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1. __________ refers to the learning opportunities designed to help employees grow.
a. Training b. Development c. Education d. All of the above
2. How does training and development offer competitive advantage to an organization?
a. Removing performance decencies b. Deficiency is caused by a lack of ability
c. Individuals have the aptitude and motivation to learn d. None of the above
3. Which of the following is a benefit of employee training?
a. Improves morale
b. Helps people identify with organizational goals
c. Provides a good climate for learning, growth and co - ordination
d. None of the above
4. Choose which of the following is a benefit to the individual while receiving training?
a. Creates an appropriate climate for growth, communication
b. Aids in increasing productivity and/ or quality of work
c. Satisfies a personal needs of the trainer
d. None of the above
5. Which of this is a step in training process?
a. KSA deficiency b. Provide proper feedback
c. Obstacles in the system d. Use of evaluation models
6. Which of the following is a method used in group or organizational training needs assessment?
a. Consideration of current and projected changes b. Rating scales
c. Interviews d. Questionnaires
7. _________ seeks to examine the goals of the organization and the trends that are likely to affect
these goals.
a. Organizational Support b. Organizational analysis
c. Person analysis d. Key skill abilities analysis
8. Which of these is the benefit of needs assessment?
a. Assessment makes training department more accountable
b. Higher training costs
c. Loss of business
d. Increased overtime working
9. Rearrange the steps in training programme.
A. What should be the level of training
B. What principles of learning
C. Who are the trainees?
D. What methods and techniques?
E. Where to conduct the programme?
F. Who are the trainers?
10. Which of these is an off - the - job training method?
a. Television b. Job rotation c. Orientation training d. Coaching
11. Which of the following is not true about training?
a) It is a short-duration exercise.
b) It is technical in nature.

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c) It is primarily for managers and executives.
d) It is concerned with specific job skills.
12. In which type of analysis are corporate goals and plans compared with the existing manpower
inventory to determine the training needs?
a) Organization analysis b) Operation analysis
c) Individual analysis d) None of the above
13. Training concentrates on
a) coaching the members of an organization how to perform effectively in their current jobs
b) expansion of the knowledge and skills of the members of an organization
c) preparing the employees to take on new responsibilities.
d) none of the above.
14. The process of enhancing the technical skills of workers in a short period is called
a) training b) development c) education d) none of the above
15. E-learning is all about
a) computers and computing b) being technology-driven
c) electronics d) experience
16. The planned use of networked information and communications technology for the delivery of
training is called
a) e-learning b) role playing c) case study d) programmed learning
17. Which one of the following is a source of assessing training needs?
a) performance evaluation
b) attitude survey
c) advisory panel
d) all of the above
18. Laboratory training is also known by the name
a) sensitivity training
b) job instruction training
c) apprenticeship training
d) none of the above
19. _______ method creates a situation that is as far as possible a replica of the real situation for
imparting training.
a) The programmed learning
b) The Simulation
c) The case study
d) The lecture
20. A team of learners working online in a real-time mode using the Internet is known as
a) individualized self-paced e-learning online
b) individualized self-paced e-learning offline
c) group-based e-learning synchronously
d) group-based e-learning asynchronously
21. Training need analysis takes place during which phase of the training process?
a) deciding what to teach
b) deciding how to maximize participant learning
c) choosing appropriate instructional methods
d) determining whether training programmes are effective


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22. Psychological testing, performance appraisals and assessment centers are methods used to assess
a) development needs b) staffing needs
c) tactile learning d) massed learning
23. Testing techniques which furnish information about interpersonal traits, job preferences and
leadership style are classified as
a) assessment centers b) succession appraisals
c) psychological testing d) performance appraisals
24. Collection of all exercises and instrument that are used to identify individual needs for
development is classified as
a) psychological testing b) performance appraisals
c) assessment centers d) both A and C
25. Organization level needs analysis
a) examines individuals' training needs.
b) involves determining appropriateness of training, resources available for training and
level of support.
c) involves identifying the tasks that compose jobs and the KSAOs needed to perform them.
d) should always be the last level of analysis conducted.
26. Determining whether performance deficiencies result from lack of knowledge or skills is shown
A. organizational analysis. B. person analysis.
C. gap analysis. D. ask analysis.
27. The question, "Who should be trained?" is one that should be asked by:
A. upper-level managers. B. training consultants.
C. mid-level managers. D. trainers.
28. For mid-level managers, organizational analysis focuses on all but which of the following?
A. How much of the budget to devote to training
B. The types of employees who should receive training
C. For what jobs can training make the biggest difference in improving product or service
D. The role of training compared to other HR functions such as selection
29. Inexpensive, can collect data from a large number of persons, but may lack detail and requires
time are advantages and disadvantages of the _____ method of needs assessment.
A. questionnaires B. observation
C. focus groups D. interviews
30. Interviewing as a needs assessment technique:
A. is less expensive than most other assessment methods.
B. can explore unanticipated issues that come up.
C. only provides information directly related to questions asked.
D. minimizes interruption of work.
31. Questionnaires used for needs assessment:
A. allow for rapid collection of a large amount of information.
B. are one of the most costly techniques for collecting data.
C. are a highly objective source of information.
D. have the main disadvantage of providing information that is often outdated.
32. The best needs assessment method for sexual harassment and diversity issues is:
A. observation. B. focus groups.
C. questionnaires. D. online technology.
33. A process useful in needs assessment that is closely related to Total Quality Management is:

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A. online technology. B. documentation.
C. benchmarking. D. focus groups.
34. In the needs assessment process, _____ analysis is usually conducted first.
A. benchmark B. task C. person D. organizational
35. _____ analysis asks the questions, "Will employees perceive the training program as an
opportunity or waste of time? Which persons or groups (employees, managers, vendors,) have an
interest in seeing training succeed?"
A. Benchmark B. Task C. Person D. Organizational
36. Research indicates that:
A. peer and manager support for training is critical to the success.
B. peer and manager support has little influence on training outcomes.
C. managers have little or nothing to do with the transfer of training.
D. organizational analysis is actually often unnecessary.
37. Employees' "readiness" for learning refers to all the following except whether they:
A. have completed orientation.
B. have the necessary knowledge and skills to learn.
C. whether the work environment will enhance learning.
D. whether they are motivated to learn.
38. Research shows that motivation to learn is related to all but which of the following?
A. Skill acquisition B. Knowledge gained
C. The length of training D. Behavior change
39. All of the following statements regarding cognitive ability are true except:
A. it is related to successful job performance in all jobs.
B. it includes verbal comprehension, quantitative and reasoning abilities.
C. cognitive ability influences learning.
D. cognitive ability is more important for lower-level than more complex jobs.
40. When trainees' reading level does not match the level needed for the training materials, which of
the following options is an organization least likely to do handle this mismatch?
A. Redesign the job B. Use video or on-the-job training
C. Reassign employees with inadequate reading ability
D. Provide employees with reading deficiencies with a remedial reading program
41. _____ is employees' belief that they can successfully perform their job or learn the content of the
training program.
A. Self-efficacy B. Self-motivation
C. Cognitive ability D. Task competence
42. Which one of the following management actions could least likely increase employees' self-
efficacy levels?
A. Letting employees know the purpose of the training programs
B. Providing as much information as possible about the training program and its purposes prior to
the actual training
C. Showing employees the training success of their peers who are now in similar jobs
D. Using off-site rather than on-site formal training programs
43. Which of the following is not an issue to determine whether training is the best solution?
A. Is the performance problem important?
B. Can employees demonstrate the correct behavior?
C. Were other solutions too expensive or unrealistic?
D. Are employees approaching retirement age?

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44. In the process of determining if training is the best solution for a performance problem, you
discover employees were trained but rarely or never used the training content. This is an example
of a _____ factor affecting performance and learning.
A. input B. feedback C. consequences D. output
45. The first step in task analysis is to:
A. develop a preliminary list of tasks performed on the job.
B. interview all job incumbents.
C. select the job or jobs to be analyzed.
D. identify the KSA's important for successful task performance.
46. The most relevant type of needs analysis for preparing training materials is:
A. organizational. B. benchmarking.
C. person. D. task.
47. All of the following are true for competency models except they:
A. identify the differences across jobs, occupational groups or organizational levels.
B. focus on how work is done.
C. link competencies to an organization's goals.
D. are particularly useful for generating requirements for employee selection.
48. The first step in developing a competency model is:
A. identifying jobs, positions and job families.
B. conduct business and strategy analysis.
C. select needs assessment strategy.
D. identify effective and ineffective job performers.
49. All except _____ is a way competency models are useful for training and development.
A. identifying behaviors needed for effective job performance
B. facilitating succession planning for managerial candidates
C. providing guidelines for organizational analysis
D. providing a framework for coaching

50. Reduction in turnover rate, rise in production, change in attitudes and less supervisory needs are
classified as
a) post measure variables b) pre-measures variables
c) typical costs d) typical benefits
51. Concept of four level training evaluation (reaction, learning, behavior and results) is given by
a) Donald Kirkpatrick
b) Robert Mathis
c) John (No Suggestions)
d) none of above
52. In training evaluation, measurement of how much of concepts, attitudes and theories learned have
made impact on job is classified as
a) learning evaluation step b) behavior evaluation step
c) reaction evaluation step d) results evaluation step
53. In training evaluation, measurement of training effect on performance and observation of job
performance is classified as
a) reaction evaluation step b) results evaluation step
c) learning evaluation step d) behavior evaluation step
54. Expense of training, materials of training, salary and time of trainees and trainers are classified as

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a) typical costs b) typical benefits
c) post measure variables d) pre-measures variables
55. A technique, including formal methods for testing effectiveness of training program, considered
a) design of evaluation b) controlled experimentation
c) in-house development d) consolidation of gains
56. A category, testing learned skills and principles, known as
a) measuring reaction b) measuring learning
c) measuring behavior d) measuring results
57. Training effects that are to be measured consist of
a) reaction b) learning c) behavior d) all of above
58. Two basic issues to address in training evaluation are
a) design of evaluation b) the things to measure
c) in-house development d) Both A and B
59. Evaluation of trainee's reactions to a training program is classified as
a) measuring reaction b) measuring learning
c) measuring behavior d) measuring results
60. Reduction in turnover rate, rise in production, change in attitudes and less supervisory needs are
classified as
a) post measure variables b) pre-measures variables
c) typical costs d) typical benefits
61. Concept of four level training evaluation (reaction, learning, behavior and results) is given by
a) Donald Kirkpatrick b) Robert Mathis
c) John d) none of above
62. In training evaluation, measurement of how much of concepts, attitudes and theories learned have
made impact on job is classified as
a) learning evaluation step b) behavior evaluation step
c) reaction evaluation step d) results evaluation step
63. In training evaluation, measurement of training effect on performance and observation of job
performance is classified as
a) reaction evaluation step b) results evaluation step
c) learning evaluation step d) behavior evaluation step
64. Expense of training, materials of training, salary and time of trainees and trainers are classified as
a) typical costs b) typical benefits
c) post measure variables d) pre-measures variables
65. Kirkpatrick’s four levels of evaluation are:
1. Reaction, Satisfaction, Learning, and Behavior
2. Reaction, Learning, Behavior, and Results
3. Satisfaction, Transfer, Behavior, and Results
4. Learning, Behavior, Process, and Product
66. Who developed the CIPP Model for Evaluation (context, input, process, and product evaluation)?
1. Daniel Stufflebeam
2. Donald Kirkpatrick
3. Edward Thorndike
4. Michel Scriven
67. Which is not a level of Kirkpatrick's Four Level Assessment model:
a. reaction b. learning c. characterization d. behavior

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68. Which is not an example of a measurement of "Knowledge":
a. list b. debate c. recite d. define
69. Which of the following is a traditional method of student evaluation:
a) Performance assessment b) Essay
c) Adaptive testing d) Virtual Performance testing
70. At which stage in the ADDIE model are learning objectives established:
a) Analysis b) Design c) Development d) Implementation
71. Which of the following is NOT a part of the ADDIE model of instructional design?
a. Develop b) Implementation c) Design d) Delivery
72. According to Rothwell and Kazanas there are four major approaches to conducting formative
evaluation. Which of the following is NOT an approach?
a) Expert Reviews b) Management or Executive Rehearsals
c) Satisfaction Surveys d) Individualized Pre-Tests and Pilot Tests
73. Which is not a component of the CIPP acronym?
a) Context b) Input c) Instruction d) Process e) Product

74. Training done in guidance of instructor on one place and having trainees at different locations is
classified as
a) tactile training b) instructor led classroom training
c) distance training d) e-training
75. Type of cooperative training in which trainees have on-the-job experience with guidance of
skilled supervisor is classified as
a) school-to-work transition b) distance training
c) internships d) apprentice training
76. Cooperative training type in which job training is combined with instructions from college classes
is classified as
a) internships b) apprentice training
c) school-to-work transition d) distance training
77. Apprentice training, internships and school-to-work transitions are classified as types of instructor
led classroom training
a) cooperative training b) conference training c) distance training
78. Cooperative training method which combines on-the-job experiences and classroom training is
classified as
a) internships b) apprentice training
c) school-to-work transition d) distance training
79. The following is (are) the benefit(s) of training.
(A) Increased productivity (B) Reduced accidents
(C) Reduced supervision (D) All of the above
80. The following training aims to provide broad training to enable the trainee to take up a wide
variety of tasks within his field of specialisation
(A) Demonstration (B) On-the-job training
(C) Apprenticeship (D) All of the above
81. Demonstration type of training method is used to train
(A) Workers (B) Supervision (C) Managers (D) All of the above
82. The following is not a part of lower level management
(A) Worker (B) Foreman (C) Supervisor (D) Inspector

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83. A homogenous group of ____ men from the plant constitutes an ideal conference group
(A) 8-10 (B) 12-15 (C) 18-20 (D) 22-25
84. The following method is used to give to trainees the important information in permanent form for
immediate of future use
(A) Lecture methods (B) Conference
(C) Written instructional method (D) Training within the industry (TWI)
85. Training within the industry (TWI) scheme imparts training in
(A) Job instructions (B) Job rotation (C) Job method (D) All of the above
86. The following is not a on the job training method
(A) Understudies (B) Job rotation
(C) Management by objectives (MBO) (D) Case study method
87. The following is vertical expansion of the job
(A) Job rotation (B) Job enrichment
(C) Management by objectives (MBO) (D) All of the above
88. _____ is widely used for human relations and leadership training
(A) Business games (B) Role playing
(C) Case study method (D) Job rotation
89. Personnel management of an organization specifically deals with human resources in respect of
(A) Their procurement
(B) Develop their skills, knowledge and attitude
(C) Their motivation towards the attainment of organizational objectives
(D) All of the above
90. Personnel management is a
(A) Point of view (B) Technique of thinking
(C) Philosophy of management (D) All of the above
91. Which of these is an off - the - job training method?
a. Television b. Job rotation
c. Orientation training d. Coaching
92. In Lewin organization change process, introduction of new attitudes and behaviors is included in
a) unfreezing stage b) moving stage
c) refreezing stage d) nonmoving stage
93. Comparison of on-the-job behavior before and after training programs can be classified as
a) measuring reaction b) measuring learning
c) measuring behavior d) measuring results
94. Training technique, which allows trainees to solve problems and work in different departments is
a) job rotation b) action learning
c) lifelong learning d) management development
95. Changing process in which change is formulated and implemented by employees is called
a) organizational development b) organizational change
c) Lewin change process d) Maslow's change hierarchy
96. A systematic method to teach skills for job while presenting facts and getting feedback is called
a) job rotation b) off the job training
c) job instruction training d) programmed learning
97. Method in which 'problem to be solved' is described for employees is called
a) job rotation b) action learning

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c) lifelong learning d) case study method
98. Improving current and future management performance is called
a) job rotation b) job training
c) lifelong learning d) management development
99. Method in which teams consisting managers compete on solving problems is called
a) management game b) action learning
c) lifelong learning d) case study method
100. Technique, involving trainees to act on role of specific person in real situation is
a) behavior modeling b) role playing
c) in-house development center d) both A and B
101. A technique, in which trainees are shown films on management techniques is called
a) behavior modeling b) role playing
c) in-house development center d) Both A and B
102. In mentoring relationships, first mentoring stage which consists of six to twelve months period is
classified as
a) initiation b) cultivation c) separation d) redefinition
103. Situation which occurs when an employee learns new ideas and returns to workplace where people
follows same old ideas is classified as
a) capsulated training b) encapsulated training
c) capsulated development d) encapsulated development
104. Relationship between employees in which experienced managers help individual employees in their
early career is classified as
a) career modeling b) mentoring
c) simulation d) communication
105. In mentoring relationships, second mentoring stage which consists of two to five years and helps
employees gaining self-confidence is considered as
a) separation b) redefinition c) initiation d) cultivation
106. In mentoring relationships, third mentoring stage in which employees experiences independence but
with little anxiety is considered as
a) initiation b) cultivation c) separation d) redefinition
107. Which of these is NOT part of the Developmental view of creativity?
a. A group process
b. Being teachable
c. That it is within all professions
d) Great works of art
108. Strategic management is mainly the responsibility of
(A) Lower management (B) Middle management
(C) Top management (D) All of the above
109. The major issue(s) of appraisal system is (are)
(A) Factors of appraisal (B) Relevance of appraisal
(C) Procedure of appraisal (D) All of the above
110. They have time based utility
(A) Goals (B) Resources
(C) both ‘A’ and ‘B’ (D) None of the above
111. What our business is' is stated in
a) mission statement b) strategic goals
c) vision statement d) all of above

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112. External and internal audit of a company includes
a) economic trends b) political trends
c) competitive trends d) all of above

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