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BTN 025

V1.2 November 2018

Code of Practice
AS5100 Part 5
If the structure containing the coupler could be subjected to
1. Scope and application dynamic loads, the time dependant properties of the coupler
BTN025 Part 5 states VicRoads’ requirements regarding the system must be established by testing for the effects of cyclical
loading. The chosen coupler must perform satisfactorily over
application of AS5100.5 Concrete to the design and
the design-life of the structure;
assessment of reinforced and prestressed concrete structural
members. Tension reinforcement
Mechanical splices may not be used to join tension
Bridge Technical Notes are a Code of Practice. Compliance
reinforcement in structures when the maximum permissible
with Bridge Technical Notes is mandatory. crack-width is less than 0.3mm.
BTN025 Part 5 is to be read in conjunction with the following
Mechanical splices may be used to join tension reinforcement
documents: when the maximum permissible crack width is 0.3mm or more
• Standard Specification 610 provided that:
• a proprietary connector is used in accordance with the
• Standard Specification 611
manufacturer’s recommendations
Other than as stated in this document and relevant VicRoads • not more than 50% of the total area of tensible
standard specifications, the provisions of AS5100:2017 shall reinforcement shall be mechanically spliced at any one
apply. Where this document differs from AS5100:2017, its section
requirements override those of AS5100:2017. • the splice is not placed at a position of maximum stress.
For the purposes of this clause, the use of mechanical
2. Additional requirements splices shall be restricted to those parts of the span at
which the bending-moment causing the tensile stress in
2.1. Section 6 Methods of structural the reinforcement being coupled is not greater than 75%
of the maximum bending-moment causing the tensile
analysis stress in the span being considered.

Strength of beams in shear and torsion The following factors must be considered when selecting a
Modified Compression Field Theory in accordance with Cl8.2 coupler:
of AS5100.5:2017 may be used to determine the strength of • minimum yield stress – the coupler system must be
reinforced concrete beams in shear and torsion. strong enough to develop the characteristic yield stress of
Modified Compression Field Theory is not to be used to the smallest diameter reinforcing bar in the connection
determine the strength of prestressed beams in shear and • dynamic capacity – if the structure containing the coupler
torsion. In this case, the methodology described in Cl8.2 and could be subjected to dynamic loads, the time-dependent
8.3 of AS5100:2004 is to be used. properties of the coupler system must be established by
testing for the effects of cyclical loading. The chosen
coupler must perform satisfactorily over the design-life of
2.2. Section 13 Stress development of the structure
reinforcement and tendons • tensile strength / yield stress ratio – to maintain the
ductility of the structure, the Tensile Strength / Yield
Compression reinforcement and secondary Stress Ratio of the coupler system should not be less
reinforcement than 1.08, measured for actual stress across the full
Mechanical splices may be used provided that: range of yield stresses (500MPa to 650MPa for a grade
500N bar). Further consideration should be given to the
• a proprietary connector is used; and tensile strength / yield stress ratio in designs for seismic
• the connector has appropriate dynamic capacity
• uniform elongation – a minimum uniform elongation of
3.5% is required for mechanical splices in order to
maintain the ductility of the structure. Care should be
taken when locating couplers to ensure the ductility of the
structure is not reduced below the requirements of the
• slip – slip in the coupler may lead to cracking in the
concrete above the coupler. In order to limit the width of
cracks in the concrete above the coupler to 0.3mm, slip in
the coupler shall be limited to 0.1mm at 60% of the yield
load. The effects of shrinkage, creep and flexural
cracking on the actual crack-width must be combined for
this purpose
• the designer shall ensure that the performance of the
selected coupler and the design of the reinforcement are
consistent with the ductility of the reinforcement.

Cover to the connector

Where the external diameter of the connector is such that it will
encroach into the cover zone, the designer must consider the
• the durability of the connector
• the minimum depth of concrete at the connector
consistent with the maximum aggregate size of the
• the effects on the strength of the reinforced concrete
section should it be necessary to reduce the effective
depth of reinforcement to achieve adequate cover to the

2.3. Section 16 Steel fibre-reinforced

Steel fibre-reinforced concrete is not to be used in the
manufacture of structural components in both site and pre-
casting processes.
Steel fibre-reinforced concrete may be used in the construction
of non-structural reinforced concrete.

Principal Bridge Engineer

For further information please contact:
Principal Bridge Engineer
Level 3, 60 Denmark Street
Kew Victoria 3101
Email: [email protected]
Bridge Technical Notes are subject to periodic review and
may be superseded.

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