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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Cordillera Administrative Region
Schools Division of Abra
Tumalip, Baay-Licuan, Abra

Third Quarter Examination

Practical Research 1

Name:_____________________________________ Score: ___________________

Multiple choice. Write the letter that best describes the concept in each number.

1. Which statement cannot be considered as a definition of research?

a. It is the process of gathering information in a scientific manner to solve a problem.
b. It is a disciplined inquiry, directed toward the clarification and/or resolution (or both) of a problem.
c. It is a scientific investigation that includes collection, presentation, analysis and interpretation of data.
d. It is a process of inquiry that involves an indefinite method or process of finding clarifications to a given topic.
2. The following are goals of research, except ________________.
a. improvement of the quality of life
b. prevention of the expansion of new knowledge
c. discovery of new facts about known phenomena
d. improvement of existing ways to develop new products
3. A researcher reports the results of an investigation no matter how good or how bad he/she thinks the gathered
data are. This characteristic of a researcher is ___________________.
a. Practical c. Effective
b. Honest d. Inventive

4. Archimedes’ law of buoyancy is an example of a/an _______________ research.

a. action b. applied c. basic d. field
For numbers 5 to 9, identify the characteristic of research being described in each of the situations below. Use the following
list as your options.
a. analytical
b. critical
c. cyclical
d. realistic
e. logical
f. replicable
5. Ambo identifies a problem for his research. After gathering his findings for the first problem, he found out and
identified another problem that arose from his problem. He suggested that other researchers continue to research
on the newly found problem.
6. John uses the scientific method in doing her research procedures. He ensures that all the instruments and
procedures used are valid before proceeding to the next step to assure that the final outcome and conclusion are
also valid.
7. Gerald has finished conducting a research in her field of expertise. She wants to submit it to a national journal for
publication. The National Journal Screening Committee wants to examine the validity of the results from the
experiment of the committee is the same as the results reported by Grace on her paper.
8. Paolo, after finishing his data analysis, continues to examine the results of the data analysis. Before he accepts or
rejects his hypothesis, he makes sure that he has established a high level of confidence in his data analysis. He is
confident and precise in his interpretations whether the results are significant or not.
9. Hannah is inquisitive about many things around her. She seeks to find out the causes of the different phenomena
she experiences daily. She goes to the library to search for answers to her inquiries. She regularly attends research
forums and never let herself be outdated to the new and current trends in research.

For number 10-13, identify which quality of a good researcher is demonstrated in each of the following situations
below. Choose from the following options:
a. honest
b. curious
c. practical
d. inventive
e. cost-effective
f. efficient
g. effective
10. Toshio is a student-researcher. His teacher notices that he finishes his research tasks on time. He was never late
in submitting a requirement. He ensures that he finishes his tasks first before doing leisure activities. Because of
this, he received a high grade in his research course.
11. Brix wants to make sure that every material needed in his experiment will be used wisely. He makes sure that he
will by sufficient materials enough for the needs of the experiment. He does not want that his budget be wasted
in buying unnecessary or excess materials.
12. Noah was conducting an investigation about the effect of a certain antimicrobial substance on a certain type of
bacteria. He was expecting that the substance will prevent the growth of the population of the bacteria. After his
experiment, he found out that the bacteria still grew its population. Although he was not expecting this result
Noah still reported his findings in his paper.
13. Alice was planning to conduct an experiment. Before she could start her experiment, she needed to measure the
area of the field where the experiment will be conducted. She planned to use a tape measure to be used for
measuring. However, when she went to the stock room, she did not find any tape measure available. There were
only three meterstick present there. She just used the available metersticks in measuring the area of the field.
14. It refers to the written agreement signed by human respondents informing the researcher of their willingness or
reluctance to participate in an experimental procedure.
a. affidavit of loss c. marriage contract
b. informed consent d. power of attorney
15. It refers to the act of forcing an individual to participate in a research endeavor by using threats, rewards, or
a. brainwashing c. corruption
b. coercion d. molestation
16. These are principles of conduct concerning what is acceptable and unacceptable behavior in conducting research.
a. attributes c. ethics
b. dogmas d. morals
17. It refers to the process of informing the respondents after data gathering to minimize any stress or inconvenience
effected by the study.
a. briefing c. debriefing
b. clarification d. orientation
18. This is a scientific dishonesty that act involves claiming another person’s ideas, work, or publication.
a. plagiarism c. falsification
b. fabrication d. non-publication of data
19. The act of including proper citations but containing almost no original work.
a. aggregator c. clone
b. 404 error d. re-tweet
20. This law aims to protect individual personal information from the information and communication systems in the
government and the private sector.
a. Data Privacy Act of 2012
b. Animal Welfare Act of 1998
c. Data Confidentiality Act 2012
d. none of these
21. Qualitative research is based on a holistic worldview. It is based on the following belief except _______________.
a. There is no single reality.
b. Qualitative research takes deductive approach.
c. What we know has meaning only within a given situation or context.
d. Reality is based upon perceptions that are different for each person and changes over time.
22. The act of including proper citation but relying too closely on the text’s original wording and/ or structure.
a. aggregator c. clone
b. 404 error d. re-tweet
23. which kinds of data are not collected by qualitative researchers?
a. age, class size, and test scores
b. audio recordings, videotapes, and diaries
c. personal comments, memos, and official records
d. interview transcripts, field notes and photographs
24. Which is not a characteristics of qualitative research?
a. concern with the process
b. analysis of data inductively
c. interest at how people make sense out of their lives
d. goes directly to the particular setting of interest to observe
25. Which of the following should be considered in selecting a research topic?
a. The research topic must be within the interest of the adviser.
b. It must be researchable and manageable.
c. The research topic must be within the specialization of the researcher’s friend.
d. all of the above.
26. Which of the following describes a quantitative research?
a. asks broad general questions
b. It seeks to understand the participants’ experience
c. Data analysis tends to consist of statistical analysis.
d. conduct inquiry in subjective, biased manner
27. Which of the following is a qualitative research?
a. Problems Met by Farmers raising Velero Crops in Abra.
b. The effect of Botanical Pesticides in the Growth and Yield of Eggplant.
c. Performance of Tomato using different Organic Pesticides
d. All of these
28. The characteristics of a research problem and objectives should be SMART. What does S-M-A-R-T mean?
a. specific-measurable-achievable-realistic-timetable
b. specific-melancholic-attainable-realistic-time-bound
c. specific-measurable-attainable-realistic-time-bound
d. specific-measurable-achievable-restrained-time-bound
29. This term refers to an intelligent guess that is formulated and temporarily adapted to explain the observed facts
covered by the study.
a. objective c. hypothesis
b. problem d. hypotenuse
30. The key terms used in the study are clearly defined in what section of the research paper?
a. appendix c. definition of terms
b. assumption d. hypothesis
31. Conceptual definition explains the ____________.
a. meaning of a particular term using the own idea of the researcher.
b. meaning of particular term using the dictionary
c. term by how the researcher used it in his/her study.
32. It is a section of the research paper in which the extent and the coverage of the study is explained.
a. bibliography c. acknowledgement
b. table of contents d. scope and limitations
33. It is regarded as the heart of a research study.
a. definition of terms c. statement of the problem
b. background of the study d. scope and limitations
34. It explains the benefits and advantages people may derive from the research.
a. background of the study c. research title
b. statement of the problem d. scope and limitations
35. It is a type of statistical hypothesis that suggests a reactive relation between variables.
a. null hypothesis c. scientific hypothesis
b. alternative hypothesis d. all of these
36. Which of the following is not included in the first part of the research paper?
a. methodology
b. statement of the problem
c. background of the study
d. significance of the study
37. What will be the best general statement for this research title “The Impact of the El Nino to the way of life of
Filipino farmer”?
a. This attempts to determine the effects of El Nino on the production of agricultural products of Filipino Farmers.
b. This attempts to determine the effects of El Nino to the social and economic interactions of the Filipino farmers
c. This attempts to document the effects of El Nino on the production of agricultural products of Filipino Farmers.
d. This attempts to document the Effects of El Nino on the way of life of Filipino farmers.
38. From whom will the data come from or be collected? (refer to the title on number 37)
a. Filipinos c. students
b. farmers d. teacher
39. Which issues should be avoided in writing related literature?
a. plagiarism c. objective feedback
b. academic freedom d. intellectual honesty
40. Which statement does not involve self-plagiarism?
a. reusing one’s own work or data in a “new” written product
b. publishing in a reputable journal for information dissemination
c. publishing what is substantially the same paper in more than one research journal
d. dividing an extensive study that should have been reported in a single paper into smaller published researches.
41. Which is secondary source for literature review?
a. abstracts c. journals
b. indexes d. research reviews
42. What format is commonly used to cite sources within the social sciences?
a. APA c. Harvard system
b. MLA d. Chicago Manual of Style
43. Which of the following Review of Literature is correctly written?
a. Divina G. Sonido et. Al, 2009 stated in their book that yellow ginger was formulated turmeric powder by washing
the rhizomes, slicing and solar drying, when the slices are crisp.
b. Sonido et. al, 2009, stated in their book that yellow ginger was formulated turmeric powder by washing the
rhizomes, slicing and solar drying, when the slices are crisp.
c. Sonido et. al (2009) stated in their book that yellow ginger was formulated turmeric powder by washing the
rhizomes, slicing and solar drying, when the slices are crisp.
d. Divina G. Sonido et. al., (2009) stated in their book that yellow ginger was formulated turmeric powder by
washing the rhizomes, slicing and solar drying, when the slices are crisp.
44. If the source was mentioned in another source, the citation is
a. Smith argued that… as cited in Johnson, 2005, p. 92
b. Smith argued that… (as cited in Johnson, 2005, p. 92)
c. Smith argued that… as cited in p. 92 Johnson, 2005)
d. Smith argued that… as cited in Johnson

For item numbers 45 – 50: Identify which part of research is described in each item.
45. Indigenous Knowledge and Biodiversity Conservation Practices in the Rice Terraces of Abra
a. Title/The Problem
b. Statement of the problem
c. Background of the study
d. Theoretical and conceptual framework
46. The result of the study will inform the farmers, students, academicians and researchers on the conservation
practices done to maintain the existence of bio organisms found in the rice terraces.
a. Statement of the problem
b. Background of the study
c. Theoretical and conceptual framework
d. Significance of the study
47. The study will be conducted to document Indigenous Knowledge (IKs) and conservation practices in the rice
terraces of Abra. It will be conducted in twelve municipalities where rice terraces were located and traditional
varieties were planted. It will be conducted on December 1, 2019 to April 30, 20120. The respondents will be the
rice farmers growing traditional rice in the rice terraces.
a. Statement of the problem
b. Background of the study
c. Theoretical and conceptual framework
d. Significance of the study
48. Generally, the study aims to document Indigenous Knowledge and conservation practices in the rice terraces of
a. Statement of the problem
b. Background of the study
c. Theoretical and conceptual framework
d. Significance of the study
49. Clearing – is an act of removing the undesirable plants in the area using bolo and scythe to prepare the area for
easier plowing.
a. Scope and Delimitation
b. Background of the study
c. Theoretical and conceptual framework
d. Definition of terms
50. Bayangan, J. and Noble (1996) stated that the traditional and indigenous practice of treading and incorporating
all the rice stalks, grasses and weeds into the fields of the rice terraces have helped improved the fertility of the
soil in the paddy even without commercial fertilizer application.
a. References
b. Scope and Delimitation
c. Theoretical and conceptual framework
d. Significance of the study

Prepared by: Reviewd/Checked by: Noted by:


Subject Teacher SHS Coordinator Principal I

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