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Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)


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Title of SOP Author HR Manager Date of E.D. Approval 10-2015

Hiring Procedures
YVEDDI believes that hiring qualified individuals to fill positions contributes to the overall strategic
success of YVEDDI. Each employee is hired to make significant contributions to our organization.
Purpose In hiring the most qualified candidates for positions, the hiring process shall consist of the following
procedural steps.

References YVEDDI Human Resource Policy Manual – page 7

Scope All Program Managers and Supervisors

The Executive Director has full authority and responsibility for implementing hiring procedures. The
Executive Director will approve the hiring of all new employees.
The Head Start Policy Council will approve personnel actions for Head Start employees.

Job Posting

The Program Director completes the Job Notice form incorporating related contents from the job
description. If the job will be posted externally, the Program Director will also complete the NCWorks

The Program Director will forward the applicable job notice(s) to the HR Manager who will review for
content and pay rate. The HR Manager will forward to the Executive Director for final approval.

The HR Manager will initiate posting of the approved Job Notice, as applicable, to include one or
more of the following:
Procedure 1. Applicable YVEDDI Service Centers via email
2. District Office Bulletin Board
3. Agency Website
4. NCWorks (formerly known as the Employment Security Commission)
5. Surry Community College (SCC)
7. Local newspapers based on need and budget requirements
External job postings shall be advertised externally for a minimum of 10 business days.
The HR manager will maintain a copy of all Job Notices in a notebook for reporting purposes.

Internal Job Postings

Internal advertising will take place a minimum of 5 business days, whenever there is a vacancy in
an Agency Program and will be distributed to all Program Directors and designated work sites.
Current employees may apply for any vacant position, however, this in no way limits or impairs the
Agency’s right to advertise external to the Agency and employ persons external to the Agency to fill
vacant positions.

Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)

Page # 2 of 3 Date Last Reviewed/Updated N/A

Title of SOP Author HR Manager Date of E.D. Approval 10-2015

Job Folders

Job folders will be compiled by the Program Director to include the job notice(s) and all applications
for the position. After a selection is made, the folder will be submitted to the HR Manager. Copies
of the Letters of Regret must accompany the non-selected applications. Job Folders will be
maintained by the HR Manager to comply with EEOC. All applicants not selected must be notified
of the decision via Letter of Regret within two weeks of filling the position.

The selected applicant’s application, resume, interview notes and reference checks are also
forwarded to the HR Manager.

Internal Transfers
 Employees who have been in their current position for at least one year may apply for internal
job openings. This requirement may be waived with the consent of the employee’s manager
and the HR department.
 All applicants for a posted vacancy will be considered on the basis of their qualifications and
ability to perform the job successfully. Internal candidates who are not selected will be notified
by the HR department or the Program Director via Letter of Regret.
 After a transfer to a new position, employee will begin a probationary period for the new

Interview Process
As designated, the HR Manager or Program Director will screen applications and resumes prior to
scheduling interviews. Initial interviews are generally conducted by the Program Director and the HR

Team interviews may be conducted as needed for some positions. If a team interview is conducted,
a structured interview process is recommended. Interview questions should be compiled by the
interviewing team and reviewed by the HR Manager prior to the interview. The Program Director has
the authority to make the hiring recommendation pending approval by the Executive Director.

Reference Checks, Criminal Background Checks, and Drug Testing

 After a decision has been made to hire a particular candidate, a Conditional Job Offer will be
made to that individual contingent on satisfactory completion of drug test, reference checks and
criminal background checks.
 Certain grants require different types of background checks and all checks necessary for the
program doing the hiring must be completed.
 Program Directors will work in conjunction with the HR Manager to complete background
checks as applicable.

Job Offers

 If satisfactory results from the reference checks, criminal background check, and the drug
screen are received, then the HR Manager or the Program Director will notify the candidate to
confirm the conditional job offer.

Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)

Page # 3 of 3 Date Last Reviewed/Updated N/A

Title of SOP Author HR Manager Date of E.D. Approval 10-2015

 All job offers are conditional pending completion of all paperwork, approval by the HR
Manager, and final approval by the Executive Director.

Initial Start Date and Orientation

 On an employee’s start date, the employee will complete required paperwork and an orientation
with the HR Manager. (Certain programs with large hiring needs may complete this step within
their department.)
 The new employee’s Program Director or supervisor is responsible for providing a department
orientation for the new employee.
 The employee’s supervisor will complete the Welcome Aboard Checklist with new employee
and review department policies and procedures.
 The HR Manager will forward the appropriate paperwork to the Accounting Department and will
create each new hire a personnel file.

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