LPEng 8 Week 1

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Subject: ENGLISH 8


Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of: South and West Asian literature as
an expression of philosophical and religious beliefs; information flow in various text types; reality,
fantasy, and opinion in listening and viewing materials; word decoding strategies; and use of
information sources, active/passive constructions, direct/reported speech, perfect tenses, and logical
connectors in journalistic writing.
Performance Standard: The learner transfers learning by composing a variety of journalistic texts,
the contents of which may be used in composing and delivering a memorized oral speech featuring
use of properly acknowledged information sources, grammatical signals for opinion-making,
persuasion, and emphasis, and appropriate prosodic features, stance, and behavior.
Weekly Topic:
 Religious Text by South and West Asian Writers
 Modifiers

Target Learning Competencies:

1. Appreciate a religious text by south and west Asian writers.
2. Identify the modifiers used in statements.
Transfer Goal: The students on their own and in the long run will be able compose an essay about
the religious belief of south and west Asian works using modifiers.

Essential Question: How can a person appreciate and understand Afro-Asian literature?

Enduring Understanding: The students will be able to understand the Afro-Asian Literature that is
determined by composing an essay about the religious belief of south and west Asian works using


Activity 1: Pre-assessment
Directions: Underline the modifier used in each statement.
1. Hercule Poirot is a really good detective.
2. Hercule Poirot is that detective.
3. Hercule Poirot is the detective who's not wearing a deerstalker hat.
4. The case was almost solved.
5. Wearing a deerstalker hat, the murderer was caught by Sherlock Holmes.

Activity 2: Listener’s Plug

Answer Listener’s Plug
Crosscurrents 8 p. 168
Activity 3: Word Tablet
Answer Word Tablet
Crosscurrents 8 p. 169

Activity 4: Think Tank

Answer Think Tank
Crosscurrents 8 p. 169

Activity 5: Reading Time

Reading Text: Discovery by Toyohiko Kagawa
Crosscurrents 8 p. 170

Activity 6: Interpreting Meaning

Answer Interpreting Meaning
Crosscurrents 8 pp. 171-172

Activity 7: Sentence Analysis

Students will have an analysis in the sentences.

Activity 8: Interactive Lecture and Discussion

What is a Modifier?
In short, a modifier is a describer. A modifier is a word, phrase, or clause that describes another word,
phrase, or clause.
Example of Grammatical Modifier:
 He is a cute baby.
In this sentence, “cute” is an adjective modifying the noun, “baby.” The adjective “cute” is a modifier.
“Cute” modifies the type of baby.
Types of Modifiers
Several different types of modifiers exist in English. The following is a list of modifiers with
explanations and examples.
Adjective Modifiers
Adjectives modify nouns and pronouns. They modify in that they answer the following questions in
relationship to the nouns they modify,
 What kind?
 cute baby
 What kind of baby? A cute baby.
 Which one?
 that baby
 Which baby? That baby.
 How many?
 three babies
 How many babies? Three babies.
 How much?
 enough fruit
 How much fruit? Enough fruit.
Adverb Modifiers
Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. They modify in that they answer the following
questions in relationship to the nouns they modify,
 When?
 arrive tomorrow
 Arrive when? Tomorrow.
 Where?
 dance everywhere
 Dance where? Everywhere.
 How often?
 dance frequently
 Dance how often? Frequently.
 How much?
 answer completely
 Answer how much? Completely.
Participle Phrases
A participle phrases is a groups of words that function as adjectives to modify nouns. Participle
phrases begin with a present or past participle.
Participle Phrase Examples:
 The boy riding up and down the street is tired.
 The underlined participle phrase starts with the present participle “riding”
 The participle phrase modifies the noun, boy
 The cabinets stuffed to the brim needed to be organized.
 The underlined participle phrase starts with the past participle “stuffed”
 The participle phrase modifies the noun, cabinets
Prepositional Phrases
Prepositional phrases are groups of words that function as adverbs or adjectives to modify.
Prepositional phrases begin with a preposition and end with a noun.
Prepositional phrases modify,

 Where?
 by the lake
 When?
 on time
 Who?
 with you
 What?
 besides the dog

Phrases and Clauses as Modifiers

Single words are not the only types of modifiers. Phrases and clauses act as modifiers.

Clause Modifier Examples:

 The boy who was at the store bought cookies.
 This is an example of an adjective clause.
 The adjective clause is a group of words that modifies “boy”
Phrase Modifier Examples:
 Please take a seat near me.
 This is an example of a prepositional phrase.
 The prepositional phrase is a group of words that modifies “seat”

Activity 9: Comprehension Check

Complete the sentences below by filling in the correct modifier.
1. Choose the answer that correctly completes this sentence:
The signal changes __________ at the intersection; motorists
should proceed ________.
(A) quickly; cautiously
(B) quick; cautious

2. Choose the answer that correctly completes this sentence:

Turn ________ at the sign; be _________ not to miss that
(A) sharp; carefully
(B) sharply; careful

3. Choose the answer that correctly completes this sentence:

The speaker appeared _________; his handwritten speech
was held ________ in his hand.
(A) anxiously; firmly
(B) anxious; firmly

4. Choose the answer that correctly completes this sentence:

Last night's championship game was the __________
basketball game I've ever seen!
(A) incrediblest
(B) more incredible
(C) most incredible

5. Choose the answer that correctly completes this sentence:

The shop classes at Deer Valley Vocational School turn out
_________ trade apprentices than any other vocational
school in the state.
(A) good
(B) better
(C) best

6. Choose the answer that correctly completes this sentence:

The passengers spoke ________ of their cruise to northern
Alaska than they did about their cruise to southern California.
(A) favorably
(B) less favorably
(C) least favorably

7. Choose the answer in each group that uses comparisons

(A) The Foucault Pendulum is a most unique
(B) The Foucault Pendulum is a unique mechanism.

8. Choose the answer in each group that uses comparisons

(A) My brother Simon likes reggae music better than
(B) My brother Simon likes reggae music better than
Mother does.

9. Choose the modifier that correctly completes this sentence:

___________ kind of inflatable raft is made for a new
underwater sport that is safer and easier than scuba diving.
(A) This
(B) These

10. Choose the modifier that correctly completes each sentence:

The cold ocean felt _________ running over my sandals.
(A) well
(B) Good

Identify the correct modifier.

Identify the adverb or adverbs in the following sentence: These

athletic meets usually end too late for me.
(A) These, usually
(B) usually, too, late
(C) too, late

2. Identify the adverb or adverbs in the following sentence:

Benjamin timidly stepped aboard the wobbly canoe.
(A) wobbly
(B) timidly
(C) timidly, wobbly
3. Choose the modifier that correctly completes the following
sentence: The sky appeared __________ after the storm
clouds passed.
(A) peacefully
(B) peaceful

4. Choose the modifier that correctly completes the following

sentence: Gerald Ford served ________ as thirty-eighth
president of our country.
(A) proud
(B) proudly

5. Choose the modifier that correctly completes the following

sentence: Graham crackers taste _______ with a glass of
(A) delicious
(B) deliciously

6. Choose the form of the modifier that correctly completes the

following sentence: Today was the _______ day of my life.
(A) happy
(B) happier
(C) happiest
(D) most happy

7. Choose the form of the modifier that correctly completes the

following sentence: Jeff is __________ at this word game
than I am.
(A) good
(B) better
(C) best
(D) more good

8. Choose the modifier that correctly completes the following

sentence: All of ______ fans were disappointed in the final
score of the game.
(A) them
(B) those
9. Choose the modifier that correctly completes the following
sentence: The balky dolphin did not obey the trainer's
commands very ______.
(A) good
(B) well

10. Choose the modifier that correctly completes the following

sentence: The roof leaks ________ during heavy
(A) bad
(B) badly


Activity 9: Group Activity

The class will be divided into three groups. Each Group will compose an essay about the religious
belief of south and west Asian works using modifiers.

Composition and presentation will be graded according to the following criteria:

Oral Presentation Grading Criteria
Score Criteria Details
Delivery Voice Enunciation, inflection, projection, tone
4 points Pacing · Easy to listen to; vocal dynamics support content
Body Language Speed of ideas and speech
Preparation Eye contact, gesture, posture
Fluency, little dependence on notes

Organization Introduction Opening gambits, engaging audience, providing background info, clarifying purpose
4 points Division of themes
Discourse Logic in order of presenters; clear links between sections

Reinforcing, summary
Coherence, logic, focus, continuity of thought
Content Depth Adjusted for audience
4 points Level Information load, relevance
Authority Convincing, sources noted & quoted appropriately
Terminology Explanation of key terms
Language Communicative force Appropriate usage, style and structure
4 points Pronunciation Clarity and intelligibility
Grammar Accuracy
Vocabulary Choice

Audience Audience Participation Ability to engage audience

4 points Judging Understanding Using interactive techniques
Depersonalization Responding appropriately to questions
Evaluating listeners’ knowledge and using it
Maintaining objectivity

20 points

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