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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue,
Pasig City

K to 12 Curriculum Guide
(Grade 1 to Grade 10)

13 September 2013

MUSIC / K to 12 Curriculum Guide version as of September 13, 2013


Both the Music and the Arts curricula focus on the learner as recipient of the knowledge, skills, and values necessary for artistic
expression and cultural literacy. The design of the curricula is student-centered, based on spiral progression of processes, concepts and
skills and grounded in performance-based learning. Thus, the learner is empowered, through active involvement and participation, to effectively
correlate music and art to the development of his/her own cultural identity and the expansion of his/her vision of the world.

As Music and Arts are performance-based disciplines, effective learning occurs through active experience, participation, and performance,
creative expression, aesthetic valuation, critical response, and interpretation. The skills that are developed include reading/analyzing,
listening/observing, performing, (singing, using musical instruments, movement, acting, and playing, using different art materials, techniques and
processes, responding, composing, and creating. (See Figure 1 and Figure 2)

The philosophical foundations upon which standards and competencies are based include: A Process of Education by Jerome Bruner,
Performance-Based Learning by Cleve Miller, Aesthetic Education by Bennett Reimer, Multiple Intelligences by Howard Gardner, A Structure
for Music Education by Ronald Thomas, Gongs and Bamboo by Jose Maceda, Compendium on the Humanities: Musical Arts produced by the
National Research Council of the Philippines, Cultural Dictionary for Filipinos by Thelma Kintanar and Associates, Creative and Mental Growth by
Viktor Lowenfeld and W. Lambert Brittain, Discipline-Based Art Education by Elliot Eisner, Encyclopedia of Philippine Arts and Tuklas Sining, both
produced by the Cultural Center of the Philippines.

MUSIC / K to 12 Curriculum Guide version as of September 13, 2013


Music is both an aural and a temporal art. All its elements, when interwoven in the highest artistic order, are likened into a ― tapestry
moving in time. The global weavings of this ― tapestry in historical and cultural contexts are diverse—having spurred a continued metamorphosis
to include a full range of purposes, functions, and identities, from the utilitarian to aesthetic.

However, the basic nature of music does not change. In his book A Structure for Music Education, Ronald Thomas articulates that the
nature of music is expressive, ongoing, and creative. Through a language and medium of its own, music conveys ideas and feelings in a way that
addresses the human spirit, and has great value in its communicative process. Music, being responsive in interpreting contemporary times, is a
continuing art. Aaron Copland describes this characteristic as a ―continuous state of becoming. Like the other arts, music is a creative avenue
for man’s individual quest for self- expression and

On these basic characteristics are founded the rationale of music study. A keen sensitivity to environmental and musical sounds
needs to be developed. The student must learn to ―hear, ―speak, and ―think in the medium of music. Simultaneously, growth and development in
the skills that enable the application of the learner’s knowledge should be encouraged, through active involvement in the various musical processes.

Drawing from the development of music pedagogy through the years, the K-10 Music Curriculum embodies the best practices
advocated by the SPIRAL, MULTI-CULTURAL, and INTEGRATIVE approaches in music education, as well as current philosophical thought
about contemporary general education. We envision that Music in the K-10 Program will effectively nurture and refine the learner’s artistic
expression and cultural literacy, and celebrate his/her national heritage, while it instills, within every individual Filipino learner, pride in his/her own
cultural identity.

MUSIC / K to 12 Curriculum Guide version as of September 13, 2013


The Arts has been present since the beginning of civilization as it is an essential means for man to live and communicate with others. It has
been used to enhance man’s life and surroundings, to express his thoughts, dreams, and spiritual beliefs, and to share his own and his
community’s aspirations, celebrations, and events. Arts records, reflects, and rearranges man’s life and existence.

The Arts is a visualization of a people’s history and uniqueness, a reflection of their creativity and accomplishments, and a visible expression
of their distinct way of thinking, communicating, reasoning, and worshiping. It is expressed in a unique symbol system that is visual, kinetic and
Howard Gardner, an educator and psychologist, affirms that the arts develop the child’s “SPATIAL, INTRAPERSONAL, LINGUISTIC AND
KINESTHETIC INTELLIGENCES” for the Arts develop a distinct way of seeing, thinking, communicating, and creating in a person.
Furthermore, Art develops and increases a person’s ability to apply creative and new solutions, for new problems in our world. Schools,
therefore, need to develop the multiple intelligences of a student through the arts. The K-12 Arts Curriculum seeks to address these needs of our
students for the 21st Century.

The 21st Century is a different world: it is highly visual, with a proliferation of images seen not only in static media like magazines, books,
paintings and posters. Now images are kinetic and accessible in various media like television, outdoor advertisements, movies, cell phones, and
new technologies like iPads, iPods, DVD players, personal computers, and tablets. Artists create, upload and share via the Internet, images,
sounds, texts, films, videos, pictures, artworks and designs. These are readily available and interactive, involving the viewer to react, comment and
utilize these visuals through the Internet. Teaching Art to students is one way for them to process and interpret the barrage of images and sounds, in a
critical and intelligent manner.
The focus of the K-12 Art curriculum is PHILIPPINE ART, CULTURE and HERITAGE, appreciating the diversity of our local artists, our arts,
crafts, and indigenous materials to strengthen the student’s identity of being Filipino, before he/she is introduced to the art of other countries. The
modules guide educators and provide our students with art experiences, concepts, and processes that are presented in a SPIRAL PROGRESSION
of difficulty and depth from Kindergarten to Grade 12.

The approach is CHILD-CENTERED and HANDS-ON in creating art using locally available materials. It develops the student’s imagination
and individual expression, and his/her CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS through inquiry into the aesthetic qualities of his work, the work of others
and of artists from the Philippines and other parts of the world. It culminates in connecting art to other subject areas and provides exposure and
apprenticeship to professionals in various art-related fields so the student can discover and consider the different career opportunities in the arts.

MUSIC / K to 12 Curriculum Guide version as of September 13, 2013

Figure 1. The Curriculum Framework of Music and Art

MUSIC / K to 12 Curriculum Guide version as of September 13, 2013

Grade 12 Mastery of Proficiency in the chosen form or genre

Grade 11 Mastery of Proficiency in the chosen form or genre

Grade 10 Application of Contemporary Music and Arts

Grade 9 Application – Western Music and Arts

Grade 8 Application – Asian Music and Arts

Grade 7 Application – Philippine Folk Music and Arts

Grade 6 Application for Appropriate Mastery and Acquisition

of Skills
Grade 5 Exploration – Elements / Processes

Grade 4 Formal Introduction to Elements / Processes

Grade 3 Preliminary Acquisition of Basic Knowledge and

Grade 2 Enhanced Understanding of Fundamental Processes

Grade 1 Introduction to the Fundamental Processes

Kindergarten Exposure to the Different Music & Art

(Experiential Learning)

Figure 2. Content of Music and Art per Grade Level

MUSIC / K to 12 Curriculum Guide version as of September 13, 2013

Table 1. Basic Reference for Music and Art Content

Music Elements Music Processes Arts Elements and Principles Art Processes

Rhythm Listening Color Seeing/Observing

Melody Reading Line Reading

Form Imitating (re-creating) Shape/Form Imitating (re-creating)

Timbre Responding Texture Responding

Dynamics Creating Rhythm Creating (original works)

Tempo Performing (including movement) Balance Performing (different art processes)

Texture Evaluating Repetition * Evaluating


Harmony * Analyzing critically Analyzing critically


*No formal instruction in harmony Applying (transference) Applying (transference)

from K to 3


MUSIC / K to 12 Curriculum Guide version as of September 13, 2013

LEARNING AREA STANDARD: The learner demonstrates an understanding of basic concepts and processes in music and art through
appreciation, analysis and performance for his/her self-development, celebration of his/her Filipino cultural identity
and diversity, and expansion of his/her world vision.


K-3 4-6 7 – 10

The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates

understanding of fundamental understanding of basic elements understanding of salient features of
processes through and concepts through music and art of the Philippines
performing, creating, and performing, creating, and and the world, through appreciation,
responding, responding, aimed towards the analysis, and performance, for self-
aimed towards the development of development of appreciation of development, the celebration of
appreciation of music and art, and music and art, and acquisition of Filipino cultural identity and diversity,
acquisition of basic knowledge and basic knowledge and skills. and the
skills. expansion of one’s world vision.

MUSIC / K to 12 Curriculum Guide version as of September 13, 2013


Grade Level Grade Level Standards

Grade 1 The learner demonstrates basic understanding of the fundamental processes in music and art, through performing, creating, listening and
observing, and responding.

Grade 2 The learner demonstrates basic and fundamental processes in music and art, through performing, creating, listening and observing, and

Grade 3 The learner has acquired the basic and fundamental processes through performing, creating, listening and observing, and responding, towards
the development of appreciation of music and art, and the acquisition of basic knowledge and skills.

Grade 4 Through the formal introduction of elements, the learner can identify the basic knowledge and skills in music and art, towards self-development,
the celebration of Filipino cultural identity and diversity, and the expansion of one’s world vision.

Grade 5 Through exploration, the learner demonstrates a deeper understanding of basic knowledge and skills in music and art, towards self-
development, the celebration of Filipino cultural identity and diversity, and expansion of one’s world vision.

Grade 6 Through application, the learner demonstrates understanding of the basic concepts of and processes in music and art, towards self-
development, the celebration of Filipino cultural identity and diversity, and the expansion of one’s world vision.

Grade 7 The learner demonstrates basic understanding of the fundamental processes in music and the arts through performing, creating, listening and
observing, and responding towards appreciation of the cultural richness of the different provinces in the Philippines.

Grade 8 The learner demonstrates understanding of salient features of Asian music and the arts, through appreciation, analysis, and performance for
self-development, the celebration of Filipino cultural identity and diversity, and the expansion of one’s world vision.

Grade 9 The learner demonstrates understanding of salient features of Western music and the arts from different historical periods, through
appreciation, analysis, and performance for self-development, the celebration of Filipino cultural identity and diversity, and the expansion of
one’s world vision.

Grade 10 The learner demonstrates understanding of salient features of contemporary music and the arts, through appreciation, analysis, and
performance, for self-development, the celebration of Filipino cultural identity and diversity, and the expansion of one’s world vision.

MUSIC / K to 12 Curriculum Guide version as of September 13, 2013

(Grade 1 to Grade 10)

MUSIC / K to 12 Curriculum Guide version as of September 13, 2013


Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies Code

Grade 1
Music Gr.1 – UNIT 1

I. RHYTHM  demonstrates basic  responds appropriately to  identifies the difference between sound MU1RH-Ia-1
 Distinction Between understanding of sound, the pulse of the sounds and silence accurately
Sound and Silence silence and rhythm, and heard and performs with
 Steady Beats develops musical accuracy the rhythmic  relates images to sound and silence MU1RH-Ib-2
within a rhythmic pattern
 Simple Rhythmic awareness while patterns in expressing
Patterns performing the oneself  performs echo clapping MU1RH-Ib-3
 Ostinato fundamental processes  maintains a steady beat when chanting, MU1RH-Ic-4
in music walking, tapping, clapping, and playing
musical instruments
 claps, taps, chants, walks and plays MU1RH-Ic-5
musical instruments with accurate rhythm
in response to sound
o in groupings of 2s
o in groupings of 3s
o in groupings of 4s
 creates simple ostinato patterns in MU1RH-Id-e-6
groupings of 2s, 3s, and 4s through body
 performs simple ostinato patterns on other MU1RH-If-g-7
sound sources including body parts
 plays simple ostinato patterns on MU1RH-Ih-8
classroom instruments
o sticks, drums, triangles, nails,
coconut shells, bamboo, empty
boxes, etc.
Music Gr.1 – UNIT 2

II. MELODY  demonstrates  responds accurately to  identifies the pitch of a tone as high or low MU1ME-IIa-1
 Pitch understanding of pitch high and low tones
 Simple Melodic and simple melodic through body  matches the correct pitch of tones with MU1ME-IIb-2
Patterns patterns movements, singing, and other sound sources
playing other sources of  sings simple melodic patterns MU1ME-IIb-3
sounds o ( sol –mi, mi –sol, mi – re-do)
 matches the melody of a song with the MU1ME-IIc-4
correct pitch vocally
o greeting songs
o counting songs
o action songs

MUSIC / K to 12 Curriculum Guide version as of September 13, 2013

Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies Code
Grade 1
 sings in pitch MU1ME-IIc-5
o rote singing
 greeting songs
 counting songs
o echo singing
III. FORM  demonstrates  responds with precision  identifies with body movements the MU1FO-IId-1
 Musical Lines understanding of the to changes in musical o beginnings
 Beginnings and Endings basic concepts of lines with body o endings
in Music musical lines, beginnings movements o repeats
 Repeats in Music and endings in music, of a recorded music example
and repeats in music  identifies musical lines with body MU1FO-IIe-2
movements, geometric shapes or objects
o similar
o dissimilar
 relates basic concepts of musical forms to MU1FO-IIf-3
geometric shapes to indicate
understanding of:
o same patterns
o different patterns
 chooses the exact geometric shapes that MU1FO-IIg-h-4
correspond to musical form
Music Gr.1 – UNIT 3

IV. TIMBRE  demonstrates  distinguishes accurately  identifies the source of sounds MU1TB-IIIa-1
 Quality of Sound in Music understanding of the the sources of sounds o wind, wave, swaying of the trees,
 Distinction Between basic concepts of timbre heard animal sounds, sounds produced
Speaking and Singing by machines, transportation,
through body movements
 responds appropriately to differences in MU1TB-IIIa-2
sounds heard through body movement
 replicates the sounds heard from different MU1TB-IIIb-3
 uses voice and other sources of sound to MU1TB-IIIb-4
produce a variety of timbres
V. DYNAMICS  demonstrates  creatively interprets with  demonstrates dynamic changes with MU1DY-IIIc-1
 Volume of Sound in understanding of the body movements the movements
Music basic concepts of dynamic levels to  uses the terms loud and soft to identify MU1DY-IIIc-2
 Distinction Between dynamics enhance poetry, chants, volume changes
Loudness and Softness drama, and musical  relates the concepts of dynamics to the MU1DY-IIId-3
in Music stories movements of animals
o elephant walk – loud
o tiny steps of a mouse – soft
 interprets with body movements the MU1DY-IIIe-4
MUSIC / K to 12 Curriculum Guide version as of September 13, 2013
Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies Code
Grade 1
dynamics of a song MU1DY-IIIf-4
o small movement – soft
o big movement –loud
 applies the concepts of dynamic levels to MU1DY-IIIg-h-5
enhance poetry, chants, drama, and
musical stories
o small movement – soft
o big movement – loud
Music Gr.1 – UNIT 4

VI. TEMPO  demonstrates  performs with accuracy  mimics animal movements MU1TP-IVa-1
 Speed of Sound In understanding of the varied tempi through o horse – fast
Music basic concepts of tempo movements or dance o carabao – slow
 Distinction Between steps to enhance
Fastness and Slowness poetry, chants, drama,  relates tempo changes to movements MU1TP-IVa-2
in Music and musical stories
 demonstrates the basic concepts of MU1TP-IVb-3
tempo through movements
 responds to varied tempo with MU1TP-IVb-4
movements or dance steps
o slow movement with slow music
o fast movement with fast music
 uses varied tempo to enhance poetry, MU1TP-IVc-5
chants, drama, and musical stories
VII. TEXTURE  demonstrates  sings songs to  identify sounds alone, sounds together MU1TX-IVd-1
 Distinction Between understanding of the experience a concept of
Thinness and Thickness in basic concepts of texture texture  demonstrates awareness of texture by MU1TX-IVe-2
Music using visual images
 Single Melodic Line or
Simultaneous Occurrence  distinguishes accurately between single MU1TX-IVf-3
of Multiple Melodic Lines musical line and multiple musical lines
which occur simultaneously in a given
 demonstrates the concept of texture by MU1TX-IVg-h-4
singing two-part round
o Are You Sleeping, Brother John?
o Row, Row, Row Your Boat

MUSIC / K to 12 Curriculum Guide version as of September 13, 2013


Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies Code

Grade 2
Music Gr.2 – UNIT 1

I. RHYTHM  demonstrates basic  responds appropriately to  distinguishes aurally and visually between MU2RH-Ia-1
 Distinction Between understanding of sound, the pulse of sounds sound and silence
Sound and Silence silence and rhythmic heard and performs with  relates visual images to sound and MU2RH-Ib-2
 Steady Beats patterns and develops accuracy the rhythmic silence within a rhythmic pattern
 Simple Rhythmic musical awareness while patterns in expressing  replicates a simple series of rhythmic MU2RH-Ib-3
Patterns performing the oneself sounds (i.e. echo clapping)
 Ostinato fundamental processes  maintains a steady beat when chanting, MU2RH-Ic-4
in music walking, tapping, clapping, and playing
musical instruments
 claps the written stick notation to show MU2RH-Ic-5
steady beats
o divides the stick notations into
measures of 2s, 3s and 4s to
show rhythmic patterns
 creates simple ostinato patterns in MU2RH-Id-e-6
measures of 2s, 3s, and 4s with body
 writes stick notation on the board to MU2RH-If-g-7
represent the sound heard
 plays simple ostinato patterns on MU2RH-Ih-8
classroom instruments
o sticks, drums, triangles, nails,
coconut shells, bamboo, empty
boxes, etc.
Music Gr.2 – UNIT 2

II. MELODY  demonstrates  performs with accuracy  identifies the pitch of tones as MU2ME-IIa-1
 Pitch understanding of pitch of pitch, the simple o high
 Simple Melodic and simple melodic melodic patterns through o low
Patterns patterns singing or playing o higher
musical instruments o lower
 responds to ranges of pitch through body MU2ME-IIa-2
movements, singing, and playing sources
of sounds
 demonstrates high and low pitches MU2ME-IIb-3
through singing or playing musical
 sings the following songs with accurate MU2ME-IIb-4

MUSIC / K to 12 Curriculum Guide version as of September 13, 2013

Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies Code
Grade 2
o rote songs
o echo songs
o simple children’s melodies
 echoes simple melodic patterns MU2ME-IIc-5
 demonstrates the melodic contour with MU2ME-IIc-6
 relates visual imagery to melodic patterns MU2ME-IIc-7
 demonstrates the melodic contour through MU2ME-IIc-8
o body staff
o writing the melodic line “on the
o line notation
Music Gr.2 – UNIT 2

III. FORM  demonstrates  performs a song, chosen  identifies the beginning and ending of a MU2FO-IId-1
 Musical Lines understanding of the from among the song
 Beginnings and Endings basic concepts of previously learned songs  demonstrates the beginning and ending of MU2FO-IId-2
in Music musical form that shows the basic a song with
 Repeats in Music concepts of musical o movements
lines, beginnings, o vocal sounds
endings and repeats o instrumental sounds
through body movements
 identifies musical lines as MU2FO-IIe-3
o similar
o dissimilar
with movements and geometric shapes
or objects
 demonstrates repeated musical lines with MU2FO-IIe-4
 recognizes repetitions within a song MU2FO-IIf-5
 creates melodic introduction and ending MU2FO-IIg-h-6
of songs
 creates rhythmic introduction and ending MU2FO-IIg-h-7
of songs
Music Gr.2 – UNIT 3

IV. TIMBRE  demonstrates  determines accurately  identifies the source of sounds e.g. winds, MU2TB-IIIa-1
 Quality of Sound in Music understanding of the the sources of sounds waves swaying of the trees, animals
 Introduction to Voice basic concepts of timbre heard sounds, sounds produced by machines,
Production transportation, etc.
 Differentiation in Sound  replicates different sources of sounds with MU2TB-IIIa-2
Quality body movements

MUSIC / K to 12 Curriculum Guide version as of September 13, 2013

Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies Code
Grade 2
 Introduction to Musical  identifies the common musical MU2TB-IIIb-3
Instruments instruments by their sounds and image
 recognizes the difference between MU2TB-IIIc-4
speaking and singing
 sings songs with accurate pitch and MU2TB-IIIc-5
pleasing vocal quality
 produces sounds using voice, body, and MU2TB-IIId-6
objects to enhance a given story
V. DYNAMICS  demonstrates  creatively applies  interprets through body movements the MU2DY-IIIc-1
 Volume of Sound in understanding of the changes in dynamics to dynamics of a song
Music basic concepts of enhance rhymes, chants,  distinguishes between “loud”, “louder”, MU2DY-IIIc-2
 Distinction Between dynamics drama, and musical “soft” and “softer” in music
Loudness and Softness stories  relates movements of animals to MU2DY-IIIc-3
in Music dynamics
elephant walking – loud
dog walking – medium
tiny steps of a mouse - soft
 uses the words loud, louder, soft, softer – MU2DY-IIIc-4
to identify variations in volume
 replicates “loud,” “medium,” and “soft” with MU2DY-IIId-h-5
voice or with instruments MU2DY-IIIe-5

 sings a given song with appropriate MU2DY-IIIf-h-6

Music Gr.2 – UNIT 4

VI. TEMPO  demonstrates  uses varied tempi to  mimics animal movements MU2TP-IVa-1
 Speed of Sound In understanding of the enhance rhymes, chants, o horse – fast
Music basic concepts of tempo drama, and musical o carabao – moderate
 Distinction Between stories o turtle – slow
Fastness and Slowness  responds to the accurate tempo of a MU2TP-IVa-2
in Music song as guided by the hand signal of the
The teacher’s slow hand movement
means “slow”, while fast hand movement
means “fast”.
 demonstrates changes in tempo with MU2TP-IVa-3
 responds to variations in tempo with MU2TP-IVb-4
dance steps
o slow movement with slow music
o fast movement with fast music
MUSIC / K to 12 Curriculum Guide version as of September 13, 2013
Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies Code
Grade 2
 distinguishes “slow,” “slower,”“fast,” and MU2TP-IVb-5
“faster” in recorded music with voice or
with instruments
 uses the terms “fast,” “faster,” “slow,” and MU2TP-IVb-6
“slower” to identify variations in tempo
 replicates “slow,” “slower,”“fast,” and MU2TP-IVc-7
“faster” with voice or with instruments
Music Gr.2 – UNIT 4

VII. TEXTURE  demonstrates  distinguishes accurately  identifies musical texture with recorded MU2TX-IVd-f-1
 Single Melodic Line or understanding of the between single musical music
Simultaneous Occurrence basic concepts of texture line and multiple musical E.g.
of Multiple Melodic Lines lines which occur o melody with single instrument or
 Distinction Between simultaneously in a given voice
Thinness and Thickness in song o single melody with
Music accompaniment
o two or more melodies sung or
played together at the same time
 shows awareness of texture by relating MU2TX-IVd-f-2
visual images to recorded or performed
 distinguishes between single musical line MU2TX-IVd-f-3
and multiple musical lines which occur
 distinguishes between thinness and MU2TX-IVg-h-4
thickness of musical sound in recorded or
performed music

MUSIC / K to 12 Curriculum Guide version as of September 13, 2013


Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies Code

Grade 3
Music Gr.3 – UNIT 1

I. RHYTHM  demonstrates  performs simple ostinato  relates images with sound and silence MU3RH-Ia-1
 Sound and Silence understanding of sound patterns/simple rhythmic within a rhythmic pattern
 Steady Beats and silence, steady beats accompaniments on
 maintains a steady beat when chanting, MU3RH-Ib-h-2
 Simple Rhythmic Pattern and rhythmic patterns classroom instruments
walking, tapping, clapping, and playing
 Ostinato and other sound sources
to a given song musical instruments
 sings songs with correct  claps, taps, chants, walks, and plays MU3RH-Ia-c-3
rhythm musical instruments in response to sound
with the correct rhythm
o in measures of 2s, 3s, and 4s
o echo clapping
o marching
o dancing the waltz

 claps the written stick notation on the MU3RH-Id-4

board representing the sound heard

 plays simple ostinato patterns with MU3RH-Id-h-5

classroom instruments and other sound
 creates simple ostinato patterns in MU3RH-Ie-6
measures of 2s, 3s, and 4s through body
 creates ostinato patterns in different MU3RH-If-7
meters using combination of different
sound sources
Music Gr.3 – UNIT 2

II. MELODY  demonstrates  sings the melody of a  identifies the pitch of a tone as: MU3ME-IIa-1
 Pitch understanding of the song with accurate pitch o high – higher
 Melodic Lines concepts of melody o moderately high – higher
 Melodic Patterns and through singing and o moderately low – lower
Contour playing musical o low – lower
 matches the correct pitch of tones MU3ME-IIa-2
o with the voice
o with an instrument
 relates movements with levels of pitch MU3ME-IIb-3

 matches the voice with the pitches of a MU3ME-IIb-4

MUSIC / K to 12 Curriculum Guide version as of September 13, 2013
Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies Code
Grade 3
melody MU3ME-IIc-4
 recreates simple patterns and contour of a MU3ME-IIb-5
 sings entire simple songs with accurate MU3ME-IIc-6
o Favorite Children’s Songs
 “Do – Re – Mi”
 “What Can We Do Today”
o Folksongs
 “Manang Biday”
 “Paruparong Bukid”
 “Atin Cu Pung Singsing”
III. FORM  demonstrates  performs a chosen song  identifies the beginning, middle, and MU3FO-IId-1
 Musical Lines understanding of the showing the basic ending of a song
 Musical Beginning, basic concepts of concepts of musical  identifies musical lines as MU3FO-IId-2
Middle, and End musical form lines, beginnings, o similar
 Repeats in music endings and repeats o same
through body movements o different
through movements and geometric
shapes or objects
 recognizes repetitions within a song MU3FO-IId-3
 sings repetitions of musical lines MU3FO-IIe-4
 plays repetitions of musical lines MU3FO-IIf-5
 renders a song confidently, giving MU3FO-IIg-h-6
appropriate emphasis on the beginning
and on the ending
Music Gr.3 – UNIT 3

IV. TIMBRE  demonstrates  applies vocal techniques in  recognizes differences in sound quality MU3TB-IIIa-1
 Voice Production understanding of the singing to produce a pleasing coming from a variety of sound sources
Techniques concepts of timbre vocal quality:
 Variation in Sound o using head tones  responds to differences in sound quality MU3TB-IIIa-2
Quality o employing proper with appropriate movement
o Similar breathing  recognizes musical instruments through MU3TB-IIIb-3
o Different o using the diaphragm sound
 Introduction to Musical
Instruments  identifies and compares the voices of: MU3TB-IIIb-4
o classmates as they sing or speak
o selected popular singers in
 compares the use of the voice in speaking MU3TB-IIIb-5
and in singing

MUSIC / K to 12 Curriculum Guide version as of September 13, 2013

Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies Code
Grade 3
 uses the voice and other sources of MU3TB-IIIc-6
sound to produce a variety of timbres
V. DYNAMICS  demonstrates  sings songs with proper  interprets the dynamics of a song through MU3DY-IIId-1
 Volume of Sound in understanding of the dynamics following basic body movements
Music concepts of dynamics conducting gestures o small movement – soft
 Conducting and and responds to o big movement – loud
Dynamics conducting gestures  distinguishes “loud,” “medium,” and “soft” MU3DY-IIId-2
using symbols indicating in music
variances in dynamics  relates dynamics to the movements of MU3DY-IIId-3
o elephant walking – loud
o mice scurrying – soft
 uses terms “loud,” “medium,” and “soft” MU3DY-IIIe-4
(louder, softer) to identify changes and
variations in volume
 responds to conducting gestures of the MU3DY-IIIe-h-5
teacher for “loud” and “soft”
o Teacher’s palm down means
“soft” and palm up means “loud.”
o Hands moving farther from each
other mean sound becomes
 uses varied dynamics to enhance poetry, MU3DY-IIIf-h-6
chants, drama, songs and musical stories
Music Gr.3 – UNIT 4

VI. TEMPO  demonstrates  enhances performance of  mimics animal movements according to MU3TP-IVa-1
 Speed of Sound in Music understanding of the poetry, chants, drama, speed
o Fast concepts of tempo in and musical stories using o horse – fast
o Slow order to respond to a variety of tempo o carabao – slow
 Conducting and Tempo conducting symbols o turtle – slow
indicating variations in o rabbit - fast
tempo o dog – fast
 sings songs with proper tempo following MU3TP-IVa-2
basic conducting gestures
 relates movement to changes and MU3TP-IVb-3
variations in tempo
 responds with movement to tempo MU3TP-IVb-c-4
o (i.e. doing locomotor and non-
locomotor movements) to a
variety of tempo in recorded

MUSIC / K to 12 Curriculum Guide version as of September 13, 2013

Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies Code
Grade 3
 distinguishes among fast, moderate, and MU3TP-IVb-5
slow in music
 uses the terms: fast, moderate, and slow, MU3TP-IVb-6
(faster, slower etc.) to identify tempo
changes and variations
 sings songs with designated tempo MU3TP-IVa-c-7
o Lullaby – slow
o Joyful songs – fast
Music Gr.3 – UNIT 4

VII. TEXTURE  demonstrates  sings  demonstrates the concept of texture by MU3TX-IVd-f-1

 Single Melodic Line or understanding of the o “two-part rounds” singing “two-part rounds”
Simultaneous Occurrence concepts of texture o “partner songs” e.g.
of Multiple Melodic Lines o “Are You Sleeping, Brother John?”
 Distinction Between o “Row, Row, Row Your Boat”
Thinness and Thickness o Musika Ay Di Kukupas
in Music  demonstrates the concept of texture by MU3TX-IVd-f-2
singing “partner songs
o “Leron, Leron Sinta”
o “Ten Little Indians”
“He’s Got the Whole World in His
 distinguishes between single musical line MU3TX-IVd-f-3
and multiple musical lines which occur
 distinguishes between thinness and MU3TX-IVg-h-4
thickness of musical sound

MUSIC / K to 12 Curriculum Guide version as of September 13, 2013


Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies Code

Grade 4
Music Gr.4 – UNIT 1

I. RHYTHM  demonstrates  creates rhythmic patterns in:  identifies different kinds of notes and rests MU4RH-Ia-1
 Musical Symbols and understanding of o simple time signatures MISOSA4-module6,7
Concepts: concepts pertaining to o simple one-measure
- Notes and Rests rhythm and musical ostinato pattern
- Meters symbols  organizes notes and rests according to MU4RH-Ib-2
- Rhythmic Patterns simple meters MISOSA4-module8
- Simple Time Signatures • states the meaning of the different MU4RH-Ic-3
- Ostinato rhythmic patterns MISOSA4-module2
 demonstrates the meaning of rhythmic MU4RH-Ic-4
patterns by clapping in 2 3 4 MISOSA4-module3,4,5
time signatures 4, 4, 4
 uses the bar line to indicate groupings of MU4RH-Ic-5
beats in 2 3 4 MISOSA4-module3,4,5
4, 4, 4
 identifies accented and unaccented MU4RH-Id-6
pulses MISOSA4-module1
 places the accent (>) on the notation of MU4RH-Id-7
recorded music MISOSA4-module1
 responds to metric pulses of music heard MU4RH-Ie-g-8
with appropriate conducting gestures

Music Gr.4 – UNIT 2

II. MELODY  recognizes the musical  analyzes melodic  identifies the pitch name of each line and MU4ME-IIa-1
 Musical Symbols and symbols and movement and range space of the G-clef staff
Concepts: demonstrates and be able to create
- Intervals understanding of and perform simple
- Scales concepts pertaining to melodies
- Melodic Contours melody F
- Patterns of D
successive pitches of
a C Major scale

MUSIC / K to 12 Curriculum Guide version as of September 13, 2013

Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies Code
Grade 4


 identifies the pitch names of notes on the MU4ME-IIb-2

ledger lines and spaces below the G-clef
staff (middle C and D)

 recognizes the meaning and use of G- MU4ME-IIc-3


do re mi fa sol la ti do

 identifies the movement of the melody as: MU4ME-IId-4

- no movement

- ascending stepwise

- descending stepwise

MUSIC / K to 12 Curriculum Guide version as of September 13, 2013

Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies Code
Grade 4

- ascending skip wise

- descending skip wise

 identifies the highest and lowest pitch in a MU4ME-IIe-5

given notation of a musical piece to MISOSA4-module9
determine its range

 sings with accurate pitch the simple MU4ME-IIf-6

intervals of a melody
 performs his/her own created melody MU4ME-IIg-h-7

Music Gr.4 – UNIT 3

III. FORM  demonstrates  performs similar and  identifies aurally and visually the MU4FO-IIIa-1
 Phrases in a Musical understanding of musical contrasting musical introduction and coda (ending) of a
Piece phrases, and the uses phrases musical piece
 Structure of Musical and meaning of musical  identifies aurally and visually the MU4FO-IIIa-2
Sound terms in form antecedent and consequent in a musical
o Antecedent piece
(Question) Phrase
o Consequent  listens to similar and contrasting phrases MU4FO-IIIa-b-3
(Answer) Phrase in recorded music
o Introduction
o CODA (ending)  identifies similar and contrasting phrases MU4FO-IIIc-4
Phrase in vocal and instrumental music from the
previous lessons
o melodic
o rhythmic
 sings similar and contrasting phrases in MU4FO-IIId-5
o melodic
o rhythmic

MUSIC / K to 12 Curriculum Guide version as of September 13, 2013

Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies Code
Grade 4
IV. TIMBRE  demonstrates  participates actively in a  distinguishes vocal and instrumental MU4TB-IIIe-1
 Variations of Sound understanding of group performance to sounds
o Vocal variations of sound in demonstrate different  identifies as vocal or instrumental a MU4TB-IIIe-2
o Instrumental music (lightness and vocal and instrumental recording of the following:
heaviness) as applied to sounds o solo
vocal and instrumental o duet
music o trio
o ensemble
 identifies aurally and visually different MU4TB-IIIf-3
 classifies the various musical instruments MU4TB-IIIf-h-4
as: MISOSA4-module19
o string
o woodwind
o brass wind
o percussion
V. DYNAMICS  recognizes the musical  applies forte and piano to  recognizes the use of the symbol p MU4DY-IIIf-1
 Volume of Sound in symbols and designate loudness and (piano) and f (forte) in a musical score MISOSA4-module20
Music demonstrates softness in a musical  uses appropriate musical terminology to MU4DY-IIIf-h-2
understanding of example indicate variations in dynamics
concepts pertaining to o singing o forte
volume in music o playing instrument o piano
Music Gr.4 – UNIT 4

VI. TEMPO  demonstrates  creates and performs  relates body movements to the tempo of a MU4TP-IVa-1
 Speed of Sound in understanding of body movements musical example MISOSA4-module21
Music concepts pertaining to appropriate to a given  uses appropriate musical terminology to MU4TP-IVb-2
speed in music tempo indicate variations in tempo
o largo
o presto
VII. TEXTURE  demonstrates  sings two-part rounds  identifies aurally the texture of a music MU4TX-IVc-1
 Simultaneous Occurrence understanding of and partner songs with example
of Multiple Melodic Lines concepts pertaining to others  identifies aurally and visually an ostinato MU4TX-IVd-2
 Distinction Between texture in Music or descant in a musical example
Thinness and Thickness  recognizes aurally and visually, examples MU4TX-IVe-3
in Music of 2-part vocal or instrumental music
VIII. HARMONY  demonstrates  performs examples of  identifies harmonic interval (2 pitches) in a MU4HA-IVf-1
 Simultaneous Sounding understanding of harmonic interval with musical example
of Two Tones / Pitches harmonic intervals others  recognizes aurally and visually, examples MU4HA-IVg-2
of harmonic intervals
 creates examples of harmonic interval MU4HA-IVh-3
(2 pitches) with others

MUSIC / K to 12 Curriculum Guide version as of September 13, 2013


Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies Code

Grade 5
Music Gr.5 – UNIT 1

I. RHYTHM  recognizes the musical  performs with a  identifies visually and aurally the kinds of MU5RH-Ia-b-1
 Musical Symbols and symbols and conductor, a given song notes and rests in a song MISOSA5-module1,2
Concepts demonstrates in simple time signatures  recognizes rhythmic patterns using MU5RH-Ia-b-2
o Notes and Rests understanding of o choral quarter note, half note, dotted half note, MISOSA5-module7
o Meters concepts pertaining to o instrumental dotted quarter note, and eighth note in
o Rhythmic Patterns rhythm simple time signatures
o Simple Time  identifies accurately the duration of notes MU5RH-Ic-e-3
Signatures and rests in 2 3 4 time signatures MISOSA5-module3,4,5
 4, rhythmic
creates different 4, 4 patterns using MU5RH-If-g-4
notes and rests in time signatures as: MISOSA5-module7
2 3 4
4, 4, 4
 responds to metric pulses of music heard MU5RH-Ih-5
with appropriate conducting gestures
Music Gr.5 – UNIT 2

II. MELODY  recognizes the musical  accurate performance of  recognizes the meaning and uses of F- MU5ME-IIa-1
 Musical Symbols and symbols and songs following the Clef on the staff
Concepts demonstrates musical symbols
o Accidentals understanding of pertaining to melody
o F-Clef concepts pertaining to indicated in the piece
o Intervals melody
o Scales (Pentatonic,
C major, G major)  identifies the pitch names of each line and MU5ME-IIa-2
o Melodic Contours space on the F-Clef staff

sol la ti do re mi fa sol la
 identifies the symbols: MU5ME-IIb-3
sharp (#), flat (♭), and natural (♮)
 recognizes aurally and visually, examples MU5ME-IIc-4
of melodic interval

MUSIC / K to 12 Curriculum Guide version as of September 13, 2013

Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies Code
Grade 5
 identifies the notes of the intervals in the MU5ME-IIc-5
C major scale MISOSA5-modules







MUSIC / K to 12 Curriculum Guide version as of September 13, 2013

Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies Code
Grade 5
 identifies successive sounding of two MU5ME-IId-6
 identifies the beginning melodic contour of MU5ME-IId-7
a musical example
 determines the range of a musical MU5ME-IIe-8
o wide
o narrow
 reads / sings notes in different scales MU5ME-IIf-9
- Pentatonic scale module12,14,15

- C major scale

- G major scale

 creates simple melodies MU5ME-IIg-10

 performs his/her own created melody MU5ME-IIh-11

Music Gr.5 – UNIT 3

III. FORM  demonstrates  performs the created  recognizes the design or structure of MU5FO-IIIa-1
 Structure of Musical understanding of the song with appropriate simple musical forms:
Sound uses and meaning of musicality o unitary (one section)
o Strophic musical terms in Form o strophic (same tune with 2 or more
o Unitary sections and 2 or more verses)
 creates a 4- line unitary song MU5FO-IIIb-2
 creates a 4 –line strophic song with 2 MU5FO-IIIc-d-3
sections and 2 verses

MUSIC / K to 12 Curriculum Guide version as of September 13, 2013

Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies Code
Grade 5
IV. TIMBRE  demonstrates  participates in a group  describes the characteristics of each type MU5TB-IIIe-1
 Vocal and Instrumental understanding of performance to of voice
Sounds variations of sound demonstrate different vocal
density in music and instrumental sounds  identifies the following vocal timbres: MU5TB-IIIe-2
(lightness and heaviness) o soprano MISOSA4-module18
as applied to vocal and o alto
instrumental music o tenor
o bass

 identifies aurally and visually different MU5TB-IIIf-3

instruments in:
o rondalla
o drum and lyre band
o bamboo group/ensemble
(Pangkat Kawayan)
o other local indigenous ensembles

 participates actively in musical ensemble MU5TB-IIIg-4

o choral
o instrumental

 creates a variety of sounds emanating MU5TB-IIIg-h-5

from the environment using available
sound sources
Music Gr.5 – UNIT 4

V. DYNAMICS  demonstrates  applies dynamics to musical  identifies the different dynamic levels MU5DY-IVa-b-1
 Variations of Volume in understanding of selections used in a song heard
Musical Sound concepts pertaining to
 uses appropriate musical terminology to MU5DY-IVa-b-2
volume in music MISOSA5-module16
indicate variations in dynamics,
 piano (p)
 mezzo piano (mp)
 forte (f)
 mezzo forte (mf)
 crescendo

 decrescendo

MUSIC / K to 12 Curriculum Guide version as of September 13, 2013

Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies Code
Grade 5
VI. TEMPO  recognizes the musical  applies appropriately,  identifies the various tempo used in a MU5TP-IVc-1
 Variations of Speed in symbols and various tempo song heard
Musical Sound demonstrates to vocal and instrumental
 uses appropriate musical terminology to MU5TP-IVc-d-2
understanding of performances MISOSA5-module17
indicate variations in tempo:
concepts pertaining to
- largo
speed in music
- presto
- allegro
- moderato
- andante
- vivace
- ritardando
- accelerando

Music Gr.5 – UNIT 4

VII. TEXTURE  recognizes the musical  recognizes examples of  identifies aurally the texture of a musical MU5TX-IVe-1
 Densities of Musical symbols and horizontal 3-part vocal or piece MISOSA5-module18
Sound demonstrates instrumental texture,
understanding of aurally and visually  performs 3-part rounds and partner songs MU5TX-IVe-2
concepts pertaining to
texture in music
VIII. HARMONY  recognizes the musical  performs a vocal or  identifies the intervals of the following MU5HA-IVf-g-1
 Introduction to Major Triad symbols and instrumental ensemble major triads:
demonstrates using the following major
understanding of triads
harmonic intervals ( I, IV, V ) tonic

( IV )


 uses the major triad as accompaniment MU5HA-IVh-2

to simple songs

MUSIC / K to 12 Curriculum Guide version as of September 13, 2013


Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies Code

Grade 6
Music Gr.6 – UNIT 1

I. RHYTHM  demonstrates  responds to beats in music  identifies the notes / rests used in a MU6RH-Ia-1
Musical Symbols and understanding of the heard with appropriate particular song
Concepts: concept of rhythm by conducting patterns of
 Notes and Rests applying notes and rests, 2 3 4 and 6  differentiates among 2 3 4 MU6RH-Ib-e-2
 Meters rhythmic patterns, and 4, 4, 4 8 4, 4, 4
 Rhythmic Patterns time signatures and 6 time signatures
 Time Signatures
 demonstrates the conducting gestures of MU6RH-Ib-e-3
 Conducting
2 3 4 and 6 time signatures
4, 4, 4 8

 identifies through conducting the MU6RH-If-4

relationship of the first and last measure
in an incomplete measure
 creates rhythmic patterns in MU6RH-Ig-h-5
2 3 4 and 6 time signatures
4, 4, 4 8

Music Gr.6 – UNIT 2

II. MELODY  demonstrates the  applies learned concepts  demonstrates the ability to: MU6ME-IIa-1
 Intervals concept of melody by of melody and other  sing MISOSA4-
 Major Scales using intervals in major elements to composition  read modules13,14
 Minor Scales scales and patterns of and performance  write MISOSA6-module5,6
successive pitches in musical notations in the:
the minor scale

Key of C Major

do re mi fa sol la ti do

MUSIC / K to 12 Curriculum Guide version as of September 13, 2013

Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies Code
Grade 6

Key of G Major

G A B C D E F# G

Key of F Major

F G A B♭ C D E F

 analyzes the melodic patterns of songs in MU6ME-IIa-2

C Major, G major, and F Major keys
 sings and plays solo or with group, MU6ME-IIa-3
melodies/songs in C Major, G Major, and
F Major
 creates simple melodies in: MU6ME-IIa-4
o C Major,
o G Major, and
o F Major scales
 sings self-composed melodies in C Major, MU6ME-IIa-5
G major, and F Major keys

Music Gr.6 – UNIT 3

III. FORM  demonstrates  performs accurately the  identifies simple musical forms MU6FO-IIIa-b-1
 Structure of Musical understanding of the design or structure of a o binary (AB) -has 2 contrasting
Forms concept of musical forms given musical piece sections (AB)
o binary (AB) and musical symbols o ternary (ABA)-has 3 sections, the
o ternary (ABA) (repeat marks) indicated third section similar to the first;
o rondo (ABACA) (ABC) – has 3 sections
 Repeat Marks o rondo (ABACA) -has contrasting
o Da Capo (D.C.) sections in between repetitions of
o Dal Segno (D.S.) the A section (ABACA)
o Al Fine (up to  analyzes the musical forms of the MU6FO-IIIa-b-2
the end) following songs:
o D.C. al Fine - Leron Leron Sinta, Sitsiritsit
(repeat from the - Silent Night
beginning until - Happy Birthday
MUSIC / K to 12 Curriculum Guide version as of September 13, 2013
Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies Code
Grade 6
the word Fine) - Joy to the World
o ║: :║ - Bahay Kubo
o ┌───┐┌───┐ - Ili-ili Tulog Anay
o 1 2 - Paruparong Bukid
(ending 1, ending 2) - Ang Bayan Ko
- Pamulinawen
- Tinikling
- Lupang Hinirang
 uses the different repeat marks that are MU6FO-IIIc3
related to form: MISOSA4-module17
 Da Capo (D.C.)
 Dal Segno (D.S.)
 Al Fine (up to the end)
 D.C. al Fine (repeat from the
beginning until the word Fine)
 ║: :║
 ┌───┐┌───┐
1 2
(ending 1, ending 2)
Music Gr.6 – UNIT 3

IV. TIMBRE  demonstrates  aurally determines the  identifies visually and aurally the MU6TB-IIId-1
 Introduction of Musical understanding of the sound of a single instrumental sections of the Western
Instruments concept of timbre through instrument in any section orchestra
recognizing musical of the orchestra  distinguishes aurally the sound of each MU6TB-IIId-e-2
instruments aurally and section of the Western orchestra
visually  identifies the characteristics of each MU6TB-IIId-3
instrument in each section of the
 describes the distinct sound quality of the MU6TB-IIId-e-4
different instruments of the orchestra
V. DYNAMICS  demonstrates  applies the appropriate  distinguishes varied dynamic levels in a MU6DY-IIIf-g-1
 Variations in Dynamics understanding of the dynamic levels in vocal music heard
concept of dynamics and instrumental music o piano (p)
through a wide variety of o mezzo piano (mp)
dynamic levels o pianissimo (pp)
o forte (f)
o mezzo forte (mf)
o fortissimo (ff)
o crescendo
o decrescendo

 uses varied dynamic levels in a song MU6DY-IIIh-2

MUSIC / K to 12 Curriculum Guide version as of September 13, 2013

Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies Code
Grade 6
Music Gr.6 – UNIT 4

VI. TEMPO  demonstrates  performs a given song,  identifies the different tempo in a given MU6TX-IVa-b-1
 Variations of Tempo understanding of the using tempo marks song or music:
various tempo appropriately - allegro
- andante
- ritardando
- accelerando
- largo
- presto
- vivace
 distinguishes between ritardando and MU6TX-IVa-b-2
accelerando as used in a song
 demonstrates the different kinds of tempo MU6TX-IVa-b-3
by following tempo marks in a familiar
Ex: “Pandangguhan”
VII. TEXTURE  demonstrates the  performs accurately a  identifies aurally the texture of musical MU6TX-IVc-d-1
 Variations in Texture concept of texture as: given song with pieces
- Monophony o monophonic (one monophonic, homophonic, o monophonic
- Homophony voice) and polyphonic textures o homophonic
- Polyphony o homophonic (voice o polyphonic
and  Identifies different textures MU6TX-IVc-d-2
accompaniment)  Vocal
o polyphonic (many - solo voice
voices) - solo voice with accompaniment
- duet, partner songs, round songs
 Instrumental
- solo
- ensemble
 distinguishes monophonic, homophonic, MU6TX-IVc-d-3
and polyphonic textures
 applies primary chords (I, IV, V) as MU6TX-IVc-d-4
accompaniment to simple songs
Music Gr.6 – UNIT 4

VIII. HARMONY  demonstrates  demonstrates harmony in  identifies the intervals of the following MU6HA-IVe-1
 Primary Chords understanding of the group performances major triads:
 Harmony in Group concepts of harmony  choir
Performances through the intervals that  rondalla
constitute the primary  lyre band
chords of major and  rhythm band
minor scales in music
tonic ( I )
MUSIC / K to 12 Curriculum Guide version as of September 13, 2013
Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies Code
Grade 6

subdominant ( IV )

dominant ( V )

 identifies the primary chords of its MU6HA-IVf-2

relative minor scales (am, dm, em)

a minor

e minor

d minor
 distinguishes the sound of a major chord MU6HA-IVe-f-3
from a minor chord
 uses the major triad as accompaniment MU6HA-IVg-h-4
to simple songs

MUSIC / K to 12 Curriculum Guide version as of September 13, 2013

Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies Code
Music Gr.7 – UNIT 1

The Learner… The Learner... The Learner...

 Music of Luzon
( Lowlands)  performs music of the  identifies the musical characteristics of
 Geographical and Cultural  demonstrates lowlands with representative music selections from the lowlands MU7LU-Ia-1
Background understanding of the appropriate pitch, of Luzon after listening
musical characteristics of rhythm, expression and  analyzes the musical elements of some Lowland MU7LU-Ia-2
 Vocal Music representative music from style vocal and instrumental music selections
- Performance practice the lowlands of Luzon  explains the distinguishing characteristics of MU7LU-Ib-3
- Folk songs representative Philippine music selections from
- Liturgical and Devotional Luzon in relation to its culture and geography
songs: Mass, Pastores,  explores ways of producing sounds on a variety of MU7LU-Ib-f-4
Senakulo, Pasyon, sources that is similar to the instruments being
Salubong, Flores de Mayo, studied
 improvises simple rhythmic/melodic MU7LU-Ic-f-5
- Secular songs: Harana,
accompaniments to selected music from the
Balitaw, Kumintang, Polka
Lowlands of Luzon
- Art music: Kundiman
 perform instruments/improvised instruments from MU7LU-Ig-h-6
 Instrumental Music
Luzon lowlands
- Rondalla
- Brass Band  sings folksongs from the lowlands of Luzon MU7LU-Ia-h-7
- Musikong Bumbong
- Bamboo organ  creates appropriate movements or gestures to MU7LU-Ia-h-8
- Angklung ensemble accompany the music selections of the Lowlands
- Himig Pangkat Kawayan of Luzon
 provides harmonic accompaniments to selected MU7LU-Id-9
music of the Lowlands of Luzon
 evaluates music and music performances MU7LU-Ic-h-10
applying knowledge of musical elements and

MUSIC / K to 12 Curriculum Guide version as of September 13, 2013

Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies Code
Music Gr.7 – UNIT 2

Music of Cordillera, Mindoro, Palawan, The Learner… The Learner... The Learner...
and the Visayas MU7LV-IIa-f-1
 demonstrates  performs selected vocal and  identifies the musical characteristics of
Cordillera understanding of the instrumental music of representative selections of Cordillera, Mindoro,
 Background: Geographical, cultural, musical Cordillera, Mindoro, Palawan Palawan and of the Visayas after listening
and historical characteristics of and the Visayas in  analyzes the musical elements of some vocal MU7LV-IIa-f-2
representative music appropriate style and instrumental selections from Cordillera,
Vocal from the highlands of Mindoro, Palawan and of the Visayas after
 Performance practice Luzon, Mindoro, listening
 Representative songs/genre Palawan, and the
 explains the distinguishing characteristics of MU7LV-IIb-f-3
(salidummay, oggayam, ba-diw) Visayas
representative music from Cordillera, Mindoro,
Instrumental Palawan and of the Visayas
 Gangsa ensemble in relation to its culture and geography
 Bamboo solo/ensemble  explores ways of producing sounds on a variety MU7LV-IIb-g-4
of sources similar to instruments being studied
Mindoro and Palawan  improvises simple rhythmic/melodic MU7LV-IIb-g-5
 Performance practice accompaniments to selected music from the
 Vocal chants -Ambahan, Igway Cordillera, Mindoro, Palawan and of the Visayas
 Bamboo  performs instruments/improvised instruments MU7LV-IIb-g-6
 Gong ensemble from Cordillera, Mindoro, Palawan and of the
 Instrumental ensemble Visayas, alone and/or with others
 Solo instruments-  provides accompaniment to selected music of MU7LV-IIb-g-7
the Cordillera, Mindoro, Palawan and of the
Visayas Visayas
 sing songs from the Cordillera, Mindoro, MU7LV-IIa-f-8
Vocal Music: Balitao (Visayan), Pastores
Palawan and of the Visayas
(Christmas) , Kanta (Folksong, Ballad,
Lullaby, Courtship), Composo (Ilonggo  creates appropriate movements to accompany MU7LV-IIc-h-9
narrative song) music from the Cordillera, Mindoro, Palawan and
Instrumental Music: Rondalla, Tultogan, of the Visayas
Harp, Band, “Bird Dance” Binanog  evaluates music and music performances MU7LV-IIc-h-10
(Panay, Bukidnon) applying knowledge of musical elements and

MUSIC / K to 12 Curriculum Guide version as of September 13, 2013

Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies Code
Music Gr.7 – UNIT 3

Music of Mindanao The Learner… The Learner... The Learner...

 Islamic Music
 Vocal music: chants, lullaby  Demonstrates  performs music of  identifies the musical characteristics of
understanding of the Mindanao with appropriate representative music selections from Mindanao MU7MN-IIIa-g-1
 Instrumental: Kulintangan ensemble, musical characteristics of
bamboo ensemble, solo instruments expression and style after listening
representative music from  analyzes the musical elements of some Mindanao MU7MN-IIIa-g-2
Mindanao vocal and instrumental music
 Non-Islamic
 explains the distinguishing characteristics of MU7MN-IIIa-g-3
 Christian representative music selections of Mindanao in
 relation to its culture and geography
Lumad  explores ways of producing sounds on a variety of MU7MN-IIIb-h-4
 Folk songs sources that is similar to the instruments being
− Zamboanga studied
− Butuan Folk Songs
− Tausog Folk Songs  improvises simple rhythmic/melodic MU7LV-IIIc-h-5
accompaniments to selected music from

 perform instruments/improvised instruments from MU7LV-IIIc-h-6

Mindanao, alone and/or with others

 sing songs from Mindanao MU7LV-IIId-h-7

 creates appropriate movements or gestures to MU7LV-IIIc-8

accompany the music selections of Mindanao

 provides accompaniment to selected music of MU7LV-IIIc-h-9

 evaluates music selections and music MU7LV-IIIb-h-10
performances applying knowledge of musical
elements and style

MUSIC / K to 12 Curriculum Guide version as of September 13, 2013

Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies Code
Music Gr.7 – UNIT 4

Philippine Festivals The Learner… The Learner... The Learner... MU7FT-IVa-g-1

 Aklan – Ati-atihan  demonstrates understanding  performs  identifies musical characteristics of selected

 Davao - Kadayawan and application of musical excerpts/selections from Philippine festivals and theatrical forms
 Marinduque – Moriones skills related to selected Philippine musical theater through video or live performances
 Cebu – Sinulog Philippine Festivals
 Bicol – Ibalon  performs songs and  narrate the origins and cultural background MU7FT-IVa-d-2
 Batangas – Sublian  demonstrates understanding dances from selected of selected Philippine festival/s
and application of musical Philippine festivals  MU7FT-IVa-d-3
skills related to theater creates movements to music of a particular
Philippine festival
 describes how the music contributes to the MU7FT-IVe-h-4
Theatrical Forms performance of the musical production
 explains the distinguishing characteristics of MU7FT-IVa-h-5
 Komedya/Moro moro/Arakyo representative Philippine festivals and
 Sarsuela theatrical forms
 Bodabil

 describes how a specific idea or story is MU7FT-IVe-h-6

communicated through music in a particular
Philippine musical theater
 sing selection/s from chosen Philippine MU7FT-IVe-h-7
musical theater

MUSIC / K to 12 Curriculum Guide version as of September 13, 2013

Music Gr.8 – UNIT 1

MUSICS OF ASIA The Learner… The Learner... The Learner...

Music of Southeast Asia  demonstrates understanding  performs Southeast Asian  explains how the music of a Southeast Asian MU8SE-Ia-h-1
of common musical songs with appropriate country relates to its geography and culture
 Geographical, historical and characteristics of the region as pitch, rhythm, expression  listens perceptively to music of Southeast Asia MU8SE-Ia-h-2
cultural background well as unique characteristics and style
 Indonesia-Gamelan of a particular Southeast  sings songs of Southeast Asia MU8SE-Ic-h-3
Javanese and Balinese Asian country
 Thailand-Piphat  analyzes musical elements of selected songs MU8SE-Ib-h-4
 Cambodia-Pinpeat and instrumental pieces heard and performed
 Myanmar-Saung Gauk  explores ways of producing sounds on a variety MU8SE-Ic-h-5
of sources that would simulate instruments
being studied

 improvises simple accompaniment to selected MU8SE-Ic-h-6

Southeast Asian music
 performs on available instruments from MU8SE-Ic-h-7
Southeast Asia
 evaluates music and music performances MU8SE-Ic-h-8
applying knowledge of musical elements and

MUSIC / K to 12 Curriculum Guide version as of September 13, 2013

Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies Code
Music Gr.8 – UNIT 2

MUSIC OF ASIA The Learner… The Learner... The Learner...

Music of East Asia  explains how East Asian music relates to its
China, Japan and Korea  demonstrates understanding geography and culture MU8SE-IIa-g-1
of common and distinct
 Geographical, historical and cultural musical characteristics of  performs East Asian  listens perceptively to music of East Asia MU8SE-IIa-h-2
background East Asian countries music with appropriate
 Traditional instruments (idiophones, pitch, rhythm,  sings songs of East Asia MU8SE-IIc-h-3
aerophones, membranophones, and expression and style
chordophones)  analyzes musical elements of selected MU8SE-IIc-h-4
 Instrumental pieces (solo and songs and instrumental pieces heard and
ensemble) performed
 Folksongs and ritual music  explores ways of producing sounds on a MU8SE-IIb-h-5
 K-Pop and J-Pop variety of sources that would simulate
instruments being studied
 improvises simple accompaniment to MU8SE-IIc-h-6
selected East Asian music
 performs on available instruments from MU8SE-IIb-h-7
East Asia
 evaluates music and music performances MU8SE-IIb-h-8
applying knowledge of musical elements
and style

MUSIC / K to 12 Curriculum Guide version as of September 13, 2013

Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies Code
Music Gr.8 – UNIT 3

MUSIC OF ASIA The Learner… The Learner... The Learner...

Music of South Asia and Middle East  demonstrates understanding  performs South Asia and  explains how music of a South Asian and the MU8WS-IIIa-g-1
India and Israel of common and distinct the Middle East music Middle East country relate to its geography and
musical characteristics of with appropriate pitch, culture
 Geographical, historical and cultural South Asia and the Middle rhythm, expression and
background East style  listens perceptively to music of South Asia and the MU8WS-IIIa-h-2
 Traditional instruments (idiophones, Middle East
aerophones, membranophones, and
chordophones)  sings songs of South Asia and the Middle East MU8WS-IIIc-g-3
 Instrumental pieces (solo and
 Folksongs and ritual music  analyzes musical elements of selected songs and MU8WS-IIIc-h-4
instrumental pieces heard and performed

 explores ways of producing sounds on a variety of MU8WS-IIIc-h-5

sources that would simulate instruments being

 improvises simple accompaniment to selected MU8WS-IIIb-h-6

South Asia and the Middle East music

 performs on available instruments from South Asia MU8WS-IIIb-h-7

and Middle East

 evaluates music and music performances MU8WS-IIIc-h-8

applying knowledge of musical elements and

MUSIC / K to 12 Curriculum Guide version as of September 13, 2013

Content Content Performance Standards Learning Competencies Code
Music Gr.8 – UNIT 4

Traditional Asian Theater Music The Learner… The Learner... The Learner...
− Wayang Kulit
− Kabuki  demonstrates  performs excerpts from traditional Asian  identifies musical characteristics of selected MU8TH-IVa-g-1
− Peking Opera understanding and theater with appropriate pitch, rhythm, Asian musical theater through video films or live
application of expression, and style performances
musical skills related  sing selection/s from chosen Asian musical MU8TH-IVa-g-2
to selected theater
traditional Asian
 describe how the musical elements contribute to MU8TH-IVb-h-3
the performance of the musical production

 identifies the instruments that accompany kabuki, MU8TH-IVa-g-4

wayangkulit, peking opera

 explains the distinguishing characteristics of MU8TH-IVa-g-5

representative Asian musical theater

 describe how a specific idea or story is MU8TH-IVa-g-6

communicated through music in a particular
Asian musical theater
 creates/improvises appropriate sound, music, MU8TH-IVb-h-7
gesture, movements, props and costume for
performance of a chosen Asian traditional
musical and theatrical form
 evaluates music and music performances MU8TH-IVc-h-8
applying knowledge of musical elements and

MUSIC / K to 12 Curriculum Guide version as of September 13, 2013

Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies Code
Music Gr.9 – UNIT 1

MUSIC OF MEDIEVAL (700-1400) The Learner… The Learner...  listens perceptively to selected vocal and instrumental MU9MRB-Ia-h-1
music of Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque music
 Historical and cultural  demonstrates  performs selected
background understanding of songs from Medieval,  explains the performance practice (setting, composition, role MU9MRB -Ia-h-2
 Gregorian chants characteristic renaissance and of composers/performers, and audience) during Medieval,
 Troubadour music features of the baroque periods Renaissance and Baroque periods
 Composer medieval,  relates Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque music to its MU9MRB -Ic-f-3
-Adam de la Halle renaissance and  chants historical and cultural background through dramatization
baroque period  madrigals
RENAISSANCE PERIOD (1400-1600) music  excerpts from  sings Medieval chant, troubadour song, madrigal, chorale and MU9MRB -Ib-h-4
 Historical and cultural oratorio selections from oratorio with correct pitch, rhythm, expression
background  chorales and style
 Mass  troubadour
 Madrigal
 describes musical elements of given Medieval, Renaissance MU9MRB -Ib-f-5
 Composers
and Baroque music
-Giovanni da Palestrina
-Thomas Morley
 explores other arts and media that portray Medieval, MU9MRB -Ib-f-6
MUSIC OF THE BAROQUE PERIOD Renaissance and Baroque elements
 improvises appropriate accompaniment to given Medieval and MU9MRB -Ib-d-7
 Historical and cultural Renaissance songs
 Concerto Grosso, Fugue  create and or perform songs in Gregorian and troubadour MU9MRB -Ib-h-8
 Oratorio and chorale styles
 Composers
- Johann Sebastian Bach
 Georg Friedrich Handel  play simple melodies of a chorale and provide MU9MRB -Ib-h-9

MUSIC / K to 12 Curriculum Guide version as of September 13, 2013

Content Content Standards Performance Learning Competencies Code
Music Gr.9 – UNIT 2

MUSIC OF THE CLASSICAL PERIOD The Learner… The Learner...  narrates the life and works of classical composers after video MU9CL-IIa-f-1
(1750-1820) and movie showing
 demonstrates  sings and performs
 Historical and cultural background understanding of themes of
 Sonata, sonata allegro form, concerto, characteristic symphonies and
symphony features of other instrumental  relates Classical music to its historical and cultural MU9CL-IIa-f-2
 Composers Classical period forms
music background
- Franz Josef Haydn
- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart  explains the performance practice (setting, composition, role MU9CL-IIa-f-3
- Ludwig van Beethoven of composers/performers, and audience) during Classical
 listens perceptively to selected Classical period music MU9CL-IIb-g-4

 describes musical elements of given Classical period pieces MU9CL-IIb-g-5

 analyzes sonata allegro form MU9CL-IIe-h-6

 sings themes or melodic fragments of given Classical period MU9CL-IIb-h7

 explores other arts and media that portrays Classical MU9CL-IIb-h-8
 improvises appropriate accompaniment to given short and MU9CL-IIe-9
simple Classical pieces

Content Content Standards Performance Learning Competencies Code

MUSIC / K to 12 Curriculum Guide version as of September 13, 2013
Music Gr.9 – UNIT 3

INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC OF THE The Learner… The Learner...  narrates the life and works of romantic composers after video MU9RO-IIIa-h-1
ROMANTIC PERIOD (1820-1900) and movie showing
 demonstrates  sings and performs  relates Romantic period music to its historical and cultural MU9RO-IIIa-2
 Historical and cultural understanding of themes of selected background
background characteristic instrumental pieces
 Program music features of
 explains the performance practice (setting, composition, role MU9RO-IIIb-h-3
 Piano music instrumental
of composers/performers, and audience) during the
 Composers Romantic music
Romantic period
- Frederic Chopin
 listens perceptively to selected Romantic period music MU9RO-IIIb-h-4
- Peter Illych Tchaikovsky
- Franz Liszt
- Camille Saint-Saens  describes musical elements of given Romantic period pieces MU9RO-IIIb-h-5

 sings themes or melodic fragments of given Romantic period MU9RO-IIIe-h-6


 explores other arts and media that portray Romantic period MU9RO-IIIc-h-7

 improvises appropriate accompaniment to given short and MU9RO-IIIc-h-8

simple Romantic period pieces

MUSIC / K to 12 Curriculum Guide version as of September 13, 2013

Content Content Standards Performance Learning Competencies Code
Music Gr.9 – UNIT 4

Vocal Music of the Romantic Period The Learner… The Learner... The Learner... MU9OP-IVa-g-1

- Art song  demonstrates sings and performs  narrates the plot, musical and theatrical elements of an
- Opera understanding of themes of selected opera after video and movie showing
- Composers characteristic songs
Franz Schubert features of vocal  listens perceptively to selected art songs and excerpts of MU9OP-IVa-g-2
Guiseppe Verdi music of the opera
Giacomo Puccini Romantic period
Richard Wagner  sings themes or melodic fragments of given selected songs MU9OP-IVb-h-3

 explores other arts and media that portray Romantic period MU9OP-IVb-h-4

 creates / improvises appropriate sounds, music, gestures, MU9OP-IVb-h-5

movements, and costumes for a chosen opera

MUSIC / K to 12 Curriculum Guide version as of September 13, 2013



Content Content Standards Performance Learning Competencies Code

Music Gr.10– UNIT 1

MUSIC OF THE 20th Century The Learner… The Learner...  listens perceptively to selected 20th century music MU10TC-Ia-h-1
The Learner… The Learner...  describes distinctive musical elements of given pieces in 20th MU10TC-Ia-h-2
 Historical and cultural century styles
background  demonstrates  creates musical  th
relates 20 century music to its historical and cultural MU10TC-Ia-g-3
 Composers and music understanding of pieces using background
- Claude Debussy 20th century music particular style/s of  explains the performance practice (setting, composition, role MU10TC-Ib-g-4
- Maurice Ravel styles and the 20th Century th
characteristic of composers/performers, and audience) of 20 century
features music
 sings melodic fragments of given Impressionism period MU10TC-Ib-5
 Historical and cultural pieces
background  explores other arts and media that portray 20th century MU10TC-Ic-h-6
 Composer and music elements through video films or live performances
-Schoenberg  create short electronic and chance music pieces using MU10TC-Ic-h-7
knowledge of 20th century styles
Electronic music
Chance music

MUSIC / K to 12 Curriculum Guide version as of September 13, 2013

Content Content Standards Performance Learning Competencies Code
Music Gr.10– UNIT 2

AFRO-LATIN AND POPULAR MUSIC The Learner… The Learner...  observes dance styles, instruments, and rhythms of Afro MU10AP-IIa-g-1
 Historical and (cultural Latin American and popular music through video, movies
background of African and  demonstrates  performs vocal and live performances
Latin American music understanding of and dance  describes the historical and cultural background of Afro- MU10AP-IIa-g-2
characteristic forms of Afro- Latin American and popular music
 Background of Popular music
features of Afro-Latin Latin American
 African music American music and music and  listens perceptively to Afro-Latin American and popular music MU10AP-IIa-h-3
Rhythms: Maracatu Popular music selections of
Vocal forms: blues, soul, Popular music  dances to different selected styles of Afro-Latin American and MU10AP-IIa-4
spiritual, call and response popular music MU10AP-IIb-4
 Latin American music MU10AP-IIc-h-4
Vocal and Dance form:  analyzes musical characteristics of Afro-Latin American and MU10AP-IIa-h-5
popular music
Cumbia, tango, cha-cha.
 sings selections of Afro-Latin American and popular music in MU10AP-IIa-h-6
Rumba, bossanova, reggae,
appropriate pitch, rhythm, style, and expression
foxtrot, pasa doble
 Jazz
Instrumental forms: ragtime,
big band, bebop, jazz rock
 Popular music  explores ways of creating sounds on a variety of sources MU10AP-IIa-7
Ballad, standard, rock and suitable to chosen vocal and instrumental selections
 improvises simple vocal/instrumental accompaniments to MU10AP-IIe-f-8
roll, alternative music, disco
selected songs
 choreograph a chosen dance music MU10AP-IIb-d-9

 evaluates music and music performances using knowledge MU10AP-IIa-h-10

of musical elements and style

MUSIC / K to 12 Curriculum Guide version as of September 13, 2013

Content Content Standards Performance Learning Competencies Code
Music Gr.10 – UNIT 3

CONTEMPORARY PHILIPPINE The Learner… The Learner... The Learner... MU10CM-IIIa-h-1

 demonstrates understanding  sings contemporary  listens perceptively to excerpts of major
 Traditional Composers of characteristic features of songs Contemporary works
(Minimum of four (4) contemporary music
composers)  describes characteristics of traditional and new musics MU10CM-IIIa-h-2

Lucio San Pedro, Antonino  give a brief biography of selected Contemporary MU10CM-IIIc-g-3
Buenaventura, Antonio Molina, Alfredo Philippine composer/s
Buenaventura, Alfredo Buenaventura,  sings selections of Contemporary music with MU10CM-IIIb-h-4
Rodolfo Cornejo, Bernardino Custodio, appropriate pitch, rhythm, style, and expression
Antonio Buencamino, Hilarion Rubio,
Rosendo Santos, Ryan Cayabyab  explores ways of creating sounds on a variety of MU10CM-IIId-e-5
 New Musics  improvises simple vocal/instrumental accompaniments MU10CM-IIId-e-5
(Minimum of four (4) to selected songs MU10CM-IIIe-6

Chino Toledo, Ramon Santos, Jose  create a musical on the life of a selected MU10CM-IIIg-h-7
Maceda, Manuel Maramba, Lucresia contemporary Philippine composer
Kasilag, Francisco Feliciano, Jerry Dadap,  evaluates music and music performances using MU10CM-IIIh-8
Jonas Baes knowledge of musical elements and style

 Song Composer
(Minimum of four (4)

Constancio de Guzman, Mike Velarde,

Ernani Cuenco, Restie Umali, George
Canseco, Levi Celerio, Angel Pena,
Leopoldo Silos, Santiago Suarez

MUSIC / K to 12 Curriculum Guide version as of September 13, 2013

Content Content Standards Performance Learning Competencies Code
Music Gr.10 – UNIT 4

20th and 21st century MULTIMEDIA The Learner… The Learner... The Learner... MU10MM-IIIa-h-
 demonstrates  performs selections  describes how an idea or story in a musical play is
o OPERA understanding of from musical plays, presented in a live performance or video
 La Loba Negra characteristic features ballet, opera in a
 Noli Me Tangere of 20th and 21st century satisfactory level of  explains how theatrical elements in a selected part of a MU10MM-IIIa-h-
 El Filibusterismo opera musical play, performance musical play are combined with music and media to 2
ballet and other achieve certain effects
o BALLET multimedia forms  creates a musical work  sings selections from musical plays and opera MU10MM-IIIc-h-
 Lola Basyang using media & expressively 3
 Rama Hari  demonstrates technology
understanding of the
 creates / improvises appropriate sounds, music, MU10MM-IIIc-h-
o MUSICAL PLAY relationship among 4
gestures, movements, and costume using media and
 Andres Bonifacio music, technology, and
technology for a selected part of a musical play
 Atang media
 Katy
 Florante at Laura  present an excerpt from a 20th or 21st century MU10MM-IIIg-h-
 Daragang Magayon Philippine musical and highlight its similarities and 5
 Noli Me Tangere differences to other western musical play
 El Filibusterismo
 Magsimula ka

MUSIC / K to 12 Curriculum Guide version as of September 13, 2013


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