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Coalition States
Step One: 01-25% Chi-Town
Step Two:
Faction/Region Megalopolis; Mage Genocide, Human
Supremacist (Genocide), Mutants &
Psychic 2nd Class. CS Tech.
Characters in Rifts begin as either fiercely 26-50% Quebec Your background contributes much to who
independent wandering adventurers or as Megalopolis: Mage Genocide, you are. You can’t choose your parents, you
citizens of a major or minor political power. Psychic Genocide. Human can’t choose where you were born or how you
Most citizens are loyal follows their particular Supremacist (genocide). CS Tech were raised. More than anything else, your
51-75% Iron Heart
nation’s ideology, but those who are not are background contributes to what advantages
Megalopolis; Mage Shunned; Psychics
at least, in part shaped by the ideology that Shunned, Human Supremacist and disadvantages your character would have
was forced upon them during their childhood. (isolation). Modern & CS Tech mix. . in the world.
In either case this determines the character’s 76-85% Missouri
Megalopolis; Mage Shunned; Psychics
starting location.
Shunned, Human Supremacist Home Town Size
(isolation). Medieval & CS Tech Mix.
This is where you grew up; the following
01-20% Minor Kingdom 86-90% Lone Star
Megalopolis; Mage Shunned; Psychics charts are what it was like to live there. The
21-50% Coalition States (Ideal Minority), Human Supremacist style of community often affects, or is the
51-00% Independent (isolation). CS Tech or better. result of, its economics, attitudes and
91-00% Allied Nations: technology.
01-33% Old Bones; Golden Age Slums.
01-10% Megalopolis/Arcology
Minor Kingdoms 34-66% Whykin; Modern tech,
Kingdom (Human Isolation). +10% Econ, +10% Tech, -10%
Characters from a minor kingdom are used to 67-90% El Dorado Megalopolis; D-bee magic, +5% Psychic, +5% Ethnic,
a certain kind of lifestyle. Use the attributes Serfs, Golden Age/Modern. -10% Align
91-00% Texas Barony (roll)
below the kingdom name in place of rolling on 11-25% Slum Shanty City : -10%
the background charts. Roll a background Economic, +5% Tech +10%
where no attribute applies. Wandering Nomad ethnic, +10% Psychic, -5%
magic, -5% Align
01- Lazlo or New Lazlo 01-10% Chi-Town Burbs 36-55% Medieval-Style City
30% Mediaeval City, Mage Community; 11-20% Northern Michigan
Mutants Welcome, Open-Mixed or Military Base
(Human Numerical Majority). 21-30% Minnesota 56-70% Mining or Farming Town
Golden Age Tech. Rigid Pacifist 31-40% Greater Texas +5% Econ, -5% tech, -5% magic,
(Lazlo), Rigid Self Defense (N. Lazlo) 41-50% Old Chicago -5% psychic, +5% Align
31- Northern Gun 51-60% Southern Michigan 71-90% Small Farm Village
45% 01-80% Megalopolis or 21-80% Mining 61-65% New England/Quebec -10% econ, -10% tech, -10%
Town Quasi Magic, Psi-Second Class, ethnic, +5% mag, +10% Align
Open Mixed (Human Elite) Golden Age. 66-68% Pennsylvania/Virginia
Wild West. 69-70% Ohio Valley 91-00% Nomads
-20% Econ, +20% magic, +20%
46- Tolkien 71-72% Wisconsin psychic, -20% ethnic, -20% tech,
60% 01-80% Mining Town or 21-80% Small 73-74% Dakota & Kansas
Farm, Mage Community, Kingdom (Poor +20% Align
Serfs). Loose Self Defense 75-76% Montana & Idaho
61- Pecos Empire 77-78% South West
75% [No Megalopolis, No Medieval City] Quasi 79-80% Mexico Home Town Economics
Magic, Mutants Welcome, Open Mixed 81-83% Magic Zone/Devil’s Gate Your income level or class in society affects
(D-bee Majority) Armageddon
83-84% Deep South you attributes, your gender, and your starting
76- Manistique Imperium
Mining Town. Mages Shunned, Mutants 85-86% Kentucky & Tennessee equipment.
85% 01-10% Slave Class or Spartan
Untouchable. Kingdom D-bee Serfs. 87% Wyoming
Modern Tech. Rigid Self Defense -2 I.Q. +1 M.E. -1 M.A., +2 PS, -2 PE, -
88% Pacifica/West Cost 2 PB. +3d6 SDC -15% equipment;
86- Federation of Magic 89% Alberta/Calgary +20% gender
90% Mage Guilds, Mutants Second Class. 11-35% Poor & Simple
90% Northern Wastelands
Armageddon -1 I.Q. +1PS, -1 PE, -1 PB. +3d6 SDC -
91- Kingsdale 91% Atlantic/Atlantis 10% equipment, -10% gender
95% Mutants Welcome, Mage Guild. 92% British Iles 36-40% Poor, Criminal Class
93% France or Spain -1d4 I.Q, +1d4 ME, +1 PP, +1d4 Run.
Wild West
+1D6 SDC, -5% equipment, +5%
96- Minor Barony 94% Middle East gender
97% 01-30% Mining Towns 95% Central & Eastern Europe 41-60% Working Class; Dirty/Honest
31-00% Small Farms 96% China or Japan 61-75% Middle Class & Sublime
98- American Republic +1 I.Q. -1 PS, +1 PE, +1 PB.
Russia -1d6 SDC +10% equipment +5%
99% Megalopolis [Underground], Mages
shunned, psychics-ideal minority, human
98% Africa gender
supremacy [isolation]. Golden Age. Loose 99% Central/South America 76-90% Professional Criminals Class
Self Defense -2 I.Q, +2 ME, +2 PP, +2 Run. -2D6
00% Earth Orbit/Mars SDC, +20% equipment. -10% gender
00% Psi-World 91-00% Upper Class & Plush
Slums, Quasi Magic, Mutant Enclave, +1 I.Q. -1 M.E. +1 M.A., -2 PS, +2 PE,
D-bee Majority, Modern Tech. Wild +2 PB. -3d6 SDC
West +30% equipment -20% gender
Home Town Attitudes Home Town Weapons Control Roll Personal Alignment
The prejudices of your home town aren’t The more civilized a society, the less it desires Write down your alignment score (%). Your background
armed citizens, which affects the character’s affects what kind of a person you’ll end up as. Minions slide
necessarily yours, but affect your chances of one align toward their PC/heroic leader. Retainers slide two
becoming certain OCCs. This applies to starting weapons & armor. Law abiding alignments toward their PC; or one align to their minion.
unmentioned minor kingdoms or rural characters will not own an illegal weapon or 01-20% Principled. Obeys the Law, Favors
community. The culture of a named minor bring one into a society that does not permit Peaceful Protest. Wants to help people
them (reroll). Otherwise, assuming the without rocking the boat.
power takes precedence over this chart. 21-33% Scrupulous; Obeys ‘good’ laws, favors
character acquired the weapons illegally, action. Wants to save the world.
apply the % mod to the Armor and weapon
Home Town Magic Level random roll. The bonus applies to Era, as well
34-50% Unprincipled. Obeys most
indifferent to politics. Seeks fun and

01-20% Magic Punishable by death (CS) as to type. comfort.

-10% from OCC % roll. 51-60% Unscrupulous: Indifferent to laws, prefers
T.W. equipment unavailable. games and politics. Seeks respect and
21-40% Mages are scorned or banished 01-20% Rigid Pacifists. personal fulfillment.
-5% from OCC Roll. The society has no military, and 61-66% Anarchist; Indifferent to laws, favors
relies on heroes for self- action. Seeks Fortune & Glory.
41-60% Quasi Magic Entertainers 67-90% Miscreant; Obeys the law, indifferent to
defense. Civilians are unarmed.
+5% on rogue skills. morality. The perfect Soldier.
-20% Armor/Weapon
61-80% Mage Guild (Kingsdale) 91-95% Aberrant; desires power, favors loyalty.
+5% on the OCC %; Dragons learn 1 21-40% Rigid Self Defense Wants to make the laws.
The society fights only in self- 96-00% Diabolic; Just wants to watch it all burn.
spell at first level.
defense. Citizens are only
81-00% Mage Community (Lazlo, Tolkien)
+10% on OCC Roll Dragons learn
discouraged from owning weapons. Roll Sex
+10% Armor, -10% Weapons
1d4+1 spells at first level. The character’s sex does not affect behavior only
41-60% Loose Self Defense stats and sexual need.
When Dragons become ‘Supernatural’ reroll any
The society believes in an armed 01-45% Biologically Male: +1 I.Q., -1 M.E., -1 M.A., +2
creature that cannot cast magic. citizenry, but reserves M.D. weapons P.S., -1 P.P., -1 P.E., -1 P.B., +2 SPD, +2 SDC, -2
and armor for its military. +5% to H.P. (min 1) Requires sex once a week, eats
twice as much food. -20% gender.
Home Town Psionics & Mutant armor and weapons up to and
including modern Era; -5% to armor 46-85% Biologically Female -1 I.Q., +1 M.E., +1 M.A., -2
Community and weapons for Golden Age/CS. P.S., +1 P.P., +1 P.E., +1 P.B., -2 SPD, -2 SDC, +2
H.P. (min 1). Requires ½ sex and ½ food, but
01-05% Policy of Genocide 61-80% Wild West. becomes ill for 1 week a month. +20% gender
The society has a standing military, 86-95% Transsexual (01-50% TS Male; TS Female)
-20% OCC chart, -20% chance 96-00% Asexual (01-50% Intersex; 51-00% Andro)
but relies on its citizen-soldiers for
of having powers, mutations
06-30% ‘Untouchables’
defense and law enforcement. Gun
ownership is encouraged. Roll Gender
-10% as above. +5% Weapons & Armor rolls. Macho Male: Identifies as male; Exudes
31-70% Second Class Citizens (CS)  91-00% Armageddon Unlimited masculinity from every pour. Won’t be
+1 ME, -1 MA, -1 PE if a psychic associated with anything girly. Thinks men
A lawless society; or should be strong and women should be
or mutant (any psychic powers) 01-45%
81-90% Ideal Minority 
complete lack of one. weak. -2 PB, +2 PS
Weapons are limited by Butch Female: Identifies as female, but
+1 I.Q., +1 P.B. (any psychic or redefined being a woman as basically
mutant powers) availability not by Laws. being a man. Prefers company of women.
91-95% Mutants Welcome +10% Weapons & Armor Is very competitive with men. -2 PB, +2 PS
+10% as above Modern Man: Identifies as male and
96-00% Mutant Enclave (Psi-World) prefers male things. Worries that women
+20% as above. Home Town Tech Level are getting too strong, prefers women be
girly and prefer girly things. -1 PB, +1 MA
Most places in Rifts are a hodgepodge or 46-60% Modern Woman: identifies as female,
technology and magic. Roll 1d4 times on this and prefers female things. Worries that
Ethnic Population chart. men are still in charge. Prefers men to be
01-40% 100% Human Supremacists masculine but sensitive.
01-10% Stone Ages ; 10,000 BCE +1 PB, -1 ME
01-80% Genocidal -20% equipment % rolls. Tom Boy: Identifies as female, but is
21-00% Isolationist
11-20% Valley of the Pharos; 2500 neutral to male or female things. Wears
41-50% 100% D-bee Supremacists male or female clothes
80% Single Race Isolationist
-1 PB, +1 P.S.
00% Anti-Human Genocide -10% equipment % rolls. 61-85% Herbivore: Corporate male. Submissive to
51-70% Slaves 21-55% Palladium Fantasy; 1000 CE leaders and avoids taking charge. Likes
33% Humans are slaves  -5% equipment % rolls.  female things as much as male things.
66% D-bees are slaves Prefers company of men, struggles to
56-70% ‘Modern’ 1980’s CE relate to women. -1 MA, +1 PB
00% Mortals are Slaves +5% equipment % rolls. Bishonen: Feminine and submissive,
71-90% Kingdom 71-85% Golden Age 2080 CE* prefers female things to male things and
01-20% Humans are serfs worries about how others perceive him
+10% equipment % rolls.
21-40% Non-Humans are serfs more than his abilities. Has more in
41-80% Poor are Serfs 86-00% Coalition States 101 P.A. common with girly girls and shies away
81-00% Mortals are Serfs +20% equipment % rolls. +2PB,
from macho men.
91-00% Open Mixed Community *Golden Age encompasses RIFTS technology other Princess: Strongly female. Submissive,
-2 ME
than CS technology (Glitterboy, Juicers, Crazy’s etc.) and concerned with appearance and the
Human Numerical Majority perceptions of others. Avoids exercise,
Human Elite Minority  *In places like ‘the Burbs’ technology may shift
labor or anything ‘unladylike’ and
Human Numerical Minority dramatically from one neighborhood to another but considers being ‘too capable’ as
Human Ethnic Minority is generally superior to living outside the CS Roll unbecoming. Men are saviors. +2 PB
once per neighborhood, but add +1 to the result. CS
and Golden Age tech in the Burbs is illegal.
Scholars & Adventurers CS Civilians
Step Three: OCC Since these characters are generally 01-10% Cyber-Doc
Since everything is predicated on your underpowered, a player has the option to add 11-20% Body Fixer
character’s OCC, this is the second step. If the assign 1 attribute as 18+1D12, but that 21-35% Operator
Character is loyal to the Coalition; Roll on the attribute does not increase. Vagabond PC’s 36-40% Scholar
Coalition States Table. that are not psychic can start at 2nd Level. 41-45% Scientist
Vagabonds with no powers or MD equipment 46-00% Vagabond
of any kind gain +1d6 to all attributes; they
Non-CS Characters rely on their natural gifts.
*CS Scholars and Scientists are elite citizens.
CS doctors are not familiar with non-humans
01-25% Men at Arms 01-30% Vagabond† (-40%.
26-40% Scholars & Adventurers 31-45% City Rat*
41-65% Psychics & Mutants 51-55% [Rogue] Scientist*
66-90% Practitioners 56-60% [Rogue] Scholar*
Borg Sub Table
of Magic  61-65% Operator† 01-25% Merc Full Conversion*
66-70% Body Fixer* 26-50% Merc Partial Reconstruction*
91-00% Dragons
71-75% Cyber-Doc* 51-70% Slave Full Conversion
Dragons 76-00% Wilderness Scout 71-00% Slave Partial Reconstruction
01-10% Great Horned *Doctors, Scholars and Scientists that are
11-45% Fire respectable citizens of a minor kingdom are Technical Officer Sub Table
46-70% Ice not considered rogues. City Rats are always D% Military Occupational Specialty
71-00% Thunder Lizard considered rogues in any society. 01-20% Weapons
Men at Arms † These characters are ‘city’ types if they are 21-50% Communications
loyal to a kingdom. 51-70% Engineer
Men at arms gain their power either through 71-00% Technical
serving in a minor kingdom’s military, or as a
result of some debt as yet to be paid. Non CS CS Characters
Grunts w/o mega-damage equipment may 11-50% Coalition Military Roll attributes
start at 2nd level. 61-75% Psychics & Mutants Before moving on, Roll attributes, first
01-30% Non-CS Grunt adjusting attribute scores by background
76-00% Civilians
31-35% Cyber-Knight affects in Step Two. Then noting required
35-50% Crazy minimums. If the character does not have the
51-65% Juicer CS Military required minimum, adjust to that minimum.
66-85% Head Hunter D% Class Dragons adjust attributes, Borgs replace some
86-95% Borg 01-05% Full Conversion Borg attributes with others.
96-00% Glitter Boy 26-35% Military Specialist
A note about Common NPC & Villains: Such
Practitioners of Magic 36-60% Technical Officer
characters are the equivalent of Player
40% Ley Line Walker 61-00% W. Scout [Ranger]
characters but at ½ or 1/3rd ability. Over half
41-65% Mystic 71-00% Grunt
would be considered vagabonds. They tend to
66-90% Techno-Wizard specialize in a limited area or skills, psionics, or
91-00% Shifter CS Psychics & Mutants magic, and have only enough of any of the
Psychics & Mutants 01-25% Psi-Stalker former to perform a specific job or theme.
26-65% Dog Boy Gaining levels doesn’t add much more
01-15% Minor Psychic*
66-75% Major Psychic* knowledge only proficiency. So a 6th level
16-25% Major Psychic* ‘Lightning Mage’ is a Mystic or Line Walker
26-50% Psi-Stalker 76-00% Minor Psychic*
*If 1 or 2 is rolled, roll again on the CS who knows all ‘electric type’ spells at 6th level,
51-75% Dog Boy has very few skills, and mostly uses his powers
Character table. Reduce rank by 1, such
76-90% Burster for work or combat.
characters can never more than middle officer
91-00% Mind Melter
*If Minor or Major Psychic rolled, roll again on
Scholars & Adventurers Table. In the case of
the operator, he gains ‘Psi-Mechanic’ instead.
If the character is a vagabond add Three
minor, or 1 Super Psionic power.
Healing Psionics d8 Super Psionics D7
1 Bio-Regenerate 1 Bio-Mastery
2 Deaden Pain 01-50% Manipulation
Step Four: Powers 3 Detect Psionics 51-00% Regeneration
4 Exorcism 2 Kinesis
Non-Human Abilities 5 Healing 01-20% Pyro
01-50% Touch 21-40% Electro
Roll on this chart if your character isn’t a
51-00% Increased 41-60% Hydro
Dragon, Borg, Juicer or Crazy, or Glitterboy. CS
citizens reroll any result above 75%. 6 Induce Sleep 61-80% Super TK
7 Psychic Healing 81-00% TK F-Field
01-50% 100% Human
01-45% Diagnosis 3 Super Mind Reading
51-65% Human D-bee. A human
46-90% Purification Empathic Transmission (6)
from another Palladium
91-00% Surgery Mind Bond
Title (pre-1991)
8 Resist Fatigue Mind Wipe (special)
66-75% Human Psychic Mutant.
4 Mental Resistance
Roll on the psionics chart if
Group Mind Block
the PC isn’t psychic. Physical Psionics d6 Mind Block Auto Defense
76-85% Mixed Race; You are ½ 1 Deception PPE Shield
human; 1 mutation; add D6 01-10% Alter Aura 5 Mind Control
to one attribute, subtract 11-00% Death Trance Hypnotic Suggestion (6)
D6 from another 2 Ectoplasm (varies) Mentally Possess Others (30)
86-93% Hero Mutant. Choose a 3 Impervious 6 Spirit Energy
minor psionic power, a 1d4 01-33 Cold Mind Bolt (varies)
level spell, or a power 34-66 Fire Psi-Sword
common to dragons. Use 67-00 Poison Psi-Shield
that power at no point cost. 4 Kinesis 7 Telemechanics (10)
94-99% D-Bee; 1d4 mutations; add 01-50% Levitation
D6 to as many attributes, 51-00% TK: Minor
and subtract d6 from as 5 Nightvision (4)
many (may not cancel out)
6 Resistance
00% Space Alien: 01-20% Resist Fatigue
As with the Hero mutant, 21-40% Resist Hunger
but 1 super psionic, dragon 41-60% Resist Thirst
power, or 6th level spell. 61-80% Mind Block
Free powers are limited to x10 base point cost. 81-00% Summon Inner
So a TK: Minor is limited to 100 lbs.; TK Major
is limited to 1000 lbs. Hero Mutants must
sacrifice 3 secondary skills; Space Aliens must Sensitive Psionics d8
sacrifice 3 elective skills; otherwise their 1 Astral Projection (8)
powers are limited to x1 ability at first level. 2 ESP
50% Sense Evil
75% Sense Magic
3 Danger Sense
Mind Melter Psionics d4 Presence Sense
1 Healing Powers Sixth Sense
2 Physical Powers 4 Divination
3 Sensitive Powers 01-50% Clairvoyance
4 Super Powers 51-00% Object Read
5 Far Seeing
Major & Minor Psychics d10 See Aura
See the Invisible
Minor Psychics roll D to determine power
6 Mind Block (4)
category, major psychics roll twice. Minor
7 Mind Reading
Psychics get 3 powers, or 1 super power.
01-50% Telepathy
Major psychics get 6 powers or 2 super
51-00% Empathy
powers. If a major psychic rolls the same
8 Mnemonics
category twice he gets +3 powers or +1 super
01-50% Speed Read
51-00% Total Recall
1-3 Healing Powers
4-6 Physical Powers
7-9 Sensitive Powers
10 Super Powers
Level Four
Spell Selection 1 Astral Projection (l0)
2 Carpet of Adhesion
Spell Level (10)
3 Blind (6)
1-6 1st-5th level
4 Charismatic Aura (10)
7,8,9 6th – 10th level
5 Cure Minor Disorders
10 11th -15th Level
6 Energy Field (10)
Low Level 7 Fool's Gold (10)
1,2,3,4 1st Level 8 Fire Bolt (7)
5,6,7 2nd Level 9 Ley Line Transmission
8,9 3rd Level (30)
10 4th Level 10 Magic Net (7)
11 Multiple Image (7)
Level 1 12 Repel Animals (7)
13 Seal (7)
1 Blinding Flash (I)
14 Shadow Meld (10)
2 Cloud of Smoke (2)
15 Swim as a Fish (6)
3 Death Trance (I)
16 Trance (10)
4 Globe of Daylight (2)
5 Resist Fire (6)
6 See Aura (6)
7 See the Invisible (4)
8 Sense Evil (2)
9 Sense Magic (4)
10 Thunderclap (4)

Level Two
1 Befuddle (3)
2 Chameleon (6)
3 Climb (3)
4 Concealment (6)
5 Detect Concealment
6 Fear (5)
7 Heavy Breathing (3)
8 Levitation (5)
9 Mystic Alarm (S)
10 Tum Dead (6)

Level Three
1 Armor of Ithan (10)
2 Breathe Without Air (5)
3 Energy Bolt (S)
4 Fingers of Wind (S)
5 Float in Air (5)
6 Fuel Flame (5)
7 Ignite Fire (6)
8 Impervious to Fire (5)
9 Invisibility: Simple (6)
10 Negate Poisons/Toxins
11 Paralysis: Lesser (S)
12 Telekinesis (6)
If a duplicate roll occurs in this category the
Roll as many D10s as elective or secondary skill is professional quality +10%. Stone Age
skills. Reroll if a category is not available for characters get +10% amateur quality,
selection. mediaeval characters are considered pro.
Prerequisite skills: If a skill with a prerequisite 1 Cook
comes up, substitute that skill with a prerequisite
2 Dance
skill instead. If Laser Communications is rolled, sub
Electrical Engineer, but that requires advanced 3 Fishing
math, so take advanced math, but that requires 4 Play Music
basic math, so take basic math. If Laser is rolled 5 Sewing
again, you get advanced math etc. 6 Sing
Min Skill: All characters may select at least the most
basic skill; Basic Mechanics, Basic Electronics, Basic ELECTRICAL
Mathematics, Radio: Basic, First Aid (i.e. medical- These skills apply only to characters from a
basic), Horsemanship or Car (depending) Modern or better background; otherwise roll
Duplicate Skills: If the same skill is rolled more than
on the wilderness skill table.
once there are several possibilities
1. Reroll. 1 Basic Electronics
2. Accept the duplicate skill and apply 2 Computer Repair
‘Professional level’ if that is an option 3 Electrical Engineer
3. Accept the duplicate roll and add a level to the 4 Robot Electronics
skill depending on the quality of the skill
a. Elective Skills add 2 levels ESPIONAGE
b. Secondary skills add 1 level 1 Detect
c. X2 levels if already an OCC skill. 01-50% Ambush
51-00% Concealment
1 Communications 2 Identity
2 Domestic 01-33% Disguise
3 Repair 34-66% Impersonation
01-50% Electronics 67-00% Forgery
51-00% Mechanics 3 Escape Artist
4 Knowledge
01-60% Wilderness Survival
01-33% ESPIONAGE 61-80% Interrogation (No morals)
34-66% ROGUE 61-00% Intelligence (No stone agers)
67-00% Military 5 Circumvention
01-50% Demo 01-50%Pick Locks (No Stone Age)
51-00% EOD 51-00% Pick Pockets
5 PHYSICAL 6 Combat
6 Pilot 01-33% Sniper (No Stone Age)
34-66% Tracking
01-70% Pilot
67-00% Prowl
71-00% Related
7 Science & Medical
01-50% Medical MEDICAL
51-00% Science Tech levels: Stone Age characters are limited
8 Technical to Holistic Medicine. Mediaeval are limited
9 Weapon Proficiency #1,2&3. Modern is limited to Medical Doctor
01-33% Ancient (no cybernetics).
41-66% Modern 1 Holistic Medicine
67-00% High Tech 2 First Aid
10 Wilderness 3 Paramedic
4 Pathology
COMMUNICATIONS 5 Criminal Sciences & Forensics
6 Medical Doctor
These skills apply only to characters from a
7 M.D. in Cybernetics
Modern or better background. Otherwise roll
on the Language Sub-table.
1 Cryptography MECHANICAL
2 Laser These skills apply only to characters from a
3 Radio Modern or better background; otherwise roll
01-50% Basic on the wilderness skill table.
51-00% Scramblers 1 Aircraft Mechanics
4 Surveillance 2 Automotive Mechanics
01-33% Optic Systems 3 Locksmith
34-66% Surveillance 4 Mechanical Engineer
67-00% T.V. Video 5 Robot Mechanics
6 Weapons Engineer
If Hand to Hand is rolled, Untrained becomes,
basic, basic becomes expert, and expert
becomes martial arts or assassin. Must be
Anarchist or less for Assassin.
1 01-50% Gymnastics
51-00% Acrobatics
2 01-33% Athletics
34-66% Body Building
67-00% Running
3 Climbing
4 Prowl
5 Swimming
SCUBA (swimming required)
6 Combat
01-20% Boxing
21-80% Hand to Hand
81-00% Wrestling
Piloting education is limited by the technology
of the parent society. Sub Skills are listed in
logical order of progression. If the same
category is rolled twice the player may select
the first two types in order.
Tech levels: Apply -20% Stone Age, -15%
Mediaeval, -5% Modern, +10% Golden Age,
+15% CS to random skill & type.
01-20% Horsemanship
21-30% Boat
01-45% Sail Type
41-90% Motor & Race
91-00% Freighter/Ship
31-50% Motorcycle
51-60% Ground
01-60% Automobile
71-90% Truck
91-00% Tank
61-70% Aircraft
01-60% Air Plane
71-90% Cargo Jet
91-00%Jet Fighter
71-80% Hover
01-60% Hovercraft (ground)
61-90% Helicopter
91-00% Rocket Cycle
81-90% Jet Pack
91-00% Robots
01-60% Pilot
61-80% Robot Combat: Basic
81-00% Elite

These skills apply only to characters from a
Modern or better background.
1,2 Navigation
3-5 Sensory Equipment
6 Weapon Systems
1 Computer Hacking Characters generally start with weapons they
2 Concealment have been trained (or self-taught) how to use.
3 Palming Thus, such training may be limited by their
4 Pick Locks starting location etc.
5 Pick Pockets Tech levels: Apply -20% Stone Age, -15%
6 Prowl Mediaeval, -5% Modern, +10% Golden Age,
7,8 Streetwise +15% CS to random skill & type.
01-33% Ancient
1 W.P. Archery and Targeting
SCIENCE 2 W.P. Sword
Stone age characters are -30%, Ancient -20%, 3 W.P. Chain
Mediaeval -10%. 4 W.P. Knife
1 Social
5 W.P. Blunt
01-50% Anthropology
51-00% Archaeology 6 Fencing
2 Life 01-25% Knife
01-50% Biology [Zoology] 26-00% Sword
51-00% Botany Axe uses the Knife throwing bonuses, but
3 Chemistry blunt strike & parry.
Basic Spear uses Archery bonuses and includes the
Advanced (Basic required) ability to strike & throw
4 Physical Science
Pole Arm & Staff uses blunt bonuses, but
Math Basic
Math Advanced (basic required)
cannot be thrown (no throw bonus).
Astrophysics (Advanced required) 34-66% Modern
1 W.P. Revolver
TECHNICAL 2 W.P. Automatic Pistol
3 W.P. Rifles
Stone Age and ancients cannot select
4 W.P. Shotgun
computers; roll for Lore instead.
5 W.P. Machinegun
1 Art
6 W.P. Sub-Machinegun
2 Computer
7 W.P. Heavy Weapons
8 W.P. Special Guns*
Programming (Op required)
Special Guns Shoot darts, paintballs, fire,
3 Language/Literacy*
water and other not-bullet things.
4 Lore
01-50% Demon 66-00% High Tech
51-00% Faerie 1,2 W.P. Energy Pistol
5 Photography 3 W.P. Energy Rifle
4 W.P. Heavy Energy Weapons
6 Writing

North American Language & Literacy WILDERNESS

Rolling the same language twice indicates 1 Boat Building
literacy. 2 Carpentry
01-45% American 3 Hunting
01-80% Basic 4 Identify Plants & Fruits
81-00% Techno-can
5 Land Navigation
46-65% Spanish
66-85% Non-Human Tongue
6 Preserve Food
01-60% Dragonese 7 Skin/ Prepare Animal Hides
61-80% Gobblely 8 Track Animals
81-00% Faerie
86-95% European Language
01-60% Euro-Speak
61-80% French
81-00% English Dialect
96-00% Asian/Pacific Language
01-50% Japanese
51-00% Chinese
Equipment-Armor Cyborg Armor
Cyborgs can wear heavier armor than other
Weapons generally correspond to W.P. but
A character’s starting equipment should characters and should roll on this chart. Only are limited by quality technology, and laws.
reflect his hometown’s technology level, Full Conversion Borgs can wear the heaviest 01-10% Stone Age (by W.P. or D8)
combined with his or her own family status. A type. 1 Throwing Axe (Axe)
starting character will not have equipment 01-30% Cyborg Combat Armor 2 Short Flint Spear (Spear)
greater or lower than 2 levels from his home 01-33% Heavy Cyborg 3 Whip (Chain)
41-66% Light Cyborg 4 Cudgel (Blunt)
town technology. PC’s working for a minor
67-00% Spy-Borg 5 Short Staff (Staff)
power or the CS are issued M.D. armor. 6 Flint Knife (Knife)
31-40% Cyborg Slave Armor
Armor 41-50% Custom Armor 7 Throwing Sticks (Archery)
01-15% Gladiator 8 Sling (Archery)
01-10% Stone Age
16-30% Bushman 11-20% Ancient (by W.P. or D8)
Animal Fur (6; 10 0%)
31-35% Crusader* 1 Battle Axe (axe)
Supernatural Hide (80 MDC)
36-50% Urban Warrior 2 Javelin (Spear)
11-20% Ancient Armor 3 Short Sword (Sword)
51-55% Juicer Warrior
01-25% Scale Mail (15; 10D6 -40%) 4 Falchion (Sword)
56-70% Huntsman
26-50% Stud Leather (11; 5D6 -20%) 5 Ball & Chain (Chain)
71-00% Plastic Man
51-75% Soft Leather (8; 3D6 -10%) 6 Hercules Club (Blunt)
51-00% No Armor
76-00% Padded Cloth (7; 1D6 -5%) 7 Long Staff (Staff)
21-40% Mediaeval Armor Slave Borgs: roll 01-50% Slave Armor, 51-00%
No armor. 8 Dagger (Knife)
01-15% Steel Plate (16; 150 -30%) 9 Short Bow (Archery)
16-30% Plate & Mail (15; 100 -25%) *Custom Armor is bulkier to fit the Borg’s
10 Trident (Pole Arm)
31-45% Scale Mail (15; 75 -20%) Build; Prowl Penalties and speed penalties; 21-40% Mediaeval (by W.P. or D8)
46-60% Chain Mail (13; 44 -15%) double the MDC and movement penalties. 1 Gauche (Dagger +1 Parry)
61-75%Studded Leather (12; 38 -10%) 2 Halberd (Pole Arm)
76-90% Soft Leather (9; 20 -5%) 3 Long Spear (Spear)
91-00% Padded Cloth (8; 15 (-0%) T.W. Armor 4 Bastard Sword (Sword)
41-50% Modern Armor (AR; SDC) T.W. Armor doesn’t have to be MDC but may 5 Long Sword (Sword)
01-20% Demolition (17; 280;) provide abilities that match EBA. Roll % for 1 spell. 6 Flail (Chain)
21-40% ‘Interceptor’ (16; 260) T.W. armor is very expensive and rare unless from 7 Morning Star (Blunt)
41-60% Riot Police (14; 180) Lazlo or New Lazlo (roll twice if from these 8 Quarter Staff (+1 parry)
61-80% Flak Jacket (13; 120) kingdoms). Note that only Mages, psychics and 9 Long Bow (Archery)
81-00% Ballistic Vest (10; 50) supernatural intelligent beings (dragons) can 10 Cross Bow (Archery)
51-60% T.W. Armor activate these powers. So equipment sheet may list 41-50% Modern (by W.P. or %)
Roll again on this chart for the type of it as ‘jeweled armor’. 01-10% Melee Weapon Table
armor; and on the T.W. chart. If T.W. 01-20% Levitation (2nd) 11-25% Special Guns Table
Armor is rolled Twice; the armor is CS 21-30% Breathe without Air (3rd) 26-55% Revolver table
Riot. 31-40% Impervious to Fire (3rd) 56-60% Automatic Pistol Table
61-80% Golden Age Armor 41-50% Chameleon (3rd) 61-70% Shotgun Table
01-15% Plastic Man 15 MD -5% 51-60% Armor of Ithan (3rd) 71-80% Rifle Table
16-30% Huntsman 20 MD -10% 61-68% Shadow Meld (4th) 81-90% Submachinegun Table
31-35% Juicer ½ Suit 22 MD -10% AR16 91-95% Machinegun Table
69-78% Escape (5th)
36-50% Urban Warrior 25 MD-15% 96-00% Heavy Weapons Table
79-87% Superhuman
51-55% Crusader* 28 MD -20% 51-60% T.W. Weapons
01-50% Speed
56-70% Bushman 30 MD -25% Roll again on this chart for the
51-00% Strength
71-00% Gladiator 35 MD; -30% type of weapon; and on the
87-92% Impervious to Energy (6th)
93-95% Invisibility: Superior (7th) T.W. weapon chart.
81-00% Dead-Boy Armor 61-80% Golden Age Weapons
01-33% Heavy Dead-boy 40 MD -30% 96-98% Invulnerability (7th)
99-00% Mystic Portal (10th) 01-50% Energy Pistols
41-66% Light Dead-boy 25 MD -10% 51-75% Energy Rifle Table
67-00% Riot Armor 15 MD-0% AR16. 76-90% Heavy Energy Table
Modern Armor* is locally produced only communities that
possess a pre-rifts industrial complex. Higher technology
societies do not produce ‘inferior armor’. Modern Armor is
Equipment- 81-00%
91-00% Combo Weapons Table
CS Weapons
01-20% Riot Patrol
window dressing vs. M.D.; and is only effective vs. SDC
Mediaeval Armor: Often this is refined scrap metal
Weapons 01-50% Dog Pack Spikes
51-00% Neural Mace
reprocessed into scrap armor. Thus is may be true Access to weaponry is complicated by the 21-40% Vibro Blades
mediaeval armor in function but looks more Mad Max than character’s parent society. Societies with 01-30% Vibro Knife
King Arthur. All such Armor reduce A.R. by 2 vs. Modern 31-40% Vibro Claw
Firearms and explosives and is useless vs. M.D. attacks. advanced weaponry may also have rigid anti-
weapon laws, forcing a character to join the 51-85% Vibro Saber
Ancient Armor: Bronze Age armor is found only in the most
rural societies. Since it is not manufactured; each suit is 86-00% Vibro Sword
military in order to use them. Also characters
unique. 41-60% Energy Pistol
Stone Age Amor: is not made, but collected from hunting
with law-abiding alignments, may also avoid C-18 Laser Pistol
or finding dead creatures; sometimes supernatural. using forbidden weapons. 61-80% Energy Rifle
Half Suits: Reduce ENC & A.R. by ½ but reduces DC by only Stone Age Note: Such characters can make 01-60% C-10% Laser Rifle
30%. Never environmental; cost is 75% of full suit. A Juicer their own weapons [30%+6% per level]. Such 61-00% C-12 Laser Rifle
Full Suit would have no A.R., 30 MD & -20% ENC
Weapons break on a N1 or N20. 81-00% Heavy Weapons
01-50% Grenades Table
51-75% Fusion Blocks (I-IV)
76-90% C-14 Fire Breather
91-00% CR-1 Rocket Launcher Modern Weapons Sub-Tables Golden Weapons Sub-Tables
Melee (by W.P. or Roll) Energy Pistol
1 Throwing Dart (Archery) 01-33% NG-33 Laser Pistol
2 01-30% Street Star (Knife) 34-66% Wilk’s 320 Laser Pistol
31-00% Commando Knife (Knife) 67-00% NG-57 Ion Blaster
3 01-70% Police Baton (Blunt)
Energy Rifle
71-00 Martial Sticks (Paired) [Blunt]
01-33% NG-L5 Laser Rifle
4 Street Nunchuks [Paired] (Chain)
34-66% L-20 Laser Pulse Rifle
5 01-30% Ceremonial Saber (Sword)
67-00% JA-9 Variable Frequency Laser Rifle
31-00% Martial Swords (Paired)
6 Bayonet Knife (Polearm) Heavy Weapon
Ceremonial Halberd (Polearm) 01-33% NG-P7 Particle Beam Cannon
7 Compound Bow (Archery) 34-66% NG-101 Light Railgun
Rifle Crossbow (Archery) 67-00% NG-202 Medium Railgun
8 Pneumatic Spear Gun (Spear)
Paired Weapons: Characters w/o Paired Weapons
can use two weapons but gain no extra attacks per Combination Weapon
melee. 01-70% NG-Super
71-00% JA-11 MWAS
Special NG Super requires Energy Pistol (for normal or large
01-25% Dart Pistol sized characters) or Energy Rifle (for small
26-50% Gas Shot characters) and Heavy Weapons (to fire the
51-75% Tranquilizer Rifle grenades).
76-00% Stun Ray JA-11: requires E-Rifle, Heavy Energy (ion blaster),
Revolver and Rifle (bolt action rifle).
01-33% Saturday Night Special
34-66% Police 38 T.W. Weapon Sub-table
67-00% Barry Magnum Adjust this table by the ‘Attitude toward
Auto Pistol Magic’ chart where applicable.’ Characters
01-33% James Bond Pistol w/o psionics or magic cannot operate these
34-66% Gangbanging ‘9’ weapons, and may not understand how they
67-00% Colt .45 work (i.e. equipment sheet lists as ‘broken
Shotgun alien Machinegun’ or ‘Jeweled Forked Rod’.
01-33% Farmer Double Shot 01-15% Fire Sword
34-66% Police Shotgun 16-30% Lightning Rod
67-00% Military Automatic 31-50% TW Laser Pistol
51-60% TW Ion Lightning Blaster
Rifle 61-75% TW Laser Rifle
01-33% Hunter’s Rifle (Bolt Action) 75-90% TK Machinegun
34-66% Frontier Battle Rifle (Burst Fire) 96-00% TW Plasma Cannon
67-00% Ruskie Assault Rifle (full auto)
01-33% Skorpion (Concealable)
34-66% Uzi (dual wield)
67-00% Mack 10 (high powered)
All SMG’s are full automatic and cannot be aimed.
Using the ‘Uzi’ dual wielded is considered a wild shot
@ -2 strike (no bonuses -2 only).
01-70% Rambo Light Machinegun
71-00% Terminator Gatling Gun
Using explosive rounds these guns can inflict minor
mega damage (d4,d6 MD per burst)
Heavy Weapons
01-25% WWI Flame Thrower
26-50% WWII Bazooka
51-75% Vietnam Era Grenade Gun
76-00% Cold War Era Stinger Missile
*Stinger Missiles 1D10 M.D. +3 strike
Golden Age & CS: there is virtually no difference
Equipment- between the CS and Golden Age tech outside of CS Animal Table
Military Advancements. But in either case, both All animals start out in fair to good health.
Vehicles cultures may will be resistant to using modern
vehicles (save for a few fringe collectors) as they feel
Unlike a vehicle, animals have feelings and will
not be overworked, or mistreated by anyone
them to be outdated and clumsy (slow speed,
Obviously vehicles are limited to technology with an Unprincipled Align or better. A well-
manual controls etc). Moralists would rather set an
and availability, and while a working gun may animal free than use it like a tool, while selfish
treated and well fed animal gains +1 on
be easy to cobble together from spare parts, characters would never lower themselves to riding combat and +10% on skills & speed rolls when
one could spend years in the wastes looking on a poop mobile. aiding its owner.
for enough parts to reassemble a working 01-15% Animal Companion (not ridden)
automobile, let alone a jet fighter. 01-10% Stone Age Dog
01-33% None Cat
34-66% Animal Table Bird
Equipment %: Apply Tech level + Income and
67-00% Row Boat. Rodent
Town Size vs. the general vehicle chart and the 11-20% Ancient 16-30% Work Animal
sub-tables. When rolling for a vehicle type 01-10% None Mule/Donkey/Pony
(those types listed under their tech era) do not 11-70% Animal Table Elephant & Tent
apply the tech penalty; only the general 71-95% Boat Table (extra -10%)
96-00% Balloon Only.
equipment penalty). Llama/Camel
21-40% Mediaeval/Early Industrial
01-70% Animal Table (+10% bonus) 30-80% Riding Horse
Sven takes a -20% Stone Age penalty, -10% Farm 71-80% Boat (extra -5%) War Horse
Penalty, and a -5% Poor Penalty. He rolls 40% 81-90% Bicycle (80%/+2%) Jumping Horse
[Mediaeval] but all totaled (-35%) he rolled 5%; 91-95% Airship Race horse
stone age. Now he rolls 45% (Animal), he’s already 96-00% Steam Buggy (automobile) Riding Horse
applied the Stone Age penalty so here only town size 41-50% Modern (most are early 21st) 81-90% Exotic or Supernatural Animal
and poverty apply (-15%), so he rolled a 30% (none); Animal Table (-30% penalty) Chocobo
Boat Table
sorry, Sven. Your people may understand how to ride Taun Taun
Automobile Table
a horse, but you were too poor to own one. Motorcycle Table Silonar
Aircraft Table Fury Beatle
Had Sven gotten a riding animal, his Stone Age Mecha Table (Use SDC stats from HU1) 91-00% Animal Propelled Vehicle
penalty would be applied in addition to poor & small 51-60% T.W. Vehicle Reindeer Sleigh
farm (-35%) to the sub-tables (including those in 01-25% Wing Board (40%/+5%) Donkey Cart
listed under the main headings). This done because 26-50% TK Flyer (Airplane) Mule Wagon
the sub-tables include types from all eras. 51-75% Tree Trimmer (Hovercraft) Horse Carriage
76-00% Sky Boat (Jet Aircraft)
61-80% Golden Age/Post Apocalypse
Stone Age Stone Age characters have only just
grasped the concept that some animals are for
Motorcycle Boat Table
01-50% Highwayman
ridding, and others for eating. Any modern vehicle 51-00% Wastelander Row Boat (skill = Boat Building)
would be considered a ‘weapon of the gods’ that Big Boss (Truck) Sail Boat (small)
few would dare touch, and any Robot Vehicle would Mountaineer (Tank) Sailing Ship (Large)
be worshipped as a god, heaped in adoration or fled Wilks Jet Pack Steam Ship (Large) [Motor boat]
from in total terror (Roll Horror Factor). Speedster Hovercycle Racing Boat (small) [motorboat]
Sky King (Jet Fighter) Luxury Yacht (med) [motorboat]
Ancient peoples well appreciate horsemanship and Titan Flyer RPA Fishing Trolley (large) motorboat
have adapted many other animals for the purpose. Samson RPA Oil Tanker [ship]
Modern Vehicles however would seem to them to Behemoth Explorer Modern Era War Vessel (ship)
be Chariots of the Gods to be used only by Kings and Titan Mecha * Large ships are only possible on major rivers, the great
Demigods. Robot Vehicles may receive worship, but Light lakes, or the sea. Ships in the great lakes are trapped there
if the pilot were discovered, he would be assumed Medium (canals and locks are destroyed). A character may reroll any
to be a king or demigod. Heavy boat result if his starting location doesn’t have sufficient
81-00% CS Vehicle water ways.
Mediaeval/Early Industrial Such cultures would find Civilian Roll on Golden Age
modern vehicles to be ‘magical’ or ‘clever’ versions
of similar items. Farmers may have similar reactions
Sky Cycle (Jet Fighter or Hover)
SAMAS Power Armor (RPA)
Vehicle Condition Table
to Ancients or may want to reject them as demonic Mark V APC (tank) A mechanical vehicle from a horse and buggy,
contraptions. While learned men and city-folk Enforcer Robot (RPA) to a robot vehicle can more of a headache
would refer to an automobile as an ‘automatic than an advantage in the wilds of Rifts Earth
carriage’. Such characters may never understand
unless the character has means to repair it.
how it works, but can learn to operate it. Robots
however would be considered demonic and unholy
SDC vehicles suffer 5 SDC (internal or external)
machines to be avoided. per 100 miles driven. MDC vehicles take 1 MD
(internal parts) for every 200 miles driven. The
Modern Characters: find it difficult to adapt to damage can be corrected with regular weekly
telepathic machines and struggle with technology maintenance.
that doesn’t require tactile sensation i.e. prefers 01-05% Totaled: Doesn’t move under its
steering wheels to enhanced VR controls. However, own power; but has one working
few if any modern characters would judge it ‘wrong’ feature. Might may a decent shelter.
to pilot a robot or hovercycle. Evil Modern 06-10% Dangerous: -75% DC & Speed;
characters would covet Golden Age tech as ‘super Engine may explode (10%) every 100
weapons’ or ‘WMDs’ with plans to ‘rule the world’. miles. No features.
11-20% Trashed: -75% DC & Speed.
Randomly breaks down every 100
miles. No features.
21-30% Rebuilt: -50% DC & Speed. ½
features broken. Any Failed Pilot
skill causes a breakdown/stall.
31-60% Used. -10% DC, 1d4 features
missing/broken; -10% speed.
61-70% Minor Wear & Tear: -10% DC, 1
feature/weapon broken; -5% Speed.
71-80% Customized: +10% DC & Speed; very
stylish body & Paint. But, randomly
breaks down (30%) every 100 miles.
81-95% Has a bit of character. Go Fast
stripes, bumper stickers, bobble
head on dash; but -5% DC, and 1
feature/weapon broken/missing.
96-00% Show Room Perfect; take a picture;
it will never look the same again.

Electronics: Depending on the tech level of the
character’s society, some devices are generally
unavailable, or are considered rare artifact of
unknown use. Mediaeval peoples may have ancient
equivalents (a sexton instead of a navigation
program) which generally take 2-3 times longer to
use and work only ½ as well. Modern Age electronics
are unreliable and have ½ the SDC of Golden Age
items due to built-to-fail 20th century capitalism.
Many modern and Golden Age devices may seem as
‘wondrous artifacts’ or even religious icons to more
primitive peoples.

Common items are generally the same. A stone age

bag is made from animal fur, a mediaeval bad is
made from milled cloth with great attention to
detail. A modern bag from factory textile and
designed to fail after a few years so that modern
people would have to buy another one, Golden age
bags are synthetic nylon and are designed to last
forever. Stone Age and ancient items have ½ SDC of
Medieval and Golden Age items. Modern items
tend to be fire resistant but break as easily as
Ancient items due to the throw-away society that
creates them

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