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1 What is the minimum number of wires needed to send data over it (B) across an interface
serial communication link layer? (C) between non-peers
(A) 1 (D) none of these
(B) 2 Q.7 The standard ASCII ….
(C) 3 (A) is version II of the ASC standard
(D) 4 (B) has 128 characters, including 32 control characters
Q.2 Which data communication method is used to send data over a (C) is a subset of the 8-bit EBCDIC code
serial communication link? (D) is used only in the United States and Canada
(A) simplex Q.8Binary codes are sometimes transformed in modems into.
(B) half duplex (A) Hexadecimal
(C) full duplex (B) Huffman codes
(D) all of these (C) Gray code
Q.3 The interactive transmission of data within a time sharing system (D) Complementary codes
may be best suited to….. Q9: Information can be represented as a sequence of
(A) simplex line (A)byte patterns
(B) half duplex lines (B)characters
(C) full duplex line (C)bit patterns
(D) bi-flex lines (D)images
Q.4 how many bits per symbol are used in the Baudot code? Q10: Both station can transmit and receive data simultaneously in
(A) 5 (A) simplex mode
(B) 7 (B) Half duplex mode
(C) 8 (C) Full duplex mode
(D) 9 (D) None of Above
Q.5 While transmitting odd-parity coded symbols, the number of zeros Q11: In representation of text symbols, each set of bit pattern is called
in each symbol is…. (A)Code
(A) odd (B)Unicode
(B) even (C)Coding
(C) unknown (D)sequence
(D) none of these Q12: Data communications are transfer of data through some
Q.6 A protocol is a rule governing a time sequence of events that must
(A)transmission medium
take place.
(A) between peers (B)linear medium
(C)Network LAN Q18: Word Tele means
(D)Protocols (A)Far
Q13: Term that is used for physical path by which a message travels (B)Near
from sender to receiver is (C)Apart
(A)Jitter (D)Beside
(B)Protocol Q19: In mesh topology, devices are connected via
(C)Transmission Medium (A)Multipoint link
(D)Information (B)Point to point link
Q14: In star topology if central hub goes down, it effects (C)No Link
(A)One node (D)None of the above
(B)No node Q20: Performance, reliability and security are criteria of
(C)whole system (A)Efficient network
(D)Don't know (B)intranet
Q15: Protocols are, set of rules to govern (C)Ethernet
(A)Communication (D)None of Above
(B)Standards Q21: Effectiveness of a data communications system depends on four
(C)Metropolitan communication fundamental characteristics
(D)None of Above (A)delivery, accuracy
(B)timeliness and jitter
(C)jitter and delivery
Q16: Parameter that refers to uneven delay of data packets in delivery (D)both A and B
is Q22: Hybrid network includes combination of
(A)Jitter (A)Nodes
(B)Timelessness (B)Devices
(C)Accuracy (C)topologies
(D)Transmission medium (D)None of the above
Q17: Mode in which each station can send and receive data but not at Q23: Delivering data to correct destination is
same time is called (A)Delivery
(A)Half Duplex (B)Accuracy
(B)Simplex (C)Timelessness
(C)Full Duplex (D)Jitter
Q24: Telephone is an example of Q30: In a _______ connection, more than two devices can share a single
(A)Full Duplex link.
(B)Simplex (a) Point-to-point
(C)Half Duplex (b) Primary
(D)None of the above (c) Multi-point
Q25: When system delivers data accurately then it is called (d) Secondary
(A)Accuracy Q31: Communication between a computer and a keyboard involves
(B)Delivery ______________
(C)Jitter transmission
(D)Timelessness (a) Full-duplex
Q26: Mode that is like a two –way street with traffic flowing in both (b) Half-duplex
direction simultaneously is (c) Simplex
(A)Simplex (d) None of these
(B)Full Duplex Q32: In a network with 25 computers, which topology would require
(C)Half Duplex the most
(D)None of the above extensive cabling?
Q27: Agreement between communicating devices are called (a) Star
(A)Data (b) Mesh
(B)Message (c) Bus
(C)Protocol (d) None of these
(D)Transmission Medium Q33: Which topology requires a central controller or hub?
Q28: Five components that make up a data communications system are a. Star
message, sender, receiver, medium and b. Mesh
(A)protocol c. Bus
(B)Code d. Ring
(C)connecting device Q34: The _______ is the physical path over which a message travels.
(D) both A and B a. Protocol
Q29: Tele is a word in b. Medium
(A)French c. Signal
(B)Egyptian d. All of the above
(C)German Q35: The information to be communicated in a data communications
(D)Greek system is the ________
a. Medium Q41: As the data packet moves from the lower to the upper layers,
b. Protocol headers are _______.
c. Transmission a. Added
d. Message b. Rearranged
Q36: Frequency of failure and network recovery time after a failure c. Modified
are measures of the d. Subtracted
_______ of a network. Q42: As the data packet moves from the upper to the lower layers,
a. Performance headers are _______.
b. Security a. Removed
c. Reliability b. Added
d. Feasibility c. Rearranged
Q37: In _______ transmission, the channel capacity is shared by both d. Modified
communicating devices at all times. Q43: ______ refers to the physical or logical arrangement of a network.
a. Full-duplex A) Topology
b. Simplex B) Mode of operation
c. Half-duplex C) Data flow
d. Half-Simplex D) None of the above
Q38: An unauthorized user is a network _______ issue. Q44: A _______ connection provides a dedicated link between two
a. Performance devices.
b. Reliability A) primary
c. Security B) multipoint
d. All of the above C) point-to-point
Q39: Which topology requires a multipoint connection? D) secondary
a. Mesh Q45: In a ______ connection, two and only two devices are connected
b. Star by a dedicated link.
c. Ring A) multipoint
d. Bus B) point-to-point
Q40: A cable break in a _______ topology stops all transmission. C) (a) and (b)
a. Mesh D) none of the above
b. Star Q46: ________ defines how a particular pattern to be interpreted, and
c. Primary what action is to be taken based on that interpretation.
d. Bus A) Syntax
B) Semantics C. CRC
C) Timing D. Checksum
D) None of the above Q53: Which error detection method consists of just one redundant bits
Q47: Data flow between two devices can occur in a _______ way. per data unit?
A) simplex A. Simple Parity Check
B) half-duplex B. 2D Parity Check
C) full-duplex C. CRC
D) all of the above D. Checksum
Q48: _______ refers to two characteristics: when data should be sent Q54: In cyclic redundancy checking, what is the CRC?
and how fast it can be sent. A. divisor
A) Semantics B. quotient
B) Timing C. dividend
C) Syntax D. remainder
D) none of the above Q55: In cyclic redundancy checking, the divisor is ____ the CRC
Q49: Devices may be arranged in a ______ topology. A. The same size as
A) mesh B. one bit less than
B) ring C. one bit more than
C) bus D. none of the above
D) all of the above Q56: A burst error means that two or more bits in the data unit have
Q50: In a ________ connection, three or more devices share a link. changed.
A) point-to-point A. double –bit
B) multipoint B. burst
C) (a) and (b) C. single –bit
D) none of the above D. none of the above
Q51: ______ is the protocol suite for the current internet. Q57: In _____ error correction, the receiver corrects errors without
A. TCP / IP requesting retransmission.
B. NCP A. backward
C. UNIX B. onward
D. ACM C. forward
Q52: Which error detection method uses one’s complement arithmetic? D. none of the above
A. Simple Parity Check Q58: In ____ error correction, the receiver asks the sender to send the
B. Two dimensional parity check data again.
A. backward D. none of the above
B. retransmission Q64: The _____ between two words is the number of differences
C. forward between corresponding bits
D. none of the above A. Hamming code
Q59: We can divide coding schemes into two broad categories: ______ B. Hamming distance
and ______ coding C. Hamming rule
A. block; linear D. none of the above
B. linear; nonlinear Q65: A simple parity check code can detect ____ errors
C. block; convolution A. an even –number of
D. none of the above B. two
Q60: In modulo -2 arithmetic, _______ give tha same result. C. no errors
A. addition & multiplication D. an odd –number of
B. addition and division Q66: The ____ of errors is more difficult than the ______
C. addition and subtraction A. correction; detection
D. none of the above B. detection; correction
Q61: In modulo -2 arithmetic, we use the ____ operation for both C. creation; correction
addition and subtraction D. creation: detection
A. XOR Q67: In modulo -2 arithmetic, we use only _____
B. OR A 1 and 2
C. AND B 0 and 2
D. none of the above C 0 and 1
Q62: In ____ coding, we divide our message into blocks, each k bits, D none of the above
called ____ Q68: Adding 1 and 1 in modulo -2 arithmetic results in ____
A. block; blockwords A. 1
B. linear; datawords B. 2
C. block; datawords C. 0
D. none of the above D. none of these
Q63: We add r redundant bits to each block to make the length n= k+r.
The resulting n-bit blocks are called ____ Q69: Checksums use _________ arithmetic.
A. datawords A) one’s complement arithmetic
B. blockwords B) two’s complement arithmetic
C. codewords C) either (a) or (b)
D) none of the above A) 0000
Q70: The checksum of 1111 and 1111 is _________. B) 1111
A) 0000 C) 0111
B) 1111 D) 1110
C) 1110 Q76: In one’s complement arithmetic, if positive 7 is 0111, then
D) 0111 negative 7 is ________.
Q71: The _______ of a polynomial is the highest power in the A) 1101
polynomial. B) 1000
A) range C) 1111
B) power D) none of the above
C) degree Q77: Which error detection method uses one’s complement arithmetic?
D) none of the above A) Checksum
Q72: Which error detection method consists of just one redundant bit B) CRC
per data unit? C) Simple parity check
A) CRC D) Two-dimensional parity check
B) Checksum Q78: The divisor in a cyclic code is normally called the _________.
C) Simple parity check A) redundancy
D) Two-dimensional parity check B) degree
Q73: A _____ error means that two or more bits in the data unit have C) generator
changed. D) none of the above
A) burst Q79: _______codes are special linear block codes with one extra
B) double-bit property. If a codeword is
C) single-bit rotated, the result is another codeword.
D) none of the above A) Convolution
Q74:In a linear block code, the _______ of any two valid codewords B) Cyclic
creates another valid C) Non-linear
codeword. D) none of the above
A) ANDing
B) XORing
C) ORing
D) none of the above
Q75: The checksum of 0000 and 0000 is __________.

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