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The Benefits and Downside of Pornography to Students

Figuring out the risk to benefit ratio of watching pornography may just be one of the

controversial topics that scientist and devoted member of catholic church and other religious

group can’t seem to completely agree on. But one thing is for sure most of the people, boys,

girls, members of LGBTQ+, regardless of age and status, watches porn. People might think and

believe that it only leads to negative effects especially to teenagers such as teenage pregnancy or

unwanted pregnancy. It may be seems to unbelievable to hear that watching pornography has

benefits especially in our health.

According to EJ Dickson, Kristen Hubby and Nico Lang in their site “The Daily Dot” there

are two benefits of watching porn. They reasoned out that it’s healthy, sometimes better than the

real. Unexpectedly, we agree of what the publishers stated in the site. People who watches

pornography states that it helps them to stress out some people also stated that it intensifies the

sex drive of couples who watches porn before sexual intercourse; Watching porn makes you

better date knowing that they turns into romantic and sexy person; Pornography improves your

sex life for it educates us of how’s and what’s; It relieves stress because it pleasure our need and

sexual being. Since millennials are prove to depression, just by watching porn reduces suicidal

thoughts and provides peace in mind.

It may hard to believe at first that pornography does not gives positive feedbacks and benefits to

our self for what we think is that it really causes negative effects specially to teenagers. But we

can’t deny the fact that, to some people who watches porn gives positive impact in their life. All

we have to do is to respect their activity and let them be.

According to Lindsey Miller, Family share. If you are a human and have an internet

access, chances are you’ve seen pornography at least once in your life. Since pornographic video

is very important in internet. It’s starting to be seen as the norm, there are side effects that may

cause in disregarded, to couples and professionals argue that this is the healthy part of a

relationship. Here are some warnings about harmful consequences of pornography.

It harms relationships. There are some studies that tells on how pornography affect

relationship. According to the “Focus on the Family”, pornography lower sexual satisfaction.

One of the devastating effects of pornography and other sexually explicit material is that it

subrogates the ability to enjoy normal sex, “they said this can lead to serious marital issues .

according to the “Psychology Today” pornography lessen commitment and can lead to sexual

relationship with someone. Research also found that people who don’t watch porn had lower

levels of negative communication, they are more focused on relationship to higher their sexual

satisfaction. It is addictive according to “Center Site” . When the system of brain’s reward

activated, it releases dopamine. Dopamine create a pleasing, enjoyable cessation, thus, we

always like to do repeat these behavior for survival like drugs, the habit it getting worse until the

person does not want to stop watching porn and can’t feel normal if he/she can’t watch.

However, not everyone watch porn is getting addicted.

it give unrealistic expectation, in order to make money, they make everything look perfect. As

stated by “Fight the New Drug”. Professional porn actors have a whole team of people to make

every detail look perfect from editing to filming the light and makeup. A strong editing is used

to attract viewers and to expect what relationship should be light.

People get an unhealthy sex education. Unfortunately kids and teenagers have easy access to

pornography. A study found that 94% of children exposed to pornography before age 14 and

53% said they believed that what they saw was a realistic of sexual realism. Some children in

this study begun to intimate what they’ve seen in porn.

According to Dr. Gray Books, a psychologist who has worked with pornography addicts for 30

years, The more one uses pornography, the more lonely one becomes. It leaves a feeling of

loneliness and anxiety, pornography is the only way to fix it for them. People with pornography

problems they want to keep it secret because they hide something that they are fear to reveal. It is

important for them to have a good support system from loved ones. People should not be

something that no one talk about because a lot of people facing struggles with it. It is important

to create atmospheres of love instead of shame. Just like other problems, pornography can’t be

solved alone.


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