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Chapter 1:


1.1 Introduction

Online Restaurant Management System is a process of ordering food from a restaurant or food
corporative through a web page or app. Much like ordering consumer goods online, many of these allow
customer to keep accounts with them in order to make frequent ordering convenient. A customer will
search for favorite restaurant, usually filtered via type of cuisine and choose from available items, and
choose delivery or pick-up. Customer can choose one or more items to place an order which will land in
the Cart. Customer can view all the order details in the cart before checking out. At the end, customer
gets order confirmation details.

1.2 Problem Statement

Today, restaurant waiter takes the customer ordering by manual system with using paper.
Restaurant management system puts the order in a queue with specific priority according to time and
quantity. Initial problem is that the customer has to get connected over the phone; it would be harder if
the restaurant is very popular and busy. Sometimes, waiter information and customer information is
important to restaurant administrator for reference in the future. The chances of committing mistakes at
the restaurant side in providing a menu list for a specific time would be more.

1.3 Proposed Solution

Online Restaurant management system is the system to manage the restaurant business. The main point
of developing this system is to help restaurant administrator manage the restaurant business.

1.4 Objectives

1. To determine the nature of online restaurant.

2. To determine the documentation for online restaurant management.

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Chapter 2:


2.1 Initial Investigation:

Since their emergence, restaurants have used the same methods to interact with customers. Pen and
paper is the established method for taking customer’s orders and communicating them to people and

2.2 Information Gathering:

Restaurant management software is designed specifically to help users manage their food service
establishment. Some platforms have functionality related to customer interactions, such as that found in
a point of sale (POS) system, but more often restaurant management software focuses on behind-the-
scenes processes such as restaurant employee scheduling, inventory management and accounting.

2.3 Feasibility Study:

The project is developing because; many restaurants have a lot difficult to manage the business
such as customer ordering and reservation table. If the customer book an order and later wants to cancel
the order, he is permitted to do this only within a specific time period. By using manual customer
ordering it is difficult for the waiter to keep the correct customer information and may lose the customer
information. Online Restaurant management system is the system for manage the restaurant business.
After successful login the customer can access the menu page with the items listed according to the
desired time. The main point of developing this system is to help restaurant administrator manage the
restaurant business and help customer for online ordering.

2.4 Existing System:

Waiters are the interface between customers and the restaurant in the majority of restaurants.
Customers are seated and their orders taken using a pen and paper. Most restaurants today will copy those
orders into a stationary terminal somewhere in the restaurant and pass the paper copy to the kitchen staff.
2.5 Proposed System
This project aims to create a Restaurant Management System intended for, but not limited to a
tablet computer. The system will provide a service so that all devices can use the system. All data
generated will be available to a third application which allows management of menus, dishes, ingredients,
orders and financial information. The application will aid stock audits, as when an order is generated in
the kitchen, ingredients are automatically decremented, and allowing for alerts when stock becomes low.

2.6 Advantages of proposed System

 Easy to learn the system.

 Easy to Order food.

 Easy to calculate bill.

 Platform independent.

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Chapter 3:

3.1 Functional Requirements

The Functional Requirements Specification documents the operations and activities that a system
is able to perform. It is designed to be read by a general audience. Readers should understand the system,
but no particular technical knowledge should be required to understand the document.

The Restaurant database Management system provides following functionality for effective
usage and maintenance of restaurant information.


1. Add: Add a new item to the Menu.

2. Delete: Delete a new item from the Menu.

3. Update: Update the cost and contents of the Menu items.

4. View Orders: Displays orders along with its status.

4 Accept/Reject: Accepts or rejects an order from the user.


1. Allow to search menu according to price and category.

2. Allow to book/cancel order.

3. Can keep track of previous orders.

4. Allow the customer to edit or create his personal account (membership).

3.2 Non Functional Requirements

3.2.1 Safety Requirements

There are several user levels in Restaurant Management System. Access to the various
subsystems will be protected by a user login, which requires a username and password. This gives
different views and accessible functions of user levels through the system. Maintaining backups ensure
the system database security.

3.2.2 Security Requirements

Admin will be able to login to the Restaurant Database System. Admin will have access to the
management subsystem as well as the user account but he has the maximum privileges. Anyone who is
not registered will not be able to access the database.

3.2.3 Other non- functional requirements

Speed Processed transactions/second

User or event response time
Screen refresh time.
Size M bytes
Number of ROM chips
Ease of use Training time
Number of help frames
Reliability Mean time to failure
Probability of unavailability
Rate of failure occurrence
Robustness Mean time to failure
Probability of unavailability
Rate of failure occurrence
Portability Number of target systems
Percentage of target development statements.
Chapter 4:


4.1 System Architecture

Database Restaurant database management system



Fig 4.1 System Architecture

4.1.1 Administration module:

This module is protected by the username and password .Ordinary users will not be permitted to
enter this area of the software. It mainly maintains the master data. The administrator can modify the data
that has been already entered and also can insert/add new data into the database and can also update and
delete the database.

4.1.2 User module:

User can get the details of all the items available and the items been ordered. He can't modify the
database but just view the details.
4.1.3 Restaurant module:

It has the data of all the items, items ordered by the customer and payment details.

4.1.4 Database:

Data are known facts that can be recorded and that have implicit meaning. A database is a collection of
related data. Database management system is a collection of programs that enables users to create and
maintain the database. It is a general-purpose software system that facilitates the processes of defining,
constructing, manipulating, and sharing database among various users and applications.

4.3 Schema Diagram

4.4 Data Flow Diagram

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Chapter 5:


5.1 Tools and language used

 Tools used:

 Any windows based operating system (Microsoft windows XP or higher).

 Browser (Chrome/Firefox)

 Notepad.

 XAMPP server with Apache

Languages used:

 Front end: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap

 Back end: PHP

5.2: Modules:

5.2.1: Module 1- Login

The Login Module is a portal module that allows users and admin to type a use name and
password to log in.
$query = mysqli_query($connection, "SELECT * from user_reg WHERE
$exists = mysqli_num_rows($query);
$table_reg = "";
table_password = "";

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if($exists > 0)
{ while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query))
$table_reg = $row['email'];
$table_password = $row['password'];
if(($email == $table_reg) && ($password == $table_password))
if($password == $table_password)
$_SESSION['user'] = $email;
header("location: userdashboard.php");
Print '<script>alert("Incorrect Password!");</script>';
Print '<script>window.location.assign("login.php");</script>';

5.2.2: Module 2- User Menu


The items in the menu are categorized to make it easier for the user to make a choice. This also
makes the system user friendly.
if(isset($_SESSION['cart']) & !empty($_SESSION['cart'])){
$items = $_SESSION['cart'];
$cartitems = explode(",", $items);
$items .= "," . $_GET['id'];
$_SESSION['cart'] = $items;

//header('location: index.php?status=success');

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$items = $_GET['id'];
$_SESSION['cart'] = $items;
//header('location: index.php?status=success');

$query = mysqli_query($connection, "select * from food_items where item_id=$ss");

5.2.3: Module 3- User Cart


The user can add items that they want to order into the cart after viewing them.
$usvi = mysqli_query($connection, "select * from user_reg where email ='$user' ");
foreach($usvi as $viusr):
if(isset($_POST['delete'])){ $id = $_POST['delete']; mysqli_query($connection, "update checkout
set deliver='delivered' where chk_id='$id'");
print '<script>alert("Successfully Order Delivered..");</script>';
print '<script>window.location.assign("View_user_orders.php");</script>'; }
$vusrs = mysqli_query($connection, "select * from checkout where deliver='food is not delivered'
AND fk_user ='$user'");

5.2.4: Module 4- User Orders


After adding the desired items to the cart the user can view all the orders i.e, a summary of their
order. It also displays the total amount that they will have to pay.

$usvi = mysqli_query($connection, "select * from user_reg where email ='$user' ");

foreach($usvi as $viusr):

$query = mysqli_query($connection, "SELECT * FROM `order` INNER JOIN `user_reg`

WHERE = AND ='$user' ");

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$slno = 1;

while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($query)) {

print '<td style="border: 1px solid #ccc;">'.$slno.'</td>';

5.2.5: Module 5- Admin – All Products

The admin has the overall control over the system. The admin can:

1. Add items to the menu.

2. Delete items from the menu.
3. Insert a new category.
4. Update the cost of the items.
5. Accept orders.

$id = isset($_GET['id']) ? $_GET['id'] : '';

$edfood = mysqli_query($connection, "select * from food_items where item_id='$id'");


update footitems set

m_price',cre_date='$cre_date' WHERE item_id='$id'");

print '<script>alert("Successfully updated!...");</script>';

print '<script>window.location.assign("add_fooditems.php");</script>';

5.2.6: Module 6- Admin – Orders

This is where the admin can view all the customer orders and accept the orders. The admin
then gets them to be delivered.

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$id = $_POST['accept'];
mysqli_query($connection, "update checkout set acc_ord='Order Accepted' where
chk_id='$id'"); }
$vusrs = mysqli_query($connection, "SELECT * FROM checkout INNER JOIN user_reg
ON = checkout.fk_user WHERE checkout.acc_ord='pending'");
$slno = 1;
print '<tr>';

5.2.7: Module 7- Admin – Category


The admin can add new categories of Cuisines or meals. The admin can also remove the existing
$result = mysqli_query($connection,"SELECT * FROM products where Product like '%$filter%'
or Description like '%$filter%' or Category like '%$filter%'");



$prodID = $row["ID"];

echo '<ul class="col-sm-4">';

echo '<div class="product-image-wrapper">

<div class="single-products">

<div class="productinfo text-center">

alt="'.$row['Product'].'" title="'.$row['Product'].'" width="150" height="150" />

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Chapter 7:


2.1 Module1-login

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Fig: 7.1 Admin and User login

2.2Module 2-User Category

Fig: 7.2 All products in User’s menu

2.3Module 3-User Cart

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Fig: 7.3.1User Cart

Fig: 7.3.2 Checkout

2.4Module 4-User Orders

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Fig: 7.4 Admin: View Orders

2.5Module 5-Admin: All Products

Fig: 7.5 Admin: All Products

2.6Module 6-Admin: Orders

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Fig: 7.6.1 Admin: Unpaid Orders

Fig: 7.6.2 Admin: Delivered Orders

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Fig: 7.6.3 Admin: Paid Orders

2.7 Module 7-Admin: Category

Fig: 7.1 Admin: Category

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Chapter 8:


8.1 Conclusion:

The project entitled “RESTAURANT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM “has been proposed to be

implementing to replace the manual system. The developed system accomplishes all the objectives stated
for the need for the change of the system. The outputs produced seem to satisfy all the users but it will
definitely take to look forwarded for the real consequences the new system could produce. This project
was made user friendly by the use of visual basic enabling the user to interact easily with the database.
It’s also enabled the platform to serve the needs of emerging information technology trends and needs.
The users can add any number of items to the cart from any of the available food categories by simply
clicking the Add to Cart button for each item. Once item is added to the cart, user is presented with
detailed order to review or continue shopping. The users can add any number of items to the cart from
any of the available food categories by simply clicking the Add to Cart button for each item. Once item is
added to the cart, user is presented with detailed order to review or continue shopping.

8.2 Future Work:

 Allow customers to customize food orders and reservation system.

 Allow to save payment details for future use.
 Allow to process an order as a guest.
 Allow to find and choose a nearby restaurant.
 Integrate within store touch store touch screen devices like iPad.

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