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Gold Experience B2 Progress test 10

Name Class

1 Complete each gap with one word only.
1) What I really love doing as often as I can is going to the National Motor Museum, 2) ________ is
quite near my home and 3) ________ they have some amazing cars. The one 4) ________ I like best of
all is the one that used to belong to the pop group The Beatles. It’s brilliant! Lord Montague, the man
5) ________ museum it is, started his collection over fifty years ago. It costs about £15 for a day pass,
6) ________ is quite expensive – but it’s well worth it.

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2 Rewrite the sentences using the words given. Use between two and five words, including
the word given.
1 The worst thing about going to school is getting up early.


What I hate (most)about going to school is getting up early.

2 Ally gave me your email address.


________________________________ gave me your email address.

3 I have a different point of view.


I ________________________________ you are saying.

4 My favourite TV presenter, Jane Marks, has just resigned.


Jane Marks, ________________________________ presenter, has just resigned.

5 I really need a new laptop.


________________________________ a new laptop.

6 I met Peter on a campsite in France.


The place ________________________________ a campsite in France.


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3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals.
1 The infamous killer, Jack the Ripper, is the subject of many novels and films. FAMOUS

2 Many ____________ have written about the reign of Richard III. HISTORY
3 When they were constructing the new supermarket, they ____________ several skeletons.

4 They will announce the ____________ of the vote at about three o’clock. COME

5 Our school was closed last week because of a(n) ____________ of flu. BREAK

6 There was an excellent ____________ for the outdoor music festival last Saturday.

4 Complete each sentence with one word only.

1 It is against the law to park outside the police station.

2 The film is based ________ a true story.

3 Lady Gaga is famous ________ wearing outrageous costumes.

4 The thief was caught ________ pure chance when he went into a shop.

5 The remains ________ two dogs were found during the excavation.

6 The Great Train Robbers carried ________ one of the biggest robberies in history.

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5 You will hear a student giving a presentation about the story of Guy Fawkes. Complete
each sentence with one or two words.
1 People in the UK celebrate the date ____________ with fireworks and bonfires.

2 Fawkes and his friends wanted ____________ to be the ruler of the country.

3 When planning their actions, Fawkes pretended to be a man called ____________ .

4 The idea was to use a ____________ to kill the King.

5 Guy Fawkes is now considered to be a ____________ .


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I want to be a history teacher!

Some of our readers write about studying history.
A Emma
History can be really boring and I think it’s up to the teacher and the school to make it as interesting as
possible for the students. But that’s not easy. Often students just have to read old stories about people
who lived and died a long time ago and then remember all the information for exams! You never get a
real idea of who these people were and how they lived. In my opinion one way to make history come
alive for students is to take them to an archaeological dig – that’s where scientists are digging up places
to find what’s buried under the ground. Often it’s the remains of old buildings and sometimes they
discover old jewellery or kitchen utensils. It’s amazing to think that people thousands of years ago used
and touched these objects. When I’m a history teacher, that’s what I’ll do with my students.
B Gabe
I’ve always enjoyed history. Maybe it’s because I like reading stories and history is filled with the most
incredible stories of murder, love, politics and fighting – but what’s amazing is that they are all true –
not just someone’s imagination. Great writers through the centuries, like William Shakespeare, used
important stories from history to write famous plays that the people at that time loved to watch, and still
do. That was a way to teach history and when I’m a history teacher, I shall try to take my students to see
as many historical plays or films as I can. It will make the stories come alive and, I hope, make them
interested to learn more.
C Tilly
My first history teacher took us to see something that I shall never forget – a historical re-enactment of
a famous battle. Apparently it’s a really popular hobby for people to get dressed up in authentic
costumes and act out different famous battles from history! They spend ages making sure that
everything is true to the period – and that includes weapons like swords and guns, even shoes or boots. I
remember thinking it was going to be a bit silly – all these grown-ups pretending to be soldiers – but it
was actually very exciting. There were hundreds of people and they followed every event that had
happened in the real battle. They charged at each other, swinging their weapons and shouting and
screaming. It gave you a good idea of how scary it must have been to be involved in a fight like that. I
suppose it was one of the reasons I decided that I wanted to become a history teacher.

6 Read the texts and match the questions (1–5) with the people (A–C).
Which writer
1 comments on her unexpected reaction to an activity? ____
2 believes that history is a good source of inspiration for literature? ____
3 complains that current history teaching needs to engage students more? ____
4 mentions a way of finding out about history that dates back a long time? ____
5 describes an event that helped influence her career choice? ____


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7 Tick () the points that you need to remember when writing an article.
1 Think of a good title. ____
2 Always use formal language. ____
3 Only write one or two sentences in each paragraph. ____
4 Never use exclamation marks. ____
5 Sometimes ask a direct question. ____

Total: 50

8 You have seen the following announcement on an international student website. Write
your article in 140–190 words.

Articles please!
We are looking for articles to include in our history section of the website. What is your
favourite period in history? Send us an article about your favourite period, explaining why you
like it and think it was an interesting time to live. We’ll include the best articles on the website.


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