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Raid: Shadow Legends:

Raid: Shadow Legends is an exciting and thrilling mix up of fantasy and fiction. The
game was built developed by Plarium Games absolutely another wonder from
them making the gaming industry spicier. It was released in the year of 2019
globally and has been on the high stakes since. RAID: Shadow Legends is a
fantasy-themed, turn-based role-playing gacha game. The game's story takes
place in the fictional realm of Teleria, which has been subjugated by the Dark Lord
Siroth. Players take the role of an ancient Telerian warrior resurrected to defeat
the Dark Lord and restore peace and harmony to the territory. Players must
assemble an army for battles in settings such as castles, dungeons, deserts and
temples defended by enemies and possible allies and throughout the game,
players accumulate Shards, vessels containing the souls of past warriors. Shards
come in four types with different properties. This game is established for the
thirsty payers who want the thrill of both single and multiplayer gaming.
This game offers the campaigns of PvE (Player vs Enemy) and PvP (Player vs
Player). This innovation was proved to be most exciting for the users because
nothing is better than having both of these features in the same place. The game
has been divided into 12 levels and the players progress by winning and
competing with various case scenarios. Each level is made up of seven stages and
these stages are further categorized into three difficulties. The gameplay and the
run of game is quite smooth, other than that interface of the game is user
friendly. So there is no problem in understanding how to play and achieve the
Raid: Shadow Legends has been getting quite the hype and consideration among
user around the world, it is available for smartphone as well as for Pcs (note: Pc
game is only available under the premium play); giving the best graphic quality
and amazing animations. The game adopts western style, with realistic characters
and settings inspired by dark theme. In short this is the game of the future and
also looking forward to achieve and bigger and honorable platform.
Raid: Shadow Legends guide:
No doubt that Raid is as awesome as they come but or the beginners this can be a
headache as the game is difficult to catch up to and also its very addictive so in
order for user to not lose their mind. This is a general guide for the new players to
understand the game better and play wholeheartedly. Beginners are usually
facing passing through the starting levels. So what you need is the complete guide
consisting the whole deal for Raid: Shadow Legends. Given the basics there are
certain points to ponder while playing the game. By following the users must be
able to achieve the recognition in the game.
 Player must complete the daily missions.
 Purchasing the Gem mine is always beneficial although it is optional but
highly recommended.
 Players must focus on getting a 6 Star Champion ASAP. It is a great help in
 It is always best to upgrade their champion’s equipment in order to level
up the food supplies.
 Players shouldn’t keep their energy over filled.
 Do not fight the arena teams it is a high probability that player will lose.
 The keys are precious and not easy to earn so avoid fighting the high
difficulty clan bosses.

All the above mentioned points are the basics to top up the profile in the game
and also how to survive the best in the game.
Raid: Shadow Legend Campfire:
Campfire is the newest addition to the game. Plarium is still working on that area.
Perhaps it will be soon launched with all the accessories and bonuses. So what
does campfire actually do? Campfire is a map area with the consistency of getting
new rewards. It has five areas namely Sparing Pit, Portal, Great Hall, Tavern,
Market and Mine. All of these are open and usable by passing a certain level.
Legend has it that when a player completely unlocks all the aspects of campfire, it
will ignite itself into a spectacular money sink to take all your available monies.
Raid: Shadow Legends best starters:

Now for starters the main focus for players must be on their champion. Because it
would be the only thing that will decide how much pace a player would have
while struggling through his/her career. So the main focus for a player should be
choosing their champion wisely. This guide will help you understand better on
which champion to choose. Typically, the starting champions given are Elhain,
Kael, Galek, and Athel.
So the player has to choose among these four. Beware that the champions
players wish to choose will stay with them throughout the game so it is best to
analyze all the characteristics of each champion in order to have the best for the
player. It is recommended to check all the possibilities of having each champion.
Usually people mistake a champion for their skills and masteries but the role that
champions plays also should be taken into account. Hence to choose the best
player has to be dead sure. To ease this the following list contains all aspects
regarding each champion also the comparison between them for players to better
understand the dilemma.

Faction: Telerians – High Elves

Rarity: Rare
Type: Attack
Elhain’s Skill Set:
Skill 1 – Keen Shot
Attacks 1 enemy and places another hit if she deals a critical strike.
Skill 2 – Lightning Arrow (CD – 5 Turns)
Attacks 1 enemy then all of them (AoE) and if she kills the enemy, she will receive
an Increased Critical Rate buff for 3 turns.
Skill 3 – Valley of Death (CD – 3 Turns)
Attacks all the enemies 2 times.
This gorgeous lady is a high elves rare attach partner. Her skills involve the deadly
keen slot and Valley of Death. She is proven to be beneficial in the early game
stages to pass the early levels.
Faction: The Corrupted – Dark Elves
Rarity: Rare
Type: Attack
Kael’s Skill Set:
Skill 1 – Dark Bolt
Attacks 1 enemy with an 80% chance to poison the enemy for 2 turns.
Skill 2 – Acid Rain (CD – 3 Turns)
Attacks all enemies and whenever an enemy dies, Kael’s Turn Meter refills for
25%. Also has an extra 15% chance to hit Critical hit.
Skill 3 – Disintegrate (5 Turns)
Attacks enemy 4 times randomly, with a 40% chance to poison the attacked
enemies for 2 turns.
Kael is known to be the strongest Dark Elves rare champion. He is not the easy
type. This champion is used mainly for higher fights and battles against the
bosses. Kael is useful in future game in which the boss fights gets harder and
more challenging.
Faction: Gaellen Pact – Orcs
Rarity: Rare
Type: Attack
Galek’s Skill Set:
Skill 1 – Cross Slash
Attacks a single enemy twice.
Skill 2 – Hell raiser (CD – 3 Turns)
Attacks all enemies and has 15% extra chance to place Critical hit. places a 30%
Speed buff on himself for 2 turns.
Skill 3 – Cursed Blade (CD- 5 Turns)
Attacks 4 times randomly, with a 30% chance to place a decrease DEF debuff on
the enemy for 2 turns, with an additional chance of placing another debuff which
decreases their Defense by 60% if the target has more than 2 debuffs.
This bad boy also affiliates with Kael as the skills and character for this champion
is more towards battles. This champion is in some ways better than Kael but also
lacks some skills. The most important skill for Galek is putting debuffs in enemies.

Faction – The Sacred Order

Rarity – Rare
Affinity – Magic
Role – Offence
Athel Skill Set:
Skill 1 – Strike Down
Attack an Enemies 3 times in a row and last attack has 75% chance to inflict a
weaken debuff for 2 turns
Skill 2 – Divine Blade (CD – 3 turns)
Attack All enemies and has an extra 15% chance to hit a critical attack.
Skill 3 – Higher blessing (CD – 4 turns)
Places an Increase ATK (25%). Also, inflict Increase DEF (30%) debuff on this
Champion for 2 turns and if this Champion’s current HP is less than 50%. Gains an
extra Turn.
She originates from The Sacred Order and she is more similar to Elhain. In all
honesty she has less damage radar the Elhain but also better recovery. So it is a
good argument while choosing between two. With a good armor she can give
much more than Elhain but getting a good armor is difficult

Which Champion to choose?

After all the discussion above its up on the player which champion to choose. If
considering an opinion its best to choose a champion with much more farming
experience rather than choosing a champion with all its capability to fight. When
the game progress it’s better to keep the champion stocked and upgraded. So
player should go Athel. After some progress player can upgrade Athel. This would
help them is all aspects.
To make the champions more effective, player has to level them up and improve
their ranks. There are two ways to do that
 Leading them through levels, exploring dungeon and defeating bosses.
 Sacrificing low level champions in the tavern option.
Raid: Shadow Legend tips and tricks:
Raid: Shadow Legends is surely influential game and players seem to grow more
and more everyday so there are certain tips and tricks for players to quickly
progress through the game with ease and enjoying all the cool things the game

1. Use of two heroes in campaign.

Main focus in starting should be to complete the campaign by using only
two heroes. The 2-star heroes mainly make the food for higher champions
so by using only two heroes for the campaign is best. The heroes may be
any two depending on how the player uses them.

2. Upgrading 2-star heroes as 3-star food.

It’s easier to rack up 2-star champions as their max level is only 20 and
player only need 2 other 2-star food to rank them up to 3-star. In just
relatively short period of time, you can easily acquire lot of 3-star
champions to rank up the ones you actually use in important battle.
Understand, of course that this shouldn’t end you grinding session as the
maximum star rank in the game is 6 stars. It’s a long way to go even if you
are lucky to instantly grab one or a couple of 4 or even 5-stra champions
along the course of your game but remember that on top of the tiny
possibility of still getting some 3-star heroes along the way, the experience
points you acquire through grinding from campaign stages along with one
equipment ads on to what makes it fun and rewarding.
3. Finishing campaign.
If under some circumstances the player is facing any difficulty doing the
campaign mission it is only the start there are 12 chapters that waiting to
take a lot of your time. So be ready and steadfast to get what you want the
thing is to have a strategic sense while playing the campaign mode so it
would a lot easier to go through all of the tasks
4. Exploring and winning the dungeons.
Dungeon is the offside track to campaign and like campaign mission the
dungeons is also more challenging the mission in the dungeon will help
allot to upgrade the champions in many ways. It is the primary source for
arcane potions player need to ascend heroes, mastery scrolls that are
essential as well in strengthening and customizing each of the champions.
The dungeons levels are difficult and a lot more challenging. It will take a lot
grind and powering up to get the most out of the dungeons in RAID. Be sure
to consider progressing through once you have enough power. In the start
you should rely on the dungeons to get more power and extra rewards.
5. Perpetrate Mission, Quests and Challenges.
on top of these quests and challenges, there are also time-limits events to
take advantage. Whenever available, these events will be indicated by an
icon and a countdown timer. Be sure to look into the objective and spend
time and effort on these quest to claim rare and important material.
There is still many strategies to the road of raid.
Raid: Shadow Legends Temptress:
Temptress a beautiful and dangerous woman. Child of vampire yet a mortal being
is one of the servants of Siroth. Where Lumaya brings us the purity of love, Siroth
places his bets on the pure carnal desire. He tempts with excess and indulgence,
pulling more and more willing servants into his net wherever he can. Such was the
fate of a young noble of Kaerok, vain and greedy, he wished for nothing more
than to better his position in power and lot in life. By the magic of Siroth’s
necromancers, and by his own dark deeds he was granted a vampire’s “kiss”,
turning into one of the undead beasts himself. But his pact with the Shadow stood
firm, for the noble was allowed to retain his humanly looks that he so adored –
for a time, at least. One can only imagine this wicked Seducer’s shock and surprise
when he was faced with another servant of Siroth, known as the Temptress. A
child of a vampire and a mortal woman, she was as vain and self-assured as he
was himself. And throughout all his attempts to gain the upper hand, the Seducer
only succeeded in catching himself in his own trap. For even the darkest heart can
sometimes be illuminated by Lumaya’s light, and he found himself hopelessly in
love and at the whims of the woman he sought to outdo. Still, it may not be such
a horrible fate in the end, for despite their mutual viciousness and less than
savory practices, the two of them do go together as well as a werewolf and a full
moon. That connection is hard to deny, and it overcomes even the deeply
ingrained selfishness that both of them were so known for.
Undead Horses.

Total Stars (6):

Health Points (HP): 11,565.
Attack (ATK): 1,343.
Defense (DEF): 914.
Speed (SPD): 99.
Critical Rate (C. Rate): 15%.
Critical Damage (C. DMG): 57%.
Debuff Resistance (RESIST): 30.
Debuff Accuracy (ACC): 0.

Grinding Dungeons Potion

★★★✰✰ Campaign ★★★✰✰ Minotaur’s Labyrinth ★✰✰✰✰ Force Keep
★✰✰✰✰ Arena Defense ★✰✰✰✰ Spider’s Den ★★★★✰ Void Keep
★★★✰✰ Arena Offense ★✰✰✰✰ Fire Knight’s Castle ★★★★✰ Spirit Keep
★★★✰✰ Clan Boss ★★★✰✰ Dragon’s Lair ★★★★✰ Magic Keep
★★★✰✰ Ice Golem’s Peak
Temptress Skill Set:
Sly Slice [ATK]
Attacks 1 enemy. Has a 30% chance of stealing 1 random buff
from the target.
Level 2: Damage +5%
Level 3: Buff/Debuff Chance +5%
Level 4: Damage +5%
Level 5: Buff/Debuff Chance +5%
Level 6: Damage +10%
Flying Daggers [ATK] (Cool down: 4 turns)
Attacks 4 times at random. Each hit has a 50% chance of placing
a [Leech] debuff for 2 turns.
Level 2: Damage +5%
Level 3: Damage +5%
Level 4: Buff/Debuff Chance +10%
Level 5: Buff/Debuff Chance +15%
Level 6: Cool down -1
Vicious Partner (Cool down: 5 turns)
Places a 50% [Increase ATK] and a 30% [Increase C.RATE] buff
on this Champion for 2 turns. Grants an Extra Turn
when Seducer is on the same team.
Level 2: Cool down -1

Offense Defense Support

1. Deadly Precision N/A 1. Pinpoint Accuracy
2. Keen Strike 2. Exalt in Death
3. Shield Breaker 3. Arcane Celerity
4. Whirlwind of 4. Evil Eye
Death 5. Master Hexer
5. Single Out
6. Cycle of Violence
7. Bring it Down
8. Kill Streak
9. Blood Shield
War master
Champions Online Legacy Auras:
Keeping your champion up to date and stocked is always beneficial while
progressing through the game. So it is recommended to choose the best auras for
the champions. In the seasonal events of PvP champions are upgraded on the
basis of the pros and cons. There are Speed Aura Champions by Rarity and Speed
Aura Champions by Location. Both of these upgrades are available online.

Speed Aura Champions by Rarity:

The champions are based upon their rarity or how often they are available to be
equipped. These rarity is further classified into: -
 Legendary.
Legendary champions are the most powerful of all the champions. They are
unlocked at higher levels and their maintenance is also high. Namely
Arbiter, Astralith, Duchess Lilitu, Fu-Shan, Grohak, Lord Shazar, Lyssandra,
Mortu-Maccab, Prince Kymar, Rae, Skartrosis.
 Epic.
Epic champions are less powerful than legendary but they are expensive to
maintain. They require more food and on the other hand provide better
performance. Namely Adriel, Battlesage, Caroness, Crypt Witch,
Doompriest, Grogroab, High Kratun, Hordin, Jarang, Jinglehunter, Psyler,
Skullcrown, Spider, Teshada.
 Rare.
Rare are the least of the champions. They come in handy in farming hence
are important in such a way. Namely Bellower, Haruspex, Heiress,
Hexweaver, Hospitaller, Magus, Malbranche, Mother Superior, Raider,
Rotting mage, Skullsworn, Spirthost, Veteran.
Speed Aura Champions by Location:
Champions found by exploration in the game that is dungeons, battles, arena and
faction wars are champions by location.

 Dungeons:
Dungeons holds great importance in the game and it will be much difficult
comparatively to many of career game levels. Hence on completion the
dungeon mission many champions are discovered. Namely Grohak,
Heiress, Jarang, Rae, Skartorsis, Sider, Veteran.

 Arena:
Champions in arena are easy to get and the task are easy to pass. These
champions are mainly provided for kickbacks. Namely Arbiter, Astraith,
Grogroab, Haruspex, Jinglehunter, Lord Shazar, Magus, Malbranche,
Prince Kaymar, Skullsworn.

 Battles:
Battles fought while progressing through the game will unlock and provide
with many champions having various capabilities. Namely Adriel,
Battlesage, Doompriest, Duchess lilitu, Fu-Shan, High Khatun, Hospitaller,
Lysandra, Mortu-Maccab, Mother Superior, Spirithost.

 Faction Wars:
Champions included in faction wars are Bellower, Canoness, Crypt Witch,
Hexweaver, Hordin, Psylar, Raider, Rotting Mage, Skullsworn, Teshada.
Raid Shadow Legends Codes:
Raid: Shadow Legends has been in the market long enough for people to crack the
game open and giving a short cut to the brilliance of the game. Here the users can
find all the possible and amazing codes and hacks to be adopted and used in the
game to get cool Sacred Shard, Gift Box, Artifact, Legendary Heroes. Also there
are codes available for getting stamina, gems, premium packs, gold, evolution.
Users can also level up by using these codes.
 kwngXAJDHK1F4wc – sacred shard
 XL215tNxFhiHJw6 -- evolve
 Gskp7H3JkssnLyX – gift box
 Sv55I2j4B4IISH8 – artifact
 61mCU01v74TbpkE – legendary hero
 uE5FCJDWOM9YWHS -- upgrade
 xGT8cYOtFZOjKzc – level up
 rtWJmdzYAun2Tcv -- gold
 eqwKEvtaYYVtWP4 -- stamina
 pZI49PRM15x93vp -- gems
 OkELLNili2jbtee – premium pack

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