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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas / semester : VII/Genap

Guru Mata Pelajaran : Siti hajar, S. Pd

Nama Siswa :

Choose A, B, C, or D for the correct answer

1. Mia : May I borrow your pen?

Tony : ….here it is
a. Sorry b. It’s broken c. Sure d. Thank you
2. Tina : Nadia I want you open the door, please?
Nadia : …….. I’m busy now
a. Sure b. No problem c. Sorry d. It’s windy out side
3. Ani : What do you think of my new dress?
Mira : Oh… you look beautifu
What expression does Ani say?
a. Asking opinion b. Giving opinion c. Like d. Dislike

For number 4-6

Good Morning, students
Join our class meeting from 21 to 23 december 2016
All are invited, don’t miss it!!!
4. What is the text tell about?
a. Letter b. Announcement c. Short message d. Procedure
5. Who is the announcement for?
a. Teacher b. Students c. OSIS d. Police
6. Who is give of announcement?
a. Chairman b. Teacher c. OSIS d. Police
7. Teacher : Congratulation on your success. You really the best student in school.
Andi : Thank you
What expression does teacher said?
a. Compliment b. Agreeing c. Thankfull d. Persuade
8. Tasya : I don’ t have any pen. ….please?
Rudi : Sure , Here you are
a. What is this
b. Take me the pen
c. May I have one
d. Give the pen
9. Hani : Do you have a spare ruler, Nit?
Nita : Yes, I have got two
Hani : ….
Nita :Certainly
a. Can I have one of the ruler, please?
b. Are you using them?
c. Where do you put them?
d. Where are tou ruler?
10. Budi : May I borrow your book, please?
Citra : ……
a. Thank you
b. Yes. I do
c. I’m sorry. I’m using it now
d. What?
11. A : How many classroom are there school?
B : ……. Twenty Four classroom
a. It is b. They are c. These are d. There are
12. A : Did you here yesterday?
B : ………….
a. I did b. Sorry c. I don’t d. I have been
13. Rika : Hey, there is a new computer in the living room?
Rudi : …..
Rika : Absolutely
a. That’s great
b. I think so
c. Are you sure?
d. I like computer
14. A : Did you go to school last week?
B : Yes I did
The underline is …….
a. Tahun depan b. Minggu lalu c. Bulan lalu d. Besok
15. Ina : ………….?
Dede : I like tea
a. What do you like to drink?
b. What is your hobby?
c. What time is it?
d. what do you like to eat?
16. The text used to tell someone how to do or make something is….
a. A procedural b. narrative c. descriptive d. report
17. When you want to plant the sunflower seeds what do you need?
a. Sunflower seed,pot,dirt,water
b. Sunflower seed, water,mat,book
c. Water,seed,pen,ruler
d. Pot,water,seed,fish
18. Dig 3 holes with your finger one inch in the dirt. The italic word is means….
a. Menggali,lubang,tanah
b. Menggali.pacul,ember
c. Air,benih,ember
d. Benih,pupuk sekop
19. Put, water,inch,dig,finger,dirt. The action verb are….
a. Put,water,finger
b. Put, dig,water
c. Dig,inch,dirt
d. Finger,put,inch
20. Cover the seeds in each hole. Artinya…
a. Tutup benih disetiap lubang
b. Buka penutup benih
c. Lubang harus dibuka
d. Benih disiram dengan air

Answer the following questions

1. Write the structure of procedure text

2. Translate in Indonesia of the sentence bellow
Where is the will, there is the way
3. Find their meaning in your dictionary of….
a. Same b. Mean c. look d. seed
4. What is the purpose of procedural text?
5. Make sentence with the word of” can ”
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas / semester : VIII/Genap

Guru Mata Pelajaran : Siti hajar, S. Pd

Nama Siswa :

Please Choose A, B, C, or D for the correct answer

1. The boys and the girls…….busy cleaning up the class

a. Is b. Are c. Were d. Was
2. Every body in the class has the special task.Udin has a job to clean up the floor by ….it
a. Sweeping b. Cleaning c. Showering d. Mopping
3. Lina ……cleaning the whiteboard now
a. Is b. Are c. Were d. Was
For number 4 – 6
Tina and Rita are speaking in distance way
Rita : Hello, This is Rita. May I speak to Tina?
Tina : Tina speaking. What ‘s up Rita?
Rita : I’m calling you to tell that we are going to Lakey beach.
Tina : Really? Thank you for your information
Rita : You are welcome. Bye
4. Who is Rita calling?
a. Tina’s mother b. Tina c. Father d. Grandmother
5. How does Rita say to open the dialogue?
a. I’m calling you to tell that we are going Lakey beach
b. Thank You
c. Hello, This is Rita, May I speak to Tina, Please?
d. Tina’s speaking. What’s up Rita?
6. Why is Rita calling To Tina?
a. To tell that she is going to Lakey beach
b. To tell that she’s mother sick
c. To tell she want go to bolly market
d. To tell she want to eat
for number 7 - 9
7. To: Renata
I would like to invite you to come to my birthday party the fifteenth
It will be hold : On Saturday,25 May 2019
Time : at 4:00 pm
Place : In my home
don’t forget to come and See you there

What does the text tell us about?
a. Denada invites Renata to come to her birthday party
b. Renata is going to celebrate her birthday party
c. Denada is going to have dinner at Mentari cave
d. Renata is going to have a party at Mentari cave
8. When will Denada held the Party?
a. at late night
b. in the evening
c. in the morning
d. in the afternoon
9. Denada was born on?
a. 1994 b. 1995 c. 1996 d. 1997
10. Look the picture, for number 10 to 11

from the text we know that

a. we may not make the floor wet it
b. we may not trepass the floor
c. we might slipit we step on
d. we should mop the floor
11. What’s the caution for?
a. visitor
b. cleaning service
c. place owner
d. staffs
12. Read the text
Nana, don’t forget to study together at my home at 03:00 pm.
Be on time! thanks.
Which one is not true based on the message?
a. Dea expects Nana to come at 03:00 pm
b. Dea and Nana have an appointment to study together
c. Dea and Nana wil study at Dea’s house
d. Dea reminds Nana about their appontment
13. Read the text carefully
Visit to beautiful Bali
Enjoy Bali’s beautiful beaches! visit the art city of Ubud!Stay in Asia’s Finest Hotels! Buy
beautiful sovenirs!see mounth Agung!.. and much more.
we’ve got it all! come and see the art shorts,the templs and the exotic dances.
come and try our restaurants
call citra Tour :62315087062.
what is the purpose of the text?
a. to announce Bali
b. to describe Bali
c. to explain Bali
d. to advertise Bali
14. Writing Recount text use……tense
a. Past tense b. Simple present c. Perfect tense d. Future tense
15. Funny,go,cute,run,school,house. The action verb are….
a. Go , runb. Funny, cute c. school,house d. Cute, house
16. Read the following conversation carefully
Tedi : ………. Udin?
Udin : I’m doing my homework for tomorrow
a. What are you doing?
b. What is going on?
c. What is happening?
d. What day is it today?
17. Read the conversation carefully
Tedi : What are the girls doing right there?
Udin : They are ….
a. Studying
b. Study
c. studied
d. have been studying
18. Read the text carefully
Udin : Are you studying English?
Tedi : …….., I’m studying math
a. No. I’m not
b. No. We are now
c. No. I don’t
d. No. They don’t
19. Hasan is 15 years . Joni is 14 years old
Joni is ….. than Hasan
a. Older
b. Younger
c. Taller
d. Higher
20. I got 95 in English and 65 in Math
a. Easier
b. More difficult
c. heavier
d. Lighter

Answer the following questions

1. Write the structure of the recount text?

2. If you want to ask something to your friend, what will you say?
3. When you refuse the your friend invite, what will you say?
4. Change the sentence below into pattern negative (-) and introgatif (?) “ I have prepare
5. Find their meaning in your dictionary of
a. After b. went c. slowly d. funny

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