAL STREET INVESTMENT JOURNAL 69

Financial Planning
MF page - 06

Further, even within the core portfolio, the investors must

maintain an optimal asset allocation to enable them to achieve
their long-term financial goals. The investors must maintain a
diversified core portfolio spread across asset classes, so as to
achieve stability as well as growth for such portfolio, which
aims to help the investors reach out to their goals. With the
availability of investment securities across the asset classes, the
investors have a wide range of choice to invest for their
financial goals and they may choose to allocate their core
portfolio as per the respective risk-reward trade-off. Such an
investment strategy will also align the investment portfolio
with a relative time horizon, priority of financial goals and risk

The core portfolio may further have 2-3 tiers within itself,
wherein, the beginning level will tend to provide a strong
foundation to the investment portfolio e.g. large-cap mutual
funds, passive investment securities, index funds etc. Large-cap
Shobhit Gupta and index securities generally behave greatly like core portfolio
securities, as it is believed that the markets always remain a step
Director & Co-Founder, ahead of the actual news and hence, the fundamentals drive the
stock and investment performance. Further, the availability of
Moneygain Consultants Pvt Ltd credible information in public domain makes the task of fund
manager tougher to generate alpha and hence, lower costs,
especially in passive funds, help the investors to generate better

Core Portfolio Strategy – returns. Further, the debt component aims to provide stability
to the portfolio, albeit with reasonable returns. It must be noted
that the aggressive or conservative nature of portfolio is a
Debt and Equity relative term and not constant for all the investors. While the
80:20 asset allocations towards debt and equity may be a

conservative portfolio for most of the investors, some may still
hile planning for your financial goals, you would consider it aggressive due to the presence of 20 per cent equity.
always expect the investment portfolio to Similarly, a 50:50 asset allocation may be an aggressive strategy
provide linear returns for achieving your for one investor while conservative for the other.
financial goals; however, the markets are not that
kind to the investors. In the era of globalisation, a news event in With the passage of time, it is expected that the satellite portion
one part of the world carries the potential to impact the shrinks, while the core portfolio grows due to the adjustments
markets in the other part. Thus, the investors must aim to to align with a changing risk profile. As such, the portfolio
mitigate the investment risk to the possible extent. With this should be periodically reviewed and rebalanced to match the
investment objective, financial advisors advise to follow modified investment strategy. Given the need of optimal asset
core-satellite investment strategy, wherein, the core of your allocation to be maintained in the core portfolio, one may also
portfolio is invested in stable asset classes and investments, choose to invest in dynamic asset allocation funds, which aim
while the satellite component can provide a cushion to the to maintain the asset allocation as per the relative valuations.
returns, generated by adopting a relatively aggressive investing Such funds aim to increase the investment exposure when the
strategy. The main investment objective to adopt a core-satellite valuations are lower, while book profits when the valuations in
strategy is to maintain a diversified portfolio, helping the a particular asset class seem expensive. As such, the investors
investors to mitigate the investment risk. The proportion of are benefited from ‘buy low sell high’ strategy while staying
core and satellite within the investment portfolio may be diversified across the asset classes.
different for different investors. Further, as one move from the
core towards the satellite portion, the investment style turns A core-satellite portfolio strategy is thus, an interesting and
relatively aggressive in order to generate higher alpha and also, simple investment strategy to build long-term investment
generate higher average returns for the portfolio. portfolio.

The writer is a Director & Co-Founder, Moneygain Consultants Pvt Ltd n Email id : [email protected] n Website link :


Financial Planning
MF page - 07

The first and foremost step is to know yourself, so that the

investments can be planned in a manner that best suits you
personally. How do you see risk and how do you handle such
risk, is something that defines your risk appetite. Many
investment platforms allow you to undertake your risk
profiling, generally through a series of multiple-choice
questions. Since this forms the foundation for the entire
process of financial planning, one must ensure that the
questions are attempted with sincerity and honesty. This whole
process will help you understand if you are an aggressive,
moderate or conservative investor and thus, decide on your
asset allocation strategy. Further, just like the law of nature says,
‘Change is inevitable,’ similarly, you must review your risk
profile on regular basis, at least once every year.

Besides, one must also be clear with their financial goals. The
criticality of the goal may also impact the desired asset
allocation for your investments. For example, one might be
more comfortable with a stable debt portfolio for investments
towards child’s education, while for a vacation, the savings
might be made in predominantly, equity portfolio. At the same
time, investing in asset classes with a better return potential can
Shirish Patel help you achieve some larger goals with limited savings, but
higher returns are generally accompanied with higher risk
CEO of Prudent Corporate Advisory perception. As such, the investing approach is needed to make
a balance between the risk appetite and financial goals.

Asset Allocation – Similarly, in case the lower-income tries to constrain the

financial goals at present, one can make use of Step-up SIP,
which starts with lower savings, and the monthly investments
Doing It In The Right Way are steadily stepped up with the increase in income.

Another critical determinant to decide your asset allocation
hile everyone talks about ‘Asset Allocation’ for strategy is the investment horizon. While equity may be
your investment portfolio, approaching it in the considered suitable for long-term goals, it may not suit
right manner calls for careful review of one’s short-term goals, irrespective of financial goals. For example,
financial profile. Financial planning is a relative one invests short-term surplus money in a liquid fund.
process, and thus, one must decide upon the optimal asset However, regardless of the equity outlook, it may be prudent to
allocation strategy after considering own income, expenses, invest such short-term surplus in equity funds.
financial goals, and risk-bearing ability.
One must also ensure that the asset allocation strategy itself is
reviewed on a periodical basis, as the financial goals and
investment horizon may change over time. As such, the
The investments in the portfolio must be investments in the portfolio must be periodically aligned with
the risk profile. Dynamic asset allocation funds, like balanced
periodically aligned with the risk profile. advantage fund, asset allocator fund, etc., allow you to maintain
Dynamic asset allocation funds, like a prudent asset allocation strategy based on the relative
balanced advantage fund, asset allocator
Maintaining a prudent asset allocation is a continuous process
fund, etc., allow you to maintain a prudent in the pursuit of financial prosperity and reviewing the
financial planning to align it with the financial profile can be
asset allocation strategy based on the another right step in that direction. Happy investing!
relative valuations.
The writer is a CEO of Prudent Corporate Advisory n Email id : [email protected] n Website link : JAN 20 - FEB 02, 2020 I DALAL STREET INVESTMENT JOURNAL 71

Special Report
MF Page - 08

You Need To
Know About
ETF Investing

here is a tectonic shift happening in the asset India is also catching up fast with the international trend and
management industry, all over the world. Passive the reason remains the same-difference in returns. According to
investment is attracting more and more funds Refinitiv Lipper data, India’s passive funds have delivered an
compared to active funds. In one of the reports by average return of 9.6 per cent so far this year, much higher than
Emerging Portfolio Fund Research (EPFR), a active funds’ 5.7 per cent. In 2018, passive funds posted 2.3 per
company that provides fund flows and asset allocation data, cent gains, while active funds had negative returns. In terms of
between 2007 and 2018, the Asset under Management (AUM) per cent, actively managed funds that underperformed passive
of passive funds has increased from USD 700 billion in the year benchmarks have increased in recent years.
2007 to USD 3.9 trillion in 2018, showing an annual growth of The Majority of Active Managers Underperformed Passive Benchmarks
19 per cent. One of the reasons for such a rise in the passively PERCENTAGE OF UNDERPERFORMING
managed funds is their performance. In a 10-year period in INDIAN EQUITY FUNDS
USA market, 89 per cent of the actively managed funds FUND CATEGORY COMPARISON INDEX
underperformed the passive funds. In case of mid-cap and (per cent) (per cent) (per cent)
small-cap dedicated funds, almost 93 per cent actively managed Indian Equity
S&P BSE 100 88 48 63
funds underperformed passively managed funds. Large-Cap
Indian ELSS S&P BSE 200 84 28 43
Actively Managed Funds Passively Managed Funds Indian Equity Mid-/ S&P BSE 400
62 53 51
Actively managed funds are way more With its ultra-low fees, they are least Small-Cap MidSmallCap Index
expensive. expensive. Source : S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC, Morningstar and Association of Mutual Funds in India. Data as of
These are more transparent than active June 30, 2018. The fund returns used are net of fees.
In case of actively managed funds, you get
funds since you know right from the
to know where your money is being
invested only at the end of the month.
beginning as to where your money will be AUM Trends
invested. The return difference has attracted investors in Exchange-
They are not as tax efficient as passive
They tend to be more tax efficient as they Traded Fund (ETF). The latest monthly data released by the
funds. This is because they tend to have a
follow buy and hold strategy which does not industry body-Association of Mutual Funds in India (AMFI)
higher turnover ratio as compared to
result in massive capital gain for the year. for the month of December 2019 shows that the total net inflow
passive funds. in the other ETF was at Rs 12,673 crore. If we look at the AUM
Active funds are more flexible as compared trend of other ETFs (that includes ETFs other than gold ETFs)
to passive funds. This is because in case of
Passively managed funds lose score in terms then, it is on a rising trend. Whereas, in case of gold ETFs, they
active funds, fund managers are not
of flexibility as they need to follow a have witnessed a severe fall from the start of the period of the
required to follow any particular index. study. However, from March 2019, it has again started to move
particular index.
They can invest in stocks which they deem up. If we look at the 5-year AUM growth then, on an average,
fit. the AUM of other ETFs grew at 90.64 per cent per annum and
Active fund managers are free to buy any gold ETFs showed a negative growth of 4.46 per cent per
There is no active risk with passive funds.
stocks that they feel would bring good annum. The AUM trend of other ETFs clearly shows the interest
They follow a specific index, due to which,
returns, which is great when the selection is of investors is indeed growing towards the ETFs.
they carry the same risk a
right, but terrible when it goes wrong.


MF page - 09

Nasdaq 100 ETF that delivered the highest returns (46.72 per
cent) among other equity ETFs.

Debt ETFs
Debt ETFs are those that invest in short-term, medium-term
and long-term debt instruments. Presently, there are only six
debt ETFs that are available for trading on exchanges, out of
which, three are liquid ETFs and remaining three are long-term
gilt. Recently, the Bharat Bond ETF by Edelweiss AMC was
launched and is available for trading on exchanges. Bharat Bond
ETF invests in corporate bonds of public sector enterprises.
Among the other debt ETFs, Nippon India ETF Liquid BeES
has the highest AUM of 2,194 crore. In terms of 1-year returns,
Nippon India ETF long-term gilt (11.92 per cent) and DSP
Liquid ETF (3.72 per cent) gave the highest returns in their
respective sub-categories.

Gold ETFs
Gold ETF is the only commodity-based ETF currently available
for trading on exchanges. As the name suggests, they track gold
prices. There are around 11 gold ETFs that are available for
trading. In terms of AUM, Nippon India ETF Gold BeES scores
over other gold ETFs with an AUM of Rs 2,694 crore. However,
when it comes to return then, Invesco India Gold ETF gave the
highest returns (27.53 per cent) among other ETFs in 1-year.

Which ETFs Stand Tall?

1-Year 3-Year 5-Year
What are ETFs? Equity ETFs AUM
(per cent) (per cent) (per cent)
Despite such a rise in the ETFs investment, very few investors Nippon India ETF Bank BeES 7399 19.26 19.96 11.53
know and understand about ETF. This instrument is fairly new SBI-ETF Sensex 22514 17.98 16.30 10.07
to the investor community. In our special report, we would Nippon India ETF Junior BeES 1232 3.82 9.30 9.49
touch upon all the aspects of ETFs to help you understand in Motilal Oswal Mid-cap 100 ETF 32 -3.32 4.61 6.62
making a right investment choice. CPSE ETF 10524 -0.48 -4.25 1.12
Let’s start with the basics-by understanding what ETFs are. An
1-Year 3-Year 5-Year
ETF is an investment avenue that is a portfolio of securities such Debt ETFs AUM
(per cent) (per cent) (per cent)
as stocks that often track their respective underlying index. Nippon India ETF Liquid BeES 2194 3.64 3.92 4.24
ETFs in many ways are like mutual funds. However, the only LIC MF G-Sec LT ETF-(G) 90 10.80 5.73 8.07
difference is that, ETFs are listed on exchanges and they are
traded throughout the day just like any other ordinary stock.
1-Year 3-Year 5-Year
Some of the examples are-Nifty ETFs, Sensex ETF, etc which Gold ETFs AUM
(per cent) (per cent) (per cent)
tracks the Nifty 50 index and Sensex index, respectively. ETFs
Nippon India ETF Gold BeES 2694 23.83 11.50 7.30
by virtue can invest in stocks, commodities, bonds or their
UTI Gold ETF 458 27.15 11.73 7.35
Above are some of the top ETFs in equity, debt and gold. They
Equity ETFs have made to the top due to their AUM and long-term
Equity ETFs are the most common type of ETFs that are traded performance. In case of equity ETFs, they are not limited to the
on exchanges. They invest in equities domestically or aforementioned categories. But they also have thematic ETFs
internationally. Currently, there are around 65 equity ETFs like factor-based ETFs and international ETFs like Motilal
available for investments. Most of the equity ETFs is from the Oswal Nasdaq 100 ETF and Nippon India ETF Hang Seng
fund houses, such as Nippon India and ICICI Prudential AMC BeES. ETFs tend to give better long-term returns as they are
(Asset Management Company). very low in cost. Besides, you need to bear the transaction costs
also, apart from the expense ratio.
In terms of AUM, however, SBI - ETF Nifty 50 is on the top with
AUM of Rs 65,000 crore as on November 2019. When it comes How liquid are they?
to ETF that has generated the best returns, it is Motilal Oswal Liquidity remains the major concern while investing in any JAN 20 - FEB 02, 2020 I DALAL STREET INVESTMENT JOURNAL 73

Special Report
MF Page - 10

instrument and ETF should be no different. However, liquidity underlying securities and extinguish the units. On the other
in case of ETF is slightly different from normal stock market. hand, when AMC will receive fresh investments, it will create
new units by buying the underlying securities from the market.
There are three layers of liquidity in an ETF viz visible
secondary market, hidden secondary market and primary So, as we can see that liquidity will not be a major concern for
market. investors. If at all volume of the ETFs is low, there are APs that
can create or redeem the units of ETFs which creates liquidity
Visible secondary market liquidity in the market.
Secondary market liquidity is said to be visible when the buying
and selling happens at the exchange during market hours. Should You Invest In Them?
Generally, higher the number of ETF unit holders, better is the All in all, ETFs is one of the better ways of passive investment.
visible secondary market liquidity. As the majority of the ETF Although, we are a developing economy, so, there are a lot of
trades are done in the secondary market, during normal market opportunities available for the actively managed funds to create
conditions, the liquidity of the ETFs would not be overly an alpha. Nevertheless, as market becomes more efficient, we
dependent on its underlying securities. may see the alpha generated by the active funds declining.
Investing in ETFs has its own set of advantages like low-cost
Hidden secondary market liquidity product, can be bought and sold just like shares, and so on.
Authorised Participants (AP) is also sometimes referred to as
Designated Market Makers (DMM). These are the financial ETFs are more suitable to anyone who is new to equity
institutions which dynamically manage the creation and investment. It will help him to get the experience of investing in
redemption of ETF units through AMC, to provide additional equity as an asset class. It is better to invest in ETFs rather than
liquidity in the secondary market. These market makers in a single company as the volatility of an ETF might be low as
provide liquidity by buying & selling ETF units and trying to compared to a single company. Also, it sets you free from the
keep bid-ask spread closer to the fair value of the ETF, which is process of fund selection. Secondly, long-term investors can
represented by the Indicative Net Asset Value (iNAV) during consider investing in ETFs as they can cash in the benefits of
the day. the low-expense ratio. Investor can also use ETFs to diversify
their portfolio further, by investing in an international equity
Primary market liquidity index.
The third level of liquidity is via the AMC. Here, investors can
create or redeem ETF units above specific basket size directly So, does it mean they would replace the mutual funds? Not at
from the AMC. This will provide large investors with seamless all! Though similar, both the products are structured differently
access to the redemption and creation of ETF units. When and investors can use them judiciously to achieve their financial
AMC will receive a redemption request, it will sell the goals.


Expert Speak MF Page - 11

Here’s How To Tackle The

Current Market Scenario
Hemant Rustagi
Chief Executive Officer, Wiseinvest Advisors

If you are a serious investor and follow an asset allocation method to decide the asset mix for your portfolio, you would
typically have equity, debt, and gold in it. While asset allocation helps in diversifying your portfolio, each of these asset
classes requires a different investment strategy to stay on course, advises Hemant Rustagi, CEO, Wiseinvest Advisors

t is always challenging for investors to keep their equity mean poor performance. Even the best of fund managers are
mutual fund portfolio on track during a defined time likely to deliver negative returns during the periods when either
horizon. In the current scenario, the continued the overall market or a segment in which the fund is invested
polarisation and volatility in the stock market remains a doesn’t perform. Therefore, short-term negative returns, in line
concern for investors. However, history tells us that investors with the market, from a fund that has been doing well shouldn’t
who demonstrate patience and perseverance during turbulent be a cause for worry. While we are likely to witness better and
times in the market get their due in the long run. In other broad-based market performance in 2020, the volatility could
words, a haphazard approach of either redeeming equity fund continue for some more time. Hence, the key would be to keep
investments during market volatility or investing into them for your emotions in check and make rational decisions.
making a quick buck is most likely to backfire.
Reassess Selection Process
The key, therefore, is to continue with your investment process The right way to benefit from your mutual fund investments is
uninterruptedly irrespective of the market conditions and to balance risk and reward. For that, you must know the type of
ensure that certain basic principles of mutual fund investing are risks you are likely to face over time. The major risk is
followed diligently. Considering that there is a high probability fluctuations in the NAVs that can range from high to low
of the stock market becoming broad-based going forward, here depending upon the type of fund you are invested in. And that
are a couple of important investing principles which, if is the reason why identifying the right level of risk tolerance
followed, can help you benefit from the emerging scenario. and the right schemes to suit it remains the most important
factors in ensuring success from a mutual fund portfolio.
Focus on Long-Term Performance
While it is natural to get affected by short or medium-term For example, if you are an aggressive long-term investor, your
performance of the stock market, it shouldn’t influence your portfolio composition should be different from someone who
long-term investment strategy. Remember, volatility in the may have a different time horizon and risk profile. Therefore, if
stock market is a natural phenomenon and hence you must be you decide to invest in a sector fund, make sure that you have
prepared to tackle it at all times. Fortunately, there are strategies the risk appetite required for such an investment and that
like disciplined investment approach and having longer-term existing funds in your portfolio do not have a substantial
time horizon that can not only help you tackle volatility but also exposure to that sector.
allow you to benefit from it through ‘averaging’. Investors often
get disillusioned by negative returns of equity funds during If you are not sure about the composition of your portfolio, it’s
turbulent times. time to have a close look at it to ensure that it has the right
balance and the mix to deliver improved performance not only
The fact, however, is that negative returns do not necessarily in 2020 but also for many years to come. DS JAN 20 - FEB 02, 2020 I DALAL STREET INVESTMENT JOURNAL 75

MF Page - 12

You are one of the oldest fund houses flows in the form of lump sum
and have witnessed three market investment in equity. This has been the
cycles closely. What is the key to your trend since January 2019 and got
worsened in terms of net flows in the
success? Also, how do you look at the month of November. I would assume it is
MF industry from an AMC point of the function of overall experience of
view? investors, especially in the last two years
and also, overall economic slowdown
We as a Fund House have seen multiple that is being seen. Lastly, the year began
market cycles and incidentally, as of this with a few regulatory changes related to
month, we are also completing 25 of years the distribution model which moved
of this successful journey and our completely to trail commission model.
contribution to the Mutual Fund There was also a change in the incentive
industry’s growth. Our AMC’s success so model to attract SIP, from upfront to trail
far, has come largely on the basis of our model. All these changes came together
ability to create solutions for the growing in the year 2019 and hence, the marginal
needs of investors across the country. In slowdown should be seen as creating a
order to do that, one has to build a strong base for the next round of growth.
team, combined with credibility of the Therefore, slowdown in flows should not
process that drives the organisation’s be seen as negative as we have seen these
success. Ultimately, staying committed to cycles in the past also and post such a
the business in delivering consistence of slowdown, the industry has only seen a
experience to our customers and leap forward to the next level.
distribution partners have helped in
A Balasubramanian building the organisation as one of the top
AMCs in our 25th year and of course,
You have recently launched ‘Aditya Birla
Sun Life PSU Equity Fund’. Enlighten us
CEO, Aditya Birla Sun Life AMC maintaining leadership position in the
industry. I would say our success is the on the factors that attracted you and
outcome of a strong brand value, also, what are the investment strategies
shareholders’ commitment to this you are going with?
business, risk management practices,
investment management capability We keep doing new fund launches on the
through a strong team and ability to basis of spotting opportunities and the
provide greater service to both our ongoing emerging investment themes for
customers and distributors. Having offering differentiated products to our
brought to scale both in our customer investors. This fund especially, is dedicated
acquisition and AUM strategy, we believe for investing in the government-owned
the Mutual Fund industry will continue listed enterprises. Most of the government-
Market fluctuations and to grow to newer heights in the years to owned companies in the listed space are
come. Asset management industry would attractively valued and they are now being
near-term negative evolve to a strong industry going forward, either consolidated or being put up for
one that is chosen not just to channelise strategic sale. Both should provide an
returns have always resources into the capital market, but it opportunity to unlock value for investors.
will also take a leading role in the The theme provides an opportunity to own
remained temporary and development of capital market by this space as a tactical bet in the portfolio.
as time progresses; they becoming the largest provider of capital
both in the form of debt & equity and also Recently, the Bharat Bond ETF was
do get adjusted in one’s in growing businesses across the country. launched which is said to be the first
corporate bond ETF in India. What are
portfolio returns and Equity mutual funds have recorded one your thoughts on the same? Do you
of the lowest inflows in the recent
builds a good experience. times, i.e., in the month of November
have any plans in the future to come up
with your own corporate bond ETF?
2019. How do you see this?
Bharat Bond ETF did gather a huge
This year so far, one has witnessed lower response from institutional investors.


MF Page - 13

This is another way to raise money from Funds to invest up to 15 per cent in There is a fall in the number of ARN
the market by bundling of various Indian equity. So far, a large portion of renewals as well as new ARN
borrowers in one ETF format and offer to its size has come from these investors, registrations. So, is this a hint of
investors. As we have seen in the past, that too to a few large public sector-
new instruments are being created such owned mutual funds. Such a some major change in the mutual
as InvIT, REIT and now Bond ETF in disproportionate flow into ETF resulted fund distribution space trend?
order to expand the debt capital market in a few large weight stocks in the Nifty How do you look at it from AMC’s
and attract more investors both from and Sensex to perform far better than perspective?
retail and institutional space. I am sure broad market as well as many companies
Bond ETF will be complementary to the in the Index. This never used to happen It is a function of economic model
large pool of bond market in our country in the past; however, this phenomenon under which these ARN holders have
and provide an opportunity to has become a new normal. This has built their business. If someone does not
participate; in addition to mutual fund created more awareness for Index Funds have a long-term commitment to this
pool-based fixed income schemes that and a passive way of investing among and is looking at the whole financial
are already familiar to investors. investors as well as advisors. business as an opportunity, I am sure
they would move away to something
Aditya Birla Sun Life Frontline Equity In our view, passive funds will remain that gives them more predictability on
was one of your best-performing complementary to actively managed their earnings. However, those who
funds and actively managed funds over believe it is a business of scale
large-cap funds. However, post re- time will do well given the diversity of combined with giving personalised
categorisation, wherein the benchmark stock winners that can potentially come service to its investing customers, they
was changed from S&P BSE 200 to Nifty from other Nifty and Sensex stocks. would look at this as a long-term
50, the fund has performed poorly as business model and those people are
Equity markets are trading at their building the business to its next level.
compared to its benchmark. In your There is a space for everyone,
view, what led to this all-time highs and are also highly irrespective of size as long as they are
underperformance? volatile. So, how do you look at the able to remain relevant to their
ABSL Frontline Equity has built huge performance of equity mutual funds in customers and their families and friends
credibility among the large-cap schemes 2020 and what are the categories that as their family advisor or as their
by providing a solid investment financial caretaker.
experience to investors over a 20-year you see will spearhead the returns?
period. Last year post re-categorisation Equity market has been doing well What will be your advice to retail
and also change in the bench mark from largely due to the inflows as mentioned investors for 2020?
BSE 200 to NIFTY 50, did have some above as well as from global emerging
impact on the portfolio performance. The market funds. This will continue even Keep a high focus on asset allocation
impact on the relative performance was during the year 2020 given the fact, between all products using goal-based
largely due to the difference in index liquidity is high and interest rates are investment approach and continue to
weight and portfolio underweight to few low, hence more allocation towards keep investing in the form of SIPs and
securities. Over time, such gaps have equity. Having said that, recent STP to build a long-term portfolio.
been addressed and at the same time, the slowdown in Indian economy would Market fluctuations and near-term
portfolio will still make an attempt to have created a bottom and there is a high negative returns have always remained
generate alpha by focussing on stocks probability of the economy bouncing temporary and as time progresses; they
from the non-Nifty companies to the back gradually as the government has do get adjusted in one’s portfolio returns
extent of 10 per cent to 15 per cent. I am started taking firm action to reverse the and builds a good experience. In order
sure our Portfolio Manager would be in a trend. This in fact has reversed the to get that experience, one bull market is
position to bring back the consistency of sentiment and brought back the hope sufficient which normally comes once in
performance in the portfolio with these and optimism towards equity market. In three years and therefore, riding the ups
changes as we move ahead. this scenario, we see multi-cap funds as a and downs by staying invested is the key
leading choice, and at the same time, we to success. No business can be built
What are your thoughts on passive also witness mid and small-cap funds without going through ups and downs
investments and do you think passive make a big come back as they are trading and is equally applicable for the
at all-time lows and have shown huge investment world too. Therefore in the
investment will make a better future? underperformance in the last two years. year 2020, investors should keep a focus
Passive investments have picked up in This underperformance may not last for on SIP way of investing in mutual fund
India in the last two years post too long and they would come back in and build fixed income schemes too as a
Government of India allowing Provident the recognition in the year 2020. part of the portfolio. JAN 20 - FEB 02, 2020 I DALAL STREET INVESTMENT JOURNAL 77

MF Select
MF page - 14

Kotak Small Cap Fund - Direct Plan (Growth)

Equity: Small Cap 18.51%
Scheme Category *Expected Return In Next One Year

Nifty Smallcap 100 TRI

`1360 Cr 82.09 0.92%
Expense Ratio (%)
AUM (`Cr): 31 Dec., 2019 NAV (`) 09 Jan., 2020 30 Nov., 2019 Benchmark

1% for redemption within 365 days Pankaj Tibrewal

Exit Load Fund Manager
Reason for recommendation TOP 10 Holdings
The performance of the broader indices has been anything but COMPANY NAME % TO NET ASSETS
good, in the last couple of years. In the past one year i.e., Techno Electric & Engineering 3.72
calendar year 2019, 32 per cent of the small-cap stocks from JK Cement Ltd. 3.14
S&P BSE 250 Small Cap Index stocks have fallen by more than Galaxy Surfactants Ltd 3.09
30 per cent while, 11 per cent have fallen more than 50 per cent.
Sheela Foam Ltd 3.05
From a long-term investment perspective, price decline and
underperformance for such a long period gives an opportunity P I Industries Ltd 2.97
of investing in small-cap mutual funds. Thus, investors can use JMC Projects (India) Ltd. 2.80
this opportunity for their long-term investment objectives. Dixon Technologies India Ltd 2.67
Kotak Small Cap Fund is one such fund that you should Prataap Snacks Limited 2.67
consider. The fund follows the philosophy of growth at a
Ratnamani Metals & Tubes Ltd. 2.66
reasonable price. Their focus is on investing in quality
businesses, run by a good management, generating higher Nilkamal Ltd. 2.64
return on capital and offering sustainable growth with a higher stocks collectively weighted at 29 per cent of corpus. The top 10
market potential, available at reasonable valuations. They holdings of the stock gave a weighted average return of 25.27
essentially follow bottom-up stock picking approach with a per cent in past one year, which in itself is phenomenal. It has
wide-sectoral diversification to manage risks. strong holdings like JK Cement, Galaxy Surfactants and PI
The fund has a low concentration risk as they have diversified Industries, which may surely help this fund to rise further.
well by investing in 60 stocks. Moreover, the highest weighted Hence, an investor with a moderate to aggressive risk profile
stock forms less than 4 per cent of the portfolio while the top 10 can consider investing in the fund.

Monthly Returns


MF QueryBoard
MF page - 15

FDs fetching you 5 per cent post-tax returns, it would also be

I am 22-years old and want to invest Rs 40,000 per month via
more than enough to foreclose your loan, as with this, you
SIP mode for 3 years and hold the total investment for the would be able to accumulate Rs 19.83 lakh. Regarding the funds
next 5 years. After 3 years, I plan to take home loan of Rs 30 selected by you, they are indeed good. However, they are meant
lakh for 15 years. I wish to pay all my EMIs of the home loan for long-term investing. Also, by foreclosing your loan, you are
after 8 years from now. Kindly suggest whether this would not breaching income tax laws. The thing that you would be
be right or by doing so, will I break any income tax law? The missing by foreclosing your loan is the income tax deductions
funds selected for my investment is as follows: - available on home loan. However, our recommendation would
1. SBI small-cap fund-10,000 be that you better get a portfolio consisting of large-cap fund
2. Mirae asset large-cap fund-10,000 and gilt fund. This would help you not just in capital apprecia-
tion, but also to provide cushioning when the equities turn
3. Axis mid-cap fund -10,000
unfavourable. Also, we would recommend you to have a
4. SBI banking and financial services fund-10,000 financial plan to take care of other financial goals as well.
- Manish Kumar
My age is 40 and I am paying a premium towards life insurance for the
SBI Small Cap Fund I Mirae Asset Large Cap Fund last 18 years and my financial advisor asked me to surrender the same
Name of the Fund Axis Mid Cap Fund and invest via SIP in Mirae Asset Large Cap Fund and Kotak Bluechip Fund.
SBI Banking & Financial Services Fund
Kindly guide me as what should I do next? - Surendra Purshottam
Equity – Small Cap I Large Cap
Scheme Category
Mid Cap I Sectoral – Financial Services
Name of the Fund Mirae Asset Large Cap Fund I Kotak Bluechip Fund
NAV 53.62 I 53.57
Scheme Category Equity – Large Cap
(As on January 08, 2020) 39.35 I 19.80
Expense Ratio 2.24 per cent I 1.68 per cent 53.57 I 250.15
(As on January 08, 2020)
(As on November 30, 2019) 1.99 per cent I 2.38 per cent
Expense Ratio
AUM (` / Crore) 3,156 I 16,519 1.68 per cent I 2.18 per cent
(As on November 30, 2019)
(As on November 30, 2019) 3,859 I 1,409
AUM (` / Crore)
16,519 I 1,488
(As on November 30, 2019)

At first, let us briefly explain what we have understood from
your query: irst of all, it is important to understand that keeping
n You wish to buy a home after 3 years for which you are investment and insurance separate is the best practice. This
planning to take a home loan of Rs 30 lakh with loan assures that you get the maximum benefit from the best of
tenure of 15 years. both worlds. So, it is always better to have a term plan for your
n After 8 years from now, you want to pay off your remain- insurance needs and invest in mutual funds for your investment.
ing EMI of 7 years and foreclose the home loan. If you are having a traditional insurance policy such as endow-
n For the goal of foreclosing your home loan after 8 years, ment or money back or the like, then it makes sense to discon-
you wish to invest Rs 40,000 per month via SIP for the tinue them and invest in mutual funds. However, if you have
first 3 years and then stop the SIP and stay invested for already paid more than half of the premiums then it is better to
the next 5 years. continue the policy as surrendering the policy would not benefit
n For this, you also need to know whether you are you much. In your case, you have not mentioned the actual
breaching any income tax laws and whether it is possible tenure of the policy so, cannot comment on whether you should
to do this at all. surrender the policy or not. However, if you are surrendering the
policy then, make sure that you have the required amount of term
Assuming 8 per cent rate of interest on your home loan, you insurance in place. Regarding the funds, both have performed
would be paying an EMI of Rs 28,670 per month. To foreclose well in the long-term. However, it would be better to plan your
your loan after 8 years, you would need Rs 18.39 lakh (This objective before investing. Consider investing in these funds if
would be your principal loan outstanding after 96 months or 8 your investment horizon is 5 years or more. Also with this, you
years) Now if we assume that your investment would earn need to have a proper asset allocation in place based on your risk
Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 10 per cent, profile that you must re-balance annually. Following is the
then your 3-year SIP of Rs 40,000 would become Rs 16.74 performance of the funds for your reference:
lakh. Further, if you stay invested for the next 5 years with the Returns (per cent)
same rate of returns, you would be able to accumulate Rs 26.95 Fund
3 Month 6 Month 1 Year 3 Year 5 Year 10 Year
lakh. Looking at the above figures, we can say that you can Mirae Asset Large
indeed foreclose the loan easily after 8 years and also have a Cap Fund
9.02 2.97 12.38 14.86 12.05 13.97
surplus left with you. Besides, if you put your money in bank Kotak Bluechip Fund 8.25 4.91 14.49 12.28 9.21 10.02 DS

Readers are requested to send only one query at a time so that more readers get a chance. Have questions relating to any aspect of
personal finance. Ask DSIJ at [email protected] and get your queries resolved. JAN 20 - FEB 02, 2020 I DALAL STREET INVESTMENT JOURNAL 79

MF Data Bank
MF Page - 16

With Ranking

Key To Databank
he following table lists top-ranked equity funds based on Category Rank: Category wise ranking as on Jan 09th 2020
DSIJ's proprietary research methodology. We have Scheme Name: This is the name of the mutual fund scheme
evaluated each funds underlying portfolio of stocks and NAV (`): Net asset value per unit of a mutual fund or an exchange-traded fund
ranked them based on their expected portfolio returns. In a similar (ETF) on a specific date
way we calculated the risk of a fund based on its constituents. This AUM (`Crore): This is the total market value of financial assets held by the mutual
helps us to ‘rank’ and assign ‘risk’ to newly launched funds also. fund scheme on a specific date.
We continuously evaluate equity funds based on the changed Weightage: Large-Cap: This is a percentage of total assets held by a fund in the
large-cap stocks as defined by AMFI for the current period.
ratings of their underlying stocks and the change in their prices.
Mid-Cap: This is a percentage of total assets held by a fund in mid-cap stocks as
Therefore, this list is quite dynamic and reflects the best possible
defined by AMFI for the current period.
return potential of the funds for the next one year. Small-Cap: This is a percentage of total assets held by a fund in small-cap stocks as
You can use this ranking to create your own mutual fund defined by AMFI for the current period.
portfolio. Depending on your risk profile, return expectations and Total No of Companies: This is a total number of securities held by a mutual fund
overall asset allocation, you can add the best performing fund scheme at the end of a specific month.
category to your portfolio. For clarity and to include more funds, Expenses Ratio: This is the latest expense ratio disclosed by the mutual fund scheme
we have not included ‘Direct’ and ‘close-ended’ funds. You can visit Return_1Years: This is the past one-year return given by the scheme.
our website ( to check the entire list Expected 1-yr return: This is based on our analysis of the portfolio of mutual fund
along with equity-oriented hybrid and close-ended funds. scheme and their expected growth in the next one year, assuming the underlying
remains the same.
This ranking can also be used for reviewing different holdings
Current Rank: Rank as on Jan 09th 2020
in your fund portfolio. Hence, a consistently laggard performer of a
Previous Rank of Dec 26th 2019 is shown under bracket ()
category can be looked at as 'Switch' or 'Exit' advice.
Risk : Risk as on Jan 08th 2020

Expense Return 1Expected

Category Weightage (%) DSIJ Current
Scheme Name Companies Ratio (%) 1 Years yr return Rank Risk
Rank (`) (` Cr)
Large Cap Mid Cap Small Cap (%) (%) (09 Jan 20)
Equity - Large Cap
1 HDFC Top 100 Fund - Reg. Plan 494.09 18,748 93.48 5.30 0.00 52 1.73 6.84 19.72 34 (84) Moderately High
2 Mahindra Pragati Bluechip Yojana 10.67 97 83.99 10.35 0.00 26 2.67 0.00 17.68 64 (153) Moderately Low
3 Aditya Birla Sun Life Frontline Equity Fund 229.52 21,255 84.00 9.67 1.01 63 1.77 7.66 16.09 118 (185) Moderate
4 Essel Large Cap Equity Fund 24.05 100 83.72 7.72 3.34 44 2.35 11.94 16.08 119 (192) Moderately Low
5 Invesco India Largecap Fund 29.63 203 86.04 7.29 4.99 28 2.61 10.11 16.07 120 (193) Moderately Low
6 Nippon India Large Cap Fund 35.16 13,010 80.75 13.97 4.85 46 1.82 6.69 15.52 164 (186) Moderately High
7 DSP Top 100 Equity Fund 222.11 2,689 95.27 1.41 3.00 46 2.07 14.92 15.51 165 (248) Moderately High
8 Franklin India Bluechip Fund - Growth 467.15 6,753 85.39 4.51 0.00 30 1.86 5.31 15.46 167 (195) Moderately High
9 Edelweiss Large Cap Fund 37.32 176 79.73 12.15 0.00 57 2.01 12.07 15.38 181 (257) Moderately Low
10 SBI Blue Chip Fund 40.89 23,484 82.85 9.95 0.49 52 1.66 11.43 14.59 223 (278) Moderate
11 PGIM India Large Cap Fund 176.21 327 93.32 2.85 0.33 36 2.45 13.88 14.47 228 (321) Moderate
12 Mirae Asset Large Cap Fund 53.70 16,519 83.52 10.17 1.54 59 1.68 12.38 14.45 230 (273) Moderate
Equity - Large & Mid Cap
1 ICICI Prudential Large & Mid Cap Fund 328.54 3,567 58.27 33.79 4.83 58 2.20 5.99 18.90 49 (91) Moderate
2 UTI Core Equity Fund 61.51 867 53.00 34.47 9.45 59 2.44 1.93 18.31 57 (60) Moderate
3 Axis Growth Opportunities Fund 11.75 896 45.74 33.00 0.00 26 2.26 16.80 16.62 94 (173) Moderately High
4 DSP Equity Opportunities Fund 230.90 5,623 61.38 33.14 4.30 62 1.85 11.14 16.50 97 (129) Moderately High
5 IDFC Core Equity Fund 45.36 2,831 50.57 39.91 7.46 66 1.97 4.20 16.45 100 (143) Moderate
6 Essel Large & Midcap Fund - Reg. Plan 15.72 105 42.49 35.06 19.85 46 2.42 9.10 16.25 111 (150) Moderately Low
7 Franklin India Equity Advantage Fund 79.24 2,608 55.75 31.07 8.03 54 2.04 2.70 16.23 112 (121) Moderate
8 Sundaram Large and Mid Cap Fund 36.44 953 56.37 34.89 1.72 36 2.19 10.75 15.62 155 (203) Moderate
9 HDFC Growth Opportunities Fund - Reg. Plan 114.62 1,374 61.27 34.99 1.82 45 2.45 5.46 15.39 178 (166) Moderately High
10 Invesco India Growth Opportunities Fund 36.02 2,108 58.61 35.27 1.45 44 2.07 11.10 15.20 195 (180) Moderate
Others - Index Funds/ETFs
1 Nippon India CPSE ETF 23.15 11,269 87.34 10.40 2.02 10 0.01 -3.89 35.84 1 (2) Moderate
2 DSP Equal Nifty 50 Fund 9.79 109 97.51 2.32 0.00 50 0.88 3.48 27.90 4 (16) Moderately High
3 ICICI Prudential Bharat 22 ETF 34.07 9,620 89.94 3.81 6.23 22 0.01 -3.82 26.80 6 (13) Moderate

() There are some blanks in the previous ranking column. This is because these funds were not in our last ranking
** These funds are yet to complete one year

In December 2019, debt schemes witnessed a total outflow of `78,426.83 Crore which was highly contributed
by liquid fund with net outflow of `71,158.51 Crore.


MF Page - 17

Expense Return 1Expected

Category Weightage (%) DSIJ Current
Scheme Name Companies Ratio (%) 1 Years yr return Rank Risk
Rank (`) (` Cr)
Large Cap Mid Cap Small Cap (%) (%) (09 Jan 20)
4 ICICI Prudential Private Banks ETF 173.28 487 90.15 9.82 0.00 10 0.16 ** 24.45 10 (48) High
5 Aditya Birla Sun Life Banking ETF 311.82 140 95.00 4.63 0.00 12 0.17 ** 20.17 29 (107) High
6 Nippon India ETF Bank BeES 318.79 6,705 95.65 4.28 0.00 12 0.19 15.16 20.16 30 (108) High
7 SBI ETF Nifty Bank 315.93 4,178 95.41 4.58 0.00 12 0.20 15.21 20.14 31 (109) High
8 ICICI Prudential Bank ETF 313.07 602 93.98 4.53 0.00 12 0.16 ** 19.84 32 (119) High
9 Kotak PSU Bank ETF 238.76 40 62.63 27.11 9.74 12 0.49 -23.50 19.68 35 (81) High
10 Nippon India ETF PSU Bank BeES 26.55 94 63.26 26.47 10.01 12 0.49 -23.27 19.17 45 (89) High
11 Nippon India ETF NV20 58.22 31 98.17 1.06 0.00 20 0.16 10.04 18.96 48 (87) Moderately Low
12 Motilal Oswal Midcap 100 ETF 17.67 32 8.07 85.89 4.86 99 0.20 -3.32 18.73 52 (67) Moderately High
13 ICICI Prudential Midcap Select ETF 64.45 39 23.48 75.19 0.00 29 0.45 -3.02 17.27 77 (96) Moderately High
14 ICICI Prudential Nifty Low Vol 30 ETF 90.85 82 97.51 0.00 0.00 30 0.42 5.70 16.42 101 (153) Moderately Low
15 Nippon India ETF Nifty Midcap 150 62.59 192 7.31 86.61 5.22 148 0.31 ** 16.22 113 (44) Moderately High
16 ICICI Prudential S&P BSE 500 ETF 157.67 57 81.39 12.82 5.41 499 0.29 8.76 15.98 125 (162) Moderately High
17 Motilal Oswal Nifty Midcap 150 Index Fund 10.94 27 7.77 85.06 4.74 149 1.03 0.00 15.89 130 (50) Moderately High
18 Mirae Asset Nifty 50 ETF 122.15 127 99.68 0.29 0.00 50 0.07 13.42 15.79 135 (210) Moderate
19 UTI Nifty Exchange Traded Fund 1,276.72 16,511 99.78 0.29 0.00 50 0.06 13.32 15.79 135 (212) Moderate
20 UTI Nifty Index Fund 79.12 1,853 99.75 0.29 0.00 50 0.17 13.11 15.78 137 (213) Moderate
21 SBI ETF Nifty 50 123.48 65,001 99.71 0.29 0.00 50 0.07 13.22 15.78 137 (213) Moderate
22 HDFC Nifty 50 ETF 1,265.09 374 99.81 0.21 0.00 50 0.05 13.29 15.77 139 (213) Moderate
23 IDBI Nifty Index Fund 22.24 228 99.60 0.29 0.00 50 1.03 12.17 15.77 139 (218) Moderate
24 Kotak Nifty ETF 124.31 890 99.68 0.29 0.00 50 0.14 13.10 15.77 139 (218) Moderate
Equity - Sectoral/Thematic
1 Nippon India Power & Infra Fund 94.20 1,292 33.60 13.47 49.33 36 2.34 -1.69 34.11 2 (6) Moderately High
2 IDFC Infrastructure Fund 14.16 789 36.58 21.14 41.49 42 2.36 -2.61 27.26 5 (11) High
3 Aditya Birla Sun Life Infrastructure Fund 29.79 497 30.51 28.34 37.95 49 2.62 -2.49 25.54 7 (12) Moderately High
4 ICICI Prudential FMCG Fund - Growth 243.91 512 72.46 12.88 8.55 19 2.53 4.02 23.50 11 (38) Low
5 L&T Infrastructure Fund - Reg. Plan 15.24 1,704 32.05 28.64 37.91 50 2.20 -1.93 22.94 13 (24) Moderately High
6 HSBC Infrastructure Equity Fund 15.00 87 44.52 18.13 31.60 31 2.57 -12.78 21.27 19 (20) High
7 SBI Equity Minimum Variance Fund 10.20 49 98.78 1.36 0.00 50 0.70 0.00 21.24 20 (57) Moderate
8 ICICI Prudential Exports and Services Fund 57.86 693 61.15 21.85 13.51 24 2.58 7.69 21.00 22 (33) Moderate
9 Franklin India Opportunities Fund 72.80 571 74.53 12.67 8.30 33 2.50 4.87 20.95 23 (63) Moderately High
10 Invesco India PSU Equity Fund 18.39 99 59.64 24.38 11.68 17 2.53 10.12 20.91 25 (25) Moderately High
11 HDFC Infrastructure Fund - Reg. Plan 15.28 727 56.96 9.72 30.65 37 2.45 -3.28 19.79 33 (54) High
12 Invesco India Infrastructure Fund 17.53 41 31.06 32.00 35.19 27 2.49 7.55 19.64 36 (42) Moderate
13 Tata India Consumer Fund 17.14 1,337 54.66 35.09 9.35 31 2.26 -0.47 19.36 39 (97) Low
14 ICICI Prudential Infrastructure Fund 49.92 1,110 55.03 6.26 36.85 51 2.32 2.76 19.28 42 (40) Moderately High
15 ICICI Prudential India Opportunities Fund 10.44 2,206 66.29 19.14 6.60 34 1.99 ** 19.26 43 (79) Moderate
16 Tata Infrastructure Fund - Reg. Plan 55.10 511 54.05 23.65 20.17 34 2.59 4.26 18.76 50 (49) Moderate
17 Canara Robeco Infrastructure 44.37 111 48.85 21.88 26.30 32 2.60 3.09 18.55 54 (58) Moderately High
18 Kotak Infra. & Eco. Reform Fund - Reg. Plan 19.96 347 30.50 39.55 28.75 39 2.50 5.53 18.14 59 (39) Moderately High
19 UTI Healthcare Fund 85.13 401 54.89 34.62 9.15 23 2.52 2.36 17.67 65 (8) Moderately Low
20 Sundaram Rural and Consumption Fund 41.89 2,047 44.57 37.99 16.56 53 2.15 3.10 17.67 65 (126) Moderate
21 DSP Tiger Fund 91.45 1,064 60.21 13.37 24.50 60 2.19 6.98 17.41 70 (94) Moderately High
22 DSP Natural Resources and New Energy Fund 32.27 363 86.24 3.89 0.92 18 2.48 5.79 17.38 73 (248) Moderately High
23 ICICI Prudential Banking and Fin. Services 68.37 3,632 65.87 20.49 9.83 30 2.00 12.10 17.37 74 (110) Moderately High
24 Aditya Birla Sun Life Pharma & Healthcare Fund 10.63 173 48.73 32.68 15.07 23 2.71 ** 17.36 75 (72) Moderately Low
25 Franklin Build India Fund 41.42 1,263 67.76 6.29 20.30 36 2.21 4.87 17.05 81 (76) High
26 Aditya Birla Sun Life Manufacturing Eq. Fund 12.70 558 57.19 22.58 18.28 45 2.64 -3.05 17.02 82 (139) Moderately Low
27 UTI Infrastructure Fund 53.62 1,281 57.55 21.64 19.36 40 2.30 7.52 16.59 95 (82) Moderately High
28 Mirae Asset Great Consumer Fund 36.80 952 52.88 34.02 11.96 37 2.24 8.37 16.38 103 (111) Moderate
29 ICICI Prudential Manufacture in India Fund 10.29 991 58.92 25.47 8.01 50 2.20 2.39 16.38 103 (104) Moderately Low
30 Nippon India Consumption Fund 67.05 86 69.52 19.66 9.37 31 2.90 6.78 16.28 108 (182) Moderately Low
31 Tata Ethical Fund - Reg. Plan 160.22 563 56.52 30.50 7.71 41 2.54 3.93 16.15 115 (169) Moderately Low
32 DSP Healthcare Fund 10.88 247 31.31 34.85 25.36 20 1.68 7.95 16.13 116 (87) Moderate
33 BOI AXA Manufacturing & Infrastructure Fund 15.11 43 26.97 29.94 40.22 51 2.54 3.92 16.11 117 (85) Moderately High
34 UTI India Consumer Fund 26.69 272 64.62 22.63 11.88 37 2.58 5.27 16.03 122 (164) Moderately Low

Total AUM of Other ETFs in December 2019 stood at `1,77,674.31 Crore, clocking 65 per cent growth in one year. JAN 20 - FEB 02, 2020 I DALAL STREET INVESTMENT JOURNAL 81

MF Data Bank
MF Page - 18

Expense Return 1Expected

Category Weightage (%) DSIJ Current
Scheme Name Companies Ratio (%) 1 Years yr return Rank Risk
Rank (`) (` Cr)
Large Cap Mid Cap Small Cap (%) (%) (09 Jan 20)
Equity - Focused
1 HDFC Focused 30 Fund - Reg. Plan 76.37 512 79.30 5.68 12.70 29 2.70 3.14 17.46 69 (102) Moderately High
2 Aditya Birla Sun Life Focused Equity Fund 62.15 4,407 81.74 10.62 0.00 29 2.09 11.62 16.67 90 (150) Moderately Low
3 ICICI Prudential Focused Equity Fund 29.08 667 71.85 7.42 4.24 21 2.46 1.57 16.05 121 (103) Moderately Low
4 Nippon India Focused Equity Fund 47.05 4,281 64.85 19.64 11.20 29 2.09 6.08 15.59 161 (128) High
5 Franklin India Focused Equity Fund 41.77 8,994 68.93 8.45 11.44 28 1.82 9.24 14.99 207 (117) Moderately High
6 DSP Focus Fund 25.39 2,035 87.26 10.04 1.17 31 1.60 17.95 14.28 236 (283) Moderate
7 IDBI Focused 30 Equity Fund 10.11 196 92.89 4.16 0.00 30 2.55 6.98 14.17 241 (299) Moderately Low
8 JM Core 11 Fund 9.19 56 86.84 9.22 0.00 11 2.35 10.47 13.99 249 (317) Moderately Low
Equity - Mid Cap
1 SBI Magnum Midcap Fund 70.89 3,533 4.89 69.89 22.30 46 2.02 0.69 19.45 37 (31) Moderate
2 Aditya Birla Sun Life Midcap Fund 273.55 2,368 16.92 62.68 17.96 57 2.27 -2.77 19.35 40 (53) Moderately High
3 Tata Mid Cap Growth Fund - Reg. Plan 141.02 768 15.37 69.14 14.30 43 2.52 7.89 18.21 58 (83) Moderately Low
4 Invesco India Mid Cap Fund 49.82 645 11.93 70.27 12.94 44 2.51 4.23 18.11 60 (77) Moderate
5 ICICI Prudential MidCap Fund 93.92 1,884 14.97 59.18 19.77 67 2.18 -0.18 17.71 62 (61) Moderate
6 HDFC Mid-Cap Opportunities Fund - Reg. Plan 53.39 22,792 9.39 63.66 18.99 73 1.81 1.01 16.81 87 (98) Moderately High
7 PGIM India Midcap Opportunities Fund 17.99 130 5.75 64.71 27.59 47 2.51 2.80 16.50 97 (74) Moderately High
8 Franklin India Prima Fund 959.14 7,604 18.80 70.03 4.97 61 1.83 4.00 16.48 99 (116) Moderate
9 Sundaram Mid Cap Fund 460.37 5,892 9.25 72.53 17.88 61 1.95 0.78 16.27 110 (92) Moderately High
10 Edelweiss Mid Cap Fund 26.83 938 9.99 70.74 17.81 60 2.25 5.16 15.35 189 (100) Moderately High
Equity - Small Cap
1 Aditya Birla Sun Life Small Cap Fund 30.54 2,260 1.51 16.11 77.73 64 2.38 -10.57 28.60 3 (10) High
2 HDFC Small Cap Fund - Reg. Plan 38.85 9,034 4.64 17.61 66.27 69 1.94 -8.21 22.30 17 (15) Moderate
3 HSBC Small Cap Equity Fund 44.31 385 5.49 19.34 71.90 48 2.45 -8.65 21.94 18 (14) High
4 Franklin India Smaller Companies Fund 50.06 6,953 14.29 14.02 64.02 73 1.86 -4.44 19.31 41 (37) Moderately High
5 Invesco India Smallcap Fund 10.85 408 0.00 33.00 62.08 41 2.59 5.44 19.18 44 (55) Moderately High
6 L&T Emerging Businesses Fund - Reg. Plan 22.81 6,006 0.00 26.95 63.48 85 1.97 -7.01 18.75 51 (47) Moderate
7 Kotak Small Cap Fund - Reg. Plan 73.47 1,326 4.96 30.54 63.81 59 2.17 7.16 18.51 55 (29) Moderate
8 IDBI Small Cap Fund 9.07 132 8.38 15.98 67.65 53 2.56 -3.51 18.34 56 (40) Moderately High
Hybrid - Aggressive
1 HDFC Hybrid Equity Fund - Reg. Plan 54.97 20,926 60.16 10.15 7.16 73 1.76 7.32 20.58 26 (64) Moderately High
2 ICICI Prudential Equity & Debt Fund 138.60 23,501 69.18 7.22 6.56 108 1.71 9.07 17.11 79 (105) Moderate
3 UTI Hybrid Equity Fund 167.82 4,760 55.47 20.37 6.71 76 1.90 2.70 16.65 91 (99) Moderately Low
4 L&T Hybrid Equity Fund - Reg. Plan 26.94 7,895 67.04 12.95 2.98 71 1.80 7.07 16.33 106 (157) Moderately Low
5 Nippon India Equity Hybrid Fund 54.01 8,763 63.10 10.53 5.13 52 1.82 3.20 15.62 155 (188) Moderate
6 DSP Equity & Bond Fund 161.59 6,253 67.14 13.90 4.79 73 1.82 13.68 15.45 168 (241) Moderate
7 Principal Hybrid Equity Fund 76.65 1,511 69.37 6.91 3.94 54 2.12 2.24 15.43 172 (202) Moderately Low
8 LIC MF Equity Hybrid Fund 109.50 394 59.63 13.94 3.42 52 2.66 13.42 15.00 206 (245) Moderate
9 Franklin India Equity Hybrid Fund 123.65 1,830 62.73 8.38 1.41 40 2.12 8.04 14.72 219 (244) Moderate
10 Kotak Equity Hybrid Fund - Reg. Plan 26.59 1,461 52.61 19.13 8.46 53 2.13 14.64 13.93 252 (204) Moderate
11 Invesco India Equity & Bond Fund 11.02 422 51.70 27.68 1.15 45 2.48 10.08 13.82 257 (236) Moderately Low
12 HSBC Equity Hybrid Fund 11.37 641 60.78 12.72 3.73 39 2.43 10.34 13.37 282 (277) Moderately Low
Equity - Multi Cap
1 Parag Parikh Long Term Equity Fund 26.73 2,480 43.30 13.30 8.91 21 2.11 14.85 22.78 15 (30) Moderate
2 ITI Multi Cap Fund 11.19 66 58.71 17.99 15.55 93 2.59 ** 19.43 38 (73) Moderate
3 ICICI Prudential Multicap Fund 295.84 4,655 70.67 15.90 9.78 78 1.94 6.10 18.99 47 (69) Moderate
4 L&T Equity Fund - Reg. Plan 82.45 2,697 71.40 14.32 8.86 67 2.11 5.10 16.82 86 (130) Moderate
5 Franklin India Equity Fund 586.46 11,459 72.22 15.70 5.81 53 1.77 3.08 16.74 89 (125) Moderately High
6 HDFC Equity Fund - Reg. Plan 664.98 23,674 91.22 3.63 3.83 45 1.71 5.95 16.63 93 (142) Moderately High
7 SBI Magnum Multi Cap Fund 50.54 8,317 67.34 20.06 9.12 53 1.85 11.12 16.03 122 (155) Moderate
8 DSP Equity Fund 42.00 3,176 75.25 18.17 5.89 50 1.74 16.25 15.40 175 (238) Moderate
9 Tata Multicap Fund 11.13 1,736 75.59 17.50 5.14 42 2.16 10.45 15.37 183 (51) Moderately Low
10 LIC MF Multi Cap Fund 50.47 299 68.67 18.07 5.15 53 2.59 13.61 15.06 202 (206) Moderately Low
11 Mahindra Mutual Fund Badhat Yojana 11.66 317 70.64 21.73 5.57 54 2.46 14.23 15.02 204 (242) Moderate
12 Nippon India Multi Cap Fund 96.30 10,379 57.72 23.74 17.71 48 1.95 1.60 14.84 213 (191) Moderately High
13 Motilal Oswal Multicap 35 Fund 26.56 13,093 90.57 6.65 1.45 25 1.79 7.69 14.80 216 (349) Moderate

The total amount collected through SIP during December 2019 was `8,518 Crore
as compared to `8,022 Crore in December 2018.


MF Page - 19

Expense Return 1Expected

Category Weightage (%) DSIJ Current
Scheme Name Companies Ratio (%) 1 Years yr return Rank Risk
Rank (`) (` Cr)
Large Cap Mid Cap Small Cap (%) (%) (09 Jan 20)
14 Sundaram Equity Fund 10.70 492 72.70 9.22 4.19 41 2.55 ** 14.73 218 (276) Moderately Low
Equity - Value/Contra
1 HDFC Capital Builder Value Fund - Reg. Plan 283.27 4,564 67.60 9.05 19.43 60 2.03 ** 25.34 8 (21) Moderately High
2 Aditya Birla Sun Life Pure Value Fund 46.10 4,199 42.13 21.65 34.23 81 2.18 -9.92 24.87 9 (17) Moderately High
3 Quantum Long Term Equity Value Fund - Reg. Plan 52.77 914 76.13 14.26 1.45 27 1.78 -1.24 22.97 12 (31) Moderately Low
4 IDFC Sterling Value Fund 47.54 3,162 16.94 42.69 35.93 76 2.03 -4.60 22.81 14 (22) Moderately High
5 Templeton India Value Fund 241.39 505 61.63 19.52 14.24 42 2.52 -0.06 21.03 21 (46) High
6 IDBI Long Term Value Fund 10.37 132 61.04 23.38 12.40 49 2.65 2.57 20.94 24 (45) Moderately High
7 ICICI Prudential Value Discovery Fund 141.50 15,188 67.11 15.85 3.34 46 1.84 1.59 17.79 61 (93) Moderate
Equity - ELSS
1 Quantum Tax Saving Fund - Reg. Plan 52.27 78 74.13 13.91 1.37 27 1.78 -1.23 22.42 16 (43) Moderately Low
2 Tata India Tax Savings Fund - Reg. Plan 19.01 2,063 78.45 11.09 6.41 35 2.09 12.83 17.17 78 (149) Moderate
3 PGIM India Long Term Equity Fund 14.51 361 70.55 11.64 12.07 41 2.40 8.28 17.02 82 (111) Moderate
4 ICICI Prudential Long Term Equity Fund 388.56 6,630 70.55 8.71 13.19 55 2.13 8.60 16.89 84 (133) Moderate
5 HDFC TaxSaver - Reg. Plan 513.40 7,449 83.42 7.76 3.89 48 1.97 3.61 16.53 96 (126) Moderately High
6 Essel Long Term Advantage Fund - Reg. Plan 14.78 59 53.08 23.09 20.88 44 2.25 8.02 16.41 102 (171) Moderately Low
7 L&T Tax Advantage Fund - Reg. Plan 54.85 3,396 65.41 22.70 10.29 61 2.03 5.34 16.28 108 (147) Moderately High
8 SBI Magnum Tax Gain Scheme 93 142.26 7,376 72.37 13.92 8.64 62 1.86 4.29 15.94 128 (159) Moderate
9 HSBC Tax Saver Equity Fund 37.81 158 71.59 17.23 8.74 34 2.50 7.65 15.90 129 (174) Moderate
10 Principal Tax Savings Fund 206.00 407 75.36 14.95 6.21 60 2.53 2.46 15.86 131 (187) Moderate
11 Sundaram Diversified Equity Fund 101.88 2,629 64.98 21.43 9.76 54 2.09 6.61 15.82 133 (196) Moderate
12 BNP Paribas Long Term Equity Fund 40.76 477 69.56 22.63 4.14 43 2.42 14.06 15.75 142 (198) Moderate
13 IDFC Tax Advantage (ELSS) Fund 54.71 2,107 48.65 20.64 26.35 72 2.14 3.11 15.72 145 (146) Moderately High
14 Mahindra Kar Bachat Yojana 11.71 340 80.55 14.99 3.07 43 2.33 5.05 15.71 146 (28) Moderately Low
15 Franklin India Taxshield 570.26 4,101 75.72 11.77 4.24 49 1.89 5.41 15.40 175 (189) Moderately Low
Hybrid - Equity Savings
1 UTI Equity Savings Fund 10.38 252 64.29 12.01 0.69 48 1.51 4.32 20.37 27 (74) Moderately Low
2 Edelweiss Equity Savings Fund 14.46 116 49.29 15.36 2.62 61 1.74 7.27 15.81 134 (238) Moderately High
3 Principal Equity Savings Fund (Growth Accum) 36.92 50 69.84 4.55 1.14 43 2.68 5.24 13.54 273 (282) Moderately Low
4 AXIS Equity Saver Fund 13.37 813 60.11 10.98 1.25 62 2.35 8.17 13.35 283 (287) Low
5 HDFC Equity Savings Fund - Reg. Plan 37.53 4,503 71.94 6.04 4.86 98 1.97 5.93 13.11 295 (288) Moderately Low
6 DSP Equity Savings Fund 13.07 860 55.56 14.80 4.45 84 2.17 7.27 12.65 320 (328) Low
7 Tata Equity Savings Fund - Reg. Plan - Growth 33.94 139 60.74 5.20 0.71 36 2.30 7.69 12.55 331 (342) Moderately Low
8 Franklin India Equity Savings Fund 10.35 256 60.03 5.32 1.29 41 2.13 4.29 12.54 332 (361) Low
9 Nippon India Equity Savings Fund 11.69 868 59.02 10.04 4.26 43 2.32 -6.05 11.82 361 (364) Moderately Low
Hybrid - Dynamic Asset Allocation/Balanced Advantage
1 HDFC Balanced Advantage Fund - Reg. Plan 199.48 44,345 78.65 6.25 5.90 83 1.81 6.18 19.00 46 (78) Moderate
2 Tata Balanced Advantage Fund 10.75 1,088 62.16 9.93 0.63 63 2.26 0.00 15.39 178 (190) Moderately Low
3 Edelweiss Balanced Advantage Fund 24.45 1,482 56.11 12.92 3.23 62 2.11 8.28 13.66 266 (290) Low
4 Shriram Balanced Advantage Fund 10.35 42 68.95 5.75 0.00 45 2.64 0.00 13.21 288 (344) Moderately Low
5 Nippon India Balanced Advantage Fund 93.60 2,612 53.69 12.72 3.21 63 2.16 7.90 13.11 295 (335) Moderately Low
6 L&T Balanced Advantage Fund 25.25 662 64.28 5.46 1.61 37 2.48 7.93 12.58 327 (358) Low
Solution Oriented
1 HDFC Childrens Gift Fund - Reg. Plan 124.21 3,063 48.83 14.77 9.38 65 2.13 7.44 17.71 62 (113) Moderately Low
2 HDFC Retire. Savings Fund - Equity - Reg. Plan 17.17 825 45.64 13.60 24.79 59 2.53 5.68 17.64 68 (95) Moderately High
3 Nippon India Retire. Fund - Wealth Creation Scheme 13.24 1,703 72.28 8.40 10.77 57 2.22 4.71 17.33 76 (123) Moderately High
4 HDFC Retire. Savings Fund - Hybrid Eq. - Reg. Plan 17.15 360 51.70 9.62 21.01 57 2.73 7.45 15.33 190 (136) Moderate
5 Tata Retire. Savings Fund - Moderate Plan - Reg. Plan 31.36 1,151 64.57 16.33 3.80 50 2.21 8.95 14.00 248 (62) Moderately Low
6 Tata Retire. Savings Fund - Progre. Plan - Reg. Plan 30.92 728 73.84 18.60 4.12 46 2.43 11.90 13.83 256 (65) Moderately Low
7 UTI CCF Investment Plan 38.48 317 59.03 25.52 10.73 69 2.55 7.03 13.75 260 (201) Moderately High
Hybrid - Multi Asset Allocation
1 ICICI Prudential Multi Asset Fund 276.24 11,698 62.36 6.98 5.60 74 1.82 8.10 14.86 211 (183) Low
Equity - Dividend Yield
1 ICICI Prudential Dividend Yield Equity Fund 15.88 170 52.97 14.06 32.36 37 2.68 -2.22 20.22 28 (26) Moderately High
2 Templeton India Equity Income Fund 46.30 909 37.93 19.64 15.31 42 2.34 5.88 18.71 53 (51) Moderate
3 UTI Dividend Yield Fund 65.25 2,389 71.12 19.38 7.22 50 2.12 3.90 17.39 71 (101) Low

All the NAV figures are for date Jan 08, 2020. Trailing returns are also calculated for the same date. AUM, weightage of a stocks, number
of companies and expense ratio are for the period ending Dec. 2019. All the raw data is provided by Dion Global Solutions Ltd. JAN 20 - FEB 02, 2020 I DALAL STREET INVESTMENT JOURNAL 83

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