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Physical Education Notes for CBSE 2020 Examination

Food intolerance: Food intolerance means an inability to Proper nutrition always leads to good motor development. e.
digest a particular food ingredient or substance is called food Immunization: Timely immunization of mother and child always
intolerance. It means the individual element of certain food that facilitate better sensory motor development. f. Education,
cannot be properly processed and absorbed by the digestive system. learning, training and practice
Healthy-Weight: Healthy weight is that body weight which Exercise guidelines at different stages of growth in children
allows an individual to lead a healthy life without any risk of diseases. Infancy - (1-2 years)  Gross motor developmental skills  Head
Control  Sitting  Crawling  Moving arms, legs  Reaching to various
The healthy weight is determined with the use of height and weight
object  Infants should be provided with objects, toys and games
chart or calculated by the BMI using the height, weight data.
 Throwing, Catching and kicking a ball
Methods to control ‘Healthy Body Weight’:  Set appropriate Early Childhood (3 to 7 years)
goal  Monitor the calorie intake.  Health is more important than losing  Fine motors developmental skills i.e. coordinative activities.
weight  Healthy life style  Regular physical exercise  Pranayam   Movement skills(throwing, jumping, catching or kicking the ball)
Balance diet  Avoid skipping meals.  Emphasis on participation and not on competition.
Nutritive and Non-nutritive components of diet  Structured as well as unstructured physical activities should be
Nutritive components of diet: performed daily for at least sixty minutes.
i) Carbohydrate: The main source of providing energy. Starch - It  They may be allowed to watch quality programmes on T.V. for one
obtains from wheat, maize, beet, potato, rice, coneflower etc. Sugar to two hours.
– It obtains from Milk, beet, sugarcane, honey. Cellulose - It obtains Later Childhood – (8 to 12 years)
from cereals, vegetables, fruits etc.  Stunts, throwing, jumping,. Catching, running etc so that they can
ii) Fats: Animals sources – Ghee, Butter, Curd, Fish Oil, Milk, acquire body control, strength and coordination.
Meat, Egg. Vegetable Sources- Soyabean, Olive, Mustard, Coconut,  Participation in organized or team games which aim to develop

Groundnut, etc. social consciousness in them.

 Children should be introduced to competitive sports and taught the
iii) Proteins: • Form new tissues; Repair the broken tissues;
Regulate balance of water and acids; Transport oxygen and nutrients. basic rules of sports competition.
 Introduction of concept of endurance, strength, agility, coordination
• Excessive proteins cause heart disease, kidney stones. • Deficiency
and balance.
of proteins cause disease like Marasmus and Kwashiorkar. Sources –
Common Postural Deformities
Milk, pulses, cereals, cheese, etc. 1. Knock Knees – Both the knees knock or touch each other
iv) Vitamins: in normal standing position. The gap between ankles goes on
(i) Vitamin A –[Milk, Mango, Papaya]; Its deficiency causes ‘night increasing. difficulty in walking and running. Causes:  Chronic
blindness’. • Helps in formation of bones and teeth. illness  Deficiency of calcium, vitamin D  Mal nutrition Corrective
(ii) Vitamin B –[Milk, Sunlight, Butter]; Its deficiency causes ‘Rickets’ measures for knock knees  Horse riding  Kicking football by instep
dental cavity. • Maintains the level of calcium and phosphorus. kick  Putting a pillow between the knees  Padmasan , Gomukhasana
 Walking on inner side of the foot.
(iii) Vitamin E – [Pulses, Cereals, Green leafy vegetables] • Keeps
2. Flat foot – Found in newly born babies; they feel pain in feet;
skin healthy; helps in curing cancer; to prevent heart attacks;
face problem in standing and walking. Causes:  Genetic  Weak
maintains normal functioning for reproductive organs. muscles
(iv) Vitamin K – [Tomato, Potato, Wheat, Soyabean]; Its deficiency  Over weight  Improper foot wear  Carrying heavy weight 
causes ‘Anaemia’. • Helps to clot the blood. Forcing child to stand up at very early stage. Corrective measures
(v) Vitamin C –[Lemon, Pineapple, Guava, Amla, Oranges, Apple]; for flat foot
Its deficiency causes ‘Scurvy’. • Maintains healthy gums and teeth.  Walking on heels  Walking on toes  Rope skipping  Jumping

V) Minerals: Calcium (Milk), Potassium (Green Vegetables), Iodine on toes  Perform vajrasan, Tada asana  Picking pebbles by toes
(Salt), Iron (Dry Fruits) Running on inclined plane / Stairs  Cycling
3. Scoliosis – Bending, twisting or rotating. These are sideways
Non Nutritive components of diet:
curves; scoliosis curves in ‘S’ shape. Causes: injury of the bones
i) Fibre or Roughage: It has no nutrient value. It is undigested and joints  faulty posture  weakness or paralysis of the muscles 
part of the food. It prevents constipation. Source – Fresh fruits, diseases like TB or Rickets  Carrying/lifting heavy loads  Heredity.
Vegetables, Oats. 4. Lordosis – Lordosis is a postural deformity of the spine. In this
ii)Water: It carries the nutrients to various cells of the body through deformity, the spine curvature is increased inward in the lumbar
blood. Blood comprises 90% of water. Water is significant in the region. Causes: Unbalanced diet, improper environment, improper
excretion of waste products. It also regulates the body temperature. development in muscles.
About 20% of water intake comes from food and remaining intake 5. Kyphosis – Round upperback, depression of chest. Causes:
Malnutrition, illness, deficiency of pure air, insufficient exercise.
comes from drinking water. 6. Bow Legs – It is opposite to knock knees position. There is a
iii) Colour Compounds: Colour compounds make food more wide gap between the knees; feet together. The individual has bow
appetizing and attractive. legs.
iv) Flavour Compounds: Flavour compounds e.g. acidic food Causes: Deficiency of calcium and phosphorus in bones.
provides sour taste while alkaline food provides a bitter taste. 7. Round Shoulders – Shoulders become round and bent forward.
v) Plant Compounds: – There are many quantity, may increase Causes: Heredity; sitting, standing, and walking in bent position.
heart-rate and urination. Benefits of physical activities for children with
Motor Development special needs  physical improvement  Reduce risk of health
Development of child’s bones, muscles and ability to move around complications  Mental improvement  Improve self-esteem and
develop self confidence  Reduce level of anxiety, stress and depression
and manipulate his/her environment.
 Cognitive benefits  Better emotional and psychological health
Types of Motor Development: Gross motor development Types of disability
skills: Involves the large muscles of the body that enable such 1. Cognitive Disability: • Language and learning disorder — This
functions – walking, kicking, sitting, lifting and throwing etc. includes special children who have problem in listening speaking,
Fine motor development skills: These are associated with the writing, reading, reasoning and mathematical calculations. • Mental
muscles of the body such as finger and hands for activities like Retardation — A person is considered mentally retarded if he has an
writing, gripping, and holding, throwing, aerobic exercises etc. IQ below 70 (Average IQ-100) and if they have difficulty in functional
Factors affecting motor development: independently. • Head injury and stroke — These injuries usually
a. Heredity: The motor development largely depends on the results in physical impairments
genetic factors. Many attributes like height, body weight, muscle 2. Intellectual Disability: Intellectual Disability (ID) is the general
mass etc. are acquired from parents. b. Environment: Children are learning Disability and mental disorder, which is a generalized neuro-
surrounded by home and school environment c. Physical Activity: developmental disorder.
Regular physical activities always promote motor development. The 3. Physical Disability: Motor deficiency or sensory impairment
activities should be planned according to the age. d. Nutrition: that affects the mobility and manual skills is physical Disability.

Types of Disorders progress from time to time.
1. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): It is 3. Awards / Rewards: Rewards / Awards can be given in the form of
a group of behavioral symptoms that include inattentiveness, Cash, Job or social recognition.
hyperactivity and impulsiveness. In fact it is a medical condition that 4. Punishment: It can be given in the form of fear, rejection, pain or
indicates that the child cannot sit still, focus and pay attention. losing social status etc.
2. Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD): It is a behavioural Aggression in sports: The term aggression refers to a type of
disorder defined by chronic aggression, frequent outbursts, and a behavior that can result in both physical and psychological harm to
tendency to ignore requests and purposely irritate others. In fact, one self/others or any object in the environment.
4 out of 10 children with ADHD also show signs of ODD. Personality — meaning and its types
Cause: Genetic — There is a strong genetic link of ODD development. Personality is much more than an individual’s outer appearance.
Individuals with immediate family members who struggle with mental illness Personality refers to the pattern of thoughts, feeling, social adjustment
are more likely to have ODD than the members of the general population. and behaviour etc.
Sports Participation of Women in India Jung’s classification of personality:
Participation in Games and Sports contribute to the (a) Judging: Extraversion and Introversion represents the source
psychological development of women athletes in India  Self- and cause of an individual every expression.
image and body image  Self confidence  Self esteem  Positive (b) Sensing: Intuition sensing is a way in which an individual believes
aggression  Competitiveness  Overcome depression  Emotional and understand the information made or female obtain directly from
and mental balance outside sources.
Keeping in view the Indian ideology, critically analyze the (c) Thinking-Feeling: Thinking is talking a step in which an
sociological aspect of participation by women atletes in individual makes a decision mainly through judgment and logic. A
sports:  Family  School  culture  lack of facility  Lack of role decision based on feelings and emotions.
model  Less of coaches (d) Judging-Perceiving: It is a way in which a person categorizes
How can women’s participation in sports and games be and decide the events of life and follows the plans defined by him.
encouraged in India ? • Self confidence must be developed in Big Five Personality Theory: OCEAN
women • Female role model to be highlighted • More time and The big five traits of personality are:
facilities to be given to women participation • Women should be (i) Openness: Openness means more than frank and expressive; it
aware regarding the benefits of sports.(Job opportunities, Personality refers to a high level of receptivity towards new ideas and challenges.
development etc.) • Better safety measures to be implemented. (ii) Conscientiousness: Conscientiousness traits of personality
• Legislation regarding women in sports should be more flexible. include thoughtfulness, discipline, focus, commitment etc. Individuals
• Attitude of spectators and media should be motivating viii) Women who are strong on this dimensions are well-organised, dedicated to
coaches should be appointed in more number • Equal importance to plans and schedules.
be given to female in sports (iii) Extraversion: It indicates how outgoing and social a person is.
Female Athletes Triad A person who scores high in extraversion on a personality test enjoys
Female Athletes Triad became apparent in 1990. It was considered being with people, participating in social gatherings, and are full of
that it is associated with disordered eating, secondary amenorrhea energy they are friendly in nature.
and bone mineral disorder. In 1997 American College of Sports
(iv) Agreeableness: Agree able people are kind, compassionate
Medicine made a report on Atheletes Triad. These disorders can lead
helpful and trusting of others, They show empathy towards others.
to diminishing of physical performance and cause of morbidity or
morality. It was suggested that imparting of knowledge of Athletes (v) Neuroticism: Neurotics are emotionally unstable; they are
Triad can minimize the health hazards associated with it. irritable, nervous, anxious, quick to worry even over the smallest
The factors of athlete triad are explained below:- matters, and often fall into depression.
1. Osteoporosis: Osteoporosis is weakening of the bones due to the Effects of regular exercise on the cardio-vascular
loss of bone density. Symptoms: • Back Pain • Bone Fracture • Bad system
Posture Factors / causes of Osteoporosis in women:  Insufficient 1. Increase in size of heart: The heart hypertrophy takes place.
calcium in diet  Lack of Vitamin D  Sedentary life style.  Side Long distance runner athlete cardiac hypertrophy is found more and
effects of medication  Thyroid condition  Due to the menstrual that is also called athlete heart. The increase in size of the heart takes
dysfunctioning in women.  Eating disorders like anorexia bulimia/ place with an increase of left ventricular cavity. It is found more in
poor nutrition. long distance runners and swimmers. In wrestlers, weightlifters and
2. Amenorrhea: Amenorrhea is the absence of menstruation/ throwers the thickness of left ventricular walls is increased.
menstrual periods in a woman for more than 3 months. Or a girl 2. Decrease in Resting Heart rate: Regular exercise may decrease
above age of 18 years who has not begun menstruating. heart rate at resting up to 10 beats per minute.
Menstruation is the shedding of the facing of the uterus that occurs 3. Stroke Volume Increases at rest: It remains up to 50-70 ml/
regularly in women from menarche to menopause. It produces beat in untrained individuals, 70-90ml/ beat in trained individuals and
bleeding from vagina that ends for 3-7 days. It is characterized 90-110 ml/beat in the experienced athletes.
by disruptions. Menstrual dysfunction means the irregularity 4. Increase in Cardiac output: Cardiac output is the total amount
and uncertainty in menstrual cycle of women. Effect on sports of blood pumped by the heart in one minute.
participation:  Athletic training and exercise neither affect the Cardiac output = Stroke volume × Heart Rate.
menarche nor menstrual periods.  Heavy and intense training Cardiac output increases when an individual starts doing exercise. At
program may result in amenorrhea.  Exercise is beneficial in relieving rest, it is 5 litre/minute. During intense exercise it can increase up to
pain Sometimes Strength decreases during menstrual cycle and 20-40 litre/minute.
affects the performance  Less hemoglobin affected oxygen intake, 5. Increase in Blood Flow: At rest, 15-20% circulating blood
hence Sports Performance is affected  Uncertainty in menstrual supplies to skeletal muscles. It increases to 80-85% of cardiac output
cycle may cause stress & anxiety. during intense exercise.
3. Eating Disorders: Bulimia and Anorexia Nervosa 6. Decrease in Blood pressure: Regular exercises decreases the
(a) Bulimia is an eating disorder in which an athlete/person eats excessive blood pressure (systolic and diastolic) by up to 10mm Hg at rest.
amount of food and then vomits in order not to gain body weight. 7. Reduced Risk of Heart Disease
(b) Anorexia Nervosa is a type of eating disorder in which an Physiological changes taking place due to ageing:
individual desire to lose weight because they have intense fear of Ageing is a slow and never ending process. As a result structural and
gaining weight. Symptoms: Excessive weight loss, feeling of fat functional activities begin to decline. It is inevitable.
(although they are under weight), using diet pills, excessive exercise,  Changes in muscle size and strength  Changes in metabolism
avoid eating, dieting. and body composition  Changes in Nervous system(reaction time,
Motivation — Its types and techniques movement time)  Changes in cardio vascular system  Changes in
Motivation means to be inspired to do something to achieve the capacity of respiratory system  Changes in bone density  Flexibility
desired goals. OR Motivation is an internal force on which our decreases  Changes in sensory organs  Changes in digestive and
behaviour or activity depends. excretory system.
Types/Techniques of Motivation Oxygen intake and Oxygen uptake
i) Intrinsic/ internal motivation:  Goal setting  Self appraisal 
Oxygen intake: The amount of oxygen intake by an athlete from
Auto suggestion  Positive attitude
the atmosphere is called oxygen intake. It depend upon lungs size,
ii) Extrinsic/external motivation: This motivation is from the
outside surroundings  Praise ,appreciation and criticism  Record strength of muscles and number of alveoli.
of success and achievement  Cash prizes, Certificates and trophies Oxygen uptake: The amount of oxygen which can be absorbed and
 Role of spectators  Role model, etc.
consumed by the working muscles from the blood is called oxygen uptake.
1. Knowledge of the Goal – Learner must be made knowledge of Effect of exercise on respiratory system:
result mentally ready towards the achievement of the goal.  Increase depth of respiration  Decrease rate of respiration
2. Knowledge of Result: It helps the person to know about his  Improve vital capacity  Improve tidal volume capacity (the maximum
amount of air that can be breathed in and out in one respiratory of muscle contraction, which is usually not applicable in sports and
system)  Supply more O2 to muscles  Strengthen the respiratory games.
muscles  Avoid second wind with strong will power  Faster recovery Physiological Factors Determining strength: The muscle strength
rate  Increases residual air volume (amount of air, which is left in the is defined as the greatest amount of force that muscles can produce
lungs after exhalation)  Increase size of lungs and chest in a single and maximal effort. This depends on the following
Coordinative Abilities physiological factors: a) Muscle Cross Sectional Area: The cross
Coordinative ability is an ability that enables the sportsman to do a sectional area is generally measured with girth measurement. b)
group of movements with better quality and effect. Types of Muscle Fibres: The strength largely depends on the types
Types of Coordinate Abilities:
of muscle fibres.
A. Coupling Ability: Coupling ability of the body is considered as
capacity of an individual to perform better coordination of different c) Muscle Length: All individuals have different length of muscles.
parts of the body. For example while dribbling a basketball, the d) Age: The age cannot be controlled but people of all ages can
coordination of both the limbs is required. B. Reaction Ability: develop their muscles. e) Gender: It is well known that gender does
Reaction ability is a skill to react quickly to a stimulus. For example, not affect the quality of our muscle, but does influence the quantity.
chaser in Kho-Kho runs quickly after Kho is given. C. Balance Ability: f) Point of Tendon Insertion: Muscle strength is influenced by the
Balance ability is known as capability of an individual to maintain point of tendon insertion of an individual. g) Nerve Impulses: The
balance while the body is in motion. Even during distributed balance muscular strength also depends on nerve impulses and number of
regaining the lost balance is known as balance ability. D. Orientation motor units. h) Energy Level: the energy for muscular contraction
Ability: The orientation ability is a skill to determine and change the is derived from the breaking down of phosphogens (ATP & CP)
position in complex situations. For example defending an opponent 2. Endurance: Endurance is the ability of the body to work
in football, the position is changed according to the movement of for a long time without getting fatigue. or The ability to sustain a
opponent. E. Adaptation Ability: Adaptation ability is the capability physical activity over longer period of time resisting fatigue is called
of person to change the movement on the basis of predicted changes. Endurance.
This ability is achieved after mastering the skills. F. Rhythm Ability: Types of endurance are:-
Rhythm ability is to make out motor actions on a well-defined rhythm. (i) Aerobic endurance/ Endurance according to duration of activity
Circuit Training • Long term Endurance • Medium term Endurance • Short term
What is circuit training? Draw a diagram of 10 stations to Endurance
improve general fitness. How can load be increased in circuit (ii) Anaerobic endurance
training? Circuit training is the training method in which exercise of (iii) Speed endurance
various kinds are performed with or without apparatus with given dosage. (iv) Strength endurance
Methods of Endurance Development
1. Continuous training method — An exercise is performed for a
long duration without any break. In this method, intensity remains
low because the exercise is done for a longer period. Cross-country
race is the best example of continuous method. In this method, the
rate of heart-beat remains in between 140-160 beats/min. The total
duration of the exercise should not be less than 30 minutes.
It increases the efficiency of heart and lungs.
2. Interval training method — Interval training method is also
called terrace training. It is a training of heart, through endurance
training .If you run your heart beats at a faster rate.
Dr.Woldemar and Gerschler, introduced this training method in 1930.
How to increase the load in circuit training? 1) Number In this method the athlete used to run 400m. race, 10 to 20 times
of repetition can be increased per exercise. 2) Frequency can be daily. In fact this training method is based on effort and recovery
increased. 3) Additional load can be increased. 4) Interval between principle .During interval training recovery period is given to the
exercises can be reduced 5) Number of rounds can be increased. athlete after each speedy workout. Recovery period can be adjusted
Elements/Components of Physical Fitness and according to the efficiency of the athlete. The load can be increased
Wellness — Strength, Endurance, Speed, Flexibility by reducing the recovery period or by increasing the workout. For an
1. Strength: It is the ability of the muscles to overcome resistance. athlete following examples are applicable in his training: • 400m. race
Types: (i) Dynamic strength (ii) Static strength with 80% speed • Walking or jogging until his heart rate comes down
Dynamic strength can be called isotonic strength because it is related
to 120 to 140 approximately.
to the movements. In pull-ups and push-ups we require strength. In
performing such workout, there is a diminishing tendency in dynamic 3. Fartlek Training:  Gosta Holmer developed Fartlek training in
strength. As a result, after sometime, muscles refuse to do work. 1937.  Fartlek training method is used for developing endurance
Movements are clearly visible when someone uses dynamic strength.  It is a combination of Aerobic and Anaerobic / Continuous and

Dynamic strength can be of three types: interval training.  Fartlek is derived from Swedish word which
(a) Maximum strength — It is the ability to act against maximum means “speed play‟  Athletes speed or pace is not preplanned and
resistance. It is used in sports like Weight-lifting, Hammer throw, is decided according to the surroundings  Self discipline is most
Javelin throw etc. important while undertaking the training.  The range of heart beat
(b) Explosive strength — It is the ability to overcome resistance should be 140 to 180 / minute  Examples: (i) Jogging, slow running
with high speed. It is a combination of strength and speed abilities. – 5 to 10 minutes
Explosive strength is generally used in sprint starts, Weight-lifting, (ii) Steady, hard running – 1.5 to 2.5/ km (iii) Rapid walking – 5
Shot-put, Hammer throw, Long jump, High jump, Triple jump etc. minutes
(c) Strength endurance — It is the ability to overcome resistance (iv)Sprints for about 50 to 60mts (v) Full speed up hill running for
under conditions of fatigue. It is commonly used in long distance races,
175 to 200 mts
swimming, road cycling and pole vault.
Static strength can be called isometric strength. Advantages: (i) The Fartlek route is generally free from polluted
Methods of Strength Development areas.
1. Isometric Exercises — Those exercises which are not visible. In (ii) No coach supervision is required. (iii) Mass participation if possible.
fact, there are direct movements which cannot be observed. In (iv) The athlete can change pace from high running to jogging.
these exercises, muscles do not change their length; they remain (v) Fartlek training is normally performed in country side. (vi)Every
fixed or constant. For example, if we push a concrete wall, we will athlete is free to run at whatever speed he prefers.
be unable to move it from its place. Our muscles exert force while 3. Speed: It is the ability to resist fatigue and to sustain stamina.
pushing the wall, but work is not done. Methods of Speed Development: 1. Acceleration Run —
2. Isotonic Exercises — Those exercises in which movements can be Acceleration Run is adopted to develop speed, specially in attaining
directly observed. Work is done in these exercises. These exercises maximum speed. For acceleration run, an athlete is required to run a
tore up the muscles. Muscles become flexible. Length of muscles specific distance, say 100m sprint race. He should practise it at a slow
increases. Examples: Calisthenic exercises, running, jumping on speed. Then, after learning proper technique, he should practice at a
the spot, etc. higher speed. The number of acceleration runs can be fixed according
3. Iso-kinetic Exercises — Iso-kinetic exercises are performed on to age and experience and capacity of the athlete. It may vary from 6 to
specially designed machines. These exercises involve a specific type 12 runs. Before acceleration runs, proper warming must be done. After
every acceleration run, there should be an interval of 4 to 5 minutes rest. Intramurals Extramurals
2. Pace Run — It means running the whole distance of a race at a
1. Activities within the wall/ 1. Activities outside the Campus
constant speed. Generally, 800m and above races are included in pace
compound of the campus 2. Activities are organized for
races. Generally, an athlete can run a distance of 300m at full speed. So,
in longer races such as 800m, he must conserve his energy by reducing 2. Activities are organized only more than two schools / colleges
his speed. For e.g., in 800m race in 1 min. 40 sec., an athlete should run for the members of the schools / / institutions.
first 400m in 49 seconds and next 400m in 51 sec. This procedure is called colleges / institutions. 3. Only selected members
pace run or pace race. 3. Provides ample opportunities participate in the extramural
Physiological Factors Determining Speed: for every member of the school/ activities.
i) Nervous System and its Mobility/Reaction time: To generate institution to participate in the 4. Played under fixed rules and
more speed the muscles have to contract and relax at maximal speed. activities. regulations of the game.
ii) Composition of Muscle Fibres: Skeletal muscle is made up of 4. It may not be played under 5. Required specific skills,
bundles of individual muscle fibres—Slow twitch muscle fibres and Fast fixed rules and regulations of the techniques and tactics.
twitch muscles fibres. iii) Flexibility: Flexibility is referred as range of game. 6. Objective is to enhance
movement around the joints. (iv) Phosphogens Stores: To exhibit 5. Specific skills, techniques performance of individual or
speed performance muscles need high amount of energy. strategies may not be required. team
(v) Explosive Strength (vi) Cardio-vascular efficiency 6. Objective is recreation or 7. Example : Zonal , District
talent hunt ,State etc
4. Flexibility: It is referred as the range of movements around 7. Example : Inter -house ,
the joints. It is the ability to execute movements with greater range.
Inter- class etc.
Flexibility increases strength, speed and endurance.
Methods of Flexibility Development
(i) Ballistic Method: The movement is performed with a swing. Before Asana is a physical Yoga posture that is formed to improve physiological
performing such exercises, warm up is essential because there are chances functions of the body. Asana are helpful in reducing fatigue, tension
of over-stretching of a joint. (ii) Static Stretching Method: It involves and stress. It improves balance, flexibility and strength.
gradually easing into the stretch position and holding the position for 30 Diabetes is a disease in which the glucose or blood sugar level
seconds. (iii) Dynamic Stretching Method: It consists of controlled increases. Lack of secretion of insulin by the gland is the major cause
‘leg and arm swings’. Start with the movement at half speed for a few of diabetes. Our liver and endocrine glands play an important role in
repetitions and then gradually increase the speed. (iv) Proprioceptive the regulation of sugar level in the blood.
Neuro-Muscular Facilitation (PNF) technique: This technique is used Hypertension: Increased blood pressure is hypertension. It is a
by advanced sports person for gaining flexibility in a short period of time. condition where the pressure of blood against the wall of arteries is
Friction and its types: The Force acting along two surfaces in too high.
contact which opposes the motion of one body over the other is called Causes of back pain:  Over weight  Lack of exercise  Bad Sitting/
the force of friction. It is very important in sports. Larger the area of sleeping posture  Lack of Flexibility.  Undue Stress on back  Improper
contact between the surfaces, greater is the force of friction. warming up and cooling down. Asanas:  Ardhmatsyendrasana 
Types of friction: The friction is of three following types: (i)Static Vakrasana  Salabhasana  Tadasana  Bhujangasana
Friction: The opposing force that comes into play when one body tends Asthma: Asthma is a disease associated with respiratory
to move over the surface but the actual motion has yet not started tracks (air ways in the lungs). Asthma is a disease of lungs in
is called static friction. (ii) Limiting Friction: Limiting friction is the which the air-way swells up and produces extra mucus. As a result the
maximum opposing force that comes into play when one body is just airway become blocked or narrowed causing difficulty in breathing. It
at the verge of moving over the surface of another body. (iii) Kinetic can be due to genetic factor or allergy. Causes of Asthma:  Allergy 
Friction: Kinetic friction is the opposing force that comes into play when Heredity  Occupational Asthma ( caused by inhaling fumes,gases,dust
one body is actually moving over the surface of another body. or other potentially harmful substances in work place)  Cigarette
Advantageous or disadvantageous of friction: Friction is usually smoking/passive smoking and polluted air  exposure to animals
called a necessary evil. It means that it is essential in games and sports. that cause allergy (pets) Symptoms: excessive amount of mucus,
Without friction we cannot give a better performance. For example, coughing, heavy breathing, wheezing or whistling, shortness of breath,
athletes use spikes and football players use studs to have appropriate swelling of air ways, chest tightness, fatigue
friction. Without friction they are unable to run fast. Even gymnasts use Asans Recommended: Sukhasan- Chakrasan – Gomukhasan –
lime powder on their palms to perform on horizontal bar, Uneven bar Parvatasan – Bhujangasan – Paschimottanasana– Matsyaasan (write
and roman rings. procedure, benefit and contradictions of any 2 asanas)
On the other hand, friction is disadvantageous in some games. In Prevention of Asthma: 1. By using air conditioners 2. The windows
cycling there should not be more friction between road and the tyres of of the air conditioned houses are mainly closed and this reduces the
the cycle. If there is more friction there will be more wastage of energy entry of airborne pollens that can cause asthma. 3. Minimizing dust
of the rider and leads to damage of equipments. 4. Minimize dust in the house and at working places. For example by
Biomechanics is the study of internal and external forces and their removing carpeting and installing hardwood can reduce the dust. 5.
effects on living system or athlete. Clean regularly 6. Keep your home and work place clean. This reduces
Fixture is a procedure to set a sequence of matches for participating the dust. 7. Use of mask while cleaning can also prevent asthma.
teams (with details of venue, date and time). First- Aid is the immediate and temporary care given to a victim of
Seeding is such a method in which a strong team / players are selected accident or sudden illness before the arrival of the Doctor. Aim: The
to keep them at appropriate place in the fixture so that they do not main aim is of first aid is to try to save the precious life of wounded
meet in the earlier round. The organizer must be well aware regarding person. Objectives:  To preserve life  To prevent the condition from
the previous performance of the selected team/player. worsening  To alleviate pain and suffering  To promote recovery  To
Combination Tournament are those tournament in which initial procure early medical aid.
round of tournament are played on particular basis (knock-out or iCommon Sports injuries
league) and rest of the tournament played on another particular basis
( Knock-out/ league) Soft tissue Bone Injuries Joint Injuries
A Bye in a fixture means that the team which gets a bye is exempted injuries  simple fracture  dislocation of lower
 Contusion  compound fracture jaw
from playing the first round and enters the second round directly.
 Strain  complicated fracture  dislocation of
There are two types of round robin tournament: i) Single
 Sprain  communicated shoulder joint
league tournament: In single league tournament every team
 Abrasion fracture  dislocation of Hip
plays with every other team once in its pool. ii) Double league
 Bruises  impacted fracture joint
tournament: In double league tournament every team plays
 Greenstick fracture  dislocation of wrist
with every other team twice in its pool.
Specific sports programmes are for specific cause like awareness,
Causes: Personal causes–  Improper warm up–and cool- down
unity health or any social cause. e.g. i) Health run ii) Run for fun iii)
 Not following the rules and regulation.  Protective clothing and
Run for specific cause iv) Run for unity v) Annual sports day/National
equipment  Improper rest and relaxation  Healing previous injury or
sports day
inadequate rehabilitation  Lack of conditioning
Environmental / external causes –  Improper ground or poorly position. After the start running is done in a manner of figure of eight.
maintained facilities  Extreme cold or heat  Inadequate first–aid care Like this three circuits are completed.
 Expectation of spectators  Lack of medical check- up  Improper diet Scoring: The final score is the time in seconds for three laps.
Training causes:  Without considering individual differences  Lack 3. Medicine ball throw/ Six Pound Medicine Ball Put
of proper supervision  Wrong method of training /poor coaching Purpose of the Test: To measure mainly strength of arm and
 Lack of Systematic and scientific training  Lack of psychological shoulder girdle but also to measure power of arm and shoulder girdle
preparation.  Improper load and recovery coordination speed and balance. Facilities and Equipment required:
Prevention of Sports Injuries:  Pre participation physical examination A space in the gymnasium hall with 90x25 feet. A 15 feet restraining
/ medical check-up  Warming up  Proper conditioning  Coaching line marked. One medicine ball weighing six pounds and one measuring
under expert trainer/ physio/ coach  Proper physical fitness.  Balance tape. Instructions: The subject must take the position before the
diet  Coaching according to climatic conditions  Intake of sufficient restraining line. No overstepping is allowed after restraining line. The
fluid  Adequate clothing and equipments  Standardized play field/ medicine ball is put not thrown. Scoring: The final score is the distance
court  Documentation of injuries  Knowledge of First aid.  Protective of the best put in nearest foot.
sport gears.  Discontinue to play during the state of fatigue  Scientific Rikli and Jones Senior Citizen fitness Test
knowledge of game 1. Chair Stand Test– for lower body strength
‘P.R.I.C.E.’ A procedure as a treatment of soft injuries i) P-Protection The participant should sit in the middle of the chair. He should keep
ii) R-Rest iii) I-Ice iv) C-Compression v) E-Elevation his hands on the opposite shoulder crossed at the wrists. The feet
Greenstick Fracture is a bend or crack in a bone usually found in should be flat on the floor. His back should be erect. He should repeat
children. sit-up and down for 30 seconds: Total number of complete chair stands
Laceration is an irregular cut on the skin with a sharp object or sharp is counted. If as senior citizen of age group 60-64 completes > 19
edged sports equipment. rounds, it is considered above average.
Incision is a soft tissue injury. It may occur due to sharp edged object 2. Arm Curl Test — for upper body strength
of sports Equipments or spikes etc. Sometimes arteries or veins may be The participant sits on the chair, holds the weight in hand with a grip.
cut. Blood usually comes out freely from incision The arm should be in vertically downward position. The upper arm
Contusion: A soft tissue injury in which blood vessels in the muscles should not move but lower arm should move freely. Curl the arm
are broken and internal bleeding may occur on the injured part generally up through a complete range of motion gradually. Then the arm is
caused by direct hit with blunt object. lowered through the complete range of motion. Gradually return to the
Joint Injuries- Dislocation of the joints - in which adjoining starting position. The score is the total no. of arm curls performed in
bones are displaced from their normal position. Dislocation can be 30 seconds.
managed by: a) Rehabilitation - This process is started after the 3. Chair Sit and Reach Test – for lower body flexibility
splint or sling is removed. The purpose of designed exercises is to The participant sits on the edge of the chair (kept against a wall for
restore normal range of motion and strength amounts the joint. b) safety purpose). One foot remain flat on the floor. The other leg should
Immobilization: The joint should be immobilized with a sling for several be extended forward with the knee straight, heel on the floor and ankle
weeks. c) Reduction - The doctor try to some gentle movements around bent at 90o. Place one hand on the top of the other with tips of the
the affected joint to help the bones back into position. d) Surgery – middle fingers even. The participant inhales and then as he exhales,
After unsuccessful reduction to settle the joint surgery can be used to reaches forward towards the toes by bending at the hip. His back
move dislocated bone back into their correct position. should be straight and head up. Avoid any jerk or bounce. Keep the
Harvard Step Test/Rockport Test — Harvard Step Test was knee straight and hold the reach for 2 seconds. If the finger tip touch
developed by Brouha in 1943. Purpose: It measures the cardiovascular the toes score is zero. If they don’t touch, measure the distance (in
fitness or Aerobic fitness by checking the recovery pulse rate. inches) between the fingers and the toes(negative score). For a senior
Equipment required- Stop watch, weighing scale, Track Procedure: citizen of age group 60-64, > – 4 score is considered average.
In this test an athlete stands in front of a box or bench which is 16 4. Back Scratch Test – for upper body flexibility
inches (female) to 20 inches (male) in height and steps up and down In a standing position, Keep one hand behind the head and back over
for 5 minutes at a rate of 30 steps/ minute. The pulse rate is counted the shoulder and reach as far as possible down middle of your back.
1- 1 ½ minutes, 2- 2 ½ minutes and 3 – 3 ½ minutes immediately Your palm should touch your body and the fingers should be downwards.
after the test is administrated. Then carry your other arm behind your back-facing outward, and fingers
The athlete’s Physical fitness index score is calculated as: upward and reach up as far as possible trying to touch or overlap the
100 ¥ Test duration in sec onds middle fingers of both hands. If the fingertips touch, score is zero.
If they do not touch, measure the distance (in inches) between the
2 ¥ Sum of heartbeats in re cov ery period fingertips (negative score). If they overlap, positive score. For a senior
citizen of age group 60-64, score of 6.5 to 0 is average score.
Example – A 15 year old boy completed Hardvard step test for a 5. Eight Foot up and Go Test – for Agility
duration of 5 minutes and the no. of heartbeats between 1 to 1.5 Purpose: This test helps to evaluate speed, agility and dynamic
minutes was 90, between 2 to 2.5 minutes was 80 and between 3 to balance Equipment required:
3.5 minutes was 70. 100 ¥ 300 A chair about 44 inch high, a stop watch, cone, marker, measuring
Then fitness index score: = 62.5
2 ¥ 240 tape, and an area without any hindrance. Procedure: Keep a chair
Advantages of Harvard step test: 1. This test requires nominal/ next to the wall and place the cone / marker 8 feet away in front of the
minimal equipment and self-administered 2. Requires very less space chair. The participant is initially completely seated, hands resting on the
and cost to administer. Larger group can be tested. knees and feet. Feet on the ground. On the command go stop watch
is switched on and the participant starts walking (no running at all) as
Computation of Fitness Index quickly as possible towards the cone, turns around and returns to the
chair to sit down. Time is noted as he sit down on the chair. Two trials
are given per participants.
If a senior citizen of age group 60-64 takes 3.8 to 5.6 seconds, it is
Barrow’s Motor Ability Test’ to measure motor fitness average score.
Barrow Three item general motor ability test: 6. Six minute Walk Test – for Aerobic Endurance
1. Standing broad jump : a) Purpose of the Test: To measure Power Efforts are made to walk maximum distance as quickly as possible in 6
mainly but also agility, speed and strength. b) Facilities and Equipment minutes. If a senior citizen of age 60-64 covers > 735 yards, his score
required: One 5x12 feet mat marked with take off line and parallel lines is above average.
2 inches apart as shown in the diagram.
Instructions: The subject must crouch before jump. Before the jump
is taken the arms are swung. Three trials are given.
Scoring: The final score is the distance in inches from the best jump.
2. Zig Zag Run: a) Purpose of the Test: To measure agility mainly but
also speeds. b) Facilities and Equipment required: One stop watch & 5
flags or cones. Instructions: The subject can take start from standing

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