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Stephen Schneider (Order #19360614)
Violence, War, Magic & the Supernatural
The fictional worlds of Rifts® are violent, deadly and filled with aliens, war and supernatural mon-
sters. Other-dimensional beings often referred to as “demons” torment, stalk and prey on humans. Alien
life forms, monsters, vampires, ghosts, ancient gods and demigods, as well as magic, insanity, psychic
powers and combat are all elements in this book. All of it is fiction.
Some parents may find the violence, magic and supernatural elements of the game inappropriate for
young readers/players. We suggest parental discretion.
Please note that none of us at Palladium Books® condone or encourage the occult, the practice of
magic, the use of drugs, or violence.

Rifts® Bestiary™, Volume One

is an epic sourcebook for Rifts® and the Megaverse®

Stephen Schneider (Order #19360614)

To Charles “Chuck” Walton. A cohort in creature creation and unbridled imagination. Artist, confidant, muse, and friend.

– Kevin Siembieda, Summer 2019

The cover, by Charles Walton Jr. and Eduardo Dominguez S., depicts a furious Corrival Battler giving chase to a pair of adventurers,
praying on the run that their teammates come to their rescue. Fast.

First Printing – July, 2019

No part of this publication may be scanned, OCRed, reproduced or distributed in any way for electronic publication on the web/
internet or any other medium.

Copyright 2019 Palladium Books Inc. & Kevin Siembieda

All rights reserved, worldwide, under the Universal Copyright Convention. No part of this book may be reproduced in part or whole,
in any form or by any means, without permission from the publisher, except for brief quotes for use in reviews. All incidents, situations,
institutions, governments and people are fictional and any similarity, without satiric intent, of characters or persons living or dead, is
strictly coincidental.

Rifts®, The Rifter®, Megaverse®, The Mechanoids®, The Mechanoid Invasion®, Phase World®, Splicers®, Chaos Earth®, Coali-
tion Wars®, Dead Reign®, After the Bomb®, RECON®, Nightbane®, The Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, Powers Unlim-
ited®, and Palladium Books® are registered trademarks owned and licensed by Palladium Books Inc. and Kevin Siembieda.
Alien Rex, Archie-Bot, Archie Three, Arzno, Bandito Arms, Biomancy, Biomancer, Bio-Wizard, Black Faerie, Blind Warrior Wom-
en, ‘Bot, ‘Borg, ‘Burb, Burrower Bruin, Brodkil, Cerebro-Scrambler, Chatterling, Chi-Town, City Rat, Coalition States, CS, Coalition
State of El Dorado, Colorado Baronies, Combat Cyborg, Coming of the Rifts, Corrival Battler, Crazies, Cyber-Doc, Cyber-Knight,
Darkhound, Dead Boy, Death Springer, Devilsaurus, Devil Eel, Devil Serpent Tongue, Devil Unicorn, Dinostang, Dinosaur Swamp,
Doc Reid, Dog Boy, Dog Pack, Dream Butcher, Dragon-Ape, Dragonfish, Dragon Wasp, Ee-Bee Gee-Bee, E-Clip, Elemental Fusion-
ist, Eeracrech Riding Lizard, Emperor Prosek, Erin Tarn, Federation of Magic, Free Quebec, Field Reaper, Frostweaver, Fury Beetle,
Gargoyle Empire, Glitter Boy, Great Cataclysm, Headhunter, Horune Pirates, Iron Heart, Ironwing, Juicer, Kittani, Lazlo, Lemurian,
Ley Line Walker, Lord Splynncryth, Magic Zone, Manistique Imperium, Megaverse Armaments, MercTown, Metztla, Mind Bleeder,
Mind Melter, Minion War, Naruni, Naruni Enterprises, Naut’Yll, NGR, New German Republic, New Navy, Northern Gun, NG, Pe-
cos Empire, Psi-Hound, Psi-Stalker, Psyscape, Reid’s Rangers, Rifts Earth, Secondary Vampire, SAMAS, Shemarrian, Shifter, Silent
Shadow, Simvan Monster Rider, Skelebot, Splynn Dimensional Market, Splynn, Splugorth, Minions of Splugorth, Splugorth Slavers,
Stone Magic, Stone Masters, Tattooed Man, Techno-Wizard, Thundercaster, Tolkeen, Triax, True Atlantean, Undead Slayer, Vampire
Kingdoms, Rifts® Game Master Guide, Rifts® Book of Magic, Rifts® Atlantis, Wilk’s, Witchling, Xiticix, Mega-Damage, M.D.C.,
S.D.C., I.S.P., P.P.E., and other names, titles, initials, characters, character likenesses, and slogans are trademarks owned and licensed
by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc.

Palladium Online: – also visit us at

Rifts® Bestiary™ Volume One – A Rifts® sourcebook. Published by Palladium Books Inc., 39074 Webb Court, Westland, MI
48185-7606. Printed in the USA by Bradford & Bigelow, Newburyport, Massachusetts.

Stephen Schneider (Order #19360614)

Written and Created by: Kevin Siembieda

Additional Writing and/or Ideas:

Carmen Bellaire Chris Kornmann
Wayne Breaux Jr. Peter Murphy
Matthew Clements Patrick Nowak
C.J. Carella Charles Walton Jr.
Carl Gleba Todd Yoho

Alex Marciniszyn
Wayne Smith

Proofreader: Julius Rosenstein

Interior Artists:
Robert Atkins
Nick Bradshaw
Wayne Breaux Jr.
Kent Burles
Michael Dubisch
Scott Johnson
Jim Lawson
Kevin Long
Martin McKenna
Michael Mumah
Apollo Okamura Based on the RPG rules, writings, characters, settings,
Ramon K. Perez Jr. concepts and Megaverse® created by Kevin Siembieda.
R.K. Post
Jeffrey Russell
Special thanks to everyone who contributed to this mas-
Kevin Siembieda
sive tome, past and present, in one way or another. That
Charles “Chuck” Walton Jr.
includes an army of artists and writers, Scott Gibbons who
Michael Wilson
helped gather the creature files in the early stage, Chuck
Cover Illustration: Walton for his encouragement, suggestions and writing as
Charles “Chuck” Walton Jr. well as his artwork, Eduardo Dominguez S. for his beauti-
Eduardo Dominguez S. ful digital painting over Chuck’s pencils, and to the Pal-
ladium beast masters on staff, Alex, Wayne, Kathy, Julius,
Art Direction: Kevin Siembieda Chuck, and Matthew, you are the best of the best. So many
Typography and Layout: Wayne Smith people have been involved, my apologies if I accidentally
Maps: Wayne Smith and Kevin Siembieda left anyone out. – Kevin Siembieda, July, 2019

Stephen Schneider (Order #19360614)

Megaverse® Insiders Chesser, Donald Cleary, David J. Coker, Rodney Culpepper,
DarkFlite, Jeremy Dore, Jeff Farrar, Cory “DM Cojo” Gahs-
man, Paul Herbert, Mark Holtzapple, Jerkface, Tracy Kohlstedt,
Inside Help Chad Lasecki, Adrian Levine, Dr. Eric C. Lovely, Michael A.
Affexion, Matthew Betverdeh, Stephan Betverdeh, Matt Macias, Jason Martin, Jeff Meadows, Chris Miller, Evan Oden-
Burch, Peter Holmes, Alexander Horrace, Jessica Horrace, sky, James Phillips, Chris Porter, Prof. Mathew A. Powers,
Robert Horrace, Adam Hutchens, Frank Loose, Daniel Jesse L. Reed, Curtis Ricker, Albert Rosado, Daniel B. Schae-
fer, Stephen Schneider, Timothy Shepherd, Steven T. Thomson,
Luna, Wayne Maynard, Richard T. Moreno, Kyle Oster-
Jared Lee Trulock, Nicky Warren
berg, Mike Pyatt, Matt Reed, Robert Slaughter, Robert
Slaughter Jr., Ervine Julia Villanueva, Jared Villanueva Crimson Beast Insiders
Dauag, Jewel Sky Villanueva, Jhowhelle Sledge Villanue-
Adam W. Butler, Nathan “Pugsley” Ellis, Michael Gale,
va, Wayne Walter Waldmann, Zakk Werner, Barry Wright,
David Klett, Chad Lesecki, Arron Leonard, Thomas R.
Mike X
Molen, Kris Perlock-Campeau, Tobias Schulte-Krumpen,
In Memoriam Shawte, Scott Skene, Nathan Skipper IV, Rob Stellhorn,
James Tooby, Mark Vandehey, Gary Watson, Jeremy Win-
MSG J. Michael Akins, Wayne “Rogue 7” Benson,
Brenda Casavant, Etienne Casavant, Marie Casavant, Mi-
chael Fantin, Jeremy Fox, Charles “CJ” Frederick, Tina B. Enhanced Crimson Beast Insiders
Harris, James Allyn Horrace, Chad Howard, David T. Jer-
Alekzandyr, Dylon Amerasinghe, JD Chapman, Timo-
myn, Shayne Loizides, Joshua Newton, Colin Osterberg,
thy L. Dixon, Timothy Gilhool, Joshua L. Harris, Hendrik
Maria Rafaat, Steven Raver, Erick Wujcik
Härterich, Dennis Hughes, Alton Lawson, Donovan Pan-
A Real Character Tribute kratz, Victor Peterson, Benoit Provencher, Peter Schlott,
Charles Viaud, L. Allen Wallis, Michael David Walters,
General Claw, Jedrious Drækendœrfer, Dr. John Dy-
Matt “Catapult” Wang
namic, Honaw “Bear” Hope, Kerry Havern AKA “Clank”,
Mr. Jays, Radical Larry, Mack-33, MadMex Macias, Vin- Top Insiders
cent Taylor’s “Regulators”
Brent Casavant, David Cowden, Peter Dorney, Robb
Cyber-Insiders Dunn, Martin Eichman, Marc Ferrari, Andy Fundinger,
Andy Gammons, Andrew Grimes, Kendrick Hudon, John
John V. Adams, Sabrina Akins, Edward Arias, Nathaniel
Kallil, Dennis Kelley, Derrick “Omote” Landwehr, Bran-
Baker, Marc Breaker, James “Sgt. Mushroom” Briggs, Lar-
den Loizides, Ryan Mahoney, David Nemoseck, Richard
ry Brown, Brent Burnett, Renato Caputo, Bruno Cerbelaud,
J. Perez, A. Martin Peterson, Peter Porcaro Jr., Ryan Rawl-
Cameron Cleveland, Willys Cortez, Greg Diaczyk, James
ings, Ammon Redman, Chris Shackelford, Michael Silva,
Diefenderfer, Phillip Dill, Bryan Downing, Peter DuBois,
David Snell (aka: Fillibar), Robert Steiner, Aaron Terwil-
Elder Black Eagle, Michael Estrada, Dewey Feltz, Tony
liger, Chad Trantham, Wayne Walter Waldmann
Ferrannini, Allan Fierro, Andrew Gillespie, Dan Gim-
melli, Travis Guerrero, Roger Harvell, Alexander Heck, Ultimate Insiders
Eric J. Heckathorn, Ian Herbert, Jeff Jensen, Alan Jones,
Kevin M. Barnes, Daniel Bearce, Jim & Jessica Beutler,
Chris Kluge, James Koski, Terrance Labriola, Glenn Lints,
Spike E. Dog, Jason Dvorchak, Dr. Matthew Eagles, Brett
Evan Lusky, Chris M., Joseph MacIsaac, Sean Masters
Easterbrook, Daniel Frederick, Jason Gunter, Peter Hire,
AKA Beacon, Jeffrey Meyer, Chris Miller, J. Moran, Steph
Chris Isberg, Jason Jarrell, Kenny Johnson, Tim Krason,
Morency, Christopher Murray, Aaron Nelson, Matthew
James Lowman, Jason Mendoza, Father Morpheus, Doug-
Newton, Jim O, Steve O’Brien, Joseph Olewnicki, Monica
las Rood, Edward Sauerland, Jeff Smithcamp, Jerome
Paprocki, Primeval Atom, Curtis Ricker, Tim Robertson,
Thielen, John Williams
Adam Rootsey, James S., Erich Schleper, Jesse Seaton,
William Shuster, Trent Slater, Mike “Laserburn” Smith, Benefactors
SPL, Will Sproul, C.J. Stott, Charles Taylor, Todd Torkel-
son, Tom Weatherly, Che Webster, Dustin Wentworth, H. Annatherin, Derek R. Boudreaux, Jeremy Bryie, John
E. Werkheiser, Thomas Winningham, Jeff Young Dorch, Ryan Fuerst, Chris Gravel, Joshua Hill, Todd Spen-
cley, J. Patrick Walker, Brad Whitcomb
Palladium Insiders
Ultimate Benefactor
Todd Agthe, Will Armstrong, Eric “Rusty” Baugh, James
H. Brown, Stan Bundy, Brent Burnett, Barry Chapman, Stan Federico Franceschi

Stephen Schneider (Order #19360614)

Erin Tarn on the Savage Wilderness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Pit Trap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Dinosaur Swamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Death Underground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Traversing our Modern World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 A Deadly Treasure Trove . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
The Rifts® Bestiary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Tunnel Combat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
What Qualified for this Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Burrower Bruin Stats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Stat Block Terms & Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Cannot be Blinded (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Attributes and Stats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Digging (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Blood Scent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Track by Sound (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Domesticated Animals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Locking Bite (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Fight or Flight Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Pouncing Attack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Hunting Instinct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Domesticated Burrower Bruins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Juvenile Animal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 -C-
Speed Burst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Cadborosaurus Dinosaur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
P.P.E. Reference Guide for Animals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Chemoreceptors (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
A Creature Anywhere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Sense Magnetic North (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
-A- Canadian Duckbill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Aegis Buffalo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 A clear warning sign . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Stats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Leaping (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Quill Defense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Running Endurance (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Cannot be Domesticated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Canines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Agenor River Serpent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Notes About Canines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Constriction/Crush/Squeeze . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Influence of Vampires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Aishwarra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Canine: Red and Gray Fox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Bio-Regeneration (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Canine: Coyote . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Spawning Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Canine: Gray Wolf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Alien Rex Dinosaur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Canine: Mexican Wolf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Pounce Special Attack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Canine: Northern Timber Wolf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Allosaurus Dinosaur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Canines, Domesticated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Accelerated Ley Line Healing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Detection Dogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Sense Ley Line (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Guard Dogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Allosaurus, Ghost Dinosaur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Herding Dogs/Sheep Dogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Turn Invisible (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Hunting Dogs/Bloodhounds/Trackers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Ankylosaurus Dinosaur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Hunting Dogs/Retrievers & Pointers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Toxin Immunity (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Rescue Dogs/Trackers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Aqua-Hydra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Sled Dogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Chemoreceptors (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Supernatural Guardian Dogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Chameleon Color Change (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Carnosuchid Dinosaur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Metamorphosis (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Play Dead (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Breath Attacks (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Bite and Thrash Attack (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Armored Slayer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Cats, see Felines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
M.D.C. for the Armored Body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Caterpillar Things . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
M.D.C. for the Tentacle-Creature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Second Stage of Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Create Body Armor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Hibernation & Super-Regeneration (special) . . . . . . . . . . 93
Prehensile Tentacles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Language (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Azhure, Bird of Prey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Squeeze through Narrow Openings (special) . . . . . . . . . . 93
Special Dive Bomb Attack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Cerebro-Scramblers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Cerebro-Scramblers Trained Companions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
-B- Use of Tools (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Bears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Electronics Scrambling (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Notes about Bears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 EMP/Electromagnetic Pulse (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Bear: Black . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Hover and Swim through Air (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Bear: Brown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Domesticated Cerebro-Scramblers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Bear: Grizzly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 A potential treasure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Bear: Kodiak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Chatterlings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Bear: Polar and Grolar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Prehensile Tail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Bear: Mega-Bear (M.D.C. Mutant Bear) . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Magic/Spell Knowledge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Black Faerie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Chupacabra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Blood Identification (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Psionic Sensitivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Black-Winged Monster-Men . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Corrival Battler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Repel Animals (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 In battles of superiority . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Blood Hawk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Ballistic, Segmented Armor (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Psionics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Feelers (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Burrower Bruin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Prehensile Feet (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109

Stephen Schneider (Order #19360614)

Track, Smell, Sense Magic & Mages (special) . . . . . . . . . 110 Ability to Speak (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Stomp and Grab (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Prehensile Tail (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Vulnerabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 Prehensile Tongue (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Covenant Falcon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Entanglement & Pin an Opponent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
The powerful link between it and its One . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Devil Serpent Tongue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
Two who are One: Empathic Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Disguise Scent (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
Sensory Link, Shared Vision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Mouth Tentacles (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
Fusion of Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Devil Sloth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
Bonding Conditions & Restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Sense Supernatural Evil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
Covenant Falcon Stats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Track the Dead & Dying (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
Bonuses vs Supernatural (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 A domesticated Devil Sloth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
Sense Evil Creatures of Magic (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Devil Unicorn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
Sense Supernatural Evil (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 Pounce Attack (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
Craaphery Demon Snake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 Dilophosaurus Dinosaur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
Superior Vision (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Magic Enhanced Bio-Regeneration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
Semi-Domesticated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 Dimetrodon Dinosaur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
TW Craaphery Control Vehicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 Marsh Movement Penalties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
-D- Dinostang . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
Dark Behemoth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 Running Speeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
Death Bite (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 Density Field Bubble (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
Face Tentacles (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 Dogs, see Canines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Darkhound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 Dragon-Ape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
Secrets of the Darkhound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 Prehensile Feet (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
NPC Pet/Companion or Player Character . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 Strangle with Tail (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
Magic Resistance (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 Dragon-Cat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
Superior Sense of Smell (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 Sensitivity to the Supernatural (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
Sensitivity to Ley Line Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 Telepathic Bond (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
Special Psychic Abilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 Dragonfish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
Darkhound Packs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 Natural Abilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
Death Springer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 Dragon Ray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
Dark Woods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Evil Dragon Rays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
Death Springer Ghouls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Aquatic Abilities (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
Cat-Like Landings (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 Flying Capabilities (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
Climb Ceilings and Walls (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 Notes for Dragon Ray as an NPC or Villain . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
Leap Great Heights (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 Dragon Wasp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
Power Jumping Travel (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 Climb Most Surfaces (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
Leaping Pounce Attack (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 Grow to Giant Size (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
Death Springer Ghouls/Zombies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 Silent Attack/Warning (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
Life and Undeath Regeneration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 Venomous Stinger (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
Recognize P.P.E. in Prey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 Dream Butcher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
Death Weaver Spider . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 The Ghost Whip Tongue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Wall Crawling (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 Survivors Continue to Suffer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
Webbing (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 Enhanced Vision (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
Web Entanglement (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 Inverse Energy Blasters (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
Web Cocoon (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 Leaping and Agility (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
Magic Common to Death Weavers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 Psionic Ghost Whip Tongue (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
Demon Bear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 Leaping Pounce (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
Superior Bio-Regeneration (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 Duckbilled Honker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
Demon Beaver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 Natural Abilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
Bite through Trees (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 -E-
Make Waves (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 Ee-Bee Gee-Bees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
Ride the Waves (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 Digestive System (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
Desert Sleeper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 Pheromone of Innocence (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
Dig and Curl into a Ball (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 Web-Spinning Capabilities (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
Devil Eel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 Web Cocoon (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
Hibernation (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 Web Lair (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
Simultaneous Six Claw Strike (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 Web Line (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
Devil Kraken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 Web Rope (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
Sense Magnetic North (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 Web Streamers/Entanglement (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
Electromagnetic Sensitivity (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 Paralytic Neural Venom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
Sonic Echolocation (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 Allies: Family Clan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
Full Speed Ram (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 Possible Treasure at a Lair/Nest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
Devilsaurus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 Survivor Trauma/Phobias, Optional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
Demon Sea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 Ripper Fruit Wasp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
The monster’s intelligence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 Chemical Scent Trail (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220

Stephen Schneider (Order #19360614)

Eeracrech Riding Lizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221 Burrower Bruin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Climb and Run Sheer Walls (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
A domesticated and trained Riding Lizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
Cadborosaurus (“Caddie”) Dinosaur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
-F- Canadian Duckbill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Felines/Predatory Cats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225 Canine: Red and Gray Fox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Feline: Lynx and Bobcat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227 Canine: Coyote . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Feline: Jaguar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228 Canine: Gray Wolf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Feline: Mountain Lion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229 Canine: Mexican Wolf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Feline: Leopard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230 Canine: Northern Timber Wolf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Feline: African Lion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231 Canines, Domesticated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Feline: Tiger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232 Sled Dogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Field Reaper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233 Carnosuchid Dinosaur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Bird’s Eye Panoramic Vision (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236 Cats, see Felines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
Change Body Color & Temperature (special) . . . . . . . . . 237 Caterpillar Things . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Giant Petal Maw (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 Cerebro-Scrambler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Praying Mantis Arms (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 Chatterlings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Pouncing Attack (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238 Chupacabra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Typical Size of Field Reaper Pack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239 Corrival Battler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Frilled Swamp Runner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239 Covenant Falcon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Speech (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241 Craaphery Demon Snake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Frilled Knife Quills (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
Frost Panthera-Tereon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
Dark Behemoth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Chameleon Fur (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
Darkhound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
Cold Resistant (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
Death Springer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Frostweaver Spider . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
Ghouls/Zombies, same as Death Springer . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
In Urban Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
Death Weaver Spider . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Ice Armor (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
Demon Bear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
Burrow through Snow (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
Demon Beaver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
Web-Spinning Capabilities (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
Desert Sleeper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
Snow/Ground Web Carpet (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
Devil Eel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
Web Tunnel/Lair Webbing/Web Wall (special) . . . . . . . . 249
Devil Kraken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
Web can be removed by several means . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
Devilsaurus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Trapdoor Ambush (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Devil Serpent Tongue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
Web Cocoon (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Devil Sloth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
Web Line (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Devil Unicorn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
Cryo-Neural Venom (special) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Dilophosaurus Dinosaur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
A domesticated Frost Weaver Spider . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
Dimetrodon Dinosaur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
Fury Beetle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
Dinostang . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
A domesticated Fury Beetle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
Dogs, see Canines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Coming in Rifts® Bestiary Volume Two . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
Dragon-Ape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
Dragon-Cat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
Maps Dragonfish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
Dragon Ray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
-A- Dragon Wasp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
Aegis Buffalo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Dream Butcher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
Agenor River Serpent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Duckbilled Honker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
Aishwarra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Alien Rex Dinosaur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 -E-
Allosaurus Dinosaur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Ee-Bee Gee-Bee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
Allosaurus, Ghost Dinosaur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Ripper Fruit Wasp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
Ankylosaurus Dinosaur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Eeracrech Riding Lizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
Aqua-Hydra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Armored Slayer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Felines/Predatory Cats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
Azhure, Bird of Prey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Feline: African Lion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
-B- Feline: Leopard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
Bear: Black . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Feline: Lynx and Bobcat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
Bear: Brown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Feline: Jaguar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
Bear: Grizzly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Feline: Mountain Lion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
Bear: Kodiak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Feline: Tiger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
Bear: Polar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Field Reaper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
Bear: Mega-Bear (M.D.C. Mutant Bear) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Frilled Swamp Runner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
Black Faerie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Frost Panthera-Tereon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
Black-Winged Monster-Men . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Frostweaver Spider . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Blood Hawk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Fury Beetle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255

Stephen Schneider (Order #19360614)

Erin Tarn on the Savage Wilderness
Rifts Earth is a living environment, with flora and fauna from a another. All are traveled at your own peril. And there is plenty
thousand different alien worlds. of peril.
I sometimes think that future generations and even people of The people of fabled Chi-Town, Iron Heart and other Coalition
our own present day will never understand how we live or what “fortress cities,” hide behind towering walls and crowded sky-
our world here, on the old American continent, is like. Every scrapers made of thick Mega-Damage steel and concrete. Battle
place, every continent, sometimes the corner around the block, stations and weapon towers are everywhere. The skies over the
is a completely different world unto itself. None of us, not even fortress cities are filled with armed Sky Cyles, SAMAS and other
those of us educated in such things, can truly imagine the idyllic combat vehicles, patrolling not just the perimeter of the city,
life of our ancestors before the Great Cataclysm and the Coming but the skies overhead and the streets below. They are joined by
of the Rifts. troops on the ground, law enforcement and soldiers, who guard
Here, in what was once the American, Canadian and Mexican their community around the clock. They do this for a reason: Our
Empires, we huddle in safe haven communities afraid to stray world is endlessly dangerous and no place is safe.
from their sheltering walls and borders. Inside these fortified cities, whether protected by technology
You hear about the Coalition States, Northern Gun, the Manis- or magic, or both, life is comparatively safe for its inhabitants.
tique Imperium, the Federation of Magic, Tolkeen, Free Quebec, At least safe from most simple-minded animals and monsters.
Lazlo, the Pecos Empire, Kingsdale and other population centers, That’s why people flock to the Chi-Town ‘Burbs despite their de-
and must think our countryside is positively tamed and safe. You plorable conditions. It’s why they endure the unfair rules and
hear about grand cities and populations numbering in the tens laws of the Coalition States and the festering urban jungle that is
of thousands, and even millions of citizens in the case of the Co- the ‘Burbs. Because life in the tangle of streets and squalid alleys
alition States, and you think, surely they must have conquered of these crime-ridden tent cities and refugee camps are safer
the wilderness and slain all of the monsters. If only that were so. and better than living almost anywhere else. Certainly better
I’m afraid nothing is further from the truth. than trying to survive in a wilderness village or town. Trust me,
These places, even the sprawling technological cities, are tiny I know. I was born in a little farm village in what was once the
oases of comparative safety, surrounded by what I like to call the State of Iowa. That’s why other people also flock to Tolkeen or
Savage Wilderness. Unmapped and ever-changing wild lands, Lazlo, or join the Federation of Magic, for protection. Protection
filled with terrible beasts and monsters from the Rifts. Even the by armed troops, technology and magic.
mighty Coalition States and their much vaunted technological It’s why small independent communities always have a pro-
army reigns over vast expanses of hostile wilderness that they tector or group of champions, mercenaries or lawmen. And why
neither truly control nor do they know what exactly lurks within some people accept being ruled and protected by an evil drag-
their shadowy confines. on, coven of witches, Necromancer or vampires whether they
There are no open highways and lampposts of old, or roads treat them kindly or oppress them. In such cases, it doesn’t mat-
anew that offer safe passage from one cluster of humanity to ter whether the residents agree with the politics or rules of their

Stephen Schneider (Order #19360614)

protector. They have to accept whatever such a powerful tyrant existing ecosystem and cause strife and change. Wiping out in-
may impose, because they have no means to oppose him, and digenous animals or plant life. Bringing new diseases or mon-
life is probably is safer, if not better, to have him or them and their sters that hunt people.
protection, than nothing at all. In many cases, a town’s champion Dinosaur Swamp is what was once known as the American
or protectors may be the only thing that keeps them safe from States of Florida, Georgia and the Carolinas. Some of it would
the wild animals and dangerous people that live in the Savage be familiar to our ancestors, but most of it would not. As we all
Wilderness just beyond their doorstep. At least until some new know, even if we haven’t seen it with our own eyes, the region
group rides into town and decides to take it for themselves. is populated by dinosaurs. Animals from our planet’s distant
These communities, even our biggest and grandest, are noth- past or what scholars and scientists call a “parallel dimension”
ing like what our ancestors knew before the Great Cataclysm and or “parallel world.” A world like our own planet where such ani-
the Coming of the Rifts. Our towns and cities are armed camps mals still exist while those of our Earth perished millions of cen-
and tiny specks of civilization surrounded by the dense wilder- turies ago.
ness and the unknown lurking beneath its branches. But you don’t have to look to far away Dinosaur Swamp to see
Unknown because unlike the days of our ancestors, we can- a different world than the one our human ancestors once knew.
not truly map or know what lies beyond the first row of trees. You need but look out your own window, wherever you live. Your
The Rifts and blue ribbons of ley lines are forces at work to con- oasis of hope, whether tiny, medium or large, is where you stay
stantly change our world. Sometimes our very reality. Even dur- huddled. Afraid to venture out beyond what you know. For good
ing the quietest of times, we never know what new predators reason. We don’t know what awaits beyond. We don’t know if
and D-Bees, or magic and hostile army, have moved into the the forest or meadow we visited yesterday is still a quiet peaceful
neighboring wilderness. place, or filled with new danger. Just as we don’t now what lurks
It is worse along the ley lines. Whenever I walk along a ley in the river or where the river may now lead. Every day is a new
line, I swear I can feel the enchantment in the air. The flowers day. Every day our environment may have been changed by a
and trees seem to be a deeper green, and the air sparkles with Rift or magic or by a new invasive species of animal.
light and energy as if walking along a rainbow. These glowing So we stay where we know we are safe. Well, where we be-
rivers of magic energy are usually a mile (1.6 km) or more wide, lieve we are safe. Huddled with other people and protected by
and may run for just a mile or two or stretch on for as far as the technology or magic. Hoping they will be enough to protect us
eye can see. Here the fabric of our world, our reality, is tissue pa- from whatever might crawl out of the Savage Wilderness. We be-
per thin. Allowing creatures from an alien existence to easily tear lieve it when our parents and heroes tell us it is not safe to enter
through the fragile dimensional fabric and enter into our world. the woods. And pray our protectors, our magic, our technology
Where two or more rivers of glistening blue magic cross, will be enough to hold back the doom when it creeps out of the
doorways to an endless array of alien worlds and supernatural wild and into our havens.
realms open and close as easily as changing the frequency on I feel horrible writing these words, because I hate that we live
a radio. As if this weren’t trouble enough, people with the right in such an uncertain world filled with fear. I don’t want to con-
know-how deliberately create and open Rifts to travel across our tribute to the existing fear and paranoia. It’s fear and hate, after
world or to cross the threshold of one reality to enter another. all, that has driven the Coalition States and others who respond
No matter how skilled the mage or dimensional traveler, you to what they don’t understand with violence. They have taken
never know what you may unleash into our world whenever a fear and uncertainty and weaponized them. Making tyranny, lies
Rift is opened. Anything might walk through the doorway you and wickedness acceptable if it means we are safe and happy. Or
just opened, just as flies and mosquitos scoot inside your house to turn a blind eye to cruelty and injustice, and pretend the out-
when you leave your door or window open for more than a sec- side world or people different from us are not important. I hate
ond. I am told that at least a few invisible Entities sneak through it. But fear is a powerful motivator and weapon.
the dimensional gate every time a Rift tears through space and During my many years, I have traveled through the untamed
time. The longer the tear remains open, the greater the number wilderness more times than I can count. For me, it is always an
of new, alien or supernatural life forms enter our world. New exhilarating and harrowing experience. I always see and learn so
animals, people, magic, and strange energy that didn’t exist just much that it is difficult for me to put into words. The lush splen-
moments earlier slip through that open door. Sometimes a few. dor and exotic creatures I have seen can make you forget about
Other times in thronging multitudes. Each one representing a the dangers of your surroundings. There is so much beauty out
potential resource, new danger or enemy. there, it’s breathtaking. There are many times when you get lost
I have seen entire forests and prairies replaced by an alien in the moment, like when you look upon a rainbow and marvel
landscape: a desert, pillars of stone, a forest filled with strange at its simple splendor, and forget there may be danger just be-
plants and animals never before seen on our planet, and oth- yond the next tree grove. Shaken back to reality by a roar or bel-
ers replacing whatever was there before it. Alien vistas that may low in the distance. Hopefully, far in the distance. Or by a startled
last for days, weeks, months, years or centuries, or which may be animal bolting away from you in the underbrush.
gone by nightfall. An entire area of land replaced by something Whenever traveling in the wilderness, it has been my experi-
new and otherworldly. ence that you try to hurry from one outpost, village, or town, to
Even when our natural landscape remains as we have always another, especially as night begins to fall. It’s better to stay at an
known it to be – if there is such a thing anymore, I honestly don’t unknown community than to sleep under the stars at night in
know – it may be inhabited by people or animals not of our the wild. Even with a vigilant guard posted, you and your party
world. Some beautiful and wondrous, others living nightmares. might fall victim to any number of monsters or animals. I found
Things that have climbed, run or soared out of a dimensional it ironic that our best protector was always another animal – a
Rift. Creatures that, even if benign or friendly, could disrupt the dog, a horse, a Dinostang or Riding Lizard – because their keen

Stephen Schneider (Order #19360614)

senses often detected the approach of a dangerous animal long ing through tall grass takes effort, makes noise unless you are
before it was upon us. moving very slowly, and slows you down. A field of wildflowers
It may sound strange, but we often did without a campfire. is lovely, but traveling through it or any tall grass is akin to trying
If we needed one, to cook food or stay warm, we either kept it to run in waist deep water. Stumble and you might fall prey to a
small, or went large and kept it burning all night. We would do wild animal, or sprain an ankle or break a limb, hobbling travel
without a campfire because fire attracts predators, curious ani- further. Carry too much bulky gear and you are constantly snag-
mals, and bugs that even if they are not a direct threat to you or ging on something and getting jerked and pulled, or stuck on
your animals, or your supplies, they might attract predators to something. Again, slowing travel and making noise. Noise that
your location. Beasts that might decide you or your pack animals may scare away game animals you may be hunting or attract a
were a better choice for dinner. We found digging a trench or pit dangerous animal or bushwhacking lowlifes. Something as sim-
to huddle down into was safer than building a fire or a raising a ple as cutting your way through a woodland path makes noise.
tent. You are hidden from sight on the horizon, and your scent is And you don’t want to do that. Noise and commotion attracts
dampened by the moist earth. Of course, a trench does not work the attention of animals and monsters, or people in the area. At-
when in a heavy downpour or a long-lasting rain. I was aston- tention you probably don’t want from any of them.
ished by how quickly my safe trench collected with water. Re- Be warned, there are plenty of animals that are invisible as
gardless of whether you spent the night in a shallow hole, tent, they prowl or lurk in the tall grass until you are nearly on top
or sleeping bag under the stars, you still have to contend with of them. Many a time was I startled by a fleeing rabbit, coyote
creepy crawlies. Mainly snakes and insects that might find you or pheasant bolting from its hiding place in the grass or weeds.
and your sleeping accommodations just as warm and cosy as And just as many times there was a dangerous predator lurking,
you do. And if you removed your boots, which I found necessary watching, waiting to pounce should it get the chance.
to give my aching feet some comfort, you must shake them out Ravines, dirt mounds, boulders, wreckage, abandoned ve-
before you put them back on. Otherwise you might be bitten by hicles, loose rocks, toppled trees, dense vegetation, marshland,
the bug, spider, snake or little animal that decided to take refuge a pond, a river, a grove of standing trees that form a barrier, to
inside one of them. overflowing rivers and flood plains are all common and frequent
I also learned it is best to travel along paths and dirt roads obstacles that may force you to change course, sending you into
rather than forge your own trail or to go off on your own into the unknown and in a direction you had not intended. Or it may
uncharted and rugged wilderness. A trail, even if only an ani- force you to camp so you can scout ahead several miles before
mal trail, is faster and presumably safer than plunging into the your entire party can move on. I quickly learned not all danger-
depths of the unknown. Anything can be lurking behind the ous animals are predators. Some are so large they may hurt you
next tree or up in the branches of that tree, or circling in the by accident. It’s ironic to be trampled by a herd of animals trying
sky overheard. In some woodlands, the tree canopy is alive with to flee from you, but you are still injured or dead. Or perhaps you
animals, birds and insects. In other places, the ground may erupt are attacked by the herd’s protector trying to defend its flock, or
from underneath you from a burrowing animal that may want to a parent charges because it thinks it needs to protect its young
eat you or that is just passing through. Humans and D-Bees are from you, even though you have no intention of harming any
NOT at the top of the food chain in the Savage Wilderness. We of them. On one excursion, we lost precious hours because our
are prey to be hunted by more animals than I care to think about. native guide, a Psi-Stalker who should have known better, got
And not just that, but if you go off a nicely worn path or trail that a little too close to a mammoth Canadian Duckbill. To avoid a
is free of tangles of vegetation, you don’t know what the terrain pummeling from the giant beast, she took refuge inside our
ahead may have in store for you. truck, ducking behind the seats. That was not good enough for
Off the beaten path, the land is not flat, manicured and main- the Duckbill. The huge creature leapt onto the roof of our ve-
tained like it is in and around cities and towns. Even traveling hicle and stomped, and squawked, and put up such a fuss that
villages and mercenary camps are made at the best location, not we were certain the entire world must know our location. When
just anywhere. Out in the wild you travel across lumpy, bumpy it decided it had taught her it was the boss, it leapt down and
ground and deal with all sort of obstacles. Your foot may sink into thundered off to join its mate and young. A display that had
a mole mound, or you twist your ankle in a groundhog’s hole, let blown all the tires and broken the axle of our truck. Not a good
alone something terrifying like a Burrower Bruin. Animals aside, day.
there are tangles of weeds and vines, it’s easy to trip over stones All reasons why I think of permanent communities, be it a
and fallen tree branches, and even walking through tall grass farm, town or sprawling city, as oases of humanity. Pockets of
slows you down and catches your foot. Pushing through vegeta- civilization scattered amidst a seemingly endless wilderness
tion you might suddenly find yourself standing before a ravine, fraught with challenges and danger. And why I’m so glad to live
or stream, or mud pit, or crater that requires you to climb down in an age of relative stability. People often look at me like I’m
it and back up, or forces you to travel around it. Sometimes veg- crazy whenever I say that. Oh, they don’t usually call me crazy to
etation and trees are so thick it is faster and easier to find a way my face, of course, but I know they are thinking it. I can see it in
around it than to chop your way through it. their startled expressions.
City people like us, and even country folk used to their farms The reason I say that we live in an age of comparative sta-
and fields and dirt roads, do not understand how the tangle of bility, is because we have not endured a cataclysmic event in
vegetation can slow down travel even for cyborgs and those more than a hundred years. Yes, we have our share of struggles
clad in power armor. Dense woods, underbrush, vines and tall and war, but nothing like the Demon Plagues, invading armies
grass become an impediment tangling your feet or becoming a of D-Bees, swarms of monsters, magical upheavals or chang-
wall or field you must chop your way through or go around. Even ing landscapes spoken of in the myths and legends of the Two
large animals may be forced to go around such barriers. Walk- Hundred Years Dark Age that came after the Great Cataclysm. It


Stephen Schneider (Order #19360614)

has been this absence of constant change and world-shattering sketches in my journals, as well as I don’t know how many hours
events that has enabled humanity to finally exit the Dark Age of video. I can’t wait for you to see them when I finally get back.
and rebound enough for us to establish pockets of civilization – An Excerpt from Erin Tarn’s book,
like Lazlo, the Coalition States, and the Federation of Magic,
Traversing Our Modern World; published circa 100 P.A.
among others. All rising up, literally, from the ashes of the Great
Cataclysm and establishing themselves as footholds of a resurg-
ing human civilization. It does my heart good to see a new com-
munity sprout up and last for more than a year, because most do
not. Places like Arzno, Nowhere, and the Colorado Baronies, and
even rogue nations like the bandit ridden Pecos Empire, offer
new hope for humans and D-Bees alike.
Wherever we call home, it’s all most of us ever know. Even
Chi-Town is crammed into a small geographic area surrounded
by the unknown. Its citizens, like most communities, never leave
the safety of their city. What they know of the outside world is
only what they hear from rumors or what they are told by strang-
ers and by their ruler. It was the same for me. As a girl, I grew up
in a small farming village. It was a hard, but good life, and my
home was a happy place. My childhood a happy time. Mostly.
Until tragedy struck.
For a time after that, I lived in a small town near Chi-Town. A
dream come true for me, because I could run free through the Li-
brary of Chi-Town and read. Read as much as I could. I devoured
books and learned about our history before the Coming of the
Rifts, but that only made me want to know more about our own
modern world.
There in the State of Chi-Town, seat of the recently formed Co-
alition States, our future seemed grand, yet my world remained
surprisingly small. Confusing. Frightening at times. I would see
D-Bees and wild animals brought in from the wilds. I would hear
countless tales about people and monsters, and exotic places,
but the stories about the same people and places were conflict-
ing and often outrageous. Colored by personal experience and
bias, or wild exaggeration. It left me to wonder which part of the
stories were true.
Not knowing the truth ate at me until I couldn’t take it any-
more. I needed to know the truth. To see for myself the wonders
and perils of the Savage Wilderness and visit as many oases of
civilization as I could find.
That’s why I continue my long trek across as much as much
of our continent as possible. I want to learn, firsthand, what is
over the next hill. I try to keep an open mind and to share with
you what I have seen and learned in as honest and straightfor-
ward a way as I can. I want my exploration and letters to you to
help shed light upon the world beyond our own oases of hope. I
pray that you find my exodus to be as endlessly fascinating and
thrilling as I do, because to me it represents hope. I feel as if the
truth has made me stronger and wiser, and I want to share that
with you and everyone I can. I especially hope to show you that
D-Bees are not so very different from humans, and that there is
no reason to fear them as so many people do. Though some are
strange and frightening in appearance, I have found most to be
charming and loving people with the same hopes and dreams
as any of us.
Having said that, I don’t encourage just anyone to attempt
what I am doing. As thrilling and mind-expanding as my travels
and adventures have been, I have lost comrades every step of
the way, and I’ve come close to death myself, more times than
I could have ever imagined. But for the grace of God and the Note: Traversing Our Modern World is an unauthorized col-
sacrifice of others to keep me safe, I would not have survived to lection of Erin Tarn’s notes and letters to an unidentified friend.
keep sending these letters. I have, of course, more details and Presumably a fellow scholar or possibly someone within the Co-


Stephen Schneider (Order #19360614)

alition States before it became the militant and repressive regime are now standardized and consistent, maps added so you know at
it is today. a glance where a beast is found, and each creature updated and
The book has been published and sold by the Black Market expanded. Rewritten and, in a few cases, redefined into an easy to
since at least 100 P.A. An instant bestseller, it has not been out use, fun and comprehensive reference guide of “known” monsters
of print since its release. The book is available in various forms and animals of Rifts® Earth. A guide designed for use by both
of print, audio books (read by a woman who is not the real Erin players and Game Masters.
Tarn), documentary style videos, and most recently, several differ- Familiar beasts. Many of the creatures in the Rifts® Besti-
ent filmmakers movies reenacting the fabled historian’s journey in ary have appeared in previous World Books and Sourcebooks, but
serial form like a television series. never in such depth and detail. Each description in the Bestiary
Overnight, the release of the book thrust Erin Tarn into the un- has been dramatically expanded and updated with a wealth of new
wanted spotlight of celebrated historian and speaker of truth. A information. The stats, abilities, M.D.C., damage capabilities, and
truth that frequently clashes with the rewritten history and pro- expanded descriptions in the Rifts® Bestiary™ books should be
paganda of the Coalition States. This has branding Erin Tarn as a considered the definitive ones, and the final word on these beasts.
liar and criminal by the CS, and has earned her the dubious honor New creatures from across the Megaverse®. In addition to
of Enemy Number One of the Coalition States. It is a miracle that the creatures you think you know, are numerous new ones that run
Erin has not yet been captured by the CS, put on trial and publicly the full gamut of possibilities. Beasts that crawl, run, fly and swim.
executed. Creatures that have value and use for adventurers, and those that
As her most popular and widely read book was an unsanctioned hunt and eat people. Some are cute and delightful. Some cute and
publication, an unexpected and unwanted level of fame and infamy deadly. Some are friendly and helpful, while others are slobbering
was foisted upon the courageous woman. Erin Tarn has not seen monsters or bizarre alien life forms. Every critter designed with
any direct financial reward from the many publications of Travers- you in mind to offer players creatures that benefit or offer oppor-
ing Our Modern World, but she is so beloved and respected by so tunities, and beasts Game Masters can use to provide players new
many, that people in all walks of life gladly help, hide and protect challenges, surprises, combat situations and avenues of adventure.
her, even when it threatens their own lives. For many people, meet- I hope you’ll be surprised and pleased to find beasts for every
ing the famous Erin Tarn, Speaker of Truth, is considered one of setting and environment, and that many of the creatures are not
the greatest moments a person can achieve in life. strictly limited to the wilderness. That some have adapted to live
To her credit, Erin has accepted her fate with courage and and hunt within Rifts Earth’s urban environments to stalk pets,
aplomb. More than ever she tries to use her voice to help people livestock and your characters in the streets and alleys of towns and
and to champion truth and justice. When Erin Tarn speaks, every- cities. As you might expect, many of these large and alien beasts
one listens. Much to the disdain of Coalition leaders who have put have developed a taste for human and D-Bee flesh, while others
a bounty on her head and have the army actively hunting her. can be tamed and used as guard animals, bloodhounds, riding ani-
She is a known associate (a dear friend and respected colleague, mals and pets. Some are insects, others dinosaurs, and many are
really) of the ruling council of Lazlo. Beloved and cherished by alien nightmares from other worlds thanks to the ever present and
all citizens of Lazlo, she is rumored to have been given sanctuary shifting Rifts. Wherever they originate, all of these beasts breathe
by this kingdom of magic and learning, where she is said to teach more life and color into the Rifts® setting.
and reside. Our goal: To give you a book with more than just snarling,
nameless monsters to kill. We give you monsters with attitude and
unique behavior. Creatures that make sense and bring something

The Rifts
new to the gaming table. Beasts that fit into an ecosystem and offer
® a wide range of uses and adventure opportunities. Monsters and
animals that wow and grab your imagination by the throat. I think
we’ve accomplished that. You be the judge. And enjoy.

Bestiary ™ – Kevin Siembieda, Writer, Publisher & Monster Maker

What qualified for this book?

Welcome to the first in a series of Rifts® Bestiary™ books. The creatures in Rifts® Bestiary™ Volume One (and Two)
Each a compendium of exotic and otherworldly creatures for the are, with some exceptions, beasts – flesh and blood animals –
Rifts Earth role-playing game setting. The first two or three vol- whether that animal has S.D.C. and Hit Points or M.D.C. As an
umes focus on the many notable beasts of Rifts North America – animal, it must be driven by instinct and look like an animal. No D-
the United States, Canada and Mexico. Of course, being Rifts®, Bees (dimensional beings with human intelligence and humanoid
we only spend time on a handful of ordinary animals indigenous to appearance). And no supernatural beings or intelligent creatures of
our planet. The vast majority herald from across the Megaverse®. magic like dragons and Faeries, or ghosts, spirits/Entities or intel-
Creatures that have helped to reshape our world into a dangerous, ligent supernatural beings.
alien landscape. Of course, there are a few exceptions. Creatures that defy
The Rifts® Bestiary™ series collects the hundreds of amazing easy classification and straddle the line between animal and sen-
creatures scattered across dozens of Rifts® books. Even as the guy tient being. A few beasts, for example, possess near human in-
who wrote most of the animals in the first place, I didn’t realize telligence, but behave and function more like an animal than a
we had created hundreds of monsters until we decided to collect human. A creature that looks very much like an animal, but has a
them all for easy reference. Of course, I couldn’t stop there with level of sentience and awareness that is something more, but does
just gathering them all up into a couple of books. The stat blocks not quite rise to the level of human or D-Bee. In other cases, the

Stephen Schneider (Order #19360614)

beast may have a bipedal or somewhat humanoid form, as do apes often reflect the alignment of their owners/masters/handlers, and
and monkeys, but is driven by instinct and preys upon other ani- may be different than the norm that is common for wild animals.
mals and people. These include creatures like the Black-Winged For example, a Miscreant animal that is domesticated and tamed
Monster-Men, Caterpillar People, the Darkhound, Devil Unicorn, (as much as possible) may have a selfish or good alignment instead
Dragon Ray, and the Mothman Monster, as well as a few that are of evil.
demonic animals such as the Death Weaver Spider, Demon Bear Attacks per Melee: Varies with each creature. The number
and Demon Beaver. All are clearly animalistic monsters in both listed is for the adult animal. Baby animals typically have only one
appearance and behavior, so they are included in the Bestiary. Ul- or two attacks. Juveniles have half the number of the adult (round
timately, if the creature seemed more animal than humanoid, it has up). Or as stated under this stat block or elsewhere in the specific
been included in the Rifts® Bestiary™ Volume One and Two. animal description.
Please note that we anticipate a volume in the future to include Attributes and Stats: Animal attributes and other stats are
supernatural Entities, ghosts, spirits, and demonic supernatural be- very consistent among animals and offer a smaller range of at-
ings, especially if they are not part of a larger pantheon or realm tribute variation than what you see among humans and D-Bees.
of Hell. We have also been knocking around the idea of a Rifts® High Animal Intelligence is not the same as human intelligence.
Book of Dragons and creatures of magic. The animal cannot learn to read or write or perform mathemat-
ics, but is able to understand words and simple commands the
same as a dog or horse. (FYI: A dog is believed to know nearly
200 words.) Many animals, especially predators, are cunning and
know when to be stealthy, hide, retreat, etc., and may be able to
recognize a likely trap or ambush, and the danger represented by
a weapon or a particular suit of armor, or type of hunter, such as
Splugorth Slavers. Very few are smart enough to use simple tools
or weapons, or to speak, but some use basic strategies and tactics,
and a pack of predators often work as a team.
High Mental Endurance means the animal does not scare eas-
High Mental Affinity means people find the animal to be very
appealing for one reason or another; cute, cuddly, charming, and
otherwise likeable or desirable.
Physical Strength of the animal. S.D.C. animals are on the same
scale as humans. Many monsters and Mega-Damage creatures
possess higher levels of P.S.
Supernatural Strength does not mean the creature is, itself, a
Stat Block Terms & Notes supernatural being, but rather that it has the strength equivalent of
Supernatural Strength. This level of P.S. is common among Mega-
Rifts® Bestiary™ Volume One (and Two) focuses on crea- Damage creatures and monsters from other worlds. Other animals
tures of North America – Canada, the United States of America may have ordinary P.S., the same as humans, or the equivalent of
and Mexico – as well as notable sea animals found within its Augmented or Robotic Strength. Supernatural beings always have
coastal waters. (Deep ocean creatures are not included. See Rifts® Supernatural P.S.
Underseas and Lemuria for them.) The same applies to Supernatural P.E.
We have standardized the stat block for all animals. Below are Speed indicates how fast an animal can run. Most animals can
the stat block terms and common words used to describe the many run much faster than humans and most D-Bees. Unless stated oth-
beasts. erwise, the animal can run at its listed speed for 20 to 30 minutes.
Name: The name by which the creature is best known. Animals built for running, such as canines, horses, dinosaurs, and
Also Known As: Other common names by which the creature many alien creatures, are the exception and may be able to sustain
is known. their running speed 30-60 minutes or even an hour or two.
Allies: Most animals only see members of its own species as an A short burst of speed is a brief increase in speed in which the
ally, though there may be other animals that it accepts around it or animal runs at full tilt to either catch prey or escape danger. This is
which it likes to associate with. In some instances, there are other the animal’s maximum speed in those short, few minutes. A burst
animals or people that the beast likes or accepts as allies. of speed is usually measured in minutes, sometimes less.
Remember, Psi-Stalkers, Simvan Monster Riders and Psi-Dru- A comfortable trotting speed is a steady traveling speed over
ids can calm and control, ride and command, many – but not all a period of several hours. It is, generally, one third the animal’s
– animals via their own innate psionic ability and natural empathy running speed. A common, trotting pace for most medium to large
with wild animals. An ability that usually makes the animal see animals is 8-10 mph (12.8 to 16 km), sometimes faster, other times
them as one of its own, and as a dominant leader, but that does not slower. Trotting can be maintained for 3-6 hours. Longer for ani-
necessarily mean such a person is the animal’s ally/friend. mals built for running, such as canines and horses, among others.
Alignment: This category is from the perspective of people Speed levels and how long a run or trot can be maintained is listed
and how they perceive the animal. Many beasts are considered in the stats of most animals.
Anarchist/Selfish while predatory animals, man-eaters and those A comfortable walking speed for most medium to large animals
considered to be savage “monsters” are generally considered to is 3-5 mph (4.8 to 8 km) and can be maintained for 8-12 hours.
be Miscreant or Diabolic evil. Domesticated and trained animals Note: A fast walking pace for humans and most D-Bees, without


Stephen Schneider (Order #19360614)

Agenor River Serpent travelers, giant robots, fishing boats, barges, submarines, and
other water vessels are often assailed by these creatures. Agenor
may be dumb, but they are smart enough to have figured out that
By Kevin Siembieda “boats” have food (e.g. people and livestock) onboard, so the
The rivers, lakes and oceans of Rifts Earth are filled with what monster may pop up and try to snatch crew members and pas-
can only be considered sea serpents and sea monsters. Some are sengers from the deck. There are many reports of the serpents
dinosaurs brought back through time by the Rifts, many others are even slithering up onto boats, through open doors and into the
creatures from alien worlds and dimensions. Some are intelligent, belly of the vessel to find people to eat. Agenor River Serpents
but most are simply animal predators that feed on whatever looks are aquatic, but can breathe air and survive on dry land or the
like prey to them. All too often, humans and D-Bees fall into the deck of a boat for 1D4 hours. Bad news if it eats crewmen Steve
“prey” category. and Jeff without much of a commotion, and then curls up to take
The Agenor River Serpent is one such animal from another di- a nap. Because if disturbed or when it wakes up hungry, you may
mension. They have adapted to Earth since the Coming of the Rifts be next on its meal ticket.
and are common to the many rivers of Mexico, the Yucatan, Cen- People, especially in Mexico and Central America, who live
tral America, and South America. They are seldom found north near, on and in the water to avoid vampires, are constantly on the
of the Rio Grande and have never been reported in the Missis- lookout for Agenor and other sea monsters.
sippi, and seem to prefer rivers, even shallow ones, rather than
deep lakes, and are never encountered in swamps and marshlands.
The Agenor Serpent is long and able to navigate rivers and water Agenor River Serpent – Aquatic Carnivore
as shallow as five feet (1.5 m) deep. Alignment: Animal predator, considered to be Anarchist or Mis-
Agenor River Serpents eat all types of marine life, including creant.
young Agenor, but also prey upon humanoids, cattle, horses, Attributes: I.Q. 1D6 (low animal intelligence), M.E. 1D6+6,
deer, otters, seals, other large mammals and dinosaurs that come M.A. 1D4, P.S. 1D6+34 (Supernatural), P.P. 1D6+14, P.E.
to the water’s edge. The Agenor is happy to gobble up swimmers, 1D6+22, P.B. 1D6+6, Spd swimming is 2D4+61, or 45 mph
but is likely to ignore an individual swimmer or rafter, unless the (72km or 39 knots).
individual is splashing around and making a commotion. Instinct A maximum speed slithering on dry land like a snake is 22
has the River Serpent looking for schools of fish and groups of mph (35 km), can only be maintained for 20 minutes. A more
animals, from flocks of waterfowl and animal herds to groups of comfortable land speed is 8 mph (12.8 km) and can be main-
people and large prey. Aggressive, but dull-witted, Agenor River tained for up to five hours before requiring the beast to rest;
Serpents are quick to attack first without thinking about whether ideally in a body of water even if it’s a shallow marsh or a pool
the target is suitable prey or not. As a result, power armor clad of cool mud.

Stephen Schneider (Order #19360614)

M.D.C. by Location (adult): or the scent of rotting meat; or +15% if the blood or meat is in
Head – 2D6+60 the water).
Fins (6) – 1D6+34 each Natural Abilities: Nightvision 2,000 feet (610 m; hunts day and
Tail (1) – 1D6+70 night), polarized second eyelids drop down to filter out sunlight
Main Body – 1D6x10+180 Note: Females have and additional and glare, keen vision underwater, even in murky waters, as
40 M.D.C., less for young. Juveniles only have 110 M.D.C., well as good vision above the waves. Recovers from damage at
and young 60. a rate of 6D6 M.D.C. per 24 hours.
On S.D.C. worlds, the Agenor has a main body of 1D4x10+50 Agenor River Serpents can and do, on occasion, come onto
S.D.C., 1D6x10+80 Hit Points and a Natural A.R. of 12. All dry land and travel as far as 20 miles (32 km) inland, usually to
other body locations have S.D.C. equal to the M.D.C. number hunt or because they smell carrion/dead bodies or the carcass of
listed above (2D6+60 M.D.C. = 2D6+60 S.D.C.). The damage a large animal. The creature can breathe air and survive on land
inflicted by the creature does an equivalent amount of S.D.C. for up to four hours without adverse effect. After that time, the
points rather than M.D. serpent begins to experience difficulties: reduce speed, equiva-
Horror Factor: 14 for most encounters with an adult, but only lent skills, attacks per melee round and bonuses by half, but can
H.F. 10 to characters inside a giant robot or armored vehicle. survive another 1D4 hours before it becomes severely dehy-
Size: 1D4x10+30 feet (12.2 to 21.3 m) long, can be twice as thick drated and too weak to fight (one attack per melee, no bonuses
as a man’s body. Females are 20% larger, young/juveniles are and reduce speed by 80%). It will die shortly thereafter.
half the size, but just as aggressive. Attacks per Melee: Three on land, four in the water.
Weight: 4-6 tons. Mega-Damage: The Agenor’s primary attack is biting and head
Average Life Span: Uncertain; 1D6+40 years, quite possibly lon- butts, as well as body slams, slashing tail, and constriction. Argu-
ger. The Serpent mate in early autumn and give birth to 1D6+3 ably its easiest attack is to capsize and sink small river vessels and
live young eight months later. The young stays with their moth- gobble up survivors in the water and devour those who drown.
er four years before going off on their own, at which point they Bite, Restrained – 6D6 S.D.C. or 1D4 M.D.
are 20-24 feet (6.1 to 7.3 m) long and should be able to take Bite, Full Strength – 5D6 M.D.
care of themselves. It takes 10 years for the young to reach full Head Butt, Restrained – 1D6 M.D.
size and maturity. Head Butt, Full Strength – 3D6 M.D.
P.P.E.: 4D6 Tail Strike – 3D6 M.D.
Disposition: Agenor are calm and easygoing, even sluggish, when Body Slam/Ram – 4D6 M.D. on dry land/shore, the deck of
they have a full stomach, ignoring potential prey completely. a ship, and counts as one melee attack, but has a 75% chance of
Seeing one snoozing or basking in the sun on a rock, beach or knocking down victims as tall as 20 feet (6.1 m) and weighing
shore probably means a traveler is safe. Though where there is up to three tons. Victims of knockdown loose initiative and two
one, there are probably others. And if the creature slides into the melee attacks.
water upon seeing you, expect an attack to be coming. When High-Speed Water Ram (special) – 6D6+8 M.D., but counts
hungry, provoked or attacked first, Agenor River Serpents can as two melee attacks. 45% chance of capsizing water vessels
fight with furious intensity. 20-30 feet (6.1 to 9.1 m) long; 70% chance if smaller than 16
When the serpent attacks prey it goes into a hyper-feeding feet (4.9 m) long.
frenzy for 1D6+2 melee rounds, attacking over and over until Constriction/Crush/Squeeze (special): 2D6 M.D. for the ini-
the prey is dead, swallowed, entangled and drowned, or torn tial attack in which the serpent wraps itself around its target
into chunks and eaten. One of its favorite tactics against larger
opponents is to entangle or latch onto its victim with its mouth
and drag it under the water to drown the prey before trying to
eat it. If the prey – like a giant robot, vessel or dinosaur – can
survive the onslaught, or puts up too much of a fight, and ap-
pears strong after the 1D6+2 melee round tussle, the serpent
gives up and swims away in the opposite direction in search of
easier prey. However, if a battle ensues and the Agenor River
Serpent loses half or more of its M.D.C. in the skirmish, it goes
berserk and fights to the death – its own or its intended prey.
This applies to large individual targets and groups of man-sized
prey. The Agenor keeps attacking until it has eaten its fill of
small prey, like humanoids or until they are all eaten, or until
it is killed in combat, or the prey manages to escape and hide.
Again, Agenor are dull-witted and impatient, so if people under
attack can hide for 1D4+5 melee rounds, the leviathan becomes
discouraged and swims away in search of new prey. An Agenor
almost never has the patience to wait out its prey or to lurk in
the shadows for another opportunity to attack. They have three
modes of activity: swimming, sleeping or eating.
Equivalent Skill Abilities: Dowsing 91% (can sense and locate
water up to two miles/3.2 km away), Land Navigation 60%,
Swimming 98%, and track by scent 50% (+10% to follow blood

Stephen Schneider (Order #19360614)

Attributes of Bears: Varies with the breed and size of the ani-
mal, but here are some general guidelines for bear.
Attributes (general): I.Q. 1D4+5 (medium animal intelligence),
M.E. 1D6+8, M.A. 1D6+13, P.S. varies (typically 1D6+24 for
large bears), P.P. 1D6+11, P.E. 1D4+19, P.B. 1D4+12, Spd varies
with the breed of bear. Speed is addressed in the individual stat
block for each type of bear but is generally 15-22 mph (24 to 35
The bear’s strength has been factored into the Damage stats.
All bears are considered to be reasonably smart and resourceful
hunters and scavengers, but not on par with canines. Brown Bears,
Grizzlies, Kodiak (both a type of Brown Bear), Polar Bears, and
other big bears are all considered to be large bears. The Black
Bear is not. It is the smallest bear in North America and the least
aggressive and hostile to people, but nearly as dangerous when
cornered or compelled to attack.
Bears are wild animals and cannot be domesticated. A bear
trained as a cub can learn to understand around 130 words and
phrases, but remains a wild animal driven by instinct, and is dif-
ficult to command and control. It is not obedient like a dog and
can easily maim or kill people, even its master, when frightened,
angered, or provoked. Trained bears do not work well with other
trained or domesticated animals, and horses, livestock, and most
animals are afraid of them and want to run to a safe distance away
from them. Bears may look friendly and cuddly, but they are big,
powerful, and dangerous. Only people seem to be foolish enough
Bears to take their chances with this huge predator.
Average Running Speed: Bears have a decent speed for a big
animal. Typical running speed is 20-30 mph (32-48 km) and can
By Kevin Siembieda
be maintained for 30 minutes. A comfortable trotting speed of 8-10
Bears are massive beasts that are certainly a potential danger mph (12.8 to 16 km) can be maintained for as much as four hours,
to humans and D-Bees. The shy Black Bear is not particularly before the bear needs to stop and rest. A casual walking pace is
aggressive, nor do they prey upon people. However, large bears 3-5 mph (4.8 to 8 km). Each bear description includes the animal’s
such as brown bears, the Grizzly, Kodiak, Polar Bear and others, speed.
are very aggressive, cantankerous and prone to attack humanoids Swimming Speed: 4 mph (6.4 km), on average. The Polar Bear
with little or no provocation. Their size, bulk, and strength make is the exception at 6 mph (9.6 km), because it is an adept and fast
them dangerous when the animal is startled, cornered, protecting swimmer. All bears are good to excellent swimmers.
its young or provoked to attack, and they can easily kill a man. Climbing: For some reason, most people believe all bears
I felt it important to include bears in the Bestiary as well as ca- climb trees. Not true. Only the comparatively small, common
nines and feline predators, even though they are S.D.C. creatures. Black Bear, with its sharp claws, is a prolific tree climber. That
They are common across North America, and represent a threat to said, young and juvenile bears of all breeds can climb trees to get
ordinary humans, D-Bees and heroes without M.D.C. armor. In the at prey or to seek refuge. Adult large bears (Brown Bears, Griz-
case of North American bears, they are among the most impres- zlies, etc.) do not have claws for tree climbing, and are too large
sive, large and powerful, land mammals indigenous to Earth. And and heavy to climb trees. When such a large bear tries to climb a
fun for characters to encounter when they are not clad in M.D.C. tree it only has a 20% chance of success; roll for every 10 feet (3
armor or armed with S.D.C. weapons. They play a prominent role m) climbed to a maximum height of 20 feet (6.1 m) for large adult
in the myths of Native Americans, and if you ever stood face to bears. All bear, however, are good to excellent swimmers, espe-
face with one, particularly a Polar, Grizzly or Kodiak bear, you cially the Polar Bear.
would consider it to be a monster from Hell. Food/Feeding/Hunting: Bears are classified as predators,
however, they are omnivorous and scavengers as well as hunters.
Notes About Bears Like humans, bears eat a wide range of foods including fruit, ber-
Alignment of Bears: Varies. Anarchist for Black Bears and ries, nuts, vegetables, honey, insects, fish, carrion, most people
most young bears. Miscreant and Diabolic for the largest and most food, and medium to large animals. The latter, depending on the
aggressive bears such as the Grizzly, Kodiak, Polar and Mutant bear, includes otters, seals, deer, caribou, elk, cattle, livestock, pets
Bears. Mainly because they prey on livestock, cattle and people. and people. Yes, people are prey and threaten rivals to large bears.
Large bears see people as prey, rivals and dangerous intruders to As such they may be hunted, their bellies torn open, and internal
be slain and eaten, or driven away. organs eaten. However, like most animals, bears only hunt and
Partially domesticated or trained bears are likely to be danger- kill when threatened, cornered, or hungry. As a rule, they’ll ignore
ous but gentle giants that reflect the alignment of their trainer or people who keep their distance. Fortunate victims of a bear attack
owner/master from evil to Scrupulous, Unprincipled and Anarchist are only chased away or mauled a bit and left alive. Bears need to
alignments. Never Principled. eat only once or twice a day, or every two or three days when they


Stephen Schneider (Order #19360614)

are able to periodically gorge themselves. Fish is the main staple Charging Body Block from a Large Bear (special): 4D6 S.D.C.,
for most bears. but counts as two melee attacks. It has a 65% chance of knocking
Hibernation: Most North American bears hibernate during down human-sized to horse-size prey up to 10 feet (3.7 m) tall and
the winter. They find or dig their den in October and go into weighing under 700 pounds (315 kg). Victims of knockdown lose
hibernation with the first measurable snow. Typically hibernate initiative and two melee attacks. The bear has the initiative and is
from November till April. Depending on the region, sometimes likely to continue to bite or claw.
hibernation begins as early as mid-October and may end as soon Bear Hug/Pinning and Crushing Attack from a Large Bear (spe-
as mid-March. cial): 2D6+6 S.D.C. per melee round (+6 S.D.C. for the Kodiak).
Horror Factor of Bears and Combat: Generally, a single The victim of a bear hug means the bear has its victim knocked to
large bear has a Horror Factor of 10, +3 when it is snarling, ag- the ground and is on top of him under the beast’s crushing weight,
gressive, attacking or there is more than one. Increase H.F. by +2 or the bear, on two legs, has grabbed the victim with its two fore-
if the person is afraid of bears. Note: Large bears have little to no legs to hold, squeeze and crush. In either case, crushing, pinning
fear of humans and most D-Bees. and shaking are involved in this wrestling maneuver.
Bears are solitary creatures usually encountered as one animal, A bear hug has a 60% chance of pinning the arms of a humanoid
a mated pair, or a mother and 1D4 cubs or juveniles. That said, a victim (or two legs of animal), so its victim cannot fight back. In
strong smell of food – the carcass of a large animal, many dead, addition the wrestling and thrashing action prevents people from
cooking food, etc. – may attract several individual bears at once or casting spells or speaking other than screaming in fear and pain.
several over a period of a few hours. This is true of other predators However, psionics can be used by someone in a bear hug.
as well. Optional: While the bites and claw strikes may only scratch
An aggressive threatening bear can be dangerous to people in- the heck out of the armor and inflict small dings and dents, the
side full environmental M.D.C. body armor, power armor, or is person under this brutal and terrifying attack is dazed, shaken
a full conversions cyborg. While a bear may do no or minimal and batted around like a life-sized rag doll and suffers the fol-
damage to the person inside the armor, they are big enough, heavy lowing penalties. At the Game Master’s discretion, a particu-
enough, and strong enough to bowl over an opponent, knock him larly savage or long-running attack may temporarily stun the
down to the ground and otherwise engage, smack around, shake, person inside for 1D4+1 melee rounds (30-75 seconds); 20%
and pin/entangle/bear hug the person. Like canines, the bear is chance. The stunned individual has only one melee attack/ac-
likely to grab and hold onto, or pull on gloves, boots, belts, bags, tion, no initiative, no combat bonuses, speed is reduced by 80%
backpacks, cloaks, clothing and limbs (hands, arms, legs) to hold and skill performance is -60%. Injury Note: In reality, such
or knock down its opponent. The big animal is likely to wrestle an encounter is likely to result in 1D6 broken ribs and head or
and push its weight down on top of people as well as shake and neck trauma such as a concussion, neck or spinal injury, and
drag opponents, and otherwise engage, distract and confound their possibly dislocated or broken bones with pain, combat and
victim. movement penalties (same as those above at a minimum) last-
Damage may be minimal, 1D6+1 S.D.C. to the person inside ing 2D4 weeks, but we won’t impose that on player characters.
the armor for a brawl or wrestling match with a bear, but the expe- Note: Much of these combat notes can be applied to many large
rience is terrifying, and keeps an M.D.C. opponent off balance or predators at the G.M.’s discretion.
knocked off his feet for several melee rounds to several minutes. P.P.E. of Bears: 2D6 P.P.E. points on average; varies slightly
Moreover, the aggressive big animal is likely to repeat the attack from breed to breed.
every time its opponent starts to get up. This is why playing dead Sensitivity to Supernatural Evil and Potential Psychic En-
and not moving until the bear leaves after it eats available food or ergy (P.P.E.): Half the sensitivity to the supernatural as canines.
1D4 minutes after a fight, can be very effective. See page 76 under canines for details.
Bears may not be able to hurt a completely armor-clad oppo- When supernatural evil is present, the bear becomes nervous,
nent, cyborg, or M.D.C. adversary, but they cause all the prob- jumpy, and agitated. The closer the source of evil or great magic,
lems above and then some. For example, it may run off with food the more tense the animal becomes, inducing it to pace back and
or backpack containing food and other supplies and valuables. A forth, whine and growl in warning. When face to face with the su-
bear is also likely to knock aside a person(s) to go after livestock, pernatural evil, the bear will either turn and run or roar and attack.
riding animals and people not in armor. Moreover, such a noisy, It will always fight to defend itself, its den, its mate, and young.
violent battle, as well as loss of blood by the person/prey or the Once a bear has engaged supernatural evil in combat, it fights until
bear, may attract other predators, monsters and hostile people the creature retreats and runs off, is killed or until the bear or those
who may want to capture, hunt or hurt the character and his/her it is protecting are able to run away.
teammates. Sense the Presence of Supernatural Evil. Range of Sensitivity:
Bite and Maul: Bears instinctively claw and bite at their prey. 600 feet (183 m).
Delivering crippling attacks to the legs to prevent the animal from The bear can also sense ley lines, nexus points, and places of
running away, and going for the throat and head to make a quick power, as well as incredibly powerful creatures of magic (1,500
kill. A large bear often uses its superior size and weight against P.P.E. or more). Range of Sensitivity: 300 feet (91.5 m).
its opponent. This is done either by, a) rising up on both legs and The Influence of Vampires on Bears: None.
coming down on top of its prey, or b) a charging prey with a run- The Influence of Werebeasts on Bears: None, though they
ning body block and a series of heavy claw strikes to knock the consider feline werebeasts as dangerous rivals and may threaten or
prey down and climb on top of it. The bear usually finishes its kill attack them in an effort to drive them away.
with bite attacks or biting and shaking prey, tearing ligaments and Territory: Bears are not territorial, but gather in areas where
flesh, breaking bones, and bashing its victim into the ground and food and prey are plentiful. They are protective of their food, dens,
against rocks and trees. mates, and young.


Stephen Schneider (Order #19360614)

attacks, and has a 40% chance of knocking down human-sized
opponents weighing under 300 pounds (135 kg). Victims of
knockdown lose initiative and one melee attack.
Bonuses: +1 on initiative, +2 to strike, +2 to parry, and +3 to save
vs poison and disease.
Vulnerabilities: All S.D.C. weapons do damage. Mega-Damage
weapons inflict grievous damage and may vaporize part of the
Habitat: Forest, mountainous and arctic areas up to 10,000 feet
(3,048 m) elevation, and found throughout Rifts North Ameri-
ca, particularly the Old American Empire and Canada.
Value: Fur Pelt: 150 credits, typically turned into blankets, rugs,
boots, gloves, capes, and other articles of clothing. Meat (whole
animal): 100-150 credits. Teeth: One credit for each fang to
those interested in such things, the same for their claws.

Black Bear
Alignment: Considered to be Anarchist.
Attribute Note: Speed Running: 20 mph (32 km) and can be
maintained for an hour. 35 mph (56 km) in short bursts lasting
1D4+4 minutes. A comfortable trot is 8-10 mph (12.8 to 16
km). Walking speed is 3-5 mph (4.8 to 8 km), the same for its
swimming speed.
Hit Points: 1D4x10
S.D.C.: 1D6+20
A.R.: 5
Horror Factor: 8
Size: 5-5½ feet (1.5 to 1.7 m).
Weight: 250-320 pounds (112 to 144 kg).
Average Life Span: 20-30 years.
P.P.E.: 2D6+2
Disposition: Black Bears tend to be laid back and easy going, even Brown Bear
playful, attacking people only when it feels threatened or cor- Alignment: Anarchist or Miscreant depending on the individual
nered. animal.
This creature feeds largely on leaves, roots, fruit, nuts, Attribute Note: Speed Running: 25 mph (40 km) for as long as
honey, insects, fish, small mammals, and carrion. They are twenty minutes. 37 mph (59 km) in a short burst lasting 1D4+1
solitary beasts are most active during the night. In autumn they minutes. A comfortable trot is 8-12 mph (12.8 to 19 km) and
consume large quantities of food to fatten up for their winter can be sustained for as long as 5-6 hours. Walking speed is 3-5
hibernation. Litters of 1-4 young are born in February after a mph (4.8 to 8 km). 4 mph (6.4 km) swimming.
gestation of 7 months. The young remain with their mother for Hit Points: 1D6x10
about one year. S.D.C.: 3D6+22
Equivalent Skill Abilities: Climbing 85% (likes to climb trees A.R.: 6
and climbs them whenever frightened or in danger, and some- Horror Factor: 10
times to sleep), Land Navigation 65%, Prowl 35%, and Swim- Size: 5-6 feet (1.5 to 1.8 m).
ming 80% (a good swimmer). Weight: 600-1,000 pounds (270 to 450 kg).
Natural Abilities: Digs and burrows a den to hibernate in the cold Average Life Span: 20-30 years.
winter months, can hold breath underwater for up to two min- P.P.E.: 2D6
utes, nightvision 120 feet (36.6 m), and track by smell 66% Disposition: Brown Bears are much more aggressive and prickly
(+14% to sniff out food up to a mile/1.6 km away). than its smaller Black Bear cousins. It may attack people when
Attacks per Melee: Two. it feels threatened, cornered, annoyed and to take (or keep) food.
Damage (S.D.C./Hit Points): Bite: 1D6+2 S.D.C. damage. Head This creature feeds largely on leaves, roots, fruit and nuts,
Butt: 1D4 S.D.C. Claw Strike Restrained: 1D6 S.D.C. Claw but is known to kill and eat deer, elk, bison and small animals as
Strike, Full Strength: 1D6+6 S.D.C. Body Block: 2D6 S.D.C. well. If the brown bear feels threatened or is angered, it does not
Charging Body Block: 3D6 S.D.C., but counts as two melee back down from humans, will attack, and may fight to the death.

Stephen Schneider (Order #19360614)

Cadborosaurus, Dinosaur type of pre-historic animal in the Placodonts or Nothosaurs Fam-
ily, perhaps even a Macroplata, Elasmosaurus, Plesiosaurus or
similar creature.
By Kevin Siembieda Since the Great Cataclysm, reports of this marine monster
For centuries, even before the Coming of the Rifts, the waters have been confirmed a thousand times. It is known to be some
around Vancouver Island have been inhabited by a mysterious sort of Plesiosaurus-type creature that has prospered in the absence
aquatic animal. The ancient (and current) Navaho call the beast of modern man. Today, thousands are found in the waters of the
“Ticholtsodi” – the water monster. Modern pre-Rifts people la- Pacific Coast, from northern California to the southern tip of the
beled the creature “Cadborosaurus,” more commonly known as Gulf of Alaska near Juneau. However, Caddie’s roosting place ap-
“Caddie.” Pre-Rifts scholars speculated that the beast was some pears to be around Vancouver Island, making the Strait of Georgia,

Stephen Schneider (Order #19360614)

that it will capsize or sink so they can get at the crew. On occasion,
one or two may even figure out a weakness in a sea vessel (a patch
repair, severely damaged section of the hull, etc.) and attack it,
again, sometimes on and off for days to see if they can damage it
further or, better yet, sink it.
Caddies are also the first on the scene after a storm, searching
for ships that sunk to eat the dead as well as to pick off crew mem-
bers washed into the sea and trying to survive on floating debris,
rafts and lifeboats as they prey for rescue. In this regard Caddie
is worse than sharks as the beast not only picks of the living, but
sometimes kills a person or animal to attract sharks and other sea
creatures so it make, in turn, feed on the creatures attracted by the

Cadborosaurus – Predatory Dinosaur – Omnivore

Also Known As: Caddie, Long-necked Sea Serpent and Ticholt-
Alignment: Most consider it to be Diabolic, but it is really prob-
ably Anarchist.
Attributes of Note: I.Q. 1D4+3 (low animal intelligence), M.E.
1D6+6, M.A. 1D6, P.S. 1D6+29 (Supernatural), P.P. 1D6+14,
P.E. 1D6+20, P.B. 1D6, Spd 1D4+4, or 5 mph (8 km) on dry
Queen Charlotte Strait and Queen Charlotte Sound some of the land; not well suited to dry land.
most dangerous waters in Canada. An estimated 1,800-3,000 of Speed swimming is a maximum of 25 mph (40 km) and can
the animals are believed to live in these waters, with the population be maintained for 12 hours before needing to stop and float or
doubling during mating season in May and June. ride the waves. A speed burst is 50 mph (80 km) for 1D4 min-
The Coming of the Rifts has also transformed Caddie into a utes. Swimming is it’s natural state and it can swim indefinitely
Mega-Damage creature. This superhuman resilience and their at speeds less than 15 mph (24 km). Can dive 1,000 feet (305
large numbers have made the Cadborosaurus extremely aggres- m). Maximum ocean depth is unlimited.
sive, especially toward humans, who make easy and tasty prey. M.D.C. by Location:
However, these sea serpents will try to eat just about anything Head – 1D4x10+60
in the water and are known to attack swimmers, boats, ships and Neck (long) – 1D4x10+60
even dragons. They may appear in water as shallow as 15 feet Fins (4, large) – 1D4x10+20 each
(4.6 m) to snatch up careless people from a dock or the shore. Back Fin (1, top) – 1D4x10
Thankfully, they never come onto dry land or in waters less than Main Body – 1D4x10+100
15 feet (4.6 m) deep, so there are some areas of beaches and
shoreline that are relatively safe. Nobody knows how far out into Note: On S.D.C. worlds, the Cadborosaurus has a main body
the ocean they may travel, but most believe it is not more than a of 2D4x10 S.D.C., 1D4x10+60 Hit Points and a Natural A.R.
few hundred miles. of 13. All other body locations have S.D.C. equal to the M.D.C.
Caddies find healthy whales and dolphins to be too fast and number listed above (1D4x10 M.D.C. = 1D4x10 S.D.C.). The
smart for them, so they leave them alone. In fact, a lone dolphin or damage inflicted by the creature does an equivalent amount of
whale can swim into the middle of school of Caddies without fear S.D.C. points rather than M.D., so the 4D6 M.D. from a bite
of attack. The only exception is if the whale or dolphin is sick or in becomes 4D6 S.D.C. on S.D.C. worlds.
distress, or is being a troublesome pest. Daring and foolish young Horror Factor: 13
dolphins and whales sometimes bother, play tricks on and pick Size: 40 to 70 feet (12.2 to 21.3 m) long.
fights with one or more Caddies for fun. Weight: 3-6 tons.
Unlike whales and dolphins, the Cadborosaurus is a compara- Average Life Span: Unknown, believed to live 60 to 120 years.
tively simpleminded predator. It cannot use magic nor does it pos- P.P.E.: 5D6
sess much of a range in psionics. However, the dinosaur is smart Disposition: Patient in the extreme, remorseless, aggressive and
enough to recognize the dangers of magic, and to a lesser degree, always hungry sums up any and all Caddies. These hunter-kill-
technology, as well as its own limits. Thus, whales are too much ers think nothing of spending days on end patiently stalking
trouble and dangerous, while humans, seals, walrus, fish and other prey, waiting for the right moment to strike.
animals are much easier and preferred prey. Equivalent Skill Abilities: Land Navigation 90% (coast lines and
Caddies are a serious danger to seafaring humanoids when the underwater markers), Swimming 98%, and Tailing (ships and
monsters travel in small schools of 3-12 (double during mating potential prey) 94%.
season) and they use group strategies and tactics – including feints, Natural Abilities: Nightvision 3,000 feet (914 m), keen color vi-
flanking actions, encircling, dividing the prey/enemy, tag team as- sion, impervious to cold (no damage), and Bio-Regeneration
saults and coordinated attacks – to attack ships and prey. They also 5D6 M.D.C. per day and can regenerate lost portions of tail, fins
understand enough about boats to recognize when a vessel is dam- and entire limbs within 1D6+1 months.
aged and crippled or sinking. Furthermore, Caddies are patient, Chemoreceptors (special): Chemorceptors in the mouth gills
and have been known to follow a crippled vessel for weeks hoping enable the Caddie to detect minute changes in the salinity and

Stephen Schneider (Order #19360614)

chemical components of the water. This effectively gives them
the following: Identify chemicals (by taste): 65%, Track (by Canadian Duckbill
taste): 65% (+10% to follow a blood trail). Range: One mile
(1.6 km). By Charles Walton Jr. and Kevin Siembieda
Depth Tolerance: Unlimited. Believed to be related to the Duckbilled Honkers of Dinosaur
Sense Magnetic North: Same as the dolphin, so unless in- Swamp and the New West, the Canadian Duckbill, or Canadian
jured or sick, can always tell where magnetic north is precisely Honker, is a larger, muscular, more temperamental and jittery
located. This is an immense help in navigating the oceans. A cousin. Its entire body is covered in feathers, with brown and black
powerful blow to the head may temporarily knockout this abil- plumage with white and cream accent markings similar to that of
ity for 3D4 minutes. Earth Canadian Geese. During warm weather, the mixed coloration
Breathing: Aquatic, cannot survive out of water for more helps conceal them on lakes and in light forests. The summer coat
than six hours. of feathers molts into pure white during the winter season, and the
Quick Turns & Stops: Can stop on a dime. change to white plumage helps to conceal them in snow-covered
Speed Burst: Can swim at 50 mph (80 km; double its normal environments, even in open fields or on frozen lakes. Feathers also
speed) for 1D4 minutes. This maneuver can be performed three help to insulate the creature from the cold and wet snow, making
times per hour. This move is performed for a quick dodge (+2 it unnecessary for them to migrate to warmer climates unless food
in addition to other bonuses) or a quick strike (+2 in addition to becomes too sparse. The feathers also give the Canadian Duckbill
other bonuses), or to move toward or away from somebody or a rather majestic appearance compared to its featherless cousins.
someplace quickly. Canadian Honkers travel in family clans that consist of a mated
Can dive up to 3,000 feet (914 m) during a speed burst. pair of adults and their 1D6+4 young. The family stays together
Attacks per Melee: Four. for six months after the young have hatched, and may gather in
Mega-Damage: Fights with bites and ramming attacks. larger flocks after six months with other family clans when the
Bite – 4D6 M.D. young no longer need their parents’ protection. There is safety in
Fin Strike (blunt) – 2D6 M.D. numbers and when one finds food, the others are there to share in
Head Butt (blunt) – 3D6 M.D. the bounty. Moreover, like Earth penguins, when it gets too cold or
Head Butt Power Strike (blunt) – 6D6 M.D., but counts as the icy winds become too ferocious, they huddle together in a tight
two melee attacks. cluster for warmth. Note: Though Canadian Duckbills cannot fly,
Body Block/Short Ram (blunt) – 4D6 M.D., counts as one their gatherings are still referred to as flocks.
attack. Canadian Duckbills are very protective of their young and
High Speed Body Block/Ram (special): 1D6x10 M.D., but charge with their head hung low like a “shovel.” They bite and
counts as three melee attacks and has a 70% likelihood of cap- body butt any predator or intruder they perceive to be a threat. That
sizing any boat under 20 feet (6.1 m) long. Anyone standing on may include people, cyborgs, vehicles and giant robots. The ani-
the boat is knocked down and there is 50% chance they fall into mals are especially aggressive during mating season in the spring
the water. Victims of knockdown lose initiative and one melee and the entire time their mate is nesting on a clutch of 1D6+4 eggs,
attack. and when their offspring are young.
Bonuses (in addition to possible attribute bonuses): +3 on ini- Protecting the family clan or the larger flock falls upon the
tiative, +3 to strike, +1 to parry, +3 to dodge, +1 to save vs males. The dominant males in a flock are satisfied with chasing
magic, +8 to save vs Horror Factor. All bonuses are in addition intruders away and keeping them at what the animal considers to
to the special combat maneuver bonuses. be a safe distance. It is usually not sufficient for a person to take
Vulnerabilities: All Mega-Damage weapons and attacks, other only a few steps back. No, these big males chase, nip at, bite, head
than cold-based, inflict their normal damage. Caddie can leave butt and body block perceived threats with tenacious ferocity until
the water for short periods of up to six hours to climb onto shore they put at least 300 feet (91.4 m) between the intruders and their
or a sinking ship to get at prey or to relax or look around. How- young. Further is better and preferred. Even then, the adult male
ever, the aquatic dinosaur but cannot survive on dry land for and female keep a wary eye on intruders and nearby predators,
much longer and the dinosaur instinctive stays near shore. Sel- and may give chase again to push the interloper farther away. The
dom travel more than a few miles inland. After six hours out of chase may also occur if an intruder takes just a few steps closer
the water the sea monster’s breathing becomes labored and it or makes a sudden, aggressive movement or a loud noise. This
will die within 4D6+20 minutes, unless it returns to the water. chasing, biting and thumping continues until the perceived dan-
Magic: None. ger leaves the area completely – going half a mile (0.8 km) or
Psionics: None. farther away – and the Canadian Duckbill feels that its young,
Habitat: Along the Pacific coast of British Columbia, Washington mate, or nest is safe. The largest and most aggressive males have
and Oregon. Most numerous around Vancouver Island. been known to chase people as far as one or two miles (1.6 to 3.2
Enemies: Humans, D-Bees and large aquatic predators. km) before they relent, turn around and head back to their family.
Allies: None, other their own kind. Tolerate (or more to the point, Most chases, however, last for only about a quarter to half a mile
ignore) whales and dolphins. (1D4x1,000 feet/305 to 1,219 m).
Market Value: Teeth fetch 10-20 credits each. Though its meat Such onslaughts are accompanied by much head bobbing,
has no current market value, it is edible and resembles the taste squawking, honking, arm flapping, threatening charges, nipping,
of shark meat. Sometimes hunted by wilderness people and biting, thumping and body blocks. This is almost never deadly to
whalers for its meat. other Duckbills or most intruders, however, the attack is scary,
Note: Originally appeared in Rifts® World Book 20: Rifts® intimidating, and can cause serious damage even to armored per-
Canada™, page 147. Art by Ramon K. Perez Jr. sonnel and vehicles! Ordinary, unarmored civilians unable to put


Stephen Schneider (Order #19360614)

distance between themselves and the Canadian Honker may be or comes that close, again. And it is a tactic that works. Many peo-
killed or suffer broken bones due to the size, weight and power of ple fear these large dinosaurs and avoid them at any cost, and sub-
these big animals. servient Honkers in the flock scurry away at the angry glance of an
There are other serious consequences that can result from the alpha or beta male. It should be noted that anyone who threatens,
Canadian Duckbill’s caterwauling and attacks. One is that people corners or challenges any Canadian Duckbill over food or nesting
who wisely and correctly run away from one of these charging area, can expect the same treatment. And females fight in the same
creatures – larger than an elephant – may drop weapons and gear, manner when their male protector is not present and their eggs or
or crash and abandon their vehicle while trying to make a fast re- young are threatened.
treat. They may also get lost or lose track of their teammates as If an intruder, giant robot or heavy vehicle is able to stand its
they flee through the wilderness from the bellowing beast. ground and clearly oppose the belligerent alpha Canadian Duck-
Another, far worse consequence, is that the fanfare is likely bill, and/or is able to inflict grievous damage upon the creature
to attract unwanted attention from dangerous predators, as well (reducing its Main Body M.D.C. by 30% or 40%), it is the Honker
as humanoid threats such as dinosaur hunters, big game hunters, that backs down and leaves the area, taking its family and perhaps
bandits, raiders, and enemies in the area who may come to see the entire flock with it. However, 1D4 other males may step up,
what all the noise is about. Such shady individuals may prove more one after the other, but if all are soundly defeated, they too back
troublesome or dangerous than the Canadian Honker. Predators off or leave, taking the rest of the flock with them. Likewise, when-
may be large or small — T-Rex and Allosaurus to pack hunters ever an attacker is clearly larger and more powerful, like facing a
like Raptors, wolves and others, as well as carrion-feeders hop- T-Rex, Allosaurus or Alien Rex, the entire flock, alpha male and
ing to feast on the remains of some poor animal or human that all, flee. Similarly, when one of the animals goes down, the rest run
gets itself trampled and killed – are all likely to be attracted to the away, with the possible exception of its mate, who may attack in
commotion. Opportunistic predators are attracted by the hope of a desperate act to rescue its partner or young. Screeching its head
finding easy prey like a lame animal or injured people, and may off the entire time.
tail a group of adventurers, waiting for an opportunity to strike. For people who have never encountered a Canadian Duckbill
Targeting those who seem most vulnerable and weak. before, the creature may seem harmless, like a giant cow munch-
By the way, one predator that is always attracted to such noise ing on leaves or grass. After all, from a safe distance, they are
is any Burrower Bruin in the area (see page 62). This creature can docile, slow moving, and innocent looking as they slowly graze on
feel the vibrations of “the chase” as well as hear it from miles vegetation or paddle along the shore of a lake. As a result, many
away. Bruins arrive in the hope of finding one or more wounded people are caught off-guard when one or two of the beasts break
or tuckered out animals (or people) who are not expecting to be from the flock to charge them. Unprepared for such aggression, the
jumped by a new menace. The scent of blood is likely to make Canadian Duckbill has initiative and people are likely to get hurt
them and other predators in the area all the more eager to track the being body blocked/rammed, falling down and getting trampled,
injured prey and turn it into a nice meal. or pummeled or bitten. Light vehicles may be overturned by such
If adventurers or travelers are trying to avoid an enemy in hot an attack or have trees knocked on top of them. And woe if the
pursuit or in the area, the cacophony may bring that enemy – or Canadian Honker leaps on top of a vehicle. Even medium to heavy
at least a scout or two, if not their enter force – to investigate. It vehicles might pop a wheel, blow a tire, bend an axle or get pushed
should be noted that many wilderness people, including Wilder- down so deep into the mud or ground from the tonnage of such
ness Scouts, Wild Psi-Stalkers, Simvan, Native Americans, and a large creature jumping, standing or sitting on it, that it cannot
others, can usually tell the difference between the noise Canadian move until it is physically extricated – pulled or dug out. Hover
Duckbills make fighting amongst themselves to maintain their vehicles pushed into the ground, especially soft ground after a rain,
pecking order, and the noise they make when chasing off intruders. are likely to get their hover jets so packed and clogged with dirt
Similarly, a flock of Canadian Duckbills unwilling to move or that they cannot fire until they are cleaned out. A process that could
to move along quickly, might force travelers to go around them take 1D4 hours at a garage, but much longer, 1D4+5 hours, alone
or make an unwanted detour. Think of a flock of geese slowly in the wilderness without the proper equipment. Remember, these
waddling across the road, only these are massive, dinosaur-sized are M.D.C. dinosaurs bigger than an elephant, and should never be
“geese.” Big trouble, if the adventurers are on run or facing a seri- underestimated.
ous deadline, as going around or waiting for these beasts to pass by A clear warning sign of impending aggression is when the
forces them to stop and wait, or try to dart through their line which animal’s head goes low into a shovel position and it takes a few
might (50/50 chance) cause squawking and an attack/chase. slow, deliberate steps toward you or a member of your group.
Canadian Honkers do NOT fight with the intention to kill, nor Slowly moving back and away at this warning phase, without mak-
do they eat those they might accidentally kill. However, that does ing any sudden moves or loud noise, can avert a charging attack.
not mitigate the damage they can inflict. When the beast secures a The animal does not want to fight, it wants to keep you at what it
bite, it does not let go easily, because it wants to scare and punish considers to be a safe distance. Keep slowly moving away until
any Honker lower in the pecking order or intruder who threatens the Canadian Duckbill’s head goes back up or it goes back to eat-
them, its mate, or young. Bites hurt, but it is the shaking and pum- ing, and you are safe from an imminent attack. At least from that
meling with their flailing arms and fists until the interloper can particular Honker. Make sure you have not moved into the zone
break free and run away that can cause injury or death. So can of another protective Canadian Duckbill or you may have a new
the body blocks and head butts against ordinary people and other problem. That’s why moving back and away is the best choice.
S.D.C. creatures like horses or cattle. Such so-called “thumpings” The more distance between you and them, the better.
are to be avoided whenever possible, which is why intruders run Hissing and head-bobbing are other ways these dinosaurs warn
when chased. The animal’s intention is to intimidate and instill others to keep their distance. Another is when a Canadian Duck-
fear so that a fellow Honker or intruder never takes such liberties, bill stands erect on two legs and flaps its arms/front legs, honking


Stephen Schneider (Order #19360614)

loudly. Not stepping back will result in the head hung low and Canadian Duckbill,
stalking forward movement that telegraphs a charge attack and a an Omnivorous Feathered Dinosaur
chase is coming unless the person provoking this response backs
off, NOW. Also Known As: Canadian Duckbill, Canadian Honker, Feathered
Only Psi-Stalkers, Simvan, and Psi-Druids, with their pow- Honker, and Giant Tundra Goose.
ers of animal empathy and control, can safely walk among a fam- Alignment: Anarchist and annoying.
ily clan or flock of Honkers without fear of attack. A tactic these Attributes: I.Q. 1D4+2 (low animal intelligence), M.E. 1D6+2,
people often use to avoid their own enemies or to escape a predator M.A. 1D6+4, P.S. 1D4+20 (Supernatural), P.P. 1D6+15, P.E.
that is wary of the Canadian Duckbills. These people can also leap 1D4+20, P.B. 2D6+6, Spd 1D6+24, or 18 mph (29 km) run-
on the back of the dinosaur to ride it bareback, gaining control of ning on all fours, 9 mph (14.4 km) lumbering on their two hind
the beast within a melee round (15 seconds), and riding off. That legs. Maximum running speed on all fours is 26 mph (41.6 km)
said, Canadian Duckbills that are raised after hatching or acquired but can only be maintained in short bursts lasting 1D6 minutes.
very young can be somewhat domesticated and used as cattle. Swimming speed on the surface of water is 9 mph (14.4 km or
They are usually slaughtered before reaching full size and maturity 8 knots). Cannot fly, but can leap. See Natural Abilities, below.
because the smaller, younger animals are more manageable and M.D.C. by Location (unless stated otherwise):
their meat is lean and tastier. They cannot be domesticated for use *Head – 1D6x10+120
as riding or work animals. *Neck and Underbelly – 1D6+120
Canadian Duckbills can walk on all fours or on their two hind Front Legs/Arms (2) – 2D6+80 each
legs. They stand on their hind legs to reach the leaves, berries and Hind Legs (2) – 1D6x10+140 each
fruit of tall trees, but also eat leaves that have fallen, grass and *Tail (1) – 80
most types of vegetation. They also love most farm crops, espe- Main Body – 1D4x100+112
cially grain crops such as rice, wheat, sorghum, corn, beans and * A single asterisk means a difficult target to strike and re-
soybeans, and will eat processed grain, cereal, bread, pies and pas- quires a Called Shot to hit. Even then the attacker is -3 to strike.
tries. All of which makes the large dinosaurs a dangerous pest for Reducing the M.D.C. of one leg to zero reduces speed by half
farmers and their crops. Though omnivores, Canadian Duckbills and attacks per melee round by one.
never eat the meat or carrion of animals or people, but do eat in- Note: On S.D.C. worlds, Canadian Duckbill Honkers have
sects, amphibians and fish, including Dragon Wasps and juvenile 1D6x10+120 S.D.C., 2D6x10+120 Hit Points, and a Natu-
sea monsters such as the Giant Waterstriders, Dragonfish, Cere- ral A.R. of 10. All other body locations have S.D.C. equal to
bro-Scramblers and baby Horned Demon-Fish, Water Serpents, the M.D.C. number listed above (6D6+90 M.D.C. = 6D6+90
Maelstrom-Makers and Devil Kraken, but only the youngest and S.D.C.). The damage inflicted by the creature does an equiva-
tiniest of the latter two creatures. lent amount of S.D.C. points rather than M.D.

Stephen Schneider (Order #19360614)

them into the water, especially deep water. Canadian Honkers
are excellent swimmers.
Equivalent Skill Abilities: Climbing 50/10%, Identify Plants and
Fruit 98%, Land Navigation 98%, Swimming 95%, and Tailing
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 400 feet (122 m), water and cold
resistant via its down and feathers (half damage), keen sense
of smell oriented toward grazing and is 85% to recognize and
track food up to 3 miles (4.8 km) away. Canadian Duckbills
recover 2D6 M.D. per 24 hours and regrow feathers, tail and
webbing lost fighting within 1D4 weeks. Their honks are so
loud they can be heard up to one mile (1.6 km) away.
Aquatic Abilities (special): The feathered dinosaur loves
water, is an excellent swimmer (Swimming skill at 95%, maxi-
mum speed: 9 mph/14.4 km or 8 knots), can hold its breath un-
derwater for 1D4+3 minutes, and dive underwater 30 feet (9.1
m). Consequently, they prefer forest and tundra environments
where they can find large bodies of water, mainly freshwater
lakes and marshland where they can swim and find fish and
freshwater plants to eat when they tire of grass, leaves, fruit,
nuts and pine cones. When in the water, they stay on the sur-
face, submerging only to snap up a fish, frog, crustacean or wa-
ter plant.
Horror Factor: 7 as a single adult or 2-8 young, but one large
Leaping (special): When running on all fours the Canadian
male charging at you has an H.F. of 12 and three or more have
Duckbill Honker can leap up to 10 feet (3 m) high and 15 feet
an H.F. of 14.
(4.6 m) across, half that height and length when on two legs.
Size: 22-36 feet (6.7 to 11 m) from snout to the tip of the tail, 18-22
Though the creature seems to be constantly munching on veg-
feet (5.5 to 6.7 m) standing erect. Half the size and weight for
etation, it can go without food for up to five weeks and without
young animals.
water for two, without ill effect. The alpha or beta male or a
Weight: 2-6 tons.
designated “lookout” will often stand atop of a boulder, ruin
Average Life Span: 15-21 years. Duckbilled Honkers they mate
or parked vehicle to have the advantage of height to keep look
for life. It is best to avoid mated pairs of Canadian Duckbills,
over the flock and watch for predators.
their nests, and eggs in the spring, April through mid-June, as
Running Endurance (special): The Canadian Duckbill has
well as young less than 10 weeks old, because the adult par-
good speed for a creature its size and can run without pause for
ents are hyper-protective of them. Even four months later, male
five hours at its basic speed (18 mph/29 km) before needing to
and female parents are protective of their young, which hang
slow down to a walk or to rest for an hour or two. Like ducks or
around for 6-7 months before instinctively leaving their par-
geese, they also love the water and can swim on water or slowly
ents. Though the young may appear to be nearly the same size
walk along, grazing indefinitely. That said, the animal spends at
as their parents in only 12 months (20% smaller until full ma-
least half of its time on dry land and may unhappily go days or
turity), they posses half the M.D.C., melee attacks and bonuses
weeks without entering water.
until they reach full maturity at three years of age. Females lay
Colors: In spring, summer and most of autumn, the animal is
1D6+4 eggs at the end of March or early April, which hatch
brown with a cream colored underbelly and white and black
6-7 weeks later. The parents guard the nest the entire time, like
highlights very reminiscent to Canadian Geese. In the winter,
ducks or geese. One goes off in search of food, while the other
Canadian Honkers molt and turn solid white, like a swan, by the
stays with the nest to guard the eggs. After the eggs hatch, the
beginning of November.
family stays together for the initial 6-7 months.
Attacks per Melee: Three is typical, only the one alpha male and
P.P.E.: 3D6
1D4 beta males in the flock have four.
Disposition: Nonchalant, easygoing and lazy. Most ignore human-
Mega-Damage: Mainly biting, butting, kicking and tail whipping.
oids unless they have young to protect or are attacked by them,
Warning Head Butt or Body Bump/Tap – 3D6 S.D.C.
in which case these giants simply try to get out of harm’s way
Full Strength Head Butt – 1D4 M.D.
or threaten and chase away anyone bothering them. They don’t
Closed Mouth Beak Strike – 1D4 M.D.
like loud noise such as the sound of chainsaws, drills and ex-
Biting Nip/Warning Nip – 2D6 S.D.C. damage.
plosives, and move away from them. The giant feathered dino-
Full Strength Bite – 1D4 M.D.
saurs become aggressive when startled, cornered or protecting
Front Legs Strike/Arms/Punch – 1D6+2 M.D.
their mate, young, nest, or food, but are happy to simply run off
Tail Slash/Whip – 1D6+3 M.D.
threats. However, these herbivorous herd animals, like cattle
Hind Leg Kick – 2D6+3 M.D.
or bison, are not fighters and run from serious threats like large
Hind Clawing Leg Stomp – 1D6+2 M.D.
predator and giant machines.
Slight Body Bump – 1D6 M.D. (counts as one attack).
When a predator attacks the herd, the animals flee, running
Running Shovel Head Strike/Body Ram or Lunging Chest
away and with the same coordination and movement as a flock
Thump (full strength; special) – 2D6 M.D. +1 M.D. for every
of birds, but cannot fly. If water is nearby, they head for it in the
five mph (8 km) of speed by the running creature (+5 at full run-
hope that the predator in pursuit is unable or unwilling to follow

Stephen Schneider (Order #19360614)

ning speed on all fours). This attack counts as two melee attacks have been known to go in flocks to feed on vegetation as far as
but has an 80% likelihood of knocking down opponents that are the coastal waters of the southern Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico,
smaller than 15 feet (4.6 m) and/or that weigh less than 2 tons and to travel into Eastern Mexico as far as the Yucatan. They
(33% chance against larger or heavier opponents). have also been reported to visit the islands of Cuba, and on
Victims of knockdown lose initiative and two melee attacks rare occasions, have ventured into the waterways and jungles
and are vulnerable to continuing attacks from the beast. Note: of Colombia, Venezuela and northern Brazil, but never for long
Fortunately, the Canadian Duckbill does not continue to at- and never farther.
tack if the victim “plays dead.” This can be done by simply It is believed that migrating Canadian Duckbills are respon-
lying there or curling up into a ball or fetal position and not sible for bringing species of plant life from one corner of the
moving or making a sound if the massive animal nudges or continent to the other via seeds left behind in their fecal waste.
claws at him. Under this circumstance, the feathered dinosaur This includes alien vegetation and even carnivorous plants from
honks, squawks, bellows and stomps around its prone victim Dinosaur Swamp. The latter may only survive in the North dur-
for 1D4 melee rounds before proudly stomping off triumphant. ing the warm months and perish during long, harsh winters, but
It is probably best if the victim continues to lie still until the they are an unexpected danger during the summer and early
creature(s) moves away, and certainly until it turns its back on autumn months, because nobody expects to find a cluster of
him, or until a teammate gives the all clear signal. People who killer plants from Dinosaur Swamp or South American flora in
can Prowl may try to quietly sneak away sooner. Playing dead the Northern USA or Canada, and vice versa.
does not work, however, as long as the victim/intruder contin- A small family clan of Feathered Honkers is two parents
ues to fight, move (unless it is to run away), shout or make any and 1D6+4 young animals. A small herd is 4D4+6. A medium
sort of loud noise, as the beast will continue to peck, head butt, herd is 4D6+20. A large herd is 1D6x10+30. A giant herd of
and strike with its fists and feet, or give chase biting and thump- 2D6x10+80 Canadian Duckbills is rare. Small and medium
ing, hot on the intruder’s heels. Knocked down intruders who flocks/herds are the most common encounters in most parts of
put up a strong fight are also likely to be stomped, kicked and North America; medium, large and giant herds are most likely
clawed by the hind legs which do greater damage. to be encountered in and around Dinosaur Swamp, the Great
Pounce or Leap Attack: Fundamentally the same as the Lakes, Eastern Canada and the Canadian and Alaskan Tundra.
Body Ram, above. Enemies: Alien Rex, Tyrannosaurus Rex, Ghost Allosaurus, Dev-
Bonuses (in addition to any possible attribute bonuses): +1 on ilsaurus, Dragon-Cat, Frost Panthera-Tereon, and other large
Perception Rolls pertaining to predators and danger, +2 to strike predators, pack hunters and humanoids. These large dinosaurs
and disarm, +1 to parry, +2 to dodge on land and in water, +3 are growing more successful at living near civilized areas,
to roll with impact, +5 to save vs disease and poison and +2 to where they have proven to be a problem for both farmers and
save vs Horror Factor. fishermen. In addition to eating crops (worse than locusts and
Vulnerabilities: Hates loud mechanical noise like the sounds of rodents) and depleting fisheries, they also make large amounts
drills, chainsaws, power tools and explosions. The use of ex- of noise, attract large predators that follow them, and leave
plosives in the area may cause a Canadian Duckbill Honker to plentiful droppings. It is believed that they are losing their fear
move 1D4 miles (1.6 to 6.4 km) away. If directed at or near of humanoids in some places due to their superior size and
them, the herd may panic and stampede; 55% chance! They strength, as well as some humanoids feeding them; Canadian
also dislike desert environments, fire, thunderstorms, lightning, Duckbills will beg for food.
Ley Line Storms and other strange occurrences along ley lines, Allies: Despite their territorial nature and aggression during
and try to avoid all of the above. When they cannot, such loud mating season, Canadian Honkers are tolerated by most oth-
noise and circumstances make them agitated, jumpy and prone er herbivores and birds, large and small. Wilderness Scouts
to stampede (+10%), as well as -1 on Perception Rolls and -1 and wilderness people like Simvan, Psi-Stalkers and Native
on initiative. Americans consider the animal as a natural alarm, and are
Magic: None. able to tell the difference between honks involving internal
Psionics: None. squabbles among themselves and the honking that warns of
Habitat: In the spring and summer, they are found across the Ca- danger and predators nearby. Because of this, Sasquatch,
nadian tundra and the cooler northern and eastern portions of Simvan, Wendigo and Wild Psi-Stalker tribes sometimes
the Old Canadian and American Empires, but can be found feed and keep small herds around their tribes and hunting
most anywhere in North America. grounds as an outer perimeter early warning system. These
In the winter, they travel much farther south in search of beings may also ride the animals as well as hunt them for
food, going as far as Dinosaur Swamp and along the Gulf their meat, hide and feathers.
Coast; not so much in the Pecos Empire or deserts of New Value: 1,200-2,400 credits per animal. The meat of the Canadian
Mexico, Arizona and California. As semi-aquatic creatures Duckbill is good tasting, although even more fatty than duck
with webbed front and back feet, and goose-like feathers and and its Honker cousin. Oil extracted from the animal is used in a
down, Canadian Honkers prefer regions with lots of lakes, riv- variety of products, including lamp oil. The water resistant hide
ers and/or marshland. They are most numerous in the Canadian can be used to make light M.D.C. fabric, typically a heavy pon-
Tundra, Eastern and Central Canada, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Il- cho (1D6+5 M.D.C.), cape, cloak or overcoat (1D6+4 M.D.C.),
linois, Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi (and or tent (1D6+10 M.D.C. for a basic tent).
along the Mississippi River), Dinosaur Swamp, and along the Canadian Duckbills, like their non-feathered Honker cous-
Gulf of Mexico. They are also found along most of the eastern ins, can be partially domesticated. Sometimes used as an ex-
seaboard of the Old American and Canadian Empires. In the otic riding animal running on all fours or more often as giant
cold and snow of winter, some flocks of Canadian Duckbills cattle, usually slaughtered midway to full maturity (only 10-12


Stephen Schneider (Order #19360614)

Caterpillar Things
By Kevin Siembieda, inspired by Nick Bradshaw
These bizarre beings may be related to, or come from, the same
reality as Head Worms and Worm Wraiths, or perhaps not. No-
body knows. Their only true similarity is their worm-like appear-
ance and alien nature.
Caterpillar Things, more commonly known as Caterpillar Men
or Caterpillar People, are often mistaken as one of the mutants of
Madhaven, but they have nothing in common with human beings.
They are alien predators who emulate human characteristics, traits
and behavior. Whether they actually wish they were human them-
selves, or mistakenly believe that by acting human so they can pass
as one, is unclear. The fact that they speak in a clear, human voice
and mimic human character traits only makes them all the more
bizarre and disturbing.
The horrid Things seem to both admire and loathe human be-
ings, the Madhaven Mutants and most D-Bees. On one hand, they and fiction so masterfully, that all but the most suspicious people
try to speak and act like humans, but on the other, they see human- are likely to be won over by one. Furthermore, despite the crea-
oids only as prey to be tricked, stalked and eaten. ture’s size, and strange and rather ugly appearance, they are just
A Caterpillar Man is likely to approach a group of humans or giant – albeit intelligent, talking – caterpillars, and who but a little
humanoids pretending to be a friendly, kind and harmless creature. child is afraid of a caterpillar?
They always approach unarmed, alone or in pairs, and often bear This Academy Award winning performance is all a trick. These
the gift of a warning about other dangers, or helpful information monsters ultimately see humans as little more than food. They use
or kind or consoling words. The monster speaks in a warm, sin- their concerned act and human voice and mimicked character be-
cere voice dripping with compassion and empathy, and will of- havior to get close to their prey and strike when least expected.
fer to help by serving as a native guide, helpful advisor, a kind Thus, while the monsters behave as if they are harmless and help-
local inhabitant concerned about the adventurer group’s welfare, ful, all the while they are thinking about how yummy the humans
and sometimes even as the local welcome wagon. All Caterpillar will taste after they kill them. The more helpful and kind the weird
Things are consummate liars who meld truth and facts with lies thing pretends to be, the more likely it is preparing to pounce and

Stephen Schneider (Order #19360614)

underbelly of its body close to the head in what might be consid-
ered its chest. The skin is soft and cool to the touch, but Caterpillar
Men are Mega-Damage creatures.

Caterpillar Thing – Carnivorous Predator

Also Known As: Caterpillar Men, Caterpillar People, Caterpillar
Monsters, Demon Caterpillars, and Giant Madhaven Caterpil-
Alignment: Miscreant (75%) or other evil alignment.
Attributes: I.Q. 1D4+9 (average human intelligence and animal
instinct), M.A. 1D6+12, M.E. 1D6+6, P.S. 1D4+25 (Robotic
P.S. and inflicts a low range of M.D.C. damage), P.P. 1D6+12,
P.E. 1D6+12, P.B. 1D6, Spd 1D6+4 running, or 3-7 mph (5-11
km). No burst of speed and cannot swim.
M.D.C. by Location:
*Eyes, Large (2, one on each side of head) – 1D6+12 each
*Eyes, Small (4, two per each side of head) – 1D6+4 each
*Head – 1D6+30
Legs (2) – 1D6+24 each
*Claw Feet (6, tiny and hard) – 1D6+20 each
Main Body – 1D6+80 (plus an additional 10 M.D.C. per level
of experience).
kill. People fooled by this deception are likely to find themselves
attacked in their sleep, stabbed in the back, pushed down a pit or * A single asterisk means a small and/or difficult target to
off of a roof, or separated from the rest of their group and led into strike and requires a Called Shot to hit. Even then the attacker
a trap where other Caterpillar Men wait in ambush. One of the is -4 to strike.
things that make these monsters so horrible is that they are always Note: On S.D.C. worlds, Caterpillar Men have a main body
so polite, sincere and seemingly harmless right until the moment of 1D6x10 S.D.C., 1D6x10+20 Hit Points and a Natural A.R.
they strike. of 10. All other body locations have S.D.C. equal to the M.D.C.
Caterpillar Things don’t use weapons or magic, and their long number listed above (2D6+16 M.D.C. = 2D6+16 S.D.C.). The
bodies are soft and deceptively vulnerable looking. When they damage inflicted by the creature does an equivalent amount of
attack, they strike with gnashing teeth and six stubby, slashing, S.D.C. points rather than M.D.
clawed feet/arms. The fiends may also use their body as a blunt Horror Factor: 10 (+4 when it shows its true monstrous and car-
weapon, thumping their victims from above, hammering them nivorous nature or attacks).
from the top and the sides. A Caterpillar Man may also wrap itself Size: 18-22 feet (5.5 to 6.7 m) long/tall, but typically stands
around its victim, but cannot constrict or hold a person tight like a scrunched up at 10-13 feet (3 to 4 m) tall. Can bend at what
snake. The wrap-around attack is used to get the monster’s small, looks like the waist of a humanoid in a completely horizontal
slashing claws and biting maw into close combat. Any opponent position in any direction without pain or difficulty.
who rolls a successful dodge can easy slip from its entangling Weight: 600-1,000 pounds (270-450 kg).
grasp. Average Life Span: Unknown, at least 80 years, possibly two or
The head of the Caterpillar Thing is a bulbous mass of flesh three times greater.
with two large, silver orbs for eyes and a pair of smaller, silver A Second-Stage of Life: There also remains the question
eyes underneath the large ones. The mouth and tongue look dis- of whether or not these “caterpillar” creatures make a cocoon
turbingly human, although out of place on a thing like this. at some point and transform into something else. A moth-like
The body of this hideous, bipedal worm looks very much like creature, perhaps. Moth, because they have short hair cover-
that of a gigantic caterpillar, except that it walks upright on a pair ing and running down the entire length of their backs, and the
of human-like legs, and usually wears pants and boots taken from caterpillars of Earth moths are fuzzy. Could this caterpillar/
one of its victims. Short, silky hair covers the monster’s back larva-stage of the monster be the beast once known on Earth in
from the base of its skull to its ankles. The wormlike body seems urban legends as the Mothman Monster? Sightings of one or
impossibly long, and inevitably kinked, bent and folded to make two giant, dark-furred humanoid creature with giant wings and
the monster appear smaller and less threatening than it really is. large, round, glowing red eyes made headlines in West Virginia
Stretched out completely straight, this ugly menace is 18 to 22 in 1966 and 1967 and, periodically, thereafter in other parts of
feet (5.5 to 6.7 m) long, but typically stands bent or contorted to the country. If this is the case, it could mean that these creatures
be no taller than 10-13 feet (3 to 4 m). This size and flexibility also have been visiting Earth as solitary hunters or in tiny groups
means it can bob and weave without moving its feet (automatic (1D4) for hundreds of years, perhaps thousands of years, prior
dodge ability), as well as lunge forward or to attack from the sides. to the Coming of the Rifts! Many believe the answer is yes, and
It can also bend backwards to attack with a reach of 12-18 feet (3.7 that the return of magic has brought hundreds of Caterpillar
to 5.5 m) or to look around or to dodge an attack. Men back to Earth. This would also mean they will, at some
Its skin is green with black, purple, dark blue or dark green point, turn into hundreds of Mothmen, mate and spawn more
spots and patches on the back and a light or pale green or off-white of their kind and slowly spread across the continent. After all,
underbelly and face. Six small, hooked claws protrude from the Mothmen have wings and can fly.

Stephen Schneider (Order #19360614)

See the Mothman Monster description in the Rifts® Besti- per level of experience), because they have a natural aptitude
ary Volume Two. (probably psionic based) for language and can understand any
Average Level of Experience: 1D6+3 language after hearing it for only 1D4 days.
P.P.E.: 4D6+8 Soothing Voice (special): The voice of all Caterpillar Men
Disposition: Caterpillar Men use their human voice and facade of (it’s impossible to distinguish male from female) is deep, warm,
innocent friendship as a ploy to lure outsiders into a false sense sincere and entirely human sounding. Somehow, the more the
of security, only to attack, slay and eat them. Despite their name Caterpillar Man speaks, the more comforting and soothing the
and mimicked human voice and behavior, these creatures are voice seems to become. This is an innate natural ability that
predatory monsters. They cannot read, write or use math, have counts as a passive psionic attack that dulls the senses and
no use for human technology and never use tools, weapons or evokes trust and acceptance of the beast.
devices, nor magic. They function on instinct and hunt human- Any human, mutant, D-Bee, creature of magic or supernatu-
oid prey. ral being who has spent more than 15 minutes with even one
Equivalent Skill Abilities: Climbing 80/70%, Escape Artist 65%, Caterpillar Man suffers the following penalties from dulled
Land Navigation 80%, Lore: D-Bees 75% (+10% when it senses (no saving throw applies!): -3 on Perception Rolls, -2
comes to Madhaven Mutants and monsters), Prowl 50%, Tail- on initiative, and -1 to strike, parry, and dodge. Furthermore,
ing 55% (+10% at night and when flying), and Wilderness Sur- the people so affected are likely to quickly accept the monster
vival 90%. as a trusted ally. Roll to save vs psionic attack after the initial
Natural Abilities: Average human intelligence, but functions on 15 minutes and once every hour thereafter. A failed roll to save
both instinct and limited intellect (i.e., the use of deception, means reasonable (not blind) trust.
trickery and traps). Although Caterpillar Men prefer to feed Squeeze through Narrow Openings (special): The body of
on fresh kills, they also feast upon corpses and carrion of both the Caterpillar Thing is so soft and supple that they can squeeze
animals and people. Impervious to spoiled meat, foul water through spaces half their body width. Has the Escape Artist
and most diseases. Moves by walking upright like a human, skill at 65%.
although they can also crawl across the ground and up the side Also see A Second-Stage of Life, under Life Span, above.
of walls and trees like a caterpillar. The tiny, claw-like arms/ Attacks per Melee: Four to start, +1 at levels 3, 6, 9 and 12.
legs are used primarily for combat and cutting up slain prey. Mega-Damage: Fights with biting, slashing claws and body slams.
Bio-Regenerates lost M.D.C. at a rate of 2D6 per hour and can Cannot kick because it would lose its balance and fall, and it has
completely regenerate a lost tongue, teeth, eyes, tiny arm/claw, no arms to hold or use a weapon or tools.
leg and as much as one-third of its lower body in 1D6 days. Bite, Restrained – 5D6 S.D.C.
Advanced Sight (special): Nightvision 1,000 feet (305 m), Bite – 1D4 M.D.
sees the infrared and ultraviolet spectrums of light, sees the in- Claw Strike, Restrained 1D4 M.D.
visible, and can see in fog up to 100 feet (30.5 m). Claw Strike, Full Strength – 2D4 M.D.
Hibernation & Super-Regeneration (special): When the Head Butt – 1D4 M.D.
monster gets below 10 M.D.C. and as low as -30 below zero Body Slam – 1D6 M.D.
for its Main Body, the thing is capable of slipping into a death Power Body Slam – 2D6 M.D., counts as two melee attacks
trance and playing dead. As far as sensors and physical ex- and can be performed from a standing position due it its long,
aminations are concerned, the Thing is dead. However, this worm-like body. Has a 50% chance of knocking down human-
is really a recuperative hibernation. As long as the head is size opponents up to 10 feet (3 m) tall and weighting under 900
not utterly destroyed (smashed to a pulp, burnt to a cinder or pounds (405 kg). Victims of knockdown lose initiative and one
vaporized), the horrid Thing can completely regenerate within melee attack.
1D4+2 weeks! It may also play dead when prey proves to be
Bonuses (in addition to possible attribute bonuses): +3 on Per-
too difficult for it to fight and win, and goes into hibernation
ception Rolls, +2 on initiative, +2 to strike, +4 to automatic
when food is not available. Hibernation can be used to sur-
dodge (the monster still needs to roll to dodge, but the act of
vive as long as 11 months without food or water. The creature
dodging does not use up a melee attack or action), +1 to disarm,
wakes up to hunt for a day or two every month to hunt. If no
+3 to roll with impact, +4 save versus Horror Factor, +6 to save
food or prey can be found, it goes back into hibernation. If no
versus poison and disease, and is impervious to spoiled/rotting
food is found during the full 11 month period, the Caterpillar
meat or diseased blood. They also seem to be impervious to the
Thing wakes up with a voracious hunger and bloodlust that
psychic imprint of Madhaven, although their fascination with,
makes it little more than a craven beast. That feral murderous
and imitation of, humans and the ridiculous practice of wear-
mindset lasts until after it has gorged itself. If no food can
ing pants and boots may be a manifestation of insanity brought
be found, not even rodents or birds to hunt and eat, it dies of
about by that cursed land.
starvation over the next 1D6 weeks.
Language (special): Only speaks American in a soft, clear, Vulnerabilities: Its ugly, wormy appearance instantly brands it
soothing voice. The fiend never uses slang, except in a con- as a monster and most people do not hesitate to run from it or
descending way, and seldom resorts to profanity. Instead, it attack and kill it. Only its human voice and lack of notoriety
speaks with an air of culture and refinement like a proper Eng- keeps it from being a feared and loathsome monster known to
lishman or intellectual. This means the monster speaks in com- everyone.
plete sentences, and uses proper grammar and big words with a Vulnerable to all M.D. weapons and attacks, cannot swim
certain level of condescension. and is easily drowned, and has no arms to hold or use a weapon.
However, while a Caterpillar Man only speaks American, Close combat only.
it understands ALL languages with a 75% proficiency (+1% Magic: None.


Stephen Schneider (Order #19360614)

Psionics: Considered a Minor Psychic with the following abili-
ties: Empathy (4; but can only sense/read the emotions of oth-
ers, cannot transmit their own emotions), Mind Block (4), See
Aura (6), and Sense Time (2). I.S.P.: M.E. attribute number x2,
+1D6 I.S.P. per level of experience.
Habitat: Known to exist in large numbers (perhaps as many
as a thousand) in Madhaven, as well as notable numbers in
Jersey Side and along the border of Ohio and West Virgin-
ia. However, these abominations may be encountered as a
lone individual, pair or small group (1D4+2) anywhere in
the USA, Canada, and Mexico, as well as Central and South
America. They seem attracted to regions with warm climates
which makes you wonder what they are doing in Madhav-
en and Jersey Side. Caterpillar Things are most active and
likely to travel to the Northern portions of the Old Ameri-
can and Canadian Empires during the spring and summer,
but seldom seen outdoors during winter months. Nor do they
usually make their home in regions where there are cold,
snowy winters like the American Midwest and the Northern
USA or Canada.
In Madhaven and Jersey Side, the monsters are most likely
to be encountered as a lone individual, pair or trio. However,
they are scouts or members of a larger group (at least 1D6+1
other Caterpillar Things) who may be lurking nearby. These in-
sectoids rest and sleep at night in caves, basements, old subway
tunnels, and other subterranean lairs. They may also gather with
other bands of Caterpillar Things (as many as 100) at night,
because large numbers mean safety from most enemies. Note:
Giant Ruin Worms do not eat Caterpillar Things; they taste aw-
ful to the worms and most predators.
Enemies: The Caterpillar Man and Head Worms are natural en-
emies who frequently clash. They also dislike Onion Heads,
who are impervious to their vocal influence, and see most other
humanoid life forms, including Haven Mutants and people as
prey to be hunted and eaten.
Allies: Primarily their own kind. Occasionally, associates with or
may serve other evil beings. Associates with people for the sole
purpose of stalking them as prey.
Value: Horune Pirates and other Slavers pay 6,000-8,000 credits
for a Caterpillar Man, usually selling them as monsters in the
gladiatorial arena or as living garbage disposals to dispose of
the bodies of those who die on the ship during transit and in
the arena. The latter use may appeal to anyone with the need to
dispose of any evidence of murder, as Caterpillar Men devour
the entire body, bones and all, leaving only a blood stain and
pieces of the skull and teeth behind.
Note: Originally appeared in Rifts® World Book 29: Madhav-
en™, page 92.


Stephen Schneider (Order #19360614)

By Charles Walton Jr. and Kevin Siembieda
Cerebro-Scramblers are more commonly known simply as
Scramblers or Air Octopus. Initial reaction upon meeting one for
the first time is always unnerving. These floating nightmares are a
mass of undulating tentacles. The creature resembles a giant octo-
pus attached to the body of an eel floating or swimming through
the air. Their six, long tentacles make them seem more massive
than they really are, with most standing a head taller than a human,
and females generally being 20% larger than males.
Rather than live in the water, Cerebro-Scramblers float and
swim through the air. Their natural state is hovering and floating
in mid-air, even when they sleep. Though their eel-like body trunk
may touch the ground or move only a few inches to a foot (0.3 m)
above the ground, Scramblers can also crawl, using its tentacles to
pull itself along or slithering like a snake across the ground. When
floating, its body position resembles a cobra or rattlesnake ready
to strike. The eel-like body tapers toward the end and has frilled
fins that undulate. The motion of the fins and tail/body helps the
creature to glide and move through the air with precision, though
as a rule, not very quickly.
Though Cerebro-Scramblers are primarily land creatures – or
are they “air” creatures? – they are born in water and are natural
swimmers that can breathe underwater indefinitely. Presumably,
the creature evolved from an alien sea or swamp, before becoming
an airborne land animal. They can also climb and travel through
trees with startling speed and agility for an animal its size. This
includes climbing cables, rope and netting, and scaling the sides of
buildings and mountain cliffs using their tentacles, and assisted by
their natural ability to hover and psionic Levitation. Many Scram-
blers make their lairs inside abandoned buildings, under bridges,
in the rafters of abandoned buildings, ruins, tunnels and caves, but
also in tall trees and cliff-side mountain crevices. These incredibly
versatile and adaptive creatures have also been known to live in
water-filled sewers, tunnels, ocean cliffs and along the shores of
lakes and marshlands.
Scramblers are exceptionally intelligent animals, easily on par
with the chimpanzee and dolphin, probably higher. They exhibit
fundamental hunting strategy and tactics, are inquisitive and ob-
servant, and learn quickly from their experiences. Each group,
known as a shoal, has its own distinguished leaders, members and
culture. These octopus-like land cephalopods from another world
may hunt alone, in pairs or in shoals of 10-40 adult members, plus
2D4 juveniles half the size and power of adults, and 2D6 three year
olds the size of a wolf. How one shoal interacts, learns, reacts and
hunts may be completely different from another, but each group is
well suited and adapted to the surroundings they have adopted as
their territory or hunting ground.
They are very cunning hunters and work as a team to overcome
large or difficult prey or to vanquish invaders. Cerebro-Scramblers
seem to enjoy challenges and like figuring out the weaknesses and
traits of newly encountered species. In fact, they seem fascinated
by humanoids of all types, but especially humans, Psi-Stalkers,
Atlanteans, Lemurians, D’Norr Devilmen, Lyvorrk and the Lynn-
Srial, but seem wary and even hostile toward insectoids like the
Xiticix as well as monstrous or bestial humanoids including the
N’mbyr Gorilla People, Mastadonoids, Septumbran, Simvan,
Werebeasts and Dog Boys, among others.


Stephen Schneider (Order #19360614)

Other encounters with the animal can be much less friendly
and may feel like the Scramblers are stalking them or harassing
them with malicious acts of vandalism. In reality, it’s just one
or more of the animals being intrusively curious and acciden-
tally causing damage. This happens when the beast(s) rummages
through backpacks, containers and the trunks of vehicles, and
(most likely inadvertently) breaking things or scattering them all
around after examining them. Such intrusive investigators may
also take bites out of food, empty canteens and bottles of liquid,
take down tents, take apart simple machines, turns devices on (or
off, like a sensor or communications system), start vehicles and
heavy machinery, opening or closing doors, containers, cages
and gates, perhaps releasing animals or captives because they
hate slavery and often free people or animals in captivity, all out
of playful curiosity. In most cases, the Scrambler means no harm.
It is simply having fun examining or playing with all of this inter-
esting “alien” stuff. That said, Cerebro-Scramblers can be inten-
tionally mischievous and deliberately vandalize. Such activity is
usually done to thwart and chase away enemies, destructive and
frightening creatures (to the Scramblers) or out of spite/revenge
for a wrong committed against the shoal or one of its members.
Cerebro-Scramblers can hold a grudge and do seek retribution
Cerebro-Scramblers often silently observe and tail such people for acts of cruelty, murder or capture and enslavement of their
from a safe distance, slipping in closer to steal a few of their pos- kind, and know when a fellow Scrambler is a willing companion
sessions for examination and may keep items as little treasures. or a prisoner or slave.
Such trophies and keepsakes can be almost anything from a com- Some experiences with Cerebro-Scramblers may simply in-
puter, radio, E-Clip, weapon or helmet, to a generator, backpack, volve the creatures wanting to play with the people passing
spare tire, a magic item, an article of clothing or a box or bag con- through, though sometimes, their play may seem a bit rough, rude
taining anything from food or drink to tools and widgets. (“Hey, and a bit more like harassment, theft or sabotage. A Scrambler
have you seen my knit cap anywhere?” “Or my canteen?”) may seem to attack (trip, push, slap, etc.) and then run/float away
An encounter with one or more Scramblers may also entail in an attempt to get humanoids to give chase in a game of tag or
touching – a lot of touching. The animal uses its tentacles to touch keep away. Or it might take something, especially if it seems like
and examine everything from machines, weapons, and objects to something the travelers need or want, and then run and hide with it
prepared food, pets, livestock, and people; all of which are of in- in a game of hide and seek. Likewise, the animal may want to play
terest to this strange and intelligent animal. Scramblers are very catch or keep away with a person’s possession, or want to wrestle
tactile oriented, so they touch things with their tentacles like a which may seem quite terrifying for people who have no idea what
blind person trying to imagine what a particular person or an object the “monster” wants from them. In many cases, people assume the
looks like through touch. There is nothing sexual about these tac- Scrambler is a monster, not a playful new friend, so they attack the
tile encounters. It is all about familiarizing and understanding the creature and unleash lethal force against it. Which is real shame,
interloper(s) and the devices they use. Such encounters are rather because an innocent encounter offers the same fun experience as
like dealing with a child who has no sense of boundaries and who playing with a dolphin or a bold, friendly monkey. Attack, and
climbs right up into your lap, grabs your nose with one hand and what might have been a joyful experience quickly changes into
puts his other into your pocket to see what you have. It is also a brutal battle with deadly consequences on both sides. Though
likely that the Scrambler is using its psychic ability of Object Read Cerebro-Scramblers are generally peace-loving and playful, they
which also requires touching it. are capable of fighting and killing when they feel such extreme
This attraction to, and affinity with, humans and human-like D- action is necessary. That includes protecting themselves and mem-
Bees makes the Cerebro-Scrambler easy to domesticate and turn bers of their shoal. Fun and games gone terribly wrong.
into a friendly and helpful companion or guard animal. Scramblers Sometimes the encounter is violent from beginning to end.
are quick to defend and protect their human master (truth is they Cerebro-Scramblers are territorial predators that may attack or try
probably consider the human to be “their” companion) and quickly to chase away those they believe to be competing, humanoid pred-
learn to understand basic words and commands on par with a dog ators or intruders who either startle it or whom the animal believes
or chimpanzee. The endlessly inquisitive Scrambler is particularly is a threat to its mate or its young, or its keepsake treasure trove.
attracted to adventurers, scouts and explorers as the creature en- Cerebro-Scramblers, like Earth cephalopods, like to gather trinkets
joys travel, exploration and new experiences. It loves to meet new and place them around their den/lair as trophies and decorations.
people and animals and see new places, even if the experience is Trinkets that adventurers might regard as valuable treasure for the
frightening or involves combat. taking after they kill the monster. Likewise, hurt a Scrambler or
Though some people have speculated that Cerebro-Scramblers its mate, offspring, or a fellow member of the shoal, and one to
somehow tap into human emotion, perhaps via Empathy or Telep- several of them will strike back. Depending on the offense, Scram-
athy, it has never been proven. And those who travel with Scram- blers can be outright vengeful, tracking down and harassing or kill-
bler companions insist this is not the case. (Or are they unaware ing people who have hurt or wronged it in some manner, even if it
of it?) takes days or weeks.


Stephen Schneider (Order #19360614)

Cerebro-Scramblers that are trained to be companions or monitors, sensor systems, and other electronic devices. This hap-
guard animals behave very much like a well-trained dog or chim- pens whenever a Scrambler comes within a 10 foot (3 m) radius of
panzee, only smarter. Legendary animal trainer Cathy Schutt was an electronic device. Even shielded and hardened electronics are
one of the first to prove Scramblers understand commands, fol- interfered with (inflicting a -20% penalty on all related skill rolls
low orders well, are cooperative, and exhibit loyalty and affection, and reduce bonuses for targeting by half). In addition, it can fire
right down to nuzzling and holding hands via their tentacles. As an electromagnetic pulse that temporarily knocks out electronics.
a guard animal, the creature is ever vigilant of potential danger,
especially from monsters and predators, including the demonic. Cerebro-Scrambler – Carnivore Predator
They also function well as intelligent hunters and retrievers of Also Known As: Air Octopus, Squid Monkey, and Clickers.
small to medium animals. Alignment: A friendly, mischievous predator generally consid-
Domesticated Scramblers form an emotional bond with their ered to be Unprincipled or good alignment, harmless to humans
owner and consider him and his family and friends, or teammates, unless the animal is threatened or attacked.
to be part of its shoal. Moreover, the animal has the rare ability to Attributes: I.Q. 1D6+9 (high animal intelligence), M.E. 1D6+11,
transfer its own I.S.P. into its master and its friends/shoal members M.A. 1D6+14, P.S. 1D6+19 (Supernatural), P.P. 1D6+14, P.E.
– provided they are psychic – to help fuel their psychic abilities. To 1D6+14, P.B. 1D6+2 to most humanoids, Spd (special, below).
be domesticated properly, the animal must be trained from a young Floating/Hovering in the Air: Speed is 1D6+9, or 10 mph (16
age as adults refuse to bond with another species. km). Floating is the animal’s natural state, usually only a few
Problems, however, may arise when such pets and companions inches to a foot above the ground. Can also physically crawl
become bored. And these inquisitive creatures get bored fairly eas- or slither on the ground at the same speed as floating in the air,
ily. When that happens, the animal is prone to float away and go but also see Speed Burst, Swing through Trees and Swimming.
off to explore or follow a person or animal that it finds interesting. Floating in an upright position is its natural mode of travel, not
All Cerebro-Scramblers collect trinkets and trophies, and do so prone/lengthwise.
by simply taking whatever it is that strikes their fancy. An action Speed Burst Swimming Through the Air: 22 mph (35 km),
most people would consider to be stealing. As you can imagine, but can be maintained for only 1D6+6 minutes. Maximum
this can cause a serious problem for their human companion(s), height is 12 feet (3.7 m), but usually closer to the ground and
especially since the pet Scrambler probably stows its memorabilia can be as low as 6 inches (15 cm) above the ground, flowing
inside its owner’s pockets, backpack and luggage, or under the seat over the contour of the ground and debris.
of a vehicle. Victims of such theft may not believe a person was Swinging through Trees and Swimming in Water: When
not responsible, and even if they do, they may insist the monstrous climbing or swinging through trees like a monkey, or swim-
pet be punished, put on a leash, or put down/killed! Many people ming in water, a speed of 18 mph (29 km) can be maintained for
are understanding and forgiving in situations like this, especially if up to seven hours before needing to rest for one or two hours,
the item has little value; others are not. or reduce speed by half. When swinging through trees using its
There is another problem. Cerebro-Scramblers take an auto- tentacles and psionics for extra oomph and precision guidance,
matic dislike toward demons, evil monsters, bestial humanoids, Scramblers can hurl themselves up to 15 feet (4.6 m) high and
insectoids, Simvan, slavers, bullies and cruel people in general. 40 feet (12.2 m) across; 50% higher or farther when moving at
Worse, the animal has a good memory, holds a grudge and can be- maximum speed. This enables them to swing from tree to tree
come quite vengeful against those it dislikes. This usually amounts or from rooftop to rooftop, with relative ease.
to painful and embarrassing pranks and practical jokes, like trip- Note: Cerebro-Scramblers typically hover only a few inches
ping somebody via one of its tentacles or Telekinetic Push, untying to a foot (0.3 m) above the ground. Maximum height off the
shoelaces, tying shoelaces together, and any of the things noted ground while floating or swimming through the air is 12 feet
earlier. And not just tripping someone, but causing them to fall into (3.7 m), but only for 2D6 minutes at a time. Using the psychic
a river or lake, or mud puddle, or to get hit in the face with a pie power of Levitation, a Scrambler can rise much higher, but only
or to knock over an entire table of food or drinks, break items, and straight up and down. Levitation can also be used to break a
so on. This is likely to be in addition to other forms of harassment fall. Maximum depth tolerance underwater is three miles (4.8
against the target of revenge, such as the Scrambler stealing his km), but feels uncomfortable.
food and valuables, unlocking doors and cages, turning on record-
ing or broadcasting equipment (again, to cause embarrassment or M.D.C. by Location:
trouble), and similar. Worse, Scramblers seem to enjoy the trouble Tail – 1D4x10+80
they cause such “enemies” and even laugh. When a Scrambler *Tentacles (6) – 1D6+45 each
laughs there is a deep, breathy “heh, heh, heh,” sound and its en- Main Body/Head – 1D6x10+120
tire body bobs up and down, again, rather like a chimpanzee only * A single asterisk means a small and/or difficult target to
with tentacles. Some people have claimed to even see the creature strike and requires a Called Shot to hit. Even then the attacker
smile. is -3 to strike.
Scramblers could have gotten their name from a number Note: On S.D.C. worlds, the Cerebro-Scrambler has a main
of traits and characteristics: their ability to swing and scramble body of 1D6x10+20 S.D.C., 1D6x10+30 Hit Points and a Natu-
through trees and scramble up the sides of buildings, or from their ral A.R. of 10. All other locations are S.D.C. at the same num-
own means of communication between each other which involves ber as M.D.C., above, i.e. 4D6+30 M.D.C. = 4D6+30 S.D.C./
squeaks, squeals, chirps, clicks, clucking, and slurping noises that Hit Points. The damage inflicted by the creature does an equiva-
resemble a scrambled communications transmission. However, lent amount of S.D.C. points rather than M.D., so a bite that
the beast gets the name because their physical presence scrambles does 1D6 M.D. on Rifts Earth does 1D6 S.D.C. damage on
and knocks out communications equipment, cameras, computers, S.D.C. worlds.

Stephen Schneider (Order #19360614)


Stephen Schneider (Order #19360614)

Corrival Battler While this could be the result of deliberate genetic engineer-
ing, other scientists and naturalists believe this predator, heavily
armored itself, may comes from a world where all of its competi-
By Charles Walton Jr. and Kevin Siembieda tion and prey is aggressive and armored, so anything that is ar-
The monstrosity known as the Corrival Battler is a chimera that mored and/or unafraid is seen as a dangerous rival to be beaten into
resembles a half dozen different creatures. At a quick glance, it submission. Likewise, some of those creatures may possess innate
resembles a dinosaur or maybe a dragon, except its towering 20 magical abilities, which would explain why practitioners of magic
foot (6.1 m) body more resembles that of a gorilla. It even walks on and magical creatures are also targeted. Some have pointed out
its knuckles and runs on all four like a gorilla or chimpanzee, but that the feelers at the back of its head are reminiscent to the Bur-
any resemblance ends there. It’s tough armor-plated hide suggests rower Bruin, another large, armored beast, and that they may both
chitin like an insect, except it is bone, and the skin has more of a come from the same world. Others refute this notion and the feel-
reptilian look and texture. The tail, in particular, suggests reptile ers, though similar in appearance, function differently, especially
and somewhat resembles that of an alligator or crocodile but is the two that end in fur.
flexible enough to be used as a weapon to swat adversaries. The Like most carnivores, even the Corrival Battler kills only when
massive and monstrous head of the Corrival Battler is thick bone hungry (which is often) and when defending its mate and young.
and spikes. The long, nose horn and rim of spikes is somewhat These hunters mostly target large animals and people, but will eat
reminiscent of a nightmarish rhinoceros or styracosaurus. Thick, carrion, bones, livestock, processed meats, and some garbage left
heavy spikes also line its arms and run down its spine. The mon- behind by humanoids. However, the hyper-aggressive brute loves
ster’s gaping maw is large enough to bite a person in half and the to fight and to prove its dominance and superiority over all other
lower jaw has a pair of large, mandible-like appendages that can be animals, people included. People especially.
used to bite and slice the flesh and sinew of its opponents as well as In battles of superiority, the monster is happy to leave its
fingers to help shovel meat into its mouth. opponent(s) battered and humbled, lying on the ground or limping
You’ll notice the use of the words adversary and opponent away without any doubt of who is the undisputed king of beasts.
rather than prey. Though the Corrival Battler hunts and preys This could leave a player character beaten and bruised, his body
upon other large animals, including predators like the Devilsau- armor ripped apart, weapons chewed to pieces, but alive. A Cor-
rus, Allosaurus, and Tyrannosaurus Rex, it likes to fight. Not to rival Battler loves to brutally tear apart power armor and body ar-
just hunt for food, but to engage others in combat for the sheer mor with its mandibles, teeth and claws, leaving the person inside
challenge and fun of it all. This includes people, cyborgs, power exposed and terrified before it walks away in triumph. Against cy-
armored troops, giant robots, and combat vehicles to other giant borgs and robots, the monster likes to bite and tear off weapons,
animals and even dragons and monsters like Demon Bear, De- sensors and limbs, leaving the ‘Borg or ‘Bot mangled and hobbled.
mon Beaver, Black Faeries, and so on. It is the monster’s desire It takes a similar approach against combat vehicles.
to challenge and fight others that has earned it its name, the Cor- When battling a fellow Mega-Damage creature, such as a di-
rival Battler, and the reputation of being an adversary to anyone nosaur, it is often satisfied when the animal assumes a submissive
who encounters it. posture, but only after having mauled and roughed it up. More often
It is no surprise then that the Corrival Battler is another alien than not, the Corrival Battler leaves its opponent lame and scarred
beast that has led some to wonder if it may be the product of ge- with one or more injured limbs, perhaps a dislocated shoulder or
netic engineering, designed for the purpose of war or pacifying the hip, and trauma by which to remember this encounter always. The
population of a planet marked for conquest before full-scale inva- same holds true of battles against practitioners and creatures of
sion. Such speculation is based, in part, on the beast’s phenom- magic, though the monster is much more likely to kill and devour
enal healing capabilities, heavily armored body resistant to kinetic them. That said, it may walk away from a magical being that it has
attacks, and its power to sniff out practitioners of magic, among rendered unconscious or it believes is dead. Likewise, if the Cor-
others. The rest is based on its behavior, such as its high level of rival Battler is taking a beating and suffering heavy damage, it is
aggression, fearlessness of people and their machines, and instinct likely to run off in retreat, heal up and come looking for a rematch
to target humanoids and intelligent beings as prey and opponents. in a day or two. A strategic retreat is likely to occur when it has
It is unusual and suspicious that magic users and armored troops lost 70% or more of its M.D.C. It should be noted that this animal
seem to be regarded as its primary targets. All unusual for animals, heals impossibly fast and can regrow lost limbs in a matter of days.
even a large predator. Whatever its reason for targeting sorcerers and creatures of
It could be that this giant alien simply does not recognize peo- magic, it is smart enough to prowl ley lines in search of them. The
ple as being at the top of the food chain. Instead it sees itself at animal can also can sniff out such beings when they are within
the top, and people as rivals and prey. Thus, not only does the 2,500 feet (762 m), as well as follow their trail after an encounter.
Corrival hunt people for food, but it specifically targets them for Not surprising then, that Corrival Battlers find their way up from
battle in acts of combat to display its superiority over them. This Mexico and the American Southwest into the Magic Zone and as
odd, aggressive behavior is punctuated by the fact that the bigger far north as Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan and southern Cana-
and more powerful the humanoid, the more likely that person is da, but only during the hottest summer months of July and August.
to be singled out and attacked by the Corrival. This also applies The animal hates the cold, so it always heads back south by early
to “armored” foes. The Corrival Battler instinctively recognizes September, unless it is unseasonably hot.
the most powerful member of a group, targeting the biggest, most The Corrival Battler’s behavior of challenging other larger,
heavily armored and/or magic wielding prey first. Thus, giant ro- dangerous animals and heavily armed and armored people, but
bots, combat vehicles, power armor, cyborgs, large D-Bees and leaving them alive, has led some – like Northern Gun Head of
mages are at the top of the monster’s list of combatants, along with R&D, Federico Franceschi, who encountered and battled the
a wide array of animals. creature in an EX-11 Okemos prototype, during a field test in Wis-


Stephen Schneider (Order #19360614)

consin one hot summer – to speculate that Corrival Battlers may get worse as night falls or the sounds of combat or monsters (the
feed, at least in part, upon the fear and adrenaline of their vic- Corrival Battler returning?) are heard in the distance.
tims. Or perhaps, it enjoys the euphoria generated by a chemical
cocktail that surges within the animal’s own body when locked Corrival Battler – Predatory Carnivore
in combat. Like a drug addict, the monster may enjoy “the buzz” Also Known As: The Challenger, Deadly Rival and just Battler.
or “high” it gets from such confrontations, so it engages in com- Alignment: Anarchist, though most people who have to face one
bat against whatever antagonist becomes available. In Federico’s consider the warring beast to be Miscreant or Diabolic.
case, he had the displeasure of watching the Corrival Battler tear Attributes: I.Q. 1D4+7 (high animal intelligence), M.E. 1D6+11,
up his Okemos, before abandoning him in mid-fight (much to his M.A. 1D6, P.S. 1D6+29 (Supernatural), P.P. 1D6+16, P.E.
relief) to engage a larger NG ‘Bot, and then attack three power 1D6+14 (Supernatural), P.B. 1D6+2, Spd 1D6+26, or 20 mph
armor defenders, one after another. At the point that it became (32 km) running on two legs, 40 mph (64 km) running on all
clear that the Corrival was winning the battle against them all, it fours in a loping manner. Both speeds can be maintained for
decided they had had enough, and the beast trotted back into the two hours before the monster needs to rest; twice as long at
woods from whence it came. During the pitched battle, Federico half the speed. A maximum speed of 60 mph (96 km) can be
couldn’t help but notice the monster seemed to be enjoying it- achieved in short bursts lasting 1D4+1 minutes. Babies run at
self. Roaring and chest thumping in triumph with each crippling one third these speeds, juveniles at half. Note: Due to their
contest with a foe. If the battle had gone to the death, Federico weight and bulk, Corrivals cannot stop on a dime nor make
would like to think their Northern Gun designs would have won sharp turns. When running at speeds greater than 20 mph (32
the day, but he can’t be certain of it. And this very real battle sent km), the animal is likely to run past more agile prey that can
him back to the drawing board. What he does know is that the make a quick stop or a sharp turn, and have to come to a skid-
monster seemed content to have won the conflict by knocking ding stop and turn around to pursue, which uses up two melee
down, ripping up, and crippling their machines without actually attacks/actions.
having killed anyone, thank goodness. It is also possible that the M.D.C. by Location of the Armored Body:
beast is simply that aggressive and territorial, and that once it felt Tail – 1D6x10+100
it had imposed its dominance over the mechanized intruders, and Large Front Legs/Arms (2) – 1D4x10+140 each
showed them who’s the boss, it cheerfully left them to gather up Large Rear Legs (2) – 1D6x10+180 each
the pieces of their torn up machines and go home. *Eyes (4, small) – 12 each
Coming across the scattered remains of power armor or a vehi- *Feelers (2, back of head) – 25 each
cle that has been torn to pieces and/or is covered in deep claw and *Feelers (2, snout) – 30 each
bite marks, is a sure indicator that a Corrival Battler has been in *Mandibles (4, head) – 70 each
the area. If the adventurers can determine if the carnage is recent, *Horn, large (one, nose) – 200
it should tip them off to the peril they may soon face themselves. Armor-Plated Head – 2D6x10+400 (530 on average)
They may want to make a wide detour to avoid an encounter of Main Body – 1D4x100+350 (650 M.D.C. on average for an
their own with this brutal fighting machine. Of course, the aban- adult; 330 for juveniles, 160 M.D.C. for babies under seven
doned corpse of a vehicle may be too alluring to pass up without months old).
looking for any valuables left inside, or taking whatever can be Vulnerable underbelly is 1D6x10+240 M.D.C., but almost im-
salvaged from the vehicle or robot, and resold or put to good use possible to access unless the creature rears up, arms outspread,
by them. Lingering to conduct such a search or salvage operation, is knocked on its side or back, or an attacker manages to get
however, could be a tragic mistake. under it. All are difficult tasks because even when the Battler
A successful fight with a Corrival Battler is any confrontation attacks standing on its two hind legs, it does so with its heavily
where the combatants are able to walk away with their lives. How- armored head and arms hung low to protect its underside and
ever, it is likely to leave them battered and their power armors uses goring attacks with its horn to gut its opponents, head butts
and vehicles damaged and in need of repair. Some damage is too and body blocks to knock down prey, and slashing claws and
severe for a field repair even by an experienced Operator, and may biting maw to kill. Moreover, the large thick spines on its back,
require the adventurers to leave the vehicle behind and walk the automatically cause the beast to roll on its side and quickly
rest of the way until they can find someone willing and able to clamor to its feet.
come and tow it back to a repair facility. Or the encounter may
leave the cyborg, power armor, or vehicle functioning but hobbled * The eyes are comparatively tiny targets and difficult to
or without some of its weapons and sensor systems, or its speed strike, so an attacker must make a Called Shot and even then
reduced by 1D6x10%. Game Masters, use your discretion, but be is -5 to strike. Targeting other small targets is done at a penalty
reasonable and fair. of -4.
The experience of dealing with damaged and impaired vehicles Reducing the M.D.C. of one leg to zero reduces speed by
or armor, and being vulnerable while trekking through hostile ter- 30%, two legs by 60%, three by 90%. Lost limbs regenerate.
ritory, can be just as frightening as the battle itself. This is especial- Note: On S.D.C. worlds, the Corrival Battler has 1D4x100+60
ly true when the G.M. describes the disturbing amount of creaking, S.D.C., 2D6x10+300 Hit Points, and a Natural A.R. of 17. All
rattling or odd engine noises, and the amount of oil or fuel (and/ other body locations have S.D.C. equal to the M.D.C. number
or blood) leaking from the damaged cyborg, power armor, robot listed above (50 M.D.C. = 50 S.D.C.). The damage inflicted by
or vehicle. Along the way, weapons and other systems may break the creature does an equivalent amount of S.D.C. points rather
down and fail, one after another, an artificial limb may go numb, than M.D. +12 to damage.
and speed may be reduced even more. All of this may affect the Horror Factor: 8 for a baby the size of a coyote to that of a bear.
morale and psychological state of the entire party. And things only 12 for a juvenile the size of a rhinoceros or Silonar. H.F. 14

Stephen Schneider (Order #19360614)

Covenant Falcon bird, and shows affection and protects its humanoid “partner” (and
food source).
If there is a downside to this symbiotic relationship, it is that
By Kevin Siembieda, the bird and the human or D-Bee to whom it bonds, become in-
inspired by an idea from Carmen Bellaire separable. For the humanoid, the bird-like creature is thought of
The Covenant Falcon, also known as the Demon Slaying Fal- and treated more like a human partner and friend than a pet or an
con, is an otherworldly, parasitic creature that resembles an Earth attack animal. Both become emotionally bound to each other and
bird of prey. Its most unique attribute is the ability to create a will give their own life to protect the other. For the humanoid that
symbiotic bond between itself and humans or D-Bees. This bond means talking to it like another person and thinking of it almost as
provides the animal with a constant food source (i.e. the person to an extension of himself.
whom it is linked), but in exchange, the human host/partner gets The Covenant Falcon shares a similar connection and sense of
a loyal companion, combat bonuses and the power to see through unity and synchronicity with its humanoid partner, but in reality
the animal’s eyes, among other things. Nobody understands why it that person is its host upon which it regularly feeds. The host/part-
likes to bond to humans and to a lesser degree, D-Bees, especially ner is rarely aware that he is his bird friend’s daily meal because
human-like D-Bees, but there is some force that seems to attract there is nothing painful about the process and the union is mutually
the avian creatures to them. Moreover, it is not fooled by shape- beneficial – but it is still a parasitic and symbiotic relationship. Af-
shifters and can tell if the person is truly mortal or something else ter one month of the initial bonding between the two, its humanoid
in human guise. “partner” becomes the creature’s primary food source, eliminating
This bird of prey is roughly the size and shape of an Earth the need for it to hunt other prey, except when it so desires, is com-
Falcon, but has feathered, bat-like wings, and is a Mega-Damage manded to do so, or is necessary. If the humanoid host is killed,
creature capable of fighting and killing S.D.C. and light M.D.C. the Covenant Falcon suffers serious damage (loses half its M.D.C.)
creatures. One glance up close tells you this is not a bird from and begins to waste away. It must find a new humanoid host/part-
Earth, but from a distance it is easy to mistake it with an ordinary ner within 14 days or it dies from starvation and loneliness.
falcon or hawk. Covenant Falcons feed upon P.P.E., emotions, and the blood
This alien bird enjoys the taste and euphoric sensation it experi- of the person to whom it is bound. The first two forms of feeding
ences from feeding on the blood and emotions of its handler, and can be performed even when the bird’s partner is clad in body ar-
bonds with its humanoid food source in an agreeable way. While mor, power armor or is a partial cyborg. The last condition requires
this may sound disturbing, it is actually a fairly positive symbiotic a bit of effort and a willingness to do so.
relationship between the Covenant Falcon and its humanoid host. P.P.E. Nourishment: The Covenant Falcon consumes a total of
For one, the Covenant Falcon behaves more like a loyal dog than a 4-6 P.P.E. per 24 hours, usually one or two P.P.E. points every

Stephen Schneider (Order #19360614)

four hours and usually AFTER the P.P.E. it has eaten earlier has and provide a bonus to react. Bonuses are listed, below. Also see
already, naturally recovered. This is done simply by resting on the Combat Bonuses, listed separately.
person and showing affection. Since most people are not aware of Skill Bonuses to the Humanoid Partner: This symbiotic union
their P.P.E. nor draw upon it, it is of little consequence to them. adds a +5% bonus to the following skills if its humanoid partner
Moreover, the bird rarely bonds with mages and never to creatures has any of them: +5 to Animal Husbandry, Detect Ambush, Horse-
of magic, so there is no conflict. manship (any), Identify Plants & Fruits, Sing, Tailing, Track &
Emotions: It is unclear how the emotional connection to a hu- Trap Animals, and Tracking (people), and +10% to Land Naviga-
man or D-Bee nourishes and pleases the creature, but it does. Some tion and Wilderness Survival.
scholars and scientists believe the Covenant Falcon uses the emo- Sensory Link – Shared Vision: The humanoid partner linked
tions more like a drug to experience a range of stimulation, highs to a Covenant Falcon must stop and focus for one full melee round
and lows, and actually becomes addicted to its host human. It feeds (15 seconds) to establish a sensory link. Once the link is estab-
upon the emotions by being linked to its host. lished, the human partner sees, hears and experiences the Cove-
Blood: This is the least pleasant part of the symbiotic relation- nant Falcon’s senses (mainly sight and sound) from its perspective
ship, but it too is fairly painless. Whenever its humanoid host/ – seeing through the other’s eyes and hearing through the other’s
partner is cut and bleeds the bird will want to drink some fresh ears. Which is often a bird’s eye view from the Falcon.
blood. Just a little, and requires only four ounces (118 milliliters) a This is always a two-way connection, and when sensory linked
week. Of course, it is happy to consume more blood as often as it – which is usually most of the time – such a link enables the Cov-
is offered or made available to it, but four ounces (118 milliliters) enant Falcon to hear and understand any words its human partner
a week meets the minimum nutritional requirement. This can be might vocally voice/speak out loud, which means he can give it di-
done very cleanly and humanely by having the blood drawn with rections, commands, cues and warnings from a distance. No limit
a syringe and put in a bowl or bottle. In fact, many mercs and as long as man and fowl are in the same dimension.
adventurers with a Covenant Falcon draw enough to feed it for a For humanoids, the sensory link is ideal for aerial reconnais-
few weeks. The trick is keeping the blood fresh while in the field. sance, scouting ahead and spying. It can be maintained while the
Other Food/Prey: If Psi-Stalkers were a bird, they would be a animal is flying, gliding or perched someplace inconspicuous. Sen-
Covenant Falcon. Like Psi-Stalkers, the bird of prey likes to feed sory links are also initiated to “check in” on each other to make
upon the P.P.E. of evil supernatural beings and wicked creatures of sure their partner is okay and does not need assistance or protec-
magic, and in much the same fashion. For this reason, it stays near tion.
its host/partner whenever he and his teammates battle such mon- The link can be maintained while the humanoid is walking, sit-
sters so that it may gorge itself upon the doubled P.P.E. released at ting, resting, driving or performing very simple tasks like sweep-
the moment of death. By just being within a 20 foot (6.1 m) radius ing the floor. However, he is distracted, rather like trying to do one
of the kill, the animal can capture 2D4x10% of the escaping P.P.E. thing while watching and listening to someone else’s conversation.
and that keeps it satisfied for a week or two. The Falcon gets all the Penalties from the Sensory/Seeing/Listening Link for Human-
P.P.E. if the bird is the one who delivers the killing blow itself! It oids: The human partner is -3 on Perception Rolls when it comes
is also likely to drink some of the monster’s blood and eat some of to what’s happening around him, -2 on initiative, -1 on all combat
its flesh if there is any available. rolls, -20% on skill performance that requires focus, concentration
and dexterity, and it takes twice as long to perform the skill, all
The powerful link between for the duration of the link. Note: The link can be broken with but
the Covenant Falcon and its One: a thought at any time. If it was broken to engage in combat or to
focus attention on something threatening or dangerous, or fun and
Two Who Are One – Empathic Connection: As all of this enjoyable, the animal partner knows it, and vice versa. The partner
suggests, only the Covenant Falcon’s humanoid partner enjoys the will respond accordingly to the situation and come quick if there
array of special insight and abilities provided by this unique bond. is trouble.
In a way, the two do become one. Each sensing the other’s emo-
tions, particularly strong emotions like fear, anxiety, hate, anger, Penalties From the Seeing/Listening Link for the Bird: The pen-
despair, hunger, and love. All functioning as signals that their part- alties for the Covenant Falcon while it is seeing and hearing what
ner might be in trouble and in need of the other’s help or compan- its human host is experiencing are less severe. -1 on Perception
ionship, or that all is fine and good. Rolls, -1 on initiative, -1 to strike, parry, dodge and other combat
This empathic connection enables each to try to comfort, assure bonus and flying speed is reduced by -10% while simultaneously
or cheer up the other. This is done via touch, chirps, body language seeing through its humanoid’s eyes for the duration of the link. It
and nuzzling by the bird. Petting and soft words or singing by the can break the link whenever it desires.
humanoid. Covenant Falcons love listening to singing and music, The Covenant Falcon can do the same and see and hear what-
bobbing their heads and sometimes even dancing along, as best it ever its humanoid partner is experiencing. As an animal, this is
can, to the music. mainly to keep tabs on its friend/companion and food source. If
These two best friends and companions always know how the it suspects danger or trouble, the animal rushes back to protect its
other is feeling: Hungry, thirsty, cold, hot, sad, happy, angry, re- partner as necessary.
laxed, scared or worried, and so on. This makes each member of Note: Man and avian each knows when the other is watching
this symbiotic relationship keenly aware of, and responsive to, and listening in this fashion, but don’t mind. This connection can-
the other’s needs, fears, and comfort level. And each will try to not be blocked, not even via Mind Block, because the two are one.
help alleviate things like being hungry or thirsty, hot or cold, sad This means each knows when the other is ill, tired, injured and
or worried. Hot emotions like fear, anger, and sudden spikes in roughly how badly, and when the other fears death, is physically
adrenaline alert each to potential danger or impending violence, near death, or has died, whether the sensory link is in force or not.


Stephen Schneider (Order #19360614)

The human partner also knows when this strange bird of prey
senses supernatural evil and knows if the evil is a big, medium
or small threat. Such moments are a good time to see through its
eyes to get an idea of what monsters or demons it may be seeing
or about to attack.
Bonuses from the Bonding for the Falcon: +1D6 to its P.P.E.
base, +3D6+16 years added to its lifespan, and the link provides
it a much larger understanding of spoken human language (as per
its humanoid host/partner). The animal is able to understand words
and their meaning at twice the level and range of dogs or horses.
The bird also becomes very comfortable and remains calm and
at ease around large groups of people and technology. It is unafraid
in urban environments or being taken indoors where it probably
rides on its human partner’s shoulder or backpack, or flies ahead a
short way before finding a perch or rejoining its humanoid partner.
This includes being in crowded, noisy cities like the Chi-Town
‘Burbs, MercTown and Northern Gun, as well as being inside
buildings, hallways, small rooms, elevators, tunnels and riding in-
side vehicles.
Bonding Conditions & Restrictions: It is the Covenant Falcon
who chooses the human or D-Bee to bond with. A person can offer
himself but the bird makes the final decision. Good aligned prac-
Fusion of Life: In life and death situations, one can fuse his or titioners of magic and Psi-Druids may try to select this animal to
its own life energy into the other in an attempt to save the other. Of be a familiar without actually using the Familiar Link spell. How-
course, additional medical attention is likely to be needed to fully ever, this creature tends not to bond with practitioners of magic
recover and heal, but this can be an important starting point to keep and Master Psychics, with the exception of Psi-Stalkers (fellow
man or beast alive! All that is necessary is a moment’s focus and demon hunters).
desire to heal the other by touch or close proximity (20 feet/6.1 m). If one bonds with a mage, the Covenant Falcon is likely to ac-
One of the Covenant Falcon’s M.D.C. points from its Main cept a mage who has an additional Familiar Animal but is not com-
Body provides 20 S.D.C. or 10 Hit Points to its human partner. pletely satisfied as long as the other animal is part of the team. In
(One M.D.C. if that partner is a Mega-Damage D-Bee.) such an instance, the Covenant Falcon is likely to leave the mage
20 S.D.C. or 10 Hit Points from the humanoid to the bird pro- at some point, in favor of a new partner willing to devote himself
vides the Covenant Falcon with ONE M.D.C. point. Obviously, to it exclusively. Note: The bird does not have a problem sharing
this exchange is potentially more lethal to the human than to the its human host/partner with a spouse, children, family or friends,
Covenant Falcon as the M.D.C. cost is minimal to help heal a hu- just other animals.
man, but high for a human to heal his Falcon Friend. In most cases, once the two become one, the bond is permanent
If the animal or person is already in a coma, this fusion of life for life, lasting until one or the other dies. However, there are in-
energy works to jumpstart the heart/body and provides a +40% stances in which the animal may choose to sever the link and leave
bonus to save vs coma and death as well as the infusion of the Hit that particular host, usually for a more emotionally and alignment
Points or S.D.C. or M.D.C. described above. compatible partner. Anarchist alignments are acceptable even if
Bonuses from the Union: The Person: +1 on all Perception the bird is itself good. This may occur when the Covenant Falcon
Rolls in regard to recognizing signs of danger, animal and demonic has no other available option, or the two share the same Anarchist
predators, and impending attack from wild and domesticated ani- alignment (a compatible match), or that despite the selfish align-
mals, predatory monsters and supernatural evil. +1 to dodge, +1 to ment, the good Covenant Falcon finds something about the person
save vs the Horror Factor of animals and monsters, and the person that it likes or finds interesting and positive.
develops perfect, sharp vision. If his eyesight was less than perfect If the Anarchist “partner” becomes too chaotic or his selfishness
(nearsighted, farsighted, etc.) prior to the union, it becomes perfect hurts others on a regular basis, the Covenant Falcon may choose to
within 48 hour of linking with a Covenant Falcon friend. abandon him in favor of someone with a closer alignment and tem-
The humanoid’s connection to the bird makes him aware of the perament. Note: When the Covenant Falcon breaks the symbiotic
meaning of the sounds it makes and recognizes the Covenant Fal- connection (or when it dies), the connection to it and any special
con’s battle cry and other sounds it makes when it is happy, sad, abilities and bonuses are immediately severed and gone.
angry, scared, concerned, agitated, etc. (clucks, chirps, whistles, It never bonds with evil or cruel beings, nor beings that enslave
shrieks, etc.). The person also becomes more aware, appreciative and abuse animals. Thus, they dislike Simvan, Horune Pirates,
and considerate of nature and animals in general. Minions of Splugorth, evil Shifters, Witches, and other cruel or evil
The connection to the Covenant Falcon and sharing its senses beings. They seem to favor Psi-Stalkers, Cyber-Knights, Lynn-
and emotions turns many partners/hosts (75%) into speed-freaks Srial, Native Americans, humans and D-Bees of good alignments.
who enjoy fast vehicles and flying by any means. And any fear For reasons unknown, Covenant Falcons generally avoid bond-
of heights is eliminated and he is impervious to any phobia about ing with Dog Boys and other animal-like mutants and D-Bees.
heights or speed while connected to the Covenant Falcon. This Perhaps they are seen as too animal-like or too unfamiliar and
might compel the character to want to ride in, or drive, fast ve- alien. The bird is incompatible and unable to bond with creatures
hicles like hovercycles, rocket bikes and jet packs. of magic and supernatural beings and never tries.


Stephen Schneider (Order #19360614)

Devil Kraken ing the vessel and devouring all hands. Only Horune vessels, with
their superior firepower and magical construction, are left alone
by the Devil Kraken. However, Horune in smaller vessels or who
By Kevin Siembieda fall overboard are fair game, and one or more Devil Kraken can
The Devil Kraken is the largest, and by far most dangerous and often be seen swimming alongside a Horune ship in hope of such
malicious sea monster along the Atlantic Coast of the Old Cana- an occurrence.
dian and American Empires. This aquatic behemoth happily cap- When a Devil Kraken attacks, the assault is so powerful and
sizes and sinks ships so it can gobble up crew members swept into destructive that few ships can survive its onslaught. The crew’s
the water and is said to even feed upon the Splugorth’s Metztla. A only chance is to outrun the monster (not likely), hold it at bay with
highly intelligent predator, it exhibits a malevolence and wicked- magic (a possibility), or destroy it (also not likely). Devil Kraken
ness that seems more demonic than animal. This is exhibited by do not like magic, and because they are the king of the sea, they
the fact that Devil Kraken are known to chase and harass ships have become lazy and do not usually press an attack on a vessel
and capsize vessels for the sheer enjoyment of watching the sailors that requires too much work and energy. Not when there is easier
scream, panic and drown. The Devil Kraken makes no distinction prey to be had.
between the vessels of men and those piloted by otherworldly crea- Though named the Devil Kraken, this beast is not the tentacled
tures like the Splugorth, and may attack any boat or ship for no behemoth that many people envision when they hear the name
reason at all. Likewise, the monster is known to play cat and mouse “Kraken.” This monster is a massive, armored fish larger than the
games, toying with the captains of ships, chasing vessels and creat- Blue Whale. As if it is a leviathan from prehistoric times, the Devil
ing as much fear and apprehension as it can conjure. Sometimes Kraken is covered in thick, spiked, armored plates running along
when it tires of such games, the Devil Kraken simply swims away the top of its body. The underside is plated too, but these plates are
much to the surprise and relief of the ship’s crew. However, more thinner and more vulnerable to attack. The mouth of the massive
often than not, the creature ends the game by sinking or capsiz- creature is full of razor sharp teeth, each as long as a man or larger,

Stephen Schneider (Order #19360614)

the longest teeth recorded measuring 8 feet (2.4 m) in length. Its *Eyes (2) – 60 each
armored plates are black or brown in color, giving it the ability to *Teeth (over 100) – 100 each
hide in the muddy and murky waters of the Long Island Sound and Fins (4) – 500 each
Hudson Bay. Its head is tipped with two small horns on either side Tail Fin – 1050
of a very long, thick spike extending from the center of its head **Plated Dorsal Fin – 1,000
plate, and which is used to ram ships, and gore large sea creatures **Dorsal Armor Plates (9) – 1,200 each
such as Horned Whales, which they despise. **Belly Armor Plates (9) – 450 each
The Devil Kraken is known to grow to be twice the size as Main Body – 4,300 on average (P.E. attribute number x 200)!
the Horned Demon Fish, another resident creature of the Long * Items marked with an asterisk are difficult to hit so the
Island Sound, and the northeastern coast of the Old American and attacker must make a Called Shot, and even then is -4 to strike.
Canadian Empires in the Atlantic ocean. Some researchers wonder ** One of the Dorsal Armor Plates or one of the Belly Armor
if the Devil Kraken is a natural predator from the same world as Plates must first be destroyed before damage may be assigned
the Horned Whales, as both share the trait of horns and armored to the Main Body. If only one of the plates is destroyed, the
hides, as well as a deep-seated hatred for one another other. All attacker must make a Called Shot at -8 to strike. If 2-4 Dorsal
three – the Horned Demon Fish, Devil Kraken and Horned Whale Armor Plates are destroyed then the attacker is only -2 to strike.
– are known to attack and feed upon each other, especially upon If more are destroyed, then there is no need for a Called Shot
juveniles yet to reach full maturity. and no penalties are assigned.
It is important to note that the Devil Kraken is a predator driven Note: On S.D.C. worlds, the beast has a main body of
by animal instinct and dark emotions, but also possesses near hu- 4D6x100 S.D.C., 3D6x100+400 Hit Points and a Natural A.R.
man intelligence. The Horune and others insist Devil Krakens are of 17. All other body locations have S.D.C. equal to the M.D.C.
much more intelligent than whales and dolphins, that they set un- number listed above (400 M.D.C. = 400 S.D.C.). The damage
derwater traps (i.e. use treasure or a ship or submersible in distress inflicted by the creature does an equivalent amount of S.D.C.
to lure more victims to it), set ambushes, lay in wait, can learn and points rather than M.D. (i.e. 2D6 M.D. = 2D6 S.D.C.).
understand a number of human languages, and have the ability to
cast spell magic. Devil Kraken are also known to sometimes agree Horror Factor: 17 for adults, 14 for juveniles that are half the
to serve wicked practitioners of magic and powerful evil beings, size.
including the Naut’Yll and the Lord of the Deep. A fact that can Size: On average 200 feet (61 m) long, but the largest one known
be confirmed by some Ocean Wizards, Lemurians and members of to live in the Long Island Sound, an ancient male, is 400 feet
Captain Nemo-2’s New Navy. Oddly enough, Devil Kraken never (122 m) long and has a Main Body M.D.C. of 5,800.
willingly serve the Splugorth or their minions, and are known to Weight: 60-110 tons!
attack the Metztla. More often than not, these cruel monsters of the Average Life Span: Unknown. Believed to live 200-400 years. It
deep seem to exist only to gorge themselves, cause pain for others takes 3D6+20 years for a Devil Kraken to reach full, physical
and bring suffering into the world. maturity. No one knows its mating habits, but it is believed that
The Devil Kraken is something of a contradiction in that it is a female gives birth to one or two live young as often as every
smart enough to understand human emotions and desires as well as 20 years. Young are half the size of a mature adult and stay with
possessing the ability to cast magic and use simple strategies and their mother for the first 12 years of their life.
tactics and wage war against surface dwellers. Yet they seem to P.P.E.: 2D6x100; on average 700 P.P.E.
have no aspirations or culture, or technology, which is why some Disposition: Aggressive and cruel, these wicked creatures thrive
believe they may actually be some sort of demon or sub-demon. on carnage and death, but are also lazy and gluttonous. Devil
Some legends suggest Devil Kraken arrived during one of the De- Kraken prefer to expend energy only when it can get them an
mon Plagues that brought Archaic Demons during the Great Cata- easy meal or terrorize sentient beings, preferably both at the
clysm. Lemurians and True Atlanteans can confirm the creature same time, or when angered and looking to exact bloody re-
did not exist on ancient Earth, more evidence that it is an alien venge. They willfully inflict suffering upon seafarers and
from the Rifts. people living along the coast through acts of aggression, and
unleash magically induced storms and other acts of evil for the
Devil Kraken – Aquatic Carnivore pure devilish joy of seeing other beings suffer.
Also Known As: The Demon of the Sound and Sea Spear. Equivalent Skill Abilities: Language: Demongogian at 90%,
Alignment: Diabolic. These creatures live only to inflict pain Language: Other at 60% (can learn as many as six additional
and feed upon other creatures, targeting the innocent and good languages), Land Navigation 90% but as it applies to underwa-
whenever possible. ter and coastal landmarks, as well as following the electromag-
Attributes: I.Q. 2D6+10 (high animal or near human intelligence), netic highways underwater the same as whales and dolphins;
M.E. 1D6+16, M.A. 1D6+10, P.S. 2D4+50 (Supernatural), P.P. Prowl 60% (underwater), Swimming 98%, and Tailing (ships
1D6+10, P.E. 1D6+20 (Supernatural), P.B. 2D6, Spd 1D6+72 and large animals) 85%.
swimming or 52 mph (83 km or 46 knots). It can maintain max- Natural Abilities: Swim, Nightvision 2,000 feet (610 m), see the
imum speed for eight hours before needing to reduce speed. invisible, see in murky water, Bio-Regenerates at 6D6 M.D.C.
Can swim indefinitely at 25 mph (40 km), can dive 1,000 feet per hour, armor plates and horns Bio-Regenerate at 1D4x10
(305 m) and survive depths of six miles (9.6 km) and greater. M.D.C. per day and a lost eye in 5D6 days.
M.D.C. by Location: Reduce M.D.C. by half when the monster is Chemoreceptor (Special): Enables the Devil Kraken to lo-
a juvenile not yet fully mature. cate prey and detect minute changes in the chemical composi-
Large Horn (1, head) – 1,000 tion of the water. Identify chemicals by taste 60%, track by taste
Small Horns (2, head) – 400 each 50% (+20% to track blood). Range: One mile (16 km).

Stephen Schneider (Order #19360614)

seaweed, underwater city, etc.), determine the speed a vessel or
animal is traveling, dodge attackers, navigate, measure depth,
determine the speed and direction of the ocean current, and
make precision maneuvers.
This ability is so sensitive and precise that it can identify
and locate each and every species of fish (animal or humanoid)
in the area being probed, determine the approximate number of
fish in the school, their relative size and speed, and the direction
of travel. To belabor the point, a Devil Kraken can pinpoint the
location of a 5 mm copper wire on the ocean floor. Base Skill:
30% +5% per level of experience. Range: 1,000 feet (305 m)
for maximum accuracy. Up to 2,000 feet (610 m) but at a skill
penalty of -20%.
Attacks per Melee: Seven.
Fin Strike – 1D4x10+12 M.D.
Restrained Head Butt or Tail Strike – 5D6 or 1D4x10 M.D.
Full Strength Head Butt/Horn Attack – 1D6x10+20 M.D.
Power Head Butt – 3D6x10 M.D., but counts as two attacks.
Charging Ram – 4D6x10 M.D., but counts three attacks.
Full Speed Ram (special): 1D6x100 M.D., plus there is a
90% chance that the Devil Kraken capsizes any ship smaller
Depth Tolerance (Special): Five miles (8 km). than 100 feet (30.5 m), a 01-60% chance it capsizes a ship up
Sense Magnetic North (Special): Like dolphins and whales, to 600 feet (183 m) in length, and a 30% chance to capsize a
unless injured or sick, the Devil Kraken can always tell where ship up to 1,000 feet (305 m) in length. Only capital ships and
magnetic north is precisely located. This is an immense help in carriers cannot be capsized by this attack. Note: The Full Speed
navigating the oceans. A powerful blow to the head may tem- Ram counts as all 7 of its attacks for one full melee round.
porarily (3D6 minutes) knock out this ability. One favorite tactic is to engage in a Full Speed Ram while
Electromagnetic Sensitivity: The ability to sense the electro- using the spell Air Swim to strike the deck and hit levels of
magnetic activity in the brain and neural circuitry in the bodies a vessel above the waterline. The Devil Kraken finds that the
of living beings, including dolphins, whales, humans and most sight of it swimming through the air, charging a ship is a terrify-
D-Bees. Like a living E.E.G. and E.K.G. machine, the creature ing image for humans and D-Bees, more so than a water attack.
can detect signals from the brain, recognize deficiencies and Bonuses (in addition to possible attribute bonuses): +3 to Per-
aberrations and pinpoint the cause, such as blood clots, tumors, ception Rolls, +3 on initiative, +5 to strike, +2 to parry and
brain or spinal damage, heart problems, paralysis, physical and dodge, +3 to roll with impact, +4 to save versus psionics and
internal injury, fatigue, and pain. They can also detect brain im- mind control, +4 to save versus magic, and +4 to save vs Horror
plants, the presence of psionic abilities and whether the creature Factor. Note: These bonuses only apply while in water. Reduce
is a Minor, Major or Master Psychic, and use this ability to lo- by half when in the air or forced onto dry land; round down.
cate and select the most vulnerable prey as their primary target! Vulnerabilities: All Mega-Damage weapons inflict their usual
This ability also helps the Devil Kraken to sense and actually damage, and electric-based attacks inflict 50% greater damage.
see electromagnetic energy that is invisible and often undetect- Magic: The Devil Kraken knows the following Ocean Magic
able by humans and D-Bees. They see, feel, recognize and can spells (see Rifts® Underseas or Rifts® Book of Magic).
follow energy trails in the earth like highways or roads with P.P.E.: 2D6x100, on average, 700 P.P.E. is typical.
identifying markers to better navigate the oceans and seas even Air Swim (15), Breathe Air (5), Water Spout (12), Flying
in complete darkness. It also enables the creature to follow elec- Fish (8; only on itself, which is a truly terrifying sight to be-
tromagnetic trails left by ships and submarines (trail disappears hold), Impervious to Cold (10), Water Wall (10 or 25), Impervi-
after 20 minutes and cannot be followed after that time) and to ous to Electricity (20), Whirlpool (50), Communicate with Sea
recognize the “signature” of specific types of marine vessels by Creature (10), and Change Current (15). Also knows the Water
their E.M. signature alone. Range: 30 feet (9 m) when scanning Elemental spells of Command Fish (10), Hail (20), Shards of
people, 3,000 feet (914 m) when scanning or trailing E.M. sig- Ice (15), Wall of Ice (20), Hurricane (50), and Summon Storm
natures of vessels, and 3 miles (4.8 km) when reading the E.M. (100), all used to create mayhem, suffering and loss of life.
lines in the earth. Spells are cast as an 8th level spell caster; 4th for juveniles.
Sonic Echolocation: By bouncing sounds (clicks, whistles, Psionics: None.
etc.) off an area and interpreting the bounced back signal, the Habitat: Theoretically, the Devil Kraken can survive almost
Devil Kraken can see by creating sound images. The echoloca- anywhere there is deep water since they can exist in both salt
tion sound system enables the monster to accurately see and and fresh water. Thankfully, their numbers are believed to be
understand its environment better than vision alone, and it can comparatively small, perhaps less than a hundred. A dozen are
“see” in total darkness, identify and locate objects, fish, humans known to exist in the waters around Madhaven (the island of
and other creatures even in mixed groups, identify power armor, Manhattan, New York), and others are found in the Long Is-
ships, submarines, and other sea vessels, obstacles and land for- land Sound and throughout the northern Atlantic, particularly
mations (underwater mountains, ravines, trenches, shipwrecks, along the East Coast of Canada from Newfoundland to North


Stephen Schneider (Order #19360614)

Carolina, and the Demon Sea (Bermuda Triangle). However, of its forearms are large scythe-like claws for slashing and dis-
the creature can be found anywhere in the Atlantic Ocean, and emboweling prey, and its prehensile tail ends in a similar hooked
from time to time, has been reported along the coastal waters blade that functions as a slashing sickle.
of Dinosaur Swamp, the Gulf of Mexico, the Carribean Islands, The beast’s six, yellow eyes, four large, two small, gives it
Atlantis, Greenland, and Iceland. Unknown to people in North excellent vision and the ability to see the invisible. Three curved
America, the monsters also exist in the Arctic Ocean, particu- horns protrude from the center of the head. Each measure 3-4 feet
larly around England, Scandinavia and the coast of northern (0.9 to 1.2 m) and used to help parry incoming attacks from other
Russia. giant predators like the Tyrannosaurus Rex, or used to stab and
Enemies: Splugorth and their minions, humans, Atlanteans, Lem- gore such mighty opponents. Boney ridges encircle and protect the
urians, dragons, and all intelligent creatures of a good or giving eyes and the skull is thick and hard. The jaw is heavily muscled
nature. They also attack anyone who is invading their domain to bite through the toughest hide, and it can unhinge, like a boa
or dares to challenge them in combat. The monsters’ list of ene- constrictor, to swallow large hunks of meat and prey whole. Long,
mies changes as quickly as they change their minds, and the list curved, dagger-like teeth fill the Devilsaurus’ mouth, and a three-
always keeps growing. The Lord of the Deep and its minions pronged prehensile tongue functions as an extra appendage with
are regarded as a dangerous rival, but sometime young or rogue which to ensnare prey and pull them into the monsters’s slobbering
Devil Kraken serve as one of its minions. maw. Many say the monster’s tooth-filled maw is like the Gates of
Allies: None per se. Loners, most Devil Kraken don’t even like to Hell bringing pain and death to all who enter.
associate with their own kind except to mate or to gang up on The claws are as long as short swords and curved like scythes.
a common enemy like the Lemurians, the large submersibles Each hand has three, clawed fingers, but no thumb, so the Devil-
of the New Navy, and Minions of Splugorth including Metz- saurus cannot grasp or hold objects. Instead, the claws are used
tla. Devil Kraken rarely school together, but Devil Kraken have entirely as weapons that slash, slice, gut, and skin prey. Its tail is
been known to lead small groups (2D4) of lesser sea monsters completely prehensile and serves many purposes. As a weapon, it
such as young Devil Kraken, Horned Demon Fish, Dragonfish, can strike like a whip or use the sickle-like hook at the end of the
Aqua Hydras, and Water Serpents. tail to rip opponents apart and eviscerate prey. The Devilsaurus
Value: None, even their meat tastes rancid and foul and their ar- has such control over its tail that the hook is used to torture and
mor weighs tons and becomes brittle and useless when the mon- skin prey alive. The tail is also used to anchor the great beast by
ster dies. wrapping around trees or boulders, as well as provide additional
Note: Originally appeared in Rifts® World Book 29: Madhav- balance, strike at more than one adversary or prey, and function as
en™, page 94. a rudder and means of propulsion when the creature is in the water.
Double-jointed limbs enable the Devilsaurus to twist and turn
at impossible angles while running and attacking, as well as when
Devilsaurus Dinosaur laying completely flat on the ground or in the water where it swims
like a snake; the tail doing most of the work. Although the Devil-
By Todd Yoho and Kevin Siembieda saurus would appear to be a land creature, it has gills on the sides
A frightful monstrosity that could very much be the answer to of its neck, and can swim through water like a serpent, its arms and
the question, “What do you get when you cross a demon with an legs tucked to its side as its long tail provides locomotion through
Allosaurus?” The answer, a Devilsaurus. A predatory dinosaur the water. This enables the monster to prowl and hunt in forests,
that could have been spawned from the deepest pits of Hell. swamps, lakes, and at sea with equal efficiency. Some believe the
There can be little doubt this creature is not of Earthly origin. monster originates from the Demon Sea (Bermuda Triangle) and
Yet some people have speculated the Devilsaurus may be an Earth found its way to Dinosaur Swamp and the shores of Atlantis. Ho-
dinosaur, such as an Allosaurus, that has been mutated by magic rune Pirates insist the creature mates and spawns in the Demon
or strange dimensional energy. They support their theory by point- Sea and Sargasso Sea, before returning to the Preserve on Atlantis
ing out its many unusual and monstrous features, such as multiple or mainland Florida. As a result, this versatile predator can be en-
eyes, weird feet and tongue, and its ability to speak. However, such countered at sea and on land along Dinosaur Swamp an and coastal
oddities could be just as true of a monster from an alien world area in the Gulf of Mexico. Indeed, many a sailor can attest to see-
come to Earth via the Rifts. ing one or more Devilsaurus swimming across the surface or just
Others have pointed a suspicious finger the Splugorth. Wonder- below the waves in all these waters.
ing if the Devilsaurus might be the creation of a twisted Bio-Wiz- Perhaps the most frightening thing about the Devilsaurus is
ard experiment. This theory has gained some traction since people its almost human level intelligence. This becomes evident dur-
have reported seeing the dinosaurs in The Preserve on Atlantis and ing combat. The creature is seldom reckless nor rushes into battle.
at sea swimming around its shores. The Devilsaurus has also been Rather, it watches and observes before it strikes. Taking note of
reported in the Sargasso Sea and in ocean waters around Dinosaur possible traps and ambush points and sizing up its opposition.
Swamp. An animal that is at home both on land and sea is one more When it is ready, the monster lays in ambush and uses the ele-
weird aspect to this wicked monster. That said, its primary habitat ment of surprise. The Devilsaurus likes to watch its intended prey
and hunting grounds appears to be the forests and marshlands of from a distance and waits for an opportune moment to strike. The
Dinosaur Swamp and the Gulf Coast States. monster enjoys toying with its victims and may kill on a whim, for
Local people in Dinosaur Swamp claim this vicious predator is pleasure, or out of revenge. The monster often captures prey, keep-
smarter than an Alien Rex, as deadly as an Allosaurus and scarier ing it alive for hours, even days, while it inflicts crippling wounds
than a Tyrannosaurus Rex. It is a hairless, warm-blooded animal, and engages in acts of torture such as flaying of the skin, severing
with greenish-grey colored skin, pale red or tan underbelly, yellow tendons, removing an eye, and other acts of cruelty. There is no fun
eyes, and egg-shell colored horns, spines and claws. At the end in killing right away, unless it is hungry. That’s the thing, the Dev-


Stephen Schneider (Order #19360614)

ilsaurus likes to stalk and kill for pleasure. And like serial killers ing its intended victims into darkness to create fear and to hamper
who keep a trophy of their victims, the Devilsaurus likes to keep a their ability to see and fight. It is also known to target bridges, tear
collection of skulls, bones, armor, and weapons as souvenirs of its down camouflage and hunter blinds, eliminate communications
triumphs over humanoids, one of its favorite prey animals. and sensor systems, destroy a tire or tread to cripple a vehicle,
The monster’s intelligence and understanding of humans and and take out a weapon turret or gun arm, to completely destroy-
D-Bees gives the animal a distinct advantage over them. Most ing a vehicle and chasing down the people later. Depending on
people assume animals are dumb compared to themselves, so the people it has targeted and their possession and tech level, the
whenever the Devilsaurus realizes its human or D-Bee targets beast may slaughter or chase away riding animals, target leaders
are not familiar with it, the monster uses that lack of knowledge and weak points in the defenses, even kidnap people’s loved ones,
against them and to its advantage. For example, the Devilsaurus is and similar tactics.
likely to pretend to be a dumb animal, like an ordinary dinosaur, Many a Devilsaurus has used captured technology, magic
and may pretend to be injured, confused or fearful to trick people items, and other objects it recognizes as having value to people,
into underestimating it and lure them closer to it, and their doom. as bait to lure people into its clutches. Likewise, the horrid beast
This understanding of people includes a rudimentary comprehen- may take people and hold them captive, including women and
sion of their machines and an ability to recognize the importance children, as bait to draw people out of hiding and force rescuers
that a particular machine or device may have for that person(s). and heroes to come to it to rescue them. Coming to a Devilsaurus
A Devilsaurus cannot use modern weapons and devices, nor pilot is always a dangerous proposition, because it will be ready and
vehicles, but it understands the danger they represent or the value/ waiting. Moreover, the wicked and cunning monster is almost
importance they hold. As a result, the beast may try to circumvent certain to have 1D4 other Devilsaurus hiding and waiting at am-
a combat vehicle or remove it from an opponent’s arsenal before bush locations. Not only that, but the monsters will have an exit
an all-out attack. Barbarians and adventurers in Dinosaur Swamp strategy. If the ambush and subsequent battle does not go their
have reported the Devilsaurus stealing, damaging and destroying way, the monsters will have more than one escape route planned.
weapons, armor and vehicles in deliberate and calculated acts of A lone monster, pair or a family pack (two adults and some ju-
sabotage before it returns to attack and slaughter an entire party. veniles or babies) may also use one or more natural traps waiting
The Devilsaurus is known to knock out a generator at night, cast- for the would-be rescuers. This includes things like quicksand,

Stephen Schneider (Order #19360614)

Dinostang Dinosaur
By Charles Walton Jr. and Kevin Siembieda

It is unknown whether this is a dinosaur-like creature that

heralds from beyond the Rifts, or is a dinosaur from Earth’s past
(though there is no such a creature in Earth’s known fossil record).
It is possible the Dinostang could be the creation of magical or
genetic engineering by the likes of the Splugorth or Lemurians,
though both deny it. The reason for such speculation is because
the Dinostang is easy to domesticate and train, the animal is calm
under fire, and it makes a reliable, fast, surefooted, armored war
steed. Since the discovery that the Dinostang can be easily do-
mesticated, its use as an intelligent and loyal Mega-Damage riding
animal has increased dramatically.
The Dinostang gets its name from the New West cowboy-ad-
venturer Chris Gravel said to have been the first to tame the wild
creature and use it as steed. He called it a “Dinostang” because,
to him, it was dinosaur-horse. To this day it can be seen grazing
in the open plains with other dinosaurs or running with wild mus-
tangs. While there is considerable question as to whether he was
the first to domesticate and use Dinostangs as a riding animal –
Native Americans are said to have ridden Dinostangs for 50 years
prior – Chris Gravel was the first to capture, domesticate and sell
the animal as a war mount in large numbers on the open market. It
was his marketing of the Dinostang to people fleeing into the Pecos
Empire and New West to escape Coalition States occupation that
brought the “Dinostang” to the public’s attention. The catchy name
has stuck despite the fact that the so-called Dinostang “dinosaur-
horse” is a not a dinosaur at all.
In fairness to Gravel, the animal does resembles a cross between
a large horse and a Pachycephalosaurus or Ankylosaurus, and even
a Stegosaurus. It has the thick-dome head, crown of horns, lizard-
like features and beak mouth of the Pachysaurus along with the
armored body and spiked tail of the Ankylosaurus or Stegosaurus.
However, while many people, including scholars, rank it as a di-
nosaur, the Dinostang is a warm-blooded quadruped, built more
like a horse or rhinoceros, than a dinosaur, and is capable of long-
distance running and agility. It is a herbivore that is not aggressive
toward humans or most other animals, and in the wild is often seen
grazing with other herbivores from horses, bison and Aegis Buf-
falo, to a wide variety of herbivorous dinosaurs.
Its thick, hard skull crowned in short spikes, gives the Di-
nostang the means to defend itself with vicious head butts and
ramming attacks against threatening rivals and predators. Its long
thick tail that ends in spikes is the other weapon in its arsenal.
The tail is used like a counterweight when running and turning at
high speeds, but gives the animal a defensive weapon to bat away
wolves, raptors and other predators or troublesome people. At the
tip of the tail are three sets of spikes that can be used for clobbering
and slashing pursuers even when running at top speed.


Stephen Schneider (Order #19360614)


Stephen Schneider (Order #19360614)

chase away sharks, and keep its shipmates in good spirits with en-
chanting stories and tall tales?
Back on dry land, the Dragon Ray can engage in delivering
messages to neighboring towns, villages and farms, run messages
and/or bring basic supplies to ships at sea, help hunt game animals
and find people lost in the wilderness (and at sea), as well as warn
of approaching storms and terrestrial threats, chase away preda-
tors, aid in the defense of a community or ship, barter for goods

Dragon Ray
and services, serve as a diplomatic liaison, and most of all, tell
stories and entertain people.
Dragon Rays seem to have an unlimited library of yarns about
By Kevin Siembieda the sea and waterways, exotic lands, and sea creatures as well as
Dragon Rays are sentient beings with intelligence on par with stories, legends and rumors about Lemurians, the Naut’Yll, Whale
humans. They are included in the Rifts® Bestiary because of their Singers, the Lord of the Deep, and epic adventures on land and sea.
animal appearance and nomad ways of the wandering hunter. The Some stories are humorous, some dramatic, others scary, and some
creature can be any alignment, but the vast majority seem to be are life’s lessons, but they are always entertaining, though seldom
good or selfish. The creature is a large, elegant and graceful being very informative. Most Dragon Rays love to chat and tell stories so
of air and water. It resembles a serpentine dragon with leathery much, that they cheerfully do so at the drop of a hat. The slightest
wings for arms and a snaking body instead of hind legs. A bony amount of encouragement can keep these affable creatures talking
ridge runs along the spine from the back of the head to the tip of and spinning yarns for hours. This can be fun and entertaining, but
the tail, and ends in a flat, spatula shaped fin. The underside of the also a problem when the creature is supposed to be on guard duty
tail is rimmed with a pair of similar bony protrusions which helps or doing some other time sensitive or important chore. Telling sto-
to dissuade giant predators from taking a bite out of it. ries or listening to them from other people, makes the Dragon Ray
The Dragon Ray has adapted well to life on Rifts Earth which easily distracted and forgetful.
is very similar to its alien homeworld. Despite its aquatic nom de For anyone who spends any amount of time with a Dragon Ray,
plume, the Dragon Ray is equally at home underwater, soaring in it becomes clear that they are prone to exaggeration and extrapo-
the air, and on dry land, but usually lives underwater or near a body late upon their stories for dramatic effect. However, they spin such
of water so that it can elude trouble on dry land. spellbinding tales that anybody seldom cares if the story is only
On land they can “snake” along the ground with relative ease, half true. Telling tall-tales for laughs and amusement is one thing,
their wings folded and tucked behind them. Or the creature may but some, especially Dragon Rays of Anarchist or evil alignments,
pull itself along by its wingtips like a bat. Their wing-arms are can turn into compulsive liars. The most cunning and foul-hearted
surprisingly strong and articulated with a single, pointed tip on may be confidence artists, thieves, pirates, spies, and assassins
each wing that can be used like a powerful finger. This “finger” can who use their masterful storytelling abilities and natural charisma
be used to operate computers and machines – Dragon Rays love to win people’s trust so they can trick them, rob them, hurt them,
electronics and computers – and are also strong enough to enable take advantage of their kindness, and talk themselves out of trou-
the beast to climb or perch on a branch, cliff, rooftop or the side of ble or weasel themselves out of work.
a building like a giant bat. Underwater, the wings and tail are used Evil Dragon Rays may conquer and rule a community through
to glide on water currents, swim and dive with the same grace and lies and deceit or via treachery and fear. Weaving stories about
speed as a manta-ray. And though the Dragon Ray sometime pre- monsters and dangers that do no exist, but which make people
tends they are only able to pull themselves along the ground and kowtow to their demands or hire them as their protector. Masters
when swimming, especially if the creature is a con artist or thief, of gab and bluffing, a conniving and scheming Dragon Ray can be
they can fly and soar through the sky with the skill and control of quite convincing and threatening when it wants to be. A Dragon
an eagle. Ray may prefer to work alone, looking for power and/or wealth for
The ever curious Dragon Ray is a friendly and social creature itself, or happily work with brigands such as bandits, pirates, mer-
fascinated by other sentient beings, especially humans and D- cenaries, monsters, and demons. In most cases, the Dragon Ray is
Bees. In fact, the creature likes to join adventurers and heroes on either the person in charge or the one pulling the strings.
their travels to see the world, meet new people and to share adven- This is an intelligent, social, Mega-Damage creature that pos-
tures. Dragon Rays have excellent memories and dramatic speak- sesses great respect for other life forms, particularly fellow sentient
ing voices which they use to exchange stories and information. beings. In the wild, they hunt fish, sea mammals, and small- to
The beast loves to hear stories almost as much as they like to tell medium-size animals. And yes, they usually eat them raw, like an
stories. The intelligent creature has no aversion to physical labor animal. That said, Dragon Rays only hunt and eat what they need,
and is happy to contribute to its “team” or any community that and generally try to live in harmony with their environment and
welcomes it into their fold. The creature almost always seems to other people. As omnivores, the beast can eat prepared, cooked
become an active and well-liked resident of the places where they and processed foods from meats to fruit, salads and seaweed, to
put down roots. Fishing villages, seafarers and coastal communi- cakes and processed grain. However, the Dragon Ray’s favorite
ties frequently and happily adopt one or a few of these gregari- food is fish, squid, crustaceans/shellfish, seaweed, and fresh caught
ous creatures. What better towns-person to have than one that can animals.
help find the best places to fish, scout ahead, guide vessels through While some people mistake Dragon Rays to be small dragons,
treacherous waters and through fog, fly up into the sky ahead to and the ignorant and fearful might think they are baby dragons,
watch for storms or pirates and other dangers, assist in searches they are not. And though some Dragon Rays learn to wield magic
and rescue missions, pull small boats and rafts in distress to safety, – a rarity, as most Dragon Rays are too laid back, undisciplined

Stephen Schneider (Order #19360614)

and curious about the world to master the secrets of magic – they They appreciate technology and use bits and pieces of it, like
are not creatures of magic. Instead, the unique beings rely upon computers, cameras, recorders, and radios, but are not techno-
their physical and psychic abilities, clever minds, and gift for gab philes. Computers and recorders are used to record their adven-
to survive in the world of humans and D-Bees. Few Dragon Rays tures and keep audio journals to memorialize their adventures and
may learn magic and cast spells, but most love to collect magic to record stories and history. Nor do they build machines or cities,
items and see the value of magic. they live off the land, and though social, they prefer the compa-

Stephen Schneider (Order #19360614)

ny of people other than their own kind. Their greatest pleasure is everything interesting. All of which can be endearing or an-
meeting new sentient beings, learning about them and their ways, noying traits depending upon the individual Dragon Ray and
and spending time with people to share their stories. circumstance.
Equivalent Skill Abilities of the Typical NPC Dragon Ray: The
Dragon Ray – Omnivore Land and Sea Creature skills listed are the most common and typical of Dragon Rays; a
Also Known As: The False Dragon and Kite Dragon. blend of practical survival and communication skills.
Alignment: Any, but most are Scrupulous (30%), Unprincipled Basic Math 80%, Barter 85%, Climbing 80/70%, Dowsing or
(25%), or Anarchist (25%). Find Contraband 70% (pick one), Intelligence 75%, Land Navi-
Attributes: I.Q. 2D6+5, M.E. 2D6+10, M.A. 2D6+18, P.S. gation 90%, Lore: One of choice 70%, Palming or Pick Pockets
1D6+19 (Supernatural), P.P. 2D6+8, P.E. 2D6+11, P.B. 2D6+8, 80% (pick one; done via mouth, wing fingers, and Telekinesis),
Spd 1D6+19, or 15 mph (24 km) moving across the ground and Prowl 50% (+20% underwater and flying in the sky), Public
climbing along the sides of cliffs or tall buildings. Speaking 85%, Radio: Basic 80%, Sing or Computer Operation
Swimming speed up to 20 mph (32 km or 17.8 knots) and 70% (pick one), Swim 98%, Tailing 70% (+20% from the sky
can be maintained indefinitely. 30 mph (48 km or 26 knots) in or +10% underwater), Track Animals 80% (+10% to find fish),
short bursts lasting up to 10 minutes. Can swim and float indefi- and Track People or Detect Ambush 70% (pick one).
nitely, but must surface to breathe air every 60 minutes, like a O.C.C. Character Note: Instead of the skills above, a player
dolphin. Depth tolerance is one mile (1.6 km) character or specialized NPC (Non-Player Character) can se-
Flying speed up to 40 mph (64 km) can be sustained for up lect a specific O.C.C. available to humans and which does not
to seven hours. 60 mph (96 km) in short bursts up to 15 min- demand the use of hands with an opposable thumb. They tend
utes. 180 mph (288 km) when diving. It can also glide silently to be Wilderness Scouts, Explorers, Rogue Scholars, Vaga-
on air currents like an eagle. Maximum altitude is 30,000 feet bond, entertainers, and storytellers rather than warriors or la-
(9,144 m). borers. Remember, all Dragon Rays have a gift for gab and a
M.D.C. by Location: A Mega-Damage creature. high Mental Affinity regardless of their O.C.C.
*Head – 120 Those of a darker nature may be a Con Artist, Thief, Spy, or
*Tail – 110 even an Assassin. A small percentage (4%) are Mystics and a
*Wings (2; large) – 120 each tiny percentage (2%) are practitioners of magic, typically a Ley
Main Body – 1D6x10+130 Line Walker. In Europe and Russia, the Dragon Ray also be any
of the Gypsy O.C.C.s.
* A single asterisk indicates a small and/or difficult target Level of Experience: 1D6 or as set by the Game Master for NPCs.
to strike. The attacker must make a Called Shot to hit but still Player characters should start out at first level. Note: Use the
suffers a penalty of -3 to strike. experience table of the Psi-Stalker for the typical Dragon Ray
Note: On S.D.C. worlds, the Dragon Ray has a main body of NPC. Use the experience table of the chosen O.C.C. for those
1D6x10+30 S.D.C., 1D6x10+60 Hit Points and a Natural A.R. with a specific and specialized occupation as noted above.
of 13. All other body locations have S.D.C. equal to the M.D.C. Natural Abilities: Keen hawk-like vision that enables the beast
number listed above (125 M.D.C. = 125 S.D.C.). The damage to see a rabbit 2 miles (3.2 km) away, swim, fly, climb and
inflicted by the creature does an equivalent amount of S.D.C. scale walls/cliffs, impervious to cold (no damage), and has
points rather than M.D. (i.e. 2D6 M.D. = 2D6 S.D.C.). a prehensile tail that can be used to swat enemies. It can
Horror Factor: 9 when attacking or angry. remain on dry land indefinitely, but loves water and likes
Size: 16-20 feet (4.9 to 6 m) long from the snout to the tip of the to spend half its time in lakes, deep rivers, and seas; can
tail, with a wingspan of 20-25 feet (6.1 to 7.6 m) wide. Typi- hold its breath for 60 minutes. Bio-Regenerates 1D6 M.D.C.
cally 6-7 feet (1.8 to 2.1 m) tall standing raised up by its wing per hour, double on ley lines, and can completely regenerate
arms or coiled like a snake ready to strike. lost fins, parts of the tail, wing membrane, finger and spikes
Weight: 600 to 900 lbs (270 to 405 kg). along the spine and tail within 1D6+10 days and an entire
Average Life Span: 700-900 years, but according to rumors, wing within 2D6+22 days.
some have lived two or three times longer. The creature reaches Aquatic Abilities (special): A graceful swimmer completely
full adult size at the age of 20 and sexual maturity by age 30. comfortable underwater. Swimming speed is 30 mph (48 km
Females give birth to one, live young after carrying it for three or 26 knots), depth tolerance is one mile (1.6 km), and it can
years. Young typically stay with the mother until 20-30 years hold its breath for 60 minutes at a time. A Dragon Ray can also
old. Some Dragon Rays mate for life, but others do not. Either sense magnetic north the same as dolphins and whales and its
way, the raising of young usually falls to the female. underwater vision enables it to see in murky and dark waters,
P.P.E.: 1D6x10+18. Those with high P.P.E. (40 or more points) as well as through fog and rain up to 1,200 feet (366 m) ahead!
may be targeted for sacrifice in blood rituals by evil practitio- Flying Capabilities (special): 40 mph (64 km) up to seven
ners of magic and the likes of the Splugorth. hours. 60 mph (96 km) in short bursts, 30,0000 feet (9,144 m)
Disposition: Most are quick thinking, fast-talking, convincing, maximum Altitude. See Spd Attribute for additional details.
and confident. All Dragon Rays are impetuous and curious, Mid-Air leap: 30 feet (9.1 m) out of the water or from a
friendly and very affable. Heck, they are downright charismatic standing position without actually flying. Counts as two melee
and charming. Easily winning the trust and friendship of those attacks/actions.
they meet even when the creature may be a lying freeloader, Mid-Air Precision Leaping: 50 feet (15.2 m) out of the wa-
scoundrel, thief, or con artist. Most Dragon Rays are foolishly ter or from a standing position, performed to startle or attack
optimistic and cheerful even during dark times. They love to beings or vehicles flying close to the surface of the water or
adventure and explore. Their curious nature means they find ground, or to grab or knock an item out of an opponent’s hand.


Stephen Schneider (Order #19360614)

At sea, this is similar to the way a dolphin can leap out of the it, and some can be annoying with their stories, double-talk,
water. or con games. Dragon Rays of good alignment also tend to be
Quick Turns & Stops: Roll as if this maneuver was an auto- trusting of others, assuming the best in people.
matic dodge or parry. A roll of 12 or higher means success. A In a world dominated by humanoids, non-humans stand out
failed roll means the Dragon Ray could not turn, swerve or stop like a sore thumb. As a large, inhuman dragon-like creature, it is
in time and either zooms past its target or slams into something a target for people who hate, fear or hunt dragons and monsters.
or somebody. Does 3D6 M.D. impact damage to itself and 2D6 As a member of an adventuring group, it is likely to be targeted
M.D. to whatever it struck. first by an opponent who is likely to assume the Ray to be a
Speed Burst: Can swim or fly at double its normal speed for dragon or similar powerful creature. That makes it a primary
1D4+1 minutes. This maneuver can be performed six times per target to subdue or eliminate.
hour before tiring the Dragon Ray too much to try it again. This Magic: Only 4% of Dragon Rays are Mystics with psionic and
move is performed for a quick dodge (+2 in addition to other intuitive magic spell casting capabilities. A mere 2% actually
bonuses) or a quick strike (+2 in addition to other bonuses), or learn some form of magic, typically a Ley Line Walker, but
to move toward or away from somebody or some place quickly. most find the study of magic to be too tedious, demanding and
Tight circle/turn: Can make reasonably tight circles and time consuming to pursue. There’s too much else to see and do,
turns in an area as small as 21 feet (6.4 m) in diameter. so they tend to avoid magic O.C.C.s.
Understand and Speak all Languages (special): Magically Psionics: All Dragon Rays are Major psychics and possess the fol-
understand and speaks all languages at 80%. lowing abilities: Bio-Regeneration (Super, 20), Ectoplasm (6+;
Many Dragon Rays cannot read. They have considerable which they use to form hands to manipulate objects, use weap-
difficulty learning how to read the written word (-15%). It’s ons and operate machines), Resist Fatigue (4), Mind Block (4),
probably the way the Dragon Ray’s brain is wired as the crea- Total Recall (2), Speed Reading (2), and two of choice from
ture seems to have difficulty staying focused on any one subject Sensitive or Physical. I.S.P. Base: 1D6x10+18, plus 1D6+1 per
for very long. This is also why so few learn magic or study level of experience.
the sciences. Their animal instincts and way of life as hunters Habitat: Dragon Rays can live in fresh water or the sea for any
and wanderers has them constantly looking around – up, down, length of time, but like dolphins, must surface for air. The crea-
sideways and behind – for predators, danger, prey, things of ture can live on dry land and among the mountains such as the
interest, creatures to observe, exploring and opportunities for Alleghenies, but love the water and divides its time between the
fun, entertainment, and storytelling. land and water. Spending at least 40% of its time in the water,
Attacks per Melee Round: Five for adults, three for juveniles, even if it is only a small lake or river. Consequently, they are
two for young under the age of five. most commonly found living along the American and Canadian
Mega-Damage: May bite, head butt, swat with wings or tail and Atlantic coastline, the Great Lakes region and other places with
ram. large or many lakes, deep rivers, seas, and oceans. Dragon Rays
Bite, Restrained – 5D6 S.D.C. have been found living on islands and lazing on beaches of the
Bite, Full Strength – 3D6 M.D. Caribbean islands and the shores of Atlantis and Hudson Bay,
Head Butt, Restrained – 4D6 S.D.C. but don’t seem to care for hot climates.
Head Butt, Full Strength – 1D6 M.D. On the others side of the Atlantic Ocean, Dragon Rays have
Tail Slap, Restrained – 1D6 M.D. been encountered along the coasts of Greenland, Iceland, the
Tail Strike, Blunt, Full Strength – 2D6 M.D. British Isles, Scandinavia, Europe, and Northern Africa. They
Tail Strike, Power Punch – 4D6+2 M.D., but counts as two seem to prefer moderate to cool climates and stick mainly to the
attacks. Northern Hemisphere.
Wing Jab, Restrained – 4D6 S.D.C.
Wing Swat, Full Strength – 2D6 M.D.
Flying Body Ram – 3D6 M.D. and has a 70% chance of
knocking human sized opponents weighing less than a ton off
their feet, but counts as two melee attacks. Victims of a knock-
down lose initiative and two melee attack.
Bonuses (in addition to possible attribute bonuses): +2 on Per-
ception Rolls regarding tracking, tailing and searching as well
as looking for prey and fun, +3 to strike, +1 parry, +1 to dodge
on the ground, +3 to dodge underwater, and +4 to dodge in the
air, +1 to pull punch, +4 to roll with impact, +1 to save vs magic
and poison, +2 to save vs disease, +3 to save vs Horror Factor,
and Critical Strike (double damage) on the roll of a Natural 19
or 20. Note: Ranged weapons fired or melee weapons wielded
by Ectoplasm limbs do NOT get the bonuses above. Unmodi-
fied die rolls only.
Vulnerabilities: Mega-Damage weapons and attacks inflict full
damage, except cold; impervious to cold.
Fire attacks inflict 50% greater damage than normal.
Most Dragon Rays are so optimistic, confident, and glib, that
they sometimes get themselves into trouble before they realize


Stephen Schneider (Order #19360614)

Enemies: That depends on how you define “enemy.” Dragon big game hunters, slavers, the Coalition Army, and just about
Rays accept almost everyone, so from their point of view they anyone who assumes it is a dangerous monster and shoots first
have no enemies. On the other hand, many humans and D-Bees and asks questions later.
would see the Dragon Ray as a fearsome monster to be chased Dragon Rays are not very common, especially in dense pop-
away or destroyed. None per se. Evil beings tend to see the ulation centers like the cities and ‘Burbs of the Coalition States
good and kind Dragon Ray as a potential enemy, while large and other cities. The beast is most known and accepted by peo-
predators like Devil Kraken, Giant Squid, and others see them ple and communities living along the Atlantic coastline and the
as prey. Great Lakes region of the old American and Canadian Empires.
Allies: None per se, but they are attracted to humans, Lemurians, The farther west and south inland the Dragon Ray travels, most
most D-Bees, and anyone who is friendly toward them. Dragon people will have never seen or heard of one, especially west of
Rays are known to ally themselves with good, selfish and evil the Mississippi River. They are likely to mistake it for a dragon
beings and help people in trouble. They are, of course, smart or a dangerous monster, shoot first and ask questions later. Xe-
enough to recognize evil and murderous intelligent beings and nophobes like the Coalition States will only see a dangerous
avoid them unless the Dragon Ray is of similar alignment or monster to be exterminated, especially when they learn it pos-
targets them for some opportunity. sesses human intelligence and psionic abilities. For them, the
Ironically, Dragon Rays tend to avoid their own kind, ex- fact that the Dragon Ray is intelligent and can speak is all the
cept to mate. As a result, you rarely see more than 2-4 of them more reason to destroy it!
together at any given time, and when you do, it is probably a All of this makes playing a Dragon Ray as a player character
mother and her offspring. a challenge for both the player and the Game Master. Players
Value: None, per se. Some slavers, gladiatorial owners, Necro- may feel like their weird, inhuman character is constantly under
mancers, and mages are willing to pay 400-2,400 credits for attack and treated poorly, but that is the dangerous and xeno-
the beast. Sometimes captured and sold as slaves, arena com- phobic setting. Anyone playing a Dragon Ray needs to accept
batants, pets or for blood sacrifice. The Dragon Ray makes a that. Ultimately, it is the Game Master’s decision as to whether
terrible slave and attempts to escape at every opportunity, free- or not a Dragon Ray is allowed as a player character. Players,
ing others if it can, before flying away or diving into a body of please accept that decision whether you agree with it or not.

Dragon Wasp
Note: Originally appeared in Rifts® World Book 7: Rifts® Un-
derseas™, page 20.
Notes for using the Dragon Ray as a Non-Player Character or
NPC Villain: The Dragon Ray is one of those “animals” that By Greg Diaczyk and Kevin Siembieda
does not quite fit the definition of animal, nor does it fit the defi- The Dragon Wasp is one of many notable insects from another
nition of D-Bee, a bipedal, sentient humanoid. It may resemble dimension that has found a place in Rifts Earth’s ecosystem. First
a dragon, but it is not a creature of magic. Yes, it looks like an discovered by Christine Stevens, they get their name because they
animal and hunts, but it has human-level intelligence, similar somewhat resemble a dragon, especially while flying, and the fact
emotions and desires, can speak and likes the company of oth- that their venom burns like dragon fire. Dragon Wasps normally
ers. Thus, it makes for a strange and fun non-player character to measure one foot to one and a half feet (0.3 to 0.46 m) long. Their
encounter, or a possible ally and resource for the player group. wings resemble those of a dragon complete with a pair of spikes
In the alternative, a selfish and conniving Dragon Ray could that resemble the claws or fingers on the wings of bats and some
become a trouble-making con artist or affable scoundrel who dragons. Their long, curved toes also bring to mind the clawed feet
tricks and uses your heroes for its own gain. of dragons and the underside of the abdomen is a different color
An evil Dragon Ray might become a reoccurring villain and from the rest of the insect, again, reminiscent of the belly of a
adversary. Perhaps a member of the Black Market, or the leader dragon. When flying, long, white or bluish-white hairs rise up from
of a gang of bandits or raiders, or a treacherous trickster and its back in clusters to create the illusion of fins or spikes that run
opportunist who cheats and robs the ... well, everyone, rich and down the spine of many dragons. The fine hairs are longest toward
poor, the player characters included. A rare evil Dragon Ray the end of the wasp’s body, so when it takes flight they trail behind
might be a spy or thief or bounty hunter working for anyone and rather resemble the long tail of a dragon. Coloration is vari-
from the Federation of Magic or the Black Market, or the Splu- ous shades of red or orange with black markings, and a yellow or
gorth to Northern Gun or a powerful and ruthless power mon- cream colored underbelly, reddish-black eyes, and white or bluish-
ger, mercenary company, pirates, merchant, madman, or would white hairs along its back and rump. The insect’s jagged wings are
be king. Or function as the henchman of a nefarious monster. transparent with a bit of a blue or violet tint.
Can a Dragon Ray be a player character? Yes, provided There is one more reason for the Dragon Wasp’s name: when
the Game Master is comfortable with the character and allows it is found along ley lines or at nexus points, where the wasps of-
it in his or her game. If a dragon hatchling can be a player char- ten makes their nests, the insect is able to grow to giant-size (4-6
acter, a Game Master may want to allow a Dragon Ray as well. feet/1.2 to 1.8 m long), and becomes an M.D.C. creature! Nobody
However, unlike a dragon which can use its power of Metamor- understands exactly how this is possible. Thankfully, the Dragon
phosis to change its size and appearance to fit in among ordi- Wasp only grows giant when angry, threatened or it or the hive is
nary people, the Dragon Ray cannot. It is what it is, and there is attacked. That’s good news for people, because at giant-size the
no easy way to conceal its appearance and identity. That alone S.D.C. insect becomes an M.D.C. monster able to inflict Mega-
can make it very difficult to run as a player character and for the Damage with its bites and stings.
player to stay in character. Such a large, dragon-like creature Fast and agile fliers, just like their terrestrial wasp cousins,
cannot remain inconspicuous, and is likely to be a target for Dragon Wasps can hover stationary and fly with considerable

Stephen Schneider (Order #19360614)

speed and grace. The poison released by its sting is painful and was scrapped for fear that the Dragon Wasps would spread out
causes intense burning and numbness to cripple and terrify prey beyond the Xiticix Hivelands in search of easier prey, and become
before the wasp comes in for the kill, unleashing a barrage of another dangerous and invasive alien species to threaten human
stings and bites. Dragon Wasps do not lose their stinger after an existence.
attack and can sting many times to stab prey or to stab and inject Dragon Wasps are most aggressive and likely to hunt humans
more venom, causing greater fiery paralysis. when the bugs grow to giant-size along ley lines. People who are
An omnivore, Dragon Wasps are able to eat a wide range of injured or traveling alone in the forest are also at greatest risk of
food, including other large insects, their larvae, large to giant attack. People in M.D.C. armor are usually protected from the
spiders, sweet substances such as syrups, honey, jam, and soda foot-long insects, but even at this size, Dragon Wasps seem skilled
pop, as well as plant matter and fruit. However, these large in- at finding and attacking the weak spots in armor. And even the
sects prefer hunting and feeding upon live prey. Primary targets S.D.C. Dragon Wasp can be a nuisance, steal food and threaten
are small and medium-sized animals like birds, rabbits, squirrels, pets, riding animals and livestock.
other rodents, raccoons, possum, etc., but may include larger ani- Faeries, Sprites and other diminutive Faerie Folk have been
mals such as ground hogs, muskrats, beaver, cats, dogs, wild boar, known to establish their own villages near Dragon Wasp nests for
deer, caribou, and even humans and D-Bees, including Xiticix. additional protection. They befriend the insects with gifts of honey,
Those foolish enough to disturb or attack a Dragon Wasp’s mud syrups and fruit, and are able to magically Charm and ride Dragon
nest is likely to become dinner. The average nest is the size of van Wasps as war steeds or use them as pets and attack animals.
or small truck, sometimes larger, and inhabited by a minimum of
1D6x10+40 Dragon Wasps and a Queen. Dragon Wasp – Omnivore Insect
Dragon Wasps seem to prefer to prey upon insects, Xiticix Also Known As: Giant Wasps, Transforming Wasps and Faerie
and other insectoids and arachnoids over most people and large Dragons.
animals. As a result, they are more numerous in and around the
Alignment: Considered to be Anarchist or Miscreant.
Xiticix Hivelands and Great Lakes region. In fact, the Coalition
States once considered a plan of breeding and setting more Dragon Attributes (Adult): I.Q. 1D4+2 (low animal intelligence), M.E.
Wasps loose in Xiticix territory to hunt them. However, the plan 1D6+4, M.A. 1D6, P.S. 1D6+7 (Supernatural when giant), P.P.


Stephen Schneider (Order #19360614)

Eeracrech Riding Lizard do so. The beast can scale and run across the walls of cliff facings,
canyons and steep mountains as well the sides of buildings and the
ceilings of caves, with the same surefootedness as they do across
By Kevin Siembieda and Charles Walton Jr. flat ground. The creature loves sunny, hot, arid environments and
The Eeracrech is a giant, gold colored reptile from another can store enough water to survive for 36 days without water. More-
world. It is the size of a rhinoceros, though much leaner and built over, the animal gets most its fluids (85%) from the animals they
more like a cat than a rhino. Like a rhinoceros, it has a large horn hunt and eat.
on the tip of its nose used more for slashing and goring large prey The Eeracrech were first used as riding animals by the Simvan
rather than for ramming or butting. Like a bull, a pair of slightly Monster Riders. In response, Wild Psi-Stalkers began to use the
curved horns provide more combat capabilities. When the lizard beasts as war mounts as well. It was the Psi-Stalkers who realized
puts its head down low, it is getting ready to charge or pounce. Eeracrech can be tamed and began to trade domesticated, trained
Again, the lizard uses these horns to gore as well as to snag and Riding Lizards to human adventurers and mercenaries.
toss opponents aside or over its head. The lizard’s head is pro- A well-treated and well-fed Eeracrech Riding Lizard can be-
tected in combat by the horns and the animal’s thick skull. The come a loyal and reliable riding animal on par with a horse. As a
body of the lizard is covered in fine scales, predominantly golden result, they have a strong appeal to Simvan Warriors, Shemarri-
in color with a warm cream or creamy gray underbelly, brownish ans, Wild Psi-Stalkers, Pecos Bandits, Highwaymen, Raiders, and
red horns, black markings at the end of its tail and black claws. Its Shifters, as well as certain adventurers, Headhunters, mercenaries,
eyes a sparkling green. assassins, and D-Bees. Kittani and certain other Splugorth minions
The Eeracrech is much smarter than Earth lizards, exhibiting and off-world clients of the Splugorth, including Tattooed Men
an intelligence on par with a dog or horse. Its front legs and feet and the infamous Sunaj Assassins, find the Eeracrech to be very
actually resemble those of a feline, though its claws are not retract- desirable riding animals. They like that the animal has an M.D.C.
able. Its hind legs are built for running, leaping and climbing. The hide (no armor necessary), and Mega-Damage combat abilities,
back feet are large and clawed, but the bottoms of all four feet are but most of all, they appreciate the animal’s climbing and stealth
covered with suction-cup pads for climbing rock and scaling cliff capabilities. After all, there are few riding animals that are able
walls. The tail is longer than its body and used for balance as well to prowl, and fewer still that can climb and run along walls and
as to lash rivals and strike attackers like a whip, but it is not pre- ceilings, and when necessary, can be sent to fight an enemy like
hensile like a monkey’s tail. a trained attack dog. The perfect steed for an assassin or Raider.
In the wild, the Eeracrech is a savvy predator that hunts other Eeracrech Riding Lizards live to hunt, prowl and run. As long
reptiles, dinosaurs, bison and other herd animals, but most crea- as they have ample opportunity to do any or all of those things,
tures that are the same size or smaller than itself are regarded as they are happy and don’t mind having a rider on its back or a mas-
prey, including other predators like raptors. That should include ter issuing it commands. Adventurers, mercenaries and bandits
people. However, the lizard is smart enough to realize that human- who retire are wise to set their animal free or to sell it to someone
oids are different and dangerous, and that it never knows which who understands the Riding Lizard’s nature and needs. Assassins,
ones can strike back with Mega-Damage attacks of their own. As hunters and warriors love this creature, because it is not afraid of
a result, Eeracrech generally leave people alone, though the preda- combat, loves to tail and stalk prey (i.e. an enemy or game animal)
tor is happy to sneak over to raid and feed upon their cattle and and can do so with surprising stealth.
livestock. That changes when the creature is very hungry or if the
person seems to be sick, injured, or in a weakened state. Then all Eeracrech – Predatory Carnivore
bets are off and the reptile may attack. However, the Eeracrech is Also Known As: Eeracrech Stalker and the Silent Hunter.
more likely to attack and drag off a person’s horse, mule, or live- Alignment: Wild animals are considered Anarchist and danger-
stock than the person himself. ous. Domesticated animals often reflect the alignment of their
The Riding Lizard is surprisingly stealthy for an animal its size, master.
and possesses excellent running speed and the agility of a jungle Attributes: I.Q. 1D6+7 (high animal intelligence), M.E. 1D6+11,
cat. Whether a lone hunter, mated pair or small pack of 1D6+3 M.A. 1D6+13, P.S. 1D6+19 (Supernatural P.S.), P.P. 1D6+15,
animals, the Eeracrech usually stalks its prey, waiting for the right P.E. 1D6+19, P.B. 1D6+7, Spd, as detailed below.
moment to strike. Until that moment, it quietly prowls in as close 60 mph (96 km) at a full tilt but only in short bursts lasting
as it can, and waits to make its move. Launching an attack when 1D6+6 minutes, usually to catch prey or escape danger.
the prey has its back to it or is distracted by something else. Ex- 35 mph (56 km) at a steady run that can be maintained for
cellent wall climbers and leapers, the Eeracrech may surprise its five hours without pushing the animal beyond its limits.
prey by striking from above, especially in mountains, along cliffs 20 mph (32 km) at a steady trot which can be maintained for
and ravines, canyons and buttes, and in city environments from the eight hours with minimal fatigue.
walls of buildings. On the plains the lizard sneaks through the tall 20 mph (32 km) running across the sides of walls and build-
grass unseen and silent until it is too late. Rogue Scholars and sci- ing, or on ceilings.
entists have speculated the animal originates from a world that is 3-5 mph (4.8 to 8 km) walking.
mountainous or filled with canyons, ravines and caves. As a result, Like a horse, the Eeracrech switches up from a steady trot to
the Eeracrech has evolved to scale sheer cliffs and canyon walls or running, to a walk, back to a steady run, to allow the animal to
may live and hunt in cave networks. pace itself and avoid damaging exhaustion and physical stress.
Riding Lizards are especially desirable as riding animals in the Under normal conditions the animal seldom runs at maximum
deserts of Mexico and the American Southwest and so-called New speed unless it is to chase down prey or escape a predator, or at
West, where they romp across the deserts and plains, and climb the the prodding of its rider. A Riding Lizard can comfortably trav-
arid mountainous and canyon-filled terrains as if they were born to el 120 miles (192 km) during an 8-9 hour trek across most ter-

Stephen Schneider (Order #19360614)


Stephen Schneider (Order #19360614)


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