117 Moreno vs. Kahn

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The Family: Suit among members of the same family/Necessity of earnest efforts

toward compromise

JOSE Z. MORENO, Petitioner, v. RENE M. KAHN, et. al.

G.R. No. 217744, July 30, 2018, SECOND DIVISION (PERLAS-BERNABE, J.)

Once a stranger becomes a party to such suit, the earnest effort requirement is
no longer a condition precedent before the action can prosper.

Jose alleged that since May 1998 and in their capacity as lessees, he and his
family have been occupying two parcels of land co-owned by his full-blooded sister,
respondent Consuelo Moreno Kahn-Haire and his nephews and nieces (Consuelo's
children), respondents Rene M. Kahn, Rene Luis Pierre Kahn, Philippe Kahn, and Ma.
Claudine Kahn-McMahon.
Respondents offered to sell to Jose the subject lands. Over the next few years,
Jose made partial payments to respondents by paying off the shares of Rene, Luis,
Philippe and Claudine, leaving a remaining balance of US$120,000.00 payable to
However, Consuelo decided to cancel their agreement, and thereafter, informed
Jose of her intent to convert the earlier partial payments as rental payments instead.
Without his consent, Consuelo, Luis, Philippe, and Claudine sold their shares over the
subject lands to Rene, thereby consolidating full ownership of the subject lands to him.
Upon learning of such sale, Jose sent a demand letter asserting his right to the subject
lands under the previous sale agreed upon. As his demands went unheeded, Jose
brought the matter to the barangay lupon for conciliation proceedings between him and
Rene only, since Consuelo, Luis, Philippe, and Claudine are all living abroad. As no
settlement was agreed upon, Jose was constrained to file the subject complaint for
specific performance and cancellation of titles with damages.
The RTC motu proprio ordered the dismissal of Jose's complaint for failure to
allege compliance with the provision of Article 151 of the Family Code. The CA affirmed
the RTC ruling.

Whether the CA erred in affirming the decision of the RTC which motu proprio
dismissed the cased on the ground that Article 151 has not been complied with?

The Court held in Heirs of Favis, Sr. v. Gonzales that non-compliance with the
earnest effort requirement under Article 151 of the Family Code is not a jurisdictional
defect which would authorize the courts to dismiss suits filed before them motu proprio.
Rather, it merely partakes of a condition precedent such that the non-compliance
therewith constitutes a ground for dismissal of a suit should the same be invoked by the
opposing party at the earliest opportunity, as in a motion to dismiss or in the answer.
Otherwise, such ground is deemed waived.
In this case, a plain reading of the records shows that the RTC ordered the
dismissal of Jose's complaint against respondents for his alleged failure to comply with
Article 151 of the Family Code – even before respondents have filed a motion or a
responsive pleading invoking such non-compliance. As such ground is not a
jurisdictional defect but is a mere condition precedent, the courts a quo clearly erred in
finding that a motu proprio dismissal was warranted under the given circumstances.
Even assuming arguendo that respondents invoked the foregoing ground at the
earliest opportunity, the Court nevertheless finds Article 151 of the Family Code
inapplicable to this case. For Article 151 of the Family Code to apply, the suit must be
exclusively between or among "members of the same family."
Art. 150. Family relations include those:
(1) Between husband and wife;
(2) Between parents and children;
(3) Among other ascendants and descendants: and
(4) Among brothers and sisters, whether of the full or half-blood.

In this light, case law states that Article 151 of the Family Code must be
construed strictly, it being an exception to the general rule. Hence, any person having a
collateral familial relation with the plaintiff other than what is enumerated in Article 150
of the Family Code is considered a stranger who, if included in a suit between and
among family members, would render unnecessary the earnest efforts requirement
under Article 151. Expressio unius est exclusio alterius. The express mention of one
person, thing, act, or consequence excludes all others.
In this instance, it is undisputed that: (a) Jose and Consuelo are full-blooded
siblings; and (b) Consuelo is the mother of Rene, Luis, Philippe, and Claudine, which
make them nephews and niece of their uncle, Jose. It then follows that Rene, Luis,
Philippe, and Claudine are considered "strangers'' to Jose insofar as Article 151 of the
Family Code is concerned. In this relation, it is apt to clarify that while it was the
disagreement between Jose and Consuelo that directly resulted in the filing of the suit,
the fact remains that Rene, Luis, Philippe, and Claudine were rightfully impleaded as
co-defendants Jose’s complaint as they are co-owners of the subject lands in dispute. In
view of the inclusion “strangers" to the suit between Jose and Consuelo who are full-
blooded siblings, the Court concludes that the suit is beyond the ambit of Article 151 of
the Family Code. Perforce, the courts a quo gravely erred in dismissing Jose's
complaint due to non-compliance with the earnest effort requirement therein.

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