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NFLPA Fact Sheet As of February 27, 2020

Highlights of Proposed CBA

1. Overall Economics

• For the 2020 season

¡ Player Cost set at 47 percent of AR.
¡ NFL will expand postseason by two games (estimated revenue of $150 million; estimated
additional player cost of $70-75 million).
¡ NFL will make Legacy Payment of $64 million

• For the 2021 and 2022 seasons

¡ Player Cost set at 48 percent of AR, irrespective of whether regular season consists of 16 or
17 games (subject to a greater percentage on application of the Media Kicker, if applicable)
(discussed below)
¡ In 2021, if the NFL goes to 17 games, and if the player cost amount is less than 48.5%, each
club may elect to receive a credit of up to $48.5%, which credit shall be paid back over the
next three seasons at the club’s discretion.
¡ NFL will make Legacy Payment of $32 million in 2021 and a Legacy Payment of $16 million in

• For the 2023 season and Subsequent Seasons Under the CBA
¡ Player Cost set at 48 percent of AR in 2023 and through the remainder of the CBA,
irrespective of whether regular season consists of 16 or 17 games (subject to a greater
percentage on application of the Media Kicker if applicable).

• Seventy percent (70%) of incremental revenue from Los Angeles stadium with no additional stadium
credits. This is the first stadium project that has guaranteed that: (i) the new stadium will immediately
generate increased revenue and (ii) defines the players’ share of that new revenue.
• Upon moving to a 17-game season, players receive a “media kicker” – an additional share of revenue
based on overall growth in television contracts. If NFL secures a 60 percent increase, players will receive
48.5 percent of AR. The share can go as high as 48.8 percent of AR if the NFL grows television revenue by
more than 120 percent.
• Players to receive a share of revenues related to legal gambling operations in stadiums—not limited to
gambling on NFL football.
• Team Cash Spending Minimum raised to 90%, League-wide Cash Minimums remains at 95%; Tranches of
3 years, 3 years and 4 years
• Funding deductible for deferred/guaranteed compensation increased from $2 million to $15 million
from 2020-2028 (a 750% increase); deductible increases to $17 million in 2029-2030.
• Player 48% guarantee and media kicker cannot be reduced by stadium credits
2.Player Salaries

• Immediate increases in minimum salaries of more than 20 percent.


#CS 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
0 610 660 705 750 795 840 885 930 975 1020 1065
1 675 780 825 870 915 960 1005 1050 1095 1140 1185
2 750 850 895 940 985 1030 1075 1120 1165 1210 1255
3 825 920 965 1010 1055 1100 1145 1190 1235 1280 1325
4 to 6 910 990 1035 1080 1125 1170 1215 1260 1305 1350 1395
7+ 1050 1075 1120 1165 1210 1255 1300 1345 1390 1435 1480


#CS 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
0 400 415 430 450 470 490 515 540 565 590 615
1 425 440 455 475 495 515 540 565 590 615 640
2 450 465 480 500 520 540 565 590 615 640 665
3 475 490 505 525 545 565 590 615 640 665 690
4 to 6 500 515 530 550 570 590 615 640 665 690 715
7+ 550 565 580 600 620 640 665 690 715 740 765

• New “Veteran Salary Benefit” allowing up to 2 players with four years of service to remain with their
club; up to an additional $1.25M in Paragraph 5 excluded from the salary cap by each club each
• Players paid over 34 weeks [36 weeks if 17 games].
• Union leadership made a concerted effort to increase salaries of core players. The increases in
minimum salaries guarantee that players earning league minimum get at least a 1/17 increase in
salaries when the league goes to 17 games.
• For all players making more than the applicable minimum salary, who are under contract at the time
of the signing of the CBA and remain under that contract in the season the league moves to 17
games, they will be paid a bonus in the amount of 1/17th of their salary if they are on the roster of
the club on the date of the 17th game.
• Significant increases and new distribution formula for performance-based pay -- $8.5m in 2020,
10.0M in 2021 (possibly held at $8.5M to pay for 17th game bonus); payment spread out over 4
monthly payments
• Increased Termination Pay for in-season signings (35% of the unpaid P5 or 2 weeks pay whatever is
greater) and the opportunity for qualifying players to claim the benefit twice in their careers.
Defense of failure to disclose if player does not report a surgery or missed game due to injury to the
same body part or if he is suspended for conduct detrimental by the club (4-week suspension) or
commissioner (4-weeksuspension or greater).
• Significantly increase Injury Protection for injuries sustained in 2020 ($2.0M in 2021at 100% of
Paragraph 5 salary) and Extended Injury Protection ($1.0M in 2022 at 100% of Paragraph 5 salary)
with continued increases thereafter. Defense of failure to disclose if player does not report a
surgery or missed game due to injury to the same body part.
• Rookie Redistribution pool for veteran benefits (e.g. PBP) of $2.0M per club starting in 2021,
increasing with revenues; additional increase of $1.0M per club added to this pool which can be
used to increase minimum salaries if they do not keep pace with the growth in revenues.

3. Compensatory Draft

• System revised to exclude many “Core Veterans” from the calculation, including players who sign 1-
year deals making less than $1.75M; allowing free agents to sign with new clubs more quickly.

4. Entry Level System

• Rookie Pool to grow at the rate of the Salary Cap, eliminating lagging growth rates ifc ap grows by
more than 5%.
• Players drafted in Round 2 now eligible for Proven Performance Escalator – if 60% playtime 2 of 3
years or cumulatively (P5 increased to ROFR Original Draft Round Tender).
• Rounds 2-7, if 55% playtime in each of first three years (P5 increased to ROFR plus $250k);
• New Proven Performance Escalator (super escalator) for players drafted in Rounds 2-7 based on Pro
Bowl selections (P5 increased to 2nd Round Qualifying Offer).
• All new PPEs applicable to the 2018 draft class
• Starting with the 2018 draft class, eliminate distinction between players selected in 1st – 10th
positions and 11th – 32nd positions for purposes of Fifth-Year Option. All first-round players can
earn up to the franchise tag amount based on performance.
• If Fifth-Year Option is exercised, player’s contract is fully guaranteed for fourth and fifth years upon
exercise of the option.

5. Rosters

• An additional player may be designated-to-return from Injured Reserve (for a total of 3 players).
• Active roster increased from 46 to 48, with 8 offensive linemen.
• Practice Squads expanded from 10 to 12 in 2020 and 2021 and to 14 in 2022, creating 128 new jobs,
including between 2 and 4 players with unlimited Accrued Seasons per club.
• Weekly Practice Squad salaries increased to $8.4k in 2020, $9.2k in 2021, $11.5K in 2022, with
increases thereafter; For unlimited Accrued Seasons players, weekly salaries are $12.0k in 2020,
$14.0k in 2021, and $15.4 - $19.9k in 2022; Practice Squad players eligible for 401(k) benefit and
tuition assistance benefit.
• Practice Squad players remain unrestricted free agents.
• No limitation on the number of years a player may be a Practice Squad player.
• Practice Squad Players elevated to the Active list may be returned to the Practice Squad without
having to go through waivers 2 times. Two Practice Squad players each week may be elevated to the
Active/Inactive list (increasing the Active/Inactive roster to 54 or 55)
6. Free Agency

• First and Second Round Qualifying offers increase by $125k in 2021 and another $125k in 2022.
Original Draft Round Qualifying Offers increase by $50k in 2021and another $50k in 2022.
• No change is Franchise/Transition tender rules, except that the additional Transition tender is
eliminated in the final league year

7. Benefits

Significant increases for current players

• Ten (10%) percent increase in pensions for all current players so that a player who plays under the
new agreement and earns 10 credited seasons and begins collecting at age 65 will have a retirement
benefit of more than $1.4 million per year for the rest of his life.
• Annual HRA contribution increased from $30k to $35k in 2020, and to $50k by 2027; increased HRA
lifetime maximum from $350k to $450k.
• Group insurance benefits increased; new vision coverage added.
• Severance -- $30k (2020-2022); $35k (2023-2025); $40k (2026-2028); $50k (2029 -2030)
• Annuity -- $110k on 2020, increasing every other year by $15k
• Second Career Savings – increase matching levels by $2k every other year
• Tuition Reimbursement – increase amounts for active players to $25k per year beginning in 2026;
significant increases in amount for former players
• Tuition Reimbursement and 401(k) benefits offered to Practice Squad players.

Significant increases for retired players in a variety of benefits, including Pension, HRA,
Neurocognitive Benefit.

• All players pre-2012 have a uniform and increased pension benefit of $550 per month per credited
season, increasing to $575 or $600 per month per credited season depending on increases in the
revenue, securing “Pension Credit Equality” for those who played in previous seasons.
• Expand pension to include former players with three Credited Seasons (ineligible under the current
• Increased benefits for widows and survivors of former players. Survivors definition has been
expanded to include relatives other than spouses and children.
• Establish an HRA account for vested former players with three or more Credited Seasons who did
not previously earn an HRA and are under age 65 in the amount of $50k to assist with medical
• Amounts paid to former players and their families under the 88 Plan, the Former Player Life
Improvement Plan, and the Neurocognitive Benefit have all increased. Eligibility for Neurocognitive
Benefit expanded to include non-vested and pre-1994 players and includes increases over time.
• New NFL-Dedicated Hospital Network: All former vested players will have access to a newly
developed hospital network with facilities in each NFL city that will provide primary care and other
services free of charge, including screenings, mental healthcare and certain orthopedic treatment
for former players, spouses to be included in a later year. Commitment to include some surgical
procedures when feasible.
• T & P disability – offset for those recipients on Inactive A that qualified for benefit through Social
Security; eventually phase out automatic qualifier for T and P benefits based on receiving disability
benefits through Social Security; trigger reducing future recipients benefits in 2026 if benefit if costs

8. Postseason Pay

• A team that has a bye week on the Wild Card weekend will now receive postseason pay.
• Starting in 2021 Amounts increased to:
¡ Wild Card Division Winners $42.5k
¡ Wild Card other $37.5k
¡ Divisional Round $42.5k
¡ Conference Championship $65k
¡ Super Bowl Winners $150k
¡ Super Bowl Losers $75k
• Increases thereafter on a yearly basis

9. Preseason and minicamp

• Pay increased by 45 percent beginning in 2021 -- $1.7k per week for Rookies and $2.9k per week for
veterans; with increases of $300 per week for veterans and $150 per week for rookies every other

10. Drug and Steroid Policies

• Drug policy recast to increase emphasis on clinical care over punishment. All treatment and testing
decisions will be committed to the judgment of jointly-selected medical professionals; no
suspension for positive tests if engaged in clinical care.
• Treatment of marijuana significantly modified: No Suspensions for just a positive test; annual testing
limited to the first two weeks of Training Camp; higher testing thresholds for a positive test from 35
to 150 nanograms; no required length of Program stay; violations of law for marijuana possession
generally will not result in suspension.
• Increased discipline for a DUI – 3 game suspension
• Players permitted at the club facility during the second half of the suspension period.
• PES Policy – Discipline: First suspension: 2 game suspension for Stimulants or diuretics, 6 games for
anabolics or 8 games for manipulation and or substitution and use of a prohibited substance;
Second violation: 5 games for stimulants and diuretics,17 games for anabolics.

11. Work Rules

• Offseason Workouts – Vested Veterans can miss up to 5 days of workouts, including one OTA, and
still earn a full workout bonus
• Increased NFLPA visitation rights (8 visits per season) and access to video to monitor practices.
• Limitations on time that players can participate in team-directed activities each day of camp
• Mandatory 3 days off after a Thursday game (unless playing again the following Thursday).
• Established on-field and at facility time limitations for rookies during Rookie Football Development
(“RFD”) program; expand eligibility to young players.
• Introduced daily workout compensation for rookies ($135 per day); increased room and board
maximum during RFD.
• Work Rules in all seasons except noted:
¢ Training Camp
¡ Report 47 days before first regular season game.
¡ Five-day acclimation period with clear activity limitations.
¡ Post-acclimation practices limited to 4.0 hours total on the field and a 2 ½-hour
maximum for the first practice
¡ Limit of 4 days of joint practices if 3 preseason games; if fewer than 3 preseason
games, additional days of joint practices.
¡ Days Off – 6 days off with 16 games; 8 days off with 17 games
¡ “Bye week” after third preseason game with 17 games; with mandatory 3
consecutive days off.
¡ No joint practices during the “bye week” and practices limited to 3.5 hours total on
the field with 2-hour maximum for the first practice
¡ Players (excluding those players who are receiving mandatory rehabilitation) will be
given a minimum of 11 hours off between the end of team activities and the
beginning of the next day’s mandatory activities.
¡ Maximum of 12 hours at the facility per day, decreasing in subsequent seasons
¡ No more than three consecutive days in pads and maximum of16 padded practices in
Training Camp.
¡ Joint NFL-NFLPA medical committee to study and advise on any additional changes to
preseason, including practice rules, conditioning tests, workload maximums, etc.
¢ Regular Season
¡ No additional padded practices even in a 17-game season.
¡ Joint medical committee to study and advise on any additional changes to regular
season practice schedule, workload, etc.

12. Player Health and Safety

• Continued prohibition on practice drills that cause increased risk of injury and continued joint
commitment to research dedicated to finding other ways to make the game safer.
• Expanded responsibilities for the Joint NFL-NFLPA Accountability and Care Committee focused on
player health and safety:
¡ Develop joint education, presentations and public statements on health and safety issues
important to NFL Players (e.g., concussion, CTE, heat and hydration lower extremity injuries,
NFL injury data).
¡ Review proposed playing rules changes for health and safety impact.
¡ Establish minimum standards for club athletic training rooms and modalities; providing the
NFLPA with opportunity to raise concerns and/or perceived deficiencies and a right of
inspection if deficiencies found.
• Establish a Joint Engineering and Equipment Safety Committee to design safety standards for
equipment used by NFL players and ban the use of equipment that does not meet those standards.
• Continuation of the work of the Joint Field Surfaces Committee, with a focus on establishing and
implementing safety and performance metrics for field surfaces.
• Conduct joint research into the safest and most-effective Training Camp schedule to include an
acclimation period intended to reduce potential for injuries in the first part of Training Camp.
• Set objective credentialing standards for strength and conditioning coaches and equipment
• Enhanced credentialing requirements for club physicians and athletic trainers.
• Increased fines for a club’s failure to comply with the Game Day Concussion Protocol.
• Continued joint funding for research that will improve the lives of current and former NFL players.
• Players to wear protective shirts during the offseason program.
• Workers Comp -- Starting in 2021, club medical staffs shall be required to provide all players a
summary listing of diagnosed medical conditions evaluated and treated by the club physician and
medications provided by the club within 30 days of the end of the club’s last game of the season or
date of termination.

13. Holdouts

• Increased fines for holdouts and players who leave camp without permission
• Player playing under a contract signed as a veteran who fails to report to his club’s preseason
training camp on time or reports and leaves the club for more than 5 days will be subject to
mandatory fines that cannot be waived by the club.
• Player under contract who fails to report to his club’s training camp on time or leaves the club for
more than 5 days without permission will not be eligible to earn an Accrued Season for that season

14. Club and On-Field Player Fines

• Significant reductions except as noted above regarding club fines for holdouts; maximum amounts
only increasing 3% per year

15. Commissioner Discipline

• Neutral Arbitrator for most forms of commissioner discipline, including Personal Conduct Policy

16. Player Data

• Agreed upon rules to protect player privacy and control commercialization of player data
17. International Games

• No more than 10 international games in any season through 2025; thereafter the parties to meet
and confer as to the need for additional games
• If a club plays more than 1 international game in any season it shall pay a player a$5k stipend for
each additional game
• If a club plays more that 3 games in a season league must consult with the NFLPA

18. Term of the Deal

• 2020 season thru 2030 NFL season

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