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Tableau URL:!/vizhome/BABI_CarInsuranceProject/CarInsuranc

PGP_BABI Assignment
Objective: The objective of this project is to analyse the Car Insurance dataset in order to
help future decision making of the company.

 In the dataset, there are more women buyers than men. They also figure higher than
men in all educational and professional categories. However, the population is aging
and more men and women are above 60 years of age in the dataset. As per the
dataset, more women are likely to buy Insurance than men.
 Women prefer Sports Car and SUVs in both Urban and Rural areas. No. of different
vehicles are much higher in Urban areas compared to the rural areas. In fact,
vehicles are on an average are older in urban areas. However, in rural areas the
average travel time is higher than in urban areas.
 Women are also largely the ones to have raised maximum claim. Irrespective of
gender, age group between 60 to 69 yeears have raised the maximum claim. Also,
among the occupation class, blue collars have claimed the maximum. Previously
unclaimed buyers are highly likely to raise the claim.
 SUVs are the type of vehicle for which maximum claim has been raised both across
Urban and Rural areas. However, we do not see much co-relation with the age of the
 The Tree chart below lays the overview of the red and reddish zones which are the
bad customer group indicators.

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