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Monday, 13 January 2020



The government has initiated a massive re-plan and redevelopment of New Delhi’s iconic
central vista (the stretch from the gates of Rashtrapati Bhawan to India Gate that was
designed by Edwin Lutyens and is designated as Grade 1 Heritage) along with
surrounding buildings spread over an area of approximately 4sq. km

Proposal for a new building

• The new building is being considered to be remodel or renovated on account of

stability concerns.

• A committee to suggest few alternatives to the current building has been set up by
the ex-Speaker, Meira Kumar.

• The present building suffers from inadequacy of space to house members and their
staff and also structural issues.

• The building also needs to be protected because of its heritage tag


• Modern build , energy efficient buildings which will be defining the characteristic of Delhi as
a leading world capital for the next coming years
• The planned revamp of the Central Vista will not entail falling of any trees.
• It will also engage various stakeholders such as heritage experts, urban and traffic
specialists while executing the project.
• The government will also save about ₹1,000 crore a year, which it spends currently on
renting office premises for its ministries outside of Lutyens’ Delhi in the Capital
• The bidders also need to have the experience of building at least one single project
worth Rs 250 crore.

• Such a major redevelopment proposal for this area has not surprisingly attracted
considerable alarm among those who value its heritage character and would like to retain
it as a badge of the city’s identity
• It violates the protocols of best practices for any interventions in heritage areas
• The lack of transparency with the people.
• The fate of India’s iconic urban heritage cannot be reduced to short-sighted and expedient
professional conditions
• Architecture is moving away from becoming an inclusive exercise to being an exclusive
space with security-laced entry

Monday, 13 January 2020


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