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* * * * * * THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2020 ~ VOL. CCLXXV NO. 47 HHHH $4.

DJIA 26957.59 g 123.77 0.5% NASDAQ 8980.77 À 0.2% STOXX 600 404.62 À 0.004% 10-YR. TREAS. À 6/32 , yield 1.310% OIL $48.73 g $1.17 GOLD $1,640.00 g $6.90 EURO $1.0882 YEN 110.42

News Pressed
Business & Finance On Virus
T he chief of SoftBank’s
Vision Fund used a
campaign of sabotage to
undermine two internal ri- BY LINGLING WEI
vals, according to people
familiar with the matter BEIJING—Deepening eco-
and documents reviewed by nomic damage from China’s
The Wall Street Journal. A1 coronavirus epidemic is forc-
ing its leadership to confront
 The Dow and S&P 500
an agonizing decision: when to
erased early gains to end
ease quarantine restrictions
lower for the fifth consec-
that are strangling growth,
utive session, losing 0.5%
even as they help contain the
and 0.4%, respectively. The
virus’s spread.
Nasdaq gained 0.2%. B1
Business executives and

 Disney’s Bob Chapek, some local leaders are becom-

who has succeed Robert ing more vocal about the need
Iger as chief executive, is to streamline rules to reopen
known as a skilled tacti- factories and get workers and
cian who is all business. B1 supplies moving again in many
parts of the country where ac-
 Bayer’s chairman, Werner
tivity remains at a standstill.
Wenning, will step down ear-
But many local officials fear
lier than planned and be suc-
Antiseptic solution was sprayed at a market in Seoul on Wednesday as South Korea stepped up efforts to fight the virus. doing so could risk a resur-
ceeded by Norbert Winkeljo-
gence of infections, prolonging
hann, the company said. B1

Trump Defends U.S. Response,

the epidemic and putting their
 Barbara Novick, who led jobs on the line. Many pri-
BlackRock’s lobbying efforts, vately complain that President
is leaving that role and will Xi Jinping has put them in an
become a senior adviser to the impossible position, demand-
money-management firm. B1
 Some U.S. firms say they
could lose as much as half
their annual revenue from
Names Pence to Lead Efforts ing they keep growth on track
while ensuring the virus
doesn’t spread.
Tensions have sharpened in
recent days amid signs that in-
China if the viral epidemic ex-
BY STEPHANIE ARMOUR an hourlong White House brief- fections may be peaking in Wu-
tends through the summer. A7
AND ANDREW RESTUCCIA ing, surrounded by administra- han, the epidemic’s epicenter,
 Amazon sellers who
tion health officials and the vice where confirmed infections
built their businesses using
WASHINGTON—President president. “Because of all we’ve have reached more than 47,000
China’s manufacturers are
Trump said the risk to Ameri- done, the risk to the American cases, or about 60% of the na-
on the spot as the coronavi-
cans of coronavirus remains people remains very low.” tional total. While that has
rus shuts factories there. B10
very low and put Vice President Officials have also discussed brought hope the epidemic may
 The FTC rejected a plan Mike Pence in charge of federal having the Food and Drug Ad- be coming under control in
from Peabody and Arch to response efforts. Concern about ministration grant authoriza- China, it has heaped pressure
combine operations in a ma- the outbreak grew among law- tion to state and local health on officials to declare victory
jor coal-production region. B2 makers as a U.S. case was diag- labs to design their own coro- and loosen quarantines before
nosed that may have no con- navirus tests without going the economic pain worsens.
 L Brands took a nearly
nection to travel abroad. through the current regulatory Wuhan briefly announced
$700 million charge to
On Capitol Hill, party leaders process, a source of frustration Please turn to page A7
write down the value of its
said they would seek billions of for public-health officials, peo-
Victoria’s Secret chain. B3
dollars in emergency spending ple familiar with the conversa-

 The head of Uber’s beyond the $2.5 billion plan Mr. tions said. Concerns Grow
food-delivery business is Trump has proposed. In the U.S., 15 locally diag-  Europe girds against
leaving the company. B4 “We’re very, very ready for nosed cases have been con- outbreak from Italy........ A6
this, for anything, whether it is firmed, including a new one  The Middle Seat: An
World-Wide going to be a breakout of larger Wednesday in California that unsure time to travel... A11
proportions or whether or not involved a person who didn’t  Dow, S&P 500 extend
President Trump said on Wednesday that he had put Vice we’re at that very low level,” have a travel history to an area slide to fifth day.............. B1
 Trump said the risk to President Mike Pence in charge of the coronavirus response. Mr. Trump said Wednesday at Please turn to page A6
Americans from coronavirus
remains very low, and he
put Pence in charge of fed-
eral response efforts as con-
cerns about the outbreak
grew among lawmakers. A1
SoftBank Vision Fund Chief Biden’s Allies Push
 China’s leadership is
facing pressure to decide
when to ease quarantine re-
Worked to Sabotage Rivals To Win Over Centrists
strictions amid deepening BY KEN THOMAS Carolina in recent polls.
economic damage from the The former vice president
country’s epidemic. A1, A7 Misra aided program of planted stories, shareholder complaints CHARLESTON, S.C.—Joe Bi- notched the biggest pre-pri-
 The viral outbreak in den and his allies are trying to mary prize in South Carolina
Italy is being linked to a consolidate centrist voters be- on Wednesday, winning the
growing number of infec- BY BRADLEY HOPE AND JENNY STRASBURG help Mr. Son spread billions across the tech hind his candidacy in the final endorsement of Rep. James
tions around Europe. A6 world, funding highflying startups such as days before Saturday’s South Clyburn, the top-ranking black
 Biden and allies are try- It was a career coup for Rajeev Misra. In Uber Technologies Inc.—and, recently, stum- Carolina primary, with a key lawmaker in Congress and the
ing to consolidate centrist 2017, the former banker, who had held a series bling with a big stake in WeWork. The fund leader in the state endorsing most influential Democrat in
voters behind his candidacy of Wall Street jobs, was put in charge of one would expand SoftBank’s already huge foot- him and a super PAC that the state.
for the Democratic presi- of the most formidable investing machines print, which included a telecom empire, a mi- backs his bid making a major Mr. Clyburn invoked his late
dential nomination ahead of ever assembled. crochip designer and robot makers. push for large donations. wife, Emily Clyburn, who died
South Carolina’s primary. A1 His rise to the top of SoftBank Group Mr. Misra’s targets were Nikesh Arora, who Mr. Biden is running out of in September, and his constit-
Corp.’s $100 billion Vision Fund isn’t a tradi- was once heir apparent to Mr. Son as chief ex- time to turn the presidential uents during his announce-
 An employee killed five tional tale of corporate ladder-climbing. He ecutive, and Alok Sama, a deputy to Mr. Arora race into a one-on-one battle ment. “I know Joe. We know
people in a shooting at a succeeded, in part, by striking at two of his who grew to work closely with Mr. Son on big with Vermont Sen. Bernie Joe. But most importantly, Joe
Molson Coors facility in Mil- main rivals inside SoftBank with a dark-arts deals. Mr. Arora left SoftBank in 2016; Mr. Sanders, the Democratic front- knows us,” Mr. Clyburn said.
waukee, then apparently took campaign of personal sabotage. Sama left last April. runner who ranks a close sec- The endorsement comes as
his own life, officials said. A3 The tactics included planting negative news “These are old allegations which contain a ond—to Mr. Biden—in South Please turn to page A4
 A House panel canceled stories about them, concocting a shareholder series of falsehoods that have been consis-
a vote on an extension of key campaign to pressure SoftBank to fire them tently denied,” a spokesman for Mr. Misra
intelligence powers after a and even attempting to lure one of them into said. “Mr. Misra did not orchestrate a cam-
call for broader restrictions on a “honey trap” of sexual blackmail, according paign against his former colleagues.”
government surveillance. A4
 The House passed a bill to
to people familiar with the matter and docu-
ments reviewed by The Wall Street Journal.
At stake for Mr. Misra was the opportunity
A SoftBank spokeswoman said, “For several
years, we have investigated a campaign of
falsehoods against SoftBank Group and certain
Per IDC’s
make lynching a federal hate
to be the right hand of Japanese billionaire former employees in an attempt to identify
latest annual market share results,
crime, in a 410-4 vote. A4
Masayoshi Son, SoftBank’s founder. He would Please turn to page A10
 An appeals court said the
Trump administration can Oracle is the #1
withhold funds from New
York City and seven states
Classrooms Closed, an Entire City Home Schools Enterprise Applications vendor in
that have declared themselves i i i
immigration sanctuaries. A4
 Modi’s government and Hong Kong students learn online as parents work alongside North America
ruling party drew sharp crit-
based on market share and revenue.
icism from Indian courts and
BY LUCY CRAYMER Karen Taylor, whose three
political rivals over sectarian O S
children attend an English-lan-
violence in New Delhi. A18 R
In Hong Kong, the home of guage international school, L
 U.S. pedestrian deaths schools that are the envy of used to send them off in the A S N
rose in 2019 to their high- high-achieving and aspirational morning and return to their C F
est level in 30 years. A3 parents everywhere, education 1,100-square-foot apartment to L R I P
is making a huge shift. work remotely as a manager at E E
CONTENTS Markets............. B10-11 To the dining room. a software company. Since
Business News...... B3 Opinion.............. A15-17
Crossword.............. A14 Sports....................... A14 Concerns about coronavirus Teacher’s helper early February, her 5-year-old IDC Worldwide Semiannual SoftwareTracker, April 2019, results for CY2018.
North America is the USA and Canada. Enterprise Applications refer to
Equities....................... B7 Technology............... B4 have led to a two-month school and her 10-year-old twins have the IDC markets CRM, Engineering, Enterprise Resource Management
Heard on Street. B12 U.S. News............. A2-4 closure for the city’s 800,000 tions with nursery-school been mostly cooped up at (including HCM, Financial, Enterprise Performance Management, Payroll,
Intelligent Investor B1 Weather................... A14
Life & Arts....... A11-13 World News. A6-8,18
students, prompting a crash teachers. home, attending virtual lessons Procurement, Order Management, PPM, EAM), SCM, and Production and
Operations Applications.
course in digital learning. The academic experiment that include video meetings
Instead of calling off lessons, has children and their parents, with classmates and teachers.
> many schools expect students many of whom also have to “I can’t watch every single
to keep up their work online, work at home because their of- one of them all of the time,”
sending them assignments to fices are closed, crammed into said Ms. Taylor, who has put up
complete and submit for grad- the same space. It’s a potential the children’s schedules on the
s 2020 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
ing. Six-year-olds are writing harbinger of what might face dining-room wall.
All Rights Reserved nonfiction books and toddlers the U.S. if the virus continues Her husband, Paul Crowe,
are having live video interac- to spread. Please turn to page A10
A2 | Thursday, February 27, 2020 * * THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Warnings on Oil-Drilling Rule Deleted Technology
Helps IRS
BY TED MANN on the oil industry. But the in- erra Club and the Natural Re- gin—the amount of pressure subsequent well-control rule

WASHINGTON—As the off-

shore oil industry’s federal
ternal correspondence could
prove a liability, as environ-
mental groups challenge the
sources Defense Council, sued
in federal court last year over
the changes. They argued that
drillers are required to main-
tain while drilling a well to
prevent blowouts. A surge of
mandated that the devices be
tested every 14 days.
The oil industry fought such
Zero In on
regulator completed its over-
haul of a major well-drilling
safety rule in 2018, the
agency’s rationale for its deci-
sion, legal experts say.
“What these communications
BSEE “failed to provide any
good reason or rational basis
for retreating” from the origi-
high pressure led to the Deep-
water Horizon blowout and ex-
plosion in April 2010, killing 11
frequent testing, which costs
drillers money and interrupts
drilling activity. The industry
Tax Cheats
agency’s director picked up show is that the agency was not nal well-control rule, which workers and spewing more wanted the mandate changed to BY RICHARD RUBIN
the phone to a staff engineer relying on expertise,” said Rich- was passed in 2016. than 130 million gallons of oil require testing every 21 days, a
to order up some changes. ard Revesz, dean emeritus of The correspondence re- into the Gulf of Mexico. shift the agency said would save IRVINE, Calif.—Tax cheats,
Scott Angelle, director of New York University School of viewed by the Journal, along Staff wanted to “keep pro- drillers $525 million a year. beware: The machines are
the Bureau of Safety and Envi- Law and an expert on environ- with interviews with current posed language as is,” the Language—noting the staff watching.
ronmental Enforcement, told mental and regulatory legal and former officials in the memo said. Industry pressured opposition and labeling the 21- Governments are increas-
the engineer to delete language matters. “It was making a polit- Mr. Angelle to eliminate the day proposal an “industry rec- ingly relying on machine
from memos showing that the ical decision that went against standard to give drillers ommendation”—was deleted learning and data analytics to
changes would contradict guid- the advice of the experts.” greater flexibility. from the memos after Mr. An- analyze troves of data as they
ance from the agency’s own A spokesman for Mr. An-
The regulator’s head The memo noted that “BSEE gelle’s intervention, the re- seek to detect tax evasion, re-
engineers, according to emails gelle, a former Louisiana state ordered that staff does not agree with industry” cords show. spond to taxpayers’ questions
and memos reviewed by The official and ally of the Gulf that a proposed alternative “Over the past day the Direc- and make themselves more ef-
Wall Street Journal. Coast oil industry, said the rule
objections to changes safety standard, drafted by the tor has asked the [well-control ficient.
The memos were subse- changes were handled properly. be cut from memos. American Petroleum Institute, rule] team to revise” the memos In Brazil, the customs
quently revised but with no in- “The 2019 Well Control Rule “provides adequate methods about blowout preventer testing agency’s system for detecting
dication that Mr. Angelle had was created after an internal for all possible situations.” and drilling margin “to revise/ anomalies now prompts more
personally ordered the deliberative process that is Those lines were deleted af- remove the WCR team recom- than 30% of inspections. Can-
changes, the records show. well reflected in the Bureau’s safety bureau, reveals internal ter Mr. Angelle weighed in, ac- mendations,” BSEE petroleum ada next month will launch
Among the details stripped: internal deliberative docu- deliberations on the well-con- cording to email correspon- engineer Kirk Malstrom wrote Charlie the Chatbot, an auto-
a note that agency staffers ments,” the spokesman said. trol rule that aren’t reflected dence and revised versions of in an Oct. 16 email. Mr. Angelle mated system that will respond
wanted “no change to the test- “It is unfortunate that anyone in the final decision memos. the memos dated Oct. 16. “verbally instructed” the team to inquiries about tax filing.
ing frequency” of critical safety would try to argue otherwise The decision memos are in- The original memos also to endorse an option to relax The Internal Revenue Ser-
equipment and that the staff using leaked documents that tended to show how rules de- note that engineering staffers the drilling-margin minimum, vice is designing machine-built
“does not agree with industry” failed to reflect the entirety of velop through a reasoned deci- had argued for “no change to as oil-industry trade groups graphs to plot the relation-
that an industry-crafted proto- the process. The final rule ad- sion-making process, forming the testing frequency” of were urging, he wrote. ships among participants in
col for managing well pressure vances America’s energy inde- the basis of the agency’s de- blowout preventers—mechani- On Oct. 22, Mr. Malstrom business deals, giving auditors
was sufficient in all situations, pendence while maintaining fense against a challenge, legal cal devices that seal off a well wrote to colleagues that Mr. a new tool to analyze transac-
the records show. the highest safety standards of experts said. in the case of a blowout. The Angelle had called him to tell tions and detect tax avoidance.
The Trump administration environmental protections.” One decision memo, dated blowout preventer failed on him to move ahead with lan- The agency is using artificial
has made no secret of its goal A coalition of environmen- Sept. 15, focused on what the the Deepwater Horizon, and guage adopting the 21-day intelligence to study notes
to reduce regulatory burdens tal groups, including the Si- industry calls drilling mar- the Obama administration’s testing requirement. that agency employees take
when fielding questions from
taxpayers and testing which
U.S. WATCH combinations of formal no-
tices and contacts are most
likely to get a taxpayer who
PHILADELPHIA owes money to send a check.
The IRS scours data from
Nonprofit Poised to inside and outside the agency
Open Drug-Use Site for its compliance initiatives,
such as a recent effort to
A Philadelphia nonprofit plans identify thousands of high-in-
to open the nation’s first sanc- come individuals who didn’t
tioned, supervised site for drug file returns. The government
users next week, despite contin- is now sending tax collectors
ued objections from the U.S. Jus- to knock on their doors.
tice Department. “How do you think we
The group, Safehouse, said found these people?” said IRS
Wednesday that it would open
its first site in South Philadelphia.
A federal judge on Tuesday is-
sued a favorable judgment for
One effort identified
the nonprofit in a lawsuit brought thousands of wealthy
by the local U.S. attorney’s office,
which has sought to block super-
individuals who
vised drug-use sites. didn’t file returns.
The U.S. attorney’s office said
it is mounting an appeal.
“We believe we can open
there, we can begin to provide Commissioner Charles Rettig
services,” said Ronda Goldfein, a at a conference on artificial in-
co-founder and vice president of telligence and taxes this week
Safehouse, of the South Philadel- at the University of California,
phia area. Irvine law school. “It wasn’t

Advocates believe these places on filed returns. These are

help save lives. The sites would non-filers. There is a heat map
allow drug use under supervision that says where there are con-
of people who can treat over- centrations of these people.
doses and potentially help steer We have sufficient data on
drug users toward treatment. these people.”
—Jon Kamp The IRS criminal investiga-
tions unit uses Palantir Tech-
MASSACHUSETTS HOLY DAY: Worshipers pray after receiving cross of ashes on their foreheads at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York as Lent begins. nologies, the data-mining firm,
to identify potential fraud
Utility to Plead Guilty is the largest criminal fine im- content they don’t like. nothing offensive about the re- day that District Judge Jessie cases for further inquiry.
In 2018 Gas Blasts posed under the act, U.S. Attor- Though not unexpected, the stricted clips and that it was a LeBlanc “has compromised her “If I get a first name and a
ney for Massachusetts Andrew unanimous decision by the Ninth victim of viewpoint discrimina- ability to preside as a judge, and cellphone number, you’d be
Columbia Gas of Massachu- Lelling said. He said NiSource U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in tion in violation of the First she has damaged the judiciary. shocked how much informa-
setts has agreed to plead guilty also agreed to implement safety San Francisco marks the most Amendment. She should resign.” tion Palantir can provide,” Mr.
to a federal criminal charge and procedures at pipelines it owns emphatic rejection of the argu- Google argued that allowing Ms. LeBlanc, who is white, Rettig said.
pay a $53 million fine after in Indiana, Pennsylvania, Mary- ment advanced in some conser- PragerU to pursue a constitu- now admits sending the text Some of the IRS’s most so-
deadly gas explosions and fires land, Kentucky and other states. vative circles that YouTube, tional claim would have “disas- messages after denying them phisticated efforts are still in
rocked three communities north A Columbia Gas spokesman Twitter, Facebook and other gi- trous consequences” for the for months. She acknowledged their early stages, and the
of Boston in 2018, federal offi- said the company took full re- ant tech platforms are bound by First Amendment and online dis- in an interview Sunday on budget-starved tax agency has
cials said Wednesday. sponsibility for the events of the First Amendment. course. WAFB-TV that she used the long struggled to update some
NiSource, the parent com- September 2018. “Today’s reso- The case concerned a You- —Jacob Gershman slur to describe a black sheriff’s of its decades-old technology.
pany, has also agreed to sell its lution with the U.S. Attorney’s Tube channel operated by Prager deputy and a black law clerk in It is too soon to tell how much
operations in Massachusetts as Office is an important part of University, a nonprofit founded LOUISIANA text messages she sent to As- impact these initiatives will
a result of the disaster in which addressing the impact,” he said. by talk-radio host Dennis Prager sumption Parish Chief Deputy have and how they will com-
an 18-year-old man died and —Jennifer Levitz that produces short explainer Governor Urges Judge Bruce Prejean as their extramar- pete against companies and
nearly 25 others were injured. videos promoting conservative To Resign After Slurs ital affair ended. accounting firms employing
Combustible fuel leaked into CALIFORNIA ideas. In 2017, PragerU sued “I profusely apologize for similar technology in the con-
homes in Lawrence, Andover YouTube and its parent, Alpha- Louisiana Gov. John Bel Ed- that. I should have never said stant cat-and-mouse game be-
and North Andover, damaging Tech Platforms Can bet Inc.’s Google, after YouTube wards called on a judge to step it,” she said. She said she has tween taxpayers and enforce-
130 structures. Censor, Court Says flagged dozens of its videos as down after she admitted to us- no plans to resign and instead ment officials.
The company agreed to plead “inappropriate,” stripping the ing racial slurs in angry text is gearing up to seek re-election U.S. states are already using
guilty to a federal charge that it A federal appeals court in clips of advertising and making messages. The Democratic gov- when her current term in Louisi- artificial intelligence to target
was reckless, in violation of the California on Wednesday ruled them less accessible to students, ernor said the “state deserves ana’s 23rd Judicial District ex- resources and increasing the
federal Natural Gas Pipeline that privately operated internet library users and children. better.” pires in December. return per hour they get from
Safety Act. The $53 million fine platforms are free to censor PragerU contended there was Gov. Edwards said Wednes- —Associated Press each auditor, said Debbie Pi-
anko of the data firm SAS In-

stitute Inc., which contracts

Asylum seekers made up Migration Policy Institute. A

Colorado Legislature Votes with governments.
Real risks exist if algo-
rithms for audit selection inad-
vertently discriminate against
the majority of migrants
crossing the U.S. southern bor-
der last year, according to the
Jan. 14 U.S. News article about
immigration policy said the
past half-decade.
To Abolish the Death Penalty taxpayers by race or location.
And relying on technology can
make an already impersonal
BY JACOB GERSHMAN In the Senate, the repeal at a Chuck E. Cheese restau- agency even more so, perhaps
Readers can alert The Wall Street Journal to any errors in news articles by bill won support from 15 Dem- rant in Aurora in 1993. The confusing taxpayers who may
emailing [email protected] or by calling 888-410-2667. Colorado is poised to be- ocrats and four Republicans, other two inmates were sen- struggle to understand why
come the latest state to abol- while two Democrats and 11 tenced to death for the mur- the government is coming af-
ish capital punishment after Republicans opposed the mea- der of a couple who were ter them and want to deal di-
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL the state’s Democratic-con- sure. Previous efforts to end prosecution witnesses in a rectly with people at the IRS.
(USPS 664-880) (Eastern Edition ISSN 0099-9660) trolled Legislature approved a the death penalty in Colorado murder case. Meanwhile, tax preparers
(Central Edition ISSN 1092-0935) (Western Edition ISSN 0193-2241)
Editorial and publication headquarters: 1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y. 10036
repeal of the state’s death failed to pick up enough Re- Half of U.S. states have now and accounting firms are turn-
Published daily except Sundays and general legal holidays.
penalty on Wednesday. publican support. either abolished the death ing to the same tools to keep
Periodicals postage paid at New York, N.Y., and other mailing offices. After rounds of long, emo- Since the 1970s, Colorado penalty or halted executions, tax bills as small as possible.
Postmaster: Send address changes to The Wall Street Journal, 200 Burnett Rd., Chicopee, MA 01020. tional debate, the Colorado has put to death one inmate— according to the Death Pen- The big four accounting firms
All Advertising published in The Wall Street Journal is subject to the applicable rate card, copies of which are House of Representatives the lethal injection in 1997 of alty Information Center, a re- all have specialists trying to use
available from the Advertising Services Department, Dow Jones & Co. Inc., 1211 Avenue of the Americas, New
York, N.Y. 10036. The Journal reserves the right not to accept an advertiser’s order. Only publication of an
voted 38-27 in favor of repeal a man convicted of kidnap- search group critical of capital artificial intelligence to guide
advertisement shall constitute final acceptance of the advertiser’s order. almost entirely along partisan ping, raping and murdering a punishment. Colorado is the advice they give clients.
Letters to the Editor: Fax: 212-416-2891; email: [email protected] lines, sending the legislation woman. among 10 states that have Machine intelligence can
Need assistance with your subscription? to the desk of Democratic Gov. The bill would repeal the abolished capital punishment make it easier for companies to
By web:; By email: [email protected] | By phone: 1-800-JOURNAL (1-800-568-7625)
Jared Polis, who is expected to death penalty in Colorado for since 2004. find the optimal tax strategies.
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By email: [email protected] | By phone: 1-800-843-0008 sign it. offenses charged on or after The number of executions But tax law is often full of gray
WSJ back issues and framed pages: Democrats in the House July 1. It doesn’t apply to Col- has also sharply declined areas, legal interpretations and
Our newspapers are 100% sourced from sustainably certified mills. voted in favor of the bill by a orado’s three current death- since the 1990s. In 2019, seven changing rules. That means the
margin of 38 to 3, while all 24 row inmates, including con- states put to death 22 prison- human role in tax administra-
GOT A TIP FOR US? SUBMIT IT AT WSJ.COM/TIPS Republicans in the chamber victed killer Nathan Dunlap, ers, down from a modern-era tion and tax planning may
voted no. who shot to death four people peak of 98 executions in 1999. change, but it won’t vanish.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * * Thursday, February 27, 2020 | A3


Pedestrian Deaths
Keep Increasing,
Hit 30-Year High
BY SCOTT CALVERT U.S. dropped by about 3.4% in
the first half of 2019 from the
U.S. pedestrian deaths rose first half of 2018, according to
in 2019 to their highest level projections by the National
in 30 years, even as the na- Highway Traffic Safety Admin-
tion’s roadway crash fatalities istration. Crash deaths fell


overall have been falling, a 2.4% for all of 2018 from the
new report says. year before, to 36,560, NHTSA
An estimated 6,590 pedes- reported in October.
trians were killed in motor-ve- The overall decline in re-
hicle crashes last year, a cent years has come as auto
nearly 5% increase from the makers roll out more crash-
6,283 deaths in 2018, accord- avoidance technologies such
ing to the report released as automatic emergency brak-
Thursday by the Governors ing and sensors to help drivers
Highway Safety Association, a avoid collisions. “Cars are
nonprofit that represents state much safer today,” Mr. Retting
highway-safety offices. said. “That doesn’t help pedes-
“It’s a continuation of a trians a whole lot.”
very bad pattern. It’s news Nearly half of all pedestrian Jan Stevens is among hundreds of people living in recreational vehicles in Mountain View, Calif., a growing phenomenon on the West Coast.

More Call Vehicles Their Home

that we don’t want to hear, deaths in the first six months
but it keeps coming at us,” of occurred in just five
said safety researcher Richard states—California, Texas, Flor-
Retting, of Sam Schwartz En- ida, Georgia and Arizona—and
gineering, who wrote the the report cited the warmer
analysis. climate in those states as a
Possible factors for the in- possible factor. BY JIM CARLTON Living arrangements for homeless population children can play and use the
crease include smartphone-re- The bulk of the increase in AND WILL PARKER restrooms.
lated distractions by drivers U.S. pedestrian fatalities dur- Santa Clara County Alameda County “I let my daughter draw a
and pedestrians; inadequate ing the past decade has in- MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif.— 100 little at night with the light
roadway lighting and crossing volved nighttime incidents, The RVs started arriving on from my phone, but we have
mechanisms; the large number Mr. Retting said. From 2009 to Continental Circle about four to go to bed early,” said the
of SUVs; and alcohol or other 2018, the number of pedestri- years ago. Now they line one 80 single mother, who like many
Shelters† Outdoors*
drug impairment by both driv- ans killed in crashes after dark side of the half-mile-long of her neighbors doesn’t have
ers and pedestrians. But pin- jumped 67%, compared with a street in this Silicon Valley a generator for power.
pointing exact reasons why is 16% rise in daytime pedestrian suburb. 60 Mountain View City Council
difficult, Mr. Retting said. fatalities. Across the Western U.S., in September passed an ordi-
The worsening pedestrian- About 60% of pedestrians rising home prices have nance that would ban RVs on
safety record has tracked the died in 2018 on busier multi- pushed more people who Shelters† 40 most city streets. About 70 ve-
proliferation of smartphones, lane roads called non-freeway can’t afford houses or apart- hicles would be allowed to
with the number of devices in arterials, the report said, and ments to live in vehicles, in- Buildings move into designated lots on a
active use nationwide balloon- most of those killed on foot cluding RVs. In Los Angeles, 20 temporary basis. After a peti-
ing by more than 400% be- died midblock rather than at 16,500 people called a vehicle Vehicles tion drive by activists, the ban
tween 2009 and 2018, the re- intersections. their home last year, accord- Other Buildings has been put on hold.
port said. In addition to better light- ing to local counts. In San Vehicles 0% The RV population explod-
Last year’s increase, pro- ing, Mr. Retting suggested mu- Francisco that figure was 2017 2019 2017 2019 ing across the West is forcing
jected using hard data for the nicipalities install more tools 1,800, up 45% from 2017, and communities to reconsider
first half of the year, marks a such as beacons that let pe- in Santa Clara County, which *Includes tents †Includes hotels and motels what it means to be homeless.
Source: the counties
continuation of a decadelong destrians or cyclists activate a includes Mountain View, the The U.S. Department of Hous-
trend. The number of pedes- red light to stop vehicle traf- number nearly tripled over ing and Urban Development
trian fatalities rose by more fic. that same time frame to 1,747. sions. Residents on the streets from five. Los Angeles in July still counts those living in RVs
than 50%, from 4,109 in 2009, Safety experts say SUVs are There are no reliable national where people park the large reinstated a ban on people as unsheltered, the same cate-
through 2018. more likely than cars to kill figures on the trend. vehicles complain that sewage- sleeping in vehicles overnight. gory as those living in tents or
The total number of all pedestrians because they “We are seeing that it is tank dumping and drug use Celerina Navarro earns subway tunnels.
other types of crash deaths weigh more and have a higher cheaper to live in your car or are common and that there are $1,400 a month as a house- Decades-old RVs and camp-
has edged up 2% in that pe- profile. The number of deadly RV than to rent,” said Candice no parking spots left for them. keeper in Mountain View, ers, which make up the major-
riod, the report says. incidents involving SUVs in- Elder, executive director of “I don’t think there’s any- where her two younger chil- ity of those seen on city
Overall crash deaths in the creased by 81% from 2009 to East Oakland Collective, a lo- thing compassionate in en- dren attend school. She moved streets, can often be acquired
2018, compared with a 53% cal nonprofit in that city abling people to live on the her family into a recreational for a few thousand dollars.
Pedestrian traffic fatalities rise for passenger cars. where about 1,400 people lived streets,” said Shari Emling, a vehicle four years ago after While RV parks often provide
Inebriation continues to be in recreational or other vehi- Mountain View resident who her landlord increased the electric and water hookups, RV
a major factor, the report said. cles last year. has advocated for restrictions owners say parks tend to dis-
In about a third of all pedes- An estimated half a million on RV living. The city, which is criminate against older vehi-
6,000 trian crash deaths, the pedes- people are homeless in the home to the headquarters of cles, leaving the streets as the
trian’s blood-alcohol concen- U.S., with the problem most Alphabet Inc.’s Google, had
The growing RV only option.
5,000 tration exceeded the legal acute along the Northeastern about 300 people living in ve- population has led to “It gets really, really cold
limit for driving, the report seaboard and West Coast hicles last year, triple the here at night,” said Mountain
said, while roughly 16% of where housing costs are high- number from 2016.
a rethink of what it View RV owner Jan Stevens,
drivers in such crashes were est, White House officials said Homeless advocates say liv- means to be homeless. before cutting off her gener-
3,000 above the limit. in a 2019 report. If the prob- ing in an RV is a step up from ator on a recent chilly eve-
The report has some posi- lem has an epicenter, it is the living on the street, even ning to save the remaining
tive news. Pedestrian deaths San Francisco Bay Area, the though most of the vehicles natural gas.
fell in the first half of 2019, nation’s most expensive hous- are old and in poor condition. rent of the room they lived in Mountain View Mayor Mar-
compared with the same pe- ing market, where median In Seattle, where an esti- to $1,200 a month from $800. garet Abe-Koga said some RV
1,000 riod in 2018, in 20 states and housing prices have nearly mated 2,147 people live in ve- The average rent for a studio dwellers weren’t living in
Washington, D.C. doubled to about $1 million hicles, the city is weighing a apartment in Mountain View is them by necessity but to save
0 Six states—Arizona, Geor- over the past eight years, ac- plan to tow and destroy unsafe $2,247, according to Apart- on rent. “We want to help
2010 ’12 ’14 ’16 ’18 gia, Louisiana, Pennsylvania, cording to real-estate listing RVs. The Bend, Ore., city coun- those who don’t have other
Illinois and Mississippi—saw service Zillow. cil last year passed an ordi- Along with some other options, but the folks who
Note: 2019 figure is a full-year projection based double-digit drops in the num- As with homeless encamp- nance to shorten the time ve- families living in their vehi- choose to live in RVs, I don’t
on data from the first half of 2019.
Sources: Governors Highway Safety ber and percent change from ments that block sidewalks, RV hicles can be parked in any cles, Ms. Navarro parks her think there’s sympathy for
Association the first half of 2018. living is creating its own ten- one location to three days RV next to a city park so her that,” she said.

Gunman Kills Five

At Molson Coors Plant
BY ERIN AILWORTH my way to Milwaukee now be-
AND DAN FROSCH cause in the hours and days
ahead, the most important
An employee opened fire thing is that we support and
Wednesday at the Molson care for each other.”
Coors Beverage Co. facility in He said the company would
Milwaukee, killing five people close its Milwaukee office for
before dying of an apparent the rest of the week and that
self-inflicted gunshot wound, the Milwaukee brewery would
according to law-enforcement remain shut down “for the
and company officials. time being.”
Milwaukee Police Chief Al- Milwaukee Mayor Tom Bar-
fonso Morales said five Mol- rett called the shooting an
son Coors employees were “unspeakable tragedy.”
killed by the shooter, a 51- “Five families, six families
year-old Milwaukee man. No actually, are grieving and will
other people were injured, the be grieving because of this
police chief said. Law-enforce- horrific act,” he said at a news
ment officials initially said conference Wednesday.
there were seven dead. At the start of a press brief-
Some employees remained ing about the spread of the
in the facility as law enforce- coronavirus Wednesday eve-
ment checked the building and ning, President Trump ex-
slowly released the more than tended his condolences. “Our
1,000 employees Wednesday hearts break for them and
evening, Chief Morales said. their loved ones,” Mr. Trump
In a message to workers said of the victims.
Wednesday, Molson Coors The beer giant’s Milwaukee
Chief Executive Gavin Hatters- campus houses administrative
ley identified the gunman as offices, a modern brewing fa-
an “active employee” of the cility and the historic brewery
company and confirmed the of Miller beer, where the com-
deaths of five others. pany hosts tours for the public.
Mr. Hattersley was in Hous- The maker of Coors Light
ton on Wednesday for the and Miller Lite in October said
company’s distributor conven- it planned to cut between 400
tion. He left the gathering and 500 jobs as part of a
early to fly to Milwaukee, a broader restructuring as it
spokesman said. looked to expand beyond beer
“There are no words to ex- into other beverages. At the
press the deep sadness many end of 2019, Molson Coors had
of us are feeling right now,” 17,700 employees globally, in-
Mr. Hattersley wrote. “I am on cluding about 7,300 in the U.S.
A4 | Thursday, February 27, 2020 P W L C 10 11 12 H T G K R F A M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O I X X ****** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Committee Pulls Surveillance Measure House

Passes Bill
BY SIOBHAN HUGHES pected terrorists, but that Mr. Nadler’s plan to end the significant FBI investigation.

sweeps in data of Americans
with whom they are in contact.
Mr. Nadler’s measure also
metadata program, in which
the NSA can obtain numbers
and time stamps of calls or
Rep. Doug Collins (R., Ga.)
took a shot at the legislation,
saying that “we cannot reau-
To Make
Judiciary Committee canceled
a vote on an extension of key
intelligence powers after a bi-
aims to make some targeted
changes to the operations of
the Foreign Intelligence Sur-
text messages from phone
companies after getting judi-
cial approval, was seen by his
thorize these counterterrorism
provisions without instituting
critical safeguards that protect
partisan coalition called for
broader restrictions on gov-
veillance Court, the secret ju-
dicial panel that approves
critics as low-hanging fruit at
a time when the pendulum of
the civil liberties of all Ameri-
cans.” U.S. Crime

ernment surveillance than warrants such as those that public opinion has swung in Congress is in a heated de-
what the bill contained. ensnared a former Trump favor of more privacy safe- bate over government snoop- BY LINDSAY WISE
The sudden decision, campaign adviser. guards for government sur- ing because key intelligence
spurred in part by intraparty The Justice Department in- veillance tools that for years authorities expire on March 15, WASHINGTON—The House
disagreements among Demo- spector general found last expanded in the wake of the and many lawmakers see an overwhelmingly passed a bill
crats, cast immediate doubt on year that the Federal Bureau Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. opportunity to impose new to make lynching a federal
how lawmakers intend to re- of Investigation withheld im- The NSA turned off the pro- safeguards as a condition of hate crime, bringing a legisla-
new a set of surveillance au- portant information about the gram last year after it de- renewing some surveillance tive effort that has repeatedly
thorities that are due to expire aide, Carter Page, from the tected repeated legal compli- authorities. failed in the past one step
in less than three weeks. court that approved the sur- Chairman Jerrold Nadler ance issues, and a declassified The surveillance tools at is- closer to becoming law.
House Judiciary Committee veillance, fueling Republican government report from the sue are based in part on the The Emmett Till Antilynch-
Chairman Jerrold Nadler’s bill outrage. enough, and he faced pressure Privacy and Civil Oversight Foreign Intelligence Surveil- ing Act, which passed Wednes-
seeks to end a much-criticized, But critics of the measure, from a top-ranking colleague, Board released Wednesday lance Act, which for decades day on a 410-4 vote, is named
phone-metadata program both Democrats and Republi- Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D., Calif.), to showed it had cost $100 mil- has provided the legal under- for the 14-year-old black teen-
housed at the National Secu- cans, contended that Mr. Na- curb government-surveillance lion dollars over a four-year pinning for obtaining permis- ager from Chicago whose 1955
rity Agency that targets sus- dler’s efforts didn’t go far powers more broadly. period but only resulted in one sion to surveil. murder in Mississippi helped
spark the civil-rights move-
ment. Two white men were

Court Says Sanctuary States Can Lose Funds

tried for his murder but an all-
white jury acquitted them.
Rep. Bobby L. Rush (D., Ill.),
the bill’s sponsor, said after
BY DEANNA PAUL the vote that the House had fi-
Citizenship Papers uals who have obtained citizen- several years mounted an ag- preme Court to ultimately nally positioned itself “on the
A federal appeals court ship “by concealment of a gressive effort to prosecute decide. right side of history,” noting
said the Trump administra- Searched for Fraud material fact or by willful mis- naturalized citizens who have Wednesday’s ruling in- that it had taken 120 years
tion can withhold funds from representation.” omitted information from their volves funds allocated by and 200 failed attempts to
New York City and seven The Trump administration citizenship applications. Congress to cities and states pass an antilynching bill.
states that have declared WASHINGTON—The Justice has also ramped up efforts tar- Creation of the new denatu- through the Edward Byrne “With the passage of this
themselves sanctuaries from Department is creating a new geting “sanctuary” cities and ralization section was reported Memorial Justice Assistance bill we correct a historical in-
federal immigration policies, office of attorneys tasked with states that decline to cooperate earlier by BuzzFeed News. Grant Program, which was justice, based on a lie, that
setting the stage for possible stripping citizenship from immi- with federal immigration offi- Critics said the Justice De- founded in 2006 and dis- took the life of this young
U.S. Supreme Court action. grants who obtained it illegally cials looking to deport immi- partment’s announcement was perses more than $25 million man,” Mr. Rush said. “We also
Wednesday’s decision by by lying or omitting information grants who have been arrested. designed to frighten immi- annually in grants for crimi- bring justice to the over 4,000
the Second U.S. Circuit Court on their applications. And it has begun imple- grants and link them to in- nal justice efforts. victims of lynching, most of
of Appeals in New York said The new denaturalization menting rules that make it eas- stances of crime. “These conditions help the them African-Americans, who
President Trump acted within section, to be housed within ier for the government to deny “[President Trump’s] effort federal government enforce have had their lives tragically,
his authority when he signed the Office of Immigration Liti- residency to immigrants with to create an environment of fear national immigration laws and horrifically cut short at
an executive order in January gation, will sue to strip U.S. citi- limited incomes or admission to and insecurity is chilling,” said and policies supported by the hands of racist mobs and
2017 to withhold federal zenship from “terrorists, war the U.S. because they use pub- Manar Waheed, senior legislative successive Democratic and hate-filled hordes.”
funds from states that re- criminals, sex offenders and lic-assistance programs or and advocacy counsel for the Republican administrations,” Murder is typically prose-
sisted helping federal efforts other swindlers,” the depart- might in the future. American Civil Liberties Union. Judge Raggi wrote. cuted locally but Mr. Rush’s
to enforce immigration laws. ment said. It will target individ- The administration has for —Michelle Hackman The ruling is the latest legislation would for the first
The Second Circuit over- move in a yearslong battle time establish a new criminal
turned a lower court’s 2018 between the Trump adminis- civil-rights violation for the
order requiring Mr. Trump to crimes and cooperating with gration-related conditions attorney general. tration and the sanctuary ju- act of lynching in the U.S.
release federal funds to New investigations. placed on federal funding. “While the Attorney Gen- risdictions. Criminal Code.
York City and seven states— The Obama administration The department has previ- eral certainly cannot exercise The New York Attorney Rep. Ted Yoho (R., Fla.),
New York, Connecticut, New also took steps to divert un- ously said it can impose con- that authority arbitrarily or General’s Office declined to one of four members who
Jersey, Washington, Massa- documented immigrants from ditions on local jurisdictions capriciously,” the court’s 77- comment. voted against the measure,
chusetts, Virginia and Rhode sanctuary cities and drafted that receive federal grants, page decision written by A spokesman for the Jus- called lynching horrific but
Island. new policies that gave federal including receiving access to Judge Reena Raggi said, “the tice Department called the said the bill was an overreach.
The city and states had immigration authorities the illegal immigrants housed in authority itself cannot fairly ruling a “major victory for “Hate crimes fall under the ju-
sued the Trump administra- first opportunity to take into prisons and jails and notice be characterized as ‘excep- Americans.” risdiction of states,” he said.
tion, arguing the funds were custody a person released of their release date. tionally limited,’” as other “All Americans will benefit An identical bill passed the
withheld for political pur- from federal prison who was The Second Circuit’s opin- courts have ruled. from increased public safety Senate unanimously last year,
poses. Local law-enforcement flagged for deportation. ion largely focused on how The decision conflicts with as this administration is able but it will have to pass again
officials have said cooperat- Since Mr. Trump’s execu- best to interpret conflicting rulings on the same issue to implement its lawful immi- before it can be signed into
ing with federal immigration tive order, other localities statutory language on the rendered by three other fed- gration and public safety pol- law. A White House official
agencies would discourage have also sued the Justice De- broad “form- and rule-making eral appeals courts, poten- icies,” the spokesperson said said President Trump is ex-
immigrants from reporting partment to block the immi- authority” given to the U.S. tially leaving it to the Su- Wednesday. pected to sign the legislation.

Biden Eyes Tuesday. The super PAC’s or-

ganizers said in a memo to do-
nors on Sunday that “the chal-
dates as Mr. Sanders rises. The
Vermont lawmaker won the
Nevada primary on Saturday,

Centrist lenge we face is obvious:

Senator Sanders has a solid,
though not nearly majority
secured a narrow win in New
Hampshire and essentially tied
for first in Iowa earlier this

Voters base among Democratic pri-

mary voters, and the rest of
the Democratic vote is split
Massachusetts Sen. Eliza-
beth Warren, who has chal-
4-5-6 ways.” lenged Mr. Sanders for the
Continued from Page One Mr. Biden is competing in a hearts of liberals, has used
a pro-Biden super PAC called crowded lane of center-left ri- two strong debate perfor-
Unite the Country has been vals—alongside former South mances to present herself as
pressing donors to help defend Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Butt- the candidate who can unite
Mr. Biden here and in the igieg and Minnesota Sen. Amy the party, but she is lagging
coming 14-state delegate Klobuchar—that is splintering behind in delegates.
sweepstakes known as Super votes among multiple candi- And in South Carolina, bil-
lionaire activist Tom Steyer
has spent more than $21 mil-
lion in advertising, threatening
to siphon votes from Mr. Biden
among African-Americans.
As Mr. Sanders aims for
victories in coming delegate-
rich states such as California
and Texas, the dynamics in
the race among the group of
moderates create little incen-
tive for any candidate to leave
the race unless they run out
We invite you of money.
Mr. Buttigieg, who narrowly

to Auction
won Iowa and finished second
in New Hampshire, is trailing
Mr. Sanders in the hunt for
in New York! delegates. And both Ms.
Klobuchar and Ms. Warren
have home-state contests on
March 3, giving them a poten-
Auctions @ tial opportunity to capture

212-427-2730 delegates.
Mr. Biden, who once led na-
tional polls, hopes to use
South Carolina as a launchpad
for the March states, includ-
ing many in the South with
large African-American com-
No one wants to cede Democratic Rep. James Clyburn of South Carolina endorsed Joe Biden for president on Wednesday.
ground to billionaire Michael
Bloomberg, who is pouring one stipulates it would be bet- “Other campaigns will have to The pro-Biden super PAC
Thomas B. Eldred hundreds of millions of dollars ter if we could get down to make their own decisions af- has noted in its pitch to do-
Abstract #4, 1942
Fine Modern Art
into states holding primaries one sooner and no one has the ter we win South Carolina on nors that several states hold-
Auction March 10 in March and will be on the faintest idea how that could Saturday.” ing primaries on March 3 have
ballot for the first time on Su- possibly happen…No one is go- Jeff Weaver, a senior ad- large African-American popu-
per Tuesday. ing to push any of them out of viser to Mr. Sanders, recalled lations that could help the for-
That means Mr. Sanders, as the race at this point.” his role as Mr. Sanders’s mer vice president, including
the leading liberal in the race, Publicly, at least, no one is driver during the senator’s Alabama, Arkansas, North Car-
could pile up delegates on Su- calling for any of the candi- long-shot—and losing—bid for olina, Tennessee and Virginia.
per Tuesday and build a po- dates to drop out. governor in Vermont as a “It boils down to this: The
tentially insurmountable lead “I’m not in the life-coach- third-party candidate in 1986. month of March will decide
against a fractured field. ing business, and I’m only giv- “If people want to run, they whether Democrats will nomi-
“That’s the dilemma,” said ing advice to one candidate should run,” Mr. Weaver said. nate Senator Sanders or some-
DOYLE AUCTIONEERS & APPRAISERS NEW YORK Matt Bennett, a co-founder of and that is Joe Biden,” said But he added: “It’s no se- one else,” organizers said in
the centrist think tank Third Rep. Cedric Richmond (D., cret that there are a few can- their memo. “The only other
Way. “I don’t think anyone has La.), a co-chairman of Mr. Bi- didates on stage for whom the viable option at this point is
NEW JERSEY NORTH CAROLINA PENNSYLVANIA WASHINGTON, DC a solution to that problem.” den’s campaign, when asked if next week may be decisive in Joe Biden. But the time to act
Mr. Bennett added: “Every- others should step aside. their future prospects.” is now.”
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, February 27, 2020 | A5





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are poised to become leaders in their respective fields and change agents in our society.
A6 | Thursday, February 27, 2020 * *** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Europe Girds Against Italian Outbreak
New travel restrictions country’s borders. On Wednes-
day, the Greek Ministry of
and quarantines are Health said a 38-year-old
imposed, but borders woman from Thessaloniki who
had traveled to northern Italy
remain open for now recently has the virus.
Meanwhile, officials quaran-
Italy’s coronavirus outbreak tined 12 people in Austria’s Ty-
is being linked to a growing rol province after a hotel recep-
number of infections around Eu- tionist and her partner, both of
rope, prompting countries and them Italians from Lombardy,
companies to enact precaution- tested positive for the virus.
ary measures to reduce travel to Sixty-two people who had con-
and from Italy as the number of tact with them were tested at
fatalities clicked higher. the Grand Hotel Europa in
Innsbruck, a popular winter
By Eric Sylvers in sports resort, and nine were
Milan and Giovanni put in isolation for two weeks.
Legorano in Rome On Tuesday, Switzerland,
where about 80,000 people a
None of the European day cross over from northern
Union’s member states are Italy to work, reported its first
proposing closing off borders, case, a person who had trav-
a step that would break with eled to Milan 10 days ago. The
the EU’s ideals of open bor- man is quarantined in the hos-
ders and seamless movement. pital and people close to him
But checks and other pre- have been placed in quaran-
cautions have proliferated in tine as well, authorities said.
recent days, as has pressure to The biggest known cluster
cancel events, both in coun- of infections carried abroad by
tries bordering Italy and some Italians is in Spain’s Canary Is-
hundreds of miles away. lands, where four Italian tour-
Concern was heightened on Spreading Out ists tested positive. About
Wednesday when Germany’s 1,000 people at the hotel
Infections tied to an outbreak in Italy have appeared in Greece,
health minister, Jens Spahn, where they were staying were
Croatia, Austria, Switzerland and Spain.
warned that the nation might put under quarantine on Tues-
no longer be able to curb the Coronavirus cases so far in Europe, as of 1:33 a.m. CET, Feb. 26 day. Some have since been al-
virus’s spread. He said infec- lowed to leave.
tions that can’t be traced to U.K.: 13 CASES BELGIUM: 1 Meantime in Brazil, a man
China were now being detected. returning from Italy tested
The number of confirmed positive, while in Algeria, an
cases in Germany surpassed GERMANY: 27 employee of Italian oil-and-gas
20. Among them is a kinder- company Eni SpA was con-
garten teacher, raising fears firmed to have contracted


that the infection could have Covid-19.
spread in her school. Italy’s European neighbors
Meanwhile, Bulgaria’s flag- said at a meeting of health
ship carrier, Bulgaria Air, can- FRANCE: 18 AUSTRIA: 2 ministers in Rome on Tuesday
celed all flights to Milan until that they would keep borders
March 27, while sporting CROATIA: 3 open and continue to allow
events are coming under SPAIN: 13 Italians to travel. But the Euro-
closer scrutiny. pean Commission Wednesday
The Irish Rugby Football GREECE: 1 called for member states to re-
Union on Wednesday post- view their pandemic plans, in-
poned a match between Ire- cluding procedures for tracing
land and Italy in Dublin on the movements of patients.
March 7 after Ireland’s gov- Stella Kyriakides, the EU’s
ernment said there was a risk commissioner for health care,
that fans traveling from Italy SWITZERLAND: 1 said at a joint press confer-
might carry the virus. Carabinieri police at a checkpoint in northern Italy, top, and ence with World Health Or-
Ireland hasn’t imposed any ITALY: 453 guests at H10 Costa Adeje Palace in Adeje, on the Spanish island ganization officials and Italian
bans on travelers coming from Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Systems Science and Engineering of Tenerife, wore face masks in a bid to thwart the coronavirus. authorities said that while Eu-
countries suffering coronavi- rope is still focused on con-
rus outbreaks—including It- for the same period, after its turning from an infected area on Wednesday. conditions. Nine of the dead taining the spread of the virus,
aly—and the decision on chief executive met with Min- will be placed under quaran- “It is a little stricter and were in Lombardy, the region “this outbreak is a test case
whether the game should go ister for Health Simon Harris, tine or under observation, tougher than what is typical around Milan where three- for existing global emergency
ahead rested with the sporting who had called for the games based on an assessment of for Europe,” he said. quarters of the infections have response mechanisms as well
body, which initially had been to be called off. whether that person has “a By Wednesday, more than occurred. In Lombardy, six mi- as for our cooperation within
reluctant to cancel. Hungary is imposing more significant chance of having 400 people in Italy had con- nors also tested positive, ac- the EU.”
The IRFU scratched the vehicle checks on its land bor- been exposed to the virus,” tracted the virus, of whom 12 cording to a regional official.
match, along with women’s ders, the government said on Hungary’s minister of human had died, all of them elderly The Italian outbreak contin-  Companies are canceling
and junior’s games scheduled Wednesday, and travelers re- capacities, Miklós Kásler, said people with existing health ued to expand beyond the business travel........................ B10

German Economy Looks to Ward Off More Contagion

BY TOM FAIRLESS bottlenecks in complex global break. And Deutsche Luf- Exports of goods and services manufacturers are slowly com- gauge the impact of the clo-
AND WILLIAM BOSTON supply chains built up over de- thansa AG said it was initiat- as percentage of GDP ing back online. sure on its business, partly be-
cades. They frequently thread ing cost-cutting and freezing “When the last ships reach cause its customers, not just
FRANKFURT—Companies in through China and Italy, two of some new hiring in response 5 % our harbors in a week or 10 its production, were also feel-
Europe’s largest economy are the countries most affected by to the epidemic. Germany days, that will be it from ing the impact.
rushing to limit the impact of the virus. Germany’s DAX 30 stock- 4
China,” said Joerg Wuttke, February has been “very
the spreading coronavirus epi- As the number of confirmed market index, which fell more president of the European bad,” said a senior executive at
demic, which is hitting an al- infections in the country rose than 4% on Monday, was off France Union Chamber of Commerce a family-owned mechanical-en-
ready weakened German econ- on Wednesday, Germany faces another 1.9% on Tuesday and 3 in China and chief local repre- gineering company based in
omy in a particularly painful a direct threat at home as slightly down on Wednesday, sentative for German chemi- northern Germany with more
spot: the supply chains of its well. “We are at the beginning bringing it back to its level of U.K. cals company BASF SE. “Then than €500 million ($542 mil-
export-oriented manufactur- of a coronavirus epidemic in late October. In a note, Dirk  you will see shortages on the lion) in annual sales. “We’ve
ers. Germany,”’ the country’s Schumacher, head of European shelves of Europe.” had a significant reduction in
With this week’s outbreak health-care minister warned. economics at Natixis, wrote The spread of the virus to production for two months,

in Italy, the infection has Those reports heightened that growth in Germany’s Italy, meanwhile, could create and we had to organize new
struck some of Germany’s top concern that second-stage ef- gross domestic product, flat in new supply-chain interrup- suppliers.”
trade and economic partners fects from the infection could the last quarter of 2019, would  tions because the economies of German businesses in China
just as the economy, long Eu- hit the parts of the German likely rebound only once the Germany and northern Italy are seeking out alternative fac-
197 ’8 ’ 20  ’8
rope’s main engine of growth, economy that have so far re- epidemic is under control. are highly integrated, Clemens tories or suppliers to replace
is reeling from a 7% drop in in- sisted the downturn, from More than 5,000 German Source: World Bank Fuest, president of the Ifo eco- those shut down by the virus,
dustrial production last year household consumption to companies in China are cur- nomic think tank in Munich, said Oliver Wack, a trade ex-
amid trade conflicts, a long- tourism and services. rently facing severe restric- facturers that have so far used said on Tuesday. pert at the Mechanical Engi-
term slowdown in China, and In a blow to local hotels and tions on procurement, produc- parts in stock or already in Industrial group Thyssenk- neering Industry Association.
global political uncertainties. restaurants, the cities of tion and sales, according to transit when China put itself rupp AG said it had only been “People have now woken up
In recent weeks, the na- Frankfurt and Cologne on the Federation of German In- on lockdown will suffer short- able to gradually restart pro- to the fact that you must have
tion’s trade-reliant businesses Tuesday called off two large dustries, the business lobby. ages of key components in the duction in its Chinese plants a backup plan,” Mr. Wuttke
have been trying to unclog trade fairs, citing the out- One concern is that manu- coming weeks, even as China’s since Feb. 10 but couldn’t yet said.

Trump Says the potential for such a case in

the U.S., and given our close fa-
milial, social and business rela-
the virus will spread across the
U.S.: “This will end.”
More than 2,700 people have
coordinate readiness in the
Houston area.
New York City Mayor Bill de
communications between states
and the federal government,
people familiar with the plan-
Azar, a former drug company ex-
ecutive, worked on disease out-
breaks as an HHS official in the

Virus Risk tionships with China, it is not

unexpected that the first case
in the U.S. would be in Califor-
died globally as a result of the
virus. While the U.S. has im-
posed travel restrictions on
Blasio said there are 1,200 public
hospital beds that can be made
available to patients who need
ning and some Democratic state
leaders said.
Some state leaders also say
George W. Bush administration.
Mr. Trump said Mr. Azar was
doing a “fantastic job.”

Stays Low nia,” said Sonia Angell, director

of the department. “We are al-
ready responding.”
China, Mr. Trump said “it’s not
the right time” to limit travel
to and from other countries
isolation. New York Gov. Andrew
Cuomo said he is seeking an
emergency appropriation of $40
the lack of a coronavirus czar to
head operations has Trump ad-
ministration agency heads and
On Capitol Hill, negotiations
on funding a response to the dis-
ease began, with staff from both
The fast-moving develop- with major outbreaks. million for equipment and per- advisers clashing over who is in chambers and parties meeting
Continued from Page One ments came a day after a top The Centers for Disease Con- sonnel. charge. Wednesday. The Trump adminis-
with infections or known expo- CDC official, Nancy Messonnier, trol and Prevention has been A federal coronavirus task tration’s proposal to spend at
sure to another patient. If con- warned businesses, schools and working to roll its coronavirus force, led by Mr. Azar, has been least $2.5 billion on combating
firmed, it would be the first communities to plan for poten- test kits out to other public- meeting daily. The FDA is moni- the coronavirus—with $1.25 bil-
case of spread in a community tial outbreaks. Mr. Trump, who health labs, but the process was
A California case toring drug supplies for any po- lion in new funds and at least
without a clear explanation. has sought to project confi- stalled when some labs got in- may be the first not tential shortages and the CDC $1.25 billion in repurposed
So far, the confirmed infec- dence that the number of cases conclusive results. About 445 has been operating its pandemic funds—has disappointed mem-
tions in the U.S. were in people in the U.S. will be contained, people have been tested.
linked to travel preparedness and response, bers of both parties.
who had either traveled to was angered by the tone of the U.S. cities have begun pre- abroad. working with states and provid- Senate Minority Leader
China—where the virus is be- remarks, two people familiar paring for possible outbreaks. ing daily monitoring of people Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) pro-
lieved to have originated—or with the discussions said. In San Francisco, officials are under quarantine. posed an $8.5 billion emergency
were exposed to someone who U.S. stocks fell for the fifth working with hospitals and Some Republicans, including spending package Wednesday.
had. How the latest person was consecutive session on Wednes- clinics to identify rooms for The virus’s spread is worry- Sens. Rick Scott of Florida and House Minority Leader Kevin
infected is currently unclear, day as investors continued to isolating coronavirus patients. ing some in the Trump adminis- Mitt Romney of Utah, have McCarthy (R., Calif.) said he ex-
according to the Centers for assess the economic impact of City officials also told schools tration, who fear the conse- joined Democrats in calling for a pected the package to come in
Disease Control and Prevention. the epidemic. Health and Hu- to start planning to manage po- quences of a large-scale czar to supervise operations. around $4 billion. Mr. Trump
The person is a resident of man Services Secretary Alex tential closures. outbreak in the U.S., both in Mr. Azar has faced criticism said he would leave it to Con-
Solano County and getting med- Azar said the U.S. should expect In Texas, Umair A. Shah, di- terms of public health and the for his handling of the U.S. re- gress to set the amount and
ical care in Sacramento County, more coronavirus cases and Mr. rector of Harris County Public president’s prospects for re-elec- sponse to the virus and has “we’ll take it.”
according to the California De- Trump said schools should pre- Health, said a team of doctors, tion if the response falters. Plan- butted heads with some admin- —Jonathan Rockoff, Andrew
partment of Public Health. pare “just in case.” He said he scientists and outreach person- ning for the coronavirus has istration officials, people famil- Duehren and Jim Carlton
“We have been anticipating didn’t think it inevitable that nel have been meeting daily to been hampered by haphazard iar with the matter said. Mr. contributed to this article.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * * Thursday, February 27, 2020 | A7


China Steps Up Health Screening

Fear Hit HONG KONG—China is try-

ing to stop the coronavirus

To Sales from being repatriated by trav-

elers arriving from abroad, as
the epidemic takes hold in more
BY JULIE WERNAU countries around the world.
A number of Chinese munic-
Some American companies ipal governments are imposing
say they could lose as much as stricter health screenings on
half their annual revenue from people entering the country
China if the coronavirus epi- and, in some cases, even quar-
demic extends through the antine measures on those arriv-


summer, as businesses strug- ing from coronavirus-afflicted
gle to get boots back on the countries. These controls come
ground amid travel restric- after Beijing waged a concerted
tions and shortages of basic campaign urging other govern-
protective gear. ments not to impose restric-
Nearly half of U.S. compa- tions on travel to and from
nies in China said they expect China, saying such measures
revenue to decrease this year if were out of line with World
business can’t return to normal Health Organization guidance.
by the end of April, according China has reported a slow-
to a survey conducted Feb. 17 down in the domestic spread
to 20 by the American Chamber of the Covid-19 disease, which
of Commerce in China, or Am- has killed more than 2,700
Cham, to which 169 member people, amid rising numbers
companies responded. One fifth of new cases abroad. The
of respondents said 2020 reve- trend has prompted local au- A quarantine officer at Daxing International Airport in Beijing holds a health document to be filled out by arriving passengers.
nue from China would decline thorities in Beijing and a num-
more than 50% if the epidemic ber of cities across eastern jing’s municipal health the WHO’s advice on epidemic to evacuate their citizens— nounced in recent days gener-
continues through Aug. 30. and northeastern China to commission. “Beijing munici- controls. measures Beijing decries as ally prescribe health screen-
Microsoft Corp. warned take steps this week to pality is comprehensively Yet dozens of countries unnecessary, fear-inducing and ings and temperature checks
Wednesday that supply-chain “strictly prevent the import of strengthening immigration have taken steps to dissuade unfriendly. at airports and other immigra-
disruptions would dent this overseas epidemics,” in the health controls to strictly or restrict travel to and from Outbreaks in other coun- tion checkpoints for people ar-
quarter’s sales, the second ma- words of several of the cities. guard against risks of the epi- China, including travel adviso- tries—including nearby South riving from outside China.
jor tech company after Apple Municipal leaders in Beijing demic being imported.” ries, suspensions of direct Korea—appear to have Already, China quarantined
Inc. to lower earnings expecta- urged a new level of vigilance Major cities in eastern flights, as well as mandatory prompted a shift in tone from some 257 people who arrived
tions because of the public- against risks from overseas Shandong province, as well as quarantines or even outright China. On Wednesday, China’s Tuesday on two flights from
health crisis in China. outbreaks, demanding stricter the northeastern provinces of bans on visitors with Chinese Foreign Ministry said Beijing South Korea’s Incheon airport
Work-from-home policies health screenings at immigra- Liaoning and Jilin, have also nationality or recent travel is “studying the use of preven- after some passengers were
had been implemented by 94% tion checkpoints and targeting imposed stricter health histories in China. tive control measures that are found to have abnormal body
of the responding companies, preventive measures for for- screenings in recent days for Some officials and medical scientific, appropriate and tar- temperatures, state broad-
but businesses that require eigners. travelers entering China, in- experts from these countries geted.” caster China Central Televi-
workers on-site said travel re- Among these steps, the cap- cluding some that explicitly have justified their measures “Recently some countries sion reported. Among them,
strictions had created burden- ital on Wednesday said it target people arriving from by citing the travel curbs that have taken some necessary 163 passengers were quaran-
some delays. would impose 14-day quaran- South Korea and Japan, where China has imposed domesti- measures targeting immigra- tined in Weihai, while the rest
American companies cited tines on foreigners arriving large clusters of Covid-19 cally, such as the complete or tion to strengthen epidemic were in the central city of
global travel disruption as their from or with recent travel his- cases have emerged. partial lockdowns of entire cit- prevention and control,” min- Nanjing, CCTV said.
biggest obstacle to business tory in countries and areas se- The Chinese government ies and restrictions on the istry spokesman Zhao Lijian South Korean Foreign Min-
and said reduced productivity verely afflicted with the coro- hasn’t signaled any plans to day-to-day movements of hun- told reporters when asked ister Kang Kyung-wha criti-
and employees’ inability to get navirus, without specifying limit or block international dreds of millions of people. about Chinese measures cized the quarantines as ex-
to work are among their great- which places. travel to and from other epi- Over the past month or so, against travelers from South cessive, saying Seoul has
est challenges. “The coronavirus epidemic demic-hit countries, such as Chinese diplomats have por- Korea and Japan. “As long as exercised restraint in imposing
“The crisis is real, and peo- is spreading overseas, and suspending flights or barring trayed the epidemic as a test these measures are scientific, immigration controls on trav-
ple are prioritizing the virus there’s a high degree of con- entry—measures Beijing has of friendship, calling on for- professional and appropriate, elers from China while the
first and resumption of the cern in society,” said Gao Xi- urged other governments not eign governments not to sus- everyone can understand.” coronavirus was spreading
economy second. Getting pro- aojun, a spokesman for Bei- to impose against China, citing pend travel links with China or Local Chinese measures an- there.
tective gear and getting it in
the quantities necessary to
keep the workforce safe is a
challenge for a lot of compa-
nies,” AmCham Chairman Greg
Beijing “But we have to be ex-
tremely cautious about relax-
ing travel and other restric-
Gilligan said in an interview.
While many white-collar em-
ployees in China have been able
Is Pressed tions,” the official said. “There
is still a lot of uncertainty
over the virus and we don’t
to work from home, the coun-
try’s 291 million migrant work-
ers who live in rural areas but
On Controls want to see all our efforts go
to waste.”
Other officials are trying to
work in cities—typically in jobs pass along the pressures to lo-
that require their physical pres- Continued from Page One cal businesses.
ence—have struggled to return on Monday it would begin to In the coastal city of Li-
to work. Fewer than one-third ease its quarantines that day, anyungang, in eastern China,
have done so, China’s transport only to retract the notice a few the local finance bureau is de-
minister said recently, estimat- hours later. Wuhan’s govern- manding companies in a 50-
ing that the last migrant work- ment said its earlier notice was square-mile industrial zone
ers could return in March. issued without the approval of put up 100,000 yuan deposits
the city’s “key leaders.” to restart production.
 Coronavirus squeezes Other cities, including Bei- Companies that keep infec-
Amazon sellers....................... B10 jing, tightened restrictions on tions at bay will be rewarded
movement in recent weeks af- with 50,000 yuan each, ac-
ter having taken tentative cording to a notice from the

U.S., Seoul steps to loosen their rules only

to see new infections appear.
finance bureau. But if any em-
ployees fail to wear masks to

Put Off Joint

Mr. Xi has sent mixed mes- ensure safety, their employers
sages, calling on leaders to would be fined as much as
stop at nothing to contain the President Xi Jinping inspected efforts to prevent and control the coronavirus in Beijing this month. 10,000 yuan.

Military virus while urging them to en-

sure growth remains robust. Home sales were one-quarter Economic Fallout
Elsewhere, steps to remove
barricades or otherwise en-

The leader needs both tasks to of the seasonal norm, it said, courage production to resume
succeed to quell public anger and demand for steel was Quarantine restrictions have forced slowdowns at factories and aren’t having as much impact
toward the government’s han- around 50% its normal rate in closures at many movie theaters. as hoped, because companies
BY TIMOTHY W. MARTIN dling of the epidemic and rein- the past three years. Cinema box-office daily sales Coal consumption at are still encountering prob-
force his popular appeal. Using migration data from power plants lems caused by restrictions in
SEOUL—The U.S. and South In an address to the 25- map-and-search company Baidu other areas.
Korea on Wednesday post- member ruling Politburo this Inc., Nomura estimates that a 150 billion yuan 900 tons In Wuhan, speculation
poned planned joint military month, Mr. Xi instructed party little more than a third of the about when to lift the local
exercises “until further no- members to wage a “people’s people who left cities such as 2017 2018 800 quarantine started almost as
tice,” as South Korea struggles war” against the epidemic. Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen 2018 2019 soon as it was put in place, un-
to contain the coronavirus. Then, he said China must ad- for the Chinese Lunar New Year 100 700
der Mr. Xi’s personal orders, in
The Seoul government here to development targets, in late January and early Feb- late January. The city’s abrupt
raised the virus-alert status to which call for doubling the size ruary have returned. By this flip-flop on quarantine rules
its maximum level over the of China’s economy in the de- time last year, nearly all had. on Monday came a day after
weekend and on Wednesday cade through 2020—a goal offi- Migrant laborers make up Mr. Xi held a rare teleconfer-
reported 1,595 coronavirus cials say requires annual growth about 40% of China’s workforce 50 500 ence with some 170,000 cadres
cases—nearly 20 times the of at least 5.5% this year. and are needed for manufactur- throughout the country, calling
number just a week before. On Three days later, Mr. Xi told ers to resume production. 400 on them “to advance the work
Tuesday, a 23-year-old Ameri- French President Emmanuel In some places, authorities on coordinating the prevention
can soldier stationed in South Macron in a call that the epi- have shut public transporta- 0 300 and control of the Covid-19”
Korea became the first U.S. demic’s impact on China’s tion and locked down resi- 3 weeks Lunar New 3 weeks 3 weeks Lunar New 3 weeks virus, along with economic
service member to contract economy would be temporary, dents. Even some cities far before Year day after before Year day after and social development.
the coronavirus. adding “China will still be able from the epicenter have been Note: 1 billion yuan = $0.14 billion Mr. Xi has said authorities
The main clusters of coro- to achieve” its growth targets, allowing residents outside Source: Capital Economics should decide how and
navirus are around Daegu, the the official Xinhua News only every few days. Currently, whether to ease quarantines
country’s fourth-largest city, Agency reported. hundreds of millions of people decline from its profit in the month ago, when the epidemic based on local health risks,
where both the U.S. and South On Tuesday, Mr. Xi called in China are on lockdowns of same period of last year. started to spread quickly. The though some say the uncer-
Korea have military bases. on authorities to help farmers varying degrees. “Market demand has slowdown is calling into ques- tainty over the virus makes it
Seoul has put its facility on cross road barricades to return Some sectors are calling for dropped,” said Zhang Jing- tion the leadership’s insistence hard to gauge the risks.
virtual lockdown, as around 20 to rice paddies for “an all-out urgent help. “We almost gang, vice general manager of that China can meet its eco- Some state-controlled
soldiers have contracted the effort to secure a bumper sum- closed all our property sales the group, at a forum on Feb. nomic targets this year. newspapers blamed Wuhan’s
virus and nearly 10,000 are mer grain harvest.” Analysts offices overnight, and all sales 22. “Inventories are piling up “Propaganda can’t move confusion on a deputy mayor
quarantined. The American say if the spring farming sea- have stopped,” reads a recent faster than expected.” mountains,” wrote Zhang who failed to seek higher-level
military has told soldiers to son is missed, China’s food se- letter to the government in Ji- Foreign companies such as Anyuan, an economist at CFC approval. For some Wuhan of-
avoid traveling off base. curity would be at risk. angxi province, in southeast- Apple Inc., Deere & Co. and Financial, a Chinese securities ficials, it was evidence of the
The U.S. has around 28,500 Despite Mr. Xi’s displays of ern China, from the Ji- auto-parts maker American firm, in a Feb. 24 report. Mr. stress on local governments as
military personnel in the confidence, the economy is angxi Property Association. Its Axle & Manufacturing have Zhang is among the experts they struggle with the top
country and placed its largest fast weakening. Factories re- members, many of them pri- also warned about softening who think first-quarter growth leadership’s twin objectives.
overseas military base about main idle and consumption vate developers, “face huge fi- sales in China. A mid-February could come in at zero or “How would the epidemic
40 miles south of Seoul. and investment have plunged. nancing pressure and are find- survey conducted by the worse. “Based on the serious- evolve going forward? Can
In recent years, the joint While China has delayed the ing it hard to resume American Chamber of Com- ness of the economic losses in factories return to production
military exercises have been release of official economic business,” the group said. merce in South China shows the first quarter, adjusting and in time? How to balance epi-
scaled back at President data until mid-March, other China Baowu Steel Group, that more than 76% of its 399 downplaying growth targets demic control against eco-
Trump’s request, following a indicators point to a signifi- the country’s largest steel pro- respondents believe their would be understandable and nomic development?” said Wu
pledge made after his 2018 cant downturn. ducer, has warned that first- 2020 revenue would be hurt acceptable to the people.” Ge, a former central-bank offi-
Singapore summit meeting Average coal consumption quarter profit would drop as by the viral epidemic. An official in the Jiangxi cial who is now chief econo-
with North Korean leader Kim at major power companies was much as 3 billion yuan, or Some analysts are predict- provincial government said lo- mist at Changjiang Securities.
Jong Un. The exercises simu- about 40% lower from a year roughly $428 million, because ing zero or even negative Chi- cal state banks are trying to “Those have all become the
late a violent confrontation earlier in the week through of disruptions from the epi- nese growth in the first quar- help some companies through key contradictions” faced by
with North Korea. Feb. 25, Goldman Sachs said. demic. That would mark a 14% ter, a direr forecast than a the cash crunch. China’s policy makers.
A8 | Thursday, February 27, 2020 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


U.S. Forces Back in Saudi Arabia to Deter Iran



Saudi Arabia—Nearly 17 years
after U.S. troops largely pulled
up stakes from the kingdom,
the U.S. is now back in force.
Here in a base of tents in
the desert southeast of Ri-
yadh, some 2,500 U.S. military
personnel are launching F-15
jet fighters in soaring arcs


overhead and manning Patriot
missile batteries in shifts. Or
they play chess and video
games to pass the hours, with
an NFL-themed game splashed
on a flat-screen TV inside a
recreation tent.
The return of the U.S.
troops—after maintaining a
much smaller footprint for
nearly two decades—reflects
the alarm of Saudi and Ameri-
can leaders at the current
threat posed by another re- Americans have returned to the Prince Sultan Air Base in Saudi Arabia for the first time in nearly 17 years. They left in 2003 after leading Saddam Hussein’s ouster in Iraq.
gional power: Iran.
“We face a thinking enemy campaign of attacks on gov- That relief recently turned siles, which cost millions of ing United Arab Emirates. ment has also arrested numer-
that is playing a real regional ernment and Western targets to concern about being with- dollars, are an expensive tool Other personnel at the base ous people identified with the
conflict for keeps, and they’re in the kingdom. In 1996, a out the Americans. to parry cheaper cruise mis- have been sent here after conservative religious estab-
very good,” said Gen. John bombing at a housing complex Central to the American siles or drones. moving out of Syria. lishment. It has used the fight
Walker, the commander of the killed 19 members of the U.S. forces’ mission now in Saudi Patriots are designed to The U.S. return suggests against extremism to arrest
378th Air Expeditionary Wing Air Force. Although American Arabia is to prevent a repeat counter highflying ballistic the Saudi leadership is confi- mainstream critics of the gov-
at the base. He was last based authorities later blamed the of attacks from Iran, such as missiles, rather than the dent it can avoid a repeat of ernment, including religious
here in 1997. attack on Iran, bin Laden the missile and drone strike in lower-flying cruise missiles the extremism that flared last leaders who advocated for re-
The U.S. deployment at praised it at the time. September 2019 on Saudi oil and drones used in the Sep- time it hosted American form and opposed radicalism.
Prince Sultan highlights the The U.S. withdrew most of facilities that temporarily tember strike on Saudi oil in- forces. Still, anti-American senti-
changing shape of the U.S. its forces from Saudi Arabia crippled the kingdom’s petro- A government campaign ments are far from extinct in
military presence in the region after the U.S.-led invasion of leum production, threatening against al Qaeda networks in- Saudi Arabia.
amid President Trump’s policy Iraq ousted Saddam Hussein, global supplies. U.S. and Saudi cluded placing thousands of The government has said
of confrontation with Iran and closing a fraught chapter in officials blamed Iran for the
About 2,500 troops people in a deradicalization little about the American de-
his decision to withdraw some American-Saudi relations. The attack. The Iranian govern- staff a base near program. ployment beyond short official
forces from Syria. Though Mr. U.S. moved its regional center ment has denied involvement. Crown Prince Mohammed statements announcing the
Trump has vowed to disen- of gravity to neighboring Qa- The attack, which involved
Riyadh despite a bin Salman has also sought to soldiers’ arrival last year.
gage from the Middle East, he tar, much to the relief of Saudi both drones and cruise mis- history of opposition. introduce social change, like How long they stay will de-
has sent thousands of addi- leaders who were freed from siles, simultaneously struck granting women the right to pend on factors ranging from
tional soldiers to the region. the burden of hosting an un- the Abqaiq and Khurais facili- drive, even as his government political decisions in Washing-
U.S. forces were last sta- popular foreign military force. ties in eastern Saudi Arabia. has arrested activists who ton to the military’s estima-
tioned at the base in 2003, “Their presence there over U.S. defense officials now stallations. In the 1991 Gulf campaigned for that right. tions of its need to project
more than a decade after the the last 12 years has been a say they have shored up Saudi war, the U.S. sent the air-de- He has allowed the intro- force around the region.
U.S. sent more than a half mil- source of enormous difficulty air defenses to the extent that fense batteries to the king- duction of movie theaters and “The Kingdom of Saudi Ara-
lion American troops to pro- for a friendly govern- they could prevent an air- dom, where they struggled to brought in Western entertain- bia of today is very different
tect the kingdom following ment,” Deputy Secretary of strike like the one in Septem- shoot down Iraq’s Scud mis- ment ranging from Mariah than it was 20 years ago,” said
Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Defense Paul Wolfowitz said ber, thanks in part to the de- siles. Carey to professional wres- Gen. Walker. “The policies and
Kuwait in 1990. Osama bin at the time of the withdrawal, ployment of four American An F-15 squadron stationed tling matches—all in an at- the society have changed for
Laden, who opposed the de- according to an interview with Patriot missile batteries, in- at the base—and now flying tempt to change cultural the better.”
ployment of U.S. soldiers in Vanity Fair magazine. “It’s cluding two stationed at missions against Islamic State norms and project a more —Donna Abdulaziz in
the country that hosts Islam’s been a huge recruiting device Prince Sultan. Defense offi- over Iraq and Syria—has been modern image of his country. Jeddah, Saudi Arabia,
two holiest sites, launched a for al Qaeda.” cials acknowledge Patriot mis- moved in from the neighbor- The crown prince’s govern- contributed to this article.

EGYPT with his police partner when he SPAIN
was stabbed 11 times and left
Reviled and Loved, bleeding on a street near the Madrid Opens Talks
Mubarak Is Buried Americans’ hotel on July 26, With Catalonia
Egypt held a full-honors mili- Prosecutors have alleged Spain’s prime minister and
tary funeral for the autocratic that Finnegan Lee Elder, now the leader of Catalonia are open-
former President Hosni Mubarak, 20 years old, thrust a 7-inch ing formal talks in hopes of re-
who ruled for nearly three de- attack-style knife repeatedly solving the festering political cri-
cades before he was ousted in into the police officer, while Ga- sis provoked by the region’s
the 2011 Arab Spring uprising briel Natale-Hjorth, now 19, separatist movement.
that swept much of the region. scuffled nearby with the part- Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez
The funeral, replete with can- ner, Andrea Varriale, who was and members of his government
non fire and a horse-drawn car- slightly injured. are hosting Catalan regional
riage carrying his coffin, high- Under Italian law, accom- chief Quim Torra and his delega-

lighted the wartime plices to an alleged murderer tion in Madrid’s Moncloa Palace,
achievements of Mr. Mubarak. It can also be charged with the the seat of Spain’s government.
comes as part of a government murder itself. In addition to the Mr. Sánchez greeted Mr. Torra
effort to make his military career murder charge, both defen- in the gardens outside the pal-
his legacy, rather than his time in dants are also charged with at- ace where the two leaders ap-
office. tempted extortion related to a peared to chat amiably.
Egypt’s current President Ab- drug deal gone bad, and resist- No major breakthrough is ex-
del Fattah Al Sisi attended ing public officials. pected given the political abyss
briefly, offering condolences and On Wednesday, both were in separating the two sides.
shaking hands with Mr. Muba- court, where the first hearing Mr. Torra has said he would
rak’s two sons, Alaa and Gamal, Supporters of former President Hosni Mubarak gathered near the cemetery where he was buried. dealt largely with procedural repeat his demands for Catalo-
and his wife, Suzanne. matters. Both have said they nia to be allowed to hold a ref-
Mr. Mubarak’s body was later ble forces with little civilian over- dent still enjoys a degree of pop- ITALY thought they were being at- erendum on independence and
placed in a tomb a few miles sight, known for their human- ularity among many Egyptians, tacked and acted in self-de- for the release of nine separatist
away at his family’s cemetery in rights violations. And although he who have painted him as a pa- Americans Stand Trial fense. leaders who are serving prison
Heliopolis, an upscale Cairo dis- oversaw an opening of the coun- ternal figure. In Officer’s Killing Mr. Elder’s lawyers and fam- sentences for their role in an il-
trict that was his home for most try’s economy, much of the popu- At the height of the 2011 up- ily members have quoted the legal 2017 secession attempt.
of his rule and where he lived lation slid further into poverty rising, his supporters would After months in a Rome jail, man as saying that he had mis- Mr. Sánchez has said his gov-
quietly until his death. during his time in office. sometimes violently clash with a pair of boyhood friends from taken the officers for a pair of ernment won’t consider an inde-
Mr. Mubarak, who held on to Holding the funeral with full pro-democracy protesters. California went on trial, ac- common criminals and that he pendence vote and instead will
the presidency for nearly 30 military honors for the deposed On Wednesday, a few dozen cused of murdering an Italian was fighting for his life. focus on improving relations be-
years, carried out a brutal cam- leader stirred up controversy supporters gathered at a mosque policeman during a summer va- Conviction for murder in It- tween Spain and the region.
paign against Islamist militants, with many Egyptians on social in Cairo where his body was cation in Italy. aly can bring a sentence as Polls and a recent election in-
but also allowed for minimal po- media, who pointed to his convic- brought for the funeral, and The Carabinieri paramilitary high as a life sentence. The dicate roughly 50% of the 7.5
litical dissent from his opponents. tion on corruption charges after chanted, “Gamal, tell your father, officer, Deputy Brig. Mario Cer- country doesn’t have the death million residents of northeastern
Under his rule, Egypt’s secu- his overthrow. 100 million say goodbye!” ciello Rega, was unarmed and penalty. Catalonia favor secession.
rity branches grew into formida- Nonetheless, the former presi- —Associated Press on plainclothes assignment —Associated Press —Associated Press

Canada Warns Freight-Rail Delays Could Last Many Weeks

BY PAUL VIEIRA tem. There have been compa- ronto. The blockades later dis- train would have struck the in-
nies that have virtually sipated. dividuals, with at least one
OTTAWA—Canada’s Trans- stopped their operations. Economists on Wednesday throwing debris. Police offi-
port Minister said Wednesday There are 50 ships on the Pa- said the blockades’ effects cers stood on the other side of
the country was “many, many cific Coast waiting to pick up would subtract from growth in the tracks and watched.
weeks” away from a return to grain.” the first quarter of 2020, cit- Another video, broadcast by
normal for freight-rail traffic, The Ontario Provincial Po- ing data that indicated a sharp Canada’s CTV News, showed a
after police this week disman- lice moved Monday to disman- 7.4% decline in Canadian wooden pallet burning next to
tled a blockade that had tle a blockade led by indige- freight-rail traffic in February the tracks as the train passed,
choked off shipments from nous anti-pipeline protesters compared with the previous with one protester pouring gas
east to west. that lasted for more than two month. One economist, Derek on the tracks.
Marc Garneau told report- weeks, and threatens to weigh Holt of Bank of Nova Scotia, Mr. Garneau described what
ers in Ottawa the blockade, set markedly on growth in the predicted the Bank of Canada the protesters did Wednesday
up in an indigenous commu- first quarter. would cut its main interest as “an extremely reckless act.”

nity roughly 120 miles east of The blockade was estab- rate next week because of the He added what transpired
Toronto, has “definitely lished in solidarity with some damage from the rail block- could have become a danger-
slowed things down” and indigenous leaders opposed to ades and the coronavirus epi- ous situation had the train
warned consequences may not the construction of a natural- demic. been carrying dangerous
be realized for months. The gas pipeline in British Colum- On Wednesday, a video goods.
blockade affected the main bia, Canada’s most-western A Canadian National Railway train Wednesday plowed through posted on Facebook by a me- Representatives for Cana-
east-west corridor operated by province. Another blockade re- wooden pallets laid down by opponents of a natural-gas pipeline. dia outlet affiliated with pro- dian National—which owns
Canadian National Railway mains in place near Montreal testers showed demonstrators the track subject to the block-
Co., the country’s largest rail- on indigenous territory, on the blockade removed. The Anti-pipeline protesters on on the tracks, one carrying a ade east of Toronto—didn’t re-
road. track owned by Canadian Pa- blockade “has severed vital Tuesday launched additional gas can, and refusing to move spond to questions about the
The effects of the blockades cific Railway. rail connections and severely temporary rail blockades as a Canadian National Rail- dangers posed by protesters,
“are going to be felt for weeks Canadian Pacific said impacted CP’s operations, cus- across the country affecting, way train approached. The or to comments from Mr. Gar-
to come,” Mr. Garneau said. Wednesday it has obtained a tomers and the broader econ- among others, commuter-rail protesters left the track with neau about when rail-freight
“There is an inertia in the sys- court order in Quebec to have omy,” a spokesman said. traffic serving suburban To- seconds to spare before the traffic returned to normal.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, February 27, 2020 | A9

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City Shifts form live demonstrations of

science experiments shown on
camera, while kindergartners

To Home have to make recordings of

themselves reading words. “It’s
as compulsory as a given regu-

Schooling lar school day is,” said Chris-

tine Greenberg, its prep and
primary school principal.
Tarana Shah, who works full
Continued from Page One time at a French investment
who still goes to the office, bank, said she has been spend-
helps with homework after he ing a large part of her non-
gets home and sometimes working hours helping her 6-
works on the apartment’s bal- year-old daughter Isha finish
cony. Ms. Taylor has struggled assigned school work. One
to help her kids with fractions weekend, they assembled a 12-
and long-division problems—“I page book titled “How To Take
only vaguely remember doing Care Of A Cocker Spaniel.”
that at school”—and has caught “It’s so exhausting because
them watching videos on You- that is all we were doing


Tube during lesson time. Re- through the day,” said Ms.
cently, the twins’ teachers Shah, who spends part of her
stopped classroom-wide Google lunch breaks printing out work-
Hangouts and moved to smaller sheets for her daughter.
online class groups. She uses a spreadsheet to
Teresa Liu’s 3-year-old son keep track of assignments and
Zachary started online classes submissions to teachers, but
this month. In video meetings, she’s trying not to worry if a
his preschool teachers told sto- few things fall through the
ries in English, Mandarin and cracks. “I realized that she’s six,
Cantonese and talked about the it’s OK if she learns five things
importance of wearing masks less than the other kids in her
and washing their hands. class,” she said.
Zachary paid attention for Twins Isabella and Max Crowe, 10, worked on school assignments as their father worked on a balcony at home in Hong Kong. Ms. Taylor, who has been
the first few minutes, but when trying to juggle working at
teachers asked questions to Hong Kong, a densely popu- press briefing, they demon- parents group has posts from closed some schools. home and online schooling, de-
other children, he lost interest lated city with 7.5 million peo- strated virtual learning plat- people worrying about children International schools in cided to send her 10-year-old
and left his seat to climb on ple, has so far reported 91 con- forms to help convince the pub- falling behind on important Hong Kong, where fees gener- twins to Chicago to stay with
chairs and the table. firmed coronavirus cases. lic that they could be effective exam prep, complaining about ally range between $10,000 and her in-laws, to break the bore-
“He’s pretty active,” said Ms. Following a week-long Lunar alternatives to school. balancing full-time jobs with $22,000 a year, have been espe- dom of being stuck at home.
Liu, adding that her family’s New Year holiday, the govern- Principals and teachers are supervising schoolwork or just cially active online. She worries the children could
domestic helper had to chase ment closed all schools starting using different modes, including missing having their kids out of At the Harbour School, an have fallen behind when school
him around to try to sit him in Feb. 3 and said they won’t re- online learning, to help students the house for most of the day. American international school, eventually reopens. “There will
front of the teacher on the open until it is safe for stu- continue studies at home and In mainland China, schools students are required to keep be all these other kids who
computer screen. Ms. Liu said dents to congregate again. The have achieved the goal of “sus- were on holiday until mid-Feb- up with virtual lessons that fol- have that two or three months
they intend to stick with the earliest date schools could re- pending classes without sus- ruary but now those closures low regular class timetables. of incredibly intensive home
online lessons so he stays con- open is April 20. City education pending learning,” said Secre- have been extended and some Second-graders have to write schooling,” she said.
nected with his school and officials have advised schools tary for Education Kevin Yeung. are experimenting with online multipage lab reports after —Jing Yang contributed to
teachers. to embrace online learning. In a On Facebook, a Hong Kong learning. South Korea has also watching their teachers per- this article.

SoftBank “Mr. West.”

In September 2015, Mr. Gian-
nakopoulos, who goes by Nico,
They said he was frustrated
when Mr. Misra identified Mr.
Sama as another obstacle in his

Sabotage contacted a freelance reporter

to pitch a story about a trou-
bled telecom deal Mr. Arora
path. Mr. Sama’s profile rose
higher in July 2016 when he
helped Mr. Son negotiate to buy

Campaign played a part in. Reporter Mark

Hollingsworth took the story to
The Independent, a British
Arm Holdings for £24.3 billion.
Mr. Misra had all but given
up, and was planning to leave
newspaper. An email about this SoftBank himself, in mid-2016
Continued from Page One arrangement suggested the re- shortly before Mr. Arora re-
those behind it. SoftBank will be porter would be paid if the signed. Then, discussions about
reviewing the inferences made story was published. the planned Vision Fund invest-
by The Wall Street Journal.” “The Independent is not a ment initiative heated up. After
Mr. Misra teamed with an high quality newspaper so I’ve SoftBank unveiled the fund in

Italian businessman who had asked Nico only to offer a suc- October 2016, Mr. Misra was
worked with private intelli- cess fee,” David Robertson, named as the person oversee-
gence operatives and computer then a K2 employee working on ing the project.
hackers, according to people the campaign, wrote in an Mr. Sama was proving a hin-
with knowledge of his past. At email to several people. drance, questioning Mr. Misra’s
the outset in 2015, Mr. Misra The Independent published strategies to add debt to the Vi-
paid the businessman, Ales- the article October 2015. Mr. sion Fund. Mr. Giannakopoulos
sandro Benedetti, $500,000, ac- Hollingsworth said the notion swung back into action with
cording to an email sent by Mr. he received a success fee was more letters, some directly to
Misra and to people familiar “completely and utterly false.” Vision Fund investors.
with the payment instructions. A spokeswoman for The In- In addition, Mr. Misra asked
Several people said Mr. Misra dependent said it expects jour- two businessmen in India to
or Mr. Benedetti told associates nalists to adhere to “all appli- submit a complaint about Mr.
millions more followed. cable bribery and corruption Sama to a government regula-
A spokesman for Mr. Misra laws.” tor, according to people famil-
said he denied paying for any A spokeswoman for K2 said iar with the conversations.

campaign and said that the the firm doesn’t discuss clients Investors discussing putting
$500,000 transfer was for an or client matters. Powerscourt’s money into the Vision Fund
oil investment. CEO said the same. raised questions about Mr.
Mr. Benedetti is upset he At SoftBank, the article and Sama with SoftBank in spring
hasn’t received compensation others that resulted were 2017, the Journal previously re-
he believes he was promised, mostly seen as noise, people fa- ported, for a time preventing
according to the people familiar miliar with the internal reac- Mr. Sama from further work on
with the matter. They said Mr. tion said. By November 2015, the Vision Fund.
Benedetti expected Mr. Misra to Mr. Benedetti was trying a new At Mr. Misra’s direction, the
name him a senior executive at tack: a shareholder campaign. Vision Fund soon was splashing

the Vision Fund in London. No He asked law firm Susman God- out—investing $500 million to
job ever materialized. frey LLP to represent him as an $3 billion at a time on dozens
What lay behind the criti- investor making claims about of startups in artificial intelli-
cisms of Messrs. Arora and SoftBank, Mr. Arora and others, gence, transportation, real es-
Sama has long been murky. emails show. tate and health care.
Open shareholder letters called The law firm declined to Mr. Misra tried to open a

on SoftBank to investigate the take the work, and Mr. Bene- door that could lead Mr. Bene-
men’s business dealings. Jour- detti went to Boies Schiller detti to deals or employment.
nalists received screenshots of Flexner LLP. Mr. Benedetti ar- In a June 2017 email, Mr. Misra
their private banking records. ranged for Mr. Giannakopoulos introduced Mr. Benedetti to Mi-
Complaints about the two were to be the shareholder nominally chael Klein, a former Citigroup
filed to U.S. and Indian finan- behind the claims, but stayed banker with a thick Rolodex
cial regulators. Both men have closely involved, according to across Europe and the Middle
denied any wrongdoing. people familiar with the events. East. Mr. Klein was a banker
The Journal reported on the Clockwise from top: SoftBank’s Rajeev Misra; former executive Nikesh Arora, left, with founder In January 2016, a Boies Mr. Misra would soon bring on
campaign against the men in Masayoshi Son; businessman Alessandro Benedetti; and Alok Sama, also an ex-SoftBank executive. Schiller lawyer sent a public to advise SoftBank on its pur-
May 2017. About a year later, a letter questioning Mr. Arora’s chase of Uber shares and other
second Journal article revealed Messrs. Arora and Sama de- said. According to these people, the so-called honey trap, in investments in Indian startups potential deals, eventually pay-
Mr. Benedetti’s involvement. It clined to comment. Messrs. Misra and Benedetti which one or more women and asking for an investigation ing him $6 million in fees.
said SoftBank had instructed The campaign took shape in got together in London in early would lure Mr. Arora to a hotel of alleged conflicts of interest. “Michael look forward to
law firm Shearman & Sterling January 2015, when Mr. Misra, 2015, and Mr. Benedetti quickly room rigged with cameras in an Mr. Arora’s “past conduct also seeing you tomorrow. I want to
LLP to lead an investigation of once a top banker at Deutsche agreed to participate in an ef- attempt to obtain compromis- demonstrates his willingness to introduce you to mr. benedetti
the campaign and any possible Bank AG and UBS Group AG, fort to weaken Mr. Arora’s posi- ing images, people familiar put his personal interests—and as a partner,” Mr. Misra wrote.
connections between Mr. Bene- had been at SoftBank for only a tion at SoftBank. with the effort said. those of his partners—above Mr. Misra later urged Mr.
detti and a SoftBank insider. few months. Mr. Son hired him The people said that Mr. The mission failed: Mr. those of the companies that Klein to hire Mr. Benedetti to
SoftBank ended the investiga- to play a role ironing out Soft- Benedetti gave Mr. Misra a spe- Arora didn’t fall for the ploy. have employed him as a senior represent his firm M. Klein &
tion in 2019 without getting to Bank’s finances. Mr. Son had cial cellphone to use for calls Around that time, Mr. Bene- executive,” the letter said. Co. in Europe, said people fa-
the bottom of the matter. also poached Mr. Arora from a about the plan, and that the detti hired K2 Intelligence LLC, More letters followed miliar with their discussions. In
Meanwhile, in early 2018 a plum perch at Google and had two sometimes met at London’s a private intelligence firm, to throughout 2016 from Boies November 2017, the three of
law firm working for Mr. given him a big job. Bulgari Hotel. investigate Messrs. Arora and Schiller and a law firm that them met at the Hotel Baur au
Misra’s group at SoftBank, Paul, Mr. Misra and Mr. Arora of- How Mr. Benedetti would be Sama and disseminate findings succeeded it, prompting Soft- Lac in Zurich. The following
Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Gar- ten rubbed each other the compensated was left vague, to the media, according to Bank’s board to launch an in- fall, Mr. Benedetti pitched Mr.
rison LLP, hired a private inves- wrong way. Mr. Arora, based in but he developed the impres- emails and people familiar with vestigation into Mr. Arora, Klein on a series of telecom ac-
tigator, who told a Journal re- San Francisco and commuting sion he would receive a cut of the hiring. He also recruited a which found the allegations to quisitions. He also asked Mr.
porter the campaign was to Tokyo, could be direct and Mr. Misra’s earnings at Soft- Swiss private intelligence oper- be false. Over time, critical Klein to provide his son with
probably the work of a com- sometimes abrasive, and he Bank and could be made an ex- ative, Nicolas Giannakopoulos, shareholder letters began to fo- business contacts and advice.
pany SoftBank invested in. The consolidated power fast, upset- ecutive at the firm if Mr. Arora to work on the campaign. cus on Mr. Sama as well. “M. Klein & Co. has never
Journal couldn’t verify that and ting Japanese executives who was neutralized, said people Mr. Giannakopoulos distrib- In June 2016, Mr. Arora re- had any business relationship
didn’t publish it. had long held the reins. familiar with discussions Mr. uted to journalists screenshots signed from SoftBank. He said or financial dealings with Ales-
This account is based on in- Mr. Misra, in London, worked Benedetti had with associates. of Mr. Arora’s and Mr. Sama’s he made the decision after Mr. sandro Benedetti,” a spokes-
terviews with people familiar from offices of SoftBank-con- In April 2015, Mr. Misra sent private banking records and Son chose not to give up his woman for Mr. Klein said.
with the campaign, including trolled Sprint, far from the core $500,000 from his account at emails, according to messages CEO post. Messrs. Son and Mr. Benedetti felt short-
some close to Messrs. Misra or decision makers. Mr. Arora op- Standard Chartered Bank to reviewed by the Journal. Mr. Arora had begun to disagree on changed. In recent months, his
Benedetti, as well as on docu- posed a proposed investment in Barkmere Group Ltd., a British Giannakopoulos didn’t respond investments, said people famil- relationship with Mr. Misra has
ments that show Mr. Misra pro- an Indian entertainment firm Virgin Islands company con- to requests for comment. iar with the internal dynamics. deteriorated. Associates of the
vided information and funding. that was one of the first deals trolled by Mr. Benedetti, ac- K2 hired a London public-re- Mr. Benedetti saw the resig- Italian businessman said he has
Mr. Benedetti declined to Mr. Misra championed. cording to documents reviewed lations firm, Powerscourt nation as vindication of his told them he recorded conver-
comment. Two years ago, his A French banker named Ber- by the Journal. People familiar Group, to try to get K2’s find- strategy and expected Mr. sations in which Mr. Misra de-
lawyer said that Mr. Benedetti trand des Pallieres, who knew with the transaction said it was ings and information provided Misra to pay him with a cut of tailed his plans to weaken his
denied having “mandated or both Mr. Misra and Mr. Bene- for initial campaign expenses. by Mr. Benedetti into the press. deals and a job, according to SoftBank rivals.
been party to any campaign” detti, suggested the two meet, That month, Mr. Benedetti The operatives often referred people aware of his discussions —Alex Frangos contributed to
against SoftBank executives. people familiar with the events sent a team to Tokyo to set up to Mr. Arora by a code name, with associates at the time. this article.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * NY Thursday, February 27, 2020 | A10A


New York Rent-Regulated Sales Plummet
Gears Up The value of buildings rents. As a result, investors Total paid for rent-regulated bid. A provision of the new law ing and real-estate-services

To Fight with at least one such

apartment dropped by
looking for short-term turn-
arounds, after legally raising
rents, fled the market and
buildings with more than
10 apartments
allows tenants to look back a
decade or more to challenge old
rent errors. It is driving away
company, provided data con-
firming the extreme findings
of the REBNY report. It looked

Second half 2018
building values fell, landlords some potential buyers worried at buildings with more than 10
more than $4.1 billion and brokers said.
Second half 2019
about assuming unknown fu- units, with at least half the
Until the new law passed, $2.66 billion ture liabilities, landlords say. units in rent regulation. The
BY KATIE HONAN BY JOSH BARBANEL landlords could make improve- Manhattan James Whelan, the presi- data showed that the value of
AND JIMMY VIELKIND ments to rent-regulated apart- 0.52 dent of REBNY, said that the sales had plummeted 83% dur-
A new rent law that gives ments to raise rents. When the decline in rent-regulated sales ing the second half of 2019
New York City Mayor Bill New York City tenants greater rent exceeded a certain thresh- 0.44 since the new law passed re- across the city compared with
de Blasio called on the federal protection has triggered a old on vacant apartments, Bronx sulted in a $136 million drop the same period of 2018, while
government Wednesday to ex- multibillion-dollar plunge in rents on those units were no 0.22 in city revenue from real-es- transactions fell 65%.
pand the testing for coronavi- the sale of regulated-rental longer regulated. As soon as tate transfer taxes. Shimon Shkury, president of
rus to travelers beyond China, apartment buildings, accord- the law took effect, permit ap- 0.62 “This new analysis is a Ariel Property Advisors, said
saying an increased vigilance ing to data collected by a plications from landlords for Brooklyn clear indication that new rent the law forces a change in buy-
is needed to stop the spread of group representing landlords. renovations fell sharply. 0.25 laws will result in less tax rev- ers’ business plans from “value
the disease. In its latest report on invest- A number of investment re- enue for New York City and add,” in which they increase the
There haven’t been any ment sales released Wednes- ports have noted an overall de- 0.98 state,” he said. “This report is value of the building over three
confirmed cases of coronavi- day, the Real Estate Board of cline in residential investment Queens a sign that it will be increas- to five years and then consider
rus in New York, but health of- New York for the first time sales within months after the 0.04 ingly more difficult to pay for selling, to looking for “cash re-
ficials have been on “high provided a breakout of data on law was passed and took effect vital government services.” turn over a long-term horizon.”
alert” since January. rent-regulated buildings. It in June. The REBNY report is Source: Real Estate Board of New York State Sen. Brad Hoylman, a Although there have been
The federal Centers for Dis- found that the number of an early effort to systemati- Manhattan Democrat who several large deals in which
ease Control and Prevention transactions for such buildings cally track what is happening lated buildings fell by 81% in sponsored the new law, said sale prices were significantly
said Tuesday that it expects a fell by more than half since the to building values in rent-regu- Manhattan. In Queens, they policy makers should be moni- below the asking prices, the
wider spread of the virus law took effect in June. lated apartments since the law plunged 96%, from $979 mil- toring the trends in the sales slowdown in sales mostly has
throughout the U.S. and is pre- The value of sales for build- took effect. It found that for lion in sales in 18 transactions of rental buildings. But he is masked the effect of falling
paring for a potential pandemic. ings with at least one rent-reg- larger regulated build- in the second half of 2018 to focused on what he said was values because so few proper-
During a news conference ulated apartment dropped by ings, those with 11 or more $39 million in sales in seven an 18% drop in evictions since ties sold, Mr. Shkury said.
on the city’s preparedness, Mr. more than $4.1 billion in the apartments, the value of all transactions in the same pe- the law passed. “The human Many long-term owners are
de Blasio said the federal gov- second half of 2019 compared sales fell by 78% in the second riod last year, the report said. cost of evictions is stagger- continuing to hold onto resi-
ernment should expand the with the same period the year half of last year across the city Behind the scenes, building ing,” he said, “contributing to dential rental buildings, but
protocol to test travelers from before, the report said. compared with the same period owners tell of dramatic cuts in the homeless crisis we are landlords say they have re-
any country that has seen a The new law blocked land- in 2018. The number of trans- property prices, which are witnessing across the city.” duced their investments in
surge in cases, including Hong lords from removing apart- actions declined from 231 to 88. down about 30% to 50% from At the request of The Wall apartment improvements be-
Kong, Iran, Italy, Japan, Singa- ments from rent regulation in The total value of transac- the peak a year or two ago, Street Journal, Ariel Property cause there is no longer an in-
pore, South Korea, Taiwan and most cases or rapidly raising tions in these larger rent-regu- with few buyers stepping up to Advisors, a brokerage, consult- centive for them.
Roughly 19,000 passengers
who have traveled in China
within 14 days have been Victims of 1993 World Trade Center Bombing Remembered
screened at John F. Kennedy
International Airport since
Jan. 17, according to John
Bilich, chief security officer
for the Port Authority of New
York and New Jersey, which
runs the airport.
Both New York City and
state officials asked the fed-
eral government to allow their
labs to join with the CDC in
testing for the virus.

‘We have the greatest

capacity anywhere
in this country.’

“We don’t have the authori-

zation to do the test here, we
have to rely on the CDC,” said
Oxiris Barbot, the city’s health
The city initially received
permission to run the test, but
there are issues concerning the
final step of the process, Dr. Bar-
bot said. The testing process has
been in a “silo,” the mayor said.
At a separate news confer-
ence, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said
he is seeking an emergency ap-

propriation of an additional
$40 million for the state’s De-
partment of Health to use for
equipment and personnel. He
deferred to the federal govern-
ment as to whether more trav-
elers should be tested.
Across New York, 27 people
have been tested for coronavi-
rus, state officials said SAD ANNIVERSARY: Roses were placed over the names of the victims of the World Trade Center bombing during a ceremony Wednesday at the 9/11 Memorial in
Wednesday. Almost all of those lower Manhattan. Six people were killed and more than 1,000 injured when a truck bomb exploded in an underground parking garage on Feb. 26, 1993.
patients were deemed not to be
infected, with one test pending.
Still, Messrs. Cuomo and de

MTA Board Member Questions Fare Increases

Blasio have said that a patient
with coronavirus likely could ap-
pear in New York given the large
number of international arrivals.
“We’re preparing, but this BY PAUL BERGER bridges and tunnels, began a 3.85%, up to a maximum of $15. taxes to the state. Schwartz that he would like to
situation is not a situation that program of biennial fare and Mr. Schwartz, speaking at Danny Pearlstein, a spokes- join a fares-focused working
should cause undue fear among New York’s subway, bus and toll increases a decade ago. Wednesday’s meeting, said the man for advocacy group Riders group. In an interview, Mr.
people,” Mr. Cuomo said. “Yes, commuter rail fares shouldn’t The authority designs the agency owes it to riders to Alliance, said in an interview Zuckerman said he would like to
it is a serious illness, has a automatically increase every hikes to raise fare and toll rev- demonstrate that it has ex- that mass transit must be afford- see the commuter railroads con-
higher mortality rate than the two years, according to an in- enue by about 4% every two plored other means of raising able. “I think it’s important that sider implementing a flat fare
flu, etcetera, but not like Ebola.” fluential member of the Met- years. The next increase is revenue without automatically the governor looks for money for like the one used on the subway
The city has distributed 1.5 ropolitan Transportation Au- scheduled for 2021. increasing fares. At an MTA the MTA everywhere,” he said. and bus systems. Because of the
million protective face masks, thority’s board. During the last fare in- meeting earlier this week, he MTA Chairman Patrick Foye MTA’s current distance-based
mostly to health-care profes- Lawrence Schwartz, an ally crease, in 2019, the authority cited the millions of tourists said after Wednesday’s meet- fares on commuter rail, some
sions. Officials have requested of Gov. Andrew Cuomo, said at kept the base subway and bus who visit New York City and ing it was premature to dis- riders who live farther out pay
300,000 additional masks, and a board meeting Wednesday fare at $2.75, but eliminated wondered whether the state cuss what, if any, changes the several hundred dollars more
have asked the federal govern- that he plans to form a work- the 5% bonus on MetroCard could implement a surcharge MTA could make to its fare for a monthly ticket.
ment to step in to expedite the ing group to explore alterna- purchases of at least $5.50 on Airbnb Inc. rentals that structures. He said the forma- The MTA chief financial offi-
production of masks. tive ways of raising revenue. and raised monthly Metro- could be used to freeze fares. tion of a group to reconsider cer told board members the au-
“We have the greatest pub- The MTA, which runs New Cards to $127 from $121. A spokeswoman for the fares is a good idea. thority can balance its budget
lic-health capacity anywhere York City’s subway and buses, Monthly fares on the com- home-sharing company said Neal Zuckerman, an MTA this year if it cuts its 70,000-
in this country, and we’re us- Long Island Rail Road and muter railroads, which cost Airbnb would welcome the board member who represents plus workforce by 1,900 posi-
ing it,” Mr. de Blasio said. Metro-North Railroad and nine hundreds of dollars, went up by ability to collect and remit Putnam County, has told Mr. tions by the end of December.
A10B | Thursday, February 27, 2020 NY * * THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Detective Says He
Misled Barnard Suspect
BY LESLIE BRODY three boys arrested in the inci-
AND BEN CHAPMAN dent, was charged as a minor
with murder in the second de-
A New York Police Depart- gree and robbery in the first
ment detective who interro- degree. He has denied the
gated a 13-year-old charged in charges through his attorneys.
the slaying of a Barnard Col- The two other boys, both
lege student testified Wednes- 14, have been charged with
day that he misled the teen to murder as adults. They have
get information from him. pleaded not guilty.
The comments came at a Police have said the teens
pretrial hearing for the boy, killed Ms. Majors as she strug-

who is accused of a role in the gled with them during an at-

fatal stabbing of 18-year-old tempted robbery of her cell-
Tessa Majors in Manhattan’s phone. In one video clip from
Morningside Park on Dec. 11. the interrogation of the 13-
In state family court, de- year-old, the boy tells the de-
fense lawyer Hannah Kaplan tective he was standing behind
showed video clips from the his two friends.
teen’s interrogation at Man- “She was probably refusing
hattan’s 26th Precinct by New to give it to them, and then
York Police Department Detec- they got mad,” the boy said.
tive Wilfredo Acevedo the day “And then they probably took
after the stabbing. The teen’s it from her.”
uncle, who is his legal guard- “If you lie, that’s when you
NYU Langone Hospital-Brooklyn overhauled its labor-and-delivery unit. Below, Dr. George Fernaine, chief of cardiology, at work. ian, was present, but the boy get in serious trouble, OK?”
had no lawyer. the detective told him.

A Hospital Grows in Brooklyn:

Ms. Kaplan, a Legal Aid So- At another point, the detec-
ciety lawyer, sought to show tive encouraged the teen to be
that, to get the teen to talk, honest: “It’s for your own
the detective misled him by good, buddy, trust me.”

Inside NYU Langone’s Expansion

saying police already knew In response to questions
more about the incident than from Ms. Kaplan, Detective
they actually did. Acevedo said he didn’t give
During the interrogation, the teen a written form of the
BY MELANIE GRAYCE WEST most of the outsourced pro- the detective told the teen that Miranda warning or ask if he
grams and itinerant doctors he knew of surveillance video wanted one, and that he didn’t
It has taken three years and and hired about 150 new staff from the park at the time of check to make sure the boy
more than $350 million for doctors. The hires included the incident and knew what understood the meaning of the
NYU Langone Health to break neurologists and spine doc- clothing the teen was wearing. verbal version by having him
even with its satellite hospital tors, which increased the num- On Wednesday, Detective explain it in his own words.
in Sunset Park, Brooklyn. Now, ber of those cases from 25 to Acevedo testified he had no such Miranda warnings state
the health system is ready to 250 in two years. information at the time and ac- that a suspect has the right to
expand there, with a new, $650 A focus was put on emer- knowledged misleading the boy. remain silent and have a law-
million patient-room tower. gency department care, the The 13-year-old, one of yer present.
During the past decade and entry point for about half of
more, New York’s larger, elite patients, said Bret Rudy, exec-
health systems moved into
Brooklyn, Westchester County
utive hospital director and se-
nior vice president of NYU
and elsewhere to expand their Langone Hospital-Brooklyn.
footprints and attract new pa- Before the partnership, about NEW JERSEY NEW YORK CITY
tients. Many took on debt, the 25% of patients coming to the
aging buildings and boilers of Sunset Park emergency room Driver Gets 10 Years Reckless Motorists
the safety-net hospitals some were admitted to the hospital. In Fatal Bus Crash Could Lose Vehicles
of them absorbed and patients Now it is 15% of patients, Dr.
who rely heavily on Medicare Rudy said. The driver of a school bus New York City drivers who get
and Medicaid. Overall there has been a 5% that veered across Interstate 80 five camera-issued red light tick-
How and when these sys- to 7% increase in the number in New Jersey after missing an ets or 15 camera-issued speeding
tems achieve a return on their of people using the hospital’s exit and crashed into a dump tickets in a 12-month period will
investment has been an open merged with larger health sys- the region were looking to ac- emergency department, said truck, killing a teacher and a stu- have to take a traffic safety
question. tems might face the most se- ademic medical centers at that Dr. Rudy, and wait times to see dent and injuring dozens more, course or risk losing their vehicles
“When you have something vere reductions, while academic time to be their bank and pay a provider have dropped to was sentenced Wednesday to under a bill signed by Mayor Bill
that’s been neglected, and you medical centers are spared. for the creation of programs about 13 minutes. 10 years in prison. de Blasio on Wednesday.
start either making a little For NYU Langone Brooklyn, for complicated medical proce- At the hospital, which is li- Hudy Muldrow, 79 years old, “We are putting all drivers on
money or at least breaking the cuts would be around $8 dures that make up about 5% censed for 444 beds, there has had pleaded guilty in December notice that if you behave reck-
even so that you can take on million, according to Mr. of patient care, Dr. Brotman been an overall 7% increase in to reckless vehicular homicide, lessly behind the wheel, there
some debt, we tend to do Cuomo’s office. said. NYU Langone, however, volume, said Dr. Rudy. assault by auto and child endan- will be real consequences,” said
that,” said Andrew Brotman, “Clearly, these cuts will de- wanted a partner that had a A new cancer facility was germent in connection with the Mr. de Blasio, who joined other
NYU Langone’s senior vice crease the bottom line at NYU large ambulatory footprint. opened, doubling the capacity May 2018 crash in Mount Olive. city officials and traffic-safety
president and vice dean for Langone-Brooklyn,” said Dr. “Our philosophy is that’s for cancer care. The system The bus carrying students advocates at a ceremony.
clinical affairs and strategy. Brotman. “We will do our best where the action is in terms of hired more surgeons. An inte- and teachers from a Paramus The law will take effect on
NYU Langone Hospital- to manage expenses without developing a patient base,” Dr. grated team for breast-cancer middle school merged onto the Feb. 26, 2021, and will apply to
Brooklyn faces some of the damaging programs.” Brotman said. care is now in place. highway and then headed across tickets incurred after Oct. 26 of
same headwinds of other hos- NYU Langone and the then- To achieve the quality NYU The hospital also over- three lanes toward a median this year. The vehicles of drivers
pitals in the area. Brooklyn Lutheran Medical Langone desired, it has cost hauled its labor-and-delivery turnaround limited to official ve- who exceed the ticket limit may
Some 95% of its patients Center began conversations about $70 million to $76 mil- unit, adding a 24/7 doctor fo- hicles. The impact of the crash be impounded unless the motor-
are on Medicare and Medicaid, about working together more lion more in expenses annu- cused solely on patient safety sheared the bus’s frame from its ists take a safe-driving course
and the hospital receives reim- than a dozen years ago, set- ally, hospital officials esti- and quality of care. The num- wheelbase. Social studies overseen by the city Transporta-
bursements that don’t fully tling on an affiliation in 2015. mated. Even with that added ber of babies delivered has teacher Jennifer Williamson-Ken- tion Department.
cover the cost of care. NYU Langone was shopping for expense, the hospital breaks gone from roughly 3,320 a nedy, 51, and fifth-grade student City officials estimate that
Gov. Andrew Cuomo warned a partner in Brooklyn because even, Dr. Brotman said. year to 4,300. Miranda Vargas, 10, were killed. the new law will affect about
earlier this week that health- so many of the patients for its The added expenses went Still, said Dr. Brotman, some Wednesday’s sentencing took 3,000 to 6,000 vehicles, a frac-
care systems in New York will main hospital came from the to overhaul several compo- patients have to be persuaded place in a courtroom packed tion of the nearly two million ve-
face some $8 billion in federal borough. At the time, Brooklyn nents of the hospital, includ- that the care in Brooklyn is with the two victims’ friends hicles registered in the city. The
cuts to Medicaid. Lutheran was losing between ing a new electronic health-re- comparable to Manhattan. “It’s and relatives. mayor and City Council will de-
Experts have cautioned that $10 million and $30 million a cords system, and efforts to OK, you don’t have to go to Mr. Muldrow apologized in a cide after three years whether
the safety-net hospitals in year, according to Dr. Brotman. improve billing. Manhattan. As a matter of fact, brief statement to the court. to renew the law.
Brooklyn and elsewhere that Many other institutions in The hospital eliminated sometimes it’s a zoo,” he said. —Associated Press —Associated Press






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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, February 27, 2020 | A11

Travelers wear protective face masks
at the airport in Bangkok.

Some Options
There are some logical ways to
make an informed choice about
where to go. Use the CDC’s three-
level warning system, which is fre-
quently updated and considered
Level 3 is a high-level warning
of serious outbreak and it’s a no-
go. The CDC recommends avoiding
all nonessential travel. If your des-
tination is Level 3—mainland
China and South Korea, which was
added to Level 3 on Tuesday—the
decision is simple.
Level 2 calls for practicing en-
hanced precautions. You can still
go, but a good rule for any travel-
ers nervous about the virus would
be to postpone or cancel trips to
Level 2 counties—Italy, Iran and

Japan as of Tuesday. Wait for

things to resolve.
Level 1 is when a place has been
put on watch. Right now, only Hong
Kong is listed as Level 1 for corona-
virus. But other countries are listed
with “apparent community spread”:
Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan and
Vietnam. The CDC says virus spread
isn’t sustained or widespread
enough to warrant a travel health
notice. But that may be notice
enough for you.
Even without notice, you may
find public events canceled and
THE MIDDLE SEAT | SCOTT McCARTNEY venues closed. And closings to pre-

An Unsure Time to Travel

vent congregating crowds may
happen anywhere.
Public health experts say the
biggest health risk for domestic
travel now is the flu. No part of the
U.S. is considered higher risk for
coronavirus than any other. But Dr.
What you need to know to assess the pros and cons of a trip in the age of coronavirus Nuzzo of Johns Hopkins says she

doesn’t believe authorities have a
good handle on where the virus is
hould you postpone or because you typically encounter Take extra supplies of your before traveling if you haven’t al- and where it isn’t, including in the
cancel travel because of more people when traveling, pub- medications with you. Take a sup- ready. It can take a week to become U.S., because many countries aren’t
coronavirus? lic health experts say. They add ply of cold medicine and a ther- effective, but it’s not too late in the testing aggressively.
Yes, no and maybe. that proper precautions—fre- mometer. You might want to take flu season to protect yourself. “I think this virus will turn up
For some destina- quently washing hands, avoiding work materials with you that you Fourth, if you want to consider everywhere,” she says, because
tions, the answer is a touching unwashed hands to the need after your return in case you travel insurance, consider only that’s how respiratory viruses tend
clear yes; others, a clear no. An in- face and liberal use of hand sani- end up stuck somewhere. Make “cancel for any reason” plans. to spread. She also notes that try-
creasing number are becoming a tizer—reduce risk. sure you have health insurance These policies typically cost about ing to stop the spread by restrict-
maybe, where it’s really a question Here’s a guide to help you make documentation in case you end up 40% more than standard policies ing travel hasn’t worked so far.
of how much worry and hassle you informed decisions on travel: sick. And have someone back home and typically reimburse about 75% Still, Dr. Nuzzo booked a family
want to pack into your trip. at the ready to help with emer- of nonrefundable trip costs if you summer vacation recently to Mex-
One threat: If you get the flu Some Absolutes gency travel plans if you need to do cancel, says Megan Moncrief, ico and plans to go, even though
while traveling, you could end up First, if you’re sick, don’t travel. find a way home quickly. A travel chief marketing officer for Square- she expects the virus to show up
quarantined somewhere because This rule applies all the time, but agent may be a very good idea. mouth, a travel insurance compari- in Mexico.
the symptoms in early stages are people routinely ignore it. Don’t son service. That’s a lower payout “My risk tolerance is that life
very similar to those of Covid-19. do that in this climate unless you than other plans, but it’s the only needs to go on,” she says.
“I think it’s a good time to as- want to end up quarantined. type of travel insurance that will Flights by themselves aren’t
sess personal risk tolerance,” says Some countries are or will be
What should you help at this point. considered higher risk, except that
Henry Wu, director of Emory Uni- scanning passengers for increased consider before If you have insurance you they are crowded situations. Dr.
versity’s TravelWell Center and as- body temperature. If you have a bought before the outbreak began, Wu notes there have been no doc-
sistant professor of infectious dis- fever, you may be detained. Fur-
postponing or canceling it likely will only cover you if you umented or confirmed cases of
eases at Emory University School ther, airline crews are on height- travel plans? contract the virus. It might cover coronavirus transmission aboard
of Medicine. “There’s a lot of po- ened alert for anyone sneezing or you if you get sick and your doctor an airplane. The World Health Or-
tential for complications for trav- coughing. In the U.S., the Centers certifies you shouldn’t travel dur- ganization says an airplane cabin
elers that may happen even if for Disease Control and Prevention ing your planned itinerary. But by itself isn’t more conducive to
they’re not high-risk for getting has recommended flight crews iso- “As we learn more about the vi- travel insurance doesn’t cover fear. spreading infection. But the prox-
the disease.” late ill passengers. And it’s not ne- rus, governments can change over- “People are just nervous. They imity of passengers does matter.
With the virus spreading be- gotiable: On an airplane, failure to night how they are responding,” aren’t sure what’s going to happen. The WHO says the virus is
yond China to new countries, comply with crew orders is a fed- says epidemiologist Jennifer They simply don’t want to go any- transmitted by droplets, and only
events and conferences are being eral crime. Nuzzo of the Johns Hopkins Center more, don’t feel comfortable going, lives on surfaces for short periods,
canceled, airlines are expanding Second, no matter where you for Health Security. don’t feel safe going. But those perhaps 30 minutes. Other health
waivers to change reservations travel internationally, there is in- Third, consider whether you aren’t covered reasons under a groups have questioned that, sug-
without penalty and more travel- creased risk that travel may be have a higher risk of getting sick standard policy,” Ms. Moncrief says. gesting it can live much longer on
ers are looking to postpone or can- disrupted. An outbreak can mean a while traveling. Older people or Now that the coronavirus out- surfaces.
cel trips. The spread of the virus city is sealed off, flights are can- those with underlying medical break is well known, policies you If you are concerned, wipe down
to Italy and South Korea changes celed and travelers are quaran- conditions may want to ground buy won’t cover it. It’s the same surfaces you are going to touch on
travel considerations for many. tined. So best to plan ahead for se- themselves, experts say. reason you can’t buy fire insurance airplanes or other public spaces,
Travel does present greater risk rious disruption, just in case. Dr. Wu advises getting a flu shot as wildfires approach your house. such as hotel rooms.

all had this incredible spirit that

A Peter Pan Tale That’s had not been broken by whatever

they were dealing with. The way
that joy and imagination can con-

All About ‘Wendy’ quer tragedy, that clearly con-

nected us to these kids.

Can you describe your casting

BY ELLEN GAMERMAN roles of Wendy (Devin France) and process?
Peter Pan (Yashua Mack) would be A lot of the people who came
IN MOST VERSIONS of Peter Pan, the right age when he started film- down to do our casting work and
Wendy is a mother to the gang of ing, Mr. Zeitlin cast them two years designed the way to do it came
Lost Boys in Neverland. She waits early, at ages seven and five, respec- out of the Obama campaign. It’s
for them to return from their ad- tively. He took his band of child ac- like when you’re trying to get out
ventures and tucks them into bed tors on challenging location shoots, the vote and get people to come
at night. In the new movie including on the mountainous Carib- out and vote who normally don’t.
“Wendy,” however, she is as wild bean island of Montserrat and in It’s a very similar thing. We’re try-
as they are. underwater caves in Mexico. ing to get people to come out for
With his take on the girl who Mr. Zeitlin, a 37-year-old from auditions who normally would
wouldn’t grow up arriving in the- Queens, N.Y. who has lived in New never necessarily consider being

aters Friday, director Benh Zeitlin Orleans for the last 15 years, wrote an actor. We were in small towns
presents an island of children that “Wendy” with his sister Eliza Zeit- in south Louisiana, we were going
is full of joy, creativity, freedom— lin. The film grew partly from to schools that don’t have theater
and menace. their experience watching nine- programs. We go to community
The film has been Mr. Zeitlin’s year-old “Beasts” star Quvenzhané Director Benh Zeitlin, center, with Devin France who plays Wendy in the film. centers and churches, just any-
obsession over the eight years Wallis go from unselfconscious girl where where we can get someone
since his breakout feature debut to international celebrity. to have a good time. It is this un- where I’m deciding that I have to to organize the audition.
“Beasts of the Southern Wild,” an “Wendy,” a meditation on the resolvable tension between caring compromise if something is just
indie film about a girl from the power of motherhood, is dedicated and freedom. We were asking our- impossible, she’ll force me to fight One of the boys in the film ages
Louisiana bayou on a quest to find to Kassie Leah France, who died selves this question of how do we harder to stay true to the vision. It unexpectedly and becomes a villain.
her mother. The movie, whose last year and was the mother of stay free and also grow and care comes from a relationship that can Were you thinking about the ways
champions included then President the actress playing Wendy. In the about the people around us. It felt never be formed professionally. boys in particular can turn to vio-
Obama and Oprah Winfrey, was film, Wendy searches for a way to like Wendy was the character that lence as they reach adulthood?
nominated for four Oscars includ- safety. Her love for her mother is could guide us. How did you encourage the children One big question the film is ask-
ing best picture and best director. her guide. to be so wild on screen? ing is how we deal with trauma
Mr. Zeitlin cast children for Here, an edited transcript: Does working with your sister That was the easy part. They and tragedy and how it has such
“Wendy” who lacked any acting make it easier to tap into your are wild. The hard thing was to an ability to break us, to turn into
experience, as he did with Why did the story of Peter Pan ap- childhood feelings? get them to stop playing for long anger or turn into pain that needs
“Beasts.” He found the children in peal to you? Absolutely. Eliza is wilder than enough to shoot the film. It wasn’t to be suppressed. It can cause a
similar ways to that film, too, once It’s a story that was with me me. She has nine to 15 dogs at any just that we were looking for non- real loss of faith and loss of belief
again hiring former Obama cam- and my sister from when we were given moment and a pig and tur- professional kids with acting tal- that anything is possible. Wendy’s
paign aides who were skilled at really tiny children, just Peter Pan keys. She lives in a wonderland— ent. We were looking for people ability to care and not have to be
getting out the vote in areas of as a figure. We were very much she lives in a barn. Her defiance of that would run away with Peter separated from her freedom and
lower turnout, in this case can- children that didn’t want to grow conforming to the expectations of Pan actually if he showed up. Ev- not have that be separate from her
vassing schools, churches and up and he was the god of eternal the world is exponential. I more ery one of those kids comes from strength is her salvation. In some
other gathering spots in southern youth. In some ways it is a story interface with the production and hardship. Nobody was coming ways that’s something that the
Louisiana. of escaping from your problems problems with the money and lo- from what you would think about boys can’t understand and need to
To make sure the children in the for a while and denying it in order gistics, and when I hit those walls as a conventional home life. They look to her to learn.
A12 | Thursday, February 27, 2020 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


What Reality Fans See In ‘Love Is Blind’

The season finale of Netflix’s reality dating series arrives, after interest fueled by episodes' release in batches

IN THE ROUGHLY two weeks that In the ‘Love Is Blind,’

the new reality dating series “Love finale, who will marry
Is Blind” has been streaming on is the big reveal.
Netflix, critics have called it every-
thing from “offensive to human
dignity” to utterly “bonkers.”
Fans, in the meantime, can’t
look away, especially as the season
finale streams tonight. Netflix
even announced yesterday that
there would be a reunion episode
March 5.
One reason for the mania is the
premise: A group of 30 singles are
isolated from their phones and
families, then admitted to a posh
TV prison with separate sleeping
quarters for men and women. The
early episodes of the series center
around their dates with individu-
als on the other side of the
“pods,” where they can’t see one
another but sit and talk through a
glowing blue wall that would oth-
erwise look something like a con-
fession booth. Within days, cou-
ples pair off; six of them get
engaged. It’s only after they’ve ac-
cepted a proposal that they get to
see one another.

From there, they are whisked to
Mexico for a romantic vacation.
After a week, it’s back to Atlanta
(producers did all the casting
there), where they move in to- TV gimmicks. “Love
gether, meet families and prepare is Blind,” on the
for their nuptials. other hand, takes
The finale is focused on the some of the wildest
wedding ceremonies. The question aspects of the
is, which of the couples will actu- genre—isolation
ally go through with it? (The that leads people to
trailer shows one bride running make rash deci-
away from the ceremony in her sions, high stakes, a
wedding dress, leaving fans to ob- big reveal and awk-
sessively post their guesses online ward moments ga-
about who it was.) lore—and ratchets
it up.
“ ‘Love Is Blind’
is pretty much ‘The
“‘Love Is Blind’ is Bachelor’ on ste-
pretty much ‘The roids. What got me
hooked was these
Bachelor’ on steroids.” couples saying ‘I
–Anastasia Przyzyla love you’ in the first
episode after, like,
five days,” said An-
astasia Przyzyla, a
The idea behind the series is to 26-year-old psychol-
test a hypothesis that seems apt ogy grad student
for the age of Tinder: What would and self-described
happen if young singles didn’t reality-TV junkie.
have devices, distractions or physi- That, and the fact Cameron Hamilton and Lauren Speed are among the
cal attraction to draw them to- that they get en- couples who fell in love before seeing each other. The
gether? Can the participants cre- gaged sight unseen. show isolated single people in ‘pods’ (upper right) to
ate a lasting bond—or at least, one Ms. Przyzyla cre- foster an emotional connection and potential marriage.
strong enough to get them to the ated a “Love Is
altar for filmed ceremonies just Blind” discussion group on Face- would judge personality first. Dat- high,” said Rafael Sternbach-Le members’ fingers in their Insta-
four weeks later? book that racked up 6,000 mem- ing apps are awful and we’ve got Noury, marketing operations man- gram photos, like ‘Is that a ring?’
“When you talk to people about bers, including castmembers Lauren to find better ways to connect. So ager for Talkwalker. The overall When no, that’s not a ring, that’s
the experience of dating and the Chamblin and Matt Barnett (though that’s what drew me to it.” data suggest it’s almost twice as his finger!” Ms. Przyzyla said.
swipe culture, they feel so dispos- Mr. Barnett only lasted a day before Part of the excitement has been buzzy as Netflix’s other reality hit, In the end, eight couples chose
able,” said series creator and exec- leaving the group after members generated by timing. Netflix re- “The Circle.” to become engaged, Mr. Coelen
utive producer Chris Coelen. “All began screenshotting his profile). leased the series in three Moments have become memes, said. Producers had bandwidth to
of the studies say if you’re genu- “I saw the preview and I knew batches—the first five episodes de- such as when cast member Jessica follow only six couples, so two
inely interested in a lifetime com- I would be hooked,” said Stepha- buted Feb. 13, four episodes on Batten let her dog sip from her were sent home after the first
mitment, the most important thing nie Wurz, 33, a teacher in Spring- Feb. 20, and the finale will post to- wine glass during a fight with round. Now all that is left to find
is emotional connection. So we field, Va. night. That schedule allowed fan partner Mark Cuevas, or when an- out is who will get married.
thought, if you had people who “Dating is challenging. I have a interest to build. other cast member, Giannina Gi- Already, some fans are yearning
truly fell in love for what’s on the TBI [traumatic brain injury], and Within the first week, there belli, said, “I’m the luckiest girl in for more. “I’m sad that it’s almost
inside, could that love overcome that can be difficult for a lot of were more than 56,000 unique the whole world.” Because the over,” Ms. Wurz said.
the obstacles?” people to adjust to on dates,” said mentions of the show on social show was filmed in 2018, cast Mr. Coelen declined to share
The show is Netflix’s latest Dina Riccobono, 36, who founded media, generating more than members have a long trail of Insta- spoilers, but dropped one tidbit.
foray into reality series about dat- another “Love Is Blind” Facebook 350,000 likes, retweets and com- grams and other social-media foot- “Without giving anything away, the
ing, following “Dating Around,” fan group, and started a podcast ments, according to data from prints that viewers have sifted fu- people who decided to get married,
last year’s twist on the genre. called The LovePod, which grew Talkwalker, a social-media analyt- riously for hints about the finale. anybody that does that is still to-
“Dating Around” had no hosts, out of instant friendships formed ics firm. “That rate of engagement “We have members of the group gether today,” he said. “That’s going
elimination ceremonies or reality- there. “I wish that more people would be considered extremely zooming in on pics of the cast on almost a year and half.”

‘Part of Me’: Readers Share Secrets to Friendship

BY ANDREA PETERSEN feel so blessed and nourished
whether I’m actually with them or
AFTER The Wall Street Journal on the phone. The relationships
published an interview with Lydia are “reciprocal.” We try to be
Denworth, author of a new book on more interested in one another
the science of friendship, readers versus trying to be just interesting
shared stories of the relationships talking all about ourselves. Aver-
that bring meaning to their lives. age duration of my best friend-
Here are edited excerpts of ships? 20+ years.
some of their comments. —Bob Brickley, Atlanta, Ga.

I’ve believed for some time that My friendships have lasted al-
the primary components of a happy most 65 years. I’ll be 84 in May.
life are: work or activity that pro- Millie, Diana, Judy C., Judy B. and
vides a sense of purpose; enough another Judy C. have brought me Bob Brickley, right, with a close friend.
money to cover one’s needs, plus a love, laughter, joy and sorrow. We
little extra; and quality relation- waded through it all and survived Diana is living the life in Florida.
ships with friends and family. what life handed us, together. Never Both their husbands have died.
Blessed to have good friends Phil Rapp, left, a reader from Denver, with friends he’s known for about 30 years. any false faces, we knew each other Getting together is difficult. I live
and family, means a lot! too well and being our old selves in Maine and Millie in Massachu-
—Phil Rapp, Denver Be a little introspective and no- close friends. We are friends be- was a treat and a joy. We almost setts. Although we are separated
tice how you feel after seeing a cause we battle the same prob- never judged each other. in miles, we have the internet.
I lost my best friend to cancer friend. I know I feel great for sev- lems. But culturally we are quite Now only Millie and Diana are In my later years, my closest
eight years ago and still dream eral hours AFTER I’ve spent some different. I do have about three or left. Millie can no longer drive, friend was Judy C. Judy died of
about her three or four times a time with a friend. It’s clear to me four good friends from work. pancreatic cancer in January. Judy
month. I fear I will never find an- that that’s causal. After my book We’ve been friends for over 15 and her husband Louis, my hus-

other like her even though I am club meeting—all of whom have years. We’ve changed jobs, but band Bob and I traveled together
married to a great guy. I feel be- become good friends—the high stay in contact. One of these is a everywhere. We had such fun. I
reft often when I remember her. lasts for at least a day! very close friend. I’m very grateful still mourn Judy’s death. Some-
—Donna Swan, Maryville, Tenn. —Marnie Mueller, Hartford, Conn. that he’s my friend. times I forget she’s not here and
—Eric King, Rocklin, Calif. talk to her anyway. Nothing can
As you age, friends start to die I was friends with my friend ever take the place of a friend who
off, leaving you with fewer each from grade school. We met when I Interestingly, I find my best knows you perhaps better than
year. Those over-55 housing devel- was four and he was three. We had friendships…of which there may be your family.
opments can sometimes lead to been friends throughout our lives, three or four, require little mainte- Enjoy your friends, live for the
new friendships. It can be difficult until he died of cancer about 10 nance at all. Maintaining them? moment. It all passes so quickly.
to make new friends if you are still years ago. I have some friends They become part of me. We are in —Janine Pellerin, Saco, Maine
living in the same place. It’s up to from a 12-step program I partici- so many ways the same. There is a Maine reader Janine Pellerin, bottom,
you. Make friends! pate in. But after 30 years, I “oneness” about us. Conversation far left, writes that she has had Josh Rivera contributed to this
—Bob Cavagna, Southold, N.Y. wouldn’t classify any of them as flows, laughter abounds. I always friendships lasting nearly 65 years. article
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, February 27, 2020 | A13



More Than
Revealing the breadth of Surrealism
before it exploded onto the global scene

BY LANCE ESPLUND cally), a form of free-flow-

ing, uncensored expression
St. Petersburg, Fla. without reason and control.
SURREALISM, the literary A disciple of Freud, Breton
and artistic movement believed that the most di-
started by the French poet rect path to artistic libera-
Guillaume Apollinaire in tion and revelation was
1917 and officially launched, through the mining of
with manifestos, in Paris in dreams, alternate realities
1924, remains among the and the subconscious.
most ubiquitous, popular Among Surrealism’s favorite
and influential modern art parlor games was “exquisite
movements. By 1936, when corpse”—during which a col-
Salvador Dalí graced the lective picture or story was
cover of Time, Surrealism successively, “blindly” exe-
was an international sensa- cuted bit by bit on a folded
tion. Yet its founders and piece of paper as it was
followers, a stylistically and passed from person to per-
philosophically diverse son, with the whole finished
group of artists, writers and work revealed only at the
filmmakers, were notori- end. It was so named be- Salvador Dalí’s ‘Invisible Sleeping Woman, Horse, Lion’ (1930), above, and Alexander Calder’s ‘Mask’ (1929), below
ously cantankerous. The cause one such game pro-
French writer André Breton, duced “The exquisite corpse
Surrealism’s self-appointed will drink the young wine.” the DNA spiral, an immer- as inspiration for his ab- the night side of things.”
In 1920s Paris, Surrealist sive virtual-reality experi- stract landscape “Painting” However, “towards 1930,”
revolution and transgression ence with a Dalí painting (1930). Jean Arp, embracing Masson wrote, “a formidable
were in the air, but not ev- and, in the lobby gift shop, the poetry of chance, pro- disaster appeared in its
The show is well- eryone agreed on how to “The Rainy Rolls” (2010). duced biomorphic abstract midst: the demagogy of the
paced, various and make Surrealist works or It’s a working reinterpreta- sculptures such as “Meta- irrational.” “Midnight in
what they should look like. tion, utilizing a 1933 Rolls- morphosis” (1935), which Paris” touches on Surreal-
visually striking, if “Midnight in Paris: Surreal- Royce limousine, of the conflate animal, cloud, fruit, ism’s highs and lows, its
overly theatrical. ism at the Crossroads, Spanish Surrealist’s “Rainy mineral and tear, as well as darkness, poetry, beauty and
1929,” an exhibition of 80 Taxi” (1938)—a Cadillac sculptures whose multiple banalities, reminding view-
paintings, prints, sculptures, limousine inside of which elements could be reposi- ers—at the heart of the Dalí
drawings, collages, photo- Dalí placed live snails, man- tioned by viewers. Museum, no less—that the
leader, was dogmatic and graphs, films and documents nequin occupants and a In a 1920s series of auto- movement is much, much
ruthless. He regularly or- at St. Petersburg’s Dalí Mu- downpour. So perhaps it’s matic figure drawings of more than melting watches.
dained and then excommu- seum, proposes to examine unsurprising that “Midnight massacres, André Masson—
nicated artists from the fold, Surrealism’s rich visual fab- in Paris” doesn’t skimp on inspired by Nietzsche, the Midnight in Paris: Surreal-
at times through physical ric, conflicts and rivalries dramatics. Marquis de Sade and visits ism at the Crossroads, 1929
confrontations. Even Giorgio during the movement’s hey- Inside the exhibition gal- to Parisian slaughter- automatic writing, collage, The Dalí Museum, through
de Chirico, whose Metaphys- day in the City of Light. Or- leries’ dimly-lighted, laby- houses—equated the body jump-cutting and non sequi- April 9
ical dreamscapes are argu- ganized by Didier Ottinger, rinthine corridors, painted with landscape, sex with turs, creating, Dalí said, “a
ably the first modern Surre- deputy director of the Mu- dark gray and piped with battlefield, in neoclassical dagger in the heart of the Mr. Esplund, the author of
alist artworks, was held in sée national d’art moderne period music, are three-di- works of orgiastic violence. spiritual and elegant Paris.” “The Art of Looking: How to
contempt for embracing—as at the Centre Pompidou, and mensional reproductions of Dalí, collaborating with fel- Masson, a founding Sur- Read Modern and
in his painting of highly pol- William Jeffett, chief curator Hector Guimard’s Art Nou- low Spaniard Luis Buñuel on realist, saw the movement Contemporary Art” (Basic
ished, animalistic nudes, of special exhibitions at the veau Paris Métro entrance the illogical film “Un Chien as an immersion “into what Books), writes about art for
“Ancient Wrestling” Dalí, it focuses on the mo- signs, a small movie theater Andalou” (1929), embraced the German romantics call the Journal.
(1931-32)—nonsanctioned ment just before Surrealism and life-size silhouettes of
classical subject matter. burst onto and began to the show’s featured artists.
Like Dada, another of its dominate the world stage. Rather than a fully devel-
progenitors, Surrealism ad- Besides its massive Dalí oped thesis on its subject,
vocated for irrationality, collection, St. Petersburg’s “Midnight in Paris” is more
chance, randomness and re- Dalí Museum includes a like a slice of 1920s Paris art
volt. Breton promoted psy- biomorphic geodesic glass and nightlife—a Surreal fun-
chic automatism (art and bubble, a central helical house, an introductory mise-
writing made automati- staircase fashioned after en-scène.
Though overly theatrical,
somewhat cramped and oc-
casionally piecemeal (Dalí,
understandably, is overrep-
resented, whereas Alberto
Giacometti’s Surrealist
phase consists of “Disagree-
able Object,” the totemic ab-
stract plaster phallus, horn
or club from 1931), the show
is well-paced, various and
visually striking. It includes
Classic Italian style in 18kt gold
gorgeous nocturnal photo-
graphs of Paris by Brassaï Direct from Italy, 18kt yellow gold links
and two hanging wire por-
trait heads by Alexander create an iconic bismark pattern with a
Calder—eerie, disembodied
specters, suggesting severed
polished finish. With its modern design
heads, moving slowly in the and luxurious shine, you'll choose this
breeze of passersby and
casting haunting shadows. bracelet again and again.
What this exhibition lacks
in depth it makes up for in
melancholic timbre and mis-
cellany, making a strong
point for Surrealism’s revo-
lutionary diversity. Max
Ernst, in his dreamlike
novel “La Femme 100 Têtes”
(1929), saw collage as the
official challenge to tradi-
tional painting. Joan Miró,
who wanted to smash the
Cubists’ structures and gui-
Jean Arp’s ‘Pagoda Fruit’ (1934), above, and Salvador Dali’s ‘The tars, “to assassinate paint-
Spectral Cow’ (1928), below ing,” looked to children’s art

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A14 | Thursday, February 27, 2020 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Virus Alters Olympic Prep The NFL
Is Close to
Chinese officials have attempted to keep their athletes’ training on track amid the epidemic
Labor Deal

Hong Kong
he Chinese women’s Indianapolis
national soccer team THE NFL AND ITS PLAYERS
is training for the To- are on the verge of agreeing to
kyo Olympics in Aus- a new, decade-long collective
tralia. But its star bargaining agreement after a
player, Wang Shuang, tense sequence of events over
is practicing alone on a rooftop in the past week that left the bil-
the central Chinese city of Wuhan, lionaires who run the league
the epicenter of the coronavirus, anxious and the millionaires
where she is under quarantine. who play inside it preparing for
The women’s team was sched- the possibility of a labor war.
uled to play in an Olympics quali- But those fears were allayed
fier in Wuhan earlier this month, after a four-hour meeting here
but after the coronavirus fears when NFL owners met with
erupted, the competition was player leadership in a room
moved to another Chinese city be- that included the likes of super-
fore eventually winding up in Syd- stars Aaron Rodgers and Rich-
ney. When the team departed Wu- ard Sherman along with influ-
han on Jan. 22, Wang, who is from ential owners including Robert
there, and three other players— Kraft and Jerry Jones. After the
two based in Wuhan and one in owners left, many of them fur-
the hard-hit province of Zhejiang— tively through a side exit, the
weren’t among them. The city was players had another four-hour
locked down Jan. 23. meeting and took a critical step
The Chinese Football Associa- forward by voting to send the
tion says Wang and the others had new agreement to their full
to stay home so as not to poten- membership for a vote.
tially spread the epidemic further. The union’s full membership
Wang’s rooftop practice ses- will vote on the agreement in
sions, which she has posted to her In this screenshot of a video posted the coming weeks.
social media, are among the ways to Weibo, Chinese soccer star Wang The deal, which was already
Chinese athletes have had their Shuang, above, practices on a rooftop approved by ownership last
Olympic preparations thrown into in Wuhan. Swimmer Fu Yuanhui, left, week, could have dramatic ram-
turmoil by the coronavirus, which says she is training solo in Hangzhou. ifications for a league that al-
has infected more than 80,000 ready raked in around $16 bil-
people and killed more than 2,700 this month. The swimmer’s future lion in revenue last year. It
since it emerged in Wuhan late in the sport is in jeopardy as he paves the way for the NFL to
last year. awaits a decision on doping from add a 17th regular-season game
In recent weeks, Chinese sports the Court of Arbitration for Sport. as soon as 2021—one more
officials have attempted to keep Fellow swimmer and Hangzhou than is currently played—in a
their best athletes’ training on native Fu Yuanhui, known for her bet that fans and media part-
track amid the virus epidemic. Its lively personality as well as her ners want even more of the
efforts come as an International backstroke, is also practicing in uber-popular product.
Olympic Committee official this that city, according to her official The agreement also ad-
week for the first time raised the social media. She posts about her dresses issues such as the pen-
possibility that the Tokyo Games solo training, missing her team sions retired players receive,
could be canceled or postponed and being proud of her homemade minimum salaries and the share
because of coronavirus. bread. “Do you guys cook at home? of the league’s revenue that
For China, training has been a I couldn’t, but now I think I’m tal- players will receive, which
challenge. In central Hubei prov- ented in cooking! LOL,” she wrote. would rise from roughly 47% to
ince, of which Wuhan is the capi- versity of Birmingham. China’s gymnastics team hasn’t A third part of China’s plan is at least 48%. That figure could
tal, nearly 60 million people are Chinese sports authorities also been so lucky. Gymnasts had to working with international sports grow even higher if and when
under quarantine, and travel for got lucky on timing. The virus’s withdraw from a World Cup event federations to ensure their ath- the 17th game is added.
the hundreds of millions of others spread accelerated when many in Melbourne because of coronavi- letes can compete, according to The deal also removes some
across the country has been heav- athletes were already in place for a rus-related travel restrictions. the General Administration of personal conduct disciplinary
ily restricted. Elsewhere, several final pre-Olympics winter training After training in isolation in Sport, though there might not be power from commissioner
governments have banned travel- session, often held in special iso- Beijing, the gymnasts relocated to much they can do about the travel Roger Goodell, a process that
ers who have been in China, forc- lated locations, Chen said, making Qatar to prepare for more events restrictions. has chafed players who see it
ing China to figure out how to it fairly easy to turn those into that could allow individuals to “They will almost certainly have as draconian.
keep its athletes healthy and able closed camps and to avoid any un- qualify for the Tokyo Games, Peo- to accept that some athletes who

to train, as well as to travel for necessary contact with the outside ple’s Daily reported. might otherwise have been com-
competition. world. Among the other Chinese Olym- peting in Tokyo will have to miss
China’s government agency The women’s soccer team, pic teams training outside of the out,” said Brian Bridges, an affili-
overseeing sports, the General Ad- though missing their star and oth- country are the table tennis and ate fellow at the Centre for Asian
ministration of Sports, says that it ers, was able to make it to Austra- badminton squads. Pacific Studies at Lingnan Univer-
has focused on having Chinese lia before the country banned trav- China has plenty of experience sity in Hong Kong.
Olympic athletes train either over- elers who had been in China in the training its athletes abroad. For In some cases, China has aban-
seas or in isolation, and kept in past 14 days. They were quaran- example, the swim team does doned its Tokyo Olympic hopes al-
quarantine -- including coaches, tined in a Brisbane hotel for a some of its training in Australia, together. The women’s handball

athletes and cooking and cleaning week before being able to compete and Sun Yang’s gold medals at the team, for instance, withdrew from
staff. in Sydney, where the team placed 2012 Olympics in London, the first a qualifying competition in Hun-
The highly centralized nature of second to advance to the final for a Chinese male swimmer, gary because of the virus. But a
China’s elite sports programs, sup- round. Like other Chinese teams should be credited to that training lack of medal potential may have
ported heavily by government abroad, the team has extended its and foreign coaches, said Chen, the played into it, Chen said: “Let’s
funding, have allowed China to training program outside of China, Olympic expert. Now, Sun is train- face it, we haven’t had any gold
move quickly on both options, says and the team is set to play its ing in his hometown of Hangzhou, medals in handball, like ever.”
Shushu Chen, an expert on China “home game” against South Korea state broadcaster China Global —Zhao Yueling in Shanghai Richard Sherman and Aaron
and the Olympics at the U.K.’s Uni- in Australia in March. Television Network said earlier contributed to this article. Rodgers met with NFL owners.

Weather The WSJ Daily Crossword | Edited by Mike Shenk

Shown are today’s noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day.
<0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 65 W.C. Fields 28 Play reviewer
persona 30 Awesome, briefly
Vancouver Calgary 14 15 16
0s 66 Forward
10s 32 British ref. work
Winnipeg 17 18 19 thinkers?
Seattle 20s 34 Drake’s forte
P tl d
30s Montreal Augusta 20 21 22 67 Beehive State
Helena A 30s 36 Summer cooler
60s native
Billings Ottawa 40s
50s Bismarckk 10s 23 24 25 68 Site of Darth 38 Summer sign
Eugene Boston
50s Boise Mpls./St.. Paul
Pau T
Toronto 50s
Vader’s funeral
20s Ab y
Albany 26 27 28 29 30 39 Two-time British
20s 30s ff
Buffalo Hartfordd 50s 60s pyre
40s P
Pierre k
Milwaukee t
Detroit Open winner
oux FFalls
Sioux ll ew Y
New Yorkk 31 32 33 34
Chicago Cleve d
Cleveland 70s Down
Reno Ch y
Cheyenne es Moines
Des 40 Setting of the
40s 20s Ph
hil d lphi
Philadelphia 80s
Sacramento Salt
alt Lake
City 40s h
Omaha 30s Indianapo Pittsburgh
Indianapolis P b h 35 36 37 38 39 40 1 Govt. org. in sun
50s 20s Denver hington
20s Washingtongton D.C.
DC 90s 2005 headlines 42 Exam for srs.
an Francisco
San Topek
Topeka Kansas Springfield
p i fi ld 41 42 43 44
Colo d
Colorado City Ch
Charleston 100+
LLas p g
Springs LLouisville
Lou ill
Richmond d 2 Apt name for a 43 “Just act like I’m
VVegas St.. Louis
80s 40s 40s hit
l igh
Raleighh 45 46 47 48 49 50 botanist right...”
h ill
Nashville C h l tt
Los A
Angeles anta Fe
Santa Memphisphi 51 52 53 3 Pinball no-no 45 “___ Restaurant”
Ph i
Phoenix Oklahom
kl ma City
Oklahoma C b
San Diego 80s 40s Alb q q
Albuquerque Atlanta
A t
Warm Rain 4 Maker of an
LLittlee Rockk 46 Beer from
Birmingham 54 55 56 57 58 59 ill-fated flight
D ll Jack
T c
Tucson El Paso Ft. Worth Cold T-storms Mexico
60s bil
Mobile 50s Jacksonville 60 61 62 5 Small iPods
A ti
Austin 47 Go from 0 to 20,
Houstont Stationary Snow
63 64 65
6 Takes a stripe in a way
ew Orleans
l l d
an Antonio
San A t Tampa from, perhaps
10s 80s 60s Miami 66 67 68
49 View with
Showers Flurries 7 Canon supporter
0s Anchorage
A h g
l l disbelief
20s 40s 60s 70s 8 Fly type 50 Impulse
30s Ice
BACK TO THE GRIND | By Sam Buchbinder 9 Friend of Buzz transmitter
U.S. Forecasts City Hi
Lo W
Hi Lo W City Hi
Lo W
Hi Lo W
Across 26 Olympus Mons 45 Memo abbr. 10 “Gross!” 52 Some 1960s
s...sunny; pc... partly cloudy; c...cloudy; sh...showers; 1 Belong setting 48 World Court site, 11 Comfortable protests
Omaha 45 27 c 50 28 c Frankfurt 40 32 r 43 38 pc
t...t’storms; r...rain; sf...snow flurries; sn...snow; 29 Gave up with “The” 12 Daughter of Pat 53 Slip
Orlando 62 39 s 65 44 s Geneva 43 31 sn 47 38 pc 6 The shakes,
Today Tomorrow Philadelphia 44 28 pc 43 27 pc Havana 75 59 c 70 58 c and Dick
City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W
briefly 30 Exploit 50 More than 55 Nicholas II, for
Phoenix 76 51 pc 80 54 pc Hong Kong 74 65 pc 75 68 sh
Anchorage 21 7 c 16 2 c Pittsburgh 29 20 sf 33 16 sf Istanbul 63 45 sh 54 41 c 9 Tombstone name 31 Survey question inquisitive 13 Mr. Peanut one
Atlanta 47 33 s 53 35 pc Portland, Maine 45 26 r 37 23 pc Jakarta 86 78 t 86 78 sh 14 Longtime “All My that may have 51 Spike with a sports one 57 More than a tiff
Austin 62 33 s 70 38 s Portland, Ore. 61 37 s 59 39 pc Jerusalem 63 49 pc 64 45 s 19 Like some quick 58 Brand with tiger
Baltimore 44 28 pc 45 27 pc Sacramento 77 44 pc 75 49 pc Johannesburg 85 64 pc 80 56 t Children” role a “Prefer not to screenplay
London 43 34 sn 51 48 r answer” choice Oscar meals ads
Boise 54 31 s 60 37 s St. Louis 45 30 s 44 27 pc 15 Nostalgist’s focus
Boston 53 31 r 42 29 c Salt Lake City 51 30 pc 56 38 s Madrid 65 35 s 67 43 c 32 Gives the green 52 Fellow who’s a 21 Was armed
Burlington 41 21 r 29 15 c San Francisco 73 51 pc 70 50 pc Manila 90 73 pc 88 73 s 16 Closing section 59 One logging in
Charlotte 51 29 s 52 33 sh Santa Fe 52 24 s 55 29 pc Melbourne 70 56 pc 67 53 c of music light follower 24 Tigers, on
61 1989 Broadway
Chicago 32 18 pc 32 18 pc Seattle 57 37 pc 54 40 c Mexico City 74 49 s 77 48 s scoreboards
Cleveland 29 20 sf 29 19 sf Sioux Falls 33 25 c 38 26 c Milan 55 37 c 60 35 pc
17 Major fashion city 33 Banks on a 54 Summer drink play set in a
runway 56 French meat- 26 Fella writer’s New
Dallas 61 38 s 66 41 s Wash., D.C. 45 31 s 47 29 r Moscow 38 30 r 36 28 c 18 Lost pet
Denver 45 27 pc 53 30 s Mumbai 95 75 pc 91 76 pc identifier, at 35 With 37-Across, and-vegetables 27 Back York apartment
28 18 sf 29 16 c
80 69 pc 80 67 pc
International Paris
Rio de Janeiro
35 r
71 t
49 46 r
77 72 c
times living room items dish
Previous Puzzle’s Solution
Today Tomorrow found four times 60 Siamese
Houston 58 37 s 70 44 s Riyadh 76 49 pc 80 56 pc 20 Three-color P L O P S L I P S C C S
Indianapolis 33 22 pc 33 17 pc City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W Rome 57 51 pc 63 43 pc in this puzzle caretaker
sucker O S M I UM OM I T H E N
Kansas City 49 29 pc 53 31 pc Amsterdam 39 37 r 46 40 pc San Juan 84 73 s 85 73 pc 37 See 35-Across T A N G L E N A V Y S I L L
Las Vegas 70 49 pc 71 51 pc Athens 65 47 c 60 48 s Seoul 50 34 pc 45 35 r 22 Abe Beame’s 62 Basketball S T I L L MA G N O L I A S
Little Rock 52 37 s 58 36 c Baghdad 70 47 pc 72 49 pc Shanghai 56 48 pc 59 51 r successor 41 Contributes strategy Q U I T S P A G A S P
Los Angeles 86 61 pc 83 56 pc Bangkok 93 79 c 93 79 pc Singapore 89 78 pc 88 77 pc U N D I E S I S AW S E L
Miami 70 48 c 69 47 s Beijing 44 27 c 50 33 pc Sydney 76 64 pc 76 68 s 23 Freebie at many 43 Bound 63 Uma’s “Gattaca” I C A N T F I L L M Y F A C E
Milwaukee 29 17 c 28 17 c Berlin 42 33 sh 44 34 pc Taipei City 73 66 c 82 64 pc hotels 44 Its species is co-star D U H C O L A P O I N T B
Minneapolis 27 17 c 29 17 s Brussels 37 33 sn 44 40 r Tokyo 50 38 s 50 43 pc 25 Marsellus’s wife, Cervus 64 Merlin Olsen, I A N O V E N
Nashville 46 33 s 41 32 sn Buenos Aires 82 69 s 84 68 s Toronto 27 18 sf 26 9 sn K I N D O F A B I G D I L L
New Orleans 56 39 s 65 47 s Dubai 77 66 pc 79 65 pc Vancouver 50 39 c 50 39 c in “Pulp Fiction” canadensis for 15 years K I D S M I L L O R I L E Y
New York City 46 29 pc 39 29 pc Dublin 43 36 pc 50 39 r Warsaw 40 29 sh 41 31 c EWE A S I A L E S S O N
Solve this puzzle online and discuss it at

Oklahoma City 59 34 pc 64 37 pc Edinburgh 43 34 pc 44 37 r Zurich 42 31 sn 45 37 r G I S N E T S T H A N X

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, February 27, 2020 | A15

Trump Versus the Coronavirus BOOKSHELF | By Tunku Varadarajan

After a high
official of the
U.S. Centers
Schumer”: “He didn’t
like my early travel clos-
ings. I was right. He is
antiviral therapies.
Imagine if for the past
40 years, the U.S. health
for Disease
Control and
said Tuesday
Virtually within mo-
ments of the CDC an-
nouncement, Health and
care system were run
like Mr. Sanders’s two fa-
vorite alternatives—the
U.K.’s National Health
Of Compassion
about the cor- Human Services Secre- Service or Healthcare in
onavirus that tary Alex Azar found Canada. It is only a slight
The Dalai Lama: An Extraordinary Life
By Daniel


“we expect we himself under assault at exaggeration to say . . . By Alexander Norman
will see com- a hearing on virus prepa- we’d be dead. (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 410 pages, $30)

munity spread ration by grandstanding Every day, the Demo-
in this country,” the Dow Jones senators from both par- crats’ socialist front-run- n July 6, 1935, was born a boy to a family of peasants
Industrial Average closed ties—the GOP’s Richard ner condemns “the in the village of Taktser in the far northeast of Tibet.
nearly 900 points down for the Shelby and John Ken- crooks who run the phar- Its inhabitants spoke a coarse dialect that was
day. nedy and Democrat Patty maceutical industry in incomprehensible in Lhasa, Tibet’s storied capital. The boy,
By now, everyone knows that Murray. America today.” Crooks? Lhamo Dondhup, was one of only seven siblings, out of 16,
coronavirus community spread By day’s end, the Rome’s St. Peter’s Square Wednesday Does even Bernie’s base who survived into adulthood.
equates with quarantines. “Pan- seven cage fighters in the believe this? Although the village was remote, it was not godforsaken.
demic” is suddenly a household South Carolina Democratic de- meandering. Maybe it was jet A Medicare for All system in At barely 2 years of age, Lhamo Dondhup was identified as
word. We aren’t there yet, and bate were piling on. Sen. Ber- lag. The administration officials the U.S., with minimal private the reincarnation of the 13th Dalai Lama, who had died in
may never be. The CDC went nie Sanders ridiculed the who spoke, including coronavi- hospitals or physicians, would 1933. Solemn portents and divinations had led a party of
public because the Covid-19 vi- “great genius” in the White rus team leader Vice President collapse beneath a real virus monks to Taktser, where the lively little mite convinced his
rus spreads more easily than House and naturally called for Mike Pence, sounded solid. But crisis. Medicare for All would visitors that he was next in a line of Tibetan Buddhist god-
previous viruses such as SARS expanding the World Health if there is a public breaking smother the public-private in- popes stretching back 600 years.
or MERS. Organization. point to the familiar Trump mo- frastructure in the U.S. that de- In “The Dalai Lama,” a biography written with generous
Let us simplify: If anything dus operandi, a coronavirus cri- velops, manufactures and dis- access to its subject, Alexander Norman describes the scene.
close to “community spread” sis could surface it. tributes lifesaving therapies for With the monks looking on, the boy picked out, unprompted,
The virus exposes the occurs in the U.S., two political A public faced with any viruses—or anything else. a series of objects that had belonged to the Great Thirteenth.
careers will be at risk—Donald chance of restrictions on its The Wall Street Journal this Locals spoke of a rainbow appearing over the boy’s house at
political weakness of Trump’s and Bernie Sanders’s, personal movement—whether week wrote about Moderna the time of his birth. “This was a theogony,” writes Mr.
both the president in the middle of a presidential in New York City or Podunk— Inc., an 800-employee drug Norman, “the coming of a god.”
campaign. won’t want happy talk from company in Cambridge, Mass., A rival candidate was in contention, a well-born child in
and Bernie Sanders. If the virus expands in the the president’s aides or tweets that is working around the Lhasa; but there could be no doubt that the boy from Taktser
U.S., both the content and the from him filled with faux ex- clock to create a coronavirus was the next Dalai Lama, the paramount monk who is Tibet’s
quality of the response will be clamation points. To simplify vaccine within months. If spiritual and temporal leader. It is an office like no other on
This is a moment when the on President Trump. As such, further, will Mr. Trump man- BernieCare happens, they’re earth: “The profundity of the emotional connection Tibetans
public of any affected coun- the coronavirus could be the age the coronavirus in a way gone. No, you won’t be able to have with the Dalai Lama,”
try—China, Italy, South Korea issue on which Mr. Trump fi- that doesn’t sound like a guy import the coronavirus vaccine Mr. Norman writes, “is
or the U.S.—expects the people nally blows himself up with on a bar stool? from Canada. beyond anything that others
atop its government to provide Twitter. But consider Mr. Sanders, Everything but the kitchen can easily imagine.” The one
political leadership. This being It will be a situation in who in these debates is sound- sink will be thrown into this in whom “the bodhi—the
the U.S. in our politically de- which the public is looking to ing more and more like the year’s presidential election. awakened mind of the
graded times, we are getting him for leadership. But on the loudmouth at the other end of We’d do worse, though, than to Buddha—resides is not merely
no such thing from Democrats evidence of the past three the bar. If the coronavirus be- settle it over one issue—which a monarch. He is someone who
or Republicans. years, it will be child’s play for comes a live issue in the U.S., man’s politics is most likely to connects, in himself, the seen
One has to wonder: If an- Mr. Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Mr. Mr. Sanders will have a bigger protect us from a genuine world with that unseen.”
other 9/11 happened, would Sanders or the media to goad problem than Mr. Trump. It’s health crisis, now or in the in- The subtitle of Mr. Norman’s
Chuck Schumer within an hour Mr. Trump into a low-grade called Medicare for All. evitable, viral future. book, “An Extraordinary Life,”
accuse Donald Trump of “tow- Twitter spat, which will look A grim reality for medical This is an argument a presi- is an understatement. The 14th
ering and dangerous incompe- as if he thinks the coronavirus science is that deadly mutating dential Mr. Trump should be Dalai Lama, regarded as divine
tence,” as he did Tuesday? Of is about him, not the American viruses are inevitable, as are able to win. But if the corona- when he could barely speak, was
course he would. Just as Mr. people. antibiotic-resistant infections. virus debate comes down to enthroned at the age of 4. After a
Trump amid the crisis would Mr. Trump’s presentation at We are in a race between a vi- Trump of Twitter versus Crazy childhood in which he had no friends and
find time, as he did Tuesday, Wednesday evening’s press con- rus calamity and the ability to Bernie, all bets are off. was forbidden to play soccer, he took on full
to tweet-smack “Cryin’ Chuck ference on the virus was fairly create effective vaccines and Write [email protected]. political duties at 15, outgrowing his oppressive regents. At
23, he fled to exile in India, crossing the border, Mr. Norman
tells us, on the back of a dzo, a cross between a yak and a

Last Stand Against Bernie Sanders cow: “And it was on this humble form of transport that the
Precious Protector, the Victor, Lion Among Men, Wish-
Fulfilling Jewel, Ocean of Wisdom . . . quit his homeland.”
By Karl Rove vote earlier this month, in 2016 tionately among those candi- over electability. Primary vot- That journey occurred in 1959, when it became clear that

Hillary Clinton edged him out dates who receive more than ers tend to identify their fa- Communist China intended not merely to obliterate Tibet’s
ince winning the popular with 49.8% to 49.6% among 15% of votes in a state or con- vored candidate as the most culture but to imprison the Dalai Lama himself. Exile from
vote in the Democratic pledged delegates. (Vote-share gressional district, the Ver- electable. So it is with Sand- Tibet—which continues to this day—was not just personally
presidential race’s first figures weren’t released.) With monter took 37.5% of the Gran- ernistas, who dream of raising devastating to the Dalai Lama; 80,000 Tibetans fled to India
three contests, Bernie Sanders a split field, Mr. Sanders’s ite State’s pledged delegates. a revolutionary army of here- in that year alone—to the consternation, Mr. Norman notes,
has received generous acco- share of the vote this time was This distortion will become tofore politically inactive stu- of Jawaharlal Nehru, India’s prime minister, who was
lades. He’s been crowned a the lowest among winners in more pronounced on Super dents, people of color and petrified of upsetting Mao Zedong.
strong front-runner, with the history of the Iowa caucus. Tuesday, March 3, when Mike blue-collar unionists. The Tibetan diaspora numbers 150,000, most of them
many already declaring him At 26.2%, his delegate share Bloomberg appears on ballots, Nor will traditional Demo- (including the Dalai Lama) residing in India. The population
the presumptive nominee. It’s was five points below the next boosted by a massive ad blitz crats convert Sanders support- of the Chinese-occupied Tibet Autonomous Region is put at
said he has an insurmountable lowest among Iowa winners, and an army of organizers. Mr. ers by charging him with the three million, of which 90% is ethnic Tibetan, according to
lead and a powerful hold on Rep. Dick Gephardt’s 31.3% in Bloomberg will dilute the non- biggest proposed expansion of Beijing’s own reckoning, which certainly undercounts the
the party faithful. 1988. Bernie vote further, causing government and spending in Han Chinese interlopers. Given that China’s “ascent as a
The senator from Vermont more-moderate candidates to history. His backers love him world superpower looks set to continue into the foreseeable
may well become the Demo- fall below the 15% threshold in for his promises to spend tril- future,” laments Mr. Norman, fewer countries “will dare risk
cratic nominee in July but let’s Can traditional more states and districts. This lions, raise taxes and make their trading relations with China for the sake of a few
put things in perspective. in turn could boost Mr. Sand- radical changes to American million Tibetans.”
There will be 3,979 “pledged” Democrats unite and ers’s delegate strength even capitalism and society. Still, Mr. Norman knows the Dalai Lama better than most,
delegates at the Democratic rally in time to stop higher above his share of each these attacks could rally the having helped him to write his autobiography. His new book
National Convention in July. state’s vote. other Democratic voters, is rich, sometimes heaving, with detail; his supple prose,
That doesn’t include the the slide to socialism? The overly crowded lane of though at the risk of exposing often beautiful, is as adept at explaining Tibet’s theology as
superdelegates (now camou- Democratic candidates who weaknesses that President it is at describing its spiritual world. “Every feature of the
flaged as “automatic delegate appeal to moderates and tradi- Trump will surely exploit if Mr. landscape and every creature dwelling within it,” he writes,
votes”), who can vote only if Similarly, Mr. Sanders took tional liberals is fueling the Sanders is his opponent. “falls under the aegis of some sprite or spirit or deity. Even
there’s a second ballot. New Hampshire with 25.7% of sense that Mr. Sanders will in- If Democrats throw in their the bolts of lightning in a storm were said to issue from the
A candidate therefore needs the vote this year, the lowest evitably win the party’s nomi- cards and reconcile themselves mouths of celestial dragons.”
1,990 pledged delegates to win in that state’s history and 34 nation. Poor Super Tuesday to a Sanders nomination, it’s a
on the first ballot. So far only points less than his 60.1% in numbers and the lack of funds sign they’re resigned to fol-
101 have been allocated. South 2016. Only in Nevada did Mr. that will follow, however, may lowing the British Labour A Westerner with rare access to his subject
Carolina’s primary Saturday Sanders’s 46.8% share of thin the field, perhaps allow- Party to a crackup and a sting- writes an authorized biography of one of the
will award 54 more, but that county convention delegates ing one traditional Democrat ing defeat. Uniting the party’s
will be a small part of the last week approximate his to emerge as Mr. Sanders’s less radical wings to prevail world’s most feted, and charismatic, figures.
crowd in Milwaukee’s Fiserv share from 2016—when he fin- lone bête noire. against the hard left, on the
Forum for the convention. ished second in the Silver The contest could still sur- other hand, will require grit,
Mr. Sanders has won 45 State. prise us, especially if Mr. Bi- courage and alacrity. Time is Yet the most potent forces against which the Dalai Lama
delegates thus far, Pete Butt- The large number of more- den wins South Carolina short, and it may be that Mr. has grappled have been infernal. His two regents were, Mr.
igieg 25, Joe Biden 15, Eliza- traditional Democratic candi- soundly and picks up momen- Sanders is unbeatable. But Norman says, martinets who coveted the power they enjoyed
beth Warren 8 and Amy dates to his right is helping tum for Super Tuesday. Alter- make no mistake: With a so- when he was a minor. The first was jailed by his successor
Klobuchar 7. While Mr. Sand- the self-proclaimed democratic natively, if he craters, tradi- cialist on a trajectory to be the and, as one account has it, killed by having his testicles
ers leads, he’s nowhere near socialist win contests with low tional Democrats could move Democratic nominee, Republi- crushed. Remarkably, the man who emerged from these dark
what’s needed to win. This vote shares. In New Hampshire toward someone who looks cans couldn’t be happier. beginnings has proved to be a serene statesman, known for
race still could have a long the moderate (comparatively like he can stop the Bern. his beatific smile and ecumenical diplomacy.
way to go. speaking) trio of Mr. Buttigieg, To win, ordinary Democrats Mr. Rove helped organize The Dalai Lama is among the world’s most feted figures.
It’s also worth noting that Ms. Klobuchar and Mr. Biden must realize they risk losing the political-action committee Mr. Norman explains how he has done more to promote
Mr. Sanders won the first three received a combined 52.6% of 2020 to Donald Trump and American Crossroads and is Buddhism in the Western world than any person in history
contests with very low shares votes to Mr. Sanders’s 25.7%. their party to the loony left. author of “The Triumph of and stresses that it is his charismatic wisdom, even more
of the vote. While he took Iowa Yet because Democratic Party Yet they won’t peel away William McKinley” (Simon & than his campaign for freedom, that makes him a darling in
with 26.5% of the final caucus rules award delegates propor- Sanders voters by arguing Schuster, 2015). the West. His appeal transcends ideology, and he has had
admirers as diverse as Allen Ginsberg, the Beat poet, and
George W. Bush, along with Hollywood stars galore. Mr.

Where’s That 3% Growth? Norman’s book, while respectful, is not adoring: He doesn’t
flinch from offering examples of his subject’s behavior that
are awkward. These include an instance in Norway when the
By James K. Glassman of Economic Analysis esti- fixed investment fell. There’s another likely de- Dalai Lama giggled and told a teenager she was “too fat.”

mates only 2.3% for 2019. Economic growth lifts all terrent as well. Mr. Trump’s His views on homosexuality are not in lockstep with those
resident Trump is re- Overall, annual GDP growth boats, and it is disappoint- erratic behavior and penchant of Western progressives, and no one can deny that his judg-
portedly planning an- under Mr. Trump has averaged ing—but probably inevitable— for economic and diplomatic ment faltered when he granted audiences to the leader of a
other tax cut. If so, he only a few tenths of a point that the Democratic presiden- isolation have almost cer- cult that went on to murder people with sarin gas in Tokyo.
should figure out why the first better than that of President tial candidates have focused tainly dampened the enthusi- If he has shown himself to be fallible, on occasion, his
one was a dud. Obama’s second term. on redistribution rather than asm of both foreigners and understanding of China cannot be faulted. The horrors heaped
As a card-carrying supply- increasing GDP. Americans to devote capital on Tibet during the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural
sider, I was certain tax reform Still, why didn’t the tax here. Foreign direct invest- Revolution abated with Mao’s death, but it is still a land that
would at last lift the U.S. The Trump tax cut cuts have the desired effect? ment has dropped for five lives under brutal subjugation. A realist, the Dalai Lama has
economy out of its rut of 2% Perhaps they did but were straight quarters. stated for decades that he would accept China’s sovereignty
growth. On Dec. 16, 2017, a hasn’t lived up to its overwhelmed by losses from The Obama years were over Tibet in exchange for autonomy. But China dismisses
few days before he signed the promise. The reason other policies. Tariffs on for- hardly brilliant for the econ- him as a separatist under the sway of “hostile foreign forces.”
Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, Mr. eign goods harmed growth by omy. After a bad recession, we In 2011, the Dalai Lama announced his retirement as
Trump told reporters: “The may be Trump. raising prices for consumers didn’t get our usual roaring leader of Tibet’s government in exile, giving the role to a
economy now has hit 3%. No- and producers and disrupting recovery. Instead, we puttered democratically elected minister. The next Dalai Lama may
body thought we’d be any- supply chains. Restrictive im- along at little better than 2%. well choose to undo this political reform, and yet, in thus
where close. I think we can go I supported the 2017 corpo- migration policies helped cut Unfortunately, we’re still put- “handing over political power,” writes Mr. Norman, “the
to 4%, 5% and maybe even 6% rate and personal tax cuts, ex- U.S. population growth to less tering along. Precious Protector brought to an end . . . centuries of
ultimately.” pecting them to add incentives than 0.5% last year, the small- theocratic rule.” It was the act of a thoroughly modern
But the increase in gross to work and invest. Businesses est increase since the 1918 Mr. Glassman, a consultant monk—the first democrat to lead Tibet’s people. It breaks
domestic product hasn’t hit were supposed to plow tons of Spanish flu epidemic. A grow- to businesses and nonprofits, the heart that he has, in China, a foe so all-consuming.
3%. It was only 2.3% in 2017 money into new factories and ing population, especially of served as undersecretary of
and 2.9% in 2018, when the machines. Instead, in 2019, working-age immigrants, is state for public diplomacy un- Mr. Varadarajan is executive editor at Stanford
cuts kicked in. The U.S. Bureau real private nonresidential crucial to economic growth. der President George W. Bush. University’s Hoover Institution.
A16 | Thursday, February 27, 2020 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Bernie’s Foreign Sympathies The SASB Doesn’t Work for Mike Bloomberg

ernie Sanders wants Americans to be- dependence and security of Israel,” but it’s clear Regarding your editorial “Bloom- parable and reliable information
lieve he’s a garden variety “democratic from these public statements that he sees Israel berg’s Business Nanny” (Feb. 18) on about drivers of risk and return, they
the Sustainability Accounting Stan- can more efficiently price risks and
socialist,” with the emphasis on demo- as the main obstacle to a stable peace with the
dards Board: The SASB is not pursu- opportunities, and investors can
cratic. But as media scrutiny Palestinians. This ignores de- ing Michael Bloomberg’s—or any- more effectively allocate capital.
of the Democratic presidential He assails Americans cades of Palestinian rejection one’s—policy agenda. Furthermore, Standardization is important be-
front-runner increases, we’re who support Israel and of extraordinary Israel peace the SASB has always believed that cause, while companies already re-
learning more about where his offers, notably midwifed by “materiality judgments can properly port a large and rapidly growing vol-
political sympathies lie, and calls Bibi a ‘racist.’ American Presidents, includ- be made only by those that under- ume of sustainability information, it
they’re revealing about what ing Bill Clinton in 2000 and stand the reporting entity’s pertinent has not typically met the needs of
a Sanders foreign policy George W. Bush in 2008. facts and circumstances,” which is shareholders and other providers of
would look like. Mr. Sanders condemns Mr. Netanyahu, who why we encourage companies to con- financial capital. The SASB’s work is
The latest example came this week when Mr. was democratically elected, but he says nothing sider and assess for themselves each supported by a broad swath of main-
Sanders rejected an invitation to speak at the about Hamas’s dictatorial control of Gaza and topic in the SASB standard for their stream investors with nearly $40 tril-
industry or industries. When a com- lion under management. The SASB’s
annual American Israel Public Affairs Commit- missile assaults on Israeli civilians. A U.S. Presi-
pany determines that a sustainability aim is to help facilitate efficient and
tee summit in Washington next week. The con- dent who is this hostile to Israel would have no topic is financially material to its resilient capital markets that can
ference is a campaign staple for candidates of chance of persuading Mr. Netanyahu, or any Is- business, SASB’s voluntary standards support long-term economic growth.
both parties, though there is no obligation to raeli Prime Minister, to make sacrifices in re- offer a way to standardize disclosure JANINE GUILLOT
attend. turn for supporting a Palestinian state. on that topic for the benefit of both CEO, SASB Foundation
But Mr. Sanders didn’t merely reply with a These sympathies are part of Mr. Sanders’s companies and investors. San Francisco
polite “sorry I’m busy.” The Senator took to long-time worldview, and he has collected ad- Finally, contrary to the implica-
Twitter on Sunday to say that “I remain con- visers of similar mind. Rep. Ilhan Omar (D., tions of your editorial, the SASB sets Will we be counting the cage-free
cerned about the platform AIPAC provides for Minn.) is a Bernie backer known for her anti-Is- standards for company disclosure— eggs before or after the goose is
leaders who express bigotry and oppose basic rael broadsides that caused House Democrats not for performance. Our work is killed?
premised on the idea that when mar- JAMES RADKINS
Palestinian rights. For that reason I will not at- to rebuke her.
kets have access to consistent, com- Vancouver, Wash.
tend their conference.” Matt Duss, a Sanders adviser who could run
Bigotry? America’s pro-Israel lobby that in- the National Security Council, has written that
cludes more than 100,000 members nurtures “Like segregation in the American South, the
racial hatred? siege of Gaza (and the entire Israeli occupation, Solar Power Grows, but Market Share Is Low
Apparently Mr. Sanders meant what he said for that matter) is a moral abomination.” Mr. “Cheap Solar Power Challenges 21%. For natural-gas plants, the range
because in the Charleston debate Tuesday night Duss scrapped with the American Jewish Com- Coal’s Dominance in India” (Page One, is several times higher. Based on this
he was asked about the tweet and whether he mittee, the Simon Wiesenthal Center and the Feb. 18) may invite undue compla- and other differences, the IEA’s
would move the U.S. Embassy back to Tel Aviv Anti-Defamation League as a blogger for an af- cency about solar power’s capabili- “stated policies” scenario estimates
from Jerusalem. President Trump moved the filiate of the left-wing Center for American ties. According to the International that coal and natural gas will still be
Embassy to Jerusalem in 2018 after many years Progress. Energy Agency, solar’s total installed producing about 45% of the world’s
gigawatts may surpass other electric- electricity by 2040, while solar will
of bipartisan Congressional support for doing On Wednesday Bernie adviser David Sirota
power sources as early as 2035, but supply only about 11%.
so that included Joe Biden. tweeted that “I love that Politico’s newsletter photovoltaic technology still will lag For those who are looking for an
“Let me just—the answer is, it’s something for military-industrial complex lobbyists this far behind fossil fuels in the electric- exit strategy from fossil fuels, this
that we would take into consideration,” Mr. morning warns that out of all the candidates ity it actually produces. This is be- should be a call to action. To make a
Sanders replied about the Embassy. Then he running, @BernieSanders represents an ‘un- cause solar has a “capacity factor,” or real dent in global carbon emissions,
loaded up for the kicker: “I am very proud of precedented threat to the status quo.’” Mr. Duss average level of electricity generation we need an investment in solar and
being Jewish. I actually lived in Israel for some retweeted with a “Sounds good.” relative to maximum technical out- other renewable energy sources far
months. But what I happen to believe is that, Mr. Sirota, a likely aide in a Sanders White put, that is much lower than other beyond currently stated policies.
right now, sadly, tragically, in Israel, through House, praised Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez upon fuel sources. The IEA estimates that PHILIP WARBURG
Bibi Netanyahu, you have a reactionary racist his death in 2013 for having “racked up an eco- solar has a capacity factor of 10% to Newton, Mass.
who is now running that country.” nomic record that a legacy-obsessed American
Wow. The man who could be the next U.S. president could only dream of achieving.” This
President calls the 14-year Prime Minister of is a crowd that, like Mr. Sanders, looks for the
America’s closest Middle East ally a racist. It’s “bright side of the Castro regime” in Cuba, as We Are Volunteers in Mike Bloomberg’s Army
true that Mr. Sanders is a profligate user of the Pete Buttigieg put it Tuesday night. Regarding “Bloomberg Hires Social- ers of Bernie Sanders and Donald
“racist” label against people he dislikes, includ- Mr. Sanders is careful these days to say he Media Army” (U.S. News, Feb. 20): Trump. Heather Rosmarin, a Califor-
ing Mr. Trump. But this was still what our opposes “authoritarians” of all stripes, left and Mike Bloomberg has thousands of vol- nia-based clean-energy lawyer,
friends at the New York Sun called “a breathtak- right. And Michael Bloomberg was unfair to im- unteer grass-roots supporters who are founded and administers California for
ing moment.” All the more so because none of ply he supports Communism. But every now creating and participating in online Bloomberg on Facebook as a volunteer.
the other Democratic candidates on stage spoke and then the mask of soft democratic socialism communities on Facebook without pay- None of us was asked to start
up to disagree. slips from Mr. Sanders, and the face of hard left- ment. Volunteers stepped up to create these social-media groups for the
or manage Facebook groups in support campaign nor do we take direction or
Mr. Sanders also promised to protect “the in- ist international solidarity emerges.
of Mike’s candidacy before the cam- receive payment from the campaign.
paign had any state or local online Whether our groups have several

Religious Liberty Wins Another presence. Our goal is to foster positive

online communities that enable Bloom-
hundred or tens of thousands of
members, we are all proud to be part

berg supporters and the “Bloomberg- of a thriving, organically growing,
he Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals rialize U.S. servicemen who died overseas in curious” to connect with each other, volunteer-led grass-roots network
broke no new legal ground last week World War I. Later the land it was on became pub- ask questions and share information. that supports Mike Bloomberg for
when it reversed its earlier decision rul- lic property. The Court ruled it “does not offend For example, Sheikh Musa Dram- president.
ing that a cross erected on a public park in Pensa- the Constitution.” meh, a New York-based African-Ameri- SHEIKH MUSA DRAMMEH
cola, Fla., had to go. But it carries the message Thus the 11th circuit reconsidered its deci- can Muslim community leader, set up New York
that the so-called Lemon legal test that has long sion, and in Kondrat’yev v. Pensacola the court the largest independent social-media- HEATHER ROSMARIN
campaign platform for Mike Oakland, Calif.
governed interpretations of the Constitution’s Es- has concluded that the Bayview Cross in Pensa-
Bloomberg: the national Facebook
tablishment Clause may finally be dead. cola also is not a government establishment of group Bloomberg for President, which
The test comes from the Supreme Court’s religion. It’s as much a victory for common sense now has more than 40,000 members. Coronavirus Infection: DHS
1971 ruling in Lemon v. Kurtzman. In that deci- as it is for the First Amendment. The cross was Joshua Shemtov, a Miami-based real-
sion the Court required that government actions erected in 1941 as the nation prepared to enter estate broker, administers Florida for
Should First Do No Harm
implicating religion have a “secular purpose” World War II. The people of Pensacola have held Mike Bloomberg and other Bloomberg Regarding Holman Jenkins’s “Cor-
and “primary effect” that “neither advances nor events of all kinds on the site and it is an impor- supporter groups on Facebook. He’s onavirus Needs a Free Press” (Busi-
inhibits religion.” In 1984 the Court added that tant part of community life. been volunteering up to 14 hours a day ness World, Feb. 12): Landing at
a “reasonable observer” must conclude the gov- As Justice Samuel Alito wrote in the Ameri- to support the groups and fend off Houston’s international airport re-
ernment is not endorsing religion. can Legion case, “A government that roams the troll attacks, primarily from support- cently, I found 14 immigration isles,
But the Lemon test took a big hit last year in land, tearing down monuments with religious but only one was open. In the one-
and-a-half hours I stood in line “all”
American Legion v. American Humanist Assn. symbolism and scrubbing away any reference to
That case also involved a cross, which had been the divine will strike many as aggressively hos-
Bernie Needs to Come Clean passengers processed from my Tai-
pei flight had to use the same fin-
commissioned by the American Legion to memo- tile to religion.” On His Health Records Now gerprint touch screen. There was no
Regarding your editorial “Bernie’s hand sanitizer and no staff even oc-

No Asylum for Sanctuary States Medical Stonewall” (Feb. 21): I am an

80-year-old, fee-based physician
casionally cleaning it.
Surely a simple way to minimize

working at the Military Entrance the spread of the coronavirus to
emocratic states are refusing to coop- which upheld Justice’s authority to withhold Processing Station in Phoenix. Inter- U.S. citizens would be to clean the
erate with federal immigration en- funds from New York City and seven states. views and physical examinations are one thing every person touches at
forcement, but then they complain “We conclude that the plain lan- done on all military applicants 17-40 these immigration points.
that the Justice Department years of age. If there have been any CARL CARTHY
guage of the relevant statutes
medical issues in an applicant’s life, Bangkok
is using its legal authority to The Second Circuit says authorizes the Attorney Gen- the Defense Department requires the
impose financial conse- the feds can withhold eral to impose the chal- release of all past medical records
quences for their resistance. lenged conditions,” Judge Re- for review before accepting the ap-
Sorry, they can’t have it both funds for defying the law. ena Raggi wrote for the court. plicant for enlistment in the military.
ways, the Second Circuit She explained that the Supreme A personal letter from his doctor
Court of Appeals ruled on Court has held, since Maryland alone is not acceptable.
Wednesday. tried to tax the Second Bank of the U.S. two cen- With that requirement for our mil-
The Justice Department under Jeff Sessions turies ago, that a “State may not pursue pol- itary applicants, how can anyone feel
comfortable voting for a 78-year-old

sought to condition Byrne Program grants for icies that undermine federal law.”
public safety to cooperation with federal immi- She added that Justice did not violate the presidential candidate who recently
had a heart attack, treated by doc-
gration law. Congress in 2006 required states APA because the Attorney General invoked
tors who “reopened [a blockage in
and cities to satisfy requirements “in such form rather than interpreted the plain text of federal his coronary artery] and placed two
as the Attorney General may require” and “shall immigration law. The APA applies only when a drug-eluting stents” in his heart?
issue.” States must also certify they will comply government agency is seeking to give new Not releasing all of Sen. Sanders’s Is this a plot to spread Coronavirus?
with all “applicable Federal laws.” meaning to federal law. medical records, along with his prog-
Mr. Sessions required grant applicants to As for the Tenth Amendment, sanctuary nosis for the next several years,
comply with a federal immigration law that states need a refresher course in federalism. amounts to a huge coverup by a Pepper ...
bars local governments from restricting com- The Supreme Court has long held that Congress presidential candidate applying for
munications about citizenship information can seek to influence state policy choices as the most demanding, strenuous job
And Salt
with federal immigration authorities. He also long as a state has a “legitimate choice whether in the world. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL

required states and cities to give immigration to accept the federal conditions in exchange for WILLIAM W. BOHNERT, M.D.
officials, upon request, the release dates of in- federal funds.”
carcerated undocumented immigrants and ac- The Supreme Court struck down the Afford-
cess to them. able Care Act’s Medicaid expansion because it CORRECTION
Sanctuary states refused and then sued to threatened states by withholding
force the Trump Administration to pay up. They 100% of their Medicaid funding, which com- Luther Henderson leads the orches-
claimed Justice’s conditions violate the Admin- prised between 10% and 16% of their bud- tra in some tracks on “Eileen Farrell:
istrative Procedure Act (APA) and Tenth Amend- gets. But Byrne grants are relatively minuscule, The Complete Columbia Album Col-
ment’s anti-commandeering principle, which making up less than 0.1% of Massachusetts and lection.” A Feb. 4 review of the collec-
prohibits the federal government from compel- New York budgets. tion gave an incorrect first name.
ling states to enact or administer a fed- The ruling is a major victory for the plain
eral regulatory program. reading of the law and proper understanding Letters intended for publication should
The Third, Seventh and Ninth Circuits issued of federalism. Liberals might even be grateful be addressed to: The Editor, 1211 Avenue
of the Americas, New York, NY 10036,
injunctions against Justice. So did federal judge since the “sanctuary” movement, and its delib- or emailed to [email protected]. Please
Edgardo Ramos, who cited a sloppy Seventh erate lawlessness, have helped immigration re- include your city and state. All letters
Circuit decision that glazed over the plain lan- strictionists politically. The Supreme Court may are subject to editing, and unpublished
guage of the law. But he was reversed Wednes- now take up the question, and it has a formida- letters can be neither acknowledged nor “If you can’t bond with him,
day by the Second Circuit three-judge panel, ble guide in the Second Circuit ruling. at least ‘like’ him on social media.”
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, February 27, 2020 | A17


This Is No Time to Go Wobbly on Capitalism

By Nikki Haley 1800. Medical breakthroughs mean Then there are critics who call

Americans live much longer. In for other kinds of hyphenated capi-
here’s an important de- 1820, 94% of the world lived in ex- talism. Some are conservatives who
bate happening in Amer- treme poverty, earning less than seem embarrassed by the free mar-
ica right now, a competi- $1.90 a day, adjusted for purchasing ket. They advocate for more tax
tion among three distinct power. Today that figure is closer to credits here, more subsidies there,
views of the world. The 10%. Because of capitalism, the more mandates for this, more regu-
first view is held by those who world is cleaner, healthier and lations for that. But their new capi-
think capitalism is the best and fair- wealthier than ever. talism would merely give govern-
est economic system the world has As governor of South Carolina, I ment more power over businesses,
ever seen. The second is held by saw capitalism work. Pro-market workers and families. It differs from
those who think socialism is the an- policies helped bring our state more socialism only in degree.
swer to a host of problems from cli- than $20 billion in capital invest- It’s true that some businesses
mate change to inequality. Then ment and created jobs in every are corrupt. That isn’t capitalism,
there are those who are pushing a county. But I saw something differ- and it isn’t legal. It’s also true that
watered-down or hyphenated capi- ent during my time as ambassador too many lobbying interests win
talism, which is the slow path to so- to the U.N. I was reminded that not special treatment. That isn’t capi-
cialism. every country enjoys the same free- talism either. It’s cronyism and cor-
dom and prosperity. More than 1.5 PHIL FOSTER porate welfare, which should be
billion people still suffer under so- stopped. Finally, it’s true that in-
As Democrats embrace cialist regimes. come inequality exists. But that’s
Socialism is the dangerous prop- infinitely better than the alterna-
outright socialism, some osition that government should con- tive. Under socialism, everyone is
CEOs and Republicans call trol more of your life, including can socialists claim they seek a gen- alarm. Advocates of so-called stake- equal—equal in poverty and mis-
your property, your money and even tler socialism, like the one found in holder capitalism—a philosophy ery—except for those who control
for unwise compromises. your religion. From North Korea to Scandinavian countries. But over that retains the word “capitalism” the government.
China to Venezuela, socialism re- the years Sweden has cut taxes and but abandons its meaning—include The socialist and hyphenated
sults in hunger, poverty and misery. introduced a school-choice program. the Business Roundtable. Last year, capitalist “solutions” will make
Mark me down as a capitalist. I It destroys communities, represses Denmark has cut its business tax the chief executives of America’s these problems worse and lead to
grew up in South Carolina as the religion and crushes freedom. rate by more than half since the largest companies changed their less freedom. The better answer is
daughter of Indian immigrants. My In 2018, I stood on the Simón 1990s. Other democracies, including definition of business. They said to double down on capitalism. Presi-
mom started a small business sell- Bolívar International Bridge on the Israel, India and the U.K., experi- companies should focus on custom- dent Trump has done that. Unem-
ing clothes and gifts. She worked border of Venezuela and Colombia. mented with socialism, only to ers, workers and communities in- ployment is at a 50-year low. Wages
hard and showed my brothers, my I watched thousands of Venezuelans abandon it. Socialism has failed ev- stead of being the best business are rising at the fastest rate in a de-
sister and me what it meant to live cross into Colombia for the only erywhere it’s been tried. possible. This has a nice sound to it cade. Welfare is shrinking. Millions
the American dream. The U.S. is a meal they might have that day. I An entire generation of American but makes no sense. In reality, a of Americans have found good new
country where people can find jobs held a beautiful baby girl. Her adults are too young to remember company that cheats its customers, jobs. The stock market boom is
that match their talents and pas- mother told me all she wanted for the suffering socialism caused dur- mistreats its workers and abuses its helping millions of retirees. It’s time
sions. America has lifted up more her daughter was a future of free- ing the 20th century. Collective his- community won’t be around long. to embrace capitalism, not abandon
people and unleashed more prosper- dom. They were one of millions of torical ignorance is becoming a real The Business Roundtable knows the values that make America the
ity than any other country in human Venezuelan families whose lives threat. Those of us who remember better, but corporate America is envy of the world.
history. have been destroyed by dictator Ni- have a responsibility to educate buckling under the pressure of po-
In 1800, you were lucky if you colás Maduro’s socialist policies. young Americans about the poverty litical correctness. This is an un- Ms. Haley served as governor of
lived to be 40. A third of children So imagine my surprise to find and tyranny that inevitably follows healthy development that will make South Carolina, 2011-17, and U.S.
didn’t live past 5. Since then, the that socialism has become trendy socialism. business the servant of politics. Few ambassador to the United Nations,
U.S. has become an industrialized here at home. Only in a free and Socialism represents the greatest things are more dangerous than big 2017-18. This op-ed is adapted from
nation. Average real income per prosperous country is it so easy to threat to American values, but an- government in cahoots with big a speech she delivered Wednesday
person has soared by 4,000% since take capitalism for granted. Ameri- other movement is also cause for business. to the Hudson Institute.

The Fed Can’t Wait to Respond to the Coronavirus

By Kevin Warsh Chairman Ben Bernanke and his col- on the global economy remains Yields on 10-year Treasury notes— Fed leaders call the current, os-

leagues chose to act decisively. open—but not for long. U.S. trade the most important risk-free asset in tensibly low level of inflation the
central bank’s primary job is When confronted with a major eco- and investment were poised to ac- the world—have tumbled in recent greatest challenge for this genera-
to offset major disturbances to nomic shock, the Fed took extraordi- celerate this year after a series of weeks and are now at historic lows. tion of monetary policy makers. I
the economy. Today, the novel nary monetary-policy actions, often new trade accords. But a sudden The U.S. economy is best posi- disagree. An exogenous, uncertain,
coronavirus is a material risk to the in coordination with other leading stop is a clear and present risk to tioned among the Group of 20 coun- global economic shock is a far big-
economy. It represents an unexpected central banks. Acting sooner would U.S. economic prospects. tries, the largest economies in the ger and more pressing challenge.
shock, and the Federal Reserve have been better, but Mr. Bernanke’s Even if the virus is more con- world, to withstand the shock. U.S. And a far more compelling rationale
should lead the world’s central banks leadership at the Fed was exem- tained than people think, or dissi- workers’ incomes are growing at the for policy action.
in taking immediate action. plary. Less appreciated but no less pates in the spring, economic activ- fastest rate in a generation. The un- A coronavirus pandemic would be
In a coordinated move alongside important, the Fed benefited from a ity in unlikely to spring back to life. employment rate is at a 50-year low. the biggest threat to the global
the People’s Bank of China, the Euro- rich inheritance: a strong, highly Profits for U.S. businesses are near economy since the financial crisis.
pean Central Bank, the Bank of Eng- credible institution replete with a cyclical highs. Productivity has im- We simply don’t know what will
land, the Bank of Japan and others large reservoir of interest rates to The pandemic is a threat proved markedly in the past year. happen. The Fed should be in the
so willing, the Fed should announce cut and a modest balance sheet with And the U.S. health-care system is business of responding to “tail
a 0.25-percentage-point interest-rate space to grow. to the global economy. U.S. better equipped than any to combat risks”—unlikely events that would
cut and make clear it’s open-minded The novel coronavirus presents central bankers should a nationwide outbreak. have highly damaging effects on
about further action. The Fed should Beijing with a real test. China’s If the Fed had normalized policy output and inflation—not fine-tun-
also encourage other central banks first-quarter growth is likely to be lead a global response. early in the decadelong recovery, it ing around the base economic out-
to take appropriate simultaneous ac- negative. Aggregate demand is fall- would be far better situated—in look.
tion to loosen monetary policy in ing fast. Chinese consumers are par- terms of ammunition, efficacy and In 2019, the global economy
their jurisdictions. Global action ing consumption markedly. The in- The disruption to global supply credibility—to take necessary action looked to be trending away from
would help make the most of scarce ventories of key Chinese exports, chains will take several months to now. Still, the Fed has a necessary globalization and moving toward
policy ammunition. including consumer products and reset. Business confidence in the role to play, even if its tool kit isn’t regional self-reliance. But the hu-
Milton Friedman, in his presiden- intermediate industrial goods, are U.S., which has turned decidedly fully stocked. man suffering of the novel corona-
tial address to the American Eco- declining rapidly. High levels of in- more negative in recent weeks, will The Fed’s choices in the past 18 virus might not be in vain: Large
nomic Association more than 50 debtedness, especially at smaller also take to time to reassert itself, months may be contributing to pol- benefits could result from a timely
years ago, stated that “monetary pol- firms, are leading to an increase in especially in an election year. Epide- icy inertia. The Federal Open Market response to turmoil. This is a time
icy can contribute to offsetting ma- insolvencies. Many employees have miologists will ultimately decide Committee chose an awkward time for the world’s central banks to act
jor disturbances in the economic sys- stayed home in February, which is whether to categorize the novel cor- to raise rates in December 2018. The together in the common interest.
tem arising from other sources.” He constraining the production side of onavirus as a pandemic. Real people, economy was weakening. The FOMC For that to happen, the Fed must
emphasized that the economic shock China’s economy. It isn’t clear when however, won’t wait for the final then reversed itself abruptly in 2019, take the lead.
must be “major” for monetary policy people will be returning to work or judgment of experts to make up cutting rates cumulatively three-
to be used forcefully and effectively. how bad the contagion risks will be their own minds. quarters of a point to a current fed- Mr. Warsh, a former member of
Friedman was no fine-tuner, but he when they do. The signals from financial mar- funds rate of about 1.6%. The Fed’s the Federal Reserve Board, is a dis-
didn’t believe in passivity during The window to contain the virus kets are disturbing. Since the start stated rationale for its policy rever- tinguished visiting fellow in econom-
times of trouble either. inside China has long since closed. of the year, commodity prices are off sal was to ensure inflation moves up ics at Stanford University’s Hoover
More than a decade ago, then-Fed The window to mitigate its effects 10%. Oil prices are down nearly 20%. from 1.7% to its target rate of 2%. Institution.

OK Boomer? Bernie, Biden and Bloomberg Are Older Still

By Lance Morrow ics, the people of the early 21st cen- Voters may begin to suspect younger may be deemed necessary John Adams, July 4, 1826.

tury have become somewhat prone there is something risky and irre- to provide generational balance and Presidents age in different ways,
or nine months after Steve to magic thinking in their lives and sponsible in the idea of nominating serve as reassuring actuarial at different speeds. Woodrow Wil-
Jobs was diagnosed with pan- politics. Such thinking has become a a 78-year-old man who recently backup. son was only 63 in 1919 when he
creatic cancer, he reportedly powerful tendency of an American suffered a heart attack for the job Messrs. Sanders, Bloomberg and suffered the stroke that left him a
refused the surgery that might have people that once had a reputation of president of the United States. Biden are pre-baby-boomers—mem- ghost in the White House. Franklin
saved him. He is said to have given for shrewdness and practicality. The It’s a question to consider sepa- bers, like me, of the Silent Genera- D. Roosevelt, the master illusionist
himself over to magic thinking and effect may be magnified among mil- rately from the magic thinking of tion, those born during World War who told Americans in 1933, against
tried to treat his condition with lennials. The young are less aware of Bernie Sanders’s democratic-social- II or even a little before (1939 in my all evidence, that they had “nothing
acupuncture, dietary supplements the limitations imposed, even on he- ist agenda, his future in which the case). My motto for some time has to fear but fear itself,” was entirely
and juices. He abandoned that roes, by age, disease, dementia. lemonade springs and the bluebird been “Don’t Trust Anyone Under spent by the time he died in Warm
course only after it was too late. It As Jobs found, neither extreme sings. 70.” But I am kidding. Springs, Ga., at 63.
was Steve Jobs’s magic thinking optimism nor stubborn denial will The average life expectancy of an Presidential history is filled with
that created the iPhone, and magic prevail against mortality. Whatever American man in 2020 is 78. That ironies and counterfactuals. John F.
thinking may have ended up killing remarkable medical advances now means that, statistically speaking, By Inauguration Day 2021, Kennedy’s Addison’s disease almost
him in 2011. He was 56. prolong human life, death, the old Mr. Sanders is living on borrowed killed him when he was in his 30s.
My theory is that under the spell way of doing things, will have its time from here on out. That is also all three of them would Republican Wendell Willkie—a vig-
of ubiquitous, miraculous electron- dominion. true of 78-year-old Mike Bloomberg. have reached the average orous, 48-year-old bear of a man—
Joe Biden is 77 and will cross over ran against Franklin Roosevelt in
into the statistical twilight of 78 U.S. male’s life expectancy. 1940 and lost. Willkie died of a
about two weeks after the Novem- heart attack at 52 in October 1944—
PUBLISHED SINCE 1889 BY DOW JONES & COMPANY ber election. True, men who have some six months before FDR suc-
Rupert Murdoch Robert Thomson reached 78 can expect to live an- Even the most alert and active cumbed. But amazingly, Willkie’s
Executive Chairman, News Corp Chief Executive Officer, News Corp
other nine years on average—which members of AARP—my friend John 1940 running mate, Charles McNary
Matt Murray William Lewis
Editor in Chief Chief Executive Officer and Publisher leaves Mr. Sanders and his peers a Leo once had the idea of starting a of Oregon, died eight months earlier
Neal Lipschutz Karen Miller Pensiero DOW JONES MANAGEMENT: roughly 50/50 chance of fading out magazine for them called Geezer & than Willkie at 70.
Deputy Editor in Chief Managing Editor Ramin Beheshti, Chief Technology Officer; before completing a second term. Crone—inhabit the past more than If Willkie and McNary had won
Natalie Cerny, Chief Communications Officer;
Jason Anders, Chief News Editor; Louise Story, Chief
Kamilah Mitchell-Thomas, Chief People Officer;
If Mr. Sanders became president, they imagine the future. Their minds the 1940 election, then, Willkie’s
News Strategist, Product & Technology Officer
Edward Roussel, Chief Innovation Officer; he would be 79 when inaugurated tend to be retrospective. That may secretary of state, whoever that
Thorold Barker, Europe; Elena Cherney, News Christina Van Tassell, Chief Financial Officer and 83 at the end of his term. He be either a good or a bad thing. might have been, would have be-
Features & Special Projects; Andrew Dowell, OPERATING EXECUTIVES:
Kenneth Breen, Commercial;
would still be three years younger Americans have appealed to in- come president. (Under current
Asia; Anthony Galloway, Video & Audio;
Alex Martin, Print & Writing; Michael W. Miller, Jason P. Conti, General Counsel; than Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is spired magic thinking from time to law, the House speaker would ac-
Features & Weekend; Emma Moody, Standards; Tracy Corrigan, Chief Strategy Officer; today—and 45 years older than Pete time in their history: “All men are cede to the presidency.) History
Frank Filippo, Print Products & Services;
Shazna Nessa, Visuals; Matthew Rose, Enterprise;
Kristin Heitmann, Chief Commercial Officer;
Buttigieg is right now. created equal,” for example. The would have set off in who knows
Michael Siconolfi, Investigations; Nikki Waller, Live
Journalism; Stephen Wisnefski, Professional News Nancy McNeill, Corporate Sales; In the past, America has not ex- nation started off under the influ- what direction.
Thomas San Filippo, Customer Service; actly been Confucian in its rever- ence of youth. Thomas Jefferson At what point should age become
Gerard Baker, Editor at Large Josh Stinchcomb, Advertising Sales;
Suzi Watford, Chief Marketing Officer;
ence for age. Why then is the Demo- wrote the Declaration of Indepen- disqualifying? Only a fool does not
Paul A. Gigot, Editor of the Editorial Page;
Daniel Henninger, Deputy Editor, Editorial Page Jonathan Wright, International cratic Party finding leaders at such dence at 33, in 1776, when John think about it. At the very least, all
Barron’s Group: Almar Latour, Publisher geriatric altitudes? Is there a com- Hancock was 39. Alexander Hamil- the candidates’ medical records
WALL STREET JOURNAL MANAGEMENT: Professional Information Business: plex politics of the generations at ton was 21, and Gouverneur Morris should be opened for inspection by
Joseph B. Vincent, Operations; Christopher Lloyd, Head;
Larry L. Hoffman, Production Ingrid Verschuren, Deputy Head work? Or coincidence? At the least, was 24. Jefferson died a half-cen- the public.
EDITORIAL AND CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS: such politics will become manifest tury later at 83, long after he had
1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y., 10036 in the party’s choice of a vice presi- left the White House, and on the Mr. Morrow is a senior fellow at
Telephone 1-800-DOWJONES dential nominee. Someone much same mystical day as 90-year-old the Ethics and Public Policy Center.
A18 | Thursday, February 27, 2020 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Deadly Clashes Spark an Outcry in India

Premier, ruling party
draw criticism after
protests escalate into
sectarian violence
NEW DELHI—Prime Minis-
ter Narendra Modi’s govern-
ment and ruling party came
under sharp criticism from In-
dian courts and political rivals
after four days of some of the
worst communal violence in
India’s capital city in decades
left at least 27 dead and more
than 200 injured.

By Krishna
Pokharel, Vibhuti
and Rajesh Roy

The violence, which

morphed from dueling demon-
strations into deadly clashes
between Hindus and Muslims,
began playing out Sunday even
as President Trump left Wash-
ington for a two-day visit to
India at Mr. Modi’s invitation.
For the next several days,
Indians switched between wall-
to-wall news coverage of Mr.

Trump’s travels and appear-
ances and intermittent scenes
of rioting, stone hurling, beat-
ings and fires raging in a dif-
ferent quarter of the city.
The Indian National Con-
gress party, the main rival to Indian security forces patrolled a street in New Delhi on Wednesday after clashes between Hindus and Muslims left at least 27 dead amid growing communal tensions.
the governing Hindu nationalist
Bharatiya Janata Party, stepped cember that fast-tracks toward On Saturday evening, dem- Tuesday. Few police were in country-made pistols who were visible hand of state agencies
up criticism of the government Indian citizenship immigrants onstrators protesting the citi- attendance as groups of men shouting slogans saying they and political powers is there.”
as its leader, Sonia Gandhi, re- from every major religious zenship law began blocking a chanting Hindu slogans faced won’t allow the ambulances to Government and BJP officials
leased a statement saying it is group coming from countries main street in a mixed but off against Muslim groups and enter,” said Shaleen Mitra, an rejected criticism that they have
“gravely concerned over the around India except Muslims, largely Muslim neighborhood, both sides rampaged through adviser to Delhi’s Minister of been slow to react or that BJP
unprecedented continuing vio- has been a flashpoint for emo- one of many protests that had several neighborhoods, area Health. Several victims were officials instigated the clashes.
lence and loss of lives in Delhi.” tional protests across India for been going on for weeks, resi- residents said. declared dead when they were “The prime minister is closely
The clashes are taking place weeks, particularly in parts of dents of the area said. A BJP The violence escalated finally evacuated, he said. monitoring the situation, along
after months of growing com- the capital with concentra- politician from the area with a Tuesday night to such an ex- In a separate order, the Delhi with his key officials,” a govern-
munal tensions as the Modi tions of Muslim residents. record of making provocative tent that police refused to pro- High Court demanded authori- ment official said.
government has pursued a Those demonstrations were sectarian statements began vide security for ambulances ties head off further violence. Mr. Modi’s office didn’t re-
controversial social agenda also the backdrop for elections warning police over the week- and medical personnel to Some analysts also raised spond to requests for comment.
long sought by the BJP, which held recently in the city, where end to clear the street or local move dozens of the seriously concerns that supporters of "Peace and harmony are
Mr. Modi led to an overwhelm- campaigning was marked by groups would take matters injured in the area from a lo- the ruling party are stoking central to our ethos,” Mr. Modi
ing electoral victory almost a often-inflammatory statements into their own hands after Mr. cal clinic to a larger hospital. the violence. said in a tweet Wednesday,
year ago. Critics say the mea- by BJP candidates against Trump departed. Judges from the city’s high “This violence in Delhi is one of the first times he has
sures are designed to under- Muslims. The BJP, however, On Sunday afternoon, the court issued an emergency or- completely orchestrated,” said mentioned the violence. “I ap-
mine India’s secular traditions failed to make inroads against BJP politician, Kapil Mishra, der in the middle of the night Ajai Sahni, executive director of peal to my sisters and broth-
and advance the BJP’s goal of a regional rival political party led a counterdemonstration by forcing police to provide pro- the Institute for Conflict Man- ers of Delhi to maintain peace
promoting a society more re- running the local government a group of supporters of the tection so that ambulances agement, a New Delhi-based and brotherhood at all times.
flective of its Hindu majority. that took a more moderate ap- new law. The two sides clashed could reach the injured. think tank. “The greatest con- It is important that there is
One of those measures, the proach in trying to calm and on Sunday, and the confronta- “There were roughly 40 to cern is not that you have riots; calm and normalcy is restored
introduction of a law in De- avoid sectarian tensions. tion escalated on Monday and 50 rioters carrying sticks and the greatest concern is that…a at the earliest.”


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Disney Boss Brings Blunt Attitude Dow, S&P 500

During Bob Chapek’s tenure as head of parks,
the division’s revenue grew as did Disney’s
They may share the same box-office sales, despite the company’s
Extend Slide
To a Fifth Day
first name, but there are few releasing fewer films.
other similarities between Dis-
ney Chairman Bob Iger and his
successor as chief executive,
Bob Chapek.
While Mr. Iger is known for
being charismatic and cosmo- BY ANNA ISAAC ment officer at Brooks
politan and loves to hob- AND ALEXANDER OSIPOVICH Macdonald. “We don’t yet know
nob, Mr. Chapek is all the size of how much it’s spread
business with little The Dow Jones Industrial Av- or the mortality rate. That’s what
time or interest in erage and S&P 500 fell Wednes- markets are reacting to, peak un-
niceties, people day for the fifth consecutive ses- certainty, rather than facts.”
who have worked sion as investors continued to Brazil and Pakistan reported
closely with both say. assess the economic impact of their first cases of the virus on
“A meal with Bob the coronavirus epidemic. Wednesday, with Brazil’s being
Chapek is one minute and Both indexes opened sharply the first confirmed case in Latin
30 seconds of pleasantries higher, and the Dow climbed as America. Officials in Nassau
and 58 minutes and 30 much as 461 points before turn- County, outside of New York
seconds of business,” said a ing negative in afternoon trad- City, said they were monitoring
former high-ranking Disney ex- ing. The blue-chip index closed 83 people for possible exposure.
ecutive. with a drop of 123.77 points, or Switzerland-based Nestlé
Current and former Walt 0.5%, to 26957.59—down more suspended overseas business
Disney Co. executives agree than 8% from a week ago. travel for its employees, one of
that Mr. Chapek, 60 years old, The S&P 500 slid 11.82 the strictest such measures
has the experience and skill set points, or 0.4%, to 3116.39. The taken by a multinational in re-
to succeed Mr. Iger at the Nasdaq Composite added 15.16 sponse to the epidemic.
Magic Kingdom. points, or 0.2%, to 8980.77, Investors continued to seek
“Bob Chapek doesn’t fail. He pushing back into positive ter- safety in government bonds,
is incredibly disciplined about ritory for the year. pushing Treasury yields lower.
doing what it takes to deliver The Dow and S&P 500 are The yield on the benchmark 10-
the numbers,” the former exec- off 5.5% and 3.5%, respectively, year note fell to 1.310%, a re-
utive said. “He is relentless in in 2020. cord, from 1.328% Tuesday.
that regard.” Investors were hoping for Yields have been under pres-
As a skilled tactician, Mr. markets to stabilize after the sure in recent days in part be-
Revenue by segment and change from previous year
Chapek clearly identifies tar- Dow fell more than 1,900 points cause of a growing expectation
gets and looks for ways to 1st quarter 2020 Monday and Tuesday in its larg- Please turn to page B11
achieve his metrics. est two-day point decline on re-
During Mr. Chapek’s tenure Direct-to- Studio Media Networks Parks, Experiences cord. Markets were spooked this
Consumer & Entertainment and Products
as head of the parks and re- International week by a growing number of Broad Impact
sorts division, from 2015 until coronavirus cases outside China  Factory shutdown hits
earlier this week, he amassed $4.0B $3.8 $7.4 $7.4 and fears that the epidemic sellers on Amazon........ B10
five consecutive years of +334% +106% +24% +8% would dent corporate earnings  Flight to munis sends
growth, thanks to a combina- and global growth. yields to records............ B11
Includes Disney+ and other streaming platforms
tion of historic expansion and “This is a time of peak uncer-  Oil prices slide to January
strategic cost reductions. He tainty for coronavirus,” said Ed- 2019 levels....................... B11
prioritized double-digit annual Films distributed by Disney Box-office revenue Parks revenue as share of total ward Park, deputy chief invest-
growth, according to one for- (U.S. and Canada)
mer colleague, a goal he $70 billion
20 $4 billion
achieved in all but one year, INTELLIGENT INVESTOR By Jason Zweig
when the division’s operating 60

Pros Must Sell Stocks

income grew 9%. 15 3 50
Announcing Mr. Chapek’s el-
evation a little more than two 40

Now. You Don’t Have To

weeks before the company’s an- 10 2
nual meeting, scheduled for
March 11, means the company 20
5 1
won’t have to answer questions 10
from shareholders about suc- When mar- found in a 2002 study. They
cession planning. 0 0 0 kets crumple, also showed that the more
Many who have worked 2005 ’19 2005 ’19 2005 ’19 the culprits widely a stock is held by big
closely with Mr. Chapek during usually aren’t investors, the greater its
Note: Parks revenue includes consumer products from 2017. Quarterly revenue segment excludes intercompany transactions. Doesn’t include films
his 27 years at Disney appreci- distributed by companies that are no longer part of Disney. Revenue from each film is attributed to the year of its release. the smallest trading volume during sharp
Please turn to page B2 Sources: the company (parks revenue, 1Q 2020 revenue by segment); IMDb (films distributed, box-office revenue); Image Group LA/Disney/Getty Images investors, but market drops.
the biggest. And the stocks dumped by
So far, most individual in- the biggest investors on down

Bayer Head Quits Amid Roundup Woe vestors have remained stead-
fast as stocks have been pum-
meled by fears that the
coronavirus could turn into a
days tend to outperform the
market over the ensuing six
months. Selling by institu-
tions when the market falls at
BY RUTH BENDER senior managers assume the been a mentor of CEO Werner test over Roundup, which pandemic. If they continue to least 2% “drives prices below
role of chairman. Mr. Wenning Baumann. He also championed thousands of Americans allege keep their cool, small investors their true values,” the re-
BERLIN—Bayer AG, in the was widely respected at Bayer the 2018 acquisition of U.S. ag- causes cancer. might even get to buy bargains searchers concluded.
midst of a major legal battle for steering it through an ear- ricultural giant Monsanto that At the depth of the crisis as the big money bails out. Patience is a luxury that in-
over its Roundup herbicide, lier legal battle in the U.S. over tipped Bayer into one of its last June, Bayer had lost more Professional investors tend dividual investors can afford.
said Chairman Werner Wen- the cholesterol-lowering drug worst crises in its 156-year his- than a third of its market value to move the fastest when a Money managers must focus
ning would step down earlier Baycol. tory. in the wake of three California market suddenly turns. That’s not only on analyzing what as-
than planned and be replaced Mr. Wenning, 73 years old, With a board seat opening jury verdicts that went against largely out of self-preservation, sets are worth, but also on
by a former Pricewater- said he had intended to retire up, shareholders at the annual it and a resulting surge in the because the biggest risk they “anticipating what average
houseCoopers executive who last year but agreed to a re- meeting will be asked to vote number of plaintiffs. Bayer ar- face is being so out of step opinion expects the average
joined the German company’s quest by the group’s supervi- on a new nominee, Horst gues Roundup and its active with the market that their cli- opinion to be,” as John May-
board in 2018. sory board to stay on given Baier, a former finance chief at ingredient glyphosate are safe ents fire them. That can lead nard Keynes wrote in 1936.
Bayer said Norbert Winkel- “the company’s situation at travel company TUI AG. when used as directed and ap- the pros to chase the market That’s because the pros
johann will succeed Mr. Wen- the time.” He was named The replacement of Mr. pealed all three verdicts. trend too far and too long. are in a never-ending strug-
ning after the company’s an- chairman in 2012 with a man- Wenning, a company veteran Bayer inherited the litiga- “Institutions sell more gle to attract new funds. For
nual meeting on April 28. date originally set to run until of over 50 years, comes as the tion over the world’s most than individuals when there professionals seeking to max-
Mr. Winkeljohann’s appoint- 2022. chemicals and pharmaceutical popular weedkiller when it is a large stock-market drop,” imize their fees, it is ratio-
ment marks a break from a Mr. Wenning, who is a for- company is under pressure to bought Monsanto in a $63 bil- finance professors Patrick nal—at least in the short
company tradition of having mer Bayer chief executive, has resolve a high-stakes legal con- Please turn to page B2 Dennis and Deon Strickland Please turn to page B11

INSIDE BlackRock’s Warrior in Washington Steps Aside


BY DAWN LIM maintain trust with the public

and investors as it grows.
Barbara Novick, who turned “I went to meetings in 2009
BlackRock Inc. into a force in where the first question was,
Washington, is stepping down. ‘Who’s BlackRock?’” Ms.
The face of BlackRock’s pub- Novick said in an interview.
lic-policy efforts, Ms. Novick “Nobody asks that today.”
built a lobbying machine that BlackRock, the world’s larg-
BUSINESS NEWS let the money manager avoid est money manager, ushered
Papa John’s expects the regulatory burdens big in an investment revolution
banks faced, fueling the firm’s with funds that trade on ex-
to rebound from transformation into a giant changes and mirror markets.
controversies with with $7.4 trillion in assets un- “Our public policy and stew-
sales growth in ’20. B3 der management. She also su- ardship efforts are at an inflec-
pervised the firm’s oversight tion point,” said Chief Execu-
over public companies. tive Laurence Fink and
BlackRock announced in a President Rob Kapito in their
firmwide memo on Wednesday memo. “Much of the post-finan-
that Ms. Novick, 59 years old, cial-crisis policy work that Bar-
will be scaling back her day-to- bara led is largely implemented,

day duties. The co-founder and and she has greatly enhanced
vice chairman will help pick our stewardship practices.”
her successors and become a Ms. Novick was a regular
senior adviser at the firm. visitor at Washington federal
REAL ESTATE Her departure signals the agencies and on a first-name
end of a chapter in which basis with key officials. Under
Blackstone buys a BlackRock successfully fought her leadership, BlackRock dis-
major owner of U.K. to prevent regulators from seminated 138 memos on its
student housing. B6 seeing it as a big bank. The viewpoints and 507 comment
firm’s challenge now is to Please turn to page B6 Through Barbara Novick’s lobbying, the firm skirted a designation as a big bank in need of regulation.
B2 | Thursday, February 27, 2020 * *** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


These indexes cite notable references to most parent companies and businesspeople
in today’s edition. Articles on regional page inserts aren’t cited in these indexes.

Deutsche Lufthansa
............................. A6,B10
Papa John's
Peabody Energy..........B2
FTC Seeks to Block Coal Venture ............. B10 BY MICAH MAIDENBERG deal ahead of a pending ad- weakening as utilities tap nat- ing companies are smaller en-
American Axle & Peugeot.....................B12
Powerscourt Group...A10 ministrative trial. ural gas and renewable-energy terprises.
Manufacturing..........A7 Fiat Chrysler
Anglo American..........B2 PSA Group.................B12 U.S. regulators rejected a Last June, Peabody and resources to generate electric- Shares of Peabody and Arch
Automobiles ........... B12 plan from mining companies Arch agreed to combine opera- ity. were off 14.7% and 7.7%, re-
Anthem ..................... B12 Flywire Payments.....B10 R
Apple....................A7,B10 Friday Night..............B12 Roblox..........................B4
Peabody Energy Corp. and tions in those states, where The proposed joint venture spectively Wednesday.
Arch Coal.....................B2 Arch Coal Inc. to combine both companies produce ther- would eliminate “current Executives from both com-
Arm Holdings............A10 their operations in a major mal coal that utilities use in head-to-head competition be- panies said in a written state-
Aviva ........................... B2 Goldman Sachs....B6,B10 Saras Trading............B11
coal-production region, saying power plants. The plan called tween Peabody and Arch, re- ment that they intend to con-
Humana.....................B12 Shearman & SterlingA10
B it would limit competition and for integrating Peabody’s placing that competition with tinue pursuing the joint
I-K Singapore Airlines....B10
Bank of America Merrill SoftBank Group..........A1 raise prices. North Antelope Rochelle and a single producer with a venture, fighting the FTC’s re-
Lynch.........................B6 Inspire Brands.............B3
Sprint........................A10 The Federal Trade Commis- Arch’s Black Thunder proper- greater incentive and ability to jection of the deal in the fed-
Barkmere Group ....... A10 IQ Student
Standard Chartered..A10 sion voted to block Peabody ties, two mines that abut each reduce output or increase eral courts.
BASF ........................... A6 Susman & Godfrey...A10
Bayer...........................B1 K2 Intelligence..........A10 and Arch’s plans to create a other in Wyoming, among prices,” the FTC said in an ad- Coal faces “intense compe-
Sycamore Partners venture to jointly run seven other changes. ministrative complaint that tition from natural gas and
BlackRock...............B1,B2 L Management.............B3
Blackstone Group ....... B6 L Brands......................B3
coal mines in Wyoming and Peabody and Arch say the seeks to block the combina- other alternate fuels. We be-
BNP Paribas Asset T Colorado. joint venture would generate tion. lieve that the commission has
LG Chem......................B4
Management.............B2 Tesla............................B4 The agency said Wednesday $120 million in cost savings The agency said there were reached an incorrect decision
M Thyssenkrupp..............A6
C it would seek a temporary re- each year over a decade. Pro- few other coal producers on that should be rapidly reme-
Marriott International Toyota Motor............B12
Campari Group..........B10 ...................................B10 straining order and prelimi- ducers of coal are under pres- the Wyoming side of the re- died within the court system,”
Cathay Pacific Airways U
M. Klein.....................A10 nary injunction in a federal sure to find savings, with de- gion, where both companies Peabody Chief Executive Glenn
...................................B10 Uber Technologies.A1,B4 court in Missouri to halt the mand for thermal coal operate, and those other min- Kellow said.
Molson Coors Beverage
Centene.....................B12 UBS Group ................ A10
Chesapeake Energy .. B11 UnitedHealth Group..B12
Chevron ..................... B11 V-W
Cigna..........................B12 Nestlé...................B1,B10
Vanguard Group..........B2
Contemporary Amperex Norges Bank ............... B2
Vision Fund.................A1
Technology................B4 1933 Industries.........B12
D Onyx Group...............B12
Walt Disney................B1
Deere...........................A7 P Westleaf....................B12
Deutsche Bank....A10,B6 Panasonic....................B4 WeWork......................A1

A Fink, Larry...................B2 North, James..............B3
Arora, Nikesh..............A1 G-I Novick, Barbara .......... B1
B Guthrie, Michael.........B4 S
Benedetti, Alessandro Iger, Bob......................B2 Sama, Alok ................. A1
Schnatter, John .......... B3
...................................A10 J-K
Seppala, James...........B6
C James, Erika ............... B4 Strickland, Deon.........B1
Chapek, Bob................B1 Kellow, Glenn..............B2 Svec, Vic......................B2
Dennis, Patrick............B1 Misra, Rajeev..............A1 Winkeljohann, Norbert
Droege, Jason.............B4 Musk, Elon..................B4 .....................................B1

Bayer plaintiff attorneys, and inves-

tors expect the onerous legal

issue will soon be put to rest.

Chairman Its shares, which rose slightly

Wednesday, have climbed from
the depths of last year.

Leaves Messrs. Wenning and Bau-

mann—internally often re-
ferred to as “big and small
Werner”—have both come un- Climate concern led BlackRock to say it would divest from coal miners. It owns 7.4% of Whitehaven Coal, which runs this Australia mine.
Continued from page B1 der fire for their decision to
lion acquisition that Mr. Wen-
ning helped negotiate together
with Mr. Baumann.
purchase Monsanto and with it
the Roundup litigation.
Last year Mr. Baumann lost
Investment Funds Move to Exit From Sector
Mr. Wenning has also played a shareholder confidence vote,
a crucial role in navigating the a first in German corporate BY ALISTAIR MACDONALD tracking funds can still hold Dimensional owns a further they prefer engaging with the
legal standoff with more than history. Mr. Wenning was also such stocks, and its smaller 5.3% of Peabody, while activist companies they own, rather
42,000 plaintiffs. He is a mem- rebuked as some 34% of share- Two of the world’s largest active-management business investor Elliott Management than simply exiting them. Ab-
ber of the supervisory board’s holders refused to ratify the investment funds have begun will only exit companies that Corp. owns 30%. erdeen Standard owns large
glyphosate litigation committee supervisory board’s actions. selling down stakes in coal generate more than 25% of For every fund selling stock stakes in miners Anglo, Glen-
and almost all other board Both men have defended the miners, citing environmental their revenue from thermal- citing environmental reasons, core and BHP Group Ltd., as
committees. People familiar deal. concerns, leaving shares of coal production. there are many others willing well as Enel SpA and RWE AG,
with Bayer have described him Janne Werning, an expert some of the companies con- Diversified giants such as to invest, said Vic Svec, a two European utilities that
as being very involved in all as- on environmental, social and centrated in the hands of a Anglo and Glencore PLC spokesman for Peabody. Be- generate some of their energy
pects of the business. governance issues at asset few large U.S. investors. should be exempt from the cause demand for coal re- through coal.
Mr. Wenning said he is retir- manager Bayer Investor Union As big fund managers firm’s limitations. Coal miners “We were vocal in pushing
ing at a time when the company Investment, said appointing a amend what they call their such as Arch Coal Inc. and both [utilities] to be as proac-
is making progress on all its new chairman was the right ethical investment policies, Whitehaven Coal Ltd.—of tive as possible in phasing out
various front lines—from man- move, albeit surprising. analysts say more selling which BlackRock owns 7.4%
Shares of some of their coal-powered genera-
aging the legal battle to inte- “Mr. Wenning was closely could follow. and 5%, respectively—are less the miners are now tion,” said a spokeswoman for
grating Monsanto and restruc- tied to the current difficult sit- In recent weeks, Norway’s secure. Aberdeen Standard. RWE re-
turing its other businesses. uation and what is decisive trillion-dollar sovereign- BlackRock also isn’t divest-
held by just a few cently bought several large re-
-c F

“We have made and con- now is to put in place an inde- wealth fund, Norges Bank, ing shares of coal-powered large investors. newable-energy businesses.
tinue to make progress in han- pendent oversight of Bayer’s and French giant BNP Paribas utilities. It owns stakes of Shares in coal miners and
dling the legal issues in the strategic development,” Mr. Asset Management have sold more than 5% in American utilities have been under pres-
U.S. That’s why now is a good Werning said in an email. shares in companies that mine Electric Power Co., Duke En- sure for years. Peabody has
time to hand over to my suc- He added, though, that he thermal coal, including Anglo ergy Corp. and Southern Co. mains, policy-driven divest- fallen 85% since June 2018 and
cessor,” Mr. Wenning said in a would have hoped for a chair- American PLC. A few large An ongoing danger for min- ment risks shifting its Arch Coal has dropped about
statement. man, and likewise a new board funds, including Vanguard ers and utilities, analysts say, production and use from 40% over a similar period—
A Bayer spokesman said member, with more expertise Group and Dimensional Fund is that fund managers with no transparent public companies and they took another hit
there were no other reasons be- in Bayer’s industry. Managers, now have outsize current restrictions on coal with ESG standards to unlisted Wednesday after U.S. regula-
hind Mr. Wenning’s departure. Mr. Winkeljohann, 62, was holdings in many smaller coal- won’t want to risk owning ones without such concerns, tors rejected their plan to
The company is currently in Europe CEO of Pricewater- mining companies. such companies in case their he said. combine some of their opera-
settlement talks with U.S. houseCoopers until 2018. Other large investors are firm’s environmental, social Some fund managers say tions.

assessing their own policies and governance, or ESG poli-

for thermal coal or extending cies change.

Disney “Given that our only product current ones. Thermal coal is U.K.-based Aviva PLC has

is a creative product, I’ve been considered one of the biggest already sold its shares in 17
completely immersed in editing contributors to climate change companies that drew more

Brings On and looking at product and giv-

ing notes on product my entire
Disney career,” he said. Story-
by many scientists.
“Even if funds don’t have
these restrictions today, do
than 30% of their revenue
from thermal-coal power gen-
eration or mining. But the
Blunt Boss telling, he added, is “actually
something I feel very comfort-
able with.”
they want to have these prob-
lems going forward?” said Ben
Davis, a mining analyst at Li-
fund is looking at going fur-
ther by focusing on how much
coal companies mine or use,
With over 10,000 5-star reviews (and counting),
Hubbards offer out-of-the-box comfort. The Founder
In his 18 years at Disney’s berum. rather than just portion of
has imported leather uppers, our propriatory insole
Continued from page B1 film studio, Mr. Chapek was Norges Bank won’t invest revenue, according to a
ate what they describe as his di- known among colleagues for a in companies that extract spokesman. system, and silky leather interiors to caress your feet.
rect and blunt personality. focus on data and business exe- more than 20 million metric A handful of funds hold Just visit or call our
“There’s no drama,” another cution, rather than worrying tons of thermal coal a year or outsize positions in certain
former Disney executive said. about relationships with the maintain coal-power capacity coal miners and utilities. Van- award-winning fit specialists at 844.482.4800.
Like Mr. Iger, Mr. Chapek creative community and busi- of more than 10,000 mega- guard, BlackRock and Dimen-
shares a love for all things Dis- ness partners. When he ran watts. On Monday, it sold an- sional together own almost
ney. At a town hall welcoming home video from 2006 to 2009, other large slice of Anglo’s 24% of the share capital of
Fox employees after Disney ac- he championed a highly lucra- shares, reducing its stake to Arch Coal, for instance. A unit
quired most of 21st Century 1.38% from 2.42% at the end of Invesco, another fund that
Fox’s entertainment assets, Mr. of last year, according to cites its environmental creden-
Chapek’s enthusiasm made a Robert Iger, FactSet. tials, owns a further 21% of
strong impression on the new- who remains BNP Paribas Asset Manage- the St. Louis-based miner.
est “cast members,” as the chairman, is ment, which has more than A spokeswoman for Invesco
company calls employees. He known as more $490 billion under manage- said the company supports the
spoke passionately about the social than his ment, recently began selling move away from carbon-based
theme parks and the Disney successor as shares in companies that de- fuels to more sustainable
brand with an energy that was CEO. rive more than 10% of their forms of energy but declined
matched only by Mr. Iger’s, one revenue from mining thermal to comment further.
attendee said. coal, a spokesman said. “Vanguard is deeply con-
Mr. Chapek’s résumé tive “moratorium” strategy in BlackRock Inc., by virtue of cerned about the long-term
doesn’t include oversight of as which Disney would make mov- being the world’s largest impacts of sustainability risks,
many creative parts of the ies unavailable for a while and money manager, is a major in- such as thermal coal produc-
company as Mr. Iger’s did then rerelease them with much vestor in thermal-coal miners ers,” a spokeswoman for the
when he landed the top job in fanfare. and utility companies. Larry fund said.
2005. But during the course of In recent years, Mr. Iger Fink, its chief executive, said A spokesman for Dimen-
his career, he has worked communicated to Mr. Chapek the company’s actively man- sional said that some of its
closely with both the movie that he might be in line to be- aged debt-and-equity portfo- funds take into account envi-
and television teams at Disney come CEO, according to an- lios will move away from ther- ronmental factors such as cli-
when he headed home enter- other former senior executive. mal coal this year as the mate change.
tainment. Mr. Chapek beat out at least sector’s exposure to increased For Vanguard and Black-
In an interview Tuesday, Mr. one potential rival inside the regulation makes it less eco- Rock, it isn’t clear how much
Chapek acknowledged that film company: Kevin Mayer, who nomically viable. of their holdings in coal com-
and television production was now oversees Disney’s direct- BlackRock also said it panies are in index trackers.
one area in which he would to-consumer operations, in- would closely scrutinize other Coal miner Peabody En-
have to immerse himself. His cluding its Disney+ streaming businesses that are heavily re- ergy Corp. estimates that
theme-park and home-enter- service. liant on thermal coal. much of the nearly 12% stake
tainment stints provided an ed- —Ben Fritz and Chip Cutter Still, the impact will be these funds own in the com-
ucation, he said. contributed to this article. muted. BlackRock’s index- pany is in index trackers.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * Thursday, February 27, 2020 | B3


Victoria’s Secret
Write-Down Sends
L Brands to a Loss
BY KHADEEJA SAFDAR about 8% to $6.8 billion last
year and the business’s operat-
L Brands Inc. took a nearly ing income plunged 78%.
$700 million charge to write L Brands, which also owns
down the value of its Victoria’s Bath & Body Works, reported a
Secret chain, an accounting hit loss of $192.3 million for the
that pushed the retailer into a quarter ended Feb. 1, compared
loss for the holiday quarter. with a profit of $540 million in
The company agreed last the year-ago period. Total


week to sell a 55% stake in the quarterly revenue slipped 3% to
lingerie business, which in- $4.71 billion, as gains at Bath &
cludes the Pink chain, to pri- Body Works largely offset de-
vate-equity firm Sycamore clines at Victoria’s Secret.
Partners for $525 million. The The latest quarter’s results
deal valued the business at $1.1 included a $689.6 million good-
billion and will create a sepa- will charge and a $35.4 million
rate private company. charge related to the impair-
Victoria’s Secret, which long ment of Victoria’s Secret
dominated the U.S. lingerie stores. L Brands took nearly
market, recently has struggled $250 million of charges related
with slumping sales and has to Victoria’s Secret in the third
been losing customers to up- quarter. Guests at Shaquille O’Neal’s Papa John’s Block Party in Atlanta last August. Mr. O’Neal was named a board member last year.

Papa John’s Sees Growth

starts with more inclusive siz- The company said it expects
ing and marketing. Revenue in to post another loss in the cur-
the U.S. and Canada dropped rent quarter.

E. coli Outbreak Tied Pizza chain expects

sales gains this year,
year earlier. Papa John’s
shares fell 8.7% to $61.51.
Papa John’s lost customers
in 2017 after Mr. Schnatter at-
founded and that still bears
his name. He reported a 6%

To Sandwich Chain tapping third-party

delivery services
The company noted in a fil-
ing that it has closed roughly
50 franchised stores in China
tributed the company’s slow-
ing sales to the way the Na-
tional Football League was
stake earlier this month, down
from 30% last year.
Mr. Lynch said he is trying
BY JESSE NEWMAN operating with officials to due to the coronavirus, and handling players’ protests dur- to improve the company’s
identify the supplier connected that the virus’s spread could ing the national anthem. In sluggish sales by introducing
U.S. officials warned of a to the outbreak. BY HEATHER HADDON affect international same-store December of that year, he new products., such as sand-
new E. coli outbreak linked to “Food safety and the welfare sales targets for this year. agreed to step down as CEO wiches made out of the chain’s
Jimmy John’s Gourmet Sand- of our customers are our top Papa John’s International Early signs of a turnaround amid a backlash. freshly-made dough and garlic
wiches, the latest in a string of priorities,” said James North, Inc. expects to return to sales at Papa Johns add more com- Mr. Schnatter resigned as parmesan pizza crust.
food-safety problems at the president of Jimmy John’s. growth this year. petition to the U.S. pizza mar- chairman of the board in July Mr. Lynch said the naming
sandwich chain in recent years. Health officials said con- The pizza chain Wednesday ket. Top chains including 2018, after it emerged that he of former basketball star Sha-
The Centers for Disease sumers should throw away any said it expects comparable Domino’s Pizza Inc., Pizza Hut had used a racial slur during a quille O’Neal as a brand
Control and Prevention and the leftover sandwiches from sales, or those at restaurants and Little Caesars Pizza are conference call. Papa John’s spokesman and board member
U.S. Food and Drug Adminis- Jimmy John’s made with clover open at least a year, would rise battling for customers, intro- sales plummeted. Same-store last year has helped it com-
tration said Wednesday that sprouts. Officials are still in- between 2.5% and 5% this year ducing new products, dis- sales dropped 5% in 2018, and pete without having to turn to
they are investigating an out- vestigating to determine in the U.S. and Canada. That counts and services to try and were flat last year. discounts. “We are not focused
break of E. coli O103 that they whether tainted sprouts were would mark a reversal from flat win their dollars. Papa John’s and its board, on delivering the cheapest
said was likely tied to clover served at other restaurants or sales in 2019 and a drop in Unlike its rivals, Papa John’s led by activist investor Jeff pizza that we can make,” Mr.
sprouts served at Jimmy retailers. 2018, after controversial state- has struck deals with multiple Smith of Starboard Value LP, Lynch told investors.
John’s restaurants. Fourteen The investigation follows a ments by founder and former third-party delivery services in last year recruited Mr. Lynch Papa John’s reported that
people from five states have warning letter the FDA sent to Chief Executive John Schnatter a bid to boost sales. The com- from Arby’s Restaurant Group, comparable sales rose 3.5% in
been reported to have fallen ill the chain last week saying that alienated some customers. pany said Wednesday it is us- to turn Papa John’s around. the latest quarter in North
in the outbreak, the agencies Jimmy John’s had been impli- Those challenges continued ing DoorDash Inc. to supple- Mr. Lynch has hired executives America and total revenue
said. cated in multiple food-safety to weigh on the company in its ment its own fleet of drivers at from other big chains such as rose to $417.5 million, beating
Jimmy John’s, which was outbreaks in recent years and fourth quarter. Papa John’s re- peak times. Taco Bell to be part of new forecasts from analysts polled
acquired last year by Arby’s repeatedly sold tainted fresh ported a loss of $5.6 million “We are working with them company leadership. by FactSet. After adjustments,
owner Inspire Brands Inc., produce. for the quarter. That was an to create a symbiotic relation- Mr. Schnatter, meanwhile, the company’s profit of 37
said it had stopped serving —Heather Haddon improvement from the loss of ship,” Chief Executive Rob is steadily reducing his hold- cents beat forecasts from ana-
sprouts altogether and was co- contributed to this article. $12.9 million it reported a Lynch said in an interview. ings in the company he lysts by five cents.


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B4 | Thursday, February 27, 2020 * *** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Chief of Uber Eats Is Leaving

As It Exits Some Markets

BY SARAH E. NEEDLEMAN its bottom line. The unit put the company on a faster starting to keep more money
posted an adjusted loss before path to profitability. On an from each meal-delivery trans-
The head of Uber Technolo- interest, taxes, depreciation earnings call earlier this action. Adjusted net revenue,
gies Inc.’s food-delivery busi- and amortization of $461 mil- month, he said he now sees which excludes driver incen-
ness is leaving the company, a lion for the three months the company being profitable tives and referral bonuses for
departure that comes as the ended Dec. 31. on an adjusted Ebitda basis by Eats, was $1.38 billion in 2019,
The car maker vowed to continue production at the site. unit works to exit markets To stem such losses, Chief the end of this year. up 82% from a year earlier.
where it isn’t a dominant Executive Dara Khosrowshahi Uber still faces challenges.

Panasonic Breaks player in a bid to boost profits.

Uber said the departing ex-
ecutive, Jason Droege, will be
has been pulling Eats out of
markets where it isn’t among
the top two food-delivery ser-
The company
didn’t say why
Its core ride-sharing business
is under regulatory scrutiny in
some of its most lucrative mar-

Ties With Tesla on

succeeded at Uber Eats by the vices. Last month Uber agreed Jason Droege, kets. In California, which ac-
head of its international rides to sell its Indian food-delivery who came on counts for about 9% of Uber’s
business, Pierre-Dimitri Gore- unit to a local rival. Last year board in 2014, gross bookings, a new law may
Coty. Mr. Gore-Coty joined the the company pulled out of was leaving require the company to reclas-

Solar-Panel Plant company in 2012.

Uber didn’t say why Mr.
Droege, who came on board the
San Francisco company in 2014
South Korea.
Uber has also been seeking
to shore up its finances, possi-
bly by merging with a compet-

Uber has said it expects

sify its drivers as employees,
which would dramatically raise
costs. And in London, which
makes up about 5% of its ride
BY TIM HIGGINS As Tesla has expanded pro- to spearhead new ventures, itor such as DoorDash Inc. or pricing in food delivery, its bookings, the company was
AND JIMMY VIELKIND duction of its cars, it has sought was leaving. Mr. Droege will be Postmates Inc. So far, though, second-biggest business after stripped of its license to oper-
ties with other battery makers. available until June to help discussions haven’t resulted in ride-hailing, will become more ate in November, a ruling by
Panasonic Corp. will end its It struck a deal with China’s with the transition, Uber said. any deals. reasonable and the discounts local authorities it is appealing.
partnership with Tesla Inc. that Contemporary Amperex Tech- Eats has helped Uber boost Mr. Khosrowshahi has said and promotions will begin to —Preetika Rana contributed
produces solar panels at a fac- nology Co., or CATL. to furnish revenue, but has weighed on the Uber Eats exits are helping fade. The company is already to this article.
tory in Buffalo, N.Y., the latest batteries for Tesla’s new car
fissure between the two com- plant in Shanghai where it
panies that have been close builds Model 3 cars. Tesla also
partners in their push to sell has a battery-supplier agree-
electric cars. ment with South Korea’s LG
The Japanese company on Chem Ltd.
Wednesday said it would stop Panasonic last year down-
production in May and exit the graded its car-parts business,
factory by September. Tesla as- previously seen as a growth
sured New York officials—the driver, to the category of units
state spent $959 million to needing improvement. These
build and equip the factory— developments suggest that
that it would continue produc- both sides of the Tesla-Pana-
sonic relationship are dialing
back its strategic importance.

Both companies said the
Buffalo decision wouldn’t affect
their joint venture in Nevada.
Howard Zemsky, chairman
In millions, what New York of Empire State Development,
state spent to build the facility the New York economic devel-
opment authority that oversees
the factory, said Tesla planned
to hire as many of the 380 Pa-


tion of its solar roof in Buffalo nasonic employees working
and had exceeded required job there as possible. Panasonic
counts, according to a memo said it would help find jobs for
sent to these officials on Tues- any workers that Tesla didn’t
day that was reviewed by The hire.
Wall Street Journal. “We understand that Pana-
A Tesla spokesman didn’t re- sonic has made a corporate de-
spond to an email seeking com- cision to move away from
ment. global solar products, but this
Tesla and Panasonic have action has no bearing on
been working together closely for Tesla’s current operations nor The company is now valued at about $4 billion. Above, the Roblox Developer Conference in Burlingame, Calif., last August.
years, principally with the Japa- its commitment to Buffalo and

Roblox Closes New Funding Round

nese company providing batter- New York state, according to
ies for the electric vehicles the Tesla,” Mr. Zemsky said.
Silicon Valley automobile maker Tesla, in partnership with
has been producing. Tesla owns a Panasonic, began operations at
multibillion-dollar battery fac- the Buffalo plant in April 2018. BY SARAH E. NEEDLEMAN companies such as Facebook other by typing messages into lion in funding overall and
tory in the Nevada desert, known The company leases the facility Inc., hadn’t previously backed the platform’s chat function. Us- counts itself among gaming
as the Gigafactory, which pro- from the state for $1 a year Investors in Roblox Corp. say Roblox. Its investment comes ers can also spend real money companies that have raised
duces lithium-ion batteries for over 10 years and has commit- it has the potential to become from a $2.2 billion late-stage on virtual currency called hundreds of millions of dollars
Tesla cars and represents a push ted to spending $5 billion on one of the world’s most popular fund that the firm created in Robux to purchase in-game from venture-capital investors
for the Japanese electronic giant capital and operating expenses online hangouts. May. perks such as virtual weapons in recent years, according to
more broadly to power electric in the state. Tesla faces a $41.2 It is now valued at about $4 “What gets us really excited or to customize their avatars. PitchBook Data. Companies like
vehicles. million penalty if it doesn’t em- billion after closing a new fund- and where we see the most up- Roblox has been continuing Fortnite developer Epic Games
But the relationship between ploy 1,460 people in western ing round led by venture-capital side is in the long-term vision,” to grow its user base, moving to and Pokémon Go developer
the two partners has become New York by April. giant Andreessen Horowitz, ac- said David George, general part- more than 115 million monthly Niantic secured private valua-
strained. The companies have The memo said Tesla had cording to a person familiar ner at Andreessen Horowitz. active users world-wide from tions well over $1 billion by de-
sparred over battery costs and 1,500 full-time employees and with the matter. “We think there is a real chance about 70 million in 2018, the veloping innovative games that
the running of the Gigafactory, contractors working in the fac- Roblox was last valued at for Roblox to become the meta- company said. have been attracted interna-
amid production delays. More tory with a starting hourly more than $2.5 billion in Sep- verse,” referring to a shared vir- Last year Roblox ranked as tional followings while compa-
recently, though, Tesla Chief wage of $17. The figures don’t tember 2018. On Wednesday it tual world as described in the third highest-grossing nies like Unity Technologies and
Executive Elon Musk praised include Panasonic’s workers, said it raised $150 million and works of fiction like “Ready “game” across iOS and Android online chat application Discord
the Nevada facility for “massive the memo said. launched a tender offer to buy Player One.” devices in the U.S. and Canada, created popular platforms used
growth” in battery-cell produc- —Sean McLain up to $350 million of common Roblox, released in 2006, according to data from industry to make games and communi-
tion. contributed to this article. and preferred shares. Existing isn’t a single game: It is a free trackers NPD Group Inc. and cate during game play, respec-
investors including Altos Ven- online hub with tens of millions Sensor Tower Inc. Also last tively.
tures, Meritech Capital and Ti- of games, all of which were year, Roblox was the fifth most- Roblox will use the new
ger Global Management also made on the platform with tools watched “game” on Google’s funding to expand its mostly
participated in the funding the company provides. Players YouTube, with nearly 30 billion teenage and preteen user base
round. log in through mobile devices, views, according to the Alpha- and investing in efforts to keep
Andreessen Horowitz, known gaming consoles and comput- bet Inc. unit. them safe, said finance chief Mi-
What are you doing tonight... for investing early in technology ers, and can socialize with each Roblox has raised $335 mil- chael Guthrie.

Enjoying your latest puzzle Tough Interview Process Is Linked Wharton

or project?
To a Higher Job-Acceptance Rate Chooses
BY KATHRYN DILL see if the company they’re ap-
plying for will equip them
because the U.S. unemploy-
ment rate is near a 50-year
New Leader
Setting the mood to Making job interviews more with the experience they low. BY PATRICK THOMAS
challenging could be a cost-ef- want,” he said. That means companies have
relax and stay in? fective way for employers to Among candidates for pro- to lure most new employees The University of Pennsyl-
entice new hires, according to fessional and technical jobs, from jobs they already hold. vania’s Wharton School named
new research from job-review raising the interview diffi- Around the U.S. and across all Erika James of Emory Univer-
Binge-watching your website Glassdoor. culty by even one level, as industries, 17.3% of job offers sity as its next dean, the first
Y o u n g rated by job seekers on a extended to potential candi- woman and African-American
favorite series? MANAGING workers were five-point scale, was enough dates were rejected, Glassdoor to head the business school in
YOUR CAREER more recep- to lift acceptance rates by 2.6 data show; the average rejec- its 139-year history.
tive than percentage points, Glassdoor tion rate was higher among Ms. James, who has led Em-
older workers to tough job in- data show. professional and technical ory’s Goizueta school since
terviews, with accepted offers Having candidates complete jobs, at 19.4%. 2014, will take over the role
Sorting your piles of among candidates ages 25 to skills tests as part of the vet- Certain jobs have particu- July 1. She succeeds Geoffrey
34 rising 3.1 percentage points ting process raised acceptance larly high rejection rates. For Garrett, who is leaving Whar-
receipts for April 15th? after more difficult screenings. rates by 2.5 percentage points. instance, 22.6% of insurance ton to become dean of the Uni-
* Glassdoor parsed data from In contrast, taking a personal- job offers are turned down, versity of Southern California’s
nearly 100,000 job candidates ity quiz as part of an interview while Java developers pass on Marshall School of Business.
who used its website between lowered acceptance rates by 31.7% of offers. Ms. James takes over the
January 2018 and November 2.3 percentage points. Entry-level roles in market- top-ranked Ivy League pro-
2019, capturing their careers While many employers be- ing have among the highest gram as applications to some
C oo up your moves and asking them to lieve higher salaries and richer rejection rates, with 41.1% of of America’s most elite busi-
ffavorite recipe? rate their interview experi- benefits are the chief way to offers for marketing assistant ness schools have been declin-
ences. entice more workers to join jobs declined. ing. Applications to U.S.
“Research clearly shows the their organization, Mr. Zhao At the other end of the M.B.A. programs have fallen
Microsun has a light for that. interview has a huge effect on
how candidates see you as a
said tougher and more trans-
parent interviews now appear
spectrum, jobs in food ser-
vices, travel and tourism, arts
for five straight years as
young professionals have
company,” said Daniel Zhao, to be a cost-effective route. and entertainment, and retail, questioned the wisdom of tak-
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Promo Code WS202L and a co-author of the re- ger ones, want the chance to rates, ranging from 10.6% to market to go back to school.
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“Skills and career develop- the unique skills they bring to Server and machine opera- Ms. James led an effort to
ment are a priority for youn- the table,” he said. tor roles had the lowest rejec- build an innovation and entre- 888-328-8701 ger workers, and interviews Hiring in the current labor tion rates, at 4.1% and 4%, re- preneurship lab and grew Goi-
are an opportunity for them to market is particularly fraught, spectively. zueta’s faculty, Wharton said.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * Thursday, February 27, 2020 | B5



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B6 | Thursday, February 27, 2020 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Blackstone Sets A Power at

Deal for British Steps Aside
Student Landlord Continued from page B1
letters on everything from re-
tirement issues to liquidity in


BY BEN DUMMETT cline in activity against a back- money-market funds. Through
drop of political uncertainty lobbying and behind-the-
Blackstone Group Inc. and worries over economic scenes persuasion, the firm
agreed Wednesday to acquire growth, deal activity in Europe skirted designation as a “sys-
IQ Student Accommodation this year is up 16% to $94 bil- temically important financial
from a group led by Goldman lion, compared with a 40% drop institution,” a label that would
Sachs Group Inc. for £4.66 bil- globally to $359.3 billion, ac- have brought regulatory costs.
lion ($6.06 billion) including cording to Dealogic. BlackRock suggested that
debt, the latest bet by the U.S. IQ is one of the U.K.’s largest regulators look at how specific
buyout company on the growth owners of student housing, IQ oversees 28,000 beds in facilities in some of the U.K.’s major university cities, such as Edinburgh. practices—such as the use of
of student housing in the U.K. overseeing more than 28,000 borrowed money to try to
The deal is also an endorse- beds in facilities located in tinuing. U.K. revenue from in- “There is very significant de- business in London, subse- juice returns—might be the
ment of Britain’s economy as some of the country’s major ternational students and other mand for British higher educa- quently selling it in 2012. In source of risk, rather than fo-
its government faces the chal- university cities, including Lon- education-related services to- tion, both from domestic and 2017, Blackstone sold its Lon- cusing on the size of a man-
lenge of reaching a new trade don, where the portfolio is con- taled about £21.4 billion in 2017, international students, and that don-based Victoria Hall stu- ager or fund. The argument
deal with the European Union centrated, Manchester, Leeds, the bulk of which was gener- is translating and should con- dent-housing business. Black- won over regulators.
by year-end following the U.K.’s Sheffield, Edinburgh and Bir- ated by higher education, ac- tinue to translate into increas- stone is acquiring IQ from A key rule she weighed in on
split from the bloc last month. mingham. cording to a 2019 report from ing requirements for student Goldman Sachs’s merchant- over the years will reshape the
It is also an early but signifi- Britain’s education system is the U.K. Department for Educa- housing,” said James Seppala, bank division, which owns 72% fast-growing world of exchange-
cant sign of a rebound in Euro- already among the country’s tion. The total was up 7.2% Blackstone’s head of real estate of the operation, and its part- traded funds by making it eas-
pean deal making this year de- most lucrative sources of reve- from the prior year and had for Europe. ner Wellcome Trust, a London- ier for more firms to launch
spite a global slowdown. nue, and Blackstone’s deal for gained 35% since 2010, mea- In 2005, the New York-based based charitable foundation, funds. But Ms. Novick argued
Following 2019’s steep de- IQ is a bet on that growth con- sured in current prices. firm launched the Nido student owner of the remaining stake. that inverse and leveraged
ETFs—funds that BlackRock
doesn’t offer—should be treated

Traders Seek Evidence of Misconduct in Fraud Case differently. Dealing a blow to

some of BlackRock’s competi-
tors, the Securities and Ex-
change Commission’s 2019 rule
BY DAVE MICHAELS to face trial later this year, “If these allegations are known as spoofing that can limitations for up to three that simplified how ETFs should
AND ARUNA VISWANATHA filed the motions in federal true, it would mean that, in a move prices in a favorable di- years on a crime they are in- be brought to market left out
court in Chicago late Tuesday. troubling display of hubris, the rection for the person deploy- vestigating while they seek such leveraged products.
WASHINGTON—Four trad- In the filings, they referred to government perpetrated a ing the strategy. foreign evidence for their Ms. Novick took on academ-
ers charged with crimes re- a memo from the ex-prosecu- fraud on this court while it The memo from the former case. ics when they raised questions
lated to market manipulation tor who alleged his former col- purported to investigate the prosecutor, Ankush Khardori, The Chicago trial for about whether index funds
are trying to force the govern- leagues submitted misleading defendants for fraud,” attor- describes two cases in which Messrs. Bases and Pacilio is could distort markets. She
ment to turn over more infor- applications for foreign evi- neys for two of the ex-traders, prosecutors allegedly misused scheduled for October. An- pressed the firm to fund re-
mation about its overseas-evi- dence to federal judges to sus- Edward Bases and John Pa- the foreign-evidence requests, other trial for the two former search to attack the idea.
dence requests, after a former pend the statute of limitations cilio, wrote in their motion. including the one involving the traders at Deutsche Bank, She is seen as one of the
prosecutor alleged the Justice and give themselves more Peter Carr, a spokesman for former Merrill Lynch traders. James Vorley and Cedric most influential women on
Department improperly used time to build a case, even the Justice Department, de- Because responses to mu- Chanu, is scheduled for May. Wall Street. “When I began my
such queries. though they had access to the clined to comment. tual legal-assistance treaty re- Both sets of defendants are ac- career, there were no senior
The former precious-metals information through other The traders are accused of quests sometimes take months cused of conduct that manipu- women on Wall Street,” Ms.
traders at Bank of America channels. The Wall Street defrauding other traders by or years to arrive, prosecutors lated the price of precious- Novick said. “The industry is
Merrill Lynch and Deutsche Journal reported on the memo entering phony orders that can ask a federal judge, under metals futures traded on CME in a different and better place
Bank AG, who are scheduled earlier this month. they quickly canceled, a tactic seal, to suspend the statute of Group Inc. exchanges. than where it was.”


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Dow Jones Industrial Average S&P 500 Index Nasdaq Composite Index
Last Year ago Last Year ago Last Year ago
26957.59 t 123.77, or 0.46% Trailing P/E ratio 20.96 18.09 3116.39 t 11.82, or 0.38% Trailing P/E ratio * 25.82 20.23 8980.77 s 15.16, or 0.17% Trailing P/E ratio *† 29.10 22.15
High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 18.39 15.84 High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 19.27 16.55 High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate *† 24.15 19.35
trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield 2.38 2.22 trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield * 1.79 1.99 trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield *† 0.92 1.09
All-time high 29551.42, 02/12/20 All-time high 3386.15, 02/19/20 All-time high: 9817.18, 02/19/20

Current divisor 0.14744568353097

29500 3400 9800

29000 3325 9500

28500 3250 9200

65-day moving average

28000 3175 8900
Session high

Session open Close 27500 3100 8600

Close Open 65-day moving average


65-day moving average 8300

27000 3025
Session low
Bars measure the point change from session's open
26500 2950 8000
Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb.
* Weekly P/E data based on as-reported earnings from Birinyi Associates Inc.; † Based on Nasdaq-100 Index

Major U.S. Stock-Market Indexes Late Trading Trading Diary

Latest 52-Week % chg Most-active and biggest movers among NYSE, NYSE Arca, NYSE Amer. Volume, Advancers, Decliners
High Low Close Net chg % chg High Low % chg YTD 3-yr. ann. and Nasdaq issues from 4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. ET as reported by electronic NYSE NYSE Amer.
Dow Jones trading services, securities dealers and regional exchanges. Minimum Total volume*1,354,621,944 22,077,534
Industrial Average 27542.78 26890.97 26957.59 -123.77 -0.46 29551.42 24815.04 3.7 -5.5 9.0 share price of $2 and minimum after-hours volume of 50,000 shares. Adv. volume* 125,350,774 5,542,978
Transportation Avg 10141.68 9828.73 9840.89 -220.57 -2.19 11304.97 9734.68 -6.2 -9.7 1.5 Most-active issues in late trading Decl. volume*1,228,800,501 14,938,129
Utility Average 924.20 906.80 906.97 -8.80 -0.96 960.89 754.71 20.2 3.2 9.0 Volume After Hours Issues traded 3,041 280
Company Symbol (000) Last Net chg % chg High Low
Total Stock Market 32543.16 31783.89 31850.29 -171.86 -0.54 34631.28 28240.94 10.2 -3.6 9.0 Advances 285 55
SPDR S&P 500 SPY 15,460.9 310.80 -0.70 -0.22 311.72 309.60
Barron's 400 692.77 677.02 677.29 -6.00 -0.88 746.64 638.79 -4.2 -7.5 2.7 Declines 2,714 218
iShares iBoxx $ HY Cp Bd HYG 7,785.2 86.84 -0.02 -0.02 86.91 86.72
Unchanged 42 7
Nasdaq Stock Market JPMorgan Chase JPM 6,331.5 126.40 -0.24 -0.19 127.50 126.18 New highs 52 9
Nasdaq Composite 9148.32 8927.80 8980.77 15.16 0.17 9817.18 7333.02 18.9 0.1 15.4 Invesco QQQ Trust I QQQ 5,160.7 215.56 -0.92 -0.42 217.18 214.60 New lows 367 20
Nasdaq 100 9032.87 8813.92 8873.76 38.89 0.44 9718.73 6978.02 24.7 1.6 18.4 SPDR Bloomberg HY Bd JNK 4,565.9 108.02 -0.13 -0.12 108.29 108.02 Closing Arms† 0.87 0.67
AT&T T 3,597.6 37.09 -0.01 -0.03 37.20 36.99 Block trades* 7,256 185
Caesars Entertainment CZR 3,501.3 12.66 -0.29 -2.24 12.97 12.66
500 Index 3182.51 3108.99 3116.39 -11.82 3386.15 2743.07 11.6 -3.5 9.6 Nasdaq NYSE Arca
iShares MSCI Emg Markets EEM 3,435.7 41.32 -0.35 -0.84 41.81 41.25
MidCap 400 1973.18 1921.51 1921.97 -29.97 -1.54 2106.12 1810.50 0.2 -6.8 3.4 Total volume*3,608,147,795 591,573,265
SmallCap 600 957.06 934.38 935.03 -11.89 -1.26 1041.03 888.72 -4.3 -8.4 3.1 Percentage gainers… Adv. volume* 661,318,977 82,524,625
Teladoc Health TDOC 289.5 138.00 21.14 18.09 138.99 116.85 Decl. volume*2,932,746,625 508,799,229
Other Indexes
Etsy ETSY 870.2 56.05 5.36 10.57 57.77 50.28 Issues traded 3,366 1,572
Russell 2000 1588.32 1551.39 1552.76 -19.14 -1.22 1705.22 1456.04 -1.8 -6.9 3.6
Advances 460 267
NYSE Composite 13323.34 13041.94 13046.62 -97.10 -0.74 14183.20 12264.49 2.8 -6.2 4.2 Alpha Pro Tech APT 349.8 13.65 1.26 10.17 13.86 12.06
Declines 2,821 1,292
Value Line 513.33 499.71 499.71 -8.37 -1.65 562.05 490.20 -8.0 -9.5 -1.5 CEL-SCI CVM 408.8 11.93 1.10 10.16 12.40 9.70
Unchanged 85 13
NYSE Arca Biotech 5086.56 4969.16 4996.04 0.50 0.01 5313.05 4098.37 -2.8 -1.4 13.9
Elastic ESTC 175.5 70.25 6.45 10.11 71.80 63.60
New highs 64 88
NYSE Arca Pharma 634.02 624.15 624.85 -0.06 -0.01 670.32 564.11 6.2 -4.4 6.8 ...And losers New lows 244 167
KBW Bank 101.03 98.03 98.04 -1.46 -1.47 114.12 89.30 -2.4 -13.5 0.8 TechnipFMC FTI 82.9 11.17 -4.06 -26.66 15.23 11.17 Closing Arms† 0.72 1.01
PHLX§ Gold/Silver 108.67 106.55 107.35 -0.13 -0.12 111.51 66.14 40.8 0.4 6.6 Nutanix Cl A NTNX 941.5 27.00 -5.63 -17.25 34.26 24.55 Block trades* 14,191 2,885
PHLX§ Oil Service 55.90 53.50 53.68 -1.60 -2.89 102.39 53.68 -43.4 -31.4 -32.5 Continental Resources CLR 332.4 17.20 -3.58 -17.23 20.78 16.81 * Primary market NYSE, NYSE American NYSE Arca only.
PHLX§ Semiconductor 1787.75 1739.04 1749.95 3.84 0.22 1979.50 1296.18 29.6 -5.4 21.6 Medifast MED 86.8 81.93 -12.55 -13.28 94.48 78.26 †(TRIN) A comparison of the number of advancing and declining
issues with the volume of shares rising and falling. An
Cboe Volatility 29.57 24.76 27.56 -0.29 -1.04 27.85 11.54 87.5 100.0 33.9 Carvana Cl A CVNA 399.0 90.70 -10.86 -10.69 101.56 83.03 Arms of less than 1 indicates buying demand; above 1
 Nasdaq PHLX Sources: FactSet; Dow Jones Market Data indicates selling pressure.

International Stock Indexes Percentage Gainers... Percentage Losers

Latest YTD
Region/Country Index Close Net chg % chg % chg Latest Session 52-Week Latest Session 52-Week
Company Symbol Close Net chg % chg High Low % chg Company Symbol Close Net chg % chg High Low % chg
World The Global Dow 3053.63 –15.17 –0.49 –6.1 Co-Diagnostics CODX 8.90 4.59 106.26 10.89 0.69 614.9 Aptorum Group APM 6.70 -7.70 -53.47 33.28 6.50 -54.5
DJ Global Index 413.57 –2.58 –0.62 –4.7 Vir Biotechnology VIR 34.98 13.25 60.95 36.50 11.65 ... Lydall LDL 12.82 -6.64 -34.12 30.37 12.27 -55.8
DJ Global ex U.S. 247.35 –1.89 –0.76 –6.2 Cleveland BioLabs CBLI 3.39 1.11 48.68 4.90 0.50 169.0 CEL-SCI CVM 10.83 -5.52 -33.76 17.80 2.37 296.7
Americas DJ Americas 732.99 –4.82 –0.65 –3.7 Tarena International ADR TEDU 3.82 1.00 35.46 6.96 0.69 -42.2 Menlo Therapeutics MNLO 2.98 -1.42 -32.27 9.03 2.69 -64.8
Brazil Sao Paulo Bovespa 105718.29 –7963.13 –7.00 –8.6 SELLAS Life Sciences SLS 2.64 0.57 27.54 72.00 2.01 -96.2 DIRTT Envtl Solutions DRTT 1.92 -0.91 -32.16 6.90 1.83 -67.3
Canada S&P/TSX Comp 17041.92 –135.45 –0.79 –0.1 Alpha Pro Tech APT 12.39 2.39 23.90 13.45 3.20 232.6 Spherix SPEX 1.70 -0.74 -30.33 3.80 0.95 -47.3
Mexico S&P/BMV IPC 42737.28 –308.40 –0.72 –1.8 B&G Foods BGS 15.75 2.97 23.24 26.13 12.70 -35.1 SmileDirectClub SDC 8.00 -3.33 -29.39 21.10 7.56 ...
Chile Santiago IPSA 3061.54 –45.38 –1.46 –8.2 ADDvantage Techs AEY 5.55 1.04 23.06 6.49 1.23 307.1 Dycom Industries DY 30.26 -12.46 -29.17 60.55 29.83 -30.2
0.004 Moderna MRNA 29.16 5.40 22.73 29.98 11.54 31.9 Qurate Retail Series B QRTEB 6.40 -2.31 -26.56 22.34 6.40 -71.4
EMEA Stoxx Europe 600 404.62 0.02 –2.7
0.18 Paratek Pharmaceuticals PRTK 4.32 0.72 20.00 7.34 2.66 -40.0 Pennsylvania REIT PEI 2.58 -0.93 -26.50 7.93 2.55 -60.1
Eurozone Euro Stoxx 391.57 0.72 –3.1
Belgium Bel-20 3830.34 1.94 0.05 –3.2 Nemaura Medical NMRD 6.94 1.14 19.66 14.80 2.50 -39.7 Qurate Retail Series A QRTEA 6.46 -2.09 -24.44 22.24 6.33 -70.5
Denmark OMX Copenhagen 20 1187.11 –1.05 –0.09 4.5 Super League Gaming SLGG 3.58 0.58 19.33 9.73 1.85 -56.7 Tellurian TELL 4.40 -1.35 -23.48 11.80 4.16 -58.1
France CAC 40 5684.55 4.87 0.09 –4.9 Bellerophon Therapeutics BLPH 8.85 1.30 17.22 11.98 3.26 -5.2 Genprex GNPX 4.78 -1.45 -23.27 7.03 0.23 236.6
Germany DAX 12774.88 –15.61 –0.12 –3.6 Huize Holding ADR HUIZ 12.35 1.76 16.62 12.97 9.60 ... Fossil Group FOSL 4.17 -1.14 -21.47 16.20 4.07 -73.7
1678.02 0.25 –0.3 China Online Educ ADR COE 34.84 4.84 16.13 36.17 3.68 427.1 Big 5 Sporting Goods BGFV 2.33 -0.61 -20.61 4.78 1.57 -39.8
Israel Tel Aviv 4.20
Italy FTSE MIB 23422.54 332.09 1.44 –0.4
Netherlands AEX 581.78 –0.93 –0.16 –3.8
Most Active Stocks Volume Movers Ranked by change from 65-day average*
Russia RTS Index 1461.22 15.11 1.04 –5.7 Volume % chg from Latest Session 52-Week Volume % chg from Latest Session 52-Week
Company Symbol (000) 65-day avg Close % chg High Low Company Symbol (000) 65-day avg Close % chg High Low
South Africa FTSE/JSE All-Share 55047.20 237.69 0.43 –3.6
Spain IBEX 35 9316.77 65.99 0.71 –2.4 Chesapeake Energy CHK 234,461 229.2 0.31 -30.48 3.57 0.30 SPDR Ptf Interm Treasury SPTI 46,600 13680 31.86 ... 31.93 29.60
Sweden OMX Stockholm 687.01 3.74 0.55 0.9 SPDR S&P 500 SPY 192,394 192.2 311.50 -0.37 339.08 272.42 Aptorum Group APM 341 6026 6.70 -53.47 33.28 6.50
Switzerland Swiss Market 10512.15 33.64 0.32 –1.0 Tonix Pharmaceuticals TNXP 163,492 6926.9 0.90 122.55 42.00 0.39 WisTree EM Qlty Div Grwth DGRE 909 5961 24.38 1.07 27.03 22.19
115171.27 0.71 0.7 iShares MSCI Emg Markets EEM 109,390 66.8 41.67 0.80 46.32 38.72 Nemaura Medical NMRD 779 5381 6.94 19.66 14.80 2.50
Turkey BIST 100 806.74
0.35 –6.6
Finl Select Sector SPDR XLF 94,965 135.9 28.55 -0.73 31.38 25.08 Global X Video Games HERO 902 2568 17.23 1.32 18.18 15.03
U.K. FTSE 100 7042.47 24.59
U.K. FTSE 250 20622.95 –93.02 –0.45 –5.8 Nokia ADR NOK 93,252 242.2 4.15 6.14 6.42 3.33 FlexShares Emg Mkrs Fact TLTE 538 2303 48.43 0.87 55.32 46.49
General Electric GE 93,100 64.1 10.95 -3.27 13.26 7.65 FlexShares Dividend Dyn IQDY 154 1948 24.47 0.37 27.10 22.59
Ford Motor F 92,418 78.4 7.21 -0.28 10.56 7.21 Sabre Corp. SABR 24,746 1752 16.15 -16.10 25.44 15.75
Australia S&P/ASX 200 6708.10 –158.50 –2.31 0.4
Advanced Micro Devices AMD 86,144 56.6 47.49 -0.17 59.27 21.04 Direxion Hi Beta Bear 3X HIBS 97 1656 25.72 -0.70 30.99 16.98
China Shanghai Composite 2987.93 –25.12 –0.83 –2.0
Co-Diagnostics CODX 81,489 1715.3 8.90 106.26 10.89 0.69 Moderna MRNA 75,437 1638 29.16 22.73 29.98 11.54
Hong Kong Hang Seng 26696.49 –196.74 –0.73 –5.3
* Volumes of 100,000 shares or more are rounded to the nearest thousand * Common stocks priced at $2 a share or more with an average volume over 65 trading days of at least
India S&P BSE Sensex 39888.96 –392.24 –0.97 –3.3 5,000 shares =Has traded fewer than 65 days
Japan Nikkei Stock Avg 22426.19 –179.22 –0.79 –5.2
Singapore Straits Times 3117.52 –40.72 –1.29 –3.3 Track the Markets
South Korea Kospi 2076.77 –26.84 –1.28 –5.5 Compare the performance of selected CURRENCIES & COMMODITIES
Taiwan TAIEX 11433.62 –106.61 –0.92 –4.7 global stock indexes, bond ETFs,
Thailand SET 1366.41 –72.69 –5.05 –13.5
currencies and commodities at Currencies
Sources: FactSet; Dow Jones Market Data
U.S.-dollar foreign-exchange rates in late New York trading
US$vs, US$vs,
Wed YTDchg Wed YTDchg
CREDIT MARKETS Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Country/currency
Vietnam dong
in US$ per US$ (%)
.00004303 23242 0.3
Argentina peso .0161 62.0213 3.6 Europe
Consumer Rates and Returns to Investor Benchmark
Treasury Yields
yield curve Forex Race Brazil real .2247 4.4504 10.7 Czech Rep. koruna .04293 23.295 2.7

U.S. consumer rates Selected rates and

Yield toRates
maturity of current bills, Yen, euro vs. dollar; dollar vs. Canada dollar
Chile peso
.7499 1.3335 2.7
.001231 812.10 9.8
Denmark krone
Euro area euro
.1456 6.8671
1.0882 .9190
notes and bonds major U.S. trading partners .000289 3458.00 5.4 .003202 312.29
30-year mortgage, Rate Colombiapeso Hungary forint 5.7
A consumer rate against its
Ecuador US dollar 1 1 unch Iceland krona .007811 128.02 5.7
benchmark over the past year 4.00% Mexico peso .0519 19.2825 1.9 Norway krone .1064 9.3983 7.0 avg†: 3.66% 6%
Uruguay peso .02606 38.3700 3.3 Poland zloty .2521 3.9663 4.6
First National Bank 3.13% WSJ Dollar index
Yen Russia ruble .01529 65.420 5.4

30-year fixed-rate One year ago 3.00 3
5.00% Waverly, IA 319-266-2000 t Sweden krona .1027 9.7368 4.0
mortgage Australian dollar .6543 1.5284 7.3
Midwest Heritage Bank, FSB 3.13% Switzerland franc 1.0238 .9768 1.0
t 2.00 China yuan .1420 7.0409 1.1
4.00 0 Turkey lira .1624 6.1589 3.5
West Des Moines, IA 800-782-0521 Hong Kong dollar .1283 7.7930 0.02
Ukraine hryvnia .0407 24.5927 3.9
India rupee .01394 71.725 0.5
10-year Treasury 3.50%
3.00 Atlanta Postal Credit Union 1.00 –3 UK pound 1.2900 .7752 2.8
Indonesia rupiah .0000718 13933 0.4
note yield Atlanta, GA 800-849-8431 Middle East/Africa
t Tradeweb ICE Wednesday Close s Euro Japan yen .009056 110.42 1.6
2.00 Cambridge Savings Bank 3.50% 0.00 –6 Kazakhstan tenge .002642 378.47 –0.9 Bahrain dinar 2.6552 .3766 –0.1
Cambridge, MA 888-418-5626 1 3 6 1 2 3 5 710 30 Macau pataca .1247 8.0217 0.1 Egypt pound .0641 15.6018 –2.8
1.00 2019 2020 Malaysia ringgit .2367 4.2256 3.3 Israel shekel .2916 3.4299 –0.7
Florence Savings Bank 3.50% month(s) years
MA M J J A S O N D J F New Zealand dollar .6292 1.5893 7.0 Kuwait dinar 3.2638 .3064 1.1
Florence, MA 800-644-8261 maturity Pakistan rupee .00648 154.350 –0.4 Oman sul rial 2.5970 .3851 0.01
2019 2020
Sources: Tradeweb ICE U.S. Treasury Close; Tullett Prebon; Dow Jones Market Data Philippines peso .0196 51.057 0.7 Qatar rial .2745 3.643 –0.02
Yield/Rate (%) 52-Week Range (%) 3-yr chg Singapore dollar .7155 1.3977 3.8 Saudi Arabia riyal .2665 3.7523 0.03
Interest rate Last (l)Week ago Low 0 2 4 6 8 High (pct pts)
Corporate Borrowing Rates and Yields South Korea won .0008245 1212.81 5.0 South Africa rand .0653 15.3138 9.4
Federal-funds rate target 1.50-1.75 1.50-1.75 1.75 l 2.25 1.00 Sri Lanka rupee .0055075 181.57 0.1
Yield (%) 52-Week Total Return (%) Close Net Chg % Chg YTD%Chg
Taiwan dollar .03302 30.284 1.2
Prime rate* 4.75 4.75 4.75 l 5.50 1.00 Bond total return index Close Last Week ago High Low 52-wk 3-yr
Thailand baht .03140 31.850 7.0 WSJ Dollar Index 92.21 0.25 0.27 2.96
Libor, 3-month 1.61 1.70 1.61 l 2.63 0.56 U.S. Treasury, Barclays 2364.080 1.300 1.560 2.680 1.300 10.43 4.33 Sources: Tullett Prebon, Dow Jones Market Data
Money market, annual yield 0.50 0.50 0.50 l 0.78 0.18 U.S. Treasury Long, Barclays 4464.890 1.750 1.980 3.090 1.750 26.76 10.06
Five-year CD, annual yield 1.38 1.38 1.34 l 2.03 0.17
Aggregate, Barclays 2193.550 1.850 2.050 3.250 1.850 10.59 4.72 Commodities
30-year mortgage, fixed† 3.66 3.69 3.60 l 4.44 -0.39 Wednesday 52-Week YTD
Fixed-Rate MBS, Barclays 2173.140 2.090 2.270 3.400 2.090 6.70 3.45 Pricing trends on someClose
raw materials, or commodities
Net chg % Chg High Low % Chg % chg
15-year mortgage, fixed† 3.13 3.16 3.13 l 3.85 -0.13
High Yield 100, ICE BofA 3183.789 5.054 4.517 6.505 4.516 7.12 4.94 DJ Commodity 584.27 -5.54 -0.94 647.86 584.27 -5.96 -9.04
Jumbo mortgages, $510,400-plus† 3.69 3.71 3.63 l 4.71 -0.82
Five-year adj mortgage (ARM)† 3.63 3.63 3.32 l 4.78 0.28
Muni Master, ICE BofA 580.849 1.156 1.304 2.365 1.151 8.48 4.79 TR/CC CRB Index 166.28 -2.21 -1.31 189.66 166.28 -9.25 -10.50
New-car loan, 48-month 4.50 4.49 4.41 l 4.81 1.20 EMBI Global, J.P. Morgan 902.494 4.606 4.566 6.468 4.523 11.42 5.66 Crude oil, $ per barrel 48.73 -1.17 -2.34 66.30 48.73 -14.42 -20.19 rates based on survey of over 4,800 online banks. *Base rate posted by 70% of the nation's largest Sources: J.P. Morgan; S&P Dow Jones Indices; Bloomberg Barclays; ICE Data Services Natural gas, $/MMBtu 1.821 -0.026 -1.41 2.884 1.766 -34.94 -16.81
banks.† Excludes closing costs.
Sources: FactSet; Dow Jones Market Data; Gold, $ per troy oz. 1640.00 -6.90 -0.42 1672.40 1269.30 24.46 7.93

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B8 | Thursday, February 27, 2020 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Futures Contracts Open

High hilo Low Settle Chg
interest Cash Prices Wednesday, February 26, 2020
Metal & Petroleum Futures Sugar-World (ICE-US)-112,000 lbs.; cents per lb. These prices reflect buying and selling of a variety of actual or “physical” commodities in the marketplace—
March 15.12 15.12 14.69 14.79 –.36 42,871
Contract Open May 14.69 14.72 14.41 14.54 –.20 470,776 separate from the futures price on an exchange, which reflects what the commodity might be worth in future
Open High hi lo Low Settle Chg interest Sugar-Domestic (ICE-US)-112,000 lbs.; cents per lb. months.
Copper-High (CMX)-25,000 lbs.; $ per lb. May 26.95 26.95 26.95 26.95 … 1,712
Feb 2.5820 2.5825 2.5820 2.5765 –0.0200 248 July 27.30 27.30 27.30 27.30 … 2,238
May 2.5660 2.5830 2.5465 2.5735 –0.0085 142,246 Cotton (ICE-US)-50,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday
Gold (CMX)-100 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. March 65.68 t 65.73
65.66 65.55 –.78 137 Palladium,Engelhard industrial 2719.0 Wheat,No.2 soft red,St.Louis-bp,u 5.9500
Feb 1644.00 1648.10 1634.30 1640.00 –6.90 191 May 66.84 t 66.85
65.37 65.47 –.83 105,222 Energy
April 1637.30 1657.10 1626.60 1643.10 –6.90 519,809 Orange Juice (ICE-US)-15,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Palladium,Engelhard fabricated n.a. Wheat - Hard - KC (USDA) $ per bu-u 4.5475
June 1643.00 1662.70 1632.40 1648.90 –6.90 117,583 March 97.95 99.00 96.95 97.65 … 2,509 Coal,C.Aplc.,12500Btu,1.2SO2-r,w 59.150 Aluminum, LME, $ per metric ton *1685.0 Wheat,No.1soft white,Portld,OR-u 6.1500
Aug 1652.60 1667.20 1639.50 1654.00 –7.00 31,857 May 99.75 99.80 97.05 97.15 –2.20 12,968 Coal,PwdrRvrBsn,8800Btu,0.8SO2-r,w 11.650
1658.00 1664.10 1648.90 1658.50 –7.10 11,979
Copper,Comex spot 2.5765
Oct Food
Dec 1656.40 1676.70 1646.70 1662.90 –7.30 34,069 Interest Rate Futures Iron Ore, 62% Fe CFR China-s 87.4
Palladium (NYM) - 50 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. Metals
Shredded Scrap, US Midwest-s,m 281 Beef,carcass equiv. index
Feb … … … 2714.70 45.00 ... Ultra Treasury Bonds (CBT) - $100,000; pts 32nds of 100% 576
March 2638.80 2720.00 2616.00 2692.80 45.00 1,762 March 200-290 202-080 199-060 201-280 8.0 350,654 Gold, per troy oz Steel, HRC USA, FOB Midwest Mill-s choice 1-3,600-900 lbs.-u 186.46
April 2675.00 2675.00 s 2675.00 2691.20 45.00 1 June 201-260 203-040 200-020 202-250 8.0 957,746 Engelhard industrial 1634.00 select 1-3,600-900 lbs.-u 179.74
June 2603.50 2699.50 2582.60 2666.80 52.50 12,472 Treasury Bonds (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100% Engelhard fabricated n.a.
Fibers and Textiles Broilers, National comp wtd. avg.-u,w 0.7839
Sept 2576.20 2665.00 2576.20 2650.70 49.70 1,349 March 167-070 168-090 166-170 168-030 13.0 491,125
Dec 2560.60 2467.20 2467.20 2637.80 48.80 432 June 166-080 167-090 165-180 167-030 13.0 1,002,832 Handy & Harman base 1634.90 Burlap,10-oz,40-inch NY yd-n,w 0.5650 Butter,AA Chicago 1.7200
Platinum (NYM)-50 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. Treasury Notes (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100% Handy & Harman fabricated 1814.74 Cotton,1 1/16 std lw-mdMphs-u 0.6172 Cheddar cheese,bbl,Chicago 159.00
Feb 973.70 973.70 973.70 912.30 –17.50 2 March 132-290 133-130 132-225 133-105 6.5 1,317,207 LBMA Gold Price AM *1655.90 Cheddar cheese,blk,Chicago 176.00
April 928.70 937.70 t 908.90 914.80 –17.50 85,915 June 132-255 133-095 132-185 133-070 6.5 2,890,775 Cotlook 'A' Index-t *76.30
Silver (CMX)-5,000 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. 5 Yr. Treasury Notes (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100% LBMA Gold Price PM *1650.30 Hides,hvy native steers piece fob-u n.a. Milk,Nonfat dry,Chicago lb. 110.00
Feb 18.690 18.690 18.690 17.826 –0.357 2 March 120-312 121-092 120-280 121-075 4.5 1,242,914 Krugerrand,wholesale-e 1706.95 Wool,64s,staple,Terr del-u,w n.a. Coffee,Brazilian,Comp 1.0641
May 18.040 18.245 17.825 17.914 –0.354 156,262 June 121-140 121-240 121-107 121-225 4.5 3,616,264 Maple Leaf-e 1723.37 Coffee,Colombian, NY 1.5114
Crude Oil, Light Sweet (NYM)-1,000 bbls.; $ per bbl. 2 Yr. Treasury Notes (CBT)-$200,000; pts 32nds of 100% Grains and Feeds
April 50.08 50.44 t 48.30 48.73 –1.17 415,400 March 108-109 108-159 108-104 108-153 2.6 865,869 American Eagle-e 1723.37 Eggs,large white,Chicago-u 0.8650
May 50.22 50.57 t 48.44 48.88 –1.18 232,594 June 108-179 108-230 108-172 108-223 2.3 2,732,563 Mexican peso-e 1986.92 Barley,top-quality Mnpls-u n.a. Flour,hard winter KC 14.40
June 50.30 50.63 t 48.51 48.96 –1.17 223,148 30 Day Federal Funds (CBT)-$5,000,000; 100 - daily avg. Austria crown-e 1611.80 Hams,17-20 lbs,Mid-US fob-u n.a.
July 50.32 50.62 t 48.55 48.99 –1.15 140,823 Feb 98.4175 98.4175 98.4150 98.4150 –.0025 367,481 Bran,wheat middlings, KC-u 94
Sept 50.15 50.51 t 48.59 48.99 –1.07 114,286 April 98.4700 98.5050 s 98.4650 98.4950 .0050 394,560 Austria phil-e 1723.37 Corn,No. 2 yellow,Cent IL-bp,u 3.6750 Hogs,Iowa-So. Minnesota-u 57.13
Dec 50.06 50.43 t 48.67 49.06 –0.90 260,144 10 Yr. Del. Int. Rate Swaps (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100% Silver, troy oz. Corn gluten feed,Midwest-u,w 115.5 Pork bellies,12-14 lb MidUS-u 0.7722
NY Harbor ULSD (NYM)-42,000 gal.; $ per gal. March 106-175 107-015 106-105 106-310 2.5 100,624 Engelhard industrial 17.9100 Pork loins,13-19 lb MidUS-u 0.9009
March 1.5689 1.5798 t 1.4836 1.4994 –.0691 18,745 June 99-240 106-235 99-150 99-290 –6-31.5 n.a. Corn gluten meal,Midwest-u,w 465.4
April 1.5689 1.5773 t 1.4809 1.4974 –.0683 122,871 Eurodollar (CME)-$1,000,000; pts of 100% Engelhard fabricated n.a. Cottonseed meal-u,w 250 Steers,Tex.-Okla. Choice-u 115.00
Gasoline-NY RBOB (NYM)-42,000 gal.; $ per gal. March 98.4100 98.4500 s 98.4025 98.4450 .0225 1,566,322 Handy & Harman base 17.9320 Hominy feed,Cent IL-u,w 98 Steers,feeder,Okla. City-u,w 159.38
March 1.5286 1.5348 1.4388 1.4549 –.0775 17,722 June 98.6300 98.7200 s 98.6200 98.7150 .0550 1,533,866 Handy & Harman fabricated 22.4150
1.6261 1.6440 t 1.5504 1.5645 –.0774 145,570 98.7400 98.8300 s 98.7300 98.8200 .0500 1,285,947 Meat-bonemeal,50% pro Mnpls-u,w 185
April Sept
LBMA spot price *£14.1400
Fats and Oils
Natural Gas (NYM)-10,000 MMBtu.; $ per MMBtu. Dec 98.7850 98.8700 s 98.7700 98.8550 .0400 1,284,151 Oats,No.2 milling,Mnpls-u 3.3325
March 1.848 1.880 1.810 1.821 –.026 5,023 (U.S.$ equivalent) *18.3300 Rice, Long Grain Milled, No. 2 AR-u,w 25.88 Corn oil,crude wet/dry mill wtd. avg.-u,w 36.0000
April 1.852 1.886 1.820 1.837 –.014 469,202 Currency Futures Coins,wholesale $1,000 face-a 13136
May 1.901 1.924 1.863 1.880 –.016 218,143 Sorghum,(Milo) No.2 Gulf-u 7.3475 Grease,choice white,Chicago-h 0.3000
July 2.033 2.056 2.006 2.020 –.013 100,065 Japanese Yen (CME)-¥12,500,000; $ per 100¥ Other metals SoybeanMeal,Cent IL,rail,ton48%-u 299.80 Lard,Chicago-u n.a.
Sept 2.068 2.091 2.047 2.058 –.012 98,340 March .9084 .9090 .9042 .9083 –.0011 216,970 LBMA Platinum Price PM *960.0 0.2920
Soybeans,No.1 yllw IL-bp,u 8.7100 Soybean oil,crude;Centl IL-u
Oct 2.115 2.135 2.094 2.102 –.011 109,440 June .9125 .9133 .9086 .9126 –.0012 4,877
Canadian Dollar (CME)-CAD 100,000; $ per CAD Platinum,Engelhard industrial 922.0 Wheat,Spring14%-pro Mnpls-u 6.5775 Tallow,bleach;Chicago-h 0.3550
Agriculture Futures March .7527 .7535 t .7499 .7509 –.0025 157,064 Platinum,Engelhard fabricated n.a. Tallow,edible,Chicago-u n.a.
June .7527 .7535 t .7499 .7508 –.0026 7,712
Corn (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. British Pound (CME)-£62,500; $ per £
March 372.00 374.00 t 368.25 370.50 –2.00 158,747 March 1.3009 1.3015 1.2903 1.2917 –.0090 202,605 KEY TO CODES: A=ask; B=bid; BP=country elevator bids to producers; C=corrected; E=Manfra,Tordella & Brooks; G=ICE; H=American Commodities Brokerage Co;
May 376.00 378.00 t 372.50 374.50 –2.00 603,602 June 1.3034 1.3044 1.2933 1.2947 –.0090 6,141 M=monthly; N=nominal; n.a.=not quoted or not available; R=SNL Energy; S=Platts-TSI; T=Cotlook Limited; U=USDA; W=weekly, Z=not quoted. *Data as of 2/25
Oats (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. Swiss Franc (CME)-CHF 125,000; $ per CHF Source: WSJ Market Data Group
March 284.50 286.50 t 276.50 278.75 –6.25 416 March 1.0263 1.0292 1.0239 1.0268 .0008 56,858
May 290.75 292.25 t 283.00 285.75 –6.00 3,385 June 1.0326 1.0354 1.0304 1.0331 .0008 290
Soybeans (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. Australian Dollar (CME)-AUD 100,000; $ per AUD
879.50 888.25 875.50 881.00 2.00 53,038
Bonds |
March March .6601 .6609 t .6545 .6560 –.0042 202,206
May 889.00 899.00 885.00 892.00 3.75 340,626
June .6614 .6620 t .6557 .6572 –.0041 8,443
Soybean Meal (CBT)-100 tons; $ per ton. Mexican Peso (CME)-MXN 500,000; $ per MXN
March 287.50 293.60 t 284.80 291.30 4.80 35,343
May 294.10 300.40 292.50 298.30 5.30 229,745
.05187 –.00024 272,699
.05121 –.00025 3,549
Tracking Bond Benchmarks
Soybean Oil (CBT)-60,000 lbs.; cents per lb.
March 29.20 29.37 t 28.89 29.07 –.16 34,766 Euro (CME)-€125,000; $ per € Return on investment and spreads over Treasurys and/or yields paid to investors compared with 52-week
March 1.0895 1.0922 1.0868 1.0912 .0018 600,039
May 29.59 29.77 t 29.28 29.45 –.17 204,059
June 1.0951 1.0980 1.0926 1.0969 .0017 20,072
highs and lows for different types of bonds
Rough Rice (CBT)-2,000 cwt.; $ per cwt. Total Total
March 1340.00 1350.00 1335.50 1342.50 6.00 1,174
May 1358.50 1363.50 1350.00 1352.50 –5.50 10,333 Index Futures return YTD total Yield (%) return YTD total Yield (%)
Wheat (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. close return (%) Index Latest Low High close return (%) Index Latest Low High
March 539.25 542.75 534.75 540.25 1.25 19,282 Mini DJ Industrial Average (CBT)-$5 x index
May 537.00 540.00 532.75 535.75 –1.25 209,648 March 27124 t 26692
27519 26914 –203 100,571 Broad Market Bloomberg Barclays Mortgage-Backed Bloomberg Barclays
Wheat (KC)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. June 27135 t 26669
27480 26877 –205 855
S&P 500 Index (CME)-$250 x index 2193.55 3.1 U.S. Aggregate 1.850 1.850 3.250 2173.14 1.3 Mortgage-Backed 2.090 2.090 3.400
March 455.00 459.25 451.00 452.25 –2.75 14,916
May 462.00 466.50 458.00 459.25 –2.75 131,345 March 3139.30 3181.00 t 3091.70 3110.20 –22.40 48,817
2118.84 1.0 Ginnie Mae (GNMA) 2.110 2.090 3.340
3169.00 3169.00 t 3120.00 3108.60 –22.70 173
U.S. Corporate Indexes Bloomberg Barclays
Cattle-Feeder (CME)-50,000 lbs.; cents per lb. June
March 133.475 135.375 133.000 134.075 1.100 10,568 Mini S&P 500 (CME)-$50 x index 3254.25 3.5 U.S. Corporate 2.450 2.450 3.950 1282.70 1.4 Fannie mae (FNMA) 2.090 2.090 3.420
April 134.500 136.775 134.025 135.975 1.850 17,052 March 3138.00 3182.00 t 3091.00 3110.25 –22.25 2,749,002
Cattle-Live (CME)-40,000 lbs.; cents per lb. June 3136.75 3181.00 t 3089.50 3108.50 –22.75 91,558 2955.77 2.2 Intermediate 2.010 2.010 3.580 1971.09 1.4 Freddie Mac (FHLMC) 2.080 2.080 3.420
Feb 115.575 115.700 t 113.575 114.075 –.950 848 Mini S&P Midcap 400 (CME)-$100 x index
April 113.225 113.825 t 112.025 112.350 –.600 139,752 March 1955.30 1973.50 t 1914.30 1921.80 –28.70 75,621 4822.53 6.0 Long term 3.220 3.220 4.720 580.85 2.7 Muni Master 1.156 1.151 2.365
Hogs-Lean (CME)-40,000 lbs.; cents per lb. June 1965.80 1971.90 t 1919.60 1921.90 –35.70 60
April 64.675 65.950 64.225 65.150 .475 116,091 Mini Nasdaq 100 (CME)-$20 x index 662.62 3.5 Double-A-rated 1.990 1.990 3.300 410.78 3.0 7-12 year 1.095 1.090 2.306
June 79.600 81.375 79.600 80.400 .700 56,158 March 8868.25 9037.50 8709.50 8850.25 –4.00 210,821
Lumber (CME)-110,000 bd. ft., $ per 1,000 bd. ft. June 8892.00 9055.25 8728.00 8867.25 –3.75 3,757 862.57 3.4 Triple-B-rated 2.730 2.730 4.310 469.03 3.6 12-22 year 1.378 1.374 2.815
March 442.10 442.40 423.20 427.50 –7.80 904 Mini Russell 2000 (CME)-$50 x index
May 458.10 460.00 439.40 445.00 –6.80 2,480
High Yield Bonds ICE BofA 458.95 4.1 22-plus year 1.850 1.850 3.355
March 1574.60 1591.60 t 1545.60 1550.40 –21.50 477,754
Milk (CME)-200,000 lbs., cents per lb. June 1581.00 1592.10 t 1547.00 1550.80 –21.60 1,667 467.15 0.03 High Yield Constrained 5.674 5.151 6.790 Global Government J.P. Morgan†
Feb 17.03 17.03 17.01 17.01 –.02 2,739 Mini Russell 1000 (CME)-$50 x index
March 16.47 16.53 t 16.44 16.47 –.06 3,160 March 1739.80 1761.70 t 1720.60 1725.20 –8.90 7,620 436.12 -0.4 Triple-C-rated 11.384 10.558 12.699 601.09 3.1 Global Government 0.740 0.690 1.570
Cocoa (ICE-US)-10 metric tons; $ per ton. U.S. Dollar Index (ICE-US)-$1,000 x index
March 2,830 2,830 2,830 2,828 –60 689
March 98.99 99.20 98.85 98.94 .04 46,319 3183.79 -0.3 High Yield 100 5.054 4.516 6.505 831.39 3.5 Canada 1.280 1.260 2.030
May 2,792 2,799 2,727 2,739 –67 133,768
June 98.63 98.86 98.51 98.59 .06 1,392 2.7 EMU§
Coffee (ICE-US)-37,500 lbs.; cents per lb. 423.45 0.5 Global High Yield Constrained 5.316 4.893 6.407 410.97 0.251 0.109 1.158
March 105.35 109.35 105.35 109.10 2.00 1,004
May 108.00 111.50 106.00 110.65 2.15 113,633 Source: FactSet 328.80 0.1 Europe High Yield Constrained 2.941 2.464 3.865 781.31 3.0 France 0.030 -0.160 0.800
U.S Agency Bloomberg Barclays 548.26 2.3 Germany -0.360 -0.590 0.280
Macro & Market Economics 1810.91 2.4 U.S Agency 1.450 1.450 2.790 300.38 0.8 Japan 0.120 -0.070 0.320
1583.04 1.4 10-20 years 1.370 1.370 2.670 611.31 2.6 Netherlands -0.260 -0.490 0.410
Watching the Gauges: U.S. Supply and Demand 4087.87 7.2 20-plus years 1.880 1.880 3.340 1053.88 4.9 U.K. 0.800 0.730 1.620
2814.59 3.0 Yankee 2.220 2.220 3.640 902.49 2.3 Emerging Markets ** 4.606 4.523 6.468
Inventories, imports and demand for the week ended February 21. Current figures are in thousands of barrels
or *Constrained indexes limit individual issuer concentrations to 2%; the High Yield 100 are the 100 largest bonds † In local currency § Euro-zone bonds
** EMBI Global Index Sources: ICE Data Services; Bloomberg Barclays; J.P.Morgan
thousands of gallons per day, except natural-gas figures, which are in billions of cubic feet. Natural-gas import
Natural-gas import and demand data are available monthly only.
Global Government Bonds: Mapping Yields
Inventories, 000s barrels Imports, 000s barrels per day Yields and spreads over or under U.S. Treasurys on benchmark two-year and 10-year government bonds in
Expected Previous Year 4-week 5-year Expected Previous Year 4-week 5-year
Current change week ago avg avg Current change week ago avg avg selected other countries; arrows indicate whether the yield rose(s) or fell (t) in the latest session
Country/ Yield (%) Spread Under/Over U.S. Treasurys, in basis points
Crude oil and
Coupon (%) Maturity, in years Latest(l)-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 Previous Month ago Year ago Latest Prev Year ago
petroleum prod 1,290,449 ... 1,293 1,245 1,293 1,262 7,903 ... 8,083 8,002 8,478 9,629 1.125 U.S. 2 1.157 t l 1.227 1.489 2.492
Crude oil 1.500 10 1.315 t l 1.354 1.688 2.640
excluding SPR 443,335 2,100 443 446 441 478 6,217 ... 6,547 5,917 6,589 7,545 2.000 Australia 2 0.657 t l 0.669 0.765 1.724 -55.8 -76.8
Gasoline 256,387 ... 259 255 259 244 405 ... 421 473 477 639
2.750 10 0.912 t l 0.923 1.097 2.103 -40.2 -43.0 -53.8
Finished gasoline 26,711 -1,800 27 25 27 26 51 ... 119 21 63 20
0.000 France 2 -0.667 s l -0.668 -0.567 -0.440 -182.4 -189.5 -293.2
Reformulated 50 ... 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0
0.000 10 -0.226 s l -0.248 -0.075 0.525 -154.1 -160.2 -211.5
Conventional 26,661 ... 27 25 27 26 51 ... 119 21 63 20
Blend. components 229,676 ... 232 230 232 219 354 ... 302 453 414 619 0.000 Germany 2 -0.691 t l -0.686 -0.615 -0.552 -184.8 -191.3 -304.4
0.000 10 -0.503 s l -0.510 -0.333 0.120 -181.7 -186.4 -252.0
Natural gas (bcf) 2,343 ... 2 2 3 2 ... ... ... ... ... ...
1.200 Italy 2 -0.162 s l -0.165 -0.058 0.552 -131.9 -139.2 -194.0
1.350 10 0.994 s l 0.982 1.229 2.710 -32.1 -37.2 6.9
jet fuel 43,329 ... 44 43 43 41 43 ... 81 236 91 157
0.100 Japan 2 -0.201 s l -0.203 -0.131 -0.167 -135.8 -142.9 -265.9
Distillates 138,472 -1,700 141 138 141 143 177 ... 127 331 150 197
0.100 10 -0.093 s l -0.102 -0.020 -0.026 -140.8 -145.6 -266.6
Heating oil 9,598 ... 10 11 10 12 1 ... 2 1 1 65
Diesel 128,875 ... 131 127 131 131 176 ... 125 330 149 105 0.050 Spain 2 -0.445 s l -0.474 -0.371 -0.186 -160.2 -170.1 -267.8
Residual fuel oil 30,508 ... 30 28 31 37 202 ... 169 109 146 203 0.500 10 0.243 s l 0.215 0.350 1.140 -107.1 -113.9 -150.0
Other oils 280,128 ... 277 258 276 246 713 ... 609 754 847 752 3.750 U.K. 2 0.441 t l 0.461 0.430 0.788 -71.5 -76.6 -170.4
Net crude, petroleum 4.750 10 0.491 t l 0.503 0.585 1.086 -82.4 -85.1 -155.4
products, incl. SPR 1,925,416 ... 1,927 1,894 1,928 1,941 -1,294 ... -1,207 -162 -514 3,619 Source: Tullett Prebon
Corporate Debt
Price moves by a company's debt in the credit markets sometimes mirror and sometimes anticipate, moves in
Weekly Demand, 000s barrels per day Natural gas storage that same company’s share price.
Expected Previous Year 4-week 5-year Billions of cubic feet; weekly totals Investment-grade spreads that tightened the most…
Current change week ago avg avg Spread*, in basis points Stock Performance
Issuer Symbol Coupon (%) Maturity Current One-day change Last week Close ($) % chg
Total petroleum JPMorgan Chase 3.625 Dec. 1, ’27 123 –25 102 126.64 0.30
4250 JPM
product 19,884 ... 19,590 21,470 20,319 19,996 AerCap Ireland Capital DAC … 3.300 Jan. 23, ’23 82 –15 69 … …
Finished Five-year average 3250 General Motors Financial … 5.250 March 1, ’26 168 –11 153 … …
for each week Marathon Petroleum MPC 4.750 Dec. 15, ’23 75 –11 n.a. 52.27 –1.60
motor gasoline 9,035 ... 8,918 8,981 8,902 9,351
t t
Las Vegas Sands LVS 3.200 Aug. 8, ’24 111 –10 97 59.16 –1.66
Kerosene-type 2250
Natural gas, Anheuser–Busch Inbev Worldwide ABIBB 4.439 Oct. 6, ’48 155 –9 142 ... ...
jet fuel 1,450 ... 1,383 1,943 1,539 1,698 lower 48 states Capital One Financial COF 3.900 Jan. 29, ’24 69 –9 68 92.82 0.04
Distillates 4,119 ... 3,728 4,076 3,970 3,968 1250
Residual fuel oil 292 ... 190 424 237 277 …And spreads that widened the most
Propane/propylene 1,222 ... 1,627 1,629 1,545 ... 250 Citigroup C 5.875 March 27, ’49 405 28 n.a. 68.18 –1.80
Other oils 3,765 ... 3,745 4,418 4,128 ... M A M J J A S O N D J F Boardwalk Pipelines BWP 4.800 May 3, ’29 280 23 n.a. ... ...
2019 2020 Ally Financial ALLY 4.625 May 19, ’22 102 22 n.a. 25.97 –0.54
Note: Expected changes are provided by Dow Jones Newswires' survey of analysts. Previous and average inventory data are in millions. Occidental Petroleum OXY 4.200 March 15, ’48 245 21 n.a. 34.22 –5.44
Sources: FactSet; Dow Jones Market Data; U.S. Energy Information Administration; Dow Jones Newswires Apache APA 5.350 July 1, ’49 312 16 272 24.43 –4.20
Sabine Pass Liquefaction SPLLLC 5.000 March 15, ’27 184 16 150 ... ...
Bank of America BAC 4.250 Oct. 22, ’26 134 15 n.a. 30.63 –1.45

Exchange-Traded Portfolios | High-yield issues with the biggest price increases…
Bond Price as % of face value Stock Performance
Issuer Symbol Coupon (%) Maturity Current One-day change Last week Close ($) % chg
Closing Chg YTD
Largest 100 exchange-traded funds, latest session ETF Symbol Price (%) (%) Netflix NFLX 4.375 Nov. 15, ’26 112.750 6.70 107.375 379.24 5.32
SchwabUS LC Grw SCHG 93.49 –0.12 0.6
Wednesday, February 26, 2020 Closing Chg YTD SPDR DJIA Tr DIA 269.74 –0.35 –5.4 Altice Luxembourg ATCNA 10.500 May 15, ’27 115.250 2.65 116.500 ... ...
ETF Symbol Price (%) (%) SPDR S&PMdCpTr MDY 350.49 –1.46 –6.6 Frontier Communications FTR 7.125 Jan. 15, ’23 50.000 1.99 51.000 0.53 –3.86
Closing Chg YTD SPDR S&P 500 SPY 311.50 –0.37 –3.2
ETF Symbol Price (%) (%) iShMSCIBrazil
–1.43 –17.4
0.12 –7.1
SPDR S&P Div SDY 101.25 –0.89 –5.9 B&G Foods BGS 5.250 April 1, ’25 99.350 1.82 99.938 15.75 23.24
CnsmrDiscSelSector XLY 121.49 –0.79 –3.1 TechSelectSector XLK 92.70 0.46 1.1
iShMSCI EAFE SC SCZ 56.89 –0.25 –8.7
CnsStapleSelSector XLP 61.67 –0.56 –2.1 iShMSCIEmgMarkets EEM 41.67 0.80 –7.1
UtilitiesSelSector XLU 67.36 –1.01 4.2 Crestwood Midstream Partners CMLP 5.625 May 1, ’27 97.750 1.75 101.470 ... ...
FinSelSectorSPDR XLF 28.55 –0.73 –7.2 VanEckGoldMiner GDX 29.87 –0.33 2.0
FT ValDivFd FVD 34.61 –0.86 –3.9
0.49 –7.3
–0.04 2.6
VangdInfoTech VGT 246.35 0.23 0.6 Boyd Gaming BYD 6.375 April 1, ’26 105.980 1.28 107.041 27.55 –6.61
VangdSC Val VBR 125.79 –1.65 –8.2
iShPfd&Incm PFF 37.14 0.08 –1.2 VangdSC Grwth VBK 192.73 –0.88 –3.0 Revlon Consumer Products … 5.750 Feb. 15, ’21 88.510 1.26 84.750 … …
iShRussell1000Gwth IWF 175.89 0.01 –0.0 VangdDivApp VIG 121.58 –0.66 –2.5
InvscQQQI QQQ 216.48 0.52 1.8 iShRussell1000 IWB 172.97 –0.48 –3.1 VangdFTSEDevMk VEA 40.94 0.07 –7.1
Community Health Systems CYH 8.000 March 15, ’26 105.750 1.26 107.250 5.59 –1.24
InvscS&P500EW RSP 109.13 –0.95 –5.7 iShRussell1000Val IWD 128.01 –1.07 –6.2
InvscS&P500LowVol SPLV 58.39 –0.80 0.1 205.99 VangdFTSE EM VWO 41.63 0.63 –6.4
iShRussell2000Gwth IWO –0.87 –3.8
–1.16 –6.7
–0.50 –3.3
VangdFTSE Europe
…And with the biggest price decreases
iShCoreMSCIEM IEMG 49.93 0.69 –7.1 iShRussellMid-Cap IWR 56.90 –1.10 –4.6 VangdGrowth VUG 184.50 –0.02 1.3
iShCoreMSCITotInt IXUS 57.77 0.30 –6.7 iShRussellMCValue IWS 88.90 –1.43 –6.2 VangdHlthCr VHT 183.32 –0.33 –4.4 Mallinckrodt International Finance … 5.625 Oct. 15, ’23 60.750 –8.25 46.375 … …
iShCoreS&P500 312.91 –0.39 –3.2 VangdHiDiv VYM 87.71 –0.68 –6.4
iShCoreS&P MC
IJH 192.20 –1.48 –6.6
0.07 –0.3
–0.90 –6.6 VangdIntermBd BIV 90.02 –0.03 3.2 Peabody Energy BTU 6.375 March 31, ’25 76.500 –6.50 88.500 5.50 –14.73
iShCoreS&P SC IJR 76.86 –1.27 –8.3 iShShortCpBd IGSB 54.19 –0.04 1.0 VangdIntrCorpBd VCIT 93.64 –0.11 2.5 Chesapeake Energy CHK 11.500 Jan. 1, ’25 66.750 –5.50 78.750 0.31 –30.48
iShS&PTotlUSStkMkt ITOT 70.26 –0.62 –3.3 iShShortTreaBd SHV 110.59 ... 0.1 VangdLC VV 143.61 –0.44 –2.9
iShCoreUSAggBd AGG 115.35 –0.10 2.7 iShTIPSBondETF TIP 119.49 –0.05 2.5 VangdMC VO 171.10 –1.09 –4.0 Rayonier A.M. Products … 5.500 June 1, ’24 59.750 –5.50 70.250 … …
iShSelectDividend DVY 98.13 –1.14 –7.1 iSh1-3YTreasuryBd SHY 85.32 0.07 0.8 VangdMC Val VOE 111.58 –1.21 –6.4
iShEdgeMSCIMinEAFE EFAV 71.35 –0.06 –4.3 iSh7-10YTreasuryBd IEF 115.40 –0.05 4.7 VangdMBS
Whiting Petroleum WLL 5.750 March 15, ’21 68.000 –5.50 78.250 2.26 –6.22
iShEdgeMSCIMinUSA USMV 65.92 –0.35 0.5 iSh20+YTreasuryBd TLT 150.25 –0.53 10.9
iShEdgeMSCIUSAMom MTUM 127.50 –0.58 1.5 iShRussellMCGrowth IWP 149.24 –0.72 –2.2 VangdS&P500ETF VOO 286.07 –0.44 –3.3 Diamond Sports DSPORT 6.625 Aug. 15, ’27 86.375 –4.38 91.250 ... ...
iShEdgeMSCIUSAQual QUAL 96.88 –0.22 –4.1 iShUSTreasuryBdETF GOVT 26.86 –0.13 3.5 VangdST Bond BSV 81.56 0.05 1.2
iShFloatingRateBd FLOT 51.05 –0.06 0.3 JPM UltShtIncm JPST 50.59 –0.01 0.3 VangdSTCpBd VCSH 81.85 0.06 1.0 Moss Creek Resources Holdings MSSCRK 10.500 May 15, ’27 72.000 –4.00 80.000 ... ...
iShGoldTr IAU 15.63 0.45 7.8 PIMCOEnhShMaturity 101.94 0.01 0.3 VangdSC VB 155.90 –1.31 –5.9 VERITS 10.500
iShiBoxx$InvGrCpBd LQD 131.41 –0.37 2.7 SPDR BlmBarcHYBd
JNK 108.15 0.11 –1.3 VangdTotalBd BND 86.09 –0.06 2.7 Veritas US Feb. 1, ’24 88.000 –4.00 n.a. ... ...
iShiBoxx$HYCpBd HYG 86.86 0.10 –1.2 SPDR Gold GLD 153.97 0.44 7.7 VangdTotIntlBd BNDX 57.91 –0.16 2.4
iShIntermCorpBd IGIB 59.45 –0.17 2.5 SchwabIntEquity SCHF 31.37 0.16 –6.7 VangdTotIntlStk VXUS 51.92 0.19 –6.8 *Estimated spread over 2-year, 3-year, 5-year, 10-year or 30-year hot-run Treasury; 100 basis points=one percentage pt.; change in spread shown is for Z-spread.
iShJPMUSDEmgBd EMB 115.72 –0.05 1.0 SchwabUS BrdMkt SCHB 74.38 –0.59 –3.3 VangdTotalStk VTI 158.40 –0.55 –3.2
iShMBSETF MBB 109.16 0.09 1.0 SchwabUS Div SCHD 54.53 –0.51 –5.9 VangdTotlWrld VT 77.06 –0.17 –4.9 Note: Data are for the most active issue of bonds with maturities of two years or more
iShMSCI ACWI ACWI 75.68 0.09 –4.5 SchwabUS LC SCHX 74.56 –0.45 –2.9 VangdValue VTV 111.73 –0.86 –6.8 Sources: MarketAxess Corporate BondTicker; Dow Jones Market Data
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, February 27, 2020 | B9


Net Net Net Net Net Net
How to Read the Stock Tables Footnotes: Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg
The following explanations apply to NYSE, NYSE s-New 52-week high. HealthcareAmer HTA 33.23 -0.04 Line LN 48.31 -0.16 Nasdaq NDAQ 113.02 0.61 Procter&Gamble PG 120.16 -1.27 SoCopper SCCO 35.03 -0.02 t UnderArmour C UA 13.04 -0.42
Arca, NYSE American and Nasdaq Stock Market t-New 52-week low. HealthpeakProp PEAK 34.95 -0.71 LKQ LKQ 30.54 -0.78 NationalGrid NGG 66.75 0.49 Progressive PGR 79.65 -0.35 SouthwestAir LUV 48.90 -0.76 t UnderArmour A UAA 14.42 -0.40
listed securities. Prices are composite quotations dd-Indicates loss in the most recent four Heico HEI 103.33 -10.01 LPL Financial LPLA 83.29 -1.19 NatlOilwell NOV 19.47 -0.76 Prologis PLD 91.26 -0.44 SpiritAeroSys SPR 59.03 -0.19 Unilever UN 55.01 -0.48
that include primary market trades as well as quarters. Heico A HEI.A 82.43 -5.87 L3HarrisTech LHX 210.32 0.56 NatlRetailProp NNN 56.71 -0.44 Proofpoint PFPT 116.14 -0.34 Splunk SPLK 156.51 0.89 Unilever UL 56.11 -0.67
trades reported by Nasdaq BX (formerly Boston), FD-First day of trading. HenrySchein HSIC 63.18 0.05 LabCpAm LH 183.60 -0.91 Natura&Co NTCO 20.81 0.56 ProsperityBcshs PB 70.41 -0.17 Spotify SPOT 140.49 -1.31 UnionPacific UNP 165.75 -5.14
Chicago Stock Exchange, Cboe, NYSE National and h-Does not meet continued listing Hershey HSY 158.38 1.06 LamResearch LRCX 296.60 4.38 NetApp NTAP 48.48 -0.32 PrudentialFin PRU 81.92 -2.14 Sprint S 9.55 -0.09 t UnitedAirlines UAL 66.53 -4.04
Nasdaq ISE. standards Hess HES 55.88 -1.51 LamarAdv LAMR 86.96 -1.73 Netease NTES 345.85 7.94 Prudential PUK 36.27 -0.10 Square SQ 76.59 -0.46 UnitedMicro UMC 2.56 0.01
The list comprises the 1,000 largest companies lf-Late filing HewlettPackard HPE 13.04 -0.29 LambWeston LW 92.54 -1.23 Netflix NFLX 379.24 19.15 PublicServiceEnt PEG 55.57 -1.84 StanleyBlackDck SWK 142.21 -1.48 UPS B UPS 93.73 -0.17
based on market capitalization. q-Temporary exemption from Nasdaq Hexcel HXL 70.38 0.23 LasVegasSands LVS 59.16 -1.00 Neurocrine NBIX 93.95 -0.34 PublicStorage PSA 228.23 7.35 Starbucks SBUX 80.67 -1.52 UnitedRentals URI 131.72 -2.92
Underlined quotations are those stocks with requirements. Hill-Rom HRC 101.64 -0.61 Lear LEA 112.04 0.77 NewOrientalEduc EDU 133.75 -0.72 PulteGroup PHM 42.07 -1.28 StarsGroup TSG 24.16 0.01 US Bancorp USB 49.66 -1.06
large changes in volume compared with the t-NYSE bankruptcy Hilton HLT 97.90 -0.98 Leidos LDOS 110.82 1.67 NewResidInvt NRZ 16.76 0.07 Qiagen QGEN 35.09 0.11 StarwoodProp STWD 24.25 0.02 UnitedTech UTX 138.38 -0.43
issue’s average trading volume. v-Trading halted on primary market. t HollyFrontier HFC 35.98 -2.15 Lennar A LEN 64.82 -1.63 NYTimes A NYT 37.42 0.09 Qorvo QRVO 96.13 -0.47 StateStreet STT 70.14 -0.71 UnitedHealth UNH 263.00 -0.39
Hologic HOLX 48.54 -0.83 Lennar B LEN.B 51.18 -1.10 NewellBrands NWL 16.59 -0.44 Qualcomm QCOM 79.66 -0.56 SteelDynamics STLD 27.86 -0.19 UnivDisplay OLED 153.96 -0.76
Boldfaced quotations highlight those issues vj-In bankruptcy or receivership or being 243.64 -2.39 NEM 49.40 0.26 QuestDiag DGX 109.93 -0.47 UniversalHealthB UHS 135.21 -0.27
HomeDepot HD 235.28 -2.10 LennoxIntl LII Newmont Stericycle SRCL 61.73 -1.60
whose price changed by 5% or more if their reorganized under the Bankruptcy Code, HondaMotor HMC 26.34 0.48 LeviStrauss LEVI 17.78 -1.01 NewsCorp A NWSA 12.33 -0.53 Steris STE 165.44 0.57 VEREIT VER 9.61 -0.03
previous closing price was $2 or higher. or securities assumed by such companies. Honeywell HON 167.18 -0.62 LibertyBroadbandA LBRDA 131.47 -0.23 NewsCorp B NWS 12.73 -0.50 R S STMicroelec STM 28.54 0.53 t VF VFC 76.39 -0.85
HorizonTherap HZNP 35.13 1.25 LibertyBroadbandC LBRDK 133.36 0.01 NextEraEnergy NEE 269.47 -0.86 StoneCo STNE 41.57 0.57 VICI Prop VICI 25.64 -1.05
HormelFoods HRL 43.94 -0.78 LibertyGlobal A LBTYA 20.51 -0.04 NielsenHoldings NLSN 20.29 -0.13 RELX RELX 25.53 -0.01 Stryker SYK 201.66 -4.65 VailResorts MTN 220.37 -10.37
Wall Street Journal stock tables reflect composite regular trading as of 4 p.m. and RPM 69.46 -1.13
changes in the closing prices from 4 p.m. the previous day. DR Horton DHI 56.57 -1.52 LibertyGlobal C LBTYK 19.51 -0.03 Nike NKE 92.00 -0.90 RPM SumitomoMits SMFG 6.44 0.03 t Vale VALE 10.18 -0.13
t HostHotels HST 14.89 -0.50 LibertyFormOne C FWONK 39.79 -3.17 NiSource NI 27.75 -0.63 RalphLauren RL 101.58 -1.18 SunComms SUI 165.53 -4.97 ValeroEnergy VLO 71.72 -2.72
HuanengPower HNP 16.67 0.14 LibertyFormOne A FWONA 37.76 -2.74 t NobleEnergy NBL 15.30 -0.30 RaymondJames RJF 90.03 -0.91 SunLifeFinancial SLF 46.56 -0.14 VarianMed VAR 130.17 -1.81
Wednesday, February 26, 2020 Net Net Huazhu HTHT 33.86 0.75 LibertySirius A LSXMA 47.48 -1.40 Nokia NOK 4.15 0.24 Raytheon RTN 200.30 -3.11 SuncorEnergy SU 28.44 -0.68 VeevaSystems VEEV 147.49 -2.47
Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Hubbell HUBB 136.31 -0.26 LibertySirius C LSXMK 47.43 -1.59 NomuraHoldings NMR 4.76 0.07 RealtyIncome O 79.76 -1.16 Suzano SUZ 8.71 -0.04 Ventas VTR 59.49 -0.32
Stock Sym Close Chg HubSpot HUBS 180.85 2.02 EliLilly LLY 133.53 -1.88 Nordson NDSN 155.41 -1.75 ReataPharm RETA 198.59 2.39 SynchronyFin SYF 30.59 -0.17 VeriSign VRSN 195.85 2.20
Blackstone BX 56.00 -0.47 DexCom DXCM 278.25 -5.71 Humana HUM 328.67 -3.35 LincolnNational LNC 51.18 -0.92 Nordstrom JWN 36.38 -0.42 RegencyCtrs REG 61.45 -0.41 SyneosHealth SYNH 64.57 -0.07 VeriskAnalytics VRSK 163.53 0.71
Boeing BA 305.59 1.45 t Diageo DEO 149.67 -2.93 JBHunt JBHT 100.67 -0.60 Linde LIN 203.41 1.76 NorfolkSouthern NSC 190.07 -4.78 s RegenPharm REGN 457.92 15.57 Synnex SNX 133.82 0.66 Verizon VZ 57.14 0.02
A B C BookingHldgs BKNG1678.20 -48.38 t DiamondbkEner FANG 63.14 -4.02 HuntingtonBcshs HBAN 12.70 -0.13 LiveNationEnt LYV 60.76 -2.03 NorthernTrust NTRS 89.37 -1.76 RegionsFin RF 14.58 -0.21 Synopsys SNPS 142.04 -0.12 VertxPharm VRTX 232.04 2.04
BoozAllen BAH 71.91 1.44 DigitalRealty DLR 130.38 -3.16 HuntingIngalls HII 219.76 -3.07 LloydsBanking LYG 2.62 -0.02 NorthropGrum NOC 334.32 -5.65 t ReinsGrp RGA 136.04 -4.35 Sysco SYY 72.87 -1.18 t ViacomCBS B VIAC 24.44 -0.92
ABB ABB 22.42 0.10 t BorgWarner BWA 30.21 -0.56 t DiscoverFinSvcs DFS 69.00 -0.49 HyattHotels H 79.45 -0.70 LockheedMartin LMT 400.90 0.54 NortonLifeLock NLOK 19.30 0.17 RelianceSteel RS 108.62 1.16 t ViacomCBS A VIACA 29.19 -0.69
ACADIA Pharm ACAD 40.22 -0.45
AECOM ACM 47.86 -1.15
BostonProps BXP 135.41 -1.34 DiscoveryB DISCB 34.75 0.38 IAA IAA 45.09 -1.05 Loews L 48.95 -1.41 t NorwegCruise NCLH 36.21 -3.10 RenaissanceRe RNR 188.40 0.20 T U V Vipshop VIPS 13.01 0.30
BostonSci BSX 39.39 -0.52 DiscoveryA DISCA 26.47 -0.95 IAC/InterActive IAC 209.20 -3.79 LogitechIntl LOGI 39.23 0.07 Novartis NVS 87.11 -0.84 RepublicSvcs RSG 96.90 -0.15 VirginGalactic SPCE 28.75 -5.29
AES AES 18.69 -0.69 RMD 165.92 0.11 TAL Education TAL 56.30 -0.28
t BrightHorizons BFAM 164.25 -3.00 DiscoveryC DISCK 25.42 -0.88 ICICI Bank IBN 14.44 0.02 Lowe's LOW 113.30 -5.22 NovoNordisk NVO 61.10 0.48 ResMed Visa V 187.21 -1.19
Aflac AFL 46.55 -1.15
Bristol-Myers BMY 62.04 -0.10 Disney DIS 123.36 -4.83 IdexxLab IDXX 259.45 2.74 lululemon LULU 238.56 -0.25 Novocure NVCR 79.45 -0.58 RestaurantBrands QSR 61.65 -1.29 TC Energy TRP 55.82 -0.02 VistraEnergy VST 21.68 -0.46
AGNC Invt AGNC 18.44 -0.07
BritishAmTob BTI 41.15 0.10 DocuSign DOCU 83.58 0.52 IHS Markit INFO 74.79 -0.12 Lumentum LITE 77.53 -0.27 NuanceComms NUAN 22.27 0.17 RexfordIndlRealty REXR 50.00 -0.37 TCF Financial TCF 39.16 -0.51 VMware VMW 144.27 -2.77
Ansys ANSS 270.19 3.75
BrixmorProp BRX 19.11 -0.53 DolbyLab DLB 68.95 0.04 ING Groep ING 9.88 ... Lyft LYFT 39.86 -1.96 t Nucor NUE 43.67 -1.30 ReynoldsCnsmr REYN 29.98 -0.11 TD Ameritrade AMTD 43.32 -0.30 Vodafone VOD 18.63 -0.19
ASETech ASX 4.71 0.04
ASML ASML 286.32 1.73 Broadcom AVGO 285.88 3.20 DollarGeneral DG 162.67 1.17 Invesco IVZ 15.46 -0.40 LyondellBasell LYB 74.39 -1.02 Nutanix NTNX 32.63 -2.07 RingCentral RNG 234.93 -0.38 TE Connectivity TEL 86.16 -0.19 t VornadoRealty VNO 57.50 -1.41
BroadridgeFinl BR 112.54 0.09 DollarTree DLTR 87.75 -0.92 IPG Photonics IPGP 126.73 -0.32 t Nutrien NTR 40.46 -0.12 RioTinto RIO 49.71 -0.72 Telus TU 37.86 -0.36 VoyaFinancial VOYA 57.28 -0.64
AT&T T 37.10 -0.25
AbbottLabs ABT 81.36 0.23 BrookfieldMgt BAM 63.56 -0.18 DominionEner D 86.77 -1.02 IQVIA IQV 149.39 -0.67 M N NVIDIA NVDA 267.65 5.60 RobertHalf
RHI 52.26
ROK 195.16
TIM Part
TFSL 21.78 0.19
TSU 18.52 0.01
VulcanMatls VMC 121.02 -3.82
BrookfieldInfr BIP 53.66 0.48 Domino's DPZ 366.67 -1.99 IcahnEnterprises IEP 64.42 0.42
AbbVie ABBV 88.41 -0.77 48.30 0.11 s
t Abiomed ABMD 154.09 -4.71 Brown&Brown BRO 46.23 0.07 Donaldson DCI 47.16 -1.02 Icon ICLR 159.73 -0.73 M&T Bank MTB 153.46 -2.49
MDU 30.51 -0.09
O P Q RogersComm B RCI
ROKU 112.71 -5.96
TJX TJX 63.99 4.27
T-MobileUS TMUS 93.65 -0.93
Accenture ACN 195.67 -1.43 Brown-Forman B BF.B 64.43 -1.80 DouglasEmmett DEI 41.53 -1.04 IDEX IEX 159.31 -3.53 MDU Rscs Roku
Brown-Forman A BF.A 61.14 -1.23 Dover DOV 108.30 -1.76 IllinoisToolWks ITW 175.99 -1.60 MGM Resorts MGM 26.71 -1.18 OGE Energy OGE 43.12 -0.73 Rollins ROL 38.87 0.21 TRowePrice TROW 126.61 0.07 WABCO WBC 135.20 -0.26
ActivisionBliz ATVI 59.37 -0.14 t MPLX MPLX 20.70 -0.52 ONEOK OKE 73.29 -0.32 RoperTech ROP 365.00 -0.91 TaiwanSemi TSM 55.03 1.17 WEC Energy WEC 100.29 -0.12
Bruker BRKR 46.22 0.09 Dow DOW 43.05 -0.90 Illumina ILMN 274.70 4.75
Adobe ADBE 351.34 3.54 MSCI 305.61 5.30 OReillyAuto ORLY 377.69 0.34 RossStores ROST 119.20 2.45 TakeTwoSoftware TTWO 109.47 -1.50 WEX 199.83 -7.51
AdvanceAuto AAP 134.54 -3.06 Bunge BG 50.53 -0.49 DrReddy'sLab RDY 43.08 0.41 t ImperialOil IMO 22.21 -0.93 MSCI WEX
BurlingtonStrs BURL 233.97 -1.27 Dropbox DBX 19.88 -0.76 Incyte INCY 77.97 0.65 MadisonSquGarden MSG 274.86 -13.54 t OccidentalPetrol OXY 34.22 -1.97 RoyalBkCanada RY 78.09 -1.70 TakedaPharm TAK 18.21 0.08 W.P.Carey WPC 86.67 -0.33
AdvMicroDevices AMD 47.49 -0.08
Aegon AEG 3.66 -0.03 CACI Intl CACI 258.30 4.71 DukeEnergy DUK 98.94 -0.33 Infosys INFY 11.00 -0.02 t MagellanMid MMP 57.00 -0.80 Okta OKTA 127.82 4.85 RoyalBkScotland RBS 4.91 -0.07 Tapestry TPR 23.52 -0.83 WPP WPP 57.70 -0.61
CBRE Group CBRE 56.93 -1.03 DukeRealty DRE 36.20 -0.33 Ingersoll-Rand IR 138.76 0.75 MagnaIntl MGA 46.84 -0.30 OldDomFreight ODFL 206.28 -2.65 t RoyalCaribbean RCL 82.34 -7.21 TargaResources TRGP 34.74 -0.93 Wabtec WAB 70.88 -1.66
AerCap AER 54.35 -0.19 -0.50 RoyalDutchA RDS.A 45.75 -0.15 TGT 110.66 -1.06
AgilentTechs A 78.11 0.16 CDK Global CDK 47.46 -0.85 Dunkin' DNKN 71.55 -2.15 Ingredion INGR 90.73 -1.00 ManulifeFin MFC 17.55 -0.09 OldRepublic ORI 21.26 Target WalgreensBoots WBA 47.67 0.16
AgnicoEagle AEM 51.16 -0.78 CDW CDW 124.84 -0.31 t DuPont DD 47.26 -0.21 Insulet PODD 180.01 -16.72 t MarathonOil MRO 8.41 -0.51 OmegaHealthcare OHI 43.94 -0.03 RoyalDutchB RDS.B 46.32 0.12 TataMotors TTM 10.06 ... Walmart WMT 113.78 -0.61
t CF Industries CF 37.06 -0.58 Dynatrace DT 32.58 -0.02 Intel INTC 59.65 -0.08 MarathonPetrol MPC 52.27 -0.85 Omnicom OMC 72.41 -1.61 RoyalGold RGLD 107.20 -0.14 TechnipFMC FTI 15.23 -0.04 WasteConnections WCN 99.87 -1.30
AirProducts APD 235.52 0.03 MKL 1278.61 -16.27 ON Semi 18.36 -0.26 Ryanair RYAAY 75.72 -2.12 TeladocHealth TDOC 116.86 -1.54 WM 120.93 -1.02
AkamaiTech AKAM 92.54 -1.19 CGI GIB 72.54 -0.02 ENI E 25.70 0.02 ICE ICE 93.86 1.89 Markel ON WasteMgt
CH Robinson CHRW 71.66 -0.19 t EOG Rscs EOG 63.20 -3.79 t InterContinentl IHG 57.01 -1.01 MarketAxess MKTX 338.28 7.08 OpenText OTEX 43.69 -0.02 SAP SAP 126.90 -0.88 TeledyneTech TDY 355.16 -2.68 Waters WAT 202.60 -0.77
AlaskaAir ALK 57.37 -1.44 MAR 120.19 -3.89 Oracle ORCL 52.05 1.09 S&P Global SPGI 282.77 0.14 Teleflex TFX 345.30 -2.81 WSO 162.50 1.71
Albemarle ALB 85.65 -0.18 CME Group CME 220.18 11.86 EPAM Systems EPAM 221.89 4.93 IBM IBM 139.75 -1.96 Marriott Watsco
CMS Energy CMS 66.44 -0.40 E*TRADE ETFC 47.77 -0.75 IntlFlavors IFF 123.44 -0.50 Marsh&McLen MMC 112.59 1.48 Orange ORAN 13.92 ... SBA Comm SBAC 288.28 -2.81 Ericsson ERIC 8.47 0.12 Wayfair W 71.15 -0.50
s Alcon ALC 63.19 4.39 83.04 0.94 SEI Investments SEIC 63.24 -0.24 TelefonicaBras VIV 12.20 -0.12
AlexandriaRlEst ARE 163.08 -0.57 CNA Fin CNA 44.34 -1.36 EastWestBncp EWBC 40.52 -0.32 IntlPaper IP 38.82 -0.41 MartinMarietta MLM 234.69 -4.44 Orix IX WellsFargo WFC 44.14 -0.98
CNH Indl CNHI 8.95 0.14 EastmanChem EMN 65.81 -0.76 Interpublic IPG 22.99 -0.16 MarvellTech MRVL 22.36 -0.29 OwensCorning OC 56.83 -1.82 SINOPEC SHI 25.57 0.22 Telefonica TEF 6.26 0.03 Welltower WELL 80.72 -2.25
t AlexionPharm ALXN 94.78 -1.36 MAS 44.33 0.03 PG&E PCG 16.72 -0.85 SK Telecom SKM 19.62 0.17 TelekmIndonesia TLK 25.32 -0.26 WestPharmSvcs WST 158.30 -4.27
Alibaba BABA 208.74 3.13 CNOOC CEO 143.83 -0.61 Eaton ETN 96.58 -1.63 InterXion INXN 91.14 -2.20 Masco
CRH CRH 35.43 0.11 eBay EBAY 36.69 0.23 Intuit INTU 280.09 -4.71 Masimo MASI 167.41 -1.44 PNC Fin PNC 138.71 -2.63 SLGreenRealty SLG 85.03 -0.87 10xGenomics TXG 75.18 1.61 WesternDigital WDC 59.62 0.09
AlignTech ALGN 227.54 -2.07 Mastercard MA 298.04 -4.85 POSCO PKX 41.12 0.70 SS&C Tech SSNC 58.77 -0.81 Tenaris TS 18.91 -0.11 t WesternMidstrm WES 13.41 -0.12
CSX CSX 75.31 -0.26 Ecolab ECL 194.43 -0.35 IntuitiveSurgical ISRG 559.53 1.01
Alleghany Y 743.24 -8.57 PPD PPD 28.81 0.37 StoreCapital STOR 36.41 -0.64 Teradyne TER 61.43 -0.20 WesternUnion WU 23.81 -0.25
Allegion ALLE 123.66 -0.34 CVS Health CVS 62.65 -1.68 Ecopetrol EC 18.87 -0.26 InvitatHomes INVH 29.61 -0.84 MatchGroup MTCH 66.04 -1.71
CableOne CABO1600.00 -65.00 EdisonInt EIX 74.31 -0.77 IonisPharma IONS 56.02 0.72 MaximIntProducts MXIM 57.55 0.70 PPG Ind PPG 109.09 -0.54 SVB Fin SIVB 224.30 -7.86 Tesla TSLA 778.80 -21.11 t WestlakeChem WLK 56.29 -0.98
Allergan AGN 193.19 -0.54 MKC 153.11 -5.26 PPL PPL 33.24 -1.33 CRM 178.87 -2.40 TevaPharm TEVA 13.02 -0.22 t WestpacBanking WBK 16.08 -0.02
AlliantEnergy LNT 57.83 -0.18 CabotOil COG 14.66 0.06 EdwardsLife EW 221.58 -2.49 iQIYI IQ 24.26 0.28 McCormick
CadenceDesign CDNS 68.88 0.43 ElancoAnimal ELAN 28.77 -0.48 IronMountain IRM 33.05 0.09 McCormickVtg MKC.V 153.21 -5.79 PRA HealthSci PRAH 94.15 -0.79 Sanofi SNY 49.45 0.44 TexasInstruments TXN 118.79 0.41 WestRock WRK 34.86 -0.09
Allstate ALL 115.73 -1.58 McDonalds MCD 210.10 -2.00 PTC PTC 80.43 -0.89 SantanderCons SC 25.97 0.14 t Textron TXT 41.85 -1.29 Weyerhaeuser WY 27.40 -0.67
AllyFinancial ALLY 25.97 -0.14 CAE CAE 28.19 -0.58 ElbitSystems ESLT 154.38 3.98 t ItauUnibanco ITUB 6.99 -0.06
CaesarsEnt CZR 12.95 -0.36 ElectronicArts EA 106.54 1.16 McKesson MCK 158.98 -1.87 Paccar PCAR 69.42 -0.57 SareptaTherap SRPT 113.63 -0.16 ThermoFisherSci TMO 309.16 -0.47 WheatonPrecMet WPM 32.57 -0.58
AlnylamPharm ALNY 118.05 -1.24 -0.07 t Sasol
Alphabet C GOOG 1393.18 4.73 CamdenProperty CPT 116.42 -0.13 EmersonElec EMR 66.63 0.03 J K L MedicalProp MPW 23.21 -0.03
Medtronic MDT 106.15 -2.38
PackagingCpAm PKG 94.21
PagSeguroDig PAGS 34.57
SSL 12.71
0.54 t Schlumberger SLB 28.38
ThomsonReuters TRI 77.56 -3.09
3M MMM 148.96 2.11 t
WHR 137.31
WMB 19.22
Alphabet A GOOGL 1390.47 4.15 CampbellSoup CPB 46.64 -1.24 Enbridge ENB 39.22 -0.65
EncompassHealth EHC 77.38 0.51 JD 39.92 1.08 t MelcoResorts MLCO 18.30 -0.35 t PaloAltoNtwks PANW 189.58 -7.38 SchwabC SCHW 41.42 -0.18 Tiffany TIF 133.51 -0.24 WillisTowers WLTW 204.44 1.80
Alteryx AYX 136.78 4.09 CIBC CM 80.33 0.85
CanNtlRlwy CNI 88.46 -0.56 EnelAmericas ENIA 8.72 -0.20 JPMorganChase JPM 126.64 0.38 MellanoxTech MLNX 119.82 -0.37 ParkerHannifin PH 189.67 -4.81 ScottsMiracleGro SMG 115.23 1.53 Toll Bros TOL 37.82 -6.47 Wipro WIT 3.64 -0.02
AlticeUSA ATUS 27.44 0.06 JackHenry JKHY 160.55 -3.20 MercadoLibre MELI 632.05 2.05 Paychex PAYX 82.28 -1.33 Sea SE 46.42 -0.28 Toro TTC 77.21 -0.33 WIX 132.50 -1.19
Altria MO 42.12 -0.37 CanNaturalRes CNQ 26.87 -0.73 EnelChile ENIC 4.47 -0.07
CanPacRlwy CP 256.93 -1.07 t EnergyTransfer ET 10.78 -0.44 JacobsEngg J 99.83 1.12 Merck MRK 79.94 -0.33 PaycomSoftware PAYC 291.92 3.01 Seagate STX 51.08 0.66 TorontoDomBk TD 54.96 -0.26 Woodward WWD 112.41 -0.58
Amarin AMRN 16.27 -1.23 JamesHardie JHX 19.07 0.04 MetLife MET 46.92 -0.66 Paylocity PCTY 135.27 1.61 SeattleGenetics SGEN 112.11 -0.27 t Total TOT 43.91 -0.25 Workday WDAY 175.36 -0.11
Canon CAJ 25.35 0.58 EnphaseEnergy ENPH 51.87 0.97 AMZN 1979.59 6.85 t JazzPharma JAZZ 116.59 -10.66 MettlerToledo MTD 700.38 -2.62 PayPal PYPL 109.11 -0.55 SempraEnergy SRE 146.87 -2.70 ToyotaMotor TM 135.13 1.10 WynnResorts WYNN 110.75 -3.14
t CanopyGrowth CGC 19.82 0.20 Entegris ENTG 52.96 -0.04
Ambev ABEV 3.57 -0.04 JefferiesFin JEF 20.99 -0.66 MicrochipTech MCHP 94.77 -2.41 Pearson PSO 7.37 -0.12 SensataTechs ST 43.09 -0.93 TractorSupply TSCO 91.49 -1.66 XP XP 36.20 -1.30
CapitalOne COF 92.82 0.04 Entergy ETR 125.65 -0.65
Amcor AMCR 9.76 0.09 t EnterpriseProd EPD 23.85 -0.14 J&J JNJ 143.68 -0.97 MicronTech MU 52.37 0.27 Pegasystems PEGA 93.44 -0.87 ServiceCorp SCI 50.37 -1.22 TradeDesk TTD 266.90 -6.61 XPO Logistics XPO 83.03 -2.61
Amdocs DOX 68.07 -0.78 CardinalHealth CAH 55.01 -0.43
Equifax EFX 153.39 1.20 JohnsonControls JCI 39.31 -0.14 Microsoft MSFT 170.17 2.10 Peloton PTON 29.19 2.08 ServiceNow NOW 334.27 4.55 Tradeweb TW 50.00 0.22 XcelEnergy XEL 68.35 -0.49
Amedisys AMED 188.87 3.63 Carlisle CSL 152.11 -0.94
Equinix EQIX 629.84 -2.14 JonesLang JLL 143.75 -2.70 MidAmApt MAA 142.32 -0.75 PembinaPipeline PBA 37.92 -0.60 t ShawComm B SJR 18.59 -0.10 TransDigm TDG 564.63 -7.58 Xerox XRX 35.73 -0.73
t Amerco UHAL 332.62 -5.81 Carlyle CG 29.82 0.54
t Equinor EQNR 15.82 -0.07 t JuniperNetworks JNPR 22.38 -0.27 Middleby MIDD 115.27 8.49 Pentair PNR 41.85 -0.56 SherwinWilliams SHW 550.61 -0.35 TransUnion TRU 94.15 -0.59 t Xilinx XLNX 82.60 -1.28
Ameren AEE 85.21 1.65 CarMax KMX 91.30 -1.99 SHG 27.91
KB Fin KB 32.08 0.30 MitsubishiUFJ MUFG 4.94 0.05 Penumbra PEN 171.69 -4.47 ShinhanFin 0.39 Travelers TRV 128.56 -2.23 Xylem XYL 83.93 -0.14

t Carnival CCL 33.14 -2.70 Equitable EQH 23.18 -0.85
AmericaMovil AMX 16.45 0.11 EquityLife ELS 73.89 -1.48 KKR KKR 30.16 -0.03 MizuhoFin MFG 2.73 0.01 People'sUtdFin PBCT 15.04 -0.35 Shopify SHOP 471.18 4.72 Trex TREX 98.47 -5.23 Yandex YNDX 41.50 1.44
t AmerAirlines AAL 22.31 -0.81 CaseysGenStores CASY 174.05 -3.17 PEP 141.98 0.88 Sibanye-Stillwater SBSW 9.75 -0.15
EquityResdntl EQR 83.36 -0.15 KLA KLAC 147.27 -0.14 MobileTeleSys MBT 10.30 0.13 PepsiCo Trimble TRMB 42.73 -0.11 YumBrands YUM 97.50 -0.45

AmCampus ACC 47.86 -0.14 Catalent CTLT 55.02 0.30
ErieIndemnity A ERIE 159.15 2.22 KSCitySouthern KSU 160.81 -0.63 s Moderna MRNA 29.16 5.40 PerformanceFood PFGC 47.46 -2.80 SignatureBank SBNY 136.37 -1.65 TCOM 30.25 0.10 YumChina YUMC 43.51 -0.30
AEP AEP 97.43 -0.74 Caterpillar CAT 128.25 -0.75
EssentialUtil WTRG 50.31 -0.12 Kellogg K 62.77 -0.62 MohawkInds MHK 125.83 0.47 PerkinElmer PKI 86.00 0.25 SimonProperty SPG 132.23 -3.05 TruistFinl TFC 50.70 -0.61 ZTO Express ZTO 23.76 -0.03
AmerExpress AXP 118.50 -2.40 Celanese CE 96.87 -0.94 6.79 -0.19
EssexProp ESS 316.94 -0.97 KeurigDrPepper KDP 28.73 -0.19 MolinaHealthcare MOH 128.73 -0.31 Perrigo PRGO 60.67 -0.13 SiriusXM SIRI Twilio TWLO 112.96 0.65 ZayoGroup ZAYO 34.88 -0.03
AmericanFin AFG 100.28 -1.53 CenovusEnergy CVE 7.91 -0.33 SWKS 103.81 -2.36
EsteeLauder EL 189.29 -2.14 KeyCorp KEY 17.67 -0.37 MolsonCoorsB TAP 51.74 0.32 PetroChina PTR 40.34 0.08 Skyworks Twitter TWTR 34.63 -0.58 ZebraTech ZBRA 217.81 -2.19
AmHomes4Rent AMH 27.14 -0.49 Centene CNC 54.39 -1.56 t WORK 26.61 -0.14 ZEN 83.04 1.73
t Etsy ETSY 50.69 0.80 KeysightTechs KEYS 94.07 0.41 Mondelez MDLZ 56.86 -0.16 PetroleoBrasil PBR 12.55 -0.27 SlackTech TylerTech TYL 324.32 2.29 Zendesk
AIG AIG 45.00 -0.24 CenterPointEner CNP 24.08 -0.41
EuronetWorldwide EEFT 131.47 1.60 KilroyRealty KRC 79.39 -2.82 MongoDB MDB 151.26 1.88 PetroleoBrasilA PBR.A 11.75
on -0.27 t SmithAO AOS 39.60 -1.35 TysonFoods TSN 71.09 -0.62 Zillow C Z 57.08 -0.70
AmerTowerREIT AMT 242.67 -3.47 CentraisElBras EBR 7.71 -0.41 KimberlyClark KMB 138.26 -0.72 MonolithicPower MPWR 164.22 -0.32 Pfizer PFE 34.72 0.79 Smith&Nephew SNN 47.54 -0.04 UBS Group UBS 11.78 -0.04 Zillow A ZG 57.54 -0.60
CenturyLink CTL 12.75 0.19 EverestRe RE 273.23 -5.32
AmerWaterWorks AWK 133.04 -0.05 Evergy EVRG 69.58 -0.52 KimcoRealty KIM 18.28 -0.30 MonsterBev MNST 65.88 -0.74 PhilipMorris PM 86.25 1.25 Smucker SJM 109.18 1.43 UDR UDR 49.28 -0.21 ZimmerBiomet ZBH 146.56 -3.17
AmericoldRealty COLD 32.34 -0.89 CeridianHCM CDAY 73.84 0.75 KinderMorgan KMI 20.52 -0.53 Moody's PSX 80.33 -2.48 Snap SNAP 15.67 -0.22 t UGI UGI 38.41 -1.29 ZionsBancorp ZION 41.82 -0.57
EversourceEner ES 93.46 0.08 MCO 261.01 0.98 Phillips66
Ameriprise AMP 156.00 -0.23 Cerner CERN 72.41 ... 5.76 0.06 MorganStanley MS 47.24 -0.79 SNA 149.45 -4.18 US Foods USFD 36.43 -1.69 Zoetis ZTS 136.15 1.33
ExactSciences EXAS 80.76 -5.77 KinrossGold KGC Pinduoduo PDD 34.53 1.73 SnapOn
AmerisourceBrgn ABC 93.71 0.78 CharlesRiverLabs CRL 161.05 -1.41 UBER 34.45 -1.44 ZM 106.88 -0.20
Exelixis EXEL 18.69 -0.71 KirklandLakeGold KL 36.40 -0.44 Morningstar MORN 155.13 -0.05 PinnacleWest PNW 97.20 -1.20 SolarEdgeTech SEDG 132.41 -0.59 Uber ZoomVideo
Ametek AME 91.11 -0.64 CharterComms CHTR 518.09 0.10 SNE 63.94 0.36 135.02 0.89 51.33 0.92
Exelon EXC 47.05 -0.58 Knight-Swift KNX 33.98 -2.00 Mosaic MOS 17.45 -0.65 Pinterest PINS 20.31 -0.65 Sony Ubiquiti UI Zscaler ZS
Amgen AMGN 214.54 4.16 t CheckPoint CHKP 103.66 -2.72 t 66.19 -0.67 UltaBeauty ULTA 272.76 -5.23 ZNGA 6.88 -0.11
us ,

Expedia EXPE 101.19 -7.72 Kohl's KSS 40.02 -1.08 MotorolaSol MSI 177.75 -0.36 PioneerNatRscs PXD 125.49 -4.60 Southern SO Zynga
Amphenol APH 95.67 0.20 Chemed CHE 451.43 -7.05 KoninklijkePhil PHG 43.50 -0.47 Mylan t PlainsAllAmPipe PAA 14.07 -0.54
t ExpeditorsIntl EXPD 72.74 0.40 MYL 19.54 -0.36
AnalogDevices ADI 114.84 0.18 CheniereEnergy LNG 48.27 -1.59 KoreaElcPwr KEP 9.90 -0.15 NICE NICE 167.94 0.65 PlanetFitness PLNT 75.77 -5.40
CheniereEnerPtrs CQP 34.31 0.10 ExtraSpaceSt EXR 107.66 0.66
Anaplan PLAN 58.09 1.08 t ExxonMobil XOM 53.01 KraftHeinz KHC 25.64 -0.43 NRG Energy NRG 35.05 -1.08 Pool POOL 220.01 2.50
Borrowing Benchmarks |
AngloGoldAsh AU 21.08 0.23 t Chevron CVX 98.04 -2.67
F5Networks FFIV 126.45 -0.34 Kroger KR 28.75 -0.92 NVR NVR 3849.50 -10.78 PostHoldings POST 101.50 -0.31
t BUD 66.29 -0.63 Chewy CHWY 30.74 1.25
AB InBev L Brands LB 22.78 -0.72 NXP Semi NXPI 119.47 -1.35 PrincipalFin PFG 48.95 -0.53
ChinaEastrnAir CEA 22.25 0.09 FMC FMC 96.89 -0.85
AnnalyCap NLY 9.79 -0.01
ChinaLifeIns LFC 11.78 0.18 Facebook FB 197.20 0.43
Anthem ANTM 268.15 0.75
ChinaMobile CHL 40.84 -0.17 FactSet FDS 289.92 1.86
AON 222.49 0.05
Apache APA 24.43 -1.07 ChinaPetrol SNP 51.75 0.33 FairIsaac
FICO 390.36
FAST 35.96
Money Rates February 26, 2020
ApartmtInv AIV 52.86 -0.73
ApolloGlbMgmt APO 43.20 0.03 t
ChinaSoAirlines ZNH 27.14 -0.04
ChinaUnicom CHU 8.17 0.01
FederalRealty FRT 122.91
FedEx FDX 144.53
Dividend Changes Key annual interest rates paid to borrow or lend money in U.S. and
Apple AAPL 292.65 4.57 Chipotle CMG 847.29 -8.72
Ferrari RACE 159.90 -1.61
ApplMaterials AMAT 59.81 0.95 Chubb CB 158.03 0.82
FiatChrysler FCAU 12.50 0.54 Dividend announcements from February 26. international markets. Rates below are a guide to general levels but
Aptargroup ATR 104.68 -2.26 ChunghwaTel CHT 35.57 0.17
FidNatlFin FNF 41.24 -1.00
don’t always represent actual transactions.
Aptiv APTV 81.10 -0.01 Church&Dwight CHD 74.43 -0.33
FidNatlInfo FIS 143.90 -0.76
Aramark ARMK 39.00 -0.75 ChurchillDowns CHDN 145.44 -4.80 Amount Payable /
FifthThirdBncp FITB 26.65 -0.42 Week —52-WEEK—
ArcelorMittal MT 14.71 0.07
ArchCapital ACGL 43.83 -0.56
CIEN 40.39 -0.54
CI 188.92 -2.84 WUBA 56.06 -0.02 Company Symbol Yld % New/Old Frq Record Inflation Latest ago High Low
FirstAmerFin FAF 60.99 -0.86 Jan. Index Chg From (%)
ArcherDaniels ADM 39.87 -0.56 CincinnatiFin CINF 103.13 -1.59
Arconic ARNC 31.85 0.14 Cintas CTAS 283.91 4.03
FirstRepBank FRC 107.82 -2.15 Increased 60 days 2.861 2.965 4.112 2.857
FirstEnergy FE 48.30 -0.59 level Dec. '19 Jan. '19
arGEN-X ARGX 150.51 -2.98 t CiscoSystems CSCO 42.16 -0.58 BWX Technologies BWXT 1.1 .19 /.17 Q Mar26 /Mar09
Fiserv FISV 112.87 -0.38
AristaNetworks ANET 203.14 -2.85 Citigroup C 68.18 -1.25 CenterState Bank 2.0 .14 /.11 Q Mar31 /Mar16
ArrowElec ARW 71.18 -1.39 CitizensFin CFG 33.69 -0.75
FiveBelow FIVE 105.60
FleetCorTech FLT 284.20
-1.58 CSFL
U.S. consumer price index Other short-term rates
-4.18 Douglas Dynamics PLOW 2.5 .28 /.2725 Q Mar31 /Mar20
AscendisPharma ASND 129.76 -0.49 CitrixSystems CTXS 106.80 -1.85 Flex FLEX 11.97 -0.37 All items 257.971 0.39 2.5
AspenTech AZPN 113.59 -1.41 ClarivateAnaly CCC 20.62 -0.23 EPR Properties EPR 7.1 .3825 /.375 M Apr15 /Mar31 Week 52-Week
FlirSystems FLIR 54.09 ... Core 266.004 0.40 2.3
Assurant AIZ 132.51 -1.35 Clorox CLX 168.03 0.18 Floor&Decor FND 55.44 -1.36 Fifth Third Bancorp FITB 3.6 .27 /.24 Q Apr14 /Mar31 Latest ago high low
AstraZeneca AZN 47.57 0.49 s Cloudflare NET 22.11 1.82 FomentoEconMex FMX 86.91 0.20
Athene ATH 45.67 -0.42 Coca-Cola KO 57.60 -0.22 Greif B GEF.B 6.2 .66 /.65 Q Apr01 /Mar18 International rates
t FordMotor F 7.21 -0.02 Call money
Atlassian TEAM 146.50 2.02 Coca-Cola Euro CCEP 54.07 -0.04 Fortinet FTNT 106.26 1.21
Home Depot HD 2.3 1.50 /1.36 Q Mar26 /Mar12
AtmosEnergy ATO 112.09 -1.65 Cognex CGNX 46.73 -0.21 Fortis FTS 43.23 -0.31 Ryman Hospitality Prop RHP 4.9 .95 /.90 Q Apr15 /Mar31 3.50 3.50 4.25 3.50
Autodesk ADSK 190.67 3.94 CognizantTech CTSH 63.28 -1.20 Week 52-Week
Fortive FTV 70.75 0.47 Latest ago High Low
Autohome ATHM 80.72 0.40 ColgatePalm CL 72.92 -0.88 Foreign
Autoliv ALV 69.63 0.88 ColumbiaSportswr COLM 84.39 -0.29
FortBrandsHome FBHS 64.83 -2.28 Commercial paper (AA financial)
FoxA FOXA 32.79 -0.42
ADP ADP 166.33 -0.85 Comcast A CMCSA 42.22 -0.95 FoxB FOX 32.40 -0.43
Bank of Montreal BMO 4.4 .7976 Q May26 /May01 Prime rates 90 days 1.55 1.63 2.60 1.55
AutoZone AZO 1014.06 -18.63 t Comerica CMA 55.74 -1.05 Franco-Nevada FNV 118.08 0.17 Bank Of Nova Scotia BNS 5.1 .6772 Q Apr28 /Apr07
Avalara AVLR 86.61 2.61 CommerceBcshrs CBSH 64.56 -1.07 t FranklinRscs BEN 23.01 -0.57
U.S. 4.75 4.75 5.50 4.75 Libor
Avalonbay AVB 221.22 -0.19 SBS 13.57 -0.40
Eaton Corp. PLC ETN 2.9 .73 Q Mar27 /Mar13
SABESP FreeportMcM FCX 10.46 -0.27 Manchester United Cl A 1.0 .09 Jun03 /Apr24
Canada 3.95 3.95 3.95 3.95
Avangrid AGR 51.85 -4.45 ConagraBrands CAG 26.94 -1.44 FreseniusMed FMS 38.84 -0.33
MANU SA One month 1.60338 1.63938 2.50150 1.60338
Avantor AVTR 16.32 -0.05 ConchoRscs CXO 68.56 -2.58 nVent Electric 2.7 .175 May08 /Apr24
Japan 1.475 1.475 1.475 1.475
NVT Q Three month 1.61325 1.69600 2.63263 1.61325
AveryDennison AVY 119.84 -1.68 ConocoPhillips COP 51.17 -2.66 G H I
AxaltaCoating AXTA 26.57 -0.19 Pentair PLC PNR 1.8 .19 Q May01 /Apr17 Policy Rates Six month 1.59025 1.69875 2.68813 1.59025
ConEd ED 87.69 -0.56
BCE BCE 46.88 -0.42 ConstBrands B STZ.B 196.60 -10.30
GCI LibertyA GLIBA 74.72 0.46 SAP ADR SAP 0.9 1.7119 Jun02 /May22 One year 1.61013 1.76888 2.88638 1.61013
t BHP Group BHP 46.44 -0.34 Euro zone 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
ConstBrands A STZ 190.97 -4.32 GDS Holdings GDS 59.07 0.18 Thomson Reuters TRI 1.9 .38 Q Mar18 /Mar06
-c F

BHP Group BBL 39.58 ... t ContinentalRscs CLR 20.78 -1.12 GSXTechedu GSX 43.50 -0.59 Switzerland 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 Euro Libor
t BP BP 32.68 -0.25 Cooper Galapagos
COO 335.32 -1.13 GLPG 233.91 -4.17 Special Britain 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75
BWX Tech BWXT 61.21 0.45 Copart Gallagher
CPRT 88.36 -0.58 AJG 103.84 -0.03 One month -0.523 -0.520 -0.408 -0.524
Baidu BIDU 123.54 -0.89 t Gaming&Leisure GLPI 46.34 -1.53 National Presto Inds NPK 1.2 5.00 Mar13 /Mar02 Australia 0.75 0.75 1.50 0.75
Corning GLW 25.25 -0.47 Three month -0.456 -0.433 -0.330 -0.482
t BakerHughes BKR 17.76 -0.86 Corteva t Gap
CTVA 28.50 0.12 GPS 14.70 -0.67
Ball BLL 75.67 1.14 CoStar GardnerDenver GDI 35.75
CSGP 682.34 -15.91 0.02 KEY: A: annual; M: monthly; Q: quarterly; r: revised; SA: semiannual; S2:1: stock split and ratio; SO: Overnight repurchase Six month -0.420 -0.395 -0.294 -0.474
BancoBilbaoViz BBVA 5.05 -0.02 Costco Garmin
COST 305.69 0.82 GRMN 90.38 -1.62 U.S. 1.60 1.62 3.40 1.50 One year -0.341 -0.316 -0.161 -0.428
t BancoBradesco BBDO 6.12 -0.14 Gartner IT 138.64 -2.46
Coty COTY 10.03 -0.42
BancodeChile BCH 18.87 0.25 CoupaSoftware COUP 160.16 0.26 Generac GNRC 110.87 3.56 Value 52-Week
t BancSanBrasil BSBR 8.57 -0.05 GeneralDynamics GD 171.55
CousinsProperties CUZ 39.36 -0.51 -2.37 U.S. government rates Latest Traded High Low
BcoSantChile BSAC 18.35 0.24 Credicorp GeneralElec GE
BAP 189.38 1.53 10.95 -0.37
BancoSantander SAN 3.76 0.03 GeneralMills GIS
CreditAcceptance CACC 410.00 2.39 52.14 -0.39 IPO Scorecard Discount
DTCC GCF Repo Index
BanColombia CIB 48.93 -0.05 CreditSuisse CS GeneralMotors GM
12.19 -0.18 32.00 0.25 2.25 2.25 3.00 2.25
BankofAmerica BAC 30.63 -0.45 CrowdStrike CRWD 58.46 0.72 Genmab GMAB 24.00 -0.31 Performance of IPOs, most-recent listed first Treasury 1.626 49.770 6.007 1.549
BankofMontreal BMO 71.65 -1.36 CrownCastle CCI 162.69 -0.33 Genpact G 41.75 0.10 MBS 1.647 72.700 6.699 1.568
BankNY Mellon BK 41.37 -0.22 CrownHoldings CCK 74.52 -0.62 Gentex GNTX 27.98 -0.14 % Chg From % Chg From
Federal funds
BkNovaScotia BNS 54.42 0.01 CubeSmart CUBE 32.25 0.68 GenuineParts GPC 90.18 -1.86 Company SYMBOL Friday3s Offer 1st-day Company SYMBOL Friday3s Offer 1st-day Effective rate 1.5900 1.6000 2.4800 1.4700
Barclays BCS 8.42 -0.04 Cummins s GileadSciences GILD 74.70
CMI 157.97 -3.04 4.60
BarrickGold GOLD 21.09 -0.16 GSK GSK 41.90 0.42 IPO date/Offer price close ($) price close IPO date/Offer price close ($) price close High 1.6500 1.6500 3.0000 1.5200
CurtissWright CW 130.60 -2.91
BauschHealth BHC 24.44 -0.33 CypressSemi CY GlobalPayments GPN 189.65
23.16 0.03 -1.55 Zhongchao 4.13 3.3 3.3 CITIC Capital Acquisition 10.20 2.0 ... Low 1.5000 1.5000 2.4400 0.5000 Notes on data:
BaxterIntl BAX 87.03 0.04 GlobeLife GL 100.74 -2.34 1.5500 1.5500 2.4400 1.4000

CyrusOne CONE 66.28 -0.06 ZCMD Feb. 24/$4.00 CCAC.UT Feb. 11/$10.00 Bid U.S. prime rate is the base rate on corporate
BectonDicknsn BDX 246.15 0.72 GoDaddy GDDY 71.57 -0.94
BGNE 158.04 -0.54 D E F 7.09 0.01 Offer 1.6000 1.6000 2.5000 1.4700 loans posted by at least 70% of the 10 largest
BeiGene GoldFields GFI dMY Technology Grp 10.30 3.0 –0.4 Greenrose Acquisition 10.05 0.5 –0.2 U.S. banks, and is effective October 31, 2019.
Berkley WRB 74.04 -1.13 GoldmanSachs GS 215.78 -1.83
DMYT.UT Feb. 21/$10.00 GNRSU Feb. 11/$10.00
BerkHathwy B BRK.B 216.06 -1.99 DISH Network DISH 36.32 -1.30 Graco GGG 53.69 0.16 Treasury bill auction Other prime rates aren’t directly comparable;

BerkHathwy A BRK.A 324301-3699.00 DTE Energy DTE 124.73 -3.39 Grainger GWW 284.85 0.06 East Stone Acquisition 10.02 0.2 0.1 NexPoint Real Estate Finance 19.04 0.2 1.3 lending practices vary widely by location;
BestBuy BBY 82.18 0.29 t DXC Tech DXC 25.30 -0.88 Grifols GRFS 24.41 -0.09
4 weeks 1.575 1.560 2.470 1.490 Discount rate is effective October 31, 2019.
BeyondMeat BYND 112.51 2.59 Danaher DHR 152.19 0.54 GuardantHealth GH 81.50 5.71
ESSCU Feb. 20/$10.00 NREF Feb. 7/$19.00 13 weeks 1.505 1.545 2.410 1.505 DTCC GCF Repo Index is Depository Trust &
s Bilibili BILI 27.57 0.85 Darden DRI 107.07 -4.68 Guidewire GWRE 111.33 0.46 Churchill Capital III 10.48 4.8 –0.3 OneWater Marine 16.09 34.1 6.3 26 weeks 1.440 1.510 2.460 1.440 Clearing Corp.'s weighted average for overnight
Bio-Techne TECH 197.83 0.19 Datadog DDOG 43.91 -0.40 HCA Healthcare HCA 128.37 -4.63
DaVita DVA 81.04 -0.01 HDFC Bank HDB 55.43 CCXX.UT Feb. 14/$10.00 ONEW Feb. 7/$12.00 trades in applicable CUSIPs. Value traded is in
Bio-RadLab B BIO.B 369.43 -16.88 -0.29
Bio-RadLab A BIO 369.00 0.62 Deere DE 166.92 0.27 HD Supply HDS 40.68 -0.58 Newborn Acquisition 10.05 0.5 ... Beam Thera 24.45 43.8 30.4 Secondary market billions of U.S. dollars. Federal-funds rates are
Biogen BIIB 327.45 3.34 DellTechC DELL 45.93 -0.29 HP HPQ 22.71 -0.64 Tullett Prebon rates as of 5:30 p.m. ET.
BioMarinPharm BMRN 91.22 0.22 DeltaAir DAL 49.59 -1.30 HSBC HSBC 35.67 0.85
NBACU Feb. 14/$10.00 BEAM Feb. 6/$17.00 Fannie Mae Sources: Federal Reserve; Bureau of Labor
BioNTech BNTX 33.75 0.31 DentsplySirona XRAY 50.88 -0.62 Halliburton HAL 18.40 -0.61 30-year mortgage yields Statistics; DTCC; FactSet;
BlackKnight BKI 70.50 -0.47 DeutscheBank DB 9.45 0.12 HartfordFinl HIG 54.45 -0.82 Tullett Prebon Information, Ltd.
BlackRock BLK 508.47 2.47 t DevonEnergy DVN 16.72 -1.06 t Hasbro HAS 82.50 -0.51 Sources: Dow Jones Market Data; FactSet 30 days 2.823 2.954 4.093 2.823

New Highs and Lows | Stock

52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg
CimarexEnergy XEC 33.87 -6.6 EnergyTransfer ET 10.78 -3.9 Hillenbrand HI 24.34 -2.9 MayvilleEngg MEC 7.06 -6.7 PacificDrilling PACD 1.17 -6.3 SafeguardSci SFE 9.32 -0.5 TriMas TRS 27.82 ...
The following explanations apply to the New York Stock Exchange, NYSE Arca, NYSE Cinemark CNK 25.03 -5.6 Enerplus ERF 4.36 -3.1 HollyFrontier HFC 35.94 -5.6 Medigus MDGS 1.45 -6.3 PalatinTech PTN 0.51 -7.3 SangamoTherap SGMO 6.68 1.3 Trinseo TSE 23.08 -4.9
American and Nasdaq Stock Market stocks that hit a new 52-week intraday high or low CiscoSystems CSCO 41.94 -1.4 EnLinkMid ENLC 3.80 -3.0 HostHotels HST 14.89 -3.2 MediWound MDWD 2.30 -11.1 PaloAltoNtwks PANW 187.52 -3.7 Sasol SSL 12.67 -2.4 TripAdvisor TRIP 23.53 -7.8
in the latest session. % CHG-Daily percentage change from the previous trading session. Cleanspark CLSK 2.50 1.4 EnochianBio ENOB 2.57 -1.0 HoustonWire HWCC 2.72 -9.5 Mednax MD 17.25 -7.0 ParkAerospace PKE 14.75 -0.7 Schlumberger SLB 28.38 -3.3 TritonIntlPfdD TRTNpD 24.25 -0.4
ClearChannelOutdr CCO 2.00 -13.2 EnterpriseProd EPD 23.72 -0.6 HudbayMinerals HBM 2.41 -8.0 MelcoResorts MLCO 18.17 -1.9 ParkHotels PK 19.57 -5.7 ScorpioBulkers SALT 2.75 -4.1 trivago TRVG 1.92 -8.6
CocaColaCon COKE 203.48 -18.0 Entravision EVC 1.95 1.0 HuntingtonBcPfC HBANN 25.50 -1.2 MercerIntl MERC 9.25 -2.2 ParsleyEnergy PE 13.60 -6.5 Seaboard SEB 3410.00 -4.5 TrueBlue TBI 14.73 -1.9
Wednesday, February 26, 2020 CoffeeHolding JVA 3.63 -0.3 Equinor EQNR 15.82 -0.4 Ideanomics IDEX 0.39 -9.8 Meredith MDP 27.02 -1.0 PattersonUTIEn PTEN 6.03 -4.1 SensientTech SXT 52.01 -1.8 Trustmark TRMK 29.39 -1.9
52-Wk % 52-Wk % 52-Wk % Comerica CMA 55.54 -1.8 Escalade ESCA 8.39 6.0 Imax IMAX 15.22 -3.2 MeridianBiosci VIVO 7.25 0.3 PeabodyEnergy BTU 5.47 -14.7 SeritageGrowth SRG 35.55 -0.6 TsakosEnergy TNP 2.40 -2.0
Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg CiaSiderurgica SID 2.56 -4.1 EvercoreA EVR 70.77 -4.2 ImperialOil IMO 22.16 -4.0 MerrimackPharm MACK 2.96 -0.3 PebblebrookPfdF PEBpF 23.42 0.6 ServiceProperties SVC 19.25 -3.3 Tuniu TOUR 1.56 -1.8
CerveceriasUnid CCU 16.09 -0.9 EverspinTech MRAM 3.59 -5.8 IndependenceContr ICD 0.42 -8.3 MesaRoyalty MTR 6.28 -1.3 PebblebrookHotel PEB 21.59 -4.1 ServiceMaster SERV 33.05 -7.2 TurtleBeach HEAR 6.36 -4.6
AcordaTherap ACOR 1.30 -3.6 BaytexEnergy BTE 0.95 -2.5 Conduent CNDT 3.21 -5.1 ExOne XONE 6.41 -1.1 IndiaGlblCap IGC 0.48 -8.4 MesabiTrust MSB 18.75 -0.6 PennVirginia PVAC 13.03 -6.2 ShawComm B SJR 18.59 -0.5 TwinDisc TWIN 8.32 -3.5
Highs AcornIntl
AcuityBrands AYI
ATV 13.37 -3.2
104.86 -1.8
41.29 -2.0
13.74 -6.9
Conformis CFMS 0.78 -15.1
8.02 -5.4
ExtendedStayAmer STAY 11.02 -4.0 Ingevity NGVT 48.37 -4.1
37.25 14.1
Methanex MEOH 29.41 -4.0 PA Reit Pfd D PEIpD 17.20 -11.4
2.55 -26.5
ShellMidstream SHLX 16.88 -3.3 UGI UGI 38.34 -3.2
25.56 ...
Conn's CONN ExtractionOil XOG 0.66 -4.7 Inogen INGN Michaels MIK 4.18 -3.2 PA Reit PEI ShiftPixy PIXY 6.92 -5.3 UMH PropPfdB UMHpB
AdaptHealth AHCO 17.69 1.8 AdvanSix ASIX 14.11 0.5 Berry(bry) BRY 6.10 -4.4 ContinentalRscs CLR 20.66 -5.1 ExxonMobil XOM 52.93 -2.2 InterParfums IPAR 58.28 -3.5 MicroVision MVIS 0.26 -53.0 PA Reit Pfd B PEIpB 15.51 -15.3 Sientra SIEN 4.60 -7.0 USA Compression USAC 14.42 0.2
Alcon ALC 64.45 7.5 AirTransportSvcs ATSG 17.82 -6.2 BlackStoneMin BSM 8.60 -3.4 Cooper-Standard CPS 17.42 -0.4 FBL Financial FFG 50.52 -0.6 InterContinentl IHG 56.97 -1.7 Misonix MSON 14.14 -1.3 PennREITPfdC PEIpC 12.44 -19.5 SilverBowRscs SBOW 2.88 1.0 US Concrete USCR 28.75 -4.1
AlphaProTech APT 13.45 23.9 AlbanyIntl AIN 68.52 -0.1 BlockHR HRB 21.49 -2.1 CoreLabs CLB 27.92 -2.4 FirstBanCorp FBP 8.25 -1.1 IntlMoneyExpress IMXI 9.76 -3.6 MistrasGroup MG 8.19 -5.0 PerformShipping DCIX 0.56 -4.3 SinclairBroadcast SBGI 22.91 -15.0 UnderArmour C UA 13.04 -3.1
Bilibili BILI 29.28 3.2 AldeyraTherap ALDX 4.05 -8.2 BlueprintMed BPMC 57.17 -2.9 Corning GLW 25.25 -1.8 FstCmntyBcsh FCBC 28.78 -0.6 Intricon IIN 15.20 -0.6 MobileIron MOBL 4.15 0.6 PetroleoBrasil PBR 12.45 -2.1 SinoGlobalShip SINO 0.37 -5.1 UnderArmour A UAA 14.36 -2.7
CellectarBioWtA CLRBZ 0.19 200.0 AlexionPharm ALXN 94.43 -1.4 BogotaFinl BSBK 10.31 -1.4 CPI Aero CVU 3.12 -6.5 FirstSolar FSLR 46.04 -5.1 ItauCorpBanca ITCB 6.05 -3.7 MohawkGroup MWK 3.66 -1.9 PioneerPwrSols PPSI 1.85 -11.0 SixFlags SIX 25.09 -7.8 UnitedAirlines UAL 65.89 -5.7
ChinaOnlineEduc COE 36.17 16.1 Allete ALE 76.24 -1.4 BonanzaCreekEner BCEI 15.92 -3.7 7.80 -2.6 6.93 -0.9 14.04 -3.7 31.28 ...
Crawford A CRD.A FlexLNG FLNG 6.66 ... ItauUnibanco ITUB Monro MNRO 56.19 -4.4 PlainsAllAmPipe PAA SkyWest SKYW 46.52 -7.1 UnitedBkshrsWV UBSI
Cloudflare NET 22.69 9.0 AllianceData ADS 90.86 -3.0 BorgWarner BWA 30.17 -1.8 Crawford B CRD.B 7.35 -2.6 JazzPharma JAZZ 111.00 -8.4 PlainsGP PAGP 14.30 -4.3 UnitedNatFoods UNFI 6.48 -5.5
Co-Diagnostics CODX 10.89 106.3 Fluor FLR 10.91 -10.8 MyersIndustries MYE 14.14 -0.9 SmithAO AOS 39.49 -3.3
AllianceResource ARLP 6.84 -2.0 BorrDrilling BORR 2.70 -3.7 CrescentPoint CPG 2.70 -5.9 JianpuTech JT 1.02 -7.2 PlanetGreen PLAG 1.62 -7.3 USComdtyIndxFd USCI 32.31 -1.0
Electromed ELMD 13.60 -9.8 FordMotor6%Nts FpC 25.36 ... MyriadGenetics MYGN 17.75 -0.3 SonocoProducts SON 51.42 -0.9
AltaEquipment ALTG 9.10 1.0 BraemarHtls BHR 7.21 -6.8 CrestwoodEquity CEQP 22.00 -8.1 JPMorganPfdBB JPMpH 25.42 -0.1 PlayaHotels PLYA 6.09 -4.5 UnitedStatesOilFd USO 10.11 -2.0
EnvisionSolarWt EVSIW 5.30 -6.8 FordMotor F 7.21 -0.3 NCS Multistage NCSM 1.03 ... SotherlyHotels SOHO 5.24 -6.4
AltusMidstream ALTM 1.52 -4.1 BridgelineDigital BLIN 1.30 -5.1 Cronos CRON 5.94 1.0 JuniperNetworks JNPR 22.01 -1.2 PolarityTE PTE 1.34 -4.2 US Steel X 8.24 -2.8
Everbridge EVBG 108.63 2.2 ForumEnergyTech FET 0.81 -4.5 NGL Energy NGL 8.59 -2.2 SouthwestGas SWX 71.42 -2.8
AlumofChina ACH 6.81 ... BridgfordFoods BRID 18.49 -3.4 Culp CULP 9.88 -1.2 JustEnergyPfdA JEpA 5.65 0.4 PopularCapPfd BPOPM 24.62 0.8 UnivLogistics ULH 16.31 -2.2
FGL Wt FG.WS 2.97 -2.4 Fossil FOSL 4.07 -21.5 NI NODK 14.37 -0.1 SpiritAirlines SAVE 32.80 -5.2
Ambev ABEV 3.54 -1.1 BrighamMin MNRL 14.61 -2.3 CumberlandPharm CPIX 4.11 -1.9 KLX Energy KLXE 2.67 -8.1 PortolaPharm PTLA 12.24 -1.0 Upwork UPWK 8.06 -2.1
FateTherap FATE 32.26 5.0 FosterLB FSTR 15.40 -3.3 NTN Buzztime NTN 1.89 0.2 SpiritofTexas STXB 19.06 -1.4
Amerco UHAL 332.50 -1.7 BrinkerIntl EAT 35.89 -6.4 Curis CRIS 0.96 -14.2 KandiTech KNDI 3.77 -3.1 PrefApartment APTS 9.85 -4.6 VF VFC 76.37 -1.1
FortySeven FTSV 52.01 -3.0 FranklinRscs BEN 23.00 -2.4 NamTaiProperty NTP 7.00 -3.3 SpragueRscs SRLP 13.57 -3.2
AmerAirlines AAL 22.11 -3.5 BrookfieldProp BPY 17.53 -0.6 DCP Midstream DCP 16.51 -5.1 KellyServices A KELYA 16.85 -3.8 ProSightGlobal PROS 13.33 -1.0 VOC Energy VOC 3.90 -2.0
GDL Fd PfdC GDLpC 51.47 ... FreightCarAmer RAIL 1.45 -5.8 NationalFuelGas NFG 38.35 -3.4 StanleyB&D Un SWT 95.60 -0.2
AmerEagle AEO 12.89 -3.5 BrookfieldPropREIT BPR 17.49 -0.9 DHX Media DHXM 0.87 -6.7 KenonHoldings KEN 16.71 -1.9 ProvidentFinSvcs PFS 21.54 -1.5 VOXX Intl VOXX 3.37 -4.2
GigCapital2 GIX 10.06 ... FrontierComm FTR 0.51 -3.9 NaturalGrocers NGVC 7.27 -3.0 StealthBioTher MITO 1.91 -1.0
AmFinDeb2055 AFGH 25.45 0.1 Buenaventura BVN 11.65 5.2 DIRTT Envl DRTT 1.83 -32.2 Kforce KFRC 30.75 -1.8 QEP Resources QEP 2.12 -4.4 Valaris VAL 3.21 -7.0
GileadSciences GILD 75.47 6.6 Funko FNKO 8.20 -5.6 NaturalResPtrs NRP 15.63 -5.6 StealthGas GASS 2.83 -1.7
AmericanNatlIns ANAT 103.72 -3.0 C&F Fin CFFI 45.60 -4.3 DXC Tech DXC 25.25 -3.4 KimbellRoyalty KRP 11.53 -1.5 QVC Nts 2068 QVCC 24.60 -0.4 Vale VALE 10.10 -1.3
GrafIndustrial GRAF.U 10.85 0.9 2.64 0.9 0.46 2.2 GalectinTherap GALT 2.02 -9.2 NaviosMaritime NMCI 1.10 -1.7 SteelPartners SPLP 10.26 -2.2
Ampco-Pitt AP CBL Assoc CBL Daktronics DAKT 4.91 -6.3 Kirby KEX 67.86 -2.1 Quotient QTNT 6.16 0.8 VandaPharm VNDA 10.10 -1.3
Headhunter HHR 27.62 -5.2 AnchianoTherap ANCN 1.00 -17.5 CF Industries CF 36.96 -1.5 Gannett GCI 4.80 -3.9 Netgear NTGR 19.97 -1.9 StemlineTherap STML 5.97 -2.7
DelTaco TACO 6.68 -6.1 KnotOffshore KNOP 17.22 -1.2 QurateRetailB QRTEB 6.40 -26.6 Veoneer VNE 11.84 -1.8
HennessyCapIV HCACU 11.05 2.3 AngioDynamics ANGO 11.74 -3.5 CIM CommPfdL CMCTP 24.03 -3.4 Gap GPS 14.69 -4.4 Neuronetics STIM 2.91 -2.0 Stratasys SSYS 16.90 -4.5
DelekLogistics DKL 23.00 -13.2 Kohl's KSS 39.91 -2.6 QurateRetailA QRTEA 6.33 -24.4 VermilionEnergy VET 11.54 -8.6
HuizeHolding HUIZ 12.97 16.6 AB InBev BUD 66.25 -0.9 CITICCapAcqn CCAC 10.18 ... GencoShipping GNK 6.83 -1.7 NewJerseyRscs NJR 38.94 -3.7 SuburbanPropane SPH 20.00 0.4
DelekUS DK 22.00 -11.4 KosmosEnergy KOS 3.36 -8.8 RLJ Lodging RLJ 14.12 -3.6 ViacomCBS A VIACA 28.86 -2.3
InspireMedical INSP 95.00 8.0 AnnovisBio ANVS 4.73 -11.6 CNX Midstream CNXM 12.09 -3.3 GenesisEnergy GEL 10.80 -9.8 NewparkResources NR 3.30 5.4 SummitHotelProp INN 9.84 -2.4
Deluxe DLX 35.94 -4.5 Koss KOSS 1.22 -8.4 RMR Group RMR 37.84 -0.6 ViacomCBS B VIAC 24.41 -3.6
JuniperIndustrial JIH.U 10.58 0.3 AnteroResources AR 1.50 -7.3 CNX Resources CNX 5.30 -6.6 GenMarkDiagn GNMK 3.59 -1.9 NewtekNts2023 NEWTI 25.10 0.6 SummitWireless WISA 0.32 -11.9
DenburyRscs DNR 0.78 -6.3 Kraton KRA 12.16 -6.1 RadiantLogistics RLGT 4.33 0.2 VillageSuper A VLGEA 21.12 -3.2
KinsaleCapital KNSL 132.62 -2.2 Apergy APY 20.40 -5.4 CONSOL Energy CEIX 5.27 -6.7 GenoceaBiosci GNCA 1.86 -4.9 NexGenEnergy NXE 0.96 -4.9 SunstoneHotelInv SHO 11.63 -3.0
DesignerBrands DBI 13.54 -1.7 LatamAirlines LTM 7.14 -7.5 RadiusHealth RDUS 17.27 -0.2 VinceHolding VNCE 10.73 -14.5
LakelandInd LAKE 18.20 4.7 AppleHospREIT APLE 13.40 -2.4 CSI Compressco CCLP 1.72 1.7 Gevo GEVO 1.51 -2.4 NicholasFin NICK 7.77 ... SupernusPharms SUPN 17.79 -14.9
DevonEnergy DVN 16.69 -6.0 LSB Inds LXU 1.79 -5.2 RamacoRscs METC 2.62 -2.9 ViperEnergyPtrs VNOM 18.95 -1.2
MersanaTherap MRSN 9.57 3.3 AptevoTherap APVO 0.41 -1.1 CVR Energy CVI 30.08 -5.3 149.66 -1.9 GlobalCordBlood CO 4.05 -5.6 1.07 -6.7 NineEnergy NINE 4.11 -8.0 13.31 -4.5 Synacor SYNC 1.12 -1.3 28.08 -1.7
Diageo DEO LaredoPetrol LPI RattlerMidstrm RTLR VishayPrecision VPG
Moderna MRNA 29.98 22.7 Aptorum APM 6.50 -53.5 CVR Partners UAN 2.14 -4.0 DiamondOffshore DO 2.68 -3.9 GlobalPtnrs GLP 18.03 -1.4 LendingClub LC 10.38 -6.4 NobleEnergy NBL 15.14 -1.9 RayonierAdvMatls RYAM 2.12 -7.5 Synalloy SYNL 9.00 -13.0 VislinkTech VISL 0.18 -7.7
NationalVision EYE 39.88 14.1 ArcBest ARCB 20.43 -2.9 Caleres CAL 11.14 -5.4 DiamondSShip DSSI 9.11 0.3 GlbShipNts24 GSLD 24.13 -0.3 LibertyTripAdvA LTRPA 4.36 -13.4 NobleMidstream NBLX 16.35 -3.7 Reading A RDI 8.92 -1.6 SynovusFin SNV 31.12 -3.3 Vivus VVUS 2.05 -1.9
Nevro NVRO 148.05 4.9 ArchCoal ARCH 46.39 -7.7 CallonPetrol CPE 2.18 -5.1 DiamondbkEner FANG 63.09 -6.0 GlobusMaritime GLBS 0.44 -10.3 LindbladExped LIND 12.38 -1.1 NomadFoods NOMD 18.31 1.1 RealNetworks RNWK 1.00 -8.0 TOP Ships TOPS 0.34 -10.0 VoltInfoSci VOLT 1.95 -3.0
OysterPtPharma OYST 41.37 8.0 Archrock AROC 7.35 -1.5 CanadaGoose GOOS 27.05 -1.3 DianaShipping DSX 2.11 -3.2 GloryStarNewMedia GSMG 1.58 -2.4 LivaNova LIVN 62.48 -5.9 NorthwestBcshs NWBI 14.87 -0.7 RedHillBio RDHL 4.39 3.8 TailoredBrands TLRD 3.25 -9.4 VornadoRealty VNO 57.45 -2.4
PacGE pfB PCGpB 27.49 3.7 ArmstrongFlooring AFI 2.70 -2.5 CannTrust CTST 0.74 -1.7 Digimarc DMRC 25.72 -2.6 Goodyear GT 10.01 -0.9 LiveRamp RAMP 34.42 -1.4 NorwegCruise NCLH 36.16 -7.9 Reebonz RBZ 0.85 -4.3 TalosEnergy TALO 15.06 -5.6 W&T Offshore WTI 2.82 -7.3
PhysiciansRealty DOC 20.78 -0.1 AshfordHosp AHT 2.16 -3.1 CanterburyPark CPHC 11.60 -6.1 DiscoverFinSvcs DFS 68.97 -0.7 GraceWR GRA 56.29 -1.4 LonestarRscs LONE 1.11 -10.3 NuSkinEnts NUS 25.32 -3.7 ReinsGrp RGA 136.03 -3.1 Tanger SKT 11.91 -1.9 WabashNational WNC 11.20 -2.5
PowerREIT PW 15.60 -7.2 AssociatedBanc ASB 17.92 -2.7 Capri CPRI 24.46 -3.5 Domtar UFS 29.78 -2.0 GrafTechIntl EAF 8.13 -7.5 Lovesac LOVE 7.79 -11.3 NuCana NCNA 3.88 -2.2 RenaissancePfdC RNRpC 25.40 -1.4 Tantech TANH 1.04 -8.0 Waddell&ReedFin WDR 14.70 -1.0
PurpleInnovation PRPL 15.96 4.6 Astronics ATRO 20.61 -5.4 Carnival CCL 32.38 -7.5 DorchesterMnls DMLP 14.92 -1.4 GrahamHoldings GHC 474.94 -3.5 Lydall LDL 12.27 -34.1 Nucor NUE 43.66 -2.9 Renasant RNST 28.93 -2.4 TargaRscsPfdA NGLSpA 25.33 0.4 WarriorMetCoal HCC 16.24 -2.3
RegenPharm REGN 461.34 3.5 AstroNova ALOT 11.26 -2.2 Carnival CUK 30.98 -6.7 DoverMotorsports DVD 1.61 -3.4 GranTierraEner GTE 0.80 -6.7 MGP Ingredients MGPI 28.37 -10.6 NuSTAREnergy NS 23.03 -5.0 Renren RENN 1.36 2.9 TaronisTech TRNX 0.37 -10.8 WashingtonPrmPfH WPGpH 16.01 -9.7
RevolutionMed RVMD 33.98 3.4 Atrion ATRI 626.54 -4.3 CarrolsRestr TAST 4.09 -14.8 Dril-Quip DRQ 34.91 -2.1 GraniteConstr GVA 21.86 -6.8 MPLX MPLX 20.44 -2.5 Nutrien NTR 40.40 -0.3 RepublicBcpKYA RBCAA 38.46 -1.0 Team TISI 13.02 -2.1 WashingtonPrmPfI WPGpI 15.04 -10.6
Safehold SAFE 58.73 0.9 AurisMedical EARS 1.12 -8.3 CedarFairRec FUN 44.10 -6.6 DriveShack DS 2.95 -5.1 Gridsum GSUM 0.91 3.1 MRC Global MRC 8.79 -3.6 OFGBancorp OFG 17.86 -1.7 ResideoTech REZI 8.45 -4.2 TeekayLNG un TGP 11.37 -2.1 WashingtonPrime WPG 2.17 -6.2
SharpsCompliance SMED 6.19 3.1 Avinger AVGR 0.52 -3.9 CentennialRsc CDEV 2.16 0.4 DuluthHoldings DLTH 6.79 -0.6 GrindrodShipping GRIN 4.50 -2.1 MSG Networks MSGN 12.64 -1.5 Orbcomm ORBC 3.27 -6.0 ResoluteForest RFP 2.75 -1.8 Tellurian TELL 4.16 -23.5 WebsterFin WBS 41.28 -1.4
SpartanEnergy SPAQ.U 10.72 2.5 Avnet AVT 32.45 -1.2 CenterPointPfdB CNPpB 44.54 -1.3 DuPont DD 46.64 -0.4 Groupon GRPN 1.37 -6.0 Macerich MAC 21.28 -3.2 OasisPetrol OAS 1.59 -6.8 ResourcesConnect RECN 12.75 -0.9 Teradata TDC 20.22 -2.8 WesBanco WSBC 32.12 -1.3
TJX TJX 64.95 7.2 BBX CapitalA BBX 3.56 -3.8 CenterPointEner CNP 24.04 -1.7 DycomInds DY 29.83 -29.2 GuangshenRail GSH 12.64 0.2 Macy's M 13.51 -6.9 OccidentalPetrol OXY 34.19 -5.4 RetailOppor ROIC 16.12 -2.2 Terex TEX 22.42 -1.7 WesternMidstrm WES 13.19 -0.9
TVA Parrs TVE 26.75 1.5 BHP Group BHP 46.43 -0.7 CentralPacFin CPF 25.95 -0.4 EOG Rscs EOG 63.08 -5.7 GulfportEnergy GPOR 1.00 -10.7 MagellanMid MMP 56.77 -1.4 OceaneeringIntl OII 10.73 -1.5 RoyalCaribbean RCL 81.82 -8.1 Textron TXT 41.63 -3.0 WestlakeChem WLK 55.51 -1.7
21 Vianet VNET 15.95 -1.8 BJ'sWholesale BJ 19.58 -2.1 ChaparralEnergy CHAP 0.61 -6.8 EPR Prop EPR 63.58 -3.0 Hanesbrands HBI 12.67 -5.6 MagnoliaOil MGY 7.30 -0.7 OilStatesIntl OIS 7.84 -7.8 RyderSystem R 36.90 -4.5 TherapeuticsMD TXMD 1.75 -3.8 WestpacBanking WBK 16.04 -0.1
VirBiotech VIR 36.50 61.0 BK Tech BKTI 2.35 -7.1 ChathamLodging CLDT 15.06 -3.1 EPR PropPfdC EPRpC 29.47 -1.2 Harsco HSC 11.74 -5.7 Majesco MJCO 6.70 -4.3 OncoSecMedical ONCS 1.45 -6.4 SeacorMarine SMHI 7.61 0.9 Thermon THR 19.39 -1.2 Westwood WHG 26.00 -2.0
BP Midstream BPMP 12.66 -6.9 CheckPoint CHKP 103.58 -2.6 Ebix EBIX 28.80 -3.6 Hasbro HAS 82.50 -0.6 MarathonOil MRO 8.39 -5.7 OneSmartIntl ONE 4.68 -2.9 SG Blocks SGBX 2.02 -3.3 Tilly's TLYS 6.41 -2.1 Wiley A JW.A 38.54 -2.7
Lows BP BP 32.65 -0.8 CheniereEnergy LNG 47.63 -3.2 ElancoAnimalUn ELAT 52.20 -0.9 HaynesIntl HAYN 26.24 -0.4 Marchex MCHX 2.67 -4.6 OrthofixIntl OFIX 35.99 -0.6 SITE Centers SITC 12.24 -2.4 TitanMachinery TITN 10.97 -2.2 Wiley B JW.B 38.52 -3.4
AMC Ent AMC 5.87 -9.5 BakerHughes BKR 17.67 -4.6 ChesapeakeEnPfd CHKpD 15.70 -10.5 ElevateCredit ELVT 3.40 -3.4 HeatBiologics HTBX 0.23 -3.9 Marcus MCS 26.34 -8.4 Otelco OTEL 8.20 5.1 SM Energy SM 6.51 -5.4 Total TOT 43.80 -0.6 Williams WMB 19.11 -0.2
AMC Networks AMCX 28.37 -7.9 BancoBradescoPf BBD 6.70 -1.3 ChesapeakeEner CHK 0.30 -30.5 EmeraldHldg EEX 7.71 -4.1 Heidrick&Strug HSII 21.18 -4.3 MartinMidstream MMLP 2.26 -2.6 Ovintiv OVV 11.84 -7.9 SPI Energy SPI 1.19 -2.3 TransAtlPetrol TAT 0.31 -1.0 WintrustFin WTFC 57.66 -2.4
Abiomed ABMD 154.01 -3.0 BancoBradesco BBDO 5.57 -2.2 Chevron CVX 98.00 -2.7 EmpireStateRealty ESRT 12.52 -2.2 Herbalife HLF 32.61 -5.2 MatadorRscs MTDR 10.47 -1.0 OxfordIndustries OXM 62.05 -0.8 STAGIndlPfdC STAGpC 25.57 0.7 TransGlobeEner TGA 1.05 -3.4 XeniaHotels XHR 16.90 -4.0
AcadiaRealty AKR 24.41 -1.1 BancSanBrasil BSBR 8.51 -0.6 ChicagoRivet CVR 24.40 -0.9 EnableMidstream ENBL 6.86 -4.5 HeritageFin HFWA 24.79 -1.2 Materion MTRN 47.07 ... OxfordLanePfd OXLCO 25.15 0.3 SabineRoyalty SBR 33.72 -1.1 Transocean RIG 3.41 -3.7 XerisPharm XERS 3.82 -4.9
AcastiPharma ACST 0.45 -5.3 Banner BANR 49.67 -1.5 ChinaCeramics CCCL 0.60 -1.6 Energous WATT 1.52 2.2 HeritageInsurance HRTG 11.66 1.0 Matson MATX 32.02 -10.5 PAM Transport PTSI 40.99 -1.5 Sabre SABR 15.75 -16.1 Travelzoo TZOO 8.75 -3.6 Xilinx XLNX 82.26 -1.5
AccelerateDiag AXDX 14.06 -2.3 BarrettBus BBSI 64.28 -16.4 ChinaUnicom CHU 8.11 0.1 EnergyFuels UUUU 1.13 -0.9 HighlandGlbAlloc HGLB 8.45 -0.6 Maximus MMS 66.45 -0.4 PDC Energy PDCE 18.14 -5.2 SafeBulkersPfdC SBpC 19.00 -4.7 TrecoraResources TREC 6.09 -0.2 YoungevityIntl YGYI 1.20 -0.8
AcelRxPharm ACRX 1.32 -9.1 BassettFurniture BSET 9.63 -2.4 ChinaXDPlastics CXDC 1.20 -3.2 EnergyFuelsWt UUUU.WS 0.40 -8.9 HighPointRscs HPR 0.82 -10.1 MaxLinear MXL 16.14 0.4 PacBiosciCA PACB 3.37 -9.4 SafeBulkers SB 1.23 ... TreeHouseFoods THS 39.34 -4.5 Zogenix ZGNX 25.99 -6.9
B10 | Thursday, February 27, 2020 * *** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Coronavirus Squeezes Amazon Sellers

BY JON EMONT Mr. Maioho said a supplier Percentage of physical gross tive of Sourcify, which helps
in southern China warned him merchandise sales on Amazon businesses find manufacturers
Thousands of that even if the local govern- by third-party sellers in Asia. He has helped connect
Inc. sellers who built their ment allows its factory to re- 60%
Amazon sellers with alterna-
businesses using China’s cheap open, it will be short-staffed tive suppliers in India and
and efficient manufacturers for weeks while workers from Vietnam, he said, but manu-
are on the spot as the corona- other provinces self-quaran- 50 facturing costs outside China
virus shuts factories there. tine. He recently ran out of can be much higher, and facto-
Sellers say Amazon’s rank- two products that account for 40 ries in Vietnam often won’t ac-
ing algorithm demotes prod- 30% of his monthly revenue, cept small orders from Ama-


ucts that are out of stock. To and said his product rankings 30 zon sellers.
avoid that painful fate, many are dropping on Amazon. Garland Sullivan, whose
are raising prices to slow sales “There’s not much you can 20 Jacksonville, Fla.-based Ama-
and attempting to shift pro- do,” he said, adding that it zon business sells an average
duction to other countries. would be difficult to move 10
of $350,000 a month in multi-
Larger corporations such as production elsewhere. ple categories, with many
Apple Inc. also face difficulties There is some good news, products made in China, said
in getting goods made on time though: One supplier had ex- 0 he could be out of some goods
in China. But merchants say cess inventory from his last or- 2000 ’05 ’10 ’15 as soon as early March. In a
that as small buyers they will der, which Mr. Maioho said will Source: the company Out-of-stock products can hurt rankings in Amazon’s algorithm. last-ditch bid to prevent that,
be low on the list for merchan- keep him in stock for that he began making one product
dise when production eventu- product for a few weeks longer. considers when displaying shop- where are our orders,” he said. raising prices. in India this month and is in
ally revives. And once stock is The third-party market- ping results for customers. Some Amazon merchants “The worst thing that can talks to have others made
replenished, they say they will place accounts for more than Chris Davey, a British seller are approaching smaller com- happen in a product business there as well. In the future, he
need to spend big on advertis- half of Amazon’s retail sales, of audio products based in petitors to see if they will part is you run out of stock,” said says he will try to be less de-
ing to regain their Amazon and a growing share of sellers Shenzhen, generates more than with extra inventory. Others Michael Michelini, a partner at pendent on China.
rankings, which make products are based in China, according $1 million in annual revenue via are seeking out U.S. wholesal- Alpha Rock Capital, which “It’s a big wake-up call
appear higher in site searches. to Marketplace Pulse, a data Amazon. He said he is checking ers with excess stock. That is manages around 10 brands on right now,” he said.
“I don’t think the Amazon research firm. in with his suppliers regu- costlier than buying directly Amazon. “You’re never really Some sellers are already
platform has seen such a mas- Amazon said it has worked larly—mainly to see how they from factories, but may be sure your ranking will come starting to worry about inven-
sive amount of inventory with suppliers to secure addi- are coping with the public- cheaper than selling out and back the way it was.” tory for the holiday season—
problems as we are about to tional inventory and provided health emergency. The hope is having to effectively relaunch It can be difficult for small the most-important few
see,” said Patrick Maioho, a sellers with guidance on pro- that when production restarts, products later. companies with specialized months of the year—which re-
Michigan seller of kitchen tecting the health of their ac- “they remember who we are To preserve stock, many products to quickly move man- quires a long lead time.
products who also advises oth- counts. It said product availabil- and that we’re the people that sellers are pulling online ad- ufacturing out of China, said —Dana Mattioli
ers on manufacturing in China. ity is just one of many factors it asked how is your family, not vertising campaigns as well as Nathan Resnick, chief execu- contributed to this article.

Companies Call Halt

To Overseas Travel
As fears rise over Covid-19’s flights, the World Health Organ-
spread, companies are cancel- ization has said planes cabins
ing business travel and corpo- aren’t by themselves more con-
rate off-site events around the ducive to spreading infection.
But the proximity of passengers
By Te-Ping Chen, does matter. The virus is trans-
Saabira Chaudhuri mitted by droplets and can live
and Rachel Feintzeig on surfaces like tray tables or
seatback screens for a period of
globe and making contingency time.
plans for more employees to Reluctant travelers like Ms.

work remotely. Lan are starting to take a toll

Nestlé SA told more than on the $1.5 trillion global busi-
290,000 employees to suspend ness events industry. While the
all international business travel potential financial implications
until March 15, and requested aren’t yet clear, Amy Calvert,
that all domestic trips be CEO of the Events Industry
skipped whenever possible for Council, said the Asia-Pacific
European airlines are dealing with a falloff in tourism and the prospect of canceled sports, commercial and cultural events. now. region accounts for the sector’s
“We take our responsibility second-highest amount of di-

Airline Industry Prepares Cost Cuts

for our employees and to the rect spending.
communities in which we oper- Her group is urging people to
ate seriously,” a spokeswoman “remain calm through the
for the Swiss maker of Nescafé
BY ALISTAIR MACDONALD staff to take three weeks of un- pean airlines are also now deal- the reservations systems of coffee and Purina pet food said.
AND WILLIAM BOSTON paid leave. Singapore Airlines ing with a falloff in tourism and many airlines and hotels, said Nestlé’s announcement is among
Ltd. joined other Asian carriers the prospect of canceled sports, global travel-booking levels so the first by a major multina-
Even when trips
As coronavirus continues its on Wednesday in unveiling its commercial and cultural events far in the first quarter are down tional to restrict all its employ- haven’t been curbed,
spread outside of China, the own plan to begin trimming amid a growing outbreak in It- in the “midteens” from a year ees from flying anywhere.
global airline industry is recali- costs amid the downturn. aly. A major rugby match be- ago, with cancellations focused Other companies trying to
more business is
brating its response to a threat Lufthansa’s cost-cutting tween Italy and Ireland in Dub- in Asia-Pacific but spreading navigate the epidemic are add- being done by phone.
that could be its worst since punctuates how grounded lin and a high-profile through the Middle East, Eu- ing new travel restrictions.
the financial crisis a decade flights, canceled bookings and a international furniture fair in rope and North America. Goldman Sachs Group Inc.
ago. new reticence to fly—even Milan were both rescheduled in “We’ve seen increased cancella- banned all business travel to
Deutsche Lufthansa AG, among typically hardy business recent days because of the epi- tions in the European market,” South Korea and certain parts of storm,” said Ms. Calvert.
Germany’s flagship airline, said travelers—are affecting the demic. said Sean Menke, Sabre’s CEO. Italy, after previously putting Event planners already see a
Wednesday it would start slash- global industry outside Asia, “What we are now seeing is Shares of European airlines travel to China off limits. The chill beyond China. Nearly
ing costs in anticipation of a too. On Wednesday, Nestlé SA a state of panic over coronavi- continued to lose ground. Bud- bank is also asking employees to three-quarters of large busi-
coming hit to revenues and said it had asked hundreds of rus,” said Phil Seymour, chief get carrier Ryanair Holdings postpone nonessential travel to ness-event-planning companies
profits from canceled flights to thousands of its employees executive of the International PLC, Europe’s biggest airline, Italy and all of Asia. Siemens AG responding to a mid-February
China, where the virus first world-wide to postpone all Bureau of Aviation, an industry fell 1.8%. Lufthansa also fell has told employees not to travel survey by trade publication
emerged. Among other mea- overseas business travel for the consultant. Mr. Seymour esti- 1.8%. Shares in the five airline to Italy, a spokeswoman said. MeetingsNet said that clients
sures, it is offering its staff vol- next three weeks. It is urging mates the hit to revenues at companies in the Stoxx Europe A spokesman for Campari had canceled or postponed
untary, unpaid leave. workers to forgo domestic airlines, airports and other re- 600 Travel and Leisure Index Group SpA said the Milan-area events in the Asia-Pacific region
Several Asian carriers have travel, too, if a phone call or lated industries could be as have fallen more than 10% this spirits company has asked em- beyond China. An additional
done the same in recent days, videoconference would do the high as $100 billion to a sector week. Shares in U.K.-based ployees to limit trips to and 14% and 10% had seen the same
in some cases resorting to more trick. that was estimated to earn easyJet PLC are down 20% this from Italy to “strictly necessary in the U.S./Canada and in Eu-
extreme measures. Cathay Pa- While much of the pain for around $30 billion in profits be- week. ones.” rope, respectively.
cific Airways Ltd., Hong Kong’s airlines comes from canceled fore the virus struck. —Alison Sidel Even when travel hasn’t In the U.S., for example, Xe-
flag carrier, has asked all its flights to and from China, Euro- Sabre Corp., which provides contributed to this article. been formally restricted, more rox Holdings Corp. postponed
employees and executives are its Global Partner Summit,
opting to conduct key business which had been scheduled to

Marriott Sees Hit as Occupancy Rates Drop by phone and videochat when-
ever possible.
Xuezhao Lan, founder of San
Francisco-based venture capital
convene in Orlando, Fla., next
Earlier this month, Facebook
Inc. canceled its annual market-
BY DAVE SEBASTIAN year, compared with its out- to $4.04 billion, compared with 2% world-wide, with its rise in fund Basis Set Ventures, was ing conference slated to take
look, assuming current low oc- last year. North America to be in the supposed to fly to New York place in San Francisco in March.
Marriott International Inc. cupancy rates in the Asia-Pa- The Bethesda, Md., company, middle of the range. City earlier this month to meet At Boston-based global pay-
expects the coronavirus epi- cific region continue. which has roughly 7,300 prop- For the first quarter, when with potential investors, but in- ments platform Flywire Corp.,
demic to weigh on its fee reve- Excluding the epidemic’s ef- erties, expects earnings of $6.30 the epidemic began to trigger stead hopped on remote video- many employees have held off on
nue in 2020, as the pathogen’s fect, Marriott expects 2020 to $6.53 a share for the year. travel restrictions, the company conference calls to avoid possi- booking travel, including Chief
spread outside of China stokes global room growth of 5% to The company predicted expects earnings of $1.47 to ble exposure. “If you’re trapped Executive Mike Massaro. He gen-
fears and disrupts travel. 5.25%, and gross fee revenue— 2020 comparable systemwide $1.50 a share on gross fee reve- on a plane for six hours, who erally goes on eight international
The world’s largest hotel or revenue that it collected for revenue per available room, an nue of $940 million to $950 knows what’s going to happen?” trips a year but now says he will
company said Wednesday that maintaining its properties and industry metric that measures million. Marriott said its overall she said. do half that in 2020.
it could have about $25 million from franchise agreements—to performance, on a constant- quarterly forecast excludes the While airplane cabins typi- —Patrick Thomas contributed
less in fee revenue a month this rise 4% to 6%, to $3.96 billion currency basis to be flat to up epidemic’s impact. cally aren’t disinfected between to this article.

Mutual Funds Data provided by

NAV Chg %Ret Fund
NAV Chg %Ret Fund
NAV Chg %Ret Fund
NAV Chg %Ret Fund
NAV Chg %Ret Fund
NAV Chg %Ret Fund
NAV Chg %Ret
Edgewood Growth Instituti Puritn 22.68 -0.04 -0.3 JPMorgan I Class PIMCO Funds Instl BalAdml 39.10 ... -0.3 USGroAdml 114.65 -0.03 2.9 WndsrII 34.40 -0.24 -5.5
Top 250 mutual-funds listings for Nasdaq-published share classes by net assets. EdgewoodGrInst 38.63 +0.13 0.3 SrsEmrgMkt 19.46 +0.11 -5.7 EqInc 18.36 -0.16 -5.5 IncomeFd NA ... NA CAITAdml 12.33 -0.01 2.4 ValAdml 43.59 -0.38 -6.8 VANGUARD INDEX FDS
Fidelity SrsGlobal 12.33 +0.03 -6.4 JPMorgan R Class Price Funds CapOpAdml r150.89 -0.87 -4.4 WdsrllAdml 61.04 -0.42 -5.5 MdCpVlAdml 57.79 -0.75 -6.5
e-Ex-distribution. f-Previous day’s quotation. g-Footnotes x and s apply. j-Footnotes e
500IdxInstPrem108.36 -0.41 -3.3 SrsGroCoRetail 18.21 +0.02 2.6 CoreBond 12.17 -0.05 3.0 BlChip NA ... NA DivAppIdxAdm 33.00 -0.19 -2.5 WellsIAdml 66.78 ... 0.9 SmValAdml 54.03 -0.95 -8.3
and s apply. k-Recalculated by Lipper, using updated data. p-Distribution costs apply, CorePlusBd 8.66 -0.04 2.7
Contrafund K6 14.47 ... ... SrsIntlGrw 16.86 +0.03 -3.8 DivGro NA ... NA EMAdmr 35.12 +0.55 -5.0 WelltnAdml 73.85 ... -1.4 TotBd2 11.32 ... 3.2
12b-1. r-Redemption charge may apply. s-Stock split or dividend. t-Footnotes p and r ExtMktIdxInstPre 62.68 -0.86 -3.7 SrsIntlVal EqInc TotIntl
9.11 +0.02 -8.0 Lord Abbett A NA ... NA EqIncAdml 75.10 -0.58 -5.6 WndsrAdml 66.85 -0.77 -7.5 16.81 +0.15 -5.9
apply. v-Footnotes x and e apply. x-Ex-dividend. z-Footnote x, e and s apply. NA-Not IntlIdxInstPrem 40.09 +0.07 -6.7 TotalBond 11.15 -0.01 2.6 ShtDurIncmA p NA ... NA EqIndex NA ... NA ExplrAdml 92.02 -1.24 -5.3 VANGUARD FDS TotSt 77.04 -0.43 -3.3
available due to incomplete price, performance or cost data. NE-Not released by Lipper; MidCpInxInstPrem 22.54 -0.28 -4.6 Fidelity SAI Lord Abbett F Growth NA ... NA ExtndAdml 92.08 -1.26 -3.7 DivdGro VANGUARD INSTL FDS
data under review. NN-Fund not tracked. NS-Fund didn’t exist at start of period. 29.76 -0.06 -2.6
SAIUSLgCpIndxFd 16.72 -0.06 -3.3 TotalBd 10.73 -0.01 2.7 ShtDurIncm NA ... NA HelSci NA ... NA GNMAAdml 10.61 ... 1.0 INSTTRF2020 23.90 ... -0.9 BalInst 39.11 ... -0.3
SmCpIdxInstPrem 19.60 -0.24 -6.8 First Eagle Funds Lord Abbett I InstlCapG NA ... NA GrwthAdml 94.92 -0.02 1.2 INSTTRF2025 24.38 ... -1.4 DevMktsIndInst 13.30 +0.09 -6.1
Wednesday, February 26, 2020 TMktIdxInstPrem 87.56 -0.47 -3.3 GlbA 54.85 -0.24 -5.3 ShtDurInc p NA ... NA IntlStk NA ... NA HlthCareAdml r 85.25 -0.14 -2.9 INSTTRF2030 24.63 ... -2.0 DevMktsInxInst 20.78 +0.14 -6.1
Net YTD Net YTD Net YTD USBdIdxInstPrem 12.22 -0.01 3.0 FPA Funds Metropolitan West MidCap NA ... NA HYCorAdml r 5.95 ... 0.6 INSTTRF2035 24.86 ... -2.5 ExtndInst 92.07 -1.26 -3.7
Fund NAV Chg %Ret Fund NAV Chg %Ret Fund NAV Chg %Ret Fidelity Advisor I FPACres 33.05 -0.03 -2.3 TotRetBdI 11.22 ... 3.0 N Inc NA ... NA InfProAd 26.57 ... 2.7 INSTTRF2040 25.09 ... -3.1 GrwthInst 94.93 -0.01 1.2
NwInsghtI 32.20 -0.08 -1.5 Franklin A1 TRBdPlan 10.56 +0.01 3.0 NHoriz NA ... NA IntlGrAdml 100.30 +0.31 -2.4 INSTTRF2045 25.24 ... -3.6 InPrSeIn 10.82 ... 2.7
American Century Inv Baird Funds EmgMktVa 25.52 -0.01-11.0 Fidelity Freedom CA TF A1 p 7.91 ... 3.9 MFS Funds Class I OverS SF r NA ... NA ITBondAdml 12.20 ... 3.7 INSTTRF2050 25.28 InstIdx 280.73 -1.07 -3.3
Ultra 52.93 +0.07 1.5 AggBdInst 11.52 +0.01 3.2 EmMktCorEq 19.98 +0.02 -8.2 ... -3.6
FF2020 15.90 -0.03 -1.9 IncomeA1 p 2.27 -0.01 -2.6 ValueI 42.31 -0.30 -5.3 R2020 NA ... NA ITIGradeAdml 10.31 ... 3.0 InstPlus 280.76 -1.06 -3.3
American Funds Cl A CorBdInst 11.86 +0.01 3.0 IntlCoreEq 12.70 +0.01 -8.0 IntlVal 34.73 -0.01 -7.5
FF2025 13.98 -0.03 -2.4 FrankTemp/Frank Adv MFS Funds Instl R2025 NA ... NA LTGradeAdml 11.70 ... 7.4 InstTStPlus 66.41 -0.37 -3.3
AmcpA p 32.63 -0.06 -2.8 BlackRock Funds IntSmCo 17.21 -0.03 -8.9 IntlEq LifeCon 21.05 ... 0.1
FF2030 17.28 -0.05 -3.1 IncomeAdv 2.25 -0.01 -2.6 26.34 +0.03 -5.5 R2030 NA ... NA MidCpAdml 211.79 -2.46 -4.0 MidCpInst 46.79 -0.54 -4.0
AMutlA p 41.82 -0.15 -3.9 HiYldBd Inst 7.72 ... 0.2 IntSmVa 17.30 -0.01-10.6 R2035 LifeGro 35.10 ... -2.9
Freedom2020 K 15.88 -0.03 -2.0 FrankTemp/Franklin A Nuveen Cl I NA ... NA MuHYAdml 12.08 +0.01 3.3 MidCpIstPl 230.74 -2.69 -4.0
BalA p NA ... NA BlackRock Funds A LgCo 23.97 -0.09 -3.3 Freedom2025 K 13.96 -0.03 -2.4 Growth A p 110.33 -0.22 -1.7 HYMunBd 18.75 ... 5.0 R2040 NA ... NA MuIntAdml 14.78 ... 2.5
LifeMod 28.46 ... -1.4
RealEstaInstl 20.96 ... 2.9
BondA p NA ... NA GlblAlloc p 18.93 ... -1.5 TAUSCoreEq2 18.97 -0.17 -5.9 Freedom2030 K 17.27 -0.04 -3.0 RisDv A p 67.17 -0.40 -3.5 Oakmark Funds Invest Value NA ... NA MuLTAdml 12.25 ... 3.4 PrmcpCor 26.15 -0.15 -6.3 SmCapInst 74.68 -1.04 -5.9
CapIBA p 61.40 -0.04 -3.0 BlackRock Funds Inst US CoreEq1 24.51 -0.20 -5.5 Freedom2035 K 14.45 -0.03 -4.1 FrankTemp/Franklin C OakmrkInt 22.17 -0.02-11.1 PRIMECAP Odyssey Fds MuLtdAdml 11.18 ... 1.2 STAR 27.06 ... -1.0 STIGradeInst 10.84 ... 1.4
CapWGrA 49.67 +0.07 -5.0 EqtyDivd 19.43 -0.14 -6.9 US CoreEq2 22.24 -0.20 -6.1 Freedom2040 K 10.09 -0.02 -4.6 Income C t 2.31 -0.01 -2.2 Old Westbury Fds AggGrowth r 42.82 -0.48 -4.6 MuShtAdml 15.90 ... 0.5 TgtRe2015 15.19 ... 0.1 STIPSIxins 24.88 ... 0.7
EupacA p 52.23 +0.04 -6.2 MultiAstIncome 10.91 ... -0.1 US Small 31.86 -0.48 -9.0 Fidelity Invest FrankTemp/Temp Adv LrgCpStr 14.48 -0.05 -3.9 Growth r 38.24 -0.43 -6.6 PrmcpAdml r137.26 -0.38 -4.8 TgtRe2020 32.25 ... -0.9 TotBdInst 11.36 ... 3.2
FdInvA p 59.69 -0.07 -3.8 StratIncOpptyIns 10.06 ... 1.3 US SmCpVal 29.95 -0.58-13.0 Balanc 24.36 -0.09 -1.0 GlBondAdv p 10.46 ... -1.1 Parnassus Fds Stock r 31.79 -0.22 -7.8 RealEstatAdml135.40 ... 2.9 TgtRe2025 19.56 ... -1.4 TotBdInst2 11.32 ... 3.2
GwthA p 50.84 +0.01 -0.6 Bridge Builder Trust US TgdVal 20.30 -0.43-12.4 BluCh 108.98 -0.30 1.2 Guggenheim Funds Tru ParnEqFd 45.97 -0.06 -2.3 Putnam Funds Class A SmCapAdml 74.68 -1.05 -5.9 TgtRe2030 35.74 ... -1.9 TotBdInstPl 11.36 ... 3.2
HI TrA p NA ... NA CoreBond NA ... NA USLgVa 35.00 -0.48 -9.5 Contra 13.63 ... 0.1 TotRtnBdFdClInst 27.88 -0.01 3.1 PGIM Funds Cl Z StDurInc 10.06 ... 0.4 SmGthAdml 67.75 -0.65 -3.0 TgtRe2035 21.96 ... -2.5 TotIntBdIdxInst 34.80 ... 2.6
ICAA p 37.76 -0.09 -4.6 CorePlusBond NA ... NA Dodge & Cox ContraK 13.65 ... 0.1 Harbor Funds TotalReturnBond NA ... NA Schwab Funds STBondAdml 10.68 ... 1.4 TgtRe2040 37.93 ... -3.1 TotIntlInstIdx r112.45 +1.01 -5.9
IncoA p NA ... NA Intl Eq 11.27 +0.03 -6.0 Balanced 97.37 -0.75 -4.2 CpInc r 10.03 -0.06 -1.6 CapApInst 77.79 +0.09 2.7 PIMCO Fds Instl 1000 Inv r 68.94 -0.34 -3.1 STIGradeAdml 10.84 ... 1.4 TgtRe2045 23.82 ... -3.6 TotItlInstPlId r112.48 +1.02 -5.9
N PerA p 46.22 +0.02 -2.2 LargeCapValue 12.82 -0.12 -6.4 Income 14.34 -0.01 2.2 GroCo 21.86 +0.04 2.3 Harding Loevner AllAsset NA ... NA S&P Sel 47.78 -0.18 -3.3 TotBdAdml 11.36 ... 3.2 TgtRe2050 38.34 ... -3.6 TotStInst 77.09 -0.43 -3.3
NEcoA p 45.12 +0.07 -1.3 Del Invest Instl Intl Stk 39.68 -0.04 -9.0 GrowCoK 21.89 +0.03 2.3 IntlEq NA ... NA TotRt NA ... NA TSM Sel r 54.08 -0.30 -3.4 TotIntBdIdxAdm 23.19 ... 2.6 TgtRet2055 41.63 ... -3.6 ValueInst 43.59 -0.38 -6.8
NwWrldA 66.93 -0.03 -5.1 Value 20.50 -0.24 -8.6 Stock 179.58 -2.01 -7.3 InvGrBd 11.85 -0.02 2.9 Invesco Funds A PIMCO Funds A TIAA/CREF Funds TotIntlAdmIdx r 28.12 +0.25 -5.9 TgtRetInc 14.11 ... 0.4 WCM Focus Funds
SmCpA p 56.74 -0.39 -3.6 Dimensional Fds DoubleLine Funds LowP r 45.61 -0.24 -8.9 EqIncA 9.80 -0.06 -4.8 IncomeFd NA ... NA BdIdxInst 11.39 -0.02 2.9 TotStAdml 77.08 -0.42 -3.3 TotIntBdIxInv 11.60 ... 2.6 WCMFocIntlGrwIns 18.54 +0.14 -2.0
TxExA p 13.67 +0.01 2.9 5GlbFxdInc 10.80 ... 0.7 CoreFxdIncmI NA ... NA Magin 10.26 ... 0.6 Invesco Funds Y PIMCO Funds I2 VANGUARD ADMIRAL TxMCapAdml161.05 -0.81 -2.9 WellsI 27.56 ... 0.9 Western Asset
WshA p 45.79 -0.13 -4.9 DFARlEst 41.92 -0.43 2.4 TotRetBdI NA ... NA OTC 12.84 +0.01 0.4 DevMktY 42.69 +0.18 -6.4 Income NA ... NA 500Adml 288.37 -1.10 -3.3 TxMIn r 13.28 +0.09 -6.1 Welltn 42.76 ... -1.4 CorePlusBdI NA ... NA
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * * Thursday, February 27, 2020 | B11


Climb to a
Oil Slides to January 2019 Level
High Amid U.S. crude hit its lowest

New Jitters price in more than a year on

Wednesday as concerns about
the spread of the coronavirus
BY MATT WIRZ outside China once again
dragged oil markets down and
U.S. government-bond began to affect operations of
yields, reversing Wednesday’s some key oil players in Eu-
early rise, were dragged down rope.
to fresh all-time lows amid new The main U.S. oil-price
signs that the coronavirus is gauge, West Texas Intermedi-
spreading. ate, fell 2.3% to $48.73 a bar-
Investors initially paused in rel, its lowest closing price
buying Treasurys mostly be- since Janu-
cause yields, which fall as bond COMMODITIES ary 2019.
prices rise, dropped to record Brent crude,
lows Tuesday, traders and ana- the global benchmark, fell
lysts said. Demand rose again 2.8% to $53.43 a barrel.
following reports of new coro- Some Western companies


navirus cases in places includ- began asking staff to work from
ing South America. home, and investors traded on
The yield on the benchmark worries that the virus will con-
10-year Treasury tinue to spread beyond China,
CREDIT closed Wednesday stymieing global demand for oil
MARKETS at 1.310%, down and oil products.
from Tuesday’s “Demand’s being hit left,
then-record-low close of right and center and the trad-
1.328%. The 30-year bond’s ing volumes are getting lower Analysts expect a sharper drop in prices if OPEC members fail to agree on deeper production cuts. A Chevron refinery in British Columbia.
yield fell to 1.796% from 1.803% as well,” said Robert Monte-
Tuesday. fusco, a broker at London a spokeswoman said. The com- to the travel sector. ceptions or banned represen- tion for prices.
The record-low yields in commodities trader Sucden Fi- pany wouldn’t confirm it asked “The jet [fuel]/kerosene tatives from attending alto- While Saudi Arabia unsuc-
Treasurys suggest investors see nancial. staff to telecommute. market has arguably suffered gether. cessfully pushed for an earlier
a relatively high chance that Employees at Chevron With U.S. health authori- the most from the coronavi- “Unfortunately, due to the meeting and has continued to
the Federal Reserve could cut Corp.’s Canary Wharf, London ties saying Tuesday they now rus outbreak,” analysts at JBC Coronavirus situation world- advocate for deeper cuts, Rus-
interest rates soon, but so far office were working from expect a wider spread of the Energy said in a note. “We wide, we regret to inform you sia hasn’t fallen in line. The
economic indicators don’t bear home on Wednesday, as the coronavirus in the country have shaved off more than that we have decided to can- cartel’s failure to deepen pro-
that up, said Thomas Simmons, company awaited results from and are preparing for a po- half of our global demand cel our event, giving priority duction cuts would prompt an
an economist at Jefferies LLC. coronavirus tests. A worker at tential pandemic, oil-market growth forecast for 2020 to the health and safety of even sharper drop in oil prices
Economic fallout from the the U.S. oil giant’s trading op- watchers were bracing for since January.” our business partners and and particularly damage the
virus isn’t likely to have a ma- erations had flulike symptoms further impact. “It’s spread- Wednesday’s drop took employees,” said Geneva- U.S. market, analysts said.
terial impact on the U.S. econ- earlier in the week, prompting ing in Europe and it’ll spread WTI’s losses to 20% so far in based oil trading company “The sensible thing for Rus-
omy until the second quarter of a decision to ask staff at that in the U.S. with a wider nega- 2020. Brent crude oil is down Saras Trading SA in an email sia to do would be let the
the year, and it will take more office to telecommute, accord- tive demand shock from the 19% this year. to guests. [U.S.] shale price erode even
time for that data to be dis- ing to a person familiar with U.S. side,” said Bjarne Schiel- This week’s sharp oil-price A planned summit between more,” said SEB Markets’s Mr.
seminated, Mr. Simmons said. the matter. Some 300 employ- drop, chief commodities ana- drops have come amid the In- the Organization of the Petro- Schieldrop. “When demand
Fed officials next meet to con- ees work at the office. lyst at SEB Markets. ternational Petroleum Week leum Exporting Countries and kicks back in, instead of higher
sider changing interest rates in Chevron is “taking precau- Analysts have already event in London, where nu- its allies, due to take place prices that will stimulate
mid-March. tionary measures to reduce [its slashed their demand fore- merous global oil companies next week in Vienna, will shale, shale will decline, mak-
“The 10-year broke through employees’] risk of exposure,” casts for oil products exposed have canceled customary re- likely provide further direc- ing room for Russian oil.”
a record-low yield yesterday,
and it’s hard to see the market

Flight to Muni-Bond Debt

going much further absent Municipal bond prices jumped Monday as investors
more bad news,” he said. flocked to less-volatile investments amid coronavirus fears.
Bonds of energy companies
weakened Wednesday as inves- Daily change in S&P Municipal Bond Index
tors braced for more bad news
from oil and gas producers.
Chesapeake Energy Corp.’s
bond due 2025 fell to 66.75
Sends Yields to Record Lows 0.4%

cents Wednesday after the BY HEATHER GILLERS come at Goldman Sachs Asset of them are seeking out less 0.2
company reported a decline in Management. “That de-risking creditworthy borrowers in an
revenue, down from 72.25 Municipal-bond yields are could mean [they buy into] effort to find higher returns.
Tuesday, according to data hitting 38-year lows due to in- cash, Treasurys or munis.” At the same time, the falling
from BondTicker. vestors’ coronavirus concerns The new wave of demand yields reduce borrowing costs 0
driving up demand in the $4 Monday pushed bond yields to for municipal-bond issuers and
trillion muni market. once-unheard-of levels. Yields make borrowing easier for less
AUCTION RESULTS Fears of the coronavirus’s on high-grade tax-exempt 30- creditworthy governments and
Here are the results of Wednesday's Treasury
auctions. All bids are awarded at a single price at the impact on global markets led year municipal bonds fell to nonprofits. –0.2
market-clearing yield. Rates are determined by the
difference between that price and the face value. to a stock selloff on Monday 1.594% Tuesday, 47% lower Muni-bond prices were
FIVE-YEAR NOTES and Tuesday. Investors flocked than in February 2019, accord- climbing steadily even before
Applications $106,892,490,800 to munis and other fixed-in- ing to financial analytics com- coronavirus headlines spooked
Accepted bids $47,196,559,300
" noncompetitively $32,744,700
come investments for stability. pany ICE Data Services’ Muni investors. –0.4
" foreign noncompetitively $0 The S&P Municipal Bond Index Yield Curve. Bond yields fall Changes in the 2017 tax law
Auction price (rate) 99.878957 March 2019 ’20
continued to climb Tuesday af- as prices rise. drove up demand in high-tax
Interest rate 1.125% ter logging its biggest one-day Daniel Berger, senior market states by capping the federal Source: S&P Municipal Bond Index
Bids at clearing yield accepted 54.82%
Cusip number 912828ZC7
gain in 20 months Monday. strategist at Refinitiv, said deduction for state and local
The notes, dated March 2, 2020, mature on Feb. 28, A daily gain that big— “there’s no end in sight” to low taxes, making tax-exempt mu- in the past decade with the cord, according to Refinitiv,
2025. about one-third of a percent- muni yields. The firm, which nis more attractive. At the proliferation of muni mutual and $1.8 billion in inflows for
ONE-YEAR, 11-MONTH FRNs age point—has occurred only tracks state government-bond same time, the tax law re- funds and exchange-traded the week ended Feb. 19, the
Applications $44,793,674,500 five times in the past three yields going back to June 1981, duced supply by placing new funds, which now hold $852 most recent data available.
Accepted bids $18,000,022,500
" noncompetitively $10,424,500 years. showed its lowest yields on re- limits on when governments billion worth of munis, accord- Fund managers working
Spread 0.154% “Fear is present and inves- cord Wednesday for the second can issue tax-exempt debt. ing to the Federal Reserve. overtime to field calls from
Bids at clearing yield accepted 40.54%
Cusip number 912828Z45 tors are taking some risk off day in a row. Quick moves into or out of Municipal-bond funds re- concerned investors expect
The floating-rate notes, dated Feb. 28, 2020, mature the table,” said Sylvia Yeh, co- Lower yields mean less in- municipal-bond investments ported net inflows of $96.5 that number to go up this
on Jan. 31, 2022. head of municipal fixed in- come for investors and some have become easier to execute billion last year, a 28-year re- week.

Index performance, weekly

You Don’t nually, counting dividends.
Among those individuals,
nearly 60% forecast one-year
back, investors projected that
stocks would earn 4.9% over
the next 12 months.
about 72% in stocks. The typ-
ical annual turnover—a mea-
sure of how often an investor

Have to returns between 0% and 6%,

and just under 70% predict
10-year average annual re-
But, the Vanguard survey
finds, these investors don’t
tend to buy more stocks
moves money around—is only
10%. (Mutual-fund managers
trade at more than six times
Sell Stocks turns in that same range.
Professional investors often
project returns in excess of
when they become a little
more optimistic or to sell
when they turn a bit pessi-
that rate, according to Morn-

7.5% annually. mistic. Unlike professionals, O the people in Van-
Continued from page B1 After stocks stumble, the they often change their opin- guard’s survey might be
run—to buy even more of the survey shows, individual in- ions without feeling obligated unusually placid. And
–2 most-overvalued stocks when vestors do predict lower fu- to act on them. individual investors, overall,
their prices are rising. ture returns—but not by Of course, Vanguard’s cli- have been rewarded for their
much. And when stocks are ents might be less interested patience so long that there is

nce performance fal- doing well, these investors than the general investing some risk they have turned
ters, portfolio manag- make rosier forecasts—by a public in chasing hot returns, complacent.
–4.1% ers who owned—and small margin. trading frequently or trying This is the longest bull
then sold—the most popular From September through to time the market. market on record, according
–6 –6.6% –5.8% stocks won’t be punished as December 2018, as stocks fell According to Vanguard re- to S&P Dow Jones Indices—
Dec. Jan. Feb. Dec. Jan. Feb. Dec. Jan. Feb. badly as those who made un- almost 20%, the Vanguard in- searchers Stephen Utkus and running more than 131
Note: Current week is through Wednesday. orthodox picks. “Worldly wis- vestors’ forecasts of returns Jean Young, the typical inves- months without a 20% de-
Source: Dow Jones Market Data dom,” wrote Keynes, “teaches over the coming year fell to tor in the survey is 61 years cline from its latest high clos-
that it is better for reputation 2.7% from 4.8%. old and has been a client for ing price.

Dow, S&P tween gains and losses.

Asian markets closed
lower. Japan’s Nikkei 225 in-
to fail conventionally than to
succeed unconventionally.”
When institutions sell,
By February 2019, how-
ever, as the market bounced
17 years. The median account
value is about $221,000, with
Over that period, stocks
have returned more than
490%, including dividends.

Extend dex shed 0.8% to reach its

lowest level since October.
Australia’s S&P/ASX 200
they often get rid of their
most liquid holdings first, be-
cause those are the easiest to
Once and Future Returns
After months when stocks perform poorly, investors’
expectations for future gains go down. When stocks have
Last year alone, the S&P 500
rose 32%.
A big tumble would shake

Declines dropped 2.3% and South Ko-

rea’s Kospi fell 1.3%. Early
Thursday, the Nikkei was
sell at the best price.
A survey of more than
16,000 individual investors by
strong returns, expectations rise with them.
S&P 500 returns
that confidence.
Let’s remember, though,
that panic is rare—in markets
down 1.8%, the S&P/ASX was Vanguard Group shows how and in life. During the Nazi
Continued from page B1 down 1.1% and the Kospi was drastically their attitudes dif- 10% bombardment of Britain in
among investors that the Fed- off 0.9%. fer from those of big institu- World War II, most people
eral Reserve may cut interest Crude-oil prices fell for the tions. Expected remained so levelheaded that
rates at least two times later fourth consecutive session. U.S. Vanguard has been repeat- 5 one-year the “neurosis centres”
this year. oil futures dropped 2.3% to set- ing this survey every two opened by the government to
Volatility in U.S. equity mar- tle at $48.73 a barrel. Oil fu- months since early 2017. The Actual counteract the expected ef-
kets remained high. The Cboe tures had picked up earlier results suggest that individ- 0 monthly fects of mass panic were sel-
Volatility Index, a closely Wednesday, after data showed ual investors have become a returns dom used.
watched measure of market U.S. crude inventories rising major force for moderation in No one knows how far the
turbulence known as VIX, fell less than expected, but then the financial markets. –5 fear over coronavirus will ex-
1% to 27.56, a day after hitting gave up their gains. Individuals consistently ex- tend or how much stocks will
its highest levels in more than Many European and Asian pect U.S. stocks to return fall in response. What we can
a year. benchmarks, including those in about 5% over the coming –10 be fairly sure of is that indi-
In Europe, the pan-continen- Germany, Japan, and South Ko- year, the Vanguard survey 2017 ’18 ’19 vidual investors are likely to
tal Stoxx Europe 600 was flat rea, are solidly in negative ter- shows. That’s only half the Note: Survey data on expected returns collected every other month. be among the last—not the
for the day after wavering be- ritory for the year. historical average of 10% an- Source: Vanguard Group first—to sell.
B12 | Thursday, February 27, 2020 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.



Health Insurers Lose

Their Immunity
A great investment for a decade, the industry
faces virus-related and political risks

Health insurance offered some of during this week’s market selloff.

the best investment opportunities For the first time in recent memory,
of the past decade. The prognosis, the industry faces both short-term
however, now looks shaky. and long-term risks to its profits.
Health insurers have dramati- The coronavirus hasn’t been di-

cally outperformed the stock mar- agnosed in many Americans, but

ket since the Affordable Care Act that could soon change. A top offi-
became law in 2010. Over the past cial at the Centers for Disease Con-
decade, Centene beat the S&P 500 trol and Prevention warned Tues-
by more than 600 percentage day that disruptions in the U.S.
points while UnitedHealth Group could be severe. UnitedHealth cites
topped the broad index by about “large scale medical emergencies”
500 percentage points. Others such as an example of what could cause
An employee wears a protective face mask as he lifts a component from a rack at a Shanghai factory. as Cigna, Humana and Anthem actual costs to exceed projections.

Supply Chains Are at Risk

have done nearly as well. Aetna While the virus may threaten
and WellCare shareholders were this year’s profits, a significant
bought out at large premiums. threat looms if Sen. Bernie Sanders
There were good reasons to ex- secures the Democratic presidential
plain this performance, with one of nomination: He has proposed re-
the biggest being expanded access placing the ACA with Medicare for
to insurance. The Affordable Care All. The effects of that overhaul on
If China’s shutdown lengthens, the damage to overseas customers will grow Act allowed states to offer Medicaid the insurance industry, while un-
to more individuals and enabled in- clear, aren’t likely positive.
dividuals to buy insurance plans on And while earnings multiples
This is the second column in a and China’s weight in global exports industries will be those like auto- state exchanges. That meant large, have shrunk, investors aren’t ex-
five part Heard on the Street series is twice what it was then. Today’s mobiles and electronics with spe- predictable increases in revenue actly getting a bargain for assuming
about the market and economic im- intricate global supply chains are cialized components whose supply and profit for underwriters. Adding the risk. Humana and UnitedHealth
pact of the coronavirus epidemic. also a relatively recent development chain is clustered in one country or to their attractiveness, most health trade at about 17 and 16 times for-
Investors are used to the cliché and certainly didn’t exist in 1918, a small group of countries. China is insurers do nearly all of their busi- ward earnings estimates, according
about butterfly wings in Brazil and when the “Spanish flu” pandemic the world’s largest exporter but in ness within the U.S. to FactSet. That is roughly in line
tornadoes in Texas. It turns out that devastated many countries around 2014 still only accounted for about While insurance stocks have sold with the average over the past year.
the butterfly—or bat, to be strictly the world. 8% of such “risky” hard-to-replace off from time to time over the ex- Investors betting on health in-
accurate—was actually in China. Amid all the unknowns for manu- products, according to researchers tended bull run, a quick recovery surers as a haven in these turbulent
Where the tornado will end is the facturing, one certainty is that tim- at the International Monetary Fund. always followed. Insurer share times are risking a surprise bill.
big unknown. ing will matter a lot. If China can’t The U.S. and Germany both clocked prices, however, have been hit hard —Charley Grant
The spread of new pneumonia- contain the epidemic within the next in at 13%. What happens in those
causing coronavirus probably origi- few weeks and get back to work, the countries may end up being the real Share-price performance
nating in bats has shut down much risk of serious damage to local sup- acid test for global supply chains.
of China. Companies as diverse as pliers—and worse, shortages of Chi- Worryingly, some pharmaceutical
Apple, Hyundai Motor and Indian nese parts abroad—will rise sharply. products and medical devices are in
drugmakers are suddenly finding A recent survey found that about the risky category, raising the possi- –2
that parts from the world’s facto- two-thirds of Chinese small and me- bility that drug production gums up
ries are unavailable, and the epi- dium-size businesses had less than just as global demand for pharma- –4
demic continues to spread rapidly three months’ cash on hand. ceuticals to combat the virus leaps.
in South Korea, Japan and even It- The ripple effect in industries Multinationals in China are tak- –6
aly. The first crisis test of the com- like autos has so far been worst in ing a wait-and-see approach. An
plex global supply chains favored by nearby countries including South early February survey by the Amer- –8
multinationals since the 1990s could Korea and Japan, where manufac- ican Chamber of Commerce in
be here. turers are used to short delivery Shanghai found that half of respon- –10
Disasters have disrupted Asian times and lower inventories rather dents weren’t considering a change Humana
supply chains before, but there is than a monthlong trip across the to their China strategy, while 40% –12 UnitedHealth
no real analog for the virus now Pacific for parts. But if China’s shut- said it was too early to tell. Inves- Group
spreading world-wide. When severe down stretches from one month tors who only weeks ago were sali- –14 Cigna
acute respiratory syndrome, or into two, the damage to overseas vating over the prospect of a global
Mon. Tues. Wed.
SARS, emerged from China in 2003, customers will be more widespread. rebound now find themselves in the
it infected just 10% as many people, Under any scenario, the worst-hit same boat. —Nathaniel Taplin Source: FactSet

Car Industry’s Big Merger OVERHEARD

Is Better Than You Think After a dismal 2019, North Others want to be taken more But there is only so much a
American pot companies under- seriously by the investment com- rebrand can do. Over the past
Investors have been disappointed would achieve €3.7 billion ($4.03 standably want to clear the air. munity—perhaps why Vancouver- year, Canbiola’s shares are down
too often to give car manufacturers billion) in cost savings, essentially Choosing a new name is becom- based grower Friday Night Inc. 77%, Terra Tech has plummeted
much advance credit for cost-cut- by shifting two-thirds of their com- ing a favorite way to move on. changed its name to the more but- 79% and Westleaf has fallen
ting plans. In the case of the indus- bined production onto two plat- Last week, Canadian grower toned-up 1933 Industries. 97%.
try’s big merger, that may create an forms. Taxed and capitalized, these Westleaf said it would be called
opportunity for those that dare to could be worth, on a multiple of Decibel Cannabis Co., from March
break ranks. five times, at roughly €13 billion. as part of a corporate retune.
The 2019 financial results of PSA Investors haven’t factored this On the same day, California-
Group, the French company due to benefit into the shares. On a com- based Terra Tech changed its
merge with Fiat Chrysler Automo- bined basis, they have performed name to Onyx Group Holdings.
biles, again showcased the profit- just as badly as the wider automo- Two days later, Canbiola, which
ability for which it has become tive sector since The Wall Street makes hemp-based oils, renamed
known. Its operating margin last Journal first reported the talks in itself Can B Corp.
year was 8.5%, up from 7.7% in 2018 late October. Both stocks change There may be valid reasons
and well ahead of peers in Detroit hands for less than five times pro- for the rash of new names.

and Germany. Its shares were up spective earnings, cheap even for Pot companies often rebrand
4.8% Wednesday. auto makers. after a merger—as was the case
The margin improvement was The caution is understandable. at Terra Tech—or to signal they
largely driven by vehicle mix: The Car makers too often announce are branching out into new cate-
cars the company has launched gross cost-savings targets that get gories such as medical cannabis
over the past year are more profit- netted away by other cost in- or CBD products.
able than the ones they replace. In creases. On this occasion, though,
some cases, PSA has used the same investors may want to suspend
production platforms to make their disbelief. The savings that
slightly larger compact crossovers— should boost profits for PSA in the
small sport-utility vehicles—feeding
consumers’ hunger for bigger cars
without having to invest in much
coming years are based on a pro-
cess of consolidation that has been
successfully tested with Opel by the
Pandemic Bonds Come With Drawbacks
new infrastructure. same management team under
PSA, which historically owned Chief Executive Carlos Tavares. As the coronavirus that began nance is that investors don’t need end of January they were priced at
the French brands Peugeot, Citroën The industry will likely struggle in the Chinese city of Wuhan to be experts about the debtor’s around 63.75 cents to the dollar.
and DS, has also extracted outsize for a few years, and manufacturers spreads around the world, pan- specific business. They just need The second and larger problem
returns in remarkably little time will only keep pace by shedding demic bonds designed to assist enough confidence that the debtor with pandemic bonds is one they
from its 2017 takeover of Opel load. PSA and FCA’s consolidation is poor countries in financing their can repay at regular intervals. Ca- don’t share with other catastro-
Vauxhall, the former European busi- easily the surest way forward. response are on the verge of being tastrophe bonds are more com- phe-related securities. During ex-
ness of General Motors. These Ger- —Stephen Wilmot triggered for the first time. plex, requiring greater knowledge treme events, they don’t offer a
man and British marques made a But they’re also demonstrating of the actual threat, be it fire, source of returns uncorrelated
6.5% operating margin last year, up Investors aren’t attributing drawbacks that will prevent their flood or disease. with major capital markets—one
from 4.7% in 2018 and losses in the value to the PSA-FCA merger becoming more than a sideshow as The additional work is a cost for of the things buyers like most
acquisition year. an asset class, or a tool for public the investor, which limits the upside about the asset class.
€15 billion
But there is only so much mileage finances. to holding the bonds. An investor Pandemic bonds are most likely
Potential value of deal synergies
the company can get from refresh- If natural disasters were en- who doesn’t do the legwork is liable to be triggered just as equities tum-
ing its own product range and bring- 10 tirely predictable, insurance and to get burned when the bonds don’t ble and concerns about companies’
ing Opel under its umbrella. The catastrophe bonds would be un- behave as expected. At 386 pages, ability to finance themselves come
onus is on the FCA merger, expected necessary. But they are models of the prospectus for the World Bank’s to the fore, as now. In short, the as-
to be completed by early 2021. 5 Change in the companies' reliability beside infectious dis- class-B securities isn’t a light read. set class is uncorrelated with wider
This is a much broader affair combined market value ease. A wildfire cannot begin in The bonds are governed by markets—except at the exact mo-
than the previous deal: It will create since news of the merger Australia and travel by plane to “parametric triggers.” A partial pay- ment when that matters most. Then
a global manufacturer—third in ve- the other side of the world. out requires 250 deaths in one it is suddenly very correlated.
hicle sales after Toyota and Volks- The idea behind pandemic bonds, country, 20 in another, and for the This drastic limitation con-
wagen—with scale in Europe, the –5 issued by the World Bank in 2017, is outbreak to be spreading at a cer- strains the use of pandemic bonds.
U.S. and Latin America. Yet the simple: They pay investors a solid tain rate. The figuring requires the The world needs better ways to fi-
companies’ game plan in Europe, return, but if a pandemic breaks expertise of epidemiologists and re- nance the fight against sudden and
where the greatest opportunity for out, the principal is redirected to liable reporting of cases—not tradi- global outbreaks of disease, and
synergies lies, is clearly modeled on Nov. 2019 Dec. Jan. ’20 Feb. help low-income countries pay for tional territory for asset managers. investors need other sources of
the Opel deal. At the time of the Notes: The WSJ first reported talks on Oct. 29; €1=$1.09 their emergency response. The bonds are thinly traded, so lit- uncorrelated returns.
merger, the companies said they Source: FactSet The advantage of vanilla debt fi- tle daily data is available, but at the —Mike Bird

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