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Back to childhood / The cycle of karma Keywords from symbolic
as well as scholarly
aspects of the theme


• Nostalgic
• Antiquated
• Memories
• Age-old

SYMBOLIC ( Snake )
• Rippled / crinkly
• Wavy
• Irregular
• Bumpy
• Entangled
• Zig-zag

• Checkered
• Cubic
• Geometric
• Blocks

The collection is inspired from the childhood game Snake and ladder. We have sweet memories of playing the game with our
cousins. But the original version is nothing like how we play it today. It had more scholarly aspects attached to it that taught us what are the
effects of good deeds opposed to bad deeds where doing good was symbolised by climbing ladder and doing bad by coming downward through
snake bite.
Swatch inspired from the scales
On the skin of the snake.
The snake element was given a real snake
interpretation to derive the swatches. Keyword : Bumpy
Yarn used : wool + Nettle
Swatch inspired from the scales
On the skin of the snake. That gives it a bumpy texture
The snake element was given a real snake interpretation to
derive the swatches.
Yarn used : wool + Nettle

Swatch inspired from the checkered pattern of
the board game. To show the blocky structure
of the game
Yarn used : wool + Nettle Keyword : checkered / Blockish
The above pattern is
made up of two colours
symbolising the pattern
on the rope whereas as
the colours show duoness
of the theory that is cause
and effect, good and bad

The swatches are inspired from of

texture on the rope of rope ladder.
That is seen as twisted and V shaped.
Yarn used : wool + Nettle

Keyword : twoness / duoness

Warped / twisted / crossing / jagged
Swatch inspired from the scholarly aspect of
the game that says life is a combination of
good as well as bad deeds.
Here, knots define hurdles or vices and plains Keyword : amalgamation / union
symbolise virtues.
Yarn used : wool + Nettle
The pattern is inspired from
the ladder structure. Where
the nettle symbolises the

Swatch is inspired from the rope

ladder. We have interoperated the
ladder in the game as rope ladder Keyword : Stepping / corded /stranded
which was as figured in the earlier
version of the game.
Yarn used : wool + Nettle
Swatch inspired from the
movement of the snake forming an
infinity loop or cycle of karma.
Symbolising both pictorial and
scholarly aspect of the game.
Yarn used : wool + Nettle Keyword :coiled / spiraled
Loop stitch
Swatch inspired from the scales
On the skin of the snake.
The snake element was given a real snake
interpretation to derive the swatches. Keyword : twisted
Yarn used : wool + Nettle
The swatches were inspired from the physiology
behind the numbers on the dice.
Considering numbers as lace and 6 as a number of Keyword : Checkered / entangled / webbed
imperfection. The patterns were developed where
the swatches shows the irregular shape and lacy
Yarn used : wool + Nettle
The swatch is inspired from the movement of
the snake that is seen as zig-zag movement.
Commonly known as snaking movement.
Yarn used : wool + Nettle Keyword : Zig-zag / snaking
The swatches are inspired from the checkered pattern Keyword : Checkered / entangled /
on the board of the game and the boxy ladders.
Yarn used : wool + Nettle
webbed / Intertwined
All the patterns are either hand knitted or crocheted. Two varieties of nettle yarn are used along
with acrylic wool in the swatches. Whereas 100% natural wool will be used in the collection.
The swatches are developed inspired from the symbolic and scholarly aspects of the game
Snake and ladder and the patterns development process is shown in the ld.

The swatches mainly focus on patterns , colours will be different.

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