Profprac 2017B

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A written authorization granted by the Building Official

Professional Practice and Building Laws to an applicant allowing him to proceed with
JPT Review Center (Arch. Pedro Santos Jr.) construction after plans, specifications and other
pertinent documents have been found to be in
1. Construction in a building involving changes in the conformity with the Code
materials used, partitioning, locations / sizes of a. Building permit
openings, structural parts, existing utilities and b. Occupancy permit
equipment without increasing the overall area. c. FSIC
a. Alteration d. FSEC
b. Renovation
c. Slum upgrading 10. According to Rule II of the NBC IRR, which does not
d. Redecoration fall under civil/structural documents?
a. Roof framing plans
2. The transfer of buildings or portions thereof from an b. Boring and load tests
original location to another, either within the same lot c. Seismic analysis
or to a different one. d. All of the above are included under civil/structural
a. Evacuation documents
b. Reassembly
c. Moving 11. Firewalls are not allowed for R1 developments.
d. Disaster displacement However, an abutment of up to 3.20m in height is
allowed, provided that above ____, the abutment shall
3. Any physical change made on a building/ structure to be made of perforated concrete blocks.
increase its value, utility and/ or to improve its a. 1.00m
aesthetic quality b. 1.20m
a. Slum upgrading c. 1.50m
b. Renovation d. 1.70m
c. Interior design
d. Architectural interiors 12. Does the law permit the owner to proceed with ground
preparation and excavation works before the issuance
4. Which of the following is NOT true about the building of the building permit?
official, according to Rule II of the IRR of PD 1096? a. No. The owner must wait for the building permit
a. The building official must either be a duly to be issued before he can proceed with
registered architect or civil engineer excavation works.
b. The building official must be of good moral b. Yes, as long as the Building Official issues the
character Ground Preparation and Excavation Permit and
c. The building official must have at least five years as long as the owner follows the corresponding
of diversified and professional experience in rules/requirements.
building design and construction c. The NBC is silent on this matter.
d. All of the above are true d. Both A and C.

5. Which of the following violations is the gravest, 13. Does the law permit the owner to occupy completed
according to Rule II of the NBC IRR? portions of the building even though other parts are
a. Failure to post Certificate of Occupancy still being constructed?
b. Use or occupancy of building/structure without a. No. The entire building must be completed first
appropriate Certificate of Occupancy and the Certificate of Occupancy for the entire
c. Non-compliance with work stoppage order for building must be issued before anyone can
construction or demolition without permit occupy any portion of the building.
d. Non-compliance with the work stoppage order for b. No, this is extremely dangerous. There must be
the alteration, addition, conversion, or repair no ongoing works within the building before
without permit anyone may be allowed to occupy it.
c. Yes, if the Building Official grants a Partial
6. Whose duty is it to declare buildings as ruinous or Certificate of Occupancy to the owner.
dangerous? d. Both A and B
a. This is the building official’s duty
b. This is the secretary’s duty 14. For a sloping lot with a 2.00m difference between the
c. This is the architect’s duty highest and lowest points of the lot, where will the
d. This is the PRBOA’s duty established grade line be for building height
7. Which of the following does NOT require a building a. The lowest point of the lot
permit? b. The highest point of the lot
a. A small patio, only 25 sqm. in area, resting c. The average between the two points
directly on the ground d. None of the above
b. A low garden masonry wall that is only 6 meters
long and only 1.5 meters high 15. What is the minimum parking slot size for a standard
c. A greenhouse that measures 2 meters x 3 truck?
meters only a. 2.50m x 5.00m
d. A mini-aviary measuring 3 meters x 4 meters with b. 3.00 x 9.00m
a maximum height of less than 6 meters c. 3.60 x 12.00m
measured from the ground to the apex of the roof d. 3.60 x 18.00m

8. What is the minimum distance required between 16. If you add the ISA and the USA, what will you get?
eaves and the rear and side property lines? a. TOSL
a. 500mm b. PSO
b. 750mm c. MACA
c. 1000mm d. AMBF
d. None of the above. Setbacks are measured not
to the eaves, but to the exterior faces of the 17. If you subtract the ISAmax from the MACA, what will
walls. you get?
a. TOSLmin
b. PSOmax
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c. USAmin b. Allowed on both sides of the property
d. BHL c. Allowed on one side and the rear
d. Both B and C
18. If you multiply the FLAR by the TLA, what will you
get? 29. This term refers to any new construction which
a. AMBF increases the height or area of an existing building.
b. GFA a. Addition
c. TGFA b. Alteration
d. MACA c. Renovation
d. Conversion
19. What is the minimum area for habitable rooms,
according to the National Building Code? 30. This uses wood construction with protective fire-
a. 1.20 sqm resistant materials and is one-hour fire-resistive
b. 3.00 sqm throughout.
c. 6.00 sqm a. Type I
d. 12.00 sqm b. Type II
c. Type III and IV
20. What is the minimum air space provision per person d. Type V
for habitable rooms?
a. 3.00 cubic meters 31. The provisions of the National Building Code apply to
b. 12.00 cubic meters all public and private buildings except for:
c. 14 cubic meters a. BP 220 projects
d. 18 cubic meters b. Buildings made of native materials like wood,
nipa, and lumber
21. What is the minimum width for an access road serving c. Projects that only involve non-structural repairs
an interior lot? d. Both A and B
a. 3.00m
b. 4.00m 32. Which is not included among the valid grounds for
c. 5.00m declaring a building as dangerous?
d. 8.00m a. Structural hazard
b. Aesthetic deficiency
22. What is the minimum ceiling height required for the c. Unsafe electrical wiring
seventh floor of a naturally-ventilated building? d. Inadequate sanitation
a. 1.80m
b. 2.10m 33. Type I constructions are not allowed in which zones?
c. 2.40m a. Non-fire restricted zone
d. 2.70m b. Fire restrictive zone
c. Highly fire restrictive zone
23. For agricultural areas, the NBC requires at least d. Both B and C
_____ of easement for each side of the waterway.
a. 3.00m 34. On a non-arcaded RROW, signs may be allowed to
b. 10.00m project by as much as
c. 20.00m a. 300mm
d. 40.00m b. 600mm
c. 900mm
24. Townhouses are typical of which zoning d. 1200mm
a. R-2 35. Should a sign be allowed to project beyond the
b. R-4 property line and into an arcaded RROW, a minimum
c. R-5 vertical clearance of ___ must be maintained from the
d. C-1 road surface to the bottom of the sign.
a. 3.00 m
25. According to Article 1723 of the Civil Code, who shall b. 4.27 m
be held liable if a building collapses due to the use of c. 5.00 m
inferior materials? d. 6.00 m
a. The architect or the engineer who drew up the
plans 36. For glass panels that need to larger than 3.00m x
b. The contractor and the construction supervisor 3.00m, the minimum thickness needs to be:
c. The building official who reviewed and approved a. 8mm
the plans b. 10mm
d. Both B and C c. 12mm
d. 15mm
26. Before using or occupying a completed building, this
document must be issued first. 37. According to the NBC, the maximum speed of
a. Building permit escalators is
b. Certificate of inspection a. 90 feet per minute
c. Certificate of compliance b. 120 feet per minute
d. Certificate of occupancy c. 36 meters per minute
d. 38 meters per minute
27. The Building Code requires that the owner hire a full-
time inspector for the construction. This inspector 38. According to the NBC, the minimum stairway width for
must be a: buildings with an occupant load of 10-50 is
a. Licensed architect a. 1.10m
b. Licensed mechanical engineer b. 0.90m
c. Licensed contractor c. 0.75m
d. Either A or B d. 0.60m

28. What are the allowable firewall configurations for an 39. For protection of pedestrians, what will be required
R3 project? when the distance between the OFB and the inner
a. Allowed on one side of property
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edge of the sidewalk is equal to 75% of the building
height? 49. What is required to be provided at the bottom and the
a. A fence only top of a ramp?
b. A canopy only a. A turnabout space with a minimum dimension of
c. A fence and a canopy 1.50m
d. A fence, a canopy, and a safety net b. A vestibule with a level space at least 1.50m
wide and 2.00m deep
40. Every fence or building corner must be truncated at c. A curb with a minimum height of 100mm
the corner to form a chaflan on roads that are less d. A level area not less than 1.80m in length
than 3.60m wide. What is the minimum width of a
chaflan? 50. What are the minimum dimensions of a toilet stall for
a. 3.00m PWDs?
b. 3.60m a. 1.50m x 1.50m
c. 4.00m b. 1.50m x 1.80m
d. 5.00m c. 1.70m x 1.80m
d. 1.80m x 2.00m
41. Which formula could be used to yield building bulk?
a. PSOmax * AMBF 51. What are the minimum dimensions required for
b. TLA * PSOmax * BHLmeters elevators?
c. PSOmax * TLA / BHLmeters a. Hoistway inside dimensions of 1.10m x 1.40m
d. [ (FLAR * TLA) * BHLstoreys] * BHLmeters b. Car inside dimensions of 1.10 x 1.40m
c. Hoistway inside dimensions of 1.10 x 1.70
42. Which would be included when obtaining GFA? d. Car inside dimensions of 1.10 x 1.70
a. Balconies with an area of 5 square meters
b. Parking areas equivalent to half the area of one 52. What is the maximum travel distance allowed for
floor accessible elevators?
c. Utility areas equivalent to not more than one-third a. 10.00m from entrance
of one floor b. 15.00m from entrance
d. Fire escape structures if complying to standards c. 20.00m from entrance
stair measurements of the NBC d. 30.00m from entrance

43. What is the maximum allowable slope for PWD ramps, 53. For PWD washrooms, what is the maximum height
according to BP 344? allowed for a lavatory counter?
a. 10% a. 750mm
b. 12% b. 800mm
c. 1:10 c. 850mm
d. 1:12 d. 900mm

44. For ramps using the maximum allowable slope, a 54. What is the minimum clear width for doors according
landing must be provided after every 6.00 meters of to BP 344?
horizontal travel distance. What is the minimum length a. 600mm
of this landing? b. 700mm
a. 1.00m c. 800mm
b. 1.20m d. 900mm
c. 1.50m
d. 2.00m 55. A central refuge area with a minimum depth of 1.50m
is required for crossings if the width of the road to be
45. What is the minimum width required for a curb cutout crossed exceeds
leading to a 1.20m-wide crossing? a. 6.50m
a. 0.90m b. 8.00m
b. 1.00m c. 10.00m
c. 1.20m d. 12.00m
d. 1.50m
56. What is the minimum headroom for walkways
46. What is the minimum dimension of the required according to BP 344?
turnabout space for walkways and what should be the a. 1.80m
maximum distance between two turnabout spaces? b. 2.00m
a. Minimum dimension of 1.20m, maximum c. 2.10m
distance of 15.00m d. 3.00m
b. Minimum dimension of 1.50m, maximum
distance of 12.00m 57. For drainage purposes, a maximum cross gradient of
c. Minimum dimension of 1.20m, maximum ____ toward the road is allowed for dropped curbs.
distance of 12.00m a. 1:12
d. Minimum dimension of 1.50m, maximum b. 1:20
distance of 15.00m c. 12%
d. 20%
47. Handrails are required for ramps, stairs, and dropped
curbs at crossings. These handrails should be 58. Based on the prescribed hierarchy of roads and road
installed at what height/s? widths in BP 220 and PD 957, which of the following is
a. 700mm and 900mm the narrowest?
b. 800mm and 900mm a. Minor road
c. 900mm and 1000m b. Alley
d. 900mm only c. Interconnecting road
d. Pathwalk
48. What is the minimum width of an accessible parking
slot? 59. What is the maximum allowable riser height for stairs
a. 2.15m in BP 220?
b. 2.50m a. 150 mm.
c. 2.70m b. 175 mm.
d. 3.70m c. 200 mm.
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d. 250 mm. 71. For socialized housing, what is the minimum lot
frontage required for single-detached developments?
60. What is the minimum tread width for stairs in BP 220? a. 6.00 m.
a. 200 mm. b. 8.00 m.
b. 225 mm. c. 10.00 m.
c. 250 mm. d. 12.00 m.
d. 300 mm.
72. What is the minimum side setback required for
61. In terms of cost, which of the following is the most socialized and economic housing?
expensive? a. 1.00 m.
a. Economic housing b. 1.50 m.
b. Socialized housing c. 2.00 m.
c. Open market housing d. 4.50 m.
d. Medium cost housing
73. Parks and playgrounds are required for projects that
62. Which of the following is prohibited by BP 220 and PD have a minimum gross area of ___
957? a. 1 hectare
a. A rowhouse cluster of 10 units b. 2 hectares
b. A rowhouse cluster of 20 units c. 3 hectares
c. A rowhouse cluster 100 m. long d. 10 hectares
d. A block 500.00m long with a 2.00m-wide alley
approximately at the center
74. Which of the following are the last three items on the
63. For long blocks, an alley must be provided when the list of minimum basic needs of human settlements
block becomes _____ long or longer. prescribed by BP 220?
a. 200 m. a. Water, power, storm drainage
b. 250 m. b. Water, power, parks and playgrounds
c. 300 m. c. Solid and liquid waste disposal, parks and
d. 500 m. playgrounds, power
d. Storm drainage, parks and playgrounds, power
64. What is the prescribed ratio for saleable and non-
saleable lots in BP 220? 75. For medium-cost and open market housing
a. 30% saleable, 70% non-saleable developments, what is the minimum area required for
b. 70% saleable, 30% non-saleable parks and playgrounds?
c. 60% saleable, 40% non-saleable a. 3.5% of gross area
d. None of the above b. 4.0% of gross area
c. 5.0% of gross area
65. What is the prescribed ratio for saleable and non- d. 9.0% of gross area
saleable lots in PD 957?
a. 30% saleable, 70% non-saleable 76. What is the minimum floor area required for open
b. 70% saleable, 30% non-saleable market housing?
c. 60% saleable, 40% non-saleable a. 18 sqm.
d. None of the above b. 22 sqm.
c. 30 sqm.
66. Which of the following is true? d. 42 sqm.
a. An alley may be used as property access for
socialized developments only 77. What is the minimum level of completion required for
b. A pathwalk may be used as property access for PD 957?
socialized and economic developments a. Shell house
c. A pathwalk length of up to 60.00 m. is allowed b. Shell house with doors and windows
d. An alley must have a minimum width of 1.20 m. c. Complete house
d. Complete house without interior partitions
67. What is the minimum ceiling height required for
socialized and economic housing (not including 78. What is the minimum lot area required for open
mezzanines)? market, duplex housing?
a. 2.70 m. a. 50 sqm.
b. 2.40 m. b. 80 sqm.
c. 2.10 m. c. 96 sqm.
d. 2.00 m. d. 120 sqm.

68. What is the smallest door permitted by BP 220? 79. For BP 220, what is the minimum thickness required
a. 600 mm. wide x 1800 mm. tall for firewalls?
b. 700 mm. wide x 1800 mm. tall a. 4 inches
c. 700 mm. wide x 2000 mm .tall b. 5 inches
d. 800 mm. wide x 2000 mm. tall c. 6 inches
d. 8 inches
69. What is the acceptable range of handrail heights
according to BP 220? 80. Subdivisions abutting main public roads must provide
a. 800-900 mm. from the floor setbacks on both sides of the subdivision entrance for
b. 800-100 mm. from the floor public utility vehicles. What are the minimum
c. 800-1200 mm. from the floor dimensions required for the setback?
d. 800-1500 mm.from the floor a. 2.50 m. x 5.00 m.
b. 3.00 m. x 5.00 m.
70. For economic housing, what is the minimum lot area c. 3.00 m. x 9.00 m.
required for single-detached developments? d. 3.60 m. x 12.00 m.
a. 64 sqm.
b. 72 sqm. 81. What is the minimum floor area required for a medium
c. 18 sqm. cost family condominium according to PD 957?
d. 22 sqm. a. 12 sqm.
b. 18 sqm.
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c. 22 sqm. 90. An architect registered and licensed under R.A. No.
d. 36 sqm. 9266, who is directly and professionally responsible
and liable for the construction supervision of the
82. An integrated piping system connected to a source of project
extinguishing agent which suppressed fires when a. Architect of record
actuated by its automatic detecting deviceStandpipe b. Architect in charge of construction
system c. Architect builder
a. Standpipe system d. Consulting architect
b. Automatic fire suppression system
c. Fire extinguisher 91. Which is not a duty of the PRBOA?
d. Fire hose a. Conduct seminars and workshops as part of the
Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
83. The maximum number of persons that may be allowed program and as an automatic CPD provider
to occupy a particular building or space b. Adopt an official seal
a. Maximum occupancy c. Suspend the Certificate of Registration of an
b. Building load architect, if necessary
c. Occupant load d. Administer oaths in connection with the
d. Occupant total Architecture Act

84. How many sets of drawings should the Building 92. Which is not grounds for removal of a member of the
Official send the Fire Marshall, according to RA 9514? PRBOA?
a. 3 a. Inability to perform his or her duties due to
b. 5 sickness
c. 6 b. Manipulation of grades in the exams
d. 7 c. Removing “Site Planning” from the syllabus of
the exam. This subject should be included
85. This document is issued upon determination that because it is extremely important in architecture.
design and specification is in accordance with the d. Spreading malicious rumors about an architect
provisions of the Fire Code. that turn out to be false information
a. FALAR 1
b. FALAR 2 93. Who cannot be elected as a member of the PRBOA
c. FSIC today?
d. FSEC a. An architect who ceased all teaching functions
and connections with any school or review center
86. Who is violating the Code of Ethics? on September 24, 2010 only
a. An architect who recommends the method of b. An architect who started practicing architecture
arbitration when it comes to settling disputes on September 24, 2003 only
b. An architect who informs his colleague that he is c. An architect who has never been convicted of
being hired by the latter’s former client as a new crimes involving moral turpitude and who has
architect for a project plenty of related experience as current chairman
c. An architect who refuses to make schematic of the Philippine Institute of Architects
sketches without payment for a client who is d. An architect who has never received a
short of money commission for high-rise building projects
d. An architect who credits half of his commission
from the supplier to the owner’s bill (to add to the 94. Can a person who is not a citizen of the Philippines
owner’s discount) take the licensure examination for architects?
a. Absolutely. The PRC encourages and freely
87. Are architects allowed to accept gifts from suppliers? allows all architecture graduates from other
a. Only when the gift does not exceed the contract countries to take the exam as part of the
amount awarded to that supplier globalization initiative.
b. Only when the gift will not cloud the architect’s b. Yes, but there are conditions.
judgment and objectivity c. No. Only Filipinos are allowed to take the
c. Only when the gift was solicited by the architect examination.
d. The architect is never allowed to accept gifts, no d. Yes, if they have experience working under a
matter how small Filipino mentor for a project on Philippine soil.

88. Who is not violating the Code of Ethics? 95. What is the minimum average score required to pass
a. An architect who asks to be considered for a the board exam?
project even though the owner has already a. 50%
begun negotiations with another architect (but no b. 60%
contract yet) c. 70%
b. An architect who accepts a commission to d. 75%
remodel a building after notifying the original
architect of the commission and ensuring that the 96. Which of the following is grounds for
previous architect’s contract was properly suspension/revocation of an architect’s license?
terminated a. Fraud in the exam application
c. An architect who fails to pay his draftsmen b. Unprofessional conduct
according to the work contract because of his c. Violation of the minor provisions of RA 9266
firm’s financial difficulties d. All of the above
d. All of these architects are violating the Code of
Ethics 97. Which person is violating RA 9266?
a. An architecture graduate who posts an
89. Which of the following shall take precedence over the advertisement on that he can
other? prepare plans that are just as good as a licensed
a. An architect’s duty to his client architect’s
b. An architect’s duty to the public b. A secretary who, upon her boss’ instruction,
c. Both A and B are equally important offers her boss’ architectural design services
d. None of the above even though her boss is not a licensed architect

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c. A person who uses another name instead of
his/her registered name because the new name 107. When there is a continuing relationship with the owner
is more marketable and is easier to remember involving a series of projects, which method of
d. All of these persons are violating RA 9266 compensation is recommended?
a. Lump sum
98. When the project is not yet executed, what happens to b. Multiple of direct personnel expense
the intellectual property of the design/drawings? c. Honorarium
a. The intellectual property for the design does not d. Professional fee plus expenses
exist until the project is built
b. The intellectual property for the design is the 108. For cases where the client requests an architect to do
owner’s until the project is built work that will require his personal time, what is
c. The intellectual property for the design remains recommended to be charged to the client?
the same because the construction of the project a. Per diem
is irrelevant to intellectual property b. Honorarium
d. The intellectual property for the design is still the c. Reimbursible expenses
architect’s because it only becomes the owner’s d. All of the above
AFTER the project is built
109. Which is not a phase in the regular design services of
99. Which will need to be registered with the SEC? the architect?
a. A sole proprietorship a. Project definition
b. A corporation b. Design development
c. An architectural firm c. Bidding
d. Both B and C d. Site development

100. Which method of selection is recommended for small 110. Which is NOT part of the architect’s scope of work
projects? when rendering regular design services?
a. Direct selection a. Preparation of change orders
b. Comparative selection b. Monitoring of maintenance and upkeep services
c. Architectural design competition of the building
d. All of the above are recommended c. Periodic visits to the construction site
d. Responding to questions from bidders
101. In an architectural design competition, which is true
about the jury? 111. Which is not an architect’s duty when he functions as
a. The jury should be even-numbered a construction manager?
b. There should be at least seven members a. Quality control of work (QC)
c. All of the jurors must be licensed architects b. Keeping of records for the project
because only then will they be qualified to judge c. Design revisions
the designs d. Cost and time control
d. None of this is true
112. The orderly arrangement within a piece of land or
102. How many representatives of the owner can sit on the property on which vertical structures such as
jury in an architectural competition? buildings, monuments and the like
a. Only one a. Site planning
b. Up to two b. Physical planning
c. Less than half of the jury c. Master development panning
d. The owner cannot have representatives on the d. Comprehensive planning
jury because he needs to uphold the decisions of
the jury 113. Forensic architecture is a
a. Regular design service
103. This refers to the detailed analysis of the project b. Specialized allied service
based on pre-feasibility studies will determine the c. Specialized architectural service
viability of a proposed development. This requires d. Specialized predesign service
primary data gathering and analysis.
a. Pre-feasibility studies 114. Which SPP document covers Construction
b. Feasibility studies Management (CM) services?
c. Site utilization and land use studies a. SPP 203
d. Architectural programming b. SPP-204A
c. SPP-204B
104. As defined by SPP 201, the goal of this is to achieve d. SPP-201
an unimpaired program at minimum cost.
a. Value engineering 115. Upon moving in to your new condominium building,
b. Value management you discovered that your friend who is an RLA works
c. Cost estimation in your building and collects condo dues from the
d. Architectural research residents. Your friend is probably rendering
a. Specialized architectural services
105. Which method of rendering services is NOT allowed in b. Specialized allied services
SPP 201 (Predesign Services)? c. Comprehensive architectural services
a. Rendering the service as an individual architect d. Post-construction services
b. Rendering the service with the architect’s staff
c. Rendering the service in collaboration with 116. Your boss offered to his client the option to award to
another firm your boss the entire range of professional services, all
d. All of these are allowed by SPP 201 the way from predesign to post-construction services
so that the client does not have to deal with too many
106. In the multiple of direct personnel expenses, what is professionals and award too many contracts. What
added to the “Fee” to get the total cost charged to the kind of service did your boss offer?
client? a. Comprehensive architectural services
a. The consultant’s fee b. Regular design services
b. Reimbursibles c. Specialized architectural services
c. Income taxes d. An illegal service
d. Healthcard
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117. For the multiple of direct personnel expense method 127. This planning service places heavy emphasis on the
of compensation, what is the multiplier recommended non-physical and non-engineering components of the
by the SPP? master development plan
a. 1.0-2.0 a. Site planning
b. 1.5-2.5 b. Physical planning
c. 3.5-5.0 c. Master planning
d. 5.0-7.5 d. Comprehensive development planning

118. During regular design service, when should the 128. In the project team, whose responsibility is it to plan,
architect submit or update the SPPCC? program and monitor the various activities, and act as
a. Schematic design phase an adviser on material costs and construction
b. Design development phase methods?
c. Contract documents phase a. The contractor’s
d. All of the above b. The project manager’s
c. The owner’s
119. In SPP 202, projects are classified according to the d. The estimator’s
degree of complexity of the project. Which falls under
Group 2? 129. When an architect renders a design-build service, is
a. Printing plants he allowed to guarantee a maximum project
b. Auditorium construction cost?
c. Mausoleum a. Yes, because this is one of the methods of
d. Mall rendering design-build services according to the
120. In SPP 202, projects are classified according to the b. No, because estimates should never be
degree of complexity of the project. Which falls under guaranteed by the architect
Group 3? c. No, because the architect is not allowed to build
a. Airport his own project and must hire a third party
b. Aquarium contractor
c. Gymnasium d. Both B and C
d. All of the above
130. Who is supposed to prepare the FALAR 2?
121. In SPP 202, projects where the plan / design and a. The architect
related Contract Documents are re-used for the b. The fire protection consultant
repetitive construction of similar buildings without c. The contractor
amending the drawing and the specifications is d. The owner
classified as
a. Group 4 131. Who is supposed to prepare the FALAR 1?
b. Group 5 a. The fire marshall
c. Group 6 b. The architect
d. Group 7 c. The construction manager
d. The building official
122. Once the Architect has prepared all contract
documents, the Architect is considered to have 132. What is the minimum tread required for new stairs in
completed the Detailed Design and Contract RA 9514?
Documents Phase of his services. This is equivalent a. 180mm
to b. 200mm
a. 80% of his work c. 250mm
b. 85% of his work d. 280mm
c. 90% of his work
d. 100% of his work 133. What is the minimum riser height required for new
stairs in RA 9514?
123. When construction is suspended for a period of 8 a. 100mm
months, what happens to the architect’s fee for the b. 180mm
remaining works? c. 200mm
a. It is withheld by the owner until completion of the d. None of the above
b. It is withheld by the owner until the issues on-site 134. Which handrail height NOT allowed by RA 9514?
are resolved. a. 760mm
c. It is doubled. b. 770mm
d. Nothing. It stays the same. c. 850mm
d. 870mm
124. The architect’s fee is a
a. Net amount 135. For sleeping departments of hospitals, what is the
b. Immune to all forms of taxes minimum area that needs to be allotted per person in
c. Incomplete amount the determination of the occupant load, based on RA
d. Both A and B 9514?
a. 1.40sqm
125. Which is not part of the PCC? b. 1.90sqm
a. Cost of electrical fixtures c. 11.10sqm
b. Cost of the air-conditioning system d. 22.30sqm
c. Cost of acquiring the lot
d. All of these are not part of the PCC 136. For the basement level of a store that is used for
back-of-house offices, how much area per person
126. Which is the largest amount? should be allotted based on RA 9514?
a. PCC a. 2.80sqm
b. PDC b. 5.60sqm
c. The architect’s fee c. 9.30sqm
d. Both A and B d. 18.60sqm

Arch. Pedro Santos Jr. (JPT Review Center) Page 7 of 11

137. Based on RA 9514, how many exits are required if the
occupant load is 600? 149. Minimum width of stairs for OL greater than 10,
a. 1 exit according to the NBC
b. 2 exits a. 0.75m
c. 3 exits b. 0.90m
d. 4 exits c. 1.10m
d. 1.50m
138. What is the minimum lot frontage required for a
socialized duplex housing unit? 150. Minimum depth of tactile strip that needs to be
a. 3.00m provided at the top and the bottom of stairs, according
b. 4.00m to BP 344.
c. 5.00m a. 300mm
d. 6.00m b. 500mm
c. 600mm
139. The minimum tread for existing stairs, according to RA d. 1200mm
a. 200mm 151. Maximum longitudinal gradient of a walkway,
b. 230mm according to BP 344.
c. 250mm a. 1:10
d. 280mm b. 1:12
c. 1:20
140. Minimum ramp width, according to RA 9514. d. 1:100
a. 915mm
b. 1120mm 152. Maximum cross gradient of a walkway, according to
c. 1200mm BP 344.
d. 1420mm a. 1:10
b. 1:12
141. Minimum elevator pit depth according to the NBC. c. 1:20
a. 300mm d. 1:100
b. 500mm
c. 600mm 153. Maximum projection of gratings from the surface of
d. 800mm the walkway, according to BP 344.
a. 3.0mm
142. Area per person for places of assembly, standing b. 6.5mm
rooms. c. 13mm
a. 0.18sqm d. 25mm
b. 0.28sqm
c. 0.65sqm 154. Minimum clearance of a handrail that is vertically
d. 1.40sqm mounted on top of a ledge, according to BP 344.
a. 30mm
143. Firewall extension under the eaves, according to the b. 40mm
NBC. c. 50mm
a. 200mm d. 60mm
b. 300mm
c. 400mm 155. Minimum clearance of a handrail that is horizontally
d. 600mm mounted onto a wall, according to BP 344.
a. 20mm
144. Minimum floor area of a single-occupancy b. 30mm
condominium for medium cost housing. c. 40mm
a. 12sqm d. 50mm
b. 15sqm
c. 18sqm 156. Maximum crossing speed for pedestrians prescribed
d. 20sqm by BP 344.
a. 0.50m/sec
145. Minimum width of a pathwalk, according to BP 220. b. 0.70m/sec
a. 2.00m c. 0.90m/sec
b. 3.00m d. 1.10m/sec
c. 6.50m
d. 8.00m 157. If there are 24 water closet stalls for women and 18
water closet stalls for men (all located on one floor),
146. Minimum width of passageway for courts according to how many accessible toilet stalls need to be provided
NBC. for the entire floor?
a. 1.00m a. 1
b. 1.20m b. 2
c. 1.50m c. 3
d. 2.00m d. 4

147. Maximum distance of the required turning space from 158. Which is an acceptable height for a doorknob,
a dead end, according to BP 344. according to BP 344?
a. 2.00m a. 925mm
b. 3.50m b. 1100mm
c. 4.50m c. 1200mm
d. 6.00m d. None of the above

148. Maximum height of a flush control device for PWD 159. The minimum distance required from a major road
toilets, according to BP 344. intersection and the ingress point of a traffic
a. 800mm from the floor generating building
b. 850mm from the floor a. 25m
c. 900mm from the floor b. 50m
d. 1200mm from the floor c. 75m
Arch. Pedro Santos Jr. (JPT Review Center) Page 8 of 11
d. 100m on the part of the Contractor to pay all obligations
arising from the contract.
160. According to the NBC, minimum foundation thickness a. Proposal bond
for Group A dwellings b. Payment bond
a. 150mm c. Performance bond
b. 200mm d. None of the above
c. 225mm
d. 250mm 171. The approved form of security furnished by the
contractor and is surety as a guarantee to the quality
161. Minimum vertical clearance from the top of the of materials and equipment installed and the
sidewalk to the lowest part of the street canopy (for workmanship performed by the Contractor.
pedestrian protection) a. Proposal bond
a. 2.00m b. Payment bond
b. 2.40m c. Performance bond
c. 2.70m d. None of the above
d. 3.00m
172. The person, firm or corporation who provides the
162. Minimum width of a single-loaded aisle, according to guarantee for the Contractor’s Bonds.
the NBC. a. Proposal bond
a. 600mm b. Payment bond
b. 750mm c. Performance bond
c. 800mm d. None of the above
d. 1200mm
173. Printed documents stipulating the procedural and the
163. Which does NOT require a wet standpipe, according administrative aspects of the contract.
to the NBC? a. Contract agreement
a. Group H or I occupancy of any height b. General conditions
b. Group C occupancy 2 or more storeys in height c. Special provisions
c. Groups B, D, E F and G 3 or more storeys in d. Proposal agreement
d. Group H buildings without stage whose seating 174. Shall be understood to mean “Purchase and/or
capacity is less than 500 fabricate and deliver to the jobsite or other location
when so designated.”
164. Maximum inclination of an escalator according to the a. Work
NBC b. Furnish
a. 25 degrees from horizontal c. Provide
b. 25 degrees from vertical d. Install
c. 30 degreees from vertical
d. 30 degrees from horizontal 175. Shall mean to build in, mount positions, connect or
apply any object specified ready for the intended use.
165. For a condominium project with 12 condo units and a. Work
which is 900 meters away from the nearest public b. Furnish
park, how much space should be allotted to parks and c. Provide
playgrounds inside the condo development? d. Install
a. 50 sqm
b. 53 sqm 176. Shall be understood to mean “furnish and install”
c. 56 sqm a. Work
d. The requirement can be waived b. Furnish
c. Provide
166. Minimum width of main door according to BP 220 d. Install
a. 600mm
b. 700mm 177. When is the work considered “substantially
c. 800mm completed?”
d. 900mm a. When the amount of completed work is equal to
95% or more of the contract amount
167. According to the NBC, what is the minimum rear b. When the amount of completed work is equal to
setback for R1? 97% or more of the contract amount
a. 1.50m c. When the amount of completed work is equal to
b. 2.00m 98% or more of the contract amount
c. 3.00m d. Only after the Period of Making Good of Known
d. 4.50m Defects or Faults

168. Minimum area of windows for habitable rooms 178. The Period of Making Good of Known Defects or
according to the NBC Faults usually lasts for 60 days maximum, unless
a. 5% of floor area but not less than 240sqmm
otherwise stated in the contract. When does this
b. 5% of floor area but not less than 1sqm
c. 10% of floor area but not less than 240sqmm period begin?
d. 10% of floor area but not less than 1sqm a. When the Certificate of Completion is issued
b. When the contractor receives the Notice to
169. The approved form of security furnished by the Proceed
Contractor and his Surety as a guarantee of good faith c. When the work completed is equivalent to at
on the part of the contractor to execute the work in least 95% of the contract amount
accordance with the terms of the contract.
d. Three months after the date of the final payment
a. Proposal bond
b. Payment bond
c. Performance bond 179. Unless any agreement otherwise is made, who shall
d. Surety shoulder the costs for permits and licenses needed for
the project, according to UAP Doc. 301?
170. The approved form of security furnished by the a. The owner
contractor and his surety as a guarantee of good faith b. The architect

Arch. Pedro Santos Jr. (JPT Review Center) Page 9 of 11

c. The contractor c. Yes, as long as he gives written notice to the
d. The PM architect regarding the extra cost within 15 days
of receiving the instruction.
180. Who is responsible for the establishment of boundary d. Yes, but owner has the right to charge the cost to
lines of the property? the architect because the owner did not order the
a. The owner change.
b. The architect
c. The contractor 190. The proprietary rights to an architectural work by a
d. The PM person who commissions the Architect for the said
work. These proprietary rights shall be limited to use
181. If there is conflict between the specs and the of the design for one project only.
drawings, which should be followed? a. Copyright
a. The drawings b. Ownership
b. The specs c. Authorship
c. The service agreement d. Statute of limitations
d. The general conditions
191. Which is not a document that needs to be submitted
182. Which is not part of the contract documents? when applying to take the licensure examination for
a. General conditions architects?
b. Special provisions a. Certificate of Live Birth in National Statistics
c. Specifications Office (NSO) Security Paper
d. All of these are part of the contract documents b. Marriage Contract in NSO Security Paper for
married male applicants
183. Minimum ceiling height for a one-storey artificially c. National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) Clearance
ventilated structure according to NBC d. All of these are required
a. 2.10m
b. 2.40m 192. Who decides on the design of the Architect’s seal?
c. 2.70m a. The IAPOA
d. 3.00m b. The PRBOA
c. The President of the Philippines
184. Area per person for places of assembly, according to d. The architect is free to choose his own seal
the NBC. design
a. 0.28 sqm
b. 0.65 sqm 193. The provision of RA 9266 regarding the ownership of
c. 0.90 sqm plans, specifications, and other contract documents
d. 1.40sqm needs to be incorporated by all architects in all
contract documents and other instruments of service.
185. Maximum length of dead ends according to the NBC. Which is this provision?
a. 4.50m a. Section 23 of RA 9266
b. 6.00m b. Section 32 of RA 9266
c. 7.50m c. Section 22 of RA 9266
d. 10.00m d. Section 33 of RA 9266

186. An architect registered and licensed or permitted to 194. What happens when the architect is only able to
practice under RA 9266, who is professionally and condemn inferior work a month before substantial
academically qualified and with exceptional or completion?
recognized expertise or specialization in any branch of a. The contractor still needs to rectify it because it is
architecture. inferior work, at no cost to the owner.
a. Expert architect b. The contractor will rectify the inferior work but will
b. Consulting architect charge the cost of rectification to the owner
c. Foreign consultant because the condemnation period expires no
d. Architect of record later than 6 months from substantial completion.
c. Since the condemnation period has already
187. According to the IRR of RA 9266, the term expired, the owner may cross charge to the
“architectural company” is considered synonymous to architect the cost for rectification. This may be
a. Sole proprietorship deducted from the architect’s remaining fee for
b. Partnership construction supervision.
c. Corporation d. Both B and C
d. All of the above
195. In order for a corporation to be registered for the
188. The proprietary rights retained by an architect over corporate practice of architecture, at least ____ of the
any architectural work that he prepares, including the owners, shareholders, members, etc. of that firm must
right to control the erection of any building which be RLAs.
reproduces his design whether in whole or in part. a. 1/4
a. Copyright b. 1/2
b. Ownership c. 3/4
c. Authorship d. Majority (50% + 1)
d. Statute of limitations
196. Who shall nominate persons for the vacant positions
189. If any additional drawing issued by the architect during in the PRBOA?
construction involves additional cost due to changes a. The President of the Philippines
from the original design, is the contractor entitled to b. The UAP as the IAPOA
charge additional costs to the owner? c. The other board members
a. No. The cost must be charged to the architect d. Any RLA is entitled to make nominations for the
because it is he who issued the drawings and the vacancy
changes contained in the drawing.
b. No. The contract is fixed and cannot be changed, 197. Foreign nationals must work with a Filipino
so the contractor needs to follow the original counterpart in order to perform architectural services
design. on Philippine soil. Between them, who shall be the
architect of record?
Arch. Pedro Santos Jr. (JPT Review Center) Page 10 of 11
a. The foreign national
b. The Filipino counterpart
c. Either of the two
d. Both of them

198. According to UAP Document 301, who shall be

responsible for making the necessary arrangements
with utility companies to provide water, power, and
telephone services to the jobsite?
a. The owner
b. The architect
c. The construction manager
d. The contractor

199. If any section of the IRR of RA 9266 is declared

unconstitutional, what happens to the other sections of
the IRR?
a. They shall be invalidated as well
b. They shall not be affected
c. They need to be passed into law again in order to
take effect
d. Their validity will be cast in doubt

200. Which is not true about the IAPOA?

a. The UAP is the current IAPOA
b. The IAPOA must be a non-profit, non-stock
c. The IAPOA must be registered with the DTI and
d. All registered architects automatically become
members of the IAPOA

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