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This specification cover the technical requirements of design, manufacture, testing and delivery to site of Power Cables of 1100V
grade with EVA Sheathed, EPR insulated, copper conductors for use in Madras Atomic Power Station, Kalpakkam, Tamil Nadu.


a) Cables shall be designed and manufactured so that damage will not result from transportation, installation and operation under
all the climatic and operating conditions to which they may be subjected.
b) Cables shall be suitable for laying conduits, vertical installation, ducts, trenches and trays or for direct burial in ground in both
wet and dry locations.
c) All materials used shall be new and shall conform to this specification and relevant Indian Standards.
d) The cables shall be suitable for continuous and reliable service at maximum voltage of 1100 V and at a maximum conductor
temp of 90 ̊ C.
e) The cables shall be designed to operate continuously at site conditions for the life of minimum 40 years.


3.1 Conductor: The conductor shall be of multi stranded tinned copper complying with IS-8130.

3.2 The stranded conductor shall be provided with two layers of fiber glass, glass mica tape with 25% overlap.

3.3 Insulation: The cable insulation shall be made of extruded layer of Ehylene propylene rubber (EPR) compound – type IE-
2 of IS 6380/ IS: 9968 (part-1). Colour of the insulation shall be Red, yellow and blue as in convention for 3 core power
cable. The cross linking shall be by CCV line/autoclave method.

3.4 Two layers of heat barrier in the form of fiber glass, glass mica tape shall be wrapped in the insulated conductor.
3.5 Inner Sheaths: The materials shall be special grade low smoke low halogen type thermosetting ethylene vinyl acetate
(EVA of type EI-3 as per BS 6899-1991) and shall be extruded over laid up cores. The surface shall be uniform,
continuous and free from defects and of black color. The cross linking shall be by CCV line/autoclave method.

3.6 One layer of heat barrier tape over inner sheath shall be provided.

3.7 Armouring : Galvanized steel wire braided armour shall be provided as per IS : 3975. EVA sheathed cables shall have
braided armour for proper adherence.

3.8 Outer Sheath: The outer sheath shall be jacketed overall by the extrusion of special grade low smoke, low halogen type
thermosetting EVA (type EI-3 as per BS 6899-1991). The surface shall be uniform, continuous and free from defects and
of black color and of black color. The thickness of the sheath material and tolerance in thickness shall be as per relevant

3.9 The cables shall have three hours fire rating as per IEC: 331 and shall also withstand Loss of coolant Accident (LOCA).
Procedure for LOCA qualification is enclosed as annexure-2.

3.10 The filler material shall be suitable for the operating temperature of the cable and compatible with the insulating material
and shall have no deleterious effect on any other component of the cable. The filler material shall be fire retardant,
compatible with sheath material. The filler material shall not be harder than EPR. The filler material shall be in accordance
with IS:7098/IS:9968.

Table – 1: Properties of EVA material (inner and outer sheath)

a) Critical Oxygen % 29 (min) IS 10810 part-58

b) Temperature Index Deg. C 250 (min) IS-10810 part-64
c) Smoke Density % 20 (max) IS-10810 part-63 and IEC-1034
d) Halogen Content % by 2 (max) IS-10810- part-59
3.11 The finished cables cable shall pass flammability Test under fire condition as per IS-10810-part-53 and also pass tests as
per IS-10810-part-61 and IEC-332 – (Part 3)
3.12 Outer sheath shall be subjected to tests for water absorption as per IS-10810-part-28.
3.13 The cables shall pass Fire survival test as per IEC-331 and LOCA test as enclosed in annexure.

4.0 Cable technical details:

4.1 The maximum current carrying capacity of the cable under specified conditions must be given.
4.2 The supplier shall submit the Cable data sheet complying to the indent specification. The maximum current rating of cable
and derating factors for various installation conditions shall be submitted along with the offer.


QA plan of suppliers shall be approved by purchaser. Manufacturing and quality control of procedure, record shall be properly
maintained which shall be offered for review to purchaser’s representative. Sample quality plan is provided as Annexure-3.


Supplier should carry out stage wise inspection as per approved quality control plan and the records shall be shown to NPC, QS
Engineer for review in case desired by QS Engineer.


The type test shall consist of following tests (Refer IS: 9968-part-1 & BS: 6899-1991) (As applicable) and report conducted on similar design of cable
shall be submitted for verification :

7.1 Type Tests:

a. Persulphate test
b. Annealing test
c. Conductor resistance test
d. Test of thickness of insulation and sheath and overall diameter
e. Physical test for insulation and sheath (As applicable)
i. Tensile strength and elongation at break
ii. Ageing in air oven
iii. Ageing in air bomb
iv. Ageing in oxygen bomb
v. Hot set
vi. Oil-resistance
vii. Tear resistance
f. Insulation resistance
g. High voltage (water immersion) test
h. Flammability test
i. Water absorption test (for insulation as applicable)
j. The following tests shall be carried out for EVA sheath material
i. Oxygen index test.
ii. Flame retardant test
iii. Smoke density test
iv. Test for halogen acid gas evaluation.
k. Fire survival test for FS cables
l. Thermal ageing, radiation and LOCA/MSLB withstand test

7.2 Acceptance Test

a. Annealing test
b. Conductor resistance test
c. Test of thickness of insulation and sheath and overall diameter
d. Tensile strength and elongation at break of insulation and sheath
e. Hot set test for insulation and sheath (where applicable)
f. High voltage test
g. Insulation resistance test

7.3 Routine test

a. Conductor resistance test
b. High voltage test or spark test

7.4 Special tests:

Qualification tests to demonstrate capability of the cables to satisfactorily operate during and after LOCA/MSLB test conditions on cables
which are already subjected to thermal ageing and radiation ageing as per procedure enclosed in annexure-2.

NOTE: The LOCA QUALIFICATION TEST as per the ANNEXURE-2 need not be conducted, if the supplier has already carried out the test
successfully on the cables of similar design. However, the reports of same shall be submitted along with offer.
1) Calibration of the test equipment used shall be traceable to National /International Standards.
2) Extent of check/ sampling for type/ acceptance tests shall be as per approved QAP.
3) Supplier shall submit the QAP for purchaser’s approval, covering all the tests listed above.
4) Based on approved QAP, the pre-dispatch inspection and the witnessing of tests shall be done by NPC-QA.



Cables shall be supplied in specified non-returnable wooden drums. The bidder shall Offer the cables in drum lengths as specified
with allowable tolerance of +5%-0%. The bidder shall indicate in the offer the maximum length of each size of cable that can be
furnished in one drum.

Sr. Cable Size Length Drum Length

No. required
3c x 16 sq. mm 2000 mtrs 500 mtrs


The drums shall be of heavy construction made up of good quality wood. Ferrous parts used shall be treated with suitable rust preventive
finish or coating to avoid rusting during transit or storage. The drums shall be suitable for outdoor storage for long periods without


Cable lengths as specified in this specification are approximate. Actual requirements will be confirmed to the successful bidder at the
time of placing the order.


The cable shall be placed on drums in such a manner that it will be protected from damage during transit. Each end of the cable
shall be firmly and properly secured to the drum. The end of each length shall be sealed before shipment. The drums shall be
secured firmly in position so that they will not shift during transit. All details shall be marked legibly to each end of the drum
indicating the purchaser’s order number, length of cable, size of conductor, number of cores, type of cables and voltage for which
it is suitable, reference I.S., manufacturer’s name, weight and the year of manufacture. A tag containing the same information
shall be attached to the leading end of the cable. An arrow and suitable accompanying wording shall be marked on one end of the
drum indicating the direction in which it should be rolled.

The number of each drum shall be either branded at the end of the drum or stamped on metal discs to an end of the drum.


2 copies of documentation in bound volume shall be supplied prior to the transportation of the cables. The volume shall include
amongst others, the following particulars:

a) General Information
b) Principal Technical Data
c) Description of Insulation and Sheathing
d) Installation and Termination instructions
e) Test Reports/Certificates
f) Shipping Release

11.0 Conformance to Specification

The bidder shall confirm the technical data for the cable as given in this specification. The cable data sheet shall be submitted
along with the offer and deviation if any shall be clearly brought out.


1. IS-613 Specification for copper rods and bars for electrical purposes.
2. IS-3961 Part-II Recommended current ratings for cables
3. IS-3975 Mild steel wires and tapes for armouring of cables
4. IS-4826 Hot dipped galvanized coatings on round steel wires
5. IS-5831 PVC insulation and sheath of electric cables
6. IS-6380 Specification for Elastomeric insulation and sheathing of electrical cables.
7. IS-7098- part-1 Cross linked polyethylene insulated PVC sheathed cable: For working voltages upto and
including 1100V
8. IS-8130 Conductors for insulated electric cables and flexible chords
9. IS-9968 – part -1 Elastomer insulated cables-part 1 : For working voltages upto and including 1100V
10. IS-10418 Drum for electric cables
11. IS-10810 Methods of test for cables
12. IEC-287 Calculation of the continuous current rating of cables (100 % load factor).
13. IEC 332-1 & 3 Tests of Electric cables under fire conditions
14. IEC-331 Fire resistance characteristics of electrical cables
15. IEC 1034 Measurement of smoke density of electric cables burning under defined conditions.
16. ASTM-D-2843 Smoke test for cables
17. IEEE: 383 Standard for type test of Class-1E
Electric cables, field splices and connections for Nuclear power generating stations.
18. BS-6899 Specification for rubber insulation and sheath of electric cables


Procedure for LOCA/MSLB Qualification of Power Cables (Reference document: specification no. PC-E-385)


In Nuclear Power Plant, power and control cables are used for feeding power and control of equipment located in Reactor Building. The equipments
are required to function during normal and off normal conditions. The environmental conditions include exposure to radiation, temperature and
humidity during normal operation and Design Basis Event (DBE) like Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) and Main Steam Line Break (MSLB).
During DBE, the temperature, pressure, humidity and radiation levels in Reactor Building would rapidly increase for a short period. These parameters
would return to normal values with time. To qualify the cables and to meet this requirement, specific qualification procedure and acceptance criteria
are indicated below.


Qualification procedure based on IEEE-323 and IEEE-383 standards is given below.

2.1. Test Samples

Cable samples shall be selected from cables which are to be used in Reactor Building. Samples shall be a representative of the particular type of cable
with respect to material used, design and manufacturing process followed. Two sizes of MV cable samples shall be selected each from Fire survival
and Radiation withstand type. One size shall be selected from cable size varying from 2.5 sq. mm to 16 and other size shall be selected from
cable size varying from 150 sq. mm to 400 sq. mm. 4 (Four) samples each shall be selected from both the size of MV cables. That is a total of 8
samples each needs to be selected from Fire survival as well as Radiation withstand type of cables. Size of cable samples will be decided by the
PURCHASER. The sample length shall be sufficient to permit reliable test readings and evaluation consistent with good testing practice. Since voltage
and current are to be applied to MV cable samples during LOCA/MSLB test, these cable samples shall have minimum 9 m length.

2.2. Pre Qualification Tests

2.2.1. Cable lots should have been subjected to inspection, type testing, acceptance testing and routine testing as per applicable standards and approved
Quality Assurance Plan (QAP).

2.2.2. Cable samples shall be cut from accepted lots identified by the PURCHASER.

2.2.3. The following tests shall be carried out on all test samples before carrying out the aging tests. Visual inspection: All samples shall be examined visually for any defects such as cracks or deformities. Insulation Resistance (IR) Measurement: Insulation resistance shall be measured as per relevant standard and the acceptance value shall be as
per relevant standard. High Voltage (HV) Test: High voltage test shall be carried out as per relevant standard and the acceptance value shall be as per relevant

2.3. Thermal Aging Test

Subject all cable samples, except one MV cable sample (of each type and size), to circulating air oven aging at a temperature and duration indicated
below. The test set up shall be approved by the PURCHASER’s QC especially for number and location of thermo couples, placement of sample in the
oven and recording and monitoring test parameters. The ageing oven shall have continuous temperature recording facility and adequate space to freely
and suitably place the sample(s). Minimum 3(three) thermocouples shall be provided inside the oven to ascertain that heat is uniformly distributed
inside the oven. Preferably one thermo couple shall be provided on the sheath for monitoring the surface temperature of the sample.

2.4. Radiation Aging Test

Thermally aged cable samples shall be subjected to radiation aging. The dose rate and duration should depend upon the radiation source strength. The
samples shall be subjected to a maximum cumulative radiation dose of 100 M Rads. The maximum value is likely to be less. Final radiation
dose to be followed for qualification test will be furnished to the successful bidder.
NOTE: -Alternatively, the cable samples may be subjected to radiation aging before thermal aging.

2.5. Post Thermal and Radiation Aging Test

After completion of thermal and radiation aging, one MV cable sample (of each type and size) shall be straightened (if coiled) and coiled with an
inside diameter not exceeding 20D (D is the cable diameter) and immersed in tap water at room temperature for a period of one hour. After one hour,
while still immersed, the cable samples shall pass high voltage withstand test, conductor to conductor and conductor to water for five minutes at a
voltage not less than the rated voltage plus 1000 volts.
The above mentioned HV test need not be done on 2 nos. of MV cable samples (of each type and size) which shall further be subjected to LOCA.
However this test shall be done on third MV cable sample and the data shall be collected and recorded for information.

2.6. LOCA Test

Two numbers of MV cable samples which are already subjected to thermal and radiation aging and one un-aged MV cable sample shall be subjected to
LOCA. The environmental conditions prevailing during LOCA/MSLB is simulated in a test chamber. The pressure and temperature transients during
LOCA and MSLB for this project are indicated in clause no.5.1 & 5.2. The enveloped profile, considering the maximum pressure and temperature of
both the events shall be used for qualification purpose. Rated current of the cables or maximum current that is available at test facility (but not
exceeding the rated current of the cable samples) at 415V is passed through the cable samples during LOCA/MSLB test. The energised samples shall
be exposed to one full cycle of LOCA/MSLB environment. The samples shall pass the current success fully at the specified voltage during
LOCA/MSLB test. Performance parameters such as current and voltage shall be monitored and recorded either continuously or at specified intervals
throughout the test duration.

2.7. Post LOCA Test

After completion of LOCA/MSLB test, the cable samples are straightened (if coiled) and coiled with an inside diameter approximately 40D (D is the
cable diameter) and immersed in tap water at room Temperature for a period of one hour. While still immersed, the cable samples shall pass high
voltage withstand test conductor to conductor and conductor to water for five minutes; at a voltage not less than the rated voltage plus 1000 volt s.

2.8. Acceptance Criterion

At the end of thermal aging, radiation aging and LOCA/MSLB test, the cable sample shall with stand H V test as mentioned in clause 2.7 above.

3. TEST REPORT (To be issued by Testing Agency)

The test report shall include, but not be limited to, following information.

3.1. Detailed descript ion of type and size of cable samples. The description shall identify the materials of construction including any filler material.
3.2. Qualification procedure including LOCA parameters.
3.3. Reference to Purchase Order, QAP and inspection report of PURCHASER’s QS.
3.4. Identification and selection of cable samples by the PURCHASER.
3.5. Detail of test set up, power supply arrangement, relay setting etc.
3.6. Electrical measurements and tests performed during LOCA test.
3.7. Analysis of anomalies encountered during the test and impact on test results.
3.8. Certificate in support of LOCA qualification of cable.
3.9. Pre-qualification test results.
3.10. Review/approval signature and date.


4.1. For thermal aging test and LOCA test.

Electrical Research and Development Association (ERDA), Vadodra.

4.2. For Radiation aging test

Board of Radiation and Isotope Technology (BRIT) facilities located at Trombay, Mumbai and Vashi, Navi- Mumbai.


The maximum pressure and temperature of both the events, shall be used for qualification purpose.

5.1 Pressure and Temperature Levels during LOCA

As per the Safety Report, during a large break LOCA the temperature inside primary containment (Vol-V1) is expected to reach a maximum value of
110 C within 2 seconds. It will continue to remain at this value for about 300 seconds, before falling to 50 C in about 3000 Sec. The pressure in V1
area will reach the maximum value of 136 Kpa (1.38 Kg/cm2 a) within about 8 seconds and will start falling to 110Kpa within about 10000 sec.
The temperature and pressure values, inside the containment are derived from the pressure/temperature transient curves, under LOCA condition and
these are given below.
V1 Area Temperature
0-2 sec 50-110  C
2-300 sec 110 C
300-3000 sec 50 C

V1 Area Pressure
0-8 sec 136 Kpa
8-11 sec 135 Kpa
11-50 Sec 135-132Kpa
50-10000 sec 132-110 Kpa

5.2 Temperate and Pressure Conditions during MSLB

The temperature and pressure values, inside the containment are derived from the pressure/temperature transient curves, under MSLB
condition and these are given below.

V1 Area Temperature
0-15 sec 50-160  C
15-50 sec 160 C
50-4000 sec 50 C

V1 Area Pressure
0-170 sec 150 Kpa
170-10000 sec 110 Kpa

1.1 The general requirements regarding the general quality assurance, such as organizational set up for quality surveillance, qualification and
experience details of personnel of quality assurance department, QA manual, Mock up test procedure etc., are covered in Section C-0 (Volume-
I) and GCC.

2.0 Quality Control Plan

Applicable quality plan for various equipment covered in this specification are given in the annexure to this section. Any deviations to the enclosed
quality plan shall be brought out in the offer clearly. BIDDER to indicate the sampling plan, Reference documents, Acceptance norms, Testing agency

Scope and Purpose:

This document indicates the requirements expected from the contractor/manufacturer of the above equipments. Subsequent to the
placement of Purchase order contractor/manufacturer shall submit for purchaser's approval, a quality assurance plan in line with this
document incorporating specific document numbers for "format of records", "acceptance norms" and "reference documents".
V Verified by
P Performed by
W Witnessed by (After lapse of due notice to NPCIL, manufacturer may proceed with manufacture)
H Hold (Unless a written clearance is obtained from NPCIL, manufacturer shall not proceed to next stage)
2 Prime Supplier
3. Approved External Laboratory or Sub-Vendor QC (if vendor QC/facility not available)
AD NPCIL Approved Document such as Tender Document, Purchase order, Drawings & Test Procedures.
TR Test Report
IR Inspection Report
PS Plant Standard
IS Indian Standards
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission standards.
SS Swedish Standards.
ASTM American Standards for Testing Materials.
IEEE Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineers standards


❖ Wherever V & W are both indicated, NPCIL QS to witness test or review TRs.
❖ Type test for M V cable shall be carried out as per standards and QAP.
❖ Minor: The characteristic of a component, process or operation whose failure neither materially reduce the usability of the
product in operation, nor does it affect the aesthetic aspects.
❖ Major: The characteristic of a component, process or operation whose failure may cause operation failure which cannot be
readily corrected at site or cause substandard performance, increased erection and maintenance cost, reduced life or
seriously affect aesthetics or ergonomics.
❖ Critical: The characteristics of a component, process or operation failure of which will surely cause operating failure or
intermittent troubles which is difficult to rectify at site or render the unit unfit for use or safety hazards.
❖ "Failure" of a characteristics means failure to meet the "acceptance norms".
Sampling: Generally in accordance with IS:2500. If 100% "witness" is carried out by "Prime contractor", NPCIL will witness on sample
basis, or if 100% witness of tests is carried out by "Sub-Contractor", "Prime contractor" will witness on sample basis.

Any deviation to this QAP shall be brought out by vendor in his offer failing which this QAP be complied with fully.
Sl. No. Components & Category Method of check Extent of check Reference Acceptance Format of AGENCY Remarks
Characteristics checked Document Norm Record

1. Make Minor Visual 100% PS PS TR 3 1,2 - -
2. Surface finish Minor Visual 10 % of coils IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2 - -
3. Diameter Major Measurement 10 % of coils IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2 - -
4. Elongation Major Physical One sample per lot IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2 - -
5. Resistivity Critical Electrical Sample from 10 % of IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2 - -
1. Make Minor Visual 100% IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2 - -
2. Type of tape Major Visual One sample per lot IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2 - -
3. Width Major Physical One sample per lot IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2 - -
4. Thickness Major Physical One sample per lot IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2 - -
1. Make Minor Visual - PS PS TR 3 1,2 - -
2. Visual check of Granules Minor Visual One sample from IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2
each lot
3. Type of Compound Critical Visual -do- IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2 - -
4. Thermal Stability Critical Physical -do- IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2 - -
5. T.S. & Elongation (as Critical Physical -do- IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2
For sheath material
1. Oxygen index test Critical Physical One sample per lot of IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2
10 MT or part there
2. Temperature index test Critical Physical -do- IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2 - -
3. Smoke density test Critical Physical -do- IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2 - -
4. HCL gas generation Critical Chemical -do- IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2 - -
STRIPS (as applicable)
1. Make Minor Visual - PS PS TR 3 1,2 - -
2. Surface condition Minor Visual Three samples per lot IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2 - -
of 10 MT or part
there of
3. Dimensions Critical Physical -do- IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2 - -
4. Uniformity of zinc coating Critical Chemical -do- IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2 - -
5. Mass of zinc coating Major Chemical -do- IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2 - -
6. T.S. & Elongation Major Physical -do- IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2 - -
7. Torsion/Winding Major Physical -do- IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2 - -
1. Type of drum Major Visual 5% IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 2 - -
2. Size of drum
a) Flange Major Physical 5% IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 2 - -
b) Traverse Major Physical 5% IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 2 - -
c) Barrel Major Physical 5% IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 2 - -
3. Centre hole diameter Major Physical 5% IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 2 - -
4. Thickness of flange Critical Physical 5% IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 2 - -
1. Diameter Critical Physical One sample from IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2 - -
each setting
2. Resistance Critical Electrical - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2 - -
3. Annealing Major Mechanical - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2 - -
4. Surface finish Major Visual - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2 - -
1. No. of wires/diameter Critical Physical One sample from IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2 - -
each setting
2. Conductor resistance Critical Electrical - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2 - -
3. Lay length Major Measurement - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2 - -
4. Conductor diameter Major Physical - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2 - -
5. Surface finish Major Visual - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2 - -
1. Type of tape Critical Visual Each setting & 10% at IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2 - -
2. Width & Thickness Major Physical - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2 - -
1. Type of insulation Major Visual Each setting & IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2 - -
compound once in a shift
2. Diameter over Major Physical Each setting & at IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2 - -
conductor the end of each drum
3. Diameter over core Major Physical Each setting & once in IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2 - -
a shift
4. Thickness of insulation Critical Physical - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1 2 -
(Avg. & Minimum)
5. Spark testing Critical Electrical 100% IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 2 1,2 - 10% of lot by 2&
1% by 1
6. Surface finish Major Visual Each setting & twice in IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 2 1,2 -
a shift
7. Colour Major Visual - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 2 1,2 -
1. cross linking method Major Visual Random IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 2 1,2 -
2. Hot set test Critical Physical Each length at random IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2 - -
F) LAYING - UP ( For
1. Sequence of cores Critical Visual Each setting & twice in IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2 - -
a shift
2. Direction of lay Critical Visual - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2 - -
3. Diameter over laidup Major Physical - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2 - -
4. Lay length Major Physical - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2 - -
1. Size of tape Minor Physical Each setting IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2 - -
2. Number of tapes Major Physical - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2 - -

1. Type of compound Major Visual Each setting IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2 - -
2. Diameter over laid up core Major Physical Each setting & at the IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2
end of each drum
3. Thickness of inner sheath Critical Physical - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2 - -
4. Surface finish & colour Major Visual - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2 - -
5. Cross linking method Major Visual Random IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 2 1,2 -
1. Size of tape Minor Physical Each setting IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2 - -
2. Number of tapes Major Physical - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2 - -
1. No. of strips/wires Major Visual Each setting & once in IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2 - -
a shift
2. Dimension of strip/wire Major Physical - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2 - -
3. Direction of lay Major Visual Each setting & in each IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2 - -

4. Lay length Major Physical - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2 - -

5. Diameter over armour Major Physical Each setting & twice in IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2 - -
a shift

6. Wire and strip welding Major Visual In each drum IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2 - -
1. Type of compound Critical Physical Each setting & twice in IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2 - -
a shift

2. Thickness - average / Critical Physical - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2 - -

minimum (As applicable)
3. Diameter over outer Major Physical - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2 - -
Major Visual During setting & IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2 - -
4. Colour running
5. Surface finish Major Visual In each shift IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2 - -
6. Embossing / Printing / Major Visual Each setting & IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2 - -
Sequential marking twice in a shift
7. Cross linking method Major Visual Random IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 2 1,2 -
1. Conductor resistance Critical Electrical Each drum IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2
2. High voltage test Critical Electrical Each drum IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2
1. Conductor resistance Critical Electrical One sample from lot of IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2
size & type
2. High voltage test Critical Electrical One sample from lot of IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2
size & type
1. Annealing test on Critical Physical One sample of IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2
Copper one size from any lot
2. Wrapping test Critical Physical One sample of one size IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2
from any lot
a. Thickness (minimum & Critical Physical One sample from any IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2
average) lot
b. T.S. & Elongation at Critical Physical - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2
break (before & after

c. % Variation Critical - - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2

d. Shrinkage test Critical Physical - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2
e. Volume resistivity
- At room temperature Critical Electrical - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2
- At rated temperature Critical Electrical - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2
f. Loss of mass in air Critical Physical - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2
g. Hot deformation Critical Physical - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2
h. Heat shock test Critical Physical - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2
i. Thermal stability Critical Physical - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2
j. Ageing in air oven Critical Physical - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2
(as applicable)
a. Hot set test Critical Physical - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2
b. Water absorption test Critical Physical - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2
a. Thickness (min) Critical Physical One sample from each IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2
lot offered
b. Oxygen index test Critical Physical One sample from any IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2
lot offered
c. Temperature index test Critical Physical - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2
d. Smoke density test Critical Physical - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2
e. HCL gas generation Critical Chemical - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2
a. Dimension Critical Physical One sample from any IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2
lot offered
b. Tensile strength & Critical Physical - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2
c. Uniformity of Zinc Critical Chemical - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2
d. Mass of Zinc coating Critical Chemical - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2
e. Torsion / winding Critical Physical - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2
f. Resistivity Major Electrical - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2
a. Thickness (minimum Critical Physical One sample IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2
& average) any lot offered
b. T.S. & Elongation at Critical Physical - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2
break before & after
c. % Variation Critical Physical - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2
d. Loss of mass Critical Physical - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2
e. Hot deformation test Critical Physical - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2
f. Shrinkage test Critical Physical - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2
g. Heat shock test Critical Physical - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2
h. Thermal stability Critical Physical - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2
i. Flammability test Critical Physical - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2
j. Smoke density test Critical Physical - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2
k. Oxygen index test Critical Physical - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2
l. Temperature index Critical Physical - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2
m. HCL gas generation Critical Chemical - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2
n. Flammability test Critical Physical - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2
B8) Fire survival test for FS Critical Physical One sample IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2
from any lot
B9) Thermal aging, radiation Critical Physical One sample IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2
and LOCA/MSLB withstand
from any lot
a. Tensile test (for Critical Physical As per IS IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2
b. Annealing test ( for Critical Physical - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2
c. Wrapping test (for Critical Physical - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2
d. Conductor resistance Critical Electrical - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2
a. Thickness (Minimum Critical Physical As per IS IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2
& Average)
b. Tensile strength & Critical Physical - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2
Elongation at break
c. Hot set test (as Critical Physical - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2
d. Volume resistivity at Critical Electrical - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2
room temperature
a. Thickness (Minimum) Critical Physical As per IS IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2
a. Dimensions Critical Physical As per IS IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2
b. Uniformity of zinc Critical Chemical - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2
a. Thickness (Minimum Critical Physical As per IS IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2
& Average)
b. Tensile strength & Critical Physical - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2
Elongation at break
a. IR test Critical Electrical As per IS IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2
b. HV test Critical Electrical - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2
a. Smoke density test Critical Physical Composite samples IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2
of various sizes
b. Oxygen index Critical Physical - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2
c. Temperature index Critical Physical - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2
d. HCL gas generation Critical Chemical - do - IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 - 1,2
e. Flammability test Critical Physical Batch sample having IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2
assorted sizes per lot
E) Fire survival test for FS cables Critical Physical Batch sample having IS/PS IS/PS TR 3 1,2
assorted sizes per lot
a. Packing list Major Visual 100 % of cables PS Packing list As per IS 3 - 2 -
b. Routine test certificate Major Visual - do - IS/PS TC TC 3 - 2 -
c. Acceptance test certificate Major Visual - do - IS/PS TC TC 3 - 2 -
d. Inspection report Major Visual - do - IS/PS Insp. report Insp. report 2 - - -
e. Release note Critical Visual - do - - Release note Release note 1 - - -

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